# UFO/UAP Event Chronology, Part 5: 1980 to Present, v1.46 - Compiled 10/3/2023
An automated compilation by Richard Geldreich, Jr. using public data from Dr. Jacques Vallée,
Pea Research, George M. Eberhart,
Richard H. Hall, Dr. Donald A. Johnson,
Fred Keziah, Don Berliner,
Larry Hatch, [NICAP](https://www.nicap.org/), [Thomas R. Adams](https://www.lulu.com/shop/ray-boeche/bloodless-cuts/hardcover/product-22167360.html?page=1&pageSize=4), [George D. Fawcett](https://archive.ph/eQwIL), [Chris Aubeck](https://books.google.com/books/about/Return_to_Magonia.html?id=JBGNjgEACAAJ&source=kp_author_description), [Philip L. Rife](https://www.amazon.com/Didnt-Start-Roswell-Encounters-Coverups/dp/059517339X), [Richard Dolan](https://richarddolanmembers.com/), [Jérôme Beau](https://rr0.org/), [Godelieve Van Overmeire](http://cobeps.org/fr/godelieve-van-overmeire), and an anonymous individual or group.
## Some non-summarized events fall under one of these copyrights:
- Richard Geldreich, Jr. - Copyright (c) 2023 (events marked \"maj2\" unless otherwise attributed)
- Dr. Jacques F. Vallée - Copyright (c) 1993
- LeRoy Pea - Copyright (c) 9/8/1988 (updated 3/17/2005)
- George M. Eberhart - Copyright (c) 2022
- Dr. Donald A. Johnson - Copyright (c) 2012
- Fred Keziah - Copyright (c) 1958
- Larry Hatch - Copyright (c) 1992-2002
- Thomas R. Adams - Copyright (c) 1991
- Richard Dolan - Copyright (c) 2002
- Jérôme Beau - Copyright (c) 2000-2023
## Update History:
- v1.46: Adding ~3700 events, translated from the French chronology [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html) by Belgian ufologist [Godelieve Van Overmeire, 1935-2021](http://cobeps.org/fr/godelieve-van-overmeire). Note these events are from the old HTML version on archive.org, not the larger [(10k event) PDF version](http://www.cobeps.org/pdf/Chronologie-OVNI-VOG.pdf). It is unclear if these events are copyrighted. I didn't see a copyright in either the HTML or PDF versions.
- v1.43: Added ~3160 events, translated from a French chronology to English using OpenAI, from [rr0.org](https://rr0.org/). I believe this chronology was composed by Jérôme Beau. Its license is [here](https://rr0.org/Copyright.html).
- v1.40: Added digitized events/newspaper clippings from [Frank Scully's papers at the American Heritage Center in Laramie, WY](https://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:80444/xv506256), summarized the events from the timeline on the [Disclosure Diaries](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/) website, and added more misc. events. Fixed auto-translation issue in the search page.
- v1.38: Added a [client-side search engine](search.html). There are a bunch of features I'm going to add to this engine, for now it can only search for keywords in the desc, location and and reference fields.
- v1.37: Updated intro text, added total number of events to each event year, added a few 1800's events.
- v1.36: Extracted and summarized the events in the book [_It Didn't Start with Roswell_ by Philip L. Rife](https://www.amazon.com/Didnt-Start-Roswell-Encounters-Coverups/dp/059517339X). Also extracted the military UFO events from Richard Dolan's book [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-National-Security-State-Chronology-ebook/dp/B0C94W38QY).
- v1.34: Added more modern events, 1917 Mystery Airplane newspaper articles.
- v1.33: More events: Events from George D. Fawcett, short AI summaries of Stringfield's 1978 MUFON symposium presentation, and short AI summaries of the pre-industrial era sighting events from the book [_Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times_](https://www.amazon.com/Wonders-Sky-Unexplained-Objects-Antiquity/dp/1585428205).
- v1.30: Added 203 Mystery Helicopter/mutilation related events (1970's-1980's) compiled by author/researcher [Thomas R. Adams](https://www.lulu.com/shop/ray-boeche/bloodless-cuts/hardcover/product-22167360.html?page=1&pageSize=4) (1945-2015) (or see [here](http://copycateffect.blogspot.com/2018/06/Adams-Massey-Obits.html)), from his book [_The Choppers - and the Choppers, Mystery Helicopters and Animal Mutilations_](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Adams,Thomas,Choppers%20and%20the%20Choppers-1.pdf), minor fixes
- v1.28: Added KWIC (Key Word in Context) index.
- v1.27: Imported Anonymous PDF's contents, originally from [here](https://pdfhost.io/v/gR8lAdgVd_Uap_Timeline_Prepared_By_Another), with fixed URL's
- v1.23-1.24: Added a handful of key historical events, such as Edward Tauss the head of CIA UFO disinformation in the 50's
- v1.22: Fixing the date of Dr. Eric W. Davis's March, 2020 classified briefing to the Senate (I had it listed as March 2019) - info from NY Times. Basic locations added to Eberhart records using OpenAI.
- v1.20: Split up into 5 parts, to work around iPhone web browser limits. Minor spelling and grammer fixes throughout timeline.
- v1.15: Eberhart records now have basic locations, thanks to OpenAI's Davinci-3 AI model. They aren't perfect, but it's a good start to geocoding them.
- v1.14: Added nuclear test data, over 2000 records, from the [_Worldwide Nuclear Explosions_](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf) paper by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards. Note the locations in the paper are approximate, and the yields are not super accurate, which are two problems I'll fix over time. I improved the coordinates of the earliest USA/USSR tests by looking them up from Wikipedia.
- v1.13: Split up the timeline into 4 parts. Still not the best solution, but it avoids croaking browsers.
- v1.12: Added \*U\* database record data, using a custom event description decoder to handle his 1k+ abbreviations and custom syntax
- v1.11: Crawled all ~10.5k unique URL's in this timeline using [curl](https://curl.se/) and fixed dead URL's to use archive.org.
- v1.10: Added NICAP DB data.
## Important Notes:
Best viewed on a desktop/laptop, not a mobile device. On Windows, Firefox works best, followed by Edge, then Chrome.
I've split up the timeline into 4 parts, to reduce their sizes: distant past up to 1949, 1950-1959, 1960-1979, and 1980-present.
The majority of the events in this chronology are sighting related, however it's important to be aware that this is a timeline of
UFO/UAP related _events_, not necessarily or exclusively UFO _sightings_. **This is not exclusively a UFO sightings timeline or database.**
Some sighting reports or events appear multiple times in this timeline because they appear in more than one data source. I view this as a useful feature.
Currently, the events are not sorted by time of day, only by date. Some sources have separate "time" fields, but most don't. This will be fixed once the event times are automatically extracted from the description fields.
A few events don't have firm dates, for example "Summer of 1947", or "Late July 1952". In these instances the compilation code uses fixed dates I selected for date sorting purposes. (See the code for the specific dates.)
## Source Code:
This website is created automatically using a [C++](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B) command line tool called “ufojson”. It parses the raw text and [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) source data to [JSON format](https://www.json.org/json-en.html), which is then converted to a single large web page using [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/). This tool's source code and all of the raw source and JSON data is located [here on github](https://github.com/richgel999/ufo_data).
## Year Ranges
1. [Part 1: Distant past up to and including 1949](timeline.html)
2. [Part 2: 1950 up to and including 1959](timeline_part2.html)
3. [Part 3: 1960 up to and including 1969](timeline_part3.html)
4. [Part 4: 1970 up to and including 1979](timeline_part4.html)
5. [Part 5: 1980 to present](timeline_part5.html)
## [Timeline Search Engine](search.html)
## KWIC (Key Word in Context) Index
## Table of Contents
Year Histogram
### Years
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023
## Event Timeline
## Year: 1980, 725 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 42814 (D64CDDFC)
**Date:** 1980's
**Location:** Area 51
**Description:** Area-51 workers and widows said that throughout the 1980s the Air Force and its contractors regularly filled 55-gallon drums with toxic wastes, emptied them into football-field size trenches, doused them with jet-fuel and burned them. They claimed that the U.S. Air Force generated and mishandled hazardous substances, and that the Environmental Protection Agency failed to take necessary action to enforce the requirements of the resource conservation act against the Air Force.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [link](https://www.rcfp.org/high-court-wont-review-state-secrets-privilege-area-51-case/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_710
### Event 42815 (8267877D)
**Date:** 1980's?
**Description:** The fake USG document AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richard C. Doty delivers to Bennewitz makes its way to the American public and is the subject of various books and media. Doty redirects attention away from AFOSI’s surveillance of U.S. citizens interested in UAP by claiming “NASA” investigated Bennewitz. It was later admitted the NSA investigated Bennewitz and Doty changed the description in the fake document.
* [https://www.academia.edu/24214339/The_Secret_Pratt_Tapes_and_the_Origins_of_MJ_12_Brad%20Sparks_and_Barry_Greenwood](https://www.academia.edu/24214339/The_Secret_Pratt_Tapes_and_the_Origins_of_MJ_12_Brad%20Sparks_and_Barry_Greenwood) (p122)
* [https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/120/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/120/mode/2up)
>**_Note_**: AFOSI’s actions against U.S. citizens reduced trust in government among the domestic population over time, fueled anti-government conspiracy theories in popular media, and caused great confusion over who and what controlled access to UAP information after **Project Blue Book**.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_194
### Event 42816 (2CE5E82B)
**Date:** 1980's
**Description:** AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richard C. Doty states the 7602nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir, VA conducted psychological operations on U.S. citizens who inadvertently saw classified aerospace projects at the installation. Doty states the 7602nd would stage alien abductions and/or interactions to traumatize civilians near the base who witnessed USG or USG contractor projects.
* [https://youtu.be/I3U56KZbswU?t=100](https://youtu.be/I3U56KZbswU?t=100)
>**_Note_**: The term “milab” is used by ufologists and popular culture to describe a similar phenomena reported by some witnesses.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_195
### Event 42817 (DF098119)
**Date:** 1980
**Location:** USA, Louisiana, at sea
**Description:** (Translated from French) In 1980, a red glowing ball, the size of a house, descended from the sky to the level of the water in the coastal bay, then slowly circled above a dredger and brushed past fishing boats before suddenly shooting off into the distance. During the UFO's passage, the onboard radios were dead, and upon the UFO's sudden departure, there was a sudden explosion of noise. Full report established by the coast guard.
**Reference:** Mufon, Mufonet BBS 11.3.1993, taken from the Internet
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3097
### Event 42818 (D2560942)
**Date:** 1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) According to some theses, collaboration between the United States and extraterrestrials is resuming, with the latter agreeing to provide more technology to the United States.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2867
### Event 42819 (DE148A4D)
**Date:** 1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Jaime Shandera](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ShanderaJaime.html) conducts research for a film on UFOs, and establishes contacts in American military circles.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2868
### Event 42820 (5C876F23)
**Date:** 1980
**Location:** California
**Description:** [Ann Druffel](https://copycateffect.blogspot.com/2020/06/ufologist-ann-druffel-dies.html?fbclid=IwAR3N-uW1ZAkq5p21hxc11siol67dwjxfSq2vLaTl8v0pExaBh0OeTDuLTyc) and [D. Scott Rogo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.%5FScott%5FRogo) publish The Tujunga Canyon Contacts, a report on their investigations into a series of abductions and UFO-related events in California involving several women over a period of 25 years.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ann Druffel and D. Scott Rogo, The Tujunga Canyon Contacts, Prentice-Hall, 1980; Clark III 415
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6066
### Event 42821 (CF7B8B08)
**Date:** 1980
**Location:** NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California
**Description:** [Richard F. Haines](http://www.nicap.org/bio-haines.htm)[,](http://www.nicap.org/bio-haines.htm) an aerospace psychologist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California, publishes Observing UFOs, a technical book on analyzing UFO reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, Observing UFOs: An Investigative Handbook, Nelson-Hall, 1980
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6067
### Event 42822 (AD3BC647)
**Date:** 1980
**Location:** Buenos Aires, Argentina
**Description:** [Alejandro Agostinelli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alejandro%5FAgostinelli) and Juan Carlos Zabalgoitia establish the Centro de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos No Convencionales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and publish three issues of a boletín informativo.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [CEFANC Boletin](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Argentina/CEFANC%20Boletin%20Informativo/CEFANC%20Boletin%20Informativo%20-%20No%2001%20-%20Ene%201980.pdf) [Informativo](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Argentina/CEFANC%20Boletin%20Informativo/CEFANC%20Boletin%20Informativo%20-%20No%2001%20-%20Ene%201980.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Argentina/CEFANC%20Boletin%20Informativo/CEFANC%20Boletin%20Informativo%20-%20No%2001%20-%20Ene%201980.pdf) no. 1 \(Jan./March 1980\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6068
### Event 42823 (E42F84AA)
**Date:** 1980
**Locations:** Russia; Soviet Union
**Description:** An All-Russian Research Public Organization is launched informally by Russian science-fiction writer [Alexander](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander%5FKazantsev) [Kazantsev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander%5FKazantsev)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander%5FKazantsev) aerospace engineer [Vadim Chernobrov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vadim%5FChernobrov), astronaut [Georgy Beregovoy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy%5FBeregovoy), and other enthusiasts to explore the mysteries of the universe and nature, research new ways of space technology development, and collect information about UFOs and anomalous events in the Soviet Union.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Kosmopoisk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosmopoisk)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6069
### Event 42824 (3FDFC69C)
**Date:** 1980
**Description:** Donald Goldsmith and Tobias Owen publish The Search for Life in the Universe, an open-minded textbook on SETI.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald Goldsmith and Tobias Owen, [The Search for Life in the Universe](https://archive.org/details/searchforlifeinu00gold/page/n1/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/searchforlifeinu00gold/page/n1/mode/2up) Benjamin/Cummings, 1980; Michael D. Swords, “SETI/ETI and UFOs,” JUFOS 5 \(1994\): 147–151
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6070
### Event 42825 (45E58040)
**Date:** 1980
**Location:** Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland
**Description:** During interception exercises, seven MiG-12s from the Mierzęcice Air Base \[now Katowice Airport\], Poland, notice a saucer-shaped object with flashing lights approaching them. It has a blue-gray cupola on top and is three times bigger than any of the aircraft. It flies to each of the MiGs and maneuvers around them.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 65
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6071
### Event 42826 (2CE6BEF8)
**Date:** 1/1980
**Location:** Brazil, Tres Coroas
**Description:** (Translated from French) At the beginning of 1980, the 30,000 residents of the city of Tres Coroas, south of Rio de Janeiro, experienced the strangest concentration of UFOs ever seen elsewhere. For 20 days, balls of fire followed cars, flames erupted unexpectedly anywhere without causing fires, and squadrons of strange-shaped flying objects flew over the city at varying speeds. A flaming object followed Joao Jose de Nascimento's car when he was returning home late at night. "I had the feeling that it was trying to capture me," he said. "I was very scared." When he got home, his son Vicente told him they had seen "a flying onion" in the sky, with green, orange, and blue lights. (...) Antonio das Gacas Santos, from the military police, hurried to see what was happening at the neighbor's house, whose garden was violently lit. "I clearly saw a creature, resembling a human being, with its arms outstretched. I could not see any physical details, but I heard a faint cry, like that of a puppy. My neighbor touched the creature and fell back, shocked. I was scared, but it was an unnatural fear, I still get goosebumps when I think about it."
**Reference:** Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELLL: "The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 135
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3058
### Event 42827 (49C2AE59)
**Date:** 1/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the night, a resident of Trowbridge is awoken by a giant luminous being, claiming to come from a warring planet. (January)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2869
### Event 42828 (9FB5687B)
**Date:** 1/1980
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** FT. BENNING, GA
**Description:** Gi / guard duty. Red-orange object hovers / low altitude / 5 minute(s). Going quickly [to] up and away / 45° angle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 78)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13848
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "94", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.BENNING,GA:GI/GUARD DUTY:RED-ORG OBJ HVRS/LO ALT/5min:>> UP+AWAY/45°ANGLE", **LatLong:** "32.350002 -84.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "32:21:00 N 84:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.350002,-84.933337)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 42829 (0D90E0A4)
**Date:** 1/1980
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** BELTERRA, BRAZIL
**Description:** 10 / beach. Disk shines beam going down / river. Going north. Water glows where beam hit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13849
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "BELTERRA,BRZL:10/BEACH:DISK SHINES BEAM↓/RVR:>N:WATER GLOWS WHERE BEAM HIT", **LatLong:** "-2.783333 -55.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "02:47:00 S 55:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-2.783333,-55.000003)", **State/Prov:** "PRA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 42830 (5E8730C2)
**Date:** 1/1980
**Location:** Lüdenscheid, North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany
**Description:** The Gemeinschaft zur Erforschung unbekannter Phänomene \(later Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des UFO- Phänomens\) publishes the first issue of Journal für UFO-Forschung in Lüdenscheid, North Rhine–Westphalia, Germany, which is still in operation in 2022.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Journal für UFO-Forschung](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Germany/JUFOF%20%28GEP%29/JUFOF%20-%20Issue%20001%20-%201980%2001.pdf), no. 1 \(January 1980\); Journal für UFO-Forschung [website](https://www.jufof.de/)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6072
### Event 42831 (EA186BC3)
**Date:** 1/1980
**Locations:** Rio Tapajós; Santarém, Brazil
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A Brazilian electronics businessman and 9 others see a disc-shaped object shine a light down on the water near the eastern bank of the Rio Tapajós 30 miles south of Santarém, Brazil. The man, his family, and some relatives are camping at a beach. Several teenagers are still awake, lying in hammocks and talking, when they see the UFO come across the river, stopping about 30 yards from the beach and shining a light on the water 60 feet below. The UFO hovers briefly then begins moving north, parallel to the shore. It travels more than half a mile, with the spotlight shining straight down before it disappears. The light beam leaves a trail of luminescence for several hundred yards.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil—Where Next?, Horus House, 1996, [pp. 146–147](https://archive.org/details/UFODangerZoneBobPrattHowTheyStealOurBloodAndMayKillPeoplePreIceAgeUfoOccupantsAn/page/n163/mode/2up); Carl W. Feindt, “Beam of Light into a Body of Water,” IUR 33, no. 3 \(December 2010\): 22–23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6073
### Event 42832 (91506D94)
**Date:** 1/2/1980
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** CERPY-EN-VALOIS, FR
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 22cm orange-glowing ovoid going up / field. Flash and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13850
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CERPY-en-VALOIS,FR:SVRL SEP.OBS:22cm ORG-GLO OVOID ↑/FIELD:FLASH+AWAY", **LatLong:** "49.233336 2.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:14:00 N 02:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.233336,2.900000)", **State/Prov:** "Oise", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42833 (137ED214)
**Date:** 1/3/1980
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** VAN NUYS, CA
**Description:** 3+4 kids. Huge domed saucer drops 50' / car. Tilts. Shoots going up. 2 saucers join.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 166)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13851
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "216", **HatchDesc:** "VAN NUYS,CA:3+4 KIDS:HUGE DOMED SCR DROPS 50'/CAR:TILTS:SHOOTS↑:2 SCRS JOIN", **LatLong:** "34.166668 -118.466672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:10:00 N 118:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.166668,-118.466672)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42834 (DA994B86)
**Date:** 1/3/1980
**Description:** In Van Nuys, California a huge, domed disc-shaped object dropped from the sky at 8:30 p.m. to just 50 feet above the car containing three female witnesses. It tilted, then shot up. Two more discs then joined it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ann Druffel, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1981, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_66
### Event 42835 (DB9760D7)
**Date:** 1/5/1980
**Description:** At around five a.m. the witness, a 33-year-old painter living in Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England suddenly awoke in his bedroom to see a huge two-meter tall glowing green figure standing at the foot of his bed. It looked to him more like a holographic image than a solid figure. The being apparently communicated with the witness using telepathy. Among the many things mentioned was that his race regularly transported human beings to other planets in order to colonize them. When a planet was in danger of overpopulation they somehow started a war in order to reduce the number of inhabitants on that planet. He also warned that the Earth was in danger of "breaking in half." Apparently the witness's wife slept through the entire encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1980, case #3423, citing Jenny Randles
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_144
### Event 42836 (6FFBD4C5)
**Date:** 1/5/1980
**Description:** A light in the sky flashed and changed colors as it moved over Santa Ponsa, Islas Malgrata, Baleares, Spain at 8:00 p.m. It made upward jumps in an oscillating motion, and would stop cold at times. Three powerful lights in a triangle pattern were higher in the sky, changing color from orange to blue to white, and making left-to-right moves.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Heiden, UFO Newsclipping Service, June 1980, p. 10, citing Baleares, January 6, 1980
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_145
### Event 42837 (BA45F0CF)
**Date:** 1/6/1980
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** OFF AGAY, FR
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Silent luminous saucer going east. Drops 90° toward(s) beach. Rises / slant going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 203)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13852
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "off AGAY,FR:6 OBS:SLNT LUMn.SCR >E :DROPS 90° twrd BEACH:RISES/SLANT >E", **LatLong:** "43.400002 6.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:24:00 N 06:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.400002,6.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42838 (E9965914)
**Date:** 1/10/1980
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** FABBRICO, ITL
**Description:** Brilliant orange glow = hat saucer / 15-20M altitude. Going north silently. Separate observer(s) / same area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13853
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FABBRICO,ITL:BRILL. ORG GLOW=HAT SCR/15-20M alt:>N SILENTLY:sep.obs/same area", **LatLong:** "44.866669 10.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "44:52:00 N 10:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.866669,10.833334)", **State/Prov:** "RE", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42839 (08DDDF6E)
**Date:** 1/10/1980
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** GANGES, FR
**Description:** Silent plain metallic disk going [to] 100M over vineyards. Tilts toward(s) observer(s) and continues.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ROUSSEL, Robert: OVNI, les Verites Cachees. Ed. Albin Michel,Paris 1994 ISBN 2-226-06646-2. 346 pp softback (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13854
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GANGES,FR:SLNT PLAIN MTLC DISK > 100M OVR VINYARDS:TILTS TWRD OBS+CONTINUES", **LatLong:** "43.933335 3.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:56:00 N 03:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.933335,3.700000)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42840 (15CC8712)
**Date:** 1/10/1980
**Description:** The NSA’s Roy R. Banner releases two UFO-related documents to [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932)[,](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932) but states that the original 18 he has requested are exempt from release because of national security, adding that the NSA is reviewing 79 other documents originating with other federal agencies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** ClearIntent, [pp. 182–187](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/182/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6074
### Event 42841 (4AF3E14D)
**Date:** 1/11/1980
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** ST. MANDRIER, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent round dome maneuvers. 1 / 5 moon-size. Going southwest to sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13855
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "St.MANDRIER,FR:2 OBS/BINOCS:SLNT RND DOME MNVRS:1/5 MOONSIZE:>SW TO SEA", **LatLong:** "43.066669 5.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:04:00 N 05:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.066669,5.933334)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42842 (AEF07E32)
**Date:** 1/12/1980
**Location:** Huayana, Bolivia
**Description:** A man saw a lenticular-shaped object over him. The UFO projected a beam of light and formed a dome shaped luminous form on the ground, not far from the witness. He was met there by a tall, blond-haired humanoid that had tanned skin and slanted eyes with a very prominent chin (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5273
### Event 42843 (700209A1)
**Date:** 1/12/1980
**Description:** On this night in the town of Huayana, in the Potosi Valley, Bolivia a man saw a lenticular-shaped object over him. The UFO projected a beam of light and formed a dome shaped luminous form on the ground, not far from the witness. He then experienced strange sensations when he walked inside the light dome. He was met there by a tall, blond-haired humanoid that had tanned skin and slanted eyes with a very prominent chin. The man claimed he had sensations of love and serenity projected to him by the tall humanoid.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1980, case # 1577, citing Luis Fernando Mostajo, The Missing Link, issue # 124
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_281
### Event 42844 (220545CD)
**Date:** 1/13/1980
**Locations:** Seminary Nursing Home; Pioneer Road; Red Wing, Minnesota
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Brenda Simanski and Janine Mattson quit their shift at the Seminary Nursing Home on Pioneer Road in Red Wing, Minnesota. Standing in the parking lot, they see a star making a bizarre zigzag pattern. It moves above them and they see it is a triangle 15 feet wide and 20 feet long with two white lights in front, blue lights in two of the corners, and a red light between the blue ones. Three other witnesses come out of the building and also watch the object, which leaves slowly and silently to the north-northwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[5 Watch Tree-Hovering](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201980%2003%20-%20no%20128.pdf) [UFO for 6 Minutes, ‘Won’t Say It’s from Space,’](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201980%2003%20-%20no%20128.pdf)” Red Wing \(Minn.\) Republican Eagle, January 15, 1980, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 128 \(March 1980\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6075
### Event 42845 (200F8270)
**Date:** 1/14/1980
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** CHERBOURG, FR
**Description:** 1+2 observer(s)? Box appears / bedroom. Turns into pseudo-human/entity. Stays / 15 minute(s) and vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 317)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13856
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CHERBOURG,FR:1+2 OBS?:BOX APPEARS/BEDROOM:TURNS INTO PSH:STAYS/15min+VANISHES", **LatLong:** "49.633336 -1.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "49:38:00 N 01:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.633336,-1.583333)", **State/Prov:** "Manche", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 42846 (A8560202)
**Date:** 1/14/1980
**Locations:** Burnley; Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England
**Description:** 6:05 a.m. Truck driver William Barrett is on an early delivery run from Burnley to Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England, when he hears a deep humming sound. Looking ahead, he sees a machine with flames underneath hovering at a lay-by off the roadside. He slows his truck to a near crawl and moves past the object, which looks like a “toast rack” with curved sides and three red glows emerging from the edge to create a misty fuzziness obscuring the base. Now only 25 feet away, he sees that it has a bell- or tortoiseshell shape with a metallic sheen and a tube sticking up from the top. The red glows emerge from under a rim that runs around the lower part of the object. He can now see two figures standing in front of the object, one standing erect and wearing a uniform with a peaked cap, and the other crouched forward, wearing a silvery-gray jump suit. As he passes, the arc lights on the object start flickering like a disco. His headlights go out, and his mind gets hazier and he loses consciousness. He experiences missing time until he jerks awake sometime around 8:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Close Encounter in UFO Alley,” IUR 26, no. 1 \(Spring 2001\): 3–8, 28–29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6076
### Event 42847 (908D0561)
**Date:** 1/15/1980 (approximate)
**Description:** Airman and 3 / car. Phony plane going down / low altitude. Hovers. Cross-shaped and silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOLETIM CEPEX. (Qtrly) Centro de Estudios e Pesquisos Exologicos; Sumaro, SP, Brazil. (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13857
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "76", **Elev:** "598", **HatchDesc:** "nr SOROCABA,BRZL:AIRMAN+3/CAR:PHONY PLANE ↓/LO ALT:HVRS:CROSS-SHAPED+SLNT", **LatLong:** "-23.483334 -47.450002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:29:00 S 47:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.483334,-47.450002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 42848 (048867A1)
**Date:** 1/17/1980
**Locations:** Santiago, Chile; Eastern Suburbs of Santiago, Chile
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. Chilean astronomer [Fernando Noël](https://www.iau.org/administration/membership/individual/3391/) is at his home in the eastern suburbs of Santiago, Chile, when he sees a luminous point of light at 20° elevation moving from southwest to west. It is silent and resembles a satellite. He calls two other witnesses, during which time the object disappears. At 10:45 p.m., he sees a bright light moving slowly toward the zenith. Looking more closely, he sees it is actually a group of 30 objects in a V- formation. Each individual light of the group is pale white with a slight tint of yellow. The formation moves from 20° above the western horizon to about 20° above the eastern horizon before disappearing gradually. The duration is approximately 2 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena Observed by an Astronomer,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/volume-7-number-4-1993)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 7, no. 4 \(1993\): 439–441
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6077
### Event 42849 (76236A94)
**Date:** 1/20/1980
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 5M saucer hovers / water tower / 4 minute(s). Glows. Quickly going up [to] fast. / LDLN#194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ROUSSEL, Robert: OVNI, les Verites Cachees. Ed. Albin Michel,Paris 1994 ISBN 2-226-06646-2. 346 pp softback (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13858
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "La CHAPELLE-BASSE-MER,FR:5M SCR HVRS/WATER TOWER/4min:GLOWS:↑↑ FAST:/LDLN#194", **LatLong:** "47.266669 -1.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "47:16:00 N 01:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.266669,-1.333333)", **State/Prov:** "Loire Atlantique", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42850 (7CE3F9CA)
**Date:** 1/21/1980
**Location:** PORTUGAL, Matosinhos
**Description:** (Translated from French) The witness, an employee at the hospital in this city, observed a white light projected by a UFO towards the top of a tree. The crown of leaves seemed to be drawn towards this light. The UFO had the shape of the planet Saturn.
**Reference:** collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing by Victor Lourenço
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3059
### Event 42851 (A9F30CD4)
**Date:** 1/21/1980
**Description:** Saturn-saucer beams white light going down / tree. Tree seems attracted to UFO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 245)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13859
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MATOSINHOS,PORTUGL:SATURN-SCR BEAMS WHT LITE↓/TREE:TREE SEEMS ATTRACTED TO UFO", **LatLong:** "41.166669 -8.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:00 N 08:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.166669,-8.666667)", **State/Prov:** "Beira littoral", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 42852 (FF56E76E)
**Date:** 1/21/1980
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** SHANGHAI, CH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent star zigzags forward. Shoots beams. Lost from sight behind buildings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13860
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SHANGHAI,CH:2 OBS:SLNT STAR ZIGZAGS FWD:SHOOTS BEAMS:LOST fm SIGHT BHND BLDGS", **LatLong:** "31.250001 121.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "31:15:00 N 121:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.250001,121.416672)", **State/Prov:** "SHG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42853 (B81AC84E)
**Date:** 1/21/1980
**Locations:** Council Bluffs, Iowa; Pioneer Trail; Longview Drive
**Description:** 11:40 p.m. Seven women are driving home in two cars from a bridge game near Council Bluffs, Iowa. The first car with six witnesses, including Marilyn Anderson, sees a cluster of lights in the western sky as they are driving on Pioneer Trail. The lights are hovering about 200–300 feet above a bluff less than a city block away. When they stop the car to get out for a closer look, the lights speed away to the southwest. The seventh woman, in a separate car behind them, does not see the lights, but Anderson tells her about them when she pulls up. She continues driving home, but when she gets to Longview Drive, her car stalls, and the radio and lights go out. She restarts the car, but it stalls out another quarter-mile away. A bright orange light appears in a cornfield about 900 feet away with an intensity that hurts her eyes. Scared, she locks herself inside the car and passes out. When she wakes up, her car is turned sideways across the road, but she is able to drive it home. She can still see the orange light from her kitchen window, but she has some blotches and redness on her skin that fades by 4:20 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Possible Abduction in Iowa,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 2, no. 5 \(July/Aug. 1980\): 13–14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6078
### Event 42854 (0885CA7B)
**Date:** 1/23/1980
**Description:** [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932) files an appeal with the NSA to release more UFO material.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** ClearIntent, [p. 187](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/186/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6079
### Event 42855 (DCBA11CD)
**Date:** 1/24/1980
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** KEKU STRAIT, AK
**Description:** 300+observer(s). Red fireball slows and hovers. 90° turn and away fast. Classic saucer / (seen thru) binoculars.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 963)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13861
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "KEKU STRAIT,AK:300+OBS:RED FBL SLOWS+HVRS:90°TURN+AWAY FAST:CLASSIC SCR/BINOCS", **LatLong:** "56.500003 -133.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "56:30:00 N 133:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.500003,-133.700006)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42856 (812B809F)
**Date:** 1/24/1980
**Locations:** Western Sahara; 20–30 miles off the coast of Western Sahara
**Description:** 1:00 p.m. A. Golotikin is working as a mechanic aboard the Brilliant, a Russian fishing trawler operating 20–30 miles off the coast of Western Sahara. He and the rest of the crew see a black, cigar-shaped object moving slowly toward the ship in complete silence. They watch it for 5–7 minutes through binoculars, then it disappears as it gets closer to the ship.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, pp. 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6080
### Event 42857 (92728B30)
**Date:** 1/25/1980
**Time:** 01:20
**Description:** 1 / car. Red-glow 40' saucer paces car 2k' away / 180' altitude. Several turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 961)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13862
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "nr WELLINGTON,PEI:1/CAR:RED-GLOW 40'SCR PACES CAR 2k'away/180'alt:svrl turns", **LatLong:** "46.461113 -64.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "46:27:40 N 64:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.461113,-64.000003)", **RelAlt:** "45", **State/Prov:** "Prince Edward Island", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42858 (1DB846A2)
**Date:** 1/28/1980
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** LA RACINE, FR
**Description:** 1M orange-glow Lima-bean going northwest up D34 / several km. Follows terrain / 35M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13863
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "La RACINE,FR:1M ORG-GLOW LIMA-BEAN >NW UP D34/SVRL km:folos terrain/35M alt", **LatLong:** "48.100002 6.483334", **LatLongDMS:** "48:06:00 N 06:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.100002,6.483334)", **State/Prov:** "Vosges", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42859 (FE6F06F9)
**Date:** 1/28/1980
**Time:** 19:10
**Description:** 4M cylinder/cylindrical object-saucer follows cars up and down N377. Ringed / square windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 214)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13864
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "NW/GRANDRIEUX,FR:4M CYL-SCR FOLOS CARS UP+DOWN N377:RINGED/SQR WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "49.766669 4.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:00 N 04:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.766669,4.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Aisne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 42860 (BDB0720D)
**Date:** 1/28/1980
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** AURILLAC, FR
**Description:** Luminous orange sphere passes. Shines beam down. Separate night light hovers high overhead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13865
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "AURILLAC,FR:LUMN.ORG.SPHERE PASSES:SHINES BEAM DOWN:SEP.NLT HVRS HI OVHD:", **LatLong:** "44.916669 2.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:55:00 N 02:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.916669,2.450000)", **State/Prov:** "Cantal", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42861 (E309C1B2)
**Date:** 1/28/1980
**Description:** Three UFO encounters were reported in France on this day in 1980. The first occurred in La Racine at 4:20 a.m. An orange, glowing, lima bean shaped UFO flew up highway D34 for several kilometers in a northwesterly direction, closely following the terrain. At 7:10 p.m. near Grandrieux, a four-meter diameter cylinder-shaped disc followed a car up and down route N377. Several square windows ringed the UFO. Later, at Aurillac around 9:10 p.m. a luminous orange sphere flew by closely while shining down a beam of light. Meanwhile, several nocturnal lights hovered high overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, April 1981, July 1981, and issue #214.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_560
### Event 42862 (B1FD1A52)
**Date:** 1/29/1980
**Description:** At ten p.m. three National Telephone Company officials, Gomez, Polar, and Aguilar, on the highway between the towns of Desaguadero and Pomata, Peru saw a bright circular UFO with red and white lights on the bottom hover stationary at 1000 meters altitude. It went behind a cloud for three minutes, then was observed for five more minutes as it flew over Lake Titicaca.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Heiden, UFO Newsclipping Service, April 1980, p. 13; translating El Commercio, February 16, 1980; Jane Thomas, UFO Newsclipping Service, April 1980, p. 14, translating La Razon, February 15, 1980
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_584
### Event 42863 (2285F1B7)
**Date:** 2/1980
**Location:** NALCHIK, RUSSIA
**Description:** Saucer has halo / edge. Hovers / 3000' / 4 minute(s). Going quickly [to] up and sideways. Stops / 5 minute(s). Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 424)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13866
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "NALCHIK,RUSS:SCR HAS HALO/EDGE:HVRS/3000'/4min:>>UP+SIDEWAYS:STOPS/5min:>>N", **LatLong:** "43.533335 43.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "43:32:00 N 43:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.533335,43.583335)", **State/Prov:** "TLC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42864 (C689D339)
**Date:** 2/1980
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** WINCHESTER, TN
**Description:** 12 cops and more/others / 2 counties. Saucer hovers and zips about. Impossible turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BLUNDELL, Nigel & BOAR, Roger: The WORLDS GREATEST UFO MYSTERIES; Octopus, London 1989 & PB/Berkley Books, NY 1990 (Index 142)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13867
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "294", **HatchDesc:** "WINCHESTER,TN:12 COPS++/2 COUNTIES:SCR HOVERS+ZIPS ABOUT:IMPOSSIBLE TURNS.", **LatLong:** "35.183335 -86.111115", **LatLongDMS:** "35:11:00 N 86:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.183335,-86.111115)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 42865 (C2BD848E)
**Date:** 2/1980
**Location:** Australia
**Description:** The Australian Centre for UFO Studies begins publishing the Journal of the Australian Centre for UFO Studies, edited by Harry Griesberg and [Keith Basterfield](http://www.auforn.com/Kbintro.htm)[,](http://www.auforn.com/Kbintro.htm) until at least November 1985.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Journal of the Australian](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20CUFOS%20Journal/ACUFOS%20Journal%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf) [Centre for UFO Studies](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20CUFOS%20Journal/ACUFOS%20Journal%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(February 1980\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6081
### Event 42866 (8A765E52)
**Date:** 2/2/1980
**Description:** Two aliens briefly paralyzed a female witness in Araguari, Brazil. The beings were described as being a little bit over one meter in height and having large heads. They used a small object that emitted a luminous beam.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1980, citing Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_671
### Event 42867 (3F0C2E97)
**Date:** 2/3/1980
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Orange disk going down [to] in front of car. Leads the way! Then going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13868
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "VAL d'AJOL>
Mrs. Orialis De Los Santos, his aunt, went out into her garden where she saw in the nearby field a group of four humanoids that seemed to quickly glide back and forth above the ground. Accompanied by Vital, they then counted a total of thirteen humanoids that "glided" about in different directions, within an area of about 100 square meters. For almost an hour the witnesses watched the strange humanoids cavort about as if playing. Vital Carneiro again attempted to approach one of the humanoids but again was knocked down by a beam of red light that seemed to come from the creature's head. He fell to the ground feeling as he had been struck by lighting. Concerned for his safety, Mrs De Los Santos ran to her stricken nephew and dragged him inside the house.
From inside the house they could still see the short humanoids gliding about, plus at about 500 meters distance, behind some trees, a large bright silvery light appeared on the ground that began slowly rising up and down. The witnesses described the humanoids as 60 cm in height, with very large heads, triangular faces, large pointed ears, and rounded eyes. Their bodies were small and "rectangular" in shape. They wore a kind of gray uniform and a rounded cap from where the beams of light originated. They seemed to communicate among themselves in quick bursts of "buzzing sounds." They glided quickly across the ground and according to Mrs. De Los Santos they stood on small rounded platforms. However, Carneiro does not recall seeing the platforms.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, June 1980, p. 12; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1980, case 62, citing Shoney Santana, Bettina Allen & Fabio Zerpa
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2163
### Event 43007 (6CE1100E)
**Date:** 4/20/1980
**Description:** At 5:30 a.m. in San Mateo, California two witnesses in a car on I-280 watched five bright metallic Saturn-shaped objects silently travel the length of the San Andreas Reservoir. They flew straight and fast to the southeast. They reflected sunlight, and were seen against the background of hills and the overcast sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Allan Hendry, CUFOS News Bulletin, September 1980, p. 3; MUFON UFO Journal, September 1980; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 25 & 155
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2164
### Event 43008 (8C6EFA03)
**Date:** 4/20/1980
**Description:** In the suburbs of Palatine, Illinois at 8:20 p.m. a father and son viewed a grayish-black, crescent-shaped UFO with white lights at the ends of each curve. The white lights flashed every 3-5 seconds. The craft made abrupt changes in direction as it flew. They viewed it through binoculars for most of their seven minute sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Timmerman, CUFOS News Bulletin, September 1980, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2165
### Event 43009 (5014D296)
**Date:** 4/21/1980
**Description:** Lyrid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_351
### Event 43010 (6E6DC300)
**Date:** 4/22/1980
**Locations:** Springer, New Mexico; Cimarron Mountains
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Police Officer Manuel Medina and dispatcher Sedilla of Springer, New Mexico, are parked on a traffic watch when one of them notices a bright star in the west at about 45° moving like a balloon with a start- stop motion. Medina shines his car’s spotlight on the object, which drops to a lower elevation. He turns the light off and the object ascends again. He turns the red cruiser light on, and the object seems to respond with a reddish hue. The light disappears over the Cimarron Mountains 20 miles away at 11:10 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Allan Hendry, “[Familiar](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf) [Description,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 2 \(June 1980\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6106
### Event 43011 (319C2DFD)
**Date:** 4/23/1980
**Description:** At 7:40 p.m. on this evening Sr. N. Sayago was driving his car on the outskirts of the city of Santa Rosa, La Pampa province, Argentina when he noticed something falling from the sky near some high-tension power lines. His vehicle suddenly stopped and could not be re-started again. He next felt a chilling breeze at this heet. He looked up and saw a very tall being gesturing at him. He was approached by two of these seven foot tall creatures, who he described as seven feet tall, with webbed hands, long pointed ears, protruding mouths, and almost no hair. They both wore shiny, almost luminous black diver suits. Their faces resembled very gaunt skulls, with hollow eyes and no visible noses. The beings moved their lips but did not speak. One of them took his hand with both of his cold hands, and Sr. Sayago beganto feel weak and dizzy. He then passed out. When he awoke he and the car were ten blocks away from where the encounter had taken place. He was hospitalized for a nervous breakdown.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newspaper Clipping Service, June 1980, p. 9, citing the Buenos Aires Herald, April 24, 1980; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, HC# 243, citing Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine, #8 (listing the date as April 22nd)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2263
### Event 43012 (4229EEFD)
**Date:** 4/24/1980
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NEAR LAKE NORMAN, NC
**Description:** 2 roofers. Bright saucer rises / lake. Makes loop and away. / FSRv35#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13917
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "nr LAKE NORMAN,NC:2 ROOFERS:BRITE SCR RISES/LAKE:MAKES LOOP+AWAY:/FSRv35#2", **LatLong:** "35.500002 -80.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:30:00 N 80:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.500002,-80.916671)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43013 (482EBD69)
**Date:** 4/24/1980
**Description:** Two roofers working in the late evening at 9:00 p.m. sighted a bright yellow disc-shaped UFO rise vertically from Lake Norman Reservoir, not far from a nuclear power plant in Rutherford County, North Carolina. It made a loop in the sky and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George D. Fawcett, MUFON UFO Journal, September 1980; UFO Magazine (USA), June 1990, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2284
### Event 43014 (9D92A067)
**Date:** 4/25/1980
**Time:** 03:57:00.0
**Location:** 49.9810 78.7560
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1577
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9810 78.7560", **LatLongDMS:** "49:58:52 N 78:45:22 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9810,78.7560)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 43015 (604B945A)
**Date:** 4/26/1980
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** PALMA, QLD, AUS
**Description:** Several observer(s). Flattened sphere with 2 curved wings maneuvers / 60 minute(s). / r229v2#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 816)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13918
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "PALMA,QLD,AUS:SVRL OBS:FLATTENED SPHERE W/2 CURVED WINGS MNVRs/60min:/r229v2#2", **LatLong:** "-17.316667 145.933340", **LatLongDMS:** "17:19:00 S 145:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.316667,145.933340)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43016 (B318415F)
**Date:** 4/26/1980
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** HOLTON, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Luminous triangle hovers / seconds. Then shoots going up / 45° angle going quickly northwest. / A. Hendry.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13919
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "280", **HatchDesc:** "HOLTON,IN:2 OBS:LUM.TRIANGLE HVRS/secs:THEN SHOOTS ↑/45°ANGLE >>NW:/A.Hendry", **LatLong:** "39.077780 -85.388893", **LatLongDMS:** "39:04:40 N 85:23:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.077780,-85.388893)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43017 (5793666F)
**Date:** 4/26/1980
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2484 -116.4224
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Colwick” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1778
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2484 -116.4224", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:54 N 116:25:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2484,-116.4224)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.63", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Colwick", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 43018 (9740FB7A)
**Date:** 4/26/1980
**Location:** Holton, Indiana
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Two witnesses in Holton, Indiana, watch a luminous flashing form in the northwest sky. Golden- colored and triangular in shape, it appears larger than the full moon. The object hovers, then shoots straight up in seconds. It zigzags before vanishing in the northwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Golden Triangle in Indiana,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 5 \(September 1980\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6107
### Event 43019 (E9464ADF)
**Date:** 4/26/1980
**Description:** A disabled man and a woman neighbor in Holton, Indiana watched a luminous, golden-colored triangle, that appeared and passed in front of the full moon at around 11:00 p.m. It hovered for awhile, then shot straight up, and finally zigzagged before vanishing at a 45 degrees angle above the horizon in the northwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Allan Hendry, CUFOS News, September 1980, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2348
### Event 43020 (C5055904)
**Date:** 5/1980
**Description:** Citizens Against UFO Secrecy’s attorney [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932) brings a lawsuit against the National Security Agency to compel it to release 135 documents it has withheld from FOIA requests. The suit also includes the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration \(which it claims conducted an inadequate search for its UFO records\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Fred Whiting, “CAUS Goes to Court,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 2, no. 6 \(Sept./Oct. 1980\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6108
### Event 43021 (E3B466A3)
**Date:** 5/1980
**Location:** Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, South Dakota
**Description:** Early afternoon. Thousands of base personnel and their families are congregating at Ellsworth AFB in Rapid City, South Dakota, to watch an SR-71 Blackbird take off after a refueling stop. A1C John W. Mills III and a few other airmen are on top of the barracks for a view. They see an odd, triangular object above the B-52 Alert Pad about half a mile away. It begins to move down the flight line, and they see it is a gray-black delta shape at an altitude of 500 feet. For some reason it is not visible through the pair of binoculars they have. It makes a right turn and suddenly disappears above a parachute-rigging building. The SR-71 does not take off. Later in the day, an official “flash” message goes out to base personnel telling them not to talk to the press in case they had seen anything.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 387–392
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6109
### Event 43022 (6462DACF)
**Date:** 5/1980
**Locations:** Wuhan University; Beijing; Shanghai; Guangdong; Sichuan; Shanxi; Hubei; Guangxi
**Description:** The Chinese UFO Studies Association is established under the auspices of Wuhan University, with branches in Beijing, Shanghai, and the provinces of Guangdong, Sichuan, Shanxi, Hubei, and Guangxi. It is headed by Cha Leping, a 26-year-old astrophysics student. The association later is incorporated into the China UFO Research Organization as an official branch of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Dong, “Letters,” IUR 7, no. 2 \(March 1982\): 3; Good Above, [p. 206](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/206/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6110
### Event 43023 (D260021D)
**Date:** 5/1980
**Locations:** Manlius, New York; Griffiss Business and Technology Park, Rome, New York
**Description:** Late afternoon. Two witnesses are driving through Manlius, New York, when they catch a glimpse of a disc- shaped object the size of a football field hovering above a patch of trees. The driver stops the car and steps outside. Yellow, red, and green lights are rotating around its perimeter. A commercial aircraft and news helicopter are also visible in the sky. The object is still not moving and soundless. Then two jet fighters, apparently scrambled from Griffiss AFB \[now the Griffiss Business and Technology Park\] in Rome, New York, fly toward the object, which takes off like a bullet and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dolan II 211
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6111
### Event 43024 (5C4D2C9D)
**Date:** 5/2/1980
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** MT. HAMILTON, CA
**Description:** Silver sphere/orb/globe going south. Going up and down. Stops / 10 second(s) over lick observatory. Continues going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 226)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13920
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1263", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.HAMILTON,CA:SLVR ORB >S:↑+↓:STOPS/10sec OVR LICK OBSERVATORY:CONTINUES >S", **LatLong:** "37.344446 -121.644450", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:40 N 121:38:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.344446,-121.644450)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43025 (3BAB9A8D)
**Date:** 5/2/1980
**Location:** San Jose, CA
**Description:** Shiny sphere flying with rapid up and down motions observed through binoculars; stopped, spinning, over Lick Observatory, accelerated rapidly and sped away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5296
### Event 43026 (C144639F)
**Date:** 5/2/1980
**Location:** San Jose, California
**Description:** Shiny sphere flying with rapid up and down motions observed through binoculars. Stopped, spinning, over Lick Observatory, accelerated rapidly and sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_352
### Event 43027 (7BDD0E72)
**Date:** 5/2/1980
**Time:** 18:46:30.1
**Location:** 37.0560 -116.0190
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Canfield” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_860
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0560 -116.0190", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:22 N 116:01:08 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0560,-116.0190)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.35", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Canfield", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43028 (D816F4F2)
**Date:** 5/2/1980
**Locations:** Santa Clara County; San Jose, California; Lick Observatory
**Description:** 10:15 a.m. A Santa Clara County park ranger and another county employee are in the hills east of San Jose, California, when they see a shiny, mirror-like spherical object moving north to south. They take turns studying it through binoculars. The object has a blue-green band in the center and is orange at the bottom. It makes rapid up- and-down motions as it moves forward and spins faster as its speed diminishes. The object stops and spins toward Lick Observatory to the east of their position for 10 seconds. Then it accelerates rapidly and speeds away to the south. The sighting duration is 3–4 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 226
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6112
### Event 43029 (C0532D6B)
**Date:** 5/4/1980
**Description:** Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_353
### Event 43030 (7B061C04)
**Date:** 5/5/1980
**Location:** USA, Redding (Northern California)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The observation had taken place from 9:05 PM, the time of the karate class ending, to 10:10 PM, the time they arrived at their friends' place. A woman driving in a street of Redding, accompanied by her two daughters (15 and 14 years old) and another girl of 13 years old, had been frightened by a sudden puff of smoke or fog that enveloped her van. All the noises seemed to have stopped around the 4 women while they "floated" inside this cloud. Worried, they went to their friends' place as soon as they left the cloud. They discovered they had "lost" 30 minutes, time during which they could not account for their activities. During the following hours they suffered from various physiological reactions and the next day marks, resembling strange bites, appeared on the skin of two of the girls. They had dreamt of men pointing various kinds of weapons towards their heads. The witnesses reported the case to the police who advised them to address a private organization for UFO research. [note from vog: the author links the observation and the troubles to causes such as an exacerbated religiosity and a form of hysteria, though..] (1980, May 5 or 7)
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Confrontations" - Laffont 1991, p. 102 to 113
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3068
### Event 43031 (2EF2F855)
**Date:** 5/5/1980
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** CIMARRON, NM
**Description:** UFO seen. 4 hours / missing time. Calf mutilated / alien base. Body parts / red liquid!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: High Strangeness: UFO's from 1960 through 1979. The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 3. 1996 Omnigraphics Inc Detroit, MI ISBN 1-55888-742-3 (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13921
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "1959", **HatchDesc:** "CIMARRON,NM:UFO SEEN:4hrs/MST:CALF MTLd/ALIEN BASE:BODY PARTS/RED LIQUID!", **LatLong:** "36.511113 -104.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "36:30:40 N 104:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.511113,-104.916672)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 43032 (B7F4F122)
**Date:** 5/5/1980
**Locations:** Oklahoma; Eagle's Nest, New Mexico; Cimarron, New Mexico; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque
**Description:** As she is driving home from Oklahoma to Eagle’s Nest, New Mexico, Myrna Hansen and her 6-year-old son see several UFOs in a field near Cimarron, New Mexico, after which they suffer confusion and a 4-hour loss of time. [Paul Bennewitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz), an Albuquerque, New Mexico, owner of humidity equipment company Thunder Scientific and a UFO investigator, on May 11 brings psychologist [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html) in to meet Hansen. He hypnotizes them and gets a detailed abduction story from the mother, who also remembers watching the aliens mutilate a calf. Hansen also remembers being taken by the UFO to an underground area in New Mexico \(leading Bennewitz to suspect it is the Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque\) where she sees tanks of water with cattle body parts, as well as a human arm.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Linda Moulton Howe, An Alien Harvest: Further Evidence Linking Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions to Alien Life Forms, Howe Productions, 1989, pp. 112–116; Linda Moulton Howe, Facts and Eyewitnesses, The Author, 1993, pp. 234–245; Greg Bishop, Project Beta, Paraview, 2005, [pp. 15–28](https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/14/mode/2up); Marcus Lowth, “[The Chilling and Bizarre Abduction Encounter of Myrna Hansen,](https://www.ufoinsight.com/aliens/abductions/abduction-encounter-myrna-hansen)” UFO Insight, May 19, 2018; Clark III 359–360
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6113
### Event 43033 (4DE66C58)
**Date:** 5/5/1980
**Description:** In San Jose de Mayo, Uruguay construction workers and truck drivers at a meat packing plant that was under construction saw a red and green luminous ball hovering overhead. It emitted a dull noise, and its presence interrupted electrical light power and also caused battery-operated radios to go dead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jane Thomas, UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1980, p. 9, citing La Razon, May 16, 1980
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2553
### Event 43034 (28CA6CC5)
**Date:** 5/6/1980
**Description:** [Leonard Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FH.%5FStringfield) finds an article in UFO Sightings by David McCarthy titled “Quest for Teleportation,” which features a photo of an alien cadaver similar to the ones he was given in March.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David McCarthy, “[The](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Sightings%20%28Timothy%20Green%20Beckley%29/UFO%20Sightings%20-%201980%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf) [Quest for Teleportation,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Sightings%20%28Timothy%20Green%20Beckley%29/UFO%20Sightings%20-%201980%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf)” UFO Sightings 1, no. 1 \(July 1980\): 40–45; MUFON UFO Journal, December 1980
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6114
### Event 43035 (ADFFD360)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Time:** 15:50
**Description:** KLM and Lufthansa and more/others. Grey sphere/orb/globe. 3 jets chase. Very fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 265)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13922
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Austria", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "DACHSTEIN ALPS,AUSTRIA:KLM+LUFTHANSA++:GREY ORB:3 JETS CHASE:VFAST:/FSR v26#4", **LatLong:** "47.500002 13.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:30:00 N 13:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.500002,13.666667)", **State/Prov:** "VIE", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43036 (3A744491)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** VALDESE, NC
**Description:** 1 observer / I40. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 12m domed hat-saucer. U-turn in front of car. / r41p452.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13923
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "367", **HatchDesc:** "VALDESE,NC:1 OBS/I40:RFI:12m DOMED HAT-SCR:U-TURN IN FRONT OF CAR:/r41p452", **LatLong:** "35.738891 -81.561115", **LatLongDMS:** "35:44:20 N 81:33:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.738891,-81.561115)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43037 (9E40085C)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** REDDING, CA
**Description:** 1+3 observer(s). Fog envelops car. 30+min missing time. Observer(s) works / nuclear research. / r5p69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 966)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13924
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "168", **HatchDesc:** "REDDING,CA:1+3 OBS:FOG ENVELOPS CAR:30+MIN MST:obs works/nucl.research:/r5p69", **LatLong:** "40.566669 -122.383339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:34:00 N 122:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.566669,-122.383339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43038 (69145685)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Location:** Valdese, NC
**Description:** Disc with dome maneuvered near car, E-M effects on radio (section XII). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5297
### Event 43039 (73377E80)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Location:** Valdese, NC
**Description:** Disc with dome maneuvered near car, E-M effects on radio
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_354
### Event 43040 (8654D427)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Location:** Valdese, North Carolina
**Description:** Day. X-ray technician Ruth Weaver experiences interference on her car radio while driving near Valdese, North Carolina. It blacks out completely and she sees a huge object move beneath the cloud cover directly ahead of her car. It makes a U-turn, then it banks, revealing the shape of an upside-down soup bowl with a dome on top. A red triangle is on the underside. It looks like a Stetson hat as it moves away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 452; George D. Fawcett, Human Reactions to UFOs Worldwide \(1940–1983\): What We Have Learned from UFO Repetitions, The Author, 1986, [p. 16](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/fawcett.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6115
### Event 43041 (1D0A3462)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Locations:** Dachstein Mountains in the Austrian Alps; Air Control Center in Vienna
**Description:** 3:50 p.m. A Dutch KLM airliner is flying just over 30,000 feet above the Dachstein Mountains in the Austrian Alps. The pilot sees a gray spherical object flying overhead, which he reports to the Air Control Center in Vienna, which contacts the Austrian Air Force. Maj. Karl Schwarz orders three Saab 105 aircraft to intercept. Once they make visual contact, two of the jets attempt the intercept while the third takes film footage. The UFO’s erratic movements, however, make it impossible to follow, and the object is soon out of sight. At 5:50 p.m., a German Lufthansa airliner comes in close contact with a similar object, Schwarz orders two more fighters to scramble. The Saab 105 pilots think the object’s variable speed means it is playing with them. It is flying some 9,800 feet above them, but they cannot maneuver well enough to catch it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Terry Hooper, “[UFO Interceptions Attempted,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201980%20V%2026%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 26, no. 4 \(November 1980\): 21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6116
### Event 43042 (F2765193)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Description:** At 5:20 p.m. an object described as an "upside down soup bowl" with a dome on top came out of cloud cover directly ahead of the witness's car driving on I-40 near Valdese, North Carolina. It was estimated to be 40 feet in diameter and had a red rectangular area on the bottom. It made a U-turn, then banked away. The car's radio experienced interference during the close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, September 1980; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 25, 452, citing Tarheel UFO Newsletter, June 1980
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2627
### Event 43043 (90FB9822)
**Date:** 5/7/1980
**Description:** At 9:05 p.m. a woman with the last name of Riley was driving her car in Redding, California accompanied by her two teenage daughters (15 and 14 years old) and by another 13-year-old girl, when they were frightened by the sudden appearance of a patch of smoke or fog that suddenly enveloped their van. All normal noises ceased, while the women seemed to "float" inside a "cloud". Very worried, as soon as they were able to leave the "cloud" they drove to a friend's house, where they discovered that they could not account for 30 minutes of time. During the hours that followed they suffered from various physiological reactions and the following day, marks resembling strange punctures appeared on the skin of two of the girls. Soon afterwards they experienced strange dreams in which "men" were pointing strange weapons or objects at their heads. The witnesses reported the strange event to the police who advised them to contact a private UFO organization.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, p. 79; APRO Bulletin, June 1980, p. 1; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 22, citing APRO Bulletin, June 1980, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2628
### Event 43044 (826CAA1F)
**Date:** 5/9/1980
**Time:** ~07:00
**Description:** PAF SU22 jets fire / saucer over Air Force Base. Same / 10 May.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 237)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13925
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "1289", **HatchDesc:** "MARIANO MALGAR AFB/LA JOYA,PERU:PAF SU22 JETS FIRE/SCR ovr AFB::SAME/10MAY", **LatLong:** "-16.722223 -71.855559", **LatLongDMS:** "16:43:20 S 71:51:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.722223,-71.855559)", **State/Prov:** "Arequipa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43045 (11A4DCB1)
**Date:** 5/9/1980
**Locations:** Bargersville, Indiana; Empty Fields
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A woman is driving home with her daughter in Bargersville, Indiana, when bright red flashes of light illuminate the inside of her truck and the surrounding area. The flashes are caused by red balls of light about the size of lemons in the empty fields around them. The balls blink on and off in succession, climbing up one telephone pole. Moving down, and crossing the road to perform the same motion on another pole. They approach the truck, forcing her to back up the truck. Finally, the phenomenon ceases and she drives home. When they get there, her German shepherd dog starts whining and barking. Her husband steps outside to see what’s going on. Suddenly, their two daughters start screaming as small red balls of light move across their mother’s back and behind her hair. She does not feel anything, but the dog runs to the barn and stays there all night.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Allan Hendry](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf) [Reports: A Spooky Experience in Indiana,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 6 \(October 1980\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6117
### Event 43046 (20EB95FA)
**Date:** 5/9/1980
**Description:** At 7:00 a.m. a Peruvian Air Force Sukhoi-22 warplane was scrambled to intercept a UFO flying near the Mariano Melgar AFB, near La Joya, Arequipa Province, Peru. It fired on the round object, but the UFO zipped off unharmed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, p. 324; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 43
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2693
### Event 43047 (9093B013)
**Date:** 5/9/1980
**Description:** Red balls of light the size of lemons climbed up, across, and down telephone lines in Bargersville, Indiana then went up another pole on a clear evening at 9 p.m. A dog whined and barked as more red balls of light moved across a woman's back and the hair on her head. The balls of light made no noise
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Timmerman, CUFOS News Bulletin, October 1980, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2694
### Event 43048 (ED461D6C)
**Date:** 5/10/1980
**Location:** Area 51
**Description:** DoD Report: The FAP (Peruvian Air Force) spotted a UFO twice and tried to intercept and destroy the UFO without success.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p503)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_711
**See also:** 7/1952
### Event 43049 (FA62CA21)
**Date:** 5/11/1980
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** GIULIANOVA, ITL
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Hiss! Dark 6M cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] 100M away. Curves back out to sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13926
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GIULIANOVA,ITL:5 OBS:HISS!:DARK 6M CGR > 100M away:CURVES back out to sea", **LatLong:** "42.733335 13.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:44:00 N 13:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.733335,13.966667)", **State/Prov:** "TE", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43050 (935FC7F2)
**Date:** 5/12/1980
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** BULAWAYO, ZIMB
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Brilliant blue saucer hovers / low altitude / 10 minute(s). Shoots going up. Stops. Going up [to] again and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13927
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BULAWAYO,ZIMB:2 OBS:BRILL.BLU SCR HVRS/lo alt/10min:SHOOTS↑:STOPS:↑AGAIN+AWAY", **LatLong:** "-20.200001 28.700001", **LatLongDMS:** "20:12:00 S 28:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.200001,28.700001)", **State/Prov:** "BLW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43051 (D1B335E0)
**Date:** 5/12/1980
**Location:** Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, Africa
**Description:** A brilliant blue disc hovered at a low altitude for ten minutes over Bulawayo. It shot straight up, stopped, then shot up again and was gone. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5298
### Event 43052 (2FABEA74)
**Date:** 5/12/1980
**Description:** A brilliant blue disc hovered at a low altitude for ten minutes over Bulawayo, Zimbabwe at six p.m. It shot straight up, stopped, then shot up again and was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News, July 1990
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2771
### Event 43053 (65266E61)
**Date:** 5/13/1980
**Location:** Belgium, Eben-Emael
**Description:** (Translated from French) Near the intersection of the borders with the Netherlands and Germany, close to the Albert Canal, the mushroom farm was located almost in a strategic military place and the galleries established in the caves of the rocks. Around 10 o'clock the owner of the place was coming out in the courtyard of the farm (about 20 m x 15 m), face to face with a circular object of a diameter of about 5.20m, hovering 50 cm from the ground. From the dome of the craft an staircase unfolded to the ground and a man came out from above, descended the staircase and remained motionless at the foot of the craft. Two other men did the same and the trio headed towards the witness. They had an absolutely human appearance, pale face, slightly slanted eyes and a stature of about 1.60m. They wore green suits. One of the characters said (or exclaimed) "What are we doing here?". The brave witness explained as if it was a question asked, that he cultivated mushrooms and asked if they wanted some. They wanted some. Flanked by the three visitors, the witness went to the cellar and took a crate of mushrooms that he wanted to offer them. But the leader of the trio only wanted one mushroom from the pile. As soon as the mushroom was placed in his hand he turned around and the three individuals rejoined their machine, climbed the staircase, and the machine took off very quickly in the direction of the Netherlands. Finally the gendarmerie of Bassenge was notified and the witness interrogated. In the afternoon he received a visit from two military men in navy blue uniforms, who made him understand "it's better that he had seen nothing". These military men spoke French with a Liège accent. [note from vog: The secret NATO base Cannerberg, the 2nd ATAF Joint Operation Center, is located in the municipality of Maastricht, on the Belgian border. It is an underground base, buried under a mountain that counts 85 km of galleries and which hosted between 1960 and 1992 more than 4000 military personnel from several countries. What is done in this base? It's top secret, but as it was said in the Dutch press in 1995 "the military worked there in the field of communications" - excerpt from the article "Contaminated Soldiers, Cannerberg. There was asbestos in this secret NATO base installed two steps away from Eben Emael..." by Jean Michel Crespin]
**Reference:** investigation and counter-investigation by J.L. Vertongen, Frank Boitte and others
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3069
### Event 43054 (F1EA1C38)
**Date:** 5/13/1980
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** US49 NEAR MAGEE, MS
**Description:** 2 / car. Glowing-disk over car. Beams light going down. Car lights flicker. / r25p309.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13928
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "131", **HatchDesc:** "US49 nr MAGEE,MS:2/CAR:GLO-DISK OVR CAR:BEAMS LITE↓:CAR LITES FLICKER:/r25p309", **LatLong:** "34.083335 -89.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "34:05:00 N 89:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.083335,-89.716671)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43055 (75441F93)
**Date:** 5/14/1980
**Location:** Simpson County, MS
**Description:** Glowing disc shone light beam on road, E-M when car entered light beam. BiloxiGulfport, Miss., Daily Herald, May 14, 1980 (L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5299
### Event 43056 (10CBD1B5)
**Date:** 5/14/1980
**Location:** Simpson County, MS
**Description:** Glowing disc cast light beam onto road. Car entered beam, headlights flickered off and on several times, afterwards worked normally
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_355
### Event 43057 (9AA34298)
**Date:** 5/14/1980
**Locations:** US Highway 49; Simpson County, Mississippi
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. Howard and Julia Pickrel are driving on US Highway 49 through Simpson County, Mississippi, when they see a glowing disc high in the sky. A beam of light from the disc makes a spot of light on the ground as wide as their car. As they drive through the light beam, their lights go on and off 7–8 times. After they are out of the beam’s path, the lights do not flicker again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, Uninvited Guests, Aurora, 1988, pp. 307–308
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6118
### Event 43058 (758D73B4)
**Date:** 5/14/1980
**Location:** Mars Hill, Maine
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. John Ray spots three dark discs while he is driving in the rain through a rural area near Mars Hill, Maine. Each is larger than the full moon and has numerous white lights on the bottom. They pass silently above his car and hover ahead of him in close formation about 500 feet up. Suddenly they take off and disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Close Encounter in the Rain,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 7 \(November 1980\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6119
### Event 43059 (E166B829)
**Date:** 5/14/1980
**Description:** Simpson County, Mississippi - A glowing disc high in the sky cast a light beam on the roadway at 3:30 a.m. When a car with witnesses Mr. & Mrs. Pickrel drove through the light beam the "car lights went on and off about 7-8 times". The headlights and console lights later functioned normally.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, Uninvited Guests, p. 307, citing the Biloxi Daily Herald, May 14, 1980; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 25, 258; MUFON UFO Journal, July 1980
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2836
### Event 43060 (F043C152)
**Date:** 5/14/1980
**Description:** On a rainy night shortly after 9:00 p.m. while driving through a forested area in Mars Hill, Aroostook County, Maine 33-year-old Mr. Ray reported that three dark discs flew silently over his car. They then stopped and hovered ahead of him in close formation, at 500 feet altitude. They suddenly took off at an incredible speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, CUFOS Newsletter, November 1980, p. 2
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2837
### Event 43061 (1A384D2C)
**Date:** 5/15/1980
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** M25 / MORETON, ENGL
**Description:** Teacher / car. Double-bullet / 45° angle / low altitude. 2 truncated beams going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13929
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "19", **HatchDesc:** "M25/MORETON,ENGL:TEACHER/CAR:DOUBLE-BULLET/45°ANGLE/LO alt:2 TRUNCATED BEAMS ↓", **LatLong:** "53.400003 -3.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:24:00 N 03:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.400003,-3.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43062 (F7624FCA)
**Date:** 5/15/1980
**Description:** At 12:40 a.m. a Mr. Hughes, driving on the M53 Motorway in Wirral, Merseyside, England sighted an object shaped like two curved artillery shells side-by-side close to the ground. Two shielded beams of light were projected downward from the object onto the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Alan Bell, FSR, August 1981, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2869
### Event 43063 (8976670B)
**Date:** 5/16/1980
**Location:** CHINA, Beijing
**Description:** (Translated from French) …very late at night (…) I went out into the courtyard to breathe the fresh air. Suddenly I noticed that the landscape became very clear all of a sudden. (…) I immediately saw an orange-red object floating above the roof of the house across from me. I felt scared by this unexpected foreign object. At first glance, this object seemed oval, resembling a heated electric iron. This red iron suspended in the sky of Beijing began to zigzag from southwest to northwest. It flew slowly, its big nose slightly raised and there was no trail behind it. We did not know at what altitude it was, it made no noise. (…) it was composed of several luminous bands of hemispherical shapes. Initially oval in appearance, it gradually revealed itself as a cone whose sharp outline was enveloped by a layer of yellowish mist. (…) it was as big as two full moons, but much less luminous. (…) between the dome and the main body, there was a belt of white light. In the blink of an eye it passed the agglomeration and the roof of the houses in front of me prevented me from continuing the observation. I saw it for three minutes, the clock marked 1:14 am on May 16.
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials", ed. Mercure de France 1983, p 144, 145
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3070
### Event 43064 (163B2943)
**Date:** 5/16/1980
**Locations:** Działoszyn, Poland; Wielún
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. A civilian pilot is flying a Pirat glider near a cement mill in Działoszyn, Poland, when he notices an object maneuvering across the fumes from factory chimneys below. Seconds later it moves in front of the glider, and he takes evasive action. It is an isosceles triangle shape with a side length of 30 feet and a dull brownish- green. At one point it turns up one of its corners at an angle of 45° in an apparent attempt to correct its flight. Then it changes orientation to the horizontal, shrinks in size, and disappears. A similar object is seen the same day near Wielún.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 69
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6120
### Event 43065 (E43C9B1E)
**Date:** 5/22/1980
**Time:** 13:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0031 -116.0314
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Flora” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_861
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0031 -116.0314", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:11 N 116:01:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0031,-116.0314)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.34", **NukeName:** "Flora", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43066 (18F2F5BC)
**Date:** 5/22/1980
**Time:** 03:57:00.1
**Location:** 49.7800 78.0370
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .004KT YieldMax: 80KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1578
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7800 78.0370", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:48 N 78:02:13 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7800,78.0370)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".004", **NukeYMax:** "80"
### Event 43067 (B48C53C1)
**Date:** 5/22/1980
**Locations:** Gran Canaria Airport; Canary Islands; Ocean
**Description:** 11:05 p.m. The Air Transit Control Center at Gran Canaria Airport in the Canary Islands detects some unidentified traffic toward the southwest moving at 685 mph. A few minutes later, an aero-taxi pilot reports a bright object passing to his left and descending toward the ocean. A Spanish Air Force officer investigates and concludes the object is unknown, even though its position observed by the pilot matches that of Venus. A false radar echo is also possible.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 436, 528–529
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6121
### Event 43068 (F2808CF6)
**Date:** 5/23/1980
**End date:** 5/25/1980
**Locations:** Laramie; University of Wyoming campus
**Description:** The first Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation, organized by psychologist [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html) to bring contactees together, is held in Laramie on the University of Wyoming campus. Barely 20 people show up, but Sprinkle notes they are average, normal people, though highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestion. Most claim some psychic abilities, and many report a feeling of being monitored or experiencing continuing contact with UFO entities. They feel anxiety about the state of the human race and worry about a coming cataclysm. The conferences continue to at least 1996, attracting as many as 200 attendees.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 300–301
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6122
### Event 43069 (B07248C5)
**Date:** 5/26/1980
**Time:** 12:20
**Location:** OFF CABO / GATA, SP
**Description:** Submarine/submerged crew. Big RADAR blip going northeast 3km away. Low altitude. Absolute(ly) invisible!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13930
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off CABO/GATA,SP:SUBM.CREW:BIG RDR BLIP >NE 3km AWAY:LO alt:ABS.INVISIBLE!", **LatLong:** "36.683335 -2.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "36:41:00 N 02:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.683335,-2.266667)", **State/Prov:** "ALM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43070 (9DFB5C5E)
**Date:** 5/26/1980
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** HUNINGUE, FR
**Description:** Airman and 1 / ground. Metallic ovoid wobbles / 3 minute(s). Rises going quickly east into Germany.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13931
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HUNINGUE,FR:AIRMAN+1/GND:MTLC OVOID WOBBLES/3min:RISES >>E into GERMANY:", **LatLong:** "47.600002 7.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:36:00 N 07:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.600002,7.583334)", **State/Prov:** "Haut-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43071 (E984AC91)
**Date:** 5/28/1980
**Locations:** Denver; Houston, Texas; Trinidad, Colorado
**Description:** Denver KMGH-TV investigative journalist [Linda Moulton Howe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda%5FMoulton%5FHowe) releases A Strange Harvest, a 2-hour documentary that suggests unusual wounds found on cattle are the work of extraterrestrial beings who harvest body parts required for their survival or research, and that the US government is complicit. The documentary wins a Regional Emmy award in 1981. She interviews Denver surgeon [Arlen Meyers](https://www.healthgrades.com/physician/dr-arlen-meyers-27r4t) on excising tissue with a laser; and [Lou Girodo](https://krtnradio.com/2017/02/13/in-loving-memory-of-louis-p-girodo/), chief investigator for the District Attorney’s Office in Trinidad, Colorado. The show also features a hypnotic regression session by [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html) on Judy Dorarty, who says she witnessed a mutilation outside Houston, Texas, in May 1973; under hypnosis, she describes seeing a calf drawn up in a pale yellow beam of light into a UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Internet Movie Database, “[A Strange Harvest](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6362274/)”; Clark III 363; “[Alta Loma 1973,](http://roswellbooks.com/museum/?page%5Fid=340)” Texas UFO Museum and Research Library, February 1, 2003
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6123
### Event 43072 (B2E2642D)
**Date:** 5/30/1980
**Description:** The CIA moves for summary judgment in [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932)’s lawsuit for UFO documents. The court grants it, despite the 57 remaining UFO documents the CIA admits it is withholding. CAUS appeals on June 24.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “CAUS Update,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 1 \(Nov./Dec. 1980\): 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6124
### Event 43073 (3FFE9F30)
**Date:** 6/1980
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Rosario
**Description:** (Translated from French) Carpenter Juan Gomez claimed to have traveled aboard a UFO after receiving a visit 12 days earlier from 4 extraterrestrials dressed in yellow and equipped with diving suits. These four creatures announced by a blinding light were about 50 cm tall and emitted unintelligible sounds. Juan Gomez explained that an intense light had "absorbed" him while he was walking in the outskirts of Rosario. He regained consciousness 15 hours later in a distant locality of that city. A black spot was printed on the index of his right hand, as if he had undergone a blood test. During this period several inhabitants of Rosario said they had observed several UFOs. (June 1980)
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 28.1.1982
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3072
### Event 43074 (57CBCC94)
**Date:** 6/1980
**Time:** ~01:00
**Location:** SHERMAN, TX
**Description:** Odd sounds and lights. Allagash-Jim levitated / bed. Possible missing time. (Rpt abductee.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond: The ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS. Wild Flower Press; Tigard, OR 1993. 347pp. (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13932
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "227", **HatchDesc:** "SHERMAN,TX:ODD SOUNDS+LITES:ALLAGASH-JIM LEVITATED/BED:POSS.MST:(rpt abductee)", **LatLong:** "33.633335 -96.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "33:38:00 N 96:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.633335,-96.583338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43075 (DC0F4643)
**Date:** 6/1980
**Time:** 23:00?
**Description:** 2 / car. Brill lights. 2 7' figure(s) glide up. Telepathy battle of will.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS - the Mystery Solved; Inner Light, NJ 1988. (Index 74)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13933
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "SPROSTON GREEN,CHESHIRE:2/CAR:BRILL LITES:2 7'FIGs GLIDE UP:TLP BATTLE of WILL", **LatLong:** "53.194447 -2.394445", **LatLongDMS:** "53:11:40 N 02:23:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.194447,-2.394445)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 43076 (04D7F521)
**Date:** 6/1980
**Location:** Evanston, Illinois
**Description:** NICAP is disbanded after the last issue of the UFO Investigator is published, and its files are eventually turned over to the Center for UFO Studies in Evanston, Illinois.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [UFO Investigator](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/162%20JUNE%201980.pdf) 11, no. 6 \(June 1980\); Clark III 794
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6126
### Event 43077 (113D1044)
**Date:** 6/1980
**Description:** Citizens Against UFO Secrecy is reorganized after the departure of [W. Todd Zechel](https://www.wiscnews.com/saukprairieeagle/news/local/obituaries/w-todd-zechel-of-prairie-du-sac---published/article%5F696590a6-91c6-5248-a014-2cccc841c5b6.html), with [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932) as director and Lawrence Fawcett as assistant editor.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 240
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6127
### Event 43078 (33D11446)
**Date:** 6/1980
**Location:** University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine
**Description:** [Kenneth Rommel](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/102222895/kenneth-m-rommel) releases Operation Animal Mutilation, a long report that devastatingly debunks popular theories. The animals have died of natural causes, he contends, and the mysterious aspects can be explained prosaically. He cites ornithologist Kenneth Sager: “The larger the animal, the more difficult it is for the scavenger to gain access to the food supply below the tough surface. \[Thus they attack the\] softer points of entry, namely the eyes, anal openings, and the soft underbelly areas, especially the udders of female bovines.” L. D. Kuttner of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine says that many scavengers can make as clean a cut as “might be done by a surgeon with a knife.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cattle mutilation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle%5Fmutilation\#U.S.%5Fgovernmental%5Fexplanation)”; Kenneth M. Rommel Jr., [Operation](https://www.think.cz/issue/22/articles/0597/mutiliations/romindex%5Ffiles/sidelist.html) [Animal Mutilation](https://www.think.cz/issue/22/articles/0597/mutiliations/romindex%5Ffiles/sidelist.html)[,](https://www.think.cz/issue/22/articles/0597/mutiliations/romindex%5Ffiles/sidelist.html) Report of the District Attorney, First Judicial District, State of New Mexico, prepared for the US Criminal Justice Department, 1980; Federal Bureau of Investigation, Animal Mutilation documents, 1974– 1980, [part 1](https://vault.fbi.gov/Animal%20Mutilation/Animal%20Mutilation%20Part%201%20of%205/view)[,](https://vault.fbi.gov/Animal%20Mutilation/Animal%20Mutilation%20Part%201%20of%205/view) [part 2](https://vault.fbi.gov/Animal%20Mutilation/Animal%20Mutilation%20Part%202%20of%205/view)[,](https://vault.fbi.gov/Animal%20Mutilation/Animal%20Mutilation%20Part%202%20of%205/view) [part 3](https://vault.fbi.gov/Animal%20Mutilation/Animal%20Mutilation%20Part%203%20of%205/view), [part 4](https://vault.fbi.gov/Animal%20Mutilation/Animal%20Mutilation%20Part%204%20of%205/view), [part 5](https://vault.fbi.gov/Animal%20Mutilation/Animal%20Mutilation%20Part%205%20of%205/view); Clark III 133
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6128
### Event 43079 (43B85675)
**Date:** 6/1980
**Description:** [Leonard H. Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FH.%5FStringfield) publishes The UFO Crash/Retrieval Syndrome: Status Report II, New Sources, New Data, presenting the accounts and rumors he has heard of crashed UFOs retrieved by the military. He has contacted four different military sources claiming to have seen a movie film depicting a crashed saucer and small alien bodies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Leonard Stringfield, “The Chase for Proof in a Squirrel’s Cage,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, p. 147
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6129
### Event 43080 (3A083745)
**Date:** Early Summer 1980
**Locations:** Matsbo; Hedemora; central Sweden
**Description:** Two women see a green, miniature airplane outside a house in Matsbo, near Hedemora, in central Sweden.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clas Svahn, “Green Miniature Airplane Hovers in Front of a House,” IUR 29, no. 3 \(Fall 2004\): 6–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6125
### Event 43081 (8BF6C697)
**Date:** 6/2/1980
**Location:** University of Pennsylvania
**Description:** [Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FH.%5FStringfield) receives eight more prints showing an alien cadaver encased under glass. One photo shows a hand with four fingers and clawlike nails. His source claims they were obtained from a secret study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, December 1980; Leonard Stringfield, “The Chase for Proof in a Squirrel’s Cage,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 147–148
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6130
### Event 43082 (E87C1388)
**Date:** 6/3/1980
**Locations:** Albuquerque, New Mexico; Wyoming
**Description:** [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html) arrives at [Paul Bennewitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz)’s house in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for another hypnotic session with Myrna Hansen. Bennewitz, now very paranoid, meets him at the door with a gun, saying he needs to protect himself from aliens. A strained and brief hypnosis session follows, after which Sprinkle returns to Wyoming.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Greg Bishop, Project Beta, Paraview, 2005, [pp. 24–25](https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/24/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6131
### Event 43083 (E55B109F)
**Date:** 6/4/1980
**Description:** In 1980 two brothers commuting to work in Abasto, Argentina saw a strange luminous object in the pre-dawn sky at around 5:30 a.m. It made no noise, was 12 meters in diameter, and emitted white and reddish flashes of light. The UFO flew over fast, halted above the two men, then shot off to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1980, p. 9, citing La Razon, June 5, 1980
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3279
### Event 43084 (B0FCD813)
**Date:** 6/5/1980
**Description:** In 1980 a series of strange UFO-related events occurred in both Malaysia and the San Luis Valley of Colorado. At dusk in Moffat, Colorado a mustard yellow, old-fashioned "whirlybird" copter was seen rising from a pasture. The next morning a prize-winning bull was found dead. No nearby airport had ever seen such a craft. At 2:20 a.m. in Port Klang, Malaysia a spinning, luminous bluish-red ball hovered just 30 feet over a large oil installation. It emitted beam of light that struck a house near the petroleum tanks, and the house caught fire. Nearby airport radar confirmed the presence of a UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 42; Ahmad Jamaludin, Summary of Unidentified Flying Objects and Related Events in Malaysia, p. 96
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3304
### Event 43085 (79DCDD67)
**Date:** 6/11/1980
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** OFF AGUILAS, SP
**Description:** Spanish submersible crew via periscope. Silver metallic 100M saucer hovers / 200M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13934
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off AGUILAS,SP:SPANISH SUB.CREW via PERISCOPE:SLVR MTLC 100M SCR HVRS/200M alt", **LatLong:** "37.316668 -1.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:19:00 N 01:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.316668,-1.250000)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "ALM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43086 (137BA3EF)
**Date:** 6/11/1980
**Location:** Venice, Italy
**Description:** An unknown cigar-shaped object passes close to a commercial aircraft near Venice, Italy.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, p. 162
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6132
### Event 43087 (290030F9)
**Date:** 6/12/1980
**Time:** 13:20
**Description:** DC9 crew and pass. Metallic disk hovers. "Net" beneath. Balloon?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13935
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1001", **HatchDesc:** "nr ROCKY Mtn.HOUSE,ALTA:DC9 CREW+PASS:MTLC DISK HVRS:"NET" BENEATH:balloon?", **LatLong:** "52.366669 -114.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "52:22:00 N 114:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.366669,-114.916672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43088 (3EDA05BD)
**Date:** 6/12/1980
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** NORTH / HOPSTEN AB, GERM
**Description:** USAF F111 pilot and more. Plain torpedo-tank shape passes 15M away!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13936
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/HOPSTEN AB,GERM:USAF F111 PILOT+:PLAIN TORPEDO-TANK SHAPE PASSES 15M AWAY!", **LatLong:** "52.950003 7.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:57:00 N 07:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.950003,7.550000)", **State/Prov:** "LSX", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43089 (BDA8050F)
**Date:** 6/12/1980
**Time:** 17:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.2817 -116.4539
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kash” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_862
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2817 -116.4539", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:54 N 116:27:14 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2817,-116.4539)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.65", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Kash", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 43090 (B59BCD0A)
**Date:** 6/12/1980
**Time:** 03:27:00.1
**Location:** 49.9860 78.9980
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1579
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9860 78.9980", **LatLongDMS:** "49:59:10 N 78:59:53 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9860,78.9980)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 43091 (638F6FB1)
**Date:** 6/13/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An UFO is spotted near Toula \(USSR\). (June 13th, 10 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2875
### Event 43092 (4EAD0398)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Location:** USSR, Moscow
**Description:** (Translated from French) From 23:50 to 00:30 (or 00:30 on June 15) a half-moon of red-orange color followed by a luminous trail appeared above Kalinin to the north of Moscow, flew over Klin, Moscow where it stayed for 5 minutes, Ryazan 180 km to the south, then Gorki to the east where it also stopped for 5 minutes before finally disappearing in the direction of Kazan. During its passage, cows mooed, dogs barked and the population was panicked. Migs took off to try, in vain, to contact it. Thousands of Russians watched for 40 minutes this huge vessel which was visible on a trajectory of 800 km traveled at a speed estimated at 1500 km/h. According to the calculations of astronomer Felix Zigel, the diameter of the central part of the craft was 120 meters and its average altitude 90 km. It often changed speed and altitude and from time to time expelled smaller objects which spread in the sky. Two of these small objects were seen in Moscow. Lieutenant Colonel Karyakin noticed a saucer of about 4 m in diameter which stayed suspended for 2 minutes buzzing at 30 m above his house, then directed 3 jets of blue-green light towards the ground and flew away in a few seconds. Another witness saw in the craft a small figure in a space suit. In Certanovo, a southern suburb of Moscow, a television director named Koeshov distinguished a dark and buzzing mass placed in the street, with a small man walking around it. A few moments later a blinding light passed in front of his window and his wife felt a burning sensation on her arms on which red patches appeared and then disappeared. [note from vog: the underlined part of the text is not found in any other author....]
**Reference:** Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the ETs" - ed. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 67, 68
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3071
### Event 43093 (EDFA58D8)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The headquarters of the [KGB](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KGB.html) is alerted by its president himself, Iouri Andropov, who has just seen the UFO spotted at 10 PM the night before. The object is heading towards Moscow, where the sighting is confirmed by the astronomer Gindilis on duty that night at the observatory. The air defense radars have not detected anything, but the military think of a surprise attack by the Americans and trigger the alert. The UFO flies over the main airport of Moscow where it causes panic. Hundreds of witnesses see it emit a luminous crown and transform into a giant jellyfish: it moves away and expels 3 small UFOs which the Migs will vainly chase. Andropov orders the Institute of Studies of Magnetism and Earth Radioactivity to seriously study these UFOs still called anomalous atmospheric phenomena. (June 14, 4 AM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2876
### Event 43094 (C858BEEF)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** LIBERTAD, URU
**Description:** 2 green pseudo-human/entity try / enter house. Observer(s) grabs arm. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Tripod physical traces. / FSRv28#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 308)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13937
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "58", **HatchDesc:** "LIBERTAD,URU:2 GRN.PSH TRY/ENTER HOUSE:OBS GRABS ARM:EME:TRIPOD TRCs:/FSRv28#1", **LatLong:** "-34.583335 -56.650003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:35:00 S 56:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.583335,-56.650003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "SNJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43095 (ACB05ADF)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** BUENOS AIRES, ARG
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). 8-min wave / saucers cigars and triangles. Photographs. No further details / news report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13938
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "BUENOS AIRES,ARG:100s/OBS:8-min WAVE/SCRs CGRs+TRIANGLES:FOTOS:NFD/news rpt", **LatLong:** "-34.616668 -58.483336", **LatLongDMS:** "34:37:00 S 58:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.616668,-58.483336)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43096 (1D174542)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Grey ovoid grows. Turns transparent. Going southeast. Cosmos 1188 launch? / r117p428.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13939
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "KALININ,RUSS++:GRY OVOID GROWS:TURNS XPARENT:>SE:Cosmos 1188 launch?:/r117p428", **LatLong:** "56.916669 35.916668", **LatLongDMS:** "56:55:00 N 35:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.916669,35.916668)", **State/Prov:** "MSC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 43097 (63C8EDBA)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Location:** Cordoba and Rosario, Arg
**Description:** Flurry of UFO sightings by numerous witnesses, including airport personnel and meteorologists, with extensive newspaper coverage. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5300
### Event 43098 (50DA4319)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Location:** Santiago, Chile
**Description:** An LAN Chile airline pilot reported that a UFO made a head-on pass at his plane at 50,000 feet altitude. The glowing yellow object was moving faster than his aircraft. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5301
### Event 43099 (2D5CF7E1)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Location:** Moscow, Russia
**Description:** Evening. Many residents of Moscow, Russia, see a huge, reddish-orange, horseshoe-shaped object accompanied by swirling luminous gases. Some 250 miles to the west, Lt. Col. Oleg Karyakin hears a low- frequency booming noise and sees a bright object less than 500 feet away. He runs toward it, feels some resistance, but continues until he is about 150 feet away. It gives off a high-pitched sound and briefly emits three white rays, then ascends rapidly, hovers for 2 seconds, then moves to the northwest and vanishes. Shortly afterward, he sees a large, reddish UFO above some treetops. Another bright object is accompanying the first, flying horizontally and leaving a fiery trail. Some 30 others witness this event. Soviet investigators conclude that the objects were the launches of two communications satellites, a [Gorizont](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorizont) and [Kosmos 1188](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosmos%5F1188).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, p. 59; Good Above, [pp. 238–241](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/238/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6133
### Event 43100 (904911B3)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Locations:** Córdoba; Jorge Newbery; Ezeiza; Buenos Aires; Rosario; Argentina; Pajas Blancas Airport; Uruguay; Brazil; Chile; Paraguay
**Description:** 7:00–8:00 p.m. A flurry of UFO sightings by numerous witnesses takes place in Córdoba, Jorge Newbery and Ezeiza airports in Buenos Aires, and Rosario, Argentina, including airport personnel and meteorologists, with extensive newspaper coverage. Objects appear singly and in “fleets” and are described variously as “luminous oval-spherical,” “spinning top,” spindle-shaped, and a sphere that emits “an intense luminous ray that illuminated the surface of the river.” At Pajas Blancas Airport in Córdoba, a UFO causes operations to be stopped for several minutes after it follows the landing pattern of aircraft into the airport. Sightings occur around the same time in Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay. CUFOS suspects many of the observations might be due to a high-altitude barium cloud produced by a rocket launch.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The UFO ‘Flap’ in South America,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 2, no. 6 \(Sept./Oct. 1980\): 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6134
### Event 43101 (5F05AB1E)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Description:** There were over 30 reports of luminous ring-shaped UFOs from Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and Brazil this evening. At around 7 p.m. twenty kilometers west of Junin, Argentina a circular object approached a car with five people inside from behind, forcing the driver to pull over. The object was dark in the center with luminous white points around the rim. It descended by the highway with a vertical motion and hung about 1.5 meters above the ground. It left a trail of white smoke.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1980, p. 12, citing La Razon, June 18, 1980, translated by Jane Thomas
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3487
### Event 43102 (D452C1C5)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Description:** At the same time pilots, crew, and passengers of some commercial airplanes were forced to delay their takeoffs while a UFO flew toward the Ezeiza, Argentina runway. It nearly crashed into a building, but gained altitude and flew away. It was tracked on radar at the Jorge Newbery airport in Ezeiza.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1980, p. 11, citing Cronica, June 17, 1980, translated by Jane Thomas
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3488
### Event 43103 (41D5BF93)
**Date:** 6/14/1980
**Description:** At 7:05 two reporters for the La Capital newspaper in Rosario, Argentina said that a "fleet of flying saucers" was seen by several witnesses and themselves from Independencia Park. One was shaped like a "teething ring", the second was smaller and white in color, and the third object was like a dot with a halo around it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1980, p. 9, citing Cronica, June 15 & 16, 1980, translated by Jane Thomas; Alan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, September 1980, pp. 15-16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3489
### Event 43104 (C7557D2E)
**Date:** 6/15/1980
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** MOSCOW, RUSSIA
**Description:** 1000' saucer in dogfight / jet. Going quickly southwest. Separate report(s) / saucer and small humanoids (or Greys)! / r150 / r120p238.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13940
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MOSCOW,RUSS:1000'SCR in DOGFIGHT/JET:>>SW::SEP.RPTs/SCR+OIDS!:/r150/r120p238", **LatLong:** "55.800003 37.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "55:48:00 N 37:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.800003,37.666668)", **State/Prov:** "MOS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43105 (6E09C736)
**Date:** 6/15/1980
**Location:** Oak Park, Illinois
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. A 70-year-old woman in Oak Park, Illinois, sees an object like a white half-moon with a serrated edge. At first she thinks it is the moon, but it begins moving to the east and disappears in 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Allan](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf) [Hendry Reports: A Lunar Impostor,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 4 \(August 1980\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6135
### Event 43106 (35034B5C)
**Date:** 6/15/1980
**Locations:** RAF Bentwaters; Woodbridge, Suffolk, England
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Security Policeman Charles P. Wagner and two others at RAF Bentwaters \[now closed\], near Woodbridge, Suffolk, England, watch a 2-foot diameter spherical object maneuver above several A-10 aircraft parked at the base. Moments later, the orb suddenly splits into three smaller spheres, all of which vanish in a flash of light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert L. Hastings, “[New Bentwaters UFO Witness Goes on the Record,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/new-bentwaters-ufo-witness-goes-on-the-record)” UFOs & Nukes, November 22, 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6136
### Event 43107 (1F5A3FFC)
**Date:** 6/15/1980
**Location:** Rio Del Mar, California
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Students Kevin Smith and Jill Harper are walking along Hidden Beach in Rio Del Mar, California, when a 4-foot-long, 10-inch-wide cigar-shaped object passes about 30 feet above them moving southwest over the water and landing in the ocean without a splash. As it bobs about, a light comes on in the interior. Smith yells at it and the light goes out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Romance under a UFO,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 2, no. 5 \(July/Aug. 1980\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6137
### Event 43108 (74302C9A)
**Date:** 6/16/1980
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** ROSARIO, ARG
**Description:** 4 50cm small humanoids (or Greys) / bedroom! Unintelligible. Possible abduction / observer(s) 12 days later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13941
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ROSARIO,ARG:4 50cm OIDS/BEDROOM!:UNINTELLIBIBLE:POSS.ABD/OBS 12 days later", **LatLong:** "-32.916668 -60.783336", **LatLongDMS:** "32:55:00 S 60:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.916668,-60.783336)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43109 (AB7A41FE)
**Date:** 6/16/1980
**Time:** 06:00:00.0
**Location:** 52.9000 56.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 2-1” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1580
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "52.9000 56.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:54:00 N 56:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.9000,56.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.40", **NukeName:** "PNE:Butane 2-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 43110 (5A5CFADA)
**Date:** 6/16/1980
**Time:** 18:27:00.0
**Location:** -21.8700 -138.8990
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Eurypyle” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1933
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8700 -138.8990", **LatLongDMS:** "21:52:12 S 138:53:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8700,-138.8990)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Eurypyle", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 43111 (B55861A7)
**Date:** 6/17/1980
**Locations:** Interstate 75; Grayling Army Airfield; Grayling, Michigan
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Two women driving with four young children north on Interstate 75 near Grayling Army Airfield in Grayling, Michigan, when they see two lights moving from right to left in front of their car. Two minutes later, three more lights \(two blinking, one steady\) appear to the right and pace the car at 85 mph, moving closer until they are about 100 feet directly above them. They are completely silent and possibly attached to an oblong-shaped object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Michigan Close Encounter,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 3 \(July 1980\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6138
### Event 43112 (6B458699)
**Date:** 6/18/1980
**Description:** A schoolgirl saw what looked like a big monkey-like creature shrink to something only a few inches tall outside her house in Lumut, Perak State, Malaysia at 7:00 a.m. She screamed and then fainted. At 10:30 a.m. that morning two more schoolgirls went to the local school and saw two minature figures less than 7 feet away from them. One was dressed in a white spacesuit, the other in black. They were very hairy and only about two inches tall. Both carried backpacks and some sort of weapons. Their feet did not touch the ground. That evening at around 8 p.m. two teachers and several students searched a field and saw three more of the tiny entities, dressed in white. They also found a U-shaped mark on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ahmad Jamaludin, Summary of Unidentified Flying Objects and Related Events in Malaysia, cases 97, 98, & 99
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3539
### Event 43113 (235799FA)
**Date:** 6/20/1980
**Location:** In air space, Kuwait
**Description:** While descending through 15,000 feet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot and crew observed a huge, brightly illuminated hemispherical object with a flat base moving steadily eastward at a slightly lower speed than his aircraft. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5302
### Event 43114 (6BFDF7FD)
**Date:** 6/20/1980
**Locations:** Kuwait City; Wafra
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. While descending through 15,000 feet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot and crew observe a huge, brightly illuminated hemispherical object with a flat base moving steadily eastward over Kuwait City at a slightly lower speed than his aircraft. “When I turned north at Wafra, the phenomenon was still clearly visible and remained so until we descended below the haze layer and started to approach the runway.” The crew of another airline flight 90 miles away reports sighting the same phenomenon. Radar does not detect the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** American Embassy, Kuwait, “Investigation of Unusual ‘Light Phenomenon’ Seen in Kuwait’s Skies,” telex, July 1980, in “[U.S. State Department ‘UFO’ Documents, Reviewed and Released 7 Feb 2000](https://www.cufon.org/cufon/staterepts.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6139
### Event 43115 (C16EAFE1)
**Date:** Summer 1980
**Location:** Soviet Union
**Description:** Ex Soviet test pilot Lev Vyatkin plane collided with an aircraft emitting a “hard beam”. The pilot managed to land successfully, but the wing, touched by the beam, continued to glow for several more hours.
**Type:** ufo encounter
**Reference:** [link](https://curiosmos.com/kapustin-yar-russias-alleged-area-51-10-things-you-should-know/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_712
### Event 43116 (70699E74)
**Date:** 6/21/1980
**Time:** 17:01:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ilus” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1934
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Ilus", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 43117 (8160B9AD)
**Date:** 6/21/1980
**Location:** Assumption, Illinois
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. Janet McLeod notices two large, orange, domed discs circling low about four blocks west of her home in Assumption, Illinois. They stop and hover at treetop level. The top one gradually fades out from top to bottom. The lower one turns on its side and shines a beam toward the ground for 5 minutes. Then it goes back to the horizontal and fades out in the same way. When she steps outside 5 minutes later, she notices it is dead quiet, the natural sounds resuming after 2 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Twin Domed Discs in Illinois,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 2, no. 5 \(July/Aug. 1980\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6140
### Event 43118 (CD0D3F8D)
**Date:** 6/21/1980
**Description:** In Assumption, Illinois at 1:30 a.m. Ms. McLeod reported that two low flying, slow orange colored domed discs circled and hovered for five minutes while directing a beam of light toward the ground. There was an unnatural quiet and the witness's dog never barked during the sighting. Two minutes after the UFO left natural sounds returned to the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, August 1980, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3587
### Event 43119 (98C5F66C)
**Date:** 6/22/1980
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 10 mile hemisphere seen / several airline crews! Going quickly east / 300MPH.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FAWCETT, Lawrence & GREENWOOD, Barry: The UFO COVERUP (Formerly Clear Intent); Prentice Hall, NJ 1984. 264pp. (Index 91)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13942
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kuwait", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "NW/KUWAIT CITY:10 MILE HEMISPHERE SEEN/SVRL AIRLINE CREWS!:>>E/300MPH", **LatLong:** "29.183335 47.916669", **LatLongDMS:** "29:11:00 N 47:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.183335,47.916669)", **State/Prov:** "KUW", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 43120 (5451A62F)
**Date:** 6/24/1980
**Time:** 15:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.0233 -116.0341
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Huron King” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_863
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0233 -116.0341", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:24 N 116:02:03 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0233,-116.0341)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.32", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Huron King", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43121 (07B5E2B1)
**Date:** 6/25/1980
**Time:** 02:27:00.0
**Location:** 49.8258 78.0994
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1581
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8258 78.0994", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:33 N 78:05:58 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8258,78.0994)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43122 (737A6518)
**Date:** 6/25/1980
**Time:** 06:00:00.0
**Location:** 52.9000 56.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 2-2” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1582
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "52.9000 56.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:54:00 N 56:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.9000,56.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.39", **NukeName:** "PNE:Butane 2-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 43123 (3D5AFDC3)
**Date:** 6/26/1980
**Time:** 00:20
**Description:** 2 / car. Dark silent 20M sphere passes / 60kph. Spins. Spots / side.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 202)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_13943
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SIMANDRE>
Later, under hypnosis, Godfrey recalled that he lost consciousness after a beam of light from the object struck him. Then he felt himself floating into the craft and meeting a human-like being named Joseph. The UFO occupant was six feet tall, and friendly in demeanor; Joseph had a thin nose, a beard, and mustache. He wore a skullcap and was clad in a robe, making him look something like a Biblical prophet. A large black dog accompanied him. The room also contained eight metallic robots, each about three and a half feet tall, with headgear like lampshades, which were making a sort of murmuring chatter. Whenever they touched Godfrey, beeping sounds emanated from them. Joseph directed Godfrey to a bed. He thought about resisting, but instead lay down on the bed, where a beam of light from the ceiling shone down on him. Communicating by telepathy, Joseph touched his head, and Godfrey lapsed into unconsciousness for a while. The robots removed Godfrey's shoes and studied his toes. Meanwhile, instruments were placed on his arms and legs , which caused him discomfort to the point of sickness. There was a sickly odor that permeated his nostrils, and he closed his eyes from time to time. Joseph asked him questions, but Godfrey would refuse to tell investigators what they were. The alien told Godfrey that they had met before, apparently when Godfrey was a child. After the incident, he had a split in the sole of his boot, and a bruise on his foot. EM effects were the failure of two different radio systems (UHF and VHF). Three other cops saw a bright light moving toward Todmorden at the time of Godfrey's abduction experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, FSR, August 1981, p. 4; UNICAT, case # 786; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 561-562; John Wallace Spencer, World Atlas of UFOs, p. 115; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Volume 2: Catalogue of Cases, case # 102; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 386, citing Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain, and Jenny Randles, The Pennine UFO Mystery
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8009
### Event 43443 (D4950851)
**Date:** 11/29/1980
**Location:** Todmorden, West Yorkshire, UK
**Description:** Two on duty uniformed traffic officers were parked up in a pub car park when they observed a very bright UFO low on the horizon. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5338
### Event 43444 (FB0A782C)
**Date:** 11/29/1980
**Locations:** Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England; Burnley Road
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. While checking reports of cattle wandering around a local council estate in Todmorden, West Yorkshire, England, Police Constable [Alan Godfrey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan%5FGodfrey) allegedly sees a bright light ahead on Burnley Road that appears to be a hovering, rotating object. He sees twigs and leaves swirling around beneath it. He experiences missing time of approximately 25 minutes, during which he splits a boot and acquires an itchy, red mark on his foot. Via hypnotic regression, he recalls being medically examined by alien creatures. In May, Godfrey had investigated the death of [Zigmund Adamski](https://www.astonishinglegends.com/astonishing-legends/2019/10/5/zigmund-adamski)[,](https://www.astonishinglegends.com/astonishing-legends/2019/10/5/zigmund-adamski) who had been missing for five days before his body was found on top of a coal pile. According to the coroner, Adamski died of a heart attack. Godfrey tells reporters at the time that he believes it possible that Adamski was abducted by aliens and placed on the coal pile “by someone or something.” Godfrey self-publishes Who or What Were They? in 2017, a book that includes his speculations regarding the Adamski case, abduction claims by [Travis Walton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis%5FWalton%5FUFO%5Fincident), and his own UFO sighting. In 2014, a partial witness to the event surfaces, a bus driver on Burnley Road who around 4:55 a.m. experiences one of the physical effects Godfrey describes—an oddly localized whirlwind buffeting debris and leaving a swirled road surface beneath.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Alan Godfrey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan%5FGodfrey)”; Jenny Randles, “[The Alan Godfrey Abduction, November 28,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/godfreyabduction.html) [1980,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/godfreyabduction.html)” UFO Casebook; “[Alan Godfrey,](http://www.noufors.com/Alan%5FGodfrey.htm)” Northern Ontario UFO Research and Study; Jenny Randles, The Pennine UFO Mystery, Granada, 1983, [pp. 122–135](https://archive.org/details/pennineufomyster0000rand/page/122/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/pennineufomyster0000rand/page/122/mode/2up) [147–168](https://archive.org/details/pennineufomyster0000rand/page/146/mode/2up); Good Above, [pp. 118–119](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/118/mode/2up); Jenny Randles, “Flappy Valley: Part One,” Fortean Times 325 \(April 2015\): 27; Jenny Randles, “Flappy Valley: Part Two,” Fortean Times 326 \(May 2015\): 27; Jenny Randles, “Flappy Valley, Part 3,” Fortean Times 327 \(June 2015\): 29; Jenny Randles, “Flappy Valley, Part 4,” Fortean Times 328 \(July 2015\): 28–30; Alan Godfrey, Who or What Were They? The Author, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6205
### Event 43445 (0740D930)
**Date:** 11/29/1980
**Locations:** Duncan, British Columbia; Mount Prevost
**Description:** Mechanic Granger Taylor, 32, of Duncan, British Columbia, a man obsessed with aliens and UFOs to the point of building his own full-size model in his backyard, announces to his friends and parents that he is going to board an alien spacecraft and take a 42-month interstellar voyage. He is never seen again. In 1986, truck fragments and bones are found at a blast site on Mount Prevost. Though DNA testing is not in common use at the time, pathology work by the coroner attributes the adult human bones to Taylor. Fragments of clothing found amid the decayed material are from a shirt owned by Taylor, as confirmed by his mother. Representatives from the auto division of the RCMP confirm the truck is his. A report by the B.C. Coroners office officially declares Taylor dead. A CBC-TV documentary about Taylor, Spaceman, is released in 2019 but fails to come up with a likely explanation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Hooper, “[The Man Who Went to Space and Disappeared,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/yvwjkv/the-man-who-went-to-space-and-disappeared-the-story-of-granger-taylor)” Vice, July 1, 2016; Mike Taylor, “[What Happened to Granger Taylor?](https://www.timescolonist.com/islander/what-happened-to-granger-taylor-4669648)” Vancouver \(B.C.\) Times Colonist, February 3, 2019; CBC-TV, “[Spaceman,](https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/episodes/spaceman)” 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6206
### Event 43446 (4B568B1F)
**Date:** 12/1980
**Location:** between the Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge
**Description:** UFO landing between the Bentwaters and Woodbridge NATA bases in England. Nearby animals driven into a frenzy, surrounding trees damaged, left moderate levels of radiation, 17 firsthand witnesses, event filmed.
**Type:** ufo landing
**Reference:** APCIC Vol 10 #4–1985
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_721
**See also:** 3/3/1985
### Event 43447 (371773A6)
**Date:** 12/1980
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 1976, Huntsville) In December 1980, tests began using a new chemical laser (hydrogen-fluoride) developing a power of 1 MW and small enough to be installed on board a modified Boeing KC-135 refueler plane. Initially, it seems that air-air missiles were able to be shot down in flight at a few hundred meters distance.
**Reference:** "La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 206
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3087
### Event 43448 (B9D4D3D5)
**Date:** 12/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Hessdalen, Norway, the beginning of a long wave of observations of curious phenomena, mainly yellow balls, powerful white-blue lights and groups of multicolored lights, and even non-luminous objects visible only during the day. The trajectories can be varied; the phenomena are recorded on various devices, sometimes on radar.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2890
### Event 43449 (B3485DB0)
**Date:** 12/1980 (approximate)
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NEAR CAPETOWN, RSA
**Description:** 2 / car. Blazing rocket maneuvers. Shoots going up [to] and away. Marked 'USA' with flag!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14060
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr CAPETOWN,RSA:2/CAR:BLAZING ROCKET MNVRS:SHOOTS↑ +AWAY:marked 'USA' w/flag!", **LatLong:** "-33.833335 18.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "33:50:00 S 18:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.833335,18.500001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43450 (1A29D107)
**Date:** 12/1980
**Location:** Moscow
**Description:** Army Lt. Col. [John B. Alexander](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FB.%5FAlexander) discusses in Military Review how psychotronic weapons could be developed by studying the paranormal. He discusses the remote-viewing studies of [Russell Targ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%5FTarg) and [Harold E.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff) [Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff) and their potential military applications. As for psychotronic weapons, he sees much potential, saying, “with development, these weapons would be able to induce illness or death at little or no risk to the operator. Range may be a present problem, but this will probably be overcome if it has not been already.” As an example, he cites work by the Soviets, who have “examined the effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans and have applied those techniques against the US Embassy in Moscow.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John B. Alexander, “[The New Mental Battlefield:](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp%5Fsociopol%5Fmindcon16.htm) [‘Beam Me Up, Spock!](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp%5Fsociopol%5Fmindcon16.htm)’” Military Review 60, no. 12 \(December 1980\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6207
### Event 43451 (283D1B09)
**Date:** 12/3/1980 (approximate)
**Description:** 4 cops. Rocket leaves (something behind) contrail. Stops / several minutes silently!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 202)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14061
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ROTTERDAM,HOLLAND:4 COPS:ROCKET LVS CONTRAIL:STOPS/SVRL MINUTES SILENTLY!", **LatLong:** "51.916669 4.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:55:00 N 04:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.916669,4.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Netherlands", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43452 (4EEF7441)
**Date:** 12/3/1980
**Location:** McLain, MS
**Description:** On Highway 57 in McLain, Mississippi Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey had the FM radio of their car quit, the car's headlights dim, and the car heater quit when a luminous, blue-white ball of light came briefly over the right side of the car's hood. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5339
### Event 43453 (06A9DEF5)
**Date:** 12/3/1980
**Time:** 17:33:00.0
**Location:** -21.8750 -138.9390
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Diomede” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1938
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8750 -138.9390", **LatLongDMS:** "21:52:30 S 138:56:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8750,-138.9390)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.58", **NukeName:** "Diomede", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 43454 (E3F420E8)
**Date:** 12/3/1980
**Locations:** State Highway 57; McLain, Mississippi
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. On State Highway 57 about 10 miles south of McLain, Mississippi, Robert and Janice Lowrey \[or Lawrey?\] see a luminous, blue-white ball of light to the east. The FM radio of their car quits, the car’s headlights dim, and the car heater quits when light comes briefly over the right side of the hood. They estimate the light to be about a foot in diameter and only 3 feet away. The seat belt alarm also comes on during the encounter. The light just vanishes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Vehicle Affected by Mini-UFO?” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 2 \(Jan./Feb. 1981\): 12–13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6208
### Event 43455 (0407F5A8)
**Date:** 12/3/1980
**Description:** One year later, at 10:30 p.m. on Highway 57 in McLain, Mississippi Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey had the FM radio of their car quit, the car’s headlights dim, and the car heater quit when a luminous, blue-white ball of light came briefly over the right side of the car’s hood. They estimated the light to be about a foot in diameter and only a meter away. The seat belt alarm also came on during the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, January 1981, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8168
### Event 43456 (FE8D165B)
**Date:** 12/4/1980
**Time:** 08:00
**Description:** Air Traffic Controllers and RADAR's and more/others. Unidentified RADAR BLIPs going south / 7-18km altitude. Night lights. / APRO v29#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14062
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "PERTH AIRPORT,W.AUS:ATCS+RDRs++:UID RDR BLIPs >S/7-18km alt:NLTs:/APRO v29#6", **LatLong:** "-31.850002 115.933339", **LatLongDMS:** "31:51:00 S 115:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.850002,115.933339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43457 (BE2253F6)
**Date:** 12/4/1980
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GUILIN, GUANGXI, CH
**Description:** "Satellite" going south. 90° turn going quickly east then zigzags widely! Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14063
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GUILIN,GUANGXI,CH:"SATELLITE" > S:90°TURN>>E THEN ZIGZAGS WIDELY!:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "25.283335 110.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "25:17:00 N 110:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.283335,110.216672)", **State/Prov:** "GNX", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43458 (311F913A)
**Date:** 12/4/1980
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** CHENGDU, SICHUAN, CH
**Description:** Night light zigzags like a saw going quickly northeast. Makes U-turn. Joins 6 more. All going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14064
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CHENGDU,SICHUAN,CH:NLT ZIGZAGS LIKE A SAW>>NE:MAKES U-TURN:JOINS 6 MORE:ALL>>N", **LatLong:** "30.616668 104.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "30:37:00 N 104:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.616668,104.066672)", **State/Prov:** "SCH", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43459 (F9A6F39F)
**Date:** 12/4/1980
**Location:** Foxboro, MA
**Description:** A young man had a close encounter with a saucer-shaped object with a row of rectangular windows around the circumference, and was struck by a light beam on the chest and felt paralyzed. Perceived communication, apparent abduction, burn marks on chest corresponding to light beam position. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5341
### Event 43460 (6F7B3F71)
**Date:** 12/4/1980
**Location:** Perth, AU
**Description:** G,V, Four UFOs on a/port radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5344
### Event 43461 (0ED03FF6)
**Date:** 12/4/1980
**Location:** Perth, Western Australia
**Description:** Radar-visual sighting of four objects at airport
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_364
### Event 43462 (D1DE954A)
**Date:** 12/4/1980
**Location:** Perth, Western Australia
**Description:** 8:38 a.m. Graham Moyle and other controllers at the Perth, Western Australia, airport report watching “silver tumbling discs” two or three times through 11:00 a.m. Danielle Russell, 12, sees four objects with lights that change color from red to blue to green moving quickly north to south at 11:00 a.m. There is a reported paint on the radar 7 miles distant at a speed of 138 mph and a height of 5 miles. The target is lost in the radar’s cone of silence. The RAAF scrambles a Macchi jet, but it cannot find the objects. At 1:20 p.m., a target is detected on the radar at 21 miles, due south. The tower tracks an object high above one of the runways. Five minutes later, the radar returns another target.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Jet Hunt for Australian UFOs,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 2 \(Jan./Feb. 1981\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6209
### Event 43463 (8CBA165E)
**Date:** 12/5/1980
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1592
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43464 (D0B14975)
**Date:** 12/5/1980
**Time:** 04:17:16.0
**Location:** 49.7517 78.1317
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .003KT YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1593
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7517 78.1317", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:06 N 78:07:54 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7517,78.1317)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".003", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 43465 (B9C9D542)
**Date:** 12/5/1980
**Locations:** Normal, Illinois; subdivision of Normal, Illinois
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Two teenagers parked next to a swimming pool in a subdivision of Normal, Illinois, see a stationary bright white light about half the size of the full moon in the western sky. Suddenly it splits into two smaller halves that rejoin, growing small and fuzzy, then brighten and enlarge. Three small lights shoot out and snap back in again. They watch the display for about one hour. During the last 15 minutes, their ears begin to hurt simultaneously. The pain shifts from their right ears to their temples, and they both feel a pea-shaped lump under their skin. They return home. The next day the lumps are gone but they have headaches. On December 8 at 8:45 p.m., the boy returns to the same spot alone and sees another light for about one minute. When he calls his girlfriend again to tell her, both regain the painful lumps in their temples.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Youths Link Pain with UFO,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 2 \(February 1981\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6210
### Event 43466 (A2B404E1)
**Date:** 12/6/1980
**Time:** 09:00
**Description:** 1 / bus stop. Telepathy? Large domed saucer / low altitude. Beam on and off. Turns and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14065
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HAMWORTHY,DORSET:1/BUS STOP:TLP?:LRG DOMED SCR/LO ALT:BEAM ON+OFF:TURNS+AWAY", **LatLong:** "50.716669 -2.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:43:00 N 02:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.716669,-2.016667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43467 (A223B66B)
**Date:** 12/6/1980
**Location:** Edwardsville, Illinois
**Description:** 12:45 a.m. A man is driving westbound a few miles north of Edwardsville, Illinois, when a disc-like object cuts across his view from the south about 100 feet away. It seems to be 40 feet in diameter and 9–13 feet thick. Five intense, steady, blue-white lights illuminate its dark shape. He sees windows at the center. The witness tries to drive toward the object, but his car engine fails for 1–2 minutes. The object zips off after a few minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Current Sighting Reports,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 3 \(March 1981\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6211
### Event 43468 (9EA22D32)
**Date:** 12/6/1980
**Location:** Poole, Dorset, England
**Description:** 9:01 a.m. Jean Findley of Poole, Dorset, England, is waiting for a bus and feels the urge to look up. She sees a disc-shaped, domed UFO hovering above nearby trees. Feeling “spellbound” and experiencing a sensation of “peace, calm, and warmth,” she watches the object emit a beam of light, rotate once, and fly away at a great rate of speed. She looks at her watch and sees that 4 minutes have elapsed, seemingly in the space of a few seconds. Even though it is rush hour, she sees no one else around.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 866; Jenny Randles, UFO Reality, R. Hale, 1983
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6212
### Event 43469 (22E7834E)
**Date:** 12/8/1980
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** SAFI, MAROC
**Description:** Train / square windows southeast going northwest. Structure invisible. Meteor shower? / r98#30p180.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14066
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Morocco", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SAFI,MAROC:TRAIN/SQR WINDOWS SE>NW:STRUCT INVSBL:meteor shower?/r98#30p180", **LatLong:** "32.383335 -9.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "32:23:00 N 09:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.383335,-9.233334)", **State/Prov:** "SFI", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 43470 (98941E78)
**Date:** 12/8/1980
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** Many observer(s). Round night light. Slow then fast. Stops / 3 second(s). Lost in clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14067
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "W.KUNMING,YUNNAN,CH:MANY OBS:ROUND NLT:SLO THEN FAST:STOPS/3sec:LOST IN CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "25.016668 102.650005", **LatLongDMS:** "25:01:00 N 102:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.016668,102.650005)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43471 (1B8D24FB)
**Date:** 12/10/1980
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / Hollywood. Cloud-cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers erratically. Pink glow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14068
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SAN PEDRO CHANNEL,CA:2 OBS/HOLLYWOOD:CLOUD-CGR MNVRS ERRATICALLY:PINK GLOW", **LatLong:** "33.583335 -118.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:35:00 N 118:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.583335,-118.500006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43472 (A02F73DE)
**Date:** 12/10/1980
**Time:** 07:00:00.1
**Location:** 61.7500 66.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Angara” Yield: 15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1594
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "61.7500 66.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "61:45:00 N 66:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.7500,66.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "2.49", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "PNE:Angara", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "15"
### Event 43473 (2B640A0E)
**Date:** 12/10/1980
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. two witnesses from Hollywood in a boat watched a cloud-cigar maneuver erratically for five minutes over the San Pedro Channel offshore of Los Angeles, California, giving off a pink glow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, issue 162
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8317
### Event 43474 (B004A348)
**Date:** 12/11/1980
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** SADDLE BROOK, NJ
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car from here to new Milford. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ANDREWS, George C: EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS AMONG US; FATE/Llewellyn Publs, St. Paul, MN 1992 (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14069
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "160", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "SADDLE BROOK,NJ:DLT FOLOS CAR FROM HERE TO NEW MILFORD:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.900002 -74.094448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:54:00 N 74:05:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.900002,-74.094448)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43475 (43CAC502)
**Date:** 12/12/1980
**Location:** Huffman, TX
**Description:** Burns and radiation damage. Cash/Landrum inc (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** NICAP: [801212](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/cashlandir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5345
### Event 43476 (3A71D2C2)
**Date:** 12/13/1980
**Location:** Lima, Ohio
**Description:** 5:47 p.m. James Garrigus sees an oblong, pulsating orange glow descending at a 30° angle in the northeast as he is driving in Lima, Ohio. Suddenly it curves back upward in a backwards “J,” continuing to move in the same direction. The light increases speed, still bobbing and spinning, and finally shoots upward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Nocturnal Light in Ohio,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 2 \(February 1981\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6213
### Event 43477 (1DC952DD)
**Date:** 12/14/1980
**Location:** CHINA, Beijing
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 5:35 in the afternoon, Fu Lingsong, Yu Lian, Qiu Jianhua and I were walking... (...) We suddenly saw a white flying object rise above the crest of the hill. The object looked like a cone, the lower part was larger than the upper part. As it rose, its dome became clearer and clearer. It was round, surrounded by a bluish halo, but the cone was still silver. It stayed in our field of vision for 30 seconds and then disappeared. Then the cone reappeared thirty seconds later. It was bigger than a fist, it went up and down, up and down zigzagging in the sky, this lasted three or four minutes, and then it suddenly disappeared forever.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 154
**Reference:** Jing Xingxing
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3088
### Event 43478 (BE1CEB7E)
**Date:** 12/14/1980
**Location:** CHINA, Beijing
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the afternoon we were taking pictures in the garden of Yuanmingyuan. Suddenly we saw in the sky a red-yellow cloud with a shining nucleus which was barely bigger than a fist. This cloud was slowly heading north. After a while, the shining nucleus shot up a beam of red light, while advancing and descending (from time to time the shining nucleus shot up and down two beams of red lights). Then this shining point flew towards the northwest until it disappeared. We looked at our watches which marked respectively 5:33, 5:34 and 5:36.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 155
**Reference:** Li Jianrong, Zhang Jianguo, Sun Lin
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3089
### Event 43479 (E4130CC7)
**Date:** 12/14/1980
**Location:** CHINA, Beijing
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Dong Hongbiao) Wang Yancheng and I saw a UFO on December 14, 1980 at 5:32 pm. (...) ...Around 5:35 pm, my brother and I were fishing at the edge of a reservoir of the Shijingshan steel mill. It was relatively clear then, there were no stars yet. My brother suddenly saw an object the size of a fist heading towards us. (...) I looked up and saw to the north an object shining above the mountain. As bright as a locomotive's headlight, this white-violet object was in the shape of a sphere. (...) Shortly after, this UFO took a vertical position and started to emit white steam from its base, but we didn't hear any noise. In two or three seconds it rose to more than 3000 meters, becoming as small as a nut. It stayed there motionless for three minutes. Then it started to move towards the north, horizontally, 5 km away, it descended vertically and disappeared behind the mountain to the west.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p.156
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3090
### Event 43480 (678BB46C)
**Date:** 12/14/1980
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** WEST / XIANGSHAN, CH
**Description:** Cone rises point up from mountain peak. Emits blue beams. / r120p217.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 202)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14070
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "W/XIANGSHAN,CH:CONE RISES POINT UP FRM MTN PEAK:EMITS BLUE BEAMS:/r120p217", **LatLong:** "29.483335 112.850005", **LatLongDMS:** "29:29:00 N 112:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.483335,112.850005)", **State/Prov:** "HUN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43481 (A73BD8C9)
**Date:** 12/14/1980
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** BEIJING, CH
**Description:** 20 separate observer(s). Disk seen / different angles and color(s). Fast. Shoots up then going quickly northeast and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14071
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BEIJING,CH:20 SEP.OBS:DISK SEEN/DIFF.ANGLES+CLRS:FAST:SHOOTS UP THEN>>NE+AWAY", **LatLong:** "39.900002 116.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "39:54:00 N 116:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.900002,116.333339)", **State/Prov:** "BJG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43482 (1A9E9E54)
**Date:** 12/14/1980
**Time:** 03:47:08.9
**Location:** 49.9090 78.9320
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 40KT YieldMax: 320KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1595
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9090 78.9320", **LatLongDMS:** "49:54:32 N 78:55:55 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9090,78.9320)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "40", **NukeYMax:** "320"
### Event 43483 (A20DACE7)
**Date:** 12/14/1980
**Description:** “Larry W.” writes Leonard Stringfield and claims that while at Arizona State University in 1975, a classmate of his “Mr. DR,” told him he witnessed a UAP “capture or retrieval” in 1968 while in the Army attending intelligence school in a remote desert area of Texas, approximately 50 miles from Big Spring, TX.
One mile from the Army compound was a small 16 acre USAF “facility” too small to be considered a full fledged base; it was restricted, well guarded and patrolled; Larry claims it had a large
metal building and warehouse, 1-2 small guard houses and a nearby concrete helicopter landing pad, with no airstrip or runway, surrounded by an 8 foot chain link fence topped with barbed wire.
He claimed he and other classmates observed unusual activity at the USAF site, which was only entered or existed by blue, officially marked USAF vehicles; large flat-bed trucks entered the warehouse but none to his knowledge ever left; he stated he believed a large underground workshop was set up beneath the warehouse; within months, he received written orders not to observe, talk about or go near the USAF facility; 5-6 of his classmates decided to find out what was going on and tried to enter the facility wearing USAF fatigues, they were not heard from for a month and all but one returned to the school with apparent psychological effects.
Two to three months later after this breach, all Army personnel were restricted to their quarters and windows were blacked out; a small group went to a crawl space in the attic above their bunks and removed some of the roof’s shingles to look out, seeing an “intense twinkling light descending in rapid, jerking movements,” that was changing colors, diminish in intensity and take a shape, before dropping to the ground; “it was in no way a conventional craft,” it was relayed to him; the object was disc shaped with a small bulge on top, the air shimmered around the craft as if it were hot, and no occupants were seen; USAF personnel surrounded the object when it landed; the next morning the area was clear.
DR states in 1971 he was warned by a Col. not to mention anything about UAP and Big Springs
* _[Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf), p151_
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_193
### Event 43484 (62561716)
**Date:** 12/15/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Numerous witnesses, including [Timothy Good](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GoodTimothy.html), observe a luminous flying object of conical shape in the South-East of London and in Kent. The front is red, the center silver and the back a sparkling blue. (December 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2891
### Event 43485 (094460E5)
**Date:** 12/15/1980
**Time:** 14:10
**Description:** 40+observer(s). Odd object hovers and divides and regroups. Darts and shoots straight up.. .
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14072
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "SE LONDON,ENG:40+OBS:ODD OBJ HVRS+DIVIDES+REGROUPS:DARTS+SHOOTS STRAIGHT UP...", **LatLong:** "51.383336 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:23:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.383336,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43486 (F06D325A)
**Date:** 12/15/1980
**Location:** London, UK
**Description:** Over 40 people in the southeastern part of London, England saw a UFO hover, divide into pieces, re-group, dart a short distance, and then shoot straight up. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5346
### Event 43487 (B6F0CC32)
**Date:** 12/15/1980
**Locations:** Orpington Hospital redevelopment site in London, England; Seal Chart near Sevenoaks, Kent
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. About 40 witnesses at the Orpington Hospital redevelopment site in London, England, watch a UFO that alternately hovers, moves slowly, shoots across the sky, and finally divides into three and disappears straight up at 4:15 p.m. The object is an elongated triangular shape with a reddish-orange nose, silvery body, and diamond-blue rear section, with its nose pointing southeast. Peter McSherry, clerk of works for Lovell \(Southern\) Ltd estimates its height at 50,000 feet. A video of the object is taken in the presence of other witnesses at Seal Chart near Sevenoaks, Kent, and although it shows only a point of light in a cloudless sky, it does corroborate the sighting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 76–79](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/76/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6214
### Event 43488 (BB7E1152)
**Date:** 12/15/1980
**Description:** In 1980 over 40 people in the southeastern part of London, England saw a UFO hover, divide into pieces, re-group, dart a short distance, and then shoot straight up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, p. 76
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8423
### Event 43489 (EF9CCD04)
**Date:** 12/17/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An English television channel broadcasts a short excerpt of a 30-minute film shot near Sevenoaks \(Kent\) showing the unknown object of the day before. The film is authenticated by 15 witnesses. (December 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2892
### Event 43490 (9F8B30B9)
**Date:** 12/17/1980
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** PINTERVILLE, FR
**Description:** 2 / home. Luminous yellow ball going up [to] over house. Instant speed. Circles area. Stops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 213)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14073
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PINTERVILLE,FR:2/HOME:LUMn.YLW BALL ↑ OVR HOUSE:INSTANT SPEED:CCLS AREA:STOPS", **LatLong:** "49.200002 1.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "49:12:00 N 01:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.200002,1.183333)", **State/Prov:** "EUR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43491 (75A98622)
**Date:** 12/17/1980
**Location:** Greenup County, KY
**Description:** No details except 5 witnesses of a C1. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5347
### Event 43492 (886F5F1C)
**Date:** 12/17/1980
**Time:** 15:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.3248 -116.3117
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Serpa” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1780
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3248 -116.3117", **LatLongDMS:** "37:19:29 N 116:18:42 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3248,-116.3117)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.57", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Serpa", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 43493 (7DDFB3D2)
**Date:** 12/18/1980
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** 2 miles west of Lone Mountain, Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** A Las Vegas pilot for Omni Airlines and his teenage passenger escaped uninjured after a midair collision with an unidentified object that ripped off part of the right wing and sent their plane into an uncontrollable spin at 5000ft. The pilot nursed his crippled Cessna 172 back to [North Las Vegas Airport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Las_Vegas_Airport). The object striked with such force that it almost ripped off the wing. He stated he thought it was a missile. The object appeared as "just a streak" as it fell past the nose of the plane. [Nellis Air Force Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellis_Air_Force_Base) spokesman said there were no Nellis-based aircraft or missiles anywhere in the area at the time of the accident. The spokesman added that AF jets enroute to the test range rarely approached the area. A call was immediately placed to Palmdale's regional facility for radar emergency response.
**Type:** midair collision
**Reference:** [AERIAL PHENOMENON CLIPPING INFORMATION CENTER, Cleveland OH, Feb. 1981, Vol. 6 No 2](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APCIC%20clipping%20service/APCIC%20-%20Vol%2006%20No%2002%20-%201981.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_918
**Attributes:** Nellis
### Event 43494 (434821B4)
**Date:** 12/18/1980 (approximate)
**Description:** Several observer(s). Odd glowing cloud / clear sky. Funnel / light going down / ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 159)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14074
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "COLESBURG,S.AFRICA:SVRL OBS:ODD GLOWING CLOUD/CLEAR SKY:FUNNEL/LITE↓/GND:", **LatLong:** "-30.761113 25.055557", **LatLongDMS:** "30:45:40 S 25:03:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.761113,25.055557)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43495 (C3A667E6)
**Date:** 12/18/1980
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Animals run. 25cm silver sphere/orb/globe going [to] by. 16 musical tones.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14075
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "456", **HatchDesc:** "S.JOSE do RIO PRETO,BRZ:4 OBS:ANIMALS RUN:25cm SLVR ORB > BY:16 MUSICAL TONES", **LatLong:** "-20.816668 -49.383336", **LatLongDMS:** "20:49:00 S 49:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.816668,-49.383336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43496 (11D2FA28)
**Date:** 12/18/1980
**Location:** Rio, Brazil
**Description:** Cows and horses alerted, then ran as small light flew by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [801218](http://www.nicap.org/ar-801218dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5348
### Event 43497 (52E97D0E)
**Date:** 12/18/1980
**Description:** Several witnesses on a farm in Colesburg, Eastern Cape, South Africa watched an odd glowing cloud-like object with a hazy funnel of light that reached downward to the ground for five minutes on an otherwise clear night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, MUFON UFO Journal, May 1981, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8496
### Event 43498 (FBFBC3E0)
**Date:** 12/18/1980
**Description:** On the same night on a farm in Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil, four men and women watched farm animals (cows and horses) panic and run from a 10-inch wide flying silver sphere that flew around for 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Newby Luce, MUFON investigation files database, case #931248J
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8497
### Event 43499 (DC931938)
**Date:** Winter 1980
**Location:** Great Britain, Hull
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the early morning hours, Mrs. A. woke up: flashing lights illuminated the window. She thought it was a helicopter, but the lights did not move. So she thought the helicopter was on fire, got up and went to the window. She was shocked by what she saw and went to wake up her 15-year-old son Billy. About 50 meters away there was an orange-red, triangular-shaped object "on its side" above the grassy area of the park behind their house, about 25 to 30 meters from the ground. The entire object was glowing and incandescent like coal in a stove. The object pulsed, becoming smaller and more orange, then larger and redder, with black spots appearing on the red glow. When they opened the window they saw it better, a series of portholes ran along the length of the object, and a strong yellow light was coming out of it. They could see inside the object, it was yellow and apparently empty. At first stationary, it began to move away slowly at about 20 km/h. On the back there were two panels that were so bright it looked like a furnace; The object went towards the buildings on the other side of the park, it was at 2/3 of their height and there it stopped, slowly turning on its axis and moving to the right to go around the buildings. Behind these buildings was a 125 meter high factory chimney. The object was heading towards the chimney, changing course without jerks. The object was observed until it was out of sight, for 10 to 15 minutes. (1980-1981, Winter)
**Reference:** Ufo Reality, issue 4, p. 52 - 1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3096
### Event 43500 (C4195804)
**Date:** 12/21/1980
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** KUNMING, CH
**Description:** Luminous/glowing white object hangs by moon. Then shoots going quickly east stopping 3X. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 203)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14076
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "KUNMING,CH:LUMn WHITE OBJ HANGS BY MOON:THEN SHOOTS>>E STOPPING 3X:ABS.SLNT:", **LatLong:** "25.016668 102.716672", **LatLongDMS:** "25:01:00 N 102:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.016668,102.716672)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43501 (D08BC09B)
**Date:** 12/25/1980
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** PACO DE ARCOS, PRT
**Description:** Pink ovoid going southwest over Atlantic Ocean. Sea roils. Turns inland going southeast. Heat felt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14077
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PACO de ARCOS,PRT:PINK OVOID >SW OVR ATL:SEA ROILS:TURNS INLAND>SE:HEAT FELT", **LatLong:** "38.700002 -9.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:00 N 09:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.700002,-9.283334)", **State/Prov:** "EST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43502 (0AF18C1D)
**Date:** 12/25/1980
**Locations:** northwest Europe; Police stations
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Soviet spy satellite Kosmos 749 re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere, breaks into several pieces, and creates a spectacular fireworks display over northwest Europe. Police stations, coast guards, and the RAF receive hundreds of calls reporting four or five “comet-like objects leaving bright trails.” Astronomers also record three fireball meteors the same night, the largest and brightest appearing at 3:00 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [p. 105](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n173/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6215
### Event 43503 (6FC76074)
**Date:** 12/26/1980
**Time:** ~00:10
**Description:** 1 observer. Mushroom-saucer over farmhouse. Goes going west. Dog sick and soon dies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FROM OUT OF THE BLUE; Berkley Books, NY 1993 PB 233pp. (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14078
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SUDBOURNE,SUFFOLK:1 OBS:MUSHROOM-SCR OVR FARMHOUSE:GOES >W:DOG SICK+SOON DIES", **LatLong:** "52.116669 1.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:07:00 N 01:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.116669,1.533333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43504 (6B1184E7)
**Date:** 12/26/1980
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 3 RADAR's. Fast 737-size blip crosses coast going SSW toward(s) Bentwaters.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FROM OUT OF THE BLUE; Berkley Books, NY 1993 PB 233pp. (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14079
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LOWESTOFT,SUFFOLK:3 RDRs:FAST 737-SIZE BLIP CROSSES COAST >SSW TWRD BENTWATERS", **LatLong:** "52.450003 1.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:27:00 N 01:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.450003,1.700000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43505 (6F82B781)
**Date:** 12/26/1980
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft back. Well observed and taped. Military all over. / MJ#203+/ r81p26.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: RANDLES, Jenny: UFO Crash Landing? 1998 Blandford, UK ISBN 0-7137-2655-5. Full account/1980 Rendlesham events.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14080
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "RENDLESHAM FOREST,ENGL:DLT BACK:WELL OBSD+TAPED:MIL ALL OVER:/MJ#203+/r81p26", **LatLong:** "52.083336 1.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:05:00 N 01:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.083336,1.416667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 43506 (84C05197)
**Date:** 12/26/1980
**Time:** 04:07:09.3
**Location:** 49.8630 78.1190
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1596
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8630 78.1190", **LatLongDMS:** "49:51:47 N 78:07:08 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8630,78.1190)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43507 (48C6D45F)
**Date:** 12/26/1980
**Locations:** Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England; RAF Woodbridge [now MOD Woodbridge]; Orfordness Lighthouse
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. A series of reported sightings of unexplained lights near Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England, have become linked with claims of UFO landings. The events occur just outside RAF Woodbridge \[now MOD Woodbridge\], used at the time by the United States Air Force. USAF personnel, including deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel [Charles I. Halt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles%5FI.%5FHalt), claim to experience a UFO event. A security patrol \(A1C [John](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/A1C%5FJohn%5FBurroughs.html) [Burroughs](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/A1C%5FJohn%5FBurroughs.html) and S/Sgt Budd Steffens\) near the East Gate of RAF Woodbridge sees lights apparently descending into nearby Rendlesham Forest. These lights are attributed by astronomers to a piece of natural debris seen burning up as a fireball over southern England at the time. The observers initially think it is a downed aircraft but, when others \(S/Sgt [James Penniston](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/Sgt%5FJames%5FPenniston.html), Burroughs, and A1C [Edward Cabansag](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/A1C%5FEdward%5FCabansag.html)\) enter the forest to investigate they see, according to Halt’s memo, a glowing object, metallic in appearance, with colored lights. As they attempt to approach the object, it appears to move through the trees, and “the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy.” Penniston later claims he and Burroughs encountered a “craft of unknown origin” while in the forest, which he photographs and touches, although there is no publicized mention of this at the time and no corroboration from other witnesses. \(Burroughs only reports a blinding white light.\) Shortly after 4:00 a.m., local police are called to the scene, but they report that the only lights they can see are those from the Orfordness Lighthouse, a few miles away on the coast. After daybreak, Burroughs and Penniston return to a small clearing near the eastern edge of the forest and find three small impressions on the ground in a triangular pattern, as well as burn marks and broken branches on nearby trees. At 10:30 a.m., the Suffolk Constabulary are called out again, this time to see the impressions, which they think could have been made by an animal. [Georgina Bruni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgina%5FBruni)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgina%5FBruni) in her book You Can’t Tell the People \(2000\), publishes a photo of the supposed landing site taken on the morning after the first sighting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6216
### Event 43508 (CF012C83)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Location:** RAF Woodbridge
**Description:** USAF UFO report signed by Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Commander, RAF Woodbridge stating: Two USAF security police patrolmen saw a UFO either hovering or on legs outside the backgate, Woodbridge. Being early morning, it illuminated the entire forest with a white light. Description: Metallic in appearance and triangular in shape, pulsing red light on top and banks of blue lights underneath. Approx. 2–3 meters across and 2 meters high. It maneuvered through the trees and disappeared.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p456)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_722
**See also:** 12/29/1980
### Event 43509 (E0743939)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Woodbridge (Suffolk)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 3:00am, two USAF security police on patrol saw an unusual light at the back exit of RAF Woodbridge. They were given permission to go and investigate, as they believed it to be a plane crash. Three men were sent on foot. They reported seeing a luminous object, of metallic appearance and triangular shape, 2/3 of a mile from the base, and 2m in altitude. The object was illuminating the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had a pulsing red light at its top and one or more blue bands of light on the underside. The object hovered in a stationary position, or stood on legs. As the patrol approached, the object maneuvered between the trees and disappeared. Meanwhile, the animals at the nearby farm were in a "frenzy". The object was briefly seen again an hour later, again near the back exit of the camp. The next day, three depressions 1 1/2" deep and 7" in diameter were found at the spot where the object was seen. The next day (December 29, 1980) the area was scanned for radiation. Beta/Gamma readings of around 0.1 milliroentgens were recorded, with a maximum in the three depressions and at the center of them. A nearby tree showed a moderate reading (.05-.07) on the side facing the depressions.
**Reference:** FOIA document
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3091
### Event 43510 (BB35A7FB)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Rendlesham (Suffolk)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Source: Did the Americans drop a satellite on Suffolk? Rendlesham Forest, 27/28 December 1980) During the night of 27th to 28th December, more than 50 people, both civilians and military, make their comments after the observation of a UFO. This ranges from an extraterrestrial vessel, to the dropping of hard drugs, to secret military experiments. But I propose the facts: Big Bird 16, a USAF low altitude spy satellite, is launched from Vandenberg base in California on June 18th, 1980 and is placed in a very wide polar orbit. This satellite carries six capsules, to be recovered. The 67th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron (ARRS), based in Woodbridge, is one of the units designated to collect the capsules when they enter the atmosphere. The satellite flies over the Arctic at 27,000 km/h, and north of Norway, in the night of 27/28 December 1980 and drops one of its capsules. While the mother satellite continues to orbit, the capsule enters the atmosphere above the North Sea, heading SSW. Some Lockheed HC-130 Hercules planes and a group of HH-53C helicopters from the 67th ARRS wait above the Dogger Bank, the planes at altitude, the helicopters near the water. But the parachutes of the capsule do not open. The capsule continues to descend without being braked, on its initial trajectory, flying too high and too fast for the planes that await it. This trajectory of the capsule leads it directly to the RAF base at Woodbridge. As soon as the alert was given about the failing parachutes, the capsule is seen on fire above Lowestoft, and the crash takes place in the woods of Rendlesham. The whole base participates in the search. (...) (1980, December 27-28)
**Reference:** Richard Kidd and Michael Akeroyd, August 1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3092
### Event 43511 (60F902B8)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The radars at the [RAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/RAF.html) Watton \(Norfolk\) base detect an unknown flying over the North Sea towards the coast. It disappears from the screens around the Rendlesham Forest. At roughly the same time, near the forest, the security guards at the gate of the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) [RAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/RAF.html) Woodbridge base see lights descending from the sky towards the trees. They are given permission to investigate and they leave the base in a Jeep. (3 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2893
### Event 43512 (05E8FBDA)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Rendlesham](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Bentwaters.html) Incident: While serving as base commander at Bentwaters Air Base in southern England, [Colonel Halt](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HaltCharlesI.html) observes and investigates various anomalous objects appearing in the sky over Rendlesham Forest. The observations occur over two distinct nights during the week following Christmas. (5:30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2894
### Event 43513 (BF51667D)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Time:** 01:50
**Description:** Night light follows car. Going up [to] fast. Cows stampede. Many separate observer(s). / r81p74.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14081
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr MARTLESHAM,SUFFLK:NLT FOLOS CAR:↑fast:COWS STAMPEDE:MANY SEP.OBS:/r81p74", **LatLong:** "52.066669 1.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:04:00 N 01:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.066669,1.300000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43514 (63D798F8)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** ESE / WOODBRIDGE, ENG
**Description:** 12' delta/triangle/box-like craft / ground. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Radiation/radioactivity. Movies. Coverup? / MJ#203+/ r81p16+/ r41p99.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, Don & HUNEEUS, Antonio: UFO BRIEFING DOCUMENT The Best Available Evidence, Nov. 1995 CUFOS/FUFOR/MUFO. 128pp 8x11. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14082
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "ESE/WOODBRIDGE,ENG:12'DLT/GND:EME:RDA:MOVIES:COVERUP?:/MJ#203+/r81p16+/r41p99", **LatLong:** "52.072225 1.444445", **LatLongDMS:** "52:04:20 N 01:26:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.072225,1.444445)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43515 (E7FECE38)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Blue delta/triangle/box-like craft rotates and wobbles going northwest. Edge flashes yellow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14083
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "nr LANZHOU,CHINA:2 OBS:BLU DLT ROTATES+WOBBLES >NW:EDGE FLASHES YELLOW", **LatLong:** "36.050002 103.783338", **LatLongDMS:** "36:03:00 N 103:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.050002,103.783338)", **State/Prov:** "GNS", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43516 (1A146646)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Location:** Greenup County, KY
**Description:** No details except 5 witnesses of a C1. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5349
### Event 43517 (66E90DFD)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**End date:** 12/30/1980
**Location:** Rendlesham, UK
**Description:** Air Force security police encounter with landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physical evidence (section II). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [801227-30](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/801227rendledir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5350
### Event 43518 (AC5A96A5)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**End date:** 12/30/1980
**Location:** Rendlesham Forest, UK
**Description:** Late Dec. 1980; Rendlesham Forest, England, Col. Halt Case (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection)
**Reference:** NICAP: [801227-30](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/801227rendledir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5351
### Event 43519 (4B4EB371)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**End date:** 12/30/1980
**Location:** Bentwaters AFB, UK
**Description:** Air Force security police encounter with landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physical evidence
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_365
### Event 43520 (9A736317)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Time:** 04:09:10.6
**Location:** 50.0630 78.9820
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1597
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.0630 78.9820", **LatLongDMS:** "50:03:47 N 78:58:55 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.0630,78.9820)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 43521 (52867FEE)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Location:** Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Construction workers skating in Yantan Park, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China, notice a red triangular object moving slowly in the eastern sky. It moves above them and they notice it has a misty circle surrounding it and a dark red center. It also has a gray protuberance that shines a brilliant light, and the outer edge emits regular flashes of yellow light. They watch it for 7 minutes until it disappears in the northwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The Chinese Connection…and Some Wholesome Chinese Philosophy,” IUR 7, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1982\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6217
### Event 43522 (7B134AE6)
**Date:** 12/27/1980
**Description:** Bentwaters AFB, England - A famous close encounter landing with radar confirmation, and a possible encounter with humanoids occurred in the early morning hours between Bentwaters and Woodbridge RAF/USAF Bases. The case involved many military personnel, including the base commander, Colonel Halt. A nocturnal light had been sighted repeatedly over several nights prior to this encounter. On the night in question a 12 foot wide cone-shaped object was encountered near the ground outside the west gate of the Bentwaters base. According to several of the military witnesses, the UFO shone light beams into the nuclear weapons storage area, them landed or hovered quite close to the ground in the forest outside the base. A USAF security patrol outside the back gate of RAF Woodbridge likely had the closest encounter. The UFO they saw hovered at treetop level, and was described as being round with a red light on top and several blue lights underneath. It was surrounded by a yellow mist. It landed in a field, illuminating the ground, then shot up. Larry Warren, one of the military enlisted men present, claims that UFO occupants were seen on this occasion. At the same time, in nearby Martlesham in Suffolk county, a nocturnal light followed a car and then shot up into the air, causing a herd of cows to stampede.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 26, 77, Jenny Randles, From Out of the Blue, p. 16; Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 15; Michael David Hall, UFOs: A Century of Sightings, p. 320; Peter Brookesmith, UFO: The Complete Sightings, p. 123
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8625
### Event 43523 (B09D93F2)
**Date:** 12/28/1980
**Locations:** RAF Woodbridge; Orfordness Lighthouse
**Description:** 1:48 a.m. RAF Woodbridge Deputy Base Commander [Charles Halt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles%5FI.%5FHalt) visits the alleged December 26 landing site with 20–30 servicemen \(including [John Burroughs](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/A1C%5FJohn%5FBurroughs.html)[,](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/A1C%5FJohn%5FBurroughs.html) Sgt. [Adrian Bustinza](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/Sgt%5FAdrian%5FBustinza.html)[,](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/Sgt%5FAdrian%5FBustinza.html) Sgt. Bobby Ball, and Sgt. [Monroe Nevels](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/SSgt%5FMonroe%5FNevels.html)\). They take radiation readings in the triangle of depressions and in the surrounding area using an AN/PDR-27, a standard US military radiation survey meter. Although they record 70–100 microR/hr at the landing site, in other regions they detect only 30–40 microR/hr, around the background level. Furthermore, they detect a similar small “burst” over half a mile away from the landing site. Halt records the events on a microcassette recorder, the “Halt tape,” released to UFO researchers in 1984 by Col. Sam Morgan, who has succeeded [Ted Conrad](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/Colonel%5FTed%5FConrad.html) as Halt’s superior. The tape chronicles Halt’s investigation in the forest in real time. During this investigation, a flashing light is seen across the field to the east, almost in line with a farmhouse, as the witnesses had seen on the first night. The Orfordness Lighthouse is visible further to the east in the same line of sight. Later, three star-like lights are seen in the sky, two to the north and one to the south, about 10° above the horizon. The brightest of these hovers for 2–3 hours and seems to beam down a stream of light from time to time. Astronomers have explained these as merely bright stars. In June 2010, retired Col. Charles Halt signs a notarized affidavit, in which he again summarizes what happened, then states he believes the event to be extraterrestrial and covered up by both the UK and US military. Contradictions between this affidavit and the facts as recorded at the time in Halt’s memo \(dated January 13, 1981\) and tape recording \(made December 28\) have been pointed out. In 2010, base commander Col. Ted Conrad provides a statement about the incident to UFO researcher [David Clarke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FClarke%5F%28journalist%29)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FClarke%5F%28journalist%29) Conrad states that “We saw nothing that resembled Lieutenant Colonel Halt’s descriptions either in the sky or on the ground” and that “We had people in position to validate Halt’s narrative, but none of them could.” In an interview, Conrad criticizes Halt for the claims in his affidavit, saying “he should be ashamed and embarrassed by his allegation that his country and Britain both conspired to deceive their citizens over this issue. He knows better.” Conrad also disputes the testimony of Sgt. [James Penniston](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/Sgt%5FJames%5FPenniston.html)[,](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/Sgt%5FJames%5FPenniston.html) who claims to have touched an alien spacecraft; he had interviewed Penniston at the time and he had not mentioned any such occurrence. Conrad also suggests that the entire incident was a hoax.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6218
### Event 43524 (474C4C3A)
**Date:** 12/28/1980
**End date:** 12/29/1980
**Locations:** RAF Woodbridge; Capel Green; Orfordness Lighthouse
**Description:** Around 12:00 midnight. USAF A1C [Larry Warren](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/Larry%5FWarren.html) claims he is on patrol at RAF Woodbridge with other servicemen who are bringing lighting equipment to a large clearing called Capel Green. At 12:30 a.m., he is directed into the woods to “investigate a disturbance.” They soon come to a large field where about 40 military personnel are gathered. They are ordered to surround what appears to be a bright fog or mist. When his group enters the field, Warren sees it is a glowing, yellow-green, circular object not more than 12 inches in height. Two officers walk around it with Geiger counters, someone takes photos, and another operates a movie camera. He hears shouts of “Here it comes!” and sees a small red light that quickly approaches his group at 1:30 a.m. The basketball-sized object makes a downward arc and hovers at 20 feet above the ground. It then explodes in a blinding flash that gives off no heat. Instantly, about 25 away, Warren claims he sees a large, pyramid-shaped object topped by a glowing red light. Covering the entire surface are what look like boxes and pipes. An officer orders [Bustinza](http://www.therendleshamforestincident.com/Sgt%5FAdrian%5FBustinza.html) and Warren \(now feeling nauseous\) to approach within 10–15 feet of the object. Before long they are ordered further back. A staff car arrives, carrying Col. [Gordon Williams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon%5FE.%5FWilliams) and his staff. From far behind the object comes a bright bluish ball of light. Warren claims he can see large-headed beings inside. He sees Col. Williams approach the beings and stare at them. Warren arrives back at Security Control at 4:30 a.m. Most ufologists find Warren’s account unreliable, and the book he coauthored, Left at East Gate, is withdrawn by the publisher, Cosimo, in 2017 after finding “inaccurate or embellished” testimony. In 2010, [Jenny Randles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny%5FRandles), who first reported the Rendlesham case in the London Evening Standard in 1981 and coauthored with local researchers the first book on the case in 1984, Sky Crash: A Cosmic Conspiracy, emphasizes her previously expressed doubts that the incident was caused by extraterrestrial visitors. While suggesting that an unidentified phenomenon might have caused parts of the case, she notes: “Whilst some puzzles remain, we can probably say that no unearthly craft were seen in Rendlesham Forest. We can also argue with confidence that the main focus of the events was a series of misperceptions of everyday things encountered in less than everyday circumstances.” The most plausible skeptical explanation is that the sightings are due to a combination of several factors. The initial sighting on December 26, when the airmen saw something apparently descending into the forest, coincides with the appearance of a bright fireball over southern England; such fireballs are a common source of UFO reports. The supposed landing marks are identified by police and foresters as rabbit diggings. According to the witness statements from December 26, the flashing light seen from the forest lay in the same direction as the Orfordness Lighthouse. When the eyewitnesses attempted to approach the light, they realized it was further off than they thought. Timings on [Halt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles%5FI.%5FHalt)’s tape recording indicate that the light he saw, which lay in the same direction as the light seen two nights earlier, flashed every five seconds, which was the flash rate of the Orfordness Lighthouse. The star-like objects that Halt reported hovering low to the north and south are thought by some skeptics to have been misinterpretations of bright stars distorted by atmospheric and optical effects. No evidence has emerged to confirm that anything came down in the forest. However, [Nick Redfern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FRedfern) in The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy alleges that the events were created by US and UK military as part of a series of top-secret experiments involving ball lightning and the “use of sophisticated holograms and hallucinogens” to test the reactions of the personnel exposed to them.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Rendlesham Forest incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rendlesham%5FForest%5Fincident)”; NICAP, “[Rendlesham](http://www.nicap.org/801226rendlesham%5Fdir.htm) [Forest Encounter / Halt Case](http://www.nicap.org/801226rendlesham%5Fdir.htm)”; Brenda Butler, Dot Street, and Jenny Randles, Sky Crash, Grafton, 1984; Jenny Randles, “Mystery at Rendlesham,” IUR 9, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1984\): 10–11, 15; “[A Flashlight in the Forest,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/29015789/the-guardian/)” The Guardian \(UK\), January 5, 1985, p. 9; Robert H. Coddington, “[An Analysis of the Rendlesham Forest Incident](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FIUR%5FArticlesR.pdf) [Tape,](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FIUR%5FArticlesR.pdf)” IUR 10, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1985\): 9–13; Jenny Randles, “[The Cover-Up in England,](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FIUR%5FArticlesR.pdf)” IUR 12, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1987\): 9–12, 20; Jenny Randles, “[A Fire in the Forest: New Light on the Rendlesham Landing,](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FIUR%5FArticlesR.pdf)” IUR 13, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1988\): 4–17, 21; Jenny Randles, “[Rendlescam,](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FIUR%5FArticlesR.pdf)” IUR 14, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1989\): 16–18; Good Above, [pp. 79–96](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/78/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/78/mode/2up) [456](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/456/mode/2up); Nick Pope, Open Skies, Closed Minds, Simon & Schuster, 1996, [pp. 141–165](https://archive.org/details/openskiesclosedm0000pope/page/140/mode/2up); Larry Warren and Peter Robbins, [Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Bentwaters-Woodbridge UFO](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9781569247594) [Incident, Its Cover-Up, and Investigation](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9781569247594)[,](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9781569247594) Marlowe, 1996; Jenny Randles, UFO Crash Landing? Friend or Foe? The Full Story of the Rendlesham Forest Close Encounter, Blandford, 1998; Jenny Randles, “Seeing the Forest for the Trees: New Twists in the Bentwaters Case,” IUR 23, no. 2 \(Summer 1998\): 16–19, 29–30; Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [pp. 105–111](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/104/mode/2up); Georgina Bruni, You Can’t Tell the People, Sidgwick & Jackson, 2000; Jenny Randles and Richard Hall, “[The Rendlesham Forest Case: Point/Counterpoint,](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FIUR%5FArticlesR.pdf)” IUR 25, no. 3 \(Fall 2000\): 8–15, 30; Jenny Randles, “[Rendlesham Forest: The British MoD File,](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FIUR%5FArticlesR.pdf)” IUR 26, no. 3 \(Fall 2001\): 21–25, 30–32; Ian Ridpath, “[The](http://www.ianridpath.com/ufo/rendlesham.html) [Rendlesham Forest UFO Case,](http://www.ianridpath.com/ufo/rendlesham.html)” Ian Ridpath, February 28, 2003; “[Rendlesham: UFO Hoax,](https://www.bbc.co.uk/insideout/east/series3/rendlesham%5Fufos.shtml)” Inside Out: BBC, June 30, 2003; Dave Cosnette, “[The Bentwaters Rendlesham Forest Incident,](http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmicrend.html)” January 2005; Michael D. Swords, GrassRoots UFOs: Case Reports from the Timmerman Files, Fund for UFO Research, 2005, pp. 145–146; Kean, [pp. 169–173](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/168/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/168/mode/2up) [179–188](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/186/mode/2up); UFOFiles2, [pp. 105–115](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n173/mode/2up); Nick Pope, with John Burroughs and Jim Penniston, [Encounter](https://archive.org/details/encounterinrendl0000pope) [in Rendlesham Forest](https://archive.org/details/encounterinrendl0000pope)[,](https://archive.org/details/encounterinrendl0000pope) Thistle, 2014; Jenny Randles, “Rendlesham Forest Genesis: Part One,” Fortean Times 336 \(February 2016\): 24–25; Jenny Randles, “Rendlesham Forest Genesis: Part Two,” Fortean Times 337 \(March 2016\): 28–29; Jenny Randles, “Rendlesham Forest Genesis: Part Three,” Fortean Times 338 \(April 2016\): 26–27; Jenny Randles, “Rendlesham Forest Genesis: Part Four,” Fortean Times 339 \(May 2016\): 26–27; Jenny Randles, “Rendlesham Forest Genesis: Part Five,” Fortean Times 340 \(June 2016\): 28–29; Andrew Pike, The Rendlesham File: Britain’s Roswell? Flying Disk Press, 2017; Nukes 403–443; Clark III 950; Matt Salusbury, “Rendlesham Revisited,” Fortean Times 387 \(Christmas 2019\): 28–29; Jim Penniston and Gary Osborn, The Rendlesham Enigma: Book 1, Timeline, The Authors, 2019; “[Colonel Charles Halt Returns to Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK, Sept.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQW-jdEed8U) [8th 2019,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQW-jdEed8U)” David Young Paranormal Dimensions Radio Presenter YouTube channel, October 6, 2019; Nick Redfern, The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy, Lisa Hagan, 2020; Jim Penniston and Gary Osborn, “The Full Report,” The Rendlesham Forest Incident Official Website; Jim Penniston and Gary Osborn, “Witness Statements,” The Rendlesham Forest Incident Official Website; Jim Penniston and Gary Osborn, “Others Involved,” The Rendlesham Forest Incident Official Website; Center for UFO Studies, \[[Rendlesham case](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FGreenwoodR%5FRedacted.pdf) [documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1980%5F12%5F27-28%5FUK%5FSUFF%5FRendlesham-Forest%5FGreenwoodR%5FRedacted.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6219
### Event 43525 (01AE1A30)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Location:** RAF Woodbridge
**Description:** Lt. Col. C. I. Halt, sees a UFO that separates into 5 UFOs and later sees 3 other UFOs.
**Type:** ufo sightings
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p456)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_723
**See also:** 12/27/1980
### Event 43526 (4469CB55)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Location:** Dayton, TX
**Description:** A low flying UFO was escorted by a large number of helicopters (23) including some Chinooks and possibly Hueys, near Dayton, Texas. It was probably escorted to the Top Secret underground installation within Fort Hood, Texas. The secret air force base is NOT listed in the Air Force Officer’s Guide or the Air Force Almanac (it is an Army AFB). The name of the Secret base is Gray AAF, Texas. The special group piloting the helicopters escort for UFO are known as the “BLUE BOYS”. The Texas Department of Public Safety works closely with Gray AAF on UFO cases.
**Type:** ufo sightings
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_724
**See also:** 6/6/88
### Event 43527 (330B511E)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Location:** north of Houston, TX
**Description:** Cash-Landrum incident. It was investigated by ex-Col. John B. Alexander on behalf of the inspector General of the Pentagon.
**Type:** ufo encounter
**Reference:** [link](https://www.roswellufomuseum.com/post/the-cash-landrum-ufo-incident)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_725
### Event 43528 (2D579C7A)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Location:** USA, Huffman, between Caney and Dayton (Texas)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Case: "Cash-Landrum". Two middle-aged women and one of their grandson were driving back to Dayton on a deserted secondary road at 7 pm. In front of them they saw a bright red object that suddenly started to descend and hovered in front of them: an enormous diamond-shaped object standing on its point and so bright they could barely look at it. They stopped and looked. Periodically the object would spit out flames that came towards the road; it would then lift up and travel a short distance. All three of them got out of the car but the grandson was so scared that the grandmother took him and locked themselves in the vehicle. The driver stayed outside for a short while and eventually got back in the car. After a quarter of an hour, the object which had been quite loud, also emitting a continuous "beep-beep", rose above the pine trees, turned on its side and slowly glided south. As it moved away it was surrounded by more than 20 military helicopters identified by the women as CH-47 Chinook. On their way back, all three of them had nausea, severe headaches, diarrhea, skin rashes, stomach ache and intense thirst. The driver had to be hospitalized, her face was swollen and covered in blisters and she stayed in the clinic for a month. Since then all three of them have become highly sensitive to heat, the women lost a lot of their hair, which grew back in 6 months. However, military authorities deny the presence of helicopters in the area that night. (Bob PRATT - USA) Bette Cash, Vicky Landrum and her grandson notice a bright light in the distance while in the car, then see in front of them a vertical diamond, extremely bright, hovering over the road. Helicopters apparently escort the object. A beep-beep is heard, and the temperature rises sharply. The witnesses subsequently suffer from various symptoms, possibly due to exposure to ultraviolet or ionizing rays. Secret craft? (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63) • HUFFMAN, TEXAS (USA) on 12/29/80 Betty CASH (52 years old), Vicky LANDRUM and her son Colby LANDRUM (7 years old): swollen neck, ears and eyelids; blisters on the face; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; significant hair loss; 15 days of hospitalization
**Reference:** source UG, page 312
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3094
### Event 43529 (A45BF203)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Location:** USA, Woodbridge
**Description:** (Translated from French) On December 27, 1980, a similar event occurred. This time there were more witnesses, including Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt of the USAF. As they entered the woods, their equipment malfunctioned. A kind of pulsating light was heading towards them. It seemed to be dripping large drops like molten metal. This light suddenly exploded into several pieces. Three fragments remained suspended in the air for two to three hours. The local population also saw them.
**Reference:** © 1997 Jeroen Slurf and Jeroen Kümeling. Ufo Nieuwsbrief jaargang 1 nr 1
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3095
### Event 43530 (4D170247)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Cash/Landrum Incident](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#LandrumVickie). (December 29)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2895
### Event 43531 (2A1240F5)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Puerto Rico, observation of creatures with pointed ears and webbed feet.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2896
### Event 43532 (D8DE9765)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The word "extraterrestrial" enters the _Petit Larousse Illustré_, with the following definition: Outside of the Earth's atmosphere and as a noun, an inhabitant supposed to be from another planet than Earth.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1980.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2897
### Event 43533 (E1F36D8F)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** HUFFMAN, TX
**Description:** Vertical saucer. Heat. Radiation/radioactivity? Beeps. 20+helicopters chase going quickly southwest. Observers sick. / r41p227.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 356)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14084
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "HUFFMAN,TX:VERTCL SCR:HEAT:RDA?:BEEPS:20+COPTERS CHASE>>SW:OBSs SICK:/r41p227", **LatLong:** "30.027779 -95.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "30:01:40 N 95:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.027779,-95.083338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43534 (BF410E17)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Location:** Huffman, TX
**Description:** Cash/Landrum Case (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [801229](http://www.nicap.org/801229huffman%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5352
### Event 43535 (9F927FFB)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Location:** Huffman, TX
**Description:** Diamond- or spindle-shaped object blocked vehicle. Heat, sound, strong physiological effects indicating radioactivity. Mystery helicopters followed UFO
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_366
### Event 43536 (35DF5D33)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Locations:** Piney Woods of East Texas near Huffman; Houston; Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport]
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. While driving through the Piney Woods of East Texas near Huffman, about 40 miles northeast of Houston, [Betty J. Cash](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2014/02/whos-who-in-cash-landrum-ufo-case.html) and her two passengers notice a bright light ahead. As they draw within about 130 feet, they are confronted by a fiery diamond-shaped object, emitting flames down toward the road. What happens after that is mind-boggling. Betty Cash and [Vickie](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/42263879/vickie-marzelia-landrum) and [Colby Landrum](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2014/02/whos-who-in-cash-landrum-ufo-case.html) suffer apparent radiation illness after watching a flame-spewing UFO and mystery helicopters. Eventually, Cash and Landrum contact their US Senators, [Lloyd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd%5FBentsen) [Bentsen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd%5FBentsen) and [John Tower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FTower)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FTower) who suggest that the witnesses file a complaint with the Judge Advocate Claims office at Bergstrom Air Force Base \[now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport\]. In August 1981, Cash, Landrum, and Colby are interviewed at length by personnel at Bergstrom and told that they should hire a lawyer and seek financial compensation for their injuries. With attorney [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932) taking on the case pro bono, the case winds its way through the US courts for several years. Cash and Landrum sue the federal government for $20 million. On August 21, 1986, US District Court Judge [Ross N. Sterling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross%5FN.%5FSterling) dismisses their case, noting that the plaintiffs have not proved that the helicopters are associated with the government and that military officials have testified that US armed forces do not have a large, diamond-shaped aircraft in their possession. Although there is no doubt that the incident occurred, it is now considered by many to be a non-UFO case. In December 2018, [Brian Dunning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian%5FDunning%5F%28author%29) investigates the case and reports his findings on the Skeptoid podcast. He finds that the notes taken by Cash’s cardiologist, [Vasudev B. Shenoy](https://www.healthcare6.com/physician/houston-tx/vasudev-shenoy-1060562.html)[,](https://www.healthcare6.com/physician/houston-tx/vasudev-shenoy-1060562.html) attribute her hair loss to the autoimmune disease alopecia areata, that her other symptoms could be caused by illnesses that started before the incident, and that Landrum’s only documented illness is developing a cataract in one eye. He suspects that “Cash and Landrum wrongly, but honestly, placed the blame for their health problems onto whatever they saw; and even pushed the truth a bit trying to get the Air Force to pay for it.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cash-Landrum incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash%E2%80%93Landrum%5Fincident)”; NICAP, “[Cash/Landrum Case](http://www.nicap.org/801229huffman%5Fdir.htm)”; “[Burns Follow UFO Incident,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201981%2008%2000%20-%20Vol%2029%20No%208.pdf)”APRO Bulletin 29, no. 8 \(1981\): 1–4; “Physical Effects, Helicopters, and a Fiery UFO,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 4 \(May/June 1981\): 13–14; John Schuessler, “Cash-Landrum Case Closed?” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 222 \(October 1986\): 12, 17; John Schuessler, “[Medical Injuries Resulting](http://cufos.org/books/The%5FSpectrum%5Fof%5FUFO%5FResearch.pdf) [from a UFO Encounter,](http://cufos.org/books/The%5FSpectrum%5Fof%5FUFO%5FResearch.pdf)” The Spectrum of UFO Research, CUFOS, 1988, pp. 58–69; John F. Schuessler, [The](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitized%5Fby%5FAFU/Schuessler%2C%20John%20F%20-%20Cash-Landrum%20Radiation%20Case%20-%20VISIT%20report.pdf) [Cash-Landrum Radiation Case](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitized%5Fby%5FAFU/Schuessler%2C%20John%20F%20-%20Cash-Landrum%20Radiation%20Case%20-%20VISIT%20report.pdf), Project VISIT, 1998; “[Huffman 1980,](http://roswellbooks.com/museum/?page%5Fid=354)” Texas UFO Museum and Research Library, December 11, 2006; Michael D. Swords, “Can UFOs Cause Physiological Effects? Part 2,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(September 2011\): 4–5; Good Above, [pp. 303–305](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/302/mode/2up); ClearIntent, [pp. 106–108](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/106/mode/2up); Good Need, [pp. 335–337](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/334/mode/2up), [345–346](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/344/mode/2up); Clark III 226–228; Curt Collins, “[The Cash-Landrum Case UFO Document Collection,](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2013/07/resource-guide-for-cash-landrum-ufo-case.html)” Blue Blurry Lines, October 3, 2019; Project VISIT, \[[case articles and clippings](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitized%5Fby%5FAFU/Schuessler%2C%20John%20F%20-%20Cash-Landrum%20Radiation%20Case%20-%20VISIT%20report.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6220
### Event 43537 (4177F809)
**Date:** 12/29/1980
**Description:** Shortly after 9 p.m. Betty Cash, age 52, was driving through a pine forest on a rural road near her home in Dayton, Texas with her friend Vickie Landrum, age 57, and Landrum's grandson, six-year-old Colby. They watched as a brilliant diamond-shaped object descended over the road directly in front of them, spitting flames from its underside. Betty Cash slammed on the brakes and brought the car to a halt about 150 feet away from the UFO. They immediately felt an intense heat inside the car and heard a loud roaring sound. They got out of the car and stared at the blinding light and a metallic structure as big as the 200 foot-tall water tower in Dayton. It was shaped like a diamond with a blunt top. The UFO seemed to be struggling to climb above the treetops, and it was emitting blasts of fire and a continuous roar that reminded the women of a shrill welding torch, only much louder. After ten minutes the object rose above the trees, tilted onto one side, and began moving off slowly toward the south. They then saw up to 23 large, Chinook style helicopters show up in the sky, apparently in pursuit of the object.
(Continued.) On the drive home Betty and Colby said they suffered headaches and later nausea, and over the next several days experienced bouts of vomiting, diarrhea, and skin burns. Betty Cash also lost most of her hair, and on January 2, 1981 was admitted to Houston's Parkway General Hospital as a burn patient. She spent four of the next five weeks in the hospital.
Cash and Landrum contacted the state police and nearby military bases, but no one could or would provide them with an explanation. Cash was advised to contact John F. Schuessler, a NASA contractor and employee of McDonnell Douglas Aircraft, who was a project manager for the Space Shuttle Flight Operation, and is now the Director for MUFON. Schuessler and NASA physicist Alan Holt interviewed the witnesses, who took them to the encounter site. Where the UFO came down over the highway the yellow line had swiggled from the melting heat. "A roughly 20-foot circle of the road surface appeared to have melted and then resolidified," said Schuessler. Trees in the vicinity were blackened twenty feet above the ground on the side facing the road.
Schuessler also found five other witnesses who had observed the same or a similar UFO the same night. Another eight witnesses, including a Dayton police officer, claimed to have seen the swarm of helicopters but not the UFO. For the next several years Schuessler tried without success to identify the helicopters and where they came from, but there were unconfirmed rumors that the helicopters came from a Texas Air National Guard base.
Health problems continued to plague Betty Cash, Vicky Landrum and Colby. Cash moved to Birmingham, Alabama where, as Dr. Bryan McClelland said in an interview, "The illness that she suffered after her exposure was an absolute classic radiation injury in which she lost skin and hair, then had diarrhea and vomiting. She could not have made it up. Vicky Landrum has subsequently died.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John F. Schuessler, MUFON case investigation files; Randy Fitzgerald, Reader's Digest
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8644
### Event 43538 (4B707CF8)
**Date:** 12/31/1980
**Description:** Near Sacramento, California the main witness, John, was driving on California Highway 5 heading toward Sacramento. Shortly after 10:00 p.m. he spotted a large, dark object coming toward him and moving slowly, left to right. The object passed him, but when he looked behind him it was no longer in sight. "I have to see what this is," he thought to himself and he intended to pull over at the same time that he started to feel groggy and his truck's engine began sputtering. He experienced a period of missing time, and the next thing he remembered was that he felt he had just awakened from sleep, although he was driving with both hands on the steering wheel. It struck him as odd that all the holiday traffic was gone and no other vehicles were on the roadway. Thinking only a few minutes had passed, he called his girlfriend to tell her about his unusual experience, and was surprised that she was angry with him because he had been out of touch for nearly three hours. It was already 1:00 a.m. on New Years Day.
(Continued.) In 1992 John underwent hypnotic regression, and was able to remember some of what had happened to him during his missing time episode. He remembered being led somewhere by hand, and having no control. Whoever was leading him seemed to have all the control. John became very agitated as they wanted him to look at something and he didn't want to. Becoming even more agitated and crying, he remembered that the aliens were showing him tanks and he didn't want to be there. John could not bear to look at what was being shown to him, and it took two more hypnotic regression sessions to get through his block and remember what he had been looking at. John described a small baby floating in some type of hearvier-than-water fluid. Tearfully, he described one of "them" saying this particular baby was his and that he had to show it some love. John recalled, "They are saying, I am here for a reason, there are a number of them telling me it's my child, to love it, to feel love for that baby. I need to connect; they tell me it will help the baby feel part of something. I can't believe this is happening!" After showing John "his baby", the beings escorted him to another romm he described as "clean, sterile and bright, with a long table in the middle." John began crying again and said, "I'm telling them I don't want to do this again." He recalled the aliens telling him that they were just going to take a sample. He became more agitated and repeated twice, "It's not right what they are doing...it's not right!"
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1980 Humanoid Reports, citing Yvonne Smith, Yvonne@ysmith.com.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8676
## Year: 1981, 591 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 43539 (4035762D)
**Date:** 1981
**Location:** China
**Description:** The "China Society of UFO Research" (CSUR) research organization was established. More than 600 UFO's have been reported within the past 5 years in China. Studies will be done on UFO's and human body science relationships.
**Type:** research organization
**Reference:** "Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good page 219
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_726
### Event 43540 (CF0BAB0B)
**Date:** 1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Bill Moore](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MooreWilliamLeonard.html) meets the main victim of his disinformation campaign, [Paul Bennewitz](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BennewitzPaul.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2898
### Event 43541 (1E4CFA6D)
**Date:** 1981
**Location:** New York
**Description:** New York artist [Budd Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins) publishes Missing Time, which first describes his research into abductions that show they are far more plentiful than anyone suspects, biological in purpose, and perhaps lifelong in scope. Hopkins also shows that a period of unexplained missing time is a typical aspect of the abduction experience. The information comes primarily from hypnotic regression performed by licensed psychologist [Aphrodite Clamar](https://doctor.webmd.com/doctor/aphrodite-clamar-ab8738e2-5b55-4812-a744-3992f61501fd-overview), who also conducts psychological tests on the abductees.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Budd Hopkins, [Missing Time: A Documented Study of](https://archive.org/details/missingtimedocum00hopk%5F0) [UFO Abductions](https://archive.org/details/missingtimedocum00hopk%5F0)[,](https://archive.org/details/missingtimedocum00hopk%5F0) R. Marek, 1981
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6221
### Event 43542 (0097F87B)
**Date:** 1981
**Description:** Center for UFO Studies researcher [Mark Rodeghier](http://www.cufos.org/mark%5Frodeghier.html) publishes UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, a comprehensive catalog and analysis of 441 cases where UFOs seem to affect cars or motorcycles. He finds that most of these cases occur in the late evening or early morning hours, and that in 35% of the cases, witness estimate they are within 100 feet of the object. Rodeghier also notes a high concentration of four characteristics: the presence of a light beam, loss of control of the vehicle, a physiological effect on the witness, and the UFO chasing the vehicle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, [UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf)[,](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) CUFOS, 1981
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6222
### Event 43543 (8DE5DD5E)
**Date:** 1981
**Location:** Newark, Ohio
**Description:** A husband and wife are sleeping in their farmhouse near Newark, Ohio, when their dogs start barking loudly. They can hear people talking outside their window in a “foreign” language. They do not investigate, but in the morning they find three sets of footprint-like traces outside. They look like elongated scratch marks about 12 inches long, are uniform in shape, and go all the way to the fence line and through it. The couple begins to see a “perfectly round white circle of light,” about 1.5 inches in diameter, moving slowly around in their bedroom each night. The light is seen for about a month, no matter how the blinds and curtains are arranged. Sometimes it would stop moving for hours.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “A Trick of the Light,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6223
### Event 43544 (7B204E0B)
**Date:** 1981
**Location:** Trondheim, Norway
**Description:** The Norsk Institutt for Vitenskapelig Forskning og Opplysning in Trondheim, Norway, begins publishing the NIVFO Bulletin, edited by Gunnar Bertelsen and Kilbjørn Stenødegård. It continues through spring 1995.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [NIVFO](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/NIVFO-Bulletin/NIVFO-Bulletin%20-%201981%20No%201.pdf) [Bulletin](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/NIVFO-Bulletin/NIVFO-Bulletin%20-%201981%20No%201.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/NIVFO-Bulletin/NIVFO-Bulletin%20-%201981%20No%201.pdf) no. 1 \(1981\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6224
### Event 43545 (EF6FA462)
**Date:** 1981
**Description:** Lawyer Andrew Basiago claims he served in a DARPA **Project Pegasus** in the 1970s which utilized time travel technologies to view different segments of human history. Basiago claims beginning in 1981-1983, he and William B. Stillings worked in a building at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo, CA operated by Hughes Aircraft. Basiago claims there is a “jump room” at this location that allowed for full teleportation of humans to a network of different jump rooms.
* [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/marte/esp_marte_78.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/marte/esp_marte_78.htm)
>**_Note_**: Basiago reiterates these claims in public media and in a signed affidavit alleging **Project Pegasus** gave the DOD foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Basiago claims knowledge of the “Montauk chair” (see 1971) and suggests programs utilize “time viewing” technology for intelligence purposes and a secret space program utilizes teleportation technology far advanced beyond those in the open source.
>* [https://www.scribd.com/doc/294419690/Affidavit-of-Andrew-D-Basiago](https://www.scribd.com/doc/294419690/Affidavit-of-Andrew-D-Basiago)
>**_Note_**: In the open source, quantum teleportation was first proposed in 1993 and achieved in 1997. Most recently, researchers have teleported information between atoms dozens of kilometers apart and have transferred information between clouds of gas atoms. A recent study at University of California also suggested human brains were ready for teleportation due to a unique natural behavior of the hippocampus. Still, Basiago’s claims are astounding and suggest teleportation technology in the black is hundreds of years ahead of open source, if true, though they may very well be false claims.
>* [https://phys.org/news/2013-06-quantum-teleportation-atomic-distances.html](https://phys.org/news/2013-06-quantum-teleportation-atomic-distances.html)
>* [https://futurism.com/research-shows-brains-ready-teleportation](https://futurism.com/research-shows-brains-ready-teleportation)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_197
### Event 43546 (302F9CA8)
**Date:** 1/1981
**Location:** USA, Morenci (Arizona)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The workers of the copper foundry repair team in Morenci say that a massive UFO appeared above the two 220-meter-high chimneys and seemed to want to examine the inside of one of them by projecting a powerful beam of light. The 4 men of the team, busy repairing the other chimney, say that the UFO had the shape of a boomerang and was as big as four football fields. On its visible surface there were 12 small red lights and a huge white searchlight in the center. "It seemed to stop halfway up, above the chimney, and projected its light inside," said worker Randell Rogers, 20. His colleague, Larry Mortenson, added: "I've never seen an airplane hover like that. I had the feeling that it was not aggressive. Finally, it did nothing to scare us, although it did nothing friendly either." A third man on the team, Kent Davin, said that when the projector was examining the inside of the chimney, one of the small red lights detached itself from the boomerang at an incredible speed, but returned after a few moments. Without warning, the UFO then turned and shot off into the sky like a rocket. This UFO was also seen by a hundred members of a musical support club with animation, who were doing a practical exercise outdoors on the local football field, a mile from the foundry. "I saw all these lights in the shape of a V in the sky," said director Bruce Smith, and there was not the slightest sound. It hovered for a few minutes, then disappeared high into the sky.
**Reference:** Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 16
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3101
### Event 43547 (3EE9073E)
**Date:** 1/1981
**Location:** Brazil, Camaracu Island
**Description:** (Translated from French) Farmer Domingos Monteiro Brito reported that he encountered two strange beings when a gray saucer landed on his land at dawn. The beings looked like humans and asked him a lot of questions in his own language: how many people lived in the village, were there any uninhabited areas in the region, but he was too scared and does not remember if he answered. The craft left, but the beings told him they would come back. [Note from vog: this looks a lot like a helicopter prospecting by the Moon sect, which eventually settled in the country in different regions, from the 1980s...]
**Reference:** Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELLL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 135
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3102
### Event 43548 (3B346367)
**Date:** 1/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Interview with the Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy Moscow Aviation Institute [Felix Zigel](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ZiegelFelixY.html) for an Italian newspaper. He will claim to hold more than 50,000 cases of which he has only published \(in Samizdat\) a tiny part in order not to panic the population. (January)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2899
### Event 43549 (C88C850F)
**Date:** 1/1981
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** BANKS CO, GA
**Description:** 1 / car. 100M and round object hovers overhead / 2 min. Absolute(ly) silent. Many lights / surface.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14085
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "275", **HatchDesc:** "BANKS co,GA:1/CAR:100M+ RND OBJ HVRS OVHD/2 min:ABS SLNT:MANY LITES/SURFACE", **LatLong:** "34.350002 -83.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:21:00 N 83:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.350002,-83.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43550 (157AF56B)
**Date:** 1/1981
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Main road empty. Metal saucer overhead. 2 abduction. Pseudo-human/entity shows dolphin / tank?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS - the Mystery Solved; Inner Light, NJ 1988. (Index 91)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14086
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "WORLEY,MANCHESTER:MAIN ROAD EMPTY:MTL SCR OVHD:2 ABD:PSH SHOWS DOLPHIN/TANK?", **LatLong:** "53.488891 -2.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:29:20 N 02:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.488891,-2.366667)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 43551 (DB283EAB)
**Date:** 1/1981
**Locations:** Khatanga; Krasnoyarsk Krai; Russia
**Description:** A. Bindas observes a radiant object above the city of Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, during the polar night. It disappears and reappears abruptly, hovers, and directs a wide beam of light on the ground. After 5–7 minutes it zooms off in a spiral-shaped trajectory.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, p. 97
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6225
### Event 43552 (9C33F8BD)
**Date:** 1/2/1981
**Location:** PETWORTH, ENGL
**Description:** Dark double-disk hovers / roadside. Purrs. Fades away. 90m / missing time. / MJ#177.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 354)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14087
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PETWORTH,ENGL:DRK Dbl-DISK HVRS/ROADSIDE:PURRs:fades away:90m/Mst:/MJ#177", **LatLong:** "50.966669 -0.600000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:58:00 N 00:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.966669,-0.600000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43553 (DC82A71E)
**Date:** 1/3/1981
**Description:** Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_367
### Event 43554 (CE23D323)
**Date:** 1/6/1981
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** PAYSON, AZ
**Description:** Cop and more/others. 4 silver saucers / diamond formation. Reflect sunlight turning. / MJ#158.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 355)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14088
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1490", **HatchDesc:** "PAYSON,AZ:COP++:4 SLVR SCRS/DIAMOND FORMn:REFLECT SUNLITE TURNING:/MJ#158", **LatLong:** "34.233335 -111.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:14:00 N 111:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.233335,-111.333339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43555 (9815641B)
**Date:** 1/6/1981
**Location:** Payson, AZ
**Description:** Four silvery discs executed turns, maneuvers, in a diamond formation. Objects flashed in sunlight as they turned, crossed western sky (sections V, X). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5354
### Event 43556 (63A83A32)
**Date:** 1/6/1981
**Location:** Payson, AZ
**Description:** Four silvery discs executed turns, maneuvers, in a diamond formation. Objects flashed in sunlight as they turned, crossed western sky
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_368
### Event 43557 (2DE72182)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Location:** FRANCE, Trans en Provence
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 5 pm, Renato Nicolaï, who was working in his garden, saw an object that was round, about 2.50m in diameter and 1.70m in height, slightly curved and lead-colored. At its base there were 4 portholes. The craft was hovering 50 cm above the ground, motionless. After a minute, the witness approached and the object flew away vertically, very quickly, without making any noise or raising any dust. On the ground there was a circular trace 2.40m in diameter and 4 cm deep. On June 17, 1983, GEPAN, which works under the aegis of the National Center for Space Studies, published Report No. 16, bringing together the examinations of 5 laboratories and concluding "that a major event occurred in this place." A line of fracture in the ground may have been due to the combined action of strong mechanical pressure linked to a heating estimated at 600 degrees, dried vegetation without any trace of carbonization, inexplicable chlorophyll mutations of wild clover plants taken from the site, with very significant alterations of their different pigments... which could have been caused by an electromagnetic phenomenon.
(Jean-Francis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy Trédaniel 1995, p. 70, 71) Attracted by a whistling sound, Renato Nicolaï saw a disc-shaped object 2.50m in diameter land a few tens of meters away from him. He noted few details, and already the UFO was taking off and moving away at great speed. A circular, striated trace marked the landing site. Samples were taken. Wild clover had undergone biochemical disturbances, perhaps due to the action of microwaves. (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63) and see also: (Robert ROUSSEL: "Ovni, les vérités cachées de l'enquête officielle", éd. Albin Michel 1994, p 154 and following) The story is told by calling the witness Renato Colini, in:
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, ed. Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 66 to 68
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3098
### Event 43558 (15085D90)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of [Rénato Nicolaï](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#NicolaiRenato) in Trans-en-Provence. The ovoid object has the appearance of two overturned metal bowls, the upper part of which is transparent and forms a cabin. (January 8th (February?), 5 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2900
### Event 43559 (E1837096)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Time:** 17:10
**Description:** 8' saucer going down. Going northeast. Soil / 300° C. Vegetation baked. / r149p63+/ LDLN#207+/ r12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14089
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TRANS-en-PROVENCE,FR:8'SCR ↓:>NE:SOIL/300°C:VEG.BAKED:/r149p63+/LDLN#207+/r12 ", **LatLong:** "43.505558 6.488889", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:20 N 06:29:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.505558,6.488889)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43560 (9CFAA66B)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 2 / boat. 2 night lights exchange light beams. Sea lit. Batteries dead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14090
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off FLINDERS Isl,AUST:2/BOAT:2 NLTS EXCHANGE LITE BEAMS:SEA LIT:BATTERIES DEAD", **LatLong:** "-40.000002 148.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 S 148:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-40.000002,148.000007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43561 (4473040A)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Location:** Flinders Island (near), Tasmania
**Description:** On a boat near Flinders Island two men saw two nocturnal lights exchange light beams. The sea was illuminated by the UFO display, and the batteries on board the boat were found to be dead. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5355
### Event 43562 (B9D6CCC9)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Location:** Trans en Provence, France
**Description:** Object descends onto a nearby hill. Update (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [810108](http://www.nicap.org/lt-810108dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5357
### Event 43563 (D95CE921)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Location:** Trans-en-Provence, France
**Description:** Landing, physical trace case investigated by official French agency
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_369
### Event 43564 (971EA34E)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Location:** Trans-en-Provence, Var, France
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. A well-documented case of physical effects from a UFO takes place in Trans-en-Provence, Var, France. Renato Nicolaï, a gardener, hears a strange whistling sound while doing agricultural work on his property. He then sees an object in the shape of two saucers, one inverted on top of the other, about 8 feet in diameter land about 150 feet away at a lower elevation. It has a thick band around the middle section, two circles that look like trapdoors, and two feet that extend about 8 inches below the body of the machine. The object takes off almost immediately, rising above the tree line and departing to the northeast. The case quickly comes to the attention of the police and is soon investigated by GEPAN, the French government’s scientific team of UFO investigators. The physical traces include evidence of vegetation and soil heating, skid marks, and circular ground marks. The chemical analysis reveals that the soil has been heated to 300°–600° C. [Jean-Jacques Velasco](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques%5FVelasco) thinks that the object could have weighed between 4 and 5 tons. Trace amounts of phosphate and zinc are found in the sample material, and an analysis of wild alfalfa near the landing site shows chlorophyll levels 30%–50% lower than expected. The police report says that the trace, which appears on an active road, looks like one made by a car tire. This explanation is dismissed by GEPAN because of Nicolaï saying otherwise.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Trans-en-Provence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-en-Provence%5Fcase) [Case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-en-Provence%5Fcase)”; NICAP, “[Disc Leaves Extensive Ground Traces](http://www.nicap.org/lt-810108rep.htm)”; [Enquête 81/01: Analyse d’un Trace](http://www.ldi5.com/ovni/sepra/nt16.php)[,](http://www.ldi5.com/ovni/sepra/nt16.php) Note Technique no. 16, Groupe d’Étude des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés, Centre Nationale d’Étude Spatiales, March 1, 1983; Michel Bounias, “[Biochemical Traumatology As a Potent Tool for Identifying Actual Stresses Elicited by](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/4/jse%5F04%5F1%5Fbounias.pdf) [Unidentified Sources,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/4/jse%5F04%5F1%5Fbounias.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 4, no. 1 \(1990\): 1–18; Jean-Jacques Velasco, “[Report on](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/4/jse%5F04%5F1%5Fvelasco.pdf) [the Analysis of Anomalous Physical Traces: The 1981 Trans-en-Provence UFO Case,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/4/jse%5F04%5F1%5Fvelasco.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 4, no. 1 \(1990\): 27–48; Jacques Vallée, “[Return to Trans-en-Provence,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/volume-4-number-1-1990)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 4, no. 1 \(1990\): 19–25; Michel Bounias, “Further Quantification of Distance-Related Effects in the Trans-en-Provence Case,” JUFOS 5 \(1994\): 109–121; Peter Sturrock, The UFO Enigma, 1999, [pp. 257–297](https://archive.org/details/ufoenigma00pete/page/256/mode/2up); Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [pp. 112–120](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/112/mode/2up); Swords 443–445; 2Pinotti 53–56
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6226
### Event 43565 (6E48D00A)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Description:** Perhaps the best documented and most thoroughly investigated case of physical effects from a UFO occurred on this day in Trans-en-Provence, France. At five p.m. Mr. Nicolai, a gardener, saw a metallic disc-shaped object making a whistling sound land hard in a garden. It was estimated to be eight feet by six feet in size, and had four openings on the underside. It also had a thick band around the middle section of the object. The case quickly came to the attention of the police and was soon investigated by GEPAN, the French government’s scientific team of UFO investigators. The physical traces included evidence of vegetation and soil heating, skid marks, and circular ground marks. The chemical analysis revealed that the soil had been heated to temperatures not in excess of 600 degrees Celsius.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Confrontations: A Scientist’s Search for Alien Contact, p. 104
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_207
### Event 43566 (2C2EA3D1)
**Date:** 1/8/1981
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. on a boat near Flinders Island, Tasmania two men saw two nocturnal lights exchange light beams. The sea was illuminated by the UFO display, and the batteries on board the boat were found to be dead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Research Australia Newsletter, May 1982, p. 7 citing Tasmania UFO Investigation Centre, report dated March 6, 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_208
### Event 43567 (254D0BBE)
**Date:** 1/9/1981
**End date:** 3/7/1981
**Location:** Northern California
**Description:** Local concentration of sightings
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_370
### Event 43568 (77FF04D3)
**Date:** 1/12/1981
**Description:** Citizens Against UFO Secrecy files an appeal against the CAUS v. NSA decision.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** ClearIntent, [p. 188](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/188/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6227
### Event 43569 (3FFCFDA0)
**Date:** 1/13/1981
**Location:** Bentwaters AFB
**Description:** Bentwaters AFB Air Force Memo from Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt, Deputy Base Commander.
**Type:** memo
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_727
**See also:** 12/27/80
**See also:** 12/29/80
### Event 43570 (BF5A08C6)
**Date:** 1/13/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An official report from Lieutenant Colonel [Charles Halt](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HaltCharlesI.html), Deputy Base Commander of Bentwaters, describing the events of December 27 and 29, is sent to the British Ministry of Defence. (January 13)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2901
### Event 43571 (CDE2CDFA)
**Date:** 1/14/1981
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** WADESBORO, NC
**Description:** Odd sound. 16 round objects maneuver overhead. Lights / sides. TV sets electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14091
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "159", **HatchDesc:** "WADESBORO,NC:ODD SOUND:16 ROUND OBJS MNVR OVHD:LITES/SIDES:TV SETS EME:", **LatLong:** "34.966668 -80.077782", **LatLongDMS:** "34:58:00 N 80:04:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.966668,-80.077782)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43572 (28797937)
**Date:** 1/14/1981
**Description:** An odd sound was heard at 7:30 p.m. as 16 round objects with body lights maneuvered overhead in Wadesboro, North Carolina. TV sets in the area experienced interference.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Tarheel Group, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1981, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_326
### Event 43573 (B96AE6E3)
**Date:** 1/15/1981
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** CHUXIAN, YUNAN, CH
**Description:** Many observer(s). Extremely bright slow ovoid going quickly northeast. Turns. Going quickly [to] behind clouds and mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14092
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "CHUXIAN,YUNAN,CH:MANY OBS:XBRITE SLOW OVOID>>NE:TURNS:>>BHND CLOUDS+Mtns", **LatLong:** "25.033335 101.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "25:02:00 N 101:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.033335,101.500005)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43574 (FFC8AFF1)
**Date:** 1/15/1981
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** NEAR KUNMING, CH
**Description:** Vibrant bright saucer-ovoid in steep descent suddenly rises. Levels off and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14093
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr KUNMING,CH:VBRITE SCR-OVOID in STEEP DESCENT SUDDENLY RISES:LVLs OFF+AWAY", **LatLong:** "25.083335 102.750005", **LatLongDMS:** "25:05:00 N 102:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.083335,102.750005)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43575 (973BB668)
**Date:** 1/15/1981
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** WUHAN, CH
**Description:** 1+observer(s). 2 moons side by side! 1 full;one is [a] half-moon. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14094
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WUHAN,CH:1+OBS:2 MOONS SIDE BY SIDE!:1 FULL; 1=HALF-MOON:NFD", **LatLong:** "30.566668 114.350005", **LatLongDMS:** "30:34:00 N 114:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.566668,114.350005)", **State/Prov:** "HUB", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43576 (E0E45C01)
**Date:** 1/15/1981
**Time:** 20:25:00.1
**Location:** 37.0871 -116.0448
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Baseball” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_870
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0871 -116.0448", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:14 N 116:02:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0871,-116.0448)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Baseball", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 43577 (656379AA)
**Date:** 1/15/1981
**Location:** Terre Haute, Indiana
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. People in Terre Haute, Indiana, begin reporting a string of about a dozen lights in the sky to a local television station. The lights are stationary then disappear by shooting straight up.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “UFO Mini-Flap in Southern Indiana,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 3 \(Mar./Apr. 1981\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6228
### Event 43578 (4BB5C255)
**Date:** 1/15/1981
**Location:** Prairieton, Indiana
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. Three sets of witnesses in Prairieton, Indiana, driving past two different fields on the same road, see 7–11 four-foot-tall humanoids that appear to be searching for something. Some witnesses think they are naked; others report they are wearing “tight-fitting suits.” Most witnesses are within 20 feet of the creatures, usually watching for 15–20 seconds before racing off. At 10:30 p.m., two women in a different area of town get a fleeting glimpse of a 6–7-foot tall creature with fur and luminous red eyes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “UFO Mini-Flap in Southern Indiana,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 3 \(Mar./Apr. 1981\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6229
### Event 43579 (708B9D51)
**Date:** 1/17/1981
**Location:** Virginia Beach, Virginia
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. A witness at a construction site near Virginia Beach, Virginia, sees two silver cigars moving northbound in the eastern sky. Each has distinct outlines, a surface like aluminum, and pointed ends. They are flying with a slight up/down motion but horizontally at about 1,000–2,000 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Current Sighting Reports,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 3 \(March 1981\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6230
### Event 43580 (F95D1CC5)
**Date:** 1/20/1981
**End date:** 1/20/1989
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** President Ronald Reagan in office.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_728
**See also:** 12/27/80
**See also:** 12/29/80
### Event 43581 (B1672B6B)
**Date:** 1/22/1981
**Location:** Jesup, Georgia
**Description:** Many witnesses see a brilliant triangular object with multiple red lights descending swiftly above the treetops just southeast of Jesup, Georgia. It is only visible for a few seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 171–172
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6231
### Event 43582 (D63FF099)
**Date:** 1/23/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Fengcheng (Haiyang)
**Description:** (Translated from French) 7:08 PM. It had snowed that day. After dinner I went outside to shovel the snow in front of my house. As soon as I stepped outside I saw a huge round object, emitting red lights, above the roof of the house across from mine. This object had a diameter of 5 to 6 m, its upper part was conical and its lower part flat. It did not move and stayed 80 cm away from the roof. Its center emitted dark red lights. It had a yellow halo. (...) the luminous object slowly faded from the outside to the inside until its complete disappearance. My observation lasted a total of two minutes.
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p. 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3099
### Event 43583 (BB1777FB)
**Date:** 1/23/1981
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning Dario Mazzaglia, a farmer in Los Acantilados, Buenos Aires province, Argentina observed flames in the distance, and then saw an ovoid UFO with a reddish-orange glow hovering low over the ground for more than a minute. It made a whistling sound on takeoff. Burnt grass was found at the landing site later, with the roots burnt 3 cm below the surface. Three circular landing gear marks were located around the burn. Electromagnetic effects included interference with the radio and vehicle headlights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UNICAT, case # 606
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_458
### Event 43584 (F8FC8E5C)
**Date:** 1/25/1981
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** CHATSWORTH, CA
**Description:** 25+observer(s) and film and more. Brilliant white cylinder/cigar-shape. Becomes ball and maneuvers all over/all about. Quickly going up. / MJ#177.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14095
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "290", **HatchDesc:** "CHATSWORTH,CA:25+OBS+FILM+:BRILL.WHT CGR:BECOMES BALL+MVRS ALLO:↑↑:/MJ#177", **LatLong:** "34.233335 -118.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:14:00 N 118:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.233335,-118.633339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43585 (06466659)
**Date:** 1/25/1981
**Location:** Chatsworth, CA
**Description:** Hovering cigar- or spindle-shaped object, disc with dome, darting motions, numerous photographs taken (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5358
### Event 43586 (9DC90D5C)
**Date:** 1/25/1981
**Location:** Chatsworth, CA
**Description:** Hovering cigar- or spindle-shaped object, disc with dome, darting motions, numerous photographs taken
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_371
### Event 43587 (52FECA40)
**Date:** 1/26/1981
**Location:** FRANCE, Toulouse region
**Description:** (Translated from French) A motorist was flown over very closely by a cylindrical object of a few meters long, which disappeared after making a turn. The vehicle broke down and a mechanic had to intervene. Case not solved by Gepan, which makes the connection with a cruise missile.
**Reference:** Science et Vie, Special Edition 1997: 50 Years of UFO, Atlas of Unexplained Cases, pp. 60-63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3100
### Event 43588 (559E17DC)
**Date:** 1/26/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the Toulouse region, a motorist is flown very close by an object cylindrical of a few meters of length, which disappears after having made a turn. The vehicle breaks down and a mechanic must intervene. Case not elucidated by the [GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html), which will emit the hypothesis of a cruise missile. (January 26)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2902
### Event 43589 (17654C5A)
**Date:** 1/26/1981
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** NEAR TOULOUSE, FR
**Description:** Cop car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 5M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 4M / field. Going [to] over road. Turns going east. Portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ROUSSEL, Robert: OVNI, les Verites Cachees. Ed. Albin Michel,Paris 1994 ISBN 2-226-06646-2. 346 pp softback (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14096
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr TOULOUSE,FR:COP CAR EMES:5M CGR HVRS 4M/FIELD:> OVR ROAD:TURNS >E:PORTHOLES", **LatLong:** "43.583335 1.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:35:00 N 01:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.583335,1.433333)", **State/Prov:** "Haute Garonne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43590 (0EB54CC8)
**Date:** 1/26/1981
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** NEWTON, NC
**Description:** Cops and amateur astronomer. Silent rectangular UFO maneuvers / 100m altitude. Lights flash / sides.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14097
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "295", **HatchDesc:** "NEWTON,NC:COPS+AM.ASTRONOMER:SLNT RECT.UFO MNVRS/100m alt:LITES FLASH/SIDES", **LatLong:** "35.672224 -81.222226", **LatLongDMS:** "35:40:20 N 81:13:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.672224,-81.222226)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43591 (70CBDE5E)
**Date:** 1/26/1981
**Description:** At 4:30 p.m. a police patrol car stalled in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France when it encountered a cigar-shaped UFO. The five meter long object had portholes, and was hovering four meters over a field. It moved over the road, then turned and flew away toward the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14165, citing Robert Roussel, OVNI, Verites Cachees, p. 151
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_533
### Event 43592 (186F92E0)
**Date:** 1/26/1981
**Description:** In Newton, North Carolina at 8:35 p.m. police and an amateur astronomer witnessed a silent rectangular UFO, which maneuvered at 300 feet altitude. It had flashing lights on its sides.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Tarheel UFO Study Group, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1981, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_534
### Event 43593 (7A3A0886)
**Date:** 1/28/1981
**Time:** 05:30
**Description:** Noise. Saucer maneuvers over woods and lands. Burnt trees and grass / circle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14098
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "COLLE MADDALENA,ITL:NOISE:SCR MNVRS ovr WOODS+LANDS:BURNT TREES+GRASS/CIRCLE", **LatLong:** "45.566669 10.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:34:00 N 10:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.566669,10.283334)", **State/Prov:** "Brescia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43594 (98E6A250)
**Date:** 1/28/1981
**Location:** Colle Maddalena, Italy
**Description:** A disc was sighted maneuvering over some woods and landing behind some trees in Colle Maddalena, Italy. A burnt circle of grass and some charred tree branches were found at the landing site. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5359
### Event 43595 (C011B317)
**Date:** 1/28/1981
**Description:** In 1981 at 5:30 in the morning, a disc was sighted maneuvering over some woods and landing behind some trees in Colle Maddalena, Italy. A burnt circle of grass and some charred tree branches were found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** ITACAT Italian UFO Catalogue
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_561
### Event 43596 (8A5E0D65)
**Date:** 1/30/1981
**Time:** 13:00
**Location:** NNW / FLORENCE, AZ
**Description:** 6 military observer(s). Cloud cylinder/cigar-shape going east in and out / real clouds. 3 photographs (2 in reference.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 353)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14099
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "470", **HatchDesc:** "NNW/FLORENCE,AZ:6 MIL.OBS:CLOUD CGR >E IN+OUT/REAL CLOUDS:3 FOTOS (2 in ref.)", **LatLong:** "33.050002 -112.533339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:03:00 N 112:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.050002,-112.533339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43597 (477EC27C)
**Date:** 1/30/1981
**Description:** At around 1 p.m. three photographs were taken of a giant daylight cloud-cigar shaped UFO north of Florence, Arizona with a Kodak Instamatic camera. There were six military witnesses. The whole object could not fit into a single frame. Its apparent size was compared to a 12" ruler at arm's length.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May 1981, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_613
### Event 43598 (7CE2B906)
**Date:** 2/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Chico Gama, a farm worker, is on a small beach on the Atlantic coast, not far from Fortaleza. Having come with his fishing net in the hope of improving his daily fare, he was taking advantage of the moonlight. Suddenly, a beam of red light falling from the sky hits him and makes him shiver. Looking up, he discovers that it comes from a round and violet object floating in the air. Terrified, Chico Gama runs to hide in the nearest thicket. The object follows him, touching him intermittently with its red beam. This game of cat and mouse lasts 3 hours. Unable to escape the red beam and the buzzing emitted by his pursuer, Chico Gama spends a night of terror, convinced that, tired of playing, the object will eventually kill him with its beam. 5 AM: At dawn, the object suddenly stops its pursuit and evaporates into the sky, leaving the man exhausted and close to fainting. He nevertheless manages to get home and hides for hours under his bed before telling his family what happened to him. Two days later, he falls ill. The skin on his arms and back peels off like after a sunburn, he suffers from migraines and sweats continuously for a good month. Bop Pratt, who would meet Chico Gama in 1986, five years later, will tell of having seen a nervous and fearful man, who still sometimes hides under his bed. His daughters will tell him that he no longer goes out at night and that sometimes he is afraid to stay alone in broad daylight. (2 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2903
### Event 43599 (4715A2FA)
**Date:** 2/1981
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** BEACH EAST / PECEM, BRZ
**Description:** Glowing-object chases man 3 hours. Cold beams going down / hiding places. Skin burnt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14100
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BEACH E/PECEM,BRZ:GLO-OBJ CHASES MAN 3hrs:COLD BEAMS↓/HIDING PLACES:skin burnt", **LatLong:** "-3.416667 -38.966669", **LatLongDMS:** "03:25:00 S 38:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.416667,-38.966669)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43600 (BF7F1DB3)
**Date:** 2/1981
**Location:** Quindira, Brazil
**Description:** 2:00 AM. A woman was awakened by a loud engine type noise coming from outside, she ran out and watched a round object hovering nearby and emitting multi-colored beams of light. Three human like beings cold be clearly seen inside, one them glanced briefly at the witness then the object rose and disappeared. The next day two dead bloodless horses were found on the field where the object had hovered. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5361
### Event 43601 (709AEAE5)
**Date:** 2/3/1981
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** NORTH / NASHVILLE, ARK
**Description:** Thundering noise. Huge boomerang / lights 30m over isolated house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14101
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "118", **HatchDesc:** "N/NASHVILLE,ARK:THUNDERING NOISE:HUGE BOOMERANG/LITES 30m OVR ISOLATED HOUSE:", **LatLong:** "33.988891 -93.844449", **LatLongDMS:** "33:59:20 N 93:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.988891,-93.844449)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43602 (27FEBDDC)
**Date:** 2/3/1981
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** ROSS, TASMANIA
**Description:** 2 / car. Luminous ovoid maneuvers / 30M altitude. Nears hotel. Shoots quickly going up [to] fast. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14102
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ROSS,TASMANIA:2/CAR:LUMn.OVOID MNVRS/30M alt:NEARS HOTEL:SHOOTS ↑↑ FAST:NFD", **LatLong:** "-42.000002 147.533340", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 S 147:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-42.000002,147.533340)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43603 (C272DA7B)
**Date:** 2/3/1981
**Location:** Ross, Tasmania
**Description:** A luminous ovoid object maneuvered at 30 meters altitude in Ross, Tasmania and paced a car. When the car approached a hotel, it shot straight up and out of sight. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5363
### Event 43604 (301FC39E)
**Date:** 2/3/1981
**Description:** At 9:40 p.m. a luminous ovoid object maneuvered at 30 meters altitude in Ross, Tasmania and paced a car. When the car approached a hotel, it shot straight up and out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Roberts, UFO Research Australia Newsletter, May 1982, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_681
### Event 43605 (65499233)
**Date:** 2/4/1981
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** CHENGDE, HEBEI, CH
**Description:** 'Satellite' makes sudden turn going quickly northeast. Becomes big fireball. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14103
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHENGDE,HEBEI,CH:'SATELLITE' MAKES SUDDEN TURN>>NE:BECOMES BIG FBL:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "40.966669 117.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:58:00 N 117:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.966669,117.916672)", **State/Prov:** "HEB", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43606 (45953B93)
**Date:** 2/5/1981
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0109 -116.0322
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clairette” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_871
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0109 -116.0322", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:39 N 116:01:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0109,-116.0322)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.35", **NukeName:** "Clairette", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43607 (3A516292)
**Date:** 2/6/1981
**Location:** USA, Rock State Park (Maryland)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A large, massive creature 7 to 8 feet tall was seen behind a restaurant. It was rummaging through the garbage, which included very smelly catfish waste. The creature was observed at 2:30 in the morning by Michael Green on his way to work, who stopped and stayed in observation for about ten minutes. Eventually the creature left slowly. He did not see it eating or taking away any of the garbage.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 32
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3103
### Event 43608 (6F2DD678)
**Date:** 2/7/1981
**Description:** The Larry King Show carries a three-hour program on UFOs with a panel consisting of [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall), [Bruce S. Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) and [Don Berliner](http://www.nicap.org/bios/WHO-IS/berliner.htm)[.](http://www.nicap.org/bios/WHO-IS/berliner.htm) The first hour consists of [Larry King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry%5FKing) interviewing the panelists; then he takes phone calls for two hours.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, March 1981, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6232
### Event 43609 (6EE63724)
**Date:** 2/9/1981
**Time:** 22:40
**Description:** 2 / Cessna and Air Traffic Controllers. Red 3M saucer buzzes plane. Not / RADAR. / MJ#274+/ r41p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 355)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14104
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JOSE Apt,CA:2/CESSNA+ATCs:RED 3M SCR BUZZES PLANE:NOT/RDR:/MJ#274+/r41p46", **LatLong:** "37.366668 -121.966672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:22:00 N 121:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.366668,-121.966672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43610 (1AA9695C)
**Date:** 2/9/1981
**Location:** San Jose, CA
**Description:** Red object buzzed Cessna 150 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5364
### Event 43611 (48A5F7F6)
**Date:** 2/9/1981
**Location:** San Jose, CA
**Description:** Red-lighted object made pass at aircraft, instant relocation. "Very tight turns," hovered, accelerated away at "extremely high rate of speed."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_372
### Event 43612 (D818644B)
**Date:** 2/10/1981
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** AUBURN, WA
**Description:** 25' UFO follows nurse home. Complex medical exam regressed. / r243p93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 362)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14105
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "AUBURN,WA:25'UFO FOLOS NURSE HOME:COMPLEX MEDICAL EXAM REGRESSED:/r243p93", **LatLong:** "47.305558 -122.233339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:18:20 N 122:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.305558,-122.233339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43613 (C7F117B2)
**Date:** 2/10/1981
**Location:** Auburn, WA
**Description:** The witness had parked her car in her apartment parking lot when she saw a huge lighted object with a ring of flashing lights. The UFO left but a second smaller craft appeared and descended with a falling leaf motion. She later recalled abduction experiences. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5365
### Event 43614 (6C858679)
**Date:** 2/10/1981
**Description:** The witness had parked her car in her apartment parking lot in Auburn, Washington at 11:35 p.m. when she saw a huge lighted object with a ring of flashing lights. The UFO left but a second smaller craft appeared and descended with a falling leaf motion. The witness ran to her apartment and apparently blacked out. Under hypnosis she recalled that a light shone on her and she suddenly found herself in a domed room with smooth white floors, walls and ceiling. The room contained a desk-like object with lights and an examination table. She undressed and two beings entered, held her by her arms and pressed her down on the table. A third being examined her abdomen. The beings were humanoid with light bulb shaped heads and with large unblinking eyes, small noses and ears, and slit-like mouths. They were thin with sloping shoulders, long hanging arms with 4 long fingers and had grayish skin. They wore metallic blue coverall uniforms with an insignia of a triangle inside a circle on the chest. Another being wore a reddish orange colored uniform. They conversed with the witness by using telepathy.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of A Mystery; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 463
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_806
### Event 43615 (037A645F)
**Date:** 2/12/1981
**Location:** interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona
**Description:** Night. About 25–30 people on an interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona, see a cigar-shaped object like a blimp, white in color with dark veins. A small white object is at one end. After 2 minutes, the small object takes off at a high rate of speed and disappears. Meanwhile, a fog surrounds the blimp and it drifts away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “Cloud Cigars: A Further Look,” IUR 30, no. 3 \(May 2006\): 12–13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6233
### Event 43616 (5DD664C0)
**Date:** 2/13/1981
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** FUENTECEN, SP
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Night lights maneuver. Dog barks. 140cm box-robot barks too! Traces / dirt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 338)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14106
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "FUENTECEN,SP:3 OBS:NLTS MNVR:DOG BARKS:140cm BOX-ROBOT BARKS TOO!:TRACES/DIRT", **LatLong:** "41.622224 -3.877778", **LatLongDMS:** "41:37:20 N 03:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.622224,-3.877778)", **State/Prov:** "VLD", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43617 (C2473011)
**Date:** 2/13/1981
**Location:** Fuentecen, Spain
**Description:** The witness observed several golden lights on a nearby field. He approached the lights but these suddenly rose up, circled, and landed again, this time closer to his home. At the same time his dogs were going berserk. Later he heard footsteps and his dog attracted him to a "figure" standing by the fence. The figure was a meter and a half tall, square in shape and metallic almost robotic in nature; it lacked a head, arms or feet. A scorched area was found on the ground by government authorities. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5367
### Event 43618 (5B3EB4D8)
**Date:** 2/13/1981
**Description:** The main witness had finished closing up his canteen in Fuentecen, Valladolid province, Spain at 2:30 a.m. He was walking back to his house when he observed several golden lights in a nearby field. He approached the lights but they suddenly rose up, circled, and landed again, this time closer to his home. The man went inside and woke his wife and son, and they all observed an object on the ground that intermittently gave off bright flashes of light. At this time his dogs began barking and acting strangely. His wife became frightened and went back to bed. Later, he heard footsteps and one of his dogs led him to a "figure" standing by the fence on his property. The being was a meter and a half tall, box-like in shape, and appeared metallic and almost robotic in nature. It did not seem to have a head, arms or feet. The dog approached the figure and began barking, and then both man and his son heard a strange barking "echo" that seem to come from the figure itself. The witness grabbed a flashlight and ran out, he then heard a loud "crackling" sound. The figure by now had disappeared. He next saw an object with rotating red lights rise from a nearby field and leave at high speed. A scorched area was found on the ground by government authorities.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, 19810113; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1981, case # 641, citing J. J. Benitez, La Quinta Columna
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_905
### Event 43619 (844F6BFF)
**Date:** 2/14/1981
**Location:** Greensburg, PA
**Description:** 1:45 AM. A 17-year old girl was baby-sitting when she spotted an object hovering at treetop level about 50 feet away. The object was silent and had three white lights forming the point of an equilateral triangle. Inside the craft two humanoid beings could be seen. These were described as having very large heads, oriental like eyes, gill like ears, and two holes instead of a nose. One appeared to be sitting and the other standing behind an instrument panel. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5371
### Event 43620 (2E6DE0C6)
**Date:** 2/15/1981
**Location:** Franklin, OH
**Description:** 2:00 AM. A brilliant white light that began filling her room awakened the witness. She got out of bed and through her window saw a bright hovering disc shaped object. Under hypnosis she recalled being taken onboard by several seven-foot tall humanoids with pointed chins and yellow cat like eyes (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5373
### Event 43621 (BB28DEDE)
**Date:** 2/16/1981
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** NEAR MOFFAT NAS, CA
**Description:** Orange silver sphere/orb/globe splits. 1 part vanishes! Other going east / SR237. Turns going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Kal Korff sighting: via UFO Updates / Ufomind archives http://www.ufomind/com/ufo/updates/1997/may/m06-025/shtml
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14107
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "14", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "nr MOFFAT NAS,CA:ORG.SLVR ORB SPLITS:1 PART VANISHES!:OTHER >E/SR237:TURNS >N", **LatLong:** "37.416668 -122.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:25:00 N 122:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.416668,-122.066672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43622 (CB35D858)
**Date:** 2/18/1981
**Location:** Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province, Arg
**Description:** Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke at 4:00 a.m. to the sounds of his animals causing a commotion. Looking out from his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a field about 20 meters away. His animals were effected and he recalled an abduction experience. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5375
### Event 43623 (CCFF977D)
**Date:** 2/18/1981
**Description:** Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, awoke at 4:00 a.m. to the sounds of his animals causing a commotion. Looking out from his hut he saw a "beautiful" blue light hovering over a field about 20 meters away. He woke up another shepherd, but his companion became extremely afraid, screamed out and hid under his blanket. He then heard a loud buzzing sound that appeared to originate from overhead. This was followed by something like the sound of a diesel truck, although the remote mountainous area of Manzano Amargo, Neuquen Province, Argentina that they were in was only accessible by horseback. Suddenly two short humanoid entities appeared out of nowhere, standing side by side. The beings spoke to him in an unknown, unintelligible language. Terrified, Jose now became confused and his next memory was of seeing a bright light quickly flying away. He described the humanoids as about one meter in height with extremely wide shoulders. They seemed to have normal hands and feet, but he could not make out any facial features. They wore helmets and tight fitting, dark blue outfits. During the incident some nearby horses stampeded away from the area, apparently terrified. Albornoz said the spherical light was bluish in color, and it did not illuminate the surroundings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Carlos Ferguson, UNICAT database, case 463
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_989
### Event 43624 (16A9433C)
**Date:** 2/19/1981
**Time:** 08:20
**Location:** KUNMING, CH
**Description:** 1+kid. Long silver cylinder/cylindrical object like a flute / low altitude over town. Absolute(ly) silent. / clr. sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14108
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KUNMING,CH:1+KID:LONG SLVR CYL LIKE A FLUTE/LO ALT OVR TOWN:ABS.SLNT:/CLR.SKY", **LatLong:** "25.050001 102.716672", **LatLongDMS:** "25:03:00 N 102:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.050001,102.716672)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43625 (DEC8AF5F)
**Date:** 2/19/1981
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** HANGZHOU, CH
**Description:** Double cylinder/cylindrical object like Tuna tin over soup can. Roars. Scouts mining area / mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 208)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14109
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HANGZHOU,CH:Dbl.CYL LIKE TUNA TIN ovr SOUP CAN:ROARS:SCOUTS MINING AREA/Mtns", **LatLong:** "30.250001 121.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "30:15:00 N 121:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.250001,121.200006)", **State/Prov:** "ZHJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43626 (B3B8A990)
**Date:** 2/19/1981
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Red night light back. Slow pass overhead then fast. RADAR invisible. / MJ#167.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 355)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14110
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JOSE Apt,CA:2+OBS:RED NLT BACK:SLO PASS OVHD THEN FAST:RDR INVSBL:/MJ#167", **LatLong:** "37.383335 -121.966672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 N 121:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.383335,-121.966672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 43627 (A4FF8FB7)
**Date:** 2/19/1981
**Description:** At 8:20 a.m. a silver cylinder looking like a flute flew silently over the city of Kunming, Yunan Province, China at low altitude on a clear day. town, silent, clear sky. At 5:50 p.m. an object shaped like a double cylinder, similar to a tuna can on top of a soup can, maneuvered over a mining area in the mountains of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China making a roaring sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Wendelle Stevens & Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, pp. 207-208
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1007
### Event 43628 (2967598D)
**Date:** 2/19/1981
**Description:** On this evening Mr. & Mrs. Morgan in Corte Madera, California had a close encounter with a gray metallic, rounded disc-shaped object the size of a house. It hovered over some trees giving off a pink and blue aura. It had brilliant square headlights and a blue light underneath. It made a deep, low-pitched sound like a hydroelectric plant.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, January 1982, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1008
### Event 43629 (4C5FD577)
**Date:** 2/20/1981
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 2 / car. Huge white globe hovers 100M over paddock. Intense flash. Going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14111
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CAMPBELLTOWN,TASM:2/CAR:HUGE WHT GLOBE HVRS 100M OVR PADDOCK:INTENSE FLASH:↓", **LatLong:** "-41.933335 147.533340", **LatLongDMS:** "41:56:00 S 147:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.933335,147.533340)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43630 (6BCFA100)
**Date:** 2/20/1981
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** SAN JOSE, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Luminous sharp-edged boomerang circles / irregular path / 30 minute(s). Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14112
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JOSE,CA:2 OBS:LUM.SHARP-EDGED BOOMERANG CIRCLES/IRREGULAR PATH/30min:>>S", **LatLong:** "37.333335 -121.933339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:00 N 121:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.333335,-121.933339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43631 (92C66909)
**Date:** 2/23/1981
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** OWENTOWN, TX
**Description:** 2 / car / US271. Upright cylinder/cylindrical object. Top turns like fruit jar lid. Telepathy? Electro-magnetic effect (EME)?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 274)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14113
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "136", **HatchDesc:** "OWENTOWN,TX:2/CAR/US271:UPRIGHT CYL:TOP TURNS LIKE FRUIT JAR LID:TLP?:EME?", **LatLong:** "32.433335 -95.194449", **LatLongDMS:** "32:26:00 N 95:11:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.433335,-95.194449)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43632 (541ECB3C)
**Date:** 2/24/1981
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Large dark ovoid 2M away. Observer(s) and donkey come to at farm. 2 hours missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 372)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14114
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1041", **HatchDesc:** "nr PASSA TEMPO,BRZ:LRG.DRK.OVOID 2M away:OBS+DONKEY COME TO at FARM:2hrs MST", **LatLong:** "-20.666668 -44.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "20:40:00 S 44:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.666668,-44.500002)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43633 (456D0A4F)
**Date:** Late 2/1981
**Location:** USA, near Veedersburg (Indiana)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A young couple, in a stopped car, occupied with kissing, suddenly saw in the light of the headlights, at the distance of two telephone poles, a very large (8 to 9 feet) bipedal creature crossing the road from left to right, in 3 or 4 jumps. The width of its shoulders especially impressed the witnesses (about 75 cm wide), the fur was like that of a dirty collie dog and they estimated its weight at about 150 kilograms "of muscles". (1981, late February)
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 33
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3105
### Event 43634 (FB65C7CB)
**Date:** 2/25/1981
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** Several observer(s). 1+1 cigars pace Soviet airliner through cloud. 5 lights / sides.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 176)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14115
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "32", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NW/TALINN,ESTONIA:SVRL OBS:1+1 CGRs PACE SOV.AIRLINER THRU CLOUD:5 LITES/SIDES", **LatLong:** "59.750003 24.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "59:45:00 N 24:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.750003,24.500001)", **State/Prov:** "EST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43635 (A52DEC81)
**Date:** 2/25/1981
**Location:** Tallinn (northwest of), Estonia
**Description:** An Aeroflot YAK-40 airliner flying northwest of Tallinn, Estonia was paced by two orange, elongated objects at 9:24 p.m. The UFOs flew parallel to the plane and then approached from 70 degrees to the right (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5378
### Event 43636 (79A8ABEA)
**Date:** 2/25/1981
**Time:** 15:00:00.8
**Location:** 37.1819 -116.0842
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Seco” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_872
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1819 -116.0842", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:55 N 116:05:03 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1819,-116.0842)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Seco", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43637 (EDAA490B)
**Date:** 2/25/1981
**Description:** An Aeroflot YAK-40 airliner flying northwest of Tallinn, Estonia was paced by two orange, elongated objects at 9:24 p.m. The UFOs flew parallel to the plane and then approached from 70 degrees to the right. The crew saw four orange lights on the first object and 3 lights on the other one. After three minutes the first object executed a turn to the right, then to the left. The second object repeated the maneuver and followed after the first some six to eight minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 176
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1114
### Event 43638 (6772CCB2)
**Date:** 2/26/1981
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** XINGHUA, JIANGSU, CH
**Description:** Blue-grey cylinder/cylindrical object like Sci-Fi rocket with color cockpits / both ends!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14116
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "XINGHUA,JIANGSU,CH:BLU-GRY CYL LIKE SCI-FI ROCKET W/CLR COCKPITS/BOTH ENDS!", **LatLong:** "32.950002 119.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:57:00 N 119:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.950002,119.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Jiangsu", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43639 (8215C6FE)
**Date:** 2/27/1981
**Time:** 23:28:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Broteas” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1939
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Broteas", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 43640 (D569E61D)
**Date:** 2/28/1981
**Location:** USA, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California
**Description:** (Translated from French) A Titan III B rocket launches a secret reconnaissance satellite from Vandenberg Air Force Base. (...) Photo interpretation of the images obtained by satellites is carried out by the NPIC (National Photo Interpretation Center), an organization attached to the Pentagon, which does not officially exist and whose budget is included in that of the USAF. (...) It is located in a large 5-story building known as Building 213. (...) Almost all the windows are bricked up!
**Reference:** "La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 39, 49 and 50
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3104
### Event 43641 (1AC54067)
**Date:** 2/28/1981
**Time:** 01:40
**Description:** Pilot and 1+1. Bright red night light / sharp turns. 2nd night light splits off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14117
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "nr SAN JOSE AIRPT,CA:PILOT+1+1:BRITE RED NLT/SHARP TURNS:2nd NLT SPLITS OFF", **LatLong:** "37.366668 -121.983339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:22:00 N 121:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.366668,-121.983339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43642 (B1E26C52)
**Date:** 2/28/1981
**Location:** Evanston, Illinois
**Description:** The Center for UFO Studies can no longer afford to keep [Allan Hendry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan%5FHendry) on as a full-time investigator, so his affiliation ends. It closes its Evanston, Illinois, office and moves to [Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)’s home.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 569
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6234
### Event 43643 (D0419D9A)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Location:** Uruguay, Tacuarembo
**Description:** (Translated from French) The chief of police in Melo, Miguel Costa, was in a car with his wife and friends Armando and Maria Pena, on a gravel road near Tacuarembo, when a huge shape, with yellow and orange glows, emerged from the morning night in front of them. Costa stopped the car and, on an impulse, flashed the headlights. "Suddenly the UFO seemed to hesitate, then zigzagged up and down, as if responding to our calls," he said. "As soon as I started, it followed us. Again I stopped the car and flashed the headlights. The UFO replied in the same way as the first time. We continued our journey and the UFO followed us for about half a mile. I stopped again. Finally the UFO accompanied us for about thirty miles. That's when the strangest thing happened. We were all glued to the windows looking at the UFO, when suddenly it suddenly dropped as if it was going to crash to the ground. It stopped its descent at 75 or 150 m altitude. We then clearly saw its dome shape flat on the bottom. Around the dome there was like steam. The upper part was reddish, but the base was dazzling white. "Feeling somewhat threatened by the UFO's new trajectory, Costa turned around and returned to Tacuarembo, the nearest town. The bright light of the UFO was constantly in view in the rearview mirror. At one point Costa stopped again and parked under the trees. They all got out and went to an open place. "A second UFO was traveling a short distance behind the first. They did not touch each other but seemed to be traveling together. They went up and down and finally went up above the clouds that they lit up. Then they gradually decreased in intensity, became smaller and smaller, and it was over. We looked at each other without saying a word. It had lasted 90 minutes and we still couldn't believe our eyes. " (March 1981)
**Reference:** Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p 121, 122
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3107
### Event 43644 (FFDFCD84)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Time:** ~06:00
**Location:** TACUAREMBO, URU
**Description:** Cop and 3 / car paced / 28 mile(s) / saucer. Responds / headlights. 2nd saucer joins.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BLUNDELL, Nigel & BOAR, Roger: The WORLDS GREATEST UFO MYSTERIES; Octopus, London 1989 & PB/Berkley Books, NY 1990 (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14118
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "141", **HatchDesc:** "TACUAREMBO,URU:COP+3/CAR PACED/28mi/SCR:RESPONDS/HEADLIGHTS:2nd SCR JOINS", **LatLong:** "-31.733335 -55.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "31:44:00 S 55:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.733335,-55.950003)", **State/Prov:** "TAC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43645 (DD8D2D56)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** SONORA, CA
**Description:** 1 / car. Brilliant 50'CGR hovers. 2 white saucers appear. 1 going quickly southwest. 2nd joins cylinder/cigar-shape and going quickly southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 356)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14119
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "557", **HatchDesc:** "SONORA,CA:1/CAR:BRILL.50'CGR HVRS:2 WHT SCRS APPEAR:1>>SW:2nd JOINS CGR+>>SW", **LatLong:** "38.000002 -120.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:00:00 N 120:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.000002,-120.366672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43646 (1A0C1EDE)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** VERONA, ITL
**Description:** Red moon-size sphere maneuvers around homes / 25M altitude. Beams / front. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14120
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VERONA,ITL:RED MOONSIZE SPHERE MNVRS AROUND HOMES/25M alt:BEAMS/FRONT:TV RFI:", **LatLong:** "45.450002 11.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:27:00 N 11:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.450002,11.000001)", **State/Prov:** "NVT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43647 (DB506433)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** MONTE ALEGRE, BRZ
**Description:** Man imprisoned / cone-beam going down / UFO. Goes when 2nd man shoots rifle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14121
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "MONTE ALEGRE,BRZ:MAN IMPRISONED/CONE-BEAM↓/UFO:GOES WHEN 2nd MAN SHOOTS RIFLE", **LatLong:** "-2.033333 -54.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "02:02:00 S 54:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-2.033333,-54.066669)", **State/Prov:** "PRA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43648 (F7B0CB3F)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Location:** Birstall West Yorkshire, UK
**Description:** Late night, Jane Murphy had gone to bed late when she suddenly woke up standing in a field feeling very cold and wet. She then noticed a huge metallic object hovering over the field, suddenly a group of figures, as many as 10 approached her. When she woke up she was on a bed in a strange room. Several figures were around her communicating via telepathy telling her to look at them. One of the entities was seven-foot tall, human looking with totally black eyes. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5379
### Event 43649 (190408DB)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Location:** Algeciras (near), Spain
**Description:** 10:30 AM. A truck driver was delivering produce to a nearby village when he noticed strange lights on a nearby field behind a row of eucalyptus trees. As the witness entered the field he spotted a large metallic dome shaped craft on the ground about 50 yards away. The object seemed to be supported by three "telescopic" legs like protrusions. He then noticed several man-like figures sitting behind the windows, these were human like, wore helmets and brown uniforms. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5381
### Event 43650 (3602AC4B)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Location:** Memphis, TN
**Description:** 4:40 PM. 5-min duration, two witnesses. Responsible woman, secretary in an executive office, was out driving, which she said was most unusual for her. She had intended to stop for coffee when she sees three shining objects in the sky, and so engrossed in them drives right past the local Pancake House. Suddenly the objects disappear into "what looked like puffs of smoke." A minute later one reappears "directly over the street in front of me, so close that I could have counted the lights on the bottom of the object, had I not panicked." (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5383
### Event 43651 (D91F0EC9)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Location:** Bologna, Italy
**Description:** The Centro Ufologico Nazionale begins a newsletter to supplement its official journal, Notiziario UFO, edited by [Roberto Pinotti](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto%5FPinotti)[.](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto%5FPinotti) Titled Quaderni UFO, it is edited by Gianfranco Neri in Bologna, Italy, and continues through at least May 1983.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Quaderni UFO](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Italy/Quaderni%20UFO%20%28CUN%29/Quaderni%20UFO%20-%20Vol%2001%20No%2001%20-%201981%2003-04.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(Mar./Apr. 1981\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6235
### Event 43652 (34233507)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Location:** China
**Description:** The Journal of UFO Research is first published by China’s UFO Research Organization.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Dong, “Letters,” IUR 7, no. 2 \(March 1982\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6236
### Event 43653 (CF65CE09)
**Date:** 3/1981
**Locations:** Memphis, Tennessee; Admiral Benbow Inn
**Description:** 4:30 a.m. A witness is driving toward a pancake house in Memphis, Tennessee, for a cup of coffee when she sees three shining objects in the sky. She is so engrossed in watching that she passes by the restaurant. Suddenly the objects disappear into what look like puffs of smoke. A minute later, one reappears directly over the street in front of her. She turns into the Admiral Benbow Inn parking lot and alerts the night watchman, who sees the object hovering above her car and then rise above the inn.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “UFOs in a Puff of Smoke,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 5 \(July/Aug. 181\): 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6237
### Event 43654 (F6D43635)
**Date:** 3/6/1981
**Time:** 17:27:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tyro” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1940
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tyro", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 43655 (AEF9AE98)
**Date:** 3/6/1981
**Locations:** West Granville Avenue; Chicago, Illinois
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. A registered nurse living on West Granville Avenue on the north side of Chicago, Illinois, watches a triangular array of three white lights outside her south-facing window. The lights seem to be connected by “spokes.” The array is rotating in a clockwise direction.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Nocturnal Triangle in Chicago Night Sky,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1983-84%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV4.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 4, no. 6 \(Dec. 1984/Jan. 1984\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6238
### Event 43656 (C3B184FA)
**Date:** 3/10/1981
**Location:** Skipton, North Yorkshire (near), UK
**Description:** At Carleton Moors, two uniformed police officers observed a large glowing oval shaped UFO as it moved over the moors. (Source: Yorkshire Post, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Detective Constable 1877 HESELTINE British Transport Police). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5384
### Event 43657 (E183BAAF)
**Date:** 3/11/1981
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** Buzz. 120M cylinder/cigar-shape over farm. Geese silent. White beam flashes. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14122
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "UITENHAGE,S.AFRICA:BUZZ:120M CGR OVR FARM:GEESE SILENT:WHT BEAM FLASHES:>>S", **LatLong:** "-33.766668 25.450001", **LatLongDMS:** "33:46:00 S 25:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.766668,25.450001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43658 (CBE38054)
**Date:** 3/16/1981
**Location:** USA, Cape Canaveral
**Description:** (Translated from French) The large KH-11 satellite is the fifth generation of spy satellites and is launched this day in the early afternoon. The launch was not officially announced, only the Associated Press announced it, specifying that it was a new, ultra secret, heaviest satellite ever launched. The carrier rocket was a Titan III B.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 38
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3106
### Event 43659 (0177B8E7)
**Date:** 3/17/1981
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** EAST / PORTLAND, OR
**Description:** Saucer hovers / Columbia River. Odd sound recorded. Big CUFOS analysis and report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: ADVANCED AERIAL DEVICES REPORTED during the KOREAN WAR; 1990 LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14123
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "E/PORTLAND,OR:SCR HVRS/COLUMBIA RVR:odd sound recorded:big CUFOS analysis+rpt", **LatLong:** "45.516669 -122.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "45:31:00 N 122:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.516669,-122.500006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43660 (6EAA6DCD)
**Date:** 3/17/1981
**Time:** 04:10
**Location:** ST. HELENS, OR
**Description:** Cops and more/others. Intense night light. Columbia River like day! Dims and vanishes. International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) V7#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14124
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "22", **HatchDesc:** "St HELENS,OR:COPS++:INTENSE NLT:COLUMBIA RIVR LIKE DAY!:DIMS+VANISHES:IUR V7#3", **LatLong:** "45.850002 -122.805561", **LatLongDMS:** "45:51:00 N 122:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.850002,-122.805561)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43661 (D0C045E5)
**Date:** 3/17/1981
**Locations:** St. Helens, Oregon; US Highway 30; Columbia County Courthouse; Columbia River; Ridgefield, Washington
**Description:** 4:03 a.m. Sgt. Russell Yokum of the St. Helens, Oregon, police is on patrol on US Highway 30 on the edge of town when he sees a bright light apparently above the Columbia River. He goes to the Columbia County Courthouse for a better view, where he is joined by other police, but the object is no longer visible. Meanwhile, they are conversing via CB radio with Donald Atkins, who is in nearby Ridgefield, Washington, and watching a stationary light over the river. Atkins transmits a faint humming sound the object is making through his CB radio to officer Ricky Cade, who captures it on a cassette recorder. Yokum and Cade look to the south and see a bright orange-red light about 80–100 feet above the river, apparently the same one that Atkins is watching.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “An Orange\(!\) Ball at St. Helens for St, Patrick,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no 4 \(May/June 1981\): 11–13; Mark Rodeghier, “St. Helens Revisited,” IUR 7, no. 3 \(May/June 1982\): 12–14; J. Allen Hynek and Howard R. Schechter, “[Narrow-Band Acoustic Analysis of a Recorded UFO Sound,](http://cufos.org/books/The%5FSpectrum%5Fof%5FUFO%5FResearch.pdf)” The Spectrum of UFO Research, CUFOS, 1988, pp. 1–12; Julie Thompson, “[The Strange Case of the St. Helens UFO,](https://www.thechronicleonline.com/news%5Fpaid/the-strange-case-of-the-st-helens-ufo/article%5Ff8597718-aeb3-11e7-b6b5-cb42d1c6ca18.html)” St. Helens \(Oreg.\) Chronicle, October 11, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6239
### Event 43662 (5BC0C5C5)
**Date:** 3/18/1981
**Description:** NORAD becomes the North American Aerospace Defense Command.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[North American](https://www.thechronicleonline.com/news%5Fpaid/the-strange-case-of-the-st-helens-ufo/article%5Ff8597718-aeb3-11e7-b6b5-cb42d1c6ca18.html) [Aerospace Defense Command](https://www.thechronicleonline.com/news%5Fpaid/the-strange-case-of-the-st-helens-ufo/article%5Ff8597718-aeb3-11e7-b6b5-cb42d1c6ca18.html)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6240
### Event 43663 (A681D2B4)
**Date:** 3/20/1981
**Locations:** Neil Road southwest of London, Ohio; London, Ohio
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Larry Tilman is on Neil Road southwest of London, Ohio, hoping to get a UFO photo. He notices a small orange light over the city moving in a zig-zag fashion. It moves closer to his location, so he takes a time exposure photo as the light blinks out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Nocturnal Lights, March 20–21, 1981, London, Ohio,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 2 \(April/May 1984\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6241
### Event 43664 (FF104AF1)
**Date:** 3/21/1981
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 3+1 observer(s). Dog Acts up. 3 delta/triangle/box-like crafts and 3 night lights play / sky. Cop sees fireball.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 166)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14125
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "5mi SW/TOPPENISH,WA:3+1 OBS:DOG ACTS UP:3 DLTS+3 NLTS PLAY/SKY:COP SEES FBL", **LatLong:** "46.327780 -120.355561", **LatLongDMS:** "46:19:40 N 120:21:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.327780,-120.355561)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43665 (F75C2754)
**Date:** 3/21/1981
**Locations:** London, Ohio; Madison Lake State Park
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Larry Tilman again takes time-exposure photos of orange balls of light east of London, Ohio, near Madison Lake State Park. One appears to be the size of a car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Nocturnal Lights, March 20–21, 1981, London,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf) [Ohio,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 2 \(April/May 1984\): 4–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6242
### Event 43666 (01C843DD)
**Date:** 3/21/1981
**Locations:** Toronto, Ontario; Runnymede Road
**Description:** 11:35 p.m. A friend is driving Alba Dunlap home northbound on Runnymede Road in Toronto, Ontario. They see a disc-shaped object directly ahead and above them that has a red light on a central dome and white flashing lights around its perimeter. It seems to be 30–40 feet in diameter. They watch it for 2 minutes, then it moves slowly west and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Correspondence,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 6 \(June 1981\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6243
### Event 43667 (FE817629)
**Date:** 3/25/1981
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** OFF AYAMONTE, SP
**Description:** 6 boat crews. Grey 60M-tall cone hovers 1M over sea / 20 minute(s). Then quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 359)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14126
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off AYAMONTE,SP:6 BOAT CREWS:GRY 60M-TALL CONE HVRS 1M OVR SEA/20min:THEN ↑↑", **LatLong:** "37.183335 -7.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:00 N 07:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.183335,-7.400000)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "HLV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43668 (7490DFA0)
**Date:** 3/25/1981
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: .001KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1598
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** ".001"
### Event 43669 (36DD86CA)
**Date:** 3/25/1981
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. the crews of six boats saw a gray colored, 60 meter tall cone-shaped UFO hovering one meter over the sea off the coast of Ayamonte, Huelva, Spain for 20 minutes. It then ascended vertically. The weather was clear at the time of the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1981, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1663
### Event 43670 (787BECD3)
**Date:** 3/28/1981
**Time:** 17:23:00.6
**Location:** -21.7900 -138.6780
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Iphicles” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1941
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.7900 -138.6780", **LatLongDMS:** "21:47:24 S 138:40:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.7900,-138.6780)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.75", **NukeName:** "Iphicles", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 43671 (079968C6)
**Date:** 3/29/1981
**Time:** 04:03:52.5
**Location:** 50.0110 78.9780
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .003KT YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1599
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.0110 78.9780", **LatLongDMS:** "50:00:40 N 78:58:41 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.0110,78.9780)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".003", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 43672 (FFACD817)
**Date:** 3/30/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Reagan](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ReaganRonaldWilson.html) wounded by a bullet in the left lung. (March 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2904
### Event 43673 (3BBDD95E)
**Date:** 3/30/1981
**Time:** 11:20
**Location:** MAGNY, FR
**Description:** Many observer(s). Metallic sphere going up / 45° angle. Stops over house. Quickly going up [to] fast. No balloon up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14127
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "MAGNY,FR:MANY OBS:MTLC SPHERE ↑/45°ANGLE:STOPS OVR HOUSE:↑↑ FAST:no balloon up", **LatLong:** "47.600002 7.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:36:00 N 07:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.600002,7.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Moselle", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43674 (827A0112)
**Date:** 3/30/1981
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Pilot. Rocket / cylinder/cigar-shape. Pilot reports all over PA / same time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 275)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14128
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "13", **HatchDesc:** "SW/PHILADELPHIA,PA:PILOT:ROCKET/CGR:PILOT REPORTS ALL OVR PA/SAME TIME", **LatLong:** "39.916669 -75.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:55:00 N 75:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.916669,-75.233337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43675 (86C64F85)
**Date:** 3/30/1981
**Location:** Magny, France
**Description:** A metallic sphere descended from the sky at a 45º angle and stopped over a house in Magny, France. It then shot straight up and away. A check with authorities showed there were no scheduled balloon releases at that time. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5385
### Event 43676 (A8943818)
**Date:** 3/30/1981
**Location:** Alton, IL
**Description:** Huge bright light went to very dim, had lights on the bottom as it hovered over trees for ten minutes. Object moved towards witnesses at about 10 mph. Frogs stopped croaking and dogs began barking excitedly (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5386
### Event 43677 (EECDFC94)
**Date:** 3/30/1981
**Location:** Alton, Illinois
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. A huge bright light hovers over trees for 10 minutes in Alton, Illinois. The UFO moves towards two witnesses at about 10 mph. Frogs stop croaking and dogs begin barking excitedly. The object appears oval and is black except for lights on the circumference. A large circular opening is visible in the bottom of the black disc. Inside the opening the witnesses see “this churning motion of bright white light with yellow and orange colors in it...like gases rolling around in there.” After about 20–30 minutes it takes off rapidly. Shortly thereafter a jet flies over. Another UFO is seen coming across the trees a good 5 minutes later with the same results.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Another World,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 5 \(July/Aug. 1981\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6244
### Event 43678 (73D5F3CC)
**Date:** 3/30/1981
**Description:** A metallic sphere descended from the sky at a 45º angle and stopped over a house in Magny, France at 11:20 a.m. It then shot straight up and away. A check with authorities showed there were no scheduled balloon releases at that time. That evening there were reports from pilots from all over Pennsylvania at the same time that a pilot reported seeing a rocket or cigar-shaped object southwest of Philadelphia at 11:50 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, October 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1742
### Event 43679 (65E2C7C2)
**Date:** 4/1981
**Location:** USA, Rocky Boy Reservation (Montana)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around Jimmy Eagleman's house, thirty footprints were found. The prints had four toes, measured 14 inches long and 8 inches wide, and were two inches deep in the hard ground. Captain Larry Bernard of the police, weighing 100 kilograms, was unable to leave any footprints in the ground, even when he tried to jump and reproduce them.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 33
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3121
### Event 43680 (642B5588)
**Date:** 4/1/1981
**Location:** Mount Vernon, OR
**Description:** 7:30 PM. The main witness and a friend were driving back home when they noticed three bright lights above the highway. As they approached the top of a hill another larger light appeared. The witness pulled off to the side of the road and then saw a huge lighted bowl shaped object. They both attempted to leave the area but they apparently went into a trance and lost consciousness. The next thing they remembered was sitting in their vehicle and noticing something moving quickly away from the car, moments later a flash of light shot up into the sky (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5388
### Event 43681 (F6D15F55)
**Date:** 4/3/1981
**Locations:** National Route 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina; Escuela Agrotécnica de Santa Rosa
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Some 50 people driving on National Route 35 north of Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina, watch an object hovering about 300 feet directly over the Escuela Agrotécnica de Santa Rosa for several minutes. It is a saucer-shaped craft about 100 feet in diameter that is radiating light over its circumference due to an intense white light at its center. It speeds away to the west and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “A New Radio Link,” CUFOS Bulletin, Spring 1981, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6245
### Event 43682 (05BD95D1)
**Date:** 4/4/1981
**Location:** San Luis Reservoir, Merced County, CA
**Description:** The complete failure of an aircraft's electronics, including the transponder, DME, navigation equipment, and two-way radios, occurred when a bullet-shaped UFO passed within 500 feet of an airplane being flown by Mr. Dennis, (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5390
### Event 43683 (45C2676D)
**Date:** 4/8/1981
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** Plane invisible / RADAR while buzzed / Saturn UFO. Radio and instruments electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14129
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "166", **HatchDesc:** "SAN LUIS RSVR,CA:PLANE INVSBL/RDR WHILE BUZZED/SATURN UFO:RADIO+INSTRMNTS EME", **LatLong:** "37.083335 -121.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:00 N 121:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.083335,-121.083339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43684 (6B450157)
**Date:** 4/8/1981
**Location:** San Luis Reservoir, California
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. A private pilot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA-28-181 Archer II near the San Luis Reservoir, California, when a bullet-shaped object pulls alongside the airplane. Simultaneously, Dennis’s distance-measuring equipment, navigation and communications radios, and transponder go out. The object shoots ahead of the plane by about 1,500 feet and executes some erratic motions. Then, slowly drifting back, it paces him. The object is glowing orange and has a whirling bluish ring around it. The object pulsates and shoots forward about 4–5 miles ahead of the plane, and makes an instantaneous right-angle turn upward, in somewhat of a repeat of his November 5, 1980, sighting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “A Twin ‘Déjà vu’ Sighting?” IUR 7, no. 1 \(January 1982\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6246
### Event 43685 (70629F67)
**Date:** 4/8/1981
**Description:** The complete failure of an aircraft's electronics, including the transponder, DME, navigation equipment, and two-way radios, occurred when a bullet-shaped UFO passed within 500 feet of an airplane being flown by Mr. Dennis, a flight instructor, while flying over San Luis Reservoir, Merced County, California at 3:00 a.m. The electronics recovered after the UFO had gone. The object was described as 35-50 in length, with a pulsating orange front end, and having a blue ring perpendicular to the craft. The object was said to be whirling, and made an instantaneous 90 degree turn.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J.Allen Hynek, International UFO Reporter, January 1982, p. 6; UNICAT database, citing Tom Page, case 34; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 43
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1906
### Event 43686 (7747E0A8)
**Date:** 4/10/1981
**Time:** 17:57:00.5
**Location:** -21.7950 -138.9460
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Clymene” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1942
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.7950 -138.9460", **LatLongDMS:** "21:47:42 S 138:56:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.7950,-138.9460)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.76", **NukeName:** "Clymene", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 43687 (857192F1)
**Date:** 4/12/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Huajia (Yun'nan)
**Description:** (Translated from French) An army liberation fighter named Wang Tingye saw a large UFO (...) at 6:40 am. That morning, Wang had gotten up early; looking into the distance he saw above the crest of the Longwaizhai mountain a long cylinder 5 to 6 m long spitting out from its tail some yellow golden light beams. The body of the flying object was golden, shining. The thing was heading from west to east, without any noise. Wang watched it disappear behind the mountain. His observation lasted 30 seconds.
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials", ed. Mercure de France 1983, p140
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3108
### Event 43688 (A6297FE0)
**Date:** 4/12/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st flight of the American Space Shuttle Columbia. (April 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2905
### Event 43689 (F2F861FE)
**Date:** 4/12/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Beijing \(China\), observation similar to that of December 15th, 1980.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2906
### Event 43690 (E03C5814)
**Date:** 4/12/1981
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** CORSEUL, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. 50cm fireball blocks road 15M ahead. Observer(s) turns around and flees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 213)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14130
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CORSEUL,FR:2/CAR:50cm FBL BLOCKS ROAD 15M AHEAD:OBS TURNS AROUND+FLEES", **LatLong:** "48.483336 -2.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:29:00 N 02:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.483336,-2.166667)", **State/Prov:** "CDN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43691 (DD39A3E9)
**Date:** 4/12/1981
**Time:** 13:30
**Location:** GOODHUE, MN
**Description:** 2 / car. 2' disk 40' off SR58 just over ground. Remote area. Shoots going up. / r41p165.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14131
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "280", **HatchDesc:** "GOODHUE,MN:2/CAR:2'DISK 40'OFF SR58 JUST OVR GND:REMOTE AREA:SHOOTS ↑:/r41p165", **LatLong:** "44.400002 -92.622227", **LatLongDMS:** "44:24:00 N 92:37:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.400002,-92.622227)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43692 (D43A6F7C)
**Date:** 4/12/1981
**Location:** Goodhue, MN
**Description:** Two-foot diameter aluminum-like disc hovered a few feet off road about 40 feet away; climbed rapidly through sky and disappeared in distance (section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5391
### Event 43693 (974B6BDE)
**Date:** 4/12/1981
**Location:** Goodhue, MN
**Description:** Two-foot diameter aluminum-like disc hovered a few feet off road about 40 feet away. Climbed rapidly through sky and disappeared in distance
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_373
### Event 43694 (C8D9A55C)
**Date:** 4/12/1981
**Description:** In a remote farm area of Goodhue, Minnesota a civil engineer and his wife encountered a two-foot diameter aluminum-like disc as they drove by just 40 feet away. In the early afternoon R. E. Schenk, age 56, and his wife were driving south on Highway 58. At about 1:30 p.m. they saw the small disc, shaped like two saucers, one inverted on top of the other. The object was hovering just a few feet off the road about 40 feet away, with sunlight reflecting off its surface. Surprised by what he had seen, the former Navy pilot turned and drove back. He and his wife then saw the object at an estimated 2,000-4,000 feet altitude. It climbed rapidly through the sky, and disappeared in the distance, headed in the direction of Minneapolis. The weather was clear, and visibility unlimited. It was a bright, sunny day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 26, 155, 165; MUFON UFO Journal, October 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1987
### Event 43695 (11D9E4CD)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Qingdao
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Yan Li) At around 6:50 in the evening of April 13, 1950, the sky was all blue and serene, dotted with a few rare clouds. Visibility 5 km, gentle wind, normal temperature. (...) I suddenly observed a luminous thing that shot out from the distance like a tracer bullet. Pointed at its head, the luminous object flew very quickly while spitting out flames behind it. Looking closely, it was seen to be very similar to a rocket on fire. (...) On the Shandong peninsula, everyone had seen this phenomenon. (...) My observation lasted twelve seconds. (April 13, 1981)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 159
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3109
### Event 43696 (7CDED37D)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Lingqi
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Wang Xin) At around 6:50, five employees and teachers, standing in the school courtyard, saw an unknown flying object passing over the district town in the sky. It was heading from southwest to northeast. That night there were no clouds. The object flew without making any noise. It was spherical in shape and emitted white lights, with a flaming tail 5 meters long. The tail was yellow in color and its end was red. The object's speed was similar to that of a jet plane; it followed a straight line. Sometimes it floated like a dead leaf. It was between 1000 and 4000 meters in altitude. (April 13, 1981)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, pp. 159, 160
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3110
### Event 43697 (FF2A252E)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Tianjing
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Ge Zhongmin) At 7:19 pm, the weather was very nice and there were no clouds in the sky. The television had just started to give the news (...) I noticed by chance, through the window, a bright, golden yellow thing flying at great speed without any noise. To the naked eye, I saw that its apparent diameter was 30 cm, its shape was that of a funnel. The front was brighter than the back. It was about 500 m in altitude. My observation lasted more than 30 seconds. My wife and I saw it through the window. My two children who were playing in the yard also saw it. (April 13, 1981)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 160
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3111
### Event 43698 (756230C2)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Tangshan (Hebei)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Li Pinchun) I live in a mining hut (...) At 7:20 pm on the evening of April 13, 1981, my wife and I were preparing dinner in our kitchen. My two children were playing in the courtyard. Suddenly they ran into the house shouting, "Mom, quickly, go quickly and see outside!" We followed them into the courtyard and saw in the sky a luminous object, wider at the head than the tail, with an apparent diameter of 40 cm. It had a disk shape with a long tail of 3 m. This tail was actually a tongue of fire more than 10 cm wide. It flew from southwest to northeast, throwing behind it small bright stars. The luminous object moved at a constant speed, horizontally. It flew over our huts and disappeared in the direction of the city of Guye.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 161
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3112
### Event 43699 (9F22EBEE)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Tang-shan
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Zhang Fengguo) At around 7:20 in the evening (...) while I was having dinner, I noticed in the sky to the south a bright object. I immediately left my bowl on the table and hurried outside and climbed onto the roof of the house to get a better view. The object kept getting bigger and longer, it was heading from southwest to northeast. (...) This object had a length of 3.20m and a width of 0.15m. It seemed to me that a triangular thing was towing it. The whole thing was like a band of fire colored red, yellow, white and blue. Along this luminous band I also saw some small stars similar to the bulbs of flashlights. I didn't hear any noise. The unknown craft followed a parabolic line and flew faster than a satellite. I saw it cross a cloud and then disappear into some black clouds. ...
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 161
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3113
### Event 43700 (A0B23082)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Fushuen (Liaoning)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Yang Jing) At 7:23 in the evening, I saw with my own eyes a group of flying saucers flying in formation. These five or eight flying objects left a luminous trail. The one in the lead shone brighter than the others. A large flying saucer was spitting out small saucers the size of a candy. The smallest luminous object looked like a lit cigarette. In my opinion, these objects were at 150 or 200 meters altitude, at an angular height of 40° above the horizon, and they were heading from southwest to northeast. They almost passed over me at an angular height of 75°. Suddenly they disappeared to my right (north). The lights had a transparent red color. (April 13, 1981)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 165
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3114
### Event 43701 (E578801A)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Fushuen (Liaoning)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Kong Fanli) ... I went for a walk with my friend Tan Bing. On our way back, when we arrived at the village of Xiaopingshan (...) we suddenly discovered a flat fire sphere, as big as a football, flying, coming from the southwest. It was dragging a tail of flames behind it. Shortly after, many fire spheres were observed, ten in total, flying two by two, from southwest to northeast, at great speed. Each sphere left a dazzling luminous trail behind it. At one point, the first flat sphere became yellow-white and very bright in its center, surrounded by yellow. These objects were at an altitude of 4000 m (...) During the observation no sound was heard.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 165, 166
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3115
### Event 43702 (37995DDD)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Heishan (Liaoning)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Zhang Jiguo) At 7:28 (...) my classmates and I were studying in our room when we heard cries coming from outside (...) and we saw, in the direction of the north, a group of red luminous flying objects moving in the sky, in perfect rows, from west to east. Their speed was much greater than that of an airliner (...) It looked like a plane on fire, but it was bigger. This group of objects emitted very bright lights, without any hazy halo or noise. It was noticed that each object (in the shape of a hat) left behind a reddish light trail. The objects were arranged in a triangular formation (...) The whole thing measured more than 20 m long. They flew in a straight line and made no movement of ascent or descent. The observation lasted two to three minutes.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 164
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3116
### Event 43703 (72185494)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Qingyuan
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Lu Chuenhe) The object had the appearance of a silver rectangle. It had several bright points. Below it, at 2 m, there was something like a large tube from which balls of fire as bright as 200 watt bulbs were emitted. Once released, these balls lined up with the speed of the object that had emitted them. This beautiful spectacle lasted six minutes. The objects disappeared behind a mountain.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p.166
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3117
### Event 43704 (0EC827F6)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Chutoulang (Inner Mongolia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Li Guiling) (...) I went out of my house and saw in the sky, in the south, a group of flying objects. At first sight there were seven or eight; they were bright balls flying in a single straight row, in the direction of the northeast. Among these balls, three larger and redder ones were moving relative to each other at fixed intervals; the smaller and whiter ones seemed to remain in formation. They all had a long red, white and yellow tail (it was actually a jet of flames) (...) Before disappearing, these flying objects reduced the length of the jet they were emitting, then the small balls began to go out and after a few minutes, everything disappeared and the sky returned to normal. I looked at my watch, it was 7:42.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 168
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3118
### Event 43705 (6ECD1E49)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Time:** 07:50
**Location:** QINGYUAN, CH
**Description:** Inverted bowl north going south. Glows. Ejects 7 silver fireballs. Fireballs trail saucer. All silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14132
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "QINGYUAN,CH:INVERTED BOWL N>S:GLOWS:EJECTS 7 SLVR FBLS:FBLS TRAIL SCR:ALL SLNT", **LatLong:** "42.116669 124.916673", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:00 N 124:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.116669,124.916673)", **State/Prov:** "LNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43706 (F3B29927)
**Date:** 4/13/1981
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** TANGSHAN, HEBEI, CH
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Triangle jets dull flames southwest going northeast. Hundreds / report(s) / Apr. '81.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14133
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TANGSHAN,HEBEI,CH:SVRL SEP.OBS:TRIANGLE JETS DULL FLAMES SW>NE:100s/rpts/APR81", **LatLong:** "39.616669 118.233339", **LatLongDMS:** "39:37:00 N 118:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.616669,118.233339)", **State/Prov:** "HEB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43707 (B2006703)
**Date:** 4/15/1981
**Location:** ITALY, Catania
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 00:20, two policemen in a car saw a strong reddish light coming down from the sky. The engine and electrical circuit of their vehicle stopped while the saucer, about 3 m in diameter and 1 m in height, landed on the street 50 meters in front of them. From a small door that opened in the saucer, they saw two human forms gesticulating and jumping to the ground. At the place of the eyes they had like balls of light, around the head and hands, like sparks. The head, compared to the rest of the body, was big. This took a few seconds or minutes, during which the beings seemed to converse with each other. Then the entities turned around, jumped into their craft, the door closed. A few seconds later the saucer made four rotations on itself, accelerating, while a very sharp noise was heard, the object catapulted and disappeared. Shocked by this experience, the agents restarted the engine, which ran, and they arrived at their destination, 100 km further, at 3:15 only! (1981, between April 15th and 20th)
**Reference:** CISU, Notizie Ufo n° 48
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3120
### Event 43708 (76B938CE)
**Date:** 4/15/1981
**Location:** Mount Sunapee, NH
**Description:** A huge metallic triangular object with several red lights on the sides and very bright white light on the leading edge flew over Mount Sunapee, New Hampshire. It flew very low to the ground, and passed over a car flying off to the west. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5392
### Event 43709 (D82F6B37)
**Date:** 4/15/1981
**End date:** 4/20/1981
**Location:** Catania, Sicily, Italy
**Description:** 12:20 AM. Two police officers in their car saw a strong reddish light descending from the sky. The engine and electrical components to their vehicle become inoperative as a saucer about 3 m in diameter and 1 m in height lands on the street about 50 meters away from their vehicle. A small door opened on the saucer and the witnesses see two human forms emerge; the figures began gesticulating and "jumping" around. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5393
### Event 43710 (4D687C21)
**Date:** 4/15/1981
**Location:** Windsor, Vermont
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Walking through the parking lot of the P&C grocery store in Windsor, Vermont, Linda Kingsbury and Lucy Slothower notice two bright lights in the sky moving toward them. They are part of a dark, triangular object with additional blue and yellow lights on the underside. As it passes overhead, they hear a heavy humming.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Cruises Windsor,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201981%2005%20-%20no%20142.pdf)” White River Junction \(Vt.\) Valley News, April 17, 1981, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 142 \(May 1981\): 4; Joe and Doris Graziano, “[Press Reports,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201981%2008%2000%20-%20Vol%2029%20No%208.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 29, no. 8 \(August 1981\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6247
### Event 43711 (8F2D78BF)
**Date:** 4/15/1981
**Description:** A huge metallic triangular object with several red lights on the sides and very bright white light on the leading edge flew over Mount Sunapee, New Hampshire at 7:35 p.m. It flew very low to the ground, and passed over a car flying off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, Contact of the 5th Kind, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2035
### Event 43712 (4259F527)
**Date:** 4/16/1981
**Location:** USA, Spraytown (Indiana)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, around 11pm, the witness went out to the outdoor toilet. There, he saw a creature 8 feet tall, standing on two legs, in the snow, less than 8 meters from the house. It was emitting a nauseating smell. So as not to be the only witness, the person rushed back inside to call the others. When they came out, the creature had gone.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 33
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3119
### Event 43713 (C0F91231)
**Date:** 4/16/1981
**Locations:** Interstate 89; Grantham, New Hampshire
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Engineer [Eugene A. Fucci](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/212436504/eugene-anthony-fucci) is driving southeast on Interstate 89 in Grantham, New Hampshire, when he notices two bright stars, one of which descends to just above the horizon. Shortly afterward, a huge triangular- shaped object with colored lights on the underside and a bright white light on top flies over his car. He estimates the object is about the size of five B-52s and moving at 2,000 feet altitude at 200 mph. It appears to be all metal and black in color. It passes to the west-southwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mount Sunapee UFO Supports Area Sightings,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201981%2006%20-%20no%20143.pdf)” West Lebanon \(N.H.\) Valley News, April 22, 1981, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 143 \(June 1981\): 4; “[Triangular](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf) [UFO, April 16, 1981, at Grantham, N.H.,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no 2 \(April 1981\): 2, 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6248
### Event 43714 (4F5417BD)
**Date:** 4/17/1981
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** 200MI WITH KANIZAWA, JAPAN
**Description:** Saucer emerges / sea. Circles ship / 15 minute(s). Glows blue. Dives. Electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: BERLITZ, Charles: The DEVIL'S TRIANGLE; Wynwood Press 1989 NY, NY; ISBN 0-922066. Taki Kyoto Maru, pp 130-131.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14134
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "200mi W/KANIZAWA,JAPAN:SCR EMERGES/SEA:CIRCLES SHIP/15min:GLOWS BLUE:DIVES:EME", **LatLong:** "37.000002 135.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 135:00:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.000002,135.000006)", **State/Prov:** "SJP", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43715 (175055EC)
**Date:** 4/18/1981
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** HOLLYWOOD, CA
**Description:** Bright white disk maneuvers / clouds. Erratic. Going up and down. Goes. 2 return. Searchlights?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14135
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "170", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "HOLLYWOOD,CA:BRITE WHT DISK MNVRS/CLOUDS:ERRATIC:↑+↓:GOES:2 RETURN:SRCHLITES?", **LatLong:** "34.100002 -118.300006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:06:00 N 118:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.100002,-118.300006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43716 (A40E2ABC)
**Date:** 4/19/1981
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** WEST LOS ANGELES, CA
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Cylinder/cylindrical object going northwest. 7 wide bright windows. 180° turn going quickly southeast. / APROv29#9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14136
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "W.LOS ANGELES,CA:SEP.OBS:CYL >NW:7 WIDE BRITE WINDOWS:180° TURN>>SE:/APROv29#9", **LatLong:** "34.050002 -118.300006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:03:00 N 118:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.050002,-118.300006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43717 (F8EB15C8)
**Date:** 4/20/1981
**Time:** 10:20
**Description:** 4' metal saucer buzzes 2 / light plane. Going quickly [to] cloudy mountains. No RADAR traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14137
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1348", **HatchDesc:** "CANNON Apt/RENO,NV:4'MTL SCR BUZZES 2/LITE PLANE:>>CLOUDY MTNs:NO RDR TRACES", **LatLong:** "39.483335 -119.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "39:29:00 N 119:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.483335,-119.783339)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43718 (437BE3DA)
**Date:** 4/20/1981
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** NEAR LINHARES, BRZ
**Description:** Brilliant light. Driver wakens 1000km away / northwest / 25 April! Car left behind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14138
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "112", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "nr LINHARES,BRZ:BRILL.LITE:DRIVER WAKENS 1000km AWAY/NW/25APR!:car left behind", **LatLong:** "-19.416668 -40.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "19:25:00 S 40:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.416668,-40.083335)", **State/Prov:** "ESP", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43719 (E1CB1846)
**Date:** 4/20/1981
**Location:** Reno, NV
**Description:** 3-5' object hovered below Cessna 210 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5395
### Event 43720 (00605672)
**Date:** 4/20/1981
**Location:** Reno, NV
**Description:** Small, shiny object below private plane. Object fluttered or tilted, accelerated rapidly, sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_374
### Event 43721 (19A3FAA4)
**Date:** 4/20/1981
**Description:** Walter and Judy Austin, a 42-year-old married couple, were flying in a Cessna 210 at 1,600 feet over Cannon Airport in Reno, Nevada at 10:30 a.m. when they sighted a domed disc-shaped UFO. The UFO was seen below their horizon at a distance of only 300 feet. They described it as a solid object, shiny like chrome, which tilted and fluttered as it flew. It was small, onlly 3-5 feet in diameter. It tilted, accelerated rapidly, then sped away toward the cloud shrouded mountains. It did not appear on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, October 1981, p. 6; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 26 & 125
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2166
### Event 43722 (DE76554B)
**Date:** 4/20/1981
**Description:** Sr. J. De Souza Ramos was driving on Highway 101 near Linhares, Brazil in Sao Paulo state at 6:30 p.m. when a bright light overtook and blinded him. He recovered consciousness five days later. When he awoke he was in a remote part of Brazil, over 1000 kilometers away to the northwest, and without his car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 251, citing FSR, August 1981, p. 19; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 13682; Jenny Randles, Time Storms: Amazing Evidence for Time Warps, Space Rifts, and Time Travel, p. 79
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2167
### Event 43723 (E633A8A2)
**Date:** 4/21/1981
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** NEAR KAYENTA, AZ
**Description:** AAL crew. UFO going southwest very fast. Type unknown. Turns back going quickly northeast. No further details. / MJ#276.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14139
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1700", **HatchDesc:** "nr KAYENTA,AZ:AAL CREW:UFO > SW VFAST:TYPE UNK:TURNS BACK>>NE:NFD:/MJ#276", **LatLong:** "36.666668 -110.250005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:40:00 N 110:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.666668,-110.250005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 43724 (CBB19EF9)
**Date:** 4/21/1981
**Description:** Lyrid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_375
### Event 43725 (00DB1ABB)
**Date:** 4/22/1981
**Time:** 01:17:13.8
**Location:** 49.8910 78.8110
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 190KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1600
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8910 78.8110", **LatLongDMS:** "49:53:28 N 78:48:40 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8910,78.8110)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "190"
### Event 43726 (4284CEFC)
**Date:** 4/25/1981
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** BEIJING, CH
**Description:** Bullet capsule hangs vertical. Glows / colored bands. Slow. Stops. Goes fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14140
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "BEIJING,CH:BULLET CAPSULE HANGS VERTICAL:GLOWS/CLRD BANDS:SLOW:STOPS:GOES FAST", **LatLong:** "39.916669 116.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:55:00 N 116:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.916669,116.400006)", **State/Prov:** "Beijing", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43727 (5402A986)
**Date:** 4/25/1981
**Location:** Beijing, China
**Description:** 7:00 a.m. Du Shengyuan notices a curious object circling in the sky above Beijing, China. After unsuccessfully calling media outlets, he goes back outside and finds the object is now directly overhead at more than 6,500 feet. Through binoculars he can see it is bullet-shaped and varies its speed, sometimes hovering. The middle part is white, and the bottom is luminous green. It moves out of sight at 7:25 a.m. Some 20 other people also watch the UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Dong and Wendelle Stevens, UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archives, 1983, pp. 216–218; Good Above, [pp. 217](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/216/mode/2up), [470](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/470/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6249
### Event 43728 (E9561C9E)
**Date:** 4/25/1981
**Description:** In Beijing, China at 7:00 a.m. a bullet-shaped ellipsoid, with the middle of the object white and the bottom green, glowed and hung in the sky in a vertical position. It moved slowly, then stopped, and finally shot away fast. The sighting lasted 25 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, p. 216
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2308
### Event 43729 (68671DF9)
**Date:** 4/25/1981
**Description:** At 3:54 a.m. a dog barked excitedly at the same time a married couple saw a bright light hovering over some nearby woods in Ottoville, Ohio. The object repeatedly moved up-and-down as it remained in one part of the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1981, p. 3, citing the Putnam County Sentinel, April 29, 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2309
### Event 43730 (F1D1C890)
**Date:** 4/30/1981
**Time:** 14:35:00.1
**Location:** 37.1773 -116.0848
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vide” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_873
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1773 -116.0848", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:38 N 116:05:05 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1773,-116.0848)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.32", **NukeName:** "Vide", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43731 (7254C750)
**Date:** 5/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The first production F-117A is airlifted to Groom Lake for testing.
**Reference:** Rich 1994
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2907
### Event 43732 (50205F70)
**Date:** 5/1981
**Location:** Yakima, WA
**Description:** The main witness had seen for the past 2 months numerous slow flying UFOs and strange lights over the area. She then heard a sound similar to a sewing machine, she turned around and saw the figure of a "feminine appearing" man with small rounded narrow shoulders, a thin head and thick turtle like neck. She could not make out any eyes, legs, or arms. The next thing she remembered was floating through the air over the cornfields behind her house. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5396
### Event 43733 (E830904F)
**Date:** 5/1981
**Location:** Mennecy, France
**Description:** 3:00 AM. Traveling on a road, 3 women, 34-year old Sandra, Viviane and Marie France see a horizontal orange cigar-shaped object, hovering on the right side of the road. As they drove to the top of the hill the cigar vanishes. Soon a white sphere follows their vehicle. Later under hypnosis Sandra remembered seeing humanoids inside the object, described as of normal size, elongated eyes, thin bodies and wearing white coveralls from head to toes. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5397
### Event 43734 (2B65E80A)
**Date:** 5/1/1981
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** CLARK CO, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. Large white glowing saucer 150' from home. Humming sound. Going quickly south / Oregon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 166)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14141
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "CLARK co,WA:1 OBS:LRG WHT GLOWING SCR 150' FROM HOME:HUMMING SOUND:>>S/OREGON", **LatLong:** "45.666669 -122.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "45:40:00 N 122:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.666669,-122.583339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43735 (D958D680)
**Date:** 5/1/1981
**Location:** Clark County, WA
**Description:** A 26-year-old woman reported a large white glowing disc-shaped object just 150 feet from her home in Clark County, Washington. It made a humming sound and flew off to the south toward Oregon. The incident lasted slightly less than a minute. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5399
### Event 43736 (26DE6D9E)
**Date:** 5/1/1981
**Description:** A 26-year-old woman reported a large white glowing disc-shaped object just 150 feet from her home in Clark County, Washington at around 4:00 a.m. It made a humming sound and flew off to the south toward Oregon. The incident lasted slightly less than a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Greg Long, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1981, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2445
### Event 43737 (A9C2D7EE)
**Date:** Early 5/1981
**Locations:** Norfolk, Virginia; Atlantic coast; Greenland; Nova Scotia
**Description:** Merle Shane McDow is attached to the US Navy Atlantic Command Support Facility in Norfolk, Virginia, when a UFO is tracked moving at high speed on at least five radar scopes up and down the Atlantic coast. The UFO sets off a Condition Zebra alert in the Naval Command Center, and Adm. [Harry D. Train II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry%5FD.%5FTrain%5FII) gives the order to force down the object and recover it. US jets chase the UFO for more than an hour as far north as Greenland, sometimes confirming it visually, but it evades them. During the event, KH-11 reconnaissance satellites take photos of the object. The object moves from Nova Scotia to Norfolk in one sweep of the radar. Eventually it moves off at tremendous speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Steven M. Greer, Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History, Crossing Point, 2001, pp. 238–245; Stephen Erdmann, “[Dr. Greer’s Greatest UFO Query,](https://www.ufodigest.com/article/dr-greers-greatest-ufo-query/)” UFO Digest, June 1, 2018; Good Need, [pp. 337–338](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/336/mode/2up); “[Condition Zebra: UFOs Overhead, Merle Shane McDow,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TkfQy83ayM)” Abundance of Energy YouTube channel, October 7, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6250
### Event 43738 (08512147)
**Date:** 5/4/1981
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** DANVILLE, PA
**Description:** 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large domed saucer offloads small saucers that emit angel hair!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 277)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14142
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "DANVILLE,PA:6 OBS/BINOCS:LRG DOMED SCR OFFLOADS SML SCRS THAT EMIT ANGEL HAIR!", **LatLong:** "40.961113 -76.611115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:57:40 N 76:36:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.961113,-76.611115)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43739 (B0C263A4)
**Date:** 5/4/1981
**Time:** 22:40
**Description:** Bright saucer / ground. Vanishes. Observer(s) pulled toward(s) spot. Burnt grass.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 229)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14143
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "876", **HatchDesc:** "BELO HORIZONTE,BRZ:BRITE SCR/GND:VANISHES:OBS PULLED TWRD SPOT:BURNT GRASS", **LatLong:** "-19.883334 -43.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "19:53:00 S 43:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.883334,-43.933335)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43740 (109D1950)
**Date:** 5/4/1981
**Location:** Minas Gerais state, Brazil
**Description:** A bright disc landed on the ground in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, Brazil and then vanished. A witness felt pulled toward the spot. Burnt grass was found at the site. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5400
### Event 43741 (3E82354E)
**Date:** 5/4/1981
**Location:** Danville, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 2 :00 p.m. As he is pulling up to his home in Danville, Pennsylvania, on a motorcycle, William F. Hummer notices “cobwebs” hanging over houses, telephone wires, and parked cars. Wispy material is falling from the sky. He sees something moving around in the sky and goes in to get binoculars. He and another man watch several flying discs as they dart overhead in groups of twos and threes. One pauses and he can see it is round and metallic with a dome and “kind of peak on it.” His sister joins them and says they can see big masses of material floating around for 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 126
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6251
### Event 43742 (214EB3D2)
**Date:** 5/4/1981
**Description:** At 10:40 p.m. a bright disc landed on the ground in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais state, Brazil and then vanished. A witness felt pulled toward the spot. Burnt grass was found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 229
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2517
### Event 43743 (8690EAD6)
**Date:** 5/5/1981
**Locations:** South Africa; Indian Ocean; Western Cape
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Russian cosmonaut [Vladimir Kovalyonok](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir%5FKovalyonok) is orbiting in the [Salyut 6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salyut%5F6) space station over South Africa and moving toward the Indian Ocean. After doing some gymnastic exercises, he notices through a porthole an elliptical object resembling a “melon” with two clouds like a “barbell,” moving in the same direction as the Salyut in a suborbital path. Then a “kind of explosion happened, very beautiful to watch, of golden light.” One or two seconds later, a second explosion follows, and two golden spheres appear. Soon the Salyut enters the Earth’s terminator and he cannot see them any longer. [James Oberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FOberg) speculates that the object could have been a South African test of an Israeli Jericho-class solid-fuel missile from the Denel Overberg Test Range near Arniston, Western Cape.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Pegasus Research Consortium, “[Russian Cosmonaut Sees UFO While in Orbit Aboard Salyut-6](https://www.thelivingmoon.com/49ufo%5Ffiles/03files2/1981%5FRussian%5FCosmonaut%5FUFO%5FSalyut%5F6%5FSpace%5FStation.html) [Space Station,](https://www.thelivingmoon.com/49ufo%5Ffiles/03files2/1981%5FRussian%5FCosmonaut%5FUFO%5FSalyut%5F6%5FSpace%5FStation.html)” 2002; Mori, “The Amazing Story of the Salyut-6 UFO Encounter,” forgetomori, April 16, 2011; James Oberg, “[Have Cosmonauts Seen Launches?](http://www.jamesoberg.com/cosmonauts-see-launches.pdf)” December 18, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6252
### Event 43744 (1E9550C8)
**Date:** 5/5/1981
**Location:** Tewksbury, New Jersey
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. The Earl Richards family in Tewksbury, New Jersey, notices lights moving outside after their television goes off and the electric lights dim. Earl Jr. sees dozens of green, blue, and red lights buzzing in the southern sky, apparently accompanying an enormous flying object covered with hundreds of lights. It is elongated and he can see an outline of wings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Reported in Tewksbury,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201981%2006%20-%20no%20143.pdf)” Hunterdon County \(N.J.\) Democrat, May 14, 1981, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 143 \(June 1981\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6253
### Event 43745 (06CE0A9F)
**Date:** 5/10/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) François Mitterand elected President of the Republic. (May 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2908
### Event 43746 (171FEA4C)
**Date:** 5/12/1981
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** CLATSKANIE, OR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft follows truck / miles. Beams light going up / turbulent cloud..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14144
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CLATSKANIE,OR:2 OBS:LRG DLT FOLOS TRUCK/MILES:BEAMS LITE↑/TURBULENT CLOUD..", **LatLong:** "46.100002 -123.205561", **LatLongDMS:** "46:06:00 N 123:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.100002,-123.205561)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43747 (EFDBC99B)
**Date:** 5/12/1981
**Location:** Clatskanie (near), OR
**Description:** A man and a woman, a truck driver and a cashier, were driving near Clatskanie, Oregon. A large delta-shaped UFO surrounded by a turbulent fog or mist "like smoke from a chimney" followed their truck for 15 miles. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5403
### Event 43748 (BD0241C8)
**Date:** 5/12/1981
**Description:** A man and a woman, a truck driver and a cashier, were driving near Clatskanie, Oregon at around five o'clock in the morning. A large delta-shaped UFO surrounded by a turbulent fog or mist "like smoke from a chimney" followed their truck for 15 miles. It had a white light and two orange lights. As it directed a beam of light at their vehicle the truck lost power, and they smelled an odor like antifreeze.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, January 1982, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2772
### Event 43749 (6C15D31E)
**Date:** 5/13/1981
**Description:** In Grays, South Carolina several independent observers reported seeing a disc-shaped object drop down from the sky to tree-top level around 9 p.m. It was silent with red glowing lights; it hovered briefly, spinning, and then went away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1981, p. 2; citing Hampton (SC) Guardian, May 20, 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2813
### Event 43750 (49B99E54)
**Date:** 5/14/1981
**Location:** USSR, IN SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Note from Vog: I'm just transcribing, I'm not making up this story!) Salyut 6 is launched on March 12 with cosmonauts Vladimir Kovalyonok and Viktor Savinikh on board, for a mission in space that will last 75 days. Everything goes normally until May 14. Through the Salyut's porthole, Kovalyonok notices a round-oval object. It is a spaceship that follows the Salyut at the same speed. Its diameter is about 8 meters, it has three rows of 8 portholes each, three of these portholes, at the bottom of the craft, are very large. Kovalyonok films this UFO. On May 15, the cosmonauts notice that the UFO is now only 100 meters away from the Salyut. They can see humanoid silhouettes behind the portholes. They wear some kind of transparent visor caps, they have well-marked eyebrows, have a large straight nose like the Greeks. What is striking is the size of their eyes which are twice the normal size of human eyes. The cosmonauts look through binoculars and transmit what they see to the ground control at Baikonour. They are asked to keep the situation under control. The next day, May 16, the object is only 30 meters away. Kovalyonok asks if they should go out to make contact. The answer from the ground is "Nyet", a visual contact is enough. Kovalyonok then stands in front of the porthole and deploys a map of the solar system to the extraterrestrials. To his surprise, one of the extraterrestrials holds a map of the same kind in front of the UFO's porthole. In Morse code and with his thumbs, Kovayonok greets them "the Russian cosmonauts greet the visitors". He does it in Russian and English, without any result. So he repeats it with binary code 101101. There is a reaction. Soon after, the extraterrestrials come out of their craft and move in space. They are tall, measuring nearly 2 meters. They wear the same costume as they had inside the UFO. The cosmonauts film the demonstration. On May 17, the object leaves the Russians and moves away at a dizzying speed. (1981, May 14, 15, 16 and 17)
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse" Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3122
### Event 43751 (6800494E)
**Date:** 5/14/1981
**Location:** in space, from onboard the Soyuz T-4 spacecraft, Space
**Description:** Cosmonauts Savinikh and Kovlenok observed a strange object from their space station. At first the object was 1/2 mile away but it eventually approached to a distance to 300 feet. Inside the cosmonauts saw three brown skin beings with slanted bright blue eyes straight noses and bushy eyebrows. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5404
### Event 43752 (540462B5)
**Date:** 5/14/1981
**Location:** Salyut 6 space station
**Description:** Cosmonauts [Victor Savinykh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor%5FSavinykh) and [Vladimir Kovalyonok](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir%5FKovalyonok), aboard the [Salyut 6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salyut%5F6) space station, supposedly observe a strange spherical object with 8 windows and well-lit inside. At first it is 1/2 mile away but it eventually approaches to 300 feet. Inside, the cosmonauts see three brown-skinned beings with slanted bright blue eyes, straight noses, and bushy eyebrows. At a distance of 100 feet, they resemble mechanical robots. Their facial expressions remain emotionless. They seem to be requesting closer contact with the Soviet craft. The object shifts around erratically and from time to time it vanishes, but then reappears in an instant. It seems to be metallic, but it has no doors, no solar batteries, no optical systems, no antennae, and no marks or writing of any kind. The cosmonauts also notice normal-looking armchairs, some devices, and walls inside the craft. Using a pair of powerful binoculars, the cosmonauts see the beings showing them what appears to be a star map. Allegedly the cosmonauts film the event and the film is later shown to party leaders by cosmonaut [Georgy Beregovoy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy%5FBeregovoy).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, pp. 67–68
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6254
### Event 43753 (09DFAB97)
**Date:** 5/16/1981
**Location:** CANADA, Kamloops (British Columbia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A man was fishing in the Thompson River. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon. A small boat had just passed when the witness heard a loud noise, like water boiling and overflowing from a pan. At 100 yards the water of the river began to boil, indeed. Slowly a disc-shaped object emerged from the river, rose up and flew away. A rain of "flakes" fell on the witness, probably produced by the UFO. He collected them to have them analyzed. Unfortunately we have no knowledge of the results.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 176
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3123
### Event 43754 (965554C2)
**Date:** 5/16/1981
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** 2 / car. Red-glowing dome low / roadside. Vanishes / car nears. Glow going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14145
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "COCKEBIDDY,W.AUSTR:2/CAR:RED-GLO DOME LOW/ROADSIDE:VANISHES/CAR NEARS:glow >>W", **LatLong:** "-32.066668 126.166673", **LatLongDMS:** "32:04:00 S 126:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.066668,126.166673)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43755 (7A372D79)
**Date:** 5/16/1981
**Location:** Cocklebiddy (near), AU
**Description:** A couple named Winsome were driving in the desert when they noticed a red glowing dome low on the side of the road. It vanished as the car approached, but a glowing light flew off to the west. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5406
### Event 43756 (D5C50489)
**Date:** 5/16/1981
**Locations:** Thompson River; Kamloops, British Columbia
**Description:** 2:30 p.m. A man is fishing in the Thompson River near Kamloops, British Columbia, when the water about 300–450 feet away starts bubbling up. A 15–20-foot UFO rises out of the water and slowly approaches the witness at a 45° angle, passes directly above him, accelerates upward, and speeds away. Pellets from the UFO, apparently from the object, fall around him.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “A Submarine UFO,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 5 \(July/Aug. 1981\): 13–14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6255
### Event 43757 (F1472762)
**Date:** 5/16/1981
**Description:** A couple named Winsome were driving in the desert near Cocklebiddy, Western Australia when they noticed a red glowing dome low on the side of the road. It vanished as the car approached, but a glowing light flew off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Australian CUFOS Bulletin, August 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2899
### Event 43758 (4D2CE12A)
**Date:** 5/20/1981
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** FLORIDA, URUGUAY
**Description:** Electric out / region. Unusual power demand. Tambourine disk hovers. Going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14146
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "79", **HatchDesc:** "FLORIDA,URUGUAY:ELEC.OUT/REGION:unusual power demand:TAMBOURINE DISK HVRS:>E", **LatLong:** "-34.100002 -56.216669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:06:00 S 56:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.100002,-56.216669)", **State/Prov:** "FLR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43759 (394928C6)
**Date:** 5/20/1981
**Location:** Shawnee Road southwest of Lima, Ohio
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. A witness is driving south on Shawnee Road southwest of Lima, Ohio, when he notices lights on his left less than a mile ahead. He sees an object hovering silently about 150–200 feet away and 75–100 feet in the air. He watches it from his car for 3 minutes. It has a glowing lavender-colored area around its outer edge and a dim white light radiating from the center of its flat base. The object moves to the northeast and accelerates. He loses interest and drives away, but another object begins moving parallel to his car about 300 feet to his left. He speeds up, but it maintains its pacing until it veers to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Recent Close Encounter with UFO in](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf) [Ohio,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 7 \(July 1981\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6256
### Event 43760 (7A8FD5E8)
**Date:** 5/21/1981
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BROMLEY, LONDON
**Description:** 1 observer. Big square white light goes over house. / Bromley times, Kent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14147
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BROMLEY,LONDON:1 OBS:BIG SQUARE WHT LITE GOES OVR HOUSE:/BROMLEY TIMES,KENT", **LatLong:** "51.383336 0.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:23:00 N 00:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.383336,0.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43761 (355FA2F1)
**Date:** 5/22/1981
**Locations:** Florida; Uruguay
**Description:** Evening. Several hundred people in Florida, Uruguay, watch a drum-like UFO with red lights on the rear and green and red lights on each side. Its appearance coincides with an electrical blackout due to a power overload in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “A New Radio Link,” CUFOS Bulletin, Spring 1981, pp. 2–3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6257
### Event 43762 (10F2F715)
**Date:** 5/25/1981
**Time:** 05:00:00.3
**Location:** 68.2000 53.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Pyrite” Yield: 37.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1601
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "68.2000 53.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "68:12:00 N 53:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/68.2000,53.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.51", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "PNE:Pyrite", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "37.6"
### Event 43763 (B89661B6)
**Date:** 5/27/1981
**Time:** 03:58:14.8
**Location:** 49.9920 78.9790
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1602
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9920 78.9790", **LatLongDMS:** "49:59:31 N 78:58:44 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9920,78.9790)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43764 (8091A59C)
**Date:** 5/29/1981
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1019 -116.0041
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aligote” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_874
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1019 -116.0041", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:07 N 116:00:15 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1019,-116.0041)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.32", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Aligote", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43765 (488F6E90)
**Date:** 6/1/1981
**Description:** In Cavan, South Australia a former radio booster station saw a huge whitish-blue ball of light, the size of a house, on the right of it at 5:45 a.m. The ball of light rolled across in front of a car beign driven by a witness named Watson, and the car drove through it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Cashman, Project 1947 website; Australian IUR, August 1981, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3207
### Event 43766 (9E035E86)
**Date:** 6/4/1981
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: .001KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1603
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** ".001"
### Event 43767 (B5EB6A3B)
**Date:** 6/5/1981
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Luminous object splits / 2, 3, 4 parts. Some rejoin. / r208p219.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14148
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "XI'AN UNIV.,SHAANXI,CH:LUM OBJ SPLITS/2,3,4 PARTS:SOME REJOIN:/r208p219", **LatLong:** "34.233335 108.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:14:00 N 108:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.233335,108.916672)", **State/Prov:** "SAA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43768 (E604045A)
**Date:** 6/5/1981
**Location:** Xi’an University, Shanxi, China
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Ding Shiliang and other students at Xi’an University, Shanxi, China, see a luminous flying object that splits into two parts, then three, then four. Shortly afterward, two of the units on either side vanish, leaving the other two segments still in position. Another UFO appears and the objects merge into one, splitting into two again later. It vanishes 20 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Dong and Wendelle Stevens, UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archives, 1983, pp. 219–220
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6260
### Event 43769 (8A0F6338)
**Date:** 6/6/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Kelamayi (Xinjiang)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Wang Xinhua) I am an oil worker. On the night of June 6, 1981, I worked very late. At midnight I saw an unusual phenomenon. (...) I directed my gaze to the north and then observed in the sky an object that was all white, milky, and seemed to be suspended. Its nucleus seemed particularly white to me. It had the shape of a cigar. A moment later the object began to move towards the east. I called the workers of our night shift (eight people in total, including myself) (...) The object flew over the Gobi Desert, and ten minutes later it landed on the sand, very far from us. We wanted to go by car to the landing site to examine it, but work prevented us. We stayed outside for a quarter of an hour until the complete disappearance of the object, which finally faded away on the horizon.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 175
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3124
### Event 43770 (ABA8E5C6)
**Date:** 6/6/1981
**Time:** ~01:00
**Location:** LITTLE ROCK, ARK
**Description:** 2 teens. 4' rectangular and small saucer cavort all over/all about garage and shed. Very close. Traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14149
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "LITTLE ROCK,ARK:2 TEENS:4'RECT.+SML SCR CAVORT ALLO GARAGE+SHED:VCLOSE:TRACES", **LatLong:** "34.755557 -92.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "34:45:20 N 92:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.755557,-92.283338)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43771 (424C22AA)
**Date:** 6/6/1981
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Several sentries. White cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Lands / Gobi desert sands.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 220)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14150
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LOC.UNK/UIGHUR REGION,CH:SVRL SENTRIES:WHT CGR HVRS:LANDS/GOBI DESERT SANDS", **LatLong:** "43.000002 93.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:00:00 N 93:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.000002,93.000004)", **State/Prov:** "XNJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43772 (AFB89804)
**Date:** 6/6/1981
**Location:** Little Rock, AK
**Description:** Two teenagers in Little Rock saw a small, four-foot long rectangular UFO and a small disc cavorting over a backyard garage and shed. They came very close and the leaves on some trees were withered. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5407
### Event 43773 (9A4B45FF)
**Date:** 6/6/1981
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.3034 -116.3256
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Harzer” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_875
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3034 -116.3256", **LatLongDMS:** "37:18:12 N 116:19:32 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3034,-116.3256)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.64", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Harzer", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 43774 (3DE03F87)
**Date:** 6/6/1981
**Description:** At one o'clock in the morning two teenagers in Little Rock, Arkansas saw a small, four-foot long rectangular UFO and a small disc cavorting over a backyard garage and shed in Little Rock, Arkansas. They came very close and the leaves on some trees were withered. At 10 p.m. several sentries in the Uigher Region of China watched a white, cigar-shaped object hover, then land in the Gobi Desert.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, June 1982, p. 6; Wendelle Stevens and Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, p. 220
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3335
### Event 43775 (5C5CF495)
**Date:** 6/7/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Daju Island (Zhoushan)
**Description:** (Translated from French) 23:17 - The night was pitch black and one could not see more than three feet. After returning from his tour inspecting telephone wires, fighter Zhang Ming suddenly noticed a luminous object moving from north to south. The object had a spherical shape and an apparent diameter of 50 cm '...) It emitted very powerful and dazzling blue lights like lightning snakes in the black sky. Its outline was well defined and the ball dragged behind it a beam of light measuring more than 50 cm long. This tail of light had several colors: yellow, green, white, red. It was as if flames were spewed from the rocket. During these maneuvers, the ball kept spinning on itself, but without any noise. At 1000 or 2000 m altitude, the flying object headed from northwest to south passing over our barracks, before finally disappearing into a black cloud. The observation lasted a total of three minutes. Before, during and after this phenomenon, the radio went silent, and although the voltage did not vary, the fluorescent lamps flickered without really lighting up and the incandescent lamps became all pale. Five minutes after the UFO disappeared, everything returned to normal.
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.67
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3125
### Event 43776 (2D63DB0E)
**Date:** 6/9/1981
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** TAIWAN STRAITS, CH
**Description:** Many / ground and air. 15 night lights / row / 3 hours. Several RADAR's can't see it. 10K' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 271)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14151
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Taiwan China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "TAIWAN STRAITS,CH:MANY/GND+AIR:15 NLTS/ROW/3hrs:SVRL RDRs CANT SEE IT:10K'alt", **LatLong:** "24.916668 120.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "24:55:00 N 120:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.916668,120.250006)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43777 (262EF959)
**Date:** 6/10/1981
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** YAKIMA IND. RSV, WA
**Description:** 2 / car. Badge-shape overhead. Rises and blows fog. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) v8#1+/ MJ#166.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 356)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14152
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "325", **HatchDesc:** "YAKIMA IND.RSV,WA:2/CAR:BADGE-SHAPE OVHD:RISES+BLOWS FOG:/IUR v8#1+/MJ#166", **LatLong:** "46.333336 -120.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "46:20:00 N 120:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.333336,-120.416672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43778 (B270760E)
**Date:** 6/10/1981
**Locations:** Yakama Indian Reservation; Washington State
**Description:** 12:15 a.m. An Indian couple on the Yakama Indian Reservation in Washington State are driving west when the immediate area around their vehicle is illuminated. Overhead they see a large “badge-shaped” object about 35 feet in the air. Its periphery is marked by small, multicolored flashing lights. There are three large pale-yellow lights, one on each side and one centered between these. The object follows them for about one mile and then ascends vertically at a rapid speed and disappears into a cloud-like mist of its own making.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Yakima Reservation Report,” IUR 8, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1983\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6261
### Event 43779 (EB4DEE40)
**Date:** 6/10/1981
**Locations:** Sandia Laboratories; back yard of his home on the east side of Albuquerque, New Mexico
**Description:** 5:19 p.m. A worker at Sandia Laboratories is in the back yard of his home on the east side of Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he sees an object flying west at a high altitude, 20,000–30,000 feet. It begins to tumble erratically. A second object with a bright light appears slightly above it, moving 2–3 times faster than a commercial airliner. The witness can hear no sound. The duration is 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “What the Bombardier Saw,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 6 \(Jan./Feb. 1982\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6262
### Event 43780 (7E9A823B)
**Date:** 6/11/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Xian (Shaansi)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Yao Zhian) On June 11, 1981, at around 1:10am, I left the factory on my bicycle to go home. My family lives in the suburbs and I had to take a deserted road at that time. Right after passing the stadium, an orange-red object appeared above me. I looked up to see it. It was as big as a truck wheel, topped with a shiny dome, and the bottom was flat. At first I thought it was motionless in the sky. I pedaled quickly and soon arrived at the level of the Xiaozhai primary school, far from the city. When I made a 20° turn and entered a path, I noticed that this orange-red object was already in front of me, above two trees. It was higher than before and its outline had become clearer. I didn't hear any noise. I was scared and accelerated my speed. When I looked up to see it again, it had mysteriously disappeared. Yet, when I arrived at the entrance of my village, to my great surprise, it was in front of me, on a roof. I then knew it was waiting for me there! I was terrified and could no longer stay on my bicycle. I got off and, pushing the bike, I timidly entered the village. At that moment the unknown object turned into an orange-red crepe, of a rather oval shape. It suddenly took off vertically and very quickly flew towards the north. Then it stopped moving again (...) and after two seconds it suddenly went out.
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 180
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3126
### Event 43781 (D6255BDE)
**Date:** 6/11/1981
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** XI'AN, SHAANXI, CH
**Description:** 1 observer. Red-glowing domed pancake disk hovers / tilted. Shoots going up [to] suddenly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 220)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14153
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "XI'AN,SHAANXI,CH:1 OBS:RED-GLO DOMED PANCAKE DISK HVRS/TILTED:SHOOTS↑ SUDDENLY", **LatLong:** "34.266668 108.933339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:16:00 N 108:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.266668,108.933339)", **State/Prov:** "SAA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43782 (235CD096)
**Date:** 6/12/1981
**Location:** USA, Alice, TX
**Description:** (Translated from French) A luminous, disc-shaped object with black rings was seen hovering above a water tanker truck. During the observation, the engine emitted static electricity into the onboard radio. Afterwards, the tank was found to be empty, all the water having evaporated!
**Reference:** Jan Aldrich 10/97; Richard Hall, MUFON Journal 192, p14, originally 167-8
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3127
### Event 43783 (53C7BB44)
**Date:** 6/12/1981
**Time:** 14:10
**Location:** WEST / ALICE, TX
**Description:** 1 observer. Saucer levitates H2O truck. 165 Gal / water turns / steam / 55 PSIG. / MJ#203.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14154
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "W/ALICE,TX:1 OBS:SCR LEV'S H2O TRUCK:165 GAL/WATER TURNS/STEAM/55 PSIG:/MJ#203", **LatLong:** "27.738890 -98.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "27:44:20 N 98:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.738890,-98.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 43784 (AB6E61BC)
**Date:** 6/12/1981
**Location:** Alice, TX
**Description:** Truck Slows Down, Water In Tank Heats Up (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [810612](http://nicap.org/810612alice%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5408
### Event 43785 (49FA7A0E)
**Date:** 6/12/1981
**Location:** Alice, TX
**Description:** Disc with dome hovered over truck, forward motion impeded, truck lifted off road
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_376
### Event 43786 (4D4A1984)
**Date:** 6/12/1981
**Location:** southern Taiwan
**Description:** Farmer Chen Kang and his wife watch an object with twinkling lights in southern Taiwan. After hearing a strange sound, they look up and see a crystal object shaped like a reversed cone gliding downward. It lands behind a tree and continues whirling like a top and emitting fog. It flies off after about 10 minutes without leaving any traces.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** South China Morning Post, June 14, 1981; “[UFO Lands in Taiwan,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 7 \(July 1981\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6263
### Event 43787 (0F741755)
**Date:** 6/12/1981
**Description:** Robert Gomez, a vacuum truck driver, was headed west on highway FR 665 toward Alice, Texas after finishing a job. His vehicle had about 165 gallons of water in the tank and no pressure. At 2:10 p.m. he saw a bright object in the sky that he first thought was an airplane. It increased in brightness and stopped in midair. The object was domed disc-shaped, brilliant white in color and with a dark ring around the rim and another dark ring around its center. Gomez felt the truck slowing down and tried to accelerate. The truck's exhaust stacks were blowing smoke, but the truck had apparently been lifted a foot off the ground. Although his AM radio quit working, his CB radio was still working, so he reported what was happening to his dispatcher. Shortly later the UFO disappeared into the clouds. Smoke was discovered coming out of the water tank valve, which now showed 55 pounds of pressure on the gauge. He opened the valve to drain the remaining water, but only steam came out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, Uninvited Guests, pp. 313-314; MUFON UFO Journal, January 1982; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 276
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3446
### Event 43788 (BE7D66E2)
**Date:** 6/13/1981
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** NEAR CHIA-LI, TAIWAN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Transparent 3M cone spins. Touches ground. Blows mist. Shoots going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 272)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14155
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Taiwan China", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr CHIA-LI,TAIWAN:2 OBS:XPARENT 3M CONE SPINS:TOUCHES GND:BLOWS MIST:SHOOTS >N", **LatLong:** "23.150001 120.183339", **LatLongDMS:** "23:09:00 N 120:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/23.150001,120.183339)", **State/Prov:** "TNN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43789 (BD045BCA)
**Date:** 6/13/1981
**Location:** Chia-Li, Taiwan
**Description:** 12:20 AM. A spinning transparent cone, 3 meters in length, touched down on the ground in Chia-Li, Taiwan. It expelled a mist, then took off and shot away to the north. (Source: Paul Dong and Wendelle Stevens, UFOs over Modern China, p. 272). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5409
### Event 43790 (CE7858B1)
**Date:** 6/13/1981
**Description:** At twenty minutes after midnight a spinning transparent cone, 3 meters in length, touched down on the ground in Chia-Li, Taiwan. It expelled a mist, then took off and shot away to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Dong and Wendelle Stevens, UFOs over Modern China, p. 272
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3467
### Event 43791 (9FC384B0)
**Date:** 6/15/1981
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Yellow ovoid / low altitude. Drops night light and extends beam / light / woods.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14156
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "304", **HatchDesc:** "RAWTENSTALL,LANCs:SEP.OBS:YLW OVOID/LO ALT:DROPS NLT+EXTENDS BEAM/LITE/WOODS", **LatLong:** "53.700003 -2.283333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:42:00 N 02:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.700003,-2.283333)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43792 (E87C85CD)
**Date:** 6/15/1981
**Description:** A physicist watched an uneven line of six orange UFOs fly silently by the town of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China at 7:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Wendelle Stevens & Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, p. 221
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3503
### Event 43793 (50895A36)
**Date:** 6/17/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Jiangji (Anhui)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Su Lai, and other witnesses: Su Jingsheng, Xiao Lu, Su Qinqzhang,) At around 8:30 pm, Xiao Liu and two other children who were catching insects in the fields suddenly saw a bright flying object in the northwest sky. The object looked like a plate. It flew at an incredible speed towards the south. Emitting a dazzling white light, the plate-shaped object left a long luminous trail behind it. The two children were scared and started to cry. (...) Su Qinqzhang was working in the fields (...) he saw a luminous object that looked like a very long dragon with a bright head and a tail that undulated irregularly. It flew at a very high speed. (...)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 185, 186
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3128
### Event 43794 (39C26FB0)
**Date:** 6/17/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Lianyungang (Jiangsu)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Li Binli, Ren Jianmin, Yao Chunsheng, Jian Yong, Zhang Wei) We are soldiers from a unit of the People's Liberation Army. (...) At around 8:05 PM we were doing sports on the field. Ren Jianmin suddenly discovered a flying object emitting a white light in the northwest sky. This object was gaining more and more altitude and looked like two plates turned upside down on each other. It was surrounded by a red light. We observed it for two minutes. It finally disappeared into the clouds. (...)(...)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 187
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3129
### Event 43795 (4F856935)
**Date:** 6/17/1981
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** Many observer(s). Luminous saucer hovers / 35° elevation. Rises to 60°. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 221)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14157
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "QINGHA Univ.+BEIJING,CH:MANY OBS:LUMn.SCR HVRS/35°ELEV:RISES TO 60°:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "39.922224 116.300006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:55:20 N 116:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.922224,116.300006)", **State/Prov:** "BJG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43796 (30F23F45)
**Date:** 6/17/1981
**Time:** ~20:20
**Description:** 5+observer(s). Saucer with glowing ring / edge northwest going quickly southeast. Spins counterclockwise. Seen widely.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 222)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14158
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "loc.unk,JIANGSU,CH:5+OBS:SCR W/GLOWING RING/EDGE NW>>SE:SPINS CCW:SEEN WIDELY", **LatLong:** "34.000002 119.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:00:00 N 119:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.000002,119.000006)", **State/Prov:** "Jiangsu", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43797 (02D999EE)
**Date:** 6/18/1981
**Location:** USA, Nellis AFB (Nevada)
**Reference:** Gesag, Bulletin No. 96 Sept 97, p. 3
**Reference:** see Oct. 1983
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3130
### Event 43798 (D59908F5)
**Date:** 6/18/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First flight of production F-117A Stealth Fighter \(\#780\) to Groom Lake. (June 18)
**Reference:** Rich 1994
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2909
### Event 43799 (3DA15E4D)
**Date:** 6/18/1981
**Location:** Groom Lake, Nevada
**Description:** The first YF-117A stealth fighter makes its maiden flight at Groom Lake, Nevada. The aircraft remains a tightly held secret for much of the 1980s.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FF-117%5FNighthawk)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6264
### Event 43800 (1A6FDAD8)
**Date:** 6/20/1981
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Big ball / light zigzags behind ferryboat. Saucer rises / water / 01 Jul. '81.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14159
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "S/ALENQUER,BRZL:BIG BALL/LITE ZIGZAGS BHND FERRYBOAT:SCR RISES/WATER/01JLY81", **LatLong:** "-1.933333 -54.766669", **LatLongDMS:** "01:56:00 S 54:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-1.933333,-54.766669)", **State/Prov:** "PRA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43801 (5F554275)
**Date:** Summer 1981
**Description:** [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) gives [Paul Bennewitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz) an altered version of the Project Aquarius document from 1977. Moore had seen the original in November 1980 and has had his own copy since February 1981. He gives Bennewitz this document on behalf of Air Force Intelligence, knowing it has been altered, in order to retain his access to inside information. The document is the first time that the term MJ-1 makes its appearance. According to Moore, the original said that the NSA had altered Bennewitz’s photos and incidentally found them to be authentic. In the altered memo, NSA becomes NASA.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Greg Bishop, Project Beta, Paraview, 2005, [pp. 120–123](https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/120/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6258
### Event 43802 (63652671)
**Date:** Summer 1981
**Locations:** California; China
**Description:** Chinese UFO researcher Paul Dong \(Moon Wai\), a resident of California, becomes the editor of the China UFO Research Organization’s Journal of UFO Research and goes on a month-long lecture tour all over China. He collects hundreds of UFO cases from the period 1978–1981. In the next few years, hundreds of other cases \(some dating back to 1940\) are published in the journal. Many of them are published in UFOs over Modern China, by Wendelle C. Stevens and Paul Dong, 1983.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Dong, “Letters,” IUR 7, no. 2 \(March 1982\): 3; Good Above, [pp. 206–207](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/206/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6259
### Event 43803 (D2944424)
**Date:** 6/22/1981
**Description:** In 1981 at 10:35 a.m. the fire lookout at the Satus Peak fire tower on the Yakima Indian Reservation in central Washington State saw a slow moving light descend in the sky, moving toward the northwest. The light entered a long, thin cloud, and never exited. At about the same time a large orange glow filled the windshield of a motorist and family in Forreston, South Australia pulsing on and off once a second. They drove under the source of the light and then it vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Greg Long, Examining the Earthlight Theory: The Yakima UFO Microcosm, p. 133; UFO Research Australia Newsletter, May 1982, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3608
### Event 43804 (5C2398CC)
**Date:** 6/27/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Zibo (Shandong)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Shi Wenglu)… A group of round-shaped UFOs was seen.… At 3:30 in the afternoon, I turned on my television, but there was a strong interference. I went out to the courtyard to check the antenna and that's when I noticed three bright round objects arranged in a triangle, flying from northeast to southwest. A moment later I saw two other bright balls heading from north to south and finally heading west. I also noticed some other round objects that remained stationary in the sky. In total there were thirteen to fifteen UFOs, all as big as a bowl. They all disappeared suddenly at once. (...)(...)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 188
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3131
### Event 43805 (1AA56316)
**Date:** 6/28/1981
**Description:** Kennebunk, Maine - Carol Palmero was sitting in her backyard at about 2 p.m. when she saw a UFO pass overhead. The object was shaped somewhat like a football with rounded ends, made no noise and flew at a steady rate of speed from northeast to west. The following day (June 29), at about 9 p.m., Fire Chief Ramon Nolette was standing in front of the dispatch station when he saw a green and white light go 1,000 to 1,500 feet into the air. Twenty minutes later he saw another one. After Nolette called the Coast Guard he received calls from more than fifteen people asking what the lights over the water were. Other calls to the Coast Guard came from Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Wells, Ogunquit and Old Orchard Beach. A boat was sent out at 9:20 p.m. to look for the source, but the lights were not seen again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, Press Reports, APRO Bulletin, November 1981, pg. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3720
### Event 43806 (E60C0F27)
**Date:** 6/30/1981
**Time:** 01:57:15.3
**Location:** 49.7610 78.0710
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1604
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7610 78.0710", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:40 N 78:04:16 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7610,78.0710)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 43807 (C5FCC21B)
**Date:** 7/1981
**Alternate date:** 8/1981
**Locations:** San José, Costa Rica; small town to the southeast of San José, Costa Rica
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A man is camping with the Red Cross in a small town to the southeast of San José, Costa Rica. He sees a well-lit, triangular object about 1,200 feet away and perhaps 1,000 feet above the ground. It is completely silent. After hovering, the object turns, moves, makes a sharp angular turn, and then another to draw a triangular path in the sky. Then it moves rapidly high, then low, back to its original location. A second triangle approaches, and they hover in close proximity to each other for 30 minutes. Then they split up and disappear rapidly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Timmerman’s Triangles,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6281
### Event 43808 (FCC27D29)
**Date:** 7/1/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Urumqi (Xinjiang)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Cui Fengmin) I am a young soldier of the city guard of Urumqi. In the night of July 1st of this year, I witnessed a UFO phenomenon. (...) At 11:55 PM (Beijing time), lying on my bed, I was reading a magazine; two comrades sharing my room were getting ready to go to bed, when we heard outside, sentinels shouting (...) We rushed out and immediately saw a flying object in the shape of a crown. This object was spinning and throwing a bluish light, like that of an electric arc. It was actually an object in the shape of a hat, with the dome on top. The hat was flying from south to north, it was as big as a bowl. (...) From time to time the luminous hat stayed still and then advanced in jerks. What surprised us the most, is that this hat started to spew from underneath a stream of sparkling matter. This phenomenon lasted about a minute. Finally, this hat which was not far from us, suddenly disappeared. It was then 12:03 AM. (...)(...)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - Ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 190
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3132
### Event 43809 (6EC2636B)
**Date:** 7/4/1981
**Location:** USA, in flight, above Lake Michigan
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. Gray, the pilot of the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar passenger plane, was flying on autopilot at 37,000 feet. The flight was from San Francisco to New York's Kennedy Airport, and was approaching the east shore of Lake Michigan. The lake was invisible due to low clouds, but the sky above the plane was clear. Suddenly, from the left front, a silver disc appeared in its full dimension. Its initial shape resembled a sombrero seen from above. The UFO approached the plane in an arc, then abruptly moved away. It then appeared 10 times wider than tall, with six dark openings around its perimeter. At the top left, a light shone like the sun. When the object disappeared in a vertical elevation apparently without difficulty, Gray noted that it was surrounded by dark vapors. The first officer confirmed the observation, but the flight engineer saw nothing.
**Reference:** Report from CSISOP
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3133
### Event 43810 (23269573)
**Date:** 7/4/1981
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** EAST / MILWAUKEE, WI
**Description:** AAL pilots. Bright silver disk. 6 round portholes. Flash. / r41p141+/ r150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14160
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "176", **HatchDesc:** "E/MILWAUKEE,WI:AAL PILOTS:BRITE SLVR DISK:6 RND PORTHOLES:FLASH:/r41p141+/r150", **LatLong:** "43.000002 -87.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:00:00 N 87:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.000002,-87.666671)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43811 (E19DD30E)
**Date:** 7/4/1981
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** "Star" travels sine-wave curve across sky!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 223)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14161
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SHAZHOU county seat,JIANGSU,CHINA:"STAR" TRAVELS SINE-WAVE CURVE ACROSS SKY!", **LatLong:** "31.866668 120.533339", **LatLongDMS:** "31:52:00 N 120:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.866668,120.533339)", **State/Prov:** "Jiangsu", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43812 (532ED01C)
**Date:** 7/4/1981
**Location:** Lake Huron, MI
**Description:** L-1011 Encounters Disc (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [810704](http://www.nicap.org/810704michigan%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5410
### Event 43813 (76EC21A0)
**Date:** 7/4/1981
**Location:** Over Lake Michigan
**Description:** Major airline L-1011 jumbo jet en route from San Francisco to New York City encountered silvery disc-shaped object
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_377
### Event 43814 (0D2AD333)
**Date:** 7/4/1981
**Locations:** south-central Lake Michigan; Muskegon, Michigan
**Description:** 4:45 p.m. Captain Phil Schultz is flying TWA Flight 842, a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar commercial airliner, east at 37,000 feet over south-central Lake Michigan not far from Muskegon, Michigan, when a silvery disc darts into view ahead and above it. Expecting a mid-air collision, they brace themselves for impact. The object then moves rapidly in an arc down to the left and rolls, presenting a side view with six evenly spaced black portholes along the edge. It then disappears to the north. Schultz estimates the disc is moving at 1,000 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, “[Commercial Jet Crew Sights Unidentified Object: Part 1,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201982%20V%2027%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 27, no. 4 \(January 1982\): 3–6; Richard F. Haines, “[Commercial Jet Crew Sights Unidentified Object: Part 2,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201982%20V%2027%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 27, no. 5 \(March 1982\): 2–8; UFOEv II 141–142; Kean, pp. 59–61
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6265
### Event 43815 (4A15F5B8)
**Date:** 7/4/1981
**Description:** At 9:20 p.m. a star-like object flew in a sine-wave pattern across in sky in Shazhou County, China. Fire lookouts at the Sopelia Tower station on the Yakima Indian Reservation in Washington State reported seeing mysterious balls of light at 10:15 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Wendelle Stevens & Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, p. 223; Greg Long, Examining the Earthlight Theory: The Yakima UFO Microcosm, p. 134
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3828
### Event 43816 (0CFE44FB)
**Date:** 7/7/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Chongqing
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Zheng Yurong) ... around 10 o'clock I was going to the free market to buy vegetables. I was walking north. Suddenly I heard an airplane buzzing. I searched the sky with my eyes and I saw an airplane flying from west to east. But at the same time I noticed in the sky to the west, a silver colored object that was moving in a straight line. Its shape was very strange: a big metal eggplant. It was flying from north to south. As the plane was making a lot of noise, I don't know if this object was making any noise too. (...) The eggplant-shaped object was made of metal because it strongly reflected the sunlight. It was flying at about 2000 m from me. It had the size of a man's shoe sole. Throughout the seven minutes of my observation, it did not change color or direction. (...)(...)
**Reference:** Shi Bo: "China and the Extraterrestrials" - ed. Mercure de France 1983, p. 192
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3134
### Event 43817 (197A05A2)
**Date:** 7/8/1981
**Time:** 22:23:00.3
**Location:** -21.7910 -139.0460
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lyncee” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1943
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.7910 -139.0460", **LatLongDMS:** "21:47:28 S 139:02:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.7910,-139.0460)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.14", **NukeName:** "Lyncee", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 43818 (BB7F43DB)
**Date:** 7/9/1981
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** VILLEMOIRIEU, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Whistle sound. White sphere over garden. Going SSW extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14162
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VILLEMOIRIEU,FR:2 OBS:WHISTLE SOUND:WHT SPHERE OVR GARDEN:>SSW XFAST", **LatLong:** "45.716669 5.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:43:00 N 05:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.716669,5.216667)", **State/Prov:** "Isère", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43819 (60ED520C)
**Date:** 7/9/1981
**Description:** First there was a whistling sound, and then a white sphere descended over a garden in Villemoirieu, Isere department, France at 12:50 a.m. The object shot off to the south-southwest very fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 216
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3967
### Event 43820 (4EC145FB)
**Date:** 7/10/1981
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** CAP PERCE, QB
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dark grey disk going up. Hovers 15 minutes. Quickly going up [to] so fast vacuum felt. / G. Milot.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Gilles MILOT: C:/DOWNLOAD/PERCE.TXT
Later under hypnosis, one of the women recalled the car being floated up into the sky and entering the bottom of the object through two large double doors. She was held down on a reclining chair and medically examined by several four-foot tall figures, who were hairless and had deep set dark eyes, very thin arms, and strange noses. They wore green cloaks. The second woman recalled being in a large room when several four-foot tall robot like entities with round heads, no facial features and wheel-like feet rolled in; she was not examined. The third woman remembers being hit by a beam of light. She felt pain and was floated into a room, there she encountered two six-foot tall humanoids, one male and the other female, both wearing green cloaks. They both had dark, shoulder-length hair, vivid blue eyes and extremely white skin. They seemed very friendly and appeared intrigued with her clothing. The third woman was also given a medical exam.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Norman Oliver, BUFORA Journal, April 2003, p. 3; John Wallace Spencer, UFO Encyclopedia, p. 119, citing the Shropshire Star, July 17, 1981; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1981, case # 526, citing Jenny Randles, Abduction
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4080
### Event 43838 (79157B99)
**Date:** 7/15/1981
**Description:** Several people were fishing on a lake in Newberry, South Carolina at 10:30 p.m. when at least one witnessed a thirty-foot long cigar-shaped object that maneuvered over the lake, then floats in place for 3 minutes. He also saw steam or mist rising from the water.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, December 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4081
### Event 43839 (D1E77A38)
**Date:** 7/16/1981
**Location:** Atcham, Shropshire (near), UK
**Description:** 2:00 AM. Three women were on their way back home on the A5 expressway when they all suddenly experienced a strange mood change, they all sat very quiet going into some type off limbo state. Then across an open field besides the road four white and two red lights appear. They seemed to be attached to a dark object. The object was round and began pacing the vehicle. At this point the vehicle seem to lose power and would not accelerate. There was an apparent time lapse noted when they reached their destination. Later under hypnosis one of the women recalled the car being floated up to the sky and entering the bottom of an object through two large double doors. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5415
### Event 43840 (44E00875)
**Date:** 7/16/1981
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0887 -116.0194
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pineau” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_877
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0887 -116.0194", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:19 N 116:01:10 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0887,-116.0194)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Pineau", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43841 (831ED7CE)
**Date:** 7/16/1981
**Locations:** Highway 2A; CFB Penhold [now Red Deer Regional Airport]
**Description:** Before midnight. Two teenage boys are driving south on Highway 2A past CFB Penhold \[now Red Deer Regional Airport\]. A cube-shaped object 100 feet long with flashing lights approaches them from the front, stops about 15 feet off the ground, circles their car, and moves out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, p. 227
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6270
### Event 43842 (43F7428E)
**Date:** 7/17/1981
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** 3 women / car abduction. Gyno exam on 2. Small humanoids (or Greys) and pseudo-human/entity / green garb. Robot. Missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPENCER, John: The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA; BUFORA/Acon Books, NY. 1991. 340pp. (Index 119)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14168
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "SHREWSBURY,SHROPs:3 WOMEN/CAR ABD:GYNO EXAM ON 2:OIDS+PSH/GREEN GARB:ROBOT:MST", **LatLong:** "52.716669 -2.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:43:00 N 02:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.716669,-2.733333)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 43843 (950E86AF)
**Date:** 7/17/1981
**Time:** 02:37:18.1
**Location:** 49.8000 78.1260
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1605
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8000 78.1260", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:00 N 78:07:34 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8000,78.1260)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43844 (1CE3C99A)
**Date:** 7/18/1981
**Time:** ~15:00
**Description:** 2 students photograph silver saucer / maneuvers. See photographs / r177 and more / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28#1p28.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Von LUDVIGER, Illobrand ed. UFO's-SEUGEN UND ZEICHEN. Berlin 1995 edition q-Verlags GmbH ISBN 3-86124-300-8. (Index 146)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14169
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr PATRAS,GREECE:2 STUDENTS FOTO SLVR SCR/MNVRS:see fotos/r177 +/FSR v28#1p28", **LatLong:** "38.250002 21.800001", **LatLongDMS:** "38:15:00 N 21:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.250002,21.800001)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43845 (40E4F865)
**Date:** 7/18/1981
**Location:** Patras, Greece
**Description:** Two students in Patras, Greece took a photograph of a silver, saucer-shaped object performing maneuvers over some nearby islands. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5418
### Event 43846 (66EBF873)
**Date:** 7/18/1981
**Time:** 17:43:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Theras” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1945
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Theras", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 43847 (BC65C742)
**Date:** 7/18/1981
**Description:** On this afternoon two students in Patras, Greece took a photograph of a silver, saucer-shaped object performing maneuvers over some nearby islands.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 13718
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4179
### Event 43848 (F4CCF05F)
**Date:** 7/19/1981
**Locations:** Mahakam River; Borneo, Indonesia
**Description:** 8:27 p.m. Malcolm Smith is traveling on a boat up the Mahakam River in Borneo, Indonesia, when he sees an odd star that begins to blink, move in an arc, fade, and go out. It reappears 2 minutes later, moving and blinking more frequently, then it veers away and fades out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Malcolm Smith, “Enigmatic Objects,” IUR 20, no. 5 \(Winter 1995\): 30
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6271
### Event 43849 (F6DE131F)
**Date:** 7/19/1981
**Locations:** State Highway 17; Sugar Camp, Wisconsin; State Highway 70
**Description:** Around 11:45 p.m. Chrystal Jackson and her son Chris are driving north on State Highway 17 near Sugar Camp, Wisconsin, when they see a large, reddish-orange, elliptical object hovering near some pine trees less than 500 feet away on their right. One minute later, their car’s speed unaccountably reduces from 55 to 30 mph. The car seems to be dragging, even with the accelerator pressed to the floor. The object keeps the same distance from the car for 10–15 minutes and another 10 miles when they turn west on State Highway 70, although it appears to be stationary. The car regains engine power after another 2 miles. A mechanic later finds that the two fuses controlling the brake lights and tail lights have blown, and the battery is leaking. A few days later, they discover that the thermostat in the engine is broken.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “Two People, a Car, and a Strange Object,” CUFOS Bulletin, Summer 1981, pp. 9–10, 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6272
### Event 43850 (03AFED3C)
**Date:** 7/22/1981
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** RED DEER, ALTA
**Description:** 1 / car. Circular metal object hovers. Pipes protrude. Disk spins counterclockwise on top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 363)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14170
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "892", **HatchDesc:** "RED DEER,ALTA:1/CAR:CIRC.MTL OBJ HVRS:PIPES PROTRUDE:DISK SPINS CCW on top", **LatLong:** "52.266669 -113.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "52:16:00 N 113:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.266669,-113.800005)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43851 (E86ADBA5)
**Date:** 7/22/1981
**Time:** 15:20
**Location:** NEAR PORTLAND, OR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Silver disk going [to] 150' over house. Going southwest going southeast and going south. Seems to land. No physical traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14171
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "nr PORTLAND,OR:4 OBS:SLVR DISK > 150'OVR HOUSE:>SW>SE+>S:SEEMS TO LAND:NO TRCS", **LatLong:** "45.500002 -122.716673", **LatLongDMS:** "45:30:00 N 122:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.500002,-122.716673)", **RelAlt:** "45", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43852 (7C81AFF3)
**Date:** 7/22/1981
**Locations:** Mississippi River bridge in Muscatine, Iowa; Illinois side of the river
**Description:** 3:10 a.m. Al Wagner, toll booth operator at the Mississippi River bridge in Muscatine, Iowa, goes out to feed some wild rabbits that hang around the bridge, when he notices six of them lying flat as though paralyzed with fear. Wagner sees an orange, nearly spherical object rising from behind the trees on the Illinois side of the river. It is about 30 feet in diameter and is glowing with an internal yellow light, which goes out as the object approaches. The object clears the highest part of the bridge by about 10 feet, making a wheezing sound. At its closest, it is 150 feet above the ground and 750 feet away from Wagner. It disappears above a small hill to the west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The Case of the Paralyzed Rabbits,” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 6 \(Jan./Feb. 1982\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6273
### Event 43853 (147E7621)
**Date:** 7/23/1981
**Time:** 07:10
**Location:** NANJING, CH
**Description:** Students. Silent triangle east going quickly west. Shoots blue rays. Same back / 1810h / 24 July.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 224)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14172
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NANJING,CH:STUDENTS:SLNT TRIANGLE E>>W:SHOOTS BLUE RAYS:same back/1810h/24JLY", **LatLong:** "32.050002 118.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:03:00 N 118:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.050002,118.766672)", **State/Prov:** "Jiangsu", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43854 (F738A87F)
**Date:** 7/23/1981
**Locations:** Evansville, Indiana; lake near Evansville, Indiana
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. [Louise Betulius](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/103166646/louise-m-betulius) is fishing in a lake near Evansville, Indiana, when she sees the reflection of a large object in the water. It is a large sphere about 10–12 feet in diameter and moving silently west to east. Shortly afterward, it returns over some trees to the east, moving slowly toward the lake. It comes down about 3 feet off the ground and hovers 4–5 feet from the edge of the water, then moves slowly back to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Correspondence,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 5 \(Oct./Nov. 1982\): 2–3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6274
### Event 43855 (FF561F92)
**Date:** 7/23/1981
**Locations:** Highland Avenue; Dover, New Jersey
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. James L. McCabe is sitting outside his home on Highland Avenue in Dover, New Jersey, looking for satellites with binoculars. Suddenly, two flashing white lights appear above the southern horizon. Their flashes become more frequent when their speed increases. One speeds away, but the other approaches, slipping in and out of the clouds for 20 seconds. He estimates it is at 1,500 feet when overhead, has a flat bottom, a strange raised center section, and a flat metallic color. Its top has a rippled appearance. The upper section has two windows.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Cast Metallic Object Reported over Dover, New Jersey,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1983-84%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV4.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 4, no. 2 \(April/May 1983\): 4–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6275
### Event 43856 (D9C46D67)
**Date:** 7/24/1981
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Huge silent saucer / very high altitude leaves (something behind) spiral trail. 3-10 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 226)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14173
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "NINGSIA+GANSU Prov,CH:1000s/OBS:HUGE SLNT SCR/VHI ALT LVS SPIRAL TRAIL:3-10min", **LatLong:** "37.000002 106.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 106:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.000002,106.000005)", **State/Prov:** "NNX", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 43857 (219B372A)
**Date:** 7/24/1981
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Huge lens saucer with portholes northeast going southwest. Photographs and drawings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 227)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14174
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "QINGHAI+SICHUAN Provs,CH:1000s/OBS:HUGE LENS SCR W/PORTHOLES NE>SW:fotos+dwgs", **LatLong:** "34.000002 100.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "34:00:00 N 100:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.000002,100.000005)", **State/Prov:** "QNH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43858 (76538B4E)
**Date:** 7/24/1981
**Time:** ~23:00
**Location:** LLASA AND, TIBET
**Description:** Huge fireball east going west / 7 minute(s). 7200kph. Rings counter-rotate. Silent. / r210v31#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 229)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14175
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "LLASA+,TIBET:HUGE FBL E>W/7min:7200kph:RINGS COUNTER-ROTATE:SLNT:/r210v31#2", **LatLong:** "31.000001 95.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "31:00:00 N 95:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.000001,95.000005)", **State/Prov:** "TBT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43859 (50E2A114)
**Date:** 7/24/1981
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Domed saucer and fireballs and spirals. / r10p62+/ APRO v29#12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 235)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14176
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "ZIGONG,CHINA+wide area:1000s/OBS:DOMED SCR+FBLS+SPIRALS:/r10p62+/APRO v29#12", **LatLong:** "29.400001 104.783338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:24:00 N 104:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.400001,104.783338)", **State/Prov:** "HEN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43860 (12C7DA32)
**Date:** 7/24/1981
**Location:** Zigong, Henan Province, China
**Description:** A huge silent disc-shaped UFO was seen for three to ten minutes by thousands over Ningsia, China. It flew at a very high altitude and left a spiral trail. It made no sound. Photographs of the object were taken, and several drawings were published. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5419
### Event 43861 (F23E3979)
**Date:** 7/24/1981
**Description:** A huge silent disc-shaped UFO was seen for three to ten minutes by thousands over Ningsia, China. It flew at a very high altitude and left a spiral trail. It made no sound. About ten minutes later in Qinghai, China a huge lens-shaped disc with portholes was seen by thousands. It flew from the northeast to the southwest. Photographs of the object were taken, and several drawings were published. In Zigong, Henan Province, China at 11:00 p.m. thousands saw a domed disc-shaped UFO for up to two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Wendell Stevens & Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, p. 226-227; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 235; John Wallace Spencer & Hilary Evans, Phenomenon: Forty Years of Flying Saucers, p. 62
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4360
### Event 43862 (2365099F)
**Date:** 7/25/1981
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** Crew and passengers. Red-orange double-sphere follows Iberia airline(s)/airliner 727.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14177
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NE/VALENCIA,SP:CREW+PASSENGERS:RED-ORG DOUBLE-SPHERE FOLOS IBERIA AL 727:", **LatLong:** "40.333335 1.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 N 01:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.333335,1.000000)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43863 (8EF1453F)
**Date:** 7/25/1981
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** STJORDAL, NORWAY
**Description:** 1 observer. UFO shines / bushes. Small humanoid (or Grey) / parka walks oddly. Domed cylinder/cylindrical object going up [to] and going northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 360)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14178
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "STJORDAL,NORWAY:1 OBS:UFO SHINES/BUSHES:OID/PARKA WALKS ODDLY:DOMED CYL ↑+>NE", **LatLong:** "63.466670 10.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "63:28:00 N 10:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/63.466670,10.933334)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43864 (4EE43EDC)
**Date:** 7/25/1981
**Location:** between Valencia and Barcelona, Spain
**Description:** A bright silver disc with six round portholes was seen by the crew of an Iberia B- 727 airliner as it flew between Valencia and Barcelona, Spain. It appeared to be reflecting sunlight in the dawn sky. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5421
### Event 43865 (2993A2A3)
**Date:** 7/25/1981
**Description:** At around 4:00 a.m. a bright silver disc with six round portholes was seen by the crew of an Iberia B-727 airliner as it flew between Valencia and Barcelona, Spain. It appeared to be reflecting sunlight in the dawn sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4396
### Event 43866 (EA2C2D87)
**Date:** 7/26/1981
**Location:** CHINA, Tianzu (Heilongjiang)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 10:45 in the night of July 26, 1981, the fighters of our troop discovered a luminous object in the sky. It had the shape of two inverted triangles. In the middle of the object, there were small holes from which bluish sparkling lights were shooting out. It was at 3500 m altitude and its speed was 1500 m/s. It was flying from east to west.
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.72
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3135
### Event 43867 (D7823601)
**Date:** 7/27/1981
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** ZIBO, SHANDONG, CH
**Description:** TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 3 orbs going southwest / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. 2 more north going south turn going west. 8 more. All gone!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 230)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14179
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ZIBO,SHANDONG,CH:TV RFI:3 ORBS>SW/DLT FORMn:2 MORE N>S TURN>W:8 MORE:ALL GONE!", **LatLong:** "36.800002 118.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "36:48:00 N 118:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.800002,118.066672)", **State/Prov:** "Shandong", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43868 (8290BD35)
**Date:** 7/28/1981
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** QINGDAO, CH
**Description:** Saucer northeast going quickly southwest. Stops near TV-tower. Night light exits. Saucer going down / 50M altitude. Humming and whine and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 231)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14180
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "QINGDAO,CH:SCR NE>>SW:STOPS nr TV-TWR:NLT EXITS:SCR↓/50M alt:HUM+WHINE+AWAY", **LatLong:** "36.133335 120.300006", **LatLongDMS:** "36:08:00 N 120:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.133335,120.300006)", **State/Prov:** "Shandong", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43869 (381E17E1)
**Date:** 7/29/1981
**Description:** Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_379
### Event 43870 (7DEE1D77)
**Date:** 7/30/1981
**Location:** Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico
**Description:** Sen. [Pete Domenici](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pete%5FDomenici) \(R-N.Mex.\) meets briefly with Sgt. [Richard Doty](https://www.exopaedia.org/Doty%2C%2BRichard) at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, about AFOSI investigations into [Paul Bennewitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz)’s claims. He then dashes off to talk to Bennewitz. However, he soon loses interest and drops the matter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 359; Alejandro T. Rojas, \[Bennewitz/Kirtland AFB documents\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6276
### Event 43871 (F40F3746)
**Date:** 7/30/1981
**Location:** Berwick, Mississippi
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Jennifer Lindsey and her three children are driving near Berwick, Mississippi, when they notice an object with bright lights moving back and forth across the sky. As they arrive home, the object is moving at a low altitude above the house. It is bigger than an airplane, shaped like an arrowhead, and appears to be metallic. Behind it is a red light traveling in tandem. It passes over the house again 30 minutes later, moving west, without the trailing red light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Doris and Joe Graziano, “[Press Reports,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201982%2001%2000%20-%20Vol%2030%20No%201.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 30, no 1 \(February 1982\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6277
### Event 43872 (B5532968)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** NEAR LIEKSA, FINL
**Description:** 2 / boat. Black sphere / sky. 6 hours / missing time. Observers moved. / r25p104+/ FSRv28#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 361)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14181
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "164", **HatchDesc:** "nr LIEKSA,FINL:2/BOAT:BLK SPHERE/SKY:6 hrs/MST:OBSs MOVED:/r25p104+/FSRv28#1", **LatLong:** "63.366670 30.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "63:22:00 N 30:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/63.366670,30.000001)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43873 (F831EEFA)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Location:** Lieksa, Finland
**Description:** Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects (Volume II, The UFO Evidence, Section VII). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5422
### Event 43874 (D6F4FD3F)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Location:** Lieksa, Finland
**Description:** Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects (section VII). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5423
### Event 43875 (BF93B82B)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Location:** Lieksa, Finland
**Description:** Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects (Volume II, The UFO Evidence, Section VII). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5424
### Event 43876 (83928FE7)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Location:** Lieksa, Finland
**Description:** Black sphere and satellite lights seen, two approached motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_380
### Event 43877 (65ACE19F)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Location:** Moscow Aviation Institute
**Description:** An interview with Russian UFO expert [Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel\#UFO%5Fstudies) appears in the Italian weekly magazine Gente, followed by a second part in the August 7 issue. Ziegel claims he has 50,000 UFO reports on file in the Moscow Aviation Institute and has compiled eight volumes of research material that are still unpublished. He believes there are three basic types of UFO occupants: spacemen \(tall beings\), humanoids \(human-like\), and aliens \(short and like the “greys”\). He says that UFOs carry crews of androids that possess the ability to appear and disappear at will and “seem to be deliberately constructed in order to confound all our notions of space, matter, time, and dimension.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 240–241](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/240/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6278
### Event 43878 (FD6FA49F)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Locations:** lake Mönninselkä; Pielisjärvi, Finland
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. Two men in a motorboat on lake Mönninselkä near Pielisjärvi, Finland, see a dark spot in the sky. Four lights suddenly appear above them, and a fog forms in front of the boat. They lose the ability to move and soon lose consciousness. When they wake up, they are differently placed in the boat, the time is 4:10 a.m., and the boat is drifting. They go back ashore to their cottage, their heads begin to ache, and they feel very sleepy. Their hands tremble for nearly 2 weeks afterward, and their sense of balance is disturbed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Pielinen Event,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Finland/UFO%20Research%20of%20Finland/UFO%20Research%20of%20Finland%20Annual%20Report%201981.pdf)” UFO Research of Finland Annual Report, 1981, p. 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6279
### Event 43879 (ED3257AE)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Location:** Kinston, North Carolina
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. A husband and wife are driving along a bumpy road near Kinston, North Carolina, when their headlights and dash lights go out and the engine stops. They open the doors and get out to push the car to the side of the road \(noticing later that it is odd that they can see the road on a moonless night\) and the lights suddenly come on again. They start the car up again and drive the short way home. Mechanics tell them they don’t know why a car would do that, so they assume there was a UFO involved.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Cars That Go Stop on the Night,” IUR 7, no. 1 \(January 1982\): 9–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6280
### Event 43880 (DE3573FD)
**Date:** 7/31/1981
**Description:** At 8:40 p.m. a black object, covered by "fog", accompanied by two satellite lights which operated independently, flew over the stern of a boat on a lake near Cape Vaaraniemi, Lieksa, Finland and was watched by two witnesses. One man, age 35, felt paralyzed and couldn't move his body or his head, but could talk. Seven hours of missing time followed. After effects included intense nightmares and disruption of balance. Hypnosis was unsuccessful in revealing any additional details.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, December 1981, p. 10; APRO Bulletin, February 1982, p. 1; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Volume 2: Catalogue of Cases, case 55; Jenny Randles, Time Storms: Amazing Evidence for Time Warps, Space Rifts, and Time Travel, p. 16; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 271, 416
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4540
### Event 43881 (FCC1F984)
**Date:** 8/1981
**Location:** USA, Plainfield (Wisconsin)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Kim, 15 years old, was with two other young people in a cabin near Plainfield when they felt observed by a mysterious creature 7 feet tall, covered in thick white fur. "Its eyes were deeply set in black orbits," he said, and neither nose nor mouth were visible. It was outside the cabin, looking through the windows, scratching and tapping on the walls of the cabin. No one dared to go out and the siege lasted all weekend. On Monday morning the creature was gone. When they returned home, the young people were not initially believed by their parents, but seeing the fear in their eyes they returned to the cabin to find in the mud almost human-sized footprints, 35 cm long.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 35
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3137
### Event 43882 (E0F06A23)
**Date:** 8/1981
**Locations:** Cheesefoot Head; Winchester, Wiltshire, England
**Description:** Three mysterious flattened circles appear in a cornfield within a natural amphitheater known as The Devil’s Punchbowl at Cheesefoot Head near Winchester, Wiltshire, England. The central circle is 55 feet in diameter; two smaller circles are arranged on either side. Ufologist [Pat Delgado](https://colinandrews.net/Research-Dedication-PatDelgado.html) examines the field and is struck by the sharply defined edges of the circles and the manner in which the cornstalks are flattened in a clockwise swirl. He suspects UFO activity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Pat Delgado, “[Cheesefoot Head Mystery Rings,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201982%20V%2027%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 27, no. 5 \(March 1982\): 13–15; Pat Delgado and Colin Andrews, Circular Evidence, Guild, 1989, [pp. 20–21](https://archive.org/details/circularevidence0000delg%5Fv4g9/page/20/mode/2up); Pat Delgado, “[1981:](http://thecroppie.co.uk/2016/07/11/1981-cheesefoot-head-triplet/) [Cheesefoot Head Triplet,](http://thecroppie.co.uk/2016/07/11/1981-cheesefoot-head-triplet/)” The Croppie, July 11, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6282
### Event 43883 (A76DCB72)
**Date:** 8/1/1981
**Location:** Newport, DE
**Description:** Dog oddly silent as domed disc passed over house (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [810801](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-810801.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5426
### Event 43884 (0144F12B)
**Date:** 8/2/1981
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** DARKEY FOREST, NSW
**Description:** Miner / car. Big silent 'coffin' going southwest / 200M altitude. Lights and sweeping beam.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14182
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "DARKEY FOREST,NSW:MINER/CAR:BIG SLNT 'COFFIN' >SW/200M alt:LITES+SWEEPING BEAM", **LatLong:** "-34.316668 151.033341", **LatLongDMS:** "34:19:00 S 151:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.316668,151.033341)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43885 (369DF1E3)
**Date:** 8/3/1981
**Time:** 18:33:00.0
**Location:** -21.8240 -138.9030
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Agenor” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1946
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8240 -138.9030", **LatLongDMS:** "21:49:26 S 138:54:11 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8240,-138.9030)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.09", **NukeName:** "Agenor", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 43886 (A017E505)
**Date:** 8/4/1981
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** KUNMING, CH
**Description:** Crescent = cylinder/cylindrical object and saucer. Saucer blows smoke. Smoke rotates. Same repeats 5X!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 231)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14183
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "22", **HatchDesc:** "KUNMING,CH:CRESCENT=CYL+SCR:SCR BLOWS SMOKE:SMOKE ROTATES:SAME REPEATS 5X!", **LatLong:** "25.033335 102.733338", **LatLongDMS:** "25:02:00 N 102:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.033335,102.733338)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43887 (79A30338)
**Date:** 8/5/1981
**Time:** 10:30
**Description:** Air Force pilot. Shiny white round object shoots up when plane chases.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14184
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "India", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr GUWAHATI,INDIA:AF PILOT:SHINY WHT ROUND OBJ SHOOTS UP WHEN PLANE CHASES", **LatLong:** "26.133335 91.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "26:08:00 N 91:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.133335,91.750004)", **State/Prov:** "ASM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43888 (9AD1C3B8)
**Date:** 8/5/1981
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** BRUSCARELLA, ITL
**Description:** 3 kids. Cone / light maneuvers. Orange beams. Going down / 20M altitude 30M away. Power out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 155)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14185
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BRUSCARELLA,ITL:3 KIDS:CONE/LITE MNVRS:ORG.BEAMS:↓/20M alt 30M away:PWR OUT", **LatLong:** "45.061113 8.844445", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:40 N 08:50:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.061113,8.844445)", **State/Prov:** "PV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43889 (46A292A9)
**Date:** 8/5/1981
**Time:** 13:41:00.1
**Location:** 37.1537 -116.0351
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Havarti” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_878
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1537 -116.0351", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:13 N 116:02:06 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1537,-116.0351)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Havarti", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43890 (91411270)
**Date:** 8/5/1981
**Description:** At 10:30 a.m. a shiny white round object shot straight up when chased by an Indian Air Force jet near Guwahati, India.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 44; MUFON UFO Journal, February 1984
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4699
### Event 43891 (45F692FF)
**Date:** 8/5/1981
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a cone of light maneuvered at 20 meters altitude, only 30 meters away from three young witnesses in Bruscarella, Italy. The UFO had orange beams of light, and cause an electrical power outage. The witnesses watched a large disc-shaped object with three bright lights land in a field. Another man reported seeing three human-like figures dressed in black exit the object and walk around. A scorched area on the ground was found where the object had landed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Maurizio Verga, ITACAT, case 155; Albert S. Rosales, citing UFO Pavia
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4700
### Event 43892 (3AB7EF80)
**Date:** 8/7/1981
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 1+3 kids. Dark saucer going down. Lit portholes. Beams going down. Rises fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14186
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SCUDAI=SEKUDA,MALAYSIA:1+3 KIDS:DRK SCR ↓:LIT PORTHOLES:BEAMS ↓:RISES FAST", **LatLong:** "1.533333 103.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "01:32:00 N 103:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/1.533333,103.666672)", **State/Prov:** "PHG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43893 (CFB26D27)
**Date:** 8/8/1981
**Location:** Poland, Chalupy
**Description:** (Translated from French) A man saw two entities wearing green suits. The beings were partially surrounded by fog. The witness also saw a silver-colored UFO, enveloped in mist, shaped like a disk, hovering nearby.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 347
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3136
### Event 43894 (67E08924)
**Date:** 8/8/1981
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** CHALUPY, POLAND
**Description:** 1 / beach. Saucer hovers. 2 small humanoids (or Greys). Telepathy. Possible missing time. Traces. Odd tools. See reference!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 397)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14187
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CHALUPY,POLAND:1/BEACH:SCR HVRS:2 OIDS:TLP:POSS.MST:TRACES:ODD TOOLS:see ref!", **LatLong:** "54.761114 18.516668", **LatLongDMS:** "54:45:40 N 18:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.761114,18.516668)", **State/Prov:** "GDN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43895 (665BB09A)
**Date:** 8/8/1981
**Location:** San Jose, CA
**Description:** A teardrop shaped UFO with a spinning ring paced an airplane off its left wing over San Jose, California on this day. Instruments onboard the plane experienced failures, but the effects ended when the object departed upwards. The aircraft briefly disappeared from FAA radar during the encounter. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5427
### Event 43896 (08104795)
**Date:** 8/8/1981
**Locations:** Chalupy; Hel peninsula; Gdynia; Poland
**Description:** 6:15 p.m. A witness is on the beach with some friends at Chalupy on the Hel peninsula, north of Gdynia, Poland. He leaves them briefly to go back to a camping area and sees, 500 feet in front of him, “two boys in dark suits” dashing into the bushes on his right. A moment later they reappear, standing on the path in front of him. They are 5 feet tall, wear green suits, and have green faces with big, almond-shaped eyes and slits for mouths. He can see dark boxes, violet and yellow cables, and tapes and spirals hanging from belts on the entities. He notices a silvery object and receives a telepathic message to “not be afraid.” He walks closer to them and hears another message: “Keep walking. Don’t stop.” The witness has the curious sensation of “passing through the interior of a ball.” He walks past them, looks back, and they have disappeared. On his right, the silvery disc, 6 feet high and 16–20 feet long, is hovering only 3 feet above the ground. Investigators later find seven odd oval marks where the object had been.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bronislaw Rzepecki, “Encounters in Poland,” IUR 12, no. 3 \(May/June 1987\): 18, 21; Bronislaw Rzepecki, “[UFO Reports from Poland,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201988%20V%2033%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 33, no. 1 \(March 1988\): 6–7; Poland 48–50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6283
### Event 43897 (AC3C7E15)
**Date:** 8/8/1981
**Description:** A teardrop shaped UFO with a spinning ring paced an airplane off its left wing over San Jose, California on this day. Instruments onboard the plane experienced failures, but the effects ended when the object departed upwards. The aircraft briefly disappeared from FAA radar during the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, February 1984, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4781
### Event 43898 (A55B8597)
**Date:** 8/10/1981
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** APPLE VALLEY, MN
**Description:** 3+observer(s). 80' hexagon going east. Lights / corners. Hisses. Turns going northeast. / MJ#177.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14188
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "285", **HatchDesc:** "APPLE VALLEY,MN:3+OBS:80'HEXAGON > E:LITES/CORNERS:HISSES:TURNS >NE:/MJ#177", **LatLong:** "44.733335 -93.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:44:00 N 93:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.733335,-93.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43899 (9113ACF6)
**Date:** 8/10/1981
**Location:** Apple Valley, MN
**Description:** Russell Matson and another man were driving down a road in Apple Valley when they sighted a hexagonal object nearly overhead, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It had two green, two red, and white lights on its corners. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5429
### Event 43900 (C1E7AFD4)
**Date:** 8/10/1981
**Locations:** Apple Valley, Minnesota; Pilot Knob Road
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. Russell Matson is driving west on 150th Street in Apple Valley, Minnesota, when just west of Pilot Knob Road he sees a hexagonal object nearly overhead, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It has two green, two red, and white lights on its corners. It is 60–90 feet across. The object pivots, making a 90° turn while stationary, then descends and approaches the witness. It makes a soft whooshing sound as it passes, like gas escaping from a propane tank.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The Investigator’s Dilemma,” IUR 7, no. 1 \(January 1982\): 13–14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6284
### Event 43901 (95B43CEB)
**Date:** 8/10/1981
**Description:** Russell Matson and another man were driving down a road in Apple Valley, Minnesota at 3:30 a.m. when they sighted a hexagonal object nearly overhead, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It had two green, two red, and white lights on its corners. It was estimated to be between 60 and 90 feet across. The object pivoted, making a 90 degree turn while stationary, then descended and approached the witnesses. It made a soft "whoosh" sound as the object passed, like gas escaping from a propane tank.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Northfield News, August 20, 1981; J. Allen Hynek, International UFO Reporter, January 1982, p. 13; John F. Schuessler, MUFON UFO Journal, Novemer 1982, p. 3; UNICAT database, case 35, citing J. Allen Hynek
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4829
### Event 43902 (C4511197)
**Date:** 8/12/1981
**Locations:** Anderson, Indiana; Eta Tauri
**Description:** 2:15 a.m. Rupert Pring is several miles outside of Anderson, Indiana, taking time-exposure photographs of the Perseid meteor shower with a camera attached to a tripod. He notices a distant light flashing like a strobe far to the south; it is soon joined by a second strobing light, and both move northeast in a straight line. The lights are as bright as a “halogen automobile headlight at 50 feet.” They stop moving briefly twice near the star Eta Tauri, then make a sharp right turn to the southeast. When Pring first notices the lights, he gets out of his car for a better sight, but freezes abruptly, “like something heavy was pushing down on my head and shoulders.” He experiences nausea for three days afterward and has a temporary, day-long memory loss. Meanwhile, the camera has captured much of the 6-second flight path of the lights in an 8-minute time exposure. Further investigation prompts Pring to reveal that he and his wife had an abduction experience with missing time later that morning. As for the photo, the lights were most likely caused by Pring failing to close the shutter of his camera as he removed it from the tripod and thus picked up two mercury-vapor lights at a farmhouse about a half-mile away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “A Nocturnal Light Close Encounter,” IUR 7, no. 2 \(March 1982\): 5–7; Mark Rodeghier, “March-April Cover Photo Mystery Solved,” IUR 7, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1982\): 4–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6285
### Event 43903 (E6E03C19)
**Date:** 8/13/1981
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** NEAR ANDERSON, IN
**Description:** 2 night lights maneuver / HIQ time-lapse meteor photographs. Connected? 90° turn going southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 86)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14189
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "280", **HatchDesc:** "nr ANDERSON,IN:2 NLTS MNVR/HIQ TIME-LAPSE METEOR FOTOS:CONNECTED?:90°TURN >SE", **LatLong:** "40.083335 -85.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:05:00 N 85:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.083335,-85.666671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 43904 (185F8CE1)
**Date:** 8/14/1981
**Time:** 02:27:15.2
**Location:** 49.7810 78.0770
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .003KT YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1606
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7810 78.0770", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:52 N 78:04:37 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7810,78.0770)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".003", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 43905 (A412C992)
**Date:** 8/15/1981 (approximate)
**Location:** PARNARAMA, BRZ
**Description:** Hunters / tree hammocks zapped / Chupa. 1 hides. 1 dies. Odd marks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CONFRONTATIONS, A Scientists Search..; Ballentine Books, NY 1990+91.PB (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14190
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "PARNARAMA,BRZ:HUNTERS/TREE HAMMOCKS ZAPPED/CHUPA:1 HIDES:1 DIES:odd marks", **LatLong:** "-5.666667 -43.100002", **LatLongDMS:** "05:40:00 S 43:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.666667,-43.100002)", **State/Prov:** "MRN", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43906 (5DFECFEF)
**Date:** 8/15/1981
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** NORTH / MUTARE, ZIMB
**Description:** 7' fireball at tower. 3 silver suit pseudo-human/entity strike with a disabling beam observer(s) / light. All vanish. / MJ#183.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14191
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "N/MUTARE,ZIMB:7'FBL AT TOWER:3 SLVR SUIT PSH ZAP OBS/LITE:ALL VANISH:/MJ#183", **LatLong:** "-18.750001 32.616668", **LatLongDMS:** "18:45:00 S 32:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.750001,32.616668)", **State/Prov:** "MAS", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 43907 (7436280A)
**Date:** 8/15/1981
**Locations:** La Rochelle; Mutare, Zimbabwe
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Twenty workers returning from the fields at the Forestry Commission Station of La Rochelle, 5.5 miles northeast of Mutare, Zimbabwe, see a ball of light moving around at a low level. Clifford Muchena is in charge of the group, and he watches the 5-foot fireball maneuver around the grounds then move up to an observation tower, entering through the top window before it bursts into flame. As Muchena is ringing a warning bell, he sees the fireball come back down the tower, go past him, and burst into flame again at an outbuilding. Muchena goes to douse the fire but stops when he sees three men wearing silver coveralls. The light is too bright to see clearly, and after it goes out the beings are gone. Women in the compound have seen the fireball and the entities and run out into the bush, thinking they are ghosts.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, “[Entities at New Rochelle,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/Abduction%201971%2CCanada.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 183 \(May 1983\): 6–10; Cynthia Hind, “UFOs and the African Tribal System,” UFOs 1947– 1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 94–96
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6286
### Event 43908 (B07F3ECD)
**Date:** 8/15/1981
**Description:** Twenty farm laborers returning from work at 6:00 p.m. saw a fireball rolling across the grounds of the forestry station in La Rochelle, nine kilometers from Mutare, Zimbabwe. Three humanoid entities wearing shiny overalls were seen briefly before the light went out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri-News, July 1988, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5051
### Event 43909 (E8DC3600)
**Date:** 8/16/1981
**Location:** Winnipeg, British Columbia (near), CAN
**Description:** Midnight, the witness was driving alone outside of Winnipeg when he saw a huge UFO gliding over the roadway. Dimly outlined from the glow inside the "windows" of the central mass were two or three figures, whose features were not discernible, but whose heads and shoulders indicated they were humanoid in shape. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5430
### Event 43910 (F4A28BAB)
**Date:** 8/16/1981
**Locations:** Cyprus; Akrotiri; Dhekelia; RAF Lakenheath
**Description:** A huge object approaches the island of Cyprus. Radar at a Sovereign British Base, either Akrotiri or Dhekelia, track it at 30,000 feet going 900 mph. It comes to a sudden stop and hovers above the base for 45 minutes. Witnesses take many photos of a bright white triangle more than 700 feet long. Allegedly, the Ministry of Defence had sent an encrypted message to the base prior to the sighting, ordering a “complete stand-down of aircraft in the event that any strange ‘aerial phenomena’” are sighted. On August 17, a man and woman arrive at the base, stay for 6 hours, then leave with all the photos and other evidence. Shortly afterward, according to an informant, US and UK Air Force personnel meet at RAF Lakenheath in England to discuss the case.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, pp. 157–158
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6287
### Event 43911 (93600B5D)
**Date:** 8/18/1981
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** SANDSTONE, MN
**Description:** 1+3 kids. Silent 8M octagon 30M over driveway. Red and green lights flash.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14192
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "312", **HatchDesc:** "SANDSTONE,MN:1+3 KIDS:SLNT 8M OCTAGON 30M OVR DRIVEWAY:RED+GRN LITES FLASH", **LatLong:** "46.133336 -92.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "46:08:00 N 92:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.133336,-92.866671)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43912 (0409CD02)
**Date:** 8/18/1981
**Description:** Mrs. Schmidt and her three children saw a 25-foot octagon hover 100 feet over their driveway in Sandstone, Minnesota. It was silent, and had red and green flashing lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Pine City Courier, September 3, 1981; John F. Schuessler, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1982, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5136
### Event 43913 (7E9AEBE8)
**Date:** 8/19/1981
**Location:** Franklin, OH
**Description:** Daylight. The witness was driving along a highway when a brilliant silvery object descended over her vehicle and forced her to pull off the side of the road. She was then taken onboard by several seven-foot tall humanoids and examined. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5432
### Event 43914 (65560E51)
**Date:** 8/23/1981
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** MALIBU BEACH, CA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Arrowhead / fish-shape lights seas. Hums. Flies overhead slowly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14193
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "MALIBU BEACH,CA:4 OBS:ARROWHEAD/FISH-SHAPE LITES SEAS:HUMS:FLIES OVHD SLOWLY", **LatLong:** "34.033335 -118.683339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:02:00 N 118:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.033335,-118.683339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43915 (369729DA)
**Date:** 8/23/1981
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. four witnesses on a boat near Malibu Beach, California saw an arrowhead/fish-shaped object with white, red, and green lights. It illuminated the ocean and made a humming sound as it flew slowly overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1982, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5269
### Event 43916 (2611494A)
**Date:** 8/25/1981
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** KILLINGLY, CT
**Description:** 2 / car. 2 bright lights. Lopsided hexagon follows car / turns. / r210v30#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14194
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "101", **HatchDesc:** "KILLINGLY,CT:2/CAR:2 BRITE LITES:LOPSIDED HEXAGON FOLOS CAR/TURNS:/r210v30#2", **LatLong:** "41.850002 -71.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:51:00 N 71:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.850002,-71.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43917 (CA3A94C2)
**Date:** 8/25/1981
**Description:** Two women, Chinigo and Gudaitis, driving in a car on a rural road in Killingly, Connecticut at 9:15 p.m. saw two bright lights, then a lopsided hexagonal shaped object that followed their car through several turns.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, February 1982, p. 7; John F. Schuessler, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1982, p. 4, citing Norwich Bulletin, August 27, 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5335
### Event 43918 (ECB0EBC8)
**Date:** 8/27/1981
**Time:** 14:31:00.1
**Location:** 37.1604 -116.0665
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Islay” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_879
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1604 -116.0665", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:37 N 116:03:59 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1604,-116.0665)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.29", **NukeName:** "Islay", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43919 (6EE71886)
**Date:** 8/28/1981
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** TREVELIN, ARG
**Description:** Silent 12M lemon / 2M altitude. Thin legs? Blinding 1M searchlight. Portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14195
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "736", **HatchDesc:** "TREVELIN,ARG:SLNT 12M LEMON/2M alt:THIN LEGS?:BLINDING 1M SEARCHLITE:PORTHOLES", **LatLong:** "-43.066669 -71.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:04:00 S 71:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-43.066669,-71.466670)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "CHB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43920 (4E23D5A3)
**Date:** 8/28/1981
**Description:** At 9:10 p.m. a 12 meter long, lemon-shaped UFO was seen near the ground on a farm in Trevelin, Chabut Province, Argentina, hovering at 2 meters altitude. It had extended thin legs for landing gear, portholes, and a blindingly bright 1 meter wide searchlight. The close encounter lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14264, citing FSR, volume 28, number 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5439
### Event 43921 (3A18EE4B)
**Date:** 8/30/1981
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** EL CAJON, CA
**Description:** Engineer abduction / car regressed. Digital watch damaged. Marks. / r41p166.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14196
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "112", **HatchDesc:** "EL CAJON,CA:ENGINEER ABD/CAR REGRESSED:DIGITAL WATCH DAMAGED:MARKS:/r41p166", **LatLong:** "32.816668 -116.950006", **LatLongDMS:** "32:49:00 N 116:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.816668,-116.950006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 43922 (F6EB741E)
**Date:** 8/30/1981
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ALPINE, CA
**Description:** Cop abduction. 60' saucer. Missing time. Dirty car oddly clean. Tapes erased. / r148p169.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14197
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "573", **HatchDesc:** "ALPINE,CA:COP ABD:60'SCR:MST:DIRTY CAR oddly CLEAN:TAPES ERASED:/r148p169", **LatLong:** "32.833335 -116.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:50:00 N 116:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.833335,-116.766672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 43923 (236FD2E8)
**Date:** 8/30/1981
**Location:** Alpine (near), CA
**Description:** UFO brightly illuminated car, witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling the car, fled at high speed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists (section IV). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5434
### Event 43924 (D5B14631)
**Date:** 8/30/1981
**Location:** El Cajon, CA
**Description:** UFO brightly illuminated car, witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling the car, fled at high speed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_381
### Event 43925 (446AAA1B)
**Date:** 8/30/1981
**Description:** There were two dramatic abduction events which occurred in San Diego County, California on this evening separated by just a few minutes. At 10:30 p.m. Mr. Santoro, a reserve police officer was driving near the town of Alpine, California when he encountered a huge dark, disc-shaped object hovering 15 feet above the roadway. The witness's vehicle suddenly stopped on its own accord. There was a bright flash, then moments later two small Grey humanoid beings approached and took him from his vehicle. He found himself back in his vehicle 15 minutes later and saw the dark disc rising rapidly into the sky, shining a beam of white light towards the ground. The witness fired four shots at the object and then drove home at high speed. Magnetic cassette tapes in the witness's vehicle had been partially erased. In El Cajon, California a 27-year old computer engineer was abducted at 10:35 p.m. A luminous object illuminated the interior of his car. The luminous object then circled his car, and the witness fired a pistol at the object and attempted to flee the scene. He was badly frightened by the experience, and discovered that he had a memory loss and could not account for 30 minutes of his time. Red dots like puncture marks were found on his wrists, suggesting that he had been abducted as well. His digital watch was also damaged.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) San Diego Tribune, July 1,1987; Robert Gribble MUFON UFO Journal, August 1991, p. 19; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 695, citing Bob Gribble; (2) MUFON UFO Journal, November 1982, p. 13; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 56; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 27 & 155, citing investigator M. Podell
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5502
### Event 43926 (49E9F18E)
**Date:** 8/31/1981
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** TRONA, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silver disk extends dome. CATs-eye light opens and closes! Circles going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 362)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14198
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "506", **HatchDesc:** "TRONA,CA:2 OBS:SLVR DISK EXTENDS DOME:CATs-EYE LIGHT OPENS+CLOSES!:CIRCLES >N", **LatLong:** "35.755557 -117.372228", **LatLongDMS:** "35:45:20 N 117:22:20 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.755557,-117.372228)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43927 (6B87D181)
**Date:** 9/1981
**Location:** Todmorden, West Yorkshire, UK
**Description:** Over several nights over 20 members of the public saw a cigar shaped UFO over the town of Todmorden in West Yorkshire. On one of those nights two uniformed police officers also saw the object. (Source: Daily Star 30/03/82, The 5TH ANNUAL PRUFOS POLICE REPORT 2006 by Detective Constable 1877 HESELTINE, British Transport Police) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5435
### Event 43928 (E7546EC4)
**Date:** 9/1981
**Location:** Dusheti, Georgia, Russia
**Description:** In the evening the main witness was coming back from school when she saw a man pointing up to the sky. She looked up to see a ball shaped object about 3 meters in diameter slowly descending over them. The object stopped at about 5 meters above the pair. It was described as white in color with some visible figures on its surface. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5436
### Event 43929 (AC0D7D68)
**Date:** 9/1981
**Location:** Meinau Island, Bodensee, Germany
**Description:** Midnight the witness was vacationing in the area and had camped on the south side of the lake. While he slept that night a very loud noise awakened him, looking out of the tent he saw a bright sphere descending rapidly overhead. Through an open port he was briefly able to see a humanoid figure apparently wearing a green outfit. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5438
### Event 43930 (1ECC6300)
**Date:** 9/1981
**Locations:** Switzerland; Vevay
**Description:** The Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes renames its AESV Bulletin as OVNI Présence and moves its publishing operation to its Swiss office in Vevay, Switzerland. Yves Bosson takes over as chief editor. The magazine continues until February 1995.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [OVNI Présence](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Switzerland/OVNI%20Presence/Ovni%20Presence%20-%20No%2018.pdf), no. 18 \(September 1981\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6288
### Event 43931 (72E38455)
**Date:** 9/2/1981
**Time:** 04:00:00.0
**Location:** 60.6000 55.7000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium-1” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1607
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "60.6000 55.7000", **LatLongDMS:** "60:36:00 N 55:42:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.6000,55.7000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "2.09", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "PNE:Helium-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 43932 (F830D19F)
**Date:** 9/4/1981
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0581 -116.0481
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Trebbiano” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_880
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0581 -116.0481", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:29 N 116:02:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0581,-116.0481)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Trebbiano", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43933 (8FB8D49A)
**Date:** 9/5/1981
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** MANSIGNE, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 50M bell-saucer / ground. 2 beams going quickly. Traces / dirt and powders. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14199
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MANSIGNE,FR:3 OBS:50M BELL-SCR/GND:2 BEAMS >>:TRACES/DIRT+POWDERS:/FSR v24#12", **LatLong:** "47.750002 0.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 00:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,0.133333)", **State/Prov:** "SRT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43934 (354AFDA6)
**Date:** 9/5/1981
**Description:** A 50 meter wide, bell-shaped domed disc was seen on the ground by three witnesses in a forest in Mansigne, Sarthe, France. It emitted two beams of light. Ground traces and a powder residue were found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch,U computer database, case # 14268, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 313
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5660
### Event 43935 (546A4DE9)
**Date:** 9/5/1981
**Description:** On this day possible UFO landing traces were also found in Blanchardville, Wisconsin by Robert Johnson on his farm.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bullletin, January 1982, p. 8; Jay Rath, The W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 63
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5661
### Event 43936 (6BF38658)
**Date:** 9/6/1981
**Time:** ~04:00
**Location:** POLLOCK PINES, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Dogs bark and run. DC10 size silent cylinder/cigar-shape low over trees. 10 mph going southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14200
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1125", **HatchDesc:** "POLLOCK PINES,CA:1 OBS:DOGS BARK+RUN:DC10 SIZE SLNT CGR LO OVR TREES:10 mph>SE", **LatLong:** "38.761113 -120.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:45:40 N 120:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.761113,-120.583339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43937 (EE1B6073)
**Date:** 9/6/1981
**Description:** Dogs ran and barked when a DC-10 sized cigar-shaped object flew silently low over the trees in Pollock Pines, California. It flew slowly at 10 mph to the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5693
### Event 43938 (F8B4D668)
**Date:** 9/7/1981
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Several observer(s). Night lights and 35' and 150' saucers closely hug terrain. Military jet seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 168)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14201
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1183", **HatchDesc:** "GOVERNMENT CAMP,OR:SVRL OBS:NLTS+35'+150'SCRS CLOSELY HUG TERRAIN:MIL JET SEEN", **LatLong:** "45.300002 -121.694450", **LatLongDMS:** "45:18:00 N 121:41:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.300002,-121.694450)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43939 (C5CB4EAF)
**Date:** 9/10/1981
**Location:** Great Britain, Weston Mill Hill (Plymouth)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Denise Bishop, 23 years old, was turning the corner of the bungalow to go home at 11:15 pm when she saw a gigantic object that looked like a dark gray metallic crab, hovering above other houses at the top of a hill. At the bottom there were 6 or 7 lamps that sent out wide beams of pink, purple and white light. She was terrified and rushed to the door. As she put her hand on the latch, a beam of lemon-green light hit the back of her hand. Although it was a magnificent sight, she was terrified. The green ray stayed lit for about 30 seconds without giving any clarity, then went out. All around her there was a special silence, which only stopped when the object took off. Rubbing her hand, she ran to tell her sister, but the UFO had disappeared. The dog started sniffing her hand, then she felt tingling and there were like little drops of blood: it was a burn. Her brother-in-law came back around 2:30 am after his work as a disc jockey and advised to call the police.
**Reference:** F.S.R. 28 n° 3 - 1983, pp. 15-19
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3138
### Event 43940 (4138DD22)
**Date:** 9/10/1981
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** WESTON MILL, DEVON
**Description:** Silent 125' crab-saucer hovers. Green beam going down [to] burns hand. Going [to] slow. / r120p98.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14202
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "54", **HatchDesc:** "WESTON MILL,DEVON:SLNT 125'CRAB-SCR HVRS:GRN BEAM↓ BURNS HAND:> SLOW:/r120p98", **LatLong:** "50.400002 -4.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:24:00 N 04:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.400002,-4.166667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43941 (CD6DB022)
**Date:** 9/10/1981
**Location:** Weston Mill, Plymouth, England
**Description:** 11:15 p.m. Denise Bishop, 23, is returning to her home in Weston Mill, Plymouth, England, when she sees some lights behind the house. As she goes to the back of the bungalow, she sees an enormous metallic-gray UFO hovering above houses on top of a hill. Six or seven broad shafts of light are shining down on the rooftops beneath it. As she grabs the doorknob to go inside, a lime-green pencil of light comes from the object and hits the back of her hand and she cannot move. The light remains for 30 seconds; when it switches off, she opens the door and goes inside. The UFO then lifts into the sky and moves away. An hour of so later, she notices a burn mark on her hand. The next day she visits Bob Boyd, an investigator with the Plymouth UFO Research Group, who takes photos of her hand, which has a patch of shiny dermis with spots of blood and bruising. On September 12, Boyd visits her with a nurse, who persuades her to see a doctor. Scab tissue forms on September 15, followed by a scar that is still visible in July 1982.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 98–101](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/98/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6289
### Event 43942 (E429E2A6)
**Date:** 9/10/1981
**Description:** At around 11:00 p.m. Denise Bishop, age 23, of Weston Mill, Plymouth, Devonshire, England had a time distortion while in contact with a pencil thin, green beam of light from a 125 foot wide, metallic appearing UFO. It felt "as though a film had been stopped and started again." The huge UFO was the "same shape as the body of a crab", and it hovered over a hill of residential houses, emitting 6 to 7 pink, purple and white light beams. The green beam of light from the UFO hit her left hand, and she was unable to move. Some congealed matter formed on her hand, causing a burn. She still had a burn on her hand three months later that looked like a "pale birth mark."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, March 1982, p. 7; UNICAT, case 311, citing Robert Boyd; Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, p. 98; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 271, 383
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5838
### Event 43943 (83DA59B8)
**Date:** 9/11/1981
**Description:** After having a late dinner with some friends, Mauricio Cavallo decided to drive around Monferrato hill in Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceeded to explore on foot. He soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the thick woods. After checking where he thought the light had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to drive home. At home he felt uneasy and could not sleep. Inexplicably, around three a.m. he decided to drive back to the site where the light had come down. When he arrived he was overcome by a strange malaise, and soon saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards the light. His next recollection was of being inside a sphere where he was able to perceive numerous lights and movement around him. He then heard a metallic voice in his head tell him not to be afraid. Soon a tall woman, about 1.90 meters in height, appeared in front of Cavallo. She had black hair in a bun, Oriental shaped eyes, and she lacked any fingernails. She wore a long sleeveless habit with white boots. Among other things, the woman told Cavallo that she hailed from the planet Clarion and that her name was Ciama.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1981, citing Moreno Tambellini, Alieni in Italia
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5870
### Event 43944 (D3B45AB1)
**Date:** 9/12/1981
**Location:** Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy
**Description:** A man saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the thick woods. When he arrived he was overcome by a strange malaise, and soon saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards the light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5440
### Event 43945 (1E0D6101)
**Date:** 9/12/1981
**Description:** After having a late dinner with some friends, Mauricio Cavallo decided to drive around Monferrato hill in Trino Vercellese, Piemonte, Italy. He parked his vehicle and proceeded to explore on foot. He soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to descend into the thick woods. After checking where he thought the light had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to drive home. At home he felt uneasy and could not sleep. Inexplicably, around three a.m. he decided to drive back to the site where the light had come down. When he arrived he was overcome by a strange malaise, and soon saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards the light. His next recollection was of being inside a sphere where he was able to perceive numerous lights and movement around him. He then heard a metallic voice in his head tell him not to be afraid. Soon a tall woman, about 1.90 meters in height, appeared in front of Cavallo. She had black hair in a bun, Oriental shaped eyes, and she lacked any fingernails. She wore a long sleeveless habit with white boots. Among other things, the woman told Cavallo that she hailed from the planet Clarion and that her name was Ciama.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1981, citing Moreno Tambellini, Alieni in Italia
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5904
### Event 43946 (0D7B24F3)
**Date:** 9/13/1981
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** ALBI, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Brilliant red 10M x 5M perfect rectangle hovers. Follows car. Going quickly south / 1000kph!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 239)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14203
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "ALBI,FR:2 OBS:BRILL.RED 10M x 5M PERFECT RECTANGLE HVRS:FOLOS CAR:>>S/1000kph!", **LatLong:** "43.933335 2.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:56:00 N 02:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.933335,2.150000)", **State/Prov:** "Tarn", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43947 (4FA2F4AC)
**Date:** 9/13/1981
**Time:** 02:17:20.8
**Location:** 49.9200 78.9110
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1608
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9200 78.9110", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:12 N 78:54:40 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9200,78.9110)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 43948 (185FBCCB)
**Date:** 9/14/1981
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** SARNIA, ONT
**Description:** Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft going quickly west over RTE 402 toward(s) Michigan. Low altitude. No further details / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14204
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "186", **HatchDesc:** "SARNIA,ONT:HUGE DLT >>W OVR Rte 402 twrd MICHIGAN:LOW ALTITUDE:NFD/NEWS", **LatLong:** "42.983335 -82.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:59:00 N 82:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.983335,-82.416671)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43949 (0C89CE3B)
**Date:** 9/15/1981?
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** LITHIA, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 lights = large silver UFO. Lifts over car. Several hours missing time. Rash on skin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14205
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "244", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "LITHIA,FL:2 OBS:2 LITES=LRG SLVR UFO:LIFTS OVR CAR:SVRL HRS MST:RASH ON SKIN", **LatLong:** "27.827779 -82.205559", **LatLongDMS:** "27:49:40 N 82:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.827779,-82.205559)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 43950 (6A7C92BF)
**Date:** 9/16/1981
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CHARLESTON LK, ONT
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 3 red moons / treetops level. 1 going quickly east. 2 vanish over lake.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 363)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14206
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLESTON Lk,ONT:3 OBS:3 RED MOONS/TREETOPS LVL:1 >>E:2 VANISH OVR LAKE", **LatLong:** "44.533335 -76.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:32:00 N 76:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.533335,-76.000004)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43951 (3852F6C3)
**Date:** 9/16/1981
**Description:** Mr. Burke, age 48, was driving between Nowra and Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales, Australia when his car was enveloped in a blazing light which allegedly melted his tape recorder. It also caused soreness in witness's leg and fingers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** ACOS Bulletin, March 1982, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6017
### Event 43952 (67482F30)
**Date:** 9/16/1981
**Description:** At Charleston Lake, Ontario three members of a family watched three red spheres at 9 p.m. The first object came in over the lake at tree level, banked left over the water, and disappeared in the east. The other two stayed over water, then vanished "into thin air".
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, March 1982, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6018
### Event 43953 (50DE8295)
**Date:** 9/17/1981
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** APPLE VALLEY, CA
**Description:** Disk hovers. Shoots away and back. Spins. Colored lights. (Near George AFB.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 362)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14207
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "898", **HatchDesc:** "APPLE VALLEY,CA:DISK HVRS:SHOOTS AWAY+BACK:SPINS:CLRD LITES:(nr George AFB)", **LatLong:** "34.522224 -117.227783", **LatLongDMS:** "34:31:20 N 117:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.522224,-117.227783)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43954 (B500B23F)
**Date:** 9/17/1981
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** KENTFIELD, CA
**Description:** Huge saucer over homes. Deep rumble. No such object up / NASA and FAA and USAF..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 363)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14208
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "KENTFIELD,CA:HUGE SCR OVR HOMES:DEEP RUMBLE:no such obj up/NASA+FAA+USAF..", **LatLong:** "37.950002 -122.555561", **LatLongDMS:** "37:57:00 N 122:33:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.950002,-122.555561)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43955 (BAEAC71C)
**Date:** 9/17/1981
**Description:** A woman by the name of Wharry reported sighting a disc-shaped object in Apple Valley, San Bernardino County, California at 8:00 p.m. It hovered, shot away and then came back. It was spinning, had colored lights, and was not far from George Air Force Base.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, February 1982, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6051
### Event 43956 (D7C3E4DD)
**Date:** 9/17/1981
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. in Kentfield, Marin County, California a huge disc-shaped object passed over homes, making a deep rumbling sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, March 1982, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6052
### Event 43957 (D1AC8132)
**Date:** 9/18/1981
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** SIMI VALLEY, CA
**Description:** 6+observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft too large and slow for plane. Diesel engine sound. / r41p229.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14209
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "260", **HatchDesc:** "SIMI VALLEY,CA:6+OBS:DLT TOO LRG+SLO for PLANE:DIESEL ENGINE sound:/r41p229", **LatLong:** "34.283335 -118.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:17:00 N 118:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.283335,-118.766672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43958 (79D43739)
**Date:** 9/18/1981
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** SOUTH / MOORPARK, CA
**Description:** 2+2 / SR23. 3 bright 50' delta/triangle/box-like crafts / low altitude. Going [to] behind hills. Back 21 September. / MJ#167.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 229)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14210
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "S/MOORPARK,CA:2+2/SR23:3 BRITE 50'DLTS/lo alt:>BHND HILLS:BACK 21SEPT:/MJ#167", **LatLong:** "34.250002 -118.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:15:00 N 118:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.250002,-118.883339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43959 (2708C932)
**Date:** 9/18/1981
**Location:** Conejo Valley, CA
**Description:** Triangular objects with body lights, humming sound, observed three times over freeway and valley area (section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5442
### Event 43960 (A4F8E2B6)
**Date:** 9/18/1981
**Location:** Conejo Valley, CA
**Description:** Triangular objects with body lights, humming sound, observed three times over freeway and valley area
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_382
### Event 43961 (6A96DC1F)
**Date:** 9/18/1981
**Location:** Simi Valley, California
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. Six members of a family in Simi Valley, California, watch a light approach and see a triangular object with five bright white lights on the front and sides. The unlit center portion appears to be like brushed aluminum with a grid pattern. As it passes overhead, they hear a low-pitched hum. A blinking, red-orange light is at the rear. Two or three smaller lights are following in its path.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 229
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6290
### Event 43962 (62A19009)
**Date:** 9/18/1981
**Locations:** Moorpark Freeway north of Thousand Oaks, California; Moorpark; Olsen Road interchange
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. John Sharwath and Randy Bandurant are driving north on the Moorpark Freeway north of Thousand Oaks, California, when they notice three bright lights like floodlights on the horizon to the north. As they approach the end of the freeway in Moorpark, the light resolves into five separate lights, three in a row above and two below. When they pass nearly under the lights, they notice two triangular bodies that the lights are associated with. At 9:25 p.m., Cherie Thompson and Joyce Bandurant are driving on the Moorpark Freeway some distance behind the other car, and they see two triangular lighted objects. The lowest passes over their car at 50– 100 feet altitude near the Olsen Road interchange. They stop along the freeway to watch, but the objects are disappearing behind the hills.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, January 1982; UFOEv II, 229–231
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6291
### Event 43963 (078BF074)
**Date:** 9/18/1981
**Description:** Four witnesses, two each in two cars, were driving on the SR23 Freeway south of Moorpark, California at 9:15 p.m. when they sighted three bright delta-shaped objects in the sky. They were estimated to be between 25 and 50 feet in length, and they flew at a low 100-foot altitude. They went behind some hills, and then came back.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** William F. Hassel, MUFON UFO Journal, January 1982, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6073
### Event 43964 (F34C7611)
**Date:** 9/20/1981
**Location:** GENOVA, ITL
**Description:** Anonymous observer(s). Tall figure / luminous suit by bridge. Big dark eyes. Boards cylinder/cylindrical object and quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14211
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GENOVA,ITL:Anon.OBS:TALL FIG/LUMn.SUIT by BRIDGE:BIG DRK EYES:BOARDS CYL+↑↑", **LatLong:** "44.433335 8.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 08:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,8.950000)", **State/Prov:** "GE", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 43965 (17F22E8E)
**Date:** 9/20/1981
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** 8MI NORTH / HECTOR, ARK
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Vivid blue bulb-balloon shape going southeast toward(s) 17 missile silos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 192)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14212
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "230", **HatchDesc:** "8mi N/HECTOR,ARK:2 OBS:VIVID BLU BULB-BALLOON SHAPE >SE TWRD 17 MISSILE SILOS", **LatLong:** "35.583335 -92.972227", **LatLongDMS:** "35:35:00 N 92:58:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.583335,-92.972227)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 43966 (AFFD83C8)
**Date:** 9/20/1981 (approximate)
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** LES ANGLES, FR
**Description:** 1 / car. Car just ahead gone when sudden fog lifts! No turnoffs..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 317)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14213
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LES ANGLES,FR:1/CAR:CAR JUST AHEAD GONE when SUDDEN FOG LIFTS!:no turnoffs..", **LatLong:** "43.950002 4.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:57:00 N 04:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.950002,4.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Gard", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 43967 (9F3AF59E)
**Date:** 9/20/1981
**Description:** On this night a man reported seeing a bright luminous object on the ground next to a local bridge near his residence in Genoa, Italy. As he approached the object he noticed a very tall figure who was wearing a shiny luminous outfit. The being had very large dark eyes. Initially frightened, the witness became very calm when the being gazed at him with a very gentle stare. After a few moments the being boarded the cylindrical object that was partly hidden behind some bushes. The object then rose and disappeared quickly from view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 14280, citing Maurizio Verga, ITACAT; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1981, case # 1525, citing ITACAT
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6150
### Event 43968 (F62026EB)
**Date:** 9/24/1981
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0085 -116.0238
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cernada” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_881
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0085 -116.0238", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:31 N 116:01:26 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0085,-116.0238)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.21", **NukeName:** "Cernada", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 43969 (4663E372)
**Date:** 9/25/1981
**Location:** USA, Decker Chapel (Indiana)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 9am Barbara Crabtree saw a creature 7 to 8 feet tall in the wheat field behind her house. It was covered in dirty white fur and had very large eyes, which she couldn't make out the details of due to the distance, and scared, quickly went back into her house. She assumes the creature took a dead chicken she had thrown in the trash that morning, as in the afternoon the chicken was no longer there. In the evening, coming back in the car with her husband, they saw the same creature come out of the woods on the side of the road. A few days later they heard growling outside and the dog started barking furiously.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 35
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3139
### Event 43970 (07A30B5F)
**Date:** 9/25/1981
**Location:** WESTFIELD, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Square object / 90m altitude under clouds. Hovers. Going [to] slow into woods.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14214
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "274", **HatchDesc:** "WESTFIELD,IN:2 OBS:SQUARE OBJ/90m alt UNDER CLOUDS:HVRS:> SLOW INTO WOODS", **LatLong:** "40.038891 -86.127782", **LatLongDMS:** "40:02:20 N 86:07:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.038891,-86.127782)", **RelAlt:** "90", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 43971 (15931F33)
**Date:** 9/25/1981
**End date:** 9/27/1981
**Location:** Chicago
**Description:** The Center for UFO Studies holds a second conference in Chicago, with talks by [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek), [Budd Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins) [Bruce Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) and [Mark Rodeghier](http://www.cufos.org/mark%5Frodeghier.html)[.](http://www.cufos.org/mark%5Frodeghier.html) Presented papers are printed in The Spectrum of UFO Research.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[CUFOS Symposium in Chicago Well-Attended,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 11 \(November 1981\): 1, 6; Mimi Hynek, ed., [The Spectrum of UFO Research](http://cufos.org/books/The%5FSpectrum%5Fof%5FUFO%5FResearch.pdf), CUFOS, 1988; Ron Westrum, \[review\], JUFOS 1 \(1989\): 172–174
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6292
### Event 43972 (E72107E0)
**Date:** 9/26/1981 (approximate)
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NORTH / KATHMANDU, NPL
**Description:** Mountain climbers. Large transparent saucer-sphere/orb/globe going east slow. Turns going north. Starts and stops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14215
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Himalayan states", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "N/KATHMANDU,NPL:Mtn.CLIMBERS:LRG XPRNT SCR-ORB > E SLOW:TURNS >N:STARTS+STOPS", **LatLong:** "28.333335 85.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "28:20:00 N 85:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.333335,85.416671)", **State/Prov:** "NPL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43973 (39669A79)
**Date:** 9/26/1981
**Time:** 05:00:00.3
**Location:** 46.7900 48.3130
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 2-1” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1609
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.7900 48.3130", **LatLongDMS:** "46:47:24 N 48:18:47 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.7900,48.3130)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.05", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 2-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 43974 (9C6EF115)
**Date:** 9/26/1981
**Time:** 05:03:59.9
**Location:** 46.7710 48.3040
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 2-2” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1610
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.7710 48.3040", **LatLongDMS:** "46:46:16 N 48:18:14 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.7710,48.3040)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.05", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 2-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 43975 (5922B023)
**Date:** 9/26/1981
**Locations:** Himalayas; Mount Chamlang; Makalu; Nepal; Tibet
**Description:** Mountaineers [Reinhold Messner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinhold%5FMessner) and [Doug Scott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug%5FScott) watch a UFO the size of the full moon for nearly 3 hours during an unsuccessful attempt on the main peak of Mount Chamlang in the Himalayas near Makalu in Nepal. The object at first is moving slowly southward, then shifts to the east, northwest, and finally north, making irregular movements before it disappears somewhere over Tibet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Top Climber: I Spotted UFO,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97657246/)” Montreal \(Quebec\) Gazette, October 10, 1981, p. 26; “From the Heart of Asia: Two UFOs, a Half Century Apart,” IUR 7, no. 1 \(January 1982\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6293
### Event 43976 (61E5982F)
**Date:** 9/27/1981
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 3M tube / light spots observer(s) / motorbike going [to] home. Silent source invisible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14216
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "TOOPERANG,S.AUSTRL:3M TUBE/LITE SPOTS OBS/MOTORBIKE >HOME:SLNT SOURCE INVISIBL", **LatLong:** "-35.383335 138.733340", **LatLongDMS:** "35:23:00 S 138:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.383335,138.733340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43977 (078C158D)
**Date:** 9/28/1981
**Locations:** Hungary; White House
**Description:** Hungarian-American filmmaker and UFO hobbyist [Colman VonKeviczky,](https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keviczky%5FK%C3%A1lm%C3%A1n) founder of the Intercontinental UFO Galactic Spacecraft Research and Analytic Network, writes a five-page letter to President [Ronald Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FReagan), claiming that UFOs are an extraterrestrial task force that will destroy earth unless world leaders collaborate. It is the third time he has written, and it includes 17 documents that illustrate the “potential threat of the UFO forces.” In response to VonKeviczky’s letter to Reagan, Maj. Gen. [Robert L. Schweitzer](https://www.nytimes.com/1981/10/21/us/security-adviser-ousted-for-a-talk-hinting-at-war.html), White House chief military advisor, writes: “The President is well aware of the threat you document so clearly and is doing all in his power to restore the national defense margin of safety as quickly and prudently as possible.” VonKeviczky shows the letter to the Associated Press, which contacts Schweitzer, who says the letter is a mistake and thought the threat refers to the Soviets. Schweitzer is fired on October 21 for making unauthorized belligerent statements about Russia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** presidentialufo.com, “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981–January 20, 1989”; “[A](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97657557/) [Top General Talks of War](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97657557/)[,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97657557/) [Is Reassigned,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97657587/)” Boston Globe, October 21, 1981, pp. 1, 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6294
### Event 43978 (ACF76B44)
**Date:** 9/28/1981
**Location:** Near Balzac, ALBERTA, CANADA
**Description:** A bull was found mutilated on the Stan Jones farm north of Calgary. Three triangular patches were worn into the nearby grass. A helicopter had been heard the night before (Sept. 27-28). A helicopter was seen nearby on the 28th, as the Jones family examined the bull at the site.
**Type:** mystery helicopter/mutilation related
**Reference:** Ref. 1 [The Choppers - and the Choppers, Mystery Helicopters and Animal Mutilations, Thomas R. Adams, 1991](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Adams,Thomas,Choppers%20and%20the%20Choppers-1.pdf)
**Source:** MysteryHelicoptersAdams, **ID:** MysteryHelicoptersAdams_195
### Event 43979 (AC983DF8)
**Date:** 9/29/1981
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** HUDSON, NH
**Description:** 20+observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape 50' over Centronics computer center. Stops. Going up and down. Strong red lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 361)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14217
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "HUDSON,NH:20+OBS:CGR 50'OVR CENTRONICS COMPUTER Ctr:STOPS:↑+↓:STRONG RED LITES", **LatLong:** "42.766669 -71.450003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:46:00 N 71:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.766669,-71.450003)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 43980 (3BA2E58E)
**Date:** 9/30/1981
**Time:** night
**Location:** Carroll County, NEW HAMPSHIRE
**Description:** Night of Wed., Sept.30/Thurs. Oct. l. A 7-year-old Hereford cow was found dead & mutilated on the Charles Whitten property, under mysterious circumstances (see referenced source). That next day, Oct. 1, the Whittens heard a helicopter but could not see it. Then a low-flying airplane circled the pasture. There had been "talk" in a nearby town of "black helicopters" in the area.
**Type:** mystery helicopter/mutilation related
**Reference:** Ref. 2 [The Choppers - and the Choppers, Mystery Helicopters and Animal Mutilations, Thomas R. Adams, 1991](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Adams,Thomas,Choppers%20and%20the%20Choppers-1.pdf)
**Source:** MysteryHelicoptersAdams, **ID:** MysteryHelicoptersAdams_196
### Event 43981 (E510CF36)
**Date:** 10/1981 (approximate)
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** MARYHILL, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. Extreme-bright fireball stationary over power lines / 6 minute(s). No outages.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14218
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "MARYHILL,WA:1 OBS:XTREME-BRITE FBL STATIONARY OVR PWR LINES/6min:NO OUTAGES", **LatLong:** "45.700002 -120.816672", **LatLongDMS:** "45:42:00 N 120:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.700002,-120.816672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 43982 (3D608A46)
**Date:** 10/1981
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** A46 / BATH TO/FROM STROUD, AVON
**Description:** Odd orange cloud. 3 clocks off / 3 hours. Car odometer reverses!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BLUNDELL, Nigel & BOAR, Roger: The WORLDS GREATEST UFO MYSTERIES; Octopus, London 1989 & PB/Berkley Books, NY 1990 (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14219
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "145", **HatchDesc:** "A46/BATH>
For photo see: http://www.ufoevidence.org/photographs/section/1980s/Photo43.htm (opens in new tab/window
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6667
### Event 44009 (52419FF6)
**Date:** 10/14/1981
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MOORESVILLE, AL
**Description:** 90m ovoid going [to] 45m over road. Many white lights and 1 orange light / pole.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 363)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14228
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "175", **HatchDesc:** "MOORESVILLE,AL:90m OVOID > 45m OVR ROAD:MANY WHT LITES+1 ORG LITE/POLE:", **LatLong:** "34.633335 -86.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "34:38:00 N 86:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.633335,-86.883337)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44010 (64D4FADD)
**Date:** 10/15/1981
**Location:** Hällefors, Sweden
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Many citizens of Hällefors, Sweden, observe a huge cigar-shaped object “as large as a truck” that appears suddenly in the north gliding along just above the treetops. Four oblong windows are apparent, through which a blue-white light shines, and a red light is in the rear. A clear and piercing engine noise is evident as it slowly moves south for more than an hour. Former Chief Constable Björn Fagrell describes it as like two connected railway cars. The object makes a slow clockwise turn around the village, after which a flame comes out of the rear of the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Flying Truck’ Seen over Hällefors for 75 Minutes!](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/Nordic%20UFO%20Newsletter%20%28English%20language%29/Nordic%20UFO%20Newsletter%20-%201982%20No%201.pdf)” Nordic UFO Newsletter, 1982, no. 1, pp. 6–8; Stig Aggestad, “[The Hällesfors Incident Continues to Grow: Giant UFO Still Unidentified,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/Nordic%20UFO%20Newsletter%20%28English%20language%29/Nordic%20UFO%20Newsletter%20-%201983%20No%201.pdf)” Nordic UFO Newsletter, 1983, no. 1, pp. 2–3; Christer Nordin, “[The UFO over Hällefors: A Smuggled-In](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/Nordic%20UFO%20Newsletter%20%28English%20language%29/Nordic%20UFO%20Newsletter%20-%201983%20No%201.pdf) [Airship, Says ‘Magasinet,’ a Channel 2 TV Program,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/Nordic%20UFO%20Newsletter%20%28English%20language%29/Nordic%20UFO%20Newsletter%20-%201983%20No%201.pdf)” Nordic UFO Newsletter, 1983, no. 1, pp. 3–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6299
### Event 44011 (6880C65A)
**Date:** 10/16/1981
**Location:** BALTIC SEA
**Description:** 16' fireball paces and blasts hole in Russian jet. Near crash. Clear weather. / r214p96.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL ENQUIRER UFO REPORT; Pocket Books, NY 1985. (Index 196)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14229
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "BALTIC SEA:16'FBL PACES+BLASTS HOLE IN RUSS.JET:NR CRASH:CLR WEATHER:/r214p96.", **LatLong:** "55.500003 20.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "55:30:00 N 20:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.500003,20.000001)", **State/Prov:** "EPR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44012 (16D78B01)
**Date:** 10/16/1981
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: .001KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1612
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** ".001"
### Event 44013 (0266CC3C)
**Date:** 10/17/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Abel Boro, a deer hunter from the Parnarama region, is attacked by an object that looks like a giant truck tire rimmed with lights spinning around him. Suddenly enveloped by a sparkling light, he dies before help arrives \(Jacques Vallée, Confrontations\). (October 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2913
### Event 44014 (B843EDEB)
**Date:** 10/17/1981
**Location:** PARNARAMA, BRZ
**Description:** Hunter zapped / Chupa? Falls / tree. Dies / one hour. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v27#5+/ r148p238.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CONFRONTATIONS, A Scientists Search..; Ballentine Books, NY 1990+91.PB (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14230
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "PARNARAMA,BRZ:HUNTER ZAPPED/CHUPA?:FALLS/TREE:DIES/1hr:/FSR v27#5+/r148p238", **LatLong:** "-5.683334 -43.116669", **LatLongDMS:** "05:41:00 S 43:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.683334,-43.116669)", **State/Prov:** "MRN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44015 (37911324)
**Date:** 10/17/1981
**Description:** Abel Boro was hunting with his friend Ribamar Ferreira in the rain forest in Matoes, near Parnarama, Maranhao State, Brazil when they saw a bright star that descended and hovered over the two terrified men, focusing its light on Boro. He climbed a tree and Ferreira ran away. The object hovered over the tree, spinning around and doing something bad to Boro, who was shaking with fear. His body was glittering. When Ferreira came back with help, Boro was dead; his body was all white and he reportedly didn't have a drop of blood left in him.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John F. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects, p. 95; National Enquirer, December 29, 1981; FSR, March 1989; Jacques Vallee, Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact, p. 188
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6940
### Event 44016 (BAB16975)
**Date:** 10/18/1981
**Time:** 03:57:05.1
**Location:** 49.9270 78.8540
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1613
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9270 78.8540", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:37 N 78:51:14 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9270,78.8540)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 44017 (F5664C77)
**Date:** 10/19/1981
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** Barry Goldwater, Senator, Arizona, in a letter to Lee Graham, Aerojet Electric Systems, Azusa, CA, states that he has given up trying to get into the BLUE ROOM at Wright-Patterson AFB where UFO artifacts are stored by the Air Force.
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_729
### Event 44018 (B7B84108)
**Date:** 10/19/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Raimondo Souza and Anastasio Barbosa go hunting in the Parnarama region. An object descends upon them in the night and directs a beam of light towards Raimondo. Terrified, Souza hides under the trees. In the morning, he is found dead. He has a broken arm and numerous purple marks, except on his face. (October 19)
**Reference:** Vallée, Confrontations
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2914
### Event 44019 (A5B80045)
**Date:** 10/19/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) José Vitoria, deer hunter from the Parnarama region , dies. His body bears circular purple marks.
**Reference:** Vallée, Confrontations
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2915
### Event 44020 (0F5A365C)
**Date:** 10/19/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Dionizio General, a deer hunter from the Parnarama region, suddenly sees an object hovering above him and shooting a big beam of fire in his direction. He then falls to the ground. After being in an abominable terror for 3 days, he suddenly dies \(Jacques Vallée, [Confrontations](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://www.jacquesvallee.net/books/confrontations.html)\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2916
### Event 44021 (04C9410A)
**Date:** 10/19/1981
**Location:** Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio
**Description:** Sen. [Barry Goldwater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry%5FGoldwater) \(R-Ariz.\) responds to constituent Lee M. Graham asking about rumors of alien technology and bodies at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. He writes: “I have long ago given up acquiring access to the so-called blue room at Wright-Patterson…. this thing has gotten so highly classified, even though I will admit there is a lot of it that has been released, it is just impossible to get anything on it.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Color Blue and UFO’s,](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread682434/pg1)” Above Top Secret forum, March 30, 2011; Nick Redfern, “[UFOs and Senator Barry Goldwater,](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2014/05/ufos-and-senator-barry-goldwater/)” Mysterious Universe, May 1, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6300
### Event 44022 (21F9F2D3)
**Date:** 10/20/1981
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** TODD CO, SD
**Description:** Flying turtle beams going down [to] boys working on car. Maneuvers and circles. Going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 367)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14231
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "975", **HatchDesc:** "TODD co,SD:FLYING TURTLE BEAMS ↓ BOYS WORKING ON CAR:MNVRS+CIRCLES:>E", **LatLong:** "43.333335 -101.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "43:20:00 N 101:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.333335,-101.666672)", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44023 (4350D8F3)
**Date:** 10/22/1981
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** ST. PIERRE, REUNION
**Description:** 1 / car. 5M glowing-tube with sphere beneath. Heat and paralysis..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14232
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indian Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "St.PIERRE,REUNION:1/CAR:5M GLOW-TUBE W/SPHERE BENEATH:HEAT+PARALYSIS..", **LatLong:** "-21.316668 55.483336", **LatLongDMS:** "21:19:00 S 55:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.316668,55.483336)", **State/Prov:** "REU", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44024 (ED67FC95)
**Date:** 10/22/1981
**Time:** 14:00:00.4
**Location:** 63.8000 97.5500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Shpat-2” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1614
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "63.8000 97.5500", **LatLongDMS:** "63:48:00 N 97:33:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/63.8000,97.5500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.58", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "PNE:Shpat-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 44025 (2D9AA779)
**Date:** 10/24/1981
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** LICATA, ITL
**Description:** 2 / beach. Light going up / water. Hairy 2M creature emerges / river. Odd effects..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14233
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LICATA,ITL:2/BEACH:LITE ↑/WATER:HAIRY 2M CREATURE EMERGES/RIVER:odd effects..", **LatLong:** "37.100002 13.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:00 N 13:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.100002,13.933334)", **State/Prov:** "AG", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 44026 (19296C61)
**Date:** 10/24/1981
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** 2 / car. 2 night lights scour terrain. Figure / white room regressed. Abduction?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 824)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14234
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "44", **HatchDesc:** "N/WHYALLA,S.AUSTRL:2/CAR:2 NLTS SCOUR TERRAIN:FIG/WHT ROOM regressed:ABD?", **LatLong:** "-32.950002 137.533340", **LatLongDMS:** "32:57:00 S 137:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.950002,137.533340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 44027 (7BA15E26)
**Date:** 10/24/1981
**Description:** Two men were fishing close to the mouth of the River Salso near the city of Licata, Sicilia, Italy around 7:45 p.m. when they noticed some lights emerging from the sea. Five minutes later they noticed emerging from the surface three bright lights or forms that approached their position. One of the men grabbed a flashlight and pointed it towards the source of the lights. He was now able to see a two-meter tall humanoid standing in water up to its knees. The creature appeared hairy and was apparently only seen by one of the men, who felt a mysterious attraction towards the creature and the lights. Frightened, he fled the scene along with the other man who had only seen the lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1981, case # 1524, citing Maurizio Verga, ITACAT
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7095
### Event 44028 (A48698FB)
**Date:** 10/24/1981
**Description:** Two young men traveling on an isolated stretch of road near Port Lincoln, South Australia stopped their vehicle at 9:30 p.m. after one of them reported seeing what appeared to be a "flare" in the sky to his left, southeast towards Spencer Gulf. They stopped and both saw a second light that moved around and flew up and down the hills and gullies, before stopping in one particular gully. They continued to watch for a while before setting off again. The two talked about what they had seen, and shortly one of them felt like stopping again. What happened next was a missing time and abduction experience that was hard for them to explain. He recalls "drifting off" into a white endless space. He knew he was there but he couldn't move. A figure 1.2 meters tall walked up the road and stopped in front of him. It looked like it was wearing a toga like the Romans wore. It stood there for a while before vanishing. The other man woke up and sat for a while before his friend asked, "What happened"? He recalled walking into a big white room and also had vague recollections of an entity, seen as an outline standing some 15 meters away from the car. They had several hours of unaccounted for time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, UFO Research Australia, July 1982, p. 4; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 57
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7096
### Event 44029 (96A403C5)
**Date:** 10/25/1981
**Time:** 22:40
**Description:** 25' glowing-ovoid follows car / miles. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Lights area. Maneuvers. Hides.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14235
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "E/SNOWTOWN,S.AUSTR:25' GLO-OVOID FOLOS CAR/MILES:RFI:LITES AREA:MNVRS:hides", **LatLong:** "-33.816668 138.266673", **LatLongDMS:** "33:49:00 S 138:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.816668,138.266673)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44030 (85BC002E)
**Date:** 10/25/1981
**Description:** At 10:40 p.m. a 25 foot long glowing ovoid object followed a car east of Snowtown, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia, for miles. Radio interference was experienced. The UFO illuminated the surrounding terrain, maneuvered, and hid.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14304; UFO Research Australia, January 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7132
### Event 44031 (1BC388FB)
**Date:** 10/26/1981
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** DICKINSON, TX
**Description:** 2 / car. Silver saucer paces car. Crosses road. Night lights / Galveston same night.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14236
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "144", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "DICKINSON,TX:2/CAR:SLVR SCR PACES CAR:CROSSES ROAD:NLTS/GALVESTON SAME NITE", **LatLong:** "29.466668 -95.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "29:28:00 N 95:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.466668,-95.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44032 (C5BCA1A1)
**Date:** 10/26/1981
**Description:** Two men in a car near the seashore in Dickinson, Galveston County, Texas saw a silvery disc-shaped object paralleling their car and then crossing the road ahead of them. Nocturnal lights were seen in the area that evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1982, p. 13; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14305
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7161
### Event 44033 (71CEC633)
**Date:** 10/28/1981 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** FREJUS, VAR
**Description:** 2 / car. 11M round object 400M over deputy mayors house. Luminous/glowing top and dark bottom/underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14237
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FREJUS,VAR:2/CAR:11M RND OBJ 400M ovr DEPUTY MAYORS HOUSE:LUMn TOP+DRK BTM:", **LatLong:** "43.416669 6.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:00 N 06:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.416669,6.733334)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44034 (6A0DBD4D)
**Date:** 10/28/1981
**Description:** An appeal of the CAUS v. NSA case is heard by a three-judge panel \([J. Skelly Wright](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FSkelly%5FWright), [Roger Robb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger%5FRobb), and [Norma Holloway Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norma%5FHolloway%5FJohnson)\) of the US Court of Appeals, District of Columbia. In a brief decision issued barely a week after oral arguments, the judges uphold the lower court’s decision without comment.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Suit Seeks to Lift](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1981/11/03/suit-seeks-to-lift-secrecy-veil-from-agencys-ufo-documents/c6ab8756-7268-4a3a-a657-316a5bcc4e80/) [Secrecy Veil from Agency’s Documents,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1981/11/03/suit-seeks-to-lift-secrecy-veil-from-agencys-ufo-documents/c6ab8756-7268-4a3a-a657-316a5bcc4e80/)” Washington Post, December 3, 1981; William A. Moore, “[CAUS vs.](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201982%2001%2000%20-%20Vol%2030%20No%201.pdf) [NSA Lawsuit Goes to US Supreme Court,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201982%2001%2000%20-%20Vol%2030%20No%201.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 30, no. 1 \(February 1982\): 2–3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6301
### Event 44035 (A3360611)
**Date:** 10/30/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Departure of *Venera 13*, which will perform the first drillings of the [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html) soil. (October 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2917
### Event 44036 (8047C147)
**Date:** 10/30/1981
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** PATCHING, ENGL
**Description:** 1 / car. Large white and red disk hovers over trees. Color(s) alternate. Going quickly [to] sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 363)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14238
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PATCHING,ENGL:1/CAR:LRG WHT+RED DISK HVRS OVR TREES:CLRS ALTERNATE:>> sea", **LatLong:** "50.833336 -0.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:50:00 N 00:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.833336,-0.450000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44037 (776C333F)
**Date:** 10/30/1981
**Description:** In a forested area in Worthing, West Sussex, England a large colored disc-shaped object, half red, half white, with the two colors flashing alternately and transposing positions when flashing, passed over two witnesses in a car at 7:30 p.m. The craft had two exhaust ports emitting sparks; it rose in the air, came toward the car, and left toward the sea.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, March 1982, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7313
### Event 44038 (B747B932)
**Date:** 10/31/1981
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** (WIDE AREA), ARG
**Description:** 2 airliners and more/others. Bright fast saucer / 180M going quickly northeast. Also other objects. / r150p24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 363)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14239
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "(wide area),ARG:2 AIRLINERS++:BRITE FAST SCR/180M >>NE:+OTHER OBJS:/r150p24", **LatLong:** "-37.700002 -59.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:42:00 S 59:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.700002,-59.766670)", **RelAlt:** "180", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44039 (E9A734B6)
**Date:** 10/31/1981
**Location:** Marcos-Juarez, Arg
**Description:** 2 airliners report object (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5444
### Event 44040 (A919A06A)
**Date:** 10/31/1981
**Description:** Shortly after 9 p.m. a huge, bright, round object was observed flying at 180 meters altitude through the sky in Marcos Juarez, Cordoba, Argentina. It was witnessed by Pedro Heslop of Austral Airlines and Alberto Paracampo of Aerolineas Argentinas, pilots of commercial flights coming in for landings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Graziano, APRO Bulletin, March 1982, p. 6; Richard H. Hall, UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 125
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7344
### Event 44041 (51EF1475)
**Date:** 10/31/1981
**Description:** A UFO near Parnarama, Maranhao State, Brazil emitted an intense glare that caused the witness to feel an electric shock, increased body heat, loss of speech, paralysis and weight loss.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John F. Schuessler, UFO-Related Human Physiological Effects, p. 96, citing El Comercio, Quito, Ecuador, November 4, 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7345
### Event 44042 (4C3C5B9B)
**Date:** 11/1981
**Location:** USA, Malibu, California
**Description:** (Translated from French) Nina Hagen, a rock star, was on vacation in a house near the Malibu beach. She was sleeping on the upper floor, and her mother and two friends were sleeping on the floor below. She woke up in the night, went to the window, and suddenly saw a "svelte" round saucer of light. She wanted to call her friends, but she couldn't move. All she felt was a kind of great happiness, as she watched the colorful light displays produced by the apparition. The object was about ten meters above her, and it was quite transparent; she remembers seeing a desk with people inside. Suddenly it was all over. In the morning she had proof that she hadn't been dreaming: the curtains were still open. (Note from Vog: Huge proof, indeed!) She talked about it in her book "Ich bin ein Berliner" (Goldmann-Verlag).
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3141
### Event 44043 (F95B74D2)
**Date:** 11/1981
**Location:** Hessdalen, Norway
**Description:** Localized concentration began, continuing off and on for several years. Many structured object cases, photographs (January-February 1984). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5445
### Event 44044 (14386223)
**Date:** 11/1981
**Location:** Hessdalen, Norway
**Description:** Localized concentration began, continuing off and on for several years. Many structured object cases, photographs (see January—February 1984).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_385
### Event 44045 (B96FA4C7)
**Date:** 11/1981
**Location:** Hessdalen valley, Norway
**Description:** Residents of the Hessdalen valley, Norway, begin reporting frequent sightings of unusual lights that hover \(sometimes for as long as an hour\) and sometimes streak off at speeds that render them all but invisible. On many occasions the lights are below the horizon, either just beneath the tops of nearby mountains or not far from the ground or the rooftops of nearby houses. The lights come in various shapes, but three predominate: a bullet or cigar, a sphere, and an “upside-down Christmas tree.” They are usually yellow or white. Sometimes a small red light appears in front of the others, the various lights maintaining a fixed position, leading observers to suspect they are all attached to a single, dark object. More often than not, they are seen at night moving from north to south; but daylight sightings also occur, usually during the winter. Anomalous sounds are sometimes reported. Especially frequent activity occurs between December 1981 and mid-1984, when the lights are seen 15–20 times per week, attracting many tourists.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Hessdalen lights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hessdalen%5Flights)”; “Project Hessdalen: The Colored Lights of Norway,” IUR 8, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1983\): 6–8; “Project Hessdalen,” IUR 10, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1985\): 14; J. Allen Hynek, “Tracking the Hessdalen Lights,” IUR 10, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1985\): 10–11; Clark III 571
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6302
### Event 44046 (C5D06360)
**Date:** 11/1/1981
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ST. FIACRE, FR
**Description:** Cop and 1 / car. 7M hemisphere / 35M altitude. Lights ground / beam. / Oeste France.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14240
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St.FIACRE,FR:COP+1/CAR:7M HEMISPHERE/35M alt:LITES GND/BEAM:/Oeste France", **LatLong:** "48.916669 2.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:55:00 N 02:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.916669,2.966667)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44047 (B5EE7228)
**Date:** 11/1/1981
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a seven meter in diameter dome or hemisphere-shaped object hovered at 35 meters altitude in St. Fiacre, Seine-Marne, France. It illuminated the ground with a beam of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 212
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7394
### Event 44048 (58A321E9)
**Date:** 11/3/1981
**Location:** US
**Description:** Newspaper article on CAUS vs. NSA: “Suit Seeks to Lift Secrecy Veil From Agency’s UFO Documents”.
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1981/11/03/suit-seeks-to-lift-secrecy-veil-from-agencys-ufo-documents/c6ab8756-7268-4a3a-a657-316a5bcc4e80/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_730
### Event 44049 (76E538C2)
**Date:** 11/3/1981
**Location:** US
**Description:** Civil Action, Case #80–1562, goes against the plaintiff and for the defendant, the NSA. The NSA retains the right to withhold 156 Top Secret records containing communications intelligence (COMINT) reports which were produced between 1958 and 1979. Only military personnel with a Top Secret Clearance were allowed to view the documents for the court hearing. NOT even the Judge was allowed to see them, even though he ruled against the plaintiff (CAUS).
**Type:** court case
**Reference:** Pea Reseach (A3, B1-A)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_731
**See also:** 6/24/83
### Event 44050 (8A0A46B2)
**Date:** 11/3/1981
**Location:** District of Columbia
**Description:** The US District Court for the District of Columbia issues a per curiam judgment that denies an appeal of the CAUS case against the NSA.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Federal Court Upholds Decision Against CAUS,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 12 \(December 1981\): 6; ClearIntent, [p. 188](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/188/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6303
### Event 44051 (0A493416)
**Date:** 11/4/1981
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Departure of *Venera 14*, which continues drilling on [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html). (November 4)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1981.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2918
### Event 44052 (074807E0)
**Date:** 11/6/1981
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** FEIGNES, FR
**Description:** Dark silent vertical cylinder/cigar-shape. Long rods / all directions retract. Low altitude. / LDLN#212.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 235)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14241
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "FEIGNES,FR:DRK SLNT VERTICAL CGR:LONG RODS/ALL DIRS RETRACT:LO ALT:/LDLN#212", **LatLong:** "50.277780 3.911111", **LatLongDMS:** "50:16:40 N 03:54:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.277780,3.911111)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44053 (176D2BBB)
**Date:** 11/6/1981
**Time:** 17:03:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Leto” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1947
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Leto", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 44054 (15568D66)
**Date:** 11/8/1981
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 8 objects / row. Huge triangle hovers overhead. Low rumble.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 365)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14242
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "270", **HatchDesc:** "NE/PITTBURGH,PA:SVRL SEP.OBS:8 OBJS/ROW:HUGE TRIANGLE HVRS OVHD:low rumble", **LatLong:** "40.500002 -79.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:30:00 N 79:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.500002,-79.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44055 (28ACF876)
**Date:** 11/8/1981
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** PRAGLIA, ITL
**Description:** 6 teens. 15M metallic ovoid lands 15M away. Pseudo-human/entity exits and walks on water.. .
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14243
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PRAGLIA,ITL:6 TEENS:15M MTLC OVOID LANDS 15M away:PSH EXITS+WALKS ON WATER...", **LatLong:** "44.511113 8.811112", **LatLongDMS:** "44:30:40 N 08:48:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.511113,8.811112)", **State/Prov:** "GE", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 44056 (01E05768)
**Date:** 11/8/1981
**Description:** At around 3 p.m. a 15 meter long metallic ovoid landed 15 meters away from six teenagers in Praglia, Liguria, Italy. The six boys were racing dirt bikes near a lake when one of them fell and hit his head. Two of the boys went to assist him, when suddenly a bright green light was seen descending over the surface of the lake. Inside the light appeared to be a gray metallic, oval-shaped craft that descended on telescopic like landing gear near the witnesses. A door became visible, and a tall, human-looking UFOnaut emerged. His arms seemed to be extended up into the air. He wore losse fitting, silvery coveralls. His arms appeared to be very long, and his feet resembled oval appendages. The being seemed to have no neck, and a triangular shaped head with normal looking eyes. The humanoid proceeded to walk towards the lake, and then to walk on the surface of the water. A few moments later he walked back into the object, which took off at high speed, disturbing the surface of the lake.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1981 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 1523; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14312, citing Maurizio Verga, ITACAT
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7548
### Event 44057 (47B73CF9)
**Date:** 11/8/1981
**Description:** At 6 p.m. Mrs. A. S. Carew witnessed a cone-shaped object that flew horizontally from northeast to southwest in Mtepatepa, Zimbabwe. A smaller shape was ejected from the front of the larger object, then another and another. Several explosions were heard later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO AfriNews, June 1989, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7549
### Event 44058 (FD347710)
**Date:** 11/9/1981
**Location:** Esengul, Karasu Region, Kazakhstan
**Description:** A large boat shaped, green colored UFO with an open cab or hatch fell into Lake Zaysan. Four humanoid wearing the same color green coveralls were apparently inside. Apparently the craft and its occupants were damaged upon impact. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5449
### Event 44059 (3FAB837B)
**Date:** 11/11/1981
**Time:** 20:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0763 -116.0685
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tilci” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_883
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0763 -116.0685", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:35 N 116:04:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0763,-116.0685)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.45", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Tilci", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44060 (49B25E38)
**Date:** 11/11/1981
**Time:** 17:07:00.2
**Location:** -21.8560 -138.9540
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Procles” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1948
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8560 -138.9540", **LatLongDMS:** "21:51:22 S 138:57:14 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8560,-138.9540)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.71", **NukeName:** "Procles", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 44061 (2E4C1A70)
**Date:** 11/12/1981
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** EDESSA, GRC
**Description:** Jets chase RADAR blips. "Flaming parachutes" / strong beams. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14244
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "EDESSA,GRC:JETS CHASE RDR BLIPS:"FLAMING PARACHUTES"/STRONG BEAMS:/FSR v28#3", **LatLong:** "40.800002 22.066668", **LatLongDMS:** "40:48:00 N 22:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.800002,22.066668)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44062 (3647C50F)
**Date:** 11/12/1981
**Time:** 18:50
**Description:** Many observer(s). 4-5 delta/triangle/box-like crafts change shape. Give light / many colors.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14245
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "GIANITSA+LAINA++,GRC:MANY OBS:4-5 DLTS CHANGE SHAPE:GIVE LITE/MANY COLORS", **LatLong:** "40.783335 22.433334", **LatLongDMS:** "40:47:00 N 22:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.783335,22.433334)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44063 (75607CBA)
**Date:** 11/12/1981
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 1 observer. Pear-shape 500M away / 100M altitude. Radiates heat. / IURv7#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14246
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PTOLEMAIS,GREECE:1 OBS:PEAR-SHAPE 500M AWAY/100M alt:RADIATES HEAT:/IURv7#1", **LatLong:** "40.533335 21.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "40:32:00 N 21:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.533335,21.666668)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44064 (75464C84)
**Date:** 11/12/1981
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1082 -116.0490
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Rousanne” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1781
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1082 -116.0490", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:30 N 116:02:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1082,-116.0490)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.52", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Rousanne", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44065 (40397D4E)
**Date:** 11/12/1981
**Locations:** Chortiatis, Greece; Edessa, Greece; Kalochori, Michaniona; Giannitsa, Larissa; Ptolemaida; Lagyna
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Air traffic controllers at the Greek-American NATO base in Chortiatis, Greece, pick up unidentified targets on their radar screens. Six pursuit aircraft are scrambled, but the UFOs disappear as soon as the planes approach. At 6:45 p.m., luminous objects appear over Edessa, Greece, and maneuver for 30 minutes. Other objects are spotted at Kalochori, Michaniona, Giannitsa, Larissa, Ptolemaida, and Lagyna.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The Hide-and- Seek of the UFOs and the Six Jets That Went after Them,” IUR 7, no. 1 \(January 1982\): 11–12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6304
### Event 44066 (E8280B4A)
**Date:** 11/12/1981
**Description:** At 6:00 p.m. NATO jets were scrambled from the Hortiati NATO Air Base in Macedonia, Greece in pursuit of UFOs tracked on military radar. UFOs played hide-and-seek with them, disappearing and then reappearing 45 minutes later. UFOs were also seen and reported in the villages of Kalokorio, Mihaniona, and Laina, as well as the cities of Gianitsa and Edessa. At 6:45 p.m. objects shaped like flaming parachutes, emitting powerful lights, hung in the sky over the city of Edessa, Greece for 30 minutes. Most city residents saw them, including some with binoculars.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, International UFO Reporter, January 1982, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7617
### Event 44067 (8D9079F4)
**Date:** 11/13/1981
**Location:** USA, Michigan's Upper Peninsula
**Description:** (Translated from French) At the Barone farm, Roxanne, 12 years old, heard noises in the barn in the evening and, not daring to go and see alone, was accompanied by Tina, her 13 year old sister. Tina went in first and, feeling around, searched for the light switch. Instead of a switch, her hand encountered something furry. She thought it might be a goat or some other animal. But it was something else entirely. It was growling softly, standing up and very tall - 6 to 7 feet - and covered in black fur. Its eyes were red. So as not to provoke the creature, Tina slowly backed out of the barn. Little cousin David, who had come out of the house with a revolver, fired a shot in the air. Then the creature ran off, fleeing into the distance on two legs. Tina said the creature was something between a monkey and a bear, with very long arms. At the beginning of December, Tina's mother saw the creature again, sitting or crouching in front of the barn and looking at it. She supposes that the sacks of grain and apples that were ripped open were the work of this creature.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 36
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3140
### Event 44068 (86C22C33)
**Date:** 11/13/1981
**Description:** Another radar-visual encounter occurred in Greece in 1981. UFOs returned for the second night to the Hortiati NATO Air Base, were picked up on radar, and witnessed by police in Thessaloniki. NATO jets were scrambled to intercept the unknowns, again without success.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Iinternational UFO Reporter, January 1982, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7644
### Event 44069 (63B94BC1)
**Date:** 11/17/1981
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** Half-moon night light maneuvers. Follows motorcycle / 6km. Hovers and going north slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14247
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "DOVER>
Early in the afternoon on this date in 1996 a silver gray metallic object struck the top of a Boeing-757 cockpit belonging to a Chinese Southern Airlines aircraft on a flight between Beijing and Wuhei, China cracking the outer windshield. The plane made an emergency landing. (Sources: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 48, citing J. Trainor, UFO Roundup
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8521
### Event 44116 (04F61458)
**Date:** 12/20/1981
**Location:** Norway, Hessdalen
**Description:** (Translated from French) Hundreds of observations of curious phenomena, mainly yellow balls, powerful white-blue lights and groups of multicolored lights, and even non-luminous objects visible only during the day. The trajectories can be varied; the phenomena are recorded on various devices, sometimes on radar. Natural origin appears probable. (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, pp. 60-63) On December 20, 1981, Nils Kare Nesvold and Per Holden, passing through Vongraven, saw a large star emerge from the sky and fly in a straight line over the mountain peaks. It was followed by a cluster of 19 other lights. It was all flickering, descending, accelerating, slowing down together. This was the first of a series of observations that would last for 5 years with hundreds of eyewitnesses. Most often the lights were observed in the evening, between 7:30 pm and 10:30 pm. (1981, December 20 (and for 5 years until 1985))
**Reference:** La cura de CUN - Italy, Milan section
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3142
### Event 44117 (69BD2F2C)
**Date:** 12/20/1981
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Start / 4-year wave. Odd-shape night lights going north toward(s) Trondheim. / r11p143.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STRAND, Erling: PROJECT HESSDALEN Final Technical Rpt; Norway, 1984. (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14261
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "53", **HatchDesc:** "HESSDALEN VLY,NORW:START/4-YEAR WAVE:ODD-SHAPE NLTS >N twrd TRONDHEIM:/r11p143", **LatLong:** "62.794447 11.188889", **LatLongDMS:** "62:47:40 N 11:11:20 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.794447,11.188889)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 44118 (F007BDAD)
**Date:** 12/20/1981
**Location:** Vongraven, Norway
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Journalists [Nils Kåre Nesvold](https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nils%5FK%C3%A5re%5FNesvold) and Per Holden see a shiny, spherical object at Vongraven, Norway, the apparent size of a large star. It is steady and intense with no halo. It is flying nearly 3 miles distant and about 3,300–6,500 feet above a mountain. Its speed is irregular, and it changes both course and altitude. Suddenly it disappears as though it is switched off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 89–90
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6310
### Event 44119 (7CBB8DCB)
**Date:** 12/21/1981
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** AKSARAY, TURKEY
**Description:** Huge silent flashy ovoid hovers 900M over motor works. Going quickly southwest. / MJ#310.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 351)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14262
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Turkey", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "AKSARAY,TURKEY:HUGE SLNT FLASHY OVOID HVRS 900M ovr MOTOR WORKS:>>SW:/MJ#310", **LatLong:** "38.500002 34.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "38:30:00 N 34:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.500002,34.083335)", **State/Prov:** "CPD", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44120 (EBAC4029)
**Date:** 12/21/1981
**Locations:** Aksaray, Turkey; Building Site of the Aksaray Engine Factory
**Description:** Captain O. Celen and other people in Aksaray, Turkey, see a huge, glittering, silent, egg-shaped object shedding a greenish light over the building site of the Aksaray Engine Factory. It is hovering at 800–1,000 feet and shoots away to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “‘Mysteries of Turkey’: UFO Activity Revealed,” IUR 8, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1983\): 9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6311
### Event 44121 (5FA7EE01)
**Date:** 12/21/1981
**Description:** In the evening on this day in 1981 a Turkish Army captain and several townspeople watched a silent glittering ovoid object illuminate a large engine factory complex with a bright green colored light in Aksaray, Turkey. It flew at an estimated 800 to 1000 feet altitude, and shot away to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sarikaya Haluk Egeman, International UFO Reporter, January 1983, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8555
### Event 44122 (09B8FD6B)
**Date:** 12/22/1981
**Time:** 04:31:05.3
**Location:** 49.8210 78.1070
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .003KT YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1617
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8210 78.1070", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:16 N 78:06:25 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8210,78.1070)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".003", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 44123 (7E214273)
**Date:** 12/24/1981
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** BEIJING, CH
**Description:** 2 and more/others airport workers. White disk hovers over airport. No explanation. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 236)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14263
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BEIJING,CH:2++AIRPORT WORKERS:WHT DISK HVRS OVR AIRPORT:NO EXPLAN.:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.000002 116.450006", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 116:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,116.450006)", **State/Prov:** "BJG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44124 (5E07F6C1)
**Date:** 12/26/1981
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 12 observer(s). Fireball maneuvers and spins. Beams going up. Then shoots away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 214)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14264
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Morocco", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off ESSAOUIRA,MOROCCO:12 OBS:FBL MNVRS+SPINS:BEAMS ↑:then shoots away fast", **LatLong:** "31.566668 -9.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "31:34:00 N 09:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.566668,-9.800000)", **State/Prov:** "ATL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44125 (7230F28B)
**Date:** 12/27/1981
**Time:** 03:43:16.6
**Location:** 49.9300 78.7920
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1618
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9300 78.7920", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:48 N 78:47:31 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9300,78.7920)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.20", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44126 (5568ACAC)
**Date:** 12/28/1981
**Locations:** Westminster, Maryland; farm south of Westminster, Maryland
**Description:** 10:30 a.m. G. W. Schoen and two others are talking outside a stable on a farm south of Westminster, Maryland, when they see a grayish-black object flying east to west against the wind and below the clouds at 1,000 feet. It is shaped like a lightbulb, with visible ribs and dark black lines. It climbs slowly and gradually disappears from sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Correspondence,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1982\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6312
### Event 44127 (C4B3B1EC)
**Date:** 12/29/1981
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** ONSTED, MI
**Description:** 2 boys. Small humanoid (or Grey) floats over fence. Shoots lights going up and down. Green smoke and saucer / 3rd boy.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 370)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14265
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "301", **HatchDesc:** "ONSTED,MI:2 BOYS:OID FLOATS OVR FENCE:SHOOTS LITES ↑+↓:GRN SMOKE+SCR/3rd BOY", **LatLong:** "42.005558 -84.188893", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:20 N 84:11:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.005558,-84.188893)", **RelAlt:** "4", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44128 (BC164A62)
**Date:** 12/29/1981
**Location:** Brooklyn, MI
**Description:** Two boys playing in a snow fort behind their house heard a humming sound then saw a lighted disc shaped craft with red lights shining on its top and multicolored lights on the bottom fly overhead and disappear from sight. They saw a four-foot tall human like figure float over a nearby fence and come towards them. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5467
### Event 44129 (CA8457E1)
**Date:** 12/29/1981
**End date:** 12/30/1981
**Location:** Albuquerque, New Mexico
**Description:** [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) meets twice with AFOSI officer [Richard Doty](https://www.exopaedia.org/Doty%2C%2BRichard) in a restaurant in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Doty provides Moore with copies of three documents, one of which is a “fake” to test Moore. Another is the one-page Aquarius teletype.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brad Sparks and Barry Greenwood, “The Secret Pratt Tapes and the Origins of MJ-12,” in MUFON 2007 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, MUFON, 2007, pp. 92–159
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6313
## Year: 1982, 501 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 44130 (97D3808A)
**Date:** 1982
**Location:** Albuquerque, NM
**Description:** Investigator Paul Bennewitz was sending regular reports to the APRO and contacted US Senator Harrison Schmidt and Senator Peter Domenici, as well as other UFO investigators such as Linda Moulton Howe and John Lear. By 1982, APRO had decided to investigate Bennewitz’s claims. They sent William Moore, one of their directors and a former schoolteacher turned writer and ufologist, to talk to Bennewitz. Bill Moore later stated in a public confession that he was recruited by someone with the code name Falcon to lead Paul Bennewitz astray by giving him false information. He claimed that he was given his orders by AFOSI agents (believed to be Richard Doty and Steve Atwater), and that for four years, he was asked to feed disinformation, including the forged “Aquarius Document” to Bennewitz. This disinformation included “verification” of Bennewitz’s beliefs about the “grays” and the underground base at Dulce. Bennewitz had to be hospitalized for “exhaustion”. He later died on June 23, 2003.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [link](https://www.exopaedia.org/Paul+Bennewitz)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_732
### Event 44131 (200F2C72)
**Date:** 1982
**End date:** 1983
**Location:** US
**Description:** In a 12/14/2022 article titled "The NSA Cash-Landrum (C-L) UFO Document", under the section "The Army Investigation and the Lawsuit", there is the following text showing a connection or association between US Army Col. John B. Alexander and the Cash-Landrum incident: "In 1982, Department of the Army Inspector General (DAIG) ordered Lt. Col. George Sarran to determine whether Army helicopters were involved in the C-L incident, but his mission was not to investigate the UFO report. To be thorough, Sarran contacted several ufologists, John Schuessler, the primary investigator; his former VISIT colleague Capt. Richard C. Niemtzow; M.D., USAF; and Dr. Peter Rank, Radiologist. Although not named in the documentation, US ARmy Col. John B. Alexander says that both he and his friend U.S. Navy Captain Paul Tyler (medical consultant for the Remote Viewing program) were also consulted. In his report, Sarran eliminated the Army as a suspect, and he found no evidence of helicopters flying by any other U.S. government entity - or by anyone else. However, Sarran had interviewed both Mrs. Cash and Landrum, and he explicitly described them as “credible.”"
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [Blue Burry Lines blog](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2022/12/the-nsa-cash-landrum-ufo-document.html)
**Reference:** [archive.ph](https://archive.ph/o5DNu)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_950
### Event 44132 (20A05F15)
**Date:** 1982
**Location:** USA, Wallops
**Description:** (Translated from French) Officially, NASA is created. One of its missions concerns sounding rockets (for sounding) since this date, about thirty are launched each year. 14 different types are used. They vary in size from the Super Arcas of 3 meters high, to the 4-stage Black Brant XII, which measures 20 meters. These rockets can reach altitudes of 48 km to more than 1287 km. In most cases, they are recoverable and are reused. Launch sites are located: Wallops Island, White Sands Missile Range, Poker Flat Research Range Alaska, sites in Canada, Norway, Sweden. There are also launches from temporary locations and between 1982 and 1997 launches were made from bases in Peru, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Greenland, Australia, and aircraft carriers in the Pacific Ocean
**Reference:** NASA Website on the Internet in 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3143
### Event 44133 (98B6AD5D)
**Date:** 1982
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) There exists an "electron cannon" in the USA, called "Aurora". It is installed at the Harry Diamond Laboratory and can emit a beam of 12 MeV under 1.6 amperes.
**Reference:** "La Guerre des Satellites" - tome 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p 209
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3144
### Event 44134 (3FDCD7A4)
**Date:** 1982
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Queensland
**Description:** (Translated from French) A woman in her early forties remembered being in a spaceship during her sleep. The entities present, male and female, looked like humans. Other abducted people were present. She did not want the entities to examine her, as she was pregnant. The entities were confused, apparently not wanting to have pregnant women on board. She was still shown what her baby would look like once born, and then was given the honor of visiting the ship. She does not know how it ended, as she woke up somewhere in the countryside. [note from vog: what annoys me most in all these cases, is like here: madam takes a tour of the ship and tells nothing, absolutely nothing of how it was...]
**Reference:** UFORA90047. Bill Chalker
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3166
### Event 44135 (D507F52D)
**Date:** 1982
**Location:** South Africa, Johannesburg
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. 1980, around July) James Forber and Henry De Greef accompany Karné to the planet Aenstria. They are accompanied by female extraterrestrial pilots Nua and Ulo. They arrive on the planet in a city called Amuris and it is under a dome. In 1985 James Forber gets married, he has two children which he will call "Kassiopea" and "Pleiades" [note from vog: poor kids!]
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** etc. etc. until the 90s
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3167
### Event 44136 (0D8F492C)
**Date:** 1982
**Location:** Voronezh (near), Russia
**Description:** 10:00 PM+. Two local militia sergeants were driving a "UAZ-469" vehicle (Russian patrol jeep) in an area about 10-15 kilometers from the city when suddenly they saw a very bright beam of light shining down to earth from somewhere in the sky. The beam of light appeared to be scanning the surface of the ground, and every blade of grass appeared to be lit by it. Several seconds later a hatch opened on the hull of the craft and several tall (about 3-4 meters in height) humanoids exited the object and went to a nearby field. The men could only speak in stuttering voices. At first they were subjected to alcohol tests but it proved negative, both were then sent to a mental hospital. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5469
### Event 44137 (CCA3B72D)
**Date:** 1982
**Locations:** Livermore; Nevada Test Site; Area 6; Area 51
**Description:** [Richard Mingus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FMingus) is coordinating security operations for Livermore in the Area 6 section of the Nevada Test Site when, just as an unsecured, live nuclear weapon is being lowered into an 800-foot-deep shaft prior to testing, an alert goes off that the facility is under attack. It turns out that Wackenhut Security has decided to conduct a mock helicopter attack on an access point to Area 51 to test the system for weaknesses but neglects to inform the Department of Energy beforehand.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 333–338](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/332/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6314
### Event 44138 (F278556A)
**Date:** 1982
**Locations:** Inslaw; Israel; Ronald Reagan; Fabrizio Calvi; Thierry Pfister
**Description:** The National Security Agency, through the Department of Justice, covertly misappropriates a Prosecutors Management Information System \(PROMIS\) developed by private firm Inslaw to aid prosecutors in tracking cases. Inslaw claims that the feds withheld payments on the software, then pirated it, making modifications to allow it to monitor intelligence operations, then giving or selling it to Israel and 80 other countries through [Earl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl%5FBrian) [W. Brian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl%5FBrian)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earl%5FBrian) a man with close personal and business ties to President [Ronald Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FReagan) and then-presidential counsel [Edwin Meese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin%5FMeese)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwin%5FMeese) The NSA uses it to covertly conduct real-time electronic surveillance of the flow of money to suspected terrorists and other perceived threats to US national interests. [Fabrizio Calvi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabrizio%5FCalvi) and Thierry Pfister in 1997 claim that NSA has been “seeding computers abroad with PROMIS-embedded SMART \(Systems Management Automated Reasoning Tools\) chips, code-named Petrie, a Trojan horse capable of covertly downloading data and transmitting it, using electrical wiring as an antenna, to US intelligence satellites” as part of an espionage operation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[PROMIS \(software\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PROMIS%5F%28software%29)”; Ryan Gallagher, “[Dirtier Than Watergate,](https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2011/04/promis-government-inslaw)” New Statesman, April 20, 2011
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6315
### Event 44139 (ABBE891D)
**Date:** 1982
**Description:** Audits and Surveys, in a report sponsored by Merit Report, finds that 49% of Americans definitely or probably think extraterrestrial UFOs have been here.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert J. Durant, “Evolution of Public Opinion on UFOs,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6316
### Event 44140 (41D57E90)
**Date:** 1982
**Locations:** Brazil; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
**Description:** Brazilian ufologist [Irene Granchi](http://www.openminds.tv/irene-granchi-dies/7123) founds the Centro de Investigação sobre a Natureza dos Extraterrestres in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The group is eventually taken over by her daughter [Chica Granchi](http://socex.net/site/chica-granchi/)[.](http://socex.net/site/chica-granchi/)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Claudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga, “[Entrevista: Irene Granchi, a Grande Pioneira da Pesquisa Ufológica no Brasil,](https://ufo.com.br/entrevistas/a-grande-pioneira-da-pesquisa-ufologica-no-brasil.html)” Portal UFO, May 4, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6317
### Event 44141 (8376C9A4)
**Date:** 1982
**Location:** Canberra, A.C.T.
**Description:** The Royal Australian Air Force grants permission to UFO researcher [Bill Chalker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FChalker) to examine its UFO files. Chalker visits the archives in Canberra, A.C.T., and reviews more than 1,000 reports in 53 RAAF files through 1984, allowing him to compile a detailed summary covering the years 1950 to 1980. He concludes that the existence of some interesting cases in the files is not suggestive of an RAAF coverup.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 33
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6318
### Event 44142 (E4188728)
**Date:** 1982
**Description:** The daughter of “YR” states he worked for General Electric and accepted a contract job at WPAFB, where he and his assistant were taken by limousine, blindfolded, and taken to an underground level by elevator and taken to the work area. It was a morgue that was icy cold that had corpses inside glass cases, with humanoids who were short with clammy skin like a reptile and a head was like a frog, and webs on the hands.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/24/part-6-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/24/part-6-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_198
### Event 44143 (AC961F12)
**Date:** 1982
**Description:** USAF Col. “RC,” who founded a UFO group APRON, states his fiancé’s car was forced off the road in Las Vegas and his apartment was burglarized, with the things missing being Stringfield’s books. RC states he and his fiancé moved to Pensacola, FL and his fiancé was later killed in a car crash near Singing Sands, FL where she was forced off the road in a hit and run. RC agreed to meet three men at an airport about UFOs and then never contacted Stringfield again.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/13/part-4-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/13/part-4-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_199
### Event 44144 (A4618E66)
**Date:** 1982
**Description:** A USAF Capt. states while stationed at Fort Hood, in the late 1960s a pilot had to make a forced landing over a restricted air corridor at Gray AAF/Robert Gray Field. The pilot saw a huge section of land separating like giant sliding doors with vegetation intact revealing a huge corridor inside; the pilot was blindfolded and taken into the jeep inside the underground complex, inside a long corridor and interrogated by two men. He was blindfolded again where his aircraft was refused for him and was told not to speak of the incident.
In 1973, two witnesses saw a square UAP with lights and were approached by Chinook helicopters, who took up a tight formation around the UAP. The UAPs and helicopters disappeared out of sight; the next day, the witness called Fort Hood and was told there was a routine recon training mission in the area. Another researcher told the men who flew the helicopter were code named **BLUEBOYS** and it was a special group involved in UAP work. Another son of a man who allegedly worked underground beneath Fort Hood stated the technology involved is “science fiction.”
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/13/part-4-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/13/part-4-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/)
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/22/part-5-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/22/part-5-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_200
### Event 44145 (2463144D)
**Date:** 1982
**Description:** Kit Green states he hired a retired senior USAF officer who was a physician to work on a science board at the CIA. This man told Green “the stories about alien incursions, recoveries and information are true.” He told Green he would clear him for the programs, but this never happened.
Even during Green’s retirement while at General Motors, this USAF officer told him he’d get cleared but it never happened.
Green never named the individual but it was revealed he passed away in 1997, and later evidence shows this was likely Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, who was a director of “human factors” for the USAF’s plan to put a man into space, he was a consultant for NASA and CIA, and he worked in the fields of bio-astronautics and life sciences.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/08/kit-greens-usaf-ufo-mentor.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/08/kit-greens-usaf-ufo-mentor.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_201
### Event 44146 (95F36699)
**Date:** 1/1/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First observation of a triangular-shaped craft moving very slowly at low altitude in complete silence \(Hudson Valley, north of New York, and in part of Connecticut\). This first wave ended on July 10th, 1986. A second one occurred from 1989 to 1991 in Belgium. (January 1st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2919
### Event 44147 (F0C40437)
**Date:** 1/2/1982
**Location:** Arizona
**Description:** Writer [Bob Pratt](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/palmbeachpost/obituary.aspx?n=robert-v-pratt&pid=15755452) flies out to Arizona to meet [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) who has called him to propose a non-fiction book project about UFOs. Moore tells him about MJ-12, Project Aquarius, and other alleged revelations. Pratt secretly tapes his conversations with Moore, which reveal his contacts with [Richard Doty](https://www.exopaedia.org/Doty%2C%2BRichard) and other agents of disinformation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brad Sparks and Barry Greenwood, “The Secret Pratt Tapes and the Origins of MJ-12,” in MUFON 2007 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, MUFON, 2007, pp. 92–159
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6319
### Event 44148 (861EFC8F)
**Date:** 1/3/1982
**Location:** Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
**Description:** Two Brazilian Air Force F-5 fighters flying at about 5,000 feet over Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, see a dark metallic-looking object about 66 feet long, 55 feet high, and 3,000 feet away. The control tower cannot see anything in the vicinity. The F-5s get closer, but the object ascends and stays above them. They stay in this position for 30 seconds and then the UFO accelerates and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 205; Brazil 552
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6320
### Event 44149 (CD84A6CD)
**Date:** 1/5/1982
**Location:** National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C.
**Description:** The Society for Scientific Exploration is founded by [Peter A. Sturrock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FA.%5FSturrock) at a meeting held at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C., in order to study phenomena “generally regarded by the scientific community as being outside their established fields of inquiry.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Professors Join in UFO Study Forum,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1982\): 1, 3; Clark III 1082–1083
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6321
### Event 44150 (8934BA7A)
**Date:** 1/7/1982
**Time:** 08:00?
**Location:** COLUMBUS, IN
**Description:** Odd police / Army report. Saucer lands. 2 women see small humanoids (or Greys). 1 shoots at them.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14266
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "COLUMBUS,IN:ODD POLICE/ARMY RPT:SCR LANDS:2 WOMEN SEE OIDS:1 SHOOTS AT THEM:", **LatLong:** "39.216669 -85.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:13:00 N 85:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.216669,-85.933337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 44151 (B6BA8944)
**Date:** 1/9/1982
**Location:** Washington, North Carolina
**Description:** 8:20 p.m. Carl \(Eddie\) Cox III steps outside his rural home near Washington, North Carolina, to photograph the rising full moon with a new 35mm camera using high-speed color film. He sees and takes 8 photographs of a strange, tubular object moving from the northeast. The photos show a double tube with varying configurations of white and red-orange lights. The final photo shows the tops of nearby trees and distant condensation trails. Analysis suggests that the sighting is due to a distant aircraft passing through a condensation trail.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Tubular UFO](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf) [Photographed, January 9, 1982,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 3 \(June/July 1982\): 1, 4; “[January UFO](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf) [Photos Become Identified FOs,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 6 \(Dec. 1982/Jan. 1983\): 5–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6322
### Event 44152 (C94BE65D)
**Date:** 1/10/1982
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** HAVSA, TURKEY
**Description:** Glowing ovoid / 500M altitude. Green and yellow beams and yellow smoke. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic effect (EME). / MJ#177.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 351)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14267
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Turkey", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "HAVSA,TURKEY:GLOWING OVOID/500M alt:GRN+YLW BEAMS+YLW SMOKE:RFI+EME:/MJ#177", **LatLong:** "41.500002 26.833335", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 26:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.500002,26.833335)", **State/Prov:** "EDR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44153 (EB6BB092)
**Date:** 1/15/1982
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** SOUTH / MANGAPEHI, NZ
**Description:** 1 observer. Big ovoid on hill / tripod. Red windows darken / train nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 365)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14268
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "S/MANGAPEHI,NZ:1 OBS:BIG OVOID on HILL/TRIPOD:RED WINDOWS DARKEN/TRAIN NEARS", **LatLong:** "-38.550002 175.300008", **LatLongDMS:** "38:33:00 S 175:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.550002,175.300008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44154 (5C782F37)
**Date:** 1/15/1982
**Locations:** Niğde; Havsa, Edirne; İzmir; Buca forest
**Description:** 7:05–11:35 p.m. Three sightings occur one after the other in Turkey. An object resembling a tray is seen at 7:05 p.m. over Niğde in central Anatolia. At 9:35 p.m., two UFOs are reported at Havsa, Edirne, accompanied by reported malfunctioning TV sets in the town. Around 11:30 p.m., a reported UFO causes the citizens of İzmir, western Anatolia, to panic. When the UFO hovers above the Buca forest it takes on a flaming appearance, causing fire brigades to rush to the scene, keeping watch over the object for 45 minutes until it vanishes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “‘Mysteries of Turkey’: UFO Activity Revealed,” IUR 8, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1983\): 8–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6323
### Event 44155 (6DB0E716)
**Date:** 1/18/1982
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Glowing metal ovoid over phone lines / mining area. Magnetic anomalies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14269
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HESSDALEN VLY,NORW:GLOW.MTL OVOID OVR PHONE LINES/MINING AREA:MAGN.ANOMALIES", **LatLong:** "62.816670 11.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "62:49:00 N 11:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.816670,11.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44156 (ECEA8031)
**Date:** 1/18/1982
**Location:** Hessdalen, Norway
**Description:** 7:30 PM. A luminous metallic ovoid flew over telephone lines in a mining area. Magnetic anomalies were recorded. (Source: International UFO Reporter, November-December 1983, p. 7). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5472
### Event 44157 (C4A1DC89)
**Date:** 1/18/1982
**Description:** In the Hessdalen Valley of Norway a luminous metallic ovoid flew over telephone lines at 7:30 p.m. in a mining area. Magnetic anomalies were recorded.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, November-December 1983, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_378
### Event 44158 (823D1AC3)
**Date:** 1/20/1982
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** PETFORD, QLD
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent night light going northeast / just over farm reservoir / 60 kph. Turns 90° going northwest. / r241p4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14270
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PETFORD,QLD:1 OBS:SLNT NLT > NE/JUST OVR FARM RSVR/60 kph:TURNS 90°>NW:/r241p4", **LatLong:** "-17.350001 144.933340", **LatLongDMS:** "17:21:00 S 144:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.350001,144.933340)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 44159 (0AA6FE26)
**Date:** 1/22/1982
**Description:** A female was abducted in Weaver, Iowa by several 5-foot-tall beings with large heads, cat-like eyes, and small mouths. They were hairless, and had long arms and hands with only four-digits. She was submitted to a physical exam, and allegedly had something implanted into her head. During the exam, the aliens were particularly interested in her hands and wrists. A tube was inserted into her body and she could feel fluid or drugs going through her arms. They communicated with her using telepathy, and told her that she would perform some important task in the future.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 451
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_421
### Event 44160 (C082F22C)
**Date:** 1/23/1982
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 2 boys. Night light maneuvers / electric storm. Beams going down. Beam arcs around.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACUFOS AUSTRALIA: Sightings Catalogs 1978-1982. Keith Basterfield. PO Box 546, Gosford, NSW Australia 2250. (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14271
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "BELLENDEN KER Nt.PARK,QLD:2 BOYS:NLT MNVRS/ELEC.STORM:BEAMS↓:BEAM ARCs AROUND", **LatLong:** "-17.250001 145.833340", **LatLongDMS:** "17:15:00 S 145:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.250001,145.833340)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 44161 (C9B067D3)
**Date:** 1/24/1982
**Time:** ~07:00
**Description:** 5 joggers. Saturn-shape descends nearby. Sharp lights / 3 rings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 400)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14272
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "IPOH,PERAK,MALAYSIA:5 JOGGERS:SATURN-SHAPE DESCENDS NEARBY:SHARP LITES/3 RINGS", **LatLong:** "4.750000 101.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "04:45:00 N 101:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4.750000,101.083338)", **State/Prov:** "PRK", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44162 (196EA0F9)
**Date:** 1/24/1982
**Location:** Stockdale, TX
**Description:** A flashing light with irregular flashes of red and white traveled from west to east silently across the sky in Stockdale, Texas. It arced slightly and appeared to hover in the eastern sky, 30 degrees above the horizon. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5473
### Event 44163 (8E93313B)
**Date:** 1/24/1982
**Location:** village of Ipoh in Perak, Malaysia
**Description:** 7:00 AM. Five early morning joggers watched a Saturn-shaped object with a revolving rim and sharp lights descend nearby them. (Source: Ahmad Jamaludin, FSR, December 1988, p. 22). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5474
### Event 44164 (4960D9D2)
**Date:** 1/24/1982
**Description:** In the village of Ipoh in Perak, Malaysia five early morning joggers watched a Saturn-shaped object with a revolving rim and sharp lights descend nearby them at around 7:00 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ahmad Jamaludin, FSR, December 1988, p. 22
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_493
### Event 44165 (9AA9A2E4)
**Date:** 1/24/1982
**Description:** A flashing light with irregular flashes of red and white traveled from west to east silently across the sky in Stockdale, Texas. It arced slightly and appeared to hover in the eastern sky, 30 degrees above the horizon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, CUFOS case files, report form dated January 24, 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_494
### Event 44166 (710CCD81)
**Date:** 1/26/1982
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** CHRISTCHURCH, NZ
**Description:** 4 / airport. Saturn-saucer going northwest. Maneuvers and zigzags. Going quickly southeast and quickly going up. / r210v30#9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 822)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14273
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CHRISTCHURCH,NZ:4/AIRPORT:SATURN-SCR > NW:MNVRS+ZIGZAGS:>>SE+↑↑:/r210v30#9", **LatLong:** "-43.466669 172.616675", **LatLongDMS:** "43:28:00 S 172:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-43.466669,172.616675)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44167 (B0138F93)
**Date:** 1/28/1982
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0913 -116.0512
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Jornada” Yield: 139KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_886
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0913 -116.0512", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:29 N 116:03:04 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0913,-116.0512)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.64", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeName:** "Jornada", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "139"
### Event 44168 (A2B9E463)
**Date:** 1/29/1982
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning a student in Bankstown, a suburb of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia had a low level close encounter with a five-meter thick rectangular object with a glassy metallic surface. The object was only 100 meters away. It had bluish yellow bottom lights, and green lights on the side. The UFO caused nearby trees to sway, TV static interference, and streetlights in the area to turn off. The object took off with a vertical ascent. After the object left the streetlights came back on 20 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, UFOIC case files; Mark Cashman, Project 1947 EM Effects Catalog website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_585
### Event 44169 (F7EDF335)
**Date:** 1/31/1982
**Location:** Spain, Los Garabatos (Gerena)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 8:30 PM, farmer Morato was having trouble with his tractor, which had stopped running due to the frequent rains of the season. He went to seek help from a neighbor, who came right away with his own tractor. Suddenly the two men saw a dazzling light descending: it descended very close to the ground. Stunned, they saw on the Los Garabatos property, a hundred meters away from them, a well-defined cylindrical shape, about thirty meters long. They observed it for 5 minutes, which seemed like an eternity before fleeing, one tractor towing the other, towards another farm. These people had seen nothing, but there was static on the television for several minutes and the image was very disturbed. Instead of a landing, visited the next day, the ground was colored and seemed orange, which contrasted strongly with the surrounding land.
**Reference:** Excerpt from the newspaper "El correo de Andalucia" from Seville, of February 12, 1982, with map, photos, text, of which I received a copy from Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos, precisely the owner of the Los Garabatos estate, which he has his employees work on.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3145
### Event 44170 (14B99034)
**Date:** 1/31/1982
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bicycle-seat delta/triangle/box-like craft low and slow. Roar. Vibration. No electro-magnetic effect (EME) or smell.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14274
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "52", **HatchDesc:** "MECHANICSVILLE,VA:2 OBS:BICYCLE-SEAT DLT LO+SLO:ROAR:VIBRATION:NO EME OR SMELL", **LatLong:** "37.600002 -77.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:36:00 N 77:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.600002,-77.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44171 (F2D762CB)
**Date:** 1/31/1982
**Location:** Mechanicsville, VA
**Description:** A general contractor and his wife observed a very large grayish cone-shaped object with rows of amber and blue body lights and two huge white light beams in front through their south-facing window. The object was issuing bright illumination about 400-500 feet from their home. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5475
### Event 44172 (29F66424)
**Date:** 2/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), 1st flight of *Tacit Blue* \(stealth technology demonstrator\). (February)
**Reference:** Air Force Press Release of April 1st, 1996
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2920
### Event 44173 (77529097)
**Date:** 2/1982
**Location:** UNIONTOWN, PA
**Description:** Odd space-shuttle / delta/triangle/box-like craft follows treeline / 100' altitude. Ummo Mark / underside!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14275
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "298", **HatchDesc:** "UNIONTOWN,PA:ODD SPACE-SHUTTLE/DLT FOLOS TREELINE/100'alt:UMMO MARK/UNDERSIDE!", **LatLong:** "39.883335 -79.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:53:00 N 79:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.883335,-79.733337)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 44174 (59A2B907)
**Date:** 2/1982
**Locations:** Kirtland AFB; Manzano, New Mexico
**Description:** [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) receives a plain envelope from one of the intermediaries of “Falcon.” Inside are Air Force documents signed by [Richard Doty](https://www.exopaedia.org/Doty%2C%2BRichard) regarding unexplained lights over Kirtland AFB and Manzano in New Mexico from 1980. Moore and [Bruce Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) examine the documents and conduct a detailed on-site investigation, finding no contradictions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Greg Bishop, Project Beta, Paraview, 2005, [p. 209](https://archive.org/details/projectbetastory0000bish/page/208/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6324
### Event 44175 (73BA4261)
**Date:** 2/2/1982
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** SKOVDE, SWEDEN
**Description:** 1+2+1 separate observer(s). 2 intense night lights. Saucer paces jogger who hides in building.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14276
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "SKOVDE,SWEDEN:1+2+1 SEP.OBS:2 INTENSE NLTS:SCR PACES JOGGER WHO HIDES IN BLDG", **LatLong:** "58.416669 13.800001", **LatLongDMS:** "58:25:00 N 13:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.416669,13.800001)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44176 (0C5AF49B)
**Date:** 2/2/1982
**Location:** Skövde, Sweden
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Susanne Anderson, 18, is jogging in Skövde, Sweden, when she notices two intense blinking lights that seem to be coming toward her. She hears no sound and gets frightened. After speeding up to a full run, she turns around and sees a metal-blue, saucer-shaped object with a blinking red light on the bottom. Terrified, she hides in a school building.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “A Short Tale of a Swedish CE-1,” IUR 7, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1982\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6325
### Event 44177 (F62762F0)
**Date:** 2/6/1982
**Location:** Clearwater FL
**Description:** Prof. John Spencer Carr of Clearwater FL calls ufologist Leonard Stringfield and revealed a key USAF officer’s witness name to the 1948 Aztec C/R. Stringfield sat back dumbfounded, because in the past this officer had spoken to Stringfield and told him about UFO’s. The USAF officer saw the occupant bodies on location.
**Type:** telephone call
**Reference:** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/richgel999/status/1552424352683016192)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_733
**See also:** 3/25/1948
### Event 44178 (F5806E4A)
**Date:** 2/8/1982
**Time:** 03:10
**Description:** 3 airliners and ground RADAR's. Fireball zigzags going south / 1100km. / LDLN#269+/ r200v7#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 364)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14277
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "82", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "BOM JESUS,BRZ++:3 AIRLINERS+GND RDRS:FBL ZIGZAGS>S/1100km:/LDLN#269+/r200v7#4", **LatLong:** "-12.216667 -43.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "12:13:00 S 43:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.216667,-43.416669)", **State/Prov:** "Bahia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44179 (90E5160D)
**Date:** 2/8/1982
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BAKERSFIELD, VT
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car home. Going [to] overhead. Silent. Observer(s) runs inside. / MJ#286+J. Nyman.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 379)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14278
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "224", **HatchDesc:** "BAKERSFIELD,VT:DLT FOLOS CAR HOME:>OVHD:SLNT:OBS RUNS INSIDE:/MJ#286+J.Nyman", **LatLong:** "44.783335 -72.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "44:47:00 N 72:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.783335,-72.800003)", **State/Prov:** "Vermont", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44180 (73C1231F)
**Date:** 2/8/1982
**Location:** near Petrolina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
**Description:** 3:11 AM. A large, multicolored flying object paced a commercial aircraft for 82 minutes. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5476
### Event 44181 (9D44C2BE)
**Date:** 2/8/1982
**Location:** Bakersfield, VT
**Description:** A delta-shaped object followed a car home, then flew overhead. The witness ran inside his house to hide. The UFO made no sound. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5477
### Event 44182 (154D0AEA)
**Date:** 2/8/1982
**Locations:** Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil; Belo Horizonte; Galeão Airport in Rio de Janeiro; Rio-Niterói Bridge
**Description:** Capt. Gerson Maciel de Britto, piloting a Boeing 727 for VASP Flight 169, notices an intense light source while flying over Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazil, on a southern course. It starts accompanying the aircraft in a parallel course, keeping the same distance. But the object soon begins changing its speed, moving ahead of the plane and then allowing it to catch up. As it approaches Belo Horizonte, the object approaches the plane, allowing crew and 150 passengers to view its lenticular form. At this point, the light emanating from the UFO penetrates the interior of the cabin and illuminates it with a bluish tint. The UFO is still in clear view as the aircraft begins landing at Galeão Airport in Rio de Janeiro. Some witnesses on the Rio-Niterói Bridge also see the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The Climactic UFO Case of the Winter 1982 Brazilian ‘Flap,’” IUR 7, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1982\): 11–13; Luiz Augusto da Silva, “[Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: The VASP-169 Flight Brazilian Episode Revisited,](https://journalofscientificexploration.org/index.php/jse/article/view/553)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 27, no. 4 \(2013\): 637–654; Patrick Gross, “[UFO-Aircraft Encounters](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/pp-sng1982.htm)”; Clark III 198–200; Brazil 537–541
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6326
### Event 44183 (AF03E33E)
**Date:** 2/8/1982
**Description:** Starting at 3:11 a.m. a large, multicolored flying object paced a commercial aircraft for 82 minutes. VASP flight #169 was paced by the UFO from Pernambuco state near Petrolina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was disc shaped and had flashing red, blue, orange, yellow and white lights. The airline crews of two more planes also witnessed the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, International UFO Reporter, July 1982, p. 11; APRO Bulletin, April 1982, p. 1; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 44, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_758
### Event 44184 (28739284)
**Date:** 2/8/1982
**Description:** That evening in Bakersfield, Vermont a delta-shaped object followed a car home, then flew overhead. The witness ran inside his house to hide. The UFO made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 13830, citing Joe Nyman
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_759
### Event 44185 (26D81F91)
**Date:** 2/10/1982
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** WEST / ESCANABA, MI
**Description:** 1+2 observer(s). Night lights. 30' saucer lands twice. Portholes. Absolute(ly) silent. / r210v30#7.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14279
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "188", **HatchDesc:** "W/ESCANABA,MI:1+2 OBS:NLTs:30'SCR LANDS TWICE:PORTHOLES:ABS SLNT:/r210v30#7 ", **LatLong:** "45.755558 -87.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:20 N 87:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.755558,-87.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44186 (337AAFBC)
**Date:** 2/10/1982
**Location:** Willernie, MN
**Description:** A UFO with an intense, lime green light hovered just six feet above the snowcovered ground in Willernie, Minnesota. Five spots of fire fell to the ground as the object rose, and melted holes in the snow. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5478
### Event 44187 (3CB05D0E)
**Date:** 2/10/1982
**Location:** in the Black Sea, Russia
**Description:** Six Soviet sailors discover and investigate a "disabled ship" in the fog. They are missing for five days. When they are returned they report that they had been pulled up into a cigar-shaped UFO, and the beings onboard the UFO communicated with them by gestures. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5479
### Event 44188 (BB6A02BB)
**Date:** 2/10/1982
**Location:** Escanaba, WI
**Description:** On Highway C537 three seventeen-year-old young women were driving in a car near a river when they encountered a low flying domed disc. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5480
### Event 44189 (A7EDE110)
**Date:** 2/10/1982
**Locations:** I Road; 18th Road; Escanaba, Michigan
**Description:** 11:35 p.m. Tammy Utt and two other 17-year-old girls are driving in a car on I Road and 18th Road west of Escanaba, Michigan, when they encounter a low-flying domed disc. The mist from the rear of the object looks like “lit up snowflakes.” The rim around the bottom of the UFO has red windows all the way around it, and a red light shines through the windows. The sighting lasts seven minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Nocturnal Rural Encounters,” IUR 7, no. 3 \(May/June 1982\): 8–11; Kenneth C. Schellhase, “A Unique Triad of CE-I Sightings,” IUR 7, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1982\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6327
### Event 44190 (65AA78CC)
**Date:** 2/10/1982
**Description:** At shortly after midnight a UFO with an intense, lime green light hovered just six feet above the snow-covered ground in Willernie, Minnesota. Five spots of fire fell to the ground as the object rose, and melted holes in the snow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joe Twohy, newspaper clipping
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_807
### Event 44191 (7841D12A)
**Date:** 2/10/1982
**Description:** On this day in the Black Sea six Soviet sailors discover and investigate a "disabled ship" in the fog. They are missing for five days. When they are returned they report that they had been pulled up into a cigar-shaped UFO, and the beings onboard the UFO communicated with them by gestures. One of the men reportedly went insane, dove overboard, and was drowned.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 74, citing the National Enquirer, November 2, 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_808
### Event 44192 (31B71684)
**Date:** 2/10/1982
**Description:** On the same day as the alleged disappearance of the Soviet sailors a close encounter occurred in Escanaba, Wisconsin. At 11:35 p.m. on Highway C537 three seventeen-year-old young women were driving in a car near a river when they encountered a low flying domed disc. The mist from the rear of the object looked like "lit up snowflakes." The rim around the bottom of the UFO had red windows all the way around it, and a red light shone through the windows. Their sighting lasted seven minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Kenneth Schellhase, International UFO Reporter, May-June 1982, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_809
### Event 44193 (5F1FBB39)
**Date:** 2/12/1982
**Time:** 14:55:00.1
**Location:** 37.2243 -116.4627
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Molbo” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_887
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2243 -116.4627", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:27 N 116:27:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2243,-116.4627)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.64", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Molbo", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44194 (D90D5A7A)
**Date:** 2/12/1982
**Time:** 15:25:00.1
**Location:** 37.3480 -116.3161
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hosta” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_888
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3480 -116.3161", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:53 N 116:18:58 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3480,-116.3161)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.64", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Hosta", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44195 (E96D0281)
**Date:** 2/12/1982
**Locations:** Gouger Road; County Road 7; Lockport, Illinois; Lockport locks and dam
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. Civil engineer Robert A. Sproat is driving south on Gouger Road just south of County Road 7 in Lockport, Illinois, when he sees a light similar to an aircraft landing light over the Lockport locks and dam. It begins a smooth banking turn to the left at about 1,000 feet, and he can make out a structure about 40 feet square.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert A. Sproat, “[Letter,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1983-84%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV4.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 4, no. 3 \(June/July 1983\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6328
### Event 44196 (242DD445)
**Date:** 2/12/1982
**Description:** Mr. Robert Sprout, age 60, reported to the Center for UFO Studies that at 5:45 p.m. he witnessed a square black object with four white and yellow lights arranged in the corners three miles east of Joliet, Illinois. It had an X-shaped, coal-black area connecting the four corners. The UFO changed direction in flight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** CUFOS case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_877
### Event 44197 (2D383D3D)
**Date:** 2/13/1982
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** SPARTANBURG, SC
**Description:** 2 / car. 25M arrowhead hovers / field. Spotlights and more/others. Odd silence. Follows car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 377)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14280
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "245", **HatchDesc:** "SPARTANBURG,SC:2/CAR:25M ARROWHEAD HVRS/FLD:SPOTLITES++:odd silence:FOLOS CAR", **LatLong:** "34.950002 -81.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "34:57:00 N 81:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.950002,-81.933337)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44198 (2B1ECC05)
**Date:** 2/13/1982
**Description:** A 25 meter arrowhead-shaped UFO with spotlights hovered over a field in Spartanburg, South Carolina at 10:30 p.m. It then followed a car being driven by the witness. An odd silence was noted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14349, citing APRO Bulletin, volume 31, no. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_906
### Event 44199 (C1D34899)
**Date:** 2/14/1982
**Location:** Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, Brazil
**Description:** At night, two witnesses, Fernando Antonio Martins & Edson Maragon watched a luminous triangular shaped craft land on an open field. Three humanoids exited the object. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5481
### Event 44200 (4867EDF9)
**Date:** 2/15/1982
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Separate groups / military. Long object going west. Splits / 3 parts going north going northeast and going southeast. 1000kph and more.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14281
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "?", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr GALKAYO,SOMALIA:SEP.GRPS/MIL:LONG OBJ> W:SPLITS/3 PARTS >N >NE+>SE:1000kph+", **LatLong:** "6.683334 47.383336", **LatLongDMS:** "06:41:00 N 47:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/6.683334,47.383336)", **State/Prov:** "ERT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 44201 (8DF28500)
**Date:** 2/15/1982
**Location:** New York City, NY
**Description:** Barbara Warmoth was asleep when a brilliant light filled her bedroom. She looked out the window and spotted a luminous disc-shaped craft hovering nearby. That is the last she remembered for one hour and 15 minutes. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5483
### Event 44202 (E3DF35D7)
**Date:** Mid 2/1982
**Locations:** Vermont Highway 36; Bakersfield, Vermont
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Aubre Brogden is driving along Vermont Highway 36 near Bakersfield, Vermont, when she sees a lighted triangular object in the sky approaching her. As she pulls into her driveway, it hovers above her backyard about 25 feet away then silently moves directly above her. She estimates it is as large as a football field. The object moves away noiselessly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Recurrent Sightings on Vermont Highway,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201983%2007%2000%20-%20Vol%2031%20No%207.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 31, no. 7 \(July 1983\): 4–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6329
### Event 44203 (3D92A2CE)
**Date:** 2/16/1982
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** KANKER, INDIA
**Description:** Many observer(s). Hazy round objects hover and sway. Change color(s) independently. Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 368)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14282
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "India", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "KANKER,INDIA:MANY OBS:HAZY RND OBJS HVR+SWAY:CHANGE CLRS INDEPENDENTLY:SLNT", **LatLong:** "20.272223 81.494448", **LatLongDMS:** "20:16:20 N 81:29:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.272223,81.494448)", **State/Prov:** "MDP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44204 (C298B6F4)
**Date:** 2/18/1982
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** NEAR LAS ANIMAS, CO
**Description:** 2 / US50. 60' flying coffin beams going up / car. Tubes and small wings / rear. Going quickly southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 373)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14283
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "1186", **HatchDesc:** "nr LAS ANIMAS,CO:2/US50:60'FLYING COFFIN BEAMS ↑/CAR:TUBES+SML WINGS/REAR:>>SW", **LatLong:** "38.066668 -103.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:04:00 N 103:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.066668,-103.216672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44205 (B4B3D2DE)
**Date:** 2/19/1982
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** LAGO LACAR, ARG
**Description:** Campers signal erratic night light. Big glowing-disk nears. Dives / lake!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14284
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "630", **HatchDesc:** "LAGO LACAR,ARG:CAMPERS SIGNAL ERRATIC NLT:BIG GLO-DISK NEARS:DIVES/LAKE!", **LatLong:** "-40.183335 -71.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:11:00 S 71:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-40.183335,-71.466670)", **State/Prov:** "NQN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44206 (2ACBA0F0)
**Date:** 2/19/1982
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** ALLEN, ARG
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Mushroom-saucer overhead. Deep voice. Missing time. Man and car abduction. Burns / skin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 180)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14285
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "246", **HatchDesc:** "ALLEN,ARG:CAR EMEs:MUSHROOM-SCR OVHD:DEEP VOICE:MST:MAN+CAR ABD:BURNS/SKIN", **LatLong:** "-38.966669 -67.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:58:00 S 67:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.966669,-67.833337)", **State/Prov:** "RNG", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 44207 (061F6799)
**Date:** 2/19/1982
**Location:** Allen, Rio Negro Province, Arg
**Description:** Mushroom-shaped object above car, sound, witness blacked out; later physiological effects. La Razon, Feb. 23, 1982 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5452
### Event 44208 (02B043DF)
**Date:** 2/19/1982
**Location:** Rio Negro Province, Arg
**Description:** E-M effects on car, dome-shaped object overhead, driver blacked out, taken to hospital with memory loss, physiological effects (section VII). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5485
### Event 44209 (C704CF3B)
**Date:** 2/19/1982
**Location:** Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina
**Description:** E-M effects on car, dome-shaped object overhead, driver blacked out, taken to hospital with memory loss, physiological effects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_388
### Event 44210 (E7B20BF0)
**Date:** 2/19/1982
**Time:** 03:56:13.4
**Location:** 49.8060 78.0290
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1619
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8060 78.0290", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:22 N 78:01:44 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8060,78.0290)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 44211 (BE5416AA)
**Date:** 2/19/1982
**Locations:** Lake Onega; Petrozavodsk; Republic of Karelia; Russia
**Description:** 4:54 p.m. A strange radiance is noticed in the sky above the frozen Lake Onega, from Petrozavodsk in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. The glow is pale blue and is shaped like a cloud, inside of which is an elliptical bright spot. After a few minutes, the bright spot disappears behind the forest, but the luminescent cloud remains in the sky for a time. Around 5:00 p.m., two more spots appear, moving together. One of them resembles the first object but is smaller. The other is a luminous sphere moving in a spiral. As it moves, it leaves a hazy trail that quickly disappears. At 5:15 p.m., a bright arrow-shaped object flies directly above the city a great speed, leaving a trail. None of the objects make any sound.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, p. 152
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6330
### Event 44212 (114EE09C)
**Date:** 2/19/1982
**Description:** At 9:15 p.m. Juan Fattorel, age 41, was driving his truck along a secondary road in Allen, Rio Negro Province, Argentina when his engine suddenly cut out. He coasted to a stop and pulled over to the side of the road. He next heard a loud buzzing sound coming somewhere from his left and in close proximity. When he looked he saw a small silvery mushroom-shaped disc hovering a meter over the ground about 10 meters away. It appeared to be balancing itself with short ascending and descending movements. At that moment his eyesight began to become blurry. He next heard a deep "electronic" voice coming from the object, which sounded somewhat threatening in nature. It told him to step out of the truck. Frightened, he refused to move, thinking he would be robbed. When he attempted to restart the truck he felt a painful, tingling sensation in his neck and blacked out. He experienced at least 20 minutes of missing time. When he woke up he was unable to see clearly, with a buzzing sound in his ears and still feeling some pain in his neck. He had some unexplained burns on his skin. A passing motorist picked him up, and he was hospitalized in a state of confusion, shock, and disorientation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** La Razon, Feb. 23, 1982; MUFON UFO Journal, February 1983, p. 18; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 258 & 271; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, citing Alejandro Chinetti, UFO Press # 15, January 1983
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1009
### Event 44213 (61B07C44)
**Date:** 2/20/1982
**Location:** Rio Negro Province, Arg
**Description:** 41-year old Juan Fattorel was traveling in his truck along a secondary road when suddenly the engine cut out; He saw close UFO and aliens and his eyesight was effected. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5489
### Event 44214 (82C4BB78)
**Date:** 2/20/1982
**Time:** 17:33:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aerope” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1951
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Aerope", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 44215 (3C352E62)
**Date:** 2/21/1982
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** WEST / PAWNEE, OK
**Description:** 5 cops and 20. Huge bright object hovers / dumps. Going northeast. Follows police car. Bad photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: Unknown or lost.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14286
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "272", **HatchDesc:** "W/PAWNEE,OK:5 COPS+20:HUGE BRITE OBJ HVRS/DUMPS:>NE:FOLOS POLICE CAR:BAD FOTOS", **LatLong:** "36.338891 -96.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "36:20:20 N 96:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.338891,-96.866671)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44216 (2BEA7C9B)
**Date:** 2/24/1982
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** WEST / WILLARD, WI
**Description:** Cop. Silent night light lights large area. Puts out photocell central street lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14287
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "359", **HatchDesc:** "W/WILLARD,WI:COP:SLNT NLT LITES LRG AREA:PUTS OUT PHOTOCELL CNTRL STREETLITES", **LatLong:** "44.733335 -90.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:44:00 N 90:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.733335,-90.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 44217 (50892A02)
**Date:** 2/24/1982
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** FLEETWOOD, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / car. Saucer follows car / several 100' altitude. Radio static. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14288
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "134", **HatchDesc:** "FLEETWOOD,PA:2 OBS/CAR:SCR FOLOS CAR/SVRL 100'alt:RADIO STATIC:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.455557 -75.816670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:20 N 75:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.455557,-75.816670)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44218 (8792FE5B)
**Date:** 2/24/1982
**Location:** Fleetwood, PA
**Description:** A bright round, lighted object flew over a car in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was accompanied by radio interference effects. (Source: Richard H. Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, February 1984, p. 14). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5493
### Event 44219 (F4F42285)
**Date:** 2/24/1982
**Time:** 18:15:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Deiphobe” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1952
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Deiphobe", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 44220 (C8051843)
**Date:** 2/24/1982
**Location:** Neillsville, Wisconsin
**Description:** 5:15 a.m. Neillsville, Wisconsin, police officer Chuck Urban is patrolling 12 miles west of town when a bright light approaches him on his left. He stops his squad car, turns off his headlights, grabs a camera, and takes a picture that turns out poorly. He hears no sound from the object. The light follows him as he returns to Neillsville. The light is so bright he can see the road plainly. At one point the light crosses the road ahead of him for a few miles, then recrosses to the other side. He loses sight of it as he enters town.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Nocturnal Rural Encounters,” IUR 7, no. 3 \(May/June 1982\): 11; “Neillsville Revisited: The Cop and the Light That Turned Night into Day,” IUR 7, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1982\): 14–15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6331
### Event 44221 (FFCFF537)
**Date:** 2/24/1982
**Description:** At 6:30 a.m. a bright round, lighted object flew over a car in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was accompanied by radio interference effects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, February 1984, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1088
### Event 44222 (AD225C3E)
**Date:** 2/25/1982
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** TUNNELTON, PA
**Description:** 1 observer. 10' domed saucer / low altitude beams light / trees. Rises. Hovers. Shoots off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14289
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "TUNNELTON,PA:1 OBS:10' DOMED SCR/LO alt BEAMS LITE/TREES:RISES:HVRS:SHOOTS OFF", **LatLong:** "40.461113 -79.377782", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:40 N 79:22:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.461113,-79.377782)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44223 (AB066023)
**Date:** 2/25/1982
**Location:** Saltsburg, PA
**Description:** A large disc with a dome on top flew over the witness's car and shone a beam of light onto the ground. The UFO came very near the ground and may have landed temporarily, then rose up and flew off over the witness's house and out of sight. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5495
### Event 44224 (D2918042)
**Date:** 2/25/1982
**Description:** A large disc with a dome on top flew over the witness's car in Saltsburg, Pennsylvania and shone a beam of light onto the ground. The UFO came very near the ground and may have landed temporarily, then rose up and flew off over the witness's house and out of sight. The entire sighting lasted about five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Stan Gordon, MUFON and PASU case investigation files, report dated April 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1115
### Event 44225 (0B092F0D)
**Date:** 2/25/1982
**Description:** Civilian FOIA organized Ground Saucer Watch never receives a response from the State Department’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES).
* [https://www.scribd.com/document/114322512/UFO-CIA](https://www.scribd.com/document/114322512/UFO-CIA)
>**_Note_**: Declassified documents show OES regularly monitored space debris and UAP, and a cable to Rep. Bill Archer from OES discussed “Arrangements to Welcome Extraterrestrial Life Forms to the U.S.” The State Dept. also coordinated crash recovery efforts with USAF **Projects Moon Dust** and **Blue Fly** with OES and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR).
>* [https://foia.state.gov/Search/Results.aspx?searchText=%22la%20paz%22&beginDate=19780101&endDate=19790101](https://foia.state.gov/Search/Results.aspx?searchText=%22la%20paz%22&beginDate=19780101&endDate=19790101)
>* [http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Downloads%20from%20Paul%20Dean,%20UK/DEPT%20OF%20STATE%20BULK.pdf](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Downloads%20from%20Paul%20Dean,%20UK/DEPT%20OF%20STATE%20BULK.pdf)
>* [https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/P750054-1939_b.html](https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/P750054-1939_b.html)
>* [https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/](https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/) (p55, p57, p104)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_202
### Event 44226 (E79B63D4)
**Date:** 2/26/1982
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** MONTEREAU / YONNE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 3 2M ovoid / ground 60M away / house. 3M ovoid hovers over these.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 236)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14290
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MONTEREAU/YONNE,FR:1 OBS:3 2M OVOID/GND 60M away/HOUSE:3M OVOID HVRS OVR THESE", **LatLong:** "48.383336 2.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:23:00 N 02:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.383336,2.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44227 (9E4AD070)
**Date:** 2/26/1982
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** PEMBINE, WS
**Description:** Whine then silence. Glowing pie-pan saucer going [to] over swamp slow. Rises away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 367)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14291
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "295", **HatchDesc:** "PEMBINE,WS:WHINE then SILENCE:GLOWING PIE-PAN SCR > OVR SWAMP SLOW:RISES AWAY", **LatLong:** "45.633336 -87.988893", **LatLongDMS:** "45:38:00 N 87:59:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.633336,-87.988893)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44228 (C1113141)
**Date:** 3/1982
**Location:** Springfield, MO
**Description:** The witness was traveling in her car when she suddenly lost control of the steering. She felt her vehicle being pulled by an unknown force towards a light that was hovering at tree top level straight ahead. Soon she found herself in a clearing in a wooded area. Nearby sat a silvery metallic disc resting on three legs. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5497
### Event 44229 (A6A6017E)
**Date:** 3/1/1982
**End date:** 3/5/1982
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** A worldwide nuclear war game was directed from the White House (source: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on International Security & Scientific Affairs hearing, April 2, 1982. Rep. Larry Winn, Jr. ER-Kans.] presiding).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_389
### Event 44230 (41E45FFB)
**Date:** 3/4/1982
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 1 / car. Blue lights. Car lifted? Cold sensation. 30 minute(s) / missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 112)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14292
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "156", **HatchDesc:** "A65 nr HELLIFIELD,N.YORKS:1/CAR:BLU LITES:CAR LIFTED?:COLD SENSATION:30min/MST", **LatLong:** "54.000003 -2.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "54:00:00 N 02:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.000003,-2.216667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44231 (1CF6A4DB)
**Date:** 3/4/1982
**Location:** Hellifield, UK
**Description:** A car on the A65 highway in Hellifield, England was surrounded by blue lights and levitated up into the air. The woman driver felt a strong sensation of cold, and experienced 30 minutes of missing time. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5500
### Event 44232 (13881307)
**Date:** 3/4/1982
**Description:** [Brinsley Le Poer Trench](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brinsley%5FLe%5FPoer%5FTrench%2C%5F8th%5FEarl%5Fof%5FClancarty), the Earl of Clancarty, asks in the House of Lords how many UFO reports the Ministry of Defence has received in the past 4 years, [Viscount Long](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FLong%2C%5F4th%5FViscount%5FLong) replies that there were 750 sightings in 1978, 550 in 1979, 350 in 1980, and 600 in 1981. Clancarty thinks the totals must be higher, but Long explains that not all reports reach the MoD. The [Earl of Kimberley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FWodehouse%2C%5F4th%5FEarl%5Fof%5FKimberley) asks how many of those remain unidentified, and Long replies that he does not have those figures as they “disappeared into the unknown before we got them.” [Peter Hill-Norton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FHill-Norton) asks whether all UFO reports received by the MoD before 1962 were destroyed because they were of “no defense interest,” and if so, who decided that. Long says that all reports have been preserved since 1967.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 101–102](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/100/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6332
### Event 44233 (941FD411)
**Date:** 3/4/1982
**Description:** In 1982 at 10:30 p.m. a car on the A65 highway in Hellifield, England was surrounded by blue lights and levitated up into the air. The woman driver felt a strong sensation of cold, and experienced 30 minutes of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Devereax, Earth Lights Revelation, p. 112
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1302
### Event 44234 (2748D437)
**Date:** 3/5/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Venera* 13 and 14 perform the first drillings of the soil of [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html). (March 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2921
### Event 44235 (543A0CC6)
**Date:** 3/6/1982
**Locations:** Stadium Morenão; Campo Grande; Rio Grande do Sul; Brazil
**Description:** Night. A cylindrical object passes above the Stadium Morenão in Campo Grande, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, during a soccer game attended by more than 24,000 people.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brazil 290–293
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6333
### Event 44236 (53B58D6E)
**Date:** 3/8/1982
**Time:** 13:50
**Location:** NEAR METTER, GA
**Description:** 3 ex-USAF pilots. 10' silver saucer buzzes corporate jet closely.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14293
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "nr METTER,GA:3 EX-USAF PILOTS:10'SLVR SCR BUZZES CORPORATE JET CLOSELY.", **LatLong:** "32.416668 -82.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "32:25:00 N 82:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.416668,-82.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44237 (34C2FC15)
**Date:** 3/8/1982
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** BETHEL, CT
**Description:** 3 separate HIQ observer(s). House shakes violently. 2 rows / red night lights going NNE / low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14294
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "BETHEL,CT:3 SEP.HIQ OBS:HOUSE SHAKES VIOLENTLY:2 ROWS/RED NLTS >NNE/LO ALT", **LatLong:** "41.383335 -73.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:00 N 73:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.383335,-73.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44238 (C3AF9432)
**Date:** 3/8/1982
**Location:** Metter (near), GA
**Description:** Three former Air Force pilots flying in a private corporate jet saw a ten foot diameter silver disc that flew within 25 feet of their left wingtip. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5503
### Event 44239 (76B8BF81)
**Date:** 3/8/1982
**Location:** US Supreme Court
**Description:** [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932)’s 84-page petition \(filed in early 1982\) for the Supreme Court to hear an appeal of CAUS v. NSA is dismissed by the US Supreme Court, which declines to hear the case because releasing the files “could seriously jeopardize the work of the agency and the security of the United States.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** ClearIntent, [pp. 188–189](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/188/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6334
### Event 44240 (52F170A6)
**Date:** 3/8/1982
**Location:** Bethel, Connecticut
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. Two highly technically trained people separated by more than a mile observe a silent object near Bethel, Connecticut.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The Case of the Rumbling Leviathan,” IUR 7, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1982\): 8–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6335
### Event 44241 (5D63DF0B)
**Date:** 3/8/1982
**Description:** There were two close encounter UFO reports on this day from Georgia and Connecticut. At 1:45 p.m. three former Air Force pilots flying in a private corporate jet saw a ten foot diameter silver disc that flew within 25 feet of their left wingtip. They were flying close to Metter, Georgia at the time, 60 miles southwest of Allendale, South Carolina. At 8:15 p.m. three witnesses in a house in Bethel, Connecticut saw two rows of red lights pass over their house and fly off towards the north-northeast at a low altitude. The UFO caused the house to shake when it passed over.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, March 1992, p. 17; Larry Hatch, U computer database, cases 13845 & 13846; International UFO Reporter, November-December 1982, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1385
### Event 44242 (86436159)
**Date:** 3/12/1982
**Location:** USSR, between Alma-Ata and Tashkent - in flight and from Tomsk to Novosibirsk
**Description:** (Translated from French) A regular airline plane was attacked by a UFO. It was an ovoid object, close to the traditional flying saucer, which started by circling the plane for a long time, at a speed that no human aircraft could reach in the atmosphere. Suddenly, it seemed to try to crash into it, trying to reach the cockpit. The pilot maneuvered to prevent the collision. The UFO then disappeared at very high speed towards the northwest. (L.D. - NOSTRA - 20.1.1983) A metallic object, like a missile, attacked a freight train (probably carrying nuclear material) that was rolling from Tomsk to Novosibirsk (Siberia) while at the same time an airline plane was caught in the circular flight of a UFO between Alma Ata and Taschkent.
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3146
### Event 44243 (0165FA2D)
**Date:** 3/12/1982
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** GLENDORA, CA
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Red rectangular UFO near I-210. 2 see small humanoids (or Greys). 35 minute(s) / missing time. See MJ#171-2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14295
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "236", **HatchDesc:** "GLENDORA,CA:NMRS OBS:RED RECT.UFO nr I-210:2 SEE OIDS:35min/MST:see MJ#171-2", **LatLong:** "34.116668 -117.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:07:00 N 117:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.116668,-117.883339)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 44244 (B1C3E144)
**Date:** 3/12/1982
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** MESSEL, GERMANY
**Description:** 13+8 cops. 20M saucer hovers and lights field. Colored beams sweep ground. Hums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14296
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "MESSEL,GERMANY:13+8 COPS:20M SCR HVRS+LITES FIELD:CLRD BEAMS SWEEP GND:HUMS", **LatLong:** "49.933336 8.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:00 N 08:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.933336,8.733334)", **State/Prov:** "HSS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44245 (6D854217)
**Date:** 3/13/1982
**Location:** Frankfurt (near), Germany
**Description:** Several teenagers watched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the night sky. The first two formations of objects moved slowly, and then hovered. The third group flew fast. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5504
### Event 44246 (A83C4086)
**Date:** 3/13/1982
**Description:** Several teenagers attending a disco in Messel, near Frankfurt, Germany watched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the night sky. The first two formations of objects moved slowly, and then hovered. The third group flew fast. At 21:30 a luminous blue domed disc appeared over some woods, and approached to within 100 meters. It was ten meters in diameter, made a humming sound, and had rotating multicolored lights. Police also witnessed the object. The close encounter lasted 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 21
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1459
### Event 44247 (64A25EA1)
**Date:** 3/14/1982
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** WOODSTOCK, AUST
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Brilliant red sphere/orb/globe / very low altitude. Lights farm. Darts away and back. / r241'82.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14297
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "WOODSTOCK,AUST:4 OBS:BRILL.RED ORB/VLO ALT:LITES FARM:DARTS AWAY+BACK:/r241'82", **LatLong:** "-19.300001 146.500007", **LatLongDMS:** "19:18:00 S 146:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.300001,146.500007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44248 (D80F2B3F)
**Date:** 3/14/1982
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. a brilliant red ball of light (BOL) flew at a very low altitude and illuminated a farm in Woodstock, Queensland, Australia. It darted away and then came back.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Research Australia, May 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1497
### Event 44249 (0A6C4466)
**Date:** 3/15/1982
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** DARMSTADT, GERM
**Description:** 6 cops and several. Yellow-green disk and 4 white ones / vanish. 1st going south. RADAR and big electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 367)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14298
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "DARMSTADT,GERM:6 COPS+SVRL:YLW-GRN DISK+4 WHT ONES/VANISH:1st >S:RDR+BIG EME", **LatLong:** "49.883336 8.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:53:00 N 08:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.883336,8.666667)", **State/Prov:** "HSS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44250 (D16FF9CE)
**Date:** 3/15/1982
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Chemist. Luminous object going [to] overhead. Car lights and engine electro-magnetic effect (EME). Battery ruined.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14299
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "GONNOSFANADIGA,ITL:CHEMIST:LUMn.OBJ > OVHD:CAR LITES+ENGINE EME:battery ruined", **LatLong:** "39.483335 8.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "39:29:00 N 08:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.483335,8.650000)", **State/Prov:** "Cagliari", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44251 (D871BA3C)
**Date:** 3/15/1982
**Location:** San Dimas (near), CA
**Description:** A mother and her two children were driving on a busy highway when they spotted a rectangular glowing object with a cross in the center hovering over the area. As the car drew closer the mother heard a low humming sound and felt dizzy and had difficulty driving. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5505
### Event 44252 (ECE81321)
**Date:** 3/16/1982
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** EUGENE, OR
**Description:** Many observer(s). 4-day wave / night lights. Cops call "UFO center in Washington DC".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 178)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14300
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "16", **Elev:** "128", **HatchDesc:** "EUGENE,OR:MANY OBS:4-DAY WAVE/NLTS:COPS CALL "UFO CENTER in WASHINGTON DC"", **LatLong:** "44.033335 -123.100006", **LatLongDMS:** "44:02:00 N 123:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.033335,-123.100006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 44253 (D51E2335)
**Date:** 3/17/1982
**End date:** 3/20/1982
**Locations:** Finnsåhøgda; Fjellbekkhøgda; Hessdalen, Norway
**Description:** The Project Hessdalen team manages to take four photos of oblong lights passing in front of Finnsåhøgda and Fjellbekkhøgda mountains near Hessdalen, Norway.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Project Hessdalen: The Colored Lights of Norway,” IUR 8, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1983\): 7–8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6336
### Event 44254 (4E21F78F)
**Date:** 3/18/1982
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Thin blue cylinder/cylindrical object going west fast. Turns going south. Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 368)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14301
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "India", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHIKALTANA WEATHER OBS.,INDIA:SEP.OBS:THIN BLU CYL > W FAST:TURNS >S:SILENT", **LatLong:** "19.850001 75.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "19:51:00 N 75:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.850001,75.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Maharashtra", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44255 (F723533B)
**Date:** 3/18/1982
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** FLATWOODS, KY
**Description:** 1 observer. Domed saucer hovers / roadside / 15 minute(s). Hums. Rises and circles and away. / r237p71.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14302
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "16", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "FLATWOODS,KY:1 OBS:DOMED SCR HVRS/ROADSIDE/15min:HUMS:RISES+CCLS+AWAY:/r237p71", **LatLong:** "38.522224 -82.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:31:20 N 82:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.522224,-82.716671)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44256 (75C8060A)
**Date:** 3/18/1982
**Location:** Flatwoods, KY
**Description:** Mr. J. Duty, an Army reservist, watched a domed disc-shaped UFO hover off to the left side of a highway in Flatwoods, Kentucky. The disc had red, green, blue, and white lights around its base, which blinked in rotation. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5508
### Event 44257 (91BA5B66)
**Date:** 3/18/1982
**Description:** Mr. J. Duty, an Army reservist, watched a domed disc-shaped UFO hover off to the left side of a highway in Flatwoods, Kentucky around 10:40 p.m. in 1982. The disc had red, green, blue, and white lights around its base, which blinked in rotation. It made a humming noise, circled the witness's car, then flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George Parsons, field investigator, CUFOS investigation files; Richard Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1982, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1558
### Event 44258 (D64A2EEE)
**Date:** Spring 1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Sturrock](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SturrockPeterAndrew.html) announces the founding of the [SSE](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SSE.html). (Spring)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2922
### Event 44259 (178FC62B)
**Date:** 3/20/1982
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SIMI VALLEY, CA
**Description:** Girl / 13 and more/others. White silent 40' ovoid hovers / 180M altitude. Small square windows / edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 368)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14303
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "260", **HatchDesc:** "SIMI VALLEY,CA:GIRL/13++:WHT SLNT 40'OVOID HVRS/180M alt:SML.SQR.WINDOWS/EDGE", **LatLong:** "34.316668 -118.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:19:00 N 118:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.316668,-118.783339)", **RelAlt:** "180", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44260 (7D285100)
**Date:** 3/20/1982
**Time:** 17:03:00.2
**Location:** -21.8460 -138.8680
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Rhesos” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1953
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8460 -138.8680", **LatLongDMS:** "21:50:46 S 138:52:05 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8460,-138.8680)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.96", **NukeName:** "Rhesos", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 44261 (AB922DAD)
**Date:** 3/21/1982
**Location:** Toledo, OH
**Description:** On an overcast evening a UFO shaped like a vertical football with three tube-like appendages banked to the north across the Ohio Turnpike in Toledo, Ohio and next came in low over a residential area at 200 feet altitude. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5509
### Event 44262 (3440FD21)
**Date:** 3/21/1982
**Locations:** Ohio Turnpike; northwest Ohio
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Karl Stewart is driving eastbound on the Ohio Turnpike in northwest Ohio when he sees what appears to be a jet aircraft to the south at about 500 feet altitude. Its lights are much brighter than normal landing lights, and there are no airports in the vicinity. Pulling over to watch it, he sees it has three arms, small windows, and red and green strings of running lights. It gains altitude before banking north over the highway.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[A New](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1983-84%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV4.pdf) [Model UFO?](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1983-84%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV4.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 4, no. 1 \(Feb./March 1983\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6337
### Event 44263 (4C68FD81)
**Date:** 3/21/1982
**Description:** On an overcast evening at 9 p.m. a UFO shaped like a vertical football with three tube-like appendages banked to the north across the Ohio Turnpike in Toledo, Ohio and next came in low over a residential area at 200 feet altitude. It flew off to the south. It had three steady white lights and a small blinking red light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Karl R. Stewart, CUFOS case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1604
### Event 44264 (35F684F4)
**Date:** 3/22/1982
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MT. WASHINGTON, NH
**Description:** 2 "reliable" observer(s). "Flying cheese wedge". See reference drawing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14304
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1916", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.WASHINGTON,NH:2 "RELIABLE" OBS:"FLYING CHEESE WEDGE":see ref drawing.", **LatLong:** "44.272224 -71.305559", **LatLongDMS:** "44:16:20 N 71:18:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.272224,-71.305559)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44265 (E4EDEC24)
**Date:** 3/22/1982
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** SCOTTDALE, PA
**Description:** 1 / car. Very large silent delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car closely down SR119. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14305
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "SCOTTDALE,PA:1/CAR:VLARGE SILENT DLT FOLOS CAR CLOSELY DOWN SR119:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.100002 -79.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:00 N 79:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.100002,-79.600004)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44266 (89A6C34B)
**Date:** 3/22/1982
**Location:** Slanesville, VA
**Description:** The witness had gone outside to investigate a commotion among his dogs and cats and saw two lights descend from the sky and land. He approached with his car but the vehicle stalled. He approached on foot holding a flashlight and encountered a five-foot six-inch tall man dressed in a silvery coverall with a hood. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5510
### Event 44267 (334AF1EA)
**Date:** 3/23/1982
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** WEST / ESCANABA, MI
**Description:** 1+1 observer(s). Odd shaped cone delta/triangle/box-like craft. Rays / all directions. All over farms / low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14306
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "188", **HatchDesc:** "W/ESCANABA,MI:1+1 OBS:ODD SHAPED CONE DLT:RAYS/ALL DIRs:ALL OVR FARMS/LO ALT", **LatLong:** "45.750002 -87.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:00 N 87:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.750002,-87.116671)", **State/Prov:** "WCH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44268 (8E249358)
**Date:** 3/23/1982
**Time:** 05:20
**Description:** 3 separate cops. Bright saucer over house. Follows patrol-car down SR65!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14307
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "260", **HatchDesc:** "SE/NEW CASTLE,PA:3 SEP COPS:BRITE SCR OVR HOUSE:FOLOS PATROL-CAR DOWN SR65!", **LatLong:** "40.916669 -80.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:55:00 N 80:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.916669,-80.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44269 (AE0E8201)
**Date:** 3/23/1982
**Time:** 17:07:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Evevos” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1954
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Evevos", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 44270 (37721ED1)
**Date:** 3/23/1982
**Locations:** I Road northwest of Escanaba, Michigan; Miron's family's farm
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Tim Miron, 18, is driving north on I Road northwest of Escanaba, Michigan, when he sees an orange-red light, which gets bigger and begins flashing red beams from its underside after he turns on I.5 Lane. The object keeps moving closer and he sees it directly behind a telephone pole to his left 125 feet from the road, hovering 10 feet above the ground. Miron arrives at his family’s farm, jumps out, and sees the UFO moving directly toward him. He wakes up his mother and the two of them watch the object for the next 30–45 minutes as it maneuvers over a wide area around the farm, finally disappearing behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kenneth C. Schellhase, “A Unique Triad of CE-I Sightings,” IUR 7, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1982\): 5–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6338
### Event 44271 (72A47EDF)
**Date:** 3/25/1982
**Location:** Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK
**Description:** Two uniformed officers, PS. Ian Victory and PC Anthony Underwood were driving a marked police vehicle when they observed a yellow lozenge shaped UFO in the sky. Stopping the vehicle they sat and watched it pass overhead. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5514
### Event 44272 (8948BE18)
**Date:** 3/26/1982
**Locations:** Ålen, Norway; Hessdalen; Værnes Air Station, Trondheim
**Description:** Leading investigators from UFO-Norge hold a town meeting in Ålen, Norway, near Hessdalen. Of the 130 residents who attend, 17 say they have seen a yellow spherical light, 12 a cigar-shaped object, and 6 an oblong object with one red and two yellow lights. Later in the week, two officers from Værnes Air Station in Trondheim interview some witnesses and conclude that Hessdalen residents have been seeing these lights since 1944 and their accounts are credible.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 571; Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 89, 90
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6339
### Event 44273 (018940E2)
**Date:** 3/28/1982
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 2 / van and 1. Silent night light follows van / 100km. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). 30 minute(s) / missing time. / r241p4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14308
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "E/MUNGLINUP,W.AUSTRL:2/VAN+1:SLNT NLT FOLOS VAN/100km:EME:30min/MST:/r241p4", **LatLong:** "-33.733335 120.816672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:44:00 S 120:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.733335,120.816672)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44274 (973F7338)
**Date:** 3/29/1982
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** OAKMONT, PA
**Description:** 1 observer. Bright shiny silver disk hovers / area. "Motions unlike any balloon".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14309
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "OAKMONT,PA:1 OBS:BRITE SHINY SLVR DISK HVRS/AREA:"MOTIONS UNLIKE ANY BALLOON"", **LatLong:** "40.522224 -79.844448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:31:20 N 79:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.522224,-79.844448)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44275 (FF18E911)
**Date:** 3/30/1982
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). Silent ovoid hovers over road. U-turn going north. Night light back 01 April.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14310
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "181", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA:2 SEP.OBS:SLNT OVOID HVRS OVR ROAD:U-TURN>N:NLT BACK 01APR", **LatLong:** "38.050002 -78.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:03:00 N 78:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.050002,-78.466670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44276 (EAC8FB77)
**Date:** 3/30/1982
**Location:** Charlottesville, VA
**Description:** 11:15 PM. An ovoid or "submarine"-shaped object flew over a car. It then hovered over the road, made a U-turn, and then paced the car for 15 blocks. It flew away toward the north. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5515
### Event 44277 (3D4D69CF)
**Date:** 3/30/1982
**Location:** Charlottesville, Virginia
**Description:** 11:15 p.m. Nanette Morrison is driving home in Charlottesville, Virginia, when she spots a large, brilliant light in the sky hovering several hundred feet in the air and a quarter mile away. It approaches as she makes a turn and flies right over her car, later pacing her as she drives the remaining 15 blocks. She pulls up to the curb, and the UFO stops and hovers above a house across the street less than 400 feet away. The object reverses direction and moves away as she runs up to her house.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “A Remarkable Double Encounter,” IUR 8, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1983\): 4–5; “Double Encounter Questioned,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6340
### Event 44278 (C4DA4471)
**Date:** 3/30/1982
**Description:** An ovoid or "submarine"-shaped object flew over a car in Charlottesville, Virginia at 11:15 p.m. It then hovered over the road, made a U-turn, and then paced the car for 15 blocks. It flew away toward the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, November 1983, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1743
### Event 44279 (7BBEA96F)
**Date:** 3/31/1982
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 7 and 8, 13
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3147
### Event 44280 (872EE979)
**Date:** 4/1982
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) The United States themselves, of course, were not left out in this affair. They launched, for their part, two large photographic spy satellites on orbits that also allowed for good surveillance of the conflict zone. (April 1982)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 13
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3148
### Event 44281 (03B9EA59)
**Date:** 4/1982
**Location:** India, Mudumalai Reserve
**Description:** (Translated from French) E.B., a young woman, and her friend A.J. leaving their bungalow at nightfall in the Mudumalai Reserve between Mysore and Otacamund in southern India, noticed a bright white light blinking from the other side of the river. After crossing the bridge, they followed the other bank and, as they got closer, the light became brighter with diffuse vibrations. They then saw, at a distance of 50 m, a kind of cigar 10 m long that moved to the left and rose into the sky with jets of fire, while three beings wearing white suits, about 1.7 m tall, were bent over the ground, seemingly picking something up with very slow movements. An intense and diffuse white light ball, 3 m in diameter, was hovering above them. The whole scene lasted about 4 minutes without any noise. Then the ball and the beings disappeared and for an hour a part of the sky resembling a large cloud was crossed in all directions by long white luminous rays, while the rest of the sky remained intact.
**Reference:** Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the ETs" - ed. Guy Trédaniel 1995, pp. 88-89
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3149
### Event 44282 (77CB1E26)
**Date:** 4/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The existence of the [A-12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/A12.html) is officially made public. (April)
**Reference:** Sweetman 1993
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2923
### Event 44283 (6459F730)
**Date:** 4/1982
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** PECEM, BRZ
**Description:** Fireball chases 2 women 500M. Going quickly north. One miscarries. 2nd / disabled baby. / r123.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 208)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14311
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PECEM,BRZ:FBL CHASES 2 WOMEN 500M:>>N:ONE MISCARRIES:2nd/DISABLED BABY:/r123", **LatLong:** "-3.450000 -39.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "03:27:00 S 39:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.450000,-39.133335)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44284 (774700C7)
**Date:** 4/1982
**Location:** Sedona, AZ
**Description:** Nancy and her daughter were in a camping tent in Fey Canyon, her baby granddaughter was also with her. That night she saw a lighted disk and a small entity entered the tent and grabbed her arm. All three were abducted. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5516
### Event 44285 (E2B71094)
**Date:** 4/1982
**Location:** V (near), Denmark
**Description:** A lone witness out for an early morning walk spotted a large shiny silver oval shaped craft on the ground on a nearby field. Next to the object stood two short man-like figures, described as very thin, with long arms, and elongated egg shaped heads. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5518
### Event 44286 (5681E0C9)
**Date:** 4/1/1982
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** CHICORA, PA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Delta over barn. 2 small objects exit and fly away. Delta/triangle/box-like craft quickly going up / sky. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14312
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "366", **HatchDesc:** "CHICORA,PA:3 OBS:DELTA OVR BARN:2 SML OBJS EXIT+FLY AWAY:DLT ↑↑/SKY:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.933335 -79.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:56:00 N 79:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.933335,-79.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44287 (6287F0C2)
**Date:** 4/1/1982
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Red delta/triangle/box-like craft attracted / lights. 2 night lights shoot out going north and going south. Headaches.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14313
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "454", **HatchDesc:** "N.WASHINGTON,PA:3 OBS:RED DLT ATTRACTED/LITES:2 NLTS SHOOT OUT >N+>S:HEADACHES", **LatLong:** "41.055558 -79.688893", **LatLongDMS:** "41:03:20 N 79:41:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.055558,-79.688893)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44288 (09E51A64)
**Date:** 4/1/1982
**Location:** North Washington, PA
**Description:** A reddish triangular object with rounded apexes and a light in each corner was sighted by three witnesses. The witnesses reported suffering from headaches after their close encounter. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5520
### Event 44289 (EE17ED17)
**Date:** 4/1/1982
**Locations:** Petrolia, Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. Three men are repairing a jeep in Petrolia, Pennsylvania, when one of them notices a bright object with a flashing red light just above the trees. A few minutes later they see it has risen much higher. After they turn on the jeep’s headlights, the bright object moves toward them. When they turn the lights off again, the object backs away. The lights go on again, and the UFO passes over their heads at 250 feet. Its bright lights go out, and its triangular shape becomes clear, as well as its gun-metal color and the luminescent mist surrounding it. A red light is on the front, with white and amber lights on the other angles. Two bright lights shoot away from the triangle, one going north and the other south. When a jet approaches from the east, the object stops and becomes bright. Then it rises straight up until it is out of sight. For several days, the witnesses have severe headaches, and one has diarrhea. Other triangular UFOs are seen in the Pittsburgh area from March 22 to May 19.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stan Gordon, “[Pennsylvania Low-Level UFO Sightings,](http://www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=1559)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 172 \(June 1982\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6341
### Event 44290 (76DCD426)
**Date:** 4/1/1982
**Location:** Charlottesville, Virginia
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Nanette Morrison looks out her front window and sees a bright, fluorescent object hovering a few hundred feet above the tree line and a short distance away from her home in Charlottesville, Virginia. She tells her mother to come and look. As she does, the object flares up brightly and zips away at an incredible speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “A Remarkable Double Encounter,” IUR 8, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1983\): 5, 15; “Double Encounter Questioned,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6342
### Event 44291 (95B70FA9)
**Date:** 4/1/1982
**Description:** In North Washington, Pennsylvania a reddish triangular object with rounded apexes and a light in each corner was sighted by three witnesses at 7:15 p.m. It was surrounded by a glittering mist that seemed to come from the rear of the object. Two glowing spheres shot out from the craft, one shot off toward the north, the other toward the south. The witnesses reported suffering from headaches after their close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Stan Gordon, MUFON UFO Journal, June 1982, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1795
### Event 44292 (7CECECFE)
**Date:** 4/2/1982
**Description:** President [Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FReagan) issues Executive Order 12356, which eliminates response time limits on FOIA requests. Searches for UFO documents show significantly more delays of 2 years or more, and search fees rise dramatically.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikisource, “[Executive Order 12356](https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Executive%5FOrder%5F12356)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6343
### Event 44293 (84E3E0AB)
**Date:** 4/3/1982
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** BOLINGBROOK, IL
**Description:** 1+4 observer(s). Noises. Domed saucer lands 2X by power lines. Street light malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 88)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14314
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "214", **HatchDesc:** "BOLINGBROOK,IL:1+4 OBS:NOISES:DOMED SCR LANDS 2X BY PWR LINES:STREETLITE EMES", **LatLong:** "41.700002 -88.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:42:00 N 88:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.700002,-88.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44294 (311E6CD2)
**Date:** 4/3/1982
**Location:** Bolingbrook, IL
**Description:** A woman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook was awakened by a high pitched sound "like a blender running in a box." She looked out at the cloudy, windy and cold weather conditions in her residential neighborhood and saw a bright blue domed disc-shaped object land next to some power lines. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5522
### Event 44295 (6ADF70CD)
**Date:** 4/3/1982
**Location:** Bolingbrook, Illinois
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. A woman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook, Illinois, is awakened by a high-pitched sound “like a blender running in a box.” She looks outside and sees a bright blue, domed, disc-shaped object land next to some power lines. It lifts off and then lands a second time. The UFO has blue lights around the rim and is only about 150 feet away. The blue lights illuminate the area as bright as day. A streetlight goes out. The police receive calls of power outages and blue flashes at the same time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Fred Merritt, “A Blue Domed-Disc for Bolingbrook,” IUR 7, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1982\): 6–8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6344
### Event 44296 (FAC75733)
**Date:** 4/3/1982
**Description:** At around three o'clock in the morning a woman schoolteacher in Bolingbrook, Illinois was awakened by a high pitched sound "like a blender running in a box." She looked out at the cloudy, windy and cold weather conditions in her residential neighborhood and saw a bright blue domed disc-shaped object land next to some power lines. It lifted off and then landed a second time. The UFO had blue lights around the rim, and was only about 50 yards away. The blue light from the object illuminated the area as bright as day. A street light went out. The police received calls of power outages and blue flashes at the same time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Fred Merritt, International UFO Reporter, July 1982, p. 6; UNICAT database, case 25, citing Fred Merritt
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1821
### Event 44297 (780B7A1B)
**Date:** 4/6/1982
**Description:** NASA scientist Richard F. Haines tells Jacques Vallée he visited Vandenberg AFB and came back “certain” there was a secret government project to study UAP.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us-government-research.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us-government-research.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_203
### Event 44298 (EE3475D0)
**Date:** 4/7/1982
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** FT. WAYNE, IN
**Description:** Mushroom-cap saucer paces 2 / car. Hazy lights. Odd maneuvers. Away smoothly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 366)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14315
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.WAYNE,IN:MUSHROOM-CAP SCR PACES 2/CAR:HAZY LITES:ODD MNVRS:away smoothly", **LatLong:** "41.116669 -85.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:07:00 N 85:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.116669,-85.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44299 (345F4C0E)
**Date:** 4/7/1982
**Location:** Ft. Wayne, IN
**Description:** A mushroom cap shaped flying disc paced two people in a car. It had hazy lights and made odd maneuvers, not jerky but always smoothly executed. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5524
### Event 44300 (C10E98E5)
**Date:** 4/7/1982
**Description:** The [Earl of Cork and Orrery](https://familypedia.wikia.org/wiki/Patrick%5FReginald%5FBoyle%2C%5F13th%5FEarl%5Fof%5FCork%5F%281910-1995%29) asks in the House of Lords how many of the 2,250 sightings of UFOs reported to the MoD in 1978–1981 are still classified. [Viscount Long](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FLong%2C%5F4th%5FViscount%5FLong) says none are and there is no reason why anyone could not come and look at the reports in the MoD archives.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 102–104](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/102/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6345
### Event 44301 (106643E5)
**Date:** 4/7/1982
**Description:** A mushroom cap shaped flying disc paced two people in a car in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It had hazy lights and made odd maneuvers, not jerky but always smoothly executed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing APRO Bulletin, June 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1889
### Event 44302 (7E157D07)
**Date:** 4/8/1982
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** WEST / ESCANABA, MI
**Description:** 2 teens. Silent 80' ovoid-boomerang paces car / 30' altitude. See reference drawing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14316
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "W/ESCANABA,MI:2 TEENS:SLNT 80'OVOID-BOOMERANG PACES CAR/30'alt:see ref drawing", **LatLong:** "45.733336 -87.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:44:00 N 87:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.733336,-87.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44303 (DDC26E4C)
**Date:** 4/8/1982
**Location:** Escanaba (west of), MI
**Description:** An 80-foot wide boomerang shaped object, with a convex curved rear end, paced a car being driven by two teenagers. The UFO followed as close as 30 feet altitude, and the two girls feared capture. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5525
### Event 44304 (B3F230A8)
**Date:** 4/8/1982
**Locations:** County Road 533; Escanaba, Michigan
**Description:** 11:50 p.m. Angie Parrotta and Nancy Hanson, both 18, are driving south on County Road 533 west of Escanaba, Michigan. They notice a bright star to the southwest, which soon becomes two huge yellowish-white “headlights” attached to an object. It descends and moves toward them. They speed up but the object keeps pacing them on their right. They become frightened when they see a blinking red light on the craft. They watch the UFO move swiftly toward Escanaba in the east and quickly lose sight of it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kenneth C. Schellhase, “A Unique Triad of CE-I Sightings,” IUR 7, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1982\): 7–8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6346
### Event 44305 (BDE91E64)
**Date:** 4/8/1982
**Description:** An 80-foot wide boomerang shaped object, with a convex curved rear end, paced a car being driven by two teenagers west of Escanaba, Michigan at 11:45 p.m. The UFO followed as close as 30 feet altitude, and the two girls feared capture.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Fred Merritt, International UFO Reporter, September 1982, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1907
### Event 44306 (2C5CD1DE)
**Date:** 4/14/1982
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** WEST SUNBURY, PA
**Description:** Amateur astronomers / telescope. Large disk with 3 lights crosses sky. No plane.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14317
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "427", **HatchDesc:** "W.SUNBURY,PA:AM.ASTRONOMERS/TELESCOPE:LRG DISK W/3 LITES CROSSES SKY:NO PLANE", **LatLong:** "41.005558 -79.888893", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:20 N 79:53:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.005558,-79.888893)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44307 (392F63AE)
**Date:** 4/17/1982
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** A25 / WESCOTT, ENG
**Description:** 2 / car. Large object 100' away with 2 blazing lights. Odd cone / silence.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 458)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14318
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "A25/WESCOTT,ENG:2/CAR:LRG OBJ 100'AWAY W/2 BLAZING LITES:ODD CONE/SILENCE", **LatLong:** "51.188891 -0.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:11:20 N 00:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.188891,-0.366667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44308 (5BE24140)
**Date:** 4/17/1982
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0168 -116.0099
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tenaja” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_889
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0168 -116.0099", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:00 N 116:00:36 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0168,-116.0099)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Tenaja", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 44309 (A34AA4F0)
**Date:** 4/18/1982
**Location:** Houston, TX
**Description:** A woman heard a loud noise, stepped onto her patio and saw a cigar-shaped object beneath the overcast, thick in the middle and tapered on both ends. The object flew at treetop level directly over her townhouse. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5526
### Event 44310 (EC59667B)
**Date:** 4/19/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Saliout* 7. It will be used until 1991. (April 19)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2924
### Event 44311 (859FA985)
**Date:** 4/20/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The first production model of the [F-117A](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/F117.html) crashes at [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) during validation tests of the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html). (April 20)
**Reference:** Rich 1994
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2925
### Event 44312 (E1F61C93)
**Date:** 4/20/1982
**Description:** Sometime after three a.m. a man in County Tyrone, Ireland awoke trying to scream and immediately became aware of two unusual humanoid figures standing by his bed. One was short and the other tall and lumpy, and the second being somehow had its head inside the witness's mouth. The beings were communicating in a language that resembled the ringing of bells. The witness could not move or yell because he was paralyzed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, case # 1508, citing Steve Gerrard, Northern UFO News # 101
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2168
### Event 44313 (D398E2AE)
**Date:** 4/21/1982
**Location:** DERRY, PA
**Description:** 2 bright orange-glowing orbs hover over trees. 1 shoots going up. 1 heads going south. Many recently.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14319
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "358", **HatchDesc:** "DERRY,PA:2 BRITE ORG-GLO ORBS HVR OVR TREES:1 SHOOTS↑:1 HEADS >S:MANY RECENTLY", **LatLong:** "40.333335 -79.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 N 79:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.333335,-79.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44314 (7A03485C)
**Date:** 4/22/1982
**End date:** 4/23/1982
**Locations:** Elbląg; Ostróda; Olsztyn
**Description:** Night. A group of Polish Air Force pilots during missions over northwest Poland in the area from Elbląg to Ostróda and Olsztyn encounter a weird light at 47,500 feet that does not appear on their radar. It looks like a cloud with the central part a raised-up cupola and is emanating beams of light from the underside. Around it is some kind of vapor.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 66
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6347
### Event 44315 (8B257FF2)
**Date:** 4/23/1982
**Locations:** Ankara, Turkey; Eskisehir Highway
**Description:** 5:15 a.m. Officials at the Head Office of Meteorology in Ankara, Turkey, observe two UFOs that are maneuvering over the city for an hour. They are elliptical and disappear in the direction of the Eskisehir Highway around 6:15 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “‘Mysteries of Turkey’: UFO Activity Revealed,” IUR 8, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1983\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6348
### Event 44316 (0D20FD73)
**Date:** 4/25/1982
**Time:** 03:23:07.9
**Location:** 49.9120 78.9060
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 60KT YieldMax: 450KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1620
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9120 78.9060", **LatLongDMS:** "49:54:43 N 78:54:22 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9120,78.9060)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "60", **NukeYMax:** "450"
### Event 44317 (09C0B2EB)
**Date:** 4/25/1982
**Time:** 18:05:00.1
**Location:** 37.2558 -116.4224
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Gibne” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1782
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2558 -116.4224", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:21 N 116:25:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2558,-116.4224)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.57", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Gibne", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44318 (8C37B223)
**Date:** 4/25/1982
**Description:** Three people in a car in Clare, South Australia noticed a red glow in the sky at 8:30 p.m. It approached and followed their car for three kilometers. It was described as a ball of fire with white streaks through it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield case files, citing The Advertiser, April 27, 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2310
### Event 44319 (7D292E74)
**Date:** 4/27/1982
**Description:** Citizens Against UFO Secrecy files a request with the National Security Agency for all legal documents used to prepare its case in CAUS v. NSA, especially any portion of the top-secret Yeates affidavit of November 1980.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** ClearIntent, [p. 189](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/188/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6349
### Event 44320 (C608F9F0)
**Date:** 4/29/1982
**Location:** Plattsburgh Air Force Base (near), NY
**Description:** A woman named Mary E. Boule saw a silent dome-shaped object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base. The object had a turquoise blue light on top and portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and definitely entered the air base's restricted air space. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5527
### Event 44321 (87503945)
**Date:** 4/29/1982
**Description:** A woman named Mary E. Boule saw a silent dome-shaped object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base, New York at 11:40 p.m. The object had a turquoise blue light on top and portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and definitely entered the air base's restricted air space.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** CUFOS files, letter from witness
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2413
### Event 44322 (970D0511)
**Date:** 5/1982
**Location:** OJAI, CA
**Description:** Allagash Jim "frozen" and partly levitated / 45° angle. Possible sperm sample.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond: The ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS. Wild Flower Press; Tigard, OR 1993. 347pp. (Index 236)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14320
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "227", **HatchDesc:** "OJAI,CA:ALLAGASH JIM "FROZEN"+PARTLY LEVITATED/45°ANGLE:POSS.SPERM SAMPLE:", **LatLong:** "34.433335 -119.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:26:00 N 119:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.433335,-119.216672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 44323 (B520B621)
**Date:** 5/1982
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Misty 2.5M vertical egg hovers / 1M. 15M away. Pseudo-human/entity inside. Away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: ENTCAT97.DOC: Catalog of Australian Entity and related reports: October 1997
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14321
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CARLTON,TASMANIA:MISTY 2.5M VERTICAL EGG HVRS/1M:15M AWAY:PSH INSIDE:AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "-42.866669 147.683340", **LatLongDMS:** "42:52:00 S 147:41:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-42.866669,147.683340)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44324 (B301175C)
**Date:** 5/1982
**Location:** Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut (near), Arg
**Description:** Several Argentine soldiers riding in a UNIMOG (Army) vehicle spotted several short man-like figures with large heads running towards a dark hovering disc shaped object. The craft hovered only a few cm from the ground. As the vehicle approached the object its engine began to sputter without any apparent cause. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5528
### Event 44325 (C6EAD095)
**Date:** 5/1/1982
**Location:** SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) On May 1, 1982, after almost 25 years of space exploration, nearly 2300 rocket launches had put a total of almost unbelievable 13,168 different objects into orbit. Each launch is accompanied, in fact, by the satellization of several different bodies: the satellite itself (sometimes in a cluster of eight...), the last stage of the carrier rocket, the protective cone which sometimes splits into several parts, and different ancillary bodies: straps, bolts, etc... At the same date, there were still 4631 objects in orbit. [Note from Vog: which means, apart from the successful and publicly recognized recoveries, that about 8500 terrestrial objects have descended to Earth between 1957 and 1980, that is, about one per day!]
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 123, 124
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3150
### Event 44326 (0E310531)
**Date:** 5/2/1982
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Ripley - Queensland
**Description:** (Translated from French) Hunters were following an electrified fence two meters high for kilometers. Between 6 and 9 pm, they suddenly saw a large disc topped with a dome. The edge seemed to be made of plexiglass, the base was rotating, and on the edge were groups of seven large entities wearing gray tights. They had blond hair cut in a "pageboy" style and tanned skin.
**Reference:** UFO Research Sunshine Coast.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3151
### Event 44327 (2ED0E8DF)
**Date:** 5/2/1982
**Location:** Ripley, Queensland, AU
**Description:** In an isolated area, some kangaroo hunters were walking down an electrical fence when they came upon a large disc shaped craft on the ground. Groups of seven- foot tall beings stood or walked on a large glass rim. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5530
### Event 44328 (5B6CBEA3)
**Date:** 5/5/1982
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 1 observer. 15' domed saucer going east. Stops. Going quickly west toward(s) Greensburg.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14322
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "330", **HatchDesc:** "YOUNGSTOWN RIDGE/LATROBE,PA:1 OBS:15'DOMED SCR > E:STOPS:>>W twrd GREENSBURG", **LatLong:** "40.316669 -79.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:19:00 N 79:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.316669,-79.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44329 (8EE60AF0)
**Date:** 5/5/1982
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** PLEASANT HILLS, PA
**Description:** Many night lights / police. Semi-transparent delta/triangle/box-like craft northwest going quickly southwest. Mimics plane?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14323
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "366", **HatchDesc:** "PLEASANT HILLS,PA:MANY NLTS/POLICE:SEMI-TRANSPARENT DLT NW>>SW:MIMICS PLANE?", **LatLong:** "40.333335 -79.961115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 N 79:57:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.333335,-79.961115)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44330 (215B4695)
**Date:** 5/5/1982
**Description:** In Youngstown Ridge, Pennsylvania a single witness observed a 15-foot diameter top-shaped UFO with a dome at 8:00 p.m. There was a red pulsating light contained within the dome. It was described as the size of Piper Cub aircraft, and it flew slowly to the east at an estimated altitude of 1000 feet, then reversed direction toward Greensburg. At 11:17 in in Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania hundreds of residents witnessed many unidentified nocturnal lights. Police watched a semi-transparent delta-shaped object fly from the northwest to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Stan Gordon, MUFON UFO Journal, July 1982, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2554
### Event 44331 (8E4A090D)
**Date:** 5/6/1982
**Time:** 20:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1168 -116.1269
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kryddost” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_890
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1168 -116.1269", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:00 N 116:07:37 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1168,-116.1269)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.34", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Kryddost", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 44332 (534A1F99)
**Date:** 5/7/1982
**Time:** 18:17:00.1
**Location:** 37.0691 -116.0455
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bouschet” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_891
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0691 -116.0455", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:09 N 116:02:44 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0691,-116.0455)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Bouschet", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44333 (C0E24157)
**Date:** 5/9/1982
**Time:** 11:00?
**Location:** ESE / ASAHIKAWA, JP
**Description:** Hat-like UFO photographed near Taisetsuzan National park. Mountain backdrop.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FS & HOW TO SEE THEM: Sterling Publ. Co. NY 1992 (Index 74)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14324
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ESE/ASAHIKAWA,JP:HAT-LIKE UFO FOTOd NR TAISETSUZAN NATl PARK:MOUNTAIN BACKDROP", **LatLong:** "43.750002 142.666673", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:00 N 142:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.750002,142.666673)", **State/Prov:** "HKD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44334 (C3861445)
**Date:** 5/9/1982
**Description:** A hat-like UFO was photographed near Taisetsuzan National Park, east-southeast of Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan. There is a mountain backdrop in the photograph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, Flying Saucers and How to See Them, p. 74
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2695
### Event 44335 (F5644EE9)
**Date:** 5/12/1982
**Location:** TURIS, SPAIN
**Description:** 1 observer. Big saucer / roadside. Searches area / beams. Spins and rises away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 372)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14325
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TURIS,SPAIN:1 OBS:BIG SCR/ROADSIDE:SEARCHES AREA/BEAMS:SPINS+RISES AWAY", **LatLong:** "39.383335 -0.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "39:23:00 N 00:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.383335,-0.700000)", **State/Prov:** "Valencian", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44336 (4D556E6F)
**Date:** 5/12/1982
**Location:** Turis, Spain
**Description:** A large, disc-shaped UFO was seen by the roadside in Turis, Spain. It perimeter was revolving and it appeared to be searching the area with beams of light. It rose up and flew away. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5532
### Event 44337 (0CBE3D94)
**Date:** 5/12/1982
**Description:** A large, disc-shaped UFO was seen by the roadside in Turis, Spain. It perimeter was revolving and it appeared to be searching the area with beams of light. It rose up and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 13877, citing APRO Bulletin
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2773
### Event 44338 (7122637F)
**Date:** 5/14/1982
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** TOWNSEND, WI
**Description:** Several observer(s). Bright metallic 80cm saucer / 1m altitude. Going up / 6m altitude. Suddenly shoots going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 371)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14326
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "415", **HatchDesc:** "TOWNSEND,WI:SVRL.OBS:BRITE MTLC 80cm SCR/1m alt:↑/6m alt:SUDDENLY SHOOTS >>N", **LatLong:** "45.327780 -88.588893", **LatLongDMS:** "45:19:40 N 88:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.327780,-88.588893)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44339 (8F353B67)
**Date:** 5/18/1982
**Description:** NSA Director of Policy Eugene Yeates releases a highly redacted portion of his 21-page affidavit used in the CAUS v. NSA lawsuit. An unredacted section reveals that the NSA holds 79 UFO documents referred by other agencies as well as 160 documents originating with the NSA, four of which have already been released.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** ClearIntent, [pp. 189–190](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/188/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6350
### Event 44340 (0A522421)
**Date:** 5/19/1982
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** JEANNETTE, PA
**Description:** "Helicopter crash" leaves (something behind) no traces. None missing. No rotor or tail seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14327
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "110", **Elev:** "317", **HatchDesc:** "JEANNETTE,PA:"COPTER CRASH" LVS NO TRACES:NONE MISSING:NO ROTOR or TAIL SEEN", **LatLong:** "40.333335 -79.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 N 79:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.333335,-79.616670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 44341 (07241D7C)
**Date:** 5/20/1982
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 2 saucers fire 4-color beams. Falklands War on.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14328
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "PORTO ALEGRE+AREA,BRZ:SVRL.SEP.OBS:2 SCRS FIRE 4-CLR BEAMS:Falklands war on", **LatLong:** "-30.000001 -51.233336", **LatLongDMS:** "30:00:00 S 51:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.000001,-51.233336)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44342 (E9BE1E12)
**Date:** 5/20/1982
**Location:** Caboolture, Queensland, AU
**Description:** A couple noted a saucer shaped object with portholes in the lower section. The object emitted a blue beam of light and came around to the front of the car. The couple appeared to have experienced a short period of missing time, and recalled seeing a 2-meter tall silver suited entity (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5533
### Event 44343 (13500F94)
**Date:** 5/20/1982
**Description:** A couple driving near a golf course in Caboolture, Queensland, Australia saw a bright light descend. They noted that it was a saucer-shaped object with portholes around the lower part. It emitted blue beam of light at front of car. They had a period of missing time, but do recall witnessing a two meter tall silver-suited being.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, case 2670, citing UFO Research Queensland
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3012
### Event 44344 (5BB2CD98)
**Date:** 5/22/1982
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** CLEVELAND, TX
**Description:** Cop. Silent dirty grey diamond object floats in trees. Slight whine and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 182)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14329
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "CLEVELAND,TX:COP:SLNT DIRTY GREY DIAMOND OBJ FLOATS IN TREES:SLIGHT WHINE+GONE", **LatLong:** "30.338890 -95.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "30:20:20 N 95:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.338890,-95.083338)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44345 (C425626F)
**Date:** 5/22/1982
**Location:** Cleveland, TX
**Description:** Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence. (section V). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5496
### Event 44346 (76A63EFF)
**Date:** 5/22/1982
**Location:** Cleveland, TX
**Description:** Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence (section V). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5535
### Event 44347 (FD304957)
**Date:** 5/22/1982
**Location:** Cleveland, TX
**Description:** Diamond-shaped object with body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen clearly in police spotlight. Abnormal silence
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_390
### Event 44348 (3349B011)
**Date:** 5/22/1982
**Locations:** Liberty County; Cleveland, Texas
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Liberty County Deputy Sheriff John McDonald notices two bright lights above tall pine trees near Cleveland, Texas. He points his spotlight toward them as they sink out of sight, but they reappear and pass over his head at about 1,000 feet. He shines his spotlight again and sees a diamond shape with four rounded corners. The object is large, silent, and grayish in color. Seconds later he hears a high-pitched whine as it quickly departs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John F. Schuessler, “[Policeman Encounters Diamond-Shaped UFO,](https://vdocuments.mx/reader/full/mufon-ufo-journal-1983-4-april)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 182 \(April 1983\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6351
### Event 44349 (4F435EF3)
**Date:** 5/23/1982
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** BOWNA, AUSTR
**Description:** Night light paces car / 7M altitude. Hovers / car stops. Diamond object hovers / destination.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACUFOS AUSTRALIA: Sightings Catalogs 1978-1982. Keith Basterfield. PO Box 546, Gosford, NSW Australia 2250. (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14330
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BOWNA,AUSTR:NLT PACES CAR/7M alt:HVRS/CAR STOPS:DIAMOND OBJ HVRS/DESTINATION", **LatLong:** "-36.100002 147.033340", **LatLongDMS:** "36:06:00 S 147:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.100002,147.033340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44350 (7A49FE98)
**Date:** 5/23/1982
**Location:** Bowna, New South Wales, AU
**Description:** A nocturnal light paced a car in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia only 3 meters above the ground. It hovered when the car stopped. A diamond shaped object was seen hovering over the car's destination. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5536
### Event 44351 (AB175C87)
**Date:** 5/23/1982
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. a nocturnal light paced a car in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia only 3 meters above the ground. It hovered when the car stopped. A diamond shaped object was seen hovering over the car's destination.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Australian Center for UFO Studies files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3053
### Event 44352 (D65F878A)
**Date:** 5/24/1982
**Location:** Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. An orange-colored light is seen by many tourists moving at a slow speed at an altitude of 4,900– 6,500 feet toward Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey. It hovers for about 5 minutes over the sea, moves to the south, speeds up, and ascends.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “‘Mysteries of Turkey’: UFO Activity Revealed,” IUR 8, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1983\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6352
### Event 44353 (F390A428)
**Date:** 5/27/1982
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 50' flattened bell passes car / low altitude. Buzzes house 4x. Jet noise.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 370)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14331
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1960", **HatchDesc:** "NE/ELIZABETH,CO:50'FLATTENED BELL PASSES CAR/LO alt:BUZZES HOUSE 4x:JET NOISE", **LatLong:** "39.383335 -104.566672", **LatLongDMS:** "39:23:00 N 104:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.383335,-104.566672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44354 (AD523B21)
**Date:** End of 5/1982
**Location:** San Juan County, NEW MEXICO
**Description:** A mutilated cow was found near MAY 1982 & JUNE 1982, end of May, first of June. Bloomfield on Fri., May 28. The owner's wife reported seeing a helicopter on the night of Mon., May 31. Then, around 6:00 PM on Tues., June 1, a witness saw a small green helicopter hovering over the mutilation [text cut off]
**Type:** mystery helicopter/mutilation related
**Reference:** [The Choppers - and the Choppers, Mystery Helicopters and Animal Mutilations, Thomas R. Adams, 1991](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Adams,Thomas,Choppers%20and%20the%20Choppers-1.pdf)
**Source:** MysteryHelicoptersAdams, **ID:** MysteryHelicoptersAdams_197
### Event 44355 (B477A60F)
**Date:** 5/29/1982
**Location:** Spain, Vitoria (Alava)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 6:15 pm school was over. Among the multitude of boys from the Marianist college, Geraclio Arana and Sebastian Izquierdo, both around ten years old, were returning home together as they lived in the same building. On this splendid day, they observed a very bright point in the sky descending towards the nearby Olàrizu fields. Near this hill where a large stone cross is erected, there was an object in the sky that clearly had the shape of a white egg and seemed to sway like a dead leaf. Excited, the two young schoolboys left their usual route to get closer to the place by a small path. Having walked about a hundred meters on the path, a glance at the UFO showed that it had descended even lower, circling around the hill. On what seemed to be the fuselage, the two boys then saw a red symbol: it had the shape of a cross with each end having a half circle. The sight of this strange "letter" scared the boys and almost running they went back up the path to go home.
**Reference:** ENIGMAS, Madrid, November 1998: Chapter 24: 19/82 Pleiad on Andalusia, Iker Jimenez and Lorenzo Fernandez
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3152
### Event 44356 (A6C0E865)
**Date:** 6/1982
**Description:** [Leonard H. Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FH.%5FStringfield) issues his third status report, UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassing the Evidence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Leonard H. Stringfield, UFO Crash/Retrievals: Amassing the Evidence, Status Report III, The Author, 1982
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6353
### Event 44357 (76B99AE8)
**Date:** 6/1/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 2 UFOs parked above the Baikonur Cosmodrome \(Kazakhstan, USSR\). One of them descended towards launch platform No. 1 while the other stayed near the housing of the space center. The gantries of the launch platform will suffer from split welds and rivets will seem to have been sucked. In the housing complex, thousands of windows are broken or pierced. The base is closed for 2 weeks for repairs. (June 1st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2926
### Event 44358 (93E879DC)
**Date:** 6/1/1982
**Location:** Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan
**Description:** Two UFOs allegedly hover above the Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, for 14 seconds, one of them directly above launch pad number 1. On June 2, bolts and rivets are found that supposedly have been sucked out of the support towers, and welded sections have come apart. The other UFO hovers above the adjacent housing complex, knocking out thousands of panes of glass or making fine holes in them. The cosmodrome is said to be put out of action for two weeks.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[Russia: Naughty Henry Gris Says It Again! ‘Soviet Space-](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201983%20V%2028%20N%206.pdf) [Centre Knocked Out by UFOs,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201983%20V%2028%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 28, no. 6 \(August 1983\): 27–28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6354
### Event 44359 (7F383CE0)
**Date:** 6/3/1982
**Location:** USSR, Kapustin Yar (Volgograd)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The Americans did not fail to highlight a space experience, which the Soviets apparently did not wish to make public. This was Cosmos 1374 launched at 21:30 UTC. After completing one and a quarter orbits, the satellite detached to return to Earth. Its mission was already complete. In fact, it was not a landing but a splashdown, which is surprising given that until then the USSR had always landed its recoverable satellites, for simple geographical reasons. Only two "Zond" automatic spacecraft returning from the Moon had splashed down in the Indian Ocean. Precisely, Cosmos 1374 landed in the Indian Ocean, 550 km south of the Cocos Islands, about 2000 km from the Australian coast. The satellite remained exactly 109 minutes in space, at an average altitude of 225 km, at an inclination of 50.7°. The Russians had just tested a small inhabited spacecraft. The recovery operations involving seven Russian ships were followed and photographed by an Australian Air Force Lockheed P-3 Orion. The story does not say if it was flying over this area by chance.
**Reference:** "La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 179, 180
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3153
### Event 44360 (11B19BBC)
**Date:** 6/3/1982
**Location:** Brooklyn, NY
**Description:** A young woman was awakened by a voice slowly calling her name. When she got up from bed she saw a large glowing object outside her window. She saw two man- like figures staring at her from inside the craft, and a small table inside the object. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5537
### Event 44361 (71C141EF)
**Date:** 6/3/1982
**Location:** Demirköy, Kirklareli, Turkey
**Description:** Night. The examining magistrate and bailiff at Demirköy, Kirklareli, Turkey, watch an object with orange lights at an altitude of 160–200 feet. It has two lighted hemispheres with a dark rectangular mid-section. The poplar trees underneath it are shaking violently.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “‘Mysteries of Turkey’: UFO Activity Revealed,” IUR 8, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1983\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6355
### Event 44362 (6E2B8F06)
**Date:** 6/3/1982
**Description:** At around 4:00 a.m. a young woman in Brooklyn, New York was awakened by a voice slowly calling her name. When she got up from bed she saw a large glowing object outside her window. She saw two man-like figures staring at her from inside the craft, and a small table inside the object. The two men began moving back and forth very quickly. The UFO then changed into a bright fiery flame and disappeared. The woman received a telepathic message before it departed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, case # 1085, citing Brad & Shirley Hansen Steiger, Starborn
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3259
### Event 44363 (7C054EFF)
**Date:** 6/10/1982
**Location:** USA, Umatilla National Forest
**Description:** (Translated from French) Paul Freman, 39 years old, a patrolman for the Walla Walla area of the Blue Mountains, was alone in the forest that morning around 11:30. "Suddenly I saw something 10 feet tall rise up from a bench by the side of the road and come in my direction. We saw each other at the same time. It looked like the pictures I had seen of prehistoric man. It was really hairy, reddish hair. It covered its legs, arms and shoulders. But the face and chest were less hairy and showed a skin that looked like brown leather. I was 65 yards away from it and we just stood there, looking at each other. I could hear it breathing hard, as if it had been running and I could see the muscles of its stomach moving. Out of caution I stepped back a few paces. It had the hair on its neck and shoulders standing up, like a dog when it's angry. When it saw that I wasn't coming any closer, it turned around and went away." The creature seemed very strong. Having a lot of experience with wild animals, Freeman says he had never seen anything like it. He then called his colleagues on the phone and they took photos and made imprints of the footprints left by the creature. They found 22 of them. Each one was 14 inches long, 7 inches wide and spaced 6 to 8 feet apart from the next one. Two days later, another witness, Robert France, saw an identical creature in the Chesnut area, beyond the Hillside village of Derry Township. (June 10, 1982)
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 37, 38
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3154
### Event 44364 (66867475)
**Date:** 6/10/1982
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** VOLPAGO, ITL
**Description:** Farmer. Alarm. Dark mass hovers / electric panel. Cone beams. Humming. Going west. / FSRv32#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14332
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VOLPAGO,ITL:FARMER:ALARM:DRK MASS HVRS/ELEC.PANEL:CONE BEAMS:HUM:>W:/FSRv32#4", **LatLong:** "45.783336 12.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:47:00 N 12:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.783336,12.116667)", **State/Prov:** "TV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44365 (D56503E6)
**Date:** 6/10/1982
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** MADBURY, NH
**Description:** Wedge-shape hovers / reservoir. Instant relocations. Going [to] over house. Beams going down / car and more/others.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14333
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "MADBURY,NH:WEDGE-SHAPE HVRS/RSVR:INSTANT RELOCATIONS:>OVR HOUSE:BEAMS↓/CAR++", **LatLong:** "43.166669 -70.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:10:00 N 70:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.166669,-70.916670)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44366 (F980E7F4)
**Date:** 6/10/1982
**Location:** Albany, NY
**Description:** While driving home, a woman and several children observed a disc-shaped object with dome on top and blinking red lights, and a row of rectangular windows on the side, hovering in the sky. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5539
### Event 44367 (BDEDF24F)
**Date:** 6/10/1982
**Location:** Madbury, NH
**Description:** Wedge-shaped object with body lights hovered low over reservoir, lights reflecting in water; instant relocation, red light beam shone on house, then on car (section I). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5570
### Event 44368 (D65D0CAA)
**Date:** 6/10/1982
**Location:** Madbury, NH
**Description:** Wedge-shaped object with body lights hovered low over reservoir, lights reflecting in water. Instant relocation, red light beam shone on house, then on car
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_391
### Event 44369 (7293EF29)
**Date:** 6/10/1982
**Locations:** Madbury, New Hampshire; Bellamy Reservoir
**Description:** Three witnesses in Madbury, New Hampshire, see a wedge-shaped object with bright white lights and smaller blue-green-red body lights hovering about 50 feet above the Bellamy Reservoir, its lights reflecting on the surface of the water. As they try to move to a better viewing location, the object moves away, almost instantly. They see it again hovering above a house with an oscillatory motion. A red light beam shines down on the house and then on the car. After a while the object approaches the car from behind and passes above it by about 30 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 41
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6356
### Event 44370 (ED526C5C)
**Date:** 6/11/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Release of the movie *E.T.* by [Steven Spielberg](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SpielbergSteven.html). (June 11)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2927
### Event 44371 (0B8DB5B3)
**Date:** 6/12/1982
**Location:** Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany
**Description:** Everyone on board a British aircraft sees a large translucent object 500 feet long flying at 41,000 feet altitude over Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, Germany. It has the form of a “double rectangle surmounted by a globe \(egg-shaped\) crowned by a silver one.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, p. 162
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6357
### Event 44372 (B1753A83)
**Date:** 6/15/1982
**Location:** OLYMPIA, WA
**Description:** 2 / car. 747-size square object going east / 1500' altitude. Many lights flash. / r210v30#10.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14334
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "OLYMPIA,WA:2/CAR:747-SIZE SQR OBJ >E/1500'alt:MANY LITES FLASH:/r210v30#10", **LatLong:** "47.033336 -122.900006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:02:00 N 122:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.033336,-122.900006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44373 (7BD429FC)
**Date:** 6/15/1982
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** ROMEOVILLE, IL
**Description:** Fireball going quickly east near powerplant. Hovers and going quickly west again. Odd shape see reference drawing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14335
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "187", **HatchDesc:** "ROMEOVILLE,IL:FBL >> E nr POWERPLANT:HVRS+>>W AGAIN:ODD SHAPE see ref.drawing", **LatLong:** "41.650002 -88.088893", **LatLongDMS:** "41:39:00 N 88:05:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.650002,-88.088893)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44374 (E2E52253)
**Date:** 6/15/1982
**Location:** Romeoville, IL
**Description:** A fireball with an odd shape flew rapidly toward the power plant in Romeoville, Illinois. It stopped and hovered, then flew away fast toward the west. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5540
### Event 44375 (C3E0A849)
**Date:** 6/15/1982
**Description:** At around 9:30 p.m. a fireball with an odd shape flew rapidly toward the power plant in Romeoville, Illinois. It stopped and hovered, then flew away fast toward the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #14404, citing MUFON UFO Journal, issue #177
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3504
### Event 44376 (A5D7F606)
**Date:** 6/16/1982
**Time:** 14:00:00.8
**Location:** 37.1142 -116.0166
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kesti” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_892
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1142 -116.0166", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:51 N 116:01:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1142,-116.0166)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.29", **NukeName:** "Kesti", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 44377 (AB513F51)
**Date:** 6/18/1982
**Description:** 2 separate JAL crews. 20km dome / yellow white light / horizon. Slowly fades.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 372)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14336
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC E/HOKKAIDO,JP:2 SEP.JAL CREWS:20km DOME/YLW.WHT LITE/HRZN:slowly fades", **LatLong:** "42.000002 153.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 N 153:00:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.000002,153.000007)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 44378 (1A1C5EEE)
**Date:** 6/18/1982
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** Location approximate. Huge luminous red turnip over mountains. Goes. Back / 10 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14337
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "XINGANLING Mtns,CHINA:loc aprx:HUGE LUMn.RED TURNIP ovr Mtns:GOES:BACK/10min", **LatLong:** "48.000002 122.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "48:00:00 N 122:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.000002,122.500006)", **State/Prov:** "MNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44379 (13E24041)
**Date:** 6/18/1982
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** 5 Air Force pilots. Huge odd object / 2 hours. Jets electro-magnetic effect (EME) and leave. / MJ#192.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14338
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "HEILONGJIANG PROV,CH:5 AF PILOTS:HUGE ODD OBJ/2 HRS:JETS EME+LEAVE:/MJ#192", **LatLong:** "45.666669 126.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "45:40:00 N 126:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.666669,126.500006)", **State/Prov:** "HLJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44380 (0C74CB38)
**Date:** 6/18/1982
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NEAR SHANG DU, CHINA
**Description:** Military pilots and ground observer(s). Electro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Brill object becomes dome / light. / r175.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 243)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14339
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr SHANG DU,CHINA:MIL.PILOTS+GND OBS:EME+RFI:BRILL OBJ BECOMES DOME/LITE:/r175", **LatLong:** "41.633335 113.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "41:38:00 N 113:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.633335,113.366672)", **State/Prov:** "INM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44381 (FE7601C2)
**Date:** 6/18/1982
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). Saucer buzzes. Emits coil! / light going down. Maneuvers. Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 247)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14340
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "BISHUI,MANCHURIA:MANY SEP.OBS:SCR BUZZES:EMITS COIL!/LITE↓:MNVRS:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "52.033336 123.716673", **LatLongDMS:** "52:02:00 N 123:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.033336,123.716673)", **State/Prov:** "HLJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44382 (F53A2128)
**Date:** 6/18/1982
**Location:** Hebei province, China
**Description:** 9:10–10:53 p.m. Five Chinese Air Force pilots are flying on patrol over the northern military frontier in Hebei province, China. At 10:06 p.m., a large yellowish-green object appears in the northern sky, whirling fast and creating rings of light. After 10 seconds, the center of the ring explodes “like a hand grenade.” It grows larger than the apparent size of the full moon, and black spots appear near its center. The aircraft lose their communications and navigational systems and are forced to return to their base.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Five Chinese Pilots](http://www.nicap.org/820618china%5Fdir.htm) [Encounter Object / EME](http://www.nicap.org/820618china%5Fdir.htm)”; Good Above, [pp. 217–218](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/216/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/216/mode/2up) [471](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/470/mode/2up); Paul Dong and Wendelle Stevens, UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archives, 1983, pp. 243–245
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6358
### Event 44383 (804831E0)
**Date:** 6/18/1982
**Description:** Five Chinese Air Force jet pilots flying over Heilongjiang Province, China at 9:57 p.m. encountered a huge odd looking aerial object. for two hours. Their gyro-compass gave a wrong directional reading, 30 degrees on right, and they experienced radio jamming during their three hour encounter. The yellowish-green UFO was stationary at first, then climbed rapidly and increased speed. At about the same time at the Bishui Forestry Center, also inHeilongjiang Province, China a beam shot up from behind a hill, 300 meters away, that turned into a creamy-yellow spiral. At the top of this beam was a white disc, 30-40 cm in diameter, that was dazzling and revolved counter-clockwise. It made a buzzing sound, then shot up straight up and away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Timothy Green, Above Top Secret, p. 217; MUFON UFO Journal, February 1984, p. 3; (2) Wendelle Stevens & Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, p. 247
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3540
### Event 44384 (3AC78588)
**Date:** Summer 1982
**Location:** England, Cley Hill (Warminster)
**Description:** (Translated from French) J. W. and a relative were on vacation in Warminster and stopped at Cley Hill to enjoy the view. It was there that they had a strange experience. They felt as if they were under an invisible dome and all the familiar sounds of the countryside disappeared. When they got back into their car, both of them noticed that their wristwatch was 20 minutes behind the watch in the car. This time corresponded to their time spent looking around. (1982, Summer)
**Reference:** BUFORA, England, 26.10.1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3157
### Event 44385 (4E3F1646)
**Date:** 6/21/1982
**Time:** ~12:20
**Description:** 737 crew and more/others. Black rectangle still / 23K'. (Below liner) / r150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny & Warrington, P.: SCIENCE and the UFO'S; Basil Blackwell, NY 1985 (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14341
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "45 NM SE/BRINDISI,ITL:737 CREW++:BLK RECTANGLE STILL/23K':(Below liner)/r150", **LatLong:** "40.350002 18.916668", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:00 N 18:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.350002,18.916668)", **RelAlt:** "6900", **State/Prov:** "ADR", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 44386 (D24F185D)
**Date:** 6/24/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st flight of a French spacenaut: Jean-Loup Chrétien. (June 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2928
### Event 44387 (583C3C32)
**Date:** 6/24/1982
**Time:** 14:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.2362 -116.3702
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Nebbiolo” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_893
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2362 -116.3702", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:10 N 116:22:13 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2362,-116.3702)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Nebbiolo", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44388 (9F4950CA)
**Date:** 6/25/1982
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** KARAMAY, CH
**Description:** 2000 observer(s). Silent plate west going quickly east over outdoor movie. Changes shape. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14342
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KARAMAY,CH:2000 OBS:SLNT PLATE W>>E OVR OUTDOOR MOVIE:CHANGES SHAPE:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "45.750002 84.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:00 N 84:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.750002,84.833337)", **State/Prov:** "XNJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44389 (0C45E56E)
**Date:** 6/25/1982
**Time:** 02:03:07.2
**Location:** 49.8010 78.0890
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1621
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8010 78.0890", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:04 N 78:05:20 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8010,78.0890)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 44390 (D8D48F95)
**Date:** 6/25/1982
**Location:** Libertyville, Illinois
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Kathy Freeman watches a bright star that makes two right-angle turns near Libertyville, Illinois.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Correspondence,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1982\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6359
### Event 44391 (ED076DAF)
**Date:** 6/27/1982
**Location:** Los Alamos, NM
**Description:** Bob Lazar appears on the front Sunday page of the “Los Alamos Monitor”
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_735
### Event 44392 (4ED6FD5C)
**Date:** 6/27/1982
**Time:** 16:30
**Description:** Mechanical Engineer / plane. Metallic sphere paces 737 / 2 minute(s). Rises going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACUFOS AUSTRALIA: Sightings Catalogs 1978-1982. Keith Basterfield. PO Box 546, Gosford, NSW Australia 2250. (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14343
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NW/LAUNCESTON,TASM:MECH.ENGINEER/PLANE:MTLC SPHERE PACES 737/2min:RISES >>N", **LatLong:** "-41.000002 146.666674", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:00 S 146:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.000002,146.666674)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44393 (1426674A)
**Date:** 6/27/1982
**Location:** Launceston, Tasmania (NW of), AU
**Description:** A mechanical engineer on an airliner flying northwest of Launceston, Tasmania watched a metallic sphere pace the Boeing 737 aircraft for two minutes, then ascend, flying off toward the north. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5541
### Event 44394 (17550888)
**Date:** 6/27/1982
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Laodice” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1955
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Laodice", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 44395 (9F541AF6)
**Date:** 6/27/1982
**Location:** White House
**Description:** Following a screening of E.T.: The Extraterrestrial at the White House, President [Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FReagan) leans over to director [Steven Spielberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FSpielberg) and comments, “You know, there aren’t six people in this room who know how true this really is.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** presidentialufo.com, “Ronald Reagan, 40th President, January 20, 1981–January 20, 1989”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6360
### Event 44396 (ABBE8729)
**Date:** 6/27/1982
**Description:** A mechanical engineer on an airliner flying northwest of Launceston, Tasmania watched a metallic sphere pace the Boeing 737 aircraft for two minutes, then ascend, flying off toward the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Australian Center UFO Studies Catalogue of Reports 1978-1982, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3700
### Event 44397 (FEC5AA58)
**Date:** 7/1982 (approximate)
**Description:** 2 saucers hover overhead. 1 directly over launch pad#1. Electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 242)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14344
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BAIKONUR COSMODROME,RUS:2 SCRS HVR OVHD:1 DIRECTLY OVR LAUNCH PAD#1:EME.", **LatLong:** "47.783336 66.716670", **LatLongDMS:** "47:47:00 N 66:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.783336,66.716670)", **State/Prov:** "DZK", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44398 (BA80F202)
**Date:** 7/1982
**Location:** Mersin, Turkey
**Description:** A lone witness reported seeing a 15-meter diameter disc-shaped object hovering at about 100 meters from the ground. Through an apparent opening he saw several short helmeted humanoids moving about in stiff mechanical movements resembling those of robots. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5542
### Event 44399 (5A2210FC)
**Date:** 7/1982
**Description:** Head of the US Army’s remote viewing program Skip Atwater discovers intelligence information generated by contractor SRI International and a remote viewer, Pat Price, in 1973. Price believed there were “underground” bases in which UAP emanated from. Atwater attempted to corroborate these claims and did, using Army personnel outside of USG work hours.
The unofficial Project 8200 claimed to view UAP associated underground locations at Mt.
Hayes, AK, Mt. Ziel, Australia, Mt. Nyangani, Zimbabwe, and Mt. Perdido, Spain. The unofficial project
claimed these four locations — and possibly others — were integral in working together to communicate with space based platforms associated with UAP.
* [https://archive.org/details/rv-project-8200/RV+Project+8200+(1982-07-28).mp4](https://archive.org/details/rv-project-8200/RV+Project+8200+(1982-07-28).mp4)
* [https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?110821-The-Remote-Viewing-Data-Dump](https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?110821-The-Remote-Viewing-Data-Dump)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_204
### Event 44400 (F258A07C)
**Date:** 7/1/1982
**Location:** CHINA
**Description:** (Translated from French) In total, China had launched eleven satellites in nine launches by July 1, 1982, the last of which was a triple launch. The first of these satellites, "China 1", surprised experts with its weight: 173 kilograms.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 14
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3155
### Event 44401 (7FCF6C6E)
**Date:** 7/1/1982
**Time:** 17:02:00.2
**Location:** -21.7690 -138.9460
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Antilokos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1956
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.7690 -138.9460", **LatLongDMS:** "21:46:08 S 138:56:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.7690,-138.9460)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.08", **NukeName:** "Antilokos", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 44402 (5B77C4B4)
**Date:** 7/1/1982
**Description:** The Center for UFO Studies discontinues its toll-free 1-800 number distributed to police offices across the country.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Discontinue 800 \#, Report Quality Low,” IUR 7, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1982\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6361
### Event 44403 (75370A4C)
**Date:** 7/3/1982
**Location:** LEBANON, CT
**Description:** 2 luminous/glowing triangles vanish. Silhouettes shadowed / moon afterward.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: BOURQUIN, Gilbert A.; L'INVISIBLE NOUS FAIT SIGNALE; Editions Robert SA, 2740 Moutier Switzerland 1968. (Lebanon, CT 1982 pg. 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14345
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "126", **HatchDesc:** "LEBANON,CT:2 LUMn TRIANGLES VANISH:SILHOUETTES SHADOWED/MOON AFTERWARD:", **LatLong:** "41.633335 -72.211115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:38:00 N 72:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.633335,-72.211115)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44404 (03DA50BC)
**Date:** 7/4/1982
**Time:** 01:17:16.7
**Location:** 49.9580 78.8000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 190KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1622
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9580 78.8000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:57:29 N 78:48:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9580,78.8000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "190"
### Event 44405 (2CDEA427)
**Date:** 7/6/1982
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** HAMPSHIRE, TASM
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 30M object hid / blue haze. Hiss and sparks / wire fence. / r241p6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 372)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14346
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HAMPSHIRE,TASM:CAR EMES:30M OBJ HID/BLUE HAZE:HISS+SPARKS/WIRE FENCE:/r241p6", **LatLong:** "-41.266669 145.783340", **LatLongDMS:** "41:16:00 S 145:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.266669,145.783340)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44406 (9C2CC637)
**Date:** 7/6/1982
**Location:** Hampshire, Tasmania
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. A man driving alone near Hampshire, Tasmania, finds that his car is gradually losing power and stops. He turns off the ignition and the lights, then gets out of the vehicle when he notices a stationary, noiseless object that looks like a large army helicopter about the size of a bus. It is blue-black in color and seems to be gradually moving to the west for about 90 seconds. He starts the car’s engine and leaves the area. An inspection of the car finds nothing to account for its behavior.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6362
### Event 44407 (A2F2C035)
**Date:** 7/7/1982
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent bladeless helicopter glows over railroad/railway-yard. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 180)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14347
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "HIGHCLERE,TASMANIA:1 OBS:SLNT BLADELESS COPTER GLOWS OVR RR-YARD:CAR EMEs", **LatLong:** "-41.200002 145.800007", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:00 S 145:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.200002,145.800007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44408 (10C6FA64)
**Date:** 7/7/1982
**Description:** A silent, bladeless helicopter-shaped UFO glowed as it hovered over a railway yard in Highclere, Tasmania, Australia at 7:30 p.m., causing the witness's car engine to malfunction. The close encounter lasted four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14416, citing MUFON UFO Journal, February 1983
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3908
### Event 44409 (BA07FF37)
**Date:** 7/14/1982 (approximate)
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** EASLEY, SC
**Description:** 1 / car. Odd water tank / field. Flies away when car headlights hit it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 373)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14348
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "332", **HatchDesc:** "EASLEY,SC:1/CAR:ODD WATER TANK/FIELD:FLIES AWAY when CAR HEADLIGHTS HIT IT", **LatLong:** "34.183335 -82.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:11:00 N 82:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.183335,-82.200004)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44410 (9EA58695)
**Date:** 7/14/1982
**Description:** In Easley, South Carolina what looked like a "water tank" in a nearby field flew away when the witness's car headlights hit it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January 1983
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4057
### Event 44411 (D134CF0E)
**Date:** 7/15/1982
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** LINDEN, NJ
**Description:** Cop and more. Helicopter noise. 2 objects stop. Rise / 40° angle and quickly going up [to] "to outer space".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 373)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14349
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LINDEN,NJ:COP+:COPTER NOISE:2 OBJs STOP:RISE/40° ANGLE+↑↑ "to outer space"", **LatLong:** "40.616669 -74.244448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:37:00 N 74:14:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.616669,-74.244448)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44412 (289D0BD1)
**Date:** 7/20/1982
**Location:** Spain, Vejer de la Frontera (Cadiz)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 3pm, in broad daylight, a young farmer A.M. was riding his motorcycle on the road between the villages of Medina Sidonia and Vejer de la Frotera. The road, all uphill, curves and very winding, allowed him to see below two sinister-looking beings. Both of them were wearing astronaut suits. The smaller one had a kind of backpack, his bald head was surrounded by a bubble-shaped helmet, in his gloved hands he held a large stone. He was wearing sandals leaving his toes uncovered. The larger one had only one frontal eye, but he had hair. His head was also in a transparent bubble. He was wearing long gloves covering the forearms, and boots reaching up to his knees. In his left hand he held a kind of rod about 50 cm long.
**Reference:** ENIGMAS, Madrid, November 1998: Chapter 24: 19/82 Pleiad over Andalusia, Iker Jimenez and Lorenzo Fernandez
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3156
### Event 44413 (D27063BA)
**Date:** 7/20/1982
**Location:** Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain
**Description:** A a local cattleman walked to what he thought was a tanker truck a hundred meters away, but when he got to about 30 meters away from it he saw two huge human- like figures standing in the middle of the road. The beings then walked back to the object as if in slow motion. They entered the object through an open hatch, which took off silently towards the north. Ground traces were reportedly found at the site. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5544
### Event 44414 (AFE3E58B)
**Date:** 7/20/1982
**Description:** In the middle of the afternoon a local cattleman in Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain was on his motorcycle using a seldom traveled road when his motorcycle came to a stop and would not start. He then walked to what he thought was a tanker truck a hundred meters away, but when he got to about 30 meters away from it he saw two huge human-like figures standing in the middle of the road. They wore shiny metallic armored suits and fishbowl-like clear helmets. One stood near a wire fence and was looking at the cattle in the nearby field. The beings then walked back to the object as if in slow motion. They entered the object through an open hatch, which took off silently towards the north. Ground traces were reportedly found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, case # 98, citing investigator Fernandez-Peri and Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Enciclopedia de Los Encuentros con OVNIs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4253
### Event 44415 (23F7FFB4)
**Date:** 7/21/1982
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** WHITLEY CITY, KY
**Description:** Big toy-top lights garden with red beam going down. 30 lights / rim. Going north. Circles. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 374)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14350
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "414", **HatchDesc:** "WHITLEY CITY,KY:BIG TOY-TOP LITES GARDEN W/RED BEAM↓:30 LITES/RIM:>N:CCLS:↑↑", **LatLong:** "36.722224 -84.472226", **LatLongDMS:** "36:43:20 N 84:28:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.722224,-84.472226)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44416 (7708348B)
**Date:** 7/21/1982
**Time:** 17:13:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pitane” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1957
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Pitane", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 44417 (7AD91910)
**Date:** 7/21/1982
**Description:** In Whitley City, Kentucky at 2:00 a.m. a top-shaped object lit up a garden with a red beam of lightdirected downwards. The craft had 30 lights around its rim. It flew to the north, then circled back, and finally flew off by making a vertical ascent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14419, citing APRO Bulletin, February 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4280
### Event 44418 (F4A66320)
**Date:** 7/22/1982
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** KATY, TX
**Description:** Unnatural silence. Boomerang UFO overhead hums-the only sound..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14351
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "KATY,TX:UNNATURAL SILENCE:BOOMERANG UFO OVHD HUMS-THE ONLY SOUND..", **LatLong:** "29.783335 -95.822227", **LatLongDMS:** "29:47:00 N 95:49:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.783335,-95.822227)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44419 (012FBADC)
**Date:** 7/22/1982
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** HOUSTON, TX
**Description:** 3+observer(s). Huge silent delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / minutes. Wind sound but no jets. Lost in the distance.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14352
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "HOUSTON,TX:3+OBS:HUGE SLNT DLT HVRS/MINs:WIND SOUND BUT NO JETS:LOST/DISTANCE", **LatLong:** "29.750001 -95.383338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:45:00 N 95:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.750001,-95.383338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44420 (110B7EBD)
**Date:** 7/22/1982
**Location:** Katy, TX
**Description:** Three witnesses saw a dark boomerang-shaped (or V-shaped) object with bright orange-yellow "headlights" hovering in the sky. As they watched, they noticed a total silence in the area. The object finally began moving and as it passed by their location, they heard a deep humming sound. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5548
### Event 44421 (976297D6)
**Date:** 7/22/1982
**Description:** At around 11:00 p.m. three women were sitting outside talking by their apartment complex in Wigan, Greater Manchester, England when they noticed a bright light above an empty piece of property. The light moved to the north and became a little elongated, then became top shaped and reddish in color, and then finally disappeared above Winter Hill. Later a dog that was with them began barking, then ran inside. The women next heard a peculiar sucking or croaking noise that was repeated four times, then a figure appeared suddenly in the empty field. It was normal height and wore a one-piece uniform that had a round helmet with visor. There was also a hose-like protrusion that came out of the visor. In one hand it held a square box that seemed connected to the hose. The women became frightened and ran inside. The police were called and searched the area but failed to find anything.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, case # 690, citing DIGAP Report, Northern UFO News, issue # 100
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4306
### Event 44422 (3C8EA6CF)
**Date:** 7/23/1982
**Location:** Ste-Dorothee, Quebec, CAN
**Description:** Four 16 year olds saw an intense beam of white light from a multi-colored UFO in a field. Ehen they shone a spotlight in the direction of the noise it revealed a five to six foot tall being with a large brown head and orange eyes. They all suffered from intense stomach pain (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5549
### Event 44423 (AB964D91)
**Date:** 7/23/1982
**Description:** At two a.m. four 16 year olds--with the last names Lebeau, Cousineau, and Labre--saw an intense beam of white light from a multi-colored UFO in a field in Ste-Dorothee, near Laval, Quebec. Shortly later they heard beeping, and when they shone a spotlight in the direction of the noise it revealed a five to six foot tall being with a large brown head and orange eyes. They all suffered from intense stomach pain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, CE5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 210; FSR, November 28, 1982
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4330
### Event 44424 (6D874478)
**Date:** 7/25/1982
**Location:** Punta Umbria, Spain
**Description:** A bullfighter observed blinking red and yellow lights near the beach. He thought it was the scene of a car accident and approached. What he saw was a square-shaped craft and a 3-meter (10 foot) tall robot standing at the side of the UFO. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5552
### Event 44425 (67C15C81)
**Date:** 7/25/1982
**Location:** Latrobe, PA
**Description:** Several independent witnesses reported seeing a blunt gray, 300-foot long cigar- shaped object with windows fly over woods and the sewage treatment plant heading west. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5553
### Event 44426 (50A9BB17)
**Date:** 7/25/1982
**Time:** 18:02:00.0
**Location:** -21.8360 -138.8960
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “laios” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1958
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8360 -138.8960", **LatLongDMS:** "21:50:10 S 138:53:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8360,-138.8960)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "laios", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 44427 (245508BB)
**Date:** 7/25/1982
**Description:** At 4:00 o'clock in the morning a bullfighter in Punta Umbria, Spain observed blinking re and yellow lights near the beach. He thought it was the scene of a car accident and approached. What he saw was a square-shaped craft and a 3-meter (10 foot) tall robot standing at the side of the UFO. It had no arms, and the head was covered with a metal mesh material. It made guttural sounds. Later that day several independent witnesses reported seeing a blunt gray, 300-foot long cigar-shaped object with windows fly over woods and the sewage treatment plant in Latrobe, Pennsylvania heading west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case 0640; MUFON UFO Journal, October 1983
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4397
### Event 44428 (97C2A19D)
**Date:** 7/26/1982
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** TAINAN, TAIWAN
**Description:** 1 observer. White line rushes south going quickly north. Makes 15° turn going quickly NNW and away. Form unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 273)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14353
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Taiwan China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TAINAN,TAIWAN:1 OBS:WHITE LINE RUSHES S>>N:MAKES 15°TURN>>NNW+AWAY:FORM UNKN", **LatLong:** "23.016668 120.144450", **LatLongDMS:** "23:01:00 N 120:08:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/23.016668,120.144450)", **State/Prov:** "TNN", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 44429 (8C743BCE)
**Date:** 7/28/1982
**Location:** Los Alamos, NM
**Description:** Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar meets Dr. Edward Teller at a presentation.
**Type:** meeting
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_734
### Event 44430 (440F3172)
**Date:** 7/29/1982
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Saliout 6 station re-enters the atmosphere. (July 29)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1982.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2929
### Event 44431 (93C9DA57)
**Date:** 7/29/1982
**Time:** 20:05:00.1
**Location:** 37.1023 -116.0750
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Monterey” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_894
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1023 -116.0750", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:08 N 116:04:30 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1023,-116.0750)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.12", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Monterey", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44432 (A6D5DBA5)
**Date:** 7/30/1982
**Time:** 21:00:00.0
**Location:** 53.8000 104.1500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Rift-3” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1623
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "53.8000 104.1500", **LatLongDMS:** "53:48:00 N 104:09:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.8000,104.1500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.55", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "PNE:Rift-3", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 44433 (14ABC322)
**Date:** 7/30/1982
**Description:** At 10:10 p.m. a small glowing, transparent figure was seen among the branches of a tree on the property of a nearby house in Mendoza, Argentina. It was dressed in a robe, had a very small head and a triangular shaped body. There was a sizzling sound and the smell of smoke, and the being faded away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, case # 1167, citing Gray Barker
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4509
### Event 44434 (157150DC)
**Date:** 7/31/1982
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** RED SQUARE, MOSCOW
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). 6 unidentified spheres fly over capital. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 175)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14354
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RED SQUARE,MOSCOW:100s/OBS:6 UID SPHERES FLY OVER CAPITAL:NFD", **LatLong:** "55.750003 37.600002", **LatLongDMS:** "55:45:00 N 37:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.750003,37.600002)", **State/Prov:** "MOS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44435 (1CD62D3C)
**Date:** 7/31/1982
**Description:** In the middle of the day six unidentified spheres flew over Red Square, the center of power for the Soviet Union, in Moscow, Russia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 201
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4541
### Event 44436 (03F82EDD)
**Date:** 8/2/1982
**Location:** Lake Sawyer, WA
**Description:** A couple and their son while driving home to Kent and noticed an illuminated object above the treeline, projecting a beam of light into the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The object had four red body lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5554
### Event 44437 (AD6C7C9C)
**Date:** Early 8/1982
**Locations:** shore of the Vistula River; Warsaw, Poland
**Description:** A man is in a meadow near a forest on the shore of the Vistula River a few miles northwest of Warsaw, Poland. Suddenly he hears a sound like an electric motor and sees a rectangular, black, domed object above the treetops that rises and sails slowly beyond the river. Windows in the dome cast a flickering light
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bronislaw Rzepecki, “Encounters in Poland,” IUR 12, no. 3 \(May/June 1987\): 17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6363
### Event 44438 (9419CB5B)
**Date:** 8/2/1982
**Description:** On this night a shiny silvery man was seen standing on the side of the road at Hapuku Bridge in New Zealand. He had no distinguishable features, and the bottom half of the figure was dark. The motorist drove by and did not stop.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1982, case # 293, citing SBI Report
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4610
### Event 44439 (0CC85F75)
**Date:** 8/5/1982
**Time:** 14:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0842 -116.0065
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Atrisco” Yield: 138KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_895
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0842 -116.0065", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:03 N 116:00:23 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0842,-116.0065)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Atrisco", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "138"
### Event 44440 (6350713C)
**Date:** 8/7/1982
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** WOODBURY, GA
**Description:** 3+/ car. 2 large well-lit saucers / 300M altitude. Lights / rim. Going [to] fast and shoot up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14355
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "244", **HatchDesc:** "WOODBURY,GA:3+/CAR:2 LRG WELL-LIT SCRS/300M alt:LITES/RIM:> FAST+SHOOT UP:", **LatLong:** "32.983335 -84.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "32:59:00 N 84:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.983335,-84.583337)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44441 (E926568E)
**Date:** 8/10/1982
**Time:** 01:50
**Description:** 3+3 observer(s). Night lights light canyon. Object lands / Indian family land.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14356
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "2000", **HatchDesc:** "10mi NW/LUKACHUKAI,AZ:3+3 OBS:NLTS LITE CANYON:OBJ LANDS/INDIAN FAMILY LAND", **LatLong:** "36.533335 -109.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:32:00 N 109:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.533335,-109.333339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44442 (E731B882)
**Date:** 8/10/1982
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** NEAR HOYT, MT
**Description:** Campers. Huge fireball going northeast slow down Yellowstone River. Unnatural silence.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 376)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14357
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "646", **HatchDesc:** "nr HOYT,MT:CAMPERS:HUGE FBL >NE SLO DOWN YELLOWSTONE Rvr:UNNATURAL SILENCE:", **LatLong:** "46.916669 -104.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "46:55:00 N 104:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.916669,-104.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44443 (4137AA5A)
**Date:** 8/10/1982
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NEAR LAKE SAWYER, WA
**Description:** 2 / car. 100' ovoid beams going up and down. Lights car. High tension power lines lines spark and noise.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 376)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14358
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1304", **HatchDesc:** "nr LAKE SAWYER,WA:2/CAR:100'OVOID BEAMS ↑+↓:LITES CAR:HIV LINES SPARK+NOISE", **LatLong:** "47.333336 -122.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:20:00 N 122:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.333336,-122.033339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44444 (1453301F)
**Date:** 8/10/1982
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** SR 169 NORTH / BLACK DIAMOND, WA
**Description:** 3 / car. Bright object searches sky / beam. Beams on car below.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 178)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14359
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "SR 169 N/BLACK DIAMOND,WA:3/CAR:BRITE OBJ SEARCHES SKY/BEAM:BEAMS ON CAR BELOW", **LatLong:** "47.338891 -122.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:20:20 N 122:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.338891,-122.050006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44445 (8F41D2C6)
**Date:** 8/10/1982
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a married couple and their son were driving home to Kent, Washington and were near Lake Sawyer when they noticed an illuminated object above the tree line, projecting a beam of light into the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The object had four red body lights. When they stopped at a stop sign, they saw that the searchlight beam had disappeared and a new light beam had begun rotating in a downward direction. Moreoever, the UFO appeared to be moving in their direction. As they turned a corner, a bright beam of light shone down into their car "bathing the driver in red light." The light and object then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson, Puget Sound Aerial Phenomena Research Newsletter, Autumn 1982; MUFON UFO Journal, December 1982, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4830
### Event 44446 (0358912A)
**Date:** 8/11/1982
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 1 / SR18. 100' saucer / 150' altitude going southwest. Near power station. Controlled flight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 178)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14360
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "MAPLE Vly>
Within a few minutes he was approached by two beings measuring 1.5 meters in height, wearing greenish suits and visors on their faces. His dog, on the defensive, growled at them. They gestured for him to follow them and he complied (“Having 77 years, I had little left to lose” Burtoo would explain later). The trio arrived at a rounded object protruding from the towpath overlooking the canal and Burtoo bent down to cross its threshold. Once inside the craft he was asked his age and was asked in a shaky English to stand under an amber light, which he did. After a few minutes one of the extraterrestrials said to him: “You can go now. You are too old and too infirm to serve our purpose”. When he returned to his fishing rod, his dog was behaving normally, but his tea was cold. Shortly afterwards he saw the light of the UFO rise into the sky and then speed away at a dizzying speed. It was about two in the morning.
**Reference:** “UFO Files”, ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Special Issue, p. 46
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3182
### Event 44874 (619D942B)
**Date:** 8/12/1983
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Drawing by Alfred Burtoo of the apparatus in which he was taken aboard. See images/1983-08_Aldershot_Hampshire.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1983.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2952
### Event 44875 (87D8495E)
**Date:** 8/12/1983
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) When he returns to his fishing rod, his dog behaves normally, but his tea is cold. Soon after, he sees the light of the UFO rising in the sky and then flying away at a dizzying speed. (2 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1983.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2953
### Event 44876 (1F558C3D)
**Date:** 8/12/1983
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** ALDERSHOT, HAMPS
**Description:** Man / 78 abduction / 4' small humanoids (or Greys). Released. "Too old and infirm" they say. / r120p106.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14474
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "ALDERSHOT,HAMPS:MAN/78 ABD/4'OIDS:RELEASED:"TOO OLD+INFIRM" they say:/r120p106", **LatLong:** "51.233336 -0.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:14:00 N 00:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.233336,-0.766667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 44877 (64EEE586)
**Date:** 8/12/1983
**Location:** Aldershot, UK
**Description:** Fisherman taken aboard UFO (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [830812](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/1mufon/mufon%5Fgb0812%5F83.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5632
### Event 44878 (2371D83E)
**Date:** 8/12/1983
**Locations:** Basingstoke Canal; Aldershot, Hampshire, England
**Description:** Around 1:00 a.m. Alfred Burtoo is fishing along the Basingstoke Canal in Aldershot, Hampshire, England, when a disc-shaped UFO lands nearby. Two humanoid beings approach him. They are 4 feet 6 inches tall, dressed in green overalls, and wear helmets with visors. They gesture at Bertoo to follow them, and he goes up a stairway into the craft. He is made to stand under an amber light. The beings speak to him in broken English, telling him that he is too old and infirm for their purposes. They then let him go.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 106–112](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/106/mode/2up); Marcus Lowth, “[The Bizarre Ordeal of Alfred Burtoo: The Abduction That Wasn’t,](https://www.ufoinsight.com/aliens/abductions/alfred-burtoo-abduction-wasnt)” UFO Insight, August 7, 2017; Solomier, “08-12-1983: The Alfred Burtoo Incident,” dtube: Hive Blog, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6441
### Event 44879 (115841B4)
**Date:** 8/12/1983
**Locations:** Maraponga neighborhood of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil; Lagoa da Maraponga; Cavan poles factory; Uruoca, Ceará, Brazil
**Description:** 11:10 p.m. In the Maraponga neighborhood of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, João de Lira Pessoa Neto is riding his motorcycle with his friend Plínio Couto de Alencar Júnior to a party. The cycle breaks down, so they push it home and head back on foot to the party. They pass the train tracks and the Cavan poles factory, where they notice that a transformer that always buzzes is silent. Stray dogs do not bark, and the lights on the poles are blinking intermittently. A strong light blinks near them and they see a disc-shaped object about 325 feet above the Lagoa da Maraponga, its shape reflected in the dark water. The object moves, and the two witnesses run off. Party hosts Roberto de Lira Pessoa Neto and his wife Rejane, Rejane’s sister, and a sailor named Cal are intrigued and decide to return to the site together. They look around and see the UFO landing on the lake shore. The disc has large round windows and a brightly lit interior. Inside they see human-looking beings moving about and looking out the windows. Roberto sees three humanoid figures beside the UFO. They seem to be covered in a plastic cloak and have a wobbling gait. Plínio thinks the object disappears and reappears like a mirage. The witnesses begin running away when another similar UFO appears above them and causes a gale. It disappears, and everything returns to normal, with dogs barking and the transformer buzzing. Later at home, João has a strong urge to return to the scene. The object is still there, and he has a compulsion to meet the occupants. He suddenly gets dizzy and nauseous and falls to the ground unconscious. He revives 2 hours later and finds himself in a soccer field and cannot remember how he got there. He goes home, but his behavior changes, becoming ruder. On May 21, 1989, João drowns under mysterious circumstances in a lagoon in Uruoca, Ceará, Brazil.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Reginaldo de Athayde, “[Seqüestro por ETs no Nordesté e reavaliado,](https://ufo.com.br/artigos/sequestro-por-ets-no-nordeste-e-reavaliado/)” Portal UFO, December 1, 1995; Clark III 710–712; Brazil 297– 303
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6442
### Event 44880 (A3EB75E3)
**Date:** 8/13/1983
**Location:** Shipley, West Yorkshire, UK
**Description:** A motorist stopped at a scenic overlook saw a bright pulsating light. As it neared he could see that its light was pulsating every two seconds. He could now see that the light was on a disc-shaped object with shiny domed top that was revolving and dark underside. It passed out of sight in about 2-3 minutes. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5634
### Event 44881 (0CF41F87)
**Date:** 8/14/1983
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** I695 WITH BALTIMORE, MD
**Description:** 2 / car. One hour / missing time and detour. Domed saucer with windows / 50' altitude near home.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 383)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14475
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "I695 W/BALTIMORE,MD:2/CAR:1hr/MST+DETOUR:DOMED SCR W/WINDOWS/50'alt nr HOME", **LatLong:** "39.283335 -76.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:17:00 N 76:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.283335,-76.683337)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44882 (0B1D12C7)
**Date:** 8/14/1983
**Description:** Two women in a car driving on I-695 west of Baltimore, Maryland experienced an hour of missing time and were detoured from their usual route home. When they recovered their awareness of events, they saw a domed saucer-shaped object with windows hovering at 50 feet altitude near their home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 13912; APRO Bulletin, January 1984, p. 1; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Volume 2: Catalogue of Cases, case # 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5013
### Event 44883 (C89ABD31)
**Date:** 8/15/1983
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Just like 3 years earlier, many people are waiting for the arrival of a UFO in Cergy-Pontoise, announced by [Frank Fontaine](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#FontaineFrank). Again, in vain. (August 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1983.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2954
### Event 44884 (2E2B3A7D)
**Date:** 8/15/1983
**Location:** Evansville, IN
**Description:** 6:00 AM. Complicated abduction report, with many reports of previous encounters. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5636
### Event 44885 (9304E794)
**Date:** 8/18/1983
**Time:** 16:09:58.9
**Location:** 73.3540 54.9740
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 230KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1647
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3540 54.9740", **LatLongDMS:** "73:21:14 N 54:58:26 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3540,54.9740)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.91", **NukeSource:** "RICHARDS", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "230"
### Event 44886 (AE5CADD7)
**Date:** 8/21/1983
**Location:** USA, Bridgeport (Connecticut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Robin Laconte, 28 years old, and Grace Jausiak, 18 years old, saw an object near Laconte's home, a little before 11 pm. "It was passing above us, and at that moment we could hear a faint buzzing sound," said Jausiak. "It went to the right, then to the left, and we watched it for half a minute. Then all the lights went out, as if it knew we were watching. (note from vog: hm!) The two women were scared and went into the house to find Laconte's husband. When they came out again, the object was moving away in a zigzag, then went straight up into the sky. (...)
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 73
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3183
### Event 44887 (0328693B)
**Date:** 8/21/1983
**Time:** 23:40
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). Huge ovoid / delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Zooms off. / APROv31#11.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14476
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "99", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "BRIDGEPORT+NEW HAVEN,CT:MANY SEP.OBS:HUGE OVOID/DLT HVRS:ZOOMS OFF:/APROv31#11", **LatLong:** "41.166669 -73.205559", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:00 N 73:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.166669,-73.205559)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 44888 (B53F7A39)
**Date:** 8/26/1983
**Description:** 4 Russian jets fire rockets / UFO. Premature explosions down 3 jets.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL ENQUIRER UFO REPORT; Pocket Books, NY 1985. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14477
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "VENTSPILS,LATVIA:4 RUS JETS FIRE ROCKETS/UFO:PREMATURE EXPLOSIONS DOWN 3 JETS", **LatLong:** "57.333336 21.538890", **LatLongDMS:** "57:20:00 N 21:32:20 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.333336,21.538890)", **State/Prov:** "Latvia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44889 (75008E7F)
**Date:** 8/26/1983
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** CEDAR LAKE, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent night light lights area. 4' altitude. Gone. 13' burnt circle found later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 109)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14478
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "221", **HatchDesc:** "CEDAR LAKE,IN:2 OBS:SLNT NLT LITES AREA:4'alt:GONE:13'BURNT CIRCLE FOUND LATER", **LatLong:** "41.366669 -87.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:22:00 N 87:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.366669,-87.433338)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44890 (F0EDD5FD)
**Date:** 8/26/1983
**Location:** Ventspils, Russia
**Description:** Russian Jets Blasted Out of the Sky (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [830826](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/1mufon/mufon%5Fru0826%5F83.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5635
### Event 44891 (41681101)
**Date:** 8/26/1983
**Location:** Cedar Lake, IN
**Description:** (IUR-9,1) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5637
### Event 44892 (61D6DB4C)
**Date:** 8/26/1983
**Location:** Cedar Lake, Indiana
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. A Mrs. Zurwaski is awakened by brilliant white flashes of light reflecting off the trees to the east of her house in Cedar Lake, Indiana. She gets up, thinking a thunderstorm is approaching, and she sees the screen on the front door flooded with intense light. Her husband is also awake by now, and he describes the light as yellowish. Through a picture window, Mr. Zurwaski sees an object hovering 4–5 feet off the ground in their yard. Mrs. Zurawski hears a swoosh and a crackle and notices a ribbon of light moving southeast. Five days later, they discover in their yard a ring of dead grass in a perfect circle 13 feet in diameter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Remaley, “The Light and the Ring,” IUR 9, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1984\): 4–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6443
### Event 44893 (A076253C)
**Date:** 8/27/1983
**Time:** 14:00:00.3
**Location:** 37.2000 -116.0300
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Jarlsberg” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_914
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2000 -116.0300", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:00 N 116:01:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2000,-116.0300)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.10", **NukeName:** "Jarlsberg", **NukeSource:** "ISC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 44894 (F7BE6FA6)
**Date:** 8/27/1983
**End date:** 8/29/1983
**Locations:** High Wycombe; London; England
**Description:** The British UFO Research Association holds its Third International UFO Congress in High Wycombe, London, England.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[3d International UFO Congress, August 1983,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201981-1989%20BUFORA%20Bulletin/BUFORA%20Bulletin%20-%20%20No%2011%20-%20Nov%201983.pdf)” BUFORA Bulletin, no. 11 \(November 1983\): 8–21; “3d Bufora International UFO Congress,” IUR 8, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1983\): 9, 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6444
### Event 44895 (96762DCB)
**Date:** 9/1983
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** BOM JESUS, BRAZIL
**Description:** 3+dog. Tub-saucer going down [to] with net. Observers levitated slightly and dropped. Big wind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14479
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "BOM JESUS,BRZL:3+DOG:TUB-SCR ↓ W/NET:OBSs LVTD SLIGHTLY+DROPPED:BIG WIND", **LatLong:** "-5.966667 -35.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "05:58:00 S 35:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.966667,-35.583335)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44896 (0459E2AD)
**Date:** 9/1983
**Description:** British ufologist [Jenny Randles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny%5FRandles) publishes UFO Reality, in which she defines the “Oz Factor,” the “sensation of being isolated, or transported from the real world into a different environmental framework.” She suggests that this feeling, often reported by UFO witnesses, “is almost suggestive of the witness being transported temporarily from our world into another, where reality is but slightly different.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, UFO Reality: A Critical Look at the Physical Evidence, R. Hale, 1983; Clark III 866
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6445
### Event 44897 (9A67D2DF)
**Date:** 9/1/1983
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Motorcycle malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 hours missing time. Rider awakens near Chester.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS - the Mystery Solved; Inner Light, NJ 1988. (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14480
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "A49 nr RIVER WEAVER,CHESHIRE:MCYCLE EMES:2 HRS MST:RIDER AWAKENS nr CHESTER", **LatLong:** "53.283336 -2.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:17:00 N 02:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.283336,-2.583333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 44898 (5C88A8B4)
**Date:** 9/1/1983
**Time:** 14:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2728 -116.3550
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chancellor” Yield: 143KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_915
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2728 -116.3550", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:22 N 116:21:18 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2728,-116.3550)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Chancellor", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "143"
### Event 44899 (0E59554A)
**Date:** 9/1/1983
**Description:** GEPAN is reorganized by transferring it to a smaller department in CNES. The seven members of its scientific council are given different assignments, leaving [Jean-Jacques Velasco](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques%5FVelasco) in sole charge with no scientific advisers. GEPAN’s resources and personnel are drastically reduced. During the following years, the scientific council no longer meets, despite repeated demands by one of its members, [Christian Perrin de Brichambaut](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://documents.irevues.inist.fr/bitstream/handle/2042/51980/meteo%5F1995%5F11%5F8.pdf), general inspector of the National Meteorology Office. A last meeting of the council takes places in 1987.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gildas Bourdais, “From GEPAN to SEPRA: Official UFO Studies in France,” IUR 25, no. 4 \(Winter 2000–2001\): 12– 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6446
### Event 44900 (E8004049)
**Date:** 9/1/1983
**Locations:** Sea of Japan; Moneron Island; Sakhalin Island
**Description:** Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a Soviet interceptor over the Sea of Japan near Moneron Island \(just west of Sakhalin island\) while flying over prohibited Soviet airspace. All 269 passengers and crew aboard are killed, including Rep. [Larry McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry%5FMcDonald) \(D-Ga.\) and president of the anticommunist John Birch Society.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Korean Air Lines Flight 007](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean%5FAir%5FLines%5FFlight%5F007)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6447
### Event 44901 (860C5108)
**Date:** Early 9/1983
**Location:** FRANCE, Champeaux (Dordogne)
**Description:** (Translated from French) First week of September. Around 7 o'clock in the morning, Mr. Puyrabaud, 53 years old, left for the woods next to the hamlet of Mareuil in search of mushrooms. (Note: In France, one must be careful when looking for mushrooms, these events often happen...) Upon arriving in a clearing, he was surprised to see an ovoid craft resting on three legs. The craft had the appearance of a smooth metal of silver color. Each end of the tripod was terminated by a sort of rotating ball. Approaching it, he saw an open panel with a staircase unfolded resting on the ground. The top of the apparatus was surmounted by a dome with windows. The witness did not have the opportunity to further study it in detail, as the panel began to close, folding the staircase with it. The junction was so perfect that it was no longer possible to distinguish the opening. A strange silence had reigned, but a faint humming like that of a small electrical appliance was heard while the craft rose at the same time. Some small lights surrounded the perimeter, somewhat like will-o'-the-wisps. Very quickly, radiations of an intense blue took hold of the ground, preceding the departure of the craft at Mach 5 or Mach 10 or more. Instantly, the place where the object had been placed was covered with frost. An intense cold penetrated Mr. Puyrabaud's body. Abandoning the picking, he returned home to warm up without succeeding. A doctor was called: nothing could give the witness a little internal heat for about ten days. In short, the witness never felt well again and he died in 1986. (1983, Early September)
**Reference:** Document "OVNI", distributed by U.E.C. c/o Claude Chapeau
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3184
### Event 44902 (8F96FF8D)
**Date:** 9/3/1983
**Location:** coastal lake near Wicie, Poland
**Description:** Day. Wiesław Machowski, his daughter, and a friend are fishing in a coastal lake near Wicie, Poland. They notice an orange sphere with another object below it and keep their eyes on it for 30 minutes or so. The larger light emits a smaller one that stops and returns to the bigger one; the sequence keeps repeating. When they return to their boarding house, they see it again but much closer to the coast. Machowski grabs a camera and takes three photos that shows the large object looking like a hat standing on its brim, and the object disappears shortly afterward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 57–58
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6448
### Event 44903 (531BBDF9)
**Date:** 9/11/1983
**Time:** 06:33:13.1
**Location:** 49.8200 78.1180
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1648
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8200 78.1180", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:12 N 78:07:05 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8200,78.1180)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 44904 (E307291A)
**Date:** 9/12/1983
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Saint-Gratien \(Val d'Oise\), observation of 8 parallel beams on the ground and 150 m above the city (12 September, 2 h)
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July, 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1983.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2955
### Event 44905 (9D62003D)
**Date:** 9/14/1983
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** 4 observer(s) / 1 known. Circular dome object sways to and fro. Several laserlike beams going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 192)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14481
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "N.HOLLYWOOD,CA:4 OBS/1 KNOWN:CIRC.DOME OBJ SWAYS TO+FRO:SVRL LASERLIKE BEAMS ↓", **LatLong:** "34.133335 -118.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:08:00 N 118:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.133335,-118.366672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44906 (0495E1E1)
**Date:** 9/18/1983
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a boomerang with lights moved slowly across the sky over Carmel, Putnam County, New York for ten minutes, then banked to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, July 1984, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6074
### Event 44907 (526496BD)
**Date:** 9/19/1983
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** TOMKINS COVE, NY
**Description:** 3 / car. 40' saucer over high-tension lines. Follows car. Humming sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14482
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "123", **HatchDesc:** "TOMKINS COVE,NY:3/CAR:40' SCR OVR HI-TENSION LINES:FOLOS CAR:HUM SOUND", **LatLong:** "41.255558 -73.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:15:20 N 73:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.255558,-73.983337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44908 (6E8E7E9D)
**Date:** 9/19/1983
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. 3 in a car in Tomkins Cove, Rockland County, New York had a close encounter with a 40 foot in diameter, disc-shaped object that was seen over some high tension lines. The UFO followed their car, making a humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1983, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6101
### Event 44909 (75CB8F18)
**Date:** 9/20/1983
**Description:** A fire lookout at Sopelia Tower in Yakima County, Washington spotted a nocturnal light making zigzag maneuvers in the sky at 8:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Greg Long, Examining the Earthlight Theory: The Yakima UFO Microcosm, p. 136
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6151
### Event 44910 (BCC26F5A)
**Date:** 9/21/1983
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2097 -116.2093
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tomme/Midnight Zephyr” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_916
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2097 -116.2093", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:35 N 116:12:33 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2097,-116.2093)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tomme/Midnight Zephyr", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 44911 (DAE5D86D)
**Date:** 9/21/1983
**Time:** 16:24:59.7
**Location:** 37.1130 -116.0430
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Branco” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_917
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1130 -116.0430", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:47 N 116:02:35 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1130,-116.0430)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Branco", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 44912 (71EDD1D9)
**Date:** 9/22/1983
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1056 -116.0494
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Techado” YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_918
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1056 -116.0494", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:20 N 116:02:58 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1056,-116.0494)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Techado", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44913 (5904BE8B)
**Date:** 9/24/1983
**Time:** 05:00:00.0
**Location:** 46.7830 48.3150
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-1” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1649
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.7830 48.3150", **LatLongDMS:** "46:46:59 N 48:18:54 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.7830,48.3150)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.05", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 4-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 44914 (FC0CD5E7)
**Date:** 9/24/1983
**Time:** 05:05:00.0
**Location:** 46.7880 48.2970
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-2” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1650
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.7880 48.2970", **LatLongDMS:** "46:47:17 N 48:17:49 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.7880,48.2970)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.05", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 4-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 44915 (9F0B0CC3)
**Date:** 9/24/1983
**Time:** 05:10:00.1
**Location:** 46.7670 48.3100
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-3” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1651
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.7670 48.3100", **LatLongDMS:** "46:46:01 N 48:18:36 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.7670,48.3100)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.92", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 4-3", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 44916 (6D6D057E)
**Date:** 9/24/1983
**Time:** 05:15:00.1
**Location:** 46.7490 48.3030
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-4” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1652
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.7490 48.3030", **LatLongDMS:** "46:44:56 N 48:18:11 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.7490,48.3030)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.10", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 4-4", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 44917 (0E6ADC5A)
**Date:** 9/24/1983
**Time:** 05:19:59.9
**Location:** 46.7540 48.2890
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-5” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1653
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.7540 48.2890", **LatLongDMS:** "46:45:14 N 48:17:20 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.7540,48.2890)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.95", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 4-5", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 44918 (AB62B736)
**Date:** 9/24/1983
**Time:** 05:25:00.0
**Location:** 46.7660 48.2740
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 4-6” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1654
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.7660 48.2740", **LatLongDMS:** "46:45:58 N 48:16:26 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.7660,48.2740)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.10", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 4-6", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 44919 (0F0F4568)
**Date:** 9/25/1983
**Time:** 13:09:58.2
**Location:** 73.3280 54.5410
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 210KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1655
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3280 54.5410", **LatLongDMS:** "73:19:41 N 54:32:28 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3280,54.5410)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeSource:** "RICHARDS", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "210"
### Event 44920 (E8781737)
**Date:** 9/26/1983
**Locations:** US; Soviet Union
**Description:** Midnight. The Soviet orbital missile early warning system \(SPRN\), code-named Oko, reports a single intercontinental ballistic missile launch from the US. Lt. Col. [Stanislav Petrov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislav%5FPetrov)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanislav%5FPetrov) who is on duty during the incident, correctly dismisses the warning as a computer error when ground early warning radars do not detect any launches. Part of his reasoning is that the system is new and known to have malfunctioned previously; also, a full-scale nuclear attack from the US would involve thousands of simultaneous launches, not a single missile. Later, the system reports four more ICBM launches headed to the Soviet Union, but Petrov again dismisses the reports as false. The investigation that follows reveals that the system indeed has malfunctioned, and false alarms are caused by a rare alignment of sunlight on high-altitude clouds underneath the satellites’ orbits.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1983 Soviet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983%5FSoviet%5Fnuclear%5Ffalse%5Falarm%5Fincident) [nuclear false alarm incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983%5FSoviet%5Fnuclear%5Ffalse%5Falarm%5Fincident)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6449
### Event 44921 (94A8532D)
**Date:** 9/29/1983
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Navata” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_919
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Navata", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 44922 (D66812B4)
**Date:** 10/1983
**Location:** USA, Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 18.6.81) The 4450th Tactical Group was made operational with 18 Corsair IIs (A-7) and 12 Stealth F-117As at Nellis Air Force Base
**Reference:** Gesag, Bulletin No. 96 September 97, p. 3
**Reference:** see 8.5.1986
**Reference:** Toponah Airfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3185
### Event 44923 (75DCB8B2)
**Date:** 10/1983
**Location:** Canada, Lone Island, Whiteshell Provincial Park
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two police officers fishing in the Whiteshell River saw a Bigfoot 8 feet tall on the other side. The next morning they were woken up by their dogs barking at 5:30. They then saw the Bigfoot being attacked by two large wolves. The Bigfoot grabbed them and threw them aside.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 317
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3188
### Event 44924 (E73EA2EB)
**Date:** 10/1983
**Locations:** Duken, Norway; Hessdalen, Norway
**Description:** Odd-Gunnar Røed begins publishing the Project Hessdalen Bulletin in Duken, Norway, in English. It updates readers on the latest sightings of nocturnal lights around Hessdalen, Norway. It continues through April 1985.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Project Hessdalen Bulletin](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/Project%20Hessdalen%20Bulletin%20%28English%20language%29/Project%20Hessdalen%20Bulletin%20-%20Vol%201%20No%201%20-%201983%20No%201.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(October 1983\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6450
### Event 44925 (175FC5FA)
**Date:** 10/1983
**Description:** Flying Saucer Review editor [Gordon Creighton](https://www.ufoinfo.com/news/gordoncreighton.shtml) writes an essay on his beliefs about UFOs, which he thinks are piloted by Islamic jinns.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[A Brief Account of the True Nature of the ‘UFO Entities,’](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201983%20V%2029%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 29, no. 1 \(October 1983\): 2–6; Clark III 499
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6451
### Event 44926 (7F742FDB)
**Date:** 10/1983
**Locations:** Bradford, England; Judy Woods
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. Paula E. Green, 12, undergoes her first abduction experience as she is walking through Judy Woods in Bradford, England, with a 14-year-old friend. It is the first of some 52 further incidents.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daily Star Sunday, May 9, 2021; Nigel Watson, “Fifty-two Shades of Grey: Paula’s Story,” Fortean Times 407 \(July 2021\): 30–31
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6452
### Event 44927 (6BE1F89F)
**Date:** 10/3/1983
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** 9 amateur astronomers. Blue ovoid stops / 200K' altitude. Small objects orbit. / MJ#190.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 384)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14483
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "110", **HatchDesc:** "SPLIT,CROATIA++:9 AM.ASTRONs:BLU OVOID STOPS/200K'alt:SML OBJS ORBIT:/MJ#190", **LatLong:** "43.500002 16.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 16:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,16.466667)", **State/Prov:** "CRO", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 44928 (72AD25ED)
**Date:** 10/3/1983
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** Debbie Jordan abduction again. Shown / half-alien daughter? Mom on hold.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: HOPKINS, Budd: INTRUDERS; Random House 1987; Ballentine PB 1988. (Cathy Davis abds. "Alien daughter" pg. 221)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14484
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:DEBBIE JORDAN ABD AGAIN:SHOWN/HALF-ALIEN DAUGHTER?:MOM ON HOLD", **LatLong:** "39.800002 -86.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:48:00 N 86:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.800002,-86.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 44929 (3AEAAE37)
**Date:** 10/3/1983
**Location:** Indianapolis, IN
**Description:** 2:00 AM. The second Kathy Davis abduction. (Sympap,84) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5638
### Event 44930 (E0A0B8B6)
**Date:** 10/3/1983
**Location:** Split, Croatia
**Description:** 8:00 PM. Nine amateur astronomers sighted at blue ovoid object orbited by smaller objects over Split, Croatia. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, December 1983). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5639
### Event 44931 (4E575790)
**Date:** 10/3/1983
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning Debbie Tomey heard a voice call her in her bedroom at her home in suburban Indianapolis, Indiana. She saw a small ball of light fly through her hallway. Under hypnosis she recalled being drowsy, then being touched by a device clamped to her neck. She saw a short humanoid being, and then experienced an episode of missing time. When she regained consciousness she found herself outside her house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Volume 1: Comparative Study of Abductions, case 195 (episode K
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6534
### Event 44932 (4E4201D7)
**Date:** 10/3/1983
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. nine amateur astronomers sighted at blue ovoid object orbited by smaller objects over Split, Croatia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, December 1983
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6535
### Event 44933 (5BA3318F)
**Date:** 10/4/1983
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** UKRAINE
**Description:** Soviet M-base. UFO's / 4 hours. Missile launch codes enabled! Phony orders!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14485
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **HST:** Historical account, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "UKRAINE:SOV M-BASE:UFOS/4hrs:MISSILE LAUNCH CODES ENABLED!:PHONY ORDERS!", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "14"
### Event 44934 (89F13722)
**Date:** 10/6/1983
**Time:** 01:47:09.1
**Location:** 49.9240 78.7610
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1656
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9240 78.7610", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:26 N 78:45:40 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9240,78.7610)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 44935 (CC682654)
**Date:** 10/6/1983
**Time:** 10:00:00.0
**Location:** 41.5400 88.7200
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1821
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5400 88.7200", **LatLongDMS:** "41:32:24 N 88:43:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5400,88.7200)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.47", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUPC"
### Event 44936 (FFE38879)
**Date:** 10/10/1983
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Venera 15* orbits around [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html), which it will map. (October 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1983.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2956
### Event 44937 (9B111CB6)
**Date:** 10/11/1983
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** COCHRANE, ON
**Description:** Cop and 11. 150' ovoid with blunt end hovers low over road. Silent. 35mph. Spotlights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 386)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14486
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "COCHRANE,ON:COP+11:150'OVOID W/BLUNT END HVRS LO OVR ROAD:SLNT:35mph:SPOTLITES", **LatLong:** "49.016669 -81.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "49:01:00 N 81:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.016669,-81.100004)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44938 (59E00AE5)
**Date:** 10/11/1983
**Description:** An egg-shaped UFO with a one blunt end and one round end and two large spotlights hovered low over a roadway four miles south of Cochrane, Ontario at 6:30 a.m. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, May 1984, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6784
### Event 44939 (1D044D35)
**Date:** 10/13/1983
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** GAFFNEY, SC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 20' x8'SCR whistles going quickly east toward(s) Cherokee nuclear station/depot/facility. / r95v5#3p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 422)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14487
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "234", **HatchDesc:** "GAFFNEY,SC:2 OBS:20'x8'SCR WHISTLES >>E TWRD CHEROKEE NUCL.STN:/r95v5#3p27", **LatLong:** "35.072224 -81.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:04:20 N 81:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.072224,-81.650004)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44940 (3560776E)
**Date:** 10/13/1983
**Location:** Gaffney, SC
**Description:** UFO near Cherokee Nuclear Station (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [831013](http://www.nicap.org/ncp/ncp-cherokee.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5640
### Event 44941 (49EFFBEF)
**Date:** 10/13/1983
**Location:** Altoona, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Catherine Burk is driving to her home in Altoona, Pennsylvania, when she sees a large, silvery disc pass about 30 feet above her car. The force of the UFO lifts the right side of her car briefly off the road, causing her lights to blink out and the engine to stall. She suffers hearing loss in her right ear, has severe headaches, and develops problems with her shoulder, chest, and spine. Local police investigate and find her “visibly shaking.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 232; MUFON UFO Journal, November 1983
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6453
### Event 44942 (DC3A1118)
**Date:** 10/13/1983
**Description:** In Gaffney, South Carolina, a married couple awoke at 12:30 a.m. to the sound of a siren, then witnessed a glowing orange-yellow UFO only twenty feet above their neighbor's house. Dogs barked. The UFO, estimated as the size of Winnebago, had two beams of light coming from the bottom. It crossed some power lines and headed to the east toward the nuclear power plant.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George D. Fawcett case investigations file; UFO Magazine, June 1990, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6815
### Event 44943 (F3CACF98)
**Date:** 10/15/1983
**Location:** USA, near Altoona, PA
**Description:** (Translated from French) A bright, silver disc passed from right to left over a car, after the witnesses heard a loud buzzing sound. The car was lifted, the headlights blinked, and there were physiological effects on the witnesses afterwards.
**Reference:** Jan Aldrich 10/97; Richard Hall, MUFON Journal 192, p14, originally 189-3
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3186
### Event 44944 (A57058E6)
**Date:** 10/15/1983
**Time:** 05:30
**Description:** Bright green blob / light hovers and submerges still aglow. Also 7 October.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FROM OUT OF THE BLUE; Berkley Books, NY 1993 PB 233pp. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14488
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "off SIZEWELL,SUFFOLK:BRITE GRN BLOB/LITE HVRS+SUBMERGES STILL AGLOW:ALSO 7OCT", **LatLong:** "52.116669 1.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:07:00 N 01:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.116669,1.616667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44945 (E50D9F72)
**Date:** 10/15/1983
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** US220 EAST / BELLWOOD, PA
**Description:** 24' saucer going [to] overhead. Car lifted / 1 side / 3 second(s) and dropped! / MJ#189.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14489
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "US220 E/BELLWOOD,PA:24'SCR > OVHD:CAR LIFTED/1 SIDE/3sec+DROPPED!:/MJ#189", **LatLong:** "40.600002 -78.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:36:00 N 78:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.600002,-78.316670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 44946 (D17A7E04)
**Date:** 10/15/1983
**Location:** Altoona, PA
**Description:** Silvery disc passed overhead, right wheels lifted off road; physiological effects. See Section VI (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5641
### Event 44947 (A5039980)
**Date:** 10/15/1983
**Location:** Altoona, PA
**Description:** Silvery disc passed over car, right wheels lifted off road, car lights blinked off and on. Car dropped hard back onto road, engine stalled. Severe physiological effects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_399
### Event 44948 (23D0D150)
**Date:** 10/16/1983
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Venera 16* orbits around [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html), which it will map. (October 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1983.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2957
### Event 44949 (6E175F76)
**Date:** 10/17/1983
**Description:** At 6:50 p.m. an oyster-shaped object passed over a house at 2000 feet altitude in Bedhampton, Hampshire, England. It was described as silent, very bright, with five lights by the two witnesses, two men named Woods and Waters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, July 1984, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6941
### Event 44950 (289B73E6)
**Date:** 10/20/1983
**Description:** Orionid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_400
### Event 44951 (ED7BF1DA)
**Date:** 10/21/1983
**Time:** 11:50
**Description:** Saucer with lights swoops and paces car / 50 min. 2 observer(s). Gone / Cuddingham.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny & Warrington, P.: SCIENCE and the UFO'S; Basil Blackwell, NY 1985 (Index 132)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14490
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "64", **HatchDesc:** "N/SHREWSBURY,SHROPS:SCR W/LITES SWOOPS+PACES CAR/50 MIN:2 OBS:GONE/CUDDINGHAM", **LatLong:** "52.766669 -2.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:46:00 N 02:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.766669,-2.733333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44952 (8BE7ECF3)
**Date:** 10/23/1983
**Location:** Beirut, Lebanon
**Description:** 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombings
**Type:** terrorist attack
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Beirut_barracks_bombings)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_740
### Event 44953 (AA8BC8A6)
**Date:** 10/25/1983
**Location:** Bend, OR
**Description:** 8:00 PM. An experienced sky observer named Kraus at the Pine Mountain Observatory in Bend, Oregon watched a red light, possibly with antennas shoot toward him. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5642
### Event 44954 (33CC6AD8)
**Date:** Late 10/1983
**Location:** Hollesley, East Suffolk, England
**Description:** Evening. Villagers in Hollesley, East Suffolk, England, witness a triangular object with three powerful white lights on its base that illuminate the ground below it. Ron Marco says the lights form a triangle and remain perfectly still, until it moves above his head and other witnesses. Debbie Foreman and Pauline Osborne report headlight and engine trouble when the UFO appears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, pp. 160–161; Stacia Briggs and Siofra Connor, “[Weird Suffolk: Hollesley, the UFO](https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/stories-of-ufo-s-in-hollesley-2447200) [Hotspot,](https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/stories-of-ufo-s-in-hollesley-2447200)” East Anglian Daily Times \(Ipswich\), April 13, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6454
### Event 44955 (F5FD0955)
**Date:** 10/25/1983
**End date:** 10/29/1983
**Locations:** US; Caribbean nations; Grenada
**Description:** The US and a coalition of six Caribbean nations attack the island nation of Grenada. Codenamed Operation Urgent Fury, the intervention results in an American victory in a matter of days. It is triggered by the strife within the People’s Revolutionary Government that results in the house arrest and execution of the previous leader and second Prime Minister of Grenada [Maurice Bishop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice%5FBishop), and the establishment of the Revolutionary Military Council with [Hudson Austin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hudson%5FAustin) as chairman. The invasion results in the appointment of an interim government, followed by democratic elections in 1984, and serves as a tune-up for the US military, which has been out of action for 10 years.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[United States invasion of Grenada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United%5FStates%5Finvasion%5Fof%5FGrenada)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6455
### Event 44956 (54E19763)
**Date:** 10/25/1983
**Description:** An experienced sky observer named Kraus at the Pine Mountain Observatory in Bend, Oregon watched a red light, possibly with antennas shoot toward him at 8:00 p.m. It lit up the area incredibly brightly as it hovered over the observatory,then drifted off toward the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, July 1984, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7133
### Event 44957 (D69A1C78)
**Date:** 10/26/1983
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** NEAR COLUMBUS, GA
**Description:** 3 / car. Silent grey sphere/orb/globe with lights over railroad/railway tracks. 1 rider "euphoric".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14491
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "nr COLUMBUS,GA:3/CAR:SLNT GRY ORB W/LITES OVR RR TRACKS:1 RIDER "EUPHORIC"", **LatLong:** "32.461113 -84.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "32:27:40 N 84:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.461113,-84.966671)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44958 (5A4EE05A)
**Date:** 10/26/1983
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** US321 NORTHWEST / HICKORY, NC
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent diamond-object stops over car / 5 minute(s). Rises and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14492
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "355", **HatchDesc:** "US321 NW/HICKORY,NC:1 OBS:SLNT DIAMOND-OBJ STOPS OVR CAR/5min:RISES+AWAY", **LatLong:** "35.750002 -81.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:45:00 N 81:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.750002,-81.350004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44959 (E0D802F6)
**Date:** 10/26/1983
**Time:** 01:55:07.3
**Location:** 49.9120 78.8280
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1657
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9120 78.8280", **LatLongDMS:** "49:54:43 N 78:49:41 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9120,78.8280)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 44960 (8FAE71DF)
**Date:** 10/26/1983
**Locations:** US Highway 321; Hickory, North Carolina
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. David Keener is driving on US Highway 321 northeast of Hickory, North Carolina, when a diamond-shaped object, red in front, bright green in the rear, hovers low over his car and then rises up again. The observation lasts about 5 minutes and the object is silent throughout. He reports the incident to the sheriff’s department.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, April 1984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6456
### Event 44961 (CF365796)
**Date:** 10/26/1983
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. in Columbus, Georgia three people in a car at Camp McKensie, a Boy Scout camp, had a close encounter near some railroad tracks with a gray spherical object that made no sound. The object approached over the railroad tracks and disappeared. The witnesses first thought it was a train coming. One of the witnesses had a euphoric reaction to the experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jerrold R. Johnson, MUFON UFO Journal, February 1994, p. 18, citing MUFON Field Investigator Jim Maples, case # 931210E
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7162
### Event 44962 (1D893598)
**Date:** 10/26/1983
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. on US. Highway 321 northwest of Hickory, North Carolina a silent, diamond-shaped object stopped a car for 5 minutes, then rose into the sky and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, April 1984
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7163
### Event 44963 (A5ED37E8)
**Date:** 10/26/1983
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. in a rural area of Slaterville, New York a round UFO with 2-3 horizontal rows of windows was sighted on a cloudy night. It had a single revolving light on top, and was the size of a very large room. The minimum distance to the object was only 200 meters, and it was viewed through binoculars. The UFO hovered, and then went behind the hills.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, February 1984, p. 8; UNICAT, case # 300
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7164
### Event 44964 (DC333277)
**Date:** 10/28/1983
**Location:** USA, Croton Falls (Hudson River)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Jim Crooke, a biological chemistry engineer specialized in laser optics for surgery, was returning home to Mahopac (New York). Around 2:15 he was near Croton Falls when he saw bright lights between the trees. These lights were approaching quickly and eventually descended above a small lake used as a water reservoir. The lights went out and the witness saw only a dark triangular shape, stationary about 5 meters above the water. "Then nine red lights lit up on the sides of the triangle. They looked like LED diodes used for digital display. Something came out of the lower part of the object, a red beam of light that seemed to inspect the water, like a probe. Sometimes the object, still silent, projected a "screen" towards the water. And the luminous probe seemed to be behind the screen or inside. If you look through infrared waves, you can see the distortion of the background. It's exactly like that." (October 28, 1983)
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 298
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3187
### Event 44965 (6DDBA60D)
**Date:** 10/28/1983
**Time:** 02:20
**Description:** Engineer. 100' delta/triangle/box-like craft / 15' altitude. Repeatedly probes reservoir with red beam.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14493
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "94", **HatchDesc:** "NW CROTON FALLS,NY:ENGINEER:100'DLT/15'alt:REPEATEDLY PROBES RSVR W/RED BEAM", **LatLong:** "41.366669 -73.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:22:00 N 73:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.366669,-73.683337)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 44966 (CBE0A8EA)
**Date:** 10/28/1983
**Locations:** Croton Falls Reservoir; Mahopac, New York
**Description:** 2:15 a.m. Biomedical engineer Jim Cooke is driving by the Croton Falls Reservoir on his way back to Mahopac, New York, when he sees “aircraft lights” approaching and dropping very fast. Oddly, they seem to hover for a while, then blink out. Cooke gets out of his car, walks toward the shoreline, and spots a triangular object hovering less than 15 feet above the water and 200 feet away. After a few minutes, 9 red lights come on from its sides and a red beam of light from the underside probes the water. The UFO moves to four locations above the reservoir, each time shining the red light on the water and remaining at a steady altitude. Each time a car drives by, its lights go out. Cooke estimates the object is 100 feet long at the base and 30 feet at the apex. After 10–15 minutes, it lifts upward at a 30° angle and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NightSiege 2–4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6457
### Event 44967 (BB5B0EDC)
**Date:** 10/28/1983
**Location:** Ithaca, New York
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Two men are driving in the countryside near Ithaca, New York, looking for signs of deer in order to plan their hunting activities. They see a lighted area low in the sky ahead of them. Through binoculars, they see that the light is cast by a round object with three rows of lighted window panels and an illuminated rotating dome that is bright enough to reflect off the low clouds. They estimate it is 15–25 feet in diameter, It stays visible for about 5 minutes as it moves slowly and noiselessly over the ridge of a hill.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** CUFOS case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6458
### Event 44968 (58A72B97)
**Date:** 10/28/1983
**Description:** At 2:15 a.m. an engineer in Mahopac, New York saw a 100 foot wide delta-shaped UFO repeatedly probe the surface of a lake with a red beam of light. Every time a car passed by the lake the lights on the object went out. The dramatic sighting lasted 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek & Philip Imbrogno, Night Seige, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7251
### Event 44969 (3C46C32D)
**Date:** 10/29/1983
**Time:** 04:40
**Location:** A59 / BLUBBERHOUSES MOOR
**Description:** 2 cops. Large structure with 2 rows / lights maneuvers / hills.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 109)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14494
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "A59/BLUBBERHOUSES MOOR:2 COPS:LRG STRUCTURE W/2 ROWS/LITES MNVRS/HILLS", **LatLong:** "53.983336 -1.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:59:00 N 01:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.983336,-1.716667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44970 (F36766D5)
**Date:** 10/29/1983
**Description:** At 4:40 a.m. two police constables saw a large structured object with two rows of lights maneuvering over hills while driving along the A59 Highway on Blubberhouses Moor, North Yorkshire, England.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Devereax, Earth Lights Revelation, p. 109; Gary Heseltine, Police Reports of UFOs, case # 117, citing the Yorkshire Post
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7285
### Event 44971 (336235A7)
**Date:** 10/31/1983
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Cop and several. Octagon ovoid low over trees and buildings. Hums and hovers and maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 390)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14495
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "71", **HatchDesc:** "ROCHESTER+DOVER,NH:COP+SVRL:OCTAGON OVOID LOW OVR TREES+BLDGS:HUMS+HVRS+MNVRS", **LatLong:** "43.305558 -70.977781", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:20 N 70:58:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.305558,-70.977781)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44972 (4815630D)
**Date:** 10/31/1983
**Location:** Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
**Description:** 5:10 PM. An F-5E interceptor was scrambled by the Brazilian Air Force as many witnesses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil reported a silvery spot maneuvering over city. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5643
### Event 44973 (90FF0339)
**Date:** 10/31/1983
**Description:** An F-5E interceptor was scrambled by the Brazilian Air Force as many witnesses in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil reported a silvery spot maneuvering over city at 5:10 p.m. The official explanation was balloon, but UFO researchers in Brazil don't accept it as plausible.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, APRO Bulletin, July 1984, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7346
### Event 44974 (AB99A042)
**Date:** 10/31/1983
**Description:** Police officer Hamel and several other witnesses observed an octagon-shaped ovoid at 8:30 p.m. low over trees and buildings in Rochester, New Hampshire. It made a humming noise as it hovered and maneuvered for 60 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, September 1984, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7347
### Event 44975 (950D6BE9)
**Date:** 11/1983
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) After much research to find Doctor [Robert Irving Sarbacher](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/scientifiques.html\#SarbacherRobertIrving), investigator [William Steinman](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SteinmanWilliamS.html) managed to locate him and obtain from him a quite astonishing letter, containing the following passage: There were reports indicating that the instruments or persons piloting these machines were also of a very light weight, light enough to escape the terrible effects created by their propulsion system. I remember that while chatting with some people in my office, I was struck by the feeling that these strangers were built like some insects of our Earth \(...\)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1983.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2958
### Event 44976 (7883334E)
**Date:** 11/1983
**Location:** Spencer, IN
**Description:** Dawn. Humanoid report. No details. (Sympap,84) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5644
### Event 44977 (BF8451FD)
**Date:** 11/1983
**Location:** Hessdalen, Norway
**Description:** The Project Hessdalen team goes to Hessdalen, Norway, and explains their project to the locals.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 572
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6459
### Event 44978 (BD8668CE)
**Date:** 11/1983
**Location:** Kola Bay, northern Russia
**Description:** The captain and crew of the Russian diving support vessel Sprut are in Kola Bay, northern Russia, when they observe an ellipsoid object slowly moving over the surface at an altitude of 1,640–3,280 feet for 90 minutes. The object separates into three parts, each of which increases in speed and flies to the west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, p. 145
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6460
### Event 44979 (75A47B59)
**Date:** 11/1/1983
**Time:** 09:40
**Location:** SPRING VALLEY, CA
**Description:** Boy / 15. Dull 14' x5' perfect cylinder/cylindrical object / several sharp turns / low altitude. Going quickly [to] WNW.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14496
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "SPRING VALLEY,CA:BOY/15:DULL 14'x5' PERFECT CYL/SVRL SHARP TURNS/LO ALT:>>WNW", **LatLong:** "32.733335 -117.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "32:44:00 N 117:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.733335,-117.000006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 44980 (5565BE9C)
**Date:** 11/1/1983
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** VALE DAS VELHAS, BRZ
**Description:** Fireball hums and lights area. Man levitated. 2nd observer(s) pulls 1st going down. Sick / 1 Yr.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14497
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "630", **HatchDesc:** "VALE das VELHAS,BRZ:FBL HUMS+LITES AREA:MAN LVTD:2nd OBS PULLS 1st↓:SICK/1 YR", **LatLong:** "-19.000001 -44.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "19:00:00 S 44:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.000001,-44.000002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44981 (4896AF74)
**Date:** 11/1/1983
**Description:** A cylindrical object with an "eye" or window, 14 feet long, was seen maneuvering and tumbling low to the ground over a neighborhood in Spring Valley, California at 9:40 a.m. by a 15-year-old teenager. The lights and an electric fan went off once or twice during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, June 1984, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7396
### Event 44982 (3D0CF3CC)
**Date:** 11/1/1983
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a fiery ball was seen humming and lighting the area around Vale das Velhas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. A man was levitated by the UFO, but a second witness pulled the first witness away from an apparent abduction. Nevertheless, he was sick for a full year after the event.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 50
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7397
### Event 44983 (4E93D9D3)
**Date:** 11/2/1983
**Location:** China, in flight, in the north
**Description:** (Translated from French) At an altitude of 12000 meters, a mysterious object fell from the sky, breaking off part of the tail of a Chinese military aircraft, which nevertheless was able to land safely.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 321
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3189
### Event 44984 (6C36F50E)
**Date:** 11/2/1983
**Time:** 04:18:54.0
**Location:** 49.7792 78.1247
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1658
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7792 78.1247", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:45 N 78:07:29 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7792,78.1247)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 44985 (3BAED907)
**Date:** 11/7/1983
**Location:** Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK
**Description:** Police Sgt Tony Dodd's Experience (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5645
### Event 44986 (E2B468DB)
**Date:** 11/7/1983
**End date:** 11/11/1983
**Locations:** Casteau, Belgium; Western Europe
**Description:** NATO carries out a command post exercise code-named Able Archer 83. Its purpose is to simulate a period of conflict escalation, culminating in the US military attaining a simulated DEFCON 1 coordinated nuclear attack. Coordinated from the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe \(SHAPE\) headquarters in Casteau, Belgium, it involves NATO forces throughout Western Europe. The Soviet leadership is concerned that this could be a ruse for an actual US nuclear strike and moves to a high alert. Historians such as [Thomas Blanton](https://www.wilsoncenter.org/person/thomas-blanton), director of the National Security Archive, and [Tom Nichols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%5FNichols%5F%28academic%29), a professor at the Naval War College, argue that Able Archer 83 brought the world close to a nuclear war.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Able Archer 83](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Able%5FArcher%5F83)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6461
### Event 44987 (E3E7EC0A)
**Date:** 11/11/1983
**Location:** Brazil, Parnarama-Cajneiro
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 3:30am, a farm employee who was riding a bicycle suddenly saw a very large, vaguely luminous figure with bright green reflections on the road in front of him. At that moment, his bicycle stopped. No matter what he did, he was unable to make it move. The being moved towards the witness. As it advanced, it became larger and thinner. It stopped and assumed a strange position, placing its right foot over its left knee, its right hand on its left shoulder and its right arm extended in the air. Having done this, it simply vanished and disappeared on the spot. The witness was so shaken that he refused to speak to anyone about the incident. It was only a year later that he agreed to be interviewed.
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee: "Confrontations" Laffont 1991, p. 255, 256
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3190
### Event 44988 (FE2D0E67)
**Date:** 11/11/1983
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** Glowing fatman grows tall and thin. Odd posture. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CONFRONTATIONS, A Scientists Search..; Ballentine Books, NY 1990+91.PB (Index 181)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14498
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "CAJNEIRO,MARANHAO,BRZ:GLOWING FATMAN GROWS TALL+THIN:ODD POSTURE:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "-5.066667 -42.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "05:04:00 S 42:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.066667,-42.750002)", **State/Prov:** "MRN", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 44989 (A6EE3E6A)
**Date:** 11/18/1983
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; Philippines; Panama; Mexico; Medellin
**Description:** The National Endowment for Democracy is founded in Washington, D.C. It is managed by such individuals as [Henry Kissinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry%5FKissinger), [Sally Shelton-Colby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally%5FShelton-Colby), [Barbara Haig](https://www.ned.org/experts/barbara-haig/), and others. Although furnished with $80 million in funding from Congress, its private status keeps it safe from FOIA requests. Among its programs are: destabilizing [Ferdinand Marcos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdinand%5FMarcos) in the Philippines and [Manuel Noriega](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel%5FNoriega) in Panama; supporting the Nazi PAN party in Mexico; channeling money to the Contras; and supporting operatives in the Medellin drug cartel.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[National Endowment for Democracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FEndowment%5Ffor%5FDemocracy)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6462
### Event 44990 (FE8F640D)
**Date:** 11/20/1983
**Time:** 03:27:06.9
**Location:** 50.0550 78.9970
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1659
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.0550 78.9970", **LatLongDMS:** "50:03:18 N 78:59:49 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.0550,78.9970)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 44991 (32675CAE)
**Date:** 11/22/1983
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** SEAL BEACH, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Odd lone cloud drops black globs. Rises. Divides. Over naval center.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14499
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SEAL BEACH,CA:2 OBS:ODD LONE CLOUD DROPS BLK GLOBS:RISES:DIVIDES:ovr NAVAL Ctr", **LatLong:** "33.738890 -118.105561", **LatLongDMS:** "33:44:20 N 118:06:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.738890,-118.105561)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 44992 (DA8F8DF3)
**Date:** 11/26/1983
**Location:** Indianapolis, IN
**Description:** Evening. Humanoid Report, one witness. (SYMP84) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5647
### Event 44993 (946B5A99)
**Date:** 11/27/1983
**Description:** A bedroom visitation with paralysis occurred on this night to four-year-old Robbie Tomey in his home in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana. He reported that a little man with a big head had been in his room in the predawn hours. He had lights around his head, and the boy was unable to move. The entity spoke without moving its mouth, and "he told me he wanted to take Casey [his brother]." He left through the closet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case # 195M, citing Budd Hopkins, MUFON UFO Conference Proceedings 1984, p. 179
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7971
### Event 44994 (0D13B35E)
**Date:** 11/28/1983
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The *Columbia* shuttle carries the first European laboratory *Spacelab*. (November 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1983.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2959
### Event 44995 (78BE77C0)
**Date:** 11/28/1983
**Time:** 08:40
**Location:** WINSTON-SALEM, NC
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Large fireball drops 3 small objects / swamp. Goes over lake. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14500
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "274", **HatchDesc:** "WINSTON-SALEM,NC:4 OBS:LRG FBL DROPS 3 SML OBJs/SWAMP:GOES OVR LAKE:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "36.083335 -80.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "36:05:00 N 80:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.083335,-80.233337)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44996 (ED042BCC)
**Date:** 11/28/1983
**Location:** Winston-Salem, North Carolina
**Description:** 8:40 p.m. A woman in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, notices a ball of light approaching her. She goes inside to get her boyfriend and two children. They watch the light approach to within 400 feet, where it hovers at treetop level. It appears to be half the size of the house. Three smaller objects come from behind it and travel southeast, apparently landing in a swampy area near a manufacturing plant. The woman and children run toward the object on foot, while the boyfriend jumps in a car to pursue it. At one point he sees the object hovering above a small lake less than 200 feet away. But within seconds it vanishes. All four witnesses later experience eye irritation, and the boyfriend’s face and hands turn red and feel sore.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, April 1984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6463
### Event 44997 (DAC45E6D)
**Date:** 11/29/1983
**Location:** US
**Description:** Dr. Robert I Sarbacher, consultant US Research and Development Board and President and Chairman of the Board, Washington Institute of Technology, in a letter to Dr. William I. Steinman states that Frank Scully’s book (“Behind the Flying Saucers”) story is true and persons definitely involved in operations of recovered saucers were John von Neuman and Dr. Vannever Bush. Also, Dr. Sarbacher thought that Robert Oppenheimer was also involved. Dr. Sarbacher had been invited by President Eisenhower to attend several discussions associated with the reported recoveries, but was unable to attend them. He did receive Special Reports on the recoveries at the Pentagon but was instructed NOT to remove them from his office.
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (A2, ["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p525, B1-G p49)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_741
### Event 44998 (9A34F6BC)
**Date:** 11/29/1983
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** GRANTHAM, NC
**Description:** 1 observer. Low rumble. Green 10' ball near home. Light goes out as noise stops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14501
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "51", **HatchDesc:** "GRANTHAM,NC:1 OBS:LOW RUMBLE:GRN 10'BALL nr HOME:LITE GOES OUT as NOISE STOPS", **LatLong:** "35.300002 -78.122226", **LatLongDMS:** "35:18:00 N 78:07:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.300002,-78.122226)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 44999 (83872B87)
**Date:** 11/29/1983
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1660
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 45000 (644CB2C7)
**Date:** 11/29/1983
**Time:** 02:19:08.8
**Location:** 49.7390 78.1050
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1661
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7390 78.1050", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:20 N 78:06:18 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7390,78.1050)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45001 (1480F1F0)
**Date:** 11/29/1983
**Description:** [Robert Sarbacher](http://www.noufors.com/Dr%5FRobert%5FSarbacher.htm) replies to a query by UFO researcher [William S. Steinman](https://rr0.org/people/s/SteinmanWilliamS.html) about crash-retrievals in the late 1940s. He confirms he was “invited to participate in several discussions associated with the reported recoveries” of UFOs, although he was unable to attend the meetings. He described the retrieved saucer material as “extremely light and very tough,” and he had heard that the aliens “were constructed like certain insects we have on Earth.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dolan II 320; Good Above, [pp. 525–526](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/524/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6464
### Event 45002 (69B7CB7D)
**Date:** 11/29/1983
**Description:** A letter from Robert I Sarbacher, physicist who consulted to the DOD Research and Development Board (RDB) in the 1950s, states he had no direct association with people involved in the “recovery” of UAP, but he believes John von Neuman was “definitely” involved, as was Vannevar Bush and Robert Oppenheimer.
Sarbacher states his work with RDB was limited but he heard “certain materials reported to have come from flying saucer crashes were extremely light and tough,” and were likely analyzed by US laboratories very carefully. Sarbacher also states the “people” operating these machines were also reportedly very lightweight, possible “aliens” constructed like insects here on Earth, according to rumors he heard.
* [https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/alien.ufo/Sarbacher%20to%20Steinman%20Memo%20sarbacher-steinman-29nov83.pdf](https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/alien.ufo/Sarbacher%20to%20Steinman%20Memo%20sarbacher-steinman-29nov83.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_208
### Event 45003 (F8F1A57A)
**Date:** 12/1983
**Location:** Chile, north of...
**Description:** (Translated from French) Marisol Espinoza Fica, 22 years old, was driving late at night 1500 km north of Santiago, on a mountain road. Suddenly, she declared, her vehicle was sucked up by a powerful force coming from a round object floating in the air and surrounded by violet lights. The car having been deposited by the craft a few meters away from a ravine and the engine refusing to start, the young woman was forced to make a long walk to get back home. With her father she went to the police station to make a deposition and when they left, both stunned, they observed the disk in the sky again. "An enormous craft" specified the father, overwhelmed.
**Reference:** Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials". - Presses de la Cité 1992, p. 33, 34
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3191
### Event 45004 (B253BBC3)
**Date:** 12/1983
**Locations:** Groombridge; East Sussex; England
**Description:** A witness walking his dogs at Sherlocks Farm in Groombridge, East Sussex, England, sees a triangular UFO with an orange light at each apex. It makes a low droning sound as it passes by.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 137
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6465
### Event 45005 (1F3EAC06)
**Date:** 12/2/1983
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). Silent group / night lights going northwest. Possible attached / invisible cylinder/cylindrical object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 397)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14502
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BIELSKO Prov,POLAND:MANY SEP.OBS:SLNT GRP/NLTS >NW:POSS.ATTACHED/INVSBL CYL", **LatLong:** "49.750002 19.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:00 N 19:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.750002,19.000001)", **State/Prov:** "BLS", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 45006 (EC59C26D)
**Date:** 12/2/1983
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** 35M airship with strong lights northwest going southeast / 300M altitude. Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 389)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14503
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Czech and Slovak Republics", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KARLOVY VARY,CZK+WIDE AREA:35M AIRSHIP W/STRONG LITES NW>SE/300M alt:SLNT", **LatLong:** "50.216669 12.900001", **LatLongDMS:** "50:13:00 N 12:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.216669,12.900001)", **State/Prov:** "KLV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45007 (55CDF4FA)
**Date:** 12/2/1983
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Silent group / square night lights going northwest / 1500M altitude. Spiral trail?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 397)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14504
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "OPOLE+BRZEG,POLAND:SEP.OBS:SLNT GRP/SQUARE NLTS >NW/1500M alt:SPIRAL TRAIL?", **LatLong:** "50.666669 17.950001", **LatLongDMS:** "50:40:00 N 17:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.666669,17.950001)", **State/Prov:** "OPL", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45008 (C143085B)
**Date:** 12/2/1983
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Group / silent night lights now going northeast. 1 shines strong beam going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 397)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14505
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SKIERNIEWICE+WARSAW,POL:SEP.OBS:GRP/SLNT NLTS NOW >NE:1 SHINES STRONG BEAM ↓", **LatLong:** "51.961114 20.144445", **LatLongDMS:** "51:57:40 N 20:08:40 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.961114,20.144445)", **State/Prov:** "SKR", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45009 (1B6B6359)
**Date:** 12/2/1983
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** MINSK, BELARUS
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). 7 luminous/glowing globes circle city / V-formation. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 448)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14506
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belorus", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MINSK,BELARUS:100s/OBS:7 LUMn GLOBES CIRCLE CITY/V-FORMATION:NFD", **LatLong:** "53.900003 27.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "53:54:00 N 27:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.900003,27.583335)", **State/Prov:** "MIN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45010 (2AF9F1FB)
**Date:** 12/3/1983
**Time:** 16:58:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Linos” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1967
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Linos", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 45011 (CA70CC30)
**Date:** 12/7/1983
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CEDARBURG, WI
**Description:** 1+2 kids. Huge "wok" stops 60m overhead. Windows fog up on departure.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14507
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "241", **HatchDesc:** "CEDARBURG,WI:1+2 KIDS:HUGE "WOK" STOPS 60m OVHD:WINDOWS FOG UP ON DEPARTURE", **LatLong:** "43.283335 -88.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:17:00 N 88:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.283335,-88.000004)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45012 (3CE5D40C)
**Date:** 12/7/1983
**Time:** 17:28:00.3
**Location:** -21.8290 -138.9280
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Gyges” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1968
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8290 -138.9280", **LatLongDMS:** "21:49:44 S 138:55:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8290,-138.9280)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.89", **NukeName:** "Gyges", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 45013 (F0580375)
**Date:** 12/7/1983
**Location:** Pioneer Road exit off I-43 near Cedarburg, Wisconsin
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A woman and her son and daughter stop at the Pioneer Road exit off I-43 near Cedarburg, Wisconsin, to watch a brightly lit object silently descend and maneuver in front of them for 5–6 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “[UFO Hotline Reports,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 1 \(Feb./March 1984\): 5; Richard Heiden, Jeffrey Paul, and Donald Schmitt, “CE-I with an ‘Orgy’ of Lights,” IUR 9, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1984\): 8–9, 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6466
### Event 45014 (A4E10DC4)
**Date:** 12/9/1983
**Time:** 16:00:00.4
**Location:** 36.9800 -116.0200
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Muggins” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_920
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.9800 -116.0200", **LatLongDMS:** "36:58:48 N 116:01:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.9800,-116.0200)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Muggins", **NukeSource:** "ISC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45015 (17C44AAD)
**Date:** 12/12/1983
**Location:** Byron, IL
**Description:** A triangular flying object was sighted by three men. It moved erratically and made no sound. It had blinking red and white lights. Its erratic path was detected on FAA radar at the Greater Rockford, Illinois airport. (Source: APRO Bulletin, September 1984, p. 8). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5648
### Event 45016 (1CE1D5CD)
**Date:** 12/12/1983
**Location:** Byron, Illinois
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Mike and Jeff Goodwin and Robert Blanchard are driving in Byron, Illinois, when they see a triangular “falling star” that starts moving horizontally at treetop level. At one point it seems to nearly collide with a similar object. They both have blinking red and white lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Doris and Joe Graziano, “[Press Reports,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201984%2009%2000%20-%20Vol%2032%20No%206.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 32, no. 6 \(September 1984\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6467
### Event 45017 (A1FD7E70)
**Date:** 12/12/1983
**Description:** A triangular flying object was sighted over Byron, Illinois by three men. It moved erratically and made no sound. It had blinking red and white lights. Its erratic path was detected on FAA radar at the Greater Rockford, Illinois airport.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September 1984, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8362
### Event 45018 (67732952)
**Date:** 12/14/1983
**Location:** CHAPECO, BRZ
**Description:** A. Tasca abducted / small humanoids (or Greys). Odd burns and marks / body. Telepathy = "you'll never forget".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS - the Mystery Solved; Inner Light, NJ 1988. (Index 142)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14508
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "617", **HatchDesc:** "CHAPECO,BRZ:A.TASCA ABDd/OIDS:ODD BURNS+MARKS/BODY:TLP="YOU'LL NEVER FORGET"", **LatLong:** "-27.100001 -52.600003", **LatLongDMS:** "27:06:00 S 52:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.100001,-52.600003)", **State/Prov:** "STC", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45019 (419C4C0F)
**Date:** 12/14/1983
**Locations:** Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil; 4 miles north of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Realtor Antônio Nelso Tasca is driving about 4 miles north of Chapecó, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when he feels compelled to turn onto a dirt road. After about 5 minutes he encounters a white and green object like a bus about 33 feet long and 10 feet high in the road ahead. He stops 100 feet from it, turns off the headlights and engine, and walks toward it. It has 10 squarish windows and is floating just above the ground. A few feet away he begins to feel heat and decides to return to his car. Suddenly a beam of white-red light strikes him and somehow pulls him toward the object. He wakes up inside the UFO and an abduction scenario takes place, compete with sex with a light-haired alien female who says her name is Cabala. She gives him a message warning that continued deployment of nuclear weapons will lead to bad things for Earth. Tasca wakes up around 6:00 a.m. at a different spot from where he had the encounter. A medical examination reveals a strange burn on his ribs and other odd marks on his backbone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brazil 303–311; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1983-12-14-brazil-chapeco.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1983-12-14-brazil-chapeco.htm) March 15, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6468
### Event 45020 (A55EEF58)
**Date:** 12/15/1983
**Location:** Glasgow, Scotland
**Description:** 6:25 AM. Mr. Coventry reported seeing a fog in which all sounds stopped. A gray flying object the shape of a railroad car, but with a convex curved roof, then appeared, making crackling and humming sounds. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5650
### Event 45021 (F337076D)
**Date:** 12/15/1983
**Description:** In 1983 Mr. Coventry in Glasgow, Scotland reported seeing a fog at 6:25 a.m. in which all sounds stopped. A gray flying object the shape of a railroad car, but with a convex curved roof, then appeared, making crackling and humming sounds. The UFO had three porthole-shaped windows in the side, and what appeared to be a yellow smoke swirled around in the interior of the object. It shot up into the sky and was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The secret history of Scotland’s UFO phenomenon, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8426
### Event 45022 (713C87B2)
**Date:** 12/16/1983
**Time:** 18:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1405 -116.0721
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Romano” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_921
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1405 -116.0721", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:26 N 116:04:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1405,-116.0721)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Romano", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45023 (B1168E4C)
**Date:** 12/20/1983
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** RIVERSIDE, CA
**Description:** 1 / car. 18cm sphere with pegs protruding buzzes car / eye level closely!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14509
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "253", **HatchDesc:** "RIVERSIDE,CA:1/CAR:18cm SPHERE W/PEGS PROTRUDING BUZZES CAR/EYE LEVEL CLOSELY!", **LatLong:** "33.933335 -117.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:56:00 N 117:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.933335,-117.400006)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45024 (CB4B2EBE)
**Date:** 12/20/1983
**Location:** Riverside, CA
**Description:** 5:30 PM. Witness driving in Riverside had his car buzzed by a 7" wide sphere that had pegs protruding from it. It flew by the car at eye level. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, December 1983, p. 4). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5651
### Event 45025 (685AFF56)
**Date:** 12/20/1983
**Description:** A witness driving in Riverside, California at 5:30 p.m. had his car buzzed by a 7” wide sphere that had pegs protruding from it. It flew by the car at eye level.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, December 1983, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8542
### Event 45026 (B0A300F8)
**Date:** 12/26/1983
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** OMAHA, NE
**Description:** Several observer(s). Silent 3' square object. X pattern / lights. Going down [to] between 2 buildings then flies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14510
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "312", **HatchDesc:** "OMAHA,NE:SVRL OBS:SLNT 3'SQR OBJ:X PATTERN/LITES:↓ BTWN 2 BLDGS THEN FLIES", **LatLong:** "41.250002 -95.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:15:00 N 95:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.250002,-95.966671)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45027 (F35E8367)
**Date:** 12/26/1983
**Time:** 04:29:09.3
**Location:** 49.8040 78.0980
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1662
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8040 78.0980", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:14 N 78:05:53 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8040,78.0980)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45028 (ECB358CE)
**Date:** 12/27/1983
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** 1+1 observer(s). Small disk lands / empty Lot. Similar object lands / cornfield.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14511
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:1+1 OBS:SML DISK LANDS/EMPTY LOT::SIMILAR OBJ LANDS/CORNFIELD", **LatLong:** "39.783335 -86.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:47:00 N 86:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.783335,-86.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45029 (B99E2F45)
**Date:** 12/27/1983
**Location:** Indianapolis, IN
**Description:** 10:30 PM. A small disc-shaped object with eight bright green lights descended from the sky and landed in an open field across the street from the home of the witness. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5652
### Event 45030 (86C2F17C)
**Date:** 12/27/1983
**Location:** Indianapolis, Indiana
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A small disc-shaped object with eight green lights lands in an open field across the street from the home of a witness in Indianapolis, Indiana. After 10 seconds, the lights go out. The witness continues to watch from her home for an hour before retiring.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “[UFO Hotline Reports,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 1 \(Feb./March 1984\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6469
### Event 45031 (57EAD371)
**Date:** 12/30/1983
**Locations:** Illinois Highway 70; Eddie Road; Rockford, Illinois
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Four witnesses are driving along Illinois Highway 70 near Eddie Road about 8 miles northwest of Rockford, Illinois, when a red domed-shaped object emerges from what looks like an explosion and moves to the south. It vanishes when it reaches an unusual configuration of parallel stars.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Letter,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1984\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6470
## Year: 1984, 513 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 45032 (42059308)
**Date:** 1984
**Location:** US
**Description:** From the Air Traffic Controllers Manual: Controllers MUST report UFOs immediately to AIS (Military), LATCC. A completed report MUST be sent to MOD (AFOR). A list of phone numbers and locations is shown in the directory at Appendix H.
**Type:** manual
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p458)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_742
### Event 45033 (D411F144)
**Date:** 1984
**Location:** Area-51
**Description:** USAF seizes 89,000 acres of public land adjacent to Groom Lake
**Type:** land seizure
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_743
### Event 45034 (197E60A3)
**Date:** 1984 (approximate)
**Location:** PHILIPPINES, Leyte Island, Ormoc
**Description:** (Translated from French) Children reported seeing "bulbous human-like" beings coming out of a large spacecraft that had landed in Ormoc, in the west of Leyte Island. It was impossible not to give importance to the testimonies of these children who all gave an identical description. (1984, exact date unspecified)
**Reference:** Ufo Roundup vol. 5 no. 39, 2000
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3217
### Event 45035 (019934B6)
**Date:** 1984
**Location:** Icacos Trinidad and Tobago
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : 0400A – A 70-year old man driving back from his plantation suddenly felt a presence in the passenger side of his vehicle and at the same time he smelled a sweet perfume like fragrance. He looked at the seat and was astonished to see the seat being pressed down as if someone, unseen, was sitting there. Soon an image of a beautiful woman became visible. She wore a beautiful translucent dress and had long black hair. In apparent telepathic communication the woman apparently tried to seduce the elderly man. At this point the elderly witness looked down at the woman's feet and was stunned to see one normal leg and another leg with goat like hoofs. At this time the terrified witness began screaming at the bizarre entity and ran the vehicle off the road. Glancing to the passenger set he found that the strange entity had vanished.
**Reference:** Personal Communication – The Humanoid Contact Database 1984 by Alberto Rosales
**Reference:** It seems that this type of report is a worldwide phenomena, and cannot be dismissed.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3231
### Event 45036 (589111F3)
**Date:** 1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Thousands of witnesses report the presence of huge, silent objects hovering above Westchester Wing, in the Hudson Valley \(New York State\), with rotating lights. Among these witnesses are meteorologists, journalists and even police officers. Yet the authorities claim that the phenomenon observed is limited to a few planes in formation. The video footage shot that day by local residents challenge the official version of events.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2960
### Event 45037 (D94FD28F)
**Date:** 1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The UFO observed above Sao Paulo. See images/SaoPaulo2.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2961
### Event 45038 (83625BF2)
**Date:** 1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Death of [Gordon Gray](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GrayGordonL.html), last living member of the first class of [MJ-12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MJ-12.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2962
### Event 45039 (DFB829E5)
**Date:** 1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) According to some theses, [MJ-12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MJ-12.html) realizes its mistake in trusting the extraterrestrials.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2963
### Event 45040 (A5618FCC)
**Date:** 1984
**Location:** Hessdalen Valley, Norway
**Description:** Hessdalen Valley, Norway, G,V, numerous (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5653
### Event 45041 (F2308E89)
**Date:** 1984
**Location:** Rockdale, TX
**Description:** Aggressive dogs become uneasy in presence of red light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [840000](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-840000.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5654
### Event 45042 (9445A975)
**Date:** 1984
**Location:** Idaho
**Description:** Daniel Kagan and [Ian Summers](https://www.bethlehemhousegallery.com/artists/ian-summers/) publish a 500-page book titled Mute Evidence, arguing that animal mutilations are a made-up mystery. Only veterinary pathologists, not regular veterinarians, are truly qualified to determine the cause of an animal’s death, they write. They do admit there are some real mutilations of two kinds: copycat incidents where pranksters cut up the bodies of already dead cattle, and ritualistic killings by cult members. The latter incidents occur mostly in Idaho.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daniel Kagan and Ian Summers, Mute Evidence, Bantam, 1984; Clark III 140–141
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6471
### Event 45043 (2F2A28F3)
**Date:** 1984
**Location:** UK
**Description:** UK researcher [Hilary Evans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary%5FEvans) publishes Visions, Apparitions, Alien Visitors, which equates a wide range of entity experiences, including UFO events, and explains them all as psychosocial manifestations because percipients psychologically need them for some reason. He follows up with a sequel in 1987.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hilary Evans, Visions, Apparitions, Alien Visitors, Aquarian, 1984; Hilary Evans, Gods, Spirits, Cosmic Guardians, Aquarian, 1987; Clark III 943–945
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6472
### Event 45044 (E5729592)
**Date:** 1984
**Description:** UFO Research Australia is formed as an informal information-exchanging network.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 34
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6473
### Event 45045 (69CC3480)
**Date:** 1984
**Location:** Reseda neighborhood of Los Angeles, California
**Description:** A Hispanic male living in the Reseda neighborhood of Los Angeles, California, encounters odd lights in his house and missing time. Although not his first abduction experience, his memories are uncovered through hypnosis sessions conducted by parapsychologist [D. Scott Rogo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.%5FScott%5FRogo), who gives him the pseudonym of “Sammy Desmond.” The case is significant for the marks on the witness’s body and the many sexual elements of the story.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** D. Scott Rogo, “The Abduction of Sammy Desmond,” IUR 12, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1987\): 4–13, reprinted by Aileen Garoutte, “[The Abduction of Sammy Desmond](http://ufoexperiences.blogspot.com/2005/07/abduction-of-sammy-desmond.html)” and “[The Abduction of Sammy Desmond, Final,](http://ufoexperiences.blogspot.com/2005/07/abduction-of-sammy-desmond-final.html)” UFOexperiences, July 5 and 7, 2005
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6474
### Event 45046 (4FAFBB32)
**Date:** 1984
**Locations:** Tonopah Test Range, Nevada; Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico
**Description:** The F-117 completes testing at Tonopah Test Range in Nevada and begins formal operations under the 4450th Tactical Group. The 4450th is absorbed by the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing in 1989. In 1992, the entire fleet is transferred to Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, under the command of the 49th Fighter Wing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FF-117%5FNighthawk)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6475
### Event 45047 (08BFB132)
**Date:** 1984
**Locations:** Santa Maria Air Force Base; Rio de Janeiro; Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Curitiba; Santa Maria
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Col. Marcelo Hecksher of the 1st Squadron of the 10th Aviation Group \(Poker Squadron\) is flying back to Santa Maria Air Force Base from Rio de Janeiro. When he begins descent preparations over the city of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, he notices a strong, slightly bluish light on his right. Radar in Curitiba and Santa Maria do not have it on their scopes. The light then accelerates forward, rises, and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 207–208; Brazil 557–559
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6476
### Event 45048 (2D9F9E01)
**Date:** 1984
**Locations:** Astrakhan, Russia; Caspian Sea; Krasnovodsk [now Türkmenbaşy], Turkmenistan
**Description:** An antiaircraft defense system near Astrakhan, Russia, tracks a spherical object flying along the Caspian Sea coast at 6,500 feet. It does not respond to radio contact. Two fighters are scrambled but they fail to catch up with it. When the pilots fire at the UFO, it descends to 325 feet. When it approaches Krasnovodsk \[now Türkmenbaşy\], Turkmenistan, a helicopter gunship is scrambled to make another attempt to shoot the object, which then ascends to a height beyond the copter’s capabilities. The UFO then heads for the Caspian Sea and disappears from sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vadim K. Ilyin, “[KGB’s ‘Blue Folder’ Reveals Shootings, Landings in USSR,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2001/11/November%202001.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 403 \(November 2001\): 8; “[KGB Blue Folder,](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread180878/pg1)” Above Top Secret forum, November 1, 2005; Good Need, [pp. 353–](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/352/mode/2up) [354](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/352/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6477
### Event 45049 (8C54338E)
**Date:** 1984
**End date:** 1985
**Description:** Technical Sgt. John W. Mills III, of the 394th Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Test Maintenance Squadron at Vandenberg AFB, states he was shown a highly classified film of three Minuteman III dummy warheads (Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry Vehicles, MIRVs) in flight during a test at Vandenberg. On the film, a small white object maneuvered near the warheads; two of them disappeared, one of them splashed down at the target site. Mills states contractors at Rockwell Autonetics Division, Space Data Corp, or Lockheed (he wouldn’t specify to protect their identity) showed him the film.
Mills also states he heard secondhand that a similar situation occurred with Peacekeeper missile tests in late 1984 or 1985. Contractors told Mills a light beam coming from space hit three of the five missiles. He did not see the footage because his clearance had been lowered at that point.
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercepting-dummy-nuclear-warheads-during-test-flights](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercepting-dummy-nuclear-warheads-during-test-flights)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_216
### Event 45050 (0BD778F9)
**Date:** 1/1984
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** PILANSBERG, RSA
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). 200M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 3 minute(s) 150M away. Turns going quickly south and away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14512
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PILANSBERG,RSA:2+1 OBS:200M CGR HVRS/3min 150M away:TURNS >>S+AWAY XFAST", **LatLong:** "-25.250001 27.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "25:15:00 S 27:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.250001,27.250001)", **State/Prov:** "TRV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45051 (2E84699E)
**Date:** 1/1984
**End date:** 2/1984
**Location:** Hessdalen Valley, near Roros, Norway
**Description:** Numerous sightings, radar trackings, photographs by scientific field team with instruments
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_401
### Event 45052 (BDC2EE78)
**Date:** 1/1984
**Locations:** Hessdalen valley, Norway; Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
**Description:** Project Hessdalen sends out a report form to 3,300 households in and around Hessdalen valley, Norway. January — Seven oil field workers in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, see a silvery disc flying at a high altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stars and Stripes, January 28, 1984; “U.S. Armed Forces Publication Tells of Lebanon UFO,” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 2 \(April/May 1984\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6478
### Event 45053 (7E691E5C)
**Date:** 1/1984
**Location:** Guildford, Surrey, England
**Description:** A luminous triangle preceded by a flashing light passes over Guildford, Surrey, England, silently moving to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 137
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6479
### Event 45054 (C36090C7)
**Date:** 1/3/1984
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). Ovoid 15' over Lake Michigan. 3 portholes. Turns 1 / min. Going southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14513
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "176", **HatchDesc:** "PORT WASHINGTON,WI:2+1 OBS:OVOID 15'OVR LAKE MICHIGAN:3 PORTHs:TURNS 1/min:>SE", **LatLong:** "43.388891 -87.877782", **LatLongDMS:** "43:23:20 N 87:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.388891,-87.877782)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45055 (43E109B8)
**Date:** 1/3/1984
**Location:** Lake Michigan, MI
**Description:** 4:14 AM. An ovoid UFO flew low over Lake Michigan and was sighted by three women in Port Washington, Wisconsin. The UFO had three portholes. (Source: Donald R. Schmitt, International UFO Reporter, March-April 1984, p. 3). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5655
### Event 45056 (D812C745)
**Date:** 1/3/1984
**Locations:** Port Washington, Wisconsin; Lake Michigan
**Description:** 4:14 a.m. A woman wakes up in her home near Port Washington, Wisconsin, when a bright light shines through the bedroom window. She sees a strange object with three circular lights in a fixed position about 50 feet from the shore of Lake Michigan. The center light, as bright as a searchlight, rotates north, casting an illumination on the water, which is seen to be turbulent. All three lights are rotating clockwise around a 30-foot body. She wakes up her husband, who suggests that it is a Coast Guard helicopter. But the object is completely silent. After a short time, a smaller object also with three lights appears over the first one, hovers a few minutes, then disappears. The searchlight periodically shines directly in the window. The object moves about 20–30 feet then hovers there another 10–15 minutes. At 5:15 a.m., it moves away and disappears to the southeast. The woman goes back to bed, but soon feels a powerful electric shock penetrate her body with a buzzing sound.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald R. Schmitt and Richard W. Heiden, “People Who Live in Glass Houses…See UFOs,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1984\): 3, 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6480
### Event 45057 (97D9B018)
**Date:** 1/3/1984
**Description:** At 4:14 a.m. an ovoid UFO flew low over Lake Michigan and was sighted by three women in Port Washington, Wisconsin. The UFO had three portholes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald R. Schmitt, International UFO Reporter, March-April 1984, p. 3; UNICAT, case # 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_67
### Event 45058 (C14AC0CD)
**Date:** 1/4/1984
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** CRESCENT, IA
**Description:** 1 observer. Meteor stops on a dime. Makes 90-turns. Fast vertical climb.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14514
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "345", **HatchDesc:** "CRESCENT,IA:1 OBS:METEOR STOPS ON A DIME:MAKES 90-TURNS:FAST VERTICAL CLIMB", **LatLong:** "41.350002 -95.861116", **LatLongDMS:** "41:21:00 N 95:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.350002,-95.861116)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45059 (683FBF1F)
**Date:** 1/7/1984
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** EDENTON, NC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). "Meteor" loops. Instant 90-turns. Going up and down. High and fast / 50 minute(s) / clear sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14515
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "EDENTON,NC:2 OBS:"METEOR" LOOPS:INSTANT 90-TURNS:↑+↓:HIGH+FAST/50min/CLEAR SKY", **LatLong:** "36.061113 -76.611115", **LatLongDMS:** "36:03:40 N 76:36:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.061113,-76.611115)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45060 (DC129FC2)
**Date:** 1/8/1984
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** FRAMINGHAM, MA
**Description:** Observer(s) in bed. Small humanoid (or Grey) points beam going [to] observer(s). Reads mind. 1 Mx50cm cylinder/cylindrical object going up [to] outside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14516
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "FRAMINGHAM,MA:OBS IN BED:OID POINTS BEAM>OBS:READS MIND:1Mx50cm CYL ↑ OUTSIDE", **LatLong:** "42.283335 -71.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:17:00 N 71:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.283335,-71.400003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45061 (DB381FAD)
**Date:** 1/8/1984
**Time:** 03:20
**Description:** 3 / van. 100' blazing disk hovers 80' over I80. 15+colored circles / rim.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14517
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "730", **HatchDesc:** "SW/LEXINGTON,NE:3/VAN:100'BLAZING DISK HVRS 80'ovr I80:15+CLRD CIRCLES/RIM:", **LatLong:** "40.750002 -99.766671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:45:00 N 99:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.750002,-99.766671)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45062 (9BE1CEA6)
**Date:** 1/8/1984
**Location:** Framingham, MA
**Description:** 3:00 AM. EST. In the witness's bedroom a short humanoid pointed a beam at the witness in bed. When the being had left a three-foot long by 18" cylinder shot straight up into the sky outside. (Source: MUFON UFO Journal, August 1991). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5656
### Event 45063 (B65294F8)
**Date:** 1/8/1984
**Location:** Cozad (outside), NE
**Description:** 3:15 AM. CST. On Interstate 80 three people driving in a van outside Cozad saw a 100-foot diameter disc hover 80 feet over the highway. It was blazingly brilliant and had more than 15 colored circular lights around the rim. They heard an intermittent beeping on the van's CB radio. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5658
### Event 45064 (8302A10F)
**Date:** 1/8/1984
**Location:** I-80 southeast of Cozad, Nebraska
**Description:** 3:15 a.m. Three people are traveling southeast in a van at mile marker 236 on I-80 southeast of Cozad, Nebraska, when the highway lights up and they see a huge disc as big as a baseball diamond 75–100 feet above and slightly to the right of the road. Bright lights are evenly spaced around the rim, most of them white, but others pink or blue. As the car passes it at a slow speed, they can detect no motion and can hear no sound. They attempt to communicate by Citizens Band radio, but the radio picks up strange interference like an “intermittent bleeping.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “Nebraska Close Encounter,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1984\): 10–12; “Addendum to Nebraska Encounter,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6481
### Event 45065 (0C54E820)
**Date:** 1/8/1984
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. EST in the witness’s bedroom in Framingham, Massachusetts a short humanoid pointed a beam at the witness in bed. The witness felt that the being could telepathically read her mind. When the being had left a three-foot long by 18" cylinder shot straight up into the sky outside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, August 1991
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_209
### Event 45066 (4738F90F)
**Date:** 1/8/1984
**Description:** Seventy-five minutes later, at 3:15 a.m. CST, on Interstate 80 three people driving in a van outside Cozad, Nebraska saw a 100-foot diameter disc hover 80 feet over the highway. It was blazingly brilliant and had more than 15 colored circular lights around the rim. They heard an intermittent beeping on the van's CB radio.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, March 1984, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_210
### Event 45067 (083E21B4)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SR14 NORTH / MOJAVE, CA
**Description:** Several separate / observer(s). Huge silent cylinder/cigar-shape 100' over road. Red lights / bottom. Going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14518
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "SR14 N/MOJAVE,CA:SVRL SEP/OBS:HUGE SLNT CGR 100' OVR ROAD:RED LITES/BOTTOM:>N", **LatLong:** "35.216668 -118.022228", **LatLongDMS:** "35:13:00 N 118:01:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.216668,-118.022228)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45068 (771704D1)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 4 / van. 14M cylinder/cigar-shape / 300M altitude over US395. Lights all over/all about. Boom hangs. Going northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 392)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14519
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "760", **HatchDesc:** "S/PEARSONVILLE,CA:4/VAN:14M CGR/300M alt OVR US395:LITES ALLO:BOOM HANGS:>NE", **LatLong:** "35.816668 -117.861117", **LatLongDMS:** "35:49:00 N 117:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.816668,-117.861117)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45069 (7B6CA8D6)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NORTH / HAWTHORNE, NJ
**Description:** 2 / car. 2 silent 75' parabolic saucers 200' over SR208. Avoid cars.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14520
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "N/HAWTHORNE,NJ:2/CAR:2 SLNT 75'PARABOLIC SCRS 200'OVR SR208:AVOID CARS", **LatLong:** "40.966669 -74.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:58:00 N 74:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.966669,-74.166670)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45070 (61E6DB06)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Location:** Capron, IN
**Description:** 6:30 AM. While driving his truck down a country road, the witness described the object as looking like a football turned up on end, metallic-grey in color, about 150 feet tall and moving about 50 feet off the ground and about 100 feet from his vehicle. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5660
### Event 45071 (40C4995C)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Location:** Pearsonville, CA
**Description:** 7:30 PM. A metallic object described as blimp like with red lights buzzed two cars on US Highway 395 south of Pearsonville, near the China Lake Weapons Center in Kern County on a clear night. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5661
### Event 45072 (D6DB4EAC)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Location:** Torrington (10 miles west of), CT
**Description:** 9:30 PM. Mr. & Mrs. Sprinster had a close encounter with a multi-colored triangular shaped UFO 10 miles west of Torrington on Route 4. The object moved very slowly, and dropped in altitude to pace their car. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5662
### Event 45073 (0C4435A1)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Location:** Hawthorne (north of), NJ
**Description:** 9:33 PM. Two witnesses in a car driving north of Hawthorne saw two silent 75- foot in diameter parabolic discs 200 feet above SR 208. The objects seemed to be avoiding being seen by passing cars. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5663
### Event 45074 (590D5D99)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Location:** Mojave, Kern County (north of), CA
**Description:** 10:30 PM. Several independent witnesses reported seeing a huge silent cigar shaped object over the highway on SR 14 15 miles north of Mojave, Kern County, California. It was only 100 feet over the road and had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the north. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5664
### Event 45075 (3E2CC861)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Locations:** State Highway 208; Hawthorne, New Jersey
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. Two witnesses driving on State Highway 208 near Hawthorne, New Jersey, see an object with lights descend then move away from their car. After driving another 300 feet they spot another object over the road. They drive directly under the object, which is moving slowly at an altitude of 200 feet. The driver pulls over, and the object moves toward the first UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “[UFO Hotline Reports,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 1 \(Feb./March 1984\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6482
### Event 45076 (A516078A)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Description:** Mr. & Mrs. Sprinster had a close encounter with a multi-colored triangular shaped UFO 10 miles west of Torrington, Connecticut on Route 4 at 9:30 p.m. The object moved very slowly, and dropped in altitude to pace their car. Its underside was criss-crossed with tubes and grill work. A red light in the center of the object detached, circled the object three times, then returned back to its original position. It left by making a sharp turn to the south. The encounter lasted 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, Contact of the 5th Kind, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_230
### Event 45077 (91ED4553)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Description:** Two witnesses in a car driving north of Hawthorne, New Jersey at 9:33 p.m. saw two silent 75-foot in diameter parabolic discs 200 feet above SR 208. The objects seemed to be avoiding being seen by passing cars.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1983, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_231
### Event 45078 (5513C032)
**Date:** 1/9/1984
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a metallic object described as blimp like with red lights buzzed two cars on US Highway 395 south of Pearsonville, near the China Lake Weapons Center in Kern County on a clear night. At 10:30 p.m. several independent witnesses reported seeing a huge silent cigar shaped object over the highway on SR 14 15 miles north of Mojave, Kern County, California. It was only 100 feet over the road and had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) APRO Bulletin, November 1984, p. 1; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14071; (2) Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1984, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_232
### Event 45079 (F9FE3B98)
**Date:** 1/12/1984
**Location:** VLADIMIR, RUSSIA
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Several luminous/glowing globes fly over in V-formation. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 448)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14521
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VLADIMIR,RUSS:NMRS OBS:SVRL LUMn GLOBES FLY OVR in V-FORMATION:NFD", **LatLong:** "56.133336 40.400002", **LatLongDMS:** "56:08:00 N 40:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.133336,40.400002)", **State/Prov:** "VLD", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45080 (C513919D)
**Date:** 1/13/1984
**Location:** Soviet Union
**Description:** New York Post: Soviet scientists are puzzled by the flight of a mysterious bright sphere followed by seven small lights which flew at great speed but low altitude across southern Russia and Ukraine. The objects changed altitude and direction and were flying less than half a mile above the ground.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Archive.org](https://archive.org/details/AFU_19840500_APRO_Bulletin_v32_n3/page/n1/mode/2up?q=%22The+Flying+Saucer+As+I+Saw+It%22)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_744
### Event 45081 (475FCB6B)
**Date:** 1/14/1984
**Description:** A speeding red light, the shape of a triangle and larger than a normal aircraft, hovered over Surrey, England and then disappeared. It returned two minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, June 1984, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_327
### Event 45082 (5D2FBC29)
**Date:** 1/20/1984
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** Cops and several. 30M vertical cone / light / yard. Trees thrash. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). / MJ#196.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 841)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14522
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HAZELMERE,W.AUS:COPS+SVRL:30M VERT.CONE/LITE/YARD:TREES THRASH:EME:/MJ#196", **LatLong:** "-31.866668 115.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "31:52:00 S 115:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.866668,115.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45083 (8B7A8602)
**Date:** 1/20/1984
**Location:** Jasper, New York
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A mother and two children are driving near Jasper, New York, when they see a large, gold, oval object that seems to be pacing their car. It lands on a nearby ridge and after a few seconds ascends into the sky. It repeats this maneuver several times, speeding up and slowing down when she does the same.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6483
### Event 45084 (640B0A7B)
**Date:** 1/21/1984
**Time:** 17:50
**Description:** RADAR-visual (observation). Night lights / flicker and maneuver. Irregular motion and directions. / MJ#237.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STRAND, Erling: PROJECT HESSDALEN Final Technical Rpt; Norway, 1984. (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14523
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "W/KJERRINGVOL,NORW:RDR-Vis:NLTS/FLICKER+MNVR:IRREGULAR MOTION+DIRns:/MJ#237", **LatLong:** "62.811114 11.150001", **LatLongDMS:** "62:48:40 N 11:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.811114,11.150001)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 45085 (6E78B1A4)
**Date:** 1/21/1984
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR JASPER, NY
**Description:** 3 / car paced / gold ovoid. Lands / ridge. Going up. Repeats several times! / IURv9#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14524
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "nr JASPER,NY:3/CAR PACED/GOLD OVOID:LANDS/RIDGE:↑:REPEATS SVRL TIMES!:/IURv9#2", **LatLong:** "42.122224 -77.505559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:20 N 77:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.122224,-77.505559)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45086 (0CEC5973)
**Date:** 1/21/1984
**Location:** Jasper (near), NY
**Description:** 9:30 PM.While driving home to Edison, a mother and two children watched in amazement as an enormous gold, oval-shaped object appeared to pace their car. As they watched, the object appeared to land on a nearby ridge and after a few seconds it ascended into the sky. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5665
### Event 45087 (BA38A4B4)
**Date:** 1/21/1984
**End date:** 2/26/1984
**Locations:** Aspaskjolen mountain; Hersjøen; Litlefjellet, Norway
**Description:** Project Hessdalen sets up three fieldwork stations, the primary one on Aspaskjolen mountain, and two smaller ones at Hersjøen and Litlefjellet, Norway. This group secures technical assistance from the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment, the University of Oslo, and the University of Bergen. Over the course of one month, investigators see numerous lights, take photos of many of them, and track them instrumentally. On three occasions, lights are seen visually and tracked on radar simultaneously, casting a reflection on the radar screen so strong that a Norwegian defense expert later says that if that is not a solid object, then it must be a “strongly ionized gas.” One of the lights is tracked moving at 19,000 mph. On another occasion, a light under constant visual observation shows up on radar only on every second sweep. In most instances \(33 in all\), when radar shows something, the eye or a camera sees nothing. On two occasions the researchers direct a laser beam on passing lights. Out of a total of nine times, the lights respond all but once in a curious way, changing from a regular flashing light to a double-flashing light. The total number of sightings in this period is 188, although some may be attributable to passing aircraft. Only four of the photos taken through the special lens grating come out well enough to show light spectra, and only two of these are useful for analysis. Changes in the magnetic field are recorded in 40% of the sightings, but the Geiger counter and infrared viewer prove unhelpful. Researchers categorize the phenomenon into three different types: a white or blue-white flashing light, high in the air; a yellow light with a red light on the top, sometimes flashing; and a slow-moving, yellow or white light that maneuvers, stops for an hour or more, and continues maneuvering.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Project Hessdalen](http://www.hessdalen.org/index%5Fe.shtml)” website; “[Description of](http://www.hessdalen.org/pictures/description.shtml) [the Phenomena,](http://www.hessdalen.org/pictures/description.shtml)” Project Hessdalen; Erling Strand, “[Project Hessdalen 1984: Final Technical Report,](http://www.hessdalen.org/reports/hpreport84.shtml)” Project Hessdalen, January 5, 1985; “[Hessdalen: 18 February 1984,](http://www.hessdalen.org/pictures/H-a15a19.shtml)” Project Hessdalen; “[Project Hessdalen: 1984,](http://www.hessdalen.org/pictures/H-a12.shtml)” Project Hessdalen; “Norway Lights Continue: Update on Project Hessdalen,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1984\): 9, 12; Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, p. 90; Clark III 572–573
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6484
### Event 45088 (47119DC4)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** NEAR WAYCROSS, GA
**Description:** 2+several. UFO chases 2 / car. Lights car interior red. Many night light reports.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14525
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "nr WAYCROSS,GA:2+SVRL:UFO CHASES 2/CAR:LITES CAR INTERIOR RED:MANY NLT REPORTS", **LatLong:** "31.200001 -82.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "31:12:00 N 82:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.200001,-82.366671)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45089 (2F96D6DC)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** HUNTINGTON, WV
**Description:** 1 observer. Large silent fireball hovers over home. Lights area. Shoots going quickly west. / IURv9#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14526
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "173", **HatchDesc:** "HUNTINGTON,WV:1 OBS:LRG SLNT FBL HVRS OVR HOME:LITES AREA:SHOOTS >>W:/IURv9#2", **LatLong:** "38.383335 -82.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:23:00 N 82:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.383335,-82.466671)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45090 (DCBB0920)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** 30M EAST / TOLEDO, OH
**Description:** Airliner / 43K' altitude. DC9-size red blur going northeast. Turns going quickly southwest. Leaves (something behind) contrail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14527
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "30m E/TOLEDO,OH:AIRLINER/43K'alt:DC9-SIZE RED BLUR > NE:TURNS>>SW:LVS CONTRAIL", **LatLong:** "41.666669 -83.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:00 N 83:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.666669,-83.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45091 (8D2CBD4A)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Location:** Toledo (30 miles east of), OH
**Description:** 7:25 AM. The cabin crew of United Airlines flight 729, flying westbound at 43,000 feet, observed a blurry bright red object about the size of a DC-9 airliner move from northeast to southwest. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5666
### Event 45092 (8F4CFF06)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Location:** Way Cross (near), GA
**Description:** 7:00 PM. ¬: While parked in a wooded area, a young couple spotted a large object approaching their car at treetop level. The object crossed the logging road near their car, went across an open area to a stand of trees, then turned end-for-end. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5667
### Event 45093 (AA9F6B4F)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Location:** Arnold, MO
**Description:** 7:00 PM. Two occupants of a car observed a circular object with three brilliant white lights and a corona of white light covering its entire surface. As the object approached the car the driver made a 180 degree evasive turn only to have the object pull alongside and pace his vehicle. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5668
### Event 45094 (F3CF50C8)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Location:** Huntington, WV
**Description:** 7:09 PM. On the way outdoors to start his car the witness observed a large brilliant ball of orange light in a stationary position about 900 feet above the neighbors house. The glow from the ball illuminated the entire ground area. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5669
### Event 45095 (EC25A26B)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Location:** Huntington, West Virginia
**Description:** 7:09 a.m. A witness in Huntington, West Virginia, observes a brilliant orange ball of light about 900 feet hovering above a neighbor’s house. Its glow illuminates the ground. After a minute, it speeds away to the west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6485
### Event 45096 (C2BCF720)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Location:** Toledo, Ohio
**Description:** 7:25 a.m. The cabin crew of United Flight 729 is flying westbound 30 miles east of Toledo, Ohio, at 43,000 feet. They see a blurry, bright-red object the size of a DC-9 move from northeast to southwest for a few seconds. It leaves a contrail that they pass through.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6486
### Event 45097 (89472CA8)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Location:** Waycross, Georgia
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. A young couple parking near Waycross, Georgia, spot a large object approaching their car at treetop level. It crosses a logging road near their car, goes across an open area to a stand of trees, then turns around. The driver begins speeding away, but the object moves directly over the car. It has an L-shaped light pattern on its underside with two red lights and one green light. The glow from the red light illuminates the car interior. The object follows them for about 75 down a county road before it moves away at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6487
### Event 45098 (273B33A9)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Location:** Arnold, Missouri
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Two witnesses in a car in Arnold, Missouri, see a circular object with three brilliant white lights and a corona of white light surrounding it. As it approaches the car, the driver makes an evasive turn, only to have the object pace them within 150 feet for 3 minutes. A vertical shaft of light comes from the top of the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6488
### Event 45099 (E805C53E)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Description:** At 7:25 a.m. a blurry red object was viewed by the crew of United Airlines flight 729 westbound at 43,000 feet altitude 30 miles east of Toledo, Ohio. left contrail, visible only a few seconds. At 7:00 p.m. a car was chased by a UFO in Waycross, Georgia. It illuminated the interior of the car with a red light. There were many nocturnal light reports in the area on the same evening. At 7:09 p.m. an orange ball of light hovered silently for one minute over Huntington, West Virginia. It suddenly moved west at a high rate of speed. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, International UFO Reporter, March 1984, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_422
### Event 45100 (E0B6F92D)
**Date:** 1/22/1984
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. two witnesses in Arnold, Missouri reported that a 25 foot diameter, white glowing saucer paced their car for three minutes at only 150 feet altitude. Three helicopters were seen circling the area afterwards.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 11075, citing MUFON UFO Journal, issue 191
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_423
### Event 45101 (5CCC4366)
**Date:** 1/25/1984
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** GIMEAUX, FR
**Description:** 1 observer / 87. 2 silent yellow orbs hover / 1M altitude. Shoot going up [to] and northwest to clouds. / LDLN#305.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14528
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GIMEAUX,FR:1 OBS/87:2 SLNT YLW ORBS HVR/1M alt:SHOOT ↑+NW TO CLOUDS:/LDLN#305", **LatLong:** "45.950002 3.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:57:00 N 03:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.950002,3.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Puy-de-Dôme", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45102 (7CD6032E)
**Date:** 1/25/1984
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** Large object south going quickly north. RADAR / 2 echoes. Venus-size night light vanishes when FOTO'd.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STRAND, Erling: PROJECT HESSDALEN Final Technical Rpt; Norway, 1984. (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14529
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "ASPASKJOLEN,NORW:LRG OBJ S>>N:RDR/2 ECHOES:VENUS-SIZE NLT VANISHES WHEN FOTO'd", **LatLong:** "62.844447 11.188889", **LatLongDMS:** "62:50:40 N 11:11:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.844447,11.188889)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 45103 (03E17829)
**Date:** 1/26/1984
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** 1+boy. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car O-O-control. Night lights overhead. 75 minute(s) / missing time. / r210v32#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14530
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "80", **Elev:** "98", **HatchDesc:** "W/CEDAR CREEK RSVR,TX:1+BOY:RFI:CAR O-O-CONTROL:NLTS OVHD:75min/MST:/r210v32#6", **LatLong:** "32.211113 -96.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:12:40 N 96:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.211113,-96.200005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45104 (F86B1865)
**Date:** 1/26/1984
**Description:** Mrs. Green and her 7-year-old son were driving in Texas when they first encountered radio interference. UFO stops car, car out-of-control into ditch, bright light, 75 minutes missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_535
### Event 45105 (0D22905E)
**Date:** 1/27/1984
**Time:** 05:40
**Location:** VALLEY CENTER, CA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 5 brilliant night lights / diamond formation. 100 small night lights orbit. All going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14531
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "396", **HatchDesc:** "VALLEY CENTER,CA:4 OBS:5 BRILL.NLTS/DIAMOND FORMn:100 SML NLTS ORBIT:ALL>>NW", **LatLong:** "33.216668 -117.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:13:00 N 117:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.216668,-117.050006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45106 (15452A75)
**Date:** 1/27/1984
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** KING OF PRUSSIA, PA
**Description:** 2 boys. Large silent saucer with lights / edges hovers over houses. Up and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14532
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "KING of PRUSSIA,PA:2 BOYS:LRG SLNT SCR W/LITES/EDGES HVRS OVR HOUSES:UP+AWAY", **LatLong:** "40.088891 -75.394448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:05:20 N 75:23:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.088891,-75.394448)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45107 (92BCF792)
**Date:** 1/27/1984
**Location:** Valley Center, CA
**Description:** 5:40 AM. Four witnesses observed five large, brilliant, stationary white lights in the northern sky. Four of the lights were in a diamond formation with the fifth light in the center of the formation. After watching the display for several minutes they noticed smaller white lights maneuvering around the large lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5670
### Event 45108 (FDE97D65)
**Date:** 1/27/1984
**Location:** King Of Prussia, PA
**Description:** 6:15 AM. Two young boys delivering papers observed a big circular object with lights around the edge hovering over houses about two blocks distant. They watched the object for several seconds, then it ascended into the sky at about a 45 degree angle (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5671
### Event 45109 (9008984D)
**Date:** 1/27/1984
**Location:** Valley Center, California
**Description:** 5:40 a.m. Four witnesses at Valley Center, California, see five stationary white lights in the northern sky about 2 miles away. Four are in a diamond formation while the fifth is in the center. After watching the display for several minutes, they notice smaller white lights maneuvering around the larger ones. They seem to increase to as many as 100. Suddenly the formation, small lights as well, moves away to the northwest and the witnesses can hear a soft humming sound.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6489
### Event 45110 (5A874131)
**Date:** 1/27/1984
**Location:** King of Prussia, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 6:15 a.m. Two boys delivering papers in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, see a circular object with lights around its edge hovering above houses about two blocks away. After a few seconds it ascends at a 45° angle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6490
### Event 45111 (16751416)
**Date:** 1/28/1984
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** FLEMINGTON, NJ
**Description:** 2+many. Orange sphere/orb/globe going down [to] and lands / ridge. Bigger object rises / same spot / 20 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14533
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "FLEMINGTON,NJ:2+MANY:ORG ORB ↓+LANDS/RIDGE:BIGGER OBJ RISES/SAME SPOT/20min", **LatLong:** "40.500002 -74.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:30:00 N 74:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.500002,-74.850004)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45112 (965B8DA3)
**Date:** 1/28/1984
**Location:** Flemington, NJ
**Description:** 6:30 PM. A young couple sighted an orange ball descending through the cloud layer and appeared to land on a ridge behind the tree line. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5672
### Event 45113 (ED6CA0DD)
**Date:** 1/28/1984
**Location:** Flemington, New Jersey
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. A young couple in Flemington, New Jersey, notice an orange ball descending through the cloud layer and appear to land on a ridge behind the tree line. At 6:50 a.m., the husband sees a bright object ascend from the same ridge, pause in mid-air, then move away horizontally in the distance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6491
### Event 45114 (A35C3782)
**Date:** 1/28/1984
**Description:** In 1984, an orange sphere was seen to land on a ridge in Flemington, New Jersey. Two witnesses saw the UFO descend and land at 6:30 p.m., while many others saw a bigger object rise from the same spot 20 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, March 1984, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_562
### Event 45115 (F9351FC6)
**Date:** 1/29/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st test of the Chinese rocket *Long March 3.* (January 29)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2964
### Event 45116 (9905F887)
**Date:** 1/30/1984
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** 40 MI WITH MIAMI, FL
**Description:** 9+several separate observer(s). Huge red glowing going down / 10K' altitude. = 200' and silver dome. Going quickly [to] going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14534
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "40mi W/MIAMI,FL:9+SVRL SEP.OBS:HUGE RED GLO ↓/10K'alt:=200'+ SLVR DOME:>>>E", **LatLong:** "25.788890 -80.827782", **LatLongDMS:** "25:47:20 N 80:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.788890,-80.827782)", **RelAlt:** "3000", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45117 (A0992A10)
**Date:** 1/30/1984
**Location:** Miami (40 miles west of), FL
**Description:** 9:00 PM. Mine men working on an oil platform observed a bright orange object descending from the sky at a high rate of speed. When at an estimated altitude of 10,000 feet and about five miles distant, the object came to an instant stop. The bright orange glow faded and the crew observed an object with a bright chrome dome-shaped top and dozens of flashing lights on the underside. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5673
### Event 45118 (34E74221)
**Date:** 1/30/1984
**Locations:** Big Cypress National Preserve; Miami, Florida; Jensen Beach; Miami
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Nine men working on an oil platform in the Big Cypress National Preserve about 40 miles west of Miami, Florida, see a bright orange object descending at a high rate of speed about five miles away. At about 10,000 feet, it comes to an instant stop. The orange glow fades and they can see an object with a chrome dome and dozens of flashing lights on the underside. All witness estimate it to be at least 200 feet in diameter. It remains stationary for 10 seconds, turns orange again, and speeds away to the east. Witnesses in Jensen Beach and the Miami area also see the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6492
### Event 45119 (024655BA)
**Date:** 1/30/1984
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. nine oil platform workers in a swampy area 50 miles west of Miami in Dade County, Florida watched a 200 foot in diameter domed disc-shaped object with a huge red glow and a silver dome, engage in a high speed vertical descent and then hover for 10 seconds. It then changed color from orange to a metallic chrome color, then back to orange. It also had dozens of flashing lights. It instantaneously moved away to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, International UFO Reporter, March 1984, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_615
### Event 45120 (4E0A70BE)
**Date:** 1/31/1984
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** POTTSVILLE, PA
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent night light overhead / treetop level. Hovers / 5 minute(s) then shoots going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14535
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "201", **HatchDesc:** "POTTSVILLE,PA:1 OBS:SLNT NLT OVHD/TREETOP LVL:HVRS/5min THEN SHOOTS >>W", **LatLong:** "40.683335 -76.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:41:00 N 76:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.683335,-76.183337)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 45121 (6F36C60E)
**Date:** 1/31/1984
**Time:** 15:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1127 -116.1217
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gorbea” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_922
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1127 -116.1217", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:46 N 116:07:18 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1127,-116.1217)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.10", **NukeName:** "Gorbea", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45122 (7013BD9B)
**Date:** 2/1984
**Location:** Moscow, Russia
**Description:** The Commission for the Investigation of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena is established in Moscow, Russia, although its announcement in the West is delayed until May. Affiliated with the Committee for the Protection of Natural Environment of the All-Union Council of Scientific Technical Societies, the commission is made up of scientists and academicians and is headed by former cosmonaut [Pavel Popovich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel%5FPopovich), who tells the trade union newspaper Trud that there have been hundreds of reports in Russia each year, most of which can be explained away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 243](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/242/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6493
### Event 45123 (9163EFA5)
**Date:** 2/1984
**Location:** Turin, Italy
**Description:** The Centro Ufologico Nazionale begins a newsletter, Notizie C.U.N., to replace Quaderni UFO. It is edited by Gian Paolo Grassino in Turin, Italy, and continues until September 1985.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Notizie C.U.N.](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Italy/Notizie%20CUN/Notizie%20CUN%20-%20No%2000.pdf), no. 0 \(February 1984\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6494
### Event 45124 (E14C441A)
**Date:** 2/1984
**Location:** Przasnysz Airfield, Poland
**Description:** Night. The commander of a group of soldiers in the 103rd Regiment guarding warehouses at Przasnysz Airfield, Poland, sees a light silently coming in his direction. It is attached to a huge oval object 70–100 feet across that is moving soundlessly 150 feet above the ground. He and his assistant feel unexplained terror and paralysis, remaining rooted to the spot. Noticing a light at its rear end, he considers taking an AK-47 and shooting it out, but receives a mental command not to do so or he would be paralyzed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 67
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6495
### Event 45125 (FD3AD9C7)
**Date:** 2/1/1984
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** PLUM GROVE, TX
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 15 747-size delta/triangle/box-like crafts singly and in pairs. Cops etc. won't even look.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 192)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14536
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "PLUM GROVE,TX:5 OBS:15 747-SIZE DLTS SINGLY+IN PAIRS:COPS ETC WON'T EVEN LOOK.", **LatLong:** "30.216668 -95.072227", **LatLongDMS:** "30:13:00 N 95:04:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.216668,-95.072227)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45126 (D9191D33)
**Date:** 2/3/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) **:** 2 astronauts from *Challenger* go out into space with an autonomous space chair*.* (February 3)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2965
### Event 45127 (04E89C56)
**Date:** 2/3/1984
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** TINGSRYD, SWD
**Description:** 1 / car. Small humanoid (or Grey) / roadside. Saucer hovers. Complex abduction. See reference. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v33#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14537
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "110", **HatchDesc:** "TINGSRYD,SWD:1/CAR:OID/ROADSIDE:SCR HVRS:COMPLEX ABDUCTION:see ref:/FSR v33#1", **LatLong:** "56.500003 14.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "56:30:00 N 14:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.500003,14.966667)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45128 (C3749997)
**Date:** 2/3/1984
**Location:** Tingsryd, Sweden
**Description:** 1:00 AM. Mr. Jonsson was driving home when he saw a disc-shaped object 80 meters across and some 5-10 meters above the road ahead of him. He got to his home, got his camera, and went back to the site of his encounter. His car stalled, and he recalled seeing several beings who attempted to abduct him. He had nearly two hours of missing time. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5674
### Event 45129 (28E1903D)
**Date:** 2/3/1984
**Description:** Mr. Jonsson was driving home in Tingsryd, Sweden at around 1:00 a.m. when he saw a disc-shaped object 80 meters across and some 5-10 meters above the road ahead of him. He got to his home, got his camera, and went back to the site of his encounter. His car stalled, and he recalled seeing several beings who attempted to abduct him. He had nearly two hours of missing time. An independent witness verified seeing the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, June 1985, p. 8; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 270
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_683
### Event 45130 (8DC811D2)
**Date:** 2/4/1984
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** BUENOS AIRES, ARG
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s) and radio announcer. Fleet / 15-20 saucers east going quickly west. Satellite re-entry?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 203)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14538
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "BUENOS AIRES,ARG:100s/OBS+RADIO ANNOUNCER:FLEET/15-20 SCRS E>>W:SATL.RE-ENTRY?", **LatLong:** "-34.616668 -58.450003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:37:00 S 58:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.616668,-58.450003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 45131 (F2CAE618)
**Date:** 2/7/1984
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** ATCO, NJ
**Description:** 1 observer. Loud humming. Room lit. White 10' saucer over lawn. Figure outside vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14539
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "ATCO,NJ:1 OBS:LOUD HUM:ROOM LIT:WHT 10'SCR OVR LAWN:FIG.OUTSIDE VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "39.772224 -74.888892", **LatLongDMS:** "39:46:20 N 74:53:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.772224,-74.888892)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45132 (640943AD)
**Date:** 2/7/1984
**Location:** Atco, NJ
**Description:** 4:00 AM. The witness got out of bed and went to the window and saw a bright white circular object with a hump on top in a stationary position about four feet above his neighbors yard. He estimated that the object was about 200 feet from him and the size of a small car. He saw an image like a man next to the object. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5677
### Event 45133 (87DAE52E)
**Date:** 2/7/1984
**Location:** Atco, New Jersey
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. A witness in Atco, New Jersey, awakes to a loud humming sound and finds his room illuminated by a bright light. He goes to the window and sees a bright circular object with a hump on top in a stationary position about four feet above his neighbor’s yard and 200 feet away. It is about the size of a small car. A human- like “image” is standing next to it, but that vanishes and the object ascends in a zigzag pattern, then moves away at a high rate of speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6496
### Event 45134 (1B0657FC)
**Date:** 2/7/1984
**Description:** The witness awoke to a loud humming at four o'clock in the morning in Atco, New Jersey and a bright light illuminated the bedroom. Outside a bright white 10-foot wide circular UFO with a hump in the middle--a domed disc--was hovering over a neighbor' s yard, 200 feet away. It ascended in a zigzag at a high rate of speed. A lawn ornament figure was reported missing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, International UFO Reporter, March-April 1984, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_741
### Event 45135 (C57D55D9)
**Date:** 2/9/1984
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** BARRE, VT
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Slow white glowing object passes / 2 minute(s). 90° turn. Large acceleration. / NUFORC and more / MJ#194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14540
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "186", **HatchDesc:** "BARRE,VT:3 OBS:SLOW WHT GLO.OBJ PASSES/2min:90°TURN:LRG.ACCEL:/NUFORC+/MJ#194", **LatLong:** "44.183335 -72.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "44:11:00 N 72:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.183335,-72.500003)", **State/Prov:** "Vermont", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45136 (1EC0F8EB)
**Date:** 2/9/1984
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** UNIONTOWN, PA
**Description:** Several observer(s). 2 bright night lights zigzag east going quickly west. Hover over high-tension lines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14541
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "298", **HatchDesc:** "UNIONTOWN,PA:SVRL OBS:2 BRITE NLTS ZIGZAG E>>W:HVR OVR HI-TENSION LINES:", **LatLong:** "39.916669 -79.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:55:00 N 79:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.916669,-79.733337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45137 (F26043B6)
**Date:** 2/9/1984
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** NEAR LATROBE, PA
**Description:** Ex-airman / ex-skeptic and 1. Silent 30' saucer with beams overhead. "No plane / helicopter.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14542
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "312", **HatchDesc:** "nr LATROBE,PA:EX-AIRMAN/EX-SKEPTIC+1:SLNT 30'SCR W/BEAMS OVHD:"NO PLANE/COPTER", **LatLong:** "40.416669 -79.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:25:00 N 79:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.416669,-79.416670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45138 (57407400)
**Date:** 2/12/1984
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** Night light / regular flash. Observer(s) shines laser. Night light responds / new flash pattern.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STRAND, Erling: PROJECT HESSDALEN Final Technical Rpt; Norway, 1984. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14543
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FINNSAHOGDA,NORW:NLT/REG.FLASH:OBS SHINES LASER:NLT RESPONDS/NEW FLASH PATTERN", **LatLong:** "62.811114 11.127778", **LatLongDMS:** "62:48:40 N 11:07:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.811114,11.127778)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45139 (37C08C5D)
**Date:** 2/13/1984
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** OYUNGEN LAKE, NORW
**Description:** Night light stops / Hersjoen. Going quickly northwest and stops again here. Other night lights / mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STRAND, Erling: PROJECT HESSDALEN Final Technical Rpt; Norway, 1984. (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14544
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "OYUNGEN LAKE,NORW:NLT STOPS/HERSJOEN:>>NW+STOPS AGAIN HERE:OTHER NLTS/Mtns.", **LatLong:** "62.750003 11.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "62:45:00 N 11:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.750003,11.066667)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 45140 (D56FD389)
**Date:** 2/15/1984
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** LA VERNIA, TX
**Description:** 1+2 separate observer(s). Slow silent 12' orange-glowing cylinder/cigar-shape goes up US87. Hogs agitated.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 195)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14545
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "145", **HatchDesc:** "La VERNIA,TX:1+2 SEP.OBS:SLO SLNT 12'ORG-GLO CGR GOES UP US87:HOGS AGITATED", **LatLong:** "29.355557 -98.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "29:21:20 N 98:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.355557,-98.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45141 (F79A8FC5)
**Date:** 2/15/1984
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2214 -116.1811
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Midas Myth/Milagro” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_923
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2214 -116.1811", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:17 N 116:10:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2214,-116.1811)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Midas Myth/Milagro", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45142 (E0D3F279)
**Date:** 2/17/1984 (approximate)
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** VEJLE, DK
**Description:** 1 observer. 3 silent night lights in formation. 1 going north and back. 1 going south and back. Instant acceleration.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14546
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VEJLE,DK:1 OBS:3 SLNT NLTS/FORMn:1 > N+BACK:1 > S+BACK:instant acceleration", **LatLong:** "55.716669 9.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "55:43:00 N 09:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.716669,9.516667)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45143 (68B06911)
**Date:** 2/18/1984
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** TYNSET, NORWAY
**Description:** Family. Great-airship type object casts beams going down / ground. Very cold.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FS & HOW TO SEE THEM: Sterling Publ. Co. NY 1992 (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14547
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "TYNSET,NORWAY:FAMILY:GREAT-AIRSHIP TYPE OBJ CASTS BEAMS ↓/GND:VERY COLD", **LatLong:** "62.283336 10.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "62:17:00 N 10:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.283336,10.750001)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45144 (230D63D7)
**Date:** 2/19/1984
**Location:** EL YUNQUE, PR
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). White glowing-saucer turns and crashes into mountain. Big investigation/investigators and coverup.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 250)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14548
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1000", **HatchDesc:** "EL YUNQUE,PR:MANY SEP.OBS:WHT GLO-SCR TURNS+CRASHES INTO Mtn:BIG INV+COVERUP", **LatLong:** "18.311112 -65.794448", **LatLongDMS:** "18:18:40 N 65:47:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.311112,-65.794448)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45145 (6237F878)
**Date:** 2/19/1984
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** EVERETT, WA
**Description:** 12cm ovoid exits woods by Boeing 747 plant. Buzzes car / MJ#194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14549
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "34", **HatchDesc:** "EVERETT,WA:12cm OVOID EXITS WOODS by BOEING 747 PLANT:BUZZES CAR/MJ#194", **LatLong:** "47.966669 -122.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:58:00 N 122:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.966669,-122.216672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45146 (18EB484C)
**Date:** 2/19/1984
**Time:** 03:57:05.9
**Location:** 49.8940 78.7450
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1663
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8940 78.7450", **LatLongDMS:** "49:53:38 N 78:44:42 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8940,78.7450)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45147 (5F86BA7F)
**Date:** 2/20/1984
**Location:** Aspaskjolen, Norway
**Description:** 6:12 p.m. [Leif Havik](http://www.iliuka.no/leif.htm) is standing in the snow outside the Project Hessdalen headquarters on Aspaskjolen, Norway, when a red light flies around his feet and disappears. It is also witnessed by Age Moe.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, p. 90
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6497
### Event 45148 (9DC09D75)
**Date:** 2/21/1984
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** POCONO MTS, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent saucer stops 100' over car / 10 minute(s). Radio static / days after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14550
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "558", **HatchDesc:** "POCONO MTs,PA:2 OBS:SLNT SCR STOPS 100'OVR CAR/10min:RADIO STATIC/days after", **LatLong:** "41.050002 -75.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:03:00 N 75:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.050002,-75.350004)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45149 (C82DB844)
**Date:** 2/22/1984
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** FLUSHING, MI
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Silent UFO's shines beams going down [to] all over. Dogs bark. Shape unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14551
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "223", **HatchDesc:** "FLUSHING,MI:SVRL SEP.OBS:SLNT UFOS SHINES BEAMS↓ ALL OVR:DOGS BARK:SHAPE UNK", **LatLong:** "43.061113 -83.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:03:40 N 83:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.061113,-83.850004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45150 (AA37E81A)
**Date:** 2/22/1984
**Location:** Columbus, OH
**Description:** 4:00 PM. This sighting was by five highly educated witnesses. The object's appearance underwent a regular change (possible rotation) approximately every 60 seconds from an upside-down ice cream cone to a rectangle. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5679
### Event 45151 (5E9D1AD5)
**Date:** 2/22/1984
**End date:** 2/23/1984
**Location:** Flushing, Michigan
**Description:** Night. Witnesses in Flushing, Michigan, see objects with triangular lighting patterns that shine beams of light to the ground. The lights approach the car of one witness who sees they are part of a cigar-shaped object 100 feet above the ground. A jogger reports a light so intense that it hurts his eyes. Another witness sees an object with triangular-shaped lights hovering less than 200 feet above the ground, illuminating the area behind her house and panicking her cats. Two more objects pass above her house. Investigator [Shirley Coyne](http://www.mimufon.org/newsletter/July09.pdf) locates 12 people who have seen the lights, but only three will fill out a report.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, April 1984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6498
### Event 45152 (462BACA9)
**Date:** 2/23/1984
**Time:** 16:00
**Description:** 5 HIQ observer(s). Cone-rectangle changes shape or rotates 1 / min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14552
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "245", **HatchDesc:** "COLUMBUS STATE UNIV,OH:5 HIQ OBS:CONE-RECTANGLE CHANGES SHAPE or ROTATES 1/min", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -83.016671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 83:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-83.016671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45153 (EAB64666)
**Date:** 2/23/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** WHITMORE LAKE, MI
**Description:** 1 observer. Huge saucer goes low over car. Hums and hovers / 7 minute(s). / MJ#194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14553
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "244", **HatchDesc:** "WHITMORE LAKE,MI:1 OBS:HUGE SCR GOES LOW OVR CAR:HUMS+HVRS/7min:/MJ#194", **LatLong:** "42.411113 -83.766671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:24:40 N 83:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.411113,-83.766671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45154 (1C04B9F6)
**Date:** 2/23/1984
**Locations:** Ohio State University campus; Columbus, Ohio; Port Columbus Airport; John Glenn Columbus International Airport
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. Five witnesses, all with PhDs, report an upside-down-ice-cream-cone-shaped object over the Ohio State University campus in Columbus, Ohio. It seems to be surrounded with a fog, but it changes its appearance about every 60 seconds, at one point looking rectangular. It is seen for 20 minutes, heading in the direction of Port Columbus Airport \[now John Glenn Columbus International Airport\].
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Irena Scott, “[Description](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/76311582.pdf) [of an Aerial Anomaly Viewed over Columbus, Ohio,](https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/76311582.pdf)” Ohio Journal of Science 88, no. 2 \(1988\): 23; Irena Scott, “UFO Studies in the Scientific Literature,” IUR 15, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1990\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6499
### Event 45155 (0203C754)
**Date:** Late 2/1984
**Location:** Everett, Washington
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. A driver in Everett, Washington, sees a huge, silvery green, egg-shaped object moving toward his car from a wooded area. Within a few seconds it bounces from one side of the road to the other, passing over his car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, April 1984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6500
### Event 45156 (5BA6543F)
**Date:** 2/26/1984
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** HERSJOEN, NORW
**Description:** Night lights all over/all about. "Climb" mountains. Flash. Hessdalen team hit / spotlight. / r81p98.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STRAND, Erling: PROJECT HESSDALEN Final Technical Rpt; Norway, 1984. (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14554
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HERSJOEN,NORW:NLTS ALLO:"CLIMB" MTNS:FLASH:HESSDALEN TEAM HIT/SPOTLITE:/r81p98", **LatLong:** "62.711114 11.200001", **LatLongDMS:** "62:42:40 N 11:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.711114,11.200001)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45157 (0B52835D)
**Date:** 2/26/1984
**Description:** Project Hessdalen ends its instrumented study in the Hessdalen Valley of Norway, near Roros. Nocturnal lights were seen all over the sky, and appeared to "climb" up the mountains, then flash. Observers were hit by a spotlight at 3:10 a.m. on this date.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 246
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1141
### Event 45158 (93543798)
**Date:** 2/29/1984
**Time:** 15:30
**Description:** 1 observer. 50cm formless black object just over building. Shoots going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14555
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "245", **HatchDesc:** "COLUMBUS STATE UNIV.,OH:1 OBS:50cm FORMLESS BLK OBJ JUST OVR BLDG:SHOOTS>>SE", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -83.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 83:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-83.033337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 45159 (C226CE49)
**Date:** 2/29/1984
**Time:** ~21:00
**Description:** 1 observer and dog. 40' diamond-object wobbles going quickly southeast / 50' altitude. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14556
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "nr MECHANICSBURG,PA:1 OBS+DOG:40'DIAMOND-OBJ WOBBLES>>SE/50'alt:TV RFI", **LatLong:** "40.216669 -77.011115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:13:00 N 77:00:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.216669,-77.011115)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45160 (CE0C1081)
**Date:** 2/29/1984
**Location:** Columbus, OH
**Description:** 3:30 PM. On the campus of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio witnesses observed a black sphere half a meter in diameter that hovered just over a University building, then shot off very fast toward the southeast. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5680
### Event 45161 (9F33BF4D)
**Date:** 2/29/1984
**Location:** Mechanicsburg, PA
**Description:** 9:00 PM. A man and his dog in Mechanicsburg witnessed a 40 foot wide diamondshaped object wobbling in the southeast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference on his TV set. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5681
### Event 45162 (846F1B1C)
**Date:** 2/29/1984
**Location:** Mechanicsburg, PA
**Description:** 9:00 PM. A man and his dog in Mechanicsburg witnessed a 40 foot wide diamond- shaped object wobbling in the southeast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference on his TV set. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5682
### Event 45163 (1718588C)
**Date:** 2/29/1984
**Location:** Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A woman in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, sees a dark, diamond-shaped object approach her at no more than 50 feet above the ground. White lights are at the front and back, blinking red lights at the sides, and smaller lights between each of the four points. It is “longer than a tractor trailer and wide as two tractor trailers.” It wobbles and passes over trees to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, April 1984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6501
### Event 45164 (D12E0429)
**Date:** 2/29/1984
**Description:** On the campus of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio at 3:30 p.m. witnesses observed a black sphere half a meter in diameter that hovered just over a University building, then shot off very fast toward the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, May 1986
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1191
### Event 45165 (19BC7F27)
**Date:** 2/29/1984
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a man and his dog in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania witnessed a 40 foot wide diamond-shaped object wobbling in the southeast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interference on his TV set.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, April 1984
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1192
### Event 45166 (5A0E9A73)
**Date:** 3/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Air Force posts armed guards along the access points to the 89000 acres of public land to the East and North of [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), thus extending its borders. The guards ask the public not to enter the zone, effectively \(and apparently illegally\) closing the land to public use. (March)
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2966
### Event 45167 (97634A9A)
**Date:** 3/1984
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** Boy / 14 photographs circular object dropping behind mountains. Gone / seconds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14557
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St.HIPPOLYTE-du-FORT,FR:BOY/14 FOTOS CIRC.OBJ DROPPING BHND MTNS:GONE/SECONDS", **LatLong:** "43.966669 3.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:58:00 N 03:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.966669,3.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Gard", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 45168 (4759FCE0)
**Date:** 3/1/1984
**Time:** 17:45:00.1
**Location:** 37.0658 -116.0463
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tortugas” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_924
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0658 -116.0463", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:57 N 116:02:47 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0658,-116.0463)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeName:** "Tortugas", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45169 (78EFA6CE)
**Date:** 3/2/1984
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** ORMOC, LEYTE, PI
**Description:** Several kids. White cloud going down [to] = silver 12M saucer! Yellow light / hole / side. Circles and going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: VSD Magazine, France: Special Issue. OVNIs: 50 ans de Rapports Officiels; June 2002 (Bernard Thouanel)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14558
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Philippines", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "ORMOC,LEYTE,PI:SVRL KIDS:WHT CLOUD↓=SLVR 12M SCR!:YLW LITE/HOLE/SIDE:CCLS+>>N", **LatLong:** "11.000001 124.616673", **LatLongDMS:** "11:00:00 N 124:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/11.000001,124.616673)", **State/Prov:** "LYT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45170 (E9F0741E)
**Date:** 3/4/1984
**Location:** UK
**Description:** The UK Ministry of Defence, for the first time ever, releases UFO reports to the public. Sixteen reports, most of which are severely redacted and missing key data, are sent to the British UFO Research Association. When he is asked about possible landing cases, such as the 1980 Rendlesham incident, Defence Undersecretary for Procurement [John Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FLee%2C%5FBaron%5FLee%5Fof%5FTrafford) replies that these are not distinguished from other reports of aerial phenomena. In any event, he says, “none of these reports was of any defence significance.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 112–113](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/112/mode/2up); Nick Pope, Open Skies, Closed Minds, Simon & Schuster, 1996, [Appendix 1](https://archive.org/details/openskiesclosedm0000pope/page/238/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6502
### Event 45171 (558C728E)
**Date:** 3/6/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** WEST / NORRIS, SD
**Description:** Several report(s) / night lights. 2 cops see huge V formation / orbs going [to] overhead low. Silent. Turns going southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14559
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "626", **HatchDesc:** "W/NORRIS,SD:SVRL RPTS/NLTS:2 COPS see HUGE VFORM/ORBS >OVHD LO:SLNT:TURNS >SW", **LatLong:** "43.466669 -101.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "43:28:00 N 101:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.466669,-101.200005)", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45172 (AD1DA1A1)
**Date:** 3/6/1984
**Location:** Norris (west of), ND
**Description:** 10:00 PM. A large boomerang or U-shaped UFO was seen by two police officers, Jensen and Myers, west of Norris, South Dakota, after having been called out on a reported sighting of the UFO by a citizen ten minutes earlier. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5683
### Event 45173 (E638FB79)
**Date:** 3/6/1984
**Location:** Norris, South Dakota
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Two police officers, Tom Jensen and Gary Myers, watch a large boomerang or U-shaped UFO west of Norris, South Dakota, after having been alerted by a citizen 10 minutes earlier. At its closest approach, Myers sees it as a pattern of lights in an inverted L pattern. As it passes, it blocks out the sky and stars.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “A CE-I, a Lonely Road, a Starry Night,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 6–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6503
### Event 45174 (2A137BA5)
**Date:** 3/6/1984
**Description:** A large boomerang or U-shaped UFO was seen by two police officers, Jensen and Myers, west of Norris, South Dakota at around 10 p.m., after having been called out on a reported sighting of the UFO by a citizen ten minutes earlier.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, International UFO Reporter, March 1984, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1345
### Event 45175 (0B3A881A)
**Date:** 3/7/1984
**Time:** 02:39:08.8
**Location:** 50.0490 78.9500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1664
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.0490 78.9500", **LatLongDMS:** "50:02:56 N 78:57:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.0490,78.9500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45176 (58922D38)
**Date:** 3/9/1984
**Location:** UK House of Commons
**Description:** MP [Patrick Wall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick%5FWall) asks in the UK House of Commons that the Secretary of State for Defence provide statistics on UFO landings, unexplained cases, and radar sightings for 1980–1983. [John Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FLee%2C%5FBaron%5FLee%5Fof%5FTrafford) responds that there were 350 UFO reports in 1980 \(dodging the question of whether or not the MoD could identify them\), 600 in 1981, 250 in 1982, and 390 in 1983.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 113](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/112/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6504
### Event 45177 (88E2B4F2)
**Date:** 3/11/1984
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** WOLCOTT, CT
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Big silent cylinder/cylindrical object 2' from window / 7' altitude. Stays / 7 minute(s) and away. / MJ#194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14560
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "208", **HatchDesc:** "WOLCOTT,CT:2 OBS:BIG SLNT CYL 2' FROM WINDOW/7'alt:STAYS/7min+AWAY:/MJ#194", **LatLong:** "41.600002 -72.977781", **LatLongDMS:** "41:36:00 N 72:58:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.600002,-72.977781)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45178 (55C27868)
**Date:** 3/11/1984
**Location:** Wolcott, CT
**Description:** A mother and daughter observed a large cylindrical-shaped UFO hovering outside their family room window in Wolcott, Connecticut. The object was just seven feet above the ground, and only four feet from the window. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5684
### Event 45179 (30056DBF)
**Date:** 3/11/1984
**Location:** Wolcott, Connecticut
**Description:** After 12:00 midnight. A mother and her daughter see a large cylindrical object just a few feet away through the window of their home in Wolcott, Connecticut. For 7 minutes it hovers about 7 feet above the ground, then moves away silently.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal. April 1984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6505
### Event 45180 (8AF11E98)
**Date:** 3/11/1984
**Description:** A mother and daughter observed a large cylindrical-shaped UFO hovering outside their family room window in Wolcott, Connecticut. The object was just seven feet above the ground, and only four feet from the window. It made no sound, and stayed there for seven minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, APRO Bulletin, June 1984, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1427
### Event 45181 (8171581C)
**Date:** 3/11/1984
**Description:** Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée he once interviewed a soldier that specialized in nuclear security testing whose group used helicopters designed to appear as flying saucers.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-from-jacques-vallees.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-from-jacques-vallees.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_209
### Event 45182 (6A9AA91C)
**Date:** 3/14/1984
**Description:** String / 6 orange sausage shapes going [to] over. Change color(s) in unison. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 448)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14561
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SVERDLOVSK,RUSS:STRING/6 ORG.SAUSAGE SHAPES > OVR:CHANGE CLRS IN UNISON:NFD", **LatLong:** "56.833336 60.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "56:50:00 N 60:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.833336,60.583336)", **State/Prov:** "SVR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45183 (0B27AA31)
**Date:** 3/14/1984
**Description:** On this night a string of six orange, sausage-shaped UFOs flew over Sverdlovsk, Russia. They changed color in unison.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14112; FSR, December 1992
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1499
### Event 45184 (CEC91FB3)
**Date:** 3/20/1984
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** LLANO, TX
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s). Photographs / night light = dual cylinder/cigar-shape with tailfins? See reference photographs. Also night lights / 22 Feb. '84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 196)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14562
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "336", **HatchDesc:** "LLANO,TX:2+2 OBS:FOTOS/NLT=DUAL CGR W/TAILFINS?:see ref fotos::+NLTS/22FEB84", **LatLong:** "30.750001 -98.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "30:45:00 N 98:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.750001,-98.683338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45185 (7E79BF51)
**Date:** Spring 1984
**Locations:** Mikha Tskhakaya Airfield south of Senaki, Georgia; Black Sea
**Description:** A Soviet pilot in a MiG-23 is scrambled to intercept an object flying at supersonic speed from north to south over the Mikha Tskhakaya Airfield south of Senaki, Georgia. The MiG-23, flying at 16,400 feet in full afterburner at Mach 1.2, is unable to close in on the object. By the time the interceptor is approaching the coastline of the Black Sea, it is flying at Mach 1.6. The pilot activates his infrared search and track system when he is 7.5 miles away from the target and sees the largest “bloom” he has ever encountered. By the time he reaches Mach 2, he has to break off due to lack of fuel, never having acquired a visual target.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [pp. 352–353](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/352/mode/2up), [365](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/364/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6512
### Event 45186 (7A78ED97)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Location:** USA, near Woodbury (New York)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Gordon Gebert (25 years old) was with his truck on the highway 87 near Woodbury around 8 pm. A flash of light in the rearview mirror made him blink several times. "It was still very far away," he said. "I watched it and the light became more and more intense". Then he lost sight of it. There was little traffic on the highway at that time. "Five minutes had passed when, looking to my left, I saw this huge thing that was on a collision course with my truck, at a distance of barely 100 yards and losing more and more altitude. It was an object shaped like a boomerang, dark in color, gray or black. The bulk of the mass was behind the lights, and some parts seemed to have depth. I slowed down to 15mph, rolled down the window, to better see this "plane" that I thought belonged to the US Air Force. There was no audible sound (note of vog: but the truck engine was running). It must not have been more than 100 feet in the air and was advancing in concert with the truck. It had the size of a Boeing 747. The lights seemed to rotate in a kind of prism, the purest colors I had ever seen." He wanted to stop to see better, but thinking that he was practically alone on the highway and that this thing could be hostile, he abstained. The object stayed above the truck for five minutes and Gebert had the feeling of being watched. For a fraction of a second of inattention, the object disappeared, as if it had evaporated in an instant.
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, ed. Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 71 to 73
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3194
### Event 45187 (5C674FB0)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** I87 / WOODBURY, NY
**Description:** Trucker. Huge boomerang paces / 5 min. Pure-colored lights. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14563
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "I87/WOODBURY,NY:TRUCKER:HUGE BOOMERANG PACES/5 MIN:PURE-COLORED LITES:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "40.816669 -73.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:49:00 N 73:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.816669,-73.466670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45188 (22EEC241)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** CLAXTON, GA
**Description:** 2 / car. 3 12M boomerangs hover low / altitude. 1 going [to] overhead / treetop level. Lights all over/all about.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 81)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14564
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "CLAXTON,GA:2/CAR:3 12M BOOMERANGS HVR LO/alt:1 > OVHD/TREETOP LVL:LITES ALLO", **LatLong:** "32.161113 -81.905559", **LatLongDMS:** "32:09:40 N 81:54:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.161113,-81.905559)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45189 (CA517BA6)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Location:** Albany (south of), NY
**Description:** 7:45 PM. A truck driver driving on Interstate highway I-87 south of Albany saw a delta-shaped UFO that looked larger than a Boeing 747. It paced his truck for five minutes. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5685
### Event 45190 (CCF3CBD7)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Location:** Claxton, GA
**Description:** 8:00 PM. Three 12-meter long boomerang-shaped objects hovered at low altitude over a highway in Claxton. One of the object flew directly overhead at treetop level. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5686
### Event 45191 (3C8A7830)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Location:** Interstate 87 south of Albany, New York
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. A truck driver driving on Interstate 87 south of Albany, New York, sees a boomerang-shaped UFO about 100 feet altitude that looks larger than a Boeing 747. It has red, white, and green lights. It paces his truck for five minutes then vanishes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NightSiege 71–73
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6506
### Event 45192 (58160D7C)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Locations:** Perry Road; Claxton, Georgia
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. A mother and daughter driving south on Perry Road near Claxton, Georgia, notice an unusual light through the trees. As they top a hill, they slow the car to a near stop when they see three boomerang-shaped objects, with wings pointing downward, hovering above a field. Each has two bright lights in the top center and a row of small, multicolored lights that blink in rapid sequence. One object is larger \(at least 40 feet wide\) than the others and moves over their car in perfect silence. Its underside appears dark metallic.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Local Woman, Daughter](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201984%2004%20-%20no%20177.pdf) [Report ‘Close Encounter,’](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201984%2004%20-%20no%20177.pdf)” Claxton \(Ga.\) Enterprise, March 29, 1984, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 177 \(April 1984\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6507
### Event 45193 (2462B024)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. a truck driver driving on Interstate highway I-87 south of Albany, New York saw a delta-shaped UFO that looked larger than a Boeing 747. It paced his truck for five minutes. He reported it had "prism-ish" lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno & Bob Pratt, Night Seige: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 63
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1605
### Event 45194 (FCDB53AE)
**Date:** 3/21/1984
**Description:** Three 12-meter long boomerang-shaped objects hovered at low altitude over a highway in Claxton, Georgia at 8 p.m. One of the object flew directly overhead at treetop level. It had lights all over it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hitt, Georgia UFO Phenomenon 1947-1987, p. 81
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1606
### Event 45195 (BF5F3FD7)
**Date:** 3/24/1984
**Location:** Sainte-Marie Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France
**Description:** 5:50 a.m. Five nuns at the Sainte-Marie Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France, see a bright oval object about 16 feet long and 6.5 feet tall from the first-floor balcony. It is hovering at first, then starts moving up and down and right and left “at the speed of lightning.” It stops about 100 feet above the cemetery and 325 feet away from the witnesses. There is no sound. Then it takes off in the direction it came from.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Groupe d’Études et d’Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés, “[Notes d’Enquête, Boulaur \(32\) 24.03.1984,](https://www.cnes-geipan.fr/sites/default/files/Notes%20d%27enquete55.pdf)” June 30, 2014; Swords 447
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6508
### Event 45196 (FC1F9ABF)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Location:** USA, near Newburgh (N.Y.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Bobby Boulanger, a 33-year-old engineer, and his family, were driving on 84 near Newburgh around 8 pm. They saw ten stationary red and white lights above the highway. The lights were so intense that they cast shadows on the ground. The family watched the UFO for ten minutes. Then something incredible happened: the lights went out one by one, and when the last one was extinguished, there was nothing left, it had all vanished.
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 81
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3195
### Event 45197 (7556C4E1)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Location:** USA, Yorktown (N.Y.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 8:30 PM Armand Favilla was driving on the expressway when all of a sudden we saw cars pull over and stop. I looked up and saw a series of lights arranged in a V or boomerang shape. I stopped the car, the object was hovering less than 600 feet above us. I rolled down the window but I didn't hear anything. Then the thing glided, not in a motor-driven motion, but floating. We saw the lights move off to the east."
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 79
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3197
### Event 45198 (42E3D25E)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Location:** USA, Bedford (N.Y.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Michael Piazza of Bedford was among the witnesses. "It had the shape of a delta with six white lights and two green lights in the center," he said. "The object made a very tight turn and flew off to the north. I'm used to airplanes, but this thing was flying at less than 20 or 30 mph."
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, Llewellyn Publishing, St Paul USA, p. 79
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3198
### Event 45199 (6DF26959)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Location:** USA, Croton Falls Reservoir (N.Y.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Jack Grimsley, a 33 year old professional photographer, was driving on Route 6 around 8:45 pm when he saw the phenomenon coming from the south. "I saw large, intense white lights, about ten of them, arranged in a boomerang shape. The intensity was so strong that I had to shield my eyes. When they passed over me I saw some kind of dark structure connecting the lights, which were about 500 feet in the air. It was huge. It was flying at the same speed as my car, which was going 30 mph, so I was able to stay directly underneath it for a while.
Then it turned, descended over the trees, and headed towards the Reservoir. I stopped the car and got out with my camcorder. The thing was hovering about 50 feet above the water, about 100 yards from the shore. At this point the lights were blinking different colors, and I could hear a very faint buzzing sound. I filmed for about ten minutes, and when I zoomed in I could make out the dark gray of the structure. The object was about 300 feet long. Then, all of a sudden, the lights went out and the object was gone. I stayed there looking around, but there was nothing to be seen, the object had vanished." This is when the strangest part happened. "I was walking back to my car, after what had seemed to be a quarter of an hour observation, but when I looked at my watch I had been near the Reservoir for over an hour. I must have been so stunned that I lost track of time." At home he was able to watch the footage he had taken, and he could hear the sound he had heard during the observation. However, when he took the cassette to his physicist friend to have it edited, there was nothing recorded on the film. (...)
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, Llewellyn, St Paul USA, pp. 81-83
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3199
### Event 45200 (1C37D2CD)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Time:** ~20:20
**Description:** Mini-wave / deltas. Police swamped / calls.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14565
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "99", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "PEEKSKILL+YORKTOWN+BEDFORD,NY++:MINI-WAVE/DELTAS:POLICE SWAMPED/CALLS.", **LatLong:** "41.283335 -73.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:17:00 N 73:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.283335,-73.900004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45201 (D5E0EBC2)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** YORKTOWN, NY
**Description:** All stop / Taconic Parkway. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Going northeast toward(s) Carmel and Connecticut.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14566
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "199", **Elev:** "115", **HatchDesc:** "YORKTOWN,NY:ALL STOP/TACONIC PKWY:DLT HVRS:> NE twrd CARMEL+CONNECTICUT.", **LatLong:** "41.294446 -73.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:17:40 N 73:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.294446,-73.800004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45202 (96CA97ED)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** SANTA MONICA, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent 24cm red fireball going up and down [to] low around car. Lit windows. / MJ#194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14567
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA MONICA,CA:1 OBS:SLNT 24cm RED FBL ↑+↓ LO AROUND CAR:LIT WINDOWS:/MJ#194", **LatLong:** "34.050002 -118.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:03:00 N 118:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.050002,-118.483339)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45203 (64FB47AA)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Location:** Santa Monica, California
**Description:** 8:55 p.m. A driver in Santa Monica, California, sees a bright red ball of light, about 10 inches in diameter, maneuvering around her car with a bouncing motion. It approaches to within a foot of her car, lighting up the hood and windows for one minute.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, April 1984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6509
### Event 45204 (6438BD1B)
**Date:** 3/25/1984
**Locations:** Taconic State Parkway; Peekskill, New York
**Description:** Night. Hundreds of people see low-flying lights over the Taconic State Parkway near Peekskill, New York. The lights seem to be attached to a slow-moving, boomerang-shaped object with six intense white lights and a green light in the center. A photographer estimates the object is about 300 feet long and flying at 30 mph. It moves over some water and the lights go out. He videotapes the incident, but nothing shows up on the tape.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NightSiege 78–83
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6510
### Event 45205 (DF44632B)
**Date:** 3/28/1984
**Location:** West Nottingham, New Hampshire
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. A triangular object passes above a car in West Nottingham, New Hampshire, at an altitude of 50 feet. It has two bright lights and is silent.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “[UFO Hotline Reports,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201984%2005%2000%20-%20Vol%2032%20No%203.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 32, no. 3 \(May 1984\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6511
### Event 45206 (214AE964)
**Date:** 3/29/1984
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft with 2 headlights passes 50' over car. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14568
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "109", **HatchDesc:** "W.NOTTINGHAM,NH:1 OBS:SLNT DLT W/2 HEADLITES PASSES 50'OVR CAR:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.161113 -71.138892", **LatLongDMS:** "43:09:40 N 71:08:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.161113,-71.138892)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45207 (349E3FE1)
**Date:** 3/29/1984
**Time:** 05:19:10.7
**Location:** 49.9220 78.9490
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1665
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9220 78.9490", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:19 N 78:56:56 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9220,78.9490)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45208 (5623A5FE)
**Date:** 3/31/1984
**Time:** 14:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1464 -116.0841
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Agrini” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_925
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1464 -116.0841", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:47 N 116:05:03 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1464,-116.0841)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Agrini", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45209 (FB0415C3)
**Date:** 4/1984
**Location:** White Swan, WA
**Description:** Reported in APRO Bulletin: D.M., who lives just south of White Swan, WA went out to his rural mailbox just before dawn to get his paper. He observed a large flying triangle passing overheard. It was lighted completely around its perimeter with multicolored lights which burned steadily. He estimated it was 8k-10k feet high, made no noise and was in sight for several minutes as it wasn't moving at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Archive.org](https://archive.org/details/AFU_19840500_APRO_Bulletin_v32_n3/page/n1/mode/2up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_746
### Event 45210 (5BFD66FB)
**Date:** 4/1984 (approximate)
**Time:** ~06:00
**Location:** PARIS, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Black 25M saucer hovers / street. 3 rows / portholes? Observer(s) gets camera. Saucer gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14569
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PARIS,FR:1 OBS:BLK 25M SCR HVRS/STREET:3 ROWS/PORTS?:OBS GETS CAMERA:SCR GONE", **LatLong:** "48.866669 2.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:52:00 N 02:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.866669,2.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Paris", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45211 (87A317AC)
**Date:** 4/1984
**Location:** Stanmore, Middlesex, UK
**Description:** PC Richard Milthorp was one of at least 20 uniformed officers who observed a dome shaped circular UFO that appeared to ‘fire’ balls of light to the ground for two hours. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5687
### Event 45212 (1DCAA4E5)
**Date:** 4/4/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Large silent white sphere exits and re-enters box canyon 2X.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14570
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "SW/TOPPENISH,WA:3 OBS:LRG.SLNT.WHT.SPHERE EXITS+RE-ENTERS BOX CANYON 2X:", **LatLong:** "46.250002 -120.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "46:15:00 N 120:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.250002,-120.366672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45213 (5B2E470C)
**Date:** 4/9/1984
**Description:** Several intercontinental airline pilots reported sighting a mushroom-shaped cloud, similar to what forms in the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion, over the western part of the Pacific Ocean. The cloud was slightly luminous, about 200 miles in diameter, and at a height of 65,000 feet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** William Corliss and Jerome Clark, UFO Calendar 1999
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1932
### Event 45214 (78AED58B)
**Date:** 4/10/1984
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** SOUTH WEST CITY, MO
**Description:** Farmer / truck. Night lights over farm. 12 min / missing time. Farmer disoriented.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 393)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14571
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "289", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTH WEST CITY,MO:FARMER/TRUCK:NLTS ovr FARM:12 min/MST:FARMER DISORIENTED", **LatLong:** "36.516668 -94.611116", **LatLongDMS:** "36:31:00 N 94:36:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.516668,-94.611116)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45215 (D8C86453)
**Date:** 4/10/1984
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** RHINELANDER, WI
**Description:** 2 / car. Silent cylinder/cigar-shape with windows / low altitude. Turns 360 degrees. Spokes west lights / end.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 195)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14572
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "474", **HatchDesc:** "RHINELANDER,WI:2/CAR:SLNT CGR W/WINDOWS/LO ALT:TURNS 360dgr:SPOKES W LITES/END", **LatLong:** "45.650002 -89.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:39:00 N 89:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.650002,-89.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45216 (C41B92DE)
**Date:** 4/10/1984
**Location:** Rhinelander, Wisconsin
**Description:** Night. While driving down a country road near Rhinelander, Wisconsin, two witnesses see a stationary, cigar- shaped object about 225 feet from the roadway. It has a row of lighted windows, and several spokes protrude from the surface. Each spoke has a white light on the tip. While hovering at treetop level, the object pivots 360° and then stops. After observing it for 4 minutes, the witnesses drive past it and go home.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6513
### Event 45217 (D0EAD4C6)
**Date:** 4/12/1984
**Locations:** Grantley Adams International Airport; Barbados; Northern part of the island
**Description:** 2:10 a.m. Air traffic control radar at Grantley Adams International Airport in Barbados tracks a large group of unknown targets moving at about 100 mph in “loose but distinct formation” 30 miles southeast of the island. Authorities notify Prime Minister [Tom Adams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%5FAdams%5F%28politician%29), the Barbados Defense Force, and the police commissioner. The BDF is put on Red Alert. By 2:20 a.m., the formation is 14 miles off the coast when two targets veer off to the island’s west side, two others move to the east, while the remainder keep on moving north. Police are deployed to the beaches. At 3:30 a.m., the BDF launches a patrol boat and scrambles a Cessna but does not find anything. Radar is still tracking objects at 4:00 a.m. over the northern part of the island. By 4:10 a.m., they disappear to the west. A temperature inversion is a possible cause.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[1984: UFOs Place Barbados Defence Force on Full Alert,](https://notesfromthemargin.wordpress.com/2008/03/13/1984-ufos-place-barbados-defence-force-on-full-alert-this-really-happened/) [This Really Happened,](https://notesfromthemargin.wordpress.com/2008/03/13/1984-ufos-place-barbados-defence-force-on-full-alert-this-really-happened/)” Notes from the Margin, March 13, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6514
### Event 45218 (61FA99B8)
**Date:** 4/13/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** GAINESVILLE, FL
**Description:** 2 / boat. Silent ovoid hovers 100M away. Beams cone / light going down / lake. / NURC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14573
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "GAINESVILLE,FL:2/BOAT:SLNT OVOID HVRS 100M away:BEAMS CONE/LITE ↓/LAKE:/NURC", **LatLong:** "29.666668 -82.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "29:40:00 N 82:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.666668,-82.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45219 (4EE15BDD)
**Date:** 4/13/1984
**Location:** Gainesville, Florida
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. While boating on a lake near Gainesville, Florida, two witnesses see a stationary oval-shaped object at an altitude of 100 feet about 300 feet from their boat. The object shines a cone of bright white light onto the surface of the water. After about 3 minutes, it hovers out of sight behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6515
### Event 45220 (4556035F)
**Date:** 4/14/1984
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** 20+observer(s). Fireball and night lights and saucer? Cops and Army all over/all about hills / 15 April. / r81p136.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14574
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "244", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "LLANGERNYW,WALES:20+OBS:FBL+NLTS+SCR?:COPS+ARMY ALLO HILLS/15APR:/r81p136", **LatLong:** "53.183336 -3.683334", **LatLongDMS:** "53:11:00 N 03:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.183336,-3.683334)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45221 (B7AD741F)
**Date:** 4/15/1984
**Time:** 03:17:11.5
**Location:** 49.7490 78.1010
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1666
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7490 78.1010", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:56 N 78:06:04 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7490,78.1010)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 45222 (DE2E4E84)
**Date:** 4/15/1984
**Location:** Llangernyw, North Wales
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. Some 20 witnesses \(farm workers, a police officer, venture scouts\) at Llangernyw, North Wales, see a pink-orange ball that drifts to the ground and explodes in a shower of purple sparks. Out of the shower emerges a white disc that appears to land out of sight behind a ridge. A large army helicopter and two military trucks apparently perform a search of the area beginning at daylight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Anatomy of a UFO Wave,” IUR 11, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1986\): 4–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6516
### Event 45223 (CCFA21E9)
**Date:** 4/17/1984?
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** COLUMBUS, OH
**Description:** 1 observer / Tuesday. Large red sphere/orb/globe. Amber lights / edge. Vanishes 80' away / 20' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14575
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "COLUMBUS,OH:1 OBS/Tuesday:LRG RED ORB:AMBER LITES/EDGE:VANISHES 80'away/20'alt", **LatLong:** "39.983335 -82.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:59:00 N 82:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.983335,-82.966671)", **RelAlt:** "24", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45224 (11C19887)
**Date:** 4/18/1984
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** A12 / LAKENHEATH, UK
**Description:** Huge rectangle and night lights low / road! Gone 3 days later. Missing time. / r81p136.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14576
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "A12/LAKENHEATH,UK:HUGE RECTANGLE+NLTS LO/ROAD!:GONE 3 DAYS LATER:MST:/r81p136", **LatLong:** "52.133336 1.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:08:00 N 01:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.133336,1.300000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45225 (EC4AA0F0)
**Date:** 4/18/1984
**Location:** Lakenheath Air Base, UK
**Description:** A rectangular UFO hovered only 100 feet above the side of a road near the RAF Lakenheath Air Base in England. It had red, green and white lights, and was silent. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5688
### Event 45226 (447642FB)
**Date:** 4/18/1984
**Locations:** RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England; road near RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A married couple is driving on a road near RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England, when they come upon a huge rectangular object straddling the road ahead. It has at least 60 lights arrayed in rows on its frame. Red and green lights are at its edges, but the majority are white. The object remains absolutely still and silent about 100 feet in the air. They are anxious to get home, so they do not see the object leave.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Anatomy of a UFO Wave,” IUR 11, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1986\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6517
### Event 45227 (2D19FE2C)
**Date:** 4/18/1984
**Description:** A rectangular UFO hovered only 100 feet above the side of a road near the RAF Lakenheath Air Base in England. It had red, green and white lights, and was silent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, March 1986, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2121
### Event 45228 (A83EE4B9)
**Date:** 4/19/1984
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** AIRPORT / SUFFOLK
**Description:** 3 Air Traffic Controllers. Sphere lands / tarmac. Shoots going up / plane lands. / r81p136.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14577
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "AIRPORT/SUFFOLK:3 ATCS:SPHERE LANDS/TARMAC:SHOOTS ↑/PLANE LANDS:/r81p136", **LatLong:** "52.333336 1.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:20:00 N 01:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.333336,1.333333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45229 (6E0D4E37)
**Date:** 4/19/1984
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** LLANO, TX
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Huge dome going [to] 60m overhead. Red lights turn / rim. Loud humming. Jet chases?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14578
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "336", **HatchDesc:** "LLANO,TX:5 OBS:HUGE DOME > 60m OVHD:RED LITES TURN/RIM:LOUD HUM:JET CHASES?", **LatLong:** "30.766668 -98.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "30:46:00 N 98:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.766668,-98.683338)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45230 (4F719712)
**Date:** 4/19/1984
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** LONE GROVE, TX
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Huge dome going [to] over house / 60m altitude. Loud humming. Lights / edge. Jet chases.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14579
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "320", **HatchDesc:** "LONE GROVE,TX:5 OBS:HUGE DOME>OVR HOUSE/60m alt:LOUD HUM:LITES/EDGE:JET CHASES", **LatLong:** "30.788890 -98.555560", **LatLongDMS:** "30:47:20 N 98:33:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.788890,-98.555560)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45231 (D50ED359)
**Date:** 4/19/1984
**Location:** Llano, TX
**Description:** 8:05 PM. Five people in Llano, Texas, witnessed a huge dome-shaped UFO fly over their house at only 200 feet altitude. It made a loud humming noise and had lights on the rim. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5689
### Event 45232 (FFD63853)
**Date:** 4/19/1984
**Location:** At an eastern airport, UK
**Description:** 16.00 GMT. Air traffic controllers at an eastern airport in England witnessed a glowing sphere that looked like "masses of silver paper crinkled up" touch down on a cross runway, then rocket skyward in a maneuver they judged impossible for aircraft. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5690
### Event 45233 (C83CB911)
**Date:** 4/19/1984
**Location:** Llano, Texas
**Description:** 8:05 p.m. A family in Llano, Texas, watches a huge dome-shaped object pass over their house at an altitude of only 200 feet. It has red lights around it. A jet aircraft appears to be pursuing it. The mother says she can hear a humming sound coming from it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6518
### Event 45234 (78DB7728)
**Date:** 4/19/1984
**Description:** At 8:05 p.m. five people in Llano, Texas witnessed a huge dome-shaped UFO fly over their house at only 200 feet altitude. It made a loud humming noise and had lights on the rim. A jet aircraft was seen in pursuit of the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, May-June 1984, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2142
### Event 45235 (24B1235D)
**Date:** 4/19/1984
**Description:** At 16.00 GMT air traffic controllers at an eastern airport in England witnessed a glowing sphere that looked like "masses of silver paper crinkled up" touch down on a cross runway, then rocket skyward in a maneuver they judged impossible for aircraft. It climbed 3000 feet in under a second.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, March-April 1986, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2143
### Event 45236 (B56B38B4)
**Date:** 4/20/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** BEAVERTON, OR
**Description:** 4 / car. Blue night light zaps yellow fireball. Disintegrates. Chases 2nd fireball. / MJ#195.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14580
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "58", **HatchDesc:** "BEAVERTON,OR:4/CAR:BLU NLT ZAPS YEL FBL:DISINTEGRATES:CHASES 2nd FBL:/MJ#195", **LatLong:** "45.483336 -122.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "45:29:00 N 122:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.483336,-122.800006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 45237 (24AB9E7E)
**Date:** 4/20/1984
**Location:** Beaverton, Oregon
**Description:** 10:04 p.m. Four people in a car in Beaverton, Oregon, see a large, pulsating, yellow light high in the sky. The driver stops, and a small, bright-blue object comes into view, moving toward the yellow object at high speed. Suddenly, a “fast red thing” shoots out of the blue object and knocks the yellow object in half, one part disintegrating and the other part falling to the ground. Two other objects, yellow and blue, appear with the blue object chasing and apparently shooting down the yellow object. The blue object then climbs at a high speed vertically and vanishes in the clouds. The observation lasts 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6519
### Event 45238 (81E99048)
**Date:** 4/20/1984
**Description:** Four people in a car in Beaverton, Oregon reported watching an aerial "dogfight" between a blue UFO and a yellow UFO at 10:04 p.m. The blue UFO zapped the yellow fireball with a red beam, apparently causing it to disintegrate because its light went out. The blue object then shot straight up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, International UFO Reporter, May 1984, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2169
### Event 45239 (3C40A740)
**Date:** 4/22/1984
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** NEAR SALTFLEET, UK
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Domed saucer ringed / lights and 2 headlight beams. Hovers / 30M altitude. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14581
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr SALTFLEET,UK:4 OBS:DOMED SCR RINGED/LITES+2 HEADLITE BEAMS:HVRS/30M alt:↑↑", **LatLong:** "53.416669 0.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:25:00 N 00:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.416669,0.183333)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45240 (3F5B07A1)
**Date:** 4/22/1984
**Location:** Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, England
**Description:** 10:10 p.m. A woman and her mother are watching TV at a trailer park in Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, England, when they see a dome-shaped object with circle of white lights, a small group of red lights above, and a brilliant white light on top. It is hovering nearby and about 500 feet in the air. More lights turn on and the object begins to revolve. As its speed increases, the colors blend into one another. The object moves away to the south, but over the next hour it circles the trailer park in wide loops that take it several miles out to sea before returning over their heads. It switches a searchlight beam off and on. The woman’s two dogs are looking fearfully at the UFO. At one point the object drops to 100 feet and hovers in absolute silence above the witnesses. The searchlight comes from two headlight beams projecting forward. The UFO has a “smoky glass” dome on top. Dogs are howling for miles around. The object switches off all but four of its lights and climbs vertically before heading out to sea to circle for a few more minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Saltfleet Encounter,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Northern%20UFO%20News%20%28Jenny%20Randles%29/Northern%20UFO%20News%20-%20No%20113.pdf)” Northern UFO News, no. 113 \(May/June 1985\): 10–11; Jenny Randles, “Anatomy of a UFO Wave,” IUR 11, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1986\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6520
### Event 45241 (A6C3C1AC)
**Date:** 4/22/1984
**Description:** Four witnesses near the shore at Saltfleet, Lincolnshire, England reported seeing a domed disc with a transparent dome that made several wide loops over the coast. It shone spotlights on a trailer park, buzzed the witnesses, and then rose vertically. It hovered at a 45 degree angle for two minutes. Their dogs were afraid.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, International UFO Reporter, March 1986, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2232
### Event 45242 (7ACAF9D3)
**Date:** 4/24/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The communications of President [Reagan](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ReaganRonaldWilson.html)'s plane are cut off for several hours. (April 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2967
### Event 45243 (435E26DC)
**Date:** 4/24/1984
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** ALCALDE, NM
**Description:** 8 separate observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Metallic ovoid maneuvers out and back / 20 minute(s). Light rumble heard.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 393)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14582
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1739", **HatchDesc:** "ALCALDE,NM:8 SEP.OBS/BINOCS:MTLC OVOID MNVRS OUT+BACK/20min:LITE RUMBLE heard", **LatLong:** "36.083335 -106.055561", **LatLongDMS:** "36:05:00 N 106:03:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.083335,-106.055561)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45244 (CBB43D64)
**Date:** 4/24/1984
**Time:** 19:10
**Description:** 300M cylinder/cigar-shape follows KC135 tanker through U-turn. Separate night lights play. RADAR blips.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 199)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14583
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1852", **HatchDesc:** "CHIMAYO,NM++:300M CGR FOLOS KC135 TANKER THRU U-TURN:SEP.NLTS PLAY:RDR BLIPS", **LatLong:** "36.000002 -105.927783", **LatLongDMS:** "36:00:00 N 105:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.000002,-105.927783)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45245 (0D911213)
**Date:** 4/24/1984
**Location:** Chimayo, NM
**Description:** 7:10 PM. Radar visual confirmation. A 1000 foot long cigar-shaped object followed a KC-135 USAF tanker aircraft through a U-turn over the mountains of Chimayo, New Mexico while separate nocturnal lights cavorted about in the sky. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5691
### Event 45246 (E3CFC05D)
**Date:** 4/24/1984
**Description:** Radar visual confirmation. At 7:10 p.m. a 1000 foot long cigar-shaped object followed a KC-135 USAF tanker aircraft through a U-turn over the mountains of Chimayo, New Mexico while separate nocturnal lights cavorted about in the sky. Radar blips were tracked at the time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, November 1984
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2285
### Event 45247 (79B3B2DE)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Fireball. Odd house-key shape hovers. Psi effects? Military investigation/investigators and flyby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14584
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "41", **HatchDesc:** "BLAIRGOWRIE,SCOTL:FBL:ODD HOUSE-KEY SHAPE HVRS:PSI EFFECTS?:MIL INV+FLYBY", **LatLong:** "56.588892 -3.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "56:35:20 N 03:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.588892,-3.333333)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45248 (17F35F40)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** DUTCHESS CTY, NY
**Description:** Many cars stop / I84 near Taconic Parkway exit. 300' object with lights overhead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 133)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14585
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "DUTCHESS CTY,NY:MANY CARS STOP/I84 NR TACONIC PKWY EXIT:300'OBJ W/LITES OVHD", **LatLong:** "41.750002 -73.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:45:00 N 73:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.750002,-73.750004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45249 (AB930FB9)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** NEAR NAPA, CA
**Description:** 3 / car. 300' and delta/triangle/box-like craft 100' over American Canyon Road / 5 minute(s). Going [to] up canyon. / MJ#195.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14586
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "22", **HatchDesc:** "nr NAPA,CA:3/CAR:300'+DLT 100'OVR AMERICAN CANYON Rd/5min:> UP CANYON:/MJ#195", **LatLong:** "38.316668 -122.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:19:00 N 122:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.316668,-122.283339)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45250 (A13B5EA3)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Location:** The Orkney Islands, Scotland
**Description:** 5:30 PM. A silver colored, 150 foot long, bulbous-shaped object with a long tail hung in the sky, rocking back and forth 80 feet above the ground over a garden in Blairgowrie, The Orkney Islands, Scotland. Mrs. Freeman's dog cowered, and she was temporarily blinded by a ball of light from the object that struck her and entered her body, and she felt the warmth emitted by it but at the same time felt a sensation of calm. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5693
### Event 45251 (BFB856AA)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Location:** Napa, CA
**Description:** 9:55 PM. Structural details of a UFO were observed by three witnesses in a car as the UFO passed over them at 100 feet while they were driving down American Canyon Road in Napa, California. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5696
### Event 45252 (C2DF7C5C)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Time:** 01:09:06.0
**Location:** 49.9350 78.8670
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1667
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9350 78.8670", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:06 N 78:52:01 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9350,78.8670)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 45253 (78FA43EE)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Location:** Blairgowrie, Scotland
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. A woman is in her garden at Blairgowrie, Scotland, working on a tapestry when her dog leaps up and runs indoors. A ball of light appears in the air and seems to enter her body. She is blinded for a few seconds but feels calm. A white cloud rises from her head and hovers above some bushes. It blinks twice and climbs into the sky toward a large silvery object shaped like a house key. The cloud moves along the length of the key, flashing and lighting up bits in turn. She calls her son, who arrives just as the UFO sways from side to side and vanishes in a sudden pink flash.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Anatomy of a UFO Wave,” IUR 11, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1986\): 7– 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6521
### Event 45254 (2F3571C8)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Locations:** American Canyon Road; Napa, California
**Description:** 9:55 p.m. Three witnesses driving on American Canyon Road south of Napa, California, see a huge triangular object the size of a football field hovering 100 feet above the road. They drive beneath it, and after 5 minutes the object moves out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “[UFO Hotline Reports,](https://vdocuments.mx/reader/full/mufon-ufo-journal-1984-5-6-mayjune)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 195 \(May/June 1984\): 11; Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6522
### Event 45255 (E4840F60)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Description:** At 5:30 p.m. a silver colored, 150 foot long, bulbous-shaped object with a long tail hung in the sky, rocking back and forth 80 feet above the ground over a garden in Blairgowrie, The Orkney Islands, Scotland. Mrs. Freeman's dog cowered, and she was temporarily blinded by a ball of light from the object that struck her and entered her body, and she felt the warmth emitted by it but at the same time felt a sensation of calm. A beam of light flowed upward from the object. After a few minutes the object vanished in a pink flash.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, p. 125; Jenny Randles, International UFO Reporter, March 1986, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2311
### Event 45256 (8E6C16EE)
**Date:** 4/25/1984
**Description:** Structural details of a UFO were observed by three witnesses in a car as the UFO passed over them at 100 feet while they were driving down American Canyon Road in Napa, California. The UFO was first seen at 9:55 p.m., and described as delta shaped and over 300 feet wide. It flew away up the canyon, and was in sight for five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, International UFO Reporter, May 1984, p. 16; MUFON UFO Journal, May 1984
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2312
### Event 45257 (A2F8B453)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) General Robert Bond is killed when the MIG 23 he is piloting beyond [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) crashes into Little Skull Mountain in the [NTS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NTS.html). (April 26)
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2968
### Event 45258 (A61D5352)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** WEST / MACOMER, ITL
**Description:** 2 kids. Small humanoid (or Grey) / woods. Odd helmet. Odd silence! Disk rises going [to] east-northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14587
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "W/MACOMER,ITL:2 KIDS:OID/WOODS:ODD HELMET:ODD SILENCE!:DISK RISES >ENE", **LatLong:** "40.266669 8.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "40:16:00 N 08:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.266669,8.716667)", **State/Prov:** "NU", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45259 (88447D5F)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Cops and several separate observer(s). West-shaped object with lights all over/all about. 160kph / low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 82)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14588
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "38", **HatchDesc:** "SCREVEN+JESUP,GA:COPS+SVRL SEP.OBS:W-shaped OBJ W/LITES ALLO:160kph/lo alt", **LatLong:** "31.483335 -82.016671", **LatLongDMS:** "31:29:00 N 82:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.483335,-82.016671)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45260 (D9265765)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). Multicolor saucer fires fireballs at ground. Maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14589
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "STANMORE,LONDON,ENGL:MANY OBS:MULTICOLOR SCR FIRES FIREBALLS AT GND:MANEUVERS", **LatLong:** "51.616669 -0.316667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:37:00 N 00:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.616669,-0.316667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45261 (7AE28ED3)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Location:** Macomer, Sardinia (west of), Italy
**Description:** 11:00 AM. A humanoid wearing an odd helmet was seen in the woods west of Macomer, Sardinia, Italy by two children. A disc-shaped object rose from the forest floor, then flew off to the east-northeast. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5697
### Event 45262 (C89E87CD)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Locations:** Groom Lake, Nevada; Jackass Flats in Area 25; Tonopah
**Description:** On a visit to the 6513th Test Squadron, Red Hats at Groom Lake, Nevada, USAF Lt. Gen. [Robert M. Bond](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FM.%5FBond) requests to fly a MiG-23 BN fighter-bomber, a newly acquired supersonic Soviet aircraft flown for testing. Instead of the usual 2 weeks of training, Bond is given a cursory briefing while sitting inside the cockpit with an instructor. Just as he is flying at 40,000 feet and over Mach 2 speed, a hydromechanical inhibitor activates, preventing him from disengaging the afterburner. Bond loses control, makes a distress call, and is killed while ejecting. The MiG-23 crashes on Jackass Flats in Area 25, still contaminated from NERVA rocket testing. Bond’s body is discovered by a USAF sergeant on his way to work, who removes the rank insignia from Bond’s flight suit with a pocketknife before going to get help. The USAF does not confirm or deny that Bond was flying a MiG when he died and states that he was flying “an Air Force specially modified test craft,” but it leaks the information on the MiG testing program to journalist Fred Hoffman. There are fears that the publicity will also lead to the exposure of the F-117 program, still secret and also based at Tonopah, but this does not happen.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Robert M. Bond](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FM.%5FBond\#Death)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6523
### Event 45263 (35CD92C2)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Location:** Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London, England
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Terri West spots an odd light in the sky from her home on Belmont Lane, Stanmore, Greater London, England. At 10:15 p.m., she joins her neighbors Ruth and Bruno Novelli to watch the light, which is moving back and forth and constantly changing colors from blue to green to pink. Soon it emits a large ball of light that shoots toward the ground. The witnesses call the police at 10:22 p.m. A team of police arrives and watches the object for about 2 hours. Police Constable Richard Milthorp says the light is originally at 45° but after 15 minutes it moves up and to the right. He draws a sketch of the object, which is circular in the middle with a dome above and below. It has different colored lights on the top and bottom. One of the officers takes photos, but they do not come out well. Some others chase the UFO by car, but it is already fading from view.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 114–115](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/114/mode/2up); UFOFiles2, [p. 130](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n211/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6524
### Event 45264 (62DCE8F4)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Description:** At around 11:00 a.m. a humanoid wearing an odd helmet was seen in the woods west of Macomer, Sardinia, Italy by two children. There was an odd silence that permeated the encounter, which lasted only a couple of minutes. A disc-shaped object rose from the forest floor, then flew off to the east-northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 14138, citing CISU
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2349
### Event 45265 (A237B170)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a multicolor disc fired fireballs at the ground and maneuvered in the sky over Stanmore, London, England.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, p. 114
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2350
### Event 45266 (445342F9)
**Date:** 4/26/1984
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. in Screven, Georgia several witnesses including police watched a W-shaped object with lights that flew at a low altitude and at a speed of 160 km/hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hitt, Georgia UFO Phenomenon 1947-1987, p. 82
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2351
### Event 45267 (B85369E5)
**Date:** 4/27/1984
**Locations:** West Ridge Road; Cornville, Maine
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Linda Braga and her daughter Piper see a starlike object that follows their car along West Ridge Road in Cornville, Maine. About 35–45 feet in diameter, the red and yellow object comes almost within touching distance. When they reach their driveway, it backs off and hovers above a field, then moves around to the other side of the house. It disappears in the distance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Recently Received Sighting Reports,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 5 \(Oct./Nov. 1984\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6525
### Event 45268 (078F53AC)
**Date:** 5/1984
**Time:** ~23:00
**Description:** Chupa chases and zaps man repeatedly. No lasting effects.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CONFRONTATIONS, A Scientists Search..; Ballentine Books, NY 1990+91.PB (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14590
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "71", **HatchDesc:** "SANTANA do ACARAU,BRZ:CHUPA CHASES+ZAPS MAN REPEATEDLY:no lasting effects.", **LatLong:** "-3.450000 -40.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "03:27:00 S 40:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.450000,-40.200002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45269 (F3D3FB0E)
**Date:** 5/1984
**Description:** Alleged CIA documents show the Army’s remote viewing program at the time investigated an anomalous event during classified military trials. “...It had to do with time or something; like the connective tissue of reality was twisted in some way, pulled apart. It was very much like something popped in our reality.”
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/comments/xku8yn/cia_investigates_anomalous_event_that_triggered/](https://www.reddit.com/r/remoteviewing/comments/xku8yn/cia_investigates_anomalous_event_that_triggered/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_210
### Event 45270 (6B048B33)
**Date:** 5/1/1984
**Location:** US
**Description:** The book “Clear Intent”, later renamed to “The UFO Cover-up: What the Government Won’t Say” in 1990, written by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood is published.
**Type:** book
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_Against_UFO_Secrecy)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_745
### Event 45271 (4099F960)
**Date:** 5/1/1984
**Time:** 19:05:00.1
**Location:** 37.1062 -116.0224
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Mundo” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1784
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1062 -116.0224", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:22 N 116:01:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1062,-116.0224)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Mundo", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45272 (395EE18E)
**Date:** 5/2/1984
**Time:** 13:49:59.8
**Location:** 37.1900 -116.0200
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Orkney” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_926
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1900 -116.0200", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:24 N 116:01:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1900,-116.0200)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Orkney", **NukeSource:** "ISC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45273 (CFB30AB3)
**Date:** 5/2/1984
**Location:** Australia
**Description:** Australian Minister of Defence [Gordon Scholes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon%5FScholes) announces that the RAAF will fully investigate only those UFO sightings that “suggest a defence or national security implication.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “The North West Cape Incident: UFOs and Nuclear Alert in Australia,” IUR 11, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1986\): 11; Good Above, [p. 182](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/182/mode/2up); Swords 408–409
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6526
### Event 45274 (023591FD)
**Date:** 5/4/1984
**End date:** 5/6/1984
**Location:** Genoa, Italy
**Description:** The Centro Ufologico Nazionale holds its Third International Congress in Genoa, Italy. Speakers include [J.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) [Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) [Roberto Pinotti](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto%5FPinotti)[,](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto%5FPinotti) and [Antonio Ribera](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Antonio%5FRibera)[.](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Antonio%5FRibera)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roberto Pinotti, “Italian Report,” IUR 9, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1984\): 3, 16; 2Pinotti 70
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6527
### Event 45275 (CC1613BA)
**Date:** 5/5/1984
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** PIEDMONT, SC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Loud pulsing sound. Ovoid 750' altitude. Dogs howl madly. / MJ#195.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14591
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "PIEDMONT,SC:2 OBS:LOUD PULSING SOUND:OVOID 750'alt:DOGS HOWL MADLY:/MJ#195", **LatLong:** "34.700002 -82.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "34:42:00 N 82:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.700002,-82.466671)", **RelAlt:** "230", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45276 (C855EEC5)
**Date:** 5/5/1984
**Location:** In Space by the ultra-sensitive orbiting USDSP satellites, In Space
**Description:** DSP Satellite Tracks Fast Walker (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [840505](http://www.nicap.org/840505orbit%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5699
### Event 45277 (7C804D55)
**Date:** 5/5/1984
**Location:** Piedmont, South Carolina
**Description:** 2:55 a.m. A witness in Piedmont, South Carolina, hears a loud pulsating sound and looks out the window in time to see a large metallic object passing above his house at about 750 feet. Described as bigger than an Air Force C-5A transport, the object is shaped like a flattened football. A car stops along the road, and the driver gets out to watch it. All of the dogs in the neighborhood are howling as it is in view for 2 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6528
### Event 45278 (582B7702)
**Date:** 5/5/1984
**Location:** Indian Ocean
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. An ultrasensitive orbiting US Defense Support Program spy satellite detects the entry of an unknown object that passes 15 miles in front of it only 1.8 miles away, and then flies below it over the Indian Ocean. The encounter lasts 9 minutes. An alert is triggered at NORAD. The object is moving at 22,000 mph, changes course, and flies back into outer space.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[DSP Satellite Tracks Fast Walker](http://www.nicap.org/840505orbit%5Fdir.htm)”; Ronald S. Regehr, How to Build a $125 Million UFO Detector, 1998, pp. 27–28, 84
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6529
### Event 45279 (5CFF0436)
**Date:** 5/5/1984
**Locations:** Rio Seco; Tucumán, Argentina
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Five workers on a garbage truck are near the Rio Seco, Tucumán, Argentina, when they see a strange light like a fireball. The truck stops, and later it is found that the fuses have burnt out. The upper part of the object is giving off a red light and the lower part a blue light, and it hovers above the truck for 20 seconds. It then moves away silently and disappears. Residents of Rio Seco also see the light, which illuminates the village.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6530
### Event 45280 (02F4FDE6)
**Date:** 5/5/1984
**Description:** At 2:55 a.m. a loud pulsing sound preceded the presence of a metallic ovoid or football-shaped UFO flying overhead at 200 feet altitude in Piedmont, South Carolina. The dogs in the neighborhood all howled and went crazy. There were two witnesses, and the encounter lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, International UFO Reporter, May 1984, p. 16; MUFON UFO Journal, May 1984
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2555
### Event 45281 (64A3FB0E)
**Date:** 5/5/1984
**Description:** At 1400 hours GMT a Defense Support Program (DSP) spy satellite detected the entry of an unknown object that passes 15 miles in front of it, and then flew below it over the Indian Ocean. The unknown object changed course, and flew back out into outer space.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael D. Hall, UFOs: A Century of Sightings, p. 324
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2556
### Event 45282 (E16FF9E6)
**Date:** 5/5/1984
**Description:** An anonymous source claims to a journalist that a highly classified U.S. Defense Support Program spy satellite detects a UAP. It comes within 1.8 miles of the DSP satellite before flying below it over the Indian Ocean. It is moving 22,000 mph, changes course, and
allegedly flies back into outer space. This story made its way to the public not via a USG disclosure, but a documentary film.
* [http://www.nicap.org/840505orbit_dir.htm](http://www.nicap.org/840505orbit_dir.htm)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_211
### Event 45283 (709D53B6)
**Date:** 5/6/1984
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** WILLISTON, FL
**Description:** Humming. Dogs hide / pens and cry. Area turns red. Saucer 20' overhead. Heat. / MJ#195.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14592
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "23", **HatchDesc:** "WILLISTON,FL:HUM:DOGS HIDE/PENS+CRY:AREA TURNS RED:SCR 20'OVHD:HEAT:/MJ#195", **LatLong:** "29.366668 -82.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "29:22:00 N 82:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.366668,-82.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45284 (5EF756DE)
**Date:** 5/6/1984
**Location:** Williston, FL
**Description:** Time not given. A 13-year-old boy working at a kennel in Williston, Florida heard a humming noise, and noticed that the dogs were attempting to hide in their pens and whining. As he went out to investigate the area turned red with illumination, and a bright red disc-shaped object hovered only 20 feet over his head. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5700
### Event 45285 (7A8DF10F)
**Date:** 5/6/1984
**Location:** Williston, Florida
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A 13-year-old boy is washing out dog pens in Williston, Florida, when he hears a humming sound behind him. The dogs start whimpering and running around the pens. Suddenly, the area turns red and looking up, the boy sees a bright red circular object that hovers for about 5 seconds at only 20 feet altitude before it shoots across a field and stops again. He goes inside to get his mother, who sees the object moving across the field before vanishing. The dogs remain agitated afterward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, “UFO Hotline Reports,” IUR 9, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6531
### Event 45286 (195D2E72)
**Date:** 5/6/1984
**Description:** A 13-year-old boy working at a kennel in Williston, Florida heard a humming noise, and noticed that the dogs were attempting to hide in their pens and whining. As he went out to investigate the area turned red with illumination, and a bright red disc-shaped object hovered only 20 feet over his head. He felt heat coming from the object. When he returned to the dog pens, the dogs barked at him and would not let him inside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, International UFO Reporter, May 1984, p. 16; MUFON UFO Journal, May 1984, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2597
### Event 45287 (6208541A)
**Date:** 5/8/1984
**Time:** 17:26:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Demophon” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1969
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Demophon", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 45288 (F642B583)
**Date:** 5/12/1984
**Time:** 17:31:00.0
**Location:** -21.8630 -138.9010
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Midas” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1970
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8630 -138.9010", **LatLongDMS:** "21:51:47 S 138:54:04 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8630,-138.9010)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.57", **NukeName:** "Midas", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 45289 (FF908453)
**Date:** 5/15/1984
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) There was the launch of Columbia with its recovery. None of the American authors mention it... (May 15, 1984)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3196
### Event 45290 (85F4758A)
**Date:** 5/16/1984
**Location:** US
**Description:** Dept. of the Army letter to W. S. Steinman stating that the IPU was disestablished in the late 1950s and all records were transferred to the Air Force. Therefore the Army isn’t aware of what their function was even though it was a Secret unit of the Army. (FOIA requests to USAF)
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (B1-A p55)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_747
### Event 45291 (4AA9F10D)
**Date:** 5/16/1984
**Time:** 15:59:58.9
**Location:** 37.0900 -115.9700
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bellow” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_927
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0900 -115.9700", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:24 N 115:58:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0900,-115.9700)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bellow", **NukeSource:** "ISC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45292 (F7828818)
**Date:** 5/16/1984
**Description:** Army Dir. of Counterintelligence LTC Lance R. Cornine writes in a FOIA response that the Army briefly had an “in-house” group known as the “Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit” that unofficially analyzed UAP in the 1950s. The Directorate denied the existence of any IPU records, but three years later admitted records were transferred to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. In 1997, AFOSI told FOIA requestors that its IPU material had been destroyed.
* [https://www.ufoexplorations.com/_files/ugd/aa4aac_461cac7b9fc24ae59f3a6569a56d0b3f.pdf](https://www.ufoexplorations.com/_files/ugd/aa4aac_461cac7b9fc24ae59f3a6569a56d0b3f.pdf)
* [https://www.ufoexplorations.com/_files/ugd/aa4aac_02990b506eb941b29c48d3cdfe60bd44.pdf](https://www.ufoexplorations.com/_files/ugd/aa4aac_02990b506eb941b29c48d3cdfe60bd44.pdf)
* [http://www.cufon.org/cufon/foiasop.htm](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/foiasop.htm)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_212
### Event 45293 (450454F1)
**Date:** 5/18/1984
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). Flash. 12' rocket going quickly west / treetop level 125' away. Unidentified.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14593
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "COLUMBUS,OH+area:2 SEP.OBS:FLASH:12'ROCKET >>W/TREETOP LVL 125'away:UID", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -82.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 82:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-82.983337)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45294 (79113F7A)
**Date:** 5/18/1984
**Location:** Mt. Vernon, IN
**Description:** 10:40 PM. A Skywatch team observed a flashing strobe light coming out of the NE heading SW. The object then passed directly over the team at high altitude and exhibited anamalistic motion during final distant five minutes of the 12 minute observation. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5702
### Event 45295 (BFB318F8)
**Date:** 5/19/1984
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** WILLIAMS, IN
**Description:** 1 observer. Truck-size 3 / 4 disk (1 / 4 missing) over tree. Tingling sensation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 74)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14594
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "207", **HatchDesc:** "WILLIAMS,IN:1 OBS:TRUCK-SIZE 3/4 DISK (1/4 MISSING) OVR TREE:TINGLING SENSATN", **LatLong:** "38.800002 -86.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:48:00 N 86:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.800002,-86.650004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45296 (E84F62B4)
**Date:** 5/19/1984
**Location:** Williams, IN
**Description:** Midnight. The witness said that he was outside behind his house working on equipment. He was working by electric light and suddenly noticed everything around him became brightly lit. He looked up to see that the light source was a brilliant orangish-colored light, low in the northwest. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5703
### Event 45297 (40A4F07D)
**Date:** 5/19/1984
**Description:** In rural Williams, Indiana at 11:50 p.m. the witness was working on equipment outside behind his house on a warm, clear Saturday night. His wife was sleeping inside, and two of this neighbors had just left after stopping by to visit him. Suddenly, everything around him became brightly lit, and the witness felt a tingling sensation. He looked up to see that the light source was a brilliant orange light, low in the northwest sky. It was totally silent and he could only see the light, no craft could be seen. He went inside to call his two neighbors to come back and see the strange light, but he did not wake his wife who is a sound sleeper. He went back outside and the UFO was there as before. After 10-15 minutes had passed, the object began to drift away to the northwest where he lost sight of it. Shortly after this his neighbors arrived. They had not seen the UFO and teased him and seeing things. The object was reportedly 400-500 feet away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 81, citing Palmiter, MUFON Indiana
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2987
### Event 45298 (1B278EAB)
**Date:** 5/20/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** EATON RAPIDS, MI
**Description:** Soyuz T10 re-entry. Several observer(s). Slow 300' grey delta/triangle/box-like craft-cylinder/cigar-shape / treetop level!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 199)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14595
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "EATON RAPIDS,MI:SOYUZ T10 RE-ENTRY:SVRL OBS:SLO 300'GRY DLT-CGR/TREETOP LEVEL!", **LatLong:** "42.516669 -84.655560", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:00 N 84:39:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.516669,-84.655560)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45299 (9D98FECD)
**Date:** 5/20/1984
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** LUCKY POINT, IN
**Description:** Black triangle stops 75m over car / 1 minute(s). (Satellite re-entry same night.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 74)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14596
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "LUCKY POINT,IN:BLK TRIANGLE STOPS 75m ovr CAR/1min:(sat.re-entry same nite)", **LatLong:** "38.683335 -87.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:00 N 87:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.683335,-87.250004)", **RelAlt:** "75", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45300 (5ACD7A75)
**Date:** 5/20/1984
**Location:** Monroe City, IN
**Description:** Evening. Black triangle came in, stopped over car for one minute, 200-300 feet overhead, moved off. (UPRO) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5704
### Event 45301 (1CC0D32C)
**Date:** 5/26/1984
**Time:** 03:13:14.9
**Location:** 49.9730 79.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1668
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9730 79.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:58:23 N 79:00:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9730,79.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 45302 (B5D504F8)
**Date:** 5/29/1984
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** LAXEY BAY, ISLE / MAN
**Description:** 2 observer(s) only. Large dark saucer going west. 2 strong beams / front. Going quickly northwest. News.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 361)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14597
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "LAXEY BAY,Isle/MAN:2 OBS only:LRG DRK SCR > W:2 STRONG BEAMS/FRONT:>>NW:NEWS", **LatLong:** "54.216669 -4.394445", **LatLongDMS:** "54:13:00 N 04:23:40 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.216669,-4.394445)", **State/Prov:** "MAN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45303 (76CD535D)
**Date:** 5/29/1984
**Location:** New York City
**Description:** [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) gives a presentation on “Properties of the UFO Phenomenon” at a special session on “The Edges of Science” of the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in New York City. He presents a summary of 400 UFO cases by responsible witnesses, “some of whom were independent of each other but observed the same event \(and sometimes in daylight\) which defied both common sense and common physical sense.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “The UFO Phenomenon,” IUR 9, no. 4 \(July/August 1984\): 3–5, 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6532
### Event 45304 (24F6FFFF)
**Date:** 5/29/1984
**Locations:** Fairy Cottage; Laxey; Isle of Man
**Description:** A huge disc with a flat base and two vast searchlights passes silently over Fairy Cottage, near Laxey, Isle of Man.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Mysterious Island: The UFO Legacy of the Isle of Man,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6533
### Event 45305 (CCE4360F)
**Date:** 5/31/1984
**Time:** ~21:00
**Description:** Triangle / lights with possible fuselage. APRO v32#6 / Giamusso.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 79)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14598
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "S.PUTNAM+WESTCHESTER Co,NY:TRIANGLE/LITES W/POSS.FUSELAGE::APRO v32#6/Giamusso", **LatLong:** "41.300002 -73.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:18:00 N 73:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.300002,-73.833337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45306 (74D23D3F)
**Date:** 5/31/1984
**Location:** Hawthorne, NY
**Description:** 8:15 PM. A V-Shaped formation of 15 lights, estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all connected to one object, passed directly over the home of an IBM engineer in Hawthorne, Westchester County, New York It made no sound as it passed overhead except a faint humming. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5705
### Event 45307 (176F1038)
**Date:** 5/31/1984
**Location:** Pleasantville, NY
**Description:** 8:30 PM. A V-shaped object was seen from Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York. It was reported to be larger than a football field, and it followed a car being driven on the Taconic Parkway. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5706
### Event 45308 (75E16941)
**Date:** 5/31/1984
**Location:** Yorktown, NY
**Description:** 8:45 PM A V-shaped formation of lights were seen by Mr. D. Boyd in Yorktown, New York. An engineer and private pilot, he watched them turn and fly away toward the west. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5707
### Event 45309 (7F1F8EAE)
**Date:** 5/31/1984
**Time:** 13:04:00.1
**Location:** 37.1031 -116.0480
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Caprock” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_928
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1031 -116.0480", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:11 N 116:02:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1031,-116.0480)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "Caprock", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45310 (DCA53AC8)
**Date:** 5/31/1984
**Locations:** Hawthorne, New York; Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York; Taconic State Parkway; Yorktown, New York
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. A V-shaped formatio60659gme n of 15 lights, estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all are connected to one object, passes directly over the home of John Burdett, an IBM engineer in Hawthorne, New York. It makes no sound as it passes overhead except for a faint humming. All lights simultaneously turn blue and then it makes a tight 180-degree turn and flies off to the north. At 8:30 p.m., the object is seen from Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York, and follows a car down the Taconic State Parkway. At 8:45 p.m., David Boyd in Yorktown, New York, sees a V-shaped formation of lights turn and fly away to the west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, “More Nocturnal Lights,” IUR 9, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1984\): 6–8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6534
### Event 45311 (F7011F5E)
**Date:** 5/31/1984
**Description:** A V-shaped formation of ten to fifteen red lights flew over the Hudson Valley on this night and was seen from several locations. At 8:15 p.m. a V-Shaped formation of 15 lights, estimated to be the size of a Boeing 747 airliner if all connected to one object, passed directly over the home of an IBM engineer in Hawthorne, Westchester County, New York. It made no sound as it passed overhead except a faint humming. All lights simultaneously turned blue, and then made a tight 180-degree turn and flew off to the north. At 8:30 p.m. the same or a similar object was seen from Route 117 in Pleasantville, New York. It was reported to be larger than a football field, and it followed a car being driven on the Taconic Parkway. At 8:45 p.m. the lights were seen by Mr. D. Boyd in Yorktown, New York. An engineer and private pilot, he watched them turn and fly away toward the west. V-shaped or triangular UFOs were also sighted later that night in Fishkill and south Putnam County.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Philip Imbrogno, International UFO Reporter, September 1984, p. 5-7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3189
### Event 45312 (B5E586DF)
**Date:** 6/3/1984
**Time:** daytime
**Location:** King County, WASHINGTON
**Description:** No mutilation connection in this particular incident (although animal mutilations have been reported consistently for well over a decade in the area of Snohomish, King & Pierce Counties) - but it is of interest because of the description of the helicopter. Michael D. Hart and three other witnesses were camping near a river in Central King County. They heard a helicopter, then they finally saw it circling low over a dairy farm near North Bend. Through binoculars, the craft was seen to be all black, with no discernible markings whatsoever. The windows appeared tinted to prevent viewing into the cockpit. The witnesses said the chopper was a "Huey".
**Type:** mystery helicopter/mutilation related
**Reference:** Ref. l [The Choppers - and the Choppers, Mystery Helicopters and Animal Mutilations, Thomas R. Adams, 1991](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Adams,Thomas,Choppers%20and%20the%20Choppers-1.pdf)
**Source:** MysteryHelicoptersAdams, **ID:** MysteryHelicoptersAdams_201
### Event 45313 (77CFBE2D)
**Date:** 6/4/1984
**Location:** USA, Lawrenceburg (New York)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Fred Ranaudo was camping in the woods. On a small hill he had made a fire, his vehicle was to his right, and he wrapped himself in the sleeping bag to sleep. Around 3:30 he was awakened in the dark night, without a moon. After a while, his eyes having adapted, he was sitting and looking around and heard in the undergrowth the sound of very heavy footsteps. He heard these sounds for a long time before he saw the creature. It was white, walking at a good pace, breathing loudly as if asthmatic, or out of breath after a run. It was 50 to 75 yards away, vertical, close to 9 feet in height. The creature was approaching and had not yet spotted the witness, who was downwind and whose fire had gone out. Suddenly, seeing the human being, the creature jumped, one big and two small jumps. Taken aback, the witness stood up and jumped towards his vehicle. "You know, this thing was very big, very wide, very white and covered in fur," he said. He saw it disappear into the night and then heard nothing else.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 39, 40
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3200
### Event 45314 (7D53BC8D)
**Date:** 6/4/1984
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** STAUNTON, VA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3M ovoid lights mobile homes. Going west. Going east. Unfolds like a butterfly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 394)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14599
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "427", **HatchDesc:** "STAUNTON,VA:2 OBS:3M OVOID LITES MOBILE HOMES:> W: >E:UNFOLDS like a butterfly", **LatLong:** "38.150002 -79.072226", **LatLongDMS:** "38:09:00 N 79:04:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.150002,-79.072226)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45315 (BB807F25)
**Date:** 6/4/1984
**Location:** Staunton, VA
**Description:** A very luminous object shone a bright light into the window of a mobile home in Staunton, Virginia. The UFO was football-shaped, about the size of a car, and made a faint buzzing noise. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5708
### Event 45316 (14956DAA)
**Date:** 6/4/1984
**Description:** In 1984 a very luminous object shone a bright light into the window of a mobile home in Staunton, Virginia. The UFO was football-shaped, about the size of a car, and made a faint buzzing noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, February 1985, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3280
### Event 45317 (5F0158AF)
**Date:** 6/6/1984
**Location:** Pine Bush, NY
**Description:** UFO investigators went to a Jewish cemetery in the UFO hotspot of Pine Bush, New York. A close encounter with a landed, delta-shaped UFO scared them away. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5709
### Event 45318 (F73B9E22)
**Date:** 6/6/1984
**Description:** UFO investigators went to a Jewish cemetery in the UFO hotspot of Pine Bush, New York. A close encounter with a landed, delta-shaped UFO scared them away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ellen Crystal, The Silent Invasion, p. 73
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3336
### Event 45319 (8F836C4E)
**Date:** 6/11/1984
**Location:** USA, Fishkill (N.Y.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Marie Clark and her daughter had gone to their neighbors to watch a gymnastics program on TV. "The program was over at 10 pm," she said, "and my daughter, looking out the window, said 'Look at those lights!' We all looked and saw a greenish light in the sky to the northeast. There were two rows of lights and they formed a curved V. It was hovering. The neighbor asked, 'What kind of plane is that that doesn't move?' (...) We all went outside and watched for a few more minutes. Suddenly it moved, sliding along a horizontal line. Then it was behind the trees and we couldn't see it anymore." The color of the lights was a pale green.
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 94, 95
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3201
### Event 45320 (1B51C9F6)
**Date:** 6/11/1984
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** CHAPPAQUA, NY
**Description:** Cops and several. Boomerang / night lights over town-hall. On FAA RADAR-later denied!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14600
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "151", **HatchDesc:** "CHAPPAQUA,NY:COPS+SVRL:BOOMERANG/NLTS OVR TOWN-HALL:ON FAA RDR-LATER DENIED!", **LatLong:** "41.183335 -73.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:11:00 N 73:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.183335,-73.750004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45321 (05F9DC6D)
**Date:** 6/12/1984
**Time:** 17:16:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aristee” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1971
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Aristee", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 45322 (C8A7E272)
**Date:** 6/13/1984
**Time:** 00:20
**Description:** 1 / car. Diamond-delta/triangle/box-like craft goes over car / RTE 9A and 133. Structure visible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14601
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "81", **HatchDesc:** "N/BRIARCLIFF MANOR,NY:1/CAR:DIAMOND-DLT GOES OVR CAR/Rte 9A+133:STRUCT VSBL", **LatLong:** "41.155558 -73.827781", **LatLongDMS:** "41:09:20 N 73:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.155558,-73.827781)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45323 (8E1D47AD)
**Date:** 6/14/1984
**Location:** USA, Peekskill (N.Y.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 8:30 pm a man was checking the oil level of his engine when he saw an unusual object in the sky. It was triangular and open in the middle. (...) "It wasn't a "V", it was a triangle, because it had three sides, and it was flying low. I saw lights all around it spaced two to three feet apart. There was a light at each point. The object itself seemed very thin, like a bridge, you could see through the sides of this thing. The only solid parts were the base and the tip, the center was hollow. There was nothing there. There were like crossbars around it." The object was slowly passing through the sky and disappeared behind the trees. (...)
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, ed. Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 96
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3202
### Event 45324 (0F873B08)
**Date:** 6/14/1984
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** PEEKSKILL, NY
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights on all 3 sides. Thin. Cross-members. Center hollow!!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14602
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PEEKSKILL,NY:DLT W/LITES on ALL 3 SIDES:THIN:CROSS-MEMBERS:CENTER HOLLOW!!", **LatLong:** "41.272224 -73.927781", **LatLongDMS:** "41:16:20 N 73:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.272224,-73.927781)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45325 (C9BC4F30)
**Date:** 6/14/1984
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** INDIAN POINT, NY
**Description:** Guards. Dark 30' saucer with lights over nuclear reactors / 15 minute(s). Going northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 143)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14603
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "INDIAN POINT,NY:GUARDS:DRK 30'SCR W/LITES OVR NUCLEAR REACTORS/15min:>NE", **LatLong:** "41.272224 -73.944448", **LatLongDMS:** "41:16:20 N 73:56:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.272224,-73.944448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45326 (423FB088)
**Date:** 6/14/1984
**Location:** Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY
**Description:** 10:30 PM. Guards at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson River, New York sighted a dark disc-shaped object with lights, 30 feet in diameter, that stayed over the nuclear reactor for 15 minutes (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, NC) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection)
**Reference:** NICAP: [840614](http://www.ufocasebook.com/indianpoint1984.html)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5710
### Event 45327 (88E98AF6)
**Date:** 6/14/1984
**Locations:** New York State Power Authority; Indian Point Nuclear Plant; Buchanan, New York
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. New York State Power Authority security police at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant near Buchanan, New York, watch 10 or more bright lights arranged in a boomerang pattern hovering for about 15 minutes a quarter mile away. Behind them is a dark mass about 300 feet long that blocks out the lights of a plane that flies behind it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, “[Incident at Indian Point,](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc689.htm)” UFO Evidence; Clark III 1278; NightSiege 162–164
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6536
### Event 45328 (D73C0BDD)
**Date:** 6/14/1984
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. guards at the Indian Point nuclear power plant on the Hudson River, New York sighted a dark disc-shaped object with lights, 30 feet in diameter, that stayed over the nuclear reactor for 15 minutes. It finally flew away toward the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek & Philip Imbrognio, Night Siege, p. 143
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3490
### Event 45329 (AA5DC8B7)
**Date:** 6/15/1984?
**Time:** 16:10
**Location:** EAST / GIBRALTAR
**Description:** Russian tanker crew. 24M saucer paces. Rotates. Goes over 2nd ship. International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) v18#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: CdU Internacional; Annual supplement to Cuadernos de Ufologia, Apartado 5.041, 39080 Santander, Spain. Jose Ruesga Montiel ed. 1995+96 only.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14604
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "E/GIBRALTAR:RUSS.TANKER CREW:24M SCR PACES:ROTATES:GOES OVR 2ND SHIP:IUR v18#3", **LatLong:** "36.000002 -5.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "36:00:00 N 05:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.000002,-5.416667)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45330 (CE6E43D1)
**Date:** Mid 6/1984
**Locations:** Mediterranean Sea 20 nautical miles east of Gibraltar; Greece
**Description:** 4:10 p.m. Seaman Alexander Globa and mate of the watch Sergey Bolotov are beginning their watch on board the Russian tanker Gori in the Mediterranean Sea 20 nautical miles east of Gibraltar. They see what seems to be an airplane with its landing lights on and flying toward them at an altitude of 4,920 feet about 2 miles away. It is shaped like a “frying pan turned upside down” with a shiny, metallic surface. It emits bright, irregular flashes of light. In two minutes it reaches the ship’s position, turns south, and keeps pace with the ship, gyrating for 3 minutes. The object is perfectly round and about 75 feet in diameter. There is a round, black spot on the bottom, and a cylindrical “tailpipe” is seen at the junction of two segments that are rotating in opposite directions. At 4:20 p.m., another ship approaches to the left, and the object flies quickly toward it and hovers above it. Capt. Sokolovsky contacts the vessel, an Egyptian dry cargo ship enroute to Greece, and it confirms the presence of the UFO. After 90 seconds it quickly moves back to the Gori, ascends at an angle of 40°–45°, veers to the right, and eventually disappears. Total duration of the sighting is 12 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sergey Romanav, “Disk with Rotating Cupola Observed near Straits of Gibraltar by Russian Ship in 1984,” IUR 18, no. 3 \(May/June 1993\): 17–18; Paul Stonehill, “Questions about a Russian Case,” IUR 18, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1993\): 21; Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, pp. 69–70
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6537
### Event 45331 (F56982B8)
**Date:** 6/15/1984
**Description:** On a partially cloudy day, at 4:12 p.m., 20 nautical miles east of the Straits of Gibraltar in the Mediteranean Sea the crew of the tanker Gori watched a disc-shaped object maneuver and pace their ship. The 25 meter in diameter disc had a rotating red dome, and a rosy neon glow from what looked like a cylindrical "tailpipe". The UFO was gleaming with a grayish metallic shine. The lower portion of the craft had a precise round shape, its diameter no more than twenty meters. Around the lower portion of it they also observed "waves" of protuberances on the outside plating.
The base of the object's body consisted of two semi-discs, the smaller being on top; they slowly revolved in opposing directions. At the circumference of the lower disc Globa saw numerous shining, bright bead-like lights. The seaman's attention was centered on the bottom portion of the UFO. It looked as if it was completely even and smooth, its color yellow like that of an egg yolk, with three pie-shaped spots, and in the middle of it they discerned a round, nucleus-like stain. At the edge of the UFO's bottom, which was easily visible, was something that looked like a pipe. It glowed with an unnaturally bright rosy color, like a neon lamp. The top of the middle disc was crowned by a triangular-shaped something. It seemed that it moved in the same direction as the lower disc, but at a much slower pace. Suddenly the UFO jumped up several times, as if moved by an invisible wave. Many lights illuminated its bottom portion. The crew of GORI tried to attract the object's attention using a signal projector. By this time Captain Sokolovky was on the deck with his men. He and his Second-in-Command watched the object intensely. However, the UFO appeared to be distracted by another ship, approaching at the port side. It was an Arab dry cargo ship, on its way to Greece. The Arabs confirmed that the object hovered over their ship. A minute and a half later the object changed its flight's trajectory, listed to the right, gained speed and ascended rapidly. The Soviet seamen observed that when it rose through the clouds, appearing and disappearing again, it would occasional shine in the sun's rays. The craft then flared up, like a spark, and was gone instantly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sergey Romanov, International UFO Reporter, May 1993, p. 17; Dennis Stacy, Field Guide to UFOs, p. 50; Paul Stonehill, The Soviet UFO Files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3505
### Event 45332 (F2F42AEC)
**Date:** 6/16/1984
**Time:** 17:44:00.0
**Location:** -21.8490 -138.8800
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Echemos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1972
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8490 -138.8800", **LatLongDMS:** "21:50:56 S 138:52:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8490,-138.8800)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.28", **NukeName:** "Echemos", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 45333 (3FA7F3AA)
**Date:** 6/20/1984
**Time:** 15:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.0004 -116.0431
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Duoro” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_929
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0004 -116.0431", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:01 N 116:02:35 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0004,-116.0431)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "Duoro", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45334 (D1B4404D)
**Date:** 6/21/1984
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** HYDE PARK, NY
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large slow V-shape passes radio tower / 40' altitude. Headlights. Hums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14605
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "56", **HatchDesc:** "HYDE PARK,NY:2 OBS:LRG SLOW V-SHAPE PASSES RADIO TOWER/40'alt:HEADLITES:HUMS", **LatLong:** "41.805558 -73.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:20 N 73:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.805558,-73.916670)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45335 (931D62F2)
**Date:** Summer 1984
**Location:** Podwisłocze district of Rzeszów, Poland
**Description:** Day. A Mrs. Danuta takes her 2-year-old son to a playground in the Podwisłocze district of Rzeszów, Poland. A green-metallic object with a bright cupola 8 feet tall approaches, brushing a tree, and the woman picks up her son and hides behind a tree. It is making a loud noise and hovering 30–50 feet above the ground. It then moves toward some nearby apartments, shoots up, and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 59
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6535
### Event 45336 (AE767E25)
**Date:** 6/21/1984
**Locations:** Interstate 84 in Dutchess County, New York; Stormville airport; Green Haven Correctional Facility
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Investigators Dick Ruhl and Richie Petracca are on Interstate 84 in Dutchess County, New York, when they see a brilliant white wedge-shaped object floating and turning in the sky. The lights suddenly turn red, and as the object continues to turn, they see red, green-blue, and white lights. They stop and get binoculars out, then notice another object on the left. Both objects glide slowly and maneuver, constantly changing from white as they approach, and to red as they turn away. They finally form up into a boomerang shape. Ruhl and Petracca suspect they are seeing the “Stormville pilots,” so they drive to the Stormville airport. After waiting in the snack bar a short time, people see lights in the direction of the Green Haven Correctional Facility. It turns out they are six Cessna Skyhawks, apparently with mufflers on the engines, and they land one by one on a nearby runway. Ruhl photographs the serial number of one of the planes, N76106.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dick Ruhl, Richie Petracca, Sal Giamusso, and Gerry Arena, “[The Westchester Sightings,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201984%2009%2000%20-%20Vol%2032%20No%206.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 32, no. 6 \(September 1984\): 5–6; Philip J. Imbrogno. “The Hudson Valley Sightings: A Reply to Dick Ruhl and APRO,” IUR 10, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1985\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6538
### Event 45337 (6EE5AFCF)
**Date:** 6/21/1984
**Locations:** Wanaque Reservoir; New Jersey; Ringwood Avenue; Haskell
**Description:** 9:44 p.m. Witnesses see unidentified lights over the Wanaque Reservoir in New Jersey for more than two hours. The manager of a tavern on Ringwood Avenue in Haskell sees an egg-shaped object moving faster than a blimp.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[E.T. Circling Area?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201984%2008%20-%20no%20181.pdf)” Wayne \(N.J.\) Today, July 4, 1984, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 181 \(August 1984\), p. 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6539
### Event 45338 (3FDA990F)
**Date:** 6/21/1984
**Description:** A large, slow V-shaped craft passed low over a radio tower in Hyde Park, New York at 8:00 p.m. It had headlights and made a faint humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, October 1984
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3589
### Event 45339 (ED6516FA)
**Date:** 6/22/1984
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** NEAR MONTROSE, NY
**Description:** Video taken. Night lights / cross formation. Aero expert rules out aircraft.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 88)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14606
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "36", **HatchDesc:** "nr MONTROSE,NY:VIDEO TAKEN:NLTS/CROSS FORMn:AERO EXPERT RULES OUT AIRCRAFT", **LatLong:** "41.250002 -73.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:15:00 N 73:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.250002,-73.933337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 45340 (A6A188E5)
**Date:** 6/22/1984
**Location:** Adelanto, CA
**Description:** 11:00 AM. An object shaped like the rounded-off "tail fin" of an airplane with a very short fuselage came straight down over a woman's car in her driveway (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5712
### Event 45341 (86307255)
**Date:** 6/22/1984
**Description:** In 1984, an object shaped like the rounded-off "tail fin" of an airplane with a very short fuselage came straight down over a woman's car in her driveway in Adelanto, California at 11 o'clock in the morning. She watched it hover 125 yards away as it wobbled and made a "fluttering" motion. On the same night a videotape showing six lights in a crucifix formation was made in Montrose, New York just eight miles south-southeast of West Point.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, December 1984, p. 8; J. Allen Hynek and Philip J. Imbrogno, Night Seige: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 200
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3609
### Event 45342 (B078D0BF)
**Date:** 6/24/1984
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** KATONAH, NY
**Description:** Many eastbound / SR 35. Delta object seen. See Indian Point Nuclear Facility.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14607
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "69", **HatchDesc:** "KATONAH,NY:MANY EASTBOUND/SR 35:DELTA OBJ SEEN::see Indian Point Nucl.Facility", **LatLong:** "41.261113 -73.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:15:40 N 73:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.261113,-73.683337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45343 (0349521B)
**Date:** 6/24/1984
**Location:** Peekskill, NY
**Description:** UFO Hovers Over Nuclear Power Plant (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [840624](http://www.nicap.org/840624peekskill%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5713
### Event 45344 (80BFD295)
**Date:** 6/25/1984
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** BETHEL, CT
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Delta with lights hovers 20min. Huge compared to airliners.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14608
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "BETHEL,CT:2 OBS:DELTA W/LITES HVRS.20min:HUGE COMPARED TO AIRLINERS", **LatLong:** "41.366669 -73.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:22:00 N 73:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.366669,-73.400003)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45345 (19FCA6B0)
**Date:** 6/25/1984
**Location:** Blairgowrie in The Orkney Islands, Scotland
**Description:** A bright circle trailing a red tail and flashing a beam of light from its circumference was seen hovering (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5714
### Event 45346 (AA4756F0)
**Date:** 6/25/1984
**Location:** Bethel, Connecticut
**Description:** Night. A huge, slow-moving object with many lights is seen near Bethel, Connecticut, for 20 minutes. It looks like a big Ferris Wheel on its side.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NightSiege 98
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6540
### Event 45347 (8E5A223A)
**Date:** 6/25/1984
**Description:** A bright circle trailing a red tail and flashing a beam of light from its circumference was seen hovering over Blairgowrie in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. A V-shaped object was seen to leave and return to the circular object several times. After awhile both objects faded away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The secret history of Scotland's UFO phenomenon, p. 141
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3661
### Event 45348 (AC01B54A)
**Date:** 6/28/1984
**Description:** Residents of the Hudson Valley area of New York say they see a boomerang shaped UAP that traveled at treetop level with a slight buzz.
* [https://thedebrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/28Jun84.jpg](https://thedebrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/28Jun84.jpg)
* [https://youtu.be/d3YuV999Ab0](https://youtu.be/d3YuV999Ab0)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_213
### Event 45349 (BA2F3710)
**Date:** 7/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** TURKEY CREEK, NSW
**Description:** 200+observer(s). 100M ovoid hovers / roadhouse. Fridge shakes. Blazing lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 395)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14609
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "TURKEY CREEK,NSW:200+OBS:100M OVOID HVRS/ROADHOUSE:FRIDGE SHAKES:BLAZING LITES", **LatLong:** "-30.333335 142.750007", **LatLongDMS:** "30:20:00 S 142:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.333335,142.750007)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45350 (4372D302)
**Date:** 7/1984
**Location:** St. Phillips, IN
**Description:** Highly paranormal activity and reported abduction during the first part of the month of July. Witness later reported this incident while in prison and again when out on work release, after drug-related incarceration. Reported his ex-wife would back him up. Case never investigated. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5715
### Event 45351 (BF32035E)
**Date:** 7/1984
**Description:** Prentice-Hall publishes Clear Intent by Lawrence Fawcett and [Barry J. Greenwood](http://www.ufoevidence.org/researchers/detail11.htm)[,](http://www.ufoevidence.org/researchers/detail11.htm) a history of Air Force, FBI, and CIA involvement in UFO investigations and secrecy, including many FOIA-released recent reports and documents. The book immediately sells out and is unavailable for most of the summer. A second printing in late August also sells out immediately.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, [Clear Intent: The Government](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc) [Coverup of the UFO Experience](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc)[,](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc) Prentice-Hall, 1984; George M. Eberhart, “‘Clear Intent’ Reviewed,” IUR 9, no. 4 \(July/August 1984\): 6–7, 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6541
### Event 45352 (7BBFA4DB)
**Date:** 7/5/1984
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO
**Description:** 1 / moped. Domed disk hovers / park. Tilts. Orange glow. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 394)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14610
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "CAPE GIRARDEAU,MO:1/MOPED:DOMED DISK HVRS/PARK:TILTS:ORG.GLOW:VANISHES.", **LatLong:** "37.300002 -89.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:18:00 N 89:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.300002,-89.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45353 (DA555988)
**Date:** 7/5/1984
**Location:** Cape Girardeau, MO
**Description:** 9:38 PM. A disc with an orange halo hovered over a park in Cape Girardeau, Missouri at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5716
### Event 45354 (6225164F)
**Date:** 7/5/1984
**Description:** A disc with an orange halo hovered over a park in Cape Girardeau, Missouri at 9:38 p.m. at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet. It winked out after fifteen seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, February 1985, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3849
### Event 45355 (EBC61BE6)
**Date:** 7/8/1984
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** 80M ovoid going quickly southeast lands / vineyard. Vines affected. Traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Von LUDVIGER, Illobrand ed. UFO's-SEUGEN UND ZEICHEN. Berlin 1995 edition q-Verlags GmbH ISBN 3-86124-300-8. (Index 363)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14611
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uzbek Republic", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "KATTA-KURGAN,UZBEK:80M OVOID >>SE LANDS/VINYARD:VINES AFFECTED:TRACES", **LatLong:** "39.750002 66.700003", **LatLongDMS:** "39:45:00 N 66:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.750002,66.700003)", **State/Prov:** "SMR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45356 (9DB3565F)
**Date:** 7/10/1984
**Location:** Italian Parliament
**Description:** Four members of the Italian Parliament—[Giancarlo Abete](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giancarlo%5FAbete)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giancarlo%5FAbete) [Publio Fiori](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publio%5FFiori)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publio%5FFiori) [Alessandro Scajola](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandro%5FScajola)[,](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandro%5FScajola) and [Martino](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martino%5FScovacricchi) [Scovacricchi](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martino%5FScovacricchi)—present a question to the government on whether it would consider involving private and civilian experts as future consultants on UFOs. Minister of Defence [Giovanni Spadolini](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni%5FSpadolini) emphasizes the role of the Italian Air Force in UFO investigations and denies the necessity to involve outsiders, although it does not rule out cooperation with Italy’s National Research Council.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 2Pinotti 71
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6542
### Event 45357 (93E4C07C)
**Date:** 7/12/1984
**Location:** USA, Bethel
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the evening, around 10:30 PM, Don Duhart, a doctor of science, was with a couple when he saw the phenomenon. The arrangement of the lights gave him a feeling of déjà vu. He supposes that it was simply a large balloon carrying external lights. "The weather was very calm that evening, and when the lights went out, I clearly saw the shape, that of a rugby ball, at 1500 to 2000 feet in the air," he said. "You could see ropes or wires holding the lights. The object floated, and did not make any erratic movements at all." In his opinion, the object was made of plastic on a light structure, somewhat resembling a zeppelin, all inflated with helium, carrying a light electric motor that was remotely controlled from the ground.
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, Llewellyn Publishing, St Paul USA, p. 115
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3203
### Event 45358 (7F687BD4)
**Date:** 7/12/1984
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR WEST POINT, NY
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Huge object responds to flashing light. 7 UFO's / wide area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14612
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "49", **HatchDesc:** "nr WEST POINT,NY:1000s/OBS:HUGE OBJ.RESPONDS TO FLASHING LITE:7 UFOS/WIDE AREA", **LatLong:** "41.388891 -73.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:20 N 73:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.388891,-73.966670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45359 (33EC861B)
**Date:** 7/12/1984
**Location:** Hudson Valley, NY
**Description:** On this night hundreds of witnesses in the Hudson Valley, Westchester County, New York saw a number of small round lights which hovered, made abrupt right angle turns, disappeared and reappeared. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5717
### Event 45360 (DC51768C)
**Date:** 7/12/1984
**Time:** 14:00:00.3
**Location:** 37.1800 -116.0100
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Normanna” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_930
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1800 -116.0100", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:48 N 116:00:36 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1800,-116.0100)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "3.60", **NukeName:** "Normanna", **NukeSource:** "ISC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45361 (003E301D)
**Date:** 7/12/1984
**Description:** On this night hundreds of witnesses in the Hudson Valley, Westchester County, New York saw a number of small round lights which hovered, made abrupt right angle turns, disappeared and reappeared. The objects changed colors, made a faint humming sound, and moved from one shaped-formation to another.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 71; Peter Brookesmith, UFO: The Complete Sightings, p. 128; Discover, November 1984
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4018
### Event 45362 (0D9D6448)
**Date:** 7/13/1984
**Locations:** Rzeszów, Poland; Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport; Mielec Airport
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. A mysterious object comes into view above Rzeszów, Poland, remaining stationary for a long time. A flight controller from Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport estimates it is at 6,500 feet and is slowly moving to the northwest. Mielec Airport air traffic controller Kasimierz Lubertowicz scrambles an Iskra jet trainer on a scouting mission. As pilot Henryk Bronowicki approaches the object at 24,600 feet, he realizes it is not a weather balloon and is moving away from him. He gives up the chase, but the object descends and he approaches it again, failing to reach it as it retreats.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 74–75; Arek Miazga, “[Pilot kontra UFO nad Mielcem 13.07.1984,](http://arekmiazga.blogspot.com/2019/06/pilot-kontra-ufo-nad-mielcem-13071984.html)” Spotkania z Nieznanym, June 1, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6543
### Event 45363 (819E1499)
**Date:** 7/14/1984
**Time:** 01:09:13.0
**Location:** 49.9010 78.8790
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1669
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9010 78.8790", **LatLongDMS:** "49:54:04 N 78:52:44 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9010,78.8790)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.20", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 45364 (6CD898A6)
**Date:** 7/15/1984
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** GREENS BEACH, TASM
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers back and forth / low altitude. Blows steam cover. Going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 394)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14613
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "GREENS BEACH,TASM:3 OBS:CGR MNVRS BACK+FORTH/lo alt:BLOWS STEAM COVER:>S", **LatLong:** "-41.083335 146.750007", **LatLongDMS:** "41:05:00 S 146:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.083335,146.750007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45365 (76077F18)
**Date:** 7/15/1984
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** 2 / car. Silent 747-size delta/triangle/box-like craft swoops going down. 180-turn. Paces car / 2 minute(s). Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14614
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "NW/DETROIT,ME:2/CAR:SLNT 747-SIZE DLT SWOOPS↓:180-TURN:PACES CAR/2min:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "44.833335 -69.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "44:50:00 N 69:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.833335,-69.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45366 (7753311A)
**Date:** 7/15/1984
**Location:** Detroit, ME
**Description:** 9:05 PM. Carol Cloukey and Robert White had been on their way to Pittsfield, Maine for dinner. After traveling about a mile they rounded a bend and Carol, who was driving, was the first to see a bright yellowish-orange light. Suddenly the light made a perfect vertical drop in mid-air. They sped up to get ahead of the object, but the light dropped lower again, and was now dead center above the car windshield. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5718
### Event 45367 (B1329BC3)
**Date:** 7/15/1984
**Description:** A low flying cigar-shaped UFO was seen at Greens Beach, Tasmania, Australia at 11:45 a.m. It created a smoke cloud which kept enveloping it as it moved. The object maneuvered back and forth at low altitude, then flew off to the south. Duration: 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, February 1985, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4082
### Event 45368 (E3A85322)
**Date:** 7/15/1984
**Description:** northwest of Detroit, Maine - Carol Cloukey and Robert White were driving on their way to Pittsfield, Maine for dinner. At 9:05 p.m., after traveling about a mile they rounded a bend and Carol, who was driving, was the first to see a bright yellowish-orange light. Suddenly the light made a perfect vertical drop in mid-air. They sped up to get ahead of the object, but the light dropped lower again, and was now dead center above the car windshield. Carol stopped and slammed the car into reverse. After backing up about 50 feet they saw that the object was alongside of them on the left side of the car and about 150 off the ground. The glow had subsided, and in the evening twilight it appeared grayish in color, triangular shaped, and larger than a 747 aircraft. It had 4 red lights and 1 or 2 brighter white lights. It made no sound. Robert opened his door to see if it was possible to make a 180-degree turn, and he told her to back into the driveway of a farmhouse. The object was now almost directly above them at an approximate altitude of 100 feet. He observed that when they stopped the UFO stopped, and when they moved the UFO moved! It became apparent that "it" did not want to let them go. Robert got out of the car and started to run toward the farmhouse. Carol called to him that another car was coming down the road. The UFO now began to move away slightly, traveling in a northeasterly direction for a distance of a few hundred feet when it suddenly vanished right before their eyes. Robert later expressed wonderment that such a large object could suddenly disappear in such an inexplicable manner. They estimated that the total incident took about two minutes to transpire.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Leland Bechtel, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1984, pp. 14-15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4083
### Event 45369 (FFE627C7)
**Date:** 7/17/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First space outing of a woman, cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya. (July 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2969
### Event 45370 (15310C11)
**Date:** 7/19/1984
**Location:** USA, Taconic Parkway-Dutchess (New York)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The witness was 32 years old and was a programmer in a scientific company that collaborated on sub-assemblies for the Hubble Space Telescope. We will call him Bill. Around 10:30 pm he was leaving the office and driving on I-84 highway. He saw a very bright, circular object suspended in the sky to the north. As soon as he saw the object, it started to move and then Bill noticed there was a large black mass behind the light. As he continued on his route, Bill lost sight of the object. He exited I-84 to take route 52 near Stormville. Meanwhile it was 11 pm and he suddenly saw a large dark object in the fields: he first thought it was a new housing construction and, intrigued, he stopped to look. It looked like a large barn, more tapered on the facades and very smooth. While he was looking at the object, it rose without a sound. This scared Bill, as he was alone on the road. When the object was twice the height of the trees, the car radio emitted noises like when you put a magnetic tape and it turns too slowly. Completely scared, he put his foot down. After several minutes he saw a glow above a hill... when he got closer... the object was there! It was standing 300 feet above the trees and was illuminated by yellow and white bands of light. He stopped, turned off the engine and the lights... in the hope that this "thing" wouldn't see him. The object also turned off its lights and he saw the large dark triangular shape come and pass over the car. He only saw its belly which looked just like a destroyer from the "Star Wars" movies. Under the object he saw dark round spots, like tunnel entrances. In these tunnels there was a kind of white stroboscopic light. He didn't hear any sound. It seemed to be about 300 feet long. Then something strange happened: Bill had seen the object come over the car, he didn't see it leave. All he knows is that afterwards he was 200 m from the place where he saw the object around 11:30 pm. It was now 12:15 am. When he got home his wife was angry at his delay. That night he woke up and heard himself screaming: "Go away!" His wife confirms that he has been having such nightmares at least twice a week. He was so scared of having to come home at night again that he asked his boss for a change of schedule. Under hypnosis he remembered seeing entities on the road, feeling paralyzed and that these entities told him: "Don't be afraid, we have selected you. We need you." etc..
**Reference:** "NIGHT SIEGE, The Hudson Valley Sightings" by J.Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt, 2nd ed. 1995, ed. Llewellyn, St Paul USA, p. 119, and Phil Imbrogno, internet
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3204
### Event 45371 (DCE57E4A)
**Date:** 7/19/1984
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** NEAR POUND RIDGE, NY
**Description:** Several observer(s). Slow boomerang low over road. Faint humming. Going north turns going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14615
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "254", **HatchDesc:** "nr POUND RIDGE,NY:SVRL OBS:SLOW BOOMERANG LO OVR ROAD:FAINT HUM:> N TURNS >W", **LatLong:** "41.188891 -73.577781", **LatLongDMS:** "41:11:20 N 73:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.188891,-73.577781)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45372 (6150F2DF)
**Date:** 7/19/1984
**Location:** Pound Ridge, NY
**Description:** 8:20 PM. A huge boomerang-shaped object with lights running along its leading edge was seen flying over Pound Ridge. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5719
### Event 45373 (059D2195)
**Date:** 7/19/1984
**Locations:** Danbury; Bethel; Brookfield; New Fairfield, Connecticut
**Description:** 10:00–11:00 p.m. Police in Danbury, Bethel, Brookfield, and New Fairfield, Connecticut, receive reports of a low-flying, slow-moving object “as large as a football field.” It directs intense beams of light toward the ground and gives off heat felt by those beneath it. It has white lights in a circular pattern.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Area Police Get Reports of](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201984%2008%20-%20no%20181.pdf) [UFOs,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201984%2008%20-%20no%20181.pdf)” Danbury \(Conn.\) News-Times, July 20, 1984, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 181 \(August 1984\), p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6544
### Event 45374 (83628D6A)
**Date:** 7/19/1984
**Description:** A huge boomerang-shaped object with lights running along its leading edge was seen flying over Pound Ridge, New York at 8:20 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno & Bob Pratt, Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 106
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4210
### Event 45375 (DE4CF767)
**Date:** 7/21/1984
**Time:** 02:59:59.8
**Location:** 51.3580 53.3190
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-1” Yield: 15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1670
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "51.3580 53.3190", **LatLongDMS:** "51:21:29 N 53:19:08 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.3580,53.3190)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.85", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "PNE:Lira 2-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "15"
### Event 45376 (DC92F040)
**Date:** 7/21/1984
**Time:** 03:04:59.7
**Location:** 51.3710 53.3370
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-2” Yield: 15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1671
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "51.3710 53.3370", **LatLongDMS:** "51:22:16 N 53:20:13 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.3710,53.3370)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.96", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "PNE:Lira 2-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "15"
### Event 45377 (DD270D5D)
**Date:** 7/21/1984
**Time:** 03:09:59.9
**Location:** 51.3910 53.3510
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Lira 2-3” Yield: 15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1672
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "51.3910 53.3510", **LatLongDMS:** "51:23:28 N 53:21:04 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.3910,53.3510)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.84", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "PNE:Lira 2-3", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "15"
### Event 45378 (1C0B9262)
**Date:** 7/24/1984
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** INDIAN PT. REACTOR, NY
**Description:** Very large delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers 300' over active vent. Big coverup. / r1p140.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ANDREWS, George C: EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS AMONG US; FATE/Llewellyn Publs, St. Paul, MN 1992 (Index 302)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14616
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "INDIAN Pt.REACTOR,NY:VLRG DLT HVRS 300' OVR ACTIVE VENT:BIG COVERUP:/r1p140", **LatLong:** "41.233335 -73.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:14:00 N 73:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.233335,-73.966670)", **RelAlt:** "90", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45379 (1523A8C6)
**Date:** 7/24/1984
**Location:** Indian Pt Nuclear Plant, NY
**Description:** 9:00 PM. A very large boomerang-shaped UFO hovered only 300 feet over an active vent of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant cooling tower for 15 minutes on the Hudson River in Westchester County, New York. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5720
### Event 45380 (23195B39)
**Date:** 7/24/1984
**Location:** Brewster, NY
**Description:** 10:20 PM. A videotape was made by a Mr. Pozzouli of a ring of lights in the dark sky over Brewster, New York in the Hudson River Valley, suggesting a dark circular, ellipsoid, or disc-shaped object. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5721
### Event 45381 (1D8537A8)
**Date:** 7/24/1984
**Locations:** Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New York; Camp Smith; Peekskill
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Security police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, New York, again see a UFO with a semicircle of lights. The lights first flash yellow, then white, then blue. Far to the rear is a blinking red light. The dark mass behind the lights blocks out the stars as it approaches steadily. The plant’s movement-detecting sensors and alarm systems fail, as does the computer responsible for security and communications. By the time it gets to 500 feet away, the police can see an ice-cream-cone-shape and a solid body the length of three football fields. As it passes over the Unit 3 reactor, at one point getting as close as 30 feet, it is moving so slowly that the police can keep up with it by walking. An officer inside the plant watching security monitors is instructed to film the object using a camera atop a 95-foot pole; the camera has to pan almost 180° to cover the entire length of the object. One officer notices two hollow spheres or portals in the bottom. The UFO takes 5 minutes to pass over them. By the time the security police call Camp Smith, a National Guard base 10 miles away, and ask for an armed helicopter, the UFO is gone. Many other people in the area also report seeing the UFO over the plant. Police in Peekskill receive quite a few calls that evening. Police Sgt. Hoffman goes out to investigate and sees a giant UFO with more than a dozen white lights in a V formation slowly move toward the power plant. On July 25, the security guard supervisor tells them to forget what happened. Video and audio records of the event are removed, and in the next two days representatives of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission oversee a shakeup of the plant’s security operations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, “[Incident at Indian Point,](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc689.htm)” UFO Evidence; Clark III 1278; NightSiege 159–168
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6545
### Event 45382 (E74D8922)
**Date:** 7/24/1984
**Location:** Brewster, New York
**Description:** 10:20 p.m. Electronics executive [Bob Pozzuoli](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/94181985/robert-joseph-pozzuoli) shoots a videotape of a large object with a ring of 6 lights in the sky over Brewster, New York. It moves behind a pine tree then emerges as a string of rotating multicolored lights and a flashing red light in the rear. The video also shows airplanes flying in formation. The tape is analyzed by [Lew Allen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lew%5FAllen) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who is apparently unable to explain it adequately.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NightSiege 117– 124
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6546
### Event 45383 (5969A073)
**Date:** 7/24/1984
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a very large boomerang-shaped UFO hovered only 300 feet over an active vent of the Indian Point Nuclear Plant cooling tower for 15 minutes on the Hudson River in Westchester County, New York. Several guards came forward to report the incident, reporting there were a total of eleven witnesses to the UFO at the plant that night, and that the security guards broke out shotguns. A big coverup by government officials was claimed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, June 1985, p. 8; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 14168, citing George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p. 302; J. Allen Hynek & Philip J. Imbrogno, Night Seige: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 148; Dennis Stacy, Field Guide to UFOs, p. 120; Peter Brookesmith, UFO: The Complete Sightings, p. 128
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4361
### Event 45384 (125022AD)
**Date:** 7/24/1984
**Description:** At 10:20 a videotape was made by a Mr. Pozzouli of a ring of lights in the dark sky over Brewster, New York in the Hudson River Valley, suggesting a dark circular, ellipsoid, or disc-shaped object. Analysis of the videotape was done by Dr. Lew Allen of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek & Philip J. Imbrogno, Night Seige: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 128; Philip J. Imbrogno, Contact of the 5th Kind, p. 2
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4362
### Event 45385 (A1C705BC)
**Date:** 7/24/1984
**Description:** Security police at Indian Point Nuclear Plant at Buchanan, NY allegedly see a UAP with lights oscillating yellow, white and blue. The plant’s movement sensors and alarm fails, and the computer responsible for security and communications fails. Police report it the length of three football fields and shaped like a cone. It passes directly over Unit 3 reactor for five minutes, and one officer films the object on camera. Over the next two days, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reportedly reassigns the plant’s security operations and video and audio records of the event are removed.
* [http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc689.htm](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc689.htm)
>**_Note_**: The NRC was born out of the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) alongside the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) in 1975. ERDA became the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1977. If AEC played a prominent role in early UAP analysis, crash recovery and transportation, key evidence may be split between these successor departments and agencies. The NRC for example was aware of a black triangular UAP over the protected area of Cooper Nuclear Station, NE in the late 1980s, and created an incident file. No formal investigation appears to have been conducted.
>* [https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/nrc/FOIA-2017-0368-NRC-UFO.pdf](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/nrc/FOIA-2017-0368-NRC-UFO.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_214
### Event 45386 (138609F2)
**Date:** 7/25/1984
**Time:** 15:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.2678 -116.4106
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kappeli” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_931
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2678 -116.4106", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:04 N 116:24:38 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2678,-116.4106)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Kappeli", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45387 (1976BE5A)
**Date:** 7/26/1984
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** (NORTHERN), MI
**Description:** 3 airliners and ground observer(s). 3 50M metallic orbs pass 747. Luminous/glowing trails. / r150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: VSD Magazine, France: Special Issue. OVNIs Les Preuves Scientifiques; July 1998 (via D. Weinstein)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14617
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "400", **HatchDesc:** "(NORTHERN),MI:3 AIRLINERS+GND OBS:3 50M MTLC ORBS PASS 747:LUMn TRAILS:/r150", **LatLong:** "44.500002 -84.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:30:00 N 84:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.500002,-84.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45388 (4C74C7DC)
**Date:** 7/27/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Commander [Jean-Gabriel Greslé](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GresleJeanGabriel.html) is piloting a Boeing 747 at 11,500 meters above Detroit, connecting Los Angeles and Montreal. He observes a luminous trail created by 3 metallic-looking balls, shining like polished steel but without their own luminosity.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2970
### Event 45389 (E84B353D)
**Date:** 7/27/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) On the same frequency as the Detroit control tower, 2 other crews, one from Lufthansa and the other from Olympic Airways, witness the same phenomenon and alert the ground technicians. It was estimated that the 3 spherical objects were 10 km away from the Boeing 747, flying at 3300 km/h \(compared to 900 km/h for the plane\) and had a diameter of around 40 to 50 m.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2971
### Event 45390 (AD2BAF7A)
**Date:** 7/27/1984
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** NORTH PACIFIC
**Description:** Northwest orient 747 crew. Luminous hemisphere at 45k-90k' altitude. No further details. / R. Haines files.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14618
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "N.PACIFIC:NW ORIENT 747 CREW:LUMn.HEMISPHERE @45k-90k'alt:NFD:/R.Haines files", **LatLong:** "47.083336 161.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "47:05:00 N 161:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.083336,161.000008)", **RelAlt:** "10000", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45391 (8B635F74)
**Date:** 7/27/1984
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** NEAR CLARION, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 15M cylinder/cylindrical object paces Lear jet backwards--flames / front!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14619
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "455", **HatchDesc:** "nr CLARION,PA:2 OBS:15M CYL PACES LEAR JET BACKWARDS--FLAMES/FRONT!", **LatLong:** "41.200002 -79.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:00 N 79:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.200002,-79.416670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45392 (9289B922)
**Date:** 7/27/1984
**Location:** Lummi Island, WA
**Description:** At 3:45 a.m. a spark-tailed fireball splashed down 1000 yards south of Lummi Island in Washington State. The impact sent a plume of water 100 feet into the air before the object sank and the water as the surface of the sea rolled and bubbled (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5722
### Event 45393 (7B519B2F)
**Date:** 7/27/1984
**Description:** At 3:45 a.m. a spark-tailed fireball splashed down 1000 yards south of Lummi Island in Washington State. The impact sent a plume of water 100 feet into the air before the object sank and the water as the surface of the sea rolled and bubbled.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, February 1985, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4440
### Event 45394 (CC739E23)
**Date:** 7/30/1984
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** LESSLIE, SC
**Description:** 2 / farm. 18M cylinder/cigar-shape follows fence / pasture. Light whirr. Lights / side. Traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 394)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14620
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "214", **HatchDesc:** "LESSLIE,SC:2/FARM:18M CGR FOLOS FENCE/PASTURE:LITE WHIRR:LITES/SIDE:TRACES", **LatLong:** "34.888891 -80.955559", **LatLongDMS:** "34:53:20 N 80:57:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.888891,-80.955559)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45395 (6FB938E5)
**Date:** 7/30/1984
**Description:** In Leslie, South Carolina a 18 meter long silver cigar-shaped object followed a fence line in a pasture at around 9:00 p.m., making a light whirring noise. It had lights on the side. Traces were found on the ground in the pasture.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, February 1985, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4510
### Event 45396 (3A7EAF90)
**Date:** 8/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Woman with cigarette chased / Chupa twice. No injuries.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CONFRONTATIONS, A Scientists Search..; Ballentine Books, NY 1990+91.PB (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14621
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "71", **HatchDesc:** "SANTANA do ACARAU,BRZ:WOMAN W/CIGARETTE CHASED/CHUPA TWICE:no injuries", **LatLong:** "-3.450000 -40.216669", **LatLongDMS:** "03:27:00 S 40:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.450000,-40.216669)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45397 (E4C84FF4)
**Date:** 8/1984
**Locations:** Scottsdale, Arizona; Evanston, Illinois; Phoenix; Glenview, Illinois
**Description:** [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) moves to Scottsdale, Arizona, from Evanston, Illinois, under the influence of entrepreneurs [Tina Choate and Brian Myers](http://www.nicap.org/APRO/APRO%5Ffiles%5FSvahn.htm)[,](http://www.nicap.org/APRO/APRO%5Ffiles%5FSvahn.htm) who introduce him to wealthy Englishman Jeffrey \(or Geoffrey\) Kaye with the promise of funding a new UFO organization \(the International Center for UFO Research in Phoenix\), publications, and a TV series about Hynek’s life. The CUFOS office moves to Glenview, Illinois, where Sherman J. Larsen operates it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Expert Moving to Arizona,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97727952/)” Chicago Tribune, August 21, 1984, Sec. 2, p. 1; Keith Basterfield, “[Why Did J. Allen Hynek Move to Scottsdale?](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2017/10/why-did-j-allen-hynek-move-to-scottsdale.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Research, October 8, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6547
### Event 45398 (708D45F7)
**Date:** 8/2/1984
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0171 -116.0076
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Correo” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_932
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0171 -116.0076", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:02 N 116:00:27 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0171,-116.0076)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "Correo", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45399 (97EF64AC)
**Date:** 8/4/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Ariane 3* launches *Télécom 1A*, first satellite of the French telecom network. (August 4)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2972
### Event 45400 (DAF1F6BA)
**Date:** 8/4/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Kondair Trislander cargo flight from London to Amsterdam is violently struck by an unknown object. The impact is so strong that one of the engines detaches. Fortunately, the plane manages to reach Schipol \(Netherlands\), where it makes a successful forced landing. The aircraft has a large hole in the tail and has clearly been pierced by something. Only metal fragments will be found at the impact site, ruling out the hypothesis of a collision with a bird.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2973
### Event 45401 (6596ED31)
**Date:** 8/4/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) During Congressional hearings on land seizure, the USAF representative \(John Rittenhouse\) states that although the USAF had no legal authority to seize the land around [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) \(as far as he knows\), the decision was made at a higher level than his own. He provides more details during a closed session \[*Los Angeles Times*, November 19th 1955\].
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2974
### Event 45402 (53B124D4)
**Date:** 8/4/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Drawing representing the object observed by V. Gotsiridsé on September 7th. See images/1984-09-07.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2975
### Event 45403 (9A53C630)
**Date:** 8/7/1984
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** OSSINING, NY
**Description:** Lady. Diamond-shape going [to] over house. Red and white lights / sides. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 128)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14622
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "OSSINING,NY:LADY:DIAMOND-SHAPE > OVER HOUSE:RED+WHT LITES/SIDES:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.161113 -73.844448", **LatLongDMS:** "41:09:40 N 73:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.161113,-73.844448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45404 (B7BA8327)
**Date:** 8/7/1984
**Description:** USAF representative John Rittenhouse admits to Rep. John F. Seiberling and the House Subcommittee on Lands and National Parks that the Air Force restricted public access to Groom Mountain, NV without any legal authority to do so. The area overlooks Area 51. When asked for an explanation of why or how, Rittenhouse did not give one, only telling Congress “decisions were made at a much, much higher level than mine” in the open hearing.
* https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/08/07/air-force-rejects-order/e06c259e-6c55-49b9-b068-260b51bda6a4/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1984/08/07/air-force-rejects-order/e06c259e-6c55-49b9-b068-260b51bda6a4/)
* [https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/01/area-51-i-cant-discuss-it-sir/](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/01/area-51-i-cant-discuss-it-sir/) (rg - paywall URL)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20190117000757/https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/01/area-51-i-cant-discuss-it-sir/](https://web.archive.org/web/20190117000757/https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/01/area-51-i-cant-discuss-it-sir/) (rg - non-paywall archive.org URL)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_215
### Event 45405 (EE66424C)
**Date:** 8/11/1984
**Time:** 01:50
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3 large night lights hover / trees. Silent 100' saucer maneuvers oddly. Going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14623
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "165", **HatchDesc:** "CARLETON,N.YORKS:2 OBS:3 LRG NLTS HVR/TREES:SLNT 100'SCR MNVRS ODDLY:>>W", **LatLong:** "53.950003 -2.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:57:00 N 02:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.950003,-2.050000)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45406 (298EC377)
**Date:** 8/11/1984
**Time:** 19:00:00.2
**Location:** 65.0500 55.1000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Quartz-2” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1673
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "65.0500 55.1000", **LatLongDMS:** "65:03:00 N 55:06:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/65.0500,55.1000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.76", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "PNE:Quartz-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 45407 (4B862BCD)
**Date:** 8/11/1984
**Description:** In Carleton, North Yorkshire, England three large NLs hovered over some trees at around 1:45 a.m. A silent 100-foot wide disc maneuvered in the sky, and then flew off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Devereaux, Earth Lights Revelation, p. 114
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4897
### Event 45408 (D6FCE19D)
**Date:** 8/14/1984
**Description:** On this night in Tom Price, Western Australia a tourist saw a UFO with red, green, and blue flashing lights apparently land on a nearby hill. He got out of his car, walked up the hill, and saw two lights hovering in the air. When he turned around and walked back to his car, one of the lights followed him back to car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, February 1985, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5014
### Event 45409 (DBBDE253)
**Date:** Late Summer 1984
**Location:** Mielec airfield, Poland
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Kazimierz Lubertowicz, chief of air traffic control at Mielec airfield, Poland, reports that a pilot and 30–40 airfield workers and military personnel are watching a motionless red-orange light for 2 hours. It is actually floating very slowly to the southeast at an altitude of 1,300–1,600 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 68
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6551
### Event 45410 (7C65E8F9)
**Date:** 8/20/1984
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MAHOPAC FALLS, NY
**Description:** 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Arrowhead delta/triangle/box-like craft west tail fuselage / angle. Sharp maneuvers. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 395)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14624
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "99", **Elev:** "169", **HatchDesc:** "MAHOPAC FALLS,NY:1/BINOCS:ARROWHEAD DLT W TAIL FSLG/ANGLE:SHARP MNVRS:see ref", **LatLong:** "41.400002 -73.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:24:00 N 73:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.400002,-73.750004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45411 (AE24CFFC)
**Date:** 8/20/1984
**Locations:** Deer Trail Drive; Mahopac Falls, New York
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Irene Lunn and her daughter are driving near Deer Trail Drive in Mahopac Falls, New York, when they notice triangle-shaped UFO with an unusual L-shaped tailpiece. They stop to observe it more carefully. The object has one red light, one green light, and eight white lights, and is moving south when it makes a sudden 90° turn and slowly moves toward them. They drive the short way home where they retrieve some binoculars. She can clearly see a dark, metallic object, which moves off to a neighbor’s yard and hovers. A rectangular object with white lights in each corner comes into view and moves in front of the first UFO for 5 seconds, then vanishes. The triangular object continues to hover, then silently moves off out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Multiple Sightings in New York,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201985%2005%2000%20-%20Vol%2032%20No%2011.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 32, no. 11 \(May 1985\): 1–2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6548
### Event 45412 (543C4BC6)
**Date:** 8/20/1984
**Description:** At around 9:00 p.m. a triangular-shaped object with an L-shaped tail hung in the sky over a pond in Mahopac Falls, Putnam County, New York, then followed after two witnesses in their car making sharp maneuvers. Next it moved over top of a neighbor's house, and hovered over their yard for three minutes. A second UFO was seen there an hour and a half later that was rectangular shaped. In Kingston, Ulster County, New York there were more Hudson Valley type sightings of delta-shaped objects with lights, including a possible abduction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gerry Arena, APRO Bulletin, May 1985, p. 1; J. Allen Hynek & Philip Imbrogno, Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 204
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5193
### Event 45413 (706DB98D)
**Date:** 8/23/1984
**Locations:** Otopeni Airport; Henri Coandă International Airport; Bucharest, Romania; Alexeni Air Force Base; Urziceni
**Description:** Afternoon. Military radar at Otopeni Airport \[now Henri Coandă International Airport\] near Bucharest, Romania, picks up a target flying above Alexeni Air Force Base \[now closed\] east of Urziceni at 13,000–14,700 feet. The target, the size of a small plane or helicopter, appears out of nowhere and is tracked by 4–5 different radars in separate locations on different frequencies. After 15 minutes, the object is spotted visually. Through a telescope it appears oval, metallic and shiny, and about 9 feet long. During its appearance, the base notices a strong interference on VHF and short wave radios. The target climbs and descends about 7–8 times to altitudes ranging from 6,500 feet to 34 miles as it moves west at speeds up to 7,450 mph, making zigzagging movements and turning at sharp angles. It is under observation for 40 minutes and is lost at a height of 62 miles as it disappears into space at 620 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 104–105
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6549
### Event 45414 (B0998547)
**Date:** 8/25/1984
**Time:** 19:00:00.3
**Location:** 61.9000 72.1000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Quartz-3” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1674
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "61.9000 72.1000", **LatLongDMS:** "61:54:00 N 72:06:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.9000,72.1000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.73", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "PNE:Quartz-3", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 45415 (230E362A)
**Date:** 8/25/1984
**Locations:** Hudson Valley; Brewster, New York; Pease Air National Guard Base; Pozzuoli
**Description:** [Philip Imbrogno](http://toptenbookreview.com/?cat=486) and [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932) convene a public meeting on the Hudson Valley sightings in a middle school in Brewster, New York, and 1,500 people show up. [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) attends, as well as news media, various people from the FBI, Air Force officers from Pease AFB \[now Pease Air National Guard Base\], and a mysterious man who has met with Imbrogno and claims to be from the National Security Agency. The [Pozzuoli](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/94181985/robert-joseph-pozzuoli) videotape is shown and 900 people fill out UFO sighting reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Strange Sights Brighten the Night Skies Upstate,](https://www.nytimes.com/1984/08/25/nyregion/strange-sights-brighten-the-night-skies-upstate.html)” New York Times, August 25, 1984, p. 25; NightSiege 135–147; MUFON UFO Journal, October 1984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6550
### Event 45416 (708FAF46)
**Date:** 8/26/1984
**Location:** ITALY, Campo Marina (Taranto - Puglia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around three in the morning, three men in a fishing boat, two miles from Campo Marino, saw a white light in the water, 500 to 1000 meters away from their position. They thought a submarine was about to emerge. But suddenly a round, grey metallic object came out of the sea vertically, turned 60 or 70 degrees and flew away at a dizzying speed. No sound, no stronger wave, no turbulence.
**Reference:** Investigation by Arcangelo Cassano of CISU, ITUFOR n° 10
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3205
### Event 45417 (21CA9318)
**Date:** 8/26/1984
**Time:** 03:30:00.0
**Location:** 73.3260 54.7630
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1675
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3260 54.7630", **LatLongDMS:** "73:19:34 N 54:45:47 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3260,54.7630)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "3.80", **NukeSource:** "NORSAR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45418 (0BD40F49)
**Date:** 8/26/1984
**Description:** At a lake near Danbury, Connecticut a witness encountered a UFO and lost 30 minutes of conscious memory; felt "inspected-rejected."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek & Philip Imbrogno, Night Seige, p. 204
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5379
### Event 45419 (CDE13C3C)
**Date:** 8/27/1984
**Time:** 06:00:00.1
**Location:** 67.7500 33.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Dnepr-2” Yield: 3.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1676
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "67.7500 33.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "67:45:00 N 33:00:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/67.7500,33.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "PNE:Dnepr-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "3.4"
### Event 45420 (4049ED09)
**Date:** 8/28/1984
**Time:** 02:59:59.8
**Location:** 60.3000 57.1000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium 2-1” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1677
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "60.3000 57.1000", **LatLongDMS:** "60:18:00 N 57:06:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.3000,57.1000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "2.07", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "PNE:Helium 2-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 45421 (E5418665)
**Date:** 8/28/1984
**Time:** 03:04:59.9
**Location:** 60.7000 57.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium 2-2” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1678
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "60.7000 57.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "60:42:00 N 57:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.7000,57.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "2.08", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "PNE:Helium 2-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 45422 (B00384F2)
**Date:** 8/29/1984
**Description:** In Ashbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey a round UFO with spinning yellow lights hovered over area at 2:30 a.m., making a loud noise that woke many from their sleep. Fort Monmouth tracked a 90-foot wide object on radar at the time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, May 1985, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5474
### Event 45423 (E3727FED)
**Date:** 8/30/1984
**Location:** Mt. Vernon, IN
**Description:** 9:05 PM. Pulsating orange object sighted by MUFON SSD Ridge's 8-year-old daughter. Object was in the north heading east at low level for approximately 10 minutes. This NL was logged as an OBOL (Orange Ball Of Light) and witnessed by the SSD and his son, Brian (15), who observed the object from the roof of their home north of town. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5723
### Event 45424 (63A42524)
**Date:** 8/30/1984
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wexford” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_933
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Wexford", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45425 (0BF6874C)
**Date:** 8/30/1984
**Time:** 14:45:00.1
**Location:** 37.0898 -115.9980
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dolcetto” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_934
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0898 -115.9980", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:23 N 115:59:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0898,-115.9980)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Dolcetto", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45426 (013173E9)
**Date:** 9/1984
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** GAVEAO, BRAZIL
**Description:** Chupa lands / riverbank. 2 observer(s). 1 burnt / ray. Hums. Observers hide / hours.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 203)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14625
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "44", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "GAVEAO,BRZL:CHUPA LANDS/RIVERBANK:2 OBS:1 BURNT/RAY:HUMS:OBSs HIDE/HOURS", **LatLong:** "-5.933334 -43.100002", **LatLongDMS:** "05:56:00 S 43:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.933334,-43.100002)", **State/Prov:** "MRN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45427 (C844662B)
**Date:** 9/1984
**Description:** Lawrence Fawcett and [Barry Greenwood](http://www.ufoevidence.org/researchers/detail11.htm) launch a new series of Just Cause newsletters to continue their documentation of government involvement in UFOs discussed in Clear Intent. The newsletter continues until November 1997.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Just Cause](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Just%20Cause%20%28CAUS%29/Just%20Cause%20-%20New%20Series/Just%20Cause%20-%201984%2009%20%20-%20No%2001%20-%20New%20Series.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Just%20Cause%20%28CAUS%29/Just%20Cause%20-%20New%20Series/Just%20Cause%20-%201984%2009%20%20-%20No%2001%20-%20New%20Series.pdf) new series, no. 1 \(September 1984\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6552
### Event 45428 (9BFA7B6B)
**Date:** 9/1984
**Location:** Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Quebec
**Description:** Marc Leduc begins publishing Bulletin d’Information Ufologique in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Quebec, until June 1986.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Bulletin d’Information Ufologique](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Bulletin%20d%27Information%20Ufologique%20%28Leduc%29/Bulletin%20d%27Information%20Ufologique%20-%20Vol%201%20No%201%20-%20sept%201984.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(September 1984\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6553
### Event 45429 (33CA86D4)
**Date:** 9/2/1984
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** BALTIMORE, MD
**Description:** B. Maccabee and many. Black saucer slowly flips around inner harbor area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14626
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "BALTIMORE,MD:B.MACCABEE+MANY:BLACK SCR SLOWLY FLIPS AROUND INNER HARBOR AREA", **LatLong:** "39.283335 -76.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:17:00 N 76:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.283335,-76.616670)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45430 (E77D7B53)
**Date:** 9/2/1984
**Locations:** Light Street Pavilion; Inner Harbor; Baltimore, Maryland
**Description:** 7:28 p.m. Physicist [Bruce Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) is standing near the Light Street Pavilion in the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland, when he sees a black spot in the air to the southeast. It moves slowly north for 7 minutes at a steady rate until it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bruce Maccabee, “‘Black Hole’ over Baltimore,” IUR 10, no. 2 \(March/April 1985\): 6–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6554
### Event 45431 (0D00F5B8)
**Date:** 9/2/1984
**Description:** A black, saucer-shaped UFO was seen for six minutes flipping around the Inner Harbor area of Baltimore, Maryland in slow motion. It was witnessed by many, including physicist Bruce Maccabee.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bruce Maccabee, MUFON UFO Journal, May 1985
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5582
### Event 45432 (BF956E05)
**Date:** 9/7/1984
**Location:** USSR, Belarus
**Description:** (Translated from French) The crews of two Aeroflot planes encountered a UFO in the sky of Belarus. For the plane flying from Tbilissi to Tallinn, this encounter at 04:10 was only a curious event. For the one flying from Leningrad to Tbilissi, the whole affair took a bad turn. The observation was made at 04:50, and the Minsk controller, wanting confirmation, asked them to turn in the direction of the object. The object stopped and sent a very powerful light towards the plane's cabin. Y. Kabatchnikov received the light full in the face, and the captain on the stomach. Two weeks later the captain was in the hospital, where he would die 13 months later. Kabatchnikov was still able to work for two months, then he became completely disabled. (Note that this last witness is a personal friend of the author). (Boris Chourinov: "The Two Faces of Ufology in Russia" - May 1994 - p. 26) 70 km NE of Minsk (USSR) on 07/09/84 Vladimir Gotsiridze and Y. Kabatchnikov: serious malaise; deterioration of the health of the two men; G died in 11.85; K was dismissed on 01/07/85 for physical incapacity (source OR, page 165).
**Reference:** Also in: Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse" Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3206
### Event 45433 (6322ADDE)
**Date:** 9/7/1984 (approximate)
**Time:** ~04:00
**Description:** 25 mile-long cloud object full of lights! / r120p243.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 388)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14627
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belorus", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "FLT 8352 nr BORISOV,BELORUS:25 MILE-LONG CLOUD OBJ FULL OF LITES!:/r120p243", **LatLong:** "54.266669 28.550001", **LatLongDMS:** "54:16:00 N 28:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.266669,28.550001)", **State/Prov:** "BOR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45434 (F421021C)
**Date:** 9/7/1984
**Time:** 04:10
**Description:** Airline(s)/airliner crew huge beam lights large area / ground. RADAR effects. / r210 V32#11.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14628
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belorus", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr MINSK,BELORUS:AL CREW HUGE BEAM LITES LRG AREA/GND:RDR EFFECTS:/r210 V32#11", **LatLong:** "53.866669 27.550001", **LatLongDMS:** "53:52:00 N 27:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.866669,27.550001)", **State/Prov:** "MIN", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45435 (27BAB7BD)
**Date:** 9/7/1984
**Locations:** Minsk, Belarus; Plesetsk Cosmodrome; Finland
**Description:** 4:10 a.m. While approaching Minsk, Belarus, the pilots of a Soviet Aeroflot Tu-134 airliner are startled to see a strange, brightly glowing shape that appears to their right and follows their path closely for several minutes. The glowing object changes shape repeatedly, appearing first as rays, then concentric circles, then as a cloud, and finally as an amorphous mass. While copilot Gennady Lazurin sketches the object, Captain Igor Cherkashin contacts air traffic officials, who report that radar shows a strange “double” object, believed to be the airliner and the unidentified object. Years later, reports surface of a second flight crew traveling in the opposite direction who also see the glowing object. At the same time that the pilots in the first craft notice the UFO, a Soviet missile is launched from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome. Lazurin’s sketches of the object closely parallel sketches made by other witnesses at rocket launches, including amateur observers of the Soviet missile launch watching in Finland.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Soviet Airliner Given ‘Escort’ by UFO,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Clippings/0%20-%20Master/1980s/1985%2001%2031%5FHouston%20Chronicle%5FAFU%20scan%5FCFI%20archive%5Fkeyword%20UFO.pdf)” Houston \(Tex.\) Chronicle, January 31, 1985, pp. 1, 10; Richard H. Hall, “Soviet Sky Spectacular,” IUR 11, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1986\): 11–14; Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, pp. 88–89; Good Above, [pp 243–247](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/242/mode/2up); Dmitry Sudakov, “USSR’s Most Renowned UFO Sighting Linked to Ballistic Missile Launch?” Pravda, August 9, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6555
### Event 45436 (66676B4F)
**Date:** 9/9/1984
**Time:** 02:59:08.9
**Location:** 49.8090 78.0720
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .004KT YieldMax: 80KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1679
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8090 78.0720", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:32 N 78:04:19 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8090,78.0720)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".004", **NukeYMax:** "80"
### Event 45437 (7BED2E0D)
**Date:** 9/13/1984
**Location:** 37.0867 -116.0712
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Breton” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_935
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0867 -116.0712", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:12 N 116:04:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0867,-116.0712)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Breton", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45438 (56F29C61)
**Date:** 9/17/1984
**Time:** 21:00:00.0
**Location:** 55.8340 87.5260
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Quartz-4” Yield: 10KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1680
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "55.8340 87.5260", **LatLongDMS:** "55:50:02 N 87:31:34 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.8340,87.5260)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "PNE:Quartz-4", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "10"
### Event 45439 (9F7D4E42)
**Date:** 9/17/1984
**Description:** In Goshen, Connecticut a row of lights paced car on a rural road at 9:30 p.m. The configuration of lights in the row first turned into a U-shaped, and then into a delta. They seemed to be part of one UFO, changing shape.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p. 301
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6054
### Event 45440 (1E5647E6)
**Date:** 9/23/1984
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Reconquista
**Description:** (Translated from French) On board the Piper LV Mee, piloted by Carlos Sorini, there were still 7 passengers. At 9 pm everyone noticed the interference of a UFO in the air with the instruments on board the plane. The compass oscillated between 0.05° and 270°. The UFO was also detected by flight 760 of Aerolíneas Argentinas as well as by flight 61 of Austral Airlines. The observation lasted 45 minutes.
**Reference:** Forerunners to the incident of Bariloche, Carlos Ferguson, Samizdat 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3207
### Event 45441 (AE13024F)
**Date:** 9/23/1984
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** PARNAIBA R, BRZ
**Description:** Night lights buzz fishermen. UFO lands. Door slams! Voices. Footprints.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CONFRONTATIONS, A Scientists Search..; Ballentine Books, NY 1990+91.PB (Index 182)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14629
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "184", **Elev:** "106", **HatchDesc:** "PARNAIBA R,BRZ:NLTS BUZZ FISHERMEN:UFO LANDS:DOOR SLAMS!:VOICES:FOOTPRINTS", **LatLong:** "-6.266667 -42.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "06:16:00 S 42:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.266667,-42.750002)", **State/Prov:** "MRN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45442 (91367ED7)
**Date:** 9/23/1984
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 6 / light plane. Classic saucer paces. Compasses spin. Separate Al. observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard & WEINSTEIN,Dominique: Preliminary Study of 64 Pilot Sightings involving EME on Aircraft Systems NARCAP TR-3 2001 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14630
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "NE/RECONQUISTA,ARG:6/LITE PLANE:CLASSIC SCR PACES:COMPASSES SPIN:SEP.AL.OBS", **LatLong:** "-29.083335 -59.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "29:05:00 S 59:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.083335,-59.583336)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45443 (BEE51A3C)
**Date:** 9/23/1984
**Location:** Cordoba to Resistensia, Argentina
**Description:** 8:00 PM. A large disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper airplane from Cordoba to Resistensia, Argentina. It reportedly maneuvered at great speed, and changed color from silver to orange. The plane's compass oscillated between 0.5 and 270 degrees, and there were several other variations noted in other onboard instruments. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5724
### Event 45444 (AB275611)
**Date:** Fall 1984
**Locations:** UK Ministry of Defence; RAF Rudloe Manor; MOD Corsham; Bath, England
**Description:** The UK Ministry of Defence is reorganized, making the group Sec. AS \(2a\) its main focal point for receiving public UFO reports. Its mission is to “determine whether or not UFOs present a threat to the security and defence of the United Kingdom.” It has no other budget than minor staff costs and its records are unclassified. However, [Timothy Good](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy%5FGood) uncovers evidence that the U.K Provost and Security Services at RAF Rudloe Manor \[now MOD Corsham\] northeast of Bath, England, are conducting more serious and secret UFO investigations. More recent declassified files have revealed that RAF Rudloe Manor was a filter center for UFO reports in the 1950s. The British Police Force’s elite Special Branch in 1997 opens files on two UFO researchers in the UK who are collecting data on the Rudloe Manor operations—Robin Cole and Matthew Williams.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Churchill Ordered UFO](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-10853905) [Cover-up, National Archives Show,](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-10853905)” BBC News, August 5, 2010; Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, pp. 193, 203, 210; Good Above, [pp. 70](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/70/mode/2up), [121–126](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/120/mode/2up); Nick Redfern, The Roswell UFO Conspiracy, Lisa Hagan, 2017, pp. 35–37
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6561
### Event 45445 (FD9A76BE)
**Date:** 9/23/1984
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. several nocturnal lights buzzed fishermen fishing in the Parnaiba River in Maranhao State, Brazil. A door was heard to slam, and voices were heard. Footprints were found on the bank of the river.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact, p. 182
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6269
### Event 45446 (1B05A5E8)
**Date:** 9/23/1984
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. a large disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper airplane from Cordoba to Resistensia, Argentina. It reportedly maneuvered at great speed, and changed color from silver to orange. The plane's compass oscillated between 0.5 and 270 degrees, and there were several other variations noted in other onboard instruments.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 51
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6270
### Event 45447 (27E1587F)
**Date:** Late 9/1984
**Alternate date:** Early 10/1984
**Location:** Bayramgulovo, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Militia Capt. Boris Ivanovich Vladimirov is riding in the right seat of a patrol vehicle with another policeman in Bayramgulovo, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, when they notice an unusual triangular pattern of colored lights about 80 feet away on the right side of the road in a freshly plowed field. There are 11 lights on the left and right sides of the object and 13 lights up the center. The lights on the edge flash sequentially like a theater marquee. After a bit, all the lights turn off. The next day, Vladimirov returns to the field and finds three round depressions in the soil about 10 inches deep and 36 inches in diameter. They are at the corners of an equilateral triangle 26 feet apart.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, “CE2 in the Eastern Urals,” IUR 17, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1992\): 11–13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6556
### Event 45448 (3F880BAE)
**Date:** 9/28/1984 (approximate)
**Time:** 14:00?
**Description:** Silent windowless delta scares golfers and trail bikers. Maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPENCER, John & EVANS, Hillary (ed): PHENOMENON - 40 YEARS of F.S.; BUFORA/Avon Books, NY 1988 (Index 258)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14631
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CUNNAMULLA,QLD,AUSTR:SILENT WINDOWLESS DELTA SCARES GOLFERS+TRAIL BIKERS:MNVRS", **LatLong:** "-28.000001 145.916674", **LatLongDMS:** "28:00:00 S 145:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.000001,145.916674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45449 (0EBDB377)
**Date:** 10/1984
**Location:** FRANCE, Marseille
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: July 1983, Marseille) Benoit took on a well-known client of his and dropped him off at La Joliette near the port. It was around 1:30 in the morning and Benoit returned to his home in the suburbs, or at least he took the path. What happened next? Mystery. He woke up at 7:30 with no memory of returning home.
**Reference:** Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials" - Presses de la Cité 1992, p. 106
**Reference:** Continued May 1985
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3211
### Event 45450 (63C11A67)
**Date:** 10/1984
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** D979 / LA SERRE, FR
**Description:** Triangle with point down drops below treetops. Shoots orange beams quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14632
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "D979/La SERRE,FR:TRIANGLE W/POINT DOWN DROPS BLW TREETOPS:SHOOTS ORG.BEAMS↑↑", **LatLong:** "45.494447 2.305556", **LatLongDMS:** "45:29:40 N 02:18:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.494447,2.305556)", **State/Prov:** "CRZ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45451 (BCF76AB1)
**Date:** 10/1984
**Location:** Hudson Valley, NY
**Description:** Astronomer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek, accompanied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and Dennis, saw a "Ferris wheel" shaped UFO in the sky in Hudson Valley, New York that turned on its side and then disappeared. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5726
### Event 45452 (B20A2A3E)
**Date:** 10/1984
**Location:** Kattakurgan tactical nuclear missile base in Uzbekistan
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. Five witnesses, including missile technician Shamil Yuaihmetov, see a metallic cigar-shaped object slowly descending at a 45° angle near the Kattakurgan tactical nuclear missile base in Uzbekistan. It emits a hissing sound. The next day, three apparent landing-gear marks in an equilateral triangle pattern are found in a nearby vineyard in an area of damaged vines measuring 100 by 260 feet. Each depression is 20 inches deep. The case is investigated by S. P. Kuzionov of the Russian Geographical Society.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ted R. Phillips, “[Physical Traces](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2005/05/May%202005.pdf) [Associated with Unidentified Flying Objects,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2005/05/May%202005.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 445 \(May 2005\): 5; Nukes 452–453
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6557
### Event 45453 (3EE86416)
**Date:** 10/2/1984
**Location:** NORVEGE, Moelv
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time: 2345 – The witness was in her bedroom when three semitransparent humanoid figures appeared in front of her, one stood in front of the other two. They wore tight-fitting silvery jumpsuits and were about six-foot tall, and very human looking. Their leader approached the witness, telling her not to be afraid and touched her knee gently. The beings then disappeared. (1984, 2 October)
**Reference:** Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger. “Starborn”
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3208
### Event 45454 (3C09AC67)
**Date:** 10/2/1984
**Time:** 18:13:59.2
**Location:** 37.0800 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vermejo” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_936
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0800 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:48 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0800,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Vermejo", **NukeSource:** "ISC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45455 (AD68C8E3)
**Date:** 10/3/1984
**Time:** 06:00:00.0
**Location:** 41.5700 88.7300
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1822
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5700 88.7300", **LatLongDMS:** "41:34:12 N 88:43:48 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5700,88.7300)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUPC"
### Event 45456 (A4ED4D27)
**Date:** 10/5/1984
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 18.6.83) Dr. Sally K. Ride (mission specialist for the launch of STS-7, and the first American woman in space) was also on the Mission 41-G launched on October 5, 1984. She holds a PhD in Physics from Stanford University in 1978.
**Reference:** NASA Website
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3209
### Event 45457 (5C322A8A)
**Date:** 10/5/1984
**Time:** ~01:00
**Location:** NEAR OSSINING, NY
**Description:** Hynek and Imbrogno. "Ferris wheel" / night lights. Vanishes. Possible setup?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14633
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr OSSINING,NY:HYNEK+IMBROGNO:"FERRIS WHEEL"/NLTS:VANISHES:POSSIBLE SETUP?", **LatLong:** "41.150002 -73.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:09:00 N 73:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.150002,-73.850004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45458 (582BDB46)
**Date:** 10/5/1984
**Locations:** Peekskill, New York; Ossining, New York; US Highway 9
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. Science teacher and UFO investigator [Philip J. Imbrogno](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2011/07/crash-of-philip-j-imbrogno.html) and Fred Dennis are returning from an interview with witnesses in Peekskill, New York, on US Highway 9 when they see, near Ossining, New York, a large half-circle of 6 bluish-yellow lights connected to a partially illuminated structure. Suddenly it flips on its side and turns like a Ferris wheel. After 30 seconds, it is lost behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, “[Incident at](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc689.htm) [Indian Point,](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc689.htm)” UFO Evidence; Clark III 1277
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6558
### Event 45459 (EBB4C28C)
**Date:** 10/5/1984
**Description:** Astronomer and UFO expert J. Allen Hynek, accompanied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and Dennis, saw a "Ferris wheel" shaped UFO in the sky in Hudson Valley, New York that turned on its side and then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno & Bob Pratt, Night Seige: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 151
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6587
### Event 45460 (26ADE9E4)
**Date:** 10/8/1984
**Location:** USA, Billings Montana
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time: afternoon – A man and a woman described as a truck driving team, reportedly sighted a large bubble-shaped object emerge from a dark cloud and crash on the road near them. A peanut shaped cylinder fell out of the large bubble shaped object and several creatures, described as bird-like, about 8 inches tall with v-shaped heads and human legs came out of the peanut-shaped cylinder. These creatures proceeded to follow the pair of witnesses and fire what appeared to be metallic fillings at them. The couple drove to a nearby truck stop and claimed that the creatures were still nearby hovering above some telephone poles. No one else at the truck stop was able to see the creatures only the couple that seemed normal to those others present. (1984, 8 October)
**Reference:** UFONS # 183
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3210
### Event 45461 (58AB6FF9)
**Date:** 10/8/1984
**Time:** 07:40
**Description:** 4' figure / helmet probes ground / forked tool. Box quickly going up [to] and going quickly southwest. / MJ#204.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 261)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14634
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PRATO/PRINCIPATO,ITL:4'FIG/HELMET PROBES GND/FORKED TOOL:BOX ↑↑+>>SW:/MJ#204", **LatLong:** "40.950002 14.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "40:57:00 N 14:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.950002,14.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Campania", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45462 (2AFBD95C)
**Date:** 10/8/1984
**Location:** Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy
**Description:** 7:40 a.m. Giuseppe Cocozza goes into his alfalfa field near Prata di Principato Ultra, Avellino, Italy, to get some fodder for his cow. On the beaten-earth path to the field he encounters an entity about 4 feet tall, wearing a blue helmet on its head and carrying a blue box on its back that features tubes running into the helmet and the entity’s back. Its body is covered with long, dark-brown hair, and it appears to be using a T-shaped instrument to explore the ground. There is a wide, aluminum-colored slit around its eyes. After noticing Cocozza, the entity moves toward a clearing among some hazel bushes, emitting small bluish flames from its sides. The witness backtracks and loses sight of it, but sees a UFO ascend at an angle from the bushes, turn, and shoot away toward a mountain range. Cocozza returns with a shotgun and finds some hoof-like footprints and holes left by the strange instrument, as well as landing marks apparently caused by the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Umberto Telarico, “[Close Encounter at](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201986%20V%2032%20N%201.pdf) [Prato di Principato Ultra \(Italy\), October 1984,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201986%20V%2032%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 32, no. 1 \(December 1986\): 9–18; 2Pinotti 72–83
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6559
### Event 45463 (E99DDCF7)
**Date:** 10/8/1984
**Description:** At 7:40 a.m. a four foot tall furry being wearing a helmet was seen on the ground in Prato Principato, Compania, Italy carrying a forked tool. A box-shaped UFO took off vertically and flew off rapidly to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 261; Maurizio Verga, ITACAT
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6668
### Event 45464 (988632CF)
**Date:** 10/9/1984
**Location:** ITALIE, Polcanto
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time: 0330A – A light shining through his window suddenly awakened the witness ; he then saw a tall dark human-like figure standing on a nearby hill. From the being's forehead shone a bright torch like beam. The figure suddenly vanished. In its place remained a dark horizontal line and three flames beneath it descending towards the ground. After a few minutes this disappeared also and a bright white light appeared and began approaching the witness location. The witness had difficulty moving but finally was able to reach the window. The white light suddenly vanished and a flashing red sphere appeared. The witness eyes were apparently affected and remained irritated for a few days afterwards. Investigators found extensive ground trace (1984, 9 October)
**Reference:** Edoardo Russo, FSR Vol. 30 # 4
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3212
### Event 45465 (D7D37C45)
**Date:** 10/9/1984
**Location:** ITALIE, Prata Principato
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time: 0730A – In an alfalfa field a peasant observed a short being wearing a brown suit and a helmet connected by two pipes to a rucksack on his back. This being was holding a forked stick in his hand and was hovering just above the ground, the being emitted some blue sparks and disappeared behind a bush. Suddenly from behind the bush a square-shaped metallic craft took off and left the area at high speed. Footprints and holes were found on the site. (1984, 9 October)
**Reference:** Edoardo Russo, FSR Vol. 30 #
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3213
### Event 45466 (CA80210E)
**Date:** 10/9/1984
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** Figure / hill. Light / head. Observer(s) paralyzed. Red sphere/orb/globe lands. Physical traces. / MJ#204.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 388)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14635
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "POLCANTO,FIRENZE,ITL:FIG/HILL:LITE/HEAD:OBS PRLZD:RED ORB LANDS:TRCs:/MJ#204", **LatLong:** "43.950002 11.400001", **LatLongDMS:** "43:57:00 N 11:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.950002,11.400001)", **State/Prov:** "TSC", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45467 (9948C649)
**Date:** 10/9/1984
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** Odd glowing-man / farm road. Luminous sphere. Cops find traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 160)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14636
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BORGO S.LORENZO,ITL:ODD GLOW-MAN/FARM ROAD:LUMn.SPHERE:COPS find traces", **LatLong:** "43.950002 11.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:57:00 N 11:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.950002,11.383334)", **State/Prov:** "Firenze", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45468 (C2DD256E)
**Date:** 10/9/1984
**Location:** Via della Tessaia in Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. A beam of light coming in through a window wakes up Isidoro Ferri in his residence on the Via della Tessaia in Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy. He sees that it is coming from the forehead of a dark figure on a nearby hill across the road. Suddenly the figure and light vanish, and Ferri sees a stationary ink light with three jets projecting downward. After several minutes, this light disappears and an extremely bright white light approaches and floods the area. Ferri gets up and approaches the window but finds himself paralyzed for a few seconds. The light then withdraws, and he finds he can move again. The white light is replaced by a red lens- shaped light that hurts his eyes then moves on to the northwest. Ferri’s dog has not barked through the entire encounter, refuses food for the next several days, and stays in its doghouse for 2 weeks. Three circular holes 4 inches in diameter and 1 inch deep are found in an area of somewhat flattened grass.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Edoardo Russo, “[Italian](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201985%20V%2030%20N%204.pdf) [Update 1984,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201985%20V%2030%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 30, no. 4 \(May 1985\): 26; 2Pinotti 84–92; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1984-10-09-italy-polcanto.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1984-10-09-italy-polcanto.htm) February 1, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6560
### Event 45469 (9AAED955)
**Date:** 10/14/1984
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** SMETHPORT, PA
**Description:** 1 observer. 5' x2.5'x3'GLOWING box with tail over house. Going down / creek. Lights / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14637
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "475", **HatchDesc:** "SMETHPORT,PA:1 OBS:5'x2.5'x3'GLOWING BOX W/TAIL OVR HOUSE:↓/CREEK:LITES/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "41.811113 -78.444448", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:40 N 78:26:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.811113,-78.444448)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45470 (141DBFF5)
**Date:** 10/15/1984
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SOUTH / KEENE, NH
**Description:** Several observer(s). 45' cylinder/cigar-shape / 800' altitude. Cop shines light going up. Cylinder/cigar-shape nears. Hums. / MJ#210.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 398)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14638
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "S/KEENE,NH:SVRL OBS:45'CGR/800'alt:COP SHINES LITE↑:CGR NEARS:HUMS:/MJ#210", **LatLong:** "42.772224 -72.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:46:20 N 72:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.772224,-72.383337)", **RelAlt:** "240", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45471 (A65BBC8A)
**Date:** 10/18/1984
**Time:** 04:57:08.3
**Location:** 49.7750 78.1330
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1681
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7750 78.1330", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:30 N 78:07:59 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7750,78.1330)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45472 (C5926839)
**Date:** 10/23/1984
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** 1.5MI NORTH / TYRONE, PA
**Description:** 300' saucer 100' over treetops. Goes over ridge. / MJ#200.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14639
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "275", **HatchDesc:** "1.5mi N/TYRONE,PA:300'SCR 100'OVR TREETOPS:GOES OVR RIDGE:/MJ#200", **LatLong:** "40.700002 -78.238893", **LatLongDMS:** "40:42:00 N 78:14:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.700002,-78.238893)", **RelAlt:** "40", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45473 (3B45964F)
**Date:** 10/23/1984
**Location:** Tyrone (north of), PA
**Description:** 8:30 PM. A disc-shaped object with an amber light on the bottom and red lights in a circle on top of the disc buzzed a witness driving in a car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5727
### Event 45474 (730B3B93)
**Date:** 10/23/1984
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a disc-shaped object with an amber light on the bottom and red lights in a circle on top of the disc buzzed a witness driving in a car north of Tyrone, Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January 1986, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7056
### Event 45475 (0CC2CE47)
**Date:** 10/24/1984 (approximate)
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** PARK RAPIDS, MN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 delta/triangle/box-like crafts going east low over power lines. 4' small humanoid (or Grey) nears farmhouse. / MJ#220.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14640
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "440", **HatchDesc:** "PARK RAPIDS,MN:2 OBS:2 DLTS>E LO OVR PWR LINES:4'OID NEARS FARMHOUSE:/MJ#220", **LatLong:** "45.916669 -95.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "45:55:00 N 95:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.916669,-95.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45476 (6BAB6AEB)
**Date:** 10/24/1984
**Location:** Park Rapids, MN
**Description:** Diamond-shaped object, blue & white. One humanoid four feet tall, large head, large eyes, slender arms. Occupant outside of hovering object. Approached farm. Stood in light for ten minutes, returned to craft and departed. (Humrep, Molon) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5728
### Event 45477 (C476657D)
**Date:** 10/25/1984
**Time:** 06:29:58.1
**Location:** 73.3550 54.9900
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 23KT YieldMax: 210KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1682
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3550 54.9900", **LatLongDMS:** "73:21:18 N 54:59:24 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3550,54.9900)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "RICHARDS", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "23", **NukeYMax:** "210"
### Event 45478 (69B046EC)
**Date:** 10/27/1984
**Location:** USA, Park Rapids Minnesota
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time: night – In a rural farm area the two witnesses were looking at the stars when they saw two diamonds shaped object approach slowly from the east. The objects that emitted a bluish white light passed slowly above some trees. One of the witnesses suddenly decided to walk back to the house. The other witness then saw a 4-foot tall figure standing near the hog lot. It was generally human in shape with a large head and large eyes ; it then approached to within 25 feet of the witness. The witness now could see that it had a short neck and a short nose and appeared to be smiling at her. It wore a tight-fitting outfit and had slender arms that reached to its knees. After five minutes the being turned around and walked away disappearing into the darkness. (1984, 27 October)
**Reference:** Bill McNeff, Mufon Journal # 220
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3215
### Event 45479 (0EBA7B16)
**Date:** 10/27/1984
**Time:** 01:50:12.9
**Location:** 49.9250 78.7760
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1683
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9250 78.7760", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:30 N 78:46:34 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9250,78.7760)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.20", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45480 (B38CFBD2)
**Date:** 10/27/1984
**Time:** 06:00:00.1
**Location:** 46.9000 48.1500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 5-1” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1684
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.9000 48.1500", **LatLongDMS:** "46:54:00 N 48:09:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.9000,48.1500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.00", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 5-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 45481 (168490BE)
**Date:** 10/27/1984
**Time:** 06:05:00.0
**Location:** 46.9500 48.1000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Vega 5-2” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1685
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "46.9500 48.1000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:57:00 N 48:06:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.9500,48.1000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.00", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "PNE:Vega 5-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 45482 (FB3BDF2F)
**Date:** 10/27/1984
**Time:** 17:16:00.4
**Location:** -22.0640 -138.4770
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Machaon” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1973
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0640 -138.4770", **LatLongDMS:** "22:03:50 S 138:28:37 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0640,-138.4770)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.49", **NukeName:** "Machaon", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 45483 (DFC691BB)
**Date:** 10/31/1984
**Location:** ANGLETERRE, Altrincham
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time: after 0600A : The witness had previously been experiencing different type of phenomena in his house, possibly of a poltergeist nature when he woke up feeling that something was not right in his bedroom. He then noticed a weird figure bending over a night table apparently examining a clock. The being was four-foot tall and almost insect like in nature. It had a domed head and a very prominent pointy chin. The entity wore an all black suit that covered its face completely. As the witness moved, the entity suddenly vanished in plain sight. (1984, 31 October)
**Reference:** Peter Hough, Jenny Randles Mysteries of The Mersey Valley
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3216
### Event 45484 (225419B5)
**Date:** 10/31/1984
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** MT. KISCO, NY
**Description:** Entire staff / radio station/depot/facility WVIP. Brilliant 100M triangle going quickly north. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen & IMBROGNIO, Phil: NIGHT SIEGE, the Hudson Valley UFO Sightings; Ballentine Books, NY 1987 (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14641
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "88", **HatchDesc:** "MT KISCO,NY:ENTIRE STAFF/RADIO STN WVIP:BRILLIANT 100M TRIANGLE >>N:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.205558 -73.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:20 N 73:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.205558,-73.733337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45485 (31573C1B)
**Date:** 10/31/1984
**Description:** At 8:45 p.m. the entire staff of radio station WVIP saw a brilliant, 100-yard-wide triangle flying over Mount Kisco, New York, going north. Ms. Bellatoni, a news reporter, had just left the Mount Kisco police station when she saw a solid object with more than 12 lights in a V-formation. One dozen more people watched it with her. Mr. Wescon, a 44-year-old engineer, watched the 12 or more lights in the V-formation fly over his location; it had steady red and white lights. When the object stopped to hover, its lights began to flash.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, Philip J. Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Night Seige: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, pp. 150-158
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7348
### Event 45486 (98049FE0)
**Date:** 11/1984
**Location:** USA, New York City, New York
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time: late night – 12-year old Monica Ortega was sleeping in her bedroom when suddenly she saw two lights and felt a presence in the room. One light was red and the other green, both were spherical. A voice from the lights told her not to be afraid. She began to fall asleep, in spite of the luminous globes presence ; she then felt caresses and kisses all over her body as her nightclothes were removed. She felt something spread her legs and a sharp pain soon after. She woke up terrified to see a tall, blond, green-eyed being in a tight fitting outfit in bed with her. His eyes were so green that it made her dizzy to look straight at them. She felt very attracted to him. Apparently the tall blond humanoid had a silent and invisible companion that never manifested itself in human form. They told Monica that they traveled around the world and curiosity was the motivation for their sexual contacts.
**Reference:** Scott Corrales, Inexplicata – The Humanoid Contact Database 1984 by Alberto Rosales
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3218
### Event 45487 (C554B12F)
**Date:** 11/1984
**Location:** PAYS BAS, Winschoten
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time: night – A woman was resting in bed when she noticed a strange being come into her bedroom. The being had a large elongated head, and stared at the witness who suddenly feels like she is leaving her body. She then finds herself with the being in a bright bell shaped room. The being has sexual intercourse with the witness who later becomes pregnant and eventually has an autistic child. No other information.
**Reference:** Hans Van Kampen – The Humanoid Contact Database 1984 by Alberto Rosales
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3219
### Event 45488 (AD5749E7)
**Date:** 11/1984
**Locations:** Westchester County; Stormville, New York
**Description:** Discover magazine publishes a cover story on the Westchester County sightings, which claims that the UFOs are actually a group of pilots from Stormville, New York, who fly ultralight aircraft in a tight formation and use their lights in such a way as to create boomerang or circle patterns. The author, [Glenn Garelik](https://www.proz.com/profile/44501), notes that single-engine planes, even when directly overhead, are barely audible at ground level when they are flying above 3,000 feet. However, it fails to disclose that many witnesses are much closer to the object than that, nor does it mention the hovering for extended periods. In his 1987 book Night Siege, [Philip J. Imbrogno](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2011/07/crash-of-philip-j-imbrogno.html) lists 12 reasons for rejecting the explanation of the Stormville pilots. On those occasions when witnesses see both a plane and a UFO, the plane is clearly audible and the UFO is not, even if it is much closer. The UFO also appears on nights when the Stormville pilots are not in the air. The UFO’s maneuvers simply are beyond the capacity of most aircraft, and the power and intensity of the lights is far beyond the power capacity of small planes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Glenn Garelik, “The Great Hudson Valley UFO Mystery,” Discover 5 \(November 1984\): 18–24; NightSiege 1998; Clark III 1278–1279
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6562
### Event 45489 (A5161024)
**Date:** 11/1984
**Location:** British
**Description:** British UFO researcher [Timothy Good](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy%5FGood) interviews astrophysicist [Pierre Guérin](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/guerinchauvet01.htm) on the future of GEPAN. Because it is under the aegis of CNES, which is ill-disposed toward UFOs, Guérin says, it is doomed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 136–139](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/136/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6563
### Event 45490 (C4A74B37)
**Date:** 11/2/1984
**Time:** 20:45:00.1
**Location:** -21.8570 -138.9200
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Acaste” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1974
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8570 -138.9200", **LatLongDMS:** "21:51:25 S 138:55:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8570,-138.9200)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.64", **NukeName:** "Acaste", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 45491 (260D9FA9)
**Date:** 11/3/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Ermont \(Val d'Oise\), observation of a rotating light, stopping for 3 hours, and having no projector. (November 3, 6:40 PM)
**Reference:** \[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16, 1997\]
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2976
### Event 45492 (8CDBB2CB)
**Date:** 11/4/1984
**Location:** BRESIL, Mirassol
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : 2300 – The witness awoke feeling a sensation of heat and a strong desire to go out into the garden. As he went out he was enveloped in a red light that took him up into a small hovering object. Moments later the small object entered a larger craft. He was met by several brown skin red haired beings that took a blood sample and gave him a tour of the craft. He was then taken to an operations base at an unknown location. Later under hypnosis he was able to recall more details. He remembered being taken to a cold place with white pointed mountains filled with holes. Later he went to several different rooms and “shelters” where he was injected with a white liquid and where other procedures were undertaken. In one of the rooms he was visited by one of the tall blond beings that spoke to him by using telepathy. A blond woman then entered the room. She wore a blue jump suit with black designs on the cuffs and collar and a large black belt. Eventually the witness was returned back to his home. (1984, 4 November)
**Reference:** Buhler, Pereira, and Matiel Pires Abduction at Mirassol
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3220
### Event 45493 (CF0A9D0D)
**Date:** 11/10/1984
**Location:** USA, Inverness California
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : after midnight – Steven Hall was overcome with a feeling that something was watching him, when Steven and his wife looked out their kitchen window. Surprised they saw two of the most absurd creatures one could imagine. These creatures were no more than two feet away from the window. One of them made eye contact with Steven, and stood there, staring at him not moving at all. The witness said the eye contact was “frightening” and felt as if the humanoid was « looking into your soul. » It was difficult for Steven to break eye contact with the humanoid, but his wife quickly closed the curtains. He then woke up another occupant and the house that ran outside thinking someone was snooping around the house. He ran out the front door and around the corner to see one of the creatures from about 15 ft away for about 15 seconds. The creature seemed surprised, and then it slowly turned its head, ducked down, and made its way off into the thick evergreen. The witnesses described the creatures as about four-feet tall with an extremely thin body. Their hands extended to their knees, and they wore what the witnesses suspect was a skintight suit that shimmered in the light. The eyes were a soft diamond shape, there was a small rise for a nose, and the mouth was barely a slit with a very displeasing look on it. (1984, 10 November)
**Reference:** World of The Strange, 10/2001
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3221
### Event 45494 (414F185D)
**Date:** 11/10/1984
**Time:** 16:40:00.1
**Location:** 37.0001 -116.0174
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Villita” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_937
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0001 -116.0174", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:01:03 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0001,-116.0174)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Villita", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45495 (0C1B15BA)
**Date:** 11/14/1984
**Description:** As the space shuttle Discovery approaches the dysfunctional satellite Westar VI on the [STS-51-A](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STS-51-A) mission, its video camera records for 2 seconds a gray blob that seems to materialize near the top center of the frame and move in a curved path across the right side of the frame. [Bruce Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) says the blob could be a “reflection of something in a window or a small nearby particle.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Appears during NASA STS-51-A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymOfxOByeOI) [Mission November 1984,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymOfxOByeOI)” Real UFO Files Disclosed YouTube channel, July 10, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6564
### Event 45496 (ADF52E0A)
**Date:** 11/17/1984
**Time:** 14:10
**Location:** SAVAH, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Buzz. 50' silver saucer going quickly southeast. Vanishes overhead. Static. 2-6 hours missing time. / r237p77.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14642
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "200", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "SAVAH,IN:2 OBS:BUZZ:50'SLVR SCR >>SE:VANISHES OVHD:STATIC:2-6 hrs MST:/r237p77", **LatLong:** "38.000002 -87.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:00:00 N 87:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.000002,-87.966671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 45497 (F27EC10B)
**Date:** 11/17/1984
**Location:** Savah, IN
**Description:** 8:45 PM. Abduction near Mt. Vernon, IN. Two percipients, several hours. (Ridge files). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5730
### Event 45498 (75B83AC7)
**Date:** 11/23/1984
**Location:** Monroe City, IN
**Description:** 10:30 PM. Another black triangle report by two witnesses. No details. (UPRO) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5731
### Event 45499 (0124130D)
**Date:** 11/23/1984
**Time:** 03:55:07.5
**Location:** 49.8300 78.0730
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .003KT YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1686
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8300 78.0730", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:48 N 78:04:23 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8300,78.0730)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".003", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 45500 (82A0294A)
**Date:** 11/26/1984
**Location:** USA, Magnolia Bay
**Description:** (Translated from French) Peter and Ana Hoel were on Shore Road around 6:15 PM when they saw a yellow glow on the ocean transform into two red lights blinking alternately. The object was approaching the land and when it got close to the coast the lights went out. It was a triangle with four white lights on the back, and like a window illuminated from the inside with a yellowish light on the underside. This triangle made a low, sustained buzzing sound. It made a right angle turn towards the center of Magnolia: it had a wingspan of about 50 meters. Suddenly it disappeared in place. A little later the witnesses saw four red lights and two white lights through the trees, moving towards Kettle Island.
**Reference:** Mufon Journal 214, February 1986, p. 11, 16
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3214
### Event 45501 (D6A8F4F2)
**Date:** 11/26/1984
**Location:** USA, Belle Meade, New Jersey
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : late night – A motorist driving on a highway saw a star-like light descend overhead at high speed. As the light crossed the highway in front of her vehicle, she could see that it was part of a large metallic triangular shaped object apparently made out of white metal with gray rivets. Three beams of light shone down from the side of the object, which had rounded edges. The object then began hovering above some railroad power lines. The witness could see an opening in the center of the object. She then noticed movement inside and saw a large round sphere pass by it. A round object came into view, it resembled a large head with two very large eyes, and the rest of the facial features were flat. The object then followed the witness vehicle briefly before disappearing from view. (1984, 26 November)
**Reference:** Thomas A Benson, The Sixth Quark Journal # 4
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3222
### Event 45502 (5DB3C047)
**Date:** 11/26/1984
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** MAGNOLIA, MA
**Description:** 2+3 observer(s). 150' delta/triangle/box-like craft with cone / light going down / bay. Canopy / under. 90-turn. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 214)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14643
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "MAGNOLIA,MA:2+3 OBS:150'DLT W/CONE/LITE↓/BAY:CANOPY/UNDER:90-TURN:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "42.572224 -70.711114", **LatLongDMS:** "42:34:20 N 70:42:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.572224,-70.711114)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45503 (BDC31F85)
**Date:** 11/26/1984
**Location:** Gloucester, MA
**Description:** 6:15 PM. A UFO seen by Mr. & Mrs. Hoel in Gloucester, Massachusetts seemed to respond to their comments while flying over Magnolia Bay. The dark triangular object, 150 feet wide, with a canopy underneath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed over Magnolia Bay and surrounding trees (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5732
### Event 45504 (AC825122)
**Date:** 11/26/1984
**Description:** A UFO seen at 6:15 p.m. by Mr. & Mrs. Hoel in Gloucester, Massachusetts seemed to respond to their comments while flying over Magnolia Bay. The dark triangular object, 150 feet wide, with a canopy underneath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed over Magnolia Bay and surrounding trees. It made a low droning sound, and seemed to be made of a non-reflective material.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, June 1985, p. 8, citing the Gloucester Times; John Melesciuc, MUFON UFO Journal, February 1986, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7946
### Event 45505 (312C166E)
**Date:** 11/28/1984
**Time:** ~16:00
**Location:** PETIT LOMONT, 25, FR
**Description:** Police calls. Saucer hovers. Also orange ball / Mont Bart forest / 29 November.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14644
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PETIT LOMONT,25,FR:POLICE CALLS:SCR HVRS::+ORG BALL/MONT BART FOREST/29NOV", **LatLong:** "47.377780 6.088889", **LatLongDMS:** "47:22:40 N 06:05:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.377780,6.088889)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45506 (36EBE898)
**Date:** 12/1984
**Location:** AUSTRALIE, Hexam, NSW
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : 0230A – A couple had been camping on the Ponderosa Caravan Park located just east of the Pacific Highway when the husband woke up and went outside, he then called his wife and pointed out a large cigar shaped object with a brilliant white light at the front coming towards them very slowly. The front light seemed larger than the full moon and lit up the entire caravan park. The cigar-shaped object had windows along the side. These seemed to be closed and gray in color, same as the rest of the object. Five minutes later, three small disc shaped objects flew into view moving towards the object. They traveled very quickly, zigzagging to join the larger cigar. Each disc was gray, but showed an orange or rust colored area towards the rear of the disk body, before a tail fin. One of the discs stationed itself at the rear of the cigar and the other two on either side of the cigar. Shortly they switched formation and flew behind the large cigar. The wife reported what seemed to be an outline of a helmeted head in one of the smaller discs. The cigar shaped object was emitting a low, fluctuating humming noise, which rose and fell in pitch. The objects eventually moved away from sight. The witnesses then went straight to sleep.
**Reference:** Australian UFO Reporter Vol. 1 # 2
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3225
### Event 45507 (5439AAF0)
**Date:** 12/1984
**Location:** AUSTRALIE, North West
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : night – Whilst working in a field a man tripped over one evening. In his horizontal position he saw the cause of his predicament. A small picket fence formed a compound. Within this area were tiny people and a fleet of miniature buses going about their business. (!) For several years afterwards a series of five vertical lines like a bar code remained on the witness's forehead until they finally faded away.
**Reference:** Western Australia UFO Sightings
**Reference:** Shades of Gulliver's travels
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3226
### Event 45508 (902E7B37)
**Date:** 12/1984
**Location:** USA, New York City New York
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : 2300 – The witness was walking home after working and had reached a street corner when three small spheres of red light suddenly appeared and began rapidly circling around her. The lights vanished and the witness remembered going to a nearby deli counter and seeing a very tall being, yellowish in color, with tight kinky hair, a broad mouth and very large golden almond shaped eyes. He wore a white uniform. His hands were very smooth and his fingers very long. The being smiled at her and there was some small talk. The witness then hailed a cab and went home.
**Reference:** The Communion Letter 1990
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3227
### Event 45509 (0329DF6B)
**Date:** 12/1984
**Location:** USA, Los Angeles California
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : late night – In an apparent dream-like state the witness saw a small humanoid dressed in a gold colored outfit come to the door of the apartment building and attempt to enter. The frightened witness ran to her room. The small creature then somehow entered the bedroom picked up the witness infant daughter and struck her hard on the bottom. The witness began struggling with the creature over the child. Suddenly she found herself on the roof of the building with her daughter, the creature and two other persons, this two were in a trance-like state and did not respond to her questions. The short creature was holding a wand-like instrument, which it dipped into a gold colored solution. The creature continued to hold the wand apparently making a loud “whooshing” sound and gradually a large saucer-shaped object began forming overhead. A blue beam of light came from the saucer down to the roof like a « stairway. » At this point the witness is unable to recall anything further. The being was described as a typical “gray” type entity.
**Reference:** Duane Bedell, Heartland UFO Journal # 3, December 1994
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3228
### Event 45510 (6A0D56C1)
**Date:** 12/1984
**Location:** Seattle, Washington
**Description:** [Bob Gribble](http://avalonlibrary.net/Wendy%5FConnors%5FFaded%5FDisc%5Farchive/NuforcDirectory.pdf)[,](http://avalonlibrary.net/Wendy%5FConnors%5FFaded%5FDisc%5Farchive/NuforcDirectory.pdf) who operates the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, Washington, discontinues sending UFO reports to MUFON and sends them to Michael Hart’s Compufon for posting on the Usenet bulletin board.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, October 1985
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6565
### Event 45511 (DBBB7FF7)
**Date:** 12/1984
**Location:** Trafford, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Night. A married couple are up late watching TV in Trafford, Pennsylvania, when they hear a tapping on the window. They see a red ball of light about as big as a basketball that moves away from the window. They turn on the outside lights to watch the ball, which has black marks among the red and gives off beams and sparks. It floats over a neighbor’s house. They go back to watching TV, but the red light taps on the window once more before going away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “A Trick of the Light,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6566
### Event 45512 (7BCC96D1)
**Date:** 12/1/1984
**Time:** 16:51:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Miletos” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1975
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Miletos", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 45513 (9622B777)
**Date:** 12/2/1984
**Time:** 03:19:08.9
**Location:** 49.9930 79.0090
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1687
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9930 79.0090", **LatLongDMS:** "49:59:35 N 79:00:32 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9930,79.0090)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 45514 (082538B1)
**Date:** 12/5/1984
**Description:** Several hundred witnessed a bright ovoid object fly east over Imperia, Alpes-Maritime, France and Genova, Italy at 11:30 a.m. giving off bursts of flashing light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, May 1985; MUFON UFO Journal, April 1985
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8212
### Event 45515 (5A058348)
**Date:** 12/6/1984
**Location:** BRESIL, Mirassol
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : 2100 – As the main witness and a friend observed a luminous green sphere flying over the area leaving behind a trail of blue sparks, his wife was at home waiting for him and watching television when suddenly the TV image faded and became dark. She was unable to move as she saw the door opened. A tall blond longhaired man with large blue eyes then entered. He wore a white jumpsuit with a belt with a long black buckle that had blinking red and green lights. Hanging from the belt was a weapon-like apparatus. The being carried a jar and a small cup. He poured a liquid into the cup and offered it to the witness ; she drank it and then was given a small white pill to swallow. It was the last thing she was able to remember. (1984, 6 December)
**Reference:** Buhler, Pereira, and Matiel Pires Abduction at Mirassol
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3229
### Event 45516 (A30D7BDC)
**Date:** 12/6/1984
**Time:** 17:29:00.2
**Location:** -21.8370 -138.8900
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Memnon” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1976
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8370 -138.8900", **LatLongDMS:** "21:50:13 S 138:53:24 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8370,-138.8900)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.56", **NukeName:** "Memnon", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 45517 (86D573CD)
**Date:** 12/9/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Ermont \(Val d'Oise\), observation of 2 rotating luminous balls without a projector. \[ (December 9, 1986)
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16, 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2977
### Event 45518 (F1F6F5C4)
**Date:** 12/9/1984
**Time:** 19:40:00.1
**Location:** 37.2701 -116.4976
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Egmont” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1785
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2701 -116.4976", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:12 N 116:29:51 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2701,-116.4976)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Egmont", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45519 (C2DF7115)
**Date:** 12/10/1984
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** NICE, FR
**Description:** Girl / age 10. 2 rose-pink ovoids south going quickly north in straight and level flight. Clear weather.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14645
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NICE,FR:GIRL/AGE 10:2 ROSE-PINK OVOIDS S>>N in S/L FLITE:CLEAR WEATHER:", **LatLong:** "43.700002 7.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:42:00 N 07:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.700002,7.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45520 (C5E9718D)
**Date:** 12/10/1984
**Description:** In Nice, Alpes-Maritime, France a 10-year-old girl reported seeing two rose-pink ovoid UFOs at 3:30 p.m. in clear skies. The objects were flying from south to north in a straight line.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 305
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8320
### Event 45521 (55821623)
**Date:** 12/11/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A 35mm film containing the [MJ document](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MJDocs.html) briefing President Eisenhower is left on the doorstep of [Jaime Shandera](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ShanderaJaime.html). (December 11)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2978
### Event 45522 (10505A69)
**Date:** 12/11/1984
**Locations:** North Hollywood, California; Albuquerque, New Mexico; Kirtland AFB
**Description:** North Hollywood, California, film producer [Jaime Shandera](https://obscurantist.com/oma/shandera-jamie/) receives an unmarked package in the mail containing an undeveloped roll of 35mm film with the faked 1952 Eisenhower briefing document and the 1947 Truman MJ-12 memo. He tells researcher [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29), and they have the roll developed. Postmarked Albuquerque, New Mexico, the package is most likely sent by individuals in AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, including special agent Master Sgt. [Richard Doty](https://www.exopaedia.org/Doty%2C%2BRichard), to plant disinformation in William Moore’s UFO research. They wait until 1987 to release the document.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael Hesemann and Philip Mantle, Beyond Roswell, Marlowe, 1997, [p.](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9781569247815/page/89/mode/2up) [90](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9781569247815/page/89/mode/2up); Clark III 365–366
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6567
### Event 45523 (898D816C)
**Date:** 12/14/1984
**Location:** BRESIL, Mirassol
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : 2300 – The witness had stepped out to check on the weather and was suddenly enveloped in a red light ; he was then transported inside a small hovering object. There he was confronted by three short robot-like beings. The small object then entered a larger « mother ship » type craft. There he was taken to a compartment where a green skin humanoid was preparing a serum like liquid. He was ordered to lie down on a bed and the being injected the liquid into one of his veins. His body began to shiver and then he apparently blacked out. He was eventually returned to his home where he woke up. (1984, 14 December)
**Reference:** Buhler, Pereira, and Matiel Pires Abduction at Mirassol
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3230
### Event 45524 (4B9469BE)
**Date:** 12/14/1984
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** NEAR WANDAH, TASM
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects).. dragged / 10M toward(s) 6M ovoid / road. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME) / 2nd car and more / r82.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14646
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr WANDAH,TASM:CAR EMES..DRAGGED/10M twrd 6M OVOID/ROAD:LITES EME/2nd CAR+/r82", **LatLong:** "-41.916669 147.400007", **LatLongDMS:** "41:55:00 S 147:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.916669,147.400007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45525 (903CF491)
**Date:** 12/14/1984
**Location:** Launceston, Northern Tasmania, AU
**Description:** Gray ellipse, blinding light from underside, landed ahead of car, car dragged toward UFO. Clark, 1990, p. 21, dated 1987; Chalker, 1996, pp. 182-183 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5733
### Event 45526 (40B819CE)
**Date:** 12/15/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the *Véga 1* probe towards [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html). It will flyby the Halley's Comet. (December 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2979
### Event 45527 (6B020CF2)
**Date:** 12/15/1984
**Location:** 37.2811 -116.3054
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tierra” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_938
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2811 -116.3054", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:52 N 116:18:19 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2811,-116.3054)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Tierra", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45528 (6C322863)
**Date:** 12/16/1984
**Time:** 03:55:05.1
**Location:** 49.9300 78.8160
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1688
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9300 78.8160", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:48 N 78:48:58 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9300,78.8160)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 45529 (8BE2AA42)
**Date:** 12/17/1984
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** Pilot. Silent missile shape flies. No exhaust. No further details. / r191#32.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14647
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CANBERRA,AUSTRL:PILOT:SLNT MISSILE SHAPE FLIES:NO EXHAUST:NFD:/r191#32", **LatLong:** "-35.350002 149.183340", **LatLongDMS:** "35:21:00 S 149:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.350002,149.183340)", **State/Prov:** "Australian Capital Territory", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45530 (B9C22C00)
**Date:** 12/19/1984
**Time:** 05:59:58.3
**Location:** 41.7370 88.4250
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 1.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1823
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.7370 88.4250", **LatLongDMS:** "41:44:13 N 88:25:30 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.7370,88.4250)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeSource:** "GUPTA-JED", **NukeType:** "NUPC", **NukeY:** "1.3"
### Event 45531 (40042072)
**Date:** 12/20/1984
**Time:** 16:20:00.2
**Location:** 36.9700 -116.0100
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Minero” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_939
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.9700 -116.0100", **LatLongDMS:** "36:58:12 N 116:00:36 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.9700,-116.0100)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Minero", **NukeSource:** "ISC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45532 (A1EBD793)
**Date:** Winter 1984
**Location:** USA, Reseda California
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : 0230A – After seeing odd spinning lights floating around the house the day before, the witness again saw the football size lights in the house. The lights suddenly descended on the witness and he passed out. He then woke up hearing three very loud metallic bangs. He then saw a light fly from the house and into the sky. He then realized that six hours had passed. Later under hypnosis the witness was able to recall floating up at very high speed and entering an object. He then found himself inside a round white room lying on a table in the center of the room. A light shone on his face and several figures surrounded him. The beings were short, with bald pointy-heads and flat faces. They were poking the witness with several instruments. He was able to hear radio-like static in the background and mumble-like words apparently coming from the beings. At one point a large long needle was inserted in the witness navel, which did not hurt, a dark colored liquid was injected into him. The witness was later taken to another room where two white fog-like beings waited for him, these two then took the witness to a huge room with transparent floors. The witness was then escorted back to his house by the two beings, which apparently floated him through the air. (1984, Winter)
**Reference:** D Scott Rogo, IUR Vol. 12 #4
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3223
### Event 45533 (12EB54B7)
**Date:** Winter 1984
**Location:** USA, Reseda California
**Description:** (Translated from French) Time : night – The witness, who had already experienced many other mysterious incidents in his house, was sleeping in the living room when he heard the horses in the backyard corral whining restlessly, the dogs were also barking. The witness looked out and saw several sparking lights near the back of the property. When the lights approached the fence, which separated the corral area from the backyard, he realized the lights were really humanoid figures about 4-foot tall wearing helmets with visors on the face area, and dark « spacesuits. » The beings appeared to be stumbling as they tried to climb over the fence. At this point the witness called his sister but she refused to come, apparently frightened. One of the beings finally managed to climb over the fence and began running towards the house. The witness then locked the doors and woke up the rest of the family. When everyone was up the beings had already disappeared. (1984, Winter)
**Reference:** D Scott Rogo, IUR Vol. 12 # 4
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3224
### Event 45534 (9F1E4670)
**Date:** 12/21/1984
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the *Véga 2* probe towards [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html). It will flyby the Halley's Comet. (December 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1984.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2980
### Event 45535 (3DA34623)
**Date:** 12/24/1984
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** LEEDS, NORTH YORKS
**Description:** 1 observer. Red airship lights sky red. Lands behind Kirkstall Museum!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14648
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "63", **HatchDesc:** "LEEDS,N.YORKS:1 OBS:RED AIRSHIP LITES SKY RED:LANDS BHND KIRKSTALL MUSEUM!", **LatLong:** "53.816669 -1.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:49:00 N 01:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.816669,-1.550000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45536 (3DE5C3BB)
**Date:** 12/26/1984 (approximate)
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** HEXAM, NSW, AUS
**Description:** 2 / camp. 3 small saucers zigzag and join cylinder/cigar-shape. Head of figure / saucer. All going east toward(s) Air Force Base.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Victorian UFO Research Society (VUFORS), Australia www.ozemail.com.au/~vufors
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14649
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "HEXAM,NSW,AUS:2/CAMP:3 SML SCRS ZIGZAG+JOIN CGR:HEAD of FIG/SCR:ALL>E TWRD AFB", **LatLong:** "-32.827779 151.694452", **LatLongDMS:** "32:49:40 S 151:41:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.827779,151.694452)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45537 (64FCDFC8)
**Date:** 12/26/1984
**Description:** Three small discs zig-zagged in the sky over the shoreline at Hexam, New South Wales, Australia at 2:30 a.m. They were joined by a cigar-shaped object. The head and upper torso of a figure was reportedly seen inside one of the discs. All object flew off to the east toward an Air Force Base.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14203
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8616
### Event 45538 (26E497DB)
**Date:** 12/28/1984
**Time:** 03:50:13.1
**Location:** 49.8750 78.7000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1689
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8750 78.7000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:52:30 N 78:42:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8750,78.7000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 45539 (0094CB30)
**Date:** 12/30/1984
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MARTINSVILLE, WV
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 30' X-shaped object. 5 lights / bottom. Paces over car / 20 minute(s). Hums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14650
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "168", **HatchDesc:** "MARTINSVILLE,WV:3 OBS:30' X-SHAPED OBJ:5 LITES/BOTTOM:PACES OVR CAR/20min:HUMS", **LatLong:** "39.455557 -77.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:27:20 N 77:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.455557,-77.966670)", **State/Prov:** "WVR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45540 (496CDC0E)
**Date:** 12/30/1984
**Location:** Martinsburg, WV
**Description:** 10:00 PM. A 30 foot long X-shaped object paced a car for 20 minutes along a highway in Martinsburg, West Virginia. There were five lights on the bottom of the craft and it made a humming noise. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5734
### Event 45541 (DB4DFCA0)
**Date:** 12/30/1984
**Description:** At about 10:00 p.m. a 30 foot long X-shaped object paced a car for 20 minutes along a highway in Martinsburg, West Virginia. There were five lights on the bottom of the craft and it made a humming noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, case number 1147
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8660
### Event 45542 (04466510)
**Date:** 12/31/1984
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** LEVEL GREEN, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Taps / window. Sphere/orb/globe with 11 eyes looks in! Turns and flies. Repeats.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14651
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "305", **HatchDesc:** "LEVEL GREEN,PA:2 OBS:TAPS/WINDOW:ORB W/11 EYES LOOKS IN!:TURNS+FLIES:REPEATS", **LatLong:** "40.394446 -79.722226", **LatLongDMS:** "40:23:40 N 79:43:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.394446,-79.722226)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45543 (D628341B)
**Date:** 12/31/1984
**Location:** Level Green, PA
**Description:** 6:10 PM. In Level Green, Pennsylvania in the UFO hotspot of Westmoreland County, two residents of the community heard a tapping sound on one of their house windows. They saw what looked like an eye-like orb peering in through the window. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5735
### Event 45544 (5C965B1B)
**Date:** 12/31/1984
**Description:** In Level Green, Pennsylvania in the UFO hotspot of Westmoreland County, two residents of the community heard a tapping sound on one of their house windows at 6:10 p.m. They saw what looked like an eye-like orb peering in through the window. It turn and flew away, but repeated the performance one more time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, June 1985
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8678
## Year: 1985, 233 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 45545 (DC2294B7)
**Date:** 1985
**Location:** China
**Description:** Scientific UFO Conference in Darlian, China. China Daily reported that 20,000 people involved in UFO research. Professor Renglin of Guangzhou Jinan University said more than 600 reports in China in prev. 5 years.
**Type:** conference
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_748
### Event 45546 (BFFB35A4)
**Date:** 1985
**Location:** USA, Yucca Valley (California)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Chet Snow, on vacation with a friend, took the opportunity to go by car at 2 pm to see the "Integraton", a building in the shape of a flying saucer, near Giant Rock (cf. von Tassel). Without understanding how he had veered off, he found himself on a track and got lost in the desert. By chance he discovered the small hill of milky quartz, about 20 m high, on which the contacted Van Tassel was visited by the ETs. He climbed it and lay down on the top to meditate. Just before closing his eyes he saw a big bright spot the size of a walnut and he thought: "It's funny, a walnut flying."
A plane engine noise brought him back to consciousness, he felt full of energy, happy with his meditation. He heard a voice "Call it a meditation if you want. We, we are done." The plane was a small Cessna. It had just taken off. It passed so close that Snow saw the pilot's astonished face. He heard another noise: a car starting. He then saw a big American car. The voice, the plane and the car: it was simultaneous. He took his own car and checked the time: 5:20 pm! Three years later, after a seminar on altered states of consciousness, he returned to the place and then knew that he had been abducted aboard the UFO and examined by tall blond beings. [vog: ah? if he says so, isn't it?- ]
**Reference:** Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Investigation of ET Abductions" - Plon 1995, p. 242, 243
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3248
### Event 45547 (0C67F6CB)
**Date:** 1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of an Iraqi Plane Passing. See images/1985.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2981
### Event 45548 (8C262966)
**Date:** 1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Paul Bennewitz](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BennewitzPaul.html) is in a psychiatric hospital.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2982
### Event 45549 (B9199791)
**Date:** 1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Demonstration of SRI's "psychic seers" \(project [Aquarius](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Aquarius.html)\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2983
### Event 45550 (EAF3378A)
**Date:** 1985
**Locations:** Krasnovodsk [now Türkmenbaşy], Turkmenistan; Caspian Sea
**Description:** Near the town of Krasnovodsk \[now Türkmenbaşy\], Turkmenistan, a radar station under the command of Captain L. Valuev tracks a disc-shaped object at an altitude of 60,000 feet and apparently more than one-half mile in length. The object is stationary, and some time later a small disc about 16 feet in diameter flies out of it and then lands on a lengthy spit on the Caspian Sea. Patrol boats rush to that area, but when they reach a distance of 325 feet from the object, it takes off and flies more than one-half mile away. This happens five times. Then the object ascends at a huge speed and reaches the larger disc, which rises up and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Alexander Dremin, “[Soviet](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1170.htm) [Army Fought UFOs,](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1170.htm)” Pravda, January 2004; Good Need, [p. 354](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/354/mode/2up); Vadim K. Ilyin, “[KGB’s ‘Blue Folder’ Reveals](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2001/11/November%202001.pdf) [Shootings, Landings in USSR,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2001/11/November%202001.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 403 \(November 2001\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6568
### Event 45551 (F2C10617)
**Date:** 1985
**Description:** A proposed procurement programs document suggests the Department of Defense plans to spend $80 million on an “Aurora” program in FY1986 and $2.3 billion in FY1987. This is more than double the cost of the B-2 Spirit program at the time and was rumored to be an advanced black aircraft, possibly triangular in shape. In 1994, former head of Lockheed Skunk Works stated the line item was funding for a stealth bomber program, but that has not been corroborated.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20230314185745/https://www.sandboxx.us/blog/was-americas-aurora-hypersonic-aircraft-real-we-get-to-the-bottom-of-it/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230314185745/https://www.sandboxx.us/blog/was-americas-aurora-hypersonic-aircraft-real-we-get-to-the-bottom-of-it/) (rg - archive.org URL, orig is dead)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_221
### Event 45552 (74B73FB3)
**Date:** 1/1985
**Description:** [Jerome Clark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome%5FClark) begins to take over as editor of the International UFO Reporter as [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) distances himself from operations at the Center for UFO Studies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 628
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6569
### Event 45553 (DC13BD80)
**Date:** 1/1985
**Description:** A Roper Organization poll finds that 25% of Americans think that UFOs come from somewhere else in the universe.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert J. Durant, “Evolution of Public Opinion on UFOs,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 13, 20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6570
### Event 45554 (C411BDA9)
**Date:** 1/2/1985
**Time:** 06:10
**Location:** JONESTOWN, PA
**Description:** 2 kids. 15' saucer / 200' altitude. Hums. 4' fireball exits and drops. Tall figure runs. Traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14652
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "145", **HatchDesc:** "JONESTOWN,PA:2 KIDS:15'SCR/200'alt:HUMS:4'FBL EXITS+DROPS:TALL FIG.RUNS:TRACES", **LatLong:** "40.400002 -76.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:00 N 76:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.400002,-76.466670)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45555 (430F18A4)
**Date:** 1/7/1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Japan launches its first probe, Sakigake, towards Halley's Comet. (January 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2984
### Event 45556 (E1B9261E)
**Date:** 1/10/1985
**Locations:** US; Alaska
**Description:** US physicist [Bernard Eastlund](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard%5FEastlund) files a patent on a “Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere,” that proposes a 40-square-mile radio transmitter using Alaskan natural gas to generate current to create electromagnetic radiation to excite a section of the ionosphere. The patent speculates on “possible ramifications and potential future developments” including magnetotelluric surveys, local weather modification, and missile defense. Eastlund later claims that HAARP is built using his patents, prompting [Nick Begich Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-frequency%5FActive%5FAuroral%5FResearch%5FProgram\#Conspiracy%5Ftheories) to charge in 1995 that HAARP is capable of secretly controlling the weather. According to HAARP program manager [John L. Heckscher](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/mainlinemedianews/obituary.aspx?n=john-l-heckscher&pid=185927244), “HAARP certainly does not have anything to do with Eastlund’s thing, that is just crazy. What we have here is a premier scientific research facility with military applications.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** US Patent, “[Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region of the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or](https://patents.google.com/patent/US4686605) [Magnetosphere,](https://patents.google.com/patent/US4686605)” granted August 11, 1987
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6571
### Event 45557 (0CE35C42)
**Date:** 1/13/1985
**Location:** New York Times
**Description:** Journalist [James Bamford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FBamford) reveals the existence of the still-secret National Reconnaissance Office in a New York Times article.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James Bamford, “[America’s Supersecret Eyes in Space,](https://www.nytimes.com/1985/01/13/magazine/america-s-supersecret-eyes-in-space.html)” New York Times Magazine, January 13, 1985, Sec. 6, p. 39
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6572
### Event 45558 (3C7C2048)
**Date:** 1/13/1985
**End date:** 1/27/1985
**Location:** Hessdalen, Norway
**Description:** Project Hessdalen II is launched to study the recurring lights of Hessdalen, Norway, with the participation of [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) who arrives on January 26, but little light activity is noted. The phenomenon ceases in 1986. Investigators disagree on what the Hessdalen lights are. Odd-Gunnar Røed thinks they have some complex natural cause. [Erling Strand](https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erling%5FStrand) finds it odd that the lights are so localized in time and space and must be an unknown phenomenon. [Paul Devereux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FDevereux) is convinced that they are earthquake lights resulting from seismic activity \(even though the seismograph recorded no tremors\). University of Oslo physicist Elvand Thrane says the lights remain a mystery.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “Tracking the Hessdalen Lights,” IUR 10, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1985\): 10–11; “[Projekt Hessdalen, Teil II,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Germany/JUFOF%20%28GEP%29/JUFOF%20-%20Issue%20048%20-%201986%2006.pdf)” Journal für UFO-Forschung 48 \(Nov./Dec. 1986\): 164–170; Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 90–92; Gerson S. Paiva and C. A. Taft, “[Hessdalen](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/25/jse%5F25%5F2%5FPaivaandTaft.pdf) [Lights and Piezoelectricity from Rock Strain,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/25/jse%5F25%5F2%5FPaivaandTaft.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 25, no. 2 \(2011\): 265–271; Clark III 573; G. Pascoli, “[Are Hessdalen Lights a Reality, an Illusion, or a Mix of the Two?](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/35/jse%5F35%5F3%5FPascoli.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 35, no. 3 \(2021\): 590–622
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6573
### Event 45559 (4BB58B52)
**Date:** 1/18/1985
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** WALDESLUST, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. Green-glow saucer crosses road / low altitude. Plasma glows around object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14653
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WALDESLUST,FR:2/CAR:GRN-GLOW SCR CROSSES ROAD/LO ALT:PLASMA GLOWS AROUND OBJ", **LatLong:** "48.100002 7.377778", **LatLongDMS:** "48:06:00 N 07:22:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.100002,7.377778)", **State/Prov:** "Haut-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45560 (A5F84B09)
**Date:** 1/18/1985
**Description:** On this evening around 8 p.m. a green glowing disc crossed a road in Waldeslust, France at a low altitude. There was a plasma glow surrounding the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 306
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_380
### Event 45561 (6A87C09B)
**Date:** 1/29/1985
**Time:** 04:10
**Location:** MINSK, BELARUS
**Description:** 2 airliners. Green cloud zips all over/all about. Huge beams going down / ground. RADAR. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v30#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14654
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belorus", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "MINSK,BELARUS:2 AIRLINERS:GRN CLOUD ZIPS ALLO:HUGE BEAMS ↓/GND:RDR:/FSR v30#5", **LatLong:** "52.583336 27.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "52:35:00 N 27:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.583336,27.250001)", **State/Prov:** "MNS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45562 (80604F0D)
**Date:** 2/1985
**Locations:** Essoyla station; Suoyarvi, Karelia, Russia; Novye Peski station; Zastava station; Petrozavodsk; Kutizhma station
**Description:** 2:35 a.m. Freight train \#1702, consisting of 70 empty cars and a locomotive, is paced by a strange object for 31 miles from Essoyla station through Suoyarvi, Karelia, Russia, for 1 hour and 20 minutes. It comes from the side and crosses the railway about 100–160 feet ahead of the train. The men feel as if hypnotized and stare at an object about 13 feet in diameter that moves silently above the ground as if drifting. When the train is approaching the Novye Peski station, Engineer Sergei Orlov switches on his portable radio and contacts a woman on duty who goes out to meet the approaching train. She is surprised to see the shining ball followed by the vibrating object looking like an “upturned basin.” The train appears, moving at about 37 mph. She thinks the ball might hit the station, but right before the switch, it suddenly separates from the locomotive and passes around the building. When it returns, the object moves again toward the train, which speeds up as if the UFO is pulling it. The train manages to stop only near the Zastava station and the ball disappears behind the forest. The crew has to wait for a train coming from the opposite direction toward Petrozavodsk. Conductor Mironov gets out of the cab to examine the wheels, and as soon as he walks around the locomotive he feels a strange force press him against the train. He cannot move, but eventually it lets up; he reaches the cab and the train starts off as if it is waiting for him to take his seat. The train keeps moving for some time until the ball disappears behind trees. Automatic recorders on the locomotive and other official documents corroborate the testimony. The shining ball is noticed earlier at the Kutizhma station even before it is spotted by the train.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Objects Pull Train](http://www.nicap.org/8502XXrussia%5Fdir.htm)”; Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, p. 95
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6574
### Event 45563 (8A53C420)
**Date:** 2/8/1985
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** PWLLHELI, WALES
**Description:** Humming / field. Small humanoids (or Greys) grab man going [to] saucer. Flight past Pluto. Telepathy. Medical exam..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 563)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14655
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PWLLHELI,WALES:HUM/FLD:OIDS GRAB MAN>SCR:FLIGHT PAST PLUTO:TLP:MED.EXAM..", **LatLong:** "52.883336 -4.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:53:00 N 04:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.883336,-4.416667)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45564 (DEEAA82B)
**Date:** 2/8/1985
**Description:** A 19-year-old man named Thomas was abducted in the early morning hours in Pwllheli, Wales. He was seized by the arm and floated into a 25-foot diameter domed, disc-shaped craft by beings wearing gray uniforms and octagon-shaped helmets. They communicated with him using telepathy and gave him a physical exam. He was also taken on an off-world journey. He returned in a state of shock, with a sunburn on his body.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 563
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_760
### Event 45565 (FD3B376E)
**Date:** 2/10/1985
**Time:** 03:27:10.0
**Location:** 49.8930 78.7830
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 190KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1690
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8930 78.7830", **LatLongDMS:** "49:53:35 N 78:46:59 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8930,78.7830)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "190"
### Event 45566 (BFBC3B46)
**Date:** 2/12/1985
**Description:** A woman in Vasa, Minnesota went outside at 11:00 p.m. to see why her dogs "were going crazy". She saw two multicolored light clusters hovering over a nearby field. One of them blinked out, while the other one came straight at her.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Doris Graziano, APRO Bulletin, February 1986, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_878
### Event 45567 (396B797B)
**Date:** 2/14/1985
**Location:** USSR, Petrozavodsk region
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mechanic Sergei Orlov of a freight train noticed a ball flying towards the train and eventually positioning itself in front of the locomotive. The train arrived at a slope and the brakes no longer responded. The speed increased and the locomotive became uncontrollable, the mechanic asked for the track to be reserved for him to pass at full speed. The station master went out to see what was happening and saw a red light in the shape of a disk or cigar, flying in front of the locomotive almost touching the rails. At the height of the station, the light jumped to the side and immediately disappeared. Immediately after the station, the ball returned in front of the train. The mechanics had the impression of hitting a wall, the speed dropped to 20 km/h to regain its speed shortly after. Finally the light disappeared. The train stopped, the mechanic got out to examine the wheels: then a bluish light appeared behind him and an unknown force pressed him against the locomotive. When the "embrace" loosened, the mechanic panicked and returned to his post, closing all the doors. Final result: saving 300 kg of diesel on the journey.
**Reference:** Boris CHOURINOV: "The two faces of ufology in Russia" - May 1994 - p. 25, 26
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3232
### Event 45568 (F56AAF95)
**Date:** 2/18/1985
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** BAGSVAERD, DK
**Description:** 2 / car. Silent domed saucer buzzes car. White lit round portholes. Going quickly SSW.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14656
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BAGSVAERD,DK:2/CAR:SLNT DOMED SCR BUZZES CAR:WHT LIT RND PORTHOLES:>>SSW", **LatLong:** "55.766669 12.450001", **LatLongDMS:** "55:46:00 N 12:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.766669,12.450001)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45569 (DA495E3C)
**Date:** 2/20/1985
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 2 / light plane. Large white circle paces plane. Makes 360° orbit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14657
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "188", **HatchDesc:** "nr CHARLESTON,WV:2/LITE PLANE:LRG WHT CIRCLE PACES PLANE:MAKES 360° ORBIT", **LatLong:** "38.333335 -81.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:20:00 N 81:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.333335,-81.616671)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45570 (BDE42E90)
**Date:** 2/24/1985
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** [Las Vegas Review Journal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Las_Vegas_Review-Journal): *Experts ponder Vegans' reports of tremors, lights in sky*: Large article on Las Vegans frequently feeling unexplained tremors or seeing unidentified flying objects. Many conjecture what they felt or saw was caused by an unannounced test at the [Nevada Test Site](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevada_Test_Site), by a sonic boom or some secret military aircraft maneuver. Typically news authorities have been baffled in trying to find explanations. [Nellis Air Force Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellis_Air_Force_Base) officials say the rattling of windows and mild tremors isn't them. Chances of Nellis aircraft causing booms that would be felt in Las Vegas are "rare," said Col. John Kuminecz, the base's chief spokesmen. The article stated that since 1951 more than 630 nuclear weapons have been detonated on the test site.
**Reference:** [AERIAL PHENOMENON CLIPPING INFORMATION CENTER, Cleveland OH, April 1985, Vol. 10 No 4](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APCIC%20clipping%20service/APCIC%20-%20Vol%2010%20No%2004%20-%201985.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_919
**Attributes:** Nellis
### Event 45571 (0B4B04B0)
**Date:** 3/1985
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Day unknown. 30M saucer shakes car / 15 min. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Powerful light-beam.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14658
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "525", **HatchDesc:** "nr SANTIAGO,CHILE:DAY UNK:30M SCR SHAKES CAR/15 MIN:EME:POWERFUL LITEBEAM:", **LatLong:** "-33.433335 -70.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:26:00 S 70:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.433335,-70.683337)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45572 (CC037120)
**Date:** 3/1985
**Locations:** Mălina; Galaţi, Romania
**Description:** Noon. At a military shooting range at Mălina, west of Galaţi, Romania, Doru Voloşeniuc is sent to collect compasses from a military vehicle when he sees a flat, silvery object hovering about 5 feet above the ground. It becomes shrouded with a blue-green mist as it increases its rotation. He hears an unusually strong and penetrating ringing sound and he is lifted off the ground more than 12 inches and slams into the road face down. Looking up, he sees the object is no longer there.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 93–94
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6575
### Event 45573 (9D4F2849)
**Date:** 3/1/1985 (approximate)
**Location:** RANDBURG, RSA
**Description:** 3 silent teardrop-saucers going quickly northeast / V-formation / 30 second(s). 600kph / 8km altitude est.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14659
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "RANDBURG,RSA:3 SLNT TEARDROP-SCRS >>NE/VFORMn/30sec:600kph/8km alt est:", **LatLong:** "-26.100001 27.983335", **LatLongDMS:** "26:06:00 S 27:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.100001,27.983335)", **State/Prov:** "TRV", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45574 (CB779651)
**Date:** 3/1/1985
**Description:** Three silent, teardrop-shaped objects flew quickly over the city of Randburg, South Africa in a V formation, heading toward the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News, July 1990
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1222
### Event 45575 (FBD40B3A)
**Date:** 3/1/1985
**Description:** At shortly after midnight a bluish-white light entered a house in California through the ceiling. Landed outside in the yard was a wedge-shaped craft. Two seven-foot tall beings entered the house wearing blue uniforms and domed helmets. The witness was paralyzed and abducted, and remembers being inside a blue shaft of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard J. Boylan, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters, p. 130
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1223
### Event 45576 (95989EFE)
**Date:** 3/3/1985
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** Meeting between researchers Ray Boeche and Scott Colborn and US Senator J. J. Exon D-Neb concerning the 12/1980 Bentwaters and other incidents. Exon is described as concerned that as a member of the Armed Services Committee he has not been fully appraised of the Bentwaters and other UFO events.
**Type:** meeting
**Reference:** APCIC Vol 10 #4 1985
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_749
**See also:** 12/1980
### Event 45577 (047A9E3D)
**Date:** 3/7/1985
**Location:** North Stevens Street between 12th and 16th streets in Tacoma, Washington
**Description:** 11:40 a.m. A witness is driving south on North Stevens Street between 12th and 16th streets in Tacoma, Washington, when he sees a long, glowing, oval object to his left less than 2 miles away. The object, the width of four full moons, begins banking to the northeast. At a traffic light, the witness is able to take three photographs of the distant object, and he drives another mile toward the UFO, taking a fourth photo before it shoots straight up and out of sight. The photos only show a blur of distant light. A day later, the witness develops a rash on his face.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Sighting Report from Tacoma,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1985%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV6.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 6, no. 3 \(June/July 1985\): 6–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6576
### Event 45578 (62C16698)
**Date:** 3/13/1985
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** PARIT BUNTAR, MLYS
**Description:** Several observer(s). Saucer going north over town. Red light / 5 windows? / A. Jamaludin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 400)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14660
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PARIT BUNTAR,MLYS:SVRL OBS:SCR >N OVR TOWN:RED LITE/5 WINDOWS?:/A.JAMALUDIN", **LatLong:** "5.155556 100.472227", **LatLongDMS:** "05:09:20 N 100:28:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5.155556,100.472227)", **State/Prov:** "PRK", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45579 (D972460E)
**Date:** 3/14/1985
**Description:** A woman driving in Riverview, Missouri on this night saw three lights in the sky. Two went out, while the remaining one turned into red and white blinking lights on a boomerang-shaped craft, which passed overhead, and then hovered. Other objects followed, as close as 700 feet. ARTC radar had two faint stationary targets on their radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 93
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1500
### Event 45580 (276735FD)
**Date:** 3/15/1985
**Location:** Australia, Cherrybrook, New South Wales
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 11:30 PM, two young people in a car noticed a large object flying above the trees and descending to the ground. The inside of the car was illuminated by the light from the thing. Then creatures with long arms walked and came towards them. The young people took the wheel and fled.
**Reference:** 1. UFORNSW NA85002. 2. "Daily Telegraph" Mar 20 1985. - Keith Basterfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3233
### Event 45581 (D4C15807)
**Date:** 3/15/1985
**Time:** 16:31:00.1
**Location:** 37.0581 -116.0453
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vaughn” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_940
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0581 -116.0453", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:29 N 116:02:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0581,-116.0453)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "Vaughn", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45582 (603F9412)
**Date:** 3/16/1985
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SOUTH / DOTSERO, CO
**Description:** Ranchers. Glowing-saucer 750M altitude. Hovers and sharp maneuvers. Flashes. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 396)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14661
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1870", **HatchDesc:** "S/DOTSERO,CO:RANCHERS:GLO-SCR 750M alt:HVRS+SHARP MNVRS:FLASHES:CAR EMEs:>S", **LatLong:** "39.650002 -107.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:39:00 N 107:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.650002,-107.050005)", **RelAlt:** "750", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45583 (E01734EC)
**Date:** 3/18/1985
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** ARCEVIA, ITL
**Description:** Several observer(s). Domed metallic object going down / Monte S. Angelo. Aims strong beams. Quickly going up [to] fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14662
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ARCEVIA,ITL:SVRL OBS:DOMED MTLC OBJ ↓/MONTE S.ANGELO:AIMS STRONG BEAMS:↑↑ FAST", **LatLong:** "43.500002 12.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 12:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,12.933334)", **State/Prov:** "Ancona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45584 (461FE704)
**Date:** 3/21/1985
**Locations:** University of Bridgeport, Connecticut; Hudson Valley; Interstate 95
**Description:** [Philip J. Imbrogno](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2011/07/crash-of-philip-j-imbrogno.html) and his team of investigators \(Sheila Sabo and [George Lesnick](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/ctpost/obituary.aspx?n=george-andrew-lesnick&pid=139282249&fhid=4258)\) see a UFO immediately after leaving the University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, where they took part in a call-in TV show about the Hudson Valley sightings. They see a circular structure ringed in 7 brilliant lights hovering over a 15-story building, watch it turn in the sky, and chase it down Interstate 95. The object glides effortlessly across the sky. The FAA later tells them that the sighting involves pilots flying in an illegal formation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NightSiege 189–194
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6577
### Event 45585 (B927C741)
**Date:** 3/23/1985
**Location:** Merrillville, Indiana
**Description:** [Gary IN Post Tribune](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-Tribune_(Indiana_newspaper)): *The U.S. Government's project to track UFO's*: Barbara Drakis wrote "Operation Starlight" was ostensibly an electronic network operated by the United States government in order to catch outerspace radio signals. She stated that in fact "Operation Starlight" was a tracking system for UFO's. The trackers activate alarms when radar spots UFO's and spotters, armed with cameras and binoculars, set out to sight them. The author stated that [Prof. Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Allen_Hynek), of [Northwestern University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northwestern_University) and head of the [Center for UFO Studies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Center_for_UFO_Studies), took a sabbatical from his teaching position about the same time as an anomalous aerial phenomenom appeared over the northern sky over Lake Michigan, without disclosing his location. She speculated that he may be part of Operation Starlight.
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [AERIAL PHENOMENON CLIPPING INFORMATION CENTER, Cleveland OH, April 1985, Vol. 10 No 4](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APCIC%20clipping%20service/APCIC%20-%20Vol%2010%20No%2004%20-%201985.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_920
### Event 45586 (8F759EEF)
**Date:** 3/23/1985
**Time:** 18:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1800 -116.0890
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cottage” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_941
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1800 -116.0890", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:48 N 116:05:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1800,-116.0890)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Cottage", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45587 (F2C20A68)
**Date:** 4/2/1985
**Time:** 20:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0948 -116.0323
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hermosa” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_942
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0948 -116.0323", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:41 N 116:01:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0948,-116.0323)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "Hermosa", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45588 (2FD78801)
**Date:** 4/6/1985
**Time:** 23:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.2008 -116.2072
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Misty Rain” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_943
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2008 -116.2072", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:03 N 116:12:26 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2008,-116.2072)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "Misty Rain", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45589 (837ED9CE)
**Date:** 4/12/1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) American Senator Garn is the 1st non-professional astronaut in history. (April 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2985
### Event 45590 (FF97A50F)
**Date:** 4/13/1985?
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 40' saucer beams lights going down / AT&T labs. Shoots going quickly northeast. Memory loss and missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14663
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1661", **HatchDesc:** "nr NORTHGLENN,CO:3 OBS:40'SCR BEAMS LITES↓/AT&T LABS:SHOOTS>>NE:MEM LOSS+MST", **LatLong:** "39.816669 -105.016672", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:00 N 105:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.816669,-105.016672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45591 (464C03EC)
**Date:** 4/14/1985
**Description:** Green fog. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 silver figure(s) / road. Snow melts.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FS & HOW TO SEE THEM: Sterling Publ. Co. NY 1992 (Index 94)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14664
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PIANCAVALLO NW/AVIANO,ITL:GRN FOG:CAR EMES:2 SLV FIGS/ROAD:SNOW MELTS", **LatLong:** "46.105558 12.544445", **LatLongDMS:** "46:06:20 N 12:32:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.105558,12.544445)", **State/Prov:** "FVG", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45592 (FC397A6C)
**Date:** 4/15/1985
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** VEYNES, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Vague cylinder/cylindrical object / sky. 2 night lights exit going quickly north and back and going quickly north again. Cylinder/cylindrical object follows going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14665
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VEYNES,FR:1 OBS:VAGUE CYL/SKY:2 NLTS EXIT>>N+BACK+>>N AGAIN:CYL FOLOS >>N", **LatLong:** "44.533335 5.822222", **LatLongDMS:** "44:32:00 N 05:49:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.533335,5.822222)", **State/Prov:** "Hautes Alpes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45593 (F4F942D7)
**Date:** 4/19/1985
**Location:** London, England
**Description:** In a letter from Ministry of Defense, Lord Trefgarne states, “There is no organization in the MOD appointed solely for the purpose of studying UFOs, and no staff are employed on the subject full time… the staff in the Department… examine the reports as part of their normal duties… and we cannot inform observers of the probable identity of the objects seen.”
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_750
### Event 45594 (C8C587EA)
**Date:** 4/20/1985
**Location:** LA MEDIANA, SP
**Description:** Several kids. Orange sphere with legs / very low altitude. Going southeast. Burnt spot very hot next day.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14666
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LA MEDIANA,SP:SVRL KIDS:ORG.SPHERE W/LEGS/VLO ALT:>SE:BURNT SPOT VHOT NEXT DAY", **LatLong:** "37.144446 -6.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:40 N 06:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.144446,-6.616667)", **State/Prov:** "HLV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45595 (39F04FBE)
**Date:** 4/25/1985
**Time:** 00:57:09.0
**Location:** 49.9210 78.8990
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 40KT YieldMax: 300KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1691
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9210 78.8990", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:16 N 78:53:56 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9210,78.8990)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "40", **NukeYMax:** "300"
### Event 45596 (4BFCFD25)
**Date:** 4/26/1985
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** Glittering sphere going down / farm. 15M dam found dry / morning.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14667
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kalahari Desert", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr GOMOAB/HOACHANAS,NAMIBIA:GLITTERING SPHERE ↓/FARM:15M DAM FOUND DRY/MORNING", **LatLong:** "-24.000001 18.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "24:00:00 S 18:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.000001,18.000001)", **State/Prov:** "NMB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45597 (40F1F848)
**Date:** 4/26/1985
**Description:** A shiny sphere was sighted over a farm near Gomoab, Namibia, Africa at around 8 p.m. The next morning a 15-meter deep well was found dry.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News, July 1991
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2352
### Event 45598 (7BD102F9)
**Date:** 4/29/1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Challenger* completes its 7th flight. (April 29)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2986
### Event 45599 (7D606D72)
**Date:** 4/30/1985
**Time:** 17:29:00.6
**Location:** -21.8290 -138.9520
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cercyon” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1977
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8290 -138.9520", **LatLongDMS:** "21:49:44 S 138:57:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8290,-138.9520)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.51", **NukeName:** "Cercyon", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 45600 (90ED7D88)
**Date:** 5/1985
**Location:** FRANCE, Marseille
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: October 1984, Marseille) With unknown customers Benoit perceives the amount of the taxi fare and leaves for his suburb. He wakes up at home, anxious: what time did he really come back after the memory gap following the departure of his customers? Around July 20th 1985 his white hair had become light brown, he was very afraid that it would take on the colors of the hideous creature he had met in July 1983! Another more joyful observation, he had the sensation of beginning to rejuvenate.
**Reference:** Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials" - Presses de la Cité 1992, p. 106
**Reference:** blessed Jimmy Guieu... this is indeed the kind of ufological literature he calls "food"
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3235
### Event 45601 (2157F4B3)
**Date:** 5/2/1985
**Time:** 15:20:00.1
**Location:** 37.2534 -116.3252
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Towanda” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_944
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2534 -116.3252", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:12 N 116:19:31 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2534,-116.3252)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Towanda", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45602 (CE6F9CB8)
**Date:** 5/8/1985
**Time:** 20:28:00.2
**Location:** -21.8310 -138.9810
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Nisos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1978
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8310 -138.9810", **LatLongDMS:** "21:49:52 S 138:58:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8310,-138.9810)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.64", **NukeName:** "Nisos", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 45603 (4CEE505D)
**Date:** 5/9/1985
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** LOWTON, ENGLAND
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 5' figure(s). "Use earths magnetic field and gravity / propulsion.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN CONTACTS & ABDUCTIONS; Sterling Publ., NY 1993. (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14668
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "LOWTON,ENGLAND:1 OBS:2 5'FIGS:"USE EARTHS MAGNETIC FLD + GRAVITY/PROPULSION", **LatLong:** "53.466669 -2.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:28:00 N 02:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.466669,-2.583333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45604 (053C7E42)
**Date:** 5/9/1985
**Description:** At 4:30 a.m. a man had stopped his motorcycle by the side of the road in Lowton, England to have a smoke. He became aware of a humming sound coming from the adjacent field. When he walked closer to the field, he saw a silvery glow coming from a depression in the field. Two figures suddenly appeared, and when he started to flee he heard a voice say, "Do not be afraid." The beings were both human looking, and of similar appearance. They both had blond, shoulder length hair parted in the middle, and were wearing what looked like blue ski suits. The female was about five feet tall, and the male somewhat shorter. Each had an egg-shaped implement attached to a belt around their waist. The woman did all the talking, and she explained that they were from "the third solar system." She also said they use the Earth's magnetic field and gravity for propulsion. After the conversation was finished, both beings walked to the silvery glow in the field. Moments later the humming sound increased and the glow brightened. Then a craft shaped like a football and the size of two large buses lifted off from the hollow in the field. It hovered for a few seconds, then silently shot away at incredible speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, Alien Contacts and Abductions, p. 150; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14120; Albert S. Rosales, 1985 Humanoid Sightings Report Database, case # 1587, citing Peter Hough & Jenny Randles, Mysteries of the Mercy Valley
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2697
### Event 45605 (D61F9025)
**Date:** 5/20/1985
**End date:** 5/25/1985
**Locations:** BDM McLean Secure Facility in Virginia; Pentagon
**Description:** Army Col. [John B. Alexander](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FB.%5FAlexander) \([Howard Blum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard%5FBlum) gives him the pseudonym “Harold Phillips”\), director of advanced concepts at the US Army Laboratory, forms a UFO working group titled Advanced Theoretical Physics Group made up of scientists and officers throughout the defense and intelligence community. His intent is to credibly gain access to actual deep-black military programs on UFOs or provide consultants for them. It meets for the first time this week, with only three other meetings: August 6–7, 1985; April 24, 1986; and November 18, 1987. They meet at BDM McLean Secure Facility in Virginia, and the last time at the Pentagon. This first meeting’s attendees include [Robert M. Wood](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.thelivingmoon.com/41pegasus/12insiders/McDonnell%5FDouglas%5FUFO%5FStudies.html) \(McDonnell Douglas\), Lt. Col. [Ronald F. Blackburn](http://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/02/lt-colonel-ronald-f-blackburn-usaf-rtd.html) \(Air Force\), Milt Jansen \(or Janzen\), Don Keuble \(Lockheed\), [Harold E. Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff) \(SRI\), Ed Speakman \(Army Intelligence\), [Howell McConnell](http://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2011/03/howell-mcconnell-ex-nsa-2.html) \(NSA\), [William S. Wilkinson](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?n=william-s-wilkinson&pid=135692542) \(CIA\), and others. The group’s effort appears to be connected to an engineering project under retired Adm. [Bobby Ray Inman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby%5FRay%5FInman). Wood says the meetings are top secret, but he hears “nothing that was truly classified.” Wood gives a presentation on UFO propulsion. Other people supposedly connected to the group are Maj. Gen. [Albert Stubblebine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert%5FStubblebine)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert%5FStubblebine) [Jack Houck](http://www.jackhouck.com/) \(Boeing\), and remote viewer [Ed Dames](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate%5FProject\#Ed%5FDames). Alexander states that one of ATP’s goals is: “Study of the UFO data could provide a potential for a leap in technology. This would not require access to a craft, but could be derived from scientific examination of the reports determining the theoretical physics required to achieve such results.” The group dissolves in 1988, since no government agency wants to openly fund it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Howard Blum, [Out There: The Government’s Secret Quest for](https://archive.org/details/outtheregovernme00blum) [Extraterrestrials](https://archive.org/details/outtheregovernme00blum)[,](https://archive.org/details/outtheregovernme00blum) Simon & Schuster, 1990; John B. Alexander, [UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities](https://archive.org/details/ufosmythsconspir0000alex), Thomas Dunne, 2011; Good Need, [pp. 340–341](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/340/mode/2up); Dolan II 382–384; Jacques Vallée, Forbidden Science 3, Anomalist, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6578
### Event 45606 (A47E4FFF)
**Date:** 5/20/1985
**Description:** BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility hosts the “Advance Theoretical Physics Conference,” under DOE supervision, to determine if UAP evidence supports an R&D program, to collect new data and obtain “direct contact” between the group and UAP occupants. The meetings are classified using DOE controls: Top Secret/Restricted Data Sigmas as Required. Leaked meeting notes write that security for the group be “totally legal.” Astronomer Jacques Vallée writes that alleged participants were from Los Alamos National Laboratory, CIA, NSA, INSCOM, McDonnell Douglas, BDM, Lockheed and OUSD(R&E). To this date, DOE has not released any records of these meetings through FOIA to the American public, nor did it provide any information to the GAO report requested by Rep. Steven Schiff in 1995.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-advanced-theoretical-physics.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-advanced-theoretical-physics.html)
* [https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2019/03/the-us-governments-cash-landrum-ufo_7.html](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2019/03/the-us-governments-cash-landrum-ufo_7.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_217
### Event 45607 (063E50A2)
**Date:** 5/23/1985
**Location:** USSR, Khabarovsk region
**Description:** (Translated from French) Russian bombers were on a mission in this border region with China, when the control tower reported a UFO at 22:35. It was of an elliptical shape and pale yellow in color. The object flew silently at an altitude of 2000-3000 meters and at a speed of about 600 Km/h from west to east. The phenomenon was surrounded by a luminous halo. The radar screens had no trace of the thing observed with the naked eye. Duration of the observation: 13 minutes. The object stopped for a long stay. Two hours later an identical object was again observed for 10 minutes. The bombers approached it at 800-1200 meters. The object emitted light from the bottom and from the top, but the ventral light was more intense.
**Reference:** statement of Colonel Alifanov, V., documents in possession of CISU, Italy
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3234
### Event 45608 (6DEFE95B)
**Date:** 5/23/1985
**Location:** Khabarovsk Krai, Russia
**Description:** 10:35 p.m. A Soviet bomber regiment carrying out a scheduled mission spots an oval, orange object over the Khabarovsk Krai, Russia. Radar does not track it, but observers estimate it is traveling close to 350 mph. A light halo surrounds it. The sighting lasts 13 minutes, during which time the object occasionally descends and remains motionless. Two hours later, a similar object is seen at high altitude for 10 minutes, emitting beams of light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, p. 76
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6579
### Event 45609 (EBDB6266)
**Date:** 5/26/1985
**Locations:** Newtown; Southbury, Connecticut; Interstate 84
**Description:** 9:30–10:15 p.m. More than 100 people around Newtown and Southbury, Connecticut, see a low-flying, silent, circular formation of lights that passes over Interstate 84, causing many cars to pull over for a look and some to lose power. Commercial airline pilot Randy Etting sees the lights as he is driving along I-94. He pulls off the road and snaps a photo of the formation. He is sure there is a solid object behind the lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, “[1985:](https://www.ufocasebook.com/i84encounter.html) [Close Encounter on Interstate 84, Connecticut,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/i84encounter.html)” UFO Casebook; NightSiege 200–201
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6580
### Event 45610 (C5234C50)
**Date:** 5/27/1985
**Description:** In St. James City, Florida a dark elliptical UFO was sighted over the ocean at 9:45 p.m. It had lights around the perimeter, mostly white lights but there seemed to be sparkling colors at times scintillating around the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON database of filed investigation files, Shirley C. Fox investigator, case 931205E
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3125
### Event 45611 (7BCC2958)
**Date:** 6/3/1985
**Time:** 17:30:00.6
**Location:** -21.8160 -138.8970
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Talaos” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1979
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8160 -138.8970", **LatLongDMS:** "21:48:58 S 138:53:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8160,-138.8970)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.83", **NukeName:** "Talaos", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 45612 (B3EA26ED)
**Date:** 6/7/1985
**Time:** 17:40:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Erginos” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1980
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Erginos", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 45613 (035C0581)
**Date:** 6/11/1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Above the province of Gansu \(China\), the captain of a Boeing 747 en route from Beijing to Paris sees a UFO crossing its trajectory, prompting him to consider a crash landing. The width of the object is estimated to be 10 km. (June 11)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2987
### Event 45614 (0AD49D5D)
**Date:** 6/11/1985
**Time:** 22:40
**Description:** CAAC flight 933. UFO 6 miles wide paces 747 going south. / r210p218.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 398)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14669
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr LANZHOU,CHINA:CAAC FLT 933:UFO 6 MILES WIDE PACES 747 >S:/r210p218", **LatLong:** "39.500002 103.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:30:00 N 103:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.500002,103.500005)", **State/Prov:** "GNS", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45615 (EB874B45)
**Date:** 6/11/1985
**Locations:** Beijing; Paris; Lanzhou, Gansu province, China
**Description:** 10:40 p.m. A Chinese Boeing 747 airliner encounters a UFO on its flight from Beijing to Paris that almost forces the captain to make an emergency landing. Flight CA 933 is over Lanzhou, Gansu province, China, when Captain Wang Shuting and his crew first observe the object. The UFO crosses the path of the airliner at an altitude of 33,000 feet at a very high speed. The object illuminates an area of 25–30 square miles and is huge, with an apparent diameter of 6 miles. It is elliptical in shape and has an extremely bright spot in the center, with three horizontal rows of bluish-white lights on the perimeter. The sighting lasts for 2 minutes. Passengers do not see the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Translation from China of June 11th UFO over Dung Kou,” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 6, no. 3 \(June/July 1985\): 6; Good Above, [p. 218](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/218/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6582
### Event 45616 (98AD3F4B)
**Date:** 6/11/1985
**Description:** Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China -- A Chinese Civil Aviation Administration Boeing 747 encountered a UFO on the Peking to Paris flight that almost forced the captain to make an emergency landing. Flight CA 933 was over Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province, at 2240 hours when Captain Wang Shuting and his crew first observed the object.. The UFO flew across the path of the airliner at its altitude of 33,000 feet at a very high speed. The object illuminated an area of twenty-five to thirty square miles and was huge, with an apparent diameter of six miles. It was elliptical in shape and had an extremely bright spot in the center, with three horizontal rows of bluish-white lights on the perimeter. The sighting lasted for two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, pg. 212
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3428
### Event 45617 (F9D2C5AA)
**Date:** 6/11/1985
**Description:** President Ronald Reagan alludes to a secret space fleet in an entry in his diary. He states he ate lunch with five top space scientists and it was “fascinating.” “I learned our shuttle capacity is such that we could orbit 300 people,” he wrote. Attendees were Thomas O. Paine, Riccardo Giaconni, Gerard K. O’Neill, Laurel L. Wilkening, Edward Teller, Donald T. Regan, George A. Keyworth II, Alfred H. Kingon and John A. Svahn. Contractor Geostar Corp. is also mentioned.
* [https://www.reaganfoundation.org/media/103818/061185.pdf](https://www.reaganfoundation.org/media/103818/061185.pdf)
* [https://www.reaganfoundation.org/ronald-reagan/white-house-diaries/diary-entry-06111985/](https://www.reaganfoundation.org/ronald-reagan/white-house-diaries/diary-entry-06111985/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_219
### Event 45618 (D4F47DE4)
**Date:** 6/12/1985
**Time:** 15:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.2479 -116.4891
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Salut” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_945
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2479 -116.4891", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:52 N 116:29:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2479,-116.4891)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Salut", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45619 (C109A56A)
**Date:** 6/12/1985
**Time:** 17:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0883 -116.0839
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ville” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_946
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0883 -116.0839", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:18 N 116:05:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0883,-116.0839)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Ville", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45620 (4EAFC9A6)
**Date:** 6/15/1985
**Time:** 00:57:03.1
**Location:** 49.9030 78.8390
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 190KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1692
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9030 78.8390", **LatLongDMS:** "49:54:11 N 78:50:20 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9030,78.8390)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "190"
### Event 45621 (65FF1A81)
**Date:** 6/18/1985
**Time:** 04:00:00.1
**Location:** 60.6000 72.7000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Benzene” Yield: 2.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1693
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "60.6000 72.7000", **LatLongDMS:** "60:36:00 N 72:42:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.6000,72.7000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "2.86", **NukeName:** "PNE:Benzene", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "2.5"
### Event 45622 (2274A257)
**Date:** 6/20/1985
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** BETHEL PARK, PA
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Huge cylinder/cigar-shape with lights going [to] by just before satellite re-entry.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14670
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "381", **HatchDesc:** "BETHEL PARK,PA:SVRL SEP.OBS:HUGE CGR W/LITES >BY JUST BEFORE SAT.RE-ENTRY", **LatLong:** "40.350002 -80.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:00 N 80:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.350002,-80.016670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45623 (2E5D7B71)
**Date:** 6/21/1985
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, at sea, northeast of Flinders Island
**Description:** (Translated from French) At one o'clock in the morning, a member of the watch crew on a boat, suddenly saw, clearly visible under the water, at a hundred meters distance, at least six lights each 75 to 80 cm in diameter, emitting a bright green light. After about ten minutes of observation, the watchman changed course to go around these lights as they were straight ahead. Shortly afterwards they were no longer visible.
**Reference:** UFORA93043 TA93032 TUFOIC. - Keith Basterfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3236
### Event 45624 (3C7F0BFD)
**Date:** Summer 1985
**Location:** Mendocino County, California
**Description:** Midnight. Biochemist [Kary Mullis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kary%5FMullis) \(who in 1993 won a Nobel Prize for his work on the polymerase chain reaction\) is outside his cabin in Mendocino County, California, when he sees a glow next to a fir tree. Pointing his flashlight in that direction, he sees that the glow is coming from a raccoon with black eyes. The raccoon speaks to him, saying, “Good evening, doctor.” He gives a friendly reply, and a moment later it is suddenly morning and he is walking on a road uphill from the cabin with no idea how he has gotten there. His clothes are clean and dry. Mullis goes back to the cabin for some sleep. Later, he returns to the area near the fir tree and experiences an irrational panic. In 1987, he sees the cover of [Whitley Strieber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitley%5FStrieber)’s Communion and feels a vague sense of recognition. His adult daughter Louise, who has also experienced missing time at the cabin, has the same reaction. Mullis has no memory of seeing a UFO or having an abduction experience, but he insists the experience is real.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kary B. Mullis, Dancing Naked in the Mind Field, Pantheon, 1998, [pp. 130–136](https://archive.org/details/dancingnakedinmi00mull/page/130/mode/2up); Bill Chalker, “[An Interesting](http://www.cufos.org/Abductions/strange%5Fevidence%5Faddendum.html) [Aside,](http://www.cufos.org/Abductions/strange%5Fevidence%5Faddendum.html)” 1999
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6581
### Event 45625 (BA442CAB)
**Date:** Summer 1985
**Description:** Hal Puthoff, former head of the Army and DIA remote viewing programs, gives two weeks notice and leaves SRI International to work for Bill Church and Jupiter Technologies to explore “alternative fuel sources.” Church, the CEO of Church’s Fried Chicken, claims he had a dream of a saucer landing before funding Jupiter. Jupiter scientist Ken Shoulders claims exotic vacuum objects studied at Jupiter could be a source of alternative energy.
* [https://www.urigeller.com/timeline-cias-interest-paranormal-human-consciousness/](https://www.urigeller.com/timeline-cias-interest-paranormal-human-consciousness/)
* [https://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/10/ball-lightning-science-free-energy/](https://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/10/ball-lightning-science-free-energy/) (rg - URL in 'maintenance mode')
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20130601000000*/https://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/10/ball-lightning-science-free-energy/](https://web.archive.org/web/20130601000000*/https://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/10/ball-lightning-science-free-energy/) (rg - archive.org URL)
* [https://www.sciencehistory.org/stories/magazine/the-frontiersman/](https://www.sciencehistory.org/stories/magazine/the-frontiersman/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_218
### Event 45626 (683CDBCB)
**Date:** 6/22/1985
**Location:** LATVIA, Jurmala/Riga
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. August 3, 1983, Jurmala/Riga) They predicted their return to the sky for June 22, 1985 at 2am, at the Baltic Sea. (...) They went there, the UFO arrived, it was bigger than the Moon, it was in the shape of a saucer, it had two lights on the top, one on the belly and a small dome. Nickolai brought his camera and took three shots. Three minutes later, the UFO disappeared at great speed. The photo shows some kind of light, nothing else. (June 22, 1985)
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse" Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3237
### Event 45627 (8251D895)
**Date:** 6/26/1985
**Time:** 18:03:00.1
**Location:** 37.1241 -116.1220
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Maribo” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_947
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1241 -116.1220", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:27 N 116:07:19 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1241,-116.1220)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Maribo", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45628 (DBBBDD4B)
**Date:** 6/27/1985
**Location:** Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Oblast, Russia
**Description:** During startup of the first reactor at the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, Saratov Oblast, Russia, a relief valve bursts and superheated steam at 572° F. escapes into the annular compartments surrounding the reactor well. Fourteen men are possibly boiled alive. The incident is covered up by Soviet authorities.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Higginbotham, Midnight at Chernobyl, Simon & Schuster, 2019, pp. 70–71
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6583
### Event 45629 (ABB45C28)
**Date:** 6/28/1985
**Location:** National Archives, Washington DC
**Description:** USAF ACCESS RESTRICTED NOTICE: Report TR-DE-3A, Oct. 15, 1955, from Air Tech. Intel. Ctr., file no. TS5–2862, has been WITHDRAWN from the National Archives and is classified a TOP SECRET UFO Report.
**Type:** report
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p529)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_751
### Event 45630 (86880FF7)
**Date:** 6/30/1985
**Time:** 02:39:05.1
**Location:** 49.8570 78.6590
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1694
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8570 78.6590", **LatLongDMS:** "49:51:25 N 78:39:32 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8570,78.6590)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 45631 (741DE9BB)
**Date:** 7/1985
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Hobart (Tasmania)
**Description:** (Translated from French) ("Australian UFO Bulletin" - Dec. 1994 Victoria) In winter 1985 (July, as it was an Australian country) Mr. G. lived on his farm 55 km north of Hobart, with his wife, three sons and two daughters. The eldest was then 16 to 17 years old, the youngest 7 years old. The eldest boy had accompanied his father to hunt on a neighboring property 2.5 km away to the northeast at the foot of the hill. It was quite cold, but the weather was nice. When wanting to return, the boy called his father, saying to turn on the spotlight, as there was a visitor. So Mr. G. put his harness containing a 12 V battery on his back to power a powerful lamp. In the north, he saw a blue luminous object in the sky about 5 km away. In the following minutes, the object was only 200 meters away and was really flying close to the ground. He then saw that lights (more than 7 - less than 11) were suspended in a row 6 or 7 m above the object: these lights were also blue. The object landed vertically, without any noise. It was so surrounded by luminosity that the whole area was bathed in an intense blue light. The object seemed to be in the shape of a huge bubble, with the upper part rounded. At mid-height there was a ring or a rim, the base was flat. The object must have measured 20 to 25 m long and 6 to 7 m thick. As soon as the UFO was on the ground, Mr. G. felt something burning on his back: it was the battery that was boiling and bubbling. The 17-year-old boy had moved away from the thing when suddenly they heard a strange noise, like something singing, it seemed to come out of the object, it could be a kind of unknown language to them. That was too much for the witnesses, they moved away from the place as quickly as they could, jumping into the car, to return to their farm, without looking back. The product of their hunt had remained at the foot of the hill. At home Mr. G. made a strange discovery: while his shirt and sweater were fine, his singlet showed a burned hole of 15 cm. As they had left the battery and the gun on the property, the father went to get them but then never returned to the place.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3241
### Event 45632 (0C6BC03F)
**Date:** 7/1985
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** GRETNA, TASMANIA
**Description:** Blue night lights exit landing 20M bullet shape. 12V battery boils over.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14671
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "GRETNA,TASMANIA:BLU NLTS EXIT LANDING 20M BULLET SHAPE:12V BATTERY BOILS OVER", **LatLong:** "-42.683335 146.933340", **LatLongDMS:** "42:41:00 S 146:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-42.683335,146.933340)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45633 (612183BA)
**Date:** 7/1985
**Locations:** Port Columbus International Airport; John Glenn Columbus International Airport; Ohio
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. As a pilot is flying a Grumman AA TR-2 toward the Port Columbus International Airport \[now the John Glenn Columbus International Airport\] in Ohio, the airport gives him authorization to investigate a “second sun” about two-thirds the size of a football field a few miles to the northwest. It is not tracked on ground radar. As he approaches, he sees it is a huge bright light that switches off as he gets closer, revealing a gray sphere. The object apparently consists of “millions” of clearly visible, pentagon-shaped, partially translucent crystals. The pilot estimates they are 6 inches in diameter, all spaced identically about 12 inches apart. He decides to penetrate the mass with his left wing, hoping he can knock some to the ground. As his wing slices through, he hears what sounds like a hailstorm on a tin roof and he sees hundreds of crystals breaking along the wing. The aircraft turbulence does not disturb the small objects, but their impact on the wing nearly destabilizes him. Later, he looks for fragments embedded in the wing, but does not find any.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** George Filer, “Filer’s Files,” \#12-2005, March 16, 2005
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6584
### Event 45634 (7024C6BE)
**Date:** 7/2/1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The European probe *Giotto*, launched by *Ariane 1*, begins its journey to Halley's Comet. (July 2)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2988
### Event 45635 (1C288DF4)
**Date:** 7/4/1985
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** SAN JOSE, CA
**Description:** Pilot and 1 / car. Black disc hovers. Rises. Reverses course. Drops. Zigzags..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14672
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JOSE,CA:PILOT+1/CAR:BLK DISC HVRS:RISES:REVERSES COURSE:DROPS:ZIGZAGS..", **LatLong:** "37.316668 -121.900006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:19:00 N 121:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.316668,-121.900006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45636 (9FABB610)
**Date:** 7/6/1985
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 2 / car / A272. Huge perfect ferris wheel with spokes. See Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 421)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14673
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "E/STOCKBRIDGE,ENGL:2/CAR/A272:HUGE PERFECT FERRIS WHEEL W/SPOKES:see FSR v32#6", **LatLong:** "51.116669 -1.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:07:00 N 01:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.116669,-1.250000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45637 (8FDC743A)
**Date:** 7/6/1985
**Description:** Ret. USAF Col. Richard Niemtzow tells Jacques Vallée there is a secret project to study UAP within USG. They meet in Toulouse, France.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us-government-research.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us-government-research.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_220
### Event 45638 (54AC7A55)
**Date:** 7/10/1985
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** NEAR NICE, FR
**Description:** Air Gabon 747 in near collision / dark cylinder. 2M x 1M. / Perry Petrakis.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14674
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr NICE,FR:AIR GABON 747 in NR.COLLISION/DARK CYLINDER:2M x 1M:/Perry Petrakis", **LatLong:** "43.000002 7.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:00:00 N 07:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.000002,7.400000)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45639 (8BEAFD21)
**Date:** 7/11/1985
**Time:** 02:57:02.0
**Location:** 49.7506 78.0492
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1695
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7506 78.0492", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:02 N 78:02:57 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7506,78.0492)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45640 (C1B330DF)
**Date:** 7/14/1985
**Locations:** Glasgow, Scotland; Fenwick Moor
**Description:** 12:56 a.m. Brian McMullan Sr., Brian McMullan Jr., and a third member of the rock band C.E.IV \(because of their interest in UFOs\) are in the garden outside the home of their bass player in a northern suburb of Glasgow, Scotland, when they see an amber ball skipping along the sky. It crosses the sky in 25 seconds, slowly changing color to red. They estimate it is about 60 feet across and vanishes toward Fenwick Moor. The band remembers being “paralyzed with awe” for several minutes after the sighting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Cosmic Rock,” Fortean Times 397 \(October 2020\): 31
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6585
### Event 45641 (54BAE213)
**Date:** 7/15/1985 (approximate)
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** COBBTOWN, GA
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 70' saucers. Lights / edge. All electrics electro-magnetic effect (EME). 3 dogs never return.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14675
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "COBBTOWN,GA:1 OBS:2 70'SCRS:LITES/EDGE:ALL ELECTRICS EME:3 DOGS NEVER RETURN", **LatLong:** "32.277779 -82.138893", **LatLongDMS:** "32:16:40 N 82:08:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.277779,-82.138893)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45642 (6E34CBBD)
**Date:** 7/15/1985
**Description:** A 25-year-old CAD draftsman was in his bedroom in Cobbtown, Georgia at around two a.m. when he had a close encounter with two 70-foot diameter discs which had lights around their rims. They made a high pitched sound and he fell into a trance, but when he spoke the word "Jesus" they seemed to disappear. All electrical appliances in the house were damaged from electromagnetic effects, and three dogs who lived with him never returned.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1992, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4084
### Event 45643 (6BCE87BD)
**Date:** 7/18/1985
**Time:** 21:15:00.3
**Location:** 65.9940 41.0380
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Agate” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1696
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "65.9940 41.0380", **LatLongDMS:** "65:59:38 N 41:02:17 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/65.9940,41.0380)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.77", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "PNE:Agate", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 45644 (226AD863)
**Date:** 7/18/1985
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; National Archives
**Description:** [Jaime Shandera](https://obscurantist.com/oma/shandera-jamie/) and [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) discover the unsigned, carbon-copy 1954 Cutler-Twining memo in Box 189 of Record Group 341 in the National Archives in Washington, D.C., between two file folders.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6586
### Event 45645 (1E478251)
**Date:** 7/19/1985
**Time:** 04:00:08.0
**Location:** 49.8011 78.0686
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1697
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8011 78.0686", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:04 N 78:04:07 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8011,78.0686)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45646 (567932FE)
**Date:** 7/20/1985
**Time:** 00:53:16.9
**Location:** 49.9430 78.7830
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1698
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9430 78.7830", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:35 N 78:46:59 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9430,78.7830)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45647 (7C55F93E)
**Date:** 7/21/1985
**Time:** ~10:00
**Location:** PALAFRUGELL, SP
**Description:** 34 hours / missing time! Man going [to] home Monday. Several photographs taken = vague figure(s). See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 376)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14676
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "248", **HatchDesc:** "PALAFRUGELL,SP:34hrs/MST!:MAN >HOME MONDAY:SVRL FOTOS TAKEN=VAGUE FIGs:see ref", **LatLong:** "41.894446 3.161111", **LatLongDMS:** "41:53:40 N 03:09:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.894446,3.161111)", **State/Prov:** "Grenada", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45648 (02BA7C6C)
**Date:** 7/22/1985
**Location:** ZIMBABWE, Bulawayo
**Description:** (Translated from French) Residents of six nearby towns said they had seen a UFO above Bulawayo. At 5:45 pm two Hawk interceptor planes of the Zimbabwe Air Force took off from the Thornhill base to go and see what was happening. The Bulawayo airport was picking up the UFO on its radar which was being observed by spectators on the ground. Round in shape, topped with a small cone, it shone so brightly in the afternoon light that other details were indistinct. The ZAF Hawks approached the UFO while it hovered at an altitude of 2000 meters, but then it rose to 210000 meters. The Hawks pursued it up to 9500 meters.
**Reference:** "UFO Files", ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Special Issue, p.46
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3238
### Event 45649 (31B0AA09)
**Date:** 7/22/1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Residents of 6 nearby towns report seeing an UFO above Boulawayo \(Matabeleland, Zimbabwe\). 2 *Hawk* interceptor planes from the [ZAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/orgsMilitaires.html\#ZAF) take off from Thornhill airbase to investigate. Boulawayo airport picks up the UFO on its radar, which is observed by spectators on the ground. Round in shape, topped with a small cone, it is so brightly lit in the afternoon light that other details are indistinct. The [ZAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/orgsMilitaires.html\#ZAF) *Hawk* planes approach the UFO as it hovers at an altitude of 2000 m, but it then rises to 21000 m in less than 1 minute. The *Hawks* pursue it up to 9500 m before abandoning the chase as the UFO levels off. It then follows the jets back to their return to Thornhill before finally speeding off. (July 22, 5:45 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2989
### Event 45650 (969C49B3)
**Date:** 7/22/1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) End of the observation wave starting in December 1981 in Hessdalen \(Scandinavia\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2990
### Event 45651 (2E038712)
**Date:** 7/22/1985
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), end of the *Tacit Blue* stealth aircraft program.
**Reference:** USAF Press Release, January 4th 1996
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1985.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2991
### Event 45652 (7249B493)
**Date:** 7/22/1985
**Time:** ~17:50
**Description:** Many and RADAR. 2 hawk jets chase. Object going up [to] 7K going [to] 70K' immediately. / r11p91.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, Don & HUNEEUS, Antonio: UFO BRIEFING DOCUMENT The Best Available Evidence, Nov. 1995 CUFOS/FUFOR/MUFO. 128pp 8x11. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14677
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "BULAWAYO,ZIMBABWE:MANY+RDR:2 HAWK JETS CHASE:OBJ ↑ 7K>70K'IMMEDIATELY:/r11p91.", **LatLong:** "-20.200001 28.716668", **LatLongDMS:** "20:12:00 S 28:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.200001,28.716668)", **State/Prov:** "BUL", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45653 (AFB7DE83)
**Date:** 7/22/1985
**Locations:** Thornhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe; Bulawayo; Matabeleland South; Bulawayo Airport; Thornhill
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. Two Hawk jets of the Zimbabwe Air Force piloted by C. Cordy-Hedge and T. R. Van Rooyen are scrambled from Thornhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe, following sightings in Bulawayo and five other cities in Matabeleland South. The object is seen and tracked on radar at Bulawayo Airport. It looks orange and round with a short cone on top. When the jets arrive at Bulawayo, the object is hovering at 7,000 feet, but it suddenly accelerates to a height of above 70,000 feet in less than a minute. The Hawks level off at 31,000 feet and return to Thornhill, where the object is seen for a few moments before disappearing horizontally at high speed. Air Commodore [David Thorne](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SRvhtgCJUT0/USB6CV%5Fsw9I/AAAAAAAACDE/ClZwrLMJCsI/s1600/Ph%2B3%2BThorne.jpg) states: “As far as my Air Staff is concerned, we believe implicitly that the unexplained UFOs are from some civilization beyond our planet.” UFO researcher [Cynthia Hind](http://www.noufors.com/Cynthia%5FHind.htm) speaks to some Bulawayo witnesses who think the object is a balloon coated with reflecting material, but radar operators say it is clear it is no balloon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 433–434](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/432/mode/2up); MUFON UFO Journal, November 1985; Cynthia Hind, “[Report on the](https://bufora.org.uk/documents/BUFORABulletinNo.21May1986.pdf) [UFO Sighting in Zimbabwe: July, 1985,](https://bufora.org.uk/documents/BUFORABulletinNo.21May1986.pdf)” BUFORA Bulletin, no. 21 \(May 1986\): 5–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6587
### Event 45654 (1566E45B)
**Date:** 7/25/1985
**Time:** 14:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2973 -116.4381
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Serena” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_948
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2973 -116.4381", **LatLongDMS:** "37:17:50 N 116:26:17 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2973,-116.4381)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Serena", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45655 (B851628D)
**Date:** 7/25/1985
**Time:** 03:11:09.2
**Location:** 49.8360 77.9980
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .004KT YieldMax: 80KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1699
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8360 77.9980", **LatLongDMS:** "49:50:10 N 77:59:53 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8360,77.9980)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".004", **NukeYMax:** "80"
### Event 45656 (11CC0956)
**Date:** 7/27/1985
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** GOLFE DE FREJUS, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Long green metallic cylinder/cylindrical object with square portholes skims wavetops going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14678
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "GOLFE de FREJUS,FR:SVRL OBS:LONG GREEN MTLC CYL W/SQR PORTS SKIMS WAVETOPS >>S", **LatLong:** "43.383335 6.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:23:00 N 06:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.383335,6.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45657 (E39BDB9E)
**Date:** 8/1985 (approximate)
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** Eastern Airlines 747 pilot. Shiny chrome sphere closes in rapidly. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14679
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "nr BIMINI Isl,BAHAMAS:EAL 747 PILOT:SHINY CHROME SPHERE CLOSES IN RAPIDLY:NFD", **LatLong:** "25.666668 -79.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "25:40:00 N 79:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.666668,-79.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Bahamas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45658 (FBC6C745)
**Date:** 8/1985
**Time:** ~18:00
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 25' mushroom-saucer. Small lit undercarriage. News.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 107)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14680
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "N.GOWER+MANOTICK,ON:SVRL SEP.OBS:25'MUSHROOM-SCR:SML LIT UNDERCARRIAGE:news", **LatLong:** "45.183335 -75.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:11:00 N 75:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.183335,-75.700004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45659 (E2B33D8C)
**Date:** 8/1985
**Locations:** Dalian, Liaoning, China; Jinan University in Guangzhou
**Description:** Several dozen Chinese scientists gather in Dalian, Liaoning, China, to exchange views on UFO research for the first time. Some 40 papers are presented and 17 of them are selected to be published in the proceedings. An article in China Daily reports that there is an enormous interest in UFOs in China and that the China UFO Research Organization has a membership of 20,000. The organization’s chairman, Liang Renglin of Jinan University in Guangzhou, says that more than 600 reports were made in the past 5 years.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “UFO Conference Held in Darlian,” China Daily, August 27, 1985; Good Above, [pp. 219](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/218/mode/2up), [472](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/472/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6588
### Event 45660 (270AA3EC)
**Date:** 8/2/1985
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. in Black Earth, Wisconsin a white nocturnal light projected a beam of light that moved back and forth like a searchlight. The beam stopped, then the object descended slowly in a zig-zag pattern. There were no radar returns.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jay Rath, The W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 63
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4611
### Event 45661 (ABEDA540)
**Date:** 8/3/1985
**Location:** LAFAYETTE, IN
**Description:** 2 / highway 52 drive under delta/triangle/box-like craft. In sight / 45 minute(s). Corners clipped. Very large.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14681
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "170", **HatchDesc:** "LAFAYETTE,IN:2/HWY 52 DRIVE UNDER DLT:IN SIGHT/45min:CORNERS CLIPPED:VLARGE", **LatLong:** "40.416669 -86.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:25:00 N 86:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.416669,-86.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45662 (3FBD3E02)
**Date:** 8/5/1985
**Locations:** northeastern Tehran, Iran; Iraq
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. Antiaircraft batteries open fire on a UFO that is flying from west to east over northeastern Tehran, Iran. They apparently miss. The batteries believe the object is an Iraqi warplane.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Iran Fires on Shining Object in](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97742456/) [Sky,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97742456/)” Newport News \(Va.\) Daily Press, August 7, 1985, p. 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6589
### Event 45663 (3F289F15)
**Date:** 8/7/1985?
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** ST.-GUENOLE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Pear shape going down. Makes V-turn back up into rectangular object! Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14682
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St-GUENOLE,FR:1 OBS:PEAR SHAPE ↓:MAKES V-TURN BACK UP INTO RECT.OBJ!:>>S ", **LatLong:** "47.816669 -4.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:49:00 N 04:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.816669,-4.366667)", **State/Prov:** "Finistère", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45664 (D7E0B15D)
**Date:** 8/8/1985
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** FIRENZE, ITL
**Description:** 1 observer. Ovoid near balcony. 2 men / glass dome. Extends legs. Landing physical traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14683
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "FIRENZE,ITL:1 OBS:OVOID nr BALCONY:2 MEN/GLASS DOME:EXTENDS LEGS:LANDING TRCs", **LatLong:** "43.766669 11.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:46:00 N 11:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.766669,11.266667)", **State/Prov:** "TSC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45665 (8B9F3F49)
**Date:** 8/9/1985
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** CAIRANNE, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 blue-white balls swing / sky. Stop. Erratic motion then gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14684
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CAIRANNE,FR:2 OBS:2 BLU-WHT BALLS SWING/SKY:STOP:ERRATIC MOTION then GONE", **LatLong:** "44.227780 4.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "44:13:40 N 04:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.227780,4.933334)", **State/Prov:** "Vaucluse", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45666 (A55C8BFE)
**Date:** 8/10/1985
**Locations:** Chazhma Bay naval facility; Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia
**Description:** The Russian nuclear submarine K-431 is refueling at the Chazhma Bay naval facility near Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia. A reactor tank lid is improperly replaced, which quickly results in a thermal explosion. There are 10 fatalities, and 49 other people suffer radiation injuries. The explosion releases a massive amount of radioactivity and contaminates large areas of land and water. The disaster is kept secret for many years.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Soviet submarine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%5Fsubmarine%5FK-431) [K-431](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet%5Fsubmarine%5FK-431)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6590
### Event 45667 (B72D7AF6)
**Date:** 8/14/1985
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cebrero” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_949
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Cebrero", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45668 (21D69C10)
**Date:** 8/15/1985
**Locations:** Zürich, Switzerland; Athens; Swiss-Italian border
**Description:** 4:05 p.m. Greek Olympic Airways Flight OA 132, piloted by Christos Stamulis, is flying from Zürich, Switzerland, to Athens and is just passing the Swiss-Italian border at 25,000 feet when a wingless projectile passes 200–500 feet below them from left to right. The object is about 6 feet long, dark brown or black, and is coming from the Italian side of the border. Italian and Swiss military deny any tests.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, “Close Encounters with Unknown Missiles,” IUR 19, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1994\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6591
### Event 45669 (6351FE9E)
**Date:** 8/17/1985
**Time:** 16:25:00.1
**Location:** 37.0023 -116.0430
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chamita” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_950
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0023 -116.0430", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:08 N 116:02:35 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0023,-116.0430)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Chamita", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45670 (2520E612)
**Date:** 8/17/1985
**Locations:** central Chile; Santiago; Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport
**Description:** Afternoon. For several hours, witnesses throughout central Chile see distinct, luminous spots in the sky, sometimes motionless, sometimes moving slowly. Television crews film the objects, astronomers in Santiago photograph them, and the Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport tracks them on radar. Early explanations by the Chilean Air Force center on weather or research balloons, but a Chilean Civil Aeronautics report states that the sightings remain an enigma.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Antonio Huneeus, “[A Chilean Overview,](https://vdocuments.mx/mufon-ufo-journal-1986-6-june.html?page=5)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 218 \(June 1986\): 5–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6592
### Event 45671 (A3A6C61F)
**Date:** 8/18/1985
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Ceres
**Description:** (Translated from French) The crew and passengers of a Boeing 747 flying at about 10,000 meters altitude were able to observe a large stationary craft, then a second one making disordered movements at vertiginous speeds. Duration of the phenomenon: about twenty minutes. (Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials" - Presses de la Cité 1992, p. 254, 255) Journalists on board a Boeing 737 observed two UFOs. One of them, Roberto Ruiz, from Buenos Aires' Clarin, was able to take a sequence of 36 shots. The observation took place around 9 pm.
**Reference:** Forerunners to the incident of Bariloche, Carlos Ferguson, Samizdat 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3239
### Event 45672 (CE8814AC)
**Date:** 8/18/1985
**Time:** 00:00
**Description:** 4 / Cessna plane. Cylinder/cylindrical object with large delta/triangle/box-like craft fins follows power lines. Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14685
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr SODERHAMN,SWD:4/CESSNA PLANE:CYL W/LRG DLT FINS FOLOS PWR LINES:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "61.300003 17.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "61:18:00 N 17:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.300003,17.000001)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45673 (44C5BECB)
**Date:** 8/18/1985
**Locations:** Söderhamn; Gävleborg; Sweden
**Description:** Four civilian pilots are flying a Cessna on a southerly course at 3,200 feet altitude near Söderhamn, Gävleborg, Sweden, when they spot a missilelike object, some 20 feet long, going in the opposite direction. They see it is a metallic missile with steering fins in the back. It occasionally changes its course according to the terrain. The pilot dives down a bit to follow it, but they can’t keep up. The Swedish military spends 6 months trying to identify it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, “Close Encounters with Unknown Missiles,” IUR 19, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1994\): 12; Swords 369–370
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6593
### Event 45674 (1FA2C9BD)
**Date:** 8/19/1985
**Time:** ~02:00
**Description:** Several / road. Intense red object lands / hill. 20M circle / burnt plants.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 378)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14686
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "840", **HatchDesc:** "CHACA Vly,CHILE:SVRL/ROAD:INTENSE RED OBJ LANDS/HILL:20M CIRCLE/BURNT PLANTS", **LatLong:** "-18.750001 -70.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "18:45:00 S 70:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.750001,-70.083337)", **State/Prov:** "TRP", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 45675 (A82EB5AC)
**Date:** 8/20/1985
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Charata (Chaco)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Between 7 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, several communities reported the observation of a UFO. Hugo Weschbilling (Air Traffic Controller in Resistencia) saw the object. At 7:55, the pilot of an Aerolíneas Argentinas 747 reported the object at 90° from his aircraft, and the object made descent and ascent maneuvers. Other aviators also observed this strange phenomenon.
**Reference:** Forerunners to the incident of Bariloche, Carlos Ferguson, Samizdat, 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3240
### Event 45676 (09A210AE)
**Date:** 8/21/1985 (approximate)
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** HONNECHY, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Grey metallic top-saucer follows military jets going quickly [to] WNW. Rectangular projection spins.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14687
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HONNECHY,FR:2 OBS:GRY MTLC TOP-SCR FOLOS MIL.JETS >>WNW:RECT.PROJECTION SPINS:", **LatLong:** "50.066669 3.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:04:00 N 03:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.066669,3.466667)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45677 (0ECD75CC)
**Date:** 8/23/1985
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** LAGUEPIE, FR
**Description:** Amateur astronomer. Odd tooth-shaped "comet" maneuvers and turns through milky way!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14688
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LAGUEPIE,FR:AM.ASTRONOMER:ODD TOOTH-SHAPED "COMET" MNVRS+TURNS THRU MILKY WAY!", **LatLong:** "44.144447 1.955556", **LatLongDMS:** "44:08:40 N 01:57:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.144447,1.955556)", **State/Prov:** "Tarn-et-Garonne", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45678 (2FAC4EBB)
**Date:** 8/27/1985
**Location:** Darlian, China
**Description:** Darlian, China, the “China Daily” reports: 20,000 people are involved in UFO research. The first recognized photo of a UFO in China was taken in 1945.
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p472)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_752
### Event 45679 (104D507C)
**Date:** 8/31/1985
**Description:** A UFO, shape unknown, rose from the ground near US Highway 95 in Laughlin, Nevada at 10:00 p.m. It directed beams of light on cars and a house, and radio interference was reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, case 1028
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5537
### Event 45680 (D5238CD5)
**Date:** 9/1985
**Location:** NEAR LA CORUNA, SPN
**Description:** Many observer(s). Wave / 2M white globes and small simian figure(s) and animal mutilations.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: SPECIAL REPORT The GALICIAN UFO WAVE of 1995-96. (via Arcturus Books.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14689
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "64", **HatchDesc:** "nr La CORUNA,SPN:MANY OBS:WAVE/2M WHT GLOBES+SML SIMIAN FIGS+ANIMAL MUTLNS", **LatLong:** "43.300002 -8.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:00 N 08:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.300002,-8.350000)", **State/Prov:** "LCR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45681 (D1A4FECD)
**Date:** 9/5/1985
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** NEAR SYDNEY, NSW
**Description:** Aus. Top Pols and pilots / planes see and photo bright cylinder/cigar-shape. RADAR says 100K' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ANDREWS, George C: EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS AMONG US; FATE/Llewellyn Publs, St. Paul, MN 1992 (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14690
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr SYDNEY,NSW:AUS:TOP POLS+PILOTS/PLANES SEE+PHOTO BRITE CGR:RDR SAYS 100K'ALT", **LatLong:** "-33.883335 151.133341", **LatLongDMS:** "33:53:00 S 151:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.883335,151.133341)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45682 (FFC53107)
**Date:** 9/5/1985
**Description:** Top politicians and pilots saw and then photographed a bright, cigar-shaped UFO over Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The plane's radar indicated it was at 100,000 feet altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5662
### Event 45683 (EC420D81)
**Date:** 9/9/1985
**Locations:** Las Vegas, Nevada; Mojave Desert, California
**Description:** 12:05 p.m. British pilot David J. Hastings is flying a Cessna 337 Super Skymaster with his instructor, US pilot David Patterson, south of Las Vegas, Nevada, with the Mojave Desert in California just coming into view, when they nearly collide with an oblong-shaped object that suddenly appears directly in front of them. They duck beneath the instrument panel. When they get up, they sense something moving on the port side of the plane, so Hastings takes two photos in that direction. When the film is developed, one shot shows a blurry image of a UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David J. Hastings, “Across the USA in a Cessna Skymaster,” Pilot, June 2000, pp. 56–59; UFOFiles2, [pp. 132–](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n211/mode/2up) [133](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n211/mode/2up); Good Need, [pp. 399–400](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/398/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6594
### Event 45684 (9727EBCF)
**Date:** 9/11/1985
**Description:** Dogs barked and a farmer watched as a glowing ball of light with a beam searched the terrain in Vilnius, Lithuania at 10:10 p.m. The beam was peculiar because it did not light the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, March 1988
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5872
### Event 45685 (9699D96B)
**Date:** 9/12/1985
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** VILNIUS, LITH
**Description:** Farmer. Glowing-ball with beam searching going down. Doesn't light ground! Dogs bark.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 397)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14691
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VILNIUS,LITH:FARMER:GLOW-BALL W/BEAM SEARCHING ↓:doesn't lite gnd!:DOGS BARK", **LatLong:** "54.666669 25.416668", **LatLongDMS:** "54:40:00 N 25:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.666669,25.416668)", **State/Prov:** "Lithuania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45686 (822773D1)
**Date:** 9/13/1985
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** LANESBOROUGH, MA
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). Diamond-object 1500' over road. Lights trees. 2 sharp turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14692
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "344", **HatchDesc:** "LANESBOROUGH,MA:2+1 OBS:DIAMOND-OBJ 1500'OVR ROAD:LITES TREES:2 SHARP TURNS", **LatLong:** "42.516669 -73.227781", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:00 N 73:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.516669,-73.227781)", **RelAlt:** "450", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45687 (7B3E4AA1)
**Date:** 9/13/1985
**Location:** US
**Description:** The US P78-1 Solwind solar observation satellite is destroyed in orbit at an altitude of 326 miles by an ASM-135 ASAT missile launched from a USAF F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft. The test results in 285 cataloged pieces of orbital debris.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Solwind](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solwind)”; Wikipedia, “[ASM-135 ASAT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASM-135%5FASAT)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6595
### Event 45688 (6D0DCA82)
**Date:** 9/15/1985
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 4 / car. 50' disk with portholes. Complex abduction? Telepathy / "guardians / epsilon".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 378)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14693
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "BAGSHOT HEATH,ENGL:4/CAR:50'DISK W/PORTS:COMPLEX ABD?:TLP/"GUARDIANS/EPSILON"", **LatLong:** "51.383336 -0.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:23:00 N 00:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.383336,-0.716667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 45689 (FB39627F)
**Date:** 9/15/1985
**Location:** Bagshot Heath, Surrey, UK
**Description:** Disc-shaped object hovered ahead of car; second object paced alongside car, bright illumination of area (section IX) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5736
### Event 45690 (6F5447E2)
**Date:** 9/15/1985
**Location:** Bagshot Heath, Surrey, UK
**Description:** Disc-shaped object hovered ahead of car. Second object paced alongside car, bright illumination of area
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_402
### Event 45691 (6AD16613)
**Date:** 9/15/1985
**Description:** In Bagshot Heath, Surrey, England a fifty-foot diameter lenticular disc with portholes around the rim paced cars at ten o'clock in the evening. The main witness, named McMurray, experienced telepathic communication with the UFO occupants, and had a possible missing time experience and abduction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, October 1986
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5997
### Event 45692 (50CA0AFD)
**Date:** Autumn 1985
**Locations:** Cannock Chase; Rugeley, Staffordshire, England
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. A father and son are driving in Cannock Chase toward Rugeley, Staffordshire, England. As they round a bend in the road, they see a large, black, triangular object stationary 150 feet in the sky about 100 feet away. A bright light appears at each point of the triangle. After a short time, it shoots away at incredible speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Tale of a Chase Hi-Tech Triangle,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%202001%2006%20-%20no%20383.pdf)” Wolverhampton \(UK\) Cannock Chase Post, December 21, 2000, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 383 \(June 2001\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6597
### Event 45693 (5650D418)
**Date:** 9/27/1985
**Time:** 14:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.0898 -116.0018
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ponil” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_951
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0898 -116.0018", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:23 N 116:00:06 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0898,-116.0018)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "Ponil", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45694 (AB8423F3)
**Date:** 9/27/1985
**Locations:** Long Clawson, England; Leicester
**Description:** Two police officers in Long Clawson, England, are the latest witnesses of a triangular-shaped object that has been seen multiple times in the area around Leicester since August.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Throwing a Light on UFO,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201986%2002%20-%20no%20199.pdf)” Leicester \(UK\) Mercury, December 2, 1985, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 199 \(February 1986\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6596
### Event 45695 (EB699C7D)
**Date:** 10/1985 (approximate)
**Time:** ~05:00
**Location:** NEAR SIBIU, ROM
**Description:** 4 boys. Cold wind. Brilliant 60M saucer / 400M altitude. Birds scared / brilliant light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14694
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr SIBIU,ROM:4 BOYS:COLD WIND:BRILL.60M SCR/400M ALT:BIRDS SCARED/BRILL.LITE", **LatLong:** "45.750002 24.166668", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:00 N 24:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.750002,24.166668)", **State/Prov:** "SBU", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45696 (F37F75C2)
**Date:** 10/1985
**Time:** 10:00?
**Description:** Several kids. Several 10cm humanlike figure(s) / woodpile. Nothing found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 400)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14695
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PAKA,TERENGGANU,MLYS:SVRL KIDS:SVRL 10cm HUMANLIKE FIGs/WOODPILE:nothing found", **LatLong:** "4.544445 103.450005", **LatLongDMS:** "04:32:40 N 103:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4.544445,103.450005)", **State/Prov:** "TRG", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45697 (AD232BB3)
**Date:** 10/1985
**Locations:** Baltic Sea; Lübeck, Germany; Riga, Latvia; Murmansk area
**Description:** The Russian motorship Baltiysky-35 is in the Baltic Sea bound from Lübeck, Germany, to Riga, Latvia, when the crew observes a bright dot in the sky emanating concentric circles of a light-green color. Researcher Konstantin Khazanovich considers this to be the result of a Soviet ballistic missile laiunch from the Murmansk area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, p. 172
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6598
### Event 45698 (AE3BF0AE)
**Date:** Early 10/1985
**Location:** USA, Harrisburg (PA)
**Description:** (Translated from French) First week of October. At 5:15 the witness saw an object pass over his house, covering the surface of the 5 adjacent houses. The object was enormous, completely white, without any lights, although brighter than anything the witness had ever seen without being dazzling, in the shape of a disk and rotating. The witness went out of the house and, finding himself under the object, felt paralyzed. The object moved away, made a turn and at that moment the witness's son, aged 12, was also able to see it (1985, Early October)
**Reference:** National Uforeporting Center
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3242
### Event 45699 (1DAABB8D)
**Date:** 10/3/1985 (approximate)
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** HARRISBURG, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge saucer covers 5 houses. Observer(s) fearless. Visions later. Abduction?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14696
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "96", **HatchDesc:** "HARRISBURG,PA:2 OBS:HUGE SCR COVRS 5 HOUSES:OBS FEARLESS:VISIONS LATER:ABD?", **LatLong:** "40.283335 -76.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:00 N 76:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.283335,-76.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45700 (768A04C9)
**Date:** 10/4/1985
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** LLAGONNE, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 5M round "swirling cloud" flashes pink and orange / 7M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14697
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LLAGONNE,FR:2 OBS:5M ROUND "SWIRLING CLOUD" FLASHES PINK+ORG/7M alt:", **LatLong:** "42.544446 2.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:32:40 N 02:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.544446,2.116667)", **State/Prov:** "Pyrénées-Orientales", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45701 (E065F41E)
**Date:** 10/5/1985
**Description:** Whitley Streiber reported that he was abducted on this night near Middletown, New York. He remembered fog and a blue light before the missing time experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Whitley Streiber, Communion, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6588
### Event 45702 (92F402E5)
**Date:** 10/6/1985
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ELYRIA, OH
**Description:** 1st observer(s). 25' diamond swoops / parked car. 2nd observer(s) / 7 October. Pulsing 1' sphere/orb/globe going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14698
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "160", **Elev:** "223", **HatchDesc:** "ELYRIA,OH:1st OBS:25'DIAMOND SWOOPS/PARKED CAR::2nd OBS/7OCT:PULSING 1'ORB ↓", **LatLong:** "41.366669 -82.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:22:00 N 82:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.366669,-82.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45703 (240FD3B4)
**Date:** 10/7/1985
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** Airport RADAR and cops. 60 night lights / 90 minute(s). 480 kph going quickly NNE. Helicopter chases. / MJ#214.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 399)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14699
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "719", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON,AZ:AIRPORT RDR+COPS:60 NLTS/90min:480 kph >>NNE:COPTER CHASES:/MJ#214", **LatLong:** "32.150002 -110.900005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:09:00 N 110:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.150002,-110.900005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 45704 (4EA3EFFA)
**Date:** 10/9/1985
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mill Yard” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_952
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Mill Yard", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45705 (CED7450A)
**Date:** 10/9/1985
**Time:** 23:20:00.1
**Location:** 37.2097 -116.2101
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Diamond Beech” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_953
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2097 -116.2101", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:35 N 116:12:36 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2097,-116.2101)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Diamond Beech", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45706 (DC8C4A07)
**Date:** 10/10/1985
**Location:** USA, Tucson (Arizona)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 00:15, the airport's radar had the echo of several UFO groups and followed them for an hour and a half. The crew of a police helicopter, and civilian witnesses saw up to 60 objects in the night! The radar echoes showed 15 groups of 4 objects flying at about 288 miles/h. The control tower informed the police pilot that they had echoes but no "transponder" which automatically identifies airplanes and helicopters. The helicopter went up to 4000 feet, but the objects flew at 7000 feet. On the military side, it was affirmed that the jets had all returned at 10:30 PM.
**Reference:** National Uforeporting Center
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3243
### Event 45707 (08D25C76)
**Date:** 10/10/1985
**Description:** A small crescent-shaped object with rounded, swept back or drooping wings flew silently over a farm in Statesville, North Carolina at 7:45 p.m. It had a convex window in the bottom center of the craft and was dark with a reddish glow. The sighting was made by a 37-year-old man, and lasted 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON investigation case files, case # 930412J, investigator Franklin B. Reams
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6730
### Event 45708 (DA2B4034)
**Date:** 10/10/1985
**Description:** There were at least 60 unidentified radar returns from flying objects without transponders on this evening over Tucson, Arizona. At one point a police helicopter engaged in a pursuit of at least one nocturnal light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, case 1032
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6731
### Event 45709 (A18DB8CB)
**Date:** 10/14/1985
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** NEWPORT BEACH, CA
**Description:** Huge bronze triangle with painted nose. Vertical dive and levels off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14700
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "NEWPORT BEACH,CA:HUGE BRONZE TRIANGLE W/PAINTED NOSE:VERTICAL DIVE+LEVELS OFF", **LatLong:** "33.600002 -117.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:36:00 N 117:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.600002,-117.866672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45710 (F50064F4)
**Date:** 10/15/1985
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** MAYSVILLE, KY
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Saucer maneuvers / area / one hour 1 / 4 miles away. Green lights / edge. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14701
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "MAYSVILLE,KY:3 OBS:SCR MNVRS/AREA/1hr 1/4mi AWAY:GRN LITES/EDGE:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.650002 -83.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:39:00 N 83:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.650002,-83.733337)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45711 (E713F27A)
**Date:** 10/16/1985
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** WEST HAVEN, CT
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft flies over beach. Observer(s) gets "sunburn" / night under object. P314.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ANDREWS, George C: EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS AMONG US; FATE/Llewellyn Publs, St. Paul, MN 1992 (Index 314)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14702
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "WEST HAVEN,CT:DLT FLIES OVR BEACH:OBS GETS "SUNBURN"/NITE UNDER OBJ:p314", **LatLong:** "41.272224 -72.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:16:20 N 72:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.272224,-72.950003)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45712 (3BC1CE4A)
**Date:** 10/16/1985
**Time:** 21:35:00.1
**Location:** 37.1099 -116.1214
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Roquefort” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_954
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1099 -116.1214", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:36 N 116:07:17 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1099,-116.1214)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "Roquefort", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45713 (FE65F344)
**Date:** 10/16/1985
**Description:** A delta-shaped UFO flew over the beach at West Haven, Connecticut at 11:30 p.m. The witness received burns on his body that resembled a sunburn while standing under the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George C. Andrews, Extra-Terrestrials Among Us, p. 314
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6904
### Event 45714 (245BB9D2)
**Date:** 10/18/1985
**Time:** 15:20
**Location:** LOS ANGELES, CA
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 3 1M saucers east going NNW slow. Similar seen / same time. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14703
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "99", **HatchDesc:** "LOS ANGELES,CA:5 OBS:3 1M SCRS E>NNW slow:SIMILAR SEEN/SAME TIME:NFD", **LatLong:** "34.050002 -118.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:03:00 N 118:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.050002,-118.283339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 45715 (E3D42D32)
**Date:** 10/18/1985
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** NORTH CANTON, OH
**Description:** 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft with many lights going down. E. horizon going quickly [to] W. horizon / 1 minute(s). Silent. High altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14704
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "N.CANTON,OH:1 OBS:DLT W/MANY LITES ↓:E.HRZN>>W.HRZN/1min:SILENT:HI ALTITUDE", **LatLong:** "40.877780 -81.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:52:40 N 81:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.877780,-81.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 45716 (7D5FF585)
**Date:** 10/18/1985
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** 2 MILE(S) SOUTH / WACONIA, MN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Triangular object with colored lights flies 50m overhead. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14705
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "305", **HatchDesc:** "2mi.S/WACONIA,MN:2 OBS:TRIANGULAR OBJ W/COLORED LITES FLIES 50m OVHD:NFD", **LatLong:** "44.822224 -93.788893", **LatLongDMS:** "44:49:20 N 93:47:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.822224,-93.788893)", **RelAlt:** "50", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45717 (6B2DC1D9)
**Date:** 10/20/1985
**Time:** 06:10
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights. Sudden jumps. Shoots going quickly northeast. Unnatural coldness.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14706
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "A15 BARENTIN>
By that time the Brazilian Defense Center, which operates an integrated civil-military radar ATC system, was on full alert due to numberous UFOs cluttering their radar screens in the vicinity of Sao Jose dos Campos and nearby Sao Paulo. All civilian air traffic was put on hold, as jet interceptors were scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB, Sao Paulo State, and Anapolis AFB, near Brasilia. Three F-5E jets were scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB, followed by three Mirage III jets from Anapolis AFB. The first visual contact was made about 10:550 p.m. Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho, age 25, an F-5E pilot, was vectored toward a target indicated by radar to be 35 miles (56 km) distant, but he was unable to catch up. At one point ground radar showed the UFO rapidly approaching his jet, but he saw nothing at that time. Later, he did see a very intense reddish light that changed color to white, then to green, then to red again. Another F-5E pilot, Capt. Marcio Jordao, age 29, managed to close in to within 12 miles and saw a very strong, intensely bright light, continuously changing color from white to green. When the object moved off shore and out to sea he broke off contact and returned to base.
Ten to thirteen white and green UFOs (BOLs) were chased by the three Mirage III fighters. Only one of the jets was able to make visual contact. The jets closed to within two miles, then the UFOs outflew the jets and climbed vertically up to 33,000 feet. The radar controller at Anapolis AFB testified that there were several targets behind one of the Mirage jets, six to one side and seven to the other. Radar had tracked the UFOs at speeds of up to 800 knots (920 mph). At time the objects made 80 degree turns. "No plane I know can make turns like that at 1,000 km/h," Capt. Viriato de Freitas said. The unexplained nature of the UFOs was openly acknowledged by the authorities. The decision to release the news to the public was made personally by the president of Brazil, and carried out by the Air Force Minister, Brig. Gen. Octavio Moreira Lima.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 110-111; Willy Smith, International UFO Reporter, July 1986, p. 4; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta, p. 40; Richard H. Hall, Uninvited Guests, pp. 317-318; Peter Brookesmith, UFO: The Complete Sightings, p. 131, UNICAT, case 535
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2988
### Event 45943 (0A500DAF)
**Date:** 5/20/1986
**Time:** ~02:00
**Description:** 1 observer. Luminous "Ping-pong ball" follows plane 700km. 40K' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 223)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14792
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "12000", **HatchDesc:** "PORTO NACIONAL,GOAIAS,BRZ:1 OBS:LUM."PING-PONG BALL" FOLOS PLANE 700km:40K'alt", **LatLong:** "-10.700001 -48.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "10:42:00 S 48:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-10.700001,-48.416669)", **State/Prov:** "GOI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45944 (0CAD0939)
**Date:** 5/21/1986
**Time:** ~15:00
**Description:** Many calls / Air Force. Dark cigar-shape. / Journal do Brasil.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 221)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14793
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FORTALEZA,CEARA,BRZ:MANY CALLS/AIR FORCE:DARK CIGAR-SHAPE:/JORNAL do BRASIL", **LatLong:** "-3.733334 -38.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "03:44:00 S 38:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.733334,-38.500002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45945 (621685D5)
**Date:** 5/21/1986
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** MARINGA, PARANA, BRZ
**Description:** Freelance cameraman films glowing round object. / TV coverage.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 221)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14794
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "454", **HatchDesc:** "MARINGA,PARANA,BRZ:FREELANCE CAMERAMAN FILMS GLOWING ROUND OBJ:/TV COVERAGE", **LatLong:** "-23.400001 -51.933336", **LatLongDMS:** "23:24:00 S 51:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.400001,-51.933336)", **State/Prov:** "PRN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45946 (73E6ABC7)
**Date:** 5/21/1986
**Time:** 13:59:00.1
**Location:** 37.1250 -116.0604
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Panamint” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_961
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1250 -116.0604", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:30 N 116:03:37 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1250,-116.0604)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Panamint", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 45947 (6B603A25)
**Date:** 5/22/1986
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** NORTH / PETALUMA, CA
**Description:** Cops and Air Traffic Controllers = 12+observer(s). Large orange X-shape hovers and darts around. / MJ#221 p8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14795
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "N/PETALUMA,CA:COPS+ATCS=12+OBS:LRG ORG X-SHAPE HVRS+DARTS AROUND:/MJ#221 p8", **LatLong:** "38.266668 -122.650006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:16:00 N 122:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.266668,-122.650006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45948 (7C45D6EF)
**Date:** 5/22/1986
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** SANTA ROSA, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). Orange X-shape zigzags here too. Air Traffic Controller RADAR's see no blips.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 130)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14796
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA ROSA,CA:SVRL OBS:ORG X-SHAPE ZIGZAGS HERE TOO:ATC RDRs SEE NO BLIPS:", **LatLong:** "38.450002 -122.716673", **LatLongDMS:** "38:27:00 N 122:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.450002,-122.716673)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45949 (29BEFAD3)
**Date:** 5/23/1986
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** ANAHEIM, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Big silent "plus-sign" shape with many lights east going quickly west. (See Petaluma.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 98)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14797
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "49", **HatchDesc:** "ANAHEIM,CA:2 OBS:BIG SLNT "PLUS-SIGN" SHAPE W/MANY LITES E>>W:(see Petaluma)", **LatLong:** "33.833335 -117.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:50:00 N 117:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.833335,-117.916672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45950 (68CFFB66)
**Date:** 5/23/1986
**Time:** 23:00?
**Description:** Trucker. UFO / roadside. Flash. 72 hours / missing time. Regression pending.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14798
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "224", **Elev:** "253", **HatchDesc:** "RONDONOPOLIS,BRZ:TRUCKER:UFO/ROADSIDE:FLASH:72hrs/MST:REGRESSION PENDING", **LatLong:** "-16.466667 -54.633336", **LatLongDMS:** "16:28:00 S 54:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.466667,-54.633336)", **State/Prov:** "MTG", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45951 (C01DB326)
**Date:** 5/24/1986
**Time:** 12:10
**Description:** Dozens / observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape going down / encounter bay and sinks. Fins and propeller!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 601)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14799
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VICTOR HARBOR,S.AUSTR:DOZENS/OBS:CGR ↓/ENCOUNTER BAY+SINKS:FINS+PROPELLER!", **LatLong:** "-35.500002 138.883340", **LatLongDMS:** "35:30:00 S 138:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.500002,138.883340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45952 (AA2CD623)
**Date:** 5/24/1986
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** PORTLAND, OR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Metallic object circles city several times. So fast / hard to see / (seen thru) binoculars.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14800
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "PORTLAND,OR:2 OBS:MTLC OBJ CIRCLES CITY SVRL TIMES:SO FAST/HARD TO SEE/BINOCS", **LatLong:** "45.550002 -122.666673", **LatLongDMS:** "45:33:00 N 122:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.550002,-122.666673)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45953 (7680B133)
**Date:** 5/24/1986
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object landed in Encounter Bay, Victor Harbour, South Australia at 12:10 p.m. and then submerged. It was described as having fins and a propeller.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3073
### Event 45954 (00ECFF46)
**Date:** 5/25/1986
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** VALLEJO, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Small sphere/orb/globe with blue ring / underside. Ring brightens when object moves.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14801
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "VALLEJO,CA:2 OBS:SML ORB W/BLU RING/UNDERSIDE:RING BRIGHTENS WHEN OBJ MOVES", **LatLong:** "38.100002 -122.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:06:00 N 122:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.100002,-122.250006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45955 (ABA17FEF)
**Date:** 5/25/1986
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** HOLYOKE, MA
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Silver white streak / light docks with small white ball. Going up [to] going down [to] 3 times and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14802
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "HOLYOKE,MA:5 OBS:SLVR WHT STREAK/LITE DOCKS W/SML WHT BALL:↑↓ 3 TIMES+GONE", **LatLong:** "42.200002 -72.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:12:00 N 72:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.200002,-72.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45956 (01C680A4)
**Date:** 5/27/1986
**Time:** 17:15:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Sthenelos” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1987
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Sthenelos", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 45957 (8C9778B2)
**Date:** 5/29/1986
**Location:** DANBURY, CT
**Description:** 50+calls / police etc. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts hover and shoot away. Ultralite craft hoax blamed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14803
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "115", **HatchDesc:** "DANBURY,CT:50+CALLS/POLICE etc:DLTS HVR+SHOOT AWAY:ULTRALITE CRAFT HOAX BLAMED", **LatLong:** "41.383335 -73.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:00 N 73:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.383335,-73.466670)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 45958 (8ED570B9)
**Date:** 5/29/1986
**Description:** On this night Sr. Flores was lying in his bedroom at home near the city center of Santa Rosa, Argentina when he heard a loud buzzing sound coming from outside. Simultaneously a powerful light came shining through his window, while dogs in the neighborhood began barking. As he looked outside he saw an object hovering above the treetops near his house. He was confronted by two eight-foot tall beings who were blocking his door. These creatures seemed to lack mouths, noses, and ears; but they had dark eyes and long thin hands with only three fingers, the middle one being the longest. The beings wore silvery, tight fitting overalls with a wide belt having some kind of tools or accessories hanging from them. He could also see that each wore a necklace with a medallion on it. The beings were busy making quick gestures, when they suddenly vanished. Sr. Flores could then step outdoors and witnessed a ball shaped object moving at high speed towards the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Patrick Huyghe, A Field Guide to Extraterrestrials, p. 58; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1986, citing Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3155
### Event 45959 (26F4F9F2)
**Date:** 5/30/1986
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** MONTERREY, MX
**Description:** Man abduction / small humanoid (or Grey) / delta/triangle/box-like craft. Marked map / N. America on table. Complex dialogue!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: CONTACTO OVNI. German Flores Trujillo ed. Editorial Mina SA de CV; Tokio 424, Cpl. Portales, Mexico D.F., MEXICO. (#23 only. Glossy covers)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14804
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "561", **HatchDesc:** "MONTERREY,MX:MAN ABD/OID/DLT:MARKED MAP/N.AMERICA ON TABLE:complex dialogue!", **LatLong:** "25.733335 -100.333338", **LatLongDMS:** "25:44:00 N 100:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.733335,-100.333338)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "NLN", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45960 (172EB03C)
**Date:** 5/30/1986
**Time:** 17:25:00.1
**Location:** -21.8620 -138.9490
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Galatee” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1988
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8620 -138.9490", **LatLongDMS:** "21:51:43 S 138:56:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8620,-138.9490)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.58", **NukeName:** "Galatee", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 45961 (92B9AD1C)
**Date:** 5/31/1986
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** HOWARD CITY, MI
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Flat silent metallic ovoid 200M away / 2-3 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 105)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14805
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "HOWARD CITY,MI:2 OBS:FLAT SLNT MTLC OVOID 200M AWAY/2-3min:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.400002 -85.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:24:00 N 85:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.400002,-85.466671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45962 (82005B40)
**Date:** 6/1986 (approximate)
**Description:** Huge platform over lake. Small luminous objects exit and go different directions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14806
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "LAGUNA CARTAGENA,PR:HUGE PLATFORM OVR LAKE:SML LUM OBJs EXIT+GO DIFFERENT DIRs", **LatLong:** "18.016668 -67.094448", **LatLongDMS:** "18:01:00 N 67:05:40 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.016668,-67.094448)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45963 (C719C55D)
**Date:** 6/1986
**Location:** Turin, Italy
**Description:** The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici in Turin, Italy, begins publishing its official journal UFO–Rivista di Informazione Ufologica through autumn 2017.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [UFO–Rivista di Informazione Ufologica](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Italy/UFO%20Rivista%20di%20Informazione%20Ufologica%20%28CISU%29/UFO%20Rivista%20di%20Informazione%20Ufologica%20-%20No%2001.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Italy/UFO%20Rivista%20di%20Informazione%20Ufologica%20%28CISU%29/UFO%20Rivista%20di%20Informazione%20Ufologica%20-%20No%2001.pdf) no. 1 \(June 1986\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6636
### Event 45964 (83C1CEB3)
**Date:** 6/3/1986
**Description:** On this night Paulo Pereira Campos was returning to his home accompanied by his two daughters in a rural part of Nego, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. He noticed a luminous yellow, oval-shaped object approaching them. They all ran and hid in a bamboo grove, where they watched the object land about 200 meters away. Two short figures emerged from the UFO and walked around the area for 15 minutes. They then entered the craft and it took off and left. Footprints were found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1986, citing Antonio Faleiro
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3260
### Event 45965 (44AEA321)
**Date:** 6/5/1986
**Time:** 15:04:00.1
**Location:** 37.0983 -116.0155
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tajo” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_962
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0983 -116.0155", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:54 N 116:00:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0983,-116.0155)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Tajo", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45966 (DD0CD802)
**Date:** 6/8/1986
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** METCALF, IL
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent 12m cylinder/cylindrical object-cylinder/cigar-shape in red mist seen 30 second(s) / 800m away. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 119)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14807
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "204", **HatchDesc:** "METCALF,IL:1 OBS:SLNT 12m CYL-CGR IN RED MIST seen 30sec/800m AWAY:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.794446 -87.805560", **LatLongDMS:** "39:47:40 N 87:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.794446,-87.805560)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45967 (FBC83447)
**Date:** 6/8/1986
**Description:** A 40-foot long, cigar-shaped UFO was seen in a red mist in Metcalf, Illinois at 8:30 p.m. It was seen for 30 seconds, less than half a mile away, and was completely silent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, case # 1119
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3376
### Event 45968 (8A39DE2E)
**Date:** 6/10/1986
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** LIMA, OH
**Description:** 1 observer. 12cm orange ball darts about like hummingbird. Vanishes. Sky = overcast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 174)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14808
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "263", **HatchDesc:** "LIMA,OH:1 OBS:12cm ORG BALL DARTS ABOUT LIKE HUMMINGBIRD:VANISHES:SKY=OVERCAST", **LatLong:** "40.750002 -84.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:45:00 N 84:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.750002,-84.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45969 (C9B70987)
**Date:** 6/12/1986
**Description:** Two persons observed three deep blue colored objects flying in a triangular formation. When they over flew Lake Trasimeno they descended vertically into the lake.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Marco Bianchini, USOCAT by IItalian Center for UFO Studies (CISU). http://www.cisu.org/
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3447
### Event 45970 (2F81B172)
**Date:** 6/13/1986
**Time:** 12:30
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Sny silver torpedo hovers / 3 minute(s). Shoots going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14809
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "177", **HatchDesc:** "ovr LAKE off St JOSEPH,MI:3 OBS:SNY SLVR TORPEDO HVRS/3min:SHOOTS>>NE", **LatLong:** "42.111113 -86.477782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:06:40 N 86:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.111113,-86.477782)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45971 (34D86EF2)
**Date:** 6/13/1986
**Description:** At 12:30 p.m. a shiny, silver torpedo hovered for three minutes over St. Joseph, Missouri then shot away to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, case 1122
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3468
### Event 45972 (341DB979)
**Date:** 6/15/1986
**Time:** 15:00?
**Location:** READING, BERKS
**Description:** Jumbo-jet sized silver hamburger-shape hovers. Goes suddenly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 605)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14810
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "READING,BERKS:JUMBO-JET SIZED SLVR HAMBURGER-SHAPE HVRS:GOES SUDDENLY", **LatLong:** "51.450002 -0.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:27:00 N 00:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.450002,-0.966667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45973 (97C99F70)
**Date:** 6/16/1986
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** PARK RIDGE, IL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Wingless white cylinder/cigar-shape leaves (something behind) trail / 450m altitude. Southeast going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 123)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14811
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "195", **HatchDesc:** "PARK RIDGE,IL:2 OBS:WINGLESS WHT CGR LVS TRAIL/450m alt:SE>>NW:", **LatLong:** "42.000002 -87.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 N 87:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.000002,-87.850004)", **RelAlt:** "450", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 45974 (D9AA2CB0)
**Date:** 6/17/1986
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Dark silent 300M triangle going quickly south / 3km altitude. Square windows and contrail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14812
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "JOHANNESBURG,RSA:6 OBS:DRK SLNT 300M TRIANGLE >>S/3km alt:SQR WINDOWS+CONTRAIL", **LatLong:** "-26.133335 27.900001", **LatLongDMS:** "26:08:00 S 27:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.133335,27.900001)", **State/Prov:** "TRV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45975 (AC0AF537)
**Date:** 6/17/1986
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** BON HARBOR HILLS, KY
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 2 night lights going east / airplane speed. Turn going northwest. Later 2 more going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 176)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14813
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "17", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "BON HARBOR HILLS,KY:5 OBS:2 NLTS>E/AIRPLANE SPEED:TURN>NW::LATER 2 MORE >E", **LatLong:** "37.783335 -87.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:47:00 N 87:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.783335,-87.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 45976 (25865EEA)
**Date:** 6/20/1986
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** GRASS VALLEY, CA
**Description:** 6 observer(s). 40' delta/triangle/box-like craft with colored lights hovers. Goes 1200' overhead. Hums. Shifts going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 107)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14814
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "735", **HatchDesc:** "GRASS VALLEY,CA:6 OBS:40'DLT W/CLRD LITES HVRS:GOES 1200'OVHD:HUMS:SHIFTS>S", **LatLong:** "39.216669 -121.061117", **LatLongDMS:** "39:13:00 N 121:03:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.216669,-121.061117)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45977 (AAE1BB4C)
**Date:** 6/20/1986 (approximate)
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** MENETRUX-EN-JOUX, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 9M saucer / ground. 6 5' men inside. Hooded tunics hide faces!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14815
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MENETRUX-en-JOUX,FR:1 OBS:9M SCR/GND:6 5'MEN INSIDE:HOODED TUNICS HIDE FACES!", **LatLong:** "46.866669 6.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:52:00 N 06:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.866669,6.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 45978 (1AB2E8B5)
**Date:** 6/20/1986
**Description:** At 4 a.m. Cesar Locatelli was driving through a brushy isolated area in Mentrux-en-Joux, Jura, France searching for a swarm of wild bees he believed was nearby when he made a turn under some trees and came upon a large transparent, brightly illuminated bluish disc-shaped object partly resting on top of a large boulder. The disc was about 9 meters in diameter. Inside the object he could clearly see six human-like figures of short to average height, perhaps 5 feet tall. These figures were wearing white hooded tunics with cowls like the kind worn by monks. These covered their heads and obscured their faces. They all were standing around an oval table, apparently bent over it. He attempted to drive away but his car engine stalled. At the same time he could hear a high-pitched humming sound. He was finally able to restart the car and drove away. When he returned to the site several months later he was surprised to see that the large boulder was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joel Mesnard & Michael Morel Seythoux, Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 305; FSR, Vol. 37, No. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3562
### Event 45979 (F3E99DA5)
**Date:** 6/21/1986
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** FORBES ROAD, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 150' cylinder/cylindrical object with 2 beams / light. Rises over trees. Low humming heard.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 224)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14816
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "329", **HatchDesc:** "FORBES ROAD,PA:2 OBS:150'CYL W/2 BEAMS/LITE:RISES OVR TREES:LOW HUM HEARD", **LatLong:** "40.355557 -79.522226", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:20 N 79:31:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.355557,-79.522226)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 45980 (1A8FA324)
**Date:** 6/21/1986
**Description:** Two years later another series of sightings occurred on this evening in the Hudson Valley area. This time delta shaped objects and lights were reported in Westchester County, New York.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, Philip Imbrogno, and Bob Pratt, Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, p. 201
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3590
### Event 45981 (1063BD6C)
**Date:** 6/22/1986
**Description:** Former Bechtel Corp contractor James McCampbell tells Jacques Vallée he met a military contact with the Wild Weasels who used F-4 planes with EM detection equipment that detected UAP during the Vietnam War and continued that role in the US as of the 1980s.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-from-jacques-vallees.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-from-jacques-vallees.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_223
### Event 45982 (731C7D62)
**Date:** 6/24/1986
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** VORUP, DK
**Description:** Several observer(s). 18M yellow metallic saucer spins and flashes. Black marks / sides.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14817
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "VORUP,DK:SVRL OBS:18M YLW MTLC SCR SPINS+FLASHES:BLK MARKS/SIDES", **LatLong:** "56.433336 10.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "56:26:00 N 10:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.433336,10.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45983 (D37A312C)
**Date:** 6/25/1986
**Location:** 37.2646 -116.4993
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Darwin” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1787
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2646 -116.4993", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:53 N 116:29:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2646,-116.4993)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Darwin", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 45984 (2B682268)
**Date:** 6/26/1986
**Location:** Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 9:49 p.m. A husband and wife see two objects traveling from southwest to northeast, about as bright as Venus, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They move on parallel paths below a scattered cloud cover. After a minute, they appear to begin rotating, then stop and move out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “From the CUFOS Files: 1986 Reports,” IUR 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1986\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6637
### Event 45985 (BAC27A1E)
**Date:** 6/26/1986
**Description:** Two objects flew parallel to each other over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 9:49 p.m. After a minute of flight they began rotating around an imaginary center, stopped with one ahead of the other, and moved off. One of the objects brightened for several seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, November 1986, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3684
### Event 45986 (175886BA)
**Date:** 7/1986?
**Time:** ~07:00
**Description:** Observer(s) give food to 7' alien. Steals rest later. Leaves wrappers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 144)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14818
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "ULYANOVSK,KAZAN,RUS:OBS GIVE FOOD to 7'ALIEN:STEALS REST LATER:LEAVES WRAPPERS", **LatLong:** "54.333336 48.083336", **LatLongDMS:** "54:20:00 N 48:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.333336,48.083336)", **State/Prov:** "KZN", **Strangeness:** "14"
### Event 45987 (F5EEBE76)
**Date:** 7/1986
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Odd cylinder/cylindrical object with thicker center section going [to] by. 4 'chains' hang going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14819
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHEGUTU,ZIMBABWE:2 OBS:ODD CYL W/THICKER CENTER SECTION >BY:4 'CHAINS' HANG↓", **LatLong:** "-18.300001 30.166668", **LatLongDMS:** "18:18:00 S 30:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.300001,30.166668)", **State/Prov:** "ZIM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45988 (A24070A4)
**Date:** 7/3/1986
**Time:** 14:20
**Location:** WINCHESTER, MA
**Description:** 1+several. Fireball low over trees / back yard. Flash and blast. Fuses Blown and burnt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 225)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14820
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "19", **HatchDesc:** "WINCHESTER,MA:1+SVRL:FBL LO OVR TREES/BACK YARD:FLASH+BLAST:FUSES BLOWN+BURNT", **LatLong:** "42.450002 -71.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:27:00 N 71:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.450002,-71.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45989 (8E261E40)
**Date:** 7/5/1986
**Description:** 3+separate sightings. Night lights play up and down mountains and sky. Flashes. Beams. Fireballs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 606)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14821
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "220", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "SQUAMISH Vly,BC:3+SEP.SIGHTINGS:NLTS PLAY UP+DOWN MTNS+SKY:FLASHES:BEAMS:FBLs", **LatLong:** "49.950002 -123.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:57:00 N 123:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.950002,-123.333339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 45990 (E44EA3F6)
**Date:** 7/6/1986
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** SONOMA, CA
**Description:** Nurse. White glowing-disk follows car through several turns. Goes going east toward(s) Napa.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14822
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "SONOMA,CA:NURSE:WHT GLO-DISK FOLOS CAR THRU SVRL TURNS:GOES >E twrd NAPA", **LatLong:** "38.283335 -122.466673", **LatLongDMS:** "38:17:00 N 122:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.283335,-122.466673)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45991 (6D8CA950)
**Date:** 7/6/1986
**Description:** A nurse in Sonoma, California reported that a white glowing disc followed her car through several turns at 5:15 a.m. It flew away in the direction of Napa.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, case 1177
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3890
### Event 45992 (C11EBD13)
**Date:** 7/8/1986
**Location:** USA, Oneida (KY)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Cufon Report n° 0302 - Ufo Info Service) Subject: ONEIDA, KY) Roosevelt Spurlock was sitting on the threshold of his house in Oneida. Mary Helton was in her Countryside restaurant where Margy Turner was finishing dinner. Vernon Stidham was at his home in Red Bird. All, however, saw the same thing: a large square object with red lights and windows, hovering just above the large Bullskin hills. Roosevelt Spurlock, a forest guard at the Peabody base, says it was not an airplane, he knows airplanes. Mary Helton said: "what I saw was really very, very big, all square, with windows." "It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen," said Spurlock. I was in front of my house and this thing was flying to touch the tops of the hills. At the front it had two red lights, and at the back too. Mrs. Helton said it made a piercing noise. "The thing was circling and came back on its path at a really slow speed," said Spurlock. No plane can stay in the air flying so slowly. (July 8, 1986)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3256
### Event 45993 (E4DA70F3)
**Date:** 7/8/1986
**Location:** ONEIDA, KY
**Description:** 5 and more/others observer(s). Large saucer with windows and lights low and slow. Air Traffic Controller RADAR confirm. Loud whistle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 402)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14823
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "252", **HatchDesc:** "ONEIDA,KY:5++OBS:LRG SCR W/WINDOWS+LITES LO+SLOW:ATC RDR CONFIRM:LOUD WHISTLE", **LatLong:** "37.283335 -83.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:17:00 N 83:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.283335,-83.666671)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45994 (F6F59410)
**Date:** 7/8/1986
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** CELINA, TN
**Description:** 200+observer(s). 300' octagon over softball game. Very loud. Beacon / center. Plane?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14824
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "64", **Elev:** "171", **HatchDesc:** "CELINA,TN:200+OBS:300'OCTAGON OVR SOFTBALL GAME:VERY LOUD:BEACON/CENTER:PLANE?", **LatLong:** "36.550002 -85.505560", **LatLongDMS:** "36:33:00 N 85:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.550002,-85.505560)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45995 (F995769F)
**Date:** 7/9/1986
**Location:** Portugal, Quinta da Quebrada-Catanhede
**Description:** (Translated from French) The National Guard investigated the landing of a UFO, observed by Mr. Silva, who had come to report his testimony in a great state of excitement. The witness was sheltering under a tree when he saw a large round object with two intense lights raising a lot of dust, producing a terrible wind, making an explosion sound before landing. The investigation revealed a small hole in the field, several burned potato plants, while the witness's shirt was also burned.
**Reference:** "Diario Popular" 10.7.86 collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenço
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3257
### Event 45996 (D2295900)
**Date:** 7/9/1986
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** BOTHEL, WA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Saucer? with thin red trim all around. Night lights exit orbit and fly in formations.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 132)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14825
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "BOTHEL,WA:2 OBS:SCR? W/THIN RED TRIM ALL AROUND:NLTS EXIT ORBIT+FLY/FORMATIONS", **LatLong:** "47.766669 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:46:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.766669,-122.200006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 45997 (98AB7FDA)
**Date:** 7/10/1986
**Location:** USA, Ossining (N.Y.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Cufon Report No. 0304 "Citizen Register" Ossining) Ray Nethercott saw a "big hot dog" flying near his house in Valhalla. "It was a big thing," said the 18-year-old, "it was going very slowly and had a lot of lights." Alison Yuri, 20, from Fishkill, was driving between Ossining and Route 9 when she saw something hovering above the car. "My fiancé saw it first," she said. "It was rounder than a hot dog and had about 20 white lights and two red lights." There were dozens of other witnesses reporting this strange sighting in Westchester County and New Jersey, in the Hudson area.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3258
### Event 45998 (08FC4024)
**Date:** 7/10/1986
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** WIKIEUP, AZ
**Description:** 4+separate Patrolman / US93. Large bright orange object on hill. Rises and paces car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 175)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14826
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "609", **HatchDesc:** "WIKIEUP,AZ:4+SEP.PATROLMAN/US93:LRG BRITE ORG OBJ ON HILL:RISES+PACES CAR:", **LatLong:** "34.683335 -113.600005", **LatLongDMS:** "34:41:00 N 113:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.683335,-113.600005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 45999 (41731D63)
**Date:** 7/10/1986
**Time:** 13:20
**Description:** 6 F15 jets. Shiny UFO going [to] through contrails. Instant stop and start.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 113)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14827
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "125", **HatchDesc:** "ovr PLEASANT HILLS,MD:6 F15 JETS:SHINY UFO >THRU CONTRAILS:INSTANT STOP+START", **LatLong:** "39.466669 -76.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:28:00 N 76:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.466669,-76.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46000 (28A7A1C3)
**Date:** 7/10/1986
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** VALHALLA, NY
**Description:** Dozens / observer(s). Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with many lights slow. Many night lights over Hudson River.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 180)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14828
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "68", **HatchDesc:** "VALHALLA,NY:DOZENS/OBS:SCR-CGR W/MANY LITES SLOW:MANY NLTS OVR HUDSON RVR:", **LatLong:** "41.072224 -73.777781", **LatLongDMS:** "41:04:20 N 73:46:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.072224,-73.777781)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46001 (E6E8BD3E)
**Date:** 7/10/1986
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** CHICO, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent saucer crosses road / treetop level. 50mph. Bottom = ring of lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 131)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14829
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "73", **HatchDesc:** "CHICO,CA:1 OBS:SLNT SCR CROSSES ROAD/TREETOP LVL:50mph:BOTTOM=RING OF LITES", **LatLong:** "39.733335 -121.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "39:44:00 N 121:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.733335,-121.833339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46002 (9A3EDA81)
**Date:** 7/11/1986
**Location:** USA, Kern River, Bakersfield (California)
There are three visual witnesses, but no further evidence of an unusual aircraft crash. The witnesses are Andy Hoyt, his sister Lisa and Lisa's son Joey (16 years old). The aircraft crashed in the Sequoia forest near Bakersfield. The description of the aircraft seen by Hoyt, according to experts, matches the very latest secret military aircraft type F-19, which the authorities do not even admit exists. The witnesses were camping and initially they thought it was a UFO passing by. In any case, this aircraft, triangular and able to vertically position itself, pointing up, for unknown reasons, nosedived and there was a crash, with a tremendous illumination of the whole area. Just before the aircraft fell, Hoyt had taken some pictures. On Sunday evening, on his way home, Hoyt called Edwards Base to tell them what he had seen and the photos he had taken. He was just getting into his truck when he saw this black triangle, with a light in each corner. The camera was on the dashboard and he used it immediately. At the Air Force they started, with the press, to deny an aircraft accident, then to admit it, a crash with the death of the pilot. An hour after Hoyt's call to Edwards Base, someone was already at his house. "He didn't force me, but he would have liked to have the film that was in my camera." The next day, other Air Force officers invited Hoyt, his sister Lisa and nephew Joey to fly to the airport, to fly over the crash site. The place was quickly spotted and the three witnesses were invited to dinner at a restaurant, before going with them to the place where they had made the observation, to calculate the angles, said Hoyt. The military had certain measuring devices. They were then asked to speak as little as possible about what they had seen, but of course they could not be forced to be silent. Hoyt gave back his camera with the film inside. Some time later, he received the camera back, with the photos developed, of the three witnesses in their camping activities, but without any photos of the secret aircraft.
**Reference:** MUFON dossier 1353, No. 198, source "Mercury News" from San Jose
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3259
### Event 46003 (D02C958D)
**Date:** 7/11/1986
**Locations:** Sequoia National Forest, California; Area 51
**Description:** A Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft crashes in Sequoia National Forest, California, killing pilot Maj. [Ross E. Mulhare](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/191950268/ross-edward-mulhare) and starting a fire. The Air Force establishes restricted airspace around the site. Armed guards prohibit entry, including firefighters, and a helicopter gunship circles the area. All F-117 debris is replaced with remains of a F-101A Voodoo crash stored at Area 51.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jeffrey T. Richelson, “[When Secrets Crash,](https://www.airforcemag.com/article/0701crash/)” Air Force Magazine, July 1, 2001
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6638
### Event 46004 (9B69A4CD)
**Date:** 7/12/1986
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** WINTHROP, WA
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large fiery white object from hills levels off. Going south slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14830
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "536", **HatchDesc:** "WINTHROP,WA:2 OBS/BINOCS:LRG FIERY WHT OBJ FROM HILLS LEVELS OFF:>S SLOW:", **LatLong:** "48.477780 -120.161117", **LatLongDMS:** "48:28:40 N 120:09:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.477780,-120.161117)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46005 (D7B8C460)
**Date:** 7/14/1986
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** 3 red 1M fireballs circle and maneuver / low altitude. 1 going quickly north. Others descend?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14831
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "KALUNDBORG FJORD,DK:3 RED 1M FBLS CIRCLE+MNVR/LO ALT:1 >>N:OTHERS DESCEND?", **LatLong:** "55.666669 11.033334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:40:00 N 11:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.666669,11.033334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46006 (7F8F5A18)
**Date:** 7/14/1986
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** LINCOLN, ME
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 4'-6' glowing red ovoid east going quickly west / 80' altitude. 300' away. Seen 6 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14832
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "LINCOLN,ME:3 OBS:4'-6' GLOWING RED OVOID E>>W/80'alt:300'AWAY:SEEN 6sec", **LatLong:** "45.350002 -68.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:21:00 N 68:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.350002,-68.516670)", **RelAlt:** "24", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46007 (FB974EF9)
**Date:** 7/15/1986
**Locations:** Watertown, Massachusetts; Logan Airport
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. A single witness walking home from the bus station in Watertown, Massachusetts, is watching airliners land at Logan Airport when he sees a string of three bright-orange lights. They are moving along the same glide path as the incoming jets but seem to slow down, come to a dead stop, then vanish instantly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “From the CUFOS Files: 1986 Reports,” IUR 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1986\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6639
### Event 46008 (94415A31)
**Date:** 7/16/1986
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** PARK RIDGE, IL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / 6km altitude. 800kph. Nonreflective. No wings. Lost / high clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14833
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "195", **HatchDesc:** "PARK RIDGE,IL:2 OBS:CGR/6km alt:800kph:NONREFLECTIVE:NO WINGS:LOST/HI CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "42.016669 -87.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:01:00 N 87:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.016669,-87.850004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46009 (37AAFA53)
**Date:** 7/17/1986
**Time:** 21:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2787 -116.3556
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cybar” Yield: 119KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_963
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2787 -116.3556", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:43 N 116:21:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2787,-116.3556)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Cybar", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "119"
### Event 46010 (BAF29F93)
**Date:** 7/17/1986
**Description:** A UFO zigzagged over Westwood, Massachusetts at 12:26 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case 757
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4145
### Event 46011 (13BD3580)
**Date:** 7/19/1986
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** FT LAUDERDALE, FL
**Description:** 10 observer(s). 50 silver saucers maneuver. In and out / clouds. Various formations. Going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 127)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14834
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "Ft LAUDERDALE,FL:10 OBS:50 SLVR SCRS MNVR:IN+OUT/CLOUDS:VARIOUS FORMATIONS:>>W", **LatLong:** "26.133335 -80.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "26:08:00 N 80:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.133335,-80.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46012 (7AD0CE6A)
**Date:** 7/19/1986
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** METCALF, IL
**Description:** 1 observer. Shiny object turns bright white. Large and silent. Below clouds. Shape unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 128)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14835
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "204", **HatchDesc:** "METCALF,IL:1 OBS:SHINY OBJ TURNS BRITE WHT:LRG+SLNT:BELOW CLOUDS:SHAPE UNKN", **LatLong:** "39.800002 -87.816671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:48:00 N 87:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.800002,-87.816671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 46013 (AF5D3544)
**Date:** 7/19/1986
**Description:** Several sightings of nocturnal lights and discs occurred on this night in Florida, Illinois, and Washington State. At 4:30 a.m. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida 50 silvery discs maneuvered in and out of the clouds and flew off in various formations toward the west. In Metcalf, Illinois at 8:10 p.m. a shiny object turned bright white as it flew silently below the clouds. The objects shape was not possible to determine. In Maple Valley, Washington two adults and a child watched a white star-like object move to-and-fro on a wiggly flight path, flying silently to the northeast. In Monroe, Washington a round green object moved very fast from west to east at a high altitude. It left a green trail in the sky. It was not a meteor, claimed the military witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, cases 1116, 1124, 1127 and 1128
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4211
### Event 46014 (55E14820)
**Date:** 7/24/1986
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** NEW PORT RICHIE, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Flash / cloud. 3 orange saucers going down [to] behind buildings and trees. Trail smoke.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14836
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "NEW PORT RICHIE,FL:2 OBS:FLASH/CLOUD:3 ORG SCRS↓ BHND BLDGS+TREES:TRAIL SMOKE", **LatLong:** "28.250001 -82.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "28:15:00 N 82:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.250001,-82.716671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46015 (6CF6B971)
**Date:** 7/24/1986
**Time:** 15:05:00.1
**Location:** 37.1427 -116.0711
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cornucopia” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_964
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1427 -116.0711", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:34 N 116:04:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1427,-116.0711)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Cornucopia", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46016 (95807D61)
**Date:** 7/24/1986
**Description:** Director of the US General Accounting Office’s National Security and International Affairs Division, Frank C. Conahan, testifies at a hearing held by the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Conahan states Lockheed Corporation exhibited a poor document-control system over classified special access documents and had no oversight from the DOD program office.
The GAO states the Defense Investigative Service was not allowed to conduct semiannual inspects of the aerospace contract in question, and 1,460 discrepancies were found in an inventory of 40,000 documents. An estimated 46 documents were destroyed and 17 were transferred out of the company and not discovered.
* [https://www.gao.gov/products/nsiad-86-191](https://www.gao.gov/products/nsiad-86-191)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_224
### Event 46017 (47797DA8)
**Date:** 7/25/1986
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** SEBASTIAN, FL
**Description:** 1 / car. Bright yellow night light over house. Shoots off when car flashes headlights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14837
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SEBASTIAN,FL:1/CAR:BRITE YEL.NLT OVR HOUSE:SHOOTS OFF WHEN CAR FLASHES HDLITES", **LatLong:** "27.816668 -80.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "27:49:00 N 80:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.816668,-80.483337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46018 (68E150D9)
**Date:** 7/28/1986
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** HOUSTON, TX
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Black orbs glow periodically / underside. Silent. North going quickly south / high altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14838
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "HOUSTON,TX:3 OBS:BLACK ORBS GLOW PERIODICALLY/UNDERSIDE:SILENT:N>>S/HI ALTITUD", **LatLong:** "29.750001 -95.333338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:45:00 N 95:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.750001,-95.333338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46019 (A8A0B657)
**Date:** 7/28/1986
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Several observer(s). Fireball going down [to] and hovers by houses. Small humanoid (or Grey) exits and walks / field.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 387)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14839
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "TERENNGANU State,MALAYSIA:SVRL OBS:FBL↓+HVRS by HOUSES:OID EXITS+WALKS/FIELD:", **LatLong:** "5.000000 103.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "05:00:00 N 103:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5.000000,103.000005)", **State/Prov:** "TNG", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46020 (A5D5BBFA)
**Date:** 7/29/1986
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** EAST / STURGEON BAY, WI
**Description:** 1 observer. Vibrant bright night light going up and down [to] over lake. Larger object hovers over night light. Cloud going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 179)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14840
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "130", **Elev:** "176", **HatchDesc:** "E/STURGEON BAY,WI:1 OBS:VBRITE NLT ↑+↓ OVR LAKE:LRGR OBJ HVRS OVR NLT:CLOUD ↓", **LatLong:** "44.800002 -87.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:48:00 N 87:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.800002,-87.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46021 (5A69F96C)
**Date:** 7/29/1986
**Description:** At 11:50 p.m. a very bright nocturnal light was reported over the lake at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin. A larger object was seen hovering over the light, and a cloud.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, case 1179
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4493
### Event 46022 (AF2C2708)
**Date:** 7/30/1986
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** RICHMOND, IN
**Description:** Blinding fireball going quickly west stops near parked pickup truck. Goes. Back / 3 Aug. '86.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14841
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "345", **HatchDesc:** "RICHMOND,IN:BLINDING FBL >>W STOPS NEAR PARKED PICKUP TRUCK:GOES:BACK/3AUG86", **LatLong:** "39.833335 -84.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:50:00 N 84:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.833335,-84.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46023 (24E4F006)
**Date:** 7/30/1986
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** BANGOR, CA
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). 2 saucers slow going [to] overhead. Quiet high-pitched sound. Going south. Turns going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14842
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "230", **HatchDesc:** "BANGOR,CA:2+1 OBS:2 SCRS SLOW>OVHD:QUIET HI-PITCHED SOUND:> S:TURNS>>E:", **LatLong:** "39.400002 -121.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:24:00 N 121:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.400002,-121.400006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46024 (EE5B5E69)
**Date:** 7/30/1986
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. two discs flew slowly overhead in Bangor, California making a soft high-pitched sound. They first flew north to south, then turned and sped off to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14407; Bob Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, case # 1138
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4511
### Event 46025 (19287D4C)
**Date:** 7/31/1986
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** TERRE HAUTE, IN
**Description:** 2 bikers follow flying pyramid. Lose it. Several pseudo-human/entity / car do likewise?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14843
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "TERRE HAUTE,IN:2 BIKERS FOLO FLYING PYRAMID:LOSE IT:SVRL PSH/CAR DO LIKEWISE?", **LatLong:** "39.466669 -87.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:28:00 N 87:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.466669,-87.416671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46026 (F45AA1A0)
**Date:** 7/31/1986
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a huge bright light came at a lady in a pickup truck in her driveway in Richmond, Indiana. It zoomed in, and then stopped directly in front of the truck, staying there for several seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 96
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4542
### Event 46027 (D38EC78E)
**Date:** 8/1986 (approximate)
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** MOUNTAIN HOME, AR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 bright balls going quickly [to] over N. Fork Lake 50' away. 5+helicopters chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACTAEON ADVISOR (qtrly) Actaeon Group; PO.Box 515123, St. Louis, MO 63151-1290 314/994-1290. (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14844
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CNT:** Contactee related, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "MOUNTAIN HOME,AR:2 OBS:2 BRITE BALLS>>OVR N.FORK LAKE 50'away:5+ COPTERS CHASE", **LatLong:** "36.333335 -92.383338", **LatLongDMS:** "36:20:00 N 92:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.333335,-92.383338)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46028 (6E220003)
**Date:** 8/1986
**Locations:** Bucharest, Romania; Sofia, Bulgaria; Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Varna, Bulgaria; Lima, Ohio
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Meteorologist Ion Lazeanu is making routine radar observations at the National Meteorological Administration in Bucharest, Romania, when he picks up a stationary target that appears to be above the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, at an altitude of 18.6 miles. It suddenly disappears and relocates 3 miles lower down. After a short while it relocates to its original position. Over the next 3–4 weeks, he detects the same target every night he is on duty for periods of 3–20 minutes. He discovers another target above Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In February 1988 it reappears above Sofia, and in March 1988 he tracks it moving horizontally toward Varna, Bulgaria. At one point he locks the radar directly on the target and the system is temporarily disabled. He estimates that the target has a length of at least 4,920 feet. \(Ion Lazeanu, “[Unusual Phenomenon Observed with Radar Device in](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/European/European%20Journal%20of%20UFO%20and%20Abduction%20Studies/European%20Journal%20of%20UFO%20and%20Abduction%20Studies%20-%20vol%201-1.pdf) [Romania,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/European/European%20Journal%20of%20UFO%20and%20Abduction%20Studies/European%20Journal%20of%20UFO%20and%20Abduction%20Studies%20-%20vol%201-1.pdf)” European Journal of UFO and Abduction Studies 1 no. 1 \(March 2000\): 33–34\) August 11 \(approximately\) — 6:00 p.m. A retired factory worker and his wife are sitting in their driveway in Lima, Ohio, when they see a rotating, diamond-shaped object about 20 feet in diameter pass nearby. They watch it for less than 2 minutes. It is flying low, passing behind several trees as it moves from west to northeast and out of view.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “From the CUFOS Files: 1986 Reports,” IUR 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1986\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6640
### Event 46029 (E7C377F8)
**Date:** 8/1/1986
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** STUDIO CITY, CA
**Description:** 9 observer(s). White dot hovers / 4 minute(s). At times vibrant bright. 1 mile altitude. Going quickly NNW instantly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 135)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14845
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "186", **HatchDesc:** "STUDIO CITY,CA:9 OBS:WHT DOT HVRS/4min:AT TIMES VBRITE:1mi ALT:>>NNW INSTANTLY", **LatLong:** "34.116668 -118.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:07:00 N 118:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.116668,-118.400006)", **RelAlt:** "1600", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 46030 (7405D404)
**Date:** 8/1/1986
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** MAPLE VALLEY, WA
**Description:** 2+child. Silent white "star" to and fro / wiggly path. Then goes going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 124)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14846
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "MAPLE VALLEY,WA:2+CHILD:SLNT WHT "STAR" TO+FRO/WIGGLY PATH:THEN GOES >>NE", **LatLong:** "47.416669 -122.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:25:00 N 122:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.416669,-122.050006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46031 (2DE42AE4)
**Date:** 8/1/1986
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** BANKSONS LAKE, MI
**Description:** Silent 75m manta-UFO. Eye irritation. Going northeast / nuclear power plant. / MJ#220.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14847
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "228", **HatchDesc:** "BANKSONS LAKE,MI:SLNT 75m MANTA-UFO:EYE IRRITATION:>NE/NUCL.PWR PLANT:/MJ#220", **LatLong:** "42.116669 -85.783337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:00 N 85:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.116669,-85.783337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46032 (4DACD991)
**Date:** 8/1/1986
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. two men in their thirties, Long and Jandura, were fishing from a boat on Banksons Lake, Michigan when they had a close encounter with a completely silent 300 foot long triangular object that was only 200 feet above the lake. The object had a brilliant steady white light and three blinking red lights, and there was some type of movement between the lights. The men felt heat coming from the object and became very shaky and scared. They also experienced some temporary physiological effects: eye damage, conjunctivitis, and a swelling and discoloration of the skin. The UFO flew off to the north-northwest after 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, October 1986, p. 7; Richard Hall, Uninvited Guests, p. 319; UNICAT, case # 659, citing Virginia Tilly
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4581
### Event 46033 (D1CF0894)
**Date:** 8/2/1986
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** SPANGLER, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). "Half-moon" object beams 2 lights going down / car. Fireballs exit / underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14848
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "457", **HatchDesc:** "SPANGLER,PA:2 OBS:"HALF-MOON" OBJ BEAMS 2 LITES↓/CAR:FBLS EXIT/UNDERSIDE:", **LatLong:** "40.633335 -78.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:38:00 N 78:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.633335,-78.766670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46034 (FA9C20B4)
**Date:** 8/3/1986
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** RENTON, WA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). "Meteor" stops speeds and slows. Zigzag trajectory. No shape seen. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 125)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14849
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "RENTON,WA:2 OBS:"METEOR" STOPS SPEEDS+SLOWS:ZIGZAG TRAJ:NO SHAPE SEEN:>>N", **LatLong:** "47.500002 -122.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:30:00 N 122:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.500002,-122.216672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46035 (098E1EC2)
**Date:** 8/5/1986
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** ST. PETERSBURG, FL
**Description:** House shakes. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and lights blink. Quiet outside. Saucer low overhead. Going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 146)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14850
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "St PETERSBURG,FL:HOUSE SHAKES:RFI+LITES BLINK:QUIET OUTSIDE:SCR LOW OVHD:>>SE", **LatLong:** "27.800001 -82.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "27:48:00 N 82:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.800001,-82.666671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46036 (D614F7F2)
**Date:** 8/5/1986
**Description:** Vibration caused a house to shake in St. Petersburg, Florida at 4:30 a.m. There was also radio interference and the house lights flickered. Outside a low flying disc-shaped UFO passed overhead, flying very fast to the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, case # 1146
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4702
### Event 46037 (FBB8F10F)
**Date:** 8/7/1986
**Location:** Great Britain, North Devon
**Description:** (Translated from French) (UFO Info Service - Cufon, source "Western Times" Exeter, 14.8.86) Seventeen witnesses observed for 10 minutes a UFO resembling a Zeppelin with a light. The witnesses were gathered around a barbecue in North Devon. Mr John Garnsey, local magistrate, said: "It was quite big, I thought it might be an airplane, but it made no noise. We watched it slowly move across the sky for about ten minutes. Suddenly it seemed to shoot off a rocket, because there was another big burst of light, and then it disappeared on the horizon."
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3260
### Event 46038 (D13C1E85)
**Date:** 8/7/1986
**Time:** 14:00?
**Location:** EXETER, DEVON
**Description:** Several observer(s). Silent "plane" / low altitude drifts / sky. Night light flashes away from it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 611)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14851
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "EXETER,DEVON:SVRL OBS:SLNT "PLANE"/LO alt DRIFTS/SKY:NLT FLASHES AWAY FROM IT", **LatLong:** "50.716669 -3.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:43:00 N 03:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.716669,-3.566667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46039 (9E903A8B)
**Date:** 8/8/1986
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** VISTA, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s) and more/others. Silent night light-fireball crosses entire sky 35-40 times! Southeast to/from/between northwest. 2 second(s) / trip.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 137)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14852
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "VISTA,CA:2 OBS++:SLNT NLT-FBL CROSSES ENTIRE SKY 35-40 TIMES!:SE<>NW:2sec/TRIP", **LatLong:** "33.200002 -117.233339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:12:00 N 117:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.200002,-117.233339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46040 (CD1B5973)
**Date:** 8/10/1986
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** MANTECA, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large saucer fast and silent southeast going quickly northwest. 2nd saucer / 2315h. 90-turn straight up!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14853
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "MANTECA,CA:2 OBS:LRG SCR FAST+SLNT SE>>NW:2nd SCR/2315h:90-TURN STRAIGHT UP!", **LatLong:** "37.816668 -121.233339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:49:00 N 121:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.816668,-121.233339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46041 (467617EF)
**Date:** 8/10/1986
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. in Manteca, Contra Costa County, California a large disc-shaped object flew fast and silently from the southeast to the northwest. A second disc was seen at 11:15 p.m., which made a 90-degree turn straight up into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, case # 1139
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4832
### Event 46042 (DEF7352A)
**Date:** 8/11/1986
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** KEY LARGO, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent 20M x 12M flying wing going [to] overhead / 120M altitude. Bright lights / front.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 142)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14854
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "KEY LARGO,FL:1 OBS:SLNT 20M x 12M FLYING WING >OVHD/120M alt:BRITE LITES/FRONT", **LatLong:** "25.100001 -80.433337", **LatLongDMS:** "25:06:00 N 80:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.100001,-80.433337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46043 (72C0D5A6)
**Date:** 8/11/1986
**Description:** Perseid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_413
### Event 46044 (CB66D13B)
**Date:** 8/11/1986
**Description:** In Key Largo, Florida a silent wing-shaped object, 65 feet wide by 40 feet long, flew overhead at 400 feet altitude at 4:30 a.m. It had bright lights in the front.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, case 1142
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4898
### Event 46045 (D69F938D)
**Date:** 8/11/1986
**Description:** At 6:00 p.m. a retired factory worker and his wife saw a large, roating, diamond-shaped object in Lima, Ohio. Its dimensions were estimated to be 40 feet by 20 feet. The object flew quite low, and passed behind several trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, International UFO Reporter, November 1986, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4899
### Event 46046 (3630555C)
**Date:** 8/12/1986
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First launch of the Japanese rocket H1. (August 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1986.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3009
### Event 46047 (DA170789)
**Date:** 8/12/1986
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** LOUISVILLE, KY
**Description:** 1 observer. House shakes. Huge hamburger-saucer overhead. Tilts / side. Hovers and goes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 145)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14855
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "LOUISVILLE,KY:1 OBS:HOUSE SHAKES:HUGE HAMBURGER-SCR OVHD:TILTS/SIDE:HVRS+GOES", **LatLong:** "38.250002 -85.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:15:00 N 85:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.250002,-85.733337)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46048 (C5326C95)
**Date:** 8/12/1986
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** SEATTLE, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Size = 747 jet. Shoots going quickly north. White light all around it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14856
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "SEATTLE,WA:1 OBS:LRG DLT HVRS:SIZE=747 JET:SHOOTS>>N:WHT LITE ALL AROUND IT", **LatLong:** "47.633336 -122.300006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:38:00 N 122:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.633336,-122.300006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46049 (84072CDA)
**Date:** 8/12/1986
**Location:** Eastern United States
**Description:** 9:50-10:10 P.M. Lighted object seen over wide area moving SW to NE was Japanese satellite.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_414
### Event 46050 (66A538ED)
**Date:** 8/12/1986
**Location:** Cridersville, Ohio
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. A single witness in Cridersville, Ohio, sees two UFOs, one while watching the Perseid meteor shower, and the other 7 hours later while driving to work. The first object is a white ball of light seen for about 60 seconds; the second is a circular bluish object in the western sky seen for 1–2 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “From the CUFOS Files: 1986 Reports,” IUR 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1986\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6641
### Event 46051 (D3EDB6E9)
**Date:** 8/13/1986
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** SYRACUSE, OH
**Description:** Air Traffic Controller and 2. Red-green-white night lights flash / 45 minute(s) / airport. RADAR confirm. Hovers and maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 148)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14857
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "SYRACUSE,OH:ATC+2:RED-GRN-WHT NLTS FLASH/45min/AIRPORT:RDR CONFIRM:HVRS+MNVRS", **LatLong:** "39.000002 -81.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:00:00 N 81:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.000002,-81.966671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 46052 (94FC506E)
**Date:** 8/13/1986
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent burger-saucer north going quickly south. Low altitude. Evades airliner. Abduction / 30 September.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 159)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14858
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:2 OBS:SLNT BURGER-SCR N>>S:LO ALT:EVADES AIRLINER::ABD/30SEPT", **LatLong:** "39.766669 -86.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:46:00 N 86:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.766669,-86.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46053 (DF71B54C)
**Date:** 8/13/1986
**Location:** Indianapolis, Indiana
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. A family of three observes a metallic, hamburger-shaped object through a sixth-floor hospital window in Indianapolis, Indiana, for 4–5 minutes. It passes above an airliner going in the opposite direction. The object tips on its edge at one point, and it has a haze of pale green along one side.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “From the CUFOS Files: 1986 Reports,” IUR 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1986\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6642
### Event 46054 (81F6ADC9)
**Date:** 8/13/1986
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. in Syracuse, Ohio an air traffic controller and two other witnesses observed red, green and white nocturnal lights flashing in the sky for 45 minutes. The airport radar confirmed that there were numerous objects hovering and maneuvering in the vicinity.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, case # 1148
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4982
### Event 46055 (2408D3E5)
**Date:** 8/13/1986
**Description:** At 7:50 p.m. in Indianapolis, Indiana a silent metallic hamburger-shaped domed disc was seen by three witnesses from the sixth floor of a hospital. It flew from north to south at a low altitude. Later, it flew above an airliner, seemingly evading detection by the occupants of the airliner. When it passed above the airliner, it tipped up on one edge and reflected sunlight. It had a pale green haze that was visible along one side. As a special note, a UFO abduction occurred near this location six weeks later on September 30, 1986.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, International UFO Reporter, November 1986, p. 13; Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 97, citing John Timmerman
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4983
### Event 46056 (14682643)
**Date:** 8/15/1986
**Location:** Calalzo di Cadore, Italy
**Description:** UFO landed, witness had two-hour memory loss, strong physical traces at site. Memory later returned of two humanoid beings, views inside a craft (section XIII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5746
### Event 46057 (6AA043EB)
**Date:** 8/15/1986
**Location:** Calalzo di Cadore (Bellino), Italy
**Description:** UFO landed, witness had two-hour memory loss, strong physical traces at site. Memory later returned of two humanoid beings, views inside a craft
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_415
### Event 46058 (25114EB6)
**Date:** 8/15/1986
**Locations:** Calalzo di Cadore, Belluno, Italy; Pordenone
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A married couple on vacation in Calalzo di Cadore, Belluno, Italy, are sitting near a wood outside town when they see a bright light descend. It soon becomes a disc-shaped, domed object, blue in color and luminescent. They see it land, then their awareness ceases until two hours later. By this time the object has disappeared, and only a dark circular trace is left on the ground where grass is bent and blackened for a diameter of 30 feet. Strange dreams and difficulty sleeping, as well as the memory of two humanlike beings in coveralls, persuade them to be hypnotized on August 23–24 by a physician in Pordenone. They relate that a being had come out of the disc and took them on board without touching them. Inside they are laid down and given a medical examination of some kind. The entities have long, oval-shaped heads with phosphorescent eyes, pointed ears, and narrow mouths.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paolo Fiorino, Gian Paolo Grassino, and Antonio Chiumiento, “Abductions in Italy,” IUR 14, no. 4 \(July/Aug.1989\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6643
### Event 46059 (38882991)
**Date:** 8/15/1986
**Description:** In Calalzo di Cadore, Bellino, Italy a witness saw a luminous blue, domed disc-shaped UFO land, then he blacked out and had a two hour memory lapse. When he regained consciousness the craft was gone, but the grass was bent and blackened in a 9-meter (30 foot) wide circle. After a period of troubling dreams his memory later returned of two tall, pallid humanoid beings wearing gray coveralls, and views inside the craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** International UFO Reporter, July-August 1989, p. 16; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 29, 508
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5052
### Event 46060 (04B25593)
**Date:** 8/17/1986
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** NORTH / MONTGOMERY, IN
**Description:** Saucer hovers over strip-mine. Missing time. Both observer's tooth fillings dissolve!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14859
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "165", **HatchDesc:** "N/MONTGOMERY,IN:SCR HVRS OVR STRIP-MINE:MST:BOTH OBS'TOOTH FILLINGS DISSOLVE!", **LatLong:** "38.683335 -87.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:00 N 87:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.683335,-87.050004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46061 (74F96453)
**Date:** 8/17/1986
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** MITCHELL, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 4 rectangular lights / windows as if attached / invisible object. Silent. 1K' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 143)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14860
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "209", **HatchDesc:** "MITCHELL,IN:2 OBS:4 RECT.LITES/WINDOWS AS IF ATTACHED/INVIS.OBJ:SILENT:1K'alt", **LatLong:** "38.733335 -86.472226", **LatLongDMS:** "38:44:00 N 86:28:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.733335,-86.472226)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46062 (8572F69F)
**Date:** 8/20/1986
**Location:** METCALF, IL
**Description:** Abductee. Silver saucer hovers / old abduction site. Zips over to new home. Going up [to] and away..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14861
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "204", **HatchDesc:** "METCALF,IL:ABDUCTEE:SLVR SCR HVRS/OLD ABD SITE:zips ovr to NEW home:↑+AWAY..", **LatLong:** "39.800002 -87.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:48:00 N 87:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.800002,-87.800004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46063 (F6E3B7F3)
**Date:** 8/22/1986
**Location:** FOZ DO IGUACU, BRZ
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Pan shaped disk twice the size / 747. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14862
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "169", **HatchDesc:** "FOZ do IGUACU,BRZ:100s/OBS:PAN SHAPED DISK TWICE the SIZE/747:NFD", **LatLong:** "-25.550001 -54.566669", **LatLongDMS:** "25:33:00 S 54:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.550001,-54.566669)", **State/Prov:** "PRN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46064 (325A31B1)
**Date:** 8/22/1986
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** 1 observer = repeater. 18M ovoid beams light. 15m altitude. Lights / sides.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 617)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14863
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "92", **HatchDesc:** "BARNSLEY,S.YORKS:1 OBS=REPEATER:18M OVOID BEAMS LITE:15m alt:LITES/SIDES", **LatLong:** "53.550003 -1.483333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:33:00 N 01:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.550003,-1.483333)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46065 (0E647673)
**Date:** 8/22/1986
**Description:** In Barnsley, South Yorkshire, England a lone witness reported encountering a 60 foot diameter ovoid object, beaming light at 50 feet altitude, at 10:45 p.m. There were lights on the sides of the UFO. Repeater witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, case # 1617
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5237
### Event 46066 (7A997079)
**Date:** 8/23/1986
**Description:** Spate / glowing ovoids and earthlights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 74)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14864
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "231", **Elev:** "141", **HatchDesc:** "MOLD+RUTHIN+LLANFAIR TALHAEARN+RHYL,WALES:SPATE/GLOWING OVOIDS+EARTHLITES", **LatLong:** "53.166669 -3.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:10:00 N 03:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.166669,-3.150000)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46067 (B145B772)
**Date:** 8/24/1986
**Location:** USA, Taylors Ridge (Georgia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) David A. Brown saw a Bigfoot looking for ginseng. (Quite the connoisseur!) He heard noises and, looking out on the horizon, thinking he had visitors, he initially saw nothing. Then he heard a noise behind him and, turning around, he saw a Bigfoot less than 10 m away. It was breathing heavily, as if it had just run a race. Brown was rooted to the spot, fearing the creature would attack him. He described it as being 7 1/2 feet tall, weighing 350 to 400 pounds, and giving off a horrible smell. It was covered in black fur that hung in large curls. Its face was simian, with large eyes, a flat nose, and large lips. It seemed to be old and had no teeth. It seemed to have injured its left arm, which ended in claws like curved nails. On the right side, the hand seemed normal with short nails. They stayed facing each other for about 4 minutes and the encounter ended with the creature growling and then leaving for the bushes.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London, 1989, p. 42, 43
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3261
### Event 46068 (F438BD22)
**Date:** 8/27/1986
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** SACRAMENTO, CA
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s). Large delta/triangle/box-like craft over rancho Seco Nuclear Plant. Beams going down. Also 6 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / 28 August!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14865
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "220", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "SACRAMENTO,CA:2+2 OBS:LRG DLT OVR RANCHO SECO NUCL.PLANT:BEAMS↓:+6 DLTS/28AUG!", **LatLong:** "38.583335 -121.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:35:00 N 121:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.583335,-121.500006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46069 (FCEC815A)
**Date:** 8/29/1986
**Time:** 01:40
**Location:** QUINCY, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. 30' cylinder/cigar-shape with green halo goes under bridge 120' away. Heads going east and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14866
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "QUINCY,MASS:1 OBS:30'CGR W/GRN HALO GOES UNDER BRIDGE 120'AWAY:HEADS >E+AWAY", **LatLong:** "42.266669 -71.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:16:00 N 71:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.266669,-71.016670)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46070 (8229F00D)
**Date:** 8/31/1986
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** TALLAHASSEE, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. Night light zigzags and bolts west to/from/between east. Jets give chase. Outmaneuvered.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 153)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14867
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "TALLAHASSEE,FL:1 OBS:NLT ZIGZAGS + BOLTS W<>E:JETS GIVE CHASE:OUTMANEUVERED", **LatLong:** "30.450001 -84.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:27:00 N 84:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.450001,-84.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46071 (68CDC8AC)
**Date:** 8/31/1986
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NEAR NEW STANTON, PA
**Description:** Cylinder/cigar-shape with lights dives going [to] ground. Flames. Nothing found. Lands US119 / 2 September.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 225)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14868
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "315", **HatchDesc:** "nr NEW STANTON,PA:CGR W/LITES DIVES>GND:FLAMES:NOTHING FOUND:LANDS US119/2SEPT", **LatLong:** "40.216669 -79.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:13:00 N 79:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.216669,-79.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46072 (93D18F96)
**Date:** 8/31/1986
**Location:** Manzuno, Italy
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. A man is driving home when his car engine stops in Manzuno, Italy. He gets out to find out what happened, hears a sharp whistle and dogs barking, and sees two bright lights. The objects descend and remain visible for more than 15 minutes. He sees their shape as rectangular with a luminous trail. The engine comes back on as the objects disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6644
### Event 46073 (69B8BF53)
**Date:** 9/1986
**Location:** Canada, west of the Manic 5 hydroelectric plant
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 7:30 pm, two hunters saw a low-flying light with red, orange, and yellow hues, about 2 km away. (...) They estimated the size of the light to be about 100 m. The behavior of the object (note from vog: so the light suddenly becomes an object?) seemed to suggest that it was looking for a place to land. This maneuvering continued for an estimated ten minutes, then the two witnesses lost sight of the light when it descended behind a mountain, apparently to land. Throughout the maneuvers of the craft (note from vog: now the light becomes a craft), the witnesses heard no sound. In fact, an unusual, heavy silence persisted in the forest for a few days!
**Reference:** Jean THOMAS: "Synthèse Ovni", ed. Louise Couteau, 1999, p. 126
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3262
### Event 46074 (88570351)
**Date:** 9/1986
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** 3 / car. Bright round object paces car / 40km. Going west over hill. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ANDREWS, George: EXTRATERRESTRIAL FRIENDS and FOES; Illuminet Press,Lilburn,GA 1993. (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14869
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "nr KUNNAMURRA,W.AUSTRL:3/CAR:BRITE ROUND OBJ PACES CAR/40km:>W OVR HILL:NFD", **LatLong:** "-15.833334 128.750006", **LatLongDMS:** "15:50:00 S 128:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.833334,128.750006)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46075 (E2501BE9)
**Date:** 9/1986 (approximate)
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** NORTH / REIMS, MARNE
**Description:** 2 / car. Silent metallic ovoid zigzags rising going quickly north from important AFB#112.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14870
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/REIMS,MARNE:2/CAR:SLNT MTLC OVOID ZIGZAGS RISING >>N from IMPORTANT AFB#112", **LatLong:** "49.333336 4.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:20:00 N 04:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.333336,4.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46076 (9897C0E9)
**Date:** 9/1986
**Location:** California
**Description:** [Vicki Ecker](https://ico.humans.net/profile/vicki.ecker) and Sherie Stark launch a newsstand magazine, California UFO, which becomes one of the most widely read periodicals in ufology. It soon changes its name to just UFO, varying its frequency from quarterly to bimonthly, to erratically with the final issue of 158 appearing in 2012.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[UFO Magazine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO%5FMagazine)”; Clark III 1155
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6645
### Event 46077 (89C91D96)
**Date:** 9/1986
**Description:** [George M. Eberhart](https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/educational-magazines/eberhart-george-martin-1950) publishes UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Contact Movement, a comprehensive, two- volume bibliography of all UFO literature known up to this time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** George M. Eberhart, UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Contact Movement: A Bibliography, Scarecrow, 1986, [vol. 1](http://cufos.org/books/Ufos%5FAnd%5FThe%5FExtraterrestrial%5FContact%5FMovement%5Fv1.pdf) and [vol. 2](http://cufos.org/books/Ufos%5FAnd%5FThe%5FExtraterrestrial%5FContact%5FMovement%5Fv2.pdf); Clark 358
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6646
### Event 46078 (7320373F)
**Date:** 9/2/1986
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** DORSET, VT
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 5 massive objects W. flashing red lights. Shape unknown. Humming and vibration.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14871
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "293", **HatchDesc:** "DORSET,VT:3 OBS:5 MASSIVE OBJs W.FLASHING RED LITES:SHAPE UNK:HUM+VIBRATION", **LatLong:** "43.255558 -73.100003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:15:20 N 73:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.255558,-73.100003)", **State/Prov:** "Vermont", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46079 (B89C2DCA)
**Date:** 9/2/1986
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Series / UFO's. Night lights. Box chases man. Abductions. Fireballs nightly. Landings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14872
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "156", **Elev:** "750", **HatchDesc:** "N.MINAS GERAIS,BRZ:SERIES/UFOS:NLTS:BOX CHASES MAN:ABDS:FBLS NIGHTLY:LANDINGS", **LatLong:** "-16.000001 -44.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "16:00:00 S 44:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.000001,-44.000002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46080 (BDC2209B)
**Date:** 9/4/1986
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** METCALF, IL
**Description:** Farm cart shakes violently. Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Deep circular footprints found..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 165)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14873
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "204", **HatchDesc:** "METCALF,IL:FARM CART SHAKES VIOLENTLY:LITES EME:DEEP CIRC.FOOTPRINTS FOUND..", **LatLong:** "39.783335 -87.816671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:47:00 N 87:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.783335,-87.816671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46081 (68886B24)
**Date:** 9/4/1986
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Galveston” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_965
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Galveston", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46082 (63E89BB6)
**Date:** 9/5/1986
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MENDON, MI
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers over car. Many lights / bottom. 2 observer(s) dizzy. Also saucer over field 6 September.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14874
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "220", **Elev:** "259", **HatchDesc:** "MENDON,MI:DLT HVRS OVR CAR:MANY LITES/BOTTOM:2 OBS DIZZY:+SCR OVR FIELD 6SEPT", **LatLong:** "42.005558 -85.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:20 N 85:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.005558,-85.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46083 (9864D7BC)
**Date:** 9/6/1986
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** PORTLAND, OR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent 60M saucer / treetop level over new home construction site.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14875
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "PORTLAND,OR:2 OBS:SLNT 60M SCR/TREETOP LVL OVR NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION SITE", **LatLong:** "45.550002 -122.683339", **LatLongDMS:** "45:33:00 N 122:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.550002,-122.683339)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46084 (0244FB0A)
**Date:** 9/6/1986
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** EVANSVILLE, IN
**Description:** 2 / parked truck. Rumble. 60' and cylinder/cigar-shape passes just over ground. Obscured / house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14876
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "EVANSVILLE,IN:2/PARKED TRUCK:RUMBLE:60'+CGR PASSES JUST OVR GND:OBSCURED/HOUSE", **LatLong:** "37.983335 -87.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:59:00 N 87:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.983335,-87.533338)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46085 (6A15EC2F)
**Date:** 9/6/1986
**Description:** While driving in Evansville, Indiana at 3:30 a.m. two military Air Traffic Controllers encountered a 55-foot long cigar-shaped object with fins on the top and bottom. It floated at 3 mph from behind a tree, and was in view for 15 seconds. It had red, blue and green lights. It turned south, and then vanished. That evening at 7:30 p.m. four extremely bright red lights in a tight rectangular formation, traveling northeast to southwest, made a sharp angled turn to the right, then flew off to the northeast ascending at a 45 degree angle. It gave off a burst of black smoke when it turned.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, pp. 99-100
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5694
### Event 46086 (B408B04B)
**Date:** 9/7/1986
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Slow silent orange-glowing ball with aura west going east over golf course.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 619)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14877
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "FOREST ROW,W.SUSSEX:3 OBS:SLOW SLNT ORG-GLOW.BALL W/AURA W>E ovr GOLF COURSE", **LatLong:** "51.094447 0.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:05:40 N 00:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.094447,0.033333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46087 (5364C39A)
**Date:** 9/7/1986
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** EAST / VANDERBILT, PA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Fireball / field rises and paces car / SR201 / 3 minute(s). From Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 09 September.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14878
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "280", **HatchDesc:** "E/VANDERBILT,PA:3 OBS:FBL/FIELD RISES+PACES CAR/SR201/3min:FM RFI:BACK 09SEPT", **LatLong:** "40.027780 -79.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:01:40 N 79:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.027780,-79.600004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46088 (5BDD17D9)
**Date:** 9/7/1986
**Description:** In Forest Row, England, UK a slow moving, silent, glowing ball of orange light flew from west to east over a golf course at ten minutes past midnight. At 9:40 p.m. east of Vanderbilt, Pennsylvania a glowing ball of light rose from a field and paced a car on SR highway 201 for three minutes. During the pursuit the FM radio on the car emitted nothing but static.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, cases 1185 and 1619
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5736
### Event 46089 (D0933A57)
**Date:** 9/8/1986
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** SCOTTSDALE, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright orange vertical football flutters going down / 2' altitude. Shoots up and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14879
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "SCOTTSDALE,PA:2 OBS:BRITE ORG VERTICAL FOOTBALL FLUTTERS↓/2'alt:SHOOTS UP+AWAY", **LatLong:** "40.100002 -79.594448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:00 N 79:35:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.100002,-79.594448)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46090 (69D7111D)
**Date:** 9/9/1986
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** SCOTTDALE, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright white object beams light going down / farm. Brief. Same area / 08 sighting.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 187)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14880
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "SCOTTDALE,PA:2 OBS:BRITE WHT OBJ BEAMS LITE↓/FARM:BRIEF:SAME AREA/08 SIGHTING", **LatLong:** "40.100002 -79.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:00 N 79:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.100002,-79.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46091 (B5A412DB)
**Date:** 9/11/1986
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** RENTON, WA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft / southwest sky north going quickly south fast. Orange-white glow on each corner. 747-size / 30K'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 166)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14881
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "RENTON,WA:4 OBS:DLT/SW SKY N>>S FAST:ORG-WHT GLOW ON EACH CORNER:747-SIZE/30K'", **LatLong:** "47.483336 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:29:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.483336,-122.200006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46092 (C7F02966)
**Date:** 9/11/1986
**Time:** 14:57:00.1
**Location:** 37.0691 -116.0497
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aleman” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_966
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0691 -116.0497", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:09 N 116:02:59 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0691,-116.0497)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Aleman", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46093 (8E590A4F)
**Date:** 9/12/1986
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** SR53 WITH CHICAGO, IL
**Description:** Many observer(s). 50'"horseshoe" floats and turns. 30 5' objects orbit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14882
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "200", **Elev:** "238", **HatchDesc:** "SR53 W/CHICAGO,IL:MANY OBS:50'"HORSESHOE" FLOATS+TURNS:30 5'OBJs ORBIT", **LatLong:** "41.866669 -88.033338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:52:00 N 88:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.866669,-88.033338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46094 (1BBFFD5F)
**Date:** 9/13/1986
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** LIVERMORE, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Diamond over town / 400' altitude. Silent. Large white light and small orange lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 168)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14883
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "166", **HatchDesc:** "LIVERMORE,CA:1 OBS:DIAMOND OVR TOWN/400'alt:SILENT:LRG WHT LITE+SML ORG LITES", **LatLong:** "37.683335 -121.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:41:00 N 121:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.683335,-121.783339)", **RelAlt:** "122", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46095 (62E8B159)
**Date:** 9/13/1986
**Description:** On this night, during a rash of UFO sightings in the region, Mrs. Lourdes Altamirano watched a huge luminous object descend and hover above a large tree in Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi State, Mexico. Several gigantic figures descended from the object and inspected the surroundings, at one point they showed interest in a large ceramic jar near the witness's house. She attempted to wake her husband but he remained asleep. After awhile, the beings reboarded their craft, which took off at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, citing Contacto OVNI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5919
### Event 46096 (15106287)
**Date:** 9/14/1986
**Time:** 02:40
**Location:** MIAMISBURG, OH
**Description:** 1 observer. Big bright round object / perfect vertical descent behind trees. Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 169)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14884
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "216", **HatchDesc:** "MIAMISBURG,OH:1 OBS:BIG BRITE ROUND OBJ/PERFECT VERT.DESCENT BHND TREES:SILENT", **LatLong:** "39.644446 -84.288893", **LatLongDMS:** "39:38:40 N 84:17:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.644446,-84.288893)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46097 (285C5352)
**Date:** 9/18/1986
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 5 observer(s) / car. Orange-glowing ovoid circles 300' away / 160' altitude. / CUFON.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 108)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14885
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "YSANE,BLECKINGE,SWD:5 OBS/CAR:ORG-GLO OVOID CIRCLES 300'AWAY/160'alt:/CUFON", **LatLong:** "56.083336 14.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "56:05:00 N 14:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.083336,14.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46098 (B987116E)
**Date:** 9/19/1986
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** FREDENSBORG, DK
**Description:** 1 / car. 7M bowl-saucer lands / road / 5 thin legs. Tube / light going down. Retracts.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14886
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "FREDENSBORG,DK:1/CAR:7M BOWL-SCR LANDS/ROAD/5 THIN LEGS:TUBE/LITE↓:RETRACTS", **LatLong:** "55.966669 12.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:58:00 N 12:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.966669,12.383334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46099 (781A576F)
**Date:** 9/19/1986
**Description:** At 1:10 a.m. a seven-meter in diameter, bowl-shaped disc landed on the road on 5 thin legs in Fredensborg, Denmark. A tube of light extended from the object, then was retracted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Scandanavian UFO Information News, issue 11; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14458
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6102
### Event 46100 (72A33A6B)
**Date:** 9/21/1986
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Many cars stop. Huge ferris-wheel spins across M1 motorway going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 421)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14887
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "144", **HatchDesc:** "nr MARKFIELD,LEICs:MANY CARS STOP:HUGE FERRIS-WHEEL SPINS ACRS M1 MOTORWAY >E", **LatLong:** "52.666669 -1.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:40:00 N 01:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.666669,-1.266667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46101 (97A7C540)
**Date:** 9/21/1986
**Description:** A huge Ferris-wheel shaped object was seen spinning in the sky at 7:50 p.m. as it crossed above the M1 motorway in Markfield, Leicester, England. It flew off to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 14459; FSR, March 1990
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6197
### Event 46102 (C50D3227)
**Date:** Fall 1986
**Locations:** Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio; Beavercreek, Ohio; Area 51
**Description:** USAF Lt. Col. Ernie Kellerstrass \(Hawk\), who works at the Foreign Intelligence Division at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, invites several individuals—[Harold E. Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff) \(Partridge\), [John B. Alexander](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FB.%5FAlexander) \(Chickadee\), [C. B. Scott Jones](https://www.exopaedia.org/Jones%2C%2BScott) \(Hummingbird, an aide to Sen. [Claiborne Pell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claiborne%5FPell)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claiborne%5FPell) D-R.I.\), USAF Capt. [Robert M. Collins](https://www.exopaedia.org/Robert%2BCollins) \(Condor\), [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29), and [Jaime Shandera](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5388625/)—to his home in Beavercreek, Ohio, to discuss UFOs, extraterrestrials, and Area 51. Kellerstrass claims to know USAF Lt. Col. [Robert R. Hippler](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/65715202/robert-r-hippler) \(allegedly an officer in a top secret Air Force UFO study\), physiological studies of actual aliens, and the presence of an alien base on Area 51. The group meets several times. Moore and Shandera become concerned that their telephones are being monitored, so they decide to assign a bird name to anyone they discuss UFO military activities with. Others in the “Aviary” are forensic medical doctor and CIA officer [Christopher \(Kit\) Green](https://www.irva.org/conferences/speakers/green.html) \(Blue Jay\), Defense Intelligence Agency officer [Dale E. Graff](https://www.irva.org/conferences/speakers/graff.html) \(Owl\), CIA agent [Harry Rositzke](https://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/08/us/harry-rositzke-91-linguist-and-american-spymaster.html) \(Falcon, according to Greg Bishop\), and USAF OSI agent [Richard C. Doty](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://ufoscoop.com/richard-c-doty/) \(a Falcon substitute\). Another, only known as Raven \(alleged to be DIA scientist Jack Verona, [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms) or possibly [Henry Kissinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry%5FKissinger)\), appears to be the most connected.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert Collins and Richard Doty, Exempt from Disclosure: The Disturbing Case about the UFO Coverup, Peregrine, 2005, pp. 8, 86; Bruce Maccabee, “[Hawk Tales,](http://www.jerrypippin.com/Hawk%20Tales.pdf)” June 2005; Dolan II 384–386, 466
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6647
### Event 46103 (D33421E3)
**Date:** Fall 1986
**Location:** Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montana
**Description:** Night. A group of five lights maneuver at high speed above the Malmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montana. Air Force Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscolka watches them make sharp-angled turns and stop at the same time instantly. Other launch control facilities in the same sector call in to report the lights. Soon five more lights descend from the clouds to join the others. They stop momentarily, then all 10 dart around “like crazy fireflies” for a minute before moving close to the ground. They zip off at high speed in all directions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 396–397
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6648
### Event 46104 (5FAE7161)
**Date:** 9/30/1986
**Time:** 22:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.3001 -116.3074
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Labquark” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_967
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3001 -116.3074", **LatLongDMS:** "37:18:00 N 116:18:27 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3001,-116.3074)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Labquark", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46105 (B0216647)
**Date:** 10/1986
**Description:** Motorcycle malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Delta/triangle/box-like craft going down. Small humanoids (or Greys) ride going down / beam / light! Medical exam. 2 hours / missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: SPECIAL REPORT The GALICIAN UFO WAVE of 1995-96. (via Arcturus Books.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14888
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "CULLEREDO,GALICIA,SP:MCYCLE EMES:DLT↓:OIDS RIDE↓/BEAM/LITE!:MED.EXAM:2hrs/MST", **LatLong:** "43.283335 -8.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:17:00 N 08:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.283335,-8.383334)", **State/Prov:** "GLC", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 46106 (E26D7205)
**Date:** 10/2/1986
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** RHYL, WALES
**Description:** Several observer(s). Large slow silent rectangular glowing object with flashing lights. Windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 613)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14889
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "62", **HatchDesc:** "RHYL,WALES:SVRL OBS:LRG SLOW SLNT RECT.GLOWING OBJ W/FLASHING LITES:WINDOWS:", **LatLong:** "53.300003 -3.483333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:18:00 N 03:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.300003,-3.483333)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46107 (FEBB86CF)
**Date:** 10/6/1986
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** OMAHA, NE
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Saucer 1 mile / diameter. Arm touches street lights. Small saucers in and out. Sounds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14890
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "312", **HatchDesc:** "OMAHA,NE:2 OBS:SCR 1 MILE/Diam:ARM TOUCHES STREET LITES:SML SCRS IN+OUT:SOUNDS", **LatLong:** "41.283335 -95.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:17:00 N 95:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.283335,-95.966671)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 46108 (15CAADA3)
**Date:** 10/8/1986
**Description:** Several observer(s) / 2 weeks. Saucers and night lights in and about town. Local wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 615)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14891
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "206", **Elev:** "153", **HatchDesc:** "PRESTON CAPES,NORTHAMPs:SVRL OBS/2 WEEKS:SCRS+NLTS IN+ABOUT TOWN:LOCAL WAVE", **LatLong:** "52.166669 -1.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:10:00 N 01:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.166669,-1.166667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46109 (C49568F3)
**Date:** 10/8/1986
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** PITTSBURGH, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = thick black lines / screen. 8 gold square objects pass in formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14892
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "PITTSBURGH,PA:2 OBS:TV RFI=THICK BLK LINES/SCREEN:8 GOLD SQR OBJs PASS/FORMn", **LatLong:** "40.450002 -79.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:00 N 79:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.450002,-79.966670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46110 (DB63ADB3)
**Date:** 10/9/1986
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Doctor and 3 nurses / hospital. 400' cylinder/cigar-shape / 800' altitude. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 618)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14893
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "124", **HatchDesc:** "SUTTON COLDFIELD,BIRMINGHAM:DOCTOR+3 NURSES/HOSPITAL:400'CGR/800'alt:NFD", **LatLong:** "52.566669 -1.805556", **LatLongDMS:** "52:34:00 N 01:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.566669,-1.805556)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46111 (C4B1B43E)
**Date:** 10/10/1986
**Description:** 1st of 4. "Not manmade. Odd.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book:
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14894
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Neptune", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HARVARD SETI GETS NON-RANDOM SIGNAL FROM SPACE:1ST of 4:"NOT MANMADE:odd.", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46112 (497081F0)
**Date:** 10/10/1986
**Locations:** Fürjes; Békéscsaba; Hungary
**Description:** 1:30–2:00 a.m. Witnesses see strong lightning-like flashes in the sky northeast of Fürjes, near Békéscsaba, Hungary. The flashes do not go lower than some 700 feet from the ground. The flashes are vertical, yet 5 times “thicker” than lightning. The flashes stop and a shining, metallic-blue, misty phenomenon appears and floats about for 5–6 minutes until it gradually fades away after breaking into several parts, each about 30–80 feet long. The display is followed by an unusual odor that persists for 20–30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Karoli Hargitai, “The UFO Phenomenon in Hungary,” IUR 14, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1989\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6649
### Event 46113 (91CAE212)
**Date:** 10/12/1986
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** GREENSBORO, NC
**Description:** 2 / airliner. Delta/triangle/box-like craft and small objects right over town / 21K' altitude. Fast. Not on RADAR.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14895
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "GREENSBORO,NC:2/AIRLINER:DLT+SML OBJS RIGHT OVR TOWN/21K'alt:FAST:NOT ON RDR", **LatLong:** "36.066668 -79.783337", **LatLongDMS:** "36:04:00 N 79:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.066668,-79.783337)", **RelAlt:** "6400", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46114 (5226D1F2)
**Date:** 10/13/1986
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent X-shape going quickly northwest going quickly [to] Van Nuys. Strobes. Zigzags going up and down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14896
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "205", **HatchDesc:** "NW/N.HOLLYWOOD,CA:1 OBS/BINOCS:SLNT X-SHAPE>>NW>>VAN NUYS:STROBES:ZIGZAGS↑+↓", **LatLong:** "34.166668 -118.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:10:00 N 118:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.166668,-118.400006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46115 (2E65C2A2)
**Date:** 10/14/1986
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** NORTH / BRISTOL, WI
**Description:** 20m delta hovers 6m over US45. Wide as entire road. Drifts going southeast. 2 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14897
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "N/BRISTOL,WI:20m DELTA HVRS 6m OVR US45:WIDE AS ENTIRE ROAD:DRIFTS>SE:2 OBS", **LatLong:** "42.561113 -88.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:33:40 N 88:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.561113,-88.050004)", **RelAlt:** "6", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46116 (735816FA)
**Date:** 10/14/1986
**Location:** US Hwy 45 near Bristol, Wisconsin
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A couple driving north on US Hwy 45 near Bristol, Wisconsin, sees red and white lights flickering on the road ahead. They drive cautiously forward and see a large, triangular object hovering 30 feet above the pavement. The lights are running along its outer edges. They pull up almost directly underneath it, park, and step out of the car. They see a grid structure on its lower surface. Two minutes later the UFO drifts slowly toward the southeast and vanishes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Don Schmitt, “The Belleville Sightings, Part Two,” IUR 13, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1988\): 18–19; Clark III 247
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6650
### Event 46117 (BD325567)
**Date:** 10/16/1986
**Time:** 19:25:00.1
**Location:** 37.2202 -116.4616
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Belmont” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_968
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2202 -116.4616", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:13 N 116:27:42 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2202,-116.4616)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Belmont", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46118 (5D80CA3A)
**Date:** 10/20/1986
**Location:** CANADA, Toronto
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. Nov. 85) On board the crystal saucer "Peace on Earth", Oscar Magocsi takes a journey into the future. (Note from Vog: Here I abbreviate the elucubrations, because too much is too much...) (...) In February 1987 Oscar will visit the New Age Sedona colony in Arizona, with Quentin. On July 3, 1988 he will be in a "Rainbow" saucer
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse, Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** etc... etc..
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3263
### Event 46119 (E5A6F09D)
**Date:** 10/20/1986
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** EDMONTON, QLD, AUS
**Description:** UFO buzzes car. Steering lost. Humming heard. Missing time / abduction? / r41p259.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14898
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "EDMONTON,Qld,AUS:UFO BUZZES CAR:STEERING LOST:HUM HEARD:MST/ABD?:/r41p259", **LatLong:** "-17.016667 145.666674", **LatLongDMS:** "17:01:00 S 145:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.016667,145.666674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46120 (9658E490)
**Date:** 10/20/1986
**Location:** Edmonton, Queensland, AU
**Description:** Bright blue-green oval paced ahead of car, buzzing sound, forward motion impeded. Chalker, 1987, p. 176 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5747
### Event 46121 (927EF3FC)
**Date:** 10/20/1986
**Description:** Orionid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_416
### Event 46122 (97B70276)
**Date:** 10/20/1986
**Location:** Edmonton, Queensland, Australia
**Description:** Blue-green oval ahead of car, forward motion impeded
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_417
### Event 46123 (A7CFF349)
**Date:** 10/25/1986
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) On a clear day, Lago de Cote \(Costa Rica\) is peaceful and smooth like a mirror. Joaquin U. A., a 40 year old farm owner, and Ronaldo-Alerto L. A., a 23 year old farmer, then see from about 600 meters away a row of 3 or 4 cylinders, similar to posts rising less than 1 meter \(3 feet\) above the lake. They seem to be attached to a structure that remains submerged. See images/1986-10-25\_LagoDeCote.jpg. Approaching the lake with their tractor, they see another series of objects rising out of the water, still 3 feet high and 3 feet apart. They can clearly and leisurely observe the cylinders, dark in color \(gray or brown coffee\). After 5 or 10 minutes, the objects disappear together causing ripples and waves, always as if the emerging parts belonged to an invisible single structure. 2 weeks later, they give Carlos Vilchez a detailed account and hand him a drawing of the event. (October 25th, 9am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1986.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3010
### Event 46124 (B49958AA)
**Date:** 10/25/1986
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** LAGO DE COTE, COSTA RC
**Description:** Submerged object raises tubes 1M over surface. / r5 p51.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CONFRONTATIONS, A Scientists Search..; Ballentine Books, NY 1990+91.PB (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14899
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Costa Rica", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "798", **HatchDesc:** "LAGO de COTE,COSTA RC:SUBMERGED OBJ RAISES TUBES 1M OVR SURFACE:/r5 p51", **LatLong:** "10.583334 -84.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:35:00 N 84:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.583334,-84.933337)", **State/Prov:** "GNC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46125 (07893878)
**Date:** 10/26/1986
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent 40' saucer with rows / windows 200' over trees. 5mph going northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 192)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14900
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "341", **HatchDesc:** "S/SLATERVILLE SPRs,NY:2 OBS:SLNT 40'SCR W/ROWS/WINDOWS 200'OVR TREES:5mph>NW", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -76.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 76:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-76.350004)", **RelAlt:** "70", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46126 (ACE2B11B)
**Date:** 10/28/1986
**Locations:** UK; Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio
**Description:** UK researcher [Jenny Randles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny%5FRandles) receives a call from a British military man who refuses to give his name or phone number. He says his commanding officer has given him her phone number and suggests she might want 600 pages of UFO reports that have come into his possession. One document appears to be a report from 1948 that uses the term “befabs” to describe “beings from alien objects.” Another file, from Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio in 1977, is titled “Elimination of Non-Military Sources.” Randles is suspicious but intrigued. The two speak again on October 30 and agree to meet at a local pub a couple hours later. She brings along a colleague, Peter A. Hough. The informant \(“John”\) is in his late 20s and a former member of the Royal Army Corps. In 1983, his commanding officer had befriended a USAF computer technician at Wright-Patterson AFB who had accidentally tapped into UFO files. The British officer copied many of the files but is arrested for being in a secure area without permission. During questioning, the technician withholds the fact that he still has copies of the files and manages to tell the British officer where they are and request he take them out of the US. For 2 years, his commanding officer shows “John” some of these reports until he leaves active duty in 1985. In August 1986, “John” returns for a reservist training camp, and his former commander gives him a key to where the documents are stored and tells him to take them, read them, and offer them to Randles. The pub meeting ends with an agreement for “John” to deliver the files the next time they meet on November 7. “John” never shows up but writes a letter to Randles saying that he has been detained at a base and interrogated about the documents, which he is informed was the “creation of an educated prankster.” He apologizes for letting her down, and she never hears from him again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “The Cover-Up in England,” IUR 12, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1987\): 9–12, 20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6651
### Event 46127 (AC9CF578)
**Date:** 11/1986
**Locations:** Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
**Description:** Brilliant Pebbles, a non-nuclear system of satellite-based interceptors designed to use high-velocity, watermelon-sized, teardrop-shaped projectiles made of tungsten as kinetic warheads, is conceived by physicist [Lowell Wood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lowell%5FWood) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Livermore Director [John Nuckolls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FNuckolls) describes the system as “the crowning achievement of the Strategic Defense Initiative.” Though regarded as one of the most capable SDI systems, the Brilliant Pebbles program is canceled in 1994 by the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Brilliant Pebbles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brilliant%5FPebbles)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6652
### Event 46128 (AFF86390)
**Date:** 11/2/1986
**Location:** Bay Port, MI
**Description:** Cow and horse responded to hovering object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [861102](http://www.nicap.org/bayportdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5748
### Event 46129 (36CC4D15)
**Date:** 11/3/1986
**Description:** On this day three UFOs was seen by two witnesses entering Lake Trasimeno off Castiglione del Lago, Italy. water. The three objects flew in a triangle formation, with many spherical satellite bodies that were brightly lit and blue in color. The formation descended to a low altitude, and appeared to be about five meters in size. Having reached the lake, the objects dived perpendicularly into the water.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Carl Feindt, UFOs and Water, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7443
### Event 46130 (4BF591F8)
**Date:** 11/10/1986
**Time:** 16:58:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “hesione” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1989
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "hesione", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 46131 (EF5F79DB)
**Date:** 11/10/1986
**Description:** Pathfinder Partners, a national security VC fund, co-founder Steve Millard hosts a UAP study group in Silicon Valley that includes Jacques Vallée,
Eisenhower/JFK Admin Assistant Secretary of State for Security and consular Affairs John Hanes III, robotics expert Charlie Rosen and attorney Bruce Garrett, Gen. Johnny Johnson former head of communications for the White House, and former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations RADM Bill Houser. Houser states he will ask Naval Intelligence to study UAP photos from Costa Rico.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-from-jacques-vallees.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-snippets-from-jacques-vallees.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_225
### Event 46132 (4DB7D7AE)
**Date:** 11/12/1986
**Time:** 17:02:00.3
**Location:** -21.8430 -138.9270
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Naupolis” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1990
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8430 -138.9270", **LatLongDMS:** "21:50:35 S 138:55:37 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8430,-138.9270)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.28", **NukeName:** "Naupolis", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 46133 (A51B0C5A)
**Date:** 11/14/1986
**Time:** 17:10
**Location:** NEAR HOPWOOD, PA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silver cylinder/cigar-shape paces jet plane. 2nd black cylinder/cigar-shape / very short wings descends.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14901
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "nr HOPWOOD,PA:3 OBS:SLVR CGR PACES JET PLANE:2nd BLK CGR/VSHORT WINGS DESCENDS", **LatLong:** "39.866669 -79.694448", **LatLongDMS:** "39:52:00 N 79:41:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.866669,-79.694448)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46134 (8BD1853D)
**Date:** 11/14/1986
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1004 -116.0481
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gascon” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_969
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1004 -116.0481", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:01 N 116:02:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1004,-116.0481)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "Gascon", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46135 (A20CACAF)
**Date:** 11/15/1986
**Location:** USA, Phoenix (Arizona)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Cufon Report No. 0315) At 12:05 AM, seven people (colleagues teachers) were leaving the house and saw a strange light at a very high altitude flying at an incredible speed. They saw an aerial triangular-shaped vessel and they say that this thing was flying in a crab-like manner. They were able to observe this when the object was getting closer. It was flying in a very smooth way, like a balloon low on the horizon. It crossed the entire horizon in 10 seconds from NE to SW towards South Mountain. There was no wind. At arm's length and at the closest, the object measured more than 5 cm. The lights were not headlights, but seemed to be windows arranged around the perimeter of the object. (November 15, 1986)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3264
### Event 46136 (C83160C5)
**Date:** 11/15/1986
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** PHOENIX, AZ
**Description:** 7 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft flies on side. Smoothly northwest going quickly southwest. No wind. 6cm / arms length.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14902
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "PHOENIX,AZ:7 OBS:DLT FLIES ON SIDE:SMOOTHLY NW>>SW:NO WIND:6cm/ARMS LENGTH", **LatLong:** "33.466668 -112.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:28:00 N 112:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.466668,-112.066672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46137 (DBBA084D)
**Date:** 11/16/1986
**Description:** Leonid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_418
### Event 46138 (C39F6960)
**Date:** 11/16/1986
**Locations:** Nocera Umbra; Valtopina; Perugia, Italy
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Between Nocera Umbra and Valtopina, Perugia, Italy, two witnesses see a dark disc, 26 feet in diameter with a blue dome, fly over their car. The car stops and restarts after the object goes away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6653
### Event 46139 (841929AF)
**Date:** 11/17/1986
**Location:** Fort Yukon, Alaska
**Description:** Japan Airlines flight #1628, a Boeing 747 freighter, was cruising at 35000 ft. altitude and at 5:11 p.m. the pilots noticed bright lights 30 degrees to the left and below them. The UFOs moved up directly in front of the 747 and, said Capt. Kenju Terauchi, “most unexpectedly, two spaceships stopped in front of our face, shooting off lights (like numerous exhaust pipes). The inside cockpit shined brightly and I felt warm in the face.” The UFOs appeared as two rectangular clusters or arrays of light, one above the other. As the larger UFOs moved away from the 747 Airlines Flight 1628 there remained two smaller flat white UFOs. At about 5:30 p.m. Capt. Terauchi checked the pale white light behind their craft visually. He saw a gigantic “walnut-shaped” UFO (Saturn-shaped) following them. As an evasive action the Capt. ordered the 747 to turn away from the giant UFO that was following them, at which time the UFO “spaceship” disappeared.
**Type:** ufo sightings
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_756
### Event 46140 (A9B52226)
**Date:** 11/17/1986
**Location:** Between Alaska, Yukon and Iceland, in flight
**Description:** (Translated from French) Japanese pilot Kenja Terauchi and officer Takanori Tamefuji of flight JAL 1628, carrying French wine, observed in the late afternoon, around 6 pm, to the right of their plane, two white and yellow lights while they were flying at 35,000 feet. They first asked Anchorage if any other planes were on their trajectory. The radar of Anchorage and that of a nearby military base responded that they were getting weak echoes around the Boeing 747. Suddenly the lights began to move erratically "playing like two cubs" said the pilot. Suddenly the lights faced the plane sending beams of light heating the inside of the cockpit. When the plane flew over the Eielson Air Force Base, near Fairbanks, the pilot noted behind his plane the presence of a "mothership" gigantic, bigger than two jets put together. He asked by radio for permission to make a complete tour of the UFO. For this purpose he then descended to 31,000 feet. The huge UFO followed the plane like its shadow. Anchorage then asked two planes navigating in the area to modify their course to intercept the Japanese 747 and confirm the observation. When they were close enough to confirm, Terauchi had just announced that the 3 UFOs had just disappeared. Finally, it was for about 50 minutes that the JAL 1628 was accompanied by UFOs. They flew at dizzying speeds, sometimes stopping abruptly. The pilot turned off all the lights of his plane to be sure that it was not reflections of light from his own plane. The radars therefore had the echo on the screen but later, when the investigators wanted confirmation, they were told that these echoes were due to a computer error! Independently on the ground, other witnesses confirmed the presence of the luminous objects. (report of the CBS network and EATHERIUS.] Three UFOs emitting green and yellow lights follow for half an hour a Japanese cargo plane. Two seem to have the size of a plane. The third, a sphere surrounded by a ring, is even bigger. The observation is partially confirmed by the radars.
**Reference:** Science and Life, special edition: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3265
### Event 46141 (7ADE1F86)
**Date:** 11/17/1986
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Above Fort Yukon \(Alaska\), [observation of a Japan Air Lines flight](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1986-11-17\_TerauchiKenju.html). (November 17, 5:10 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1986.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3011
### Event 46142 (6DE0F86F)
**Date:** 11/17/1986
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** SOUTH / FT. YUKON, AK
**Description:** Huge walnut paces JAL 747. Ground and air RADAR's. / MJ#225+6+/ r41p142 / and more / r25.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 401)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14903
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "135", **HatchDesc:** "S/Ft.YUKON,AK:HUGE WALNUT PACES JAL 747:GND+AIR RDRS:/MJ#225+6+/r41p142/+/r25", **LatLong:** "66.566670 -145.266674", **LatLongDMS:** "66:34:00 N 145:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/66.566670,-145.266674)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 46143 (B3FFDCBA)
**Date:** 11/17/1986
**Location:** NE Alaska, AK
**Description:** JAL Flight 1628 (C), Saturn-shaped, R/V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [861117](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/861117alaskadir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5749
### Event 46144 (1DC2B897)
**Date:** 11/17/1986
**Location:** Fort Yukon, AK
**Description:** Japan Airlines freighter aircraft encountered lighted maneuvering objects. bright illumination, heat, radar-visual, E-M effects, satellite objects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_419
### Event 46145 (5675B512)
**Date:** 11/17/1986
**Locations:** Fort Yukon, Alaska; Anchorage; Fairbanks
**Description:** 5:10 p.m. Japan Air Lines Flight 1628, a Boeing 747 cargo plane with a crew of three, is in the vicinity of Fort Yukon, Alaska, on its way to Anchorage. The jet is carrying a cargo of French wine and is flying at 35,000 feet through darkening skies, a red glow from the setting sun lighting one horizon and a full moon rising above the other. Capt. Kenju Terauchi and First Officer Takanori Tamefuji, along with Flight Engineer Yoshio Tsukuda, see two small objects and one huge Saturn-shaped object visually and on radar for more than 30 minutes. The objects follow the airplane for about 350 miles. The pilot changes course and altitude several times, with FAA permission, in an effort to identify the objects. Two rectangular-appearing objects sparkling with arrays of lights suddenly loom directly in front of them, one above the other. After a few minutes they abruptly change position and appear side by side. They move quickly, stop suddenly, and swing from side to side in unison, as if linked together. VHF radio communications are occasionally garbled at this time and cease when the two objects move away to the left of the aircraft. Two flat white lights continue to pace the airplane, then drop back and are lost from view both visually and on radar. About 5:30 p.m., while in the vicinity of Fairbanks, Terauchi checks a white light behind the plane and sees “a silhouette of a gigantic spaceship.” It is walnut-shaped, symmetrical above and below, with a central flange. He says, “It was a very big one—two times bigger than an aircraft carrier.” At its closest point, the large object casts such a bright light that it illuminates the cockpit, and Terauchi can feel heat on his face. Radio communications again became garbled during the close approach. The crew becomes frightened by the large object and requests permission to change course. After the course change, they look back and see the object still following them. Increasingly fearful, they request a descent to get away from the UFO \(“We had to get away from that object”\). After they descend and turn again, the object disappears. The FAA at first confirms that several of its radar traffic controllers had tracked both the 747 and the large object, and that USAF radar has also done so. Later official statements back away from this and try to ascribe the radar targets to weather effects. On December 29, the FAA issues a report stating, “We are accepting the descriptions of the crew, but are unable to support what they saw.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Japan Air Lines Cargo Flight 1628 incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan%5FAir%5FLines%5FCargo%5FFlight%5F1628%5Fincident)”; NICAP, “[Fantastic Flight of JAL 1628](http://www.nicap.org/861117alaska%5Fdir.htm)”; Bruce Maccabee, “The Fantastic Flight of JAL 1628,” IUR 12, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1987\): 4–23; Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [pp. 128–132](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/128/mode/2up); Kean, [pp. 218–229](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/226/mode/2up); Swords 342; Good Above, [pp. 432](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/432/mode/2up), [532](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/532/mode/2up); Good Need, [pp. 400–401](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/400/mode/2up); “[JAL Flight 1628 over Alaska,](http://ufoevidence.org/topics/jalalaska.htm)” UFO Evidence; Clark III 630–632
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6654
### Event 46146 (276D394B)
**Date:** 11/21/1986
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** CULVER CITY, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Huge silent manta-shape north going quickly south. Fades in and out / visibility!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14904
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "CULVER CITY,CA:1 OBS:HUGE SLNT MANTA-SHAPE N>>S:FADES IN+OUT/VISIBILITY!", **LatLong:** "34.016668 -118.383339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:01:00 N 118:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.016668,-118.383339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46147 (18E768D4)
**Date:** 11/21/1986
**Description:** On this evening several witnesses in Stamford, Connecticut saw a number of nocturnal lights and beams of light appear in the sky. A seventy-foot long ovoid object skimmed over treetops and buzzed a car, then vanished. Later that night in Culver City, California a huge silent manta ray shaped object flew in a southerly direction. It faded in and out of visibility.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, cases 1197 and 1092
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7781
### Event 46148 (19F72382)
**Date:** 11/24/1986
**Location:** Waukesha, Wisconsin
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Dale Goretske is driving in Waukesha, Wisconsin, when he notices some flashing red lights in the sky to the southeast about 450 feet away. They are attached to a flattened triangle about 75 feet wide with pairs of flashing red lights at each corner. On the sides are pairs of steady white and red lights. The object is rotating silently. He tries to approach it in his car, but it moves away and is lost to sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Joe and Dorie Graziano, “[Press Reports,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201987%2009%2000%20-%20Vol%2033%20No%207.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 33, no. 7 \(September 1987\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6655
### Event 46149 (72DEA1E0)
**Date:** 11/25/1986
**Time:** 23:10
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 silent saucers pace truck / SR671 on drivers side. Veers away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 195)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14905
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "NE/WINCHESTER,VA:2 OBS:2 SLNT SCRS PACE TRUCK/SR671 ON DRIVERS SIDE:VEERS AWAY", **LatLong:** "39.233335 -78.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:14:00 N 78:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.233335,-78.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46150 (8DE6B4F7)
**Date:** 11/25/1986
**Locations:** Magadan Airport, Russia; Kamchatka
**Description:** Afternoon. Civil and military personnel in Magadan Airport, Russia, notice an unidentified radar target. Since there is another aircraft in the vicinity, air traffic control asks the pilot to be aware of an unknown object. The plane and UFO “pass clear of each other,” although no details are given. Afterward, the object turns east and speeds up to 1,800 mph over the water toward Kamchatka and disappears from radar screens.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vadim K. Ilyin, “[KGB’s ‘Blue Folder’ Reveals Shootings, Landings in USSR,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2001/11/November%202001.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 403 \(November 2001\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6656
### Event 46151 (56164DC4)
**Date:** 11/25/1986
**Description:** Many UFO reports were received from Wakefield, Rhode Island during the evening. A UFO at low altitude directed beams of light at cars on US Highway 1. Two silent discs paced a truck on SR 671 northeast of Winchester, Virginia at 11:10 that night. They stayed parallel to the driver's side of the vehicle, and then veered away. A radar target passed close to an airliner near the city of Magadan, Russia. It turned right over Shelekhov Bay, and achieved a top speed of 3000 kilometers per hour when it crossed the Kamchatka shoreline, where it was lost from radar screens 150 kilometers off shore.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, UFO Reporting Center; MUFON Journal, November 2001, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7916
### Event 46152 (0ECD322E)
**Date:** 12/1986
**Description:** Navy Commander “Sheila Mondran” is on duty at the U.S. Space Command’s Surveillance Center inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex near Colorado Springs, CO. “Mondran” claims sensors detect a UAP tripping the U.S. Navy Space Surveillance System, the Space Fence, over Lake Kickapoo, TX. The facility tracks the UAP doing complex maneuvers including loops, crash dives and fast climbs. She claims to send a flash alert to the Commander-in-Chief of NORAD, but the object then disappears. The flash alert is allegedly recalled the next day.
* [https://archive.org/details/outtheregovernme00blum/page/24/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/outtheregovernme00blum/page/24/mode/2up) (p25-32)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_226
### Event 46153 (D564B9DC)
**Date:** 12/6/1986
**Time:** 17:10:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Peneleos” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1991
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Peneleos", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 46154 (5DD1E862)
**Date:** 12/10/1986
**Time:** 17:15:00.2
**Location:** -21.8330 -138.8920
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Circe” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1992
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8330 -138.8920", **LatLongDMS:** "21:49:59 S 138:53:31 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8330,-138.8920)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.23", **NukeName:** "Circe", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 46155 (E061AE13)
**Date:** 12/13/1986
**Time:** 17:50:05.1
**Location:** 37.2630 -116.4117
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bodie” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_970
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2630 -116.4117", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:47 N 116:24:42 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2630,-116.4117)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Bodie", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46156 (28B81C75)
**Date:** Mid 12/1986
**Locations:** Cheyenne Mountain Complex near Colorado Springs, Colorado; Lake Kickapoo, Texas
**Description:** Navy Commander “Sheila Mondran” is on duty at the US Space Command’s Surveillance Center inside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex near Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sensors detect something tripping the US Navy Space Surveillance System \(the Space Fence\), a multistatic radar system built to detect orbital objects passing over the US. The intrusion occurs above Lake Kickapoo, Texas. Mondran’s team tracks the object’s maneuvers, including loops, backtracks, crash dives, and fast climbs. She sends a flash alert to the Commander- in-Chief of NORAD, but the object immediately disappears. Two searches are ordered: one by NORAD’s Space Detection and Tracking System, the other by a network of sophisticated telescopes. Nothing turns up. The flash alert is recalled the following day. A summary of the incident is sent to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and President [Ronald Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FReagan) for his daily briefing. Reagan recommends a follow-up investigation, but none is known to have occurred. The story has not been verified.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Howard Blum, Out There: The Government’s Secret Quest for Extraterrestrials, Simon & Schuster, 1990, [pp. 25–32](https://archive.org/details/outtheregovernme00blum/page/24/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6657
### Event 46157 (B99E0DFF)
**Date:** 12/16/1986
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** MEXICO CITY
**Description:** Many ground and air observer(s). Multi-color object circles city several times. / Reuters.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14906
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "2221", **HatchDesc:** "MEXICO CITY:MANY GND+AIR OBS:MULTI-CLR OBJ CIRCLES CITY SVRL TIMES:/REUTERS", **LatLong:** "19.450001 -99.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "19:27:00 N 99:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.450001,-99.166671)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46158 (D4998B63)
**Date:** 12/21/1986
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** NORTH / WAKE ISLAND
**Description:** Steamship Kaiyo Maru. RADAR. Ovoid circles ship 2X. Shoots in and away going quickly northeast. Mach 4!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Von LUDVIGER, Illobrand ed. UFO's-SEUGEN UND ZEICHEN. Berlin 1995 edition q-Verlags GmbH ISBN 3-86124-300-8. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14907
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "N/WAKE ISL:SS KAIYO MARU:RDR:OVOID CCLS SHIP 2X:SHOOTS IN+AWAY >>NE:mach 4!", **LatLong:** "25.844446 -166.177786", **LatLongDMS:** "25:50:40 N 166:10:40 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.844446,-166.177786)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46159 (59870285)
**Date:** 12/23/1986
**Description:** Two police constables, Jim Begg and Tom Murphy, saw a bright orange moving light over Armadale, Edinburgh, Scotland on this evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gary Heseltine, Police Reports UFO Database, case 125, citing the West Lothian Courier, January 1988, p. 17
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8572
### Event 46160 (572A20ED)
**Date:** Late 12/1986
**Locations:** Hajdúböszörmény; Debrecen, Hungary
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. A road-maintenance engineer is driving on the highway between Hajdúböszörmény and Debrecen, Hungary, when he sees a “trailer with lit-up windows” landed in a field about 900 feet away. An orange light is flooding through the windows. The object is in the same spot where the sphere chasing the ambulance in April had passed above power lines.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Karoli Hargitai, “The UFO Phenomenon in Hungary,” IUR 14, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1989\): 14–15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6658
### Event 46161 (7CBA9CD6)
**Date:** 12/28/1986
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BLENHEIM, NZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright amber night light / 40K' altitude. Extremely fast. Impossible maneuvers and 90° turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14908
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BLENHEIM,NZ:2 OBS:BRITE AMBER NLT/40K'alt:XFAST:IMPOSSIBLE MNVRS+90° TURNS", **LatLong:** "-41.550002 173.966675", **LatLongDMS:** "41:33:00 S 173:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.550002,173.966675)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "5"
## Year: 1987, 324 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 46162 (47497DCC)
**Date:** 1987
**Location:** USA, Wallops
**Description:** (Translated from French) At the end of the 1980s and in the 1990s, a number of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) existed of both American and international types. Civilian access to data concerning UAVs was still in its embryonic stage (note from vog: written in 1997) and only just beginning to become available. They were essentially of three types: close range or local (up to a radius of 50 km), short range or regional (200 km) and endurance (1987 and after)
**Reference:** NASA website in 1997; examples and photos, and results
**Reference:** beyond 200 km with no limit
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3266
### Event 46163 (FD82A448)
**Date:** 1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Release of the alleged [pre-briefing](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MJDocs.html) of President [Eisenhower](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/EisenhowerDwightDavid.html) elected in November 1953, lifting the veil on the mystery of [MJ-12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MJ-12.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3012
### Event 46164 (04561D50)
**Date:** 1987
**Description:** Abduction researcher and folklorist [Thomas E. Bullard](https://web.archive.org/web/20190212144014/https://ancientalienpedia.com/contributors/b/thomas-e-bullard-ph-d/) publishes UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, a two-volume comparative analysis of nearly 300 alleged abduction cases up through 1985, 103 of which offer both extensive information and reliable investigation. Bullard’s study summarizes key episodes and descriptive elements of the abduction narrative and attaches percentages to each to indicate how often a given feature occurs. He finds that the classic abduction story consists of eight possible episodes—capture, examination, conference, tour of the ship, journey or otherworldly journey, theophany, return, and aftermath. Few reports contain every episode; only capture and return are universal. He also examines features of the entities’ behavior and appearance, the UFO involved in the abduction, and the methods of mental and physical control. Bullard examines the literalist and reductionist hypotheses for abduction events, critiquing each.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, Fund for UFO Research, 1987; Thomas E. Bullard, “Abductions in Life and Lore,” IUR 12, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1987\): 14–19; Thomas E. Bullard, “Hypnosis and UFO Abductions: A Troubled Relationship,” JUFOS 1 \(1989\): 3–40; Thomas Bullard, [The Myth and Mystery of UFOs](https://archive.org/details/mythmysteryofufo0000bull)[,](https://archive.org/details/mythmysteryofufo0000bull) University Press of Kansas, 2010; Clark III 13–33
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6659
### Event 46165 (774B045E)
**Date:** 1987
**Description:** Fortean Tomes publishes UFOs 1947–1987, edited by Hilary Evans and [John Spencer](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FSpencer%5F%28Autor%29) and sponsored by the British UFO Research Association, in an attempt to place current knowledge about the UFO phenomenon in perspective.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hilary Evans and John Spencer, eds., UFOs 1947–1987: The 40-Year Search for an Explanation, Fortean Tomes, 1987; Mark Rodeghier, \[Review\], JUFOS 1 \(1989\): 169–172
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6660
### Event 46166 (5223EE3D)
**Date:** 1987
**Description:** Thomas F. McDonough discusses the possibility of extraterrestrial life in The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, addressing UFOs in a largely negative and uninformed chapter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Thomas F. McDonough, [The Search](https://archive.org/details/searchforextrate0000mcdo/page/n3/mode/2up) [for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Listening for Life in the Cosmos](https://archive.org/details/searchforextrate0000mcdo/page/n3/mode/2up), John Wiley, 1987; Michael D. Swords, “SETI/ETI and UFOs,” JUFOS 5 \(1994\): 151–155
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6661
### Event 46167 (23398FF0)
**Date:** 1/1987
**End date:** 3/1987
**Location:** Belleville, WI
**Description:** Flurry of sightings including cigar-shaped objects, a radar tracking, and other features
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_420
### Event 46168 (083728CF)
**Date:** 1/6/1987
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** WASHINGTON, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright gold delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 10 minute(s). Going north. Steady red light / each corner.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14909
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "WASHINGTON,PA:2 OBS:BRITE GOLD DLT HVRS/10min:>N:STEADY RED LITE/EACH CORNER", **LatLong:** "40.172224 -80.244448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:10:20 N 80:14:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.172224,-80.244448)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46169 (C351EBFC)
**Date:** 1/8/1987
**Description:** A couple in Lakeland, Florida reported a large vertical cylinder in the sky over their house on this night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 198
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_211
### Event 46170 (AB42C775)
**Date:** 1/9/1987
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** JOZSA, HUNG
**Description:** Disk hovers very low. Row / windows. 1 dark figure / ground. 2nd / lit doorway. / W. Webb.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 492)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14910
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "JOZSA,HUNG:DISK HVRS VLOW:ROW/WINDOWS:1 DRK FIG/GND:2nd/LIT DOORWAY:/W.Webb", **LatLong:** "47.533336 21.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:32:00 N 21:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.533336,21.633334)", **State/Prov:** "???", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46171 (20B1D169)
**Date:** 1/9/1987
**Locations:** Hajdúböszörmény; Debrecen, Hungary
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. A road-maintenance engineer is on a routine checking tour between Hajdúböszörmény and Debrecen, Hungary, at the same point where his colleague had seen a “trailer” in December. He sees a “farmhouse” with the windows lit up, but knowing there is no farmhouse in that location, he stops the truck. The object is sitting near the overhead power lines between two stacks of straw. It is about 50 feet in diameter, disc- shaped, and rounded off at the rim. Through the center line runs a row of 8–10 portholes with warm, yellow light emanating from them. Between each window is a grayish-white streak of light. He can see an open door about 5– 6 feet high under the row of windows, through which he can see light and a floor with transverse ribs. Then he notices two entities wearing dark coveralls standing outside the object, while another appears in the door opening. Yellowish flashes erupt every 2–4 seconds from the top of the object. The witness flees the scene.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Karoli Hargitai, “The UFO Phenomenon in Hungary,” IUR 14, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1989\): 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6662
### Event 46172 (5DAF23A0)
**Date:** 1/11/1987
**Location:** ALASKA, Anchorage
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Cufon Report No. 0329, source FAA Alaska District, Paul Steucke) Second sighting in a few days in Anchorage. Three witnesses, again from a Japanese plane of Japan Airlines, observed at 7:35 a UFO above Alaska. Capt. Kinju Teryaki, piloting the JAL 747 cargo from Europe to Anchorage, reported to the FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) that he saw irregular lights resembling a spaceship. The lights were amber and white, flying in front of him and below him and disappearing behind his plane. The observation was in two phases, the first lasting about 20 minutes and the second occurring 10 minutes later. The object was not detected on radar, visual observation by the crew only.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3267
### Event 46173 (547B6D52)
**Date:** 1/11/1987
**Time:** 07:40
**Location:** NORTH ALASKA, AK
**Description:** Separate JAL crew sees night lights pacing / 30 min. / Paranet&CUFON. News.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14911
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "N.ALASKA,AK:SEPARATE JAL CREW SEES NLTS PACING/30 MIN:/PARANET&CUFON:NEWS", **LatLong:** "70.000003 -150.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "70:00:00 N 150:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/70.000003,-150.000007)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46174 (50ADDD82)
**Date:** 1/15/1987
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BELLEVILLE, WI
**Description:** Cop and several. Group / colored night lights goes all over/all about. FAA RADAR traces. No structure seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 403)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14912
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "104", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "BELLEVILLE,WI:COP+SVRL:GROUP/CLRD NLTS GOES ALLO:FAA RDR TRACES:no struct seen", **LatLong:** "42.861113 -89.538893", **LatLongDMS:** "42:51:40 N 89:32:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.861113,-89.538893)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46175 (D9D880E4)
**Date:** 1/15/1987
**End date:** 1/16/1987
**Locations:** Belleville, Wisconsin; Quarry Road; Dane County; Verona; Green County; Aurora, Illinois; Monroe; New Glarus; Verona
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Police officer Glen Kazmar and Jeff Furseth watch a triangular configuration of red, white, and blue blinking lights that remain stationary in the southwestern sky over Belleville, Wisconsin. At 2:50 a.m., they are driving along Quarry Road west of town and see a “close-knit cluster of red, blue, and white lights.” After 15 minutes, they alert the Dane County Sheriff and are soon joined by a deputy from Verona and two Green County sheriff’s deputies, all of whom leave after debating what to do about reporting the lights. At 3:20 a.m., Kazmar and Furseth see the object move to the southwest. They call the FAA Center in Aurora, Illinois, which admits it has a slow-moving target in the area that won’t respond. Other witnesses near Monroe, New Glarus, and Verona also see lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Don Schmitt, “The Belleville Sightings, Part One,” IUR 12, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1987\): 4–6; UFO Wisconsin, \[[Belleville articles](http://ufowisconsin.com/county/reports/r1987%5Fbell%5Fdane.html)\]; “[The Other UFO Days: Belleville, WI,](https://ufodays.net/2019/08/13/the-other-ufo-days-belleville-wi/)” UFO Days, August 13, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6663
### Event 46176 (42FA6AC4)
**Date:** 1/21/1987
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ARNOLD, PA
**Description:** 1 observer. Bright ovoid over homes. Glows red and blue. Tapered structure / rear. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 211)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14913
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "267", **HatchDesc:** "ARNOLD,PA:1 OBS:BRITE OVOID OVR HOMES:GLOWS RED+BLU:TAPERED STRUCTURE/REAR:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.566669 -79.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:34:00 N 79:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.566669,-79.766670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46177 (E55064DA)
**Date:** 1/21/1987
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 50' x10'CGR hovers near car. Spotlight going down. Observer(s) "senses telepathy contact".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 215)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14914
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "347", **HatchDesc:** "SEWICKLEY HILLS,PA:50'x10'CGR HVRS nr CAR:SPOTLITE ↓:OBS "SENSES TLP CONTACT"", **LatLong:** "40.583335 -80.138893", **LatLongDMS:** "40:35:00 N 80:08:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.583335,-80.138893)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46178 (7C840347)
**Date:** 1/23/1987
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** GIG HARBOR, WA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Blue ovoid hovers over houses. Then goes quickly going up. See Arnold.PA above.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14915
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "GIG HARBOR,WA:3 OBS:BLU OVOID HVRS OVR HOUSES:THEN GOES ↑↑:see Arnold.PA above", **LatLong:** "47.333336 -122.577784", **LatLongDMS:** "47:20:00 N 122:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.333336,-122.577784)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46179 (ACFFE648)
**Date:** 1/23/1987
**Description:** Three witnesses watched a blue ovoid object hover over houses in Gig Harbor, Washington at 9:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, case # 1212
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_459
### Event 46180 (DAB2EBD9)
**Date:** 1/25/1987
**Description:** At eleven p.m. the witness was alone in her apartment in Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine and had just gone to bed when seven to nine human-like figures suddenly appeared in her bedroom, standing in front of her closed French windows. The entities were of medium height. Some were male while the others were female. The men were bearded and the woman had straight hair down to their shoulders. All had beautiful faces with clear penetrating eyes. The witness attempted to move but could not. She then received a telepathic message telling her to remain still. She felt no fear but instead had an overwhelming sensation of joy. The beings gathered around her bed and bent over her. She noticed one of the women place a device on her nearby piano and bend over it. At one point she saw a light-colored disk and was told that it was her ovum. Later the entities informed her that it was their time to leave and they gradually faded away. The witness suffered from gynecological problems as a result of the encounter and has never been able to subsequently become pregnant.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1987, case # 1801, citing Vladimir Rubtsov, Ph.D., MUFON Symposium Proceedings 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_510
### Event 46181 (B3F375A1)
**Date:** 1/27/1987
**Location:** Ohio
**Description:** The National Security Agency responds to a letter from Sen. [John Glenn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FGlenn) \(D-Ohio\) stating that the NSA’s Project Aquarius does not deal with UFOs, but that “Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that name which dealt with UFO’s.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dale Goudie and Christian Lambright, “[The Ice Documents Press Conference,](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/presconf.htm)” June 25, 1987
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6664
### Event 46182 (11BA3BD5)
**Date:** 1/29/1987
**Description:** At 5:43 a.m. several Mozambican laborers working in Zimbabwe reported seeing a large, brightly lit balloon-shaped object passing over Chimanimani, Zimbabwe. The witnesses were able to see two men inside the craft. One was dressed in blue and the other in white. The witnesses interpreted the object as "witch doctors" traveling from South Africa.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1987, case # 1050, citing Cynthia Hind, MUFON Symposium Proceedings 1987
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_587
### Event 46183 (7BDB8B3C)
**Date:** 1/31/1987
**Location:** In air space, AK
**Description:** Large Discs / Flight 53 Tracks At A Mile A Second (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [870131](http://www.nicap.org/870131alaskadir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5750
### Event 46184 (4F9AFB15)
**Date:** 2/1987
**Description:** Horror-fiction writer [Whitley Strieber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitley%5FStrieber) publishes Communion, the first-person account of his abductions and encounters recovered through hypnosis, as well as his lifelong involvement with mysterious events. The book remains on the bestseller list for a long time, and [Ted Seth](https://www.artrenewal.org/artists/ted-seth-jacobs/2312) [Jacobs](https://studioescalier.com/students/faculty/)’s cover illustration of an alien with large black eyes jars many people to recall their own apparent encounters with similar creatures. Strieber follows up on his experiences in seven subsequent books, in which he elaborates on his belief that the human species is in the process of being ushered into a higher level of understanding and existence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Whitley Strieber, [Communion: A](https://archive.org/details/CommunionWhitleyStrieber) [True Story](https://archive.org/details/CommunionWhitleyStrieber), Avon, 1987; Wikipedia, “[Communion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communion%5F%28book%29) [\(book\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communion%5F%28book%29)”; Clark III 5, 1112–1113; Whitley Strieber, Transformation: The Breakthrough, William Morrow, 1988; Whitley Strieber, Breakthrough: The Next Step, HarperCollins, 1995; Whitley Strieber, The Secret School: Preparation for Contact, HarperCollins, 1997; Whitley Strieber and Anne Strieber, eds. [The Communion Letters](https://archive.org/details/communionletters0000unse)[,](https://archive.org/details/communionletters0000unse) HarperPrism, 1997; Whitley Strieber, Confirmation: The Hard Evidence of Aliens among Us?, St. Martin’s, 1998; Whitley Strieber, [The Key: A True Encounter](https://archive.org/details/the-key-a-true-encounter-whitley-strieber)[,](https://archive.org/details/the-key-a-true-encounter-whitley-strieber) Jeremy Tarcher, 2001; Whitley Strieber, Solving the Communion Enigma, Jeremy Tarcher, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6665
### Event 46185 (957879B2)
**Date:** 2/1/1987
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** FORT MYERS, FL
**Description:** W. B. Nash and son. Large silent curved boomerang cloud obscures stars north going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 230)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14916
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "FORT MYERS,FL:W.B.NASH+SON:LRG SLNT CURVED BOOMERANG CLOUD OBSCURES STARS N>S", **LatLong:** "26.600001 -81.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "26:36:00 N 81:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.600001,-81.850004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46186 (77A9803D)
**Date:** 2/3/1987
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** GLEASON, WI
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Large yellow-white saucer with red flashing lights. Turns blue. Emits sparks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 223)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14917
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "448", **HatchDesc:** "GLEASON,WI:3 OBS:LRG YEL-WHT SCR W/RED FLASHING LITES:TURNS BLUE:EMITS SPARKS", **LatLong:** "45.311113 -89.494449", **LatLongDMS:** "45:18:40 N 89:29:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.311113,-89.494449)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46187 (8EE98466)
**Date:** 2/3/1987
**Time:** 15:20:00.1
**Location:** 37.1811 -116.0484
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Hazebrook-Emerald (Green)” YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_971
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1811 -116.0484", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:52 N 116:02:54 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1811,-116.0484)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Hazebrook-Emerald (Green)", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 46188 (37C2CDF9)
**Date:** 2/5/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Japan launches *Astro C*, a satellite for studying X-ray and gamma radiation. (February 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3013
### Event 46189 (D79573A0)
**Date:** 2/6/1987
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** SELMA, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent 30' saucer / 50' altitude / 30 minute(s). Bright white light. Dogs frantic. / r237p95.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14918
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "308", **HatchDesc:** "SELMA,IN:2 OBS:SLNT 30'SCR/50'alt/30min:BRITE WHT LITE:DOGS FRANTIC:/r237p95", **LatLong:** "40.166669 -85.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:10:00 N 85:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.166669,-85.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46190 (DC1E8B7C)
**Date:** 2/6/1987
**Location:** Belleville, Wisconsin
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Jeff Zweifel is walking home from work near Belleville, Wisconsin. He sees an object nearby with a bright white directional light aimed at a right angle to him. A red light is also visible, then a blue light. As he continues to walk, the object approaches him. When it is directly in front, a white light comes on. From left to right, red, white, and blue lights flash. A short gray trail of smoke is coming out the back. The object continues moving slowly and silently east at the same altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Don Schmitt, “The Belleville Sightings, Part One,” IUR 12, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1987\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6666
### Event 46191 (6E16B2C2)
**Date:** 2/7/1987
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** 300' UFO lights entire mountainside. 3 observer(s). UFO mag V2#4 p5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14919
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "SEVEN MOUNTAINS AREA,PA:300' UFO LIGHTS ENTIRE MTNSIDE:3 OBS:UFO MAG V2#4 p5.", **LatLong:** "40.727780 -77.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:43:40 N 77:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.727780,-77.700004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46192 (CA251AC6)
**Date:** 2/7/1987
**Location:** Potters Mills, PA
**Description:** Motorists encountered hovering large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated (section IX). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5751
### Event 46193 (83506257)
**Date:** 2/7/1987
**Location:** Potters Mills, PA
**Description:** Motorists encountered hovering large oval object, lights around perimeter, terrain brightly illuminated
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_421
### Event 46194 (13366841)
**Date:** 2/7/1987
**Description:** On this night three motorists in Potters Mills, Pennsylvania and the Seven Mountains area encountered a large 300 foot long hovering oval object. It had lights around its perimeter, and the mountainside terrain was brightly illuminated by its presence.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 30; UFO Magazine (USA), June 1990, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_742
### Event 46195 (A09C3BF1)
**Date:** 2/9/1987
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** JOLIET, IL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 8' ovoid paces car in front and back / 7mi. Car parks. UFO hovers and goes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14920
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "JOLIET,IL:2 OBS:8'OVOID PACES CAR in FRONT+BACK/7mi:CAR PARKS:UFO HVRS+GOES", **LatLong:** "41.527780 -88.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:31:40 N 88:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.527780,-88.083338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46196 (2D10B575)
**Date:** 2/11/1987
**Time:** 16:45:00.1
**Location:** 37.0107 -116.0447
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tornero” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_972
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0107 -116.0447", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:39 N 116:02:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0107,-116.0447)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Tornero", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46197 (01ACD84B)
**Date:** 2/15/1987
**Location:** San Jose, CA
**Description:** The San Jose Mercury states that the Pentagon has a “Black Budget” which has become a “Black Hole” for secret projects spending. It is far bigger than the federal budget for education, transportation, agriculture or the environment. These Projects are classified above TOP SECRET, therefore very few federal investigators have the security clearances necessary to audit black programs.
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (J4-B)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_757
### Event 46198 (929660A1)
**Date:** 2/16/1987
**Locations:** Grand Kremlin Palace; Moscow, Russia; Geneva Summit
**Description:** At a conference in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Russia, Soviet President [Mikhail Gorbachev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail%5FGorbachev) discloses that President [Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FReagan) had raised the possibility of an alien invasion during the Geneva Summit in 1986: “I shall not dispute the hypothesis, although I think it’s early yet to worry about such an invasion. It is much more important to think about the problems that have entered our common home.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Russians Worried UFOs Could](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1525.htm) [Trigger Wars,](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1525.htm)” UFO Evidence
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6667
### Event 46199 (EF8EF1CA)
**Date:** 2/25/1987
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** PASADENA, CA
**Description:** Movie producer Paul davids and 2. Silent silver domed saucer maneuvers close / 5 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14921
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "260", **HatchDesc:** "PASADENA,CA:MOVIE PRODUCER PAUL DAVIDS+2:SLNT SLVR DOMED SCR MNVRS CLOSE/5min", **LatLong:** "34.133335 -118.150006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:08:00 N 118:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.133335,-118.150006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46200 (A4512BD9)
**Date:** 2/25/1987
**Locations:** East Los Angeles, California; Valley in front of his house
**Description:** 4:10 p.m. Filmmaker [Paul Davids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FDavids) is at work in his home office in East Los Angeles, California, when his children call him to see a “flying saucer.” Looking outside, he sees a metallic, domed disc making its way silently and smoothly across the sky over the valley in front of his house. They open the window and go out on the roof for an unobstructed view and spend the next 4–5 minutes watching it. At its closest point, about 500 feet away, it hovers in one position for about 2 minutes, wobbling with an even, slow oscillation. Its bottom seems to transform from silver to pitch black and back to silver again. Then it flies away at a faster but uniform speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Davids, “Starry Night,” IUR 14, no. 3 \(May/June 1989\): 13–15, 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6668
### Event 46201 (1BEBEFC8)
**Date:** 2/25/1987
**Description:** Movie producer Paul Davids and two others watched two silent, silver domed discs maneuver close to his residence in Pasadena, California.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, December 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1116
### Event 46202 (C7945D20)
**Date:** 2/26/1987
**Time:** 04:58:24.3
**Location:** 49.8440 78.0880
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1700
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8440 78.0880", **LatLongDMS:** "49:50:38 N 78:05:17 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8440,78.0880)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46203 (3B11E16D)
**Date:** 3/1987
**Description:** The Society for Scientific Exploration publishes the first issue of its Journal of Scientific Exploration, edited by astronomer [Bernard Haisch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard%5FHaisch)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard%5FHaisch)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Journal of Scientific Exploration](https://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/volume-1-number-1-1987) 1, no. 1 \(1987\); Clark III 1082–1083
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6669
### Event 46204 (EFCDCA9C)
**Date:** 3/1987
**Locations:** San Antonio, Texas; Apartment Building; Whitley Strieber's Abduction Story
**Description:** San Antonio, Texas, freelance journalist Ed Conroy begins to find himself a target of an unmarked Bell 47 helicopter that hovers around his apartment building. The instances increase as he researches [Whitley Strieber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitley%5FStrieber)’s abduction story for a possible article. Black helicopters and CH-47 Chinooks also appear in his vicinity, and someone repeatedly changes the outgoing message on his home answering machine. Several people close to him begin to tell him about their nighttime experiences with entities and balls of light. These occurrences continue through 1988.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ed Conroy, [Report on Communion](https://archive.org/details/reportoncommunio00conr%5F0)[,](https://archive.org/details/reportoncommunio00conr%5F0) Avon, 1989
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6670
### Event 46205 (9615999D)
**Date:** 3/1987
**Location:** Bishop Monkton, North Yorkshire, England
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. A British Army communications officer is sleeping alone on the moors near Bishop Monkton, North Yorkshire, England, during a military exercise. He sees a strange red light in the sky circling slowly and silently around him. He watches it for 20 minutes as it makes three circuits that are precisely the same. Two F-4 Phantom II jets appear and give chase to the light, which plays cat and mouse with them. This continues for 5 minutes, then the light shoots away at great speed. The jets remain a few more minutes before returning.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Brief Cases,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Northern%20UFO%20News%20%28Jenny%20Randles%29/Northern%20UFO%20News%20-%20No%20157.pdf)” Northern UFO News, no. 157 \(October 1992\): 13; Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, pp. 163–164
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6671
### Event 46206 (801326AB)
**Date:** 3/4/1987
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** MAUCKPORT, IN
**Description:** 1 observer. Saucer 90m overhead beams orange glow going down / observer(s). Wobbles. Lights / rim. / r237p96.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14922
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "129", **HatchDesc:** "MAUCKPORT,IN:1 OBS:SCR 90m OVHD BEAMS ORG GLOW↓/OBS:WOBBLES:LITES/RIM:/r237p96", **LatLong:** "38.050002 -86.205560", **LatLongDMS:** "38:03:00 N 86:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.050002,-86.205560)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46207 (F886702B)
**Date:** 3/6/1987
**Location:** Belleville, Wisconsin
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. County surveyor [Harvey Funseth](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50956944/harvey-c-funseth) and Fred Gochenauer are driving north of Belleville, Wisconsin, and spot four peculiar objects one above the other in the western sky. They take a side road to get a better look and stop alongside an open field. The main cigar-shaped object is silhouetted against the sunset, standing vertically above three smaller sections. The objects are all about a quarter mile away at low altitude. As they watch, the top object moves away from the smaller ones toward their right. It looks like an airplane fuselage without any markings, wings, or tail. It has a flashing light on top and two red glowing areas on the back, followed by a short vapor trail. Funseth estimates it is about 2,000 feet altitude. It picks up speed and streaks away to the northeast. The remaining smaller objects are now obscured by a mist. Witnesses in other parts of town also see a similar display.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Don Schmitt, “The Belleville Sightings, Part One,” IUR 12, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1987\): 7–8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6672
### Event 46208 (F11D2902)
**Date:** 3/7/1987
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** ALDER LAKE, WA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent manta-delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] overhead. Paces truck / 3 minute(s). Sails away over hills.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 230)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14923
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "364", **HatchDesc:** "ALDER LAKE,WA:2 OBS:SLNT MANTA-DLT>OVHD:PACES TRUCK/3min:SAILS AWAY OVR HILLS", **LatLong:** "46.800002 -122.311117", **LatLongDMS:** "46:48:00 N 122:18:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.800002,-122.311117)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46209 (6AE5E25A)
**Date:** 3/7/1987
**Location:** Pingwu county, Sichuan, China
**Description:** A family of three in Pingwu county, Sichuan, China, is awakened by a loud, high-pitched hum. They go outside and are blinded by a beam of light coming from a huge reddish object shaped like a straw hat that is hovering above them. They pass out and wake up later to find themselves strapped to steel tables in a circular room occupied by humanoid entities with 3 eyes and standing 3 feet tall. The aliens take blood samples from them and probe them with needles, also making an incision on the child’s thigh. The next thing they know, they are walking down a road 7 miles from their home.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Saunders, “UFOs over China,” Fortean Times 331 \(October 2015\): 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6673
### Event 46210 (C43E8A25)
**Date:** 3/7/1987
**Description:** At midnight a family of three in the town of Ping Wu, Szechwan Province, China, including a young child, was awakened by a loud high-pitched humming coming from outside their small house. All three went outside to investigate and were nearly blinded by a beam of yellow light coming from a huge reddish-orange hat-shaped UFO. It hovered above them, spinning slowly. The humming grew louder and all three had a strange floating sensation, and then blacked out. When they awoke they found themselves strapped to three steel tables in a circular room. The woman began screaming when a tiny hatchway opened in the wall and five three-foot tall humanoid beings stepped into the room. They were human in shape, but with featureless faces having three huge white eyes on their foreheads. Their skin looked translucent and was bluish in color. The creatures said nothing as they proceeded to remove blood from all three abductees' arms. They then inserted long needles into their knees and ankle joints. The husband and the child seemed to have been in a trance-like state during the encounter. Electrode devices were taped to their skulls and the woman was again able to hear the loud high-pitched humming sound. One of the beings made an incision on the child's thigh that was quickly healed by a pencil-like device that was passed over it. Moments later the room became dark and everything began spinning. Their next conscious memory was walking on a roadside, seven miles from their home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1987, case # 1376, citing Lillian Crowner Desguin, UFOs: Fact or Fiction
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1371
### Event 46211 (08332906)
**Date:** 3/7/1987
**Description:** At 8:20 p.m. the witness was walking along a dirt road in Dobroslawice, Poland heading for his house when suddenly he saw five bright flashes of light. He looked in their direction and saw a bright ball of light. It landed between some trees and took off a few seconds later. He continued walking until he saw a strange creature on the road just in front of him. The creature, which was wearing a tight-fitting dark suit, made a long jump into the bushes. Scared, the witness also hid in some bushes. From his hiding place he saw five additional creatures about 1.20 meters in height, wearing similar dark outfits. He started to run from the area when he noticed one of the creatures was walking straight towards his hiding place. He ran about the entire 1.5 kilometers to his house. The next day he went back to the location with his family and found several footprints in the snow and a dead bull with one of its ears cut off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1987, citing Tymoteousz Tobala & Marcin Mioduszewski, CBUFOIZA, Poland
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1372
### Event 46212 (2F812C10)
**Date:** 3/10/1987
**Description:** According to MUFON, a silent triangular shaped UFO buzzed Corydon, Indiana at 11:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 578, citing Francis L. Ridge
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1414
### Event 46213 (5EA0B69F)
**Date:** 3/11/1987
**Location:** USA, Belleville, Wisconsin.
**Description:** (Translated from French) Lavonne Freidig thought she saw a flock of geese in broad daylight, tightly packed. As she got closer and observed more carefully, she saw that it was an object shaped like an airplane fuselage without wings. After watching it, motionless, for several minutes, the object began to move, silently, followed by a kind of white smoke trail and several other small objects. Other witnesses from Paoli also observed the object. Held at arm's length, the object was the size of a pen.
**Reference:** Associated Press 1987
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3268
### Event 46214 (EA3740C3)
**Date:** 3/12/1987
**Location:** US
**Description:** US Army Intelligence letter: The IPU (Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit) of the Scientific and Technical Branch, Counter intelligence Directorate, Department of the Army was disestablished during the 1950’s and never reactivated. All of its records were turned over to the USAF (which can’t seem to locate them). This letter was sent to Timothy Good.
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p484)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_758
**See also:** 5/16/84
### Event 46215 (9987CCBD)
**Date:** 3/12/1987
**Time:** 01:57:19.6
**Location:** 49.9290 78.8240
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1701
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9290 78.8240", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:44 N 78:49:26 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9290,78.8240)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 46216 (F060A1BB)
**Date:** 3/12/1987
**Description:** Gallup releases a report indicating that there are three adult Americans who believe that “UFOs are real” for every two skeptics.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[1 Person in 2 Now Believes in UFOs,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97803452/)” Santa Rosa \(Calif.\) Press-Democrat, March 12, 1987, p. 13; Robert J. Durant, “Evolution of Public Opinion on UFOs,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6674
### Event 46217 (670E06E7)
**Date:** 3/12/1987
**Locations:** Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil; Manaus, Amazonas
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. Cmdr. Alvaro de Camargo is flying a Transbrasil Boeing 737-300 from Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, to Manaus, Amazonas, when his radar detects an object directly in front of him. The Rio Branco tower says it has nothing on its radar. Suddenly the blip disappears from the screen, just as three orange lights appear on the left side of the airplane’s wing. Some passengers now can see the lights, flying parallel to each other and to the plane for about 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 201; Brazil 542
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6675
### Event 46218 (EC3EDAD9)
**Date:** 3/13/1987
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** PR2 SOUTH / MOOSE JAW, SSK
**Description:** 3+observer(s). Silent tapered 12' cylinder/cylindrical object follows car 40' away. No exhaust.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14924
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "580", **HatchDesc:** "PR2 S/MOOSE JAW,SSK:3+OBS:SLNT TAPERED 12'CYL FOLOS CAR 40'AWAY:NO EXHAUST", **LatLong:** "50.083336 -105.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "50:05:00 N 105:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.083336,-105.533338)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46219 (2B1EA559)
**Date:** 3/13/1987
**Description:** At 4:54 a.m. a silent, tapered 12-foot long cylindrical object pursued a car near Moose Jaw, Saskachewan, Canada for four minutes. It followed the car with three witnesses closely, coming to within an estimated 40 feet. It gave off no Exhaust.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, May 1989
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1460
### Event 46220 (F5321784)
**Date:** 3/16/1987
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** LOYALHANNA, PA
**Description:** 1 observer. Glowing red 2' cylinder/cigar-shape passes 2nd story window slowly!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 221)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14925
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "317", **HatchDesc:** "LOYALHANNA,PA:1 OBS:GLOWING RED 2'CGR PASSES 2nd STORY WINDOW SLOWLY!:", **LatLong:** "40.455557 -79.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:20 N 79:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.455557,-79.450004)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46221 (6899B530)
**Date:** 3/16/1987
**Location:** Toronto to Winnipeg, CAN
**Description:** A, weather radar, giant (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5752
### Event 46222 (401F7F5B)
**Date:** 3/17/1987
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** CORYDON, IN
**Description:** Cops chase UFO's. Cat and mouse. Night lights maneuver all month. Many observer(s). Big show.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 97)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14926
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "167", **HatchDesc:** "CORYDON,IN:COPS CHASE UFOS:CAT+MOUSE:NLTS MNVR ALL MONTH:MANY OBS:BIG SHOW", **LatLong:** "38.200002 -86.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:12:00 N 86:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.200002,-86.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46223 (645B2029)
**Date:** 3/17/1987
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** NORTH / ELIM, AK
**Description:** 4 separate observer(s). 600' object with blue lights and ovoid clouds around it. Going quickly north. / FSRv33#2p5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 224)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14927
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "N/ELIM,AK:4 SEP.OBS:600'OBJ W/BLU LITES+OVOID CLOUDS AROUND IT:>>N:/FSRv33#2p5", **LatLong:** "64.683336 -162.250008", **LatLongDMS:** "64:41:00 N 162:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/64.683336,-162.250008)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46224 (D1CAA05D)
**Date:** 3/17/1987
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** GAMBELL, AK
**Description:** Several observer(s). Large object with black round nose and apparatus on top. No AWACs up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 224)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14928
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "GAMBELL,AK:SVRL OBS:LRG OBJ W/BLK ROUND NOSE+APPARATUS ON TOP:NO AWACs UP", **LatLong:** "63.783336 -171.750008", **LatLongDMS:** "63:47:00 N 171:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/63.783336,-171.750008)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46225 (3A781059)
**Date:** 3/17/1987
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** SAVOONGA, AK
**Description:** Call going [to] National Guard. 1 observer. Very large UFO blows smoke front to rear. 30K' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 224)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14929
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "SAVOONGA,AK:CALL>NATl GUARD:1 OBS:VLARGE UFO BLOWS SMOKE FRONT TO REAR:30K'alt", **LatLong:** "63.700003 -170.483341", **LatLongDMS:** "63:42:00 N 170:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/63.700003,-170.483341)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46226 (B159A9EA)
**Date:** 3/18/1987
**Time:** 18:28:00.1
**Location:** 37.2102 -116.2086
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Middle Note” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_973
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2102 -116.2086", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:37 N 116:12:31 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2102,-116.2086)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Middle Note", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46227 (12450307)
**Date:** 3/20/1987
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** LATROBE, PA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Solid black cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / high altitude. Underground noises heard / same time!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 222)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14930
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "LATROBE,PA:4 OBS:SOLID BLK CGR HVRS/HI alt:UNDERGROUND NOISES HEARD/SAME TIME!", **LatLong:** "40.333335 -79.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 N 79:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.333335,-79.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46228 (17686317)
**Date:** 3/20/1987
**Locations:** Verona, Wisconsin; Police Station; Field
**Description:** 1:00 p.m. Police in Verona, Wisconsin, view a triangular pattern of red, white, and blue flashing lights from the police station. The on-duty officer takes a squad car to investigate as the object moves behind a hill and hovers above a field. Within a minute, the lights move to the southwest and soon are out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** \(Don Schmitt, “The Belleville Sightings, Part One,” IUR 12, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1987\): 8\).
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6676
### Event 46229 (9D96D616)
**Date:** 3/23/1987
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** CONCORD, NC
**Description:** Trees crunch! Domed saucer lands / yard. Area bathed / orange light. Magnetism.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14931
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "CONCORD,NC:TREES CRUNCH!:DOMED SCR LANDS/YARD:AREA BATHED/ORG LITE:MAGNETISM", **LatLong:** "35.411113 -80.577782", **LatLongDMS:** "35:24:40 N 80:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.411113,-80.577782)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46230 (C9228AD9)
**Date:** 3/23/1987
**Location:** Concord, North Carolina
**Description:** Evening. A woman hears a crash outside her home in Concord, North Carolina, and goes outside to investigate. She sees a domed disk in her backyard about 75 feet away, partially obscured by a tree. The dome is about 6 feet in diameter on top of an object about 25 feet high. The dome is projecting an intensely bright orange light that creates shooting pains in her eyes and lights up the entire yard. The lower part of the object is blue-silver and an 18–20 foot wide ramp extends down from it. Her eyes still hurt, so she does not see the UFO leave. No ground markings are found the next day, although two days later she discovers that a metal post on her dog lot has been magnetized.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Unusual Experiences from the Timmerman Files,” IUR 27, no. 2 \(Summer 2002\): 22–23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6677
### Event 46231 (44027A0D)
**Date:** 3/23/1987
**Description:** A woman in Concord, North Carolina heard a crash outside her home in the evening and went to the window to investigate. Though partially obscured by a tree and its limbs, there was no question that she was looking at a domed disc parked in her backyard. The dome was about six feet in diameter and the whole craft was about 25 feet high. From the dome came the brightest orange light that she had ever seen. It was so bright that she could only look for a short while, turn away, recover, and look again. The light created shooting pains in her eyes, so that her eyes didn't fully recover for two to three days. The orange light filled the back of her yard so thoroughly that it seemed almost tangible. "It was so dense that my outside light looked just like a small light bulb, [and I] couldn't see the post at all." Her neighbor heard the noise and told her that everything down by her house looked very orange. All around the object it looked just like a thick orange fog.
The lower part of the craft looked blue-silver, especially what seemed to be an extended 18-20 foot wide ramp. The object was about 75 feet from her. Her eyes were hurting and so she didn't see it leave. No ground marks were found the next day. Two days later her grandson visited and was told the story. He walked the area and held up some keys to the fence gate at the dog lot, which was close to the sight. The keys swung over on their own and hit the metal post, indicating that the post had been magnetized.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Swords, International UFO Reporter, Summer 2002, p. 23
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1632
### Event 46232 (E4EDB2C8)
**Date:** 3/25/1987
**Time:** 11:00
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). White car-size object hovers 300M away. Descends going down / trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 400)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14932
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PEKAN,PAHANG,MALAYSIA:100s/OBS:WHT CAR-SIZE OBJ HVRS 300M AWAY:DESCENDS↓/TREES", **LatLong:** "3.638889 103.588894", **LatLongDMS:** "03:38:20 N 103:35:20 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/3.638889,103.588894)", **State/Prov:** "PHG", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46233 (C79DABFD)
**Date:** 3/31/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The *Kvant* module \(X and ultraviolet astronomy\) docks to the *Mir* station. (March 31)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3014
### Event 46234 (198C8C3D)
**Date:** 4/1987
**Location:** Indianapolis
**Description:** UFO abduction researcher [Budd Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins) publishes Intruders, an account of his investigation into the abduction experiences of [Debbie Jordan-Kauble](https://ufocongress.com/debbie-jordan-kauble-2019/) \(using the pseudonym of “Kathie Davis”\) an Indianapolis woman whose long series of abductions include an instance when the beings impregnate her by artificial insemination aboard a UFO, then return a few months later to remove the fetus. During a subsequent abduction several years later, the beings introduce her to a frail little girl, half-human, half-alien, and tell her this girl is her daughter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Budd Hopkins, [Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods](https://archive.org/details/intrudersincredi00hopkrich), Random House, 1987; Jerome Clark, “A Conversation with Budd Hopkins,” IUR 13, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1988\): 4–12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6678
### Event 46235 (70E11399)
**Date:** 4/3/1987
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .003KT YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1702
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".003", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 46236 (F903C4A4)
**Date:** 4/3/1987
**Time:** 01:17:10.3
**Location:** 49.9100 78.7860
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1703
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9100 78.7860", **LatLongDMS:** "49:54:36 N 78:47:10 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9100,78.7860)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.20", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46237 (897A2445)
**Date:** 4/17/1987
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** SODERBARKE, SWD
**Description:** 7 observer(s). Classic saucer over lake. Glow / bottom/underside. Darkness cloud engulfs all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14933
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SODERBARKE,SWD:7 OBS:CLASSIC SCR OVR LAKE:GLOW/BTM:DARKNESS CLOUD ENGULFS ALL", **LatLong:** "60.066670 15.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "60:04:00 N 15:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.066670,15.583334)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46238 (507770E8)
**Date:** 4/17/1987
**Time:** 01:03:07.1
**Location:** 49.8740 78.6630
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 190KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1704
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8740 78.6630", **LatLongDMS:** "49:52:26 N 78:39:47 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8740,78.6630)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "190"
### Event 46239 (C3CA4738)
**Date:** 4/17/1987
**Description:** At around 11:00 p.m. seven people witnessed a disc-shaped object hovering over a lake in Soderbarke, Kopparberg, Sweden. The bottom of the object was glowing, until a dark cloud engulfed the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2091
### Event 46240 (776AC5C1)
**Date:** 4/18/1987
**Time:** 13:40:00.6
**Location:** 37.2479 -116.5091
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Delamar” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_974
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2479 -116.5091", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:52 N 116:30:33 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2479,-116.5091)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Delamar", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46241 (81737960)
**Date:** 4/19/1987
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** PEKAN, PAHANG, MLYS
**Description:** TV crew. Dazzling object hovers / several min. Rises very fast. No footage.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 400)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14934
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PEKAN,PAHANG,MLYS:TV CREW:DAZZLING OBJ HVRS/SVRL MIN:RISES VFAST:no footage", **LatLong:** "3.616667 103.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "03:37:00 N 103:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/3.616667,103.583338)", **State/Prov:** "PHG", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46242 (36FCD231)
**Date:** 4/19/1987
**Time:** 04:00:00.0
**Location:** 60.6000 57.2000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium 3-1” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1705
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "60.6000 57.2000", **LatLongDMS:** "60:36:00 N 57:12:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.6000,57.2000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "2.02", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "PNE:Helium 3-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 46243 (93F4B95D)
**Date:** 4/19/1987
**Time:** 04:05:00.0
**Location:** 60.8000 57.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Helium 3-2” Yield: 3.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1706
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "60.8000 57.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "60:48:00 N 57:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.8000,57.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "2.06", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "PNE:Helium 3-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "3.2"
### Event 46244 (699715C9)
**Date:** 4/22/1987
**Location:** USSR, Kazakhstan
**Description:** (Translated from French) The five witnesses were British airmen aboard a British Airways jumbo jet flying from London to Bangkok. First Officer Anthony Colin reported: Suddenly we saw what appeared to be another aircraft to our right. It showed two white lights, just like an aircraft. We watched it and saw that there was a green light where there should have been a red navigation light. It was coming towards us at the same level, and we banked to make sure we passed safely behind it. In front of our nose it began to accelerate, emitting a long line of small, vaguely phosphorescent lights which faded away to our left at great speed. At what distance? Impossible to say, but I estimate about one mile. It was not an aircraft, none of us had ever seen such a craft and we are all hard-bitten, cynical airmen, always with a scientific explanation for any event. But this left us speechless. (...) The director of the British Astronomical Association's "Artificial Satellites" section has an explanation: This is a standard description of re-entry into the atmosphere, with a greenish luminous colouring when the object disintegrates. I cannot say which satellite it was, but I am certain it was one. The rest was an optical illusion.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London, 1989, p. 53, 54
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3269
### Event 46245 (30DE7A0F)
**Date:** 4/22/1987
**Time:** 22:00:00.1
**Location:** 36.9831 -116.0046
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Presidio” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_975
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.9831 -116.0046", **LatLongDMS:** "36:58:59 N 116:00:17 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.9831,-116.0046)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Presidio", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46246 (89FB9DF6)
**Date:** 4/26/1987
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** USAF C141 pilot. Classic saucer with colored lights. Nothing / radar.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Von LUDVIGER, Illobrand ed. UFO's-SEUGEN UND ZEICHEN. Berlin 1995 edition q-Verlags GmbH ISBN 3-86124-300-8. (Index 146)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14935
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ATHENS AIRPORT,GRC:USAF C141 PILOT:CLASSIC SCR W/CLRD LITES:nothing/radar:", **LatLong:** "38.033335 23.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "38:02:00 N 23:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.033335,23.666668)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46247 (9231ACD6)
**Date:** 4/29/1987
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** SWANSEA, WALES
**Description:** 2+tot. Grey ovoid over garden. Windows / side. Seen very briefly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN ABDUCTIONS - the Mystery Solved; Inner Light, NJ 1988. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14936
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "52", **HatchDesc:** "SWANSEA,WALES:2+TOT:GREY OVOID OVR GARDEN:WINDOWS/SIDE:SEEN VERY BRIEFLY", **LatLong:** "51.616669 -3.983334", **LatLongDMS:** "51:37:00 N 03:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.616669,-3.983334)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46248 (90221273)
**Date:** 4/30/1987
**Time:** 13:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.2330 -116.4231
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hardin” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_976
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2330 -116.4231", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:59 N 116:25:23 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2330,-116.4231)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Hardin", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46249 (5D0499C0)
**Date:** 5/1987
**Description:** [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) announces that for the past six and a half years he and some associates “succeeded in establishing a cooperative relationship with a number of well-placed contacts within the American intelligence community.” He provides a copy of one page of the MJ-12 briefing document, with some text blacked out FOIA-style.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, June 1987
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6679
### Event 46250 (0EEF1900)
**Date:** 5/1/1987
**Locations:** Glenview, Illinois; 2457 West Peterson Avenue, Chicago
**Description:** The Center for UFO Studies moves from Glenview, Illinois, to 2457 West Peterson Avenue in Chicago.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “CUFOS Is Moving,” IUR 12, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1987\): 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6680
### Event 46251 (339EF3E1)
**Date:** 5/5/1987
**Time:** 16:58:01.3
**Location:** -21.7050 -138.5810
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Jocaste” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1993
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.7050 -138.5810", **LatLongDMS:** "21:42:18 S 138:34:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.7050,-138.5810)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.55", **NukeName:** "Jocaste", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 46252 (D79EBC1E)
**Date:** 5/6/1987
**Time:** 04:02:08.1
**Location:** 49.7770 77.9840
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1707
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7770 77.9840", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:37 N 77:59:02 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7770,77.9840)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46253 (C74E2CCF)
**Date:** 5/15/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st test of the Soviet rocket *Energya.* (May 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3015
### Event 46254 (2A147357)
**Date:** 5/16/1987
**Location:** OVER THUNDER BAY, ON
**Description:** Airline(s)/airliner crew. Solid 1000' RADAR blip / 5000mph! Nothing visual. / r171.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14937
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "ovr THUNDER BAY,ON:AL CREW:SOLID 1000'RDR BLIP/5000mph!:NOTHING VISUAL:/r171", **LatLong:** "48.416669 -89.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "48:25:00 N 89:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.416669,-89.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46255 (4FE1E6F0)
**Date:** 5/16/1987
**Location:** Airliner en route from Toronto to Winnipeg, Canada
**Description:** Huge unidentified target on weather radar for four minutes
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_422
### Event 46256 (FBBE157E)
**Date:** 5/16/1987
**Description:** On this day an airline crew tracked a UFO on their weather radar. A Canadian Air International Boeing 737 was en route from Toronto, Ontario to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Capt. Rick Olsen was flying at 31,000 feet (9,000 meters) when he and his first officer observed an unidentified object on their weather radar. The radar track indicated an object "about the size of an aircraft carrier" about 50 miles away at approximately their altitude, and traveling on roughly the same course at 5,400 mph (8,600 km/hr). The radar target lasted about four minutes. Weather was hazy at the time, and the aircraft was not close enough to make visual contact.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty-Year Report, p. 246; John Robert Colombo, UFOs over Canada: Personal Accounts of Sightings and Close Encounters, p. 215
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2901
### Event 46257 (2005F91A)
**Date:** 5/20/1987
**Time:** 17:05:00.1
**Location:** -21.8500 -138.9130
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycomede” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1994
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8500 -138.9130", **LatLongDMS:** "21:51:00 S 138:54:47 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8500,-138.9130)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.51", **NukeName:** "Lycomede", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 46258 (181C4D10)
**Date:** 5/21/1987
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Weird 40' box / light near oil-rig. Saucers and physical traces / months. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 398)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14938
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PATIENCE WELL,W.AUSTRL:WIERD 40'BOX/LITE nr OIL-RIG:SCRS+TRCs/MONTHS:see ref.", **LatLong:** "-23.400001 125.766673", **LatLongDMS:** "23:24:00 S 125:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.400001,125.766673)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46259 (5EF865B4)
**Date:** 5/26/1987
**Location:** USSR, Kiev
**Description:** (Translated from French) More than 900 people reported the observation of a large, grey, cigar-shaped object surrounded by 6 small rockets above Kiev. It was a beautiful day and people were on the banks of the Dniepr. Radar had echoes and a pilot flying at 5000 meters reported that it was something huge, several times the size of a football field, and made of a fluorescent metal. The controls of the plane locked up when approaching, and the pilot only survived due to the ejection of his seat. [vog: who is the only one to tell us about this event...] (May 26, 1987)
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse'", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3270
### Event 46260 (AC73AF7E)
**Date:** 5/26/1987
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** FAIRMOUNT, IN
**Description:** Silent inverted ice-cream-cone flips over. Big light / large end. Very low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14939
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "FAIRMOUNT,IN:SLNT INVERTED ICE-CREAM-CONE FLIPS OVR:BIG LITE/LRG END:VLO ALT", **LatLong:** "40.416669 -85.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:25:00 N 85:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.416669,-85.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46261 (6664F982)
**Date:** 5/30/1987
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Red fireball sinks / lake. Huge saucer emerges and circles area. Big quake!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14940
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "LAGUNA CARTAGENA,PR:RED FBL SINKS/LAKE:HUGE SCR EMERGES+CCLS AREA:BIG QUAKE!", **LatLong:** "18.033334 -67.100003", **LatLongDMS:** "18:02:00 N 67:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.033334,-67.100003)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46262 (ED3650DF)
**Date:** 5/31/1987
**Locations:** London; New York; Washington
**Description:** British ufologist [Timothy Good](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy%5FGood) has also received a copy of the MJ-12 briefing document \(the same one received by [Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) and [Shandera](https://obscurantist.com/oma/shandera-jamie/)\) in March and shares it with the press, adamantly refusing to say who sent it to him. The first mention appears in the London Observer, and soon it is the subject of pieces in the New York Times, Washington Post, and ABC-TV’s Night Line. Many ufologists denounce the documents as a forgery. Good admits to researcher [Richard Dolan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FM.%5FDolan) in 2008 that the source was probably “connected to” [Richard Doty](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://ufoscoop.com/richard-c-doty/).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 544](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/544/mode/2up); Dolan II 398; Clark III 366
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6681
### Event 46263 (42E55ECA)
**Date:** 6/1987
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Babinda
**Description:** (Translated from French) Michel and Lena Desmarquet lived near Babinda. One night in June, Michel woke up, and as if driven by an external force, he wrote a note for his wife, telling her he was leaving for about ten days. Then he went outside and saw the lawn and the ground undulating. He thought he was sick. Suddenly he felt himself levitating: he saw his house and the garden from above. There was an entity there, 3 meters tall and resembling a blond human, who began to speak to him in French. Michel thought he was having a nightmare. The entity told him his name was Thao, and explained a lot of things to him. It was a hermaphrodite. There was also a blue-gray saucer 70 m in diameter, with no windows or doors. Michel felt himself transported from the ground to the saucer. The light intensity was so great that he was given a mask to protect himself. During the experience he visited the planet Thiacouba - he would tell all this in a book published in March 1993. Then he returned home, where he found his wife in distress and had to convince her of what had happened to him.
**Reference:** UFORA92201- Vlad Godic - Keith Basterfield.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3273
### Event 46264 (CE5D3A59)
**Date:** 6/1987
**Location:** PERM, RUSSIA
**Description:** UFO investigator. Problems with phone. Pseudo-human/entity / diving-suit in backyard!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 146)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14941
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PERM,RUSSIA:UFO INVESTIGATOR:PROBLEMS W/PHONE:PSH/DIVING-SUIT IN BACKYARD!", **LatLong:** "57.983336 56.266669", **LatLongDMS:** "57:59:00 N 56:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.983336,56.266669)", **State/Prov:** "PER", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46265 (1F6FA922)
**Date:** 6/1987 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** TINGSRYD, SWD
**Description:** UFO lands / road. Onion-head small humanoids (or Greys) abduction man. 2nd trucker verifies UFO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 397)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14942
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "TINGSRYD,SWD:UFO LANDS/ROAD:ONION-HEAD OIDS ABD MAN:2nd TRUCKER VERIFIES UFO", **LatLong:** "56.516669 14.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "56:31:00 N 14:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.516669,14.966667)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46266 (63495F13)
**Date:** 6/1987
**Description:** [Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) provides photocopies of all the pages of the Majestic-12 briefing document. Certain areas that had been blacked out are now readable, although redacted sections still exist. Moore has done his own redacting. He also reveals the Cutler-Twining memo.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, July 1987
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6682
### Event 46267 (5256C131)
**Date:** 6/1/1987
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Huge cylinder/cylindrical object with orbs / ends hovers / lake. Going quickly south. Back / 2 nights. / r121p10.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Jorge Martin: Puerto Rico: email
(Artist's composite sketch by Rebecca Helen Johnson Woodaman
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5538
### Event 46357 (0BC4DF83)
**Date:** 9/1987
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** SOMERS, MT
**Description:** 2 / car. Fireball paces car. Divides / 2. 1 part on each side of car. Continues.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 272)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14971
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "889", **HatchDesc:** "SOMERS,MT:2/CAR:FBL PACES CAR:DIVIDES/2:1 PART ON EACH SIDE OF CAR:CONTINUES", **LatLong:** "48.077780 -114.222228", **LatLongDMS:** "48:04:40 N 114:13:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.077780,-114.222228)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46358 (105DC887)
**Date:** 9/1987
**End date:** 12/1987
**Location:** Foreman and Ashdown, AR
**Description:** Sighting concentration, including 60 reports to sheriff's office in Little River County.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_426
### Event 46359 (233269B5)
**Date:** 9/1987
**Description:** The final issue of the APRO Bulletin is published by [Jim and Coral Lorenzen](http://robert-barrow.blogspot.com/2007/05/remembering-coral-lorenzen.html).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [APRO Bulletin](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201987%2009%2000%20-%20Vol%2033%20No%207.pdf) 33, no. 7 \(September 1987\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6699
### Event 46360 (1755C55B)
**Date:** 9/1987
**Location:** Taunton, Somerset, England
**Description:** Three witnesses in Taunton, Somerset, England, observe a triangular object with bright white lights at each point and red lights underneath, rotating to the left. Its size is estimated to be comparable to three C-130 aircraft.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 139
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6700
### Event 46361 (040B20A6)
**Date:** 9/1/1987
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** BANGOR, WA
**Description:** Kids and mom. Saucer. 2 2M green figure(s) with cat ears beam light going down / boys. / NUFORC Rp.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 492)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14972
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "BANGOR,WA:KIDS+MOM:SCR:2 2M GRN FIGS W/CAT EARS BEAM LITE ↓/BOYS:/NUFORC Rp", **LatLong:** "47.716669 -122.733339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:43:00 N 122:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.716669,-122.733339)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 46362 (3F9E66EA)
**Date:** 9/1/1987
**Location:** Bangor, WA
**Description:** Ellipse with windows beamed light down on children in playground, two humanoids visible in object (section XII). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5756
### Event 46363 (ECC7C7AE)
**Date:** 9/1/1987
**Location:** Bangor, WA
**Description:** Ellipse with windows beamed light down on children in playground, two humanoids visible in object
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_425
### Event 46364 (EAC0574C)
**Date:** Early Autumn 1987
**Location:** southern Ohio hills
**Description:** Evening. [Rich](https://www.johnquint.com/ViewCondolences.php?FuneralHomeID=JohnQuint&ID=424) and Kathy Dicenzo, their children, and a family friend are sitting outside their weekend residence in the southern Ohio hills in front of a campfire. Suddenly a dark shape appears passing from in back of them from the north over the roof of the house and blotting out the stars in a precise boomerang shape. The perimeter of the shape is covered with 12–20 individual lights. All sounds from insects, tree frogs, and distant dogs stops. The campfire flame rises straight up, frozen. The aspen tree in the front yard stops “quaking” and the children gasp. The soundless object is low, and it extends beyond the 72-foot length of the house. After one minute, the light configuration wobbles, the lights change from amber to red, and the object splits into three sections, spreads out, and dissipates.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jennie Zeidman, “Strangeness in the Night,” IUR 14, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1989\): 5, 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6698
### Event 46365 (553ABC7B)
**Date:** 9/2/1987
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** BELLEVUE, WA
**Description:** 6 red and white objects in fixed formation at 12K' going NE. seen / pilot / 30 Sec.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14973
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "BELLEVUE,WA:6 RED+WHT OBJs IN FIXED FORMATION @ 12K' >NE. SEEN/PILOT/30 SEC.", **LatLong:** "47.616669 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:37:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.616669,-122.200006)", **RelAlt:** "3600", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 46366 (2255B4E7)
**Date:** 9/3/1987
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** GREENSBURG, PA
**Description:** 3 cops and 2. Metallic saucer over power lines. Documented cause / power outage.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14974
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "GREENSBURG,PA:3 COPS+2:MTLC SCR OVR PWR LINES:DOCUMENTED CAUSE/PWR OUTAGE", **LatLong:** "40.300002 -79.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:00 N 79:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.300002,-79.550004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46367 (1986BA1B)
**Date:** 9/3/1987
**Description:** Five witnesses, including three police, witnessed a metallic-appearing, disc-shaped object over some power lines in Greensburg, Pennsylvania at around 1:00 a.m. It was the documented cause of an electrical power outage.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, May 1989, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5611
### Event 46368 (F17F6443)
**Date:** 9/4/1987
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** JMP (Justice for Military Personnel) letter sent to President Ronald Reagan. This letter, verified by: Astronaut [Gordon Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Cooper), Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe (USMC, Ret.) (now deceased), MUFON (Sequin, TX), APRO (Tucson, AZ) and Just Cause (Coventry, CT) states that: “WE (military personnel) have been ordered by the CIA to shoot at UFOs, silence pilots who have seen UFOs, intimidate, harass, jail, confine to institutions, and destroy military careers of witnesses to UFO sightings. We VIOLATED the Freedom of Information Act by hiding Government documents.” Maj. Keyhoe sent this letter to PEA Research in 1987.
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (JMP)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_760
**See also:** 7/1952
**See also:** 9/24/1947
### Event 46369 (422C1B1B)
**Date:** 9/7/1987
**Location:** France, Nord sur Erdre
**Description:** (Translated from French) He was ten years old. He was suddenly woken up on Monday, September 7, 1987, around 5 o'clock by a mysterious, piercing sound. When he opened the shutters, he discovered a surprising orange-colored object in the garden, resembling two stacked plates. The thing was flashing and emitting a beam of white light downwards. He states that with the help of his radio cassette, he recorded the sound: a piercing "beep-beep" like the alarm of a motorcycle. (...) On the day of the observation, as soon as he heard the noise, he activated his recorder and placed it in front of the window. Little Laurent remembered that the morning before, as he explained (...) he had heard a strange sound when he glimpsed light through the shutters. He reported it to his parents the same day and thought it could be thieves. But they paid little attention to the story. The next day, believing he was reliving the same event, (...) he decided to record it to provide proof.
**Reference:** Robert ROUSSEL: "Ovni, les vérités cachées de l'enquête officielle", ed. Albin Michel 1994, p 199 and following
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3278
### Event 46370 (E09CD1CE)
**Date:** 9/8/1987
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Guards. Hooded figure / new and inaccessible bridge. Vanishes when lit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14975
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "STOCKSBRIDGE,ENGL:GUARDS:HOODED FIG/NEW+INACCESSIBLE BRIDGE:VANISHES WHEN LIT", **LatLong:** "53.483336 -1.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:29:00 N 01:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.483336,-1.583333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46371 (319BB41D)
**Date:** 9/8/1987
**Description:** On this night at 10:00 p.m. two security guards patrolling a section of a by-pass road under construction in Deepcar, Stocksbridge, South Yorkshire, England saw a hooded figure standing on an inaccessible bridge near the road junction. When they directed the headlights of their car upon the figure it suddenly vanished. Moments later both men saw what appeared to be a group of small children apparently dancing around an electricity pylon. Upon approaching the figures, they also suddenly vanished into thin air. No footprints or other traces were found on the muddy ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Devereux, Earth Lights Revelation, p. 99; Albert S. Rosales, 1987 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 1625, citing Paul Devereux
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5777
### Event 46372 (2536899A)
**Date:** 9/11/1987
**Locations:** Herăstrău Park; Bucharest, Romania; Arcul de Triumf; Romanian National Television building
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. Lydia B. Lövendal-Papae and her husband are walking between Herăstrău Park \[now King Michael I Park\] and Aviators Square in Bucharest, Romania, when they see a large, reddish-orange star hovering above the nearby Arcul de Triumf. After a minute, it moves to right above them and stops for a couple minutes before it sways back and forth. Suddenly it makes large zigzag movements toward the Romanian National Television building and disappears to the northeast. After 5 minutes, her husband sees a white beam shooting briefly from the direction it has gone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 45–46
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6701
### Event 46373 (3906314A)
**Date:** 9/12/1987
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** RICHMOND BCH, WA
**Description:** Small red light goes to window of house. Fast south-maneuver and takes off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14976
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "RICHMOND BCH,WA:SMALL RED LITE GOES TO WINDOW OF HOUSE:FAST S-MNVR+TAKES OFF", **LatLong:** "47.772225 -122.383339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:46:20 N 122:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.772225,-122.383339)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46374 (2B3C7236)
**Date:** 9/12/1987
**Time:** ~23:00
**Description:** Small humanoids (or Greys). Vanish when neared. Cops see man in white vanish by car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14977
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "STOCKSBRIDGE,ENGL:OIDS:VANISH WHEN NEARED:COPS SEE MAN IN WHITE VANISH BY CAR", **LatLong:** "53.500003 -1.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:30:00 N 01:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.500003,-1.583333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46375 (16E33041)
**Date:** 9/13/1987
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** RICHLAND, WA
**Description:** Oval UFO with lights moves down and up, going quickly northwest toward(s) Hanford Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). Seen 5 min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14978
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "119", **HatchDesc:** "RICHLAND,WA:OVAL UFO W/LITES MOVES DOWN+UP,>>NW twrd HANFORD AEC:SEEN 5min.", **LatLong:** "46.283336 -119.316672", **LatLongDMS:** "46:17:00 N 119:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.283336,-119.316672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46376 (7D1621C4)
**Date:** 9/13/1987
**Location:** Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil
**Description:** A radioactive contamination accident takes place in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, after a forgotten radiotherapy source is taken from an abandoned hospital site in the city. It is subsequently handled by many people, resulting in four deaths. About 112,000 people are examined for radioactive contamination and 249 of them are found to be contaminated. In the cleanup operation, topsoil has to be removed from several sites, and several hundred houses are demolished. All the objects from within those houses, including personal possessions, are seized and incinerated.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Goiânia accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goi%C3%A2nia%5Faccident)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6702
### Event 46377 (5664220C)
**Date:** 9/14/1987
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** HEBRON, IN
**Description:** 1 / car. Huge black silent boomerang / treetops. Going south. Same seen / Mt. Vernon / 2145h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14979
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "214", **HatchDesc:** "HEBRON,IN:1/CAR:HUGE BLK SLNT BOOMERANG/TREETOPS:>S:SAME SEEN/Mt.VERNON/2145h", **LatLong:** "41.316669 -87.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:19:00 N 87:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.316669,-87.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46378 (427907A3)
**Date:** 9/14/1987
**Location:** Debrecen, Hungary
**Description:** 6:05 p.m. A man and his daughter are walking in Debrecen, Hungary, when she sees a “flying log.” The man looks up and sees a cylindrical object flying very slowly to the north. After 3 minutes it disappears without a trace.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Karoli Hargitai, “The UFO Phenomenon in Hungary,” IUR 14, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1989\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6703
### Event 46379 (D8EA9BD4)
**Date:** 9/14/1987
**Description:** A 23-year-old man in Hebron, Indiana witnessed a very large, black, boomerang-shaped object, the size of a railroad car, only 75-100 feet away and at 75-100 feet altitude. It had two rows of steady blue lights on the underside, with 11 lights in each row. The object was described as blacker than black. Its speed was very slow, moving at about 15 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Rigg, MUFON field investigator, MUFON case files CD-ROM, report # 880808
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5969
### Event 46380 (B881F0D9)
**Date:** 9/18/1987
**Time:** 02:32:10.0
**Location:** 49.9760 78.0240
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1716
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9760 78.0240", **LatLongDMS:** "49:58:34 N 78:01:26 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9760,78.0240)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 46381 (1503786E)
**Date:** 9/21/1987
**Location:** New York City
**Description:** President Reagan states to the UN General Assembly “Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
**Type:** statement
**Reference:** [link](https://www.cultureready.org/blog/reagans-1987-un-speech-alien-threat-resonates-now)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_759
### Event 46382 (44B36C52)
**Date:** 9/21/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Declaration by [Ronald Reagan](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ReaganRonaldWilson.html) to the 42nd General Assembly of the [UN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ONU.html). (September 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3016
### Event 46383 (3404BC8D)
**Date:** 9/22/1987
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Abbots Bromley (Staffordshire)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four witnesses, including 3 from the Goodwin family of Uttoxeter. "My family and I were driving back from Walsall and had just crossed Baggots Wood in Abbots Bromley when my father shouted out: "Good God, what's that?" When I looked up I saw the underside of what appeared to be a triangular shaped craft. It was moving very slowly, almost stationary. I wound down my window and there was no sound. The craft gently tilted to one side and I got a quick glimpse of the top part. The underside of the craft had (around the periphery) lights that lit up in sequence and in the middle of the underside was a (large) dim red light in the shape of a cross. At each corner there were some kind of large spotlights. The craft moved away towards Abbots Bromsley. Then it stopped above the wood and all I could see then was a thin red line in the sky.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 85 p. 20
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3279
### Event 46384 (88786549)
**Date:** 9/22/1987
**Locations:** Bossier City, Louisiana; Barksdale Air Force Base
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A young couple is sitting outside in Bossier City, Louisiana, when they see a large, conical or triangular object pass silently in the sky. It has sparsely distributed lighting on its base and seems metallic and solid. They estimate it is several football fields in length. On October 6, the man sees the object again, moving in the same direction toward Barksdale Air Force Base.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Timmerman’s Triangles,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6704
### Event 46385 (3C3AD838)
**Date:** 9/24/1987
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** CORYDON, IN
**Description:** Teen. Saucer with windows / top and lower domes! Swerves to miss buildings. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14980
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "167", **HatchDesc:** "CORYDON,IN:TEEN:SCR W/WINDOWS/TOP+LOWER DOMES!:SWERVES TO MISS BLDGS:CAR EMEs", **LatLong:** "38.183335 -86.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:11:00 N 86:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.183335,-86.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46386 (23B0F267)
**Date:** 9/24/1987
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2280 -116.3747
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lockney” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_981
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2280 -116.3747", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:41 N 116:22:29 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2280,-116.3747)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Lockney", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46387 (457F51A3)
**Date:** 9/24/1987
**Description:** A 16-year-old farm boy and high school student, Tirn Kendall, was driving at 35 mph down a road in Corydon, Indiana when he noticed a bright blue light behind him. Within seconds the Saturn-shaped UFO proceeded to pass him and moved in front, then tilted right to avoid hitting a house, powerlines and trees. The object went straight ahead, and then shot straight up, paused and finally accelerated out of sight. When the UFO passed the car there was a slight stall to the engine, and the headlights and dashboard lights dimmed for a few seconds. The UFO was about the size of a car, had a greenish-yellow glow, antennae, and multicolored (red, orange, blue and green) lights on the rim. There was a bright blue light in the center of the bottom dome and antennae on both the top and bottom domes. The close encounter lasted 15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, citing MUFON case # 871104, Field Investigator Delehanty; Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, May 1989, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6294
### Event 46388 (62644910)
**Date:** 9/25/1987
**Location:** DC
**Description:** Contactee spy comedy “Real Men” movie is released
**Type:** movie
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Men_%28film%29)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_761
### Event 46389 (C4B4FAD9)
**Date:** 9/28/1987
**Location:** Israel, Elija's Gate (near Haifa)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 10:25 mechanic Amiel (Ami) Achrai was driving on the coastal road. He saw, on the beach, what he took to be a crashed helicopter, less than 30 meters to his left, on the sand of Shikmona Beach. He stopped the car in the middle of the road and got out. Now he sees what this "helicopter" is. It measures a bit more than 8 m in diameter, is round, with a banana profile and it is rotating counterclockwise. Flying, the object emits sparks and occasionally flashes of light. Underneath the object there was a round and red light. It made a loud noise of compressed air and it caused a whirlwind of wind described by the witness as a "typhon". Ami watched the object on the ground for 15 seconds, before it discharged "a charge of burning coals" and disappeared into the air. Hoping to meet other witnesses of the scene, Ami was dismayed to see that the busy road was empty of people. Ami started running towards a nearby gas station, looking for the comfort of human contact. He had only taken a few steps, when the object was again there, 20 meters above the beach, and a red beam of light descended to the ground. In a fraction of a second, the thing had disappeared to the west above the Mediterranean and became a tiny orange point of light. All this happened in less than a minute, from the sight of the "helicopter", to the total disappearance. Yet, this was going to change Ami's life.
At home, Ami did not sleep two nights in a row. He decided to call the police, but they didn't care and suggested he contact the fortune teller Arbel. (vog: strange advice from the police, no?) Which he did. During the two other days, Ami suffered from migraine, chills and general weakness. His eyes itched and he couldn't watch television without screaming in pain. His lips were dry and no liquid could help. On the evening of Yom Kippur, five days after his observation, he decided to return to Shikmona beach. Which he did the next day, finding the exact place, where the plastic bottles were melted into perfect little circles. He saw a strange red stone, took it in his hand: it immediately changed color, became white and crumbled into powder. The next day he returned to the site accompanied by Arbel, who set about collecting samples in a plastic bag and told him that a voice was telling him that "the affair was not over". A little further they discovered the imprint of the UFO: its exact profile in the burned sand of a dune, ten meters long, four high. (...) and the imprint of an astronaut sitting facing two rectangles. Everything was measured (vog: me, I would have made this discovery, I would have called everyone to come and see, before measuring the size of the astronaut etc...) (...) The extraterrestrial measures 1 m 05, but Arbel fills bags with sand samples... Finally, the police were warned and very strangely, it is not Ami who is summoned, but Arbel who must go to the Technion Institute, Israeli version of MIT. (...) Meanwhile Ami becomes a media star, while life is not easy for him: he constantly feels electric shocks in his body when he wants to sleep, two black spots appear under his eyes, and a kind of hard ball grows on his chest. This ball, he excises himself and gives it to his father, who puts it on the balcony, and everyone watches it bounce by itself. (note from vog: ? really... that's cotton strong!) Then he manages to fold metal just by looking at it (Uri Geller style) but the most annoying thing is the appearance of letters and shapes in front of his eyes, at the least opportune moments. (...) Strangers recognize the signs: an ancient writing from Sinai.... Then, his whole family was affected by the appearance of signs in front of their eyes: his wife, his father, his daughter.... A friend advised him to read Ezekiel, he did, found his UFO there, and became very religious. And even the fortune teller Arbel became religious, and quoted the Bible at every turn.
**Reference:** "The Return of the Angels" - UFO in Israel, Past and Present - Barry Chamisch
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3280
### Event 46390 (C02EA15C)
**Date:** 9/29/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 2 monkeys, 10 rats, flies, grasshoppers, various microorganisms and plants fly aboard Cosmos 1887 \(Bion\) for international biological experiments. (September 29)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3017
### Event 46391 (D9910188)
**Date:** 10/1987 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) / 20mph. Headlights dim. Triangle / lights overhead. OK later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14981
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "430", **HatchDesc:** "TCH E/VIRDEN,MBa:CAR EMEs/20mph:HEADLITES DIM:TRIANGLE/LITES OVHD:OK LATER", **LatLong:** "49.766669 -100.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:00 N 100:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.766669,-100.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46392 (5A5549EC)
**Date:** 10/1/1987
**Description:** Marysville, Indiana. At 7:50 p.m. a black rectangular object was witnessed by a lone witness for 10 minutes while driving in a rural area. The UFO flew silently to the southwest, then toward the northwest, and finally further to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 112
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6476
### Event 46393 (D4B7D878)
**Date:** 10/2/1987
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** WYTHEVILLE, VA
**Description:** Many observer(s). Saucers and night lights all over/all about. Local wave starts 7 September. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 74)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14982
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "696", **HatchDesc:** "WYTHEVILLE,VA:MANY OBS:SCRS+NLTS ALLO:LOCAL WAVE STARTS 7SEPT:NFD", **LatLong:** "36.938891 -81.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "36:56:20 N 81:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.938891,-81.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46394 (18E65FEC)
**Date:** 10/3/1987
**Time:** 15:15:00.0
**Location:** 47.6000 56.2000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Batholith-2” Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1717
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "47.6000 56.2000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:36:00 N 56:12:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.6000,56.2000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "PNE:Batholith-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 46395 (177EDB1B)
**Date:** 10/8/1987
**Description:** On this night a round UFO ran an Ohio family off the road while driving in Grahams Forge, Virginia. The object made no sound and sped away to the north after buzzing their car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Danny B. Gordon, Don't Look Up! The Real Story Behind the Virginia UFO Sightings, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6669
### Event 46396 (A4621C11)
**Date:** 10/9/1987
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** PINE BUSH, NY
**Description:** Several observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft makes silent U-turn overhead. Ovoid later. Skeptic amazed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CRYSTAL,Ellen: SILENT INVASION - Shocking Discoveries; Paragon House, NY 1991. 190pp. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14983
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "121", **HatchDesc:** "PINE BUSH,NY:SVRL OBS:DLT MAKES SILENT U-TURN OVHD:OVOID LATER:SKEPTIC AMAZED", **LatLong:** "41.594446 -74.294448", **LatLongDMS:** "41:35:40 N 74:17:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.594446,-74.294448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46397 (60B976E5)
**Date:** 10/13/1987
**Location:** USSR, Siberia
**Description:** (Translated from French) Soviet troops in Siberia fired at 8:35 during their routine maneuvers at a low-altitude flying saucer. The surviving aliens retaliated by killing 23 Russian soldiers. (...) The UFO report contains 250 pages of testimony from two soldiers who mysteriously survived the extraterrestrial attack. A dramatic photo of the accident site, with sketches of aliens, was called by CIA sources "the most chilling portrait of extraterrestrial revenge on record." (KGB files in the hands of the CIA, according to the information). "They possess weapons and technologies that are superior to anything on Earth". This incident shows that when cornered, extraterrestrials use whatever is at their disposal to protect themselves. For unexplained reasons, these soldiers disabled the UFO with surface-to-air missile weapons, causing the crash of a 23-meter dimension to the east of the patrol position. The UFO crashed to the ground with a terrible impact, which literally cracked and opened the hull. And although the troops kept their distance, they were unable to move when five small humanoids with large heads and large black eyes emerged from the wreckage. The unnamed soldiers who survived the alien attack said that the creatures coming out of the wreckage huddled briefly and then merged into a single entity resembling a balloon! It is difficult to understand what happened then, but the soldiers said that the entity had begun to emit piercing cries and make a dull noise before it turned white and bright. A fraction of a second later, the balloon doubled in size and exploded in a dazzling flash of light. (...) The KGB report says that the wreckage of the UFO and the killed soldiers were recovered by Moscow for analysis. [note from vog: if you don't believe this one... we'll tell you another one!]
**Reference:** document released in February 1997 by the UECDDS to its members
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3281
### Event 46398 (90C616A7)
**Date:** 10/14/1987
**Location:** USA, Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. 11.7.1986) F-117 falls near the Nellis Base. The pilot, Maj. Michael Stewart is killed.
**Reference:** Gesag, Bulletin No. 96 Sept 97, p. 4
**Reference:** see 16.11.1987
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3282
### Event 46399 (DF7B295C)
**Date:** 10/14/1987
**Time:** 10:00
**Description:** 2 / car. Car ahead blows gray smoke. Then white. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 398)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14984
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "AUTOBAHN 5 NNE/BADEN-BADEN:2/CAR:CAR AHEAD BLOWS GRAY SMOKE:THEN WHT:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "49.000002 8.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:00:00 N 08:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.000002,8.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Bade-Wurtemberg", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46400 (A783D33C)
**Date:** 10/14/1987
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Huge silent shiny ball chases girl / bike. Sparks. Moving "wings".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14985
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CENTRAL ZEALAND,DK:HUGE SLNT SHINY BALL CHASES GIRL/BIKE:SPARKS:MOVING "WINGS"", **LatLong:** "55.500003 11.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "55:30:00 N 11:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.500003,11.666667)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46401 (49163EBD)
**Date:** 10/15/1987
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** NEAR HASLEV, DK
**Description:** 1 / car. Figure stands / rainy field. Huge ball / light nears. Goes extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14986
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr HASLEV,DK:1/CAR:FIG STANDS/RAINY FIELD:HUGE BALL/LITE NEARS:GOES XFAST", **LatLong:** "55.333336 11.950001", **LatLongDMS:** "55:20:00 N 11:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.333336,11.950001)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46402 (C129B35C)
**Date:** Mid 10/1987
**Locations:** Candlewood Lake Road; Brookfield, Connecticut
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. A man is driving up Candlewood Lake Road, near Brookfield, Connecticut, when he sees a low-flying aerial object that passes over the trees to the left. After making a turn, he notices four cars stopped with no lights on off the side of the road. He flashes his headlights and his car’s radio and electrical power dies. All the other drivers—three men and a woman—are out of their cars. They tell him that their vehicles stopped as a large, bright aircraft flew over and passed silently over a hill in the west. It had all white and amber lights and was triangular in shape. Two other cars drive by at that time and their engines sputter but they do not stop. He notices a glow in the woods. He wants to investigate it, but no one will accompany him. Grabbing a flashlight, he walks into the woods for about a quarter of a mile, watching the glow get brighter. As he climbs a hill, the glow turns deep red and then off-white. As he reaches the top of the hill, he sees a lighted object, but trees block his view. He climbs down the hill to a clearing and sees an object like a dark triangle hovering silently in \(not above\) the trees. He hears a noise and sees a figure wearing a helmet and a dark suit with glowing metallic stripes around the arms and waist approaching the object. It reaches the UFO and looks in the witness’s direction. He hears thoughts in his head saying that he shouldn’t come closer. As he watches, the figure raises its hand as if to say goodbye and vanishes in a flash of red light. The object then blinks out as if someone has just turned it off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NightSiege 201– 203
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6705
### Event 46403 (7BCCA6F1)
**Date:** 10/16/1987
**Time:** 06:06:07.0
**Location:** 49.8020 78.1400
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1718
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8020 78.1400", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:07 N 78:08:24 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8020,78.1400)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46404 (E58E792D)
**Date:** 10/19/1987
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** WEST / ARCADIA, FL
**Description:** Lady sees saucer / bridge. Beings seen through "window". Daytime hour unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14987
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "W/ARCADIA,FL:LADY SEES SCR/BRIDGE:BEINGS SEEN THRU "WINDOW":DAYTIME HOUR UNK.", **LatLong:** "27.222224 -81.872226", **LatLongDMS:** "27:13:20 N 81:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.222224,-81.872226)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46405 (93746860)
**Date:** 10/22/1987
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** OAK HILL, WV
**Description:** Amateur astronomer and several. Dumbell with lights / low altitude. Meets 22 night lights / V formation. Going quickly SSE.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14988
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "598", **HatchDesc:** "OAK HILL,WV:AM.ASTRON+SVRL:DUMBELL W/LITES/LO ALT:MEETS 22 NLTS/VFORM:>>SSE", **LatLong:** "37.972224 -81.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "37:58:20 N 81:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.972224,-81.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46406 (ED7D7FE4)
**Date:** 10/23/1987
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1419 -116.0787
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Borate” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_982
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1419 -116.0787", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:31 N 116:04:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1419,-116.0787)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Borate", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46407 (D1BCAC8E)
**Date:** 10/23/1987
**Time:** 16:50:00.3
**Location:** -21.8450 -138.9070
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Helenos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1997
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8450 -138.9070", **LatLongDMS:** "21:50:42 S 138:54:25 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8450,-138.9070)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.54", **NukeName:** "Helenos", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 46408 (E4ABDE15)
**Date:** 10/23/1987
**Description:** Danny Gordon and two friends were driving out from Wytheville toward Fort Chiswell, Virginia on Interstate 81 at 7:30 p.m. looking for UFOs that had been sighted in the area. They saw a large V-shaped object make a 90-degree turn over the highway. It flew silently overhead, changing light colors as if signaling the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Danny Gordon, Don't Look Up: The real story behind the Virginia UFO sightings, p. 54
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7057
### Event 46409 (BBB73F5D)
**Date:** 10/25/1987 (approximate)
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** FT. COLLINS, CO
**Description:** Heavy snowfall. 20' object roadside flashes. Follows car / 1 mile. Possible figr.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPRINKLE, R. Leo Ph.D: Private Files (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14989
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1525", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.COLLINS,CO:HEAVY SNOWFALL:20'OBJ ROADSIDE FLASHES:FOLOS CAR/1mile:poss.figr", **LatLong:** "40.566669 -105.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:34:00 N 105:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.566669,-105.100005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46410 (F64FB252)
**Date:** 10/31/1987
**Description:** A hovering object was seen on Halloween night over Wytheville, Virginia It shot off and broke sound barrier, rattling windows in homes in the town.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Danny B. Gordon, Don't Look Up! The Real Story Behind the Virginia UFO Sightings, p. 40
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7349
### Event 46411 (F946CC7C)
**Date:** 11/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Report from the [NSA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NSA.html): The [SETI](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SETI.html) teams report receiving regular signals.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3018
### Event 46412 (EF19CDDC)
**Date:** 11/1987
**Location:** ELY, CAMBRIDGE
**Description:** Saucer cruises near car at Prickwillow. Speeds up & vanishes. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14990
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ELY,CAMBRIDGE:SCR CRUISES NEAR CAR AT PRICKWILLOW:SPEEDS UP & VANISHES:NFD", **LatLong:** "52.400002 0.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:24:00 N 00:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.400002,0.250000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46413 (E40CDFCF)
**Date:** 11/1987
**End date:** 12/1987
**Location:** Central North Dakota
**Description:** Flurry of sightings including oval objects with flashing body lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_427
### Event 46414 (102E1CE7)
**Date:** 11/3/1987 (approximate)
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** NYKOBING F., DK
**Description:** 20cm red ball passes bicycle. 2-3M altitude. Turns down small path.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14991
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NYKOBING F.,DK:20cm RED BALL PASSES BICYCLE:2-3M alt:turns down sml path", **LatLong:** "55.750003 11.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:45:00 N 11:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.750003,11.883334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46415 (AB80B1F8)
**Date:** 11/5/1987
**Time:** 17:30:00.4
**Location:** -21.7910 -138.8740
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pasiphae” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1998
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.7910 -138.8740", **LatLongDMS:** "21:47:28 S 138:52:26 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.7910,-138.8740)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.36", **NukeName:** "Pasiphae", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 46416 (310748D6)
**Date:** 11/6/1987
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** SOUTH / FAVANG, NORW
**Description:** 2 / car. Hat saucer with 2 hooks going down. Moves / jumps. Disk exit and buzzes car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO-NORWAY NEWS (Norway, in English) No. 1 1989. Mentz Kaarbo ed. PO Box 14; N-3133 DUKEN,Norway. 1-2 issues/year
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14992
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "S/FAVANG,NORW:2/CAR:HAT SCR W/2 HOOKS ↓:MOVES/JUMPS:DISK EXIT+BUZZES CAR", **LatLong:** "61.394447 10.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "61:23:40 N 10:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.394447,10.266667)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46417 (C666741E)
**Date:** 11/11/1987
**Location:** USA, Gulf Breeze (Florida)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 5 pm, Ed Walters saw through the branches a gray-blue radiance. The light was coming from a large object that was silently flying over the houses and stood out, dazzling, against the red of the twilight. Ed Walters took out his Polaroid and managed to take some photos of the 15 m diameter cylindrical vessel, but a blue ray emitted by the craft paralyzed him. After a dull pain in his head, he felt like he was lifting off the ground and screamed in terror. An artificial voice reassured him, "We will not harm you". As he continued to rise, he smelled a scent of ammonia and cinnamon and fainted. He regained consciousness as he fell back to the ground. He had only vague memories: buzzing in his ears, a female voice, images of a dog. When he got home, he told his wife and children about his adventure: they had smelled the strange odor he was giving off. The few photos he had time to take were good.
**Reference:** Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Enquête sur les enlèvement E.T." - Plon 1995, p. 264, 265
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3283
### Event 46418 (7EE6C015)
**Date:** 11/11/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At [Gulf Breeze](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Breeze.html) \(Pensacola, Florida\), [Ed Walters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) is alone with his son in the family home. They are not in the same room. From the window of his office, [Walters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) sees a UFO moving behind the pines across the street. [Walters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) grabs a Polaroid and takes several snapshots. Rushing into the street to take more, he is "struck" by a beam of blue light and immobilized. There is a strong smell of cinnamon and his feet begin to leave the ground. He hears a voice in his head saying: We will not harm you. When [Walters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) persists in resisting, his mind is filled with images of dogs. The light is no longer there and he falls back to the ground. The UFO, which measured about 3.50 m in diameter and 2.70 m in height, with a brightly lit propulsion ring underneath, has disappeared. (November 11th, 5 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3019
### Event 46419 (FFF0DB49)
**Date:** 11/11/1987
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** 5 photographs crown-saucer. Mr. Ed lifted 1m / blue beam. Also 8 separate report(s). / MJ#239.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14993
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "116", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:5 FOTOS CROWN-SCR:Mr ED LIFTED 1m/BLU BEAM:+8 SEP.RPTS:/MJ#239", **LatLong:** "30.355557 -87.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:20 N 87:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.355557,-87.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 46420 (EBFE6C5B)
**Date:** 11/11/1987
**Location:** Gulf Breeze, FL
**Description:** First five photos reported taken by builder Ed Walters (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5757
### Event 46421 (84BCC1D3)
**Date:** 11/11/1987
**Location:** Gulf Breeze, FL
**Description:** First five photos reported taken by builder Ed Walters
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_428
### Event 46422 (5F3732C4)
**Date:** 11/11/1987
**Locations:** Gulf Breeze, Florida; California
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. Edward Walters, president of a construction company in Gulf Breeze, Florida, has his first alleged encounter with a UFO. He sees a glowing, top-shaped craft with a row of portholes across the midsection and a luminous ring on the bottom. He rushes in and grabs a Polaroid camera and snaps a photo just as the UFO is moving from behind a tree. He takes three more photos as the object, 150 feet away, drifts in a northeasterly direction. As he is taking more photos, the object moves above him, and Walters is hit by a blue beam that paralyzes him and lifts him several feet off the ground. After hearing a computerlike voice and a female voice, he sees images of dogs. Then he falls hard on the pavement and the UFO is gone. Over the next few months, Walters \(initially concealing his identity as “Mr. X”\) and his family claim a bewildering variety of close encounters, including abduction incidents, and Walters continues to produce more photos of the UFOs plaguing him. The veracity of his claims causes a rift in ufology, with MUFON championing the case and CUFOS very skeptical. California ufologist and songwriter [Zan Overall](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.zanoverallsongs.com/bio/) produces evidence that Walters knew how to double-expose photos well before his UFO pictures. In June 1990, a model UFO, seemingly a prototype for a fake UFO in his photos, is found in the wall of the house formerly occupied by Walters. One week later, Tom Smith Jr., 22, comes forward claiming he has seen Walters fake some of the photos. Photoanalyst [Bruce Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) continues to support Walters’s claims, coauthoring a book with him in 1997.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Gulf Breeze UFO incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf%5FBreeze%5FUFO%5Fincident)”; MUFON UFO Journal, March 1988; Donald M. Ware, Charles D. Flannigan, and Walter H. Andrus Jr., “[The](https://vdocuments.mx/mufon-ufo-journal-1988-4-april.html) [Gulf Breeze, Florida, Photographic Case: Supplement to Part I,](https://vdocuments.mx/mufon-ufo-journal-1988-4-april.html)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 240 \(April 1988\): 13–14, 21; Jerome Clark, “Editorial: Ill Breeze,” IUR 13, no. 2 \(March/April 1988\): 3, 23; Dennis Stacy, “Gulf Breeze: A Note to the Skeptical,” IUR 13, no. 2 \(March/April 1988\): 10–11; Mark Rodeghier, “Gulf Breeze: A Note to the Committed,” IUR 13, no. 2 \(March/April 1988\): 12–13, 23; Mark Rodeghier and Robert D. Boyd, “Gulf Breeze, Florida: The Other Side of the Coin,” CUFOS Bulletin, April 1988, pp. 1–4; Jerome Clark, “Editorial: Breeze from the Gulf,” IUR 13, no. 3 \(May/June 1988\): 3; MUFON UFO Journal, June 1988; MUFON UFO Journal, July 1988; MUFON UFO Journal, August 1988; Bruce Maccabee, “A History of the Gulf Breeze, Florida, Sighting Events,” in MUFON 1988 International UFO Symposium, MUFON, 1988, pp. 113– 204; Richard H. Hall and Willy Smith, “Balancing the Scale: Unanswered Questions about Gulf Breeze,” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 248 \(December 1988\): 3–7; Dan C. Overlade, “Psychological Evaluation of Mr. Ed,” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 248 \(December 1988\): 7–8; Bruce Maccabee, “[The Scale Remains Unbalanced,](https://vdocuments.mx/reader/full/mufon-ufo-journal-1989-4-april)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 252 \(April 1989\): 3–24; MUFON UFO Journal, May 1989; Bruce Maccabee, “Billy, No; Ed, Yes,” IUR 14, no. 3 \(May/June 1989\): 16–19, 24; Wim van Utrecht, “How to Take Your Own Gulf Breeze Photos,” IUR 14, no. 3 \(May/June 1989\): 20–21, 24; MUFON UFO Journal, May 1990; Ed Walters and Frances Walters, [The Gulf Breeze Sightings](https://archive.org/details/gulfbreezesighti00walt), Morrow, 1990; Zan Overall, Gulf Breeze Double Exposed: The ‘Ghost-Demon’ Photo Controversy, CUFOS, 1990; Craig Myers, “[Gulf Breeze](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97812167/) [UFO Model Found,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97812339/)” Pensacola \(Fla.\) News Journal, June 10, 1990, pp. 1, 8; Craig Myers, “[I Saw UFO Photos Faked,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97812609/) [Witness Says,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97812696/)” Pensacola \(Fla.\) News Journal, June 17, 1990, pp. 1, 4; Bruce Maccabee, “The Gulf Breeze Lights,” IUR 17, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1992\): 4–12; Art Hufford, “The Gulf Breeze Lights, Continued,” IUR 17, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1992\): 11– 12; Zan Overall, “The Gulf Breeze RUFOs,” IUR 17, no. 2 \(March/April 1992\): 14–18; Barbara Becker, “The Invention of a Gulf Breeze UFO,” IUR 17, no. 2 \(March/April 1992\): 19–21, 23; Bruce Maccabee and Ed Walters, UFOs Are Real: Here’s the Proof, Avon, 1997; James W. Moseley and Karl T. Pflock, Shockingly Close to the Truth! Confessions of a Grave-Robbing Ufologist, Prometheus, 2002, pp. 287–297; Clark III 550–552
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6706
### Event 46423 (20B4107A)
**Date:** 11/12/1987
**Location:** Great Britain, Mansfield (England)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 1:30 in the morning many people were woken up by a terrible noise, like an explosion. One person saw a fireball in the sky doing loops and double loops, looking on in terror. In some streets the windows imploded and exploded, alternating from one house to the next. Other residents saw a bright object zigzagging in the sky making a strange noise, as if it had a motor failure. The object lost speed, descended and touched the ground in a wood near Blidworth, bounced and crashed in a place called Warren in Annesley Hall, with a deafening noise creating a terrible shockwave. Reports (vog: which ones? I would have liked to read them...) say there were three objects in the sky: one UFO (???) while the other two could have been missiles. There were huge damages to the houses, wires and electrical lines were torn off. The weather that night was very calm: clear sky, no clouds, no wind, no storm. At 2:15, seven military helicopters appeared, scanning the terrain with powerful spotlights. They flew over Normanton, Sutton-In-Ashfield and Kirby-In-Ashfield. Then the police arrived at the site of the first impact. The place was carefully delimited and the police stayed there for several days. Trees were burning and the fire brigade was called. There were fir trees burning from the inside of the trunk to the outside... (???) At the second impact site, it was the army that came to occupy the site for 3 to 4 days. Judging from the damage created, the UFO must have had a diameter of about twenty meters. The next day military trucks were on site. The earth and everything was removed, the place covered with new earth and replanted in record time. The owner of a nearby house (completely demolished) found a metal debris in a tree on his property three weeks later. As soon as he reported his find, he was visited by two people from the DScI (Department of Scientific Intelligence) taking the debris and enjoining him to stay out of the affair. Then this poor witness was harassed by phone calls. Unable to take it anymore, he drove around his property, parked there, was arrested by 4 policemen and taken to the station. He was ordered not to come back to the place (his own property!) or else he would be arrested for "obscene phone calls".
**Reference:** Ufo Reality - issue 4, p. 8 to 11 - 1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3284
### Event 46424 (694E8847)
**Date:** 11/12/1987
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** RINGSTED, DK
**Description:** 1 observer. "Boy" / field. 3M glowing-ball floats up. Both join and spin. Up and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14994
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RINGSTED,DK:1 OBS:"BOY"/FIELD:3M GLO-BALL FLOATS UP:BOTH JOIN+SPIN:UP+AWAY", **LatLong:** "55.416669 11.772223", **LatLongDMS:** "55:25:00 N 11:46:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.416669,11.772223)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46425 (F5920FF1)
**Date:** 11/12/1987
**Description:** In Ringsted, Denmark an observer spotted a short child-like figure in a field at 8:20 p.m. Upon closer investigation he also saw a three meter in diameter glowing ball float up and then spin into the sky at high speed. The witness felt the short figure may have entered the ball shaped craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14570, citing SUFOI News, issue 11; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1987, case # 2500, citing Jan Aldrich, Project 1947
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7618
### Event 46426 (1913B443)
**Date:** 11/15/1987
**Time:** 03:31:09.1
**Location:** 49.8810 78.7530
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1719
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8810 78.7530", **LatLongDMS:** "49:52:52 N 78:45:11 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8810,78.7530)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 46427 (58D0A99D)
**Date:** Mid 11/1987
**Location:** Wolverhampton, England
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Jim Dawes is one of the witnesses of an object in the shape of the supersonic airplane Concorde at Wolverhampton, England. When it reaches overhead, he sees it is composed of many different lights in a triangle shape.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Mystery of ‘Concorde shape UFO,’” Wolverhampton \(UK\) Express-Star, December 2, 1987; Marler 120
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6708
### Event 46428 (97B2D7FB)
**Date:** 11/16/1987
**Location:** USA, Nellis Air Force Base
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 14.10.1987) F-117 CRASHES NEAR Nellis AFB FIRING RANGES. PILOT KILLED
**Reference:** Gesag, Bulletin No. 96 Sept 97, p. 4
**Reference:** see 10.11.1988
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3285
### Event 46429 (D23D00F4)
**Date:** 11/18/1987
**Location:** Iran
**Description:** The US Congress issues its investigative report on the Iran–Contra Affair. It concludes that "the central remaining question is the role of the President in the Iran–Contra affair. On this critical point, the shredding of documents by [Poindexter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FPoindexter)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FPoindexter) [North](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver%5FNorth), and others, and the death of [Casey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FJ.%5FCasey), leave the record incomplete.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Iran–Contra affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Contra%5Faffair\#Congressional%5Fcommittees%5Finvestigating%5Fthe%5Faffair)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6707
### Event 46430 (006F6A7E)
**Date:** 11/19/1987
**Time:** ~20:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Massive UFO going down / low. Clearly seen but no description!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14995
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "129", **HatchDesc:** "BRIERLEY HILL,ENGL:2 OBS:MASSIVE UFO ↓/LOW:clearly seen but NO DESCRIPTION!", **LatLong:** "52.466669 -2.127778", **LatLongDMS:** "52:28:00 N 02:07:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.466669,-2.127778)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46431 (C7B1DA96)
**Date:** 11/19/1987
**Time:** 16:31:00.2
**Location:** -21.8450 -138.9410
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pelee” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1999
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8450 -138.9410", **LatLongDMS:** "21:50:42 S 138:56:28 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8450,-138.9410)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.74", **NukeName:** "Pelee", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 46432 (0AA907BA)
**Date:** 11/20/1987
**Description:** In 1987 in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 4:00 p.m. Ed Walters photographs a disc-shaped object outside his home. He then receives a telepathic message in Spanish telling him, "No photographs!"
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ed Walters, Gulf Breeze Sightings, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7756
### Event 46433 (EA116ED4)
**Date:** 11/23/1987
**Location:** Shreve, OH
**Description:** Dogs and cats non reactive to quad search lights (IFO). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [871123](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-871123.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5758
### Event 46434 (0B2F910B)
**Date:** 11/23/1987
**Location:** Shreve, Ohio
**Description:** 8:25 p.m. Rick Devine goes out the back door of his home in Shreve, Ohio, to round up the family dogs and cats. He glances up and sees four blobs of cool-white light maneuvering in a cloverleaf pattern \(elliptical orbits with a common center of flight, meeting at the center\) in an area of sky a few hundred feet in diameter. The objects move slower at the outer edges of the orbit and faster as they near the center. Devine shoos the animals inside \(no reaction to the display\) and calls to his wife Janet. She joins him and they continue to watch the objects. She describes the lights as rectangular. They cross the street into a schoolyard to get closer to the lights, which move away as if in response. At no time does the brightness or color or altitude of the lights change. Seemingly, the display covers an area equivalent to a baseball diamond. It moves back across the road, and the Devines follow. As they watch, the four blobs of light come together in the center, move outward and continue onward, disappearing 90° from each other. The sighting lasts 35 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jennie Zeidman, “Strangeness in the Night,” IUR 14, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1989\): 4–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6709
### Event 46435 (54976FAB)
**Date:** 11/24/1987
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 30' saucer over trees near road. Spins. Row / windows. Drops red night light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14996
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:2 OBS:30'SCR OVR TREES nr ROAD:SPINS:ROW/WINDOWS:DROPS RED NLT", **LatLong:** "30.361113 -87.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:40 N 87:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.361113,-87.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46436 (7BEEABA8)
**Date:** 11/24/1987
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a woman and two teenagers driving in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw a multicolored disc-shaped object pacing them at a distance. The 30 foot in diameter object then stopped and hovered over some woods. The witnesses stopped to watch it. It was spinning and had a row of windows. A small red ball of light was emitted from the underside of the UFO. Next, the disc moved laterally, and finally ascended out of sight. The sighting lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Boots Eckerd, MUFON field investigation case files, case # 890406; Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1989, p. 17
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7886
### Event 46437 (B4EF9B4C)
**Date:** 11/25/1987
**Location:** DESTIN, FL
**Description:** Lady reports apparent abduction / 5-Yr-old son. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14997
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "DESTIN,FL:LADY REPORTS APPARENT ABDUCTION/5-YR-OLD SON:NFD", **LatLong:** "30.394446 -86.494449", **LatLongDMS:** "30:23:40 N 86:29:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.394446,-86.494449)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 46438 (40BC9CBA)
**Date:** 11/25/1987
**Description:** In 1987 an abduction occurred in Okaloosa County, Florida not far from the town of Destin. A woman reported that her 5-year-old son was apparently taken aboard a UFO that night. He had been sleeping on the couch late that night, when he told his mother that a short, robot-like entity approached him and he was levitated up and into a hovering, disc-shaped object that was in a clearing in some nearby woods. He remembered being medically examined. He also reported that his throat hurt when he tried to talk about the experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 200; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1987, case #58, citing Donald M. Ware, MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7917
### Event 46439 (8811696D)
**Date:** 11/26/1987
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** FOMM IR-RIH, MALTA
**Description:** Domed saucer buzzes over car. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) and door jammed. Hovers / 20 min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MALTA UFO RESEARCH: J.J.Mercieca. www.mufor.org email: mufor at maltanet.net
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14998
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "FOMM ir-RIH,MALTA:DOMED SCR BUZZES OVR CAR:CAR EMEs+DOOR JAMMED:HVRS/20min.", **LatLong:** "35.905557 14.344445", **LatLongDMS:** "35:54:20 N 14:20:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.905557,14.344445)", **State/Prov:** "MLT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46440 (59BB59C1)
**Date:** 11/28/1987
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 32 UFO's / all types over coast. 13 over Jan. '86 crash site. / 177p368.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_14999
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "DALNEGORSK,RUSS:32 UFOS/ALL TYPES OVR COAST:13 OVR JAN86 CRASH SITE:/177p368", **LatLong:** "44.566669 135.616673", **LatLongDMS:** "44:34:00 N 135:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.566669,135.616673)", **State/Prov:** "DLN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46441 (3890CE27)
**Date:** 11/28/1987
**Locations:** Primorsky Krai; Far Eastern district; Russia; Sea of Japan; Dalnegorsk
**Description:** 9:10 p.m.–12:00 midnight. 33 unknown objects fly at low altitude over the coast of Primorsky Krai, Far Eastern district, Russia, on the Sea of Japan. Witnesses describe various shapes—cylinders, cigars, globes—all moving silently. Thirteen UFOs are seen above Dalnegorsk. The objects cause a 2-minute disruption of electrical circuits, including TVs and computers. More than 100 witnesses are questioned by the Far Eastern Commission.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, p. 94
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6710
### Event 46442 (350125FA)
**Date:** 11/29/1987
**Time:** 17:59:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Danae” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2000
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Danae", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 46443 (E86012FD)
**Date:** 11/30/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Ilkey Moor \(Yorkshire\), [Philip Spencer](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#SpencerPhilip) observes and photographs an entity surrounded by a green light at dawn. He will receive a visit from [MIB](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MIB.html) a week later. (November 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3020
### Event 46444 (6BCF04C1)
**Date:** 12/1987
**Locations:** Roswell; Texas; National Archives
**Description:** [Barry Greenwood](http://www.ufoevidence.org/researchers/detail11.htm) calls the MJ-12 documents hoaxes, most likely contrived by [Richard C. Doty](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://ufoscoop.com/richard-c-doty/), who has apparently been Moore’s source for much of his UFO information. He cites the disparity between the briefing document’s extensive discussion of the Roswell crash and the mere 7 lines of text on the 1950 Texas crash. Greenwood also charges that the Cutler-Twining memo had been planted, as it had been found in a virtually empty box in the National Archives containing a small number of non-UFO documents. [Bruce Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) thinks the Cutler-Twining memo is genuine.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, December 1987; MUFON UFO Journal, July 1988
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6712
### Event 46445 (B3275DB9)
**Date:** 12/1987
**Location:** Dulce, New Mexico
**Description:** John Grace founds the Leading Edge International research group after receiving the “Dulce Papers,” a set of documents allegedly disclosing unethical experiments on humans—such as breeding techniques, DNA manipulation, and genetic modification—at an underground base in Dulce, New Mexico. The papers inspired and are included in The Matrix series of six books published from 1988 to 2007 by Grace under the pseudonym Valdamar Valerian. These huge compilations of supposed documents and insider information discuss the alien visitors and treaties with earthly governments, harvests of human body parts, friendly and unfriendly alien species, the creation of humans and culture by aliens, acquisition of alien technology, and the dangers of an alien takeover.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Darryl Smith, “[The Dulce Papers,](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/offlimits/esp%5Fofflimits%5F2.htm)” Crowded Skyes; “Leading Edge International,” UFO-Alien Database; Clark III 9–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6713
### Event 46446 (C612E594)
**Date:** 12/1/1987
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** ILKLEY, WEST YORKS
**Description:** Ex-cop / abduction victim photographs LGM / moors south / town. Runs to saucer and flies off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN CONTACTS & ABDUCTIONS; Sterling Publ., NY 1993. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15000
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "171", **HatchDesc:** "ILKLEY,W.YORKS:EX-COP/ABD VICTIM FOTOS LGM/MOORS S/TOWN:RUNS TO SCR+FLIES OFF:", **LatLong:** "53.900003 -1.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:54:00 N 01:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.900003,-1.816667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46447 (7D379356)
**Date:** 12/1/1987
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 36.9964 -116.0045
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Waco” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_983
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.9964 -116.0045", **LatLongDMS:** "36:59:47 N 116:00:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.9964,-116.0045)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Waco", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46448 (A0A9C0C3)
**Date:** 12/1/1987
**Locations:** London; Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, England; East Morton
**Description:** 7:15 a.m. A former London policeman \(pseudonym Philip Spencer\) is walking across Ilkley Moor in West Yorkshire, England, to visit his father-in-law in East Morton. He was walking up a small hill when he notices an odd-looking figure in the trail ahead of him. It is dark green and about 4 feet tall with an oversized head and long, thin arms. The creature makes a gesture at Spencer, which he takes to be a warning telling him to stay away, but he takes out his camera and snaps a picture. The creature then runs away and Spencer follows it. He loses the creature in the fog but then sees an object rise from the moor and disappear into the sky. It is a whitish color and consists of two saucer-shaped parts on top of each other. He hears a loud hum. He fails to take a photo of the object. Rather than continue with his planned route, Spencer heads to another town that was about 30 minutes away. When he arrives, he finds that it is about two hours later than he expects it to be. Additionally, the compass he has taken with him is pointed in the opposite direction than it should be. While the photo is getting examined by experts, Spencer has strange dreams. Following ufologist Peter Hough’s advice, he attends a session of regressive hypnotherapy carried out by Jim Singleton on March 16, 1988. Under hypnosis, Spencer’s original account of the incident changes. Singleton calls it a genuine recall. Spencer now remembers that when he saw the creature on the hill he was instantly paralyzed, lifted up a few feet, and pulled into the craft. When he enters, a voice tells him to be calm. A group of green aliens then performs medical experiments on him, inserting items into his nose and mouth. He is given a tour of the craft and shown a film with apocalyptic imagery, including nuclear explosions, famines, and floods. He is then shown a second film, but he never reveals the contents of this film, saying that the aliens who abducted him do not want humanity to know. Following this, Spencer is returned to Ilkley Moor, where he then takes his photograph. He claims that the alien is actually waving goodbye to him, not telling him to stay away, as in his original account.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Ilkley Moor UFO incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilkley%5FMoor%5FUFO%5Fincident)”; Peter Hough, “[The Green Alien of Ilkley Moor,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos%5Fovnis/Foto%20Green%20Humanoid%201987%2CEngland.pdf)” Fate, March 1999, pp. 35–41; Matty Sweeney, “[Ilkley Moor Alien](http://www.theparanormalguide.com/blog/ilkley-moor-alien-photograph) [Photograph,](http://www.theparanormalguide.com/blog/ilkley-moor-alien-photograph)” The Paranormal Guide, October 7, 2014; “[Picture Post: When Ilkley Moore Became an Alien](https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/arts-and-culture/picture-post-when-ilkley-moor-became-alien-landing-site-1832740) [Landing Site,](https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/arts-and-culture/picture-post-when-ilkley-moor-became-alien-landing-site-1832740)” Yorkshire Post, October 13, 2014; Nick Redfern, Top Secret Alien Abduction Files, Red Wheel/Weiser, 2018; Patrick Gross, “[The Ilkley Moor Encounter of the 3rd Kind, 1987](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/ilkleymoor.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6714
### Event 46449 (5CE725C5)
**Date:** 12/1/1987
**Description:** In the pre-dawn hours on this morning in 1987 on the outskirts of Ilkley Moor, West Yorkshire, England ex-constable and UFO abductee Mr. Spencer photographed a little man on the moors south of town. The ufonaut ran to a disc-shaped craft and took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, Flying Saucers and How to See Them, p. 108
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8110
### Event 46450 (6695A33A)
**Date:** 12/2/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Ed Walters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) encounters an entity in his backyard and makes it flee. (2 December)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3021
### Event 46451 (5043415D)
**Date:** 12/2/1987
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The US Congress finally authorized the arbitrary and hitherto illegal seizure of lands around [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) by the USAF.
**Reference:** Peter Merlin, *Dreamland - the Air Force's Remote Test Site*, article for *Aerotech News and Review* of April 1st, 1994
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1987.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3022
### Event 46452 (96799F33)
**Date:** 12/2/1987
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.2347 -116.1634
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mission Cyber” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_984
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2347 -116.1634", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:05 N 116:09:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2347,-116.1634)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.10", **NukeName:** "Mission Cyber", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46453 (C71D8769)
**Date:** 12/2/1987
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. Ed Walters heard some strange voices outside his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida speaking Spanish. Thirty minutes later his dog started barking, so he went out on his porch to check and when he pulled a blind he saw a four foot tall Grey humanoid being with large almond-shaped eyes looking at him. The being wore wome type of shield over its eyes, chest, and lower body and was holding a lighted rod in its right hand. The creature turned around and ran towards a nearby open field. Ed Walters chased the creature, and was suddenly struck by a blue beam of light. He was unable to move his legs and fell to the ground, as if the beam was holding him down. When he was finally able to move, he ran back to the house and grabbed his camera and his gun. He photographed a large, bowl-shaped craft with darkened portholes and an illuminated orange ring on the bottom. He could also see a beam of blue light shining down from it onto the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 239; Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 204; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A2234; Albert S. Rosales, 1987 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 358, citing Donald Ware, Walt Andrus, and Charles D. Flannigan
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8145
### Event 46454 (5945E121)
**Date:** 12/5/1987
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** Silent 30' vertical cylinder/cylindrical object follows light plane in / landing. Hovers / 4 minute(s). Going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15001
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:SLNT 30'VERTCL CYL FOLOS LITE PLANE IN/LANDING:HVRS/4min:>>SE", **LatLong:** "39.750002 -86.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:45:00 N 86:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.750002,-86.200004)", **RelAlt:** "200", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46455 (ABEE799E)
**Date:** 12/5/1987
**Description:** At 3:00 p.m. a cylindrical UFO flew dangerously close to an aircraft on landing approach, then followed the aircraft and hovered near the airport in Indianapolis, Indiana. The witness was driving east when he saw the prop plane as it broke through clouds at 4600 feet on landing approach. The vertical cylinder hovered at only 3-4 meters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 112
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8213
### Event 46456 (CCCE4521)
**Date:** 12/9/1987
**Locations:** Nottingham, England; Hull; Staffordshire; Long Eaton, Derbyshire
**Description:** Night. Oddly moving lights in the sky appear over Nottingham, England, traveling quickly and emitting a deep hum. A triangular object about 250 feet long covered in 150 red and white lights is observed over a farm near Hull around the same date. Similar UFOs are seen in Staffordshire and Long Eaton, Derbyshire.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Mystery of City UFO Sightings,” Nottingham \(UK\) Evening Post, December 10, 1987; Hull \(UK\) Daily Mail, December 11, 1987; Long Eaton \(UK\) Trader, December 23, 1987; Marler 121
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6715
### Event 46457 (3C32A249)
**Date:** 12/10/1987 (approximate)
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** ORIOLE BEACH, FL
**Description:** Kids. "Extra streetlight". Glides behind trees & houses.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: The GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS; Wm. Morrow 1990 & Avon PB 1991. 370pp. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15002
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ORIOLE BEACH,FL:KIDS:"EXTRA STREETLIGHT":GLIDES BHND TREES & HOUSES.", **LatLong:** "30.355557 -87.016671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:20 N 87:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.355557,-87.016671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46458 (C772303E)
**Date:** 12/10/1987
**Description:** In 1987, in Oriole Beach, Santa Rosa county, Florida some kids saw what looked like an "extra streetlight" glide behind some trees and houses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ed Walters, Gulf Breeze Sightings, p. 339
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8321
### Event 46459 (8565C23F)
**Date:** 12/12/1987
**Time:** 10:50
**Location:** MALVEZI, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 6 odd pseudo-human/entity near atomic plant. Odd conversation. Away / flying sleds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 400)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15003
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MALVEZI,FR:1 OBS:6 ODD PSH nr ATOMIC PLANT:ODD CONVERSATION:AWAY/FLYING SLEDS", **LatLong:** "43.216669 2.972222", **LatLongDMS:** "43:13:00 N 02:58:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.216669,2.972222)", **State/Prov:** "Aude", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46460 (A85E9B1A)
**Date:** 12/12/1987
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 3 silent cigars with row / lit portholes. Observer(s) paralyzed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15004
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "294", **HatchDesc:** "CLIMAX Sprs+LYNN,MO:SVRL SEP.OBS:3 SLNT CGRS W/ROW/LIT PORTHOLES:OBS PRLZD", **LatLong:** "38.083335 -93.033338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:05:00 N 93:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.083335,-93.033338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46461 (A2B25FF1)
**Date:** 12/12/1987
**Description:** About 8:50 P.M. (CST). Soviet rocket casing orbital decay and atmospheric re-entry, multiple fiery objects from NW to SE.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_429
### Event 46462 (4834934D)
**Date:** 12/12/1987
**Description:** On this day six odd looking humanoid beings were sighted on the ground near a nuclear power plant in Malvezi, France in a restricted area. They were overheard speaking in an unintelligible language. They flew away on flying sleds. Later that night United Airlines flight 1405 reported that two UFOs, each with two rows of lights, approached the airliner at a rapid speed 50 miles east of Fort Wayne, Indiana.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, December 1988, p. 22; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 45
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8363
### Event 46463 (73B08367)
**Date:** 12/13/1987
**Location:** Nevada
**Description:** Ufologist and aviator John Lear issues a statement about UFO's. Claims Dr. Edward Teller and others are MJ-12.
**Type:** statement
**Reference:** [Revised 1988 statement, with May 14, 1990 update](https://web.archive.org/web/20100228180307/http://www.ufomind.com/area51/people/lear/aliens_at_51.html)
**Reference:** [1987 statement](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_vida_alien_18o.htm)
**Reference:** [John Lear's statement at the University of Ottawa, Archives and Special Collections, Reference "CA ON0034 30-003-S12-F21"](https://biblio.uottawa.ca/atom/index.php/statement-released-by-john-lear)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_762
### Event 46464 (AE7ED9E0)
**Date:** 12/13/1987
**Description:** Geminid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_430
### Event 46465 (B9DF75D1)
**Date:** 12/13/1987
**Time:** 03:21:07.2
**Location:** 49.9570 78.7920
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1720
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9570 78.7920", **LatLongDMS:** "49:57:25 N 78:47:31 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9570,78.7920)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 46466 (62F2444E)
**Date:** 12/14/1987
**Location:** LAUNCESTON, TASM
**Description:** Elliptical object on road. Rises with high-pitched whine. / J. CLARK'90.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 400)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15005
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LAUNCESTON,TASM:ELLIPTICAL OBJ ON ROAD:RISES W/HI-PITCHED WHINE:/J.CLARK'90", **LatLong:** "-41.450002 147.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "41:27:00 S 147:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.450002,147.166674)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46467 (4567A9EE)
**Date:** 12/14/1987
**Location:** Launceston, Tasmania
**Description:** Elliptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road; headlights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. Car dragged toward object (section XII). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5759
### Event 46468 (D884C0F8)
**Date:** 12/14/1987
**Location:** Launceston, Northern Tasmania
**Description:** Elliptical object landed ahead of car, blocked road. Headlights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. Car dragged toward object
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_431
### Event 46469 (36EF03B1)
**Date:** 12/14/1987
**Location:** Launceston, Tasmania
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A gray, oval-shaped object lands on the road ahead of a Mercedes car near Launceston, Tasmania. The engine and lights fail instantly, and the driver brakes to a stop. Intense light comes from the base of the object that is painful to the driver’s eyes. He leaves the car and gets sick, hiding behind a tree from where he watches his car being dragged about 33 feet, as if attracted by a magnet, and leaving tire marks on the road. A Land Cruiser approaches the scene and its lights fail, but the diesel engine continues to operate. The object takes off with a whirring sound. The car is covered with melted specks of asphalt, and serious electrical problems must be fixed after the incident.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6716
### Event 46470 (3B91BBC3)
**Date:** 12/17/1987
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** Mr. Ed. Several photos / saucer. Possible abduction / Ed. Wife on hold / missing time. / MJ#239.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: The GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS; Wm. Morrow 1990 & Avon PB 1991. 370pp. (Index 73)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15006
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:MR ED:SVRL PHOTOS/SCR:POSSIBLE ABD/ED:WIFE ON HOLD/MST:/MJ#239", **LatLong:** "30.366668 -87.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:00 N 87:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.366668,-87.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46471 (60C3431E)
**Date:** 12/17/1987
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** NEW ALBANY, IN
**Description:** Phony 747 flies backwards. 60m altitude 60m away / observer(s). Slow. Absolute(ly) silent!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15007
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "NEW ALBANY,IN:PHONY 747 FLIES BACKWARDS:60m alt 60m AWAY/OBS:SLOW:ABS SILENT!", **LatLong:** "38.316668 -85.816671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:19:00 N 85:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.316668,-85.816671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46472 (0FEC447C)
**Date:** 12/17/1987
**Description:** In 1987 Ed Walters took several photographs of a disc-shaped UFO with lights at one o’clock in the morning in Gulf Breeze, Florida. An abduction of Mr. Walters may have occurred the same night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Edward Walters, Gulf Breeze Sightings, p. 73
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8475
### Event 46473 (32C13821)
**Date:** 12/20/1987
**Time:** 02:55:09.1
**Location:** 49.7740 77.9750
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1721
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7740 77.9750", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:26 N 77:58:30 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7740,77.9750)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46474 (49E137D5)
**Date:** 12/21/1987
**Location:** Langley, VA
**Description:** CIA letter to former assistant director of NICAP Mr. Richard H. Hall stating the CIA’s reasons for denying certain FOIA requests about himself on the basis of national defense reasons and must be kept secret. Mr. Hall is an UFO investigator and book author.
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_H._Hall)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_763
### Event 46475 (97DC4270)
**Date:** Winter 1987
**Locations:** Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwest of Grassrange, Montana; Peacekeeper APC
**Description:** Night. Air Force Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscolka is awakened by the night shift flight security controller at the Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwest of Grassrange, Montana, who tells him that an alarm response team responded to a security alert at the N-06 launch site and had not been heard from for nearly an hour. Pscolka assembles a security response team and joins them to drive to the site. The security lights are out and the alarm team’s vehicle parked 50 feet from the wide-open gate with its lights out and engine off. Pscolka drives up to the vehicle when his own Peacekeeper APC loses power. At that moment, the alert team bursts from its vehicle and runs to the APC, begging to be let in. Their vehicle had shut down entirely, even the flashlights. The entire launch facility, up to 20 feet outside the gate, is devoid of snow, even though the snow outside is knee- deep. Pscolka goes up to the facility alone after posting guards. When he gets to the snow-free zone, he notes the temperature is warmer, even hot. Everything within the facility is warm to the touch, including the soil. But there are no intruders. A few more APCs approach down the access road, and suddenly all the facility and vehicle lights come on again. After the incident, the teams are debriefed and ordered not to tell anyone about it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 397– 401
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6711
### Event 46476 (18C8413A)
**Date:** 12/23/1987
**Description:** Ed Walters photographed three oval-shaped UFOs at 5:55 a.m. from his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida. He had the impression that they wanted to be photographed, according to his account of the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Edward Walters, Gulf Breeze Sightings, p. 86
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8573
### Event 46477 (EB8EF8FC)
**Date:** 12/25/1987
**Location:** Coon Rapid, MN
**Description:** Barking dogs alerted witness to treetop hovering sphere (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5760
### Event 46478 (BD7FC9EE)
**Date:** 12/25/1987
**Description:** A very intense, pink or reddish-orange light lit up the whole lake in Coon Rapids, Minnesota at 10:00 p.m. The UFO was first seen above the trees along the shorline. It then went down to the lake level and turned off all illuminated like a light turned off with a switch. At least 16 holes were discovered in the ice on the lake the next day. The holes were between one and five inches in diameter and were within 200 feet of where the first witness had been standing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** William McNeff, MUFON Field Investigations Database, case 910902
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8608
### Event 46479 (DD0FD853)
**Date:** 12/26/1987
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** RICHMOND HILL, ON
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent 20' brown delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] low and slow just over house. Circles / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15008
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "211", **HatchDesc:** "RICHMOND HILL,ON:1 OBS:SLNT 20'BROWN DLT >LO+SLOW JUST OVR HOUSE:CIRCLES/BOTTM", **LatLong:** "43.883335 -79.433337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:53:00 N 79:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.883335,-79.433337)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46480 (CCAD7D92)
**Date:** 12/27/1987
**Time:** 03:05:07.2
**Location:** 49.8670 78.7180
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1722
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8670 78.7180", **LatLongDMS:** "49:52:01 N 78:43:05 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8670,78.7180)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 46481 (299645A8)
**Date:** 12/28/1987
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** Mr. Ed. 1.5min / video / saucer. Something / bottom pulses at 7.5 Hz. / MJ#239.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: The GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS; Wm. Morrow 1990 & Avon PB 1991. 370pp. (Index 98)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15009
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:MR ED:1.5min/VIDEO/SCR:SOMETHING/BOTTOM PULSES @7.5 Hz:/MJ#239", **LatLong:** "30.372224 -87.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:20 N 87:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.372224,-87.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46482 (3ED30CCF)
**Date:** 12/29/1987
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Statement released by ex-CIA pilot John Lear. It appeared in a physical letter sent to the BSRF, which was found in the BSRA/BSRF (Borderland Sciences Research Foundation) archives at the [Archives for the Unexplained in Sweden](https://afu.info/). Lear's statement was likely uploaded to the "ParaNet" BBS system sometime in early 1988. It mentions MJ-12 and is very much a reflection of 1980's ufology.
**Type:** statement
**Reference:** [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/john-lear-statement-1987)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_935
### Event 46483 (01B75366)
**Date:** 12/29/1987
**Locations:** Albuquerque; Dulce, New Mexico; Holloman AFB; Groom Lake, Nevada
**Description:** Lear Jet heir [John Lear](https://www.exopaedia.org/Lear%2C%2BJohn), based on stories by Albuquerque businessman [Paul Bennewitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz) claims in a statement on ParaNet that he has independent confirmation of a secret underground base near Dulce, New Mexico, populated by gray aliens and humans. Direct communication between one alien group and the US government took place at Holloman AFB in April 1964. Lear alleges that the MJ-12 group entered into a relationship with possible ET intelligences between 1969 and 1971 and in exchange for super technology, gave carte blanche to the ETs to conduct experiments and abductions on unsuspecting human beings. Lear also claims that the ETs, with our government’s knowledge, are mutilating domestic cattle and sheep, and in some cases even humans are the victims. In 1972–1973, a secret underground facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, was built “for and with the help of” the ETs. Lear claims that [William Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) is being used as a conduit by MJ-12 \(which includes [Edward Teller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FTeller)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FTeller) [Henry Kissinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry%5FKissinger)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry%5FKissinger) [Bobby Ray Inman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby%5FRay%5FInman)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby%5FRay%5FInman) and possibly [John Poindexter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FPoindexter)\) to release information about the alien presence on earth. Many ParaNet members question his assertions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Dulce Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dulce%5FBase)”; “[Statement Released by John Lear,](https://strangetextsbutcher.blogspot.com/2018/08/john-lear-december-29-1987.html)” December 29, 1987; Don Ecker, “Driven to Destruction,” Fortean Times 121 \(April 1999\): 40–43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6717
### Event 46484 (7203FA95)
**Date:** 12/29/1987
**Description:** CIA and civilian pilot John Lear, Nevada State Sen. candidate and son of William Lear, founder of Lear Siegler Corp, claims the USG has been “in business” with gray extraterrestrials since the 1960s.
His other claims: Germany may have recovered a saucer as early as 1939; Gen. James Doolittle went to Sweden to inspect a saucer that crashed in Spitsbergen in 1946; in 1947, Truman established MJ-12; in the late 40s there was more saucer crashes in Roswell, Aztec and Laredo, TX; one saucer that
crashed in the 1950s was so large that logistical problems prevented it from being transported and it was buried; the logistics stories are “legendary” and include moving only at night, purchasing whole farms, cutting down forests, blocking major highways, driving 2-3 trucks in tandem, etc.
He also claims on 30 April 1964, the first communication between aliens and the USG took place at Holloman AFB; they made a “deal” in exchange for technology the USG would ignore abductions and the EBEs told them abductions were merely monitoring; in fact, abductions were the insertion of implants, implementation of posthypnotic suggestion, termination of some people so they could be biological material, termination of people who are a threat, genetic experiments and impregnation; he claims in 1979 there was an altercation at the Dulce laboratory; by the 1980s, MJ-12 was concerned the mistake they made dealing with the EBEs and began to promote positive film projects like Close Encounters and ET; some of MJ-12 meeting at the “Country Club” wanted to confess the scheme, the other majority chose to develop anti-UAP weapons under cover of SDI.
* [https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/alien.ufo/UFOBBS/1000/1953.ufo](https://cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/alien.ufo/UFOBBS/1000/1953.ufo)
* [https://archive.org/details/john-lear-statement-1987](https://archive.org/details/john-lear-statement-1987) (rg - alt URL of his Dec. 29, 1987 statement)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_228
### Event 46485 (2D197D74)
**Date:** 12/31/1987
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** SATER, SWD
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 6 x8M metallic blue sphere / treetops. Lightning / bottom extends miles!!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15010
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "SATER,SWD:2 OBS:6x8M MTLC BLU SPHERE/TREETOPS:LIGHTNING/BOTTOM EXTENDS MILES!!", **LatLong:** "60.333336 15.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "60:20:00 N 15:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.333336,15.666667)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "10"
## Year: 1988, 439 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 46486 (415717DF)
**Date:** 1988
**Location:** NV
**Description:** Area-51/S-4 worker Bob Lazar meets ufologist John Lear
**Type:** meeting
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_764
### Event 46487 (1EABCF75)
**Date:** 1988 (approximate)
**Location:** Australia, Adelaide
**Description:** (Translated from French) A man reported that he was twice in contact with extraterrestrials, through an implant he had in his ear. During the investigation he reported having two experiences of "astral projection", during which he was taken aboard a saucer. (1988 (??))
**Reference:** Keith Baskerfield - Australian Abduction Cases - 1989
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3312
### Event 46488 (8640C4BF)
**Date:** 1988
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Adelaide
**Description:** (Translated from French) "Jan", a married woman, had a very vivid experience one night, so much so that she thinks it was not a dream. She found herself in a completely white space with three entities. They measured about 210 cm and were wearing robes. She had no fear because the entities gave her a pleasant sensation (note from vog: which one???) She was talking to them. When she woke up in the morning she had a very vivid memory of the night's events, except for the content of the conversation. Since this event her personality has changed: she suffers from sleep paralysis and other unusual activities.
**Reference:** UFORA91037. Keith Basterfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3313
### Event 46489 (FA418AD4)
**Date:** 1988
**Location:** Australia, Mid North South Australia
**Description:** (Translated from French) For a number of years a woman experienced interactive experiences with extraterrestrials, all of which took place in her bedroom at the time between waking and sleeping. In some episodes this also included sexual experiences.
**Reference:** UFORA91038. Keith Basterfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3314
### Event 46490 (30E83AD2)
**Date:** 1988
**Description:** [Michael Corbin](https://www.lewrockwell.com/lrc-blog/michael-corbin-rip/) becomes administrator of ParaNet, which runs through the mid-1990s.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6718
### Event 46491 (C0F1C2CA)
**Date:** 1988
**Location:** College instructor
**Description:** College instructor [Karla Turner](https://ufo.fandom.com/wiki/Karla%5FTurner) and her husband are in counseling to learn why they are feeling physical symptoms of stress. She reads Missing Time by [Budd Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins) and Communion by [Whitley Strieber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitley%5FStrieber) and soon recalls having seen an odd light in the sky as a girl and begins to dream about UFOs. Having learned hypnotic regression techniques from her therapist, she regresses her husband, whereupon he remembers several childhood experiences with gray aliens. Several nights later, Karla awakens to sounds of clicks and bumps in the house, followed by disembodied voices in her bedroom. She later remembers a nightmare from her childhood in which an insect-like being holds her hand and tells her it is her mother. Soon she and her husband undergo regression by an Oklahoma UFO researcher, which produces accounts of repeated abductions since childhood and evidence that her whole family was involved. After one session, Karla, her husband, and a third person see a lighted, disc- shaped craft hovering above them. Two weeks later, she again hears voices in the night and loud knocking sounds. She wakes to find small punctures on her inner wrist and three white circles on her abdomen. Into 1989, more body marks appear, including a solid red triangle on her arm, puncture wounds, scratches, and bruises. Poltergeist phenomena occur. The Turners begin to notice a white car parked near their house, and unmarked helicopters seem to follow them. They begin to suspect the US military is monitoring them.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Karla Turner, [Into](https://archive.org/details/into-the-fringe) [the Fringe: A True Story of Alien Abduction](https://archive.org/details/into-the-fringe), Berkley, 1992
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6719
### Event 46492 (718830DF)
**Date:** 1/1988
**Location:** USA, Washington
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two young students were returning home around 2:00 in the morning. They were filled with anxiety: they did not recognize the road they usually take and felt lost in a dead city. In the middle of the street, six cars were entangled in a pile-up, but the scene was unreal. There was nobody around the accident, no passengers, no drivers, no injured, no ambulance. They returned home late, impressed by this surreal incident which one of them reported to her mother. Hypnosis (vog: always hypnosis...) revealed that the accident was a screen memory hiding a UFO, only one of the two young women was abducted, while the other was "disconnected".
**Reference:** Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Enquête sur les enlèvements E.T." - Plon 1995, p. 152
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3289
### Event 46493 (CC1D4ABE)
**Date:** 1/1988
**Location:** DINGLI, MALTA
**Description:** Silent disk hovers over RADAR station/depot/facility! 4 jets show / film. Invisible / eye.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MALTA UFO RESEARCH: J.J.Mercieca. www.mufor.org email: mufor at maltanet.net
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15011
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "DINGLI,MALTA:SLNT DISK HVRS ovr RDR STn!:4 JETS SHOW/FILM:invisible/eye", **LatLong:** "35.861113 14.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "35:51:40 N 14:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.861113,14.383334)", **State/Prov:** "MLT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46494 (33728D18)
**Date:** 1/1988
**Locations:** Pasadena, California; Los Angeles County
**Description:** A family in the vicinity of Pasadena, California, notices a large, perfectly circular brown spot, 13 feet in diameter, in their backyard in the midst of their lush, well-cared for St. Augustine grass. It seems to have appeared the morning after the wife awakens to see a small, gray-skinned entity standing beside her and probing her torso with medical instruments. She had seen a strange light beam one month earlier. The brown area slowly fills in with Bermuda grass after 6 months. The Los Angeles County agricultural pathologist who examines a soil sample finds four southern chinch bugs \(Blissus insularis\) that he says can cause similar damage, although the progression is much slower and requires many more insects than four.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ann Druffel, “CE3—and CE2?” IUR 14, no. 3 \(May/June 1989\): 10–12, 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6720
### Event 46495 (0D7A59ED)
**Date:** 1/2/1988
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** RATVIK, SWD
**Description:** 2 vibrant bright moon-size orbs with coronas make south-turns over Lake Siljan and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15012
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RATVIK,SWD:2 VBRITE MOONSIZE ORBS W/CORONAS MAKE S-TURNS ovr LAKE SILJAN+AWAY", **LatLong:** "60.866670 15.050001", **LatLongDMS:** "60:52:00 N 15:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.866670,15.050001)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46496 (7AF6F91E)
**Date:** 1/2/1988
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** WORKSOP, NOTTS, ENGL
**Description:** 2 thin triangular objects / large fins. Possible A10 Thunderbolts.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15013
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "68", **HatchDesc:** "WORKSOP,NOTTs,ENGL:2 THIN TRIANGULAR OBJS/LRG FINS:POSS.A10 THUNDERBOLTS", **LatLong:** "53.300003 -1.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:18:00 N 01:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.300003,-1.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 46497 (02BCD29C)
**Date:** 1/3/1988
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright lights pace car / miles. Shoot straight going up. No helicopter.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15014
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GRIMSBY,HUMBERSIDE:2 OBS:VBRITE LITES PACE CAR/MILES:SHOOT STRAIGHT↑:NO COPTER", **LatLong:** "53.533336 -0.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:32:00 N 00:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.533336,-0.050000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46498 (562E6EF0)
**Date:** 1/3/1988
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Ovoid seen, then plane. UFO zigzags to plane. Near collision. Gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15015
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "S LEEDS,W.YORKs:OVOID SEEN,THEN PLANE:UFO ZIGZAGS TO PLANE:NR COLLISION:GONE", **LatLong:** "53.766669 -1.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:46:00 N 01:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.766669,-1.550000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46499 (A25F380E)
**Date:** 1/3/1988
**Description:** Some very bright lights in the sky paced a car for several miles around 5 p.m. in Grimsby, England. It was seen for nine minutes before it departed by shooting straight up. At 9:30 p.m. an ovoid flying object was seen over southern Leeds, England, then an airplane appeared in the sky. The UFO zig-zagged toward the plane, causing a near collision, then was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, pp. 11-12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_69
### Event 46500 (54571882)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Massive white sphere going [to] just over clouds..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15016
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "87", **HatchDesc:** "HAREWOOD/HARROGATE,N.YORKS:2 OBS:MASSIVE WHITE SPHERE > JUST OVR CLOUDS..", **LatLong:** "53.900003 -1.511111", **LatLongDMS:** "53:54:00 N 01:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.900003,-1.511111)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46501 (FFF730A7)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** VETTERSLEV, DK
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 2 35cm red balls maneuver / field. Melted snow and small footprints found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15017
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "VETTERSLEV,DK:3 OBS:2 35cm RED BALLS MNVR/FLD:MELTED SNOW+SML FtPRINTS FOUND", **LatLong:** "55.366669 11.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:22:00 N 11:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.366669,11.733334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46502 (CF1006F8)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SCHOLES.W.YORKS
**Description:** Ex RAF-man. Silent cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes. Goes when jets near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15018
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "SCHOLES.W.YORKS:EX RAF-MAN:SLNT CGR W/PORTHOLES:GOES WHEN JETS NEAR:", **LatLong:** "53.833336 -1.427778", **LatLongDMS:** "53:50:00 N 01:25:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.833336,-1.427778)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46503 (03DC3C29)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3 brilliant white silent spheres hover overhead. All 3 vanish in place!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15019
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "DERBY,DERBYs:2 OBS:3 BRILL.WHT SILENT SPHERES HVR OVHD:ALL 3 VANISH IN PLACE!", **LatLong:** "52.916669 -1.483333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:55:00 N 01:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.916669,-1.483333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46504 (11356CD4)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Large saucer looks "made of glass sewn together / threads!"..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15020
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "CHELLASTON,DERBYSHIRE:LRG SCR LOOKS "MADE OF GLASS SEWN TOGETHER/THREADS!"..", **LatLong:** "52.872225 -1.438889", **LatLongDMS:** "52:52:20 N 01:26:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.872225,-1.438889)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46505 (D36C9620)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 2 amateur astronomers. Brill yellow sphere going north slow. 3 jets follow after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15021
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "ROUNDHAY,W.YORKS:2 AM.ASTRONOMERS:BRILL YEL SPHERE >N SLOW:3 JETS FOLO AFTER", **LatLong:** "53.783336 -1.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:47:00 N 01:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.783336,-1.566667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46506 (49778148)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** YORK, NORTH YORKS
**Description:** V1-like torpedo / low altitude emits smoke and flame and debris! Brill sphere/orb/globe going [to] slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15022
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "YORK,N.YORKs:V1-LIKE TORPEDO/LO ALT EMITS SMOKE+FLAME+DEBRIS!:BRILL ORB>SLOW", **LatLong:** "53.950003 -1.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:57:00 N 01:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.950003,-1.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46507 (4D8B061E)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** Family. Slow bright green ball / light blows steam. Follows M1 motorway.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15023
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "WAKEFIELD,W.YORKS:FAMILY:SLO BRITE GRN BALL/LITE BLOWS STEAM:FOLOS M1 MOTORWAY", **LatLong:** "53.683336 -1.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:41:00 N 01:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.683336,-1.466667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46508 (D3936425)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** Lemon shaped object. White with bluish halo. Very fast. Going quickly [to] west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15024
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "A38 nr SHELTON LOCK,DERBYS:LEMON SHAPED OBJ:WHT W/BLUISH HALO:VFAST:>>WEST.", **LatLong:** "52.877780 -1.444445", **LatLongDMS:** "52:52:40 N 01:26:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.877780,-1.444445)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46509 (90AE053E)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Several observer(s). 2 very large white glowing spheres in formation buzz car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15025
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "COLLINGHAM,W.YORKS:SVRL OBS:2 VLARGE WHT GLOW.SPHERES/FORMn BUZZ CAR:", **LatLong:** "53.905558 -1.405556", **LatLongDMS:** "53:54:20 N 01:24:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.905558,-1.405556)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46510 (007E498B)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** SELBY, NORTH YORKS
**Description:** Thin pencil-shaped object. Red and blue running lights. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15026
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "SELBY,N.YORKS:THIN PENCIL-SHAPED OBJ:RED+BLUE RUNNING LITES:NFD", **LatLong:** "53.783336 -1.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:47:00 N 01:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.783336,-1.050000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46511 (6C82FD35)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** LEEDS, WEST YORKS
**Description:** Ex-RAF man. Lights flash around 400' layered saucer. Glows orange.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15027
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "63", **HatchDesc:** "LEEDS,W.YORKS:EX-RAF MAN:LITES FLASH AROUND 400'LAYERED SCR:GLOWS ORANGE", **LatLong:** "53.800003 -1.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:48:00 N 01:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.800003,-1.566667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46512 (5583AA08)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Round night light back and forth / sky. Swish sound. Turns off or vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15028
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "DEWSBURY,W.YORKS:RND NLT BACK+FORTH/SKY:SWISH SOUND:TURNS OFF or VANISHES", **LatLong:** "53.700003 -1.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:42:00 N 01:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.700003,-1.616667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 46513 (0ECC66BA)
**Date:** 1/4/1988
**Description:** Two 35 centimeter red spheres maneuvered low over a field in Vetterslev, Denmark starting at 6: 45 p.m. and continuing for two hours. Melted snow and small footprints were later found in the field. During that same time there were at least eight UFO sightings reported throughout parts of Yorkshire, England. At 8:10 p.m. a torpedo-shaped object, resembling a World War II V-1 German “buzz-bomb,” flew over the city of York. It reportedly emitted smoke, flame, and debris, and was followed through the sky by a brilliant ball of light. At 8:45 p.m. a thin, pencil-shaped UFO with red and blue running lights was sighted in Selby. At 9:10 p.m. a ex-RAF man saw flashing lights around a 400-foot diameter, layered disc that glowed orange in Leeds. In Dewsbury at 11:30 p.m. a disc flew back and forth in the sky, making a swishing sound. It either extinguished its lights, or vanished, because its disappearance seemed to be instantaneous.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Scandinavian UFO Information Newsletter, issue #11; Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, pp. 14-17
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_96
### Event 46514 (22EB6DFD)
**Date:** 1/5/1988
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Barnsley (Yorkshire)
**Description:** (Translated from French) After finishing his night shift at the mine, the witness was following Huddersfield Road between 6 and 6:15. When he arrived at the intersection of Cockerham Lane he saw two bright red lights above the trees to the east. He stopped his moped and watched the lights for a long time - during this observation phase two cars passed in the direction of Barnsley. After this the lights moved closer to the witness, maneuvering at 90° to stop near him at an altitude of about 170m. The witness then saw the body of the object: in the shape of a cross, with 8 to 10 red-lit windows at its top, two red lights at the end of each wing, and on the bottom a kind of protruding circle with a red light inside blinking once per second. The bottom was metallic, gray-silver, covered with denticles, boxes and mechanisms just like the spaceships in Star Wars... The witness observed this for two minutes, engaged the speed of his moped and at that moment the object tilted in the direction that the witness was going, turning off all its lights and accelerating. There was a kind of supernatural silence that was frightening. The witness "felt" that he would see this thing again one day and was terrified at the thought.
**Reference:** David CLARKE - IUN - GB
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3286
### Event 46515 (51F34371)
**Date:** 1/5/1988
**Alternate date:** 1/15/1988
**Locations:** Roşu, Romania; Lacul Morii
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. Cristian Tuţă is doing mandatory military service in a unit at Roşu, Romania, on the shore of Lacul Morii. While on guard duty, he notices an oval light positioned vertically 30 feet above the bridge to the only island on the lake. He estimates it is 45 feet high and 15 feet wide. Inside are four much brighter lights in the shape of a cross. At first it remains motionless, but begins quickly moving up and down along the bridge like a sine wave for 30 minutes. It stops abruptly and moves slowly to the southwest at an altitude of 60 feet. When it comes to a clump of trees, it changes its shape to two discs put together. In a split second it zooms away to the west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 46–48
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6721
### Event 46516 (1D62CEF5)
**Date:** 1/6/1988
**Location:** Great Britain, Rotherham
**Description:** (Translated from French) Martin Morgan observed at 10:30 PM an object in the shape of a cross, black in color, making no sound. At the front the object had lights arranged in a circle, they seemed to be square or rectangular in shape. On the ends of the lateral wings two small lights and in the center of the cross a brightness and a fixed red point. Already around 8:20 PM a black and silent cruciform object was seen in the Eastwood region.
**Reference:** David Clarke - IUN - GB
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3287
### Event 46517 (FD8C1EE4)
**Date:** 1/11/1988
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** A31 / BENTLEY, HAMPSHIRE
**Description:** Night lights. Huge disk with lights. Droning sound. Going east toward(s) Farnham.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15029
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "A31/BENTLEY,HAMPSHIRE:NLTS:HUGE DISK W/LITES:DRONING SOUND:>E twrd FARNHAM.", **LatLong:** "51.194447 -0.844444", **LatLongDMS:** "51:11:40 N 00:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.194447,-0.844444)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46518 (3AFD735E)
**Date:** 1/11/1988
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** B6265 NORTH / SKIPTON, NORTH YORKS
**Description:** Saucer with waving rim going northeast. Drops near ground level & continues..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15030
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "145", **HatchDesc:** "B6265 N/SKIPTON,N.YORKS:SCR W/WAVING RIM >NE:DROPS nr GND LVL & CONTINUES..", **LatLong:** "54.027780 -2.038889", **LatLongDMS:** "54:01:40 N 02:02:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.027780,-2.038889)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46519 (1AD0A314)
**Date:** 1/12/1988
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Ed Walters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) is in his pickup truck and by chance encounters a stationary UFO above the road. He photographs it. This time, a beam of white light paralyzes [Waters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) as he hides under his truck. Beings emerge from the UFO and head towards the vehicle, but [Waters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) manages to get back in and flee. (January 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1988.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3023
### Event 46520 (C80E2981)
**Date:** 1/12/1988
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Sketch / classic saucer with tall bullet dome / top with searchlights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15031
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "DONCASTER,S.YORKS:SKETCH/CLASSIC SCR W/TALL BULLET DOME/TOP W/SEARCHLITES", **LatLong:** "53.533336 -1.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:32:00 N 01:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.533336,-1.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46521 (752ABDF1)
**Date:** 1/12/1988
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** Crown saucer low over road. 5 small humanoids (or Greys) going down. Double exposure / Jerry Black. / MJ#239.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: The GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS; Wm. Morrow 1990 & Avon PB 1991. 370pp. (Index 107)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15032
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "2", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:CROWN SCR LO OVR ROAD:5 OIDS ↓:DBL EXPOSURE/Jerry Black:/MJ#239", **LatLong:** "30.372224 -87.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:20 N 87:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.372224,-87.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 46522 (04168875)
**Date:** 1/12/1988
**Location:** Gulf Breeze, Florida
**Description:** Ed Walters produces his most famous photo—a brightly lit structured craft hovering above a road near his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ed Walters and Frances Walters, [The Gulf Breeze Sightings](https://archive.org/details/gulfbreezesighti00walt)[,](https://archive.org/details/gulfbreezesighti00walt) Morrow, 1990
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6722
### Event 46523 (DD40FE0E)
**Date:** 1/12/1988
**Description:** At 5:25 p.m. Ed Walters was driving in his pickup truck on US 98 in Gulf Breeze, Florida when an object appeared ahead of him shining a white beam of light through the windshield, partially paralyzing his forearms and hands. He stopped the truck and pulled over to the side of the road. He now felt numb and his arms were stinging. The object approached quickly and hovered three feet above the roadway. He was able to grab his shotgun and got out of the truck, attempting to crawl under it. At this point the object brightened and came closer. A beam of white light struck Walters on the back of his legs. The object next began rotating and a blue beam of light appeared under it. The beam deposited five small beings on the roadway, all of whom wore some type of shield like coverings. They had large black oval-shaped eyes and carried glowing rods. The beings approached Walters, who then managed to crawl back into his truck and was somehow able to start it; he then drove quickly away from the area at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Edward Walters, Gulf Breeze Sightings, p. 107; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1988, case # 359, citing Donald Ware, Walter Andrus & Charles Flannigan, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 239
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_282
### Event 46524 (CC65DC6C)
**Date:** 1/16/1988
**Time:** 00:50
**Description:** 2 cops and many. Glowing red ball hovers over town / 7+min. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15033
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "96", **HatchDesc:** "SHEFFIELD,S.YORKS:2 COPS+MANY:GLOWING RED BALL HVRS OVR TOWN/7+MIN:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "53.383336 -1.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:23:00 N 01:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.383336,-1.466667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46525 (23E2E55E)
**Date:** 1/19/1988
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** BENTON, LA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3M grey saucer going down. Small fans all over/all about rim. Absolute(ly) silence.. no traffic..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15034
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "BENTON,LA:2 OBS:3M GRY SCR ↓:SML FANS ALLO RIM:ABS.SILENCE..NO TRAFFIC..", **LatLong:** "32.694446 -93.738893", **LatLongDMS:** "32:41:40 N 93:44:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.694446,-93.738893)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46526 (D7BF4473)
**Date:** 1/19/1988
**Location:** Launceston, AR
**Description:** Glowing red object followed car, moved up and down as if following contours of local terrain (section X). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5761
### Event 46527 (B07FE9BA)
**Date:** 1/19/1988
**Location:** Foreman, AR
**Description:** Glowing red object followed car, moved up and down as if following contours of local terrain
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_432
### Event 46528 (9F776E68)
**Date:** 1/19/1988
**Location:** Benton, Louisiana
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. A father and daughter are driving to pick the mother up from work in Benton, Louisiana. When they pull into the mall parking lot, the daughter notices a streak of light in the sky that suddenly moves right in front of them about 150 feet away and 50 feet above the ground. It is a dull silver disc with “turbines” or openings around its perimeter that are spinning like a slowly moving fan. From the top of the object emerges a sheath with rotary blades, although the blades do not rotate. The disc is about the size of an automobile, around 5 feet tall, and completely silent. For 90 seconds, all the noise of the mall seems muted. Then the device begins to move and zips away quickly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Unusual Experiences from the Timmerman Files,” IUR 27, no. 2 \(Summer 2002\): 21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6723
### Event 46529 (53DAA1AF)
**Date:** 1/19/1988
**Description:** A father and daughter were driving to pick up the mother from work at around 5:00 p.m. in Benton, Louisiana. They pulled into the parking lot of her work and stopped to wait for her. The lot, the street, and the nearby Interstate highway were all in their normal hubbub of activity. The daughter brought her father's attention to a streak of light in the sky. Almost as soon as he focused on it, the light seemed to appear immediately in front of them, about 150 feet away and about 50 feet above the ground. It was a dull silver or steel gray disc-shaped object. Around the perimeter were openings like wind scoops, which spun about fairly rapidly. From the top of the disc emerged a sheath from which extended rotary blades like those seen on helicopters. The craft performed this extension as they watched, although the blades did not turn. The disc was about the size of an automobile and about five feet tall. It never made any noise for the minute and a half of the performance. A strange silence permeated the environment. "It seemed...that there were no cars moving, [we] didn't hear a thing in the world. Nothing. Just like the world stood still." Then the device zipped away, and as soon as it had left "the traffic on I-20 came alive and the parking lot became active."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Swords, International UFO Reporter, Summer 2002, p. 21
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_388
### Event 46530 (3BBC2F9F)
**Date:** 1/20/1988 (approximate)
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Nullarbor Plain, Adelaide
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, the witnesses' car (a whole family) was lifted off the road by an extremely bright ovoid UFO. They said their car was violently thrown and then dropped back onto the road. The car was damaged and investigators found it covered in a substance resembling green ashes. This substance was analyzed. Other testimonies from motorists and fishing boats reported similar events, which the police took seriously. (Reported by CBS Radio, 21.1.1988) (vog: the analysis showed it was potassium chloride, cfr Bob Fletcher of Para Net Information) During the night, a white light approached the Knowless family's car. The vehicle was shaken and lifted above the road. A shrill sound was heard. An unpleasant smell was perceived and voices were distorted. The car was covered in a deposit similar to soot. (Science et Vie, special edition: 50 years of UFOs, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, pp. 60-63) ... The car was lifted, shaken, and fell onto its right side. On impact, one of the tires burst. The family quickly got out of the vehicle and hid in the bushes until the UFO left. When it finally departed, they changed the tire and were able to leave. (1988, January 20 (21?))
**Reference:** UFO Universe, Winter 1998 issue, "In Australia, Strange Things Are Happening" by Tim Swartz, page 33
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3288
### Event 46531 (F66C7A38)
**Date:** 1/20/1988
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** Saucer lifts car / 90 min. Tires popped. Luggage gone. Ash. / r41p232.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 398)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15035
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "W/MUNDRABILLA,AUST:SCR LIFTS CAR/90MIN:TIRES POPPED:LUGGAGE GONE:ASH:/r41p232", **LatLong:** "-31.883335 127.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "31:53:00 S 127:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.883335,127.500006)", **State/Prov:** "WA", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 46532 (9182B817)
**Date:** 1/20/1988
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** EDMONDS, WA
**Description:** 2 women. Ice-cream-cone-shape seen / seconds. Winks out. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15036
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "EDMONDS,WA:2 WOMEN:ICE-CREAM-CONE-SHAPE SEEN/SECONDS:WINKS OUT:NFD", **LatLong:** "47.811113 -122.377784", **LatLongDMS:** "47:48:40 N 122:22:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.811113,-122.377784)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46533 (5AA6BC69)
**Date:** 1/20/1988
**Location:** Mundrabilla, AU
**Description:** Knowles family encounter with oval object that buzzed car, car lifted off road, physical traces (section VI). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5762
### Event 46534 (26C0BF1A)
**Date:** 1/20/1988
**Location:** Mundrabilla, Western Australia
**Description:** Knowles family encounter with oval object that buzzed car, car lifted off road, physical traces
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_433
### Event 46535 (6A8F34BF)
**Date:** 1/20/1988
**Locations:** Perth, Western Australia; Melbourne, Victoria; Mundrabilla, Western Australia; Ceduna, South Australia
**Description:** 4:10 a.m. Faye Knowles and her three sons Patrick, Sean, and Wayne are en route along the Eyre Highway from Perth, Western Australia, to Melbourne, Victoria, by car, when they observe a bright, egg-shaped object ahead of them on the road near Mundrabilla, Western Australia. Sean is driving and has to swerve to miss the object. The egg-shaped object then begins to follow their station wagon. At some point, Sean does a U-turn to approach the object, but soon goes back to driving eastward. The family becomes disoriented, and the sequence of events is difficult to reconstruct. They roll down the windows and a “grayish-black mist” enters into the car. Faye reaches out the window to touch the roof and feels something warm, soft, and rubbery that covers her hand in black dust. They hear a thud on the roof and come to believe that the object has lifted their car off the road. They are let down suddenly and the right rear tire blows out. A truck driver named Graham Henley is driving ahead of the Knowles’s car; he sees a bright light in his rearview mirror for about 5 minutes. Shortly after Henley pulls into Mundrabilla, the Knowles family arrives in a state of disorientation. He inspects the damaged tire, sees dents in the roof, and smells something burnt. Henley and another trucker drive back to the scene and find skid marks and footprints. In the afternoon, the family report to police in Ceduna, South Australia, who note their distress and the dents in the roof. Samples of the black dust are collected for forensic analysis. The police tests are never done, but at least half of the material is obtained by ufologists [Keith Basterfield](http://www.auforn.com/Kbintro.htm) and [Ray Brooke](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/09/ray-brooke-passing-of-australian-uap.html), who take it to a laboratory. The analysis reveals ordinary materials: sodium chloride, sodium, aluminum, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, silicon, chlorine, clay particles, and calcium. The Seven Network pays the Australian Mineral Development Laboratories to test the vehicle for radioactivity, but there is none above background. AMDEL states that the car tire has failed due to being underinflated, and the dust, smell, and smoke is due to the blowout. Another set of samples is taken from the car by the Victorian UFO Research Society and sent to two different labs, again with commonplace results. However, one analysis by [Richard Haines](http://www.nicap.org/bio-haines.htm) in the US concludes that the interior dust is different from the exterior dust, which contains a possible trace of astatine, a radioactive chemical element. Faye’s hand became red and swollen in the days after the event.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield and Ray Brooke, “[The Mundrabilla Incident,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/UFO%20Research%20Australia%20Newsletter/UFO%20Research%20Australia%20newsletter%20vol%206%20no%201.pdf)” UFO Research Australia Newsletter 6, no. 1 \(April 1988\): 3–20; Keith Basterfield and Ray Brooke, “[The Mundrabilla Incident: An Update,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/UFO%20Research%20Australia%20Newsletter/UFO%20Research%20Australia%20newsletter%20vol%207%20no%201.pdf)” UFO Research Australia Newsletter 7, no. 1 \(May 1989\): 3–9; Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 36-37; Keith Basterfield, “Samples from the Mundrabilla CE2,” IUR 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1990\): 12–13; UFOEv II 232–237; Siani, “UFOs on the Nullarbor Plain \(Part 1\),” Strange Days, September 27, 2007; Siani, “UFOs on the Nullarbor Plain \(Part 2\),” Strange Days, September 27, 2007; Brian Dunning, “[The Knowles](https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4715) [Family UFO Incident,](https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4715)” Skeptoid podcast, no. 715, February 18, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6724
### Event 46536 (562D56B3)
**Date:** 1/20/1988
**Description:** The four member Knowles family was driving on the Nullabor Plain west of Mundrabilla in Western Australia at around 4:30 a.m. when their car started being paced by a mysterious light. It followed them for nearly 90 minutes. The close encounter took a dramatic turn when the UFO buzzed the car from behind and somehow lifted it from the road. The car was airborne a few feet above the ground for a short period, then was dropped back onto the highway surface, causing the tires to pop. The UFO had a bright yellow light in the center and looked like the sketch below. The "egg-cup" shaped object then flew off. The car had dents and scratches on the roof, and their luggage that had been strapped to the roof was gone. An ash residue was also found inside the car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Pat Delgado, FSR, June 1988, p. 1; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume 2): A Thirty Year Report, pp. 30, 205, 276
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_395
### Event 46537 (4F1D0893)
**Date:** 1/21/1988
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Fay Knowles and her 3 sons, accompanied by their 2 dogs, have just come from East Perth and are heading towards Mundrabilla, crossing the Nullarbor Plain \(Western Australia\). Suddenly, their car radio starts to malfunction. See images/Knowles\_300.jpg. (1h 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1988.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3024
### Event 46538 (DCE5D0FC)
**Date:** 1/21/1988
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The quartet sees lights in the distance. As the car --- a Ford --- approaches, it turns out that there is only one light. It is parked on the side of the highway. Sean Knowles, the driver, does not realize until the last moment that this light is illuminating another vehicle. He swerves violently to avoid the accident and then turns around to see what is happening. The light moves above the road, pursued by Knowles' vehicle. Then it starts to back up towards the car. Sean turns around again, but the UFO catches up with them. Something lands on the roof of the car with a dull thud and the vehicle seems to leave the ground. Fay Knowles lowers the window and sticks her hand out to touch the object above. She claims it was hot and spongy, and compares it to a rubber plunger used to unclog sinks. Meanwhile, chaos reigns in the car. A shrill sound is heard. One of the sons will later say he thought his brain was going to come out of his head. Sean, the driver, faints briefly. The dogs become wildly furious. Dust, entering through the lowered window, swirls inside and there is a smell of decomposing corpses. Then the UFO releases the car. It falls violently to the ground and one of the tires bursts. Sean takes control of it, stops it, and the whole family gets out to hide on the side of the road until the UFO moves away. The UFO is about the same size as the car, white with a yellow center. It emits a kind of electric buzz. When it is gone, one of the strangest consequences of the experience occurs: for about 15 minutes, everyone's voice becomes very high-pitched, as if they had breathed helium. In this state, the family changes the wheel and then sets off towards Mundrabilla. The car is covered with a deposit similar to soot. The suitcases loaded on the gallery have disappeared. At the Manor Hotel in Mundrabilla, where the family takes refuge about 40 km away, a truck driver named Graham Henley tells them he saw a light in the distance and saw it hovering above their Ford. He can see that a smell of Bakelite permeates the car and that its roof is strangely bulged in 4 places. A little later, the Knowleses present themselves at the Ceduna police station. This is what Sergeant Fred Longlet will say about them: These people had really seen something. What exactly ... well, I don't know. They were in a frightening state, even 5 hours after the incident. Returned ... you can even say pale .. and trembling. The woman thanked heaven for being alive. These people were in a state 1000 times worse than all those who had reported UFO sightings to me so far. Something had happened. Their car, after all those miles traveled, was still covered with black ash or dust. There was even some inside. Where could it come from? Out there, there is nothing but sand. (1 h 45)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1988.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3025
### Event 46539 (74960FB3)
**Date:** 1/21/1988
**Time:** 00:30
**Description:** Tuna boat crews and more. Green night lights hover / 1 minute(s). Shoot going quickly north / horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15037
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off PORT LINCOLN,S.AUSTR:TUNA BOAT CREWS+:GRN NLTS HVR/1min:SHOOT >>N/HRZN", **LatLong:** "-35.500002 135.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "35:30:00 S 135:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.500002,135.500006)", **State/Prov:** "SA", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46540 (0A57C878)
**Date:** 1/21/1988
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** OAK HARBOR, WA
**Description:** 5+observer(s). Silent glowing-saucer zips and hovers and maneuvers / NAS. 15 blue lights pulse / edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15038
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "OAK HARBOR,WA:5+OBS:SLNT GLO-SCR ZIPS+HVRS+MNVRS/NAS:15 BLU LITES PULSE/EDGE", **LatLong:** "48.272225 -122.644450", **LatLongDMS:** "48:16:20 N 122:38:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.272225,-122.644450)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46541 (E0BDDA1C)
**Date:** 1/21/1988
**Time:** ~23:00
**Location:** OAK HARBOR, WA
**Description:** Several observer(s) / telephoto lens. Saucer buzzes car. Electro-magnetic effect (EME) and damage. Sharp turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15039
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "OAK HARBOR,WA:SVRL OBS/TELEFOTO LENS:SCR BUZZES CAR:EME+DAMAGE:SHARP TURNS", **LatLong:** "48.266669 -122.650006", **LatLongDMS:** "48:16:00 N 122:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.266669,-122.650006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46542 (A9B76116)
**Date:** 1/21/1988
**Locations:** Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington; 5 miles north of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Ex-Navy Lt. Dan McIndoe and his family are at their home 5 miles north of Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Washington, when they see a white light with red and blue flashes. They watch it maneuvering for 2 hours.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson, “UFOs in Washington Skies,” IUR 13, no. 2 \(March/April 1988\): 4–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6725
### Event 46543 (BF5F46E5)
**Date:** 1/22/1988
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 2 / car. 60' triangle going east low over road just ahead. Lights flash.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15040
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "290", **HatchDesc:** "KETTLEWELL,N.YORKs:2/CAR:60'TRIANGLE >E LO OVR ROAD JUST AHEAD:LITES FLASH", **LatLong:** "54.150003 -2.038889", **LatLongDMS:** "54:09:00 N 02:02:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.150003,-2.038889)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46544 (BCD76FEB)
**Date:** 1/22/1988
**Description:** A 60-foot long triangular UFO flew to the east low over the road, just ahead of the two witnesses' car in Kettlewell, North Yorkshire, England at 9:00 p.m. It had many lights, some of which were flashing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_425
### Event 46545 (56B05725)
**Date:** 1/23/1988
**Time:** 00:50
**Description:** Massive "footprint-UFO". Many tinted-glass portholes. Slow..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15041
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "79", **HatchDesc:** "CHESTERFIELD,DERBYs:MASSIVE "FOOTPRINT-UFO":MANY TINTED-GLASS PORTHOLES:SLOW..", **LatLong:** "53.233336 -1.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:14:00 N 01:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.233336,-1.433333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 46546 (1863384B)
**Date:** 1/23/1988
**Description:** A massive "footprint-shaped" or peanut-shaped UFO was seen over Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England at 12:45 a.m. It had many tinted-glass portholes, and flew slowly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_460
### Event 46547 (B3E5D97A)
**Date:** 1/24/1988
**Description:** At 5:30 p.m. on this evening at his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida Ed Walters took his twenty-first UFO photograph of a domed, disc-shaped object. The blurring movement of the object suggests that when the object left it accelerated at 20 G's, according to photometric analysis.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1990, p. 210, citing MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 239
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_495
### Event 46548 (E5453EF0)
**Date:** 1/25/1988
**Location:** Sharon, PA
**Description:** Barking dogs alerted to triangle, treetop height (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [880125](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/sharondir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5764
### Event 46549 (3D49E044)
**Date:** 1/28/1988
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Ex-CIA Pilot Claimed To Receive 25 Secret CIA Memos About Aliens On Earth
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [link](https://www.howandwhys.com/ex-cia-pilot-claimed-to-receive-25-secret-cia-memos-about-aliens-on-earth/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_766
### Event 46550 (33FC2A28)
**Date:** 1/28/1988
**Time:** ~23:00
**Location:** OAK HARBOR, WA
**Description:** 15+see solid object and 2 spheres / light hover and become saucers! / UFOCAT.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15042
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "OAK HARBOR,WA:15+SEE SOLID OBJ+2 SPHERES/LITE HOVER+BECOME SCRS!:/UFOCAT", **LatLong:** "48.283336 -122.650006", **LatLongDMS:** "48:17:00 N 122:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.283336,-122.650006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46551 (60B5EF03)
**Date:** 1/31/1988
**Description:** A woman had a close encounter with a silent charcoal black triangular object while driving in the suburban town of Eureka, Pennsylvania at 6:50 p.m. The object passed only 30 feet above her car. It had three bright white headlights on the side facing her when sighted, six small white lights underneath in two clusters of three, and a red light on the bottom forward. The edges of the object sloped out underneath.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Stan Gordon, MUFON Field Investigations Database, case # 880940
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_641
### Event 46552 (5C72A9F1)
**Date:** 2/1988
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** CAMPS BAY, RSA
**Description:** Several / beach and separate observer(s). Silver saucer crosses sky going northwest / 5 minute(s). Lit portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15043
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CAMPS BAY,RSA:SVRL/BEACH+SEP.OBS:SLVR SCR CROSSES SKY >NW/5min:LIT PORTHOLES", **LatLong:** "-34.050002 18.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "34:03:00 S 18:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.050002,18.500001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46553 (ED716F10)
**Date:** 2/3/1988
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** Bus paced briefly / yellow saucer. Going quickly east. 2nd ovoid does same.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15044
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "W/BLUBBERHOUSES,N.YORKS:BUS PACED BRIEFLY/YELLOW SCR:>>E:2ND OVOID DOES SAME", **LatLong:** "53.983336 -1.783333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:59:00 N 01:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.983336,-1.783333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46554 (FBC8E32E)
**Date:** 2/4/1988
**Locations:** Bacup, Lancashire; Todmorden, Yorkshire, England; Tooler Hill
**Description:** 8:10 p.m. A woman is driving between Bacup, Lancashire, and Todmorden, Yorkshire, England, when she sees an intense orange, egg-shaped light to the south-southeast above Tooler Hill when she is crossing the border between the two counties. Its interior is like a “swirling liquid \(or fire embers\) with constantly changing patterns.” She stops to watch it as it hovers for another 2–3 minutes. As she drives away it starts to move, so she pulls over again and watches it \(now dimmer\) move away to the southwest. It speeds up as it descends below the level of the hillside.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “[Another Pennine Earthlight?](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Northern%20UFO%20News%20%28Jenny%20Randles%29/Northern%20UFO%20News%20-%20No%20137.pdf)” Northern UFO News, no. 137 \(June 1989\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6726
### Event 46555 (16DA9E6D)
**Date:** 2/5/1988
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Rotherham, Carr Hill
**Description:** (Translated from French) Martin Vernon and Paul Leach saw around 7 pm an object like a huge flying saucer. They were in a car and stopped to observe the phenomenon. They said it was in the shape of a cross, with an elongated fuselage and 3 or 4 windows lit up on top with a bright red light. They estimated that each window was the size of a house! The main part was covered like large white tiles. It was 20 to 30 times bigger than a conventional plane and flew between 300 and 600 meters in altitude. The object stayed in view for 20 minutes and no sound was heard. For 5 minutes, during this observation time, it hovered in place. After the car flew over, the object suddenly moved away at an incredible speed, making erratic movements from side to side. (February 5, 1988)
**Reference:** IUN - David Clarke - GREAT BRITAIN
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3290
### Event 46556 (D46F418D)
**Date:** 2/5/1988 (approximate)
**Description:** Bus driver and more/others. CB Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Night light flies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15045
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "EYRE HWY,nr MUNDRABILLA,W.AUST:BUS DRIVER++:CB RADIO RFI:LITES EME:NLT FLIES", **LatLong:** "-31.950002 127.666673", **LatLongDMS:** "31:57:00 S 127:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.950002,127.666673)", **State/Prov:** "WA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46557 (59388934)
**Date:** 2/6/1988
**Time:** 04:19:09.1
**Location:** 49.7870 77.9750
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1723
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7870 77.9750", **LatLongDMS:** "49:47:13 N 77:58:30 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7870,77.9750)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 46558 (4FC10B31)
**Date:** 2/7/1988
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The UFO again visits the home of the [Waters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) and Frances Walters, Ed's wife, narrowly missing being "struck" by a blue beam --- an event that [Waters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WaltersEdwardDaniel.html) managed to capture on film. (February 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1988.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3026
### Event 46559 (E9669BCE)
**Date:** 2/7/1988
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** ED's foto#24. Wife ducks beam from UFO overhead. 6 February saucer / Alabama.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: The GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS; Wm. Morrow 1990 & Avon PB 1991. 370pp. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15046
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:ED's FOTO#24:WIFE DUCKS BEAM FROM UFO OVERHD::6FEB SCR/ALABAMA", **LatLong:** "30.377779 -87.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:40 N 87:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.377779,-87.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46560 (887FE091)
**Date:** 2/8/1988
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** 2 separate events. Cone-object / orange and white lights. Hovers over town. / r186#83.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15047
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "71", **HatchDesc:** "nr ROTHERHAM,ENGL:2 SEP.EVENTS:CONE-OBJ/ORG+WHT LITES:HVRS OVR TOWN:/r186#83", **LatLong:** "53.416669 -1.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:25:00 N 01:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.416669,-1.366667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46561 (26A632D2)
**Date:** 2/8/1988
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** SHEFFIELD, ENGL
**Description:** Massive dish hovers / 30m altitude / 20 minute(s). Lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Going quickly / 120mph. / r186#23.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15048
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "96", **HatchDesc:** "SHEFFIELD,ENGL:MASSIVE DISH HVRS/30m alt/20min:LITES EME:>>/120mph:/r186#23", **LatLong:** "53.400003 -1.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:24:00 N 01:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.400003,-1.466667)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46562 (D2BC4636)
**Date:** 2/8/1988
**Description:** In Gulf Breeze, Florida at around eight o'clock in the evening, Ed Walters and his wife witnessed a small bright orange ring in the sky. Mr. Walters snapped a Polaroid photograph of it, then experienced two hours of missing time. He claims he has no memory of taking the photo.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Edward Walters, UFOs are Real: Here's the Proof, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_762
### Event 46563 (504D0EBE)
**Date:** 2/9/1988
**Description:** Dog runs into small low glowing rotating cloud. Dies later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: RANDLES, Jenny & HOUGH, Peter: SPONTANEOUS HUMAN COMBUSTION; Berkley Books, NY 1992/94. (York, UK pg 147. Owestry, UK pg 103.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15049
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "96", **HatchDesc:** "nr OSWESTRY,SHROPs:DOG RUNS INTO SMALL LO GLOWING ROTATING CLOUD:DIES LATER", **LatLong:** "52.850003 -3.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:51:00 N 03:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.850003,-3.033333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46564 (B282ADFB)
**Date:** 2/9/1988
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** MEDELLIN, COL.
**Description:** Fast-moving-star circles airport. Ignores landing instructions..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15050
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Colombia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1521", **HatchDesc:** "MEDELLIN,COL:FAST-MOVING-STAR CIRCLES AIRPORT:IGNORES LANDING INSTRUCTIONS..", **LatLong:** "6.250000 -75.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "06:15:00 N 75:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/6.250000,-75.566670)", **State/Prov:** "MED", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 46565 (81C6CF95)
**Date:** 2/9/1988
**Location:** Oswestry, Shropshire, England
**Description:** 8:00 a.m. A man looking for farm work near Oswestry, Shropshire, England, sees a dog run from a parked car he is passing. The dog crosses the road and runs barking straight int a swirling, yellowish, glowing mist about 45 feet in diameter that straddles a hedgerow. The mist is making a noise like rushing air. The dog owner gets out of the car, and the witness follows her toward the glow and tries to calm her down. As they approach, their hair stands on end, their skin begins tingling, and they smell sulfur as an eerie stillness envelops them. Moments later, the glow disappears as if it is melting away. The dog is lying on the ground looking ill. Its eyes are red and its coat is soaking wet, yet the moisture is evaporating rapidly with steam visibly rising. The man carries the dog back to the car and the woman drives off with it. He later finds out that the dog recovered after an hour or so but died a few weeks later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, Time Storms: Amazing Evidence for Time Warps, Space Rifts, and Time Travel, Piatkus, 2001, p. 11; Jenny Randles, “UFOs Can Damage Your Health, Part Two,” Fortean Times 365 \(April 2018\): 27
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6727
### Event 46566 (5C8D086C)
**Date:** 2/9/1988
**Description:** In Oswestry, Shropshire, England a 45 foot in diameter yellow cloud of something that looked like fog was seen straddling a hedgerow around 8:00 a.m. It glowed brightly and made a noise like rushing air. A dog ran into it and disappeared for a time. The two adult witnesses, a man and a woman, reported feeling a tingling sensation and smelling a sulphur smell. The dog was later found unconscious, wet and hot; its eyes were red and it seemed close to death. It died a few weeks later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, Time Storms: Amazing Evidence for Time Warps, Space Rifts, and Time Travel, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_781
### Event 46567 (31B3045D)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Location:** England, Stannington
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 6:30 PM Caroline Glossop saw the silhouette of a UFO in the shape of a marrowbone with lights at the ends and underneath, giving the impression of spinning, on two-thirds of the windshield of the car. It was visible for 4 minutes. The drawing made by the witness was rather different from a bone: straight front part, pointed back part, 5-sided object.
**Reference:** IUN- David CLARKE - GB
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3291
### Event 46568 (1239FFD3)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Carlton
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 6:40 PM, Stephen Millard of Carlton Green looked west and had the impression of seeing a communication satellite with its solar panels. But the altitude of this thing was far too low to be a satellite. At first the object had the shape of a cross, then it inclined and he saw a small dome on the upper part. The portholes were dimly lit and blinking. He estimated the size of this object to be three times that of a jumbo jet, the central part was aluminum in color and the luminosity was that of an electric welding arc. He observed it for 20 minutes. In the indicated direction there were at that moment not only Jupiter and Venus, but a very dense star cluster.
**Reference:** IUN- David CLARKE - GB
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3292
### Event 46569 (7C283854)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Location:** Great Britain, Wombwell
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 7:20 PM Margaret Gamble walked down the street, a cul-de-sac where she lives alone. She had arrived near the gate of her home when she heard a buzzing. Looking for the "plane" that made the noise, she saw in the cul-de-sac, at the crest of the roofs a large black mass, with below it many very bright lights, red and silver. Although she was not scared she felt her hair stand on end; she went inside, with her husband watched for two more minutes as the phenomenon disappeared but at no point did she see its exact shape.
**Reference:** IUN- David CLARKE - GB
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3293
### Event 46570 (719F0FDF)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Wombwell
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 7:30 PM Mr. Hoyle was sitting in his car parked in the center of Wombwell. He saw the object come in at about 60 meters altitude, over the rooftops, while it was going slowly eastward. The object had the shape of a diamond or pyramid, seeming to have a five-sided central part surrounded by many lights of different colors, but mostly green, white and pink-red. The witness saw it for about a minute and when it was closest, about 300 meters away, he seemed to perceive a buzzing sound; The witness described the UFO spectacle as "fantastic". (February 10, 1988)
**Reference:** IUN- David CLARKE - GB
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3294
### Event 46571 (C1FAC14B)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Hoyland
**Description:** (Translated from French) A witness and her 24-year-old daughter saw, at around 7:30 PM, a large black rectangular triangle suspended in the sky in front of them. They stopped the car and other people parked behind them to observe the UFO. It was in a downward pointing position and there were a lot of red and green lights in its center. The triangle remained stationary for 5 minutes. As the daughter couldn't see very well, the witnesses went home to get glasses and to come back they took another route to see the object from behind. It had moved around 400 m to the southwest and was momentarily motionless above an electricity pylon. It was huge, the witnesses think 50 to 60 m in side and flying under 100 m in altitude, its entire perimeter was lined with bright green lights and those in the center lit up in pulses. The witnesses approached the UFO up to 30 or 50 m. Later, when they returned home, they saw the UFO again at around 9:15 PM, but high in the sky and it seemed to be moving at great speed to the west.
**Reference:** IUN- David CLARKE - GB
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3295
### Event 46572 (DFA5201D)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Penistone
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three witnesses in a car around 10:15 pm saw powerful spotlights in the sky to the northeast. They stopped to watch. The thing kept stopping and then continuing on its trajectory, making no noise and was visible for 5 minutes, moving in jerks. The object seemed to them to be diamond-shaped, of a dull metal color and very massive with a row of portholes at the front, the back part was harder to make out.
**Reference:** IUN- David CLARKE - GB
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3296
### Event 46573 (5BE2EDCF)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Time:** ~19:30
**Description:** 4 separate groups / observer(s). Very large black delta/triangle/box-like craft / 20' altitude follows power lines going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15051
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "72", **HatchDesc:** "WOMBWELL+HOYLAND,ENGL:4 SEP.GRPS/OBS:VLARGE BLK DLT/20'ALT FOLOS PWR LINES>>W", **LatLong:** "53.516669 -1.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:31:00 N 01:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.516669,-1.400000)", **RelAlt:** "6", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46574 (729CF842)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** PENISTONE, ENGL
**Description:** 4 / A629. Silent metallic diamond hovers / 200M altitude. 3 strong beams. Windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15052
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "168", **HatchDesc:** "PENISTONE,ENGL:4/A629:SLNT MTLC DIAMOND HVRS/200M alt:3 STRONG BEAMS:WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "53.516669 -1.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:31:00 N 01:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.516669,-1.616667)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46575 (18E48848)
**Date:** 2/10/1988
**Locations:** Cambria; Somerset counties; Johnstown, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 7:45–8:30 p.m. Numerous independent observers on the border of Cambria and Somerset counties near Johnstown, Pennsylvania, see a 60-foot object with several rows of lights that make it look like a “cruise ship in the sky.” The object passes over cars and trees at an altitude of 50–100 feet. It emits a slight humming sound and projects multiple beams of light toward the ground.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Number of UFO Reports in State Unprecedented in ‘88,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201989%2002%20-%20no%20235.pdf)” Latrobe \(Pa.\) Bulletin, January 9, 1989, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 235 \(February 1989\): 11–12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6728
### Event 46576 (5F1BE8FE)
**Date:** 2/11/1988
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** 737 crew and Air Traffic Controller and military RADAR and more/others. Huge box object with 3 lights. Hovers / hours. Quickly going up [to] away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15053
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mozambique", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "BEIRA,MOZAMBIQUE:737 CREW+ATC+MIL.RDR++:HUGE BOX OBJ W/3 LITES:HVRS/HRS:↑↑away", **LatLong:** "-19.750001 34.966668", **LatLongDMS:** "19:45:00 S 34:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.750001,34.966668)", **State/Prov:** "BEI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46577 (755DCCFE)
**Date:** 2/11/1988
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Airline(s)/airliner pilot and ground RADAR. Ball-light follows 737. "Flirts". Near collision.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Von LUDVIGER, Illobrand ed. UFO's-SEUGEN UND ZEICHEN. Berlin 1995 edition q-Verlags GmbH ISBN 3-86124-300-8. (Index 146)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15054
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "ATHENS>
It was huge! It blinked and had many colored lights. I ran to get my binoculars and I could clearly see that it had the shape of a triangle and was slightly rounded towards the back. It turned, returned to a lower altitude and seemed even bigger.
That's when we noticed 2 jet fighters flying just behind it. As the UFO moved away \(towards the West\), one of the planes tried to intercept it by passing in front of it. The UFO turned to the left and made a U-turn, reducing its speed. For 3 times, the planes tried to intercept it: the UFO slowed down even more and almost stopped. It was incredible!
That something so big could remain almost motionless was inconceivable. According to its size, it must have been extremely heavy. The second fighter stayed to the right of the UFO and the other one placed itself to its left towards the back. That's when.. I'm unable to say what exactly happened.
I don't know if the plane entered the UFO from the back or from the top. We all started to shout, fearing a collision, or even an explosion. The fighter placed in the back had disappeared inside the UFO because, in my binoculars, I didn't see it reappear neither towards the back, nor towards the top nor towards any other point.
The second plane stayed on the right of the UFO, very close. It seemed tiny compared to this huge machine. When the UFO took the direction of the West, the plane disappeared, as well as the sound of its engine. That's exactly what had happened when the first one had seemed to disappear inside the UFO. After having "swallowed" the planes, the UFO lost altitude and approached very close to the ground \(above the small lake of Samàn\). It stayed in the air for a moment, then its angles deformed and a big luminous flash jallited from the central yellow light ball. Then, it split in two triangular parts in the middle. It was incredible! The right triangle was now illuminated in yellow and the other one in red. The 2 triangles started to fly at full speed, one towards the southeast and the other one towards the northeast, towards Monte del Estado. When the UFO split, we could see some kind of red sparks coming off it. \(See *US Jets Abducted at Puerto Rico*, The UFO Report, under the direction of Timothy Good.\)
Another witness, Ivan Coté, added that it had seemed to him to see small red machines surrounding the UFO and trying to move away the planes. He specified that a 3rd fighter had turned back when it had seen what was happening to the others and that the red triangle had pursued it for a moment. The ufologist Jorge Martin didn't stop at collecting Wilson Rosa's testimony. He found in the region numerous witnesses whose stories overlap even in the details. In order to know more, Jorge Martin hastened to contact the competent authorities.
The [FAA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FAA.html) office for Puerto Rico replied to him that it had had no knowledge of any incident with a UFO, but that it knew that forces coming from the naval base of Roosevelt Roads, on the other side of the island, had accomplished military maneuvers in the zone in question --- which the said base denied afterwards. As for the air bases of the Puerto Rico National Guard of Muniz and Salinas, they were even less explicit and affirmed that none of their planes had flown over the region that evening. However, this beautiful unanimity cracked when Jorge Martin set out to interrogate the responsible units of the police specialized in the chase of drug traffickers and their planes, the *Fast Action United Force* \(FURA\), of which a radar unit was based in San German, very close to Cabo Rojo, as well as the *Criminal Investigation Corps*. He then learned that an intense activity of combat planes had been registered at the said hour above the region. Recontacted, the [FAA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FAA.html) said not to understand why Roosevelt Roads had denied the evidence and Mirabal, the officer interrogated by Jorge Martin, made him this surprising confidence: I know nothing about this incident, but even if it was the case, as soon as there is a report concerning UFOs, we are not allowed to investigate because these investigations are reserved to a special department of the [FAA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FAA.html) based in Washington, DC.. There was thus a special department at the [FAA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FAA.html) to study a phenomenon which officially didn't exist. (18 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1988.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3044
### Event 46917 (C237DE5C)
**Date:** 12/28/1988
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Sierra Bermeja and Laguna Cartagena, flown over by the UFO, were surveyed at very low altitude until midnight by unmarked black helicopters with no distinctive markings and extinguished position lights. (20:20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1988.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3045
### Event 46918 (90EA4536)
**Date:** 12/28/1988
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) According to Carlos Racfort, the supervisor of air operations at the Mayagüez airport, near Cabo Rojo, a Cessna from the army lands with 4 men on board to investigate an event that has just occurred in the region. (20 h 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1988.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3046
### Event 46919 (663A61E8)
**Date:** 12/28/1988
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** NEAR CABO ROJO, PR
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft swallows 2 F14S! Splits / 2. Shoot quickly going up. / r103p187.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 436)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15200
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "nr CABO ROJO,PR:100s/OBS:HUGE DLT SWALLOWS 2 F14S!:SPLITS/2:SHOOT ↑↑:/r103p187", **LatLong:** "17.966668 -67.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "17:58:00 N 67:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.966668,-67.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46920 (64266001)
**Date:** 12/28/1988
**Time:** 05:28:10.0
**Location:** 49.8011 78.0686
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1738
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8011 78.0686", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:04 N 78:04:07 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8011,78.0686)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 46921 (B7B1B977)
**Date:** 12/28/1988
**Locations:** Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico; Lago Samán
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. Many people in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, see a huge, bright-yellow triangular object in the sky. Mañuel Marcado watches as two F-14 Tomcats \(probably from an aircraft carrier\) approach the object from either side then cross in front of it. The light stops in mid-air and absorbs both planes, according to Marcado. The object moves over Lago Samán, then divides itself into two triangles, one of which shoots off to the east and the other to the north. Allegedly, the triangular objects were tracked on US Navy radars.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 379](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/378/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6770
### Event 46922 (76712E4B)
**Date:** 12/28/1988
**Description:** A very controversial case occurred on this day over Puerto Rico near Cabo Rojo, east of Betances in Mayaguez province. According to two male witnesses on the ground, at 7:45 p.m. two US Air Force F-14 fighter jets tried to intercept a very large triangular metallic looking UFO with brilliant yellow lights on the right tip and red lights on the left tip. The UFO veered to left, turned back, and then reduced speed. Both jets disappeared inside the UFO! The UFO then split into two and rose straight up vertically.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, Contact of the 5th Kind, p. 30; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 148; Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 222; FSR, July 1991; Jerome Clark, UFOs in the 1980s. The UFO Encyclopedia, Volume 1, p. 187
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8637
### Event 46923 (73CE5289)
**Date:** 12/29/1988
**Time:** 16:00?
**Location:** PENSACOLA, FL
**Description:** 2 / car. 15' Saturn-disk stops and hovers 50' / home / 40' altitude. Bounces going up and down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15201
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA,FL:2/CAR:15'SATURN-DISK STOPS+HVRS 50'/HOME/40'ALT:BOUNCES ↑+↓", **LatLong:** "30.416668 -87.222226", **LatLongDMS:** "30:25:00 N 87:13:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.416668,-87.222226)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46924 (84874D96)
**Date:** 12/30/1988
**Time:** 07:40
**Description:** Busload / observer(s). Cone beams lights / 4 lightning poles. Poles glow. Going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT [1990]; Avon Books 1991. 237pp. (Index 129)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15202
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr HIMKOMBINAT,RS:BUSLOAD/OBS:CONE BEAMS LITES/4 LIGHTNING POLES:POLES GLOW:>S", **LatLong:** "44.333335 131.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "44:20:00 N 131:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.333335,131.500006)", **State/Prov:** "DAL", **Strangeness:** "7"
## Year: 1989, 689 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 46925 (3A6F65BF)
**Date:** 1989
**Description:** The date provided in an interview by Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD for the failure of the “Crash Retrieval Program”
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [link](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_774
### Event 46926 (4D35AECE)
**Date:** 1989
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Year of Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s W-2 statement
**Type:** tax statement
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_776
### Event 46927 (8D603FA2)
**Date:** 1989
**Location:** Germany, Schwerte-Ergste
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 6:00 PM, on a rainy afternoon, Rolf Kaster, a chemistry student, was riding his bicycle along the Ruhr when, without knowing how, he found himself in a meadow. It was 10 PM, night had fallen. He thought he had had an accident and had fainted. He went home in a state of incomprehensible fatigue. Soon after, flashes of memory assailed him. He had met giants, he had been on board a spaceship. As he pedaled through the woods, an animal or what he took for an animal, leapt out of a thicket 10 m away from him. He got off his bicycle and saw a female silhouette appear that grew and grew until it reached 3.50 to 4 m high. The giant was slim and rather beautiful, wearing a metallic suit that only revealed her fingers and face. Kaster asked her if she came from the future and the giant, after telling him that she was from the Wolf (note from vog: Wolf = Wolf? Would this be a Ummite?), invited him to follow her. They arrived in a clearing above which a cloud floated at a hundred meters altitude. The cloud suddenly burst into three columns of rain that flooded three small circular portions of the ground. A large chain with a bar at the end descended into one of these columns. The giant dragged the student, who she had placed on her shoulder, grabbed the chain and both were sucked through the column of rain up to a disc a hundred meters in diameter. Inside were other naked giants, male and female, with whom Kaster could not communicate. However, he discovered that he could make telepathic exchanges with a funnel-shaped creature with multiple gray-green eyes that floated at the bottom of a large aquarium. For the student, this monster was undoubtedly the "captain" of the UFO. He was given a helmet and connected to a computer to take a series of mental tests. The computer answered all his questions, and he thought it gave him access to all current and future knowledge. He took advantage of this to obtain revolutionary pharmaceutical formulas, new solutions for producing energy. The only questions left unanswered were about the "giants". Kaster thought they were only biological robots with a quasi-human form meant to reassure. When he wanted to take off the helmet he felt such pain that he could no longer breathe and... found himself in the grass of the meadow.
**Reference:** Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Enquête sur les enlèvements E.T." - Plon 1995, p. 130, 131
**Reference:** The student himself said he was embarrassed by the absurdity of his testimony and specified that if he had wanted to invent a story he would have imagined a more intelligent one. - He remains convinced that the information given by the computer is applicable and tries to obtain patents to prove the reality of his testimony.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3373
### Event 46928 (4D673026)
**Date:** 1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The UFO photographed in Dalbegorsk \(USSR\). See images/1989\_200.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3047
### Event 46929 (F9C48949)
**Date:** 1/1989?
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 3 / car. Silent 10M ovoid stops / 6M altitude. Wobbles. Going quickly west again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15203
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ivory Coast,Ghana,Togo,Benin,Liberia etc.", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "N/AMBATOLAMPY.MALAGASY:3/CAR:SLNT 10M OVOID STOPS/6M alt:WOBBLES:>>W AGAIN", **LatLong:** "-19.333334 47.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "19:20:00 S 47:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.333334,47.416669)", **State/Prov:** "ANT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46930 (A42D1CE7)
**Date:** 1/1989
**Description:** [Leonard Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FH.%5FStringfield) issues his fifth Status Report.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Leonard H. Stringfield, UFO Crash/Retrievals: Is the Coverup Lid Lifting? The Author, 1989
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6771
### Event 46931 (5943860C)
**Date:** 1/1989
**Locations:** Long Island; Center Moriches, New York
**Description:** The Long Island UFO Network begins publishing the Long Island UFO Reporter, which soon changes its name to the Long Island UFO Update, edited at first by George McLain in Center Moriches, New York. It continues through December 1992.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Long Island UFO Reporter](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Long%20Island%20UFO%20Update%20%28John%20Ford%29/Long%20Island%20UFO%20Update%20-%20Vol%2001%20No%2001.pdf) 1 no. 1 \(January 1989\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6772
### Event 46932 (D00498FB)
**Date:** 1/1989
**Description:** John Lear claims a source “Mike” told him he was taken two hours from Norton AFB to an underground installation and told he was to photograph a flying saucer and autopsy of three dead ET; Mike was boosted into opening of the disc and inside looked to be 10 times the size of the outside “I could have thrown a football as hard as I could and not hit the other side”; (Puthoff, Davis describe this as topological inversion); photographed control panels; photographed 5 foot tall aliens with almost normal human heads with more rounded eyes, white skin and blue uniforms; inside of aliens had green fluid and black innards; Mike’s companion later disappeared.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/02/07/final-part-3-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-v-is-the-cover-up-lid-lifting/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/02/07/final-part-3-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-v-is-the-cover-up-lid-lifting/)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20210831153533/https://bdigital.ufp.pt/bitstream/10284/781/1/223-239Cons-Ciencias%2002-8.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20210831153533/https://bdigital.ufp.pt/bitstream/10284/781/1/223-239Cons-Ciencias%2002-8.pdf) (rg - orig URL dead, archive.org version)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_234
### Event 46933 (F0BB2103)
**Date:** 1/1989
**Description:** Bill English claims he sees a memo from USAF Col. Wendelle Stevens which details **Project Blue Book** officials J. Allen Hynek and Lt. Col. Robert Friend had an awareness of crash recoveries, body recovery, human mutilation of military officials, entities that eat liquid chlorophyll, language similar to Sanskrit.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/02/04/part-2-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-v-is-the-cover-up-lid-lifting/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/02/04/part-2-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-v-is-the-cover-up-lid-lifting/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_235
### Event 46934 (A9BC048B)
**Date:** 1/1989
**Description:** “Alan Caviness” claims when he was on active duty with the US Navy at Cecil Field Naval Air Station in Florida a colleague of his told him two F-14s from a squadron at Roosevelt Roads Naval Air Station in Puerto Rico were ‘lost,” not from a midair collision but from something he wouldn’t discuss.
Years later, Caviness came across an incident report in ufology media that states on 28 December 1988, a large triangle UAP the size of a baseball field was near the base in Puerto Rico and three F-14s were sent to intercept; two that came too close to it disappeared Caviness claims RADM David Rogers, Deputy Assistant Chief of Naval Operations, lied to the House of Representatives when he said no aircraft were lost at the time of the incident.
* [http://www.cavinessreport.com/ed2.html](http://www.cavinessreport.com/ed2.html)
* [https://youtu.be/CaiXWYh08mc](https://youtu.be/CaiXWYh08mc)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_236
### Event 46935 (E9DAF36E)
**Date:** Early 1/1989
**Location:** Norway, Sande
**Description:** (Translated from French) First half of January. At around 8:30 pm, a mother and her son suddenly saw through the living room window a bright ball. It disappeared and suddenly came back after 5 minutes. The son ran to the kitchen to get a better view and at his cries the mother joined him. There was an object, as big as an airplane, with several lights, which silently moved towards the house. The witnesses were in panic and thought the object was going to hit the house. They had no idea how the thing disappeared. They saw the object from 10 meters away, with a width of 7 meters, with two big lights, two smaller ones, some kind of windows, and a lot of details that were hard to define. The bottom was described by the mother as "full of folds and edges, like a walnut". Duration of the observation: 1 minute. (1989, Early January)
**Reference:** Menz Kaarbo - Ufo Norway News
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3315
### Event 46936 (8A581444)
**Date:** 1/3/1989
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** CORONA, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). 4 car-sized silent silver diamond-shaped objects stop overhead / 5 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15204
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "207", **HatchDesc:** "CORONA,CA:SVRL OBS:4 CAR-SIZED SLNT SLVR DIAMOND-SHAPED OBJS STOP OVHD/5min", **LatLong:** "33.850002 -117.516672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:51:00 N 117:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.850002,-117.516672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46937 (D5DBF1C6)
**Date:** 1/6/1989
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** PENSACOLA, FL
**Description:** Bay bridge. 2 / car. Orange ball hovers then shoots straight up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15205
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA,FL:BAY BRIDGE:2/CAR:ORANGE BALL HOVERS THEN SHOOTS STRAIGHT UP.", **LatLong:** "30.383335 -87.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:23:00 N 87:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.383335,-87.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46938 (469AF7A3)
**Date:** 1/10/1989
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** APPLETON, WI
**Description:** 2 pilots. 3 white night lights on and off in sequence. Not on any radar. / r96#302.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 155)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15206
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "241", **HatchDesc:** "APPLETON,WI:2 PILOTS:3 WHT NLTS on+off in sequence:not on any radar:/r96#302", **LatLong:** "44.233335 -88.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "44:14:00 N 88:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.233335,-88.433338)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 46939 (C47737B2)
**Date:** 1/12/1989
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** BELLEVILLE, IL
**Description:** Several observer(s). Circular object / 100' altitude crosses road over car. / r96#302.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MUFON CATALOG download. Filed here as MUFONUFO.TXT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15207
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "161", **HatchDesc:** "BELLEVILLE,IL:SVRL OBS:CIRC.OBJ/100'alt CROSSES ROAD OVR CAR:/r96#302", **LatLong:** "38.533335 -89.983338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:32:00 N 89:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.533335,-89.983338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46940 (C79B833C)
**Date:** 1/12/1989
**Description:** On this night a woman driving her car in Duclair, Seine-Maritime department, France observed within 30 meters of the top of a marsh an enormous cylindrical form with a cupola on top. The UFO was emitting a yellow light, had a series of red luminescent portholes, and a white base.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case # 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_283
### Event 46941 (F21BD0B1)
**Date:** 1/12/1989
**Description:** Two men driving in Underwood, Indiana saw a diamond-shaped object for five minutes moving across the roadway in front of their car. They drove directly under the craft, 100' above them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_284
### Event 46942 (61637D8B)
**Date:** 1/13/1989
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** SUN PRAIRIE, WI
**Description:** Several observer(s). Silent 135m triangle with 6 bright lights 300m over road / 40 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.execpc.com/~ahoj/wfiles/files/uf890318.htm also see -/uf890113.htm -/uf890810.htm -/uf8901xx.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15208
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "290", **HatchDesc:** "SUN PRAIRIE,WI:SVRL OBS:SLNT 135m TRIANGLE W/6 BRITE LITES 3OOm OVR ROAD/40sec", **LatLong:** "43.183335 -89.211115", **LatLongDMS:** "43:11:00 N 89:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.183335,-89.211115)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46943 (408D1FD9)
**Date:** 1/17/1989
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** SR37 NORTHEAST / FT. WAYNE, IN
**Description:** 1+1 observer(s). 2 equilateral/equal triangles maneuver and follow truck to Ohio. Very low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 112)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15209
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "SR37 NE/Ft.WAYNE,IN:1+1 OBS:2 EQL.TRIANGLES MNVR+FOLO TRUCK TO OHIO:VLO ALT", **LatLong:** "41.166669 -85.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:00 N 85:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.166669,-85.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46944 (05C8ADB3)
**Date:** 1/18/1989
**Location:** USA, Somerville (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mufon, Case 1309, # 890603. Duration: 2 hours. Investigator: Dick Seifreid. At 3:57 am a man was woken up by his dog's barking. Looking outside, he saw three oval discs above the trees bordering his property, less than 100 m away. He woke up his wife and two teenage children. The whole family watched for two hours as the objects hovered slowly over the neighboring farms, before landing. (???) They emitted bright colored lights (amber, red, green, blue and white) that covered their own surface like a bubble of light. At one point, the father and son left in a car to pursue them. Two of the objects came back and hovered over a field before rejoining the third, which was already further away.
**Reference:** Note: the family made a second observation early in the morning of January 27, 1989
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3316
### Event 46945 (870AD98E)
**Date:** 1/18/1989
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** SOMERVILLE, OH
**Description:** USAF family. 3 saucers all over farm / 2 hours. Bright colors. Go. 2 return.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15210
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "233", **HatchDesc:** "SOMERVILLE,OH:USAF FAMILY:3 SCRS ALL OVR FARM/2hrs:BRITE COLORS:GO:2 RETURN", **LatLong:** "39.566669 -84.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:34:00 N 84:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.566669,-84.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46946 (584FBCAC)
**Date:** 1/18/1989
**Location:** Glen Allen, MS
**Description:** Forest animals freeze as cylinder passes overhead (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890118](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890118bdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5775
### Event 46947 (5E51855E)
**Date:** 1/18/1989
**Location:** Somerville, OH
**Description:** Barking dogs alert witness to domed objects (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890118](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890118dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5776
### Event 46948 (73E16EC3)
**Date:** 1/18/1989
**Description:** The family of a retired USAF non-commisioned officer was awakened by their dog at 3:57 a.m. They saw 6-8 objects over their own land and some nearby property for the next hour and three-quarters. The objects would vanish at times when jet aircraft flew over. The event continued and the lights were still present when the family left for work andschool that morning.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON field investigation files, case 890603
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_381
### Event 46949 (CAB9830D)
**Date:** 1/20/1989
**End date:** 1/20/1993
**Description:** President George H. W. Bush in office
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_H._W._Bush)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_775
### Event 46950 (7A178EAA)
**Date:** 1/21/1989
**Location:** USA, near Corydon (Indiana)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mufon, Case 1336, #9008222, Time: 10:58 PM; Investigator Fran Ridge. Four women in a car accompanied by a teenager, saw a large amber light at the back of their car. They stopped for a moment, then drove off. The object, the size of a house, passed overhead, seeming slightly tilted on its side, so that no distinct shape was observed. What they took to be the ventral part had nine bright white lights arranged in an "X" shape. Several photos were taken, and as the object seemed to be about 80 m away, the film only showed small lights arranged in a circle.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3317
### Event 46951 (1668934A)
**Date:** 1/21/1989
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** CORYDON, IN
**Description:** 5 / car. 40' object paces car. X-pattern / lights / underside. Photographs show nothing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 272)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15211
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "167", **HatchDesc:** "CORYDON,IN:5/CAR:40'OBJ PACES CAR:X-PATTERN/LITES/UNDERSIDE:FOTOS SHOW NOTHING", **LatLong:** "38.194446 -86.122226", **LatLongDMS:** "38:11:40 N 86:07:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.194446,-86.122226)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46952 (162664C7)
**Date:** 1/22/1989
**Time:** 16:40
**Location:** TEXARKANA, TX
**Description:** 1 observer. Large silver cylinder/cylindrical object going quickly [to] 300' below Cessna flying / 6500'. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15212
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "97", **HatchDesc:** "TEXARKANA,TX:1 OBS:LRG SLVR CYL >>300' BELOW CESSNA FLYING/6500':NFD", **LatLong:** "33.433335 -94.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "33:26:00 N 94:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.433335,-94.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46953 (52D94E52)
**Date:** 1/22/1989
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** GREENS FORK, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent "flying whale". DWG looks like windsock. Bright light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 113)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15213
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "308", **HatchDesc:** "GREENS FORK,IN:2 OBS:SLNT "FLYING WHALE":DWG LOOKS LIKE WINDSOCK:BRITE LITE", **LatLong:** "39.866669 -85.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:52:00 N 85:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.866669,-85.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46954 (4AFF157E)
**Date:** 1/22/1989
**Time:** 03:57:09.0
**Location:** 49.9340 78.8150
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 170KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1739
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9340 78.8150", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:02 N 78:48:54 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9340,78.8150)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "170"
### Event 46955 (65B320EC)
**Date:** 1/22/1989
**Description:** A pilot flying at 6,500 over Texarkana, Texas observed a large silver, cylinder-shaped object flying 300 feet below him at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting Center; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14732
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_426
### Event 46956 (D07CC03C)
**Date:** 1/23/1989
**Location:** Norway, Andebu
**Description:** (Translated from French) Synnove Isaksen in a car with her children Linda (12 years) and Jan (9 years) around 8 pm suddenly saw a large bright star approach and become a ball the size of a child's balloon. It made a half turn to follow a direction parallel to the car for about 3 km before disappearing behind the trees. A little further on, having passed the Andebu power station, they saw something fall from the sky. Isaksen stopped the car and they then saw, at 500 m distance and 30 m altitude, an angular mass silently of about ten meters in wingspan. This thing was seen on the ventral side which bore a large white light in the center, surrounded by several smaller red, green and yellow ones. They were strong but did not light up. This phase of the observation lasted about 2 minutes, when suddenly the thing rose at great speed and disappeared, still in silence. About 500 m further on their route, the sphere reappeared and again accompanied the car for 3 km. It was just above the trees. Once they arrived home, the witness wanted to film this sphere with the camera, but it disappeared at great speed.
**Reference:** Menz Kaarbo - Ufo Norway News
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3318
### Event 46957 (45A076F6)
**Date:** 1/23/1989
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** GAINESVILLE, FL
**Description:** Multiple observer(s). Silent 10' disk hovers still / 90' altitude / 5 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15214
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "GAINESVILLE,FL:MULT.OBS:SLNT 10'DISK HVRS STILL/90'ALT/5min:NFD", **LatLong:** "29.650001 -82.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "29:39:00 N 82:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.650001,-82.833337)", **RelAlt:** "27", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46958 (CDB2FD68)
**Date:** 1/23/1989
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ANDEBU, NORWAY
**Description:** 1+kids / car. Angular object going down [to] over power station/depot/facility / 2 minute(s). Shoots going up. Also brilliant sphere.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15215
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ANDEBU,NORWAY:1+KIDS/CAR:ANGULAR OBJ ↓ OVR PWR STn/2min:SHOOTS↑:+BRILL.SPHERE", **LatLong:** "59.361114 10.183334", **LatLongDMS:** "59:21:40 N 10:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.361114,10.183334)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46959 (F26E1A98)
**Date:** 1/23/1989?
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** SANDE, NORWAY
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dark 7M object going [to] slow toward(s) house. Lights and windows. Clean sharp edges.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15216
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SANDE,NORWAY:2 OBS:DRK 7M OBJ >SLO TWRD HOUSE:LITES+WINDOWS:CLEAN SHARP EDGES", **LatLong:** "59.572225 10.211112", **LatLongDMS:** "59:34:20 N 10:12:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.572225,10.211112)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46960 (3C12ABB4)
**Date:** 1/23/1989
**Description:** At eight p.m. a polygon-shaped object descended over a power plant in Andebu, Norway and hovered for 2 minutes. It shot up vertically when it left. At 8:30 p.m. in Sande, Norway two people watched a 7 meter long dark object with lights and windows that moved slowly towards a house. It had sharp edges.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Inforespace, issue 83
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_461
### Event 46961 (4CC0C86A)
**Date:** 1/23/1989
**Description:** Two women, aged 64 and 42, saw a disc-shaped object hover 90 feet overhead in Gainesville, Florida at five a.m. for five minutes. It was 10 feet in diameter and made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, UFO Reporting Center; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15283
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_462
### Event 46962 (D8FDBCFA)
**Date:** 1/23/1989
**Description:** A 73-year-old couple in Greens Fork, Indiana sighted a UFO shaped like sperm whale without the tail at 9:30 p.m. The couple were the parents of a woman newspaper reporter who reported their sighting. The object moved slowly and low overhead until out of view. There was also a smaller satellite object that was yellow in color.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 119
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_463
### Event 46963 (2B972A39)
**Date:** 1/24/1989
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** VALLIANT, OK
**Description:** UC#2740. 12+observer(s). One hour procession / delta/triangle/box-like crafts etc. Night lights dance around large UFO's.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 215)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15217
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "156", **HatchDesc:** "VALLIANT,OK:UC#2740:12+OBS:1hr PROCESSION/DLTS etc:NLTS DANCE AROUND LRG UFOS", **LatLong:** "34.000002 -95.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "34:00:00 N 95:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.000002,-95.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46964 (74495CBE)
**Date:** 1/24/1989
**Description:** Two large triangular shaped objects that were accompanied by 4-5 smaller bright objects were seen by dozens over Valliant, Oklahoma for more than an hour. The large objects had red, white, and blue lights. They hovered and moved slowly at tree-top level. The smaller lights maneuvered between them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 109; McCurtain (Oklahoma) Daily, February 1, 1989
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_496
### Event 46965 (E2730DCD)
**Date:** 1/25/1989
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** BEVERLY, NJ
**Description:** Multiple observer(s). 100' triangle hovers / 200' altitude. House shakes and loud rumble heard.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15218
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "BEVERLY,NJ:MULT.OBS:100'TRIANGLE HVRS/200'alt:HOUSE SHAKES+LOUD RUMBLE HEARD", **LatLong:** "40.066669 -74.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:04:00 N 74:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.066669,-74.916670)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46966 (CBAEA315)
**Date:** 1/27/1989
**Time:** 02:40
**Location:** GRAND CENTRE, ALTA
**Description:** PR28-30M south / weapons range. Mountie sees disc-shaped object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GUASP, Miguel: TEORIA de PROCESOS de los OVNI; Valencia, Spain, 1973. Self published. Scholarly. Short catalog. (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15219
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "541", **HatchDesc:** "GRAND CENTRE,ALTA:PR28-30M S/WEAPONS RANGE:MOUNTIE SEES DISC-SHAPED OBJ", **LatLong:** "54.400003 -110.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "54:24:00 N 110:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.400003,-110.216672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46967 (04DF5F7A)
**Date:** 1/27/1989
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** NEAR ATLANTA, GA
**Description:** Pilot and copilot both Captains. 3m torpedo passes 240m under plane.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15220
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "320", **HatchDesc:** "nr ATLANTA,GA:PILOT+COPILOT both Captains:3m TORPEDO PASSES 240m UNDER PLANE:", **LatLong:** "33.750002 -84.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "33:45:00 N 84:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.750002,-84.500004)", **RelAlt:** "-240", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46968 (842DAD79)
**Date:** 1/28/1989
**Locations:** Tiptree, Essex, England; southeast Essex
**Description:** Evening. A triangular UFO is seen over Tiptree, Essex, England. Its color changes from bright to dull white before it shoots to the southwest. Other triangular UFOs are observed in southeast Essex in January.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 124
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6773
### Event 46969 (A2390C39)
**Date:** 1/29/1989
**Description:** A woman in Redding, California reported six giant beige triangular objects that moved from south to north at low altitude at 9:35 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 238, citing Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_588
### Event 46970 (E664E93E)
**Date:** 1/30/1989
**Location:** USA, Long Island (New York)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At dawn a fishing boat had just rounded Shawong Point when the captain observed a strange light on the water, which seemed to come from an even stranger craft in the sky. It was like a searchlight and the captain set a course for this light. But the radar stopped working and the captain, fearful, turned off all the lights and stopped the engine. The beam seemed to have a square shape and was about 1500 m away. It began to move towards the boat, dancing on the water. The craft emitting it was itself a kind of triangular or diamond-shaped light about 45 m long. There was only a faint humming sound. Then the object rotated and sped away to the west. Once this thing was gone, the boat's radar worked normally again. (January 30, 1989)
**Reference:** Bob PRATT - USA
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3319
### Event 46971 (7BDFE0D7)
**Date:** 1/30/1989
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** MONTAUK PT, NY
**Description:** 3 / boat. Silent 150' delta/triangle/box-like craft flips over. 90° turn going south. Boat RADAR malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). / r123p215.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 215)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15221
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "MONTAUK PT,NY:3/BOAT:SLNT 150'DLT FLIPS OVR:90°TURN>S:BOAT RDR EMEs:/r123p215", **LatLong:** "41.066669 -71.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:04:00 N 71:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.066669,-71.850003)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46972 (51F4C074)
**Date:** 1/30/1989
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silent ovoid with red lights seen / 15 minute(s). No further details. / Internet.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15222
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1381", **HatchDesc:** "BATTLE MOUNTAIN,NV:3 OBS:SLNT OVOID W/RED LITES SEEN/15min:NFD:/Internet", **LatLong:** "40.677780 -117.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:40:40 N 117:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.677780,-117.133339)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46973 (1670808E)
**Date:** 1/30/1989
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** BENFLEET, ESSEX
**Description:** 300' "bus" / 900' altitude. 2 rows / windows. Moves slow and silently / sky. 1 observer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 215)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15223
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BENFLEET,ESSEX:300' "BUS"/900'alt:2 ROWS/WINDOWS:MOVES SLO+SILENTLY/SKY:1 OBS", **LatLong:** "51.561114 0.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:33:40 N 00:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.561114,0.533333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46974 (18817200)
**Date:** 1/30/1989
**Description:** In the predawn hours in the ocean off Shagwong Point, Long Island, New York a fishing boat's radar system and other electronics failed when it was approached by a light on the sea or hovering just above the water less than a mile away. A diamond shaped UFO estimated to be 150 feet in size was then seen as it moved toward the boat, turned west, and then finally south, making a slight humming sound. There were three witnesses on board and the incident lasted several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, Contact of the 5th Kind, p. 31; Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 215, citing the UFO Newsclipping Service
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_616
### Event 46975 (75053C09)
**Date:** 1/30/1989
**Description:** At 9:40 p.m. a witness in Blenfleet, Essex, England spotted a 300-foot long "bus" in the sky at 900 feet altitude. It had two rows of windows, and it moved slowly and silently through the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_617
### Event 46976 (E232C539)
**Date:** 1/30/1989
**Description:** Three witnesses in Battle Mountain, Nevada saw a delta-shaped object in the sky with a red light at 5:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case # 16, citing the UFO Newsclipping Service
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_618
### Event 46977 (1E3DB302)
**Date:** 2/1989
**Location:** USA, somewhere in Ohio
**Description:** (Translated from French) It was a Sunday afternoon. I was looking out the kitchen window, which overlooks the garden, and above the garden of a neighbor two houses away (to the west) I saw a black box, the size of a microwave oven, with something sticking out of it, like a stick. This box seemed to be making hops very close to the ground, at such a speed that I couldn't see any details, while going from left to right over a distance of three to four meters. After 30 seconds it began to rise, moving away. The higher it got, the less it seemed to be swaying. Half a minute later, I lost sight of it in the sky. I have no idea what it was. (February 1989)
**Reference:** No. 169; 1997 MidOhio Research Associates, Inc
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3321
### Event 46978 (7E35F024)
**Date:** 2/1989
**Description:** Hundreds / sightings through March. All types / UFO's and observer(s). Huge wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 219)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15224
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Guatemala", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "156", **Elev:** "1050", **HatchDesc:** "40m NE/GUATEMALA CITY:100s/SIGHTINGS THRU MARCH:ALL TYPES/UFOS+OBS:HUGE WAVE", **LatLong:** "14.933334 -90.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "14:56:00 N 90:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/14.933334,-90.200004)", **State/Prov:** "GUA", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46979 (4408D1AE)
**Date:** 2/1989
**Location:** Fyffe, AL
**Description:** Local concentration of sightings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_439
### Event 46980 (513BF08D)
**Date:** 2/1989
**Location:** Gloucestershire, England
**Description:** Numerous witnesses in Gloucestershire, England, report a noiseless triangular UFO “ablaze with lights.” One report describes a series of light beams emanating toward the ground that give it a “tripod effect.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wilts & Gloucester Standard of Cirencester, February 24, 1989; Marler 124–125
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6774
### Event 46981 (B0C38CA3)
**Date:** 2/2/1989
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** OLYMPIA FIELDS, IL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape larger / 747 descends silent / 1 minute(s). / r96#302.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MUFON CATALOG download. Filed here as MUFONUFO.TXT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15225
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "206", **HatchDesc:** "OLYMPIA FIELDS,IL:2 OBS:CGR LARGER/747 DESCENDS SILENT/1min:/r96#302", **LatLong:** "41.511113 -87.672226", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:40 N 87:40:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.511113,-87.672226)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46982 (98C4995B)
**Date:** 2/3/1989
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** RAVENNA, MI
**Description:** Multiple observer(s). Bright fireball paces car / treetop level. = dark mass with lights. Going quickly [to] fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15226
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "214", **HatchDesc:** "RAVENNA,MI:MULT.OBS:BRITE FBL PACES CAR/TREETOP LVL:=DARK MASS W/LITES:>>FAST", **LatLong:** "43.188891 -85.938893", **LatLongDMS:** "43:11:20 N 85:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.188891,-85.938893)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46983 (F66284B1)
**Date:** 2/6/1989
**Time:** 21:00?
**Description:** Bright disk / sky. Beam / light has 2 figures in it. Possible abduction.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 142)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15227
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "PERM,NOVOSIB,RUSS:BRITE DISK/SKY:BEAM/LITE HAS 2 FIGURES IN IT:POSSIBLE ABD", **LatLong:** "58.016669 56.233336", **LatLongDMS:** "58:01:00 N 56:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.016669,56.233336)", **State/Prov:** "PRM", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 46984 (24CA1DC7)
**Date:** 2/6/1989
**Description:** On this night a woman in Perm, Russia saw a bright disc-shaped object hovering over the area. The craft brightened suddenly and the witness became disoriented. She could only remember that her own dog attacked her. Later, under hypnosis, she recalled confronting two very tall figures within a light. The beings touched her on the back with a very cold metallic triangular device, which had the effect of blocking her memory of the experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 578, citing Jacques Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_728
### Event 46985 (83C12A03)
**Date:** 2/7/1989
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NEW HAVEN, CT
**Description:** Small sphere hovers 3M over backyard. Red and blue lights pulse. / r96#302.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFO's over New England Website ( Select by state ) http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nova/8874/ufomenu.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15228
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "NEW HAVEN,CT::SML SPHERE HVRS 3M OVR BACKYARD:RED+BLUE LITES PULSE:/r96#302", **LatLong:** "41.300002 -72.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:18:00 N 72:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.300002,-72.950003)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46986 (E85A376F)
**Date:** 2/7/1989
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. several witnesses were driving together along an isolated section of Route 4 in Sassovivo, Italy when they started to see intermittent circular flashes of light ahead of them. As they got closer they saw five circular objects on the ground alongside the road. The vehicle's engine stalled as five humanoids, about 90 cm tall, emerged from the crafts and surrounded the vehicle. The humanoids wore white, astronaut like suits, and had black hair and large staring eyes. They moved rapidly around the vehicle, completely ignoring the witnesses. For some time their vehicle was prevented from moving. After awhile the humanoids went back into their circular objects and then these craft disappeared from sight. The source indicated that the driver died soon after the encounter, but provided no information as to the cause of death.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, citing CUN
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_743
### Event 46987 (48941AB3)
**Date:** 2/7/1989
**Description:** A 17-year-old girl observed a small sphere with red and blue lights hovering only 3 meters over her backyard in New Haven, Connecticut. It was 60 feet away, and reportedly caused her a temporary tingling sensation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15297; Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 240, citing Robert Gribble
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_744
### Event 46988 (35AACFEB)
**Date:** 2/8/1989
**Location:** STROUD, GLOUCS
**Description:** Cop reports triangle-UFO 1 mile from RTE A46 near town. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15229
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "158", **HatchDesc:** "STROUD,GLOUCs:COP REPORTS TRIANGLE-UFO 1mi FROM Rte A46 nr TOWN:NFD", **LatLong:** "51.750002 -2.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:45:00 N 02:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.750002,-2.216667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 46989 (AFD3D216)
**Date:** 2/8/1989
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** Dogs bark. 3' saucers land. Vanish as observer(s) nears to 30'. / MJ#255.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: UFO ABDUCTIONS in GULF BREEZE; Avon Books, NY 1994 (Index 184)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15230
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:DOGS BARK:3'SCRS LAND:VANISH AS OBS NEARS TO 30':/MJ#255", **LatLong:** "30.355557 -87.161115", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:20 N 87:09:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.355557,-87.161115)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46990 (FAEB395F)
**Date:** 2/8/1989
**Location:** Gulf Breeze, FL
**Description:** Dogs barked constantly as 2 small discs landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890208](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890208dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5777
### Event 46991 (9FE22C86)
**Date:** 2/8/1989
**Location:** Gulf Breeze, Florida
**Description:** 3:40 a.m. A man in Gulf Breeze, Florida, wakes to the sound of dogs barking outside. He sees a small object descending low over a nearby lot. It appears to be two connected discs, one on top of the other, not more than 3 feet in diameter. A white light is on top, and many other lights are blinking in shades of red, orange, and green. He approaches it, but it disappears in a flash of light. The duration is about 12 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Gulf](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890208dir.htm) [Breeze, Florida: February 8, 1989](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890208dir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6775
### Event 46992 (D4F29BF7)
**Date:** 2/8/1989
**Description:** A man in Gulf Breeze, Florida was awakened by his dogs, and saw a UFO descend making a sizzling sound and land in a vacant lot only 80 feet away from his house. He awoke his wife and son. They saw three small discs land. When the man shone a flashlight at one of the objects it flashed back and then they all disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ed Walters, UFO Abductions at Gulf Breeze, p. 184; Rex Salisberry, MUFON field investigation file database, case 890405; Larry Hatch, U computer data, case 14819, citing MUFON UFO Journal, issue #255
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_763
### Event 46993 (0729FF8A)
**Date:** 2/9/1989
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** DU QUOIN, IL
**Description:** Multiple observer(s). Object with red lights hovers over field 60m from house / 4 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15231
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "136", **HatchDesc:** "DU QUOIN,IL:MULT.OBS:OBJ W/RED LITES HVRS OVR FIELD 60m FROM HOUSE/4min:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.000002 -89.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:00:00 N 89:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.000002,-89.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 46994 (E4324723)
**Date:** 2/10/1989
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** CROSSVILLE, AL
**Description:** Banana-UFO. Silent and slow. Bright lights. Maneuvers. Makes 90° turn. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15232
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "347", **HatchDesc:** "CROSSVILLE,AL:BANANA-UFO:SLNT+SLO:BRITE LITES:MNVRS:MAKES 90°TURN:NFD", **LatLong:** "34.266668 -86.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:16:00 N 86:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.266668,-86.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46995 (4030FCD6)
**Date:** 2/10/1989
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** FYFFE, AL
**Description:** Jumbo banana-UFO hovers. Going [to] 650kph. Many separate sightings. Associated Press (AP). / r96#302.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Fyffe, AL 1989: 3 newspaper accounts on file her: Fyffe1,2,3.UFO in download folder: from WWW.skeptictank.org
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15233
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "384", **HatchDesc:** "FYFFE,AL:JUMBO BANANA-UFO HVRS:>650kph:MANY SEP SIGHTINGS:AP:/r96#302", **LatLong:** "34.438891 -85.894449", **LatLongDMS:** "34:26:20 N 85:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.438891,-85.894449)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 46996 (07CC2CBA)
**Date:** 2/10/1989
**Time:** ~21:50
**Location:** DAWSON, AL
**Description:** Fyffe-UFO followed here 12 mile(s) / Tenbroeck. Makes u-turn at Crossville.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15234
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "353", **HatchDesc:** "DAWSON,AL:FYFFE-UFO FOLLOWED HERE 12mi/TENBROECK:MAKES UTURN @ CROSSVILLE.", **LatLong:** "34.294446 -85.922226", **LatLongDMS:** "34:17:40 N 85:55:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.294446,-85.922226)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 46997 (4AFC2FCD)
**Date:** 2/10/1989
**Time:** 20:06:00.1
**Location:** 37.0768 -116.0006
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Texarkana” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1000
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0768 -116.0006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:36 N 116:00:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0768,-116.0006)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Texarkana", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 46998 (A54F8FE5)
**Date:** 2/10/1989
**Locations:** Grove Oak, Alabama; Fyffe, Alabama; Crossville, Geraldine, and Collinsville, Alabama; Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama; Lick Skillet, Tennessee
**Description:** 8:42 p.m. A woman in Grove Oak, Alabama, tells the Fyffe, Alabama, police department that she has been watching a curved object for more than an hour with a pair of binoculars. It has a red light on each end and a white light in between, with the top of the curve outlined in green light. Police Chief [Junior Garmany](https://wtwilsonfuneralchapel.com/tribute/details/932/Junior-Garmany/obituary.html) and Assistant Chief Fred Works drive to the site and see the object at 1,000–1,500 feet, completely silent. It begins moving away as they approach. The officers drive after the object, following it for 12 miles when it suddenly reverses direction and flies over their patrol car at 300–400 mph. It is soon seen by law enforcement officers to the south in Crossville, Geraldine, and Collinsville, Alabama. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office receives more than 50 calls from citizens in surrounding communities, including Dawson and Dog Town, Alabama, and Lick Skillet, Tennessee, regarding a “silent thing streaking through the dark.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Friday Night UFO Remains a](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201989%2003%20-%20no%20236.pdf) [Mystery,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201989%2003%20-%20no%20236.pdf)” Fort Payne \(Ala.\) Times Journal, February 14, 1989, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 236 \(March 1989\): 10; Meghan Mitchell, “[Alabama’s UFO Capital Still Has a Story to Tell,](https://cw.ua.edu/56148/top-stories/alabamas-ufo-capital-still-has-a-story-to-tell/)” The Crimson White \(University of Alabama\), October 28, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6776
### Event 46999 (EA860017)
**Date:** 2/10/1989
**Description:** In Fyffe, Alabama a lighted triangular-shaped object with rounded corners flew around in the sky and was watched for more than an hour by four witnesses, including police. It flew over the police cruiser at an estimated distance of 1,500 meters at a steady speed, and made no sound. There were other sightings in surrounding communities, including De Kalb City, Dawson, Dog Town, and Lick Skillet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Rheta Grimsley Johnson, Commercial Appeal, March 15, 1989
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_810
### Event 47000 (177B09E1)
**Date:** 2/11/1989
**Location:** USA, Fyffe (Alabama)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The small town in the northeast corner of Alabama became the site of UFO sightings. On February 11th the police received at least fifty calls and the next day more than two thousand. The first witness to see the strange lights for nearly an hour was Donna Saylor. She called the police saying the object looked like a banana and was at the top of the trees. It hovered at a fairly wide angle (15° to 195°) with intense lights at the top and bottom and a very large light in the center. The banana-shaped curve was outlined in green light. Police Chief Junior Garmany and another policeman drove to the other sighting locations on Route 43. They got out of the vehicle when they saw a UFO coming in their direction. The object passed over them. It was large, wide and apparently triangular in shape. They heard no sound coming from the craft. (1989, February 11th and 12th)
**Reference:** Ron Bonds - UFONET II - 15.2.1989
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3320
### Event 47001 (8DAD49A8)
**Date:** 2/11/1989
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** SAN ANTONIO, TX
**Description:** 1 observer. Humming. Saucer with blue beam puts out street light. Firetruck appears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15235
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "165", **HatchDesc:** "SAN ANTONIO,TX:1 OBS:HUM:SCR W/BLU BEAM PUTS OUT STREETLITE:FIRETRUCK APPEARS", **LatLong:** "29.450001 -98.483338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:27:00 N 98:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.450001,-98.483338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47002 (C785FBC6)
**Date:** 2/11/1989
**Description:** Two men were recording music in their apartment in Levittown, New York at around 9:00 p.m. when they began to hear strange noises coming from outside. Going to a window, they saw two US government helicopters hovering overhead. They then saw two more flying in tandem, and between them was a huge, shiny metallic object with multicolored lights. Both witnesses ran outside, jumped into their car, and began following the UFO and the mystery helicopters. Once on the expressway the helicopters left and the giant object turned into a ball of fire before their eyes. Both witnesses then suffered a blackout. When they recovered they realized they were now driving towards the entrance of a bridge. Later, one man recalled being in a room with several short humanoids with large black eyes. He also claimed seeing numerous symbols resembling hieroglyphics.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, issue #258; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 945
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_843
### Event 47003 (FEDBDED5)
**Date:** 2/11/1989
**Description:** A woman at home on a foggy evening in San Antonio, Texas was attracted by a humming sound she heard outside at 11:15 p.m. She then saw a hovering orange, oval-shaped disc that emitted a strong blue beam of light. The beam of light extinguished the closest street light. The next odd thing that happened is that a firetruck appeared driving down her street.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert E. Morgan, MUFON field investigation case files, case #890402; MUFON UFO Journal, February 1990, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_844
### Event 47004 (88327895)
**Date:** 2/12/1989
**Time:** 04:15:09.2
**Location:** 49.9110 78.7040
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1740
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9110 78.7040", **LatLongDMS:** "49:54:40 N 78:42:14 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9110,78.7040)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 47005 (5C1B3793)
**Date:** 2/13/1989
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NALCHIK, RUSSIA
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). 1500' cylinder/cigar-shape all over area. Going down / 30M. Turns and goes. Big windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15236
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "NALCHIK,RUSS:100s/OBS:1500' CGR ALL OVR AREA:↓/30M:TURNS+GOES:BIG WINDOWS.", **LatLong:** "43.500002 43.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 43:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,43.583335)", **State/Prov:** "NLC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47006 (5CFA532D)
**Date:** 2/13/1989
**Locations:** North Caucasus region of Russia; Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria
**Description:** 9:00–10:00 p.m. A large, low-flying, cylindrical UFO is reported by many witnesses in the North Caucasus region of Russia. It has spotlights in front and back, porthole-like openings along the sides, fins on its tail, and travels at about 65 mph. As it flies over Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, it drifts down to an altitude of 150 feet then flies off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, Ballantine, 1992, [pp. 32–33](https://archive.org/details/ufochroniclesofs00vall/page/32/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6777
### Event 47007 (43440822)
**Date:** 2/14/1989
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** TEHACHAPI, CA
**Description:** Multiple observer(s). 10-12 circular objects with lights / top going [to] over mountains / 45 min. / r57p18.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15237
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "1211", **HatchDesc:** "TEHACHAPI,CA:MULT.OBS:10-12 CIRC.OBJs W/LITES/TOP >OVR MTNs/45MIN:/r57p18", **LatLong:** "35.266668 -118.433339", **LatLongDMS:** "35:16:00 N 118:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.266668,-118.433339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47008 (6FC97D45)
**Date:** 2/15/1989
**Location:** Fyffe, Alabama
**Description:** Fyffe, Alabama, police officer Dennison Scott and two other officers investigate a citizen’s report of a strange object in the sky, flashing multicolored lights for more than an hour before it moves away toward the northwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dolan II 472–473
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6778
### Event 47009 (FFA87FC1)
**Date:** 2/17/1989
**Time:** 04:01:09.2
**Location:** 49.8490 78.0640
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1741
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8490 78.0640", **LatLongDMS:** "49:50:56 N 78:03:50 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8490,78.0640)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 47010 (CBFCC0FA)
**Date:** 2/20/1989
**Location:** BASILDON, ESSEX
**Description:** 30cm disk follows car / 10 minute(s) flying 8M behind 1M over pavement.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15238
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BASILDON,ESSEX:30cm DISK FOLLOWS CAR/10min FLYING 8M BEHIND 1M OVR PAVEMENT:", **LatLong:** "51.583336 0.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:35:00 N 00:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.583336,0.450000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47011 (49C9BDCD)
**Date:** 2/20/1989
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** RUSSELL, KS
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). Mothership lands / field. Groups / UFO's seen / 3 days. / r123p218.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15239
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "112", **Elev:** "568", **HatchDesc:** "RUSSELL,KS:MANY SEP.OBS:MOTHERSHIP LANDS/FLD:GRPS/UFOS SEEN/3 DAYS:/r123p218", **LatLong:** "38.894446 -98.861116", **LatLongDMS:** "38:53:40 N 98:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.894446,-98.861116)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47012 (02E378FD)
**Date:** 2/21/1989
**Time:** 09:50
**Location:** POWAY, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Bright fireball drops straight going down. Makes 90° turn going [to] level path and away. / 20 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15240
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "153", **HatchDesc:** "POWAY,CA:1 OBS:BRITE FBL DROPS STRAIGHT↓:MAKES 90°TURN >LVL PATH+AWAY:/20sec", **LatLong:** "32.961113 -117.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:57:40 N 117:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.961113,-117.033339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47013 (EB9FD756)
**Date:** 2/23/1989
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** NEWPORT, NH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Very large white light nears car. Observer(s) stops. Night light going quickly [to] overhead / 300' altitude. Hums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFO's over New England Website ( Select by state ) http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nova/8874/ufomenu.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15241
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "243", **HatchDesc:** "NEWPORT,NH:2 OBS:VLRG WHT LITE NEARS CAR:OBS STOPS:NLT >>OHVD/300'alt:HUMS", **LatLong:** "43.366669 -72.172226", **LatLongDMS:** "43:22:00 N 72:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.366669,-72.172226)", **RelAlt:** "90", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 47014 (674154F3)
**Date:** 2/24/1989
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** LAC ST. JEAN, QB
**Description:** PR169. 1 observer. 1 UFO / 3 min. Earlier. Rumor / engineer shown saucer / '60s.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15242
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "LAC St JEAN,QB:PR169:1 OBS:1 UFO/3 MIN::EARLIER:RUMOR/ENGINEER SHOWN SCR/'60s", **LatLong:** "48.583336 -72.050003", **LatLongDMS:** "48:35:00 N 72:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.583336,-72.050003)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 47015 (1E89F611)
**Date:** 2/24/1989
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** 3MI SOUTH / FYFFE, AL
**Description:** Multiple observer(s) and 40 police calls. Bright round object bigger / house. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15243
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "382", **HatchDesc:** "3mi S/FYFFE,AL:MULT.OBS+40 POLICE CALLS:BRITE ROUND OBJ BIGGER/HOUSE:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "34.394446 -85.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:23:40 N 85:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.394446,-85.900004)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47016 (A5166A32)
**Date:** 2/24/1989
**Time:** 16:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.1285 -116.1220
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Kawich-Red” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1001
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1285 -116.1220", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:43 N 116:07:19 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1285,-116.1220)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "Kawich-Red", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 47017 (F518A989)
**Date:** 2/24/1989
**Description:** A multi-colored triangular shaped object flew over the town of Butler, Pennsylvania making a roaring sound a 8:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Stan Gordon, MUFON field investigation file 900310
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1089
### Event 47018 (47BB8275)
**Date:** 2/25/1989
**Time:** 07:30
**Description:** Large Oblong UFO. Dome / rear end. Vanishes in place!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15244
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BENAYEO,VCT,AUSTRL:LRG OBLONG UFO:DOME/REAR END:VANISHES IN PLACE!", **LatLong:** "-36.900002 141.050007", **LatLongDMS:** "36:54:00 S 141:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.900002,141.050007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47019 (16D7E28C)
**Date:** 2/25/1989
**Description:** In Benayeo, Victoria, Australia near Edenhope, a large oblong UFO with a dome at the rear end hung in the sky at 7:30 a.m., and then vanished in place.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 218
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1117
### Event 47020 (7DAD47DF)
**Date:** 3/1989 (approximate)
**Location:** Papoose Dry Lake
**Description:** Lazar takes group near Groom Lake to view UFO’s
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_778
### Event 47021 (C0F8084B)
**Date:** 3/1989 (approximate)
**Location:** Belgium, Antwerpen
**Description:** (Translated from French) A 45-year-old teacher was heading to the bank at around 2 pm in the Brederodestraat (south, but right in the city center) and had to pick up her son from daycare on the same route (note from vog: cfr Tin Vankerkom: her daughter at the nursery school). For some unknown reason, she left in a hurry, without her jacket even though it was cold, and took a shortcut behind the Museum of Fine Arts. There, she saw a UFO above the museum, which flew towards her three times, emitting a blue light and a certain warmth, which filled the witness with a kind of happiness. Suddenly, she found herself on board. She was forced to undress and lie down on a gynecological table, where small beings 1.2 m tall examined her. The leader presented himself, and the witness called him "Blue". With him, she made a journey through the universe, she saw an image of America cut into two parts, across the continent. She was taken to a sacred being whose age she estimated to be around 300 years. He lay in a coffin, but while she watched, he became younger. Later, she found herself back in town, about a hundred meters from the place where she was abducted: the abduction had lasted, because now the bank was closed. (Note from vog: Tin Vankerkom's investigation says it was 3:45 pm... banks don't close that early in Antwerp, do they?) She felt unhappy, her eyes were inflamed and tearful, and later her hair became fragile and brittle. She also had gynecological problems. At the time, she remembered nothing. It was only in 1993 that her memory gradually returned to her. [See next case, same witness, the next morning.] (1989, March?)
**Reference:** cfr Bulletin du GESAG N° 95 of June 1997 cfr investigations of Tin Vankerkom, Julien Weverbergh and others
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3322
### Event 47022 (26FCD2AF)
**Date:** 3/1989 (approximate)
**Location:** Belgium, Antwerp
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: see previous case) Woken up by the brightness of the day and a warm temperature for the time of year, it must have been between 5 and 6 o'clock (note from vog: so it certainly wasn't in March..., especially if daylight savings time is in effect, it's not that bright at 6 in the morning). Looking out the window she noticed that the floor of the building was bathed in a brightness similar to that of an afternoon. Examining the sky, she saw the saucer from the night before, but it was bigger. The witness again felt the heat and noticed the silence that had descended around her. The disc was approaching the ground, behind the house. Surrounded by buildings there was a long garden, a garage and a small shed. Modifying its size according to the available space, the disc approached the garage and stopped for a short moment at 50 or 60 cm from the roof, three small landing feet came out and the craft landed. The witness had plenty of time to make out the details: three series of three portholes, a landing gear that appeared and disappeared successively. In the blink of an eye the disc rose vertically, the air under it heated up and took on a white color with orange and blue tints. The phenomenon shrank with the distance and then appeared as three points: white, blue and yellow, arranged in a triangle. In one way or another the witness was back in bed to get up at the normal time and then mention to her husband that she had seen a UFO (note from vog: in a dream?) Later the witness claimed that there were burn marks on the roof of the garage and said that the owner had the bitumen covering replaced.... which the owner firmly denied: he did not make any repairs to the garage at that time! (1989, March?)
**Reference:** cf GESAG Bulletin No. 95 of June 1997 cf investigations by Tin Vankerkom, Julien Weverbergh and others
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3323
### Event 47023 (CDA4FD4E)
**Date:** 3/1989
**Description:** The Center for UFO Studies launches a new series of its Journal of UFO Studies, edited by [Michael D. Swords](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FD.%5FSwords), who examines the literature relating to extraterrestrial intelligence in order to provide a basis for judging the ETH as an acceptable concept for use in analyzing UFO phenomena.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Science and the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis in Ufology,” JUFOS 1 \(1989\): 67–102
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6779
### Event 47024 (2E47C43C)
**Date:** 3/1989
**Locations:** S-4 at Groom Lake, Nevada; Nevada test facility
**Description:** [Robert Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar) allegedly sees a disc on his third visit to S-4 at Groom Lake, Nevada. It is a classic-looking flying saucer, resting on three legs in a hangar. It is about 35–40 feet in diameter, 15 feet tall, and the color of pewter. During his stay at S-4, he sees a total of 9 flying saucers, each distinctive in design and size. His assignment, however, involves just one craft he nicknames the “sport model,” which he is allowed to examine on his fourth visit to S-4. The disc has three levels, and he is cleared for the lower two. Lazar crawls underneath the craft and sees three “gravity amplifiers” that focus a “Gravity A” wave from the “total annihilation” reactor in the center level of the craft. In this level, he sees a control panel and very small chairs—too small for human pilots. He discovers that part of the skin of the craft can become transparent, allowing one to look through it like a window. According to Lazar, the fuel for the craft is Element 115 \[later synthesized in 2003 and named moscovium in 2016, but this is much different than what Lazar describes\], housed in the reactor where it undergoes bombardment and spontaneous fission, producing antimatter particles that are converted to electricity with 100% efficiency. This power operates the amplifier, distorts the surrounding gravitational field, causes the craft to be invisible, and shortens the distance to a charted destination. Speed-of-light limitations are irrelevant. But Element 115 cannot be manufactured on Earth. The aliens have left only 500 pounds of it, but just 223 grams \(half a pound\) can fuel a craft for a long time. On another occasion, Lazar witnesses a demonstration of the craft, which lifts off the ground, moves left and right, and sits back down. He has access to and reads more than 100 documents dealing with the craft, its propulsion, and alien technology, as well as photos of gray alien bodies. The aliens are allegedly from the Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2 star system. The Reticulans claim to have genetically corrected human evolution up to 65 times over the past 10,000 years using viruses. They have given humans religion to prevent them from self-destructing and claim to be able to exert mind control on people when they are relaxed or sleeping. Lazar allegedly catches a glimpse of a small, gray alien standing between two men in white coats in a small room inside the secret S-4 facility. The documents also mention an exchange of information and hardware between the US government and the Reticulans until 1979, when some kind of conflict occurred. This is when the aliens leave and the military begins reverse-engineering what alien tech they have acquired. Then in May 1987, some scientists take an antimatter reactor to an underground Nevada test facility, where they are killed when attempting to cut the reactor open. Lazar claims he was hired as a substitute for one of these men.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Billy Goodman Happening, Nov. 21, 1989,” transcript of call-in radio show, KVEG-AM, Las Vegas, Nevada; MUFON UFO Journal, June 1990; Grant R. Cameron, T. Scott Crain, and Chris Rutkowski, “In the Land of Dreams,” IUR 15, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1990\): 4–8; “[S-4 Papoose Lake,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://boblazardebunked.com/real-area-51-tech/)” Bob Lazar Debunked; “[New High-Def Photos of S-4,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://boblazardebunked.com/real-area-51-tech/)” Bob Lazar Debunked; “[Element 115,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://boblazardebunked.com/investigating-s4-e115/)” Bob Lazar Debunked; Dolan II 475–478; Jacobsen, Area 51, [p. 12](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/12/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6780
### Event 47025 (3BBACB84)
**Date:** 3/1/1989
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** UNION CITY, IN
**Description:** 2 / car. Silent metallic 150m triangle hovers. Going [to] overhead slow / 12m altitude. Low rumble.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15245
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "340", **HatchDesc:** "UNION CITY,IN:2/CAR:SLNT MTLC 150m TRIANGLE HVRS:>OVHD SLO/12m alt:LOW RUMBLE", **LatLong:** "40.200002 -84.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:12:00 N 84:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.200002,-84.800004)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47026 (513ECBB8)
**Date:** 3/1/1989
**Time:** ~22:10
**Location:** GERALDINE, AL
**Description:** Fyffe-UFO returns. Cops / 6 agencies and fire chief report. 1 poor photo.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15246
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "350", **HatchDesc:** "GERALDINE,AL:FYFFE-UFO RETURNS:COPS/6 AGENCIES+FIRE CHIEF REPORT:1 POOR PHOTO", **LatLong:** "34.338891 -86.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:20:20 N 86:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.338891,-86.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47027 (7BDE17F3)
**Date:** 3/1/1989
**Time:** ~23:30
**Location:** FT PAYNE, AL
**Description:** Highway Patrol reports Fyffe-UFO. Also other DeKalb Co locations..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Fyffe, AL 1989: 3 newspaper accounts on file her: Fyffe1,2,3.UFO in download folder: from WWW.skeptictank.org
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15247
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "274", **HatchDesc:** "Ft PAYNE,AL:HWY PATROL REPORTS FYFFE-UFO:ALSO OTHER DeKALB Co LOCATIONS..", **LatLong:** "34.444446 -85.722226", **LatLongDMS:** "34:26:40 N 85:43:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.444446,-85.722226)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47028 (1450D939)
**Date:** 3/1/1989
**Location:** Albuquerque, New Mexico
**Description:** Albuquerque, New Mexico, ufologist [Robert Hastings](https://www.ufohastings.com/bio) issues a 13-page statement with 37 pages of appended documents and mails it to many prominent individuals in ufology. He claims “Falcon” is [Richard Doty](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://ufoscoop.com/richard-c-doty/) and “Condor” is [Robert Collins](https://www.exopaedia.org/Robert%2BCollins)[,](https://www.exopaedia.org/Robert%2BCollins) and that Doty and [Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) are spreading disinformation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 370
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6781
### Event 47029 (74C5B5F8)
**Date:** 3/1/1989
**Description:** Many police personnel and others at 10 locations, centered on De Kalb County, Alabama reported UFOs. Sightings started in Fyffe, Alabama at 8:00 p.m. At 10:10 p.m. police from six agencies and a fire chief reported sightings in Geraldine, Alabama, and took one poor-quality photograph. At 11:30 p.m. the highway patrol in Fort Payne reported sighting the Fyffe UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine, June 1990, p. 26; UFO Newsclipping Service; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15316
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1226
### Event 47030 (F858631E)
**Date:** 3/1/1989
**Description:** At 8:03 p.m. a mother and daughter in Union City, Ohio spotted a huge metallic triangle craft, halfway between the car and their house (1/8th of a mile away). It was described as gigantic, 500 feet in length, and making a low rumbling sound. It terrified them when it moved toward them. The close encounter lasted 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p 120
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1227
### Event 47031 (7D97A0C5)
**Date:** 3/2/1989
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** BEDFORD, NY
**Description:** 1 observer. Triangle hovers low / 30 second(s) 1000' away. Size = 2 747s! Lights / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/6897/main.htm Click on State / Country: search by date.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15248
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "BEDFORD,NY:1 OBS:TRIANGLE HVRS LOW/30sec 1000'away:SIZE=2 747s!:LITES/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "41.205558 -73.644448", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:20 N 73:38:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.205558,-73.644448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47032 (DA138B65)
**Date:** 3/2/1989
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** SHRUB OAK, NY
**Description:** 1 observer. 900' boomerang stops 50' over baseball field. Circles. Missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/6897/main.htm Click on State / Country: search by date.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15249
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "55", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "SHRUB OAK,NY:1 OBS:900'BOOMERANG STOPS 50'OVR BASEBALL FIELD:CIRCLES:MST", **LatLong:** "41.300002 -73.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:18:00 N 73:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.300002,-73.800004)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47033 (5E53AB96)
**Date:** 3/2/1989
**Description:** At 9:35 p.m. a 60-year-old man in Shrub Oak, Westchester County, New York reported that a huge metallic boomerang-shaped UFO with many lights in front came overhead, just fifty feet above the ground. Later he could not account for about 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, case 246, citing Robert Gribble, UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1260
### Event 47034 (5E5F987F)
**Date:** 3/6/1989
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Odd noise. Hexagon beams going down / icy lake. Dangles chain. Zigzags.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO-NORWAY NEWS (Norway, in English) No. 1 1989. Mentz Kaarbo ed. PO Box 14; N-3133 DUKEN,Norway. 1-2 issues/year
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15250
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SW/MISVAER,NRWY:2 OBS:ODD NOISE:HEXAGON BEAMS↓/ICY LAKE:DANGLES CHAIN:ZIGZAGS", **LatLong:** "67.083337 14.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "67:05:00 N 14:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/67.083337,14.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47035 (03B2CE91)
**Date:** 3/8/1989
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** PENSACOLA, FL
**Description:** 2 / car paced / 20' saucer. Goes. (1 observer(s) had 3 hours missing time in early 80s..)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 255)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15251
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA,FL:2/CAR PACED/20'SCR:GOES:(1 OBS HAD 3hrs MST IN EARLY 80s..)", **LatLong:** "30.433335 -87.211115", **LatLongDMS:** "30:26:00 N 87:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.433335,-87.211115)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47036 (F62B7901)
**Date:** 3/9/1989
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** FYFFE, AL
**Description:** Local man photographs banana-delta/triangle/box-like craft. 12 March-extremely large objects seen / 2 separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15252
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "384", **HatchDesc:** "FYFFE,AL:LOCAL MAN FOTOS BANANA-DLT::12MAR-EXTREMELY LRG OBJS SEEN/2 SEP.OBS", **LatLong:** "34.466668 -85.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "34:28:00 N 85:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.466668,-85.866671)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47037 (C11A79D9)
**Date:** 3/9/1989
**Time:** 14:05:00.1
**Location:** 37.1428 -116.0669
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ingot” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1002
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1428 -116.0669", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:34 N 116:04:01 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1428,-116.0669)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Ingot", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 47038 (B063DB86)
**Date:** 3/9/1989
**Location:** Rainsville (Ala.)
**Description:** Night. Susan Stockman, a reporter for the Rainsville \(Ala.\) Weekly Post, is with general manager Teri Baker when she snaps three time-lapse photographs of a distant UFO just above the treetop level, showing a movement unlike that of an airplane that appears shortly afterward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Susan Stockman, “[Section Native Says UFOs Are Real,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201989%2004%20-%20no%20237.pdf)” Rainsville \(Ala.\) Weekly Post, March 9, 1989; Susan Stockman, “[A First-Hand Glimpse of the UFO,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201989%2004%20-%20no%20237.pdf)” Rainsville \(Ala.\) Weekly Post, March 16, 1989, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 237 \(April 1989\): 3–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6782
### Event 47039 (461850A1)
**Date:** 3/10/1989
**Location:** HOPE, ARK
**Description:** 5 pregnant cows found mutilated. Impossible laser like cuts. No UFO seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN CONTACT, Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed; William Morrow, NY 1993. 288pp. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15253
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "HOPE,ARK:5 PREGNANT COWS FOUND MUTd:IMPOSSIBLE LASER LIKE CUTS:NO UFO SEEN", **LatLong:** "33.666668 -93.588893", **LatLongDMS:** "33:40:00 N 93:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.666668,-93.588893)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47040 (D045FDF5)
**Date:** 3/12/1989
**Locations:** Skirum, Alabama; Geraldine, Alabama
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. [Gary Coker](http://southerntorch.com/community/remembering-gary-coker/) of Skirum, Alabama, sees a large UFO with red and green flashing lights on the side and two white lights about 6 feet in diameter on the bottom hovering about 5 miles away. Another man in Geraldine, Alabama, sees an object the size of a football field hovering above his chicken house at about the same time. In both cases, the object disappears after the witnesses go inside to get a camera or binoculars.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Some Say](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201989%2004%20-%20no%20237.pdf) [UFO Is As Big As a Football Field,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201989%2004%20-%20no%20237.pdf)” Rainsville \(Ala.\) Weekly Post, March 16, 1989, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 237 \(April 1989\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6783
### Event 47041 (55DB29A8)
**Date:** 3/15/1989
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** ELYSIAN, MN
**Description:** 1 / car. 30' display / lights 50' over ditch. Blink / succession. No form seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15254
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "326", **HatchDesc:** "ELYSIAN,MN:1/CAR:30'DISPLAY/LITES 50'OVR DITCH:BLINK/SUCCESSION:NO FORM SEEN", **LatLong:** "44.200002 -93.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:12:00 N 93:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.200002,-93.700004)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47042 (F278D72F)
**Date:** 3/17/1989
**Location:** PERM, NOVOSBRSK, RS
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). 25' saucer 70kph / level flight. Then 7000kph straight up!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 220)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15255
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PERM,NOVOSBRSK,RS:NMRS OBS:25'SCR 70kph/LVL FLITE:THEN 7000kph STRAIGHT UP!", **LatLong:** "57.966669 56.266669", **LatLongDMS:** "57:58:00 N 56:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.966669,56.266669)", **State/Prov:** "NVS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47043 (966AAB9A)
**Date:** 3/17/1989
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** BISHOP, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silver fuselage with black cockpit and windows / side. 747 size. Shiny. Fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/6897/main.htm Click on State / Country: search by date.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15256
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1265", **HatchDesc:** "BISHOP,CA:2 OBS:SLVR FUSELAGE W/BLK COCKPIT+WINDOWS/SIDE:747 SIZE:SHINY:FAST", **LatLong:** "37.366668 -118.383339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:22:00 N 118:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.366668,-118.383339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47044 (87BCB660)
**Date:** 3/18/1989
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** CUDAHY, WI
**Description:** 1 observer. Grey cylinder/cigar-shape 300m overhead. Shimmering light. Away vertically / 10 second(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.execpc.com/~ahoj/wfiles/files/uf890318.htm also see -/uf890113.htm -/uf890810.htm -/uf8901xx.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15257
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "CUDAHY,WI:1 OBS:GRY CGR 300m OVHD:SHIMMERING LITE:AWAY VERTICALLY/10sec:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.961113 -87.861115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:57:40 N 87:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.961113,-87.861115)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47045 (AF58434A)
**Date:** Spring 1989
**Location:** Papoose Dry Lake
**Description:** Bob Lazar takes groups of friends on Wednesday nights into the desert around Papoose Dry Lake, 15 miles south of Groom Lake. They appeared to be large glowing, disc-shaped objects. At least one sighting was recorded on video.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_777
### Event 47046 (99E8EACB)
**Date:** 3/22/1989
**Location:** Tikaboo Peak, Nevada, off Highway 375
**Description:** Video of John Lear with Bob Lazar near Groom Lake
**Type:** videotaped statement
**Reference:** [archive.org video](https://archive.org/details/john-lear-bob-lazar-at-groom-lake)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_933
### Event 47047 (0AF1975B)
**Date:** 3/22/1989
**Locations:** Tikaboo Peak, Nevada; Highway 375; S-4
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. After telling writer [Gene Huff](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5108055/) and pilot [John Lear](https://www.exopaedia.org/Lear%2C%2BJohn) about his UFO secrets, [Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar) and his wife Tracy drive Lear’s RV to Tikaboo Peak, Nevada, off Highway 375 to view a test flight of a flying saucer at S-4. Lear sees an elliptical-shaped light through Lear’s Celestron telescope for 7 minutes. Lear videotapes the encounter, and the tape shows a bright light apparently maneuvering. When the camera zooms in close to the object, it seems to be spinning. They watch it descend behind a mountain.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tom Mahood, “[The Robert Lazar Timeline,](https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/)” Other Hand, January 1997; Susan Wright, UFO Headquarters: Investigations on Current Extraterrestrial Activity, St. Martin’s, 1999 ed., [pp. 186–209](https://archive.org/details/ufoheadquartersi0000wrig/page/186/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6785
### Event 47048 (750603B5)
**Date:** 3/25/1989
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** MARS
**Description:** Soviet Phobos-2 probe photos 25km-long UFO near Phobos. Shadowed / Mars. Probe dies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15258
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mars", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MARS:SOV PHOBOS-2 PROBE PHOTOS 25km-LONG UFO nr PHOBOS:SHADOED/MARS:PROBE DIES", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "PHB", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 47049 (0B0125BB)
**Date:** Late 3/1989
**Locations:** Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base; Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport; southeast Romania
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. After a training exercise at Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base \[now Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport\] in southeast Romania, 18–20 aircraft pilots of Regiment 57 are inside a building at the base planning future exercises; outside, Col. Aurelian Dobre notices multiple lights appear above some nearby trees. He alerts the oher pilots to come out, and they see a triangular formation of objects at an equal distance from each other, all bathed in a silver light, moving south to north at a height of 4 miles. Dobre hears a noise like the rustle of a flight of birds; unlike his colleagues, he thinks the lights are on a single object the size of a football stadium. Col. Dan Aloanei is flying a MiG-29 and sees them as a V-formation of neon lights that disappear to the northeast. The next day, all the witnesses are required to submit written reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 105–109
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6784
### Event 47050 (134F79CB)
**Date:** 3/25/1989
**Description:** The Soviet Mars probe [Phobos 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phobos%5F2) takes an infrared photograph of what appears to be a large and long cylindrical object very close to Mars moonlet Phobos. If this Phobos Mystery Object is at the same distance as the moonlet itself, it would be roughly 1.2 miles wide and 15 miles long. Its surface brightness is the same as Phobos. Its sides are parallel and both of the ends are rounded. The end toward Phobos narrows slightly; the other end has a short protrusion. This is the last image taken by the probe. On March 27 it fails to reestablish communications with Earth due to an onboard computer malfunction and goes into a spin.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, pp. 70–73; Patrick Gross, “[Soviet Probe Meets UFO on Phobos Mission](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/phob12.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6786
### Event 47051 (49DAEDB9)
**Date:** 3/27/1989
**Location:** KEYSVILLE, GA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 4m round light buzzes just over ground. Nears house. Shoots straight/strait(s) going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/6897/main.htm Click on State / Country: search by date.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15259
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "81", **HatchDesc:** "KEYSVILLE,GA:2 OBS:4m ROUND LITE BUZZES JUST OVR GND:NEARS HOUSE:SHOOTS STRT↑", **LatLong:** "33.233335 -82.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:14:00 N 82:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.233335,-82.233337)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47052 (C4A5E644)
**Date:** 3/29/1989
**Location:** Papoose Dry Lake
**Description:** Lazar records the mean outdoor temp, heads with group to viewing area for 2nd time
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_779
### Event 47053 (3E24D842)
**Date:** 3/29/1989
**Location:** SORRENTO, ITL
**Description:** Greek airline(s)/airliner pilot and US military jet. UFO follows airline(s)/airliner / 25 minute(s). Lights up / both ends.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15260
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "SORRENTO,ITL:GREEK AL PILOT+US MIL.JET:UFO FOLOS AL/25min:LITES UP/BOTH ENDS", **LatLong:** "40.566669 14.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "40:34:00 N 14:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.566669,14.383334)", **State/Prov:** "Campania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47054 (28038141)
**Date:** 3/29/1989
**Location:** Tikaboo Peak, Nevada
**Description:** [Bob](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar) and Tracy Lazar, Gene Huff, [John Lear](https://www.exopaedia.org/Lear%2C%2BJohn), and Jim Tagliani drive to Tikaboo Peak, Nevada, to observe another flight test. They videotape a moving light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6787
### Event 47055 (EDB46985)
**Date:** 4/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Linda Cortile](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CortileLinda.html) begins a regression under hypnosis with researcher [Budd Hopkins](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HopkinsBudd.html). She believes she was abducted by extraterrestrials when she was between 20 and 30 years old. (April)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3048
### Event 47056 (24094E22)
**Date:** 4/2/1989
**Location:** Papoose Dry Lake
**Description:** Lazar’s 3rd trip with group to view UFO’s near Groom Lake
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_780
### Event 47057 (95179A6C)
**Date:** 4/2/1989
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** BOGOTA, COLOMBIA
**Description:** Air Traffic Controller and pilots and RADAR and many. UFO over airport/apartment. Landings diverted far away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 221)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15261
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Colombia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "2619", **HatchDesc:** "BOGOTA,COLOMBIA:ATC+PILOTS+RDR+MANY:UFO OVR APT:LANDINGS DIVERTED FAR AWAY", **LatLong:** "4.600000 -74.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "04:36:00 N 74:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4.600000,-74.083337)", **State/Prov:** "BOG", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47058 (86C5DF18)
**Date:** 4/2/1989
**Description:** Another abduction occurred on this night in 1989, presumably connected with the UFO phenomenon. A woman in Tennessee noticed in the dark a thin humanoid outside her home. It had a bluish complexion. Five men appeared, four apparently human, wearing olive-drab uniforms. The fifth was a dark-haired humanoid that wore a khaki coat. She was taken away in a black van. On the same day a UFO appeared low over the Santa Fe de Bogotá airport in Colombia, causing air traffic controllers to divert several flights to land in other airports. The UFO was sighted by pilots, ATCs, and many other witnesses, and also appeared on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case 1683, citing Karla Turner, Taken; Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 221
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1806
### Event 47059 (829CB59D)
**Date:** 4/4/1989
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** PENSACOLA, FL
**Description:** Woman / car. Huge fireball low overhead. Radio out. (Observer saw figure / bedroom earlier.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15262
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA,FL:WOMAN/CAR:HUGE FBL LO OVHD:RADIO OUT:(OBS SAW FIG/BEDROOM EARLIER", **LatLong:** "30.411113 -87.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:24:40 N 87:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.411113,-87.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47060 (9F667F01)
**Date:** 4/5/1989
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** PLAINFIELD, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / separate houses waken. Bright disk outside. Beams. Both have missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15263
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "PLAINFIELD,IN:2 OBS/SEP.HOUSES WAKEN:BRITE DISK OUTSIDE:BEAMS:BOTH HAVE MST", **LatLong:** "39.705557 -86.405560", **LatLongDMS:** "39:42:20 N 86:24:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.705557,-86.405560)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47061 (35613757)
**Date:** 4/5/1989
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** CANTONMENT, FL
**Description:** 1+1 observer(s). Dark 15' saucer. Door opens lighting tree below. Phone static.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15264
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "CANTONMENT,FL:1+1 OBS:DARK 15'SCR:DOOR OPENS LITING TREE BELOW:PHONE STATIC", **LatLong:** "30.616668 -87.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:37:00 N 87:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.616668,-87.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47062 (E269000B)
**Date:** 4/5/1989
**Location:** Cantonment, FL
**Description:** Excited barking as disc emitted light beam and stirred tree (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890405](http://www.nicap.org/ar-cantondir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5778
### Event 47063 (1BB9D440)
**Date:** 4/5/1989
**Location:** Plainfield, IN
**Description:** Dog growling awoke witness to see hovering disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890405](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890405dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5779
### Event 47064 (471FCF32)
**Date:** 4/5/1989
**Locations:** Groom Lake Road, Nevada; Lincoln County
**Description:** [Robert Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar) Tracy Lazar, her sister, Gene Huff, and [John Lear](https://www.exopaedia.org/Lear%2C%2BJohn) make a third trip to view a flight test along Groom Lake Road, Nevada. They are discovered by guards and questioned by the Lincoln County sheriff.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6788
### Event 47065 (759212C7)
**Date:** 4/6/1989
**Locations:** Groom Lake; Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB]
**Description:** [Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar) is prevented from going to work at Groom Lake and is taken to Indian Springs Air Force Base \[now Creech AFB\] for questioning. He is told he is no longer employed by EG&G, and if he comes near Groom Lake again he will be arrested for espionage. He is allegedly given a transcript of Tracy’s telephone conversations which indicate she is having an affair.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 12–13](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/12/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6789
### Event 47066 (8E94CDD1)
**Date:** 4/7/1989
**Location:** Papoose Dry Lake
**Description:** Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar’s last day at work
**Type:** employment
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_781
### Event 47067 (A1833EE4)
**Date:** 4/8/1989
**Location:** Baton Rouge, LA
**Description:** Dogs are unaffected by fly over of three amber lights in formation (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890408](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890408dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5780
### Event 47068 (75D1F2C7)
**Date:** 4/9/1989
**Time:** 15:10
**Location:** ST. PETERSBURG, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 7 7' disks / V-formation / 500' altitude going quickly north. Silent. Red glow / undersides.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.xdream.freeserve.co.uk/UFOBase/V-Formations.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15265
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "St.PETERSBURG,FL:2 OBS:7 7'DISKS/VFORMn/500'alt >>N:SLNT:RED GLOW/UNDERSIDES", **LatLong:** "27.800001 -82.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "27:48:00 N 82:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.800001,-82.700004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47069 (B050803D)
**Date:** 4/10/1989
**Description:** On this night in Dibich, Bulgaria the witness of a previous UFO close encounter was visited at home by an undescribed "evil" being who was accompanied by a fireball-like object and a huge hairy humanoid. The visitor allegedly wanted to "take possession" of the witness's soul. She resisted but was visited several more times after this date by the same beings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 719, citing Richard F. Haines, Joint USA-CIS Aerial Anomaly Federation Report
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1944
### Event 47070 (ADBFB77D)
**Date:** 4/12/1989
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** PERTH.W.AUSTRL
**Description:** Chirp. Semi-transparent 65cm figure appears / bedroom. Touches belt and vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: ENTCAT97.DOC: Catalog of Australian Entity and related reports: October 1997
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15266
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PERTH.W.AUSTRL:CHIRP:SEMI-XPRNT 65cm FIG APPEARS/BEDROOM:touches belt+vanishes", **LatLong:** "-31.866668 115.850006", **LatLongDMS:** "31:52:00 S 115:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.866668,115.850006)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47071 (52C868D0)
**Date:** 4/12/1989
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** WEBSTER, MA
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent dark 12' and saucer rises / lake. Bubbles boil. Rises straight/strait(s) going up [to] and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFO's over New England Website ( Select by state ) http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nova/8874/ufomenu.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15267
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "WEBSTER,MA:1 OBS:SLNT DRK 12'+SCR RISES/LAKE:BUBBLES BOIL:RISES STRT ↑+GONE", **LatLong:** "42.050002 -71.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:03:00 N 71:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.050002,-71.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47072 (A8785870)
**Date:** 4/12/1989
**Description:** At 12:25 a.m. a woman in Perth, Western Australia was awake in bed next to her sleeping husband when she became aware of a high-pitched sound. On the right side of the bed a short figure suddenly appeared. She described it as semi-transparent, and it wore a bright green neon belt and a green ring. The entity was examining a box when the witness made a sudden move, and the being then touched its belt and vanished in plain sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 1318, citing Keith Basterfield
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1989
### Event 47073 (8372044A)
**Date:** 4/12/1989
**Description:** An 11-year-old boy in Webster, Massachusetts saw a cigar-shaped object rise out of a lake. It was brownish-black and 15' long.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case # 253
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1990
### Event 47074 (DC3F411A)
**Date:** 4/13/1989
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NEAR EUGENE, OR
**Description:** Motorcycle going [to] under 30' triangle / 30' altitude. 2nd nearby. Hover 15 minute(s). Going [to] straight/strait(s) going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15268
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "nr EUGENE,OR:MOTORCYCLE >UNDER 30'TRIANGLE/30'alt:2nd NEARBY:HVR 15min:>STRT↑", **LatLong:** "44.050002 -123.116673", **LatLongDMS:** "44:03:00 N 123:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.050002,-123.116673)", **RelAlt:** "9", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47075 (03F5306D)
**Date:** 4/13/1989
**Locations:** El Salvador’s Ilopango Airport; Nicaragua
**Description:** The Kerry Committee report, the result of an investigation led by Sens. [John Kerry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKerry) \(D-Mass.\) and [Christopher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris%5FDodd) [Dodd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris%5FDodd) \(D-Conn.\) by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics, and International Operations, shows that Lt. Col. [Oliver North](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver%5FNorth) and other members of the [Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FReagan) administration had set up a private network involving the National Security Council and CIA to deliver military equipment to the Contras, US-backed right-wing rebel groups in Nicaragua. This has not been authorized by Congress, and much of the funding comes from drug trafficking. DEA agent [Celerino Castillo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celerino%5FCastillo%5FIII) testifies that from 1985 to 1987, he discovered that the Contras were transporting cocaine through El Salvador’s Ilopango Airport. Castillo tried to bust the operation, but discovers that the traffickers were protected by the CIA. The subcommittee determines that there is “substantial evidence of drug smuggling... on the part of individual Contras, Contra suppliers, Contra pilots, mercenaries who worked with the Contras, and Contra supporters.” It does “not find that Contra leaders were personally involved in drug trafficking.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Kerry Committee report](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerry%5FCommittee%5Freport)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6790
### Event 47076 (64419EEF)
**Date:** 4/15/1989
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** NOVATO, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dumbell UFO and 2 small saucers / low altitude. Busy area strangely empty..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: UFO ENCOUNTERS & BEYOND; Signet Books 1993. 192pp. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15269
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NOVATO,CA:2 OBS:DUMBELL UFO+2 SML SCRS/LO ALT:busy area strangely empty..", **LatLong:** "38.116668 -122.572228", **LatLongDMS:** "38:07:00 N 122:34:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.116668,-122.572228)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47077 (1050BA88)
**Date:** 4/15/1989
**Location:** Novato, California
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. A father and his 16-year-old son watch from their front lawn in Novato, California, a slowly descending object shaped like “two spheres connected by together like a stem.” They are golden with a white halo around them. Through binoculars, they can see four smaller objects, golden discs, maneuvering near the original dumbbell-shaped UFO. The father notes a “strange absence of kids and dogs at the time.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, “Daylight Dumbbell,” IUR 14, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1989\): 12–13, 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6791
### Event 47078 (AAE4ABAE)
**Date:** 4/18/1989
**Description:** On this night a terminally ill patient staying in the cardiology ward of the Kirv hospital located in the Crimea, Russia suddenly felt a strong wind penetrate her room, even though the doors were closed. A dazzling white light and a man dressed in white then appeared. The man's eyes radiated a brilliant light. The witness asked where he was from and she was told "the tenth dimension." She was then told that she would soon be able to walk. After that the man and the light disappeared. The next day other witnesses saw strange white and red lights moving slowly along the body of the terminally ill patient, who then heard a loud clear voice telling her to "get up and leave." She was able to do so and was apparently cured, but there is no report on the current health of the woman.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case 121, citing Sergei Bulantsev, UFO Universe, October-November 1991
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2122
### Event 47079 (6703CFB0)
**Date:** 4/19/1989
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** EAST / JACKSON, CA
**Description:** 2 / light plane. Square domed object with 2 silver disks / sides. 20' silver rod hangs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15270
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "385", **HatchDesc:** "E/JACKSON,CA:2/LITE PLANE:SQR DOMED OBJ W/2 SLVR DSKS/SIDES:20'SLVR ROD HANGS", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -120.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 120:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-120.666672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47080 (5122D891)
**Date:** 4/19/1989
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** PANORA, IA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge silent ovoid going [to] overhead. Turns and stops over field. 2 red night lights drop going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15271
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "326", **HatchDesc:** "PANORA,IA:2 OBS:HUGE SLNT OVOID>OVHD:TURNS+STOPS OVR FIELD:2 RED NLTS DROP↓", **LatLong:** "41.694446 -94.361116", **LatLongDMS:** "41:41:40 N 94:21:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.694446,-94.361116)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47081 (41525143)
**Date:** 4/19/1989
**Description:** On this evening in Fayette County, Pennsylvania a 10-year-old girl saw two short white glowing figures, whom she called angels, near a large glowing UFO. An adult witness saw the UFO shot straight up into the sky when it departed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case 925, citing Stan Gordon, PASU Data Exchange, August 1989
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2144
### Event 47082 (148F32AB)
**Date:** 4/20/1989
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** BEDFORD AND AREA, NY
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Huge semicircle hovers / 10m. Going quickly SSW toward(s) NYC. Size 4X / 747!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15272
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "BEDFORD+AREA,NY:SEP.OBS:HUGE SEMICIRCLE HVRS/10m:>>SSW twrd NYC:SIZE 4X/747!", **LatLong:** "41.183335 -73.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:11:00 N 73:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.183335,-73.666670)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47083 (54197347)
**Date:** 4/20/1989
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a couple driving in a car in Westchester County, New York saw huge lights on what they described as an object four times the size of a Boeing 747. Three other witnesses in a different location also reported seeing it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15341, citing Bob Gribble
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2172
### Event 47084 (C48A314B)
**Date:** 4/21/1989
**Time:** 14:20
**Location:** HAIFA, ISRAEL
**Description:** Fireball slowly drops / beach. Burns / hours. Odd chemistry-Technetium! see reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 222)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15273
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Israel", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "HAIFA,ISRAEL:FBL SLOWLY DROPS/BEACH:BURNS/HRS:ODD CHEMISTRY-TECHNETIUM! see rf", **LatLong:** "32.833335 35.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "32:50:00 N 35:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.833335,35.000002)", **State/Prov:** "HAI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47085 (E970DB91)
**Date:** 4/21/1989
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** CRESTVIEW, FL
**Description:** Observer(s) aims .22 at 90' saucer. Beam hits and rifle misfires. Saucer speeds away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15274
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "72", **HatchDesc:** "CRESTVIEW,FL:OBS AIMS .22 at 90'SCR:BEAM HITS+RIFLE MISFIRES:SCR SPEEDS AWAY", **LatLong:** "30.733335 -86.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:44:00 N 86:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.733335,-86.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47086 (8DAF462F)
**Date:** 4/21/1989
**Location:** Crestview, FL
**Description:** Barking alerted witness to disc, which put light on witness (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890421](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890421dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5781
### Event 47087 (FB2F5A5D)
**Date:** 4/21/1989
**Location:** Crestview, FL
**Description:** Witness aimed rifle at hovering disc, brilliant white light on underside, humming sound. Light beam engulfed him, rifle misfired, object sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_440
### Event 47088 (E9F769F3)
**Date:** 4/21/1989
**Description:** Lyrid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_441
### Event 47089 (FA3D4EB2)
**Date:** 4/21/1989
**Description:** At 9:15 p.m. in Crestview, Florida a man's dog barked as a 90-foot diameter disc-shaped object hovered nearby. The man aimed a .22 rifle at the hovering disc, which had a brilliant white light on the underside and made a humming sound. A light beam engulfed him, his rifle misfired, and the object sped away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Allen Reynolds and Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1989, p. 18; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 149; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 31, 282, & 384
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2194
### Event 47090 (6CC40568)
**Date:** 4/22/1989
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** ST. LOUIS, MO
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Black saucer with turret and orange stripe. 150' away / 30 second(s). Whoosh sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15275
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "St.LOUIS,MO:2 OBS:BLK SCR W/TURRET+ORANGE STRIPE:150'away/30sec:WHOOSH SOUND", **LatLong:** "38.633335 -90.233338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:38:00 N 90:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.633335,-90.233338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47091 (950D7451)
**Date:** 4/22/1989
**Description:** At 9:22 p.m. two witnesses on a balcony in St. Louis, Missouri witnessed an orange BOL (ball of light) in the east. Then, the object appeared in front of the witnesses, between buildings, only 150 feet away. It was described in the report as disc-shaped, without tapered edges, with an orange dome on top, an orange stripe around the mid-section, and a black bottom with many blue lights underneath (see sketch below, credit Francis L. Ridge). The witnesses ran into the street and watched the object fade away westward. The total observation was from 20-30 seconds. It made a "whoosh" sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 121, field investigator B. Becker; http://www.nicap.org/images/4L.jpg; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14867
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2235
### Event 47092 (9FD4E32B)
**Date:** 4/24/1989
**Location:** USSR, Charowsk
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 11:00 PM A.D. Golowackaja and her daughter saw a golden flame in the sky that became crimson and a silver object preceding the light became visible. It was rectangular, about 12 m long. The UFO emitted a powerful beam that enveloped the witness: she saw 4 creatures on board the craft. They were tall humanoids wearing space suits. Two of them headed towards the back of the craft, shortly after the other two did the same. Panicked, the witness went back into the house.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 78, p. 32
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3324
### Event 47093 (CF6FAD7B)
**Date:** 4/24/1989
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** SEVILLE, OH
**Description:** 1 observer. 4' bright gold octagon going down / yard. Moves closer. Lands again. Going up [to] and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15276
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "302", **HatchDesc:** "SEVILLE,OH:1 OBS:4'BRITE GOLD OCTAGON ↓/YARD:MOVES CLOSER:LANDS AGAIN:↑+AWAY", **LatLong:** "41.011113 -81.861115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:40 N 81:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.011113,-81.861115)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47094 (ABE236A7)
**Date:** 4/24/1989
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** UFO 3x size / airliner. Hovers / 1000' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: REVELATIONS, Alien Contact and Human Deception; Ballentine Books 1991+92. (Index 238)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15277
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CHEREPOVETZ,VOLOGDA,RUSS:UFO 3x SIZE/AIRLINER:HVRS/1000'alt:ABS SILENT:NFD", **LatLong:** "59.133336 37.983335", **LatLongDMS:** "59:08:00 N 37:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.133336,37.983335)", **State/Prov:** "VOL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47095 (761C720C)
**Date:** 4/24/1989
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). 12M cylinder/cigar-shape / rooftops. 4 figure(s) move inside. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) / saucer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 203)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15278
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CHAROVSK,VOLOGDA,RUS:MANY OBS:12M CGR/ROOFTOPS:4 FIGS MOVE INSIDE:CAR EMES/SCR", **LatLong:** "59.416669 40.150002", **LatLongDMS:** "59:25:00 N 40:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.416669,40.150002)", **State/Prov:** "VOL", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 47096 (C4E4B374)
**Date:** 4/24/1989
**Location:** Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast, Russia
**Description:** 10:55 p.m. An object described as three times the size of an aircraft hovers above Cherepovets, Vologda Oblast, Russia, at a height of 1,000 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, Ballantine, 1992, [p. 11](https://archive.org/details/ufochroniclesofs00vall/page/10/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6792
### Event 47097 (1FAD9DA2)
**Date:** 4/24/1989
**Description:** At 10:45 p.m. several witnesses, including 53-year-old A. D. Golovatskaya, watched a fiery green elongated craft fly low over the rooftops of Kharovsk, Russia. It had a blunt nose and a fish-shaped tail. The craft was silent and appeared to be made of crystal. Four figures wearing silvery, tight-fitting uniforms were seen inside the object, two in the rear and two at the front apparently operating some controls.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 668, citing V.D. Musinskiy, FSR, Volume 35, No. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2286
### Event 47098 (00FBA579)
**Date:** Late 4/1989
**Location:** Israel, Haifa
**Description:** (Translated from French) At Shikmona Beach at 2:30 AM on a warm Sunday morning, two teenagers, Ida Biderman and Alon Eilat, were looking for a quiet place to make love. Suddenly, a huge luminous object, described as a pillar of fire, silently descended from the sky, onto the sand, nearby. They watched it descend for 6 seconds, estimating its size to be 20 meters high and six meters wide. The object burned in vertical flames 15 meters long. They headed towards the crash site, but only made it ten meters, as the heat was scorching. The flames died out after ten minutes and there were elliptical things of an indeterminable material that kept burning. They tried to put out the fire by throwing sand on the things, but this caused the flames to flare up again. Soon after, a police car arrived, with the seer Hadassah Arbel on board. She reported that everything was vitrified, sand, stones..(...) [vog: how strange, why doesn't the police currently call on this seer in the tragic events in Israel and Palestine from 2000 to 2002?] (1989, late April)
**Reference:** "The Return of the Angels" - UFOs in Israel, Past, Present - Barry Chamish
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3325
### Event 47099 (C2EE02AB)
**Date:** 4/30/1989
**Description:** On this night a family of nine was spending a night at an abandoned cemetery near Moscow, Russia by the river's shore, when a strong light suddenly woke them in the middle of the night. They watched as a large sphere landed on the riverbank. Two figures then appeared in front of the sphere. The lower part of their bodies were black and the upper parts were yellow in color. The sphere and the humanoids suddenly vanished in plain sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 717, citing Richard F Haines, Joint USA-CIS Aerial Anomaly Federation Report
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2431
### Event 47100 (E1E5391C)
**Date:** 5/1989
**End date:** 11/1989
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Journalist George Knapp is assigned to research all things Bob Lazar.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_785
### Event 47101 (1486CE06)
**Date:** 5/1/1989
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Massive cylinder/cylindrical object / 600' altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Beams red light. 50mph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 224)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15279
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LLANDUDNO,N.WALES:2 OBS:MASSIVE CYL/600'alt:ABS SILENT:BEAMS RED LITE:50mph", **LatLong:** "53.283336 -3.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "53:17:00 N 03:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.283336,-3.833334)", **RelAlt:** "180", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47102 (9719F9E4)
**Date:** 5/1/1989
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** METCALF, IL
**Description:** Power out. Repeat abductee fires 4 shots / figure(s) / window. Power back on..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 115)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15280
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "204", **HatchDesc:** "METCALF,IL:POWER OUT:REPEAT ABDUCTEE FIRES 4 SHOTS/FIGs/WINDOW:POWER BACK ON..", **LatLong:** "39.788891 -87.811115", **LatLongDMS:** "39:47:20 N 87:48:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.788891,-87.811115)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47103 (0F9BB160)
**Date:** 5/1/1989
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** WARRINGTON, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. 30'"bow-tie". Vanishes! Observer(s) hypno-recalls saucers in 1925+1939.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15281
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "WARRINGTON,FL:1 OBS:30'"BOW-TIE":VANISHES!:OBS HYPNO-RECALLS SCRS in 1925+1939", **LatLong:** "30.388890 -87.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:23:20 N 87:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.388890,-87.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47104 (8DA880E6)
**Date:** 5/1/1989
**Description:** At 2:30 a.m., in Metcalf, Illinois the mother of the principal witness had gotten up to go to the bathroom when she noticed that the electricity was off. She then saw a strange being with large eyes peering at her through the window and screamed. At this point her adult son, a repeat UFO abductee, got up and fired a gun four times at the being through the window. Four other tall humanoids with dangling arms were observed standing near a power pole. The electrical power came back on.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters: the Filter Center Files, p. 115
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2447
### Event 47105 (9E3D3C90)
**Date:** 5/1/1989
**Description:** At 5:00 a.m a woman in Hollywood, California was on her way to work when she experienced a long period of missing time. Later she was able to recall that she had been taken onboard a craft and had been greeted by a man in a blue coverall. She was then taken to a room with a large screen. She could see outside the object through the screen. She was told they were going to visit a planet called “Erra.” She was then taken to a place with numerous forests and trails and very rich in oxygen.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case HC # 754, citing Jim Brandt, Far Out, Summer 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2448
### Event 47106 (96DAA0BF)
**Date:** 5/2/1989
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** SOUTHEND, ESSEX
**Description:** Several observer(s). Silent black delta-manta turns and changes form 3X. Edges glowing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 224)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15282
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTHEND,ESSEX:SVRL OBS:SILENT BLK DELTA-MANTA TURNS+CHANGES FORM 3X:EDGES GLO", **LatLong:** "51.566669 0.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:34:00 N 00:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.566669,0.666667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47107 (EEE43E94)
**Date:** 5/2/1989
**Location:** 6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil
**Description:** Pilot Manoel Luiz Christóvão, flying a small plane about 6 miles west of Arapongas, Paraná, Brazil, sees a huge circular light in the sky as he is preparing to land. Another plane flying nearby cannot see the light. Christovào continues to land, but the light positions itself in front of the plane, forcing him to make a sudden maneuver. The object moves in front of him again, forcing him to maneuver again. The pilot decides to head directly toward the light, after which the UFO accelerates abruptly and disappears. The maneuvers last approximately 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Piloto se arrisca em prova de fogo no Paraná,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://ufo.com.br/artigos/relatos---piloto-se-arrisca-em-prova-de-fogo-no-parana.html)” Portal UFO, December 1, 1995; Clark III 201; Brazil 542–543
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6793
### Event 47108 (D33E6CE4)
**Date:** 5/4/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the *Magellan* probe to [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html). (May 4)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3049
### Event 47109 (D44FA8DF)
**Date:** 5/4/1989
**Description:** At 9:30 in Easton, Connecticut an object shaped like a flying wing with red, yellow, and blue lights in back and a blinking red light on right side flew over tree line behind a house. Just before 10:00 p.m. an engineer and two others watched a boomerang or V-shaped object as big as a football field near a golf course in Trumbull, Connecticut. It made a faint humming sound and had many colored lights. The engineer was driving home when he first saw the object, which had red and white lights turned on at first, then turned off; with the light turned off it looked like a blue boomerang.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Philip J. Imbrogno, Contact of the 5th Kind, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2519
### Event 47110 (6D621870)
**Date:** 5/6/1989
**Description:** Five girls observed two multicolored lights in Ferndale, Washington at 10:00 p.m. One approached at tree top level, just 15 feet from the ground. It was oblong and wide, and may have landed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 261, citing Bob Gribble
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2598
### Event 47111 (BF246C00)
**Date:** 5/7/1989
**Location:** South Africa, Kalahari
**Description:** (Translated from French) A fighter plane fired a laser cannon at a UFO above the Kalahari Desert. It was shot down and left a crater 150 m in diameter and 12 m deep in the sand. Two injured extraterrestrials were extracted and transferred to the American base at Wright Patterson
**Reference:** IMPORTANT NOTE: IN REALITY: from the complete file I copied, it turns out that this case is a famous HOAX... put together by a certain Van Greunen, who repeated it with a landing-crash of a saucer see 1995, September 15 in Leribe, Lesotho according to Cynthia Hind. The author CROLARD does not seem to verify the sources, he is for example still in 1995 one of the few to cite the "disks" of Ulan Batar, another smokey hoax..
**Reference:** Jean-Francis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - ed. Guy Trédaniel 1995, p. 112
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3326
### Event 47112 (6687EBFC)
**Date:** 5/7/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [South Africa Case](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SouthAfricaCase.html): NORAD installations detect an unidentified object upon its entry into African airspace. The [SAAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/orgsMilitaires.html\#SAAF) also detects the craft on its radar. 2 armed fighters are sent to meet it and fire upon it, causing it to crash. The craft is recovered, along with 2 occupants, alive. (May 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3050
### Event 47113 (C6C3568D)
**Date:** 5/7/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Robert Lazar](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/LazarRobertScott.html) is interviewed for the first time on KLAS-TV \(Las Vegas\) and claims to have been hired to do reverse engineering of the propulsion system of an extraterrestrial craft at Papoose Lake in the Southwest of [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), on behalf of the US military for 5 months starting in December 1988. His intervention draws a large public interest in the [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) area.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3051
### Event 47114 (530344AF)
**Date:** 5/7/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the USSR, censorship on the UFO subject is lifted. The policy of *glasnost* advocated by Gorbachev takes the USSR out of its isolation. Previously, Soviet ufologists could not access any information, which did not prevent the West from welcoming rumors and follies of all kinds provided they came from the cold: crispy stories of UFOs losing their passengers in Uzbekistan and recovering corpses of extraterrestrials.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3052
### Event 47115 (DAD3BE8D)
**Date:** 5/7/1989
**Locations:** Kalahari Desert in Botswana; South African border
**Description:** Hoaxed South African Air Force documents purport to describe a UFO crash in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana 50 miles north of the South African border. Two Mirage fighter aircraft allegedly pursue a fast-moving UFO and shoot it down with an experimental “thor 2 laser cannon.” However, UFO researcher [Cynthia Hind](http://www.noufors.com/Cynthia%5FHind.htm) notices ludicrous errors in the documents, not least among them that they are in English, not Afrikaans.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[UFO sightings in South Africa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO%5Fsightings%5Fin%5FSouth%5FAfrica\#1989%5FKalahari%5Fcrash)”; Clark III 1096–1098
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6794
### Event 47116 (9F107255)
**Date:** 5/7/1989
**Description:** A South African Mirage FIIG AF allegedly jet shot down a UFO that flew in from the ocean over the Kalahari Desert, 80 miles north of the South African border in Botswana. It had been tracked by radar by the Frigate SA Trafalberg, and the Naval headquarters in Cape Town. They retrieved a silver disc-shaped craft, and two Grey aliens were captured alive. They had three fingers/toes on each limb, and no sex organs. The object was reported to have been lens-shaped, 18 meters in diameter with three landing gear. There were three aliens onboard; two alive but one died soon afterwards. The alive alien was eventually moved to the S-4 facility. NORAD apparently tracked the object as it fell to earth. An experimental SDI weapon was reportedly used to expedite the downing of the craft, which apparently had already experienced some technical problems. South African and American military personnel crossed the Botswana border without permission in order to retrieve the craft. The bodies and materials were transported to the US in a C-5A cargo plane from South Africa.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Tony Dodd, Alien Investigator: The Case Files of Britain's Leading UFO Detective, p. 33; Albert S. Rosales, 1989 Humanoid Sighting Reports, case # 2846, citing Tony Dodd, Bill Knell, and Anton Anfalov
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2631
### Event 47117 (023032A3)
**Date:** 5/10/1989
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** 30' saucer over power lines. 6 figure(s) emerge and work / UFO. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 225)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15283
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "1200", **HatchDesc:** "BAUTISTA CANYON/ANZA,CA:30'SCR OVR PWR LINES:6 FIGS EMERGE+WORK/UFO:TV RFI+EME", **LatLong:** "33.533335 -116.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:32:00 N 116:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.533335,-116.700006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47118 (D4A34C1E)
**Date:** 5/10/1989
**Description:** At just after midnight a 38-year-old male and a 16 year-old female driving in Farmington, Michigan were pursued by a silvery disc with a greenish tinge. Electromagnetic interference effects were reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, citing Robert Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2723
### Event 47119 (C77A008C)
**Date:** 5/10/1989
**Description:** La Venta del Astillero, Zapopan, Mexico - Apolonio Perez was awakened at 2:15 a.m. while sleeping in his camper by an extremely bright white light that illuminated the surrounding area. Worried about possible intruders, he searched the camper but found nothing. He returned to his bed, but a few seconds later a pencil-thin beam of white light lit the left side of his face. He heard a sound resembling a welder's torch and felt facial pain. Frightened, it occurred to him that he could be having another encounter with the occupants of a UFO he had seen years before. As he lay there he next felt a jolt of electricity in his body. Upset and in pain, Perez cursed at whoever was responsible for his pain, and moments later he received a third powerful electrical jolt. He stood up and managed to open the door of his camper just as the white light seemed to dim and vanish. The next day he experienced severe headaches and the left side of his face became swollen and began to bleed. For the next two weeks he had a severe rash on his face that eventually left permanent scaring. He would experience further encounters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, citing Luis Ramirez Reyes, Contacto: Mexico
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2724
### Event 47120 (355E4116)
**Date:** 5/10/1989
**Description:** Later that evening, at around 7:45 p.m., an elderly motorist was driving in an isolated area of Bautista Canyon, California when she saw a luminous 30-foot wide mushroom-shaped craft descend and hover just above some nearby power lines. She stopped her car and observed six to eight beings emerge from the craft and begin to work repairing the outside of the object. After 10 minutes they re-entered the object, which departed at high speed emitting a loud humming sound and a burst of blue flame. They were reports of electrical outages in the area at the time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, citing a newspaper clipping; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, citing Debbie Steinberg, in Timothy Good (ed.) The UFO Report 1991, p. 225
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2725
### Event 47121 (71E57571)
**Date:** 5/11/1989
**Time:** 16:45:00.5
**Location:** -21.8120 -138.8840
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Epeios” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2009
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8120 -138.8840", **LatLongDMS:** "21:48:43 S 138:53:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8120,-138.8840)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.16", **NukeName:** "Epeios", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 47122 (D3FC331F)
**Date:** 5/12/1989
**Time:** ~05:00
**Location:** HUBEI PROV, CHINA
**Description:** Land lit red. Huge saucer silent overhead / 20 minute(s). Rises / 300' and shoots off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 128)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15284
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "HUBEI PROV,CHINA:LAND LIT RED:HUGE SCR SILENT OVHD/20min:RISES/300'+SHOOTS OFF", **LatLong:** "32.000002 111.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:00:00 N 111:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.000002,111.000005)", **State/Prov:** "HUB", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47123 (9B0F5D2E)
**Date:** 5/12/1989
**Description:** A huge disc-shaped UFO was seen in Hubei Province, China. It illuminated the surrounding landscape a red color, and hung silently low in the sky for 20 minutes. It then rose to an estimated 100 meters and shot off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 128
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2774
### Event 47124 (0C2C605F)
**Date:** 5/13/1989
**Location:** Norway, Kodal
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around midnight, Tom Arne Kristensen was riding his motorbike back home. Suddenly behind him, a very bright light appeared, like that of dozens of headlights lighting up next to each other in a long-range road code. This light came very close to him, then moved away: everything was lit up behind Kristensen, but nothing in front of him. When he reached the top of the Gullibrekka hill, he saw the light below, which suddenly disappeared. Shortly after arriving at Risegardene, the light suddenly appeared again, coming from nowhere. It disappeared when a vehicle came in the opposite direction. Very worried, Kristensen pushed the motorbike to the limit and returned home around 12:30, in a state of shock. Normally, this journey takes him 15 minutes: that night, even though he did everything to get back as quickly as possible, it took him half an hour on this route. (May 13, 1989)
**Reference:** Menz Kaarbo - Ufo-Norway News
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3327
### Event 47125 (0B21FB4C)
**Date:** 5/13/1989
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** KODAL, NORW
**Description:** Separate observer(s) and biker. Strong light swoops up 2X. Vanishes / car nears. 20 minute(s) / missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15285
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "KODAL,NORW:SEP.OBS+BIKER:STRONG LITE SWOOPS UP 2X:VANISHES/CAR NEARS:20min/MST", **LatLong:** "59.333336 10.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "59:20:00 N 10:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.333336,10.083334)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47126 (FBF4C784)
**Date:** 5/13/1989
**Description:** On this night in Kodal, Norway a strong light swooped up to a biker twice; it vanished as a car approaches. The biker experienced 20 minutes of missing time. There were separate observers to the close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing Inforespace, issue 83
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2817
### Event 47127 (ABC71D58)
**Date:** 5/14/1989
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Bob Lazar, at ex-CIA contractor and ufologist John Lear’s secure house, is first interviewed by journalist George Knapp.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar page 213
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_782
### Event 47128 (92DA053E)
**Date:** 5/15/1989
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** 1+3 observer(s). 6M hat-saucer rests / 3 legs. Going up [to] and spins and away. Tripod physical traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15286
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ivory Coast,Ghana,Togo,Benin,Liberia etc.", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SOATANANA,MALAGASY:1+3 OBS:6M HAT-SCR RESTS/3 LEGS:↑+SPINS+AWAY:TRIPOD TRCs", **LatLong:** "-20.083334 48.116669", **LatLongDMS:** "20:05:00 S 48:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.083334,48.116669)", **State/Prov:** "???", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47129 (D493FF58)
**Date:** 5/15/1989
**Time:** 13:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.1076 -116.1209
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Palisade-1” YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1003
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1076 -116.1209", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:27 N 116:07:15 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1076,-116.1209)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "Palisade-1", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 47130 (585EB8F0)
**Date:** 5/15/1989
**Locations:** Las Vegas, Nevada; Area 51; Papoose Lake; Groom Lake
**Description:** [Robert Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar) is first interviewed by [George Knapp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FKnapp%5F%28journalist%29) on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, in silhouette, using the pseudonym “Dennis.” Lazar discusses his purported employment at S-4, a subsidiary facility he claims exists near in Area 51. He says the S-4 facility is adjacent to Papoose Lake, which is located south of the main Area 51 facility at Groom Lake. He claims the site consists of concealed aircraft hangars built into a mountainside. Lazar says that his job was to help with reverse engineering the antigravity propulsion system of one of nine flying saucers, which he alleges are extraterrestrial in origin. Lazar claims one of the flying saucers, the one he terms the “sport model,” is manufactured out of a metallic substance similar in appearance and touch to stainless steel.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tom Mahood, “[The Robert Lazar Timeline,](https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/)” Other Hand, January 1997; Grant R. Cameron, T. Scott Crain, and Chris Rutkowski, “In the Land of Dreams,” IUR 15, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1990\): 4–8; Don Ecker, “Freedom of Disinformation,” Fortean Times 122 \(May 1999\): 28–31; George Knapp and Matt Adams, “[I-Team: The Man](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/i-team-the-man-who-sent-shock-waves-through-ufo-circles-30-years-ago/) [Who Sent Shock Waves through UFO Circles 30 Years Ago,](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/i-team-the-man-who-sent-shock-waves-through-ufo-circles-30-years-ago/)” KLAS-TV, May 15, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6795
### Event 47131 (409A57DC)
**Date:** 5/15/1989
**Description:** Robert Lazar speaks publicly on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, NV for the first time. Lazar claims he was employed at S-4, a facility near Groom Lake/Area 51 adjacent to Papoose Lake. Lazar claims the site has concealed aircraft hangers in a mountain side and nine flying saucers are stored there, where scientists are working to reverse engineer their antigravity propulsion systems. Lazar claims one saucer was found on an archeological dig, and another is metallic in appearance. Lazar claims the power plants inside the craft are so advanced they defy conventional understanding and do not use circuits or electricity.
Lazar also claims his employer is EG&G, and he is made aware of an alleged **Project Galileo**, an antigravity and propulsion project and **Project Looking Glass**, an alleged technological project to see back in time.
* [https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/](https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/)
* [https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/i-team-the-man-who-sent-shock-waves-through-ufo-circles-30-years-ago/](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/i-team-the-man-who-sent-shock-waves-through-ufo-circles-30-years-ago/)
* [https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/10/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/10/mode/2up)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_237
### Event 47132 (66D07D4D)
**Date:** 5/17/1989
**Location:** Kalahari Desert
**Description:** Kalahari Desert, close to the borders between the Republics of South Africa and Botswana: UFO shot down by 2 scrambled Mirage jets. 2 live EBE’s and craft debris transported to Wright Patterson AFB. A South African Air Force Intelligence officer leaks photos of the EBE’s.
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** AFU Archives, “Space Craft Shot Out of South African Sky”
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_783
### Event 47133 (6569953A)
**Date:** 5/17/1989
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** PITTSBURGH, PA
**Description:** 2 / car. White ovoid with red beacons flashing / sides. Vanishes in sight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15287
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "PITTSBURGH,PA:2/CAR:WHT OVOID W/RED BEACONS FLASHING/SIDES:VANISHES IN SIGHT", **LatLong:** "40.450002 -79.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:00 N 79:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.450002,-79.983337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47134 (956EC8CB)
**Date:** 5/17/1989
**Description:** Two women in their twenties driving in a car in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 2:57 a.m. had a close encounter with a white ovoid object with red beacons flashing on the sides. It made no sound, and vanished in sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1989, p. 5, MUFON case file # 890719
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2940
### Event 47135 (F7B9D028)
**Date:** 5/18/1989
**Location:** VANCOUVER, BC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3 formations / brilliant white saucers and 2 formations grey saucers shoot through mist.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15288
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "72", **HatchDesc:** "VANCOUVER,BC:2 OBS:3 FORMns/BRILL.WHT SCRS+2 FORMns GRY SCRS SHOOT THRU MIST", **LatLong:** "49.250002 -123.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:15:00 N 123:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.250002,-123.083339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47136 (5CDB53C9)
**Date:** 5/20/1989
**Location:** ITHACA, NY
**Description:** 75 observer(s). 8 odd blimps near Carl Sagan's place / one hour. Humming sound. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/6897/main.htm Click on State / Country: search by date.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15289
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "119", **HatchDesc:** "ITHACA,NY:75 OBS:8 ODD BLIMPS nr CARL SAGAN's PLACE/1hr:HUM SOUND:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.433335 -76.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:26:00 N 76:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.433335,-76.533337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47137 (42250DE6)
**Date:** 5/20/1989
**Time:** 17:59:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tecmessa” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2010
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tecmessa", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 47138 (E3FDA7F0)
**Date:** 5/23/1989
**Locations:** Holloman AFB, New Mexico; Edwards AFB, California
**Description:** [Milton William Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton%5FWilliam%5FCooper) produces a 25-page document titled The Secret Government, in which he claims that an unscrupulous group of covert CIA and other intelligence operatives actually runs the country. He says they were responsible for murdering one-time Secretary of Defense [James Forrestal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FForrestal) in 1949 because he threatened to expose the UFO cover-up. He claims there have been at least 16 downed alien craft, 65 bodies, and one live alien retrieved between 1947 and 1952, with at least 10 more crash/retrievals during the Eisenhower years. Cooper says aliens from a dying planet orbiting Betelgeuse landed at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, in 1954 and reached an agreement with the government. A second meeting took place with President [Eisenhower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%5FD.%5FEisenhower) at Edwards AFB, California, and signed a formal treaty with an alien ambassador, His Omnipotent Highness Krill. But, he claims, the aliens broke the treaty, abducting humans, conspiring with the Soviets, and manipulating society through secret organizations. Cooper also claims that Eisenhower had created a scientific advisory group in 1960 called the Jason Group to “discover the truth of the alien question.” Much more spurious and outlandish tales develop.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Milton William Cooper, [The Secret Government: The Origin, Identity, and Purpose of MJ-12](https://archive.org/details/william-cooper-the-secret-government-1989/mode/2up), The Author, May 23, 1989; Clark III 367–368
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6796
### Event 47139 (72996753)
**Date:** 5/24/1989
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Bob Lazar interviews on KLAS-TV in silhouette using assumed identity “Dennis”. Sometime after this, Popular host Billy Goodman organizes bus trips to the outskirts of Groom Lake for UFO viewing parties.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar
**Reference:** [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbQG8-XA5Gc)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_784
### Event 47140 (8EACD62A)
**Date:** 5/26/1989
**Time:** 18:07:00.0
**Location:** 37.0859 -116.0551
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tulia” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1004
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0859 -116.0551", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:09 N 116:03:18 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0859,-116.0551)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "3.70", **NukeName:** "Tulia", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 47141 (C2866844)
**Date:** 5/27/1989
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** CHAROVSK, RUSSIA
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Then OK. Very strange UFO = mushroom / 1 side. Crablike / another.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 213)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15290
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CHAROVSK,RUS:CAR EMES:THEN OK:VSTRANGE UFO=MUSHROOM/1 SIDE:CRABLIKE/ANOTHER", **LatLong:** "59.416669 40.116669", **LatLongDMS:** "59:25:00 N 40:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.416669,40.116669)", **State/Prov:** "VOL", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47142 (EC0CC1B0)
**Date:** 5/27/1989
**Description:** A car experienced brief electrical system failure, then recovered when a very strange looking UFO was sighted at around 11:00 p.m. in Charovsk, Russia. The object was mushroom shaped on one side, but looked crablike on the other side.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, JUSA-CISAAF Translations, p. 213
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3126
### Event 47143 (0343686F)
**Date:** 5/28/1989
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** EDMONTON, ALTA
**Description:** 1 observer. 800' UFO 1500' away. Shimmers as if hot. Bottom boat shaped.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 225)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15291
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "660", **HatchDesc:** "EDMONTON,ALTA:1 OBS:800' UFO 1500' AWAY:SHIMMERS AS IF HOT:BOTTOM BOAT SHAPED", **LatLong:** "53.533336 -113.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "53:32:00 N 113:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.533336,-113.483339)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47144 (305FE6EC)
**Date:** 5/28/1989
**Time:** 13:50
**Description:** Multiple observer(s). Silent grey sphere buzzes helicopter within 25'. Seen / 15 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFO's over New England Website ( Select by state ) http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Nova/8874/ufomenu.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15292
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "OTIS AFB,MASS:MULT.OBS:SLNT GRY SPHERE BUZZES COPTER WITHIN 25':SEEN/15min:", **LatLong:** "41.666669 -70.600003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:00 N 70:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.666669,-70.600003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47145 (10B84583)
**Date:** 5/30/1989
**Location:** Americana, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 3:46 a.m. TAM Airlines Flight 573 in the vicinity of Americana, São Paulo, Brazil, is contacted twice by the local control tower to ask if they can see an aircraft in their vicinity. Both times the pilot answers no, but at 3:52 a.m. the pilot says he can now see a strong light near the airplane. It maneuvers near the aircraft and one of the pilots estimates its size as about 164 feet. About 8 minutes later, they lose visual contact.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 201; Brazil 543
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6797
### Event 47146 (CEEC27A2)
**Date:** 5/30/1989
**Location:** Winnipeg, Manitoba
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. A man and his son in Winnipeg, Manitoba, observe a “silvery, metallic hot dog,” oriented vertically and moving steadily west. After several minutes, the object is lost in the distance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6798
### Event 47147 (C7AA3E19)
**Date:** 6/1989
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** 2 / farm. Big silent flashy fireball over lake. Back days later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15293
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "S.GONCALO do AMARANTE,BRZ:2/FARM:BIG SLNT FLASHY FBL OVR LAKE:BACK DAYS LATER", **LatLong:** "-3.616667 -38.950002", **LatLongDMS:** "03:37:00 S 38:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.616667,-38.950002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47148 (04253828)
**Date:** 6/1989
**Location:** Boulder, Colorado
**Description:** [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) presents “five arguments against the extraterrestrial origin” of UFOs at the eighth annual conference of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Boulder, Colorado. \(1\) There are too many close encounters to explain them as a physical survey of the earth. \(2\) The humanoid body structure is unlikely to have originated elsewhere and is not biologically adapted to space travel. \(3\) The behavior of alien abductors contradicts the idea that advanced aliens are conducting genetic or scientific experiments. \(4\) UFOs have been recorded throughout human history. \(5\) The apparent ability of UFOs to manipulate space and time suggests different and richer alternatives to the ETH. Vallée cites the earthlight theory, the control system hypothesis, and travel via wormholes as viable explanations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, “[Five Arguments Against the Extraterrestrial Origin](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/4/jse%5F04%5F1%5Fvallee%5F2.pdf) [of Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/4/jse%5F04%5F1%5Fvallee%5F2.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 4, no. 1 \(1990\): 105–117
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6799
### Event 47149 (2039AD57)
**Date:** 6/1989
**Locations:** Ellsworth AFB; Kirtland AFB
**Description:** [Robert Hastings](https://www.ufohastings.com/bio) lines up an impressive case against [Bill Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29), saying that the Project Aquarius message was altered by Moore, that [Richard Doty](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://ufoscoop.com/richard-c-doty/) had forged the Ellsworth AFB document, that Doty’s typewriter at Kirtland AFB was implicated in the July 1980 Craig R. Weitzel letter, that Doty had given data to [Linda Moulton Howe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda%5FMoulton%5FHowe) that contradicted data in the Eisenhower briefing memo, and that Moore admitted to faking a government ID card and passed himself off as an intelligence operative for two years.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, June 1990
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6800
### Event 47150 (D9EE6723)
**Date:** 6/1989
**Description:** USAF Capt. Richard P. Osedacz writes an unclassified paper at the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson AFB stating a database of UAP in near-Earth orbit exists and has existed since at least 1972. UAP events tracked by NORAD are termed “fastwalkers.” Osedacz writes NORAD tasked the USAF Foreign Technology Division, Flight Performance Division (FTD/SQDF) to analyze unknown datatracks.
The paper adds that “undocumented” simulations were performed on UAP in the Space Surveillance Center within NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Complex. It is unknown if conclusions on fastwalkers have been delivered to Congress in a classified setting, but they have not been detailed in open hearings, nor have they been delivered to the American public.
* [https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/fastwalkers/a209227.pdf](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/fastwalkers/a209227.pdf)
>**_Note_**: On 6 January 1967, **Project Blue Book** scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek told a crowd at the Goddard Space Flight Center that NORAD and SAC radar had tracked UAP. Beginning in 1957 with the establishment of NORAD’s command headquarters at Ent AFB in Colorado Springs, CO, every continental U.S. military radar UAP case in **Project Blue Book** files is a NORAD case because the subordinate USAF Air Defense Command belongs to NORAD.
>* [https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/412/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/mode/2up)
>* [https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/10/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/10/mode/2up)
>**_Note_**: As noted on the entry for September 1979, NORAD refused to share UAP data in response to a FOIA request without charging $294,000. The fees were never waived and the data, despite seemingly unclassified as Capt. Osedacz suggests, was never made public.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_238
### Event 47151 (545437F9)
**Date:** 6/2/1989
**Locations:** Sognefjord; Lavik; Vadheim; Vestland; Norway
**Description:** Paul Paulsen Frøyen sees two “U-boats” in Sognefjord between Lavik and Vadheim, Vestland, Norway. He watches them for two-and-a-half minutes, noting their periscopes and towers. When they submerge, he can see the spray. The Norwegian Air Force sends two jets to look for them, and the Coast Guard is also alerted.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ole Jonny Brænne, “Observations of Unidentified Submarine Objects in Norway,” IUR 20, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1995\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6801
### Event 47152 (FB649D45)
**Date:** 6/3/1989
**Time:** 17:30:00.2
**Location:** -21.8420 -138.9220
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Nyctee” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2011
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8420 -138.9220", **LatLongDMS:** "21:50:31 S 138:55:19 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8420,-138.9220)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.16", **NukeName:** "Nyctee", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 47153 (F2B1F091)
**Date:** 6/3/1989
**Description:** At 10:46 p.m. a couple driving in Long Beach, Washington observed four glowing footballs, which they estimated were twenty to thirty feet long and at an altitude of 700 feet above them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3261
### Event 47154 (DCEF39CB)
**Date:** 6/4/1989
**Location:** USSR, Kiev
**Description:** (Translated from French) At dusk, Viera Prokofievna and Alexandra Stiepanova with her 6-year-old daughter were heading to the city park. They approached the bank of the Dniepr when they saw three people in silver suits. Their faces were pale and identical like twins, their hair long and blond-red. They had a conversation with these "tourists" who told them they were from a distant planet and that every day they brought one man and one woman from Earth with them. They showed their ship which had the shape of a silver barrel with a rotating antenna on top. The witnesses did not want to accompany them and the "tourists" replied that they would take someone else. They went back into the barrel which took off.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 78, p. 31,32
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3328
### Event 47155 (8FE66DC0)
**Date:** 6/4/1989
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** PALMDALE, CA
**Description:** Sec. guard and Air Traffic Controller / Air Force plant 42. Silver object and 3 orbs over B1-B tests. Abduction rumor.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 271)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15294
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "775", **HatchDesc:** "PALMDALE,CA:SEC.GUARD+ATC/AF PLANT 42:SLVR OBJ+3 ORBS OVR B1-B TESTS:ABD RUMOR", **LatLong:** "34.733335 -118.233339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:44:00 N 118:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.733335,-118.233339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47156 (43F0BA0D)
**Date:** 6/4/1989
**Location:** Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. A security guard and an air traffic controller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California, witness a silver flying object and three orb-shaped UFOs during testing of the B1-B bomber. There is also a rumor of an abduction occurring on this date at the same facility.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, November 1990
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6802
### Event 47157 (AD3FEC38)
**Date:** 6/4/1989
**Description:** In 1989, according to a report in the MUFON UFO Journal, a security guard and an air traffic controller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California witnessed a silver flying object and three orb-shaped UFOs at 7:45 p.m. during testing of the B1-B bomber. There was also a rumor of an abduction occurring on this date at the same facility.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, November 1990
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3281
### Event 47158 (A6020759)
**Date:** 6/4/1989
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a disc-shaped object that emitted beams of light was observed from directly underneath in Adjuntas, Puerto Rico.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, report posted on website April 16, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3282
### Event 47159 (CFE8332B)
**Date:** 6/6/1989
**Location:** USSR, Konancewo
**Description:** (Translated from French) Schoolchildren observed a star in the sky which quickly became a large ball that came over the pastures, headed towards the river and landed. The children were about 500 m away from the scene. The ball split into two parts and in the meadow a humanoid appeared: it had long arms, but no head. The UFO vanished and the being headed towards the village. The being approached a woman with a red scarf on her head and both of them suddenly disappeared. A few minutes later they saw the woman leaving the meadow running. (Inforespace n° 78, p. 33,34) The children observed a luminous spot in the sky. When it descended they clearly noticed that it was a sphere. The sphere landed in a meadow. Observed from a quarter of a mile away, the children saw an occupant next to the craft. The creature, according to what they said, had long arms that went down to its knees.
**Reference:** "Ufo's: a Century of Sightings" by Michael David HALL, Galde Press Inc. 1999, p. 330
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3329
### Event 47160 (0D71DBF4)
**Date:** 6/6/1989
**Time:** 14:30
**Description:** Orbs land / meadow. Moves going [to] river. Headless figure emerges. More orbs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15295
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CHAROVSK,VOLOGDA,RUS:ORBS LAND/MEADOW:MOVES>RVR:HEADLESS FIG EMERGES:MORE ORBS", **LatLong:** "59.433336 40.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "59:26:00 N 40:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.433336,40.133335)", **State/Prov:** "VOL", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 47161 (A192A3B4)
**Date:** 6/6/1989
**Locations:** Konantsevo, Vologda Oblast, Russia; Reka Kubena river
**Description:** School children near the village of Konantsevo, Vologda Oblast, Russia, see a luminous dot in the sky. It gets larger, turns into a shining sphere, lands in a meadow, and moves to the Reka Kubena river about a quarter mile away. It seems to split, and a “headless person in dark garb” appears. The entity and sphere become invisible. Three more spheres are said to land later in the same meadow.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, Ballantine, 1992, [pp. 11–12](https://archive.org/details/ufochroniclesofs00vall/page/10/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6803
### Event 47162 (0DDAF5BA)
**Date:** 6/6/1989
**Description:** On this day several school children near the river in Konantsevo, Vologda, Russia watched a bright sphere descend and land. It rolled a short distance and then split in half. A headless humanoid in a dark uniform, with long arms emerged. Three more objects repeated the descent and landing. The children experience an episode of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 127; Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 11; Michael Hall, UFOs: A Century of Sightings, p. 330
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3338
### Event 47163 (7D2A9C0E)
**Date:** 6/10/1989
**Time:** 17:30:00.1
**Location:** -22.2170 -138.7210
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cyzicos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2012
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.2170 -138.7210", **LatLongDMS:** "22:13:01 S 138:43:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.2170,-138.7210)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.52", **NukeName:** "Cyzicos", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 47164 (ADA5521E)
**Date:** 6/11/1989
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** VOLOGDA, RUSSIA
**Description:** Fireball seen over town / 17 minute(s). 12 June / 2205h cylinder-UFO seen / child.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15296
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "VOLOGDA,RUS:FBL SEEN OVR TOWN/17min::12JUNE/2205h CYLINDER-UFO SEEN/CHILD", **LatLong:** "59.200003 39.866669", **LatLongDMS:** "59:12:00 N 39:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.200003,39.866669)", **State/Prov:** "VOL", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47165 (B7C986AF)
**Date:** 6/11/1989
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NEAR ST. JOHN'S, NFLD
**Description:** 2 / airline(s)/airliner crew. Dark 2M ovoid / complex maneuvers / 3 minute(s). No further details. / r57p22.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 137)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15297
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr ST JOHN'S,NFLD:2/AL CREW:DRK 2M OVOID/COMPLEX MNVRS/3min:NFD:/r57p22", **LatLong:** "47.566669 -52.716669", **LatLongDMS:** "47:34:00 N 52:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.566669,-52.716669)", **State/Prov:** "Newfoundland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47166 (E42A63BB)
**Date:** 6/11/1989
**Description:** At seven o'clock in the morning a Canadian Airlines International crew watched a dark grey or black ovoid object, estimated to be about 2 meters in length, make complex maneuvers in the sky not far from St. John's, Newfoundland for three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, International UFO Reporter, July 1990, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3429
### Event 47167 (2349A46E)
**Date:** 6/13/1989
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** FRANKFORT, KY
**Description:** 1 / car. Massive rectangular object. Stops overhead / 2 minute(s). Lights. Pipes flat / underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 115)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15298
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "FRANKFORT,KY:1/CAR:MASSIVE RECT.OBJ:STOPS OVHD/2min:LITES:PIPES FLAT/UNDERSIDE", **LatLong:** "38.200002 -84.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:12:00 N 84:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.200002,-84.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47168 (05230E61)
**Date:** 6/13/1989
**Description:** Ms. Somerby, a 36-year-old woman, saw a massive rectangular shaped flying object while driving in her car at 11:30 p.m. in Frantfort, Kentucky. The UFO had a pipe structure clearly visible on the bottom. The witness experience an episode of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughilli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case #265
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3469
### Event 47169 (473B0844)
**Date:** 6/16/1989
**Description:** Two brothers were engaged in opal mining in an isolated area of Queensland, Australia on this night, with the nearest community being Yowah. They sighted a large disc-shaped craft accompanied by six smaller objects hovering over the area. A twenty-minute time lapse was reported. Hynoptic regression at a later date revealed an abduction scenario that involved small Grey type entities and tall human-looking beings with long blond hair. There seemed to the brothers that a struggle ensued between the two different groups of beings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case #1821, citing Keith Basterfield
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3521
### Event 47170 (53AC120D)
**Date:** 6/17/1989
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Big sphere/orb/globe has image / woman's face / side. Image goes when sphere/orb/globe moves.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 213)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15299
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CHAROVSK,VOLOGDA:BIG ORB HAS IMAGE/WOMANS FACE/SIDE:IMAGE GOES WHEN ORB MOVES", **LatLong:** "59.433336 40.116669", **LatLongDMS:** "59:26:00 N 40:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.433336,40.116669)", **State/Prov:** "VOL", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47171 (0826ED44)
**Date:** 6/20/1989
**Description:** At noon two girls in Lesozavodsk, Siberia, Russia encountered a strange being that floated above the ground towards them. It left a silvery trail behind him that faded slowly. The creature was described as humanoid but robot-like in appearance, and it had silvery gray hair. As it passed the girls it emitted a strange squeaking sound and a bright light in their direction which caused one of them a headache. A number of bus passengers also saw the humanoid. As it passed in front of a car it turned a strange silvery color. It continued on and disappeared towards a nearby bridge.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 670, citing Yaroslavl Investigations, FSR, Volume 35, No. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3563
### Event 47172 (39414C5A)
**Date:** Summer 1989
**Location:** Essex, England
**Description:** Night. Edward Chard sees some odd lights hovering in Essex, England. He looks at them through binoculars and sees a large triangular object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, p. 183
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6806
### Event 47173 (5ABDABB8)
**Date:** 6/22/1989
**Time:** 21:15:00.8
**Location:** 37.2829 -116.4123
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Contact” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1005
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2829 -116.4123", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:58 N 116:24:44 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2829,-116.4123)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Contact", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 47174 (049DE6BE)
**Date:** 6/23/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Continuation of the [South Africa Case](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SouthAfricaCase.html): arrival of the object and its occupants at [Wright-Patterson](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WrightPatterson.html) base, which reportedly went to Red Alert on this date. (June 23)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3053
### Event 47175 (D2FDE190)
**Date:** 6/24/1989
**Locations:** Kyiv, Ukraine; Obolon neighborhood
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. A. N. Olkhovay goes out on her balcony in Kyiv, Ukraine, and sees a dim, twinkling, rectangular object shaped “like a loaf of bread” hovering above the Obolon neighborhood. She calls her neighbors, and one of them named Ivanitsky hastily takes two photos. The film is developed in the offices of the Pravda Ukrainy newspaper but it shows nothing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** V. D. Musinsky, “Letter: Soviet Ufology,” IUR 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1990\): 21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6804
### Event 47176 (9382251E)
**Date:** 6/26/1989
**Location:** USSR, Lesozavodsk
**Description:** (Translated from French) A panic swept through the town caused by a creature wandering the streets. It moved strangely as if it was floating and emitted strange sounds. The being left a silver trace on the ground that gradually disappeared. When the being approached people, they were either paralyzed or felt heat. It had some kind of aura around it. A motorist was unable to brake in time and stopped only 15 m after the impact site: he and the car were covered in a silver substance that gradually disappeared, meanwhile the being moved, without moving its legs, towards a bridge where it disappeared.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 78, p. 34
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3330
### Event 47177 (BEA9254C)
**Date:** 6/27/1989
**Time:** 15:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.2755 -116.3536
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Amarillo” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1006
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2755 -116.3536", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:32 N 116:21:13 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2755,-116.3536)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Amarillo", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 47178 (B673D88B)
**Date:** 6/28/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Bernissart
**Description:** (Translated from French) 20:50, two witnesses. (...) very low, about 100 m from the ground, a curious object made of a rusty-looking, brown sphere passed quickly. Four vertical appendages made the whole thing look like the first Sputnik. It seemed that the object was slowly rotating counter-clockwise. It moved in total silence, at a constant and fast speed, maintaining the same altitude. Distance from the witness: about 200 m.
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 209
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3331
### Event 47179 (C7D54C5A)
**Date:** 6/29/1989
**Description:** Several villagers in Chrysopetra, Macedonia, Greece had previously seen strange flashes of light in the sky earlier in the day. At 2:30 p.m. an elderly woman was doing some household chores when she heard a loud bang from outside. She ran out and found her granddaughter in a state of shock. The girl told her that she had seen a large white cloud in the garden, and then the figure of a giant almost eight meters tall appeared. He seemed to be totally encased in mist and was slightly deformed. He disappeared suddenly disappeared in plain sight emitting a loud banging sound. Large footprints were found later at the site of the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 574, citing Thanassis Vembos, Strange Magazine, issue # 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3736
### Event 47180 (D25C08F8)
**Date:** 6/29/1989
**Description:** The witness was sleeping on a couch that night in Bradford, Ontario when she woke up at 3:39 a.m. feeling very apprehensive. She had a strong buzzing sensation in her head and became completely paralyzed. The next thing she knew it was five o'clock in the morning. She was later able to recall that several 3 to 4 foot tall humanoids with very thin arms and small heads had appeared in her room and had somehow taken her up through the roof. They pointed at a large dark boomerang-shaped object overhead and told her that it was a "light portal." She was then taken onboard. Inside the ship she saw an enormous ziggurat-shaped ship, ringed with white running lights on each level. She was told that it was a "light ship" that traveled inter-dimensionally on light particles. The beings also talked about human being's perception of dying and the existence of many other dimensions. A few nights prior to this incident the same witness recalled also having had several small beings in her room and she had gone immediately to sleep.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 1339, citing John Robert Colombo, UFOs Over Canada
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3737
### Event 47181 (BC37DE1A)
**Date:** 6/30/1989
**Locations:** Lake Radunka; Kyiv, Ukraine
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. G. I. Lerman and his wife Ann watch a fiery object with a tail over Lake Radunka in Kyiv, Ukraine, flying at an altitude of 1,640–3,280 feet, first slowly, then speeding up. After a minute or two the flames die out and they see a silver-white object. During the sighting they feel their own movements slowing down.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** V. D. Musinsky, “Letter: Soviet Ufology,” IUR 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1990\): 21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6805
### Event 47182 (4DC299FF)
**Date:** 7/1989
**Location:** USA, Pitahaya (Puerto Rico)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 3pm, Aristides Medina was sailing along the mangroves when he first thought he saw a group of children: "Their size varied between 90 cm and 1.10 m, like that of 5 or 6 year old children. I got closer to get a better look. They all looked alike. They were slender, of the same build, and wearing very tight, silver-gray suits. These clothes seemed to be fluorescent - they had a kind of inner luminescence. Two of these creatures were standing there in front of me, staring at me, and the others were half-hidden by the mangroves. Their heads were bigger than ours, but not much, and a bit more elongated, egg-shaped - and without a single hair! These things were pale!...with grayish reflections on their skin. Their eyes were extremely almond-shaped and pitch black, and their nose was rather small; the mouth was practically nonexistent. When I tried to approach them, they ran away at full speed and disappeared into a valley of the Sierra Bermeja. Since then, I have seen them two more times...". (July 1989)
**Reference:** Timothy GOOD: "E.T. Connection" 1993 Trad. Presses de la Cité 1994 p. 248-249
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3338
### Event 47183 (639D8884)
**Date:** 7/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Recovery by the United States of 9 occupants of a crashed aircraft in Siberia.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3054
### Event 47184 (AF97ADC0)
**Date:** 7/1989
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** LA PARGUERA / LAJAS, PR
**Description:** Fisherman. Group / small humanoids (or Greys) / swamp. Run when observer(s) approaches. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15300
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "LA PARGUERA/LAJAS,PR:FISHERMAN:GROUP/OIDS/SWAMP:RUN WHEN OBS APPROACHES:NFD", **LatLong:** "17.983334 -67.061114", **LatLongDMS:** "17:59:00 N 67:03:40 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.983334,-67.061114)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47185 (F14B8B49)
**Date:** 7/1989
**End date:** 10/1989
**Location:** Soviet Union
**Description:** Several abduction cases. (Vallee, 1992).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_442
### Event 47186 (F8C27AC3)
**Date:** 7/1989
**Description:** Commanding Officer of WPAFB Brig. Gen. Arthur Exon states “the Unholy Thirteen” was a UFO controlling committee in the 1950s and states he was told Roswell was recovery of an “alien” spacecraft. Says bodies could have been taken to Denver, but also suggests they went to Wright Field. He states members included USAF Sec. Stewart Symington, USAF Chief of Staff Carl Spaatz, Gen. Eisenhower, Gen. Ramey, etc.
* [http://www.roswellproof.com/Exon.html](http://www.roswellproof.com/Exon.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_239
### Event 47187 (141B6F48)
**Date:** 7/1/1989
**Location:** Las Vegas
**Description:** [Bill Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29) makes a stunning presentation at the MUFON UFO Symposium in Las Vegas, speaking candidly for the first time about his part in counterintelligence operations against [Paul Bennewitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz) Moore says he provided [Doty](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://ufoscoop.com/richard-c-doty/) with information about Bennewitz’s thinking and activities. Moore suggests that Doty was chosen by the real Falcon as a liaison person. He says that by mid-1982 Bennewitz had put together the story that contained all the elements later circulated by [Lear](https://www.exopaedia.org/Lear%2C%2BJohn) and [Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton%5FWilliam%5FCooper)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton%5FWilliam%5FCooper) Moore decided to go along with the disinformation game in order to keep in good graces with people who knew something about UFOs and national security. He withheld and blacked out certain portions of UFO-related government documents. He says he stopped cooperating in 1984 because he realized the documents he was receiving from AFOSI were faked, much of the scenario similar to the alien-contact mythos later spun by Lear and Cooper. All of it originated in the disinformation directed at Paul Bennewitz. He gives the names of others who “were the subject of intelligence community interest between 1980 and 1984”: [Leonard H. Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FH.%5FStringfield), [Pete](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/4057248/peter-n%5F-mazzola) [Mazzola](http://www.mapit.kk5.org/controversial-deaths/4541058576), [Peter](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/peter%5Fgersten.htm) [Gersten](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/sedona-vortex-jumper-peter-gersten-wanders-home-after-vortex-fails-to-open-6648932), Lawrence Fawcett, [Jim and Coral Lorenzen](http://robert-barrow.blogspot.com/2007/05/remembering-coral-lorenzen.html), and [Larry W. Bryant](https://ufoview.tumblr.com/)[.](https://ufoview.tumblr.com/) Moore leaves the stage through a back door, his reputation in ruins.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Don Ecker, “Freedom of Disinformation,” Fortean Times 122 \(May 1999\): 28–31; Clark III 370–372; Curt Collins, “[Bill Moore and UFO](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2019/12/bill-moore-on-hynek-and-vallee.html) [Disinformation Accusations,](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2019/12/bill-moore-on-hynek-and-vallee.html)” Blue Blurry Lines, April 29, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6807
### Event 47188 (A4194055)
**Date:** Early 7/1989
**Location:** France, between Vaugneray and Yzeron (Lyon)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Between 11:45 PM and midnight, two people were stopped in their car at a rest area called "La Combe Fusil" and were listening to the radio. As a loud buzzing, similar to a tractor sound but deeper and without resonance, came from the north. They then saw two lights connected by a kind of bar appear. The spheres of light were about 2m in diameter and the rectangular bar was 150 cm long. The light did not radiate more than a meter in front of its source and did not illuminate anything. They had the impression that this phenomenon was skimming the ground, close to the road, but was actually flying 15 m above the ground and advancing at the speed of a walker. The phenomenon disappeared on a constant trajectory towards the south, hidden by a hill. Duration of the observation: 2 minutes. (1989, Early July)
**Reference:** Phénoména -SOS OVNI, Nov-Dec 1995, pp. 7-9
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3332
### Event 47189 (B7F43FCE)
**Date:** 7/2/1989
**Time:** 18:00?
**Location:** BELLINGHAM, MA
**Description:** 1 observer. 5 1' orange balls play / back yard! Turn white. Light grass. Maneuver.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15301
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "89", **HatchDesc:** "BELLINGHAM,MA:1 OBS:5 1'ORG BALLS PLAY/BACK YARD!:TURN WHT:LITE GRASS:MNVR", **LatLong:** "42.083335 -71.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:05:00 N 71:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.083335,-71.466670)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47190 (7FFB4B0C)
**Date:** 7/3/1989 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** NORTHEAST / YZERON, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. Rumble. Flat box with 2 spheres going south 20M overhead. See drawing / source.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15302
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NE/YZERON,FR:2/CAR:RUMBLE:FLAT BOX W/2 SPHERES >S 20M OVHD:see drawing/source", **LatLong:** "45.716669 4.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:43:00 N 04:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.716669,4.616667)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47191 (A47ECAD6)
**Date:** 7/4/1989
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** KIEV, UKRAINE
**Description:** 2 pseudo-human/entity / boat. "From another planet". Lead women / UFO. Child cries. No go.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15303
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "KIEV,UKRAINE:2 PSH/BOAT:"FROM ANOTHER PLANET":LEAD WMN/UFO:CHILD CRIES:NO GO.", **LatLong:** "50.483336 30.516668", **LatLongDMS:** "50:29:00 N 30:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.483336,30.516668)", **State/Prov:** "KIE", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47192 (E070F719)
**Date:** 7/4/1989
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** YUQUIYU, PR
**Description:** Power outage. Ovoid over El Yunque Mountain. 2 jets chase going quickly southeast. / LDLN#311.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STONE, Reuben: UFO INVESTIGATION; 1993 Blitz/Bookmark, Enderby, England. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15304
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1100", **HatchDesc:** "YUQUIYU,PR:POWER OUTAGE:OVOID OVR EL YUNQUE Mtn:2 JETS CHASE >>SE:/LDLN#311", **LatLong:** "18.377779 -65.716670", **LatLongDMS:** "18:22:40 N 65:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.377779,-65.716670)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47193 (DB1156AF)
**Date:** 7/4/1989
**Locations:** Dnieper River; Kyiv, Ukraine
**Description:** Twilight. Two women are walking with a 6-year-old girl along the Dnieper River in a park near Kyiv, Ukraine, when they see a “boat” with three beings on board. The entities have absolutely identical faces—extremely pale, long blond hair, large eyes, and collarless silver shirts that look like nightgowns. They tell the women they are from another planet and want to show them their spaceship. The women walk with them but experience odd physical sensations and beg to be let go. They see a ship behind some trees, and the little girl gets frightened. The beings relent and board the craft by a ladder that then retracts. The door closes silently, and the craft departs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** V. D. Musinsky, “Letter: Soviet Ufology,” IUR 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1990\): 20–21; Jacques Vallée, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, Ballantine, 1992, [pp. 37–39](https://archive.org/details/ufochroniclesofs00vall/page/36/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6808
### Event 47194 (0B83E564)
**Date:** 7/4/1989
**Location:** Podgortsy section of southern Kyiv, Ukraine
**Description:** Night. Members of the Iskuskovs family are on vacation in the Podgortsy section of southern Kyiv, Ukraine. They watch silver-suited beings emerge from a landed UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** V. D. Musinsky, “Letter: Soviet Ufology,” IUR 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1990\): 21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6809
### Event 47195 (83208437)
**Date:** 7/4/1989
**Description:** An abduction attempt took place on this evening in a park near Kiev, Ukraine on the banks of the Dnieper River. Two women, Vera Prokofiyevna, a retired factory employee, and her friend Alexandra Stepanovna, an engineer, together with Alexandra's six-year-old daughter, were out strolling in the park. At twilight they approached the river and suddenly saw what they took to be a boat with three beings on board. The beings looked very pale and had identical faces, like identical twins. The had long blond hair, big eyes, and were wearing collarless silver shirts that looked like nightgowns. They bluntly told the women they were from another planet, so far away that your minds "cannot fathom it." They went on to say that everyday they take a person from Earth to their world. "We will take you. Our ship is nearby; we will show it to you." They spoke Russian with a strange accent that Prokofiyevna described as "ancient" rather than foreign. They then surrounded the three, preventing them from leaving. The women started begging them not to take them because they had children and families.
Behind some trees they saw the craft. It was silvery colored like their clothing and looked like a huge barrel with a circular antenna on top of it. The little girl began crying and the women reacted to this with deep anguish. They were then told, "well, we won't take you, we will find others." They went inside the craft by using a ladder with three steps. The ladder withdrew inside, the door automatically closed once the beings were aboard, and the craft took off without making any noise or causing any disturbance of the air or the sand beneath it. Soon it was high in the sky and looked like a small star.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, pp. 37-39, citing investigation by Dr. Alexander F. Pugach
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3830
### Event 47196 (E42E9C96)
**Date:** 7/6/1989
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** HAKUI CITY, JP
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silver-white ovoid with red stripe. Sharp turns. Quickly going up. / MJ#265.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15305
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HAKUI CITY,JP:3 OBS:SLVR-WHT OVOID W/RED STRIPE:SHARP TURNS:↑↑:/MJ#265", **LatLong:** "36.883335 136.783340", **LatLongDMS:** "36:53:00 N 136:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.883335,136.783340)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 47197 (B1A9FA2F)
**Date:** 7/6/1989
**Location:** Hakui City, Japan
**Description:** Videorecorder film taken of a white, Saturn-shaped object with squarish ring that changed direction, rose at a steep angle at high speed (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5782
### Event 47198 (0B29A808)
**Date:** 7/6/1989
**Location:** Hakui City, Kanazawa Prefecture, Japan
**Description:** Videorecorder film taken of a white, Saturn-shaped object with squarish ring that changed direction, rose at a steep angle at high speed
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_443
### Event 47199 (9E96B681)
**Date:** 7/6/1989
**Location:** Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Yasuhiko Hamazaki takes an 8mm videotape recording of a brightly luminous object that passes nearly overhead in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. At one point he uses a zoom lens to get a clearer image. The object has a central ring like the planet Saturn, except that it is squarish and dome-shaped. About one minute of the video captures the object descending rapidly at a shallow angle, then suddenly changing direction and rising at a steep angle at very high speed. [Bruce Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee)’s photo analysis shows that the object is not an airplane, balloon, kite, or model airplane.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 297–298; Bruce Maccabee, “A Rare Photo Coincidence,” IUR 15, no. 3 \(May/June 1990\): 4–9, 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6810
### Event 47200 (51A4DDF8)
**Date:** 7/7/1989
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. a spherical object with a square or diamond-shaped ring was videotaped in Kanazawa, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan by a Mr. & Mrs. Hamazaki. The image is similar in appearance to the Lindstrom photographs from Maui, Hawaii taken on January 2, 1975.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3909
### Event 47201 (4FB0E1A6)
**Date:** 7/8/1989
**Time:** 03:47:00.0
**Location:** 49.8690 78.7750
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1742
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8690 78.7750", **LatLongDMS:** "49:52:08 N 78:46:30 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8690,78.7750)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 47202 (A6D34EE9)
**Date:** 7/11/1989
**Description:** Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée “nobody with any brains seems to be tracking this,” but Vallee disagrees with him.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us-government-research.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/10/was-there-secret-us-government-research.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_240
### Event 47203 (5274CF29)
**Date:** 7/12/1989
**Location:** SOUTHEND, ESSEX
**Description:** 6+observer(s). Cone paces car. Lights. Turns counterclockwise. Shoots off when car stops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15306
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTHEND,ESSEX:6+OBS:CONE PACES CAR:LITES:TURNS CCW:SHOOTS OFF WHEN CAR STOPS", **LatLong:** "51.550002 0.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:33:00 N 00:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.550002,0.700000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47204 (D230D77F)
**Date:** 7/12/1989
**Description:** On this night at least six witnesses in Southend, Essex, England reported that a cone-shaped UFO paced a car. Lights on object turned counter-clockwise. The object shot off when the car stopped.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 228
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4019
### Event 47205 (CEDA9A98)
**Date:** 7/15/1989
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** 2 separate couples. Large white ferris-wheel ovoid. Structure visible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 421)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15307
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "HUSBANDS BOSWORTH,ENGL:2 SEP.COUPLES:LRG WHT FERRIS-WHEEL OVOID:STRUCT.VSBL", **LatLong:** "52.450003 -1.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:27:00 N 01:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.450003,-1.050000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47206 (AA6325D0)
**Date:** 7/15/1989
**Time:** 13:00
**Location:** ROCHESTER, NY
**Description:** Man photographs saucer 2x. 2 observer(s). 3rd doesn't see. Suddenly it is 1700hrs..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: UFO ABDUCTIONS in GULF BREEZE; Avon Books, NY 1994 (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15308
**Attributes:** **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "ROCHESTER,NY:MAN FOTOS SCR 2x:2 OBS:3rd DOESNT SEE:SUDDENLY IT IS 1700hrs..", **LatLong:** "43.150002 -77.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:09:00 N 77:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.150002,-77.616670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47207 (038CC7E3)
**Date:** 7/16/1989
**Location:** USSR, Perm
**Description:** (Translated from French) Enormous, black, headless creatures, moving like motorbikes, were observed by people from a farm. Children from a holiday camp had an unusual encounter with humanoid beings with glowing eyes. One of the beings had an offensive reaction, using a weapon that set the grass on fire.
**Reference:** Inforespace No. 78, p. 38
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3333
### Event 47208 (168D0350)
**Date:** 7/16/1989
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 300' Oblong UFO / 20mph / 5 minute(s). Speeds up and gone in a flash!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15309
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HILTON HEAD ISL,SC:2 OBS:300' OBLONG UFO/20mph/5min:SPEEDS UP+GONE IN A FLASH!", **LatLong:** "32.216668 -80.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "32:13:00 N 80:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.216668,-80.750004)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 47209 (DE7C6EFB)
**Date:** 7/16/1989
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** NEW HARMONY, IN
**Description:** 1 observer. Huge silent saucer / treetop level lights area. Spokes protrude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15310
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "NEW HARMONY,IN:1 OBS:HUGE SLNT SCR/TREETOP LVL LITES AREA:SPOKES PROTRUDE", **LatLong:** "38.166668 -87.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:10:00 N 87:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.166668,-87.916671)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47210 (0814D997)
**Date:** 7/16/1989
**Description:** Sudden light appeared over New Harmony, Indiana at 8:15 p.m. and a silent disc-shaped object, six feet in diameter, appeared less than 100 feet overhead. It had rods or beams of light of different colors and lengths protruding from it. The witness was a 61-year-old woman, and the encounter lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, MUFON field investigation file database, case 890802; MUFON UFO Journal, December 1989
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4108
### Event 47211 (1397BFD4)
**Date:** 7/17/1989
**Location:** MAPLE VALLEY, WA
**Description:** Rancher. Mutilated cow. Tongue vagina rectum and part / jaw gone. Bloodless.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN CONTACT, Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed; William Morrow, NY 1993. 288pp. (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15311
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "MAPLE VALLEY,WA:RANCHER:MUTLd COW:TONGUE VAGINA RECTUM+PART/JAW GONE:BLOODLESS", **LatLong:** "47.400002 -122.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:24:00 N 122:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.400002,-122.033339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47212 (60EE86D8)
**Date:** 7/17/1989
**Description:** A mystery animal death and cattle mutilation occurred in Maple Valley, Washington. The tongue, sexual organs, rectum, and part of the jaw had been removed. The scene appeared to be unusually bloodless.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Alien Contact, p. 154
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4146
### Event 47213 (1B0978D2)
**Date:** 7/18/1989
**Location:** USA, Dutton (Alabama)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mufon, Case 1315, No. 890803 - Investigators: Carol and Rex Salisberry. Due to the rain, a couple stayed inside their home. They received a strange phone call (psychic ability?) saying they could look outside to see UFOs. When they went outside, the sky was clear. Shortly after, they observed an oval light passing slowly in the distance. Ten minutes later, they had to go back inside due to a violent storm in the area. (Note: the woman would later experience an intrusion by an undefined being in the bedroom. She would experience many experiences, alone or with a triangular object, related to the observations of Fyffe...) (...) There were many observations throughout Alabama to Colorado: (..) IN REALITY: it was the second stage of a Soviet missile which was then observed in South Carolina, and whose trajectory was supposed to take it to fall into the ocean a hundred miles from Georgia. Expert Marsha White explained to the viewers that, in principle, anything launched should either come back to Earth or move away, but that generally, things fell back... over time.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3334
### Event 47214 (408D33F6)
**Date:** 7/18/1989
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** DUTTON, AL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). White ovoid passes. Possible cloaked figure / bedroom that night.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15312
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "415", **HatchDesc:** "DUTTON,AL:2 OBS:WHT OVOID PASSES:POSSIBLE CLOAKED FIGURE/BEDROOM THAT NITE", **LatLong:** "34.633335 -85.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "34:38:00 N 85:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.633335,-85.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47215 (A919950A)
**Date:** 7/22/1989
**Time:** 15:50
**Location:** BLUE HILL BAY, ME
**Description:** 2 pilots. Huge metallic saucer 25 mile(s) away between Bass Harbor and Swans Island.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15313
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "BLUE HILL BAY,ME:2 PILOTS:HUGE MTLC SCR 25mi AWAY btwn BASS HARBOR+SWANS ISL.", **LatLong:** "44.300002 -68.511114", **LatLongDMS:** "44:18:00 N 68:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.300002,-68.511114)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47216 (5D9F4A6A)
**Date:** 7/22/1989
**Location:** Blue Hill Bay, ME
**Description:** Obj hov/darted around Beechcraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5783
### Event 47217 (18A289B2)
**Date:** 7/22/1989
**Location:** Blue Hill Bay, ME
**Description:** Private pilot saw shiny oval object making quick starts and stops
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_444
### Event 47218 (2F3C13C4)
**Date:** 7/22/1989
**Description:** Trenton, Maine over Blue Hill Bay -- At 3:30 p.m. Randy Rhodes, a police dispatcher for the City of Ellsworth, and Bill Reiff, an attorney, took off in a Beechcraft Bonanza from the Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. At around 3:45 p.m. they spotted a huge metallic disc, shining like polished aluminum, at the 9 o'clock position. It was at the same altitude as their plane--approximately 5100-5200 feet. The object suddenly moved dead ahead to the 12 o'clock position and it took on a reddish or rose color. Not very enthusiastic about continuing on with this thing in front of them, they turned back for the Bar Harbor-Trenton airport. The Aerial Direction Finder was working at the time but the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) was not receiving. It had never before given them a problem, and 3-4 minutes after the object disappeared the DME came back on. When they landed they discovered that there had been power surges and outages on the ground, and they recalled that when they last observed the object it was headed in the direction of the Maine Yankee Nuclear Power plant in Wiscasset. However, a spokesman for the Bangor HydroElectric Company later reported that three limbs falling over a transmission line when a resident cut down a tree caused the outage.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Leland Bechtel, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1989, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4308
### Event 47219 (F97B295B)
**Date:** 7/23/1989
**Location:** WAYAN, ID
**Description:** Rancher. Mutilated cow found. Part / jaw and udder removed / surgical precision.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN CONTACT, Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed; William Morrow, NY 1993. 288pp. (Index 153)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15314
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "1962", **HatchDesc:** "WAYAN,ID:RANCHER:MUTILATED COW FOUND:PART/JAW+UDDER REMOVED/SURGICAL PRECISION", **LatLong:** "42.988891 -111.383339", **LatLongDMS:** "42:59:20 N 111:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.988891,-111.383339)", **State/Prov:** "Idaho", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47220 (12B4CC9E)
**Date:** 7/25/1989
**Location:** USSR, Solechnogorsk (70 km from Moscow)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The painter Malachev was set up in front of his easel in the middle of a field. He had the impression that someone was tapping his shoulder, he turned around and found himself facing a flying saucer in front of which two men and a woman were standing. They telepathically offered him to follow them and he got into a craft that took off. He claims to have seen a planet with three moons, a face on board the saucer looking at him through a huge screen and even a recently deceased friend. Then the humanoids brought him back to Earth and dematerialized. Landing traces were found in the field. Examined by psychiatrists, Malachev was found to be perfectly normal. The adventure would have lasted 40 minutes. (July 25, 1989)
**Reference:** Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the E.T." - ed. Guy Trédaniel 1995, p. 80, 81
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3335
### Event 47221 (FE41C81B)
**Date:** 7/26/1989
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GENESSEE CO, MI
**Description:** 4+1 observer(s). 12m 3-lobed fan blade 30m over cornfield. Paces tractor.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 270)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15315
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "GENESSEE co,MI:4+1 OBS:12m 3-LOBED FAN BLADE 30m ovr CORNFIELD:PACES TRACTOR", **LatLong:** "43.177780 -83.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:10:40 N 83:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.177780,-83.733337)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47222 (56C2AC6B)
**Date:** 7/26/1989
**Locations:** Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia; Simferopol, Crimea
**Description:** 2:40 p.m. R. H. Stepanian, air traffic controller at Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, receives information from a Tupolev Tu-154 airliner crew flying from Simferopol, Crimea, that they have seen UFOs from a distance of 20–30 miles. According to the pilots, first one, then two “strange objects” pace them on their left. One is almost exactly square, while the other is the shape of an elongated rhombus. At the time of the radio transmission, the two objects are swiftly moving away and beginning to separate. Apparently two other flights report multiple UFOs to the airport.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, pp. 74–76; Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, pp. 134–135
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6811
### Event 47223 (C82B3565)
**Date:** 7/28/1989
**Location:** USSR, Kapustin Yar (Astrakhan)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Various military witnesses for the observation between 10:12 PM on July 28th until 1:30 AM on the 29th reporting unidentified objects. The testimonies come from military personnel sometimes 45 km away. The three objects were seen at distances ranging from 3 to 5 km up to 300 meters. The objects were shaped like discs 4 to 5 meters in diameter with a luminous hemisphere on the top. The objects flew silently, descended, ascended, hovered, coming to hover over a terrain at only 20 to 60 meters from the ground. The weather conditions were excellent for good visibility. The commander (name censored) of the military unit (name censored) of the BVS polygon, (city of Akhtubinsk) conducted the investigation. (The care of CISU, Milan section, which received photocopies of the Russian declarations)
A multiple witness case in a Russian missile base (July 28th-29th 1989) At the head of the UFO reports declassified by the KGB in 1991, is a file relating to an army missile base near Kapustin Yar, in the Astrakhan region, which is mentioned in the work of Marie Galbraith (see chapter 9.1). The English-speaking public became aware of it through the Moscow magazine AURA-Z in March 1993. Military personnel belonging to two centers of the base made handwritten statements about their visual observations, made under good visibility conditions. The incomplete file does not deal with any possible radar detections. It begins with a brief summary of the case, written by an anonymous KGB officer, followed by the report of seven handwritten testimonies (...) In a report, consistent with that of his superior, the soldier Tichaev insisted on the absence of noise caused by the object, even at short distance, which prevented it from being confused with a helicopter. The two witnesses, joined after a while by the guard team, had witnessed the object's maneuvers over the center and its surroundings for two hours. (1989, night of July 28th to 29th)
**Reference:** COMETA report, 1999
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3336
### Event 47224 (7FEA0C09)
**Date:** 7/28/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Corporal-Chief M. Klentchouk observed something flying along the horizon like an airplane: I thought it was an airplane because there is an aerodrome in that direction. But I didn't hear any noise like that of an airplane. That intrigued me. This is what I saw. An object that looked like a slightly crushed egg flew without making any noise. It shone very brightly, with green and red lights. This object gained a great speed. It accelerated and stopped abruptly, jumped up or down. Then a second one appeared, then a third. One of these objects stopped at a low altitude and remained motionless during my observation. The second object was lost. Only one remained. It moved along the horizon. I had the impression that sometimes it descended to the ground. Then it went up again and flew again. After that, an airplane appeared. It could be identified by its noise. It approached the object. But the object detached itself from it so quickly that one could have thought that the airplane was still in the same place. The airplane passed by and left. The object resumed its flight along the horizon. (July 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3055
### Event 47225 (345B1FB0)
**Date:** 7/28/1989
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** KGB report. Silent 5M domed disk maneuvers / missile site. Evades jet. Going [to] east-northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, Don & HUNEEUS, Antonio: UFO BRIEFING DOCUMENT The Best Available Evidence, Nov. 1995 CUFOS/FUFOR/MUFO. 128pp 8x11. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15316
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "KAPUSTIN YAR,RUS:KGB Rpt:SLNT 5M DOMED DISK MNVRS/MISSILE SITE:EVADES JET:>ENE", **LatLong:** "48.500002 45.666669", **LatLongDMS:** "48:30:00 N 45:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.500002,45.666669)", **State/Prov:** "AST", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47226 (D7CD8039)
**Date:** 7/28/1989
**End date:** 7/29/1989
**Location:** Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia
**Description:** 11:20 p.m. A domed disc-shaped object is seen over the rocket weapons depot at Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia. The object is flashing an intensely bright light from its underside. It hovers above the site at a height of 65 feet. Roughly 13–17 feet in diameter, its hull is illuminated with a dim green, phosphorus-like color. It circles two or three times and moves toward a railway station, still flashing its light, then returns to the weapons depot at a height of 200–230 feet. Soviet soldiers Levin and Klimenko say the object performed acrobatic maneuvers, at one point dividing into three shining points and taking the shape of a triangle. A fighter jet is scrambled, but the object evades it. Two other objects appear at low altitudes of 980–1,300 feet. The last one to appear, a cigar-shaped object, gives off flashes of red light at constant intervals, then lights of all colors. At around 1:30 a.m., it flies to the southwest and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [pp. 133–138](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/132/mode/2up); Good Need, [pp. 354–](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/354/mode/2up) [355](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/354/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/354/mode/2up) [363](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/362/mode/2up); Paul Stonehill and Philip Mantle, The Soviet UFO Files: Paranormal Encounters behind the Iron Curtain, Quadrillion, 1998, p. 79; Nukes 453–456
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6812
### Event 47227 (D2476F62)
**Date:** 7/28/1989
**Description:** A domed disc-shaped object was seen over a high security rocket weapons depot in Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan, Russia at 11:20 p.m. by four military witnesses, including the two main witnesses named Voloshin and Tishchayev. The UFO glowed a phosphorescent green. It circled the depot three times, accelerated and then stopped abruptly. It shot away when a Soviet fighter jet appeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Stonehill, The Soviet UFO Files, p. 79; Don Berliner, Marie Galbraith, & Antonio Huneeus, (editors), Unidentified Flying Objects Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, p. 103; Dennis Stacy, Field Guide to UFOs, p. 58
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4462
### Event 47228 (05D25E61)
**Date:** 7/30/1989
**Location:** USSR, Perm
**Description:** (Translated from French) The journalist Moukhourtov claims to have encountered extraterrestrials in the mountains of the Ural near Perm. The beings were luminous and of great size. The witness would have had a telepathic conversation with the humanoids who told him they came from the planet "RED STAR"!!
**Reference:** Reuter, October 1989
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3337
### Event 47229 (C8E8837F)
**Date:** 8/1989 (approximate)
**Location:** PERM, URALS, RUSSIA
**Description:** Tall dark figure. Short legs. Small knob for head. Glows and vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15317
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "PERM,URALS,RUSS:TALL DARK FIGURE:SHORT LEGS:SMALL KNOB FOR HEAD:GLOWS+VANISHES", **LatLong:** "57.966669 56.233336", **LatLongDMS:** "57:58:00 N 56:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.966669,56.233336)", **State/Prov:** "PRM", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47230 (2AC5AE74)
**Date:** 8/1989 (approximate)
**Time:** 13:00
**Location:** LANARK, ON
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent saucer with oval windows / dome follows land contours going east / low and slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 113)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15318
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "135", **HatchDesc:** "LANARK,ON:1 OBS:SLNT SCR W/OVAL WINDOWS/DOME FOLOS LAND CONTOURS >E/LO+SLOW", **LatLong:** "45.033335 -76.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:02:00 N 76:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.033335,-76.383337)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47231 (0B370A23)
**Date:** 8/1989
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** LINCOLNTON, NC
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent 30m red-brown colored triangle hovers 100m altitude near nuclear plant.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: 1989RPTS.TXT filed here (Don Allen and many others) http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~num44/ufo/MUFON.89
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15319
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "256", **HatchDesc:** "LINCOLNTON,NC:1 OBS:SLNT 30m RED-BRN TRIANGLE HVRS 100m alt nr NUCLEAR PLANT:", **LatLong:** "35.477779 -81.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:28:40 N 81:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.477779,-81.233337)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47232 (461B9AD9)
**Date:** 8/1989
**Locations:** Wolverhampton; Dudley, England
**Description:** Day. A man is walking his dog in a nature preserve between Wolverhampton and Dudley, England, when he sees a tennis-ball-sized “soap bubble” that has a white, feathery mass inside floating slowly about 12 feet above the ground. It floats into a field where there are several horses, which do not seem concerned about it. Suddenly the object changes direction and moves into a strong wind, coming straight toward him. In moments it is just inches away from him, seemingly surveying him. At close quarters he could see that the object has an oily look. At the instant he thinks about popping the bubble, it speeds off to the east, covering about 30 feet in one second, and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Don’t Forget the Y-Files,” Fortean Times 405 \(May 2021\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6813
### Event 47233 (B5756EB8)
**Date:** 8/2/1989
**Location:** USA, Gulf Breeze, Florida
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mufon, UFO1303 File, #890405) Time: 03:40. Duration 12 minutes. Investigator: Charles Flannigan. Awoken by his dogs barking outside, a man discovered a small object descending onto a nearby plot. The object resembled two connected discs, the bottom one larger than the top one, with a total width of less than one meter. At the top part a white light shone, numerous other small lights blinked red to orange and two were green. When the man went out, intending to take this small thing and bring it into his house, the object departed in a flash of light.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3339
### Event 47234 (DCF8187D)
**Date:** 8/2/1989
**Description:** Richard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy affirms in a letter to researcher [Larry W.](https://ufoview.tumblr.com/) [Bryant](https://ufoview.tumblr.com/) that it keeps a classified personal file on [Stanton T. Friedman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton%5FT.%5FFriedman) and denies access to it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, Body Snatchers in the Desert, Paraview, 2005, p. 191
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6814
### Event 47235 (0CE35DAF)
**Date:** 8/2/1989
**Locations:** Sea of Japan; Primorsky Krai, Russia
**Description:** The Russian tanker Volgoneft-161 is in the Sea of Japan off the region of Primorsky Krai, Russia, when rew members notice an unusual shere about 35° above the northern horizon. It is pale yellow and surrounded by a hazy luminescence. The object movres t the northeast, ascending, and is visible for 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, p. 116
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6815
### Event 47236 (6CADAC4D)
**Date:** 8/8/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The European satellite *Hipparcos* \(star catalogue\) is launched by *Ariane 4*. (8 August)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3056
### Event 47237 (48E35EBA)
**Date:** 8/8/1989
**Time:** 14:30
**Description:** Red delta/triangle/box-like craft / 1000' going down [to] 300' altitude. Going quickly [to] McGuire nuclear plant substation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 229)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15320
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE NORMAN RSVR,NC:RED DLT/1000'↓300'alt:>>McGUIRE NUCLEAR PLANT SUBSTATION", **LatLong:** "35.516668 -80.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:31:00 N 80:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.516668,-80.883337)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47238 (76DABFAB)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** LEIGH-ON-SEA, ESSEX
**Description:** 200' saucer shoots south going quickly [to] Kent. 3+independent observer(s) include/including woman driving.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 229)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15321
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LEIGH-on-SEA,ESSEX:200' SCR SHOOTS S>>KENT:3+ IND OBS INCL WOMAN DRIVING", **LatLong:** "51.550002 0.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:33:00 N 00:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.550002,0.650000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47239 (7018E793)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 200' saucer spins counterclockwise. Hovers silent / 150' altitude. Shoots going southeast / sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 229)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15322
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CLACTON-on-SEA,ESSEX:2 OBS:200'SCR SPINS CCW:HVRS SLNT/150'alt:SHOOTS>SE /SEA", **LatLong:** "51.816669 1.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:49:00 N 01:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.816669,1.150000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47240 (05D8FD30)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** 2 fishing scared. Odd object falls. Stops. Hovers / 25 minute(s). Type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: http://www.execpc.com/~ahoj/wfiles/files/uf890318.htm also see -/uf890113.htm -/uf890810.htm -/uf8901xx.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15323
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "nr OMRO,WISC:2 FISHING SCARED:ODD OBJ FALLS:STOPS:HOVERS/25min:TYPE UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "44.050002 -88.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:03:00 N 88:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.050002,-88.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47241 (91057CA0)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). High-Q video / saucer / one hour. Spins. Splits / 2. Vanishes. / MJ#265.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15324
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "SW/ESTEPONA,SPN:MANY OBS:HI-Q VIDEO/SCR/1hr:SPINS:SPLITS/2:VANISHES:/MJ#265", **LatLong:** "36.405557 -5.227778", **LatLongDMS:** "36:24:20 N 05:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.405557,-5.227778)", **State/Prov:** "MLG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47242 (D695C6B4)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Location:** Estepona, Spain
**Description:** Videotape taken of hovering object that rotated, split in two, then faded or "dissolved." (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5784
### Event 47243 (113F907A)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Location:** Estepona, Spain
**Description:** Videotape taken of hovering object that rotated, split in two, then faded or "dissolved."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_445
### Event 47244 (2F821BF0)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Locations:** The Hague, Netherlands; Estepona, Spain; Sicily
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. William Heijster, a Dutch military psychologist who works at the Ministry of Defence at The Hague, Netherlands, is driving with his family near Estepona, Spain, when they see an object hovering over a mountain. Heijster stops the car and videotapes the object off and on for the next hour. The incident is plausibly explained by [Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos](http://independent.academia.edu/VICENTEJUANBALLESTEROLMOS/CurriculumVitae) as the flight of a Transmediterranean research balloon launched from Sicily in a joint operation by CNES \(France\), INTA \(Spain\), and the Italian space agency.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 298–299; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Expedientes Insólitos, Temas de Hoy, 1995, pp. 125–130; “[El caso ovni acaecido](http://el-blog-de-malaga.blogspot.com/2012/10/el-caso-ovni-acaecido-en-malaga-en-1989.html) [en Malaga en 1989,](http://el-blog-de-malaga.blogspot.com/2012/10/el-caso-ovni-acaecido-en-malaga-en-1989.html)” El Blog de Malaga, October 1, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6816
### Event 47245 (323995B6)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Description:** On this afternoon in the Kirov region of Russia a large hairy humanoid with long arms and small feet “scared the daylights” out of the local veterinarian, P. Saitov, as he was out walking with his children and a friend. “It was making huge jumps--not at all like a human being”, he said. Saitov and his companions rushed back to their car and followed the creature for about a kilometer until it disappeared into some undergrowth. He described it as about two meters tall, with its body covered with dark brown hair, and it had shoulder length hair. Being a veterinary surgeon, he was able to determine that the creature was neither human nor an anthropoid ape. A local hunter discovered footprints and deduced the animal had a two meter pace
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mike Dash, Fortean Times, issue #53, citing Sotsialistichskaya Industria
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4833
### Event 47246 (CE361F19)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Description:** A terrified Milwaukee, Wisconsin couple doing some night fishing on Lake Michigan saw a silver, disc-shaped object fall from the sky and hover nearby at 3:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, May 1990
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4834
### Event 47247 (DE35A763)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Description:** Mrs. Rayna was alone at home in Sedona, Arizona and taking an afternoon nap when she heard a loud cracking sound that woke her. She felt paralyzed and a strong tingling sensation came over her entire body. She then noticed a small being standing at the head of her bed. The being was 3.5 feet tall, whitish-gray in color, and wore a form-fitting jumpsuit. It had a large head, and large dark eyes. The being communicated with a second, unseen entity, using an unintelligible language with a digital, musical quality. The being suddenly vanished and she was able to move again. Her muscles were sore and she felt nauseous afterwards.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard J. Boylan, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters, p. 120
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4835
### Event 47248 (A0D5254B)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Description:** A Dutch psychologist vacationing in Spain videotaped an object that changed shaped and divided into two parts. Dr. William Heijster, a Dutch military psychologist, was vacationing in Spain with his family. At about 9:00 p.m. while driving southwest along the eastern coastal highway near Estepona, Spain, the family noticed an object northwest of them in the late evening sky. They stopped to watch, and Dr. Heijster filmed it on and off for a period of about one hour, using a handheld camcorder.
The object appeared to be rotating at high speed. The rotation was not visible on the film, however; instead, the object appeared to undergo a slow shape change, from looking like a "coolie hat" to circular. The upper surface was bright, while the lower surface was shadowed. The object hovered in one place. After about an hour the object split into two parts, which then separated and faded from view. Only part of the disappearance was recorded on the videotape. Palm fronds are visible in the foreground. There were reported to be several other witnesses.
Dr. Heijster contacted the Fund for UFO Research and made a copy of the film available for analysis. The UFO image measures about 3.3 cm on the film, and it appears for 3 minutes and 53 seconds. Calculations of the object's size at various distances are: at 300 meters the diameter would be 4 meters, at one mile it would be 21 meters, and at 9,000 meters it would have been 120 meters in diameter. Although one hypothesis is that the image is that of a research balloon, the size seems excessive for a high-altitude balloon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 298-299
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4836
### Event 47249 (D283D43D)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Description:** A man was walking near a housing project in Hartshead Moor, West Yorkshire, England at 9:15 p.m. when he suddenly had the impression that someone was watching him. In the dark he noticed a huge, eight-foot-tall figure with bright slanted eyes. The being appeared to be wearing a large pointed helmet and flared trousers with “something” pointing down between the legs. The creature’s eyes suddenly became red, frightening the witness. A second, green-colored entity now appeared and was asked by the tall entity “Shall we get him”? The second entity replied in the negative. The green colored entity had black slanting eyes, a peanut shaped, helmeted head, and wore brown colored clothing. The man ran from the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 1498, citing Steve Gerrard, Northern UFO News, issue # 182
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4837
### Event 47250 (914A5B06)
**Date:** 8/10/1989
**Description:** A 20-year-old woman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw two rows of six to eight round white lights in the sky at 10:40 p.m., as bright as stadium lights, that formed a rectangle twice the size of a Boeing 747. The object moved very slowly from the west to the east, and descended to about an estimated 30 feet altitude before it disappeared. It made no sound, and the encounter lasted about half a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Carol & Rex Salisberry, MUFON Field Investigation Database, case 891007b
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4838
### Event 47251 (06583C29)
**Date:** 8/11/1989
**Description:** Perseid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_446
### Event 47252 (D64CBE54)
**Date:** 8/12/1989
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** Several / car and cops. Silver-white disk hovers. Several min / videotape.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: CONTACTO OVNI. German Flores Trujillo ed. Editorial Mina SA de CV; Tokio 424, Cpl. Portales, Mexico D.F., MEXICO. (#23 only. Glossy covers)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15325
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1681", **HatchDesc:** "TEPOZTLAN,MORELOS:SVRL/CAR+COPS:SLVR-WHT DISK HVRS:SVRL MIN/VIDEOTAPE:", **LatLong:** "18.983334 -99.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "18:59:00 N 99:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.983334,-99.100005)", **State/Prov:** "MRL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47253 (D6A7FEBB)
**Date:** 8/13/1989
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** MANSURA, LA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 1m disk low 10m away. Maneuvers. Circles tree. Going quickly west. Physical traces / grass. / MJ#260.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: LA MUFON NEWSLETTER. Bimonthly. W.L. "Barney" Garner editor. Email garner at eatel.net Final issue Nov-Dec, 1996 = Vol.8 #6. 752 Daventry Dr., Baton Rouge,LA. [Mansura rf]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15326
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "23", **HatchDesc:** "MANSURA,LA:2 OBS:1m DISK LOW 10m away:MNVRs:CCLs TREE:>>W:TRCs/GRASS:/MJ#260", **LatLong:** "31.055557 -92.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "31:03:20 N 92:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.055557,-92.050004)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47254 (E1792520)
**Date:** 8/13/1989
**Location:** Mansura, LA
**Description:** Dog reacted as oval bobbed near ground (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890813](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890813dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5785
### Event 47255 (B6033557)
**Date:** 8/13/1989
**Description:** An 84-year-old man in Mansura, Louisiana went into his backyard at 10:30 a.m. and saw a small yellow oval or disc-shaped object close by at ground level. He called a second, female witness, who watched from the back door of the house. The 3-foot wide object hovered and moved about at ground level for approximately five minutes, 30 feet away, circled a tree, then flew off vertically and was quickly gone from sight. It made no sound as it flew, and left some ground traces on the lawn.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hal Price, MUFON Field Investigations Database, case 890806; Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1992
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4984
### Event 47256 (EAC8878D)
**Date:** 8/14/1989
**Description:** A domed, disc-shaped object was sighted over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 9:20 p.m. by a man and a woman. The upper portion of the object glowed white, while a ring of red and green lights on the bottom flashed sequentially.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON CD-ROM Database of Field Investigations, case # 900323, field investigator Arthur Hufford
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5015
### Event 47257 (C0D1ED19)
**Date:** 8/15/1989?
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** UFO much larger / 747 rises going up [to] clouds. Lights seen long time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: REVELATIONS, Alien Contact and Human Deception; Ballentine Books 1991+92. (Index 238)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15327
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kazakh Republic", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SHEVCHENKO,KHAZAKSTAN:UFO MUCH LARGER/747 RISES ↑ CLOUDS:LITES SEEN LONG TIME", **LatLong:** "43.616669 51.183336", **LatLongDMS:** "43:37:00 N 51:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.616669,51.183336)", **State/Prov:** "MNG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47258 (532B7925)
**Date:** 8/15/1989
**Description:** In Pensacola, Florida at around nine p.m. a pair of 52-year-old witnesses saw at least four red, slow-moving, silent V-shaped objects coming toward them very slowly (at 5-10 mph). The sighting reportedly lasted 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** C. Joseph Barron, MUFON Field Investigations CD-Rom case files database, case # 891010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5053
### Event 47259 (A6B519B4)
**Date:** 8/18/1989
**Location:** CANTONMENT, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. 40' silver "paper plate" over nearby house. Lights on edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15328
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "CANTONMENT,FL:1 OBS:40'SLVR "PAPER PLATE" OVR NEARBY HOUSE:LITES ON EDGE", **LatLong:** "30.600001 -87.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:36:00 N 87:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.600001,-87.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47260 (FA10D826)
**Date:** 8/19/1989
**Location:** Cantonment, FL
**Description:** Normally noisy dogs silent as disc hovers across the street (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890819](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890819dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5786
### Event 47261 (3F449394)
**Date:** 8/22/1989
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Translucent white 75' delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers over trees. Back / 23 Aug. '98.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15329
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:2 OBS:TRANSLUCENT WHT 75'DLT HVRS OVR TREES::BACK/23AUG98", **LatLong:** "30.361113 -87.188893", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:40 N 87:11:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.361113,-87.188893)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47262 (60F02B00)
**Date:** 8/22/1989
**Location:** Gulf Breeze, FL
**Description:** Cats indifferent to triangle at tree level. (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890822](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890822dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5787
### Event 47263 (5E22CD25)
**Date:** 8/22/1989
**Location:** Sunderland, England
**Description:** 2:40 p.m. A circular, flashing light is in view for about 5 minutes near Sunderland, England. At first it is stationary, but then it moves rapidly upward, leaving a hole in a cloud that then glows red.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “Another Hole in the Cloud,” IUR 33, no. 2 \(July 2010\): 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6817
### Event 47264 (8FFACA76)
**Date:** 8/23/1989
**Location:** NAVARRE BEACH, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / balcony. Delta/triangle/box-like craft of red night lights over bay. No structure visible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15330
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NAVARRE BEACH,FL:2 OBS/BALCONY:DLT of RED NLTS OVR BAY:NO STRUCT VISIBLE.", **LatLong:** "30.350001 -86.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:00 N 86:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.350001,-86.866671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 47265 (FB073790)
**Date:** 8/23/1989
**Description:** On this evening in Gulf Breeze, Florida a white or silver delta-shaped object, an estimated 70 feet on a side, passed low overhead. At 9:30 p.m. in Navaree Beach, Florida a 30-year-old couple in a condo on the beach, watching stars, saw lights over the Gulf of Mexico going slow, stopping, changing direction upward, and then finally slowly going out of view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dan R. Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1989, p. 6, citing Rex & Carol Salisberry
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5272
### Event 47266 (04629C9A)
**Date:** 8/25/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Flyby of Neptune by *Voyager 2.* (August 25)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3057
### Event 47267 (6578984E)
**Date:** Late 8/1989
**Location:** La Salle, Manitoba
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. A woman is driving north of La Salle, Manitoba, when she sees a “cloudlike boomerang” pass over her car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6819
### Event 47268 (950BB9AA)
**Date:** Late 8/1989
**Locations:** North Sea; GSF Galveston Key
**Description:** While working as an engineer on the jack-up barge [GSF Galveston Key](http://maritime-connector.com/ship/galveston-key-8751241/) in the North Sea, Chris Gibson and another witness see an unfamiliar isosceles triangle–shaped delta aircraft, apparently refueling from a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and accompanied by a pair of F-111 fighter-bombers. Gibson and his girlfriend watch the aircraft for several minutes until they move out of sight. He subsequently draws a sketch of the formation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Christopher Bellamy, “[Oil Rig Engineer Sketches Secret US Spy Aircraft,](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/oil-rig-engineer-sketches-secret-us-spy-aircraft-1563429.html)” The Independent \(UK\), December 14, 1992; Bill Sweetman, “Secret Mach 6 Spy Plane,” Popular Science 242 \(March 1993\): [56–63](https://archive.org/details/bub%5Fgb%5FIDpkBfTEN-4C/page/n53/mode/2up), [98–101](https://archive.org/details/bub%5Fgb%5FIDpkBfTEN-4C/page/n93/mode/2up); Bill Sweetman, Aurora: The Pentagon’s Secret Hypersonic Spyplane, Motorbooks, 1993, [pp. 12–15](https://archive.org/details/aurorapentagonss0000swee/page/12/mode/2up), [88–89](https://archive.org/details/aurorapentagonss0000swee/page/88/mode/2up); Susan Wright, UFO Headquarters: Investigations on Current Extraterrestrial Activity, St. Martin’s, 1999 ed., [pp. 154–](https://archive.org/details/ufoheadquartersi0000wrig/page/154/mode/2up) [155](https://archive.org/details/ufoheadquartersi0000wrig/page/154/mode/2up); Simon Gray, “[Chris Gibson’s Aurora Sighting,](https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/the-north-sea-aurora-sighting.2868/)” Secret Projects forum, November 1, 2007; UFOFiles2, [p.](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n233/mode/2up) [144](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n233/mode/2up); Marler 178–180
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6820
### Event 47269 (086D5A43)
**Date:** 8/25/1989
**Description:** Driving north on 9th Avenue in Pensacola, Florida close to Olive Road a 20-year-old woman reported sighting a white, rectangular object flying just above the trees about half a mile away. She turned left on another road to get a better view, but could not see because trees were blocking here view. She went back to the point of her first view, but the object had gone. The sighting lasted 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Carol & Rex Salisberry, MUFON UFO CD-Rom Database of Reports, case # 891007d
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5337
### Event 47270 (9F7F275B)
**Date:** 8/26/1989
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** MINERAL POINT, PA
**Description:** 9+observer(s). Huge metal sphere/orb/globe. High-altitude acrobatics. Passes over jetliner.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15331
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "417", **HatchDesc:** "MINERAL POINT,PA:9+OBS:HUGE MTL ORB:HI-ALT ACROBATICS:PASSES OVR JETLINER", **LatLong:** "40.383335 -78.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:23:00 N 78:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.383335,-78.833337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47271 (C47A7AD0)
**Date:** 8/28/1989
**Location:** District Court for the District of Columbia
**Description:** [Larry W. Bryant](https://ufoview.tumblr.com/) files suit in District Court for the District of Columbia for the FBI to release its files on [Stanton T. Friedman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton%5FT.%5FFriedman)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton%5FT.%5FFriedman)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, Body Snatchers in the Desert, Paraview, 2005, p. 191
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6818
### Event 47272 (2836E81D)
**Date:** 8/31/1989
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BUTLER, PA
**Description:** Multiple observer(s). Silent mushroom shape hovers / field. USAF jets show within 30 min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: TAYLOR, HERB: Cloud Cigar Catalog filed CCGLISTHT.TXT Case taken from HALL,Richard: The UFO Evidence II
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15332
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "317", **HatchDesc:** "BUTLER,PA:MULT.OBS:SLNT MUSHROOM SHAPE HVRS/FIELD:USAF JETS SHOW WITHIN 30min.", **LatLong:** "40.850002 -79.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:51:00 N 79:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.850002,-79.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47273 (68AD9F10)
**Date:** 8/31/1989
**Location:** Ispwich, MA
**Description:** Dog in house curious/alert to disc outside (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [890831](http://www.nicap.org/ar-890831dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5788
### Event 47274 (06E1E415)
**Date:** 8/31/1989
**Location:** Butler Township, PA
**Description:** Luminous mushroom-shaped object hovered over field, two smaller objects with red lights emerged, operated independently, departed at high speed (section X). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5789
### Event 47275 (502AB6E2)
**Date:** 8/31/1989
**Location:** Butler Township, PA
**Description:** Luminous mushroom-shaped object hovered over field, two smaller objects with red lights emerged, operated independently, departed at high speed
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_447
### Event 47276 (216635A5)
**Date:** 8/31/1989
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. EDT a mushroom-shaped UFO with a light hovered over a field in Butler, Pennsylvania. Two smaller objects with red lights emerged from it. Finally, all UFOs shot away at high speed. U.S. Air Force jets arrived one hour later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5539
### Event 47277 (C6FB5BEB)
**Date:** 9/1989
**Location:** USSR, Voronezh
**Description:** (Translated from French) several spectacular UFO landings had been reported. This news spread around the world; Igor Yadigin, 29 years old, an aviation technician, was heading to the base located on the airport grounds. Igor started his work at 8 pm and, to take a shortcut between his home and the airport, he had to cross a ravine. As he left the bottom of the ravine and started to climb the other side, he saw something bright and emerald-colored a little further to his left. The light was actually a spherical object with a diameter of no more than 70 cm; it was standing still above the ground level. Quickly glancing at his watch, Igor noted that it was 7:40 pm. He kept walking towards the floating object and was about 6 m away when he suddenly heard cracking branches to his right. He turned his head in that direction and saw a very tall and well-proportioned man wearing a silver outfit. He must have been at least 2.50 m tall and had his head covered, up to his shoulders, with some kind of helmet, with a rectangular visor that seemed to contain a liquid, preventing him from distinguishing the man's features. (...) At the same time, there was a faint flash at the level of the man's visor and something made Igor turn back towards the sphere. He was greatly surprised to see a "living" and perfect image on its screen: that of the Chernobyl power plant (which he knew well). (etc... explosions etc...) Then the image was replaced by that of the Novovoronezh power plant (about 45 km from Voronezh), where Igor had been several times. (...) (note from vog: re-projection catastrophe). Igor lost consciousness. When he came to, there was nobody around and the sphere had disappeared. A month after the incident, Igor made an interesting discovery. He noticed that when he placed his hand at about 40 or 50 cm from the screen of his television, he reversed the image. [note from vog: what interest? yet I ask to see, and if it works with my television] (September 1989,)
**Reference:** Timothy GOOD: "E.T. Connection" 1993 Trad. Presses de la Cité 1994 p. 170-173
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3343
### Event 47278 (B5BEFE99)
**Date:** 9/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The show prepared by [Stanton Friedman](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FriedmanStanton.html) on the Roswell crash mobilized nearly 28 million Americans on NBC.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3060
### Event 47279 (7109427E)
**Date:** 9/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Nashville \(Tennessee\), a U.S. Navy serviceman observed an UFO with a very structured disc shape with beams and a series of bright portholes.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3061
### Event 47280 (E4A82C4A)
**Date:** 9/1989
**Description:** CAUS devotes all of one issue of its Just Cause newsletter to a harshly critical review of [Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FMoore%5F%28ufologist%29)’s activities.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[A Majestic Deception,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Just%20Cause%20%28CAUS%29/Just%20Cause%20-%20New%20Series/Just%20Cause%20-%201989%2009%20%20-%20No%2021%20-%20New%20Series.pdf)” Just Cause, new ser., no. 21 \(September 1989\): 1–16; Clark III 371
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6821
### Event 47281 (B970C0B2)
**Date:** 9/1989
**Location:** Lac-Beauport, Quebec
**Description:** Marc Leduc begins publishing a newsletter, Lettre d’Information Ufologique, in Lac-Beauport, Quebec. It runs until June 1993.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Lettre d’Information Ufologique](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Lettre%20d%27Information%20Ufologique%20%28Leduc%29/Lettre%20d%27Information%20Ufologique%20-%20Vol%201%20No%201%20-%20sept%201989.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(September 1989\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6822
### Event 47282 (AF64D7E3)
**Date:** 9/1/1989
**Description:** Huge cylinder/cigar-shape flies over city west going [to] clouds over Caspian sea. Not dupl.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15333
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kazakh Republic", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SHEVCHENKO,KAZAKH:HUGE CGR FLIES OVR CITY W> CLOUDS OVR CASPIAN SEA:not dupl.", **LatLong:** "44.450002 50.450002", **LatLongDMS:** "44:27:00 N 50:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.450002,50.450002)", **State/Prov:** "MNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47283 (158BDD0A)
**Date:** 9/1/1989
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Huge cylinder/cigar-shape crosses road in front of car. Tilts and goes behind a hill.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15334
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1600", **HatchDesc:** "PAONIA>
This thing circled the park several times, disappeared, came back a few minutes later, and stopped. On the lower part, a hatch opened. The many witnesses (about forty according to REUTER) saw a 3m tall creature appear, with three eyes, wearing a silver suit with a disc on its chest, and bronze boots. The hatch closed and the object landed on the ground. A large humanoid came out shortly afterwards, accompanied by a small robot-like entity. The large humanoid said something and a triangular light of 50cm by 30cm appeared on the ground. At this moment, the large humanoid touched the chest of the small robot, which started to move. Frightened by this spectacle, a child in the crowd screamed in fear, the humanoid looked at him with glowing eyes and the child was paralyzed. The crowd started to scream, and the sphere disappeared along with its occupants. It was visible again 5 minutes later. The large creature was armed with a rod which it pointed at a 16 year old teenager in the crowd: he disappeared on the spot. He would only reappear when the humanoid was back on board the craft, which then took off. (Patrick VIDAL, Belgium - REUTER) This event was reported on October 9, 1989 by (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - ed. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 70) (vog: those interested in the Ummo case, say that the symbol ")+( " was visible on the ventral side of the saucer) September 29, 1989 Belgium, Chênée-Liège. At 6 pm, Dr. Christian B. was on his way to visit a patient on Rue de Chenée. Above the Cointe hill, he noticed a bright light. This surprised him so much that he stopped and got out of the car to observe it. The sky was still clear but slightly foggy. The object passed directly overhead. It had a strange, very wide, very flat construction with two projectors at the front pointing downwards, a flashing red light at the back, and white fixed lights at the wings' ends. Between the front and back lights was a kind of hatch for a possible landing gear. As his stop on the road was disrupting traffic, the doctor went to turn off the headlights of his car that had been left on. At that moment, the object disappeared from his field of vision.
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 250
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3341
### Event 47325 (6E2C7257)
**Date:** 9/27/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Schoolchildren from Voronej \(a city south of Moscow\) and adults witness the landing of a 16m long, 6m high disc-shaped UFO with a door and windows. The craft, bearing the symbol of the Ummites, lands on four legs in the middle of the park. Two creatures emerge. A giant \(3-4m tall\) with three eyes, and a headless dwarf \(the children thought it was a robot\). The large entity stares at a screaming child, makes him disappear by pointing a tube at him, and re-boards the craft. The UFO takes off. Immediately, the child "re-materializes". This event makes even more noise as the children claim to have witnessed multiple UFO landings with strange visitors. According to rumors that spread around the world, a high level of radioactivity is detected at the site, along with a "extraterrestrial" rock fragment; experts estimated the traces of the landing to the pressure of an object of more than 10 tons. Voronej becomes a hot spot for ufology tourism. The head of the geophysics laboratory travels with an investigation commission \(scientists including nuclear physicist S. Kadmenski, criminologists, doctors, meteorologists and ufologists\) created by the local Party committee. The commission concludes that there is no proof of a landing: After radiometric and spectrochemical analyses, examinations of the soil and microorganisms, we found no anomalies in the soil or vegetation. The trace of the UFO existed before the alleged landing date. It can still be visited. (September 27th, 6:30 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3063
### Event 47326 (5D72618F)
**Date:** 9/27/1989
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** VORONEZH, RUSSIA
**Description:** 45' saucer. 3M robot / park. Aims rod. Boy vanishes and reappears. / FSRv34#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15347
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "VORONEZH,RUSS:45'SCR:3M RBT/PARK:AIMS ROD:BOY VANISHES+REAPPEARs:/FSRv34#4", **LatLong:** "51.633336 39.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "51:38:00 N 39:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.633336,39.200002)", **State/Prov:** "VOR", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 47327 (82C86BAF)
**Date:** 9/27/1989
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** VORONEZH, RUSSIA
**Description:** Lt. Malayev. 45' spheroid going quickly north / 600' altitude. Exits forest toward(s) hydro-station.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15348
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VORONEZH,RUSS:Lt MALAYEV:45'SPHEROID >>N/600'alt:EXITS FOREST TWRD HYDRO-STATn", **LatLong:** "51.633336 39.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "51:38:00 N 39:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.633336,39.183335)", **State/Prov:** "VOR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47328 (840BB746)
**Date:** 9/27/1989
**Location:** Voronezh, Russia
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Several children playing at a park in Voronezh, Russia, see a pinkish aerial glow approaching them. As it passes overhead, they see that it is a deep red, ball-shaped object. The object flies around in circles for a few minutes and then leaves. When it returns, it hovers briefly, and then descends close to the ground. A hatch opens and a heavy-set figure emerges. The being moves very slowly and looks around. It has a small head resembling that of a doorknob, set in between the shoulders. It has three luminous eyes, the middle one moving around like “radar.” On its chest is a shield-like object. The being then closes the hatch and the object lands gently on four legs. The hatch opens again and three huge humanoids with small knob-like heads step out. They wear silvery coveralls and bronze-colored boots. A strange robot-like creature accompanies the giants. All four walk around the object several times. A beam of light comes out of the chest of one of the beings and strikes the ground, creating several luminous triangles that later fade away. At one point the craft and beings become briefly invisible but then reappear. One of the boys screams in fear. Then one of the beings looks at the boy and points a tube at him. A luminous beam comes from the tube and hits the boy, which makes him disappear. The boy later reappears after the beings and the objects have gone. Subsequent information reveals that on the craft’s hull and on the landing prop of another craft is the letter or symbol “zhe,” reported as similar to the “Ummo” insignia reported in Western Europe in the 1970s. In a work published by Socialist Industry slightly after the incident, a self-proclaimed UFO specialist asserts the marks left by the supposed landing were simply scorch marks from a burnt hay-bale.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Voronezh UFO incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voronezh%5FUFO%5Fincident)”; “[UFO Lands in U.S.S.R.: Read All about It in Tass,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/18040734/ufolandsinussrreadallaboutitint/)” Philadelphia Daily News, October 9, 1989, p. 5; “[A Tass Bulletin: Knobby Aliens Were Here,](https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1989/10/10/168089.html?pageNumber=1)” New York Times, October 10, 1989, pp. 1, 10; “[U.F.O. Landing Is Fact, Not Fantasy, the Russians Insist,](https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1989/10/11/464089.html?pageNumber=6)” New York Times, October 11, 1989, p. 6; “[Aliens Visit Voronezh,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201989%2011%20-%20no%20244.pdf)” Moscow News, no. 43 \(October 1989\), via UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1989, p. 12; Jacques Vallée, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, Ballantine, 1992, [pp. 40–61](https://archive.org/details/ufochroniclesofs00vall/page/40/mode/2up); Clark III 1229–1231
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6828
### Event 47329 (0E3CF3E5)
**Date:** 9/27/1989
**Description:** A woman was called by her granddaughter to look at something unusual outside at 4:20 p.m. She stepped out of her house near Tillamook, Oregon and was confronted by an object resembling an inverted toy top, hovering just above the ground. It was 20 to 30 feet in diameter and had a flat bottom and a bright yellow-white light shining at both ends. The woman approached to within 30 feet of the craft when a door opened revealing a blond human-like entity of average height with fair skin and blue eyes. He was wearing a silvery coverall uniform. The woman then noticed at a window next to the door a large hairy, Sasquatch type creature apparently seated and only visible from the chest up. The woman stared at the object and beings for a few minutes, and then the UFO suddenly vanished from plain sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case #116; MUFON UFO Journal, April 1990
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6386
### Event 47330 (07DAD308)
**Date:** 9/27/1989
**Description:** Several children playing at a local park in Voronezh, Russia first observed a pinkish glow approaching in the sky at 6:30 p.m. As it came overhead they could see that it was a deep red, ball-shaped object. The object flew around in circles for a few minutes and then left. When it returned it hovered briefly, and then descended very close to the ground. A hatch opened and a heavy set figure emerged. The being moved very slowly and looked around, he had a very small head resembling that of a doorknob, set in between its shoulders. It had three luminous eyes, the middle one moving around like"radar." On its chest there was a shield-like object. The being then closed the hatch and the object landed gently on four legs. The hatch opened again and three huge humanoids with small knob-like heads stepped out. These wore silvery coveralls and bronze colored boots. A strange robot-like creature accompanied the giants. All four of them walked around the object several times. A beam of light came out of the chest of one of the beings and struck the ground, creating several luminous triangles that later faded away. At one point the craft and beings became briefly invisible but then reappeared. One of the boys screamed in fear. Then one of the beings looked at the boy and pointed a tube at him. A luminous beam came from the tube and hit the boy, which made him disappear. The boy later reappeared after the beings and the objects had gone. Subsequent information revealed that on of the craft's hull and on the landing prop of another craft was the letter or symbol "Zhe," reported to have been similar to the "UMMO" insignia reported in Western Europe in the 1970s.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 534, citing Gordon Creighton, in Timothy Good (ed.), The UFO Report 1991
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6387
### Event 47331 (306E4B54)
**Date:** 9/28/1989
**Location:** Smith's Point Beach, Shirley, NY
**Description:** UFO landing and Government attempt at intercept: Six helicopters circle around an UFO, between 574–1000 ft. in diam. while it was close to a downed UFO on the beach. The UFOs apparently got away. The eyewitness took 48 photos of the event. This even occurred in Suffolk County.
**Type:** ufo retrieval attempt
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Reference:** [Archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20070126112739/ttp://www.20kweb.com/weird_stuff/ufo_landing_government_intercept.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_787
### Event 47332 (448FE669)
**Date:** 9/28/1989 (approximate)
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Sphere/orb/globe overhead. Beam. "Invisible man gets / car. 2 observer(s). 1 forgets.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15349
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "S/VORONEZH,RUSS:CAR EMEs:ORB OVHD:BEAM:"INVISIBLE MAN GETS/CAR:2 OBS:1 FORGETS", **LatLong:** "51.600002 39.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "51:36:00 N 39:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.600002,39.200002)", **State/Prov:** "VOR", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 47333 (61DC1CC4)
**Date:** 9/28/1989
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** TILLAMOOK BAY, OR
**Description:** 9 observer(s). Circle / night lights going northwest slow. Each night light = empty ring / light. / MUFON'90.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15350
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "TILLAMOOK BAY,OR:9 OBS:CIRCLE/NLTS>NW SLOW:EACH NLT=EMPTY RING/LITE:/MUFON'90", **LatLong:** "45.511113 -123.916673", **LatLongDMS:** "45:30:40 N 123:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.511113,-123.916673)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47334 (7392D66E)
**Date:** 9/28/1989
**Locations:** Long Island; Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York; Brookhaven National Laboratory; Suffolk County, Republican Party
**Description:** Night. Long Island UFO Network founder [John Ford](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1998/01/11/out-there/89f520c3-bb7b-41d3-a991-6c4a1a2ff322/) claims that a UFO is shot down and retrieved at Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York. Although UFOs are observed on the southern coast of Long Island, the crash/retrieval seems to be an exaggerated fantasy. Ford is convinced the nearby Brookhaven National Laboratory is part of a UFO coverup and is developing ET-related weaponry. On June 12, 1996, Ford and LIUFON member Joe Mazzachelli are arrested in a sting operation on conspiracy charges to poison [John Powell](https://www.newsday.com/long-island/obituaries/ex-suffolk-gop-head-john-powell-dead-at-51-1.3532451), the head of the Suffolk County Republican Party, who Ford believes is covering up UFO retrievals and engaging in illegal activities, by putting radium in his toothpaste. Ford is convicted without a trial and sent to a mental institution because of his paranoid conspiracy obsession.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Ford, “[The Moriches Bay Case of September 28, 1989](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Long%20Island%20UFO%20Update%20%28John%20Ford%29/Long%20Island%20UFO%20Update%20-%20Vol%201%20No%203.pdf),” Long Island UFO Reporter 1, no. 3 \(November 1989\): 2–6; John Ford, “[The Chairman’s Corner,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Long%20Island%20UFO%20Update%20%28John%20Ford%29/Long%20Island%20UFO%20Update%20-%20Vol%202%20No%201.pdf)” Long Island UFO Reporter 2, no. 1 \(February 1990\): 2–4; John Ford, “[UFO Captured at Moriches Bay?](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201990%2004%20-%20no%20249.pdf)” The East Ender, February 9, 1990, via UFO Newsclipping Service, April 1990, p. 7; Elaine Douglass, “The Ordeal of John Ford,” John Ford Defense Committee; “The John Ford Affair,” UFO UpDates, November 26, 1998; Dolan II 489–492
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6829
### Event 47335 (CF61FF63)
**Date:** 9/28/1989
**Description:** At around 10 p.m. ten calls were received by the Coast Guard and KTIL radio reporting small explosions and red and white flying lights in Tillamook county, Oregon. Sightings occurred in Oceanside, Oregon and for seventy miles north along the coastline. In Tillamook Bay a circle of nocturnal lights were seen moving toward the northwest. Each nocturnal object consisted of a ring of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** field investigator Skip Schultz, MUFON investigation files database, case #891206W; UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1995
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6403
### Event 47336 (A5883B24)
**Date:** 9/28/1989
**Description:** An anonymous USAF Col. states (to anthropologist George Dickson) a SDI weapon was used to down a UAP in Moriches Bay, Long Island; the craft crashed into the “Dune” area where it was retrieved; he claims there were 18 military fatalities when the occupants retaliated; they were killed by the use of a weapon which generates extremely low frequency sound waves which can destroy the molecular cohesiveness of known matter.
On that same date, a commodities broker claims he saw helicopters transporting a large object and three other witnesses claim they saw jeeps and military vehicles with a police escort going to Brookhaven National Laboratories that morning. An anonymous scientist “Dr. Nick” at Brookhaven told LIUFON a large object was recovered and transported there, adding it weighed very little; he claims it was wedge or boomerang shaped, he had previously worked at “S-3” beneath WPAFB to study UAP; and the technology was crystalline-based; he states the weapon was developed by AIL Electronics and it was tested at Fort Meade, MD five months prior. He stated he had been threatened not to talk about this.
“Joseph Z.” wrote Leonard Stringfield and claimed he had access to classified government records; per three Pentagon computer systems the next day, Z claims no weapons were deployed, NAVSYCOM had been tracking a polar-orbiting satellite with a decaying orbit and considered a radiation hazard; Office of Foreign Technology requested US Coast Guard helicopters to provide illumination from
above; command/control aircraft circled above; remnants were transported to a nearby parking lot and loaded onto flatbeds, and taken to Brookhaven National Laboratories via William Floyd Parkway; local police were instructed to reroute traffic at 4:22am on 29 September 1989 because of the potential radiation hazard; radioisotope elements were removed from the wreckage at Brookhaven and placed in secure storage for disposal as waste, and remaining wreckage were transported to an undisclosed location for examination by the Office of Foreign Technology on 30 October 1989. Phil Imbrogno states published NASA data showed no Soviet satellite tracking reports in that area on that day.
* _[Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf), p449_
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_242
### Event 47337 (43775FDA)
**Date:** 9/29/1989
**Location:** Great Britain, Southend, Stanford Hope and Basildon
**Description:** (Translated from French) At night, two pensioners saw in Southend a large diamond-shaped object, larger than an airplane. It had two strongly lit windows. In Stanford-Hope, the same night a man observed a triangular object spinning above his house. In Basildon, above the telephone exchange, a set of red, green and white lights remained stationary.
**Reference:** Bob PRATT - USA
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3342
### Event 47338 (1EFA9383)
**Date:** 9/29/1989
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** VORONEZH, RUSSIA
**Description:** Former pilot Yatsanov sees UFO. Also 27 September going [to] red sphere/orb/globe seen / balcony.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15351
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VORONEZH,RUSS:FORMER PILOT YATSANOV SEES UFO:ALSO 27SEPT>RED ORB SEEN/BALCONY", **LatLong:** "51.666669 39.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "51:40:00 N 39:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.666669,39.200002)", **State/Prov:** "VOR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47339 (2BD2F427)
**Date:** 9/30/1989
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** FARMINGDALE, NY
**Description:** 20 / bus. Night lights near lake. 2 circles / dead grass. Lampposts magnetized!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15352
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "FARMINGDALE,NY:20/BUS:NLTS nr LAKE:2 CIRCs/DEAD GRASS:LAMPPOSTS MAGNETIZED!", **LatLong:** "40.716669 -73.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:43:00 N 73:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.716669,-73.450004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47340 (72A505E6)
**Date:** 10/1989
**Location:** Malta, at the limits of Zebug
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two ladies in a car saw a pillar of light in one of the fields along the road. This pillar rose up to a circular object that pulsed continuously changing its brightness and color. They observed this phenomenon for a few minutes. Then the phenomenon rose slowly, disappearing as the distance increased. No physical evidence was found in the field.
**Reference:** John Joseph Mercieca, Maltese ufologist - Internet November 1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3345
### Event 47341 (97F37C48)
**Date:** 10/1989
**Location:** ZEBBUG, MALTA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Pulsing sphere shoots column / light going down [to] to field. Away slowly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MALTA UFO RESEARCH: J.J.Mercieca. www.mufor.org email: mufor at maltanet.net
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15353
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "ZEBBUG,MALTA:2 OBS:PULSING SPHERE SHOOTS COLUMN/LITE ↓ to FIELD:AWAY SLOWLY", **LatLong:** "35.872224 14.438890", **LatLongDMS:** "35:52:20 N 14:26:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.872224,14.438890)", **State/Prov:** "MLT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47342 (FB2C7A33)
**Date:** 10/1989
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Brilliant coffin shape rises / dirt road. Fast jerky ascent and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 285)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15354
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "N.CEARA,BRZL:3 OBS:BRILL.COFFIN SHAPE RISES/DIRT ROAD:FAST JERKY ASCENT+AWAY", **LatLong:** "-3.166667 -39.833335", **LatLongDMS:** "03:10:00 S 39:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.166667,-39.833335)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47343 (6C083D76)
**Date:** 10/1989
**End date:** 5/1990
**Location:** Belgium
**Description:** Concentration of triangular UFO sightings, jet interceptor chases, radar-visual sightings (see November 29, 1989, March 30, 1990).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_449
### Event 47344 (870CBC2F)
**Date:** 10/1989
**Location:** Omsk, southwestern Siberia, Russia
**Description:** Night. Hundreds of residents of Omsk, southwestern Siberia, Russia, report seeing a UFO. Major V. Loginov sees an object about 1.5 the size of the full moon passing overhead at an altitude of several kilometers. It projects four bright lights, some downward, others parallel to the horizon. Loginov watches it for 5 minutes hovering above the civil airport before descending. The lights turn off, and a whirling plume trail appears around the sphere. Pilots taking off from the airport can see the object, but it is not visible on radar screens.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[USSR: Media](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000042346.pdf) [Report Multitude of UFO Sightings,](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000042346.pdf)” Foreign Press Note \(Foreign Broadcast Information Service\), November 22, 1989, p. 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6830
### Event 47345 (53036E6B)
**Date:** 10/1989
**Description:** NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler meets retired RADM Sumner Shapiro under the pretext he is interested in working with the “group” that manages UAP information. Oechsler gets the intro to Shapiro from Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Director and CIA Deputy Director and Board member of SAIC and Wackenhut at the time. When Oechsler meets Shapiro he is retired as former director of Naval Intelligence, and works as an executive with BDM Intl.
Shapiro tells Oechsler parties in the US are in possession of extraterrestrial space vehicles and suggested he studied one at close quarters. Shapiro states teams would take the craft apart, pack them up and ship them around the country to different laboratories. Shapiro states the crafts had interlocking components that has to be taken apart in a specific sequence to get it to come apart/put back together.
* [https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00good/page/223/mode/1up?q=bdm](https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00good/page/223/mode/1up?q=bdm) (p222-p223)
>**_Note_**: BDM has several linkages to UAP besides employing Shapiro (see 26 September 2022). In 1988, BDM was purchased by Ford Aerospace and became a part of Ford Motor Company. In 1990, Ford Aerospace was sold to Loral and BDM was spun off to the Carlyle Group. In 1997, BDM was purchased by TRW, an aerospace and technical services company, which was acquired by Northrop Grumman in 2002. Northrop Grumman maintains a major corporate facility in Tysons Corner near the old BDM Intl. headquarters today.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_243
### Event 47346 (A14E6142)
**Date:** 10/2/1989
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** Massive triangle shoots night lights going northwest / Stafford and toward(s) power station.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15355
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "69", **HatchDesc:** "nr RUGELY,STAFFs:MASSIVE TRIANGLE SHOOTS NLTS >NW/STAFFORD+TWRD POWER STATION", **LatLong:** "52.733336 -1.933333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:44:00 N 01:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.733336,-1.933333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47347 (EA9C0FDC)
**Date:** 10/3/1989
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. in Ochlocknee, Georgia two men observed a round object at tree top level, emitting small balls of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case 992
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6536
### Event 47348 (BA1BCA51)
**Date:** 10/4/1989
**Time:** 14:40
**Location:** IPAVA, IL
**Description:** Jet passes. 2 cottony forms appear. Angel hair! Saucers and cigars 3 days later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 265)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15356
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "140", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "IPAVA,IL:JET PASSES:2 COTTONY FORMS APPEAR:ANGEL HAIR!:SCRS+CGRS 3 DAYS LATER", **LatLong:** "40.350002 -90.322227", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:00 N 90:19:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.350002,-90.322227)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47349 (4B8AC3D9)
**Date:** 10/4/1989
**Time:** 11:30:00.2
**Location:** 49.7510 78.0050
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1744
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7510 78.0050", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:04 N 78:00:18 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7510,78.0050)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 47350 (88CDA6F7)
**Date:** 10/5/1989 (approximate)
**Location:** PORTLAND, VCT, AUS
**Description:** Cars chased / extremely bright police-light. Continues going east out to sea..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 421)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15357
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PORTLAND,VCT,AUS:CARS CHASED/XBRITE POLICE-LITE:CONTINUES >E out to sea..", **LatLong:** "-38.333335 141.516673", **LatLongDMS:** "38:20:00 S 141:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.333335,141.516673)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47351 (F7020AD8)
**Date:** 10/5/1989
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** KIROV, KIROV, RUSSIA
**Description:** 100-120 UFO's seen / single incident. No further details. / Ashasha to Vallee.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15358
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "KIROV,KIROV,RUSS:100-120 UFOs SEEN/SINGLE INCIDENT:NFD:/ASHASHA to VALLEE", **LatLong:** "58.583336 49.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "58:35:00 N 49:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.583336,49.583336)", **State/Prov:** "KIR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47352 (3E410974)
**Date:** 10/5/1989
**Description:** Cars were chased in Portland, Victoria, Australia by a cluster of very bright lights. The UFO continued to the east out over the sea.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, March 1990
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6589
### Event 47353 (A95A4C52)
**Date:** 10/6/1989
**Location:** Tyndall, Manitoba
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. A woman driving near Tyndall, Manitoba, sees a bright light flash upward out of sight in front of her car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6831
### Event 47354 (211FA237)
**Date:** 10/7/1989
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** SAMSO, DK
**Description:** Teen. 2 disks with lights / underside going / low altitude 400M away. Going [to] behind trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15359
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SAMSO,DK:TEEN:2 DISKS W/LITES/UNDERSIDE >/LO ALT 400M AWAY:> BHND TREES", **LatLong:** "55.833336 10.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:50:00 N 10:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.833336,10.583334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47355 (133A44E6)
**Date:** 10/8/1989
**Description:** A saucer-shaped UFO flew low over Sungai Petani, Malaysia at 8:10 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ahmad Jamaludin, Centre for Malaysian UFO Studies website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6670
### Event 47356 (2AE57C8B)
**Date:** 10/8/1989
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. Anna L was returning home with her husband in Primorskiy Kray, Vladivostok, Russia when she fell to the pavement, spinning and yelling in a panic, “Please don’t take me, I do not want to fly away, leave me alone, don’t touch me!” Something invisible appeared to be pulling Anna by her arms and legs. Her husband tried to calm her and yelled at her that there was no one around. He then tried to pick her up, but to his surprise she proved to be unusually heavy and he was unable to lift her. A crowd gathered, including some local militia, and the police thought her husband had struck her and they wanted to arrest him. At this point Anna calmed down and was able to rise from the pavement. In the morning she felt extremely depressed, and her temperature rose to 38.5 degrees. She then described what she believed had happened to her: She remembered walking with her husband when suddenly everything around her became black; the road, posts, and houses had all vanished and a black void surrounded her. From this void emerged three enormous figures over two meters in height, wearing silvery clothing. She next heard a loud rumbling noise, resembling something that would be made by machinery. After approaching her the figures pulled her by her arms, but she resisted and began screaming at them. She finally began to fade out of consciousness, and her body seemed to disappear. She came to the next morning. Doctors could find no bruises nor abrasions on her arms, and strangely her clothing did not have any traces of mud on them eventhough she had fallen in a puddle of water when she claimed to have struggled with the invisible entities.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, citing Vladivostok Ufological Association
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6671
### Event 47357 (476FBB59)
**Date:** 10/8/1989
**Description:** At 11:05 p.m. a witness reported that a huge white light appeared over Londonderry, New Hampshire and changed color into a dull red, and then back to a dull white light. A second witness saw that the light was actually a triangular object with a big rectangular white light on the back end and a red light near the apex. It moved slowly, making a roaring sound, and was definitely larger than a house. Its estimated altitude was 2000 feet and its distance 3000 feet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cheryl L. Powell, MUFON investigation files, case 900719
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6672
### Event 47358 (CCD0C097)
**Date:** 10/9/1989
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** PENSACOLA, FL
**Description:** 4 / car. Silver disk wobbles rising over trees. Geometric designs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15360
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA,FL:4/CAR:SLVR DISK WOBBLES RISING OVR TREES:GEOMETRIC DESIGNS", **LatLong:** "30.427779 -87.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:25:40 N 87:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.427779,-87.216671)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47359 (A364BE5C)
**Date:** 10/9/1989
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 20' UFO low near power lines. Grass dies odd. / r123p231.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15361
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "ENDEVOUR HILLS,AUSTRL:2 OBS:20'UFO LO nr POWER LINES:GRASS DIES ODD:/r123p231", **LatLong:** "-37.977780 145.250007", **LatLongDMS:** "37:58:40 S 145:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.977780,145.250007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47360 (F302CEF7)
**Date:** 10/9/1989
**Location:** Gulf Breeze, FL
**Description:** Dogs barking at hum of boomerang (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [891009](http://www.nicap.org/ar-891009dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5792
### Event 47361 (59A81C6A)
**Date:** 10/9/1989
**Location:** Winnipeg, Manitoba
**Description:** 2:50 p.m. A couple and their child are getting into their car at a wildlife sanctuary in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They see a white “boomerang-shaped” object hanging silently and motionless in the east over the city. The mother puts the child in the back seat for safety. The man continues to watch as the object tilts and moves, revealing a bulge on its underside. It moves away, and the object goes home.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6832
### Event 47362 (C4BE5115)
**Date:** 10/9/1989
**Location:** downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. [Carl Weselak](https://vancouversunandprovince.remembering.ca/obituary/carl-weselak-1065899098) is observing a meteor shower from his third floor apartment in downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba, when he sees a large boomerang-shaped object flying north to south over the city. Over the next few hours he sees more UFOs ranging from balls of light to other boomerangs. He telephones a newspaper to have a reporter verify the sightings. However, UFOROM discovers that several aircraft takeoffs and landings at the airport correspond to some of Weselak’s observations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6833
### Event 47363 (BAC61E37)
**Date:** 10/10/1989
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** TUNICA, MS
**Description:** 300' aluminum sphere passes crop duster diagonally / 800mph. 1 / 2 miles distance.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 231)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15362
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "58", **HatchDesc:** "TUNICA,MS:300' ALUM SPHERE PASSES CROP DUSTER DIAGONALLY/800mph:1/2mi DISTANCE", **LatLong:** "34.683335 -90.383338", **LatLongDMS:** "34:41:00 N 90:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.683335,-90.383338)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47364 (EB0AF63D)
**Date:** 10/10/1989
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** Pilot going southwest. Round metal object 1300-1500kph. 1000m off left wing. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 231)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15363
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "110", **HatchDesc:** "NE/MEMPHIS,TN:PILOT >SW:ROUND MTL OBJ 1300-1500kph:1000m off LEFT WING:NFD", **LatLong:** "35.833335 -88.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:50:00 N 88:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.833335,-88.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47365 (1D05A652)
**Date:** 10/10/1989
**Description:** A pilot flying between Clarksdale and Memphis, Tennessee at 5:30 p.m. sighted a round, metallic object moving at 800-900 mph. He estimated the object was 3,000 feet off of his left wing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 231; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 46
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6734
### Event 47366 (71A17BB3)
**Date:** 10/11/1989
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Abduction try. Woman lifted toward(s) saucer. Sees net. Parents scream. Released.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15364
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "nr NALCHIK,RUSS:ABD TRY:WOMAN LIFTED TWRD SCR:SEES NET:PARENTS SCREAM:RELEASED", **LatLong:** "43.533335 43.616669", **LatLongDMS:** "43:32:00 N 43:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.533335,43.616669)", **State/Prov:** "TRC", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47367 (CD8C7A01)
**Date:** 10/11/1989
**Location:** Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia
**Description:** A 16-year-old girl in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, sees a “net” fall from the sky, apparently surrounding her, in the center of which is a bright point. She tries to push it away but gets a shock. She screams, but her voice sounds distorted. Her family rushes out of the house and sees a flying disc hovering less than 50 feet away. It soon vanishes. The girl remains paralyzed a while, the tips of her fingers burned and enlarged, and she is taken to a hospital.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, Ballantine, 1992, [pp. 36–37](https://archive.org/details/ufochroniclesofs00vall/page/36/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6834
### Event 47368 (751DB2EC)
**Date:** 10/11/1989
**Locations:** Centennial Park, Langenburg, Saskatchewan; Parkside School
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Brad Schmidt, 13, Todd Weinheimer, 13, Paul Goddard, 12, Kevin Still, and one other boy are skateboarding outside the town pool in Centennial Park, Langenburg, Saskatchewan, when they see an object with multicolored lights approaching them from the east. They wave their skateboards at it, and the lights hover silently 400 feet away at 100–200 feet in the air. They duck down in the tall grass. The object moves away over nearby Parkside School, pauses for a moment, then takes off to the west. The boys alert two teachers in the school, Bob Markham and Mark MacMurchy, and they go out to all watch the object for another 10–15 minutes. One of the teachers says the object has a bright flashing light on top and a red light on the bottom. It is more than half a mile away and only 650 feet in the air. The top light flashes every 15–20 seconds. Soon it moves away to the west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Strange Lights](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97904382/) [over the Park,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97904424/)” Regina \(Sask.\) Leader-Post, November 4, 1989, pp. C1–C2; Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6835
### Event 47369 (B05441E4)
**Date:** 10/11/1989
**Description:** A figure with two eyes and a broad mouth stood inside a glowing ovoid UFO wth two landing gear in Voronezh, Russia. A horizontal "H" symbol or insignia was seen on the craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 13; John Wallace Spencer, World Atlas of UFOs, p. 140
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6785
### Event 47370 (B6E35353)
**Date:** 10/11/1989
**Description:** On this evening 16-year-old Hatawa Barinova was returning home on her moped from trade school in Mayskiy, Kabardino-Balkariya Republic, North Caucasus, Russia. Suddenly she heard in her head a low pitched, mechanical, monotone voice that clearly said, “Sit down quietly!” She looked up and saw a thin transparent “grid”, resembling polyethylene, falling over her. Beams of light emanated from each polygon. The grid-like net began to control the moped, covering the witness from all sides. She felt a compression in her head and her breathing became shallow, and soon both she and her moped began to rise in the air. She started screaming for her mother, but her voice sounded like an echo inside a “barrel.” When she tried to jump from the moped she momentarily grasped the luminous grid and received a mild electrical discharge. Through the grid she saw her aunt Galya approaching and yelling something; she could see her lips moving but heard nothing. Her aunt, along with her aunt's husband, managed to grab the terrified girl and pull her away to safety as the grid rose upwards and disappeared. She was taken home where she was treated for burns to her hands and fingers. Around the same time other locals had spotted a large luminous sphere hovering above approximately the same location.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 36; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, citing UFOZONE Russia
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6786
### Event 47371 (F7FFFFB0)
**Date:** 10/12/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Verviers
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 9:15 PM the witness decided to take a walk. In front of an electronic equipment store there was a crowd and fire trucks: a fire had just broken out. Shortly after, the witness noticed that people were no longer looking at the fire fighters' intervention, but were looking up and moving towards Rue Masson. And there, at the end of the street, he saw in the sky like a circle formed by 6 to 8 large white lights that slowly crossed the street in absolute silence. There was nothing else but these lights. Another witness who was about sixty meters away on a cliff path said he had seen at that moment a large object resembling a saucer.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 53, 54
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3344
### Event 47372 (A2DA8D08)
**Date:** 10/12/1989
**Time:** 17:50
**Description:** 1 observer. Odd silent square-with triangle going [to] WSW steadily.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15365
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BOUYNOT,St.SAUVEUR/MEILHAN,FR:1 OBS:ODD SLNT SQUARE-W/TRIANGLE >WSW STEADILY", **LatLong:** "44.505558 -0.011111", **LatLongDMS:** "44:30:20 N 00:00:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.505558,-0.011111)", **State/Prov:** "Lot-et-Garonne", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47373 (927D0A0A)
**Date:** 10/12/1989
**Location:** Winnipeg, Manitoba
**Description:** 12:20 a.m. A shift worker in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is returning home through a park when he sees a “shimmering boomerang” in the sky. He goes closer and hears a high-pitched whine coming from it. The object starts to move slowly then shoots away making a noise like a sonic boom.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6836
### Event 47374 (EA0F9233)
**Date:** 10/13/1989
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** LANGENBURG, SSK
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent silver saucer over garage. Away going north and back over barn. Local wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15366
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "511", **HatchDesc:** "LANGENBURG,SSK:1 OBS:SLNT SLVR SCR OVR GARAGE:AWAY>N+BACK OVR BARN:local wave", **LatLong:** "50.866669 -101.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "50:52:00 N 101:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.866669,-101.683338)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47375 (D737A478)
**Date:** 10/13/1989
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** SOUTH / WELCH, OK
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Saucer blocks road! Green 7' figure(s) exit. Observer(s) plagued / UFO's afterward.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIEFRIED, Richard & CARTER, Michael: NATIVE ENCOUNTERS M. S. Graphics, 1994. ISBN 0-9642461-0-4 ( Oklahoma MUFON etc.) (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15367
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "248", **HatchDesc:** "S/WELCH,OK:6 OBS:SCR BLOCKS ROAD!:GRN 7'FIGs EXIT:obs.plagued/ufos afterward", **LatLong:** "36.783335 -95.088893", **LatLongDMS:** "36:47:00 N 95:05:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.783335,-95.088893)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47376 (662A5A14)
**Date:** 10/13/1989
**Location:** Langenburg, Saskatchewan
**Description:** 10:20 a.m. Rose Neumeier is in her kitchen 7 miles southwest of Langenburg, Saskatchewan, when she sees a flash of light near a shed about 50 feet away. An object like “two pie plates rim to rim” is motionless in the air about 50 feet above the shed. It is shiny and metallic, 30 feet long and 10 feet thick, and has a flattened top and “corrugated” bottom. Light is shining brightly from the joint between the two halves. It is silent and the dog and cattle are not disturbed. After a few minutes, it rises slowly, moves north, curves through the hayfield, circles the barn, and moves away across the pasture.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Object Hovers over Garage,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/97904534/)” Regina \(Sask.\) Leader-Post, November 4, 1989, p. C2; Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 8–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6837
### Event 47377 (45E56399)
**Date:** 10/13/1989
**Description:** Several UFO sightings and a report of humanoids occurred during this day. At 10:20 a.m. in Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada a silver disc hovered over a garage, moved away to the north, then came back to hover over a barn. A 22-year-old man out driving to meet a friend in the city of Pensacola, Florida at 8:30 p.m. saw a white, rectangular object hovering near the approaching intersection. He lost sight of it when he drove through the intersection because some trees blocked his view. In Welch, Oklahoma a family of six out driving in the evening on US Route 59 south of town saw two UFOs and two nine-foot-tall luminous green beings, near a disc-shaped object blocking the road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 231; Rex and Carol Salisberry, MUFON case investigations file, case # 891007E; UFO Magazine, June 1990, p. 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6816
### Event 47378 (61B7DAE5)
**Date:** 10/14/1989
**Time:** 06:50
**Location:** MAZAMET, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Glowing blotch / sky. Small orange sphere beneath. Both descend. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15368
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MAZAMET,FR:1 OBS:GLOWING BLOTCH/SKY:SML ORG.SPHERE BENEATH:BOTH DESCEND:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.500002 2.383333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 02:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,2.383333)", **State/Prov:** "Tarn", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47379 (CAB52F8B)
**Date:** 10/14/1989
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** SAN MARCOS, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). 300' boomerang over homes. Going quickly west / sea. 6 military jets chase delta/triangle/box-like craft.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15369
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "SAN MARCOS,CA:SVRL OBS:300' BOOMERANG OVR HOMES:>>W/SEA:6 MIL.JETS CHASE DLT", **LatLong:** "33.144446 -117.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:08:40 N 117:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.144446,-117.166672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47380 (744948C5)
**Date:** 10/16/1989
**Location:** Langruth, Manitoba
**Description:** 7:45 a.m. A woman is driving near Langruth, Manitoba, when she sees a “star with a tail of smoke going up” in the east. After a few minutes, the object takes on a dome shape and its tail is no longer visible.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6838
### Event 47381 (F23C9F8B)
**Date:** 10/16/1989
**Location:** Langenburg, Saskatchewan
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. A man in Langenburg, Saskatchewan, is driving with his daughter when they observe an object “as wide as a small airplane is long” with colored flashing lights. It coasts silently over the highway “right over our heads.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6839
### Event 47382 (606A5085)
**Date:** 10/18/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The space shuttle launches *Galileo* towards [Jupiter](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Jupiter.html). (October 18)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3064
### Event 47383 (8D7BA292)
**Date:** 10/18/1989 (approximate)
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** CAUJAC, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Moon-size fireball brightens and dims 3 times in 3 seconds. 30M altitude 300m away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15370
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CAUJAC,FR:1 OBS:MOONSIZE FBL BRIGHTENS+DIMS 3 TIMES IN 3secs:30M alt 3OOM AWAY", **LatLong:** "43.300002 1.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:00 N 01:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.300002,1.466667)", **State/Prov:** "Haute Garonne", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47384 (00C90FB1)
**Date:** 10/19/1989
**Time:** 09:49:59.8
**Location:** 49.9270 78.9270
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 190KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1745
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9270 78.9270", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:37 N 78:55:37 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9270,78.9270)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "190"
### Event 47385 (5A54DA47)
**Date:** 10/20/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Eragny \(Val d'Oise\), observation of a cloud shaped like an ice cream cone with a single scoop (October 20th, 8:30 PM)
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16th 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3065
### Event 47386 (CFFE1BBE)
**Date:** 10/20/1989
**Time:** 05:40
**Location:** WEST / HUNTSVILLE, AR
**Description:** 2 women abduction / highway 68 / local news. Separate observer(s) see night lights. Photograph / black hand.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15371
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "445", **HatchDesc:** "W/HUNTSVILLE,AR:2 WOMEN ABD/Hwy 68/LOCAL NEWS:SEP.OBS SEE NLTS:FOTO/BLACK HAND", **LatLong:** "36.083335 -93.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "36:05:00 N 93:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.083335,-93.833338)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47387 (AFF5D261)
**Date:** 10/21/1989
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** NEVERS, FR
**Description:** 3+5 observer(s). Big glow / horizon. 3 / car flee. 45 minute(s) / missing time. All returns to normal.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 317)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15372
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "NEVERS,FR:3+5 OBS:BIG GLOW/HRZN:3/CAR FLEE:45min/MST:all returns to normal", **LatLong:** "46.983336 3.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:59:00 N 03:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.983336,3.150000)", **State/Prov:** "Nièvre", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47388 (C075FB32)
**Date:** 10/21/1989
**Location:** Burkhala, Magadan Oblast, Russia
**Description:** Witnesses in Burkhala, Magadan Oblast, Russia, watch a red, shining sphere maneuvering near an electric power transmission line for 30 minutes. About 7–9 lights are seen along its edge. One witness estimates its speed as 600 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vadim K. Ilyin, “[KGB’s ‘Blue Folder’ Reveals Shootings, Landings in USSR,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2001/11/November%202001.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 403 \(November 2001\): 9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6840
### Event 47389 (A73EE5DB)
**Date:** 10/23/1989
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** PANOLA CO, MS
**Description:** Private pilot. Gigantic solid round metallic object crosses plane's path. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15373
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "PANOLA co,MS:Pvt.PILOT:GIGANTIC SOLID RND MTLC OBJ CROSSES PLANE'S PATH:NFD", **LatLong:** "34.333335 -90.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:20:00 N 90:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.333335,-90.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47390 (B0592132)
**Date:** 10/23/1989
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** Cop and family. Delta/triangle/box-like craft covered / lights hovers over forest / 2 minute(s). Shoots off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15374
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "87", **HatchDesc:** "DELAMERE,CHESHIRE:COP+FAMILY:DLT COVERED/LITES HVRS OVR FOREST/2min:SHOOTS OFF", **LatLong:** "53.233336 -2.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:14:00 N 02:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.233336,-2.666667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47391 (4B6120F0)
**Date:** 10/24/1989
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** (NW), IN
**Description:** 2 separate airliners. Boomerang going quickly northeast / impossible speed/velocity. Big beam going down. Not on RADAR!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 116)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15375
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "(NW),IN:2 SEP.AIRLINERS:BOOMERANG>>NE/IMPOSSIBLE SPD:BIG BEAM↓:NOT ON RDR!", **LatLong:** "41.000002 -87.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:00 N 87:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.000002,-87.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47392 (6DB667B9)
**Date:** 10/24/1989
**Time:** 16:30:00.2
**Location:** -21.8520 -138.9120
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Hypsipyle” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2013
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8520 -138.9120", **LatLongDMS:** "21:51:07 S 138:54:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8520,-138.9120)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.37", **NukeName:** "Hypsipyle", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 47393 (E8C3B4D7)
**Date:** 10/24/1989
**Description:** At 6:15 a.m. a boomerang-shaped object was observed 50 nautical miles south of Ord, Indiana from a commercial aircraft, CONNAIR flight 440, flying at 9,000 feet as it passed the plane. A vertical light beam and sparks were observed coming from the object. There was no radar detection of the object by either ground or airborne radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Franklin B. Reams, MUFON Field Investigation files, case # 900103; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 46, citing the UFO Newsclipping Service; Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1990, p. 14; Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 123
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7102
### Event 47394 (4322069C)
**Date:** 10/25/1989
**Location:** Gilbert Plains, Manitoba
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. A resident of Gilbert Plains, Manitoba, sees a large object with red flashing lights. It is moving slowly and silently at an altitude of 200 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “The Canadian UFO Wave of 1989,” IUR 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1989\): 9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6841
### Event 47395 (8887C7A2)
**Date:** 10/26/1989
**Time:** 00:50
**Description:** Huge nearly transparent delta/triangle/box-like craft. 2 spots quickly going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15376
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "77", **HatchDesc:** "MANGOTSFIELD,AVON:HUGE NEARLY XPARENT DLT:2 SPOTS↓↓:ABS SILENT:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "51.488891 -2.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:29:20 N 02:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.488891,-2.466667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47396 (AF9BFCE8)
**Date:** 10/26/1989
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** 1 observer. 25cm fast red fireball going quickly south parallel / ground at 200M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15377
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N20 PAMIERS>
They finally drove away experiencing several types of emotions and feelings. Upon reaching their destination they realized that, according to their time checks and their careful records of the amount of fuel their vehicle had consumed, they had lost track of two hours of their time. Later, under hypnosis by clinical hypnotherapist John Carpenter and interviewed separately, both of the witnesses recalled identical details from their abduction experience. One of them reported floating silently upwards towards a bright object overhead. She found herself in a circular room encircled by windows and panels and lit up by a diffuse pinkish white light. She encountered several five foot tall slender "Grey" humanoids with large hairless heads and tiny pointed chins. They had huge slanted dark eyes and white skin. The beings communicated with her using telepathy and seemed to glide across the floor gracefully. The witness saw no apparent clothing. She felt calm as one of the beings touched her forehead, she then watched her friend undergo some type of physical examination on a nearby table. The second woman recalled very similar details, also reporting seeing the first witness on an adjacent table. Their sketches of the humanoids were also very similar. One of the women reported experiencing a series of nose bleeds after the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John S. Carpenter, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 282; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A2285; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 738, citing John Carpenter
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7512
### Event 47432 (2658EBF7)
**Date:** 11/7/1989
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** NEAR VONA, CO
**Description:** Night light paces car. Clocks and gas = one hour but 3 hours elapsed. 2 women abduction. / r41p565.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 283)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15387
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1375", **HatchDesc:** "nr VONA,CO:NLT PACES CAR:CLOCKS+GAS=1hr BUT 3hrs ELAPSED:2 WOMEN ABD:/r41p565", **LatLong:** "39.305557 -102.733338", **LatLongDMS:** "39:18:20 N 102:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.305557,-102.733338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47433 (C1FB54FB)
**Date:** 11/7/1989
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 2 cops follow huge silent object. Strong white beams going down. / LDLN#300.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 422)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15388
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "ESNEUX+DOLEMBREUX,BELG:2 COPS FOLO HUGE SLNT OBJ:STRONG WHT BEAMS↓:/LDLN#300.", **LatLong:** "50.516669 5.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:31:00 N 05:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.516669,5.566667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47434 (C958C28A)
**Date:** 11/7/1989
**Location:** Western KS
**Description:** Double abduction case investigated by John Carpenter
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_450
### Event 47435 (A18C8A73)
**Date:** 11/7/1989
**Location:** Interstate 70 west of Goodland, Kansas
**Description:** 12:40 a.m. Two women in their 40s are driving on Interstate 70 west of Goodland, Kansas, when they encounter a UFO and lose 2 hours of time. They experience anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and bewilderment as a result. Neither women claim any interest in UFOs. They initially believe that they never left their car or observed anything further. Hypnotic regressions \(obtained independently\) reveal abduction scenarios with at least 40 direct correlations between their accounts.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John S. Carpenter, “Double Abduction Case: Correlation of Hypnosis Data,” JUFOS 3 \(1991\): 91–114
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6844
### Event 47436 (A1A99F80)
**Date:** 11/9/1989
**Location:** Berlin, Germany
**Description:** The fall of the Berlin Wall (German: Mauerfall), during the Peaceful Revolution, was a pivotal event in world history which marked the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain and one of the series of events that started the fall of communism in Central and Eastern Europe, preceded by the Solidarity Movement in Poland. The fall of the inner German border took place shortly afterwards. An end to the Cold War was declared at the Malta Summit three weeks later and the German reunification took place in October the following year.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_the_Berlin_Wall)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_936
### Event 47437 (5F007EAE)
**Date:** 11/9/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Fall of the Berlin Wall. (November 9)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3072
### Event 47438 (14B28191)
**Date:** 11/9/1989
**Description:** Shiny metal rectangular object very low over Proveshenia prospector. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 233)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15389
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PETROGRAD,RUSS:SHINY METAL RECTANGULAR OBJ VLOW OVR PROVESHENIA PROSPEKT:NFD", **LatLong:** "59.933336 30.350001", **LatLongDMS:** "59:56:00 N 30:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.933336,30.350001)", **State/Prov:** "PTR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47439 (91673BA1)
**Date:** 11/9/1989
**Description:** A shiny metallic rectangular UFO flew very low over Proveshenia Prospekt, Petrograd, Russia on this night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 233
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7579
### Event 47440 (92731337)
**Date:** 11/10/1989
**Locations:** Las Vegas, Nevada; Area 51
**Description:** KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, identifies and interviews [Robert Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar), unmasked and using his real name. Lazar claims that during his onboarding to the Area 51 program, he read briefing documents describing the historical involvement of Earth for the past 10,000 years with extraterrestrial beings described as grey aliens from a planet orbiting the twin binary star system Zeta Reticuli. The Zeta Reticuli system was previously claimed by [Barney and Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) as the origin of aliens they allegedly encountered in their abduction. Lazar’s story quickly garners enormous media attention, controversy, supporters, and detractors. Lazar admits he cannot support with evidence his core claim of alien technology.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tom Mahood, “[The Robert Lazar Timeline,](https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/area-51-and-other-strange-places/bluefire-main/bluefire/the-bob-lazar-corner/the-lazar-timeline/)” Other Hand, January 1997; Don Ecker, “Freedom of Disinformation,” Fortean Times 122 \(May 1999\): 28–31
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6845
### Event 47441 (4E98725E)
**Date:** 11/10/1989
**Description:** Communion, a feature film based on abductee [Whitley Strieber](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitley%5FStrieber)’s book of the same name, premieres in the US. Directed by [Philippe Mora](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe%5FMora)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe%5FMora) Strieber is played by actor [Christopher Walken](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher%5FWalken)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher%5FWalken)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Internet Movie Database, “[Communion](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0097100/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6846
### Event 47442 (A32715CB)
**Date:** 11/12/1989
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** FT. WAYNE, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent glowing dome with lights / 8 minute(s). Unusual light patterns. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MUFON CATALOG download. Filed here as MUFONUFO.TXT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15390
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.WAYNE,IN:2 OBS:SLNT GLOWING DOME W/LITES/8min:UNUSUAL LITE PATTERNS:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.133335 -85.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:08:00 N 85:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.133335,-85.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47443 (744039EB)
**Date:** 11/13/1989 (approximate)
**Description:** Hung.af training flights paced / orange UFO's. Invisible to RADAR.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 424)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15391
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "231", **HatchDesc:** "KECSKEMET,HUNGARY:Hung.AF TRAINING FLITES PACED/ORG UFOS:INVISIBLE TO RDR:", **LatLong:** "46.933336 19.700001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:56:00 N 19:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.933336,19.700001)", **State/Prov:** "BCK", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47444 (47769A88)
**Date:** 11/13/1989
**Description:** The FBI releases a handful of its files on [Stanton T. Friedman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton%5FT.%5FFriedman) as a result of [Larry Bryant](https://ufoview.tumblr.com/)’s lawsuit.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, Body Snatchers in the Desert, Paraview, 2005, p. 191
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6847
### Event 47445 (EFF91A36)
**Date:** 11/13/1989
**Description:** In 1989 Hungarian Air Force training flights were paced by orange UFOs near Kecskemet, Hungary. The UFOs were not picked up on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, December 1990.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7646
### Event 47446 (DBE44608)
**Date:** 11/14/1989
**Time:** 07:50
**Location:** MMBATHO, RSA
**Description:** Engineers / airport. Silver ovoid hovers. Photographs. Air Force helicopter chases and gets chased.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15392
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "MMBATHO,RSA:ENGINEERS/AIRPt:SLVR OVOID HVRS:FOTOS:AF COPTER CHASES+GETS CHASED", **LatLong:** "-25.700001 25.716668", **LatLongDMS:** "25:42:00 S 25:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.700001,25.716668)", **State/Prov:** "BPH", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 47447 (61916265)
**Date:** 11/15/1989
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** 2 / car / US98. 10M beige cylinder/cigar-shape drops into trees. / GB Sentinel.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: UFO ABDUCTIONS in GULF BREEZE; Avon Books, NY 1994 (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15393
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:2/CAR/US98:10M BEIGE CGR DROPS INTO TREES:/GB SENTINEL", **LatLong:** "30.350001 -87.172226", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:00 N 87:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.350001,-87.172226)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47448 (AAB79866)
**Date:** 11/15/1989
**Time:** 20:20:00.1
**Location:** 37.1065 -116.0134
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Muleshoe” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1009
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1065 -116.0134", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:23 N 116:00:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1065,-116.0134)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Muleshoe", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 47449 (B21C3B2F)
**Date:** 11/15/1989
**Description:** In Gulf Breeze, Florida on this date in 1989, in the evening around 9 p.m., a beige colored cigar-shaped object was sighted. In was estimated at 20-40 feet long, and disappeared behind some trees. On the same night, in Shoreline Park, Florida, an unusual circular depression was found in tall grass. It had a clockwise swirl.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case 0208
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7701
### Event 47450 (09CB9FB1)
**Date:** 11/17/1989
**Time:** 18:00?
**Location:** DALLAS, TX
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Pseudo-human/entity apparently does mindscan / Bob Oechsler in public. See reference!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN CONTACT, Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed; William Morrow, NY 1993. 288pp. (Index 229)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15394
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MIB:** Men in Black, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "DALLAS,TX:2 OBS:PSH APPARENTLY DOES MINDSCAN/BOB OECHSLER IN PUBLIC:SEE REF!", **LatLong:** "32.800002 -96.816671", **LatLongDMS:** "32:48:00 N 96:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.800002,-96.816671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 47451 (FA8DA617)
**Date:** 11/18/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Cobe*, for the measurement of the 3° K fossil radiation. (November 18)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3073
### Event 47452 (E6F5716F)
**Date:** 11/18/1989
**Time:** 07:50
**Location:** TORQUAY, DEVON
**Description:** Glowing 100' cylinder/cylindrical object hovers 200' over sea. 150' out from beach.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 233)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15395
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "TORQUAY,DEVON:GLOWING 100' CYL HOVERS 200' OVR SEA:150' OUT fm BEACH:", **LatLong:** "50.516669 -3.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:31:00 N 03:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.516669,-3.433333)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47453 (F9ED131E)
**Date:** 11/18/1989
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** LANCASTER, CA
**Description:** 800' black boomerang goes over downtown! 35' silver saucer off left tip!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 271)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15396
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "718", **HatchDesc:** "LANCASTER,CA:800'BLK BOOMERANG GOES OVR DOWNTOWN!:35'SLVR SCR OFF LEFT TIP!", **LatLong:** "34.683335 -118.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:41:00 N 118:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.683335,-118.133339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47454 (33BAEBDE)
**Date:** 11/18/1989
**Location:** downtown Lancaster, California
**Description:** Early evening. A large, black, boomerang-shaped object glides over downtown Lancaster, California. Low-intensity lights, similar to stars, outline its frame. Witness Robert Puskas estimates its size as 800–900 feet wide. Off its left tip he sees a silvery metallic disc about 30–40 feet in diameter, reflecting the streetlights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, November 1990
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6848
### Event 47455 (1CC50F5E)
**Date:** 11/20/1989
**Description:** Army base. Saucer going [to] woods. Beam hits soldier. 10' figure(s) by forest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 424)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15397
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "244", **HatchDesc:** "TARNASZENTMARIA,HUNG:ARMY BASE:SCR> WOODS:BEAM HITS SOLDIER:10'FIGs BY FOREST", **LatLong:** "47.550002 20.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:33:00 N 20:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.550002,20.283334)", **State/Prov:** "HVS", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47456 (10A98113)
**Date:** 11/20/1989
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** DORDOGNE RIVER, FR
**Description:** Location unknown. Dog frantic. Tractor lights dim. Glowing-sphere/orb/globe goes straight going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15398
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "DORDOGNE RVR,FR:LOC.UNK:DOG FRANTIC:TRACTOR LITES DIM:GLOW-ORB GOES STRAIGHT ↑", **LatLong:** "44.866669 1.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:52:00 N 01:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.866669,1.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47457 (69C94574)
**Date:** 11/20/1989
**Time:** 17:29:00.3
**Location:** -21.7930 -138.8840
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tros” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2015
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.7930 -138.8840", **LatLongDMS:** "21:47:35 S 138:53:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.7930,-138.8840)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.19", **NukeName:** "Tros", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 47458 (EDAC871D)
**Date:** 11/20/1989
**Locations:** Marieville, Quebec; Route 112
**Description:** 5:30 a.m. A couple in the rural town of Marieville, Quebec, wakes up to the sight of a strange blue light shining through the curtains. They hear a noise like an electric generator and feel a vibration. But looking outside they can see nothing. About 900 feet down the road, a neighbor is also awakened by the bright light and observes four blue objects over the other couple’s house. He also feels a vibration and describes the lights as intermittent, blinking out and reappearing in a different spot. At one point, the streetlights along Route 112 weaken when one of the objects gets too close. He thinks the lights are about 30 feet off the ground. Two other witnesses also see the lights interact with power lines. One reports that her power goes out for 10 minutes. On November 22, a strange pattern is discovered about 150 feet from the first couple’s residence—a perfectly round circle, 65 feet in diameter, of flattened \(not burned\) grass. The RCMP visits the circle on November 23 and 28, noting a striking difference in color of the flattened grass within the circle and the straight grass outside it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 149–150
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6849
### Event 47459 (12109214)
**Date:** 11/20/1989
**Description:** On this date in 1989 at an army base near Tarnaszentmaria, Hungary a disc is followed moving through some nearby woods at night. A beam of light from the object struck a soldier. Ten-foot tall figures are seen in the forest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 234
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7757
### Event 47460 (F6B916F3)
**Date:** 11/22/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Forest (Hainaut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Dark, cloudy and rainy night. At 8:15 PM, Mr. and Mrs. Dupuis in a car, observed at the exit of the village of Forest a luminosity coming from behind a bakery and a group of houses. They then saw above a house located 20 meters away, a device with headlights arranged in an equilateral triangle. The building, of large dimensions, was bathed in intense light. Mr. Dupuis stopped the car, turned off the engine and then saw a large dark triangular mass with lights at its base. The object had a wingspan of about ten meters. Between the spots he noticed a fairly wide dome, similar to a cheese bell while he perceived a movement through the dome. At the back an outgrowth in the shape of a tube is visible. Mr. Dupuis got out of the car and cautiously approached the place where the device was going to cross the road. Suddenly, directly above the road, the device descended one or two meters and emitted a red flame tinged with blue, coming out of the rear tube. Simultaneously, Mr. Dupuis heard a slight whistle. The object was less than 10 m from the witness and flew over the road at 5 m altitude, the beams strongly illuminating the ground. The device continued on its west-east route and headed towards a high voltage power line located 300 m away. Suddenly, Mr. Dupuis perceived a movement through the dome and saw a white shape. He made big signs with his hands and suddenly the object became invisible. The observation lasted a good 5 minutes in total. Follow-up: sleep disturbances for Mr. Dupuis, nervous depression two months later for his wife.
**Reference:** Inforespace No. 79 pp. 4 and 5 and VOB 2 SOBEPS 1994, p. 169
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3346
### Event 47461 (5745A883)
**Date:** 11/22/1989
**Location:** Norway, Sandefjord
**Description:** (Translated from French) Ivar Spilde, a college professor, saw at around 11 pm, at an altitude of about 100 m and 150 m away from him, a strange object. His attention had been drawn by a deep and dull sound and he first looked out the window, then went outside. On the bottom there was a row of lights, topped by a barely visible structure. The underside was roughly rectangular, but with the long sides of unequal length between 15 and 20 m long, one of the widths was greater than the length. The surface had 5 or 6 rows of small white-yellowish lights that were reflected on it. On one of the corners of the back, a large white light seemed to not be part of the "fuselage". This object left towards the southeast at the speed of an airplane. Duration of the observation: 30 seconds.
**Reference:** Menz Maarup - Ufo-Norway News
**Reference:** see December 15, 1989
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3347
### Event 47462 (8D517DC5)
**Date:** 11/22/1989
**Description:** 2 Soviet Air Force crews. Large disk with 5 beams / light. Physical-effects / pilots.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15399
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belorus", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr BORISOV,BELORUS:2 SOV.AF CREWS:LRG DISK W/5 BEAMS/LITE:PHYS-EFFECTS/PILOTS", **LatLong:** "54.250003 28.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "54:15:00 N 28:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.250003,28.500001)", **State/Prov:** "BOR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47463 (92D6E8E0)
**Date:** 11/22/1989
**Location:** SANDEFJORD, NORW
**Description:** Large square box hovers / 100M altitude 150M away. Lights / edge. Going southeast. Back / 15 December.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15400
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SANDEFJORD,NORW:LRG.SQR.BOX HVRS/100M alt 150M away:LITES/EDGE:>SE:BACK/15DEC", **LatLong:** "59.133336 10.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "59:08:00 N 10:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.133336,10.233334)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47464 (9F26B9E9)
**Date:** 11/22/1989
**Description:** The USAF SR-71 Blackbird program is officially terminated. The odd thing is that there is no dissension in the military about this. The alleged additional savings of $300 million is insignificant. Analysts point out that satellites, though useful, simply cannot perform the type of missions for which the Blackbird is suited. Some observers suspect there is a secret, better replacement.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FSR-71%5FBlackbird\#1990s)”; Bill Sweetman, Aurora: The Pentagon’s Secret Hypersonic Spyplane, Motorbooks, 1993, [p. 4](https://archive.org/details/aurorapentagonss0000swee/page/4/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6850
### Event 47465 (86F30F5E)
**Date:** 11/22/1989
**Description:** At two a.m. a married couple in Mirecourt, Vosges, France reported the observation of two superimposed cylinders, 10 times larger than a plane, with red lights, an orange light, and surrounded by flames. No noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case # 46
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7813
### Event 47466 (7A06CB16)
**Date:** 11/22/1989
**Description:** Soviet Air Force pilots reported a large disc-shaped object with five beams of light while flying over Borisov, Belarus. There were reportedly unspecified physical effects on the pilots.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 46, citing 1990 MUFON UFO Conference Proceedings
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7814
### Event 47467 (BF1D7F3B)
**Date:** 11/24/1989
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** PAPA, HUNG
**Description:** Weathermen. 4 50M orange orbs. 1 / 2600mph. Jets chase. RADAR's confirm. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 234)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15401
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "PAPA,HUNG:WEATHERMEN:4 50M ORG ORBS:1/2600mph:JETS CHASE:RDRs CONFIRM:NFD", **LatLong:** "47.355558 17.472223", **LatLongDMS:** "47:21:20 N 17:28:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.355558,17.472223)", **State/Prov:** "VSZ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47468 (FD255F47)
**Date:** 11/24/1989
**Description:** Weathermen in Papa, Hungary observed four 50 meter wide orange balls of light at 10:00 p.m. One shot off at 2,600 mph. Military jets were scrambled to chase the UFOs, and there was radar confirmation of the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 234
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7888
### Event 47469 (6EA07797)
**Date:** 11/25/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Bilstain
**Description:** (Translated from French) 23:50: 3 witnesses. "A deep sound, similar to that of a large transport helicopter with double rotors or a diesel locomotive at idle, drew our attention. The three of us went out onto the illuminated terrace behind the house and, almost vertically, at an altitude that I estimate to be 150 meters, there was an immobile object. According to the triangular position of the white headlights, it seemed to me that the object was triangular in shape, but I could not make out the exact shape. The headlights emitted a strong white-yellowish light of fixed intensity. In the center of this triangle there was a red light of fixed intensity as well. We observed this phenomenon for 3 or 4 minutes, then it began to move with the same sound, in the direction of Andrimont (SO). The dog spent most of the time from November 26 to December 1, 1990 hiding under the furniture.
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 194
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3348
### Event 47470 (07F672D9)
**Date:** 11/26/1989
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** DALLAS, TX
**Description:** 1 woman. Bizarre triangular ship with dazzling colored lights. Haze all around.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15402
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "DALLAS,TX:1 WOMAN:BIZARRE TRIANGLR SHIP W/DAZZLING CLRD LITES:HAZE ALL AROUND:", **LatLong:** "32.800002 -96.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:48:00 N 96:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.800002,-96.800005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47471 (1EAAA817)
**Date:** 11/27/1989
**Location:** RED CLOUD, NE
**Description:** Cow mutilated. Cut / abdomen. Hide udder vagina rectum and internal organs gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN CONTACT, Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed; William Morrow, NY 1993. 288pp. (Index 155)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15403
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "531", **HatchDesc:** "RED CLOUD,NE:COW MUTd:CUT/ABDOMEN:HIDE UDDER VAGINA RECTUM+INTERNL ORGANS GONE", **LatLong:** "40.088891 -98.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:05:20 N 98:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.088891,-98.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47472 (048D8F9B)
**Date:** 11/27/1989
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.2510 -138.7220
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2016
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.2510 -138.7220", **LatLongDMS:** "22:15:04 S 138:43:19 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.2510,-138.7220)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.59", **NukeName:** "Lycos", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 47473 (460DF2B3)
**Date:** 11/28/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Butgenbach
**Description:** (Translated from French) In a village near Butgenbach, Mrs. D. accompanied by her daughter Evelyne, 16 years old, was at the cemetery in front of the tomb of her eldest daughter who had died in an accident at the beginning of the year at 7:15 pm. A large light approached from the west and stopped at 30 or 40 meters in height, just above the pines that border the cemetery, about 150 meters from the witnesses. The light had a certain volume but the contours were blurred. Sometimes a shape could be distinguished: a diamond. One point was directed upwards, but the diamond seemed to take different inclinations and it was drowned in a strong light of changing colors. It was usually white but a part could be more red or orange or even green-blue. The daughter found this quite worrying while the mother found it really beautiful. When they left the cemetery after 10 minutes at the insistence of the daughter, the mother walked as far back as possible so as not to lose sight of the light.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 32, 33
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3349
### Event 47474 (44517337)
**Date:** 11/28/1989
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** WEYWERTZ, BLG
**Description:** Huge dark delta/triangle/box-like craft / rectangular-box shaped changing shape. Lights all about. Surface invisible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15404
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "WEYWERTZ,BLG:HUGE DRK DLT/RECT CHANGING SHAPE:LITES ALL ABOUT:SURFACE INVISIBL", **LatLong:** "50.422225 6.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:25:20 N 06:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.422225,6.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47475 (1B7B7811)
**Date:** 11/28/1989
**Description:** In Evansville, Indiana a security guard at 1:30 a.m. saw a slow moving orange ball that later had a steady red light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, citing MUFON Indiana
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8011
### Event 47476 (7AE713B4)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Verviers region
**Description:** (Translated from French) Beginning of the Belgian wave. Those interested in all observations will find them in "UFO Wave over Belgium 1" and likewise 2 at SOBEPS. I only take up a few cases from the beginning, middle and end here. Around 10:30 a.m. an army major participating in a march from Walhorn to the Gileppe Dam saw a large object moving above Eynatten at an estimated altitude of 2000m. The appearance was zinc-aluminium, a kind of large plate without wings and moving without noise.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - Sobeps 1991
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3350
### Event 47477 (C9917870)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Jalhay
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 4:40 pm an schoolboy saw an equilateral flat triangle coming from Jalhay "as if it had been cut out of a board". The object passed above him and he saw three lights in the corners, of different colors: white, red and blue.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - Sobeps 1991
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3351
### Event 47478 (2C76880C)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Remouchamps-Sprimont
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 5:10 PM, André R. was driving towards Liège when he saw a large, apparently stationary, luminous object in the sky. The object struck the witness with its unusual shape and exceptional size. It had two far-apart headlights, and the dark triangular body with rounded corners stood out clearly against the sky "like a ray fish without a tail". The witness then saw a second object, further away than the first, flying quickly on a horizontal, undulating trajectory, describing roughly reversed S-shapes from NW to SE. Duration of the observation: between 8 and 10 seconds.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 84, p. 16
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3352
### Event 47479 (AD02F53C)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, between Kettenis and Merols
**Description:** (Translated from French) Gendarmes Von Montigny and Nichols in a van on the N 68, arrived at 17:20 at the height of "Grosse Weide". They observed a large dark triangle with two cut corners (dimensions 30m base, 25m height, cut part 6m, thickness 2m) with three huge circular headlights pointing downwards, diffusing cones of light. This object was at an altitude of approximately 120m. A small red flashing light - or a small rotating beacon - was located at the center of the object. The object was motionless, then moved forward, flew over the gendarmes, stopped, turned in place and left in the opposite direction, towards Eupen. It was the silence of this machine that most surprised the gendarmes.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - Sobeps 1991, p. 16 to 19
**Reference:** .. .
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3353
### Event 47480 (5E52B354)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, between Verviers and Andrimont
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two witnesses arrive in the street where they live and then see an enormous dark mass motionless at about 500 m from the ground. It has the shape of a triangle with 3 big white headlights near the corners. A red light is blinking in the center of the triangle. The witnesses are convinced that this blinking corresponds to a ball placed under the flat underside. This ball is spinning like a beacon. When they get out of their car they are surprised to see the object hovering above them. The car engine is stopped, but they don't hear any noise coming from the craft, not even when it slowly starts to move, base forward.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 28
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3354
### Event 47481 (3A7410A3)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Roccourt
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 6 pm, an electrical technician happened to look in the direction of Ans and Bierset. He then noticed the presence of an enormous triangle with a wide base and rounded corners. It had three very bright white lights near the corners and a red flashing light in the center. It was perfectly still. For Mr. K., the witness, it could not be the Awacs. He knew them well since he lived near the Bierset base.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 42
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3355
### Event 47482 (A61758F9)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Mortroux
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 6:30 pm, a shopkeeper and another witness observed a triangle stationary in the middle of a meadow, 100 m away from them, at the end of a 12 m high electric pole, emitting a cone of white light towards the ground similar to an elephant's trunk; then in motion as the van approached while a large red light began to blink in its lateral thickness. It was a dark, rounded shape at the back. At the back, two rows of red lights could be seen, like eight rectangular windows. As it moved away, it emitted a buzzing sound, audible despite the noise of the van's engine.
**Reference:** Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85 p. 36 and VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 209
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3356
### Event 47483 (A25C04A7)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Membach
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two gendarmes, Nicholls and von Montigny, stopped the van around 6:45 pm on a hill called Kortenbach. The object had stopped above the Gileppe lake a bit to the left of the lit tower. The stationary UFO was repeatedly and simultaneously emitting two thin beams of reddish light in opposite directions. These beams were straight, very thin, and of constant section. They left the object at great speed and remained visible for a certain time. When they disappeared, a red ball persisted at the ends of the beams. These fireballs returned to the object by turning around the white ball for a few moments. Then the process started again identically. The UFO stayed there stationary until 7:23 pm. They suddenly saw a second triangle emerge from behind the pines, rising into the sky as if catapulted. It slowed down, inclined slightly and turned. It exposed its superstructure where the gendarmes clearly discerned a dome placed like a spherical cap in the center of a thin plate. This dome had rectangular windows lit from the inside. This object headed north. (VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, pp. 23, 24) Paul Van Brabant, an independent Belgian researcher, tried in December 1996 to almost prove that the light observed to the left of the tower corresponded exactly to the location of Venus that evening with a magnitude of -4.6, almost the maximum. (Bulletin du GESAG No. 94, March 1997, pp. 5-11) Professor Meessen proved in February 1997 during a meeting with the skeptics that if Venus was in the sky, for the gendarmes Venus was to the right of the tower at the indicated time and not to the left. [vog: by hearsay, but I don't have the proof]
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3357
### Event 47484 (191C0333)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Battice
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 7 pm, Mrs. B. observed a triangle with points of light on its underside. Through the window of her kitchen, she first saw two bright headlights. They were so close to the ground that she initially thought it was a truck, but there was no road in that area. Gradually, she made out a large dark mass and realized, along with her son, that it was a flying object. It made a turn that brought it in their direction. She switched off the light in the kitchen and saw that it was a triangular object with rounded corners. It flew very low, slowly, and without a sound. When it flew over the house, its size was such that it would cover two attached houses. They then noticed many small yellow lights on the underside of the craft "like little stars". Around the object there were small red lights that moved independently "like fireflies".
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 32
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3358
### Event 47485 (241EFF0C)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Sun sets to reveal a Moonless night. There is practically no wind, and in the East of the country, the temperature is close to 0° C. (4:45 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3074
### Event 47486 (B4856898)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Gendarme J. from the Eynatten brigade checks passports at the E40 highway border post in Lichtenbush. Through the windows of the aubette he sees an object flying at a very low altitude, with 2 or 3 excessively bright headlights. This flying object comes from Germany and passes about 500 m from the gendarme. The exceptional power of the headlights draws his attention. He first thinks of a helicopter, like those that circulate between the hospitals of Eupen and Aachen, but immediately wonders why this aircraft is flying so low, with such powerful headlights and at an abnormally slow speed. It is only 60 or 70 km/h. The craft moves away, flying parallel to the E40 highway, on the east side of it. (Between 5 pm and 5:30 pm)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3075
### Event 47487 (006DC6CF)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An official witness for the city of Euphen leaves from a point inside the city to go to Eynatten. A colleague is sitting next to him. A little beyond Kettenis, they see a flying object, with very powerful headlights. It moves slowly towards Eupen, to the right of the N68 road and quite close to it. The driver thinks it must be a helicopter, but is surprised by the slow flight, the very low altitude, and especially the excessively bright headlights. Crossing the object, he clearly perceives 3 beams that illuminate the ground and a dark triangular shape. It is a low triangle with a wide base, moving point forward. In addition to its 3 large round headlights, emitting a constant white light, there is a smaller red flashing light somewhere on the symmetry axis. This lamp flashes at a constant frequency, between 1 and 2 times/s. The surprise of the witness is such that, when he is forced to stop at the red light in Merois, he lowers the car window to check if he can hear a helicopter noise. He hears nothing and continues to observe this object from time to time in his rearview mirror. He sees that it remains on the East side of the N68 road. (5:13 PM)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3076
### Event 47488 (09E8643A)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Near Schönefeld, a bit southeast of Nispert, Mr. D., a school director, parks his car at home when he sees in the sky an object moving slowly, with powerful headlights. It moves at 100 or 150 m from the ground, but at a distance of about 800 m. The shape of the object is unclear. However, Mr. G. discerns 3 or 4 powerful white headlights near the periphery and a yellow-orange flashing light in the middle. He is surprised that he does not hear any noise. Thinking that it must still be an airplane, he goes back home. (17 h 15-17 h 17)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3077
### Event 47489 (AA400093)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Gendarmes H. v. M. and N. of the Euphen brigade are driving in their service van from Eupen to Eynatten, following the N68. They reach the height of Grosse Weide, between Kettenis and Merols. The driver of the car, v. M., is surprised by the presence of a very intense light spot to the right of the road. There is only a meadow and no reason to find such a powerful lighting as that of a football stadium. The light spot covers an area whose center is located about 50 m from the road and extends up to 20 m from it. One could read the gazette. Gendarme v. M. slows down and indicates this unexpected light spot to his colleague, saying: Look, why is this meadow so lit up? Gendarme N. is sitting on the side of the light. He lowers the window and sees a large platform, motionless in the sky. They are now driving very slowly and both observe the phenomenon. The other cars pass them, as if nothing was wrong. The underside of the platform is equipped with 3 huge headlights, pointing downwards. The contours of the headlights are circular and one can clearly distinguish the limits of the 3 white light cones that emerge from them and extend to the ground. The air is not humid. H. v. M. will evaluate the altitude of the object at about 120 m, by comparison with the telecommunications tower of the Eupen gendarmerie \(74 m\) and based on the angle of vision \(68 °\) and the position of the spot in the meadow. It is the silence of the engine that surprises the two gendarmes the most. They do not hear anything that exceeds the noise of the car and the road traffic, the window being lowered on the side of the engine, to the east of the road. So it is not a helicopter. Looking more closely, they clearly see the outlines of a large dark mass against the twilight sky. The headlights are dazzling, but the base seems to be perfectly flat. It is horizontal and forms an isosceles triangle, with a wide base. The adjacent corners to the base are cut. The gendarmes paid attention to the overall structure and not to any possible rounding of the angles. The tip of the triangle is oriented towards Eynatten. M. v. M. will specify dimensions of 6 m for the length of the nearest side, 30 to 35 m for the length of the base, 25 m for the height of the triangle and about 2 m for the thickness of the platform. The diameter of the white headlights is at least 1 m, but there is also a kind of red beacon in the center of the underside. The white headlights light up constantly and are located relatively close to the corners of the object. The flashing red light is less intense, but clearly visible. The frequency of the flashing is 1 to 2 times / s but this light does not go out completely. It looks like that of a beacon. The gendarmes continue to drive slowly, observing the engine with amazement and great attention. At this moment, the object starts to move, pointing forward. It moves parallel to the road, at about 50 km / h, in the same direction as the gendarmes. Mr. N. then says: Let's get on the small road a little further on, to look at it well. This is the path from Merols to Raeren. The object should fly over them at this point. (5:20 PM)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3078
### Event 47490 (7FCC86D2)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The gendarmes drive faster towards Merols, calling the dispatch at the Eupen barracks to report the presence of this unusual object and ask if there are any maneuvers with special equipment at the Elsenborn military camp. The gendarmes take up position to await the approaching object, but suddenly it stops, turns around and heads back towards Eupen. Even more intrigued by this behavior that could suggest a response to their attempted interception, the gendarmes immediately take the ridge road \(Hochstrasse\) that goes around Kettenis and the city of Eupen, along the N68. (17 h 24)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3079
### Event 47491 (A8645398)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) From Nispert, to the North-East of Eupen, Mr. G. \(who had already made an observation on November 3rd\) saw an object flying with 3 bright headlights arranged in a triangle passing silently at 200 or 300 m from him. (17:30)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3080
### Event 47492 (7A2AEA55)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The witness of 17:13 having fulfilled his mission in Eynatten, returns to Eupen and sees the same object again. It flies slowly, at a small distance from the N68 road, on the East side of it. The headlights are still as bright and directed downwards, but at one point the object takes a turn towards the West. The witness loses sight of the object and attends to his mission. The unloading in Eupen is finished around 17:45.
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3081
### Event 47493 (6C1ABE02)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) when they are almost blinded by 3 lights grazing their vehicle. These lights seem to be attached to a huge dark triangle. They follow the object they see hovering above the Gileppe Dam. Several other witnesses will confirm their story.
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3082
### Event 47494 (D519C390)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Rocourt, Mr. K., a power plant technician, looks by chance in the direction of Ans and Bierset. He then notices the presence of a huge triangle with a wide base and rounded corners. It has 3 very bright white lights near the corners and a red flashing light in the center. It is perfectly still. For the witness, it cannot be an AWACS. He knows them well since he lives near the Bierset base.
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3083
### Event 47495 (DFC90CE9)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The doctor M. and his wife also observe in the sky 3 stationary bright points. The witness is at this moment in Alleur, near the Loncin interchange. He parks his vehicle on the side of the road, in a clear area. Having lowered the window, he only hears a faint, low and continuous sound coming from the object. The witnesses do not see the body of the object, but 3 large headlights, almost on the same horizontal line, about 150 m from the ground. The object moved away towards the North-East. Mrs. L. is also in Alleur.
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3084
### Event 47496 (F224073E)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Mrs. L. discovers successively 4 objects adorned with enormous white lights. They come from the East, following the E40 highway. Their slowness and the intensity of the headlights are quite abnormal. (18 h 10)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3085
### Event 47497 (AF094EF3)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Mr. H., an aeronautical engineer and CEO of a company, is approaching Liège on the E42 highway. He is driving fast on the overtaking lane, near the Bierset airfield. Suddenly, a very bright flying object appears in front of him, about 200 m from the ground. Because of the proximity of the Bierset military base, he immediately thinks it is an airplane, with landing lights and on the wrong track. The object is descending straight towards him. The witness then focuses his attention on 4 large rectangular, symmetrical and horizontal surfaces, emitting a bright, whitish-yellow light. The whole is wider than the highway and covers the entire width of the Jaguar's air intake \(180 cm\). The witness cannot make out the exact shape of the craft due to the dazzling headlights. When the flying object passes over the car, it makes no airplane noise. It does not reappear in the rearview mirror either. A little before arriving at the Loncin interchange, the witness makes a 2nd encounter, identical to the 1st. When he arrived home, he called the Bierset base to ask if a landing had taken place at that time. The answer was negative. (18:40)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3086
### Event 47498 (C0314068)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Near Ans and the Loncin interchange, Mrs. B. hears a soft humming sound like that of an electric motor while she is walking her dog in an open area. Looking up to the sky, she discovers an indescribable thing flying so low that she thinks it is going to hit the roof of a house, which is 25-30 m high. The speed is only about 20 km/h. The object is very large. At the time of the passage, it is probably only 70 m away from the witness. It is equipped with 4 large white headlights arranged at the top of a diamond and pointing downwards. A red flashing light is in the middle of the quadrilateral and, around this light, there seems to be a structure with the appearance of very matte aluminum, but the external contours of the craft are not clearly discernible. The ground is strongly lit by the headlights. When the dog is caught in this light, it does not have a special reaction. The object followed a straight trajectory, from West to East. Hardly disappeared, a 2nd object - an exact copy of the 1st - appeared and made the same journey in the same way. (18:50)
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3087
### Event 47499 (BDAB66A7)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The S. family is driving from the center of Liège to the Loncin interchange, to join the E40. Mrs. S. is in the front seat, next to her husband, who is a teacher. The two children are sitting on the back seat. At 1 km from the motorway junction, heavily lit, Mrs. S. notices on her right a still more lit up, relatively flat machine. It is slowly approaching, at such a low altitude that she first thinks of a vehicle on the bridge. Having signaled it to the others, they see that there is no bridge. It is a flying object. It crosses their path, almost vertically above their car. The shape is that of a rectangle with rounded corners, with 4 yellowish white lights pointing downwards. The contours are clearly visible against the sky background and the yellow light of the sodium vapor lamps of the motorway illuminates the underside. Taking the street lamps as reference points, the witnesses estimate that the flying object was 40 m from the ground and that its length was close to 15 m. It is heading towards the South-East, at about 120 km/h. This is too slow for an airplane and the witnesses do not hear the noise of a helicopter. The children \(8 and 11 years old\) see through the rear window that it continues its movement in the same way. Mrs. S. was able to observe more continuously than her husband and thinks that there was a dome above the rectangular plate.
**Reference:** SOBEPS 91
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3088
### Event 47500 (7D7C3A85)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) M. D., a secondary school science teacher, is driving on the E41 highway from Namur to Liège and reaches the area of Saint Georges. She then notices in the sky 3 pairs of 2 very bright arrows, forming signs \< \<. They are motionless and oriented in the same direction.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3089
### Event 47501 (95545E89)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) As part of the Belgian [observation wave](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BE.html), [SOBEPS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SOBEPS.html) will record a record of 143 observations for this day.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3090
### Event 47502 (ADF442F4)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** 1 observer. Plain metallic-grey 20M egg follows road going southwest / 30kph / 150M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15405
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SURISTER,BELGIUM:1 OBS:PLAIN MTLC-GRY 20M EGG FOLOS ROAD >SW/30kph/150M alt:", **LatLong:** "50.538891 5.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:32:20 N 05:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.538891,5.933334)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47503 (9171CA14)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** JALHAY, BELGIUM
**Description:** Farmer. Metallic cylinder/cigar-shape exits cloud descending. Follows terrain going northeast / ~25kph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15406
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "JALHAY,BELGIUM:FARMER:MTLC CGR EXITS CLOUD DESCENDING:FOLOS TERRAIN >NE/~25kph", **LatLong:** "50.544447 5.961111", **LatLongDMS:** "50:32:40 N 05:57:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.544447,5.961111)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47504 (A064BCD8)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** MAZY, BELGIUM
**Description:** 1 observer. Odd-delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 250M altitude. 2 big lights. Black hole / rear. Neon glow / bottom/underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15407
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MAZY,BELG:1 OBS:ODD-DLT HVRS/250M alt:2 BIG LITES:BLK HOLE/REAR:NEON GLOW/BTM", **LatLong:** "50.494447 4.677778", **LatLongDMS:** "50:29:40 N 04:40:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.494447,4.677778)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47505 (CBD23AD9)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** ST. VAAST, BELGIUM
**Description:** 1 / kitchen window. Dark boilerplate ovoid going northeast low and slow. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15408
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St.VAAST,BELGIUM:1/KITCHEN WINDOW:DRK BOILERPLATE OVOID >NE LOW+SLOW:NFD", **LatLong:** "50.450002 4.133334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:27:00 N 04:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.450002,4.133334)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47506 (6A788D86)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** SOUTH / GOE, BELGIUM
**Description:** 2 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going east. Turns southwest then going SSW. Bulge / front and rear. See sketches.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15409
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "S/GOE,BELG:2/CAR:DLT> E:TURNS SW THEN >SSW:BULGE/FRONT+REAR:see sketches", **LatLong:** "50.594447 5.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:35:40 N 05:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.594447,5.966667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47507 (03D4313E)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** DOLHAIN, BELGIUM
**Description:** 2 / car. Grey saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape going down [to] and stops. Big rectangular openings lit from inside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15410
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "DOLHAIN,BELG:2/CAR:GRY SCR-CGR ↓+STOPS:BIG RECTANGLAR OPENINGS LIT from INSIDE", **LatLong:** "50.605558 5.938889", **LatLongDMS:** "50:36:20 N 05:56:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.605558,5.938889)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47508 (DFBBFC5B)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** EUPEN, BELGIUM
**Description:** Silent triangle hovers / 15M altitude. Beams going down. Going quickly west. / r186#84+/ r245p219+/ r41p51.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: EVANS, Hillary & STACY,Dennis eds.: UFO 1947-1997, 50 Years of Flying Saucers: John Brown Publ./Fortean Times London 1997: ISBN 1-870870-999
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15411
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "EUPEN,BELG:SLNT TRIANGLE HVRS/15M alt:BEAMS ↓:>>W.:/r186#84+/r245p219+/r41p51", **LatLong:** "50.600002 6.033334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:36:00 N 06:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.600002,6.033334)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47509 (2491130F)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** Going [to] 20 cops and many. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / huge lights / corners. Hovers over Gileppe dam. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15412
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "KETTENIS,BELG:>20 COPS+MANY:DLT/HUGE LITES/CORNERS:HVRS OVR GILEPPE DAM:>>S", **LatLong:** "50.627780 6.044445", **LatLongDMS:** "50:37:40 N 06:02:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.627780,6.044445)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47510 (35D904FE)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** BAELEN, BELGIUM
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Large triangle / low altitude going northeast. Many turns. Dome / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 422)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15413
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BAELEN,BELGIUM:SVRL SEP.OBS:LRG TRIANGLE/LO ALT >NE:MANY TURNS:DOME/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "50.616669 5.961111", **LatLongDMS:** "50:37:00 N 05:57:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.616669,5.961111)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47511 (C98AACA2)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** AUBEL, BELGIUM
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Odd shape with 3 wings going northwest very slow. Low altitude. 1-2 lights / each wingtip.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 422)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15414
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "AUBEL,BELG:2 OBS:ODD SHAPE W/3 WINGS >NW VSLOW:LO ALT:1-2 LITES/EACH WINGTIP", **LatLong:** "50.694447 5.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:41:40 N 05:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.694447,5.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47512 (6F387584)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** BIERSET, BELGIUM
**Description:** 1 observer. Diamond-shape over industrial park. R and G and west beams search ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: UFO ENCOUNTERS & BEYOND; Signet Books 1993. 192pp. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15415
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BIERSET,BELG:1 OBS:DIAMOND-SHAPE OVR INDUSTRIAL PARK:R+G+W BEAMS SEARCH GND", **LatLong:** "49.633336 5.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:38:00 N 05:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.633336,5.450000)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47513 (BC1407F7)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Several observer(s). Silent shapeless object going south low and slow. Shines beams going down. Rises going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 422)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15416
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LA CALAMINE,BELG:SVRL OBS:SLNT SHAPELESS OBJ >S LO+SLO:SHINES BEAMS↓:RISES >S", **LatLong:** "50.705558 6.011111", **LatLongDMS:** "50:42:20 N 06:00:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.705558,6.011111)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47514 (27BCA3EA)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** ~19:00
**Description:** 4 UFO's and night lights dance / sky. Cops see red ball drop from huge delta/triangle/box-like craft.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15417
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "VOEREN+BATTICE,BELG:4 UFOS+NLTS DANCE/SKY:COPS SEE RED BALL DROP fm HUGE DLT", **LatLong:** "50.716669 5.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:43:00 N 05:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.716669,5.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47515 (8101E5E1)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 19:10
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft between and over houses. Actual surface invisible. / r226#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15418
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HERBESTHAL,BELG:2 OBS:DRK DLT BTWN+OVR HOUSES:ACTUAL SURFACE INVISIBLE:/r226#1", **LatLong:** "50.633336 5.972223", **LatLongDMS:** "50:38:00 N 05:58:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.633336,5.972223)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 47516 (6077F0EC)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** LONTZEN, BELGIUM
**Description:** 2 cops. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / roads. Faint noise. Red sphere/orb/globe exits. Delta/triangle/box-like craft going northeast. / FSRv35#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Von LUDVIGER, Illobrand ed. UFO's-SEUGEN UND ZEICHEN. Berlin 1995 edition q-Verlags GmbH ISBN 3-86124-300-8. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15419
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "LONTZEN,BELG:2 COPS:DLT HVRS/ROADS:FAINT NOISE:RED ORB EXITS:DLT>NE:/FSRv35#2.", **LatLong:** "50.661114 6.005556", **LatLongDMS:** "50:39:40 N 06:00:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.661114,6.005556)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47517 (0BA2C733)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Eupen, Belgium
**Description:** Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark triangular object, humming noise, alternately moved and hovered (section I). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5795
### Event 47518 (436FC992)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Eupen, Belgium
**Description:** Police patrol car illuminated by brilliant light beam, hovering dark triangular object, humming noise, alternately moved and hovered
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_451
### Event 47519 (977D5292)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Eupen, Belgium
**Description:** 5:15 p.m. While patrolling on the road between Eupen, Belgium, and the German border, two federal policemen, Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert von Montigny, see an intense light in a nearby field. Above the field is a triangular object with three spotlights shining down and a red flashing light in the center. Without making a sound, it moves slowly toward the German border for 2 minutes and then suddenly turns back toward Eupen. Nicoll and von Montigny follow it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Vantuyne, “[Mystery Craft: Eupen, Belgium,](http://www.pattmayeu.be/eupen.html)” Patt Nayeu & Son, June 12, 2010; Kean, [p. 24](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/24/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6851
### Event 47520 (1B99AE96)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Locations:** Eupen, Belgium; Lac de la Gileppe dam
**Description:** 5:24 p.m. About 250 witnesses, in 143 separate observations, watch the same or similar triangular or delta-winged craft maneuvering overhead at Eupen, Belgium. Two police officers in a patrol car are illuminated by a brilliant light beam from a dark triangular object hovering at 600–900 feet and making a faint humming noise. The light is so dazzling that “we could read a newspaper under it.” The UFO moves slowly away to the southwest, where it hovers near the Lac de la Gileppe dam for 45 minutes. Policemen Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert von Montigny watch it repeatedly emit two red beams with a red ball at the spearhead of both beams; the beams soon disappear, leaving the red balls, which return to the object. Then around 7:23 p.m., it moves further to the southwest and is seen over Spa for 30 minutes before it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 50–51; MUFON UFO Journal, July 1990, pp. 3–7; Société Belge d’Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux, Vague d’OVNI sur la belgique: Un dossier exceptionnelle, SOBEPS, 1991; Auguste Meessen, “The Belgian Sightings,” IUR 16, no. 3 \(May/June 1991\): 4–5; Wim van Utrecht, “[Triangles over Belgium: The SOBEPS Report,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1992/02/February%201992.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 286 \(February 1992\): 5–6; Steven M. Greer, “[UFOs over Belgium,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1992/05/May%201992.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no, 289 \(May 1992\): 8–12; Auguste Meessen, “[Étude approfondie et discussion de certaines observations du 29 novembre 1989,](https://www.meessen.net/AMeessen/Etude%5Fapprofondie%5Fet%5Fdiscussion%5Fde%5Fcertaines%5Fobservations%5Fdu%5F29%5Fnovembre%5F1989.pdf)” Inforespace, no. 95 \(October 1997\): 16–70; Auguste Meessen, “The Belgian Wave and the Photos of Ramillies”; Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/138/mode/2up) [137–144](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/138/mode/2up); Kean, [pp. 24–27](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/24/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6852
### Event 47521 (D6FDC698)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Location:** Eupen, Belgium
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. Gendarmes Heinrich Nicoll and Hubert von Montigny see another object near Eupen, Belgium, which appears from behind a wood and makes a forward tilting maneuver. It has a dome on top with rectangular windows. It then departs to the north.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Joël Mesnard, “[The UFO ‘Wave’ of November/December](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201990%20V%2035%20N%202.pdf) [1989 over Eastern Belgium,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201990%20V%2035%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 35, no. 2 \(June 1990\): 4; Kean, [p. 25](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/24/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6853
### Event 47522 (E06BADA8)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Locations:** Rue Mathieu de Lexhy; Rue Hector Denis; Grâce-Berleur, Belgium
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. A man is driving alone in his car on the Rue Mathieu de Lexhy at the intersection with the Rue Hector Denis near Grâce-Berleur, Belgium, when he sees to his left an immense stationary object at about 325 feet altitude and 1,600 feet away. He slows down, lowers his window, and hears a soft sound like an electric motor. The object is larger than a Boeing 707. It has flashing red, green, and white lights and a light beam directed toward the ground. He drives away while the UFO is still visible.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Vidal and Michel Rozencwajg, “The Belgian Wave,” IUR 16, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1991\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6854
### Event 47523 (670E744C)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Locations:** Eupen, Belgium; Kloster Garnstock
**Description:** 7:20 p.m. Two federal policemen, Dieter Plummans and Peter Nicoll, see a triangular UFO near a monastery \[Kloster Garnstock?\] north of Eupen, Belgium. The object has three very strong spotlights and a flashing red central light. It is at an altitude of about 250 feet and about 300 feet away. It is immobile and silent, but it suddenly emits a hissing sound and its lights fade a bit. Simultaneously, a red ball comes out of the center and heads straight downward, but soon veers horizontal and disappears behind some trees. The object then passes above the police car, moving northeast. They follow it for 5 miles before losing it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [pp. 25–26](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/24/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6855
### Event 47524 (F78588EA)
**Date:** 11/29/1989
**Description:** From 5:24 p.m. until 8:39 p.m. two members of the Gendarmerie, driving in their patrol car just south of the city of Eupen, Belgium, found themselves in the middle of a cat and mouse game with a UFO. The policemen described it as "a dark solid mass in the shape of an isosceles triangle." It carried three blinding white lights in each corner and had a pulsating red light in the center. Throughout the three hour incident they were in constant communication with their headquarters in Eupen. Greatly to their relief, the dispatch officer informed them that he too had seen the triangular object and that additional sightings were being reported by patrols in nearby communities. Indeed, 150 eyewitness accounts were gathered that night. Several witnesses mentioned hearing a sound that reminded them of a ventilator. One policeman reported that he had also noticed "something at the back of the craft that was turning round, like a turbine." At 7:00 p.m. a close encounter occurred in nearby Voeren, Belgium, and at 7:10 p.m. two witnesses in Herbesthal, Belgium saw a dark delta-shaped object fly between and over houses. They could not actually see the surface of the craft it was so dark.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Ronald D. Story, The Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, p. 101; MUFON UFO Journal, July 1990, p. 3; UNICAT, case # 238; Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 31; (2) Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 300; (3) Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 47
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8046
### Event 47525 (D46D5F84)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Location:** USA, New York
**Description:** (Translated from French) Linda Cortile Case. Two policemen, whose car had broken down near the Brooklyn Bridge, saw a large, luminous craft hovering at the height of the top floor of a nearby building. They saw a woman in a white nightgown and three strange little creatures being carried into the craft by a beam of light. The woman had come out of the window and had floated in the air, just like the other three. The object flew away, flew over the FDR Drive where their car was broken down, and plunged into the East River. They were sure that the woman was dead and were going to investigate. However, this person, whom we will call Linda, revealed these facts under hypnosis to Budd Hopkins. In April 1991, Linda was kidnapped by the "policemen" who were actually security agents attached to the person of Javier Pérez de Cuellar, then Secretary-General of the United Nations, who was also a witness to the incredible scene that night. Another independent witness, a woman in her sixties, also saw the phenomenon. In total, no less than 18 people were witnesses to the event.
**Reference:** Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Enquête sur les enlèvements E.T." - Plon 1995, pp. 91-95
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3359
### Event 47526 (17AB53D7)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Linda Cortile](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CortileLinda.html) goes to bed. Her husband is already asleep. She almost immediately begins to feel a paralyzing numbness that starts from her feet and spreads throughout her body. Due to her past experience, she knows it is the prelude to an abduction. She tries to wake her husband, but to no avail. (3am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3091
### Event 47527 (93878C95)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Linda Cortile](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CortileLinda.html) notices a gray being appearing in the room and throwing a pillow in her direction. Then she is totally paralyzed and feels her head empty, although she vaguely remembers someone touching her spine. (3:15)
**Reference:** Testimony of [Cortile](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CortileLinda.html) to [Budd Hopkins](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HopkinsBudd.html), conscious but fragmentary memories of what happened. All she remembers afterwards is returning to her bed
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3092
### Event 47528 (A7BA4066)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** MANHATTAN, NY
**Description:** Several observer(s). Woman and 3 small humanoids (or Greys) float / 12-story airport/apartment to UFO. / IURv22#1+/ MJ#296.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: HOPKINS, Budd: WITNESSED: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge Abductions. Pocket Books, NY 1996 ISBN 0-671-56915-5 (Linda Cortile)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15421
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MANHATTAN,NY:SVRL OBS:WOMAN+3 OIDS FLOAT/12-STORY APT to UFO:/IURv22#1+/MJ#296", **LatLong:** "40.800002 -73.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:48:00 N 73:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.800002,-73.933337)", **RelAlt:** "40", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 47529 (7F2796A4)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft passes low over roadway. 2 large lights / front. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15422
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "S/PLOMBIERES,BELG:DLT PASSES LO OVR ROADWAY:2 LRG LITES/FRONT:ABS SILENT", **LatLong:** "50.700002 5.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:42:00 N 05:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.700002,5.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47530 (BE99ABA9)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. Dark arrowhead drops and hovers by power station/depot/facility. Bright lights come on.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 265)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15423
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:1 OBS:DRK ARROWHEAD DROPS+HVRS BY POWER STn:BRITE LITES COME ON", **LatLong:** "30.355557 -87.188893", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:20 N 87:11:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.355557,-87.188893)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47531 (0E91E3DE)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Location:** New York City, NY
**Description:** Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by international figure and security guards (Hopkins, 1996). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5796
### Event 47532 (D129FDBD)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Location:** New York City
**Description:** Linda Cortile's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by international figure and security guards (Hopkins, 1996). 1990
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_452
### Event 47533 (FE2C3C5E)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Locations:** New York City; Brooklyn Bridge; East River
**Description:** 3:15 a.m. New York City resident Linda Napolitano \(pseudonym “Linda Cortile”\) is allegedly abducted by aliens from her 12th-story apartment on the lower east side of Manhattan. Five aliens come into her bedroom while she is still awake. They paralyze her and move her into the living room. Linda and three of the five aliens are floated out through her living room window, directly through the window, to a large hovering UFO. Three independent witnesses to the abduction are two security intelligence agents \(“Richard” and “Dan”\), who see the UFO and abductees from a car near the Brooklyn Bridge, and a VIP political dignitary later identified as UN Secretary General [Javier Pérez de Cuéllar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javier%5FP%C3%A9rez%5Fde%5FCu%C3%A9llar), who does not confirm any involvement. The UFO then dives into the East River. [Budd Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins) delves into the case, although he never meets the two security guards or even confirms their existence. Music critic [Greg Sandow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg%5FSandow) writes an insightful analysis of the case in 1997. Hopkins’s former wife Carol Rainey has been critical of the quality of his abduction research in this case and in that of singer [Phoebe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebe%5FSnow) [Snow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebe%5FSnow)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoebe%5FSnow) which he never publicized.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** \(Budd Hopkins, “[The Linda Cortile Abduction Case,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1992/09/September%201992.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 293 \(September 1992\): 12–16; Budd Hopkins, “[The Linda Cortile Abuction Case, Part II: The Woman on the](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1992/12/December%201992.pdf) [Bridge,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1992/12/December%201992.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 296 \(December 1992\): 5–9; Joseph J. Stefula, Richard D. Butler, and George P. Hansen, “[A Critique of Budd Hopkins’ Case of the UFO Abduction of Linda Napolitano,](http://www.tricksterbook.com/ArticlesOnline/LindaCortileCase.htm)” January 8, 1993; Jerome Clark, “Saucer Smearers,” IUR 18, no. 2 \(March/April 1993\): 3, 22–24; “The Claims in Question,” IUR 18, no. 2 \(March/April 1993\): 4–5; Donald A. Johnson, “Why the Linda Case Is a Hoax,” IUR 18, no. 2 \(March/April 1993\): 5, 22; Willy Smith, “The Impossible Testimony of Janet Kimball,” IUR 18, no. 2 \(March/April 1993\): 6–7, 21; Budd Hopkins, “House of Cards: The Butler/Hansen/Stefula Critique of the Cortile Case,” IUR 18, no. 2 \(March/April 1993\): 8–14, 21; David M. Jacobs, “A Matter of Ethics,” IUR 18, no. 2 \(March/April 1993\): 15–16; John E. Mack, “Stirring Our Deepest Fears,” IUR 18, no. 2 \(March/April 1993\): 17, 21; Willy Smith, et al., “The Linda Case,” IUR 18, no. 3 \(May/June 1993\): 22–23; Linda Cortile \[Napolitano\], “[A](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1993/06/June%201993.pdf) [Light at the End of the Tunnel,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1993/06/June%201993.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 302 \(June 1993\): 12–17; Budd Hopkins, [Witnessed:](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780671569150) [The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780671569150)[,](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780671569150) Pocket Books, 1996; Greg Sandow, “The Linda Cortile Case Analyzed: Part 1,” IUR 22, no. 1 \(Spring 1997\): 18–23; Greg Sandow, “The Linda Cortile Case Analyzed: Part 2,” IUR 22, no. 2 \(Summer 1997\): 3–10, 35–36; Kevin D. Randle, “[A Response to Budd Hopkins,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2011/02/response-to-budd-hopkins.html)” A Different Perspective, February 18, 2011; Carol Rainey, “[The Singer’s Hybrid Daughter, Part I,](http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-singers-hybrid-daughter-part-i.html)” The UFO Trail, February 5, 2016; Carol Rainey, “[The Singer’s Hybrid Daughter, Part II,](http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-singers-hybrid-daughter-part-ii.html)” The UFO Trail, February 22, 2016; Sean F. Meers, “The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case: Abstract,” February 27, 2012\).
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6856
### Event 47534 (6F1EFDE6)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Description:** At 9:20 p.m. a delta-shaped object passed low over a road south of Plombieres, Belgium. It had two large lights in front, and was silent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 45
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8088
### Event 47535 (57D2E986)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Description:** In Pensacola, Florida at 6:30 p.m. a huge glowing object was filmed at it hovered over the Gulf of Mexico, then moved west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 218, citing UFO Newsclipping Service
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8089
### Event 47536 (A4E08075)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Description:** Driving on Highway 98 near Gulf Breeze, Florida at 9:45 p.m. a 50-year-old woman saw a dark arrowhead-shaped object in the sky. She parked her car to watch. The object rapidly and silently descended and hovered near power substation, then its bright lights came on.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dan Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, May 1990, p. 21, citing Carol and Rex Salisberry, case # 900422B
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8090
### Event 47537 (74ACF82E)
**Date:** 11/30/1989
**Description:** Two very large triangular objects, 100 feet above the ground, were encountered in the Midway area of Gadsden county, Florida at 10:00 p.m. They caused unspecified electromagnetic effects on the car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 219, citing UFO Newsclipping Service
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8091
### Event 47538 (001BD140)
**Date:** 12/1989
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** 3 hunters. Camouflaged door opens / grounds / NSA base. Saucer exits!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN CONTACT, Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed; William Morrow, NY 1993. 288pp. (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15424
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PINE GAP,AUSTRALIA:3 HUNTERS:CAMOUFLAGED DOOR OPENS/GNDS/NSA BASE:SCR EXITS!", **LatLong:** "-23.666668 133.833340", **LatLongDMS:** "23:40:00 S 133:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.666668,133.833340)", **State/Prov:** "Northern Territory", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47539 (86A7BBA9)
**Date:** 12/1989
**Time:** ~20:00
**Description:** 1 observer. Dull grey ovoid / yard. Power out. Burnt grass and tree.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15425
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "VILLEFRANCHE-s-CHER,FR:1 OBS:DULL GRY OVOID/YARD:POWER OUT:BURNT GRASS+TREE", **LatLong:** "47.294447 1.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:17:40 N 01:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.294447,1.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Loir-et-Cher", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47540 (4B6BDC99)
**Date:** 12/1/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Jalhay
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 6:45 pm, a nurse and 4 other witnesses observed an object triangular in shape at 75 m that was heading towards the Gileppe Dam while emitting a faint humming sound. (Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85 p. 37) The witnesses noticed a geometric figure made up of 3 lights: one white, one blue, one red. This object moved in a straight and uniform manner, a bit faster than a tourist plane. The phenomenon passed at an estimated altitude between 50 and 100 meters above the witnesses. The children claimed to have heard a sound of an electric motor. Only the lights were visible, no structure was observed.
**Reference:** VOB 2 -SOBEPS 1994, p. 196
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3360
### Event 47541 (2E2AC328)
**Date:** 12/1/1989
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** ANS, BELGIUM
**Description:** Military and civil observer(s). Rounded delta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Lights turn all directions. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v35#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15426
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ANS,BELGIUM:MIL+CIV OBS:ROUNDED DLT/LO ALT:LITES TURN ALL DIRs:/FSR v35#4", **LatLong:** "50.633336 5.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:38:00 N 05:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.633336,5.533334)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47542 (ECA440FC)
**Date:** 12/1/1989
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** Several observer(s). White boomerang chased / 4 black Huey-helicopters. 8cm / arm length.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 116)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15427
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:SVRL OBS:WHT BOOMERANG CHASED/4 BLK HUEY-COPTERS:8cm/ARM LNGTH", **LatLong:** "39.783335 -86.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:47:00 N 86:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.783335,-86.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47543 (310B4DD2)
**Date:** 12/1/1989
**Locations:** Square Nicolaï; Ans; Liège; Belgium
**Description:** Weather forecaster Francesco Valenzano and his young daughter are walking in the Square Nicolaï in Ans, Liège, Belgium, when they see a large, slow-moving craft approaching at low altitude. The object silently makes a tour of the square; when it passes over their heads, they notice it has a delta shape with three lights in a triangular position and a red rotating light in the middle and positioned lower than the belly of the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [pp. 27–28](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/26/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6857
### Event 47544 (6913376F)
**Date:** 12/1/1989
**Location:** Eupen, Belgium
**Description:** 6:50 p.m. An amateur photographer is sitting in his living room at Eupen, Belgium, when he sees a lozenge-shaped UFO with two white lights at each corner. He draws a sketch but fails to take a photo. He sees a similar object on January 10, 1990.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Auguste Meessen, “The Belgian Sightings,” IUR 16, no. 3 \(May/June 1991\): 8–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6858
### Event 47545 (F2FCFCB5)
**Date:** 12/1/1989
**Description:** On this evening in 1989 a 51-year-old man and two other witnesses saw a UFO maneuver at about 600 feet altitude in Indianapolis, Indiana. It was escorted by what looked like four black, Huey-model helicopters. All five craft moved slowly into the distance until out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Norma Croda, MUFON case investigation database, case # 900823
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8111
### Event 47546 (4FC410B2)
**Date:** 12/2/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Trooz \(Belgium\), 6 people saw a stationary object for 10 minutes
**Reference:** \[VOB II, p. 141 \< Méheust 2000\].
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3093
### Event 47547 (8498F1C5)
**Date:** 12/2/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Jemeppe-sur-Sambre \(Belgium\), 2 witnesses see an object the size of a football field that remains stationary for 5 minutes
**Reference:** \[Méheust 2000\].
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3094
### Event 47548 (AC2042EF)
**Date:** 12/2/1989
**End date:** 12/3/1989
**Locations:** Malta; Berlin Wall
**Description:** President [George H. W. Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FH.%5FW.%5FBush) and Soviet General Secretary [Mikhail Gorbachev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail%5FGorbachev) meet in Malta, just weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall. During the summit, Bush and Gorbachev declare an end to the Cold War, although whether it is truly such is a matter of debate.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Malta Summit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malta%5FSummit)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6859
### Event 47549 (E9B6AD61)
**Date:** 12/3/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Plombières-Eupen
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the shape of a boomerang, emitting a sound like a lawnmower, at 15:45, while 7 investigators from Sobeps were searching the city for previous testimonies, without any of them noticing anything unusual. One of the rare Belgian cases where the word "boomerang" appears, which is very frequently used in similar American testimonies.
**Reference:** Franck Boitte - Inforespace n° 85, p. 30, 31
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3361
### Event 47550 (71C29519)
**Date:** 12/4/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Eupen
**Description:** (Translated from French) Miss Nicole B. and her mother Hannelore were taking the Frankendelle at 8:05 PM when suddenly in the middle of the ascent they saw a series of bright lights above the roofs of a school boarding house 150 m to the right of the Frankendelle. After about ten seconds the witnesses stopped the car and got out. "There were three white lights and in the center a larger red light that pulsed. It made no noise. It seemed to belong to a relatively flat object. (VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 73, 74)"
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3362
### Event 47551 (8E3E867E)
**Date:** 12/4/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Liège
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 11pm, a housewife saw in the middle of the city, a kind of small single-seater plane, 6m long with the same wingspan, zigzagging between buildings at 50m altitude. Fuselage made of juxtaposed cubes, short and very wide wings, two strong white lights at each end of the wings, and a strong yellow light at the front. The witness was 70 years old. Resembling a remote-controlled plane. (1989, 4th December)
**Reference:** Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85, p. 37
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3363
### Event 47552 (8C981CF7)
**Date:** 12/4/1989
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** MT. CARMEL, IN
**Description:** 2 / car. Odd "space shuttle" maneuvers over car. Fuses Blown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MUFON CATALOG download. Filed here as MUFONUFO.TXT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15428
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "312", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.CARMEL,IN:2/CAR:ODD "SPACE SHUTTLE" MNVRS OVR CAR:FUSES BLOWN:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.405557 -84.872226", **LatLongDMS:** "39:24:20 N 84:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.405557,-84.872226)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47553 (627A6A7E)
**Date:** 12/5/1989
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** GREEN BAY, WI
**Description:** House shakes violently. Lady photographs silver saucer emitting balls / light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: UFO ABDUCTIONS in GULF BREEZE; Avon Books, NY 1994 (Index 285)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15429
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "GREEN BAY,WI:HOUSE SHAKES VIOLENTLY:LADY FOTOS SLVR SCR EMITTING BALLS/LITE", **LatLong:** "44.516669 -88.011115", **LatLongDMS:** "44:31:00 N 88:00:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.516669,-88.011115)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47554 (433FA325)
**Date:** 12/5/1989
**Alternate date:** 12/12/1989
**Location:** Trierer Strasse, Aachen, Germany
**Description:** 9:50 p.m. A couple is driving on the Trierer Strasse in Aachen, Germany, when they see a flying object cut across the road in front of them to the right. It has two headlights in front, emitting beams that slant downwards. There is a flashing orange light on the underside. The same object reappears at their home around 11:15 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Auguste Meessen, “The Belgian Sightings,” IUR 16, no. 3 \(May/June 1991\): 9–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6860
### Event 47555 (B9368996)
**Date:** 12/5/1989
**Description:** On this afternoon in Green Bay, Wisconsin a house was shaken violently. The woman witness photographed a silver disc-shaped object emitting balls of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ed Walters, UFO Abductions at Gulf Breeze, p. 285
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8215
### Event 47556 (6B14345B)
**Date:** 12/6/1989
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BATTICE, BELGIUM
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Dark triangle rumbles going quickly north / 400kph. Luminous tentacles extend and retract.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15430
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BATTICE,BELG:3 OBS:DRK TRIANGLE RUMBLES>>N/400kph:LUM.TENTACLES EXTEND+RETRACT", **LatLong:** "50.616669 5.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:37:00 N 05:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.616669,5.816667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47557 (BF79BFF3)
**Date:** 12/6/1989
**Description:** A couple driving in the farm community of Blyton, Illinois saw some yellowish orange lights pace their car for several miles at about 7:00 p.m., blinking out whenever there was oncoming traffic, then turning back on. Finally, all the lights blinked out and were gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Poe Clark Poe, MUFON Field Investigations Database, case # 900743
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8245
### Event 47558 (3D419DD1)
**Date:** 12/7/1989
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** MIAMI, FL
**Description:** Watchman / mall. 225cm giant / parking Lot. Big head. Cat-eyes. 2 others by.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 234)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15431
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MIAMI,FL:WATCHMAN/MALL:225cm GIANT/PARKING LOT:BIG HEAD:CAT-EYES:2 OTHERS BY", **LatLong:** "25.777779 -80.172226", **LatLongDMS:** "25:46:40 N 80:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.777779,-80.172226)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 47559 (C1B3DCF2)
**Date:** 12/8/1989
**Location:** SAN DIEGO, CA
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Night lights over city / 30 minute(s). 1 buzzes truck. Octagon with vee / rear end.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 235)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15432
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SAN DIEGO,CA:2+OBS:NLTS OVR CITY/30min:1 BUZZES TRUCK:OCTAGON W VEE/REAR END", **LatLong:** "32.700002 -117.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:42:00 N 117:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.700002,-117.166672)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47560 (6054DA6A)
**Date:** 12/8/1989
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2311 -116.4094
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Barnwell” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1789
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2311 -116.4094", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:52 N 116:24:34 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2311,-116.4094)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Barnwell", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 47561 (05D691E2)
**Date:** 12/8/1989
**Description:** At 4:30 a.m. a security guard name Arias was patrolling the Colonial Palms shopping mall in Miami, Florida just south of the city when he encountered three very tall beings standing in the parking lot area. The humanoids were described as being at least seven feet, five inches tall, thin, with large heads and huge cat-like eyes. The guard ran to the closest payphone and dialed the emergency number. A police unit was dispatched but a search of the immediate vicinity failed to find anything.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 234; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 447, citing Miami Herald
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8276
### Event 47562 (11A170CB)
**Date:** 12/8/1989
**Description:** In 1989 a number of nocturnal lights were seen over the city of San Diego, California for about 30 minutes. One UFO buzzed a pickup truck. The witnesses said it had an octagon shape with a V-shape at the rear edge of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1991, p. 235
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8277
### Event 47563 (C9308CFF)
**Date:** 12/10/1989
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** CONCORD, NH
**Description:** 2 / car. 70' silver cylinder/cylindrical object near ground. White lights / ends and blue / top. 3 portholes. Rises fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 270)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15433
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "87", **HatchDesc:** "CONCORD,NH:2/CAR:70'SLVR CYL nr GND:WHT LITES/ENDS+BLU/TOP:3 PORTS:RISES FAST", **LatLong:** "43.216669 -71.550003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:13:00 N 71:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.216669,-71.550003)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47564 (50605E0E)
**Date:** 12/10/1989
**Description:** In 1989, at 11:24 p.m. while driving in Concord, New Hampshire a couple saw a 70 foot long silver, cylindrical object hovering low overhead as they crossed a bridge on the Merrimack River. It had white lights on the ends and a blue light on top, and 3 portholes. The object moved to one side, and then rose out of sight fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cheryl Powell, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1990, MUFON case file # 900722
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8323
### Event 47565 (6FB8C572)
**Date:** 12/11/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Jemeppe sur Sambre
**Description:** (Translated from French) From 18:15 to 18:50 two witnesses, one of them a public servant, observed a grey matte triangular object surrounded by several red glows; this object ejected twice clusters of 6 to 10 orange luminous balls in the direction of the stopped car of the witnesses: distance of these balls relative to them: 10 meters. (Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85, p. 37) This cluster passed under a high tension line and was immediately returned towards the luminous structure; a new cluster of these small red lights made the same journey, under the high tension line. The red elements remained grouped. They came out of the lower part of the object and the cluster they formed had the size of a car. There must have been 10 to 20 of them, without forming a precise shape. Dimension of the craft: the size of a football field.
**Reference:** VOB 2, SOBEPS 1994, p. 165
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3364
### Event 47566 (852A38EA)
**Date:** 12/11/1989
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dull distant roar. Hazy object with several lights hovers / low overhead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15434
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "La LOUVIERE,BELG:2 OBS:DULL DISTANT ROAR:HAZY OBJ W/SVRL LITES HVRS/LO OVHD", **LatLong:** "50.466669 4.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:28:00 N 04:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.466669,4.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47567 (A013CE26)
**Date:** 12/11/1989
**Time:** 18:50
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Absolute(ly) silent object with panels makes tight turn. Rotating light / top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15435
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GEMBLOUX,BELG:2 OBS:ABS SLNT OBJ W/PANELS MAKES TIGHT TURN:ROTATING LITE/TOP", **LatLong:** "50.544447 4.694445", **LatLongDMS:** "50:32:40 N 04:41:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.544447,4.694445)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47568 (98EB8ACD)
**Date:** 12/11/1989
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** JUMET, BELGIUM
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). 5-10M black saucer with grey-clear dome. Hovers / 20 second(s) then shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15436
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "JUMET,BELG:2 SEP.OBS:5-10M BLK SCR W/GRY-CLR DOME:HVRS/20sec THEN SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "50.416669 4.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:25:00 N 04:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.416669,4.400000)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47569 (F8F750C2)
**Date:** 12/11/1989
**Location:** Trooz, Belgium
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. A 12-year-old boy and his family in Trooz, Belgium, watch a domed, triangular object for 15 minutes. It is hovering at first, then passes above their house.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [p. 28](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/28/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6861
### Event 47570 (17BBB1B1)
**Date:** 12/11/1989
**Locations:** Rue de Sart Ernage; Ernage; Gembloux; Belgium
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. Lt. Col. André Amond of the Belgian Army and his wife spot a strange aerial object while they are driving on the deserted Rue de Sart Ernage between Ernage and Gembloux, Belgium. It looks like a series of 3–4 panels of light traveling north to south at an altitude of 650–980 feet. Beneath the series of panels, and close to the center, is a rotating red lamp. Amond stops where the road dead ends and watches the UFO pass for 2–4 minutes. Then the object abruptly changes course and silently heads in his direction. Only an enormous spot of white light is visible now, “much bigger than the spotlight of a big air carrier.” They both are frightened, so Amond starts the car again. The big light disappears, and three smaller white spotlights become visible, which form a more or less equilateral triangle. The rotating red light is still there, now seen in profile. The object then performs a turn of 180° to the left. The distance between the white luminous points is estimated at approximately 33 feet. They cannot distinguish any solid object around this triangle of three lights. The maneuver is majestic and slow. Next, the luminous points disappear. Only the red rotating light is still visible, and it takes off in a south- southwesterly direction. The duration of the sighting is about 5–8 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [pp. 28–29](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/28/mode/2up); Wim van Utrecht, “[The Lieutenant-Colonel and the UFO,](https://www.caelestia.be/ernage.html)” Caelestia, January 7, 2016;
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6862
### Event 47571 (18BF6500)
**Date:** 12/12/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Jupille sur Meuse.
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 2:15 in the morning, a close encounter at Jupille sur Meuse. The witness was woken up by an unusual noise and thought that the circulator of the boiler was not working properly. He got up (...) Object in the shape of an egg, more rounded at the front where the witness distinguished a window or a dark windshield that had the aspect of plexiglas. The object was gray-matte, dull, without any shiny effect. A kind of horizontal band resembling a throat in which several small lamps of a bluish and reddish brilliance encircled the object. At the back, an orifice in which was planted a kind of fin or oar of the same gray-matte aspect. The underside had three protuberances where spotlights were housed, turned off at the beginning of the observation. At the back of the large window, a kind of logo, three intertwined ellipses that made one think of the trajectories of electrons around a nucleus. The size: about twenty meters. The witness had the impression of contemplating a material but "blurry" object, although it was only 80 m away. When leaving, the object lit up the three spotlights under its body. Suddenly, no more sound or light: it was over. (...)
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 80 p. 32 to 42
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3365
### Event 47572 (42AF70AA)
**Date:** 12/12/1989
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** JUPILLE, BELGIUM
**Description:** Throbbing sound. Large ovoid / oval logo on side. Beams going down [to] and going up. Traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: UFO ENCOUNTERS & BEYOND; Signet Books 1993. 192pp. (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15437
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "JUPILLE,BELGIUM:THROBBING SOUND:LRG OVOID/OVAL LOGO ON SIDE:BEAMS ↓+↑:TRACES", **LatLong:** "50.200002 5.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:12:00 N 05:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.200002,5.533334)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 47573 (82F06916)
**Date:** 12/12/1989
**Location:** Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium
**Description:** 2:15 a.m. A man in Jupille-sur-Meuse, Belgium, wakes up to a dull throbbing noise coming from outside. He sees an enormous oval object seemingly jammed between two fir trees. On its circumference, small lights are changing color from blue to red and back. The object is metallic, with an oar or paddle at its rear. In the front is a window or cockpit. On the front part is a logo consisting of several ellipses crossing themselves. After a few minutes, the object rises slightly, the sound it emits changing slightly. It moves toward a neighbor’s meadow, shining down three beams of lights. Some moments later, it emits an intense and well-defined shaft of light into the sky. The witness goes back to bed. The next morning, he reports his sighting to the Gendarmérie, which investigates and finds a gigantic circular trace in the meadow. At the center, the grass has been cut off, but the cuttings are nowhere to be seen, and the grass within the circle is yellow.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Vidal and Michel Rozencwajg, “The Belgian Wave,” IUR 16, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1991\): 6–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6863
### Event 47574 (69B96306)
**Date:** 12/16/1989
**Location:** Belgium, north of the Ardennes
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 11 10.1988) The aeronautical specialist of the Flemish daily newspaper "Het Laatste Nieuws", Herman De Wulf, stated that the description of the phenomena observed above the eastern cantons was close to that of the F-117A. Lt. Col. Billen of the Belgian Air Force compared it to "a kind of delta wing with a rotating beacon". In the US, the aeronautical press assumed that the F-117A had carried out test flights over the European area to see how it operated in wartime. Herman De Wulf mentioned that the aircraft would have come from Gellenkirchen or Bittburg (Germany) and that it was operating in the north of the Belgian Ardennes in the TR 13 zone, where NATO flights are authorized at an altitude of 250 to 500 feet [note from vog: this was confirmed to me by the military themselves, with the restriction "from September to the end of January"]
**Reference:** Gesag, bulletin n° 96 September 97, p. 4
**Reference:** ABSOLUTELY SEE: 30.3.1990
**Reference:** see 1912.1989
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3366
### Event 47575 (24CB269C)
**Date:** 12/16/1989
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ARLES, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Orange "star" grows very large. Pulsates / size. Shrinks into star again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15438
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "ARLES,FR:2 OBS:ORG "STAR" GROWS VLARGE:PULSATES/SIZE:SHRINKS INTO STAR AGAIN.", **LatLong:** "43.700002 4.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:42:00 N 04:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.700002,4.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47576 (3B7F967C)
**Date:** 12/17/1989
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** MARTINSVILLE, IN
**Description:** 2 / SR37. Circle / lights / field near power station/depot/facility. Huge domed saucer seen after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15439
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "MARTINSVILLE,IN:2/SR37:CCL/LITES/FIELD nr POWER Stn:HUGE DOMED SCR SEEN AFTER", **LatLong:** "39.416669 -86.427782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:25:00 N 86:25:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.416669,-86.427782)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47577 (B95CD3BE)
**Date:** 12/17/1989
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 1 repeat observer(s). Fast 100M saucer stops. Smaller object going east merges.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15440
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CHAMPAGNE-sur-SEINE,FR:1 REPEAT OBS:FAST 100M SCR STOPS:SMALLER OBJ >E MERGES", **LatLong:** "48.400002 2.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:24:00 N 02:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.400002,2.800000)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47578 (0EBAEB8A)
**Date:** 12/18/1989
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** COLD LAKE, ALTA
**Description:** 2 air traffic controllers. UFO maneuvers. Type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GUASP, Miguel: TEORIA de PROCESOS de los OVNI; Valencia, Spain, 1973. Self published. Scholarly. Short catalog. (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15441
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "564", **HatchDesc:** "COLD LAKE,ALTA:2 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS:UFO MNVRS:TYPE UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "54.550003 -110.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "54:33:00 N 110:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.550003,-110.083339)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 47579 (6B01CC27)
**Date:** 12/18/1989
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 1 observer. Big sphere/orb/globe spins. Small balls orbit. Triangle hovers nearby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15442
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "St.SYMPHORIEN,BELG:1 OBS:BIG ORB SPINS:SML BALLS ORBIT:TRIANGLE HVRS NEARBY", **LatLong:** "50.422225 4.022222", **LatLongDMS:** "50:25:20 N 04:01:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.422225,4.022222)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47580 (5F57D12C)
**Date:** 12/18/1989
**Time:** 22:30?
**Location:** BINCHE, BELGIUM
**Description:** Triangular mothership launches small objects. Circular object seen / 18 Apr. '90.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15443
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BINCHE,BELG:TRIANGULAR MOTHERSHIP LAUNCHES SML OBJS::CIRC.OBJ SEEN/18APR90", **LatLong:** "50.411114 4.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:24:40 N 04:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.411114,4.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47581 (95395CA4)
**Date:** 12/19/1989
**Location:** Panama
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 16.12.1989) Panama Conflict. Operation "Just Cause". Six F-117A were planned to carry out bombings on military sites at Rio Hato. Only two of these stealths would carry out such operations
**Reference:** Gesag, Bulletin No. 96 Sept 97, p. 4
**Reference:** see 30.3.1990
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3367
### Event 47582 (E40B1165)
**Date:** 12/20/1989
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Whiteface-A” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1010
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Whiteface-A", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 47583 (D7567B4A)
**Date:** 12/21/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Strépy-Bracquenies (Hainaut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) 23:30, two witnesses. It was something immense that took up more than the entire width of the slag heap directly below it at less than 100 meters altitude. The color was matte zinc, very luminous. The appearance was solid but the contours were blurry. There were 4 projectors or large headlights in a line that shone their light forward (towards the witness). But the object, although matte, illuminated the slag heap with its brightness. The shape of the object was oval for the upper half and almost flat, but still curved for the lower part. It made no noise. At one point the object tilted 30 to 45 degrees and began to move, first slowly (10 km/h) then suddenly faster than lightning.
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 210 with illustration
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3368
### Event 47584 (1A8A3E67)
**Date:** 12/21/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Basècles \(Belgium\), 5 people observe an object that remains still for 7 to 8 minutes. (21 December)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3095
### Event 47585 (CAE0EC28)
**Date:** 12/21/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Dissolution of the [GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html) and creation of the [SEPRA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SEPRA.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3096
### Event 47586 (D77F138D)
**Date:** 12/21/1989
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The American scientist [Richard Haines](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HainesRichardF.html) and the ufologist [Jacques Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) proceed to a series of [in-depth analyses and photometric studies](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://www.scientificexploration.org/jse/articles/ufo\_reports/haines\_aerial/toc.html) on the original black and white negative of [the Costa Rica photo taken on September 4th, 1971](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1971-09-04\_CostaRica.html), in order to determine the nature of the photographed UFO. The results of their research could only authenticate the phenomenon without explaining it. One of the founding members of the [GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html), the French researcher [Christian Perrin de Brichambaut](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/PerrinDeBrichambautChristian.html), examines the photograph in November [1993](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1993.html) and determines that the light zones of the UFO cannot be explained by the reflections of the Sun. The light zones of the object could thus be due to a strong ionization of the air calling for an unknown type of propulsion. The engineer thus defines not only the general shape of the object, but also its dimensions.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1989.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3097
### Event 47587 (0957289D)
**Date:** 12/21/1989
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** MARTINSVILLE, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 300' rectangle near power plant and lines. Seen 2X. Pulses felt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 270)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15444
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "MARTINSVILLE,IN:2 OBS:300'RECTANGLE nr POWER PLANT+LINES:SEEN 2X:PULSES FELT", **LatLong:** "39.433335 -86.427782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:26:00 N 86:25:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.433335,-86.427782)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47588 (1B687537)
**Date:** 12/21/1989
**Time:** 07:20
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Silent 10M delta/triangle/box-like craft with 3 lights. Tilts 45° up and away. / FSRv35#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15445
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "BASECLES,BELG:SVRL SEP.OBS:SLNT 10M DLT W/3 LITES:TILTS 45°UP+AWAY:/FSRv35#4", **LatLong:** "50.516669 3.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:31:00 N 03:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.516669,3.650000)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47589 (66C0B015)
**Date:** 12/21/1989
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** MOSCOW, RUSSIA
**Description:** Many observer(s) and cops and military. Ovoid glows and rotates. Golden beam searches streets.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 235)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15446
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "MOSCOW,RUS:MANY OBS+COPS+MIL:OVOID GLOWS+ROTATES:GOLDEN BEAM SEARCHES STREETS:", **LatLong:** "55.766669 37.650002", **LatLongDMS:** "55:46:00 N 37:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.766669,37.650002)", **State/Prov:** "MOS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47590 (22360159)
**Date:** 12/21/1989
**Description:** Belgian Minister of Defense [Jean-Pol Poncelet](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Pol%5FPoncelet) states that there have been many UFOs reported and that the ministry and the Army have no idea what they are.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 456–457
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6864
### Event 47591 (691DE7C9)
**Date:** 12/22/1989
**Location:** Belgium, Kain (Tournai - Hainaut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 6:45 in the morning, awakened by the noise of his two children, who were screaming about a flying saucer, the witness opened the curtains and saw in a nearby field an circular object that was moving away while spinning. It was a dark blue-gray mass, with blue, yellow, and red lights, animated by a swaying motion.
**Reference:** Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85 p. 38; VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 130, 131
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3369
### Event 47592 (FD071000)
**Date:** 12/22/1989
**Time:** 11:40
**Description:** Aviation expert and 1. Saucer speeds across sky "definite UFO..".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1991; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1992 (Index 236)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15447
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HIGH WYCOMBE,BUCKs:AVIATION XPERT+1:SCR SPEEDS ACROSS SKY "DEFINITE UFO.."", **LatLong:** "51.600002 -0.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:36:00 N 00:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.600002,-0.733333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47593 (96C85DC6)
**Date:** 12/23/1989
**Description:** Two witnesses observed two boomerang-shaped UFOs pass low over the Seneca Nuclear Power Plant in Warren, Pennsylvania. Either the same two objects flew back over the plant from the opposite direction, or two more similar craft flew overhead in reverse direction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John L. Micklow, MUFON case investigation files, case #900308
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8574
### Event 47594 (FCBCDB87)
**Date:** 12/24/1989
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Bright orange saucer with flat edges hovers high / sky / SSW.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15448
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St.AMAND-les-EAUX,FR:3 OBS:BRITE ORG.SCR W/FLAT EDGES HVRS HIGH/SKY/SSW", **LatLong:** "50.433336 3.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:00 N 03:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.433336,3.433333)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47595 (5DC9C840)
**Date:** 12/24/1989
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** Huge bright red blimp slow and silent leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail. North going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15449
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BEAUVOIS-en-CAMBRESIS,FR:HUGE BRITE RED BLIMP SLO+SLNT LVS LUMn TRAIL:N>>S", **LatLong:** "50.133336 3.383333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:08:00 N 03:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.133336,3.383333)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47596 (9485C714)
**Date:** 12/24/1989
**Time:** 17:50
**Description:** Man videos flattened sphere/orb/globe / 12 minute(s). Moves and rotates slowly. / r123p6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15450
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "SAMBREVILLE,BELG:MAN VIDEOS FLATTENED ORB/12min:MOVES+ROTATES SLOWLY:/r123p6", **LatLong:** "50.433336 4.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:00 N 04:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.433336,4.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47597 (7144B2E5)
**Date:** 12/24/1989
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** VALENCIENNES, FR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Dark disk with halo seems to rotate under overcast clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15451
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VALENCIENNES,FR:4 OBS:DARK DISK W/HALO SEEMS TO ROTATE UNDER OVERCAST CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "50.350002 3.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:21:00 N 03:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.350002,3.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47598 (73EA4159)
**Date:** 12/24/1989
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** RUESNES, NORD, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Moon-size sphere/orb/globe going east slow and low. Rotates. Vanishes in place!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15452
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "RUESNES,NORD,FR:1 OBS:MOON-SIZE ORB >E SLO+LOW:ROTATES:VANISHES IN PLACE!", **LatLong:** "50.250002 3.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:15:00 N 03:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.250002,3.583334)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47599 (384A1F38)
**Date:** 12/24/1989
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** NIMY, BELGIUM
**Description:** Woman videos luminous globe. Tape shows black ring on it and plasma. R123p56.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15453
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NIMY,BELG:WOMAN VIDEOS LUM GLOBE:TAPE SHOWS BLACK RING ON IT+PLASMA:r123p56", **LatLong:** "50.455558 3.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:27:20 N 03:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.455558,3.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 47600 (AE1F1C97)
**Date:** 12/24/1989
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** VAUX ANDIGNY, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Huge white circular object lights ground. Circles area / 30 minute(s). Dog upset.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15454
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "VAUX ANDIGNY,FR:3 OBS:HUGE WHT CIRC.OBJ LITES GND:CIRCLES AREA/30min:DOG UPSET", **LatLong:** "50.016669 3.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:01:00 N 03:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.016669,3.516667)", **State/Prov:** "Aisne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 47601 (C629BFEB)
**Date:** 12/24/1989
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** White-yellow cylinder/cigar-shape / 8000M altitude. Gone when pilot looks again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15455
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "CHELYABINSK>
Inside the "empty triangle", nothing could be seen. One of my children affirmed to have seen the sides of the "triangle", as bordered by a white halo. Me, I didn't see the sides. They were invisible. The fact of thinking of a "triangle" came only from the position of the lights. We followed it with our eyes for about one minute thirty or two minutes, maybe more. The time seemed relatively long, because it kept going on... what slowness! It seemed like it wanted us to observe it well, and from all angles... It was magnificent, with all these lights, and so impressive! It was advancing at the pace of a pedestrian, then suddenly, when it reached the height of some bushes, it turned off everything! Finished! Nothing more! Complete darkness... My children say that it made no noise. Indeed, if it was accompanied by any noise, it was a very dull noise... I don't dare to affirm it. I was dazzled by this beauty and this symphony of colors... I draw no conclusion as to the impressions we felt when this thing passed. One of the children was terrified and worried, the two others, amazed. As for me, I was in an incredible state of excitement. I didn't sleep all night... " (November 5, 1990)
**Reference:** Joël Mesnard: LDLN 303-305-306-309-310-313-318
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3411
### Event 48181 (01A17406)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Location:** France, between Bereac and Cahors (Dordogne)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 7 pm. Now a bit further south, there is a double testimony, which is quite extraordinary. It was Mr. Pierre Bosc who conducted the investigation. The witnesses, who wish to remain anonymous, and whom we will call Mr. A and Mr. B., were in a locality in the Dordogne department, located about twenty kilometers from Villefranche-de-Périgord. The sky was clear, the stars visible. There was no wind, but it was cold. Testimony of Mr. A.: "I was talking with Mr. B., in front of his house, sitting in my car with the engine running. Suddenly, Mr. B. draws my attention to a luminous formation coming from the 266º West direction. It is first a line of white lights. Some yellow ones, whose luminous intensity fluctuates. This formation progresses in silence, at low altitude, it seems, without it being possible for me to provide more precision. The appearance of this formation takes, as it advances, the shape of a triangle with rounded corners, whose sides bear white and yellow lights of variable intensity. The inside of this triangle is opaque, since it hides the stars, which remain visible all around the luminous formation. Wanting to make sure of a possible noise, I cut the contact of my car: silence! The thing is evolving at such a low altitude that, convinced that it will crash not far away, in the 80º East direction, I take the wheel again, not without having noticed, at the back of the craft, a luminous beam slightly to the right of the middle of the side. This luminous beam has the remarkable character that its light does not diffuse on the sides. It is clear, as if cut off at its end, where it has the same diameter as at its source. (...) The evolution of "the thing" was accompanied by a noise comparable to that of a flight of doves: a rustling, a light displacement of air. (November 5, 1990)
**Reference:** Joël Mesnard: LDLN 303-305-306-309-310-313-318
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3412
### Event 48182 (46C3DAE5)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The UFO of November 5th observed in Gennevilliers, see images/1990-11-05-1.jpg
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3146
### Event 48183 (D56383FB)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Philippe Ughetto, a photographer from the Magnum agency, and his assistant capture the phenomenon on film \(photos to the right\). This light phenomenon will be seen simultaneously by hundreds of witnesses across the country, from southwest to northeast. No less than 233 official reports will reach the office of [Jean-Jacques Vélasco](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/VelascoJeanJacques.html), as well as 614 testimonies from individuals and 5 reports from civilian and military pilots. After an investigation, the [SEPRA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SEPRA.html) will indicate 4 days later that it was the atmospheric reentry of the third stage of a Soviet Proton launcher, which had been used 2 days before to put a satellite into orbit. This cylindrical object would have reentered at an altitude of about 110 km over France and dispersed at an altitude of 83 km above the region of Frankfurt \(Germany\). (6:44 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3147
### Event 48184 (C31C7F8E)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Argenteuil \(Val d'Oise\), observation of a large square shape. (18 h 55)
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3148
### Event 48185 (CAE5A059)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The phenomenon shown here was filmed in the sky of France.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3149
### Event 48186 (D72F3137)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At A Commeny \(Val d'Oise\), at the intersection of D 43 and N 14, observation of a triangle shape of 50 m by 30 m, estimated at 1 km maximum distance and 400 m from the ground.
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3150
### Event 48187 (8BA3890A)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At L'Isle-Adam \(Val d'Oise\), a triangular shape flew over the city center, made two successive turns, and quickly disappeared.
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3151
### Event 48188 (000E4430)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Cergy \(Val d'Oise\), observation of a triangular shape in slow flight, with 2 beams pointed towards the ground. (19 h 01)
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3152
### Event 48189 (1BA457D3)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Drawing of Blandine Mariotte's observation on November 5th at 7:15 PM. See Drawing representing Blandine Mariotte's observation on November 5th at 7:15 PM, images/1990-11-05.jpg
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3153
### Event 48190 (80DE4E77)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Thousands of people, all across France, observe dozens of similar lights, heading roughly west to east. Hundreds of testimonies report of "triangles" flying at very low altitude, sometimes changing direction or disappearing behind hills.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3154
### Event 48191 (2928CB85)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Much larger craft are also observed, measuring several hundred meters long, as in Gretz-Armainvilliers, where several witnesses saw a triangular cross-section beam, marked with huge lights and headlights, descend to less than 400 m from the ground, stabilize in a hover and change direction twice, in an impressive silence.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3155
### Event 48192 (1AA53E53)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [SEPRA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SEPRA.html) quickly announced that it was the atmospheric reentry of debris from the third stage of a Proton rocket, launched on October 3rd. Verification was made, and there was indeed a reentry that night, but from a rocket that had left on November 3rd! Hundreds of investigators contested the official version, and many witnesses observed similar phenomena during the month. Despite the denials of the Air Force, it was demonstrated that the Air Force had taken off that night to verify what had happened. The crew of an Embraer-120 "Brasilia" in flight over the Massif Central saw a group of 10 to 12 lights followed by bright trails crossing their path while their plane was in level flight at 7600 m.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3156
### Event 48193 (AB940F09)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Jean-Gabriel Greslé](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GresleJeanGabriel.html) observed a very large object in the evening in Seine-et-Marne.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3157
### Event 48194 (1ED2C607)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Night light observed in Montreal on November 7. See Night light observed in Montreal on November 7, images/1990-11-07.jpg and images/1990-11-07.jpg, and [this photo](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1990-12-13.jpg).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3158
### Event 48195 (727C9FA1)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** SOUTH / DUTTLEHEIN, FR
**Description:** Triangle low and slow over A352. Turns going east. 2 military jets follow / same trajectory!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15708
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "S/DUTTLEHEIN,FR:TRIANGLE LO+SLOW OVR A352:TURNS>E:2 MIL.JETS FOLO/SAME TRAJ!", **LatLong:** "48.522225 7.577778", **LatLongDMS:** "48:31:20 N 07:34:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.522225,7.577778)", **State/Prov:** "Bas-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48196 (1A0F9F43)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** NOUREUIL, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Long thin delta/triangle/box-like craft low and slow. Going quickly [to] under high tension power lines lines. Going quickly northeast. Animals silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 116)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15709
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NOUREUIL,FR:2 OBS:LONG THIN DLT LO+SLO:>>UNDER HIV LINES:>>NE:animals silent", **LatLong:** "49.633336 3.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "49:38:00 N 03:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.633336,3.233333)", **State/Prov:** "Aisne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48197 (B77E6554)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** ST. DENIS, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Boiling lens-cloud-saucer. 5X moon-size going quickly south slowly toward(s) Paris..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15710
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "St.DENIS,FR:1 OBS:BOILING LENS-CLOUD-SCR:5X MOONSIZE >>S SLOWLY TWRD PARIS..", **LatLong:** "48.966669 2.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:58:00 N 02:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.966669,2.350000)", **State/Prov:** "SSD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48198 (96B2849B)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** LE GUILVINEC, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent red-orange sphere/orb/globe hovers / low altitude. Beams angle going up. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15711
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "Le GUILVINEC,FR:2 OBS:SLNT RED-ORG ORB HVRS/LO ALT:BEAMS ANGLE ↑:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "47.783336 -4.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:47:00 N 04:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.783336,-4.283334)", **State/Prov:** "Finistère", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 48199 (2B0F69F9)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** L'EPINE, VENDEE, FR
**Description:** Night lights join dull yellow ball over sea. Silent. Leave luminous/glowing trails west going quickly east. P16.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15712
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "l'EPINE,VENDEE,FR:NLTS JOIN DULL YLW BALL OVR SEA:SLNT:LV LUMn TRAILS W>>E:p16", **LatLong:** "46.966669 -2.283333", **LatLongDMS:** "46:58:00 N 02:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.966669,-2.283333)", **State/Prov:** "Vendée", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 48200 (18F84A1C)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** ARPAJON, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). ~50 night lights ring yellow silent ovoid southwest going quickly northeast. 4 Mar. '94. Night lights going quickly northeast / LDLN#324.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15713
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ARPAJON,FR:3 OBS:~50 NLTS RING YLW SLNT OVOID SW>>NE::4MAR94:NLTS>>NE/LDLN#324", **LatLong:** "48.583336 2.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:35:00 N 02:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.583336,2.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Essonne", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48201 (2E232A78)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00?
**Location:** DOM-LE-MESNIL, FR
**Description:** 2 cops. Bulb-cylinder/cigar-shape with many lights / bot. Strong white ray and contrail / rear.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 119)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15714
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "DOM-le-MESNIL,FR:2 COPS:BULB-CGR W/MANY LITES/BOT:STRONG WHT RAY+CONTRAIL/REAR", **LatLong:** "49.683336 4.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:41:00 N 04:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.683336,4.800000)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "2"
### Event 48202 (3053D2C8)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Night lights exit vertical cloud and maneuver. Regroup / V formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15715
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "VILLARS-les-BOIS+Le GUE D'ALLERE,FR:NLTS EXIT VRTCL CLOUD+MNVR:REGROUP/VFORM", **LatLong:** "46.183336 -0.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:11:00 N 00:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.183336,-0.466667)", **State/Prov:** "Charente-Maritime", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48203 (93B9438A)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** THUGNY, FR
**Description:** 3+1 separate observer(s). 100M black domed cylinder/cigar-shape with lights. Blocks stars. Maneuvers. 200kph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15716
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "THUGNY,FR:3+1 SEP.OBS:100M BLK DOMED CGR W/LITES:BLOCKS STARS:MNVRS:200kph", **LatLong:** "49.483336 4.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:29:00 N 04:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.483336,4.400000)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48204 (3F3EF4B4)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** LA VALBONNE, FR
**Description:** Lt. Col. Silent dark triangle / lit corners. Hovers and sweeps ground / strong beam.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15717
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "La VALBONNE,FR:Lt.COL:SLNT DRK TRNGL/LIT CORNERS:HVRS+SWEEPS GND/STRONG BEAM:", **LatLong:** "45.850002 5.133334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:51:00 N 05:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.850002,5.133334)", **State/Prov:** "Ain", **Strangeness:** "2"
### Event 48205 (36386F5E)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s). Black equilateral/equal triangle with lights / corners. Going east and going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15718
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St.CLOUD+CHATENAY-MALABRY,FR:2+2 OBS:BLK EQL TRIANGLE W/LITES/CORNERS:> E+>>NW", **LatLong:** "48.850002 2.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:51:00 N 02:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.850002,2.183333)", **State/Prov:** "HDS", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 48206 (9642F5BF)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** ST. GERMAIN, AUBE
**Description:** Many observer(s). Big delta/triangle/box-like craft / low altitude. Going quickly northeast. Turns. Several beams. Figure moves / cabin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 124)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15719
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "St.GERMAIN,AUBE:MANY OBS:BIG DLT/LO alt:>>NE:TURNS:SVRL BEAMS:fig moves/cabin", **LatLong:** "48.250002 4.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:15:00 N 04:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.250002,4.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Aube", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48207 (C8C0E155)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** BRIVE, FR
**Description:** 3 separate observer(s). Box-cylinder/cylindrical object and blinking delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] east-northeast slowly. Shoots white beam. Back going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15720
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BRIVE,FR:3 SEP.OBS:BOX-CYL+BLINKING DLT > ENE SLOWLY:SHOOTS WHT BEAM:BACK >>W", **LatLong:** "45.155558 1.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "45:09:20 N 01:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.155558,1.533333)", **State/Prov:** "CRZ", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 48208 (90334519)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** BERU, FR
**Description:** 2 / D965. Silent 500M and diamond going [to] overhead / 2 minute(s). Corners lit. 4 beams going down / ground / rear.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15721
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BERU,FR:2/D965:SLNT 500M+DIAMOND > OVHD/2min:CORNERS LIT:4 BEAMS↓/GND/REAR", **LatLong:** "47.816669 3.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:49:00 N 03:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.816669,3.883334)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "2"
### Event 48209 (B26697EB)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** NORTH / BAYONNE, FR
**Description:** 1 / A63. 100M silent flat triangle / 80kph / 100M altitude flies sideways.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15722
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "N/BAYONNE,FR:1/A63:100M SLNT FLAT TRIANGLE/80kph/100M alt FLIES SIDEWAYS", **LatLong:** "43.533335 -1.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:32:00 N 01:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.533335,-1.450000)", **State/Prov:** "PYA", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48210 (4E19B7F6)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** LONS-LE-SAUNIER, FR
**Description:** Big slow meteor stops! Shines bright beam going down / factory. Night lights near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15723
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LONS-le-SAUNIER,FR:BIG SLO METEOR STOPS!:SHINES BRITE BEAM↓/FACTORY:NLTS NEAR", **LatLong:** "46.666669 5.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:40:00 N 05:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.666669,5.516667)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 48211 (C02CD57A)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Pilot and 6. 300M object / sky. Trapezoid exits going quickly east. Beams. / r97#52.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15724
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "GRETZ-ARMAINVILLIERS,FR:PILOT+6:300M OBJ/SKY:TRAPEZOID EXITS >>E:BEAMS:/r97#52", **LatLong:** "48.750002 2.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:45:00 N 02:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.750002,2.733333)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48212 (71CF287D)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** VOUTEZAC, FR
**Description:** Silent arrowhead with portholes curves going ESE. Possible landing. / r238p104+157.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15725
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VOUTEZAC,FR:SLNT ARROWHEAD W/PORTS CURVES >ESE:POSS.LANDING:/r238p104+157", **LatLong:** "45.283335 1.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "45:17:00 N 01:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.283335,1.433333)", **State/Prov:** "CRZ", **Strangeness:** "2"
### Event 48213 (D82B23CC)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** BRICY AIRPORT, FR
**Description:** AV.Maint.crew. Huge dark mass. Vee-front and curved rear. Southwest going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15726
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BRICY AIRPORT,FR:AV.MAINT.CREW:HUGE DARK MASS:VEE-FRONT+CURVED REAR:SW>>NE", **LatLong:** "48.000002 1.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:00:00 N 01:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.000002,1.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Loiret", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 48214 (AD3F2213)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 fireballs going east. Follow shallow hill! 1 turns to cone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15727
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St.GERMAIN-de-la-GRANGE,FR:2 OBS:2 FBLS>E:FOLO SHALLOW HILL!:1 TURNS TO CONE", **LatLong:** "48.822225 1.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:49:20 N 01:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.822225,1.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Yvelines", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48215 (E83D963E)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** CHOUZY-SUR-CISSE, FR
**Description:** R observer(s). Huge white egg with red lights / front and thin beams going quickly [to] rear. Going up [to] and going.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15728
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CHOUZY-sur-CISSE,FR:R OBS:HUGE WHT EGG W/RED LITES/FRONT+THIN BEAMS>>REAR:↑+>", **LatLong:** "47.516669 1.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "47:31:00 N 01:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.516669,1.233333)", **State/Prov:** "Loir-et-Cher", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 48216 (CB8554E0)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** CREW / SHIP JEAN-BART
**Description:** Triangle / night lights going quickly northeast / 500kts under 600M cloud layer. Some wink.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15729
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "CREW/SHIP JEAN-BART:TRIANGLE/NLTS >>NE/500kts UNDER 600M CLOUD LAYER:SOME WINK", **LatLong:** "47.300002 -3.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:18:00 N 03:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.300002,-3.833334)", **RelAlt:** "150", **State/Prov:** "Finistère", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48217 (DA0FAD78)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:00?
**Location:** L'ISLE ADAM, FR
**Description:** Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft makes 90° and 300° turns. 2 beams. Going quickly northeast. Drawing / r226#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15730
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "l'ISLE ADAM,FR:DRK DLT MAKES 90°+300°TURNS:2 BEAMS:>>NE:drawing/r226#1", **LatLong:** "49.116669 2.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:07:00 N 02:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.116669,2.216667)", **State/Prov:** "VDO", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48218 (8AEC729C)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** SEVRES, FR
**Description:** Huge silent black mass blocks line / trees. Lights / edge. 100kph over railroad/railway tracks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 82)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15731
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SEVRES,FR:HUGE SLNT BLK MASS BLOCKS LINE/TREES:LITES/EDGE:100kph OVR RR TRACKS", **LatLong:** "48.816669 2.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:49:00 N 02:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.816669,2.216667)", **State/Prov:** "HDS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48219 (B49CAE69)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** NEAR MESSON, FR
**Description:** 1 / car. 1000M and dark cylinder/cigar-shape sweeps RN60 / beams. Radio malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Going quickly northeast. / r238p88.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15732
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr MESSON,FR:1/CAR:1000M+ DRK CGR SWEEPS RN60/BEAMS:RADIO EMEs:>>NE:/r238p88", **LatLong:** "48.283336 3.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "48:17:00 N 03:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.283336,3.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Aube", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48220 (AB6B8905)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** HAMBACH, FR
**Description:** 1+boy. Large dark sphere/orb/globe hovers. Lit windows all around. Night lights pass near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15733
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HAMBACH,FR:1+BOY:LRG DARK ORB HVRS:LIT WINDOWS ALL AROUND:NLTS PASS NEAR", **LatLong:** "49.083336 7.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:05:00 N 07:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.083336,7.066667)", **State/Prov:** "Moselle", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48221 (1E68956A)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** HAGNICOURT, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. Slow silent 1000M and ovoid / low altitude. Lights trees / beam. East-northeast turns going NNE.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15734
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HAGNICOURT,FR:2/CAR:SLO SLNT 1000M+OVOID/LO ALT:LITES TREES/BEAM:ENE TURNS>NNE", **LatLong:** "49.583336 4.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:35:00 N 04:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.583336,4.583334)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48222 (5C8C5225)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** LICY-CLIGNON, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. 100M and dark mass with lights and strong beam going quickly [to] rear. Low and close / road.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 115)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15735
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LICY-CLIGNON,FR:2/CAR:100M+DARK MASS W/LITES+STRONG BEAM>>REAR:LO+CLOSE/ROAD", **LatLong:** "49.050002 3.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:03:00 N 03:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.050002,3.266667)", **State/Prov:** "Aisne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48223 (6674F763)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** SARRIGNE, FR
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Night lights / rigid delta/triangle/box-like craft formation blink / unison. Going northeast. Turn going quickly east without banking!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15736
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SARRIGNE,FR:5 OBS:NLTS/RIGID DLT FORMn BLINK/UNISON:> NE:TURN>>E W/O BANKING!", **LatLong:** "47.500002 -0.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:30:00 N 00:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.500002,-0.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Maine-et-Loire", **Strangeness:** "2"
### Event 48224 (FAE5D95B)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** LIMOGES, FR
**Description:** Night lights outline pointed box. Blocks stars. Hovers / 1 minute(s). Blows smoke and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15737
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LIMOGES,FR:NLTS OUTLINE POINTED BOX:BLOCKS STARS:HVRS/1min:BLOWS SMOKE+AWAY", **LatLong:** "45.833336 1.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:50:00 N 01:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.833336,1.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Haute-Vienne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48225 (FC7AC485)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Description:** Very dark triangle with 2 beams / rear. Going quickly NNE. Jets chase 10 minute(s) later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15738
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VERBERIE+BAILLY,FR:VDARK TRIANGLE W/2 BEAMS/REAR:>>NNE:JETS CHASE 10min LATER", **LatLong:** "49.133336 2.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "49:08:00 N 02:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.133336,2.733333)", **State/Prov:** "Oise", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 48226 (864879C4)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** BRETIGNY / ORGE, FR
**Description:** 1+2 separate observer(s). Dark bullet-delta/triangle/box-like craft extends tubes / light that end! Southeast going northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15739
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BRETIGNY/ORGE,FR:1+2 SEP.OBS:DRK BULLET-DLT EXTENDS TUBES/LITE THAT END!:SE>NW", **LatLong:** "48.616669 2.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:37:00 N 02:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.616669,2.300000)", **State/Prov:** "Essonne", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48227 (3427AA2B)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:10
**Description:** Optical engineer. Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft object with 3 lights going quickly northeast / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15740
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N20 W/ORLY Apt,FR:OPTICAL ENGINEER:DRK DLT OBJ W/3 LITES >>NE/LO ALT:ABS.SLNT", **LatLong:** "48.750002 2.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:45:00 N 02:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.750002,2.300000)", **State/Prov:** "Val-de-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48228 (5221D423)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** VILLAVARD, FR
**Description:** 5 separate observer(s). 250M boomerang and ovoid / low altitude. Photographs. Ovoid circles back going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15741
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VILLAVARD,FR:5 SEP.OBS:250M BOOMERANG+OVOID/LO ALT:FOTOS:OVOID CIRCLES BACK>>E", **LatLong:** "47.750002 0.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 00:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,0.900000)", **State/Prov:** "Loir-et-Cher", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48229 (32C272A2)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** Dark blunted cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over field. 3+1M beams going down / plants. / r238p103.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15742
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VERT-le-GRANDE,FR:DRK BLUNTED CGR HVRS OVR FLD:3+1M BEAMS ↓/PLANTS:/r238p103", **LatLong:** "48.583336 2.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:35:00 N 02:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.583336,2.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Essonne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48230 (E9991B2A)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** NIBELLE, FR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 30M grey box with windows and beams. Turns going quickly NNE. Observer(s) "calmed". / r238p92.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15743
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NIBELLE,FR:4 OBS:30M GRY BOX W/WINDOWS+BEAMS:TURNS>>NNE:OBS "CALMED":/r238p92", **LatLong:** "48.033336 2.327778", **LatLongDMS:** "48:02:00 N 02:19:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.033336,2.327778)", **State/Prov:** "Loiret", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48231 (B63C097D)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** LE HOUSSAY, FR
**Description:** 5 luminous/glowing balls / oval formation. 1 in center. 6 small night lights orbit oval. / LDLN#304.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MARIE, Franck: OVNI CONTACT-Un Enquete Choc. 400 French sightings on 05NOV90! 525pp. 1993 BANQUE OVNI. BP 41 - 92224 Bagneux cedex, FRANCE. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15744
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "Le HOUSSAY,FR:5 LUMn BALLS/OVAL FORMn:1 IN CTR:6 SML NLTS ORBIT OVAL:/LDLN#304", **LatLong:** "47.750002 0.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 00:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,0.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Loir-et-Cher", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48232 (D6548408)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** NEAR GENOVA, ITL
**Description:** British 747 crew. UFO over city / 2 min. RADAR invisible. Shape unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 136)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15745
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "Nr GENOVA,ITL:BRITISH 747 CREW:UFO OVR CITY/2 MIN:RDR INVISIBLE:SHAPE UNKNOWN", **LatLong:** "44.433335 8.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 08:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,8.916667)", **State/Prov:** "GE", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48233 (AFBE84C3)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Several RAF pilots. 2 terrific blasts. UFO's in formation. Type unknown. / r150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 136)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15746
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "RHEINDAHLEN,GERM:SVRL RAF PILOTS:2 TERRIFIC BLASTS:UFOS/FORMn:TYPE UNK:/r150", **LatLong:** "51.166669 6.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:10:00 N 06:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.166669,6.366667)", **State/Prov:** "NRW", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 48234 (330485F5)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Locations:** Rome; Gatwick Airport; North Sea
**Description:** Around 6:00 p.m. The pilot and copilot of a British Airways flight from Rome to Gatwick Airport notice a large, silver-shaped object over the North Sea. They bring two crew members into the cockpit to observe it with them. Ground radar sees nothing unusual.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, p. 169; Good Need, [pp. 382–383](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/382/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6933
### Event 48235 (56EFAA16)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Locations:** North Sea; Germany; southern Belgium
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Two RAF Tornados over the North Sea encounter two large round objects, each with five blue lights and several white lights around the rim. As the jets close to investigate, one of the UFOs heads for one of the jets, which is forced to take evasive action. The two objects then head north and disappear. Nothing shows up on the jets’ radar. Commercial aircraft also report odd lights over the North Sea. Other high-speed contacts take place along the border of Germany and southern Belgium.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Whitehead, “[Special Report to FSR \(May](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201991%20V%2036%20N%202.pdf) [1991\),](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201991%20V%2036%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 36, no. 2 \(Summer 1991\): 10; Good Need, [pp. 383–384](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/382/mode/2up); Nick Pope, Open Skies, Closed Minds, Simon & Schuster, 1996, [p. 177](https://archive.org/details/openskiesclosedm0000pope/page/176/mode/2up); UFOFiles2, [pp. 140–142](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n229/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6934
### Event 48236 (87510A2B)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Location:** Gretz-Armainvilliers, Seine-et-Marne, France
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. French pilot Jean-Gabriel Greslé is standing outside a gym in Gretz-Armainvilliers, Seine-et- Marne, France, with six of his martial arts students when a massive UFO comes into view. His first impression is of a huge crane with many lights. It is about 2,600 feet away at an altitude of 985 feet, moving downward. Another witness sees it level off and turn. It is projecting two very long, divergent beams of solid light that do not quite touch the ground. The object itself is at least 1,000 feet long and 200–250 feet thick with triangular substructures and many lights. Its rear section is trapezoidal. When it flies above them at no more than 100 mph, t somehow tunes out all surrounding noise as if carrying a “zone of silence.” As Greslé moves around a tree to view it better, it dims and moves away, disappearing into a cloud.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 382](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/382/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6935
### Event 48237 (73024C83)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Locations:** RAF Rhendahlen; Mönchengladbach West; North Rhein–Westphalia; Germany
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Two different explosions are heard in the area around RAF Rhendahlen in Mönchengladbach West, North Rhein–Westphalia, Germany. Two RAF Phantom jets are performing practice intercepts under strict radar control. After the second explosion at 10:00 p.m., one of the crews sees UFOs heading north in “finger” formation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Whitehead, “[Special Report to FSR \(May 1991\),](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201991%20V%2036%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 36, no. 2 \(Summer 1991\): 10; Good Need, [pp. 383–384](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/382/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6936
### Event 48238 (179412A7)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Locations:** Southern Poland; Opole
**Description:** Night. Witnesses report a large, cigar-shaped object, some accompanied by spheres, over many localities in southern Poland. Hundreds of people in Opole see a group of 15–20 spheres emitting bright trails.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 73– 74
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6937
### Event 48239 (6899002B)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** There are 92 UFO reports recorded for this day from Europe, all but seven occurring in France. Most occurred between 6:20 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Ordinarily such a large number of reports would suggest a meteor shower or a satellite re-entry as the cause, but many of the descriptions do not fit such explanations. At 5:25 p.m. a triangular UFO with luminous jet streams coming out of one edge flew over Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany. Ninety minutes later a Russian space station re-entry occurred over France and Germany. There are two reports from that time period of objects making a buzzing or purring noise. At 7:00 p.m. in Chissay-en-Tourain, France a dark triangular UFO flew over making a buzzing noise. At the same time in Anguleme, France a surgeon saw a formation of lights that made a purring sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 35; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issues 304, 305, and 306
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7480
### Event 48240 (F342024E)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. in St. Germain, Aube, France during this intense regional wave of UFO reports that coincided with a Russian satellite re-entry, numerous witnesses watched a large delta-shaped object flying at a low altitude. It shone several beams of light towards the ground. A man-like figure was seen moving around inside a cabin-like structure. It flew towards the northeast and vanished. Please bear in mind that satellite re-entries are predictable in advance and could serve as the perfect cover for covert aerial activity.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1990, case # 2362, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7481
### Event 48241 (7B3DF1D6)
**Date:** 11/5/1990
**Description:** Later this night Rudolph Bauer, a local artisan residing in Leipzig, Germany, reported seeing a short metallic robot-like entity equipped with antennas, who flew soundlessly over the area. It disappeared while moving at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1990, case # 2442, citing Ulrich Magin
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7482
### Event 48242 (8D3AB90D)
**Date:** 11/6/1990
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** NOIRMOUTIER, FR
**Description:** 1 boy. Dark "coathanger" delta/triangle/box-like craft. Lights / edges. Yellow beam / rear. South going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15747
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NOIRMOUTIER,FR:1 BOY:DARK "COATHANGER" DLT:LITES/EDGES:YLW BEAM/REAR:S>>N", **LatLong:** "46.983336 -2.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:59:00 N 02:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.983336,-2.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Vendée", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48243 (384FACFD)
**Date:** 11/6/1990
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** HONG, DK
**Description:** 2 / car. Brilliant silent moon-size white night light hovers / low altitude. Small lights / edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15748
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HONG,DK:2/CAR:BRILL.SLNT MOONSIZE WHT NLT HVRS/LO ALT:SML LITES/EDGE:", **LatLong:** "55.516669 11.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:31:00 N 11:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.516669,11.283334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48244 (D5FB50B8)
**Date:** 11/6/1990
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** LE BOUSCAT, FR
**Description:** Beam / light and separate red ball. Both blink and join. Ball exits ray and rises going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15749
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "Le BOUSCAT,FR:BEAM/LITE+SEP.RED BALL:BOTH BLINK+JOIN:BALL EXITS RAY AND RISES↑", **LatLong:** "44.866669 -0.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:52:00 N 00:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.866669,-0.616667)", **State/Prov:** "Gironde", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48245 (DA99F65E)
**Date:** 11/6/1990
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** ARCACHON BAY, FR
**Description:** Many observer(s). Yellow cylinder/cigar-shape lost in its own glow. Circles show underneath.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15750
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ARCACHON BAY,FR:MANY OBS:YLW CGR LOST IN ITS OWN GLOW:CIRCLES SHOW UNDERNEATH", **LatLong:** "44.683335 -1.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:41:00 N 01:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.683335,-1.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Gironde", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48246 (4C8D0833)
**Date:** 11/6/1990
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** 5 / car. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts hover and play. 1 lands / field. 1 buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15751
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "S/DENILIQUIN,NSW:5/CAR:DLTS HVR+PLAY:1 LANDS/FIELD:1 BUZZES CAR:ABS SILENT", **LatLong:** "-35.500002 144.933340", **LatLongDMS:** "35:30:00 S 144:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.500002,144.933340)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48247 (6ACD9E8F)
**Date:** 11/6/1990
**Description:** A delta-shaped object hovered and maneuvered about in the sky south of Deniliquin, New South Wales, Australia at 11:30 p.m. Then two of the objects were seen: one landed in a field, and the other buzzed a car. Both UFOs were completely silent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1992, p. 138
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7513
### Event 48248 (1C11C2AE)
**Date:** 11/7/1990
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** MONTREAL, QB
**Description:** Huge disk over city. Light beams / edge. 9k' altitude? Many observer(s) and cops etc. Photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15752
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "MONTREAL,QB:HUGE DISK OVR CITY:LITE BEAMS/EDGE:9k'alt?:MANY OBS+COPS etc:FOTOS", **LatLong:** "45.500002 -73.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:30:00 N 73:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.500002,-73.600004)", **RelAlt:** "2700", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48249 (C7F6ABC1)
**Date:** 11/7/1990
**Location:** International Hilton Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Montreal, Quebec
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. An American woman tourist is swimming in the rooftop pool of the International Hilton Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Montreal, Quebec, when she sees a yellowish, oval object hovering directly overhead. Other hotel guests come to view it, as well as the pool lifeguard, who describes it as “a lighted object with six lights on the perimeter of a large circle with a ray of light emitted from each one.” Municipal police and the RCMP are called and they also view the UFO. Around 9:00 p.m., Marcel Laroche, a journalist from La Presse, takes some photos. The object disappears around 10:10 p.m. due to increasing cloud cover. Other people around the city and at the airport also report seeing unusual lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 172–174; Wim van Utrecht, “[Large Stationary Object over](https://www.caelestia.be/montreal.html) [Montreal,](https://www.caelestia.be/montreal.html)” Caelestia, September 28, 2007; “[OVNI du Hilton-Bonaventure \(17 Nov 1990\),](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=259573941423532)” Réseau OVNI Alerte / UFO-Alert Network Facebook page, November 7, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6938
### Event 48250 (0FC1E9B4)
**Date:** 11/8/1990
**Location:** Belgium, St Géry (Brabant wallon)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the evening around 8:30 pm, the mother (main witness) and her three children decided to go for a walk. They were 300 m from their home when they saw a small red point seeming stationary in the sky at 40°. This point became bigger and bigger, turned orange, and stopped for a few seconds, causing one of the children (14 years old) to be afraid. The fireball moved towards the north, first slowly, then so quickly that it disappeared instantly. "The light in the ball was stationary and decreased in intensity to reveal another, smaller and more distant ball, which increased in intensity"... (...) It was at this moment that they felt a powerful but short breath, one to two seconds, and the 14-year-old child lost his balance, while the other two were also afraid now. ... (...) a central yellow and round light surrounded by a diffuse halo, a slightly curved dark structure at the back, with luminosities around the edge, three lights in the corners. In front white-yellow, in the back blue-green. A very short trail. The phenomenon made no noise.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 88 p. 38 and 39
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3413
### Event 48251 (1AF0B61E)
**Date:** 11/9/1990
**Description:** Soviet Deputy Minister of Defense [Ivan Tretyak](https://peoplepill.com/people/ivan-tretyak/) speaks with a writer from Literaturnaya Gazeta and confirms that fighter-interceptors have encountered UFOs in Russian air space. However, most are explainable as natural phenomena, rocket launches, or satellites. He admits that some pilots report UFOs apparently of artificial origin, but their real nature remains unknown.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Central Intelligence Agency, “[Take 1 of 2—Foreign Press Note—](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000112338.pdf) [FB PN 91-003—USSR,](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000112338.pdf)” January 5, 1991
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6939
### Event 48252 (76FBB839)
**Date:** 11/9/1990
**Description:** A woman and her two children encountered humanoids in their bedroom in Ann Arbor, Michigan at around two a.m. Possible abduction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Shirley Coyne, Michigan MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7580
### Event 48253 (16178B56)
**Date:** 11/11/1990
**Time:** 04:10
**Location:** PENSACOLA, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Domed metal saucer. Blue-beams going down / bay. Going southwest. Emits sphere/orb/globe. Plane circles and follows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 265)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15753
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "95", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA,FL:2 OBS:DOMED MTL SCR:BLU-BEAMS↓/BAY:>SW:EMITS ORB:PLANE CCLS+FOLOS", **LatLong:** "30.433335 -87.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:26:00 N 87:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.433335,-87.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48254 (A36AD65E)
**Date:** 11/12/1990
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Pilot. Black umbrella-saucer / 5000M altitude follows plane. Turns up and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15754
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SEA W/DALIAN,CHINA:PILOT:BLK UMBRELLA-SCR/5000M alt FOLOS PLANE:TURNS UP+AWAY", **LatLong:** "39.500002 120.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:30:00 N 120:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.500002,120.500006)", **RelAlt:** "1500", **State/Prov:** "LNG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48255 (86E0509A)
**Date:** 11/14/1990
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** BENSHAHR, IRAN
**Description:** Police report. Brilliant 1M cylinder/cylindrical object east going west over microwave center. Slow and low. Railroad/railway line.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 436)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15755
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Iran", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BENSHAHR,IRAN:POLICE Rpt:BRILL.1M CYL E>W OVR MICROWAVE Ctr:SLOW+LOW:RR LINE", **LatLong:** "36.700002 53.733336", **LatLongDMS:** "36:42:00 N 53:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.700002,53.733336)", **State/Prov:** "TRN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48256 (FFBEB9CD)
**Date:** 11/14/1990
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** MONTPELLIER, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Red-orange glowing blimp / 1km altitude. Turns yellow going west going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15756
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MONTPELLIER,FR:1 OBS:RED-ORG GLOWING BLIMP/1km alt:TURNS YELLOW GOING W>>E:", **LatLong:** "43.600002 3.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:36:00 N 03:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.600002,3.883334)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48257 (D5D7ED26)
**Date:** 11/14/1990
**Time:** 19:17:00.7
**Location:** 37.2274 -116.3712
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Houston” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1790
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2274 -116.3712", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:39 N 116:22:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2274,-116.3712)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Houston", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 48258 (9A6532A2)
**Date:** 11/14/1990
**Time:** 18:11:58.0
**Location:** -22.2580 -138.8050
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Hyrtacos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2021
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.2580 -138.8050", **LatLongDMS:** "22:15:29 S 138:48:18 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.2580,-138.8050)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Hyrtacos", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 48259 (2E0235DF)
**Date:** 11/14/1990
**Description:** In 1990 there were two reports of cylinder-shaped UFOs from this day. A police report was filed that at 5:20 p.m. a brilliant, one meter long cylinder flew east to west over a microwave transmission center in Behshahr, Iran. It flew silently and slowly, at a low altitude. About three hours later that evening, at 6:30 p.m. local time, a reddish orange blimp was sighted in Montpellier, France flying at an estimated one kilometer altitude. The object turned to a yellow color when it accelerated, leaving to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, July 1991;Lumieres dans la Nuit, volume 307
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7679
### Event 48260 (A976233D)
**Date:** 11/15/1990?
**Time:** ~06:00
**Location:** SOUTH / ROSEDALE, OK
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent 35' saucer very low altitude going north. White lights / sides. Spins. Blue beam going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15757
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "316", **HatchDesc:** "S/ROSEDALE,OK:1 OBS:SLNT 35'SCR VLO ALT>N:WHT LITES/SIDES:SPINS:BLU BEAM ↓", **LatLong:** "34.900002 -97.183338", **LatLongDMS:** "34:54:00 N 97:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.900002,-97.183338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48261 (90EA397C)
**Date:** 11/15/1990
**Description:** In 1990, south of Rosedale, Oklahoma, at about 6 a.m. a silent 35-foot diameter disc was encountered at a very low altitude. It had white lights on the side, and the rim was spinning. It emitted a blue beam of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, February 1993). On this night in 1991 a group of coon hunters in Marshall, Arkansas saw a tremendously large boomerang-shaped UFO, the size of three football fields. It had bright pulsating white lights. Three large red lights separated from the UFO and flew away. The men fled in fear. Also on this night at about 8 p.m. a West Virginia coal miner was driving on US highway 460 in Tazewell, Virginia. He saw a silent metallic ovoid UFO, 40-50 feet in length, glide into a cloud. (Sources: Timothy Good, Alien Update, p. 240; Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, p. 139
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7702
### Event 48262 (15366BF9)
**Date:** 11/20/1990
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** JAHROM, IRAN
**Description:** Irna news. Intensely brilliant saucer west going quickly east / 400M altitude. Same seen / 18 November.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 436)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15758
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Iran", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "JAHROM,IRAN:IRNA NEWS:INTENSELY BRILL.SCR W>>E/400M ALT:SAME SEEN/18NOV", **LatLong:** "28.483335 53.533336", **LatLongDMS:** "28:29:00 N 53:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.483335,53.533336)", **State/Prov:** "FRS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48263 (37F5728D)
**Date:** 11/21/1990
**Time:** 16:59:58.1
**Location:** -21.9360 -138.9670
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Thoas” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2022
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.9360 -138.9670", **LatLongDMS:** "21:56:10 S 138:58:01 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.9360,-138.9670)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Thoas", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 48264 (2485C99B)
**Date:** 11/22/1990
**Location:** Belgium, Orgéo
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 1:15am, a farmer observed a dirty gray parallelepiped 20 x 10 x 4 meters in size, with two 2-meter diameter white headlights resembling large tops at the front, spaced apart from the structure; two headlights at the back. The object moved at 5 km/h at a low altitude (thirty meters) and all the lights were blinking. (Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85 p. 40) 1:15am, single witness. The object passed over him and over the house at about 30 m. altitude. It took up the entire width. The shape was rectangular, 20 m. long, 10 m. wide and 4 m. high. The front headlights were at mid-height of the object and each measured 2 meters in diameter. The outer blue lights were not part of the mass but protruded. The appearance of the object itself was gray and dirty. The witness was very impressed by the absence of noise and the lightness of the movement for such an imposing mass. The witness also described the top of the object as a cap held to the lower part by large rivets. At the back two white headlights were seen, identical to those observed at the front. During the entire observation, the witness noted that the lights were pulsing. Then the object turned 90° to the right, turned off all its lights, then started at a lightning speed to disappear into the night.
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 206; VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 251 and sketch
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3414
### Event 48265 (C02155E9)
**Date:** 11/22/1990
**Location:** Belgium, Courcelles
**Description:** (Translated from French) 17:50, 2 witnesses. "At the front of the craft, as if coming from inside, two beams of very intense light, comparable in intensity to the light of an electronic flash or a strobe light. This light did not disperse but remained concentrated, as if channeled by two imaginary tubes. At the back, a third yellowish light, less intense, was directed towards the ground and at times seemed to move around an axis. Below the craft, towards the center of this imposing triangular surface, small red lights arranged like on the surface of a disk, blinked in a disordered way. They did not seem to be firmly attached to the craft, but rather seemed to be suspended under it." Dimensions of the craft: approximately 25 m x 10 m.
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 166, 167; VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 250 and sketch
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3415
### Event 48266 (2FEF8A88)
**Date:** 11/22/1990
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** ST. OSYTH, ESSEX
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s). Fat boomerang going east. 0230h / Clacton. Same delta/triangle/box-like craft over pier.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15759
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "St OSYTH,ESSEX:2+2 OBS:FAT BOOMERANG >E::0230h/CLACTON:SAME DLT OVR PIER", **LatLong:** "51.794447 1.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:47:40 N 01:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.794447,1.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48267 (22AD7E4E)
**Date:** 11/22/1990
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** BOURGUEYRAUD, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Flash. Luminous/glowing house-sized green object going quickly northwest 200M away. Night lights fly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15760
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BOURGUEYRAUD,FR:1 OBS:FLASH:LUMn HOUSE-SIZED GRN OBJ >>NW 200M away:NLTS FLY", **LatLong:** "45.311113 -0.955556", **LatLongDMS:** "45:18:40 N 00:57:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.311113,-0.955556)", **State/Prov:** "Gironde", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48268 (3A5A5B39)
**Date:** 11/22/1990 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** ROBION, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silent yellow boomerang with lights from Mts. Stops. Going quickly northeast. Back again / 29 Nov. '90.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15761
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ROBION,FR:3 OBS:SLNT YLW BOOMRNG W/LITES fm Mts:STOPS:>>NE:back again/29NOV90", **LatLong:** "43.850002 5.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:51:00 N 05:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.850002,5.116667)", **State/Prov:** "Vaucluse", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48269 (A4E0085A)
**Date:** 11/22/1990
**Location:** Fleurus, Belgium
**Description:** 5:28 a.m. Mme. Bouffioux is lying awake in bed at her home in Fleurus, Belgium, when she senses an intense light. She looks out the window, which is covered in vapor, and sees the light about 80 feet away behind the wall bordering her neighbor’s garden and in an abandoned field. After a while, the light turns off, and she sees bluish flashes erupting from a spot to the right of where the object was last seen.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Vidal and Michel Rozencwajg, “The Belgian Wave,” IUR 16, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1991\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6940
### Event 48270 (B27BD3E6)
**Date:** 11/22/1990
**Description:** A delta-shaped object was seen over a pier in St. Osyth, Essex, England at 12:30 a.m., and a fat boomerang-shaped object was seen going east at 2:30 a.m. There were a total of four witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1992, p. 139
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7815
### Event 48271 (19E88EBC)
**Date:** 11/23/1990
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** VUMBA, ZIMB
**Description:** Big silent cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly north. Flame / rear. Blinking and steady lights. Ground lit. / r124p140.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15762
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "VUMBA,ZIMB:BIG SLNT CGR >>N:FLAME/REAR:BLINKING+STEADY LITES:GND LIT:/r124p140", **LatLong:** "-18.816668 32.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "18:49:00 S 32:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.816668,32.666668)", **State/Prov:** "MUT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48272 (AF4FD95D)
**Date:** 11/23/1990
**Description:** A giant cigar-shaped object flew rapidly and silently to the north over Vumba, Manicaland, Zimbabwe. A flame was emitted from the rear end of the object. It had blinking and steady lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO AfriNews, issue 4, July 1991
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7853
### Event 48273 (253AB780)
**Date:** 11/24/1990
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** CORMERAY, FR
**Description:** 1+kids / car. Red football surrounded / orange waves. Flashes every second.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15763
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CORMERAY,FR:1+KIDS/CAR:RED FOOTBALL SURROUNDED/ORG.WAVES:FLASHES EVERY SECOND", **LatLong:** "47.483336 1.411111", **LatLongDMS:** "47:29:00 N 01:24:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.483336,1.411111)", **State/Prov:** "Loir-et-Cher", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48274 (CB8671C3)
**Date:** 11/24/1990
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** LANGON, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). 5 night lights in triangle east going west / moderate pace. Odd faint sound. / p.28.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15764
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "LANGON,FR:SVRL OBS:5 NLTS in TRIANGLE E>W/MODERATE PACE:ODD FAINT SOUND:/p.28", **LatLong:** "47.294447 1.827778", **LatLongDMS:** "47:17:40 N 01:49:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.294447,1.827778)", **State/Prov:** "Loir-et-Cher", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48275 (9D130297)
**Date:** 11/24/1990
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** CHAUNY, AISNE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Night lights form huge triangle. 'Bigger / 747'. A busy night.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15765
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHAUNY,AISNE,FR:1 OBS:NLTS FORM HUGE TRIANGLE:'bigger/747' :a busy nite", **LatLong:** "49.616669 3.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "49:37:00 N 03:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.616669,3.233333)", **State/Prov:** "Aisne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48276 (8A629B32)
**Date:** 11/24/1990
**Description:** At 2:45 a.m. a police inspector in Hendale, England saw a bright light split into a number of blue and white objects, which flew south. At the same time two police officers saw a UFO over the Bristol Channel. The UFO appeared on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gary Heseltine, Police Reports of UFOs, case # 143, citing The Sun Independent, November 25, 1990
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7889
### Event 48277 (FB7F5095)
**Date:** 11/24/1990
**Description:** At 6:15 p.m. a driver together with children in the car in Comeray, France sighted a red football-shaped object surrounded by an orange glowing waves.It flashed once every second.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15417; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 307
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7890
### Event 48278 (CDE9F34A)
**Date:** 11/24/1990
**Description:** At 11:37 p.m. a silent red UFO was photographed in Gulf Breeze, Florida by three observers with 35 mm cameras and two more witnesses with video cameras.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case # 978
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7891
### Event 48279 (BEA59D9F)
**Date:** 11/25/1990
**Time:** 12:40
**Location:** MILTON, FL
**Description:** Navy Tech. Dull silver-grey wingless fuselage north going quickly south. Airliner speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15766
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "MILTON,FL:NAVY TECH:DULL SLVR-GRY WINGLESS FUSELAGE N>>S:AIRLINER SPEED:", **LatLong:** "30.616668 -87.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:37:00 N 87:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.616668,-87.033337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48280 (00F6478A)
**Date:** 11/25/1990
**Time:** ~20:30
**Location:** LANCASTER, CA
**Description:** Delta maneuvers / northern sky. Bright light / each corner. 1 observer / 10 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: UFO ENCOUNTERS & BEYOND; Signet Books 1993. 192pp. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15767
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "718", **HatchDesc:** "LANCASTER,CA:DELTA MNVRS/NORTHERN SKY:BRITE LITE/EACH CORNER:1 OBS/10min", **LatLong:** "34.700002 -118.150006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:42:00 N 118:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.700002,-118.150006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48281 (7FAD558E)
**Date:** 11/25/1990
**Description:** A Navy technician sighted a dull silver-gray wingless fuselage flying from north to south at airliner speed in Milton, Florida at 12:40 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughilli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 1405
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7918
### Event 48282 (545EA628)
**Date:** 11/26/1990
**Location:** PARIS
**Description:** 1 observer. Yellow-orange pear-shape with red lights / center going quickly [to] east-northeast at angle to Boulevard.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15768
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PARIS:1 OBS:YLW-ORG PEAR-SHAPE W/RED LITES/CENTER >>ENE AT ANGLE TO BOULEVARD", **LatLong:** "48.883336 2.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:53:00 N 02:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.883336,2.300000)", **State/Prov:** "Paris", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 48283 (206BD4CB)
**Date:** 11/27/1990
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** FISMES, FR
**Description:** 4 girls / 10. Night lights tour sky. Form a saucer. Black triangle appears. All going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15769
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "FISMES,FR:4 GIRLS/10:NLTS TOUR SKY:FORM A SCR:BLK TRIANGLE APPEARS:ALL >>N", **LatLong:** "49.300002 3.683334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:18:00 N 03:41:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.300002,3.683334)", **State/Prov:** "Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48284 (8C458426)
**Date:** 11/28/1990
**Description:** A woman driving in Norwood, Massachusetts on a clear day at 11:35 a.m. saw an object descend over an airport runway, hover, then move over a nearby hill, and finally fly out of view. The object was described as a gray oval-shaped object, perhaps 20 feet in diameter, which made no sound. She concluded that psychic interaction between her and the object caused the UFO's maneuvers. The encounter lasted 3 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Morton Schafer, MUFON field investigation case files, case # 901203
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8012
### Event 48285 (E8E7A69C)
**Date:** 11/29/1990
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** CARBONDALE, IL
**Description:** Silent pyramid / night lights just over home / mining executive. Going south. 90° turn going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 130)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15770
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "126", **HatchDesc:** "CARBONDALE,IL:SLNT PYRAMID/NLTS JUST OVR HOME/MINING EXECUTIVE:> S:90°TURN >E", **LatLong:** "37.733335 -89.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:44:00 N 89:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.733335,-89.216671)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48286 (1BBCE041)
**Date:** 12/1990
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** DOLHESTI, ROM
**Description:** Many observer(s). Power out. 12M glowing-saucer. Power dims again / 13 OOh. / r121p84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 445)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15771
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "DOLHESTI,ROM:MANY OBS:POWER OUT:12M GLOW-SCR::POWER DIMS AGAIN/13OOh:/r121p84", **LatLong:** "46.883336 27.900001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:53:00 N 27:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.883336,27.900001)", **State/Prov:** "IAS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48287 (3D941F7B)
**Date:** End of 1990
**Location:** USA, U.K. Saudi Arabia
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: summer 1990) Twenty two F-117A fighters, originating from Tonopah-Nellis, were stationed at Langley AFB (Virginia). Twenty of these fighters left the USA for Saudi Arabia. They were accompanied by KC-10 refuelers. During the journey, two aircrafts made a brief landing at the RAF base in Alconbury (1990, end of year)
**Reference:** Gesag, Bulletin No. 96, September 97, p. 4
**Reference:** continued: 16.1.1991
**Reference:** England
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3417
### Event 48288 (885F34D6)
**Date:** End of 1990
**Location:** Germany, Dortmund
**Description:** (Translated from French) End of 1990 or beginning of 1991. (source: conference of Dr Johannes Fiebag, Germany) Hans-Joerg was a merchant. At the end of 1990 or beginning of 1991, he was living with his partner, something was happening to him that made him panic in fear of the darkness, in his own apartment. One night, he woke up and saw a small man pass by him. "He was about one meter tall and was wearing something like a hat. He wasn't looking at me, but kept going to the corner of the room, where there was no door. There, he disappeared. I didn't dare wake up my partner and almost didn't dare breathe. However, in the morning, she found me curled up in the bed. My fear paralyzed me so much that I stayed like that, curled up, unable to even speak, for hours." (1990 end of)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3418
### Event 48289 (65BA485A)
**Date:** 12/1/1990
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** AREA / LYON, FR
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Fish-shape and cigars and more. Some low over rooftops. 1 going SSW to mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15772
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "area/LYON,FR:SVRL SEP.OBS:FISH-SHAPE+CGRS+:SOME LOW OVR ROOFTOPS:1>SSW to Mtns", **LatLong:** "45.750002 4.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:00 N 04:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.750002,4.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48290 (69914238)
**Date:** 12/1/1990
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** BRON AND CALUIRE, FR
**Description:** 3+1 separate observer(s). Luminous/glowing balls split and maneuver. Shoot going quickly SSW as plane nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15773
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BRON+CALUIRE,FR:3+1 SEP.OBS:LUMn BALLS SPLIT+MNVR:SHOOT >>SSW AS PLANE NEARS", **LatLong:** "45.733336 4.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:44:00 N 04:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.733336,4.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48291 (5DC08E75)
**Date:** 12/2/1990
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** TAILLADES, FR
**Description:** Air Force officer. Dark ovoid slow and low. Lights maneuver / surface. Going southeast. / r226#1p20.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15774
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "TAILLADES,FR:AF OFFICER:DARK OVOID SLO+LO:LITES MNVR/SURFACE:>SE:/r226#1p20", **LatLong:** "43.833335 5.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:50:00 N 05:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.833335,5.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Vaucluse", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48292 (CE9B6C98)
**Date:** 12/2/1990
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. an Air Force officer observed a dark ovoid object move through the sky slowly at low altitude in Taillades, Vaucluse, France. Lights on the surface of the object changed position.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 307
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8147
### Event 48293 (8698D54D)
**Date:** 12/3/1990
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** SOUTH / TOULON, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft northeast going southwest slow over sensitive naval-air base. Lights / corners.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15775
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "S/TOULON,FR:1 OBS:SLNT DLT NE>SW SLOW OVR SENSITIVE NVL-AIR BASE:LITES/CORNERS", **LatLong:** "43.083335 5.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:00 N 05:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.083335,5.933334)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48294 (DBB6A38B)
**Date:** 12/3/1990
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** NOIRMOUTIER, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 dark rounded triangles south going quickly north in sequence. Red area / center.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15776
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NOIRMOUTIER,FR:1 OBS:2 DARK ROUNDED TRIANGLES S>>N IN SEQUENCE:RED AREA/CENTER", **LatLong:** "47.000002 -2.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:00:00 N 02:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.000002,-2.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Vendée", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48295 (230735D4)
**Date:** 12/3/1990
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** CUINCY, FR
**Description:** Large metallic triangle with large lights low overhead. Motorscooter noise. Going east. Back 4+7 December.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 308)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15777
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "68", **HatchDesc:** "CUINCY,FR:LRG.MTLC TRNGL W/LRG LITES LO OVHD:MOTORSCOOTER NOISE:>E:back 4+7Dec", **LatLong:** "50.366669 3.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:22:00 N 03:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.366669,3.033333)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48296 (6318E17D)
**Date:** 12/3/1990 (approximate)
**Time:** ~23:20
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Small humanoid (or Grey) / roadside. Missing time. Abduction? Observer(s) wakes / car pointed backward.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15778
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "nr JOZSA,HUNGARY:CAR EMES:OID/ROADSIDE:MST:ABD?:OBS WAKES/CAR POINTED BACKWARD", **LatLong:** "47.616669 21.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:37:00 N 21:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.616669,21.583334)", **State/Prov:** "HDB", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48297 (D3CDD3E5)
**Date:** 12/3/1990
**Description:** In 1990 at 6:20 p.m. two dark triangle-shaped objects with rounded corners flew over the city of Noirmoutier on the French coast in sequence, flying south to north. Both have a red area in the center. At 9:10 p.m. a large metallic triangular raft with large lights flew low over the city of Cuincy, France. At 11:20 p.m. in Jozsa, Hungary a car with a single occupant stalled when it passed a short humanoid standing on the side of the road. The driver experienced twenty minutes of missing time. When the witness recovered consciousness, the car was facing in the opposite direction on the highway with no apparent damage.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issues 307, 308, and 326
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8169
### Event 48298 (7BBAA35C)
**Date:** 12/4/1990
**Description:** In Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil a silent reddish orange ball of light three meters in diameter was watched by three men in a truck at 7:30 p.m. It zig-zagged as it rose, then changed shape to an oval only one meter in diameter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p 242; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 203
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8184
### Event 48299 (BE3C0B99)
**Date:** 12/5/1990
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** PENSACOLA, FL
**Description:** 2+4 kids. Car-size saucer / treetop level. Goes. Helicopter circles low afterwards.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15779
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA,FL:2+4 KIDS:CAR-SIZE SCR/TREETOP LVL:GOES:COPTER CCLS LO AFTERWARDS", **LatLong:** "30.411113 -87.222226", **LatLongDMS:** "30:24:40 N 87:13:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.411113,-87.222226)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48300 (CAF8484F)
**Date:** 12/9/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An AFP dispatch indicates that the UFO rain as titled by *Le Figaro* was not a spacecraft followed by its cohort of saucers but the third stage of a Soviet rocket \(the Proton rocket which had been used to put the Gorizon 21 communications satellite into orbit\) bouncing off the upper layers of the atmosphere. The media are informed of the identification of the celestial bolide that had intrigued all of Europe by the [SEPRA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SEPRA.html). (December 9)
**Reference:** Roussel 1994
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3159
### Event 48301 (09A5CFA3)
**Date:** 12/9/1990
**Location:** Waterloo exit of the Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgium
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Mme. Cortvriendt and her husband are at the Waterloo exit of the Brussels Ring Road near Belle-Vue, Belgium, when they see a luminous triangle off to the right at an altitude of 160 feet. On its circumference are a multitude of white lights that are “bright as diamonds.” Stretching from the center of the object are four brass-colored arms in the shape of a cross. They lose sight of it as it travels away from them to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Vidal and Michel Rozencwajg, “The Belgian Wave,” IUR 16, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1991\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6941
### Event 48302 (DB1C41EF)
**Date:** 12/13/1990
**Location:** Russia, near Samara (Kuybyshev)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 0:07, the controllers of the long-range radar station in Kuybyshev saw a spot appear on their screens, estimated to be about 100 km away. They later described the spot as being comparable to that of a strategic bomber. The automatic and electronic identification system stopped working. Two and a half minutes after its first appearance, the large spot scattered into a multitude of small returns. They were then less than 40 km from the station and the largest one had begun to take the shape of a triangular object and was now heading straight for the radar post. As it approached, a team of soldiers wanted to go out and see what it was: the thing flew past them, less than 9 meters away, as they stepped outside. Then it stopped and began hovering about 90 meters away, behind a barbed wire fence less than 45 meters away from a mobile row of short-range radars, known as post number 12. There was a flash and the twin antennas caught fire. Soon after, the upper antenna collapsed. All the metal parts of the antennas of post 12 had melted. The mysterious triangle seen was described as black and smooth, not like a mirror, but like a thick layer of soot. The sides of the object were about 14 m long and it was nearly 3 m thick. There were no openings or portholes. It continued to hover for about 90 minutes after destroying the radar. Then it set off and completely disappeared into the night.
**Reference:** “Dossiers Ovni” - ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Hors série, page 52, 53
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3416
### Event 48303 (BCB34384)
**Date:** 12/13/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The long-range radar controllers of the Kuybyshev monitoring station \(now Samara, Russia\) see a spot appear on their screens, estimated to be about 100 km away. They will later describe the spot as being comparable to that of a strategic bomber. The automatic and electronic system for identifying friends or foes \(Identify Fried or Foe or IFF\) stops working, preventing the controllers from knowing whether the vehicle is hostile or not. About 2 minutes and 30 seconds after its first appearance, the large spot disperses into a multitude of small returns. They are now less than 40 km from the station and the largest one has begun to take the shape of a triangular object, and is now heading straight for the radar post. As it approaches, a team of soldiers wants to go out to see what it is: the thing passes in a flash over their heads, less than 9 m away, as they put their foot outside. Drawings representing the manifestation of December 13th in Samara. See drawings representing the manifestation of December 13th in Samara, images/1990-12-13\_1000.jpg, and this [photo](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1990-12-13.jpg). (December 13th, 0:07)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3160
### Event 48304 (4FEEF6E1)
**Date:** 12/14/1990
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Le Monde* reports that 2 UFO cases defy all interpretation. These "real UFOs" as the journalist calls them, observed in the early 1980s by 2 credible witnesses according to the report of the [CNES](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CNES.html), left a strong imprint on the ground and caused deep trauma to the surrounding vegetation, as noted by scientists. (December 14)
**Reference:** Roussel 1994
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1990.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3161
### Event 48305 (7E7CE20D)
**Date:** 12/15/1990
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** CHALLES, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Red-glowing ovoid stops / 30 second(s). Rises. Sparks join. All vanish.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 308)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15780
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHALLES,FR:1 OBS:RED-GLO OVOID STOPS/30sec:RISES:SPARKS JOIN:ALL VANISH", **LatLong:** "47.933336 0.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:56:00 N 00:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.933336,0.416667)", **State/Prov:** "SRT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48306 (429A068E)
**Date:** 12/19/1990
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** CAGUAS, PR
**Description:** 2 unmarked military helicopters chase silent 747-size luminous sphere/orb/globe going quickly northwest. / LDLN#311.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STONE, Reuben: UFO INVESTIGATION; 1993 Blitz/Bookmark, Enderby, England. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15781
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "CAGUAS,PR:2 UNMARKED MIL COPTERS CHASE SLNT 747-SIZE LUMn.ORB >>NW:/LDLN#311", **LatLong:** "18.238890 -66.050003", **LatLongDMS:** "18:14:20 N 66:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.238890,-66.050003)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48307 (EE8CFE8E)
**Date:** 12/24/1990
**Time:** 15:00?
**Location:** COL.-DE-VENCE, FR
**Description:** Shepherd. Eyes red. No recall of 2 photographs / Brill object / complex trajectory.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 317)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15782
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "COL-de-VENCE,FR:SHEPHERD:EYES RED:NO RECALL of 2 FOTOS/BRILL OBJ/COMPLEX TRAJ", **LatLong:** "43.800002 7.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:48:00 N 07:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.800002,7.066667)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48308 (6E6454F4)
**Date:** 12/31/1990
**Description:** In the middle of the afternoon in Taszar, Hungary an aircraft mechanic was approached by a strange man and woman riding in a totally black van with blacked out windows. The strangers seemed to be human, but were also able to read the witness's mind. The strangers left, but later that night the witness was approached by a reddish-yellow light the size of a football, at a height of about 2.5 m. Terrified, he first two shots at the object, which quickly vanished from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1990 Humanoid Contact sighting reports, citing Kriston Endre, RYUFOR Foundation Hungary
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8680
### Event 48309 (75688DC4)
**Date:** 12/31/1990
**Description:** In Karaganda, Kazakhstan local resident Maksim Abramtsev was at home watching the New Years Eve celebrations on television when he glanced out the window and saw the strange face of an unknown entity staring in the window at him. Afraid, he jumped up and ran outside into the street. There he saw several "men" or humanoids walking toward a globe-shaped object. The object was hovering low over the ground, and Maksim felt a strong fear after watching this scene, and ran and hid behind the door on his porch. Moments later, the globe ascended into the air, flying low over the ground, then stopped and hovered in the air for a brief moment before shooting away at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1990 Humanoid Contact sighting reports, citing Industrialnaya Karaganda newspaper, May 18, 1991
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8681
## Year: 1991, 397 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 48310 (B1DEFD79)
**Date:** 1991
**Location:** Greenland
**Description:** (Translated from French) NASA (USA) used the Airborne Topographic Mapper to measure the elevation of the ice. It was placed at Wallops (USA) on the P-3B aircraft which flew 152 meters above the ice and gave measurements with an accuracy of 10 centimeters. From 1991 to 1995, five flights of this kind took place. (1991 and after)
**Reference:** NASA website in 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3419
### Event 48311 (0AB252D1)
**Date:** 1991
**Location:** Porto Rico, Cuesta Blanca
**Description:** (Translated from French) Another encounter near Laguna Cartagena was reported by Eleuterio Acosta, an 80-year-old trustworthy man who lives in the Olivares area, right in front of the radar installation. He said that one day he was surrounded by five of these small gray creatures when he entered his house. He faced them with a stick, shouted, and a sixth creature, larger this time, appeared, and all together they jumped out of a window and ran away quickly towards Sierra Bermeja.
**Reference:** Timothy GOOD: "E.T. Connection" 1993 Trad. Presses de la Cité 1994 p. 251-253
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3452
### Event 48312 (09F33252)
**Date:** 1991 (approximate)
**Location:** ISRAEL, Burgata
**Description:** (Translated from French) A 11-year-old boy of Yemeni origin disappeared on his way back from school to his father's house. He finally returned late at night and found his parents in a state close to hysteria. He had no explanation for his delay and could not remember what had happened in the hours before his return home. Two weeks later, his memories returned in a jumble. Giants had caught him and taken him to their lair. He had undergone a medical examination and something was surgically placed in his arm, near his wrist. His parents quickly took the boy to the clinic where, indeed, something was removed from that spot. The father then ordered the family never to speak of the incident again. (1991, No precise date)
**Reference:** "The Return of the Angels" - UFOs in Israel, Past, Present - Barry Chamish
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3453
### Event 48313 (0479636A)
**Date:** 1991
**Description:** [Milton William Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton%5FWilliam%5FCooper) publishes Behold a Pale Horse, an elaborate collection of conspiracy theories and a manifesto of the militia movement. According to sociologist [Paul Gilroy,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FGilroy) Cooper claims to explain the “Kennedy assassination, the doings of the secret world government, the coming ice age, and a variety of other covert activities associated with the Illuminati’s declaration of war upon the people of America.” Political scientist [Michael Barkun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FBarkun) characterizes it as “among the most complex superconspiracy theories” and one of the most influential due to its popularity in militia circles as well as mainstream bookstores. Historian [Nicholas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas%5FGoodrick-Clarke) [Goodrick-Clarke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas%5FGoodrick-Clarke) describes the book as a “chaotic farrago of conspiracy myths interspersed with reprints of executive laws, official papers, reports, and other extraneous materials designed to show the looming prospect of a world government imposed on the American people against their wishes and in flagrant contempt of the Constitution.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Milton William Cooper, [Behold a Pale Horse](https://archive.org/details/beholdpalehorse0000coop), Light Technology, 1991; Wikipedia, “[Milton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton%5FWilliam%5FCooper\#Behold%5Fa%5FPale%5FHorse) [William Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton%5FWilliam%5FCooper\#Behold%5Fa%5FPale%5FHorse)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6942
### Event 48314 (B44FCE14)
**Date:** 1991
**Location:** Chicago, Illinois
**Description:** [Mark Rodeghier](http://www.cufos.org/mark%5Frodeghier.html)[,](http://www.cufos.org/mark%5Frodeghier.html) Jeff Goodpaster, and Sandra Blatterbauer conduct a study on the psychosocial characteristics of 27 abductees for the Center for UFO Studies in Chicago, Illinois. They conclude from the data that the subjects cannot be classified as fantasy-prone personalities or as especially hypnotically responsive. However, a cluster analysis of MMPI scales reveals two types of abductees, one with higher fantasy-prone scores, more loneliness as adults, lower levels of happiness, more problems sleeping, and a greater incidence of sexual abuse as children.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, Jeff Goodpaster, and Sandra Blatterbauer, “Psychosocial Characteristics of Abductees: Results from the CUFOS Abduction Project,” JUFOS 3 \(1991\): 59–90
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6943
### Event 48315 (C0FCC028)
**Date:** 1991
**Location:** Area 51 in Nevada
**Description:** Psychic [Sean David Morton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean%5FDavid%5FMorton) begins going to Area 51 in Nevada. He and a friend tape a glowing, disc-shaped object that approaches within a few hundred yards. Several times it shoots up then descends with a falling-leaf motion. They return with burned faces and mild radiation poisoning. Morton later shoots more video showing glowing objects with extraordinary acceleration and maneuverability. Area 51 insiders allegedly contact him, including someone who claims he transported large disc-like and bell-shaped objects that he concludes are alien. He speaks of numerous underground levels, alien bodies in liquid tanks, and even several humanoid aliens from the Pleiades. Later Morton leads tours around Area 51 and suggests that the aliens there are from “Krondac,” a planet 800 light-years away. Morton is the subject of an article by the website UFO Watchdog, “The Shameless Psychic and His Prophecy of Lies.” which throws doubt on many of his claims. Morton sues the site for libel but the case is dismissed. In 2010, Morton and his wife are charged with securities fraud by the SEC. In February 2013, Morton is ordered by a judge to pay $11.5 million to the SEC within 14 days. They are arrested in 2016 and begin serving federal sentences in 2017.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Sean David Morton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean%5FDavid%5FMorton)”; Carole Masciola, “[Mysterious](https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19930502&slug=1698948) [Earthlings Scour the Desert for Space Alien Tourists,](https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19930502&slug=1698948)” Seattle Times, May 2, 1993; Royce Myers III, “[The](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/sean%5Fmorton%5Ffiles%5F1.htm) [Shameless Psychic and His Prophecy of Lies,](http://www.ufowatchdog.com/sean%5Fmorton%5Ffiles%5F1.htm)” February 2001
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6944
### Event 48316 (887636C2)
**Date:** 1991
**Locations:** Argentine; Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas
**Description:** The Argentine Ministry of Defense creates a small office devoted to the study of UFO sightings within the Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas, a federal agency in charge of scientific research and development. It lasts until 1997.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Milton W. Hourcade, “[Argentina: UFO](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.uapsg.com/2020/07/argentina-ufo-declassification.html) [Declassification,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.uapsg.com/2020/07/argentina-ufo-declassification.html)” UAPSG–GEFAI, July 29, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6945
### Event 48317 (7C0582D6)
**Date:** 1991
**Location:** Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina
**Description:** Visión Ovni, a national UFO research organization, is launched in Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina, by Silvia Pérez Simondini.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Visión Ovni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visi%C3%B3n%5FOvni)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6946
### Event 48318 (4C18597E)
**Date:** 1991
**Location:** Soviet Union
**Description:** The Soviet Union launches the Thread III Project, a wide-ranging scientific and technical analysis of unusual space phenomena conducted by more than 15 separate military units, scientific institutes, and the Ministry of Defense. The organization driving it is an ambiguously named group called Soviet Military Unit 73790.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 115–117
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6947
### Event 48319 (3E7F46F1)
**Date:** 1991
**Description:** Senior staff counsel to Sen. Robert Byrd, Dick D’Amato, tells Jacques Vallée: “what that stealthy group is doing is a felony…for a government employee to knowingly disseminate false information to the public is an offense that should send him to jail. The Government can’t spend appropriated money on projects that Congress doesn’t know about; it’s an even greater offense if they spend private money to do it…whatever the secret project, it must be controlled by an incredible level of fear because nobody dares talk about it. I find no leaks anywhere.”
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/04/more-on-c-richard-damato-and-black-uap.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/04/more-on-c-richard-damato-and-black-uap.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_255
### Event 48320 (FF8F43EC)
**Date:** 1991
**Description:** A caller into the Billy Goodman show on KVEG in 1991 claims he was hired to run electricity and power 3,000 feet underground on a “certain test site,” involving military personnel and creatures with “big heads and little bodies.” The caller claims he was assigned the job by Reynold’s Electronics, a subsidiary of EG&G, but his paycheck comes from “someone else.”
* [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/branton/esp_cosmicconflict09.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/branton/esp_cosmicconflict09.htm)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_256
### Event 48321 (D58A9234)
**Date:** 1991
**Description:** USS Nimitz Petty Officer Kevin Thomas claims he sees a “huge black triangle” lifting out of the ocean when he was accidentally left on deck after the ship was ordered to darken the ship and clear the decks. Thomas says it had no water dripping off it, made no sound and it
shortly after flew up vertically out of sight. Thomas says he was interviewed by people in civilian clothes why he was outside and what he saw; Thomas said he didn’t tell them he saw the triangle because he was concerned he would be disciplined.
* [https://twitter.com/NickMadrid16/status/1583797906527510530?s=20](https://twitter.com/NickMadrid16/status/1583797906527510530?s=20)
* [https://youtu.be/6sjLyFrBBkw](https://youtu.be/6sjLyFrBBkw)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_257
### Event 48322 (47D6E742)
**Date:** 1/1991
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** ARLINGTON, MA
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 fast green-glowing boomerangs going northeast. 1 loops. Both going quickly east toward(s) Boston.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15783
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "ARLINGTON,MA:1 OBS:2 FAST GRN-GLO BOOMERANGS > NE:1 LOOPS:BOTH >>E twrd BOSTON", **LatLong:** "42.416669 -71.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:25:00 N 71:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.416669,-71.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48323 (61CF50B8)
**Date:** 1/1991
**Location:** Aix-en-Provence, France
**Description:** The SOS-OVNI group \(formerly Association d’Étude sur les Soucoupes Volantes\) begins publishing Phénomèna, edited by Perry Petrakis, in Aix-en-Provence, France. It continues through 2001.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Phénomèna](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Phenomena/Phenomena%20-%20No%2001%20-%201991%2001.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1991\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6948
### Event 48324 (E6D9D102)
**Date:** 1/1991
**Description:** Alleged former intelligence community member “John Grace” publishes a series of books on the “Matrix” under the pseudonym “Valdamar Valerian.” Grace claims “grey aliens” await a human being in the “light” when they die, and the human being is recycled into another body and the process begins again. Grace claims these “entities view Earth as a big farm” and utilized advanced technology to project images of loved ones to convince souls to reincarnate on Earth in a repeated cycle.
* [https://avalonlibrary.net/?dir=ebooks/Valdemar%20Valerian%20-%20Matrix%20I-IV](https://avalonlibrary.net/?dir=ebooks/Valdemar%20Valerian%20-%20Matrix%20I-IV)
>**_Note_**: This concept is repeated by the remote viewing group the Farsight Institute, who calls it a “Death Trap.” Former SRI contractor (who itself was a contractor for the Army) Robert Monroe states something similar, that interdimensional beings harvest humanity for their energy and force them to repeat their lives on Earth. Former UK politician Simon Parkes states “reptilians” are in control of a soul recycling system. Buddhism teaches reincarnation is an endless cycle of suffering only broken by enlightenment, while ancient Greek Gnosticism teaches humans are divine souls trapped in the physical world where escape can only be achieved by not worshiping the false god (Demiurge), but rather, gaining secret esoteric knowledge about who humans really are, where they are from, how parasitical entities work and how how to be free of a soul trap ran by entities they refer to as “Archons.”
>* [https://www.worldhistory.org/Gnosticism/](https://www.worldhistory.org/Gnosticism/)
>* [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/te0fgs/robert_monroes_research_do_entities_feed_off_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/te0fgs/robert_monroes_research_do_entities_feed_off_of/)
>* [https://youtu.be/w6dxXAAAIp4](https://youtu.be/w6dxXAAAIp4)
>* [https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/Death_Traps_Farsight_Project_main_page.html](https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/Death_Traps_Farsight_Project_main_page.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_258
### Event 48325 (6CB9E8C1)
**Date:** 1/3/1991
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers near auto auction / hours. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15784
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "nr SKELMERSDALE,LANCs:SVRL SEP.OBS:DLT HVRS NR AUTO AUCTION/hrs:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "53.550003 -2.783333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:33:00 N 02:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.550003,-2.783333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48326 (C2414B73)
**Date:** 1/6/1991
**Time:** 08:00
**Description:** 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Slim white cylinder/cigar-shape / pointy ends. Going / cloud to cloud. / FSRv36#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15785
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "88", **HatchDesc:** "LISKEARD,CORNWALL:1/BINOCS:SLIM WHT CGR/POINTY ENDS:>/CLOUD to CLOUD:/FSRv36#3", **LatLong:** "50.450002 -4.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:27:00 N 04:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.450002,-4.450000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48327 (12335F9B)
**Date:** 1/6/1991
**Locations:** E411 motorway near Spontin, Belgium; A4 in Beez, Belgium
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Four family members driving along the E411 motorway near Spontin, Belgium, watch a gigantic, plate-shaped UFO with many lights and a cupola pass overhead heading northwest. At 6:30 p.m., a family driving south on the A4 in Beez, Belgium, see three lights attached to an object hovering above a quarry. An army veteran named Hardy estimates the UFO to be about 260 feet long and 30–50 feet high, with the forward three lights in the form of a rectangle and a red light on the lower rear end. The bottom part is bulged out and dark gray in color. On the side, 15 portholes are lit up in white light. After parking their car on the side of the road, the witnesses watch the object for another minute or so. As soon as Hardy turns on his headlights, the object moves away to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Vidal and Michel Rozencwajg, “The Belgian Wave,” IUR 16, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1991\): 8, 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6949
### Event 48328 (54920306)
**Date:** 1/9/1991
**Time:** 23:40
**Description:** MD and family. Rectangular object lights entire region like day.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 445)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15786
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CONCEPCION del URUGUAY,ARG:MD+FAMILY:RECT.OBJ LITES ENTIRE REGION LIKE DAY", **LatLong:** "-32.533335 -58.166669", **LatLongDMS:** "32:32:00 S 58:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.533335,-58.166669)", **State/Prov:** "ENR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48329 (4EB9A622)
**Date:** 1/10/1991
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NEAR AMESBURY, MA
**Description:** Domed saucer over I95. 3 cars see. 1 passes under. Lights blink / sequence.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15787
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "nr AMESBURY,MA:DOMED SCR OVR I95:3 CARS SEE:1 PASSES UNDER:LITES BLINK/SEQUENC", **LatLong:** "42.850002 -70.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:51:00 N 70:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.850002,-70.850003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48330 (2847F6AD)
**Date:** 1/11/1991
**Description:** At 10:45 p.m. an ABC-TV film crew videotaped a red UFO over Gulf Breeze, Florida during a skywatch.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bruce S. Maccabee, 1991 MUFON Symposium Proceedings, p. 249; Ed Walters & Bruce Maccabee, UFOs are Real: Here's the Proof, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_266
### Event 48331 (4F656693)
**Date:** 1/13/1991
**Time:** 08:30
**Description:** US Air B727. Shiny rectangular object flies into cloud. / r41p33.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15788
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "nr PITTSBURGH,PA:US Air B727:SHINY RECTANGULAR OBJ FLIES INTO CLOUD:/r41p33", **LatLong:** "40.433335 -80.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:26:00 N 80:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.433335,-80.016670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48332 (C2055207)
**Date:** 1/13/1991
**Location:** Pittsburgh, PA
**Description:** U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light-reflective object that flew into clouds (section 111). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5816
### Event 48333 (E1110BBE)
**Date:** 1/13/1991
**Location:** Pittsburgh, PA
**Description:** U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light-reflective object that flew into clouds
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_465
### Event 48334 (6DE04A21)
**Date:** 1/15/1991
**Description:** In 1991 a 20-foot diameter circle was discovered in the ice on the Charles River near Waltham, Massachusetts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Massachusetts MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_342
### Event 48335 (F4DDC713)
**Date:** 1/16/1991
**Location:** Iraq
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: end of 1990) At 00:30, the F-117A attacks on Iraq began (Gulf War). 20 aircraft were stationed at Khamis Mushait (Saudi Arabia) and were reinforced by 20 more F-117A (following in April 1991).
**Reference:** Gesag, Bulletin No. 96, September 97, p. 4
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3420
### Event 48336 (D3C3B13B)
**Date:** 1/16/1991
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** BETTIGNIES, NORD
**Description:** Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car lights dim. Huge rounded black delta/triangle/box-like craft-saucer / low altitude. Rises. Going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 342)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15789
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BETTIGNIES,NORD:RFI:CAR LITES DIM:HUGE ROUNDED BLK DLT-SCR/LO ALT:RISES:>>E", **LatLong:** "50.333336 3.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:20:00 N 03:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.333336,3.966667)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48337 (88B4F217)
**Date:** 1/16/1991
**Description:** Three notable reports occurred on this evening. At eight p.m. in Bettignies, France a car’s headlights dimmed and the car radio experience radio interference when a huge black, delta-shaped craft passed by at a low altitude. The UFO rose to a higher altitude and flew off rapidly toward the east. At 7:50 p.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida a red ball of light was sighted over the Sikes Bridge. It moved west, hovered, and then drifted in the sky for five minutes. That same evening in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma a UFO that first appeared as a white light made an abrupt turn and revealed four red lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1997; Bruce S. Maccabee, MUFON 1991 Conference Proceedings, p. 249; Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, citing MUFON Oklahoma
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_354
### Event 48338 (983D71DC)
**Date:** 1/17/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Gulf War. (January 17-February 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3162
### Event 48339 (E679881E)
**Date:** 1/18/1991
**Time:** 15:30
**Description:** 15 / bus. Sphere/orb/globe rises / buildings. 1 sees small humanoids (or Greys) / balcony. Telepathy. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15790
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "CZESTACHOWA,POLAND:15/BUS:ORB RISES/BLDGs:1 SEES OIDS/BALCONY:TLP:see ref", **LatLong:** "50.811114 19.133334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:48:40 N 19:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.811114,19.133334)", **State/Prov:** "CZC", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48340 (049621ED)
**Date:** 1/18/1991
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** MUROWANA, POLAND
**Description:** 2 / car. Brill 30M saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape shoots stream / glowing gas and descends.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 309)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15791
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MUROWANA,POLAND:2/CAR:BRILL 30M SCR-CGR SHOOTS STREAM/GLOWING GAS+DESCENDS", **LatLong:** "52.577780 17.011112", **LatLongDMS:** "52:34:40 N 17:00:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.577780,17.011112)", **State/Prov:** "WLK", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48341 (A184FF74)
**Date:** 1/18/1991
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** KRAKOW, POLAND
**Description:** Ball with appendage going [to] over town. Possible landing and burnt traces / Batovice.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 309)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15792
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KRAKOW,POLAND:BALL W/APPENDAGE >OVR TOWN:POSS.LANDING+BURNT TRACES/BATOVICE", **LatLong:** "50.083336 20.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "50:05:00 N 20:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.083336,20.016668)", **State/Prov:** "Krakow", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48342 (076D09F1)
**Date:** 1/18/1991
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Yellow-red object going [to] extremely fast. Offloads smaller object. Objects going / different directions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 309)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15793
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SKARZYSKO,POLAND:YLW-RED OBJ >XFAST:OFFLOADS SMALLER OBJ:OBJS >/DIFFERENT DIRS", **LatLong:** "51.111114 20.838890", **LatLongDMS:** "51:06:40 N 20:50:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.111114,20.838890)", **State/Prov:** "KLC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48343 (0C6F7A55)
**Date:** 1/18/1991
**Description:** At 3:30 p.m. 15 people on a bus in Czestochowa, Poland saw a spherical UFO ascend between two buildings. One witness saw humanoids on the balcony of an apartment building. Later that night in Krakow, Poland at 10:45 p.m. another spherical UFO with an appendage was sighted over the city. A possible UFO landing site with burnt traces was found in Batovice. In Murowana, Poland a 30-meter long cigar shaped UFO at 10:50 p.m. shooting out a stream of glowing gas. At eleven o'clock in Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland a yellowish-red colored cigar shot off extremely fast while it offloaded smaller objects that fly away in different directions.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issues 309 & 326
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_382
### Event 48344 (F5DFFCF4)
**Date:** 1/19/1991 (approximate)
**Description:** Absolute(ly) silent UFO / 600' altitude. 240' flame mimics rocket plume. Military investigation/investigators.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15794
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KECSKEMET,HUNGARY:ABS SILENT UFO/600'alt:240'FLAME MIMICS ROCKET PLUME:MIL INV", **LatLong:** "46.850002 19.700001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:51:00 N 19:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.850002,19.700001)", **State/Prov:** "BCK", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48345 (2717A159)
**Date:** 1/19/1991
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. in 1991 a 31-year-old respiratory therapist was driving home in Massachusetts and observed a domed disc with a large square window emitting white light. It hovered low (25 feet) over a tree across the street that was only 360 feet away. Electrical interference was reported in the form of static on the telephone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1992, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_389
### Event 48346 (BEB19473)
**Date:** 1/21/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Overijse
**Description:** (Translated from French) 7:50 PM, two witnesses. (...) The craft seemed almost motionless. The object was round, imposing, the size and shape of the top of the RTB communication tower. Two large, very powerful blue headlights were directed towards the ground. The object seemed to have portholes. The entire structure was clearly visible, it had a raw metal look. The witness spoke of bolted construction and a gray-blue color, like Tefal. Three white lights were visible at the back. All the lights were fixed. Other neon-like lamps were visible on the edge, sometimes long, sometimes short. The movement was stable and regular. A sound of a small muffled engine could be clearly heard. Distance 100 meters, size of 30 to 50 meters in diameter. At 7:55 PM two independent testimonies
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 257, 258 and sketch, 259; VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 212
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3421
### Event 48347 (5AE58DB9)
**Date:** 1/23/1991
**Time:** 01:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Manta-delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / several min. Darts all over sky. Returns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15795
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "68", **HatchDesc:** "GREAT HOUGHTON,S.YORKs:2 OBS:MANTA-DLT HVRS/SVRL min:DARTS ALL OVR SKY:RETURNS", **LatLong:** "53.550003 -1.344445", **LatLongDMS:** "53:33:00 N 01:20:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.550003,-1.344445)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48348 (616E1E5D)
**Date:** 1/23/1991
**Description:** A manta-ray shaped object was sighted maneuvering in the sky over the city of Great Houghton, South Yorkshire, England at 1:20 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1992, p. 141
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_464
### Event 48349 (95EEAF6C)
**Date:** 1/26/1991
**Description:** On January 13, 1991 border guard Istvan Balogh woke up in his bedroom in Oroshaza, Hungary and heard a loud booming voice repeat three times, "We will meet soon." The voice had a metallic quality to it. On this date he had just returned from the movies at 1:15 a.m., and had stepped out on his terrace when he saw a small gray disc-shaped object, four meters in height and two meters in width. As he stared at the object a bright beam of light struck him. His next conscious memory was onboard a craft. He was inside a room with a window about 1 meter in diameter. He was then approached by two human-like figures with 3-digit hands and skin with a greenish complexion, wearing black uniforms. They communicated telepathically with him, telling him that they came from a world that was 15 million light years from earth. They were able to travel such vast distance using dimensional portals. He remembered seeing an illuminated moon-like crater and a pyramid. He was eventually returned to his home at 2:00 a.m. He went and reported his story at the hospital, and as a result he was later fired from his job as a border guard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, citing CUN Milan
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_536
### Event 48350 (CE14A76C)
**Date:** 1/30/1991
**Description:** In Virginia, Minnesota three witnesses watched a triangular UFO with mulicolored lights for 30 minutes as it hovered 600 feet off the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case # 1023, citing William I. McNeff
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_620
### Event 48351 (39EAB51F)
**Date:** 1/31/1991
**Location:** North Branch, MN
**Description:** Puppy indifferent to presence of domed, hat shaped object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [910131](http://www.nicap.org/ar-910131dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5817
### Event 48352 (0789E47B)
**Date:** 2/1991
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** EAST / ACARI, BRAZIL
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silent 40cm red balls maneuver / river. Follow truck. 1M window appears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15796
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "405", **HatchDesc:** "E/ACARI,BRZL:3 OBS:SLNT 40cm RED BALLS MNVR/RVR:FOLO TRUCK:1M WINDOW APPEARS", **LatLong:** "-6.516667 -36.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "06:31:00 S 36:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.516667,-36.583335)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48353 (E0724FF5)
**Date:** 2/1991
**Locations:** Birchwood Shopping Mall; Warrington, Cheshire, England
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. A security camera at Birchwood Shopping Mall four miles east of Warrington, Cheshire, England, picks up a white light, seemingly tennis-ball sized, moving around an open walkway. It appears to inspect a garbage bin, climbs a wall, and at one point approaches the camera. The security guard zooms the camera in on it, revealing a white, doughnut shape. It flies away, hovering above a tree to the south, and vanishes. About 8 minutes has elapsed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOs in Focus,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6950
### Event 48354 (738C5BC5)
**Date:** 2/4/1991
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** Walters takes stereo-photograph / UFO. Ring = 6' diameter 300' away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WALTERS, Ed & Francis: The GULF BREEZE SIGHTINGS; Wm. Morrow 1990 & Avon PB 1991. 370pp. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15797
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:WALTERS TAKES STEREO-FOTO/UFO:RING=6' DIAMETER 300' AWAY:", **LatLong:** "30.350001 -87.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:00 N 87:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.350001,-87.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 48355 (E784A018)
**Date:** 2/4/1991
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** STROUDSBURG, PA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 150' silent box with many colored lights hovers overhead. Back hours later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15798
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "131", **HatchDesc:** "STROUDSBURG,PA:3 OBS:150'SILENT BOX W/MANY CLRD LITES HVRS OVHD:BACK HRS LATER", **LatLong:** "40.983335 -75.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:59:00 N 75:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.983335,-75.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48356 (AEE1A69A)
**Date:** 2/6/1991
**Location:** Norway, Trengereid
**Description:** (Translated from French) Shortly after 11 pm, Vidar Gjosund and his wife saw through the living room window a gigantic thing, with 4 bright yellow and green lights, seeming to fly very slowly. They rushed into the veranda and saw the phenomenon better as it approached, in complete silence. The lights were square-shaped and each one had 4 distinct lights. They were fixed on a very dark circular surface which seemed to be part of an undefinable structure. They estimated that this thing flew over the house at an altitude of 500 to 700m, and they ran to another window on the opposite side to see the phenomenon move away towards Romslo. It was then 11:07 pm.
**Reference:** Menz Kaarbo - Ufo-Norway News
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3422
### Event 48357 (A3D88732)
**Date:** 2/6/1991
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Huge dark saucer going [to] by house. Extremely slow. 16 square portholes / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15799
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "TRENGEREID,NORWAY:HUGE DRK SCR >BY HOUSE:EXTREMELY SLOW:16 SQR PORTS/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "60.438892 5.744445", **LatLongDMS:** "60:26:20 N 05:44:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.438892,5.744445)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48358 (A5D2C2B4)
**Date:** 2/6/1991?
**Locations:** Etang de l’Ursine in Chaville, Hauts-de-Seine, France; Rue Alexis Maneyrol
**Description:** Evening. A woman is walking with two friends near the Etang de l’Ursine in Chaville, Hauts-de-Seine, France, when they see a large and brilliant star in the west. At nightfall, they return to their homes. One, named Sylvia, who lives on the Rue Alexis Maneyrol, goes back to look for the star and notices now that it is moving in a triangular motion. While walking back through the woods, she is struck by a beam. Suddenly, she is enveloped by a beam of light that seems to be trying to trap her, but she escapes back to her house. She goes to sleep but is surprised by an intruder in her house, a small figure in a watery-green cosmonaut suit who points to a screen showing the interior of a spaceship. The screen and figure dissolve. The next day, near a bus stop, she sees a strange figure wearing a cape who scowls at her terrifyingly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Joël Mesnard, “A Failed Abduction at Chaville?” IUR 32, no. 3 \(July 2009\): 21–22, 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6951
### Event 48359 (0477F143)
**Date:** 2/12/1991
**Time:** 01:40
**Location:** I90 WITH WESTFIELD, MA
**Description:** Repeat adductee. Huge dark boomerang blocks starry sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15800
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "I90 W/WESTFIELD,MA:REPEAT ADDUCTEE:HUGE DARK BOOMERANG BLOCKS STARRY SKY", **LatLong:** "42.150002 -72.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:09:00 N 72:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.150002,-72.833337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48360 (72AF5F15)
**Date:** 2/12/1991
**Description:** A repeat UFO abductee, driving west of Westfield, Massachusetts on Interstate 90 (The Massachusetts Turnpike) at 1:40 a.m., watched a huge dark boomerang shaped UFO that blocked out the starry sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, August 1991, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_881
### Event 48361 (3F794227)
**Date:** 2/18/1991
**Locations:** Moscow; US; USSR
**Description:** [Richard Haines](http://www.nicap.org/bio-haines.htm) meets with members of the Expert Group on Anomalous Phenomena of the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow to discuss UFO events in the US and USSR.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, “UFO Activities in the Soviet Union,” IUR 16, no 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1991\): 13–14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6952
### Event 48362 (D6E5E539)
**Date:** 2/20/1991
**Description:** Satellite re-entry is actually UFO according to air-crews and RADAR operators!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FROM OUT OF THE BLUE; Berkley Books, NY 1993 PB 233pp. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15801
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "MANCHESTER AIRPORT,ENG:SAT. RE-ENTRY IS ACTUALLY UFO per AIR-CREWS+RDR OPS!", **LatLong:** "53.350003 -2.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:21:00 N 02:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.350003,-2.300000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 48363 (458F56C2)
**Date:** 2/21/1991
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** D30 WNW / CAUX, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. 8M red sphere follows old railroad/railway route going quickly ESE. Low and slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15802
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "D30 WNW/CAUX,FR:2/CAR:8M RED SPHERE FOLOS OLD RR ROUTE>>ESE:LOW+SLOW", **LatLong:** "43.516669 3.355556", **LatLongDMS:** "43:31:00 N 03:21:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.516669,3.355556)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48364 (F1315A0D)
**Date:** 2/22/1991
**Time:** 00:50
**Description:** 3 / car. White cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Lights and engine electro-magnetic effect (EME). Door glued shut. Missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 142)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15803
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "MAIDS MORELON,BUCKs:3/CAR:WHT CGR/FIELD:LITES+ENGINE EME:DOOR GLUED SHUT:MST", **LatLong:** "52.011114 -0.983333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:00:40 N 00:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.011114,-0.983333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48365 (C6C45A15)
**Date:** 2/22/1991
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 15 2' lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation just over trees 100' away. Shoots going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15804
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "52", **HatchDesc:** "MECHANICSVILLE,VA:4 OBS:15 2'LITES/DLT FORMn JUST OVR TREES 100'AWAY:SHOOTS>>S", **LatLong:** "37.611113 -77.372226", **LatLongDMS:** "37:36:40 N 77:22:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.611113,-77.372226)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48366 (B2C3CA04)
**Date:** 2/22/1991
**Location:** Maids Moreton, Buckingham, England
**Description:** 12:45 a.m. Three youths driving home from a school reunion at Maids Moreton, Buckingham, England, see a white, cigar-shaped object glowing with numerous lights. It comes closer with an unsteady, jerky motion. They park the car in a field to watch the object, which approaches to within 100 feet. As they try to leave, their engine and headlights fail to respond. A brilliant beam of light envelops the car and they hear a faint humming sound. The light beam and sound disappear suddenly, along with the UFO, and they restart the car and drive away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6953
### Event 48367 (7DD17857)
**Date:** 2/25/1991 (approximate)
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** TENAY, FR
**Description:** Observer(s) surprises wiry stork-man by trashcan. Figure jumps wall. Claws and talons.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 323)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15805
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TENAY,FR:OBS SURPRISES WIRY STORK-MAN by TRASHCAN:Fig.JUMPS WALL:CLAWS+TALONS", **LatLong:** "45.916669 5.511111", **LatLongDMS:** "45:55:00 N 05:30:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.916669,5.511111)", **State/Prov:** "Ain", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48368 (8ACDFB6F)
**Date:** 2/25/1991
**Description:** In the early morning at 5:50 a.m. in Tenay, France a witness surprised a wiry "stork-man" creature by a trashcan. The creature jumped over a wall and fled. It had claws and talons.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 323
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1118
### Event 48369 (88AFAA99)
**Date:** 2/27/1991
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** FALSLEV MARK, DK
**Description:** 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Rectangular night light maneuvers. 2nd object east going quickly west. Possible landing?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15806
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "FALSLEV MARK,DK:1/BINOCS:RECTANGULAR NLT MNVRS:2nd OBJ E>>W:POSS.LANDING?", **LatLong:** "56.677780 10.094445", **LatLongDMS:** "56:40:40 N 10:05:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.677780,10.094445)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48370 (1DFC1087)
**Date:** 2/27/1991
**Description:** A rectangular-shaped light maneuvered low in the sky over Falslev Mar, Denmark at 11:00 p.m. and was watched by a single witness through binoculars. A second light was seen flying quickly from east to west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Scandinavian UFO Information Newsletter, issue #15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1161
### Event 48371 (CAA70438)
**Date:** 2/28/1991
**Location:** Iraq
**Description:** Operation Desert Storm
**Type:** war
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_War)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_790
### Event 48372 (CC41D910)
**Date:** 3/1991
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** CAJAZEIRAS, BRZ
**Description:** Man / bike. Huge blue light overhead. Observer(s) paralyzed. OK when object vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 286)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15807
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "370", **HatchDesc:** "CAJAZEIRAS,BRZ:MAN/BIKE:HUGE BLU LITE OVHD:OBS PRLZD:OK WHEN OBJ VANISHES", **LatLong:** "-6.900000 -38.566669", **LatLongDMS:** "06:54:00 S 38:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.900000,-38.566669)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48373 (2521AE99)
**Date:** 3/1991
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** APODI, RGN, BRAZIL
**Description:** Silent hot and cold whirlwind levitates man. Brilliant drum-saucer hums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15808
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "APODI,RGN,BRZL:SLNT HOT+COLD WHIRLWIND LEVITATES MAN:BRILL.DRUM-SCR HUMS", **LatLong:** "-5.650000 -37.800002", **LatLongDMS:** "05:39:00 S 37:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.650000,-37.800002)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48374 (D037D37E)
**Date:** 3/2/1991
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Airport RADAR and visual. Fast erratic UFO over nuclear power plant.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 176)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15809
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "SOSNOVYY BOR,RUS:AIRPT RDR+VISUAL:FAST ERRATIC UFO OVR NUCL POWER PLANT", **LatLong:** "59.833336 28.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "59:50:00 N 28:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.833336,28.500001)", **State/Prov:** "Leningrad", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48375 (E2DC5CA4)
**Date:** 3/2/1991
**Description:** A fast moving UFO flew in an erratic pattern over a nuclear power plant in Sosnovyy Bor, Russia at 7:30 p.m. It was picked up on airport radar in Leningrad (St. Petersburg).
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Alien Update, p. 176
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1262
### Event 48376 (DEE2F319)
**Date:** 3/3/1991
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** 12 MI WITH ITHACA, NY
**Description:** 3 / car. Red-glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft with lights. White halo. 4 gray triangles protrude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15810
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "170", **HatchDesc:** "12mi W/ITHACA,NY:3/CAR:RED-GLO DLT W/LITES:WHT HALO:4 GRAY TRIANGLES PROTRUDE", **LatLong:** "42.433335 -76.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:26:00 N 76:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.433335,-76.683337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48377 (B2F8E600)
**Date:** 3/3/1991
**Description:** A high speed white disc-shaped object made fast turns, and ascended and descended over Sandy, Oregon at 8:55 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 1043, citing Skip Schultz
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1284
### Event 48378 (68382B56)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** , NY AND NJ AND PA
**Description:** Many pilots delta/triangle/box-like craft-fireball on side. Overflies NYC repeatedly. Vibrant bright. / meteor.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15811
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** ",NY+NJ+PA:MANY PILOTS DLT-fbl ON SIDE:OVERFLIES NYC REPEATEDLY:VBRITE:/meteor", **LatLong:** "40.650002 -73.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:39:00 N 73:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.650002,-73.983337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 48379 (28C5A2F8)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** KINGSTON, ONT
**Description:** Air charter flight 866. Glowing blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape stops ahead / plane. / r150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15812
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "KINGSTON,ONT:AIR CHARTER Flt 866:GLOWING BLU-GRN CGR STOPS AHEAD/PLANE:/r150", **LatLong:** "44.233335 -76.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:14:00 N 76:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.233335,-76.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48380 (2F82E886)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Location:** Kingston, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** Cigar stopped ahead of Flight 866 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5818
### Event 48381 (093AACB6)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Location:** Northeastern United States
**Description:** (Maine to West Virginia). 2:50 to 3:00 A.M. Fireball meteor, green and red sparks, moving east or north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_466
### Event 48382 (233E2553)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Location:** Kingston, Ontario, Canada
**Description:** 7:58 A.M. Glowing bluegreen cigar-shaped object crossed path of airliner
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_467
### Event 48383 (48D859B4)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Location:** Kingston, Ontario
**Description:** 7:58 a.m. A glowing turquoise, cigar-shaped object on an easterly course crosses the path of Air Charter Flight 866 near Kingston, Ontario, stops ahead of the airliner, then proceeds to the north.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II, 127
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6954
### Event 48384 (89110CC2)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Description:** At 2:35 a.m. In Strafford, New Hampshire a witness heard his dog barking and went outside to briefly see a missile like object fly over, heading west. Later that morning two people saw a silver missile shaped object near Mount Kearsarge, New Hampshire that possibly touched down of the mountainside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, cases 1044 and 1046, citing the UFO Newsclipping Service
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1346
### Event 48385 (1C3C2BD9)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Description:** On this same morning over Kingston, Ontario a glowing blue-green cigar-shaped UFO stopped in the sky ahead of an airliner, Air Charter flight 866.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1347
### Event 48386 (66112BE6)
**Date:** 3/6/1991
**Description:** Jesse A. Marcel states when he was 11 and lived in Roswell NM, in July 1947, his father Maj. Jesse Marcel was awakened in the middle of the night by his father, who was excited and saw “debris” his father brought home in his car from the desert; a thick metallic foil, a brittle brownish-black plastic like material like Bakelite; and fragments of I-beams with hieroglyphics in a purple-violet hue. His father told him it was recovered from a crash site northwest of Roswell.
* [http://www.roswellproof.com/Marcel_Jr.html](http://www.roswellproof.com/Marcel_Jr.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_259
### Event 48387 (F52FAA7A)
**Date:** 3/7/1991
**Time:** 00:40
**Description:** Droning cylinder/cigar-shape / 2 rows / portholes. Grey cone-searchlight going down. Photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 143)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15813
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "153", **HatchDesc:** "NORTHFIELD,BIRMINGHAM:DRONING CGR/2 ROWS/PORTHOLES:GREY CONE-SEARCHLITE↓:FOTOS", **LatLong:** "52.494447 -1.961111", **LatLongDMS:** "52:29:40 N 01:57:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.494447,-1.961111)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48388 (2A03EA56)
**Date:** 3/8/1991
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** PLYMOUTH, ENGL
**Description:** 1 observer. 3 metal plates hover. 3rd joins. Going [to] away / tens intervals. Also night lights / 0620h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 144)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15814
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "54", **HatchDesc:** "PLYMOUTH,ENGL:1 OBS:3 MTL PLATES HVR:3rd JOINS:>AWAY/10s INTERVALS:+NLTS/0620h", **LatLong:** "50.377780 -4.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:22:40 N 04:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.377780,-4.150000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48389 (DEC589E7)
**Date:** 3/8/1991
**Time:** 21:02:45.1
**Location:** 37.1044 -116.0740
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Coso-Bronze” YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1019
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1044 -116.0740", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:16 N 116:04:26 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1044,-116.0740)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Coso-Bronze", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 48390 (99D31012)
**Date:** 3/9/1991
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** 14 MI SOUTH / FORTALEZA, BRZ
**Description:** 2 / motorcycle / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Domed 6M hat-saucer drops silent transparent 2M ball.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15815
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "14mi S/FORTALEZA,BRZ:2/MCYCLE/EMEs:DOMED 6M HAT-SCR DROPS SLNT XPRNT 2M BALL", **LatLong:** "-3.950000 -38.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "03:57:00 S 38:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.950000,-38.500002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48391 (4F22A7BB)
**Date:** 3/9/1991
**Description:** Shortly after midnight a UFO pursued a couple named Silva in their car on a highway south of Fortaleza, Brazil. The domed disc emitted heat and made a humming sound. It left, returned, left again, then returned a second time and dropped a transparent two-meter wide ball that blew up in front of their car, only six feet away. They believe the UFO intended to harm them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jerome Clark, UFO Calendar 1999; Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next?, p. 216
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1399
### Event 48392 (B6DE8CD1)
**Date:** 3/10/1991
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA
**Description:** Silent perfect triangle passes 3000' overhead. No lights. 120mph?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15816
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "CITRUS HEIGHTS,CA:SILENT PERFECT TRIANGLE PASSES 3000' OVHD:NO LITES:120mph?", **LatLong:** "38.716669 -121.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:43:00 N 121:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.716669,-121.266672)", **RelAlt:** "915", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48393 (E3394F66)
**Date:** 3/10/1991
**Description:** A 22-year-old man in Citrus Heights, California observed a light gray triangular object flying at 2000-3000 feet altitude at 10:30 p.m. The object was estimated to be 200 feet in diameter, had rounded corners, and flew silently at a speed of between 100 and 150 mph. It flew on a straight course, going directly overhead and finally passed beyond some trees. He could see the lightless object due to its reflection of lights from the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON field investigations database, case 911003W, John G. Maylone field investigator; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1992, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1416
### Event 48394 (10CBDE3E)
**Date:** 3/12/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Donceel
**Description:** (Translated from French) Between 8:20 and 8:25 PM, a driver accompanied by his wife and two children stopped their car to better observe what the youngest had just exclaimed: "Mom, look, it looks like a UFO!". The object was at a low altitude, about 50 m, and seemed to be motionless above a farm no more than 150 m away. It was a triangular structure with well-defined contours and a light at each angle. The only relief was a flat glass dome attached to the underside which was then inclined towards the witnesses. Wingspan of 15 to 20 m. The object began to move and turned towards Tongres. The witnesses had no difficulty following it for a few kilometers until the Momalle crossroads, where they took the highway towards Liège. (March 12, 1991)
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 260, 261
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3423
### Event 48395 (327F6CF3)
**Date:** 3/12/1991
**Location:** Belgium, between Grand-Marcin and Fourneau
**Description:** (Translated from French) Between 8:00 and 8:30 PM, Mrs. S was watching television when she saw a strong light moving in her direction. This light was in the lower part of the bay window. It seemed to come from the east and was soon directly above the house at an altitude of less than 300 m. Mrs. S called her son and husband. The object had the shape of a dark gray triangle, large like a Boeing. At each apex was a blinking red light. The object tilted, made a sharp turn and disappeared towards Huy. For a few seconds, the three witnesses saw the profile of the craft. They counted between 7 and 12 lit rectangles, like lit windows of an airplane. Towards the front, above the object, Mrs. S saw for a brief moment a white lamp. The son noted the silhouette of a second thickness on the bottom, forming like a longer slice than the first, which suggested to him that it might be two superimposed triangles. A faint monotonous sound similar to that of a turbine was heard when Mr. S went out to follow the craft with his eyes.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, pp. 261, 262 and sketch
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3424
### Event 48396 (2C6A2FD3)
**Date:** 3/12/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Braine le Comte (Hainaut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8:40 PM, Mr. R. G. noticed three stationary lights quite low in the sky in the direction of the ONO. He climbed the stairs, grabbed the camera and filmed the phenomenon. It was 8:45 PM. The "phenomenon" was perfectly still... [vog: still and for a reason! IN REALITY: Jean-Luc Vertongen wanted to be sure and the following year he returned to the same spot to investigate under identical night conditions. The "UFO" was still there, clearly visible.... It emerged from this investigation that it was the lights of three street lamps located about 2 km away... The population was able to see these images on a television channel broadcast in good faith as being "those of a UFO"... ]
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 272 and 409-410
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3425
### Event 48397 (D7B47421)
**Date:** 3/12/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Olen (Antwerp)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Paula H. observed a strange, stationary, luminous phenomenon in the sky at a low altitude and 300 m from her home. The phenomenon had an unusual shape, with an apparent width of 5 meters, topped with two white lights at the ends of the upper part. The lower part looked like three large fingers with multiple small windows. Stopping a little further away to look again, Mrs. H. noticed that the phenomenon had disappeared.
**Reference:** VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 278 and sketch
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3426
### Event 48398 (6EB2D976)
**Date:** 3/12/1991
**Location:** Tihange Nuclear Power Station, Belgium
**Description:** On two occasions an object is seen over the Tihange Nuclear Power Station, Belgium. One witness reports a UFO directly above the red lights on one of the plant’s huge chimneys, where it hovers about 1 minute, beaming one of its lights on the outside structure while another light points directly down one of the chimneys. After its inspection, it flies straight through the enormous white plume of steam before disappearing in the dark.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [p.](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/32/mode/2up) [32](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/32/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6955
### Event 48399 (A473B0FE)
**Date:** 3/14/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Chercq
**Description:** (Translated from French) 9:45 PM, single witness. (...) a slight rubbing or scraping noise, not a whistle, a sound comparable to that of an iron being passed over a nail board. The sound seemed louder when the object moved. A large white light, but also a more or less oval shape. The contours were clear. The light produced by the craft was dazzling. It sometimes swayed from left to right. I was able to distinguish a bump on the upper part, like a dome, but not lit. The large white light illuminated the ground. It moved away slowly, leaned and then flew away at a faster speed. The craft was 10 to 15 meters wide. (March 14, 1991)
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p. 213
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3427
### Event 48400 (D35515A7)
**Date:** 3/14/1991
**Time:** 15:00?
**Location:** EAST / BINGA, ZIMBABWE
**Description:** 3 / car. Cluster / red night lights / high altitude. Return / ground level and buzz car closely.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15817
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "E/BINGA,ZIMBABWE:3/CAR:CLUSTER/RED NLTS/hi alt:RETURN/GND LVL+BUZZ CAR CLOSELY", **LatLong:** "-17.600001 27.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "17:36:00 S 27:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.600001,27.750001)", **State/Prov:** "ZIM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48401 (A3922C84)
**Date:** 3/14/1991
**Description:** Three witnesses driving east of Binga, Zimbabwe first observed a cluster of red nocturnal lights at a high altitude in the sky. They descended to ground level and buzzed their car. The close encounter lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO AfriNews, January 1992; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15472
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1503
### Event 48402 (88F3D164)
**Date:** 3/15/1991
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** DANDRIDGE, TN
**Description:** Cop videos saucer buzzing light plane / 8 min! 1Kmph and more. Landing traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 279)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15818
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "305", **HatchDesc:** "DANDRIDGE,TN:COP VIDEOS SCR BUZZING LITE PLANE/8MIN!:1Kmph+:LANDING TRACES", **LatLong:** "36.016668 -83.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "36:01:00 N 83:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.016668,-83.416671)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48403 (8868026F)
**Date:** 3/15/1991
**Location:** Auderghem, Belgium
**Description:** Night. An electronic engineer in Auderghem, Belgium, wakes up and hears a barely audible, high-frequency, whistling tone. He looks outside and sees a large rectangular object at a low altitude with irregular structures on the bottom. He walks upstairs to an upper-level terrace and watches the dark-gray object drift overhead slowly without lights. The whistling noise has stopped.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [pp. 31–32](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/30/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6956
### Event 48404 (DB05E98B)
**Date:** 3/16/1991
**Description:** A retired operating room nurse “Mary” states she was assigned to the Medical Lab at Los Alamos during WWII and sometime afterward; she claims bodies were flown into Los Alamos, which was classified as a “Green Base,” indicating it had the highest priority to conduct radical research under the MED program during the 1940s; everyone inside had to have a Q clearance.
Mary mentioned bodies were flown to LANL periodically from late 1945 to 1957, adding it was rumored they were human experiments for biological and nuclear medicine research, bodies with deformed heads and limbs and small bodies, with abnormal eyes and grey/yellow flesh that had been charred. Mary believed they could have been civilians exposed to an atomic explosion in Nevada, and that they were flown on special transport planes with refrigerator units to keep them from decomposing.
* _[Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf), p314_
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_260
### Event 48405 (4718AE5A)
**Date:** 3/17/1991
**Location:** Russia, Leningrad
**Description:** (Translated from French) A UFO made an appearance above a sensitive site in Leningrad: an unidentified target remained on the radar screens between 4 pm and 4:20 pm. The object was making chaotic movements just above the atomic research reactor in the vicinity of Gatchina. It is interesting to note that a potentially catastrophic incident occurred at this site in 1991. Kotochigov (the radar operator from the Pulkovo control tower) told me that the UFO left the area at a speed of approximately 2,243 km/h
**Reference:** Timothy GOOD: "E.T. Connection" 1993 Trad. Presses de la Cité 1994 p. 176
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3428
### Event 48406 (BB6939A3)
**Date:** 3/17/1991
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** CARRAIZO, PR
**Description:** Sky lit / miles. Huge saucer over power station/depot/facility. Going quickly north. Fried. Big outage. / LDLN#311.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN CONTACT, Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed; William Morrow, NY 1993. 288pp. (Index 242)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15819
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "CARRAIZO,PR:SKY LIT/MILES:HUGE SCR OVR PWR STn:>>N:FRIED:big outage:/LDLN#311", **LatLong:** "18.344445 -66.544448", **LatLongDMS:** "18:20:40 N 66:32:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.344445,-66.544448)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48407 (134100F0)
**Date:** 3/17/1991
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** JEFFERSON CNTY, TN
**Description:** Whipping sound. Dog terrified. Crop circle. Observer(s) gets rash, sick.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15820
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "370", **HatchDesc:** "JEFFERSON CNTY,TN:WHIPPING SOUND:DOG TERRIFIED:CROP CIRCLE:OBS GETS RASH,SICK", **LatLong:** "36.000002 -83.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:00:00 N 83:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.000002,-83.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48408 (24181967)
**Date:** 3/17/1991
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** GATCHINA, RUSSIA
**Description:** UFO over atomic research reactor / Pulkova RADAR. Departs / 2200kph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 178)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15821
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "GATCHINA,RUS:UFO OVR ATOMIC RESEARCH REACTOR/PULKOVA RDR:DEPARTS/2200kph", **LatLong:** "59.550003 30.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "59:33:00 N 30:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.550003,30.133335)", **State/Prov:** "Leningrad", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48409 (914776A7)
**Date:** 3/18/1991
**Time:** 06:10
**Description:** Airliners and Air Traffic Controller. Large saucer births small saucer and delta/triangle/box-like craft. Liner chases / 9 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15822
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "KUNSHAN NW/SHANGHAI:AIRLINERS+ATC:LRG SCR BIRTHS SML SCR+DLT:LINER CHASES/9min", **LatLong:** "31.650002 121.016672", **LatLongDMS:** "31:39:00 N 121:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.650002,121.016672)", **State/Prov:** "SHG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48410 (6B3D432A)
**Date:** 3/18/1991
**Location:** Kunshan, China
**Description:** Airliner encounters ring-shaped object, 2 rect (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5819
### Event 48411 (88112126)
**Date:** 3/18/1991
**Location:** Kunshan, Jiangsu, China
**Description:** Captain Zho, the pilot of a regional airliner over Kunshan, Jiangsu, China, sees a ring-shaped object, two rectangular objects moving back and forth, and a red blaze of light coming from the ring.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II, 127
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6957
### Event 48412 (FCFBE98B)
**Date:** 3/19/1991
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** VILLARDS D'HERIA, FR
**Description:** Dlt(?) / field. Orange fireball exits and checks observer(s) out. Ears ring. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15823
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "VILLARDS d'HERIA,FR:DLT(?)/FIELD:ORG FBL EXITS+CHECKS OBS OUT:EARS RING:see rf", **LatLong:** "46.416669 5.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:25:00 N 05:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.416669,5.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48413 (3FE10ABC)
**Date:** Spring 1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Last testimonies in Belgium starting in 1989. (Spring)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3168
### Event 48414 (C2820568)
**Date:** 3/22/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Brussels-Auderghem
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, between 2:45 and 2:50 the witness was awoken by a feeling of presence, although he is not usually subject to insomnia. Glancing out the window, he was surprised to not see any stars. He got up, opened the curtains of the closed window: very low, at the level of the roofs he saw a generally rectangular shape whose front was hidden by the ridge of the house opposite (13 m high this house). This shape moved slowly, seeming to follow a downward inclined trajectory towards the Woluwe valley. On the underside the witness thought he could make out added pieces, sort of plates or cubic casemates, of a lighter color than the rest of the surface, a grayish anthracite. This object had a thickness (30 m long, 15 to 22 m wide, elevation 25 m, speed less than 20 km/h), but nowhere was there any light or halo. However he heard a continuous whistling "like ultrasound close to ultra-auditory frequencies or hyperfrequencies beyond 12 KHz" (he is an electronics engineer). Wanting to wake his wife he noticed she was deeply asleep and he was unable to move: he attributed this to the whistling. To convince himself he wasn't dreaming he did some simple mental calculations and pinched himself. When the whistling was no longer audible he was again free to move. (...) He climbed into a small attic and still saw the object moving away to the ESE, presenting a 3/4 profile. The witness diverted his attention to the right, then back to the craft, which had suddenly disappeared without a trace.
**Reference:** investigation by Franck Boitte for SOBEPS
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3429
### Event 48415 (68CF7D58)
**Date:** 3/24/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Biesme (Hainaut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) 20:20 - Single witness: a compact and quadrangular section mass, stationary above the tree tops. The object had a massive, dark gray and matte look, and had small red lights on the side. No noise. Estimated altitude of 40 meters and dimensions of 6 to 7 m wide, 15 m high and 90 m long. The car passed under the UFO which loomed over the road; The witness observed on the ventral face three large circles arranged in a triangle and illuminated in white but not emitting any light beam. A fourth, smaller, blue light blinked intermittently in front of the two white lights. The object moved and disappeared at great speed.
**Reference:** VOB 2, SOBEPS 1994, p. 207; VOB 1, SOBEPS 1991, p. 283
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3430
### Event 48416 (BE5C7C55)
**Date:** 3/26/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Rebecq
**Description:** (Translated from French) 21:40, one witness... on the ventral side in the center, a kind of weakly luminous dome protected by a kind of mesh with square holes, the dome was even more weakly luminous than the two headlights at the front of the triangle. At the back of the object, a light in the center of the base, of a blue-turquoise color, pulsed slowly. Distance approximately 300 m; dimension: size of a Boeing 727.
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, p 157, 175; VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 284
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3431
### Event 48417 (AF21F2EF)
**Date:** 3/26/1991
**Description:** 7 observer(s). Brilliant object descends / ground. 3 55cm spiral traces / triangle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15824
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HAUKELI Mtns,NORWAY:7 OBS:BRILL.OBJ DESCENDS/GND:3 55cm SPIRAL TRACES/TRIANGLE", **LatLong:** "59.833336 7.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "59:50:00 N 07:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.833336,7.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48418 (31C70218)
**Date:** 3/29/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Froyennes (Tournai)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 4:30, having gone to the restroom, the witness heard a noise which he attributed to a malfunctioning of the heating or the freezer. He then saw outside a large mass at the height of the trees: the noise was coming from there. He went outside to stand under this object which was about ten meters high "to see if he would feel a gust of wind". There was none. The object looked like "a car body top that had been covered with dark gray rubber, giving it a granular appearance". The thing slowly started to move and the witness then noticed a square or elliptical shape. A second independent auditory witness was found.
**Reference:** Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85 p. 41; VOB 1 - SOBEPS 1991, p. 286, 287
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3432
### Event 48419 (63FF6E88)
**Date:** 3/29/1991
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** PETROGRAD
**Description:** Dolotov abduction again / 2 Men in Black in hall. Telepathy. Missing time. Wakens on a train / dry shoes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15825
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **MIB:** Men in Black, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "PETROGRAD:DOLOTOV ABD AGAIN/2 MIBs IN HALL:TLP:MST:WAKENS ON A TRAIN/DRY SHOES", **LatLong:** "59.950003 30.350001", **LatLongDMS:** "59:57:00 N 30:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.950003,30.350001)", **State/Prov:** "Leningrad", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48420 (0BA5C07B)
**Date:** 3/31/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Dissolution of the Warsaw Pact. (March 31)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3163
### Event 48421 (365FFE98)
**Date:** 3/31/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Following the intervention of [SOBEPS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SOBEPS.html) and Belgian European deputies after observations in Belgium, the European Energy Commission decides to investigate the case and comes to the conclusion that a European study of UFOs could be considered with some interest. [Jean-Jacques Velasco](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/VelascoJeanJacques.html) rides the wave and takes the lead, so it is naturally an expansion of the competencies of [SEPRA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SEPRA.html) that the European deputies in charge of the case propose.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3164
### Event 48422 (4690026B)
**Date:** 3/31/1991
**Location:** Palmarejo, Puerto Rico
**Description:** For two nights in a row a couple in Palmarejo, Puerto Rico, hears their two Dobermans howling as if frightened, apparently upset by a peculiar sound like a phonograph record played at the wrong speed. It seems to move around the house, but the sound source cannot be located. Suddenly one of the dogs shrieks, and the husband runs outside to find two strange beings on his patio. They are 3–4 feet tall, gray, with big heads, big black eyes, and a slit for a mouth. The beings flee. The female Doberman is unharmed, but the male is found killed, with empty eye sockets and internal organs missing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 139
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6958
### Event 48423 (B79FCDA2)
**Date:** 4/1991
**Location:** Great Britain
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 16.1.1991) Bill Sweetman in the "Jane's Defence Weekly" of April 20, 1991 mentioned that the RAF is now interested in acquiring F-117A, but that production of this aircraft was closed at the end of 1990. Lockheed proposed to the USAF 40 new aircraft which could be added to the 56 existing F-117s. During the course of these last years, Sweetman added, the RAF maintained close relations in the realization of the project: several British pilots flew on F-117As) (note from vog: the British probably reviewed their position, especially during the summer of 1997, where in less than a week, ten F-117As crashed in the USA! These aircraft would be extremely sensitive to problems of humidity and others... [continued: June 1992] (April 1991)
**Reference:** Gesag, bulletin no. 96 Sept 97, p. 5
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3433
### Event 48424 (01867BBB)
**Date:** 4/1991
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** LAKE APODI, BRAZIL
**Description:** 3 / canoe. 50cm red ball / light stops overhead. Lights water. Going quickly [to] toward(s) town.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 286)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15826
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE APODI,BRZL:3/CANOE:50cm RED BALL/LITE STOPS OVHD:LITES WATER:>> twrd town", **LatLong:** "-5.666667 -37.800002", **LatLongDMS:** "05:40:00 S 37:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.666667,-37.800002)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48425 (84476FA6)
**Date:** 4/2/1991
**Location:** MARACAIBO, VNZ
**Description:** 5 glowing UFO's prompt spate / calls to local radio station.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15827
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MARACAIBO,VNZ:5 GLOWING UFOS PROMPT SPATE/CALLS TO LOCAL RADIO STATION.", **LatLong:** "10.633334 -71.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:38:00 N 71:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.633334,-71.616670)", **State/Prov:** "MRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48426 (9BBA4D9F)
**Date:** 4/2/1991
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** FARIBAULT, MN
**Description:** 1 observer. Thin cylinder/cigar-shape hangs going down. Military planes and helicopters all over/all about. (Denied). / r124p127.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STONE, Reuben: UFO INVESTIGATION; 1993 Blitz/Bookmark, Enderby, England. (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15828
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "323", **HatchDesc:** "FARIBAULT,MN:1 OBS:THIN CGR HANGS ↓:MIL PLANES+COPTERS ALLO:(denied):/r124p127", **LatLong:** "44.294447 -93.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:17:40 N 93:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.294447,-93.266671)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48427 (79D4E074)
**Date:** 4/2/1991
**Description:** A large cylinder with many lights flew slowly over Faribault, Minnesota at 7:00 p.m. in 1991, and hovered for a short while. There were many witnesses, who also attested to the presence of many military aircraft in the sky at the same time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer catalogue of UFO reports, 1988-1994, case 1060, citing the UFO Newsclipping Service.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1807
### Event 48428 (C7ADA2D9)
**Date:** 4/4/1991 (approximate)
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** OCEANSIDE, CA
**Description:** 2 / patio. Silent 150' ovoid 50' away / 80' altitude. Colored lights pulse / bottom/underside. Vanish.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15829
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "OCEANSIDE,CA:2/PATIO:SLNT 150'OVOID 50'AWAY/80'alt:CLRD LITES PULSE/BTM:VANISH", **LatLong:** "33.200002 -117.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:12:00 N 117:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.200002,-117.366672)", **RelAlt:** "24", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48429 (017DA015)
**Date:** 4/4/1991
**Time:** 19:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.2961 -116.3129
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bexar” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1020
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2961 -116.3129", **LatLongDMS:** "37:17:46 N 116:18:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2961,-116.3129)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Bexar", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 48430 (244AF47E)
**Date:** 4/5/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of GRO-Compton to study the gamma rays of the Universe. (April 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3165
### Event 48431 (54B729BB)
**Date:** 4/9/1991
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** 2+35 observer(s). "Blimp" circled / lights = 8cm at arms length. Telescope and photograph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15830
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:2+35 OBS:"BLIMP" CIRCLED/LITES=8cm at ARMS LENGTH:TELESCOPE+PIX", **LatLong:** "30.355557 -87.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:20 N 87:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.355557,-87.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48432 (9662E49F)
**Date:** 4/11/1991
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** BRASILIA, BRZ
**Description:** 26 cops. Luminous ovoid hovers vertical 35M over prison. Vanishes and reappears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 285)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15831
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "44", **Elev:** "1080", **HatchDesc:** "BRASILIA,BRZ:26 COPS:LUMn.OVOID HVRS VRTCL 35M OVR PRISON:VANISHES+REAPPEARS", **LatLong:** "-15.800001 -47.650002", **LatLongDMS:** "15:48:00 S 47:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.800001,-47.650002)", **RelAlt:** "35", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48433 (50BE90F7)
**Date:** 4/11/1991
**Locations:** Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda; São Sebastião; Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil; Lago Sul area; Brasilia airport
**Description:** 7:00–9:00 p.m. A bright, oval-shaped object that changes color from blue to red flies over the Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda, a federal prison in São Sebastião in the Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil. The object is seen by dozens of residents of the Lago Sul area and by more than 20 police officers on duty that night. The first to see the UFO is Lt. Damasceno of the Independent Company of the Military Police. He calls colleagues and is greeted with jokes. But he persuades them to go outside and see the UFO. He says the object is blue when vertical but turns red when it changes position. It appears to be no more than 1,650 feet above the prison. It flies up and down and horizontally without leaving a trace, and the intensity of its lights and colors vary. Carloads of people descend upon Papuda and dozens of people observe the UFO. After 100 minutes, a strange haze begins to engage the UFO, which disappears about 20 minutes later. Damasceno informs Sgt. Petronius, a CINDACTA flight controller, that he is seeing a “strong blue light that changed to red in the direction of three hours to the right.” Petronius is following the object on radar; it seems to be rectangular and moving at about 435 mph. CINDACTA confirms that the object has been tracked over much of the Lago Sul area and close to the Brasilia airport. Later, it identifies the object as a meteorological balloon, deemed an inadequate explanation by witnesses.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 874– 875; Brazil 336–338
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6959
### Event 48434 (33A0C5B6)
**Date:** 4/11/1991
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. a luminous ovoid object hovered over a prison in Brasilia, Brazil. It had a vertical orientation, and vanished and then reappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 285
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1958
### Event 48435 (D0B489B3)
**Date:** 4/12/1991
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** Big mystery explosion. No chemical traces. Glowing sphere/orb/globe seen before.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 180)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15832
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SASOVO,RYAZAN,RUS:BIG MYSTERY EXPLOSION:NO CHEM TRACES:GLOWING ORB SEEN BEFORE", **LatLong:** "54.350003 41.800002", **LatLongDMS:** "54:21:00 N 41:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.350003,41.800002)", **State/Prov:** "RYZ", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48436 (4A29BFD6)
**Date:** 4/12/1991
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** BASILDON, ESSEX
**Description:** 1 / A13. Arrowhead-shaped UFO. Lights / corners. Seen briefly from car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 148)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15833
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BASILDON,ESSEX:1/A13:ARROWHEAD-SHAPED UFO:LITES/CORNERS:SEEN BRIEFLY FROM CAR", **LatLong:** "51.600002 0.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:36:00 N 00:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.600002,0.450000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48437 (CB6B21E7)
**Date:** 4/12/1991
**Description:** Carolyn Brazil claims her uncle, Ralph Scheibly, who worked for the Raymond Concrete Pile Company in the Bay Area, was on a government project in New Mexico or Arizona in 1946 or 1947; Scheibly states at dusk they heard a loud explosion nearby; when they went to investigate they saw the wreckage of a “strange craft” like looking through a fog; they saw three small beings outside the craft, one crawling away from the debris; soon after, military people came to the scene and took over the site; all witnesses were rounded up, driven to a small building where the live alien was delivered in a separate vehicle, separated, and told they witnessed a secret US project that failed and was told not to talk about the incident; the uncle claims he was brainwashed for several hours before being released and he was mad about the cover-up until his death in 1952.
* _[Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf), p370_
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_261
### Event 48438 (8058060B)
**Date:** 4/14/1991
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** DURANT, OK
**Description:** 50cm fireball and saucer / moves / response / kids motions. Retractable beam. / MJ#291.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIEFRIED, Richard & CARTER, Michael: NATIVE ENCOUNTERS M. S. Graphics, 1994. ISBN 0-9642461-0-4 ( Oklahoma MUFON etc.) (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15834
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "DURANT,OK:50cm FBL+SCR/MOVES/RESPONSE/KIDS MOTIONS:RETRACTIBLE BEAM:/MJ#291.", **LatLong:** "33.988891 -96.372227", **LatLongDMS:** "33:59:20 N 96:22:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.988891,-96.372227)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48439 (D868F54D)
**Date:** 4/16/1991
**Time:** 15:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.2454 -116.4416
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Montello” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1021
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2454 -116.4416", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:43 N 116:26:30 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2454,-116.4416)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Montello", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 48440 (AFCCF78B)
**Date:** 4/17/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Ariane puts the European observation satellite *ERS 1* into orbit. (April 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3166
### Event 48441 (AC7CFCEE)
**Date:** 4/19/1991?
**Locations:** Almaty, Kazakhstan; Kok Tobe Mountain
**Description:** Afternoon. Two militiamen on patrol in Almaty, Kazakhstan, notice a flare at the top of Kok Tobe Mountain. They watch flames go up and down and then see an array of red light beams. They drive to within 650 feet of a hovering UFO. At that point, a few rays sweep across the car and it stops dead. The object then dims its lights and disappears. The men return to the police station but cannot recall how they did so.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Central Intelligence Agency, “[Alma-Ata Patrolmen Report UFO Sighting,](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0005517792.pdf)” from Tass, April 19, 1991
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6960
### Event 48442 (5795F267)
**Date:** 4/20/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photo taken around Sao Paulo. See images/foret.jpg (April 20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3167
### Event 48443 (0795EFC6)
**Date:** 4/21/1991
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** OFF KENT, ENGL
**Description:** 10' cylinder/cigar-shape passes Alitalia airliner. Air Traffic Controller confirms. = UFO / Brit CAA. / r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15835
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off KENT,ENGL:10'CGR PASSES ALITALIA AIRLINER:ATC CONFIRMS:=UFO/BRIT CAA:/r41 ", **LatLong:** "50.850002 1.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:51:00 N 01:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.850002,1.333333)", **State/Prov:** "CHI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48444 (003C450E)
**Date:** 4/21/1991
**Location:** London, UK
**Description:** Missile crossed path of MD-80, RV (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5820
### Event 48445 (AA5476C2)
**Date:** 4/21/1991
**Location:** Heathrow Airport, London, UK
**Description:** Alitalia Airlines plane on final approach saw round object cross its path, confirmed by radar
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_468
### Event 48446 (05CCF76C)
**Date:** 4/21/1991
**Description:** Lyrid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_469
### Event 48447 (198C6412)
**Date:** 4/21/1991
**Locations:** English Channel; Romney, Kent, England; Heathrow Airport, London
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Captain Achille Zaghetti and his copilot are flying a McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Alitalia airliner with 57 passengers. They are over the English Channel just off the coast of Romney, Kent, England, and preparing to land at Heathrow Airport, London, when they see a round object or missile, about 10 feet long, approaching from their left. It is less than 100 feet away. The control tower confirms a radar target, which is now behind them. The British Army denies firing any missiles. The British Civil Aviation Authority concludes that “extensive enquiries have failed to provide any indication of what the sighting may have been.” [Nick Redfern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FRedfern) notes that the description of the UFO is consistent with a pilotless drone of the type used for defense practice.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, “Close Encounters with Unknown Missiles,” IUR 19, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1994\): 13–14; Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, pp. 170–172; Nick Pope, Open Skies, Closed Minds, Simon & Schuster, 1996, [p. 196](https://archive.org/details/openskiesclosedm0000pope/page/196/mode/2up); “[Britain Releases UFO Files, Dispels Some](https://kpic.com/news/nation-world/britain-releases-ufo-files-dispels-some-mysteries-11-19-2015) [Mysteries,](https://kpic.com/news/nation-world/britain-releases-ufo-files-dispels-some-mysteries-11-19-2015)” KPIC, Roseburg, Oregon, October 19, 2008; UFOFiles2, [pp. 135–137](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n221/mode/2up); 2Pinotti 113–116
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6961
### Event 48448 (46940352)
**Date:** 4/22/1991
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** AHWAHNEE, CA
**Description:** Night lights / precise formation suggest domed saucer with portholes / rim. Dives / canyon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15836
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "707", **HatchDesc:** "AHWAHNEE,CA:NLTS/PRECISE FORMn SUGGEST DOMED SCR W/PORTHOLES/RIM:DIVES/CANYON", **LatLong:** "37.366668 -119.727783", **LatLongDMS:** "37:22:00 N 119:43:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.366668,-119.727783)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48449 (5057EE95)
**Date:** 4/22/1991
**Description:** In Ahwahnee, Madera County, California a 53-year-old man spotted nocturnal lights in a precise formation suggesting a domed disc with portholes and rim at 8:30 p.m. The object ascended from behind a mountain, then hovered over the top of the mountain before descending across the face of mountain. It was gone when the witness returned after fetching his camera. It probably descended into a canyon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** T. David Spencer, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1996, p. 19; Randall Littlejohn, MUFON field investigation 912204W; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15431, citing MUFON UFO Journal, issue no. 336
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2238
### Event 48450 (E9D07697)
**Date:** 4/23/1991
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** PLAISTOW, NH
**Description:** 2+several cops. Glowing saucer hovers maneuvers wobbles turns and seems to land.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15837
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "PLAISTOW,NH:2+SVRL COPS:GLOWING SCR HVRS MNVRS WOBBLES TURNS+SEEMS TO LAND:", **LatLong:** "42.838891 -71.094448", **LatLongDMS:** "42:50:20 N 71:05:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.838891,-71.094448)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48451 (143CC5A6)
**Date:** 4/26/1991
**Location:** Birchwood Shopping Mall near Warrington, Cheshire, England
**Description:** A different security camera at Birchwood Shopping Mall near Warrington, Cheshire, England, records a similar object to the one detected in February in a location several hundred yards away. The camera records it for 20 minutes as it moves across the ground, passes by a road sign, climbs onto the roof of the mall, and vanishes in the sky above the M6 motorway. The camera operator lets the object enter the camera’s infrared spot beam, then switches the beam off; the light vanishes, then returns when the beam is turned back on. Investigators suspect that the light was caused by an insect interacting with the beam.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOs in Focus,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 16–17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6962
### Event 48452 (69087B05)
**Date:** 4/30/1991
**Time:** 20:40
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silent 80' UFO. 2 rows / windows. 500' altitude 750' out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15838
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "WALTON-on-the-NAZE,ESSEX:3 OBS:SILENT 80' UFO:2 ROWS/WINDOWS:500'alt 750' OUT", **LatLong:** "51.844447 1.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:50:40 N 01:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.844447,1.250000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48453 (C71F83B0)
**Date:** 5/1991
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** NEAR LAJES, BRZ
**Description:** Ovoid 5M overhead follows man. Observer(s) hides / tree. Instant headaches and thirst.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 86)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15839
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "236", **HatchDesc:** "nr LAJES,BRZ:OVOID 5M OVHD FOLOS MAN:OBS HIDES/TREE:INSTANT HEADACHES+THIRST", **LatLong:** "-5.666667 -36.233335", **LatLongDMS:** "05:40:00 S 36:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.666667,-36.233335)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48454 (F891FF89)
**Date:** 5/1/1991
**End date:** 5/7/1991
**Locations:** Tucson, Arizona; Spain; Italy; Japan; Russia; Germany; UK; Mexico; Peru; Venezuela; Chile; Brazil; Canada; US
**Description:** [Wendelle C. Stevens](http://www.openminds.tv/wendelle-stevens-passes-214/5310) holds the First World UFO Congress in Tucson, Arizona, which brings together UFO researchers, witnesses, and others from Spain, Italy, Japan, Russia, Germany, the UK, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Brazil, Canada, and the US.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 2Pinotti 117–118
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6963
### Event 48455 (EE8E81D0)
**Date:** 5/7/1991
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “MElanippe” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2023
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "MElanippe", **NukeSource:** "IMS", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 48456 (4B0CC3BC)
**Date:** 5/12/1991
**Location:** HUEJUTLA, MEXICO
**Description:** 3 long silvery ships seen.. during China-Mexico UFO conference..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15840
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "174", **HatchDesc:** "HUEJUTLA,MEX:3 LONG SLVRY SHIPS SEEN..during China-Mexico UFO conference..", **LatLong:** "21.133334 -98.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "21:08:00 N 98:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.133334,-98.433338)", **State/Prov:** "HDL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48457 (13291CE6)
**Date:** 5/12/1991?
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Fireball levitates man twice. Heat and cold. Eye damage. Ditto / 1992.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15841
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "453", **HatchDesc:** "N/CAMPO REDONDO,BRZ:FBL LEVITATES MAN TWICE:HEAT+COLD:EYE DAMAGE:ditto/1992", **LatLong:** "-6.166667 -36.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "06:10:00 S 36:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.166667,-36.183335)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48458 (66C3C51B)
**Date:** 5/12/1991
**Location:** Campo Redondo, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Farmer Moisés Campelo is walking home from his brother’s house in Campo Redondo, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, when a bright light approaches and stops right above his head, spinning slowly. His eyes begin to burn and he feels paralyzed, as if he is being sucked into the light. He remains suspended under the light for about 5 minutes, after which he is dropped to the ground. Campelo starts crawling home, but the light returns and levitates him again. This time he is suspended for 15 minutes before being dropped. He remains traumatized and sustains an eye injury.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil—Where Next?, Horus House, 1996, [pp. 9–13](https://archive.org/details/UFODangerZoneBobPrattHowTheyStealOurBloodAndMayKillPeoplePreIceAgeUfoOccupantsAn/page/n9/mode/2up); Brazil 340–342
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6964
### Event 48459 (9C2481A4)
**Date:** 5/12/1991
**Description:** Two students in Kuala Tarengganu, Malaysia reported seeing several tiny humanoid figures wearing red clothing standing near a drain in a school compound in the middle of the afternoon. Teachers searched the area but failed to find anything. The next day several six-inch tall beings were seen again in the same area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ahmad Jamaludin, Centre for Malaysian UFO Studies internet website; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, case #1492, citing Nexus New Times, Vol. 2 # 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2775
### Event 48460 (D1AD70CA)
**Date:** 5/12/1991
**Description:** Three elongated silver UFOs appeared in the daylight sky during a UFO conference being held in Huejutla, Mexico. At 7:00 p.m. a fiery ball of light levitated a man off the ground twice north of Camp Redondo, Brazil in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. He felt heat and cold and suffered an eye injury.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lucius Farish, UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1993; Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone, p. 2
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2776
### Event 48461 (24271E0F)
**Date:** 5/14/1991
**Description:** Two teens playing in an isolated field on this afternoon in Mini Mini, Puerto Rico encountered a small landed silver circular craft on the ground. It was very shiny and had a small dome-like sphere on top. The boys approached the object and began touching it. when a small hatch opened from the bottom of the craft and a long thin green arm came out and grabbed one boy by the leg. As the boy struggled to get away a second arm emerged and grabbed him by his arm. The boy grabbed a piece of wood and struck back at one of the creature's arms. He managed to cut off one of the creature's fingers and the creature let go. The finger fell to the ground oozing a green liquid. The witnesses attempted to retrieve the severed finger, but dropped it during their panic and fled. They later returned to find both the object and the severed finger gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, case # 1202, citing Jorge Martin, Enigma, issue # 42
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2838
### Event 48462 (6AA3811F)
**Date:** 5/14/1991
**Description:** Lancaster, California - At 11:00 o'clock at night the witness was suddenly awakened by three 4.5 foot tall Grey humanoids, with large black slanted eyes, who began lifting her from her bed. She began to struggle with the beings, when she noticed a tall human in the living room dressed entirely in black and holding a device resembling a small TV set. She broke loose from the Greys and yelled for her husband to wake up. He did, and they now both ran to the kitchen after hearing their dog barking in the backyard. They then saw a man wearing a blue Air Force blue uniform lying prone on a projecting part of their roof near a ladder. A K-9 sentry dog that appeared ready to attack their dog, was also now on the ground below, accompanied by the three Grey humanoid beings. Overhead a number or red lights were hovering. The witness yelled, "Do not kill my dog!" Her next recollection was standing alone in her yard next to the generator shack. A large craft with revolving red lights hovered above her and a thick fog was coming out of some ports around the object. She next remembered waking up and sitting up in her bed at 3:50 a.m. She was later hypnotically regressed, and recalled being taken to an underground facility, but would not elaborate about the details.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994; William Hamilton, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 286; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, case # 739, citing MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2839
### Event 48463 (9CA65E45)
**Date:** 5/15/1991
**Time:** 10:40
**Location:** WEST MIDDLESEX, PA
**Description:** Man and kid. Grey blimp surrounded / mist. Center glows all colors. Slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15842
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "264", **HatchDesc:** "W.MIDDLESEX,PA:MAN+KID:GRY BLIMP SURROUNDED/MIST:CENTER GLOWS ALL COLORS:SLOW", **LatLong:** "41.177780 -80.455559", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:40 N 80:27:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.177780,-80.455559)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48464 (E3B43620)
**Date:** 5/15/1991
**Description:** At 10:35 a.m. in West Middlesex, Pennsylvania a man and a kid observed a dull gray blimp-like object with two appendages in the sky. It was surrounded by mist, while the center of the object glowed multicolors. It moved slowly at first, moved and dipped repeatedly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, August 1991, p. 14, citing Stan Gordon, case # 910701E
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2871
### Event 48465 (95042668)
**Date:** 5/15/1991
**Description:** On this afternoon a short green humanoid with red oval-shaped eyes and huge pointed ears was spotted on the grounds of the local elementary school in Mini Mini, Puerto Rico. It apparently tried to communicate with one of the children from the kindergarten class. It spoke to the child in a "chatter" type of language, but ran off quickly into the bushes when some other children approached. Later that afternoon, two boys were playing in the area close to the earlier encounter when they heard a noise and saw the same or similar strange being emerge from the woods. They described him as short and bright green in color. He had an oval head with large almond-shaped eyes and huge pointed ears. He was thin with very long arms, and hands with only three digits on them. The being stood looking at the boys, emitting a strange "chatter" like noise. The boys threw fruit at it and then chased it, but it ran quickly and disappeared down an aqueduct. At one point the creature caused one of the boys to fall down by grabbing him by the foot.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, citing Jorge Martin, Enigma, issue #42
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2872
### Event 48466 (09FB67DF)
**Date:** 5/17/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Braine l'Alleud
**Description:** (Translated from French) Ms. Heck, a nurse at a psychiatric institute, observed at 1:30am at 100m from her, a matte triangular object with flashing lights on the sides, one central red non-flashing light, one rear beam inclined at 45°, which moved at 10km/h at 10m from the ground, while the light beam drew "8"s. Suddenly, it had disappeared. [Note from vog: the same witness, from the same place, in the same night conditions she devoted to reading or writing, made another observation on December 12, 1991] (May 17, 1991)
**Reference:** Franck Boitte, Inforespace n° 85 p. 41
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3434
### Event 48467 (AEED56FC)
**Date:** 5/17/1991
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Saucer near airliner. Liner drops and douses lights to avoid.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15843
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "CHENGDU,SICHUAN>>XIAMEN,CH:SCR nr AIRLINER:LINER DROPS+DOUSES LITES TO AVOID", **LatLong:** "29.000001 107.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "29:00:00 N 107:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.000001,107.500005)", **State/Prov:** "SCH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48468 (31FA11BF)
**Date:** 5/17/1991
**Location:** Braine l'Alleud, Belgium
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. A nurse in Braine l’Alleud, Belgium, hears an intense hum and looks out her window to see a large triangular object moving slowly overhead. At the front of the triangle, there is a group of lights located symmetrically along the edges. They are grouped toward the front point of the triangle. At least four of these lights are white and flickering quickly, with approximately two lights on the left and on the right flickering each second, but never reproducing the same sequence. She thinks there is also a steady red light. Slightly back from the central axis, she sees a ray of light, inclined on 45°, coming from an opening that is larger than the diameter of the flickering lights. This beam projects to the ground onto the street, and traced a brief series of figure 8s. Suddenly, after 5 seconds the UFO instantly reappears far away, its blinking lights \(but not the ray\) still visible.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vague d’OVNI sur la Belgique, Tome 2: Une énigme non-resolué, SOBEPS, 1994, pp. 16–19; Patrick Gross, “[The Belgium Flap](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/be/17may1991brainelalleud.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6965
### Event 48469 (A3B08920)
**Date:** 5/17/1991
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. a near collision occurred between a Boeing 707 airliner and a disc-shaped object over Ji Yong, 260 miles from Chengdu, Sichuan province, China. The airliner dropped in altitude and extinguished its lights to avoid a further encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1992, p. 57; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 46
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2941
### Event 48470 (6923B9FB)
**Date:** 5/18/1991
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** ST. OSYTH, ESSEX
**Description:** 3 fishermen. Edge / saucer? Figure(s) seen looking / 6 windows / edge. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15844
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St OSYTH,ESSEX:3 FISHERMEN:EDGE/SCR?:FIGS SEEN LOOKING/6 WINDOWS/EDGE:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "51.805558 1.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:48:20 N 01:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.805558,1.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48471 (9CD8401B)
**Date:** 5/18/1991
**Time:** 17:14:58.5
**Location:** -21.8320 -139.0140
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Alcinos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2024
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8320 -139.0140", **LatLongDMS:** "21:49:55 S 139:00:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8320,-139.0140)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Alcinos", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 48472 (A9048E43)
**Date:** 5/18/1991
**Description:** At 11:40 p.m. just offshore of St. Osyth, Essex, England three fishermen saw a saucer-shaped object on edge, hovering low over the water. The object had six windows along its rim and several man-like figures could be seen moving about inside and looking out. The UFO vanished in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, UFO Report 1992, p. 151
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2961
### Event 48473 (8C958C14)
**Date:** 5/22/1991
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Slim cylinder/cigar-shape with pointy ends hovers. Vanishes / clear skies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 448)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15845
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "106", **HatchDesc:** "N/BODMIN,CORNWALL:1/BINOCS:SLIM CGR W/POINTY ENDS HVRS:VANISHES/CLEAR SKIES:", **LatLong:** "50.533336 -4.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:32:00 N 04:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.533336,-4.716667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48474 (4454EBA4)
**Date:** 5/22/1991
**Time:** 23:40
**Description:** Many observer(s) to 0040h. Rounded delta/triangle/box-like crafts / 1000' altitude. 6x size / 747. Local (as a local wave) wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15846
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "68", **HatchDesc:** "NOTTINGHAM,NOTTs:MANY OBS to 0040h:ROUNDED DLTS/1000' ALT:6x SIZE/747:LCL WAVE", **LatLong:** "52.966669 -1.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:58:00 N 01:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.966669,-1.150000)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48475 (49538F17)
**Date:** 5/22/1991
**Location:** Nottingham, England
**Description:** A husband and wife in Nottingham, England, see an array of lights in an “elongated triangle” formation. The same object is seen 15 minutes later by another man in the area. He estimates it is about 1,000 feet high and gives off a low humming noise.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, A Covert Agenda: UFO Secrecy Exposed, Simon & Schuster, 1997, p. 184
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6966
### Event 48476 (46C45D9F)
**Date:** 5/22/1991
**Location:** Flight Safety Section
**Description:** Col. Alvaro Fernández Rodas, head of the Flight Safety Section of the Spanish Air Staff \(where the UFO archives are kept\), issues an Informative Note to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros titled “The UFO Archive and Its Possible Release.” The note is the result of meetings between [Vicente-](http://independent.academia.edu/VICENTEJUANBALLESTEROLMOS/CurriculumVitae) [Juan Ballester Olmos](http://independent.academia.edu/VICENTEJUANBALLESTEROLMOS/CurriculumVitae)[,](http://independent.academia.edu/VICENTEJUANBALLESTEROLMOS/CurriculumVitae) who is developing a catalog of UFO observations by military personnel and police officers; Maj. Ramón Alvarez Mateus, head of the Air Force Public Relations Office; and the Flight Safety Section. It mentions that no investigations have been made since 1980 and that since 1988 cases are not even archived. The note recommends that UFO cases be declassified.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “The Spanish Air Force UFO Files,” IUR 18, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1993\): 13; Swords 424–425, 515
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6967
### Event 48477 (D05A2E80)
**Date:** 5/22/1991
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states Prince Hans-Adam II, head of state of Liechtenstein, funded a study to determine how many Americans had been abducted by aliens and gave
$200,000 to Robert Bigelow for it. Adam II is deeply Catholic, Vallee added, and stated Adam II believed ET controlled humanity’s efforts to conquer space. Hans-Adam grew paranoid and refused to invest another $1.25 million, telling Hal he was “afraid” of the consequences.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/04/uap-research-has-been-well-funded-in.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/04/uap-research-has-been-well-funded-in.html)
* [https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/culture/recherche-sur-les-ovnis_le-prince-du-liechtenstein-et-l-ovni-disparu-en-direction-de-la-suisse/45770752](https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/culture/recherche-sur-les-ovnis_le-prince-du-liechtenstein-et-l-ovni-disparu-en-direction-de-la-suisse/45770752)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_262
### Event 48478 (6496F703)
**Date:** 5/28/1991
**Time:** ~19:50
**Location:** WEST / LANCASTER, CA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Boomerang strobes maneuver and vanish. 2 more appear. Wild moves.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO MAGAZINE (USA) Monthly, Los Angeles, CA (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15847
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "720", **HatchDesc:** "W/LANCASTER,CA:4 OBS:BOOMERANG STROBES MNVR+VANISH:2 MORE APPEAR:WILD MOVES", **LatLong:** "34.683335 -118.183339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:41:00 N 118:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.683335,-118.183339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48479 (B18449F2)
**Date:** 5/29/1991
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** HVIDOVRE, DK
**Description:** 1 observer. Silver metallic saucer glides. Glows blue. Darkens and going northeast. No wind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15848
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HVIDOVRE,DK:1 OBS:SLVR MTLC SCR GLIDES:GLOWS BLUE:DARKENS+>NE:no wind", **LatLong:** "55.627780 12.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "55:37:40 N 12:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.627780,12.500001)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48480 (BE563C98)
**Date:** 5/29/1991
**Time:** 18:59:58.2
**Location:** -22.2560 -138.7940
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Periclymentos” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2025
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.2560 -138.7940", **LatLongDMS:** "22:15:22 S 138:47:38 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.2560,-138.7940)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Periclymentos", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 48481 (BCF94D42)
**Date:** 6/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The *Deep See*, a well-equipped submersible, searches for traces of Spanish galleons sunk off the coast of Miami. In their place, it discovers 5 bombers from World War II, lined up on the ocean floor. One of the planes bore the same serial number and call sign as the leader of Flight 19, which had left its base on December 5 [1945](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1945.html) and had never returned. The most skeptical then cite this example as a classic case of a pseudomystery invented from scratch by clumsy and sensationalist investigators. The fate of Flight 19 seems then partly explained. But why did two compasses, which had just been subjected to conformity tests, simultaneously fail? In fact, despite the discovery of the *Deep See*, the exact position of the 5 bombers remains a mystery, because finally, the 5 planes spotted by the treasure hunters were not the Avengers of Flight 19. The site turned out to be an old exercise area, where planes had been regularly sunk between 1943 and 1945. The US Navy revealed that Lieutenant Taylor's aircraft bore the same serial number as an aircraft that had sunk in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle well before he undertook this mission. (June)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3169
### Event 48482 (A2CFDC7C)
**Date:** 6/1991
**Location:** CUMBERLAND, ON
**Description:** Several observer(s). 120' bowl saucer / 10' altitude by house. Ozone odor. Vanishes. Missing time?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 124)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15849
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "170", **HatchDesc:** "CUMBERLAND,ON:SVRL OBS:120'BOWL SCR/10'alt BY HOUSE:OZONE ODOR:VANISHES:MST?", **LatLong:** "45.483336 -75.411115", **LatLongDMS:** "45:29:00 N 75:24:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.483336,-75.411115)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48483 (564B5F3A)
**Date:** 6/1/1991
**Location:** Heathrow Airport, London, England
**Description:** 2:38 p.m. A Britannia Airways Boeing 737 is descending for a landing at 8,000 feet near Heathrow Airport, London, England, when the pilots see an unknown object for 1–2 seconds through the windshield. It disappears rapidly on the left. The missile has a yellow-orange cylindrical body with a “wrinkled” appearance and is about 10 feet long.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, “Close Encounters with Unknown Missiles,” IUR 19, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1994\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6968
### Event 48484 (D331292E)
**Date:** 6/2/1991
**Location:** PACHUCA, HGO, MEXICO
**Description:** Dozens / observer(s). 15 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / sky. Photographs and video taken. TV coverage.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15850
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2397", **HatchDesc:** "PACHUCA,Hgo,MEXICO:DOZENS/OBS:15 DLTs/SKY:FOTOS+VIDEO TAKEN:TV COVERAGE", **LatLong:** "20.116668 -98.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "20:07:00 N 98:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.116668,-98.716671)", **State/Prov:** "HDL", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48485 (E394CBB6)
**Date:** 6/2/1991
**Description:** Many observers witnessed 15 delta-shaped objects in the sky over Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico. Photographs and a videotape were taken, and there was national TV coverage of the event.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3236
### Event 48486 (EA6E7CF4)
**Date:** 6/5/1991
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** Orange fireball / pale halo. East going west / seafront. Shoots going up / cloud. Cloud glows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15851
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "CLACTON-on-sea,ESSEX:ORG FBL/PALE HALO:E>W/SEAFRONT:SHOOTS↑/CLOUD:CLOUD GLOWS", **LatLong:** "51.816669 1.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:49:00 N 01:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.816669,1.133333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48487 (42343B7A)
**Date:** 6/5/1991
**Description:** An orange fireball with a pale halo flew east to west along the waterfront in Clacton-on-Sea, England at ten minutes past midnight on this date. When it shot up into a cloud the cloud became luminescent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, The UFO Report 1992, p. 152
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3306
### Event 48488 (5D99FBBD)
**Date:** 6/6/1991
**Description:** Two circular depressions of grass were found in a field in Troy, Illinois. No one could provide an explanation for how they occurred.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case 1096
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3339
### Event 48489 (E7835762)
**Date:** 6/8/1991
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** 2 MILES NORTH / PORT CRANE, NY
**Description:** 1 observer / car. White domed disk crosses road. Climbs going quickly northeast. / r147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15852
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "2mI N/PORT CRANE,NY:1 OBS/CAR:WHT DOMED DISK CROSSES ROAD:CLIMBS>>NE:/r147", **LatLong:** "42.183335 -75.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:11:00 N 75:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.183335,-75.850004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48490 (15C00470)
**Date:** 6/8/1991
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** Intense fireball buzzes Lap liner and 3 / Cessna / 25 minute(s). / r41p144.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15853
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Paraguay", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "N/ASUNCION,PARAGUAY:INTENSE FBL BUZZES LAP LINER+3/CESSNA/25min:/r41p144", **LatLong:** "-25.000001 -57.666669", **LatLongDMS:** "25:00:00 S 57:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.000001,-57.666669)", **State/Prov:** "AIR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48491 (F0BFFCC1)
**Date:** 6/8/1991
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CENTERVILLE, IN
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft lands / yard. Observer(s) beamed aboard and gives 7' aliens a $20 bill!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15854
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "305", **HatchDesc:** "CENTERVILLE,IN:DLT LANDS/YARD:OBS BEAMED ABOARD and GIVES 7'ALIENS a $20 BILL!", **LatLong:** "39.816669 -84.994448", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:00 N 84:59:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.816669,-84.994448)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 48492 (D14DE4AE)
**Date:** 6/8/1991
**Location:** Concepcion, Paraguay
**Description:** G,V, civil radar, pilot sightings (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5821
### Event 48493 (EB2AAAD3)
**Date:** 6/8/1991
**Location:** Concepcion, Paraguay
**Description:** Paced Cessna 210 & airliner, R/V, E-M. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5822
### Event 48494 (4B449CA0)
**Date:** 6/8/1991
**Location:** Concepcion, Paraguay
**Description:** Pilots encountered and radar tracked reddish oval object that paced a small aircraft and hovered above airport, E-M effects on plane
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_470
### Event 48495 (714160ED)
**Date:** 6/8/1991
**Locations:** Asunción, Paraguay; Concepción; Asunción Airport
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Pilot Cesar Escobar and Copilot Angel David Farina are flying two passengers to Asunción, Paraguay, in his Cessna 210. While monitoring airport frequencies near Concepción, he overhears a conversation between the control tower and a Líneas Aéreas Paraguayas airliner, with the pilot reporting a brightly lit object approaching on a convergent course. The object is also showing on airport radar. He hears the pilot exclaim as the UFO speeds past. A few minutes later, Escobar sees a bright, blue-white light approaching on his right side. Just then radar control radios to ask if he has traffic on his right, and he replies affirmatively. The object paces his plane for 25 minutes within about 1,300 feet. Its intense light tends to conceal its exact shape, but it appears to be oval. Several times it moves in closer, as if playing a game, and Escobar becomes frightened. When it approaches, his instruments go crazy, including his automatic direction finder, which drifts around aimlessly. As he begins descending into Asunción Airport at 7:22 p.m., the object stops following and hovers. Anibal Gavigan, the air traffic control specialist on duty, is called by radar control and informed that a strange object has followed the Cessna 210 into the airport. He is asked if he can see it, and he can see the luminous object. After the Cessna lands, the airport lights are turned off to better identify the glowing object, which remains motionless over the field. At one point a luminous, yellow ray briefly shoots from the object to the western horizon. When it departs, the object accelerates so rapidly that it disappears after one sweep of the radar scope.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jorge Alfonso Ramirez, “[UFO Intercepts Aircraft over Paraguay,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1994/02/February%201994.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 310 \(February 1994\): 8–10; UFOEv II, 144–145; Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [p. 145](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/144/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6969
### Event 48496 (1D85F427)
**Date:** 6/8/1991
**Description:** Civil radar tracked UFOs over Concepcion, Paraguay. Pilots encountered and radar tracked a reddish oval-shaped object that paced a small aircraft and then hovered above the airport; electro-magnetic effects were reported on the plane. At around 6:00 p.m. an intense bluish-white oval-shaped object buzzed a Japanese airliner, then paced a Cessna for 25 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 127, 245, 384; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 46, citing MUFON UFO Journal, February 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3378
### Event 48497 (F362BE38)
**Date:** 6/10/1991
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** HONEOYE FALLS, NY
**Description:** 1 observer. White oval night light going quickly [to] 40° / second(s). Sharp edges. Instant turn.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15855
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "204", **HatchDesc:** "HONEOYE FALLS,NY:1 OBS:WHT OVAL NLT >>40°/sec:SHARP EDGES:INSTANT TURN", **LatLong:** "42.950002 -77.588893", **LatLongDMS:** "42:57:00 N 77:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.950002,-77.588893)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48498 (7F7F8B3D)
**Date:** 6/14/1991
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Silent intense moon-size blob lights ground blue. Away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15856
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HARARE++,ZIMB:SVRL SEP.OBS:SLNT INTENSE MOONSIZE BLOB LITES GND BLUE:AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "-17.816668 31.066668", **LatLongDMS:** "17:49:00 S 31:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.816668,31.066668)", **State/Prov:** "ZIM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48499 (1F3B1EB9)
**Date:** 6/14/1991
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** Small blue fireball flies parallel / ground low altitude / 15M. Winks out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15857
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MAZVIADEI DAM,ZIMBABWE:SML BLU FBL FLIES PARALLEL/GND LO ALT/15M:WINKS OUT", **LatLong:** "-17.416667 30.416668", **LatLongDMS:** "17:25:00 S 30:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.416667,30.416668)", **State/Prov:** "ZIM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48500 (6832AA8F)
**Date:** 6/14/1991
**Time:** 17:59:57.8
**Location:** -21.9440 -138.9880
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pitthee” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2026
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.9440 -138.9880", **LatLongDMS:** "21:56:38 S 138:59:17 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.9440,-138.9880)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Pitthee", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 48501 (13CA2D96)
**Date:** 6/15/1991
**Description:** At around 6 p.m. the two witnesses had gone into the woods outside the Gainesville Job Corps Center in Gainesville, Florida. As they were walking towards a campsite, one of the men stopped and claimed to have seen two "werewolf" like beings float by. The other witness did not see this. They continued walking until they spotted a saucer-shaped object on the ground. They advanced towards the object slowly when it suddenly disappeared. An uncontrollable fear then took hold of them and they began running away from the area. One of the men looked over his shoulder to see a tall, dark, large-headed being wearing a dark robe with its hand folded in front of it. The men did not stop and did not return to the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, case # 3189, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3506
### Event 48502 (296DE7EF)
**Date:** 6/16/1991
**Location:** Great Britain, Rushton, Staffs.
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Investigation by Doug Pickford of the "Green Dragon" ufology group of Staffordshire) The testimony comes from a well-known entrepreneur in the region and he insists on the strictest anonymity. In the evening this witness was returning from Chester from a business dinner where he had only drunk coffee. He was returning home by quiet secondary roads from Congleton to Leek, near Rushton, north of Rudyard Lake, when the effects of so much coffee drunk during the evening forced him to stop to relieve himself. It was 1:30 in the morning and he was near Bridestones - with its standing stones. He had no interest in archaeology and had never visited these places, although he knew they existed. The sky was still quite clear and he could clearly see the silhouettes of the standing stones from his stopping place. However, above them shone a light, like a giant torch, which illuminated the whole area. For a moment he wondered if he should go and take a closer look, but then a shower of golden sparks like those of a firework appeared, so he thought there were probably drugged people there and it was better to withdraw. He returned to his car, but it would not start: the engine seemed dead. He tried again and again, nothing worked. So he got out with the intention of lifting the hood, but at that moment he saw that the light above the menhirs, in the form of a golden ball, came towards him. He watched this ball with a certain surprise mixed with fear. The light passed over him with such intensity that it hurt his eyes. He lost all consciousness. He came to himself, lying on the ground, under a group of trees, about 600 meters from the road and the place where the car was. He was extremely disoriented and was aware of only two things: when the light was closest, he started running in a panic of fear. Through the brambles, hurting himself cruelly on the thorns, and hitting a tree full on. When he had the courage to look up, the luminous object had disappeared and the region was calm. It was then that he realized his state: he was still wearing his trousers, but no shirt or shoes. Automatically he rubbed the trousers, full of dust, and golden sparks fell from them, like static electricity. The return journey to the car, less precipitous, was still as painful through the bushes and brambles. He found the car, door open, key in the ignition, and on the ground, a small bundle: his shirt and shoes. He put them on and had a feeling as if they were very hot. He desperately hoped the engine would start: it did, on the first try. The dashboard clock showed that it was now 03:05... When he arrived home, he explained his delay to his wife as being caused by a road accident. He did not want to talk to her about the event. Knowing Doug for fifteen years, and knowing he was involved in ufology, he finally confided in him, making him swear not to divulge anything that could lead to his identification.
**Reference:** Northern UFO News, No. 168, Christmas 1994. The Dangers of Taking a Leek - pp.15-16 Case No. 9127
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3435
### Event 48503 (636CE330)
**Date:** 6/16/1991
**Location:** The Bridestones, Cheshire, England
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. A businessman stops by the side of the road to relieve himself near The Bridestones, Cheshire, England, a Neolithic site with standing stones. He sees a golden beam of light above the stones from which emerges a shower of sparks. He returns to the car, but the engine will not start. He begins to run away when a large, glowing ball heads from the sparks straight toward him. It is so bright that it causes pain in his eyes and he feels rooted to the spot. He blacks out and regains his senses several hundred yards away from his car. He is naked above the waist and his shoes are missing. As he tries to get up, he brushes down his trousers and finds that they are charged with static electricity, causing sparks to jump from his body. After staggering around, he finds his car with the keys still in the ignition. Next to the door are his shoes and shirt, folded on the ground and warm to the touch. The car starts without trouble and he drives away, realizing that it is now 3:05 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Much More Than Marsh Gas,” Fortean Times 311 \(March 2014\): 27
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6970
### Event 48504 (8A033756)
**Date:** 6/17/1991
**Time:** 17:40
**Description:** 4 / airliner. Wingless fuselage passes very close. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FROM OUT OF THE BLUE; Berkley Books, NY 1993 PB 233pp. (Index 233)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15858
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr BAWDSEY,SUFFOLK:4/AIRLINER:WINGLESS FUSELAGE PASSES VERY CLOSE:NFD", **LatLong:** "52.033336 1.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:02:00 N 01:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.033336,1.366667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48505 (EAF5E241)
**Date:** 6/17/1991
**Locations:** London (Gatwick Airport); Hamburg, Germany
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Walter Leiss and three other passengers on board Dan Air Flight DA 4700 from London \(Gatwick Airport\) to Hamburg, Germany, see a wingless projectile below and to the left of the plane flying at an altitude of 4,000–5,000 feet with no vapor trail. The object is slender, gray, and cigar-shaped. The crew does not see it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, “Close Encounters with Unknown Missiles,” IUR 19, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1994\): 14– 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6971
### Event 48506 (6A5C6192)
**Date:** Summer 1991
**Locations:** Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Washington, D.C.
**Description:** An effort is made by Raven to encourage the Bush administration to reveal the US government’s interactions with aliens and crashed saucers. Meetings are allegedly held in safe rooms at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Washington, D.C., with administration officials and cabinet and agency heads. Much seems to depend on the confirmation of [Robert Gates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FGates) as CIA director. A meeting to brief President [Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FH.%5FW.%5FBush) on the topic is scheduled for August but canceled due to the Soviet military coup.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert Collins and Richard Doty, Exempt from Disclosure: The Disturbing Case about the UFO Coverup, Peregrine, 2005
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6972
### Event 48507 (AAC00D20)
**Date:** 6/22/1991
**Location:** MILK HILL, WILTS
**Description:** 75' fireball crosses sky. In JULY91 saucer videod over tractor. 2+observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15859
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MILK HILL,WILTS:75' FBL CROSSES SKY:IN JULY91 SCR VIDEOd OVR TRACTOR:2+ OBS", **LatLong:** "51.416669 -1.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:25:00 N 01:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.416669,-1.800000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48508 (D900E5EA)
**Date:** 6/27/1991
**Description:** 2 / car / B1022. Large square object 200' altitude. Silent. SSE going [to] Mersea Island.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: The UFO REPORT 1992; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1993 (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15860
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "S/COLCHESTER,ESSEX:2/CAR/B1022:LRG SQUARE OBJ 200'alt:SILENT:SSE>MERSEA ISLAND", **LatLong:** "51.866669 0.883333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:52:00 N 00:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.866669,0.883333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48509 (E6D3EFE6)
**Date:** 7/1991
**Location:** Roswell
**Description:** [Kevin D. Randle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin%5FD.%5FRandle) and [Donald R. Schmitt](https://ufocongress.com/don-schmitt-2/) publish UFO Crash at Roswell, disclosing the results of their interviews and reconstruction of the Roswell incident of 1947. They publish an update in 1994.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt, [UFO Crash at Roswell](https://archive.org/details/ufocrashatroswel00rand)[,](https://archive.org/details/ufocrashatroswel00rand) Avon, 1991; Richard Hall, “Roswell Matters,” IUR 18, no. 3 \(May/June 1993\): 23; Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt, [The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell](https://archive.org/details/truthaboutufocra0000rand)[,](https://archive.org/details/truthaboutufocra0000rand) Avon, 1994; Clark III 951
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6973
### Event 48510 (982A94F3)
**Date:** 7/1991
**Description:** [Leonard Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FH.%5FStringfield) issues his sixth status report, UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Leonard H. Stringfield, UFO Crash/Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum, The Author, 1991
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6974
### Event 48511 (37ABC8D4)
**Date:** 7/1991
**Description:** Ret. USAF Sgt. states he saw a report of a landing of a saucer type craft over the north range of White Sands Missile Range near Tularosa. Askania and Mitchell tracking cameras showed a craft resting near a hillside, slightly tilted, with a large round dome shaped disc with a flat bottom, no landing gear or windows but an access opening. Base personnel were around the craft wearing suits, climbing on top of the craft. The report he saw was a technical description for the AMC and ATIC that recorded dimensional, material and structural specifications and radar data. The report was done by a German scientific team headed by Ernst Steinhoff and Wernher von Braun.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2004/03/31/part-6-ufo-crashretrievals-the-inner-sanctum-status-report-vi-july-1991-by-leonard-h-stringfield/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2004/03/31/part-6-ufo-crashretrievals-the-inner-sanctum-status-report-vi-july-1991-by-leonard-h-stringfield/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_263
### Event 48512 (C223908D)
**Date:** 7/1991
**Description:** A ret. USAF Col. tells ufologist Tim Cooper early UAP were thought to be German, used nuclear power in a way not understood and were composed of metals and plastics not known on Earth. The USAF panicked when it recovered flying discs in the Mojave Desert and New Mexico, he claimed, and transported them to Muroc AFB and Langley; they were lifting bodies that looked like inverted bathtubs that looked like a “pod” or short-range recon probe. Von Braun, Condon, Oppenheimer and Teller worked on scientific research of the crash retrievals he claimed.
The Col. had “no comment” on “who” helped them and suggests it was ET, but doesn’t explain. He states there were other USAF projects besides **Blue Book** that were UAP related including **Project Black Book** or **Project Black Sky** that used advanced cameras and sensors on high altitude aircraft like the X-2, X-15 and U-2, plus cameras on rockets that were launched from White Sands and the Cape to look for UAP. He also claims he heard of a USAF Project White Book that looked into historical UAP sightings including some from the Vatican back to the 15th century; allegedly the Vatican has UAP sighting photos going back to 1915 of all shapes and sizes rumored to be locked in a vault room inside the Vatican Basilica and even the USAF could not get access.
He states **Talon Gold** and **Teal Ruby** were programs for satellite recon objectives and led to the foundation of the NRO, and raw UAP data was processed by the Technical Reconnaissance Squadrons at NORAD at Ent AFB.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2004/05/16/part-8-ufo-crashretrievals-the-inner-sanctum-status-report-vi-july-1991-by-leonard-h-stringfield/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2004/05/16/part-8-ufo-crashretrievals-the-inner-sanctum-status-report-vi-july-1991-by-leonard-h-stringfield/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_264
### Event 48513 (66C60437)
**Date:** 7/1991
**Description:** Informant Third Class Petty Officer S.M., a specialist trained to translate Russian transmissions, decoded a report that stated a UFO crashed in two parts near Penkridge, England and West Germany. The retrievals were conducted by AFI and shipped to WPAFB and US and NATO interceptors were involved. The words NATO “artifact” retrievals were used.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2004/08/30/part-16-ufo-crashretrievals-the-inner-sanctum-status-report-vi-july-1991-by-leonard-h-stringfield/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2004/08/30/part-16-ufo-crashretrievals-the-inner-sanctum-status-report-vi-july-1991-by-leonard-h-stringfield/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_265
### Event 48514 (4BAD8FFE)
**Date:** 7/1/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Nr. Troy \(Ohio\), a father and his 12 year old daughter observe a large silver object, at 15 or 20° above the horizon. The object has a pen or cigar shape, and is estimated to be between 1/2 and 1 mile away. The witnesses are used to airplanes, living 12 miles Northeast of the Dayton Cox airport. The object has 4 times the length and 2 times the width of a commercial aircraft, without tail, wings or windows, nor any sound emitted. There are 2 other dark or grayish areas on the shiny surface. When the father goes to get his video camera, the object disappears in a green flash. (July 1st, 12 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3170
### Event 48515 (134B0C2D)
**Date:** 7/1/1991
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** TROY, OHIO
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Plain cylinder/cigar-shape larger / airliner. Gone / flash. 5 helicopters search next day.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15861
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "255", **HatchDesc:** "TROY,OHIO:2 OBS:PLAIN CGR LARGER/AIRLINER:GONE/FLASH:5 COPTERS SEARCH NEXT DAY", **LatLong:** "40.038891 -84.205560", **LatLongDMS:** "40:02:20 N 84:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.038891,-84.205560)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48516 (DB3CCC64)
**Date:** 7/2/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A flight of 5 green military helicopters is observed above the area where the object was seen, then directly above the witnesses' house. (July 2, morning)
**Reference:** Franklin Reams, [MUFON](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MUFON.html) UFO Journal, No. 291, July 1992
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3171
### Event 48517 (5AD8955D)
**Date:** 7/5/1991
**Time:** 18:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Coronis” Yield: 5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2027
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "3.80", **NukeName:** "Coronis", **NukeSource:** "DSIR", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "5"
### Event 48518 (8F1F3DF7)
**Date:** 7/5/1991
**Location:** Bank of Credit and Commerce International
**Description:** Customs and bank regulators in seven countries raid and lock down records of branch offices of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, which has been investigated for being involved in massive money laundering and other financial crimes and illegally gaining the controlling interest in a major American bank. In addition to violations of lending laws, BCCI is also accused of opening accounts or laundering money for figures such as [Saddam Hussein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddam%5FHussein)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddam%5FHussein) [Manuel Noriega](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manuel%5FNoriega), [Hussain Muhammad Ershad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hussain%5FMuhammad%5FErshad)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hussain%5FMuhammad%5FErshad) and [Samuel Doe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel%5FDoe), and for criminal organizations such as the Medellín Cartel and Abu Nidal. [William von Raab](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5Fvon%5FRaab)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5Fvon%5FRaab) a former US Commissioner of Customs, tells the Kerry Committee that the CIA holds “several” accounts at BCCI. According to a 1991 article in Time magazine, the National Security Council also has accounts at BCCI, which are used for a variety of covert operations, including transfers of money and weapons during the Iran–Contra affair.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Bank of Credit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank%5Fof%5FCredit%5Fand%5FCommerce%5FInternational\#Forced%5Fclosure) [and Commerce International](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank%5Fof%5FCredit%5Fand%5FCommerce%5FInternational\#Forced%5Fclosure)”; Peter Truell and Larry Gurwin, [False Profits: The Inside Story of BCCI, the](https://archive.org/details/falseprofitsinsi00true) [World’s Most Corrupt Financial Empire](https://archive.org/details/falseprofitsinsi00true)[,](https://archive.org/details/falseprofitsinsi00true) Houghton Mifflin, 1992; David Sirota and Jonathan Baskin, “Follow the Money: How John Kerry Busted the Terrorists’ Favorite Bank,” Washington Monthly, September 2004
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6975
### Event 48519 (C531123E)
**Date:** 7/5/1991
**Description:** A twenty-foot diameter crop circle was found in a wheat field in Medina, New York.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case 1109
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3850
### Event 48520 (E2C9635A)
**Date:** 7/7/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) During a raid against drug traffickers in Atlixo, near Puebla \(Mexico\), a policeman photographs an object passing in the sky \(see below\). Similar objects are filmed or photographed in the same region. The authorities are unable to explain the appearance and origin of these phenomena. (July 7th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3172
### Event 48521 (58E15124)
**Date:** 7/7/1991
**Description:** A photograph of a glowing red UFO with lights was taken by a Puebla State judicial police officer on this evening, after they were called out on a call from residents of Atlixco, Mexico because of the presence of an unknown flying object in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, 1991 Chronology, www. nicap.org, case # 1991-024
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3910
### Event 48522 (6234CBBA)
**Date:** 7/8/1991
**Location:** Great Britain, Selkirk region, Borders
**Description:** (Translated from French) Truck driver Steve Hallett was driving on the A7 National Road in the Selkirk region, not far from a television antenna, when he was surprised to see a huge, disc-shaped, illuminated object in the sky right in front of him. Its diameter was estimated to be about 13 m. The object had colored lights and apparently a dome at its top. The needles on the gauges inside the truck went wild. Steve stopped the engine and, fascinated, watched the UFO for about fifteen seconds before it disappeared into the night at an astonishing speed. This report was sent to me by John Hay of St Mary's Loch, Selkirk, who had noted the interview of Steve Hallett by Jill McPherson on Radio Borders the day after the incident. (July 8, 1991)
**Reference:** Timothy GOOD: "E.T. Connection" 1993 Trad. Presses de la Cité 1994 p. 263
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3436
### Event 48523 (46FF95BF)
**Date:** 7/8/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Near Nr. Selkirk, Borders \(UK\), truck driver Steve Hallett is driving along the A7 road, with the region's TV transmission tower in view, when he suddenly sees in the air a large, luminous, disc-shaped craft, about 40 feet in diameter. The object has colored lights and appears to have a dome on top. The truck's instruments go haywire. He stops, mesmerized, and watches the UFO for about 15 seconds before seeing it disappear into the night sky at an impressive speed. (July 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3173
### Event 48524 (72666437)
**Date:** 7/8/1991
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** 1 / van. 40' domed saucer hovers near TV transmitter. Instruments go crazy.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 448)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15862
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "171", **HatchDesc:** "nr SELKIRK,SCOTL:1/VAN:40'DOMED SCR HVRS nr TV XMITTER:INSTRUMENTS GO CRAZY", **LatLong:** "55.416669 -2.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "55:25:00 N 02:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.416669,-2.700000)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48525 (A764B0B9)
**Date:** 7/9/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Steve Hallett is interviewed by Jill McPherson on Radio Borders. (July 9)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3174
### Event 48526 (F44C0A88)
**Date:** 7/9/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of July 11th in Mexico. See images/1991-07-11.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3175
### Event 48527 (9602D7DE)
**Date:** 7/9/1991
**Description:** Sappho Henderson, the wife of Oliver W. Henderson, states in an affidavit that her husband in 1980-1981 picked up a newspaper at a grocery store in San Diego and saw an article describing a crash of a UFO outside Roswell with bodies of aliens; she states he told her “I want you to read this article, because it’s a true story. I’m the pilot who flew the wreckage of the UFO to Dayton, Ohio. I guess now that they’re putting it in the paper, I can tell you about this. I wanted to tell you for years.” She states he described the beings as small with large heads for their size; their suits were made of material different than he had ever seen and they looked strange; they were packed in dry ice; he had not been aware of the book _The Roswell Incident_ at that time.
Mary Groode, Henderson’s daughter, signed an affidavit and said a similar story, that he showed her the newspaper article and said the bodies were small, pale, with slanted eyes and large heads, and there were three of them. He also told her on one occasion when they were looking at the stars that he was “looking for flying saucers…they’re real, you know.”
* [http://www.roswellproof.com/henderson.html](http://www.roswellproof.com/henderson.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_266
### Event 48528 (BF15944F)
**Date:** 7/11/1991
**Location:** Mexico, Mexico City
**Description:** (Translated from French) Ytturia Garza: It was the day of the last total solar eclipse of the century. Mexico was one of the countries where this natural phenomenon could be observed very clearly. Scientists, television stations and all ordinary Mexicans were ready to film it. A few minutes before the eclipse appeared, at a good distance under the sun and to the right, an object of metallic and disc-like appearance. The device made no noise and moved hardly. Most scientists and cameramen had all their attention on the sun and did not see anything. But those from the Televisa television station had noticed it and published the photo in the evening newspaper. Then other video images appeared, some of Mexicans who, while waiting for the eclipse, filmed a little at random. These images were taken in the municipalities around Mexico City, which consolidated the testimony. When the computer analyses showed that it was a solid object, we knew that it was a real UFO in the Mexican sky. Since then the media have not let go of the subject.
**Reference:** Jan Hertoghs in the magazine HUMO of 24.9.1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3437
### Event 48529 (3AF909BA)
**Date:** 7/11/1991
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** MAZAMET, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent grey 3M sphere/orb/globe stops / trees. Blue-beam going down. Retracts beam and away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 308)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15863
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MAZAMET,FR:1 OBS:SLNT GRY 3M ORB STOPS/TREES:BLU-BEAM↓:RETRACTS BEAM+AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "43.500002 2.377778", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 02:22:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,2.377778)", **State/Prov:** "Tarn", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48530 (CECAB2F6)
**Date:** 7/11/1991
**Time:** 14:30
**Description:** 19 separate observer(s). Saucer during solar eclipse. Videotape and photographs. / r214p254.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 284)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15864
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "2221", **HatchDesc:** "MEXICO CITY,MEX:19 SEP.OBS:SCR DURING SOLAR ECLIPSE:VIDEOTAPE+FOTOS:/r214p254", **LatLong:** "19.466668 -99.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "19:28:00 N 99:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.466668,-99.133338)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48531 (66FD1344)
**Date:** 7/11/1991
**Locations:** Mexico City, Mexico; Puebla; Oaxaca
**Description:** 12:21 p.m. While many people in Mexico City, Mexico, are looking to the sky to see the last total solar eclipse of the 20th century, they also notice a bright object hovering in the sky. Videos are recorded as far south as Puebla and Oaxaca. Skeptics claim the object is the planet Venus, but the full eclipse lasts just under 7 minutes, and the object is seen for more than 30 minutes—before, during, and after the event. Guillermo Arragin, a reporter, videotapes the object, and [Jaime Maussan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime%5FMaussan), host of the Mexican version of the CBS TV show 60 Minutes, shows the Arragin footage a week later. He asks his viewers to share any sightings they had during the eclipse. Fifteen videotapes are submitted, each taken by a witness in a different location. Maussan enlists the help of the station’s video experts for digital enhancement and enlargement. The videos show solid, metallic-looking objects that reflect light. Maussan looks into balloons, helicopters, and other conventional objects, but comes up empty. The enhancements reveal a “hockey puck” shape, and many of the recorded objects pass in front of clouds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Unsolved Mysteries Wiki, “[Mexico City UFO](https://unsolvedmysteries.fandom.com/wiki/Mexico%5FCity%5FUFO)”; Tim Printy, “[The July 11, 1991, Mexico City UFOs: Basic Astronomy](http://www.astronomyufo.com/UFO/mexico.htm) [Ignored,](http://www.astronomyufo.com/UFO/mexico.htm)” February 2003
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6976
### Event 48532 (57AA0748)
**Date:** 7/12/1991
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NEAR HORVE, DK
**Description:** 2 / Vallekilde College. Yellow night light splits. Zigzag and rejoin. More night lights / 90m.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15865
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "nr HORVE,DK:2/VALLEKILDE COLLEGE:YLW NLT SPLITS:ZIGZAG+REJOIN:MORE NLTS/90m", **LatLong:** "55.744447 11.427778", **LatLongDMS:** "55:44:40 N 11:25:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.744447,11.427778)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48533 (EE6685DD)
**Date:** 7/15/1991
**Time:** 17:50
**Description:** 737 crew and Air Traffic Controllers. 1.5' black torpedo 300' away. 100mph going southeast. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) Jul. '94.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15866
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "E/GATWICK AIRPORT:737 CREW+ATCs:1.5' BLK TORPEDO 300'AWAY:100mph>SE:/IUR JLY94", **LatLong:** "51.133336 0.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:08:00 N 00:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.133336,0.166667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48534 (296EF08B)
**Date:** 7/15/1991
**Time:** 18:09:58.3
**Location:** -21.8770 -138.9630
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycurgue” Yield: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2028
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8770 -138.9630", **LatLongDMS:** "21:52:37 S 138:57:47 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8770,-138.9630)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Lycurgue", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUCF", **NukeY:** "150"
### Event 48535 (4A2AADDF)
**Date:** 7/15/1991
**Locations:** Crete; Gatwick Airport; Crawley, West Sussex, England
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. The copilot of a Britannia Airways Boeing 737 on a flight from Crete to Gatwick Airport near Crawley, West Sussex, England, sees a small, black, lozenge-shaped object about 1.5 feet in diameter, smooth, and some 1,600 feet ahead and above. It is on a collision course, and within 2 seconds it passes the aircraft’s wing at a distance of only 325 feet. The London Air Traffic Control Center picks up a target moving away from the plane to the southwest at 100 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, “Close Encounters with Unknown Missiles,” IUR 19, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1994\): 15; UFOFiles2, [p. 137](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n223/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6977
### Event 48536 (2390FD7D)
**Date:** 7/17/1991
**Description:** A large crop formation was discovered in a wheatfield near Barbury Castle, England. It consisted of large concentric circles in the center surrounded by a triangle with circles at each of the three apexes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lucy Pringle, Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of Modern Times, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4147
### Event 48537 (EB5744A6)
**Date:** 7/20/1991
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** LES MARTYS, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Dark silent ovoid with red halo going [to] slow over car. Then away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 308)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15867
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "Les MARTYS,FR:SVRL OBS:DRK SLNT OVOID W/RED HALO >SLO OVR CAR:THEN AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "43.416669 2.316667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:00 N 02:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.416669,2.316667)", **State/Prov:** "Aude", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48538 (A37D2503)
**Date:** 7/21/1991
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** TORONTO, ONT
**Description:** Several observer(s). Circle / intense red lights. Noisy "air-brakes" sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15868
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "TORONTO,ONT:SVRL OBS:CIRCLE/INTENSE RED LITES:NOISY "AIR-BRAKES" SOUND", **LatLong:** "43.683335 -79.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:41:00 N 79:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.683335,-79.416670)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48539 (49D60B3D)
**Date:** 7/21/1991
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** (CENTRAL), MO
**Description:** 3 girls. Night light going down / trees. Semi-transparent small humanoid (or Grey) exits. 60 minutes / missing time. Looks in window.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15869
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "65", **Elev:** "280", **HatchDesc:** "(central),MO:3 GIRLS:NLT↓/TREES:SEMI-XPRNT OID EXITS:60mns/MST:LOOKS IN WINDOW", **LatLong:** "38.500002 -92.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:30:00 N 92:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.500002,-92.500004)", **State/Prov:** "MSA", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48540 (89B9ADCB)
**Date:** 7/21/1991
**Description:** Two flying humanoids, a man and a woman, landed on the hood of a truck moving at 50 mph down a highway near La Tigra, Argentina, and remained seated there until they got to town. They were described as very tall and very pale in complexion, and had blond hair and wore tight-fitting white uniforms.The lone male truck driver said that the beings remained sitting on the hood until the truck approached the outskirts of town, where they suddenly disappeared. Tracks were said to have been found on the hood of the truck.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, addendum case # 2, citing Richard Heiden
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4281
### Event 48541 (956A251E)
**Date:** 7/21/1991
**Description:** Three young girls (ages 10-12) had stayed up late to watch a TV program and had gone into the backyard to play on a trampoline in Springfield, Missouri at two o'clock in the morning. They noticed a white, oval-shaped light moving rapidly from the side of the house to a corner of the backyard, where a large tree stood. One of the girls then noticed a strange-looking humanoid figure standing near the trampoline. It was about 4½ feet tall and completely white in color, with thin long arms and a huge pear-shaped head that was completely bald. It had two large black almond-shaped eyes, and it was very skinny with long skinny fingers on its long arms. The girls next ran back into the house and attempted to tell an older cousin of the incident, but the cousin ignored them and went back to bed. The girls then went back into the den and resumed watching television. Moments later their cat began acting strangely and the television screen went blank. At this point all three then saw the same humanoid again, looking at them through a window. The humanoid moved its head in a jerky mechanical manner. The girls ran and hid in the basement, where they stayed for the remainder of the night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A2306; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, case # 726; Duane & Susan Bedell, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 282
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4282
### Event 48542 (D33AC08E)
**Date:** 7/23/1991
**Time:** 20:40
**Description:** Newsman films milky-glowing object. Rises / roadside. Going south. Shape unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 312)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15870
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "Rte.11 SE/VICTORIA,ARG:NEWSMAN FILMS MILKY-GLO.OBJ:RISES/ROADSIDE:>S:SHAPE UNK", **LatLong:** "-32.833335 -59.833336", **LatLongDMS:** "32:50:00 S 59:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.833335,-59.833336)", **State/Prov:** "ENR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48543 (02FAB9FA)
**Date:** 7/24/1991
**Description:** An aluminum colored domed disc, shaped like a baseball cap without the visor, was seen by a 49-year-old housewife in Port Crane, New York at 11:35 a.m. It reflected the sunlight, but then appeared to shrink to a horizontal line that disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1992, p. 17, citing R. Hamilton, field investigator, case 911101E
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4365
### Event 48544 (CC629B68)
**Date:** 7/25/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A group of campers observe a white spherical light above a nearby field. At several moments, a smaller red light emerges from the white object and descends to the ground, where it must move for a short moment to join and re-fuse with the white globe. The observation lasts an hour. (July 25th, 4am)
**Reference:** Christian Page / François Bourbeau, Ufology Research of Manitoba associates
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3176
### Event 48545 (F9A85016)
**Date:** 7/25/1991
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** CARLETON, QBC
**Description:** Group / campers. White sphere/orb/globe over field. Small red objects exit and drop / ground. Re-enter.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15871
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CARLETON,QBC:GRP/CAMPERS:WHT ORB OVR FIELD:SML RED OBJs EXIT+DROP/GND:RE-ENTER", **LatLong:** "48.100002 -66.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "48:06:00 N 66:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.100002,-66.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48546 (A65F4641)
**Date:** 7/25/1991
**Description:** A white sphere hovered over a field on this night in Carleton, Quebec. Several times a much smaller red light emerged from the white object, descended to the ground, drifted for awhile, ascended, and then merged back into the large object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Alien Update, p. 229
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4399
### Event 48547 (D2FEBEEC)
**Date:** 7/26/1991
**Location:** Madrid Air Force headquarters
**Description:** Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros passes instructions to the Spanish Air Regions to centralize all UFO registers into Madrid Air Force headquarters.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 425, 515
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6978
### Event 48548 (FDA8DFAF)
**Date:** 7/27/1991
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** VERO BEACH, FL
**Description:** 1+6 kids. Light-grey 10' box with antennas going [to] over treetops / 35mph. Drawings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15872
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VERO BEACH,FL:1+6 KIDS:LITE-GRY 10'BOX W/ANTENNAS >OVR TREETOPS/35mph:DRAWINGS", **LatLong:** "27.638890 -80.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "27:38:20 N 80:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.638890,-80.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48549 (863B9AC2)
**Date:** 7/28/1991
**Description:** Alleged NRO document on a “Blue Fire” sequence informs associated groups and operations that civilian flying saucer organizations will be protesting in Rachel, NV. Among those notified are: Commanders Net, ROYAL Ops, COSMIC Ops, MAJ Ops, MAJI Ops, COMINT Ops, COMSEC Ops, ELINT Ops, HUMINT Ops, AFOSI Nellis Div. 26th, 64th, 65th, 527th, 5021st T.O. Aggressor Sqdn. Cmndrs., 57th F.W. Cmndr., 552nd T.O.F. Cmndr., 554th O.S.W. Cmndr., 4440th T.F.T.G. Cmndr., 4450th T.G. Cmndr., 4477th TES-R.E. Cmndr., 37th F.W. Cmndr., Red Flag
MOC, Dart East MOC, Dart South MOC, Pahute Mesa MOC, Sally Corridor MOC, Groom Lake MOC, Dreamland MOC, Ground Star MOC, Blackjack Team, Roulette Team, Aqua Tech SOG and Sea Spray SOG. Terms like Red Flag, Dark East, Dark South, Paput Mesa, Sally Carter, Groom Lake, Dreamland are also mentioned.
CSETI’s Steven Greer states he gave the document to Admiral Thomas Wilson, then J2 and later Director of the DIA, whom Greer claims Wilson recognized one of those entities and it was being run by a contractor. Greer claims Wilson called the contractor and they told him he didn’t have a need to know. Greer alleges the program was UAP related and one of the entries on this document led Wilson on his quest to find an extragovernment UAP reverse engineering housed in a legacy aerospace corporation outside of USG oversight.
* [https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Explanation-of-the-NRO-document---1st-Doc-in-the-Obama-Briefing.html?soid=1109615552303&aid=oLvI1oDzlpg](https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Explanation-of-the-NRO-document---1st-Doc-in-the-Obama-Briefing.html?soid=1109615552303&aid=oLvI1oDzlpg)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_267
### Event 48550 (0735E447)
**Date:** 7/30/1991
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** BEAUGENCY, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 luminous "neon" rays going down [to] from U-shaped object / clouds. Going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 308)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15873
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BEAUGENCY,FR:1 OBS:2 LUMN."NEON" RAYS↓ fm U-SHAPED OBJ/CLOUDS:>S", **LatLong:** "47.783336 1.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "47:47:00 N 01:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.783336,1.633333)", **State/Prov:** "Loiret", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48551 (0E7EE141)
**Date:** 7/31/1991
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** LUBLIN, POLAND
**Description:** 1 observer. Radio malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Windows shake. Several photographs / black UFO test AOK.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15874
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LUBLIN,POLAND:1 OBS:RADIO EMEs:WINDOWS SHAKE:SVRL FOTOS/BLACK UFO TEST AOK.", **LatLong:** "51.233336 22.550001", **LatLongDMS:** "51:14:00 N 22:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.233336,22.550001)", **State/Prov:** "LBL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48552 (E62F9D6C)
**Date:** 8/1/1991
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** ASSENS, FYN, DK
**Description:** 1 observer. Series / 3 shiny ovoids going northeast. Fourth going north. Absolute(ly) silent. No wind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15875
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "ASSENS,FYN,DK:1 OBS:SERIES/3 SHINY OVOIDS >NE:4rth >N:ABS.SLNT:no wind", **LatLong:** "55.272225 9.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "55:16:20 N 09:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.272225,9.900000)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48553 (00141B0E)
**Date:** 8/1/1991
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** VICTORIA, ARG
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Big diamond-shape 200M away. Night lights tilt and rise and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 312)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15876
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "42", **HatchDesc:** "VICTORIA,ARG:SEP.OBS:BIG DIAMOND-SHAPE 200M away:NLTS TILT+RISE+AWAY.", **LatLong:** "-32.600002 -60.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "32:36:00 S 60:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.600002,-60.200003)", **State/Prov:** "ENR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48554 (50DDA511)
**Date:** 8/4/1991
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** 7 hikers. Night lights maneuver / different formations. = disks / (seen thru) binoculars. Lost in fog.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: EVANS, Hillary & STACY,Dennis eds.: UFO 1947-1997, 50 Years of Flying Saucers: John Brown Publ./Fortean Times London 1997: ISBN 1-870870-999
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15877
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "nr Lk.BUCURA,ROMANIA:7 HIKERS:NLTS MNVR/DIFF.FORMNs:=DISKS/BINOCS:lost in fog", **LatLong:** "45.350002 22.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:21:00 N 22:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.350002,22.883334)", **State/Prov:** "GRJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48555 (5E493646)
**Date:** 8/4/1991
**Locations:** Lacul Bucura; Retezat Mountains; west central Romania; Valea Rea
**Description:** Night. Seven hikers near Lacul Bucura in the Retezat Mountains in west central Romania see a bright red light approaching them from behind. Thinking it might be a lost tourist, they wave their flashlights at it, but it starts zigzagging and increasing its speed. Soon they see other lights of varying colors, shapes, and configurations, all moving in the Valea Rea. Through binoculars they take on the shape of discs with luminous portholes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 55–57
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6979
### Event 48556 (04082376)
**Date:** 8/4/1991
**Description:** A couple in Flint, Michigan were stargazing in their backyard at 1:30 a.m. when a white ball of light came overhead. The man shot a flashlight beam at it, and it made a "sideways loop" before continuing on.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Shirley Coyne, MUFON case files, case # 930415Cb
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4665
### Event 48557 (28D32819)
**Date:** 8/8/1991
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Huge saucer-fireball. Scouts power lines. Too low / RADAR.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 229)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15878
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "SANCTON,HUMBERSIDE:SVRL SEP.OBS:HUGE SCR-FBL:SCOUTS POWER LINES:TOO LOW/RDR", **LatLong:** "53.838891 -0.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:50:20 N 00:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.838891,-0.633333)", **RelAlt:** "50", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48558 (24DAA169)
**Date:** 8/9/1991
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** Huge bright sphere/orb/globe goes over house. Rows / green and red lights beneath.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 230)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15879
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "POCKLINGTON,HUMBERSD:HUGE BRIGHT ORB GOES OVR HOUSE:ROWS/GN+RED LITES BENEATH", **LatLong:** "53.922225 -0.783333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:55:20 N 00:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.922225,-0.783333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48559 (ED90AC4E)
**Date:** 8/10/1991
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** LACANAU-OCEAN, FR
**Description:** Ex-Air Force pilot. Moving field of stars distorted by huge "lens"!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 309)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15880
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LACANAU-OCEAN,FR:EX-AF PILOT:MOVING FIELD OF STARS DISTORTED BY HUGE "LENS"!", **LatLong:** "45.005558 -1.205556", **LatLongDMS:** "45:00:20 N 01:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.005558,-1.205556)", **State/Prov:** "Gironde", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48560 (84E6F685)
**Date:** 8/10/1991
**Locations:** US; Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia; Washington, D.C.; Justice Department; Iran; Bank of Credit and Commerce International; Martinsburg
**Description:** US freelance writer [Danny Casolaro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny%5FCasolaro) is found dead in a bathtub in room 517 of the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg, West Virginia, his wrists slashed 10–12 times. The medical examiner rules the death a suicide. His death becomes controversial because his notes suggest he is in Martinsburg to meet a source about a story he calls “the Octopus.” This centers on a sprawling collaboration involving an international cabal, primarily featuring a number of stories familiar to journalists who worked in and around Washington, D.C., in the 1980s—the Inslaw case, about a software manufacturer whose owner accused the Justice Department of stealing its work product; the October Surprise theory that during the Iran hostage crisis, Iran deliberately held back American hostages to help [Ronald Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FReagan) win the 1980 presidential election, the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, and Iran–Contra. Casolaro’s family argues that he has been murdered; that before he left for Martinsburg, he told his brother that he frequently received harassing phone calls late at night; that some of them were threatening; and that if something were to happen to him in Martinsburg, it will not be an accident. They also cite his well-known squeamishness and fear of blood tests, and state they find it incomprehensible that if he were going to commit suicide, he would do so by cutting his wrists a dozen times. A number of law-enforcement officials also argue that his death deserves further scrutiny, and his notes are passed by his family to ABC News and Time magazine, both of which investigate the case, but find no evidence of murder.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Danny](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny%5FCasolaro\#Final%5Fdays) [Casolaro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny%5FCasolaro\#Final%5Fdays)”; Kenn Thomas and Jim Keith, The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro, Feral House, rev ed., 2003; Cheri Seymour, The Last Circle: Danny Casolaro’s Investigation into the Octopus and the PROMIS Software Scandal, TrineDay, 2010; “[Danny Casolaro’s Files and Notes](https://archive.org/details/casolaro?tab=about)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6980
### Event 48561 (3D0226C4)
**Date:** 8/11/1991
**Description:** Triangle seen over hills. Big explosion rocks Blackridge house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: FS & HOW TO SEE THEM: Sterling Publ. Co. NY 1992 (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15881
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "156", **HatchDesc:** "BATHGATE,SCOTL:TRIANGLE SEEN OVR HILLS:BIG EXPLOSION ROCKS BLACKRIDGE HOUSE", **LatLong:** "55.900003 -3.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:54:00 N 03:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.900003,-3.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48562 (1712C840)
**Date:** 8/13/1991
**Location:** USA, Laguna Cartagena (Puerto Rico)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At night, Mrs. Marisol Camacho, a young woman, received an unexpected visit, to say the least, from two strange creatures at her home: "I was sleeping when around 2 o'clock in the morning, I heard strange noises outside, near the balcony. I got up and went to the window. Someone was mumbling in an incomprehensible gibberish. I opened the blinds very quietly and - Oh! Lord! - there were two of the strangest creatures you could imagine standing there, on my balcony! They were examining my flower pots, and more particularly my Quezo Suizo (Swiss cheese whose scientific name is Monsterosa deliciosa, a tropical vine that can take gigantic dimensions and whose alveolate leaves are pierced with holes like so many portholes) They were cutting leaves and exchanging comments. They seemed literally fascinated by this plant. On my side, I was just as surprised and - curiously - I could no longer move. I was paralyzed, and, too, fascinated. These creatures had a size of about 1.20 m, with large skulls, egg-shaped, rounded at the top and more pointed at the chin. They were very emaciated and all gray, and also completely naked. The eyes were black and very elongated on each side of the head, without pupil and without white part like us. The faces were flat, with a small slit for the mouth, without lips, and two small holes for the nose. Not for a single moment did I feel fear - I was simply amazed by what I saw; It was like children... Their arms were longer than ours, and their long bony hands had only four slender fingers. These creatures did not seem to notice me at the window. They took two leaves from my plant and left, still chattering in this kind of senseless gibberish. They walked slowly towards the Laguna Cartagena, sank into the thicket at the end of the street and disappeared. I couldn't believe my eyes. (...) After their departure, I could move again. I went back to bed and later I told this scene to my husband.
**Reference:** Timothy GOOD: "E.T. Connection" 1993 Trad. Presses de la Cité 1994 p. 250
**Reference:** see continuation on 28/8/91
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3438
### Event 48563 (C17DFC10)
**Date:** 8/13/1991
**Time:** 18:00?
**Location:** VICTORIA, ARG
**Description:** 4 observer(s) and more/others. UFO going down / road. Figure(s) exit and float over ground. Flies as truck nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 312)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15882
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "42", **HatchDesc:** "VICTORIA,ARG:4 OBS++:UFO↓/ROAD:FIGs EXIT+FLOAT OVR GND:FLIES as TRUCK NEARS", **LatLong:** "-32.583335 -60.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:35:00 S 60:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.583335,-60.166670)", **State/Prov:** "ENR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48564 (9E026065)
**Date:** 8/13/1991
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** VICTORIA, ARG
**Description:** Man tranquilized / telepathy. Abduction. Wakens / garden as beam retracts going up / UFO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 312)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15883
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "42", **HatchDesc:** "VICTORIA,ARG:MAN TRANQUILIZED/TLP:ABD:WAKENS/GARDEN as BEAM RETRACTS↑/UFO", **LatLong:** "-32.600002 -60.183336", **LatLongDMS:** "32:36:00 S 60:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.600002,-60.183336)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "ENR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48565 (852F5498)
**Date:** 8/13/1991
**Description:** At two a.m. in Maguayo, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico Mrs. Camacho encountered two four-foot-tall Grey entities in her garden. They had large skinny heads and narrow chins. They also apparently had no noses, no lips, and slit-like mouths. They took leaves from the plant Monsterosa deliciosa. They mumbled some form of unintelligible gibberish. The witness was unable to move during her encounter, which lasted about two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jorge Martin, in Timothy Good (editor), Alien Update, p. 23; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, case #659, citing Timothy Good & Jorge Martin
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4985
### Event 48566 (E7C8E81F)
**Date:** 8/13/1991
**Description:** Four men staying at a local guest house near Victoria, Entre Rios, Argentina were alerted to two maneuvering lights in the sky at 10 p.m. One was yellow and the other red, and they first moved up and down, then in a triangular pattern. One of the lights then descended onto the road near the guesthouse. Two dark human-like figures emerged from the landed object and appeared to float above the ground moving around back and forth. Although they were human-like, their heads were slightly larger than normal. Suddenly the light illuminating the object turned off, and a white bowl-shaped object could be discerned. A few of the witnesses were not able to see the figures completely, and only saw their arms and legs. Later that same evening a man reported that he had been abducted, and awakened in a nearby garden as a blue beam was being retracted into a departing UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, case # 1466, citing Roberto Banchs, Cuadernos De Ufologia, Volume 15, Number 2, 1993; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 312
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4986
### Event 48567 (16106F9C)
**Date:** 8/14/1991
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** MAGUAYO, PR
**Description:** 2 grey small humanoids (or Greys) take leaves / plant / balcony! Mumble. Walk to lake. / r121p24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Jorge Martin: Puerto Rico: email
The MIG pilots were directed to intercept the object, to identify it if possible, to try to make contact with it, and to force it to land at the nearest Air station. If the object failed to cooperate, they were directed to shoot it down. The MIGs intercepted the object over the western shore of the Aral Sea at 5:12 a.m. The pilots observed the object both visually and on their radar screens, and they described it as dirigible-shaped, 600 meters long by 110 meters wide, with very little surface detail except for two round "portholes" near the front, and some sort of strange green markings near the rear. The object did not make any hostile moves or react in any way to the presence of the jets. When all attempts at contacting the object failed, the squadron leader proposed positioning the jets on either side of the object at a distance of about 800 meters, and gently but firmly directing it to the Air Station. If necessary the jets would fire warning shots to encourage the object to cooperate.
When the jets were in position around the object and within 800 meters of it the weapons systems of the MIGs shut down for no apparent reason. Worse yet, their engines began to malfunction. The object also began to make evasive zigzag maneuvers, and increased its speed from 960 km/hour to 6800 km/hour. These maneuvers were verified by radar at Baikonur, Alma-Alta, and Bishkek. The jets had no alternative but to back off, and the object proceeded east through Alma-Alta airspace at the slightly lower altitude of 4500 meters. Radar dispatchers in Alma-Alta, fearing a collision with conventional aircraft, issued a general alert for air traffic to avoid the area. At 5:27 a.m. the object disappeared from radar in the area of Lake Issyk-Kul near the border of Kazakhstan.
A month later reports began to trickle back to Bishkek that a huge UFO had been seen to crash into the Tien Shan Mountains, 100 kilometers east of Przhevalsk near a peak known as Pik Pobeda (Peak of Victory). The actual site lay in a gorge known as "Shaitan Mazar" or "Grave of the Devil", near the Saris Dzas River. A search party led by Michael Eltchin was dispatched, but were unable to reach the site due to heavy snowfall. In June 1992 a second expedition was mounted, consisting of three groups of volunteers with both scientific backgrounds and mountain climbing experience. The expedition arrived at the actual crash site on June 12, 1992, and set up a base camp 2.5 km away to the northwest. It was evident that the object had slid 1700 meters after hitting the ground. It then exploded from within its center, blasting it into almost two equal parts and bending its internal structure outwards from the center of the explosion. Decks and interior features were visible inside the object through a gap made by the blast. The expedition then noticed several unusual effects when they began to examine the object. They were unable to photograph the object because some sort of radiation exposed all their film and ruined all videotape. Whenever a member of the party got closer than 800 meters to the object, he began to feel unusual anxiety, depression, and exhaustion. Within 800 meters, the men's hair stood on end. Instruments showed an unusually high level of static electricity in the air, and compasses and magnetometers failed to function properly in the vicinity of the object. Measurement devices registered no magnetic fields at all within an elliptically shaped area centered on the object, and measuring 2230 meters long and 1700 meters wide. Even naturally occurring magnetic rocks displayed no magnetic field within this ellipse. All clocks and wristwatches stopped working at a distance of 600 meters from the object. Furthermore, anyone who approached within 500 meters of the object began to suffer from some sort of radiation burns. The expedition soon had to abandon the site, but planned to return at some indefinite time in the future.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1991 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Nikolay Subbotin, RUFORS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5440
### Event 48589 (A8859FE8)
**Date:** 8/28/1991
**Description:** A close encounter of the second kind occurred at the Yeisk Military Aviation School in Russia at 5:31 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Stonehill, The Soviet UFO Files, p. 48
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5441
### Event 48590 (E36FBFF5)
**Date:** 8/29/1991
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. 31-year-old night watchman Marcos Ibanez Ibarrola was driving his Renault 4 truck on his way to work in Torres de Elorz, near Pamploma, Navarra, Spain when he saw over a nearby water tower a flashing orange light approaching him. The object, a two meter wide disc-shaped object with a clear dome on top, approached quickly and struck his vehicle's hood, causing the truck to stop and completely disabling its electrical system. The object resembled a large truck tire encircled with several red and orange lights. It was making a loud revving sound. The witness quickly got out of his truck and ran to an embankment. He then saw a short, heavy set Grey humanoid within the glass canopy. It had a large head and glowing, slanted eyes. When another truck approached, the object rose vertically and quickly flew away in a zig-zagging flight path. Scratch marks and an oily thick and foul smelling liquid was found on the truck's hood.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 309; Albert S. Rosales, 1991 Humanoid Contact Reports Database, case # 2367, citing Iker Jimenez, Encuentros: La Historia de Los Ovni en España
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5475
### Event 48591 (EC3111A4)
**Date:** 8/30/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the Japanese solar observation satellite *Yohkoh*. (August 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3179
### Event 48592 (B145C474)
**Date:** 8/30/1991
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** GRANUM, ALTA
**Description:** 4 kids. Saucer hovers and zips over town. Lights flash / base. Circular trace / ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 231)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15895
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "720", **HatchDesc:** "GRANUM,ALta:4 KIDS:SCR HVRS+ZIPS OVR TOWN:LITES FLASH/BASE:CIRC TRACE/GND", **LatLong:** "49.883336 -113.516672", **LatLongDMS:** "49:53:00 N 113:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.883336,-113.516672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48593 (6DBA11E3)
**Date:** 8/30/1991
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** PAMPLONA, SP
**Description:** Night watchman and 1? 2M? saucer lands / car! Grey small humanoid (or Grey) / clear dome. Zigzags away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 309)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15896
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PAMPLONA,SP:NITE WATCHMAN+1?:2M? SCR LANDS/CAR!:GRY OID/CLR DOME:ZIGZAGS AWAY", **LatLong:** "42.816669 -1.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:49:00 N 01:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.816669,-1.616667)", **State/Prov:** "NVR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48594 (DC3BDC1F)
**Date:** 8/30/1991
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** 2 women westbound / US22. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft low / roadside. Partly transparent!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15897
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "N/BLAIRSVILLE,PA:2 WOMEN WESTBOUND/US22:LRG DLT LO/ROADSIDE:PARTLY XPARENT!", **LatLong:** "40.433335 -79.261115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:26:00 N 79:15:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.433335,-79.261115)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48595 (4AD8DA08)
**Date:** 8/30/1991
**Description:** Four children in Granum, Alberta, Canada at about 10 p.m. observed an oval object hovering over the town. Some of the time it moved very fast, and at other times it floated in place. It had blue, red, and green lights that flashed intermittently. Later a "long black thing" streaked across the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timorthy Good, Alien Update, p. 232
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5504
### Event 48596 (36319EC1)
**Date:** 8/30/1991
**Description:** On the same night as the Alberta sighting in Blairsville, Pennsylvania at 11:15 p.m. two women driving on Route 22 had an encounter with a triangular UFO hovering low to the ground along the roadside. It had solid white light beams along its outer structure and horizontal light beams inside the triangle; in between it appeared transparent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Stan Gordon, PASU Data Exchange, January 1992; Timorthy Good, Alien Update, p. 232
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5505
### Event 48597 (BCAD78D4)
**Date:** 9/1991
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Observer(s) hides under tree. Runs. Fireball going [to] over. Crack! Tree Blown apart.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15898
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "405", **HatchDesc:** "4mi SE/ACARI,BRZL:OBS HIDES UNDER TREE:RUNS:FBL>OVR:CRACK!:TREE BLOWN APART", **LatLong:** "-6.500000 -36.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "06:30:00 S 36:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.500000,-36.583335)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48598 (38EEB933)
**Date:** 9/1991
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** SANTA CRUZ, RGN, BRZ
**Description:** 6 with lamp tending cow. Night light nears. Big flash and goes straight going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15899
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "302", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA CRUZ,RGN,BRZ:6 W/LAMP TENDING COW:NLT NEARS:BIG FLASH+GOES STRAIGHT ↑", **LatLong:** "-6.216667 -36.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "06:13:00 S 36:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.216667,-36.016668)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48599 (5A2BB102)
**Date:** 9/1991
**Locations:** Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area; Opal, South Dakota; Oscar Launch Control Facility
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. Security policeman T/Sgt Anthony W. Keel is working as an alert response team leader at the Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area 30 miles west of Opal, South Dakota, when he is dispatched to a missile launch site with multiple alarms. They arrive, clear the site, and reset the alarms. Then he gets another call for a different site with the same alarm pattern, which they then reset. On the way back to the Oscar Launch Control Facility, he gets another call, and the team can see a blue, pulsating light above the site experiencing the alarm. The light moves away as they pull in to secure the site. The light is the size of a small helicopter, semicircular and oblong, and completely silent.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 468–469
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6981
### Event 48600 (00533EF5)
**Date:** 9/5/1991
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. a man in Margut, Ardennes, France reported sighting three luminous points traveling through the sky in a triangle, with the point towards the rear. It had two red points towards the front and a white point towards the rear, according to the direction of travel. Speed was slow and quiet. It was seen twice.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case #86
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5663
### Event 48601 (8C912715)
**Date:** 9/8/1991
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** 40M EAST / PITTSBURGH, PA
**Description:** Astronomer / airliner. 3 saucers in formation. Incredibly fast! Not planes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15900
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "40m E/PITTSBURGH,PA:ASTRONOMER/AIRLINER:3 SCRS/FORMn:XXFAST!:NOT PLANES:", **LatLong:** "40.433335 -79.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:26:00 N 79:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.433335,-79.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48602 (C8D78EC9)
**Date:** 9/9/1991?
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** IBICUITINGA, BRZ
**Description:** Teen chased. Saucer hovers over dropped shirt. Shirt crumbles after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15901
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "153", **HatchDesc:** "IBICUITINGA,BRZ:TEEN CHASED:SCR HVRS OVR DROPPED SHIRT:SHIRT CRUMBLES AFTER", **LatLong:** "-4.983334 -38.650002", **LatLongDMS:** "04:59:00 S 38:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-4.983334,-38.650002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48603 (E6773AA8)
**Date:** 9/9/1991
**Locations:** UK; Tully, Australia; University of Oregon
**Description:** Self-professed pranksters [Doug Bower](http://www.circlemakers.org/028%5FFT371.pdf) and Dave Chorley make headlines claiming they started the UK crop circle phenomenon in 1978 with the use of simple tools consisting of a plank of wood, rope, and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of wire to help them walk in a straight line. To prove their case, they make a circle in front of journalists; cerealogist \(advocate of paranormal explanations of crop circles\) [Pat Delgado](https://colinandrews.net/Research-Dedication-PatDelgado.html) examines the circle and declares it authentic before it is revealed as a hoax. Inspired by the Tully, Australia, crop circle accounts from 1966, Bower and Chorley claim to be responsible for all circles made prior to 1987, and for more than 200 crop circles in 1978–1991 \(with 1,000 other circles not being made by them\). After their announcement, the two men demonstrate making a crop circle. According to University of Oregon fractal expert [Richard Taylor](https://blogs.uoregon.edu/richardtaylor/), “the pictographs they created inspired a second wave of crop artists. Far from fizzling out, crop circles have evolved into an international phenomenon, with hundreds of sophisticated pictographs now appearing annually around the globe.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Crop circle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crop%5Fcircle\#Bower%5Fand%5FChorley)”; William Tuohy, “[‘Crop Circles’ Their Prank, 2 Britons Say,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/98034272/)” Los Angeles Times, September 10, 1991, p. 14; Jenny Randles, “Round and Round in the Circle Game,” IUR 16, no. 6 \(Nov/Dec. 1991\): 17–18, 22–23; Richard Taylor, “[Coming Soon to a Field near You,](https://cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/blogs.uoregon.edu/dist/e/12535/files/2015/12/CropCirclesphysicsworld-1o814jx.pdf)” Physics World, August 2011, pp. 2–7; UFOFiles2, [pp. 120–123](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n195/mode/2up); “Necrolog: Doug Bower,” Fortean Times 371 \(October 2018\): 28–29; “[The Man Who Launched a Million Conspiracy Theories,](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7593751/Pranksters-son-recalls-day-father-admitted-crop-circle-craze.html)” Daily Mail \(UK\), October 20, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6982
### Event 48604 (5913096F)
**Date:** 9/9/1991
**Description:** At 8 p.m. a disc-shaped object hovered over a teenager for 15 minutes in Ibicuitinga, Ceara State, Brazil. The shirt he was wearing later disintegrated.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 287
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5807
### Event 48605 (5BF35A37)
**Date:** 9/10/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) One week after the release in France of his book *Investigations on Extraterrestrials Who Are Already Among Us*, [Jean-Pierre Petit](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/PetitJeanPierre.html) receives a summons from the [CNRS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CNRS.html) Directorate. (September 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3180
### Event 48606 (D611DED4)
**Date:** 9/11/1991
**Location:** USA, Loudon (New Hampshire)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 7:30 pm, a woman was driving home with her daughter (6 years old) and son (10 years old). As the car entered the driveway leading to their house, the car radio suddenly started emitting loud static, so loud that it had to be turned off. The mother parked the car in the driveway and immediately went into the house to let the dog out. That's when the daughter called her mother outside. The children had their noses in the air and were looking at two huge white discs passing just above the roof of the house. The two discs were similar in shape and in the configuration of their lighting. All around, there was a ramp of multicolored lights, in pastel tones, blinking apparently randomly. Under the belly of the discs, three dark circles could be seen in a triangular formation towards the back. Each disc had the dimensions of a small house and they were moving side by side. A very faint buzzing could barely be heard. The mother estimated the altitude of the two objects to be around 30 or 35 meters. Their brightness was such that the woman could perfectly make out what was on the ground as they moved away in the direction of Canterbury. (September 11, 1991)
**Reference:** Timothy GOOD: "E.T. Connection" 1993 Trad. Presses de la Cité 1994 p. 268-269
**Reference:** New Hampshire MUFON monthly newsletter, January 1992
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3443
### Event 48607 (C8AA0D9D)
**Date:** 9/11/1991
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** LOUDON, NH
**Description:** 1+2 kids. Car radio malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 white 40' saucers / 100' altitude. General health affects.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15902
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "112", **HatchDesc:** "LOUDON,NH:1+2 KIDS:CAR RADIO EMEs:2 WHT 40'SCRS/100'alt:GENERAL HEALTH AFFECTS", **LatLong:** "43.300002 -71.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:00 N 71:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.300002,-71.466670)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48608 (931B9201)
**Date:** 9/14/1991
**Time:** 19:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.2256 -116.4281
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hoya” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1023
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2256 -116.4281", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:32 N 116:25:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2256,-116.4281)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Hoya", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 48609 (EEEABE69)
**Date:** 9/15/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Cameras on the space shuttle *Discovery* \(flight [STS-48](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1991-09-15\_STS48.html)\) film, above Western Australia, the movements of mysterious bright objects. The most spectacular of these objects appears near the top of the image, near the Earth's horizon. The enlarged image shows the object moving to the left before the screen is lit up by a burst of light. Then the object changes direction and accelerates. A few seconds later, another object passes in front of the camera and heads into space. Professor Jack Kasher of the University of Nebraska and a collaborator of [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html) studied these sequences and produced a 105-page report. Conclusions: According to [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html), they were ice crystals, which is physically impossible because ice crystals could not change direction in such a way. Our calculations show that if the objects were 16 km from the shuttle, the largest one accelerated from 0 to 4023 km/h in one second. (September 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3181
### Event 48610 (47A6C4A5)
**Date:** 9/15/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Bower and Chorley working on a new crop circle design. See images/BowerChorley.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3182
### Event 48611 (6A23AA12)
**Date:** 9/15/1991
**Location:** In Space, In Space
**Description:** STS-48 Images (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [910915](http://www.nicap.org/sts%5F48dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5824
### Event 48612 (E3FE8A14)
**Date:** 9/15/1991
**Description:** One of the cameras on Space Shuttle Discovery Flight [STS-48](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STS-48) captures several anomalous, glowing objects that float along and then sharply change direction, apparently in response to a flash in the lower left portion of the picture. NASA explains the objects as ice particles reacting to a Space Shuttle thruster firing. Astronomer [Philip C. Plait](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil%5FPlait) discusses the issue in his book Bad Astronomy, agreeing with NASA. However, physicist Jack Kasher and Mark Carlotto dispute that explanation, arguing that there are two groups of correlated object motions involving at least a dozen distinct events. Kasher’s analysis reveals that the objects behaved oddly for any type of particle, ice or otherwise, and Carlotto indicates that no thruster was fired in that timeframe.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[STS Video Footage of Possible UAP Phenomenon in Orbit](http://www.nicap.org/sts%5F48dir.htm)”; Wikipedia, “[STS-48](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STS-48\#Ice%5Fparticles)”; Mark J. Carlotto, “[Digital Video Analysis of Anomalous Space Objects,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/9/jse%5F09%5F1%5Fcarlotto.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 9, no. 1 \(1995\): 45–63; Jack Kasher, “Anomalous Images on Videotape from Space Shuttle Flight STS-48: Examination of the Ice- Particle Explanation,” JUFOS 6 \(1995/96\): 80–148; Lan D. Fleming, “Examination of the Trajectories of Anomalous Objects Imaged during the STS-48 Space Shuttle Mission,” JUFOS 9 \(2006\): 71–98
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6983
### Event 48613 (16024B3C)
**Date:** 9/16/1991
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) As part of the celebrations for Mexican National Day, a parade of fighter jets is organized over the capital, Mexico. A mysterious object then emerges from the clouds, in the background of the air parade, stealing the show from the pilots. The event will repeat the following year at the same time, and then again in 1993 during a helicopter parade. (September 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1991.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3183
### Event 48614 (997D53D7)
**Date:** 9/16/1991
**Time:** 04:50
**Description:** Night light stops. Flash. 99° turn. 18000 Gs. Also 2nd object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15903
**Attributes:** **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SHUTTLE CHALLENGER ovr W.AUSTRALIA:NLT STOPS:FLASH:99°TURN:18000 Gs:+2nd OBJ", **LatLong:** "-26.166668 122.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "26:10:00 S 122:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.166668,122.500006)", **State/Prov:** "SSH", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48615 (9A5FE1B0)
**Date:** 9/16/1991
**Description:** Brig. Gen. Thomas Dubose states the balloon story of Roswell was a “cover story” and information regarding the event was “more than” Top Secret. He states Maj. Gen. Clements McMullen told him secrecy came from the President and he would say nothing. He states in an affidavit material was taken by Col. Al Clark to Maj. Gen. McMullen in Washington DC, and then from there to Benjamin Chidlaw at Wright Field.
* [http://www.roswellproof.com/dubose.html](http://www.roswellproof.com/dubose.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_268
### Event 48616 (10113E41)
**Date:** 9/19/1991
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** TULSA, OK
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Big silent round object stops overhead. Observer(s) waves. Spins and going quickly northeast extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIEFRIED, Richard & CARTER, Michael: NATIVE ENCOUNTERS M. S. Graphics, 1994. ISBN 0-9642461-0-4 ( Oklahoma MUFON etc.) (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15904
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "241", **HatchDesc:** "TULSA,OK:2 OBS:BIG SLNT RND OBJ STOPS OVHD:OBS WAVES:SPINS+>>NE XFAST:", **LatLong:** "36.150002 -95.983338", **LatLongDMS:** "36:09:00 N 95:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.150002,-95.983338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48617 (833CEE7C)
**Date:** 9/19/1991
**Location:** Medjugorje, Yugoslavia
**Description:** Merican tourist took photo of church, unexplained image showed up in picture when developed (section VII). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5823
### Event 48618 (EC8C4E54)
**Date:** 9/19/1991
**Location:** Medjugorje, Yugoslavia
**Description:** American tourist took photo of church, unexplained image showed up in picture when developed
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_471
### Event 48619 (EB7ACFC8)
**Date:** 9/19/1991
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.2357 -116.1664
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Distant Zenith” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1024
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2357 -116.1664", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:09 N 116:09:59 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2357,-116.1664)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.00", **NukeName:** "Distant Zenith", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 48620 (B68BC203)
**Date:** 9/19/1991
**Locations:** Medjugorje, Bosnia; St. James Church
**Description:** 6:35 p.m. Maria Kulis is visiting Medjugorje, Bosnia, and takes a photo of St. James Church from a distance of about 500 feet. When she has the film developed, she notices an odd dark object in the sky almost above the church. The image is sharp and silhouetted against a purplish-blue sky. The object would be about 6.6 feet long if it was at an altitude of 1,000 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bruce Maccabee, “The Medjugorje UO,” IUR 17, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1992\): 12–13, 23; UFOEv II 301–302;
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6984
### Event 48621 (044823EE)
**Date:** 9/23/1991
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** OAKLAND CITY, IN
**Description:** 1 observer. Vertical torpedo rises / woods several X. Drops going down / planes pass.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15905
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "OAKLAND CITY,IN:1 OBS:VERTICAL TORPEDO RISES/WOODS SVRL X:DROPS↓/PLANES PASS", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -87.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 87:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-87.350004)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48622 (E4A0ED42)
**Date:** 9/26/1991
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** WEST / NEW SALEM, IN
**Description:** 2 / car. 60m cylinder/cigar-shape with rows / lights. Hovers / 90m altitude. Vanishes abruptly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15906
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "316", **HatchDesc:** "W/NEW SALEM,IN:2/CAR:60m CGR W/ROWS/LITES:HVRS/90m alt:VANISHES ABRUPTLY", **LatLong:** "39.544446 -85.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:32:40 N 85:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.544446,-85.366671)", **RelAlt:** "90", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48623 (5542D898)
**Date:** 9/28/1991
**Location:** Belgium, Brussels (Berchem Ste Agathe)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Observation between 0:35 and 0:45. J.P. went out as usual with the two dogs, going around the house to the back garden. The dogs didn't follow him as usual and huddled against a wall; in the back of the garden a mist floated above the garages at 60 m from him, and from behind the garages a sun-like light rose slowly and three spots appeared. The very wide light ensemble rose slowly and the triangular object stayed still at 7 m altitude, diffusing light in all directions. The mist above the garages gradually dissipated, the ensemble rose, and a central rotating beam appeared. After the stillness, the ascending movement resumed. The central beam operated a circular sweep, sometimes interrupted by other non-circular movements and moments of stillness. The ensemble stopped at 18 m altitude and the craft moved horizontally OSO. The speed seemed to be less than 1 km/h. The central beam stopped at a precise point in the bushes, the witness was caught in the beam of light and felt all his hairs stand on end: the distance between the craft and the witness was 25 to 30 m. The phenomenon continued on its route, approaching the square and entering an area lit by public lighting. The spots decreased in intensity (as if regulated by a regulator), the central spot went out and in its place the witness saw a crown of small multicolored lights that lit up and went out simultaneously. At this moment the witness saw the structure better: "It was all black, immense, it had red-orange reflections". He estimated the length of each side to be 20 m. At constant speed the phenomenon was in front of a four-story building at the corner of Rue des Combattants and Avenue Josse Goffin. The object stopped in front of the building. There, it pivoted at an angle of about 90°, it accelerated and disappeared behind the houses. At the back the witness saw a small flame similar to that of blowtorches and when it accelerated he heard a faint whistling sound like "psst.." Secondary effects: for two weeks the vegetation that had been illuminated by the phenomenon grew in an unusual way; the next day the dogs were taken by fear, whimpered and stayed glued to their master's legs, this lasted three days and the witness himself had feelings of unease; the witness has restless sleep compensated by long periods of daytime sleep, he has considerably lost weight, feels weak and has barricaded himself at home devouring one book after another about UFOs, he also had a rather particular nightmare. [note from vog: first investigation by Mrs. Claire Hauzeur. One year later counter-investigation by Franck Boitte: the witness did not contradict himself in any way, while the counter-investigation came unexpectedly]
**Reference:** VOB 2 - SOBEPS 1994, pp. 22 to 25 and 187
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3444
### Event 48624 (1F1AB9C8)
**Date:** 9/28/1991
**Description:** Saucer follows truck. Shines green beam going quickly [to] driver's home. Several observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 233)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15907
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "SZEKESFEHERVAR,HUNG:SCR FOLOS TRUCK:SHINES GRN BEAM>>DRIVER'S HOME:SVRL OBS", **LatLong:** "47.200002 18.433334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:12:00 N 18:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.200002,18.433334)", **State/Prov:** "FJR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48625 (4C12F1A5)
**Date:** 9/30/1991
**Time:** ~18:00
**Description:** Tape deck ejects. Beams search farm. Observer(s) levitated and paralyzed. Saucer going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15908
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "SW/SANTA CRUZ,BRZ:TAPE DECK EJECTS:BEAMS SEARCH FARM:OBS LVTd+PRLZd:SCR>S", **LatLong:** "-6.266667 -36.066668", **LatLongDMS:** "06:16:00 S 36:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.266667,-36.066668)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48626 (5762DF91)
**Date:** 9/30/1991
**Location:** Las Vegas (near), NV
**Description:** Nellis Video (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5825
### Event 48627 (EDA50664)
**Date:** 10/1991
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** TROWELL, NOTTS
**Description:** Night light becomes bright haze. Goes over houses. Lights shine going down / underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 234)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15909
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "62", **HatchDesc:** "TROWELL,NOTTs:NLT BECOMES BRITE HAZE:GOES OVR HOUSES:LITES SHINE ↓/UNDERSIDE", **LatLong:** "52.916669 -1.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:55:00 N 01:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.916669,-1.300000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48628 (54ECE31B)
**Date:** 10/1991
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** RICHMOND, ON
**Description:** Transparent 3' cylinder/cylindrical object appears / basement. Vanishes. Reappears upstair! Odd odor.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15910
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "89", **HatchDesc:** "RICHMOND,ON:XPRNT 3'CYL APPEARS/BASEMENT:VANISHES:REAPPEARS UPSTAIR!:odd odor", **LatLong:** "45.200002 -75.816670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:12:00 N 75:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.200002,-75.816670)", **RelAlt:** "-2", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48629 (436E355C)
**Date:** 10/1991
**Location:** Russia
**Description:** Following a request by Russian cosmonaut [Pavel Popovich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel%5FPopovich), the KGB declassifies several documents from its so-called “Blue Folder.” The material is obtained by Vadim K. Ilyin from the late Vyacheslav Shtyepa of the Ufological Committee of the Russian Geographical Society.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 353](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/352/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6985
### Event 48630 (FCF21832)
**Date:** 10/1/1991
**Description:** The Air Force’s Electronic Security Command is redesignated the Air Force Intelligence Command and reacquires the Foreign Technology Division.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air%5FForce%5FIntelligence%2C%5FSurveillance%5Fand%5FReconnaissance%5FAgency) [Reconnaissance Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air%5FForce%5FIntelligence%2C%5FSurveillance%5Fand%5FReconnaissance%5FAgency)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_6986
### Event 48631 (6C278892)
**Date:** 10/2/1991
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** PLESETZK, RUSSIA
**Description:** UFO appears by discarded 1st stage / rocket launch. Follows it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 165)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15911
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PLESETZK,RUSS:UFO APPEARS BY DISCARDED 1st STAGE/ROCKET LAUNCH:FOLLOWS IT", **LatLong:** "62.700003 40.150002", **LatLongDMS:** "62:42:00 N 40:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.700003,40.150002)", **State/Prov:** "ARC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48632 (925A24D3)
**Date:** 10/5/1991
**Description:** Moon-size glowing-ball follows truck home. Green beams. Turns / ovoid.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15912
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SZECSENYFELFALU,HUNG:MOONSIZE GLO-BALL FOLOS TRUCK HOME:GRN BEAMS:TURNS/OVOID", **LatLong:** "48.116669 19.555556", **LatLongDMS:** "48:07:00 N 19:33:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.116669,19.555556)", **State/Prov:** "NGR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48633 (9C2F226E)
**Date:** 10/5/1991
**Description:** On this night in Szecsenyfelfalu, Hungary a luminous sphere followed a truck home. It then emitted green beams of light, and changed its shape into an ovoid object. A video of a UFO was taken on this same night in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Thirty residents and a team of MUFON investigators saw a red sphere, and took photographs and videos
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomena, issue no. 6; Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case 1161
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6590
### Event 48634 (CA8A678C)
**Date:** 10/8/1991
**Time:** ~21:00
**Description:** Very large delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Tilts on end. Red fireball exits and going quickly south. Jets pursue..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 235)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15913
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "744", **HatchDesc:** "REEVES MTN,ARK:VLARGE DLT HVRS:TILTS ON END:RED FBL EXITS+>>S:JETS PURSUE..", **LatLong:** "35.905557 -93.494449", **LatLongDMS:** "35:54:20 N 93:29:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.905557,-93.494449)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48635 (64DA979B)
**Date:** 10/9/1991
**Time:** 23:00?
**Description:** Many observer(s). Saucer hours before scheduled landing / Suyuz Tm-13.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15914
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kazakh Republic", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ARKALYK,KAZAKHSTAN:MANY OBS:SCR HOURS BEFORE SCHEDULED LANDING/SUYUZ TM-13", **LatLong:** "50.216669 66.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "50:13:00 N 66:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.216669,66.833337)", **State/Prov:** "SEM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48636 (37CEF082)
**Date:** 10/10/1991
**Time:** 16:20
**Description:** Skala RADAR. Blip / erratic maneuvers here and S. Bor nuclear plant. 1852kph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 179)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15915
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "CAPE USTINSKIY,RUS:SKALA RDR:BLIP/ERRATIC MNVRS HERE+S.BOR NUCL PLANT:1852kph", **LatLong:** "59.750003 28.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "59:45:00 N 28:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.750003,28.933335)", **State/Prov:** "Leningrad", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48637 (64D513E6)
**Date:** 10/12/1991
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** CHERNOBYL, UKR
**Description:** Saucer found / photograph / power plant 1 day after near nuclear incident..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_15916
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHERNOBYL,UKR:SCR FOUND/FOTO/PWR PLANT 1 DAY AFTER NEAR NUCLEAR INCIDENT..", **LatLong:** "51.283336 30.266668", **LatLongDMS:** "51:17:00 N 30:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.283336,30.266668)", **State/Prov:** "KIE", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48638 (ADD2D093)
**Date:** 10/14/1991
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** 3 / beach. Buzz. UFO 90M overhead. Odd symbols / bottom. Small footprints found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison.
Five hours later Luis appeared in town and told Pedro what had happened to him after he disappeared. He remembered running and his legs suddenly becoming numb. He then recovered consciousness, hearing strange foreign sounding voices, and when he looked up he saw five strange humanoid beings standing in front of him. Frightened, he asked them in Portuguese what was going on, and he received the following answer: "Don't be afraid, we won't harm you, we are Catadorians from Catandorius Decnius. Our civilization originated from another higher civilization that lived on the earth 353,000 years ago." They pointed to a small pyramid shaped object and told Luis that it was a model of their "temple." The aliens told Luis that they were here on Earth looking for remnants and descendants of that lost civilization that they claimed lived in underground caves and tunnels worldwide. Luis was then placed inside a gas-filled sphere in the middle of the room. In front of him was a panel with multicolored lights, and he heard what sounded like radio transmissions. The five beings stood around him, standing about 1.5 meters (4½ feet) tall, and spoke in a strange language. Nevertheless, their leader could communicate with the witness telepathically in perfect Portuguese. Soon the leader left to speak with the other aliens, and Luis lost consciousness again. When he woke up he found himself in the same place that the UFO had originally picked him up from. Feeling a little dizzy, he searched for Pedro and found his shotgun, and then walked back to town. Luis described the humanoids as short with gray skin, black eyes lacking any pupils or eyelashes, large heads, wide shoulders, and they wore tight fitting clothing with boots and gloves. Their heads and bodies were completely hairless. Their speech was measured and their breathing was heavy and labored. Every time their leader spoke to the others Luis felt a sharp pain in his head. All the humanoids were identical to each other; he could not tell any difference among them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15671, citing UBPDV 1992, issue #6, Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 2394,citing UBPDV 1992
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1320
### Event 48806 (EB54E63F)
**Date:** 3/6/1992
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** SCARBOROUGH, RSA
**Description:** Huge luminous squat silver domed triangle hovers near oil tankers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16014
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SCARBOROUGH,RSA:HUGE LUMn. SQUAT SLVR DOMED TRIANGLE HVRS nr OIL TANKERS", **LatLong:** "-34.200002 18.366668", **LatLongDMS:** "34:12:00 S 18:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.200002,18.366668)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48807 (D2D01D68)
**Date:** 3/6/1992
**Description:** From the shore of the port of Scarborough, South Africa in the Western Cape Province a huge, luminous silver, domed triangular craft hovered near some oil tankers for nearly three minutes at 9:10 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News, January 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1348
### Event 48808 (36663A13)
**Date:** 3/6/1992
**Description:** In Newton, New Hampshire at 9:00 p.m. a light near a swamp seemed to react to the witness's signal.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case 1258, citing MUFON New Hampshire
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1349
### Event 48809 (F3BA283E)
**Date:** 3/6/1992
**Description:** That same evening in Thompson, Manitoba a group of children saw some bright lights floating near some snow banks. When they approached to investigate they saw a tall hairy humanoid with red glowing eyes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case 896, citing Chris Rutkowski, UFO Research Manitoba
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1350
### Event 48810 (5332CB5F)
**Date:** 3/7/1992
**Time:** ~01:00
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Odd diamond shape with halo and beams going down. Hovers / hours. Star?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16015
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "TABLE MOUNTAIN,RSA:100s/OBS:ODD DIAMOND SHAPE W/HALO+BEAMS ↓:HVRS/HRS:STAR?", **LatLong:** "-33.983335 18.450001", **LatLongDMS:** "33:59:00 S 18:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.983335,18.450001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48811 (E9C59E06)
**Date:** 3/9/1992
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** ARNOLD, PA
**Description:** Cemetery. Saucer shines beam on 2 boys. All sides seen. 1 mile / Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) research center.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16016
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "267", **HatchDesc:** "ARNOLD,PA:CEMETERY:SCR SHINES BEAM ON 2 BOYS:ALL SIDES SEEN:1mi/SDI RSRCH Ctr", **LatLong:** "40.550002 -79.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:33:00 N 79:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.550002,-79.766670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48812 (1449B0CC)
**Date:** 3/9/1992
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** HAMAR, NORWAY
**Description:** Domed delta/triangle/box-like craft over road. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Missing time. Possible abduction / 2 women. Home buzzed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: UFO ENCOUNTERS & BEYOND; Signet Books 1993. 192pp. (Index 113)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16017
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "HAMAR,NORWAY:DOMED DLT OVR ROAD:2 OIDS INSIDE:MST:POSS.ABD/2 WOMEN:HOME BUZZED", **LatLong:** "60.816670 11.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "60:49:00 N 11:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.816670,11.083334)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48813 (0CD56F56)
**Date:** 3/9/1992
**Description:** At twn p.m. two women walking home near a lake in Hamar, Norway heard a low frequency rumbling sound, like that of a train on idle. Then a bright light hurt their eyes. Fifteen meters away was a domed craft with a triangular bottom. Inside were two figures. They had long hair, large slanted eyes, and penetrating stares.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case 626, citing Ole Jonny Braene, UFO Norge; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 15676, citing Jerome Clark
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1400
### Event 48814 (E877BF07)
**Date:** 3/9/1992
**Description:** Maj. Ed Dames also claims aerospace company Alien Technology Transfer asked government contractor Psi-Tech to “do some anti-gravity work.” Some of the vehicles in their possession, he claims, have “very nice technologies” that the people building the B-2 bombers (Northrop Grumman) “would like to have.” Dames claims Psi-Tech “transfer\[s\] the technology.” Dames claims remote viewers were also used to attempt to view the development of the UAP technology by the occupants.
Dames also claims Psi-Tech personnel had an in-house project for ten years on a UAP “site,” suggesting this data was gathered by remote viewers in DIA/USAF/CIA projects before the company was founded. It is possible this site was Iron Mountain in New Mexico, which Jacques Vallée claims he was taken to by Dames, Ron Blackburn and others in 1990 and Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine referred to during the ATP Group meetings. Other members of Psi-Tech include David Morehouse, Col. John Alexander, Lyn Buchanan, Paul H. Smith, Mel Riley, Joni Dourif, Dane Spotts, Courtney Brown and Aaron Donahue.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20010123091700/http://www.psitech.net/transcripts/treativ.htm](https://web.archive.org/web/20010123091700/http://www.psitech.net/transcripts/treativ.htm)
* [https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/0%20-%20UFO%20Researchers/Grant%20Cameron/Advanced%20Theoretical%20Physics%20WG/Oke%20Shannon/pdf/ATPWG%20-%20notes%20by%20Oke%20Shannon%20-%20SSN%20redacted.pdf](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/0%20-%20UFO%20Researchers/Grant%20Cameron/Advanced%20Theoretical%20Physics%20WG/Oke%20Shannon/pdf/ATPWG%20-%20notes%20by%20Oke%20Shannon%20-%20SSN%20redacted.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_272
### Event 48815 (61C28E19)
**Date:** 3/9/1992
**Description:** Steven Greer explains at the 1992 TREAT IV conference, he is pulled into a hotel room with Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine and people who were “connected to covert programs and black operations, corporate, military and intelligence — this hybrid MJ12 successor entity.”
Greer states the gathering became a “barrage” of questions directed at Greer and one person asked basically “who the hell do you think you are, going out there, basically bypassing the national military command to do this?” Greer asserted his citizenship allowed him to do this, but Stubblebine didn’t agree;
Dr. Joseph Burkes claims the Maj. Gen.’s assistant left the room for 45 minutes to consult with someone who was not in the room and upon the return, he took Stubblebine aside to relay something; Stubblebine then told Greer “Okay, you can do it. You have our permission.” Greer claims Stubblebine recruited him to join their group and they would give him “as much money and as much power and as much access to technologies as you could ever dream.”
* [https://youtu.be/G9ObjkUpTbs](https://youtu.be/G9ObjkUpTbs)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20010620085705/https://psitech.net/lecture.htm](https://web.archive.org/web/20010620085705/https://psitech.net/lecture.htm)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_273
### Event 48816 (C180BDD1)
**Date:** 3/10/1992
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** Car Rdo(off)crackles. 80' absolute(ly) silent clam-saucer right over 3 / car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 254)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16018
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "KINGS LYNN,NORFOLK:CAR RDO(OFF)CRACKLES:80'ABS SILENT CLAM-SCR RIGHT OVR 3/CAR", **LatLong:** "52.733336 0.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:44:00 N 00:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.733336,0.350000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48817 (A606F9EA)
**Date:** 3/11/1992
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** DELAVAN, IL
**Description:** Round silver object flew 12m over car. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). No further details. / UFO Newsclipping Service r60 #273 p8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 115)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16019
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "186", **HatchDesc:** "DELAVAN,IL:ROUND SLVR OBJ FLEW 12m OVER CAR:EME:NFD:/UNS r60 #273 p8.", **LatLong:** "40.372224 -89.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:22:20 N 89:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.372224,-89.550004)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48818 (EC50ED19)
**Date:** 3/11/1992
**Description:** At 6:30 p.m. a woman in Bellomonte, Puerto Rico was sitting alone in her rocking chair on the rear patio of her home, when suddenly she felt a strong presence nearby. She saw two very tall, muscular men with light skin standing close beside her. They wore tight-fitting black uniforms that covered their entire bodies except for their faces. They were accompanied by two short humanoids with large egg-shaped heads and yellowish skin, wide lipless mouths, and large dark slit-shaped eyes. These creatures wore brown, loose-fitting outfits. The two short beings appeared to be in charge of the situation and were intent on inspecting the terrain and plants, constantly murmuring between themselves in a strange language. The tall beings communicated with her using telepathy, informing her that the short beings wanted her to plant certain different kinds of flowers and trees in her garden. She said that she had felt more comfortable with the presence of the two beings who looked human than with the odd looking short creatures, but that there appeared to be a definite collaboration occurring between the two types of beings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, case #434, citing Jorge Martin, Enigma, issues 53-53
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1428
### Event 48819 (DFA8F327)
**Date:** 3/12/1992
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** NORTH / FT MYERS, FL
**Description:** Cop. Saucer over field buzzes car. Lights / edge. Glows over intersection.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16020
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "N/Ft MYERS,FL:COP:SCR OVR FIELD BUZZES CAR:LITES/EDGE:GLOWS OVR INTERSECTION", **LatLong:** "26.666668 -81.872226", **LatLongDMS:** "26:40:00 N 81:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.666668,-81.872226)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48820 (32F9A699)
**Date:** 3/12/1992
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** NNE / BEZIERS, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 long cigars with intense yellow beams all over/all about. Hover and going quickly southwest. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16021
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NNE/BEZIERS,FR:1 OBS:2 LONG CGRS W/INTENSE YLW BEAMS ALLO:HVR+>>SW:see ref", **LatLong:** "43.366669 3.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:22:00 N 03:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.366669,3.216667)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48821 (A26C6881)
**Date:** 3/13/1992
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** BELLEVUE, WI
**Description:** Video / windmill shows 150m cylinder/cigar-shape / 7500m altitude. 11000kph going quickly [to] Right and Left.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 255)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16022
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "231", **HatchDesc:** "BELLEVUE,WI:VIDEO/WINDMILL SHOWS 150m CGR/7500m alt:11000kph >>Right+Left", **LatLong:** "44.444447 -87.922226", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:40 N 87:55:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.444447,-87.922226)", **RelAlt:** "7500", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48822 (39BAB1FA)
**Date:** 3/13/1992
**Description:** At ten o'clock in the morning Mr. Hooker, the chief photographer for WFRV-TV, videotaped a cigar-shaped UFO in Bellevue, Wisconsin, which is a suburb of Green Bay. The UFO traveled from right to left in the frame, passing behind a windmill. Its estimated altitude was 25,000 feet, and it had a speed of 7,000 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Alien Update, p. 257
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1463
### Event 48823 (464BCE6E)
**Date:** 3/13/1992
**Description:** That same night, several witnesses in Jacanas, Puerto Rico watched numerous lights maneuvering over a nearby hilltop. A huge round, lighted craft descended and appeared to land behind the hill. Two women got into their car and drove towards the location to investigate. As they neared the area they noticed a grayish luminous light hovering over the hill, and a columnar beam of light was emanating from it. One of the then went into a trance and would not respond to her companion, so the other decided to drive back to her home. Once at her house they picked up some additional witnesses and they again drove back to the area where the light had been seen hovering. When they arrived, all of the witnesses except for the driver noticed a five-foot tall humanoid figure standing by the side of the road, no more than then feet from their vehicle. The being was thin with long thin arms, a large head and large dark almond-shaped eyes; his skin was gray in color and appeared to have a slight glow to it. He stood motionless looking at the witnesses. Behind him a shaft of grayish light could be seen, apparently coming from the light source above. At this point the witnesses panicked and drove away quickly from the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 2101, citing Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI, issue # 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1464
### Event 48824 (1845DF77)
**Date:** 3/14/1992
**Location:** MAFRA, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s) frozen. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 15M cylinder/cigar-shape northeast going quickly southwest stops 1M over bridge. Antenna rotates.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16023
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "835", **HatchDesc:** "MAFRA,BRZ:2 OBS FROZEN:RFI:15M CGR NE>>SW STOPS 1M OVR BRIDGE:ANTENNA ROTATES", **LatLong:** "-26.116668 -49.816669", **LatLongDMS:** "26:07:00 S 49:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.116668,-49.816669)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "STC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48825 (380700A5)
**Date:** 3/14/1992
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** ARIQUEMES, BRZ
**Description:** Silent 3M saucer going down / 3M altitude. Yellow light / portholes. Several feel pulled toward(s) object. Electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16024
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "134", **HatchDesc:** "ARIQUEMES,BRZ:SLNT 3M SCR↓/3M alt:YLW LITE/PORTS:SVRL FEEL PULLED TWRD OBJ:EME", **LatLong:** "-9.933334 -63.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "09:56:00 S 63:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-9.933334,-63.066670)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "RND", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48826 (15FBA8FB)
**Date:** 3/14/1992
**Description:** At one o'clock in the morning a disc-shaped UFO appeared in the skies over the Amazon Rain Forest city Ariquemes, Rondonia state, Brazil. The silent three-meter wide disc came down to only three meters above the ground, and yellow light was seen coming from portholes in the craft. A power outage occurred, and several witnesses felt physically pulled toward the object. At the same time in the city of Mafra, Rondonia, Brazil a 15 m cigar-shaped object heading to the southwest makes a stop only one meter over a bridge, as its antenna rotates. It caused witness paralysis and radio interference.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, cases 15682 and 15683, citing UBPDV Brasil 1992
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1504
### Event 48827 (65C3067E)
**Date:** 3/14/1992
**Description:** At 8:23 p.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida 52 high quality witnesses watched, took still photographs, and videotoaped as red spheres of light maneuvered in the sky, responding to very bright searchlight signals. Four red balls of light turned bright white, then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Patti Weatherford, Islander Pensacola, March 27, 1992; Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1992 and July 1993, citing Field Investigator A. Hufford, case 920801E
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1505
### Event 48828 (096F9070)
**Date:** 3/15/1992
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** NEAR GASSAWAY, WV
**Description:** D. Sykes. Silent domed silver saucer drops / clouds. Dives / Birch River and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16025
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "256", **HatchDesc:** "nr GASSAWAY,WV:D.SYKES:SLNT DOMED SLVR SCR DROPS/CLOUDS:DIVES/BIRCH RIVER+GONE", **LatLong:** "38.677780 -80.777782", **LatLongDMS:** "38:40:40 N 80:46:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.677780,-80.777782)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48829 (6056D65F)
**Date:** 3/15/1992?
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** 20cm fireball enters room. "Vuuh" sound. Observers lock door and flee?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16026
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VICENTE de CARVALHO,BRZ:20cm FBL ENTERS ROOM:"VUUH" SOUND:OBSs LOCK DOOR+FLEE?", **LatLong:** "-23.933334 -46.316669", **LatLongDMS:** "23:56:00 S 46:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.933334,-46.316669)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48830 (648BAFC3)
**Date:** 3/16/1992
**Time:** 12:20
**Description:** 2 silver-grey saucers very fast and low west going quickly east. Silent and featureless. 1 observer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16027
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KALAMUNDA,W.AUSTR:2 SLVR-GRY SCRS VERY FAST+LOW W>>E:SILENT+FEATURELESS:1 OBS", **LatLong:** "-31.900002 116.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "31:54:00 S 116:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.900002,116.000006)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48831 (DAE90B97)
**Date:** 3/17/1992
**Description:** In Ipigua, Sao Paulo state, Brazil birds were seen fleeing from a farming area at 5:30 p.m. Next a 12-meter in diameter metallic disc rose up from ground, and a palm tree was seen bending and swaying away from the direction of the UFO when it took off. A circular depression resembling a "saucer nest" was left in the vegetation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 17660, citing Boletim CEPEX, issue # 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1543
### Event 48832 (35755CAD)
**Date:** 3/19/1992
**Time:** 03:50
**Location:** HAINES CITY, FL
**Description:** Green saucer. Cop aghast. Car radio and lights and motor electro-magnetic effect (EME). Great cold. / r41p193.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16028
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "HAINES CITY,FL:GRN SCR:COP AGHAST:CAR RDO+LITES+MOTOR EME:GREAT COLD:/r41p193", **LatLong:** "28.111112 -81.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "28:06:40 N 81:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.111112,-81.616671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48833 (EC6AAD81)
**Date:** 3/19/1992
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Diamond UFO / roadside. Night lights move about. 5 observer(s). No other cars / 90 mn.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16029
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "COLCHESTER,ESSEX:DIAMOND UFO/ROADSIDE:NLTS MOVE ABOUT:5 OBS:NO OTHER CARS/90mn", **LatLong:** "51.900002 0.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:54:00 N 00:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.900002,0.900000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48834 (31D27C8E)
**Date:** 3/19/1992
**Location:** Haines City, FL
**Description:** Domed object approached police car, green illumination, chill, wind felt. See Section V (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5827
### Event 48835 (B789833B)
**Date:** 3/19/1992
**Location:** Haines City, FL
**Description:** Glowing green dome-shaped object maneuvered around patrol car, E-M effects, officer badly frightened
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_473
### Event 48836 (FA7F632A)
**Date:** 3/19/1992
**Description:** In 1992 at 3:52 a.m. in Haines City, Florida police officer Delgado had a close encounter of the second kind with a 15-foot-wide green, domed disc that paced his patrol car. The engine, lights, and two-way radio of his car failed when the UFO passed less than 20 feet overhead, and he felt the interior of his vehicle become cold.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** CUFOS investigation files; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A thirty-year report, p. 259
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1577
### Event 48837 (20137C82)
**Date:** 3/20/1992
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** DUNDEE, OH
**Description:** Dogs bark. 30' circle / dark soil found / farm 3 hours later. 1' hole / dirt gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 279)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16030
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "315", **HatchDesc:** "DUNDEE,OH:DOGS BARK:30'CCL/DARK SOIL FOUND/FARM 3hrs LATER:1' HOLE/DIRT GONE", **LatLong:** "40.588891 -81.611115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:35:20 N 81:36:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.588891,-81.611115)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48838 (3B92E0F0)
**Date:** 3/20/1992
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** Fluorescent disk. 2 separate observer(s). 1 photographs. Shaft / light going down [to] goes on and off..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 258)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16031
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ISLINGTON,LONDON:FLUORESCENT DISK:2 SEP.OBS:1 FOTOS:SHAFT/LITE ↓ GOES ON+OFF..", **LatLong:** "51.533336 -0.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:32:00 N 00:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.533336,-0.100000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48839 (C628165E)
**Date:** 3/20/1992
**Location:** Dundee, OH
**Description:** Animal reactions to physical traces (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5828
### Event 48840 (33729D3A)
**Date:** 3/20/1992
**Location:** Haines City, Florida
**Description:** 3:51 a.m. Patrolman Luis Delgado has just checked the doors on a local business at Haines City, Florida, and turns onto 30th Street. He sees a green light in his rear-view mirror. The light seems to come from a small plane that is about to crash. Just seconds later, the interior of his patrol car is illuminated with a green glow. The object begins to pace his car which is traveling about 40 mph. The object moves from the right side to the front of the vehicle several times. When it has moved to the front for the third time, Delgado slows his car and pulls off the roadway, fearing he might collide with the object. It is a color of green he had never seen before that seems to flow over the surface. It is 15 feet long with a 3-foot-thick center. The object hovers approximately 10 feet off the ground. The engine, lights, and radio on his patrol car cease to function. The object hovers in front of his car and then shines a bright white light into the interior. He exits and begins to walk backwards away from the object. He tries to radio Haines City dispatch on his radio, but it does not function. The air around him has chilled to the point that he can see his breath. The object is hovering about 20 feet northeast of his car, then it speeds away after approximately 2–3 seconds. It departs the area in a northeasterly direction at 10 feet altitude. Delgado loses sight of the object in only seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 193–194; Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7000
### Event 48841 (98500C77)
**Date:** 3/22/1992
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** TASTRUP, DK
**Description:** Object with 3 globe-domes hums. Going [to] over house. Going northwest then up into clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16032
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "TASTRUP,DK:OBJ W/3 GLOBE-DOMES HUMS:> OVR HOUSE:>NW then UP INTO CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "55.655558 12.305556", **LatLongDMS:** "55:39:20 N 12:18:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.655558,12.305556)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48842 (7E16313A)
**Date:** 3/23/1992
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Car followed / UFO. 2nd car chased / 3 triangular UFO's. / chronicle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 258)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16033
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "400", **HatchDesc:** "DUFUR>>THE DALLES,OR:CAR FOLOd/UFO:2nd CAR CHASED/3 TRIANGULAR UFOS:/CHRONICLE", **LatLong:** "45.516669 -121.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "45:31:00 N 121:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.516669,-121.133339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48843 (295DF4A6)
**Date:** 3/23/1992
**Locations:** Amarillo, Texas; Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
**Description:** Near Amarillo, Texas, radio hobbyist Steven Douglass photographs a “donuts on a rope” contrail and links this to distinctive sounds. He describes the engine noise as “strange, loud pulsating roar... unique... a deep pulsating rumble that vibrated the house and made the windows shake... similar to rocket engine noise, but deeper, with evenly timed pulses.” In addition to providing the first photographs of the distinctive contrail reported by others, Douglass also reports intercepts of radio transmissions: “Air-to-air communications... were between an AWACS aircraft with the call sign Dragnet 51 from Tinker AFB, Oklahoma, and two unknown aircraft using the call signs Darkstar November and Darkstar Mike. Messages consisted of phonetically transmitted alphanumerics. It is not known whether this radio traffic had any association with the ‘pulser’ that had just flown over Amarillo.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Aurora \(aircraft\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora%5F%28aircraft%29)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7001
### Event 48844 (ED42C6DD)
**Date:** 3/24/1992
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** HAVELOCK, NC
**Description:** 6+2 observer(s). 27m diamond / 30m altitude. Splits / 3 parts. 1 hovers. 1 going quickly. 1 going down. / r147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16034
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "HAVELOCK,NC:6+2 OBS:27m DIAMOND/30m alt:SPLITS/3 PARTS:1 HVRS:1>>:1↓:/r147", **LatLong:** "34.877779 -76.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:40 N 76:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.877779,-76.900004)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48845 (74F07252)
**Date:** 3/25/1992
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Krikalev, departed from USSR, returns to Russia after 10 months aboard *Mir.* (March 25)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1992.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3189
### Event 48846 (08F65EC4)
**Date:** 3/26/1992
**Time:** 16:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.2725 -116.3598
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Junction” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1026
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2725 -116.3598", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:21 N 116:21:35 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2725,-116.3598)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Junction", **NukeSource:** "DOE", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 48847 (35EA212F)
**Date:** 3/27/1992
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** NEAR CONWAY, MO
**Description:** 2 / car. Silver disk north going south. 90° turn going west. Stops abruptly. Hovers. Shoots going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: ALLEN,DON: (moderator) MUFONET.BBS: excerpts file here as SCRAPS.CAT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16035
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "428", **HatchDesc:** "nr CONWAY,MO:2/CAR:SLVR DISK N> S:90°TURN>W:STOPS ABRUPTLY:HVRS:SHOOTS>>W ", **LatLong:** "37.500002 -92.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:30:00 N 92:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.500002,-92.833338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48848 (51B7DDCD)
**Date:** 3/28/1992
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** IRWIN, PA
**Description:** Car-size ovoid / 15m altitude. Hums. Goes over house. 2 helicopters heard soon after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16036
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MIL:** Military investigation, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "302", **HatchDesc:** "IRWIN,PA:CAR-SIZE OVOID/15m alt:HUMS:GOES OVR HOUSE:2 COPTERS HEARD SOON AFTER", **LatLong:** "40.316669 -79.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:19:00 N 79:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.316669,-79.700004)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48849 (C21EF23B)
**Date:** 3/28/1992
**Time:** 21:00?
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Silent UFO hovers / field. Lights ground and observer(s). Shape unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16037
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr BURY St EDMONDS,SUFFOLK:4 OBS:SLNT UFO HVRS/FIELD:LITES GND+OBS:SHAPE UNK:", **LatLong:** "52.250002 0.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:15:00 N 00:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.250002,0.700000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48850 (D69DD674)
**Date:** 3/29/1992
**Time:** 01:10
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Disk south going north just over thin clouds. 2+3 night lights curve going northwest and north later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL UFO FLYING SAUCER RESEARCH Inc Colin O.Norris, ed; GPO 2004, Adelaide, S.Australia 5001. (Subterranean reptiles etc.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16038
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "NORWOOD,S.AUSTR:2 OBS:DISK S>N JUST OVR THIN CLOUDS:2+3 NLTS CURVE >NW+N LATER", **LatLong:** "-34.750002 139.166673", **LatLongDMS:** "34:45:00 S 139:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.750002,139.166673)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48851 (5BF0F577)
**Date:** 3/31/1992
**Location:** Spain
**Description:** The Spanish Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros, issues Instrucción General 40-5, a 28-page set of procedures for UFO investigations that is issued to all units in June. Lt. Col. Ángel Bastida admits it is inspired by several questionnaires that [Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos](http://independent.academia.edu/VICENTEJUANBALLESTEROLMOS/CurriculumVitae) has supplied, including those used by the US Air Force.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 426, 520
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7002
### Event 48852 (3C8BAE1C)
**Date:** 4/1992
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) During a television show, the director of the [SEPRA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SEPRA.html) "forgets" to mention the presence in his files of two unsolvable cases of UFOs. (April)
**Reference:** Roussel 1994
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1992.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3190
### Event 48853 (5E203B79)
**Date:** 4/1/1992
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** SPRINGFIELD, MO
**Description:** Woman wakens. Disk outside. Feels pulled / window. Wakens / jolt / 0310h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: ALLEN,DON: (moderator) MUFONET.BBS: excerpts file here as SCRAPS.CAT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16039
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "390", **HatchDesc:** "SPRINGFIELD,MO:WOMAN WAKENS:DISK OUTSIDE:FEELS PULLED/WINDOW:WAKENS/JOLT/0310h", **LatLong:** "37.216668 -93.316671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:00 N 93:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.216668,-93.316671)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48854 (727AEA56)
**Date:** 4/2/1992
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** SAN JOSE, C.RICA
**Description:** Cops and many. UFO's with beams. Cars and radios electro-magnetic effect (EME). Power outages. / r226#9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 312)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16040
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Costa Rica", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "115", **Elev:** "1147", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JOSE,C.RICA:COPS+MANY:UFOS W/BEAMS:CARS+RADIOS EME:POWER OUTAGES:/r226#9", **LatLong:** "9.950000 -84.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "09:57:00 N 84:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.950000,-84.083337)", **State/Prov:** "SNJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48855 (45F24EEA)
**Date:** 4/3/1992
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ
**Description:** Silent 4 / 1 cylinder goes over observer(s). Fast flashes. Northeast going quickly [to] overhead going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16041
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "PORTO ALEGRE,BRZ:SLNT 4/1 CYLINDER GOES OVR OBS:FAST FLASHES:NE>>OVHD>>SE:", **LatLong:** "-30.000001 -51.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "30:00:00 S 51:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.000001,-51.200002)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48856 (14BDB19A)
**Date:** 4/3/1992
**Description:** At around two o'clock in the morning in Cicero, Illinois a woman was lying in bed next to her husband when she heard her bedroom window open, making a creaking sound. She then was unable to move. Moments later she saw three short humanoid creatures with chalky colored skin, big heads, and big eyes walking around her bed. They stood next to her. She was completely paralyzed and apparently her pet cat was also affected. She does not recall anything else, except that she awoke the next morning feeling empty.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 2159, citing Unsolved UFO Sightings, Fall 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1823
### Event 48857 (1DB53D5C)
**Date:** 4/4/1992
**Time:** 23:10
**Description:** 30' delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers 30' over road. Hums. Observer(s) feels watched. Rainy area dry.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16042
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "E.PROVIDENCE,RI:30'DLT HVRS 30' OVR ROAD:HUMS:OBS FEELS WATCHED:RAINY AREA DRY", **LatLong:** "41.816669 -71.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:49:00 N 71:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.816669,-71.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Rhode Island", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48858 (C3C4E534)
**Date:** 4/9/1992
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** RUSSAS, CE, BRZ
**Description:** Night light follows 5 observer(s) to town. Hovers. Observer(s) hide / tree. Object leaves minutes later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16043
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "42", **HatchDesc:** "RUSSAS,CE,BRZ:NLT FOLOS 5 OBS TO TOWN:HVRS:OBS HIDE/TREE:OBJ LEAVES MINs LATER", **LatLong:** "-4.933334 -37.966668", **LatLongDMS:** "04:56:00 S 37:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-4.933334,-37.966668)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48859 (0B5234FB)
**Date:** 4/9/1992
**Description:** A nocturnal light followed five people into the town of Russas, Ceara State, Brazil at around 9 p.m. It hovered nearby as the terrified witnesses attempted to hide from the light source in a large tree. The object left a few minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UBPDV, Causistica Brasileira de 1992, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1934
### Event 48860 (158E4217)
**Date:** 4/11/1992
**Time:** ~17:00
**Location:** AUXEY-DURESSES, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Large black balloon east going quickly west 4x faster / the wind. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16044
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "AUXEY-DURESSES,FR:SVRL OBS:LRG BLK BALLOON E>>W 4x FASTER/THE WIND:ABS.SILENT", **LatLong:** "46.983336 4.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:59:00 N 04:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.983336,4.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Côte-d'Or", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48861 (A64CFE69)
**Date:** 4/12/1992 (approximate)
**Time:** 02:00?
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft descends over houses. Beams. Goes / 5 minute(s). Returns. Goes again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16045
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CHELYABINSK,RUS:DLT DESCENDS OVR HOUSES:BEAMS:GOES/5min:RETURNS:GOES AGAIN", **LatLong:** "55.166669 61.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "55:10:00 N 61:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.166669,61.416670)", **State/Prov:** "SVR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48862 (3349BCB4)
**Date:** 4/12/1992
**Description:** Driving in the desert on US Highway 180 near Deming, New Mexico a man was listening to his CB radio when the radio suddenly sent silent. He next noticed a patch of white light shining on a rise over the left side of the road. He then heard a voice in his head that told him to "watch out for the smoke." Thinking it had been the CB radio, he tried to reply but got no answer. Next, he saw what looked like a huge luminous cloud which created what looked like a curtain across the highway. He drove into the grayish-white mist for about an hour. He stopped his vehicle and walked across the road and to a ditch, but he was still unable to see anything. Suddenly, he became paralyzed, and saw the approach of two beings about 5 feet tall. Each being got on either side of him and place a firm grip on his forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. They then led him to a shiny metallic craft, shaped like a flattened arch with rounded ends. A rectangular opening appeared in the side of the craft. He experienced amnesia about what happened next. The next thing he remembers is sitting back in a chair inside the craft, feeling dizzy and numb. He was briefly left alone before two beings entered the room. One was a male with a round, oval face and oval black eyes. The second being was a female, similar in appearance to the male being. The witness was then led to a dimly lit room, and place in a reclining position on a chair. He felt a buzzing sensation on his face, and felt as if a small object was being inserted into his nose. He was then released and led outside, and floated horizontally to his vehicle. He resumed his drive and the vapor-like fog quickly dissipated.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2002 Humanoid Contact Sighting Reports, case # citing Richard J. Boylan and Les K. Boylan, Close Extraterrestrial Encounters
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1991
### Event 48863 (453B5EEB)
**Date:** 4/13/1992
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** WASHINGTON, DC
**Description:** G. Wingfield and more/others. Large bright saucer and 7 small objects / 30K' altitude. Photographs. / r147'92.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 446)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16046
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "WASHINGTON,DC:G.WINGFIELD++:LRG BRITE SCR+7 SML OBJs/30K'alt:FOTOS:/r147'92", **LatLong:** "38.950002 -77.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:57:00 N 77:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.950002,-77.016670)", **State/Prov:** "WDC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48864 (187BFC7D)
**Date:** 4/13/1992
**Location:** Spain
**Description:** Gen. Alfredo Chamorro Chapinal signs a proposal for full UFO document disclosure to the Spanish Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 426, 518
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7003
### Event 48865 (03D75A85)
**Date:** 4/15/1992
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** ALOHA, OR
**Description:** 1 observer. Dome-shape nears front yard. Changes blue going [to] red and flies away. / r147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16047
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "ALOHA,OR:1 OBS:DOME-SHAPE NEARS FRONT YARD:CHANGES BLUE>RED+FLIES AWAY:/r147", **LatLong:** "45.516669 -122.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "45:31:00 N 122:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.516669,-122.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48866 (66634E09)
**Date:** 4/15/1992
**Description:** A bright blue, domed disc-shaped UFO emerged out of the clouds and approached a 20-year-old witness in his yard in Aloha, Washington at 10:55 p.m. It stopped briefly, changed color from bright blue to bright red, then accelerated rapidly away toward the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1992, p. 19, citing MUFON field investigator J. Kirby, case file 921504W
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2037
### Event 48867 (99068CE4)
**Date:** 4/16/1992
**Description:** On this evening the Current Affair TV film crew filmed a red UFO as it hovered over the Gulf Breeze, Florida Three Mile Bridge.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ed Walters, UFOs are Real: Here's the Proof, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2062
### Event 48868 (6CBC0711)
**Date:** 4/18/1992
**Description:** Military plane crew. UFO / aerobatics / one hour. Invisible to RADAR's.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16048
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "KOMSOMOLSK-NA-AMURE,RUS:MIL PLANE CREW:UFO/AEROBATICS/1hr:INVISIBLE TO RDRs", **LatLong:** "50.766669 137.233340", **LatLongDMS:** "50:46:00 N 137:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.766669,137.233340)", **State/Prov:** "VLD", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48869 (C1619BB4)
**Date:** 4/18/1992
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** IPORANGA, SP, BRZ
**Description:** 5 / GUG group. Big flash. Air glows white / 500M! Busy area. / r226#26.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16049
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "154", **HatchDesc:** "IPORANGA,SP,BRZ:5/GUG Grp:BIG FLASH:AIR GLOWS WHT/500M!:busy area:/r226#26", **LatLong:** "-24.583335 -48.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "24:35:00 S 48:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.583335,-48.583336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 48870 (DFC43420)
**Date:** 4/18/1992
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 30' delta/triangle/box-like craft follows "repeat abductee" / low altitude. No further details. / r148p315.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16050
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "E.PROVIDENCE,RI:30'DLT FOLOS "REPEAT ABDUCTEE"/LO ALTITUDE:NFD:/r148p315", **LatLong:** "41.800002 -71.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:00 N 71:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.800002,-71.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Rhode Island", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48871 (FBEDE0F0)
**Date:** 4/19/1992
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** GANDER, NFLD
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Red rectangular object seen / 8 minute(s). Videos. White with red underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16051
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "GANDER,NFLD:3 OBS:RED RECTANGULAR OBJ SEEN/8min:VIDEOS:WHT W/RED UNDERSIDE", **LatLong:** "48.916669 -54.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "48:55:00 N 54:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.916669,-54.583336)", **State/Prov:** "Newfoundland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48872 (3DD57E75)
**Date:** 4/19/1992
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** KYEEMAGH, AUSTR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 7M domed saucer hovers. Tilts and going quickly NNE as airport lights flash.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Victorian UFO Research Society (VUFORS), Australia www.ozemail.com.au/~vufors
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16052
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "KYEEMAGH,AUSTR:4 OBS:7M DOMED SCR HVRS:TILTS+>>NNE as AIRPORT LITES FLASH", **LatLong:** "-33.955557 151.161118", **LatLongDMS:** "33:57:20 S 151:09:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.955557,151.161118)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48873 (F658237F)
**Date:** 4/20/1992
**Location:** Italy, Oderzo (Trevisa)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, a guard at the Oderzo barracks would have been paralyzed while observing two beings covered in a hood, shortly after another soldier had observed an object in the shape of a "eel" that was rushing to the ground
**Reference:** Avvistamenti, cfr CISU
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3461
### Event 48874 (021E08EA)
**Date:** 4/20/1992
**Description:** On this night a guard on duty at the Oderzo Army barracks in Oderzo, Italy suddenly found himself paralyzed and observed two humanoid figures wearing what appeared to be cloaks. The figures walked by him and then disappeared from sight. Around the same time other military personnel saw an object shaped like a cigar descend towards the ground from the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, citing CISU website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2173
### Event 48875 (A81994BA)
**Date:** 4/21/1992
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 2 / beach. White-red triangular night lights hover / 5 minute(s). Semi-invisible man / beach?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL UFO FLYING SAUCER RESEARCH Inc Colin O.Norris, ed; GPO 2004, Adelaide, S.Australia 5001. (Subterranean reptiles etc.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16053
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ADELAIDE,S.AUST:2/BEACH:WHT-RED TRNGLR NLTS HVR/5min:semi-invisible man/beach?", **LatLong:** "-34.933335 138.633340", **LatLongDMS:** "34:56:00 S 138:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.933335,138.633340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48876 (38FFAEFB)
**Date:** 4/21/1992
**Description:** In Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. witnesses watched red and white triangular lights that hovered over the beach for five minutes. At the same time a semi-transparent man was reportedly seen on the beach.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15712
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2195
### Event 48877 (906D2001)
**Date:** 4/22/1992
**Description:** The Spanish Joint Chiefs of Staff downgrade UFO documents from secret to “internal reserve” \(confidential\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “The Spanish Air Force UFO Files,” IUR 18, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1993\): 13; Swords 426, 519
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7004
### Event 48878 (43C936DE)
**Date:** 4/24/1992
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Groups / red and white night lights all over desert and mountains / 2 hours.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16054
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1309", **HatchDesc:** "FISH SPRINGS SW/DUGWAY,UT:4 OBS:GRPS/RED+WHT NLTS ALL OVR DESERT+MTNS/2hrs", **LatLong:** "39.838891 -113.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "39:50:20 N 113:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.838891,-113.333339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48879 (A8F103AD)
**Date:** 4/26/1992
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** MACAE, BRZ
**Description:** 3 / UFO group. Saucer west going quickly east. 100M green glow. Dims. Ringed / portholes. Sonic boom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16055
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MACAE,BRZ:3/UFO GRP:SCR W>>E:100M GREEN GLOW:DIMS:RINGED/PORTHOLES:SONIC BOOM", **LatLong:** "-22.383334 -41.783335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:23:00 S 41:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.383334,-41.783335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48880 (D28A8CC4)
**Date:** 4/26/1992
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. a green glowing disc-shaped object, ringed with portholes and estimated to be 100 meters in diameter, was sighted flying over the residential area of Macae, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. It made a sonic boom as it flew off toward the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, cse 15714, citing Causistica Brasileira de 1992, issue # 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2353
### Event 48881 (5DEC6AD2)
**Date:** 4/27/1992
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Black ovoid with lights east going quickly west fast. Lights house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16056
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "ESIGODINI,ZIMBABWE:SVRL SEP.OBS:BLK OVOID W/LITES E>>W FAST:LITES HOUSE:", **LatLong:** "-20.483334 29.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "20:29:00 S 29:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.483334,29.100001)", **State/Prov:** "ZIM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48882 (2872DE5A)
**Date:** 4/28/1992
**Description:** Many calls / cops. Round silent object with beams going [to] over. Gone / flash. / r226#9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 312)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16057
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "WYONG+TOUKLEY,AUS:MANY CALLS/COPS:RND SLNT OBJ W/BEAMS >OVR:GONE/FLASH:/r226#9", **LatLong:** "-33.300002 151.116674", **LatLongDMS:** "33:18:00 S 151:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.300002,151.116674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48883 (00757FF9)
**Date:** 4/28/1992
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** LAJAS, PR
**Description:** Classic saucer teases F14 jet. Splits top / bottom. 1st part going quickly southwest. Rest going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN CONTACT, Top-Secret UFO Files Revealed; William Morrow, NY 1993. 288pp. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16058
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "LAJAS,PR:CLASSIC SCR TEASES F14 JET:SPLITS TOP/BOTTOM:1st PART >>SW:REST >>E.", **LatLong:** "18.050001 -67.061114", **LatLongDMS:** "18:03:00 N 67:03:40 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.050001,-67.061114)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48884 (58ADB4A5)
**Date:** 4/28/1992
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** RAINHAM, KENT
**Description:** Large wheel-UFO over Herbert road. Has spikes & 100+white lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 264)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16059
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "RAINHAM,KENT:LARGE WHEEL-UFO OVR HERBERT ROAD:HAS SPIKES & 100+ WHT LITES", **LatLong:** "51.366669 0.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:22:00 N 00:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.366669,0.583333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48885 (8A9F59FD)
**Date:** 4/28/1992
**Locations:** Sutton Scotney; Winchester, England
**Description:** A crop circle appears in a rapeseed field at Sutton Scotney, close to Winchester, England.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Talarski, “Going around in Circles,” IUR 17, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1992\): 4–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7005
### Event 48886 (CB2F449C)
**Date:** 4/28/1992
**Description:** A jet aircraft tentatively identified as a U.S. Air Force F-14 Tomcat was seen pursuing a domed disc-shaped UFO in Lajas, Puerto Rico. The UFO would make multiple stops, and as the jet closed in the saucer split in half. The top half flew off toward the southwest and the other half flew off to the east. The F-14 jet remained circling in the area, and then flew off to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Alien Update, p. 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2398
### Event 48887 (A5D9E37D)
**Date:** 4/30/1992
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Diamond Fortune” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1027
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Diamond Fortune", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 48888 (C7139794)
**Date:** 5/1992
**Location:** USA, Florida
**Description:** (Translated from French) K.T. Francovich, photographer and filmmaker (documentaries on wild animals), great-niece of Mike Francovich Sr. who was president of Columbia Pictures, and cousin of two other Frankovichs who participated in the films "Exodus" and "Lawrence of Arabia," was walking with two large dogs. They were on leashes (dogs trained to attack). The place was a barren spot where there were still some dead lemon trees, without leaves, in the south of Florida. She heard a loud noise, like that of a lumberjack busy chopping down a tree with an axe. Turning towards the place where the noise came from, she saw a humanoid standing near a tree. Its skin was a grayish pink and seemed to be without pores, like plastic. It must have measured about 1 m 40. It wore a metallic-looking leotard, which showed all its shapes well. It had a very wide head at the top, and large black almond-shaped eyes, where one could not discern either white or pupil, they were uniformly black. It had two very small nostrils but without a marked nose, the lips very thin and ill-defined, just a small slit in the face. It had very small ears located lower on the head than in humans. It was disproportionate in everything: arms really too long, without muscle, ending in very long hands, with 6 fingers. (she counted them several times) The thumb was still exactly where the human hand has one. So there was a thumb and 5 fingers on each hand. The neck seemed very fragile, without tonus, too thin, and the shoulders very drooping, but a rather rounded belly. But the thighs were clearly overdeveloped, the legs of the entity resembled more those of a very trained athlete, muscular. The feet were small, too small in relation to the body. The witness was shocked, and something really strange was happening, because the two dogs lay down, as if they were going to fall asleep. She was thus looking at the entity, and it was returning her gaze, but suddenly the humanoid started to run and this is the most extraordinary part of the observation. It ran exactly like a Thompson gazelle, with lightness and jumping. Mrs. Francovich did not hesitate, but started to run with him, side by side, accompanied by the dogs, over a certain distance. Until the moment when dense vegetation formed a kind of tunnel. The entity jumped into it and disappeared. Mrs. Francovich wanted to follow him, but she entered into "a wall of stench" horrible, like a mixture of sulfuric acid and formaldehyde. This stench really formed like "a wall", while Mrs. Francovich's nostrils seemed to be burned. She immediately knew (vog: how did she know this?) that other entities were there and she knew that they were waiting for her. But she shouted "OOOPS!" and accompanied by the dogs she ran until she was out of breath in the opposite direction, certainly over a distance of two kilometers. [note from vog: for the rest of the story here is the website: http://members.aol.com/KFrnkovich/index.htm] (May 1992)
**Reference:** Filer's Files #15" of 19.4.1999, George Filer of Mufon
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3465
### Event 48889 (C2A4B84E)
**Date:** 5/1992
**Location:** US
**Description:** The Roper Organization releases the results of its “Unusual Personal Experiences” survey of nearly 6,000 US adults devised by [Budd Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins), [David Jacobs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FM.%5FJacobs), and [Ron Westrum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron%5FWestrum), and conducted in 1991. Its intent is to determine how widespread the abduction phenomenon might be. Five indicator questions in the survey assess the respondents’ sleep paralysis, dreams of flying, missing time, observations of unusual lights inside a room, and puzzling body scars. The poll, financed by the Bigelow Holding Corporation, suggests that 2% of adult Americans \(more than 3.7 million\) think they have been abducted by aliens.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Geraldo Fuentes, “[Abductions: A](http://www.viewzone.com/abduct.html) [Report on the Roper Analysis Data](http://www.viewzone.com/abduct.html)”; Robert L. Hall, Mark Rodeghier, Donald A. Johnson, “The Prevalence of Abductions: A Critical Look,” JUFOS 4 \(1992\): 131–135; Robert J. Durant, “Evolution of Public Opinion on UFOs,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 20–22; Susan Blackmore, “[Abduction by Aliens or Sleep Paralysis?](https://skepticalinquirer.org/1998/05/abduction-by-aliens-or-sleep-paralysis/)” Skeptical Inquirer 22, no. 3 \(May/June 1998\): 23–28; Mark Rodeghier, “Counting Abductees: What Can Surveys Tell Us?” IUR 25, no. 3 \(Fall 2000\): 20–21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7006
### Event 48890 (4EA7509D)
**Date:** 5/1/1992
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Low silent UFO looks exactly like plane. Maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 276)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16060
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "A22 N/WILLINGDON,E.SUSSEX:LOW SILENT UFO LOOKS EXACTLY LIKE PLANE:MNVRS", **LatLong:** "50.805558 -0.244444", **LatLongDMS:** "50:48:20 N 00:14:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.805558,-0.244444)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48891 (198EC147)
**Date:** 5/1/1992
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Low silent "airliner" going down / doesn't crash. Main road strangely empty.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 264)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16061
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "POLEGATE E.SUSSEX:LOW SLNT "AIRLINER"↓/DOESNT CRASH:MAIN ROAD STRANGELY EMPTY.", **LatLong:** "50.816669 0.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:49:00 N 00:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.816669,0.233333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48892 (B86F0E9A)
**Date:** 5/1/1992
**Location:** University of Connecticut
**Description:** University of Connecticut psychologist [Kenneth Ring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth%5FRing) publishes The Omega Project, in which he argues that ostensible aliens, angels, and otherworldly entities exist in an imaginal realm, a “third kingdom” between reality and fantasy that is accessible through certain altered states of consciousness that undermine ordinary perception and conceptual thinking. Through extensive psychological testing, Ring finds that abductees and those who have near-death experiences are emotionally indistinguishable, with childhoods that typically involve episodes of abuse, trauma, and serious illness. One consequence is the development of a dissociative state as a means of coping with stress; it is the key to experiencing the imaginal realm, a shamanic journey through which symbolic language and images are expressed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kenneth Ring, [The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO](https://archive.org/details/omegaprojectnear00ring) [Encounters, and Mind at Large](https://archive.org/details/omegaprojectnear00ring)[,](https://archive.org/details/omegaprojectnear00ring) Morrow, 1992; Kenneth Ring and Christopher J. Rosing, “The Omega Project: A Psychological Survey of Persons Reporting Abductions and Other UFO Encounters,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 59–98; David A. Gotlib, “Abductions: Imagined or Imaginal?” IUR 17, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1992\): 18–20; Clark III 886
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7007
### Event 48893 (D12834AB)
**Date:** 5/1/1992
**Description:** Two men, Lycett and Hazelgrove, were driving down the A22 Highway in Polegate, East Sussex, England at 10:20 p.m. when they sighted a silent flying object with red flashing lights. They thought its outline looked like a DC-9 airplane about to crash, but the nose of the object pulled up and turned toward the witnesses' car, who then thought it was going to crash into them. They sped up, and when they looked behind the object was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Alien Update, p. 266; UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1992, citing the Eastbourne Gazzette, May 13, 1992
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2449
### Event 48894 (49D1D5F1)
**Date:** 5/2/1992
**Time:** ~12:00
**Location:** KELOWNA, BC
**Description:** Observer(s) and duration unknown. Horses react. Saucer seen. Photographs taken. No further details. HIQ / UFOROM.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16062
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "372", **HatchDesc:** "KELOWNA,BC:OBS+DURn UNK:HORSES REACT:SCR SEEN:FOTOS TAKEN:NFD:HIQ/UFOROM", **LatLong:** "49.883336 -119.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:53:00 N 119:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.883336,-119.483339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48895 (E27129B6)
**Date:** 5/2/1992
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SELINSGROVE, PA
**Description:** Houses rumble. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 5 minute(s) over racetrack! Heads going quickly south over hill.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16063
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "135", **HatchDesc:** "SELINSGROVE,PA:HOUSES RUMBLE:DLT HVRS/5min OVR RACETRACK!:HEADS >>S OVR HILL", **LatLong:** "40.800002 -76.861115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:48:00 N 76:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.800002,-76.861115)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48896 (B9A22F3D)
**Date:** 5/3/1992
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** GRAULHET, FR
**Description:** Bright orange night light hovers / high altitude over police station/depot/facility. Saturn ring. Going quickly [to] away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16064
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GRAULHET,FR:BRITE ORG.NLT HVTS/HI alt OVR POLICE Stn:SATURN RING:>> AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "43.783335 1.983333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:47:00 N 01:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.783335,1.983333)", **State/Prov:** "Tarn", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 48897 (29688E88)
**Date:** 5/3/1992
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** SQUAMISH, BC
**Description:** 3 observer(s) / 4 minute(s). Slow moving orange disk. Discontinuous trajectory. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16065
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "SQUAMISH,BC:3 OBS/4min:SLOW MOVING ORG.DISK:DISCONTINUOUS TRAJECTORY:NFD", **LatLong:** "49.700002 -123.150006", **LatLongDMS:** "49:42:00 N 123:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.700002,-123.150006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48898 (2B0C28C1)
**Date:** 5/3/1992
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GRAVATAI, RS, BRZ
**Description:** 2+6 observer(s). "Satellite" going south nears star. Vanishes. Star takes off going quickly north!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16066
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "GRAVATAI,RS,BRZ:2+6 OBS:"SATELLITE" > S NEARS STAR:VANISHES:STAR TAKES OFF>>N!", **LatLong:** "-29.916668 -51.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "29:55:00 S 51:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.916668,-51.000002)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48899 (001CF3F3)
**Date:** 5/3/1992
**Description:** At around midnight three witnesses, members of the Boggs family, in Fordland, Missouri had a close encounter with a dark flying object (estimated to be 8 feet wide by 20 feet long in size) with square windows. At first, 14-year-old Robbie saw a line of bright lights that hung over a slight rise in the pasture, less than 100 yards from their farm house, and maybe ten feet above the ground. Both ends of the line appeared to curve away, giving the impression that the lights were attached to an oval structure of some sort. It flew slowly but directly over their heads at no more than 25 feet. Although they could see the outline of the lights, the object itself was invisible. The UFO then moved on away from the house, passing between two trees with only a few feet to spare. The trees were undisturbed by the proximity of the object. A pole light on the far side of the driveway went out as the UFO approached, the photoelectric switch apparently triggered by the brightness of the object's lights. The object was just beyond this yard light when all of its own colored lights went dark, to be replaced by a single white light shining from the rear. At this same moment the sound that had been coming the the UFO ceased. Surprisingly, the family did not stay outside to watch the UFO depart. They expressed surprise themselves at that fact, that when the colored lights went out they only could recall turning away and going back into the house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis Ridge, www.nicap.org/920503fordlanddir.htm, citing Amateur UFOlogy News, volume 4, number 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2485
### Event 48900 (277D64F9)
**Date:** 5/4/1992
**Location:** Germany, Wildeshausen
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Case No.: 19920504) The witness is Peter W., a 39-year-old businessman. Around 6:15 pm he observed in the local industrial area an object flying around 120 cm in diameter, emitting an unusual luminosity, near the buildings, without any noise, at an altitude of 10 to 15 meters. A few seconds later, the object flew away and disappeared into the clouds.
**Reference:** Hans-Werner Peiniger, GEP e.V., JUFOF - Germany
**Reference:** JUFOF Nr. 88, 4'1993:98ff
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3462
### Event 48901 (EB089487)
**Date:** 5/5/1992
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** WARANGA BASIN, VCT
**Description:** 2 silent orange balls over reservoir. Disappear when photograph flashes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 276)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16067
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WARANGA BASIN,VCT:2 SILENT ORG BALLS OVR RSVR:DISAPPEAR when FOTO FLASHES.", **LatLong:** "-36.566668 145.133340", **LatLongDMS:** "36:34:00 S 145:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.566668,145.133340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48902 (3CB8C61E)
**Date:** 5/5/1992
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BELMONT, ONT
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 5 good photographs / domed saucers. Possible McDonalds ad blimp?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16068
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "BELMONT,ONT:5 OBS:5 GOOD FOTOS/DOMED SCRS:POSSIBLE McDONALDS AD BLIMP?", **LatLong:** "42.883335 -81.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:53:00 N 81:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.883335,-81.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48903 (D3897492)
**Date:** 5/5/1992
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** HIGH POINT, NC
**Description:** Silent cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Windows / bottom. Vibrant bright beams. Vanishes. Jets chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 283)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16069
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "286", **HatchDesc:** "HIGH POINT,NC:SLNT CGR HVRS:WINDOWS/BOTTOM:VBRITE BEAMS:VANISHES:JETS CHASE", **LatLong:** "35.950002 -80.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "35:57:00 N 80:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.950002,-80.016670)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 48904 (44DBC1BE)
**Date:** 5/5/1992
**Description:** Two orange BOLs flew silently over a reservoir in Waranga Basin, Victoria, Australia at 8:00 p.m. They disappear when a camera flashes. At 11:15 p.m. a cigar-shaped object with windows on the bottom hovered silently in High Point, North Carolina, emitting very bright beams of light. It vanished when jets appeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, cases # 15726 & 15728, citing UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1992 & February 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2558
### Event 48905 (1E740CD0)
**Date:** 5/5/1992
**Description:** A around two o'clock in the morning in an undisclosed location in Georgia, a man woke up to see a 4.5 foot tall entity at the corner of his baby son's crib. The dwarf wore a black cape with a peaked hood connected to the cape. No facial features could be discerned. The entity next moved from left to right and then disappeared through the wall of the house. This experienced was followed by an unsettling dream about the baby, and later by another frightening incident. A few months later other family members again saw a shadow like figure with claws move out of the hallway and touch the chest of one of the older children in the house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 2624, citing John C. Thompson
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2559
### Event 48906 (5F1C883B)
**Date:** 5/6/1992
**Location:** COOMA, NSW, AUST
**Description:** Conical UFO has orange and pale blue lights. 2 observer(s). No helicopter. Uns#276.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 266)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16070
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "COOMA,NSW,AUST:CONICAL UFO HAS ORG+PALE BLU LITES:2 OBS:NO COPTER:UNS#276", **LatLong:** "-36.366668 149.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "36:22:00 S 149:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.366668,149.166674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48907 (1A3AF081)
**Date:** 5/6/1992
**Description:** A cone-shaped UFO that had orange and pale blue lights was seen hovering in Cooma, New South Wales, Australia. It was not a helicopter according to the witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Alien Update, p. 266
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2599
### Event 48908 (C69E3C5C)
**Date:** 5/7/1992
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** 1+2 separate observer(s). Huge 500M and disk / light crosses sky over beach and town.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16071
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PORT ELIZABETH,RSA:1+2 SEP.OBS:HUGE 500M+ DISK/LITE CROSSES SKY ovr BEACH+TOWN", **LatLong:** "-33.950002 25.650001", **LatLongDMS:** "33:57:00 S 25:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.950002,25.650001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48909 (2040D9F7)
**Date:** 5/7/1992
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. a huge, 500 meter or larger disc-shaped object with bright lights crossed the sky over the beach in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News, July 1992
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2634
### Event 48910 (E00019BD)
**Date:** 5/8/1992
**Location:** Australia, Shepparton, Victoria
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the early evening, caretakers Leo and Nola Jones saw upon opening their door two solid beams of light in the shape of an L, orange in color, arriving at the Waranga basin. For ten minutes they watched in amazement "these perfect square beams" which stood vertically, to come to a stop halfway between Harriman's Point and a commercial complex. They took the camera, but as soon as the flash (of the camera) went off, "bang" they had disappeared. The Jones are the caretakers and guardians of the Waranga Boat Club and the adjoining campsite. During the observation they noticed that these square beams seemed to come from two small orange lights, suspended at mid-altitude and already observed while they were drinking tea around 8 pm. These small lights had the color and size of an orange, were very bright. It was because of them that they went out of the house to see what it was. They were in front of them, on the other side of the basin. The photo of the beams shows orange streaks across the shot. The beams came out vertically from the two orange points, and as soon as they touched the surface of the basin water, they advanced while staying parallel for a distance of 300 meters. They did not reflect in the water. A phenomenon like this had never happened before at Waranga. After the photo was taken, everything vanished, the orange lights in the sky and the beams, and never reappeared. During the observation no sound came from the phenomenon.
**Reference:** Keith Baskerfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3463
### Event 48911 (6C5C4E86)
**Date:** 5/8/1992
**Description:** Bright light shaped like inverted plate with hump.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 266)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16072
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BRUCE Hwy N/BRISBANE,QUEENSLAND:BRIGHT LIGHT SHAPED LIKE INVERTED PLATE W/HUMP", **LatLong:** "-27.166668 153.116674", **LatLongDMS:** "27:10:00 S 153:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.166668,153.116674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48912 (5FC33654)
**Date:** 5/8/1992
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a domed disc-shaped object, described as a bright, stationary inverted plate with a hump on top, was observed above the tree line by a woman driving on Bruce Highway along the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It then moved upward and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Alien Update, pp. 266-269, citing UFO Research Queensland
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2662
### Event 48913 (0D5D51BD)
**Date:** 5/10/1992
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** LEDGE PT, WEST AUSTR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Glowing-cloud with 3 night lights going northwest over ocean. Extremely fast. Water frozen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL UFO FLYING SAUCER RESEARCH Inc Colin O.Norris, ed; GPO 2004, Adelaide, S.Australia 5001. (Subterranean reptiles etc.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16073
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LEDGE Pt,W.AUSTR:2 OBS:GLO-CLOUD W/3 NLTS >NW OVR OCEAN:XFAST:water frozen", **LatLong:** "-31.100001 115.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "31:06:00 S 115:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.100001,115.333339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48914 (CA0290EE)
**Date:** 5/12/1992
**Description:** A boy in Connersville, Indiana reported being paralyzed in his bed in the early morning hours by a strange looking, elderly humanoid visitor. The boy had apparently reported UFO abduction experiences on several occasions.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case 1970; Francis Ridge, UFO Intelligence Newsletter, January 1995, citing Don Worley
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2777
### Event 48915 (F8CDE8BD)
**Date:** 5/13/1992
**Description:** Michael Riconosciuto, who provided Inslaw Inc. with an affidavit in support of their lawsuit against the DOJ, claimed he was hired to program a secret backdoor in the software used by IC agencies. Riconosciuto also was a source for journalist Danny Casolaro looking into Wackenhut weapons testing on Native American reservation land, and he also claimed a joint venture between Wackenhut and Meridian Arms at the “Nevada Testing Range” were able to polarize molecules by modifying the electric field, a technology developed from exploring Thomas Townsend Brown’s suppressed work.
Riconosciuto claims this knowledge was gained from working at Lear in Reno, NV and from working with Gerald Bull of Space Research Corporation. Sources close to Riconosciuto also claimed other IC sources that were unsubstantiated stated there was a “war” in the intelligence community between a group centered in the CIA called Aquarius (around a powerful center known as MJ-12) and a group known as COM-12 centered around Naval Intelligence. COM-12 was allegedly trying to leak information damaging Aquarius. Also alleges the Jicarilla Indian Reservation is being used for testing around an underground facility in Dulce, NM.
* [https://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg06396.html](https://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg06396.html)
>**_Note_**: Riconosciuto was a real source for Danny Casolaro and was involved in the Inslaw Inc. trial, but it is unknown if any of his claims regarding a UAP coverup are legitimate or if he was fed disinformation, or purely heard rumors from the IC or even public ufology. He did produce documents proving Wackenhut Corp. was testing advanced weaponry (railgun) on Native American reservation land, but nothing he produced ties this activity to the UAP subject; though Wackenhut Corp. has shown up in claims of UAP work elsewhere.
>* [https://archive.org/details/casolaro](https://archive.org/details/casolaro)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_274
### Event 48916 (9CF69D28)
**Date:** 5/14/1992
**Time:** 12:10
**Location:** GLADSTONE, MO
**Description:** 1+2 observer(s). Silent silver saucer crosses sky. No maneuvers.. lost in the distance.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16074
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "GLADSTONE,MO:1+2 OBS:SLNT SLVR SCR CROSSES SKY:NO MNVRS..LOST/DISTANCE", **LatLong:** "39.205557 -94.555560", **LatLongDMS:** "39:12:20 N 94:33:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.205557,-94.555560)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48917 (4D6198D9)
**Date:** 5/17/1992
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** COLLECTOR, NSW
**Description:** Sydney going quickly [to] Canberra. 3 observer(s). 2 saucers. 1 top-like. 1 ovoid blob.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 267)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16075
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "COLLECTOR,NSW:SYDNEY>>CANBERRA:3 OBS:2 SCRS:1 TOP-LIKE:1 OVOID BLOB:", **LatLong:** "-34.955557 149.355563", **LatLongDMS:** "34:57:20 S 149:21:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.955557,149.355563)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48918 (CE6F8779)
**Date:** 5/18/1992
**Location:** Australia, Perth
**Description:** (Translated from French) A couple, in bed around midnight, were reading before going to sleep. Suddenly, a strange buzzing sound was heard, between a purring and an oscillating noise like the blades of a helicopter. Their two dogs became like mad, growling, showing their teeth, moaning, howling, barking, their eyes rolling. The noise became unbearable and the man went out to see where it was coming from. He turned on the 500 watt security lamp on the nearby: immediately the noise stopped and did not repeat. (May 18, 1992)
**Reference:** UFORA92070 - Keith Basterfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3464
### Event 48919 (48C0FAEB)
**Date:** 5/19/1992
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** LONDONDERRY, NH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Ball / light zigzags going [to] yards and trees. Back 5 June. 40' box / 4 June.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 302)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16076
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "LONDONDERRY,NH:2 OBS:BALL/LITE ZIGZAGS >YARDS+TREES:BACK 5 JUNE:40'BOX/4 JUNE", **LatLong:** "42.861113 -71.377781", **LatLongDMS:** "42:51:40 N 71:22:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.861113,-71.377781)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48920 (08F91D18)
**Date:** 5/21/1992
**Time:** 04:59:57.5
**Location:** 41.5130 88.7740
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 650KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1828
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5130 88.7740", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:47 N 88:46:26 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5130,88.7740)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeMb:** "6.50", **NukeSource:** "GUPTA-JED", **NukeType:** "NUPC", **NukeY:** "650"
### Event 48921 (45DC382B)
**Date:** 5/22/1992
**Time:** 10:30
**Description:** Many observer(s). Huge silver saucer over hills. Dips going down [to] and going up and down. Burnt spots / jungle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: [Ecuador JUN96 = Fall'96 issue via Internet #70.]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16077
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "nr POZA RICA,MEX:MANY OBS:HUGE SLVR SCR OVR HILLS:DIPS↓+↑+↓:BURNT SPOTS/JUNGLE", **LatLong:** "20.533334 -97.450005", **LatLongDMS:** "20:32:00 N 97:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.533334,-97.450005)", **State/Prov:** "VRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48922 (79E63C01)
**Date:** 5/22/1992
**Description:** Former consultant to **Project Blue Book** and eventual **BAASS**/**AAWSAP** subcontractor Jacques Vallée writes in his diary that he met with Richard D’Amato. D’Amato at the time was counsel to the Senate Appropriations Committee under Sen. Robert C. Byrd. D’Amato tells Vallee that he looked into triangular UAP like those seen in Belgium from 1989-1990. D’Amato believed the craft were human and the project that makes them was illegal. “No money was ever appropriated for it. Intelligence groups like AFOSI continue to cover, distort, destroy data and generally make it impossible for Congress to find out what’s going on,” D’Amato added.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/03/c-richard-damato-and-black-ufo-programs.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/03/c-richard-damato-and-black-ufo-programs.html)
* [https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a30916275/government-secret-ufo-program-investigation/](https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a30916275/government-secret-ufo-program-investigation/)
>**_Note_**: Former SSCI Staff Director Christopher K. Mellon stated in 2021 he also looked into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd, in addition to the triangle UAP wave in Belgium for the SSCI. Mellon states on the record that “there is no such \[secret U.S. triangular craft\] program, we don’t have anything like that…it was definitely not, it was not something we had on the books.”
>This conflicts with D’Amato’s comments, who assisted Sen. Byrd into his investigation into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs, with D’Amato telling Vallee the triangular UAP were an illegal human program.
>Mellon stated on the U.S. cable-broadcasted Episode 2, Season 2 of the History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation that “I don’t believe these are ours” with respect to triangular UAP, something the episode concluded. The episode was co-produced by To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science, of which Mellon was an advisor.
>* [https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI](https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI)
>* [https://youtu.be/vCehp1K7oKE](https://youtu.be/vCehp1K7oKE)
>* [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/to-the-stars-academy-of-arts--science-launches-today-300534912.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/to-the-stars-academy-of-arts--science-launches-today-300534912.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_275
### Event 48923 (F7E940A7)
**Date:** 5/22/1992
**Description:** Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III, when he was retired and around the time he was a VP for BDM and involved in contractor Psi-Tech, allegedly states there are structures beneath the surface of Mars and UAP can be tracked and their propulsion systems have been analyzed.
* [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg5](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg5)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_278
### Event 48924 (A1ACB6F3)
**Date:** 5/24/1992
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** TERNAY, 69, FR
**Description:** Several / Rugby game. Silent glow blob circles overhead / one hour. Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft inside..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16078
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "TERNAY,69,FR:SVRL/RUGBY GAME:SLNT GLOW BLOB CCLS OVHD/1hr:DRK DLT INSIDE..", **LatLong:** "45.600002 4.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:36:00 N 04:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.600002,4.816667)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48925 (79A43D7A)
**Date:** 5/25/1992 (approximate)
**Location:** MARSHFIELD, MO
**Description:** Wave / disks and ovoids and night lights to late July. 2 robed figure(s) glide over field.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: ALLEN,DON: (moderator) MUFONET.BBS: excerpts file here as SCRAPS.CAT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16079
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "475", **HatchDesc:** "MARSHFIELD,MO:WAVE/DISKS+OVOIDS+NLTS to LATE JLY:2 ROBED FIGs GLIDE OVR FIELD", **LatLong:** "37.338891 -92.905560", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:20 N 92:54:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.338891,-92.905560)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 48926 (D49069E4)
**Date:** 5/25/1992
**Description:** Two robed figures were seen gliding over a field in Marshfield, Missouri.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 15738
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3092
### Event 48927 (1F6C75AA)
**Date:** 5/26/1992
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Astronomer and 1 / (seen thru) telescope. Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation maneuver in stars. No plane.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 448)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16080
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "WHITTINGTON,SHROPS:ASTRONOMER+1/TSCOPE:NLTS/DLT FORMn MNVR in STARS:no plane", **LatLong:** "52.866669 -3.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:52:00 N 03:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.866669,-3.000000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48928 (8761C01D)
**Date:** 5/30/1992
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** AUXONNE, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing football-disk. Circles 12X-1X / 30 second(s) and maneuvers generally going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16081
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "AUXONNE,FR:2 OBS:LUMn FOOTBALL-DISK:CCLS 12X- 1X/30sec +MNVRS GENERALLY >N", **LatLong:** "47.200002 5.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:12:00 N 05:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.200002,5.400000)", **State/Prov:** "Côte-d'Or", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48929 (9B5FE10F)
**Date:** 6/1992
**Description:** Several UFO sightings and crop circles found. Triangular physical trace(s) / cornfield.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 234)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16082
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "SZEKESFEHERCAR,HUNG:SVRL UFO SIGHTINGS+CROP CCLS FOUND:TRIANGULAR TRC/CORNFLD", **LatLong:** "47.183336 18.433334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:11:00 N 18:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.183336,18.433334)", **State/Prov:** "FJR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48930 (89599793)
**Date:** 6/1992
**Location:** AGAWAM, MASS
**Description:** UFO's hover. All mailboxes / 1 street burst / flames. Beings seen. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 283)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16083
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "AGAWAM,MASS:UFOS HVR:ALL MAILBOXES/1 STREET BURST/FLAMES:BEINGS SEEN:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.083335 -72.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:05:00 N 72:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.083335,-72.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 48931 (E633DCE8)
**Date:** 6/1992
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** WHITEHORSE, YKN
**Description:** 10 observer(s). Triangle with lights goes over town. / C. Rutkowski / UFOROM.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16084
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "636", **HatchDesc:** "WHITEHORSE,YKN:10 OBS:TRIANGLE W/LITES GOES OVR TOWN:/C.RUTKOWSKI/UFOROM", **LatLong:** "60.716670 -135.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "60:43:00 N 135:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.716670,-135.050006)", **State/Prov:** "YKN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 48932 (2D1E495A)
**Date:** 6/1/1992
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 5 / car. 3 stationary night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Go out in sequence. / r147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16085
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "MILTON>
Stunned by their surprise appearance, Peter was unable to react as the blond woman suddenly reached out with both her hands and cupped the back of his head, drawing his face toward her breasts. He resisted. Apparently very strong, she pulled harder. She pulled him forward and his mouth was placed on one of her nipples, and he bit it. A piece of her nipple came loose in his teeth, but the blond woman did not cry out. She seemed shocked or confused and looked at the Asian woman, then back at the witness. Involuntarily, Khoury swallowed the small fragment in his mouth. It caught in his throat and he went into a coughing fit. The two women suddenly simply disappeared. Feeling an urge to go to the bathroom, he realized his penis felt very painful. Pulling back the foreskin he found two thin blond strands of hair wrapped tightly around it. He kept the hair samples for genetic analysis. The DNA analysis showed that the hair was human, but the genome testing suggested that the closest match would be a cross breeding of someone from Iceland with someone from Japan, a rare occurrence.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 3515, citing Bill Chalker, International UFO Reporter
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4333
### Event 48987 (7B00C2C7)
**Date:** 7/24/1992
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** ALTON, WILTS, ENGL
**Description:** Seti group paced and zapped. Gear messed with. Fireballs and probes / 5 days.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 273)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16113
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "ALTON,WILTS,ENGL:SETI GRP PACED+ZAPPED:GEAR MESSED WITH:FBLS+PROBES/5DAYS", **LatLong:** "51.383336 -1.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:23:00 N 01:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.383336,-1.916667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 48988 (B53B513A)
**Date:** 7/24/1992
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** MARSEILLE
**Description:** 1 observer. 30 "dove-body" objects / 2 curved formations / 150M altitude. Slight hiss. Going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16114
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MARSEILLE:1 OBS:30 "DOVE-BODY" OBJS/2 CURVED FORMns/150M alt:SLIGHT HISS:>>SE", **LatLong:** "43.283335 5.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:17:00 N 05:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.283335,5.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 48989 (F730FDE2)
**Date:** Late 7/1992
**Location:** USA, Springfield, Missouri
**Description:** (Translated from French) A woman reported seeing in a field near her house two creatures, with amber-colored eyes, wearing some kind of computer equipment, which one of them operated. They glided across the ground without apparent effort. [Note from vog: what was the actual height of the vegetation in this field?] (1992, late July)
**Reference:** Mufon, Mufonet BBS 11.3.1993
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3467
### Event 48990 (36446190)
**Date:** 7/25/1992
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** Several observer(s). Fireball lights up campsite like day. Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16115
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "SAO GONCALO/AMARANTE,BRZ:SVRL OBS:FBL LITES UP CAMPSITE LIKE DAY:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "-3.600000 -38.966669", **LatLongDMS:** "03:36:00 S 38:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.600000,-38.966669)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48991 (B17C372C)
**Date:** 7/25/1992
**Description:** On this day in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico a UFO abductee was allegedly visited by a man with human appearance and "Hindu" features. In a telepathic communication the abductee was informed that the Grey aliens were androids, and lived for only a few days before then were recycled.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case 0772
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4400
### Event 48992 (E25B8F89)
**Date:** 7/25/1992
**Description:** Three young men were racing dirt bikes on a river bank in Tarasovka, Ukraine when they saw a luminous sphere land. A 1.6 meter (5.5 feet) tall man emerged from the object wearing white coveralls and a helmet. He walked in a peculiar manner.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case 3357
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4401
### Event 48993 (1DDA89A3)
**Date:** 7/27/1992
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) French astronaut Michel Tognini begins the Antares mission \(14 days\) aboard *Mir*. (July 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1992.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3192
### Event 48994 (C73891C6)
**Date:** 7/29/1992
**Time:** ~07:00
**Location:** NEAR MT. RAINIER, WA
**Description:** 4 hikers. Trapezoidal object hovers / 10 minute(s). Suddenly gone. / r121p275.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FERRUGHELLI, PAUL: SIGHTINGS YEARBOOKs (by year.) (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16116
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "4000", **HatchDesc:** "nr Mt RAINIER,WA:4 HIKERS:TRAPEZOIDAL OBJ HVRS/10min:suddenly gone:/r121p275", **LatLong:** "46.866669 -121.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "46:52:00 N 121:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.866669,-121.766672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48995 (652365C1)
**Date:** 7/29/1992
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** PURCELL, OK
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 200x600' UFO splits / 2. Large part births saucer. Saucer going quickly north. Parts fly off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIEFRIED, Richard & CARTER, Michael: NATIVE ENCOUNTERS M. S. Graphics, 1994. ISBN 0-9642461-0-4 ( Oklahoma MUFON etc.) (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16117
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "347", **HatchDesc:** "PURCELL,OK:4 OBS:200x600'UFO SPLITS/2:LRG PART BIRTHS SCR:SCR>>N:PARTS FLY OFF", **LatLong:** "35.011113 -97.361116", **LatLongDMS:** "35:00:40 N 97:21:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.011113,-97.361116)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 48996 (17F3A253)
**Date:** 7/29/1992
**Location:** Purcell, OK
**Description:** Dog did not respond to oval that divided (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5829
### Event 48997 (612A841C)
**Date:** 7/30/1992
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Orange rectangle 500' away reflects light into windows. 2 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 275)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16118
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "GOLDHANGER,ESSEX:ORANGE RECTANGLE 500' AWAY REFLECTS LITE INTO WINDOWS:2 OBS", **LatLong:** "51.750002 0.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:45:00 N 00:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.750002,0.766667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 48998 (8ED8B9FF)
**Date:** 7/31/1992
**Description:** Walking on a footpath in Port Pirie, South Australia at 3:10 a.m., a 51-year-old milkman turned around to see a blue-green cigar-shaped UFO behind him to the southeast at a height of only sixty to a hundred meters altitude. It was huge, with an angular size of 20 degrees. It had three amber lights on the left side and pulsating lights. There was no wind at the time, and full cloud cover.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, UFO Research South Australia case files, case # SA92029
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4544
### Event 48999 (8D0C9B10)
**Date:** 8/1992
**Location:** MILESTONE, SSK
**Description:** Large depression / wheat field. Soil rock hard. Flattened porcupine!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16119
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "578", **HatchDesc:** "MILESTONE,SSK:LRG DEPRESSION/WHEAT FLD:SOIL ROCK HARD:FLATTENED PORCUPINE!", **LatLong:** "50.005558 -104.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "50:00:20 N 104:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.005558,-104.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49000 (219729E2)
**Date:** 8/1992
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** HAVELOCK, NC
**Description:** 50' ovoid. Red lights / top and bot strobe in turn. Intense slab / light below.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16120
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "HAVELOCK,NC:50'OVOID:RED LITES/TOP+BOT STROBE IN TURN:INTENSE SLAB/LITE BELOW", **LatLong:** "34.866668 -76.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:00 N 76:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.866668,-76.900004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49001 (C4363A2A)
**Date:** 8/1992
**Location:** Casey, IA
**Description:** Dog curious about small object near ground (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [920800](http://www.nicap.org/ar-9208xxdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5830
### Event 49002 (B63C3DAF)
**Date:** 8/1992
**Locations:** Ipswich; Strathclair, Manitoba
**Description:** Crop circles appear in wheatfields near Ipswich and Strathclair, Manitoba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “‘A Looney a Look’: Crop Circles in Western Manitoba,” IUR 17, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1992\): 9–12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7015
### Event 49003 (FB1FA511)
**Date:** 8/2/1992
**Time:** 00:20
**Description:** Dog barks. Phony moon hovers / farm. Small balls maneuver and join. All going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16121
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "BROMLEY,ZIMBABWE:DOG BARKS:PHONY MOON HVRS/FARM:SML BALLS MNVR+JOIN:ALL >>S", **LatLong:** "-18.033334 31.416668", **LatLongDMS:** "18:02:00 S 31:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.033334,31.416668)", **State/Prov:** "ZIM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49004 (A9B7C4D4)
**Date:** 8/3/1992
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** SANTIAGO, BRZ
**Description:** 2 kids. Small black object / white tail southeast going quickly north / moderate speed. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16122
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "399", **HatchDesc:** "SANTIAGO,BRZ:2 KIDS:SML BLK OBJ/WHT TAIL SE>>N/MODERATE SPEED:NFD", **LatLong:** "-29.166668 -54.866669", **LatLongDMS:** "29:10:00 S 54:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.166668,-54.866669)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49005 (6F8BFD2E)
**Date:** 8/4/1992
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** SITIO JOAO, RGN, BRZ
**Description:** Area lit. 2 hide under burro. Oily gunk falls. Observer(s) sick.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16123
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "515", **HatchDesc:** "SITIO JOAO,RGN,BRZ:AREA LIT:2 HIDE UNDER BURRO:OILY GUNK FALLS:OBS SICK", **LatLong:** "-6.216667 -36.233335", **LatLongDMS:** "06:13:00 S 36:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.216667,-36.233335)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49006 (B1426B73)
**Date:** 8/4/1992 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** LES HERBIERS, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). 200M delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] over house / 30M altitude. Whistles. Going [to] away instantly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16124
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "Les HERBIERS,FR:SVRL OBS:200M DLT >OVR HOUSE/30M alt:WHISTLES:> AWAY INSTANTLY", **LatLong:** "46.866669 -1.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:52:00 N 01:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.866669,-1.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Vendée", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49007 (75825AD1)
**Date:** 8/4/1992
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** MANSFIELD, NOTTS
**Description:** 4 teens. Domed UFO / lights / edges. Too low and large and colorful for aircraft.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 275)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16125
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "MANSFIELD,NOTTs:4 TEENS:DOMED UFO/LITES/EDGES:TOO LO+LRG+COLORFUL for AIRCRFT", **LatLong:** "53.150003 -1.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:09:00 N 01:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.150003,-1.200000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49008 (4B19B7FE)
**Date:** 8/5/1992
**Location:** Canada, Elk County, PA.
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three men were camping near the entrance of the State Game Lands when they heard a series of strange noises in the night. They then shone the torchlight in the direction of the vocalizations and saw the legs of a furry bipedal creature, covered in 6 inches of shiny black fur. One of the witnesses took out his camera to try and take a picture, but the flash apparently scared the creature, which ran off towards the river, "crying". It then seemed like there was a "response" from a second creature coming to meet the first. The witnesses did not see the second creature, but deduced its presence from what seemed to them to be a duet of vocalizations. The sound was loud, extended, and high-pitched. As soon as the witnesses saw the "legs" they climbed up into their truck and saw the huge creature facing them. They stayed there for another hour after the creature's disappearance.
**Reference:** NABIN, Mark Francis
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3468
### Event 49009 (C9430D15)
**Date:** 8/5/1992
**Time:** 13:50
**Description:** United Airlines (UAL) crew. 50' fuselage going quickly [to] under 747. Extremely fast. / r226#11p27+/ r214p108.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16126
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "660", **HatchDesc:** "50mi NE/GEORGE AFB,CA:UAL CREW:50'FUSLG>>UNDER 747:XFAST:/r226#11p27+/r214p108", **LatLong:** "35.133335 -117.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "35:08:00 N 117:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.133335,-117.000006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49010 (ACB50ECE)
**Date:** 8/5/1992
**Location:** George AFB [now Southern California Logistics Airport], Victorville, California
**Description:** 1:45 p.m. Pilots of United Airlines Flight 934 are flying at 23,000 feet some 50 miles northeast of George AFB \[now Southern California Logistics Airport\], Victorville, California, when an unusual aircraft comes directly toward them and passes underneath at an estimated distance of 500–1,000 feet. It resembles the forward fuselage of a Lockheed S-71, without wings but with a sort of tail. The size is about 50 feet long and its speed is supersonic.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Aviation Week and Space Technology, August 24, 1992; Clas Svahn and Anders Liljegren, “Close Encounters with Unknown Missiles,” IUR 19, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1994\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7016
### Event 49011 (9631AF6F)
**Date:** 8/5/1992
**Description:** At 1:45 p.m. a United Airlines Boeing 747 crew flying 50 miles northeast of George AFB in San Bernardino County, California sighted a 50 foot-long object looking like the fuselage of a Lockheed SR-71.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 47, citing Jan Aldrich
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4705
### Event 49012 (5FACF019)
**Date:** 8/6/1992
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** MIDDLETOWN, NJ
**Description:** Firemen and many. UFO's all over northern NJ. Power failure. Type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 282)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16127
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "MIDDLETOWN,NJ:FIREMEN+MANY:UFOS ALL OVR NORTHERN NJ:POWER FAILURE:TYPE UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.383335 -74.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:23:00 N 74:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.383335,-74.116670)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49013 (03FEFC99)
**Date:** 8/6/1992
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** GOSHEN, NY
**Description:** Also entire area. Massive wave seen / thousands. Videos. Photographs. Clocks stop. 2+UFO's.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 282)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16128
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "161", **HatchDesc:** "GOSHEN,NY:+ENTIRE AREA:MASSIVE WAVE SEEN/1000s:VIDEOS:FOTOS:CLOCKS STOP:2+UFOS", **LatLong:** "41.400002 -74.322226", **LatLongDMS:** "41:24:00 N 74:19:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.400002,-74.322226)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49014 (D7FF4261)
**Date:** 8/6/1992
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 2M yellow fireball over hunters / 30 minute(s). Exact same days later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16129
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "W/CAMPO REDONDO,RGN,BRZ:2M YLW FBL OVR HUNTERS/30min:exact same days later", **LatLong:** "-6.233334 -36.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "06:14:00 S 36:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.233334,-36.300002)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49015 (86796120)
**Date:** 8/8/1992
**Time:** ~09:00
**Description:** 4 / car. Sudden mist. Missing time. Pain and marks. Oz-factor? busy road empty.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN CONTACTS & ABDUCTIONS; Sterling Publ., NY 1993. (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16130
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "HOCKLIFFE,BEDFORDs:4/CAR:SUDDEN MIST:MST:PAIN+MARKS:OZ-FACTOR? BUSY ROAD EMPTY", **LatLong:** "51.933336 -0.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:56:00 N 00:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.933336,-0.583333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 49016 (313CE138)
**Date:** 8/8/1992
**Time:** 18:50
**Description:** 4 campers. Dull metallic sphere. Fuzzy edges like air disturbed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 276)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16131
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "S/TOM PRICE,W.AUSTR:4 CAMPERS:DULL MTLC SPHERE:FUZZY EDGES LIKE AIR DISTURBED", **LatLong:** "-24.305557 117.850006", **LatLongDMS:** "24:18:20 S 117:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.305557,117.850006)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49017 (A2D4E955)
**Date:** 8/8/1992
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 2 prospectors. 1/2-moon UFO / 30M altitude. Hovers then shoots going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 276)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16132
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ENE/NULLAGENE,W.AUS:2 PROSPECTORS:1/2-MOON UFO/30M alt:HOVERS THEN SHOOTS ↑", **LatLong:** "-21.866668 120.488895", **LatLongDMS:** "21:52:00 S 120:29:20 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.866668,120.488895)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49018 (048E7946)
**Date:** 8/8/1992
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** 9 campers. Crescent UFO follows hill contours. Straightens. Goes going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 276)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16133
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SUNDAY ISL,W.AUSTR:9 CAMPERS:CRESC UFO FOLOS HILL CONTOURS:STRAIGHTENS:GOES ↑", **LatLong:** "-15.833334 122.750006", **LatLongDMS:** "15:50:00 S 122:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.833334,122.750006)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49019 (44C77A4A)
**Date:** 8/8/1992
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** Pearl farmers. Crescent-UFO 200' overhead. Points trail. Misty. Droning.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 276)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16134
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/BROOME,W.AUSTR:PEARL FARMERS:CRESC-UFO 200' OVHD:POINTS TRAIL:MISTY:DRONING", **LatLong:** "-17.683334 122.261117", **LatLongDMS:** "17:41:00 S 122:15:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.683334,122.261117)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49020 (E8140932)
**Date:** 8/8/1992 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** CASTELLON, FR
**Description:** Camper. Silent white-glowing crescent curves going east. Sudden 90° turn up. Then going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16135
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CASTELLON,FR:CAMPER:SLNT WHT-GLO CRESCENT CURVES >E:SUDDEN 90°TURN UP:THEN >E", **LatLong:** "43.850002 6.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:51:00 N 06:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.850002,6.533334)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes de Haute Provence", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49021 (F6E9037C)
**Date:** 8/10/1992
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the Franco-American satellite Topex-Poséidon \(ocean study\). (August 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1992.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3193
### Event 49022 (5CC44382)
**Date:** 8/10/1992
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Death of [Villa Boas](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/VillaBoasAntonio.html). Rumors then indicate that he had gone to the United States in the early 1960s after being invited to study the remains of a flying saucer held by the military. The Brazilian Society for the Study of Flying Saucers produces the invitation letter. Villa Boas' son confirms that his father had indeed gone to the United States at that time, but that he had always refused to tell his family what he had done there.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1992.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3194
### Event 49023 (24C18311)
**Date:** 8/10/1992
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [MIT](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MIT.html) is hosting a conference on the topic of alien abductions.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1992.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3195
### Event 49024 (BE6A2121)
**Date:** 8/10/1992
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** LANSING, MI
**Description:** 2+4 kids. Black 30' saucer west 2 orbs on top over parking Lot. CB Radio malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16136
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "249", **HatchDesc:** "LANSING,MI:2+4 KIDS:BLK 30'SCR W 2 ORBS ON TOP ovr PARKING LOT:CB RADIO EMES", **LatLong:** "42.705558 -84.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:42:20 N 84:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.705558,-84.533337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49025 (279BB46D)
**Date:** 8/10/1992
**Description:** At 8:26 p.m. in Lansing, Michigan six observers, including the main witness who was a 25-year-old woman, sighted a black 30 foot in diameter disc-shaped object, with two orbs on top, looking something like a Mickey Mouse cap, over a parking lot. There was also CB radio interference experienced. The sighting lasted 18 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Rex Schrader, MUFON Field Investigation case files, case 930823C; Jerold R. Johnson, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1993, p. 16 and March 1994, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4839
### Event 49026 (98F73DC7)
**Date:** 8/11/1992
**Description:** Perseid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_474
### Event 49027 (93739361)
**Date:** 8/11/1992
**Description:** A large bright sphere hovered over a construction site next to a house in Dedestapolsanyban, Hungary on this night. It had numerous portholes and a beam of light came from a circular opening in the lower half of the object. Beings with featureless heads, long thin arms, and wearing robes were seen collecting samples from the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992 web page, case 2178, citing Kriston Endre, Hungary UFO, August 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4904
### Event 49028 (CD2E9345)
**Date:** 8/11/1992
**Description:** On the same night as the Hungarian sighting, at 10 p.m., a 15-foot diameter sphere was seen hovering only a few feet above the ground in Cass County, Missouri.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalogue of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 1659
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4905
### Event 49029 (05887EBC)
**Date:** 8/13/1992
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** Many observer(s). Green flying wing leaves (something behind) trail / sky. Same / 1991.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16137
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Algeria", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SIDI AICH=TINEBDAR,ALGERIA:MANY OBS:GRN FLYING WING LVS TRAIL/SKY:same/1991", **LatLong:** "36.583335 4.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "36:35:00 N 04:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.583335,4.733334)", **State/Prov:** "KBY", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49030 (B9E15596)
**Date:** 8/13/1992
**Description:** On this morning at around 9 a.m. a woman was sitting at her dining room table in Salem, Oregon facing the living room with the kitchen to her left, when she caught sight of something outside her kitchen window. It was a short hairless greenish-gray figure that walked quickly into her kitchen. It stopped and stood briefly by a kitchen storage cabinet. She attempted to communicate with the creature telepathically, but it suddenly vanished. The figure had an elongated head and what appeared to be large "eyelids" drawn over the eyes. Her dog did not seem to react to the intruder. Twenty minutes later when she sat down again at the dining room table a greenish three-fingered hand touched her wrist quickly from behind her. The touch was very painful, almost like an "electric shock", and then the alien hand vanished. Two days later the witness noticed a round red mark on her wrist.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1992, case # 1355, citing Linda Moulton Howe, Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume I
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4987
### Event 49031 (AE9DE8EB)
**Date:** 8/14/1992
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** HOMER CITY, PA
**Description:** Several separate motorists / US22. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft / 150' altitude over cars. Fuses Blown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 296)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16138
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "329", **HatchDesc:** "HOMER CITY,PA:SVRL SEP MOTORISTS/US22:LRG DLT/150'alt OVR CARS:FUSES BLOWN", **LatLong:** "40.544446 -79.161115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:32:40 N 79:09:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.544446,-79.161115)", **RelAlt:** "50", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49032 (B612D0F1)
**Date:** 8/14/1992
**Location:** Homer City, PA
**Description:** Triangular silvery object passed over car, blue flashing body lights; made sharp turns, moved out of sight (section IX). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5831
### Event 49033 (BEEB6139)
**Date:** 8/14/1992
**Location:** Homer City PA
**Description:** Triangular silvery object passed over car, blue flashing body lights. Made sharp turns, moved out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_475
### Event 49034 (089CA8A8)
**Date:** 8/14/1992
**Description:** While driving home on a clear night at around 10:15 p.m. on US Highway 22 in Homer City, near Blairsville, Pennsylvania several separate motorists saw lights flashing neaby in the sky. Next, a large silent silvery triangular object flew over the road at an altitude of only 150 feet above the cars. Fuses were blown on the car clock/radio of the main reporting witnesses' car, occupied by two 35-year-old women. The craft was described as sixty feet wide with a silvery beamed understructure. The entire close encounter event lasted more than 15 minutes. The craft made several sharp turns, and then shot out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON CD-ROM Database of Field Investigations, case # 921101E, field investigator Keith Bastianini; Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1992, p. 18; Jeff Himler, in Timothy Good (editor), Alien Update, p. 279; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5017
### Event 49035 (38FFBAE7)
**Date:** 8/15/1992
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** SALEM, OR
**Description:** 1 observer. Large black silent delta/triangle/box-like craft rotates slowly over trees. Branches move. / r147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 296)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16139
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "155", **Elev:** "47", **HatchDesc:** "SALEM,OR:1 OBS:LRG BLK SLNT DLT ROTATES SLOWLY OVR TREES:BRANCHES MOVE:/r147", **LatLong:** "44.933335 -123.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "44:56:00 N 123:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.933335,-123.033339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49036 (20245AD2)
**Date:** 8/15/1992
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** NEAR ELKLAND, MO
**Description:** 2 / car. Disk / light. Eerie beams going down / car / 2 minute(s). Flies under power lines going quickly [to] fog.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACTAEON ADVISOR (qtrly) Actaeon Group; PO.Box 515123, St. Louis, MO 63151-1290 314/994-1290. (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16140
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "407", **HatchDesc:** "nr ELKLAND,MO:2/CAR:DISK/LITE:EERIE BEAMS↓/CAR/2min:FLIES UNDER PWR LINES>>FOG", **LatLong:** "37.450002 -93.033338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:27:00 N 93:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.450002,-93.033338)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49037 (03B04B4A)
**Date:** 8/15/1992
**Description:** In Marshfield, Missouri a boomerang-shaped object was seen by two witnesses at 5:30 a.m. As the lights on the object passed over them, five vertical beams of light shot down, illuminating the vehicle and its interior with brilliant white light. The car's engine sputtered.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case # 1381
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5055
### Event 49038 (6CD80664)
**Date:** 8/15/1992
**Description:** In Salem, Oregon a large black, silent triangular shaped object, one and a half times the size of a house, was seen overhead by a 23-year-old man while in his car at 12:07 a.m. It rotated on its axis slowly over some trees, causing the branches to move. It moved off to the east-southeast making a slight humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Skip Schultz, MUFON Field Investigations CD-Rom case files database, case # 921508W; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1992, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5056
### Event 49039 (3441E1C6)
**Date:** 8/17/1992
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Saucer drops silver curtain. 2 abduction / car. Small humanoids (or Greys) / 3 fingers and cold skin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16141
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "360", **HatchDesc:** "HARPERRIG RSVR,SCOTL:SCR DROPS SLVR CURTAIN:2 ABD/CAR:OIDS/3 FINGERS+COLD SKIN", **LatLong:** "55.505558 -3.455556", **LatLongDMS:** "55:30:20 N 03:27:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.505558,-3.455556)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 49040 (F2922D10)
**Date:** 8/19/1992
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** Silent flat-black 30' manta swoops. Beams light going down / farmhouse etc. / r41p238.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 296)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16142
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "719", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON,AZ:SLNT FLAT-BLK 30'MANTA SWOOPS:BEAMS LITE↓/FARMHOUSE etc:/r41p238", **LatLong:** "32.250002 -110.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:15:00 N 110:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.250002,-110.916672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49041 (4286CD93)
**Date:** 8/19/1992
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** SCANDIA, MN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 200' flaming object. Flames extinguish. Goes behind trees. Very fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16143
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "263", **HatchDesc:** "SCANDIA,MN:2 OBS:200'FLAMING OBJ:FLAMES EXTINGUISH:GOES BHND TREES:VFAST", **LatLong:** "45.266669 -92.816671", **LatLongDMS:** "45:16:00 N 92:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.266669,-92.816671)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49042 (4E360B7F)
**Date:** 8/19/1992
**Location:** Tucson, AZ
**Description:** Manta ray-shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain (section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5832
### Event 49043 (3B5EE2D2)
**Date:** 8/19/1992
**Location:** Tucson, AZ
**Description:** Manta ray—shaped object with body lights approached car, falling leaf motions, hovered, light beam brightly illuminated terrain
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_476
### Event 49044 (34110BEB)
**Date:** 8/19/1992
**Location:** Tucson, Arizona
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. A witness is driving near Tucson, Arizona, when he notices a strange light in the distance. As it approaches from the northeast, it descends rapidly, moves across a field, and hovers. A cone of light emerges from the bottom that completely bathes the area, illuminating the ground. At this point the witness is about 600– 900 feet away and is able to see that it is a solid object that looks like a manta ray with a dull-black matte finish. He pulls over and can hear no sound coming from it. The object moves directly overhead, and the witness gets back in the car and speeds away. He sees the object again as it stops 15 feet above a nearby farmhouse. Again a bright light comes from its base, engulfing the entire house for 20 seconds. It moves away and illuminates a large area of trees behind the house.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Current Cases,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1992/12/December%201992.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 296 \(December 1992\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7017
### Event 49045 (55DFB42F)
**Date:** 8/20/1992
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** PITTSFORD, NY
**Description:** Several observer(s). "Stack / dishes" rotates and tumbles. Streaks / light dart about.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16144
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "76", **Elev:** "164", **HatchDesc:** "PITTSFORD,NY:SVRL OBS:"STACK/DISHES" ROTATES+TUMBLES:STREAKS/LITE DART ABOUT", **LatLong:** "43.100002 -77.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:06:00 N 77:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.100002,-77.500004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49046 (0495DFA8)
**Date:** 8/20/1992
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** KEREMMA, FR
**Description:** 3 / beach. 3 red lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation going south / very low altitude. Also white triangle and night lights later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16145
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "KEREMMA,FR:3/BEACH:3 RED LITES/DLT FORMn >S/VLO ALT:+WHT TRIANGLE+NLTS LATER", **LatLong:** "48.633336 -4.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:38:00 N 04:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.633336,-4.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Finistère", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49047 (27D598BA)
**Date:** 8/20/1992
**Description:** A sequence of multi-witness sightings occurred in Pittsford, Monroe County, New York that lasted for an hour and a half, beginning at 10:00 p.m. The first sighting was of a band of arcade-like rolling front lights and three distinctly large lights, with small red lights at the center rear. The object was estimated to be at 1,200 feet altitude, larger than a Boeing-747, and moving slowly at about 60 mph. Several witnesses called MUFON field investigator George Hoenig, who took photographs of a "stack of dishes" rotating and tumbling, with streaks of light darting about. Two women had a close encounter with two boomerang-shaped objects with a fat center. The objects stayed the same distance apart and had ten lights each. At first they moved at a steady, slow pace, but then they accelerated as they went over. They made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, December 1992, p. 18 and January 1993, p. 16; George K. Hoenig, MUFON case files CD-ROM, cases 921103EA, 921103EC, 921103EE, and 921103EF
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5196
### Event 49048 (C4DC2F53)
**Date:** 8/22/1992
**Description:** A witness in Greenwood, Indiana reported one hour of missing time after witnessing several lights in the sky at 10:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, citing Francis L. Ridge
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5241
### Event 49049 (5041E0B6)
**Date:** 8/24/1992
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** CAPAO DA CANOA, BRZ
**Description:** Unidentified object slowly northeast going quickly south. Seems to search ocean for something.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16146
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "CAPAO da CANOA,BRZ:UID OBJ SLOWLY NE>>S:SEEMS TO SEARCH OCEAN FOR SOMETHING", **LatLong:** "-29.750001 -49.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "29:45:00 S 49:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.750001,-49.750002)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49050 (E0AD28AF)
**Date:** 8/25/1992
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** LOUHANS, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). White triangle with balls and night lights goes over rooftops. Going quickly southwest. Trails flame.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16147
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "13", **HatchDesc:** "LOUHANS,FR:3 OBS:WHT TRIANGLE W/BALLS+NLTS GOES OVR ROOFTOPS:>>SW:TRAILS FLAME", **LatLong:** "46.633336 5.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:38:00 N 05:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.633336,5.233334)", **State/Prov:** "Saône-et-Loire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49051 (E280E4E0)
**Date:** 8/25/1992
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** DURANT, OK
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Blue and white and yellow cone object with beams going down. Maneuvers and jerks and swings about. / r147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16148
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "DURANT,OK:4 OBS:BLU+WHT+YLW CONE OBJ W/BEAMS↓:MNVRS+JERKS+SWINGS ABOUT:/r147", **LatLong:** "34.000002 -96.383338", **LatLongDMS:** "34:00:00 N 96:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.000002,-96.383338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49052 (4E3B8114)
**Date:** 8/25/1992
**Description:** Beginning at 9:51 p.m. a group of four witnesses in Durant, Oklahoma watched a cone-shaped UFO with light beams that swung in the sky in a pendulum motion. The UFO was blue on top, yellow in the middle, and white on the bottom. The first witness, age 65, saw the light outside through a window through some trees. "It moved fast from one position to another." The first witness called the others to come out, who viewed it for about 30 minutes until they got tired of watching.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dennis W. Stacy, MUFON UFO Journal, September 1993, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5339
### Event 49053 (F0E42B1B)
**Date:** 8/28/1992 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** GOIZE, FR
**Description:** 3 / car. Very large fast grey box with blinking light / top going quickly NNE. Sinuous trajectory.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 332)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16149
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GOIZE,FR:3/CAR:VERY LRG FAST GREY BOX W/BLINKING LITE/TOP >>NNE:SINUOUS TRAJ", **LatLong:** "46.350002 -0.244444", **LatLongDMS:** "46:21:00 N 00:14:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.350002,-0.244444)", **State/Prov:** "Deux-Sèvres", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49054 (37709D7D)
**Date:** 8/28/1992
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. a very large, fast gray box with a blinking light on top, flew to the north-northeast from Goize, Deux-Sevres, France on a sinuous flight trajectory. There were three witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 332
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5442
### Event 49055 (D6E67FAA)
**Date:** 8/29/1992
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** MT. SEYMOUR, BC
**Description:** 3 cylinders. Alarms and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Cop can't wake wife. Baby reacts. Dog sick.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16150
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "920", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.SEYMOUR,BC:3 CYLS:ALARMS+LITES EME:COP CANT WAKE WIFE:BABY REACTS:DOG SICK", **LatLong:** "49.300002 -122.950006", **LatLongDMS:** "49:18:00 N 122:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.300002,-122.950006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 49056 (B0DC752B)
**Date:** 8/29/1992
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** SANTIAGO, RS, BRZ
**Description:** 1 observer. 30cm red sphere curves east going quickly west / 10kph. 15M altitude. 40M away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BREIER, Rogerio Port: CAUSISTICA UFOLOGICA de 1992. Catalog. UBPVD Group, Gravatai, RS, Brazil 1993 (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16151
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "399", **HatchDesc:** "SANTIAGO,RS,BRZ:1 OBS:30cm RED SPHERE CURVES E>>W/10kph:15M alt:40M AWAY:", **LatLong:** "-29.183335 -54.900003", **LatLongDMS:** "29:11:00 S 54:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.183335,-54.900003)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49057 (CA1B243C)
**Date:** 8/29/1992
**Description:** Three cylinders were seen in the sky at close range after a home burglar alarm system and lights were effected at 2:30 a.m. in Mount Seymour, British Columbia. The policeman witness was unable to wake his wife, but their baby reacted to the close encounter, and their dog became sick. The incident lasted 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lorne Goldfader, Alien Update, p. 280; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 318
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5476
### Event 49058 (77E2F18D)
**Date:** 8/30/1992
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** 3 separate observer(s). Ovoid paces cars. Lots / lights. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ALIEN UPDATE. [Haines personal library] (Index 278)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16152
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CHELMSFORD>
Later, under hypnotic regression, the first investigator was able to recall that the UFO stopped and hovered over their vehicle. He was then floated up through the bottom of the object and inside was met by a being that seemed to emerge through the brightly lit interior wall of the craft. The humanoid being was gray in color and about six feet tall. Its eyes were slanted and it had what appeared to be black plastic shields over them. Its head was egg-shaped. He wore a two-tone gray suit, with a lighter V in the front and a black belt with a black tube on his right side. He also sported a triangular emblem enclosing a helical coil on the suit's left breast. The being had long arms that ended in four long fingers. He communicated with the witness, then took him gently by the arm and escorted him inside a brightly illuminated dome-shaped room. The witness remembers seeing the second investigator lying on the floor, as if frozen, and apparently being guarded by a short Grey humanoid. He was then placed on a metal table that tilted 30 degrees to face a curved wall filled with a row of video screens. The being said that this process was a mind-sharing procedure that would allow the witness to learn new things. After what seemed like five minutes he was returned to an exit and floated down to the ground, about 20 feet below.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 1343, citing William F. Hamilton, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 304
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1532
### Event 49368 (E8010EAF)
**Date:** 3/17/1993
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** NEAR GARLAND, WV
**Description:** Flash. Huge night lights / mountains. Video = metallic objects changing shape. Blow smoke!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16328
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "14", **Elev:** "330", **HatchDesc:** "nr GARLAND,WV:FLASH:HUGE NLTS/MTNs:VIDEO=MTLC OBJS CHANGING SHAPE:BLOW SMOKE!", **LatLong:** "37.383335 -81.783337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 N 81:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.383335,-81.783337)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49369 (862D57D1)
**Date:** 3/17/1993
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** SANDUSKY, MICH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 150m domed saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with windows spins. Others see night lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16329
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "236", **HatchDesc:** "SANDUSKY,MICH:2 OBS:150m DOMED SCR-CGR W/WINDOWS SPINS:OTHERS SEE NLTS", **LatLong:** "43.422224 -82.827782", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:20 N 82:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.422224,-82.827782)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49370 (30D359EF)
**Date:** 3/18/1993
**Location:** WEST SALEM, WI
**Description:** Saucer seen. Similar to La cross, Wi object / 15 Mar. '93. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16330
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "226", **HatchDesc:** "W.SALEM,WI:SCR SEEN:SIMILAR TO La CROSS,WI OBJ/15MAR93:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.916669 -91.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "43:55:00 N 91:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.916669,-91.083338)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49371 (B947B54D)
**Date:** 3/19/1993
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** NEAR GUANICA, PR
**Description:** 3 kids. Huge saucer hovers over water-tank / state forest. Silent. Lights area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: [Ecuador JUN96 = Fall'96 issue via Internet #70.]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16331
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "nr GUANICA,PR:3 KIDS:HUGE SCR HVRS OVR WATER-TANK/STATE FOREST:SLNT:LITES AREA", **LatLong:** "18.000001 -66.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "18:00:00 N 66:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.000001,-66.916670)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49372 (38965BC6)
**Date:** 3/19/1993
**Description:** In 1993 a huge flying saucer loomed over a water tank in the state forest near Guanica, Puerto Rico at 9:40 p.m. It was silent and lit up the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U database, case 15994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1578
### Event 49373 (990E45D7)
**Date:** 3/20/1993
**Location:** Israel, Kadema (Sharon)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 6 in the morning Carmel Zsiporet was awoken by "something". She went outside and saw a UFO on the ground 50 m away from her. The UFO had the shape of an orange container and was silver in color. On its perimeter there were 18 lit square windows. Five vertical beams of light were coming from the object towards the sky. Suddenly, as if materialized, a second object appeared, identical in shape and size. Their size was 5 x 6 m. Next to the first UFO, Zsiporet saw an entity of about 2 to 2.50 m tall, covered in an overall of metallic-looking aluminum color. It wore a kind of short "beekeeper's cape" and its features were not visible. A conversation, apparently telepathic, started and to Zsiporet's question "why don't you take that thing off your face", the entity's answer in Hebrew was "Kakha zeh" = "This is the way". Zsiporet felt compelled to go back inside the house and when she came out the objects and the entity had disappeared.
**Reference:** actually, this is an excerpt from "The Return of the Angels - UFOs in Israel, Past and Present, by Barry Chamish
**Reference:** UFO Afrinews, July 1996, n° 14 p. 22, 23
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3477
### Event 49374 (BED54FC0)
**Date:** 3/20/1993
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** KADIMA, ISRL
**Description:** Brilliant 4M metallic tank lands. Pure silicon found. 2.5M figure(s) to JUN'93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Von LUDVIGER, Illobrand ed. UFO's-SEUGEN UND ZEICHEN. Berlin 1995 edition q-Verlags GmbH ISBN 3-86124-300-8. (Index 376)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16332
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Israel", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KADIMA,ISRL:BRILL.4M MTLC TANK LANDS:PURE SILICON FOUND:2.5M FIGs to JUN'93", **LatLong:** "32.266668 34.916668", **LatLongDMS:** "32:16:00 N 34:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.266668,34.916668)", **State/Prov:** "TVV", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49375 (C1383EDA)
**Date:** 3/20/1993
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** FORTALEZA, BRZ
**Description:** Astronomers and thousands. 250M object hovers / 4km / 6 hours. Stars move. Object stays!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16333
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "104", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FORTALEZA,BRZ:ASTRONOMERS+1000s:250M OBJ HVRS/4km/6hrs:STARS MOVE:OBJ STAYS!", **LatLong:** "-3.716667 -38.533335", **LatLongDMS:** "03:43:00 S 38:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.716667,-38.533335)", **RelAlt:** "4000", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49376 (7F409490)
**Date:** 3/20/1993
**Description:** Ziporet Carmel woke up earlier than usual and went to her kitchen in Kadima, Israel at 6:30 a.m. When she got there she noticed the room was bathed in a strange light. She went to check the grounds and when she walked around a storage shed she noticed what looked like a large fruit silo in a nearby field. As she took a closer look she noticed that the silver silo-like object was square in shape. It had 18 square glowing windows along its side. Five huge beams of powerful light shone from the top into the sky. Then, what appeared to be a second storey to the object materialized, doubling its size. A seven-foot tall man figure appeared near the object. Dogs in the area reacted with furious barking upon catching sight of the figure. The being wore a metallic coverall and sombrero-shaped headgear with a veil that completely covered the face. The witness and the entity stared at each other for about 30 seconds. Ms. Ziporet then quietly whispered "Why don't you take off your hat so I can see your face." She then heard a clear voice inside her head that spoke in Hebrew, telling her, "That's how things were." The witness then felt strangely compelled to go back to her kitchen. Later during a search of the field numerous ground traces were found, including an unknown smelly substance that made people nauseous.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 2003, citing Barry Chamish, UFO Universe, Spring 1995
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1591
### Event 49377 (23E552DC)
**Date:** 3/20/1993
**Description:** At five o'clock in the morning Mr. Julio Chagala was sleeping in his home in Catemaco, Mexico when he was suddenly awakened by a bright blue light that entered his room through a window. Everything seemed to become very still and his surroundings were enveloped in that strange blue light. Looking out a window he saw a gold colored disc-shaped object, about 15 meters in diameter, land on a nearby field. The craft was totally silent when it came down. A hatch opened and several very large figures exited. They were about 2.5 meters in height but human in proportions, and they wore tight-fitting silvery diver's suits. They had long arms, pale complexions, large blue slanted eyes, and long golden-blond hair.
Mr. Chagala had by this time walked outside and approached the craft. The visitors saluted him with gloved hands, waving and then gesturing for him to enter the craft. Once inside he noticed that the humanoids had long pointed ears. He also saw numerous consoles and what appeared to be comfortable seats, he also saw a metallic table with several different instruments. One of the humanoids showed him a screen where he saw scenes of war, destruction, and ecological collapse. The craft had taken off and soon landed in an strange beautiful city, filled with humans of all ages. A large golden sun illuminated the city. He was taken to a crystalline waterfall that was surrounded by lovely colored stones. There the humanoids explained to Mr. Chagala that his destiny was to heal and care for his fellow man. He was also told that the aliens had several bases in the area, including one at the Ixtamalapan Lagoon. Chagala was warned of a different kind of humanoid that also visited the Earth, and these were the ones responsible for the reported animal mutilations. His hosts described them as the short, large-headed humanoids with huge black eyes, four fingered hands and protruding stomachs. They typically wore tight-fitting maroon outfits and traveled in small flying craft with ball-shaped landing gear. Mr. Chagala was eventually returned home. He experienced a drastic weight loss after the incident but recovered. Other local residents reported low-flying lights over the area about same time as his encounter. Currently Mr. Chagala is a known healer that uses natural herbs and remedies.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Grupo Cassiopeia Mexico
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1592
### Event 49378 (51DB34DB)
**Date:** 3/23/1993
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** WORDEN POND, RI
**Description:** Night light rises through overcast. Military jets and helicopter follow. Jets make 2nd pass.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16334
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "WORDEN POND,RI:NLT RISES THRU OVERCAST:MIL JETS+COPTER FOLO:JETS MAKE 2nd PASS", **LatLong:** "41.438891 -71.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:26:20 N 71:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.438891,-71.566670)", **State/Prov:** "Rhode Island", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49379 (21505D55)
**Date:** 3/24/1993
**Time:** ~00:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3 delta/triangle/box-like crafts or domed saucers bob going up and down / mountains. Spotlights search going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 311)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16335
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "14", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "CAVE CREEK RSVR,AZ:2 OBS:3 DLTS or DOMED SCRS BOB ↑+↓/MTNS:SPOTLITES SEARCH ↓", **LatLong:** "33.727779 -112.044450", **LatLongDMS:** "33:43:40 N 112:02:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.727779,-112.044450)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49380 (28B494E3)
**Date:** 3/24/1993
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** RONNE, BORNHOLM, DK
**Description:** Cop. Silent 50cm fireball zips all over/all about silo. Going quickly southwest. Going quickly north. Also back. Away going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16336
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "RONNE,BORNHOLM,DK:COP:SLNT 50cm FBL ZIPS ALLO SILO:>> SW:>> N:+BACK:AWAY >>S", **LatLong:** "55.105558 14.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:06:20 N 14:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.105558,14.733334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49381 (141532FA)
**Date:** 3/24/1993
**Time:** 13:30
**Description:** Crown-saucer passes 2X. Caught / 8mm video 25 March / 1330h. Thousands / mph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 308)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16337
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA BEACH,FL:CROWN-SCR PASSES 2X::CAUGHT/8mm VIDEO 25MAR/1330h:1000S/mph", **LatLong:** "30.305557 -87.161115", **LatLongDMS:** "30:18:20 N 87:09:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.305557,-87.161115)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49382 (537CCCE9)
**Date:** 3/26/1993 (approximate)
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** NEAR MAUBEUGE, FR
**Description:** Dull sound. Girl / 12 photographs Saturn saucer going NNE slow. Negatives lost.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16338
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr MAUBEUGE,FR:DULL SOUND:GIRL/12 FOTOS SATURN SCR >NNE SLOW:negatives lost", **LatLong:** "50.272225 3.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:16:20 N 03:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.272225,3.966667)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49383 (8DF24A03)
**Date:** 3/26/1993
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** ROSLYN ESTATES, LI, NY
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent domed saucer glides 150' over house. Soon jets chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 309)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16339
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "ROSLYN ESTATES,LI,NY:1 OBS:SLNT DOMED SCR GLIDES 150'OVR HOUSE:SOON JETS CHASE", **LatLong:** "40.788891 -73.672226", **LatLongDMS:** "40:47:20 N 73:40:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.788891,-73.672226)", **RelAlt:** "45", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49384 (1CA8D1D5)
**Date:** 3/26/1993
**Description:** A 20-year-old woman was standing on her back porch in Roslyn Estates, Nassau County, New York when a silent, multicolored domed disc "glided over the house" at an estimated 150 feet altitude. She first thought it was a low flying plane, but dismissed that idea because of the shape of the object. The dome on the disc was as tall as the width of the object. The object was covered in bright white flashing lights. Jets soon showed up, apparently to chase the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, MUFON field investigations database, case 930402J; MUFON UFO Journal, February 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1682
### Event 49385 (4EAED985)
**Date:** 3/27/1993
**Time:** 04:10
**Description:** 1 observer. Bullet shaped object trails sparks descending / 45° angle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16340
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHIRUNDU,ZIMBABWE:1 OBS:BULLET SHAPED OBJ TRAILS SPARKS DECENDING/45°ANGLE:", **LatLong:** "-16.033334 28.883335", **LatLongDMS:** "16:02:00 S 28:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.033334,28.883335)", **State/Prov:** "ZIM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49386 (F6AC9AD6)
**Date:** 3/30/1993
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** ST. REMY DU PROVENCE, FR
**Description:** 20M diamond-object lights Lot. Follows 2 / car. Lights on corners.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16341
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "St.REMY du PROVENCE,FR:20M DIAMOND-OBJ LITES LOT:FOLOS 2/CAR:LITES on CORNERS", **LatLong:** "43.783335 4.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:47:00 N 04:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.783335,4.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49387 (66A6217D)
**Date:** 3/30/1993
**Description:** A Dauphin helicopter, flying to the east of Mullingar, Ireland at ten minutes past midnight, encountered an unexplained light in the sky. It flashed on and off for two seconds, then became two white lights that flew from the northwest to the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p 47
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1748
### Event 49388 (2E15AFE2)
**Date:** 3/30/1993
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. at the RAF Shawbury air base in England, a meteorological officer saw a triangular UFO, larger than a Boeing-747, zigzag in the sky at great speed, making a humming sound. It swept the countryside with a powerful beam of light. At the same time in Rugeley, England a family had a close encounter with a UFO that made a humming sound. They thought the object was going to crash, but instead it vanished. At RAF Cosford an aviation expert timed the flight of a UFO seen traveling between Haverfordwest and Pembrokeshire. He calculated its speed at 1100 mph. According to Nick Pope, the UK Air Ministry's representative responsible for tracking UFO reports at the time, zigzagging UFOs were also reported flying over Devonshire, Cornwall, and Somerset Counties at this time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lynn Pickett, Mammoth Book of UFOs, pp. 150-152
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1749
### Event 49389 (67B90028)
**Date:** 3/30/1993
**Description:** Kadima, Israel - At three o'clock in the morning Aviva Carmel felt drawn to leave her bed and go outside. There she witnessed a silver metallic craft land: first the front end touched down, then the rear. She estimated the size and shape of the craft to be similar to an "orange storage tank" or fruit silo, about sixty feet in circumference. She approached the landed craft to investigate and when she got to within twenty feet she saw one of the crew. He was 2.5 meters tall and wore silvery foil coveralls that clung tightly to his body like a second skin. He also wore a helmet with a tinted visor that prevented her from seeing the being's face. Later the following day Carmel ventured back into her backyard and saw the imprint of the craft. It was a circle 22 feet in diameter formed from still living vegetation. Plant life outside the imprint area had died.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Barry Chamish, FSR, Vol. 39 # 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1750
### Event 49390 (66DBD7AB)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Location:** France, Vif (Isère)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 2:20 two gendarmes saw a flying phenomenon with a beam of light at the front. At first they took it for an airplane preparing to make a forced landing. But the phenomenon, which left a luminous trail, suddenly stopped and remained stationary for several seconds. The gendarmes approached in a car and from then on the craft seemed to be elongated with something like rectangular portholes strongly illuminated along a fuselage. At a certain moment there was something like a kind of nebulousness under the craft and when another car arrived, the phenomenon disappeared on the spot. (Lumières dans la Nuit, No. 318 p. 4 + sketch) Around 2 o'clock in the morning, unusual luminous formations were seen by many people over nine French departments: Gironde, Charente, Haute Vienne, Haute Loire, Ardèche, Isère, Rhône, Loire, Esonne. (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - ed. Guy Trédaniel 1995, p. 74) It was the day of the return of Cosmos 2238, but the observations contain parasitic elements.
**Reference:** "Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO", Richard F. Haines - 1994 - p. 51; "Open skies, closed minds", Nike Pope - 1996 - p. 134
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3478
### Event 49391 (9EF38F6A)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Location:** Great Britain, Kerris (Cornwall)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Several witnesses from a farm in Kerris observed in the night, around 1:10, a large triangular object, showing three extended lights in the corners and a central red blinking light, floating "at ease" before gradually disappearing towards the east. (Omar Fowler: "Phenomenon Research Association" - Derby - England) It was the day of the return of Cosmos 2238, but the observations contain parasitic elements.
**Reference:** "Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO", Richard F. Haines - 1994 - p. 51; "Open skies, closed minds", Nike Pope - 1996 - p. 134
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3479
### Event 49392 (1747D7C1)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the middle of the night, last observations of the wave of "flying triangles" in the sky of Great Britain, by police officers on duty or military personnel on duty. The descriptions resemble the Belgian observations: 3 lights moving in perfect formation where, on the occasion of more precise testimonies, an immense triangular UFO illuminated at each of its angles. Many observers frequently report an additional characteristic: a low buzzing seems to emanate from the device.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3207
### Event 49393 (AE5C570A)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Cosford \(Shropshire\) base, an entire guard platoon sees the UFO pass exactly above the base. Quickly, a verification of aircraft movements is requested from the air traffic controllers: no plane, both civil and military, to report in the concerned area.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3208
### Event 49394 (F995D2CA)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The weather officer at another [RAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/RAF.html) base located in Shawbury, just a few kilometers away from Cosford base, having heard that an UFO had been reported above the nearby base, stepped out of the building to see it for himself. To his astonishment, he then saw a triangular shaped craft heading directly towards the base, accompanied by a low humming sound. According to his estimation, the craft was almost the size of a Boeing 747. The craft projected a light beam towards the ground, sweeping the ground from right to left as if it was looking for something. Then the beam went off and the craft continued its route, flying over the base at a low altitude.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3209
### Event 49395 (158413E5)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Fishermen from the West and South of Wales observe above Bridgewater \(Somerset\) a "very large object in the shape of a catamaran" flying in their direction and passing silently over them at a height of about 240 m. They see 2 very bright white lights at the back and 2 orange lights in the middle. (1 h 10-2 h 40)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3210
### Event 49396 (E8FA162A)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) April Observation in Mexico. See images/1993-04.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3211
### Event 49397 (6AF41D6D)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** N20 / PELACOY / FR
**Description:** 2 / car. 2 huge cigars southwest going quickly northeast. Luminous/glowing sparks spiral going down [to] beneath. / r226#15.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16342
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N20/PELACOY/FR:2/CAR:2 HUGE CGRS SW>>NE:LUMN SPARKS SPIRAL ↓ BENEATH:/r226#15", **LatLong:** "44.555558 1.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:33:20 N 01:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.555558,1.466667)", **State/Prov:** "Lot", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49398 (08CC8E30)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Time:** 02:10
**Description:** 2 separate fire brigades. 3 silent green fireballs / triangle formation going quickly north going quickly SSE.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16343
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NE/ANTRAIGUES,FR:2 SEP.FIRE BRIGADES:3 SLNT GRN FBLS/TRIANGLE FORMn>>N>>SSE", **LatLong:** "44.716669 4.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:43:00 N 04:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.716669,4.366667)", **State/Prov:** "Ardèche", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49399 (F980C267)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Time:** 02:10
**Description:** Air Traffic Controllers and more/others. Cylinder/cigar-shape with 3 green lights northwest going quickly southeast fast. Not on RADAR. No plane.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16344
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SATOLAS Apt,E/LYON,FR:ATCs++:CGR W/3 GRN LITES NW>>SE FAST:NOT ON RDR:NO PLANE", **LatLong:** "45.711113 5.077778", **LatLongDMS:** "45:42:40 N 05:04:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.711113,5.077778)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49400 (AC297AF4)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** REYMURE, FR
**Description:** 2 cops. Silent 50M semi-transparent box with square windows. Going west slow. Lands? No trace.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16345
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "REYMURE,FR:2 COPS:SLNT 50M SEMI-XPRNT BOX W/SQR WINDOWS:>W SLO:LANDS?:no trace", **LatLong:** "45.077780 5.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:04:40 N 05:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.077780,5.700000)", **State/Prov:** "Isère", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49401 (9EC1107F)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** ST. CLAIR-DU-RHONE, FR
**Description:** 2 cops. Silent 45M cylinder/cigar-shape with windows. Hovers. Blue rays. Going quickly southeast / 20M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16346
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St.CLAIR-du-RHONE,FR:2 COPS:SLNT 45M CGR W/WINDOWS:HVRS:BLUE RAYS:>>SE/20M alt", **LatLong:** "45.450002 4.777778", **LatLongDMS:** "45:27:00 N 04:46:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.450002,4.777778)", **State/Prov:** "Isère", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49402 (86B9644B)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** WEST / SOLAIZE, FR
**Description:** 4 cops and more/others. Silent 50M cylinder/cigar-shape / 150M altitude. 3 green lights / bottom. / r239p216.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16347
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "W/SOLAIZE,FR:4 COPS++:SLNT 50M CGR/150M alt:3 GRN LITES/BOTTOM:/r239p216", **LatLong:** "45.633336 4.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:38:00 N 04:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.633336,4.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49403 (49A21215)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Locations:** Devon; Cornwall; South Wales; Shropshire; central Ireland; RAF Cosford; RAF Shawbury
**Description:** 1:10–1:15 a.m. Dozens of people across Devon, Cornwall, South Wales, Shropshire, and central Ireland see triangular UFOs speeding across the sky. An MoD police patrol sees the lights from RAF Cosford in Shropshire, England. The UFO passes over the base “at great velocity ... at an altitude of approximately 1,000 feet.” It looks like two white lights with a faint red glow at the rear, with no engine noise. The RAF police report also contains details on other civilian UFO sightings that they had learned about in the course of making enquiries with other military bases, civil airports, and local police. The police call ahead to alert the meteorological officer at nearby RAF Shawbury that the UFO is coming his way. The officer at Shawbury sees the object moving slowly across the countryside toward the base at a speed of no more than 30–40 mph. He sees the UFO fire a narrow beam of light \(like a laser\) at the ground and watches the light sweeping backwards and forwards across the field beyond the perimeter fence, as if it is looking for something. He hears and feels the vibrations from an unpleasant low- frequency humming sound coming from the craft. He estimates its size as midway between a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft and a Boeing 747. The light beam retracts in an unnatural way, then the object accelerates to the horizon many times faster than a military aircraft. Ministry of Defence UFO Officer [Nick Pope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FPope%5F%28journalist%29) says there are multiple sightings at different times that cannot be attributed to the reentry, concluding on April 16 that “It seems that an unidentified object of unknown origin was operating in the UK Air Defence Region without being detected on radar; this would appear to be of considerable defence significance, and I recommend that we investigate further, within MoD or with the US authorities.” However, [Jenny Randles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny%5FRandles) suspects that the sightings are caused by the Soviet Tsyklon rocket booster 22586U, which launched the Kosmos 2238 radio satellite into orbit the previous day. Pope later comes around to that viewpoint after hearing about sightings at the same time in Ireland and France.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “A New Broom at the Ministry,” IUR 19, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1994\): 18–20; Nick Pope, Open Skies, Closed Minds, Simon & Schuster, 1996, [pp. 134–141](https://archive.org/details/openskiesclosedm0000pope/page/134/mode/2up); Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [p. 146](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/146/mode/2up); David Clarke, “[The](https://drdavidclarke.co.uk/secret-files/the-cosford-incident/) [Cosford Case,](https://drdavidclarke.co.uk/secret-files/the-cosford-incident/)” Fortean Times 199 \(September 2005\): 30–31; Kean, [pp. 165–167](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/164/mode/2up), [251–252](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/258/mode/2up); Good Need, [pp. 384–](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/384/mode/2up) [385](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/384/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/384/mode/2up) [431–432](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/430/mode/2up); UFOFiles2, [pp. 142–143](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n231/mode/2up); Jenny Randles, “Irish Mid-Air Spectacular,” Fortean Times 375 \(January 2019\): 33; Nick Pope, “The Cosford Incident,” 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7041
### Event 49404 (7ABCD6A3)
**Date:** 3/31/1993
**Description:** Kadima, Israel - The neighbor of the UFO witness from the previous night felt her house tremble during the night. When she opened her eyes she saw "a bald giant, 7 to 8 feet tall, with round, yellow eyes and a small flat nose, dressed in gray metallic overalls" standing next to her bed. "Don't be afraid. I will not harm you," she heard in her mind as she saw the being gliding through the room. The next morning, two additional flattened circles were found in the field, eleven and twenty feet in diameter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Michael Hesemann, UFOs: The Secret History
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1776
### Event 49405 (A2C4B884)
**Date:** 4/1993
**Location:** NEAR QUIXABA, BRZ
**Description:** Night light maneuvers / clouds. Beams search for hunters / ground / 10 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16348
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "nr QUIXABA,BRZ:NLT MNVRS/CLOUDS:BEAMS SEARCH FOR HUNTERS/GND/10min:", **LatLong:** "-6.016667 -36.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "06:01:00 S 36:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.016667,-36.133335)", **State/Prov:** "RGN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49406 (09375A26)
**Date:** 4/1993
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** MUIZENBURG, RSA
**Description:** Brilliant ovoid maneuvers / all directions. Shoots beam going down / sea. Going quickly northeast. Odd wading pseudo-human/entity.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16349
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MUIZENBURG,RSA:BRILL.OVOID MNVRS/ALL DIRs:SHOOTS BEAM↓/SEA:>>NE:ODD WADING PSH", **LatLong:** "-34.116668 18.466668", **LatLongDMS:** "34:07:00 S 18:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.116668,18.466668)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49407 (2FEB97D9)
**Date:** 4/1993
**Location:** PLYMOUTH, DEVON
**Description:** Huge catamaran-shaped UFO. 40 report(s) from cops on duty recently..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16363
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "231", **Elev:** "54", **HatchDesc:** "PLYMOUTH,DEVON:HUGE CATAMARAN-SHAPED UFO:40 RPTS FROM COPS ON DUTY RECENTLY..", **LatLong:** "50.416669 -4.183334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:25:00 N 04:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.416669,-4.183334)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49408 (B38AF48E)
**Date:** 4/1993
**Locations:** Mars; Deep Space
**Description:** [Michael D. Swords](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FD.%5FSwords) examines the position of establishment astronomers on the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life in the first six decades of the 20th century, especially regarding Mars, Venus, and deep space. He then speculates on the likely advice received by the USAF intelligence community by astronomical experts in the early days of the UFO phenomenon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Astronomers, the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis, and the United States Air Force at the Beginning of the Modern UFO Phenomenon,” JUFOS 4 \(1992\): 79–129
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7042
### Event 49409 (76FBFA96)
**Date:** 4/1993
**Locations:** Aluche, Spain; San José de Valderas; France; England; Mozambique; Cuba
**Description:** Spanish communications technician [José Luis Jordán Peña](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9%5FLuis%5FJord%C3%A1n%5FPe%C3%B1a) confesses for the first time to hoaxing the Ummo letters as well as the UFO sightings at Aluche, Spain, in 1966 and San José de Valderas in 1967. He says that he used the word “Ummo” because it suggests the Spanish word humo \(smoke\) and randomly chose Wolf 424 as the home star for the imaginary planet. “I wrote the reports on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and I took advantage of my trips to France, England, Mozambique, etc., or those of friends, to send letters from there.” However, other hoaxers begin copying his style, and after he receives an invitation to an Ummo conference in Cuba, he decides to admit the hoax he had started 25 years earlier.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Ummo](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummo)”; Jim Keith, Casebook on the Men in Black, IllumiNet, 1997
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7043
### Event 49410 (51D29DD4)
**Date:** 4/1993
**Location:** Paris, France
**Description:** Didier Gomez begins publishing UFOmania in Paris, France. It continues through April 2015.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [UFOmania](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/UFOmania/UFOmania%20-%20No%2001%20-%201993%2004.pdf), no. 1 \(April 1993\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7044
### Event 49411 (75285C52)
**Date:** 4/1993
**Location:** Buenos Aires, Argentina
**Description:** The Centro de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Aires, Argentina, publishes the first issue of Los Identificados, a journal focusing on Argentine occupant cases. It is edited by Roberto E. Banchs and runs for 15 issues until 1998.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Los Identificados](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Argentina/Los%20Identificados/Los%20Identificados-%20No%2001.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Argentina/Los%20Identificados/Los%20Identificados-%20No%2001.pdf) no. 1 \(April 1993\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7045
### Event 49412 (EBBC36DA)
**Date:** 4/1/1993
**Description:** A silent triangular UFO was seen for 10-15 seconds in Cache Creek, British Columbia on this night. The next morning at Baca Rach, Colorado in Saguache County a dead cow was discovered in the place where orange lights had been spotted hovering the night before. The cows rear end, tongue, and udder had been removed by cutting, and the jaw was bleached white.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, UFO Research Manitoba, 1993 Canadian UFO Survey, case 423; Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 90
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1796
### Event 49413 (E2497828)
**Date:** 4/2/1993
**Time:** 10:20
**Description:** Crown-saucer hovers near house. 1 Polaroid photograph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 308)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16350
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA BEACH,FL:CROWN-SCR HVRS nr HOUSE:1 POLAROID FOTO:", **LatLong:** "30.311113 -87.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:18:40 N 87:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.311113,-87.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49414 (2DB7DA35)
**Date:** 4/4/1993
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** MISCOU ISLAND, NB
**Description:** Night lights low over unstable ice 1 / 2 miles offshore. Silent. Banana-shaped object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16351
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "105", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "MISCOU Isl,NB:NLTS LO OVR UNSTABLE ICE 1/2mi OFFSHORE:SILENT:BANANA-SHAPED OBJ", **LatLong:** "47.966669 -64.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "47:58:00 N 64:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.966669,-64.583336)", **State/Prov:** "New Brunswick", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49415 (45665F2B)
**Date:** 4/5/1993
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** NELSON, NZ
**Description:** 2 cops and 2. Large saucer 200M over port. Whirring sound. Red and white lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16352
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NELSON,NZ:2 COPS+2:LRG SCR 200M OVER PORT:WHIRRING SOUND:RED+WHT LITES:", **LatLong:** "-41.266669 173.283342", **LatLongDMS:** "41:16:00 S 173:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.266669,173.283342)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49416 (E9F1DB15)
**Date:** 4/5/1993
**Description:** A Houston, Texas UFO abductee had gone to a professional hypnotist and was given a post-hypnotic suggestion instructing her to defend herself from alien abductors during any subsequent abduction attempts. On this night she was asleep in her bedroom when she awoke and saw two short Grey humanoids with large black, oval-shaped eyes come in through the wall. As one of the beings approached the bed the witness grabbed what seemed to be a black protective eye shield from the humanoid's eyes. His skin felt rough as she tore the eyepiece off. A moist liquid fell on the witness arm, described as a mucus-like substance. The beings then retreated through the wall and left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 1696, citing Tricia McCannon, International UFO Library Magazine, June-July 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1853
### Event 49417 (C34D782E)
**Date:** 4/6/1993
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Numerous separate observer(s). Night lights flash color(s) and maneuver. Light mountains like day.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: [Ecuador JUN96 = Fall'96 issue via Internet #70.]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16353
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "3135", **HatchDesc:** "HUARAS+HUAYLAS,PERU:NMRS SEP.OBS:NLTS FLASH CLRS+MNVR:LITE MOUNTAINS LIKE DAY", **LatLong:** "-9.533334 -77.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "09:32:00 S 77:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-9.533334,-77.483337)", **State/Prov:** "ANC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49418 (51F408F8)
**Date:** 4/8/1993
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** LEBANON, OH
**Description:** Prison guards and separate reports / police. Silent night light with small lights around it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16354
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "234", **HatchDesc:** "LEBANON,OH:PRISON GUARDS+SEP.REPORTS/POLICE:SLNT NLT W/SMALL LITES AROUND IT", **LatLong:** "39.433335 -84.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:26:00 N 84:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.433335,-84.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49419 (20AE5C90)
**Date:** 4/8/1993
**Time:** 10:40
**Location:** I15 NEAR SLOAN, NV
**Description:** Cop and 4. Cloud / dust / desert. Huge silver saucer rises. / nobody interested.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad: The RAINBOW CONSPIRACY; Pinnacle Books, NY 1994 PB (Index 176)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16355
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "865", **HatchDesc:** "I15 nr SLOAN,NV:COP+4:CLOUD/DUST/DESERT:HUGE SLVR SCR RISES:/nobody interested", **LatLong:** "35.944446 -115.205561", **LatLongDMS:** "35:56:40 N 115:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.944446,-115.205561)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49420 (3E96196E)
**Date:** 4/8/1993
**Description:** Prison guards and police in Lebanon, Ohio sighted a nocturnal flying object with small lights around it at 2:20 a.m. There were four calls to the Ohio Highway Patrol of UFO sightings at around 2:30 a.m. as well.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1908
### Event 49421 (D80F933B)
**Date:** 4/8/1993
**Description:** A cloud of dust was seen in the desert near Interstate 15 in Sloan, Nevada by police at 10:40 a.m. Then a huge silver disc rose from the ground and flew off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 16021
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1909
### Event 49422 (D41CF3B6)
**Date:** 4/10/1993?
**Time:** ~06:00
**Description:** 40 separate observer(s). 500x200' UFO hovers over shopping center. Speeds off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16356
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "TAUNTON,SOMERSET:40 SEP.OBS:500x200' UFO HVRS OVR SHOPPING CTR:SPEEDS OFF:", **LatLong:** "51.033336 -3.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:02:00 N 03:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.033336,-3.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49423 (962B8C54)
**Date:** 4/15/1993
**Description:** Documents from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) show a discussion between CB Scott Jones and Ron Pandolfi on 15 April 1993 which referred to the CIA asking Bruce Maccabee to produce a relevant briefing to the White House Science Advisor.
Notes made by someone inside OSTP state that Kit Green was involved in briefing OSTP while he was with General Motors and OSTP’s belief that Rockefeller and Bigelow’s interest in MJ-12 was irrelevant because “MJ-12 are bogus” and it feeds into paranoia of “new world order” to target Clinton. Presumably the notes are made by Jones. Jones previously served as an aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell from 1985-1991.
* [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4)
>**_Note_**: CB Scott Jones denies direct knowledge of any inside information re: UAP and states if he were speaking publicly it would be for disinformation purposes, but ethically, he couldn’t do that (a lie?). Jones also states he doesn’t have any relevant information on MJ-12 publicly, despite the OSTP documents suggesting otherwise.
>* [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg5](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg5)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_279
### Event 49424 (D37ADB7C)
**Date:** 4/16/1993
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** Vibrant bright 1' glowing ovoid outside window / repeat observer(s) and "psychic".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 296)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16357
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MABLETHORPE,LINCs:VBRITE 1' GLOWING OVOID OUTSIDE WINDOW/REPEAT OBS+"PSYCHIC"", **LatLong:** "53.338891 0.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:20:20 N 00:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.338891,0.233333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49425 (2FFC660B)
**Date:** 4/16/1993
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** BAYPORT, FL
**Description:** Cop. Silent black boomerang paces car. Going quickly [to] WSW / spotlight hit. Ultralites?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 343)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16358
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BAYPORT,FL:COP:SLNT BLK BOOMERANG PACES CAR:>>WSW/SPOTLITE HIT:ultralites?", **LatLong:** "28.544446 -82.644448", **LatLongDMS:** "28:32:40 N 82:38:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.544446,-82.644448)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49426 (D0EEB728)
**Date:** 4/16/1993
**Description:** In Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire, England a witness reported that a one-foot in diameter, glowing ovoid object was just outside the window of the house at 2:30 a.m. It was very bright, and some psychic effects resulted from the close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, March 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2063
### Event 49427 (F9BDD098)
**Date:** 4/16/1993
**Description:** At 9:20 p.m. a deputy sheriff and others observed a 200-300 foot wide flying boomerang or V-shaped UFO in Bayport, Florida. The UFO was pulsing as it hovered, then "hauled ass."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Leonard Sturm, MUFON UFO Journal, November 1996, p. 20; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 80
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2064
### Event 49428 (EE514F45)
**Date:** 4/17/1993
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** 1 / car. White object with lights reverses course over observer(s). No markings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16359
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:1/CAR:WHITE OBJ W/LITES REVERSES COURSE OVR OBS:NO MARKINGS", **LatLong:** "39.816669 -86.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:00 N 86:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.816669,-86.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49429 (8B5F339C)
**Date:** 4/17/1993
**Description:** In Birmingham, England Peter Gregory had gotten out of bed at 2:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom when he noticed a light outside his landing window. He peered out and saw a glowing ball the size of a football. After five seconds it flew silently past the window and out of sight. He fell back into a deep sleep and had a dream or vision. He saw himself in what appeared to be a control room inside an enormous object. He felt motion and heard a humming sound. The room was illuminated with an intense blue light that seemed to pulse with a hypnotic rhythm. He felt an inner state of euphoria. Without warning he suddenly then found himself inside an oval room with a console with lights in the center. On the left of the console was a cubicle about six feet high. Three humanoid figures were standing there and staring at a viewing screen, watching a transmission. The beings did not notice Gregory. He described them as human sized, with piercing deep blue eyes, reddish brown hair, and heads circled by a broad silver band. He moved closer and noticed on a display screen something that read "Year 3600." He felt the message on the screen meant the destruction of human civilization.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 2748, citing Marcus Day, Aliens: Encounters with The Unexplained
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2093
### Event 49430 (CF43921C)
**Date:** 4/17/1993
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. in the suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana a 29-year-old man sighted a white "wishbone" object in the sky at a moderate distance. His sketch shows a V-shape with one long side extending below as if forming a cocked Y. The entire figure glowed white. The distance was estimated to be 600 feet, with an altitude higher than 300 feet. The speed of the object was slow, estimated to be around 30+ mph. There was a bright light on front when last seen. It was in view for about a minute and a half.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** T. David Spencer, MUFON UFO Journal, January 1995, p. 16; MUFON field investigation files, field investigator Will Ott, case # 941210S
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2094
### Event 49431 (5F9888C6)
**Date:** 4/18/1993
**Description:** A UFO hovered in the broad daylight on this afternoon in New Port Ritchie, Florida. It then rose up into the sky until it was gone from view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, case 1511
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2124
### Event 49432 (D6727E18)
**Date:** 4/19/1993
**Description:** At 8:45 p.m. in Black Heath near Salisbury, England a dark charcoal colored cylindrical object was spotted on the ground. The object was 60 feet in length and had four landing legs, two of them appeared to be damaged. Two short, 3.5 foot tall beings with slanted eyes were seen on board. According to the witnesses, a large US Air Force helicopter flew into the area and carried the craft away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case 2356, citing Jonathon Dillon, UFO Magazine (UK), November-December 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2145
### Event 49433 (31932D86)
**Date:** 4/19/1993
**Description:** Brian Canfield was driving his truck along a road in the foothills of Mount Rainier, Washington State, when he suddenly experienced total engine failure and his headlights went out at 9:30 p.m. He next saw a nine foot tall, broad-shouldered winged creature land about 30 feet away from him. The being had a large mouth with sharp teeth, yellow eyes, a wolf-like face and was covered with a dark bluish fur. After a few minutes the creature turned its head, looked at him, and started flapping its wings. The creature then took off towards Mount Rainier. Brian was then able to restart his truck and drive away. A later search of the area failed to locate any physical evidence.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case #1961, citing Strange Magazine, issue # 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2146
### Event 49434 (20A1A2A9)
**Date:** 4/20/1993
**Time:** 18:20
**Description:** 3 teens photograph black silent object scouting decommissioned airfield. Going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16360
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TIRASPOL,MOLDOVA:3 TEENS FOTO BLK SLNT OBJ SCOUTING DECOMMISSIONED AIRFIELD:>W", **LatLong:** "46.866669 29.633335", **LatLongDMS:** "46:52:00 N 29:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.866669,29.633335)", **State/Prov:** "MLD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49435 (1FAD023D)
**Date:** 4/21/1993
**Description:** Odd "flying squid"-saucer. Curved arms and vertical stabilizer! See dwg.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL UFO FLYING SAUCER RESEARCH Inc Colin O.Norris, ed; GPO 2004, Adelaide, S.Australia 5001. (Subterranean reptiles etc.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16361
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BLACK POINT,S.AUSTRL:ODD "FLYING SQUID"-SCR:CURVED ARMS+VRTCL STABLZR!:see dwg", **LatLong:** "-34.616668 137.900007", **LatLongDMS:** "34:37:00 S 137:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.616668,137.900007)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49436 (91B17E02)
**Date:** 4/21/1993
**Description:** Icelandic airline(s)/airliner crew. 2 white blowballs follow liner to Keflavic airport/apartment.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO MAGAZINE (UK). Quest International. P.O. Box 2, Grassington,Skipton,N.Yorks BD23 5UY. Graham Birdsall, ed. bimonthly.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16362
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off N.SCOTLAND:ICELANDIC AL CREW:2 WHT GLOBALLS FOLO LINER to KEFLAVIC Apt", **LatLong:** "60.000003 -7.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "60:00:00 N 07:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.000003,-7.500000)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49437 (E279564B)
**Date:** 4/23/1993
**Description:** On this day, during a heavy concentration of UFO sighting reports in the State of Fortaleza, Brazil, a man named Jose Ernani claimed to have encountered a being of light during prayer at a local grotto in Vila Peri. He described the being as female, about 19-years old, with finely chiseled features, a pink complexion, a heart shaped mouth, and long brown wavy hair. Her eyes were of a "penetrating" blue color. She wore a silky dress with a short sash about four inches wide. On the sash he could see two ingrained faces. Ernani interpreted the being as an apparition of the Virgin Mary.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, HC# 2701, citing Reginaldo de Athyayde, FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2264
### Event 49438 (716E7F76)
**Date:** 4/24/1993
**Location:** Israel, Kadima
**Description:** (Translated from French) ("The Return of the Angels" - UFOs in Israel, Past and Present - Barry Chamish) It was not until the summer that Mara's story was discovered. Indeed, Mara's husband, Torbatian, told the neighbor that they were thinking of moving, as their house was "haunted". He told that his wife heard voices and strange knocks on the walls, and that he heard them too. It was Torbatian who discovered a flattened grass circle with four indentations in the garden. The circle was 4.30 m in diameter, and the indentations were respectively 325 cm., 245 cm., 270 cm. and 290 cm. This Russian couple was now totally convinced that they had had "visitors". On April 24th, at half past midnight, the house was shaken by a "bang" so powerful that the 150 kilo air conditioning unit was dislodged from the wall. At first they thought it was due to an airplane passing the sound barrier. Half an hour later, another "bang" accompanied by frenzied barking from the neighbor's dog. The couple called the police, who came to the scene, and could not give any explanation: they saw with their own eyes the fall of the apparatus and heard the barking. During the following months, Mara distinctly heard voices, not in her head, but as if coming from the walls, calling her by her childhood name "Come with us, Marishka. Come with us". That was too much: the couple left Kadima and had no more contact with the neighbors or the ufologists who had come to investigate.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3480
### Event 49439 (AB0A245D)
**Date:** 4/25/1993
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** PETIT PALAIS, 33, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. Luminous white 6M saucer turns clockwise over road. Follows car / 50km.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 341)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16364
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "PETIT PALAIS,33,FR:2/CAR:LUMn.WHT 6M SCR TURNS CW OVR ROAD:FOLOS CAR/50km", **LatLong:** "44.983335 -0.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:59:00 N 00:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.983335,-0.066667)", **State/Prov:** "Gironde", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49440 (87611718)
**Date:** 4/25/1993
**Description:** A six meter diameter white glowing disc was seen revolving clockwise over the road in Petit Palais, Gironde, France by two witnesses at 11:40 p.m. It followed their car for 50 kilometers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16030, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 341
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2313
### Event 49441 (2E49F3B8)
**Date:** 4/26/1993
**Locations:** Muskegon, Michigan; Whitehall, Michigan; Muskegon Lake
**Description:** 11:20 p.m. A witness in Muskegon, Michigan, is taking her dog for a walk when she notices two red lights and one white light arranged like a triangle above Muskegon Lake. The lights separate, and the white light shoots across the sky. The two red lights move back and forth like a pendulum before heading south. Another witness in Whitehall, Michigan, sees a similar display at the same time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Two See Unidentified ‘Triangle of Lights,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201993%2006%20-%20no%20287.pdf)” Muskegon \(Mich.\) Chronicle, April 28, 1993, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 287 \(June 1993\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7046
### Event 49442 (EC3282A2)
**Date:** 4/27/1993
**Time:** 02:20
**Description:** Repeat observer(s). Blinding 'dragonlike' object glides toward(s) house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16365
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SW/KARUP Apt,DK:REPEAT OBS:BLINDING 'DRAGONLIKE' OBJ GLIDES TWRD HOUSE", **LatLong:** "56.250003 9.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "56:15:00 N 09:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.250003,9.083334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49443 (006747F4)
**Date:** 4/28/1993
**Locations:** Jefferson County Air Unit; Louisville, Kentucky
**Description:** 11:50 p.m. Jefferson County Air Unit police officers Kenny Graham and Kenny Downs are on helicopter patrol over General Electric Appliance Park in Louisville, Kentucky, when Graham sees something like a small fire off to his left. Downs shines his spotlight on the light, which begins to drift back and forth as the spot washes over it. Then it gradually floats up to the helicopter’s altitude at 500 feet, where it hovers for a few seconds before moves away at high speed, making two counterclockwise loops and doubling back to the rear of the helicopter. Graham pushes his speed up to 100 mph. The object passes them and climbs hundreds of feet into the air before descending again toward the helicopter. Graham tries to close the gap, but it eludes him. As it approaches again on a parallel course, the object releases three fireballs. Fearing a collision, Graham banks away. When his move is complete, the light has vanished. Two officers in their squad cars, Mike Smith and Joe Smolenski, also see the light and the fireballs. Smolenski tries to follow the light for a full minute before it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Police Officers](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/100300860/) [Describe](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/100300860/) [‘Dogfight’ with a UFO](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/88332261/the-courier-journal/),” Louisville \(Ky.\) Courier-Journal, March 4, 1993, pp. 1, 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7047
### Event 49444 (E20646E7)
**Date:** 4/29/1993
**Location:** CHAMA, CO
**Description:** Mutilation cow found 600' from ranchhouse. Classical smooth incisions. Wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16366
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "2489", **HatchDesc:** "CHAMA,CO:MUTL COW FOUND 600'frm RANCHHOUSE:CLASSICAL SMOOTH INCISIONS:WAVE", **LatLong:** "37.150002 -105.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:00 N 105:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.150002,-105.366672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49445 (94E4ABFC)
**Date:** 4/29/1993
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** LASGRAISSES, FR
**Description:** Sonar-Ping sound! then silent triangle hovers. White "running lights".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16367
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LASGRAISSES,FR:SONAR-PING SOUND! then SLNT TRIANGLE HVRS:WHT "RUNNING LITES"", **LatLong:** "43.816669 2.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:49:00 N 02:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.816669,2.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Tarn", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49446 (AE3ED3B9)
**Date:** 4/29/1993
**Description:** A Rockwell-MBB X-31 experimental jet fighter designed to test thrust-vectoring technology successfully executes a rapid minimum-radius, 180° turn using a post-stall maneuver, flying well outside the range of angle of attack normal for conventional aircraft. This maneuver has been called the “Herbst maneuver” after [Wolfgang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbst%5Fmaneuver) [Herbst](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbst%5Fmaneuver)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbst%5Fmaneuver) a Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm employee and proponent of using post-stall flight in air-to-air combat. It looks nothing like a triangular UFO and cannot match the performance of the Belgian triangles.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Rockwell-MBB X-31](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockwell-MBB%5FX-31)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7048
### Event 49447 (B1C6E83E)
**Date:** 4/29/1993
**Description:** A sonar-like ping sound was heard, then a silent triangle UFO was seen hovering above Lasgraisses, Tarn, France. It had white "running lights."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 318
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2414
### Event 49448 (F0FB1DD3)
**Date:** 4/30/1993
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** MILLVILLE, MASS
**Description:** Triangle / red lights. Observer(s) waves. Object flashes light going [to] observer(s). Silent. 200MPH.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16368
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "MILLVILLE,MASS:TRIANGLE/RED LITES:OBS WAVES:OBJ FLASHES LITE>OBS:SILENT:200MPH", **LatLong:** "42.027780 -71.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:01:40 N 71:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.027780,-71.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49449 (C489A755)
**Date:** 4/30/1993
**Description:** At 2:05 a.m. a 30-year-old man went outside in Millville, Massachusetts and saw lights approach to a distance of 3,000 feet. The object was shaped like a triangular and had several red lights on it. He waved his arm and saw a white light at the rear move to the center and beam directly into his eyes for a few seconds. The object continued in flight until it moved out of sight, at an estimated speed of 200 mph. It made no sound as it flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, November 1993, p. 17, field investigator Morton Schafer; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 81
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2432
### Event 49450 (90B44588)
**Date:** 5/1993
**Location:** Israel, Rishon LeTzion
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 3 o'clock in the morning, Batya Shimon was woken up by lights outside, which she saw in her room. Batya Shiman is a middle-aged woman, not at all attracted to the paranormal. However, hearing a terrible noise in her living room, she jumped out of bed. Upon arriving in her living room, she saw, facing her, about twenty creatures; Batya wanted to scream, but no sound came out of her mouth. The creatures were tall, more than two meters, wearing neon-like bright clothes, round faces, small noses, a thin and circular small mouth, bald heads, but they had brown eyebrows. Believing she was dreaming, the lady went back to bed. Upon waking up the next morning, she found all the doors open, but nothing had been stolen. A kind of yellow sand was spread in the kitchen and in the bathroom, and had a smell of "phosphorus". It was then that she spoke of her nocturnal encounter to her husband. He himself had been woken up by lights, but he also thought he was dreaming, turned over to the other side and fell asleep again. The following night, at three o'clock in the morning, Batya is woken up by an intense light coming from the kitchen window. She gets up and looks out the bedroom window: from the sky, a large object in the shape of a mushroom with a lit door arrives. The light from this door touches her shoulder and she feels it like a punch. Her memory stops here, then she sees herself lying in bed looking at a large visitor, who was slowly passing his hand over her husband's head and she received a telepathic message saying "we do not want to harm you". While this great being is in the room, another one visits all the rooms floating in a standing position. His feet did not touch the ground. They both looked like the creatures observed the previous night, and this time she noticed more details. Their hands were like human hands, their skin that of albinos, their white clothes shone like neon and stuck to the body. Suddenly, the being who was visiting the place came back into the bedroom gesturing as if to make the other one come and see. They disappeared into the couple's son's room and stayed looking fascinated at the fish in the aquarium. All this only lasted a few minutes, the light went out, everything was over, but the next day again the doors were open, there was the same kind of sand, and the same smell. "Once they saw the fish, they seemed very excited," she said. And right after they left.
**Reference:** The Return of the Angels; UFO in Israel, Past and Present - Barry Chamish
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3481
### Event 49451 (1DEDD9FF)
**Date:** 5/1993
**Location:** TSARICHINA, BULG
**Description:** Cone emits blue flames. Burnt circle / grass. 12 UFO's / 22 months.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16369
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bulgaria", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TSARICHINA,BULG:CONE EMITS BLUE FLAMES:BURNT CIRCLE/GRASS:12 UFOS/22 MONTHS", **LatLong:** "42.900002 23.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "42:54:00 N 23:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.900002,23.250001)", **State/Prov:** "Sofia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49452 (15BE415F)
**Date:** 5/1993
**Time:** ~06:30
**Location:** CALVERTON, NOTTS
**Description:** Huge tall pyramid nose-first. Headlamp / front. Going quickly west to Derbyshire.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16370
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "CALVERTON,NOTTs:HUGE TALL PYRAMID NOSE-FIRST:HEADLAMP/FRONT:>>W to DERBYs", **LatLong:** "53.050003 -1.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:03:00 N 01:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.050003,-1.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49453 (0CA76FDD)
**Date:** 5/1993
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Bright classic domed saucer. Video taken. Near Ally Pally and palace.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16371
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TOTTENHAM,LONDON:BRITE CLASSIC DOMED SCR:VIDEO TAKEN:nr ALLY PALLY+PALACE", **LatLong:** "51.583336 -0.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:35:00 N 00:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.583336,-0.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49454 (92A05521)
**Date:** 5/2/1993
**Description:** Brilliant white rectangle zigzags. Becomes round. Away and back. Odd.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN; Qtrly. Judith MAGEE Ed. VUFORS PO Box 43, Moorabin, VIC 3189 Australia. (Index 953)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16373
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BARMAH FOREST,AUSTRL:BRILL.WHT RECTANGLE ZIGZAGS:BECOMES ROUND:AWAY+BACK:odd", **LatLong:** "-36.083335 145.333340", **LatLongDMS:** "36:05:00 S 145:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.083335,145.333340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49455 (F43CE150)
**Date:** 5/2/1993
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BUTNER, NC
**Description:** 2 / car. Dark UFO 500' over I85 / 5 minute(s). Blue-white-pink glow with blue lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16374
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "BUTNER,NC:2/CAR:DARK UFO 500' OVR I85/5min:BLU-WHT-PINK GLOW W/BLU LITES:", **LatLong:** "36.133335 -78.755559", **LatLongDMS:** "36:08:00 N 78:45:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.133335,-78.755559)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49456 (DC33FE17)
**Date:** 5/5/1993
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** LINCOLNTON, NC
**Description:** 2 / Mohicans mill. Orange-white glowing saucer. Straight and level flight overhead into clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16375
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "256", **HatchDesc:** "LINCOLNTON,NC:2/MOHICANS MILL:ORG-WHT GLOWING SCR:S/L FLITE OVHD INTO CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "35.466668 -81.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:28:00 N 81:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.466668,-81.266671)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49457 (F129B9F4)
**Date:** 5/5/1993
**Description:** At 9:00 a.m. in Geneva, Ashtabula County, Ohio an enormous cigar-shaped craft with no wings and no windows flew over Lake Erie making no sound and at an incredible rate of speed. It was being chased by a helicopter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 1993 webpage, report uploaded August 16, 2002
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2560
### Event 49458 (8DA1D32D)
**Date:** 5/5/1993
**Description:** In Lincolnton, North Carolina at 9:00 p.m. two witnesses spotted a glowing orange-white disc-shaped object that flew overhead and then into the clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16041, citing UFO Newsclipping Service, April 1994; George D. Fawcett
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2561
### Event 49459 (0B32021F)
**Date:** 5/6/1993
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** LINCOLNTON, NC
**Description:** SR150 north / town is busy spot. Lady videos domed saucer / 11 second(s) / backyard.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16376
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "256", **HatchDesc:** "LINCOLNTON,NC:SR150 N/TOWN is BUSY SPOT:LADY VIDEOS DOMED SCR/11sec/BACKYARD", **LatLong:** "35.483335 -81.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:29:00 N 81:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.483335,-81.266671)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49460 (B3C71492)
**Date:** 5/6/1993
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** WEST / CHERRYVILLE, NC
**Description:** Domed saucer videotaped / 6 second(s) of footage. Near highway 150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16377
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "293", **HatchDesc:** "W/CHERRYVILLE,NC:DOMED SCR VIDEOTAPED/6SEC OF FOOTAGE:NEAR HWY 150", **LatLong:** "35.377779 -81.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:22:40 N 81:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.377779,-81.383337)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49461 (01151DDB)
**Date:** 5/6/1993
**Description:** A video of a silver domed disc-shaped object, with 6 seconds of footage, was filmed by a 42-year-old woman near Highway 150 in Cherryville, North Carolina at 6:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO News Clipping Service, November 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2600
### Event 49462 (AA437D2A)
**Date:** 5/9/1993
**End date:** 9/20/1993
**Location:** Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy
**Description:** Artist and ceramicist Filiberto Caponi has a series of encounters with a humanoid alien near his home in Pretore, Ascoli Piceno, Italy. He takes six Polaroid photos of the creature in seemingly painful physical conditions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Unearthly Disclosure: Conflicting Interests in the Control of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Random House, 2001, pp. 140–206; Patrick Gross, “[The Filiberto Caponi Close Encounters of the](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/caponi.htm) [3rd Kind, 1993](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/caponi.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7049
### Event 49463 (A99B96C8)
**Date:** 5/10/1993
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 6 observer(s) and 3 hours / video. Night light offloads and recovers smaller night lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16378
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "170", **HatchDesc:** "FORTALEZA<>CANDIDE,BRZ:6 OBS+3hrs/VIDEO:NLT OFFLOADS+RECOVERS SMALLER NLTs", **LatLong:** "-4.033334 -39.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "04:02:00 S 39:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-4.033334,-39.000002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49464 (DD35E2F8)
**Date:** 5/10/1993
**Time:** 18:40
**Description:** Night light changes color(s). Complex maneuvers north and south. Fades away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN; Qtrly. Judith MAGEE Ed. VUFORS PO Box 43, Moorabin, VIC 3189 Australia. (Index 944)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16379
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "REDBILL BEACH N/BICHINO,TASMANIA:NLT CHANGES CLRS:COMPLEX MNVRS N+S:FADES AWAY", **LatLong:** "-41.800002 148.250007", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:00 S 148:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.800002,148.250007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49465 (F8D857D3)
**Date:** 5/10/1993
**Description:** In the pre-dawn hours of the night six witnesses on a road west of Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil recorded three hours of videotape of a nocturnal object which had several satellite objects exit from it and then merge back into it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 291
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2726
### Event 49466 (74418BE1)
**Date:** 5/12/1993
**Description:** Several witnesses from San Marcos, Tula, Mexico including Maria de Lourdes Uribe, age 34, heard bizarre noises and saw mysterious lights coming from a nearby field at around one o'clock in the morning. A local youth approached the field and saw a huge glowing object hovering low over the ground. Five humanoid figures descended from the object and stood around it as if standing guard. They soon went back inside. Large circular ground traces and what appeared to be dug out trenches were found at the site. A dog belonging to one of the witnesses reportedly went missing soon after the incident. Several days before this incident a huge dark object that nearly covered the moon's disc was seen hovering over the area, and two days before an engineer saw a huge object suspended just above a roadway near the town of Tepeji, Mexico.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Luis Ruiz Noguez, Oscar Garcia, Hector Escobar & Hector Chavarria
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2778
### Event 49467 (F8EC4CCD)
**Date:** 5/13/1993
**Description:** During a restless, sleepless night in Kadima, Israel Danny Rotem felt compelled to get in his car and drive. At around two a.m. he drove to the nearby forest and saw a large egg-shaped object on the ground. He left his car and then a tiny being, perhaps a meter and a half tall, appeared. The being told Danny, "We were waiting for you." The humanoid floated in front of him as he walked toward the craft. He does not remember how he got inside, but realized that the object's inside dimensions seemed larger, by far, that they could be judging from its outside dimensions. In the middle of the room was a pillar with an enormous pedestal. There were 13 aliens in the room. Two of them led Danny to a side chamber where he was put on a very comfortable sofa. He was told, telepathically, not to worry, "that he was on a mission; you'll know what it is in time." They then made an incision on his left wrist. His next memory was of being in his car again traveling home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Leading Edge: UFOs in Israel, Past & Present
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2818
### Event 49468 (237780F8)
**Date:** 5/14/1993
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** 2 / car. 4M white-glowing ovoid going quickly northeast. 90° turn and follows car. Radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: AUSTRALIAN INTERNATIONAL UFO FLYING SAUCER RESEARCH Inc Colin O.Norris, ed; GPO 2004, Adelaide, S.Australia 5001. (Subterranean reptiles etc.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16380
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr MILDURA,AUSTR:2/CAR:4M WHT-GLO OVOID >>NE:90°TURN+FOLOS CAR:RADIO+LITES EME", **LatLong:** "-34.250002 142.333340", **LatLongDMS:** "34:15:00 S 142:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.250002,142.333340)", **State/Prov:** "VCY", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49469 (A990CBA1)
**Date:** 5/14/1993
**Time:** 14:20
**Description:** Silent UFO over homes. Going quickly east. 29 July / 2300hrs. Domed saucer / low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16381
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "ASHBOURNE,DERBYSHIRE:SILENT UFO OVR HOMES:>>E::29JLY/2300hrs:DOMED SCR/LO ALT.", **LatLong:** "53.033336 -1.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:02:00 N 01:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.033336,-1.733333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49470 (A3828B58)
**Date:** 5/14/1993
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** PENTICTON, BC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape-shaped object seen / 10 second(s). High-Q report / UFOROM group. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16382
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "344", **HatchDesc:** "PENTICTON,BC:2 OBS:CGR-SHAPED OBJ SEEN/10sec:HI-Q REPORT/UFOROM Grp:NFD", **LatLong:** "49.483336 -119.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:29:00 N 119:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.483336,-119.583339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49471 (68D6819A)
**Date:** 5/14/1993
**Description:** At 4:00 o'clock in the morning a four-meter long white glowing ovoid UFO flew over Mildura, Victoria, Australia heading northeast. It then made a 90 degree turn and followed a car. The lights and radio of the car both temporarily died.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #16046
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2840
### Event 49472 (DCEFE612)
**Date:** 5/14/1993
**Description:** A domed disc flew over homes in Ashbourne, England at a low altitude, making no sound at 2:15 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2841
### Event 49473 (0EBFD25F)
**Date:** 5/15/1993 (approximate)
**Location:** BOQUERON, PR
**Description:** 2 women. Flash and heat. Small humanoid (or Grey) descends / blue beam / saucer. Runs into jungle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: [Ecuador JUN96 = Fall'96 issue via Internet #70.]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16383
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "BOQUERON,PR:2 WOMEN:FLASH+HEAT:OID DESCENDS/BLU BEAM/SCR:RUNS into JUNGLE", **LatLong:** "18.016668 -67.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "18:01:00 N 67:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.016668,-67.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49474 (59E1C867)
**Date:** 5/16/1993
**Description:** At shortly after midnight a married couple driving with their daughter on the highway in Cormery, Indre-Loire, France had their vehicle paced by a bluish UFO. The form of the object was lit under a bluish light, and positioned itself in front of their vehicle at the height of the car's headlights. It maintained this position in front of the vehicle for the next four kilometers. The vehicle was traveling at approximately 100 km/h.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case # 123
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2903
### Event 49475 (6D1D6929)
**Date:** 5/18/1993
**Description:** On this night 31-year-old Astrid Ramos reported seeing a hovering circular object near Lisbon, Portugal from which descended several small humanoids. The humanoids then took her onboard the UFO. She was paralyzed while the humanoids performed several medical tests on her. They inserted a long thin tube into her nose, which caused her to feel a strong pressure inside her head. She was eventually released and soon began suffering from severe headaches. A Dr. Borja examined her and reportedly located an implant deep within her brain case.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Fabio Picasso
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2962
### Event 49476 (3D8CBE6D)
**Date:** 5/19/1993
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** KENYON, RI
**Description:** Misty night. Woman abduction. 2.5hrs missing time. 50' saucer and 2 small humanoids (or Greys). 3' blue-beam = teleporter.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16384
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "KENYON,RI:MISTY NITE:WOMAN ABD:2.5hrs MST:50'SCR+2 OIDS:3'BLU-BEAM=TELEPORTER", **LatLong:** "41.444446 -71.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:26:40 N 71:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.444446,-71.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Rhode Island", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 49477 (35E3403A)
**Date:** 5/19/1993
**Description:** At 10:20 p.m. on a misty night in Kenyon, Rhode Island a woman was abducted into a 50 foot wide saucer-shaped object and kept there for five hours. Inside she was met by two three foot tall humanoids. She reported that she was later transported back to her house via a blue beam of coherent light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 2389, citing UFO Newsclipping Service, issue # 268
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2990
### Event 49478 (1E471EC7)
**Date:** 5/20/1993
**Location:** Ottawa, CAN
**Description:** Airliner crew saw dark blue, metallic-appearing triangular object (section III). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [930520](http://www.nicap.org/930520ottawa%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5837
### Event 49479 (9A4C0515)
**Date:** 5/20/1993
**Location:** Ottawa, Canada
**Description:** Airliner crew saw dark blue, metallicappearing triangular object
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_479
### Event 49480 (BE0311B3)
**Date:** 5/26/1993
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** HAYES, LONDON
**Description:** Very fast saucer hovers over Barnhill schoolyard. Vanishes in place!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16385
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HAYES,LONDON:VFAST SCR HVRS OVR BARNHILL SCHOOLYARD:VANISHES IN PLACE!", **LatLong:** "51.516669 -0.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:31:00 N 00:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.516669,-0.416667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49481 (CD86208C)
**Date:** 5/26/1993
**Description:** A very fast moving disc-shaped object stopped and hovered over the Barnhill schoolyard in Hayes, England at 10:45 p.m. It then vanished in place.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3109
### Event 49482 (BAA72D70)
**Date:** 5/27/1993
**Time:** 01:20
**Description:** Report / spheres falling / sky and 1 big flash. Cops see zero.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16386
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "387", **HatchDesc:** "PILLAR MTN,KODIAK Isl,AK:REPORT/SPHERES FALLING/SKY+1 BIG FLASH:COPS SEE ZERO", **LatLong:** "57.783336 -152.433341", **LatLongDMS:** "57:47:00 N 152:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.783336,-152.433341)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49483 (74798DC8)
**Date:** 5/27/1993
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** OFF HARBORD, AUSTR
**Description:** 11 minute(s) video. Form-changing object = striped sphere/orb/globe etc. Very strange.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16387
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "off HARBORD,AUSTR:11min VIDEO:FORM-CHANGING OBJ=STRIPED ORB etc:VSTRANGE", **LatLong:** "-33.783335 151.283341", **LatLongDMS:** "33:47:00 S 151:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.783335,151.283341)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49484 (06162C48)
**Date:** 5/28/1993
**Description:** Near Victoria, Entre Rios province, Argentina four witnesses noticed a bright light floating very close to the ground at 10:20 p.m. within a wooded area. It rose above the treetops and illuminated the ground with a powerful beam of light. Its movements were erratic and sometimes slow, and it soon disappeared from sight. After ten minutes another four witnesses arrived and the craft returned, this time closer to their position. It seemed to float about five meters above the ground. Using binoculars they were able to see several very tall human-like silhouettes, about 2.7 meters in height, moving around on the ground in front of the light. A similar object was seen the next day in the same woods.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Raul Oscar Fantini
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3141
### Event 49485 (D9861F41)
**Date:** 5/29/1993
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** GREENSBORO, NC
**Description:** 3 observer(s) with (seen thru) binoculars. Red night light glides. Stops. Shoots going quickly southwest / meteoric speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16388
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "231", **HatchDesc:** "GREENSBORO,NC:3 OBS W/BINOCS:RED NLT GLIDES:STOPS:SHOOTS >>SW/METEORIC SPEED", **LatLong:** "36.050002 -79.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:03:00 N 79:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.050002,-79.800004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49486 (C6A7D372)
**Date:** 5/29/1993
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** CASTELLANE, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Glowing-ball going south toward(s) Canjuers area. Some / (seen thru) binoculars see dark cone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16389
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CASTELLANE,FR:SVRL OBS:GLO-BALL >S twrd CANJUERS AREA:some/binocs see drk cone", **LatLong:** "43.844447 6.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:50:40 N 06:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.844447,6.516667)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes de Haute Provence", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49487 (8907CF45)
**Date:** 5/29/1993
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** D106 WITH LE LAS, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. Night light paces. Makes small fast circles. Going quickly [to] east-northeast toward(s) Souge military camp.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16390
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "D106 W/Le LAS,FR:2/CAR:NLT PACES:MAKES SML FAST CCLS:>>ENE twrd SOUGE MIL.CAMP", **LatLong:** "44.800002 -0.833333", **LatLongDMS:** "44:48:00 N 00:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.800002,-0.833333)", **State/Prov:** "Gironde", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49488 (81E19EAD)
**Date:** 5/30/1993
**Location:** Belgium, Ellezelles (Hainaut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 10:30 pm, a farmer who had visited a single friend was returning home through the fields. His farm was only 400 meters away as the crow flies. First, the two witnesses saw a large, unusual star. Then, the farmer in the meadow saw an object very close, passing at an elevation of 30°, very quickly. "It looked like a minibus with lit windows. It arrived like a car's headlight, then it looked like a minibus." The witness heard a small noise, like that of a quiet electric motor. The object flew southeast and went out. Total duration of the observation: 3 minutes.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 89, p. 8
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3482
### Event 49489 (0ECD911B)
**Date:** 5/30/1993
**Description:** Bourgata, Israel - Hannah Somech awoke at three o'clock in the morning when she heard her dog barking. She got up and went downstairs to her kitchen and looked out to the garden through a glass door when she saw her dog literally fly through the air and slam against a wall. Shocked and terrified, she bravely opened the door but was confronted by an invisible wall: she could literally go no further. She next saw an eight-foot tall giant in bright coveralls. She thought it might be a robber when she heard a voice inside her head that said, "You think I am a thief?"
"What did you do with my dog!", she asked furiously. "He disturbed me, as you do now," the giant spoke telepathically, without moving its lips. "I could crush you, but I don't want to. Just leave me alone, I am busy." The woman ran back to her bedroom to wake up her husband, but when they both came downstairs the giant had disappeared. In the garden, they found huge footprints, 16 inches in length. After the encounter Hannah suffered from fatigue, headaches and muscle pain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Michael Hesemann, UFOs: The Secret History
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3173
### Event 49490 (02705F0D)
**Date:** 5/31/1993
**Location:** Israel, Kadima
**Description:** (Translated from French) (The Return of the Angels; UFO in Israel, Past and Present - Barry Chamish) At 2:30 in the morning, Shosh Yahud was woken up by a loud noise, as if a large painting was falling off the wall. Opening her eyes, she then saw this strange creature, leaning over her, looking at her. In her head she heard a voice saying "Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm." The creature then circled around the bed, taking a glance around the room (note from vog: to estimate the price of the furniture?) The being was very tall, more than two meters, slim and bald. It had round and luminous eyes, the face was round as well and showed a friendly expression. The whole adventure lasted only a few minutes. "For the rest of the night, my body was itching and I was scratching everywhere" (note from vog: flea bag?) Two hours later, she got up, went to the balcony and saw two circles of flattened grass in the lawn. "The next day, talking to a neighbor, I learned that a lot of people had seen a UFO in the night. Everyone was talking about it."
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3483
### Event 49491 (E26C1A37)
**Date:** 6/1993
**Location:** Canada, near Manic 3 (hydroelectric plant)
**Description:** (Translated from French) It was about 10 pm when B.R., alone in his small trailer that served as his camp, was about to go to bed. (...) Suddenly he distinguished through the windows of his modest installation, a strange light floating 2 m from the ground and heading towards him. A bit worried, the witness remembers that there is no road in this place that could lead one to believe that the headlights of a vehicle could be the source of this light. Intrigued by what he observes, the witness concentrates his attention on the dimensions of the light, which he estimates to be 3 m in diameter. The weather is foggy and visibility is not very good. (...) The light seems to move in his direction in a zigzag. As the object gets closer and closer to the witness, the latter perceives a curious intermittent sound, whose cadence is regular and which seems to come from the object. (...) Fear then begins to take hold of the young man, who now suspects that something worrying is approaching dangerously close to him. The intensity of this emotion increases as the light approaches, to the point where the witness now only desires one thing: to flee, to leave this cursed place at all costs! While he plans to go outside to escape with the company truck, the sound and the white light that the object seems to emit become even more menacing. The light is now almost above the trailer and communicates such fear to the witness that he is unable to do anything, he is literally frozen in place. Terrified, the man waits, huddled in his torpor. (...) After what seemed like interminable seconds, the witness finds himself inexplicably lying over the blankets of his bed, completely dressed! (...) he then realizes that it is only the light of the sun that filters through the windows of the trailer: (it is day). (June 1993)
**Reference:** Jean THOMAS: "Synthèse Ovni" ed. Louise Cousteau 1999, p. 133, 134
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3484
### Event 49492 (B23FE481)
**Date:** 6/1993
**Location:** Italy, near Pescara
**Description:** (Translated from French) One of the most spectacular observations was made from a helicopter, by a crew of five men, all belonging to the fire brigade of Pescara. About 7 km from the airport, while they were at an altitude of 500 meters, the men observed something that seemed to be on a collision trajectory with their aircraft. The object measured 1 m in diameter, with two "legs" and a trapezoidal antenna on what could resemble a head. Panicked, the pilot veered to the right to avoid the object and made contact with the control tower. The controllers had nothing on the screen, but asked the helicopter to take the intruder in pursuit. The chase began. After 3 minutes, the humanoid turned towards the aircraft, seeming to look at it with large black eyes, then made two complete circles around the helicopter before diving towards the ground and disappearing. (June 1993)
**Reference:** “UFO Files” - ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Special Issue, pages 54,55
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3485
### Event 49493 (FF165ED6)
**Date:** 6/1993
**Time:** 14:00?
**Description:** Report abductee feels pulled going [to] UFO. Computer discs gone / erased.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16391
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "ARLINGTON HEIGHTS,IL:RPT ABDUCTEE FEELS PULLED>UFO:COMPUTER DISCS GONE/ERASED", **LatLong:** "42.088891 -87.977782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:05:20 N 87:58:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.088891,-87.977782)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49494 (9FD9B174)
**Date:** 6/1993
**End date:** 11/1993
**Location:** Antelope Valley, CA
**Description:** Numerous sightings, photographs reportedly taken
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_480
### Event 49495 (23CE10DC)
**Date:** 6/1/1993
**Description:** At around one o'clock in the afternoon a dull, metallic, cigar-shaped object traveled from one cloud formation to another in Rogers, Arkansas then back to the first cloud formation on the exact reverse path.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 1993 webpage, report posted September 9, 2004
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3208
### Event 49496 (E3B21899)
**Date:** 6/2/1993
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** NEWARK, DE
**Description:** UFO group / meeting and separate observer(s). Silent orange delta over town. Turns slowly. Hoax?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16392
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "38", **HatchDesc:** "NEWARK,DE:UFO GRP/MEETING+SEP.OBS:SILENT ORG DELTA OVR TOWN:TURNS SLOWLY:HOAX?", **LatLong:** "39.683335 -75.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:41:00 N 75:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.683335,-75.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Delaware", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49497 (17717286)
**Date:** 6/3/1993
**Locations:** School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois; Laramie, Wyoming
**Description:** Ordinary Conversations about Extraordinary Matters, a documentary film by [Allen Ross](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death%5Fof%5FAllen%5FRoss), premieres at the theatre of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Illinois. It features interviews with attendees at [R. Leo](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html) [Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html)’s 12th Rocky Mountain UFO Conference in Laramie, Wyoming, in 1991.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “New Abduction Documentary Debuts,” IUR 18, no. 3 \(May/June 1993\): 21; George M. Eberhart, “Postcards with a UFO Theme,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7050
### Event 49498 (E1BF0F0F)
**Date:** 6/3/1993
**Location:** Los Angeles International Airport in California
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. A passenger on a flight 15 minutes out of Los Angeles International Airport in California sees a small cloud moving in the opposite direction of the aircraft, which has leveled off at 30,000 feet. He watches it fly in between two vertical columns of clouds, then when it approaches to a point directly in line with his window, it dives into the cloud mass below at a 30° angle and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “Mystery Clouds and the UFO Connection,” IUR 29, no. 4 \(July 2005\): 19, 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7051
### Event 49499 (8994180C)
**Date:** 6/4/1993
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** CHILDERSBURG, AL
**Description:** Bright ball and antennas / 5 nights. Now videod. Circles / crud / Stewartvil.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16393
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "128", **HatchDesc:** "CHILDERSBURG,AL:BRITE BALL+ANTENNAS/5 NITES:NOW VIDEOd:CIRCLES/CRUD/STEWARTVIL", **LatLong:** "33.277779 -86.355560", **LatLongDMS:** "33:16:40 N 86:21:20 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.277779,-86.355560)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49500 (2D11187B)
**Date:** 6/5/1993
**Locations:** Bad Kreuznach, Germany; Würselen, Germany
**Description:** Reinhard Nühlen founds Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für UFO-Forschung in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, and begins publishing DEGUFOrum in January 1994. It is currently \(2020\) edited by Nikolaus Bettinger in Würselen, Germany.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [DEGUforum](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Germany/Deguforum%20%28DEGUFO%29/Deguforum%20-%20Issue%2001%20-%201994.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Germany/Deguforum%20%28DEGUFO%29/Deguforum%20-%20Issue%2001%20-%201994.pdf) no. 1 \(January 1994\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7052
### Event 49501 (C3296545)
**Date:** 6/7/1993?
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** SHELDON, VT
**Description:** Silent transparent rectangle glides just over homes. 2 bright lights / 1 side.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16394
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "SHELDON,VT:SLNT XPARENT RECTANGLE GLIDES JUST OVR HOMES:2 BRITE LITES/1 SIDE", **LatLong:** "44.883335 -72.944448", **LatLongDMS:** "44:53:00 N 72:56:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.883335,-72.944448)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Vermont", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49502 (5D2EFD0E)
**Date:** 6/7/1993
**Description:** A silent, nearly transparent, rectangular UFO glided over homes in Sheldon, Vermont at 9:15 p.m. It had two bright lights on one side.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, February 1994).
1994 An RCMP report stated that at 3:30 a.m. in farm country northwest of Gimli, Manitoba, Canada a 300 foot wide, donut or torus shaped object flew over the area to the east at 1500 feet altitude. It had nine to twelve flashing lights around its circumference. (Source: Frank Ducks, 1994 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 58, citing NRC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3359
### Event 49503 (C38798AF)
**Date:** 6/8/1993
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** ROSAMOND, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Round white night light very high. Slim silver objects join. Gone very fast. Back several X.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 312)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16395
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "709", **HatchDesc:** "ROSAMOND,CA:2 OBS:ROUND WHT NLT VHI:SLIM SLVR OBJS JOIN:GONE VFAST:BACK SVRL X", **LatLong:** "34.866668 -118.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:00 N 118:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.866668,-118.166672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49504 (AA34CCE8)
**Date:** 6/8/1993
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** ROBLIN, MBA
**Description:** Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft / 30M altitude. Bright white light / front and red / under. Orange and yellow / edges.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16396
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "513", **HatchDesc:** "ROBLIN,MBa:SILENT DLT/30M alt:BRITE WHT LITE/FRONT+RED/UNDER:ORG+YEL/EDGES", **LatLong:** "51.250002 -101.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "51:15:00 N 101:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.250002,-101.416672)", **State/Prov:** "MNT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49505 (17BC15FA)
**Date:** 6/8/1993
**Location:** Antelope Valley, CA
**Description:** Round UFO with satellite objects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_481
### Event 49506 (7F45268E)
**Date:** 6/9/1993
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** REININGUE, FR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Domed disk flips over north going southeast. Dark sections / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16397
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "REININGUE,FR:4 OBS:DOMED DISK FLIPS OVR N>SE:DARK SECTIONS/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "47.733336 7.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:44:00 N 07:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.733336,7.233334)", **State/Prov:** "Haut-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49507 (C6116420)
**Date:** 6/10/1993
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** SAUQUOIT, NY
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Night light hovers and maneuvers. Camcorder malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Saucer / treetops / fourth observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16398
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "SAUQUOIT,NY:3 OBS:NLT HVRS+MNVRS:CAMCORDER EMEs::SCR/TREETOPS/4rth OBS:", **LatLong:** "43.005558 -75.261115", **LatLongDMS:** "43:00:20 N 75:15:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.005558,-75.261115)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49508 (E11686A4)
**Date:** 6/11/1993
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** GUANICA, PR
**Description:** Several / Hwy116. Huge saucer / 700' altitude near from tower. Colored lights. Going [to] away silently.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: [Ecuador JUN96 = Fall'96 issue via Internet #70.]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16399
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "GUANICA,PR:SVRL/Hwy116:HUGE SCR/700'alt nr FM TOWER:CLRD LITES:> AWAY SILENTLY", **LatLong:** "17.977779 -66.911114", **LatLongDMS:** "17:58:40 N 66:54:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.977779,-66.911114)", **RelAlt:** "210", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49509 (71BC9F7A)
**Date:** 6/12/1993
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** PALMDALE, CA
**Description:** Several HIQ observer(s). Night light very high hovers and maneuvers very fast. Back 2, 3, 20+22 July. 18+photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16400
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "80", **Elev:** "775", **HatchDesc:** "PALMDALE,CA:SVRL HIQ OBS:NLT VHI HVRS+MNVRS VFAST:BACK 2,3,20+22JLY:18+FOTOS:", **LatLong:** "34.566668 -118.100006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:34:00 N 118:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.566668,-118.100006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49510 (73A7CB09)
**Date:** 6/14/1993
**Location:** Piketon, OH
**Description:** Dog barked at hovering oval dome; also fearful (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [930614](http://www.nicap.org/ar-930614dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5838
### Event 49511 (177B241B)
**Date:** 6/15/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Many witnesses, located throughout Central Italy, report the observation of what could be likened to flying humanoids. One of the most spectacular observations is made from a helicopter, by a crew of 5 men, all belonging to the Pescara fire brigade. About 7 km from the airport, while at an altitude of 500 m \(feet?\), the men observe something that seems to be on a collision course with their aircraft. The object measures 1 m in diameter, with 2 legs and a trapezoidal antenna on what could resemble a head. Panicked, the pilot veers to the right to avoid the object and makes contact with the control tower. The controllers have nothing on the screen, but ask the helicopter to take the intruder in pursuit. The chase begins. After 3 minutes, the humanoid turns towards the aircraft which it seems to be looking at with its 2 large black eyes, then makes 2 complete turns around the helicopter before diving towards the ground and disappearing (June 15th, during the day)
**Reference:** \[London UFO Studies, Skylink \# 6 and 7 Type: E \< HC addition \# 1706\].
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3212
### Event 49512 (93EBA0AA)
**Date:** 6/15/1993
**Time:** ~08:30
**Location:** COBOURG, ONTARIO
**Description:** Orange night light parallels car / PR2 into Colborne. 2 small lights accompany.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16401
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "87", **HatchDesc:** "COBOURG,ONTARIO:ORG NLT PARALLELS CAR/PR2 INTO COLBORNE:2 SML LITES ACCOMPANY", **LatLong:** "43.916669 -78.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:55:00 N 78:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.916669,-78.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49513 (84782AC7)
**Date:** 6/15/1993
**Time:** 12:10
**Location:** SOUTH LONDON, ENG
**Description:** 2 deltas chase plane. Join and vanish. Plane vanishes! White star appears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16402
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "S.LONDON,ENG:2 DELTAS CHASE PLANE:JOIN+VANISH:PLANE VANISHES!:WHT STAR APPEARS", **LatLong:** "51.400002 -0.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:24:00 N 00:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.400002,-0.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 49514 (9323428A)
**Date:** 6/15/1993
**Description:** An orange nocturnal light paralleled a car into Colborne, Ontario at 8:30 a.m. Two small lights were accompanying the orange light. They made no sound as they flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, August 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3507
### Event 49515 (C1F70685)
**Date:** 6/17/1993
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** COPENHAGEN, DK
**Description:** Girl / 8. Metallic pod going down / Lake Peblinge. Away extremely fast going up. Pipes / underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16403
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "COPENHAGEN,DK:GIRL/8:MTLC POD ↓/LAKE PEBLINGE:AWAY XFAST↑:PIPES/UNDERSIDE", **LatLong:** "55.683336 12.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "55:41:00 N 12:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.683336,12.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49516 (AF407049)
**Date:** 6/17/1993
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** GUIDONIA, ITL
**Description:** 4 observer(s) and kids. Balloon drops to military Air Traffic Controller tower. Rises and away. / LDLN#334.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16404
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GUIDONIA,ITL:4 OBS+KIDS:BALLOON DROPS to MIL ATC TOWER:RISES+AWAY:/LDLN#334", **LatLong:** "42.000002 12.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 N 12:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.000002,12.750001)", **State/Prov:** "LTM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49517 (0C4CF8D8)
**Date:** 6/17/1993
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ETNA, CA
**Description:** Night lights since Feb. '93. Dive at observer(s). Sit still / sky when planes pass. Vor nearby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16405
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "272", **HatchDesc:** "ETNA,CA:NLTS SINCE FEB93:DIVE AT OBS:SIT STILL/SKY WHEN PLANES PASS:VOR NEARBY", **LatLong:** "41.455558 -122.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "41:27:20 N 122:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.455558,-122.883339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49518 (DAA7C800)
**Date:** 6/18/1993
**Description:** A man working at a prison in Auckland, New Zealand looked out a window at 10:35 p.m. to see a bright light land on a nearby hill. Soon three humanoid figures became visible next to the light; they didnot appear to be human in nature. No further details are given.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Mysterious Reality
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3542
### Event 49519 (371DA730)
**Date:** 6/18/1993
**Description:** Multiple objects were seen in the sky at 8:45 p.m., and a time loss of 30 minutes occurred to a witness on Block Island, off the coast of Rhode Island.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, report uploaded February 18, 2001
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3543
### Event 49520 (966AF2D5)
**Date:** 6/20/1993
**Time:** 12:10
**Description:** Fireball goes 2mph just over field. Car stops to let it cross A23.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16406
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PYECOMBE,W.SUSSEX:FBL GOES 2mph JUST OVR FIELD:CAR STOPS TO LET IT CROSS A23", **LatLong:** "50.883336 -0.172222", **LatLongDMS:** "50:53:00 N 00:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.883336,-0.172222)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49521 (5FB933FA)
**Date:** 6/20/1993
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** SOUTH / CAPE TOWN, RSA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Rectangular "bus" flies north going quickly south over mountains. Straight and level. Black with white windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16407
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "S/CAPE TOWN,RSA:4 OBS:RECT."BUS" FLIES N>>S OVR MTNS:S/L:BLK W/WHT WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "-34.066668 18.450001", **LatLongDMS:** "34:04:00 S 18:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.066668,18.450001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49522 (50B8C716)
**Date:** 6/20/1993
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** SULMONA, ITL
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 25cm ball going down. Legs and eyes and antenna. Shoots away. Balloon? / r226#18.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16408
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SULMONA,ITL:5 OBS:25cm BALL ↓:LEGS+EYES+ANTENNA:SHOOTS AWAY:BALLOON?:/r226#18", **LatLong:** "42.033335 13.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:02:00 N 13:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.033335,13.966667)", **State/Prov:** "ABZ", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49523 (F576AD66)
**Date:** 6/21/1993
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** SOUTH / MESSINA, ITL
**Description:** Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) telescope and several observer(s). Glow saucer 120M over sea. Back / 24 JUNE93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. now: Primary ref /r209.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16409
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "S/MESSINA,ITL:AM.ASTRON/TSCOPE+SRVL OBS:GLOW SCR 120M OVR SEA::BACK/24JUNE93", **LatLong:** "38.133335 15.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "38:08:00 N 15:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.133335,15.566667)", **State/Prov:** "ME", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49524 (950C7596)
**Date:** 6/21/1993
**Time:** 02:50
**Description:** Silent 30' red-glow "sting-ray" high over houses. 4 second(s) video. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 471)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16410
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MABLETHORPE,LINCS:SLNT 30'RED-GLOW "STING-RAY" HI OVR HOUSES:4sec VIDEO:>>N", **LatLong:** "53.333336 0.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:20:00 N 00:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.333336,0.233333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49525 (378323CC)
**Date:** 6/22/1993
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** SISTERS, OR
**Description:** Separate observer(s) / (seen thru) telescope. Large domed saucer hovers / 45 minute(s) and more. White lights surround. Photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FERRUGHELLI, PAUL: SIGHTINGS YEARBOOKs (by year.) (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16411
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "971", **HatchDesc:** "SISTERS,OR:SEP.OBS/TSCOPE:LRG DOMED SCR HVRS/45min+:WHT LITES SURROUND:FOTOS", **LatLong:** "44.288891 -121.550006", **LatLongDMS:** "44:17:20 N 121:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.288891,-121.550006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49526 (CC58B7E5)
**Date:** 6/23/1993
**Location:** BRIGHTON, ONT
**Description:** MUFON swamped / calls. 10 night lights join large orange object. Vanish on contact.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16412
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "BRIGHTON,ONT:MUFON SWAMPED/CALLS:10 NLTS JOIN LRG ORG.OBJ:vanish on contact", **LatLong:** "44.083335 -77.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:05:00 N 77:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.083335,-77.733337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49527 (4E285511)
**Date:** 6/23/1993
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** FLAMBOROUGH, ONT
**Description:** Physics Major and 1. Large diamond with many steady lights. 200' altitude. East going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16413
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "83", **HatchDesc:** "FLAMBOROUGH,ONT:PHYSICS MAJOR+1:LRG DIAMND W/MANY STEADY LITES:200'alt:E>>W", **LatLong:** "43.333335 -79.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:20:00 N 79:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.333335,-79.883337)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49528 (6CDED0E7)
**Date:** 6/24/1993
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Spheres / light hover over village. Plea for witnesses. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16414
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "MAIDEN CASTLE,DORSET:SPHERES/LITE HOVER OVR VILLAGE:PLEA FOR WITNESSES:NFD", **LatLong:** "50.700002 -2.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:42:00 N 02:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.700002,-2.500000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49529 (8C0CFBE2)
**Date:** 6/25/1993
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** ROGNES, FR
**Description:** Private pilot at home. Black disk north going quickly south. 3000' altitude. Reported to police and Air Traffic Controllers / Aix.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16415
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ROGNES,FR:Pvt.PILOT AT HOME:BLK DISK N>>S:3000'alt:Rpt'd to police+ATCs/AIX.", **LatLong:** "43.666669 5.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:40:00 N 05:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.666669,5.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49530 (47E7330F)
**Date:** 6/25/1993
**Description:** At 8:50 p.m. a private pilot at his home in Rognes, France sighted a black disc-shaped object flying quickly from the north to south at 3,000 feet altitude. He reported it to the police and Air Traffic Control.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomena magazine, issue no. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3662
### Event 49531 (DFDA2D04)
**Date:** 6/26/1993
**Description:** Several night lights and fireballs to SEPT7. Many observer(s). "Wants to be seen". Photograph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16416
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BURGESS HILL,W.SUSSEX:SVRL NLTS+FBLS TO SEPT7:MANY OBS:"WANTS TO BE SEEN":FOTO", **LatLong:** "50.933336 -0.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:56:00 N 00:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.933336,-0.133333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49532 (73CC796B)
**Date:** 6/26/1993
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** GRIDLEY, CA
**Description:** Round UFO / rectangular-box shaped window on top. 6 minute(s) video taken. Maneuvers till Dawn.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16417
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "GRIDLEY,CA:ROUND UFO/RECT WINDOW ON TOP:6min VIDEO TAKEN:MNVRS TILL DAWN", **LatLong:** "39.366669 -121.694450", **LatLongDMS:** "39:22:00 N 121:41:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.366669,-121.694450)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49533 (3F39EEC5)
**Date:** 6/26/1993
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Red fireball maneuvers. Also separate observer(s) Sunday 27 June / 0025hrs. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16418
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "DERBY,DERBYs:RED FBL MNVRs::+ SEP.OBS SUNDAY 27JUNE/0025hrs:NFD", **LatLong:** "52.916669 -1.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:55:00 N 01:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.916669,-1.466667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49534 (01D913F3)
**Date:** 6/26/1993
**Location:** Hartcliffe, Bristol, England
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Witnesses in Hartcliffe, Bristol, England, see a large cigar-shaped object \(a possible blimp\) drifting slowly and silently over the rooftops. large white light \(the planet Venus\) in the southeast climbing slowly upward. It fades into the lightening sky shortly before dawn. One witness takes many minutes of video of this object, compressing several hours of its appearance. The same light appears at the same time for weeks.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOs in Focus,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 14–15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7053
### Event 49535 (A960090C)
**Date:** 6/26/1993
**Description:** Several balls of light hovered over the town of Burgess Hill, England this night. According to the witness, they seemed to "want to be seen." A red fireball maneuvered in the sky over Derby, England at 11:45 p.m. In Gridley, California at 4:32 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time a six-minute long videotape was made of a round UFO with windows on the top. It had reportedly been maneuvering in the sky for several hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, September-November 1993 issues
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3686
### Event 49536 (9ABFDDE0)
**Date:** 6/28/1993
**Description:** Silent UFO's fly / lines and circles. All animals / jittery.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16419
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "750", **HatchDesc:** "MIQUELON LAKE/PARK,ALTA:SILENT UFOS FLY/LINES+CIRCLES:ALL ANIMALS/JITTERY", **LatLong:** "53.266669 -112.988894", **LatLongDMS:** "53:16:00 N 112:59:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.266669,-112.988894)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49537 (F4825FAB)
**Date:** 6/28/1993
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** BRISTOL, AVON
**Description:** 8+UFO's in groups all over town / 5+hours. Many observer(s). No RADAR. Fantastic speeds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16420
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "44", **Elev:** "47", **HatchDesc:** "BRISTOL,AVON:8+UFOS IN GROUPS ALL OVR TOWN/5+hrs:MANY OBS:NO RDR:FANTASTC SPDS", **LatLong:** "51.466669 -2.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:28:00 N 02:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.466669,-2.633333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49538 (87604D21)
**Date:** 6/30/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Boris Yeltsin definitively stops the Russian space shuttle project *Buran.* (June 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3213
### Event 49539 (8150EC43)
**Date:** 6/30/1993
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** EAST / ASHLEY, ND
**Description:** Night lights / roadside ditch. Pickup truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) / 10 second(s). Circle / crushed grass.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 296)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16421
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "605", **HatchDesc:** "E/ASHLEY,ND:NLTs/ROADSIDE DITCH:PICKUP TRUCK EMEs/10sec:CIRCLE/CRUSHED GRASS", **LatLong:** "46.033336 -99.333338", **LatLongDMS:** "46:02:00 N 99:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.033336,-99.333338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49540 (256A3BC6)
**Date:** 7/1993
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** MARSEILLE
**Description:** 1 observer. "Crab-body" with tail stops / sky. Strong vibrations. Shoots going up [to] and going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16422
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MARSEILLE:1 OBS:"CRAB-BODY" W/TAIL STOPS/SKY:STRONG VIBRATIONS:SHOOTS↑+>E", **LatLong:** "43.300002 5.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:00 N 05:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.300002,5.416667)", **State/Prov:** "NDR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49541 (96763E58)
**Date:** 7/1/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) French astronaut Jean-Pierre Haigneré begins the Altaïr mission aboard *Mir.* (July 1st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3214
### Event 49542 (B97D2FD9)
**Date:** 7/1/1993
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BAIKONUR, KZK
**Description:** Many observer(s). Orange night light going south during Soyuz-17 launch. Quick media blackout.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16423
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kazakh Republic", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BAIKONUR,KZK:MANY OBS:ORG.NLT >S DURING SOYUZ-17 LAUNCH:quick media blackout", **LatLong:** "47.833336 66.050003", **LatLongDMS:** "47:50:00 N 66:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.833336,66.050003)", **State/Prov:** "DZH", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49543 (B1E0D26F)
**Date:** 7/1/1993
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Airliner underflown / shiny sphere/orb/globe. Light fans out / rear. / r60#289.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16424
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SE/URUMQI,CHINA:AIRLINER UNDERFLOWN/SHINY ORB:LITE FANS OUT/REAR:/r60#289", **LatLong:** "43.583335 87.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:35:00 N 87:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.583335,87.666671)", **State/Prov:** "XNJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49544 (ED476F86)
**Date:** 7/2/1993
**Time:** ~07:00
**Description:** Lawyer from aurora sees orange saucer fly about. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16425
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "NEWMARKET,ONTARIO:LAWYER FROM AURORA SEES ORANGE SCR FLY ABOUT:NFD", **LatLong:** "44.066669 -79.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:04:00 N 79:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.066669,-79.483337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49545 (B275D3F8)
**Date:** 7/2/1993
**Time:** 08:00?
**Location:** ORILLIA, ONT
**Description:** Saucer with cross of lights rotates on axis. Hovers / 2 hours. Climbs away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16426
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "ORILLIA,ONT:SCR W/CROSS OF LITES ROTATES ON AXIS:HOVERS/2hrs:CLIMBS AWAY", **LatLong:** "44.600002 -79.405559", **LatLongDMS:** "44:36:00 N 79:24:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.600002,-79.405559)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49546 (05B6D8D9)
**Date:** 7/2/1993
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** ESBJERG, DK
**Description:** 5 silent black 2M objects going north fast. 2 / front swap positions twice. 1600M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16427
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ESBJERG,DK:5 SLNT BLK 2M OBJs >N FAST:2/FRONT SWAP POSITIONS TWICE:1600M alt", **LatLong:** "55.500003 8.455556", **LatLongDMS:** "55:30:00 N 08:27:20 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.500003,8.455556)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49547 (E2828DCD)
**Date:** 7/3/1993
**Description:** Fireball jumps up from behind trees / a few seconds. Dives back going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16428
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHILTINGTON,W.SUSSEX:FBL JUMPS UP FROM BEHIND TREES/A FEW SECs:DIVES BACK ↓", **LatLong:** "50.933336 -0.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:56:00 N 00:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.933336,-0.416667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49548 (C071B665)
**Date:** 7/4/1993
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** PARADISE, CA
**Description:** Saucer scouts up / down feather River Canyon. Goes. Returns. 5+observer(s). Ring / lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16429
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "521", **HatchDesc:** "PARADISE,CA:SCR SCOUTS UP/DN FEATHER RVR CANYON:GOES:RETURNS:5+ OBS:RING/LITES", **LatLong:** "39.744446 -121.638895", **LatLongDMS:** "39:44:40 N 121:38:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.744446,-121.638895)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49549 (09055BF9)
**Date:** 7/4/1993
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** PORT MARLY, FR
**Description:** Many observer(s). Dozens / night lights dance to and fro. Forward and backward. All vanish.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16430
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "PORT MARLY,FR:MANY OBS:DOZENS/NLTS DANCE TO+FRO:FWD+BACKWD:ALL VANISH", **LatLong:** "48.872225 2.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:52:20 N 02:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.872225,2.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Yvelines", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49550 (AECCB378)
**Date:** 7/7/1993
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** VIZZINI, SICILY
**Description:** 2 foresters. Object lands. Flashes 5 times. Column / light. Power lines?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. now: Primary ref /r209.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16431
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "VIZZINI,SICILY:2 FORESTERS:OBJ LANDS:FLASHES 5 TIMES:COLUMN/LITE:power lines?", **LatLong:** "37.150002 14.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:00 N 14:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.150002,14.750001)", **State/Prov:** "SCL", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49551 (CE0931BF)
**Date:** 7/7/1993
**Time:** 23:50?
**Description:** 50+calls / police. "Silver balloon" maneuvers. = hallucination / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. now: Primary ref /r209.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16432
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "S/CATANIA,SICILY:50+CALLS/POLICE:"SLVR BALLOON" MNVRS:=HALLUCINATION/NEWS", **LatLong:** "37.450002 15.150001", **LatLongDMS:** "37:27:00 N 15:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.450002,15.150001)", **State/Prov:** "CT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49552 (03431984)
**Date:** 7/9/1993
**Time:** ~19:00
**Description:** Several observer(s). "Mexican-hat" saucer with lights all around edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16433
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BISHOPSTONE,BUCKs:SVRL OBS:"MEXICAN-HAT" SCR W/LITES ALL AROUND EDGE:", **LatLong:** "51.816669 -0.883333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:49:00 N 00:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.816669,-0.883333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49553 (871849A6)
**Date:** 7/9/1993
**Description:** A domed disc-shaped object, looking like a Mexican sombrero with light all the way around its rim, was seen by several witnesses in Bishopstone, England at 7:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, January 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3968
### Event 49554 (6DBCE75F)
**Date:** 7/11/1993
**Time:** 01:20
**Description:** Domed UFO beams white light going down. 50' over ground. Lights rotate.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16434
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "149", **HatchDesc:** "ARLEY,WARWICKS,ENGL:DOMED UFO BEAMS WHT LITE ↓:50' OVR GND:LITES ROTATE", **LatLong:** "52.500003 -1.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:30:00 N 01:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.500003,-1.583333)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49555 (DFF397FE)
**Date:** 7/11/1993
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright yellow star immobile. Then jumps going up [to] into cloud..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16435
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CORBEIL-ESSONES,FR:2 OBS:BRITE YELLOW STAR IMMOBILE:THEN JUMPS↑ INTO CLOUD..", **LatLong:** "48.600002 2.483333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:36:00 N 02:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.600002,2.483333)", **State/Prov:** "Essonne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49556 (4833670F)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** LIGONIER, IN
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Silent night lights maneuver over railroad/railway tracks and farms. Going quickly northwest rotate / unison.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16436
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "268", **HatchDesc:** "LIGONIER,IN:SVRL SEP.OBS:SLNT NLTS MNV OVR RR TRACKS+FARMS:>>NW ROTATE/UNISON", **LatLong:** "41.466669 -85.588893", **LatLongDMS:** "41:28:00 N 85:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.466669,-85.588893)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49557 (CAC3BFF4)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CROMWELL, IN
**Description:** Metallic ovoids follow car. Hover over mobile home. Going quickly northwest 50' over car / separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16437
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "290", **HatchDesc:** "CROMWELL,IN:MTLC OVOIDS FOLO CAR:HVR OVR MOBILE HOME::>>NW 50'OVR CAR/SEP.OBS", **LatLong:** "41.400002 -85.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:24:00 N 85:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.400002,-85.616671)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49558 (CC7CF434)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** SYRACUSE, IN
**Description:** Ex-pilot. Humming. Dark 85m cylinder/cigar-shape / yard. Rises / 15m altitude. Observer(s) dizzy and skin rash.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16438
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "SYRACUSE,IN:EX-PILOT:HUM:DRK 85m CGR/YARD:RISES/15m alt:OBS DIZZY+SKIN RASH", **LatLong:** "41.427780 -85.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:25:40 N 85:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.427780,-85.716671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49559 (71BEE581)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** WEST / WOLFLAKE, IN
**Description:** 3 / truck. 3 red night lights going northwest. Helicopter follows. Possible misidentified (conventional phenomena) helicopter. Local (as a local wave) wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16439
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "276", **HatchDesc:** "W/WOLFLAKE,IN:3/TRUCK:3 RED NLTS >NW:COPTER FOLOS:POSS.MID COPTER:lcl wave", **LatLong:** "41.333335 -85.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:20:00 N 85:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.333335,-85.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 49560 (2EEBB00D)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Location:** Ligonier, IN
**Description:** Kenneled dogs barking during 20 min. sighting of 3 rotating lights (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [930713](http://www.nicap.org/ar-930713bdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5839
### Event 49561 (462DC718)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Location:** Syracuse, IN
**Description:** Dogs howled as a cigar-shaped object passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [930713](http://www.nicap.org/ar-930713dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5840
### Event 49562 (57770D05)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Location:** Syracuse, IN
**Description:** Cigar-shaped object with red body lights maneuvered at low level
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_482
### Event 49563 (9CF8703F)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Description:** At 9:15 p.m. in Syracuse, Indiana a man on his porch heard a dynamo humming sound. He went to his backyard and saw a multi-colored cigar-shaped object drift slowly toward the west, rise up 50-70 feet, and then drift to the north. It passed in front of trees, and then behind some more trees and was gone from view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON investigation files, case 931243J
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4036
### Event 49564 (739B2111)
**Date:** 7/13/1993
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. in Ligonier, Indiana two teenagers driving south on Sparta Lake Road saw several red lights moving at a low altitude and making a humming sound. They stopped and got out of their car to watch as the lights maneuvered over farm buildings and then go behind some trees. At the same time or five minutes later in Cromwell, Indiana three people traveling south on Rte. 3 saw a number of lights that appeared to be a multi-colored oval-shaped UFO. It made a whining noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON investigations files, cases 931244J and 931245J
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4037
### Event 49565 (A5E7B659)
**Date:** 7/14/1993
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** PARIS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Red 3-4M starfish-object crosses sky / 30 second(s). Steadily going east. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) pg25.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16440
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PARIS:2 OBS:RED 3-4M STARFISH-OBJ CROSSES SKY/30sec:STEADILY >E:/LDLN pg25.", **LatLong:** "48.866669 2.316667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:52:00 N 02:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.866669,2.316667)", **State/Prov:** "Paris", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49566 (FEB27E19)
**Date:** 7/17/1993
**Description:** A peculiar looking robot-like humanoid was seen flying low over the terrain near Rome, Italy. It was viewed by a family with binoculars. While the witnesses was calling the airport the "robot" disappeared from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case no. 1707, citing London UFO Studies, Skylink, issues # 6 & 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4149
### Event 49567 (B9832553)
**Date:** 7/18/1993
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** PARIS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Black ball circled with halo seen / broad daylight. High altitude. Then going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16441
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PARIS:2 OBS:BLACK BALL CIRCLED W/HALO SEEN/BROAD DAYLIGHT:HIGH ALT:THEN >>E", **LatLong:** "48.850002 2.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:51:00 N 02:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.850002,2.300000)", **State/Prov:** "Paris", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49568 (8A62ECE9)
**Date:** 7/19/1993
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 pulsing UFO's zigzag and orbit mothercraft. 24 UFO's / 20 years.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16442
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "WANDSWORTH,LONDON:1 OBS:2 PULSING UFOS ZIGZAG+ORBIT MOTHERCRAFT:24 UFOS/20yrs", **LatLong:** "51.450002 -0.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:27:00 N 00:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.450002,-0.200000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49569 (EB886064)
**Date:** 7/19/1993
**Description:** Two pulsating objects zigzag and orbit around a large craft at 4 o'clock in the morning over Wandsworth, England.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, April 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4215
### Event 49570 (FBFD738C)
**Date:** 7/20/1993
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** NANTES, FR
**Description:** Several police report(s). Huge dark mass with sparkling edges over city street.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16443
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NANTES,FR:SVRL POLICE Rpts:HUGE DARK MASS W/SPARKLING EDGES ovr CITY STREET", **LatLong:** "47.216669 -1.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:13:00 N 01:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.216669,-1.550000)", **State/Prov:** "Loire Atlantique", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49571 (727949CB)
**Date:** 7/20/1993
**Location:** Antelope Valley, CA
**Description:** Round UFO with satellite objects (section X). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5841
### Event 49572 (C1D9FD43)
**Date:** 7/20/1993
**Location:** Antelope Valley, CA
**Description:** Round UFO with satellite objects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_483
### Event 49573 (8220305E)
**Date:** 7/22/1993
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** ST. ANDRE, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Huge dark triangle with lights at high altitude. Going south. Hovers and shoots going up [to] fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16444
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St.ANDRE,FR:SVRL OBS:HUGE DRK TRIANGLE W/LITES @HI ALT:>S:HVRS+SHOOTS↑ FAST:", **LatLong:** "42.544446 2.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:32:40 N 02:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.544446,2.966667)", **State/Prov:** "Pyrénées-Orientales", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49574 (0A88FE06)
**Date:** 7/22/1993
**Description:** Richard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy informs researcher [Nick Redfern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FRedfern) that it has a file on Majestic-12, although it is in “closed status.” The file title is labeled “Espionage.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kremlin 191–192
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7054
### Event 49575 (39722E99)
**Date:** 7/22/1993
**Description:** Richard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy tells ufologist Nick Redfern it has a file on “Majestic-12,” but it is in “closed status.” The file is labeled “Espionage.”
* [https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/](https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/) (p191-192)
>**_Note_**: The MJ-12 conspiracy rose to prominence in the 1980s and 1990s when a series of alleged USG documents were sent to ufologists claiming to show evidence of coordination of the UAP issue at the highest levels of USG, USG contractors and private industry since the
>1940s. The theory alleged that a “group” of key figures kept true UAP study, crash recovery, reverse engineering, analytics and communications processes secret and outside of Congressional oversight through the usage of illegal security controls, possibly through illegal use of unacknowledged Special Access Program (SAP) protocols.
>The allegation of a group existing, possibly not by this name, is corroborated by VADM Thomas
>R. Wilson’s alleged testimony (see 16 October 2002) and an unnamed DOD official’s recent comments to Politico (see 16 May 2022).
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_280
### Event 49576 (261EED71)
**Date:** 7/23/1993
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** ILION, NY
**Description:** UFO hovers overhead near roadway. Bright light. Seen / man returning from work.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16445
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "125", **HatchDesc:** "ILION,NY:UFO HOVERS OVHD nr ROADWAY:BRITE LITE:SEEN/MAN RETURNING FROM WORK", **LatLong:** "43.016669 -75.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:00 N 75:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.016669,-75.033337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 49577 (21FAE937)
**Date:** 7/23/1993
**Time:** 16:20
**Description:** 1 observer. Glowing-sphere/orb/globe with small fins arcs going down. Reappears and arcs back up going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 459)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16446
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/DERSINGHAM,NORFOLK:1 OBS:GLOW-ORB W/SML FINS ARCS↓:REAPPEARS+ARCS BACK UP >W", **LatLong:** "52.850003 0.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:51:00 N 00:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.850003,0.500000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49578 (DF60B981)
**Date:** 7/24/1993
**Time:** 10:20
**Description:** Blue box-shape arcs down and away going quickly west / 4 minute(s). Silent. Regains altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16447
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NOUMEA,NEW CALEDONIA:BLUE BOX-SHAPE ARCS DOWN+AWAY >>W/4min:SLNT:REGAINS ALT.", **LatLong:** "-22.333334 166.833341", **LatLongDMS:** "22:20:00 S 166:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.333334,166.833341)", **State/Prov:** "CLD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49579 (947E0E7C)
**Date:** 7/24/1993
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** CHAUMES-EN-BRIE, FR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 4 metallic saucers. Each circled / different color / lights. Hover. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16448
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CHAUMES-en-BRIE,FR:4 OBS:4 MTLC SCRS:EACH CIRCLED/DIFF.COLOR/LITES:HOVER:>>N", **LatLong:** "48.666669 2.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:40:00 N 02:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.666669,2.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49580 (D778525E)
**Date:** 7/24/1993
**Description:** In the early pre-dawn hours of this day a woman living in West Palm Beach, Florida awoke feeling very groggy and heard a peculiar low frequency buzzing sound. Two men came into her bedroom, carried her outside, and loaded her into a waiting, large "military type" truck. The witness felt semi-conscious and groggy during the truck ride. The truck drove into an underground chamber located in the side of a large hill, through a door that opened upwards. The interior was dimly lit. A three-foot-tall Grey humanoid with slanted eyes, who wore a black hooded cape, met her there. The being had a greenish gray complexion and seemed to hover just above the floor, sometimes poking her with an unseen instrument. She sensed hostility from the being, which kept circling her in an attempt to force her to lie down on a nearby metal table. The witness resisted and blacked out. She later she found herself back on her bed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 1665, citing Karla Turner, Ph.D., Taken
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4366
### Event 49581 (B5FEA91C)
**Date:** 7/24/1993
**Description:** On this day a long crop formation of circles and rings was found in a wheat field in East Kennett, Wiltshire, England. It was given the name "the Lozenge".
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lucy Pringle, Crop Circles: The Greatest Mystery of Modern Times, p. 38
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4367
### Event 49582 (CC70701E)
**Date:** 7/24/1993
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a man saw a spherical object low in the sky over Dundee, Scotland. It glowed with a strange intensity 100 feet above the ground, and then began to ascend. After several minutes it lost its blinding intensity, split into two, then split again into two groups of 3-4 lights, all white.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, p. 143
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4368
### Event 49583 (0E60F4AC)
**Date:** 7/24/1993
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. four metallic discs were sighted in the sky over Chaumes-en-Brie, France. Each object was encircled by a different color of lights. They hovered for 15 minutes, then flew off quickly to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 320
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4369
### Event 49584 (51CF0EC0)
**Date:** 7/25/1993
**Time:** 03:40
**Description:** 4M dome follows 2 observer(s) home. 5M / video / object circles. Marks / skin. Abduction?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16449
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr WARSAW,POLAND:4M DOME FOLOS 2 OBS HOME:5M/VIDEO/OBJ CIRCLES:MARKS/SKIN:ABD?", **LatLong:** "52.250002 21.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "52:15:00 N 21:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.250002,21.000001)", **State/Prov:** "Warsaw", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49585 (1EBE0FD2)
**Date:** 7/25/1993
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** BROCKLEHURST, BC
**Description:** Big saucer hovers over Kamloops Lake / 5 minute(s). Same seen 3 hours later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16450
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "345", **HatchDesc:** "BROCKLEHURST,BC:BIG SCR HVRS OVR KAMLOOPS LAKE/5min:SAME SEEN 3 HRS LATER", **LatLong:** "50.666669 -120.383339", **LatLongDMS:** "50:40:00 N 120:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.666669,-120.383339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49586 (871B2397)
**Date:** 7/25/1993
**Description:** At 3:40 a.m. a dome-shaped object 4 meters in diameter followed two witnesses home in Warsaw, Poland. They videotaped the object circling their house. The next day unexplained new marks on their skin suggested to them that they had been abducted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 326
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4402
### Event 49587 (20ADABC0)
**Date:** 7/26/1993
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** KAMLOOPS, BC
**Description:** Wave / delta/triangle/box-like crafts and night lights to 18 August when delta/triangle/box-like craft lands / hilltop. Durations to 4 hours.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16451
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "346", **HatchDesc:** "KAMLOOPS,BC:WAVE/DLTS+NLTS TO 18AUG WHEN DLT LANDS/HILLTOP:DURATIONS TO 4hrs", **LatLong:** "50.666669 -120.316672", **LatLongDMS:** "50:40:00 N 120:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.666669,-120.316672)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49588 (625F1A20)
**Date:** 7/26/1993
**Description:** On this night a witness in Plymouth, Scotland reported seeing a dark object hovering close to the ground. It had four bright lights on its top and multicolored lights below. It illuminated the ground with a red glow. Several figures were seen moving around, apparently in front of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 1552, citing Vivienne Olbison, UFO Magazine (UK), Vol. 12, No. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4419
### Event 49589 (878206E6)
**Date:** 7/27/1993
**Location:** Italy, Calabona beach (Sassari)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Investigation by Antonio Cuccu of CISU - Itufor 10.7.95) Around 9 pm a dozen people observed for two or three minutes a strange object above the beach. It was a four-year-old child who saw it first, asking his father and a hotel bartender to "catch that balloon" for him. A group of hotel tourists were thus able to observe the phenomenon: round, black, hovering at about thirty meters. A kind of short rope seemed to hang down, which at first made it look like a balloon. But its shape changed, becoming oblong and irregular, then it began to undulate in the air, then disappeared from their sight. The people ran down the stairs four at a time to continue the observation from the street. The object became bigger and bigger, and changed shape again, becoming like a helicopter with a pulsing red light on top. Suddenly it shot off towards the southwest and was lost from sight in a few seconds.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3486
### Event 49590 (6688B8CC)
**Date:** 7/27/1993
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a dozen witnesses at Calabona Beach, Sardinia, Italy sighted a strange object resembling a "balloon" flying over the beach. At first it resembled a round black object that hovered, then it changed to an oblong, irregular shape. The witnesses ran closer and saw the object enlarging as it flew away from the area. It now looked like a helicopter with a red pulsating light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Italian UFO Reporter, October 10, 1996
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4441
### Event 49591 (C3BC6DD2)
**Date:** 7/28/1993
**Time:** 10:40
**Description:** Large circular white object / 300' altitude. Shoots beam / light. Silent. 2 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16452
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CLACTON-ON-SEA,ESSEX:LRG CIRC WHT OBJ/300' ALT:SHOOTS BEAM/LITE:SILENT:2 OBS", **LatLong:** "51.800002 1.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:48:00 N 01:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.800002,1.166667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49592 (248EDB48)
**Date:** 7/30/1993
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** WEST WINFIELD, NY
**Description:** Trucker and 1 / ground. Silent cylinder/cylindrical object hovers / field. ? overhead. Crop circle found later. / r147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16453
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "438", **HatchDesc:** "W.WINFIELD,NY:TRUCKER+1/GND:SLNT CYL HVRS/FLD:?OVHD:CROP CCL FOUND LATER:/r147", **LatLong:** "42.900002 -75.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:54:00 N 75:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.900002,-75.183337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49593 (2F67426F)
**Date:** 7/30/1993
**Description:** A truck driver in West Winfield, New York saw a cylindrical object hovering over a field at 3:00 a.m. Complex crop circles were found later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4513
### Event 49594 (F66307A6)
**Date:** 7/31/1993
**Description:** A man riding his motorcycle near Orihuela, Alicante, Spain around midnight noticed a tall dark human figure standing next to a light pole. The figure seemed to be staring at him. The witness rode away at high speed but then noticed that the figure was now running after him at very high speed also, still staring at him. The figure then disappeared and a bright white sphere appeared and followed the witness briefly before leaving.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 1240, citing Año Cero, January 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4545
### Event 49595 (CC5A60F1)
**Date:** 8/1993
**Location:** TAIPEI, TAIWAN
**Description:** Many observer(s). 2 rim-joined hat-UFO's soar over airport / 15 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16454
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Taiwan China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "TAIPEI,TAIWAN:MANY OBS:2 RIM-JOINED HAT-UFOS SOAR OVR AIRPORT/15min:NFD", **LatLong:** "25.033335 121.433339", **LatLongDMS:** "25:02:00 N 121:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.033335,121.433339)", **State/Prov:** "TPE", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49596 (8837F6BF)
**Date:** 8/1993
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** NANAIMO, BC
**Description:** 4am-5am each morn / August. Small UFO's in and out / diamond mothership 1 mile long.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16455
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "112", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "NANAIMO,BC:4am-5am EACH MORN/AUG:SML UFOS IN+OUT/DIAMOND MOTHERSHIP 1mi LONG", **LatLong:** "49.166669 -123.933339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:10:00 N 123:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.166669,-123.933339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49597 (B0625818)
**Date:** 8/1993
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** PERTH, ON
**Description:** Possible report abductee. 100' saucer maneuvers 50-800' altitude. Many passing cars ignore.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 125)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16456
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "PERTH,ON:POSS.RPT.ABDUCTEE:100'SCR MNVRS 50-800'alt:many passing cars ignore", **LatLong:** "44.683335 -76.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:41:00 N 76:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.683335,-76.233337)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49598 (070FBA30)
**Date:** 8/1993
**Location:** Rhyl, Clwyd, Wales
**Description:** Day. A witness takes a video of an odd figure on a beach at Rhyl, Clwyd, Wales. As the camera pans through the crowd on the beach, a strange semi-transparent figure in a silver suit becomes visible for a couple of seconds standing and facing a wooden fence. Looking up, he cannot see the figure, which appears to have vanished. Investigators suspect it is merely someone in odd clothing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOs in Focus,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7055
### Event 49599 (82BFA877)
**Date:** 8/1/1993
**Description:** MARAUDER \(Magnetically accelerated ring to achieve ultrahigh directed energy and radiation\) is, or was, a USAF Research Laboratory project to develop a coaxial plasma railgun. It is one of several US efforts to develop a plasma-based projectile. It began development in 1990, and its first published experiment takes place on this date. The project’s initial success leads to it becoming classified, and only a few references to MARAUDER appear after 1993. No information about the fate of the project is published after 1995.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[MARAUDER](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARAUDER)”; C. R. Sovinec and R. E. Peterkin Jr., “[Phase 1b MARAUDER Computer Simulations,](https://inis.iaea.org/search/searchsinglerecord.aspx?recordsFor=SingleRecord&RN=22057516)” 1990 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Abstracts
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7056
### Event 49600 (618B309F)
**Date:** 8/1/1993
**Description:** The first public experiment for **Project MARAUDER** is conducted, a USAF Research Laboratory project to develop a plasma railgun. Two years earlier, journalist Danny Casolaro is found dead after investigating the use of Native American reservation land to test rail gun technology. Casolaro alleges Wackenhut Corp. and the Cabazon Indian Reservation used a joint venture to test the advanced weapon on sovereign land to circumvent U.S. law.
* [https://inis.iaea.org/search/searchsinglerecord.aspx?recordsFor=SingleRecord&RN=22057516](https://inis.iaea.org/search/searchsinglerecord.aspx?recordsFor=SingleRecord&RN=22057516)
* [https://archive.org/details/casolaro-notebooks/BcciAndMisc/](https://archive.org/details/casolaro-notebooks/BcciAndMisc/)
>**_Note_**: It is worth looking into the possibly illegal use of Native American land for other USG weapons projects and any projects related to UAP study or reverse engineering. Wackenhut Corp. was later linked to allegations of secret UAP work at secure USG facilities by CSETI, a nonprofit that allegedly briefed members of Congress and the Clinton Administration in 1996. [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/disclosure/briefing/disclosure03.htm](https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/disclosure/briefing/disclosure03.htm&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1690698544293651&usg=AOvVaw2BbEGS5qA2R4ZLlAhV0d4k)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_281
### Event 49601 (AF66B400)
**Date:** 8/2/1993
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** MISSION, BC
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Big dark silent delta banks going quickly [to] right. Lost / moonlight / 15 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16457
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MISSION,BC:3 OBS:BIG DARK SILENT DELTA BANKS>>RIGHT:LOST/MOONLITE/15sec", **LatLong:** "49.133336 -122.300006", **LatLongDMS:** "49:08:00 N 122:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.133336,-122.300006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49602 (B39407A9)
**Date:** 8/3/1993
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** NEAR HILO, HI
**Description:** Classic saucer hovers / 15 minute(s) 1 / 2 miles off Hawaii paradise park. 9 observer(s). Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16458
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "nr HILO,HI:CLASSIC SCR HVRS/15min 1/2mi OFF HAWAII PARADISE PARK:9 OBS:SILENT", **LatLong:** "19.733334 -155.033341", **LatLongDMS:** "19:44:00 N 155:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.733334,-155.033341)", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49603 (ED156203)
**Date:** 8/3/1993
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** 3' UFO high in sky. Several observer(s) and police report. Shoots sparks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16459
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "EASTBOURNE,E.SUSSEX:3' UFO HIGH IN SKY:SVRL OBS+POLICE REPORT:SHOOTS SPARKS", **LatLong:** "50.800002 0.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:48:00 N 00:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.800002,0.266667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49604 (67E4C7A8)
**Date:** 8/5/1993
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** SAINS-DU-NORD, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). 40M soup-bowl saucer rotates / one hour. 2 rows / bright spots. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16460
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "SAINS-du-NORD,FR:SVRL OBS:40M SOUP-BOWL SCR ROTATES/1hr:2 ROWS/BRITE SPOTS:>>N", **LatLong:** "50.088891 4.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:05:20 N 04:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.088891,4.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49605 (9EF30A5D)
**Date:** 8/5/1993
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** White bell-shape hovers near moon. Moves going east and vanishes in place!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16461
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "13", **HatchDesc:** "FONTENAY-TRESIGNY,FR:WHT BELL-SHAPE HVRS nr MOON:MOVES>E+VANISHES IN PLACE!", **LatLong:** "48.716669 2.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:43:00 N 02:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.716669,2.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49606 (45F367F7)
**Date:** 8/5/1993
**Description:** In Dunajska Streda, Slovakia about 10 children saw two strange looking humanoids with large cucumber-like heads in a field at 10:30 p.m. They were wearing all silver clothing. They glided over the field and disappeared from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, citing Dr. Milos Jesensk
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4706
### Event 49607 (DE0A57C9)
**Date:** 8/5/1993
**Description:** At sometime after two o'clock at night, the daughter of a UFO investigator watched two silent helicopter-shaped craft hover outside her bedroom window in the town of Baca in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. A beam of red light passed from one helicopter to the other.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 186
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4707
### Event 49608 (D8639A53)
**Date:** 8/6/1993
**Time:** ~05:00
**Description:** Silver "flying trashcan" flies over lawn. 4 burn marks left.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16462
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "KEIGHLEY,W.YORKS:SLVR "FLYING TRASHCAN" FLIES OVR LAWN:4 BURN MARKS LEFT", **LatLong:** "53.866669 -1.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:52:00 N 01:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.866669,-1.916667)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49609 (A95737E4)
**Date:** 8/6/1993
**Description:** Ed Walters took three photos of a silver tank or disc-shaped object moving low over the ocean in Pensacola, Florida. The object suddenly lurched forward, leaping several hundred feet into the air. A black spot could be seen making erratic movements, and a thumping noise was heard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ed Walters, UFOs are Real: Here's the Proof, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4745
### Event 49610 (837410CB)
**Date:** 8/7/1993
**Location:** Australia, Belgrave (Melbourne)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Night of 7th to 8th August. Kelly Cahill and Andrew (pseudonym) observed a bright light in front of them, the width of the road: it was an object violently lit at the neck. Andrew stopped the car and both occupants got out to take a closer look. At 100 m from their position, another car also stopped. While they were looking at the object, a group of large black silhouettes with red eyes approached them, floating above the ground. Kelly fell to the ground, blinded and nauseous. Then she probably lost consciousness. Later she noticed a red triangular mark near her navel and a small incision in her stomach skin resembling those after a laparoscopy. She bled from her vagina for 3 and a half weeks, and at the hospital an infection was detected.
**Reference:** Mufon UFO Journal, November 1996, P. 10 - 11
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3487
### Event 49611 (5126D61B)
**Date:** 8/7/1993
**Location:** Australia, Belgrave (Melbourne)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Night of the 7th to 8th of August. The other witnesses of this encounter were three people: Bill, an entrepreneur, his wife Jane, and a nurse Glenda. These people arrived at the scene (but they were driving in the opposite direction) and they were all feeling sick: nausea. The driver lost control of his vehicle and stopped against a pole along the road. At that moment two cars passed on the road, one of them had Kelly and Andrew on board? The trio saw the same kind of creatures, heard a buzzing sound and then their memories stopped. The driver, in addition, was blinded. Afterwards marks were found in different places on the women's bodies, and Glenda and Jane also had the small triangular mark near their navel. (...)
**Reference:** Mufon UFO Journal, November 1996, P. 10 - 11
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3488
### Event 49612 (043DA722)
**Date:** 8/7/1993
**Description:** Delta hovers here. Videos taken. Crop circles found after..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16463
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ALTON PRIORS,WILTs:DELTA HVRS HERE:VIDEOS TAKEN:CROP CIRCLES FOUND AFTER..", **LatLong:** "51.355558 -1.838889", **LatLongDMS:** "51:21:20 N 01:50:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.355558,-1.838889)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49613 (11788A40)
**Date:** 8/7/1993
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** BEUX, FR
**Description:** 1 / D71. 40M saucer beams blue going down / road. Absolute(ly) silent. No odor. Going quickly northeast. Pain. / r226#18+#20.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16464
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BEUX,FR:1/D71:40M SCR BEAMS BLU↓/ROAD:ABS SLNT:NO ODOR:>>NE:PAIN:/r226#18+#20", **LatLong:** "49.011113 6.327778", **LatLongDMS:** "49:00:40 N 06:19:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.011113,6.327778)", **State/Prov:** "Moselle", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49614 (B66AF450)
**Date:** 8/8/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Eummemering Creek \(Australia\), Kelly Cahill observes a UFO in the shape of a disk, of impressive size and equipped with circular portholes. It emits some sort of large vertical beam. (August 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3215
### Event 49615 (09BB3D0D)
**Date:** 8/8/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The UFO filmed in Sebastopol. See images/sebastop.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3216
### Event 49616 (067D5094)
**Date:** 8/8/1993
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** NARRE WARREN, AUST
**Description:** 2 separate cars abduction. Tall black figure(s). Marks. False pregnancy? / MJ#321.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16465
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "NARRE WARREN,AUST:2 SEP.CARS ABD:TALL BLK FIGs:MARKS:FALSE PREGNANCY?:/MJ#321", **LatLong:** "-38.033335 145.300007", **LatLongDMS:** "38:02:00 S 145:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.033335,145.300007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 49617 (14C01A2E)
**Date:** 8/8/1993
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** L'HOPITAL, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Large bluish sphere crosses entire sky in 30 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16466
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "L'HOPITAL,FR:1 OBS:LRG BLUISH SPHERE CROSSES ENTIRE SKY in 30sec:", **LatLong:** "49.161113 6.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:09:40 N 06:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.161113,6.716667)", **State/Prov:** "Moselle", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49618 (BE8B1190)
**Date:** 8/8/1993
**Location:** Melbourne, Victoria, AU
**Description:** Five people in two separate cars encountered UFO on road, experienced missing time. Memories returned gradually without hypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them (Chalker, 1996). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5842
### Event 49619 (733D5C65)
**Date:** 8/8/1993
**Location:** Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
**Description:** Five people in two separate cars encountered UFO on road, experienced missing time. Memories returned gradually without hypnosis, including tall beings who abducted them (Chalker, 1996).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_484
### Event 49620 (529A7720)
**Date:** 8/8/1993
**Locations:** Narre Warren North; Victoria, Australia; Eumemmerring Creek; Belgrave
**Description:** Early morning. [Kelly Cahill](https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/the-oz-files-who-is-victorian-abductee-kelly-cahill-and-what-did-she-see-in-narre-warren-20160201-gmic19.html) and her husband Andrew are returning from a party in Narre Warren North, in the Dandenong Foothills of Victoria, Australia, and are near Eumemmerring Creek south of Belgrave when they see a huge lighted object with windows in front of them on the road. It seems to have people in it, but it quickly shoots off to the left and disappears. They continue driving, and about one kilometer ahead they encounter another bright light. Her husband continues driving, and they do not recall anything else until they get home. They agree they saw a UFO but can’t agree on whether they had missing time or saw people. They both can smell vomit and feel stomach pains. Kelly notices a triangular mark below her navel, which is bleeding a bit. Kelly has a strange dream immediately after the encounter, and two subsequent dreams in September, October 23, and January 1994—all involving entities and a “strange physical dimension.” A few weeks later, both of them start remembering that the UFO has landed in an adjacent field and that they get out of the car to look at it. An abduction scenario ensues involving tall black beings. They also recall that there is another car stopped by the road with at least two people in it. By November 17, Phenomena Research Australia has located the couple in the other car and a woman who was with them. They have also undergone an abduction experience and have missing time. These witnesses, unknown to the Cahills, confirm the UFO landing site, and their drawings of the UFOs and entities closely coincide with Kelly’s. The second group also recalls seeing a third car with one male who is gazing fixedly toward the encounter site. Unfortunately, Kelly’s account of the incident is the only one that has come to light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “An Extraordinary Encounter in the Dandenong Foothills,” IUR 19, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1994\): 4–8, 18–20; Bill Chalker, “Aliens, Hair, and DNA,” IUR 29, no. 3 \(Fall 2004\): 3; Kelly Cahill, Encounter, HarperCollins, 1996; Bill Chalker, The Oz Files: The Australian UFO Story, Duffy and Snellgrove, 1996; Bill Chalker, “[The Kelly Cahill Case Revisited: An Extraordinary Lost Opportunity,](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2016/03/the-kelly-cahill-case-revisited.html)” TheOzFiles, March 2, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7057
### Event 49621 (9A8DF3BC)
**Date:** 8/8/1993
**Description:** At around 1:00 a.m. near Narre Warren North, Victoria, Australia three carloads of people, including the principal witness 27-year-old Kelly Cahill, her husband and three children encountered a huge disc-shaped object hovering low above a field by the roadside. It had what appeared to be orange-lighted windows around the bottom. Humanoid figures were seen moving about inside. Their next conscious memory was seeing the object suddenly shoot away at high speed. Later, as they approached their home, they saw a tall dark figure standing on the side of the road. Later they were able to recall how they had stopped their vehicle and gotten out to approach the large UFO. To their surprise, they noticed another car stopped at the side of the road. As they walked down toward the craft, they saw a seven-foot tall black figure with huge fiery red eyes appear in the field. The figure began moving slowly towards them, apparently gliding. Kelly panicked and began yelling hysterically "they have no souls!" when suddenly dozens of similar beings appeared and began moving quickly towards the group of witnesses. The aliens were beneath the immense flying craft. They seemed to congregate in small groups; one group glided toward Kelly and her husband covering a hundred yards in a mere few seconds. Another group approached the other car, which sat motionless near the hovering craft. Kelly had a sense that the creatures were evil. She clung to her husband, fighting the feeling of blacking out, but at this point all of the witnesses blacked out. Their next conscious recall was being in their car watching the object shoot away. The occupants of the other vehicle would later come forward and tell almost exactly the same story: a story of abduction, mind control, and embarrassing medical procedures. Kelly recalled through dreams that one of the black aliens stooped over her naked body like he was kissing her navel. That night, when Kelly undressed for bed, she noticed a strange triangular mark on her navel, a mark she had never seen before. Kelly suffered from general malaise for the next two weeks, and was taken to the hospital on two occasions, one for severe stomach pains, and another for a uterine infection. The witnesses all had a two 2 hour time lapse.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 1865, citing Bill Chalker, International UFO Reporter, Volume 19, Number 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4783
### Event 49622 (EA9EAB89)
**Date:** 8/9/1993
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** 2 / cars. Huge fat cylinder/cigar-shape just over trees crosses SR150. / r147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16467
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "293", **HatchDesc:** "nr CHERRYVILLE,NC:2/CARS:HUGE FAT CGR JUST OVR TREES CROSSES SR150:/r147", **LatLong:** "35.388891 -81.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:23:20 N 81:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.388891,-81.366671)", **RelAlt:** "25", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49623 (3DEF8E58)
**Date:** 8/9/1993
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. a very large, fat cigar-shaped object, "battleship gray" in color, was observed from State Route 150 near Cherryville, North Carolina just over some trees. It crossed the highway close to the car without making a sound. Two cars were involved in the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, April 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4807
### Event 49624 (8AE9160C)
**Date:** 8/10/1993
**Location:** Norman, OK
**Description:** Dogs barked, light passed (excitement of witnesses a factor?) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [930810](http://www.nicap.org/ar-930810dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5843
### Event 49625 (328B8CAA)
**Date:** 8/10/1993
**Description:** In Norman, Oklahoma at 2:11 a.m. an animal reaction case occurred. Dogs barked as a huge, fat, battleship gray UFO passed near the four witness's car. The object had two square patches of blue-gray fluorescent light in formation off it's diagonal corners. A red dot of light with radial rays appeared between the square patches.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Seifried Richard D. Seifried,MUFON Field Investigation case files, case 930108C; Donald M. Ware, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1993, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4840
### Event 49626 (5F95B632)
**Date:** 8/10/1993
**Description:** On this evening Leah Haley was in the back room of an old house in Pensacola, Florida, talking with a male friend when suddenly a force lifted her up towards the ceiling. Her friend tried to grab her but could not reach her in time. The higher she went the dizzier she became. Through some sort of white mist she saw her friend moving about, as if in a trance. Moments later she was onboard a craft looking out a porthole. Her next memory found herself standing in a field, where a short stocky woman was apparently performing magic tricks in front of several other people. The witness was standing in the middle of the field, in front of a table that contained clothing. A female "alien" with short brown hair, wearing a red-gold black trimmed blouse, was standing next to her. Another similar female stood on her right side. She asked one of the females where they was from, and her reply was "The Pleiades." She was told that they had bases on earth.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 2072, citing Leah A. Haley
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4841
### Event 49627 (61A8FB59)
**Date:** 8/10/1993
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a multicolored disc-shaped object was seen hovering across the street in Frankfort, Herkimer County, New York. The sighting lasted 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report dated September 29, 2004
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4842
### Event 49628 (5D25AF9B)
**Date:** 8/11/1993
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** NORMAN, OK
**Description:** Meteor shower. Square night lights = possible windows / dark object. Red night light. Dwg / r148p317.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 311)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16468
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "360", **HatchDesc:** "NORMAN,OK:METEOR SHOWER:SQR.NLTS=POSS.WINDOWS/DARK OBJ:RED NLT:dwg/r148p317", **LatLong:** "35.233335 -97.450005", **LatLongDMS:** "35:14:00 N 97:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.233335,-97.450005)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49629 (7EB1844E)
**Date:** 8/11/1993
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** HAYES, FR
**Description:** 1 / car and 4 / home. Large orange ovoid going northeast / 20 minute(s). Slow. / r226#16. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16469
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "HAYES,FR:1/CAR+4/HOME:LRG ORANGE OVOID >NE/20min:SLOW:/r226#16:NFD", **LatLong:** "49.166669 6.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:10:00 N 06:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.166669,6.366667)", **State/Prov:** "Moselle", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49630 (6F7C4ABD)
**Date:** 8/11/1993
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Fireball like white flare / arms length. Hovers / 2 minute(s) and goes away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16470
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FLETRANGE-ELVANGE,FR:2 OBS:FBL LIKE WHT FLARE/ARMS LENGTH:HVRS/2min+GOES AWAY", **LatLong:** "49.066669 6.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:04:00 N 06:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.066669,6.550000)", **State/Prov:** "Moselle", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49631 (035271A8)
**Date:** 8/11/1993
**Description:** Perseid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_485
### Event 49632 (B8F74174)
**Date:** 8/11/1993
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. in Hayes, Moselle department, France a large orange ovoid object flew slowly toward the northeast for 20 minutes. There were five independent witnesses to the event.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16137, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 320
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4906
### Event 49633 (2626E781)
**Date:** 8/11/1993
**Description:** At 10:45 p.m. three witnesses in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada saw several dark triangular objects and a batwing-shaped object speed overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David Thacker, International UFO Reporter, May-June 1994, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4907
### Event 49634 (C4F7A639)
**Date:** 8/11/1993
**Description:** A man and a woman in Holland, Michigan witnessed a multicolored, silent disc-shaped object in the sky at 10:45 p.m. The duration of the sighting was 20 minutes. Each time it appeared as a row of alternating red and blue lights (the drawing shows two of each color close together). The lights were blinking and round. The first set spun clockwise and became blurred when moving forward.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald K. Ashley, Jr., MUFON field investigation database, case # 930817C
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4908
### Event 49635 (7BC31F35)
**Date:** 8/12/1993
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** Many observer(s). Night lights flash and maneuver over quay. Some large. Wave all month.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16471
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "KINGS LYNN,NORFOLK:MANY OBS:NLTS FLASH+MNVR OVR QUAY:SOME LARGE:WAVE ALL MONTH", **LatLong:** "52.750003 0.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:45:00 N 00:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.750003,0.333333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49636 (3EE67FBA)
**Date:** 8/12/1993
**Location:** North Lethbridge, Alberta
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. Two friends are watching the Perseid meteor shower in a dark school yard in North Lethbridge, Alberta, when they see a dark, gray-black, triangular object pass quickly and silently overhead for 4–5 seconds. Each point of the triangle has a red light on it. As it disappears to the south, it flips upward at a 45° angle. Another witness in a different location watches a similar object around the same time. Local radar does not show any unusual traffic.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David Thacker, “Flight of the Triangle,” IUR 19, no. 3 \(May/June 1994\): 4–8, 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7058
### Event 49637 (0F9E6260)
**Date:** 8/13/1993
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** BRETTNACH, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Round object goes going southeast and back going northwest in elliptical trajectory. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16472
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BRETTNACH,FR:2 OBS:ROUND OBJ GOES> SE+BACK >NW IN ELLIPTICAL TRAJECTORY:NFD", **LatLong:** "49.266669 6.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:16:00 N 06:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.266669,6.566667)", **State/Prov:** "Moselle", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49638 (AAABA371)
**Date:** 8/13/1993
**Location:** Telega, Romania
**Description:** Night. Costin and Mariana Popa are driving with their daughter Diana in a rural area a few miles south of Telega, Romania, when their car engine stops unexpectedly and the headlights go out. Examining the engine, they are suddenly hit by a “wall of air” and see a fog-like rectangular screen on the right side of the road floating 18 inches above the grass. It is pulsating every 2–3 seconds with a yellowish-white light. They hear no noise and feel no heat. After about 20 minutes the screen begins to move across the road and stops in front of them, having become a narrow band of light 90 feet long and 3 feet wide. Soon it becomes brighter and shoots into the sky and disappears. The car starts normally again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 58–59
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7059
### Event 49639 (367A0AA0)
**Date:** 8/14/1993
**Time:** 18:00?
**Location:** NEAR BRISTOL, AVON
**Description:** 30 / barbecue see and photograph wildly maneuvering night lights. Also in Hartcliffe.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16473
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "nr BRISTOL,AVON:30/BARBECUE SEE+FOTO WILDLY MNVRING NLTS:ALSO IN HARTCLIFFE", **LatLong:** "51.433336 -2.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:26:00 N 02:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.433336,-2.583333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49640 (D3C55A64)
**Date:** 8/14/1993
**Location:** Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romania
**Description:** 1:56 a.m. Four UFOs with red and green flashing lights are seen flying at low altitude above Henri Coandă International Airport at Otopeni, Romania. They first turn up on radar, then are seen visually and observed through binoculars.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 75
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7060
### Event 49641 (3A1F08D3)
**Date:** 8/14/1993
**Description:** Thirty people at a barbecue near Bristol, Avon, England saw and photographed a wildly maneuvering set of nocturnal lights at 6:00 p.m. They were also seen at Hartcliffe.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16088; UFO Newsclipping Service, December 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5018
### Event 49642 (45FCC44D)
**Date:** 8/14/1993
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. three people in Saint Gaudens, Haute-Garrone, France sighted a red point of light of large size, which appeared ovoid through binoculars. It had reddish-orange flames or beams coming from its interior like three pencils of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case # 143
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5019
### Event 49643 (B643AF60)
**Date:** 8/15/1993?
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** MANSFIELD, NOTTS
**Description:** Man videos airshow. Small black objects zoom around planes. No further details [in].
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16474
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "MANSFIELD,NOTTs:MAN VIDEOS AIRSHOW:SML BLACK OBJs ZOOM AROUND PLANES:nfd", **LatLong:** "53.133336 -1.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:08:00 N 01:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.133336,-1.200000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49644 (A98B636B)
**Date:** 8/15/1993?
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** Night light follows car / 20 mile(s). Time anomalies. Possible abduction. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16475
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "nr CARMARTHEN,WALES:NLT FOLOS CAR/20mi:TIME ANOMALIES:POSSIBLE ABD:SEE REF.", **LatLong:** "51.850002 -4.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "51:51:00 N 04:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.850002,-4.333334)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49645 (449398A2)
**Date:** 8/18/1993
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** WOOD LAKE, BC
**Description:** Glowing UFO hovers over lake. Drops sparks. Moves. Stops. Continues.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16476
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "WOOD LAKE,BC:GLOWING UFO HVRS OVR LAKE:DROPS SPARKS:MOVES:STOPS:CONTINUES", **LatLong:** "50.133336 -119.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "50:08:00 N 119:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.133336,-119.250006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49646 (87226E7D)
**Date:** 8/18/1993
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** NORTH BERGEN, NJ
**Description:** 2 separate groups / observer(s). 80' saucer with many bright lights. No blimp. / r147'93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16477
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "NORTH BERGEN,NJ:2 SEP.GRPS/OBS:80'SCR W/MANY BRITE LITES:no blimp:/r147'93", **LatLong:** "40.800002 -74.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:48:00 N 74:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.800002,-74.016670)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49647 (F6D47930)
**Date:** 8/18/1993
**Description:** A girl was riding her bicycle on this day in Odense, Denmark when she observed a large hovering object with four large windows on one level and another window on a second level. Behind the windows several figures could be seen moving around. As the object turned she saw three bright lights below. Nearby a normally placid pony behaved very uneasy during the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 1608, citing Tony Dodd, UFO Magazine (UK), January 1994, quoting UFO-Nyt
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5138
### Event 49648 (7300EA6D)
**Date:** 8/18/1993
**Description:** A glowing UFO hovered over Wood Lake, British Columbia at 9:00 p.m. It dropped sparks, moved, then stopped and hovered, and finally continued on after five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newspaper Clipping Service, November 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5139
### Event 49649 (19C5CF9F)
**Date:** 8/18/1993
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a young Hispanic woman phoned her neighbors and asked them to come over to her house outside Dallas, Texas immediately, because there were something strange going on in the house. One of her neighbor's, Jill, grabbed her camera and headed for the house. When Jill arrived the entire family was in a state of terror and extreme agitation. Two of the young females in the household were cowering in a corner of the living room, holding on to each other. The friend who called her sat in a chair curled into a semi-fetal position, rocking back and forth. She then pointed to the backyard. Jill looked out through a sliding glass door that led to the backyard and saw a creature with glowing red eyes, only 15 feet from the door. The being seemed to be scanning the house from left to right and top to bottom. Jill began snapping photos through the sliding glass door. At the same time the Hispanic woman heard a long ringing sound in her ears. Eventually the being disappeared. Another family member reported seeing similar beings going through doors, windows and walls the same day and two days prior. An anomalous image did appear on the developed film.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 2742, citing Internet Sightings
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5140
### Event 49650 (FD9B37BA)
**Date:** 8/19/1993
**Time:** 15:30
**Description:** Round UFO like satellite dish. Shoots off / amazing speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16478
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "DUNSTABLE,BEDFORDS:ROUND UFO LIKE SATELLITE DISH:SHOOTS OFF/AMAZING SPEED", **LatLong:** "51.877780 -0.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:52:40 N 00:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.877780,-0.433333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49651 (F8A13415)
**Date:** 8/20/1993
**Description:** A woman in Baca Chalets, Saguache County in the San Luis Valley, Colorado had been watching late night television around one o'clock in the morning and had just turned off the light when she heard noises coming from the kitchen. She called out but got no response. Puzzled, she went to bed and turned off the light. Just as her eyes were getting accustomed to the dark, ten or twelve three and a half to four foot tall creatures glided into the room in a tight group, and came to stand less than three feet from where she lay. She sat up in amazement, staring at them. When they first came in she thought she could see right through them, but as they got into the room they became solid. The beings clustered around the foot of her bed, looking at her. She felt the entities, were "cold, and completely indifferent, maybe a little curious." They were small and slight and had huge almond-shaped eyes. Sleeping next to her was her five-year old son. She suddenly thought of the boy and became afraid, thinking, "they are here because of him!" She then forcefully told them to leave. The beings then silently glided out the wall, they way they came in. That same night a neighbor reported feeling a presence and seeing peculiar shadows in his bedroom, about two hours earlier.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 189
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5197
### Event 49652 (34980D22)
**Date:** 8/21/1993
**Time:** 20:50?
**Location:** VERNON, BC
**Description:** 12 observer(s). Hexagon going quickly [to] over town toward(s) military-base then going up [to] and lost in sky. / r230.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16479
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "416", **HatchDesc:** "VERNON,BC:12 OBS:HEXAGON >> OVR TOWN TWRD MIL-BASE THEN ↑+LOST IN SKY:/r230", **LatLong:** "50.300002 -119.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "50:18:00 N 119:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.300002,-119.250006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49653 (878DD96D)
**Date:** 8/22/1993
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** OFF LA CORUNA, SP
**Description:** Technician. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape hovers offshore. Fires beams. 2 Air Force jets chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: [Ecuador JUN96 = Fall'96 issue via Internet #70.]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16480
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off La CORUNA,SP:TECHNICIAN:HUGE CGR HVRS OFFSHORE:FIRES BEAMS:2 AF JETS CHASE", **LatLong:** "43.433335 -8.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:26:00 N 08:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.433335,-8.366667)", **State/Prov:** "LAC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49654 (7E6E34DA)
**Date:** 8/22/1993
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** OYAMA, BC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Saucer flies erratic path over town. Local wave / Okanagan Valley.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16481
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "392", **HatchDesc:** "OYAMA,BC:2 OBS:SCR FLIES ERRATIC PATH OVR TOWN:LOCAL WAVE/OKANAGAN VALLEY", **LatLong:** "50.100002 -119.427783", **LatLongDMS:** "50:06:00 N 119:25:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.100002,-119.427783)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49655 (D05CF571)
**Date:** 8/23/1993
**Location:** WEST / TITUSVILLE, PA
**Description:** Plate-UFO near pine trees / 20 minute(s). Several observer(s). Rises into cloud formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16482
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "366", **HatchDesc:** "W/TITUSVILLE,PA:PLATE-UFO nr PINE TREES/20min:SVRL OBS:RISES INTO CLOUD FORMN", **LatLong:** "41.627780 -79.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:37:40 N 79:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.627780,-79.700004)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49656 (E04F39BD)
**Date:** 8/23/1993
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** ARMSTRONG, BC
**Description:** Red fireball flies east going west over town. Seems to spin on its axis. Local wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16483
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "358", **HatchDesc:** "ARMSTRONG,BC:RED FBL FLIES E>W OVER TOWN:SEEMS TO SPIN ON ITS AXIS:LOCAL WAVE", **LatLong:** "50.450002 -119.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "50:27:00 N 119:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.450002,-119.200006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49657 (6489496C)
**Date:** 8/23/1993
**Description:** Near Titusville, Pennsylvania a plate-shaped UFO was observed near some pine trees for 20 minutes. Several observers watched it rise into a cloud formation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16153, citing UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5273
### Event 49658 (C3C58C2B)
**Date:** 8/24/1993
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** KETTERING, ENGL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge silent metallic disk hovers overhead. Row / windows / dome. Going [to] over homes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO MAGAZINE (UK). Quest International. P.O. Box 2, Grassington,Skipton,N.Yorks BD23 5UY. Graham Birdsall, ed. bimonthly.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16484
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KETTERING,ENGL:2 OBS:HUGE SLNT MTLC DISK HVRS OVHD:ROW/WINDOWS/DOME:>OVR HOMES", **LatLong:** "52.400002 -0.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:24:00 N 00:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.400002,-0.733333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49659 (63761A49)
**Date:** 8/24/1993
**Description:** A huge, silent, metallic domed disc hovered overhead in Kettering, England at 9:45 p.m. It had a row of windows in the dome. It flew over homes for a couple of minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16155
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5304
### Event 49660 (0FF750A6)
**Date:** 8/25/1993
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** MOLIETS-ET-MAA, FR
**Description:** Silent grey 30M cloud rotates. 8 truncated beams quickly going down / "doors". Going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 322)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16485
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MOLIETS-et-MAA,FR:SLNT GRY 30M CLOUD ROTATES:8 TRUNCATED BEAMS ↓↓/"DOORS":>N", **LatLong:** "43.850002 -1.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:51:00 N 01:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.850002,-1.366667)", **State/Prov:** "Landes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49661 (4D1F1F9C)
**Date:** 8/25/1993
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** MAURIAC, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Huge slow red object. Arrow-like front and boxy rear. 60cm / arms length.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16486
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MAURIAC,FR:1 OBS:HUGE SLOW RED OBJ:ARROW-LIKE FRONT+BOXY REAR:60cm/ARMS LENGTH", **LatLong:** "45.233335 2.316667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:14:00 N 02:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.233335,2.316667)", **State/Prov:** "Cantal", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49662 (571D9877)
**Date:** 8/25/1993
**Description:** In Moliets-et-Maa, Landes, France a 30 meter long, silent gray "cloud" rotated in the sky, then emitted 8 truncated coherent light beams through "doors." It flew off to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 322
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5340
### Event 49663 (2488186D)
**Date:** 8/26/1993 (approximate)
**Location:** NEAR LOGAN, UT
**Description:** Cow mutilated. Jaw picked clean. Eye gone. No tracks / blood. Inexplicable.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16487
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "1360", **HatchDesc:** "nr LOGAN,UT:COW MUT'D:JAW PICKED CLEAN:EYE GONE:NO TRACKS/BLOOD:INEXPLICABLE", **LatLong:** "41.666669 -111.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:00 N 111:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.666669,-111.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49664 (D87CB04D)
**Date:** 8/26/1993
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Glowing UFO just over Moor. Figures walk beneath.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16488
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "55", **Elev:** "77", **HatchDesc:** "IVYBRIDGE,PLYMOUTH,DEVON:GLOWING UFO JUST OVR MOOR:FIGURES WALK BENEATH:", **LatLong:** "50.383336 -3.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:23:00 N 03:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.383336,-3.916667)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49665 (F1BFEE57)
**Date:** 8/26/1993
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. a glowing UFO was sighted hovering just over the moor at Ivybridge in Plymouth, England. Figures were seen walking around underneath it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, September 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5380
### Event 49666 (EA5D2B62)
**Date:** 8/27/1993
**Time:** 10:10?
**Location:** BOLTON, ENGLAND
**Description:** 2 kids see and draw identical photograph / domed saucer west 4 legs. Goes going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16489
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "BOLTON,ENGLAND:2 KIDS SEE+DRAW IDENTICAL PIX/DOMED SCR W 4 LEGS:GOES >S.", **LatLong:** "53.588891 -2.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:35:20 N 02:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.588891,-2.433333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49667 (A5FE438B)
**Date:** 8/27/1993
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** MCDONALD CO, MO
**Description:** 10m football-object hums over tree 100m away / 2+min. Animals scared.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 115)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16490
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "318", **HatchDesc:** "McDONALD co,MO:10m FOOTBALL-OBJ HUMS OVR TREE 100m away/2+min:ANIMALS SCARED", **LatLong:** "36.633335 -94.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:38:00 N 94:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.633335,-94.350004)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49668 (8BB23A49)
**Date:** 8/27/1993
**Description:** At 4:45 p.m. 30-foot long football-shaped object flew over a tree 100 meters away from the witness in McDonald County, Missouri making a humming sound. Farm animals were frightened by the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis Ridge, UFO Intelligence Newsletter; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 16161
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5403
### Event 49669 (E88F90DA)
**Date:** 8/28/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The *Galileo* probe discovers the satellite of the asteroid *Ida*. It is named *Dactyl.* (August 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3217
### Event 49670 (EF1BCD3C)
**Date:** 8/28/1993 (approximate)
**Description:** 14+observer(s). Large "satellite" quickly going down. Night lights since winter. 2 minute(s) video!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16491
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "BONNYBRIDGE,SCOTL:14+ OBS:LARGE "SATELLITE" ↓↓:NLTS SINCE WINTER:2min VIDEO!", **LatLong:** "55.983336 -3.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:59:00 N 03:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.983336,-3.883334)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49671 (17A6267B)
**Date:** 8/28/1993
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. in Biarritz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France an ovoid phosphorescent shape was seen coming out of the sea from the shore, remaining stationary a few moments,and then disappearing at once.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case # 1993-149
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5443
### Event 49672 (F3145688)
**Date:** 8/28/1993
**Description:** In the evening police and other witnesses in Yuma, Arizona saw a triangular object zig-zagging thru the sky, and making no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1986-94, case 1734, citing MUFON Arizona
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5444
### Event 49673 (6733D270)
**Date:** 8/29/1993
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** Car chases domed saucer / 12 minute(s). MUFON investigates. Videos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16492
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "277", **HatchDesc:** "CROUSE>CHERRYVILLE,NC:CAR CHASES DOMED SCR/12min:MUFON INVESTIGATES:VIDEOS", **LatLong:** "35.422224 -81.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:25:20 N 81:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.422224,-81.300004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49674 (B3335A19)
**Date:** 8/29/1993
**Description:** A motorist chased a domed disc-shaped object in his car for 12 minutes between Crouse and Cherryville, North Carolina at 4:30 a.m. A videotape of the domed object he made with his camcorder was evaluated by MUFON.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5477
### Event 49675 (17BFDB6C)
**Date:** 8/30/1993
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** WEST / MIMET, FR
**Description:** 1 / car. 4.5M ovoid on D8 rises and going quickly south fast as car nears. Nothing / radar.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16493
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "W/MIMET,FR:1/CAR:4.5M OVOID on D8 RISES+>>S FAST as CAR NEARS:nothing/radar", **LatLong:** "43.416669 5.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:00 N 05:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.416669,5.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49676 (7265BCBF)
**Date:** 8/30/1993
**Description:** Outside of Mimet, Bouches-du-Rhone, France a 4.5 meter long ovoid object sitting on the highway rose and shot off rapidly to the south when a car approached. Nothing was seen on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomena, issue 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5506
### Event 49677 (D2D0B87C)
**Date:** 9/1/1993 (approximate)
**Time:** ~06:00
**Description:** Huge saucer over farm. Swings around. Vanishes instantly. 1 observer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16494
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CLATFORD,HAMPSHIRE:HUGE SCR OVR FARM:SWINGS AROUND:VANISHES INSTANTLY:1 OBS", **LatLong:** "51.183336 -1.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:11:00 N 01:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.183336,-1.500000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49678 (7D2437BF)
**Date:** 9/1/1993
**Description:** A woman was at a cabin in the woods at Dorothy Lake, Manitoba, Canada awoke around 3:30 a.m. to go to the bathroom. Not wanting to disturb the other cabin occupants she left the bathroom door open. As she sat there she was looking down the hall towards a window, and she saw a face appear in the window as it went by. This shocked her because the cabin window is about eight feet above the ground. The face was a classic Grey alien, with an egg-shaped head with large almond-shaped eyes. She also saw a blue light flashing outside. The woman screamed and the face went away. No tracks were found outside. Investigators rated the reliability of the witness as high.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, UFO Research Manitoba, 1993 Canadian UFO Survey, case 269; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 2089, citing the 1993 Canadian UFO Survey
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5560
### Event 49679 (75045C0B)
**Date:** 9/2/1993
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** CLEAR LAKE OAKS, CA
**Description:** Several HIQ observer(s) and videos / glowing-disk. Power lines humming. Going quickly [to] Nwl / r114p50.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN; Qtrly. Judith MAGEE Ed. VUFORS PO Box 43, Moorabin, VIC 3189 Australia. (Index 944)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16495
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "157", **Elev:** "407", **HatchDesc:** "CLEAR LAKE OAKS,CA:SVRL HIQ OBS+VIDEOS/GLOW-DISK:POWER LINES HUM:>>NWL/r114p50", **LatLong:** "39.011113 -122.644450", **LatLongDMS:** "39:00:40 N 122:38:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.011113,-122.644450)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49680 (EE0F64F1)
**Date:** 9/2/1993
**Location:** West Manchester, England
**Description:** 6:00 a.m. A black-and-white security camera at a private company in West Manchester, England, captures a pulsing ball of white light that appears in the northwest, moving toward the north, for several minutes. The camera operator also sees it visually. Estimates place its speed as low as 50 mph. Possible blimp.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOs in Focus,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7061
### Event 49681 (23C80929)
**Date:** 9/3/1993
**Location:** HULL, QBC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Blue ball / field. Lights out-stereo OK! Police radio electro-magnetic effect (EME). / r60#299.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16496
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "51", **HatchDesc:** "HULL,QBC:2 OBS:BLUE BALL/FLD:LITES OUT-STEREO OK!:POLICE RADIO EME:/r60#299", **LatLong:** "45.433335 -75.716670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:26:00 N 75:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.433335,-75.716670)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49682 (F7AA1B3B)
**Date:** 9/3/1993
**Description:** A blue ball of light was seen by police and others in a field in Hull, Quebec at 11:30 p.m.. Residential lights were out, but a stereo worked OK. EM effect: the police radio didn't work. Rated as high-reliability unknown.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 1993 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 105
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5617
### Event 49683 (9FC3EBD3)
**Date:** 9/4/1993
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft going [to] over 4 / car. One hour missing time. Possible abduction and exam regressed. / r60#294.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 274)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16497
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "125", **HatchDesc:** "NEWSTEAD ABBEY,NOTTs:DLT >OVR 4/CAR:1hr MST:POSS.ABD+EXAM regressed:/r60#294", **LatLong:** "53.083336 -1.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:05:00 N 01:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.083336,-1.200000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49684 (54132295)
**Date:** 9/4/1993
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Night lights hover / 40 minute(s). = domed saucer which floats over cars / M62!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16498
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "207", **HatchDesc:** "OLDHAM,MANCHESTER:NLTS HVR/40min:=DOMED SCR WHICH FLOATS OVR CARS/M62!", **LatLong:** "53.533336 -2.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:32:00 N 02:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.533336,-2.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49685 (D1A39E24)
**Date:** 9/4/1993
**Description:** A domed disc-shaped object floated over cars on the M62 highway in Oldham, England at 10:30 p.m. Nocturnal lights hovered in the sky for 40 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5642
### Event 49686 (C9336216)
**Date:** 9/5/1993
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** GOLDEN EARS PARK, BC
**Description:** 100 observer(s). 2-3-4 night lights in various formations over twin peaks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16499
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "1700", **HatchDesc:** "GOLDEN EARS PARK,BC:100 OBS:2-3-4 NLTS IN VARIOUS FORMATIONS OVR TWIN PEAKS", **LatLong:** "49.266669 -122.366673", **LatLongDMS:** "49:16:00 N 122:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.266669,-122.366673)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49687 (DA786D50)
**Date:** 9/5/1993
**Location:** Depoe Bay, OR
**Description:** Cat indifferent to glowing, yellow orange object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [930905](http://www.nicap.org/ar-930905dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5844
### Event 49688 (9E2D807B)
**Date:** 9/5/1993
**Description:** At 11:33 p.m. in Depoe Bay, Lincoln County, Oregon a ball of red-orange light, pulsating, travelled north to south just 150-300 feet off the ground. It moved at 20-30 mph, and was the size of a car. The light emitted a small light, that fell leaf-like to the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Li F. Wong, MUFON field investigation case files, case 850304Sb
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5664
### Event 49689 (F6B87C7F)
**Date:** 9/6/1993
**Description:** On this night in her home in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia abductee Kelly Cahill awoke to see a slender, seven-foot tall being with red eyes standing next to her bed. The creature was only inches away from her as see felt a suction on her chest. It wore a black, hooded cloak. It appeared to vanish.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Kelly Cahill, Encounter, p. 76
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5696
### Event 49690 (3E8B71D1)
**Date:** 9/7/1993
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** ILE DE GROIX, FR
**Description:** Night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation low in sky. Several wiry shadows glide / ground level.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 323)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16500
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ILE de GROIX,FR:NLTS/DLT FORMn LO IN SKY:SVRL WIRY SHADOWS GLIDE/GROUND LEVEL", **LatLong:** "47.633336 -3.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:38:00 N 03:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.633336,-3.450000)", **State/Prov:** "Morbihan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49691 (59A8B671)
**Date:** 9/7/1993
**Description:** At Ile de Groix, Morbihan department, France a delta-shaped craft hovered low over a field at 8:50 p.m. Directly under the object several small, thin, shadowy figures were seen gliding about just above the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 323
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5738
### Event 49692 (BA6308E0)
**Date:** 9/8/1993
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** Large orange ovoid followed / helicopter. Ovoid vanishes like light dimmer!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16501
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:LRG ORG OVOID FOLLOWED/COPTER:OVOID VANISHES LIKE LITE DIMMER!", **LatLong:** "30.372224 -87.194449", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:20 N 87:11:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.372224,-87.194449)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49693 (67AABE5B)
**Date:** 9/8/1993
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** Plain 2.5' disk / 200' altitude. Enters clouds. Going quickly west. 'Ping' sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO MAGAZINE (UK). Quest International. P.O. Box 2, Grassington,Skipton,N.Yorks BD23 5UY. Graham Birdsall, ed. bimonthly.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16502
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "CHADDERTON,MANCHESTER:PLAIN 2.5' DISK/200'alt:ENTERS CLOUDS:>>W:'PING' SOUND", **LatLong:** "53.516669 -2.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:31:00 N 02:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.516669,-2.116667)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49694 (6F8C7E8D)
**Date:** 9/9/1993
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** SAILLE, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Orange ball hovers / sky. Suddenly vanishes in place. (Balloon?)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16503
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SAILLE,FR:SVRL OBS:ORG BALL HOVERS/SKY:SUDDENLY VANISHES IN PLACE:(BALLOON?)", **LatLong:** "47.288891 -2.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "47:17:20 N 02:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.288891,-2.433333)", **State/Prov:** "Loire Atlantique", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49695 (C734738D)
**Date:** 9/10/1993
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** SURREY, BC
**Description:** Large silver saucer hovers / 300M altitude. Static electric and electro-magnetic effect (EME). 100+see lights playing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16504
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "SURREY,BC:LRG SLVR SCR HVRS/300M alt:STATIC ELECTR+EME:100+SEE LITES PLAYING", **LatLong:** "49.100002 -122.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "49:06:00 N 122:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.100002,-122.700006)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49696 (C081BB19)
**Date:** 9/10/1993
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a large silver, disc-shaped object hovered at 300 meters altitude over Surrey, Vancouver, British Columbia. Over 100 witnesses watched lights dancing in the sky for the next two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, January 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5841
### Event 49697 (1980BE0C)
**Date:** 9/11/1993
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Oblong object hisses across sky. 2-3 rectangles orbit!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16505
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "Les MOUTIERS-en-RETZ,FR:OBLONG OBJ HISSES ACRS SKY:2-3 RECTANGLES ORBIT!", **LatLong:** "47.066669 -2.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:04:00 N 02:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.066669,-2.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Loire Atlantique", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49698 (7881C7BB)
**Date:** 9/11/1993
**Description:** At 12:40 a.m. a double-cigar shaped object in Tavistock, Devon, England made a 90- degree turn, and then followed the main highway for two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1993
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5876
### Event 49699 (A370D230)
**Date:** 9/12/1993
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** TAVISTOCK, DEVON
**Description:** Double-cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes makes 90-turn. Follows main street. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16506
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "123", **HatchDesc:** "TAVISTOCK,DEVON:DBL-CGR W/PORTHOLES MAKES 90-TURN:FOLOS MAIN STREET:ABS SILENT", **LatLong:** "50.550002 -4.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:33:00 N 04:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.550002,-4.150000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49700 (F68D3424)
**Date:** 9/12/1993
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Red ovoid seen / 20 second(s). HIQ report / UFOROM. No further details [in] here.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16507
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "NEW WESTMINSTER,BC:2 OBS:RED OVOID SEEN/20sec:HIQ Rpt/UFOROM:NFD here", **LatLong:** "49.200002 -122.916673", **LatLongDMS:** "49:12:00 N 122:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.200002,-122.916673)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49701 (716525AE)
**Date:** 9/14/1993
**Location:** Belgium, Raeren
**Description:** (Translated from French) Armand, 45 years old and already retired from Belgacom due to lead poisoning, made an observation in the Raeren Woods near the Venn Kreuz. [Note from vog: I quote the case taken up in VOB 2, SOBEPS 1994, p. 95 with a color illustration 1.38, but I personally do not add any credibility to it. Indeed, when from 1992 to 1995 I was in charge of the Sobeps investigations, I found in the files a good dozen of observations from this witness, manifestly hallucinating due to his illness]
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3489
### Event 49702 (D44247F8)
**Date:** 9/15/1993 (approximate)
**Location:** NEWPORT, WALES
**Description:** 2 separate sightings. Grey "milk-bottle" / no lights and saucer west lights around.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16508
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NEWPORT,WALES:2 SEP SIGHTINGS:GREY "MILK-BOTTLE"/NO LITES + SCR W LITES AROUND", **LatLong:** "51.583336 -2.983333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:35:00 N 02:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.583336,-2.983333)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49703 (68D2AF4E)
**Date:** 9/15/1993
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** PRESCOTT, AZ
**Description:** Man videos 10' silver sphere. Fades away and reappears elsewhere in sky!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16509
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1636", **HatchDesc:** "PRESCOTT,AZ:MAN VIDEOS 10'SLVR SPHERE:FADES AWAY+REAPPEARS ELSEWHERE IN SKY!", **LatLong:** "34.538891 -112.466672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:32:20 N 112:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.538891,-112.466672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49704 (FEF56CB4)
**Date:** 9/16/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) As part of the celebrations for Mexican National Day, a helicopter parade is organized over the capital, Mexico. A mysterious object then emerges from the clouds, in the background of the air parade, stealing the show from the pilots \(photo below\). The event had already taken place the previous two years. (September 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3218
### Event 49705 (B72C7E9B)
**Date:** 9/16/1993
**Locations:** Benito Juárez International Airport; Mexico City, Mexico
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. Pilots of two airliners preparing to land at Benito Juárez International Airport in Mexico City, Mexico, see an object like a balloon, but it is going too fast. One pilot describes it as looking like a praying mantis.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jaime Maussán, “OVNIs sobre la Terra,” La Epoca \(Mexico\), November 19, 1993; Antonio Huneeus, “UFO Chronicle: UFOs and IFOs from Mexico, Part II,” Fate 47, no. 12 \(December 1994\); Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [p.](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/146/mode/2up) [146](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/146/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7062
### Event 49706 (F4785533)
**Date:** 9/17/1993
**Location:** STONEWOOD, WV
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Flashy double-ring with dome and lights. Telepathy? "no videos-OK to look".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16510
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "294", **HatchDesc:** "STONEWOOD,WV:2+OBS:FLASHY DOUBLE-RING W/DOME+LITES:TLP? "NO VIDEOS-OK TO LOOK"", **LatLong:** "39.250002 -80.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:15:00 N 80:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.250002,-80.316670)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49707 (DFB41748)
**Date:** 9/17/1993
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NORTH / DANDENONG, VCT
**Description:** 3+observer(s). Night light maneuvers. Other sightings / this area in September also.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16511
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "N/DANDENONG,VCT:3+OBS:NLT MNVRs:other sightings/this area in Sept also.", **LatLong:** "-37.950002 145.183340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:57:00 S 145:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.950002,145.183340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49708 (8E2C721B)
**Date:** 9/18/1993
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** FONGRAVE, FR
**Description:** 2 / farm. Group / square windows spirals going down. Stops. Going up. Repeats several X. Lasers?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16512
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "FONGRAVE,FR:2/FARM:GROUP/SQR WINDOWS SPIRALS↓:STOPS:↑:repeats svrl X:lasers?", **LatLong:** "44.383335 0.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "44:23:00 N 00:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.383335,0.533333)", **State/Prov:** "Lot-et-Garonne", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49709 (6C4EAE62)
**Date:** 9/18/1993
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a boomerang-shaped object with a luminous tail (or "anchor") flew silently over the city of Magdeburg, Germany at a low altitude. It had two red round lights near the "focal point".
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 41
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6075
### Event 49710 (B13CD09D)
**Date:** 9/20/1993
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** CANTERBURY, KENT
**Description:** Large bright cylinder/cigar-shape. Shines light and moves 1 mile instantly. Lots / aerobatics.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16513
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "CANTERBURY,KENT:LRG BRITE CGR:SHINES LITE+MOVES 1mi INSTANTLY:LOTS/AEROBATICS", **LatLong:** "51.283336 1.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:17:00 N 01:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.283336,1.100000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49711 (3F987F8A)
**Date:** 9/20/1993
**Description:** In Canterbury, Kent, England a large bright cigar-shaped object engaged in aerobatics for 25 minutes beginning at around 8 p.m. It shined a beam of light, and at one point moved over a mile instantaneously.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, February 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6155
### Event 49712 (87DD3EEA)
**Date:** 9/21/1993
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** HINCKLEY, LEICS
**Description:** Disc hovers 10 minute(s) & vanishes. Cylinder/cylindrical object seen 22nd. Fireball / 30 th. Night light / 1 October..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16514
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "94", **HatchDesc:** "HINCKLEY,LEICS:DISC HVRS 10min & VANISHES:CYL SEEN 22nd:FBL/30th:NLT/1 OCT..", **LatLong:** "52.550003 -1.383333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:33:00 N 01:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.550003,-1.383333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49713 (4C4B92D8)
**Date:** 9/22/1993
**Description:** 10' "distress flare" maneuvers. Several observer(s). Star-shaped.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16515
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "DANDENONG+BORONIA,AUSTR:10' "DISTRESS FLARE" MANEUVERS:SVRL OBS:STAR-SHAPED", **LatLong:** "-37.983335 145.183340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:59:00 S 145:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.983335,145.183340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49714 (97245E7E)
**Date:** 9/22/1993
**Location:** DENNY, SCOTLAND
**Description:** White sphere-delta with flashing lights on "astonishing" videotape.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16516
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "DENNY,SCOTLAND:WHITE SPHERE-DELTA W/FLASHING LITES ON "ASTONISHING" VIDEOTAPE", **LatLong:** "56.016669 -3.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "56:01:00 N 03:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.016669,-3.883334)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49715 (8261AD7F)
**Date:** 9/26/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Spot 3* by *Ariane.*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3219
### Event 49716 (3AFBFE39)
**Date:** 9/26/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Drawing of the UFO observed on September 26th at 9:30 PM. See images/1993-09-26.jpg (September 26, 9:30 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3220
### Event 49717 (FE5A3A36)
**Date:** 9/26/1993
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** OSCEOLA, MO
**Description:** Odd object with lights hovers near roadway. Passes low over pickup truck. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 115)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16517
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "233", **HatchDesc:** "OSCEOLA,MO:ODD OBJ W/LITES HVRS nr ROADWAY:PASSES LOW OVR PICKUP TRUCK:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.050002 -93.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:03:00 N 93:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.050002,-93.700004)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49718 (46F2FBAE)
**Date:** 9/26/1993
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** BAKEWELL, DERBY
**Description:** Scores / observer(s). 300M black delta/triangle/box-like craft. White lights / corners and orange / center. Low slow and silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16518
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "151", **HatchDesc:** "BAKEWELL,DERBY:SCORES/OBS:300M BLK DLT:WHT LITES/CORNERS+ORG/CTR:LO SLO+SILENT", **LatLong:** "53.216669 -1.672222", **LatLongDMS:** "53:13:00 N 01:40:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.216669,-1.672222)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49719 (6CE683F5)
**Date:** 9/26/1993
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** BEZIERS, FR
**Description:** 1 / car. Group / white ovoids / sky rotates slowly over D909. Laser?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16519
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "BEZIERS,FR:1/CAR:GROUP/WHT OVOIDS/SKY ROTATES SLOWLY OVR D909:laser?", **LatLong:** "43.350002 3.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:21:00 N 03:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.350002,3.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49720 (D8C4C47E)
**Date:** 10/1993
**Description:** Spate / sightings since July. Cigars night lights fireballs. UFO's for years.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16520
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "CHEW STOKE+DUNDRY,AVON:SPATE/SIGHTINGS SINCE JLY:CGRS NLTS FBLS:UFOS FOR YEARS", **LatLong:** "51.400002 -2.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:24:00 N 02:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.400002,-2.633333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49721 (2F29D0CF)
**Date:** 10/1993
**Description:** 22 reports / triangular UFO in one day. Local wave. / evening post.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16521
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "99", **Elev:** "191", **HatchDesc:** "MATLOCK,DERBYs:22 REPORTS/TRIANGULAR UFO IN ONE DAY:LOCAL WAVE:/EVENING POST", **LatLong:** "53.150003 -1.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:09:00 N 01:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.150003,-1.550000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49722 (4323122E)
**Date:** 10/1993
**Location:** New Mexico
**Description:** Rep. [Steven Schiff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FSchiff) asks [Charles Arthur Bowsher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles%5FArthur%5FBowsher)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles%5FArthur%5FBowsher) head of the US General Accounting Office, to prepare a report on the status of records related to the 1947 Roswell incident in New Mexico.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “Roswell and the GAO Investigation,” IUR 19, no. 2 \(March/April 1994\): 3, 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7063
### Event 49723 (17F28D44)
**Date:** 10/1993
**Description:** The Foreign Technology Division becomes the National Air Intelligence Center.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[National Air](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FAir%5Fand%5FSpace%5FIntelligence%5FCenter\#National%5FAir%5FIntelligence%5FCenter) [and Space Intelligence Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FAir%5Fand%5FSpace%5FIntelligence%5FCenter\#National%5FAir%5FIntelligence%5FCenter)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7064
### Event 49724 (BA372037)
**Date:** 10/1/1993
**Time:** ~19:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large white sphere/orb/globe north going quickly south. Follows car to Stonewood. Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16522
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "314", **HatchDesc:** "SE/NUTTER FORT,WV:2 OBS:LRG WHT ORB N>>S:FOLOS CAR TO STONEWOOD:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "39.233335 -80.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:14:00 N 80:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.233335,-80.316670)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49725 (E0707AD1)
**Date:** 10/1/1993
**Description:** A large white ball of light flew from north to south over Nutter Fort, West Virginia at 7:00 p.m. It followed a car to Stonewood, then shot away quickly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, p. 162
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6478
### Event 49726 (15AAADAE)
**Date:** 10/5/1993
**Time:** 01:59:56.6
**Location:** 41.6670 88.6950
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1830
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.6670 88.6950", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:01 N 88:41:42 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.6670,88.6950)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUPC"
### Event 49727 (AB1433C3)
**Date:** 10/6/1993
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** MONTGOMERY, AL
**Description:** 1 observer. Saucer / 200' altitude. 4 roving spotlights going down. Observer(s) returns-all gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 311)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16523
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "MONTGOMERY,AL:1 OBS:SCR/200'alt:4 ROVING SPOTLITES↓:OBS RETURNS-ALL GONE.", **LatLong:** "32.400002 -86.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "32:24:00 N 86:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.400002,-86.300004)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49728 (7428540A)
**Date:** 10/6/1993
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** 2 / car. H-shape becomes saucer then H again. Follows car. Flashes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO MAGAZINE (UK). Quest International. P.O. Box 2, Grassington,Skipton,N.Yorks BD23 5UY. Graham Birdsall, ed. bimonthly.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16524
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "153", **HatchDesc:** "A52/ASHBOURNE,DERBYs:2/CAR:H-SHAPE BECOMES SCR then H AGAIN:FOLOS CAR:FLASHES", **LatLong:** "53.033336 -1.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:02:00 N 01:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.033336,-1.766667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49729 (05446283)
**Date:** 10/6/1993
**Description:** At 9:10 p.m. two witnesses driving on the A52 highway in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England had a close encounter with an H-shaped UFO that changed shape to a disc, then changed back again to an H-shape. It followed their car for five minutes and had flashing lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16198
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6614
### Event 49730 (5BBD9DEC)
**Date:** 10/6/1993
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. in the suburbs of Montgomery, Alabama a woman driving home on a clear night saw a UFO low over a nearby vacant lot. It was round and had a flattened top and bottom, and she described it as shaped like a woman's compact. It had red and green lights around its perimeter, as well as four roving spotlights. She continued driving home and went back to look for it again ten minutes later, but by this time the object had gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jerold R. Johnson, MUFON UFO Journal, March 1994, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6615
### Event 49731 (6960B926)
**Date:** 10/7/1993
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NIORT, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Luminous balls spin in sky. Vanish. Come and go several times / 90 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16525
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "NIORT,FR:SVRL OBS:LUMINOUS BALLS SPIN IN SKY:VANISH:COME+GO SVRL TIMES/90min", **LatLong:** "46.316669 -0.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:19:00 N 00:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.316669,-0.450000)", **State/Prov:** "Deux-Sèvres", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49732 (10B9714A)
**Date:** 10/8/1993
**Time:** 03:50
**Location:** LAKE WYLIE, NC
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 15m saucer hovers over reservoir. 30+red lights. Jet sound. Treetop level.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16526
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "173", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE WYLIE,NC:3 OBS:15m SCR HVRS OVR RSVR:30+RED LITES:JET SOUND:TREETOP LVL", **LatLong:** "35.022224 -81.005559", **LatLongDMS:** "35:01:20 N 81:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.022224,-81.005559)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49733 (AB46278D)
**Date:** 10/8/1993
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** LANGOLD, NOTTS
**Description:** Saucer with lights part of sky. White and green lights / surface. Many separate orange night lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16527
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "72", **HatchDesc:** "LANGOLD,NOTTS:SCR W/LITES PART OF SKY:WHT+GRN LITES/SURFACE:MANY SEP.ORG NLTS", **LatLong:** "53.377780 -1.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:22:40 N 01:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.377780,-1.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49734 (6D238531)
**Date:** 10/8/1993
**Description:** A disc-shaped object with white and green lights on its surface lit part of the sky over Langold, Nottingham, England at 7:15 p.m. Many more witnesses reported seeing orange nocturnal lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, February 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6676
### Event 49735 (45583BF1)
**Date:** 10/8/1993
**Description:** A fifty foot in diameter disc-shaped object hovered over the Lake Wylie reservoir in North Carolina at 3:45 a.m. It had more than 30 red lights and flew at treetop level, and made a sound like a jet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, April 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6677
### Event 49736 (AED59DEC)
**Date:** 10/9/1993
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Ellipse with rotating circles of light. Lasers?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 323)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16528
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St VINCENT de TYROSSE,FR:4 OBS:ELLIPSE W/ROTATING CIRCLES OF LITE: LASERS?", **LatLong:** "43.666669 -1.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:40:00 N 01:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.666669,-1.300000)", **State/Prov:** "Landes", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49737 (87F9E02B)
**Date:** 10/10/1993
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** FONGRAVE, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 4 groups / silent cottony white night lights going up and down [to] over farm. Publicity laser?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16529
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "FONGRAVE,FR:2 OBS:4 GROUPS/SLNT COTTONY WHT NLTS ↑+↓ OVR FARM:publicity laser?", **LatLong:** "44.400002 0.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "44:24:00 N 00:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.400002,0.533333)", **State/Prov:** "Lot-et-Garonne", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 49738 (27AF8FDB)
**Date:** 10/11/1993
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** KENNINGTON, KENT
**Description:** Vibrant bright fireball radiates beams / light. Shape unknown. Glides behind clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16530
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KENNINGTON,KENT:VBRITE FBL RADIATES BEAMS/LITE:SHAPE UNK:GLIDES BHND CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "51.161114 0.883333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:09:40 N 00:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.161114,0.883333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49739 (1AA30746)
**Date:** 10/12/1993
**Description:** Air Force Col. Richard L. Weaver tells researcher [Nick Redfern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FRedfern) that USAF considers both the MJ-12 group and its documents to be “bogus.” However, he concedes that there are “no documents responsive” to his request on how such a determination was made.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kremlin 183–184
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7065
### Event 49740 (0479C82F)
**Date:** 10/12/1993
**Description:** USAF Col. Richard L. Weaver tells ufologist Nick Redfern that USAF considers both the MJ-12 group and its documents to be “bogus.” Weaver cannot explain how the Air Force came to this conclusion and admits there are “no documents responsive” related to the alleged group.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/](https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/) (p183-184)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_282
### Event 49741 (2B1A087B)
**Date:** 10/14/1993
**Time:** 23:10
**Description:** Locals. Pinkish UFO zigzags about / 3 occasions / 45 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16531
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "RICKMANSWORTH,HERTFs:LOCALS:PINKISH UFO ZIGZAGS ABOUT/3 OCCASIONS/45min", **LatLong:** "51.650002 -0.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:39:00 N 00:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.650002,-0.466667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49742 (F88225C6)
**Date:** 10/15/1993
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Several observer(s). Extra "planet" offloads night lights which drift away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16532
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "294", **HatchDesc:** "STONEWOOD+CLARKSBURG,WV:SVRL OBS:EXTRA "PLANET" OFFLOADS NLTS WHICH DRIFT AWAY", **LatLong:** "39.266669 -80.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:16:00 N 80:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.266669,-80.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49743 (DC1BEB66)
**Date:** 10/15/1993
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 5+observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape-UFO with small wings. Silent. Hovers and goes / high-speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16533
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SCUNTHORPE,HUMBERSIDE:5+OBS:CGR-UFO W/SMALL WINGS:SLNT:HOVERS+GOES/HI-SPEED", **LatLong:** "53.583336 -0.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:35:00 N 00:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.583336,-0.633333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49744 (E6AD83AD)
**Date:** 10/17/1993
**Location:** Belgium, Bassilly
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 6 pm, the witnesses and their 4-year-old daughter first witnessed an incredible display of lights, then around 6:25 were flown over by a square object, accompanied at a distance by 3 glowing balls that, like cyclists, "took turns". The square object was so big that it filled the entire window of the sunroof. The witnesses, seeing this and arriving in the village where family members lived, honked to get them out and got out of the stopped vehicle themselves. The dark square, lit up in a blurry way, continued on its trajectory and after 8 seconds disappeared in place. It flew along a north-south axis, one side at the front, this side slightly higher than the back, so canted.
**Reference:** personal investigation by vog
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3490
### Event 49745 (85F7EDDB)
**Date:** 10/17/1993
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** CHALON-SUR-SAONE, FR
**Description:** 2 / car paced / luminous/glowing saucer. 2nd hovers over house. Cone beam retracts.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 324)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16534
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "CHALON-sur-SAONE,FR:2/CAR PACED/LUMn SCR:2nd HVRS OVR HOUSE:CONE BEAM RETRACTS", **LatLong:** "46.800002 4.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:48:00 N 04:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.800002,4.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Saône-et-Loire", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49746 (92491BB1)
**Date:** 10/17/1993
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** STONEWOOD, WV
**Description:** 1 observer. 35' silver top-saucer going east over homes. 2 rows / lights counter-rotate!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16535
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "294", **HatchDesc:** "STONEWOOD,WV:1 OBS:35'SLVR TOP-SCR >E OVR HOMES:2 ROWS/LITES COUNTER-ROTATE!", **LatLong:** "39.250002 -80.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:15:00 N 80:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.250002,-80.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49747 (5F1267EA)
**Date:** 10/17/1993
**Time:** 07:00
**Description:** 4 kids. Delta-fireball turns upside-down. Whoosh-sound. Electric rays.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16536
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HASSOCKS,W.SUSSEX:4 KIDS:DELTA-FBL TURNS UPSIDE-DOWN:WHOOSH-SOUND:ELECTR RAYS", **LatLong:** "50.922225 -0.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:55:20 N 00:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.922225,-0.150000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49748 (3CA817AB)
**Date:** 10/17/1993
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** CONNERSVILLE, IN
**Description:** 2 girls. Humming. Fog exits saucer overhead. Night lights exit fog and circle field / 3 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16537
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "263", **HatchDesc:** "CONNERSVILLE,IN:2 GIRLS:HUM:FOG EXITS SCR OVHD:NLTS EXIT FOG+CIRCLE FIELD/3min", **LatLong:** "39.583335 -85.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:35:00 N 85:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.583335,-85.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 49749 (D1B52573)
**Date:** 10/17/1993
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Green ray northeast going quickly southwest. Aims at airbase. 2 30M glowing-circles follow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 322)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16538
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "LUXEUIL-les-BAINS,FR:GRN RAY NE>>SW:AIMS AT AIRBASE:2 30M GLOW-CIRCLES FOLLOW", **LatLong:** "47.811113 6.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:48:40 N 06:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.811113,6.383334)", **State/Prov:** "Haute-Saône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49750 (2A0FE170)
**Date:** 10/17/1993
**Description:** At 10:00 a.m. an eleven-year-old girl and her cousin saw a gray, saucer-shaped object with lights on the bottom in Connersville, Indiana. Three lights emerged from a fog and circled a field for three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** T. David Spencer & Donald Worley, MUFON UFO Journal, January 1995, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6943
### Event 49751 (0F1047D3)
**Date:** 10/18/1993
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) records a note in the Federal Register seeking to reclaim the use of 3972 new acres of public land for observing the [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) base from Freedom Ridge and Whitesides Peak. (October 18)
**Reference:** Glenn Campbell, *Groom Lake Desert Rat*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1993.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3221
### Event 49752 (700567DB)
**Date:** 10/18/1993
**Location:** STONEWOOD, WV
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Hamburger-saucer hovers. Makes figure-8' south etc. Shoots going quickly west over hill.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16539
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "294", **HatchDesc:** "STONEWOOD,WV:2+OBS:HAMBURGER-SCR HVRS:MAKES FIGURE-8's ETC:SHOOTS>>W OVR HILL", **LatLong:** "39.261113 -80.322226", **LatLongDMS:** "39:15:40 N 80:19:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.261113,-80.322226)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49753 (E1EC84F5)
**Date:** 10/18/1993
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** UFO's back again. R-G-west night lights play over town and river and The wash.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16540
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "KINGS LYNN,NORFOLK:UFOS BACK AGAIN:R-G-W NLTS PLAY OVR TOWN+RIVER+The WASH", **LatLong:** "52.733336 0.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:44:00 N 00:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.733336,0.333333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 49754 (C7A49C26)
**Date:** 10/18/1993
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** LONDON, ONT
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Boomerang with 12 lights / bottom. 2 days missing time! Marks and misc symptoms.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16541
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "64", **Elev:** "263", **HatchDesc:** "LONDON,ONT:2 OBS:BOOMERANG W/12 LITES/BOTTOM:2 DAYS MST!:MARKS+MISC SYMPTOMS", **LatLong:** "43.016669 -81.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:00 N 81:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.016669,-81.350004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 49755 (E9F83710)
**Date:** 10/18/1993
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** POOLE, DORSET
**Description:** UFO with lights / both ends. Shape unknown. Absolute(ly) silent. Cops etc. uninterested.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16542
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "POOLE,DORSET:UFO W/LITES/BOTH ENDS:SHAPE UNK:ABS SILENT:COPS ETC UNINTERESTED", **LatLong:** "50.716669 -1.983333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:43:00 N 01:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.716669,-1.983333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49756 (5FC083C0)
**Date:** 10/18/1993
**Locations:** UK; Russia; US
**Description:** A memo on “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study” from a UK wing commander to the Sec\(AS\)2, the Air Staff deputy director, proposes a secret government study of UFOs, which will become Project Condign in 1997– 2000. Paragraph 2 reads: “I am aware, from intelligence sources, that xxxxx believes that such phenomena exists and has a small team studying them. I am also aware that an informal group exists in the xxxxxxxxxxx community and it is possible that this reflects a more formal organization.” [Leslie Kean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie%5FKean) suspects that the first redacted word is “Russia” and the second is “US intelligence.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Study,](https://archive.org/details/UkUfoDocumentsPart1/page/n197/mode/2up)” October 18, 1993, UK UFO Documents, Part 1, pp. 198–199; Kean, [pp. 238–240](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/246/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7066
### Event 49757 (71D4BAB7)
**Date:** 10/19/1993
**Time:** 03:50
**Description:** 3 glowing-balls fly in formation offshore / 15s. Local wave / 93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 296)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16543
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off MABLETHORPE,LINCs:3 GLO-BALLS FLY/FORMATION OFFSHORE/15s:LOCAL WAVE/93", **LatLong:** "53.350003 0.283333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:21:00 N 00:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.350003,0.283333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 49758 (2365F4A7)
**Date:** 10/21/1993
**Description:** Several report(s) / rectangular-box shaped-UFO with colored lights. Hovers / 15 minute(s). Incredible speed/velocity.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16544
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "58", **HatchDesc:** "W.BUCKLAND,SOMERSET:SVRL RPTS/RECT-UFO W/CLRD LITES:HVRS/15min:INCREDIBLE SPD", **LatLong:** "50.966669 -3.177778", **LatLongDMS:** "50:58:00 N 03:10:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.966669,-3.177778)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49759 (E0BB533C)
**Date:** 10/23/1993
**Description:** When Kelly Cahill awoke at 4:30 a.m. in her bed in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia she saw a dark, seven foot tall slender being, that appeared to be naked, leaning over her with its head near Kelly's stomach, as if about to kiss her navel. She screamed, it startled, jumped back, and then vanished. The being had a head much larger than normal, long thin arms and an out of proportion abdomen in relation to its thin frame.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Kelly Cahill, Encounter, p. 170; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, case # 1886, citing Bill Chalker, International UFO Reporter, Vol. 19, # 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7059
### Event 49760 (DF6940EE)
**Date:** 10/24/1993
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** SALISBURY, NC
**Description:** College student. Saucer moves across cloud. 2X apparent moon-size.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16545
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "227", **HatchDesc:** "SALISBURY,NC:COLLEGE STUDENT:SCR MOVES ACROSS CLOUD:2X APPARENT MOON-SIZE", **LatLong:** "35.666668 -80.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:40:00 N 80:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.666668,-80.483337)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49761 (0E63C436)
**Date:** 10/24/1993
**Description:** A close encounter with a 100 foot long craft occurred in the suburbs of Union Grove, North Carolina at 8:45 p.m. The three sketches by the witnesses depict a V formation of white lights that behaved as if they were part of a single, solid triangular craft. It flew at a slow speed, at 150 feet altitude, and made a 90 degree turn. A faint hum was heard coming from the object. The encounter lasted 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Barbara Thompson, MUFON field investigation case files, case # 931217SE
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7103
### Event 49762 (F3035C2E)
**Date:** 10/25/1993
**Location:** Belgium, Manage
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 5:30 PM, Olivier C. saw a large, stationary light point in the direction of the north. He didn't pay it any attention. At around 6:50 PM, while driving to Familleureux, he saw a cigar-shaped object straight ahead of him. On the underside, three white lights were dimming and brightening in intensity, pulsing slowly. A red light was blinking near one of the white lights. He got out of the car: the object was 7 cm in size at arm's length. The object seemed to be moving very slowly towards Feluy (NE). He observed it with 12x50 binoculars and thought he saw a horizontal line on the upper part. The object was the same grey color everywhere. After 10 minutes, the witness continued on his way. Passing by the same spot on his way back from Familleureux, he saw two people at Pont Looza looking up at the sky, between 7:15 and 7:30 PM. The witness stopped his car, turned off the engine, and got out. That's when he found himself right underneath an immense diamond-shaped craft. "It was there, right above me. At an altitude of 200 m, no more. Each light had a diameter equal to the length of a car. Each light had the size of a car, can you imagine? At arm's length? Impossible to tell you the size, I should have spread my arms to the maximum (at the inquiry this was 110 cm). It was very close, you know. I'm sure that if this object had been on the ground, it would have been the size of the field next to my house (1 ha). On the ground, each light must have been the size of a house! Three white lights arranged in a triangle, they weren't quite in the corners of the diamond. Near two of the white lights was a dark green light. They were small. When the white lights dimmed and the blinking red light went out, I could see green reflections on the structure. It had a metallic look, clear. The surface was like galvanized sheet metal, embossed, a bit like the sheets on car ramps on tow trucks." The object emitted a sound, a bit like the sound of a washing machine in the last phase of draining the water, before spinning. This sound wasn't constant and varied in intensity. This sound seemed to come from everywhere at once. The craft was moving very slowly, but not in a straight line, it was like a car swerving from the back, to one side and then the other. The slowness of the movement prompted the witness to go home so his wife could also observe this thing. He started the car, made a U-turn, and when he looked up through the windshield, the object had disappeared and he never saw it again. After calculations, the dimensions of the diamond must have been between 80 and 100 m in altitude and its dimensions must have been 150 x 75 m and a thickness of 24 m.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 89, p. 13 to 15
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3491
### Event 49763 (348D6D5F)
**Date:** 10/25/1993
**Location:** La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium
**Description:** 5:30–9:30 p.m. Multiple sightings of diamond- or triangular-shaped objects with multicolored light occur around La Louvière, Hainaut, Belgium.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Gross, “[The Belgium Flap](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/be/25oct1993hainaut.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7067
### Event 49764 (9EC524C2)
**Date:** 10/27/1993 (approximate)
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 30' sphere / white light north going south over their home.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 294)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16546
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ROADS END N/LINCOLN CITY,OR:2 OBS:30'SPHERE/WHT LITE N>S OVR THEIR HOME", **LatLong:** "44.983335 -124.016673", **LatLongDMS:** "44:59:00 N 124:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.983335,-124.016673)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 49765 (EA254C12)
**Date:** 10/29/1993
**Description:** A huge, totally silent, triangular object with red and yellow lights glided overhead as a copule drove in their car for more than two miles from Bedford to Mount Kisco in Westchester County, New York at 9:30 p.m. It was at very close range; The close encounter lasted for five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 1993 webpage, reported uploaded January 28, 1999
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7288
### Event 49766 (AA3B0BEC)
**Date:** 10/30/1993
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** SINGLETON, NSW
**Description:** Rancher. Brilliant round object going [to] over ranch. Blue halo. 120M altitude 120M away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison.
This sound continued with a continuous sound of broken branches that lasted 2 or 3 seconds. I thought that a herd of cows was running in the thickets, crushing everything in its path. My reflex was to look for shelter to protect me from this herd. My dog flattened himself to the ground, out of fear. I looked in front of me but my field of vision was limited by the trees and I could only see the meadow in which the grasses were moving, 50 meters away from me. When the noise stopped, after 2 or 3 seconds, I noticed that I had not felt a single breath of wind. I went to see in the meadow where the grasses had moved. To the left of this place was the fence of the meadow and behind it the thickets composed of small scattered pines and ferns. I then noticed that the ferns were crushed in two places and that this formed two circles of about 10 meters in diameter. A distance of one meter separated the two circles. The most curious thing was that in this meter (of separation), the ferns were intact. The two circles were separated from the meadow by a distance of one meter of ferns, also intact. Two or three young pines were inside these circles but had no damage. I went inside the circles and saw that the ferns were lying down and formed a carpet of more or less 10 cm in height. They were directed towards the outside of the circles, the center being however located closer to the meadow. I then left the place, supposing that I had witnessed a mini tornado and feeling a retrospective fear of what would have happened if I had been in that place. I could not explain how the ferns were intact around the circles, in the hypothesis of a mini tornado. A little later, thinking about this phenomenon, I thought that the whistling of the wind in the high-voltage lines resembled the whistling caused by a glider. Could there have been an accident with such a device? A glider could have crashed a little further! So I went back to the place and searched around without noticing anything abnormal." [note from vog: this witness and investigator of Sobeps at the time, is an officer of the gendarmerie] (July 13, 1994)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3508
### Event 50163 (FB5901D0)
**Date:** 7/13/1994
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** AVEZZANO, ITL
**Description:** 2 / car. Luminous diamond drops over road. Turns. Levels. Going quickly NNE. / Issue #15p9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. now: Primary ref /r209.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16763
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "AVEZZANO,ITL:2/CAR:LUMN.DIAMOND DROPS OVR ROAD:TURNS:LEVELS:>>NNE:/Issue #15p9", **LatLong:** "42.050002 13.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:03:00 N 13:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.050002,13.466667)", **State/Prov:** "LAQ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50164 (A1D955CA)
**Date:** 7/13/1994
**Description:** A luminous, diamond-shaped UFO dropped down over a road in Avezzano, Italy. It turned, leveled off, and flew off toward the north-northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 16443
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4038
### Event 50165 (350633FA)
**Date:** 7/14/1994
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** MIDWAY, NM
**Description:** Manuel Escamilla videos giant sphere. Seen / Roswell later same day.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16764
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1089", **HatchDesc:** "MIDWAY,NM:MANUEL ESCAMILLA VIDEOS GIANT SPHERE:SEEN/ROSWELL LATER SAME DAY", **LatLong:** "33.311113 -104.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "33:18:40 N 104:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.311113,-104.433338)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50166 (74A0ECA9)
**Date:** 7/15/1994?
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** THORENC, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). 3 white glowing-balls hover 500M from mountain peak. Vanish like magic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16765
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "THORENC,FR:SVRL OBS:3 WHT GLO-BALLS HVR 500M fm Mtn PEAK:VANISH LIKE MAGIC.", **LatLong:** "43.800002 6.811111", **LatLongDMS:** "43:48:00 N 06:48:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.800002,6.811111)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50167 (F331C94E)
**Date:** 7/15/1994
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** ORFORD, CHESHIRE
**Description:** Several observer(s). Dark ovoid slowly glides into sunset. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 302)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16766
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "ORFORD,CHESHIRE:SVRL OBS:DARK OVOID SLOWLY GLIDES INTO SUNSET:NFD", **LatLong:** "53.416669 -2.577778", **LatLongDMS:** "53:25:00 N 02:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.416669,-2.577778)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50168 (4693B23E)
**Date:** 7/16/1994
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** DUSSELDORF, GER
**Description:** Cop / (seen thru) binoculars and 5. Saucer with protrusion. Size / airliner. Red and green lights blink.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: Journal fur UFO Forschung (JUFOF). Hans Werner Peiniger ed. ISBN 0723-7766. GEP group, Postfach 2361, D-58473 Ludenscheid, Germany.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16767
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "DUSSELDORF,GER:COP/BINOCS+5:SCR W/PROTRUSION:SIZE/AIRLINER:RED+GRN LITES BLINK", **LatLong:** "51.250002 6.783334", **LatLongDMS:** "51:15:00 N 06:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.250002,6.783334)", **State/Prov:** "NRW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50169 (4D586610)
**Date:** 7/16/1994
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** SOUTH / TOPANGA, CA
**Description:** 2 teens. Big "triangle-octagon" 100' over road. Tilts / one side.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 311)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16768
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "S/TOPANGA,CA:2 TEENS:BIG "TRIANGLE-OCTAGON" 100'OVR ROAD:TILTS/ONE SIDE:", **LatLong:** "34.083335 -118.594450", **LatLongDMS:** "34:05:00 N 118:35:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.083335,-118.594450)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50170 (5171D075)
**Date:** 7/16/1994
**Time:** 23:40
**Description:** 1 observer. Faint beeps. Large black saucer over police radio tower. Going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16769
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "La CHAPELLE-la-REINE,FR:1 OBS:FAINT BEEPS:LRG BLK SCR OVR POLICE RADIO TWR:>>W", **LatLong:** "48.316669 2.572222", **LatLongDMS:** "48:19:00 N 02:34:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.316669,2.572222)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50171 (15129A96)
**Date:** 7/16/1994
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** SOUTH / LA VAUDOUE, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / car. Odd glow ahead / RTE D16. Dome-saucer is source. Going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16770
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "S/LA VAUDOUE,FR:2 OBS/CAR:ODD GLOW AHEAD/Rte D16:DOME-SCR IS SOURCE:>>SE", **LatLong:** "48.333336 2.561111", **LatLongDMS:** "48:20:00 N 02:33:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.333336,2.561111)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50172 (E68CEBB4)
**Date:** 7/16/1994
**Description:** In the city of Dusseldorf, Germany six police officers saw a multicolored disc-shaped UFO the size of an airliner at 10:15 a.m. The craft had some sort of protrusion, and red and green blinking lights. It was viewed through binoculars.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 16447
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4109
### Event 50173 (D9DA09CF)
**Date:** 7/16/1994
**Description:** A large black disc, making a beeping sound, flew over a police radio tower in La Chapelle-la-Reine, France at 11:40 p.m. It flew away toward the west. Ten minutes later a bright illumination was seen ahead of two witnesses driving on Route D16 south of La Vaudoue, France. A domed disc-shaped object was the source, and it flew away toward the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #327
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4110
### Event 50174 (832F031A)
**Date:** 7/16/1994
**Description:** A silent triangular craft flew over De Bary, Florida at 9:15 p.m. The two witnesses saw the low flying craft with lights drop a ball of light into some nearby woods.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-94, case 1792, citing MUFON Florida
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4111
### Event 50175 (F6996047)
**Date:** 7/17/1994
**Time:** ~23:00
**Location:** NEAR CHERBOURG, FR
**Description:** Separate observer(s) going [to] 0125h. 100M saucer. Lights blink / edge. Hovers over mountain. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16771
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "nr CHERBOURG,FR:SEP.OBS>0125h:100M SCR:LITES BLINK/EDGE:HVRS OVR MTN:FOTOS NFG", **LatLong:** "49.616669 -1.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:37:00 N 01:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.616669,-1.616667)", **State/Prov:** "Manche", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50176 (11BC35A0)
**Date:** 7/19/1994
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** CHANON, JURA
**Description:** 1 observer. Domed saucer with 4 12' beams going down / ground. Large tubes criss-cross underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16772
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CHANON,JURA:1 OBS:DOMED SCR W/4 12'BEAMS↓/GND:LRG TUBES CRISS-CROSS UNDERSIDE", **LatLong:** "46.377780 5.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:22:40 N 05:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.377780,5.700000)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50177 (17BAC8FC)
**Date:** 7/20/1994
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** AUBAGNE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Bizarre crescent changes color(s) and flashes. Still visible / 0330hrs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16773
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "AUBAGNE,FR:1 OBS:BIZARRE CRESCENT CHANGES CLRS+FLASHES:STILL VISIBLE/0330hrs", **LatLong:** "43.300002 5.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:00 N 05:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.300002,5.583334)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50178 (3499F395)
**Date:** 7/21/1994
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** QUESNEL, BC
**Description:** 5+3 observer(s). Silent translucent ovoid follows planes over lake. All lose 1 day / missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16774
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "160", **Elev:** "464", **HatchDesc:** "QUESNEL,BC:5+3 OBS:SLNT XLUCENT OVOID FOLOS PLANES OVR LAKE:ALL LOSE 1DAY/MST", **LatLong:** "52.983336 -122.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "52:59:00 N 122:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.983336,-122.483339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 50179 (97C88469)
**Date:** 7/21/1994
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** HOT SPRINGS, SD
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 vibrant bright silent stars hover. Vanish when jet plane nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16775
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "1120", **HatchDesc:** "HOT SPRINGS,SD:2 OBS:2 VBRITE SILENT STARS HVR:VANISH WHEN JET PLANE NEARS", **LatLong:** "43.416669 -103.466672", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:00 N 103:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.416669,-103.466672)", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50180 (D736AEC9)
**Date:** 7/21/1994
**Description:** At two o'clock in the afternoon an oval-shaped object was observed hovering over Taharti Lake, British Columbia, Canada for three minutes. It was about the size of a car. All of the witnesses returned to their cabin, but that night all five witnesses are unable to account for the next 24 hours. Their UFO sighting and the missing time incident is reported to the RCMP.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Ducks, 1994 Canadian UFO Survey Report, case # 85
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4283
### Event 50181 (F1BBCFC1)
**Date:** 7/23/1994
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Fast bright silver 50cm disk sheds sparks going quickly south. Going down [to] near reservoir.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 302)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16776
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "nr BLUBBERHOUSES,N.YORKS:FAST BRITE SLVR 50cm DISK SHEDS SPARKS>>S:↓ nr RSVR", **LatLong:** "53.983336 -1.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:59:00 N 01:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.983336,-1.700000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50182 (337D1B85)
**Date:** 7/24/1994
**Location:** Melbourne, Victoria, AU
**Description:** Motorists encountered glowing orange oblong objects, one followed car; diamond- shaped object hovered overhead when they stopped to look. Missing time period discovered upon arrival home (Basterfield, 1997b). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5856
### Event 50183 (8F604D9F)
**Date:** 7/24/1994
**Location:** Near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
**Description:** Motorists encountered glowing orange oblong objects, one followed car. Diamond-shaped object hovered overhead when they stopped to look. Missing time period discovered upon arrival home (Basterfield, 1997b).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_490
### Event 50184 (8F227385)
**Date:** 7/25/1994
**Time:** 01:20
**Description:** "Thunder". Power meter fried! Huge saucer with peak / middle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16777
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "OCTAVILLE+COUTANCES,FR:"THUNDER":POWER METER FRIED!:HUGE SCR W/PEAK/MIDDLE.", **LatLong:** "49.616669 -1.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:37:00 N 01:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.616669,-1.650000)", **State/Prov:** "Manche", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50185 (4CEC7DC8)
**Date:** 7/25/1994
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** LA GLACERIE, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 300' saucer near mountain. Glows. Many points blink. Noises. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16778
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "La GLACERIE,FR:2 OBS:300'SCR nr MTN:GLOWS:MANY POINTS BLINK:NOISES:FOTOS NFG", **LatLong:** "49.605558 -1.572222", **LatLongDMS:** "49:36:20 N 01:34:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.605558,-1.572222)", **State/Prov:** "Manche", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50186 (6B02DB0F)
**Date:** 7/25/1994?
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SERANON, FR
**Description:** 30 campers overflown by luminous balls according to reliable source. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16779
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SERANON,FR:30 CAMPERS OVERFLOWN BY LUMN.BALLS per RELIABLE SOURCE:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.772224 6.705556", **LatLongDMS:** "43:46:20 N 06:42:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.772224,6.705556)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50187 (0CEF1DAB)
**Date:** 7/25/1994
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** NORTH / BARBENTANE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Flashy white disk fires orange sparks. West going quickly east / 4 second(s) over horizon. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16780
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/BARBENTANE,FR:1 OBS:FLASHY WHT DISK FIRES ORG.SPARKS:W>>E/4sec OVR HRZN:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.750002 4.738889", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:00 N 04:44:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.750002,4.738889)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 50188 (F3E5F014)
**Date:** 7/26/1994
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** DURBAN, RSA
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). Saucer dome rotates, bottom not. Hovers. Hums. Away / extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16781
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "DURBAN,RSA:MANY SEP.OBS:SCR DOME ROTATES,BOTTOM NOT:HVRS:HUMS:AWAY/XFAST", **LatLong:** "-29.783335 30.966668", **LatLongDMS:** "29:47:00 S 30:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.783335,30.966668)", **State/Prov:** "KwaZulu-Natal", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50189 (F93927A4)
**Date:** 7/26/1994 (approximate)
**Time:** 09:00
**Description:** Newsman photographs white ovoid or double saucer? Date uncertain.see reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16782
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr GREOLIERES,FR:NEWSMAN FOTOS WHT OVOID or DOUBLE SCR?:date uncertain.see ref", **LatLong:** "43.794447 6.955556", **LatLongDMS:** "43:47:40 N 06:57:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.794447,6.955556)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50190 (542AD24E)
**Date:** 7/27/1994
**Description:** A young boy ran into his mother's bedroom at 4:00 a.m. in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada and reported seeing a large object with blue lights hovering under the electrical wires outside his bedroom window. He also saw "little people on the poles." He was told by his mother to go back to bed and sleep.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1994, case # 2754, citing Graham Conway
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4442
### Event 50191 (0DE71989)
**Date:** 7/28/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) As Flight 129 was completing its approach to Mexico City Airport, the plane was struck by an unidentified object, forcing the pilot to take emergency measures before landing, fortunately without damage. Upon examination of the aircraft on the ground, mechanics and crew noticed that a landing gear shock absorber had been torn off. The pilot, Raymond Cervantes Ruana, went to the control tower to get information about the collision: They told me that at the moment I was making my last turn, 2 UFOs appeared on the control screen. We must have crossed their paths, the pilot will specify. Air traffic controllers will also confirm that no other civil or military aircraft was in the area at the time of landing. The pilot will later declare that he had never felt such a violent impact. (July 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3241
### Event 50192 (671C19E4)
**Date:** 7/28/1994
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** STROUD, GLOUCS
**Description:** 1 observer. Silver ball over garden. Flys away when observer(s) takes good look.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16783
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "158", **HatchDesc:** "STROUD,GLOUCs:1 OBS:SILVER BALL OVR GARDEN:FLYS AWAY WHEN OBS TAKES GOOD LOOK", **LatLong:** "51.733336 -2.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:44:00 N 02:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.733336,-2.216667)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50193 (100526B3)
**Date:** 7/29/1994
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** ETANG DE BERRE, FR
**Description:** Extra ovoid moon near real moon. Small clouds and night lights buzz planes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16784
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ETANG de BERRE,FR:EXTRA OVOID MOON nr REAL MOON:SML CLOUDS+NLTS BUZZ PLANES", **LatLong:** "43.416669 5.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:00 N 05:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.416669,5.083334)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50194 (125008EF)
**Date:** 7/29/1994
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 50+observer(s). Night lights / 300' altitude "rise and cavort". Possible meteor shower. / r14.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16785
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "DICKINSON+ALVIN,TX:50+OBS:NLTS/300'alt "RISE+CAVORT":POSS.METEOR SHOWER:/r14", **LatLong:** "29.461113 -95.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "29:27:40 N 95:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.461113,-95.050005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 50195 (B7ED12D0)
**Date:** 7/31/1994
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** NEAR LILLE, FR
**Description:** 3 circular night lights / delta/triangle/box-like craft form going southeast / 20 second(s). Stops briefly. Each 1cm / arms length.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16786
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr LILLE,FR:3 CIRC.NLTS/DLT FORM >SE/20sec:STOPS BRIEFLY:EACH 1cm/ARMS LENGTH", **LatLong:** "50.633336 3.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:38:00 N 03:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.633336,3.083333)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50196 (52DB19FD)
**Date:** 7/31/1994
**Locations:** Roswell; Showtime
**Description:** Roswell, a made-for-TV movie directed by [Jeremy Kagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy%5FKagan) and produced by [Paul Davids](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FDavids), premieres on Showtime. It stars [Kyle MacLachlan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle%5FMacLachlan), [Martin Sheen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FSheen)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FSheen) and [Dwight Yoakam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%5FYoakam), and is based on UFO Crash at Roswell by [Kevin D. Randle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin%5FD.%5FRandle) and [Donald R. Schmitt](https://ufocongress.com/don-schmitt-2/)[.](https://ufocongress.com/don-schmitt-2/)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Davids, “Roswell: The Movie,” IUR 19, no. 2 \(March/April 1994\): 15–18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7099
### Event 50197 (4A047F59)
**Date:** 8/1994
**Time:** ~16:00
**Location:** US97 NEAR BREWSTER, WA
**Description:** 1 observer photographs solitary lenticular cloud near Comsat station.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16787
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "US97 nr BREWSTER,WA:1 OBS FOTOS SOLITARY LENTICULAR CLOUD nr COMSAT STATION", **LatLong:** "48.100002 -119.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "48:06:00 N 119:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.100002,-119.766672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 50198 (5F2E0004)
**Date:** 8/1/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Vétheuil \(on the border of the Eure and Val d'Oise departments\), observation of a diamond illuminated at the back of multiple spots.
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3242
### Event 50199 (7F3C453A)
**Date:** 8/1/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Roche-Guyon \(Val d'Oise\), observation of an illuminated diamond with multiple spots in the back.
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3243
### Event 50200 (BA8BAEAB)
**Date:** 8/1/1994
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** RENTON, WA
**Description:** Man / night-(seen thru) binoculars. Large "ships" hover. Type unknown. Seen twice. No further details. / NURC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16788
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "RENTON,WA:MAN/NITE-BINOCS:LRG "SHIPS" HVR:TYPE UNK:SEEN TWICE:NFD:/NURC", **LatLong:** "47.500002 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:30:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.500002,-122.200006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50201 (1E58A600)
**Date:** 8/1/1994
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** CHALON-SUR-SAONE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. White fireball catches up to plane and vanishes. 5-6X faster. Going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16789
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHALON-sur-SAONE,FR:1 OBS:WHT FBL CATCHES UP TO PLANE+VANISHES:5-6X FASTER:>>E", **LatLong:** "46.800002 4.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:48:00 N 04:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.800002,4.900000)", **State/Prov:** "Saône-et-Loire", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50202 (7ED92EA3)
**Date:** 8/2/1994
**Description:** The witness awoke shortly after midnight in her home in Cayey, Puerto Rico after hearing a bang resembling the sound of a firecracker exploding. It came from the entrance to her bedroom. She heard the sound again, but this time it was closer to her bed, and she next saw a short, thin gray-skinned humanoid with a large head and huge black eyes walk standing in front of her bed. The creature then entered her grandson's bedroom. She then apparently fell back to sleep, because she was woken up by her grandson who told her that that same short creature with large eyes had sat on his chest and had stared at him.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1994, case # 1778, citing Hank Worbetz
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4613
### Event 50203 (EA09B7CF)
**Date:** 8/5/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of [Bernard V.](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#VBernard). (August 5, 10:26 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3244
### Event 50204 (E8D7FD75)
**Date:** 8/5/1994
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** MT. AUDIBERGUE, FR
**Description:** 9+observer(s). Large vertical ovoid glows / 9+hours over trees near ski lodge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16790
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.AUDIBERGUE,FR:9+OBS:LRG VERTICAL OVOID GLOWS/9+hrs ovr TREES nr SKI LODGE", **LatLong:** "43.750002 6.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:00 N 06:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.750002,6.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50205 (5BBEBA97)
**Date:** 8/5/1994
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large spinning object over town / 20 minute(s). Speeds going quickly southwest. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16791
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "NORTH EXETER,DEVON:2 OBS:LRG SPINNING OBJ OVR TOWN/20min:SPEEDS>>SW:NFD", **LatLong:** "50.783336 -3.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:47:00 N 03:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.783336,-3.566667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50206 (DB755DD7)
**Date:** 8/5/1994
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Huge night light seen widely over mountain tops. Brightens and dims every 5 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16792
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "ANDON+SERANON,FR:HUGE NLT SEEN WIDELY ovr Mtn TOPS:BRIGHTENS+DIMS EVERY 5sec", **LatLong:** "43.766669 6.788889", **LatLongDMS:** "43:46:00 N 06:47:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.766669,6.788889)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 50207 (026CB172)
**Date:** 8/6/1994
**Time:** 11:00
**Description:** 2 / car. 1 large and 2 small white orbs. 1 scouts trees. Others hover.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16793
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PLATEAU de CAUSSOLS,FR:2/CAR:1 LRG+2 SML WHT ORBS:1 SCOUTS TREES:OTHERS HOVER", **LatLong:** "43.766669 6.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:46:00 N 06:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.766669,6.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50208 (A2B6D16D)
**Date:** 8/6/1994
**Time:** 17:10
**Location:** LA MOULIERE, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Javelin-shape shoots up from mountains. Weak image on videotape.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16794
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "la MOULIERE,FR:2 OBS:JAVELIN-SHAPE SHOOTS UP fm MTNS:WEAK IMAGE on VIDEOTAPE", **LatLong:** "43.761113 6.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:40 N 06:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.761113,6.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50209 (56FA61E3)
**Date:** 8/7/1994
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** MT. AUDIBERGUES, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Incredible white ball hovers between 2 ski-lift pylons.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16795
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "Mt AUDIBERGUES,FR:2 OBS:INCREDIBLE WHT BALL HVRS BTWN 2 SKI-LIFT PYLONS", **LatLong:** "43.755558 6.772223", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:20 N 06:46:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.755558,6.772223)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50210 (DF301D5F)
**Date:** 8/7/1994
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 4 girls. Silent saucer FLIPs over and over. Rises going quickly east until gone at sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 302)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16796
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CARNOUSTIE,SCOTL:4 GIRLS:SLNT SCR FLIPs OVR+OVR:RISES>>E UNTIL GONE at SEA", **LatLong:** "56.505558 -2.711111", **LatLongDMS:** "56:30:20 N 02:42:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.505558,-2.711111)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50211 (08611501)
**Date:** 8/7/1994
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** LE BOREON, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Luminous disk on-edge with 2 lights rotates counterclockwise. Still / 12hr!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16797
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "Le BOREON,FR:3 OBS/BINOCS:LUM.DISK ON-EDGE W/2 LITES ROTATES CCW:STILL/12hr!", **LatLong:** "44.100002 7.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "44:06:00 N 07:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.100002,7.283334)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50212 (06FA3892)
**Date:** 8/7/1994
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** MT. AUDIBERGUES, FR
**Description:** 3+2 observer(s). Rocks rain straight/strait(s) going down. Tree branch shakes / no wind. See reference!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16798
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "Mt AUDIBERGUES,FR:3+2 OBS:ROCKS RAIN STRT↓:TREE BRANCH SHAKES/NO WIND:see ref!", **LatLong:** "43.733335 6.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:44:00 N 06:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.733335,6.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50213 (FE5B3B26)
**Date:** 8/8/1994
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s). Silent shiny silver cylinder/cigar-shape floats slowly over church. No blimp.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16799
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "51", **HatchDesc:** "FALKIRK,SCOTLAND:2+2 OBS:SLNT SHINY SLVR CGR FLOATS SLOWLY OVR CHURCH:NO BLIMP", **LatLong:** "56.000003 -3.738889", **LatLongDMS:** "56:00:00 N 03:44:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.000003,-3.738889)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50214 (3D6E7E84)
**Date:** 8/9/1994
**Time:** ~01:00
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Silent night lights seen to 1830h. Zigzags etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN; Qtrly. Judith MAGEE Ed. VUFORS PO Box 43, Moorabin, VIC 3189 Australia. (Index 953)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16800
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "LAUNCETON+KINGSTON+CAIRNS BAY,TASM:SEP.OBS:SLNT NLTS SEEN TO 1830h:ZIGZAGS etc", **LatLong:** "-41.050002 146.750007", **LatLongDMS:** "41:03:00 S 146:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.050002,146.750007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50215 (25B77F0F)
**Date:** 8/10/1994
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** OFF ANTIBES, FR
**Description:** Guard. 3 luminous balls stop over Juan Gulf. 1cm / arms length. Vanish!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16801
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "off ANTIBES,FR:GUARD:3 LUMn.BALLS STOP OVR JUAN GULF:1cm/ARMS LENGTH:VANISH!", **LatLong:** "43.566669 7.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:34:00 N 07:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.566669,7.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50216 (81EB06A3)
**Date:** 8/10/1994
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** TV malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Box-shape over satellite dish! Hums. Sails down road.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16802
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "YORK,N.YORKs,ENGL:TV EMEs:BOX-SHAPE OVR SATELLITE DISH!:HUMS:SAILS DOWN ROAD", **LatLong:** "53.966669 -1.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:58:00 N 01:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.966669,-1.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 50217 (BA4454E7)
**Date:** 8/10/1994
**Description:** (1) At 12:30 a.m. a witness observed for a few seconds a small luminous sphere that moved very quickly in the sky over Castanet Tolosan, Haute-Garonne Department, France. It made no noise, and no trail accompanied it. (2) At 4:30 a.m. at Antibes, Alpes-Maritime Department, France three luminous balls stopped over the ocean, then vanished. Their apparent size was 1 cm at arms length. (3) There was also the co-occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central European surveillance area, headquartered in Switzerland.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) GEIPAN, case # 1994-180; (2) Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 327; (3) Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 109
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4843
### Event 50218 (CB1BB72B)
**Date:** 8/10/1994
**Description:** (1) At three o'clock in the afternoon a black triangle spun out of a billowing line of smoke in the sky over Gull Lake, Alberta, Canada and stopped dead; it then took off at an incredible speed. At 10:45 p.m. over York, England at box-shaped object hovered over a satellite dish in a residential neighborhood, making a humming sound and causing interference on local TVs. It glided off down a road after three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 1994 archived webpage, report dated May 9, 2003; (2) UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4844
### Event 50219 (A1849DCF)
**Date:** 8/11/1994
**Description:** An elaborate spider web style crop formation was found in a field in Avebury, England on this day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Fate, May 2002, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4909
### Event 50220 (F4518DAA)
**Date:** 8/13/1994
**Time:** ~23:00
**Location:** SALISBURY, NC
**Description:** Several observer(s) and cops. Night lights hover orbit and play in sky / 2 hours. Scatter / 4 directions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16803
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "227", **HatchDesc:** "SALISBURY,NC:SVRL OBS+COPS:NLTS HVR ORBIT+PLAY IN SKY/2hrs:SCATTER/4 DIRNs", **LatLong:** "35.683335 -80.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:41:00 N 80:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.683335,-80.483337)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50221 (1E53CECD)
**Date:** 8/13/1994
**Description:** From Charron Island in Montreal, Quebec, Canada a white disc-shaped object "moved in silence between 6,000 and 8,000 meters" altitude at 10:30 p.m. It was seen by two witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Ducks, 1994 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 90
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4988
### Event 50222 (2EB5230B)
**Date:** 8/13/1994
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. several witnesses including police in Salisbury, North Carolina watched nocturnal lights hover, orbit, and dance in the sky for two hours. A light in the distance was seen dropping red dots. They finally scattered in four directions.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4989
### Event 50223 (6B8D3438)
**Date:** 8/14/1994
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** ANMOORE, WV
**Description:** Neon green lens-object trails red stream. Lands / hills? Also seen 13 August.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16804
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "308", **HatchDesc:** "ANMOORE,WV:NEON GREEN LENS-OBJ TRAILS RED STREAM:LANDS/HILLS?:ALSO SEEN 13AUG", **LatLong:** "39.233335 -80.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:14:00 N 80:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.233335,-80.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50224 (E1DE0490)
**Date:** 8/14/1994
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Several observer(s) / car and train. Brilliant blue and white night lights. Crop circle found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16805
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr KIDLINGTON,OXFORDs:SVRL OBS/CAR+TRAIN:BRILL.BLU+WHT NLTS:CROP CIRCLE FOUND", **LatLong:** "51.783336 -1.283333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:47:00 N 01:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.783336,-1.283333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50225 (FFFAC2A5)
**Date:** 8/14/1994
**Description:** At 12:20 a.m. in Anmore, West Virginia a neon green, lens-shaped object trailed a red stream behind it as it passed overhead and landed remotely in the nearby hills.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, p. 170
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5020
### Event 50226 (80623E99)
**Date:** 8/14/1994
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. several independent observers in a car and on a train near Kidlington, Oxfordshire, England saw some brilliant blue and white nocturnal lights in the sky. A crop circle was later found in the vicinity.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16431; UFO Newsclipping Service, issue # 306, January 1995
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5021
### Event 50227 (8F7A5055)
**Date:** 8/15/1994
**Time:** 16:30
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Shiny MTLS angular object rolls / sky. Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16806
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "124", **HatchDesc:** "SUTTON COLDFIELD,BIRMINGHAM:3 OBS:SHINY MTLS ANGULAR OBJ ROLLS/SKY:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "52.550003 -1.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:33:00 N 01:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.550003,-1.800000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 50228 (AB71E46E)
**Date:** 8/15/1994
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** CAMBRIDGE, ENGL
**Description:** 3 teens. Night lights play / sky. Saucer exits cloud. Hovers and moves impossibly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16807
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "CAMBRIDGE,ENGL:3 TEENS:NLTS PLAY/SKY:SCR EXITS CLOUD:HVRS+MOVES IMPOSSIBLY", **LatLong:** "52.216669 0.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:13:00 N 00:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.216669,0.133333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50229 (E436ED1E)
**Date:** 8/18/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In an article titled "Ask the Minister of Defense: George Keleti, Do You Fear an UFO Invasion?", [Keleti](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/officiels.html\#KeletiGeorge) states that the ministry receives many reports on the subject, that UFOs seem to know very well what they are doing, and that newspapers are very hesitant about these reports. (August 18)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3245
### Event 50230 (F32DF6DC)
**Date:** 8/18/1994
**Time:** 01:10
**Description:** Truck driver. Bright green rounded triangle hovers over RTE A303.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16808
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr STONEHENGE,WILTs:TRUCK DRVR:BRITE GRN ROUNDED TRIANGLE HVRS OVR Rte A303", **LatLong:** "51.161114 -1.833333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:09:40 N 01:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.161114,-1.833333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50231 (19F9C441)
**Date:** 8/19/1994
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** EAST / AVIGNON, FR
**Description:** Cops and several. Red moon-size fireball. Aims beams quickly going down. Going southeast. Turns going quickly southwest and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16809
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "E/AVIGNON,FR:COPS+SVRL:RED MOONSIZE FBL:AIMS BEAMS ↓↓:> SE:TURNS >>SW+AWAY", **LatLong:** "43.916669 4.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:55:00 N 04:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.916669,4.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Vaucluse", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50232 (6CE73B2B)
**Date:** 8/19/1994
**Time:** 23:40
**Description:** 4 / car. Saucer beams light going up [to] to cloud. Then hides / trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16810
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N17 NE/NEUVY-SAUTOUR,FR:4/CAR:SCR BEAMS LITE ↑ to CLOUD:THEN HIDES/TREES", **LatLong:** "48.066669 3.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:04:00 N 03:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.066669,3.816667)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50233 (0F257F1E)
**Date:** 8/21/1994
**Time:** ~14:00
**Location:** SOUTHEND, ESSEX
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 30' silent silver domed ovoid rotates slowly by. Flashes / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16811
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTHEND,ESSEX:2 OBS:30'SLNT SLVR DOMED OVOID ROTATES SLOWLY BY:FLASHES/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "51.533336 0.683333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:32:00 N 00:41:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.533336,0.683333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50234 (C56A9781)
**Date:** 8/21/1994
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** BEZIERS, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Coin saucer shoots yellow ray ending abruptly in a ball! Goes extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16812
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BEZIERS,FR:3 OBS:COIN SCR SHOOTS YLW RAY ENDING ABRUPTLY IN A BALL!:GOES XFAST", **LatLong:** "43.350002 3.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:21:00 N 03:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.350002,3.216667)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50235 (486DABDB)
**Date:** 8/21/1994
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** BELLINGHAM, UK
**Description:** 2 separate infrared alarms trip. Dome going quickly [to] over homes. Ozone and static. 5 photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16813
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "144", **HatchDesc:** "BELLINGHAM,UK:2 SEP.INFRARED ALARMS TRIP:DOME>>OVR HOMES:OZONE+STATIC:5 FOTOS", **LatLong:** "55.133336 -2.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "55:08:00 N 02:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.133336,-2.250000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50236 (1EB77E64)
**Date:** 8/23/1994
**Time:** 05:40
**Location:** BRENTWOOD, MO
**Description:** 3 observer(s). V-delta/triangle/box-like craft follows turns / road without banking. Slow and silent. 300m altitude. Beam going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACTAEON ADVISOR (qtrly) Actaeon Group; PO.Box 515123, St. Louis, MO 63151-1290 314/994-1290. (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16814
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "BRENTWOOD,MO:3 OBS:V-DLT FOLOS TURNS/ROAD W/O BANKING:SLOW+SLNT:300m alt:BEAM↓", **LatLong:** "38.616669 -90.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:37:00 N 90:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.616669,-90.350004)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50237 (568F09B2)
**Date:** 8/23/1994
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** CARLISLE, PA
**Description:** Police report. Saucer near Trimble Road. Cops find nothing. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16815
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "146", **HatchDesc:** "CARLISLE,PA:POLICE REPORT:SCR nr TRIMBLE ROAD:COPS FIND NOTHING:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.200002 -77.188893", **LatLongDMS:** "40:12:00 N 77:11:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.200002,-77.188893)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50238 (5A7D8C2B)
**Date:** 8/23/1994
**Location:** St. Louis, Missouri
**Description:** 5:40 a.m. A delivery man and other early risers observe a V-shaped object low in the sky above the business district of a western suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. Strobe lights emerge from the object at both its top and bottom, shining continuous beams of light on the object both while it is hovering and in flight. It disappears behind some buildings to the south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 175
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7100
### Event 50239 (19C3F740)
**Date:** 8/24/1994
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Glowing bowl saucer hovers / hills. Going [to] behind clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16816
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "LAVERSTOCK,WILTS,ENGL:SVRL SEP.OBS:GLOWING BOWL SCR HVRS/HILLS:>BHND CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "51.083336 -1.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:05:00 N 01:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.083336,-1.750000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50240 (5302731A)
**Date:** Late 8/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) One month after the incident of [July 28th](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1994.html\#91-07-28), a similar disaster is narrowly avoided, again at Mexico City airport. Flight 304 from Acapulco is in its landing phase when the crew sees a large, silver, metallic, circular object emerge from a cloud. The captain recounts: We saw the object very clearly. It passed under the plane and we had to perform a very delicate maneuver to avoid collision. On the ground, the furious pilots demand that the air traffic controllers explain why they weren't warned. The latter admit to being taken by surprise by the speed of the UFO. (Late August)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3246
### Event 50241 (F8BF088D)
**Date:** 8/26/1994
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** D922 EAST / ANDABRE, FR
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Disk with rectangular-box shaped panels / edge. Slow rotation. Odd trajectory. / r226#24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16817
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "D922 E/ANDABRE,FR:5 OBS:DISK W/RECT PANELS/EDGE:SLO ROTn:ODD TRAJCT:/r226#24", **LatLong:** "43.666669 3.022222", **LatLongDMS:** "43:40:00 N 03:01:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.666669,3.022222)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50242 (BE1FDF81)
**Date:** 8/27/1994 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Triangle with 4 beams, 2 / each forward side. Large slow and silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16818
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "E/CESSENON-sur-ORB,FR:2 OBS:TRIANGLE W/4 BEAMS,2/EACH FWD SIDE:LRG SLO+SLNT", **LatLong:** "43.450002 3.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 03:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,3.066667)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50243 (F1607E54)
**Date:** 8/27/1994
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ST. GERVAIS-SUR-MARE, FR
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Sharp beam going down. Silent UFO with 3 bright lights. Back 28 Aug. '94.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16819
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St.GERVAIS-sur-MARE,FR:5 OBS:SHARP BEAM↓:SLNT UFO W/3 BRITE LITES:BACK 28AUG94", **LatLong:** "43.650002 3.038889", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:00 N 03:02:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.650002,3.038889)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50244 (A91A9603)
**Date:** 8/27/1994
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ST. CHINIAN, FR
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and (seen thru) telescope. Slow grey delta/triangle/box-like craft-cloud going east. Subtends 15' / arc. Transparent?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16820
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "St CHINIAN,FR:2/BINOCS+TSCOPE:SLOW GRY DLT-CLOUD >E:SUBTENDS 15'/ARC:XPARENT?", **LatLong:** "43.422224 2.938889", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:20 N 02:56:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.422224,2.938889)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50245 (24E29239)
**Date:** 8/27/1994
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** ST. VALERY-EN-CAUX, FR
**Description:** 4 observer(s) / ground. 2 yellow fireballs follow airliner. Make 90-turn straight/strait(s) going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16821
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St VALERY-en-CAUX,FR:4 OBS/GND:2 YEL FBLS FOLO AIRLINER:MAKE 90-TURN STRT ↑", **LatLong:** "49.866669 0.711111", **LatLongDMS:** "49:52:00 N 00:42:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.866669,0.711111)", **State/Prov:** "Seine Maritime", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50246 (D3398AAC)
**Date:** 8/27/1994
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** VILLA VENICE, FL
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Huge boomerang / low altitude. Blows smoke. Goes north going south behind trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16822
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "VILLA VENICE,FL:3 OBS:HUGE BOOMERANG/LO ALT:BLOWS SMOKE:GOES N>S BHND TREES", **LatLong:** "30.366668 -87.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:00 N 87:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.366668,-87.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50247 (71D6B688)
**Date:** 8/28/1994
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** RACHEL, NV
**Description:** Spectacular ovoid north going quickly south over western hills. Good video taken. Seen / 4 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN; Qtrly. Judith MAGEE Ed. VUFORS PO Box 43, Moorabin, VIC 3189 Australia. (Index 953)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16823
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "1472", **HatchDesc:** "RACHEL,NV:SPECTACULAR OVOID N>>S OVR WESTERN HILLS:GOOD VIDEO TAKEN:seen/4min", **LatLong:** "37.650002 -115.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:39:00 N 115:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.650002,-115.783339)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50248 (E457C575)
**Date:** 8/28/1994
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** DEL NORTE, CO
**Description:** 20+observer(s). 12+objects / 60 minute(s). Honeycomb delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Vanishes! / r98#26p253.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 303)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16824
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "2402", **HatchDesc:** "DEL NORTE,CO:20+OBS:12+OBJS/60min::HONEYCOMB DLT HVRS:VANISHES!:/r98#26p253", **LatLong:** "37.677780 -106.355561", **LatLongDMS:** "37:40:40 N 106:21:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.677780,-106.355561)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 50249 (041C30CD)
**Date:** 8/28/1994
**Description:** From Del Norte, Rio Grande County, Colorado at 11:00 p.m. a triangular shaped object with a honeycomb-like structure was seen hovering for an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1994; Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 253
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5445
### Event 50250 (A99E6FAC)
**Date:** 8/28/1994
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a black rectangle, approximately 30 feet long with a bright head light and tail light, and red and green side lights, hovered (levitated) silently in Helsinki, Finland for 10 minutes. There was the occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central European surveillance area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 1994 archived webpage, report uploaded January 11, 2002; Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases --Europe, p. 109
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5446
### Event 50251 (0ACEB056)
**Date:** 8/29/1994
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** Night light back. Buzzes car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Faxes and modems electro-magnetic effect (EME). Always / 2120hrs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN; Qtrly. Judith MAGEE Ed. VUFORS PO Box 43, Moorabin, VIC 3189 Australia. (Index 944)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16825
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WYCLIFFE WELL,AUSTR:NLT BACK:BUZZES CAR/EMEs:FAXES+MODEMS EME:ALWAYS/2120hrs", **LatLong:** "-20.800001 134.233340", **LatLongDMS:** "20:48:00 S 134:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.800001,134.233340)", **State/Prov:** "Northern Territory", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50252 (5EFA6365)
**Date:** 8/29/1994
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** BERLIN HEIGHTS, OH
**Description:** 3+observer(s) with (seen thru) binoculars and cops. Very large ovoid hovers / hours. Lights rotate / edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 302)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16826
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "237", **HatchDesc:** "BERLIN HEIGHTS,OH:3+OBS W/BINOCS+COPS:VLARGE OVOID HVRS/hrs:LITES ROTATE/EDGE", **LatLong:** "41.316669 -82.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:19:00 N 82:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.316669,-82.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50253 (EA7571CB)
**Date:** 8/30/1994 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Big white slow glowing-sphere/orb/globe southwest going northeast / 30 minute(s). Suddenly gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16827
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "CLERMONT l'HERAULT,FR:3 OBS:BIG WHT SLOW GLO-ORB SW>NE/30min:SUDDENLY GONE.", **LatLong:** "43.633335 3.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:38:00 N 03:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.633335,3.433333)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50254 (B585E7E2)
**Date:** 8/30/1994
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** CASTANET-LE-BAS
**Description:** 1 observer. Big yellowish-white luminous sphere/orb/globe northeast going quickly [to] WSW. 1/2 moon-size.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16828
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CASTANET-le-BAS:1 OBS:BIG YELLOWISH-WHT LUM.ORB NE>>WSW:1/2 MOON-SIZE", **LatLong:** "43.661113 3.072222", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:40 N 03:04:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.661113,3.072222)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50255 (C3133D03)
**Date:** 8/31/1994
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** MONGO, IN
**Description:** 6+observer(s). 6m domed saucer strobes red going down. Sudden maneuvers. Going quickly southwest. Photographs investigation/investigators / R. Haines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16829
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "277", **HatchDesc:** "MONGO,IN:6+OBS:6m DOMED SCR STROBES RED↓:SUDDEN MNVRS:>>SW:FOTOS inv/R.HAINES", **LatLong:** "41.700002 -85.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:42:00 N 85:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.700002,-85.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50256 (29065C2F)
**Date:** 8/31/1994
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** NEAR PANTHER, WV
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Jet sound. Silent diamond with 4 colored lights hovers / 15 minute(s). Slow exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 78)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16830
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "295", **HatchDesc:** "nr PANTHER,WV:2 OBS:JET SOUND:SLNT DIAMOND W/4 CLRD LITES HVRS/15min:SLOW EXIT", **LatLong:** "37.466668 -81.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:28:00 N 81:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.466668,-81.866671)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50257 (DE85B601)
**Date:** 8/31/1994
**Location:** Mongo, IN
**Description:** Dogs do not react to close object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [940831](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-940831.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5858
### Event 50258 (89E58220)
**Date:** 8/31/1994
**Location:** Mongo, IN
**Description:** Mongo Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [940831](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/mongodir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5859
### Event 50259 (A69D9D9D)
**Date:** 8/31/1994
**Location:** Mongo, Indiana
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Six witnesses in Mongo, Indiana, see a light glowing through the treetops to the southwest at a low altitude. It looks somewhat like the Moon, but it starts moving from behind the trees into an open area near a road and hovers. It looks like a domed disc with a white strobe light on top of the dome. A bright red light on the bottom flashes 3–4 times like a strobe, then the object it disappears to the south east within 2 seconds. One of the witnesses takes at least four good pictures with a Vivitar fully automatic 35 mm camera with a standard lens and loaded with 400 ASA color film. Dogs do not react to the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The Mongo Photos](http://www.nicap.org/940831mongo%5Fdir.htm)”; Patrick Gross, “[The Mongo Multiple Visual and Photographic Case, August 31, 1993](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/mongo1994.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7101
### Event 50260 (B83683F4)
**Date:** 8/31/1994
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. six men around a campfire during a hunting trip in the woods near Mongo, Indiana saw a UFO behind some treetops. The domed disc-shaped object moved swiftly to a clearing, hovered for about 30 seconds, and quickly vanished from sight. They were able to take some photographs, which show an overexposure of a domed disc-shaped craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, MUFON field investigation files, case 960103C; Michael David Hall, UFOs: A Century of Sightings, p. 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5543
### Event 50261 (9CE2B6AE)
**Date:** 9/1994
**Description:** Sherman “changes planes” again when receiving NHI intcomm and the NHI asks him if he did it on purpose, to which Sherman replies yes. Sherman asks the NHI if the comm was unauthorized to which he received a reply “there is no harm in communicating on this plane.” The NHI tells him they are similar in makeup, and tells him “they” thought it previously impossible for a “water human” or “water vessel” to maintain intcomm on that plane.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Government-Cover-Up/dp/0966097807](https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Government-Cover-Up/dp/0966097807)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_296
### Event 50262 (CDE95854)
**Date:** 9/1/1994
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** GILA BEND, AZ
**Description:** Evening. Disk shines beam on train. Then lands / field. No further details / MUFON AZ.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16831
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "210", **Elev:** "224", **HatchDesc:** "GILA BEND,AZ:EVENING:DISK SHINES BEAM ON TRAIN:THEN LANDS/FIELD:NFD/MUFON AZ", **LatLong:** "32.950002 -112.716672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:57:00 N 112:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.950002,-112.716672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50263 (E33735B2)
**Date:** 9/1/1994
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** GILA BEND, AZ
**Description:** 2 / car and separate cop / I8. Domed saucer with arched portholes over freeway. 4 more appear.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16832
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "224", **HatchDesc:** "GILA BEND,AZ:2/CAR+SEP.COP/I8:DOMED SCR W/ARCHED PORTS OVR FWY:4 MORE APPEAR", **LatLong:** "32.966668 -112.716672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:58:00 N 112:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.966668,-112.716672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50264 (841A83C8)
**Date:** 9/1/1994
**Description:** Army photographer Sgt. Frederick Benthal states he was flown into Roswell and taken to a crash site in early July 1947, and ordered to take photos of the crash and bodies. Most of his time was spent in a dark tent taking photos of the bodies, with dark complexions, thin with large heads.
* [http://www.roswellproof.com/Benthal.html](http://www.roswellproof.com/Benthal.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_297
### Event 50265 (44C3BCE9)
**Date:** 9/2/1994
**Description:** On this night on Dry Creek, the Greenhorn Mountains, Huerfano County, Colorado a local hunter was at his campsite when a large group of "aliens dressed in camo appeared", and before he could react, he was gassed, captured, and tied up. They never spoke to him, and never fed him. He claims he survived by eating grasshoppers. The camoflage wearing, human looking entities appeared to be conducting "some sort of maneuvers." The group then began boarding a small, silver colored flying object, and the witness was astonished when the object appeared to expand in size to accommodate them all. The object then took off, morphed into the shape of a bear, then morphed into "a three headed wolf", then turned into a cloud. Later, law enforcement personnel searched the area and found the witness's truck trashed, the remains of his campfire, and "his half-burnt clothes" scattered around the area. At the same time a second hunter was reported missing in the same area, but when he finally showed up, he "raced away in his truck without saying a word." a local hunter was captured by human-like alien beings, dressed in camoflauge. Small silver UFO grew in size, changed shape 2x. 2nd hunter also missing, wouldn't say why.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 254; Albert S. Rosales, 1994 Humanoid Contact Database, case # 2550, citing Christopher O'Brien
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5583
### Event 50266 (49074324)
**Date:** 9/3/1994
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 1 observer. Big white bar / light east going quickly west. Orange and green lights. / r226#24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16833
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St.GERVAISE-sur-MARE,FR:1 OBS:BIG WHT BAR/LITE E>>W:ORG+GRN LITES:/r226#24", **LatLong:** "43.650002 3.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:00 N 03:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.650002,3.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50267 (56FE32E5)
**Date:** 9/6/1994
**Time:** 13:30
**Location:** CAZERES, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. "Mountie-hat" saucer with big contrail going quickly north. Slow. 1cm / ARMs length.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16834
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CAZERES,FR:1 OBS:"MOUNTIE-HAT" SCR W/BIG CONTRAIL>>N:SLOW:1cm/ARMs LENGTH", **LatLong:** "43.200002 1.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:12:00 N 01:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.200002,1.083333)", **State/Prov:** "Haute Garonne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50268 (8A382C4E)
**Date:** 9/6/1994
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** SHORELINE PARK, FL
**Description:** Several observer(s). Yellow rectangle. Also amber football over Pavillion later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16835
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SHORELINE PARK,FL:SVRL OBS:YEL RECTANGLE:+AMBER FOOTBALL OVR PAVILLION LATER", **LatLong:** "30.344446 -87.172226", **LatLongDMS:** "30:20:40 N 87:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.344446,-87.172226)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50269 (4D98308C)
**Date:** 9/6/1994
**Description:** At 1:30 p.m. a domed, disc-shaped UFO with a big contrail moved to the north slowly over Cazeres, Haute-Garonne department, France.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 327
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5697
### Event 50270 (92024C91)
**Date:** 9/6/1994
**Description:** Beginning at 8:30 p.m., a multi-colored, cone-shaped object zig-zagged and expelled probes over a two and a half hour period over Rockville, Indiana. There were 5 witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Croda Norma J. Croda, MUFON field investigation files, case # 941108S
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5698
### Event 50271 (08BB7C2B)
**Date:** 9/6/1994
**Description:** An orange, V-shaped object flew over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It had a large light with four others on either side; it appeared "misty".
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Ducks, 1994 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 99
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5699
### Event 50272 (5AD726F5)
**Date:** 9/7/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At La Roche-Guyon \(Val d'Oise\), observation of a bright static light above the Porcheville power plant. Slow ascent to 45°. (7 September, 11 PM)
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3247
### Event 50273 (5DC2DF74)
**Date:** 9/7/1994
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** 2 nurses. Odd orange star drops. Zigzags wildly. Shoots quickly going up. (Laser?)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16836
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:2 NURSES:ODD ORG STAR DROPS:ZIGZAGS WILDLY:SHOOTS ↑↑:(laser?)", **LatLong:** "30.372224 -87.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:20 N 87:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.372224,-87.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 50274 (84110BC0)
**Date:** 9/7/1994?
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** TAOS, NM
**Description:** 14 September? 3 observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft of night lights large and small glides 25' over treetops. / NURC report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16837
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2119", **HatchDesc:** "TAOS,NM:14SEPT?:3 OBS:DLT OF NLTS LRG+SML GLIDES 25' OVR TREETOPS:/NURC REPORT", **LatLong:** "36.400002 -105.566672", **LatLongDMS:** "36:24:00 N 105:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.400002,-105.566672)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50275 (60397DF5)
**Date:** 9/7/1994
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. a pilot sighted a big black triangular object, 80 meters long, that had big yellow-white lights in the corners and a red light in the center near the coast of Corsica in the town of Bravone, Corse-Sud department, France. It made a 90 degree turn, revealing two more small flashing lights on the back of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 35
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5739
### Event 50276 (14F1686E)
**Date:** 9/7/1994
**Description:** A UFO was sighted over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 2:30 a.m. It dropped down, zigzagged, and then shot straight up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, November 1994
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5740
### Event 50277 (E412FE76)
**Date:** 9/7/1994
**Description:** A white light zigzagged across the sky from west to east in Baca Chalets, Colorado at 8:25 p.m. One and a half hours later a large luminous UFO, described to be as big as a room, drifted slowly over a nearby trailer in a trailer park in Taos, New Mexico.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 255; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #330
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5741
### Event 50278 (CAE95160)
**Date:** 9/8/1994
**Time:** 03:20
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Bright bowl hovers over road. Lights / edge turn. Beams going down. Low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16838
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "TAUNTON,SOMERSET:3 OBS:BRITE BOWL HVRS OVR ROAD:LITES/EDGE TURN:BEAMS↓:LO ALT", **LatLong:** "51.050002 -3.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:03:00 N 03:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.050002,-3.100000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50279 (D04CCC23)
**Date:** 9/8/1994
**Locations:** USAF Office of Special Investigations; Roswell Incident; Roswell
**Description:** In response to Rep. [Steven Schiff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FSchiff)’s request for information, Col. Richard L. Weaver, director of security and special program oversight of the USAF Office of Special Investigations, publicly releases the Report of Air Force Research Regarding the “Roswell Incident,” a 23-page executive summary \(dated July 27\) that concludes that “the material recovered near Roswell was consistent with a balloon device and most likely from one of the Mogul balloons that had not been previously recovered.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Report of Air Force Research Regarding the “Roswell](https://www.afhra.af.mil/Portals/16/documents/AFD-101201-038.pdf) [Incident,”](https://www.afhra.af.mil/Portals/16/documents/AFD-101201-038.pdf) in Col. Richard L. Weaver and 1Lt. James McAndrew, The Roswell Report: Fact versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert, US Air Force Headquarters, July 1995, pp. 5–32; Mark Rodeghier and Mark Chesney, “The Air Force Report on Roswell: An Absence of Evidence,” IUR 19, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1994\): 3, 20–24; Karl T. Pflock, “Roswell, the Air Force, and Us,” IUR 19, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1994\): 3–5, 24; Swords 351
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7102
### Event 50280 (811024B6)
**Date:** 9/9/1994
**Time:** 14:50
**Description:** Grey saucer spins near 2 / car. 500kph. 100m altitude. Jet joins. Both exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16839
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "nr BLOOMFIELD,IN:GRY SCR SPINS nr 2/CAR:500kph:100m alt:JET JOINS:BOTH EXIT", **LatLong:** "39.833335 -86.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:50:00 N 86:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.833335,-86.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50281 (0C8DDF55)
**Date:** 9/9/1994
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** US36 / RACCOON LAKE, IN
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Green fireballs from woods zigzag and go over house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16840
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "US36/RACCOON LAKE,IN:5 OBS:HUGE DLT HVRS:GRN FBLS fm WOODS ZIGZAG+GO OVR HOUSE", **LatLong:** "39.761113 -87.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:45:40 N 87:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.761113,-87.066671)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50282 (9D4A1BB4)
**Date:** 9/9/1994
**Location:** Racoon, IN
**Description:** Reen- and red-lighted object with satellite objects (section I). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5860
### Event 50283 (68F55391)
**Date:** 9/9/1994
**Location:** Racoon Lake, IN
**Description:** Green- and red-lighted object with satellite objects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_491
### Event 50284 (C0BDA40D)
**Date:** 9/9/1994
**Description:** In a bedroom visitation and possible abduction attempt, a man reported undescribed "aliens" in his room late at night in Saginaw, Michigan. They probed his esophagus or inserted something inside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1994 Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, case # 2640, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5808
### Event 50285 (B97522C2)
**Date:** 9/9/1994
**Description:** On his way to work at 2:55 pm, driving 45 mph on highway 54 between Sharkey and Bloomfield, Indiana and with no other cars on the road, a 56-year-old man saw a gray, disc-shaped object pass silently in front of his vehicle from left to right. It "made a wide sweeping turn to the east" and went out of sight in 5 seconds. He estimated in flew at 300 mph, at only 300 feet altitude, and came within 500 feet of him. Later, military jets came over the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** T. David Spencer, MUFON UFO Journal, January 1995, p. 16, field investigator Thomas A. Vlaskamp
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5809
### Event 50286 (1A71D9F6)
**Date:** 9/9/1994
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a huge, green and red lit, delta-shaped object with satellite objects was sighted in Racoon Lake, Indiana by five witnesses driving on US Highway 36. It emitted smaller luminous objects that darted around independently, and later took on these objects. Green balls of light came from the woods, and zigzagged over a house. The sightings lasted for over two and a half hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON UFO Journal, December 1994, p. 12; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 68
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5810
### Event 50287 (DA0C79E9)
**Date:** 9/11/1994
**Description:** A man was lying in bed in his home in the U.S. state of Georgia (exact location not given), when around two a.m. he suddenly awoke and found that several short Grey humanoid beings were touching him, apparently trying to roll him over. They were about four feet tall, had large heads, huge black eyes, soft wrinkly skin, very long arms, and four-digits on their hands. Some of them were wearing robes like monks, but the ones without robes were the typically described "Greys". They floated him out and up into a large triangular-shaped craft. Inside the object, he found himself in a room with "Gothic" looking arches and illuminated walls. He was met by a dark gray being with deep eyes, and a very "convoluted" flesh, who ordered him to lie down. This being had slits in his eyes, and called himself the "leader." He remembered lying down on a cot-like structure that came out of the wall. Everything became confused at this point.; he was only able to remember seeing huge eyes and 12" long fingers working on him. Next, he was floated down a hallway into another room. There he met some strange robed entities, who resembled the statues on Easter Island. They were about five feet tall, grayish brown in color, and with long, stout features. At this point the "leader" reappeared and placed his hands over the abductee's eyes. Moments later he entered another room that smelled like wet concrete or lime. There he remembered seeing several different species. Later, he found himself in another room with a large window. From this vanntage point he was able to see the stars, and got a good look at the side of the craft. Finally, he was told it was time to go back, and he next found himself standing in his backyard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, case # 1944, citing C. Leigh Culver, UFO Encounters, volume 2, number 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5877
### Event 50288 (E1408DB8)
**Date:** 9/11/1994
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. a strange light maneuvered up and down near the tree line in Indianapolis, Indiana.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, citing Francis L. Ridge
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5878
### Event 50289 (74A2CD95)
**Date:** 9/11/1994
**Description:** There were three separate sightings this evening in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 7:40 p.m., 7:50 p.m., and 8:25 p.m. of balls of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Ferrughelli, Computer Catalog of UFO Reports, 1988-1994, citing MUFON UFO Journal
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5879
### Event 50290 (9A1F0368)
**Date:** 9/11/1994
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a local woman was driving down an isolated dirt road in Grady County, Georgia when she came face to face with four short "Grey" humanoid beings when she rounded a curve. These were described as four feet tall with very large heads. They darted into the woods at a high speed and disappeared. Around the same time, in the same area, a large orange sphere was sighted hovering three feet from the ground in a wooded area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1994 Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, case # 1967, citing Billy J. Rachels, UFO Bureau
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5880
### Event 50291 (550CEA78)
**Date:** 9/12/1994
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** WATTRELOS, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Large circle / lights moves / sawtooth-trajectory going quickly north toward(s) Belgium.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16841
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "WATTRELOS,FR:1 OBS:LRG CIRCLE/LITES MOVES/SAWTOOTH-TRAJECT >>N TWRD BELGIUM", **LatLong:** "50.700002 3.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:42:00 N 03:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.700002,3.216667)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50292 (25A82E66)
**Date:** 9/13/1994
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** Several wakened / noise. 300' glowing ovoid 1k' over house / 20+min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16842
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "COLCHESTER,ESSEX:SVRL WAKENED/NOISE:300'GLOWING OVOID 1k'OVR HOUSE/20+min", **LatLong:** "51.883336 0.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:53:00 N 00:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.883336,0.900000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50293 (1AEEA5B7)
**Date:** 9/13/1994
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** CHACON, NM
**Description:** Loud humming. Invisible force drags cow uphill backwards. Gone. 2nd mutilated!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: O'BRIEN, Christopher: The MYSTERIOUS VALLEY (San Luis Vly, CO) 1996 St. Martins Paperbacks, NY.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16843
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2489", **HatchDesc:** "CHACON,NM:LOUD HUM:INVISIBLE FORCE DRAGS COW UPHILL BACKWARDS:GONE:2nd MUTLd!", **LatLong:** "36.194446 -105.383338", **LatLongDMS:** "36:11:40 N 105:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.194446,-105.383338)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 50294 (DC52CCA9)
**Date:** 9/13/1994
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** LAS VEGAS, NM
**Description:** Odd humming. Cows panic. 3 pulled through trees by strange beam. Mutilated!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16844
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1690", **HatchDesc:** "LAS VEGAS,NM:ODD HUM:COWS PANIC:3 PULLED THRU TREES BY STRANGE BEAM:MUTILATED!", **LatLong:** "35.616668 -105.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "35:37:00 N 105:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.616668,-105.200005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 50295 (B5994313)
**Date:** 9/13/1994
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** CHEYENNE, WY
**Description:** 4 teens. Silent V formation / dark objects going quickly southwest. Too fast and silent for geese.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPRINKLE, R. Leo Ph.D: Private Files (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16845
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1820", **HatchDesc:** "CHEYENNE,WY:4 TEENS:SLNT VFORM/DRK OBJS >>SW:too fast+slnt for geese:", **LatLong:** "41.166669 -104.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:00 N 104:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.166669,-104.800005)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50296 (EFEAB193)
**Date:** 9/13/1994
**Locations:** Luna Canyon; Mora County, New Mexico
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. As Larry Gardea is hunting for bear near Luna Canyon in Mora County, New Mexico, he sees a cow lying dead some 30 feet away. In the place where its rectum should be is a large, cylindrical hole. Ten feet beyond that cow is another one, apparently alive, sitting on its knees. At that moment a dozen cattle stampede in the opposite direction, and Gardea hears a loud humming noise coming from the nearby woods. A third cow is suddenly propelled through the air nearby at near ground level, as if carried by an invisible beam. Gardea fires two shots and the humming stops.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 138
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7103
### Event 50297 (3F95E50E)
**Date:** 9/13/1994
**Description:** Larry Gardea, while out bear hunting near Chacon, New Mexico heard a humming sound at 4:30 p.m., and witnessed a cow being dragged up a hill backwards into the underbrush. One cow was dead and mutilated, another one crippled, and a third missing. The hunter fired shots in the direction of the sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 256, citing Linda Moulton Howe
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5925
### Event 50298 (E3A0FBDC)
**Date:** 9/13/1994
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. while driving on Highway 160 east of Del Norte, Colorado two people witnessed two orange streamers that crossed their path. The two flourescent orange streamers flew in tandem right in front of their van's windshield. They were four to six feet in length, six to eight feet apart. They crossed the highway at the same place as an ambulance's electrical system failure earlier in the month. Satellite TV in the area also failed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, The Mysterious Valley, p. 256
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5926
### Event 50299 (1DFE36A0)
**Date:** 9/13/1994
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a silent formation of dark objects flew across the sky toward the southwest in Cheyenne, Wyoming. They were thought to be much too fast to have been geese.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 16525, citing R. Leo Sprinkle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5927
### Event 50300 (E9076588)
**Date:** 9/14/1994
**Location:** Zimbabwe, Lake Kariba
**Description:** (Translated from French) Garry and Jenny, along with friends, were on board their boat. They saw an object come and slowly fly over the boat. It was huge, with a lot of blinking lights, but totally silent. The observation lasted at least 6 minutes, from the appearance of the object on the horizon to its disappearance behind the Kariba Mountains. Three people took photos, but there was nothing on the shots. The observation caused them all a feeling of fear and unease. From its appearance on the horizon, in a few seconds the thing was already above them where its flight seemed then slow.
**Reference:** UFO-Afrinews - July 1996, No. 14, p. 15
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3509
### Event 50301 (4BC53725)
**Date:** 9/14/1994
**Time:** ~20:30
**Location:** RUZIRUHURU, ZIMB
**Description:** Several / boat. Huge flashy object rises over hills. Crosses Lake Kariba.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16846
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "RUZIRUHURU,ZIMB:SVRL/BOAT:HUGE FLASHY OBJ RISES OVR HILLS:CROSSES LAKE KARIBA", **LatLong:** "-17.250001 27.733335", **LatLongDMS:** "17:15:00 S 27:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.250001,27.733335)", **State/Prov:** "MSH", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 50302 (EBAAC03C)
**Date:** 9/14/1994
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** ALL SO.AFRICA
**Description:** Hundreds / report(s). Silent night lights soar maneuver and turn / low altitude. Follow terrain. / MJ#320.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16847
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "ALL So.AFRICA:100s/Rpts:SLNT NLTS SOAR MNVR+TURN/LO ALT:FOLO TERRAIN:/MJ#320", **LatLong:** "-18.000001 30.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "18:00:00 S 30:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.000001,30.000001)", **State/Prov:** "ALL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50303 (EF44CBFD)
**Date:** 9/14/1994
**Locations:** Zimbabwe; Botswana; southern Zambia; Zvishavane, Zimbabwe; Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe
**Description:** 8:50–9:05 p.m. A brilliant ball of fire with a long trail of sparks is seen over a wide range of territory in Zimbabwe, Botswana, and southern Zambia, followed by a sonic boom. Some people see three large lights in front, with from 8–20 smaller lights behind. Many report that the objects are traveling very fast from north to south; others see it moving slowly, and one man says he walked along with it more than 320 feet. Geologists [Euen](https://pure.royalholloway.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/euan-nisbet%5F2ff4ba1e-64af-450c-b39d-eb64b7f809d1.html) [Nisbet](https://pure.royalholloway.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/euan-nisbet%5F2ff4ba1e-64af-450c-b39d-eb64b7f809d1.html) and Kathy Silva, working in Zvishavane, Zimbabwe, report that the display takes a minute to cross the sky on a path angled about 10° away from north to south. Witnesses at Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, variously see three orange-red lights with trails, a bright link with a dark center and 14 lights flashing around it, a light flying at treetop level, a row of green lights with a trail, and an object several times larger than a Boeing 747. Possibly debris from the rocket that launched the Russian satellite Kosmos 2290.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, “[UFO Flap in](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Zimbabwe/Afrinews%20%28Cynthia%20Hind%29/UFO%20AFRINEWS%20-%20No%2011.pdf) [Zimbabwe,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Zimbabwe/Afrinews%20%28Cynthia%20Hind%29/UFO%20AFRINEWS%20-%20No%2011.pdf)” UFO Afrinews, no. 11 \(February 1995\): 4–18; Cynthia Hind, “UFO Flap in Zimbabwe,” IUR 20, no. 3 \(May/June 1995\): 20–21; James Oberg, “[Zimbabwe: 1994 Sep 14 near 18:51 UTC,](http://satobs.org/seesat%5Fref/Oberg/940914-africa-pdf1.pdf)” PowerPoint presentation
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7104
### Event 50304 (F3320757)
**Date:** 9/15/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Hessdalen Norway. See images/1994-09-15.jpg and images/1994-09-15.jpg. (September 15, 12:35)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3248
### Event 50305 (B03F95A0)
**Date:** 9/15/1994
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [SETI](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SETI.html) project is excluded from the [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html) budget, and continues with the help of private donations at a slower pace.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1994.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3249
### Event 50306 (E5A6F56E)
**Date:** 9/15/1994
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 then 4 white glowing-orbs hover / 500M altitude then sawtooth motion.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16848
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "HERSEAUX,BELGIUM:1 OBS:2 THEN 4 WHT GLO-ORBS HVR/500M alt THEN SAWTOOTH MOTION", **LatLong:** "50.733336 3.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:44:00 N 03:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.733336,3.216667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50307 (80BBCF72)
**Date:** 9/16/1994
**Location:** Ruwa, Zimbabwe
**Description:** Ariel school incident
**Type:** ce3 event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_School_UFO_incident)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_793
### Event 50308 (81DFA0FD)
**Date:** 9/16/1994
**Location:** Mexico, Metepec
**Description:** (Translated from French) Garza: On September 16th, 1994, again on the anniversary of our Independence, a kind of mothership landed with five smaller craft in a rural village: Metepec. All the inhabitants saw it and from the closest house to the craft on the ground Maria Cueva then filmed for one and a half minutes, a luminous creature that was near the craft. (1994, 16 September)
**Reference:** article by Jan Hertogs in the magazine HUMO of 24.9.1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3510
### Event 50309 (00A1C40B)
**Date:** 9/16/1994
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** RUWA, ZIMBABWE
**Description:** Several kids / school. Silver saucers land. Reappear 3X. Small humanoid (or Grey) / grounds. / MJ#320.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16849
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "RUWA,ZIMBABWE:SVRL KIDS/SCHOOL:SLVR SCRS LAND:REAPPEAR 3X:OID/GNDs:/MJ#320", **LatLong:** "-17.850001 30.966668", **LatLongDMS:** "17:51:00 S 30:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.850001,30.966668)", **State/Prov:** "HRR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50310 (6C0BE122)
**Date:** 9/16/1994
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** METEPEC, MEXICO
**Description:** 1 observer. Small humanoid (or Grey) / cornfield. Lights / head light entire body. Video taken.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: CONTACTO OVNI. German Flores Trujillo ed. Editorial Mina SA de CV; Tokio 424, Cpl. Portales, Mexico D.F., MEXICO. (#23 only. Glossy covers)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16850
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2608", **HatchDesc:** "METEPEC,MEXICO:1 OBS:OID/CORNFIELD:LITES/HEAD LITE ENTIRE BODY:VIDEO TAKEN", **LatLong:** "19.250001 -99.600005", **LatLongDMS:** "19:15:00 N 99:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.250001,-99.600005)", **State/Prov:** "MEX", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50311 (DA409EA5)
**Date:** 9/16/1994
**Location:** Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. Some 60 children in a grassy playground outside Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, see three or four objects landing in the “rough bush area” about 330 feet away. An entity of some kind emerges from the largest object and stands on top. It has long, straight, black hair tied back with a headband around its larger than normal head, stands about 3 feet tall, and is dressed in black. Some of the younger African children are afraid it is a Tokoloshe, a folkloric entity. After 15 minutes, the craft and entity fade from view. The headmaster asks each child to draw what they saw. Researcher [Cynthia Hind](http://www.noufors.com/Cynthia%5FHind.htm) interviews them on September 17 and psychologist [John E.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FE.%5FMack) [Mack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FE.%5FMack) several months later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, “[The Children of Ariel School,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Zimbabwe/Afrinews%20%28Cynthia%20Hind%29/UFO%20AFRINEWS%20-%20No%2011.pdf)” UFO Afrinews, no. 11 \(February 1995\): 19–25; “[Never-Before-Seen Photos Reveal Extraordinary Wedge-Shaped Impressions,](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10833597/New-photos-imprints-left-UFO-spotted-Zimbabwe-1994.html)” Daily Mail \(UK\), May 20, 2022; Internet Movie Database, “[Ariel Phenomenon](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20216382/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7105
### Event 50312 (16D2D350)
**Date:** 9/16/1994
**Description:** At 10:15 a.m. several children in school in Ruwa, Mashona East, Zimbabwe watched three silver discs or spheres disappear with a flash of light, then reappear three times. One of the objects landed and a small man emerged. He was one meter tall and pale with a scrawny neck, big eyes and long black hair. He wore a shiny tight black suit. There were a total of 62 witnesses, and the incident lasted eight minutes. In another account of the same or a parallel incident, at 10:18 in nearby Harare, Mashona East, Zimbabwe school children at a school in a rural area spotted an unknown craft that landed in the valley below, with black humanoids patroling outside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News, January 1995; Cynthia Hind, MUFON UFO Journal, January 1995; (2) Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 1994 webpage, report uploaded December 5, 2001
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6023
### Event 50313 (D6960FC1)
**Date:** 9/16/1994
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. numerous witnesses observed a strange craft hovering over Metepec, Mexico. At about the same time Sara Cuevas filmed a disc-shaped craft hovering over the area. A few hours later she noticed a strange luminous being standing about 90 feet away from her in the middle of a nearby sugar cane field. She filmed the four-foot-tall humanoid as it slowly moved away. The next day, footprints and strange formations of flattened crop-formation depressions were found in the sugar cane field. Another witness came forward who had seen a luminous dome-shaped craft land in the field that same night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1994, case # 2283, citing Michael Hesemann, The Cosmic Connection; Carlos Alberto Guzman Rojas, Los OVNIs y la Aviacion Mexicana: 50 anos de encuentros con OVNIs en el espacio aereo mexicano, p. 175
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6024
### Event 50314 (FABD5F38)
**Date:** 9/17/1994
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** MEMPHIS, TN
**Description:** Teen / car. 25' circular object lights ground. Rises to treetops. Neon glow. Going southeast slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16851
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "77", **HatchDesc:** "MEMPHIS,TN:TEEN/CAR:25'CIRC.OBJ LITES GND:RISES TO TREETOPS:NEON GLOW:>SE SLOW", **LatLong:** "35.150002 -90.016671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:09:00 N 90:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.150002,-90.016671)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50315 (57E3B49D)
**Date:** 9/17/1994
**Description:** At 11:45 p.m. a 17-year-old male reported having a close encounter with a pinkish, 25 foot diameter circular object that illuminated the ground in Memphis, Tennessee; it then rose to treetop level before flying off slowly to the southeast. It had a neon glow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert McDowell, MUFON field investigation case files, case 950326C; T. David Spencer, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1996, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6057
### Event 50316 (C3BCEDE3)
**Date:** 9/18/1994
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** 1 / car. Orange sphere hovers over road. Maneuvers and vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16852
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BURTON PIDSEA,HUMBERSIDE:1/CAR:ORG SPHERE HVRS OVR ROAD:MNVRS+VANISHES", **LatLong:** "53.761114 -0.105556", **LatLongDMS:** "53:45:40 N 00:06:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.761114,-0.105556)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50317 (55CEC6B8)
**Date:** 9/18/1994
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** HAXTUN, CO
**Description:** Several observer(s). Large star maneuvers and emits bursts / light. Rises / ground / NURC report. Wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16853
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "1231", **HatchDesc:** "HAXTUN,CO:SVRL OBS:LRG STAR MNVRS+EMITS BURSTS/LITE:rises/gnd/NURC rpt:wave", **LatLong:** "40.638891 -102.627783", **LatLongDMS:** "40:38:20 N 102:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.638891,-102.627783)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50318 (068F936E)
**Date:** 9/18/1994 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** JACKSON HOLE, WY
**Description:** 7 calls / NURC and news. 1-7 night lights join and part. Wave / northwest states. / r147'94.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16854
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "1900", **HatchDesc:** "JACKSON HOLE,WY:7 CALLS/NURC+NEWS:1-7 NLTS JOIN+PART:WAVE/NW STATES:/r147'94", **LatLong:** "43.683335 -110.688894", **LatLongDMS:** "43:41:00 N 110:41:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.683335,-110.688894)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50319 (FECBC44E)
**Date:** 9/19/1994
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 3+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Bright object with colored lights rotates. Makes turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16855
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "NW INDIANAPOLIS,IN:3+OBS/BINOCS:BRITE OBJ W/CLRD LITES ROTATES:MAKES TURNS", **LatLong:** "39.816669 -86.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:00 N 86:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.816669,-86.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50320 (89341B43)
**Date:** 9/20/1994
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** YUMA, AZ
**Description:** Man abduction / bedroom. Lizard-types. Small helmeted figure(s) mutilate cows. 3 hours missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16856
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "48", **HatchDesc:** "YUMA,AZ:MAN ABD/BEDROOM:LIZARD-TYPES:SML HELMETED FIGs MUTILATE COWS:3hrs MST", **LatLong:** "32.700002 -114.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:42:00 N 114:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.700002,-114.583339)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 50321 (910FFD30)
**Date:** 9/20/1994?
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** 3+2 observer(s). Huge silent manta-object goes just over car. Spirals going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_16857
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "OXNARD>
While Chantal S., at the wheel, continued her journey looking ahead and driving at a speed of about 80 km/h, Stéphanie had time to see the aircraft move away to her right, whose lights suddenly changed color (becoming green and yellow), without ever flashing. The carrier mass apparently had no thickness, was dark (gray-black) but was not perfectly flat, as she could distinguish some kind of pipes, but not completely detached from the platform (kind of bas-relief). The length was twice the width and compared to the road the wingspan was around 15 m.
**Reference:** investigation by Mr. Gérard GREDE for the Sobeps
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3523
### Event 50641 (94AB68AE)
**Date:** 2/28/1995
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** ELECTRIC CITY, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. Large silver sphere hovers near grand coulee. Military jet approaches.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17069
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "504", **HatchDesc:** "ELECTRIC CITY,WA:1 OBS:LRG SLVR SPHERE HVRS nr GRAND COULEE:MIL.JET APPROACHES", **LatLong:** "47.933336 -119.016672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:56:00 N 119:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.933336,-119.016672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50642 (086E32B2)
**Date:** 2/28/1995
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** 2 / car. Silent 1' sphere/orb/globe follows car very close / 65MPH. Vanishes abruptly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BRAZILIAN UFO REPORT: Michael Wysmierski, Brazil. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17070
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MARIESAS>
Source Sepra - Flight Aerolineas Argentinas AR 674, a Boeing 727 from Buenos Aires, was 140 km from San Carlos de Bariloche, a tourist station in the Central Andes where it was about to land. At that precise moment, an electrical failure plunged the city into darkness and the pilot was ordered to wait for a few minutes before making his final approach. As he began it, the pilot observed a strange star. At the same time, the control center put a second plane arriving in the area on hold. Flight AR 674 continued its approach, but as it was at the end of the turn, in the axis of the runway, an object resembling a large plane appeared on its right side and flew parallel to it. This object had three lights, one red in the middle. The lights of the airport fell out again, the runway lighting and the approach ramp also went out; the plane on hold observed the same phenomenon from its position. The pilot, unable to land, increased power and made another turn to line up with the runway. At that moment, the object, which had become luminous, passed behind the plane, stopped, rose vertically and stopped again. It passed in front of the plane before disappearing definitively towards the Andes Cordillera. The crew, the passengers of flight AR 674, those of the other plane, as well as the airport controllers and part of the inhabitants of San Carlos witnessed, stunned, this unusual aerial ballet. This case is interesting for more than one reason: - observation corroborated by multiple independent observers, in flight and on the ground, - duration of the phenomenon of several minutes, - varied trajectories, some of which follow those of the plane, - observation of an electromagnetic phenomenon (extinction of the lights of the city and the airport) in direct relation with the presence of the object.
**Reference:** COMETA Report, 1999
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3539
### Event 50939 (43493BD5)
**Date:** 7/31/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Boeing 737 of Aerolinas Argentinas regular lines, with 102 people on board, is approaching San-Carlos-de-Bariloche airport \(Argentina\). About 70 km from the airport, as it is about to align on the runway axis, the commander Jorge Polanco is dazzled by a very strong light that seems to pulse and that moves at great speed above the Andes Cordillera. The pilot performs an avoidance maneuver by turning on the left wing, to regain altitude and then get back on the runway axis. During this maneuver, the UFO is placed on the left of the aircraft and flies in parallel at about 100 m distance. It approaches at 2000 km/h says the mechanic Jorge Allende who adds: its speed and movements are impossible to describe. The object, which strongly disturbs the airport instrumentation, is observed by a military crew of the gendarmerie, on board a helicopter flying over the area. It disappears at very high speed as soon as the plane lands, without having been detected by the radars. (July 31, 8:15 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3260
### Event 50940 (D1ED1748)
**Date:** 7/31/1995
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 5 night lights in formation. 3 turn upward. Photographs no good.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The AUSTRALIAN UFO BULLETIN; Qtrly. Judith MAGEE Ed. VUFORS PO Box 43, Moorabin, VIC 3189 Australia. (Index 953)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17269
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "W.HEIDELBERG+IVANHOE,AUS:SVRL SEP.OBS:5 NLTS/FORMn:3 TURN UPWARD:FOTOS NO GOOD", **LatLong:** "-37.761113 145.044451", **LatLongDMS:** "37:45:40 S 145:02:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.761113,145.044451)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50941 (9B115B64)
**Date:** 7/31/1995
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** SOUTH C / BARILOCHE, ARG
**Description:** Huge white saucer buzzes 727. Power outage. / r159#11+/ r226#28+/ r97#54.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17270
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "900", **HatchDesc:** "S.C/BARILOCHE,ARG:HUGE WHT SCR BUZZES 727:PWR OUTAGE:/r159#11+/r226#28+/r97#54", **LatLong:** "-41.200002 -71.300003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:00 S 71:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.200002,-71.300003)", **State/Prov:** "RNG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50942 (B9690496)
**Date:** 7/31/1995
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** CANNES, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large dark silent golf-bag with clubs out of both ends NNW going SSE to sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17271
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CANNES,FR:2 OBS:LRG DRK SLNT GOLF-BAG W/CLUBS OUT OF BOTH ENDS NNW>SSE TO SEA", **LatLong:** "43.616669 7.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:37:00 N 07:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.616669,7.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50943 (BE37A29A)
**Date:** 7/31/1995
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** MORRIS PLAINS, NJ
**Description:** 3 cops and 2. Vibrant bright flying wing with colored "bubbles" / exterior.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17272
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "210", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "MORRIS PLAINS,NJ:3 COPS+2:VBRITE FLYING WING W/CLRD "BUBBLES"/EXTERIOR", **LatLong:** "40.822224 -74.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:49:20 N 74:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.822224,-74.483337)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50944 (89C5D241)
**Date:** 7/31/1995
**Location:** San Carlos de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina
**Description:** 6:10 p.m. Aereolíneas Argentinas Flight 734, a Boeing 727 with three crew and 102 passengers, is in the landing pattern for San Carlos de Bariloche Airport, Rio Negro, Argentina. Capt. Jorge Polanco suddenly sees a white light bearing down on the aircraft before halting only 300 feet away. The object then makes a turn and flies parallel to the 727. It looks like an inverted flying saucer as large as the airliner, has two green lights at each end and a flashing orange light in the center, and very powerfully illuminated, according to the captain. As Polanco begins to land, the runway and airport lights go out, so he is forced to climb back to 9,800 feet, accompanied by the UFO. Airport chief Maj. Jorge Orviedo reports that the airport’s radio support is cut off, and there is a blackout in many parts of the city. When the ground lights come back on, the UFO shoots away at tremendous speed. The object is also observed by a Gendarmeria Piper PA-31-310 that is flying 1,900 feet above the 727.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [pp. 403–404](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/402/mode/2up); Patrick Gross, “[Air Misses](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/bariloche95.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7138
### Event 50945 (3395E09D)
**Date:** 7/31/1995
**Description:** At 8:15 p.m. a Boeing 727 airliner narrowly missed a UFO that darted into its path, then flew along beside it as it made a landing approach to San Carlos de Bariloche airport, Rio Negro province, Argentina. The object was estimated to be the same size as the 727, and was shaped like an inverted flying saucer.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael D. Hall, UFOs: A Century of Sightings, p. 332; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 333; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 47
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4546
### Event 50946 (2CF96CC7)
**Date:** 7/31/1995
**Description:** At 11:45 p.m. in Morris Plains, New Jersey three cops and two civilian witnesses saw a very bright flying wing with colored "bubbles" on the exterior.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17341, citing National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4547
### Event 50947 (3C71E04B)
**Date:** 8/1/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the night, above the San Carlos de Bariloche airport \(Argentina\), a winter sports station located at the foot of the Andes mountain range, Jorge Polanco, pilot of Aerolinas Argentinas, begins his landing maneuvers when he suddenly sees a white light coming directly towards the plane, at full speed, and stopping suddenly at a hundred meters. An inexplicable breakdown occurs: As I was starting my last approach, the lights of the airport runway went out and I had to climb 3 [miles](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/unites.html\#mile), still accompanied by the UFO. When the light returned to the ground, the UFO moved away at great speed. Witnesses see the UFO from the ground. (August 1st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3261
### Event 50948 (03DC0A08)
**Date:** 8/1/1995
**Description:** 1 observer. Big electric-yellow cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over town. Simply vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17273
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PORTSLADE,W.ESSEX:1 OBS:BIG ELECTRIC-YELLOW CGR HVRS OVR TOWN:SIMPLY VANISHES", **LatLong:** "50.816669 -0.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:49:00 N 00:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.816669,-0.250000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50949 (BCFB82CC)
**Date:** 8/1/1995
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** TACOMA, WA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 reddish boxes connected / corners! Object drifts going north. Box kite?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17274
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "TACOMA,WA:2 OBS:2 REDDISH BOXES CONNECTED/CORNERS!:OBJ DRIFTS>N:box kite?", **LatLong:** "47.227780 -122.438895", **LatLongDMS:** "47:13:40 N 122:26:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.227780,-122.438895)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50950 (30D2478E)
**Date:** 8/1/1995
**Description:** On this night in Portslade, East Sussex, England a huge yellow cigar-shaped object hovered over the town for a minute, then simply vanished in place.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1995
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4582
### Event 50951 (7A06F66C)
**Date:** 8/2/1995
**Location:** (N.E.), KY
**Description:** 3 coal miners. Grey metallic triangle hovers / 2K' altitude. Going quickly southwest / 2Kmph. Lit / corners.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17275
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "(N.E.),KY:3 COAL MINERS:GRY MTLC TRIANGLE HVRS/2K'alt:>>SW/2Kmph:LIT/CORNERS", **LatLong:** "38.333335 -82.950004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:20:00 N 82:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.333335,-82.950004)", **RelAlt:** "600", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50952 (EB6416E2)
**Date:** 8/2/1995
**Time:** 13:30
**Location:** STANWOOD, WA
**Description:** MUFON member videos streaking disk. Turns to round object. "Convincing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17276
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "STANWOOD,WA:MUFON MEMBER VIDEOS STREAKING DISK:TURNS TO ROUND OBJ:"CONVINCING", **LatLong:** "48.238891 -122.372228", **LatLongDMS:** "48:14:20 N 122:22:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.238891,-122.372228)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50953 (9704F8CC)
**Date:** 8/3/1995
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** AURORA, CO
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Odd rattling noise. Small saucer descends like / feather. Red and yellow lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17277
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1657", **HatchDesc:** "AURORA,CO:2 OBS:ODD RATTLING NOISE:SML SCR DESCENDS LIKE/FEATHER:RED+YLW LITES", **LatLong:** "39.716669 -104.816672", **LatLongDMS:** "39:43:00 N 104:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.716669,-104.816672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50954 (6EDD287A)
**Date:** 8/4/1995
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** LYNNWOOD, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. 5 very luminous/glowing crescent-shapes pass overhead. No further details in available sources.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17278
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "113", **HatchDesc:** "LYNNWOOD,WA:1 OBS:5 VERY LUMn CRESCENT-SHAPES PASS OVHD:NFD.", **LatLong:** "47.822225 -122.316672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:49:20 N 122:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.822225,-122.316672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50955 (9D8E1935)
**Date:** 8/4/1995
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** SACRAMENTO, CA
**Description:** Observer(s) watching satellite. Small round ball crosses sky. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17279
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "SACRAMENTO,CA:OBS WATCHING SATELLITE:SML ROUND BALL CROSSES SKY:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "38.594446 -121.477784", **LatLongDMS:** "38:35:40 N 121:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.594446,-121.477784)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50956 (F7006B4E)
**Date:** 8/4/1995
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** BOTHELL, WA
**Description:** MUFON observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Wingless ivory object drops to trees near FEMA facility.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17280
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "BOTHELL,WA:MUFON OBS/BINOCS:WINGLESS IVORY OBJ DROPS TO TREES nr FEMA FACILITY", **LatLong:** "47.750002 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,-122.200006)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50957 (9CD10178)
**Date:** 8/5/1995
**Description:** On this day in Turin, Italy Mr. Rohner, a MUFON-CES member, saw a luminous triangle-shaped craft while on vacation in the city. At 10:55 p.m. a 35-year-old couple in Dortmund, Germany saw the sky brighten, and then sighted a huge 20-meter triangular object with 8-10 circular yellow-orange radiators. It sounded like a transformer, flew from north to south, made an abrupt turn to the southwest at 150-200 m altitude, and 10 minutes later was seen again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4708
### Event 50958 (511EC3B2)
**Date:** 8/6/1995
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** BAKERSFIELD, CA
**Description:** Many observer(s) / 8 hours. Several objects in formation. Types unknown. Hover. Zigzag. Maneuver.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17281
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "224", **Elev:** "123", **HatchDesc:** "BAKERSFIELD,CA:MANY OBS/8hrs:SVRL OBJS/FORMn:TYPES UNK:HVR:ZIGZAG:MNVR:", **LatLong:** "35.383335 -119.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "35:23:00 N 119:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.383335,-119.000006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50959 (976D45FE)
**Date:** 8/6/1995
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MOOSEHEAD LAKE, ME
**Description:** Retired airman and 2. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape east going quickly west. Had odd triangular lights. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17282
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "314", **HatchDesc:** "MOOSEHEAD LAKE,ME:RET.AIRMAN+2:HUGE CGR E>>W:HAD ODD TRIANGULAR LITES:NFD", **LatLong:** "45.644447 -69.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:38:40 N 69:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.644447,-69.666670)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50960 (36DEF872)
**Date:** 8/6/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Huge disk hovers / road. Observer(s) in pain. Marks on skin. Missing time?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17283
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "15mi SE/KALAMAZOO,MI:HUGE DISK HVRS/ROAD:OBS IN PAIN:MARKS ON SKIN:MST?", **LatLong:** "42.166669 -85.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:10:00 N 85:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.166669,-85.466671)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50961 (343D84AF)
**Date:** 8/6/1995
**Description:** A motorist had a close encounter with a UFO in Michigan involving physiological effects when at 10:30 p.m. a huge disc-shaped object hovered over the road 15 miles southeast of Kalamazoo. The witness felt pain after the event, and the close encounter left him with marks on his skin. The incident reportedly lasted five minutes, but it is not known for certain if any missing time was involved.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17352; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4746
### Event 50962 (9E823CF9)
**Date:** 8/7/1995
**Location:** South Africa, Sedgefield
**Description:** (Translated from French) Sirk Jooste and Fanie Kleyn were out on the lake at night in a rowing boat, fishing. Suddenly a triangular object appeared in the sky, bigger than a passenger plane. It had three large lights on its belly at the base and small orange lights up to the top point. The object appeared at around 2am, stayed above them for two minutes in absolute silence. Then it came closer, made a turn and in a fraction of a second disappeared. Fanie Kleyn rowed to the shore and drove to the river mouth but nothing more was visible. Sergeant Steven Schneider of the Sedgefield police was out of the village in a car around midnight when he saw red lights above the road. At first he thought it was a vehicle on the mountain, but there are no roads there. He called his colleagues, as he had the feeling of something unreal: at one point he saw these lights less than 100m in front of him and the next second he saw nothing.
**Reference:** UFO Afrinews-July 1996, No. 14 pp. 15, 16
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3540
### Event 50963 (70D4E2DD)
**Date:** 8/7/1995 (approximate)
**Location:** PORTO RICO, San Juan
**Description:** (Translated from French) Second week. This is what Madeline Tolentino and her husband Jose Miguel recount: August: the first observation took place in the second week of August 1995, around 4 pm, in front of their house in Campo Rico, southwest of San Juan. Madeline's mother was also present. Madeline notes that something is rising in the sky and goes to the window to see what it is. Outside she sees the neighbor standing next to his car, talking to the passenger sitting in the car. Suddenly, the man turns around and looks stunned and scared. Madeline then sees the strange creature coming onto the road, walking towards the neighbor. The creature stops in front of Madeline's window. It is about one to one and a half meters tall, covered in dark brown hair or fur (not really a fur coat), wearing no clothing and with no apparent sexual organs. Its arms are held very close to its body, they are very long and thin and end in a three-fingered hand with long claws. On its skin there were circular marks like burn scars. Its mouth is just a slit, its nose nonexistent but there are two small openings there. It has small ears and large gray-white eyes that look like something gelatinous. When it moves its head, it does so in a mechanical motion. The upper part of its body is thin and disproportionate compared to the lower part which is big and looks robust. The neighbor did not wait and jumped into his car and drove away. Madeline shouted for her mother to come and see. The creature then started moving so fast that its legs seemed not to touch the ground. It was heading towards a field of tall grass (...) (1995, August 7 (approximate))
**Reference:** AUFORA
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3542
### Event 50964 (EE31AA40)
**Date:** 8/7/1995
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** PR138 EAST / SEPTEMBER ILES, QBC
**Description:** 2 / car going east. Panel / lights follows / 70 minute(s) going east. Sudden wild jumps.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17284
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PR138 E/SEPT ILES,QBC:2/CAR>E:PANEL/LITES FOLOS/70min >E:SUDDEN WILD JUMPS", **LatLong:** "50.233336 -66.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "50:14:00 N 66:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.233336,-66.250003)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50965 (28265A97)
**Date:** 8/7/1995
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** SEDGEFIELD, RSA
**Description:** 2+cop. Large triangle hovers still / 2 minute(s) over lake. Gone / split Sec.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17285
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SEDGEFIELD,RSA:2+COP:LRG TRIANGLE HVRS STILL/2min OVR LAKE:GONE/SPLIT SEC.", **LatLong:** "-34.016668 22.800001", **LatLongDMS:** "34:01:00 S 22:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.016668,22.800001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50966 (59F1C6A8)
**Date:** 8/8/1995
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** PORTLAND, OR
**Description:** Woman. Round shiny-black disk rises / city park. Reflects street lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17286
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "PORTLAND,OR:WOMAN:ROUND SHINY-BLK DISK RISES/CITY PARK:REFLECTS STREETLITES", **LatLong:** "45.505558 -122.688895", **LatLongDMS:** "45:30:20 N 122:41:20 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.505558,-122.688895)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50967 (90F2E1DB)
**Date:** 8/8/1995
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** WEST / LODI, MO
**Description:** Campers. White night light going SSW / 10 minute(s). Zigzags and going up [to] going down [to] path. Flashes. Military jet follows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17287
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "133", **HatchDesc:** "W/LODI,MO:CAMPERS:WHT NLT >SSW/10min:ZIGZAGS+↑↓ PATH:FLASHES:MIL.JET FOLOS", **LatLong:** "37.261113 -90.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:40 N 90:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.261113,-90.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50968 (2BD8B26C)
**Date:** 8/8/1995
**Location:** Macapá, Amapá, Brazil
**Description:** Two airliners, one from TAM and the other from Rio Sul Serviços Aéreos Regionais, watch a UFO over Macapá, Amapá, Brazil. TAM Cmdr. Marcos Aurélio de Castro reports that he and his copilot see a metallic glow ahead of them to the right. The air traffic center cannot see anything but notes that the Rio Sul flight has reported something similar 5 minutes earlier. Suddenly the silvery object approaches the TAM aircraft. The sighting lasts about 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 201–203; Brazil 544–545
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7139
### Event 50969 (61609C2E)
**Date:** 8/9/1995
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** FRESNO, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). ~10 red-purple 15cm globes pass right over yard! Toy balloons?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17288
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "99", **HatchDesc:** "FRESNO,CA:2 OBS:~10 RED-PURPLE 15cm GLOBES PASS RIGHT OVR YARD!:toy balloons?", **LatLong:** "36.766668 -119.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:46:00 N 119:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.766668,-119.783339)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 50970 (EFE7FC65)
**Date:** 8/10/1995
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** OAKLAND, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Black spot near moon. Suddenly nears. Square bottom with dome / top!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17289
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "13", **HatchDesc:** "OAKLAND,CA:2 OBS:BLK SPOT nr MOON:SUDDENLY NEARS:SQR BOTTOM W/DOME/TOP!", **LatLong:** "37.800002 -122.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:48:00 N 122:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.800002,-122.283339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50971 (6CFD1A7F)
**Date:** 8/11/1995
**Location:** CUTRAL-CO, ARG
**Description:** Observer(s) films 500M saucer / low altitude. Going down / 3M altitude. Power out. Cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). / r236#25.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17290
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "609", **HatchDesc:** "CUTRAL-CO,ARG:OBS FILMS 500M SCR/LO ALT:↓/3M ALT:POWER OUT:CARS EME:/r236#25", **LatLong:** "-38.955557 -69.238892", **LatLongDMS:** "38:57:20 S 69:14:20 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.955557,-69.238892)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "NQN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50972 (E5FDD49F)
**Date:** 8/11/1995
**Time:** 08:40
**Description:** Several cars stop / I80. Silver ovoid reflects sun. Streaks away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17291
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "nr SACRAMENTO,CA:SVRL CARS STOP/I80:SLVR OVOID REFLECTS SUN:STREAKS AWAY", **LatLong:** "38.616669 -121.466672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:37:00 N 121:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.616669,-121.466672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50973 (74836C58)
**Date:** 8/11/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** WALLINGTON, NJ
**Description:** 3 4' figure(s) / in space-suits study coat-hanger machinery. Odd speech and walk.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Wallingford, NJ 1995: File here = WallingNJ95.TXT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17292
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "WALLINGTON,NJ:3 4'FIGs/SPC-SUITS STUDY COAT-HANGER MACHINERY:ODD SPEECH+WALK", **LatLong:** "40.850002 -74.111115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:51:00 N 74:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.850002,-74.111115)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 50974 (7BF8035F)
**Date:** 8/11/1995
**Description:** Several cars stop along Interstate 80 highway near Sacramento, California at 8:40 a.m. to watch a silver ovoid UFO, reflecting sunlight for a couple of minutes; it streaks away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17360, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4910
### Event 50975 (BBD52065)
**Date:** 8/11/1995
**Description:** On this night in Cutral-Co, Neuquen Province, Argentina a witness filmed a 500 meter in diameter saucer at low altitude. It descended to just 3 meters above the ground, causing a regional power outage and cars to experience EM ignition interference.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17359, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #333
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4911
### Event 50976 (6C9994FF)
**Date:** 8/11/1995
**Description:** A man named Brzinski was working the late night shift at a coat-hanger factory in Wallington, New Jersey. At 10:30 p.m. he was alone at the time in an aisle when he heard some peculiar sounds coming from behind some hanger racks. The sound resembled a fast, choppy, garbled speech. When he looked between the rows of hangers he saw three distinct creatures. When they realized that he saw them they seemed surprised. They then stopped talking. One was a few inches taller than the other two but all three were dressed identically. The shorter ones were about 4 feet tall. They wore something resembling a wet suit, a tight-fitting, flexible and elastic-like coverall that even covered their hands and fingers. They appeared to have some kind of face mask or facial covering also. The creatures had only three digits on each hand. One resembled a thumb and the other two were longer and located closer together, like fingers.
Mr. Brzinski said that the taller one seemed to be explaining to the other two something about the automated coat hanger making machine. They seemed very interested in it for some reason. It was very dark and it was difficult to make out any facial features, partially due to the covering they wore. When they realized they had been seen the shorter ones ran away very quickly in a peculiar shuffling manner, with apparent with difficulty. The factory windows and doors were all open that night. The taller humanoid remained behind. It opened its hand and emitted a strange, robotic sound. As it did, the uniform that covered its hand caught a bit of light from the factory lighting and seemed to give off a silver hue. When it opened its hand a small sphere appeared in the center of its palm that emitted an extremely bright light beam. The laser-like beam struck the witness in the eyes, knocking him backward with its force. It stung like needles and caused him pain, causing him to close his eyes. When he opened them the creature had disappeared. The entire incident lasted about a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, case # 2371, citing Debra Kenna & Tom Briggs; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17361
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4912
### Event 50977 (7A59B34D)
**Date:** 8/12/1995
**Location:** Spain, Canaries - El Hierro
**Description:** (Translated from French) A large festival was gathering more than 2000 people. At 23:35 they were able to observe a large UFO, in the shape of a pear, emitting a red light. At the bottom of the object, small white lights were spinning. The object was estimated to be at an altitude of 3000 feet and eventually disappeared, rising vertically at an enormous speed. (AURORA n° 2 - SOS OVNI, p. 31) IN REALITY: one of the balloons launched by the Milo space agency in ITALY. (1995, 12/13 August)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3541
### Event 50978 (A2B27B78)
**Date:** 8/12/1995 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** NEAR AABENRAA, DK
**Description:** Meteor watchers. Bright night light stops / 2 minute(s). Quickly going up [to] and stops again. Drops going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17293
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr AABENRAA,DK:METEOR WATCHERS:BRITE NLT STOPS/2min:↑↑+STOPS AGAIN:DROPS >>N", **LatLong:** "55.050003 9.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "55:03:00 N 09:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.050003,9.400000)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50979 (9CE65242)
**Date:** 8/13/1995
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** RENNES, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Star zigzags 8X. Grows / descent. = very dark mass. Lost / trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17294
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "RENNES,FR:2 OBS:STAR ZIGZAGS 8X:GROWS/DESCENT:=VERY DARK MASS:LOST/TREES", **LatLong:** "48.100002 -1.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:06:00 N 01:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.100002,-1.666667)", **State/Prov:** "Ille-et-Vilaine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 50980 (F06BB476)
**Date:** 8/13/1995
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** PUTNAM, CT
**Description:** Police report. 1 observer. Disk going quickly [to] overhead very fast. Solid light / center. Lights blink / edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17295
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "88", **HatchDesc:** "PUTNAM,CT:POLICE Rpt:1 OBS:DISK>>OVHD VFAST:SOLID LITE/CENTER:LITES BLINK/EDGE", **LatLong:** "41.916669 -71.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:55:00 N 71:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.916669,-71.916670)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50981 (8E949513)
**Date:** 8/13/1995
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** FORT DICK, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). 2 night lights going [to] to sea and turn back going quickly east. 3rd large night light stops and goes going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17296
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "FORT DICK,CA:SVRL OBS:2 NLTS > TO SEA+TURN BACK>>E:3rd LRG NLT STOPS+GOES>>N", **LatLong:** "41.866669 -124.150006", **LatLongDMS:** "41:52:00 N 124:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.866669,-124.150006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50982 (D3DB0DD8)
**Date:** 8/13/1995
**Description:** At 12:45 a.m. a starlike object zig-zagged eight times during its descent over Rennes, Ile-Vilaine department, France. It seemed to enlarge as in descended. A dark mass was perceived at low altitude, but was lost from view behind some trees. On the same night there was an occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central European surveillance area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 334; Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 109
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4990
### Event 50983 (B425C851)
**Date:** 8/14/1995
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** TACOMA, WA
**Description:** Several observer(s). White night light southwest going quickly northeast. Pulses. Turns. Delta/triangle/box-like craft back / 15 August / 0430hrs. / r60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17297
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "TACOMA,WA:SVRL OBS:WHT NLT SW>>NE:PULSES:TURNS::DLT BACK/15AUG/0430hrs:/r60", **LatLong:** "47.216669 -122.450006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:13:00 N 122:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.216669,-122.450006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50984 (9096D5CD)
**Date:** 8/14/1995
**Location:** Brighton Racecourse, Sussex, England
**Description:** 11:55 p.m. An enormous, roughly triangular object is seen by three family members near the Brighton Racecourse, Sussex, England.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 144
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7140
### Event 50985 (33444A84)
**Date:** 8/15/1995?
**Location:** ROUTES 185+187 NEAR JUNCOS, PRICO
**Description:** 1 / car. Luminous/glowing ovoid hovers / minutes. Then shoots going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 493)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17298
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "340", **HatchDesc:** "Rtes 185+187 nr JUNCOS,PRico:1/CAR:LUMn OVOID HVRS/minutes:THEN SHOOTS >>N:", **LatLong:** "18.233334 -65.933336", **LatLongDMS:** "18:14:00 N 65:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.233334,-65.933336)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50986 (E434CA00)
**Date:** 8/15/1995
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** VASHON ISLAND, WA
**Description:** Cop / ex-pilot. Blue-green disk west going quickly east below clouds. Lights clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17299
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "VASHON ISL,WA:COP/EX-PILOT:BLU-GRN DISK W>>E BELOW CLOUDS:LITES CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "47.416669 -122.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:25:00 N 122:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.416669,-122.483339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50987 (8059DEEA)
**Date:** 8/15/1995
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** STAINES, SURREY
**Description:** 2+separate observer(s). Classic domed saucer southwest / Heathrow over houses. Good photograph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17300
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "STAINES,SURREY:2+SEP.OBS:CLASSIC DOMED SCR SW/HEATHROW OVR HOUSES:GOOD FOTO", **LatLong:** "51.450002 -0.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:27:00 N 00:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.450002,-0.533333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50988 (264879C4)
**Date:** 8/15/1995
**Description:** A witness was lying in bed in his bedroom in Grand Haven, Michigan at 9:05 p.m. when he saw flashing lights that changed from blue to white. Four little creatures approximately 3-4 feet tall then appeared around his bed. Two were around his legs and the other two were up around his waist area. The creatures seemed to be doing some type of medical procedure on him. He then passed out and saw flashing lights again, and then the lights vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5057
### Event 50989 (D8D9EC85)
**Date:** 8/15/1995
**Description:** At around ten o'clock in the evening a huge bright light buzzed a car driving on U.S. Highway 160 ten miles east of Alamosa, Colorado. A gigantic dark shadow flew east, surrounded by many much smaller blinking lights. The kids in the car were badly frightened.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 316
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5058
### Event 50990 (95F88F2D)
**Date:** 8/15/1995
**Description:** At 10:40 p.m. in the northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, near Howard, Fremont County, Colorado a local Vietnam vet claimed to have seen a large boomerang-shaped object appear from the north and hover over his mountain property. He then had 40 minutes of missing time, during which his he claimed his mobile home and truck had been picked up and moved "6 inches", based on the altered location of the building and the truck's tracks. He reported he had a swollen welt, 4-inches in length, in his rectum after regaining consciousness. Over the next two weeks he lost 20 lbs., and a wild animal he had befriended, his "pet black bear", was now missing. He said that he had been having strange sightings occurring since the middle of June 1995, and that he had discovered "piles of carcasses" up the slope from his 9,000-foot elevation land. He claimed the carcasses had been in various stages of decay, and that they were comprised mostly of cattle, but also horses, fox, raccoon and other animals found in the area. He also said that two weeks before his apparent abduction experience, he found "tiny 4-toed human tracks" around the perimeter of his trailer site. He had also noted unusual military activity in the area as well. Often, after his UFO sightings, he would notice unusually heavy military flights over the area, which convinced him his government was somehow involved with the strange occurrences. For instance, after one sighting episode when he was able to photograph the strange craft, the next day while he was gone from his home somebody had ransacked his trailer, and had taken all of his film and camera equipment.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 371; Tim Edwards, Christopher O'Brien, San Luis Valley Event Log, case # 317; Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Christopher O'Brien
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5059
### Event 50991 (65912791)
**Date:** 8/15/1995
**Description:** At midnight another witness awoke in Buena Park, California to briefly see an extremely bright light out on the patio. It appeared to be hovering about 3-4 feet from the ground. Later that night he was still very shaken when he saw a humanoid figure with a very large head and standing about four feet tall. The figure had an amazingly smooth stride, almost like it was walking on air. It seemed to move above the ground in the patio area just outside the blinds. Everything vanished suddenly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, case # 3188, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5060
### Event 50992 (D37A992A)
**Date:** 8/16/1995
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** CALETA OLIVIA, ARG
**Description:** TV cameraman and several. Odd cube on film. Changes colors. / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17301
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "38", **HatchDesc:** "CALETA OLIVIA,ARG:TV CAMERAMAN+SVRL:ODD CUBE ON FILM:CHANGES COLORS:/news", **LatLong:** "-46.450002 -67.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "46:27:00 S 67:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-46.450002,-67.533337)", **State/Prov:** "STC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50993 (35181945)
**Date:** 8/16/1995
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 very luminous cigars going quickly southwest very fast toward Narbonne. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17302
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MURVEIL-les-BEZIERS,FR:1 OBS:2 VERY LUMn.CGRS >>SW VFAST TOWARD NARBONNE:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.450002 3.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 03:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,3.133333)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50994 (A55577DC)
**Date:** 8/16/1995
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** WILLISTON, VT
**Description:** Light flashes. Almond-shaped object hovers. Then moves away. Blimp?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17303
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "153", **HatchDesc:** "WILLISTON,VT:LITE FLASHES:ALMOND-SHAPED OBJ HVRS:THEN MOVES AWAY:blimp?", **LatLong:** "44.433335 -73.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 73:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,-73.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Vermont", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 50995 (6E986225)
**Date:** 8/17/1995
**Time:** ~01:00
**Description:** 2 cabbies / police report. Moon-size fireball crosses dock. Turns going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17304
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTHAMPTON,HAMPs:2 CABBIES/POLICE RPT:MOONSIZE FBL CROSSES DOCK:TURNS>>N", **LatLong:** "50.883336 -1.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:53:00 N 01:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.883336,-1.500000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50996 (64CFF484)
**Date:** 8/17/1995
**Time:** 00:59:57.7
**Location:** 41.5600 88.8000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1834
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5600 88.8000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:33:36 N 88:48:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5600,88.8000)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUPC"
### Event 50997 (0A87ADE0)
**Date:** 8/18/1995
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** Glistening triangle vanishes. 2 orange night lights maneuver / all directions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17305
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "77", **HatchDesc:** "STOCKPORT,MANCHESTER:GLISTENING TRIANGLE VANISHES:2 ORG NLTS MNVR/ALL DIRs", **LatLong:** "53.400003 -2.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:24:00 N 02:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.400003,-2.133333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50998 (6FE81FA4)
**Date:** 8/18/1995
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** REVIN, FR
**Description:** Triangle and west fireballs and various flashes. 7 minute(s) / videotape taken. No further details. / Liste 1995.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17306
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "REVIN,FR:TRIANGLE+W FBLS+VARIOUS FLASHES:7min/VIDEOTAPE TAKEN:NFD:/Liste 1995", **LatLong:** "49.933336 4.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:00 N 04:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.933336,4.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 50999 (28EBA317)
**Date:** 8/18/1995
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Several observer(s). Glowing hazy boomerang going straight and level. Fast short hops Left and Rt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17307
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ZEELAND,NETHLNDS:SVRL OBS:GLOWING HAZY BOOMERANG > S/L:FAST SHORT HOPS Left+Rt", **LatLong:** "51.500002 3.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:30:00 N 03:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.500002,3.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Netherlands", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51000 (308B6CFB)
**Date:** 8/18/1995
**Description:** In Stockport, England a glistening triangular shaped object vanished at 1:30 a.m., then two orange nocturnal lights maneuvered all over the sky for the next 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, January 1996; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17374
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5141
### Event 51001 (543799CD)
**Date:** 8/18/1995
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a triangle-shaped object with fireballs and various flashes was seen in Revin, Ardennes, France. Video was taken of the phenomena for seven minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17375, citing Banque OVNI, issue 95
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5142
### Event 51002 (874D5872)
**Date:** 8/18/1995
**Description:** On this night a luminous 40-foot in diameter disc-shaped craft with a row of dark windows around the center rim, hovered near a radio tower in Barranquitas, Puerto Rico, causing a fluctuation in the radio station's power. Two children reportedly encountered a four-foot-tall being with red eyes and a spiny crest on its back in a nearby park.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, case # 2184, citing Jorge Martin, UFO Magazine
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5143
### Event 51003 (BB8F88AB)
**Date:** 8/20/1995
**Time:** 10:50
**Location:** BEAVERTON, OR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). White "parachute" drifts going east then going west. Vanishes. Never descends.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17308
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "58", **HatchDesc:** "BEAVERTON,OR:2 OBS:WHT "PARACHUTE" DRIFTS > E THEN >W:VANISHES:NEVER DESCENDS", **LatLong:** "45.500002 -122.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "45:30:00 N 122:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.500002,-122.800006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51004 (F7E6D57F)
**Date:** 8/20/1995
**Time:** 13:50
**Location:** COLONIAL BEACH, VA
**Description:** Man and fiance. Cylinder/cigar-shape-shaped craft. Suddenly disappears. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17309
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "COLONIAL BEACH,VA:MAN+FIANCE:CGR-SHAPED CRAFT:SUDDENLY DISAPPEARS:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.255557 -76.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:15:20 N 76:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.255557,-76.966670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51005 (4F30115D)
**Date:** 8/20/1995
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** HOLLY, WA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Strange yellow night light hovers. Descends to field. Guard dogs upset / cringe.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17310
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HOLLY,WA:2 OBS:STRANGE YLW NLT HVRS:DESCENDS TO FIELD:GUARD DOGS UPSET/CRINGE", **LatLong:** "47.550002 -122.977784", **LatLongDMS:** "47:33:00 N 122:58:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.550002,-122.977784)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51006 (062E94C7)
**Date:** 8/21/1995
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** OLATHE, KS
**Description:** 3 carloads / teens. Red night light over cornfield. Large grey domed saucer hovers nearby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17311
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "331", **HatchDesc:** "OLATHE,KS:3 CARLOADS/TEENS:RED NLT OVR CORNFIELD:LRG GRY DOMED SCR HVRS NEARBY", **LatLong:** "38.883335 -94.816671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:53:00 N 94:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.883335,-94.816671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51007 (07B64A73)
**Date:** 8/21/1995
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Glowing ovoid circles car. Several photographs. Goes / 2nd car nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17312
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr WERRIBEE,AUSTRL:GLOWING OVOID CIRCLES CAR:SVRL FOTOS:GOES/2nd CAR NEARS", **LatLong:** "-37.933335 144.600007", **LatLongDMS:** "37:56:00 S 144:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.933335,144.600007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51008 (AF9EAFB2)
**Date:** 8/22/1995
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 4 boys. Domed saucer with orange beams going [to] forward. Whoosh sound. Drops down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17313
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "132", **HatchDesc:** "FERRYHILL,DURHAM:4 BOYS:DOMED SCR W/ORG BEAMS>FORWARD:WHOOSH SOUND:DROPS DOWN", **LatLong:** "54.700003 -1.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "54:42:00 N 01:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.700003,-1.550000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51009 (CC73430C)
**Date:** 8/23/1995
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** LOUISVILLE, KY
**Description:** 2+1 / car. Donut-shaped object by highway. Still there on return. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17314
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "139", **HatchDesc:** "LOUISVILLE,KY:2+1/CAR:DONUT-SHAPED OBJ BY HIGHWAY:STILL THERE ON RETURN:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.266668 -85.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:16:00 N 85:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.266668,-85.750004)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51010 (64BEEE04)
**Date:** 8/23/1995
**Description:** While watching a carnival air display in Weymouth, Dorset, England at noon three police detectives spotted a motionless, metallic sphere hanging high in the sky. It appeared to reflect the sunlight, and was seen for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gary Heseltine, UFO Magazine (UK), July 2003, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5274
### Event 51011 (6B17691C)
**Date:** 8/23/1995
**Description:** At 11:50 p.m. three witnesses driving on a highway in Louisville, Kentucky sighted a donut-shaped UFO by the highway. It was not clear if it was on the ground or just hovering above it. It was still there on their return drive-by 10 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17383, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5275
### Event 51012 (67DC2782)
**Date:** 8/24/1995
**Location:** Belgium, Liège "Thier à Liège"
**Description:** (Translated from French) Patrick W., 19 years old, was walking and guiding his bike through the Thier woods to get home at 10:40 pm when he had a traumatic encounter. He found himself facing an apparition of vaguely humanoid shape, phosphorescent greenish in color, about 1m 80 tall, surrounded by a halo. This "specter" brushed against the witness's arm, who, terrified, started running to get out of the woods, leaving his bike and the bags with the provisions on the road. For at least three hours, 14 other witnesses, all from the neighborhood, witnessed unusual luminous and sound phenomena, while Patrick W., exhausted, had already been home for a long time. Strange attitude of the police in this case. Physical effects on the witness and on the "walkman" he was wearing, whose rechargeable batteries melted. Unfortunately, Patrick W.'s friend Mohamed M. (17 years old) handled these batteries, destroying them even more, so that Patrick W.'s parents threw away the debris. But there are at least 5 witnesses who saw the state of the batteries.
**Reference:** Investigation by Daniel BUKENS for the SOBEPS, at the request of the Liège police, in the person of Mr. Clerbout - full report at vog
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3543
### Event 51013 (E567E4A1)
**Date:** 8/24/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Patrick, a young man living in the suburbs of a large city in Belgium, sets off for a bike ride. At 10:40 PM, after getting a flat tire, he decides to go home pushing his vehicle and takes a winding and steep path that should get him home faster. Suddenly, he feels something brush past him. Turning around, he barely sees a bright white shape passing gradually to green starting from the top. Patrick can now better distinguish a humanoid shape surrounded by a halo, about 2 meters, with a head proportionally large compared to the trunk and just two lines at the height of his eyes. Terrified, Patrick runs away and goes home. His mother will tell the investigators of [SOS OVNI](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SOS-OVNI.html) Belgium: When I saw him come in, it was no longer my son at all. It was really someone else. The witness will however find the courage to return to the scene with a friend. Both will be able to observe, in the small wood bordering the road, the evolutions of strange red lights, a greenish silhouette and a breath effect that moves the vegetation. The police, urged by Patrick's mother, arrive very late and do not believe the witnesses' story, yet obviously very disturbed by their observation. (20:30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3262
### Event 51014 (1C7F8D53)
**Date:** 8/24/1995
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** (LOC.UNK), BELGIUM
**Description:** Flash. 2M humanoid appears / woods! Observer(s) runs. Night lights maneuver after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17315
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "(loc.unk),BELGIUM:FLASH:2M HUMANOID APPEARS/WOODS!:OBS RUNS:NLTS MNVR AFTER.", **LatLong:** "51.000002 4.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:00:00 N 04:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.000002,4.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51015 (F01210AF)
**Date:** 8/25/1995
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** HELENA, MT
**Description:** 1+kids and more. Unlit pearly-white round object going [to] overhead against wind. More seconds later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17316
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1227", **HatchDesc:** "HELENA,MT:1+KIDS+:UNLIT PEARLY-WHT RND OBJ >OVHD AGAINST WIND:MORE SECs LATER", **LatLong:** "46.583336 -112.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "46:35:00 N 112:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.583336,-112.050005)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51016 (9F3A7EDB)
**Date:** 8/25/1995
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** SARASOTA, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. Solid ellipsoid drops through clouds. Wingless. Darts all over.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17317
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "SARASOTA,FL:1 OBS:SOLID ELLIPSOID DROPS THRU CLOUDS:WINGLESS:DARTS ALL OVER", **LatLong:** "27.350001 -82.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "27:21:00 N 82:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.350001,-82.533337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51017 (17C17DB9)
**Date:** 8/25/1995
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 50-60 observer(s). Peculiar objects maneuver over sea. Back 13 Oct. '95 / 0550hrs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17318
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off CRESCENT CITY,CA:50-60 OBS:PECULIAR OBJS MNVR OVR SEA:BACK 13OCT95/0550hrs", **LatLong:** "41.733335 -124.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "41:44:00 N 124:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.733335,-124.250006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 51018 (2F0A7976)
**Date:** 8/26/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Public broadcast of the autopsy film of [Roswell](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1947-07-02\_Roswell.html) on TF1. (August 26)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3263
### Event 51019 (45CC0D48)
**Date:** 8/26/1995
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** EAST / PROVO, UT
**Description:** UFO investigator. Silver-white crosses mountains / 5 second(s). Hovers 2-3 minute(s). Type unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17319
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1400", **HatchDesc:** "E/PROVO,UT:UFO INVESTIGATOR:SLVR-WHT CROSSES MTNS/5sec:HVRS 2-3min:TYPE UNK", **LatLong:** "40.250002 -111.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:15:00 N 111:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.250002,-111.583339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51020 (CB955B9B)
**Date:** 8/26/1995
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** FONTANA, CA
**Description:** 5+separate observer(s). Orange fireball / night light shoots flames. Zigzags across sky. / r60#316.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17320
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "376", **HatchDesc:** "FONTANA,CA:5+SEP.OBS:ORG FBL/NLT SHOOTS FLAMES:ZIGZAGS ACRS SKY:/r60#316", **LatLong:** "34.083335 -117.433339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:05:00 N 117:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.083335,-117.433339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51021 (8C29CBDF)
**Date:** 8/26/1995
**Description:** On this night a man in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil encountered three 50 cm tall humanoids wearying white coveralls and helmets with antennas. One carried a pen-like instrument, which he pointed towards the witness who fled on his motorcycle. When he looked back he saw the humanoids walking towards a landed luminous round object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, citing GEPUC Brazil
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5381
### Event 51022 (487E96F0)
**Date:** 8/27/1995
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** GRAND JUNCTION, CO
**Description:** 2 joggers. Large cylinder/cylindrical object going [to] overhead. Drops 2 small objects. Objects hit mountain and flash.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Michael Curta: Colorado Hotspots. Saved = GJCOLO95.TXT http://www.comufon.org/hotspots.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17321
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1380", **HatchDesc:** "GRAND JUNCTION,CO:2 JOGGERS:LRG CYL>OVHD:DROPS 2 SML OBJS:OBJs HIT Mtn+FLASH", **LatLong:** "39.050002 -108.550005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:03:00 N 108:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.050002,-108.550005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51023 (3E5D5A32)
**Date:** 8/27/1995
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** SALIDA, CO
**Description:** 4+observer(s). 100' ovoid / high altitude hovers / one hour. Turns. Lit panels. Small objects exit. Going quickly southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: O'BRIAN, CHRIS: San Luis Valley, CO/NM catalog. Excerptsfiled here as SANLUISV.TXT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17322
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "73", **Elev:** "2158", **HatchDesc:** "SALIDA,CO:4+OBS:100'OVOID/HI ALT HVRS/1hr:TURNS:LIT PANELS:SML OBJs EXIT:>>SW", **LatLong:** "38.533335 -106.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "38:32:00 N 106:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.533335,-106.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51024 (7438C257)
**Date:** 8/27/1995
**Time:** 13:10
**Location:** MEDFORD, OR
**Description:** 1 observer. Dome featureless round object follows landing C130 plane. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17323
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "MEDFORD,OR:1 OBS:DOME FEATURELESS ROUND OBJ FOLOS LANDING C130 PLANE:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "42.333335 -122.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "42:20:00 N 122:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.333335,-122.883339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51025 (F210A3C3)
**Date:** 8/27/1995
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** ENSLEY, FL
**Description:** 2+/ car. White-hot fireball emits sparks. West going quickly east over US29. Simply "blinks out".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17324
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "41", **HatchDesc:** "ENSLEY,FL:2+/CAR:WHT-HOT FBL EMITS SPARKS:W>>E OVR US29:SIMPLY "BLINKS OUT"", **LatLong:** "30.516668 -87.272226", **LatLongDMS:** "30:31:00 N 87:16:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.516668,-87.272226)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51026 (88B11ED2)
**Date:** 8/27/1995
**Location:** Salida, Colorado
**Description:** 9:30 a.m. Tim Edwards shoots a video of a disc-shaped object hovering then darting about the sky over Salida, Colorado. A series of ripples or moving lights are seen to rotate from left to right on the object, which stays just above the sun while Edwards, his daughter, and four construction workers also watch. UFO investigators are not impressed with the video, which might be spider web or cottonwood fluff. [Bruce Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) thinks it might be a genuine UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Video Salida Tim Edwards 1995,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toIKIFSQapg)” UFOvideodotcom YouTube channel, October 4, 2012; “[Colorado Man and His Films Bring UFO Meet Back to Earth,](https://www.deseret.com/1995/11/30/19207413/colorado-man-and-his-films-bring-ufo-meet-back-to-earth)” Salt Lake City Deseret News, November 30, 1995; Jennie Zeidman, “The Will to Believe: Gnats, Moths, and Cottonwood Fluff from Outer Space,” IUR 21, no. 4 \(Winter 1996\): 14–17; Bruce Maccabee, “Salida: An Analysis of the Video,” IUR 21, no. 4 \(Winter 1996\): 17–19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7141
### Event 51027 (EA4491AB)
**Date:** 8/28/1995
**Time:** 10:50
**Location:** BURBANK, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Odd white sphere/orb/globe size = plane. "Moves sideways. Report going [to] police and USAF. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17325
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "237", **HatchDesc:** "BURBANK,CA:1 OBS:ODD WHT ORB SIZE=PLANE:"MOVES SIDEWAYS:Rpt>POLICE+USAF:NFD", **LatLong:** "34.166668 -118.316672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:10:00 N 118:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.166668,-118.316672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51028 (D20A0060)
**Date:** 8/28/1995
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** US285 / PONCHA PASS, CO
**Description:** 2+1 separate observer(s). Huge cylinder/cylindrical object hovers. Away / fantastic speed/velocity. / police report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17326
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1747", **HatchDesc:** "US285/PONCHA PASS,CO:2+1 SEP.OBS:HUGE CYL HVRS:AWAY/FANTASTIC SPD:/POLICE RPT", **LatLong:** "38.433335 -106.077783", **LatLongDMS:** "38:26:00 N 106:04:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.433335,-106.077783)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51029 (8A505D89)
**Date:** 8/28/1995
**Locations:** US; UK; Roswell, New Mexico; Los Angeles; London
**Description:** Fox TV broadcasts for the first time the “alien autopsy film,” a 17-minute black-and-white film supposedly depicting a secret medical examination of autopsy of an alien by the US military. The program, hosted in the US by [Jonathan Frakes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan%5FFrakes)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan%5FFrakes) is given the title Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction. The film is broadcast by Channel 4 in the UK as a segment of “The Roswell Incident.” London-based entrepreneur [Ray Santilli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray%5FSantilli) presents it as an authentic autopsy on the body of an alien recovered from the 1947 crash of a flying disc near Roswell, New Mexico. The film footage is allegedly supplied to him by a retired military cameraman who wishes to remain anonymous. Experts, including pathologist [Cyril Wecht](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril%5FWecht), special effects specialist [Stan Winston](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan%5FWinston)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan%5FWinston) and cinematographer [Allen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDaviau) [Daviau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDaviau)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDaviau) are shown commenting on the film’s authenticity. The program causes a sensation, with Time magazine declaring that the film has sparked a debate “with an intensity not lavished on any home movie since the [Zapruder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham%5FZapruder) film.” Fox rebroadcasts the program twice, each time to higher ratings. But even segment director [John Jopson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FJopson) tells producer [Robert Kiviat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FKiviat) that he suspects the entire film is a fake, but Fox makes it clear that such suspicions will not be allowed. [Mike Maloney](http://www.mikemaloney.co.uk/profile.htm)[,](http://www.mikemaloney.co.uk/profile.htm) a former photographer for the London tabloid Daily Mirror, says it is the same footage that he saw in the late 1970s at a private viewing in the Los Angeles house of a Disney executive. In 2006, Santilli admits the film is not authentic but rather a staged reconstruction of footage \(using sheep brains and jelly stuffed into puppets made by a UK sculptor John Humphreys\) he claims to have viewed in 1992, but which has deteriorated and become unusable by the time he made his film. The military cameraman is portrayed by a homeless man in Los Angeles. Santilli claims that a few frames from the original are embedded in his film, but he never specifies which ones. Producer [Spyros Melaris](https://www.digitalbiz.cards/spyrosmelarisnews2.html) claims that he has made all the auxiliary footage, including that of the homeless man. The existence of an original filmstrip of the alleged autopsy has never been independently verified. [Philip Mantle](http://www.noufors.com/Philip%5FMantle.htm) of BUFORA has spent 25 years examining both the footage and the story surrounding it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Alien autopsy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien%5Fautopsy)”; Internet Movie Database, “[Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction?](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0163521/)”; “[Alien](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pukbzCC3cfQ) [Autopsy,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pukbzCC3cfQ)” Orbitalmedia YouTube channel, February 14, 2013; Richard Corliss, “[Autopsy or Fraud-topsy?](http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0%2C33009%2C983764%2C00.html)” Time, November 27, 1995; Joseph A. Bauer, “A Surgeon’s View: Alien Autopsy’s Overwhelming Lack of Credibility,” Skeptical Inquirer 20, no. 1 \(January 1996\): 23–24; Michael Hesemann and Philip Mantle, Beyond Roswell: The Alien Autopsy Film, Area 51, and the US Government Coverup of UFOs, Marlowe, 1997, [pp. 182–210](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9781569247815/page/181/mode/2up); “Eamonn Investigates: Alien Autopsy,” UFOHighway YouTube channel, September 19, 2010, [part 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-LgUFx8xv8), [part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi%5FTt5luDJw), [part 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW0Fz8wOsGc), [part 4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhZvPyGbZ8w); Philip Mantle, Alien Autopsy Inquest, The Author, 2007; Philip Mantle, “Alien Autopsy Film, R.I.P.,” IUR 32, no. 1 \(August 2008\): 15–19; Nathalie Lagerfeld, “[How an Alien Autopsy Hoax Captured the World’s Imagination for](https://time.com/4376871/alien-autopsy-hoax-history/) [a Decade,](https://time.com/4376871/alien-autopsy-hoax-history/)” Time, June 24, 2016; Philip Mantle, Roswell Alien Autopsy: The Truth behind the Film That Shocked the World, Flying Disk Press, 2017, revised ed., 2020; Stu Neville, “Effects, Lies, and Videotape: 25 Years of the Alien Autopsy,” Fortean Times 395 \(August 2020\): 32–36; Nigel Watson, “Alien Autopsy: The Interview,” Fortean Times 395 \(August 2020\): 37–40
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7142
### Event 51030 (C3FD9461)
**Date:** 8/28/1995
**Description:** At 1:00 p.m. three motorists driving on US Highway 285 on Poncha Pass, Chaffee County, Colorado witnessed a huge cylinder that hovered for two minutes, and then shot away at fantastic speed. A police report was filed over the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, January 1996
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5447
### Event 51031 (CC8EAED3)
**Date:** 8/29/1995
**Location:** Albuquerque, New Mexico
**Description:** Congressman Steve Schiff finds that the permanent outgoing message records from Roswell Army Airfield were destroyed "without proper authorization". He was so angry that he held a press conference with the details.
**Type:** press conference
**Reference:** [newspapers.com](https://twitter.com/richgel999/status/1694735187806933128)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_990
### Event 51032 (050DD97E)
**Date:** 8/29/1995 (approximate)
**Location:** Netherlands, Heerlen
**Description:** (Translated from French) Davey de L. took a 22-second film sequence with his father's camcorder of a UFO. The boy explains: "Normally I was supposed to do my homework (it was around 4 o'clock) but I was playing with my father's camcorder. All of a sudden I saw this black thing above the trees and I filmed it." Mr. Souren from the Astronomical Institute says that indeed, the images obtained are very different from other UFO films... (Roy Deen) HOAX? [note from vog: and for good reason! Wim van Utrecht from Antwerp made a remarkable analysis of a copy of this film. His conclusion is that Davey stuck a small paper UFO on the window and then manipulated the camcorder by moving it strongly from left to right and from top to bottom, to give the illusion that the "UFO" was flying...] (1995, August 29 (this date seems inaccurate, he was coming back from school...))
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3544
### Event 51033 (FCC33CAD)
**Date:** 8/30/1995
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** RIO CLARO, SP, BRZ
**Description:** 1 observer. Thin silent cylinder/cigar-shape goes over house. Multicolor rays / all directions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOLETIM CEPEX. (Qtrly) Centro de Estudios e Pesquisos Exologicos; Sumaro, SP, Brazil. (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17327
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "609", **HatchDesc:** "RIO CLARO,SP,BRZ:1 OBS:THIN SLNT CGR GOES OVR HOUSE:MULTICOLOR RAYS/ALL DIRs:", **LatLong:** "-22.400001 -47.550002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:24:00 S 47:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.400001,-47.550002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51034 (E042B471)
**Date:** 8/30/1995
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** TOURRETTES, VAR, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Odd cloud = silver ovoid. Blinks each 5 second(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Going [to] slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17328
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "TOURRETTES,VAR,FR:1 OBS:ODD CLOUD=SLVR OVOID:BLINKS EACH 5sec:ABS SLNT:> SLOW", **LatLong:** "43.616669 6.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:37:00 N 06:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.616669,6.700000)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51035 (C637F12C)
**Date:** 8/30/1995
**Description:** A thin silent cigar-shaped UFO passed over the witness's house in Rio Claro, San Paulo State, Brazil at five o'clock in the morning. It gave off multi-colored rays of lights in all directions and made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Boletim CEPEX, issue 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5507
### Event 51036 (4B1E373A)
**Date:** 8/31/1995
**Location:** Brazil, Aparecida do Norte
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 11:30 PM, Jorge Divino Pereira was woken up by his dog's barking. He noticed a bright light coming through his bedroom window. Taking a lamp, he went outside to see what was happening. At that moment, the light became much brighter, blinding him completely. He saw the oil from his lamp being sucked towards the light while burning, and then felt himself being pulled into the air before falling and passing out. When he woke up, 5 hours had passed. Everything was quiet and he was in pain all over. In the days that followed, he suffered from severe headaches, vomiting, and strong irritation in his eyes. (August 31, 1995)
**Reference:** Phenomena #33, pp. 8-9
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3545
### Event 51037 (26FF9ECB)
**Date:** 8/31/1995
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** NEATH, WALES
**Description:** 3 cabbies. Large green glowing-ball hovers. Speeds going quickly northwest with vapor trail. No further details / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17329
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "78", **HatchDesc:** "NEATH,WALES:3 CABBIES:LRG GRN GLO-BALL HVRS:SPEEDS>>NW W/VAPOR TRAIL:NFD/NEWS", **LatLong:** "51.650002 -3.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:39:00 N 03:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.650002,-3.800000)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51038 (B5D6395D)
**Date:** 8/31/1995
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** RANDOLPH, NJ
**Description:** Girl. Cylinder/cigar-shape with vibrant bright lights hovers just over treetops. Big light / front.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17330
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "RANDOLPH,NJ:GIRL:CGR W/VBRITE LITES HVRS JUST OVR TREETOPS:BIG LITE/FRONT", **LatLong:** "40.855558 -74.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:51:20 N 74:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.855558,-74.550004)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51039 (2E42EAD5)
**Date:** 8/31/1995
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** MUKILTEO, WA
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Several bizarre objects near Paine field. Hover and jump and vanish. Type unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17331
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "31", **HatchDesc:** "MUKILTEO,WA:6 OBS:SVRL BIZARRE OBJs nr PAINE FIELD:HVR+JUMP+VANISH:TYPE UNK", **LatLong:** "47.944447 -122.305561", **LatLongDMS:** "47:56:40 N 122:18:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.944447,-122.305561)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51040 (F926DF99)
**Date:** 8/31/1995
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Night lights all over/all about. 1 passes window. Observer(s) and lamp oil pulled upward.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17332
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "510", **HatchDesc:** "APARECIDA do NORTE,BRZ:NLTS ALLO:1 PASSES WINDOW:OBS+LAMP OIL PULLED UPWARD", **LatLong:** "-22.816668 -45.172224", **LatLongDMS:** "22:49:00 S 45:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.816668,-45.172224)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51041 (1C7C5C88)
**Date:** 8/31/1995
**Description:** A large green luminous sphere hovered over Neath, Wales and then sped off toward the northwest NW leaving a vapor trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, January 1996
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5544
### Event 51042 (FDB68AF3)
**Date:** 9/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A French family on vacation in Greece photographs a UFO. (September)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3264
### Event 51043 (A18770C4)
**Date:** 9/1995
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** CARMEL, IN
**Description:** 1 / car. Equilateral/equal triangle hovers 50m away. Blue and red lights / corners. Gone / instant.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17333
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "253", **HatchDesc:** "CARMEL,IN:1/CAR:EQL TRIANGLE HVRS 50m away:BLU+RED LITES/CORNERS:GONE/INSTANT", **LatLong:** "39.977780 -86.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:58:40 N 86:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.977780,-86.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51044 (B5E3839A)
**Date:** 9/2/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** PENSACOLA, FL
**Description:** 2 / car / bay bridge. Red 1' fireball / trees shoots our and back. Swings to and fro.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17334
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA,FL:2/CAR/BAY BRIDGE:RED 1'FBL/TREES SHOOTS OUR+BACK:SWINGS TO+FRO", **LatLong:** "30.411113 -87.211115", **LatLongDMS:** "30:24:40 N 87:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.411113,-87.211115)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51045 (38D80F1F)
**Date:** 9/2/1995
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. at the Bay Bridge in Pensacola, Florida two witnesses watched a one foot in diameter red ball of light low over some trees shoot out and back a number of times, swinging back in forth in the sky in a pendulum motion.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, October 1995
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5584
### Event 51046 (088803D1)
**Date:** 9/3/1995
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** White sphere offloads similar objects. 6 luminous/glowing white saucers / video / 04 September.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17335
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Korea(both sides)", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "KAPYONG,S.KOREA:WHT SPHERE OFFLOADS SIMILAR OBJS:6 LUMn WHT SCRS/VIDEO/04SEPT", **LatLong:** "37.866668 127.683339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:52:00 N 127:41:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.866668,127.683339)", **State/Prov:** "SKR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51047 (379A480F)
**Date:** 9/4/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A professional cameraman scouting in the province of Kapyong \(South Korea\) sees, then films a bright point. It splits into about ten pieces which disappear in the distance after more than 5 minutes. See images/kapyong.jpg. (September 4)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3265
### Event 51048 (6A43DA1D)
**Date:** 9/4/1995
**Time:** 11:30
**Description:** Kaf pilot. 4M top-saucer going [to] 4K' below plane. / Aldrich files.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17336
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Korea(both sides)", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KYE RYONG Mtn.,S.KOREA:KAF PILOT:4M TOP-SCR >4K'BELOW PLANE:/Aldrich files", **LatLong:** "36.316668 127.116673", **LatLongDMS:** "36:19:00 N 127:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.316668,127.116673)", **State/Prov:** "SKR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51049 (79E2A26F)
**Date:** 9/4/1995
**Time:** 12:00
**Description:** Good photographs and 4m / video. 100M cylinder/cigar-shape / MACH 12! 5km altitude. 90° turn?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17337
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Korea(both sides)", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "KAPYONG prov.,S.KOREA:GOOD FOTOS+4m/VIDEO:100M CGR/MACH 12!:5km alt:90°TURN?", **LatLong:** "37.833335 127.466673", **LatLongDMS:** "37:50:00 N 127:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.833335,127.466673)", **State/Prov:** "KPY", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51050 (C2E87E5E)
**Date:** 9/5/1995 (approximate)
**Location:** CAMPO RICO, PR
**Description:** Cops hits small humanoid (or Grey)-monster grabbing dog with .357 pistol. Runs away!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 493)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17338
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "CAMPO RICO,PR:COPS HITS OID-MONSTER GRABBING DOG W/.357 PISTOL:runs away!", **LatLong:** "18.411112 -66.005559", **LatLongDMS:** "18:24:40 N 66:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.411112,-66.005559)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51051 (7A8C6CC5)
**Date:** 9/5/1995
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** BOISE, ID
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Row / 5-7 night lights hover / 30 minute(s). Definite distinct color(s). No further details. Structure unseen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17339
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "820", **HatchDesc:** "BOISE,ID:3 OBS:ROW/5-7 NLTS HVR/30min:DEFINITE DISTINCT CLRS:NFD:STRUCT UNSEEN", **LatLong:** "43.600002 -116.183339", **LatLongDMS:** "43:36:00 N 116:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.600002,-116.183339)", **State/Prov:** "Idaho", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51052 (30E70E12)
**Date:** 9/5/1995
**Time:** 21:29:58.4
**Location:** -21.8500 -138.8400
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2029
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8500 -138.8400", **LatLongDMS:** "21:51:00 S 138:50:24 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8500,-138.8400)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUPF"
### Event 51053 (1030F62C)
**Date:** 9/5/1995
**Description:** On this night a police officer in Campo Rico, Puerto Rico shot at and hit a creature with a .357 pistol while the monster was attempting to grab a dog. The creature ran away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 17031, citing FSR, volume 41, issue no. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5665
### Event 51054 (E6169493)
**Date:** 9/6/1995
**Description:** The witness had fallen asleep in a chair in Ashland, New Hampshire when shortly after eleven p.m. he found himself lifted into a globular object and transported over a city where he saw people looking up at him. He then flew above what appeared to be an African savannah and muddy river, whereupon the craft then went up through the atmosphere an into outer space. He was then placed inside a transparent tub or tank filled with breathable fluid by two short Grey humanoids, while a third being observed. He remarked that he was surprisingly calm about the experience although he would normally be panicked. After a few more minutes he was allowed to walk to a window or screen. A huge metallic cylinder, apparently somekind of space station, began to fill the view from the left side of the window. There were white and blue lights running the entire length of it. Later, before being returned, he saw four other species of beings together in one place.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5700
### Event 51055 (1128E052)
**Date:** 9/7/1995
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** CANOVANAS, PR
**Description:** Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster on balcony. Mutilated goat found / 8 September. 6 separate observer(s) / 8 days.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 493)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17340
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "139", **HatchDesc:** "CANOVANAS,PR:OID-MONSTER ON BALCONY:Mutl'd goat found/8SEPT::6 SEP.OBS/8 DAYS", **LatLong:** "18.338890 -65.888892", **LatLongDMS:** "18:20:20 N 65:53:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.338890,-65.888892)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 51056 (83F7BAE9)
**Date:** 9/7/1995
**Description:** On this evening in Campo Rico, Canovanas, Puerto Rico a five-foot tall humanoid creature attacked a police officer's Chow Chow dog. The officer fired his pistol at the creature, which doubled into a ball, bounced against a wall, and ran away at a high speed. A mutilated goat was found in the area the next day. On the same night Misael Negron observed a strange creature standing on his second story balcony for about ten minutes. He described the creature as about five feet tall, with dark skin, a round head and pointy chin, large red eyes, no ears and what appeared to be two long fangs coming out of its mouth. It had a thin neck and thin arms with three fingered hands that had sharp claws.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, cases 2299 & 2300, citing Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI, issue # 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5742
### Event 51057 (72200147)
**Date:** 9/9/1995
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** LAKE OSWEGO, OR
**Description:** 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. White object hovers. Vanishes. Reappears elsewhere / sky. Red metallic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17341
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE OSWEGO,OR:1/BINOCS:WHT OBJ HVRS:VANISHES:REAPPEARS ELSEWHERE/SKY:RED MTLC", **LatLong:** "45.433335 -122.650006", **LatLongDMS:** "45:26:00 N 122:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.433335,-122.650006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51058 (9B91BB69)
**Date:** 9/9/1995
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** SILVERDALE, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. 3 dull-orange circular craft streak going quickly west overhead. Each 1 / 4 moon-size.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17342
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "SILVERDALE,WA:1 OBS:3 DULL-ORANGE CIRC.CRAFT STREAK>>W OVHD:EACH 1/4 MOONSIZE", **LatLong:** "47.644447 -122.694450", **LatLongDMS:** "47:38:40 N 122:41:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.644447,-122.694450)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 51059 (7309DA7F)
**Date:** 9/10/1995
**Location:** Canada, Burnaby
**Description:** (Translated from French) From his apartment, the witness saw an object with the appearance of a pyramid above the Scott Road aerial metro station. It was covered with a multitude of small, bright, green lights. The object was only seen for 7 seconds, disappearing behind the hill.
**Reference:** Graham Conway - Aufora
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3546
### Event 51060 (74478D58)
**Date:** 9/10/1995
**Time:** 12:40
**Location:** LAS VEGAS, NV
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Tiny white ball hovers / clear sky. Shoots going quickly northwest. Silver disk 15 minute(s) later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17343
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "16", **Elev:** "600", **HatchDesc:** "LAS VEGAS,NV:3 OBS:TINY WHT BALL HVRS/CLR SKY:SHOOTS>>NW:SLVR DISK 15min LATER", **LatLong:** "36.150002 -115.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:09:00 N 115:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.150002,-115.133339)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51061 (59EF8B3B)
**Date:** 9/10/1995
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 30M saucer / low altitude. Strong beams / each end light ground. Slow. Shoots going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17344
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RED HILL,S.AUSTRL:30M SCR/LO ALT:STRONG BEAMS/EACH END LITE GND:SLO:SHOOTS>>N", **LatLong:** "-33.583335 138.200007", **LatLongDMS:** "33:35:00 S 138:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.583335,138.200007)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51062 (D276A539)
**Date:** 9/10/1995
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** AUBURN, WA
**Description:** 1+6 observer(s). Black boomerang with dim lights descends. Triangle hovers / 6 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17345
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "AUBURN,WA:1+6 OBS:BLK BOOMERANG W/DIM LITES DESCENDS::TRIANGLE HOVERS/6 OBS", **LatLong:** "47.316669 -122.227784", **LatLongDMS:** "47:19:00 N 122:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.316669,-122.227784)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51063 (AB02B2FF)
**Date:** 9/11/1995
**Location:** Italy, Rocchetta Sant'Antonio (Foggia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 7:45 a.m. a young woman in her twenties, a shepherdess, had taken her sheep out to graze in the valley, when she saw something luminous in the air. She approached the object, which suddenly came towards her, revealing itself to be a very small humanoid smiling, 50 cm tall, wearing a tight-fitting brown garment and its head, from the shoulders up, was in a kind of transparent diving suit. It had two eyes and a nose, two legs as well, but apparently no arms or mouth. The diving suit was half silver-colored spherical shape, and had an antenna. The young woman remained amazed looking at it from a distance of 200 to 250 meters. (Note from Vog: this Italian woman had sharp eyesight, that's the least I can say. At 200 meters, I can only make out the general silhouette of people, but I can't say for sure that they have two eyes, for example, and no mouth!) Then she decided to go back home, but to her surprise, she saw that the creature was following her. In panic she started running on the road, and met a motorist who she told about the event. The man tried to get closer to the entity which he described as a dwarf who went back and forth in the valley, then started running on its short legs and then flew away, while the woman (but not the man) heard a motorcycle sound. The man seems to have seen a white trail coming out of the half-sphere covering the humanoid's head when it was in flight. Two other people from the small town also saw this phenomenon.
**Reference:** ITUFOR, investigation by Archangelo Cassano of CISU
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3547
### Event 51064 (574ACDA2)
**Date:** 9/11/1995
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** WEST / SALT LAKE CITY, UT
**Description:** Air Traffic Controller and 5 airline observer(s). 2 blue and 4 white night lights. 3 / triangle formation. / r60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17346
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1280", **HatchDesc:** "W/SALT LAKE CITY,UT:ATC+5 AIRLINE OBS:2 BLU+4 WHT NLTS:3/TRIANGLE FORMn:/r60", **LatLong:** "40.750002 -112.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:45:00 N 112:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.750002,-112.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51065 (CF7E417B)
**Date:** 9/11/1995
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** WHITEFISH, MT
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Cluster / night lights / horizon. Fires 4 bolts / light at mountain twice.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17347
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "925", **HatchDesc:** "WHITEFISH,MT:2 OBS:CLUSTER/NLTS/HRZN:FIRES 4 BOLTS/LITE AT MOUNTAIN TWICE.", **LatLong:** "48.411113 -114.338894", **LatLongDMS:** "48:24:40 N 114:20:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.411113,-114.338894)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51066 (2996CCEF)
**Date:** 9/11/1995
**Description:** A witness in Rostrevor, South Australia saw a dark silver, revolving object coming from the northwest. It came from nowhere and dropped out of the sky. It slowed, then moved away at a steady pace. At 8:35 all TV channels went off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, South Australia UFO Reports - Project 1947 website; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 336
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5881
### Event 51067 (DF2CA294)
**Date:** 9/11/1995
**Description:** At 10:21 a.m. a large, bright, dome-shaped object looking like a speckled "bicycle helmet" hovered over a cemetery in North Haven, Connecticut.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 1995 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5882
### Event 51068 (DFC346D0)
**Date:** 9/11/1995
**Description:** A police car was followed for 6 kilometers in Marsaneix, Dordogne, France at 6:30 p.m. by a 30 meter in diameter disc-shaped object and a rectangular light, at 100 meters altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 334
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5883
### Event 51069 (B3F3479E)
**Date:** 9/12/1995
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** MARSANEIX, FR
**Description:** Cop and 2 / car followed / 6km by 30M disk and rectangular light and more/others. 100M altitude. / r226#30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17348
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MARSANEIX,FR:COP+2/CAR FOLO'D/6km by 30M DISK+RECT.LITE++:100M alt:/r226#30", **LatLong:** "45.100002 0.783333", **LatLongDMS:** "45:06:00 N 00:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.100002,0.783333)", **State/Prov:** "Dordogne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51070 (E5BEA1AC)
**Date:** 9/12/1995
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** LEADVILLE, CO
**Description:** Several observer(s). 2 tiny metallic objects hover. Suddenly streak 1 going quickly west and 1 going quickly northeast. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17349
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3094", **HatchDesc:** "LEADVILLE,CO:SVRL OBS:2 TINY MTLC OBJS HVR:SUDDENLY STREAK 1>>W+1>>NE:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.233335 -106.300005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:14:00 N 106:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.233335,-106.300005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51071 (11BC493C)
**Date:** 9/12/1995
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** NORTH HAVEN, CT
**Description:** 1 observer. Large bright speckled "bicycle helmet" hovers over cemetery.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17350
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "48", **HatchDesc:** "NORTH HAVEN,CT:1 OBS:LRG BRITE SPECKLED "BICYCLE HELMET" HVRS OVR CEMETERY:", **LatLong:** "41.388891 -72.861115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:20 N 72:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.388891,-72.861115)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51072 (28D9D6EA)
**Date:** 9/12/1995
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / all stations. Fast grey UFO slows. Away / steady speed. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17351
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NEWTON,S.AUSTRL:2 OBS:TV RFI/ALL STNs:FAST GRY UFO SLOWS:AWAY/STEADY SPEED:NFD", **LatLong:** "-34.883335 138.683340", **LatLongDMS:** "34:53:00 S 138:41:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.883335,138.683340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51073 (50DB7D99)
**Date:** 9/12/1995
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** EXIT 15E / I95, NJ
**Description:** 1 / NJ Turnpike. Yellow-orange disk streaks overhead. Larger / full moon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17352
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "EXIT 15E/I95,NJ:1/NJ TURNPIKE:YLW-ORG DISK STREAKS OVHD:LARGER/FULL MOON", **LatLong:** "40.722224 -74.122226", **LatLongDMS:** "40:43:20 N 74:07:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.722224,-74.122226)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51074 (13D7E718)
**Date:** 9/12/1995
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** ORANGEBURG, NY
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Yellow-white disk nears remote peak. Away and back with 2nd small object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17353
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "ORANGEBURG,NY:2 OBS:YLW-WHT DISK NEARS REMOTE PEAK:AWAY+BACK W/2nd SML OBJ.", **LatLong:** "41.044446 -73.950004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:02:40 N 73:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.044446,-73.950004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51075 (0723C45D)
**Date:** 9/13/1995
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** CORPUS CHRISTI, TX
**Description:** 1 observer. Bizarre object 300' away shoots beams going down [to] on house. Pulses / top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17354
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "CORPUS CHRISTI,TX:1 OBS:BIZARRE OBJ 300'AWAY SHOOTS BEAMS↓ ON HOUSE:PULSES/TOP", **LatLong:** "27.783335 -97.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "27:47:00 N 97:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.783335,-97.400005)", **RelAlt:** "90", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51076 (9BE36D51)
**Date:** 9/13/1995
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** TALLAHASSEE, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). White / yellow disk going south slow. Larger / full moon. Halo surrounds it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17355
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "TALLAHASSEE,FL:2 OBS:WHT/YLW DISK >S SLOW:LARGER/FULL MOON:HALO SURROUNDS IT", **LatLong:** "30.450001 -84.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:27:00 N 84:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.450001,-84.266671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51077 (34A01AF5)
**Date:** 9/13/1995
**Time:** 05:10
**Location:** POTTER VALLEY, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Bright red dot hovers near window. Grows. Going quickly north. Back next Mornin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17356
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "288", **HatchDesc:** "POTTER VALLEY,CA:1 OBS:BRITE RED DOT HVRS NR WINDOW:GROWS:>>N:BACK NEXT MORNIN", **LatLong:** "39.322224 -123.111117", **LatLongDMS:** "39:19:20 N 123:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.322224,-123.111117)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51078 (AE9E6BFF)
**Date:** 9/13/1995
**Description:** At 12:10 a.m. a bizarre, irregularly shaped object, only 300 feet away, shot beams of light down on a house in Corpus Christi, Texas. It had a pulsating light on top.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, list of 1995 reports
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5928
### Event 51079 (BC731FCE)
**Date:** 9/13/1995
**Description:** At 12:20 a.m. a yellow-white disc-shaped object moved south in the sky over Tallahasee, Florida. Its apparent size was larger than the full moon, and it had a halo surrounding it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, list of 1995 reports
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5929
### Event 51080 (B46BA088)
**Date:** 9/14/1995
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GULF BREEZE, FL
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Large dark silent perfect triangle seen against cloud. Going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17357
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "GULF BREEZE,FL:3 OBS:LRG DRK SLNT PERFECT TRIANGLE SEEN AGAINST CLOUD:>N", **LatLong:** "30.377779 -87.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:40 N 87:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.377779,-87.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51081 (6E6A0687)
**Date:** 9/14/1995
**Description:** A large dark, silent triangle was seen against the clouds in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 8:30 p.m., flying to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17426; UFO Newsclipping Service, January 1996
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5971
### Event 51082 (18B3CFDA)
**Date:** 9/15/1995
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** REDMOND, WA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Tiny distinct white disk going northeast slow. Trajectory = 90° opposed to winds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17358
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "REDMOND,WA:3 OBS:TINY DISTINCT WHT DISK >NE SLOW:TRAJ=90° OPPOSED TO WINDS", **LatLong:** "47.683336 -122.116672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:41:00 N 122:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.683336,-122.116672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51083 (14803B56)
**Date:** 9/15/1995
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** SEATTLE, WA
**Description:** 7 / Phinney Ridge. 4-6 tiny metallic cigars hover. Move and rise / clear sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17359
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "SEATTLE,WA:7/PHINNEY RIDGE:4-6 TINY MTLC CGRS HVR:MOVE+RISE/CLEAR SKY.", **LatLong:** "47.622224 -122.322228", **LatLongDMS:** "47:37:20 N 122:19:20 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.622224,-122.322228)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51084 (1F476356)
**Date:** 9/15/1995
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NYC, NY
**Description:** Many / staten island ferry. Huge craft rises / bay. Roils water. No further details. Good report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17360
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "NYC,NY:MANY/STATEN Isl FERRY:HUGE CRAFT RISES/BAY:ROILS WATER:NFD:good rpt", **LatLong:** "40.750002 -73.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:45:00 N 73:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.750002,-73.983337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51085 (86EA6C5B)
**Date:** 9/15/1995
**Location:** Oklahoma City, OK
**Description:** Dogs excited as disc emitted a light beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5867
### Event 51086 (51A969E4)
**Date:** 9/16/1995
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** CAMPO RICO, PR
**Description:** Loud humming. Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster lands / backyard. Observer(s) shoots. Flies away!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 493)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17361
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "CAMPO RICO,PR:LOUD HUM:OID-MON LANDS/BACKYARD:OBS SHOOTS:FLIES AWAY!", **LatLong:** "18.400001 -66.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "18:24:00 N 66:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.400001,-66.016670)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51087 (DC68472A)
**Date:** 9/16/1995
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** SEATTLE, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. V-boomerang going [to] overhead slowly / 500' altitude. Fluorescent leading edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17362
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "SEATTLE,WA:1 OBS:V-BOOMERANG >OVHD SLOWLY/500'alt:FLUORESCENT LEADING EDGE", **LatLong:** "47.627780 -122.327784", **LatLongDMS:** "47:37:40 N 122:19:40 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.627780,-122.327784)", **RelAlt:** "150", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51088 (6D4C1CA1)
**Date:** 9/16/1995
**Description:** At around midnight, during the heavy rain and buffeting of Tropical Storm Marilyn, a local resident of Pozo, Campo Rico, Puerto Rico saw a strange five-foot creature with red glowing eyes. He fired at the being several times with his gun, but it sprouted small wings and flew away from the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, case # 2303, citing Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI, issue # 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6025
### Event 51089 (1D03F48C)
**Date:** 9/17/1995
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** COLORADO SPRS, CO
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent gray flying wing going [to] over steadily. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17363
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1802", **HatchDesc:** "COLORADO Sprs,CO:1 OBS:SLNT GRAY FLYING WING >OVR STEADILY:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.850002 -104.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:51:00 N 104:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.850002,-104.833338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51090 (CE636C8B)
**Date:** 9/17/1995
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. a gray V-shaped flying wing moved silently overhead at a steady pace in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17432, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6058
### Event 51091 (DFF5F845)
**Date:** 9/18/1995
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** WILLCOX, AZ
**Description:** 1 / car. White / yellow Oblong object streaks by toward(s) town. Turns going south toward(s) Mexico.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17364
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1270", **HatchDesc:** "WILLCOX,AZ:1/CAR:WHT/YEL OBLONG OBJ STREAKS BY TWRD TOWN:TURNS >S TWRD MEXICO", **LatLong:** "32.255557 -109.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:15:20 N 109:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.255557,-109.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51092 (666813BA)
**Date:** 9/19/1995
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** JOHNSON CITY, TN
**Description:** Several bell-shapes near airport. Beams going down / ground. Hover and maneuver. Complex event.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17365
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "498", **HatchDesc:** "JOHNSON CITY,TN:SVRL BELL-SHAPES nr AIRPORT:BEAMS↓/GND:HVR+MNVR:complex event", **LatLong:** "36.311113 -82.355559", **LatLongDMS:** "36:18:40 N 82:21:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.311113,-82.355559)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51093 (9726E9E3)
**Date:** 9/19/1995
**Time:** 06:00
**Description:** 1 observer. Round object with ring east going quickly west on edge (ring vertical.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17366
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "STANFORD UNIV,CA:1 OBS:ROUND OBJ W/RING E>>W ON EDGE (ring vertical)", **LatLong:** "37.422224 -122.172228", **LatLongDMS:** "37:25:20 N 122:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.422224,-122.172228)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51094 (6CA0B26F)
**Date:** 9/19/1995
**Time:** 08:00
**Description:** Huge dark disk. Rush-hour traffic stops. Going northwest slow. "900 yards.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17367
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "205", **HatchDesc:** "Lk.ERIE N/CLEVELAND,OH:HUGE DRK DISK:RUSH-HOUR TRAFFIC STOPS:>NW SLOW:"900 Yds", **LatLong:** "41.583335 -81.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:35:00 N 81:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.583335,-81.750004)", **RelAlt:** "810", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51095 (C316B47E)
**Date:** 9/19/1995
**Time:** 13:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dome shaped object near home. 2 photographs sent going [to] BUFORA. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: DIXON,Gloria, Dir. of Investigations/BUFORA Catalog. Excerpts filed here as BUFORA96.UK
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17368
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MELBOURNE,AUSTRL:2 OBS:DOME SHAPED OBJ nr HOME:2 FOTOS sent>BUFORA:NFD", **LatLong:** "-37.783335 145.016674", **LatLongDMS:** "37:47:00 S 145:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.783335,145.016674)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51096 (F7C9656B)
**Date:** 9/19/1995
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** HUMBOLDT CO, CA
**Description:** Navy CPO. Red sphere/orb/globe near Jupiter. Moves left and right. Shoots away very fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17369
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "HUMBOLDT co,CA:NAVY CPO:RED ORB nr JUPITER:MOVES LEFT+RIGHT:SHOOTS AWAY VFAST", **LatLong:** "40.666669 -123.916673", **LatLongDMS:** "40:40:00 N 123:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.666669,-123.916673)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51097 (0DFFA7CA)
**Date:** 9/19/1995
**Description:** At 5:57 a.m. a round object with a vertical ring (Saturn-shaped) was sighted at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. It moved from east to west, flying on its edge.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17435
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6106
### Event 51098 (89A8664F)
**Date:** 9/19/1995
**Description:** Several bell-shaped objects were sighted near the airport in Johnson City, Tennessee on this evening at 10:46 p.m. Beams of light were directed toward the ground. The UFOs hovered and maneuvered; a complex event.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17434
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6107
### Event 51099 (106F8A3E)
**Date:** 9/19/1995
**Description:** The occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central European surveillance area happened on this date.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6108
### Event 51100 (F96034F0)
**Date:** 9/20/1995
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** RENO, NV
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Saucer overhead. Flashes colored lights. "Bounces" like a ball in sky!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17370
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "1350", **HatchDesc:** "RENO,NV:5 OBS:SCR OVHD:FLASHES CLRD LITES:"BOUNCES" LIKE A BALL IN SKY!", **LatLong:** "39.500002 -119.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:30:00 N 119:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.500002,-119.800006)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51101 (14D65707)
**Date:** 9/20/1995
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** 8+observer(s). Ring / "portholes" over coast / 15 second(s). / Islander 18.10.95.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17371
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PENSACOLA BEACH,FLR:8+OBS:RING/"PORTHOLES" OVR COAST/15sec:/Islander 18.10.95", **LatLong:** "30.305557 -87.155560", **LatLongDMS:** "30:18:20 N 87:09:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.305557,-87.155560)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51102 (F4732506)
**Date:** 9/20/1995
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 3 / car and several. Big luminous triangle going [to] over car. Lights / all sides. / Uns#318.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17372
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BROCKENHURST,ENG:3/CAR+SVRL:BIG LUMn.TRIANGLE>OVR CAR:LITES/ALL SIDES:/UNS#318", **LatLong:** "50.738891 -1.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:44:20 N 01:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.738891,-1.583333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51103 (66B6A19E)
**Date:** 9/20/1995
**Description:** A disc-shaped object with multi-colored lights was seen overhead in the night sky in Reno, Nevada at 3:30 a.m. It "bounced like a ball" in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 1995 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6160
### Event 51104 (D4522F54)
**Date:** 9/20/1995
**Description:** In Pensacola Beach, Florida a ring-shaped object with portholes was seen over the coast at 8:10 p.m. for 15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, November 1995
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6161
### Event 51105 (1EF96FD7)
**Date:** 9/21/1995
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CONCORDIA, KS
**Description:** Many calls / sheriff. "2 circular spheres with rotating centers". (Sorry.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17373
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "453", **HatchDesc:** "CONCORDIA,KS:MANY CALLS/SHERIFF:"2 CIRC.SPHERES W/ROTATING CENTERS":(sorry)", **LatLong:** "39.566669 -97.661116", **LatLongDMS:** "39:34:00 N 97:39:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.566669,-97.661116)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51106 (B4F50518)
**Date:** 9/21/1995
**Location:** USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
**Description:** The USAF Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory issues a Report on Project Mogul by 1Lt. James McAndrew.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Lt. James McAndrew, [Report on Project Mogul: Synopsis of Balloon Research Findings](https://muller.lbl.gov/teaching/physics10/Roswell/USMogulReport.html), Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, September 21, 1995
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7143
### Event 51107 (CD2A84F9)
**Date:** 9/21/1995
**Description:** Many calls were received by the Sheriff department in Concordia, Kansas at around 9:00 p.m. reporting two circular spheres with rotating centers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6203
### Event 51108 (CF91178D)
**Date:** 9/22/1995
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** MT. VERNON, IN
**Description:** Large silent round flat disk hovers / 3-5 second(s). Vanishes. No further details. / UFOFC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 109)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17374
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.VERNON,IN:LRG SLNT ROUND FLAT DISK HVRS/3-5sec:VANISHES:NFD:/UFOFC", **LatLong:** "37.933335 -87.883338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:56:00 N 87:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.933335,-87.883338)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51109 (3C294F95)
**Date:** 9/22/1995
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** US16O EAST / LA VETA PASS, CO
**Description:** 10+observer(s). Big humming. 300' rectangule going [to] slow 70' overhead. Animals panic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17375
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2700", **HatchDesc:** "US16O E/LA VETA PASS,CO:10+OBS:BIG HUM:300'RECTNGL.> SLO 70'OVHD:ANIMALS PANIC", **LatLong:** "37.616668 -105.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:37:00 N 105:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.616668,-105.133338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51110 (8678306D)
**Date:** 9/22/1995
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** REDMOND, WA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dogs bark. 1 then 4 large round objects with lights hover. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17376
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "REDMOND,WA:2 OBS:DOGS BARK:1 THEN 4 LRG ROUND OBJS W/LITES HVR:NFD", **LatLong:** "47.683336 -122.150006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:41:00 N 122:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.683336,-122.150006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51111 (2F157119)
**Date:** 9/22/1995
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** LAKE CHARLES, LA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Row / 3 neon-red objects maneuver into triangular formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17377
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE CHARLES,LA:2 OBS:ROW/3 NEON-RED OBJS MNVR INTO TRIANGLR FORMn:", **LatLong:** "30.233335 -93.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:14:00 N 93:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.233335,-93.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51112 (9888AD18)
**Date:** 9/22/1995
**Description:** On hearing a humming sound at 8:45 p.m., four people in Navaho Estates, Colorado went outside to see a 100 meter long rectangular object move slowly to the west at 60-80 feet altitude. It was yellow and had white lights oscillating on a rounded front, and red lights in the rear. After it went over a ridge eight or more blinking nocturnal lights crisscrossed in the same direction. Livestock in the area panicked. The entire sighting lasted about two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newsclipping Service, January 1996, citing Pueblo Chieftain; Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 315
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6240
### Event 51113 (1A5B6E75)
**Date:** 9/22/1995
**Description:** In Redmond, Washington at 9:30 p.m. dogs were barking as one, and then four round objects with lights hovered overhead for about a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6241
### Event 51114 (84B0F20C)
**Date:** 9/23/1995
**Time:** 15:50
**Location:** LAKE OSWEGO, OR
**Description:** 1 observer. Night light flashes over house. Black disk over garage. Back / 25 September.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17378
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "Lk.OSWEGO,OR:1 OBS:NLT FLASHES OVR HOUSE:BLK DISK OVR GARAGE::BACK/25SEPT", **LatLong:** "45.416669 -122.683339", **LatLongDMS:** "45:25:00 N 122:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.416669,-122.683339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51115 (EC0288BC)
**Date:** 9/24/1995
**Location:** MAPLE VALLEY, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. Fireball floats by. Zigzags. Fades. Shoots straight up and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17379
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "MAPLE VALLEY,WA:1 OBS:FBL FLOATS BY:ZIGZAGS:FADES:SHOOTS STRAIGHT UP+GONE", **LatLong:** "47.400002 -122.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:24:00 N 122:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.400002,-122.050006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51116 (D9F0FCC0)
**Date:** 9/24/1995
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** SP306 NEAR CAPIVARI, BRZ
**Description:** 1 / car. Bright lights. 35 minute(s) / missing time. Abduction regressed. No further details. / r226#33.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOLETIM CEPEX. (Qtrly) Centro de Estudios e Pesquisos Exologicos; Sumaro, SP, Brazil. (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17380
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "510", **HatchDesc:** "SP306 nr CAPIVARI,BRZ:1/CAR:BRITE LITES:35min/MST:ABD REGRESSED:NFD:/r226#33", **LatLong:** "-23.166668 -47.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:10:00 S 47:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.166668,-47.500002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51117 (4F086658)
**Date:** 9/24/1995
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BOISE, ID
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). Black triangular mass hovers and passes slowly / 20 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17381
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "822", **HatchDesc:** "BOISE,ID:2 SEP.OBS:BLACK TRIANGLR MASS HVRS+PASSES SLOWLY/20min:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.600002 -116.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "43:36:00 N 116:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.600002,-116.216672)", **State/Prov:** "Idaho", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51118 (D7C67963)
**Date:** 9/24/1995
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** SCAPPOOSE, OR
**Description:** 3 youths. Triangular object hovers nearby. 3 colored lights. Maneuvers slowly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17382
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "19", **HatchDesc:** "SCAPPOOSE,OR:3 YOUTHS:TRIANGULAR OBJ HVRS NEARBY:3 CLRD LITES:MNVRS SLOWLY", **LatLong:** "45.755558 -122.877784", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:20 N 122:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.755558,-122.877784)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51119 (3168C7C0)
**Date:** 9/24/1995
**Description:** In the early hours after midnight Edson Roberto Marcelo, age 29, was driving along a road near his city of Santa Barbara D'Oeste, Sao Paulo State, Brazil when he noticed a very bright light by the side of the road. A beam of light suddenly illuminated his car, and Edson felt a wave of heat and quickly blacked out. When he came to he found himself several kilometers from where he had seen the light, and 40 minutes of missing time had transpired. Very shaken and with irritated eyes, he next drove to the home of a friend. The next day he found several unexplained marks on his wrists and his ears were buzzing. Upon inspecting his vehicle he noticed that parts of the steering wheel had apparently been melted. Later, he vaguely remembered being inside a room with smooth walls and of lying on top of a table. There he remembers being given a telepathic order instructing him to forget the whole episode.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing Boletim CEPEX; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, citing CEPEX, UFO Genesis Brazil
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6299
### Event 51120 (3B5360C3)
**Date:** 9/24/1995
**Description:** At 8:25 p.m. a woman called to report seeing a large black triangular mass with no lights hovering and moving slowly near Boise, Idaho. Her son saw the same thing from a different location. It made no sound at all.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, p. 195, citing Idaho Statesman, February 25, 1996; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6300
### Event 51121 (6CCE11FA)
**Date:** 9/25/1995
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** US395 SOUTH / RED MOUNTAIN, CA
**Description:** 2 / car. 2 disks / stack formation. Play tag. Sharp maneuvers. Going quickly [to] to clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17383
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "700", **HatchDesc:** "US395 S/RED Mtn,CA:2/CAR:2 DISKS/STACK FORMn:PLAY TAG:SHARP MNVRS:>> TO CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "35.116668 -117.566672", **LatLongDMS:** "35:07:00 N 117:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.116668,-117.566672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51122 (69395EAF)
**Date:** 9/25/1995
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 2 red fireballs with blue halos. 1 makes circular trajectory. Both going quickly NNW.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17384
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "La CHAPELLE/MONT-de-FRANCE:2 RED FBLS W/BLU HALOS:1 MAKES CIRC.TRAJ:BOTH >>NNW", **LatLong:** "46.383336 4.538889", **LatLongDMS:** "46:23:00 N 04:32:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.383336,4.538889)", **State/Prov:** "Saône-et-Loire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51123 (C29C4894)
**Date:** 9/26/1995
**Description:** On this day on a ranch in Farasita, Huerfano County, Colorado a horse named "Whiskey" was found dead from unexplained mutilations. A 6 inch, perfectly circular coring had been performed on its rectum, half of its tongue had been removed with a clean diagonal slice, the upper eye had been removed, and the horse's hair and hide had been blackened as if by exposure to a heat source. No ground tracks were found around the carcass.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 314
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6363
### Event 51124 (43678518)
**Date:** 9/28/1995
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** LAS VEGAS, NV
**Description:** 1 observer. Neon-green and yellow object zigzags overhead. Dog scared. Won't leave house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17385
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "600", **HatchDesc:** "LAS VEGAS,NV:1 OBS:NEON-GRN+YLW OBJ ZIGZAGS OVHD:DOG SCARED:WONT LEAVE HOUSE", **LatLong:** "36.200002 -115.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:12:00 N 115:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.200002,-115.133339)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51125 (3CDAC68B)
**Date:** 9/28/1995
**Description:** At 9:50 p.m. a multi-colored flying object with neon red, green and yellow colored lights zigzagged overhead in Las Vegas, Nevada. The witness's dog was scared and wouldn't leave the house during the UFO sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6407
### Event 51126 (19799AA5)
**Date:** 9/29/1995
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** CAPIVARI, SP, BRZ
**Description:** 2 cops. 6 colored night lights / circular formation 50M over Route SP304. Zigzags etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOLETIM CEPEX. (Qtrly) Centro de Estudios e Pesquisos Exologicos; Sumaro, SP, Brazil. (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17386
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "511", **HatchDesc:** "CAPIVARI,SP,BRZ:2 COPS:6 CLRD NLTS/CIRC.FORMn 50M OVR Rte.SP304:ZIGZAGS etc", **LatLong:** "-22.983334 -47.533336", **LatLongDMS:** "22:59:00 S 47:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.983334,-47.533336)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51127 (F94E351E)
**Date:** 9/29/1995
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** MANCHESTER, ME
**Description:** 1+boy. Night light hovers. 2nd joins. Boy draws interior / ship in detail after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17387
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "72", **HatchDesc:** "MANCHESTER,ME:1+BOY:NLT HVRS:2nd JOINS:BOY DRAWS INTERIOR/SHIP IN DETAIL AFTER", **LatLong:** "44.327780 -69.816670", **LatLongDMS:** "44:19:40 N 69:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.327780,-69.816670)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51128 (CC5F7C3D)
**Date:** 9/29/1995
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR JELLING, DK
**Description:** 1+dog / car. All dials and engine electro-magnetic effect (EME). 10M saucer just overhead. Circular / beams going down. Going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SUFOI UFO NEWS. Annual. Articles translated from UFO - Nyt. Skandavinsk UFO Information; Postbox 6, DK-2820 Gentoffte, DENMARK. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17388
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr JELLING,DK:1+DOG/CAR:ALL DIALS+ENGINE EME:10M SCR JUST OVHD:CIRC/BEAMS↓:>E", **LatLong:** "55.688892 9.427778", **LatLongDMS:** "55:41:20 N 09:25:40 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.688892,9.427778)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51129 (497A07ED)
**Date:** 9/29/1995
**Location:** Stanley, Durham, England
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. A witness in Stanley, Durham, England, watches a strange triangular object through binoculars. It flies pointed-end forward and has a pulsing red light on its front tip and steady white lights on its other tips.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 144
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7144
### Event 51130 (5F3B88DE)
**Date:** 9/29/1995
**Location:** Vejle, Jutland, Denmark
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Near Vejle, Jutland, Denmark, a 24-year-old man is driving when the dashboard lights behave erratically, the wipers go on, and his dog gets agitated. Then the engine goes completely dead. Without warning, a powerful light explodes over the vehicle, coming from a huge disc directly above the car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Bilstop med Effekter,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Denmark/UFO%20Nyt%20%28SUFOI%29/1996/UFO%20Nyt%20-%20No%201%201996.pdf)” UFO-Nyt 1996, no. 1, pp. 4–5; Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 17–18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7145
### Event 51131 (14E1AA6D)
**Date:** 9/29/1995
**Description:** An anonymous male witness, age 20, reported that he had a very close encounter with a UFO while driving in a forest in Jelling, Vejle province, Denmark at 9:30 p.m. The lights, engine, and instruments of his car malfunctioned when a dazzling white light from a disc-shaped object hovered fifteen feet overhead. The craft emitted indigo beams from lamps on the bottom, which formed concentric circles and shone straight down. The UFO dipped to avoid the trees, then finally shot off to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dennis Stacy, Field Guide to UFOs, p. 62; SUFOI News, issue # 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6430
### Event 51132 (02266C13)
**Date:** 9/30/1995
**Time:** 13:30
**Location:** NORTH / PROVIDENCE, RI
**Description:** 1 observer. 3 white balls pace airliner. Vanish and return / different shapes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17389
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "N/PROVIDENCE,RI:1 OBS:3 WHT BALLS PACE AIRLINER:VANISH+RETURN/DIFFERENT SHAPES", **LatLong:** "41.850002 -71.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:51:00 N 71:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.850002,-71.416670)", **State/Prov:** "Rhode Island", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51133 (165CF746)
**Date:** 10/1995
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** TERRA ALTA, WV
**Description:** Several / farm. 3 ovoids / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation reappear several Wednesday nights. 1 / windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17390
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "780", **HatchDesc:** "TERRA ALTA,WV:SVRL/FARM:3 OVOIDS/DLT FORMn REAPPEAR SVRL WEDn.NITES:1/WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "39.450002 -79.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:27:00 N 79:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.450002,-79.550004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51134 (8B9F6721)
**Date:** 10/1995
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** WEST / ODOMEZ, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. Bright white disk with sharp contours over forest. Shoots going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 345)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17391
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "W/ODOMEZ,FR:2/CAR:BRITE WHT DISK W/SHARP CONTOURS OVR FOREST:SHOOTS >>E:", **LatLong:** "50.450002 3.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:27:00 N 03:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.450002,3.516667)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51135 (35029171)
**Date:** 10/1/1995
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** IOWA CITY, IA
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 white aircraft meet / sky. Fly toward(s) weird sparkly hovering object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17392
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "205", **HatchDesc:** "IOWA CITY,IA:1 OBS:2 WHT AIRCRAFT MEET/SKY:FLY TWRD WEIRD SPARKLY HVRing OBJ", **LatLong:** "41.666669 -91.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:00 N 91:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.666669,-91.533338)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51136 (F45A2B35)
**Date:** 10/1/1995
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 1 / car. Night lights maneuver. 2 metallic orbs stop 10M over car. Then shoot away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17393
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "nr MONTPELLIER,FR:1/CAR:NLTS MNVR:2 MTLC ORBS STOP 10M OVR CAR:THEN SHOOT AWAY", **LatLong:** "43.583335 3.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:35:00 N 03:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.583335,3.883334)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51137 (FEF2383D)
**Date:** 10/1/1995
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** VACAVILLE, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). Odd orange disk hovers over house 100' away. No further details. See Piedmont, CA.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17394
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "VACAVILLE,CA:SVRL OBS:ODD ORG.DISK HVRS OVR HOUSE 100'AWAY:NFD:see Piedmont,CA", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -122.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 122:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-122.000006)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51138 (B8F00090)
**Date:** 10/1/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** PIEDMONT, CA
**Description:** Extremely bright disk flies over house going quickly north. "Size = volleyball". Green tinge / top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17395
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "PIEDMONT,CA:XBRITE DISK FLIES OVR HOUSE >>N:"SIZE=VOLLEYBALL":GREEN TINGE/TOP", **LatLong:** "37.822224 -122.233339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:49:20 N 122:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.822224,-122.233339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51139 (310A9EA6)
**Date:** 10/1/1995
**Time:** 23:29:58.0
**Location:** -22.2500 -138.7400
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2030
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.2500 -138.7400", **LatLongDMS:** "22:15:00 S 138:44:24 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.2500,-138.7400)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUPF"
### Event 51140 (C14E6BEF)
**Date:** 10/1/1995
**Locations:** Ilha do Major; Rio Piaçabuçu; São Vicente; São Paulo; Brazil
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Fernando Beserra and Wilson da Silva Oliveira are fishing off the Ilha do Major, a mangrove area near the Rio Piaçabuçu adjacent to São Vicente, São Paulo, Brazil, when a bright yellow object approaches swiftly and silently, landing on a nearby islet. Their boat engine fails as the UFO passes over, but they restart it and flee the area. They return the next morning and find an area of dry vegetation twisted clockwise in a circle 18 feet in diameter. Four marks of apparent landing gear are also found, each measuring 4 by 6 inches and half an inch deep. Researchers from the Instituto Nacional de Investigações de Fenômenos Aeroespaciais find that in the soil samples obtained within the burned area seeds germinate easily, but those planted in the samples harvested outside the circle do not germinate and are attacked by fungi.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Thiago Luiz Ticchetti, “[UFO Landing in São](https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/unexplained/ufo-landing-in-s-o-vicente-ufo-lands-and-leaves-marks-on-the-ground/) [Vicente: UFO Lands and Leaves Marks on Ground,](https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/unexplained/ufo-landing-in-s-o-vicente-ufo-lands-and-leaves-marks-on-the-ground/)” Nexus Newsfeed, October 2, 2019; “[Caso de OVNI avistado](https://www.diariodolitoral.com.br/cotidiano/caso-de-ovni-avistado-em-sao-vicente-completa-25-anos/132918/) [em São Vicente completa 25 anos,](https://www.diariodolitoral.com.br/cotidiano/caso-de-ovni-avistado-em-sao-vicente-completa-25-anos/132918/)” Diário do Litoral \(Santos, São Paulo\), March 9, 2020; Brazil 354–360
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7146
### Event 51141 (CED2B62C)
**Date:** 10/1/1995
**Description:** An orange disc-shaped object hovered over a house in Vacaville, California for a minute at 9:00 p.m., at only 100 feet altitude. At 10:30 p.m. an extremely bright disc-shaped object flew over a house in Austin, Texas heading north. It was the "size of a volleyball at arms length," and had a green tinge on top.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6479
### Event 51142 (F7061520)
**Date:** 10/2/1995
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** SANTA ROSA, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Dark object with blue lights "flaps wings like a pterodactyl".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17396
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA ROSA,CA:1 OBS:DRK OBJ W/BLU LITES "FLAPS WINGS LIKE A PTERODACTYL"", **LatLong:** "38.433335 -122.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:26:00 N 122:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.433335,-122.700006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51143 (F6A39876)
**Date:** 10/2/1995
**Description:** At 1:40 a.m. several women in Bolingbrook, Illinois saw an "orange or yellow arrow-shaped" object moving slowly through the sky to the west. It had a light on each side.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jay Rath, The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois, p. 51, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6509
### Event 51144 (D78C3BD6)
**Date:** 10/5/1995
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** CHINLE, AZ
**Description:** 1 military observer(s). Odd metallic rectangular object hovers / desert. Back 4X. 11 planes chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17397
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "1678", **HatchDesc:** "CHINLE,AZ:1 MIL.OBS:ODD MTLC RECTANGLR OBJ HVRS/DESERT:BACK 4X:11 PLANES CHASE", **LatLong:** "36.150002 -109.550005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:09:00 N 109:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.150002,-109.550005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51145 (103B8957)
**Date:** 10/5/1995
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV
**Description:** Group / teens. Large cylinder/cigar-shape-ship with bright lights hovers. Also separate report(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17398
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "605", **HatchDesc:** "NORTH LAS VEGAS,NV:GROUP/TEENS:LRG CGR-SHIP W/BRITE LITES HVRS:+sep.rpts", **LatLong:** "36.200002 -115.116672", **LatLongDMS:** "36:12:00 N 115:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.200002,-115.116672)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51146 (C6B8BF31)
**Date:** 10/5/1995
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Saucer on 15 minute(s) / video. Portholes. Slow spin. Odd jelly hardens.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: CNI News for 21AUG95. -and- American correspondent Roy S. Carson in Venezuela 14OCT95
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17399
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "894", **HatchDesc:** "S.CARLOS de BARILOCHE,ARG:SCR ON 15min/VIDEO:PORTS:SLO SPIN:ODD JELLY HARDENS", **LatLong:** "-41.166669 -71.300003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:00 S 71:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.166669,-71.300003)", **State/Prov:** "RNG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51147 (7E5BCFB8)
**Date:** 10/5/1995
**Description:** At 10 o'clock in the morning a metallic, rectangular object was seen hovering over the desert outside of Chinle, Arizona. It was sighted again four times. Eleven aircraft seemed to be chasing it. Later that evening, a large cigar-shaped craft with bright lights hovered over the desert north of Las Vegas, Nevada at 7:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, 1995 report
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6591
### Event 51148 (5C350300)
**Date:** 10/6/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Discovery of the first exoplanet. (6 October)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3266
### Event 51149 (C0B884B0)
**Date:** 10/6/1995
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** ST. HELIER, JERSEY
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge saucer glides over electric plant. 2 domed saucer join. All going quickly southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17400
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "St.HELIER,JERSEY:2 OBS:HUGE SCR GLIDES OVR ELEC.PLANT:2 DOMED SCR JOIN:ALL>>SW", **LatLong:** "49.194447 -2.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:11:40 N 02:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.194447,-2.100000)", **State/Prov:** "CHI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51150 (A7DC524E)
**Date:** 10/7/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) UFO landing on Cerro San Cristobal in the middle of Santiago \(Chile\).
**Reference:** VSD 2007 H
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3267
### Event 51151 (C9621974)
**Date:** 10/7/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Various sightings in the towns of Santiago \(Chile\), particularly in Rancagua, 100 km to the south. One of the witnesses sees an object rising and emitting a light so strong that they can no longer look at it.
**Reference:** VSD 2007 H
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3268
### Event 51152 (9C7B1241)
**Date:** 10/7/1995
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** RIO GRANDE, PR
**Description:** Small humanoid (or Grey)-monster lands near woman. Changes color(s) / surroundings. Leaps away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 493)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17401
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "RIO GRANDE,PR:OID-MONSTER LANDS nr WOMAN:CHANGES CLRS/SURROUNDINGS:LEAPS AWAY", **LatLong:** "18.383334 -65.833336", **LatLongDMS:** "18:23:00 N 65:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.383334,-65.833336)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51153 (3A5FBC20)
**Date:** 10/7/1995
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** WEST VALLEY CITY, UT
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Black round domed disk going [to] overhead slowly. Suddenly vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17402
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1299", **HatchDesc:** "WEST VALLEY CITY,UT:2 OBS:BLK ROUND DOMED DISK >OVHD SLOWLY:SUDDENLY VANISHES", **LatLong:** "40.694446 -111.966672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:41:40 N 111:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.694446,-111.966672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51154 (9ED1E24C)
**Date:** 10/8/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Italy, a Vatican priest, Monsignor [Corrada Balducci](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BalducciCorrado.html), declares on national television that extraterrestrials exist. (October 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3269
### Event 51155 (A60091A5)
**Date:** 10/8/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) On a television show on TF1, presenter Jacques Pradel interviewed Valery Pavlovitch Bourdakov, a Russian scientist who is a member of both the Space Agency and the Academy of Sciences of his country. When Bourdakov was one of the assistants of engineer Sergueï Korolev, the head of the former USSR's rocket programs, he made some astonishing confidences: one day in 1948, Joseph Stalin had asked Korolev to come to the Kremlin to study UFO sighting reports collected by spies. After 3 days spent examining all this documentation, Korolev told Stalin that the problem was serious but that it did not threaten the security of the USSR. However, he recommended to closely follow the evolution of the situation. Among the reports, according to Bourdakov, some were related to the Roswell incident on the recovery of an unknown device and others reported dead extraterrestrial bodies that had been discovered on that occasion.
**Reference:** Pradel
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3270
### Event 51156 (6B2651A4)
**Date:** 10/8/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A. Zolotov \(scientist and ufologist\) is murdered in Tver.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3271
### Event 51157 (3E0B6DCB)
**Date:** 10/8/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Robert Durand begins an edifying statistical study of extraterrestrial abductions. His report indicates that 5 million Americans claim to have been abducted in the last 50 years... which means 274 abductions per day, involving a team of 1644 extraterrestrials: indeed, 6 extraterrestrials on average participate in the kidnapping described by the "abductees".
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3272
### Event 51158 (679EF1AB)
**Date:** 10/8/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html) video showing UFOs from the Space Shuttle of the STS80 mission. See images/STS80cre.jpg and images/STS80.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3273
### Event 51159 (01942E19)
**Date:** 10/8/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A video clip from a security camera at the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) base in [Nellis](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NellisAFB.html) is clandestinely released to UFOlogists. On the video, a metallic craft is seen rising into the sky. These images will be authenticated by several military analysts, defense experts, including Bill Sweetman, an expert in stealth aircraft technology.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3274
### Event 51160 (92A4278B)
**Date:** 10/8/1995
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 1 / truck. Flaming red-orange fireball flares. Dims. Rises vertically and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17403
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "332", **HatchDesc:** "nr LUKE AFB,AZ:1/TRUCK:FLAMING RED-ORG FBL FLARES:DIMS:RISES VERTICALLY+GONE", **LatLong:** "33.533335 -112.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:32:00 N 112:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.533335,-112.366672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51161 (44531F27)
**Date:** 10/8/1995
**Description:** A witness in a truck near Luke Air Force Base outside of Phoenix, Arizona sighted a reddish orange ball of light at 7:00 p.m. It flared up, then dimmed, and then rose vertically into the night sky until gone from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6679
### Event 51162 (1523DDD3)
**Date:** 10/9/1995
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** IOWA CITY, IA
**Description:** 1 observer. Flash. Classic saucer with red tailfin! Becomes triangular..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17404
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "205", **HatchDesc:** "IOWA CITY,IA:1 OBS:FLASH:CLASSIC SCR W/RED TAILFIN!:BECOMES TRIANGULAR..", **LatLong:** "41.650002 -91.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:39:00 N 91:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.650002,-91.533338)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51163 (FA62022C)
**Date:** 10/9/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** HANSLOPE, BUCKS
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). 300' dumbbell snoops / government antenna array facility.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17405
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "HANSLOPE,BUCKs:MANY SEP.OBS:300'DUMBBELL SNOOPS/Govt.ANTENNA ARRAY FACILITY", **LatLong:** "52.116669 -0.827778", **LatLongDMS:** "52:07:00 N 00:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.116669,-0.827778)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51164 (5812466A)
**Date:** 10/10/1995
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Large bright blue night light going quickly [to] by car. Drops. Turns. Crosses road. Strobes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17406
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "191", **HatchDesc:** "I43 SW/MILWAUKEE,WI:LRG BRITE BLU NLT>>BY CAR:DROPS:TURNS:CROSSES ROAD:STROBES", **LatLong:** "43.000002 -87.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:00:00 N 87:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.000002,-87.966671)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51165 (7F895E15)
**Date:** 10/10/1995
**Description:** A large bright blue light buzzed a car on Interstate 43 southwest of Milwaukee, Wisconsin at 7:45 p.m., then dropped, turned, and crossed the highway.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6740
### Event 51166 (71FECF25)
**Date:** 10/11/1995
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** HUNTINGTON, WV
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large orange ovoid / horizon. Fast. Hovers. Moves erratically.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17407
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "173", **HatchDesc:** "HUNTINGTON,WV:2 OBS:LRG ORG OVOID/HRZN:FAST:HVRS:MOVES ERRATICALLY:", **LatLong:** "38.383335 -82.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:23:00 N 82:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.383335,-82.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51167 (5341924C)
**Date:** 10/11/1995
**Description:** A large orange ovoid object moved fast in the sky over Huntington, West Virginia at 8:00 p.m. It hovered, then moved erratically. There were two witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6790
### Event 51168 (26D7279E)
**Date:** 10/13/1995
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** SALMON ARM, BC
**Description:** Realtor. Silent saucer floats over / 10 minute(s). Rods protrude / edges. (Balloon?)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 317)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17408
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "416", **HatchDesc:** "SALMON ARM,BC:REALTOR:SLNT SCR FLOATS OVR/10min:RODS PROTRUDE/EDGES:(balloon?)", **LatLong:** "50.700002 -119.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "50:42:00 N 119:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.700002,-119.266672)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51169 (08558F3F)
**Date:** 10/14/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** MADISON, WI
**Description:** Family / 4. Pointed ovoid. Bright light dims. Spikes protrude. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17409
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "259", **HatchDesc:** "MADISON,WI:FAMILY/4:POINTED OVOID:BRITE LITE DIMS:SPIKES PROTRUDE:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.083335 -89.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:00 N 89:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.083335,-89.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51170 (26D4ADA6)
**Date:** 10/14/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** DAYTON, WA
**Description:** Several teens and more/others. Green glowing sphere descends west going east. Lost / horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17410
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "492", **HatchDesc:** "DAYTON,WA:SVRL TEENS++:GRN GLOWING SPHERE DESCENDS W>E:LOST/HORIZON", **LatLong:** "46.322224 -117.966672", **LatLongDMS:** "46:19:20 N 117:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.322224,-117.966672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 51171 (3EF5C83B)
**Date:** 10/14/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** TROY, MT
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Green moon-size object going quickly northwest overhead. Lights trees / mountaintop. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17411
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "575", **HatchDesc:** "TROY,MT:2 OBS:GRN MOONSIZE OBJ >>NW OVHD:LITES TREES/MOUNTAINTOP:NFD", **LatLong:** "48.461113 -115.888894", **LatLongDMS:** "48:27:40 N 115:53:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.461113,-115.888894)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51172 (E1E53A62)
**Date:** 10/15/1995
**Location:** CUBA, Torriente
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 9:30 pm, a turtle-shaped object, surrounded by a blue fire, with two humanoids in conversation nearby. (Banque Ovni, Fichier Central, Bagneux-France, p. 313 1/2) On July 4, 1996, Radio Rebelde in Havana broadcast a special program dedicated to this event. The object landed in Torriente near Playa Giron. A witness, Adolfo Zerata, a farmer, was working in his field when an object shaped like a bell emerged from the clouds and landed in the vegetation. He saw "two little men", one behind the UFO's window and the other walking around the object. They seemed to be wearing diving suits. The humanoid who had come out began to pick "malanga", a kind of potato. With his small arms full of uprooted plants, he re-embarked. The craft was surrounded by white and blue smoke and disappeared into the clouds at very high speed. Zerata called the police who arrived at the scene and collected evidence of the landing. There were footprints of small feet and the foliage at the landing site was all black.
**Reference:** Ufo Folklore Center
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3548
### Event 51173 (A9C70ACA)
**Date:** 10/15/1995
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** TORRIENTE, CUBA
**Description:** Farmer. Saucer lands / weeds. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) exit and take yams. Traces and footprints.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MIAMI UFO CENTER: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo) ufomiami at aol.com
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17412
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "TORRIENTE,CUBA:FARMER:SCR LANDS/WEEDS:2 OIDS EXIT+TAKE YAMS:TRACES+FOOTPRINTS", **LatLong:** "22.583334 -81.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "22:35:00 N 81:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.583334,-81.233337)", **State/Prov:** "CBA", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51174 (9056C902)
**Date:** 10/15/1995
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** MESNIL-ESNARD, FR
**Description:** Silent ovoid with triangular wings makes turns over observer(s). Going [to] clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17413
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MESNIL-ESNARD,FR:SLNT OVOID W/TRIANGLR.WINGS MAKES TURNS OVR OBS:> CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "49.416669 1.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:25:00 N 01:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.416669,1.150000)", **State/Prov:** "Seine Maritime", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51175 (C3B12737)
**Date:** 10/15/1995
**Description:** In Yellowknife, North West Territory, Canada a golden colored, square object moved slowly over a witness at 2:30 p.m, making a humming noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Ducks, 1995 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 137, citing Alberta UFO Research Assn.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6876
### Event 51176 (DFBC1765)
**Date:** 10/17/1995
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NORTH / CHAKARI, ZIMB
**Description:** 10M ball / light. Low altitude. Glow lights trees. Suddenly shoots quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17414
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/CHAKARI,ZIMB:10M BALL/LITE:LO ALT:GLOW LITES TREES:SUDDENLY SHOOTS ↑↑", **LatLong:** "-18.100001 29.833335", **LatLongDMS:** "18:06:00 S 29:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.100001,29.833335)", **State/Prov:** "ZIM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51177 (EB418442)
**Date:** 10/17/1995
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** CRESCENT CITY, CA
**Description:** White oval light chased / 2 fast planes and easily outpaces them. Very high.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17415
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "CRESCENT CITY,CA:WHT OVAL LITE CHASED/2 FAST PLANES+EASILY OUTPACES THEM:VHIGH", **LatLong:** "41.755558 -124.183339", **LatLongDMS:** "41:45:20 N 124:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.755558,-124.183339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51178 (63092260)
**Date:** 10/18/1995
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** 15 MI SOUTHEAST / LAKELAND, FL
**Description:** FAA report. Plane crew sees UFO. Type unknown. Nothing on radar.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17416
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "15mi SE/LAKELAND,FL:FAA RPT:PLANE CREW SEES UFO:TYPE UNK:NOTHING ON RADAR", **LatLong:** "27.916668 -81.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "27:55:00 N 81:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.916668,-81.833337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51179 (E68F158A)
**Date:** 10/19/1995
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** ROCKY POINT, WA
**Description:** 1 observer wakened / Jetlike whine. Large delta/triangle/box-like craft outside. Changes shape! No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17417
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "ROCKY POINT,WA:1 OBS WAKENED/JETLIKE WHINE:LRG DLT OUTSIDE:CHANGES SHAPE!:NFD", **LatLong:** "47.594447 -122.666673", **LatLongDMS:** "47:35:40 N 122:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.594447,-122.666673)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51180 (CF8CB409)
**Date:** 10/19/1995
**Time:** 09:20
**Location:** VANCOUVER, WA
**Description:** Pilot and 2 / ground. 2 metallic disks east going quickly west below contrails. Turn. Shoot away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17418
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "VANCOUVER,WA:PILOT+2/GND:2 MTLC DISKS E>>W BLW CONTRAILS:TURN:SHOOT AWAY", **LatLong:** "45.700002 -122.666673", **LatLongDMS:** "45:42:00 N 122:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.700002,-122.666673)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51181 (A6B32309)
**Date:** 10/20/1995
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** PIRACICABA, BRZ
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Night lights / triangle formation gyrate back and forth. Power outage.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOLETIM CEPEX. (Qtrly) Centro de Estudios e Pesquisos Exologicos; Sumaro, SP, Brazil. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17419
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "542", **HatchDesc:** "PIRACICABA,BRZ:SVRL SEP.OBS:NLTS/TRIANGLE FORMn GYRATE BACK+FORTH:PWR OUTAGE", **LatLong:** "-22.700001 -47.650002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:42:00 S 47:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.700001,-47.650002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 51182 (9167B6E7)
**Date:** 10/22/1995
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** 12+observer(s). 20-30 silent wingless "pens" going quickly east / high altitude. / r118v8#11 Nov. '95.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17420
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:12+OBS:20-30 SLNT WINGLESS "PENS">>E/HI ALT:/r118v8#11 Nov95", **LatLong:** "39.766669 -86.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:46:00 N 86:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.766669,-86.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51183 (413B0D0F)
**Date:** 10/22/1995
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** AUBURN, CA
**Description:** Group / kids. Triangle with red dim lights crosses sky. Strobes. Observer(s) nauseous.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17421
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "383", **HatchDesc:** "AUBURN,CA:GRP/KIDS:TRIANGLE W/RED DIM LITES CROSSES SKY:STROBES:OBS NAUSEOUS", **LatLong:** "38.866669 -121.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:52:00 N 121:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.866669,-121.066672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51184 (AC870747)
**Date:** 10/27/1995
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 1 observer. Moon-size disk west going east slow / N. sky. Ejects sparks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17422
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PRINCE OF WALES ISL,AK:1 OBS:MOONSIZE DISK W>E SLOW/N.SKY:EJECTS SPARKS:", **LatLong:** "55.361114 -133.605562", **LatLongDMS:** "55:21:40 N 133:36:20 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.361114,-133.605562)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51185 (AAC5057C)
**Date:** 10/27/1995
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** SILETZ, OR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Object flashes colored lights. Zigzags dramatically. Shape unseen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17423
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "SILETZ,OR:4 OBS:OBJ FLASHES CLRD LITES:ZIGZAGS DRAMATICALLY:SHAPE UNSEEN:", **LatLong:** "44.716669 -123.916673", **LatLongDMS:** "44:43:00 N 123:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.716669,-123.916673)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51186 (0EAE295D)
**Date:** 10/27/1995
**Time:** 21:59:58.2
**Location:** -21.8900 -138.9800
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2031
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8900 -138.9800", **LatLongDMS:** "21:53:24 S 138:58:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8900,-138.9800)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUPF"
### Event 51187 (5BE8DA7C)
**Date:** 10/27/1995
**Description:** Residents of the Las Margaritas and Santa Rosa development, Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico witnessed a collision between two UFO's in mid-flight at around 4 a.m., directly above the Bosques del Recuerdo cemetery. Both objects had been flying at high speed low above the ground. It was reported to resemble an enormous light that divided into three smaller lights, two of which had collided in mid-air. One witness reported being awakened by a loud noise, and saw his bedroom fill with light. After the objects had disappeared, three figures looking like women were seen standing in the middle of the cemetery; cab drivers rushed to the scene but could find nothing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 3204, citing The UFO Phenomenon in Mexico
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7206
### Event 51188 (2B76D79B)
**Date:** 10/28/1995
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** GREENWOOD, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). Up to 11 bright objects loop and maneuver. "Shoot at each other".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17424
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "492", **HatchDesc:** "GREENWOOD,CA:SVRL OBS:UP TO 11 BRITE OBJS LOOP+MNVR:"SHOOT AT EACH OTHER"", **LatLong:** "38.900002 -120.894450", **LatLongDMS:** "38:54:00 N 120:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.900002,-120.894450)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51189 (9E8761AB)
**Date:** 10/28/1995
**Description:** For three hours beginning at 1:30 a.m. eleven bright lights were observed maneuvering over Greenwood, California and engaged in what looked like a "dog-fight" with loops; they appeared to "shoot at each other."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7256
### Event 51190 (B1A0D5B0)
**Date:** 10/29/1995
**Time:** 00:20
**Description:** Observer's room lit. Round object sparkles / lights over A5. 2nd joins.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17425
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "78", **HatchDesc:** "S/STONEY STANTON,LEICs:OBS'ROOM LIT:ROUND OBJ SPARKLES/LITES OVR A5:2nd JOINS", **LatLong:** "52.550003 -1.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:33:00 N 01:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.550003,-1.266667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51191 (610DEBFB)
**Date:** 10/30/1995
**Description:** A veterinarian reported a dead cow on the Dugan Ranch north of Monte Vista, Colorado. The tongue had been removed, and the whole left side of the muzzle was missing below eye, and had been cut away. The animal was still warm to the touch, but the wound seemed to be days old. No cause of death was determined. Herd afraid.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 312
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7320
### Event 51192 (CCAF050A)
**Date:** 10/31/1995
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** TACOMA, WA
**Description:** Extremely bright ball / light lands / field. 2 nd.obs sees night light zigzag and shoot off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17426
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "130", **Elev:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "TACOMA,WA:XBRITE BALL/LITE LANDS/FIELD:2nd.OBS SEES NLT ZIGZAG+SHOOT OFF", **LatLong:** "47.244447 -122.422228", **LatLongDMS:** "47:14:40 N 122:25:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.244447,-122.422228)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51193 (D423EAED)
**Date:** 10/31/1995
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** STARTUP, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. Circular object with 7 lights / edge. Appears to rotate. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17427
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "STARTUP,WA:1 OBS:CIRC OBJ W/7 LITES/EDGE:APPEARS TO ROTATE:NFD:", **LatLong:** "47.872225 -121.744450", **LatLongDMS:** "47:52:20 N 121:44:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.872225,-121.744450)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51194 (7C8B7E02)
**Date:** 10/31/1995
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. in Tacoma, Washington a witness called the UFO Reporting Center to report a bright ball of light landing in a nearby field. Two hours later a second witness saw a nocturnal light zigzag through the sky and shoot off into the distance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7355
### Event 51195 (D14A621B)
**Date:** 11/1/1995
**Time:** 11:40
**Location:** MANSON, WA
**Description:** Figure(s) / scuba diver suits in apartment. Flash "photograph" observer(s) through wall!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17428
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "354", **HatchDesc:** "MANSON,WA:FIGs/SCUBA DIVER SUITS IN APARTMENT:FLASH "FOTO" OBS THRU WALL!", **LatLong:** "47.883336 -120.155561", **LatLongDMS:** "47:53:00 N 120:09:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.883336,-120.155561)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51196 (1A4BE789)
**Date:** 11/1/1995
**Description:** Rafael Tapia was returning home on his bicycle in San Pablo de las Nazas, Jalisco, Mexico at 11:50 p.m. and as he got near a neighbor's house heobserved, not more than 10 meters away, a bizarre creature. At first, because of the darkness Tapia thought it was a dog, but as he passed to within 3 meters of the creature he realized that it was a very short, man-like figure with huge glowing red eyes. The strange figure turned around and stared at him. It then scrambled down a grassy embankment and disappeared from sight. Stunned, Rafael ran to where the creature had gone, and flung a couple of rocks in its direction. Then he reboarded his bicycle and pedalled home. The creature wore a type of tight-fitting, high-collared coverall. Earlier that same day another witness had seen an elongated metallic object that flew at a low altitude and then descended into a field. UFO investigators recorded strange magnetic disturbances in the area. Five days earlier, on October 27, a house under construction in the town burned down as a result of a powerful wave of heat that appeared to come from an unknown in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Contacto OVNI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7399
### Event 51197 (B8AC808C)
**Date:** 11/1/1995
**Description:** A letter between environmental lawyer and Clinton Administration friend Henry Diamond and John H Gibbons, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, states Laurence Rockefeller “has been discussing” a best evidence report on UAP with Hillary Clinton and her staff. Another draft letter shows Rockefeller asked President Clinton to consider a classification review of UAP information.
Ufologist Grant Cameron later says Bill and Hillary Clinton traveled to Laurence Rockefeller’s “ranch” in northwest in 1995 where Rockefeller briefed the Clintons on **Project Starlight** documents; claims of a UAP coverup by a rogue faction in USG and private industry, etc; Rockefeller told ufologist Whitley Strieber that the next morning, Hillary told him never to bring the subject up again with them.
* [https://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Rockefeller%20Documents/11-1-95%20HD%20Letter%20to%20JG/Letter.jpg](https://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Rockefeller%20Documents/11-1-95%20HD%20Letter%20to%20JG/Letter.jpg)
* [https://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Rockefeller%20Documents/RID-11-1-95-2.htm#2](https://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/Rockefeller%20Documents/RID-11-1-95-2.htm#2)
* [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6723782/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6723782/) (34:45)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_306
### Event 51198 (F8320BAE)
**Date:** 11/2/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Ennery \(Val d'Oise\), observation of a light blue oblong object. (November 2, 1:40)
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16, 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3275
### Event 51199 (CAEED6FD)
**Date:** 11/2/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The *Associated Press* publishes an article indicating that some 120 "dwarves" were discovered living in the province of Sichuan \(Central China\). The tallest of them is no more than 3 feet tall, and the smallest 2 feet and 1 inch. Chinese ethnologists will attempt to explain this in January 1997.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3276
### Event 51200 (C95DBCB6)
**Date:** 11/2/1995
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Several observer(s). Big white disk with lights going [to] over reservoir. Jets and helicopters follow..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17429
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **COV:** Indication of coverup, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "153", **HatchDesc:** "SOWERBY BRIDGE,ENG:SVRL OBS:BIG WHT DISK W/LITES >OVR RSVR:JETS+COPTERS FOLO..", **LatLong:** "53.700003 -1.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:42:00 N 01:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.700003,-1.916667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51201 (86956B12)
**Date:** 11/2/1995
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** SR21 WITH OSHKOSH, WI
**Description:** 2 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape with lights going north toward(s) Lake Butte des Morts. Several calls / cops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17430
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "237", **HatchDesc:** "SR21 W/OSHKOSH,WI:2/CAR:CGR W/LITES >N TWRD Lk.BUTTE des MORTS:SVRL CALLS/COPS", **LatLong:** "44.022224 -88.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:01:20 N 88:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.022224,-88.616671)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51202 (F266FA00)
**Date:** 11/3/1995
**Location:** ALBANY, NY
**Description:** 1 observer. Triangular craft going [to] overhead 3 nights running. Change shape. Light clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17431
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "48", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "ALBANY,NY:1 OBS:TRIANGLR CRAFT >OVHD 3 NITES RUNNING:CHANGE SHAPE:LITE CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "42.650002 -73.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:39:00 N 73:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.650002,-73.766670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51203 (937A3270)
**Date:** 11/4/1995
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** 1+dog. Huge silent triangle passes. Phone and electricity out after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17432
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "ASHBOURNE,DERBYs:1+DOG:HUGE SLNT TRIANGLE PASSES:PHONE+ELECTRICITY OUT AFTER", **LatLong:** "53.016669 -1.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:01:00 N 01:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.016669,-1.733333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51204 (A27DF3CF)
**Date:** 11/4/1995
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** SOUTH / STONEWOOD, WV
**Description:** 2 / car. 2 red night lights. 1 going southeast. 1 makes figure-8. 1st rejoins. Both quickly going up / clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17433
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "S/STONEWOOD,WV:2/CAR:2 RED NLTS:1 >SE:1 MAKES FIG-8:1st REJOINS:BOTH ↑↑/CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "39.200002 -80.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:12:00 N 80:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.200002,-80.316670)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51205 (F62E7F06)
**Date:** 11/5/1995
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** LEXINGTON, KY
**Description:** Big ball / light circles observer(s) walking / railroad/railway tracks. Possible missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17434
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "LEXINGTON,KY:BIG BALL/LITE CIRCLES OBS WALKING/RR TRACKS:POSSIBLE MISSING TIME", **LatLong:** "38.016668 -84.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:01:00 N 84:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.016668,-84.500004)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51206 (B1396C08)
**Date:** 11/6/1995
**Location:** Porto Rico, Hato, San Lorenzo
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two Chupacabras had already been captured in Porto Rico. One of them was alive, presumably young, by a man who kept it in a cage for 6 days at his home. Upon learning the news, the local police dispatched several agents to the site to verify it. Two hours later, several men arrived in 4 grey 4x4 vehicles and took the creature away in a kind of quarantine box, made of a transparent material, like reinforced plexiglas with a mesh of iron. It was a kind of intervention team composed of agents from the Porto Rican Department of Agriculture and an American federal agency of indeterminate nature. (...) On November 9, Resolution 5012 was taken by the House of Representatives - 12th legislative session to order a thorough investigation into the deaths and mutilations of animals attributed to the Chupacabras. (November 6, 1995)
**Reference:** Phenomena #31 pp. 6-9
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3549
### Event 51207 (27AC5A5E)
**Date:** 11/6/1995
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** CRETEIL, FR
**Description:** Huge luminous/glowing yellow-gold mass hovers / 6 minute(s). Going quickly northwest toward(s) Paris. Type unknown. No further details in available sources.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17435
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "CRETEIL,FR:HUGE LUMn YLW-GOLD MASS HVRS/6min:>>NW TWRD PARIS:TYPE UNK:NFD.", **LatLong:** "48.783336 2.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:47:00 N 02:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.783336,2.466667)", **State/Prov:** "Val-de-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51208 (FF0C2655)
**Date:** 11/6/1995
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** LEBANON, OR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Extremely bright disk hovers over rural road. Suddenly goes / extreme speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17436
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "LEBANON,OR:2 OBS:XBRITE DISK HVRS OVR RURAL ROAD:SUDDENLY GOES/EXTREME SPEED", **LatLong:** "44.538891 -122.905561", **LatLongDMS:** "44:32:20 N 122:54:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.538891,-122.905561)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51209 (52E08F88)
**Date:** 11/7/1995
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 50-100' black triangle hovers. Bright lights. 2k' altitude. Going southwest. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17437
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "5mi N/WINCHESTER,HAMPs:50-100' BLK TRIANGLE HVRS:BRITE LITES:2k'alt:>SW:NFD", **LatLong:** "51.116669 -1.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:07:00 N 01:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.116669,-1.333333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51210 (8DD7FF11)
**Date:** 11/8/1995
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** PILOT ROCK, OR
**Description:** 2 / car. Odd blue lights and strange effects. Go 97 miles on 2 GALs / gas!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17438
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "499", **HatchDesc:** "PILOT ROCK,OR:2/CAR:ODD BLUE LITES+STRANGE EFFECTS:GO 97 MILES on 2 GALs/GAS!", **LatLong:** "45.477780 -118.838895", **LatLongDMS:** "45:28:40 N 118:50:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.477780,-118.838895)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51211 (74AABA82)
**Date:** 11/8/1995
**Description:** A man in Manson, Washington reported encountering two humanoid figures in his apartment at 11:40 a.m. The beings pointed a flashing device at the witnessed, then disappeared by walking through the wall.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 2140, citing Peter Davenport, NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7552
### Event 51212 (2E205D5C)
**Date:** 11/8/1995
**Description:** On this night Mr. J. Curran of Polbeth, Bathgate, Lothian, Scotland watched and videotapted as an orange circle in the sky polymorphed into a delta-shaped UFO, then back into a sphere. Photometric analysis suggests that the circle showed an out-of-focus object. Later, John S., age 45, of West Lothian, Scotland saw what looked like "a new type of ship. It looked like a giant Frisbee" between the Forth Canal and the Clyde Canal. The occupants were like the Greys, except their eyes were rounder. He had previously been involved in an abduction experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, pp. 30, 51
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7553
### Event 51213 (48C35E8E)
**Date:** 11/9/1995
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. Ada Arroyo, director of a local nursing home in Caguas, Puerto Rico, heard a scream similar to those made by a lamb being slaughtered, coming from outside. She went outside on the patio and saw a strange hairy figure, grayish in color, covering its body with a pair of wings. It had a flattened, vulpine face, with enormous red eyes. The creature held her gaze with its mesmerizing eyes before taking off into the air, quickly vanishing from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Scott Corales, Fate magazine, October 1998; Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 3260, citing Scott Corrales
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7584
### Event 51214 (CC4637D2)
**Date:** 11/10/1995
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** LARAMIE, WY
**Description:** 1 observer. Hundreds / night lights going quickly [to] WNW against wind and clouds. Changing formations.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPRINKLE, R. Leo Ph.D: Private Files (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17439
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "2185", **HatchDesc:** "LARAMIE,WY:1 OBS:100s/NLTS >>WNW AGAINST WIND+CLOUDS:CHANGING FORMATIONS", **LatLong:** "41.333335 -105.600005", **LatLongDMS:** "41:20:00 N 105:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.333335,-105.600005)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51215 (231290D3)
**Date:** 11/11/1995
**Time:** 16:30
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Silent white diamond going southwest / 900kph. Ducks scared.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOMANIA Bulletin (qtrly). Didier GOMEZ: BP 300, 260 rue des Pyrenees, 75960 Paris cedex 20., FRANCE. 20pp. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17440
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BAIRON Rsvr/CHESNE,08,FR:4 OBS:SLNT WHT DIAMOND >SW/900kph:DUCKS SCARED", **LatLong:** "49.533336 4.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:32:00 N 04:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.533336,4.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 51216 (B7B5FCD5)
**Date:** 11/11/1995
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** SOLVANG, CA
**Description:** 2 young women / car. Large cylinder/cylindrical object with many lights. Drifts slow. Then shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17441
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "151", **HatchDesc:** "SOLVANG,CA:2 YOUNG WOMEN/CAR:LRG CYL W/MANY LITES:DRIFTS SLOW:THEN SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "34.594446 -120.138895", **LatLongDMS:** "34:35:40 N 120:08:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.594446,-120.138895)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51217 (5653C3C1)
**Date:** 11/11/1995
**Description:** Zacapa, Guatemala - During a spate of bizarre animal killings in the area, Alicia Fajardo encountered a strange winged creature on her property at around one o'clock in the morning. She described it as about four feet tall, with large bat-like wings, huge oval-shaped eyes, and a large mouth with huge protruding fangs. It was covered with dark hair and had a tail and claw-like feet. The creature flew away in an upward spiral emitting a strange humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, case # 2565, citing Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI, issue #12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7601
### Event 51218 (0481286B)
**Date:** 11/11/1995
**Description:** On this night in El Rosario, Puerto Rico farmer Elliot Feliciano fired his gun at a large creature that jumped the fence surrounding his home. He described the creature as between 3 to 4 feet tall, endowed with large eyes, and having what appeared to be wings. Others reported a brilliant, round object flying over the area. A large goat was also found dead and mutilated in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, case # 3143, citing Scott Corrales
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7602
### Event 51219 (5698A9E5)
**Date:** 11/12/1995
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 1 observer. Odd objects maneuver. All with unusual red and blue lights. Type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17442
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "nr KEESLER AFB,MS:1 OBS:ODD OBJs MNVR:ALL W/UNUSUAL RED+BLU LITES:TYPE UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "30.411113 -88.922226", **LatLongDMS:** "30:24:40 N 88:55:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.411113,-88.922226)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51220 (2E60921F)
**Date:** 11/12/1995
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** HUNTSVILLE, AL
**Description:** Man fishing. 3 poor Polaroids / domed ovoid near redstone arsenal.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Huntsv1196.TXT on file here. Broken links on Internet.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17443
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "193", **HatchDesc:** "HUNTSVILLE,AL:MAN FISHING:3 POOR POLAROIDS/DOMED OVOID nr REDSTONE ARSENAL", **LatLong:** "34.716668 -86.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "34:43:00 N 86:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.716668,-86.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51221 (9BCF1BF9)
**Date:** 11/12/1995
**Description:** Tim Edwards and his family photographed a pencil-shaped object in the western sky from Highway 17 in Hooper, Saquache County, Colorado at dusk.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 311
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7619
### Event 51222 (3FA83A9F)
**Date:** 11/12/1995
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. three poor quality Polaroids of a domed ovoid object near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama were taken by a fisherman.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 17138
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7620
### Event 51223 (D3661A59)
**Date:** 11/13/1995
**Time:** 17:10
**Location:** FT. SIMPSON, NWT
**Description:** 2 driving. Multi-colored pulsing object hovers / MacKenzie River. Away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Blaine Wasylkiw, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada http://www.ssimicro.com/~ufoinfo
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17444
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "144", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.SIMPSON,NWT:2 DRIVING:MULTI-CLRD PULSING OBJ HVRS/MacKENZIE Rvr:AWAY XFAST", **LatLong:** "61.866670 -121.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "61:52:00 N 121:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.866670,-121.800006)", **State/Prov:** "Northwest Territories", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51224 (9D86FF56)
**Date:** 11/14/1995
**Description:** A swarm of at least 24 randomly blinking lights flew over Highway 17 in Saguache County, Colorado at 6:30 p.m. They flew to the southwest in the western sky, at an altitude estimated to be less than 1000 feet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 311
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7680
### Event 51225 (E89A9400)
**Date:** 11/17/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NAZARETH, PA
**Description:** 1 observer. Huge triangular ship covered / bizarre "traffic lights". No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17445
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "NAZARETH,PA:1 OBS:HUGE TRIANGLR SHIP COVERED/BIZARRE "TRAFFIC LIGHTS":NFD", **LatLong:** "40.716669 -75.311115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:43:00 N 75:18:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.716669,-75.311115)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51226 (C64105F2)
**Date:** 11/17/1995
**Location:** Long Island, NY
**Description:** Lufthansa 405 / Boc Flight 226 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [951117](http://www.nicap.org/951117longisland%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5868
### Event 51227 (B69874E6)
**Date:** 11/18/1995
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** ORLANDO, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. Odd half-circle / southeast sky. Shoots beams going down. Drops something.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17446
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "ORLANDO,FL:1 OBS:ODD HALF-CIRCLE/SE SKY:SHOOTS BEAMS↓:DROPS SOMETHING", **LatLong:** "28.550001 -81.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "28:33:00 N 81:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.550001,-81.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51228 (7680A7B2)
**Date:** 11/18/1995
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** NORTH / DENISON, TX
**Description:** Night lights / impossible maneuvers over Red River below D. Dam. Many meteors same night.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17447
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "44", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "N/DENISON,TX:NLTS/IMPOSS.MNVRS OVR RED Rvr BLW D.DAM:many meteors same nite", **LatLong:** "33.783335 -96.566671", **LatLongDMS:** "33:47:00 N 96:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.783335,-96.566671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51229 (8126D44F)
**Date:** 11/18/1995
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** MUSKEGON, MI
**Description:** 1 observer. Intensely bright delta/triangle/box-like craft rests / roadside. Rises and vanishes suddenly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17448
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "MUSKEGON,MI:1 OBS:INTENSELY BRITE DLT RESTS/ROADSIDE:RISES+VANISHES SUDDENLY", **LatLong:** "43.227780 -86.261115", **LatLongDMS:** "43:13:40 N 86:15:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.227780,-86.261115)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51230 (885807F6)
**Date:** 11/18/1995
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** Fake white cloud hides saucer. Night lights spiral out and back. Follows car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 345)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17449
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "MONESTIER MERLINES,FR:FAKE WHT CLOUD HIDES SCR:NLTS SPIRAL OUT+BACK:FOLOS CAR", **LatLong:** "45.650002 2.472222", **LatLongDMS:** "45:39:00 N 02:28:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.650002,2.472222)", **State/Prov:** "CRZ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51231 (2F0D5F21)
**Date:** 11/18/1995
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** MONROE CITY, IN
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Glowing-disk / low altitude. Lands / creek 750' away. Black delta/triangle/box-like craft east going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 109)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17450
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "158", **HatchDesc:** "MONROE CITY,IN:SVRL SEP.OBS:GLO-DISK/LO alt:LANDS/CREEK 750'AWAY:BLK DLT E>>W", **LatLong:** "38.633335 -87.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:38:00 N 87:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.633335,-87.366671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51232 (FD9A542C)
**Date:** 11/19/1995
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** FRAMINGHAM, MA
**Description:** Several / car. Bright saucer fills car / green light. "Pains in head". (Mst?)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17451
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "FRAMINGHAM,MA:SVRL/CAR:BRITE SCR FILLS CAR/GRN LITE:"PAINS IN HEAD":(mst?)", **LatLong:** "42.283335 -71.433337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:17:00 N 71:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.283335,-71.433337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51233 (7149B3E8)
**Date:** 11/19/1995
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** PHOENIX, AZ
**Description:** Several observer(s). 10 shiny objects maneuver. Type unknown. Reflect sunlight. Streak away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17452
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "340", **HatchDesc:** "PHOENIX,AZ:SVRL OBS:10 SHINY OBJS MNVR:TYPE UNK:REFLECT SUNLITE:STREAK AWAY", **LatLong:** "33.450002 -112.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:27:00 N 112:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.450002,-112.083339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51234 (834E8AF9)
**Date:** 11/19/1995
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** REDDING, CA
**Description:** 1+kids. Orange ball / light bobs over treetops. Then wide streak / white light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17453
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "168", **HatchDesc:** "REDDING,CA:1+KIDS:ORG BALL/LITE BOBS OVR TREETOPS:THEN WIDE STREAK/WHITE LITE", **LatLong:** "40.583335 -122.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "40:35:00 N 122:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.583335,-122.400006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51235 (96EE60ED)
**Date:** 11/19/1995
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** BIDDEFORD, ME
**Description:** 1 observer. Large disk with colored rings. Crosses road near hospital. Shoots up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17454
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "BIDDEFORD,ME:1 OBS:LRG DISK W/CLRD RINGS:CROSSES ROAD nr HOSPITAL:SHOOTS UP", **LatLong:** "43.500002 -70.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 70:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,-70.466670)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51236 (DE39A919)
**Date:** 11/19/1995
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** VIRGINIA BEACH, VA
**Description:** 1 observer. High-pitched whine. Large disk with circular lights / sides. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17455
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "VIRGINIA BEACH,VA:1 OBS:HI-PITCHED WHINE:LRG DISK W/CIRC.LITES/SIDES:NFD", **LatLong:** "36.850002 -76.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:51:00 N 76:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.850002,-76.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51237 (1A5E1364)
**Date:** 11/20/1995
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** MT. SUMMIT, IN
**Description:** 1 observer. Fast domed disk reflects sunlight. Shoots by / 4-5 second(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 109)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17456
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "345", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.SUMMIT,IN:1 OBS:FAST DOMED DISK REFLECTS SUNLITE:SHOOTS BY/4-5sec:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -85.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 85:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-85.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51238 (F9B3B246)
**Date:** 11/20/1995
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** SUMTER, SC
**Description:** 1 man. Saucer and torpedo shape pass overhead. No further details. Wife reports / NURC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17457
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "52", **HatchDesc:** "SUMTER,SC:1 MAN:SCR+TORPEDO SHAPE PASS OVHD:NFD:wife reports/NURC", **LatLong:** "33.922224 -80.344448", **LatLongDMS:** "33:55:20 N 80:20:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.922224,-80.344448)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51239 (9A01C6A7)
**Date:** 11/20/1995
**Description:** A fast moving domed disc was seen in the morning at 8 a.m. over Mount Summit, Indiana for less than a minute. It was shiny and reflected the sunlight. It shot away and was gone in 4-5 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis Ridge, UFO Intelligence Newsletter
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7760
### Event 51240 (85F8F448)
**Date:** 11/21/1995
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MEMPHIS, TN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Weird "glider" with 9 lights / each wing. Folds it's wings!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17458
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "77", **HatchDesc:** "MEMPHIS,TN:2 OBS:WEIRD "GLIDER" W/9 LITES/EACH WING:FOLDS IT'S WINGS!", **LatLong:** "35.166668 -90.033338", **LatLongDMS:** "35:10:00 N 90:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.166668,-90.033338)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51241 (22DB5EF0)
**Date:** 11/21/1995
**Time:** 21:29:58.1
**Location:** -21.8800 -139.0300
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2032
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8800 -139.0300", **LatLongDMS:** "21:52:48 S 139:01:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8800,-139.0300)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUPF"
### Event 51242 (0969710D)
**Date:** 11/21/1995
**Description:** Two observers in a residential area of Memphis, Tennessee noted a weird "glider" in the sky with 9 lights on each wing; it retracted and folded its wings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7783
### Event 51243 (334FE1B2)
**Date:** 11/22/1995
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** WOODLAND, CA
**Description:** Boy. Disk with flutter sound outside. 2 bright white ovoids going quickly northeast / 25 November.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17459
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "WOODLAND,CA:BOY:DISK W/FLUTTER SOUND OUTSIDE::2 BRITE WHT OVOIDS>>NE/25NOV", **LatLong:** "38.683335 -121.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:00 N 121:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.683335,-121.766672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51244 (3712F786)
**Date:** 11/23/1995
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** LUGO, SPN
**Description:** Several separate report(s). Saucer flashes / low altitude. No figure(s) visible / large clear windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: SPECIAL REPORT The GALICIAN UFO WAVE of 1995-96. (via Arcturus Books.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17460
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "LUGO,SPN:SVRL SEP.RPTS:SCR FLASHES/LO ALT:NO FIGs VISIBLE/LRG CLEAR WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "43.016669 -7.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:00 N 07:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.016669,-7.516667)", **State/Prov:** "LEO", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51245 (3DB4B6B8)
**Date:** 11/23/1995
**Description:** Several independent witnesses reported watching a disc-shaped object flashing at low altitude over Lugo, Leon, Spain at 8:30 p.m. No figures were visible in its large, clear windows.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17155
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7857
### Event 51246 (91005B7C)
**Date:** 11/24/1995
**Description:** A local resident of Toa Baja, Puerto Rico reported encountering a short, four-foot tall creature on this evening, shortly after nearby residents also reported seeing a saucer-shaped object crossing the skies. Around the same time several heifers were found dead, lying in a perfect row in the middle of a lonely road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 3287, citing Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7894
### Event 51247 (7E69B682)
**Date:** 11/27/1995
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** DUBAI, UAE
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 2 small silent triangles with blue laser beams. Going quickly [to] overhead. / LDLN#335p38.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 317)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17461
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Arabian Peninsula", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "DUBAI,UAE:5 OBS:2 SML SLNT TRIANGLES W/BLUE LASER BEAMS:>>OVHD:/LDLN#335p38", **LatLong:** "25.300001 55.433336", **LatLongDMS:** "25:18:00 N 55:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.300001,55.433336)", **State/Prov:** "UAE", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51248 (2A880F9B)
**Date:** 11/27/1995
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GANDARAS, SPN
**Description:** Military security video and several. Small night lights over arsenal. 1 going quickly SSE. Mundane / VJBO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: SPECIAL REPORT The GALICIAN UFO WAVE of 1995-96. (via Arcturus Books.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17462
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "GANDARAS,SPN:MIL.SECURITY VIDEO+SVRL:SML NLTS ovr ARSENAL:1>>SSE:mundane/VJBO", **LatLong:** "43.033335 -7.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:02:00 N 07:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.033335,-7.533334)", **State/Prov:** "LEO", **Strangeness:** "2"
### Event 51249 (D0063D8C)
**Date:** 11/27/1995
**Locations:** Dubai, United Arab Emirates; al-Hamriya Fish Market; Dubai International Airport
**Description:** 6:20 p.m. Mohammad Ahsan and four colleagues see two triangle-shaped objects emitting laser-like blue rays splashed with red over Dubai, United Arab Emirates. They are silently moving from the al-Hamriya Fish Market southeast toward Dubai International Airport.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Sighting in UAE Reported,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201995%2012%20-%20no%20317.pdf)” Saudi Gazette, November 28, 1995, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 317 \(December 1995\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7147
### Event 51250 (4E7E9579)
**Date:** 11/27/1995
**Description:** Two small silent triangle shaped objects with blue beams of light flew over Dubai in the Persian Gulf at 6:15 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Newspaper Clipping Service, December 1995
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7972
### Event 51251 (B047E430)
**Date:** 11/28/1995
**Description:** A military security camera and several witnesses saw discs and other smaller objects maneuver over the military arsenal in Lugo, Leon, Spain beginning at 8:30 p.m. for 28 minutes. Photos and video documented the event.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17157
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8013
### Event 51252 (344BE525)
**Date:** 11/28/1995
**Description:** On this night near Vega Baja, Arecebo, Puerto Rico Jesus Medina Montes reported that he found half of his herd of steers with several bizarre wounds on their backs. Some of the cows also had a viscous slime around their necks. Later that night, Irene Mercado and her nine-year-old niece reported seeing a large creature shaped like a bird that fluttered away while making a loud noise with its mouth.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 3288, citing Scott Corrales, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8014
### Event 51253 (16AA2FBB)
**Date:** 11/29/1995
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** REDDING, CA
**Description:** 1 observer. Bright star hovers / 5 minute(s). Splits / 2. 1 part drops / horizon. Other shoots going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17463
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "168", **HatchDesc:** "REDDING,CA:1 OBS:BRITE STAR HVRS/5min:SPLITS/2:1 PART DROPS/HRZN:OTHER SHOOTS↑", **LatLong:** "40.600002 -122.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "40:36:00 N 122:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.600002,-122.400006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51254 (719C1880)
**Date:** 11/29/1995
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** GLEN ELLEN, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge flying "Seaquest" submarine with 3 red flashing lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17464
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "69", **HatchDesc:** "GLEN ELLEN,CA:2 OBS:HUGE FLYING "SEAQUEST" SUBMARINE W/3 RED FLASHING LITES", **LatLong:** "38.366668 -122.522228", **LatLongDMS:** "38:22:00 N 122:31:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.366668,-122.522228)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51255 (8237E613)
**Date:** 11/29/1995
**Description:** At 10:22 p.m. UFO investigator Colman captured a 13 minute long video of a hexagon-shaped UFO with a dome in Lothian, Scotland, showing a blast or other disturbance underneath. There were also rectangular and delta shaped objects seen during this period.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, p. 34
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8050
### Event 51256 (7F845B48)
**Date:** 11/30/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Seine-et-Marne, Commander Jean-Marie Gilman pilots flight Air Inter IT 426: We are coming from Marseille on board an Airbus A300 B2-1C and beginning our descent into Orly. It's what they call a 'blue sky storm', the weather is clear with no clouds! We are descending and at 4900 meters altitude. Control has forbidden us to pass through the military testing zone of Melun-Villaroche, and we know an AWACS plane is flying in the area. Suddenly, from the far reaches of our field of vision, we see a strange craft flying straight towards us, about twice as fast as a commercial airliner. The object looks like a flat rectangular panel, about 12 meters long and 3 meters wide, painted with a red and white 'V' running along its length. It has no wings, no tail, no rudder, no cockpit, no air intake, nothing at all. At one point, it seems to tilt 10-20° to avoid us, but it's possible we were deceived by the perspective. As it passes a little below and to our left, I can make out what looks like 5 or 6 nozzles, all positioned at the back. Then 3 seconds pass before it disappears less than 330 meters below our Airbus. Fortunately, because I don't think we could have avoided it. I say to my copilot and my navigator mechanic: "Guys... Did we just see the same thing?" We confer, I contact Paris Control and ask them: "Do you have anything on radar that could have crossed us?" They answer: "No, nothing at all for us...". (November 30, 9:04)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3277
### Event 51257 (D4ADBD5D)
**Date:** 11/30/1995
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** MULHOUSE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Large ovoid hovers. Observer(s) gets camera. Ovoid gone. Night light going east. Photographs no good/useless/broken/photos show nothing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17465
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "MULHOUSE,FR:1 OBS:LRG OVOID HVRS:OBS GETS CAMERA:OVOID GONE:NLT >E:FOTOS NFG", **LatLong:** "47.733336 7.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:44:00 N 07:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.733336,7.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Haut-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51258 (8E563950)
**Date:** 11/30/1995
**Time:** 09:00
**Description:** Airbus crew. Rectangle west red and white stripes crosses sky. / LDLN#340.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17466
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ORLY Apt,FR:AIRBUS CREW:RECTANGLE W. RED+WHITE STRIPES CROSSES SKY:/LDLN#340", **LatLong:** "48.733336 2.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:44:00 N 02:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.733336,2.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Val-de-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51259 (D96CAE2F)
**Date:** 11/30/1995
**Description:** At 9:04 a.m. a huge rectangular object with several red and white "V" stripes on it crossed within 330 meters of an Airbus 330 airliner flying near Orly Airport in Paris, France. It had 5-6 "exhaust pipes" on the rear. It then vanished. The sighting was brief and lasted no more than 6 seconds. There was an occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central European surveillance area on this day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 47; Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 109
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8094
### Event 51260 (F00D3C9A)
**Date:** 12/1995
**Location:** Las Vegas, Nevada
**Description:** Real-estate developer [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) founds the National Institute for Discovery Science in Las Vegas, Nevada, to research and advance serious study of various fringe science and paranormal topics, especially ufology. It holds its first organizational meeting in December. Bigelow soon hires retired US Army Col. [John B.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FB.%5FAlexander) [Alexander](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FB.%5FAlexander) part-time and biochemist [Colm Kelleher](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colm-kelleher-834a05112) as deputy administrator. Alexander puts together a Scientific Advisory Board that includes ufologist [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e), parapsychologist [Harold E. Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff), astronaut [Edgar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar%5FMitchell) [Mitchell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar%5FMitchell), mathematician [Gian-Carlo Rota](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gian-Carlo%5FRota), physicist [O’Dean Judd](https://www.austindailyherald.com/2010/08/o%E2%80%99dean-paul-judd-73/)[,](https://www.austindailyherald.com/2010/08/o%E2%80%99dean-paul-judd-73/) physicist [Johndale Solem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johndale%5FSolem), astronaut and Senator [Harrison Schmitt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison%5FSchmitt)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harrison%5FSchmitt) psychologist [Albert Harrison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert%5FHarrison%5F%28psychologist%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert%5FHarrison%5F%28psychologist%29) and [Christopher \(Kit\) Green](https://www.irva.org/conferences/speakers/green.html) as chair. The first official board meeting takes place in January 1996. NIDS disbands in October 2004.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[National Institute for](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FInstitute%5Ffor%5FDiscovery%5FScience) [Discovery Science](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FInstitute%5Ffor%5FDiscovery%5FScience)”; John B. Alexander, “From Los Alamos to Skinwalker Ranch,” Fortean Times 363 \(February 2018\): 38–39; Skinwalkers 14–15, 31
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7148
### Event 51261 (2A709015)
**Date:** 12/1/1995
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** WAUKESHA, WI
**Description:** 1 / car. Shooting star drops going down. Stops. Then shoots away straight and level.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17467
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "278", **HatchDesc:** "WAUKESHA,WI:1/CAR:SHOOTING STAR DROPS↓:STOPS:THEN SHOOTS AWAY STRAIGHT+LVL", **LatLong:** "43.016669 -88.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:00 N 88:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.016669,-88.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51262 (85458E6D)
**Date:** 12/2/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the European satellite *Soho*, intended for the study of the [Sun](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Sun.html). (2 December)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3278
### Event 51263 (D24D7321)
**Date:** 12/4/1995
**Location:** China, Beijing
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 5:45 PM, four Chinese pilots from four different planes reportedly observed an object. One of the pilots connecting Harbin to Beijing contacted authorities to say that he saw a white, oval UFO moving at 15km/Minute (900 km/h) near his aircraft. According to the pilot, "the object then became green". Neither the AP nor the Sunday Post of Bangkok specify how the observation ended. (Phenomena #32 p. 23) The commander of a plane flying from Harbin to Beijing reported by radio that a white oval UFO was moving near the plane at a speed of 900 km/h. Later he announced that the UFO was becoming green. Another pilot confirmed the presence of the UFO. Two other aircraft crews reportedly saw in the airspace above China, a UFO that was red for one, or yellow for the second. (December 4, 1995)
**Reference:** Belgium, BRTN Teletexte p. 176, Sunday, December 31, 1995 at 9:50:22
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3550
### Event 51264 (48D93059)
**Date:** 12/4/1995
**Time:** 17:50
**Description:** 4 separate airline(s)/airliner pilots. Green ovoid follows airliner / 900kph. / r226#32.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17468
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "HARBIN<>BEIJING,CH:4 SEP.AL PILOTS:GRN OVOID FOLOS AIRLINER/900kph:/r226#32.", **LatLong:** "42.500002 121.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "42:30:00 N 121:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.500002,121.000006)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51265 (9D68040F)
**Date:** 12/4/1995
**Description:** A husband and wife in Manchester, England woke up late in the night to the sound of their young daughter crying hysterically. They tried to move but found themselves paralyzed. At that moment the bedroom curtains lit up brightly and there was a whooshing sound from outside. The husband was eventually able to move and got up to look out the bedroom window. He saw a glowing object on the road, surrounded by a number of men wearing boiler suit coveralls who appeared to be digging up the garden. When they were both able to move they went to check on their daughter and found that she was alright. They then went back to sleep. The next morning there was no evidence of any digging having occurred in their garden.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, case # 3451, citing Peter Hough & Moyshe Kalman, The Truth About UFO Abductions
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8187
### Event 51266 (B4B47C43)
**Date:** 12/5/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A few days after the observation of November 30, Jean-Marie Gilman filed an "Airprox" report with the National Air Traffic Safety Commission due to the danger of collision they encountered. It remains without follow-up. (December 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3279
### Event 51267 (73FE0DCE)
**Date:** 12/5/1995
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [DRM](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DRM.html) receives [Boudier](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BoudierAlain.html) and [Gabriel Greslé](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GresleJeanGabriel.html), then drafts a report examining the implications of the UFO phenomenon in terms of Defense: after a brief history of UFO phenomenology since the end of the 2nd World War, these two specialists addressed the UFO research effort in the USA, in particular: the role, origin, interest and conclusions of the different US government agencies \([CIA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CIA.html), [NSA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NSA.html), [DIA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DIA.html), [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html), [Navy](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USNavy.html), [AMC](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/AMC.html) - the first to officially take an interest in the subject\) and the different investigative commissions constituted \([Sign](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Sign.html), [Grudge](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Grudge.html), [Twinkle](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Grudge.html\#Twinkle), [Robertson](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Robertson.html), [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html), [Condon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html\#Condon)\). Initially motivated by the fear that the strange phenomena observed during the war \("[foo fighters](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FooFighters.html)", [ghost rockets](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GhostRockets.html) of the Nordic countries, etc.\) were the result of Russian technological breakthroughs in the field of aeronautics, these agencies quickly came to the conclusion that this was not the case and have since minimized their involvement in the UFO field as well as any element supporting the [ETH](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ETH.html) of UFOs. [Boudier](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BoudierAlain.html) then recalls the French case of [GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html) and then [SEPRA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SEPRA.html). After a point on the means available to [GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html) and on the failure of prospective approaches to various embassies for the deployment of the [SPOC](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SPOC.html) project, he noted that the opinion of the scientific council of [GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html) in [1978](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1978.html): some of the testimonies studied relate to objects belonging to flying machines whose origin, mode of sustentation and propulsion are foreign was relativized by studies of psychology of perception and processes of influence. He questioned the "paradoxical regression" [GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html) to [SEPRA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SEPRA.html) of [1988](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1988.html) since the work of the latter is limited to the drafting of synthesis notes from the data gleaned by [GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1995.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3280
### Event 51268 (3EBC0FDD)
**Date:** 12/9/1995
**Description:** At 7:50 p.m. a man who wishes to remain anonymous reported seeing a brilliant object descend from the sky and appear to enter a nearby man-made lake behind an apartment complex in Hialeah Gardens, Florida. Armed with his flashlight, he approached the site and saw two beings swimming in the water. They had large heads and bright luminous eyes that appeared to be blinking. The witness briefly illuminated the creatures with the flashlight, and reported that their eyes seemed to flare up. He quickly ran away and called the police. It is not known if the police found anything.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, personal investigation, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 2137
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8289
### Event 51269 (0B551594)
**Date:** 12/12/1995
**Location:** WHISTLER, BC
**Description:** 3+cop. Round object emits flashes / light. Going [to] over Blackcomb Mountain. No further details / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17469
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "675", **HatchDesc:** "WHISTLER,BC:3+COP:ROUND OBJ EMITS FLASHES/LITE:>OVR BLACKCOMB Mtn:NFD/news", **LatLong:** "50.100002 -122.966673", **LatLongDMS:** "50:06:00 N 122:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.100002,-122.966673)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51270 (502C5F7E)
**Date:** 12/12/1995
**Locations:** Bela Vista Farm; Highway 227; Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil
**Description:** 2:30 p.m. Farmer Egon Kratz and his son-in-law, Adilson Marcílio, are working on their Bela Vista Farm off Highway 227 about 5 miles from Ituporanga, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when a bright, silent, disc-shaped object appears low above some nearby trees, moves swiftly about 30 feet from the ground, and disappears into a valley. On December 15, Marcílio and some friends return to look for traces and find much of the vegetation scorched. Technicians from the Federal University of Santa Catarina arrive on December 20 to collect soil samples and rocks. Kratz notes in January that much of the foliage and vegetation where the UFO has passed is dead or defoliated.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brazil 350–353
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7149
### Event 51271 (82D922AF)
**Date:** 12/13/1995
**Description:** On this morning near the Urbanizacion Country Club, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico Mrs. Carmen Vazquez, accompanied by her 5-year-old daughter, was on her way home when the little girl pointed out something in the sky. Looking up she saw a shiny metallic oval shaped craft flying slowly overhead and head off towards nearby El Yunque Mountain. According to the little girl, the object had numerous windows and inside she was able to see several gray-colored figures with huge black eyes looking down from the windows at their car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1995, case # 2571, citing Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI, issue # 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8383
### Event 51272 (6116EA15)
**Date:** 12/14/1995
**Description:** Wave classic and donut saucers / 2 months. / r226#30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17470
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "99", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "S.CRISTOBAL+CABANAS+BAHIA HONDA,CUBA:WAVE CLASSIC+DONUT SCRS/2 MONTHS:/r226#30", **LatLong:** "22.716668 -83.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "22:43:00 N 83:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.716668,-83.050004)", **State/Prov:** "CBA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51273 (2932DE68)
**Date:** 12/14/1995
**Description:** Several observer(s). Saucer lands. 3 men exit and take plants / both places.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17471
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "GUIRA+TORRIENTE,CUBA:SVRL OBS:SCR LANDS:3 MEN EXIT+TAKE PLANTS/BOTH PLACES", **LatLong:** "22.866668 -82.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "22:52:00 N 82:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.866668,-82.533337)", **State/Prov:** "CBA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51274 (163D5FD8)
**Date:** 12/15/1995
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** LA SPEZIA, IT
**Description:** 3 / road. Big rectangular object with many lights maneuvers. Going quickly west. Bright trail. Power outage.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17472
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "La SPEZIA,IT:3/ROAD:BIG RECT.OBJ W/MANY LITES MNVRS:>>W:BRITE TRAIL:PWR OUTAGE", **LatLong:** "44.116669 9.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:07:00 N 09:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.116669,9.816667)", **State/Prov:** "SP", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51275 (6A4146A2)
**Date:** 12/15/1995
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a big rectangular object with many lights maneuvered in the sky at the same time that three lights were seen on the road in La Spezia, Italy. The big UFO flew away to the west, leaving a bright trail in the sky. An electrical power outage occurred in the area at the same time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 17168
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8429
### Event 51276 (1ABAAF06)
**Date:** 12/19/1995 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** ST.-CLAUDE, 37, FR
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 10 ring over field. Rays radiate / edge. Vanishes suddenly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17473
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "St-CLAUDE,37,FR:2/BINOCS:10 RING ovr FIELD:RAYS RADIATE/EDGE:VANISHES SUDDENLY", **LatLong:** "46.416669 5.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:25:00 N 05:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.416669,5.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51277 (45966D97)
**Date:** 12/19/1995
**Time:** 15:50
**Location:** BRUE-AURIAC, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Several photographs / classic flattened-bell saucer. Golden yellow. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17474
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BRUE-AURIAC,FR:1 OBS:SVRL FOTOS/CLASSIC FLATTENED-BELL SCR:GOLDEN YELLOW:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.533335 5.938889", **LatLongDMS:** "43:32:00 N 05:56:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.533335,5.938889)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51278 (C8C120DA)
**Date:** 12/27/1995
**Time:** 21:29:58.0
**Location:** -21.8800 -138.9700
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: France
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2033
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8800 -138.9700", **LatLongDMS:** "21:52:48 S 138:58:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8800,-138.9700)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUPF"
### Event 51279 (E85B53BB)
**Date:** 12/30/1995
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** GOSFORD, NSW
**Description:** Dozens / calls to police. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape boils sea water with beams.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17475
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "245", **HatchDesc:** "GOSFORD,NSW:DOZENS/CALLS to POLICE:HUGE CGR BOILS SEA WATER W/BEAMS:", **LatLong:** "-33.416668 151.316674", **LatLongDMS:** "33:25:00 S 151:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.416668,151.316674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51280 (A9843CEC)
**Date:** 12/30/1995
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** TAEGU, KOREA
**Description:** Many observer(s) and photographs. Luminous/glowing donut saucer over park. Slow silent beams going down. Not on RADAR!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17476
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Korea(both sides)", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "TAEGU,KOREA:MANY OBS+FOTOS:LUMn DONUT SCR OVR PARK:SLO SLNT BEAMS↓:not on rdr!", **LatLong:** "35.816668 128.683339", **LatLongDMS:** "35:49:00 N 128:41:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.816668,128.683339)", **State/Prov:** "SKR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51281 (617F76FB)
**Date:** 12/30/1995
**Description:** A huge cigar-shaped object hovered over the ocean off Gosford, New South Wales, Australia on this night. Beams of light came down from the object into the water, causing the surface of the sea to roil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, p. 207
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8663
### Event 51282 (E7A312FD)
**Date:** 12/31/1995
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** LODZ, POLAND
**Description:** 7 / balcony and more/others. 2 luminous/glowing spheres going down [to] and going up [to] extremely fast. Videos. Genuine / local UFO group.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17477
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LODZ,POLAND:7/BALCONY++:2 LUMn SPHERES ↓+↑XFAST:VIDEOS:GENUINE/LOCAL UFO GRP", **LatLong:** "51.766669 19.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "51:46:00 N 19:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.766669,19.500001)", **State/Prov:** "LDZ", **Strangeness:** "6"
## Year: 1996, 561 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 51283 (0D94931B)
**Date:** 1996
**End date:** 1997
**Location:** Crimea
**Description:** Crimean ufologist Anton Anfalov made a map of the Soviet secret sensitive site “Zhitkur” with instructions on the location of all sites and drew diagrams of their devices.
**Type:** document
**Reference:** [link](https://curiosmos.com/kapustin-yar-russias-alleged-area-51-10-things-you-should-know/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_796
### Event 51284 (80EB0B6A)
**Date:** 1996
**Location:** Skinwalker Ranch
**Description:** Skinwalker Ranch is purchased by Robert Bigelow
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skinwalker_Ranch)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_798
### Event 51285 (D506DC49)
**Date:** 1996
**Location:** Russia, space
**Description:** (Translated from French) Failed attempt to land a probe on Mars. The probe is lost, coming back to Earth. It was carrying half a pound of plutonium. It is assumed to have fallen into the Pacific Ocean, in Chile or Bolivia... The plutonium has not yet been found.
**Reference:** The Associated Press
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3552
### Event 51286 (21243379)
**Date:** 1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The journalists of the television show *Sightings* compare the craft filmed by the security camera of the Nellis base \(discovered in 1995\) with one of the objects filmed in Mexico during the 1991 eclipse. Considering the two objects as identical, they conclude that the UFOs seen over Mexico could be part of a secret military program of the United States Army.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3281
### Event 51287 (2A028A7A)
**Date:** 1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Guillermo Osorio films bands of light \(pictured below\) passing silently over the city of Puebla \(Mexico\), in the eyes of many witnesses. At first, astronomers think they are comets, but quickly change their minds when they notice that these objects move very slowly and at a very low altitude. Computer analysis conducted in the United States indicates that it cannot be a natural phenomenon.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3282
### Event 51288 (506093AE)
**Date:** 1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Eurico de Freitas and his wife are awoken by an abnormal commotion from the animals on their farm. They then see, through the window of their bedroom, a greyish object, emitting some kind of smoke, silently traverse the fields at about 5 m from the ground, before disappearing into the night.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3283
### Event 51289 (702BF081)
**Date:** 1996
**Location:** France
**Description:** The Institut des Hautes Études de la Défense Nationale, a French strategic planning agency, decides to create a 12-member COMité d’ÉTudes Approfondies \(COMETA\) to review well-documented UFO cases and cooperate with agencies in other countries to assess national security factors. It is chaired by French Air Force General [Denis Letty](https://rr0.org/people/l/LettyDenis/) and begins by interviewing French witnesses, consolidates the best information, and presents its research to appropriate French agencies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Rapport COMETA](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapport%5FCOMETA)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7150
### Event 51290 (94288C34)
**Date:** 1996
**Description:** [Nick Pope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FPope%5F%28journalist%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FPope%5F%28journalist%29) a former Ministry of Defence official who served on the Sec \(AS\) 2a UFO desk in 1991–1994, publishes a memoir titled Open Skies, Closed Minds that recounts his conversion from UFO skeptic to believer due to his investigation of cases that seem to be evidential. He concludes that “extraterrestrial spacecraft are visiting Earth and that something should be done about it urgently.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Pope, [Open Skies, Closed Minds](https://archive.org/details/openskiesclosedm0000pope/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/openskiesclosedm0000pope/mode/2up) Simon & Schuster, 1996; Wikipedia, “[Open Skies, Closed Minds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open%5FSkies%2C%5FClosed%5FMinds)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7151
### Event 51291 (D0F2348D)
**Date:** 1996
**Location:** Santander, Cantabria, Spain
**Description:** La Fundación Anomalía is created by a group of Spanish ufologists headed by José Ruesga Montiel in Santander, Cantabria, Spain. It takes over publishing Cuadernos de Ufologia from the Colectivo Cuadernos in 1997 and publishes a new journal, Anomalía, from September 2000 to 2011.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anomalía](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Spain%20and%20Catalonia/Anomalia%20%28Fundacion%20Anomalia%29/1a%20epoca/Anomalia%20-%201a%20Epoca%20-%20No%2001.pdf), no. 1 \(September 2000\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7152
### Event 51292 (CF59F668)
**Date:** 1996
**Description:** A 1996 manual dealing with emergency response items mentions the US Army 52nd Ordnance Group at Fort Gillem, GA provides EOD response to incidents involving “high technology devices” including nuclear, chemical, biological, etc. The 52nd Ordnance Group jointly develops its plans with DOE and is available on “extreme” short notice.
* [https://twitter.com/rgh_ufos/status/1547315725202853890?s=20&t=jcpNp0_OltUxZJ-BU28ZVg](https://twitter.com/rgh_ufos/status/1547315725202853890?s=20&t=jcpNp0_OltUxZJ-BU28ZVg)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_307
### Event 51293 (87BB4568)
**Date:** 1/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), Bechtel Corp. begins work to extend the second runway \(14L-32R\) to 5000 feet.
**Reference:** Glenn Campbell, *Groom Lake Desert Rat*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3284
### Event 51294 (21C3B4C2)
**Date:** 1/1996
**Description:** Wave / ovoids and delta/triangle/box-like crafts and night lights. Videos and more/others. Many observer(s) / coast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: SPECIAL REPORT The GALICIAN UFO WAVE of 1995-96. (via Arcturus Books.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17478
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "GIJON+PEDRONA+AS PONTES,SPAIN:WAVE/OVOIDS+DLTS+NLTS:VIDEOS++:MANY OBS/COAST", **LatLong:** "43.533335 -5.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:32:00 N 05:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.533335,-5.616667)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51295 (EF819C4C)
**Date:** 1/1/1996
**Time:** 07:10
**Location:** PHOENIX, AZ
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Night lights zigzag / 35 minute(s). 5 silent glowing boomerangs going [to] overhead / V-formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17479
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "340", **HatchDesc:** "PHOENIX,AZ:4 OBS:NLTS ZIGZAG/35min:5 SLNT GLOWING BOOMERANGS >OVHD/VFORMn", **LatLong:** "33.433335 -112.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:26:00 N 112:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.433335,-112.100005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51296 (AC5CD4BD)
**Date:** 1/1/1996
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 3 / camp. Moon-size disk going south. Maneuvers. Cows scared. 1 observer gets bloody nose.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Victorian UFO Research Society (VUFORS), Australia www.ozemail.com.au/~vufors
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17480
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "MYRHEE,AUSTRL:3/CAMP:MOONSIZE DISK >S:MNVRS:COWS SCARED:1 OBS gets bloody nose", **LatLong:** "-36.416668 146.200007", **LatLongDMS:** "36:25:00 S 146:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.416668,146.200007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51297 (474EA990)
**Date:** 1/2/1996
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) pulses 5 / second(s). Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Blue glowing / trees. Missing time. Abduction? Traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: RUTKOWSKI, C: UFOROM excerpts filed here as RUTKOW.MSC
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17481
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "N/SWANAGE,DORSET:1/CAR:RFI PULSES 5/sec:CAR EMES:BLU GLO/TREES:MST:ABD?:TRACES", **LatLong:** "50.616669 -1.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:37:00 N 01:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.616669,-1.950000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51298 (CE22BC8E)
**Date:** 1/3/1996
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** FT. SMITH, AR
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). 3 green-yellow orbs drop from clouds. Hover. Back going up [to] into clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17482
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "134", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.SMITH,AR:MANY SEP.OBS:3 GRN-YLW ORBS DROP FROM CLOUDS:HVR:BACK↑ INTO CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "35.416668 -94.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:25:00 N 94:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.416668,-94.416671)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51299 (BBB28DD8)
**Date:** 1/4/1996
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** FT. RESOLUTION, NWT
**Description:** Many observer(s) / 4 nights. Bright colored object pulses. Shoots straight going up [to] and going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Blaine Wasylkiw, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada http://www.ssimicro.com/~ufoinfo
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17483
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "156", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.RESOLUTION,NWT:MANY OBS/4 NITES:BRITE CLRD OBJ PULSES:SHOOTS STRAIGHT↑+>W", **LatLong:** "61.133336 -113.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "61:08:00 N 113:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.133336,-113.700005)", **State/Prov:** "Northwest Territories", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51300 (EB316D7B)
**Date:** 1/4/1996
**Description:** Madeline Tolentino was driving with her 2-year-old son in her Isuzu Trooper in Campo Rico, Puerto Rico with the windows rolled down. They were driving on Route 185 near a horse track called El Comandante at seven p.m. when she smelled something pungent, like sulfur, which irritated her throat. She kept driving and suddenly saw a creature with glowing red eyes. It ran across the road in front of her SUV and disappeared. Frightened, she returned home to tell her husband. He went back to the area and noticed the pungent odor but did not see the creature.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, case #2807, citing Chat Deetken
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_101
### Event 51301 (EF99F940)
**Date:** 1/5/1996
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** NEAR LA SPEZIA, ITL
**Description:** 4 / roadside. Ovoid with 10 lights turns and vibrates. Vanishes in place.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOMANIA Bulletin (qtrly). Didier GOMEZ: BP 300, 260 rue des Pyrenees, 75960 Paris cedex 20., FRANCE. 20pp. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17484
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr LA SPEZIA,ITL:4/ROADSIDE:OVOID W/10 LITES TURNS+VIBRATES:VANISHES IN PLACE", **LatLong:** "44.133335 9.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "44:08:00 N 09:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.133335,9.833334)", **State/Prov:** "SP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51302 (A7AFEA8C)
**Date:** 1/7/1996
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** PORTLAND, OR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 25-35 points / light going northwest. Sporadic motion overhead. Exit going quickly southeast / 5 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17485
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "PORTLAND,OR:2 OBS:25-35 POINTS/LITE > NW:SPORADIC MOTION OVHD:EXIT >>SE/5min", **LatLong:** "45.522224 -122.705561", **LatLongDMS:** "45:31:20 N 122:42:20 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.522224,-122.705561)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 51303 (BABA125E)
**Date:** 1/7/1996
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** Rancher. 100' saucer spins. 25' box / bottom doesn't. 130' altitude. Photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison.
At 3:30 pm Liliane, Valquiria and Katia (22, 16 and 14 years old) see in the Rua Benevenuto Bràs Vieira, near number 76 a strange creature, less than 7 m away from them. They flee screaming and crying. At 4:10 pm the mother of Katia and Valquiria goes to the meeting place. There is no more creature but there is a very strong smell, unidentifiable, at the place. At 6 pm there is a hail storm over Varginha. The electricity is completely disrupted, trees are uprooted. At 8 pm the military police capture the second creature (note from vog: it is not specified where). The creature is sent for care to the hospital where admission is refused "since it is not human". It will finally be delivered to the Regional Hospital. This is followed by a back and forth of officials. In the night, around 2 o'clock in the morning, the creature is transferred to the Humanitas university hospital, under good military escort. At 9 o'clock on January 22 the dead creature is made available to the ESA. It will only be taken away in the night of January 23, at 4 o'clock and it will be deposited at the military school. The next day (January 24) Doctor Fortunato Badan Palhares (who identified the funeral remains of Mengele) performs an autopsy on the creature in Campinas. (...) There are 48 witnesses at the various stages of the events. Among them the military: Sergeant Pedrosa, Corporal Vassalo, Soldier De Melo, Sergeant Cirilo, Captain Ramires, Lieutenant Colonel Olimpio Vanderlei, Commissioner Tibério.
**Reference:** UBIRAJARA F. RODRIGUES DU CBPDV - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas de Discos Voadores- and VITORIO PACACCINI DU CICOANI - Centro de Investigaçao Civil de Objetos Aéreos Noa Identificados - "O Caso Varginha, agosto de 1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3555
### Event 51328 (19F58CA4)
**Date:** 1/20/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Varginha Encounter](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1996-01-20\_Varginha.html). (January 20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3286
### Event 51329 (B59BC5B6)
**Date:** 1/20/1996 (approximate)
**Description:** 2 trappers chased / UFO's. Snowmobiles electro-magnetic effect (EME). One is [a] box. Other / wings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Blaine Wasylkiw, Yellowknife, NWT, Canada http://www.ssimicro.com/~ufoinfo
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17503
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "160", **HatchDesc:** "nr Ft.RESOLUTION,NWT:2 TRAPPERS CHASED/UFOS:SNOWMOBILES EME:1=BOX:OTHER/WINGS", **LatLong:** "61.166670 -113.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "61:10:00 N 113:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.166670,-113.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Northwest Territories", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51330 (876ED1DE)
**Date:** 1/20/1996
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** 2 farmers wakened / animals. 3M grey 'submarine' going [to] slow / 5M altitude!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17504
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "980", **HatchDesc:** "SE/VARGINHA,BRZ:2 FARMERS WAKENED/ANIMALS:3M GRY 'SUBMARINE'>SLO/5M ALT!", **LatLong:** "-21.583334 -45.333335", **LatLongDMS:** "21:35:00 S 45:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.583334,-45.333335)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51331 (BC103774)
**Date:** 1/20/1996
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** VARGINHA, BRZ
**Description:** 3 girls and more/others. Red-eyed figure with big feet. Rumor 2 ETs caught? / r236#27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17505
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NFO:** No craft seen, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "987", **HatchDesc:** "VARGINHA,BRZ:3 GIRLS++:RED-EYED FIG W/BIG FEET:RUMOR 2 ETs CAUGHT?:/r236#27", **LatLong:** "-21.550001 -45.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:33:00 S 45:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.550001,-45.416669)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 51332 (E2CCAB0F)
**Date:** 1/20/1996
**Locations:** Varginha, Brazil; Jardim Andere neighborhood
**Description:** 8:00 a.m. The Varginha, Brazil, fire department receives a call from someone who asks them to investigate a strange creature seen in a park north of the Jardim Andere neighborhood. At 10:00 a.m., firefighters arrive expecting to find a wild animal, but they encounter a 5-foot-tall bipedal entity with red eyes and brown skin. Fish peddler João Bosco Manoel comes across firefighters Sgt. Palhares, Cpl. Rubens, and soldiers Santos and Nivaldo, who are carrying a net with a strange being inside it. One of its feet is brown, and the firefighters are trying to conceal it from curious onlookers. A smell of ammonia permeates the scene.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1222–1223
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7155
### Event 51333 (23B0A2BE)
**Date:** 1/20/1996
**Locations:** Varginha, Brazil; small forest near Varginha, Brazil
**Description:** Afternoon. According to testimony by an ex-soldier, uniformed military men open fire while they are sweeping the small forest near Varginha, Brazil, where the creature had been found earlier. A soldier becomes frightened when he sees a creature apparently helping a wounded comrade. Two shots strike its belly and one its chest. A fourth shot hits its shoulder. These two creatures differ from the earlier one and have black hair. Immediately afterward, soldiers come out of the woods carrying the creatures in two black sacks. Something is moving in one of them.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1223
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7156
### Event 51334 (EBBC7B8D)
**Date:** 1/20/1996
**Locations:** Rua Dr. Benevenuto Bráz Viêrira; Santana neighborhood of Varginha, Brazil
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. Sisters Liliane Fátima da Silva, 16, and Valquíria Aparecida da Silva, 14, and their friend Kátia Andrade Xavier, 22, are crossing a vacant lot at Rua Dr. Benevenuto Bráz Viêrira in the Santana neighborhood of Varginha, Brazil, when they encounter a thin, hairless, dark-skinned creature with dark veins, two legs with enormous two-toed feet, two arms with only three fingers, a huge head two three bony protrusions \(one on each side and one in the center\), and huge red eyes crouching beside a wall. At first they think it is a statue, but then it turns its head and they think it is a devil. They run home and call their mother, Luzia Helena da Silva, but when they return to the vacant lot, all they find is two footprints and an awful stench.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Incidente de](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incidente%5Fde%5FVarginha) [Varginha](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incidente%5Fde%5FVarginha)”; Clark III 1223–1224; “[ET de Varginha: Caso completa 20 anos com mistérios e incertezas,](https://g1.globo.com/mg/sul-de-minas/noticia/2016/01/et-de-varginha-caso-completa-20-anos-com-misterios-e-incertezas.html)” G1, January 20, 2016; “[Caso Varginha Minuto a Minuto,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7TeO57rfMc)” João Marcelo YouTube channel, July 13, 2016; Brazil 494– 509
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7157
### Event 51335 (3E3DB146)
**Date:** 1/20/1996
**Locations:** Varginha, Brazil; Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas
**Description:** Around 6:00 p.m. After a hailstorm halts the search for several hours, the Varginha, Brazil, search units venture back into the woods. Two plainclothes officers of the Military Police Intelligence Service, one of them Marco Eli Chereze, locate and capture a fourth creature, forcing it into the back of their car. They bring it to a health clinic but are turned away, so they take it to the Hospital Regional do Sul de Minas, where the first examinations are performed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1224
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7158
### Event 51336 (890788F3)
**Date:** 1/20/1996
**Description:** Hildo Lucio Galindo of Jardim Andere, Varginha, Brazil opened his bathroom window at eight o'clock in the morning and caught sight of a short creature with oily brown skin, crouched in a nearby alleyway. It had very small hands with three exceptionally long fingers. It ran away when Hildo cried out. The creature had no hair or clothing and was between four and five feet tall. Later that morning several calls came into the local fire department about a "wild animal" on the loose on the north side of the park. When the fire department arrived they found the military was already on the scene. According to some witnesses a group of children had thrown stones at the strange creature and it made a soft buzzing sound, like a bee. The creature was reported to have been captured by the military and put in a wooden box with a white plastic or canvas cover, and driven away in an Army truck.
Around the same time local residents heard three shots and saw soldiers come out of the woods carrying two campaign sacks. One sack held something motionless, and the other contained something living. Sources said that the soldiers had shot a creature in the chest, killing it instantly. Others saw Army trucks near the woods while still others saw two F-5 jet aircraft fly over the area at low altitude.
Reportedly, a total of eight creatures were reported to have been captured that day. One was dead, two were injured, and five were supposedly taken alive and unhurt. Earlier that same morning, at 1:30 a.m., two farm workers in the same general area had spotted a group of agitated animals running from the area. Upon investigating they saw a metallic gray submarine-shaped object hovering some five meters above the ground. It looked to be trembling like a curtain, and was emitting a smoke or fog. Military witnesses later admitted that this was the object that had later crashed.
Cont: In the afternoon at around one p.m. three girls were walking past a plot of vacant land when they spotted another bizarre looking creature. It was only about 80 cm tall, and had brown skin, bulging red eyes, bulging veins, enormous feet, and three protruding lumps on its head. The being was unclothed and its body seemed covered with an oily substance. The girls panicked and ran away to tell others. Soon units of the local fire department arrived and apparently took the creature away. The residents learned of the rumor that a similar creature had been captured earlier. The small creature emitted a strange buzzing like sound. Others saw strange cigar-shaped objects flying low over a field. It was rumored that the military later took the creature to the nearby city of Campinas, Brazil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, cases # 2795 and #2373, citing Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Brazilian UFO Report # 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_397
### Event 51337 (C6CE1D89)
**Date:** 1/21/1996
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** ST. MENGES, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Luminous yellow object zigzags over house. Continues going north toward(s) Belgium.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOMANIA Bulletin (qtrly). Didier GOMEZ: BP 300, 260 rue des Pyrenees, 75960 Paris cedex 20., FRANCE. 20pp. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17506
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St.MENGES,FR:1 OBS:LUMn.YLW OBJ ZIGZAGS OVR HOUSE:CONTINUES >N twrd BELGIUM", **LatLong:** "49.738891 4.922222", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:20 N 04:55:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.738891,4.922222)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51338 (C55C7D09)
**Date:** 1/21/1996
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** N51 NEAR POIX-TERRON, FR
**Description:** Boy / car. 2 odd vertical rectangles with lights / clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOMANIA Bulletin (qtrly). Didier GOMEZ: BP 300, 260 rue des Pyrenees, 75960 Paris cedex 20., FRANCE. 20pp. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17507
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "N51 nr POIX-TERRON,FR:BOY/CAR:2 ODD VERTICAL RECTANGLES W/LITES/CLOUDS:", **LatLong:** "49.650002 4.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:39:00 N 04:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.650002,4.650000)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51339 (5FBFE94B)
**Date:** 1/21/1996
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** N51 SOUTH / GUE-D'HOSSUS, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. 2.5M ovoid paces car 22km / 1M altitude! Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOMANIA Bulletin (qtrly). Didier GOMEZ: BP 300, 260 rue des Pyrenees, 75960 Paris cedex 20., FRANCE. 20pp. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17508
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "N51 S/GUE-d'HOSSUS,FR:2/CAR:2.5M OVOID PACES CAR 22km/1M alt!:SLNT", **LatLong:** "49.961113 4.538889", **LatLongDMS:** "49:57:40 N 04:32:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.961113,4.538889)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51340 (D1B7CE3E)
**Date:** 1/21/1996
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BELVAL, FR
**Description:** Young boy. Blinking luminous/glowing triangle going [to] over. Stops 2X and continues.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOMANIA Bulletin (qtrly). Didier GOMEZ: BP 300, 260 rue des Pyrenees, 75960 Paris cedex 20., FRANCE. 20pp. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17509
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BELVAL,FR:YOUNG BOY:BLINKING LUMn TRIANGLE >OVR:STOPS 2X+CONTINUES:", **LatLong:** "49.783336 4.627778", **LatLongDMS:** "49:47:00 N 04:37:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.783336,4.627778)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51341 (9801C98C)
**Date:** 1/21/1996
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** MARNAY, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Several luminous orange balls rise and maneuver. 2 going quickly north / incredible speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17510
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MARNAY,FR:2 OBS:SVRL LUMn.ORG BALLS RISE+MNVR:2 >>N/INCREDIBLE SPEED", **LatLong:** "46.405558 0.344444", **LatLongDMS:** "46:24:20 N 00:20:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.405558,0.344444)", **State/Prov:** "Vienne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51342 (F4D1458F)
**Date:** 1/21/1996
**Location:** Marco Eli Chareze's mother's house
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Marco Eli Chareze returns home to his mother’s house to change clothes because his are drenched with rain. He begins to fall ill.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1225
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7159
### Event 51343 (87CD0A65)
**Date:** 1/21/1996
**Locations:** Hospital Humanitas Unimed in Varginha, Brazil; Belo Horizonte
**Description:** The strange creatures are transferred to Hospital Humanitas Unimed in Varginha, Brazil. There are many reports of unusual movements of the Army, the police, and the fire department between the two hospitals. Vehicles are also seen arriving at a hospital in Belo Horizonte, where allegedly one of the creatures dies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1224
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7160
### Event 51344 (9E504727)
**Date:** 1/22/1996
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** EAST / QUATRE CHAMPS, FR
**Description:** 50M ovoid / trees. Shoot sparks. Flies / triangles. Shoots going up [to] extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOMANIA Bulletin (qtrly). Didier GOMEZ: BP 300, 260 rue des Pyrenees, 75960 Paris cedex 20., FRANCE. 20pp. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17511
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "E/QUATRE CHAMPS,FR:50M OVOID/TREES:SHOOT SPARKS:FLIES/TRIANGLES:SHOOTS↑ XFAST", **LatLong:** "49.444447 4.788889", **LatLongDMS:** "49:26:40 N 04:47:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.444447,4.788889)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51345 (6D4A88DB)
**Date:** 1/22/1996
**Locations:** Hospital Humanitas Unimed; Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil
**Description:** The Brazilian military uses three trucks and several other vehicles to move the covered bodies. The trucks are parked on the side of Hospital Humanitas Unimed, and a series of cover-up operations are performed involving doctors, nurses, soldiers, firemen, and military police. The bodies inside the three trucks go to the Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Très Coracões, Brazil.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1224
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7161
### Event 51346 (3906482B)
**Date:** 1/22/1996
**Description:** A 300 foot long blimp-shaped UFO moved slowly through the sky over Redding, California at 8:00 p.m. It hovered for 75 minutes, making a purring sound, and then turned and moves off fast to the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis Ridge, UFO Intelligence Newsletter; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17581
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_431
### Event 51347 (C755FEC7)
**Date:** 1/23/1996
**Locations:** Escola de Sargentos das Armas; Campinas, Brazil
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. A military convoy leaves the Escola de Sargentos das Armas for Campinas, Brazil.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1224
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7162
### Event 51348 (7A9B5F4F)
**Date:** 1/23/1996
**Locations:** University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil; Legal Medical Institute at the Cemitério dos Amarais in Campinas; Brazilian Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial in São José dos Campos, São Paulo; Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul
**Description:** 9:00 a.m. The creatures are delivered in a metal box punctured with holes to the University of Campinas in São Paulo, Brazil, where doctors Fortunato Badan Palhares and Conradín Metz begin performing autopsies. Lab workers are prevented from entering the site. According to three military sources, at least one creature is taken to underground labs located at the university. Another creature is referred to the Legal Medical Institute at the Cemitério dos Amarais in Campinas. Army officials continue making decisive movements around Campinas through April. There are rumors that metal fragments of an unknown origin are taken to the Brazilian Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia Aeroespacial in São José dos Campos, São Paulo, where they are examined in secret underground facilities. The same day, a cargo aircraft takes off from Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, transporting three containers, a box, several soldiers, and a sophisticated radar system to be deployed near Varginha.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1224
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7163
### Event 51349 (AEC4A4BE)
**Date:** 1/25/1996
**Location:** AS PONTES, SP
**Description:** Observer(s) and videos. Delta/triangle/box-like craft = "inverted steam-iron". Jets chase. Near power station.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: SAMIZDAT QUARTERLY: Scott Corrales ed.: SPECIAL REPORT The GALICIAN UFO WAVE of 1995-96. (via Arcturus Books.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17512
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "AS PONTES,SP:OBS+VIDEOS:DLT="INVERTED STEAM-IRON":JETS CHASE:nr power station", **LatLong:** "43.450002 -7.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 07:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,-7.850000)", **State/Prov:** "LCR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51350 (6A7F0FF2)
**Date:** 1/25/1996
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** BARTLETT, TN
**Description:** "Aircraft" = metallic slivers / sky. Objects hover and maneuver. Disappear. Not aircraft..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17513
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "88", **HatchDesc:** "BARTLETT,TN:"AIRCRAFT"=MTLC SLIVERS/SKY:OBJS HVR+MNVR:DISAPPEAR:not aircraft..", **LatLong:** "35.205557 -89.872227", **LatLongDMS:** "35:12:20 N 89:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.205557,-89.872227)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51351 (4318457E)
**Date:** 1/25/1996
**Locations:** US; Campinas, Brazil
**Description:** The US military arrives in Campinas, Brazil, by helicopter, where the entire university is on standby.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1224–1225
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7164
### Event 51352 (04F9046C)
**Date:** 1/26/1996
**Locations:** NASA; University of Campinas, Brazil
**Description:** Several scientists and military personnel linked to NASA arrive at the University of Campinas, Brazil. The cover story is that US scientists are choosing Brazilian scientists to take part in future space missions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1225
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7165
### Event 51353 (C7B27707)
**Date:** 1/27/1996
**Location:** Mexico, Vera Cruz
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 10 pm a gigantic rectangular UFO was observed by hundreds of people, during a thunderstorm. The object was approaching the city, coming from the northeast. Before seeing the object, the witnesses saw two huge flashes of light. One of the witnesses, the Texas farmer Pedro Alaniz had a 20/20 vision of the phenomenon. He was on Camino (route 180) driving south towards Alvaredo, when he saw the UFO. He was able to give a detailed description. It was flying from northeast to southwest at about 200 miles/hour. It measured about 90 m long and had bright white lights on its belly, going from the front to the back. The tail took up 1/3 of the total length and had 5 appendages shaped like "fingers". Near the tail, on the left side, there was a pale blue light. The object was heading towards Cosamaloapan and was filmed by dozens of amateur camcorders.
**Reference:** Ufo Folklore Center - Masinaigan
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3556
### Event 51354 (DFAAF01E)
**Date:** 1/27/1996
**Location:** SEDGWICK, ME
**Description:** Couple. White sphere bigger / moon. Imbedded with orange dots. Streaks away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** NATIONAL UFO REPORTING CENTER (NURC) BBS and Website. P.O. Box 45623, University Station, Seattle, WA 98145. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17514
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "SEDGWICK,ME:COUPLE:WHT SPHERE BIGGER/MOON:IMBEDDED W/ORG.DOTS:STREAKS AWAY", **LatLong:** "44.305558 -68.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "44:18:20 N 68:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.305558,-68.616670)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51355 (7BA97D51)
**Date:** 1/27/1996
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** AMPARO, BRZ
**Description:** Saucer-fireball lights deserted mountainside. Going quickly east over town. Filmed / politician.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOLETIM CEPEX. (Qtrly) Centro de Estudios e Pesquisos Exologicos; Sumaro, SP, Brazil. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17515
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "900", **HatchDesc:** "AMPARO,BRZ:SCR-FBL LITES DESERTED MtnSIDE:>>E OVR TOWN:FILMED/POLITICIAN", **LatLong:** "-22.700001 -46.783336", **LatLongDMS:** "22:42:00 S 46:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.700001,-46.783336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51356 (DC9F7630)
**Date:** 1/27/1996
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** VERACRUZ, MEXICO
**Description:** Hundreds and videos. 300' box going quickly southwest over port in thunderstorm. 200mph. 600' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: JOE RITROVATO: San Francisco, CA:
Rusu reported that immediately after Mancu had left and gone behind a nearby apartment house, "a fluttering from above appeared". The neon lighting in the street seemed to change in intensity. The object descended slowly, without noise, and came down behind him. Rusu became frightened when he saw the object hovering above the ground, with three small human-like creatures were moving around it. Both witnesses agreed that the object had the form of a flat hut, five or six meters across and two or 2.5 meters high, and it was balancing about half a meter from the ground. Around the periphery of the object was a continuous girdle of light "like a rainbow." The colors changed from red to blue and flared in intensity. On the bottom of the object was a bright white light. Neither of the witnesses saw any doors, portholes, or other similar features. After about two minutes, the UFO rose vertically. At the moment it moved up to an altitude of about 30 meters its lights became much brighter, and the neon streetlights went out. It then shot off to the east at high speed. Rusu reportedly had a better view of the humanoid creatures than Mancu, who only noticed one of them from behind. He estimated their height to have been around a meter or less. Rusu said he heard some noises made by the humanoids, sounding like "rain in a drain pipe." Both described the creatures as ugly; they had large heads, very elongated behind and covered with bumps, with no hair, and large ears. Their faces were white and they had big eyes. Gray metallic shiny scales, resembling fish scales, covered their bodies. They also had large, limp protruding bellies. They also had thin spindly arms, and no noses or mouths were visible. The witnesses thought that the creatures floated just above the ground and moved around "as if they were drunk." A huge sweet cherry tree nearby had around 15 % of its leaves shriveled as if by extreme heat. Other witnesses in nearby villages reported strange lights over the area the same night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 340; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, citing Dan D. Farcas
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3936
### Event 51603 (993D367A)
**Date:** 7/9/1996
**Location:** CHILLAN, CHILE
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). UFO hovers / 30 minute(s). Suddenly shoots going quickly southeast. Type unknown. / AUFORA.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17670
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "CHILLAN,CHILE:100s/OBS:UFO HVRS/30min:SUDDENLY SHOOTS >>SE:type unk:/AUFORA", **LatLong:** "-36.583335 -72.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "36:35:00 S 72:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.583335,-72.116670)", **State/Prov:** "NBL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51604 (5E9EA0DD)
**Date:** 7/9/1996
**Location:** Cerțești, Romania
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. Police Sgt. Marian Mancu and volunteer guard Maricel Rusu are patrolling on the main road through Cerțești, Romania. Rusu sees a lighted object descending silently, causing nearby neon lights to vary in their intensity. Mancu hears a whistling sound and sees an object with flashing blue and red lights hovering 2 feet above the pavement. Three small people with elongated heads, white faces, big eyes, and scaly bodies are moving around inside it. The object is top-shaped, 15–20 feet across and 8 feet tall, and has a girdle of lights around the edge like a rainbow. After 2 minutes it rises vertically, its lights become brighter, and nearby streetlights go out. It turns northwest and departs with tremendous speed. Other residents of the town witness unusual light phenomena.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 135–146
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7183
### Event 51605 (7CE8D94D)
**Date:** 7/9/1996
**Description:** A triangular-shaped UFO landed in a field in Chillan, Chile. It left three circular indentations in the ground 1.7 meters apart and 10 cm across. That same day, while visiting the "Julia Set" crop formation opposite the Stonehenge megaliths in England, two friends of author Lucy Pringle became ill with nausea, fatigue, and memory problems. The symptoms persisted for three days following the visit.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomena, issue no. 33; Lucy Pringle, Crop Circles: The greatest mystery of modern times, p. 37
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3970
### Event 51606 (915E51F7)
**Date:** 7/10/1996
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** UNION, MO
**Description:** 1 observer at window. Tube-cylinder/cylindrical object with blunt ends west going east / 2 minute(s). "No plane". Back 13 July.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACTAEON ADVISOR (qtrly) Actaeon Group; PO.Box 515123, St. Louis, MO 63151-1290 314/994-1290. (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17671
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "166", **HatchDesc:** "UNION,MO:1 OBS at WINDOW:TUBE-CYL W/BLUNT ENDS W>E/2min:"no plane":BACK 13JLY", **LatLong:** "38.433335 -91.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:26:00 N 91:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.433335,-91.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51607 (3A062EAB)
**Date:** 7/11/1996
**Location:** Austria, Drosendorf
**Description:** (Translated from French) A 76-year-old man, Rudolf Slam, allegedly saw a UFO land in a field. The witness had gone out on his balcony around midnight to smoke a cigarette when he saw a triangular-shaped, luminous object slowly land in the field. The witness rushed to grab a camcorder to film the phenomenon, but his batteries had run out. (...) In the field, an investigation revealed a triangular trace on the ground, made up of circular holes 10 cm deep located precisely 1.70 m apart. Burned grass was discovered at the center of the trace. The witness said that the object took off after a few minutes, then quickly disappeared while emitting a 300 m long trail of flames and a deep rumble resembling thunder.
**Reference:** Phénoména n° 33 p. 23
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3562
### Event 51608 (96A8DA94)
**Date:** 7/11/1996
**Description:** 1 observer. Triangle lands / field. 3 circular 10cm indents 1.7M apart.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17672
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Austria", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "DROSENDORF,AUSTRIA:1 OBS:TRIANGLE LANDS/FIELD:3 CIRC.10cm INDENTS 1.7M APART", **LatLong:** "48.866669 15.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:52:00 N 15:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.866669,15.616667)", **State/Prov:** "LWA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51609 (DA0ECBA7)
**Date:** 7/13/1996
**Description:** SAS troops on an ambush patrol in South Armagh, Northern Ireland saw four small Grey humanoids walk up from behind a hill and cross their path. Minutes later the special services soldiers saw a flash of light in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case 2627
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4040
### Event 51610 (0307A910)
**Date:** 7/14/1996
**Location:** Spain, Zaragoza
**Description:** (Translated from French) At five o'clock in the morning, the camcorder of the couple David Remiro and Ana Pilar Muñecas was recording a sequence of what they called a "UFO like the one from the other day". The images were transmitted by a regional Aragonese television transmitter. During my interview with the witnesses we agreed that if they saw the same UFO they could call me. I didn't expect them to do it, and even less at five o'clock in the morning. But three days later they called me: the UFO was there. I went to the place. Result: their lack of astronomical knowledge had made them take the planet Venus for a UFO.
**Reference:** Angel Briongos Martínez, Investigator, Zaragoza - Spain - abmz at arrakis.es
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3563
### Event 51611 (7FD5988D)
**Date:** 7/16/1996
**Location:** Spain, Los Villares (Jaén)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A countryman, Dionisio A., had a daytime encounter with three beings that seemed to not belong to our world. Although he received us amiably, this 66-year-old man was still in shock, suspicious of us, and only wanted to say "just what was necessary". Several times during the interview he interjected with the statement: "I will never pass by here again, never again." The place was one kilometer from the village. Dionisio said: "Since I'm retired, I walk a lot in the countryside. I came almost every day here around noon. There is this stone on which I sit to rest. When I arrived here, I saw a device next to the electric pylon. There was an unbearable smell, like when burning used oil. I thought it was an ICONA container. But it wasn't. The object was made of a very shiny metal, transparent like crystal, and there were four black crystal hatches. It wasn't on the ground, but suspended 30 cm from the ground. It was like a bell three meters wide and 1.5 meters high but in the shape of a half moon. On one side there was a symbol like a "yoyo". And then I also saw this surprising thing: two dark cables came out of the back and joined the high voltage line above. " At that moment Dionisio's heart began to beat violently, because he saw three motionless beings, like statues. Where did they come from, he doesn't know. They measured about 1.7 meters. There were two men and a woman, wearing clothes so close to the body that at first he thought they were naked and had painted themselves a silver color on the skin. Their tight-fitting clothes reflected the sunlight. They were of Asian type with high cheekbones, very pale, with slanted eyes. They had large hands with five well-defined fingers. They wore boots of the same color as the outfit. There was no expression on their faces and that's what made Dionisio even more uncomfortable. "Suddenly I received a great blow in the chest that made me lower my eyes. When I looked up again, the woman was pointing to one of the companions further back. They had small mouths without lips, like a line. When speaking they did not open their mouths. I did not hear their voice with my ears, but inside my head. Then I felt bad. When I became aware again of the bad smell of burned fuel accompanied by a buzzing, I looked up: there was nothing here, no device, no men, nothing. " Since the encounter Dionisio has been going badly: he is always tired, he does not eat anymore and he is afraid "they" will come back to take him away. The next day the son went to the site and found traces. Two weeks later they were still visible: four cylindrical holes 9.5 cm in diameter and 1.5 cm deep, forming the corners of a perfect square of one meter. No vegetation was burned, but folded and bent as if it had suffered a great weight, despite the fact that Dionisio said that the device was 30 cm from the ground ©Midwar Flash-Net 1993-1998, All Rights Reserved.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3564
### Event 51612 (37360F6E)
**Date:** 7/16/1996
**Location:** BOSWELL, PA
**Description:** 2+3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Diamond shapes maneuver. Missing time? Watch off 60 minute(s). Bad dreams.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 81)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17673
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "556", **HatchDesc:** "BOSWELL,PA:2+3 OBS/BINOCS:DIAMOND SHAPES MNVR:MST?:WATCH off 60min:BAD DREAMS", **LatLong:** "40.161113 -79.027782", **LatLongDMS:** "40:09:40 N 79:01:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.161113,-79.027782)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51613 (71AC08BD)
**Date:** 7/16/1996
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** HILLSBORO, IL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 silent white balls hover. Going quickly / opposite directions. Play tag / low altitude. 1 going south. 1 going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACTAEON ADVISOR (qtrly) Actaeon Group; PO.Box 515123, St. Louis, MO 63151-1290 314/994-1290. (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17674
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "192", **HatchDesc:** "HILLSBORO,IL:2 OBS:2 SLNT WHT BALLS HVR:>>/OPP.DIRs:PLAY TAG/LO ALT:1>S:1>W", **LatLong:** "39.161113 -89.494449", **LatLongDMS:** "39:09:40 N 89:29:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.161113,-89.494449)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51614 (C007E73C)
**Date:** 7/16/1996
**Description:** A 66-year-old retired farmer named Dionisio was walking through a field around noon in Los Villares, Jaen, Spain. He had just sat down on a rock next to a tree to rest when he noticed a very strong and pungent odor in the air and heard a low humming sound. He next noticed an object hovering near the ground next to some nearby power lines. The craft was shaped like a dome and was a shiny metallic color. It had several black glassy oval shaped windows. It was about three meters in length and a meter and a half in height. On one side he noticed some inscriptions, part of which resembled "IOIO." From the top of the object there were also some cables that were apparently connected to the nearby power lines.
Dionisio also noticed a curious fact. If he moved back about three meters he could no longer see the object, but when he moved forward again he was again able to see it. Suddenly he saw three figures standing next to the object. Two were men and one was a woman, and they stood about six feet tall. They were wearing tight fitting, one-piece silvery outfits. Their faces were Asian in appearance, with high cheekbones, very pale skin, and slanted eyes. They had large hands with five long, well defined fingers and their mouths were slit-like. They also wore silvery boots. Suddenly he felt something strike his chest, and glancing up he noticed that the woman was signaling him, and one of the men was kneeling down next to the craft. He began hearing voices in his head. Frightened, he tried to hide behind some rocks, and then heard the humming sound and smelled the pungent odor again. When he emerged from behind the rocks he noticed that the humanoids and the object were gone. Investigators found ground traces at the site. A mysterious looking rock was also found at the site. During the same time others in the region saw low flying lights and objects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, case # 3040, citing Lorenzo Fernandez Bueno & Iker Jimenez Elizari
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4112
### Event 51615 (09362BE0)
**Date:** 7/17/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Boeing 747 of TWA Flight 800 crashes with its 230 passengers. Three official hypotheses will be evoked: a failure of the aircraft, a bomb, and a missile from the army. A fourth unofficial hypothesis is the voluntary or involuntary collision with a UFO: according to an international official, we could be dealing with a collision with an unknown type of engine to this day. This would explain the embarrassment of the US administration and the blocking of the investigation. (July 17th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3294
### Event 51616 (C608D7D8)
**Date:** 7/17/1996
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** OKAWVILLE, IL
**Description:** 1 / car. Silent metal triangle with flat facets / top hovers / 5 minute(s). "Vanishes".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ACTAEON ADVISOR (qtrly) Actaeon Group; PO.Box 515123, St. Louis, MO 63151-1290 314/994-1290. (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17675
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "134", **HatchDesc:** "OKAWVILLE,IL:1/CAR:SLNT MTL TRIANGLE W/FLAT FACETS/TOP HVRS/5min:"vanishes"", **LatLong:** "38.433335 -89.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:26:00 N 89:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.433335,-89.550004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51617 (285DF1A3)
**Date:** 7/17/1996
**Location:** Langruth, Manitoba
**Description:** Dusk. A woman near Langruth, Manitoba, is startled to see a disc-shaped object moving quietly and slowly through her farmyard. The object, 9–12 feet in diameter and 2.5 feet thick, has slitlike lights along its edge. The next morning, she finds three circular patches of deep green growth in the area where the object had been. She thinks her well water has been affected by the incident.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “UFOs in Canada—1996,” IUR 22, no. 2 \(Summer 1997\): 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7184
### Event 51618 (AA50CB10)
**Date:** 7/17/1996
**Description:** At 9:00 a.m. on I-64 southeast of Damiansville, Illinois a low-flying triangular UFO approached an interstate ramp and then hovered over some trees for 4-5 minutes. It appeared like "polished steel". It made not sound and vanished mysteriously. That evening a woman in Langruth, Manitoba saw a disc-shaped object moving slowly and quietly through her farmyard. The disc was about 3-4 meters in diameter, about half a meter tall, and had slit like lights along the edge. Three circular patches of green growth appeared in the area where the object was first seen.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, p. 198; International UFO Reporter, July 1997, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4150
### Event 51619 (2849710F)
**Date:** 7/22/1996
**Description:** In Vicenza, Italy at 10:30 p.m. two local youngsters reported that they first noticed a total lack of animal noises while camping outside on the grassy slopes of Monte Berici, then everything became abnormally quiet. Soon they heard a kind of modulated, scraping metallic sound. Next they heard the sound of something moving in the forest, and when they looked in the direction of the sound they noticed two dark gleaming eyes staring at them. The girl became frightened and covered herself with a blanket, while the boy saw what appeared to be a large form, like a white-silvery blanket approach from the nearby hill. It was a meter in height and approached to within half a meter of the girl, looking down on her with two big red metallic eyes. In an attempt to protect her, the boy jumped up in front of the girl. At that point the robot-like creature seemed to shrink in upon itself then vanished into the woods. Others in the area reported hearing loud noises resembling a helicopter coming from the woods.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, citing UFO CUN
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4309
### Event 51620 (79D283FF)
**Date:** 7/24/1996
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** ALMA ATA, KAZAK
**Description:** Dozens / military Officers. Steel diamond pulses red and green. Ray going down. Not on RADAR!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17676
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kazakh Republic", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "ALMA ATA,KAZAK:DOZENS/MIL OFCRS:STEEL DIAMOND PULSES RED+GRN:RAY↓:NOT on RDR!", **LatLong:** "43.333335 77.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:20:00 N 77:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.333335,77.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Alma", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51621 (351F372D)
**Date:** 7/25/1996
**Location:** Israel, Haifa, Tveria and Arad
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 5 in the morning the local police were overwhelmed with calls. People were seeing in the sky a very bright "star", which as it approached became a more or less incandescent disc. [Note from vog: Simultaneity of testimonies over a large distance; Arad is 200 miles from Haifa; probable atmospheric entry]
**Reference:** Ufo Reality - issue 4 - p. 7 - 1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3565
### Event 51622 (EB11B577)
**Date:** 7/25/1996
**Location:** Akron, OH
**Description:** Dogs hid as boomerang passed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [960725](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-960725.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5869
### Event 51623 (83A1B01F)
**Date:** 7/29/1996
**Time:** 01:48:57.8
**Location:** 41.8200 88.4200
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1836
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.8200 88.4200", **LatLongDMS:** "41:49:12 N 88:25:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.8200,88.4200)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUPC"
### Event 51624 (9A20A915)
**Date:** 8/1996
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** GOZO ISL., MALTA
**Description:** Round white object over beach. Observer(s) disoriented. Possible missing time and dislocation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MALTA UFO RESEARCH: J.J.Mercieca. www.mufor.org email: mufor at maltanet.net
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17677
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "GOZO Isl.,MALTA:ROUND WHT OBJ ovr BEACH:OBS DISORIENTED:poss.MST+DISLOCATION", **LatLong:** "36.033335 14.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "36:02:00 N 14:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.033335,14.233334)", **State/Prov:** "MLT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51625 (933BE4E1)
**Date:** 8/1996
**Location:** Las Vegas, Nevada
**Description:** Sen. [Harry Reid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry%5FReid) \(D-Nev.\) attends the fifth meeting of the National Institute for Discovery Science scientific advisory board in Las Vegas, Nevada. [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) delivers the main presentation. Reid stays in frequent contact with [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) afterward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7185
### Event 51626 (7BD41740)
**Date:** 8/1/1996
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** 2M delta/triangle/box-like craft-fireball going quickly southeast in front of trees / 300M.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 342)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17678
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "QUETIGNY,21+CHALONS-sur-MARNE,52++,FR:2M DLT-FBL >>SE IN FRONT OF TREES/300M:", **LatLong:** "47.305558 5.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:18:20 N 05:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.305558,5.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Côte-d'Or", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51627 (E489E879)
**Date:** 8/4/1996
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** ELAT, ISRAEL
**Description:** Police alert. Hundreds / observer(s). Large fireball and 2 small night lights flash all color(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17679
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Israel", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "ELAT,ISRAEL:POLICE ALERT:100s/OBS:LRG FBL+2 SML NLTS FLASH ALL CLRS:NFD", **LatLong:** "29.566668 34.950002", **LatLongDMS:** "29:34:00 N 34:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.566668,34.950002)", **State/Prov:** "ELT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 51628 (367ECD14)
**Date:** 8/7/1996
**Description:** NASA holds a press conference declaring “Life on Mars,” stating that rock 84001 shows biological signs of past life. NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin states “It’s an unbelievable day…if this discovery is confirmed, it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered.” Confirmation of 84001 never came, however, and the issue was dropped. Over the following decades, Goldin appeared in several public media programs discussing the possibility of alien life.
Goldin was appointed NASA Administrator on 1 April 992 by President George HW Bush and prior to that, Goldin worked at the Space and Technology Group of TRW for 25 years in Redondo Beach, CA; at TRW STG, Goldin managed advanced projects, some subject to Special Access Program security measures. STG, for example, worked with Hughes Aircraft as the prime contractors for the **MILSTAR Program**, a global, secure, nuclear-survivable space-based communication system.
* [https://www.gao.gov/assets/nsiad-86-45s-15.pdf](https://www.gao.gov/assets/nsiad-86-45s-15.pdf)
* [https://www.planetary.org/profiles/daniel-goldin](https://www.planetary.org/profiles/daniel-goldin)
* [https://www.c-span.org/video/?74189-1/life-mars](https://www.c-span.org/video/?74189-1/life-mars)
* [https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/2407alien.html](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/2407alien.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_312
### Event 51629 (572C3CA4)
**Date:** 8/8/1996
**Time:** 15:50
**Description:** 3 190' cigars going [to] over SR62. Cars stall. Several cars electro-magnetic effect (EME) / I80 / separate observer(s). / (unsolicited email/not verified.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17680
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "NE/MEDFORD,OR:3 190'CGRS >OVR SR62:CARS STALL:svrl cars eme/I80/sep.obs:/UEM", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -122.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 122:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-122.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51630 (F7880CED)
**Date:** 8/9/1996
**Time:** 02:20
**Description:** 2+2 / car. Silent white disk with lights follows car 6km. Hovers / one hour and more.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 341)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17681
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "nr TAVACO,CORSICA:2+2/CAR:SLNT WHT DISK W/LITES FOLOS CAR 6km:HVRS/1hr+:", **LatLong:** "42.022224 8.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:01:20 N 08:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.022224,8.900000)", **State/Prov:** "CDS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51631 (51D83393)
**Date:** 8/9/1996
**Description:** At 2:20 a.m. a silent white disc-shaped object with lights followed a car for 6 km near Tavaco, Corse-Sud, France. It then hovered for over an hour. At the same time there was the occurrence of anomalous radar echoes in the Central European surveillance area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 341; Illobrand von Ludwiger, Best UFO Cases--Europe, p. 109
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4808
### Event 51632 (BBE24502)
**Date:** 8/10/1996
**Location:** NEAR AVELLINO, ITL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright red disk going [to] low over farm. Circle / dried yellow grass found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17682
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr AVELLINO,ITL:2 OBS:BRITE RED DISK >LO OVR FARM:CIRCLE/DRIED YLW GRASS FOUND", **LatLong:** "40.966669 14.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "40:58:00 N 14:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.966669,14.750001)", **State/Prov:** "Campania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51633 (4BB50CF1)
**Date:** 8/10/1996
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** GISBORNE, NI, NZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large silent green diamond going quickly northwest. Zigzags below clouds. Going up and down [to] etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 79)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17683
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GISBORNE,NI,NZ:2 OBS:LRG SLNT GRN DIAMOND >>NW:ZIGZAGS BELOW CLOUDS:↑+↓ etc.", **LatLong:** "-38.666669 178.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "38:40:00 S 178:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.666669,178.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51634 (3671D929)
**Date:** 8/10/1996
**Description:** A bright red disc was sighted moving low over a farm in Avellino, Campania, Italy. A circle of dried yellow grass was found in the vicinity.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17388, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 1, number 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4845
### Event 51635 (83A0C9F2)
**Date:** 8/11/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) John Weyleigh films [the Oliver Castle video](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/video/OliverCastle.mpg) showing the formation of [crop circles](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CropCircles.html) by flying lights. (Sunday, August 11th, 5am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3295
### Event 51636 (92237B5E)
**Date:** 8/11/1996
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Teen. Flaming bullet shape zigzags all around. Unusual sounds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison.
Taken to the hospital he had to undergo another battery of tests. He still had yellow powder on his face which the doctors took samples of to analyze. The results indicated that it was composed of 60% aluminum (as well as iron, calcium and potassium, but containing no trace of silicon) and bore no resemblance to the earth in the vicinity. The samples were said to have been sent to NASA. (PHENOMENA n° 34 of 1997, p. 13) (Ufo Roundup, vol. 1 n° 25, cites the Associated Press) Barry Chamish, journalist, in an article published on the Internet "Ufo Folklore Center" under the title "Yuri Isaacov - another blow to Israeli ufology" explains that Michael Heseman of "Magazine 2000" (Germany) called by him to meet Yuri, proposed, since the witness claimed to be ill, to have him examined in Houston by abduction expert Derrel Sims. If Yuri had no money Heseman would have paid for the trip on condition of obtaining a copy of Yuri's medical report. At the hospital they were told by Dr. Michael Kedem that Yuri had signed an exclusivity contract with a lawyer by the name of Michael Luxemburg. Without Luxemburg's agreement, nothing could be copied. Luxemburg contacted wanted $5,000 for this "work". By the end of February 1997 Heseman was filming an interview with Yuri where the latter claimed that the week before two extraterrestrials had been in his apartment as well as in an old lady's from the neighborhood. (...) Finally Barry Chamish concluded that Yuri had set up the whole story for financial gain, and that for the neighborhood Yuri Isaacov is a pathological liar. [note from vog: THEREFORE, if we believe Barry Chamish, this case is a HOAX, however, is this same journalist not subject to caution? He was the first to bombard the foreign press with this story, as well as with those of December 1996]
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3568
### Event 51685 (6A696A58)
**Date:** 9/15/1996
**Location:** Portugal, Cabeca da Penha (Serra da Guardunha - Beira Alta)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A young man went hunting in this border region with Spain. On his way he decided to visit a cave about which it is said that in the 14th century a little girl was found after three days of disappearance. (see 14th century - Fundao) Once in the cave, the young man lost consciousness. He came to in a huge "underground hangar" surrounded by three kinds of extraterrestrials. Several silver ovoid UFOs were parked there. The humanoids, the young man recounts, are part of an interstellar alliance for observing Earth. Their base under the Serra da Guardunha is one of the four bases they have here, the others are in Warminster (England), the Grand Canyon (Arizona USA) and Peru. After hearing all this, the young man lost consciousness again. He regained his senses at eight o'clock in the evening, on the ground, next to the cave. (1996, 15 September)
**Reference:** Masinaigan at aol.com
**Reference:** Wouldn't one say that this young man is repeating word for word what William Hermann of Charleston (South Carolina) said at the end of 1978 and was widely exploited by authors?
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3569
### Event 51686 (CE96F102)
**Date:** 9/15/1996
**Description:** 2 silver disks stop over church. Hover / hilltop. Going quickly north / Lagoa Santa.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17708
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "JABOTICATUBAS,BRAZIL:2 SLVR DISKS STOP OVR CHURCH:HVR/HILLTOP:>>N/LAGOA SANTA", **LatLong:** "-19.483334 -43.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "19:29:00 S 43:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.483334,-43.750002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51687 (457CA7C8)
**Date:** 9/15/1996
**Description:** A young backpacker, Ricardo Machado Oliveira, was exploring a remote mountain cave near Cabeca da Penha Mountain, Portugal and while in it apparently passed out. When he came to, he found himself in a vast underground hangar surrounded by "three distinct species of aliens". Nearby were several silvery ovoid craft. The aliens told Ricardo that they were part of an alliance of interstellar worlds engaged in observing Earth. Their base under the Serra da Guardunha Mountains was one of four such bases. Immediately after hearing this Ricardo blacked out again. When he opened his eyes, he was lying on the ground right outside the cave. In the 14th century, at the same cave, a little girl from a nearby village vanished for three days. When she was finally found, she told the search party that she had been cared for by "a lady in white", who had offered her water to drink from a bell. Some have attributed this to a visitation by the Blessed Virgin Mary.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1996 Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, case # 2483, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Volume 1, number 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5998
### Event 51688 (C152CFBF)
**Date:** 9/15/1996
**Description:** St Seurin D'Uzet, Charente Maritime department, France. At around 8:00 p.m. a witness was standing in his garden when he saw a bizarre object, which descended until it touched down of the surface of the Gironde River. Using a pair of binoculars, from about 200-300 meters away, he saw a figure suddenly appears, along with what resembled an inflatable orange raft at the being's feet. The being then began to float against the current on the orange "raft". At the same time there was a reported power blackout in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 340; Phenomena, issue # 34, Sud Ouest newspaper
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5999
### Event 51689 (8ADF5B9A)
**Date:** 9/16/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A resident of Nazareth \(Israel\) who went to post a letter claims to have been grabbed by the hair and dragged into an egg-shaped object where he sees beings with a head like a bulb and thin limbs. The man recounts having been sprinkled with some kind of powder. When he wakes up, he is lying on his back, on a sports field 500 m from his home. In the hospital, doctors find the presence of a powder which, when analyzed, turns out to be 60% aluminum. (September 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3300
### Event 51690 (4DD82E4D)
**Date:** 9/16/1996
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** NAZARETH, ISRL
**Description:** Man abducted / jumping giants. Small humanoids (or Greys) examine. Burning powder traces / body.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 341)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17709
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Israel", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "230", **HatchDesc:** "NAZARETH,ISRL:MAN ABDd/JUMPING GIANTS:OIDS EXAMINE:BURNING POWDER TRACES/BODY", **LatLong:** "32.700002 35.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "32:42:00 N 35:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.700002,35.300002)", **State/Prov:** "NZR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51691 (AC75009D)
**Date:** 9/16/1996
**Location:** Valley, Ohio
**Description:** Day. A witness is repairing a fence on his property near Valley, Ohio, when his dog starts barking loudly. Going over to his dog, he looks up to see a low-flying space-capsule-shaped UFO hovering and moving slowly over one of his cow pastures. He takes six photos of the object. Black to dark green in the photos, the cone-shaped object, when enlarged, shows a black Teflon-like covered bottom and a flange or rim that goes around near the top. In each photo the UFO is shown at a slightly different position and altitude, making it more difficult to hoax.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Gross, “[Mysterious Photos](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/vall96.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7191
### Event 51692 (18C2E44A)
**Date:** 9/16/1996
**Description:** At around 5:00 a.m. a witness in a car noticed a shiny luminous point of unusual size in Corme Royal, Charente-Maritime, France, then saw an ovoid craft with three portholes emitting a strong orange light. It was stationary at an altitude from 30-40 meters and 300-400 meters from the road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case 237
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6026
### Event 51693 (1B17B032)
**Date:** 9/16/1996
**Description:** The 6-year-old witness was sleeping on the floor of his brother's room in Windsor, North Carolina when at 4:15 a.m. he awoke, looked to his right, and saw a white face with a grayish tint that was apparently lying on the ground staring at him. It had large black eyes and an almond-shaped head, no ears, a slit for a mouth, and two holes for a nose. It seemed to be about 5 feet 8 inches tall. The witness could not move his neck much, so he could not see its entire figure. Both the alien and young boy stared at each other for at least five minutes. It didn't flinch or move. When the witness attempted to scream he couldn't. He could move his arms, but not his legs. He then heard a voice in his head that said, "Don't move it is already done" or something similar to that. Upon hearing that, the witness decided to defend himself and punched it directly at the face. As soon as his hand made contact with the creature, it disappeared. There appears to have been about an hour time lapse, and in the morning the witness found marks on his arm and later on his back. He remembers that while he was staring at the alien there appeared to be a white light aura surrounding him. He does not believe he was in his brother's room at that point.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1996 Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, citing direct communication with the witness
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6027
### Event 51694 (4A4633BC)
**Date:** 9/16/1996
**Description:** On this evening 62-year-old Uri Sakhov was walking to the local post office in Nazareth, Israel when he suddenly heard a loud whizzing sound and felt hands grab his hair and shoulders. In an instant he found himself being pulled into an egg-shaped object. Inside he found himself in a strange crystal chamber surrounded by several small humanoids. These were described as 2 to 3 feet tall, with heads shaped like light bulbs and skinny limbs that made unintelligible noises. The leader was described as taller and green colored, wearing flowing robes. He was very slender and had a narrow vertical head, with eyes located on either side of it. One of the small humanoids stepped up to the witness and sprayed his face with a yellowish powder. Soon they were conducting numerous medical tests on Sakhov, which made him feel "horrible" and very uncomfortable. Midway through the tests he lost consciousness. When he recovered consciousness he found himself lying flat on his back in the middle of a soccer stadium, half a kilometer from his house. Feeling dizzy, he went home and noticed that he still had some of the yellow powder on his face. The powder was analyzed at a local hospital and it was found to be about 60 percent aluminum and different from any soil found in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1996 Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, case # 2461, citing Barry Chamish
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6028
### Event 51695 (D80B8821)
**Date:** 9/17/1996
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NORTH TEL AVIV, ISRL
**Description:** Hundreds and cops. Huge saucer hovers and maneuvers / 2 hours. Vibrant bright. Going quickly east. / Le Figaro and Inet.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17710
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Israel", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "N.TEL AVIV,ISRL:100s+COPS:HUGE SCR HVRS+MNVRS/2hrs:VBRITE:>>E:/Le Figaro+Inet", **LatLong:** "32.083335 34.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "32:05:00 N 34:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.083335,34.750002)", **State/Prov:** "TLV", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51696 (FC4D4539)
**Date:** 9/17/1996
**Description:** Thousands including police saw a huge disc maneuver over Tel Aviv, Israel at two o'clock in the morning. The aerial display lasted two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 340; Michael Hesemann, UFOs: The Secret History
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6059
### Event 51697 (BC7DF333)
**Date:** 9/18/1996
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** STA.MARIA, RGS, BRZ
**Description:** Metal sphere hovers / low altitude / city center. Slow and silent going [to] Sao Vicente do Sul.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17711
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "141", **HatchDesc:** "Sta.MARIA,RGS,BRZ:MTL SPHERE HVRS/LO ALT/CITY Ctr:SLO+SLNT >Sao Vicente do Sul", **LatLong:** "-29.666668 -53.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "29:40:00 S 53:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.666668,-53.800003)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51698 (AE2D35D1)
**Date:** 9/18/1996
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 1 observer. 80' blue-green cylinder/cigar-shape drifts / golf-course. Going quickly [to] away suddenly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17712
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "BLACKWELL,WORCs,ENGL:1 OBS:80'BLU-GRN CGR DRIFTS/GOLF-COURSE:>> AWAY SUDDENLY:", **LatLong:** "52.333336 -2.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:20:00 N 02:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.333336,-2.050000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51699 (814D2072)
**Date:** 9/20/1996
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 2 / separate cars. Classic saucer with lights / rim. Fat / middle. Hovers. Going quickly northeast across bay.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17713
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "ALTONA,AUSTRL:2/SEP.CARS:CLASSIC SCR W/LITES/RIM:FAT/MIDDLE:HVRS:>>NE ACRS BAY", **LatLong:** "-37.866668 144.833340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:52:00 S 144:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.866668,144.833340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51700 (C0E96821)
**Date:** 9/20/1996
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a disc-shaped object with lights around the rim hovered over the bay at Altona, Victoria, Australia then moved away to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup website, volume 1, number 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6162
### Event 51701 (65E280AC)
**Date:** 9/21/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At La Roche-Guyon \(Val d'Oise\), observation of a light moving to the Northwest, towards the town of Marines. (September 21, 0 h)
**Reference:** *Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16, 1997
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3301
### Event 51702 (0C6946E4)
**Date:** 9/21/1996
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** JOSHUA TREE NM, CA
**Description:** UFO group. Silent 65' saucer / 200' altitude. Stops near. Going quickly north. Hugs terrain.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 86)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17714
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "885", **HatchDesc:** "JOSHUA TREE NM,CA:UFO GROUP:SLNT 65'SCR/200'alt:STOPS NEAR:>>N:HUGS TERRAIN", **LatLong:** "33.916668 -115.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:55:00 N 115:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.916668,-115.916672)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51703 (53998DA0)
**Date:** 9/21/1996
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** MT. VERNON, IN
**Description:** Project Lunascan videos object / lunar orbit. 2 miles wide? T = 0026 UTC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17715
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "141", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.VERNON,IN:PROJ.LUNASCAN VIDEOS OBJ/LUNAR ORBIT:2 MILES WIDE?:t=0026 UTC", **LatLong:** "0.000000 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "00:00:00 S 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/0.000000,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "IND", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51704 (134D5AD1)
**Date:** 9/21/1996
**Description:** In Joshua Tree, California a disc-shaped object 65 feet in diameter hovered silently at only 200 feet close to witnesses for four minutes. It then moved off to the northeast hugging the terrain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup website, volume 1, number 34
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6204
### Event 51705 (2B625774)
**Date:** 9/23/1996
**Time:** 16:00
**Description:** Several and military pilots. Blinking night lights. Not / RADAR. / AFP and Jean-Marc Audra.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 341)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17716
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "VLADIVOSTOK,RUSS:SVRL+MIL.PILOTS:BLINKING NLTS:not/rdr:/AFP+Jean-Marc Audra", **LatLong:** "43.100002 131.783340", **LatLongDMS:** "43:06:00 N 131:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.100002,131.783340)", **State/Prov:** "SBR", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 51706 (6FB97334)
**Date:** 9/23/1996
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** BOUVILLE, FR
**Description:** Circular object / 100M away. 3 square windows. Beam / front. No further details / Liste Annuelle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17717
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BOUVILLE,FR:CIRC.OBJ/100M AWAY:3 SQR WINDOWS:BEAM/FRONT:NFD/Liste Annuelle", **LatLong:** "48.433336 2.283333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:26:00 N 02:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.433336,2.283333)", **State/Prov:** "Essonne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51707 (CE7ED5F1)
**Date:** 9/23/1996
**Description:** In Bouville, France a circular object was seen at 8:50 p.m. only 100 meters away. It had three square windows and a beam of light in the front.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 17426, citing Banque OVNI Reports, case 96
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6272
### Event 51708 (308C9B73)
**Date:** 9/23/1996
**Description:** Lyn and Jean, two women from Kennoway, Fife, Scotland had seen a huge triangular craft shining very bright beams of lights towards the ground at around 8 p.m. The object hovered over the area and was seen to bank slowly, revealing a large dome on top. On the underside they could see three small red lights on each apex. The craft shot away suddenly at the sound of an approaching aircraft. At 8:30 p.m. the witnesses again saw the huge triangle over the same location, shining down powerful beams of white light.
The witnesses returned back to the area at 9:55 p.m. and watched a powerful blue glow appear over a nearby field at about treetop level. In order to get a better look they drove down a narrow lane and parked their vehicle. They then saw a large star-like object just above the blue glow that was pulsing while appearing to grow repeatedly larger and smaller. Suddenly they noticed the silhouettes of many small thin figures, moving about in the field. One of the figures was much taller than the others, around seven feet tall. Other small beings moved in among trees in the field, while a large black object sat on the ground. The figures appeared to be moving towards this object. At this point the witnesses became extremely frightened and drove away.
They arrived at the home of one of them and borrowed some binoculars, after which they soon returned to the same location and again saw the blue light, still glowing, and they again saw the little beings moving about the trees. They also saw the very tall being again, standing with its back to them. Viewing the hovering object with binoculars, they could now tell that it was amber in color, with dark indentations all around it. It rotated slowly, occasionally turning on its axis. Dozens of small creatures were visible inside, apparently carrying small boxes and tubular canisters around. Taller figures were also seen and described as having brown skin and oriental shaped eyes. They seemed to be supervising a large group of the smaller beings. Using the binoculars they now spotted a large transparent illuminated capsule-shaped object, that rippled on the outside and had indentations like the crenulations of a brain. The object appeared to be resting on the ground, and there were some very small, thin beings inside it. Next to this object was another smaller one, identical to the first, but this one contained a very tall being with brown skin and narrow eyes. Another larger craft was also seen on the ground near the woods. There were lots of lights around it and dozens of small entities that appeared to be working in groups, coming and going from the woods. The witnesses also saw capsule shaped objects resembling cocoons coming out of the woods. These objects suddenly shot across the field towards the witnesses, hovering only a few feet from them. Each of the capsules contained a small entity. They were soon dozens of bubbles or capsules hovering near the two women.
At this point the witnesses became disoriented and had vague memories of being touched by the small entities with probe-like devices. These small entities were described as having big dark eyes, big heads, and smiled at the witnesses. They communicated among themselves by making loud high-pitched noises. They remember leaving the area and returning home in a state of shock. Later, while checking the scene of the incident, UFO investigators found circular marks on the ground, burnt and dead vegetation, and branches from nearby trees covered in what appeared to be white spider web material.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Tony Todd, UFO Magazine (UK), Volume 15, No.15; Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, p. 162; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, case # 2562
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6273
### Event 51709 (7E3DF416)
**Date:** 9/24/1996
**Time:** 13:00
**Description:** 2 boys. 4' sky-blue figure marches / cornfield. Swings arms. / r97#15.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17718
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "427", **HatchDesc:** "N/GEORGEVILLE,PA:2 BOYS:4'SKY-BLU FIG MARCHES/CORNFIELD:SWINGS ARMS:/r97#15", **LatLong:** "40.916669 -79.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:55:00 N 79:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.916669,-79.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51710 (36E23828)
**Date:** 9/24/1996
**Description:** At one o'clock in the afternoon two 9-year-old children, a girl and a boy, spotted a four-foot-tall sky-blue figure marching through a cornfield near their school not far from Georgeville, Pennsylvania. The creature was reportedly striding across the clearing, swinging its arms back and forth like a soldier. It had long arms that ended in three fingers. It also had a tube-like appendage coming from the top of its head and dangling down its back. Its skin color was light blue and it had a black "thing" that appeared to be an eye but lower than normal, where a nose should have been. They watched the entity for about nine minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup website, volume 1, number 31; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, case # 2486, citing UFO Roundup
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6301
### Event 51711 (3A425F4D)
**Date:** 9/25/1996
**Location:** Belgium, Alken (Hasselt)
**Description:** (Translated from French) There was a recent sighting in Alken, near Hasselt, on the 25th of September. Something like a balloon, which was descending into the meadows, with 4 things, like legs, but which were wriggling with each descent or ascent of the thing. No gondola. The closest distance was not even 100 meters. It descended into a meadow and had to go up a bit to pass over a row of poplars. The witnesses took agricultural paths to approach it, and where they always saw the balloon, when they arrived at the scene: nothing! Nothing in the air, nothing on the ground. It was broad daylight, it was noon and the sun was shining. Duration: about 25 minutes. Officially no balloon was in the air that day. (1996, 25 September)
**Reference:** source: FUO - Hasselt, Belg.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3570
### Event 51712 (0F83BB1E)
**Date:** 9/26/1996
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** VALLEY, AL
**Description:** Farmer photographs / dark "thimble". Dog howls. Vanishes. Unmarked helicopters follow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17719
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "174", **HatchDesc:** "VALLEY,AL:FARMER FOTOS/DRK "THIMBLE":DOG HOWLS:VANISHES:unmarked copters folo", **LatLong:** "32.822224 -85.172226", **LatLongDMS:** "32:49:20 N 85:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.822224,-85.172226)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51713 (226D1ED2)
**Date:** 9/26/1996
**Description:** A man was lying in his bed in Cowen, Webster County, West Virginia when, at 2:39 a.m., he heard a loud noise resembling an approaching train. It was so loud that the house shook. Next, there was a bright light that lit up the sky, and it moved over his house to hover over the porch. Looking out his bedroom window, he saw a dark figure standing outside on the ground. Terrified, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them he found himself floating above the hedge outside his house. Looking up, he saw an arrangement of red, blue, yellow, and white lights on the bottom of the UFO. In the middle of the object there appeared to be a glowing door-shaped entrance. He screamed and lost consciousness. He only remembers waking up in his bed three days later, with no memory of what happened during those three days. He did, however, reportedly find numerous scars on his body that he attributes to his abduction experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1996 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6364
### Event 51714 (9766C1A5)
**Date:** 9/26/1996
**Description:** In Valley, Alabama a farmer photographed a dark thimble-shaped UFO at 2:30 p.m. His dog howled and ran off. Later, unmarked copters were seen following the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Volume 1, Number 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6365
### Event 51715 (7A1DAD0E)
**Date:** 9/27/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At La Roche-Guyon \(Val d'Oise\), observation of aerial luminous points for 10 minutes. (September 27th, 11:30 PM)
**Reference:** \[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16th 1997\]
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3302
### Event 51716 (E9E0ADA6)
**Date:** 9/27/1996
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Hiker lost. Blue tube maneuvers. Luminous figure predicts rescue..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17720
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bolivia", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "3380", **HatchDesc:** "W.TAJSARA Mtns,BOLIVIA:HIKER LOST:BLU TUBE MNVRS:LUMn.FIG PREDICTS RESCUE..", **LatLong:** "-20.666668 -65.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "20:40:00 S 65:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.666668,-65.000003)", **State/Prov:** "CHQ", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51717 (C4E29EE5)
**Date:** 9/27/1996
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 2 groups / night lights / box formation going north. 1 turns going west. Other continues.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17721
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BELLEVILLE-sur-SAONE,FR:2 GROUPS/NLTS/BOX FORMn > N:1 TURNS >W:OTHER CONTINUES", **LatLong:** "46.100002 4.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:06:00 N 04:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.100002,4.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51718 (3DBAFF23)
**Date:** 9/29/1996
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** BAURU, SP, BRAZIL
**Description:** Farmer. Night light hovers. Splits and rejoins. 2 hours / videotape. / r240V1#31.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17722
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "140", **Elev:** "535", **HatchDesc:** "BAURU,SP,BRZL:FARMER:NLT HVRS:SPLITS+REJOINS:2hrs/VIDEOTAPE:/r240V1#31", **LatLong:** "-22.333334 -49.083336", **LatLongDMS:** "22:20:00 S 49:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.333334,-49.083336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 51719 (FD613FDE)
**Date:** 10/1996
**Description:** Psychologist [Stuart Appelle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart%5FAppelle) evaluates factors of deception, suggestibility, personality, sleep phenomena, psychopathology, psychodynamics, environment, and event-level alien encounters as origins of the abduction experience. He argues that no one theory enjoys enough empirical support to be accepted as a general explanation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stuart Appelle, “The Abduction Experience: A Critical Evaluation of Theory and Evidence,” JUFOS 6 \(1995/1996\): 29–78
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7192
### Event 51720 (1F2E02C6)
**Date:** 10/3/1996
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** N23 WITH CHARTRES, FR
**Description:** 3 / car. Luminous/glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft bobs going up and down [to] like a kite under low cloud cover.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17723
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N23 W/CHARTRES,FR:3/CAR:LUMn DLT BOBS ↑+↓ LIKE A KITE UNDER LOW CLOUD COVER", **LatLong:** "48.433336 1.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:26:00 N 01:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.433336,1.333333)", **State/Prov:** "Eure-et-Loir", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51721 (E895D7C3)
**Date:** 10/3/1996
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** SOUTH / SPRINGER, NM
**Description:** Cars and trucks stop / I25. 25' cylinder/cylindrical object hovers. Going down [to] and lands? Covered / lights. / NUFORC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17724
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1775", **HatchDesc:** "S/SPRINGER,NM:CARS+TRUCKS STOP/I25:25'CYL HVRS:↓+LANDS?:COVERED/LITES:/NUFORC", **LatLong:** "36.333335 -104.600005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:20:00 N 104:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.333335,-104.600005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51722 (77B0F8A3)
**Date:** 10/3/1996
**Description:** At approximately 8:00 p.m. local time a number of vehicles traveling on I-25 south of Springer, New Mexico were witness to a cigar-shaped object, estimated to be at least "two stories" tall and covered with very bizarre lights. The object was seen to descend out of the night sky and hover over an area near the highway. At least 4-5 automobiles, and two tractor-trailers had stopped along the highway and their passengers had gotten out of their vehicles to look at the object. At some point during the sighting the object extinguished its lights and apparently settled to the ground. One young person was emotionally upset by the event, and was still in a state of shock several hours later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6537
### Event 51723 (83E693B7)
**Date:** 10/3/1996
**Description:** On this Thursday night numerous sightings of one or more blue-green "fireballs" streaking overhead were reported to various law-enforcement agencies in California. Some reports hinted at the possibility that the sightings were associated with several fires of unknown origin that had allegedly broken out as the object or objects passed overhead. Witnesses in at least four counties made reports to the California Emergency Management Office in Sacramento. One observer reported that he had seen a bluish or blue-green fireball descend almost vertically to the east of his location in Bakersfield. The object was observed for approximately 20-30 seconds, during which time it traversed an arc or approximately 30 degrees of angle. The object went below the horizon to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6538
### Event 51724 (E3D50F8D)
**Date:** 10/5/1996
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** THE WASH, UK
**Description:** Cops and several RAF and CG bases and airline(s)/airliner and tanker. 2 large night lights hover / 7 hours. Rotate. Unidentified.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 341)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17725
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "164", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "The WASH,UK:COPS+SVRL RAF+CG BASES+AL+TANKER:2 LRG NLTS HVR/7hrs:ROTATE:UID", **LatLong:** "52.966669 0.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:58:00 N 00:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.966669,0.166667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51725 (8E46F300)
**Date:** 10/5/1996
**Time:** 10:20
**Description:** 4 / plane. Silent 150M pyramid hovers. Small disk exits going quickly southeast. / r240v1#34.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 342)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17726
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SE/PELOTAS,BRZL:4/PLANE:SLNT 150M PYRAMID HVRS:SML DISK EXITS >>SE:/r240v1#34", **LatLong:** "-31.916668 -52.116669", **LatLongDMS:** "31:55:00 S 52:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.916668,-52.116669)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51726 (BBD0F175)
**Date:** 10/5/1996
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** SOROCABA, BRAZIL
**Description:** Many observer(s). Large cylinder/cigar-shape / 800M altitude. Light plane going [to] under. See Pelotas above..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17727
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "598", **HatchDesc:** "SOROCABA,BRZL:MANY OBS:LRG CGR/800M alt:LITE PLANE >UNDER:see Pelotas above..", **LatLong:** "-23.500001 -47.450002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:30:00 S 47:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.500001,-47.450002)", **RelAlt:** "800", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51727 (FE72D39F)
**Date:** 10/5/1996
**Locations:** Skegness, Lincolnshire, England; Boston; Claxby by Normanby, Lincolnshire; RAF Waddington near Lincoln; St. Botolph’s Church in Boston
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Police Constable David Leyland in Skegness, Lincolnshire, England, sees some rotating colored lights in the sky and reports them to the coast guard. Police in nearby Boston see a single, stationary bright light, while the crew of an offshore tanker report another colored light. Air traffic control radar at Claxby by Normanby, Lincolnshire, picks up a strong target over Boston, and RAF Waddington near Lincoln also picks up an unidentified target in another position. Talk of a UFO wave becomes embellished in the media, and MP [Martin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FRedmond) [Redmond](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FRedmond) calls for an investigation by RAF Air Defence. Wing Commander [Norman Hutchinson](https://uk.linkedin.com/in/norman-hutchinson-b485b131) conducts an in- depth investigation of all the sightings and radar targets, producing a 23-page report that he completes on November 13. It’s pretty clear that the mysterious radar blips are a permanent radar echo caused by the 273-foot steeple of St. Botolph’s Church in Boston, the stationary white light is Venus, and astronomer [Ian Ridpath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian%5FRidpath) identifies the rotating colored lights as misobservations of Sirius and Vega.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [pp. 159–162](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n257/mode/2up); David Clarke, “The 1996 East Anglian UFO Flap,” Fortean Times 223 \(July 2007\): 28–29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7193
### Event 51728 (632EBA53)
**Date:** 10/5/1996
**Locations:** Ilha da Sarangonha; São José do Norte; Rio Grande do Sul; Brazil; Pelotas Airport
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. Businessman-pilot Haroldo Westendorff is flying a single-engine EMB-712 Tupi \(Piper PA-28 Cherokee\) over Ilha da Sarangonha, near São José do Norte, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, when he sees a gigantic object about the size of a football stadium. It is pyramidal in shape with 8 sides, on each of which are 3 protruding domes. Westendorff follows it for 2 minutes. The UFO is revolving slowly on its own axis and moving toward the ocean. A hatch opens on top of the object and three disks emerge and fly away quickly. When Westendorff tries to get closer, the UFO emits reddish rays, causing him to maneuver about 650 feet away. Soon the object begins to rise at great speed. Operators at the Infraero control room at Pelotas Airport visually confirm the observation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Caso Ufológico Haroldo Westendorff, 1996,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMUT1kc%5F89E)” Canal Fenomeno OVNI YouTube channel, January 18, 2015; “[Completam-se 20 anos do Caso Haroldo Westendorff,](https://ufo.com.br/noticias/completam-se-20-anos-do-caso-haroldo-westendorff.html)” Portal UFO, October 5, 2016; Clark III 203; Brazil 545– 548
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7194
### Event 51729 (C1F40BDB)
**Date:** 10/5/1996
**Description:** A huge pyramid-shaped object was seem from an Embraer-712 aircraft 35 miles east of Pelotas Airport, Brazil at 10:30 a.m. A disc was seen emerging vertically from the top of the bigger object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p 48
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6592
### Event 51730 (C03B729B)
**Date:** 10/6/1996
**Location:** Palestine, Tulkarem
**Description:** (Translated from French) Residents saw creatures, larger than humans, with skin resembling that of frogs. The witnesses explain that they were very frightening to people before they left the sky (with no other details). These testimonies were taken very seriously by the Palestinian press. According to Palestinian scientists, it would probably be "highly technological products" sent by Jewish settlers...
**Reference:** © 1997, UFO nieuwsbrief jaargang 2, nummer 1
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3571
### Event 51731 (E9DDD527)
**Date:** 10/6/1996
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 2+1+2 triangles going [to] over / 15 minute(s). Different colored lights / rear.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17728
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "BELLEVILLE-sur-SAONE,FR:2+1+2 TRIANGLES >OVR/15min:DIFF.CLRD LITES/REAR:", **LatLong:** "46.083336 4.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:05:00 N 04:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.083336,4.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51732 (EF4967F3)
**Date:** 10/7/1996
**Time:** ~00:30
**Location:** EMBRUN, ONT
**Description:** 1 / car. Ball / light 2x moon-size paces car going west. Crosses PR417 going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17729
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "EMBRUN,ONT:1/CAR:BALL/LITE 2x MOONSIZE PACES CAR > W:CROSSES PR417 >>S", **LatLong:** "45.266669 -75.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:16:00 N 75:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.266669,-75.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51733 (46E3847C)
**Date:** 10/9/1996
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** CLARKSBURG, WV
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Glowing-basketball splits / 3 going [to] triangle formation. Rejoins. Continues going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17730
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "308", **HatchDesc:** "CLARKSBURG,WV:2 OBS:GLO-BASKETBALL SPLITS/3 > TRNGL FORMn:REJOINS:CONTINUES >W", **LatLong:** "39.300002 -80.344448", **LatLongDMS:** "39:18:00 N 80:20:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.300002,-80.344448)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51734 (0F48BDC4)
**Date:** 10/10/1996
**Time:** 12:10
**Location:** DEL NORTE, CO
**Description:** 2 observer(s). White featureless cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] San Luis valley. No wings. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 88)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17731
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2402", **HatchDesc:** "DEL NORTE,CO:2 OBS:WHT FEATURELESS CGR > SAN LUIS VALLEY:NO WINGS:ABS SLNT", **LatLong:** "37.650002 -106.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "37:39:00 N 106:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.650002,-106.400005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51735 (4E362389)
**Date:** 10/10/1996
**Description:** At 12:10 in the afternoon Brian Norton sighted a white cigar-shaped object that left no vapor trail and flew silently over Del Norte, Colorado. At 11:30 p.m. healing arts students in Crestone, Colorado first sighted a rapidly zigagging light high in the sky headed from west to east. This was followed by a group of 10-12 blinking lights on the western horizon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, Enter the Valley, p. 302; Christopher O'Brien case files, case 449
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6741
### Event 51736 (1EFFD2A3)
**Date:** 10/11/1996
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** JACKSON, MS
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Static. Ghostly boomerang / 5mph / 200' altitude. Vanishes. Night lights zigzag.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 86)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17732
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "88", **HatchDesc:** "JACKSON,MS:3 OBS:STATIC:GHOSTLY BOOMERANG/5mph/200'alt:VANISHES:NLTS ZIGZAG", **LatLong:** "32.316668 -90.183338", **LatLongDMS:** "32:19:00 N 90:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.316668,-90.183338)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51737 (BFC5AF5E)
**Date:** 10/13/1996
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Brilliant luminous diamond shape east going west. Not fast. Unverified report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17733
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BELLEVILLE-sur-SAONE,FR:BRILL.LUMn.DIAMOND SHAPE E>W:not fast:unverified rpt", **LatLong:** "46.100002 4.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:06:00 N 04:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.100002,4.733334)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51738 (8959B352)
**Date:** 10/14/1996
**Location:** Israel, Jenin
**Description:** (Translated from French) Abdul Alharzrad, an Arab living in Jenin, was driving at night towards the Dotan post. On the side of the road he saw a man hitchhiking. He took him on board. To his astonishment, this hitchhiker changed his appearance completely: he became huge, dressed in black, with a dog's head with drooping ears and a single cyclops eye. Panicked at this sight, Abdul slammed on the brakes, causing a fishtail. He quickly got out of the vehicle. The entity also got out, took a few steps in his direction and faded away on the spot.
**Reference:** UFO Roundup vol. 1 no. 31
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3572
### Event 51739 (AA2D6410)
**Date:** 10/14/1996
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Observer(s) unknown. Luminous ovoid rotates. No further details. / Liste Annuelle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANQUE OVNI: (Franck Marie ed.) A series of reports on UFO waves. Listed by Report number. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17734
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BRAINE-le-CHATEAU,FR:OBS UNK:LUMn.OVOID ROTATES:NFD:/Liste Annuelle", **LatLong:** "50.650002 4.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:39:00 N 04:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.650002,4.266667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 51740 (20B4BCAF)
**Date:** 10/14/1996
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Noises on roof. Observer(s) goes outside home. Night light hovers and maneuvers. Shoots going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison.
Once the object had landed a door opened, and a ladder or escalator of some sort was lowered to the ground. Next a two-meter tall humanoid figure stepped out. The being approached Bragatto and, in a peculiar language that sounded like Spanish, invited the witness to come inside. The witness agreed and was escorted inside. Once inside he noticed that the interior had a metallic bluish sheen to it. Still speaking in the peculiar language that the witness was somehow able to understand, the humanoid told Bragatto that they were going to take him to their "native planet." He was given the impression that the planet was Mars. There was a total of three humanoids aboard, two men and a woman. He described them as closely resembling humans. They wore loose fitting gray outfits with several golden medallions hanging from around their necks. The hair on their heads grew from the middle of their heads back, and they had large ears and mouths that made them somewhat ugly.
Before leaving, Bragatto was given a medical examination by the beings. His stomach area was probed with several needle-like instruments. On the way to the being's home planet he was given a fruit resembling a "Mamey" and something resembling an empanada. He was also given a bitter-tasting beverage. In turn he offered the humanoids a beer, which they accepted. Arriving on the surface of the other world, the witness was greeted by several similarly appearing beings. The "planet" was beautiful in appearance and he saw numerous buildings that appeared to be made of a nylon-like material. One being now approached him and told him it was time to go, that eight hours had already passed. On his was back to the craft the witness saw a huge television screen that showed strange holographic like images, including dinosaur like animals.
When he asked them when they would be returning to Earth, he was then told "We will return when the storms are less intense, since we have already lost five of our aircraft as a result of lighting." Around four o'clock in the morning he was returned to Brazil, but he found himself in an unfamiliar field. He followed a nearby path and reached a village that was more than 800 kilometers from his home town. He went to the police and told them what had happened. A police officer conducted an investigation and reportedly found a circular ground mark at the field where Bragatto was supposedly dropped off by the aliens.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 3592, citing CIPFANI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8290
### Event 51819 (C02DEFEC)
**Date:** 12/11/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) More than 30 inhabitants of the Yukon Territories \(Canada\) observe a huge flying object moving slowly and silently above the countryside, at 100 m altitude. Alone or in small groups, the eye witnesses of the object's passage all give similar descriptions of its shape, size and lighting. One witness is on a mountain at the same level as the object while it flies only a few hundred meters away. To see the ship in its entirety, he must turn his head from side to side. Triangulation and background references such as mountains or constellations, allow to estimate the size of the object \(approved by the witnesses\) between 1 and 2 km. (December 11)
**Reference:** Compiled report by Martin Jasek, 2000
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3309
### Event 51820 (EF20404A)
**Date:** 12/11/1996
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Gallup poll indicates that 71% of Americans think the US government knows more about UFOs than it is willing to say \(45% think UFOs have actually visited Earth, and 12% claim to have seen a UFO\). On the same subject, after the US military offered an elaborate explanation of what really happened at [Roswell](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1947-07-02\_Roswell.html) \(New Mexico\) 50 years ago, the public remains unconvinced. Only 25% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about it, despite the fact that a majority of them don't believe there were UFOs at [Roswell](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1947-07-02\_Roswell.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1996.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3310
### Event 51821 (F2B7B061)
**Date:** 12/11/1996
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** CARMACKS, YKN
**Description:** 9 separate observer(s). Huge saucer going northeast. U-turn around town going south and southeast. Slow and silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOBC: Thorough study: www.ufobc.ca/yukon/22indx.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17777
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "545", **HatchDesc:** "CARMACKS,YKN:9 SEP.OBS:HUGE SCR > NE:U-TURN AROUND TOWN > S+SE:SLO+SLNT", **LatLong:** "62.100003 -136.316673", **LatLongDMS:** "62:06:00 N 136:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.100003,-136.316673)", **State/Prov:** "YKN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51822 (2329BAF1)
**Date:** 12/11/1996
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** 7 separate / observer(s). Huge 1km saucer reacts / flashlight. Beams ground. Going [to] east-northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOBC: Thorough study: www.ufobc.ca/yukon/22indx.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17778
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "485", **HatchDesc:** "PELLY CROSSING,YKN:7 SEP/OBS:HUGE 1km SCR REACTS/FLASHLITE:BEAMS GND:>ENE", **LatLong:** "62.833336 -136.583340", **LatLongDMS:** "62:50:00 N 136:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.833336,-136.583340)", **State/Prov:** "YKN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51823 (544BB470)
**Date:** 12/11/1996
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** FOX LAKE, YKN
**Description:** 6 separate observer(s). Huge saucer crosses lake and highway. Beams down. Slow and silent. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOBC: Thorough study: www.ufobc.ca/yukon/22indx.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17779
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "628", **HatchDesc:** "FOX LAKE,YKN:6 SEP.OBS:HUGE SCR CROSSES LAKE+HWY:BEAMS DOWN:SLO+SLNT:see ref", **LatLong:** "61.233336 -135.472229", **LatLongDMS:** "61:14:00 N 135:28:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.233336,-135.472229)", **State/Prov:** "YKN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51824 (5DB91FC9)
**Date:** 12/11/1996
**Locations:** Yukon Territory, Canada; Fox Lake; Carmacks; Pelly Crossing; Mayo
**Description:** 7:00–8:30 p.m. At least 31 people in the Yukon Territory, Canada, witness a giant UFO. Indications are that it may be the size of several football stadiums. The sightings principally take place in four locations in the central Yukon: Fox Lake, Carmacks, Pelly Crossing, and Mayo, with 6, 9, 8, and 8 witnesses respectively.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Dec. 11, 1996: Yukon Territory](http://www.nicap.org/961211yukondir.htm)”; Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 188–194; Chris Rutkowski, “The Cold, Hard Facts about UFOs in Canada,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(September 2011\): 22–23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7200
### Event 51825 (EE944167)
**Date:** 12/13/1996
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NEAR BOGOTA, COL.
**Description:** Air Force pilot videos 6 silver saucers. Exit cloud and going [to] toward(s) Bogota / 2 groups.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 343)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17780
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Colombia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2600", **HatchDesc:** "nr BOGOTA,COL:AF PILOT VIDEOS 6 SLVR SCRs:EXIT CLOUD+ > twrd BOGOTA/2 GROUPS", **LatLong:** "4.500000 -74.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "04:30:00 N 74:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4.500000,-74.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Bogota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51826 (1709B9DA)
**Date:** 12/13/1996
**Description:** At 1:00 p.m. a Colombian Air Force pilot videotaped six silver disc-shaped UFOs exiting from a cloud and moving toward Bogota, Colombia in two groups.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1997
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8384
### Event 51827 (7E93A971)
**Date:** 12/14/1996
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** WEST COVINA, CA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Gray disk passes overhead. Pauses then moves on. / NUFORC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17781
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "W.COVINA,CA:4 OBS:GRAY DISK PASSES OVHD:PAUSES then MOVES ON:/NUFORC", **LatLong:** "34.066668 -117.938895", **LatLongDMS:** "34:04:00 N 117:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.066668,-117.938895)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51828 (5D4C8D41)
**Date:** 12/14/1996
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** ISSAQUAH, WA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Disk approaches woman and follows her. No further details. / NUFORC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17782
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "ISSAQUAH,WA:3 OBS:DISK APPROACHES WOMAN+FOLLOWS HER:NFD:/NUFORC", **LatLong:** "47.533336 -122.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:32:00 N 122:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.533336,-122.033339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51829 (F6E60B13)
**Date:** 12/16/1996
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** STEVENS PASS, WA
**Description:** 2 skiers. Orange disk appears. Then 2 more. No further details. / NUFORC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17783
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1244", **HatchDesc:** "STEVENS PASS,WA:2 SKIERS:ORG.DISK APPEARS:THEN 2 MORE:NFD:/NUFORC", **LatLong:** "47.750002 -121.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 121:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,-121.066672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51830 (99A4A86D)
**Date:** 12/16/1996
**Description:** Two skiers at Stevens Pass in Washington watched an orange colored disc-shaped UFO appear in the sky during the evening. Over the next two minutes they then sighted two more of the objects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, UFO Intelligence Newsletter
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8454
### Event 51831 (3691C938)
**Date:** 12/17/1996
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** REDMOND, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. Buzzing noise. Flat-topped disk hovers overhead. No further details. / NUFORC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17784
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "REDMOND,WA:1 OBS:BUZZING NOISE:FLAT-TOPPED DISK HVRS OVHD:NFD:/NUFORC", **LatLong:** "47.650002 -122.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:39:00 N 122:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.650002,-122.133339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51832 (D0216826)
**Date:** 12/17/1996
**Description:** In 1996 a single witness reported that a flat-topped disc-shaped object hovered overhead in Redmond, Washington at 2:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, UFO Intelligence Newsletter
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8476
### Event 51833 (78E1A207)
**Date:** 12/18/1996
**Description:** Two witnesses in Eugene, Oregon saw a nocturnal light zigzagging at a high altitude and making ninety-degree turns at 4:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8500
### Event 51834 (DB39DF01)
**Date:** 12/19/1996
**Location:** USA, Clearwater (Florida)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Large images appeared at a window, CNN reported, and people gathered to see the Virgin appear on the window of an office building. Sister Martin, a nun from the Order of St. Anne in Bangalore, India, said that God was giving them a sign. The image, two stories high, appeared on December 19th on the glass walls of the financial building. It varied in color from blue to green to red, and there seemed to be a well-defined head and clothing on a torso. Skeptics said that it was only reflections of light on more or less dirty windows. But the nuns of the cited order prayed and sang out loud, drawing a lot of people into the same gestures. Finally, the financial company asked for a team of window washers to put an end to the pilgrimage....
**Reference:** 1996 by Jeroen Wierda Picard UFO Research International
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3578
### Event 51835 (773DA762)
**Date:** 12/19/1996
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SOUTH / BEIJING
**Description:** 757 pilots / 9600M. Big flash. Silver-metallic object breaks windshield! / Reuters.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 343)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17785
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "S/BEIJING:757 PILOTS/9600M:BIG FLASH:SLVR-MTLC OBJ BREAKS WINDSHIELD!:/Reuters", **LatLong:** "39.000002 116.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:00:00 N 116:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.000002,116.000006)", **State/Prov:** "HEB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51836 (68A3ACF6)
**Date:** 12/19/1996
**Locations:** Beijing; Wuhan; Capital International Airport
**Description:** A Boeing 757-200 operated by China’s Southern Airlines takes off from Beijing on a routine flight south to Wuhan. As the jetliner reaches an altitude of 31,500 feet, the copilot spots a bright flash in the sky just ahead of them. A silver-gray metallic UFO strikes the top of the 757’s cockpit, cracking the outer windshield. The pilot immediately declares an in-flight emergency and radios Beijing’s Capital International Airport, requesting permission to land. The plane lands safely 10 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Gross, “[Air Misses](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/wuhan96.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7201
### Event 51837 (149A34D6)
**Date:** 12/20/1996
**Location:** Belgium, Bastogne-Bertogne
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 12:30, a tourist plane disappeared from the air force's radar screens. At that moment, it was supposed to be flying over the Bastogne and Bertogne region. Curiously, despite the searches carried out throughout the afternoon, no trace of a possible plane crash was found and no one in the region seems to have seen anything. It is true that a thick fog has been covering the Bastogne plateau since this morning. It also prohibited the use of a helicopter. The searches, which were interrupted at 5 pm, will resume tomorrow morning at 9 am. ("La Wallonie" of 20.12.1996 "Appearance of a UFO or an airplane?") IN REALITY: C. T. d'Havelange wrote to me this: "As a rescuer, my sister participated in the search parties coordinated by the army. As usual, the people in charge of these parties did not provide any concrete elements to the people on the ground, so they did not know exactly what they were looking for. (...) Finally, it appears that the story is a misunderstanding. The day before, a German helicopter landed on a base in Bastogne, after activating its distress beacon. The next day, the aircraft took off again but it would have forgotten to turn off its beacon. It would have cut it off later, after a certain amount of flight time already completed. (???) Moreover, loggers reported to the authorities having heard an aircraft (small plane or helicopter). They did not see anything because of the fog, but they imagined that this aircraft could be in trouble. So there was on the one hand an erroneous human testimony and on the other hand an accidental distress signal. My sister and many others traveled miles in the Ardennes woods for nothing. Moreover, if there had been something to find, they would not have found it since the group leader who held the compass and who made the people walk in line managed to make them go around in circles. False alarm then, but my version is accurate to the detail."
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3579
### Event 51838 (F98BC744)
**Date:** 12/21/1996
**Location:** Israel, Achihod-Ahyud (Akko)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, the police were called by the villagers. People reported the presence of blue luminous disks flying over their farms. The next day, Mrs. Tziona Damti observed an "alien" near her father-in-law's barn. Of humanoid type, it measured about twenty centimeters high, was greenish in color, had limbs (arms and legs) without fingers and large black eyes. She found it in the morning of December 22, lying on the ground in a puddle of green liquid and called the police. In order to preserve the small corpse from decomposition, Tziona Damti and her husband put it in the freezer compartment of the fridge. When the police arrived, the creature's body, taken out of the freezer, had shrunk to only 5 centimeters long. It was sent for autopsy to the Technion Institute in Haifa. Having seen images of the creature on a television show, the microbiologist, Dr. Rachelle Fishman, suggested that it could be an absorbed embryo (by another animal) or newborn of a vertebrate, such as a salamander. Another scientist suggested an embryo of a chameleon. The liquid found on the site would have been the amniotic fluid. (Note from vog: this was confirmed by the analysis, it seems) Another farmer in the area said that the extraterrestrials had stolen 18 sheep from him in the night of 21 to 22 December, while in the nearby town of Tamara, an Arab shepherd also complained of the theft of sheep that night. (1996, December 21 and 22)
**Reference:** Ufo Folklore Center produces on the Internet under the title "It's a bird, it's an alien, it's a fraud" an article by the journalist-uflogue Barry Chamish, but very curiously transmitted by Dr Rachelle H.B. Fishman, whose address is: The Sea View, PO BOX 387, Zichron Ya'akov - 30900 ISRAEL. This article features the protagonists already mentioned above, adding even less likely details, such as that the creature was observed the day before and that it jumped in the air if one wanted to catch it, as well as the unappetizing fact that it began to disintegrate from the head which liquefied ... But also mentioned on the spot, arguing over the remains of the ET which is put up for auction at a starting price of 10,000 dollars, Uri Geller himself and Michael Heseman (Germany). The latter made headlines during the famous Roswell autopsy shown on TF 1 some time ago. Heseman claimed in Leeds, at a conference, that he had interviewed and videotaped this interview with the cameraman Barnett (who sold the film to Santili) in case something happened to Barnett. Needless to say, at present no one saw this interview. The article continues by claiming that "the little material" of the ET provided to the laboratory for analysis did not allow to reach a conclusion. All this seems to me to derive from a sick fantasy, or from a manipulation of opinion for the purposes of disinformation.
**Reference:** Life & Time, electronic telegraph issue 610 25.1.1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3580
### Event 51839 (480D8BA6)
**Date:** 12/21/1996
**Location:** POULSBO, WA
**Description:** 1 observer. Small flat object on rural road. Going up [to] and zips to woods when neared. / NURC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17786
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "POULSBO,WA:1 OBS:SML FLAT OBJ ON RURAL ROAD:↑+ZIPS TO WOODS WHEN NEARED:/NURC", **LatLong:** "47.750002 -122.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 122:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,-122.633339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51840 (7FE0384D)
**Date:** 12/26/1996
**Description:** Nur-a-Shamat Camp, Israel - Daoud Ahmad awoke a one o'clock in the morning feeling thirsty and tried to get out of bed, but two short creatures quickly pounced upon him and beat him. Each had only one eye and they were remarkably strong. They wore black leathery clothes, and had Mohawk style haircuts. After they beat him he lost consciousness. He was taken to a local hospital where he was treated. He also recalled that the beings had only three fingers on each hand.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1996, case # 3411, citing Israeli UFO Investigation Group
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8619
### Event 51841 (02798D92)
**Date:** 12/29/1996
**Location:** Palestine, Nur-a-Shamat
**Description:** (Translated from French) After spending the night in his bed, Daoud Ahmad wanted to get up on the 30th of December when two creatures jumped on him and bit him. The intruders were about 60 cm tall. They had an ugly head with a single Mohawk-style fringe of hair, and they had only one eye (note from vog: two cyclopes escaped from the encyclopedia?). These creatures had enormous strength, and they were dressed in leather clothing. "After they bit me, I lost consciousness," said Daoud Ahmad, who was quickly taken to the hospital, treated, and released the same day. According to Palestinian television, the neighbors heard strange sounds coming from the bed, but not a single one saw anything or anyone emerge from the house afterwards. (1996, December 29th and 30th)
**Reference:** CNI News, Vol. 2 No. 21, Part 3 - Mike Lindemann
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3582
### Event 51842 (188AD5B3)
**Date:** 12/29/1996
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** HARTSBURG, MO
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Black triangle overhead. 3-4 strobes flash white and red and blue. / NUFORC.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17787
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "172", **HatchDesc:** "HARTSBURG,MO:2 OBS:BLACK TRIANGLE OVHD:3-4 STROBES FLASH WHT+RED+BLUE:/NUFORC", **LatLong:** "38.694446 -92.311116", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:40 N 92:18:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.694446,-92.311116)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51843 (E0122061)
**Date:** 12/29/1996
**Description:** Two men out trapping in the woods in Hartsburg, Missouri at around 7 p.m. witnessed a silent, black triangular object overhead. It had 3-4 white strobe lights, and also blue and red lights. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, UFO Intelligence Newsletter; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17508
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8648
## Year: 1997, 393 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 51844 (00064D6D)
**Date:** 1997
**Location:** Rachel, NV
**Description:** ex-US Army Lt. Col Corso appears on Art Bell’s “Dreamland” radio show
**Type:** radio appearance
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_After_Roswell)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_800
### Event 51845 (0F8FB3B2)
**Date:** 1997
**Location:** Reston, Virginia
**Description:** In his 1997 article “Dead Cows I’ve Known,” cattle mutilation researcher Charles T. Oliphant speculates that cattle mutilations are the result of covert research into emerging cattle diseases and whether they can be transmitted to humans. He suspects the NIH, CDC, or other federally funded bodies are involved, and they are supported by the US military. Pazrt of this is based on allegations that human pharmaceuticals have been found in mutilated cattle, and that necropsies show cattle mutilations commonly involve areas of the animal that relate to “input, output, and reproduction.” To support his hypothesis, Oliphant cites the 1990 Reston Ebola virus case in which plainclothes military officers, traveling in unmarked vehicles, entered a research facility in Reston, Virginia, to secretly retrieve and destroy animals that were contaminated with a highly infectious disease.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cattle mutilation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle%5Fmutilation\#Government%5For%5Fmilitary%5Fexperimentation)”; Ted Oliphant III, “[Mad Cow Disease and Cattle Mutilations?](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.ourstrangeplanet.com/the-san-luis-valley/guest-editorials/mad-cow-disease-and-cattle-mutilations/)” Our Strange Planet, 1997; Ted Oliphant III, “[Dead Cows I’ve Known, Part 3,](https://rense.com/ufo/deadcow3.htm)” 1998
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7202
### Event 51846 (1F6EB576)
**Date:** 1997
**Locations:** Switzerland; California
**Description:** Contactee [Billy Meier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy%5FMeier)’s ex-wife Kalliope in Switzerland tells interviewers that his photos are of spaceship models he has crafted with items like trashcan lids, carpet tacks, and other household objects \(verifying the allegations made by California skeptic [Kal R. Korff](http://www.kalkorff.com/?page%5Fid=5) in 1981\), and that the stories he told of his adventures with the aliens were similarly fictitious. She also says that photos of purported extraterrestrial women “Asket” and “Nera” are really photos of Michelle DellaFave and Susan Lund, members of the singing and dancing troupe [The](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The%5FGolddiggers) [Golddiggers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The%5FGolddiggers)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The%5FGolddiggers) It is later confirmed that the women in the photographs are members of The Golddiggers performing on The Dean Martin Show.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Asket and Nera Photo Deconstruction,](https://www.billymeierufocase.com/asketdeconstruction.html)” Billy Meier Case
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7203
### Event 51847 (B1D2CFF2)
**Date:** 1997
**Location:** University of South Carolina
**Description:** [Douglas Torr](https://quantumantigravity.wordpress.com/douglas-torr/) and [Timir Datta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timir%5FDatta) are involved in the development of a “gravity generator” at the University of South Carolina. According to a leaked document from the Office of Technology Transfer at USC and confirmed to Wired reporter [Charles Platt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles%5FPlatt%5F%28author%29) in 1998, the device would create a “force beam” in any desired direction and that the university plans to patent and license this device. No further information about this university research project or the “Gravity Generator” device is ever made public.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Anti-gravity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-gravity\#Gravitoelectric%5Fcoupling)”; Charles Platt, “[Breaking the](https://www.wired.com/1998/03/antigravity/) [Law of Gravity,](https://www.wired.com/1998/03/antigravity/)” Wired, March 1, 1998
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7204
### Event 51848 (F37F19A7)
**Date:** 1997
**Description:** Chile sets up a new government agency tasked with studying UFO reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [p. 116](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/116/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7205
### Event 51849 (540803EA)
**Date:** 1997
**Description:** Prudence Calabrese starts Transdimensional Systems, an organization focused on medical remote viewing.
* [https://www.remoteviewed.com/rvhistorymap.html](https://www.remoteviewed.com/rvhistorymap.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_317
### Event 51850 (D8044915)
**Date:** 1/1997
**Location:** USA, Colebrook (New Hampshire)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In this village of 1070 people, a 73-year-old woman claims to have had the visit of 12 extraterrestrials, sitting around her table, taking notes and murmuring to themselves. They did not want to leave before 3:30 in the morning, despite her polite requests repeated.... Until this visit, the person in question had a perfect reputation, since then she is no longer the same.
**Reference:** source: UFO Folklore Center
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3588
### Event 51851 (43988DB0)
**Date:** 1/1997
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Chinese ethnologists attempt to explain the discovery of the "dwarves" of November 1995 by the high mercury content in the soil of their region: these would have very likely absorbed the mercury in the water they drank over many generations. Doctor Norbert Felgenhauer, from the Toxic Chirgurchie Institute of Munich, contests this explanation: mercury is a deadly poison dangerous to any human body organ, and these "dwarves" would not have survived it. Furthermore, he declares, mercury cannot modify human DNA nor cause hereditary disease. (January)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1997.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3311
### Event 51852 (AEA54617)
**Date:** 1/1997?
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** 1 / U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) / KC130R. Large domed washtub saucer hovers. Going quickly [to] cloud extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 290)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17788
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "N/HOORN ISL,Fr.PLYNS:1/USMC/KC130R:LRG DOMED WASHTUB SCR HVRS:>> CLOUD XFAST", **LatLong:** "-13.333334 -178.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "13:20:00 S 178:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-13.333334,-178.000008)", **State/Prov:** "FPN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51853 (A4D67366)
**Date:** 1/1/1997
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** NANTES, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Garden lit up. Silent red football with orange halo going west along Loire River.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 342)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17789
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NANTES,FR:1 OBS:GARDEN LIT UP:SLNT RED FOOTBALL W/ORG.HALO >W ALONG LOIRE Rvr", **LatLong:** "47.216669 -1.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:13:00 N 01:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.216669,-1.566667)", **State/Prov:** "Loire Atlantique", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51854 (2AEF32CC)
**Date:** 1/1/1997
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** LIMEIRA, BRAZIL
**Description:** Night light goes by. Silent 10M fried-egg saucer going [to] over / 3X airplane speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOLETIM CEPEX. (Qtrly) Centro de Estudios e Pesquisos Exologicos; Sumaro, SP, Brazil. (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17790
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "610", **HatchDesc:** "LIMEIRA,BRZL:NLT GOES BY:SLNT 10M FRIED-EGG SCR > OVR/3X AIRPLANE SPEED:", **LatLong:** "-22.566668 -47.400002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:34:00 S 47:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.566668,-47.400002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51855 (11CB090A)
**Date:** 1/1/1997
**Time:** ~18:00
**Description:** 12 observer(s). Big red cylinder/cylindrical object hovers over sugar cane. Suddenly going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 343)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17791
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2195", **HatchDesc:** "San CRISTOBAL/CASAS,MEX:12 OBS:BIG RED CYL HVRS ovr SUGAR CANE:SUDDENLY >>E", **LatLong:** "16.716667 -92.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "16:43:00 N 92:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16.716667,-92.600004)", **State/Prov:** "CHP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51856 (3490006E)
**Date:** 1/1/1997
**Description:** USAF Sgt. Dan Sherman claims he was recruited into **Project Preserve Destiny** run by the National Security Agency (NSA). Sherman claims under cover of ELINT training, he worked in **Preserve Destiny** on establishing communications with non-human entities. Sherman states he was assigned a classified cover mission that obfuscated his actual mission. Sherman’s accounts have never been verified but this structure was confirmed to be in use by the NSA’s “Core Secrets” programs including Sentry Eagle.
* [https://exonews.org/nsa-document-supports-whistleblower-claim-alien-ufo-communication-program/](https://exonews.org/nsa-document-supports-whistleblower-claim-alien-ufo-communication-program/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_318
### Event 51857 (4A3315AA)
**Date:** 1/2/1997
**Description:** On this afternoon in Campina Grande do Sul, Brazil a woman waiting for a bus heard a loud roaring sound resembling that of a lion. Moments later she heard what sounded like "heavy steps splashing in water." She next saw a dark round form that flew right over her street.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, citing Carlos Alberto Machado
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_39
### Event 51858 (D7B133F3)
**Date:** 1/4/1997
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** RHYOLITE, NV
**Description:** 6 campers. Silent 50' square light overhead. Observer's hair stands on end. Video and photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website:
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17792
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1149", **HatchDesc:** "RHYOLITE,NV:6 CAMPERS:SLNT 50'SQR LITE OVHD:OBS'HAIR STANDS ON END:VIDEO+FOTOS", **LatLong:** "36.911113 -116.811117", **LatLongDMS:** "36:54:40 N 116:48:40 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.911113,-116.811117)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51859 (05398BC1)
**Date:** 1/5/1997
**Location:** Israel, Tel Aviv
**Description:** (Translated from French) Manipulating the crowd was psychic Helinor Harrar. Hadn't he predicted in 1995 the victory of Benjamin Netanyahu in the elections? After the Achihod story of December 21, 1996, he thus predicted the arrival of three huge flying saucers for this Monday, January 5, 1997. By the hundreds, the Israelis were on the beaches from the morning. An atmosphere of celebration reigned there, and loudspeakers mounted on trucks broadcasted the musical theme of the X-Files. Nothing happened. [Note from vog: this is not the first time a psychic has led people astray!]
**Reference:** Ufo Roundup vol. 2 no. 2 of 12.1.1997, Joseph Trainor
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3584
### Event 51860 (39625F4C)
**Date:** 1/5/1997
**Location:** France, Ille et Vilaine
**Description:** (Translated from French) At the place called Chantepie, around 2 am, B.C., 57 years old, a farmer, was woken up by an explosion sound and a shrill whistle. His wife, however, kept sleeping. He got up, went to the kitchen to have a bite. Suddenly, outside, a big flash. He looked through the window and saw, in the middle of his fields, something like headlights. He went out taking his hunting gun. He hurried towards the blinding light and tried to shout, but no sound came out of his mouth. He felt stopped by an invisible force. He couldn't move anymore. Then he saw two beings coming out of the blue luminous shape. The viscous and transparent shapes passed near him, seeming to ignore him, heading towards the barn on his right. He felt prickles all over his body, he was sweating and he realized he was in the snow in his nightshirt and slippers. He was scared. The small humanoid shapes passed near him again and he saw them merging into the electric shape that disappeared vertically instantly. Then B.C. went back with difficulty to the kitchen. It was 5:15. He had spent 2 hours and 45 minutes outside in the cold, at -9°C, in light clothing and he was sweating. His slippers were frozen. When he entered, his wife was still sleeping. The lights were all on
**Reference:** Sentinel News n° 6; July-August '97 p. 36
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3585
### Event 51861 (B5071D71)
**Date:** 1/5/1997
**Description:** B. C., a 57-year-old farmer living in Ille et Vilaine, Chantepie, France was awakened at two a.m. by a noise like an explosion and a strident whistling sound. His wife continued to sleep. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Suddenly he saw a bright flash of light outside. He looked out the French windows of his farmhouse and saw lights in the middle of a field resembling headlights. He grabbed his shotgun and went out to investigate. Running toward the light, he attempted to shout a warning, but oddly no sound came out of his mouth. He next was hit by some invisible force field and was unable to move. He then saw two small beings emerge from the luminous form. The figures looked to be transparent and passed close to him, seemingly unaware of his presence. The figures then walked toward the nearby barn. At the same time he felt a prickling sensation and began to sweat. The small beings walked by him a second time and disappeared inside the luminous form. The light shot up into the sky vertically at an incredible speed. B. C. was now able to move and he returned to his kitchen, still sweating. When he got back to his bedroom his wife was still in bed sleeping. He appeared to have experienced some missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, citing Sentinel News # 6, July-August 1997
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_150
### Event 51862 (DEB837C1)
**Date:** 1/7/1997
**Description:** Ryan Chapman and two other witnesses were staying in a cabin at an undisclosed location in Florida when they saw strange flashing lights in the sky late on this night. Feeling apprehensive the witnesses decided to make a perimeter check of the area. Suddenly one of them screamed when he saw a large disc-shaped craft hovering over the cabin. One witness loaded his gun and began firing at the craft, but when nothing happened they ran back toward the cabin. Their way was blocked by several short thin gray-skinned humanoids that were carrying long needle-like implements. The creatures grabbed the three men who attempted to escape but were somehow overpowered. Ryan felt a pain in the back of his neck as he fell to the ground and blacked out. The next day, after coming to, they found strange marks on their chins, wrists and behind their ears. A scorched area was reportedly found on the roof and walls of the cabin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 2572, citing Internet Sightings page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_187
### Event 51863 (D731C6D1)
**Date:** 1/8/1997
**Description:** On this night in Ixtapalapa, Mexico a 53-year-old woman awoke to find three short dwarfs cavorting about her bedroom while she was unable to move. After ten minutes they disappeared in a bright blue flash of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997 citing Contacto OVNI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_213
### Event 51864 (AEF5D0BB)
**Date:** 1/10/1997
**End date:** 1/12/1997
**Locations:** Roswell; Washington, D.C.; D.C.–area
**Description:** Roswell witness [Jesse Marcel Jr.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/116270028/jesse-antoine-marcel) undergoes a second series of hypnosis sessions, this time with Washington, D.C.–area clinical psychologist [Neil Hibler](http://www.policepsychology.com/aboutus.html)[.](http://www.policepsychology.com/aboutus.html) They are paid for by Roswell Declaration author Kent Jeffrey, who concludes that Marcel is indeed describing weather balloon debris. However, this interpretation is disputed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7207
### Event 51865 (E11BFBCA)
**Date:** 1/12/1997
**Location:** Puerto Rico, between Caguas and Humacho
**Description:** (Translated from French) Pedro Viera, a retired policeman, was driving around 2:30 in the morning on Route 40 between Caguas and Humacho. Suddenly he saw a disc-shaped UFO hovering over a field, lifting a cow in a "tractor beam". The animal passed through an opening in the bottom of the UFO and then disappeared from view. Viera accelerated, engaging in a kind of pursuit. Speeding along Route 40, he kept the UFO in sight. His chase was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of an old 4x4 model, and he had to stop on the side of the road. Two men in black uniforms emerged from the 4x4, approached him and said "let them do what they had to do". At first Viera didn't understand, but then he had to accept the evidence that these words were related to the UFO. Meanwhile he had obviously lost sight of it and Viera returned home. Five hours later, around 7 in the morning, Puerto Ricans found a mutilated cow along Route 40. They said the animal seemed to have been thrown from a considerable height.
**Reference:** UFO Roundup vol. 2 no. 8, Joseph Trainor
**Reference:** Scott Corrales
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3586
### Event 51866 (A5A2425A)
**Date:** 1/13/1997
**Locations:** Abbotsford; Chilliwack; British Columbia; Highway 1; Sardis
**Description:** Morning. A woman driving on Highway 1 from Abbotsford to Chilliwack, British Columbia, notices a fluffy cloud in a clear sky that “bursts downward” with a bright white light three times in succession. It dissipates, leaving behind a black bar. After 5 minutes, a solid stream of white light comes downward from it and another black bar appears, about 45° below the first one. They both start moving east in a wavy motion. She loses sight of them when she gets off the freeway at the Sardis exit.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects and Cloud Cigars,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7208
### Event 51867 (8F88096C)
**Date:** 1/13/1997
**Description:** Col. Phil Corso tells Jacques Vallée he may have been the subject of disinformation, as alleged analyses he received from Walter Reed Hospital showing autopsies of UAP occupants with scaly skin “didn’t seem right.”
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/an-alleged-2001-national-institute-for.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/an-alleged-2001-national-institute-for.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_319
### Event 51868 (1422BE64)
**Date:** 1/18/1997
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** SUMMERDALE, AL
**Description:** Huge ovoid hovers / trees. Upright bar / top. Mutilated cow found 20 Jan.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: ALTERNATIVE PERCEPTIONS quarterly. Brent Raynes ed. 326 Haggard St. Waynesboro, TN 38485 (615) 722-5976. Publ./White Buffalo Books, Memphis.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17793
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "34", **HatchDesc:** "SUMMERDALE,AL:HUGE OVOID HVRS/TREES:UPRIGHT BAR/TOP:mutld cow found 20Jan", **LatLong:** "30.488890 -87.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:29:20 N 87:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.488890,-87.700004)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51869 (96561116)
**Date:** 1/22/1997
**Location:** USA, Central Region
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 3:30 in the morning a bright green light ball traveled across the entire sky of the Central US and was observed in five states, Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas. Wayne Wyrick of the Kirkpatrick Planetarium in Oklahoma City said the phenomenon looked like a plane on fire descending. Major Steve Boylan, spokesperson for Norad, said it was debris from a Delta II missile used to launch a satellite in December. In the January 25th edition of The Daily Oklahoman, the testimony of a woman is reported; she saw the ball descend as if to crash just west of Oklahoma City. (...) On January 24th, Ed Longcope went to feed the cattle in the fields, when he saw something shining half-buried in the ground, in the cow pasture. It was a fairly large hollow ball (medicine ball) of metallic appearance, with nuts on the opposite sides and a median rib. The half-melted object was entrusted by the witness to the local sheriff who sent it to the New Braunfels Meteorological Institute. The object could not be identified there and eventually the object was entrusted to Randolph Military Base (east of San Francisco). A few days before this find, witnesses had seen unusual lights in the sky in the New Braunfels region (Joseph Trainor - Masinaigan - Ufo Folklore Center) IN REALITY: According to United States Command No. 1-97, Springs Colorado: the body of the Delta II missile, launched on April 24, 1996, entered the Earth's atmosphere at 3:30 in the morning. This cylindrical tube measured 7 feet long by 4 feet in diameter and could be observed in at least five states and fell 3 miles east of Georgetown, Texas, the tank (the largest part of the second stage, landed in Austin less than 100 m from a house. It measured 9 feet long, 6 feet in diameter, cylindrical in shape with rounded ends, weight about 750 kg. The piece found by Ed Longcope was the rounded base of the second stage of Delta II, 80 cm in diameter and weighing about 35 kg. On February 7th, near Seguin, other debris from Detlta II were also found.
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL No. 347, March 1997 pp. 3-7
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3587
### Event 51870 (8F0A7D80)
**Date:** 1/22/1997
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** COLUMBIA, SC
**Description:** 1 / car. 1 / car. Saucer 1 / 4 mile away / 500' altitude. 6 windows? No further details. / NH-MUFON.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, F: UFO FILTER CENTER Newsletter. Monthly 618 Davis Dr. Mount Vernon, IN 47620 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17794
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "95", **HatchDesc:** "COLUMBIA,SC:1/CAR:1/CAR:SCR 1/4 MILE AWAY/500'alt:6 WINDOWS?:NFD:/NH-MUFON", **LatLong:** "34.000002 -81.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "34:00:00 N 81:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.000002,-81.033337)", **RelAlt:** "150", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51871 (50D5E4E7)
**Date:** 1/23/1997
**Description:** A green oval-shaped object with six windows passed over Littleton, New Hampshire from Vermont across the Connecticut River at 6:50 p.m. After a few minutes it took off over the mountains.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Manchester Union Leader, March 3, 1997; Michael David Hall, UFOs: A Century of Sightings, p. 332
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_467
### Event 51872 (9FC77221)
**Date:** 1/24/1997 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** NORTH / DOURDAN, FR
**Description:** 1 / car. 2+saucers with several beams going down [to] and small blue lights. Saucers maneuver / all directions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 342)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17795
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/DOURDAN,FR:1/CAR:2+SCRS W/SVRL BEAMS ↓+SML BLU LITES:SCRS MNVR/ALL DIRs:", **LatLong:** "48.550002 2.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:33:00 N 02:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.550002,2.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Essonne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51873 (946DA67E)
**Date:** 1/24/1997
**Description:** A witness in a car driving north of Dourdan, Essonne department, France at 9:15 p.m. sighted at least two disc-shaped objects emitting several beams and small blue lights. The UFOs maneuvered around in all directions for over a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 342
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_499
### Event 51874 (07E8F97D)
**Date:** 1/25/1997
**Location:** NORAD RADAR'S, CO
**Description:** Unidentified blip near Telstar 401 satellite. Both objects gone. / r96#70-v2#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 343)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17796
**Attributes:** **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NORAD RDRs,CO:UID BLIP nr TELSTAR 401 SATELLITE:BOTH OBJs GONE:/r96#70-v2#5", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "---", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51875 (47439DEE)
**Date:** 1/27/1997
**Locations:** Llangynidr, Powys, Wales; Newport
**Description:** 10:40 p.m. A man is driving on a quiet back road just south of Llangynidr, Powys, Wales, when he sees a “massive star” moving toward him. His car radio fails, and he is unable to use his mobile phone to call for help. He stops and gets out of the car. The glowing tube of smoky gray and blue light descends and encircles the car, remaining for 5 minutes. The witness can move around in the cloud but can hear no sound associated with the object. After the glow vanishes, he remains frightened and a bit sick. The car is coated with dust of unknown origin. He drives home to Newport, and the following morning he notices a skin rash.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “A Sprinkling of Star Dust,” Fortean Times 392 \(May 2020\): 33
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7209
### Event 51876 (1B289CD0)
**Date:** 1/28/1997
**Description:** In 1997 a witness going to bed at 10:30 p.m. in Colebrook, New Hampshire shut off the bedroom light and then saw a large object, like sunlight reflecting off metal, rise up to clear a ridgeline. The light then went out, but the witness could still perceive that the silhouette of the UFO was still visible in the sky. It flew over the ridge and was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** MUFON investigation files, case 970128E
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_568
### Event 51877 (9610FB46)
**Date:** 1/30/1997
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** Telepathy warning / advance. Girl abduction / 3 hours. Fetus taken. Found all wet.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MIAMI UFO CENTER: Dr. Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo) ufomiami at aol.com
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17797
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **TLP:** Telepathy, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "545", **HatchDesc:** "SAN BERNARDO,CHILE:TLP WARNING/ADVANCE:GIRL ABD/3hrs:FETUS TAKEN:found all wet", **LatLong:** "-33.600002 -70.716670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:36:00 S 70:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.600002,-70.716670)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 51878 (FB3B798E)
**Date:** 1/30/1997
**Description:** The abductee received a telepathic warning in advance that she would be taken from her home in San Bernardo, Santiago Province, Chile. At 10:00 p.m. the young woman was abducted for three hours. Her fetus was reportedly taken, and she was found all wet when she was returned.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17866
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_625
### Event 51879 (090ABEB6)
**Date:** 2/1997 (approximate)
**Location:** US
**Description:** “Victor”, who claimed to have worked at Area-51 S-4, speaks in “Area 51: The Alien Interview” by Rocket Pictures. Claims two psychics were present to interpret the responses from an alien in custody. Aliens were highly psychic.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-viqc7DJWhs&list=FL-kvdFF-6XoQqmANxWYoP2A&index=7)
**Reference:** [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0404780/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_801
**See also:** 5/23/97
**See also:** 2008
### Event 51880 (1A24A0EF)
**Date:** 2/1997
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** RIMUKA, KADOMA, ZIMB
**Description:** Flat bottom/underside glowing-dome hovers / 8M altitude. Light hiss. Lights / base. Going quickly south and going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17798
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RIMUKA,KADOMA,ZIMB:FLAT BTM GLO-DOME HVRS/8M alt:LITE HISS:LITES/BASE:>>S+↑", **LatLong:** "-18.350001 29.883335", **LatLongDMS:** "18:21:00 S 29:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.350001,29.883335)", **State/Prov:** "MSH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51881 (F8D65205)
**Date:** 2/1/1997
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An anomalous signal is detected by amateur researchers from [SETI](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SETI.html). (February 1st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1997.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3312
### Event 51882 (0D6BA71A)
**Date:** 2/5/1997
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** ENCHARMES, FR
**Description:** 1 observer only! 140M fireball going SSE / 40M altitude. Quite slow straight/strait(s) and level. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 344)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17799
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ENCHARMES,FR:1 OBS ONLY!:140M FBL >SSE/40M alt:QUITE SLOW Strt+Lvl:ABS.SLNT ", **LatLong:** "45.255558 2.344445", **LatLongDMS:** "45:15:20 N 02:20:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.255558,2.344445)", **State/Prov:** "Cantal", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51883 (764BBF63)
**Date:** 2/7/1997
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** WESTBURY, TASM
**Description:** 2 kids. Short cylinder/cigar-shape going west slow. Turns vertical. Going up and down [to] fast. Then lost going going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison.
She was then startled as one of the beings moved aggressively and grabbed her. She jumped up and punched the being in the face, and his skin felt like hard plastic. She struggled some more, grabbing the figure by the throat, noticing that the neck appeared horribly wrinkled. The being was about five feet tall and thin. She then bit the being; she said it felt like biting a cold piece of ham. After a few more minutes of struggling the being dropped to the floor. Next a third figure appeared in the room, and the two aliens who remained standing moved towards her. One brushed against her face and grabbed her wrist. He seemed to be stronger than the first. She suddenly fainted. When she regained consciousness the figures had gone. The children had apparently been left untouched. She suffered from a severe headache afterwards and found three puncture wounds on her neck.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George Filer, New Jersey MUFON; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, case #2672, citing New Jersey MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1092
### Event 51913 (F76F1D6D)
**Date:** 2/25/1997 (approximate)
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** PUNTA ARENAS, CHL
**Description:** Girl chased / UFO and hit / many sparks. Missing time. Wakens elsewhere. / Aion.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 116)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17813
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "250", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "PUNTA ARENAS,CHL:GIRL CHASED/UFO+HIT/MANY SPARKS:MST:wakens elsewhere:/AION", **LatLong:** "-53.133336 -70.900003", **LatLongDMS:** "53:08:00 S 70:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-53.133336,-70.900003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "TDF", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 51914 (6264EC0B)
**Date:** 2/25/1997
**Description:** Two young people reported sighting a triangular shaped object hovering between Shrewsbury and Oswestry near a road in the Shropshire, England countryside. It expelled a flame and then vanished. According to a RAF spokesman, the object was unlikely to be a military experimental aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, p. 199
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1120
### Event 51915 (32ADD996)
**Date:** 2/26/1997
**Description:** A man was driving to work near Lee, New Hampshire when he saw four balls of white light zigzag in unison over some nearby power lines. They then hovered about 50 feet from the ground looking a little blurry. The witness continued driving east on the road and ten minutes later saw the same lights again over a bog. At this point he began to hear voices inside his head. Now having stomach pains, he heard the voices warn him against studying UFOs. He then asked several questions, which the voices answered. When he came upon some large pine trees there was a blinding flash of orange light, and he felt his vehicle being lifted up. He then apparently lost consciousness. He woke up an hour later inside his vehicle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, case # 2800, citing ISUR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1143
### Event 51916 (FE950D34)
**Date:** 2/27/1997
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** White-yellow delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / sea. Lights / underside. Seen / Warhope / 2300h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17814
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "NE/Pt.MacQUARIE,QLD:WHT-YLW DLT HVRS/SEA:LITES/UNDERSIDE::SEEN/WARHOPE/2300h", **LatLong:** "-31.416668 152.766674", **LatLongDMS:** "31:25:00 S 152:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.416668,152.766674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51917 (9946C264)
**Date:** 2/27/1997
**Location:** Aviano Air Base, Italy
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. A luminous blue sphere appears over Aviano Air Base, Italy, and hovers. After it disappears, a larger, orange-yellow-red sphere appears, and six fighters are scrambled to intercept it. The jets circle around the sphere but it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 2Pinotti 155
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7211
### Event 51918 (E5B09B7E)
**Date:** 2/27/1997
**Description:** In Burnie, Tasmania a clear jelly like substance with yellow flakes in it was discovered on a lawn over a one-meter wide area. The substance was between 0.5 and 1.0 centimeters in thickness. It gradually deteriorated into a thin, plastic like cover on the lawn.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 27, citing Tasmanian UFO Information Centre
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1165
### Event 51919 (8E7C9CA9)
**Date:** 2/28/1997
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** GOLD COAST, AUST
**Description:** 2+separate observer(s). Glowing-sphere/orb/globe going down / 10' over patio. Phone static and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison.
In Prescott Valley, a witness was outside with his wife and sons when they saw the cluster of lights to the northwest of their position. The lights seemed to be in a triangular formation and all seemed to be red in color except for the lead light which was white. The phenomenon was observed through binoculars for 2 to 3 minutes before passing to the right of the witnesses who then saw a "band" to the right. The phenomenon disappeared to the SE of Prescott Valley. In the quiet night, none of the witnesses heard any sound coming from the phenomenon. The next witness came from Dewey, 10 miles south of Prescott. Five adults and young people, in a car driving north on Highway 69, saw a cluster of lights in the sky in a V formation. The driver stopped in a commercial parking lot and all the occupants got out. At that moment the phenomenon was directly above them where it hovered for several minutes. One of the witnesses in this group reported that the phenomenon was so big that he couldn't cover the surface of the thing with his fist at arm's length. He estimated that the phenomenon was at 100 feet in altitude and said it was absolutely silent. He saw a small private plane in the vicinity of the object and that the phenomenon seemed to be heading towards the Prescott airport. This witness then alerted the airport as well as the AFB Luke base, whose telephone operator confirmed having received many calls. Other testimonies then came in from Chino Valley, Temple, Glendale, Phoenix, Kingman and Tucson. All these witnesses described the phenomenon in detail. An amateur astronomer from Phoenix saw to the left of his house a mass of solid, non-shining lights and was able to discern that each was composed of two smaller lights. He saw two planes in the vicinity of the phenomenon, planes that were turning around to the west and east. The phenomenon was moving from north to south. (...) Later, between 8:45 and 9:00 PM the phenomenon was seen for about ten minutes, hovering and disappearing behind the mountains in a southerly direction. A lot of witnesses made statements having seen F 15c intercepting the object and photographing it with gun-cameras before returning to the Luke base, this aspect of the observation is unfortunately impossible to verify. (NUFORC, B. Davenport- News 002 collected from the Internet by CAAP - Roulers, Belgium) A video film was made by Tom King and Bill Hamilton (CBS EVENING NEWS). In the different phases one can see: - an orange light appearing in Ahwatukee around 9:50 PM, it comes to position itself near two other orange lights. - then, a few seconds later, another orange light arrives. - then one sees the 4 orange lights and a fifth arriving on the left. A pilot leaving Skyhabor Airport said he had seen this formation above his plane. (E-mail Bill Hamilton, web page by Tom King -and- Ufo Folklore Center AUFORA News update 17.5.1997) IN REALITY: military exercises, nighttime interceptions, with a simulated battle at an altitude of 5000 to 50000 feet in the air space known as BUKEYE MOA. There are identical exercises every quarter, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. (1997, March 13...until July and beyond.)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3596
### Event 51937 (F1FFF184)
**Date:** 3/13/1997
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** PHOENIX, AZ
**Description:** Pilot and 1000 observer(s). Huge triangle going south. Videos = flares / USAF.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 343)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17821
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "345", **HatchDesc:** "PHOENIX,AZ:PILOT+1000 OBS:HUGE TRIANGLE >S:VIDEOS=flares/USAF", **LatLong:** "33.416668 -112.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:25:00 N 112:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.416668,-112.083339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51938 (6C0323A7)
**Date:** 3/13/1997
**Locations:** Henderson, Nevada; Phoenix; Tucson, Arizona; Paulden; Prescott; Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona
**Description:** 6:55–10:30 p.m. Aerial lights of varying descriptions are seen by thousands of people \(many of whom are looking for Comet Hale-Bopp\) in a space of about 300 miles from Henderson, Nevada, at 6:55 p.m., through Phoenix to the edge of Tucson, Arizona. Tim Ley and his family at first see a tiny arc of five white lights just after 8:00 p.m. in the northwestern sky. They slowly draw nearer \(around 30 mph\), and Ley discerns a V-formation flying no more than 100 feet above the ground. The lights hold this pattern for more than 15 minutes, leading him to believe they are on one structure. Ley’s report is the most detailed, but there are many others. There are two distinct events involved in the entire incident: a triangular formation of lights seen to travel around 8:10–9:30 p.m. from Paulden to Tucson, passing over Prescott and Phoenix. Some witnesses see a huge carpenter’s square-shaped UFO, containing five spherical lights or possibly light-emitting engines. Gov. [Fife Symington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fife%5FSymington) is one witness, although he does not reveal this until 2007; he calls the object “otherworldly.” One overriding characteristic prevails: The UFO is a massive solid object, not merely lights, and it appears low in the sky, blocking out the stars behind it. Many witnesses say it is the size of multiple football fields and up to one mile long. Reports vary in terms of the number and color of lights and their movements. The second group of events is a series of stationary lights seen in the Phoenix area around 10:00 p.m. The Air Force identifies this group as magnesium LUU2 flares dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft in a training exercise at the Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona as part of Operation Snowbird; news coverage later shows a video taken around 10:00 p.m. by an amateur photographer that clearly shows the flares, not the earlier UFO. Phoenix city councilwoman [Frances Emma](http://www.noufors.com/Frances%5FE%5FBarwood.htm) [Barwood](http://www.noufors.com/Frances%5FE%5FBarwood.htm) is the only elected official to launch a public investigation, but she receives no help from any level of government. She speaks to more than 700 witnesses who call her office, including police officers, pilots, and former military personnel. Minimal coverage is provided at the time by the media, even in Phoenix.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Phoenix Lights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix%5FLights)”; NICAP, “[The Phoenix Lights Case: More Than Lights and Flares?](http://www.nicap.org/phoenix970313dir.htm)”; Tony Ortega, “[The Great](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/the-great-ufo-cover-up-6422930) [UFO Cover-up,](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/the-great-ufo-cover-up-6422930)” Phoenix New Times, June 26, 1997; Bruce Maccabee, “[Report on Phoenix Lights Arrays,](http://brumac.mysite.com/phoenixlights1.html)” 2000; Donald R. Burleson, “UFO Secrecy and the Law,” IUR 28, no. 4 \(Winter 2003–2004\): 16; Lynne D. Kitei, The Phoenix Lights: A Skeptic’s Discovery That We Are Not Alone, Hampton Roads, 2004; “Former Arizona Governor Says He Saw ‘Phoenix lights’ UFO,” American Chronicle, March 18, 2007; Thomas E. Bullard, “Defending UFOs,” IUR 34, no. 2 \(March 2012\): 12–13, 30; Kean, [pp. 247–249](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/254/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/254/mode/2up) [253–261](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/260/mode/2up); Good Need, [pp. 387–](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/386/mode/2up) [390](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/386/mode/2up); Clark III 901–905; Patrick Gross, “[The Phoenix Lights, Arizona, USA, March 14, 1997](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/phoenix.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7216
### Event 51939 (8A5A079D)
**Date:** 3/13/1997
**Description:** Thousands in Phoenix, Arizona saw lights arranged in a V-shaped formation on this evening beginning at 7:55 p.m. There appear to have been two separate incidents. Earlier in the evening what may have been a huge V-shaped object passed over the states of Nevada and Arizona. Over the next two hours multiple objects or lights, estimated to be one to two miles apart, hovered motionless over the mountains and were seen and videotaped from several locations. The Government explanation of the sightings was that the Air National Guard was performing flight operations from Luke A.F.B. dropping flares, and this may well be the explanation for the later sightings. However, the sightings earlier in the evening remained unexplained.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 17890, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1997, issue # 343
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1465
### Event 51940 (0DFE5319)
**Date:** 3/14/1997
**Description:** At 1:03 a.m. a couple were in a park in Cote-St.-Luc, Quebec, Canada when they heard a loud whirring sound overhead and were engulfed in a white beam. They were unable to move. Overhead they saw, less than 50 feet above them, a silver disc-shaped UFO with multi-colored lights around the rim. They experienced an episode of missing time, their clothes were singed and they had skin burns. The woman also had a round scar on her head.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 1997 Canadian UFO Survey [electronic version], case 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1511
### Event 51941 (E680D969)
**Date:** 3/15/1997
**Locations:** Węgorzewo; northeastern Poland
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. An object explodes in the air and crashes to the ground near Węgorzewo in northeastern Poland. The debris is allegedly retrieved by soldiers. The Polish Army denies all knowledge of the incident, but Col. Zdzislaw Czekierda of the General Staff admits there is a special division that has gathered information about UFO sightings since the early 1980s.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 391](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/390/mode/2up); Poland 117–118
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7217
### Event 51942 (F2097392)
**Date:** 3/16/1997
**Time:** 08:20
**Location:** NEWBURGH, NY
**Description:** Airo expert. Wingless fuselage skips through treeline. No visible propulsion.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 119)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17822
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "42", **HatchDesc:** "NEWBURGH,NY:AIRO EXPERT:WINGLESS FSLG SKIPS THRU TREELINE:no visbl propulsion", **LatLong:** "41.516669 -74.005559", **LatLongDMS:** "41:31:00 N 74:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.516669,-74.005559)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51943 (76CA815B)
**Date:** 3/17/1997
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** BOCA NEGRA, PERU
**Description:** Several observer(s). 2 saucers hover near airport/apartment runway at beach. Flash color(s). Going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 116)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17823
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BOCA NEGRA,PERU:SVRL OBS:2 SCRS HVR nr APT RUNWAY at BEACH:FLASH CLRS:>>NE", **LatLong:** "-12.016667 -77.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "12:01:00 S 77:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.016667,-77.116670)", **State/Prov:** "LMA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51944 (01CDA971)
**Date:** 3/19/1997
**Location:** Spain, Karting de l'Escala, Girona
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 4am, the Girona police officers, M.D and M.C in a car, observed a phenomenon they qualified as identical to "Foo Fighters", round in shape, orange in color, without any perceptible noise. The phenomenon was first observed stationary at 4m from the ground, 40m away, just above the karting. When the police officers wanted to take a photo with the camera on board, the UFO made a sudden approach towards the patrol car, before accelerating incredibly and disappearing in the sky. The sky was clear without clouds, there was no wind or rain, the temperature was 10°C.
**Reference:** the full case is published in the Monográfico nº1 of the magazine ENIGMAS, Jordi Jiménez
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3597
### Event 51945 (0C69BA2A)
**Date:** 3/19/1997
**Description:** In 1997 at 4:05 a.m. police in La Escala, Spain saw a yellow light near the ground change color to orange. There was a 4-meter tall shadowy human figure in the center of the light. One witness attempted to photograph it, but the light dimmed, became oval shaped, and vanished. Flattened grass was discovered at the site. Seven hours later, at 5:05 EST, a driver in Nottingham, New Hampshire watched several golf ball sized balls-of-light zig-zag only a meter away from near his driver's side outside car mirror. He heard a voice in his head that told him to drive west. He refused and drove north instead. He then lost control of the car and saw a cylindrical UFO approach, the approximate size of a small 12-passenger bus. The telepathic messages he received included warnings about future events.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1581
### Event 51946 (4E15CA3A)
**Date:** 3/21/1997
**End date:** 3/23/1997
**Locations:** Cosmo Isle Hakui; Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
**Description:** A Space and UFO Science Symposium is held at Cosmo Isle Hakui, a museum of space history in Hakui, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. Symposium speakers include [Richard F. Haines](http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Richard%5FHaines), [Jesse A. Marcel Jr.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/116270028/jesse-antoine-marcel), [Bruce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) [Maccabee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce%5FMaccabee) [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html)[,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html) hypnotherapist [Derrel Sims](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://alienhunter.org/about/becoming-the-alien-hunter/)[,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://alienhunter.org/about/becoming-the-alien-hunter/) podiatrist [Roger K. Leir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger%5FLeir)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger%5FLeir) and crop circle researcher [Colin](https://www.colinandrews.net/Biography.html) [Andrews](https://www.colinandrews.net/Biography.html)[.](https://www.colinandrews.net/Biography.html)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, “The 1997 Space and UFO Science Symposium at the Cosmo Isle–Hakui Center, Japan,” IUR 22, no. 2 \(Summer 1997\): 15–18, 36
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7218
### Event 51947 (C85AD780)
**Date:** 3/22/1997
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Whistle. 3 plate-saucers circle / counterclockwise. 2 join and part. Hover and then going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17824
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "718", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON,AZ:2 OBS:WHISTLE:3 PLATE-SCRS CCL/CCW:2 JOIN+PART:HVR and then >>N", **LatLong:** "32.216668 -110.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:13:00 N 110:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.216668,-110.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51948 (424C1EF9)
**Date:** 3/22/1997
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** VICTORVILLE, CA
**Description:** Guard. Red-orange ball swoops going down. Power out / apartments. 2-way radio out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17825
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "876", **HatchDesc:** "VICTORVILLE,CA:GUARD:RED-ORG BALL SWOOPS↓:POWER OUT/APARTMENTS:2-WAY RADIO OUT", **LatLong:** "34.550002 -117.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:33:00 N 117:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.550002,-117.283339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51949 (BA1B9D2E)
**Date:** 3/24/1997
**Location:** Great Britain, Sheffield
**Description:** (Translated from French) Monday night half of the city of Sheffield was left without electricity around 11:45 pm. In the night, around the same time, there was an alert in the Peak district after the observation of what seemed to be an airplane flying very low above the marshes. This observation ended with a red light flash and a trail of smoke. Other people, including a group observing the Hale-Bopp comet, said they saw an object followed by smoke and a strange red glow on the marshes. A few minutes later a couple heard a loud explosion that shook their house near Strines Inn. Having found nothing after their personal searches, these witnesses called the police. The police officers who arrived on the scene saw what they believed to be a plume of smoke rising from the marshes towards a wooded area. They said there had been no distress call in the area and the Civil Aviation Authority said there was no missing plane. The West Yorkshire police and the RAF were called in to carry out aerial searches in the marshy area around Bolsterstone, while the local police and military carried out searches on the ground. Nearly 100 military personnel scoured over 40 square miles, without finding any wreckage. The searches continue with little hope of finding anything. It would be a strange observation of a crash without any fatalities. After the strange observations of the last few weeks in the suburban area of Sheffield, rumors have been circulating after it was revealed that researchers were examining a video sequence showing an object flying very slowly. This film showing an object flying with flashing lights was taken by a man who was outside observing Hale-Bopp, on the same night as the events described above. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh, seismology department, also revealed that they had recorded a sound explosion on their equipment, immediately after the observation in South Yorkshire. They say that this supersonic bang could only have been caused by the Concorde, a military plane flying low, or by the fall of a fairly large meteorite. However, any attempt to contact the Ministry of Defense or the RAF has failed. The police confirm having received 40 different calls from witnesses describing the phenomenon as a single wing flying low over northern Sheffield, or of triangular shape. (English report received by AREPS on March 30, 1997) IN REALITY: the RAF was questioned in Parliament and specified that it was involved in a low-altitude flight exercise that night with jets flying at 250 feet (80 to 90 meters) altitude and that this was part of the specific training. The Tornado planes were not interceptors but Gr 1 bombers from the Marham base
**Reference:** Norfolk
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3598
### Event 51950 (1A9CFAE3)
**Date:** 3/24/1997
**Location:** Howden Moors, Yorkshire, England
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Reports come in from the public that there is a low-flying aircraft over Howden Moors, Yorkshire, England. These reports soon turn into accounts of bright flashes, loud booming noises, and “several plumes of black smoke” rising from somewhere in the woodlands of the open countryside. Several search operations from several different counties are launched, both on foot and in the air. These continue through the night. The main concern is that a light aircraft or a helicopter has come down. However, no survivors or any wreckage is discovered during the search, which goes on well into the following day. At one stage, no-fly zones are put in place, an action that some UFO researchers later find suspicious—particularly when there are commercial airliners “stacking” as a result. Despite all of this activity, the official word from the military is that there is no crash at all. It is simply a mistaken sighting—despite many reports from the general public. Soon, rumors circulate from the many volunteer searchers. The most prominent comes from a unit of Yorkshire Water workers who happen to be in the area. They see a wrecked pile of metal in a clearing and a “military presence” that is loading “body bags” onto a Sea King helicopter. When the military is confronted with this, they claim they are merely moving equipment. An explanation remains elusive, although a military exercise did take place, at least 3 groups of observers reported UFO-like sightings, the sonic events did take place, and at least 1–2 civilian aircraft are reported in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David Clarke and Martin Jeffrey, “The Mystery of Howden Moors: Part One,” IUR 24, no. 2 \(Summer 1999\): 13–20; David Clarke and Martin Jeffrey, “The Mystery of Howden Moors: Part Two,” IUR 24, no. 3 \(Fall 1999\): 24–28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7219
### Event 51951 (EB15C68C)
**Date:** 3/26/1997
**Locations:** San Diego County; Rancho Santa Fe, California
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. The San Diego County Sheriff’s Office takes a 911 call from a man later identified as Richard Ford, reporting a group suicide in a house in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Two deputies find 39 bodies of identically dressed, androgynous-looking men and women. Autopsies establish that each had drunk a lethal combination of vodka and barbiturates then smothered themselves with a plastic bag. Videotaped statements left behind explain that the suicides, members of a religious millenarian cult called Heaven’s Gate, were leaving their “earthly vehicles” behind and expect to board a spacecraft trailing Comet Hale-Bopp. It was founded in 1974 and led by [Marshall Applewhite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall%5FApplewhite) and [Bonnie Nettles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnie%5FNettles) \(formerly called Bo and Peep\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Heaven’s Gate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s%5FGate%5F%28religious%5Fgroup%29) [\(religious group\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heaven%27s%5FGate%5F%28religious%5Fgroup%29)”; Clark III 566–567
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7220
### Event 51952 (DF362390)
**Date:** 3/27/1997
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** BILLINGS, OK
**Description:** 15m diamond hovers / minutes. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. Dog collapses. Angel hair falls.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 132)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17826
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "305", **HatchDesc:** "BILLINGS,OK:15m DIAMOND HVRS/MINUTES:↑↑ XFAST:DOG COLLAPSES:ANGEL HAIR FALLS", **LatLong:** "36.527780 -97.444449", **LatLongDMS:** "36:31:40 N 97:26:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.527780,-97.444449)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 51953 (02A86F14)
**Date:** 3/30/1997
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Silent metallic ovoid follows car / miles. Maneuvers close / low altitude. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOBC, British Columbia, Canada. Bill Oliver. www.ufobc.org
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17827
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "756", **HatchDesc:** "TAKHINI HOT Sprs,YKN:SLNT MTLC OVOID FOLOS CAR/MILES:MNVRS CLOSE/LO ALT:>>S", **LatLong:** "60.800003 -135.266673", **LatLongDMS:** "60:48:00 N 135:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.800003,-135.266673)", **State/Prov:** "KYN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51954 (8CAB61FB)
**Date:** 3/30/1997
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** LA TOUR-DE-PIN, FR
**Description:** 2 comet watchers. 3 groups / 27 night lights / perfect diamond formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 343)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17828
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "La TOUR-de-PIN,FR:2 COMET WATCHERS:3 GROUPS/27 NLTS/PERFECT DIAMOND FORMn", **LatLong:** "45.566669 5.433334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:34:00 N 05:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.566669,5.433334)", **State/Prov:** "Isère", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 51955 (BC4CA6DE)
**Date:** 3/30/1997
**Location:** Highway near Whitehorse, Yukon
**Description:** A mother and her three children are chased along a highway near Whitehorse, Yukon, by an object “like a small satellite dish.” At one point, the object is directly above the car at treetop level.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “1997 Canadian UFO Survey,” IUR 23, no. 2 \(Summer 1998\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7221
### Event 51956 (75717B7E)
**Date:** 3/30/1997
**End date:** 4/1/1997
**Locations:** Arica, Chile; Pacific Ocean; Chacalluta International Airport
**Description:** Aerial lights are seen for several nights west of Arica, Chile, and over the Pacific Ocean, causing some alarm. Witnesses include civil servants and aeronautical experts at Chacalluta International Airport. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation issues a public statement confirming the observations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [pp. 190–191](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/198/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7222
### Event 51957 (CF9A7B5B)
**Date:** 3/30/1997
**Description:** At 10:45 p.m. 27 nocturnal lights were seen flying in a diamond formation by two comet watchers in La Tour-de-Pin, France.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1997
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1753
### Event 51958 (1F46EA26)
**Date:** 3/31/1997
**Location:** Finland, Rovaniemi (north of the country)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Ufologists observed an aerial battle between an air force jet and a squadron of five UFOs, according to Lars Osterman. They came to know of the affair because of the calls of the pilot (whose name will not be disclosed) and who kept repeating that he had trouble. His plane was an F-18A Hornet of the Finnish Air Force Suomen Ilmaviomat based at Lapin Lennosto 400 km north of Helsinki. The F-18 had taken off for a routine 960 km patrol along the border with Russia. As it flew over the frozen tundra southeast of Lake Inarijarvi, the pilot suddenly saw three UFOs (discs) flying in the direction of the northeast. Approaching to get a better look at what they were, he saw that there were 5 discs instead of 3. He alerted the base by radio and received the order to intercept the objects. The five UFOs shone with an orange color and suddenly veered towards the northwest. The F-18 chased them to Ivalo, a town 200 km north of Rovaniemi. From there the F-18 chased the discs towards the west up to above Inari, where, after a failed interception, the UFOs took the course towards the east and disappeared at high speed and high altitude above Lake Inarijarvi. At the moment the formation was breaking up the pilot had asked for permission to fire. Permission granted to fire at will. The pilot went towards one of the discs and, finding himself exactly behind it, made the intimidation maneuver. But then he suddenly heard in his helmet an alarm sound. The on-board computer was cut off and the 20 mm cannon ready to fire had returned to its waiting position. Wanting then to use the air-to-air missiles, a red malfunction light began to blink. The UFOs left at Mach 4 or 5. Finally none of the flight equipment was affected and the pilot was able to return safely to the base. The last time he saw the UFOs was in the direction of Talvikula in Russia.
**Reference:** Email Interview with Lars Osterman, Ufo Roundup Volume 4, Number 1, January 5, 1999, editor Joseph Trainor
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3599
### Event 51959 (041014D5)
**Date:** 3/31/1997
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html) cuts off contact with *Pioneer 10*. (March 31)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1997.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3316
### Event 51960 (EADC12C4)
**Date:** 3/31/1997
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The director and all the staff of Chacalluta Airport \(Chile\) observe, to the West, above the ocean, a very bright object that remains still for a long time. The observation is the subject of an official statement from the authorities and will be the starting point for the creation of an official commission to study unidentified aerial objects in Chile.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1997.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3317
### Event 51961 (00A7C518)
**Date:** 3/31/1997
**Time:** 00:30
**Description:** 2 10M silver plates hover. Douses lights as plane passes. 10-day wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17829
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "593", **HatchDesc:** "AMERICANA,BRZL:2 10M SLVR PLATES HVR:DOUSES LITES as PLANE PASSES:10-day wave", **LatLong:** "-22.800001 -47.316669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:48:00 S 47:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.800001,-47.316669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51962 (63635F0F)
**Date:** 4/1/1997
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Several firemen and more. Fireball going west to burning garage. Curves going up [to] and away going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 343)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17830
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHALONS-sur-MARNE,FR:SVRL FIREMEN+:FBL > W to BURNING GARAGE:CURVES↑+AWAY >>E", **LatLong:** "48.950002 4.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:57:00 N 04:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.950002,4.400000)", **State/Prov:** "Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 51963 (5A47B409)
**Date:** 4/2/1997
**Description:** In 1997, Air Force Captain and A-10 pilot Craig Button's mysterious crash and disappearance just after the Phoenix Lights UFO incident raised questions, with the Air Force ultimately labeling it a suicide. It took the Air Force three weeks to find the wreckage of Button’s A-10 Thunderbolt II, which had apparently crashed into a Colorado mountain side known as Gold Dust Peak. Investigative journalist William Warwick, inspired by an insider's revelation, delved into the case. The insider claimed to have been the person Button contacted before his disappearance, expressing concern about losing control of his aircraft. This led Warwick to investigate the possibility of Button's plane being remotely controlled by a clandestine group. He identified an uncontrolled airpark named Mogollon outside radar range, suggesting it might have been used for a covert operation. Warwick questioned whether Button had been lured there under false pretenses, thinking he was meeting a reporter, only to meet with foul play. The motive behind Button's and another pilot's deaths could be linked to their knowledge of classified information.
Warwick emphasized the need for a thorough investigation into these incidents and the importance of protecting UAP whistleblowers who might have vital information. The article underscored the call for transparency and accountability in unraveling the mysteries surrounding these events.
**Type:** plane crash
**Reference:** [medium.com - The Curious Case of Craig Button and the Phoenix Lights](https://medium.com/@GregBlack/the-curious-case-of-craig-button-and-the-phoenix-lights-92c36f4390fa)
**Reference:** [medium.com - Flashback: Spring ‘97 — The Phoenix Lights, Heaven’s Gate & Captain Craig Button’s Final Flight](https://medium.com/we-are-not-alone-the-disclosure-lobby/greg-black-flashback-spring-97-the-phoenix-lights-heavens-gate-captain-craig-button-s-e5ca565f2cf9)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1088
### Event 51964 (6CD68598)
**Date:** 4/3/1997
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** WASHINGTON, DC
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Dark silent crescent going east over clouds. Bigger / liners. No lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17831
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "WASHINGTON,DC:3 OBS:DRK SLNT CRESCENT >E OVR CLOUDS:BIGGER/LINERS:no lites", **LatLong:** "38.900002 -77.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:54:00 N 77:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.900002,-77.000004)", **State/Prov:** "WDC", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 51965 (2830159F)
**Date:** 4/4/1997
**Time:** 16:00
**Description:** Man relives 3 hours twice! Separate observer(s).. gained time? Bright flash..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison.
They watched the objects for the next 30 minutes while driving toward the objects. The distance to the objects had decreased to approximately one mile. They were then able to see that one was triangular and the other was a sphere with a ring around it. The objects began to throw flames from underneath, similar to rockets, although at first neither seemed to move. They stopped the car and got out and the UFOs started to move. The higher object was moving away much faster than the lower one.
The witnesses got out their camera and took three photographs as the UFOs moved higher into the sky. The top object veered to the right while the lower one veered left. They remained lit by the sun while the witnesses were already in the gathering darkness. Both objects turned into black balls as the flames were emitted and remained that way. The total observation time was approximately 45 minutes. The photographs showed many details. The RAAF and Australian Army provided information that discounts the possibilities that these objects were jets, missiles or rockets.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James Owen case investigation files, Victorian UFO Research Society website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6817
### Event 52174 (64512E66)
**Date:** 10/13/1997
**Description:** On the same day as the Australian sighting, four lights in a row approached a car from behind, being driven by a 30-year-old woman at 8:30 p.m. in Struthers, Scotland. The witness drove at speeds of 90 miles per hour in an attempt to get away, and she does not remember how she got past a sharp bend in road. Possible missing time of about ten minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, p. 156
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6818
### Event 52175 (CAF16665)
**Date:** 10/14/1997
**Location:** Israel, Negev Desert, Tel Sheva
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. Bashad, an Arab Bedouin raised in Europe, and his friend Mr. Massoud, left the Arab town of Tel Sheva in the direction of Beersheba. Driving at night on the unlit highway, Mr. Bashad saw along the road a man standing on the side of the road. This unusual presence made him stop in front of the individual and he asked if he could help. At that moment, the humanoid passed his palm through the metal of the door, as if it did not exist, while the two motorists saw his horrible face of "mutant". They put the gas without asking for their rest. The entity remained attached to the door for a distance of 2 km, at the speed of the vehicle (75 miles per hour) before dissolving as if it were made of air.
**Reference:** Ma'Ariv Journal of 15.10.1996 - Ufo Roundup vol. 1 no. 36
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3583
### Event 52176 (D70447BA)
**Date:** 10/15/1997
**Description:** Duncan, Oklahoma - At 2:15 a.m. the witness suddenly awoke feeling a strange presence in his bedroom. An odd feeling swept through his body, forcing him to close his eyes. His next memory was of being awake at 5:15 a.m. with a strange presence still in the room, and he once again felt forced to close his eyelids. When he woke up in the morning he was able to recall standing naked in an oval-shaped metal room with small windows in the top right hand corner. Directly behind him there was a large door where the two oval walls met. In the middle of the room there was an odd looking operating table with two needle devices on robotic arms sticking out of the side. This was the only apparent object in the room.
Afraid, he began banging on the large door demanding to be let out. He could hear voices in the background. He was then told by an angry male voice, in his head, to either lay down on the table or someone he loved would get hurt. He did as he was told. He was then asked to lay down in such a manner that his left lower back was exposed to the two needles. At the base of the needle there was a triangle-shaped piece of metal and two rectangle designs on both sides. He was then told by a friendly female voice that he would feel no pain but would feel his legs go numb, and would feel paralyzed and unable to move. The robotic arm moved closer to his back and plunged the needle into his back. He felt the clear liquid being injected into his body. He then felt paralyzed, and after a minute the needle device began sucking instead of injecting. It then moved back and the second needle performed the same operation. He woke up the next morning feeling some pain in his lower back with a triangular shaped imprint on it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, case # 3202, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6878
### Event 52177 (9269324A)
**Date:** 10/16/1997
**Description:** In Dir Al Awsan, Israel a young girl, Miss Suha A'anam, was standing on her second floor balcony at night when an unknown alien looking figure suddenly began pulling on her left arm. She screamed hysterically alerting her neighbors to the scene. She was taken to the nearby Tulkarem hospital with scratches on her arm. A neighbor told police that she heard a noise like a helicopter, looked out her window and saw "a whirlpool in the air, spreading ash everywhere" opposite the witness's balcony.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, case # 3773, citing Israeli UFO Research
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6906
### Event 52178 (8245EF75)
**Date:** 10/17/1997
**Locations:** White Sands Missile Range; New Mexico; Pentagon
**Description:** In an effort to gauge the vulnerability of military satellites to laser attacks, the US military tests a directed energy weapon, Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser \(MIRACL\) developed by the US Navy in 1980, against an aging USAF reconnaissance satellite. From its location at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, MIRACL sends two blasts of its deuterium fluoride laser against MSTI-3 at a distance of 238 miles. The Pentagon claims mixed results because a computer glitch prevents the satellite from reporting back that the second shot has struck the target.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Call it a MIRACL,](https://books.google.com/books?id=xwwAAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA5%23v%3Donepage&q&f=false)” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 54, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1998\): 5–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7249
### Event 52179 (77B64767)
**Date:** 10/18/1997
**Description:** Near Huntsville, Texas 15-year-old Joanna Alice Stevenson was awoken around midnight to find several strange beings standing over her bed. They were humanoids with large craniums, small mouths, and two slits for a nose. She was terrified. She looked out her window and could see a UFO hovering right outside her bedroom window. The creatures that were examining her talked or communicated by using grunts that sounded like a foreign language. Her conscious memory suddenly stopped at this point, and she could only vaguely remember being poked and probed by the aliens. They took blood samples, then let her go by dropping her off in a large field, not far away from her rural home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, citing I was abducted.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6962
### Event 52180 (6466F5DA)
**Date:** 10/19/1997
**Description:** The witness heard a strange noise in her kitchen in Crofton, Maryland at 2:00 a.m. Thinking it was her cat she went to investigate. At the entrance to her kitchen she encountered several humanoids, which she described as about five feet tall, with pale grayish skin and large black eyes. The humanoids seemed to be inspecting a silverware tray, sliding it back and forth. Suddenly one of the humanoids turned and saw the witness, who promptly fainted. After a few moments she came to lying on the floor of the kitchen. She looked up and saw three humanoids huddled together. Feeling a surge of terror she fainted again, but not before seeing a silvery flashing sphere hovering over her.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, case # 3193, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6987
### Event 52181 (B25F35DC)
**Date:** 10/20/1997
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** SINCLAIR ISL., NS
**Description:** Night light hovers. Large dark silent ovoid blocks stars. Glides low over field.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17917
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SINCLAIR ISL.,NS:NLT HVRS:LRG DRK SLNT OVOID BLOCKS STARS:GLIDES LOW OVR FIELD", **LatLong:** "45.650002 -62.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:39:00 N 62:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.650002,-62.516670)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52182 (E4E56D81)
**Date:** 10/23/1997
**Description:** A dark, gray cylindrical object about 100 meters wide and 40 meters tall was seen 20 miles away from Billings, Montana at 4:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7060
### Event 52183 (18E34E0D)
**Date:** 11/1997
**Location:** Germany, Bernkastel, Kuess
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 11am J.G. and his father-in-law approached the Kuess train station. About 100 meters away, there was a dilapidated facade with a window without glass. J.G. then saw the top (roof) of a passenger wagon pass behind the window. The wagon was orange. J.G. then pointed out to his father-in-law that trains usually run at this time of day. They arrived at the station, which was closed. Going around the ruined facade, they were surprised to find that there was nothing behind the wall. No railway tracks, no platforms, no trains. Only an open space with a burgundy-colored truck parked there. A row of houses and people painting the facades (in white). (November 1997)
**Reference:** GESAG, Bulletin 98, March 1998, p. 4, direct testimony
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3615
### Event 52184 (C92571F6)
**Date:** 11/2/1997
**Location:** GAZA STRIP
**Description:** Silver ellipsoid hovers / Paat Hasadeh. Holes found / ground and horse-hooves!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Paul Stonehill. Filed here: C:/DOWNLOAD/SOVWATER.TXT http://www.incredible.spb.ru/incr3.htm
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17918
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "?", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "GAZA STRIP:SLVR ELLIPSOID HVRS/PAAT HASADEH:HOLES FOUND/GND+HORSE-HOOVES!", **LatLong:** "31.416668 34.416668", **LatLongDMS:** "31:25:00 N 34:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.416668,34.416668)", **State/Prov:** "GZA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52185 (7818D737)
**Date:** 11/3/1997
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Following a series of observations, the Chilean army creates the [CIFAE](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/orgsRenseignement.html\#CIFAE). (November 3)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1997.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3335
### Event 52186 (87CFBA02)
**Date:** 11/4/1997
**Locations:** Minehead; Porlock, Somerset, England
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Between Minehead and Porlock, Somerset, England, a man driving home in foggy conditions sees three white beams of light that suddenly permeate the fog from above and converge into a circle on the hood of his car. The electrical system fails, and he cannot restart it. After about 5 minutes the light beam disappears suddenly and the headlights come back on, so he resumes driving. When he gets home, he finds that his watch and car clock are 5 minutes slow and that a compass placed near the car gives a reading 90° from true.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7250
### Event 52187 (64BF1BA1)
**Date:** 11/6/1997
**Description:** A large unidentified object with two small red lights and two white lights was reportedly seen flying only 150-200 feet over a barn in Kentwood, Michigan.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7518
### Event 52188 (E12CD083)
**Date:** 11/12/1997
**Time:** 07:40
**Location:** CHRISTCHURCH, NZ
**Description:** Dozens / observer(s). 2 eye-shaped objects going south / 1km altitude. Silver ball / center.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 148)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17919
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHRISTCHURCH,NZ:DOZENS/OBS:2 EYE-SHAPED OBJS >S/1km alt:SLVR BALL/CENTER", **LatLong:** "-43.466669 172.633342", **LatLongDMS:** "43:28:00 S 172:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-43.466669,172.633342)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52189 (7049DD45)
**Date:** 11/13/1997
**Location:** Lac La Biche, Alberta
**Description:** Night. Two witnesses are driving home near Lac La Biche, Alberta, when they see a diamond-shaped object, consisting of three white lights in the front and one red light in the rear, suddenly “turn on.” It hovers above trees about 900 feet away, and they can see the bottom of the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “1997 Canadian UFO Survey,” IUR 23, no. 2 \(Summer 1998\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7251
### Event 52190 (EEEA2CF5)
**Date:** 11/14/1997
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Numerous reports signal two linear formations of UFOs above the Northwest America in general and particularly above Seattle. The city's television channels make it their headline. See images/1997-11-14.jpg. (November 14)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1997.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3336
### Event 52191 (CFBB19F7)
**Date:** 11/14/1997
**Time:** ~12:00
**Location:** PHOENIX, AZ
**Description:** Daylight hockey-puck disk. 15 minute(s) / video taken / Jeff Willis. MUFON inv.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17920
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "325", **HatchDesc:** "PHOENIX,AZ:DAYLITE HOCKEY-PUCK DISK:15min/VIDEO TAKEN/JEFF WILLIS:MUFON INV.", **LatLong:** "33.416668 -112.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:25:00 N 112:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.416668,-112.100005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52192 (06731EAC)
**Date:** 11/15/1997
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** SIRACUSA, SICILY
**Description:** 2 boys photograph shiny metallic disk. Erratic stops and maneuvers. / r226#38.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17921
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SIRACUSA,SICILY:2 BOYS FOTO SHINY MTLC DISK:ERRATIC STOPS+MNVRS:/r226#38", **LatLong:** "37.033335 15.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:00 N 15:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.033335,15.250001)", **State/Prov:** "SR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52193 (A0A8B740)
**Date:** 11/15/1997
**Description:** At 4:00 a.m., a ring of color was spotted in the sky over a farming area in Lockport, New York. Once in awhile it seemed to move.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center website, November 1997 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7706
### Event 52194 (E3D1BC1A)
**Date:** 11/15/1997
**Description:** In the late afternoon two boys in Siracusa, Sicily, Italy photographed a shiny metallic disc making erratic stops and maneuvers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 17619, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Volume 2, Issue # 48
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7707
### Event 52195 (8168C458)
**Date:** 11/17/1997
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** SCOTTSDALE, AZ
**Description:** 2 silver objects. 1 going [to] out and back. Both quickly going up [to] extremely fast as airliner nears. / r226#38.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17922
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "383", **HatchDesc:** "SCOTTSDALE,AZ:2 SLVR OBJS:1> OUT+BACK:BOTH ↑↑ XFAST as airliner nears:/r226#38", **LatLong:** "33.511113 -111.900005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:30:40 N 111:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.511113,-111.900005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52196 (D0D4375C)
**Date:** 11/17/1997
**Location:** Winnipeg, Manitoba
**Description:** Night. A woman sees an “inverted triangular object with no wings” outside her home in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It has many rows of lights across its surface and is “lavender and steel gray” on one side, which is illuminated.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “1997 Canadian UFO Survey,” IUR 23, no. 2 \(Summer 1998\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7252
### Event 52197 (F2DA9009)
**Date:** 11/24/1997
**Location:** LAKE JUNALUSKA, NC
**Description:** 1+3 observer(s). 2 shiny silver cigars hover over old hotel. Vanish instantly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17923
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1079", **HatchDesc:** "Lake JUNALUSKA,NC:1+3 OBS:2 SHINY SLVR CGRS HVR OVR OLD HOTEL:vanish instantly", **LatLong:** "35.516668 -82.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:31:00 N 82:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.516668,-82.966671)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52198 (026A6040)
**Date:** 11/25/1997
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Half-sphere zigzags and follows bus. Numerous observer(s) and video. Rows / lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17924
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "413", **HatchDesc:** "nr Las HIGUERAS,ARG:HALF-SPHERE ZIGZAGS+FOLOS BUS:NMRS OBS+VIDEO:ROWS/LITES", **LatLong:** "-33.116668 -64.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:07:00 S 64:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.116668,-64.316670)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52199 (2A470505)
**Date:** 11/26/1997
**Location:** Chile, Punta Arenas
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 11:34 PM, Pilar Olazabal was driving her friends Juana Villalobos Moreno and Carlos Iturbide Masana home. "300 meters from their house there was something strange, an oval thing that seemed to be on fire. It lit up the whole road". The strangest part of the observation was that the thing was only seen by the two women, the man didn't see anything out of the ordinary. The apparition lasted several seconds. When they arrived at their friends' house, the trio talked a bit more about the strange thing, then Juana took the road to go back home. Ten minutes later, in one of the main streets of the city, she saw in the rearview mirror a lit object following her. "It was very close, only 50 meters away and 20 meters from the ground. The UFO was oval and had yellow, blue and red lights". Juana parked and the object flew over her car, less than 20 meters away. She could see it in its entirety. The object then accelerated and flew away like an arrow towards Estrecho de Magallanes (Strait of Magellan). (November 26, 1997)
**Reference:** The case is being investigated by Bertran Cardenas of AION
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3614
### Event 52200 (726D0E04)
**Date:** 11/26/1997
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** TEL AVIV, ISR
**Description:** 3 dark sponge shapes pass / 700M altitude. Videos taken. Going up [to] until gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17925
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Israel", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "TEL AVIV,ISR:3 DRK SPONGE SHAPES PASS/700M alt:VIDEOS taken:↑ UNTIL GONE", **LatLong:** "32.066668 34.766668", **LatLongDMS:** "32:04:00 N 34:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.066668,34.766668)", **State/Prov:** "TLV", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 52201 (56A822AF)
**Date:** 11/26/1997
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** PUNTA ARENAS, CHL
**Description:** Glowing-ovoid going east 20M over 3 / car. 1 observer / clear view sees nothing!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17926
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "PUNTA ARENAS,CHL:GLO-OVOID >E 20M OVR 3/CAR:1 OBS/CLEAR VIEW SEES NOTHING!", **LatLong:** "-53.133336 -70.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "53:08:00 S 70:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-53.133336,-70.883337)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "TDF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52202 (E5AE909F)
**Date:** 11/28/1997
**End date:** 11/30/1997
**Location:** San Francisco, California
**Description:** The panelists from the [Sturrock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FA.%5FSturrock) workshop reconvene in a San Francisco, California, hotel to draft a statement on science and UFOs, but the language continues to be hashed out and debated for months. The process goes on until April 27, 1998, when the report is sent to the editorial office of the Journal of Scientific Exploration. The report’s release engenders a mostly positive press response, but with little effect on scientists’ continuing refusal to examine UFO reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1117
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7253
### Event 52203 (D75C139A)
**Date:** 12/1997
**Locations:** Nakhon Sawan, Thailand; Khao Kala hill
**Description:** Retired Sergeant-Major Cherd Chuensamnaun is deep in Buddhist meditation at his home in Nakhon Sawan, Thailand, when he begins receiving communications from space aliens. The following day his skeptical son and son-in-law Jaroen Raepeth are lifted up from the living room sofa and thrown outdoors into the yard. His daughter Wassana sees a 33–50-foot long UFO outside at treetop level. Cherd continues to transmit messages from the extraterrestrials \(who hail from Pluto and another planet named Loku\) until his death in 2000. His family now continues the tradition, and nearby Khao Kala hill regularly attracts crowds of meditating UFO enthusiasts. According to the opinions of a theologian from Silpakorn University, this cult is based on a combination of beliefs in [ghosts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animalism%5F%28philosophy%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animalism%5F%28philosophy%29) [god](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theism)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theism) [aliens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C3%ABlism) and Buddhism combined.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[UFO Sightings in Thailand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO%5Fsightings%5Fin%5FThailand)”; Richard S. Ehrlich, “[The UFO Seekers Flocking to a RemoteThai Hilltop in Search of Buddhist Aliens,](https://lite.cnn.com/en/article/h%5Ff65f288ce52c7784daa2c4426eb4cc2e)” CNN, October 6, 2019; “Buddhist Aliens,” Fortean Times 388 \(January 2020\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7254
### Event 52204 (DE092703)
**Date:** 12/2/1997
**Location:** USA, Miami
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Woman Mysteriously Falls From Sky - The Associated Press Wednesday, December 3, 1997; 9:28 a.m. EST) A woman dressed in black mysteriously fell from the sky into the wall of an apartment complex. The inhabitants heard a loud crash and went outside to find the body cut in two, half embedded in the wall, said Inspector Delrish Moss. Nearby there is a 20-story tower, but Moss believes that given the way the body was embedded, the woman fell from much higher. "We have no indication" said Moss. The woman was wearing a long black shirt and black pants, no identification was found on her remains. She was white, with medium-length brown hair and seemed to be between 30 and 40 years old (...) The police will try to identify her by her fingerprints. The autopsy will also determine if the woman was alive at the time of the fall. In May 1996 a compressed body covered in grease was found in the outskirts of Miami and it was said that this person had been a stowaway who had fallen from the wheel well of an airplane. In the same week another body of a stowaway who had fallen from an airplane was found in the water outside of New York City. [note from vog: ufo = unidentified flying object, right? so as long as the body is not identified.... Apart from that, I find it very hard to believe these stories of stowaways falling...]
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3616
### Event 52205 (477A8C6B)
**Date:** 12/2/1997
**Location:** Belgium, Genk
**Description:** (Translated from French) The FUO (Hasselt) reported that in the evening of December 2, during the shift at the Ford factory in Genk, 200 people saw some kind of large black diamond that made a strange noise: like stones spinning in a cement mixer. When the object turned, all its lights were on one line. The ufology group was alerted at 10:10 PM. In the last days of November and the days following December 2, a similar object was seen by other witnesses in Waterschei, Zolder, and Maasmechelen. FUO contacted Eurocontrol to see if a "Galaxy" was in that part of the sky. This was not the case.
**Reference:** see meeting in Hasselt on March 7, 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3617
### Event 52206 (DCCF7773)
**Date:** 12/7/1997
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) David Spoor is in his garden behind his house when a UFO appears. Spoor has his camera with him and is able to take several clear shots \(see right\). The object hovers for a moment before disappearing behind some bushes. It then reappears and disappears again behind some houses. Spoor estimates it to be between 12 and 15 m wide, but can't be sure. Shortly after, the object is seen to the Northeast; it then flies over the sea. According to Spoor, it stays stationary for a moment, then moves at a speed of 70 to 80 km/h. The light appears to come from inside the UFO. Spoor rules out the possibility that the craft is actually the planet [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html); he states that the planet was visible that day, but on the other side of the sky. See images/1997-12-07.jpg and images/1997-12-07.jpg. (December 7th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1997.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3337
### Event 52207 (20D3459D)
**Date:** 12/7/1997
**End date:** 12/14/1997
**Locations:** Brasília, Brazil; Núcleo de Pesquisas Ufológicas (NPU); Ufological Research Center (CPU)
**Description:** The first World Forum of Ufology takes place in Brasília, Brazil, coordinated by the Brazilian Ufologists Commission. The coalition of researchers is comprised of [Claudeir Covo](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudeir%5FCovo)[,](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudeir%5FCovo) from the National Institute of Aerospace Phenomena Investigations \(INFA\); Rafael Cury, from the Núcleo de Pesquisas Ufológicas \(NPU\); [Reginaldo de Athayde](http://socex.net/site/reginaldo-de-athayde/)[,](http://socex.net/site/reginaldo-de-athayde/) from Ufological Research Center \(CPU\); [Marco Antônio Petit](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco%5FAnt%C3%B4nio%5FPetit), from Fluminense UFO Research Association \(AFEU\); and [Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubirajara%5FRodrigues) and [Ademar José Gevaerd](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ademar%5FJos%C3%A9%5FGevaerd)[,](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ademar%5FJos%C3%A9%5FGevaerd) both from the Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research \(CBPDV\), the largest UFO group in the country. The event culminates in the Brasilia Letter, a document signed by nearly all ufologists present, representing their nations and research entities. The letter conveys the position of ufologists to the Brazilian government to take the necessary steps required to clarify the UFO question.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** A. J. Gevaerd, “Brazilian Researchers Organize the Biggest UFO Conference Ever,” UFO Updates, December 8, 1997; Clark III 209; 2Pinotti 161
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7255
### Event 52208 (08641079)
**Date:** 12/8/1997
**Location:** England, Yorkshire (in flight)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A Boeing 737 of British Midland Airways took off from London's Heathrow Airport for Belfast (Northern Ireland). At 2:15 pm, the jet flew over Liverpool on its northeast trajectory. One of the passengers suddenly saw a very large UFO in the direction of the right wing tip of the aircraft. The distance between the plane and the object was estimated to be 240 km. Miles Johnston of the BUFORA group said it was an enormous, black, thin object with a very intense light in one corner. The object seemed to be flying very slowly (difficult to estimate at that distance). The length of the thing was 20 times its thickness. It had the shape of a cigar and must have measured more than 650 meters long. It was observed at approximately the same altitude as the plane, 33,000 feet, but all on the horizon. This places it above Yorkshire, said Johnston. It was observed by the passenger for 15 minutes (vog: by only one of the passengers? That's so unlikely...) Under the object there was a layer of clouds, so the object could not have been detected from the ground. After 15 minutes of observation, the object itself entered the clouds. Before that, it was visible under a beautiful sun.
**Reference:** Filer's Files #51 for December 24, 1997, George A. Filer of MUFON
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3618
### Event 52209 (BAD8FA82)
**Date:** 12/8/1997
**Location:** Surrey, British Columbia
**Description:** Night. After two brightly lit objects fly above Surrey, British Columbia, a large, disc-shaped, pewter- colored craft spins and bobs around in the sky. The witnesses give chase in their car, but lose sight of it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “1997 Canadian UFO Survey,” IUR 23, no. 2 \(Summer 1998\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7256
### Event 52210 (4498D2F5)
**Date:** 12/9/1997
**Time:** 14:20
**Description:** 1 / 737 / 11km altitude. Huge long black cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] slowly into clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17927
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ovr LIVERPOOL,ENGL:1/737/11km alt:HUGE LONG BLK CGR > SLOWLY INTO CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "53.433336 -2.883333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:26:00 N 02:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.433336,-2.883333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52211 (3A60741D)
**Date:** 12/9/1997
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** ZARZIS, TUNISIA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge cylinder/cigar-shape going southwest overhead. 600M altitude. Ringed / portholes. Strobes / all color(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17928
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Tunisia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ZARZIS,TUNISIA:2 OBS:HUGE CGR >SW OVHD:600M alt:RINGED/PORTS:STROBES/all clrs", **LatLong:** "33.566668 11.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "33:34:00 N 11:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.566668,11.066667)", **State/Prov:** "MDN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52212 (8766B693)
**Date:** 12/10/1997
**Description:** Ricardo Alfonso was driving to work at Taos Elementary School in Taos, New Mexico at 6:30 in the morning on this day in 1997 when he saw a silvery, metallic object hovering over a nearby field. He stopped his truck to investigate, and hid behind a bush for a few minutes until the craft disappeared. As he pondered what had happened a bright beam of light hit him, and several "little men" appeared around him. He lost consciousness. When he awoke he was face down in the field, completely naked with bruises on his body.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert Rosales, Humanoid Contact database, Case #2481, citing UFO Sightings in New Mexico and the World
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8326
### Event 52213 (7EFF11B8)
**Date:** 12/12/1997
**Description:** At a sleepover in Lubbock, Texas, two girls reported that they saw flashing lights in their room at two o’clock in the morning, followed by the blankets being thrown off their bed. They saw a number of tall, thin figures that “spoke” to them, followed by an episode of missing time. When they awoke they found strange triangular marks on their bodies.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, case # 3575, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8366
### Event 52214 (115A70B3)
**Date:** 12/14/1997
**Location:** Canada, Vancouver, BC
**Description:** (Translated from French) Seven witnesses observed an object that had the shape of the "@" sign (though "A" is more accurate). It suddenly came into their view and stopped halfway. It was a kind of silver, flat pyramid. It hovered for a while, then went up and down like a yo-yo before suddenly disappearing.
**Reference:** The 1997 Canadian UFO Survey
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3619
### Event 52215 (D9AD49F6)
**Date:** 12/14/1997
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** TROYES, FR
**Description:** Metallic tube hovers vertical / 600M altitude. Going quickly southwest when plane passes near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17929
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TROYES,FR:MTLC TUBE HVRS VERTICAL/600M alt:>>SW when PLANE PASSES NEAR", **LatLong:** "48.300002 4.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "48:18:00 N 04:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.300002,4.083334)", **State/Prov:** "Aube", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52216 (AE43369A)
**Date:** 12/14/1997
**Location:** Vancouver, British Columbia
**Description:** Seven people in Vancouver, British Columbia, see an object shaped like an “@” sign. It zooms into view and stops in mid-flight, appearing as a “flattened silver pyramid.” It bobs up and down then disappears suddenly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “1997 Canadian UFO Survey,” IUR 23, no. 2 \(Summer 1998\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7257
### Event 52217 (C0DAF47D)
**Date:** 12/14/1997
**Description:** In Saguache County, Colorado in the San Luis Valley a witness reported seeing a large triangular craft hovering over a field at 3:00 a.m. It moved slowly over the house and then over some grain silos. It then came back over the house and shone a beam of whitish blue light out of its center. Something like a small figure was taken up inside the beam. Lights around its edge flashed in rhythm when it left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, case # 2874, citing Christopher O'Brien
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8401
### Event 52218 (F5732D0E)
**Date:** 12/14/1997
**Description:** Noel Chandler of Hart Canyon, New Mexico had seen a round glowing UFO over his horse shed in the evening of December 13th. Also, for several of the preceeding nights he would hear three loud thumps on the house, but when he checked all around outside no cause could be found. While in bed this night at 2:30 a.m. he became aware of a bluish white light beam from an outside source. Next a figure appeared but with no real distinguishing features, except it had very large eyes--about the size of horse's--a small mouth, and small nostril-like holes. He found he was unable to move or talk. He heard a voice in his head that told him that "they" were here to collect a sperm sample. Soon a tube with a ball on the end, about 1/2 inches in diameter and six inches long, appeared and scanned his body. The tube was placed over his pubic hair just above the penis on the left side. A needle was then inserted and his left testicle was drawn up into his groin. He felt no real discomfort or pain. The needle and tube were removed and taken into a floating sphere. Moments later another form came down from the light, like floating in a horizontal position. It was a female with funny-looking hair on her head. The needle and tube came out of the sphere and she inserted it into her navel. Then, telepathically, she informed him that their society was dying out because they could not reproduce. They were increasingly becoming sterile, but by introducing new blood lines and clones they were hoping to regenerate their society. Their gestation period is reportedly only three to four months. Soon the bluish light started to "close in" at the bottom and the beings were gone. However, a strange smell lingered.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, citing Aztec UFO: Oral History
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8402
### Event 52219 (CF42A595)
**Date:** 12/16/1997
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ALLISON PARK, PA
**Description:** 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Dark-grey triangle going west / 1500M altitude. Sudden turn going northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 153)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17930
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "ALLISON PARK,PA:1 OBS/BINOCS:DARK-GRY TRIANGLE >W/1500M alt:sudden turn >NW", **LatLong:** "40.561113 -79.961115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:33:40 N 79:57:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.561113,-79.961115)", **RelAlt:** "1500", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52220 (D2DB5BDC)
**Date:** 12/16/1997
**Description:** On this night in Riachao De Jacuipe, Brazil a witness saw a bright light in a nearby field that increased rapidly in size as it approached. viewing through a pair of binoculars, the witness saw a humanoid silhouette within the light. It was without any features, and appeared to be silvery metallic in color, and emitting an orange beam of light. It and the light suddenly disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, citing Antonio Faleiro, Brazil
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8455
### Event 52221 (8F683277)
**Date:** 12/17/1997
**Description:** In both Burlington and Colchester, Vermont witnesses called the UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, Washington to report that a large object passed overhead at 11:45 a.m. going toward the northeast. One person said that their radio was effected and didn’t work for ten minutes, the object estimated that the UFO was moving at 3,000 miles per hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8477
### Event 52222 (F8AD532E)
**Date:** 12/18/1997
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** EAST / REVELSTOKE, BC
**Description:** 7 separate observer(s). Valley lit. Fireball hovers Mt. Sir Donald. Shoots quickly going up [to]!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17931
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "E/REVELSTOKE,BC:7 SEP.OBS:VALLEY LIT:FBL HVRS Mt. Sir DONALD:SHOOTS ↑↑!", **LatLong:** "51.000002 -117.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "51:00:00 N 117:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.000002,-117.666672)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 52223 (03AB470E)
**Date:** 12/18/1997
**Description:** In Oxnard, California at 10:50 p.m. a large cigar-shaped object followed the power lines; continuing on, it went out to sea.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Dec. 2007 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8501
### Event 52224 (667050DA)
**Date:** Winter 1997
**Locations:** Horne Islands; South Pacific
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. Sgt. John F. Duffy is serving as loadmaster and radio operator aboard a KC-130R Hercules cargo plane flying at an altitude of 24,000 feet north of the Horne Islands in the South Pacific. He notices a white object on the left side of the aircraft. At first it seems stationary, then appears to jump behind a nearby cloud, moving in a horizontal direction and disappears after only 2 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, “South Pacific Sighting, 1997,” IUR 24, no. 2 \(Summer 1999\): 11–12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7206
### Event 52225 (1177A559)
**Date:** 12/22/1997
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SOUTH / SAN JUAN, PR
**Description:** Hundreds and 2 TV crews and 50000 RADAR traces. Saucers zigzag several min / daytime!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17932
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "S/SAN JUAN,PR:100s+2 TV CREWS+50000 RDR TRACES:SCRS ZIGZAG SVRL MIN/DAYTIME!", **LatLong:** "18.383334 -66.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "18:23:00 N 66:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.383334,-66.116670)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52226 (AD9CDCC9)
**Date:** 12/22/1997
**Time:** 14:00?
**Description:** Several day-saucers pass. Zigzag / San Jose. / r226#38.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17933
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Costa Rica", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "279", **HatchDesc:** "GOLFITO+PUERTO JIMINEZ,COSTA RICA:SVRL DAY-SCRS PASS:zigzag/San Jose:/r226#38", **LatLong:** "8.650000 -83.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "08:39:00 N 83:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/8.650000,-83.150004)", **State/Prov:** "PNT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52227 (8E1BD84D)
**Date:** 12/22/1997
**Location:** Halifax, Nova Scotia
**Description:** An object like an “airplane wing cross-sectioned” is seen by a witness near Halifax, Nova Scotia. It has a solid appearance and is slow-moving, disappearing after 8 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “1997 Canadian UFO Survey,” IUR 23, no. 2 \(Summer 1998\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7258
### Event 52228 (64BBCB48)
**Date:** 12/23/1997
**Location:** CHINA, Canton
**Description:** (Translated from French) Hundreds of Chinese workers from the industrial zone adjacent to Canton saw a UFO in the sky. It was oblong and white, with a row of portholes. At intervals a beam of light came out from the lower part. Around the portholes there was a luminous halo. For several minutes the UFO hovered and flew slowly above the factories and houses, before suddenly flying away at an enormous speed.
**Reference:** "Il Stampa du 27.12.97, Edoardo Russo du CISU, Italy
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3620
### Event 52229 (F7179B68)
**Date:** 12/23/1997
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Hundreds of Chinese workers in the province of Guangdong \(suburbs of Canton, China\) observe an oval-shaped phenomenon with a series of portholes surrounded by a halo of light flying over an industrial area with many factories. The phenomenon, visible for several minutes, emits a light beam towards the ground. It then disappears at a dizzying speed. (December 23)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1997.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3338
### Event 52230 (4DF3BB31)
**Date:** 12/23/1997
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** GUANGZHOU, CHN
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Ovoid with glowing-portholes going [to] slow over factories. Away extremely fast. / Cisu.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17934
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "GUANGZHOU,CHN:100s/OBS:OVOID W/GLO-PORTS > SLOW OVR FACTORIES:AWAY XFAST:/CISU", **LatLong:** "23.200001 113.250005", **LatLongDMS:** "23:12:00 N 113:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/23.200001,113.250005)", **State/Prov:** "GNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52231 (94B55967)
**Date:** 12/24/1997
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** KHIMSAR, INDIA
**Description:** 12+observer(s). Orange-yellow glowing-object east going west. Makes 3 turns. "No satellite".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 159)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17935
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "India", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KHIMSAR,INDIA:12+OBS:ORG-YLW GLOW-OBJ E>W:MAKES 3 TURNS:"no satellite"", **LatLong:** "26.150001 71.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "26:09:00 N 71:41:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.150001,71.683337)", **State/Prov:** "RJS", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 52232 (FB1CFF8D)
**Date:** Late 12/1997
**Location:** Australia, Kajabbi (Queensland
**Description:** (Translated from French) A very large UFO landed near an isolated railway track and was observed by the crew of a freight train. The event took place in Kajabbi, also known as Milk Stop, at the end of a Cloncurry line on the Brisbane-Mount Isa route (a passenger train, the Sundowner, makes the trip twice a week). Kajabbi is 1,936 km northwest of Brisbane. As the freight train arrived at Kajabbi, the crew saw something like a huge structure, next to the tracks. It was rust-colored, partially transparent, and long enough to be a train (300 meters). As the train approached, the object rose and flew away. The crew was shocked by the observation and some of them no longer wanted to return to the site. (1997, late December)
**Reference:** UFO Roundup vol. 3 no. 9, 1.3.98, Joseph Trainor
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3621
### Event 52233 (DCECCCDB)
**Date:** 12/25/1997
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA
**Description:** 10 saucers going west from mountains to sea. TV footage. Several minutes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17936
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Costa Rica", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1147", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JOSE,COSTA RICA:10 SCRS >W FROM MTNS to SEA:TV FOOTAGE:SVRL MINUTES", **LatLong:** "9.916667 -84.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "09:55:00 N 84:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.916667,-84.100004)", **State/Prov:** "SNJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52234 (965763A4)
**Date:** 12/30/1997
**Location:** Sioux City, IA
**Description:** Dogs howled when thin rectangle was in area (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5875
### Event 52235 (8DBF4755)
**Date:** 12/31/1997
**Time:** 08:50
**Location:** ROCKLAND, MASS
**Description:** Several / cars. Cylinder/cigar-shape / pond. Dives in. Power out. Black sphere hovers. Dead ducks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17937
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "ROCKLAND,MASS:SVRL/CARS:CGR/POND:DIVES IN:POWER OUT:BLK SPHERE HVRS:DEAD DUCKS", **LatLong:** "42.116669 -70.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:00 N 70:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.116669,-70.916670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52236 (6B0865AC)
**Date:** 12/31/1997
**Locations:** Rzeszów, Poland; Słocina forest
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Many people in the area of Rzeszów, Poland, watch a spherical orange object. Jan Skobran and Maciej Robert see it briefly before it disappears. At 11:50 p.m., it reappears and they videotape it on VHS. After about 40 seconds it disappears, but another shows up at 12:20 a.m., pulsating with an intense orange glow. Seconds later it disappears, but another light appears over the Słocina forest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 153–154
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7259
## Year: 1998, 265 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 52237 (F2BEC53F)
**Date:** 1998
**Description:** The Roper Organization conducts a second survey on abductions, using the same indicators as its 1991 survey. This one is commissioned by [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow)’s National Institute for Discovery Science. Results indicate that the number of potential abductees has dropped from more than 3.7 million in 1991 to 2.2 million in 1998.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “Counting Abductees: What Can Surveys Tell Us?” IUR 25, no. 3 \(Fall 2000\): 21–23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7260
### Event 52238 (F5848F5F)
**Date:** 1998
**Locations:** Roger K. Leir; Robert Bigelow’s National Institute for Discovery Science
**Description:** Podiatrist [Roger K. Leir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger%5FLeir) publishes The Aliens and the Scalpel, in which he reviews his investigation of alien implants since 1995. Leir has performed surgery to remove small objects from the feet and hands of 17 abductees. [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow)’s National Institute for Discovery Science provides the funding for the analysis of these objects. Some of the findings are potentially noteworthy—the objects are found on the left side of the body, most of them fluoresce under ultraviolet light, some are magnetic, and most appear metallic and seem to emit radio signals. Calcium, copper, and iron are the most common constituents. Critics dismiss the objects as tiny slivers of metal or glass embedded in tissue and find no evidence for radio emissions. None of the objects reveal any apparent technological structure.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roger K. Leir, [The Aliens and the Scalpel: Scientific Proof of Extraterrestrial Implants](https://archive.org/details/aliensscalpelsci0000leir) [in Humans](https://archive.org/details/aliensscalpelsci0000leir)[,](https://archive.org/details/aliensscalpelsci0000leir) Granite, 1998; Roger K. Leir, “Alien Implants and Physical Evidence,” MUFON 2005 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, MUFON, 2005; Clark III 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7261
### Event 52239 (27ABB722)
**Date:** Late 1990's
**Description:** Author Nick Cook claims he interviews former head of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Jack Gordon. While leaving Plant 42 in Palmdale, Cook allegedly sees a large chart illustrating the lineage of every Skunk Works aircraft since the XP-80. Past the DarkStar was something called “Astra,” an ultra high speed reconnaissance craft that looked triangular in shape. It looked like some triangular UAP sightings in the UK and Belgium in the early 1990s. When pressed, Gordon was flustered and denied the Astra was anything but an old airliner.
* [https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/145/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/145/mode/1up)
>**_Note_**: Photographic evidence “ASTRA/AURORA” was mentioned in MOD files (see 12 August 2022), suggesting the British government is aware of Astra.
>* [https://www.uapmedia.uk/articles/calvinerevealed](https://www.uapmedia.uk/articles/calvinerevealed)
>**_Note_**: Counsel to Sen. Robert Byrd Richard D’Amato (see 22 May 1992) stated he believed some sightings of triangular UAP were the result of an illegal human program.
>Former SSCI Staff Director Christopher K. Mellon stated in 2021 he also looked into USG/USG contractor black aerospace programs for Sen. Byrd and claims “there is no such \[secret U.S. triangular craft\] program, we don’t have anything like that…it was definitely not, it was not something we had on the books.”
>* [https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI](https://imgur.com/a/4TxNMVI)
>* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/03/c-richard-damato-and-black-ufo-programs.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/03/c-richard-damato-and-black-ufo-programs.html)
>* [https://youtu.be/vCehp1K7oKE](https://youtu.be/vCehp1K7oKE)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_332
### Event 52240 (377C5A79)
**Date:** 1998
**Description:** USAF Master Sgt. Edgar A. Fouche states he temporarily worked at the Defense Advanced Research Center (DARC) in 1979, which he claims is a facility beneath Groom Lake with at least 10 underground stories. Fouche states he was recruited to DARC while he was working at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) at Edwards Air Force Base, which also had underground facilities.
He states a full antigravity propulsion system was developed, there is a secret space fleet using this technology, and he overheard conversations that suggested quasicrystals were an enabling technology for propulsion and communications.
Fouche also claims triangular craft have been built that are mistaken for UAP, contracted by Lockheed, Boeing, Northrup, Teledyne Ryan and managed by the NRO, NSA and CIA. Fouche claims the triangular “TR-3B” provides logistics and transportation support for the secret space program and they house a minimum of four crew members, the top 1% of elite pilots from the Navy and USAF. Fouche claims at least three prototypes were built and use “MFD” technology built from reverse engineering UAP at Sandia and Livermore. Fouche claims mercury-based plasma is pressurized, heated and rotated to create a magnetic vortex field which allegedly “disrupts” gravity’s effect on mass by 89%.
* [http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/TR-3B%20questions%20and%20Answers.pdf](http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/TR-3B%20questions%20and%20Answers.pdf)
* [https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n262/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n262/mode/1up)
* [https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n257/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n257/mode/1up)
* [http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/Edgar%20Fouches%20Military%20Documents.pdf](http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/Edgar%20Fouches%20Military%20Documents.pdf) (Fouche request for assignment from DARPA re: Area 51)
>**_Note_**: A declassified study of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) shows advanced aerospace projects were performed by Wernher von Braun’s team at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA). A draft DOD Directive shows ABMA was considered for transfer into a “Defense Advanced Research Center” (DARC) that would be inherently linked to the Jet
>Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). It is unconfirmed if DARC was created, and if any advanced aerospace concepts from von Braun made their way there.
>* [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dtic/a154363.pdf](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dtic/a154363.pdf) (p82)
>**_Note_**: Quasicrystals were largely ignored by mainstream science until they were “discovered” by Dan Shechtman who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this in 2011.
>* [https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/advanced-chemistryprize2011.pdf](https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/advanced-chemistryprize2011.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_333
### Event 52241 (DE8C34F9)
**Date:** 1/1998
**Description:** [David Jacobs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FM.%5FJacobs)’s book The Threat expresses his belief that the aliens are not doing research; rather, they are carrying out a deliberate and massive breeding program using individuals from childhood onward and families for generations. The aliens create pregnancies, steal fetuses, and grow hybrids in vats and incubators. When those hybrids become children, they require emotional nurture from humans to thrive, so the aliens bring abductees back to touch and interact with the children. The abductees report seeing hybrids that look less and less like the gray aliens. Another series of hybridizations occurs as the aliens breed or engineer early-stage hybrids into progressively more human late-stage hybrids, who are all but indistinguishable from ordinary people \(blond, blue- eyed Nordics\). Some adult hybrids assist the aliens in their work, while others live on earth and mingle with humans for a time. Jacobs raises the alarm that apparent benevolence from the aliens is a con to lull us into complacency and hide their true intentions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David M. Jacobs, [The Threat: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda](https://archive.org/details/threat00jaco/mode/2up), Simon & Schuster, 1998; Thomas E. Bullard, “Apocalypse in Gray,” IUR 23, no. 2 \(Summer 1998\): 20–27; Clark III 9, 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7262
### Event 52242 (64D580CE)
**Date:** 1/1998
**Description:** James Cox of Antigravity News and Space Drive Technology proposes seven types of antigravity devices can theoretically exist:
* (I) Mechanical using high speed rotation based on the work of Laithwaite, Wallace, Kidd, McCabe, Stratchen, Delroy, Foster, Dean, Forward, dePalma, Hayasaka and Cowlishaw.
* (II) Acoustical with no moving parts and employ vibration to alter nuclear interactions with gravity based on the work of Keely, Leedskelstein and Tibetan stone levitation.
* (III) Rotating disc/cone using stationary electrodes at high voltage based on the work of T.T. Brown/Bielfeld and Bahnson, Naudin, Hartman, Nipher, Pages, Kelly, Rieken, Searl, Hammel, Davidson, Saxl, Halik, Shauberger, Carr, Hooper, Huaro, Smith and Vril/Shumann.
* (IV) AC/RF or microwave EM devices based on the work of Alzofon, Tesla, Littlejohn, Sweet, Nielsen, Seike, Hutchingson, Farrow, Bielik, Zinser, Peshka, Schlecker and Smith.
* (V) Solid state devices using antigravitic/shielding based on the work of Podleketnov and Schnurer.
* (VI) Nuclear antigravitation that allegedly causes a breakdown of Newton’s third law based on the alleged work of Bearden, Wallace, Dan Fry, GIlbert Jordan, the claims of Robert Lazar (element 115) and Charles Brush. It is alleged that cold fusion with zero-point energy interaction can achieve this effect.
* (VII) Biological antigravity devices involving the human or animal element to achieve weightlessness based on the alleged claims of William Crookes and Russian mirror chamber research.
* [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/secret_projects/project088.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/secret_projects/project088.htm)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_328
### Event 52243 (58C375F9)
**Date:** 1/1/1998
**Description:** At four o'clock in the morning a man in Huelo, Hawaii, who had earlier that night seen some lights moving out the sky over some nearby fields, was awakened when he felt some type of "knock" in his head, perhaps some form of telepathic communication. He looked out his window to see a multicolored UFO emitting multicolored light beams in his direction. He woke up his friend and they both saw a figure standing in the bedroom. Terrified, they hid under the covers and when they looked again a few moments later the figure had vanished. The craft, however, was still outside outside but a little further off, and stayed visible until sunrise. The figure was described as tall, with a huge head and large staring eyes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_22
### Event 52244 (867ED400)
**Date:** 1/2/1998
**Location:** Sao Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** Dogs barked a small sphere roamed area (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5876
### Event 52245 (7DD68C81)
**Date:** 1/2/1998
**Locations:** Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira; Capão Redondo neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Fernando Mariano de Oliveira and Luciene da Cunha Lopes are in a townhouse on the Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira in the Capão Redondo neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil, when they see a small luminous sphere about 8 inches in diameter moving up and down in the sky at variable speeds about 500 feet away from them. Other family members join them to watch the silent white light, and the neighborhood dogs bark constantly. Fernando’s brother, Alan Bruno de Oliveira, 10, picks up a camcorder and films the light with the help of his cousin Katiuscia da Cunha Lopes for 4.5 minutes. The light disappears around 10:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brazil 385–392
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7263
### Event 52246 (E8AC29E2)
**Date:** 1/3/1998
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 2 airline(s)/airliner pilots. Night light going west. Very fast 135° turn. 2nd turn going quickly west again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17938
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PUERTO VALLARTA,MX:2 AL PILOTS:NLT >W:VFAST 135°TURN:2nd TURN >>W AGAIN:", **LatLong:** "20.600001 -105.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "20:36:00 N 105:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.600001,-105.216672)", **State/Prov:** "JLS", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 52247 (F9459587)
**Date:** 1/3/1998
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Huge silver disk follows car. Lights / rim rotate. / r240v3#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17939
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "nr TRAUNSTEIN,GERM:HUGE SLVR DISK FOLOS CAR:LITES/RIM ROTATE:/r240v3#2", **LatLong:** "47.850002 12.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:51:00 N 12:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.850002,12.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Bavaria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52248 (3A21A872)
**Date:** 1/3/1998
**Time:** 14:50
**Location:** BENDIGO, VCT
**Description:** Several observer(s). Silver hamburger saucer hovers / seconds. Quickly going up [to] until lost / sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17940
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BENDIGO,VCT:SVRL OBS:SLVR HAMBURGER SCR HVRS/SECONDS:↑↑ UNTIL LOST/SKY", **LatLong:** "-36.650002 144.316674", **LatLongDMS:** "36:39:00 S 144:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.650002,144.316674)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52249 (D602B71E)
**Date:** 1/3/1998
**Description:** In Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania a number of cyclops looking humanoids exited from a delta-shaped UFO and took a pet parrot from the yard of a home in the city.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News, July 1998
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_74
### Event 52250 (3BF45053)
**Date:** 1/3/1998
**Description:** Also on this day a huge silver disc-shaped UFO followed a car in Traunstein, Bavaria, Germany. The lights on the rim of the craft were rotating.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 18008, citing Phenomena, issue 38
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_75
### Event 52251 (2D96F4F2)
**Date:** 1/4/1998
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** IMMINGHAM, ENGL
**Description:** Several observer(s). Yellow moon too large and wrong part / sky. Low altitude. Lost / overcast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 159)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17941
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "IMMINGHAM,ENGL:SVRL OBS:YLW MOON TOO LARGE+WRONG PART/SKY:LO ALT:lost/overcast", **LatLong:** "53.600003 -0.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:36:00 N 00:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.600003,-0.216667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52252 (AB066ACC)
**Date:** 1/5/1998
**Time:** 14:50
**Location:** SPRINGFIELD, MO
**Description:** 1 / car. Silent round disk going northeast slow / overcast. Tilts. Grey with silver top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 159)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17942
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "390", **HatchDesc:** "SPRINGFIELD,MO:1/CAR:SLNT ROUND DISK >NE SLOW/OVERCAST:TILTS:GRY W/SLVR TOP", **LatLong:** "37.233335 -93.316671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:00 N 93:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.233335,-93.316671)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52253 (57937ED3)
**Date:** 1/5/1998
**Description:** At 2:50 p.m. a silent, round disc-shaped object flew to the northeast slowly from Springfield, Missouri in an overcast sky. It tilted to reveal a silver top and a gray body.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 3, issue 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_151
### Event 52254 (D69CEB6D)
**Date:** 1/6/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Lunar Prospector.* (January 6)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3339
### Event 52255 (CADC0B7E)
**Date:** 1/7/1998
**Location:** Croatia, near Sibenik
**Description:** (Translated from French) Second week of January. The newspaper "Vercernji List" reported that four extraterrestrials had landed in a meadow north of the port city of Sibenik (on the Adriatic Sea). According to the newspaper, farmer Jako Vrancic was with his herd when a UFO landed without making any noise. The object is described as resembling an iron. He said the extraterrestrials had the size and appearance of children. The farmer offered them to share his snack, ham and dried figs, but they replied that they were not hungry. There was no problem of communication, it seems, since the little strangers spoke bad Croatian. Vrancic had no fear, since "he had already seen such things on television". After their brief visit, the four creatures returned to their craft which took off. The newspaper adds that Vrancic is an honest man, and known to be rather down-to-earth.
**Reference:** CNI News volume 3, number 22, part 2, Mike Lindemann and James Sutton.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3623
### Event 52256 (045739DC)
**Date:** 1/8/1998
**Location:** Tenerife, Santa Cruz
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 1:30 in the morning, the Spanish police raided a building on Barrio de la Salud street and arrested 32 members of a local UFO group. A few hours earlier, the group's founder, German Dr. Heide Fittkau-Garthe, 57 years old, psychologist, who had settled in Tenerife in 1985, had already been arrested. The Spanish Minister of the Interior, Mr. Antonio Lopez Ojeda, said that Dr. Fittkau-Garthe was charged with incitement to suicide. He added that the police were certain that Mrs. Heide Fittkau-Garthe's sect was a sub-sect of the Order of the Solar Temple (cfr New York Times for January 9, 1998, "Suicide Sect Leader Held On Canary Islands," page A-8). The group had a double name. "Centro Sagrado de Isis" (Sacred Center of Isis) and "Orden del Santuario Solar" (Order of the Solar Sanctuary) and had its headquarters in Tenerife. The arrested people were 14 men, 13 women and 5 children under 12 years old. The police spokesman Juan Antonio Perez said that "Dr. Fittkau-Garthe had subjected the members to brainwashing, who now needed to be "deprogrammed". In the building a toxic chemical substance was found, it would probably have been used for collective poisoning. (The Boston, Mass. Globe for January 10, 1998, "Police Find Poison at Home of Suspected Cult Leader," page A-9.) On January 9, the police spokesman told the press that the UFO group had planned to go to Pico de Teide, an extinct volcano located 80 km southeast of Santa Cruz, and that at the top they had an appointment with the "space brothers" who were to take them aboard a spaceship. (Boston, Mass. Globe, January 10, 1998). The police had noted a large influx of Germans and Belgians this week, all members of the sect. Thanks to Interpol, the operation was successful, the case was also broadcast by Spanish television.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3624
### Event 52257 (3D32820C)
**Date:** 1/8/1998
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** YAFO, ISRAEL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Saucer spins / clouds. Lit portholes. Away / plane lands. Thin beam going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17943
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Israel", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "YAFO,ISRAEL:2 OBS:SCR SPINS/CLOUDS:LIT PORTHOLES:AWAY/PLANE LANDS:THIN BEAM ↓", **LatLong:** "32.033335 34.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "32:02:00 N 34:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.033335,34.750002)", **State/Prov:** "TLV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52258 (86956B39)
**Date:** 1/9/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At the Suffolk border, David Spoor and Peter Wrigglesworth filmed powerful blue lights shone on them. See images/1998-01-09.jpg. (January 9th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3340
### Event 52259 (30D78213)
**Date:** 1/10/1998
**Location:** France, Grisy les Platres (Val d'Oise)
**Description:** (Translated from French) D. Bruno, 62, a retired aviation technician, and three friends, went out hunting and drove north on the D 27 road. As they approached Grisy-les-Platres, Bruno noticed the presence in the sky of a series of lights as bright as the Moon. He was intrigued by the strange arrangement of the lights at an altitude of 20 meters. As the four friends got closer, they couldn't believe their eyes or identify what they were seeing. The lights seemed to be linear luminous portholes spaced 5 meters by 3 meters and located on an enormous black mass estimated to be 45 meters wide. This phenomenon was hovering above the road. "It must have weighed thousands of tons," said Bruno, who had lowered the side window to hear the noise the object was making and was leaning out to get a better view of the underside. The thing was huge, preventing them from seeing the sky above them. A central part of the construction was a lighter gray color than the rest and was octagonal in shape. Below there were dazzling lights. This was the last memory Bruno had of the object. Then Bruno came to his senses, still on the D27, having passed Grisy-les-Platres by 4 km and in fact having passed the rendezvous point by 3 km. The friends were in the same state of confusion. On January 23, 1998, 13 days after the encounter, Bruno had to see the doctor about marks of burns that appeared on the left side of his face and an eye infection.
**Reference:** Franck Marie and Banque OVNI Bagneux
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3622
### Event 52260 (2A8643B2)
**Date:** 1/10/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Harravilier \(Val d'Oise\), [witnesses are flown over by a circular UFO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1998-01-10\_Haravilliers.html). (January 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3341
### Event 52261 (3D0918D0)
**Date:** 1/10/1998 (approximate)
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** SIBENIK, CROATIA
**Description:** Flat-iron going down / pasture. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. Speak Croatian.. not hungry.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 159)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17944
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SIBENIK,CROATIA:FLAT-IRON ↓/PASTURE:4 OIDS EXIT:SPEAK CROATIAN..not hungry", **LatLong:** "43.733335 15.905556", **LatLongDMS:** "43:44:00 N 15:54:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.733335,15.905556)", **State/Prov:** "CRO", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 52262 (A89179A6)
**Date:** 1/11/1998
**Location:** Cuddington, Cheshire, England
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. A pair of dark triangular objects appear to merge together over Cuddington, Cheshire, England.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 145
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7264
### Event 52263 (4A763517)
**Date:** 1/11/1998
**Description:** A juvenile sighted a domed disc-shaped UFO hovering over his house in Barnegat, New Jersey on this night. It had alternating green and yellow lights around its rim. On top there was a glass dome and a pilot-like figure apparently wearing some type of helmet could be seen inside. Frightened, he ran inside his house but could still see the disc hovering outside. A strange symbol was also seen on the side of the disc. It also had an antenna on top and other markings on the bottom right under the rim lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case #3154, citing MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_268
### Event 52264 (4E9BE75B)
**Date:** 1/11/1998
**Description:** Bob Bigelow suggests to Jacques Vallée that he has an inner certainty that a dramatic development (a display by “the phenomenon” or a USG announcement) will happen soon. Bigelow is interested about the consciousness impacts such an event would have.
Bigelow was also giving money to John Petersen at the time who was developing “Day After” disclosure scenarios.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/12/nids-and-day-after-scenarios.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/12/nids-and-day-after-scenarios.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_329
### Event 52265 (027B323E)
**Date:** 1/15/1998
**Description:** A 50-year-old grandmother and government employee was abducted on this night from her home in Atlantic City, New Jersey. She was in great terror and in fear of her life during the abduction. No other details were provided.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 3130, citing George Filer, MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_343
### Event 52266 (56370BA1)
**Date:** 1/18/1998
**Location:** USA, Paradise Township (Pennsylvania)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Hundreds of gallons of a strange substance, like a kind of brown wax, fell in the afternoon on the Snell family home. "It fell from the sky, splashing the roof, windows, walls, barn, driveway. The police don't know what it is, nor does anyone else. It's the color of mud but not granular. Our insurance agent ordered an analysis". Rose Snell discovered the substance when she returned home around 7:30 pm. She thought the boys had organized a mud battle. She was about to say two words to her son Marc, who at that moment was returning home. However, what he told her was very surprising. "I came home around 6 pm," he said, "and there was all this on the door, on the windows. There was also on the windshield of my car and I tried to remove it with a product. It only came off with difficulty. It's like paste or like wax..." The Snells then called the Northern York County police. When the patrolman arrived with his strobe light, they could then see that their entire property was covered with this material. Lt. Mark Bentzel has the impression that this substance fell from the sky. (January 18, 1998)
**Reference:** Source: The Pennsylvania Daily Record for January 21, 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3625
### Event 52267 (7B3FF462)
**Date:** 1/18/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) David Spoor films a UFO \(pictured\) from a window on the first floor of his house. At first, the UFO remains still, then makes a small movement to the left before quickly leaving the frame in less than a second. See images/1998-01-18.jpg anjd images/1998-01-18.jpg. (January 18th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3342
### Event 52268 (0342520E)
**Date:** 1/18/1998
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** CONYERS, GA
**Description:** 2 black circular objects west going quickly east. 1 rises away. Other continues going east. No lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 160)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17945
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "276", **HatchDesc:** "CONYERS,GA:2 BLK CIRC.OBJs W>>E:1 RISES AWAY:OTHER CONTINUES >E:no lites", **LatLong:** "33.666668 -84.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:40:00 N 84:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.666668,-84.033337)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52269 (4A26CFB4)
**Date:** 1/20/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At the Suffolk border, David Spoor and Peter Wrigglesworth filmed powerful blue lights shone on them. See images/1998-01-20.jpg and http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1998-01-20.jpg. (January 20th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3343
### Event 52270 (C18B2B3F)
**Date:** 1/23/1998
**Description:** A father and son driving between Holstein and Heartwell, Nebraska at 6:05 p.m. witnessed a glowing triangular object hover for 6-7 minutes; it then turned on end and flew off to the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Jan. 1998 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_468
### Event 52271 (07083370)
**Date:** 1/24/1998
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 2 fireballs pass. 18M ovoid goes up River Canyon. .. more.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17946
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1705", **HatchDesc:** "ALFALFAL DAM,CHILE:5 OBS:2 FBLS PASS:18M OVOID GOES UP RIVER CANYON:..more", **LatLong:** "-33.500002 -70.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:30:00 S 70:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.500002,-70.183337)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52272 (E5F69281)
**Date:** 1/24/1998
**Description:** In Santiago, Chile at the Alfalfal Dam five observers first saw two fireballs fly pass at 8:00 p.m. Next, an 18-meter long ovoid object flew up the river canyon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 3, number 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_500
### Event 52273 (129CBF9B)
**Date:** 1/25/1998
**Description:** A man was walking his dog in a wooded area of Nursery Woods, Cumbria, England at 4:45 p.m. when he heard some snapping branches. Thinking it was a deer he stopped and looked around. Looking through the trees he noticed a large creature covered in a sort of ginger brown hair that seemed to be drinking from a pond about 150 meters into the woods. The creature appeared to stare at the witness, when it stood upright, the witness estimated to be about 6 feet 6 inches in height. The witness quickly left the area. There was no reaction by the dog reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, citing Cumbria Creature Chronicles
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_511
### Event 52274 (F86EA719)
**Date:** 1/26/1998
**Description:** At 8:45 p.m. outside Bartelso, Illinois an oval-shaped object was seen hovering over a flooded field at about 50-75 feet altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Jan. 1998 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_537
### Event 52275 (C830E468)
**Date:** 1/27/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) David Spoor filmed this from the flat roof at the back of his house. His camera was mounted on a tripod. The UFO remained stationary before flying over the house at high speed. Due to the limitations imposed by the use of the tripod, Spoor was unable to follow the trajectory of the UFO. It seemed to be flying at low altitude, but it was difficult to assess as its size was unknown. The lights seen at the bottom of the shot are street lamps. The UFO was completely silent and had a shape very similar to some objects that have been filmed over Mexico since 1992. See images/1998-01-27_2.jpg, images/1998-01-27_2.jpg, images/1998-01-27_1.jpg, images/1998-01-27_1.jpg. (January 27th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3344
### Event 52276 (4C70AF4B)
**Date:** 1/27/1998
**Location:** Woodland, WA
**Description:** Animals become still as object hovers (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [980127](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-980127.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5877
### Event 52277 (42826597)
**Date:** 1/29/1998
**Description:** A shiny metallic daylight disc, saucer shaped with a dome on top and with row of blinking red lights, was seen flying over Coventry, Rhode Island at two o'clock in the afternoon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, January 1998 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_592
### Event 52278 (8A0D00FD)
**Date:** 1/31/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Above the rooftops of Maipu \(Chile\), parachutists without parachutes are filmed. A witness driving on the highway sees them heading Northwest into the clouds. (January 31)
**Reference:** VSD 2007 H
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3345
### Event 52279 (79E758AE)
**Date:** 2/1998
**Locations:** Opole; Niemodlin; Poland
**Description:** Night. Two young men are driving from Opole to Niemodlin, Poland, when the car radio goes off and the engine of their Polski Fiat 125p fails just as a large object flies over them. The lights, radio, and engine come back on by themselves after the object is gone, but they can still see it in the west as it apparently descends toward the road a mile or two ahead. From the top of a hill, they see it emitting a dazzling light and hovering above the trees. Suddenly it approaches them, flying 65–100 feet off the ground, and they speed ahead into town.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 84–85
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7265
### Event 52280 (9E8C6E61)
**Date:** 2/1/1998
**Description:** At around 2:30 a.m. Rowena Judd was asleep in her bedroom in Freemantle, Western Australia when she suddenly awoke to see a humanoid figure standing at her bedroom door. The figure seemed to be dark in color and had a shining light around it. No facial features could be seen. It seemed to disappear. Two weeks later a beam of light came out of the sky after a loud zipping noise and illuminated the Judd house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 3022, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup Vol. 3 # 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_659
### Event 52281 (EFFEBD48)
**Date:** 2/2/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) David Spoor films an object with a telephoto camcorder. No other object appears in the shot, so the scale and distance are difficult to assess. The UFO moves very slowly from left to right across the sky. It seems to change shape from time to time, but Spoor admits that this impression may be the effect of sudden changes of trajectory. He hypothesizes that the UFO is part of a larger device, as the lights seem to be mounted on something. For Spoor, these lights do not belong to a conventional aircraft. See images/1998-02-02.jpg, images/1998-02-02.jpg, etc. (February 2)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3346
### Event 52282 (19BFFEEC)
**Date:** 2/2/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) On the occasion of the 1st National Symposium on the subject of UFOs, held in the capital of the province of Coquimbo \(Chile\), an important group of ufologists sent a letter to the President of the Chilean Republic, Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, in which they presented "a request" for the information related to unidentified flying objects to be made public. It was replied to them that the CEFAA had been created with the purpose of studying these phenomena.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3347
### Event 52283 (A7B705E8)
**Date:** 2/2/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Brazil. See images/1998.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3348
### Event 52284 (26E5F751)
**Date:** 2/2/1998?
**Time:** 19:00?
**Location:** DUNKIRK, NY
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Large bright glowing tube going [to] over house. Odd whirr sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17947
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "182", **HatchDesc:** "DUNKIRK,NY:4 OBS:LRG BRITE GLOWING TUBE > OVR HOUSE:ODD WHIRR SOUND", **LatLong:** "42.477780 -79.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:28:40 N 79:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.477780,-79.333337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52285 (111D3EDC)
**Date:** 2/3/1998
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** I10 / (SOUTHEAST), AL
**Description:** Perfect silver sphere hovers. Shoots going quickly north / incredibly speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17948
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "I10/(SOUTHEAST),AL:PERFECT SLVR SPHERE HVRS:SHOOTS >>N/INCREDIBLY SPEED", **LatLong:** "30.500001 -87.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:30:00 N 87:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.500001,-87.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52286 (3F29C96C)
**Date:** 2/5/1998
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GRATIS, OH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Glowing delta/triangle/box-like craft. Corner lights alternate with center light. Silent and very slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17949
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "267", **HatchDesc:** "GRATIS,OH:2 OBS:GLOWING DLT:CORNER LITES ALTERNATE W/CENTER LITE:SLNT+VSLOW", **LatLong:** "39.650002 -84.527782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:39:00 N 84:31:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.650002,-84.527782)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 52287 (E93A5895)
**Date:** 2/6/1998
**Description:** A family of three living near San Francisco, California remembered hearing noises during the night and waking up thinking somebody was in the house. Later they remembered seeing lights. In the morning they all woke up with bloody noses. Their young son remembered seeing a tall, greenish colored being in his bedroom. The being was over 6 feet tall, and it communicated with him, although he couldn't recall the message.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 2989, citing UFO Network
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_730
### Event 52288 (18B5C731)
**Date:** 2/9/1998
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Orange sphere spirals going up [to] over cement plant. Local wave. / r240v3#7.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17950
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TORREDONJIMENO,SP:ORG.SPHERE SPIRALS ↑ OVR CEMENT PLANT:local wave:/r240v3#7", **LatLong:** "37.766668 -3.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:46:00 N 03:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.766668,-3.950000)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 52289 (22DC188B)
**Date:** 2/9/1998
**Description:** Driving into Sioux City, Iowa at 11:45 a.m. a 50-year-old woman and her adult son saw a gray rectangular object and followed it for about three quarters of a mile at 70 mph, until they lost sight of it among some hills.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Barbara Trout, MUFON case files, case # 980401SC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_785
### Event 52290 (040A5248)
**Date:** 2/13/1998
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** Army helmet-saucer moves side-to-side flying forward. Seen / 5 min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17951
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ELSTERNWICK,AUSTRL:ARMY HELMET-SCR MOVES SIDE-TO-SIDE FLYING FWD:seen/5 min", **LatLong:** "-37.888891 145.005562", **LatLongDMS:** "37:53:20 S 145:00:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.888891,145.005562)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52291 (20EC7080)
**Date:** 2/13/1998
**Description:** At 9:40 p.m. a helmet-shaped domed disc flew over Elsternwick, Victoria, Australia. It moved side-to-side while moving forward.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 18020, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 3, issue 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_908
### Event 52292 (CA6271D4)
**Date:** 2/14/1998
**Location:** GOLD COAST, QLD
**Description:** Solid black disk going north straight and level at 300-400M altitude. Seen 1-2 min. 4-day wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17952
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GOLD COAST,QLD:SOLID BLACK DISK >N S/L at 300-400M alt:seen 1-2 min:4-DAY WAVE", **LatLong:** "-28.000001 153.416674", **LatLongDMS:** "28:00:00 S 153:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.000001,153.416674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52293 (C0826A9B)
**Date:** 2/14/1998
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** I10 NEAR DEMING, NM
**Description:** Truckers / CB Radio. Wingless fuselage / sky. Video taken.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17953
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1322", **HatchDesc:** "I10 nr DEMING,NM:TRUCKERS/CB RADIO:WINGLESS FUSELAGE/SKY:VIDEO TAKEN:", **LatLong:** "32.266668 -107.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:16:00 N 107:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.266668,-107.800005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52294 (4453BDDE)
**Date:** 2/14/1998
**Description:** At 1:45 a.m. the two witnesses were parked in an open field in Drente, The Netherlands when there suddenly appeared a flashing blue light over the field and they both saw an object resembling a "stealth fighter" with more rounded wings, hovering above a nearby road. The craft descended vertically and landed. Several figures came out of the object. They had long arms and small heads. They looked around briefly and then went back inside the object. The object then rose straight up and in a few seconds it was gone. Others in the area reported seeing a bright light over the area around the same time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case #2979, citing UFO Sightings in New Mexico & the World
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_918
### Event 52295 (C827BEB3)
**Date:** 2/17/1998
**Description:** An Army intelligence document summarizes the “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons,” including microwave, acoustic, and radio-frequency directed energy devices. As for RF energy, “There is no sound propagated through the air like normal sound. This technology in its crudest form could be used to distract individuals; if refined, it could also be used to communicate with hostages or hostage takers directly by Morse code or other message systems, possibly even by voice communication.” And, “The phenomenon is tunable in that the characteristic sounds and intensities of those sounds depend on the characteristics of the RF energy as delivered. Because the frequency of the sound heard is dependent on the pulse characteristics of the RF energy, it seems possible that this technology could be developed to the point where words could be transmitted to be heard like the spoken word, except that it could only be heard within a person’s head. In one experiment, communication of the words from one to ten using ‘speech modulated’ microwave energy was successfully demonstrated. Microphones next to the person experiencing the voice could not pick up the sound. Additional development of this would open up a wide range of possibilities.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** US Army, “[Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal](https://archive.org/details/bioeffects-of-selected-non-lethal-weapons-1998/mode/2up) [Weapons,](https://archive.org/details/bioeffects-of-selected-non-lethal-weapons-1998/mode/2up)” February 17, 1998
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7266
### Event 52296 (DD874742)
**Date:** 2/18/1998
**Location:** Netherlands, Pendrecht (?)
**Description:** (Translated from French) On February 18, at 9:15 PM, I was going with my daughter to visit a friend. My daughter saw something coming and I exclaimed: "What is that?" and we stopped walking to look at the object. It was totally silent, no wind, no engine, nothing, we looked at it with our mouths open. It had a floor with semi-circular windows, everything was silent and it seemed like it was just us two. It seemed like we were alone in the world. I started screaming, but nobody heard us until the object had passed, which suddenly tilted and came towards us. I saw the ventral side and suddenly I saw three very large lamps (spherical) that looked like a triangle (sic). Then I saw a lot of small lamps and then my daughter and I only saw a very deep black hole. We started running. A few months later I had a tumor in my breast, with small tumors all around it. The doctor had no idea what it was but the tumors were not malignant.
**Reference:** Registered letter from C.V.d.L. to Ufo Belgium, Marc Broux, received on February 7, 2000 after a telephone interview on January 19, 2000
**Reference:** Continued in December 1999
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3626
### Event 52297 (6B90B2F7)
**Date:** 2/19/1998
**Location:** USA, Toms River (New Jersey)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 10 pm Bob M. and his friend, George P., were driving west on the Garden State Parkway (Route 37) when they approached a pine forest area. They decided to turn back onto Route 37 and make a U-turn. At this moment George had to slam on the brakes in order to avoid a large object next to the road, in a kind of clearing. The thing, in the shape of a saucer, resting on three legs, was only 10 meters away from them. They stared in amazement for a minute at this craft on three legs, with a kind of small staircase, all of it aluminum-colored, without any other markings, then Bob asked: "Do you see what I see?" George replied "If you see a flying saucer, that's exactly what I see..." They didn't want to stay there and, putting the pedal to the metal, they drove back onto the asphalt and the busy roads. Bob still wanted to go back, but George refused. So they drove straight home, and arrived an hour later. To their surprise the sun was rising! (It must have been 6:15 then) In their opinion it could only have been midnight.
**Reference:** Filer's Files #8 for 1998. George A. Filer of MUFON
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3627
### Event 52298 (3BDE9605)
**Date:** 2/26/1998
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** SANTIAGO, PANAMA
**Description:** 15 observer(s). Triangle hovers over hill. Colored lights / corners. No planes up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 169)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17954
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Panama", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "SANTIAGO,PANAMA:15 OBS:TRIANGLE HVRS ovr HILL:CLRD LITES/CORNERS:no planes up", **LatLong:** "8.116667 -80.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "08:07:00 N 80:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/8.116667,-80.966671)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52299 (B478E2B8)
**Date:** 2/27/1998
**Description:** The witness was walking through her trailer park in West Carrolton, Ohio with her dogs when she saw a bright light hovering above the trailers. Inside the light she saw the face and eyes of a humanoid being. Frightened, she ran to her trailer and called nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base. She was given a number of a local UFO investigator.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 3153, citing Kenny Young
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1166
### Event 52300 (FC7DA987)
**Date:** 2/28/1998
**End date:** 6/11/1999
**Location:** Kosovo
**Description:** Kosovo War and NATO intervention
**Type:** war
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosovo_War)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_805
### Event 52301 (4185D229)
**Date:** 3/1/1998
**Description:** An object that left a trail of sparks flew over the Badger Army Ordnance ammunition plant outside Lodi, Wisconsin from east to west at 2:20 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 1998 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1234
### Event 52302 (15854299)
**Date:** 3/1/1998
**Description:** Douglas Torr and Timir Datta of the University of South Carolina confirm they are involved in the development of a “gravity generator.” A leaked document from the Office of Technology Transfer at USC confirms this and suggests the device can create a “force beam” in any direction. The university states it plans to license the device but no further information is made public. Torr later founded PST Associates, LLC in North Carolina which had one contract from DARPA in 2006. Torr also co-authored at least one paper with Ning Li.
* [https://www.wired.com/1998/03/antigravity/](https://www.wired.com/1998/03/antigravity/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_330
### Event 52303 (CE4A2A98)
**Date:** Early 3/1998
**Locations:** Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama; Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland
**Description:** William Weitzel and the Fund for UFO Research discover and later secure copies of the unsanitized, pre- redaction record copy 16mm microfilm of the Blue Book Files, filmed at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in February 1975 that the National Archives inadvertently makes available at the Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7267
### Event 52304 (21AC55FD)
**Date:** 3/3/1998
**Description:** A brightly lit triangular UFO was sighted over Mansfield, England at 11:50 p.m. It hovered for ten minutes, then darted away toward the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, citing BUFORA
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1287
### Event 52305 (A226CDD2)
**Date:** 3/8/1998
**Location:** Italy, near Rho (Lombardy)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Very early in the morning a local farmer observed a UFO in the shape of a pear with its tail pointing downwards, white in color. This thing was hovering above a wheat field. The farmer called his wife and together the couple observed the phenomenon for half an hour. However, during the middle of the observation, an opening appeared in the object and an occupant emerged from it: it was very small, between 60 and 80 cm tall, with very large black eyes. This occupant floated in the air, very close to its craft, for about 10 minutes. Then it went back inside and the object shot vertically into the air, lighting up. (1998, 8 March)
**Reference:** Investigation in progress by Giancarlo D'Alessandro of the Italian Center for Ufological Studies: CISU; La Padania newspaper of 15.3.98
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3628
### Event 52306 (457898EA)
**Date:** 3/8/1998
**Time:** ~06:00
**Location:** RHO, ITL
**Description:** 2 / farm. White inverted pear going down. Door opens. Small humanoid (or Grey) floats out / 10 minute(s)! Enters and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 169)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17955
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "RHO,ITL:2/FARM:WHT INVERTED PEAR↓:DOOR OPENS:OID FLOATS OUT/10min!:ENTERS+away", **LatLong:** "45.533336 9.033334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:32:00 N 09:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.533336,9.033334)", **State/Prov:** "Lombardy", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 52307 (C113C7A2)
**Date:** 3/8/1998
**Description:** On this afternoon a farmer in Rho, Lombardia, Italy saw a white object in the shape of an upside-down pear hovering above a field. He called his wife and both watched the object for about half an hour. During the episode a hatch slid open and an occupant emerged. The UFOnaut was only about 40 inches tall, with two huge black eyes. The being floated in the air close to the object for about ten minutes, then re-entered the object which rose vertically and left at a high rate of speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 3122, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Vol. 3 # 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1387
### Event 52308 (A143C13A)
**Date:** 3/11/1998
**Description:** Author Nick Redfern claims a source who was put into contact with him from AFOSI states a group of current and former IC personnel who believed UAP were demonic in origin called the “Collins Elite” published a lengthy document summarizing their beliefs. The report is not published but extracts are; they state the following: “STAC Reports (I to XI) describe the fall, collection, analysis and present whereabouts of unusual fabrics, foils, parchments, chemical residuals and biological material found at found locations in Lincoln County, New Mexico between 3 and 13 July 1947.”
The report mentions the Collins Elite met at the Loftus Boat on 23 May 1997 and that the Collins Elite was unable to convince CIA S&T at “PTC” of viability of sharing with the Collis Elite the “completed NORTH files on NM discoveries of 1947…S&T at PTC are aware of our briefing from STAC on their files but are reluctant to share NORTH material due to security issues that developed from the Nebraska debacle.”
>**_Note_**: The “Nebraska debacle” may refer to the 25 November 1991 entry where two scientists connected with the the DIA and NSA allegedly claim in a face to face meeting in Nebraska that USG/USG contractors are engaged in programs that attempt to control non-human intelligences (NHI) and harness those NHI for military and intelligence purposes.
“STAC remain committed to advancement to media and population of both Mogul and extra-terra scenarios for NM fallings and discoveries and are troubled by Collins Elite wishing to advance THE THEORY to media and population. This writer privately engaged STAC Markale in conversation on 17 June 1997 and provided him with an amended copy of New Mexico Origins: Parsons, Hubbard and Babalon Working. Markale remains convinced that if placed into public forum knowledge of THE THEORY will irreversibly and negatively affect global social order.”
“This writer privately explained to Markale that Collins Elite initiatives prepared ot ensure a reasonably acceptable transition of the perceived true nature of the Lincoln County discoveries to public and media, as well as a reasonable long-term acceptance of THE THEORY can still proceed with limited social disorder if handled correctly. Markale is not convinced and speaks for the STAC membership.
Presently STAC-5 is privately sympathetic to the position of Collins Elite; he reiterates the position of CANDLE on 4 May 1991 that STAC is now “in too deep” with its attempts to reverse-control the situation and prevent enemy infiltration and deception beyond present levels.”
“This writer sees that disagreement on our part with STAC is unlikely to inflame situation beyond present levels due to STAC’s genuine sympathy with difficulties created for everyone by recent developments. STAC-5 informs this writer STAC totally rejects notion that Collins Elite’s Learning the Way paper that theorizes radically indoctrinating population with belief and faith — and revelation to media and population of true nature of Lincoln County discoveries — can halt enemy infiltration.”
“This writer remains greatly troubled by STAC decision to continue its relationship with contractors Jamison and Wylie who — according to STAC-5 — are still convinced that the “PARSONS TECHNIQUE” can assist in holding off the deception, infiltration and final invasion. This writer adheres to Collins Elite conclusion based on a reading of the original STAC Reports (I to XI) that any attempt to follow the path of Parsons will only result in a catastrophe of the type warned about in Parsons, von Karman and Goddard: A Door Unlocked.”
“STAC-5 understands this but consistently feels the need to reiterate that situation has gone too far for STAC to back down. STAC-5 also informs that WPAFB sources have had some success using the “PARSONS TECHNIQUE” in achieving spontaneous brief laboratory manifestation of materials very similar to two of those that “fell” at Lincoln County, NM in 1947. STAC-5 is of opinion that if long-term manifestation and stability of materials can be achieved and precise originating point of materials can be determined then this will assist NASA-TZER mission to answer the critical questions posed in our 1991 briefing to STAC, _Entry Points — And How Do We Keep Them Closed?_ ”
“Until final outcome of STAC, NASA-TZER and WPAFB research in this area is known this writer recommends that Collins Elite continues to focus attention on planned disclosure to public of THE THEORY if STAC, NASA-TZER and WPAFB attempts to “close the door” are not satisfactory. This writer concludes that if this hypothetical stage is reached disclosure and intense indoctrination of faith and values at planetary level to radically and rapidly alter current population mindset is the only alternative that may prove successful in thwarting plans of enemy.”
“This writer considers the disclosure to media and population of the Lincoln County fabrics, foils, parchments, chemical residuals and biological material to be crucial and integral in terms of revealing the “Trojan Horse” aspect of THE THEORY. STAC-5 understands this too and agrees that only if present attempts by NASA-TZER and WPAFB-1T to prevent widespread infiltration and enemy deception fail that revelation, explanation of the “Trojan Horse” aspect of the Lincoln County fallings and indoctrination may be only viable alternatives.”
“This writer is encouraged by confident comments from STAC-5 that if present and near-future operations fail to achieve success STAC and Collins Elite would provide a united front that would allow THE THEORY to be presented publicly and quickly and in a way that was acceptable to STAC. For that reason and likelihood that enemy infiltration will not be thwarted by STAC and NASA-TZER methods \[deleted\] has prepared a unique briefing paper on the Lincoln County Trojans in the event that immediate and emergency dissemination of facts to media and population is required.”
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_334
### Event 52309 (23E50D4A)
**Date:** 3/19/1998
**Description:** In 1998 two diamond-shaped UFOs flew over Grosse Ile, Michigan. They changed shape and color, but maintained a constant speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, March 1998 web page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1582
### Event 52310 (4AFA18E6)
**Date:** 3/22/1998
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** CANNONVILLE, GA
**Description:** 2 bright silver balls hover / Hogg Mountain. 1 shoots quickly going up. 2nd soon follows..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 169)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17956
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "262", **HatchDesc:** "CANNONVILLE,GA:2 BRITE SLVR BALLS HVR/HOGG Mtn:1 SHOOTS ↑↑:2nd soon follows..", **LatLong:** "32.955557 -85.072226", **LatLongDMS:** "32:57:20 N 85:04:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.955557,-85.072226)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52311 (C6E77007)
**Date:** 3/27/1998
**Description:** A man walking his dog in Clifton Park, New York at 11:00 p.m. reported to a UFO hotline that a UFO briefly chased him and his dog. At about the same time a report from Newnan, Georgia described eight or more UFOs flying circles and then jerking up-and-down, and engaging in side-to-side motions.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1702
### Event 52312 (86C51FCA)
**Date:** 3/28/1998
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** OFF SANTOS, BRZ
**Description:** Many / beach. Luminous/glowing disk hovers / sea. Small object exits and returns. Videos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17957
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off SANTOS,BRZ:MANY/BEACH:LUMn DISK HVRS/SEA:sml obj exits+returns:VIDEOS", **LatLong:** "-23.983334 -46.333336", **LatLongDMS:** "23:59:00 S 46:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.983334,-46.333336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52313 (DDDA1666)
**Date:** 3/28/1998
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** OSHAWA, ON
**Description:** 3 / car. 3 silver spheres circle and orbit and separate and rejoin. Repeated maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17958
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "OSHAWA,ON:3/CAR:3 SLVR SPHERES CCL+ORBIT+SEPARATE+REJOIN:repeated maneuvers", **LatLong:** "43.900002 -78.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:54:00 N 78:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.900002,-78.866670)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52314 (3F88EDEE)
**Date:** 3/30/1998
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BRIGHTON, NZ
**Description:** 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Capsule-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Glow slowly spreads over surface. Going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17959
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BRIGHTON,NZ:3/BINOCs:CAPSULE-CGR HVRS:GLOW SLOWLY SPREADS OVR SURFACE:>>NE", **LatLong:** "-45.950002 170.316675", **LatLongDMS:** "45:57:00 S 170:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-45.950002,170.316675)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52315 (C6E9519D)
**Date:** 3/30/1998
**Description:** A capsule shaped object hovered over Brighton, New Zealand at 8:30 p.m. While it was hovering a luminous glow spread slowly across the surface of the object. It flew off, leaving toward the northeast. Three objects were seen flying in a triangle formation in Bel Air, Maryland at 10:30 p.m. EST.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup website, volume 3, no. 14; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, March 1998 web page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1754
### Event 52316 (CF7AE83C)
**Date:** 4/2/1998
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** EAST / SALISBURY, NC
**Description:** Saturn-night light going up [to] and hovers / 5 minute(s). Going down. Going up / 0100hrs. Small night light exits and maneuvers and rejoins.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17960
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "55", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "E/SALISBURY,NC:SATURN-NLT ↑+HVRs/5min:↓:↑/0100hrs:SML NLT EXITS+MNVRS+REJOINS", **LatLong:** "35.683335 -80.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "35:41:00 N 80:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.683335,-80.316670)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52317 (923F461A)
**Date:** 4/3/1998
**Location:** Germany, between Moringen - Lutterbeck - Fredelsloh (100 km south of Hannover)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Date: 3 April 1998 from 21.30 to 22.00 The night was dark and cloudy, there was no moon or stars when we were driving through the village of Fredelsloh. My wife, looking out the side window suddenly saw something dark covering the sky above our car. I was driving and looking at the road, so I didn't see anything special. A minute later a large rotating object came from the hill above the valley and crossed the road right above our car. We only saw the lights which were in two concentric circles, about 10 in the outer circle and 7 in the inner circle. The diameter must have been 50 meters. There were no colored lights: they were all white and each one was as bright as the car headlights. The rotation speed was about one and a half rotations per second, so it was not easy to distinguish one light at a time. But each light must have had a diameter of about 50 cm. This object flew at an altitude between 10 and 20 meters above the fields to a wood, in a bend, inclining as an airplane or helicopter would. But there it made a U-turn quickly to return to the road, stopping its trajectory near our car and flying alongside us at our speed which was 100 km/h. Then the object rose up, inclining, and I could see its amazing size. It flew above the car to go to the other side, then made the reverse maneuver. This repeated 5 or 6 times during our journey. Apart from the noise of our car we heard nothing, felt nothing. The car radio was not on. The maximum speed of this object was 400 to 500 km/h and the acceleration observed was 2 to 3 g. (I know my speed, I know the points where the object crossed the road and the distance between these points and I made calculations) It is impossible that it was only a projection in this very cloudy sky. We met three other cars on the road. Did the occupants see what we saw? Thank you. Michael m_michael at gmx.net (1998, 3 April)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3629
### Event 52318 (A1F96965)
**Date:** 4/3/1998
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 4 cops and several. Neon green ovoid going [to] over town. Hovers and speeds away..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17961
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "FREDERICKSBURG,VA:4 COPS+SVRL:NEON GREEN OVOID >OVR TOWN:HVRS+speeds away..", **LatLong:** "38.283335 -77.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:17:00 N 77:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.283335,-77.466670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52319 (03C22232)
**Date:** 4/3/1998
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** FREDELSLOH, GERM
**Description:** Dark object going [to] overhead. 10+7 lights / concentric circles. Spins. Buzzes car 6X.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 187)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17962
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "FREDELSLOH,GERM:DRK OBJ > OVHD:10+7 LITES/CONCENTRIC CCLs:SPINS:BUZZES CAR 6X", **LatLong:** "51.750002 9.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:45:00 N 09:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.750002,9.800000)", **State/Prov:** "HSS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52320 (04CE0089)
**Date:** 4/3/1998
**Description:** Two men names Fisher and Schmidt took five photographs of a silent maneuvering silver ovoid or disc, that was oval on the top and flat on the bottom. The sighting occurred on a clear day on the Pecos River at Route 84 in De Baca County, New Mexico at 11:00 a.m. The UFO was rapidly vibrating up and down.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Nicholas Schmidt, MUFON UFO Journal, July 1999, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1826
### Event 52321 (985B91AF)
**Date:** 4/5/1998
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NORTH / HOMER, LA
**Description:** Shiny "balloon" hovers. Maneuvers. Vanishes and reappears. 90° turn and away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17963
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "86", **HatchDesc:** "N/HOMER,LA:SHINY "BALLOON" HVRS:MNVRS:VANISHES+REAPPEARS:90°TURN+away fast", **LatLong:** "32.833335 -93.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "32:50:00 N 93:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.833335,-93.050004)", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52322 (5B0AFB95)
**Date:** 4/6/1998
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** HENDERSON, KY
**Description:** Clint stone. Colored night lights / 90° turns. Erratic maneuvers and flashes. 3 more follow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17964
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "132", **HatchDesc:** "HENDERSON,KY:CLINT STONE:CLRD NLTS/90° TURNS:ERRATIC MNVRS+FLASHES:3 more folo", **LatLong:** "37.833335 -87.588893", **LatLongDMS:** "37:50:00 N 87:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.833335,-87.588893)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 52323 (D87BDE76)
**Date:** 4/10/1998
**Description:** At 9:07 p.m. a triangular-shaped UFO was seen in the southwestern sky in Pueblo, Colorado. It zigzagged in flight, and then scanned the area with a beam of light. It circled passenger jet, then changed shape, dividing into different colors.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, p. 203, citing the Pueblo Chieftain, April 19, 1998
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1945
### Event 52324 (FCFA9ED2)
**Date:** 4/11/1998
**Description:** A UFO that looked like an irregular triangle with rounded corners was seen in the sky in Corralitos, California at 9:15 p.m. It had three white lights along the bottom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1959
### Event 52325 (94FB415B)
**Date:** 4/12/1998
**Location:** Argentina, Bariloche
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four UFOs were observed immediately before and during a general power outage. The first power outage of the electrical network occurred at 7:45 PM and lasted until 10:11 PM. The spokespeople of the Cooperativa Electricidade Bariloche (CEB) claimed that there was no explanation for the event that left a large part of the city in darkness. The current was cut off on the transmission lines of the Cipresales substation. However, at 10:15 PM, there was a new general outage and it lasted until Monday, April 13 at 1:30 AM. The newspaper "Diario Rio Negro" reports the testimony of Gustavo and Beatriz Riveros who saw strange lights above the Cerro Carbon hill to the east. Beatriz saw two lights merge above a field, at the exact moment of the power outage. Other witnesses observed bizarre illuminations above Lake Nahuel Huapi. In the San Francisco neighborhood, a woman saw a red fireball descend in a zigzag towards the stairway cut into the rock at Triscornia. A luminous disc was observed elsewhere at the intersection of Calle Fernando Beschtete and Calle La Paz. Nicolas Lavalle saw four UFOs hovering: "there was one big one and three smaller ones," he said, "the small ones attached to the big one." Andrea Caparo and her sisters Natalia and Caroline observed around 11:30 PM a saucer "like a tomato and bigger than an airplane" huge with twinkling red, yellow, green and blue lights as well as another longer object with red and yellow lights. These objects remained in sustentation for several minutes before leaving towards the lake.
**Reference:** TOLAM Agency and AFP, Diario Popular Buenos Aires, Diario Rio Negro of April 14, 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3630
### Event 52326 (EEA4F595)
**Date:** 4/12/1998
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** FARMERS BRANCH, TX
**Description:** Ex USAF man and family / I35. Black round object going quickly [to] overhead / 1440 MPH!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17965
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "FARMERS BRANCH,TX:EX USAF MAN+FAMILY/I35:BLK RND OBJ >>OVHD/1440 MPH!", **LatLong:** "32.927779 -96.894449", **LatLongDMS:** "32:55:40 N 96:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.927779,-96.894449)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52327 (C342937E)
**Date:** 4/12/1998
**Description:** In Farmers Branch, Texas three witnesses saw a black round object that flew overhead at 1440 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 18034; Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 3, number 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1994
### Event 52328 (C60D3CEC)
**Date:** 4/13/1998
**Description:** Minot, North Dakota. Thirty-nine-year old Antonio McCoy found himself inside a round, whitish-blue room, lying down on some kind of table. A figure wearing a bluish shiny suit approached him. The being was carrying something resembling a "tine tuning fork" and was attempting to place it over the witness torso. The witness attempted to resist but some invisible force or paralysis kept him still. He experienced severe headaches after the incident and reported seeing strange black helicopters flying around his neighborhood.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case #3831, citing UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2005
### Event 52329 (28CEBC44)
**Date:** 4/18/1998
**Description:** At seven p.m. a group of witnesses in Kamloops, British Columbia observed a silver disc hovering nearby. A second object appeared and circled the first one, then both UFOs shot straight up into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Research Manitoba, 1998 Canadian UFO Survey, case 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2126
### Event 52330 (E0589ED4)
**Date:** 4/19/1998
**Location:** Space
**Description:** (Translated from French) The shuttle "Space Ark" was launched for a "Neurolab" mission. The shuttle Columbia departed to complete its 25th mission, which will last two weeks. The goal is to study the effects of space travel on the brains of living species. In addition to the pilot Scott Altman, the commander Rick Searloss, and the crew, the voyage includes: 1514 larval crickets, 18 pregnant mice, 152 rats, 60 snails, 75 snail eggs, and 233 swordfish. (April 19, 1998)
**Reference:** New York Post for April 18, 1998, "Shuttle roars off into space with a cast of thousands" and for April 19, 1998, "Shuttle crew looks to brainless rats for help."
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3631
### Event 52331 (195200E9)
**Date:** 4/20/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The North Yorkshire radar network intercepts the echo of an unusual aircraft flying in a zigzag course at 27000 km/h above the North Sea. A squadron of the Royal Air Force was sent to intercept the object, while Dutch air forces also pursue the UFO, but the 2 F-16 fighters sent are not able to keep contact with it. The object distances the Dutch F-16s by increasing its speed up to 38400 km/h, before disappearing towards the North-East towards the Atlantic Ocean. (Week of April 20th)
**Reference:** Daily Mail
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3349
### Event 52332 (18F77059)
**Date:** 4/20/1998
**Description:** In Oakley, Michigan a stationary bell-shaped object was videotaped for 58 seconds by three women. It had three lights, red, white, and blue in color, that pulsated in sequence. It was lost from view at 10:15 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dan R. Wright, MUFON UFO Journal, July 1999, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2174
### Event 52333 (73CFFA05)
**Date:** 4/21/1998
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Crowds. White cylinder/cigar-shape stops over football stadium / 10 minute(s). Going quickly north extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17966
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ecuador", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "GUAYAQUIL,ECUADOR:CROWDS:WHT CGR STOPS OVR FOOTBALL STADIUM/10min:>>N XFAST", **LatLong:** "-2.166667 -79.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "02:10:00 S 79:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-2.166667,-79.900004)", **State/Prov:** "GYQ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52334 (64ED5DC3)
**Date:** 4/21/1998
**Description:** The witness heard something like a police siren as the teardrop-shaped UFO flew by in Broomfield, Colorado at 10:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 1998 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2198
### Event 52335 (944F5419)
**Date:** 4/22/1998
**Location:** various cities, WA
**Description:** UFOs sighted at sub base and nuc storage facility (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [980422](http://www.nicap.org/ncp/ncp-washington.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5878
### Event 52336 (AEEC1AE0)
**Date:** 4/22/1998
**Locations:** Whistler, British Columbia; Puget Sound
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. A former Canadian F-104 pilot watches a UFO embedded in a cloud of green light fly toward the south over his car as he is driving near Whistler, British Columbia. It is visible only a few seconds. Other witnesses further south see the UFO stop over Puget Sound for 5–10 seconds, jump instantly to another location, and hover again before speeding away to the south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** George Filer, “Washington Large Disc with Hole in Its Center,” Filer’s Files, \#34-2007, August 22, 2007; Nukes 495
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7268
### Event 52337 (1224BA69)
**Date:** 4/22/1998
**Locations:** Naval Submarine Base Bangor; Naval Base Kitsap; Kitsap Peninsula, Washington
**Description:** 9:23 p.m. Civilian Larry Swanson sees a disc-shaped UFO fly silently north to south at about 300–400 feet altitude over the center of Naval Submarine Base Bangor \[now Naval Base Kitsap\] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington. At one point, the disc tilts slightly, allowing Swanson to view its underside, which is glowing white except for a central circular area about 30 feet in diameter. It slowly glides out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, January 28, 1999; Nukes 494–498
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7269
### Event 52338 (1F9CFE17)
**Date:** 4/25/1998
**Location:** Netherlands and England
**Description:** (Translated from French) The London newspapers Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail reported that the Royal Dutch Interceptor Squadron had pursued a giant triangular-shaped UFO over the North Sea. According to the Daily Mail, the RAF radar at Fylingdales in North Yorkshire had an echo of an unusual flying object, zigzagging at a speed of 17,000 mph (27,200 km/h) and RAF fighter planes were dispatched for interception, while two Dutch F-16s also attempted, but in vain, to approach the object, which increased its speed to reach 24,000 mph (38,400 km/h) flying northeast and towards the Atlantic Ocean (vog: weird... I thought the Atlantic was more to the west compared to the Netherlands...) Still according to this newspaper "official spokespersons of the RAF were dumbfounded by the object, which was really being piloted intelligently taking into account the numerous maneuvers it was executing". "It was triangular in shape and had the size of a warship, that is 900 feet (about 300 meters)" According to the Daily Telegraph, "recordings studied by British and American experts, would show objects changing shape at mid-altitude as well as an object as big as a warship flying at 33 times the speed of sound". The recordings would be shown in June at the Space Symposium to be held at the RAF Cranwell Air Warfare Center in Lincolnshire." The newspapers published the articles on Monday April 27th, but the RAF press office denied that a joint operation with the Dutch had taken place concerning a UFO. They said that indeed a symposium would be held in June, but that it concerned military strategies in space and not UFOs at all. The Daily Telegraph wrote on April 29th 1998 "that it stood by its story and its RAF source". According to Graham W. Birdsall, editor of the English ufology magazine "UFO Magazine" this "source" would be Philip Burden, a former employee of the Ministry of Defense, who, when he was still engaged more than ten years ago, wrote small articles for the publication "RAF News". [vog: IN REALITY I SUPPOSE THIS IS A HUGE JOURNALISTIC HOAX, this is also the opinion of Dutch ufologist Andy Denne of AURA.] (April 25th 1998)
**Reference:** Daily Telegraph for April 27, 1998, "RAF Spots Speeding UFOs with New Radar," Daily Mail for April 27, 1998, "24,000 MPH UFO Buzzes Britain." and Errol Bruce-Knapp, Graham W. Birdsall and Dave Clarke of BUFORA
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3632
### Event 52339 (FB2D91E7)
**Date:** 4/25/1998
**Description:** Three friends in Manito, Illinois saw a light, which broke into two disks, and then into three.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jay Rath, The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois, p. 76, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center., April 1998 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2317
### Event 52340 (C0D76EDB)
**Date:** 4/27/1998
**Description:** At 8 o'clock in the evening Ursulina, the main witness, and her husband were in bed sleeping at their home in Aurora, Ceara State, Brazil when they heard a noise that sounded like someone trying to open the rear door to their house. Their cat was also acting very agitated. Her husband, Francisco, went to investigate while Ursulina remained behind in bed praying. Soon she heard a sound resembling a radio being tuned and then a bright blue light invaded the bedroom. Looking towards the door of the bedroom she saw a strange creature standing there. She described the entity as being about 1.5 meters in height, with a huge head not in proportion to the rest of the body, wide shoulders, a very thin waist, and long dangling arms. It was hairless, had huge black eyes, a small lipless mouth, and little "bumps" where the nose should have been. She described the clothing as a brown tight-fitting coverall, with belts and boots. The entity stared intently at Ursulina. Despite her terror she managed to ask the entity what it wanted. She heard an unintelligible reply and then screamed for her husband. At that same instant the creature ran out the door and disappeared down the corridor. Her husband apparently was able to see the figure run from the bedroom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case 20, citing Painel OVNI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2385
### Event 52341 (4C181443)
**Date:** 4/29/1998
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** GRAFTON, NSW
**Description:** Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Large orange glowing-sphere/orb/globe going [to] overhead. Veers going west. Turns going quickly south. 2 jets chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 179)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17967
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GRAFTON,NSW:SVRL/BINOCS:LRG ORG.GLO-ORB >OVHD:VEERS > W:TURNS >>S:2 jets chase", **LatLong:** "-29.666668 153.083341", **LatLongDMS:** "29:40:00 S 153:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.666668,153.083341)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52342 (008880EB)
**Date:** 5/5/1998
**Description:** Three witnesses in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada observed a dark black triangular silouette that floated silently nearby at 10:05 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 1998 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 1998-21, citing UFOBC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2566
### Event 52343 (A24E367A)
**Date:** 5/7/1998
**Description:** On this night a 10-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother spotted a large UFO hovering above their house in Mullica Hill, New Jersey. The children claimed the craft was lighted and bigger than their house. They also saw an alien figure floating next to the object, the entity apparently stared at the children who became scared and ran into the house yelling for their dad. They ran back out to see the object float away. They did not see the entity again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case #3148, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Vol. 3 # 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2641
### Event 52344 (8601ED28)
**Date:** 5/11/1998
**Time:** 10:13:44.2
**Location:** 27.0780 71.7190
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: India Name: “Shakti-1”
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2036
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "27.0780 71.7190", **LatLongDMS:** "27:04:41 N 71:43:08 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.0780,71.7190)", **NukeCountry:** "India", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Shakti-1", **NukeSource:** "BARKER", **NukeType:** "NUCI_SALVO"
### Event 52345 (4E681B1B)
**Date:** 5/12/1998
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a husband and wife in Chebanse, Illinois each observed flying discs.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jay Rath, The I Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois, p. 56, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2781
### Event 52346 (1C6CA015)
**Date:** 5/13/1998
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: India Name: “Shakti-4” Yield: .6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2037
**Extra Data:** **NukeCountry:** "India", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Shakti-4", **NukeSource:** "MEDIA", **NukeType:** "NUCI_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".6"
### Event 52347 (6A5DD414)
**Date:** 5/13/1998
**Description:** A day after several witnesses reported seeing a triangular-shaped craft hovering over the Gulf of Mexico, just offshore, south of Fort Walton Beach, Florida the same witnesses reported seeing men in frogmen suits in the water, in the same area where the lights from the object had been shining down. There was also unusual military aircraft activity in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case 3805, citing CAUS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2819
### Event 52348 (54B820E5)
**Date:** 5/16/1998
**Location:** LAGO COLBUN, CHILE
**Description:** Huge saucer hovers / huge hydro-dam and lake. Covers valley! Going quickly east. Electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 182)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17968
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "919", **HatchDesc:** "LAGO COLBUN,CHILE:HUGE SCR HVRS/HUGE HYDRO-DAM+LAKE:COVERS VALLEY!:>>E:EME", **LatLong:** "-35.733335 -71.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "35:44:00 S 71:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.733335,-71.216670)", **State/Prov:** "TLC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52349 (8B264EA8)
**Date:** 5/16/1998
**Description:** A very large, dark disc-shaped UFO hovered over a giant hydroelectric dam and lake, Lago de Colbun in southern Chile, causing EM effects. It was so large it covered the valley. The UFO was witnessed by over 30 people, who described it as a a gigantic disc, "dark (not black), with a big orange light on the bottom (middle) and small lights that moved around on the outer part (rim) of the object." It flew off to the east. Lago de Colbun is Chile's biggest hydroelectric dam and one of the largest in South America. It is located 200 kilometers south of Santiago de Chile. The UFO reportedly hovered at 1,000 meters above the ground and remained in view for 20 minutes, before flying across the lake and into the Andes Mountains. Witnesses described the object as "so big that it seemed to cover the whole valley."
According to ufologist Luis Sanchez Perry, "They call the UFOs robones (thieves) because that they say they steal electricity. Before they had the high-tech plant, they didn't have many blackouts (one or two in a month), but now they have three in a week." "UFOs have been seen coming out of Lake Colbun near the high tension wires," he reported, 'absorbing electricity, absorbing water, and some of them have gone at high speed through the valley towards the hydroelectric plant," coming within a few hundred meters of the dam before disappearing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 18037; Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 3, number 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2905
### Event 52350 (A9B82CB5)
**Date:** 5/17/1998
**Description:** At 1:30 p.m. at La Veta Pass, Colorado on US Highway 160 a silver colored, cigar-shaped object was observed over the Sangres de Cristo Mountains during a thunderstorm. The UFO flew in and out of the clouds for several minutes before becoming obscured by the storm.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien case files, case 548
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2943
### Event 52351 (1A3EF162)
**Date:** 5/24/1998
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** ACEVAL, PARAGUAY
**Description:** Several / boat. Shiny silver egg maneuvers / all directions. Suddenly shoots going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 179)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17969
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Paraguay", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "ACEVAL,PARAGUAY:SVRL/BOAT:SHINY SLVR EGG MNVRS/ALL DIRS:SUDDENLY SHOOTS >>W", **LatLong:** "-24.966668 -57.566669", **LatLongDMS:** "24:58:00 S 57:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.966668,-57.566669)", **State/Prov:** "ASN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52352 (065278D9)
**Date:** 5/27/1998
**Description:** Two brothers saw a triangular UFO over their home in East Kilbride, England at 12:30 a.m. It had white lights at the front of the object, and was completely silent as it flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, p. 203
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3129
### Event 52353 (FEC0ECFB)
**Date:** 5/28/1998
**Time:** 10:16:17.6
**Location:** 28.8300 64.9500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: Pakistan
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2038
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "28.8300 64.9500", **LatLongDMS:** "28:49:48 N 64:57:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.8300,64.9500)", **NukeCountry:** "Pakistan", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.87", **NukeSource:** "BARKER", **NukeType:** "NUCP_SALVO"
### Event 52354 (3718846A)
**Date:** 5/29/1998
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** BANCROFT, ON
**Description:** V-shaped object going [to] low over house. Car lights and exterior spotlights turn on!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 180)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17970
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "BANCROFT,ON:V-SHAPED OBJ > LO OVR HOUSE:CAR LITES+EXTERIOR SPOTLITES TURN ON!", **LatLong:** "45.083335 -77.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:05:00 N 77:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.083335,-77.916670)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 52355 (EC2B7B8F)
**Date:** 5/29/1998
**Description:** A close encounter occurred in North Bend, Ohio in Hamilton County at 1:30 a.m. A triangular shaped object was seen moving slowly from the northeast to the southwest, crossing the Ohio River at 50 meters altitude. It was making a humming sound, similar to the sound of static from high tension wires.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Washington, May 1998 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3159
### Event 52356 (ABC710D2)
**Date:** 5/30/1998
**Time:** 06:54:54.9
**Location:** 28.4900 63.7300
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Pakistan
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_2039
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "28.4900 63.7300", **LatLongDMS:** "28:29:24 N 63:43:48 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.4900,63.7300)", **NukeCountry:** "Pakistan", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NUCP"
### Event 52357 (8D4FD9CA)
**Date:** 5/31/1998
**Time:** 01:10
**Description:** Flash / 3 second(s) intervals. Triangle hovers outside. Square lights / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 184)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17971
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "COLLINSVALE,TASM:FLASH/3 sec intervals:TRIANGLE HVRs OUTSIDE:SQR LITES/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "-42.833335 147.183340", **LatLongDMS:** "42:50:00 S 147:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-42.833335,147.183340)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52358 (C70E8AF1)
**Date:** 6/1998
**Description:** Observer(s) claims disk-saucer has clear USAF markings. Away very fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FILER's FILES: George A. Filer: MUFON Eastern Dir.
During the observation, Mario, Eunice's husband, a former NATO pilot, estimated the altitude of the spheres to be 50-60,000 feet. Among the single balls there were two pairs of spheres connected to each other by a cylindrical shape. The observation lasted more than an hour and a half and probably close to two hours. These balls were coming from the east in waves and then began to maneuver. Eunice said that the largest ones measured 5 to 8 cm long at arm's length (if the altitude is correctly estimated, this gives them a diameter of between 820 and 980 meters. The maneuvers observed seemed very complicated and difficult to follow by a single witness. The spheres were gathering, approaching each other, moving away, flying making right-angle turns, making "mirror" maneuvers in pairs; the balls were coming slowly, then began to move quickly, flying directly over the house. At one point four of these spheres seemed to be placed one on top of the other while remaining motionless in the sky. Then the upper one fell forward, followed by the other two. All this seemed to be done in deliberate and controlled movements. Then from a V formation of 5 spheres, one went left, the other right and the three others then formed a straight line. Finally Mario saw one of the smallest spheres enter a formation of two large ones connected by a cylinder. No trail or emission was seen coming from these spheres. Until several seemed to drop something from the back. This something solidified when falling and had the appearance of spider webs covering the lines, trees, hedges, everything. During the observation Eunice was calling friends and neighbors asking if anyone could film the phenomenon. Weather conditions: it was the first day of blue sky after a period of rain, but the temperature was still cool for the season, there was a bit of wind. In the neighborhood and the region, all the dogs were barking frantically during the entire duration of the observation.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3634
### Event 52409 (6FF5B3CB)
**Date:** 8/10/1998
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Triangle with many lights / 30 towns. Dodges videocam. Footage / TV.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17993
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SEDAN+wide area,FR:TRIANGLE W/MANY LITES/30 TOWNS:dodges videocam:FOOTAGE/TV", **LatLong:** "49.700002 4.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:42:00 N 04:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.700002,4.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52410 (0C860906)
**Date:** 8/10/1998
**Locations:** Quirindi, New South Wales; Piallaway, New South Wales
**Description:** 12:00 noon–1:00 p.m. At least four witnesses at Quirindi, New South Wales, see “20 silver balls” performing complex maneuvers. Angel hair streams from the objects during acceleration and right-angle turns. The substance consolidates into long, white strands that slowly fall to earth, draping on telephone lines and trees. It is white, cotton-like, and strong, requiring a good tug to break, but quickly sublimates to nothing on handling. A sample is sent to UFO researcher [Bill Chalker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FChalker) for analysis. Microscopic imaging by indicates it is spider web. Another witness in Piallaway, New South Wales, reports similar material at 2:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brian Boldman, “An Analysis of Angel Hair, 1947–2000,” IUR 26, no. 3 \(Fall 2001\): 10; Keith Basterfield, “Angel Hair: An Australian Perspective,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 7; Brian Boldman, “Angel Hair Physical Analyses: A Review,” JUFOS 9 \(2006\): 107–108
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7275
### Event 52411 (9816A8B1)
**Date:** 8/10/1998
**Description:** "Cobwebs" fell from the clear blue sky while silver spheres performed aerobactic maneuvers and made right angle turns over Quirindi, New South Wales, Australia on this afternoon. The "angel hair" appeaerd to be produced during the objects' accelerations. The substance was white in color, with the strength of cotton, and eventually dissolved.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Brian Boldman, International UFO Reporter, October 2001, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4847
### Event 52412 (AF96DB89)
**Date:** 8/10/1998
**Description:** A triangular UFO with many lights was seen over at least 30 different towns in the Ardennes region of France. Over the town of Sedan a videotape shot at 11:30 p.m. showed the object seemingly attempting to dodge the camera. The video footage appeared on French TV.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 3, number 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4848
### Event 52413 (099EF037)
**Date:** 8/11/1998
**Description:** Six crop circles were found in a field of Durham wheat outside of Outlook, Saskatchewan.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Research Manitoba, 1998 Canadian UFO Survey, case 69
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4916
### Event 52414 (4AC7C12C)
**Date:** 8/12/1998
**Location:** USA-SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) The spy satellite exploded directly after launch. The launch of the top secret Vortex satellite ended in disaster, 40 seconds after launch when its Titan 4A carrier missile exploded. The 20-story tall missile rose from its launch pad at Cape Canaveral at 7:30am on Wednesday, August 12, 1998 "nosedived and exploded without warning". Barely two seconds later, controllers activated the destruct command to break the missile into smaller pieces to minimize damage to people and things on the ground. The double bang was heard for miles around and set off all the alarms in the area. Most, if not all, of the pieces landed half a mile out to sea. Titan 4A was carrying 250 tons of highly toxic fuel. There were no reports of injuries. Built by Lockheed Martin Corp., the missile was carrying the Vortex satellite for the US National Reconnaissance Office, the NRO. This constitutes one of the largest financial losses in US space program history. The missile was estimated to be worth $300 million and the satellite was worth between $800 million and $1 billion. The satellite was supposed to orbit to provide the US with intelligence on "hot spots" in the Middle East, China, India, and Pakistan.
**Reference:** USA Today for August 13, 1998, "Rocket, spy satellite explode."
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3635
### Event 52415 (E488D3A7)
**Date:** 8/12/1998
**Description:** Five youths in Massape, Ceara State, Brazil reported seeing a huge object land near the Mondubim lagoon on this evening. Three humanoids resembling robots exited the object and proceeded to collect shrubs and rocks. The youths fled the area and notified some nearby military units, however they failed to find anything. Later one of the witnesses, Joao Lira, decided to return to the scene and saw the same object on the ground. When he approached it he suddenly felt dizzy and passed out. He was found three hours later next to the lagoon, shirtless, sweating, and with partial amnesia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, citing Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4956
### Event 52416 (75799BCD)
**Date:** 8/13/1998
**Description:** Several people in Surrey, British Columbia observed a bright white disc "drop out of the sky" and hover nearby for about 30 seconds. No sound was heard, and it disappeared at a high rate of speed. Many telephone reports were received by the RCMP.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 1998 Canadian UFO Survey, case #71
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4991
### Event 52417 (33CADF62)
**Date:** 8/14/1998
**Description:** Around 9 p.m. a couple in Hastings, East Sussex, England spotted a UFO that was triangle shaped at first, but later changed to an oval shape. The object displayed lights that changed color and pattern.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, p. 204
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5022
### Event 52418 (4D104788)
**Date:** 8/15/1998
**Description:** The witnesses were on a country road in Deshler, Ohio when they saw a silvery flash overhead and watched a huge metallic rectangular craft abruptly appear. It had several windows and inside several figures could be seen moving around. There was another flash and the craft disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 3591, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5062
### Event 52419 (A2951945)
**Date:** 8/21/1998
**Location:** Italy, Citta di Castello, Perugia.
**Description:** (Translated from French) People from one of the suburbs of Perugia, in Citta di Castello, claim to have seen "a flying humanoid extraterrestrial". The encounter took place on the outskirts of the suburb, where the witnesses saw "a small extraterrestrial bent like an old woman picking herbs". As the silhouette did not respond to the people's calls, they approached it cautiously. "When they got to 200 meters from the being, something like a silver cylinder appeared. The cylinder began to hover two meters above the ground. The humanoid then rose up into the hovering object, which then quickly accelerated vertically, disappearing in a few seconds."
**Reference:** Corriere dell'Umbria of 28.8.1998 and the Cisu, cfr Edoardo Russo, Simone Cumbo
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3636
### Event 52420 (3C67A225)
**Date:** 8/21/1998
**Description:** Israeli-American astrophysicist [Mario Livio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario%5FLivio) speculates that extraterrestrials are not particularly rare, it’s just that the most likely time for them to have developed was 3 billion years ago.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mario Livio, “[How Rare Are](https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9808237) [Extraterrestrial Civilizations and When Did They Emerge?](https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9808237)” arXiv, August 21, 1998
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7276
### Event 52421 (C90ECCC3)
**Date:** 8/21/1998
**Description:** On this afternoon on the outskirts of Citta Di Castello, Italy some city residents spotted a small humanoid in a field. It was crouched down like an old woman gathering weeds. When it failed to respond to shouts from the witnesses they approached to about 200 meters. Suddenly a silvery cylinder-shaped object appeared and hovered about two meters above the small figure. The small humanoid then levitated into the craft, which took off quickly, accelerating out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 3133, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, September 16, 1998
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5213
### Event 52422 (77353E0C)
**Date:** 8/22/1998
**Description:** CSETI, an organization that collects testimony from hundreds of military witnesses, states it believes a covert entity utilizing an “Unacknowledged Special Access Program” security framework manages some aspects of the UAP matter and is (1) global in scope,
(2) has multiple levels of sub-compartmentalization, (3) exists in the privatized
contracting/work-for-others sector, (4) runs parallel to and separate from conventional intelligence projects and black projects and uses some for cover, (5) draws personnel from technology corporations and the intelligence community/military, (6) has access that’s based on project-controlled inclusion and not government oversight, (7) is funded by black budget monies and non-governmental capital, (8) maintains secrecy using force and illegal means, (9) has no oversight from the heads of USG agencies/offices it draws monies and personnel from and (10) has zero oversight from Special Access Program oversight mechanisms.
It is stated this covert entity possesses advanced technologies often mistaken for UAP, including “materialization/dematerialization,” faster than light travel and antigravity propulsion that is a threat to conventional military and constitutional chain of command. One intelligence source tells CSETI the “program” has considered the usage of manmade advanced craft in a “false indications and warnings scenario” in which the manmade UAP attack conventional military assets to make it appear there is an attack by hostile extraterrestrial life forms. The “program” is also allegedly considering the usage of technologies that “hoax” paranormal experiences in the consciousnesses of government/military targets, with adverse psychological effects. CSETI states this has already occurred and alien abduction scenarios are testing by assets of the “program.”
* [https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocume%20nt%20djvu.txt](https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocume%20nt%20djvu.txt)
* [https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument](https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument) (rg - alt URL)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_336
### Event 52423 (240928AE)
**Date:** 8/22/1998
**Description:** Ret. Lt. Col. Ron Blackburn of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works and co-founder of the ATP Group at BDM Intl. is awarded a patent for technology that increases aerodynamic and hydrodynamic efficiency of a vehicle in motion that includes sketches of a disc. Several years earlier, Blackburn states on a podcast he reverse engineered the capability to eliminate sonic booms at high speeds by using videos of disc-shaped craft he had access to.
* [https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/08/da/1c/e8d763bcd38db0/US5797563.pdf](https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/08/da/1c/e8d763bcd38db0/US5797563.pdf)
* [http://www.jerrypippin.com/Jerry%20Pippin's%20UFO%20Show%20Pgm%20302%20(1-31-11).mp3](http://www.jerrypippin.com/Jerry%20Pippin's%20UFO%20Show%20Pgm%20302%20(1-31-11).mp3)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_337
### Event 52424 (2CADC7BD)
**Date:** 8/24/1998
**Description:** Luis Cuesta Trinidad and a woman friend were camping near the shoreline on the beach in Mazagon, Extremadura, Spain. At 8:30 they were enjoying the view when they noticed a strange humanoid figure emerge from the water not far from them. The figure came out and began moving its arms in a strange fashion. At first it was standing with its back to them, but when it turned around it became aware of their presence by first noticing the flashlight being held by Luis. It took off running in a strange fashion, without bending its knees. They noticed that its head was hairless, but its body was covered with ample hair, and it had round, slightly Oriental-looking eyes that were orange in color. It was almost two meters tall, with long dangling arms and legs that looked deformed. It was very pale in color with its head was shaped like an inverted pear. It had no nose, and they could not see a mouth. It was totally silent. The witnesses felt nervous during the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 3836, citing OVNIS En Extremadura, El Dragon Invisible
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5305
### Event 52425 (8C3D45A3)
**Date:** 8/26/1998
**Location:** USA - SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) Another Galaxy satellite destroyed by an explosion during launch. Galaxy 10 has joined the list of satellites that have had trouble this summer, following the explosion of its carrier rocket, 55 seconds after launch from Cape Canaveral. At 9 pm on Wednesday, August 26, the launch of Galaxy 10 was scheduled by the new Boeing Delta III rocket. The 225 million dollar communications satellite, owned by PanAmSat Corp., was to replace Galaxy 4, which mysteriously left its orbit at the end of May, interrupting communication services and TV channels worldwide. The Delta III rocket, 12 stories high, began its ascent correctly after launch. But NASA's long-range cameras saw it nose-diving just before exploding into a huge orange fireball around the 55th second of flight. A large part of the rocket fell into the Atlantic Ocean 16 km east of Florida and exploded, causing a huge mushroom cloud that could be seen for miles.
**Reference:** USA Today for August 27, 1998, "Rocket blows up," and the Providence, R.I. Journal for August 27, 1998, "Another rocket explodes on liftoff," page 2.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3637
### Event 52426 (C3215C8B)
**Date:** 8/26/1998
**Description:** The crew of a DC-10 flying over France observed the fast passage of six luminous points of light in tight formation for 10 seconds at 12:32 a.m., with a single trail. The flight was horizontal, but described an arc of 90° in just 10 seconds, which was judged to be a supersonic speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case 1998-297
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5382
### Event 52427 (96C33C17)
**Date:** 8/29/1998
**Description:** A black triangle shaped UFO was seen in Calgary, Alberta, Canada at 1:30 a.m. The witness estimated the object to be "several times larger than an airplane." It hovered, than zipped across the sky in two seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey Report, case 92
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5478
### Event 52428 (B83310AA)
**Date:** 9/3/1998
**Description:** At around 5 p.m. a witness in Kamloops, British Columbia observed an object shoot across the sky, hover, then depart straight up vertically. It made no sound. Another object then did the same thing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 1998 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 100
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5618
### Event 52429 (C91CFBCB)
**Date:** 9/6/1998
**Description:** A bedroom visitation also reportedly occurred in Bothell, Washington on this night. At two o'clock in the morning the witness was awakened by a white light appearing suddenly in a dark bedroom. Sitting up in bed, the witness observed two creatures staring up her, surrounded by the white light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 1998 log
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5701
### Event 52430 (C3C8BD16)
**Date:** 9/7/1998
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** HARTSDALE, NY
**Description:** 400M silent glowing-delta/triangle/box-like craft going NNW / 80kph edge leading. 30+separate observer(s). Lands / lake!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: Email Interview: Jim Mortellaro. Address on file. Filed here under HARTSD98.TXT
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17994
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "HARTSDALE,NY:400M SLNT GLO-DLT >NNW/80kph EDGE LEADING:30+sep obs:lands/lake!", **LatLong:** "41.016669 -73.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:01:00 N 73:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.016669,-73.800004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52431 (43169F8E)
**Date:** 9/10/1998
**Location:** Russia (Kazakhstan) Baikonour
**Description:** (Translated from French) The end of summer 1998 marked the most catastrophic disaster concerning the launch of satellites. On September 10, 1998, Russia attempted to launch a missile carrying 12 commercial satellites from the Baikonour base. The Zenit-2 launcher departed without incident, but after 5 minutes of flight the device made a sudden downward curve and crashed. It would be a failure of the computers. On board were a dozen Globalstar, communications satellites built by Loral Space Systems Division of Loral Space and Communications Ltd of New York. The satellites were to serve as elements of a global system for mobile telephony and costing 2.6 million dollars. The missile and its cargo partially burned during their re-entry into the atmosphere
**Reference:** The Providence, R.I. Journal for September 11, 1998, "U.S. satellites destroyed in Russian-led launch," page A-7
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3638
### Event 52432 (90C4D69D)
**Date:** 9/11/1998
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. PDT, two sets of seven lights, yellow, blue, red and green, were seen and viewed through a spotting scope in Sheridan, Oregon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 1998 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5887
### Event 52433 (37B3D886)
**Date:** 9/13/1998
**Locations:** US; Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
**Description:** A sensationalized TV documentary, The Secret KGB UFO Files, is released in the US and hosted by actor [Roger Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger%5FMoore)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger%5FMoore) who recounts a dubious story about a Soviet crash/retrieval in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia, in March 1969 that involved an alien autopsy.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Internet Movie Database, “[The Secret KGB UFO Files](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0224072/)”; “[The Secret](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0oYzukAqOw) [KGB UFO Files, 1998,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0oYzukAqOw)” M TUFONC YouTube channel, September 24, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7277
### Event 52434 (7262B293)
**Date:** 9/14/1998
**Location:** Madrid, Spain
**Description:** Lt. Col. Enrique Rocamora, in charge of declassification of UFO reports for the Spanish Air Force from 1993 to 1999, enters the 57th staff course at the Escuela Superior del Aire in Madrid, Spain. Along with consultations and contributions from [Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos](http://independent.academia.edu/VICENTEJUANBALLESTEROLMOS/CurriculumVitae)[,](http://independent.academia.edu/VICENTEJUANBALLESTEROLMOS/CurriculumVitae) he creates a massive monograph, “The Process of Declassification of UFO Documentation in the Air Force,” with 10 chapters and 16 attachments amounting to 296 pages.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 428, 523
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7278
### Event 52435 (78AFD4F0)
**Date:** 9/14/1998
**Description:** At a little before sunset two women were sitting on the balcony of a house belonging to one of them, at Markou Mousourou Street in the Metz neighborhood of Athens, Greece opposite Ardittos hill. They saw a small black object in the sky about one kilometer away. They first thought it might be a helicopter but it made no sound. When the object approached, they saw it was a humanoid figure in a standing position. It flew closer and the flying humanoid turned its body once in the direction of nearby Zappeio park and then once in the opposite direction, without changing speed or posture. It started coming down and seemed to land somewhere inside the forest on Ardittos hill. They thought that the flying creature was wearing something like an "astronaut suit" because from time to time the sunset light gleamed on it. After landing the figure went up the hill by making some small mechanical "hops," until it reached a point just below the crest. It did not bend its knees when it hopped nor did it move its arms. After ten minutes the creature transformed itself into a "bright spot" and then vanished. During the incident, there was a strong wind blowing but the movement of the creature's flight was steady.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, citing Thanassis Vembos
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5972
### Event 52436 (E07C9C8B)
**Date:** 9/15/1998
**Location:** South Africa, Schalkrust (Lydenburg)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Engineer J.L. de Villiers was slowing his train to a stop at 3:32 a.m. as it approached the Schalkrust station, which is located near a 4 km square flat field. "A strange orange-yellow light was going up and down in the middle of the field at great speed," de Villiers said. "It was not a very big object, the size of a football or a bit more," he said. "This thing was going up to 20 meters high at great speed, came back to ground level, and then went up again. After a minute it vanished into thin air." Leon Bouwer, UFO Roundup's correspondent for South Africa, reports that there are several abandoned coal mines in the province of Mpumulanga (formerly Eastern Transvaal) where Schalkrust is located, and that possibly the train crew could have seen one of these gas geysers.
**Reference:** Stig Agermose, Errol Bruce-Knapp, Leon Bouwer and UFO ROUNDUP, Volume 3, Number 38, Editor: Joseph Trainor
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3639
### Event 52437 (78674D68)
**Date:** 9/16/1998
**Description:** In Serpent River, Ontario two witnesses observed a silver oval object hovering overhead (below the clouds) for a few seconds at 1:00 p.m. Then it moved further away and hovered again. It left at a high rate of speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 1998 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 111
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6029
### Event 52438 (FBAF2645)
**Date:** 9/17/1998
**Location:** Himalaya, Mount Everest
**Description:** (Translated from French) Craig Calonica, an American climber, was descending from a high-altitude camp site when he saw two Yetis wandering in the snow. It was during his descent from 6500 meters to the site located at 5200 meters that he saw the creatures. He said they had thick, black and shiny fur and they walked in a human-like way, but with hunched shoulders. "I saw something and what I saw was not human, not a gorilla, not a bear, not a goat or a reindeer," said Calonica. The Nepalese cook of Calonica was a co-witness. The description of the Yeti is identical to that made by Lt. Col. C.K. Howard-Bury during his expedition in the Himalayas in 1921. This observation took place on the north face of Everest, about 56 km southeast of Dinggye, Tibet.
**Reference:** Reuters Agency and Erik Beckjord of the Sasquatch Research Project
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3640
### Event 52439 (9B539DAE)
**Date:** 9/18/1998
**Description:** At 9 p.m. several people in Torriglia, Italy watched a luminous blue oval-shaped light on or near the ground on Mt. Prela for about an hour. In front of the light a small child-like figure was seen walking back and forth as if inspecting the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, citing CUN Genova
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6076
### Event 52440 (138EC997)
**Date:** 9/21/1998
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. a slow-moving, V-shaped UFO displaying red and white rapidly flashing lights, was seen passing overhead by several citizens and police between Nantwich and Crewe, Cheshire, England. Air traffic control at Manchester International Airport said they had nothing on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Curt Sutherly, UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks the Truth, p. 204
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6206
### Event 52441 (A3DD9421)
**Date:** 9/21/1998
**Description:** Extension Forest Hills, Bayamon, Puerto Rico. On the night that Hurricane Georges struck Puerto Rico Iris Rodriguez was outside her home doing some washing when the winds began to pick up strength. She went back inside her house at 8 p.m., and soon after she looked out her window and noticed a bright sphere of light making triangular movements in the sky. The sphere descended lower in the sky and hovered above a neighbor's home. A few moments later a bright white, oval-shaped hole appeared in the center of the red light. Then a figure became visible inside the white light. The figure moved back and forth, apparently looking out. The witness described the figure as tall, thin, and man-like. It wore a tight-fitting gray colored outfit and his skin appeared to be also gray or pale. As the wind from the approaching hurricane grew stronger the witness lost interest in the object and its occupant, and eventually lost sight of it. On the same night Gerardo Mendez of Bayamon, Puerto Rico had gone out to pick up some trash bins in order to secure them from the wind. Suddenly from behind a nearby tree a strange creature jumped out. It was described as short, hunched over, with a snout-like nose, thick black hair, and round black eyes. It had thin but strong legs, large pointy ears, and sharp fang-like teeth. The creature quickly hopped by the witness, stopping briefly to stare at him. It then hopped into the nearby woods and was gone from view. That same night others saw speeding red balls of light over different parts of the island.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, cases #3157 and #3324, citing Jorge Martin, Evidencia OVNI #18 & #19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6207
### Event 52442 (2F210B39)
**Date:** 9/25/1998
**Description:** At 4:40 a.m. the witness was driving his truck along his paper route in Sunrise Beach, Texas when as he rounded a corner he saw a disc-shaped craft with green and orange lights hovering about 25 or 30 feet above the ground. He also briefly saw a 4 foot 8 inch tall figure apparently standing on the object that quickly disappeared from sight. When the truck started to slow down there was a very bright flash of light. The witnesses was momentarily blinded and when he was able to focus again the object had disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case #3228, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6332
### Event 52443 (5B00B190)
**Date:** 9/25/1998
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. two women driving north on Interstate 95 near Brattleboro, Vermont noticed several bright headlights approaching from behind. Three or four cars sped by the witnesses, who were doing about 70 mph. The cars appeared to be traveling together. As the first car passed them, the headlights of the car directly behind it illuminated the interior. The witnesses then saw in the back seat of the front car a lone entity sitting erect. It looked tall with a huge head on a spindly neck. Its color was pasty and it looked like a lot of veins covered its head. These cars drove at such a high speed that they could not catch up with them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case # 3914, citing Sandra Black, MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6333
### Event 52444 (A04A19A9)
**Date:** 9/26/1998
**Description:** In San Jose, California two sets of five objects flew over the city at 10:30 p.m. in parallel formation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 1998 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6367
### Event 52445 (63735F03)
**Date:** 9/28/1998
**Locations:** Admiral Vasile Urseanu Astronomical Observatory; Bucharest, Romania
**Description:** UFO researchers [Ion Hobana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ion%5FHobana), [Harald Alexandrescu](https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harald%5FAlexandrescu), and [Dan D. Farcaş](https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan%5FFarca%C8%99) establish the Asociația pentru Studiul Fenomenelor Aerospațiale Neidentificate \(ASFAN\) with offices in the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Astronomical Observatory in Bucharest, Romania.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 69–70; “[Association for the Study of Unidentified](http://www.asfanufo.ro/index.php/2014-02-11-09-17-36) [Space Phenomena \(ASFAN\), Romania](http://www.asfanufo.ro/index.php/2014-02-11-09-17-36)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7279
### Event 52446 (97AF9737)
**Date:** 10/1998
**Description:** [Scott Corrales](https://cryptozoology.fandom.com/wiki/Scott%5FCorrales) begins publishing Inexplicata: The Journal of Hispanic Ufology. It persists through December 2004 but continues as a blog in December 2005.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Inexplicata: The Journal of Hispanic Ufology](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Inexplicata%20%28Scott%20Corrales%29/INEXPLICATA%2001.pdf), no. 1 \(Fall 1998\); [Inexplicata blog](http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7280
### Event 52447 (CF327AB8)
**Date:** 10/1998
**Description:** USAF Security Forces member Christopher Cabrera states he was stationed at Nellis AFB, NV at “Area 2,” a major nuclear weapons depot on the Nevada Test Site overseen by the Department of Energy (DOE)’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA).
Cabrera states while on patrol he and three colleagues noticed three bright UAP blinking in a triangle formation. The lights were extremely bright “it felt like it was daytime again.”
The group was later told to fill out an incident form, and told it “never happened” and they were never to talk about it amongst themselves or to anyone else. Cabrera states he was threatened by dishonorable discharge. The next day the Flight Chief addressed the entire staff saying there was no incident the night before. While at Area 2, Cabrera’s colleagues told him they experienced strange lights, disembodied voices and shadow-like “humanoids,” but Cabrera never saw anything else personally.
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/triangular-shaped-ufo-sighted-at-the-nellis-afb-nuclear-weapons-storage-area](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/triangular-shaped-ufo-sighted-at-the-nellis-afb-nuclear-weapons-storage-area)
>**_Note_**: Former SSCI Staff Director and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher K. Mellon published a slideshow from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (**AATIP**) while it was run out of the OUSD(I&S) on his website. The ninth slide describes **AATIP’s** DoD Threat Scenario, which states: “the science exists for an enemy of the United States to manipulate both physical and cognitive environments in order to penetrate U.S. facilities, influence decision makers, and compromise national security…DoD controls several facilities where activities have been detected.” It is unknown if the 1998 Nellis AFB encounter is one example **AATIP** was referring to, but it seems probable similar events are driving that statement.
>* [https://mindsublime.blogspot.com/2020/01/advanced-aerospace-threat-and.html](https://mindsublime.blogspot.com/2020/01/advanced-aerospace-threat-and.html)
>**_Note_**: Other **AATIP** slides published on History Channel’s Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation show correlations were being made between “reported events,” “military facilities” and “nuclear facilit\[ies\] or equipment” in the U.S. and abroad.
>* [https://preview.redd.it/0f0ad161jyf71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a9e6971637fc3b20d3ab3935d8cc25c9db08190](https://preview.redd.it/0f0ad161jyf71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a9e6971637fc3b20d3ab3935d8cc25c9db08190)
>* [https://preview.redd.it/fummqo71jyf71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=719d42de27ed9ebe8f07f6ca71dcbf1dead03ae0](https://preview.redd.it/fummqo71jyf71.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=719d42de27ed9ebe8f07f6ca71dcbf1dead03ae0)
>**_Note_**: DOE/NNSA uses civilian contractors Mission Support and Test Services (MSTS) for site management and SOC LLC for site security for the Nevada Test Site.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_338
### Event 52448 (CA2E391A)
**Date:** 10/2/1998
**Time:** 02:20
**Description:** Nurse / hospital. Bright orange round object lands 2km away. Dark spots.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17995
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BELURAN,MALAYSIA:NURSE/HOSPITAL:BRITE ORG RND OBJ LANDS 2km away:DRK SPOTS", **LatLong:** "5.900000 117.550006", **LatLongDMS:** "05:54:00 N 117:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5.900000,117.550006)", **State/Prov:** "SBH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52449 (2B28BB9A)
**Date:** 10/2/1998
**Description:** Ms. J. Juanin watched a round, bright orange flashing light with small black dotted things on it in Beluran, Sabah, Malaysia that seemed to land two kilometers away. She watched it for five minutes until its lights turned off. The sky was dark with no moon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George Filer, Filer's Files, 1998, issue 40; Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Volume 3, No. 41
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6510
### Event 52450 (733257A9)
**Date:** 10/3/1998
**Location:** RIETI, ITL
**Description:** Cop. 5M disk low / valley. Brushes top of Tevere River. Going quickly southwest. Also seen / Rome.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17996
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "RIETI,ITL:COP:5M DISK LO/VALLEY:BRUSHES TOP of TEVERE Rvr:>>SW:+ seen/Rome", **LatLong:** "42.400002 12.850001", **LatLongDMS:** "42:24:00 N 12:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.400002,12.850001)", **State/Prov:** "LZO", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52451 (529542E5)
**Date:** 10/3/1998
**Description:** A five-meter diameter disc flew low over the valley of the Tevere River in Rieti, Italy and skimmed the surface of the water. It flew off toward the southwest and was sighted again in Rome.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup website, volume 3, no. 41
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6540
### Event 52452 (A0D6746D)
**Date:** 10/4/1998
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** 3 / car. Definite triangle stops overhead. WHIRRs / exit. Separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17997
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "440", **HatchDesc:** "nr SPARTANSBURG,PA:3/CAR:DEFINITE TRIANGLE STOPS OVHD:WHIRRs/EXIT:sep.obs", **LatLong:** "41.488891 -79.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:29:20 N 79:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.488891,-79.683337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 52453 (79DF624F)
**Date:** 10/10/1998
**Description:** At 11:51 a.m. witnesses observed a 75-80 foot silver domed disc hovering approximately 75 feet over a bookstore in London, Ontario, Canada. The object then turned upside-down for 2-3 seconds, then righted itself. It next shot straight up to an altitude of 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile and resumed hovering until it blinked out after five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Brian Vike, HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6743
### Event 52454 (0C84C1BF)
**Date:** 10/16/1998
**Location:** QING CO, CHINA
**Description:** Pilots and 4 RADAR's and 140 / ground. Classic domed saucer plays cat / mouse with jets. Going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Hebei Daily>Baokan Wenzhai>Hong Kong Standard>Agence France Presse>UFO Updates+UFO Roundup 1998 #48
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_17998
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "QING co,CHINA:PILOTS+4 RDRS+140/GND:CLASSIC DOMED SCR PLAYS CAT/MOUSE W/JETS:↑", **LatLong:** "38.583335 116.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:35:00 N 116:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.583335,116.800006)", **State/Prov:** "HEB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 52455 (8E9A59B0)
**Date:** 10/18/1998
**Location:** Sandwell Valley, West Midlands, England
**Description:** 12:40 p.m. Dave Rose is at Sandwell Valley, West Midlands, England, with his parents when they see a motionless sphere in the sky. After 20 minutes another object, a metallic-looking triangular UFO, also appears. The triangle moves from side to side in short bursts before vanishing completely. The sphere dwindles to a dark spot in another 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Did You See This UFO?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201998%2012%20-%20no%20353.pdf)” Wolverhampton \(UK\) Express and Star, October 29, 1998, via UFO Newsclipping Service, no. 353 \(December 1998\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7281
### Event 52456 (FEC31145)
**Date:** 10/19/1998
**Locations:** Hebei province, China; Cangzhou; Qing County
**Description:** Four different radar stations in Hebei province, China, pick up an unknown target moving above a military flight training base near Cangzhou. At least 140 observers at the base see the object as a small star that grows larger and larger as it descends. It has a mushroom-shaped dome on top and a flat bottom covered with rotating lights. The base commander scrambles a Shenyang J-6 fighter, which gets to within 2.5 miles of the UFO over Qing County, whereupon it abruptly shoots upward. The UFO plays cat and mouse with the jet, appearing and reappearing. Permission to fire on the UFO is denied by ground control. The fighter is forced to return after running low on fuel, and the UFO disappears before other aircraft arrive.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 393](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/392/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7282
### Event 52457 (6233E4F4)
**Date:** 10/19/1998
**Description:** Several men were out elk hunting in an isolated area near Vernal, Utah when they saw what appeared to be a plane crashing. They left their truck and proceeded over a nearby ridge to investigate. As they got closer to the area they saw two more craft hovering over the area. On the ground they saw what appeared to be some "people" gathered around. They reported their sighting to the National UFO Reporting Center.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case #3192, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6988
### Event 52458 (24EC7757)
**Date:** 10/19/1998
**Description:** A witness at 9:30 p.m. in Defiance, Ohio was just pulling out of a driveway when he noticed a triangular craft with a light at each corner, two white and one blue. He pulled over to get a better look, and watched as it flew silently close to the ground and behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 1998 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6989
### Event 52459 (4B2AA16C)
**Date:** 10/24/1998
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Deep Space 1* towards the asteroid 1992 KD. (October 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1998.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3352
### Event 52460 (94A9AD1F)
**Date:** 10/24/1998
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GRAND-MERE, QBC
**Description:** 2 pseudo-human/entity / in space-suits take samples / garden. Float to fog-ovoid and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FILER's FILES: George A. Filer: MUFON Eastern Dir.
"On Tuesday, May 5th, as usual (details recorded in the National Gendarmerie), at the place called La Planta Terrena, after passing the "Puerta del Abra" road from Mar del Plata to Tandil and having traveled about 5 to 6 kilometers, I heard a strange noise of something approaching from behind. I felt enveloped by a very powerful light. I say enveloped and tubed because it was a light that covered a diameter of 50 meters and that entered from all sides of my vehicle. It seemed to go through the sheet metal of the roof." Hugo assures that it was at that moment that the radio went off, then the engine and the headlights stopped, but meanwhile, there was so much light coming from the outside that he could not see if the car lights were on. "It transported me for about 600 meters and then it cut off. It only lasted a few seconds but it seemed interminable. Everything started working again, I found myself facing a dark but starry night, and I saw in the sky at an approximate height of 1500 to 2000 meters an enveloping light in the shape of a tube that descended to the plain. During the rest of the trip I crossed two cars. It was a day of less traffic. (...) After my return to Mar del Plata I went to the gendarmerie post of Planta Terrena to see if the sentinel on guard that night had seen something. But I could not meet her, another guard commented to me that in this place five or six similar things had happened. He also told me that during the summer period witnesses had reported a circular shape in the prairie on which a burned paste rested as if acid had been poured over it. "(...)
**Reference:** source UEDDS France, Claude Chapeau, but no Argentine news found about it
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3685
### Event 52841 (3C4C809C)
**Date:** 5/5/2000
**Location:** Germany, Muchengladbach
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Source: Rheinische Post newspaper, 8 and 18.5.2000) About fifty police officers were sent to search for a UFO that people said they had seen falling outside the city of Munchengladbach in the night of Friday, May 5, 2000. Calls flooded in and a ufologist had already contacted the airport for information about the illuminated object, flying slowly in the area of the A52 highway near Hardt. One of the witnesses, Karl W., said that the object with red and white flashing lights had fallen shortly after 10 pm behind the trees. When an expert identified the position of the flashing lights as belonging to a small sports plane, the search was launched by 50 police officers, 12 firefighters, and 22 volunteers from the Red Cross with tracking dogs. At dawn, a helicopter also appeared, but nothing was found. One of the witnesses said that in fact the object was flying so slowly and in complete silence, at the height of the tree tops, that it must not have appeared on the radar screens. Ten days later, a "radio amateur" claimed to have listened to radio transmissions from the search team and to have heard the police talking about green humanoids, passing through our solar system during their journey.
**Reference:** Ufo Roundup vol. 5 no. 24, 16.8.2000
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3686
### Event 52842 (586ADCFB)
**Date:** 5/6/2000
**Description:** A triangle shaped object was seen hovering 100 feet above the ground in Kamloops, British Columbia at 9:18 p.m. It suddenly lit up in a white light, and then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2000, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2604
### Event 52843 (EF6AF160)
**Date:** 5/8/2000
**Description:** At 9:05 p.m. a triangular object hovered over the mountains outside of Juniper and Kamloops, British Columbia. It split into four smaller triangles, and changed color. Some powerful strobe lights hit the mountain, then the pieces reformed to make one object, which shot up vertically.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), September 2000, p. 28; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2664
### Event 52844 (8864E8B0)
**Date:** 5/8/2000
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states he, Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff discuss an “attorney friend” of a former TRW employee who gathered her testimony that claims she was part of a secret reverse-engineering project called **Zodiac**. Eric has compiled his own file but it is not verifiable yet. (Note: That attorney is later suggested to be former Hughes Aircraft counsel Jeffrey W Griffith, and the **Zodiac** participant is suggested to be Mary Elizabeth Elliot).
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_353
### Event 52845 (EF73E4A7)
**Date:** 5/8/2000
**Description:** Vallee, Davis and Puthoff also discuss Kit Green’s claims that he was briefed at a “very high level” about three verified cases of “alien landings” in 1947, 1953 and 1984. Kit believes only half of the information in the briefing is true.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_354
### Event 52846 (B1E23210)
**Date:** 5/9/2000
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states Hal Puthoff tells him about a “story” he heard regarding a SecDef black project audit. No timeframe is given. An unnamed Gen. who was Assistant SecDef at the time found a discrepancy of “only” a few million dollars and received a briefing; it was low-level maintenance work at a private contractor entrusted with keeping “some material” from prying eyes. He was told the material was from a crashed UFO but was not being tested at the moment. On 9 June 2001 John Petersen of the Arlington Institute tells Vallee the same story.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_355
### Event 52847 (12BBC18A)
**Date:** 5/10/2000
**Location:** Philippines,
**Description:** (Translated from French) UFOs were observed. They were transparent, with a hole in the center, and their appearance had similarities to the observation of a school of jellyfish, tentacles excluded.
**Reference:** The Manila Times for September 14, 2000, "Three sightings of UFOs aliens stump PAGASA astronomical experts," by Jeannette Andrade.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3687
### Event 52848 (BBBA0139)
**Date:** 5/14/2000
**Location:** USA, Millston (Wisconsin)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The witness was driving on Route 12 in Millston, near Eau Claire, when "the engine of his car suddenly stopped." "I got out to open the hood," he said, "and I heard a noise coming down the road from the east. I looked and saw an object shaped like a disk spinning very quickly on itself on the road. I got back in the car as quickly as I could, all the while watching this thing. Suddenly it started moving and went straight up into the sky. This happened about 25 yards from my car. I was scared out of my wits. I haven't told anyone, who would believe me. I'll never take that road again. The noise this thing made sounded like a faint buzzing."
**Reference:** report from Peter Davenport of NUFORC: National UFO Reporting Center
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3688
### Event 52849 (C1D46281)
**Date:** 5/14/2000
**Description:** A triangle shaped object with red and green lights flew low over the Garden State Parkway in Tuckeron, New Jersey at 9:25 p.m. The UFO flew silently toward another unknown red circular object in the distance. The red object flew off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), September 2000, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2844
### Event 52850 (CEE6981A)
**Date:** 5/15/2000
**Description:** At 11:45 p.m. a married couple living north of Pine Gap near Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia responded by going outside when their dogs started barking and noticed a large dark object with lights that flew over from north to south, making no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Douglas, Victoria UFO Research Society, website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2875
### Event 52851 (CF74EF28)
**Date:** 5/17/2000
**Description:** In the pre-dawn hours, in a dream-like state a local woman in Independence, Missouri remembered seeing a bright light overhead through her bedroom skylight window. She next remembered lying down on a table and a figure was at her head on the right side over her shoulder; another figure was at her feet on her right side. They seemed to be pulling or tugging at something that felt like a rope going through her body from her right shoulder to her right hip area. She felt very uncomfortable and her chest hurt. She woke up in her bed, and noticed a bright light shining in the skylight, and what appeared to be a plane at first that was traveling south to North. The object had a tail with a red flashing light and two wings with red and green lights on the ends. The wings were very thin, and right next to the tail, unlike a normal airplane. The body of the object was long with a squared off nose. The strange craft had two very bright large white lights underneath it at the front, shining directly towards the ground. No noise was heard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2000 Humanoid Sighting Reports, case # 3785, citing Missouri MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2944
### Event 52852 (7192D99A)
**Date:** 5/19/2000
**Description:** A video of a hovering UFO was made in Southampton, England by police. A police helicopter flew around the UFO several times before the object faded and disappeared. There was a lengthy official investigation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gary Heseltine, Police Reports of UFOs, case # 171
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2994
### Event 52853 (9AE24C97)
**Date:** 5/26/2000
**Location:** USA, Santa Ana (California)
**Description:** (Translated from French) James Schuld called to report that he saw "plasmoid" UFOs around 8 PM, as night was falling. They were directly above his house and stayed there all night. Several beeps per minute, a ten-beep pause, then two beeps, which he said were observed by nearby Indians. They also seemed to come out of the ground. They were pink fireballs 60 to 90 cm in diameter emitting beeps.
**Reference:** Filer's Files 22#-2000; MUFON; 5.6.2000
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3689
### Event 52854 (4B180756)
**Date:** 5/26/2000
**Description:** The pilot of a DC-9 airliner sighted a domed disc flying at 9,500 feet altitude at 6:40 p.m. The object was flying to the east of Mexico City, Mexico.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Carlos Alberto Guzman Rojas, Los OVNIs y la Aviacion Mexicana, p. 271
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3110
### Event 52855 (618DD26D)
**Date:** 6/1/2000
**Description:** A videotape by Sr. Logro Avila shows a UFO flying at high speed at 6 p.m. over Tlalnepantla, Mexico, with a military jet traveling in same direction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Carlos Alberto Guzman Rojas, Los OVNIs y la Aviacion Mexicana: 50 anos de encuentros con OVNIs en el espacio aereo Mexicano, p. 271
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3212
### Event 52856 (722DE196)
**Date:** 6/3/2000
**Description:** In Manzanita, Oregon there were two independent reports of orange colored lights coming from the northwest, traveling in a line at a fast speed. The most seen at any one time were three. The first report was at 9:45 p.m. and the second at 10:00 p.m. The first report commented that the three bright orange/yellow lights appeared to meet up over the ocean, and then travel inland.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, webpages posted June 21, 2000
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3264
### Event 52857 (C445000A)
**Date:** 6/7/2000
**Description:** North of Pine Gap, near Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia at 8:30 p.m. a married couple's dogs barked madly as a disc-shaped object with orange around the edge hovered close by. It lit up the area and was described as looking like "trees were on fire." It hovered, then moved out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Douglas, Victorian UFO Research Society website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3362
### Event 52858 (64926ED5)
**Date:** 6/7/2000
**Description:** On the same day a daylight disc sighting occurred in Marlette, Michigan when an oval object was sighted for about 15 seconds at around 1:00 p.m. The craft was described as a very shiny silver color with vertical and horizontal dividers, making square compartments all around.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 2000 archived webpage, this report posted March 6, 2001
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3363
### Event 52859 (E7AB6633)
**Date:** 6/13/2000
**Description:** A round fiery ball was seen in the western sky in Springfield, Queensland, Australia traveling in an upward direction. A roaring sound like a jet engine was heard one minute later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Research Queensland website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3470
### Event 52860 (27D18C15)
**Date:** 6/18/2000
**Description:** Beginning at 11:45 p.m. a triangular-shaped object was seen hovering above train tracks in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada for 18 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, report uploaded December 2, 2000
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3547
### Event 52861 (D0697CE3)
**Date:** 6/22/2000
**Location:** Argentina, Concepcion del Bermejo (in the north)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (UFO ROUNDUP, vol. 5 no. 26 of 29.6.2000, ed. Joseph Trainor) "Seventeen people gathered at a party of the Overejo and Gomex families said they saw and struck a "lobizon" (werewolf) between midnight and 12:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 22, 2000. Eva Castillo, a witness to the scene, told the Argentine newspaper "Norte" that the first to detect the strange creature was her nephew Marcelo, 11, who saw the creature attacking the little dog and opened the window to see what was happening. The creature was standing on the platform where the chickens and ducks find water. Another family member said he did not believe in either the Lobizon or the Almamula (another legendary animal of the region) and that he thought people were telling lies about them, but that he saw this "thing" and gave it a terrible kick.
"As if nothing had happened, the creature got up and left," adds Jesus Alcides Gomez, who joined the other family members to beat the creature with sticks, bricks, and whatever they had at hand. Mrs. Castillo said: "We joined Alcides because the lobizon was chasing Marcelito, who had to take refuge on the trailer to avoid being hurt." According to the witnesses, the creature looked like a dog with long, drooping ears, but with legs like a child's. The Argentines believe that the seventh son of a line of boys turns into a lobizon at midnight, during the full moon, and especially if it happens on a Friday. Colonel Juan Domingo Peron, president from 1943 to 1955, had even ordered that all seventh sons be baptized in a public ceremony, thinking he could thus subdue the superstition. In the case of the Gomez families, the police came to the scene after the creature's escape and collected samples of blood, and yellow and brown hairs, and some droppings. Another witness also claims to have seen the lobizon that night. It is Odilio Pontes, who runs the service station along Route 16: "Around 1:30 in the morning I saw a strange dog hiding behind the diesel pump, I was scared and I only looked at it through the window without going out. But it was bloody from the back, that I saw. It left towards the city, it had long "hair" of dark brown color. " (2000, June 22,)
**Reference:** Scott Corrales, Gloria Coluch
**Reference:** Norte newspaper of 23.6.2000: "Concepcion del Bermejo convulsed by Wolfman apparition," and of 24 June: "Numerous residents of Concepcion del Bermejo claim having seen Wolfman."
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3690
### Event 52862 (500685FC)
**Date:** 6/22/2000
**Location:** Wurtsmith AFB, MI
**Description:** F-89 Has Radar Lock-On (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [000622](http://www.nicap.org/560111wurtsmithdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5882
### Event 52863 (9E3BCAD6)
**Date:** 6/22/2000
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. in 2000 near Providence, Rhode Island a westbound commercial airliner flying at 8,000 feet altitude observed an egg-shaped object standing on end. The top and bottom of the object was spiked with three points each. Air traffic control confirmed the presence of a radar target one mile from the aircraft. It drifted toward the east until it was lost from radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine, December 2000, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3610
### Event 52864 (DAA06996)
**Date:** 6/30/2000
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. in Paso Robles, California a formation of three small, satellite-like lights, performed figure-8 movements around one another in the night sky over Lake Nacimiento for three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, archived June 2000 webpage, report posted November 20, 2001
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3757
### Event 52865 (E278FE7B)
**Date:** Early 7/2000
**Locations:** Littleborough; Greater Manchester; England
**Description:** Evening. Ceri Kenyon is walking home in Littleborough, Greater Manchester, England, when he sees a flickering object in the sky. As he approaches, he hears a buzzing sound and sees that it is a triangular object surrounded by lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 223–224
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7333
### Event 52866 (1F37A851)
**Date:** 7/4/2000
**Description:** Several reports were received between 10:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. from various locales in King and Pierce Counties, Washington State reporting the sighting of at least one red UFO hovering above the clouds, for an average of ten to fifteen minutes at a time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, July 2000 web page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3833
### Event 52867 (4C517FBF)
**Date:** 7/5/2000
**Location:** Argentina
**Description:** (Translated from French) (UFO Roundup, Vol. 5, No. 28, 13.7.2000, Editor Joseph Trainor) "Diabolical Elves (El Diablillo) in Two Argentine Cities" On July 5th, 2000, police closed the auxiliary office in Dande Varela and placed two guards there after the auxiliary sheriff had seen the apparition of El Diablillo. Corporal Miguel Angel Aguero was hospitalized that morning in a state of shock, having had a nervous breakdown due to the alleged appearance of the infernal elf in the office. Aguero, age 37, and having been an auxiliary police officer for ten years, is a well-known athlete, especially because he was a marathon champion in his province. He was found unconscious, sitting on his chair, eyes wide open looking at the ceiling. When his colleagues approached him he started to scream: "There, there! He's here. He's coming for me!" pointing his finger up. Corporal Aguero was alone in the office around 1 o'clock in the morning when he made his routine round, passing through the empty cell block and returning to his office. He then heard something coming through the double doors behind him. "What do you want?" he asked, petrified. "I have come for you, as Satan wished" the thing replied. At the hospital, Aguero described the entity in detail: "It was a person, I don't know if it was a man, it had red eyes, very red eyes. Its face was deformed and horrible, full of warts. It was about my size and it was wearing black pants and a green shirt. Its eyes were red and bulging. Horrible!" According to a police report, around 1:30, after three unsuccessful attempts to contact the auxiliary office in Dande de Carela by radio, a vehicle was dispatched to the scene to check on the situation of the corporal. (July 5th, 2000)
**Reference:** newspaper "El Ancasti" of 6.7.2000; Scott Corrales, and Gloria
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3691
### Event 52868 (E51F4ABD)
**Date:** 7/5/2000
**Description:** At around 4 p.m. Robert Taylor, age 22, remembers being abducted near McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey. He found himself inside a very misty room surrounded by a green aura. There were soft "chairs" and a long table in the center of the room. He met several aliens described as about six feet tall, with very long thin arms and legs. The humanoids emitted a strange humming sound. He suffered from bizarre physiological aftereffects soon after the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, citing UFO Watch
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3853
### Event 52869 (81A1649F)
**Date:** 7/7/2000
**Description:** A football field sized object with lights was sighted by an air safety officer and 24 other witnesses in Normanton, Queensland, Australia at 11:45 p.m. It travelled over the area making no noise, and left behind a trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sheryl Gottschall, UFO Research Queensland website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3915
### Event 52870 (7645016A)
**Date:** 7/7/2000
**Description:** A gray object hovered over a house in Covina, California at 9:30 p.m. The observers became surrounded by a beam of light while a blue shape remained in the sky. At the same time in nearby Pacific Palisades, California a white glow was reportedly seen in a large plume of clouds. This white glow changed to blue, and then green.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2000 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3916
### Event 52871 (ABDC8016)
**Date:** 7/7/2000
**Description:** At 9:21 p.m. in Red Rock Canyon, Nevada a luminous oval or disc-shaped object shone a bright white light beam down toward the ground. It radiated a fog from around its periphery. Its light snapped off, and the UFO vanished, and the canyon filled with a greenish-blue fog that lasted for ten minutes. A helicopter flew over the area later that same night. There was also another report of a white object shining through a green haze in Las Vegas, Nevada at 9:30 p.m., and at 10:10 p.m a witness in Winnemucca, Nevada reported that a beam of light came from a bright circular object, which left a green residue in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), December 2000, p. 32, citing CAUS; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2000 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3917
### Event 52872 (60D82C42)
**Date:** 7/11/2000
**Description:** Two taxi drivers, Walter Ortega and Luis Rodolfo Aguero were working the late shift at their station in Banda de Varela, Argentina. Around 3:30 a.m. Luis was sleeping when Walter went outside when he heard some noises. Armed with a metal bar, he searched around in the darkness. Suddenly, an unseen forced picked him up and threw him backwards about two meters, and he landed on the ground. At the same time he noticed a figure dressed in what looked like a long dark coat sitting on a nearby fence. He described the figure as short in stature, wearing a large black hat, with its face hidden in shadow. Terrified, he ran to wake up his partner and called the police, who searched the area but found nothing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, citing Pablo Villarrubia, Ano Cero
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3998
### Event 52873 (BCF27717)
**Date:** 7/12/2000
**Description:** A 14-year-old boy had gone to bed late on this night at his summer cottage in Manooth, Ontario, Canada when he woke up to find his bedroom door open and someone walking in the living room. Soon an alien figure came to his bedroom door and entered, followed by two more. The beings were basically humanoid, gray in color, with large black oval-shaped eyes. One was taller than the others and he was holding a glowing blue rod, which apparently paralyzed the witness. He telepathically told the boy that they were going to cure an infection that was brought to Earth by another alien race. They inserted a long tube down the witness esophagus and through it injected a liquid. He was then able to move and was told to follow them. Outside he was taken aboard a landed disc-shaped object, where he was scanned and examined. Later he was brought back to his room.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, case # 3614, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4021
### Event 52874 (75D43A0F)
**Date:** 7/13/2000
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. a woman and a professor friend of hers had just left a Lions Club dinner and were driving south of Puerto Cuatro, Chile when they spotted two strange yellow lights ahead on the roadway. The driver flashed her high beams at the two intense lights and she began to slow down her car because they remained stationary. They then saw a figure standing about three feet away from the front bumper. The figure was described as large, lacking ears, and covered with extremely long gray hair, particularly around the neck. It had two immense, slanted yellow eyes. The driver and the creature exchanged stares for about ten seconds, after which the car drove along the left lane. The creature followed the vehicle's departure with its head, and its neck was apparently able to make 180-degree turns. Terrified, the two drove away. They saw the yellow light again as it lit up the entire road before disappearing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, case # 3784, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Vol. 5, No. 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4041
### Event 52875 (5E47C117)
**Date:** 7/14/2000
**Description:** On this night a woman had just returned to her house in Rennes, France when she saw a disc-shaped object surrounded by bright lights descend overhead and land in her garden. Two figures came out of the object. They had oval-shaped heads, bulging eyes, and large "cauliflower-like" ears that stuck out the side of their heads. The humanoids were wearing red colored combination suits. They spoke to the witness and she fell to the ground and went into a deep sleep. When she awoke the beings and the object were gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, citing GREPI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4060
### Event 52876 (11D6CA14)
**Date:** 7/14/2000
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. an orange, dome shaped object flew over Thibodaux, Louisiana at tree level. Although orange in color, it occasionally turned white as it flew by.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, July 2000 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4061
### Event 52877 (0C89689E)
**Date:** 7/15/2000
**Description:** Gimli, Manitoba, Canada. Three witnesses reported seeing a shiny round pink object at around 7:00 p.m., about a block away, with smoke billowing out of a straight horizontal pipe coming from the top of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 107
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4088
### Event 52878 (4311F12F)
**Date:** 7/16/2000
**Description:** The 17-year-old witness reported encountering a large glowing sphere in a field in Columbus, Nebraska at 11:40 p.m.. The object had small protrusions on the bottom. Stunned and unable to move, he stood watching the object when a five-feet tall Grey humanoid with huge pitch-black eyes approached him. The being stared at him intensely and seemed to analyze him. It had small holes for ears, no nose, and a small slit for a mouth that never changed position. After about five minutes the figure and the object disappeared. The witness remained paralyzed for an additional 10 to 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, case # 3795, citing UFO Abductions Raw Data Page & UFO Watch
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4114
### Event 52879 (48D554C7)
**Date:** 7/17/2000
**Locations:** Silverdale, Washington; Olympic Mountains
**Description:** 10:50 p.m. A witness in Silverdale, Washington, sees four orange lights descending to the west over the Olympic Mountains. When the second to last light is gone, the witness sees a flash like an explosion. About 15 minutes later, another orange light appears, moving south to north at a speed too slow for a meteor. It descends behind the same mountain. A Blackhawk helicopter is visible in the same area at the same time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, February 11, 2003; Nukes 498–499
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7334
### Event 52880 (84BAA301)
**Date:** 7/25/2000
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. Ignatiy Aleksandrovich Srartsev and two of his friends were out in a wooded field near Firsanovka, Moscow, Russia when they heard a strong whistling sound coming from behind the trees. They then noticed a round object ringed with portholes. The UFO hovered over them and emitted some kind of beam of energy. The ray hit one of the men, who seemed to disappear in plain sight of the other two men. Only his clothes remained. Three minutes later he reappeared, completely naked, in front of his stunned friends. He said that he had been abducted by "leshies" (Russian wood goblins), but the other two quickly pointed out to him that it had been a UFO. The men then quickly left the area. The man's memory of the event was completely gone. He could only vaguely remember that some strange gray-colored beings had been sticking needles into his body.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, citing Anton Anfalov, Ukraine
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4404
### Event 52881 (A5468D74)
**Date:** 7/25/2000
**Description:** Fisherman off the south coast of Viegues Island, Puerto Rico sighted a huge disc with a great many blinking lights surrounding it. On the bottom of the object was a big green light that beamed down to the ocean surface. The UFO hovered 100 feet over the ocean surface while a huge bolume of water rose and entered the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), December 2000, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4405
### Event 52882 (DD70712B)
**Date:** 7/31/2000
**Description:** In Bairoa, Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico a woman was awakened around 5:00 a.m. when she heard noises coming from her neighbor's backyard. The noise of something falling on the ground. Her dog began barking inceasantly. She decided to get up and look outside, and when she looked out the window she was startled to see a strange creature standing with its back to her, only 15 feet away. It was white in color with wrinkled skin and had an egg-shaped head with large elongated white eyes with black centers. It had elongated ears, arms, and legs. It appeared to be unclothed. Its hands were in a praying position and its body and head jerked around as if it had no control over them. After watching for a few minutes the witness made a sudden noise, causing the creature to turn around halfway and gaze at her. This caused her to involuntarily close her eyes and step back. She rubbed her eyes repeatedly and was finally able to open them again. Frightened, she called additional household members but by the time they arrived the creature was gone. Two days after later the witness noticed a green light illuminating her room. No one was able to identify the source of the light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case # 3480, citing Lucy Guzman, Inexplicata
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4548
### Event 52883 (35EA24A8)
**Date:** 8/2000
**Location:** Halifax, Nova Scotia
**Description:** Two police officers in Halifax, Nova Scotia, watch a large, triangular-shaped object hovering just above the trees. It is about 660 feet on each side.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Don Ledger, “The Flying Triangle Phenomenon,” IUR 27, no. 3 \(Fall 2002\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7335
### Event 52884 (E083DC07)
**Date:** 8/2/2000
**Description:** At 6:45 p.m. the witness had gone outside her house in Capilla del Monte, Cordoba province, Argentina to empty the trash and was returning back to the house when she noticed something floating above the ground over some nearby laurel bushes. It appeared to be an amorphous transparent figure, with large bright yellowish almond-shaped eyes. The figure floated towards a nearby tree knocking itself against it, and a branch was seen to fall down. At the same time that it stared to vanish the witness heard a loud humming sound, and there seemed to be a kind of charged energy in the air. Frightened, the woman ran inside the house and summoned her husband, but the figure had already vanished. The following days she suffered from headaches and heard metallic voices calling her name.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, citing Proyecto CATENT, Buenos Aires
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4614
### Event 52885 (BDC792A0)
**Date:** 8/3/2000
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. in Uniontown, Pennsylvania a witness saw a five-foot-tall being with long slender extremities for about one minute. It carried a brown staff that was about five feet long, and the creature glided six inches above the ground. Another unusual feature of the encounter was that all normal background sounds were absent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Stan Gordon, PASU website, citing Jim Brown; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, case # 3469, citing PASU
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4638
### Event 52886 (440B6423)
**Date:** 8/5/2000
**Locations:** Old Noarlunga, South Australia; Moana; Aldinga Beach
**Description:** 11:30 a.m. A witness spots a silver disc in the sky over Old Noarlunga, South Australia, and calls out his wife to watch. Over the next 90 minutes they see 3 whitish additional balls and something that looks like a helicopter, all traveling west to east. Long, silver, cobweb-like substance falls in large wads or strands. Once touched with a stick, it shrivels up and evaporates. Similar material falls on Moana and Aldinga Beach, where one witness also sees a bright light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, “Angel Hair: An Australian Perspective,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7336
### Event 52887 (15BBDECF)
**Date:** 8/10/2000
**Description:** At 12:10 a.m. Scott Jarvie was walking home in Falkirk, Scotland after visiting his girlfriend when he suddenly became drowsy and very sleepy. His next conscious memory was suddenly finding himself inside a very bright place, but someone "dark" at the same time; it was hard to describe. Inside the enclosure he briefly met a short humanoid, with sunken green eyes, sandy colored skin, and no mouth. It had short stubby fingers on one hand. A most unusual feature of the creature was that it had a hole where the neck area joined the spine. Jarvie has no other memories.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2000 Humanoid Sighting Reports, case 3799, citing UFO Abduction Raw Data Page, UFO Watch
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4849
### Event 52888 (83D81D54)
**Date:** 8/11/2000
**Description:** A man driving on a highway in Oklahoma had run out of gas at 4:45 a.m. and had started walking towards some nearby lights. As he was walking, a car drove around him, pulling ahead of him quite a distance, and then stopped. A man exited the vehicle and looked at him. He described the man as having glowing green eyes. Then he looked behind him and saw two more men. One had green glowing eyes, too, and the third had eyes that glowed like diamonds. The men did not say anything, but the witness felt they were telling him to trust them. He next felt an electrical current going through his body and was unable to move. His memory ends about this time. He was later found unconscious by a police officer in the middle of the road, apparently unharmed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2000 webpage, report uploaded September 17, 2000; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, case # 3623, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4919
### Event 52889 (454BF451)
**Date:** 8/13/2000
**Description:** A saucer-shaped object was observed moving erratically around a cloud in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada at 8:15 p.m. Central Time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 136
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4992
### Event 52890 (2744D371)
**Date:** 8/17/2000
**Location:** Italy
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Source: Cisu, Update Number 276 - September 1, 2000) In the sky of Carozzo (La Spezia) a new sample of flying humanoid appeared, it was a dark human-like silhouette that at least three people observed, while it moved in the sky "like Batman" without wings or paraglider.
**Reference:** La Nazione, La Spezia edition, August 19; collaboration of Roberto Labanti
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_3692
### Event 52891 (41ADE297)
**Date:** 8/20/2000
**Location:** Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 3:09 p.m. Two blurry round objects appear in a photograph hovering above the copse of trees next to the High Water Mark of the Rebellion Monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield, Pennsylvania. They are not noticed at the time the photo is taken.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Gross, “[Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA, 2000](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/getty2000.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7337
### Event 52892 (EDF217D6)
**Date:** 8/25/2000
**Description:** Two witnesses watched a multi-colored triangular object as it hovered over Gunn, Alberta, Canada at 10:05 p.m. The colors of the UFO were green, blue, red, yellow, and orange; it later disappeared with a bright flash of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George Filer, Filer's Files, September 2000, p. 18; Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 151
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5342
### Event 52893 (1E4DCB24)
**Date:** 8/30/2000
**Description:** In Gull Lake, Ontario, Canada a sphere 40-70 feet in diameter was sighted at 11:05 p.m. It had 40 to 50 red lights and three blue lights, and flew at between 200 to 300 feet in altitude. It made no sound. There were reported blackouts in two nearby towns. The same or a similar report was made to the UFO Reporting Center from Minden, Ontario.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 158, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, case uploaded May 14, 2002
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5508
### Event 52894 (9F33A404)
**Date:** 9/2000
**Locations:** Lincoln, New Hampshire; Indian Head Resort
**Description:** UFO researchers [Karl Pflock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl%5FT.%5FPflock) and [Peter Brookesmith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FBrookesmith) organize an invitation-only symposium to re-evaluate the [Betty and Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) abduction case in depth. It takes place at the Indian Head Resort in Lincoln, New Hampshire, near the site of the abduction event itself. The other researchers are [Dennis Stacy](https://anomalyarchives.org/collections/files/stacy-dennis/), [Marcello Truzzi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcello%5FTruzzi), [Thomas E. Bullard](https://ancientalienpedia.com/contributors/b/thomas-e-bullard-ph-d/)[,](https://ancientalienpedia.com/contributors/b/thomas-e-bullard-ph-d/) [Hilary Evans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary%5FEvans)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary%5FEvans) [Robert Sheaffer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FSheaffer), [Joe Firmage](http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/12.10.98/cover/joefirmage1-9849.html), and [Greg Sandow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg%5FSandow)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greg%5FSandow) Betty Hill joins the group for an evening’s entertainment and a morning tour of the site where the abduction took place. The essays written by participants, along with reflections by [Walter N. Webb](http://www.nicap.org/bios/NICAP-Bios/Webb.htm) and an appendix by [Martin S. Kottmeyer](https://prabook.com/web/martin%5Fs.kottmeyer/606771), are compiled in Encounters at Indian Head.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Karl T. Pflock and Peter Brookesmith, eds., Encounters at Indian Head, Anomalist, 2007; Robert Sheaffer, “[Betty Hill’s Last Hurrah: A Secret UFO Symposium in New Hampshire,](https://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/reprint-from-psychic-vibrations-2007-betty-hill-discusses-the-ufo)” Skeptical Inquirer 31, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 2007\); Greg Sandow, “The Hill Case and the Limits of Ufology,” IUR 31, no. 4 \(March 2008\): 3–7, 19–28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7338
### Event 52895 (B371D2E2)
**Date:** 9/3/2000
**Location:** Stroud, Gloucestershire, England
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A man is out walking in Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, when he sees a large and unusual aircraft looming up over the skyline. It is black with no discernible tail section and is shooting three powerful beams of light from dome-like globes set in a triangular pattern on its underside. Small red lights appear on the tips of its swept-back wings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [pp. 139–140](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n225/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7339
### Event 52896 (91CE7C4D)
**Date:** 9/6/2000
**Description:** Three days after a witness had filmed a strange UFO over the area, 31-year-old Gloria Siboa was walking home at 1:30 in the afternoon in Santa Cruz, Manila, the Philippines when she was approached by four women wearing black nun's habits that obscured their facial features. They seemed to be lost, and asked Gloria for directions. They failed to understand her directions, and invited her to board their van and accompany them to their destination. Strangely, she felt unwilling to resist and got in the van. As soon as she boarded the van one of the women covered her nose and mouth with a drug-laced handkerchief, knocking her out. Three days later, Siboa woke up still in the van that was headed to an unknown destination, and she was still blindfolded. She jumped out screaming for police. She could not explain where she had been for the last three days. Her abductors had taken her wallet and ID.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2000 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 3937
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5702
### Event 52897 (4550A541)
**Date:** 9/11/2000
**Description:** A huge lighted disc-shaped object lit up the sky in West Berlin, New Jersey. Mrs. D'Imperio and her family (4 witnesses) saw a lighted wheel in the sky at 9:30 p.m. with what looked like bicycle spokes coming out of it. Another ring was on the outside of the object, like a "wheel within a wheel". "What amazed me was lights were coming down the spokes going around the outside of the other [outer] ring, coming back to where they started and coming together, [joining up with] all of them in the center of the ring. They kept repeating this action." Next, a second object came and joined the first, going around the circle and making another spoke. As they watched for some time two helicopters came overhead. One was bigger that the other one, and they both went straight for the UFO they were watching. They then flew around it for awhile.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5888
### Event 52898 (051E7682)
**Date:** 9/11/2000
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. a glowing cigar-shaped craft was spotted over a casino in Windsor, Ontario on the Detroit River. It made no sound. At one point it seemed to be flying in a snake-like pattern.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 168; citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5889
### Event 52899 (6C9B4822)
**Date:** 9/13/2000
**Description:** An EM vehicle ignition interference effect case occurred on this evening at 7:00 p.m. The witness's car engine shut off between Hagerstown and Sidling Hill, Maryland when an extremely bright light appeared above the car. The witness also had terrible migraine headache later that night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2000 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5932
### Event 52900 (AAFE1E2F)
**Date:** 9/17/2000
**Description:** At 8:55 p.m. a very large, wing-shaped object flew at a low altitude over Opelousas, St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. It flew very fast. It was completely silent, black in color, and had no running lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2000 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6060
### Event 52901 (70CD1A2F)
**Date:** 9/19/2000
**Description:** In Sherman Oaks, California at 9:30 a.m. a white object, shaped like the number "8", rose vertically very quickly across a great distance, and then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2000 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6110
### Event 52902 (B73D93DD)
**Date:** 9/20/2000
**Description:** While driving in Mississauga, Ontario at around 7:00 p.m. the witnesses observed two fireball like objects collide. One then went straight up vertically, while the other went straight down.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2000 Canadian UFO Survey, case 175
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6167
### Event 52903 (205B4B4A)
**Date:** 9/20/2000
**Description:** At 10:57 p.m. a flattened out V-shaped object, made up of many pinpoints of light, glided silently and smoothly overhead in Marshall, Minnesota.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2000 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6168
### Event 52904 (E0FCFE0D)
**Date:** 9/23/2000
**Description:** Ms. Rosa Lopez was on her way home late one night at 3:25 a.m. near Sevilla, Spain when her vehicle entered a strange fog on the road. When she drove out of the fog she was surprised to see that it was almost five a.m. already, although it seemed only minutes had passed. Later, under hypnotic regression, she recounted encountering a huge metallic object on the road. Her car then stalled and stopped. Several short figures with large heads and huge eyes next surrounded her vehicle. She felt weak and helpless as the humanoids carried her into the UFO. She was questioned and put through what she thought was a "brain scanning" device. She was then taken back to her car, and she drove away apparently still under the control of the humanoids. She only seemed to snap out of it completely when she got home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2000, case # 3935, citing Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista & Rafael Cabello Herrero
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6275
### Event 52905 (4A1A0040)
**Date:** 9/27/2000
**Location:** Challis, ID
**Description:** Mules do not respond to low triangle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [000927](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-000927.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5883
### Event 52906 (C46DF8F6)
**Date:** 9/27/2000
**Location:** Challis, Idaho
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Four men are camped in a trailer at a rural hunting camp near Challis, Idaho. One goes out to the truck for food and sees a massive, dark, triangular object hovering motionless above him. He yells for the others to come out, lights on the object turn on, and it slowly moves toward the nearby mountains. When it reaches one, it tips upward and ascends the side of the mountain vertically. When it reaches the top, it tips forward and disappears from sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 228–229
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7340
### Event 52907 (11426F7C)
**Date:** 10/1/2000
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** JONES BEACH, NY
**Description:** Diamond lands / beach. Strong colored beams lift 3 / car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FILER's FILES: George A. Filer: MUFON Eastern Dir.
She approached a powerful light that seemed to emanate from a hole in the sky. She then noticed three humanoids floating next to her, who accompany her through the orifice. Looking down, she could see the roof of her house, then watched as the house became smaller, and then the city of Rosario itself faded into the distance. As she continued to ascend into the sky she fell asleep, but an intense cold wave woke her up and she heard what sounded like a metallic hatch closing.
She noticed she had a dark room through a hexagonal opening. As her eyesight adjusted noticed that she was in an immense room with about 20 floating cots, each with a human figure on them. To her right she noticed her 45-year-old sister asleep on one of the cots. She also recalled seeing a black skinned man lying about 4 cots away. In the background she could hear a low steady snoring sound. She began to hear what appeared to be low "voices" that spoke very quickly among themselves. Almost at the same time three humanoids approached her. They were about 1.60 meters tall, very thin, with elongated hairless heads, two small holes for noses, and cat-like eyes that glowed a bluish-gray color. Their hands had three large fingers connected by a membrane and a separate finger or thumb. Their bodies were of a beige-pale color and appeared very flexible, almost gelatinous. They possessed small mouths and what appeared to be a small protuberance on top of their heads.
She sensed there were both females and males present but could not see any sexual features. At this point she sensed desperation from the beings as if their time was short because their species was unable to reproduce. One of the beings seemed to measure her cranium with a thin tube about 30 cm in length that emitted a beam of light from the tip. As the tube or bar was passed over her head she felt a slight sensation of warmth. She also sensed that the aliens had chosen Earth for a reproduction staging area, acquiring the necessary materials, which were human genetic materials from both genders.
She could hear other thoughts or speech in her mind and felt that the beings talked about her and about her knowledge. At this point another one of the beings seemed to measure her face from ear to ear at the same time telling her via telepathy that everything was going to be fine. The witness felt that the aliens needed human bodies as some kind of breeding "container" for their own survival purposes.
She became terrified as the three humanoids approached her to touch her. She asked them if they are spiritual beings and they answer yes, but she felt it was only an attempt to manipulate her mind. One of the humanoids attempted to touch her breasts but she pushed his arm aside and noticed that it had a gummy texture with no apparent bone structure. On her descent back to her home she remembered seeing images of famous persons flash around her, including John F. Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, and Judy Garland. She woke up in her bed with her concerned husband attempting to calm her down.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2001 Humanoid Contact Database, citing Horacio Roberto, Nuevos Tiempos, Argentina
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2461
### Event 53037 (1D171888)
**Date:** 5/3/2001
**Locations:** UK; UK House of Lords
**Description:** In the UK House of Lords, [Peter Hill-Norton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FHill-Norton) asks the Ministry of Defence why the UFO documents it referred to in January were classified secret. Its answer is, “One document was classified ‘Secret’ with a ‘UK Eyes Only’ caveat because it contained information about the UK air defence ground environment that could be of significant value to hostile or potentially hostile states. Associated correspondence was given the same classification. Generally, however, notifications of and correspondence on the subject of UFO sightings are unclassified.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David Clarke and Gary Anthony, “The British MoD Study: Project Condign,” IUR 30, no. 4 \(August 2006\): 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7366
### Event 53038 (D7104EC8)
**Date:** 5/4/2001
**Description:** "We saw a silver, shiny object shooting through the sky on a summer afternoon," reported a witness from Fairfield, Connecticut. The object was disc shaped and the sighting was brief.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2001 webpage, report uploaded July 16, 2003
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2525
### Event 53039 (247E4393)
**Date:** 5/5/2001
**Description:** On this evening in Southampton, Hampshire, England a police helicopter flew around a UFO twice before the object faded out and disappeared. There was a lengthy investigation into the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gary Heseltine, Police UFO Reports, case # 172
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2568
### Event 53040 (9DDD9C61)
**Date:** 5/5/2001
**Description:** Jacques Vallée meets with a group including Jim Westwood, an intelligence consultant who had done extensive work for Hal Puthoff. Westwood claims to know that the MJ-12 documents are disinformation and suggests Roswell was a counterintelligence exercise designed to flush out spies. Westwood tells him a month later that “Puthoff really wants to find the hardware,” despite Westwood believing none such hardware actually existed. Westwood states an **Operation Shocker** used disinformation including false UAP data to trick Soviet Russia to believe the US had capabilities it didn’t; double agents were used for this.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_362
### Event 53041 (A69D16E4)
**Date:** 5/6/2001
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. several shiny orange dots were seen above the mountains in the sunset in Sussex, New Jersey; some were spots, but some were disk shaped. All sank below the horizon or just vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 1; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2001 webpage, report uploaded August 5, 2001
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2605
### Event 53042 (F3145AA0)
**Date:** 5/6/2001
**Description:** At 11:15 p.m. a security guard and a friend in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina sighted a dark, unlit triangle craft escorted by four helicopters. Seen by security officer and friend for 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 73
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2606
### Event 53043 (0CB530DA)
**Date:** 5/7/2001
**Description:** A man in Peterborough, Ontario reported seeing a huge black triangular shaped craft fly overhead at 10:10 p.m. He reportedly heard a "message" in his head. He also reported that he experienced some "missing time."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2642
### Event 53044 (543B0956)
**Date:** 5/9/2001
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; Roswell, New Mexico
**Description:** Twenty government workers from military and civilian organizations speak about their experiences regarding UFOs and UFO confidentiality at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The press conference is initiated by [Steven M. Greer,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FM.%5FGreer) founder of the Disclosure Project, which has the goal of disclosing alleged government UFO secrecy. The purpose of the press conference is to build public pressure through the media to obtain a hearing before the US Congress on the issue. Aerospace illustrator [Mark McCandlish](http://markmccandlish.com/) testifies that gravity control propulsion research started in the 1950s and successfully reverse engineered the vehicle retrieved from the Roswell, New Mexico, crash site to build three Alien Reproduction Vehicles \(ARVs\) by 1981. McCandlish describes their propulsion systems in terms of [Thomas Townsend Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FTownsend%5FBrown)’s gravitators and provides a line drawing of its interior. The diagram closely resembles the drawing provided earlier in [Milton William Cooper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton%5FWilliam%5FCooper)’s book Behold a Pale Horse. Another Disclosure Project whistleblower, [Philip J. Corso,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FCorso) states in his book The Day after Roswell that the craft retrieved from the second crash site at Roswell had a propulsion system resembling Brown’s gravitators. Corso’s book also features several gravity control propulsion statements made by [Hermann Oberth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann%5FOberth)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann%5FOberth) Although major American media outlets report on the conference, interest quickly dies down, and no hearing takes place.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Group Calls for Disclosure of UFO Info,](https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=98572&page=1)” ABC News, May 10, 2001; “[UFO Spotters Slam ‘US](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1322432.stm) [Cover-Up,’](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/1322432.stm)” BBC News, May 10, 2001; Jean-Pierre Petit, “[I Have a Doubt about ‘Disclosure,’](http://www.jp-petit.org/Disclosure/disclosure%5Fa%5Fdoubt.htm)” March 19, 2003; Wikipedia, “[United States gravity control propulsion research](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United%5FStates%5Fgravity%5Fcontrol%5Fpropulsion%5Fresearch\#UFO%5Fand%5Fconspiracy%5Ftheories)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7367
### Event 53045 (32229FF6)
**Date:** 5/9/2001
**Description:** Aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish testifies at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that gravity propulsion research began in the 1950s and successfully reverse engineered recovered UAP to build three USG/USG contractor-made vehicles by 1981 and was kept secret. McCandlish describes their propulsion matches early concepts by Thomas Townsend Brown using electrogravitics.
McCandlish states he saw three antigravity saucers in a hanger at Norton Air Force Base allegedly called “Flux Liners.” He also claims Lockheed Martin at one time possessed a flying triangle shaped like a dart that flew with the blunt end forward, found in a crash retrieval operation in East Germany in 1989.
* [https://youtu.be/4DrcG7VGgQU?t=4408](https://youtu.be/4DrcG7VGgQU?t=4408)
* [https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=98572&page=1](https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=98572&page=1)
* [https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n231/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/SecretSpaceProgrammeAndrewJohnson/page/n231/mode/1up)
>**_Note_**: Thomas Townsend Brown served on the initial board of governors for U.S. civilian UAP research organization NICAP with Col. Robert B. Emerson, RADM Delmer S. Fahrney, Gen. William E. Kepner and Brig. Gen. Thomas B. Catron among others. While McCandlish states the UAP he saw were based off of Brown’s research, more recent studies by mainstream scientists show no anti-gravity effects and attribute the phenomena to ionic drift. NASA has studied Brown’s claims and found no anti gravitic force. It is unclear if McCandlish, an illustrator, was simply wrong about the reverse engineered craft’s theoretical construct and they do exist, or if he is fabricating the information.
>* [http://www.cufos.org/UFOI_and_Selected_Documents/UFOI/067%20OCTOBER%201971.pdf](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI_and_Selected_Documents/UFOI/067%20OCTOBER%201971.pdf)
>* [https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pwr-antigravity/](https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pwr-antigravity/)
>* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Townsend_Brown#Legacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Townsend_Brown#Legacy)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_363
### Event 53046 (C03294B6)
**Date:** 5/12/2001
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a long, silver, shiny cylindrical object without wings was sighted at 45 degrees elevation in Cleveland, Ohio. It was moving horizontally just above the power lines. It left no vapor trail, and moved much faster than the Goodyear Blimp, which is often seen in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 119
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2782
### Event 53047 (26B6394F)
**Date:** 5/17/2001
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. a Ph.D., his wife and their three children in Ames, Iowa witnessed a huge, silent triangular craft with bright, blinking, strobing and pulsing white lights. The craft took three minutes to cross the sky. Using binoculars, they checked details on the huge, nearby object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 75, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2945
### Event 53048 (DF6A90EC)
**Date:** 5/19/2001
**Description:** At 2:17 p.m. on a Saturday, two people in Palatine, Illinois saw a metallic, cigar-shaped object that was extremely high above scattered clouds. "It flew directly over us and gleamed in the sun, as it was moving at a very high speed," reported the witness. It was an elongated oval, looking somewhat like a missile. The sighting lasted from 2-3 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 120, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2995
### Event 53049 (436E7271)
**Date:** 5/20/2001
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Jacques Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) is interviewed on Europe 1 by Marc Menant. (May 20th)
**Reference:** Vallée-Europe 1, May 20th 2001
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/2001.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3366
### Event 53050 (3DF9C6D4)
**Date:** 5/24/2001
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** IONIA, MI
**Description:** Silver cylinder/cigar-shape on rural road. Going up [to] and hides / trees as car nears. Going quickly west / 70mph over road.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_18099
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "IONIA,MI:SLVR CGR on RURAL ROAD:↑+HIDES/TREES as car nears:>>W/70mph ovr road", **LatLong:** "42.983335 -85.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:59:00 N 85:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.983335,-85.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 53051 (41957672)
**Date:** 5/24/2001
**Description:** A silver cigar shaped object landed on a rural road in Ionia, Michigan at 4:30 a.m. It ascended and hit in some trees when a car approached, then flew off at 70 mph to the west, crossing the road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 18168
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3076
### Event 53052 (06EC9DB5)
**Date:** 6/2001
**Description:** James Woodward and Thomas Mahood of California State University, and Paul March of Lockheed Martin Space Operations publish a paper on altering the mass of
small test samples of lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a piezoelectric compound. Woodward and March achieve small mass reduction with small energies and say large mass fluctuation of PZT could be achieved with only moderately increased power, but it’s beyond the scope of that study.
* [https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.2001-3907](https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/pdf/10.2514/6.2001-3907)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_364
### Event 53053 (FE7BD7FD)
**Date:** Early 6/2001
**Locations:** Afghanistan Tarnak residence; Area 51, Nevada
**Description:** A Hellfire missile is successfully launched from an MQ-1A Predator drone on a replica of [Osama bin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama%5Fbin%5FLaden) [Laden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osama%5Fbin%5FLaden)’s Afghanistan Tarnak residence in Area 51, Nevada. A missile launched from a Predator explodes inside one of the replica’s rooms; it is concluded that any people in the room would have been killed. However, the armed Predator does not go into action before the September 11 attacks.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[General Atomics MQ-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General%5FAtomics%5FMQ-1%5FPredator) [Predator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General%5FAtomics%5FMQ-1%5FPredator)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7368
### Event 53054 (D1926D0E)
**Date:** 6/2/2001
**Description:** At 6 p.m. a flat, black V-shaped object, with no lights or sound, was suspended in the sky over Wayne, New Jersey. It slowly rotated in place.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, webpage posted August 5, 2001
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3238
### Event 53055 (AC43F714)
**Date:** 6/6/2001
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** ALVIN, TX
**Description:** 3 teens. Whistle and humming. "Submarine" passes. Shoots up. 3 lights strobe / top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FILER's FILES: George A. Filer: MUFON Eastern Dir.
He parked his vehicle and approached the two strange figures on foot. One of the men walked away and entered the pear-shaped craft, while the other remained behind. Knowing that these men were "not from this Earth", he still asked the remaining humanoid if he needed any assistance. He felt when he approached the strange pair he had entered some kind of a trance, and he seemed to be floating over the road. The being replied and appeared to be genuinely pleased with his offer of assistance, but said that everything was in order. He said that the area was very beautiful and also added, "Humans don't know what they have. Where we come from we don't have such beautiful scenes; they disappeared a long time ago."
The astounded witness next managed to ask the being where he came from. He was told that they hailed from another dimension, a concept that humans have not yet assimilated. The humanoid smiled when he answered the question. The being then bid goodbye and walked towards the nearby shiny pear-shaped object; he then disappeared inside of it. Then the craft emitted a loud whisting sound and disappeared at very high speed towards some nearby cliffs. The witness described the humanoids as about 2.5 meters in height, with wide chests and heavy set, thin legs, generally human features, but with somewhat "refined" or sharpened features. Their suits were very tight fitting, and made of an apparent synthetic material resembling plastic. They eyes were very light, almost white, and their speed was hesitant and accented. Also, their movements seemed kind of clumsy.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database Reports, citing J. M. Garcia and Francisco Padron, Spain
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1687
### Event 53191 (549B0E62)
**Date:** 3/27/2002
**Time:** 08:00?
**Location:** ALLEN, TX
**Description:** Email report. 3M silver hubcap going south stops field / 5M altitude. Lights / rim. Going quickly west extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_18116
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "221", **HatchDesc:** "ALLEN,TX:email rpt:3M SLVR HUBCAP >S STOPS FLD/5M alt:LITES/RIM:>>W XFAST:", **LatLong:** "33.105557 -96.672227", **LatLongDMS:** "33:06:20 N 96:40:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.105557,-96.672227)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 53192 (221386C1)
**Date:** 3/27/2002
**Description:** In Allen, Texas at 8:00 a.m. a three meter wide silver, hubcap-shaped disc flew low and stopped over a field at only five meters altitude. It had lights around its rim. It shot off to the west at an extremely fast speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 17854
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1703
### Event 53193 (D0CAFB23)
**Date:** 4/2002
**Location:** Ringsted, Denmark
**Description:** Skandinavisk UFO Information begins publishing UFO-Mail in Ringsted, Denmark.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [UFO-Mail](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Denmark/UFO%20Mail%20%28SUFOI%29/UFO%20Mail%20-%20No%20001%20-%202002.pdf), no. 1 \(April 2, 2002\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7389
### Event 53194 (62ACF295)
**Date:** 4/7/2002
**Description:** A triangular formation of white lights was seen by a police woman at 3:16 a.m. in Hellifield, near Skipton, England. The lights travelled slowly through the sky in perfect unison, and then made a banking maneuver before disappearing from view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (UK), July 2003, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1891
### Event 53195 (42874009)
**Date:** 4/17/2002
**Description:** A yellow-orange ball made bizarre sharp turns while flying from southwest to northeast near the end of the Brisbane, Queensland, Australia airport runway at 9:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sheryl Gottschall, UFO Research Queensland
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2098
### Event 53196 (6956190D)
**Date:** 4/17/2002
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. a black oval or football-shaped object rocked from side to side as it flew behind a cloud in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2002 Canadian UFO Survey Report, case # 144, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2099
### Event 53197 (7DB3A7DB)
**Date:** 4/25/2002
**Description:** CMDR Will Miller writes to Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff and offers them his contractual services into research of UAP crash retrievals and entities within the government and outside of government that are “involved in that business.” Miller states he could do this without touching information that is classified. Miller also states he has particulars on a special team involved in (as a secondary mission) recovered crashed craft including the F-117; Miller states he knew the team, its successor, the parent sponsoring entity and two key officers who could provide information on UAP crash retrievals.
He also states he knows the name and last location of a senior officer who had first hand knowledge of USG alien reproduction vehicles (ARVs) at Area 51 and associated locations, and that he knew the name and current location of a retired senior flag-rank officer who was directly involved in government interaction with a significant UFO event on the east coast of the US. Miller finally states he has a list of civilian government contractors who most likely have involvement and knowledge of USG work in “alien-derived technologies, crashes, landing and associated events.”
* [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6185702-Eric-Davis-meeting-with-Adm-Wilson](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6185702-Eric-Davis-meeting-with-Adm-Wilson)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_372
### Event 53198 (BB82B3A0)
**Date:** 4/30/2002
**Description:** A silent boomerang-shaped object with no lights was sighted at 9:45 p.m. in Kelowna, British Columbia. It looked like a hang glider in the night sky, considerably after sunset.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, UFO Research Manitoba, 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, case 154, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2434
### Event 53199 (B210E127)
**Date:** 5/2002
**Description:** Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden writes that he knows of several researchers working on related technology at the time: Jeff Cameron of Transdimensional Technologies (see March 2004), Hal Puthoff of EarthTech (Summer 1985), Jean-Louis Naudin of JLN Labs, James Woodward of Cal State University, Alfonso Rueda of Cal State University, Bernard Haisch of Lockheed Martin, Jonathan Campbell of NASA, Ning Li of AC Gravity (1 August 1997), Eugene Podkletnov, Hector Serrano, John Rusek, Kulikov, Corum, James Cox, Black and others.
* [https://svpwiki.com/Free-Energy](https://svpwiki.com/Free-Energy)
* [http://jnaudin.free.fr/lifters/main.htm](http://jnaudin.free.fr/lifters/main.htm)
>**_Note_**: There are only so many anti gravity experts in the United States. Were any of them working on UAP-related projects using their public research as cover? Cameron referenced
>UFOs in a press release in 2004. Haisch has reference them before. Puthoff participated in the Pentagon’s **AATIP** program studying UAP and advised the ATP Group at BDM Intl. on UAP from the perspective of the CIA’s remote viewing program. Did any of these scientists listed above hold unexpected clearances during the last three decades when they would have worked on antigravity programs?
>**_Note_**: Journalist Ross Coulthart publicly states (see May/June 2022) Huntsville, Alabama is a location where ongoing deep black antigravity work is being done. Unknown if it is a legal effort or done using a control/funding mechanism outside of government oversight. Several of those researchers listed above have worked in Huntsville (Campbell, Li, Cameron).
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_373
### Event 53200 (0136DFB3)
**Date:** 5/3/2002
**Description:** In Alvear, La Pampa Province, Argentina several young men were walking home at midnight along a deserted road when out of nowhere a female figure with long black hair appeared in front of them, wearing a light flowing gown. The strange figure was very pale and appeared elderly. It repeatedly asked for assistance from the men in an urgent tone. Terrified, the men ran from the area and later returned with other witnesses, but could find no trace of the strange apparition.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2002 Humanoid Contact Database, citing Fabio Picasso
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2490
### Event 53201 (269E4C19)
**Date:** 5/4/2002
**Description:** At 3:45 p.m., two separate witnesses in towns nearby to Farmingdale, New York observed an egg-shaped UFO move at low speed and altitude in a clear blue sky. The object seemed "transparent rather than solid, more like a ring" and it left a white contrail-like wake much like a boat in the water would do.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), August 2002, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2526
### Event 53202 (6CC6C36C)
**Date:** 5/5/2002
**Description:** A disc-shaped object hovered at a low altitude near the town of Bingham, Nottinghamshire, England at three o'clock in the morning. It had erratic flashing multi-colored lights. It spun, and rocked slowly back-and-forth. Two small white lights moved outward from it, and remained separate for almost an hour. The UFO departed toward the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), August 2002, p. 19, citing Filer's Files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2569
### Event 53203 (82A0B5F6)
**Date:** 5/5/2002
**Description:** Smithtown, Suffolk County, New York - At 3:15 p.m. two independent witnesses in nearby towns observed an ovoid UFO moving at a slow speed and low altitude in the clear blue sky. It flew from west to east. It seemed more "transparent rather than solid, more like a ring." and it left behind a white contrail or wake like "a boat in water."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), August 2002, p. 19, citing Filer's Files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2570
### Event 53204 (C8A9D896)
**Date:** 5/6/2002
**Description:** A saucer that glowed like the moon and was the apparent size of the moon cruised over the town of Kirkwood, St. Louis County, Missouri at about 25 miles per hour from East to West.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2002 webpage, report uploaded May 14, 2002
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2607
### Event 53205 (6F17CCAF)
**Date:** 5/6/2002
**Description:** Jacques Vallée writes that UFO research has almost certainly been privatized in the US outside of government circles. He asks an anonymous colleague at the NIDS offices on South Polaris in Las Vegas where the effort was thought to exist. “Lockheed?” he asks, to which the colleague responds: “No, I rather suspect the Carlisle Group.”
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_374
### Event 53206 (DBD0FDED)
**Date:** 5/11/2002
**Description:** Col. John Alexander tells Jacques Vallée he believes the Holloman UAP landing was a false cover story for a malfunctioning A-12 prototype.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_375
### Event 53207 (3B30A545)
**Date:** 5/12/2002
**Description:** A security guard atop a parking garage in Orlando, Florida saw three dark triangular craft approach in formation from the north. The UFOs began to move in lazy turns, banking and doubling back. Each craft had six white lights on the front and a blunt rear section.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), August 2002, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2783
### Event 53208 (5455AB28)
**Date:** 5/12/2002
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a large, soundless, glowing orange dumbbell shaped thing, that looked like two halves hooked together with a metallic cylinder, was observed in Clarkston, rural Asotin County, Washington.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2002 webpage, report uploaded April 27, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2784
### Event 53209 (B3C1E2C0)
**Date:** 6/1/2002
**Description:** At 3:00 p.m. four brown, connected spheres with several spikes poking out of them were sighted traveling at 300 feet altitude over Brighton, Michigan on a steady course, and completely silent. The sighting was reported to have lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3213
### Event 53210 (78988EBC)
**Date:** 6/4/2002
**Description:** At 1:03 a.m. on this night in 2002, lights were seen moving toward the east in a zigzagging flight path in Montreal, Quebec.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Research Manitoba website, 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, case #201
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3287
### Event 53211 (639EE5F0)
**Date:** 6/5/2002
**Description:** On this afternoon at least 45 students said they saw a UFO land in the field behind Fatma Primary School in the Santral district of Antalya, Turkey. Several students, including Murat Esici, 11, saw an "alien being" emerge from the landed craft, emitting red rays from its eyes. It had a very big head, was about 1.80 meters tall, and had hands and feet that looked metallic. Miss Esici temporarily lost her voice immediately after the sighting. Students Zeynep Cpnar and Nalan Donmez also claimed they saw an unusual craft with the alien beside it. "His eyes and hands were red and a red light was emitting from his eyes." The children were overcome with shock after the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2002, citing Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center International
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3315
### Event 53212 (F683C64E)
**Date:** 6/7/2002
**Description:** Another daylight disc sighting occurred at 11:45 a.m. in Chatsworth, Los Angeles County, California. It was a large, round domed disc that was seen briefly. It was also described as very shiny with little black jets, and had a small dome on top. The object was rotating at the time, and made no sound at all.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 2002 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3364
### Event 53213 (121DB764)
**Date:** 6/8/2002
**Description:** Dr. Joyce Pugh, a MUFON consultant, reported that on Saturday, June 8, 2002 at about 10:30 p.m. she and her husband were driving on Highway 319 toward Ocilla, Georgia when they sighted unusual lights low in the overcast sky above the trees off to the left near Tifton, Georgia. They were shaped like an elongated triangle with a white light in each corner, and a red light in the bottom center. The lights appeared to be on one object, which slowly moved across the road. They turned off the highway to pursue it. They later sighted two more craft with indistinct lights. They could hear the sound of roaring jet engines apparently coming from the lights/craft, as they seemed to fly along slowly. They went back to the area where they observed the first object and once again observed hovering lights. The lights crossed the road again and then disappeared as Dr. Pugh continued to negotiate traffic.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 87-88, citing John Bodin & Tom Sheets
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3381
### Event 53214 (20F5CC53)
**Date:** 6/9/2002
**Description:** The National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, Washington had two reports listed of a UFO landing with short humanoids near Polanuruwa, Sri Lanka on this evening. Two witnesses went to bathe in the nearby river when a UFO appeared overhead making a thundering sound. When it landed two two-foot tall humanoids came out of the craft. Reportedly, "very soon it disappeared."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2002 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3400
### Event 53215 (E96921E2)
**Date:** 6/20/2002
**Description:** Another missing time experience was reported in Landover, Maryland to the National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, June 2002 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3564
### Event 53216 (4F05FF44)
**Date:** Summer 2002
**Locations:** Mosinee, Wisconsin; Wisconsin River
**Description:** Two men see an object over Mosinee, Wisconsin, that shines a straight, 5-foot-wide beam of light on the Wisconsin River like a searchlight. The beam does not change shape as the object goes higher above the water.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Carl W. Feindt, “Beam of Light into a Body of Water,” IUR 33, no. 3 \(December 2010\): 23.
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7390
### Event 53217 (1CADFB6D)
**Date:** 6/24/2002
**Description:** A luminous white saucer-shaped object zigzagged around the Moon for several minutes in Deerfield Beach, Florida at 11:10 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, June 2002 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3646
### Event 53218 (EE114B4A)
**Date:** 6/29/2002
**Description:** Commandant Jean Kisling tells Jacques Vallée that in the early 1950s he met “an older man with a long beard” on a private flight from New York to Paris. The man told Kisling he was with several colleagues to travel to Eastern European countries including the USSR to discuss UFOs. The man then allegedly told Kisling he was from a “secret Pentagon office” that had recovered “out of this world” material from a crash near the Mexican border close to El Paso. No other details were given.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_376
### Event 53219 (FB78B0B3)
**Date:** 7/6/2002
**Description:** A dark domed craft a with ramp hovered silently over a Canadian army base near Edmonton, Alberta at 1:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, case 252
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3894
### Event 53220 (F3536DC7)
**Date:** 7/6/2002
**Description:** At 11:45 pm. several lights "put on a show" over a mountain in Middleton, Nova Scotia. Animal reaction: scared dog.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, case 251
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3895
### Event 53221 (FC6AB8C8)
**Date:** 7/7/2002
**Description:** A disc-shaped UFO appeared on a digital photo of some scenery taken at 11:45 a.m. on Cabin Lake Road, northeast of Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. The photo is evaluated as not a hoax.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jasek Martin, UFOBC; Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2002, case # 352, citing UFOBC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3920
### Event 53222 (D2EDAAE5)
**Date:** 7/9/2002
**Description:** At 12:15 a.m. a strange noise coming from a hovering, triangular light bothered the dogs in the neighborhood in Brookhaven, Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, July 2002 web page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3972
### Event 53223 (C22B6E5F)
**Date:** 7/12/2002
**Description:** A scout troop with their scoutmaster saw 26 orange objects fly from south to north slowly, in single file, over Browns Plains, Queensland shortly after 10 p.m. The objects were described as balloon shaped, and glowed orange. There was no sound, and there were no navigation lights on the objects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sheryl Gottschall Sheryl, UFO Research Queensland website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4022
### Event 53224 (91DFECDD)
**Date:** 7/13/2002
**Description:** Three lights maneuvered, pulsed, and then faded out on a clear night in Paramus, New Jersey at 11:10 p.m. Two of the objects moved slowly toward the northeast at a high altitude. The third object appeared in the northeast sky and flew between the first two, then changed direction and flew toward the north. All objects pulsed brightly and then faded.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (US), October 2002, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4042
### Event 53225 (F3E7A212)
**Date:** 7/17/2002
**Description:** A bright pulsating ovoid object flew over the river in Perm, Russia at 12:30 a.m. and became obscured by low clouds. Two searchlight beams descended from the sky and scanned the river and nearby homes. After two minutes the beams vanished and the object zoomed away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), October 2002, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4152
### Event 53226 (81946730)
**Date:** 7/21/2002
**Description:** Argentine Policeman Guillermo Arias was on patrol in Chaj'n, Cordoba Province, Argentina at 11:00 p.m. when a radio call alerted him that police in neighboring Achiras had sighted lights heading toward them. As he was driving his police patrol van he spotted a formation of seven lights, and followed them for 10 kilometers down a rural dirt road when his vehicle's engine died, his dashboard lights and interior lights began turning on and off, and his radio went haywire with the dial displaying random frequencies. The van also filled with an acrid odor like burnt wiring. Badly frightened, Arias ran from his van and in the process lost his mobile phone. At this point an immense light rose from an adjacent field, coming from a large, 200 meter long, triangular object. He described it as looking like a "floating city" with a long row of about 100 windows.
Sr. Arias then saw something moving behind him, which he described as "non-human" in appearance. Numerous beams of light came out of the giant triangle craft, directed at the ground for several seconds. The object suddenly rose and sped away, illuminating the area like daylight. Recovering from his fear, Arias returned to the van and notified his fellow officers of his experience. He was told that reinforcements were being sent out to meet him. Patrolman Barrios from Achiras talked to him over the radio, trying to keep him calm, while Sgt. Medina was the first backup officer to arrive on the scene. He was joined by Sgt. Cordoba, among other officers, who reached the rural location to lend their assistance to their comrade in distress.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George Filer & David E. Twitchell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, pp. 107-108, citing translation by Scott Corales from Circulo Ovnilogico Riocuartense
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4285
### Event 53227 (85CF21F9)
**Date:** 7/26/2002
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A local radio station in Washington receives [several calls from witnesses](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://wtop.com/news/newsdetail.cfm?newsid=584517) of unusual activity in the sky of Maryland. Residents near the [Andrews AFB](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/AndrewsAFB.html) are woken up in the morning by unusual activity. Many witnesses saw a spherical UFO shining blue or orange being chased by two fighter jets not far from the Washington Capitol. These two [F-16](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/F16.html) are part of the 113th squadron of the [Andrews AFB](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/AndrewsAFB.html) armed with air-to-air missiles. According to witnesses, the UFO was silent, without smoke or flashing lights. The army states that the two [F-16](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/F16.html) saw nothing. This event occurs exactly 50 years after [a wave of UFOs flew over the Washington Capitol](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1952-07.html), with radar recording and pursuit by fighter jets (Friday, July 26)
**Reference:** [Washington Post, July 26, 2002](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A8131-2002Jul26.html)\] \[[AFP \< Yahoo, July 27, 2002](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://fr.news.yahoo.com/020727/202/2owyi.html)\].
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/2002.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3371
### Event 53228 (D2698E75)
**Date:** 7/26/2002
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Jets chase. Night light / saucer maneuvers. Bright and dim / 1.5sec cycle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_18117
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "SE/ANDREWS AFB,MD:NMRS OBS:JETS CHASE:NLT/SCR MNVRS:BRIGHT+DIM/1.5sec cycle", **LatLong:** "38.783335 -76.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:47:00 N 76:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.783335,-76.866670)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 53229 (E2318ECC)
**Date:** 7/26/2002
**Location:** Brandywine, MD
**Description:** Famous jet scramble case, but two dogs did not react (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [020726](http://www.nicap.org/ar-020726dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5889
### Event 53230 (2D806633)
**Date:** 7/26/2002
**Location:** Waldorf, MD
**Description:** UFO Sighting Over Waldorf, MD, radar, scramble mission (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [020726](http://www.fufor.com/news.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5890
### Event 53231 (1AA1CB63)
**Date:** 7/26/2002
**Locations:** Andrews AFB, Maryland; Washington, D.C.; Brandywine, Maryland; Waldorf, Maryland
**Description:** 1:00–1:55 a.m. Near Andrews AFB, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C., independent witnesses 8 miles apart become aware of unusual and persistent aircraft activity. In both locations, witnesses see odd lights or objects pursued by one military jet. Two pairs of fighters take off from Andrews at 1:00 a.m., remain airborne for 50 minutes, fly at low altitude using afterburners over residential areas, and pursue an unidentifiable light on three occasions. Gary Dillman, working late shift at a sand-and-gravel operation in Brandywine, Maryland, sees the first two fighters at 1:00 a.m., then at 1:30 a.m. and 1:40 a.m. he sees a glowing, round, hard-edged orange object that one of the fighters is chasing. The pursuit takes place between broken clouds at about 4,000 feet and a light overcast at about 6,000 feet; the unknown object and fighter are about 1–2 miles away. In Waldorf, Maryland, around 1:35 a.m. Renny Rogers feels the walls of his home rattling from a low-flying aircraft and goes out to see a single jet fighter. At 1:40 a.m., he sees a bright, pale-bluish light in the north-northeast moving at a high rate of speed. He calls a neighbor to come watch the display. Soon a fighter comes over his house in obvious pursuit of the light and about 1,000–2,000 feet behind it. The four fighters return to base around 1:50 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kenny Young, “[UFO Violates D.C. Airspace,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2002/09/September%202002.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 413 \(September 2002\): 11; Joan Woodward, “The Washington, D.C., Jet Chase of July 26, 2002,” IUR 27, no. 4 \(Winter 2002–2003\): 3–7, 22–25; Good Need, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/394/mode/2up) [394–396](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/394/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7391
### Event 53232 (A69FDF25)
**Date:** 7/28/2002
**Description:** Three girls in Tahmoor, Queensland, Australia had decided to visit their rooftop as they had done the prior evening to watch for satellites. It was around 5:30 p.m. and dusk and the girls had a good vantage point looking towards the east. They had a pair of binoculars and a pair of walkie-talkies with them. The girls first noticed that a large orange light appeared approximately 15 degrees above the eastern horizon. The light had fluctuating colors of orange, yellow, white and pale blue. At fist they thought it was an arriving airplane, but then a second light appeared approximately 50 degrees south of the first anomaly, and about 10 degrees above the horizon. This much smaller anomaly began to perform some unusual maneuvers. From a stationary position it accelerated within a second to 5 degrees closer to the ground. The first light then began to move slowly north. They lost sight of it as it moved behind a tree. Then a third anomaly appeared in a valley. This third object appeared to have landed on the ground. The object was viewed through the binoculars and was described as a gray saucer with interchanging colors of green, red/orange, blue/purple and white rotating around the rim.
They were suddenly distracted by someone on their walkie-talkie saying, "Identify yourself." This was followed by some unusual voices communicating in an unknown language. Around 6:30 p.m. the girls were called down to have dinner, but at 8:30 p.m. they had gone back up on the roof after dinner. To their surprise, the third ground-based object was still there. Unexpectedly, a yellow beam of light ascended a few meters above the object and suddenly deviated its course towards the three girls. "It was like an orange, yellowy bright light shining on us from far away." The light shone on them for a period of about half a minute. At this point, it was not clear how it happened, but one of the girls ended up on the ground. She became extremely hysterical and ran inside. The other two girls quickly followed her. That evening all three girls had stomach pains. One of them could not sleep and did not go to school the next day. Another one of the girls woke up the next morning with a nose bleed, and she mentioned that she had seen a strange small human like figure in her bedroom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2002, citing The Australian UFO Research Network
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4466
### Event 53233 (1238DBCB)
**Date:** 7/28/2002
**Description:** At 3:10 a.m. in a wooded area of Sedona, Arizona the witness saw what appeared to be a figure glowing all white, with black "straight" eyes, and with a black diagonal/diamond strip of "clothing" on top of its head. The man stood staring at the figure for 20 seconds and then left the area. Prior to seeing the figure, he had seen lights in a large oval shaped pattern in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4467
### Event 53234 (8F991E35)
**Date:** 7/29/2002
**Description:** BBC News publishes a story that claims researchers at Boeing are using the work of Russian scientist Eugene Podkletnov (see 4 February 2020) to create an antigravity device. BBC reports the project is run in “top secret” by Boeing Phantom Works, and states documents they obtained show it occurs in a **Project GRASP** (Gravity Research Applied to Space Propulsion).
Boeing denies it is funding the project with company money, and then states it cannot comment on GRASP or “black projects.”
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2157975.stm](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2157975.stm)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20081105234854/https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/research/1282281.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20081105234854/https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/research/1282281.html) (rg - was a dead archive.ph link, replaced with archive.org)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_377
### Event 53235 (124B7C1B)
**Date:** 7/29/2002
**Description:** Jane’s Defense Weekly reports Boeing **Project GRASP** documents it obtains state “if gravity modification is real, it will alter the entire aerospace business.” GRASP’s objective is to explore anti-gravity and evaluate Eugene Podkletnov’s experiments. Boeing
states this technology could impact space launch systems, artificial gravity on spacecraft, aircraft propulsion and fuelless electricity generation.
GRASP documents also state the work could be engineered into a radical weapon; high-power experiments using an “impulse gravity generator” can produce a beam of “gravity-like” energy that can exert instantaneous force of 1,000g on any object, enough to vaporize it. Boeing GRASP documents state its examination of Podkletnov’s work show a gravity beam laboratory in Russia can already repel objects up to 200 kilometers away, something that could be used as a ballistic missile shield or anti-satellite weapon.
Boeing attempted to work with Podkletnov directly but were not allowed to due to Russian technology transfer controls. BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin also contacted Podkletnov but he stated he would only work in the “white world” as he is anti-military. Boeing documents seen by Jane’s Defense Weekly admit “classified activities in gravity modification may exist.”
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20020802222642/http://www.janes.com/aerospace/civil/news/jdw/jdw020729_1_n.shtml](https://web.archive.org/web/20020802222642/http://www.janes.com/aerospace/civil/news/jdw/jdw020729_1_n.shtml)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_378
### Event 53236 (A588A516)
**Date:** 7/30/2002
**Description:** At 12:04 a.m. a cylindrical craft with faint lights on both ends zigzagged through the sky over York, Pennsylvania, speeding off and disappearing in about one minute. Beginning at 12:20 a.m. an unexplained triangular object was seen darting around and pinwheeling about in the night sky for two hours over Marstons Mills, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4515
### Event 53237 (4B415A85)
**Date:** 8/2002
**Description:** The Roper market research firm conducts a telephone poll, sponsored by the Sci-Fi channel, to ask a national sample of adult Americans a series of questions about UFOs and abductions. The results indicate that two-thirds think there are other forms of intelligent life in the universe, 56% think that UFOs are something real, 48% think that UFOs have visited Earth in some form, 11.6% have seen a UFO at close quarters, 72% think the US government is not telling everything it knows about UFOs, and 21% think that humans have been abducted by other life forms.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “Attitudes toward ETI, UFOs, and Abductions,” IUR 27, no. 4 \(Winter 2002– 2003\): 10–14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7392
### Event 53238 (DDFEBD7C)
**Date:** 8/2002
**Location:** Szczuczyn, Poland
**Description:** Day. Three witnesses in Szczuczyn, Poland, watch a V-shaped object with brilliant white lights at each of its corners moving slowly from west to east with its flat point forward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 99
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7393
### Event 53239 (6FE02FD2)
**Date:** 8/5/2002
**End date:** 8/18/2002
**Location:** Hessdalen, Norway
**Description:** A third team of Italian researchers, code named EMBLA and led by [Massimo Teodorani](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massimo%5FTeodorani) and Gloria Nobili, visits Hessdalen, Norway, and collects evidence pointing to an unknown atmospheric light phenomenon “able to produce a luminous power of up to 100 kW.” However, a 2003 analysis by Matteo Leone demonstrates that the lights reported by the EMBLA team are consistent with automobile headlights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Massimo Teodorani, “[A](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/18/jse%5F18%5F2%5Fteodorani.pdf) [Long-Term Scientific Survey of the Hessdalen Phenomenon,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/18/jse%5F18%5F2%5Fteodorani.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 18, no. 2 \(2004\): 217–251; Matteo Leone, “[A Rebuttal of the EMBLA 2002 Report on the Optical Survey in Hessdalen,](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/A-rebuttal-of-the-EMBLA-2002-report-on-the-optical-Leone/37173f5ea4ebc1950d967c2972b6008d2d7de73c?p2df)” 2003
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7394
### Event 53240 (5D19C13A)
**Date:** 8/5/2002
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a triangular shaped object, large and with exterior lights, was sighted near the water in West Vancouver, British Columbia. It rose vertically. Starting at around 11:15 p.m., many triangle crafts, with lights, were seen flying at tree top level and hovering between Martinsville and Mooresville, Indiana for 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2002 web archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4710
### Event 53241 (FC2AC341)
**Date:** 8/6/2002
**Description:** A circular or disc-shaped craft was seen on Montour Ridge, Northumberland, Pennsylvania at 5:30 in the morning by a farmer and also three fisherman on the Susquehanna River. It was above the powerlines on top of the mountain; it was round and very still over the lines. Suddenly, it shot away and was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2002 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4748
### Event 53242 (1CA011A6)
**Date:** 8/11/2002
**Description:** A mother and daughter in Manalapan, New Jersey saw a shiny spot in the clear sky at 6:00 p.m. that was either silver or white in color. Suddenly more spots appeared in a formation; they had an aura or halo, like a little cloud. Crop circles had been found only a few miles west in Coltsneck.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4920
### Event 53243 (350B8801)
**Date:** 8/11/2002
**Description:** At 10:55 p.m. a zig-zagging object with red, green and blue lights was seen moving around a farm near a power plant for two minutes in Two Creeks, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2002
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4921
### Event 53244 (570A9D71)
**Date:** 8/12/2002
**Location:** Jackson-Covington, GA
**Description:** Dog frightened during sighting of nocturnal lights (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [020812](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-020812.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5891
### Event 53245 (4B104A2D)
**Date:** 8/13/2002
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** COW BAY, NS
**Description:** Huge black delta/triangle/box-like craft blocks stars. Going northwest flat edge first. 15Kph. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_18118
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "COW BAY,NS:HUGE BLK DLT BLOCKS STARS:>NW FLAT EDGE FIRST:15Kph:ABS SLNT", **LatLong:** "44.616669 -63.550003", **LatLongDMS:** "44:37:00 N 63:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.616669,-63.550003)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 53246 (DC060AFA)
**Date:** 8/13/2002
**Location:** Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, CAN
**Description:** Dog retreated into house when black triangle appeared (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [020813](http://www.nicap.org/6704XXdevondir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5892
### Event 53247 (5BA59D0C)
**Date:** 8/13/2002
**Location:** Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, CAN
**Description:** Huge Cone-Shaped UFO Tracked on Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [020813](http://www.nicap.org/6704XXdevondir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5893
### Event 53248 (86366153)
**Date:** 8/13/2002
**Locations:** Cow Bay, Nova Scotia; Ursa Major; Moncton Center, New Brunswick
**Description:** 2:15 a.m. A woman watching the Perseid meteor show in Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, sees a large meteor with a long tail appear out of Ursa Major and arch over her head to the southeast. Suddenly it disappears as if it has passed behind something. She also sees a straight, black line advancing trough the sky, then a “perfect black triangle of gargantuan proportions” crossing directly over the clearing around her house. It is pitch black and enormous, moving only about 10 mph and taking 5 minutes to disappear over the trees to the northwest. Ufologist [Don Ledger](https://www.facebook.com/don.ledger) investigates and finds that radar at Moncton Center in New Brunswick had picked up an unidentified target at that time and place.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Don Ledger, “The Flying Triangle Phenomenon,” IUR 27, no. 3 \(Fall 2002\): 3–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7395
### Event 53249 (7190D9E3)
**Date:** 8/13/2002
**Description:** At one a.m. two silvery luminous objects flew silently over a RV park in Waterville, Nova Scotia, Canada. At 2:15 a.m. at Cow Bay, Nova Scotia, Canada a huge triangular-shaped object blocked out stars as it flew very slowly at 15 km/hour towards the northwest. Its flat side was forward as it flew, and it was absolutely silent. Electrical disturbances were also reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman Geoff, 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, cases # 344 & 345, citing Don Ledger
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4993
### Event 53250 (3D97D4CB)
**Date:** 8/24/2002
**Description:** A very bright white disc-shaped object traversed the sky in The Colony, Texas at four o'clock in the afternoon, about 500-700 feet up, heading toward the North at a fairly fast pace. It was viewed through binoculars by a counseling psychologist and his daughter. It seemed to rotate, and changed from a disk to another shape. It was maneuvering in the sky, and no sound was detected. It was descending to the ground at a 25-degree angle. The winds were out of the south at 5-10 mph on a sunny day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer and David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5307
### Event 53251 (42961C39)
**Date:** 8/25/2002
**Description:** Peter O'Hanlon sighted four orange glowing triangular objects flying in formation over the outskirts of Waterford, Ireland at 10:05 p.m. The two in the rear moved about erratically, and all four followed a curved trajectory across the sky until out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. 137
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5345
### Event 53252 (BE41254F)
**Date:** 8/30/2002
**Description:** At 9:05 p.m. a triangle-shaped aircraft with white lights was sighted hovering low in a field off Route 1 South in Dover, Delaware.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5510
### Event 53253 (575137CF)
**Date:** 8/31/2002
**Description:** A couple, Sergey and Natasha, saw a light appear in window of their kitchen in Kearny, New Jersey at 11:30 p.m. The light came from a brightly lit, disc-shaped object that was flying in the sky. It came out from behind a tree and crossed the part of the sky visible from their window. It was estimated to be larger than apassenger jet, moving west or norhwest and was moving fast. They observed it for 10-15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 21, citing Patrick Huyghe
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5545
### Event 53254 (599D69F6)
**Date:** 9/1/2002
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states a “Brian and Tina in Arizona” tell him at a meeting at NARCAP head Dick Haines’ house that they saw a large collection of UFO and USO files at Norton AFB in March 1985. They claim many reports were from the Navy and showed objects coming out of the ocean. They were told they would be taken to see “something” in a hangar at Edwards AFB but it never materialized.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_379
### Event 53255 (27E49F37)
**Date:** 9/5/2002
**Description:** In Fallon, Nevada a witness reported sighting a dark, very large craft at 11:13 p.m. that he thought at first was a B-52. It was a huge flying triangle with no running lights, but it did have some 7 to 9 dimly lit nodes. It flew at 20 mph making no noise. It was astonishingly close and so large! Total event time was 8 seconds. The witness had a clear view of the side and bottom of the ship, but could not make out the leading edge or rear of the craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 91
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5667
### Event 53256 (C55B84AB)
**Date:** 9/6/2002
**Locations:** Sampacho; Cordoba, Argentina; Cerro Sampacho
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Police in Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina, receive an alert about a mystery light. They see 7–8 objects over the Cerro Sampacho hovering silently at about 5,000 feet altitude. They have them in view for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Argentinsk politi ser åtte UFOer,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Norway/UFO-Nytt%20%28NETI%29/UFO-Nytt%20-%202002%20No%202.pdf)” UFO-nytt, 2002, no. 2, p. 21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7396
### Event 53257 (A039B661)
**Date:** 9/9/2002
**Locations:** Achiras; Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina; Cerro Aspero
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A family is traveling in a pickup truck northward along Provincial Highway 24 between Achiras and Sampacho, Cordoba, Argentina. In the vicinity of Cerro Aspero, they begin noticing “a very intense red light in the sky” in the southwest. The object looks like an intense red beam with an arc of light on its front section. The observation lasts for several minutes as the light approaches then heads towards hills in the south. \(“[Another UFO Spotted near Sampacho, Argentina,](https://www.ufoinfo.com/roundup/v07/rnd0739.shtml)” UFO Roundup 7, no. 39
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** September 24, 2002
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7397
### Event 53258 (A866B52D)
**Date:** 9/9/2002
**Description:** At 7:02 p.m. the U.S.Coast Guard in Boston received a report of a close encounter off of Moriches Bay, Long Island, New York by two males in a sailboat. A fishing boat skipper heard their dramatic UFO report to the USCG over the radio and relayed the report to the National UFO Reporting Center. (3 reports of this encounter were received at the Center).
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5814
### Event 53259 (109371DC)
**Date:** 9/10/2002
**Description:** An airline captain of Aer Lingus flight EIN 566, taking off from Dublin, Ireland at 2:20 p.m., reported a "paraglider" two miles north of runway 10, at an estimated altitude of 1200 feet. A "very slight radar echo" was also detected from the object. There were ground witnesses as well.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5843
### Event 53260 (BC524342)
**Date:** 9/10/2002
**Description:** At dusk a black flying triangle with three white lights in a triangle formation, and a faint steady red light in the center was sighted in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. It made a flat, 45-degree left hand turn without banking. Later that same evening, a disc-shaped UFO changing colors from purple to green to blue, then with a solid blue with red glow on the trailing edge was seen at 10:50 p.m. on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. It moved overhead to the west, then disappeared. It was fast but slower than a meteor.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, pp. 66, 44
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5844
### Event 53261 (AA7B4351)
**Date:** 9/11/2002
**Description:** At 2:00 p.m. a disc-shaped or cigar-shaped object, extremely bright and painful to the eyes even in broad daylight, was seen over Dennisport, Massachusetts. Deep red, pulsating triangles flew over Fort Walton Beach, Florida at 9:30 p.m. At 10:30 p.m. PDT a single object approached from the north-northwest in Pullman, Washington. It twinkled, and sometimes emitted red and blue and gold flashes. It made a 90 degree turn, then stopped and hovered for 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5892
### Event 53262 (1D1CC45D)
**Date:** 9/15/2002
**Description:** At 2:45 a.m. Denny Unger decided to step outside on a clear and windless night in Leduc, Alberta, Canada. He saw three points of light forming a flying triangle. "My first thought was that I was having a dizing spell, so I refocused, and the lights were there." Thirty seconds later the flying triangle of lights changed direction from north to east, and appeared to blot out stars as it passed them without making any sound. The lights on each tip were solid white, but of low intensity. He had the distinct impression that the corner lights were used to camouflage the object, and it was doing its best not to be seen. It was completely silent. He grabbed his video camera inside the house and began filming the object, but soon lost sight of it as it flew behind a neighbor's house. A triangle formation of lights was all that was captured on video.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twitchell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 109
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6000
### Event 53263 (B98C3605)
**Date:** 9/15/2002
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. a husband and wife and their two children were driving home to Mercier, Quebec from their country place near Huntington when the wife sighted what appeared to be really bright stars. After five minutes, as they got closer the two lights ahead changed position, and what she saw gave her shivers. It was a distinct flying triangular shape, with lights at all three corners, unlike any aircraft and larger than a Boeing 747. Her husband said he could "see through it". They all watched the low flying object for 10 minutes as it flew overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer &David E. Twitchell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 108; Geoff Dittman, 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, case 417, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6001
### Event 53264 (0FB3F31F)
**Date:** 9/15/2002
**Description:** At about 9:35 p.m. a witness driving a van in Poquoson, Virginia saw a bright light streaking across the sky. Stopped van, watched it travel across sky at an extremely high rate of speed. He contacted Langley Air Force Base who confirmed they had no aircraft up that night. He also contacted the local TV station but they had had no other calls.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twitchell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 21
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6002
### Event 53265 (0F7DBFF1)
**Date:** 9/16/2002
**End date:** 9/24/2002
**Locations:** University of New Mexico; Corona, New Mexico
**Description:** Scientists from the University of New Mexico initiate an archaeological dig at the debris field site near Corona, New Mexico, funded by the Sci-Fi channel. The team finds a small number of artifacts of unknown provenance and some soil deformation anomalies, but no furrow or unusual debris.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sci Fi Channel, Sci Fi Declassified: The Roswell Dig Diaries, Pocket Books, 2004; “The Roswell Dig Diaries,” IUR 28, no. 4 \(Winter 2003–2004\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7398
### Event 53266 (2B38EF60)
**Date:** 9/20/2002
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a white teardrop shaped object was seen in the sky over Genoa, Italy for 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6169
### Event 53267 (A884029D)
**Date:** 9/20/2002
**Description:** At 10:30 a.m. 100 people in Danville, Contra Costa County, California saw a neon orange glowing saucer-shaped object disappear into the hills. The sighting lasted for two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6170
### Event 53268 (8CB704A3)
**Date:** 9/24/2002
**Description:** Two males were driving in Morphett Vale, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. when they encountered an intense purple flash of light for 4-5 seconds. They pulled the car over and the driver felt ill. Two minutes later there was another flash of light, accompanied by a strange loss of surrounding noises.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, Australian UFO Research Network, case 02092
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6302
### Event 53269 (47991998)
**Date:** 9/24/2002
**Description:** At 5:30 p.m. in Dublin, Ireland four black saucer-shaped and shiny UFOs flew in a straight line formation from the southeast to the northwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6303
### Event 53270 (98A9E4B7)
**Date:** 9/25/2002
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Satellites from the [DoD](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DoD.html) are tracking an object passing through the atmosphere between 62 and 30 km in altitude, above Eastern Siberia.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/2002.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3372
### Event 53271 (45FEF9A6)
**Date:** 9/25/2002
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Vitimsky \(30 km from the big town of Mama, Eastern Siberia\), the villagers are woken up abruptly. Shards of glass, broken dishes, then a dull rumble. For a moment, many believe it to be a major earthquake. But the dazzling flash that lit up the sky erases all doubts. The event was not terrestrial but celestial. Something had fallen from the sky. Immediately, all possibilities are considered. Journalist Evguénii Pouchkarev, from the local newspaper No. 1, quotes an anonymous military man who believes it may be the fall of a missile that has deviated from its nominal trajectory. The thesis of space debris is quickly discarded: Indeed, surveillance satellites detect and track on several orbits all objects resulting from the disintegration of a space vehicle, explains Fernand Alby, from [CNES](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CNES.html). To validate the thesis of a meteorite, a fragment of meteorite must be found. The Americans, on the other hand, have determined with their satellites the point of impact and its energy, estimated at 0.2 kilotons of TNT.. (1 h 50)
**Reference:** Ciel et Espace
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/2002.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3373
### Event 53272 (8463948C)
**Date:** Late 9/2002
**Locations:** Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB]; Clark County, Nevada
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. Security Policeman Christopher Cabrera is on guard an entry control point at the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field \[now Creech AFB\] in Clark County, Nevada. He looks toward the base and sees an amber/red object hovering above it. He stares at it for about 2 minutes then suddenly a red beam shoots out from the orb and hits the side of the nearest mountain. The beam lasts about one minute and Cabrera notices what looked like molten rock dripping from the mountain. The beam abruptly ceases and the orb just disappears. A few seconds later, the molten effect on the mountain also dissipates.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert L. Hastings, “[Triangular-Shaped](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/triangular-shaped-ufo-sighted-at-the-nellis-afb-nuclear-weapons-storage-area) [UFO Sighted at the Nellis AFB Nuclear Storage Area,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/triangular-shaped-ufo-sighted-at-the-nellis-afb-nuclear-weapons-storage-area)” UFOs & Nukes, April 23, 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7399
### Event 53273 (A493CA27)
**Date:** 9/25/2002
**Description:** A close encounter in which one of the witnesses shot at the up-close, hovering UFO with his pistol occurred in the early morning hours on this day in Naxcivan, Azerbaijan. The main witness reported, "My friends own an Internet café, and I closed up late that night. It had been raining, but the rain stopped as I left the café at 3:30 a.m." It was a very dark night, and when he looked up he saw a huge disc-shaped object, 500-600 meters in diameter, hovering overhead. It was so close that it blocked the rain. He saw one man shoot his pistol at it about eight times, and the UFO started to move away, where upon it started to rain again. "The police came and arrested the man. I'm 100% sure this was a UFO."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 45
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6335
### Event 53274 (412751C0)
**Date:** 9/25/2002
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a white, V-shaped object hovered over Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. It was seen to rotate and then descend. The incident lasted three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, case 422, citing UFOBC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6336
### Event 53275 (73FA9B22)
**Date:** 9/25/2002
**Description:** A missing time incident also occurred at 8:30 p.m. local time in Grapevine, Tarrant County, Texas. The witness reported that he was driving when he was approached by blinking lights on a circular UFO. This was followed by a period of missing time, and when he recovered consciousness he and his car were not in the same location as when the CE-4 experience began.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6337
### Event 53276 (82E0C933)
**Date:** 9/26/2002
**Description:** Several orange objects were sighted in a huge V formation over Taylorville, Utah beginning at 9:15 p.m. MDT. They moved slowly and then hovered, staying in straight lines. A low humming sound was heard during the event, which lasted for about an hour. At about the same time, at 8:21 p.m. PDT, 4 or 5 rectangles connected by a thin filament were seen moving over Wheeler Springs in Ojai, California. The formation was one degree of arc in length, and the objects were seen moving slowly through the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twitchell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 91, citing NUFORC; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6368
### Event 53277 (9E2C8780)
**Date:** 9/28/2002
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** ORBASSANO, ITL
**Description:** Electro-magnetic effect (EME) and whistle. Luminous 3M disk hovers / streetlight. Beam lights watchman.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: CISU Newsflash #369/28NOV02: 28SEP02.txt on file here. Numerous Italian newspapers listed.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_18119
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ORBASSANO,ITL:EME+WHISTLE:LUMn.3M DISK HVRS/STREETLIGHT:BEAM LITES WATCHMAN:", **LatLong:** "45.016669 7.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:01:00 N 07:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.016669,7.533334)", **State/Prov:** "Piedmont", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 53278 (A5B71596)
**Date:** 10/2002
**Locations:** Area 2; Nevada Test Site; Nevada National Security Site
**Description:** A “three-foot diameter orb” quickly moves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a weapons storage area of the Nevada Test Site \[now the Nevada National Security Site\]. It eventually outpaces the security teams that attempt to pursue it in Humvees.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 513
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7400
### Event 53279 (6D70B1CD)
**Date:** 10/2002
**Description:** A three-foot orb moves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a weapons storage area for the Nevada Test Site (Nevada National Security Site) overseen by the Department of Energy (DOE)’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). Security teams on site chase it, and the UAP eventually outpaces the personnel. It is unlikely these NNSA UAP events have
ever made their way into the hands of Congress, and unknown how many of them are tracked in incident reports like described in October 1998 entry.
* [https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Nukes-Extraordinary-Encounters-Nuclear/dp/1544822197](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Nukes-Extraordinary-Encounters-Nuclear/dp/1544822197) (p513)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_381
### Event 53280 (009CE5FA)
**Date:** 10/1/2002
**Location:** US
**Description:** The US Strategic Command is restricted by Secretary of Defense [Donald Rumsfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FRumsfeld), merging with the US Space Command and assuming all duties for full-spectrum global strike, operational space support, missile defense, intelligence, and planning.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[United States Strategic Command](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United%5FStates%5FStrategic%5FCommand\#History)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7401
### Event 53281 (8EAD6FCA)
**Date:** 10/4/2002
**Location:** Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, Malaysia
**Description:** 7:06 p.m. A rotating CCTV camera at Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, Malaysia, records a video of an oblong object passing by in seconds. No unusual object is tracked by the airport radar. A security guard sees the object moving silently west to east before disappearing in the hills.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Gross, “[Radar/Visual/Camera UFO Case at Airport in Malaysia?](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/malaysiaoct2002.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7402
### Event 53282 (566337A5)
**Date:** 10/5/2002
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** AUSTIN, TX
**Description:** 1 / (seen thru) telescope. 2 disks going northeast across sun. 4 second(s) each. 30 second(s) / arc. Odd distorted halo.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: DeMARY, Tom: 5OCT2002 by telescope: on file TDDisk.txt
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_18120
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "AUSTIN,TX:1/TSCOPE:2 DISKS >NE ACRS SUN:4sec EACH:30sec/arc:ODD DISTORTED HALO", **LatLong:** "30.350001 -97.722227", **LatLongDMS:** "30:21:00 N 97:43:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.350001,-97.722227)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 53283 (52CDB44C)
**Date:** 10/10/2002
**Locations:** Southern California; Baja California, Mexico
**Description:** Day. A military pilot off the coast of Southern California or Baja California, Mexico, is looking down at the ocean at a 78° angle and sees, at a 7,238-foot visual slant range, a submerged, white, egg-shaped object about 20–50 feet below the surface. It is about 130 by 200 feet in size and appears silent and stationary.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, “[A BAASS Data Report of a 2002 Submerged Egg-Shaped Object in the SOCAL OPEAREA,](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/05/a-baass-database-report-of-2002.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Research, May 13, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7403
### Event 53284 (74C79502)
**Date:** 10/16/2002
**Location:** Paradise, Nevada
**Description:** Rear Adm. [Thomas R. Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FR.%5FWilson), who has retired as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency on July 29, has a meeting in Paradise, Nevada, with [Eric W. Davis](https://earthtech.org/pubs/davis/) of EarthTech International Inc., an astrophysicist who is a member of the National Institute for Discovery Science and an associate of [Harold E. Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff). He talks about his previous meetings with Cmdr. Will Miller, in which he admits he was denied access to an Unacknowledged Special Access Program dealing with reverse engineering an alien craft. Davis takes 15 pages of notes, which are leaked to researcher Grant Cameron and others in April 2019.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Eric W. Davis, “[Eric Davis Meeting with Adm.](https://imgur.com/a/ggIFTfQ) [Wilson](https://imgur.com/a/ggIFTfQ)” \[notes\], Imgur, April 19, 2019; Richard Dolan, “[The Wilson Leak: Latest Developments,](https://richarddolanmembers.com/articles/the-wilson-leak-latest-developments/)” Richard Dolan Member Forum, June 19, 2019; “[The Admiral Wilson Leak: Evidence of USAPs \(Unacknowledged Special](https://metallicman.com/laoban4site/the-admiral-wilson-leak-evidence-of-saps-special-access-programs-reverse-engineering/) [Access Programs\) and Reverse Engineering of Extraterrestrial Technologies,](https://metallicman.com/laoban4site/the-admiral-wilson-leak-evidence-of-saps-special-access-programs-reverse-engineering/)” Metallicman, December 23, 2019; Joe Murgia, “[The Wilson/Davis Documents: My Twenty-Three Year Journey, Part 1,](https://www.ufojoe.net/wilsondavis1)” [Part 2](https://www.ufojoe.net/wilsondavis2), UFO Joe, June 21, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7404
### Event 53285 (2791FB0B)
**Date:** 10/16/2002
**Description:** EarthTech International employee Dr. Eric Davis, author of several **AATIP** products years later, allegedly meets with VADM Thomas R. Wilson in a car outside of EG&G Special Projects in Las Vegas. Davis transcribes the interaction where he was told the following: VADM Wilson found records of a UAP reverse engineering program using technology “not of this Earth,” it was protected by a special agreement between the DOD Special Access Program Oversight Committee (SAPOC)’s Senior Review Group (SRG) and a large defense contractor he would not disclose.
Wilson states Gen. Michael Ward tells him to go to a special projects record group in OUSDAT files not belonging to usual SAP, but rather a group of special legacy holdover programs from before SAP restructuring efforts of the early 1990s. Wilson has this confirmed by OUSDAT officer Paul Kaminski, Director of SAPCO Brig. Gen. Mike Kostelnik and SecDef William J. Perry that the special records group exists and is UAP related. It is a special subset of waived carve-out SAPs obfuscated in the records by cover SAPs containing false descriptions. Wilson seemingly narrows down four UAP related SAPs and has these confirmed by Kaminski, Kostelnik and Perry, who tell him he has the correct contractor, only described as an undisclosed aerospace contractor, “one of the top ones in the US with intelligence in its portfolio.” Wilson states Perry wanted an investigation into cost overruns at the programs but was told to drop it by an undisclosed party.
Wilson next calls a program manager attached to the records group, who is joined by a security director and a corporate attorney, who are surprised when he discovered their program(s) are actually
UAP related (Wilson asks them about crashed UFOs and MJ-12). Wilson states they tell him they’re a “watch committee” of sorts, organized after an audit almost blew their cover, and a special agreement was struck between them, the auditor and SAPOC SRG to prevent disclosure in the future.
Wilson is invited to a facility, undisclosed, and meets the three individuals in a secure vault and is given a tour of the program He sees a bigot list 1990-1993 that has no Executive Branch, no staffers, no Clinton/Bush administrations, a few recognized names from OUSDAT, one from NSC and another Pentagon SES employee; most names were corporate scientists and engineers. Wilson is told it was not a weapons, intelligence or special ops program, it was a reverse engineering program from “something recovered years ago in the past,” technological hardware, an intact craft they believed could fly through space/water/air/dimensions. The PM next tells Wilson it is likely “not of this Earth, not made by human hands.” He is told the program had very slow progress and there was no collaboration.
Wilson next states he meets the SRG twice and asks for formal access to the four SAPs and is denied, and told by a leader in the SRG that if he doesn’t drop the matter, he will get early retirement and lose 1-2 stars. Wilson also states he talks to USDAT Jacques Gansler about the matter, who tells him UFOs are “real,” but alien abductions are not. Gansler also tells Wilson to drop the matter.
At the end of Davis’ and Wilson’s meeting, the contractor TRW is mentioned in relation to a Hughes Aircraft attorney Jeffrey W. Griffith and a client of his Mary Elizabeth Elliott. No additional context is given. Names not mentioned in the notes but are relevant include others involved in SAPOC or the SRG at the time: Noel Longuemare Jr., John P. White, John J. Hamre, William F. Moore, Richard “Dick” Williams and Gansler. Others involved in SAPOC who may be aware of the special agreement at the time of the SAP restructuring include John Deutch, Walter Slocombe, William A. Owens, Emmett Paige Jr., Lin Wells, John Ellis, Charles Bill Moore, Kostelnik and Kaminski.
* [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6185702-Eric-Davis-meeting-with-Adm-Wilson](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6185702-Eric-Davis-meeting-with-Adm-Wilson)
* [https://isgp-studies.com/afio-members-and-biographies-list](https://isgp-studies.com/afio-members-and-biographies-list)
* [https://youtu.be/pY1XHQBqIY8](https://youtu.be/pY1XHQBqIY8)
* https://sgp.fas.org/othergov/sapoc.html
>**_Note_**: The notes of this meeting originated from the estate of late astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who worked with Davis at the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci) and presumably received the notes at a NIDSci meeting afterwards.
>* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/pvwhsi/heres_the_deleted_video_of_eric_davis_talking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/pvwhsi/heres_the_deleted_video_of_eric_davis_talking/)
>* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/uteoob/edgar_mitchell_confirming_the_wilson_memo_is_real/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/uteoob/edgar_mitchell_confirming_the_wilson_memo_is_real/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_380
### Event 53286 (22D2F678)
**Date:** 10/18/2002
**Locations:** Alessandria, Italy; Parma; Turin
**Description:** A fall of angel hair covers a large area of Alessandria, Italy, including roofs, cars, and trees. A sample is recovered and examined by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche in Parma and shows “unequivocally” that the filaments are not organic, but similar to synthetic polymer textile fibers. They have a clear alternation of bright and dark segments. The Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione Ambientale in Turin disputes the finding and proclaims the material spider web.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brian Boldman, “Angel Hair Physical Analyses: A Review,” JUFOS 9 \(2006\): 108
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7405
### Event 53287 (273F8D65)
**Date:** 10/21/2002
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 4 scientists commissioned by the Irkutsk Institute attempt to reach the site of the September 25 explosion, unsuccessfully \(snow, river flooding\). (October 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/2002.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_3374
### Event 53288 (E5051DBE)
**Date:** 10/22/2002
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s) and more. Gold-orange saucer scouts old copper mines / low altitude. Maneuvers. Going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Brian Vike: HBCCUFO
The light gray craft had no apparent seams or rivet patterns and was estimated to be about the size of a small airliner. It was estimated to be traveling at speeds in excess of Mach 2 and was absolutely silent as it flew. However, it made a tremendous noise when it hit the water, causing a geyser of steam and water. ,It appeared to one civilian observer that whoever was in control of the craft made a deliberate effort to steer it away from the naval ships and the shoreline before it went into the harbor. One Sovremini Class Destroyer was slightly damaged by flying debris, but no injuries were reported. Radiation levels at the site were "higher than normal." Debris recovered was small, less than a meter in diameter. Most debris recovered appeared to be "skin material" of an unknown alloy, and interior bracing and piping composed of a very high grade aluminum. The Navy cordoned off the area. In spite of the high speed at which the craft and it's very low altitude there was no sonic boom heard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2003, citing UFO Casebook Forum, Russian Newspaper Sources
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2128
### Event 53386 (9EA044C6)
**Date:** 4/21/2003
**Description:** An employee of a local manufacturing plant in Concord, North Carolina had just finished his shift at 8:00 p.m. and had stepped out onto a dock behind a large stack of pallets to have a smoke. He then had the feeling of being watched, and he whirled around expecting to see a co-worker. Instead he saw a large purple light emanating from a teardrop-shaped craft with a round bottom, hovering nearby. The craft had a concave windshield, and behind the windshield he could see two glowing lights or eyes. They moved independently from one another. Terrified, the witness ran but was unable to scream, so he pointed out the object to a forklift operator. Next a beam of white light shot out of the UFO and struck the forklift. Immediately the electrical system of the vehicle shut down and the operator began screaming. The witness's next memory was of sitting in the plant manager's office. Someone was giving him oxygen and wiping his forehead with a cool cloth.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2003, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2199
### Event 53387 (020B7548)
**Date:** 4/22/2003
**Description:** At 4 p.m. Fire Chief Ezequiel Alvarez reported seeing a tall hairy humanoid, about 1.80 meters in height, in Rosario De La Frontera, Argentina. It moved very quickly and emitted loud inhuman screams. The creature apparently killed three dogs using its clawed hands. A local teacher reported finding a strange hairy cadaver on the side of the road, somewhat resembling the hairy humanoid but much smaller, and he noticed that it had testicles resembling those of a human being. He did not stop to pick up the body but drove on. Sightings of the tall hairy creature have repeatedly been made around the local dump.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2003, citing Radio 10, Buenos Aires in Planeta Listas
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2246
### Event 53388 (AA786156)
**Date:** 4/28/2003
**Description:** While driving home from work at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Marcus Warner saw a blue flashing light in his rear view mirror. He pulled to the side of the road in Pontypool, Gwent, Wales and stopped his car's engine. He was then approached by some men in black suits resembling businessmen or government agents. At this point his memory began to fail, but he recalls one of the men leading him to an open area near the local "Burtons Biscuit Factory." He then had a feeling of weightlessness and an intense feeling of calm. He remembered seeing a formation of figures, arranged into a ten pin bowling formation. He has a recurring image of a needle piercing his left eye. He has no recollection of driving the rest of the way home, but arrived there somehow. He has not, to date, undergone hypnosis in an attempt to recover the events that occurred during his amnesia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2003, citing "I was abducted.com, abduction stories"
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2401
### Event 53389 (B6E9825D)
**Date:** 5/1/2003
**Description:** A married couple driving in West Seattle, Washington sighted a silent triangular object moving across the sky at 10:00 p.m. It had a dim orange light at each apex, and the lights seemed striped rather than solid. It flew off to the northwest. When they got home they noticed that their dog was trembling, and acting very lethargic.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2003 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2451
### Event 53390 (BE08B704)
**Date:** 5/2/2003
**Description:** Three young women returning from a bonfire in the Illinois countryside and had just finished putting away equipment and chairs into a shed. As they got back into their van, at around 3:30 a.m., one of them saw a figure standing a short distance off the driveway by a house. She pointed it out to the other two. Somewhat spooked, they drove back toward town. They described the figure as man-like, wearing light colored or white clothing. They headed over to the site of the bonfire, the embers of which were still glowing. Suddenly, in the glare of their van's headlights they all saw two separate rows of creatures, with perhaps 15 standing in each row. They were about three or four feet tall and were standing only 15 feet away from them, directly in front of the van. One of the women wrote that they had "Christmas light heads" that were connected to their body, but she couldn't see how. Their arms were up in the air, but she couldn't see any hands. They appeared to be stick-like, and dark gray or brown in color. They did not move but stood perfectly still. The two girls riding as passengers began to scream for the driver to leave the area immediately. Terrified, they drove away and continued to drive around for the next two hours before they had enough courage to return to their homes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2003, citing Peter Davenport, NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2462
### Event 53391 (632F17F9)
**Date:** 5/3/2003
**Location:** North Richland Hills, TX
**Description:** Horses startled, dogs bark, as object hovers over pasture (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [030503](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-030503.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5895
### Event 53392 (615631C3)
**Date:** 5/3/2003
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. a man was sitting on his back porch in North Richland Hills, Texas looking out at the horse pasture behind his home. The pasture held several horses but he could not see them because they were at the other end of the field. He heard what sounded like the horses kicking a metal sheet and squealing loudly. He also heard dogs barking in the distance. Just as he strained to look over to the horse shed everything became completely quiet. The witness started to feel scared by the eerie silence, and as he stepped off his porch he started to hear a low whirring sound. He next saw a light beam flash on the ground in the middle of the pasture. The source was a black craft, hovering about 100 feet above the ground. It was shooting flashes of light at the ground from a pod on the right end of the craft. The craft had a multicolored mist or hot looking gas on the bottom of it, on the left side was what looked like a red rectangular window. Inside he could see movement, but at that moment he began to feel sick. The craft appeared to be about 50 feet long with a dull blue light on the top. After five minutes the whirring sound faded and the craft hovered silently for another two seconds before it zipped straight up and out of sight without a sound. He then noticed that the electrical power seemed to be off in the neighborhood.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2003 Humanoid Contact Database, citing Peter Davenport, NUFORC; Joan Woodford, www.nicap.org NSID04 cases, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2491
### Event 53393 (0D16377D)
**Date:** 5/3/2003
**Description:** Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée that a rock from Socorro, NM that allegedly had traces of metal abrasions from the landing gear of a UFO was analyzed at NASA-Goddard as early as 1964. The metal consisted of zinc and iron in an unusual ratio. Green says the samples arrived in CIA possession in 1982 and re-analyzed at Los Alamos, to which it was concluded it was an
aluminum-titanium alloy not from Earth. In 1992, Green used resources at General Motors (while serving as executive director of materials research) to study the sample. Green’s work at GM corroborated the material was titanium and aluminum.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_385
### Event 53394 (665CDE03)
**Date:** 5/4/2003
**Description:** A pulsating light "danced" across the sky at 10:15 p.m. in Holland, Pennsylvania. The sighting lasted from two to three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2003 archive webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2527
### Event 53395 (72C5DE74)
**Date:** 5/6/2003
**Description:** MITRE provides conference for several scientists to showcase their HFGW research including Robert M. Baker, Heinz Dehnen, Fernando Romero-Borja, Chincarini and Gianluca Gemme, Gary V Stephenson, Pankaj S Josh, Ning Li, Giorgio Fontana, Fang-Yu Li, Meng-Xi Tang, Dong-Ping She, Melvin A Lewis, Marc G Mills, M Portilla, Valentin N Rudenko, Paul A Murray, Nikolai N Gorkavyi, Glen A Robertson, Roger Clive Woods, Leonid P Grishchuk, George D Hathaway, H David Froning Jr, Terence W Barrett, Hal Puthoff, Michael Bison and Eric W Davis.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/06/dr-ning-li-and-her-anti-gravity.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/06/dr-ning-li-and-her-anti-gravity.html)
* [http://www.gravwave.com/pdf/HFGW%20References.pdf](http://www.gravwave.com/pdf/HFGW%20References.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_386
### Event 53396 (8BE241D6)
**Date:** 5/7/2003
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. three green colored, cigar-shaped UFOs were sighted by four young women over Northridge, California. They were moving slowly at first over, but they then separated and one flew off to the east. It was joined seconds later by the other two, and together they increased speed and went into the clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle; Preston Dennett, UFOs over California: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Golden State, p. 213, citing the MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 423
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2643
### Event 53397 (7D4BE60D)
**Date:** 5/7/2003
**Description:** Former Airman First Class Charles J Hall releases a book stating he worked at Nellis AFB between 1965 and 1967 and while there was observed by “tall whites,” entities who were taller than normal humans and presumed to be extraterrestrial in origin. Hall claims Nellis has a hangar entrance for deep space craft to the northwest of Dog Bone Lake and tunnel entrances to the northwest in Pintwater Range.
* [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_hall02.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/esp_hall02.htm)
* [https://books.google.com/books/about/Millennial_Hospitality.html?id=JSO8Hy9z-BYC&source=%20kp_book_description](https://books.google.com/books/about/Millennial_Hospitality.html?id=JSO8Hy9z-BYC&source=%20kp_book_description)
>**_Note_**: The term “tall whites” shows up in claims from Iranian officials that “tall whites” control America in 2014, and tangentially from former Israeli space official Haim Eshed who states the US, Israel and ET have a cooperation agreement and there is a shared operating facility on Mars; Eshed states the “Galactic Federation” says people are not ready to know this.
>* [https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2014/01/13/iran-says-tall-white-space-aliens-control-america/?sh=12a6b881f2cd](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2014/01/13/iran-says-tall-white-space-aliens-control-america/?sh=12a6b881f2cd)
>* [https://archive.ph/cvS5q](https://archive.ph/cvS5q) (rg - alt URL)
>* [https://www.jpost.com/omg/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-aliens-exist-humanity-not-ready-651405](https://www.jpost.com/omg/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-aliens-exist-humanity-not-ready-651405)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_387
### Event 53398 (6C06EC06)
**Date:** 5/8/2003
**Description:** A female hospital worker, driving home from work at 12:45 a.m., saw a low hovering metallic looking UFO that was as big as a house along Highway 13 south of Highway 2 in Clinton, Missouri. Its bottom perimeter looked octagonal, and it had four small yellow lights with a large red light in the middle. It directed a beam of light down to ground, the UFO swayed, and then blinked out. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 archived webpage, citing MUFON Missouri
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2665
### Event 53399 (28B73E2F)
**Date:** 5/8/2003
**Description:** Walking home from the train station in Brooklyn, New York at 6:43 p.m., the witness looked up to the southeast and saw a silver disc/saucer at about 10,000 feet altitude. It had a leading edge pointed slightly upwards and it was moving east. He states, "The saucer/disk seemed to be wobbling and it had what seemed to be notches that were evenly spaced around its middle as it wobbled and rotated. I had my 35 mm camera with me the the sighting was so quick that it was gone before I could get my camera out."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2666
### Event 53400 (C01D1E59)
**Date:** 5/9/2003
**Description:** Observers watching the waves in Ocean Beach, San Diego County, California noticed a low flying, silent triangular craft one mile south of Cliff House at 1:30 a.m. A witness said, "We first thought it was a Stealth F-117, but I've seen them before and they are quite loud."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 63
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2704
### Event 53401 (F16A0295)
**Date:** 5/10/2003
**Description:** Two yellow lights were seen moving very quickly over Leamington Spa, England and changing direction very abruptly at 1:00 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 web archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2732
### Event 53402 (8706B5C5)
**Date:** 5/11/2003
**Description:** A California Highway Patrol officer saw a metallic disc in the morning sky over the freeway in Goleta, California at 9:20 a.m. It was circular in appearance and tumbling "end over end." At about the same time a shiny, thin metallic disc was seen moving over the beach at Laguna Niguel, California toward the southwest. It soared, drfited slowly, then swooped down like a bird in a thermal air current. It had "turbine blades" on the underside. It moved off to the northwest in the general direction of Vandenberg AFB.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2751
### Event 53403 (2DF2EE25)
**Date:** 5/13/2003
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. Mrs. Lenura Azizova in Simferopol', Crimea, Ukraine saw a cigar-shaped object hovering north of the city. It had a bright, yellowish light in front that outlined the cylindrical shape of the craft. When it switched off the light, it was gone in the darkness. Its length was estimated to be 50-60 meters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 127
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2820
### Event 53404 (69E33042)
**Date:** 5/13/2003
**Description:** At noon in Anaheim, California cars suddenly stopped because of EM ignition interference. The main witness was driving home from his job when his new car suddenly stopped, as did the cars following him. The witness said, "Some of the people behind me got out of their cars and asked me if I knew what was going on. I said, 'I have no idea. This car is new, so I'm kind of mad." Then he heard a humming sound, so he looked around and he saw two cylinder shapes just sitting there above them. They then landed, then took off into the air, and vanished. When gone, his car and the other cars could be restarted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 118, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2821
### Event 53405 (6DE40699)
**Date:** 5/13/2003
**Description:** At 8:15 p.m. a witness was sitting in his window seat in Georgetown, Ontario, Canada when she saw a light outside that caught her attention. "As I looked up, I saw a beautiful display of rotating lights that slowly hovered, moving no more than 5 km/hour," she said. It was no more than 100 feet from her roof top. She rushed outside to gave at the UFO, almost paralyzed with fear. She got a very good look at the craft. It was not as big as she thought, and it was very quiet. The outer ends were rotating with a wondrous arrangement of lights, which sped off in an instant. At 11:35 p.m. in Terrace, British Columbia a ring of colored lights with a dark round object in the center was also seen. It moved slowly to the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 137, citing NUFORC; Geoff Dittman, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 195, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2822
### Event 53406 (18139C49)
**Date:** 5/15/2003
**Description:** Two daylight disks were seen hovering over a mountainous ridge at the extreme southwestern point of the Crimean peninsula, Ukraine between 2:00 p.m. and 2:20 p.m. The disks were metallic, 10-12 meters in diameter, six meters high with central domes, and smaller, smooth protruding undersides. They approached the Black Sea and were in view for 20 minutes. A white-yellowish light was seen over the city of South Simferopol' that evening, changing brightness and pulsating, moving directly to the east. It appeared every other night from May 13 to May 21.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 35, 44, citing Anton A. Anfalov, Ukrainian UFO Research Association, an@crimea.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2876
### Event 53407 (57BAD8F3)
**Date:** 5/16/2003
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. four triangular UFOs were sighted over Yosemite National Park in California; one of the crafts was very large and transparent. Camping up on Yosemite at about 7,000 feet elevation, the night was clear and cool when the witnesses were just about to turn in for the night and they saw a bright blue flash south of their campsite. Next, they saw one very large triangular craft appear after the flash. This was followed by two more flashs, not blue, northwest of the campsite and two smaller craft appeared, and then a fourth craft appeared southwest. This last one was the largest and almost transperent; we could see the stars through the craft. "At this point we were very frightened," the main witness reported. There was no noise from the craft, and the animals around the campsite and your normal forest sounds had gone silent. The four witnesses went into their truck and armed themselves, and decided to leave when they saw a very bright red flash and looked out the truck windows and the objects were gone. They packed their camping gear and headed home very frightened and confused.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2003 webpage, report dated April 10, 2004
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2906
### Event 53408 (095DF761)
**Date:** 5/16/2003
**Description:** A witness was driving his sister to the bus stop in Rancho Santa Margarita, California at 11:00 a.m. when they looked up into the clear sky and observed a shiny disc or sphere that was hovering in one place for a minute while spinning. It glistened at certain spots when it was hit by the sunlight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2003 webpage, report dated May 17, 2003
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2907
### Event 53409 (9DAAB252)
**Date:** 5/19/2003
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 2 / beach. Huge cloud-boomerang going quickly [to] inland. Going quickly east / sea. Silent. No lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Correspondence on file: folder CHENNAI (Madras) India.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_18122
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "India", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TIRUVANMIYUR,IND:2/BEACH:HUGE CLOUD-BOOMERANG >>INLAND:>>E/SEA:SLNT:NO LITEs", **LatLong:** "12.983334 80.266670", **LatLongDMS:** "12:59:00 N 80:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/12.983334,80.266670)", **State/Prov:** "TVM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 53410 (A06F3AAF)
**Date:** 5/19/2003
**Description:** A huge boomerang, surrounded by a cloud or mist, flew inland over Tiruvanmiyur, India at 9:50 p.m. local time. It then flew silently back out to sea heading east. There were no lights on the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 18192, citing a newspaper clipping
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2996
### Event 53411 (90BF11FB)
**Date:** 5/19/2003
**Description:** Following a series of early UFO sightings on May 17, at 9:50 p.m. on this evening a bright shining nocturnal light was observed by local residents in Simferopol', Crimea, Ukraine. The UFO looked like a white star, as bright as Sirius. It was moving 2-3 times faster than a satellite. Mr. Viktor Zdorov, while waking his dog, saw a satellite passing near the UFO in the very same part of the sky. The satellite was dimmer and moving much slower.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 44
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2997
### Event 53412 (8E2F9615)
**Date:** 5/19/2003
**Description:** At 12:10 a.m. a totally silent craft bearing three bright white lights was observed crossing I-5 near Fresno, California. A boomerang-shaped UFO was spotted over Albany, California at 9:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 archived webpage of reports
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2998
### Event 53413 (CA6C59C1)
**Date:** 5/23/2003
**Description:** Three very big disc-shaped objects, bobbing up and down, were seen over Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at 8 p.m. They flashing different colors in a blue to white to red sequence, and were estimated to be 30 feet in diameter. A man and wife and their 23-year-old son drove under a dark, slow moving triangular shaped object on Highway 17 north of Webster, Iowa at 9:30 p.m. The UFO had bright orange lights at each apex which did not light up the entire craft. It also had a light gray circle in the center and stripes extending out to the corners. Later that night at 11:35 p.m. MDT in Havre, Montana three white lights arranged in a triangle formation moved through the sky perfectly spaced, suggesting they belonged to one craft. The UFO made no sound and had no blinking or colored lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3058
### Event 53414 (8DB31457)
**Date:** 5/24/2003
**Description:** Mr. Martin Tate, an aerospace engineer, sighted a cluster of 5 to 6 silver spheres in a triangular formation over Waltham Abbey, England at 12:30 p.m. One object hovered in place while the rest flew away toward the west. He watched then for 30 seconds before they were lost from view behind some clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Martin Tate, UFO Magazine (UK), July 2003, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3077
### Event 53415 (1B714408)
**Date:** 5/24/2003
**Description:** At 7:20 p.m. a silver, oval-shaped object, high in the sky, moved smoothly through the sky over Edbaston Reservoir, Birmingham, England and made no sound at all as it turned. It left no smoke or contrail. It was in view for three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3078
### Event 53416 (6411EE39)
**Date:** 5/27/2003
**Description:** A cigar-shaped UFO hovered low near a mountain near Phoenix, Arizona at 10:10 p.m. It had pinpoint lights along its side that flickered sometimes. It had a large red light at each end, and was soundless. It suddenly took off so fast vertically that it seemed like it almost disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 web page archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3130
### Event 53417 (C873138B)
**Date:** 5/28/2003
**Description:** A fast moving "shimmering shadow" with orange triangular leading edges moved through the sky over Boise, Idaho at 11:00 p.m. It shimmered as if emitting a great deal of heat. It flew in a straight line and crossed the sky in 8 to 10 seconds without making a sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3143
### Event 53418 (AA6E35AA)
**Date:** 5/29/2003
**Description:** An early-morning jogger saw a cross-shaped object with three big lights that was hovering at a low altitude over Watertown Square in Watertown, Massachusetts. It was estimated to be no more than 30 stories above the ground when it was seen at 4:45 a.m. It emitted beams of light that filtered through the fog and mist. It changed direction, and then silently lifted away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Washington, May 2003 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3160
### Event 53419 (E61D0D61)
**Date:** 5/31/2003
**Description:** An ovoid craft was seen in the sky near a shopping center in Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia at 8:04 p.m. It shrank and then glowed brightly, and changed color from orange to red It became smaller, then brighter again, then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2003 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3191
### Event 53420 (E1F81CA4)
**Date:** 6/2003
**Locations:** Turkey; US
**Description:** The Turkish press announces that Turkey’s National Intelligence Service has received a top-secret request from the US Central Intelligence Agency for details on all its latest UFO reports. The Service accordingly asks the Turkish Air Force, Turkish Airlines, and other agencies to submit reports. It recommends that the Air Force should establish an investigative agency headed by a colonel.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 394](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/394/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7423
### Event 53421 (0B702D19)
**Date:** 6/2/2003
**Description:** At three o'clock in the morning the witness awoke in West Chester, Ohio to a beeping sound coming from a UPS (universal power supply) because the power had gone out. There was a smell of ozone and no sound at all. The witness then saw an oval-shaped craft with two strobing oval-shaped lights. The bottom of the craft was a deep blue color.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3239
### Event 53422 (2F31641B)
**Date:** 6/5/2003
**Location:** Houston, British Columbia, CAN
**Description:** Dogs did not appear to notice enormous boomerang moving slowly and silently over treetops (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [030605](http://www.nicap.org/ar-030605dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5896
### Event 53423 (E8FAB1C2)
**Date:** 6/5/2003
**Locations:** Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport; Palmas; Brasilia
**Description:** 4:45 p.m. Shortly after TAM Flight 3287 takes off from Palmas–Brigadeiro Lysias Rodrigues Airport in Palmas, Brazil, to Brasilia, air traffic control asks the pilot if he can see any other aircraft near his plane. He cannot, but ground control says there is another object in his flight area. When they are over Palmas, the copilot sees a gigantic object on the right side of the plane. It is metallic and surrounded by bright multicolored lights. It flies as if it is sliding with no friction. The UFO follows the aircraft for almost an hour before moving away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 203–205; Brazil 548
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7424
### Event 53424 (631E4162)
**Date:** 6/10/2003
**Description:** Serbian astrophysicist [Milan M. Ćirković](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milan%5FM.%5F%C4%86irkovi%C4%87) theorizes that because it is reasonable to assume that there is an inhabited planet somewhere 3 billion years older than Earth, we are likely to encounter an alien civilization significantly older than 1.8 billion years.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Milan M. Cirkovic, “[The Temporal Aspect of the Drake Equation and](https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0306186) [SETI,](https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0306186)” arXiv, June 10, 2003
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7425
### Event 53425 (ECA3EB37)
**Date:** 6/11/2003
**Description:** NASA engineer Larry Lemke tells Lockheed scientist Bernard Haisch, as relayed to Jacques Vallée, that Lemke’s father worked on advanced hardware that “seemed to have come from beyond Earth.” Lemke and other unnamed sources tell Haisch that there are now four projects dealing with UAP matters, dispersed among USG contractor facilities.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_388
### Event 53426 (FF38C3B4)
**Date:** 6/22/2003
**Description:** A shiny object, not well defined, fell into the sea between Martinsicuro and San Benedetto del Tronto in the Adriatic Sea just before 9:00 p.m. Many telephone calls came into the fire department of Teramo, the Port Authority of San Benedetto, Italy and to the Maritime Offices of Giulianova, Italy. Some spoke of a possible meteorite, judging from the form and color of the object, which dove into the ocean at some distance from shore. Immediately the alarm was sounded and the military police from Alba got involved. A motorboat was sent from San Benedetto, which reached the location where the object plunged into the sea but they were not able to find anything.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Marco Bianchini, USOCAT by Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU), www.cisu.org; Carl Feindt, www.waterufo.net
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3611
### Event 53427 (BDC3C4AC)
**Date:** 6/23/2003
**Description:** A shiny metallic cigar-shaped object was seen in the daylight sky at 1:00 p.m. over Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. It was stationary at first, then moved slowly into some clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey, case 232, citing National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3634
### Event 53428 (AB8B6CF9)
**Date:** 6/30/2003
**Description:** At around 9:00 p.m. in New Brighton, Pennsylvania a black triangular-shaped object surrounded by silver spheres was sighted moving to the south toward Pittsburgh.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, archived June 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3758
### Event 53429 (B512B998)
**Date:** 7/2003
**Description:** Civilian Dion Fuller claims he met “Lee” at an apartment complex in Pacific Beach, CA, after he had allegedly gone AWOL from nearby Camp Pendleton, stolen 25 pairs of night vision goggles, a pistol from Iraq, a DOD laptop and an entire truck; Fuller states Lee scrolled through allegedly classified files on the laptop in front of him marked TOP SECRET and soon after, Fuller claims three NCIS agents arrived and searched the premises, detained him for six days and threatened him before letting him go.
In the following months, Fuller claims he was followed by military-looking men with the following license plates: 4U49864 (white truck), 5DA726 (white sedan), 4WEP4HEP852 (brown Honda),
SE4JPL (white Toyota), 5BEA709 (Escape), 4EPW827 (black Acura), 809-E2G (Forerunner), 4AMP126 (white Toyota) and 4JPL825 (Xterra SE).
Fuller later meets Richard Schowengerdt, founder of **Project Chameleo**, who claims he has successfully developed a technique to make men invisible; his research is more advanced than work by “Tachi” or Duke University; Schowengerdt’s research has been used in the field of electromagnetics working at the Navy Metrology Engineering Center (MEC), the Naval Sea Systems Command Technical Representative Office (NAVSEA TECHREP AEGIS), and with the Naval Reserve at the Miramar Naval Air Station and the Naval Air Station in Pt. Mugu.
As of 2015, he worked with Northrop Grumman working on the EA-18G Growler; his private experiments with electro-optical camouflage began in 1987 and took shape in 1993 with **Project Chameleo**, securing Patent No. 5,307,162 “Cloaking Using Optoelectronically Controlled Camouflage” in 1994. Fuller believes SAIC may be responsible for harassment by seemingly invisible individuals and this may be connected to the “MiLAB '' phenomena, i.e. fake alien abductions.
Schowengerdt states the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group visited him in 2005 to determine if his technology could be applied by the year 2025; during a presentation at a Military Sensing Symposium in Charleston, SC, he states he was giving a presentation for Army, Navy, Air Force and contractor personnel and halfway through, the moderator told him someone in the audience claimed he was revealing Top Secret information when he mentioned a “chameleonic” Future Soldier program; he states he wasn’t aware anything like that was operational; he was then detained by 3-4 personnel who made him prove the information was in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
Schowengerdt states as of 2005 he worked with the Defense Contract Management Agency in El Segundo, and his supervisor knew of **Project Chameleo**; he states this technology not only can render a craft or a person invisible but it can project a rendering of something else like a tree or an animal for psychological warfare purposes; he states it’s possible this sort of technology could be advanced in a black project through reverse engineered UAP R&D; he also states he believes information about the UAP issue has been “leaked” in a controlled manner since the 1950s.
When Schowengerdt hears of Fuller’s claims of invisible harassment, he suggests SAIC “may have stolen \[his\] idea…I really do,” adding he had a meeting with an individual from SAIC in 1995-96; he states SAIC had come up with similar chameleonic cloaking technology in isolation; he states SAIC had a contract with the Army at that time; he adds he wouldn’t be surprised if the technology is being experimented covertly on Americans; he states he gave the Navy a tour of his lab and they were impressed but as of 2005 he did not have a contract with them.
* _[Chameleo: A Strange But True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security](https://www.amazon.com/Chameleo-Invisible-Addiction-Homeland-Security-ebook/dp/B00ZDWEITO), p183+_
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_389
### Event 53430 (FA502100)
**Date:** 7/5/2003
**Location:** Roswell debris field site
**Description:** The Sci-Fi Channel places a stone marker at the Roswell debris field site to commemorate the 1947 crash.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, Witness to Roswell, New Page, 2007, p. 223
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7426
### Event 53431 (A8918B07)
**Date:** 7/7/2003
**Location:** Verdun, Quebec
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A witness in Verdun, Quebec, watches a gray, teardrop-shaped object moving slowly at low altitude over rooftops, making an unusual whirring sound.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “UFOs in Canada, 2003,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7427
### Event 53432 (C20311DB)
**Date:** 7/12/2003
**Description:** The witness and her mother were driving home down a road in Ashland, Kentucky at around 10:00 p.m. when they saw a moving light in the sky. They first assumed it was a plane, but then it started moving faster. It sped up to an unbelievable speed and shot back and forth between wo stars, and then stopped as if it had spotted them. At this point their car stopped running. The UFO had disappeared but they had a feeling it was still present, watching them. It reappeared, this time closer. They next saw 20 to 30 lights zooming across the sky. These all stopped at the same star in the sky as the first one, and they all vanished in a bright flash. They heard no sound during any of this. The daughter reports that she then fainted, but her mother continued to watch. She said the light got bigger and brighter, and in the midst of the light her mother claims to have seen dark figures carrying strange instruments. When the daughter woke up, the car was on the side of the road about 20 feet from where it had been. About half an hour had passed, but it seemed to have been much longer. Her mother was now passed out and outside of the car. She appeared unharmed, but she did have a scar on the back of her neck. The mother convinced herself that the mark was from the back of the car door when she "fell" out of the car. For subsequent nights the pair have seen strange lights in the sky at night, dashing across the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4023
### Event 53433 (7AEC2CE1)
**Date:** 7/14/2003
**Description:** An animal reaction case was reported from Orting, Washington on this night. All dogs in the area whined loudly at around 1:30 a.m. Two strange lights were sighted in the sky. One was round and gray, and traveled in a circular pattern; the other was a white triangular object, which bobbed up and down.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, July 2003 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4062
### Event 53434 (6E8E120D)
**Date:** 7/16/2003
**Description:** At around 8:30 p.m. two teachers in their fifties had gone for a short evening walk across the fields of Barnoldswick, Lancashire, England and were almost back home when they looked up and saw the figure of a man in the sky. He was dressed in what looked like black overalls, and he was descending as if by parachute. He came down about 50 yards away behind the last house in the row, so they thought he was going to land in the meadow beyond. But when he was only about 15 feet from the ground he leveled off and began to slowly accelerate, climbing gently and heading off in a northerly direction. They watched as he crossed the valley and disappeared into the distance. They did not see any means of propulsion on the man. Nothing visible was attached to his back and he made no sound, at least nothing they could detect. Visibility was excellent that evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2003, case # 3637, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4115
### Event 53435 (EA0A2C46)
**Date:** 7/18/2003
**Description:** In Vancouver, Washington a businessman and a retired Navy man observed three rectangular objects, the size of small planes, that appeared overhead as shadows in the sky at 10:40 p.m. They were slightly illuminated but not bright. The objects zig-zagged and criss-crossed into the distance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2003 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4184
### Event 53436 (449DEBED)
**Date:** 7/21/2003
**Description:** White House Army Signaling Agency specialist Stephen Lovekin states he received briefings concerning UAP while at Pentagon or at White House Com Center, states his colleagues discussed there were 3-5 “extraterrestrial” bodies recovered and one was alive; military was working with materials recovered including a metallic piece with symbols on it; states he
was at Camp David and Eisenhower was concerned about losing control to the military industrial complex, states he heard from others Einsenhower was being kept out of information regarding UAP later in his term.
* [http://www.roswellproof.com/Lovekin.html](http://www.roswellproof.com/Lovekin.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_390
### Event 53437 (57630D13)
**Date:** 7/28/2003
**Locations:** Okanagan Valley, British Columbia; Kamloops; Jaffray
**Description:** 12:45 a.m. Hundreds of witnesses see a large, white, moon-shaped object flying over the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, zigzagging from northwest to southeast and changing direction in some cases to move over local mountains and drop into valleys. At 1:00 a.m., a beam of white light arches across the sky from horizon to horizon and persisting until at least 2:00 a.m. Dubbed the “Okanagan Arch,” the beam is seen from Kamloops to Jaffray.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 207–209
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7428
### Event 53438 (71BD9A6E)
**Date:** 7/28/2003
**Description:** In Wycliffe, British Columbia a silent, low flying, slow moving spherical object flew over the highway at 12:45 a.m. and it lit up the ground with a beam of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, UFO Research Manitoba, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey datbase, case 317
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4468
### Event 53439 (C129A198)
**Date:** 8/6/2003
**Location:** North Bay, Ontario
**Description:** 12:32 a.m. Three witnesses in North Bay, Ontario, watch as a gray, cigar-shaped object, stationary in the sky, becomes “wavy” and then suddenly disappears from view after 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “UFOs in Canada, 2003,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7429
### Event 53440 (B2B9B287)
**Date:** 8/6/2003
**Description:** Photographs were taken of a stationary saucer or cigar-shaped object seen over North Bay, Ontario, Canada at 12:32 a.m. It made a humming sound, became "wavy" and disappeared. There were three witnesses and the incident lasted from five to six minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2003, case # 383
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4749
### Event 53441 (15277B35)
**Date:** 8/10/2003
**Location:** Whitehorse, Yukon
**Description:** 2:22 p.m. A large fuselage-shaped object flies low along a road, under some guy wires, and among trees in Whitehorse, Yukon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “UFOs in Canada, 2003,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7430
### Event 53442 (DB9787C9)
**Date:** 8/10/2003
**Description:** At 2:22 p.m. a 10-meter long, silver sausage-shaped object, flew low over the roadside in Canyon Creek, near Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada. It then went under some guywires and flew off into the trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 18193; Geoff Dittman, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 391, citing UFOBC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4851
### Event 53443 (75A2F4DE)
**Date:** 8/11/2003
**Location:** New Westminster, British Columbia
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Diana Luca and her mother are chatting at the kitchen table in her home in New Westminster, British Columbia. Out of the corner of her eye, Luca spots a black object behind the trees in the back alley. The two step out on the patio for a better look and see a UFO flying behind the trees and over the top of the shorter ones. The object, flat and shaped like a Frisbee, flips on its underside, which is as red and shiny as a Coke can. She calls her husband, Mark Murphy, who is inside. By the time he gets to the porch, the UFO looks cigar-shaped and is an estimated 1.8 miles away. Murphy rushes inside to get a camcorder and gets the rest of the sighting on tape.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFOs over British Columbia,](https://rense.com/general50/ufos.htm)” Vancouver \(B.C.\) Courier, March 15, 2004; “B.C. Sighting,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 27
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7431
### Event 53444 (346C67E6)
**Date:** 8/13/2003
**Description:** A black boomerang-shaped object passed low and fast over Napoleonville in southern Louisiana at 7:25 p.m. It made no sound as it flew. The sighting was brief, lasting about six seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2002 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4994
### Event 53445 (BB279C6E)
**Date:** 8/19/2003
**Description:** Jacques Vallée meets with Kit Green and Kristin B Zimmerman in Detroit, MI. While at Wayne State University, Green shows Vallee a study he conducted where test subjects who believed they had communication with aliens were shown a series of slides, including one in which a photo of an “alien face” is inserted. Green claims the image was from Los Alamos National Lab. He says he was given the data “through Hal” from a series of analyses done at LANL on “live aliens” from 1950-51. Green didn’t know if the photo was real but Zimmerman admits they may have been “fed” classified materials and Green used the materials to perform research on unsuspecting subjects. Green also conducts General Motors research here, where he is employed.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_391
### Event 53446 (1026B7BD)
**Date:** 8/20/2003
**Locations:** Nowa Karczma; Vistula Spit, Poland
**Description:** Day. Frank Delephine takes a video of a formation of five yellowish lights leaving a smoke trail above the beach at Nowa Karczma on the Vistula Spit, Poland.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 125
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7432
### Event 53447 (452125A8)
**Date:** 8/23/2003
**Location:** Winnipeg, Manitoba
**Description:** Three witnesses observe a saucer-shaped object with protrusions for 30 seconds as it flies above some cars on a highway in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “UFOs in Canada, 2003,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7433
### Event 53448 (7CA0FCA5)
**Date:** 8/23/2003
**Description:** In Midland, Michigan two witnesses saw two metallic discs at a high altitude, actually chasing each other in the middle of the afternoon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2003 archived web page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5279
### Event 53449 (F74949D8)
**Date:** 8/23/2003
**Description:** Three witnesses driving through farmland at 6:45 p.m. north-northwest of Winnipeg, Manitoba sighted a three-meter wide, gray or silver disc-shaped object with bulging black windows. It hovered, tilted, then shot past the cars on the highway. The center of the object was silver center, and it had darker colored chrome balls, disks, or windows around the middle of it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 426
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5280
### Event 53450 (D51EBE1A)
**Date:** 8/23/2003
**Description:** Jacques Vallée writes that Hal Puthoff and John Petersen of the Arlington Institute “assure” him there is only one “black UFO operation” and that it likely has to do with hardware. Vallee is confused why there would be biological data in Kit’s hands and elsewhere if this were really the case. Vallee also states former DCI William Colby told Green he “deserve\[d\] to know,” but wouldn’t confirm alien biology outright.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_392
### Event 53451 (EF92BA92)
**Date:** 8/25/2003
**Description:** Shortly after 6 p.m. three witnesses with the last names of Duffy and Myers, driving near Lispole, Ireland saw what looked like a light aircraft trailing flames and smoke, which appeared to crash near Lispole along the R559 route. No wreckage was ever found.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. 105; The Star, August 26, 2003
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5346
### Event 53452 (E385F10B)
**Date:** 8/25/2003
**Description:** A shiny, silvery tumbling disc was seen moving slowly to the southeast from Lompoc, California. The sighting reportedly lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5347
### Event 53453 (7C899A4F)
**Date:** 8/26/2003
**Locations:** Chile; Chilean Chamber of Deputies
**Description:** Members of the Defense Committee on the Chilean Chamber of Deputies analyze information on UFOs for the first time. It hears testimony, largely reports from pilots and air traffic controllers, provided by the Comité de Estudios de Fénomenos Aéreos Anómalos and the director of OVNIvision \(both UFO research groups in Chile\). Defense Committee Chairman Arturo Cardemil tells the media that UFOs have sometimes disrupted air-traffic operations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** George Filer, “Chile: Congress Acknowledges Importance of UFO Research,” Filer’s Files, \#36- 2003, September 3, 2003
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7434
### Event 53454 (0BA0FD46)
**Date:** 8/28/2003
**Description:** Shortly after midnight, at 12:05 a.m. Mrs. Gutierrez Lomas saw a strange light from downtown Caracas, Venezuela that split in two.The liight then moved toward the Ruperto Lugo sector of the city, where it made a sudden, inexplicable turn and finally made a line for Cerro El Avila mountain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Scott Corales, UFO Updates, ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5448
### Event 53455 (0E87BC6B)
**Date:** 8/28/2003
**Description:** At 10:10 p.m. a UFO was sighted in Nastola, Hame, Finland. The object changed shape rapidly, and was surrounded by a bluish haze. It moved very fast, before it stopped for a few minutes, and finally took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5449
### Event 53456 (0DF5DF18)
**Date:** 8/28/2003
**Description:** Cigar-shaped object appeared in Milton, Florida at 10:30 p.m., hovered, pulsated, and blinked while it rotated for 30 to 40 seconds, and then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5450
### Event 53457 (42F1A92A)
**Date:** 8/30/2003
**Description:** At 12:15 a.m. four elliptical, illuminated objects each surrounded by haze or a halo were sighted in Merrick, Nassau County, New York. They proceeded to individually dive, climb, and zigzag. The sighting lasted about 45 minutes. That night a very large, slow moving, wing-shaped craft flew over a campsite near McGregor in northern Minnesota with 10 witnesses gathered around a camp fire at 11:55 p.m. It was chased a few minutes later by three military F-15's. It reportedly had four white lights and four red lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5511
### Event 53458 (698702D5)
**Date:** 8/31/2003
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a white flying ball of light, too large to be a plane or satellite, flew in a zigzag pattern, disappeared and re-appeared in the sky over Ryan, Iowa. It made no sound, and was visible for about 5-10 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2002 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5546
### Event 53459 (029C4F49)
**Date:** 8/31/2003
**Description:** At 10:44 p.m. PDT a disc-shaped object was seen circling in the sky over one spot, flashing red and green lights. It made no sound, and was seen for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5547
### Event 53460 (D7675CB6)
**Date:** 9/2003
**Location:** Clara City, Minnesota
**Description:** 10:30 a.m. Arthur A. Larson is sitting in a truck at a gravel crossroads near Clara City, Minnesota, when he sees a round, black object at an altitude higher than a passing passenger jet but below the cirrus clouds. He watches it for 10–12 seconds and estimates its speed as 3,000–5,000 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Arthur A. Larson, “Recent Minnesota Sighting,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7435
### Event 53461 (A5E457DB)
**Date:** 9/3/2003
**Description:** Near Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. At around 2:30 a.m. the main witness's 12-year-old son woke her husband and her telling them that he had a nosebleed. They did not think much about it since the boy usually gets a nose bleed once a year and it just a persistent trickle. He then got into their bed with them, and the witness fell back to sleep very rapidly and had an extremely vivid lucid dream. In the dream, her son and she were outside of a house and they ran to the other side to see a UFO in the sky. The UFO was not lit, but rather a dark shadow in the night sky, huge and in two parts that were connected. They somehow knew that this was something to be afraid of, and hid in the deep shadows of the house. As the UFO came down almost noiselessly it transformed itself into a vast robot, which started walking across the countryside. She believed they somehow "knew" this had something to do with electrical power, and that they would be forced to use some power they didn't want to use. She believed using their power would be a trick which would ultimately be used to imprison them. They ran inside the house and there the phone was ringing, and they again "knew" it was the power company calling them to force them to use this new power, so they did not answer the phone. In the dream, there was a glassed-in room in the house, which had a number of people seated in it. These people were important to the experiencer, although they were not familiar to her. She ran into the room to warn them of what she had seen. One of the people was a brown haired girl, about 20 years old, whom the witness recognized as her "daughter" (but not her real life daughter). She was crying, although the witness was not sure why. What was remarkable about her was that she was half human and half "android" or robotic. At one point the experiencer could see some of the skin on her back, and she believed could see that the skin was living tissue stretched over a metallic frame. The skin was red and sore appearing, like burned scar tissue. She was also pregnant and made a comment to the witness about how she had been to "animal control" (the witness could not quite recall the phrase but it was like going to a veterinarian instead of a human doctor), where she had been impregnated. The father of her child was also there, another predominantly robotic person who has a face that looked as if a human face had been grafted on. He appeared to be a sympathetic figure, and she believed he understood what the experiencer was telling him. There were others in the room that were similar, but the witness did not have a chance to speak to them. The dream went blank for a bit, and then the witness found herself outside in a "neighborhood". There was a huge wind blowing and she believed that this was due to changes occurring to the Earth. She also "knew" that after the Earth changes the alien beings will come for us, and that would be terrible. In this vivid dream, the power company had set up a steel building that looked like the only thing that could withstand the wind. Everyone crowded inside, but the experiencer believed that it was trap. She pointed out to the father of her daughter's baby that the heavy stainless steel door only opened from the outside, and that if they let go of them they would all be trapped inside. Between them they managed to keep the doors from closing. The dream went on with dire predictions for humanity and coming Earth changes: a collapse of society was coming. The witness woke up around 6:00 a.m. with a severe nosebleed, stiff arms and legs, and total physical exhaustion. Other family members reported strange scratches and marks on their bodies.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2003 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5621
### Event 53462 (2EF6BEEC)
**Date:** 9/5/2003
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. in Calaveras Big Trees, California a ball of light followed witnesses out of a pitch black forest, and then hovered in the bed of their pickup truck for 10 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5668
### Event 53463 (88D06C45)
**Date:** 9/7/2003
**Description:** In Luton, Bedfordshire, England a metallic sphere hovered 150 feet above a home, emitting sparks like a Van der Graff generator, then shot straight up very fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2003 web page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5748
### Event 53464 (ABD59BF8)
**Date:** 9/10/2003
**Description:** Bernard Haisch of Lockheed Martin states Hal Puthoff tried the “front door” approach to get into the secret UFO black program he believed existed. Puthoff wrote to a Pete Aldridge and Under Secretary Jacques Ganser but did not get a reply. Haisch believed the program was split into four parts and about 200 people were on the bigot lists. An unnamed individual “The General” was believed to still have access and was retired and working for an oil company when he met Puthoff at the suggestion of John Petersen.
That general is later revealed in a 18 September 2003 entry to be Jack Sheehan, now working for Bechtel in oil exploration. Sheehan states he saw and touched a “craft” but would not reveal more. Sheehan states he uncovered the UFO black project by discovering a $9B discrepancy.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_393
### Event 53465 (AC6520E7)
**Date:** 9/11/2003
**Location:** Whitehorse, Yukon
**Description:** A triangular object with red lights flies over two people in Whitehorse, Yukon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “UFOs in Canada, 2003,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7436
### Event 53466 (CD6677C6)
**Date:** 9/13/2003
**Location:** Seamon, OH
**Description:** Coyotes were reported howling loudly during a sighting of a large stationary triangle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [030913](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-030913.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5897
### Event 53467 (BD2F56B2)
**Date:** 9/13/2003
**Description:** The Senior Curator/Royal Armouries Museum reported two circular flying objects in the sky over Heckmondwide, West Yorkshire, England at 9:40 p.m.; they were about half the apparent size of the moon, and were a very dull yellow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defense, case 2003-075
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5934
### Event 53468 (1659CD53)
**Date:** 9/13/2003
**Description:** A witness reported seeing a dark triangular shape in Yelm, Washington at 12:30 p.m., moving slowly at treetop level without making any sound. It had white and red lights on the bottom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2003 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5935
### Event 53469 (B80B45EA)
**Date:** 9/13/2003
**Description:** At midnight a 21-year-old woman walking her dog in Seaman, Ohio heard coyotes howling loudly during a sighting of a large stationary triangular craft. The color of the object's lights changed from pinkish-red to blue, white and yellow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joan Woodward, NICAP Category 4 - Animal Effects Cases, www.nicap.org
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5936
### Event 53470 (8D0B9B91)
**Date:** 9/14/2003
**Description:** At ten o'clock in the morning a dark grey disc-shaped object hung 100 feet over the water at the Wivenhoe Dam in Brisbane Valley, Queensland, Australia on a clear day. The water below the disc was being agitated by the UFO's presence. The craft took off at an angle at an incredible speed. The sighting lasted ten minutes and was witnessed by a Mr. & Mrs. Thompson.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Australasian Ufologist, October 2004, p. 5, citing an email from the witnesses
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5973
### Event 53471 (7D6905AD)
**Date:** 9/14/2003
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states Hal Puthoff was a part of John Petersen and the Arlington Institute’s “semi-official” scenario exercise that included role playing in various situations of potential ET contact.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_394
### Event 53472 (F0962CC3)
**Date:** 9/15/2003
**Description:** A large, white ring-shaped object with twirling lights descended out of sight in Airdrie, Alberta, Canada at 11:20 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2002 Canadian UFO Survey, case 493, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6003
### Event 53473 (4B2C98B9)
**Date:** 9/19/2003
**Description:** Over 50 witnesses at a fooball game in Onawa, Iowa at around 8:00 p.m. watched a light that separated into three other lights, and then formed a cross.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6112
### Event 53474 (E0FB93E2)
**Date:** 9/20/2003
**Description:** A black disc-shaped object with no lights was seen in broad daylight in Saugus, Massachusetts at 6:00 p.m. for 30 seconds. At 6:15 p.m. in Sedona, Arizona a silver cylinder-shaped object in a vertical orientation was seen moving rapidly westward at a speed faster than a typical airplane. It was in view for five seconds before it disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6171
### Event 53475 (198475B3)
**Date:** 9/24/2003
**Description:** Pottsdam, New York. A triangular object with red, white, blue and orange lights danced through the sky at 3:00 a.m. It also flew vertically and gave off a partial beam of red light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6304
### Event 53476 (D6150D12)
**Date:** 9/25/2003
**Location:** Marstons Mills, MA
**Description:** Dogs fearful as large dark object observed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [030925](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-030925.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5898
### Event 53477 (99DDEF2C)
**Date:** 9/25/2003
**Description:** Two dogs showed fear as a mysterious, large dark object was observed for five minutes overhead in Marstons Mills, Massachusetts. At 8:20 p.m. the witness reported that the sky above him appeared to be a solid black, with no stars showing, nor light of any kind, and the black void was seen changing its shape. There was no sound reported, either.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2003 webpage; Joan Woodward, NICAP Category 4 - Animal Effects Cases, www.nicap.org
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6338
### Event 53478 (29E42960)
**Date:** 9/26/2003
**Description:** A very large, silent, dark boomerang shaped aircraft was seen over Centerville, Montgomery County, Ohio at 12:30 a.m. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6369
### Event 53479 (70B6B72E)
**Date:** 10/2/2003
**Description:** Hal Puthoff admits to Jacques Vallée in a car that he wouldn’t tell Vallee everything about the secret black UFO program to protect one critical “deep throat” and in case Vallee is ever polygraphed. Puthoff states that the ATP Group in the 1980s, sponsored by BDM Corp. and led by Col John Alexander, was killed because “there was already another project.” Puthoff states it was “deeply black” and “somebody” didn’t want it exposed or duplicated.
Puthoff also shows Vallee the VADM Thomas Wilson notes on this date and states they were written by Eric Davis. Puthoff says to “join” the project you have to have something major to contribute. “What are our chances? We don’t even know who the major contractor is,” he says. Vallee believes Wilson may be polygraphed at his next job as President of ATK Missiles because he may have leaked privileged information to Davis. Vallee also states he is told that the program was inside government but under Nixon it was transferred to a private contractor to secure it.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_395
### Event 53480 (8885DC0F)
**Date:** 10/8/2003
**Description:** A huge triangular object moved silently through the sky over Ringgold, Virginia at five o'clock in the evening. It was close enough that the witness could clearly discern its three dimensional appearance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6680
### Event 53481 (F279FF89)
**Date:** 10/23/2003
**Description:** At 10:48 p.m. the pilot, co-pilot, load master, and flight engineer onboard an Airbus 310-200 cargo flight flying over Slane, Ireland saw a glaring red UFO accelerate, shoot vertically, and then disappear from sight at 7000 feet altitude. Twenty-seven minutes later a KLM 747-400 flying 38 nautical miles off the west coast of Ireland at 41,000 feet was paced by a bright red UFO. It stopped mid-air at the same altitude as the Dutch airliner, copied the 747's maneuvers, and then over Sligo changed course and sped away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, pp. 44 & 45
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7064
### Event 53482 (645D2A4A)
**Date:** 10/25/2003
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning a witness reported seeing two disc-shaped objects flying overhead in Springfield, Illinois. The objects seemed to be "chasing each other and just playing around."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2003 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7136
### Event 53483 (053F0E58)
**Date:** 11/5/2003
**Description:** At 8:35 p.m. an oval-shaped UFO came up from a pasture in Mabank, Texas and darted toward the witness' car. It had a yellow glow around it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7485
### Event 53484 (3B7D7D6C)
**Date:** 11/14/2003
**End date:** 11/16/2003
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** The 1st Annual 2003 Crash Retrieval Conference. Speakers are Ryan S. Wood, Kenn Thomas, Art Campbell, Budd Hopkins, Stan Gordon, Nick Redfern, Jonathan Downes, Matthew Williams, Peter Robbins, Linda Howe, Stanton Friedman, Greg Bishop, Dr. Robert M. Wood, and Grant Cameron.
**Type:** conference
**Reference:** [2003 Proceedings - archive.org](https://archive.org/details/crash-retrieval-conference-proceedings-1st-annual-nov-2003/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_963
### Event 53485 (575C8254)
**Date:** 11/14/2003
**Location:** Niles, OH
**Description:** Dogs non-reactive to lights in sky. (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [031114](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-031114.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5899
### Event 53486 (CCE74818)
**Date:** 11/21/2003
**Description:** A transparent V-shaped object was sighted briefly in Barnesville, Ohio at 8:30 p.m. The object distorted the visible night sky, yet you could see through it and it was boomerang shaped, very fast, and silent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7786
### Event 53487 (21F0A8E2)
**Date:** 11/22/2003
**Description:** A darting circular-shaped object was seen at 6:25 p.m. in Ronkonkoma, New York that shot straight up, followed by a red light circling the area at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7826
### Event 53488 (14E66602)
**Date:** 11/22/2003
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a bright cylindrical-shaped object exploded and crashed into the river in New Carlisle, Quebec, causing a big splash.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 615; Carl Feindt, waterufo.net
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7827
### Event 53489 (3D606F95)
**Date:** 11/22/2003
**Description:** A huge white cigar-shaped object hovered over a front yard of a home in North Ridgeville, Ohio for an extended period of time, beginning at 9:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7828
### Event 53490 (83D10A5C)
**Date:** 11/23/2003
**Description:** At 6 p.m. from Berkeley, California a huge illuminated object with flashing lights moved smoothly over the Bay Bridge toward Oakland.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7861
### Event 53491 (C6CBB690)
**Date:** 11/25/2003
**Description:** Two witnesses in Creston, British Columbia briefly saw some blue lights in the sky at 9:20 p.m., then felt they had had a missing time experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey, case 616, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7928
### Event 53492 (611203CC)
**Date:** 11/26/2003
**Description:** A soft humming noise was first heard in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England at 9:00 p.m. Then the witness saw some hovering spherical objects that were then chased away by military aircrafts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7949
### Event 53493 (428AFB52)
**Date:** 11/29/2003
**Description:** In Limmerick, Pennsylvania a slow moving triangle-shaped object with three lights was sighted at 8:36 p.m. It stopped in mid-air, rotated, and shot off in the other direction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Nov. 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8057
### Event 53494 (5A443E16)
**Date:** 12/2/2003
**Description:** A bright, multi-colored, pulsating cigar-shaped object was observed near Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico at 9:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, December 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8153
### Event 53495 (B476E55E)
**Date:** 12/5/2003
**Description:** At 5:43 p.m. in Orillia, Ontario two orange balls of light were seen chasing each other, and then flew quickly into a cloud bank.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2003 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 632
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8223
### Event 53496 (E1670C37)
**Date:** 12/8/2003
**Location:** Houston, British Columbia
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. An unusual white, oval object with a ring of blue lights hovers above a house in Houston, British Columbia, dropping sparks. It then flies steadily toward the mountains and is lost to sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “UFOs in Canada, 2003,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7437
### Event 53497 (D189C6C9)
**Date:** 12/10/2003
**Description:** A black, cigar-shaped object was spotted in the early morning over Sanders, Arizona. The witness was driving to work in the early morning in the twilight just before dawn. He first saw a light in the sky as he was driving east. It got as bright as Venus, and then dimmed altogether; what was left, hanging motionless in the sky, was a greyish black cigar-shaped vehicle with a bump on the top. The witness continued to watch it as he pulled into the parking lot at his place of employment, and kept watching it for a few more minutes while it never moved. The color was odd for an airplane as well, because it black/grey and did not reflect light. It also made no noise whatsoever.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, December 2003 webpage, report made at 10:45 a.m. December 10, 2003 and uploaded December 19, 2003
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8331
### Event 53498 (F074CEA5)
**Date:** 12/14/2003
**Location:** Atlanta, GA
**Description:** Dog excited as people see meteor (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [031214](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-031214.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5900
### Event 53499 (6E8101EF)
**Date:** 12/15/2003
**Description:** At six p.m. a circular object flew over the coconut trees for about four minutes in Baling, Kedah State, Malaysia, and then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Dec. 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8433
### Event 53500 (63B58EBE)
**Date:** 12/15/2003
**Description:** At 10:05 a.m. a witness reporting seeing star-like lights during the daytime over San Francisco Bay, California that moved "super fast" and stopped, and then zigzagged behind a cloud.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Dec. 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8434
### Event 53501 (4D37C5FE)
**Date:** 12/23/2003
**Description:** At Gasport, New York at 2:30 a.m. EST a bright light shot across the sky from the horizon up. It made several right angle movements. Next, a silent, boomerang shaped object flew over Borger, Texas at 1:40 a.m. CST. At 4:56 a.m. MST a triangle-shaped object with four different multicolored lights flew across the Denver skyline and was viewed from Superior, Colorado (Boulder County).
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Dec. 2000 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8579
### Event 53502 (2303E9E3)
**Date:** 12/24/2003
**Location:** Airdrie, Alberta
**Description:** 1:00 p.m. Three people in Airdrie, Alberta, watch a chrome-colored “marble” hanging motionless in the sky. After about 15 seconds, it vanishes without a trace.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “UFOs in Canada, 2003,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7438
### Event 53503 (1F961075)
**Date:** 12/30/2003
**Description:** A hovering object with a circle of lights was seen in a field in Tatum, New Mexico at around 9:30 p.m. It shot straight up and stopped twice in the sky, then the lights went out and the object vanished. The sighting lasted 45 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, December 2003 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8664
## Year: 2004, 169 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 53504 (7FDC6C8E)
**Date:** 2004
**Location:** off the coast of southern California
**Description:** TicTac craft witnessed by Fravor and other Navy personnel off the coast of southern California
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** TODO
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_811
### Event 53505 (E479632D)
**Date:** 2004
**Location:** São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil
**Description:** Afternoon. A Brazilian pilot flying an ATR 42-300 twin turboprop airliner has a near-miss with a luminous sphere near the São Paulo–Congonhas Airport, Brazil. The encounter lasts 14 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, “Near Miss with UAP near São Paulo Airport,” IUR 32, no. 3 \(July 2009\): 9–18, 23–24; Robert J. Durant, “Commentary on the São Paolo Near Miss,” IUR 32, no. 3 \(July 2009\): 19–20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7439
### Event 53506 (EED2FF79)
**Date:** 2004
**Description:** [Vadim Chernobrov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vadim%5FChernobrov) registers the All-Russian Scientific Organization, Kosmopoisk, as an international association.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Kosmopoisk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosmopoisk)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7440
### Event 53507 (7DDE1F8E)
**Date:** 2004
**Location:** Nellis AFB in Nevada
**Description:** Night. Three teams of security policemen at Nellis AFB in Nevada are sent to investigate a mysterious light seen in a distant corner of the weapons storage compound in Area 2. Upon arriving at the location in vehicles, they cannot see any light. However, seconds later, one policeman spots a towering, silhouette-like, 8- or 9-foot-tall figure, visible against the moon-lit sky. It quickly turns and runs. After disappearing over a rise in the terrain, with six Security Policemen in hot pursuit, the unknown intruder seemingly vanishes into thin air.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert L. Hastings, “[Triangular-Shaped UFO Sighted at the Nellis AFB Nuclear Storage Area,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/triangular-shaped-ufo-sighted-at-the-nellis-afb-nuclear-weapons-storage-area)” UFOs & Nukes, April 23, 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7441
### Event 53508 (4E6E573C)
**Date:** 2004
**Description:** Ufologist Bill Cooper claims underground bases under control of Naval Intelligence utilize cooperation between aliens and humans in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. Cooper claims some are built beneath Native American reservations for cover, something the research of Danny Casolaro into Wackenhut also seems to suggest (see 1 August 1993).
Cooper also claims a secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House in the 1950s, specifically the White House Underground Construction Fund by President Eisenhower, that assisted the building of underground military bases for human-alien collaboration and for general operations of a UAP control group “MJ-12.” Cooper claims Rep. George Mahon, Rep. Robert Sikes and Rep. Jim Wright knew of the effort.
Cooper also claims money was transferred from the top-secret fund to a location at Palm Beach, FL belonging to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island, a property near a facility owned by Joseph Kennedy. Cooper also claims Eisenhower set up Majority Twelve through NSC 5410 as cover, its names having changed to the Special Group under Kennedy, the 40 Committee under Nixon, Ford and Carter, and the PI-40 Committee under Reagan. Alleged Study Group members include Gordon Dean, Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Henry Kissinger and 34 others, and meetings were allegedly held at Marine Base Quantico, VA where the group was known as “Quantico II.” The meetings were held using the code name “The Country Club.”
Cooper claims these meetings led to the creation of **Project Joshua** and **Project Excalibur**, and that Rand Corporation was involved in the construction of underground facilities, and that the illegal drug trade using smuggling operations from Zapata Oil assisted in funding.
* [https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abatko/interests/conspiracy/mj12/](https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abatko/interests/conspiracy/mj12/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_405
### Event 53509 (2E3F16FE)
**Date:** 2004
**Description:** Gen. Roger Ramey is photographed holding a typed message at AAC Fort Worth, TX after the alleged Roswell crash; it is later digitized and increased in size in 2004 and states the following: RECOVERY OPERATION WITH ROSWELL DISK AT THE; JULY 4TH. THE VICTIMS OF THE WRECK YOU FORWARDED TO THE TEAM AT FORT WORTH, TEX; ESSOR ON THE “DISK” MUST HAVE SENT TO LOS ALAMOS A\*\*\*\*\*D; \*\*\*\*URGENT POWERS ARE NEEDED SITE TWO NM ROSWELL, N. MEX; MIDDAY 509TH TOLD NEWSPAPER MEANING OF STORY AND MISSION ONLY SHOW\*\*\*\*BY WEATHER BALLOONS WOULD MAKE \*\*\*\*509 HAS LAND SURVEYOR CREWS; TEMPLE.
* _2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference_, p225
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_406
### Event 53510 (0CF6D1F9)
**Date:** 2004
**Description:** Jon Ferry, Marconi director, working on a cross-universe communication system and was considered an information leak having to do with a power source that was unlimited and self-sustaining.
* _2nd Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference_, p208
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_407
### Event 53511 (D3602EF7)
**Date:** 1/2004
**Description:** CNES decides to close SEPRA, perhaps because engineer [Jean-Jacques Velasco](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques%5FVelasco) is publishing a book, OVNIs: L’évidence, in April.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gildas Bourdais, “The Death and Rebirth of Official French UFO Studies,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 13; Swords 450
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7442
### Event 53512 (C9C37A39)
**Date:** 1/3/2004
**Description:** On this day a metallic disc-shaped object hovered a few thousand feet above a yacht anchored offshore of Santa Monica, California. Those aboard took a photograph of the object. The estimated size of the UFO, base on the length of the yacht, was 30 feet. A few moments later the craft darted away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Preston Dennett, UFOs over California: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Golden State, p. 213
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_78
### Event 53513 (4247F7AA)
**Date:** 1/4/2004
**Locations:** Dublin Airport; Slane; east coast of Ireland
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. An Aer Lingus Boeing 737 with 135 people on board is about 2 miles off the east coast of Ireland approaching Dublin Airport. It is being followed in for landing on Runway 10 by a British Midland Airbus A330- 200 at a distance of 6 miles. Both are at an altitude of 3,000 feet and moving at 287 mph. As the 737 approaches Slane, the A330 crew observes unidentified traffic take off vertically from a field. The object has bright strobe lights and is triangular in shape. It begins to circle the 737, which experiences a power drain. The A330 sees a purplish glow surround the 737, whose captain requests a course change to avoid the object, which is passing in front of the airliner. The UFO angles to the port side and the 737 experiences a huge wake turbulence and an increase in outside air temperature to 327° F. for about 15 seconds. The A330 also feels the turbulence, and the UFO heads southeast at great speed. When the 737 lands, the crew cannot raise the speed brakes on the wings, which are found to be damaged, as if dented by a hammer. There is also aircraft skin damage and hydraulic damage to the brakes caused by the UFO wake.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [pp. 406–410](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/406/mode/2up); Dermot Butler and Carl Nally, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, Mercier, 2006, pp. 41–42
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7443
### Event 53514 (ADFD56C8)
**Date:** 1/4/2004
**Locations:** east coast of Ireland; Dublin Airport; Slane, County Meath
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. Another Airbus 330-200 is approaching the east coast of Ireland, bound for Dublin Airport, when the crew sees a flashing strobe light over Slane, County Meath. As the aircraft throttles back to 265 mph at 2,500 feet, the UFO takes on a triangular shape, passes in front of the plane, and gives off a bright flashing light. The UFO begins circling the Airbus in an aggressive manner. The crew expects a collision with the object, which is about 360 feet wide. The interior lights dim \(power drain\) and the encounter continues for 8–10 minutes as passengers watch. At one point, wake turbulence from the UFO triggers the wind shear warning device. Other aircraft in the vicinity are watching the encounter and listening in to radio transmissions. Just 2 minutes before landing, the UFO shoots away to the southeast.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [pp. 407–410](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/406/mode/2up); Dermot Butler and Carl Nally, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, Mercier, 2006, pp. 42–43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7444
### Event 53515 (428AE605)
**Date:** 1/4/2004
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. an Aer Lingus Boeing 737-400 with 135 people on board was damaged by near a miss with a UFO while flying 15 nautical miles offshore of Ashbourne, Ireland. The UFO caused a power drain and a purple glow around the 737 as the triangular UFO flew in front of the airliner. It also caused a huge turbulence in its wake. A second aircraft encounter occurred on the same night at 10:30 p.m. when a A330-200 with 213 people on board encountered a flashing strobe light over Slane, Ireland. The airliner encountered a triangular UFO with an estimated 360 foot wing span. The UFO circled the plane aggresively. The second encounter lasted several minutes. Both encounters were tracked on airborne radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, pp. 41-42
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_104
### Event 53516 (A342D393)
**Date:** 1/4/2004
**Description:** A white egg-shaped object was seen floating in the sky at 10:00 a.m. PST in Hayward, California. It was five feet in diameter at the thiner dimension. The two witnesses then saw two more objects about three-fourths the size of the first, also egg shaped, gray in color, but not metallic. A white object changed shape slightly into a smooth diamond 200 feet up. The sightings lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Preston Dennett, UFOs over California: A True History of Extraterrestrial Encounters in the Golden State, p. 214; MUFON UFO Journal, issue 430
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_105
### Event 53517 (7A42377D)
**Date:** 1/4/2004
**Description:** Two oval objects that could travel at extremely high speeds were sighted in Holyoke, Massachusetts at 2:00 p.m. EST. At 2:30 p.m. a silver disc-shaped object with a bulge on one face, estimated to be maybe 30 feet across, was sighted in Fort Myers, Florida. It reflected sunlight and bobbed around at between 3,000 and 5,000 feet altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, UFO Reporting Center, January 2004 website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_106
### Event 53518 (30293680)
**Date:** 1/4/2004
**Description:** A very large, hovering disc-shaped object that appeared to be lighted from within was sighted in Four Oaks, North Carolina at 7:00 p.m. The object also appeared to have flashing lights on the outside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, UFO Reporting Center, January 2004 website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_107
### Event 53519 (A4915563)
**Date:** 1/5/2004
**Description:** At 4:03 p.m. a saucer-shaped object was seen hovering below a strange looking cloud, over a mountain in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 11, citing HBCCUFO and NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_160
### Event 53520 (6F7C5CCA)
**Date:** 1/11/2004
**Description:** An egg-shaped object, glowing a yellowish amber color, moved up and down in the sky over West River, Maryland at 3:28 a.m., and then started zigzagging sideways. The duration of the sighting was two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, January 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_270
### Event 53521 (78813DB0)
**Date:** 1/17/2004
**Locations:** Bass River, New Brunswick; Saint-Louis-de-Kent, New Brunswick; Caraquet; Moncton; Saint Paul
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. A witness at Bass River, New Brunswick, sees a bright, fast-moving fireball. Around 11:00 p.m., a couple near Saint-Louis-de-Kent, New Brunswick, watch two flashing lights low in the west. They descend rapidly then fly in front of the witnesses at tremendous speed. They then stop and settle above some trees on the eastern horizon and disappear. A man in Caraquet is looking south and sees two objects, one on top of the other, flying west to east. They take 5 minutes to cross the sky but do not look like airplanes. In Moncton, another witness sees a single light moving steadily and rapidly across the ocean toward the east. In Saint Paul, another witness sees two lights heading toward the northwest, They make no sound, rotate around each other, hover, then leave at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 210–211
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7445
### Event 53522 (AABD36EA)
**Date:** 1/20/2004
**Locations:** Europe; Toulouse, France
**Description:** European Parliament Member [Nello Musumeci](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nello%5FMusumeci) submits a proposal to create a Europe-wide “body for the study of unexplained atmospheric phenomena.” He suggests that the European Commission should pay special attention to UFO studies by various European space centers and recommends SEPRA in Toulouse, France, as a model.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 2Pinotti 213
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7446
### Event 53523 (B92FB59B)
**Date:** 1/21/2004
**Location:** Trans-Canada Highway 10 miles north of Sussex, New Brunswick
**Description:** A man is driving on the Trans-Canada Highway 10 miles north of Sussex, New Brunswick, when he sees a blinking light off to his left, apparently hovering above the road. As he approaches, he sees the object is composed of two bright white lights that seem to be attached to a structured object. It descends and hovers above a field. The witness can’t pull over, so the light is soon lost to view behind him.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, p. 211
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7447
### Event 53524 (F6FEBFFC)
**Date:** 1/22/2004
**Locations:** Ramstein Air Base; Ramstein-Misenbach; Kaiserslautern, Germany
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. S/Sgt Shawn Burke of the 86th Operations Support Squadron stationed at Ramstein Air Base outside Ramstein-Misenbach, Kaiserslautern, Germany, sees a row of seven lights directly overhead and glowing a bright white. When the clouds become thicker, the display disappears briefly, then reappears and become more elongated, looking more like lines than dots. Burke takes a few photos. They remain stationary all night. His cellphone and the internet in his building goes out when the lights get brighter. Possible light pillars.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wim van Utrecht, “[Seven Unidentified Lights over Ramstein Air Base,](https://www.caelestia.be/ramstein.html)” Caelestia
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7448
### Event 53525 (43B3F1EA)
**Date:** 1/22/2004
**Description:** A lighted triangular craft was sighted flying low and slowly over traffic on I-35 in Olathe, Kansas at 6:45 p.m. An hour later a similar triangle was spotted over Deridder, Louisiana.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, January 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_435
### Event 53526 (1A95B41F)
**Date:** 1/25/2004
**Location:** Richibucto, New Brunswick
**Description:** 6:26 p.m. A woman and her son watch a strange triangular object in the sky above Richibucto, New Brunswick. It has sparkling lights on top and a V shape on its underside. In a telescope, they can see it is a large gray object with something like a round door on the bottom. It suddenly speeds up and disappears in the distance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, p. 211
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7449
### Event 53527 (7B01D991)
**Date:** 1/27/2004
**Location:** Retford, Nottinghamshire, England
**Description:** Night. Alec Birch, who has confessed to faking a UFO photo in 1962, takes a series of color slides showing the town hall in Retford, Nottinghamshire, England, for a photography competition. He sees nothing unusual at the time, but on examining one transparency he finds an image that appears to be an elliptical UFO. Ruling out lens flares and aircraft, he contacts the Ministry of Defence, which sends the slide to the Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency for analysis. The agency reports back to the MoD on August 2, saying that no definite conclusions can be reached, but “it may be coincidental that the illuminated plane of the object passes through the centre of the frame, indicating a possible lens anomaly, \[for example\] a droplet of moisture.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [pp. 147–148](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n239/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7450
### Event 53528 (A0A4EEB2)
**Date:** 1/30/2004
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. witnesses in Willard, Missouri saw a orange sphere moving slowly across the sky in repeated figure eight patterns. It disappeared completely after 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Jan. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_627
### Event 53529 (48799257)
**Date:** 2/8/2004
**Description:** At 6:25 p.m. EST a silent UFO with one light, no running lights or tail light, and no vapor trail passed over a home in Chester County, South Carolina. As it flew over dogs in the neighborhood were barking loudly. At 5:45 p.m. CST or about 20 minutes later, a small reddish spherical object, that flashed red at varying intensities and intervals, was sighted over Houston, Texas. It seemed to wobble laterally as it flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_764
### Event 53530 (939F38FC)
**Date:** 2/9/2004
**Description:** Bright amber lights flashing in a random sequence on what appeared to be a disc-shaped object was seen over Lincoln City, Oregon at 7 p.m. They later came to within what the witnesses said was 30 feet of their house, and returned by flying back out over the Pacific Ocean.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_791
### Event 53531 (5C696B99)
**Date:** 2/11/2004
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object was seen in Linthicum, Maryland near the BWI airport at around 2:00 a.m. The witness was in his basement when he heard a very low frequency humming noise for 30 minutes. He decided to take a look outside, and that was when he witnessed the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_851
### Event 53532 (581A2D2D)
**Date:** 2/11/2004
**Description:** At 8:22 a.m. in Lyndhurst, Ohio a silvery metallic, wingless cigar-shaped object moved rapidly in a northerly direction while presenting a side on view; it then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_852
### Event 53533 (5B0C91B6)
**Date:** 2/11/2004
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. a boomerang-shaped UFO was observed traveling south to north over Yreka, California. it flew at a high altitude, had a V-shape, with 7 or maybe 8 lights in a V-shaped pattern.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_853
### Event 53534 (ECC7A21C)
**Date:** 2/13/2004
**Description:** 2004, Jordanow, Poland - At one o'clock in the morning Mrs. K. J., age 77, awoke and went to the bathroom and then back to her bedroom. As she passed through the kitchen she was surprised to see a strong fiery orange light outside, floating in the sky. She realized it couldn't be the moon. The light was hemisphere shaped, with a flat bottom and round top. The light had an apparent size 2-3 times larger than the full moon. The light hung over the forest on Hajdowka Hill, 1.5 kilometers from her house. She watched it for about five minutes and started to feel so she went back to bed. During the night she had a disturbing "dream" about meeting with a huge shiny "thing". She awoke feeling very frightened, around 6:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2004, citing Robert K Lesniakiewicz
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_910
### Event 53535 (388BA3DB)
**Date:** 2/15/2004
**Description:** At 11:00 a.m. a white disc-shaped object flew over the middle of the Kent Valley in Auburn, Washington. It slowed down and started hovering.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2004 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_937
### Event 53536 (1AE4C62E)
**Date:** 2/16/2004
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a large, silent, fast moving oval-shaped object with light moved back and forth in the sky over a residential neighborhood in Amityville, New York on Long Island.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 2004 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_956
### Event 53537 (BFB89CF4)
**Date:** 2/17/2004
**Description:** A dark triangular flying object with three lights, one at each end, flew over Phillipsburg, New Jersey at 7:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Feb. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_973
### Event 53538 (E553C97D)
**Date:** 2/20/2004
**Locations:** São Paulo; Recife, Brazil
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. Lt. Ribeiro of the Brazilian Air Force is retuning on a flight from São Paulo to Recife, Brazil. He is ordered to intercept a radar return that he can visually confirm as a yellow light. During the interception, the light remains stationary. Suddenly it begins moving toward the aircraft and gets very close. The pilot can only see a sphere of light coming closer, so he maneuvers sharply to the right. At this point his plane is illuminated by a beam of light. Seconds later everything is back to normal and the object is gone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 206; Brazil 553–554
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7451
### Event 53539 (48304D43)
**Date:** 2/25/2004
**Description:** A small disc-shaped object with numerous green lights was seen over Bellevue, Ohio at 7:20 p.m. It moved left and right slowly and was in sight for ten seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1124
### Event 53540 (8D953B99)
**Date:** 2/29/2004
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. in Brooklyn, Maryland an oval-shaped, very bright light came down into a backyard, very close to the house and residents. The close encounter reportedly lasted ten minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Feb. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1194
### Event 53541 (750A166E)
**Date:** 3/2004
**Description:** Huntsville, AL company Transdimensional Technologies LLC states it is working on anti-gravitic technology for commercial applications and references UAP in a press release. Founder Jeff Cameron states the company is working with NASA and it is exploring transportation, military and space travel applications of its “Power Cubed” technology. The company obtains investment from local Huntsville businessmen Remigrius Shatas and Robert Asprey (founders of Cyber Corp., later Avocent), and additional investment from 2C Computing and local venture capital firm R&R Ventures, of which Asprey was also a partner. The company’s state filings are still active but its website is no longer online and it no longer provides updates to the public on its antigravity research. It was located at 906-E Bob Wallace Ave., Huntsville, AL 35801.
An archived version of the company’s website also shows it was developing a non-lethal weapon known as Medusa and a gravitational wave propulsion system. It suggests clients include military and NASA, and the Power Cubed propellantless propulsion rotor was developed on contract with NASA MSFC (H31066D).
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20020803023003/http://www.tdimension.com/projects.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20020803023003/http://www.tdimension.com/projects.html)
* [https://arc-sos.state.al.us/cgi/corpdetail.mbr/detail?corp=676242](https://arc-sos.state.al.us/cgi/corpdetail.mbr/detail?corp=676242)
* [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_antigravity02.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_antigravity02.htm)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20020803023342/http://www.tdimension.com/staff.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20020803023342/http://www.tdimension.com/staff.html)
* [https://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/UNITEL_12.pdf](https://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/UNITEL_12.pdf)
* [https://www.unexplainable.net/other-news/transdimensional-technologies-to-show-off-power-cubed.php](https://www.unexplainable.net/other-news/transdimensional-technologies-to-show-off-power-cubed.php)
* [https://al.ltddir.com/companies/transdimensional-technologies-limited-liability-company/](https://al.ltddir.com/companies/transdimensional-technologies-limited-liability-company/)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20221223011900/https://www.freeenergyplanet.biz/energy-from-vacuum/transdimensional-technologies-inc.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20221223011900/https://www.freeenergyplanet.biz/energy-from-vacuum/transdimensional-technologies-inc.html) (rg - archive.org URL, orig permission denied)
* [https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pwr-antigravity/](https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pwr-antigravity/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_396
### Event 53542 (5D67B4CD)
**Date:** 3/5/2004
**Locations:** Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico; Gulf of Mexico
**Description:** Mexican Air Force pilots flying a C-26A Metroliner using infrared equipment to search for drug-smuggling aircraft record 11 unidentified objects on infrared video and radar near Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mexico. The objects are not visible to the crew. Secretary of Defense Gen. [Gerardo Clemente Vega](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerardo%5FClemente%5FVega) issues a press release on May 12 accompanied by videotape that shows moving bright lights at 11,500 feet. Mexican journalist [Jaime](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime%5FMaussan) [Maussan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime%5FMaussan) interprets the videotape as “proof of alien visitation,” but science writer and skeptic [Michael Shermer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FShermer) is critical of witness accounts that vary wildly, saying, “it was like a fisherman’s tale, growing with each retelling,” while NARCAP suggests the lights are most likely burn-off flares on offshore oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “Special Failures Down Mexico Way,” IUR 28, no. 4 \(Winter 2003–2004\): 12–13, 28; “NARCAP Statement on the Mexican FLIR Case,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7452
### Event 53543 (4E4AF62A)
**Date:** 3/5/2004
**Description:** Some famous UFO photographs were taken on this day near Mexico City, Mexico. A Mexican military surveillance aircraft captured multiple objects (11) with its infra-red sensors. The objects were not visible to the flight crew at the time. There was extensive publicity about this event in May 2004.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 18196; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1323
### Event 53544 (F6ADED79)
**Date:** 3/6/2004
**Description:** Former NIDS consultant James Westwood tells Jacques Vallée there are four secret “iron post” sources that Hal Puthoff and Eric Davis deem to be unimpeachable and connected to the IC. They confirm the existence of one hidden project reverse engineering “alien”hardware. Westwood writes two are senior flag officers, one is defense industry/high OSD official and one is civilian high office of the Reagan/Clinton administrations. Two are VADM Thomas Wilson and Gen. Jack Sheehan, the other two are unnamed.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_397
### Event 53545 (47CDBD63)
**Date:** 3/10/2004
**Description:** The crews of a number of fishing vessels fifty miles off the coast of Neah Bay, Washington observed a disc-shaped object with white, red and green lights at 7:00 p.m. on this evening. It flew around at high rates of speed and was in view for nearly half an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2004 archived webpage reports
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1420
### Event 53546 (193353E0)
**Date:** 3/12/2004
**Description:** At four a.m. Mr. M. N. was driving east on Wellington Street in Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario at the southeastern end of Lake Superior and as he came to the center city (known to locals as Soo, Canada). He noticed a vertical beam of light in the early morning sky, from the top of a hill to the north. He stopped his vehicle at a cross street and looked all the way to the end of the street, about 7 blocks away, where the street ends at the base of the hill and has a metal stairwell leading to McDonald Avenue. His eyes focused on a little dark figure standing very still. This caught his curiosity, so he slowly drove towards it. It then started moving from side to side, using fluid movements as if it was floating in the air. It moved as if confused, or afraid and didn't know what to do. As he got closer, the figure's appearance seemed to have metamorphosed into a transparent, shadow-like entity that very swiftly flew up the stairs. To his astonishment, the beam of light that he had seen in the distant sky a few minutes before was now at the top of the hill, only 100 feet away. With his heart racing he drove as fast as he could eastward along the base of the hill until he came to the nearest street that climbed the hill and drove up McDonald Avenue to see what was happening. He arrived at the top of the hill only to find three circle-shaped burn markings on the pavement of the street. About 10 seconds later he heard a weird kind of gunshot sound. When he looked up to the sky he saw a bright light shooting up into the stars. As he watched the spectacle a peaceful feeling came over him and he felt as if every hair on his body was standing on end. The feeling of well being felt like it lasted only a brief 30 seconds, but when he looked again at his watch it was at least 40 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2004, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Vol. 9, # 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1444
### Event 53547 (C6C6EC54)
**Date:** 3/14/2004
**Description:** At 12:24 p.m. in Perth, Western Australia a witness watched as a disc-shaped object flew over from a nearby hill, then hovered for three minutes. Next, it flew overhead in a suburban area. It first flew at a slow pace, then sped off at an extremely fast speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1513
### Event 53548 (C2DC6D56)
**Date:** 3/21/2004
**Description:** Kingfisher, Oklahoma - Two young women, both college students, witnessed two very bright lights in the night sky at 7:26 p.m., which suddenly descended. The object, triangular in shape, appeared to land. It was brightly lit with what looked like halogen type lights, and was clear or hollow in the center. Other cars stopped to park along the highway to look at it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1609
### Event 53549 (9CC87403)
**Date:** 3/25/2004
**Description:** At around 7:00 p.m. the crew of a commercial airliner flying near Omaha, Nebraska reported seeing four disc-shaped objects, which remained visible ahead of the aircraft for between 10 and 15 minutes. The objects did not appear on FAA radar at anytime during the entire sighting. They had many lights and flew off to the west, where they were lost from view
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2004 archived webpage; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 18197, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1666
### Event 53550 (9D3177BD)
**Date:** 3/26/2004
**Description:** An object like a "dinner plate" with a dome on the bottom was sighted in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada at 4:22 a.m. It flew slowly, and stopped at one point. The sighting lasted 15 minutes. At 7:50 p.m. two rapid moving almond-shaped discs initially flew in from the Gulf of Mexico heading east toward Brandenton, Florida and then turned sharply south. They moved very fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 157, citing HBCCUFO; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2004 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1689
### Event 53551 (801EA862)
**Date:** 3/26/2004
**Description:** Eric Davis speaks to former Pres. George Bush Sr. on the phone about Phil Corso’s claims. Davis asks Bush if Corso could have been “mistaken” and he was
actually just dealing with recovered Nazi hardware. Bush Sr. told him it was “impossible” and “the two topics were clearly separated.” Bush Sr. tells Eric the Holloman AFB film of a landed UAP was “the real thing.” Bush Sr. also states there was a secret project and the security was “obscene.”
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_398
### Event 53552 (921DD59C)
**Date:** 3/26/2004
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states Eric Davis received an envelope from a source inside DIA that contained notes about “fake” MJ-12 papers to mislead ufology and notes about a secret DIA project. The notes said DIA took over a collection project in 1961 and by the early 1980s, RADM E.A. Burkhalter Jr. and his deputy Col. Roy K. Jonkers were in charge of the UAP project. Eric Davis possessed an org chart dated 1981. Dr. Jack Vorona is listed as an assistant vice director for scientific and technical intelligence.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_399
### Event 53553 (53AB59E5)
**Date:** 3/28/2004
**Description:** Jacques Vallée writes that while at a meal with Kit Green, Hal Puthoff, Eric Davis and Kristin B Zimmerman, the group speculates that the four USG contractors who touch the “real” UAP project(s) are Lockheed Martin, the Aerospace Corporation, Raytheon which now owns Hughes, and Northrop-Grumman which now owns TRW.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_400
### Event 53554 (214D2559)
**Date:** 4/5/2004
**Description:** At 11:00 a.m. a witness in Newport, Tennessee spotted a bizarre flying creature resembling an arrowhead flying backwards, with what looked like a head or knob on the front. It didn't look mechanical, it was more like some kind of animal. It did not have extended wings like a bird but seemed to have some stubby wings which may have been part of the body, like some type of bat. They protruded out near the end and tapered back to a point at the rear. The creature appeared to be around three feet long and a little over two feet wide. It was moving very fast in a straight line, at an altitude of approximate 150 feet. The witness did not see any method of propulsion, such as wing movement. It just seemed to be gliding but at a high speed. It maintained a level flight path moving westward, where the witness eventually lost sight of it. It was light brown in color along the sides of the wings, with a dark body color, possibly dark brown or black.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2004, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1854
### Event 53555 (F208407F)
**Date:** 4/8/2004
**Description:** There were multiple reports from Rochester, Indiana on this night to the National UFO Reporting Center. One report was of a very large disc-shaped object with six lights that went on and off in 20 second intervals. The other report was of an independent sighting of yellowish orange lights in the southern sky. The object in question may have been around 200 feet in width. At about the same time, at 10:00 p.m. in Leiters Ford, Indiana another report came in of a UFO with yellowish beams of light. The beams were peculiar because the never seemed to touch the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Washington, April 2004 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1916
### Event 53556 (56B1647D)
**Date:** 4/12/2004
**Description:** In Citrusdal, Western Cape, South Africa two witnesses were walking home at 9:30 p.m. when they saw a flying triangle craft moving very slowly through the sky. It had a yellow light at each of the three points, and in the middle of the craft was a blue and red light that went on and off and circled each other. "My grandmother an I stood there for about 4 minutes watching the craft, and then I went home." The witness told her father about it, and he became a third witness, but he could only make out a faint light in the sky. The grandmother had seen a similar craft several nights before.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twitchell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 114, citing Brian Vike, HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1996
### Event 53557 (8597C011)
**Date:** 4/15/2004
**Locations:** Varginha; Trindade Island
**Description:** [Ademar José Gevaerd](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ademar%5FJos%C3%A9%5FGevaerd)’s Brazilian Ufologists Commission launches a campaign called “Freedom of Information Now!” with the goal of convincing the Brazilian government to publicly release official information on the Varginha case, the Official Night of the UFOs, and the Trindade Island photos.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 209
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7453
### Event 53558 (8AE4DFA0)
**Date:** 4/15/2004
**Description:** A woman awoke at around 6:00 a.m. and walked to her screened bedroom window in Orlando, Florida. She saw a small, oval, slightly glowing object hovering just above the ground, low outside the window. The object was about 12 inches in diameter or less. A cat noticed the object and attempted to stalk it, whereupon it made a quick zig-zag maneuver and suddenly streaked away in a nearly instantaneous acceleration.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, April 2004 webpage archive; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 18198, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2042
### Event 53559 (DA15F3CD)
**Date:** 4/16/2004
**Description:** There was no sound coming from a triangle-like craft seen near Fort Benning, Georgia by a mother and daughter. At 10:20 p.m. a 47-year-old woman was driving home from Columbus with her 16-year-old daughter when they thought they saw a military helicopter from the Fort. Upon getting closer the mother thought it resembled more of a Stealth Bomber with a triangle shape. They slowed down and rolled down their car windows, which revealed there was no sound coming from the craft. Near Ellerslie, in Harris County, Georgia, they then observed the dark triangle hovering at a relatively low altitude. It had blinking red and green lights at the rear, and it was projecting a spotlight beam with an adjacent blue light under each wing. The daughter became a little concerned and said they needed to get out of there, get home, and tell her dad. The mother reported to the MUFON investigator that she had observed a similar triangular craft before, along with her older daughter, but had never reported it
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 95, citing field investigator Dan Worsham and Tom Sheets
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2069
### Event 53560 (C2D3D6AF)
**Date:** 4/21/2004
**Description:** An irregular shaped UFO was seen hovering over a pond in Newmarket, Ontario, Canada at 2:30 a.m.by a single witness. There was a tube extending from the object that was sucking up water from the pond. Ground marks were reportedly found nearby. At 3:00 a.m. two orange oval-shaped objects flew at great speeds and made hairpin turns while moving about the sky during a thunderstorm in Kemptville near Ottawa, Ontario.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, UFO Research Manitoba, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, cases # 237 & 238, citing HBCCUFO and NUFORC respectively
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2200
### Event 53561 (25268FE4)
**Date:** 4/25/2004
**Description:** At 1:20 a.m. a V-shaped object flew past the witness' window in Kelowna, British Columbia so low that it was illuminated by streetlights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case 245, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2323
### Event 53562 (9B97D82D)
**Date:** 4/26/2004
**Description:** A very fast, low flying cigar-shaped object with four diamond shapes on the bottom was seen flying over Longmont, Colorado at 9:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, April 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2358
### Event 53563 (7CAEAA3D)
**Date:** 4/26/2004
**Description:** A glowing flying triangle was spotted by a couple in Kelowna, British Columbia. It was white in color. No lights were seen on the craft, flying at an estimated 20,000 ft, with no aura nor trail. It went on a straight line toward the northwest. Later a helicopter was seen flying at a low level.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 246, citing HBCCUFO; George A. Filer & David E. Twitchell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 113
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2359
### Event 53564 (41324F38)
**Date:** 5/3/2004
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a witness and son in Dijon, Côte-d'Or, France saw for the second time several yellow and green balls moving in the sky. The BOLs were ten times larger than a star, and were coming together fast. The sighting had a 15 minute duration.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case 391
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2492
### Event 53565 (00041304)
**Date:** 5/7/2004
**Description:** In North Lauderdale, Florida at approximately 10:25 p.m. an oval-shaped object was in sight for 10 minutes. It had a row of blinking lights, and the lights were alternating blue and red, while the object made a humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, www.nuforc.org, May 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2644
### Event 53566 (CA99C8F3)
**Date:** 5/8/2004
**Description:** At 10:00 a.m. in the surroundings of ExpoCuba, a fairground located in the Havana, Cuba municipality of Boyeros, several people witnessed the presence of a small silver oval-shaped UFO. Residents saw the small oval-shaped vessel, silver-colored with a metallic tail, as it descended and landed in an open field encircled by trees on the El Pedregal farm. It made no noise nor smoke. It was about the size of a pickup truck tire. Raul Beltran, 17, states, "I was tidying the shelves when a bright light came through the window that was like a glowing ball with a tail in its lower section. I showed it to my mother and quickly ran outside to see where it would fall and watched at the site until the UFO took off once more." It lifted off perpendicularly, and then left through the palm trees. According to the witnesses, the grass and small plants at the site where the UFO landed were somewhat burned.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 39-40, citing Prensa Latina, May 19, 2004
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2667
### Event 53567 (2458E32F)
**Date:** 5/8/2004
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a black delta-shaped wing and sphere were seen moving in the sky over Cranbrook, British Columbia. There were four witnesses and the sighting was quite brief.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 268, citing UFOBC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2668
### Event 53568 (F4EF15A3)
**Date:** 5/9/2004
**Description:** Mary E. Spitz, a former Army Captain, reports she was driving to her mother's house in Pennsylvania on Mother's Day at 10:10 p.m. when she saw a triangular UFO with three blinking white lights and one flashing red light in the center. It flew in very low, and started following her car. "I was alone and very scared after I sighted it in the the town of Martin's Corner," she stated. It was only 100 yards above her car, and followed on Highway 340 and then some country roads to her mother's house in Wagontown, Pennsylvania. It then hovered low over a field for 10 minutes, before flying off to the east. It was about 50 feet on each of the three sides.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 103, citing John Schuessler, MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2705
### Event 53569 (267F1EAA)
**Date:** 5/12/2004
**Description:** A man and a woman were walking their dog at around 11:00 p.m. in Sequin, Texas when they spotted a huge, disc-shaped craft coming down from the sky. The woman became agitated and began yelling that there was a loud ringing in her head and she believeed she could hear voices trying to talk to her. The dog also became disturbed and ran off. Two more discs appeared in the sky, and the man began to cry. He later described the UFOs as charcoal gray in color, and ringed with black lights. All three of the craft appeared to have strange writing or symbols on their hulls, which the witnesses thought resembled ancient writing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, citing National UFO Reporting Center, May 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2785
### Event 53570 (D805C477)
**Date:** 5/14/2004
**Description:** A massive triangular shaped object crossed the sky from south to north at 2:30 a.m. in Scappoose, Oregon. It was dark without lights but blocked the backdrop of stars as it flew over.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2004 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2845
### Event 53571 (C7454997)
**Date:** 5/15/2004
**Description:** A woman reported seeing several objects hovering above her townhouse in Towson, Maryland at 12:30 a.m. She also reported that a Grey humanoid came into her home, and feeling a strange giddiness at the time unlike anything else she had ever experienced. She had a missing time experience, lasting at least 35 minutes. She has requested a complete investigation by MUFON. During the encounter the being made telepathic contact with her, and she experienced feelings of peacefulness, describing the entity as an "old friend". She felt that the entity seemed to express concern for her.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2004 Humanoid Contact database, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2004 webpage, quoting MUFON as the source
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2877
### Event 53572 (804A6372)
**Date:** 5/15/2004
**Description:** A UFO allegedly crashed in the early morning hours in a remote jungle region close to Guri Dam in southeastern Venezuela. The hydroelectric station at Guri Dam is at the north end of the man-made lake, Lago de Guri. The dam is on the Rio Caroni, 100 km south of the Orinoco River at Ciudad Bolivar. The incident was witnessed by workers at the dam and took place northwest of their location. Soldiers of Venezuela's Guardia Nacional reportedly proceeded to cordon off the area, and undertook stringent security measures further north. In Puerto Ordaz residents saw low-flying, black helicopters cross the overcast sky, heading south towards the dam. The presence of U.S. military personnel was also reported, although relations between the governments of Venezuela and the United States are not cordial. The seismology unit at the University of Caracas reported movement at the time of the crash. Access to the crash site was difficult due to the torrential rains at the site during this time of the year.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2004 Humanoid Contact database, citing UFO Roundup, May 25, 2004, quoting Proyecto Orion, Scott Corrales, Christian Quintero of Planeta UFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2878
### Event 53573 (8E71EDB0)
**Date:** 5/17/2004
**Description:** A woman was cleaning house in Culloden, West Virginia on this evening when she spotted a black figure run past her window. She looked outside and could not see anyone. She resumed her cleaning, but again saw another figure run by the window, this one not as dark as the first. Ten minutes later she was in the kitchen when she was blinded by a bright flash of light that came in through both of her back windows. She then closed her curtains. The next day her dogs were acting strangely and there was a local power outage in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2004 archived webpage, citing Donnie Blessing, MUFON Ohio
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2946
### Event 53574 (9E1454F8)
**Date:** 5/19/2004
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. EDT a saucer-shaped object, flickering green and blue lights and only about 30 feet in the air was reported by a witness in Vicksburg, Michigan. There was a big bright flash that blinded the witness for 30 seconds, and when his sight recovered the UFO was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2004 archived webpage, report
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2999
### Event 53575 (C75194FA)
**Date:** 5/19/2004
**Description:** At 9:52 p.m. PDT a V-shaped object with lights was seen hovering low, close to the ground, in Trail, British Columbia, Canada. There were three lights on each wing of the V, rotating rapidly in circles.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 311, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3000
### Event 53576 (820CFCF2)
**Date:** 6/2004
**Description:** Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development [Catherine Austin Fitts](https://home.solari.com/) writes in a paper that a “large proportion of the nation’s wealth is being illegally diverted…into secret, unaccountable channels” to support clandestine domestic military R&D. She claims that while at HUD, she came across evidence to suggest IT/accounting systems providers Lockheed Martin Information Systems, Dyncorp and AMS Inc. were responsible for the obfuscation and may have data on where missing DOD/HUD funds were siphoned to. Fitts also claims that complaints about AMS were answered by the Pentagon with its hire of IBM, but IBM in turn, subcontracted AMS, Lockheed, Dyncorp, SAIC and Accenture to manage the systems that failed a GAO audit.
Fitts also claims AMS violated fiduciary and control practices by “installing its own equipment and software with no parallel runs against the legacy software and accounting system.” AMS was hired by HUD in 1996 to manage internal accounting and financial controls and Fitts claims while she was at HUD, AMS’s actions led to $76 billion in undocumentable transactions.
* [https://www.jstor.org/stable/48504790#metadata%20info%20tab%20contents](https://www.jstor.org/stable/48504790#metadata%20info%20tab%20contents)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_401
### Event 53577 (2CDB217E)
**Date:** 6/4/2004
**Description:** Around 7:00 p.m. a rounded "A"-shaped object was seen moving irregularly in the sky over Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada for 15 minutes, then it flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Canadian UFO Survey 2004, case # 348
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3288
### Event 53578 (E2381E39)
**Date:** 6/6/2004
**Description:** At four o'clock in the morning a yellowish orange dome-shaped object was sighted moving slowly from south to north in Rockne, Texas before blinking out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, June 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3345
### Event 53579 (AF389EFF)
**Date:** 6/9/2004
**Description:** At 6:00 p.m. local time a teardrop-shaped UFO and other UFOs was seen in Ruby Bay, Nelson, New Zealand. The witness was standing on the beach having a smoke when he saw the object, which had spinning red lights and was beaming light down into the water. He ran and got his friend to see it as well. Other residents of the campground also saw it. It moved closer towards the beach sending beams of light across the bay, and made an electrical humming noise and a thundering sound that could easily be heard. The craft moved at a phenomenal speed and disappeared and reappeared in different places, moving up into the sky. At about 8:00 p.m. and over the next hour another 6 craft appeared in the sky. The objects in the sky looked like giant orbs of amber light and over the rest of the night the objects moved around the Nelson Harbour and the hills around Ruby Bay. The objects came in close and shot off randomly for the rest of the night until morning. Flat batteries in cars reportedly occurred throughout the McKees Domain, and dead fish washed up on the beach in Ruby Bay later that day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 2004 archive webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3401
### Event 53580 (6230AAFB)
**Date:** 6/10/2004
**Location:** Lilburn, GA
**Description:** Dog barks as small white lights are observed (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [040610](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-040610.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5901
### Event 53581 (A9EEAA75)
**Date:** 6/12/2004
**Description:** In Torrance, California at 3:03 p.m. a high altitude metallic disc-shaped object was watched from seven minutes. It reflected sunlight at times as it moved first west, then to the northwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, June 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3451
### Event 53582 (F3C65600)
**Date:** 6/16/2004
**Description:** A chrome colored sphere was sighted over Milan, Tennessee at 12:30 p.m. It flew into a small cloud and didn't emerge again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 2004 webpage archive
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3523
### Event 53583 (A85DD3B4)
**Date:** Summer 2004
**Location:** Częstochowa, Poland
**Description:** Two security guards at a glass factory in Częstochowa, Poland, watch a large, oblong-shaped object with two bright yellow lights on both ends fly 90 feet above their guard post.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 110
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7454
### Event 53584 (07A57A41)
**Date:** 6/21/2004
**Description:** A saucer shaped object with bright red lights was seen in Richmond Hill, New York at 9:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3594
### Event 53585 (9EF37F98)
**Date:** 7/7/2004
**Description:** A huge blue triangular craft was seen hovering over a nuclear plant in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada at 3:30 a.m. It zoomed away, but the witness was unable to account for 90 minutes of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2004, case # 446, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3921
### Event 53586 (4C3973AD)
**Date:** 7/17/2004
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. a triangular craft was seen hovering over I-70 in Lewisburg, Ohio. At 10:45 p.m. a white circular object came out of nowhere in Portsmouth, Ohio and dropped above a tree. It hovered at 50 feet altitude emitting four light beams, that were directed onto the street below. It made no sound. There were two witnesses and the close encounter lasted an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2004 archived webpage; Australasian Ufologist, October 2004, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4153
### Event 53587 (BDBE5190)
**Date:** 7/26/2004
**Description:** During a power failure in Kerman, California that occurred at 1:20 a.m. Ms. E. B. was looking for a flashlight when the power came back on. Earlier that night around 12:30 a.m. she had seen an unusual light in the sky and now went out to look in the sky where she had seen it. What she saw was a glowing silvery man-like figure that was flying above the neighborhood at a height of 21 to 24 meters. The figure flew at a reasonably fast pace. The moment she saw it she screamed and ran back inside, locking the door behind her, but she continued to watch it through a window. The figure went behind some trees and when it emerged on the other side it shot off towards the north at the speed of a rocket.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Volume 31, No. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4421
### Event 53588 (E3EBEED8)
**Date:** 7/27/2004
**Description:** A truck driver driving south on Interstate 25 in New Mexico reported the night sky was pitch black with no moon nor even cloud cover visible. At 1:30 a.m., driving at 63 mph, he noticed a bright blue light about a half-mile ahead on the exit ramp for south-bound Exit 138. It appeared to be like a blue laser, similar to the light some people use on the hoods of their cars. When he got closer to the ramp he saw two figures approximately 3-4 feet tall. Each was either holding a blue light, or was wearing a blue head lamp. He couldn't tell for sure. The figures appeared to be looking to the north and south, and they looked at his truck as he drove by. They appeared to be wearing loose-fitting bright silver outfits, similar to HAZMAT suits. He couldn't tell if they were wearing helmets. The terrain was very flat and he did not see any vehicles in the area. He was sure that he would have seen any vehicle that they could have come from. He slowed to turn around but the nearest exit was another 30 miles down the highway so he decided not to go back.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4444
### Event 53589 (BDA7A307)
**Date:** 7/27/2004
**Description:** While driving home from a dinner party at two o'clock in the morning a married couple in Asland, Massachusetts observed a round silver disc-shaped object about 30 feet in diameter that had landed in an open field off of Chestnut Street. They both got out of their car and approached the disc and when they got close enough they both touched the craft. It was very cold to the touch and it was glowing red to blue. They were able to see inside the craft through a small window and saw three small beings. All appeared to be sleeping or meditating, they did not respond to the witnesses voices. As the couple began to walk around the craft it began to rise up into the air and eventually flew off without making any sound at all.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4445
### Event 53590 (88734CAF)
**Date:** 7/31/2004
**Description:** CNES is now embarrassed by its decision to close SEPRA and is planning a rebirth.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gildas Bourdais, “The Death and Rebirth of Official French UFO Studies,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7455
### Event 53591 (409B2D52)
**Date:** 7/31/2004
**Description:** A witness named Deakin witnessed a black pipe-like object in the sky over Hollingworth, England at 5:30 p.m. It stayed in a vertical position, hovering or floating as if being blown gently by the wind. It was viewed through binoculars. Later, at 10:45 p.m. in Shepton Mallet, Somerset County, England three very strange looking, bright orange objects were reported in the sky to the British Ministry of Defense. They were described as quite large and going in an upward direction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Australasian Ufologist, October 2004, p. 35; British Ministry of Defense, case 2004-57
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4549
### Event 53592 (6C7EE6E7)
**Date:** 7/31/2004
**Description:** At 11:38 p.m. a large disc-shaped object emitting a bright light and a buzzing sound at intervals was sighted and photographed over Yamuna Nagar, Haryana State, India. Stationary at first, the UFO flew off to the south at high speed. It was witnessed by a man at a petrol service station along with five employees. He took one photo of it with a Nokia 6230 digital phone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4550
### Event 53593 (D6E0DA53)
**Date:** 8/2004
**Locations:** US; Belgium
**Description:** The National Institute for Discovery Science releases a report, “NIDS Investigations of the Flying Triangle Enigma,” with analyses of triangle-shaped UFOs in the US, Belgium, and elsewhere.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “NIDS Investigations of the Flying Triangle Enigma,” August 2004
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7456
### Event 53594 (C8696FB0)
**Date:** 8/2004
**Description:** Alleged US Army/DIA official John Maynard states Atlantic Research Corporation is deeply involved in the UAP matter. TRW, Johnson Controls and Honeywell are mentioned as well that allegedly receive money to work on highly compartmentalized waived unacknowledged Special Access Programs where only four people knew what was happening. Maynard claims some UAP information is controlled by three families: the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and the Hapsburgs. CSETI (see 13 February 2009) was partially funded by Laurance Rockefeller.
* [https://drstevengreer.com/cseti-papers/the-unacknowledged-threat/](https://drstevengreer.com/cseti-papers/the-unacknowledged-threat/)
* [http://www.doe.carleton.ca/~nagui/Appnotes/AttachToMail/PDF/Maynard%20Interview.PDF](http://www.doe.carleton.ca/~nagui/Appnotes/AttachToMail/PDF/Maynard%20Interview.PDF)
* [https://ia803008.us.archive.org/4/items/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/Hidden%20Truth%20Forbidden%20Knowledge%20Steven%20M.%20Greer.pdf](https://ia803008.us.archive.org/4/items/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/Hidden%20Truth%20Forbidden%20Knowledge%20Steven%20M.%20Greer.pdf) (p92)
>**_Note_**: To more deeply probe the connections between wealthy entrepreneurial families and funding of possibly rogue UAP projects, one would want to look at linkages between: (1) all members of those families, (2) all front companies linked to those families and (3) all meetings held by those families and the aerospace world. If intermediary funding mechanisms are used one would also want to look for linkages between those families and organizations that may fund aerospace related projects. See possible example: the Lindbergh Foundation (see 3 December 1999).
>**_Note_**: USAF Project Outgrowth (see June 1972) referenced Atlantic Research Corporation. Outgrowth’s lead Franklin Mead studied advanced propulsion concepts for decades at Edwards AFB and it is curious to see Atlantic referenced there, given Maynard’s claims it was involved in UAP work. Other companies referenced alongside Atlantic in Outgrowth at the time were Armour Research Foundation, IIT Research Institute, United Aircraft Research Laboratory, Chrysler Corporation, Lockheed Missiles and Space Company, Aerojet General Corporation, Physics International Company and Pratt and Whitney.
>**_Note_**: Mohsen Paul Sarfarazi, a materials scientist who has worked at Atlantic Research Corporation, Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory and several universities, claims some negative entities use humans as a power source. Sarfarazi is an acclaimed materials scientist who studied plasma physics and the crystalline structure of materials for various applications. After retirement he began speaking in the PUBLIC DOMAIN about “negative” entities affecting human minds and personal communications from other positive entities.
>* [https://everything-imaginable.simplecast.com/episodes/dr-mohsen-paul-sarfarazi-artificially-intelligent-negative-aliens-using-humans-as-power-source-kbpyzC2H](https://everything-imaginable.simplecast.com/episodes/dr-mohsen-paul-sarfarazi-artificially-intelligent-negative-aliens-using-humans-as-power-source-kbpyzC2H)
>* [https://www.academia.edu/42735164/Negative_Aliens_Reverse_Consciousness_NARC_Gender_Archetypes_Mind_Control_Programming_An_Overview](https://www.academia.edu/42735164/Negative_Aliens_Reverse_Consciousness_NARC_Gender_Archetypes_Mind_Control_Programming_An_Overview)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_402
### Event 53595 (A15C6292)
**Date:** 8/2/2004
**Description:** A young man, Andrey Alexandrovich Zabava, was spending time at the seashore near Cape Plaka near Partenit, Crimea, Ukraine in the company of several tourists from Russia and Poland. Their main reason for being there was to hunt for UFOs, because they believed there was an underground alien base hidden inside Ayu-Dug (Bear) Mountain, just to the west of Partenit. Their first six nights were uneventful, but on this night they saw several dim spots of yellow light that appeared one after the other on the northeastern slope of the mountain where there are no known buildings. The lights were positioned in a triangle. At about 01:00 a.m. a strange object appeared from the west slowly floating above the Black Sea. The object made a slow right turn, drifting in total silence, and slowly descended towards Ayu-Dug. When the object got closer Andrey could discern an elongated rhomboid form, clearly outlined by rows of lights. There were four bright emerald green lights positioned at the four corners of the craft, and numerous red lights were running along its edges, constantly blinking in a clockwise direction. Bright yellow-green lights were located at the center of the bottom of the craft, while four blue lights were positioned around it in a cross shape. This magnificent craft also had several dimly lit yellowish windows along its top section. When the craft was at its closest, a stream of hot air could be felt emanating from it. When the UFO passed along the seashore, Andrey noticed that all electric lights along the seashore blinked out simultaneously as if from a power interruption. Finally, the craft approached Ayu-Dug at a low altitude and seemed to dissolve into thin air, but immediately following this a bright beam of light appeared from the seashore and began searching the sky and scanning the water. Apparently some border guards had become alerted to the presence of the strange craft. Andrey also noticed that his friend Vitya's wristwatch had stopped when the craft passed directly overhead.
At around 3:00 a.m. bright yellow flashes of light appeared at the top of the mountain, resembling fireworks. Over the next 15 minutes a total of eight clusters of objects zoomed out of the mountain, and flew off towards the southwest and eastwards towards Novorossiysk. At 5:00 a.m. Andrey and Vitya had begun their descent of Cape Plaka, when they heard a voice yelling at them from behind. "Sons!" it said in Russian. They stopped and turned around. A figure resembling an elderly woman stood on a rock. Her face could not be seen because it was still dark and she was not facing them. The height of the strange woman was about 1.5 meters and she was dressed in a long gray loose fitting garment that completely covered her legs and a hood that covered her head. In a soft female voice in pure Russian, she said, "Sons! Don't tell anybody down there about what you have seen, they will not understand." The somewhat stunned young men did not began a conversation with her and did not pay much attention to her. Several seconds later Andrey turned around again and the woman had vanished. There was only a sharp rock outcrop and seemingly no place for her to hide. Increasingly agitated, the witnesses searched for the "nun" but could not find anyone.
They continued their descent from the rock, when Vitya screamed and pointed to the shoreline near one of the Partenit piers. There they saw another humanoid entity, very tall, about two or even three meters in height, and dressed in a tight-fitting, dark blue diver suit, which completely covered its body. It had on a helmet which was attached directly to the suit. A yellow rectangular "window" was positioned over the face area, but no facial features were visible. The entity was standing in the water up to its waist, and looking at the embankment and houses on the shore. Unexpectedly, after several seconds of observation the alien figure simply dissolved into thin air. The stunned witnesses finished their descent to the hamlet in a very shaken state. On the pier they spoke to an old sea captain named "Jora", who reported experiencing recent problems with his electronic equipment onboard his cutter on several occasions.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2004, citing Andrey A. Zabava & Anton Anfalov
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4619
### Event 53596 (09BACD51)
**Date:** 8/6/2004
**Description:** Round object was seen changing shape and speed over Brampton, Ontario, Canada at 10:20 p.m. It made an S turn, then rapidly accelerated out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2004, case # 551
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4750
### Event 53597 (C1296900)
**Date:** 8/7/2004
**Description:** Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée that Andrew Basiago’s claims of time viewing and time travel under a **Project Pegasus** are exaggeration. Green says there was a project like what he’s describing but says it failed and it created delusions in its participants. Hal Puthoff says he had no evidence such a project existed at ARPA.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_403
### Event 53598 (5B41FBAD)
**Date:** 8/7/2004
**Description:** Former NIDS contractor Jim Westwood tells Jacques Vallée that Charles Bowsher, former Comptroller General under President Reagan, states he found a “crashed UFO program” during a large audit of classified programs. Bowsher uncovered it in 1984-85, which he called a “bizarre special access program coverup which surely violated every classification, executive order, regulation, and Congressional rule.” Bowsher considered turning it over to the Department of Justice for prosecution, but an unnamed powerful individual in the DOD squashed it. Bowsher said the program had to do with an “exotic, non-Earthly vehicle.”
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_404
### Event 53599 (66941877)
**Date:** 8/9/2004
**Description:** "Imagine a a 30-foot wide strand of silk in the shape of a perfect chevron, moving at a constant speed of 25 mph from North to South." That is what the witness reported seeing at 11:00 a.m. from Squamish, British Columbia. The sighting lasted 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 2004-564; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2004 webpage, report uploaded October 12, 2001
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4812
### Event 53600 (C39C39C3)
**Date:** 8/10/2004
**Description:** A lighted object, circular in shape, was sighted at 2:26 a.m. in Pottstown, Pennsylvania. It shot straight up into the sky, and made the TV "go haywire." The sighting lasted about 10 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, 2004 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4852
### Event 53601 (0C12B39D)
**Date:** 8/11/2004
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. a disc-shaped object was seen in the sky to the south of the south-east corner of the Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada. It was moving up-and-down and back-and-forth. It had blue lights around it with a red light on top. It was watched by witnesses for more than two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 36; Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 567, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4922
### Event 53602 (E8E39CEC)
**Date:** 8/11/2004
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a triangular shaped object hovered over the road briefly in Guilderland, Albany County, New York. It had white lights at the points.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4923
### Event 53603 (FFC1A330)
**Date:** 8/11/2004
**Description:** A dim light zig-zagging in the northern sky of Metlakatla, British Columbia, Canada responded to a spotlight shone at it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 574
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4924
### Event 53604 (0EE278D3)
**Date:** 8/16/2004
**Description:** While out photographing a meteor shower at 1:30 a.m. two men, Mike and Lance, both 23, sighted three triangles flying in a circle over Palmdale, California, spinning at fantastic speeds, that then stopped and disappeared. During the sighting Mike called his girlfriend on his cell phone, and while talking the cell phone died. Then the digital camera they had, which had been fully charged, died and would not work, with the message "battery dead". Yet when they got home both the phone and the camera worked, and when the camera was placed in its charger the message "full charge" appeared. The triangle craft were estimated to be flying at 20,000 feet, and were the apparent size of a quarter at arm's length. The triangles had a semi-spherical shape to them, and both men saw high definition shapes in the crafts' bodies.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 100, citing Cosmic Connection, http://tvufo.tripod.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5105
### Event 53605 (3964148E)
**Date:** 8/20/2004
**Description:** Over Staten Island, New York four hazy white objects traveled in a circle at 10:00 p.m. and came together about a dozen times into a center, "like they were playing a game."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2004 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5202
### Event 53606 (44F917D5)
**Date:** 8/20/2004
**Description:** At Lake in the Hills, Illinois at 10:25 p.m. a flying triangle flew right over the heads of a computer network engineer of 20 years and his chemist wife at a low altitude. Its length was longer than any commercial airliner. The witness viewed the object through binoculars. It had three lights with one located at each apex. The UFO tilted to the west and levelled off. The object stayed in sight for 3 minutes, and then completely vanished right in front of them in the partly cloudy sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 98
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5203
### Event 53607 (4D7DF45D)
**Date:** 8/20/2004
**Description:** In Stonewall, Manitoba at 10:30 p.m. three orange, boomerang-shaped objects moved in formation, traveling very fast, and making no noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey Report, case # 610, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5204
### Event 53608 (0203956D)
**Date:** 8/21/2004
**Locations:** Tinley Park; Oak Forest; Illinois
**Description:** Three red lights hovering in a triangular formation are seen by several witnesses in Tinley Park and Oak Forest, Illinois. Further observations take place on October 31, 2004; October 1, 2005; and once again on October 31, 2006. The lights are captured on video by some witnesses. The video evidence suggests that the lights keep the geometrical shape and move as if they are attached to each other through a dark object. The incident is examined in a Dateline NBC episode on May 18, 2008, and in the episode “Invasion Illinois” of the television series UFO Hunters that premiers on The History Channel on October 29, 2008.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Black triangle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black%5Ftriangle%5F%28UFO%29) [\(UFO\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black%5Ftriangle%5F%28UFO%29)”; Marler 211–216
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7457
### Event 53609 (6B5BDA94)
**Date:** 8/22/2004
**Description:** Driving home at 1:00 p.m. from her birthday party in Woodbury, Connecticut a teenager with her mother saw a disc-shaped object with a slight dome on top hovering at a very high altitude; the sun gleamed off its metallic surface. Because her mother responded sarcastically to her statement that she had sighted a UFO, she turned to argue, and when she looked back it was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twitchell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5244
### Event 53610 (B3962102)
**Date:** 8/23/2004
**Description:** The witness was driving east on Interstate I-185 in Greenville, South Carolina at around 11:10 p.m. when he saw a transparent triangle-shaped object fly over. "It was kind of fuzzy on the edges as the transparency did not go all the way to the edge. There was no sound and there was no emitted light." Shortly after a cousin who had missed the first sighting saw a smaller hovering triangle that appeared in the sky and headed southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 96
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5281
### Event 53611 (81AE5985)
**Date:** 8/25/2004
**Description:** Military maneuvers code-named "Shield of the Fatherland-2004" had begun in the forests of Belarus. A senior lieutenant named Dmitriy, commander of a reconnaissance diversion group (RDG), was performing rear guard operations and was engaged in destroying targets pre-positioned at Krepachi, Baranovichi area, Brest region. On the night of August 24 they made camp. Two men code-named "Rainbow" and "Hedgehog" were posted for night watch duty. The group had decided to make camp 375 meters away from the village of Krepachi in the Brest region. The location was mixed forest, in a clearing with two large old oak trees and a lake between them. The almost deserted village was not on any map, and the nearest really inhabited place was the hamlet of Gorodiszhe. At 3:08 a.m. they were awakened by a bright but plain spreading orange light. Their portable radio communications continued to work. Dmitriy asked Rainbow by radio if he had seen anything. Rainbow replied that he could see a plate-shaped craft about 27 meters from him, hovering over the ground at an altitude of about 2.5m. Dmitriy then gave the command to take defensive positions and prepare the grenade launcher. After confirming that all his men were ready, Dmitriy took another man, "Barkhan", and went on a reconnaissance patrol. The object was generally saucer-shaped with a truncated cone above. At close observation the object seemed metallic. The UFO emitted a beam of turquoise beam of light from its center. Unexpectedly, "Hedgehog" next reported that he could see four figures approaching him from the object, but he could not see them properly because of the tall grass concealing them. The soldiers then turned on their laser rangefinder to infrared mode. The humanoid figures seemed very tall, but the men still could not see them properly. Dmitriy noticed that the figures moved evenly as if robotic in nature. Seconds later the UFO quickly gained altitude, zooming out of sight beyond the clouds. According to the laser rangefinder the UFO's departing speed was 2600 kilometers per hour. The humanoid figures then walked in different directions. Dmitriy did not order his men to follow them, because that could lead to separating the group, which contradicted the defensive order. The figures seemed to walk through some high tension wires as if they were not there. Dmitriy could only hope that the humanoids and object would quickly leave and that his men would not be harmed.
After returning to their unit, some of the men informed senior officers of what had taken place. The officers ordered the men to keep silence, in order to prevent them from being discharged from the Army for "psychological" reasons. One officer suggested that the men had been hallucinating as a result of the rigorous training exercises. Later, intelligence personnel interviewed the men, and appeared to be relieved that the men had not used their weapons against the "aliens" for fear of retaliation. A female resident of the village told Army investigators that spherical and disk-shaped objects were often observed in the location. The villagers had been pasturing cows in the glade where the UFO had descended, and the soldiers had camped, and they reported that the cows' milk production had dropped dramatically.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2004 Humanoid Contact Database, citing "UFO at Military Maneuvers in Belarus", Inoplanetyanin (Extraterrestrial) Newspaper, Ukraine, January 30, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5348
### Event 53612 (DC5A41AF)
**Date:** 8/25/2004
**Description:** At 4:00 p.m. an elderly man and a young boy in Lagos, Nigeria reported seeing a circular craft crash at the shoreline. According to the man, he was cooling off at a beach resort when a circular-shaped object flew over him and crashed onto the waters off of the beach. He reported the case to the Aviation Authority, but they did not believe him. The young boy, who was peddling spring water around the beach resort, also corroborated the first witness's account, but was also brushed aside by authorities. as an infantile hallucination. The site where the craft was purported to have crashed was later searched by divers, and they claimed to have found nothing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales,2004 Humanoid Contact Database, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2004 web page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5349
### Event 53613 (B3E1E87B)
**Date:** 8/26/2004
**Description:** A lone witness in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada saw two stationary lights in the sky for about an hour, beginning at 3:30 a.m., at which time a haze or fog filled the area and he lost consciousness. He woke up across his yard, with unusual marks on his body, and believing he had been abducted by aliens.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 624
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5385
### Event 53614 (9C3EDE47)
**Date:** 8/28/2004
**Location:** Pemex oil refinery in Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
**Description:** 10:11 p.m. A circular metallic UFO the size of an airliner is seen above the Pemex oil refinery in Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico. It is accompanied by six luminous spheres at an altitude of about 3,300 feet. The larger craft performs erratic maneuvers at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Recent UFO Reports,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7458
### Event 53615 (63632F63)
**Date:** 8/29/2004
**Description:** In Omemee, Ontario, Canada a low, dark, cloud-like object was spotted in the sky at 7:35 p.m. that moved from west to east, changed direction, then changed direction back again to west to east until it was out of view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 628, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5481
### Event 53616 (463FA99B)
**Date:** 9/3/2004
**Description:** On this evening around 10:00 p.m. two people watched a set of brilliant strobing lights through binoculars from Linton, Oregon. The lights were hovering in the sky across the Willamette River. They distinctly saw four colors of lights: red, white, green, and blue. They flashed and rotated around the edges. They would shift position, tilting from horizontal to vertical, then rotating slowly so that they could see the underside of a single multicolored object, and then flatten out. The witnesses also reported that they thought airliners taking off from Portland International Airport must have seen this object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 135
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5622
### Event 53617 (A09E7EE8)
**Date:** 9/4/2004
**Description:** A married couple spotted a shiny cigar-shaped object in the sky as they played with their sons in a park in Aldershot, England. The object appeared in the sky at around 2:15 p.m., and it spent the next 20 minutes ducking around in the sky, making random turns, and flying horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 132
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5644
### Event 53618 (11A3F8AE)
**Date:** 9/5/2004
**Description:** On this evening around 10:00 p.m. a couple again watched a set of brilliant strobing lights through binoculars from Linton, Oregon. They had previously seen the same lights from the same location on September 3rd, two nights previously. The lights were hovering in the sky across the Willamette River. They distinctly saw four colors of lights: red, white, green, and blue. They flashed and rotated around the edges. They would shift position, tilting from horizontal to vertical, then rotating slowly so that they could see the underside of a single multicolored object, and then flatten out. The witnesses also reported that they thought airliners taking off from Portland International Airport must have seen this object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 135
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5669
### Event 53619 (97A9355F)
**Date:** 9/7/2004
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. a mother and son were driving west together in Spokane, Washington and saw a triangle object just as the sun was setting. It was half the apparent size of the Moon. It hovered for a long while, and they watched it for 8 minutes before it went out of sight. "It looked like a jet with a very short contrail heading north at an odd angle toward the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 65, citing Brian Vike, HBCC UFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5749
### Event 53620 (A0E23FD5)
**Date:** 9/8/2004
**Description:** Two fuzzy orange triangles were seen zig-zagging in the sky over Grimsby, Humberside, England at 12:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5781
### Event 53621 (9723FBFF)
**Date:** 9/9/2004
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. 15 glowing discs or orbs were seen and videoed in Sonora, California, moving in various directions, in tandem, one behind the other, and crossing pathes. One huge object in particulalr, a bright yellow or silver-white object, flew no more than 200 meters overhead, and moved very slowly to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5815
### Event 53622 (B09BEAD7)
**Date:** 9/10/2004
**Description:** At about 10:10 p.m. a witness saw a bright moving object in the clear sky over Mount Cobb, Pennsylvania and called his mother and two sones to come see. It was moving near the Big Dipper and changing colors from green to red to dark orange to white, as though it were spinning. Looking at it through binoculars it was a rounded triangle. They could see the colors very clearly. On top of the object was a very bright white light. It was hovering, then it moved from the left to the right. The main color of the object was yellow. A military aircraft was flying to the northwest, but this object flew southeast. The strange object was much brighter, much bigger, and much higher than the military planes. That same night many witnesses in Los Angeles, California also saw a triangle UFO that came back the next night as well.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 98 & 65, citing Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research and MUFON Los Angeles
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5845
### Event 53623 (47066203)
**Date:** 9/11/2004
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object with two lights was sighted briefly over Seattle, Washington in daylight at 11:11 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5893
### Event 53624 (504F0A18)
**Date:** 9/11/2004
**Description:** Triangular craft were reported at four widely separate locations on this date. Formations of slow moving pairs of rapidly flashing lights, possibly representing triangular crafts, flew over Andover, Hampshire, England at 5:00 a.m. Next, at three o'clock in the morning PDT a triangle-shaped object zoomed overhead in Palo Alto, California. It made no noise and pulsated, and appeared to change size three times, before each point of light on the apexes of the triangle seperated and flew off in different directions. After that, a structured craft in the shape of a triangle flew slowly from the north to the southwest in Westlock, Alberta, Canada at 11:10 p.m. It seemed to be a charcoal gray or even black in color, but stood out from the color of the night sky on this clear night. Finally, on the same night on the eastern border of Washington State, a huge triangle of lights passed over a remote campsite at high altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2004 webpage; Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 673, citing NUFORC; George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 99
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5894
### Event 53625 (554A71C2)
**Date:** 9/12/2004
**Locations:** Fulton Street; San Francisco; California
**Description:** Evening. Laura Simmons sees a “silent, abstract blob almost like the underside view of a manta ray shape, moving quickly, quietly across the sky” above Fulton Street in San Francisco, California. She describes it as “very large, almost gossamer, sprinkled with lights but almost like dusted with luminous powder.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Recent UFO Reports,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7459
### Event 53626 (AACE4C75)
**Date:** 9/14/2004
**Description:** In Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada three or more orange-red tinged, chevron-shaped objects at a very high altitude, flew from west to east at a very high speed in single file.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 678, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5974
### Event 53627 (9482F9DA)
**Date:** 9/16/2004
**Locations:** Poulsbo, Washington; Naval Base Kitsap; Kitsap Peninsula
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Brian Junkin, Chuck Martin, and three children in Poulsbo, Washington, watch a multicolored light move erratically for 10 minutes about 500–1,000 feet above the canal adjacent to Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. The light keeps changing colors from green to red to orange. Flashes of light also come from what appear to be corners of an underlying object. Another light comes speeding in from the north on a straight course and stops close to the first light, which continues to dance around. Suddenly, both lights blink out at the same time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, September 29, 2004; Nukes 499–502
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7460
### Event 53628 (94F8E75E)
**Date:** 9/17/2004
**Location:** Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
**Description:** 3:39 a.m. A woman in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, wakes up to a humming sound and lights shining through her window. She runs out and sees a large object “shaped like a large submarine” with lights. It has beams of lights shining down the middle of it in a straight line from one end to another. She hears a loud thunderclap and the object rises higher until it is lost to sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Recent UFO Reports,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7461
### Event 53629 (16C2D655)
**Date:** 9/17/2004
**Description:** A submarine-shaped object with many lights was seen briefly in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada at 3:30 a.m. It made a humming sound, and was mesmerising. There were two witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 682
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6061
### Event 53630 (3E1A96DE)
**Date:** 9/18/2004
**Description:** Another boomerang-shaped object flew over the witnesses in Kanata, Ontario, Canada at 10:00 p.m. It had no lights and made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2004 webpage; Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 687, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6077
### Event 53631 (6B258A6B)
**Date:** 9/19/2004
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object with windows and many colored lights hovered over Ile des Soeurs, Ile-de-Montreal, Quebec, Canada at 8:30 p.m. A second object flew up to it, and then entered the larger object. The incident lasted 90 minutes. Earlier that day a large silver, cigar-shaped object was seen moving rapidly through the daytime sky over Waynesburg and Canton, Ohio from the northeast to the southwest. These corroborating reports both occurred at 4:35 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 692; (2)Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6113
### Event 53632 (71F8A46D)
**Date:** 9/27/2004
**Locations:** Samudra Tapu valley, Himachal Pradesh, India; Ahmedabad
**Description:** Early morning. A five-member team of geologists and glaciologists \(including Rajiv Kalia, [Sunil Dhar](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sunil%5FDhar), Sushil Singh\) led by [Anil V. Kulkarni](http://dccc.iisc.ac.in/web/anilvk%5Fhome.html) of the Indian Space Research Organization’s Space Applications Centre in Ahmedabad are on a research trip in the barren Samudra Tapu valley, Himachal Pradesh, India, at an elevation of 17,000 feet. They spot a strange white, oblong object about 3–4 feet on the top of a mountain ridge that is floating just a few feet from the ground and approaches the camp to a distance of 160 feet. Kulkarni and Dhar grab cameras and take several photos. It has a cylindrical head with 2 balloon-type attachments and looks like a robot walking. The object hovers motionless for a few seconds, then starts a steep ascent, hovers another 5 minutes, then rises high in the sky. Kalia says it does not look like a man-made object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Sighting in Himachal](https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/science-and-technology/story/20060213-ufo-sighting-in-himachal-lahaul-spiti-district-remains-a-mystery-783701-2006-02-13) [Lahaul-Spiti District Remains a Mystery,](https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/science-and-technology/story/20060213-ufo-sighting-in-himachal-lahaul-spiti-district-remains-a-mystery-783701-2006-02-13)” India Today, February 13, 2006; Mark Rodeghier, “Scientists Would Investigate Sightings by Other Scientists—Wouldn’t They?” IUR 30, no. 3 \(May 2006\): 22–23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7462
### Event 53633 (9102D97B)
**Date:** 9/29/2004
**Description:** At 4:10 A.M. a very bright white ball of light was seen in the sky over Lindsay, Ontario, Canada. It paced the witness's vehicle for 10-15 minutes. Next, the object acclerated past the vehicle, then stopped and hovered. It "bounced" during its flight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 719, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6431
### Event 53634 (3372402B)
**Date:** 10/1/2004
**Location:** US Air Force 20th Space Control Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida
**Description:** The US Air Force 20th Space Control Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida, takes over the operation of the US Navy’s Space Surveillance System until 2009.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Air Force Space Surveillance System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air%5FForce%5FSpace%5FSurveillance%5FSystem)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7463
### Event 53635 (F5C90B34)
**Date:** 10/2/2004
**Description:** A large triangular object, close to the ground, was seen in South Attleboro, Massachusetts at 11:37 p.m. for about a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6513
### Event 53636 (454D933A)
**Date:** 10/2/2004
**Description:** A man was driving home at 5:30 a.m. in rural Tennessee when he noticed what first appeared to be a fire on a nearby ridge. As he drove he got closer and realized that it was not a fire at all but a series of three reddish-orange lights affixed to the bottom of a huge triangular craft. He neared an intersection and got out of his car to watch this metallic craft as it approached from the north and moved directly towards him. He became fearful and started to run from his car, but realized that there was nowhere to run. As the giant object passed overhead, it blocked out all the stars and he estimated its size to be some 300 feet in length. The bottom of the craft was illuminated from three flame-like symmetrical appendages, and there was a ribbed structure running across the bottom of the object. As it passed directly overhead he felt an energy that reverberated through his body. He stated that he felt many sensations all at once, but could find no description for what he actually felt. The object also made a pulsating or drumming noise which also passed throughout his body. After the object passed him, it suddenly turned west and moved behind some nearby hills. The witness reported a metallic taste in his mouth and a nose bleed. Later he found that his face and back were slightly sunburned and his hair was falling out, he also felt lethargic. He realized later that he had experienced 15 minutes of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2004, citing Kim Shaffer, Tennessee MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6514
### Event 53637 (609A8897)
**Date:** 10/4/2004
**Description:** Pilot [Brian Binnie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian%5FBinnie) reaches a world record altitude of 367,490 feet in SpaceShipOne, an air launched rocket plane.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Brian Binnie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian%5FBinnie)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7464
### Event 53638 (A58921BA)
**Date:** 10/15/2004
**Description:** The leader of Mirage 4 military jets was alerted by one of his fellow crew members to a bogey at the 5 o'clock position while flying over France at 8:10 a.m. There were a total of three airborne witnesses to the UFO, but there was no radar trace by air traffic controllers on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEIPAN, case # 399
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6882
### Event 53639 (F61CDC23)
**Date:** 10/24/2004
**Description:** A silver, disc-shaped object was spotted flying over Honolulu, Hawaii at 3:30 in the afternoon. The object made no sound, had no lights, no windows, was otherwise featureless, and was moving fast. It was in view for 40 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7106
### Event 53640 (2D91A573)
**Date:** 10/27/2004
**Location:** Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California
**Description:** Day. The crew of a military jet near Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California, observes a dark gray, egg-shaped object, approximately 62 feet long, engaging in high-speed maneuvers at 45,000 feet. It is moving east at 575 mph, then makes an aggressive vertical turn.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, “[A BAASS Data Report of a](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/05/a-baass-database-report-of-2002.html) [2002 Submerged Egg-Shaped Object in the SOCAL OPEAREA,](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/05/a-baass-database-report-of-2002.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Research, May 13, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7465
### Event 53641 (74A96165)
**Date:** 10/27/2004
**Description:** On this evening in Orizaba, Mexico Mrs. M., who runs a small food retail establishment from her home, was watching television facing towards the street, and hoping for a client to stop by, when suddenly the television reception began to fail and there was sudden heavy RF interference. This was remarkable since the street was empty and there weren't any vehicles around that could cause the problem. Suddenly, a very tall figure walked by the front door of her house. The strange figure had a very pale white complexion, extremely white according to the witness. The figure then turned to look at her, and the stranger's stare was so intense and penetrating that she could not move; she wanted to yell out to her sister who lived next door, but was unable to utter a sound. The stranger abruptly disappeared, and at the same time the television returned to normal, but she was not able to move for at least five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2004 Humanoid Contact Database, citing http://www.eldurmientedeorizaba.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7207
### Event 53642 (9417F8EA)
**Date:** 10/27/2004
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a dark triangular object was sighted in Brooklyn, New York. It had no lights, made no sound, and was huge. Also at 10:00 p.m. a boomerang-shaped object was seen in Miami Gardens, Dade County, Florida. It was a gray, metallic looking object that glided smoothly, moving as fast as a small jet, with no lights or sound. At 10:15 two V-shaped UFOs were reported over New York City. They were gray V-shaped objects flying side-by-side, with no lights and no sound. Two more reports were received from Ithaca, New York at the UFO Reporting Center of a very large, white, V-shaped object that moved quickly across the sky between 10:20 and 10:30 p.m. on the night of a lunar eclipse. The sightings lasted several seconds. At 10:18 p.m. 1 V-shaped light formation traveling in a southwest direction was sighted over Largo, Pinellas County, Florida.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7208
### Event 53643 (9773D247)
**Date:** 10/28/2004
**Locations:** Khondab, Iran; Isfahan
**Description:** Night. An Iranian Air Force F-14 is on combat air patrol near the heavy water reactor near Khondab, Iran, when it picks up an unidentified target at a distance of 50 miles away that is making rapid changes in altitude, heading, and speed. The pilot is ordered to bank toward the target after regional command receives a visual confirmation from an Arak Air Defense Group observer. Approaching at 22,000 feet, the pilot spots the target at 5,000 feet. The object is spherical and has a green halo surrounding it and a green light on its tail end. When the pilot turns toward the light, it disappears then reappears a few miles away, apparently moving at a speed of Mach 7 or greater. The F-14 is ordered to turn all lights off and descend to pursue the target. At 7,800 feet the target disappears again, but after the F-14 makes a turn at 7,000 feet, it picks up the target again and flies 2,000 feet below it. The F-14 arms its weapons and the pilot requests clearance to engage the object. Every time the radar officer attempts to lock on the object, the radio, radar, and other instruments become jammed. Finally, the F-14 ascends to 19,000 feet because it is low on fuel and spots the object one last time at low altitude. The pilot returns to the 8th Predator Tactical Fighter Base in Isfahan.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Air Forces Monthly, December 18, 2017; “[Iran UFO Reports](https://www.key.aero/2017/12/18/iran-ufo-reports-revealed) [Revealed,](https://www.key.aero/2017/12/18/iran-ufo-reports-revealed)” Key Aero, December 18, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7466
### Event 53644 (50B133D7)
**Date:** 10/29/2004
**Description:** Odd lights were seen, most likely on a large, slow moving cigar-shaped craft, north of Indianapolis, Indiana at 11:45 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7294
### Event 53645 (C999145E)
**Date:** 10/30/2004
**Description:** In Saskatoon, Saskachewan, Canada at 2:10 p.m. a yellow flying object crossed sky, stopped, changed shape and color, then ascended into outer space. At 8:00 p.m. a blue, cigar-shaped object with rows of lights flew ahead, dashed right and back, and then resumed its flight over Watson Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, cases 767 & 768
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7325
### Event 53646 (27F68198)
**Date:** 10/30/2004
**Description:** A witness reported sighting a black triangle moving at tremendous speed to the south at 9:44 p.m. while standing on the corner of Poway Road and Gate Lane in Poway, California. The object was in sight for just 2 seconds. It had an equilateral form with seven bright, yellow-white lights. There were no lights on its trailing edge, and it was silent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, pp. 100-101, citing Melvin Podell, MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7326
### Event 53647 (4ECFEA36)
**Date:** 11/3/2004
**Description:** Gen. Wesley Clark says faster than light travel is possible in 2004.
* [http://www.roswellproof.com/gen_wesley_clark_ufos.html](http://www.roswellproof.com/gen_wesley_clark_ufos.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_408
### Event 53648 (D274A08B)
**Date:** 11/5/2004
**Description:** Approximately 15 oval-shaped UFOs were spotted in Santa Ana, California at 10:50 a.m. moving slowly in unison, making different patterns in the sky, and reflecting at different times in the sunlight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7486
### Event 53649 (9563A180)
**Date:** 11/8/2004
**Description:** On this evening Terry McDonald, driving home in Crane River, Manitoba, Canada had a bright light closely following his truck. His truck engine intermittently lost power over the course of one kilometer. A Kenora, Ontario resident saw a saucer-like object hovering only 18 meters above the ground. He observed the saucer for nearly an hour before it moved fairly slowly across the treetops.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 47, citing Chris Rutkowski, and Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case 783
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7554
### Event 53650 (58A81C46)
**Date:** 11/8/2004
**Description:** A man named Triguez was staying overnight at his grandmother's house in Lavaderos, Hormigueros, Puerto Rico when he awoke at four a.m. and looked out the window to see a strange oval-shaped craft on the ground in a nearby field. The craft appeared crystal like in appearance and had small lights around the edges. It emitted a strange sound and greenish flashes of light. He observed the object for awhile, and then noticed an opening in the object which had become visible, from which he briefly saw a figure descend down what appeared to be steps. He could not make out any other details. The craft soon vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2004 Humanoid Contact Database, citing Lucy Guzman, http://www.ovni.net
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7555
### Event 53651 (D0E4E71A)
**Date:** 11/9/2004
**Description:** A bunch of disc-like lights were seen hovering on top of a Greyhound Bus traveling on Hwy 6 from Ericksdale to Ashern in Manitoba, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Wtichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 47, citing Chris Rutkowski
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7587
### Event 53652 (9EE5E5AD)
**Date:** 11/10/2004
**Location:** Catalina and San Clemente islands, California
**Description:** Navy Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day, stationed on the guided missile cruiser [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FPrinceton%5F%28CG-59%29) [Princeton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FPrinceton%5F%28CG-59%29), notices the clear radar traces of 8–10 objects travelling southwards in a loose though fixed formation at 28,000 feet in the immediate vicinity of Catalina and San Clemente islands, California. He is startled by their slow speed of 120 mph but receives confirmation of their presence from radar operators on other vessels. Regular observations are made of a similar number of objects over the following six days. The objects are also faintly detected by an E- 2C Hawkeye plane after Princeton sends them coordinates.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Pentagon UFO videos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon%5FUFO%5Fvideos)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7467
### Event 53653 (5E5BAAC3)
**Date:** 11/12/2004
**End date:** 11/14/2004
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** The 2nd Annual 2004 Crash Retrieval Conference. Speakers are Nick Redfern, Jim Marrs, Don Ledger, Peter Robbins, Linda Moulton Howe, Grant Cameron, Robert M. Wood, Paul Davids, David Pace, Ryan S. Wood, Paul Kimball, Ron Regehr, and Chuck Wade.
**Type:** conference
**Reference:** [2004 Proceedings - archive.org](https://archive.org/details/crash-retrieval-conference-proceedings-2nd-annual-nov-2004-lq.pdf/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_964
### Event 53654 (2A5DD9BE)
**Date:** 11/13/2004
**Description:** At 9:55 p.m. a fast, flickering, ball of red and white lights was seen in the northern sky, by a witness traveling on Interstate 57 near Peotone, Illinois.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Nov. 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7660
### Event 53655 (79573842)
**Date:** 11/14/2004
**Location:** California coast
**Description:** 9:30 a.m. Navy Commander David Fravor and pilot Jim Slaight, flying two McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornets over the California coast on a routine training mission, are diverted from their exercise to investigate some unusual radar contacts detected by the cruiser [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FPrinceton%5F%28CG-59%29) [Princeton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FPrinceton%5F%28CG-59%29) that is part of the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FNimitz) [Nimitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FNimitz) Carrier Strike Group. They observe a 40-foot-long wingless craft flying at incredible speeds in an erratic pattern. Controllers on one of the Navy ships report objects that are dropping out of the sky from 80,000 feet and going “straight back up.” As they are looking for the object that appears on the radar, Fravor spots a white disturbance in the water and a white object \(nicknamed “Tic-Tac”\) moving in random directions. The planes fly lower to investigate the object, which seems to be about 40 feet long and then starts to mirror their movements before accelerating at high speed and disappearing. Fravor and another pilot, Alex Dietrich, say in an interview that a total of four people \(two pilots and two weapons systems officers in the back seats of the two airplanes\) witness the object for about 5 minutes. The disturbance in the water vanishes. Soon the same or a similar object reappears at their rendezvous point 60 miles away, but by the time they arrive it has disappeared. Another plane launched from the USS Nimitz has its radar jammed and is able to pick up the object on an infrared channel. Two objects emerge from the bottom of the blip, which takes off and goes off the right side of the screen. The speed of the object, which has no exhaust trail, is stunning. However, the Navy claims it “never obtained an accurate” radar track of the objects reported by Fravor; they are quickly dropped by the Princeton’s radar when the computer categorizes them as “false targets.” After the return of the first team to USS Nimitz, a second F-18 team, led by Chad Underwood, takes off at approximately 12:00 noon, this time equipped with an advanced infrared camera \(FLIR pod\). This camera records an evasive unidentified aerial system on video. Underwood says “he never had visual, only seeing the object via FLIR.” David Fravor says that the radar operator on the USS Princeton briefed him that they had been tracking radar targets for two weeks. The footage is publicly released by the Pentagon in 2017. This footage is known as the 2004 USS Nimitz [FLIR1 video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWLZgnmRDs4)[.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWLZgnmRDs4) It officially sheds some light on a decade-old story that had been largely unknown and unreported, aside from a 2015 secondhand story on FighterSweep.com that, in spite of providing many details, remained unconfirmed at that time. Jonathan Axelrod \[possibly Naval officer John F. Stratton\], investigating the case in 2009 for BAASS, concludes tat the object “was no known aircraft or air vehicle currently in the inventory of the United States or any foreign nation,” and that it remained “stationary with little or no variation in altitude transitioning to horizontal and/or vertical velocities far greater than any known aerial vehicle with little or no visible signature.” Analysis of the FLIR footage by Mick West of Metabunk claims that the impressive sudden departure is an illusion; the object does not actually move except when the aircraft’s own infrared camera moves. West thinks the object resembles an “out-of-focus low-resolution backlit plane” filmed at a distance. \[A second film of infrared footage, known as the GIMBAL video, is released by the Pentagon alongside the 2004 FLIR1 footage. Although the media often present the two videos together to illustrate the 2004 USS Nimitz UFO incident, the GIMBAL video is unrelated and was filmed on the East Coast of the United States in early 2015 by planes from the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FTheodore%5FRoosevelt%5F%28CVN-71%29) [Theodore Roosevelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FTheodore%5FRoosevelt%5F%28CVN-71%29).\]
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Object Outmaneuvers](http://www.nicap.org/20041114USS%5FNimitz%5Fdir.htm) [2 Jets over Pacific](http://www.nicap.org/20041114USS%5FNimitz%5Fdir.htm)”; Wikipedia, “[Pentagon UFO videos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon%5FUFO%5Fvideos)”; “[Pentagon Declassifies Navy ‘UFO’ Videos \(Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWLZgnmRDs4) [1/3\),](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWLZgnmRDs4)” ABC News YouTube channel, April 27, 2020; “[Navy Pilot Recalls Encounter with UFO: ‘I Think It Was](https://abcnews.go.com/US/navy-pilot-recalls-encounter-ufo-unlike/story?id=51856514) [Not from This World,’](https://abcnews.go.com/US/navy-pilot-recalls-encounter-ufo-unlike/story?id=51856514)” ABC News, December 18, 2017; Keith Basterfield, “[Did the AAWSA Program / AATIP](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/05/did-aawsa-programaatip-really-start-in.html) [Really Start in 2007?](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/05/did-aawsa-programaatip-really-start-in.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Research, May 16, 2018; “[2004 USS Nimitz](https://www.explorescu.org/post/2004-uss-nimitz-strike-navy-group-incident-report) [Navy Strike Group Incident Report,](https://www.explorescu.org/post/2004-uss-nimitz-strike-navy-group-incident-report)” Scientific Coalition of UAP Studies, March 3, 2019; “[Scientific Findings](https://www.explorescu.org/post/scientific-findings-regarding-a-major-u-s-navy-encounter-with-ufos) [Regarding a Major U.S. Navy Encounter with UFOs,](https://www.explorescu.org/post/scientific-findings-regarding-a-major-u-s-navy-encounter-with-ufos)” Scientific Coalition of UAP Studies, April 25, 2019; Matthew Phelan, “[Navy Pilot Who Filmed the ‘Tic Tac’ UFO Speaks: ‘It Wasn’t Behaving by the Normal Laws](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/12/tic-tac-ufo-video-q-and-a-with-navy-pilot-chad-underwood.html) [of Physics,’](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/12/tic-tac-ufo-video-q-and-a-with-navy-pilot-chad-underwood.html)” New York, December 19, 2019; Mick West, “[Explained: New Navy UFO Videos,](https://www.metabunk.org/threads/explained-new-navy-ufo-videos.11234/)” Metabunk, April 27, 2020; David Clarke, “Echoes and Angels: UFOs on Radar,” Fortean Times 403 \(March 2021\): 40–42; Skinwalkers 45–46, 111–114, 118–119; Bill Whitaker, “[UFOs Regularly Spotted in US Airspace,](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-military-intelligence-60-minutes-2021-08-29/)” CBS News, August 29, 2021; “[Famous Navy UFO Is Camera Glare Hiding Something ‘Really Interesting,’ Researcher Says,](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/famous-navy-ufo-video-is-camera-glare-hiding-something-really-interesting-researcher-says/ar-AAVbXOt)” The Independent \(UK\), March 18, 2022; Internet Movie Database, “[A Tear in the Sky](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15120486/?ref%5F=ttpl%5Fpl%5Ftt)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7468
### Event 53656 (8F76ACD0)
**Date:** 11/14/2004
**Description:** USS Princeton radar technicians state two “unknown individuals” boarded and retrieved the data recordings of Tic-Tac UAPs tracked by the vessel’s AEGIS system. The individuals showed up by helicopter and within 20 minutes, chain of command ordered a technician to turn over the data.
* [https://www.foxnews.com/science/navy-ufo-mystery-deepens](https://www.foxnews.com/science/navy-ufo-mystery-deepens)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_409
### Event 53657 (01BC7836)
**Date:** 11/15/2004
**Description:** An octagonal shaped object with a yellow flashing light was observed moving quickly through the sky in Drummondville, Quebec. It was high in sky, and turned abruptly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 802, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7711
### Event 53658 (2E3E0E75)
**Date:** 11/16/2004
**Description:** An unmanned NASA X-43A hypersonic scramjet, the fastest free-flying air-breathing vehicle, achieves a speed of 7,546 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[NASA X-43](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA%5FX-43)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7469
### Event 53659 (2F012D76)
**Date:** 11/21/2004
**Description:** At 12:15 a.m. a bright, white and orange triangle-shaped object was seen on Highway 1 South, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. It was moving at first, stopped and hovered for a minute, then vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 809, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7787
### Event 53660 (414D7446)
**Date:** 11/24/2004
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning a V-shaped orange glowing object was sighted in Yuma, Arizona that moved straight up until it became impossible to see.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7896
### Event 53661 (6224E120)
**Date:** 11/24/2004
**Description:** At 7:40 p.m. a bright orange light was seen in Houston, British Columbia descending slowly, following the contour of the mountain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 813, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7897
### Event 53662 (4386146C)
**Date:** 11/25/2004
**Description:** A triangular UFO with red and blue lights was sighted flying over Ottumwa, Iowa at 5:00 a.m. The lights appeared to be rotating in a clockwise pattern. The object was completely silent as it flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2004 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7929
### Event 53663 (CD486B60)
**Date:** 11/27/2004
**Description:** A huge disc-shaped object accompanied by other smaller craft came over the witness's apartment building in Gardena, California at around one o'clock in the morning. It seemed to be close, and could change direction and speed in the blink of an eye. It had lights and was very quiet, making no noise at all. The sighting lasted 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2004 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7976
### Event 53664 (D9BC0E11)
**Date:** 11/29/2004
**Description:** At 9:10 p.m. Bill Bean witnessed a very large white disc-shaped object from his home in Woodlawn, Baltimore County, Maryland that hovered, then tilted downward in the southeast sky. It hovered at an estimated altitude of 5000 feet and was in view for a little less than a minute. It appeared to be very big, and the white part was very bright with black edges. Suddenly, it shot to the south, and rode the clouds like a speedboat.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8058
### Event 53665 (F0711C74)
**Date:** 11/30/2004
**Description:** A diamond-shaped object was observed hovering in the sky in North Bay, Nipissing County, Ontario, Canada at 5:00 a.m. It then dashed towards the front of a house, and then suddenly vanished. It had candle-like white lights with a purple hued. The sighting lasted 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 825, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8098
### Event 53666 (6A21BA1B)
**Date:** 12/4/2004
**Description:** Orange flashes in the sky in Burlington, Indiana were followed by the appearance of several objects at 8:30 p.m. One object that flew over the witness was triangular in shape with three red illuminated areas like tips. The outer points were brightest, fading into black at the center. The color was like a piece of red hot metal.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), February 2005, p. 72, citing National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8188
### Event 53667 (FD4D5256)
**Date:** 12/5/2004
**Description:** Beginning at 10:20 and continuing for two hours, a bright shining object emitted multicolored beams of light over the city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), February 2005, p. 73, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8224
### Event 53668 (7F814F3F)
**Date:** 12/5/2004
**Description:** Four lighted chevron-shaped objects silently glided over Terre Haute, Indiana heading south at 4:25 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), February 2005, p. 72, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8225
### Event 53669 (D74351BF)
**Date:** 12/5/2004
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. in Acton, Ontario two oval-shaped lights hesitated, then flew over a house, moving off very quickly. At 10:00 p.m. in Strathroy, Ontario a slow moving diamond-shaped or triangle-shaped craft flew low overhead; it made no sound and had bright white lights on its tips and scrolling blue and red lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, cases # 833 & 834
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8226
### Event 53670 (70B8EE3D)
**Date:** 12/5/2004
**Description:** Driving west on Interstate 88 in Bainbridge, Chenango County, New York a witness spotted a disc-shaped object hovering above a field at 9:35 p.m. It was silver gray in color with blinking yellowish orange lights evenly spaced all the way around it. It was estimated to be about 8 stories above the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Magazine (USA), February 2005, p. 72, citing National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8227
### Event 53671 (D0989BF6)
**Date:** 12/18/2004
**Description:** Several strange lights were seen from Cau-Cau, Horcon, Chile starting at 8:30 p.m., engaging in complex maneuvers. A dot was first seen, then a vertical line that turned to the left. Contrails left in the wake of the objects and their irregular, sudden maneuvers suggested they were not conventional aircraft. Photographs were reportedly taken.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Scott Corrales, ufoinfo.com, report dated December 31, 2004
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8503
### Event 53672 (003FE973)
**Date:** 12/23/2004
**Description:** At 10:06 p.m. a red disc-shaped object with body lights on the underneath side flew along the highway, then over cars in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, Canada. There were three witnesses, and the sighting reportedly lasted ten minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2004 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 870, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8580
## Year: 2005, 115 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 53673 (85EADF9B)
**Date:** 2005
**Description:** More than 9,500 UFO reports and related documents \(of an estimated 15,000\) are digitized by Library and Archives Canada and made available online. It releases a virtual exhibition titled “Canada’s UFOs: The Search for the Unknown.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 11–13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7470
### Event 53674 (3096831E)
**Date:** 2005
**Description:** Helen Littrell claims her daughter Marisa communicated with a hybrid being, Raechel, who is told of “MAJI clearance” and Projects Pounce (material collection), Luna (underground base), Gabriel (recovered Nazi tech) and Excalibur (R&D). All of these code names come from possible disinformation. The story alleges there is an underground facility beneath the Four Corners.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Raechels-Eyes-Strange-Human-Alien-Hybrid-ebook/dp/B00M5JY398](https://www.amazon.com/Raechels-Eyes-Strange-Human-Alien-Hybrid-ebook/dp/B00M5JY398)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_410
### Event 53675 (5A382B67)
**Date:** 2005
**Description:** USAF veteran Stephen Walker states that while serving at Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia, he was told the Navy would be conducting sensitive operations out of a large hangar at the northern end of the airfield. USAF personnel were advised to stay away but for the entirety of the week, the hangar was empty. One night during that week, the flight line was evacuated, the base was locked down and USAF personnel were advised to stay inside and away from the windows to protect an incoming classified aircraft.
Walker states despite listening for it, over the next half-hour, he heard no tires hitting the pavement, no brakes, no engine, no idling or anything. After 30 minutes they were cleared to go back outside after the aircraft landed, but they saw no signs of anything that happened. Walker states he experienced something similar at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas. He does not speculate on what the aircrafts were, but states other personnel he has spoken to share similar experiences that are “brushes with black projects,” some bordering on myth and “utter absurdity.”
* [https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/32749/when-secret-mystery-planes-landed-at-the-air-bases-where-i-was-stationed](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/32749/when-secret-mystery-planes-landed-at-the-air-bases-where-i-was-stationed)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_411
### Event 53676 (898A12C6)
**Date:** 2005
**Description:** Kit Green states he returned to private medicine and began working on a research project that involved compiling a database of individuals suffering injuries, burns, skin lesions, cancer and diseases after cat to face encounters with UAP. Green’s 100+ patients were military personnel or from aerospace industries, their own doctors were clueless; Green based his hypothesis on patients being exposed to some form of black ops technology such as non lethal weaponry, holographs, cloaking technology, drones, etc.
Green said within 5-7 years, 25% of his patients died and he had no idea what kind of technology could do this. Green was CMO of Enscion Corporation around this time, a company that used genetic information to analyze chronic conditions. A publicly available document states Green conducted tests at WPAFB Medical Center and analyzed UBOs (unidentified bright objects) present in MRI scans.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/04/christopher-kit-canfield-green-further.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/04/christopher-kit-canfield-green-further.html)
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/04/christopher-kit-green-some-additional.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/04/christopher-kit-green-some-additional.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_412
### Event 53677 (DAD1A043)
**Date:** 1/1/2005
**Location:** UK
**Description:** The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 comes into full force. Around 120,000 requests are made in the first year. Private citizens make 60% of them, with businesses and journalists accounting for 20% and 10% respectively. However, requests from journalists tend to be more complex and consequently more expensive. UFOs are one of the three most popular FOI requests made to the Ministry of Defence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Freedom of](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom%5Fof%5FInformation%5FAct%5F2000) [Information Act 2000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom%5Fof%5FInformation%5FAct%5F2000)”; UFOFiles2, [p. x](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n7/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7471
### Event 53678 (77AE3FC2)
**Date:** 1/11/2005
**Description:** At around one o'clock in the morning several disc-shaped UFOs flew about 200 feet from a witness's car while driving on Interstate 10 from Albuquerque, New Mexico to El Paso, Texas. The close encounter lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, January 2005 webpage, report uploaded January 19, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_271
### Event 53679 (B78D8674)
**Date:** 1/15/2005
**Locations:** Adelaide, South Australia; Roswell, New Mexico
**Description:** UFO researcher [Keith Basterfield](http://www.auforn.com/Kbintro.htm) interviews a man in Adelaide, South Australia, whose British father had worked for MI5 after World War II. His father had told him in 1959 when he was 12 that the American military had been experimenting in 1947 with monkeys and pigs being dropped in devices equipped with retrorockets from stratospheric balloons to test them for eventual space rocket research. In one of these experiments, which were conducted at night, they used live 2–3 humans with a hydrocephalic condition \(enlarged heads caused by excess cerebrospinal fluid\) whom they obtained from a facility. The retrorockets failed, the balloon crashed, and a rancher found the material and one of the humans who was still alive. A medical retrieval team came for it. The UFO cover story for this crash near Roswell, New Mexico, was concocted to keep the experiments secret.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, “[Jacobsen, Redfern, and an Adelaide Informant,](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2011/07/jacobsen-redfern-and-adelaide-informant.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Research, July 8, 2011; Nick Redfern, The Roswell UFO Conspiracy, Lisa Hagan, 2017, pp. 153–163
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7472
### Event 53680 (6B200C78)
**Date:** 1/22/2005
**Description:** Four discs flew east over the mountains in Rancho Cucamonga, California at 9:16 a.m.; they were shiny and reflective like polished aluminum. A small propeller aircraft just south of the mountains started to approach the area and the four objects vanished immediately as the aircraft came into view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George A. Filer & David E. Twichell, Filer's Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, p. 30, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_436
### Event 53681 (6FB9F1FE)
**Date:** 1/31/2005
**Location:** Columbia City, Indiana
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Two men ice fishing at Columbia City, Indiana, encounter a large triangle above the east end of the pond. It crosses the frozen water at a low altitude, then hovers for some seconds before rising silently upward, leaving a trail of steam from the surface of the ice. The men try to call the local sheriff, but their cellphones are dead, as is their electrical fish locater. After the object disappears, they find a two-inch hole in the ice where the object had hovered.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOcal Points,” Fortean Times 196 \(June 2005\): 28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7473
### Event 53682 (998BE7C9)
**Date:** 1/31/2005
**Location:** Wood River, Nebraska
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. A large oval mass is seen floating above a cornfield at Wood River, Nebraska, by a man leaving his parents’ house. It rocks slightly from side to side for some 10 minutes and then sends out bursts of light toward the ground before climbing upward, seeming to suck up an object, apparently a large cow, from the field below.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOcal Points,” Fortean Times 196 \(June 2005\): 28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7474
### Event 53683 (87BE94C9)
**Date:** 1/31/2005
**Description:** At ten o'clock at night a triangular object hovered over a frozen pond in Columbia City, Indiana for three minutes and melted the ice. On the same night in Wood River, Nebraska a bright oval-shaped object allegedly picked up a cow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, January 2005 webpage, reports uploaded Feb. 8, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_647
### Event 53684 (1E3473AF)
**Date:** 2/7/2005
**Location:** El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. In the farming area of El Paraiso, Mar del Plata, Argentina, a resident hears a noise like a strong wind or turbine and sees two misty yellow lights drifting above a copse of trees and climbing slowly. Other witnesses hear and see the phenomena, and others are wakened by their farm animals going crazy and dogs howling as if in pain. At dawn, two circular marks are found near the copse. Police forensic experts take samples of an ash-like deposit that leaves a greasy smear when touched. Meanwhile, the daughter of one of the locals involved is having nightmares about a UFO trying to catch her.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOcal Points,” Fortean Times 196 \(June 2005\): 28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7475
### Event 53685 (58869966)
**Date:** 2/15/2005
**Description:** At 1:25 p.m. in Maple Ridge, British Columbia two witnesses sighted a large white oval object with legs hanging down. It rose quickly out of sight. At 6:28 p.m. in Ruskin, British Columbia a single witness sighted a large V-shaped object with lighted panels on the underneath side. At 9:00 p.m. in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada two witnesses reported that a multicolored light hovered over them for four minutes, shifted back and forth, then shot away towards the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, cases # 7, 8, & 6; citing UFOBC, HBCCUFO, and NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_938
### Event 53686 (BA9F0D7D)
**Date:** 2/21/2005
**Description:** A man and his son spotted a huge triangular shaped UFO flying over Southfield, Michigan at 6:30 p.m. It flew at a high rate of speed, then suddenly stopped and made a quick turn, and finally shot off into the atmosphere.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, webpage, report dated May 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1042
### Event 53687 (A92DFE32)
**Date:** 2/24/2005
**Locations:** Kenneth Arnold; Phoenix lights; Southern Illinois; Roswell incident
**Description:** UFOs: Seeing Is Believing, a two-hour American TV documentary narrated by [Peter Jennings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FJennings), airs on ABC-TV. The show mentions the [Kenneth Arnold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth%5FArnold) sighting, the Phoenix lights, southern Illinois triangle-shaped UFOs, and the Roswell incident, which Jennings sneeringly dismisses as a myth. Guests include [James McGaha](https://centerforinquiry.org/speakers/mcgaha%5Fjames/), [Seth Shostak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth%5FShostak)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth%5FShostak) [Jill Tarter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill%5FTarter)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill%5FTarter) [Stanton Friedman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton%5FT.%5FFriedman)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton%5FT.%5FFriedman) [Budd Hopkins](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budd%5FHopkins) [Susan Clancy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan%5FClancy)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan%5FClancy) and [Michio Kaku](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michio%5FKaku)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michio%5FKaku)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “UFOs: Seeing Is Believing”; Internet Movie Database, “[Peter Jennings Reporting: UFOs, Seeing Is Believing](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448085/)”; “[UFOs:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlDLDRT-whU) [Seeing Is Believing \(2005\), ABC Documentary,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlDLDRT-whU)” Movie Buff Guy YouTube channel, June 18, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7476
### Event 53688 (B2089916)
**Date:** 2/27/2005
**Description:** [Richard Doty](https://www.exopaedia.org/Doty%2C%2BRichard) appears on [Art Bell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art%5FBell)’s Coast to Coast radio program and describes his disinformation campaign against [Paul Bennewitz.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FBennewitz)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Greg Bishop and Richard Doty, Coast to Coast AM with Host Art Bell,](http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/S5-Greg-Bishop-and-Richard-Doty-Coast-to-Coast-AM-with-host-Art-Bell-Interview-Transcript.pdf) [Interview Transcript,](http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/S5-Greg-Bishop-and-Richard-Doty-Coast-to-Coast-AM-with-host-Art-Bell-Interview-Transcript.pdf)” February 27, 2005
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7477
### Event 53689 (C97432FB)
**Date:** 3/1/2005
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. a large, slow moving triangular shaped object that seemed to suddenly disappear was seen in Palatka, Florida.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2005 webpage, report uploaded November 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1238
### Event 53690 (518313AD)
**Date:** 3/5/2005
**Description:** Two football-shaped solid yellow lights passed a car and its driver at close range northeast of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They buzzed the car only four feet away and just six feet off the ground. No sound was heard or heat felt during the close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2005, case # 17, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1324
### Event 53691 (DDE73871)
**Date:** 3/6/2005
**Description:** A silent running triangular craft with seven very dim orange lights, outlining the part of the craft that the witness could see, passed over St. Augustine, Florida at 11:57 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2005 webpage, report uploaded March 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1357
### Event 53692 (D62E893E)
**Date:** 3/14/2005
**Description:** At 9:50 p.m. a slow-moving triangle object passed overhead in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada making a turn to the southeast; it had lights on its three corners.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey [electronic version], case 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1514
### Event 53693 (93F3FFFB)
**Date:** 3/14/2005
**Description:** A witness in Bluefield, West Virginia reported that at 11:00 p.m. a dark to light brown "rounded boomerang" or crescent moon-shaped object moved silently overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2005 webpage, report uploaded May 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1515
### Event 53694 (15400BDB)
**Date:** 4/6/2005
**Description:** In Oakdale, California a glowing orange-colored spherical object zigzagged across the sky at a high rate of speed at 8:40 p.m. It was completely silent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1876
### Event 53695 (F18BE6E1)
**Date:** 4/12/2005
**Description:** A blue oval-shaped object was seen in the afternoon sky in Dorion, Quebec. Looking somewhat like a blimp, it was not moving at first when first sighted at 3:33 p.m.; it vanished after crossing behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 416, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1997
### Event 53696 (BCF802B8)
**Date:** 4/21/2005
**Description:** A buzzing sound interupted a witness's piano playing and singing in Piscataway, New Jersey at 10:50 p.m. Looking out the window, only 20-30 feet up in the air and a short distance from the house, was a half lit lighted object with green slats; the object having white and red lights on other side. The close encounter lasted three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, report uploaded May 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2201
### Event 53697 (AF593835)
**Date:** 4/25/2005
**Description:** There were two reports of a diamond shaped UFO with four main lights, along with a bunch of small white lines on the underneath part, from Lompoc, California to the National UFO Reporting Center. The sightings occurred at 2:50 a.m. The UFO made a horribly loud, high pitched humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, April 2005 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2324
### Event 53698 (6306F8EF)
**Date:** 4/27/2005
**Locations:** Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport; Arlington, Virginia
**Description:** Late morning. Air traffic radar detects an unidentified target in restricted air space near Ronald Reagan Washington International Airport in Arlington, Virginia, causing President [George W. Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FW.%5FBush) to be taken to a bunker and Vice President [Dick Cheney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick%5FCheney) to be evacuated to safety. The target gets within 7 miles of the airport, then vanishes. Although it is not identified, officials argue it is caused by a radar anomaly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Radar Blip Causes](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/98103962/) [White House Security Scare,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/98103962/)” Tampa Bay \(Fla.\) Times, April 28, 2005, p. 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7478
### Event 53699 (516C1B26)
**Date:** 5/1/2005
**Locations:** Central Oregon Highway; Bend, Oregon
**Description:** Night. A biotechnologist and his daughter are driving on the Central Oregon Highway about 50 miles southeast of Bend, Oregon. They notice three bright blue objects zigzagging around each other about 300 feet away above a field. Suddenly two of the lights move toward them and through their vehicle. One passes through the windshield and passes through a window. The second passes through the man’s left arm and upper body, exiting his right arm. He feels a bit hazy, but notices the light is spherical and about the size of a softball. Still driving, the man feels nauseous and scared. The next 45 minutes into Bend seems like 3 hours. Days later, he develops a red rash on the left side of his face and loses some hair on that side. His ankles swell, and he loses some sight and hearing on the left. In the next few weeks, he gains about 50 pounds \(although exercising and dieting\) and sleeps a lot. In February 2007 he is diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in his left chest, a pre-cancerous condition, and undergoes surgery in May, his health gradualy improving by the end of 2008.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 70–75
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7479
### Event 53700 (E0E6C549)
**Date:** 5/3/2005
**Locations:** Dulles International Airport; Virginia; Washington, D.C.
**Description:** 5:30 a.m. A witness sees strange red and white lights crossing the flight path into Dulles International Airport in Virginia, west of Washington, D.C.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOcal Points,” Fortean Times 199 \(September 2005\): 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7480
### Event 53701 (B73384D2)
**Date:** 5/4/2005
**Location:** Squeaking Point, Tasmania
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. Angler John Walker sees an object the size of a house, shaped like a large gray bullet, in the sky above Squeaking Point, Tasmania. He estimates its height at 150 feet. It moves extremely slowly, taking 15 minutes to cross his view.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOcal Points,” Fortean Times 199 \(September 2005\): 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7481
### Event 53702 (65A726DC)
**Date:** 5/5/2005
**Description:** At nine o'clock in the evening a triangular object appeared over a small lake in Louisville, Kentucky with beams entering the water. After 15 minutes it then ascended into sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2005 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2571
### Event 53703 (3E04C6C0)
**Date:** 5/6/2005
**Description:** A black daylight disc was photographed, high in the sky, in Donacona, Quebec, Canada at 3:06 p.m. According to the local OVNI UFO group, the photo appears to be genuine.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2608
### Event 53704 (ACDD9897)
**Date:** 5/8/2005
**Locations:** Denbigh Moors; Llannefydd, North Wales
**Description:** Night. A witness captures video footage of pulsating, kaleidoscopic lights over the Denbigh Moors near Llannefydd, North Wales. The lights had appeared for several nights and remained visible for a lengthy amount of time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOcal Points,” Fortean Times 199 \(September 2005\): 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7482
### Event 53705 (A5D092D5)
**Date:** 5/8/2005
**Description:** At around 11:00 a.m. a small sphere, moving very fast to the west, flew directly under a private aircraft flying at 3,500 feet near Phoenix, Arizona.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2005 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2669
### Event 53706 (CAB2978F)
**Date:** 5/9/2005
**Location:** Carlisle, PA
**Description:** Dog fearful of glowing chevron (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [050509](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-050509.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5902
### Event 53707 (72062540)
**Date:** 5/9/2005
**Location:** Bradford, West Yorkshire, England
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A man getting into his car in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, spots a huge, pulsating mass overhead, shaped like a double cross, and brilliantly studded with red, green, and white lights. It stays visible for a long time. The witness goes to bed at 1:20 a.m., and the object, or a similar one, is still visible.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOcal Points,” Fortean Times 199 \(September 2005\): 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7483
### Event 53708 (39C8391B)
**Date:** 5/9/2005
**Location:** Kuujjuaq, Quebec
**Description:** 11:25 p.m. A woman outside her house in Kuujjuaq, Quebec, watches multi-colored lights heading northeast at a slow pace and low altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “UFOcal Points,” Fortean Times 199 \(September 2005\): 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7484
### Event 53709 (8313E66A)
**Date:** 5/9/2005
**Description:** A 48-year-old witness in Carlisle, Pennsylvania reported that his dog became fearful of a glowing chevron-shaped UFO. He was sitting on his front porch at 3:00 a.m., not able to sleep, and his dog was with me. Suddenly, the dog became very agitated and seemed to want back in to the house. The witness next saw the silent V-shaped object in the partly cloudy sky. He also felt a tingling feeling on his head and hair. The incident lasted three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2005 webpage, report uploaded May 24, 2005; Joan Woodward, NICAP NISD04 database of animal reaction cases, www.nicap.org
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2706
### Event 53710 (071275E3)
**Date:** 5/9/2005
**Description:** At 11:25 p.m. a gray disc-shaped object with lights around its rim was seen for 20 minutes by two witnesses in northern Quebec. It was slowly flying northeast past the town of Kuujjuaq, Quebec, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 33, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2707
### Event 53711 (09DB3C42)
**Date:** 5/11/2005
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; White House; rural Pennsylvania airstrip
**Description:** 11:28 a.m. Radar trackers spot a plane entering the Air Defense Identification Zone around Washington, D.C. As the aircraft bears down on Washington from the north and officials cannot contact the pilot, the White House’s internal threat level goes from yellow to orange and then to red within four minutes. Fighters are scrambled, and occupants and visitors to the Capitol, the Supreme Court, and the White House are sent scurrying for safety. The aircraft flies over the vice president’s residence and comes within moments of reaching the White House and close to being shot down. Officials say 35,000 people are evacuated from the Capitol and adjacent office complexes. An additional 200 are evacuated from the White House. First lady [Laura Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura%5FBush) and former first lady [Nancy Reagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy%5FReagan)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy%5FReagan) who is visiting, are ushered to a bunker beneath the White House for safety, and Vice President [Dick Cheney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick%5FCheney) is taken to a secure location. The airplane is a Cessna 150 piloted by two aviators flying with outdated maps from a rural Pennsylvania airstrip and they are lost. Authorities say the pilots are so clueless that when officials finally make radio contact and order the plane to divert at 12:06 p.m., the fliers refuse, asserting their right to proceed. The F-16s then fire four bright flares across the plane’s nose, and the two men realize the gravity of their situation. The plane then veers northwest, out of town, escorted by the interceptors, security helicopters, and a US customs jet. The 15-minute aerial encounter is watched by rapt workers in downtown Washington office buildings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Confused Fliers Trigger Capitol Scare,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2005/05/12/confused-fliers-trigger-capital-scare/9b5fd273-7388-4dc7-b1de-6f6e935ce6c9/)” Washington Post, May 12, 2005
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7485
### Event 53712 (83205211)
**Date:** 5/14/2005
**Description:** A large black triangular UFO flew over Grand View, Idaho at a slow speed at 10:38 p.m., flying at a high altitude and moving from the northwest to the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2005 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2846
### Event 53713 (8863B3AD)
**Date:** 5/15/2005
**Description:** At 12:16 a.m., when the witness saw a glow coming from behind a hill near the airport in Carolina, Puerto Rico, it turned out to be a luminous triangular object, making a buzzing sound. The witness's car would not start. A photograph taken of the UFO shows a glowing structure with dark corners at the apexes.Animal reaction: dogs barking, birds frantic.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Scott Corales, ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2879
### Event 53714 (A594F44F)
**Date:** 5/16/2005
**Description:** Two triangular-shaped craft were sighted in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at 7:15 p.m. When they were first seen they were hovering, then they began following each other at a high rate of speed. They had three extremely bright lights: two white and one red.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2005 webpage, report dated June 20, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2908
### Event 53715 (F9479DB2)
**Date:** 5/20/2005
**Locations:** Brasília, Brazil; Rio Grande do Sul; São Paulo; São José dos Campos; Rio de Janeiro; Pará
**Description:** [Ademar José Gevaerd](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ademar%5FJos%C3%A9%5FGevaerd) leads a delegation of ufologists who meet with Brazilian Air Force officials in Brasília, Brazil, headed by Brigadier Telles Ribeiro, chief of the Air Force’s Center for Public Communications. In an interview after the meeting, Gevaerd says his group has been shown information on three specific cases: the testimony of the head of Varig, Nagib Ayub, on a UFO seen in the airspace in Rio Grande do Sul in 1954; testimony from pilots who pursued 21 UFOs flying over São Paulo, São José dos Campos, and Rio de Janeiro in May 1986; and a Brazilian Air Force investigation of UFOs held in 1977 in Pará by Col. [Uyrange Hollanda](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.phils.com.au/hollanda.htm)[,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.phils.com.au/hollanda.htm) who died in 1997. According to Hollanda, “we detected at least nine forms of objects. Probes, flying saucer-shaped spaceships... All reports were sent by the 1st COMAR to Brasilia.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Ademar José Gevaerd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ademar%5FJos%C3%A9%5FGevaerd\#Government%5Finformation)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7486
### Event 53716 (8B672930)
**Date:** 5/25/2005
**Description:** In Oriental, North Carolina an eerie purple and greenish glow came from a craft that was estimated to be about 24 feet diameter. It hovered next to some tree limbs, and was partly concealed by them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2005 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3094
### Event 53717 (C4D06138)
**Date:** 6/2005
**Locations:** Tennessee; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Roswell
**Description:** British author [Nick Redfern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FRedfern) publishes Body Snatchers in the Desert, which purports to show that the 1947 Roswell crash may have been military aircraft tests using Japanese POWs, suffering from progeria \(an early aging syndrome\) or radiation effects. He has interviewed elderly whistleblowers—a woman he calls the Black Widow, Al Barker, Bill Salter, and a retired military man he calls the Colonel. In 2001, the Black Widow claims to have worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, at which time elements of the Usgovernment conducted high-altitude balloon tests with attached gondolas that contained live test subjects and sometimes dead bodies. These subjects were handicapped humans, possibly Japanese, including sufferers of progeria. She claims to know of 3 classified balloon flights in May–July 1947. The bodies were broiught to Oak Ridge under stringent security. In 2003, the Colonel states that Roswell and other crashes were a cover for research linked to high-altitude balloon experiments. He mentions crashes in May and July 1947 of two experiments with handicapped persons on board.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story, Paraview, 2005
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7487
### Event 53718 (384CC227)
**Date:** 6/14/2005
**Description:** The main witness, June Mark M. Sepe, and some friends were camping near some woods in a small clearing next to Lake Nice Francisco in Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, The Philippines. After dinner they sat around the campfire planning their next day activities. At around 9:20 p.m. they were surprised to see a car headlight like light glowing behind some trees. They went closer to investigate and came upon a landed cone-cylindrical shaped craft, with no visible doors or windows. It stood about 8-10 feet high and was resting on top of what appeared to be tripod landing gear. No sound came from the craft, but they heard some rustling of grass and leaves, which came from three human looking beings making repairs on the craft. They were wearing metallic silver jumpsuits and black “bonnet-like helmets.” The men hid in the bushes and observed the scene for about 15-20 minutes when they heard a voice call out from within the craft. They could not understand the language, but the quality of the voice was soft and metallic like. After awhile the three beings went back into the craft, entering through the bottom of the craft, and they appeared to quickly float upwards (just like being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner). There was a high-pitched swooshing and humming noise, and then the craft lifted off and shot out of the forest, and at the same time the witnesses felt a gust of cool wind. One of the witnesses attempted to photograph the object with his mobile phone, but the picture was totally blurry. The five other witnesses were Rodel Rulona, William Gomez, John Rabuyo, Jude Igar, and Rolly de Gracia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2005, citing www.ufoevidence.org/sightings
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3494
### Event 53719 (9520E5E4)
**Date:** 6/19/2005
**Location:** Silverdale, Washington
**Description:** 3:10 p.m. Three witnesses in Silverdale, Washington, see a black, rectangular object fly silently in a straight line and constant speed from south to north almost directly above the town.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, June 20, 2005; Nukes 502–503
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7488
### Event 53720 (6D77DBD3)
**Date:** 6/28/2005
**Locations:** Dublin Airport, Ireland; Malahide, County Dublin; London Air Traffic Control Centre
**Description:** Early morning. Following reports of unidentified lights above Dublin Airport in Ireland, a UFO 30 feet wide and 10 feet high approaches dangerously close to a commercial aircraft flying at 3,000 feet. The plane experiences intense waves of heat and wake turbulence. A strobe light on the object induces dizziness and nausea; the copilot vomits a few times, but after a while both pilots feel strangely relaxed. After heading in the direction of Malahide, County Dublin, the UFO returns and continues further harassment, causing the aircraft to become uncontrollable for a few minutes. The pilot reports to London Air Traffic Control Centre: “Need assistance… We have a hostile craft and we have made dangerous maneuvers to avoid it.” London confirms the presence of unauthorized air traffic. Some RAF Tornados are scrambled and reach the aircraft 25 minutes later, but there is little they can do except escort the plane to a UK airport, accompanied by the UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [pp. 409–410](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/408/mode/2up); Dermot Butler and Carl Nally, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, Mercier, 2006, pp. 229–232
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7489
### Event 53721 (2B20FD62)
**Date:** 7/2005
**Location:** Comité de pilotage
**Description:** The new CNES director, [Yannick d’Escatha](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yannick%5Fd%27Escatha), again creates a department for UFO investigations. Another engineer, Jacques Patenet, replaces [Jean-Jacques Velasco](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques%5FVelasco) as head. It is under the authority of CNES but reports to a steering committee \(Comité de pilotage\) called COPEIPAN, headed by [Yves Sillard](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves%5FSillard). The committee has 15 permanent members: representatives of civil and military authorities, and representatives of the scientific world.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gildas Bourdais, “The Death and Rebirth of Official French UFO Studies,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 14; Swords 451
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7490
### Event 53722 (45545B31)
**Date:** 7/5/2005
**Location:** Sargent, Texas
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. A woman is driving home from a fishing trip at Sargent, Texas, on FM2611 when her lights blink twice and the engine goes dead. She gets out of the car to check the battery cables, and sees a bright bluish glow lighting up a wooded area across the highway. The light gets brighter and moves upward through the trees. The outer edges of the light seem to vibrate or tremble slightly. The higher it goes the faster it gets until it disappears. The car starts right up afterward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7491
### Event 53723 (5F2CE011)
**Date:** 7/7/2005
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object with a reddish-orange glow underneath was sighted flying over Lexington, Kentucky at 11:00 p.m. It moved sideways, rather than with its pointed end forward, from the southwest to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2005 archived webpage, report uploaded on September 2, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3922
### Event 53724 (204986C8)
**Date:** 7/8/2005
**Description:** A bright silver cigar-shaped UFO was sighted coming out of a cloud near a military base in Killeen, Texas at 12:35 p.m. Within ten seconds it disappeared into another cloud but never reappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2005 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3937
### Event 53725 (D4795D69)
**Date:** 7/15/2005
**Description:** In Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada eight witnesses reported seeing a shiny, metallic triangular object "with black waves" on the surface of the object and a white glow around it at 10:15 p.m. It was flying east at a low altitude, close enough to see it clearly. Triangle-shaped objects were also sighted later that night in Virginia and Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case 59; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded September 2, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4090
### Event 53726 (89407C1D)
**Date:** 7/19/2005
**Description:** In Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia, Canada several gray circular objects darted and played about in the sky at 11:30 p.m., making a low humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 60, citing NUFORC, original report uploaded September 2, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4218
### Event 53727 (74A79302)
**Date:** 7/22/2005
**Location:** Stan Romanek
**Description:** Industrial chemist [Phyllis Budinger](http://www.mufonohio.com/mufono/FRtour.html) reports on her laboratory tests on stains from the dress that abductee [Betty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) [Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) was wearing on the night of her abduction in 1961. The samples indicate protein and oily materials from an external source. She also reports on materials brought back from a recent abduction by [Stan Romanek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan%5FRomanek), which prove to be bismuth trioxide, used in the making of ceramics and glass but uncommon in everyday situations. No direct link between the materials and an extraterrestrial source can be established.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON 2005 International UFO Symposium Proceedings
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7492
### Event 53728 (D2F1EF9A)
**Date:** Late 7/2005
**Locations:** Santa Rosa Airport; La Pampa province; Argentina
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Just as an airliner is making its final approach to the Santa Rosa Airport, La Pampa province, Argentina, the airport control tower operator notices an unknown, luminous object moving slowly and parallel to the aircraft. The flight plan operator is alerted, and they both watch the UFO stop, emit a brilliant flash of blue- white light, move again, emit another flash, and vanish. The airliner crew does not see the UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p.](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/410/mode/2up) [411](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/410/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7493
### Event 53729 (B42DC12F)
**Date:** 8/4/2005
**Location:** Fernandina Beach, Florida
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A witness in Fernandina Beach, Florida, sees two rose-red objects approach from the ocean and move silently to the south, disappearing in about 75 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, September 2, 2005; Nukes 507
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7494
### Event 53730 (007559FD)
**Date:** 8/6/2005
**Description:** At 1:30 p.m. a spherical object was sighted 100 feet over the ocean from a boat off Newport Beach, California. The came closer to the boat stopped and hovered for 10 minutes, then reversed and went back in the same direction and at the same speed it had come, and disappeared from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2005 archived webpage, report uploaded September 2, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4751
### Event 53731 (ED655264)
**Date:** 8/9/2005
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a rotating disc-shaped object, wobbling, showing different lights, flickering, and "spazzing" was sighted in Westmount, Quebec.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 2005-074, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4813
### Event 53732 (BBC45EF9)
**Date:** 8/11/2005
**Description:** At 8:40 p.m. a man and his son saw a large triangular UFO with three lights fly over Edmonton, Kentucky, with the object flying with the broad part of the triangle facing forward.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2005 web page, report uploaded September 2, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4925
### Event 53733 (BF98F7E5)
**Date:** 8/13/2005
**Description:** The pilot of an Air France airliner reported sighting a UFO 10 miles west of Gatwick Airport, Sussex, England. The object was estimated to be 1-2 metres in length. It had a yellow color and was cylindrical in shape. It was definitely not shaped like a balloon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defense, case 2005-071
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4995
### Event 53734 (A0DEFF96)
**Date:** 8/15/2005
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. a circular disc-shaped object with flashing lights, whirring sounds, and flashes of multicolored lights was seen in Mount Olive, Hale County, Alabama. The sighting reportedly lasted 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2005 archived webpage, report uploaded September 15, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5065
### Event 53735 (927ACB4B)
**Date:** 8/15/2005
**Description:** Two triangular crafts, appearing about 20 minutes apart, were seen over Waterford, Michigan beginning at 11:00 p.m. They were fast moving, with one green light and two alternately strobing white lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2005 archived webpage, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5066
### Event 53736 (E9563766)
**Date:** 8/25/2005
**Location:** Port Charlotte, FL
**Description:** Cat fearful as distant light is viewed (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [050825](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-050825.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5903
### Event 53737 (BDA47F92)
**Date:** 8/27/2005
**Locations:** Lenah Valley, Tasmania; Hobart
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. Dennis Speed is outdoors at his home in Lenah Valley, Tasmania, when he sees a formation of six orange lights approaching from the north. They are the size of bright stars and are moving slowly below the cloud level. Suddenly, they scatter about 1,650 feet apart, and a white aura appears in the sky around them. He watches them for 15 minutes. Up to 9 oranges UFOs are seen elsewhere in Hobart.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Orange UFOs over Hobart,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7495
### Event 53738 (99E4E56C)
**Date:** 9/1/2005
**Locations:** Tonopah Test Range Airport; Nevada; Afghanistan; Kandahar International Airport
**Description:** The 30th Reconnaissance Squadron, which operates Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel drones, is activated at Tonopah Test Range Airport in Nevada. RQ-170 Sentinels have been deployed to Afghanistan, where one was sighted at Kandahar International Airport in late 2007. This sighting, and the Sentinel’s secret status at the time, leads [Bill Sweetman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FSweetman) to dub it the “Beast of Kandahar.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed Martin RQ-170](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FMartin%5FRQ-170%5FSentinel) [Sentinel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FMartin%5FRQ-170%5FSentinel)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7496
### Event 53739 (5018797D)
**Date:** 9/4/2005
**Description:** Four police officers sighted a diamond-shaped object over Wolsingham, Northumbria, England at 2:35 a.m. It was the approximate size of a large helicopter, had green lights on either side, and was clearly a three-dimensional craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Defence Ministry, case # 2005-077
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5645
### Event 53740 (48A17487)
**Date:** 9/7/2005
**Description:** A boomerang shaped object, white with multiple colors on the bottom, was seen over Williamsport, Pennsylvania for about an hour beginning around two p.m. It took off sideways at blinding speed while other objects were suspended in air below it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2005 web page, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5750
### Event 53741 (F0B7D0A9)
**Date:** 9/7/2005
**Description:** In Big Sur, California at 2:00 a.m. a witness spotted a large, bright, diamond-shaped object, initially stationary, that moved quickly across a large area of the sky, dropping "balls of light", before accelerating into outer space.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2005 web page, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5751
### Event 53742 (F0280DA4)
**Date:** 9/9/2005
**Description:** Villagers in Mae Chan District, Chiang Rai Province, Thailand claimed they witnessed a dwarfish "alien" humanoid being that stood 70 centimeters tall and had a large head, large glowing eyes, and big ears. Over 10 residents of Huay Nam Rak Village in Mae Chan district's Tambon Janjawa said they saw the humanoid early in the morning in a rice paddy outside the village, and that he levitated or floated up into the sky when discovered. They insisted that what they saw could not have been a "Tweety Bird" toy balloon, as was conjectured by the news media.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** The Nation (Bangkok, Thailand), Sept. 9, 2005; ufoevidence.org/cases/case490.htm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5816
### Event 53743 (DE3CDB70)
**Date:** 9/9/2005
**Description:** A red crescent object, like a "half circle", was seen above the North York, Ontario airport, quickly moving in the western sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 92, citing HBCC UFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5817
### Event 53744 (AA3372DE)
**Date:** 9/9/2005
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. seven witnesses in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario reported a low-flying object, flat, circular, and with blue-lights travelling at a great speed through the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 93; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2005 webpage, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5818
### Event 53745 (2EA0D1B6)
**Date:** 9/11/2005
**Description:** A large black triangular craft was seen in Roanoke, Virginia at 9:56 a.m. Its bottom was covered with lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2005 webpage, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5895
### Event 53746 (3BA01CD4)
**Date:** 9/14/2005
**Description:** A cigar-shaped UFO flew to the south over Guaynabo, Bayamon province, Puerto Rico at 7:06 a.m. It was the size of a commercial jet, but had no wings. Its polished silver surface reflected the sunlight. It was lost from sight when the craft passed into some cumulus clouds.Duration of the sighting was 15 to 20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mike Vike, www.ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5975
### Event 53747 (19AEA7D9)
**Date:** 9/17/2005
**Location:** 31st Avenue, Peoria, Arizona
**Description:** 10:30 a.m. A man is at his home on 31st Avenue in Peoria, Arizona, when he sees a bright object approaching from the east. Seven other objects appear around it, staying in the same spot for about 15 minutes, then moving to the left quickly. They go higher, moving left to right and right to left, almost hitting each other. They are completely silent.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Spherical UFOs in Arizona,” IUR 30, no. 1 \(October 2005\): 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7497
### Event 53748 (A74CCC37)
**Date:** 9/20/2005
**Location:** Monterrey, Mexico
**Description:** Attorney and Army Reserves Brig. Gen. [Stephen Lovekin](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/63074404/stephen-loder-lovekin), who had worked for the Army Signal Corps in the 1950s and early 1960s, speaks with writer [Peter Janney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FJanney) about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth and the official coverup. He claims that in 1995 he attended a conference on the Strategic Defense Initiative in Monterrey, Mexico, that included high-level US and Russian participants. The purpose of SDI is to protect both countries from incursions by UFOs, he alleges.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dolan II 289
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7498
### Event 53749 (B59BECEF)
**Date:** 9/22/2005
**Description:** The French UFO agency is given the name Groupe d’Études et d’Information sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés \(GEIPAN\) in order to emphasize the “information-gathering” aspect of the agency. At its first meeting, it renews the agreements with a network of specialists so that it can work effectively on new cases.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Groupe d’Études et d’Information sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groupe%5Fd%27%C3%A9tudes%5Fet%5Fd%27informations%5Fsur%5Fles%5Fph%C3%A9nom%C3%A8nes%5Fa%C3%A9rospatiaux%5Fnon%5Fidentifi%C3%A9s)”; Gildas Bourdais, “The Death and Rebirth of Official French UFO Studies,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 14; Swords 451
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7499
### Event 53750 (FA00E746)
**Date:** 9/26/2005
**Description:** A huge non-lit triangular craft with spheres attached to it and others trailing behind, flew over Bay City, Michigan at 11:48 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2005 webpage, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6370
### Event 53751 (59564580)
**Date:** 9/28/2005
**Description:** At 2:38 a.m. a huge triangular-shaped object with lights glided smoothly to the southeast over Jacksonville Beach, Florida without a sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6408
### Event 53752 (2F44A5DD)
**Date:** 9/29/2005
**Description:** Space scientist [Yves Sillard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves%5FSillard) is interviewed on Radio France International about GEIPAN. He states that the UFO phenomenon is serious and involves many witnesses who deserve an answer about what they have seen. The sightings, he says, include impressive radar-visual cases and landing traces.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 451–452
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7500
### Event 53753 (09A4A653)
**Date:** 10/2005
**Locations:** Creech Air Force Base in Nevada; Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field
**Description:** Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, formerly the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, activates the Joint Unmanned Aerial Systems Center of Excellence and the 3d Special Operations Squadron \(the latter is the 1st MQ- 1 Predator squadron in the Air Force Special Operations Command \(AFSOC\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Creech Air Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creech%5FAir%5FForce%5FBase) [Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creech%5FAir%5FForce%5FBase)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7501
### Event 53754 (6BEB1820)
**Date:** 10/2005
**Location:** New York
**Description:** Cognitive psychologist [Susan Clancy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan%5FClancy) publishes Abducted: How People Came to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens, in which she describes her psychological testing of a sample of abductees. These tests reveal a propensity for false memories and magical ideation, making abductees more likely than average to imagine, be led by investigators, and integrate cultural scripts like the abduction story into memory. Clancy demonstrates that alien abduction stories give people meaning and a way to understand their own lives and circumstances. It also gives them a feeling that they are not alone in the universe. New York Times reviewer [Benedict Carey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benedict%5FCarey)’s takeaway is that “in this sense, abduction memories are like transcendent religious visions, scary and yet somehow comforting and, at some personal psychological level, true.” However, Clancy fails to ask her subjects about their religious beliefs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Susan Clancy, [Abducted: How People Came to Believe They Were](https://archive.org/details/abductedhowpeopl0000clan) [Abducted by Aliens](https://archive.org/details/abductedhowpeopl0000clan), Harvard University, 2005; Benedict Carey, “[Explaining Those Vivid Memories of Martian](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/09/health/explaining-those-vivid-memories-of-martian-kidnappers.html) [Kidnappers,](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/09/health/explaining-those-vivid-memories-of-martian-kidnappers.html)” New York Times, August 9, 2005; Clark III 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7502
### Event 53755 (B8656AF4)
**Date:** Early 10/2005
**Location:** Oaxaca state, Mexico
**Description:** 12:30 p.m. The crew of a Magnicharters Boeing 737 encounters a luminous disc in the air corridor over Oaxaca state, Mexico, at 20,000 feet. The object emerges from one cloud and enters another at a distance of 12 miles from the aircraft.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 411](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/410/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7503
### Event 53756 (2F2AC701)
**Date:** 10/2/2005
**Description:** Three bright lights appeared at different times in Westfield, Massachusetts starting at 3:00 a.m. They moved in zig-zag patterns in the sky over a long period of time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2005 webpage, reported uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6515
### Event 53757 (1AD05D66)
**Date:** 10/6/2005
**Description:** At 1:15 a.m. an object trailed by a military aircraft flew over Coon Rapids, Minnesota at a high rate of speed, knocking out electrical power in homes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6616
### Event 53758 (284198F6)
**Date:** 10/6/2005
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object was seen leaning to the left as it moved through storm clouds over Huachuca City, Arizona at 5:30. It moved to lean to the right, and then became a dot and moved toward another large storm cloud.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded Feb. 14, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6617
### Event 53759 (E4436F62)
**Date:** 10/8/2005
**Description:** An oval flying object resembling a shiny mylar balloon but oriented horizontally flew over Buena Park, California at 8:01 p.m. It had a red light underneath the body of the craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded October 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6681
### Event 53760 (47958DF5)
**Date:** 10/16/2005
**Location:** Santa Maria, CA
**Description:** Dog barks when dark object is near (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [051016](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-051016.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5904
### Event 53761 (A7EC49AF)
**Date:** 10/17/2005
**Description:** In Welland, Niagara County, Ontario three witnesses reported seeing a bright white light at 7:00 p.m., which when it approached turned out to be a triangular craft with three lights on the bottom. It made no noise, and had red, blue and little white lights on it. The object rose up into the clouds. The sighting lasted 15-20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 101; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded October 20, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6945
### Event 53762 (99BF236A)
**Date:** 10/19/2005
**Description:** At 8:45 p.m. a white sphere flew over the witness in Terrace, British Columbia, then stopped, hovered, and finally flew away again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case 102, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6991
### Event 53763 (ECC71BF4)
**Date:** 10/19/2005
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. in Whitesburg, Kentucky a black triangle with red lights on the corners and two brighter smaller "escorts" flew silently overhead in the night sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded November 3, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6992
### Event 53764 (DC3A77D9)
**Date:** 10/26/2005
**Description:** At around two p.m. a bright, aluminum colored, cigar-shaped craft appeared in the northwest sky at an elevation of about 35 degrees in Orlando, Florida. The witness estimated the sighting lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded November 3, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7171
### Event 53765 (F2C4DC75)
**Date:** 10/26/2005
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a young man in Vaudreuil-Dordon, Quebec, Canada was taking out the trash when he encountered a bizarre looking, eight foot tall creature. He came back inside running and out of breath, reporting to his family that he had seen the creature in front of the neighbor’s driveway. No specific details were provided about the appearance of the humanoid, but the witness's brother saw two similar creatures back in the summer of 2004.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1999 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Peter Davenport, NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7172
### Event 53766 (F45FF2F1)
**Date:** 10/26/2005
**Description:** A silvery, oval shaped object with circular shining lights was sighted over Tracy, California at 10:05 p.m. The sighting lasted nineteen minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded November 3, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7173
### Event 53767 (EFB8A714)
**Date:** 10/28/2005
**Description:** Beginning at 1:30 a.m. a triangle-shaped object with amber, green and white flashing lights was observed hovering over Pygra in Larnaca District of southern Cyprus. It hovered there for the next 45 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2005 webpage, report uploaded December 16, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7260
### Event 53768 (A6F69D4B)
**Date:** 10/28/2005
**Description:** An irregularly-shaped, orange ovoid object moved towards two witnesses in Port Alberni, British Columbia at 6:00 a.m., then backed away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case 106, citing UFOBC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7261
### Event 53769 (B6903AA7)
**Date:** 11/1/2005
**Locations:** New Mexico; Corona; Pelona Peak; Datil; Loa Alamos National Laboratory; Roswell Army Air Field; Wright- Patterson AFB; Sandia Army Base; Los Alamos; Alamogordo; Nevada Test Site; Serpo; UK Ministry of Defence; London; Alice Bradley Sheldon
**Description:** An anonymous email is received by Victor Martinez, who runs a discussion list for retired intelligence people who are interested in UFOs. This person, in return for anonymity, passes on a huge volume of information each month for the next three years, all of it extracts from an alleged original document—a top secret, 3,000-page report compiled by the Defence Intelligence Agency in the late 1970s. The major revelations are: There were two crash sites in New Mexico, one southwest of Corona, and the second at Pelona Peak, south of Datil. The Corona site was discovered a day later by an archaeological team, who reports the crash site to the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department. One live entity \(EBE 1\) was found hiding behind a rock; it and some dead bodies were later transferred to Loa Alamos National Laboratory. Roswell Army Air Field took the craft and sent it on to Wright- Patterson AFB. The second site was not discovered until August 1949 by two ranchers. It took the sheriff several days to reach this crash site. He took photos, drove back to Datil, and notified Sandia Army Base, which recovered six bodies that were first sent to Sandia then to Los Alamos. The live entity established communication and supplied the name of his home planet, Serpo, in our constellation of Zeta Reticuli. It died in 1952 after being allowed to use a communication device in the crashed UFO to contact his home planet. An alien/US military meeting was set for April 1964 in Alamogordo, where the aliens \(nicknamed Ebens\) landed and retrieved their comrades’ bodies \(which had been frozen\). In 1965, the US had an exchange program with the aliens, where one entity was left behind and 12 trained Americans \(10 men, 2 women\) left for Serpo from the Nevada Test Site. They were supposed to stay 10 years, but something went wrong. In 1978, seven men and one woman returned; two had died on Serpo, and four others decided to remain. Of the 8 that returned, all have since died, the last in 2002. A few months after the documents became known, a UK Ministry of Defence official nicknamed “Chapman” claims the events were not as described but that the document is real, as he had seen it in 1969 or 1970 in London. He claims is was a CIA document authored by [Alice Bradley Sheldon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FTiptree%5FJr) \(a science fiction author using the pseudonym James Tiptree Jr. who worked for the CIA in 1952–1955\) in response to Soviet disinformation in the 1960s about nuclear bombs in the US.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Planetary objects proposed in religion,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary%5Fobjects%5Fproposed%5Fin%5Freligion%2C%5Fastrology%2C%5Fufology%5Fand%5Fpseudoscience\#Serpo) [astrology, ufology, and pseudoscience](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary%5Fobjects%5Fproposed%5Fin%5Freligion%2C%5Fastrology%2C%5Fufology%5Fand%5Fpseudoscience\#Serpo)”; Rational Wiki, “[Project Serpo](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Project%5FSerpo)”; Mark Pilkington, Mirage Men: An Adventure into Paranoia, Espionage, Psychological Warfare, and UFOs, Skyhorse, 2010; Kremlin 161–166
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7504
### Event 53770 (9D9D69FC)
**Date:** 11/1/2005
**Description:** Victor Martinez, a civilian who runs an internet message board for retired intelligence community people interested in UAP, receives what alleges to be a
3,000-page report compiled by the Defense Intelligence Agency in the 1970s classified Top Secret.
It claims: there were two UAP crash sites in New Mexico southwest of Corona and at Pelona Peak, one live entity was found and several dead were transferred to Los Alamos National Laboratory, while the craft was sent to Wright-Patterson AFB. The live entity allegedly helped USG establish communications with his home planet, “Serpo,” in which 12 trained Americans eventually went to “Serpo” from the Nevada Test Site.
A few months later, an anonymous UK Ministry of Defense official nicknamed “Chapman” claimed the document is real, describing fake events. Chapman claims he saw the document in 1969-70 and claims it was written by CIA officer Alice Bradley Sheldon under the pseudonym James Tiptree Jr. Chapman claims the CIA wrote it in response to Soviet disinformation.
* [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Project_Serpo](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Project_Serpo)
* [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread185069/pg113](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread185069/pg113)
* [https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/](https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-Kremlin-Russian-Meddling/dp/1945962186/) (p161-166)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_413
### Event 53771 (A49A3FD3)
**Date:** 11/4/2005
**End date:** 11/6/2005
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** The 3rd Annual 2005 Crash Retrieval Conference. Speakers are Robert M. Wood, Ph.D., Tom Valone, Ph.D., PE, Roger Leir, Nick Redfern, Linda Moulton Howe, Richard M. Dolan, Peter Robbins, Chuck Zukowski, Debbie Ziegelmeyer, Jim Marrs, Ryan S. Wood, Philip Mantle, Reme Baca, William F. Hamilton III, and Ken Storch.
**Type:** conference
**Reference:** [2005 Proceedings - archive.org](https://archive.org/details/crash-retrieval-conference-proceedings-3rd-annual-2005/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_965
### Event 53772 (50C43B53)
**Date:** 11/9/2005
**Description:** A diamond-shaped craft was seen over Sleights, North Yorkshire, England at 8:30 p.m. The object had an unusual powerful, white/yellow, rotating beacon/searchlight at its rear.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defense, case # 2005-118
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7588
### Event 53773 (3B49B61E)
**Date:** 11/10/2005
**Location:** Camarillo, CA
**Description:** Dogs aggressively bark and visually track disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [051110](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-051110.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5905
### Event 53774 (1E81A1C8)
**Date:** 11/15/2005
**Location:** Martinez, CA
**Description:** Beagle reacts to movement in the sky of white, glowing oval (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [051115](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-051115dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5906
### Event 53775 (E6E5AD52)
**Date:** 11/15/2005
**Description:** A beagle reacted to the movement in the sky of white, glowing oval-shaped UFO in Martinez, California at 2:30 a.m. according to the witness, a 49-year-old woman.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2005 webpage, report uploaded December 16, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7712
### Event 53776 (3E7D573B)
**Date:** 11/21/2005
**Description:** A diamond-shaped craft was seen by two witnesses between Magog and Stanstead, Quebec, Canada in the dark at 6:45 p.m. It was described as like a light shaped like a window hovering in a field, about 50 yards away. It took off fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** 2005Canadian UFO Survey, case # 108, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7788
### Event 53777 (63612C13)
**Date:** 11/25/2005
**Description:** A man was having a late dinner with his family in Wichita, Kansas at 10:30 p.m. when he saw three lights on the horizon. In a flash they grew into a large, nearly blinding light source. He went outside and walked in the direction of the lights, and could see a cigar-shaped object moving up and down in a vertical motion. He had two dogs, and one was barking uncontrollably, while the other--a normally more aggressive dog--was whimpering and hid under the back deck. As he stood watching the UFO , a man about five feet tall approached him. The man spoke to him in a foreign language which he was certain was German. He could not remember anything after that point. The next morning he woke up on his bed. His family had gone and his entire body felt sore, particularly below the waist.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7930
### Event 53778 (9B7443F1)
**Date:** 11/25/2005
**Description:** At sometime around 4 a.m. a 14-year-old witness in Leesport, Pennsylvania was asleep in his bed when he suddenly awoke and caught a brief glimpse of what looked to be an alien face. The figure was standing by a dresser next to his mirror, and was between 4-5 feet tall with large black eyes. As soon as he saw the alien's face he pulled his blanket over his face. Moments later, while hiding under the blanket, he heard shuffling noises on the carpet and also what sounded like plastic tubes being slapped against a hand. The last sound he heard was a loud clapping noise. After daylight had broken he finally had the courage to pull off his covers and go to the bathroom, but by now everything seemed to be back to normal.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2005, citing UFO Magazine (USA), December 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7931
### Event 53779 (D078E27D)
**Date:** 12/5/2005
**Description:** A source “McGarity,” a friend of Col. John Alexander and former manager of operations at the Nevada Test Site at EG&G Special Projects, tells Jacques Vallée, Hal Puthoff and Eric Davis that there was a confidential project known as “**Senior Soda**” that built a ramjet disc. McGarity also states he saw a large triangular UAP on 23 October 1987 near the Archuleta Mesa that had markings on the underside of it. McGarity claimed Bob Lazar was a “simple technician” at Los Alamos with no clearance. McGarity also states the strange object in the Cash-Landrum case had been tracked as coming from the Gulf of Mexico.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_414
### Event 53780 (2AE51E41)
**Date:** 12/6/2005
**Description:** Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée of several workshops he attends that involve John Petersen and the Arlington Institute. Those in attendance “went much higher” than Petersen, and the participants were told the US, Russia and China all had custody of recovered “alien hardware.” Vallee wonders if this is true or just psychological warfare targeted at the participants.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_415
### Event 53781 (0D9890DF)
**Date:** 12/15/2005
**Description:** The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, a single-seat, twin-engine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the Air Force, officially enters service. USAF officials consider the F-22 a critical component of the service’s tactical air power. Its combination of stealth, aerodynamic performance, and avionics systems enable unprecedented air combat capabilities.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FMartin%5FF-22%5FRaptor)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7505
### Event 53782 (C62CB6B5)
**Date:** 12/15/2005
**Description:** At 9:45 a.m. a large triangle of white lights with one red light in the middle, was seen standing stock still low in the sky over the Santa Barbara freeway in Santa Barbara, California.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Dec. 2005 webpage, report uploaded Dec. 16, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8435
### Event 53783 (1705F1DC)
**Date:** 12/15/2005
**Description:** A black triangle-shaped object was sighted from Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland at 9:15 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defence, case # 125 for 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8436
### Event 53784 (F4B241F9)
**Date:** 12/17/2005
**Description:** At 5:45 p.m. a slow moving, silent triangular object with red lights was seen in Hockinson, Washington State. It was flying low to the ground and was quiet bright from a distance. It was in view for 90 seconds. At 9:30 p.m. a dark triangle-shaped object with V-shaped lights flew over the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida for three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Dec. 2005 webpage, reports uploaded February 14, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8483
### Event 53785 (5B7A8AAA)
**Date:** 12/18/2005
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a farmer in Knox, Indiana had a close encounter with a saucer-shaped craft hovering over his nearby field. It was about 50 feet in the air. It had a red and blue light, and made no sound. After hovering for three minutes it flew off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Dec. 2005 webpage, report uploaded February 14, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8504
### Event 53786 (C32CB293)
**Date:** 12/24/2005
**Location:** Waxhaw, NC
**Description:** Dog sees and barks at disc over house (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [051224](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-051224.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5907
### Event 53787 (B5EF68EB)
**Date:** 12/29/2005
**Description:** Several large glowing orange balls of light came up from horizon east of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada at around 8:15 p.m. They stopped in the sky, then circled, then dropped from view. A photograph was taken.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2005 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 133, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8649
## Year: 2006, 78 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 53788 (291C219C)
**Date:** 2006
**Description:** The UFO Research Coalition \(CUFOS, MUFON, Fund for UFO Research\) launches an Abduction Monitoring Project \(later changed to Ambient Monitoring Project\), an effort to create a compact, multi-instrumental device to be placed in the homes of recurrent abductees to record magnetic, electrical, and atmospheric anomalies over an extended period. The goal is to compare any reported abduction experiences with the anomalies to see if they coincide. After considerable difficulty with the design and construction of these boxes through 2008, data are recorded from participating abductees. However, funding is not available for the analysis needed to reach any conclusions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tom Deuley, “[The Ambient Monitoring Project: Data Colleced in Abductee’s Homes Being](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2008/07/July%202008.pdf) [Analyzed,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/2008/07/July%202008.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 483 \(July 2008\): 3–7, 15; Jack Brewer, “[What Happened to the Ambient](http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2014/04/what-happened-to-ambient-monitoring.html) [Monitoring Project?](http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2014/04/what-happened-to-ambient-monitoring.html)” The UFO Trail, April 2, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7506
### Event 53789 (A35B477F)
**Date:** 1/2006
**Description:** GEIPAN’s Jacques Patenet announces that the organization will make its UFO files available to the public worldwide and placed on the CNES website.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 452
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7507
### Event 53790 (D0103F4F)
**Date:** 1/25/2006
**Description:** Physicist Jack Sarfatti claims an undersecretary for NDI John Negroponte arranged with Kit Green for a debate between he and Hal Puthoff over the physics behind vacuum energy and zero point energy projects. Sarfatti claims Hal raises a “red herring” and suggests he is involved in “misdirection” regarding the subject.
* [https://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg11165.html](https://www.mail-archive.com/vortex-l@eskimo.com/msg11165.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_416
### Event 53791 (B1C199F7)
**Date:** 1/26/2006
**Description:** In Trienta y Tres, Uruguay many people saw intensely bright "stars" in the afternoon sky beginning at around two o'clock and lasting for about 30 minutes. They made no sound, and engaged in very rapid multi-directional maneuvers, up-and-down, and right-to-left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Hayes, ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_542
### Event 53792 (AE28B292)
**Date:** 1/30/2006
**Description:** Around two o'clock in the morning two friends awoke to a low humming sound, and a clattering noise against all the windows of the country house they occupied in Bragg Creek, Alberta, Canada. They looked outside and saw 20 or more tiny blue lights in the sky. They quickly picked up a video camera and began to film. The lights were high in the sky, and maneuvered freely in all directions, at times hovering together, one on top of the other. This continued for about an hour. They then noticed the objects getting much larger as they slowly descended to earth. They claimed they managed to get one or two close ups on video, but the quality was not great. The ridge about 1 ½ miles to the north then began to emit a day-like glow. Most of the objects were now no longer visible, but the humming sound had become almost deafening. Suddenly a strong wind began to blow out of the north, and the light on the ridge pulsated along the horizon, while clouds of smoke appeared to rise up slowly from each of six lit up areas. One of them next tried to make a phone call to a neighbor, but the phone was not working and instead made an unusual buzzing sound. They both leaned out the window to get a better view. Soon after, they heard a very eerie howl, not like any coyote they had ever heard, and almost like a siren but not as perfect. It was followed by a loud blood curling scream, definitely unhuman. A warm strong breeze next came out of the north, and it had a smell like burning plastic. A security light outside kept turning on, and they heard crashing and banging against the house, followed by a scratching along the walls on every side. Both of the witnesses then saw a tall, very pale humanoid figure with glowing eyes that ran across the driveway. Petrified, they shut themselves inside but continued to listen intently. When they next looked out the window they could see the smoke puff up from the illuminated hilltops again, and once again saw tiny blue lights that shot up into the sky, hovered briefly, and began to get smaller as they flew to a high altitude in the sky, where they remained visible for a long time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Jan. 2006 webpage, report uploade Feb. 14, 2006; Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 31; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2006, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_628
### Event 53793 (DBE2C0E9)
**Date:** 2/1/2006
**Description:** HyperTech Concepts’ Paul Czysz writes a paper to investigate the development of breakthrough aerospace planes for the Air Force Research Laboratory. Quantum vacuum propulsion techniques are described as feasible by 2050, the same technology explored
in the **AATIP** DIRD of Hal Puthoff and in the DARPA/DSO QUEST program (see 19 January 2022). The author, Czysz, created one DIRD for **AATIP** about the use of advanced aerospace craft for space access.
* [https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/813/1/1224/814050/Advanced-Technology-and-Breakthrough-Physics-for?redirectedFrom=fulltext](https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/article-abstract/813/1/1224/814050/Advanced-Technology-and-Breakthrough-Physics-for?redirectedFrom=fulltext)
* [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD_06-DIRD_Space_Access-Where_Weve_Been_and_Where_We_Could_Go.pdf](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD_06-DIRD_Space_Access-Where_Weve_Been_and_Where_We_Could_Go.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_417
### Event 53794 (49B397BC)
**Date:** 2/12/2006
**Description:** At 11:53 p.m. over Houston, British Columbia four witnesses saw what looked like an egg-shaped UFO standing upright. It looked fully illuminated as if it had an internal light source, and made no sound. It was first seen hovering, then moved out of sight behind a mountain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case 49, citing www.ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_888
### Event 53795 (6546DD00)
**Date:** 2/15/2006
**Description:** The witness was driving alone from Elaine to Crumrod, Arkansas at six o'clock in the evening when he noticed two very bright lights on each side of his car that began to follow him. He turned into the driveway of the first house he came to and the lights did the same. He did not get out of the car, but instead blew the car horn for several minutes while the bright lights remained close to his car. He then saw figures with glowing eyes standing all around the house; they were looking at him. He started calling family members and friends on his cellphone, but it soon went dead and so did the car's engine. A friend whom he had succeeded in phoning came by to pick him up, but did not see anything. His car still would not start an hour after the incident and had to be jump started. The resident of the house refused to come out because he thought there was something “strange” happening outside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2006, citing Peter Davenport, NUFORC, March 2006 webpage, report uploaded March 11, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_939
### Event 53796 (0E03CE4B)
**Date:** 2/25/2006
**Description:** A multicolored UFO was sighted in Black Point, Nova Scotia, Canada at 8 p.m. It was first seen to be hovering, then it flew away slowly. There were flashing lights on the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 68, citing ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1125
### Event 53797 (B1CD0839)
**Date:** 2/26/2006
**Description:** In the late afternoon in Toronto, Ontario a witness was asked by his mother to come outside and check out a strange sight. Together they witnessed a disc-shaped object with a light underneath. It was moving slowly through the sky, and appeared to be accompanied by many conventional aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 69, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1145
### Event 53798 (D8D9EE8E)
**Date:** 2/28/2006
**Location:** Des Plaines, IL
**Description:** Dog raises alarm and barks at hovering object in daytime sky (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [060228](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-060228.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5908
### Event 53799 (71C973C7)
**Date:** 2/28/2006
**Description:** According to the witness, at 12:30 a.m. in Sabana Grande, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico he saw three or four Grey aliens standing near a landed bell-shaped object for 60 minutes. They and the object were 650 feet away. They stood 3-4 feet tall, had long fingers, almond eyes, and big heads. There was a sequence of lights from the top and sides of the bell, as well as the rim of the disc-shaped bottom. There was a probe-like arm that hovered and moved 20 feet from the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Hayes, www.ufoinfo.com, Puerto Rico reports webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1185
### Event 53800 (B18AE6D9)
**Date:** 3/5/2006
**Description:** A slow moving, chevron-shaped object with brights lights on the underneath of the wings, made no sounds as it passed over Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 9:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2006 webpage, report uploaded May 15, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1325
### Event 53801 (DFD06DE3)
**Date:** 3/14/2006
**Description:** In Brick Township, Ocean County, New Jersey a witness reported another boomerang or V-shaped UFO. It was big and had many different colored lights, that went around it in a clockwise, circular pattern.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2006 webpage, report uploaded May 15, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1516
### Event 53802 (BDB186A2)
**Date:** 3/14/2006
**Description:** In Marlboro, Ulster County, New York at 9:00 p.m. a witness reported a triangle-shaped object with a rounded back, and a blacklight colored rear window. It had a cast frame construction look from the underside, and was slightly illuminated underneath.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2006 webpage, report uploaded May 15, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1517
### Event 53803 (F1F3469E)
**Date:** 3/28/2006
**Description:** Martin Tajmar and Clovis De Matos of ARC Seibersdorf in Austria report gravity-modification effects achieved from a rotating superconductor. The results are reported to the European Space Agency; Woods furthers research into the study of high frequency gravitational waves optics. The studies cite US Army Redstone Arsenal contractor Ning Li (1 August 1997) and **AATIP** contributor Robert Baker.
* [https://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/03/prweb364473.htm](https://www.prweb.com/releases/2006/03/prweb364473.htm)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_418
### Event 53804 (1D4DCB08)
**Date:** 4/18/2006
**Description:** Two couples observed a disc-shaped object skimming over a lake in Christiana Lake, Ontario, Canada at 10:45 p.m. The object was increasing and lowering its altitude, and seemed to be internally lit. It also had a line of bright blue lights in a marquee pattern.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey Report, case # 143, citing www.ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2129
### Event 53805 (4B461E04)
**Date:** 4/25/2006
**Description:** Between 2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. a teardrop shaped, silver/chrome metallic flying object, 3-4 feet wide by 8 feet to 10 feet long, flew just 50 feet above the witnesses' car while they were driving on east bound I-70, about 50 miles west of Green River, Utah. The buzzing by the object was brief, and lasted only 2-3 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, April 2006 webpage, reported June 24, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2325
### Event 53806 (2173C775)
**Date:** 4/27/2006
**Description:** A large rectangular object with red blinking lights that formed an arch was reported over Santa Maria, California at 4:30 p.m. It made erratic flight movements, flew low over the area for a minute, then suddenly disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, April 2006 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2386
### Event 53807 (75176330)
**Date:** 4/28/2006
**Description:** Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer alleges an E-Systems executive told him E-Systems was involved in secret UAP reverse engineering work. Greer states the money E-Systems receives are passed through shell companies from various agencies and end up in black projects.
* [https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n210/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n210/mode/1up) (p210)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_419
### Event 53808 (C75B5E0C)
**Date:** 4/28/2006
**Description:** Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer alleges an unnamed witness told him while working at Bell Labs, he saw 28 or 29 “free energy devices” that had been “black-shelved” or hidden. The witness worked on the technology.
Greer also names General Motors as a holder of exotic energy technology that is “black-shelved.”
* [https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n212/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n212/mode/1up) (p212)
>**_Note_**: CIA Office of Scientific and Weapons Intelligence and Life Sciences Division employee Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green worked for General Motors 1985-1999. Green often emailed Dr. Hal Puthoff and Col. John Alexander from a General Motors Co. corporate email address about UAP information, recovered biological materials and recovered UAP craft. Puthoff and Alexander held their own General Motors corporate email addresses despite no public admission of a UAP special project at the company. Did GM perform UAP work officially or unofficially in the 1990s?
>* [https://www.johnclarkson.com.au/images/downloads/DrGreen_Article.pdf](https://www.johnclarkson.com.au/images/downloads/DrGreen_Article.pdf)
>* [https://imgur.com/a/7D5xIGk](https://imgur.com/a/7D5xIGk)
>**_Note_**: In 1985 Col. John Alexander led the “Advanced Theoretical Physics Conference” under DOE supervision to determine if UAP evidence supported an R&D program. The meetings were held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and classified using DOE controls: Top Secret/Restricted Data Sigmas as Required. Attendees from Los Alamos National Laboratory,
>CIA, NSA, INSCOM, McDonnell Douglas, BDM, Lockheed and OUSD(R&E) were there.
>* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-advanced-theoretical-physics.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-advanced-theoretical-physics.html)
>* [https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2019/03/the-us-governments-cash-landrum-ufo_7.html](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2019/03/the-us-governments-cash-landrum-ufo_7.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_420
### Event 53809 (6DAF37D9)
**Date:** 4/28/2006
**Description:** Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administration briefer Steven Greer claims a Lockheed Skunk Works engineer told him he learned “astral projection” to remove his consciousness from his body. When practicing, he left his body and saw a UAP in Earth’s atmosphere. The engineer claimed UAP often appear in “dematerialized form” resonating at a frequency beyond the perception of human senses and electronic sensors.
* [https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n212/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/HiddenTruthForbiddenKnowledgeStevenM.Greer/page/n212/mode/1up) (p265)
>**_Note_**: Former Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Sr. Tech Fellow Charles Chase runs the UnLAB at MIT. Chase worked in exotic propulsion, metamaterials and low observable technology at Lockheed and more recently received a DARPA/DSO QUEST grant to support vacuum fluctuation propulsion research, an area the **AATIP** program studied linked to UAP. In a presentation, Chase expressed scientific interest in the energy of thought and new ways to utilize human consciousness for aerospace purposes.
>* [https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf](https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf)
>* [https://unlab.us/advanced-propulsion-and-energy-iii/](https://unlab.us/advanced-propulsion-and-energy-iii/)
>* [https://unlab.us/fundamental-research-grants/](https://unlab.us/fundamental-research-grants/)
>* [https://www.nyas.org/bios/disruptive-ideas-for-aerospace-and-security-challenge/charles-chase/](https://www.nyas.org/bios/disruptive-ideas-for-aerospace-and-security-challenge/charles-chase/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_421
### Event 53810 (6CC77471)
**Date:** 5/3/2006
**Description:** At 10:35 p.m. a woman coming home from work on rural roads in Franklin, Indiana sighted a triangle shaped object with three lights, one on each apex, and one in the middle, hovering over the Union Elementary School in Union Township. She stopped the car and got out to observe. It was estimated to be 1500 feet in the air, and made absolutely no sound as it hovered. It appeared to be a deep black in color, darker than the night sky, and almost seemed to absorb any light; the lights did not appear to illuminate anything under it. It was near the restricted military airspace for Camp Atterbury, located 20 miles south. She watched until the craft slowly moved off to the northwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, NUFORC, May 2006 webpage, reported May 4, 2006 and uploaded May 15, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2493
### Event 53811 (D57F194A)
**Date:** 5/3/2006
**Description:** In Chilliwack, Fraser Valley, British Columbia a very large, silent, dark pyramid-shaped object was sighted at 10:45 p.m. by six witnesses. It was slow moving. The sighting lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 192
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2494
### Event 53812 (D30EB7F4)
**Date:** 5/4/2006
**Description:** A security officer on patrol in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada observed four lights in the sky at 11:45 p.m. Three seemed to be hovering, while the fourth circled the others at one point.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 194, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2528
### Event 53813 (6542084E)
**Date:** 5/7/2006
**Description:** A huge boomerang-shaped UFO with a single front bright light and many tiny bright lights in sequence on the edges was seen flying over Twenty-Nine Palms USMC military base in California at 9:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2006 webpage, report uploaded July 16, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2645
### Event 53814 (73B5099F)
**Date:** 5/15/2006
**Location:** UK
**Description:** The UK Defense Intelligence Staff releases \(after a September 2005 Freedom of Information Act request by [David Clarke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FClarke%5F%28journalist%29) and Gary Anthony\) a 400-page report on a secret UFO study, codenamed “Condign,” undertaken by DIS between 1997 and February 2000. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region, written by former Marconi Electronic Systems scientist Ron Haddow, draws on approximately 10,000 sightings and reports that have been gathered by the DI55, a section of the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence \(DSTI\) within the Defence Intelligence Staff. The report concludes that UFOs have an observable presence that is “indisputable,” but also that no evidence has been found to suggest they are “hostile or under any type of control.” According to its authors, the majority of analyzed UFO sightings can be explained by the misidentification of common objects such as aircraft and balloons, while the remaining unexplainable reports are most likely the result of a supernormal meteorological phenomenon not fully understood by modern science. This phenomenon is referred to in the report as “Buoyant Plasma Formation,” akin to ball lightning, and it supposedly produces an unexplained energy field that creates the appearance of a Black Triangle by refracting light. The electromagnetic fields generated by plasma phenomena are also said to explain reports of close encounters due to inducing perceptual alterations or hallucinations in those affected. The Condign report suggests that further research into “novel military applications” of this plasma phenomenon is warranted, and that “the implications have already been briefed to the relevant MoD technology manager.” The report also notes that scientists in the former Soviet Union have identified the close connection between the ‘UFO phenomena’ and Plasma technologies,” and are “pursuing related techniques for potential military purposes.” The report describes people who believe themselves to have had close encounters as being convinced of what they said that they had seen or experienced, but also as not representing proof that such encounters are real. It attributes a number of cases to the “close proximity of plasma related fields” which it said can “adversely affect a vehicle or person.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Unidentified Aerial Phenomena](http://www.uk-ufo.org/condign/condrep.htm) [in the UK Air Defence Region \(The Condign Report\): Summary of Contents,](http://www.uk-ufo.org/condign/condrep.htm)” The Real UFO Project; UK Defense Intelligence Staff, [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region](https://archive.org/details/396201-defe-24-2090-1/mode/2up), released 2006; David Clarke and Gary Anthony, “The British MoD Study: Project Condign,” IUR 30, no. 4 \(August 2006\): 3–13, 29– 32; Kean, [pp. 173–175](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/172/mode/2up); UFOFiles2, [pp. 149–155](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n243/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7508
### Event 53815 (3896447F)
**Date:** 5/16/2006
**Locations:** northeast Australia; Great Divide; Brisbane, Queensland; New Zealand; Australia
**Description:** At least three green fireballs brighter than the moon but not as bright as the sun blaze over northeast Australia. A farmer sees one with a blue tapering tail pass over the mountains of the Great Divide about 75 miles west of Brisbane, Queensland, then watch a phosphorescent green ball about 12 inches wide roll slowly down the side of a mountain, bouncing over a rock along the way. A commercial airline pilot landing in New Zealand sees a meteor breaking up into fragments that turn green as the bits descend in the direction of Australia. The timing of the fireballs suggests they might be debris from Comet 73P/Schwassmann–Wachmann 3, according to physicist [Stephen Hughes](https://smp.uq.edu.au/profile/6363/stephen-hughes) at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Charles Q. Choi, “[Mystery of Green](https://www.livescience.com/9030-mystery-green-fireball-ufos-solved.html) [Fireball ‘UFOs’ Solved,](https://www.livescience.com/9030-mystery-green-fireball-ufos-solved.html)” Live Science, November 30, 2010
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7509
### Event 53816 (88F6251B)
**Date:** 5/18/2006
**Description:** Some men at the Greenwater Lake Provincial Park in Saskatchewan, Canada first observed a disc-shaped object hovering over the lake at around 1:00 a.m. Later they observed some camoflauged beings in the water and on the land nearby. The sighting lasted five hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case 213
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2966
### Event 53817 (AF4AD4AF)
**Date:** 5/18/2006
**Description:** US Army veteran Gary R. Gochnour patents a plasma based aircraft design shaped as a flying saucer and Tic-Tac design, claiming it is capable of invisibility, hover and trans medium travel.
* [https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/36/28/e2/dd500616a8f698/US20060102795A1.pdf](https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/36/28/e2/dd500616a8f698/US20060102795A1.pdf)
>**_Note_**: Gochnour is described as an Army veteran in his obituary dated 2015 and described as a “space explorer.” An FBI document from 1979 states Gary Richard Gochnour (probable, same person) was being monitored for his spreading of “possibly spurious” information regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, though these details are not shared.
>* [https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/36/28/e2/dd500616a8f698/US20060102795A1.pdf](https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/36/28/e2/dd500616a8f698/US20060102795A1.pdf)
>* [https://web.archive.org/web/20220527193409/https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/docid-32192752.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20220527193409/https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/jfk/NARA-Oct2017/docid-32192752.pdf) (rg - replaced with archive.org URL, original not found on server)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_422
### Event 53818 (68488870)
**Date:** 6/2/2006
**Description:** Three orange lights in a triangular formation were sighted over Aylmer, Quebec, Canada at 10:45 p.m. One by one they left formation, rapidly increasing in altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey Report, case # 250
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3240
### Event 53819 (190F2F13)
**Date:** 6/3/2006
**Description:** Numerous white objects appeared over Maidstone, Kent, England in the clear blue skys at 5:05 p.m. There was a large round, white object in the middle with smaller round white objects randomly scattered about, surrounding it. The objects started to fade after 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defence; National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3265
### Event 53820 (03832010)
**Date:** 6/4/2006
**Description:** An extremely bright object that was highly maneuverable and shooting sparks was seen over Houston, British Columbia at 4:20 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Canadian UFO Survey 2006, citing ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3289
### Event 53821 (293C9FDD)
**Date:** 6/6/2006
**Description:** At eight o'clock in the morning a large black triangle-shaped craft was seen in the sky north of Boise, Idaho.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, June 2006 webpage, posted July 17, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3346
### Event 53822 (C26A5DD2)
**Date:** 7/13/2006
**Location:** Wicie, Poland
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A woman camping on the beach at Wicie, Poland, sees several red and blue lights maneuvering within a glow about 10 feet above the water. Then she realizes that the glow surrounds a huge metallic saucer- shaped object with lights that are turning on alternately from left to right. Her cellphone is acting crazy and she thinks the sea is roaring louder than usual. The object scares her so much that she hides in the forest nearby.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 125
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7510
### Event 53823 (7A2E9B06)
**Date:** 7/28/2006
**Locations:** Cheyenne Mountain; Peterson Air Force Base; Colorado Springs, Colorado
**Description:** The Cheyenne Mountain Realignment consolidates NORAD’s day-to-day operations at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with Cheyenne Mountain as an Alternate Command Center.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[North American Aerospace Defense Command](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North%5FAmerican%5FAerospace%5FDefense%5FCommand\#Post%E2%80%93Cold%5FWar)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7511
### Event 53824 (72FFD305)
**Date:** 8/5/2006
**Description:** At around 11:00 p.m., while night hunting for wild boar, three men in Bonaire, Georgia came upon a stand of oak trees alongside a field where they had just run their dogs, and saw some lights coming from the woods. They decided to investigate and walked into the woods approximately 60 yards before they heard a loud whooshing sound. Their dogs then tucked their tails and began whining. When the men tried to get a closer look the lights dimmed, and another whooshing sound was heard. The men then saw two small green “midgets” run from behind a tree toward what appeared to be a large “concrete mixer” with lights on it. Later on, after waiting awhile and drinking a beer, the men ran back up the hill with their dogs. The light and the object had gone, and there was an eerie silence throughout the woods, so that even the insects were completely quiet. The next day, the men returned to the spot and found nothing out of the ordinary. Later that next evening one of the men went to feed his dogs and found that “Judo,” his best hunting dog, was sick and would not eat anything. He claims the dog died later that week without any apparent reason.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2006, citing National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4711
### Event 53825 (2E4BEC56)
**Date:** 8/6/2006
**Description:** A man was driving in a remote area of Tapiola, Michigan at 11:30 p.m. when a square metallic craft overtook and hovered above his vehicle. The witness sped up to 80 mph but his car kept slowing down. He came to a sharp curve and the craft was still over him, so he tried to drive faster after taking the turn, but the car continued to slow down until it finally came to a complete halt. He and his dog got out of the vehicle and ran into some bushes to hide. He next saw many lights shining through the brush that were maybe a thousand yards distant, and there were about 50 “figures” moving about among the lights. There was a "cocoon"-shaped object about 12 feet long, and there were body lights on this object. The activity reminded him of an ant colony. Apparently the creatures noticed him, because he saw three creatures coming toward him into the brush. These were somewhat human-like with normal sized heads, but had very long legs and very long arms and large torsos. He did not see the eyes, for they were back lit by the light coming from behind them. The man and his dog ran further from the area and hid again. The beings appeared to search for him but gave up. From his new location he saw two more cocoon-like crafts, with numerous creatures moving around them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2006, citing National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4752
### Event 53826 (CB201C12)
**Date:** 8/13/2006
**Description:** At 1:35 a.m. in Chatham, Ontario multiple disk-like objects were seen shooting beams of white light back and forth to one another.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2006 archived webpage, report posted October 30, 2006; Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 504
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4996
### Event 53827 (4BA3B6B7)
**Date:** 8/18/2006
**Description:** At 1:18 a.m. in Black Point, Nova Scotia, Canada a witness first observed a simple blue nocturnal light in the sky. Several minutes later he observed a slow-moving disc-shaped object flying just over his neighbor's house, where it hovered for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2006, case # 526, citing ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5146
### Event 53828 (325FA057)
**Date:** 8/20/2006
**Description:** There were unexplained UFO reports from Nova Scotia, Ontario and Alberta, Canada on this day. At 1:00 a.m. in Edmonton, Alberta rotating lights were seen on a white polygon UFO, which moved rapidly through the sky. In Windsor, Ontario at 2:00 a.m. there was a close encounter with a floating, silver, triangle-shaped object, moving side to side. It hovered for awhile, then moved away. The sighting lasted five minutes. At 8:00 p.m. in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario witnesses sighted a silvery round UFO reflecting sunlight. It hovered, then took off at a high rate of speed. Next, it stopped abruptly, moved back towards the witnesses, and finally moved away. At 11:30 p.m. in New Victoria, Nova Scotia multiple independent people observed large lights in the sky. They hovered and moved side to side. At one point, they seemed to follow some of the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, reports 236, 237, 241 & 243
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5205
### Event 53829 (B731D333)
**Date:** 9/2006
**Locations:** UK; National Archives
**Description:** The UK Secretary of State for Defence, Des Browne, approves a proposal from the Directorate of Air Staff \(the former Sec\(AS\)\) to transfer all remaining UFO files to the National Archives. Funds are found to scan approximately 160 files and remove sensitive personal information. This is described as “the largest release of documents younger than 30 years in the MoD’s entire history.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [p. 170](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n273/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7512
### Event 53830 (48B6A77C)
**Date:** 9/5/2006
**Locations:** Vladivostok; Primorsky Krai; Russia; Sea of Japan
**Description:** Residents of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, see several types of UFOs maneuvering near the city. One looks like a radaint sphere with three parts. Other witnesses report four lights. A police officer sees an object with 10 yellow lights moving around in a circular motion and hovering above the Sea of Japan at an altitude of 1– 2 miles. Other smaller objects approach it, one of which explodes in a bright flare-up. The official explanation is that these are candle bombs used as aerial targets for Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter aircraft.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, pp. 117–118
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7513
### Event 53831 (C8433953)
**Date:** 9/6/2006
**Description:** A multi-colored, oval-shaped object with blue, yellow and green lights passed 30 feet above the witness's car as he was driving in Greensburg, Indiana. The witness could hear a voom and a whistle coming from the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2006 webpage, report uploaded October 30, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5703
### Event 53832 (EDA0F463)
**Date:** 9/11/2006
**Description:** A witness saw a silver, reflecting disc-shaped object doing maneuvers over Raynham, Massachusetts at 2:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2006 webpage, report uploaded October 30, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5896
### Event 53833 (85B89C3C)
**Date:** 9/13/2006
**Description:** The British Ministry of Defense received a report of a triangular object with lights flying over Whitehaven, Cumbria, England at 9:45 p.m. One of the lights was green, one was red, and the other two were amber. There was a strange droning noise as it passed overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defense, case 2006-050
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5937
### Event 53834 (1CFC76E4)
**Date:** 9/16/2006
**Description:** A glowing cone-shaped UFO gave off heat and sound, and caused an electrical disturbance in Liberty, Kentucky at 1:00 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2006 webpage, report uploaded December 2006, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6032
### Event 53835 (A2A571E3)
**Date:** 9/17/2006
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. a boomerang V-shaped object, very large, was seen at height in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although not flying at a low altitude, it was close enough to determine that it was not a commercial nor military aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2006 webpage, report uploaded October 30, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6062
### Event 53836 (7080F968)
**Date:** 9/22/2006
**Description:** The Grumman F-14 Tomcat supersonic fighter is retired by US Navy, having been supplanted by the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Grumman F-14 Tomcat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grumman%5FF-14%5FTomcat)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7514
### Event 53837 (B37CCECA)
**Date:** 9/23/2006
**Description:** A large triangular craft flew low over two witnesses traveling in a car in Ste. Adolphe, Manitoba at 8:30 p.m. No noise was heard coming from the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 624
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6276
### Event 53838 (B373CDFB)
**Date:** 9/24/2006
**Description:** A circular disc-shaped object hovered near the ground in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England at 6:00 p.m. It had a black tinted curved perimeter with lights around it. Close to the pavement it let off a green beam of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2006 webpage, case posted October 30, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6305
### Event 53839 (DD859218)
**Date:** 9/24/2006
**Description:** A witness in North Surrey, British Columbia, Canada observed a hockey stick-shaped object with flames shooting out the back at 4:00 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case 630
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6306
### Event 53840 (6AA45409)
**Date:** 9/26/2006
**Description:** A dark triangular object was seen over San Jacinto, Riverside County, California at 7:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2006 webpage, report uploaded October 30, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6371
### Event 53841 (D163582E)
**Date:** 9/27/2006
**Description:** Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée that a high ranking VP of BAE Systems is just one figure involved in the UAP issue that he’s looking into. Green says he’s looking
at real players, not small time people any more. He suggests the issue causes delusion among high-level people but it’s still relevant to study them because those people have power.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_423
### Event 53842 (80FD9B82)
**Date:** 10/2006
**Description:** Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory physicist “Henry Deacon” (pseudonym) claims he is employed by a three-letter agency and that black budget physics is decades ahead of physics in the open source. Deacon claims **Project Shiva Nova** uses arrays of lasers and creates rips in the fabric of space-time; Deacon claims this lets “things” like beings, influences and “all kinds of weird stuff” come into our present reality.
Deacon claims USG knowledge of probable and possible futures is highly classified and attempts to meddle in space-time creates more issues; time loops, rips, etc. Deacon claims UAP occupants on Earth are time travelers, and that experiments at Montauk, NY were real, but that claims by Al Bielek and others may be disinformation or incorrect. Deacon states Montauk was a “real mess…they created a time split we’re still unable to mend…this also relates to **Project Rainbow**.” Deacon claims jump rooms exist and that they’re naturally occurring and a stable one exists between locations on Earth and Mars.
Deacon corroborates testimony by Dan Burisch, who claims ET groups are concerned about affecting Earth’s current timeline for different outcomes they are interested in. Deacon claims **Project Looking Glass** may have been real and utilizes time viewing technology given to USG by ET. Deacon claims some ET groups are our own ancestors from different futures and nuclear weapons testing and high energy physics testing has created “time loops upon time loops, it’s all a mess.”
Deacon states there are a number of parallel timelines, lots of branches; and to the USG knowledge, there are no paradoxes. If the past is changed, it creates a different timeline, a new branch of the original one.
* [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_henrydeacon01.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_henrydeacon01.htm)
>**_Note_**: Journalist Ross Coulthart, who has published USN sources indicating Navy involvement in UAP crash retrievals, claims undisclosed sources are telling him some UAP occupants are “future humans” and are attempting to avert a catastrophe. This corroborates Deacon, albeit with no proof.
>Franc Milburn, former UK national security expert, states a similar theory has been given to him by USG sources albeit with no verification.
>Rep. Mike Gallagher stated in 2022 “future humans” should be considered too.
>* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qkqcfe/ross_coulthart_im_being_told_that_this_is_future/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qkqcfe/ross_coulthart_im_being_told_that_this_is_future/)
>* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/sctv5i/deleted_by_user/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/sctv5i/deleted_by_user/)
>* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/usnoel/rep_mike_gallagher_crowd_favorite_from_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/usnoel/rep_mike_gallagher_crowd_favorite_from_the/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_424
### Event 53843 (43929790)
**Date:** 10/6/2006
**Locations:** Mekong River; Phon Phisai District, Thailand
**Description:** Night. Ufologist [Bill Chalker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FChalker) is along the Mekong River in Phon Phisai District, Thailand, for the annual Naga Light \(ghost light\) festival. He witnesses and videos many of the Naga light balls arising from the river: “This phenomenon has a tremendous social and human dimension and while it is tempting to try to explain the lights, however correctly or incorrectly, as planted ‘rockets,’ ‘submarine’ firings, Naga Dragons speaking, they all seem to fall short of entirely convincing explanations.” Orb sightings are on the increase, with up to 408 counted at the Phayanak festival on October 24, 2018 \(260 in Rattanawapee District and 148 in Phon Phisai\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Naga fireball](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naga%5Ffireball)”; Bill Chalker, “[The Mystery and Allure of the Naga Light Festival: My 2006 Adventure on the](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-mystery-and-allure-of-naga-light.html) [Mekong,](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-mystery-and-allure-of-naga-light.html)” TheOzFiles, January 28, 2015; “Buddhist Aliens,” Fortean Times 388 \(January 2020\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7515
### Event 53844 (68B833DA)
**Date:** 10/6/2006
**Description:** At 5:30 p.m. four people standing in their front yard in Grand Rapids, Michigan watched a silver cigar-shaped craft that moved slowly across the sky, and then suddenly picked up speed and quickly vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2006 webpage, report uploaded Oct. 30, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6618
### Event 53845 (ADB243F2)
**Date:** 10/8/2006
**Description:** A black disc-shaped object rose from behind a mountain in Anchorage, Alaska at 2:02 p.m. It stopped, then moved off quickly to the south against a heavy wind.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded October 30, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6682
### Event 53846 (1CC5F4F0)
**Date:** 10/11/2006
**Description:** A man and his son saw several dull white objects flying in a triangular formation over Aldergrove, British Columbia, Canada at 8:30 p.m., travelling fast at high altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case 659
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6792
### Event 53847 (CE4C74AD)
**Date:** 10/11/2006
**Description:** Two triangular objects, lit up by three main lights and other lights in between, flew over Pampa, Texas at 11:00 p.m. heading east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seatte, October 2006 webpage, report uploaded October 20, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6793
### Event 53848 (C70C3964)
**Date:** 10/17/2006
**Description:** Eric Davis states George Bush Sr. says he was briefed by Col. Trudeau at the time of the 1968 Mendel Rivers Congressional Hearings. Bush Sr. claims Trudeau told him that one of his men, Col. Corso, had been asked to testify before Congress and was about to reveal rumblings of “alien” hardware that had been distributed to “industrial labs.” The Corso testimony was squashed as a result of this conversation.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_425
### Event 53849 (AF2F6863)
**Date:** 10/26/2006
**Description:** At three o'clock in the morning many residents of the cities of Colon, Argentina and Paysandu, Uruguay witnessed a huge triangular craft fly over the two cities. It made no sound, but flew at a low altitude. It flew from south to north at a very slow speed. Witnesses were able to see multicolored lights beneath it that were blue, white, and yellow. Again at 11:05 p.m. that night two loud sky explosions rocked both cities. They broke windows. Some witnesses in Colon said a powerful light could be seen toward the southeastern area of the city.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Julio Degeneve, www.ufoinfo.com, reported dated October 29, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7174
### Event 53850 (176C3DAD)
**Date:** 10/31/2006
**Description:** A black triangular UFO with 3 lights on it was seen at 9:30 p.m. in Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne and Wear, England.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defense, case 2006-56
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7359
### Event 53851 (94C39CCC)
**Date:** 11/2006
**Location:** Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, southern Yunnan, China
**Description:** Many people in a village in Zhenyuan Yi, Hani and Lahu Autonomous County, southern Yunnan, China, see seven white hemispherical objects hovering directly over the property of a local Chinese Communist Party cadre for nearly two hours. They appear to keep changing shape. Many people from neighboring villages hear about the phenomenon and arrive to watch it. People try to pursue the lights, but they soon disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 653
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7516
### Event 53852 (77626E4B)
**Date:** 11/1/2006
**Location:** Bellevue, Colorado
**Description:** [John Schuessler](http://cufos.org/schuessler.html) retires as director of MUFON. He is succeeded by [James Carrion](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/carrion-james-7342/) of Bellevue, Colorado.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Schuessler Retires As MUFON Head,” IUR 30, no. 4 \(August 2006\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7517
### Event 53853 (68F29C5B)
**Date:** 11/7/2006
**Locations:** O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois; Charlotte, North Carolina
**Description:** 4:15 p.m. Federal authorities at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, receive a report that a group of 12 airport employees are witnessing a metallic, saucer-shaped craft hovering over Gate C-17. The object is first spotted by a ramp worker who is pushing back United Airlines Flight 446, which is departing Chicago for Charlotte, North Carolina. The employee apprises the crew of the object above their aircraft. It is believed that both the pilot and copilot also witness the object. Several independent witnesses outside of the airport also see the object. One describes a “blatant” disc-shaped craft hovering over the airport, which was “obviously not clouds.” According to this witness, nearby observers gasp as the object shoots through the clouds at high velocity, leaving a clear blue hole in the cloud layer. The hole reportedly seems to close itself shortly afterward. According to the Chicago Tribune’s [Jon Hilkevitch](https://www.facebook.com/jhilkevitch)[,](https://www.facebook.com/jhilkevitch) “The disc was visible for approximately five minutes and was seen by close to a dozen United Airlines employees, ranging from pilots to supervisors, who heard chatter on the radio and raced out to view it.” So far, no photographic evidence of the UFO has surfaced, although Hilkevitch finds out that one of the pilots is in possession of a digital camera at the time of the sighting and may have photographed the event. NARCAP publishes a 155-page report and has called for a government inquiry and improved energy-sensing technologies: “Anytime an airborne object can hover for several minutes over a busy airport but not be registered on radar or seen visually from the control tower, \[it\] constitutes a potential threat to flight safety.” The FAA stance concludes that the sighting was caused by a weather phenomenon and that the agency would not be investigating the incident.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[2006 O’Hare International Airport UFO Sighting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2006%5FO%27Hare%5FInternational%5FAirport%5FUFO%5Fsighting)”; Jon Hilkevitch, “[What](https://chicagotribune.newspapers.com/clip/92373120/) [WAS That Thing](https://chicagotribune.newspapers.com/clip/92373120/) [in the Sky at O’Hare?](https://chicagotribune.newspapers.com/clip/86903543/chicago-tribune/)” Chicago Tribune, January 1, 2007, pp. 1, 19; Mark Rodeghier, “Media Take Notice When Media Take Notice: UFO Seen over O’Hare Airport,” IUR 31, no. 1 \(January 2007\): 32; Richard F. Haines, “[Report of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon and Its Safety Implications at O’Hare](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cf80ff422b5a90001351e31/t/5d02ec731230e20001528e2c/1560472703346/NARCAP%5FTR-10.pdf) [International Airport on November 7, 2006,](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cf80ff422b5a90001351e31/t/5d02ec731230e20001528e2c/1560472703346/NARCAP%5FTR-10.pdf)” NARCAP, May 14, 2007; Leslie Kean, “Incident at O’Hare Airport,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 3–7; Richard F. Haines, et al., “A UAP and Its Safety Implications: O’Hare International Airport, Nov. 7, 2006,” IUR 31, no. 3 \(October 2007\): 3–7; Kean, [pp. 65–72](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/64/mode/2up); Clark III 835–838; Mutual UFO Network, \[[case report](http://www.nicap.org/reports2/2006%20Nov%207%20Illinois%20Chicago%20OHare%5Fcase%2059470.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7518
### Event 53854 (0966E49D)
**Date:** 11/8/2006
**Location:** Creech AFB, Nevada
**Description:** The 42d Attack Squadron is formed at Creech AFB, Nevada, as the first MQ-9 Reaper drone squadron.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Creech Air Force Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creech%5FAir%5FForce%5FBase)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7519
### Event 53855 (74239701)
**Date:** 11/9/2006
**Description:** At 4:30 p.m. a witness in Kosse, Limestone County, Texas reported seeing a pen-shaped or oblong metallic cylinder-shaped object puff out a cloud, and then try to hide behind it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2006 webpage, report uploaded December 7, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7589
### Event 53856 (A5BDF71F)
**Date:** 11/10/2006
**End date:** 11/12/2006
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** The 4th Annual 2006 Crash Retrieval Conference. Speakers are Stanton T. Friedman, Dr. Michael Salla, Richard M. Dolan, Paul Schatzkin, Ryan S. Wood, Michael Lindemann, Peter W. Merlin, Frank Feschino, Dr. Robert M. Wood, Nick Redfern, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. Bruce Maccabee, Mathew E. Thuney, and Dr. Angela Thompson.
**Type:** conference
**Reference:** [2006 Proceedings - archive.org](https://archive.org/details/crash-retrieval-conference-proceedings-4th-annual-2006/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_966
### Event 53857 (80882FF8)
**Date:** 11/12/2006
**Description:** The pilot of a Boeing 767 observed a fast moving light cross in front of his aircraft while flying over Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada at 10:06 p.m. The aircraft's tactical collision avoidance system was triggered by the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 685
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7621
### Event 53858 (91F33EBD)
**Date:** 11/21/2006
**Description:** A long, bright, white cigar-shaped object rose from the desert in Elmo, Utah and shot off into the western sky at 7:50 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2006 webpage, report uploaded December 7, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7789
### Event 53859 (2DEC584A)
**Date:** 11/22/2006
**Description:** A circular disc-shaped object with a bluish tint, and blinking very brightly, was sighted next to Interstate 15 just north of Scipio, Utah at 7:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2006 webpage, report uploaded December 7, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7829
### Event 53860 (8081E626)
**Date:** 11/28/2006
**Description:** At 6:42 p.m. three metallic disc-shaped objects were seen flying at low altitude over Montreal, Quebec, travelling at slow speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 695, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8020
### Event 53861 (F346CDB8)
**Date:** 11/29/2006
**Description:** A huge triangular UFO with white lights in each corner plus a large red light in the center was sighted north of Salisbury, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. A misty light trail was seen at the rear of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Nov. 2006 webpage, report uploaded Dec. 7, 2006; Australian UFO Research Network, report dated Dec. 13, 2006
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8059
### Event 53862 (E733E272)
**Date:** 12/4/2006
**Description:** A multicolored object was sighted over Hicksville, New York in Nassau County at 12:25 p.m. It made security alarms go off and left behind a cloud of bluish fog.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, December 2006 webpage, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8189
### Event 53863 (B3BB4EA1)
**Date:** 12/5/2006
**Description:** A disc-shaped object was sighted over High Prairie, Alberta, Canada at 6:00 p.m. It had two reddish orange lights on the outside of the middle of the craft, and three orange lights around the back.The craft made no noise and was estimated to be 10 to 18 feet wide. The witness estimated the object was only 75 metres away, and at an altitude of 50 to 75 meters high.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, December 7, 2006; Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 699
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8228
### Event 53864 (A881CBA1)
**Date:** 12/13/2006
**Description:** Fastwalkers, a documentary on NORAD’s Defense Satellite Program and its detection of UFOs \(fastwalkers and slowwalkers\) entering the Earth’s atmosphere, is released.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Internet Movie Database, “[Fastwalkers](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2006737/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7520
### Event 53865 (A32DE4F0)
**Date:** 12/31/2006
**Description:** In Nobsa, Dicho, Boyaca Province, Colombia three men named Guio, Barragan, and Zarate witnessed a football-shaped object through binoculars beginning at 3:30 p.m.. The object changed colors from yellow to black to white. It spun on its axis and became orange-colored, and then another object showed up. A photo was taken at 4:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Scott Corrales, www.ufoinfo.com, report dated January 22, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8687
## Year: 2007, 113 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 53866 (08563D91)
**Date:** 2007
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** NY Times: Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD, an astrophysicist, starts working as a subcontractor and then a consultant for the Pentagon U.F.O. program (Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP)
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html)
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/03/us/ufos-report.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_812
### Event 53867 (E9283EF9)
**Date:** 2007
**Location:** US National Archives
**Description:** The US National Archives allows the entire collection of sanitized Blue Book documents to be placed on the web through a private company called Footnote.com \(now called Fold3\), totaling nearly 130,000 pages, each one an individual JPG image.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7521
### Event 53868 (6EE565C2)
**Date:** 2007
**Location:** Springfield, Missouri
**Description:** John Carpenter launches the Journal of Abduction–Encounter Research in Springfield, Missouri, which continues until July 2010.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Journal of Abduction–Encounter Research](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/JAR%20-%20Journal%20of%20Abduction%20Encounter%20Research/JAR%5Fissue%5F1.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/JAR%20-%20Journal%20of%20Abduction%20Encounter%20Research/JAR%5Fissue%5F1.pdf) no. 1 \(January 2007\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7522
### Event 53869 (EA402EF8)
**Date:** 1/1/2007
**Description:** FAA dismisses disc at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, IL as a “weather phenomenon” despite O’Hare Daily Record of Facility Operation showing FAA aware of multiple inbound calls about “disc” seen by employees and pilots over terminal. FAA tells the public it will not investigate.
* [https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2007-01-01-0701010141-story.html](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2007-01-01-0701010141-story.html)
* _Daily Record of Facility Operation, ORD_
* [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cf80ff422b5a90001351e31/t/5d02ec731230e20001528e2c/1560472703346/NARCAP_TR-10.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5cf80ff422b5a90001351e31/t/5d02ec731230e20001528e2c/1560472703346/NARCAP_TR-10.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_426
### Event 53870 (E2253860)
**Date:** 1/5/2007
**Description:** Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée that he and Eric Davis are pursuing a Lockheed Martin technology for a jet hovercraft tested in the 1960s that looks like a flying disc.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_427
### Event 53871 (8C9A911F)
**Date:** 1/11/2007
**Locations:** China; Zichang Satellite Launch Center
**Description:** China conducts an anti-satellite missile test in which a Chinese weather satellite, the FY-1C polar orbit satellite of the Fengyun series orbiting at an altitude of 537 miles, is destroyed by a kinetic kill vehicle traveling with a speed of 8 km/s in the opposite direction. It is launched with a multistage solid-fuel missile from Zichang Satellite Launch Center or nearby. It is the first known successful satellite intercept test since 1985. The kill produces an estimated 35,000 pieces of one-centimeter-wide debris and another 1,500 pieces that are 10 centimeters or more.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[2007 Chinese anti-satellite missile test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007%5FChinese%5Fanti-satellite%5Fmissile%5Ftest)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7523
### Event 53872 (11462A30)
**Date:** 1/12/2007
**Location:** RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England
**Description:** Afternoon. Amateur radio enthusiasts record the conversation of pilots in two USAF F-15C fighters on a training mission just north of RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, England. One fighter gets a radar lock on an unidentified target 17 miles in front of him. He breaks the lock and reacquires it to validate the target, which is moving slowly at 17,700 feet. Closing to 500 feet, the pilot sees a small, irregular object like a “black rock.” His wingman joins him and they make three additional passes as they track it on airborne radar.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 126– 127
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7524
### Event 53873 (7C240566)
**Date:** 1/13/2007
**Description:** In Vaughan, Ontario a cigar-shaped object flew parallel to the highway at midnight, gliding quietly like a submarine. The object had illuminated windows. The sighting lasted about 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 16, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_306
### Event 53874 (51B29908)
**Date:** 1/24/2007
**Description:** A slow-moving cylinder was sighted high in sky over Ottawa, Ontario at 12:25 p.m. It sped up, then streaked across the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 31, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_504
### Event 53875 (B17A4256)
**Date:** 1/30/2007
**Description:** At 9:25 a.m. a disc-shaped UFO was sighted over Interstate 270 N in Rockville, Maryland. At 6:44 p.m. CST a smaller object slowly merged with a larger disc-shaped object over Round Lake, Illinois. Then both vanished in a second as it shot up vertically from approximately a mile above the earth into outer space. In Quincy, California at 10:50 p.m. a tri-colored cylinder-shaped object was seen flying at about 500 feet altitude. It disappeared into the mountains 5-10 miles away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Jan. 2007 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_629
### Event 53876 (2FC5B3D2)
**Date:** 1/31/2007
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. a green hamburger-shaped UFO with porthole hovered 500 feet in the air over Hibbard, Quebec, Canada, making no noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case 41
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_648
### Event 53877 (79260F43)
**Date:** 2/1/2007
**Description:** University of Lisbon physicists Alexandre Martins and Mario Pinheiro find a connection between electric and magnetic fields writing there is a possibility to “manipulate inertial mass” and find applications to electromagnetic propulsion for aerospace purposes. The paper was funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, one of the world’s largest charitable foundations.
* [https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.2437566](https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.2437566)
* [https://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0611/0611167.pdf](https://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0611/0611167.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_428
### Event 53878 (4C1BAA1E)
**Date:** 2/9/2007
**Description:** At 5:30 p.m. a strange "fly-strip-looking" spiral-shaped object was seen hovering and floating over houses along Lake Ontario in Grimsby, Ontario, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 52, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_792
### Event 53879 (D52DBF28)
**Date:** 2/17/2007
**Description:** At 2:52 a.m. a triangular craft was sighted over the Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio. It had white lights on the sides, and a red light shimmering in the bottom middle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Feb. 2007 webpage, report uploaded Feb. 24, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_974
### Event 53880 (D9A7AB77)
**Date:** 2/19/2007
**Description:** A UFO with three lights stayed suspended in the sky over Dorval, Quebec, Canada for 90 seconds, and then bolted away with an amazing burst of speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 63, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1018
### Event 53881 (CBA2AF91)
**Date:** 2/26/2007
**Description:** A motorist driving down the highway in Sacramento, California at 11:00 a.m. saw a cigar-shaped craft with a red light in the middle. The sighting lasted 15 seconds. Another cigar-shaped object was sighted in San Pedro, Los Angeles County, California at 3:48 p.m. The bottom of the object was red and the rest was white. The second sighting lasted 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2007 website, reports uploaded Mar. 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1146
### Event 53882 (20564E31)
**Date:** 3/5/2007
**Locations:** Bremerton, Washington; Naval Base Kitsap; Kitsap Peninsula
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. Several witnesses around Bremerton, Washington, see a steady red light above the smokestack at Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. It moves slowly north for 10 minutes, stops for 3 minutes, then suddenly dims, brightens, and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, March 8, 2007; Nukes 503
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7525
### Event 53883 (25B81E26)
**Date:** 3/5/2007
**Description:** A hovering saucer-shaped object with yellow lights was reported in the sky over Washington, D.C. at 7:00 p.m. It was approached by a bronze-colored object, triangular or flying wing shaped, which hovered nearby.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2007 webpage, report uploaded March 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1326
### Event 53884 (22D29BD7)
**Date:** 3/6/2007
**Description:** A circular object hovered low over the witnesses' barn for 60 minutes in Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania starting at 7:00 p.m. It had white lights that did not blink, and a white antenna that moved back and forth, with a green light at the tip.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2007 webpage, report uploaded March 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1358
### Event 53885 (4DBB8646)
**Date:** 3/18/2007
**Locations:** Arizona; Phoenix Lights
**Description:** Former Arizona Gov. [Fife Symington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fife%5FSymington) admits that he witnessed one of the “craft of unknown origin” during the 1997 [Phoenix Lights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix%5FLights) event, but notes that he didn’t go public with the information. In an interview with [Leslie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie%5FKean) [Kean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie%5FKean) in the Prescott Daily Courier, Fife says: “It was enormous and inexplicable. Who knows where it came from? A lot of people saw it, and I saw it too. It was dramatic. And it couldn’t have been flares because it was too symmetrical. It had a geometric outline, a constant shape.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Former Arizona Governor Says He Saw ‘Phoenix lights’ UFO,” American Chronicle, March 18, 2007; “[Former Arizona Governor Says He Saw a UFO during the](https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former%5FArizona%5FGovernor%5Fsays%5Fhe%5Fsaw%5Fa%5FUFO%5Fduring%5Fthe%5F1997%5FPhoenix%5FLights) [1997 Phoenix Lights,](https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former%5FArizona%5FGovernor%5Fsays%5Fhe%5Fsaw%5Fa%5FUFO%5Fduring%5Fthe%5F1997%5FPhoenix%5FLights)” Wikinews, March 19, 2007; Kean, [pp. 253–257](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/260/mode/2up), [262–264](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/270/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7526
### Event 53886 (C1AFF292)
**Date:** 3/22/2007
**Location:** France
**Description:** GEIPAN, the French office in charge of UFO investigations, begins to put all its UFO files on its website. These reports have been gathered in more than 30 years of investigations since its creation in 1977. Some 400 files, covering the period 1988–2005, are put online first.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Groupe d’Études et d’Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés [website](https://www.cnes-geipan.fr/fr/recherche/cas); Gildas Bourdais, “The Death and Rebirth of Official French UFO Studies,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 12, 14–15; Swords 452–453; “[French Space Agency Puts UFO Files Online,](https://www.foxnews.com/story/french-space-agency-puts-ufo-files-online)” Fox News, January 13, 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7527
### Event 53887 (046DB999)
**Date:** 3/30/2007
**Description:** GEIPAN’s Jacques Patenet appears, with Ciel et espace editor [Alain Cirou](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain%5FCirou)[,](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain%5FCirou) on a well-known French TV program called C dans l’air. Questioned bluntly by host and journalist [Yves Calvi](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves%5FCalvi) about UFOs, Patenet says unequivocally that yes, there are UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gildas Bourdais, “The Death and Rebirth of Official French UFO Studies,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7528
### Event 53888 (BB665194)
**Date:** 4/2007
**Description:** French space scientist [Yves Sillard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves%5FSillard) consolidates his ideas on UFOs in the landmark book Phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifies: Un défi à la science, written in collaboration with other scientists.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yves Sillard, et al., Phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifies: Un défi à la science, Le Cherche midi, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7529
### Event 53889 (F85FF62A)
**Date:** 4/6/2007
**Locations:** North Park Lake; McCandless, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Night. Brian Vike is driving near North Park Lake, McCandless, Pennsylvania, with friends when he sees a strange light shining directly on the lake from high above it. They get out and walk towards the lake. Vike is able to see fish swimming beneath the surface of the lake under the beam. The object projecting the light moves away to above the trees and is only the size of a streetlight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Carl W. Feindt, “Beam of Light into a Body of Water,” IUR 33, no. 3 \(December 2010\): 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7530
### Event 53890 (9D14FC9C)
**Date:** 4/16/2007
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a gray triangle object outlined with many lights flew silently overhead New Westminster, British Columbia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 200, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2070
### Event 53891 (3C8C497F)
**Date:** 4/17/2007
**Description:** A circular craft with blue lights was seen by a 55-year-old man with an engineering background. At around 9:55 p.m. PST, the witness went out onto his front yard in Irvine, California for a smoke before bed. Normally he can see planes approaching Orange County Airport from the NNE and go past to the left to land approximately 8-9 miles away, but this night was overcast so he could hear some, but not see them as they broke cloud cover once they had passed his house. While standing on the driveway, he saw some blue light aloft to the North moving back and forth, almost flittering like a moth. He first thought it was a police helicopter. What was unusual was that it was moving more in a quick, back-and-forth movement instead of what is usually a slow circle. Also, he could not see a strong searchlight or hear any engine sound. It appeared that the object was 1-2 miles away. He thought this was odd, so he retrieved a pair of quality 20x binoculars from inside the house. What he next saw raised the hair on the back of his neck, because the lights seemed to consist of a row of individual blue lights that first were traveling to the left. As the object reversed direction, the object appeared to be first an ellipse and then a full circle; it had maybe 24-30 individual blue lights around the perimeter. It then traveled to the right and reversed the process, again forming a circle at the end of its travel when reversing direction. It traveled in each direction for 3-5 seconds. There were definitely no red/green port/starboard lights, only the blue perimeter lights and no strobe lights. He watched this object for 2-3 minutes. It finally disappeared into the cloud cover. The man used to fly small aircraft, so he was experienced with the shapes and types of various small aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, April 2007 webpage, report uploaded April 27, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2100
### Event 53892 (BF49C430)
**Date:** 4/21/2007
**Description:** A red cigar-shaped object with glowing ends, banded, flew at high speed over Sudbury, Ontario at 2:22 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 217
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2202
### Event 53893 (424EC095)
**Date:** 4/22/2007
**Description:** At 12:14 a.m. a red, cigar-shaped object with glowing ends, banded, traveled at high speed over Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. That night at 10:00 p.m. a triangular formation of red lights was sighted moving fast across the sky in Orangeville, Ontario. Both cases are listed as high quality unknowns.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, cases 224 & 227
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2247
### Event 53894 (07A290A7)
**Date:** 4/22/2007
**Description:** A disc-shaped object with rotating lights was seen in Kirkland, Washington at 7:15 p.m. About the same time (10:20 p.m. EDT) in Westville, Florida a triangular object was seen briefly. The craft had four greenish-blue, dim lights on the bottom: one light in the middle towards the rear and one in each corner.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, reports uploaded April 27, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2248
### Event 53895 (58B15892)
**Date:** 4/23/2007
**Locations:** Southampton, England; Isle of Wight; Guernsey; Channel Islands; Jersey ATC; Casquets; Alderney
**Description:** Afternoon. The passengers of Flight A-Line 544 depart Southampton, England, in a BN2a Mk3 Trislander aircraft at about 2:00 p.m. in fine weather with good visibility for miles around, though a haze layer is present at 2,000 feet, and a continuous cloud layer at 10,000 feet. They rise to an altitude of 4,000 feet and are cruising on autopilot about 10 miles south of the Isle of Wight. Capt. Ray Bowyer notices, exactly in the direction of Guernsey in the Channel Islands \(southwest and 12 o’clock ahead\) what appears to be a brilliant yellow lamp or light. He thinks that it might be an airplane or reflections from the ground, as Guernsey is immediately behind it. The reflection of the sun off a greenhouse is a possibility but the UFO persists for a couple of minutes. It is brilliant yellow, with a dark grey band enveloping it one third from the right, like a band around a cigar. Bowyer makes contact with Jersey ATC to check on traffic heading his way. Paul Kelly at Jersey ATC cannot see any traffic in that position, but he picks up a faint primary return radar signal. A passenger behind the captain confirms what Bowyer is seeing and points out a second UFO immediately behind the first: Bowyer estimates both lights to be “up to possibly a mile across.” Radar traces also seem to register the presence of two objects, which Bowyer believes to be correlated with the position and time of the sighting. The first object is presumed to have been near the Casquets, west of Alderney, and the second some miles north of Guernsey. A study by [David](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FClarke%5F%28journalist%29) [Clarke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FClarke%5F%28journalist%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FClarke%5F%28journalist%29) however, cannot establish a definite link, as the radar reflections of cargo or passenger ferries may have affected at least some of the readings. Bowyer disagrees with Clarke’s team on the supposed link between the radar traces and ferries and proposes that two solid airborne UFOs are working in unison that day. Captain Patterson, the second pilot witness, posits some type of “atmospheric phenomenon” as an explanation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[2007 Alderney UFO Sighting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007%5FAlderney%5FUFO%5Fsighting)”; Kean, [pp. 73–81](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/72/mode/2up); UFOFiles2, [pp. 166–168](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n269/mode/2up); Jean-François Baure, David Clarke, Paul Fuller, and Martin Shough, “[Report on Aerial Phenomena Observed near the Channel Islands,](http://www.martinshough.com/aerialphenomena/Report%20on%20Channel%20Islands%20UAPs%2023.04.07.pdf) [UK, April 23, 2007,](http://www.martinshough.com/aerialphenomena/Report%20on%20Channel%20Islands%20UAPs%2023.04.07.pdf)” February 2008; Jean-François Baure, David Clarke, Paul Fuller, and Martin Shough, “[Unusual Atmospheric Phenomena Observed near Channel Islands, UK, 23 April 2007,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/22/jse%5F22%5F3%5Fbaure.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 22, no. 3 \(2008\): 291–308
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7531
### Event 53896 (55CB3F34)
**Date:** 4/25/2007
**Description:** In Northern India (exact location not given), the witness was returning home from work at 2:00 a.m. when suddenly the road in front of him ‘disappeared’ because there was a huge bus-like object with no wheels hovering over the road, blocking it. He then flashed on the car high beams to get a better look, and when he did this the object split in two and there was a very bright flash of light, lighting up everything briefly like daytime. A creature descended from the object and looked at the witness. Terrified, he turned the car’s headlights off, but kept the engine running so he could escape in the event of an attack. However, the being seemed to ignore him. It looked humanoid but was about 7-8 feet tall and quite bulky and hairy like a bear. The head was slightly bigger than that of an average man. It was carrying an instrument that looked like a crystal cube with a handle. It raised the instrument and waved it around briefly, and then took out a box and put the instrument in it. It then approached the witness’s car and as it approached the witness felt heat and a ‘force of high magnitude’. When it was about a meter away from him the man fainted due to the intense pressure he was feeling, like a G-force caused by high speed acceleration. He regained consciousness after 10 minutes, and the creature and the object were gone. There was a depression in the road about one foot in depth and 10-12 feet in diameter, where the UFO had been hovering. The witness rushed home but was unable to sleep. The next day, while going to the office, he stopped at the same spot and noticed that somehow the road had been repaired.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, April 2007 webpage, report uploaded June 12, 2007; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2007, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2326
### Event 53897 (BDF3556A)
**Date:** 5/3/2007
**Description:** At 4:23 a.m. a metallic object descended at odd angle and landed in a wooded area in Biglerville, Adams County, Pennsylvania. It stayed there for about 20 minutes before disappearing quickly. No further details.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2007 webpage, report uploaded June 12, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2495
### Event 53898 (8D0A6B0C)
**Date:** 5/3/2007
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a triangular craft was seen hovering over Abingdon, Harford County, Maryland, moving very slowly and silently over a residential neighborhood. It had one row of 3-4 lights lit up on one side of the craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2007 webpage, report uploaded June 12, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2496
### Event 53899 (242FCA88)
**Date:** 5/4/2007
**Description:** In Timmins, Ontario, Canada a light was seen in the northwestern sky at 11:30 p.m., zig-zagging and dancing "across the sky".
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Report, case # 250
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2529
### Event 53900 (33E79CC5)
**Date:** 5/6/2007
**Description:** At 12:35 p.m. a slightly conical black UFO hovered over Kalamazoo, Michigan for roughly 2 minutes. The witness ran to get his parents, who watched the object leave. That afternoon, at 4:45 p.m., another group of witnesses in Flint, Michigan reported seeing a "disguised" UFO that made several stops in mid air. After a few minutes it accelerated at an extreme speed into the southern sky and shot almost straight up as it went out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2007 webpage, reports uploaded June 12, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2609
### Event 53901 (30FCC8E7)
**Date:** 5/7/2007
**Description:** At 6:30 p.m. four balls of yellow light were seen dancing over a mountain in Riverdale, Yukon, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 258
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2646
### Event 53902 (F3969DD8)
**Date:** 5/8/2007
**Description:** A huge "beige" triangular object maneuvered around the sky with a multicoloured flashing light over Oshawa, Ontario at 10:00 p.m. There were two witnesses and the sighting lasted 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 260, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2670
### Event 53903 (81370B51)
**Date:** 5/16/2007
**Description:** A large triangle craft with more lights than normal lights was sighted over Ypsilanti, Michigan at 1:00 a.m. by a witness driving home. It was turning at right angles, first quickly and then slowly. It had three lights, portholes, or circles that were white on all three leading edges (sides and middle); on the bottom there were four more circles--3 white ones at each corner of the triangle and a larger red light in the middle of it. It was larger than a plane.It flew overhead slowly, where it stopped 150 yards from the witness for about 40 seconds, then turned 120 degrees and went around in circles around the freeway, then it headed out over the city where it disappeared out of view. The sighting lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2007 webpage, report uploaded June 12, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2909
### Event 53904 (461A7DE7)
**Date:** 5/16/2007
**Description:** A cylindrical UFO was sighted in Columbus, Missouri at around 1:00 p.m. The witness reports, "While sitting outside of my business, visiting with a customer, we all looked up and saw a cylindrically shaped object traveling west above Highway 70. We all watched the object until it went out of sight. It was silver in color and did not have wings or a tail." They were not able to discern its true size or the distance of object, although it seemed to be flying quite low.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2007 webpage, report dated May 26, 2007, citing Barbara Becker, Missouri Investigators Group
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2910
### Event 53905 (AD2E3260)
**Date:** 5/27/2007
**Description:** Lockheed’s Bernard Haisch tells Jacques Vallée he is pursuing an experiment of zero point energy extraction at the University of Colorado sponsored by DARPA. He says the tests are negative thus far.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_429
### Event 53906 (9C41E67E)
**Date:** 5/29/2007
**Description:** At 11:45 a large triangular shaped object was seen flying at about 100 feet altitude between Pontrobert and Meiford in Wales, United Kingdom. It had bright green and blue lights. A second object with pink pulsating lights was also sighted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defence
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3161
### Event 53907 (BD70C619)
**Date:** 6/8/2007
**Description:** The US Air Intelligence Agency is redesignated the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Air Force intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air%5FForce%5FIntelligence%2C%5FSurveillance%5Fand%5FReconnaissance%5FAgency)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7532
### Event 53908 (2EE76FA3)
**Date:** 6/11/2007
**Location:** Brussels, Belgium
**Description:** The Société Belge d’Étude des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Brussels, Belgium, is officially dissolved. Its place is taken by a less formal group, Comité Belge d’Étude des Phénomenes Spatiaux, headed by Patrick Ferryn.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Bienvenue sur le site de COBEPS,](http://www.cobeps.org/)” Comité Belge d’Étude des Phénomenes Spatiaux
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7533
### Event 53909 (37A51527)
**Date:** 6/19/2007
**Location:** Skinwalker Ranch, Utah
**Description:** Defense Intelligence Agency intelligence officer and scientist James T. Lacatski contacts [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) for permission to visit the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, a project under study by the National Institute for Discovery Science. He wants to see how the DIA might develop a strategy to characterize the “potential threat aspects of the phenomena.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 17–18, 38–39
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7534
### Event 53910 (B42D7D25)
**Date:** 7/7/2007
**Description:** In a phone call now in the PUBLIC DOMAIN between NASA engineer Bob Oechsler and ADM Bobby Ray Inman, Inman states Deputy Director for S&T at CIA Everett Hineman would be “the best person” to ask if recovered UAP vehicles would be available for technological research outside of military circles.
* [https://youtu.be/XAwc5F_UR08?t=3586](https://youtu.be/XAwc5F_UR08?t=3586)
* [https://www.amazon.com/Dreamland-Slim-Case-Bruce-Burgess/dp/B000UFLPMM](https://www.amazon.com/Dreamland-Slim-Case-Bruce-Burgess/dp/B000UFLPMM)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_430
### Event 53911 (0A24D0C6)
**Date:** 7/16/2007
**Locations:** Port Orchard, Washington; Green Mountain
**Description:** 12:52 a.m. A witness is walking a dog in Port Orchard, Washington, when an orange fireball travels from southeast to northwest for 30 seconds. It disappears in thick clouds over Green Mountain.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, August 7, 2007; Nukes 503–504
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7535
### Event 53912 (8E0BD5E0)
**Date:** 7/18/2007
**Description:** A triangular shaped object with solid white lights and a solid amber light in the center was seen in Columbia, Missouri on this night at 11:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2007 archived webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4185
### Event 53913 (059A7B65)
**Date:** 7/26/2007
**Locations:** Skinwalker Ranch; Utah; Homestead 1 building
**Description:** [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) accompanies DIA official James T. Lacatski on a visit to Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. During his 2-hour visit, Lacatski witnesses a bizarre tubular object hovering in the kitchen of the Homestead 1 building. After 30 seconds, it vanishes. He describes it is as similar to the object depicted on [Mike Oldfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike%5FOldfield)’s 1973 album Tubular Bells.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 39–41
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7536
### Event 53914 (070B791C)
**Date:** 7/31/2007
**Description:** A witness in Kars, Ottawa, Ontario reported being woken up by his dog barking at 12:52 a.m. He was going to shut him up, looked out window to see what he was barking at, and was shocked to see a large, well lit disc-shaped UFO hovering in the sky. Another disc-shaped UFO was sighted in Jamaica, Queens, New York at 2:45 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded August 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4551
### Event 53915 (C2AD74DB)
**Date:** 8/4/2007
**Description:** There were three more reports from England on this date. At 3:00 p.m. two white circular objects were sighted over Dorking, Surrey, moving at high altitude and speed. At 10:45 p.m. two strange objects were sighted over Sheffield, West York followed by three others. They were all bright and fiery colored, spinning and moving very fast across the sky. Finally, at 11:15 p.m. a circular light was seen zig-zagging across the sky over Worthing, West Sussex.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, report (1) uploaded August 14, 2007, report (3) on August 7, 2007; British Ministry of Defense 2007 reports, case # 40
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4668
### Event 53916 (718B3F14)
**Date:** 8/4/2007
**Description:** Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée he thinks he knows where “the right people” hide with respect to the secret UFO hardware structure. Puthoff says he believes the government still provides a funding path and a security umbrella, but control of the technical items are in the private sector and the contractors can “trump” government requests. Hal says the contractors tell the relevant USG oversight it’s their way or the highway.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_431
### Event 53917 (1D64D712)
**Date:** 8/6/2007
**Description:** Fifteen to twenty cigar-shaped objects with red and blue lights were sighted over Texarkana, Arkansas at 10:20 p.m. There were also numerous bright white lights appearing and disappearing. A second independent report was filed at 10:45 p.m. from ten miles south of the city, reporting inexplicable bright lights and moving objects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2007 archived webpage, reports uploaded August 7 & 14, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4753
### Event 53918 (F92C6FDE)
**Date:** 8/9/2007
**Description:** A low flying object that looked like the Concorde (supersonic aircraft) was sighted in Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada at 7:55 p.m. It was the size of a 50-passenger plane, had no markings and no windows, and the strange thing is it was flying backwards.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 2007-487, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4814
### Event 53919 (229D6428)
**Date:** 8/10/2007
**Description:** At noon an elongated cigar-shaped object, translucent or transparent, flew over Hancock, Maine in a controlled flight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, report uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4853
### Event 53920 (CAD07C1F)
**Date:** 8/14/2007
**Description:** Orange "V" shaped lights flew overhead in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma without making a sound at around 1 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2007 webpage, report uploaded August 14, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5025
### Event 53921 (D0B9B786)
**Date:** 8/16/2007
**Description:** A single light was witnessed making 90 degree turns, starting and stopping instantly without acceleration, over Reading, California at 11:08 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2007 archived webpage, report uploaded on October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5106
### Event 53922 (AE083991)
**Date:** 8/18/2007
**Description:** A brief entry of a landing and report of humanoids is contained in the British Ministry of Defence database of UFO reports for 2007. Case # 52 reports that an object or objects were seen near Streatham in London, England and that the object or objects then landed. "A person was seen and then more people were seen. A lot of phenomena."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defence, case # 2007-052
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5147
### Event 53923 (AEDD72BB)
**Date:** 8/29/2007
**Description:** At 11:34 p.m. a man had just let his dogs out into his backyard in Stafford, Virginia when they starting acting very aggresively. The older female dog got out the door and immediately ran down a hill as if to attack something. When the witness walked out and followed behind the dog, he illuminated the area with his handheld spotlight and saw what appeared to be two small beings, about 4 feet tall. They looked to be made out of light, that was faint but only illuminated their heads and hands, as if their bodies were cloaked by clothing. Next these two figures retreated quickly about ten feet down the hill, and, incredibly, seemed to crawl up into an unseen opening or portal. It looked like they were going up into a completely darkened craft. The witness could only describe it as a portal or window like opening, which didn’t emanate any light. He could still see that there must have been some sort of craft present, because when it started to move away it caused an air turbulence and a moving shadow two feet off the ground. He tried to shine his light on it but it seemed to absorb all light. As it moved away it rose up into the sky and then he could begin to make out a shape. Before the small figures entered the craft they looked back at the witness, and their eyes glowed softly with a pale blue light, but he could not see any other facial features. His dog stopped barking when the object left. The witness described the shape of the object as arrow shaped, about 20 feet long, with the pointed and narrow end in front and wider at the rear.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2007, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2007 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5482
### Event 53924 (7CCA7EFD)
**Date:** 9/2007
**Description:** Project Oxcart, the A-12 reconnaissance aircraft program, is declassified.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7537
### Event 53925 (BD3C8FD7)
**Date:** 9/4/2007
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a hexagon formation of six lights flew over Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada going slowly from north to south. The sighting lasted ten minutes. At 10:30 p.m. a flat, plate-like or saucer-shaped object with numerous blinking lights (red, ivory, and green in color) around its perimeter was sighted in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 565; (2) Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5646
### Event 53926 (C70590D7)
**Date:** 9/7/2007
**Description:** In Victoria, British Columbia at 9:30 p.m. an object like a dome with a flat bottom was first seen hovering, then completely vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 568
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5752
### Event 53927 (55224F01)
**Date:** 9/8/2007
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a V-shaped formation of reddish orange dots were sighted going west to east over St-Bruno, Quebec.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 572, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5782
### Event 53928 (322F56CA)
**Date:** 9/10/2007
**Description:** A humming sound was heard first, then a disc-shaped object reportedly landed in Headingley, Manitoba, Canada at around 2:00 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 584
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5846
### Event 53929 (2D477B74)
**Date:** 9/13/2007
**Description:** At 8:10 p.m. eight white, cigar-shaped objects were photographed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada several times as they were descending rapidly to the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 598, citing ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5938
### Event 53930 (1C9ADF20)
**Date:** 9/14/2007
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a round orange light descended from the sky over Saint-Anaclet, Quebec, Canada, then stopped. It flew off after 90 seconds leaving a trail of smoke.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case 602, citing RCMP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5976
### Event 53931 (53DD084E)
**Date:** 9/16/2007
**Description:** At 4:00 a.m. a small, fast maneuvering ball of white light slowly descended from the sky to within 30 feet of a campsite in Bayfield Inlet, Ontario. It approached the witnesses, and when a flashlight was pointed at the light it reacted by moving away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 608; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2007 webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6033
### Event 53932 (A44DDC67)
**Date:** 9/16/2007
**Description:** Anza Borrego State Park, California. Carl Mandeville (pseudonym) and his girlfriend had decided to go on an overnight backpacking adventure. Their destination was Mount Laguna, in the unincorporated area of San Diego, California. However, a forest fire in Julian closed off Route 78, so they took an alternative route and stumbled upon the Anza Borrego Desert State Park. They arrived at the park at 5:00 p.m. He had never hiked or backpacked at the park before, so Carl went to the visitor center and got the information he needed, and set off on his journey to Culp Valley Campground. Culp Valley campground is at approximately 3,500 feet in elevation. He and his girlfriend pulled into the campground, loaded their backpacks, and set off. They only backpacked about one mile out due to it being the evening. They set up a tent about 20 feet north of the trail. The tent was set up on a small slope looking down on the trail.
At around 3:00 a.m. the moon had sunk behind the mountains surrounding the desert, and it was pitch black, and his girlfriend was sleeping. Unable to sleep Carl just lay there staring at the starry sky. Suddenly, he heard a man’s voice, he when he looked in the direction it was coming from he saw a green light being waved back and forth. He immediately thought it was the park ranger. The light was about 50 yards east from his tent, and he could tell that whoever it was was using the green light to guide somebody on the trail. The green light was coming closer and closer to their tent, probably not directly to the tent but down the trail. Abruptly, the green light disappeared and Carl panicked, because out of nowhere a massive amount of light lit up the trail 20 feet from where he was. He was terrified; nobody was talking at this point, and he didn’t hear footsteps--just saw a massive amount of white light. The light was getting closer. He immediately ducked down and lay low in his tent, very scared. He then peeked out of the tent and saw 12 to 15 humanoid figures that looked like people, but some were extremely tall, and the rest were really very short with large bald heads. The tall figures appeared to be wearing white, cloak-like outfits, and the short figures appeared to be naked. Terrified and with his heart pounding, Jeremy watched the beings walk very gracefully and slowly, turning their heads from left to right with each footstep. They were all holding metal rod-like implements which emitted a powerful white light. They seemed to ignore the tent and walked “peacefully” by. The witness remained lying still and as quiet as he could, as the beings walked by his tent. The light eventually faded as the beings continued down the trail and disappeared. Still terrified, he woke his girlfriend 10 minutes later. He waited because he didn’t want the beings to hear them talking. The next day, he told the ranger about what had happened, and the ranger wrote it down in a report, suspecting it was some type of religious cult.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007; Albert S. Rosales, 2007 Humanoid Sighting Reports Database, confidential report from the witness
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6034
### Event 53933 (A1154323)
**Date:** 9/16/2007
**Description:** At 7:33 p.m. three white circular objects in a triangular formation hovered above the hills between Glendale and Los Angeles, California for 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2007 webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6035
### Event 53934 (13BA2422)
**Date:** 9/17/2007
**Description:** Independent lights forming a chevron passed silently over San Carlos, California at 11:15 p.m. at a very high altitude and at a very high rate of speed; each light shifted position.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6063
### Event 53935 (C759FC23)
**Date:** 9/20/2007
**Description:** At 5:30 p.m EDT two University of Michigan at Flint, Michigan college students observed 11 discs making formations in the early evening sky for 15 minutes. At 8:30 p.m. EDT a cylindrical object with a purple underglow was spotted moving very fast across the sky in Palm Harbor, Florida.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, reports uploaded January 21, 2008 & March 4, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6172
### Event 53936 (15B4BE13)
**Date:** 9/20/2007
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. PDT a cigar-shaped object, possibly hundreds of feet long, was viewed for 12 minutes from Coos Bay, Oregon as it flew slowly along the Pacific Ocean coastline. At the same time (9:00 p.m. MDT) three black triangular craft maneuvered across the sky from the horizon and then hovered over the witnesses' location for two minutes in Kingston, New Mexico.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, reports uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6173
### Event 53937 (24135C70)
**Date:** 9/20/2007
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. a circular object with white lights on the underside was seen from Trabuco Canyon in Mission Viejo, California flying over Orange County toward Riverside County.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6174
### Event 53938 (9683F1A8)
**Date:** 9/21/2007
**Description:** A 37-year-old service technician in Spencerville, Ohio stepped outside for a cigarette before going to bed at 1:50 a.m. and sighted a pair of lights just over the horizon. It was a dark cigar-shaped object with two lights at both ends, larger than a normal aircraft, and it made no sound as it moved west-northwest overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, reported on September 22, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6211
### Event 53939 (4862FC22)
**Date:** 9/21/2007
**Description:** An undisclosed witness had an apparent abduction experience with missing time beginning in the predawn morning hours in Lexington, Kentucky. He reported to the National UFO Reporting Center that while out walking the dog at 4:30 a.m. the small dog "who never barks" began to growl and spasm uncontrollably. Then a white light appeared and a sensation of warmth came over him, and the witness was knocked to the ground. When he awoke it was early afternoon, he was in a different location, his clothes were tattered, and he had several sore spots on his body including his anus. At first he thought he must have been the victim of an automobile hit and run, but to his dismay his arms and legs had various burn marks of unknown cause, and he suspects the cause may have been UFO related. The report form lists the shape of the UFO as a disc.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, encounter was reported on September 23, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6212
### Event 53940 (C77CBBD3)
**Date:** 9/21/2007
**Description:** At 4:13 p.m. a father and son in Bastrop, Texas were playing catch with a baseball when a silver, cigar-shaped object appeared out of nowhere and hovered 1000 feet in the sky.It had two wings in front and two wings in the back. It backed up, came forward, then went up and down in a controlled pattern, and then quickly disappeared into thin air. The sighting lasted 45 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2001 webpage, reported on November 21, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6213
### Event 53941 (F91EA29D)
**Date:** 9/21/2007
**Description:** Three reports of triangular craft were made from Ohio between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. At 8:00 p.m. in West Chester, Ohio a triangular craft with an array of bright lights glided silently near the treeline. At 8:25 p.m in Deer Park, Ohio an observer witnessed a triangular object with hundreds of bright yellow lights near Cincinnati. At 9:00 p.m. a "really big" craft was seen in Evendale, Ohio that came close but remained silent the whole time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2001 webpage, reports uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6214
### Event 53942 (0E9A48EF)
**Date:** 9/21/2007
**Description:** A couple were traveling north on Highway 371 near Bisti badlands in San Juan County, New Mexico at 10:34 p.m. when they saw a bright white cigar-shaped craft near the ground about 100 yards off the east side of the road. They slowed their vehicle down and the craft took off very quickly. It shot up very vertically and left behind no traces.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, reported on September 22, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6215
### Event 53943 (3BAC9357)
**Date:** Fall 2007?
**Locations:** Pentagon's C Ring; Las Vegas; Alaska; Hawaii
**Description:** The Defense Intelligence Agency, at the initiation of Sen. [Harry Reid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry%5FReid) \(D-Nev.\) and the urging of government contractor and Las Vegas billionaire [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow), quietly establishes the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program \(AAWSAP\)—purposly misidentified as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program \(AATIP\), a Pentagon program to study UFOs—as a DIA project on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring to evaluate the threat potential of UFOs. With the support of Sen. [Ted Stevens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted%5FStevens) \(R-Alaska\) and [Daniel Inouye](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel%5FInouye) \(D-Hawaii\), Reid secures $22 million in black-project funding in the 2008 Supplemental Funding Act directed to the DIA Directorate of Analysis, specifically the Defense Warning Office. Its goal is “to understand the physics and engineering of these \[advanced aerospace weapon system\] applications as they apply to the foreign threat out to the far-term, i.e., from now through the year 2050.” The Pentagon will spend this money between September 2008 and December 2010.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Advanced Aerospace Threat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced%5FAerospace%5FThreat%5FIdentification%5FProgram) [Identification Program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced%5FAerospace%5FThreat%5FIdentification%5FProgram)”; Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, “[Glowing Auras and ‘Black](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html) [Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program,](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html)” New York Times, December 16, 2017; Clark III 48; Skinwalkers 41–42
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7538
### Event 53944 (260A7433)
**Date:** 9/24/2007
**Description:** A small triangular craft with bright red, blue and yellow lights, 4-5 per side, was observed moving slowing at a few thousand feet altitude over Shanghai, China at 10:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2007 webpage, report uploaded October 8, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6307
### Event 53945 (147C61BA)
**Date:** 10/10/2007
**Location:** Lake Easton, Washington
**Description:** 10:40 p.m. A man sees a silver-gray disc about 70 feet wide hovering above Lake Easton, Washington, for 3–5 minutes. A beam of bright greenish light is extended from it, illuminating the lake. He sees small objects floating up to it, apparently fish.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Carl W. Feindt, “Beam of Light into a Body of Water,” IUR 33, no. 3 \(December 2010\): 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7539
### Event 53946 (A224D6FC)
**Date:** 10/10/2007
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m an oval-shaped object hovered and shot through the sky with very bright lights over Jensen Beach, Martin County, Florida for two minutes, and then vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Oct. 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6744
### Event 53947 (62AF5BE5)
**Date:** 10/15/2007
**Description:** In Worchester, Massachusetts at 3:00 p.m. a very bright silver circular object hung stationary in the sky, about 500 feet up in the air for 15 to 20 seconds, then vanished. It was estimated to be 60 to 70 feet in diameter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2007 webpage, report uploaded March 4, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6883
### Event 53948 (0A54FEE9)
**Date:** 10/15/2007
**Description:** A spherical metallic object was seen in broad daylight above University Hospital for 22 minutes in Aurora, Colorado.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6884
### Event 53949 (24828157)
**Date:** 10/15/2007
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada a big, red irregularly shaped ship with claws was sighted, and the witness's MP3 player stopped working. The witness also heard four loud bangs associated with the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 667, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6885
### Event 53950 (44C1C099)
**Date:** 10/17/2007
**Locations:** Interstate 90; Cle Elem, Washington
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. A man is driving on Interstate 90 near Cle Elem, Washington, when he sees a bluish-gray disc hovering about 600–700 feet in the air. It bobbles slightly for about 5 minutes then disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Carl W. Feindt, “Beam of Light into a Body of Water,” IUR 33, no. 3 \(December 2010\): 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7540
### Event 53951 (F617966F)
**Date:** 10/21/2007
**Description:** Bob Bigelow tells Jacques Vallée he received a letter from the DIA expressed interest in UAP research at Skinwalker Ranch. The letter says one of their personnel went to the ranch and saw something unexplained. The man who runs the project is a GS15 reporting to managers who are eager to move; Bob says any time he mentions a case the DIA contacts already have all the details and say it’s their job to look 20 to 30 years into the future.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_432
### Event 53952 (F264D9CD)
**Date:** 10/23/2007
**Description:** A triangular craft hovered right above a house in Williamsville, Niagara County, New York for 20 seconds. The homeowner reported that it looked like it was searching for something.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2007 webpage, report uploaded March 4, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7065
### Event 53953 (BEB6FA65)
**Date:** 10/27/2007
**Description:** At around 1:00 a.m. the main witness and his friend were riding around League City, Harris and Galveston Counties, Texas looking for something to do. As they drove about they came upon a newly finished building on a new road, so they decided to check it out. No street lights had been erected yet, and it went through a large field. They were in the middle of the road when a huge, brown and tan object, somewhat oval shaped, came flying through the air straight at them. The driver slammed on the brakes because it didn’t look like the craft was going to stop, but as soon as he did that the object stopped. It just sat there hovering, about 10-15 feet from their car. For a short while both witnesses just sat in the car staring at the object, which took off straight up at an incredible speed. They then drove away, not knowing what to do. A few yards down the road they stopped and turned around--scared but still curious. They then saw the object again, floating just above the road, and it flew straight towards them again and hovered right over them; it stayed there for about 10 seconds and then it flew away. As they watched the object speeding away a weird-looking creature about 5 feet tall, with a round shape to it, jumped out of the bushes and ran onto the road. They had to swerve to avoid hitting it. They don’t know where the creature went, but it walked on two legs. It seemed to have been naked, and was an odd looking brown color. Afterwards, they drove home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2007 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Peter Davenport, NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7209
### Event 53954 (BCE7C164)
**Date:** 10/27/2007
**Description:** At 1:00 p.m. a high altitude, disc-shaped craft moved from North to South over Keller, Tarrant County, Texas and hovered a few times for several seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7210
### Event 53955 (BC1E6316)
**Date:** 10/28/2007
**Description:** A bright, triangular object was seen in the sky over Rotherham, Kiverton, South Yorkshire, England at 9:45 p.m. It had one flashing strobe light and 12 fixed lights underneath. It was stationary at first, then moved over the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defense, case 2007-079
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7262
### Event 53956 (C1CFBFD9)
**Date:** 10/28/2007
**Description:** In Fort Riley, Kansas at 9:30 p.m. four glowing rectangular shaped lights were seen moving in a triangular formation very close to the ground without any sound what-so-ever.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7263
### Event 53957 (9B602F5F)
**Date:** 10/29/2007
**Description:** At 6:50 a.m. a triangle-shaped object with red and green lights, and a very bright red, slowly pulsating light, was seen over Sterling Heights, Michigan. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7295
### Event 53958 (E3D16CC5)
**Date:** 10/29/2007
**Description:** At 8:53 another triangular object with three lights was seen flying over Bedford, Westchester County, New York.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7296
### Event 53959 (00D3025A)
**Date:** 10/30/2007
**Location:** Câmpia Turzii, Romania
**Description:** Afternoon. Pilot Marin Mitrică is flying a MiG-21 LanceR fighter on a training flight from Romanian Air Force 71st Base at Câmpia Turzii, Romania, when he is suddenly hit by an unknown object. The collision breaks the plastic window covering the cockpit, punches a hole in his helmet, and wounds his face. He reduces speed and descends from his altitude of 4 miles to avoid hypoxia and hypothermia. After landing, an examination of the flight recorder shows two small triangles approaching from the right. No traces of organic matter are found on the plane, ruling out birds, and there are no other civilian or military aircraft or balloons in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[A Mid Air](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%202008%20V%2053%20N%201.pdf) [Collision between a MiG 21 and a UFO over Romania in October 2007?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%202008%20V%2053%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 53, no. 1 \(Spring 2008\): 1; Romania 114–115
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7541
### Event 53960 (3A782BC9)
**Date:** 10/31/2007
**Description:** Four objects in triangular formation, flying south, were observed over Winnipeg, Manitoba.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 705
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7360
### Event 53961 (E3D2D419)
**Date:** 11/3/2007
**Description:** A tube-shaped object was seen hovering in the sky over St. John, New Brunswick, Canada at 12:30 p.m. It was stationary at first, then shot off to a distance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 716, citing ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7452
### Event 53962 (C74E2C51)
**Date:** 11/3/2007
**Description:** A small white and blue rectangular object was sighted flying in the sky over Grand Rapids, Ohio at 2:30 p.m. It scared a dog and a boy.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7453
### Event 53963 (DBB7C2C2)
**Date:** 11/3/2007
**Description:** A craft with a tan "X" on the bottom was seen from Portland, Oregon at 7:12 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7454
### Event 53964 (71719B4F)
**Date:** 11/5/2007
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. a hovering saucer-shaped object with a beam of light, along with a possible creature sighting, was reported in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 719, citing ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7487
### Event 53965 (EDC07043)
**Date:** 11/9/2007
**End date:** 11/11/2007
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** The 5th Annual 2007 Crash Retrieval Conference. Speakers are Terry Hansen, Dr. Robert M. Wood, Richard M. Dolan, Peter Robbins, Matthew Williams, Michael H. Schrott, Cameron Debow, Nick Redfern, Lindo Moulton Howe, Karyn Dolan, Ruben Uriarte, Noe Torres, and J. Antonio Huneeus.
**Type:** conference
**Reference:** [2007 Proceedings - archive.org](https://archive.org/details/crash-retrieval-conference-proceedings-5th-annual-2007/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_967
### Event 53966 (C58C66CB)
**Date:** 11/9/2007
**Description:** Two rows of 6-8 dull orange disks in a shallow V shape appeared to be fixed to the bottom of a boomerang or chevron-shaped object flying silently over Frisco, Texas as 8:30 p.m. The sighting lasted under 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7590
### Event 53967 (A0178865)
**Date:** 11/12/2007
**Locations:** Arizona; Washington D.C.; National Press Club
**Description:** A press conference, moderated by former Arizona Gov. [Fife Symington](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fife%5FSymington), is held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. Nineteen former pilots and military and civilian officials speak about their experiences with UFOs and demand that the US government engage in a new investigation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bonnie Malkin, “[Pilots Call for](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1569371/Pilots-call-for-new-UFO-investigation.html) [New UFO Investigation,](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1569371/Pilots-call-for-new-UFO-investigation.html)” The Telegraph \(UK\), November 14, 2007; “[I Touched a UFO: Ex-Air Force Pilot,](https://www.smh.com.au/national/i-touched-a-ufo-ex-air-force-pilot-20071114-gdrl52.html)” Sydney \(N.S.W.\) Morning Herald, November 14, 2007; Marler 23–24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7542
### Event 53968 (8A64B44F)
**Date:** 11/13/2007
**Description:** At 6:50 p.m. and again at 7:10 p.m. there were two reports of a huge low flying triangular craft that was seen in San Diego, California. It was reported to be larger than a stealth bomber.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Nov. 2007 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7661
### Event 53969 (DA84059E)
**Date:** 11/22/2007
**Description:** A black chevron or boomerang shaped object with circling lights, estimated to be about 100 yards long, flew over Wellington, Florida at 12:45 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2007 webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7830
### Event 53970 (F522E273)
**Date:** 11/23/2007
**Description:** Very bright underwater lights were seen in the ocean off East Falmouth, Massachusetts at 11:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2000 archived webpage, report uploaded March 4, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7862
### Event 53971 (4C77E517)
**Date:** 11/23/2007
**Description:** A triangular craft, with two horizontal level beams of lights, like "headlights," was seen from I-380, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, near the Eastern Iowa Airport at 11:03 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2000 archived webpage, report uploaded November 28, 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7863
### Event 53972 (89ECB333)
**Date:** 11/29/2007
**Description:** In Granisle, British Columbia, Canada at 6:00 p.m. a thin "blacklight-colored" cigar-shaped object was seen moving across the sky near an odd, stationary dome-shaped cloud which had been present in the sky for at least an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 742, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8060
### Event 53973 (049731EA)
**Date:** 12/10/2007
**Description:** An orange, oval-shaped object zig-zagged as it "swam" through the air over Maple Ridge, British Columbia at 3:00 p.m. PST, flashing a light. About an hour later, at 7:00 p.m. EST a cigar-shaped object with a bright light was seen zigzagging above Winder, Georgia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 758, citing UFOBC; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, December 2007 webpage, report uploaded January 21, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8332
### Event 53974 (BF513E21)
**Date:** 12/10/2007
**Description:** In San Jacinto, Riverside County, California a black, pointed, shadowy object turned out the lights and turned off the electronics in a truck at 8:45 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, December 2007 webpage, report uploaded March 4, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8333
### Event 53975 (CA23EA45)
**Date:** 12/14/2007
**Location:** Kingsland, Georgia
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. Witnesses in Kingsland, Georgia, see a triangular object with a light in each corner that changes from red to blue to white, with a bright burst happening occasionally. The object moves slowly at about 500 feet altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, March 4, 2008; Nukes 507–508
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7543
### Event 53976 (6A038AFE)
**Date:** 12/23/2007
**Description:** On this evening a dark silent object hovered for awhile over Bridport, England. It shone a light beam down. It was difficult to focus upon because it looked blurry.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** British Ministry of Defence, case # 95 for 2007
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8581
### Event 53977 (94171952)
**Date:** 12/23/2007
**Description:** At 1:30 p.m. CST a dark disc-shaped object was spotted among the clouds over Chicago, Illinois. It stay still long enough for the witness to make a three minute long video recording of it. At 6:45 p.m. EST a disc-shaped, blue and white light flew low and fast over Bowie, Maryland.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Dec. 2007 webpage, reports uploaded March 4, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8582
### Event 53978 (2385AE85)
**Date:** 12/29/2007
**Locations:** Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, Washington; Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Two witnesses driving near the Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, Washington, see an object with three white lights apparently hovering above Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap to the north. As they approach its location, they see that it is large, triangular and made out of reflective metal. It is silently hovering 500 feet in the air over a farm a few yards from the highway.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, January 21, 2008; Nukes 504–505
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7544
## Year: 2008, 96 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 53979 (3C01CE7E)
**Date:** 2008
**Location:** US
**Description:** Claimed Area-51 S-4 worker named “Victor” appears anonymously in bonus footage for the re-release of “Alien Interview”. “Victor” claims that Donald Rumsfeld has been aware of alien interviews since 1974.
**Type:** video interview
**Reference:** [link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-viqc7DJWhs&list=FL-kvdFF-6XoQqmANxWYoP2A&index=7)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_813
**See also:** 2/1997
**See also:** 5/23/97
### Event 53980 (0884BBBB)
**Date:** 2008
**Location:** Pentagon
**Description:** [Luis Elizondo,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis%5FElizondo) an employee of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, claims that he is the director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program \(AATIP\), a small group of UFO-curious personnel at the Pentagon who are studying UFOs encountered by military personnel. Confusingly, it has the same name as the nickname of the Defense Intelligence Agency’s secret Aerospace Advanced Weapon System Applications Program \(AAWSAP\) used in 2008–2010 as a way to mask its real name. The group has the direct knowledge of their superiors. The core people in this group will form the basis of what will become the UAP Task Force, created by Congress in the summer of 2020, but it now operates without a budget, office, or formal name until Elizondo resigns from his job in 2017. The Department of Defense has claimed that AATIP ended in 2012.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 49; Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, “[Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html) [Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program,](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html)” New York Times, December 16, 2017; Skinwalkers xxiii–xxiv, 157–158
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7545
### Event 53981 (76E639C2)
**Date:** 2008
**Description:** The Swedish Defence Research Agency begins sharing a database with UFO-Sverige to make all reports coming into the institute available to the organization’s field investigators.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 371
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7546
### Event 53982 (084DA43D)
**Date:** 2008
**Description:** Anonymous site with significant details of UAP behavior in oceans states UAP communications jamming was tested in the Fort Worth and Arlington areas in 2008. Claims two F-16s fitted with Li-Baker high frequency gravitational wave (HFGW) jammers followed an orb, which allegedly used HFGW to communicate.
* [https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2016/06/the-art-of-jamming-gravitational-waves.html](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2016/06/the-art-of-jamming-gravitational-waves.html)
* [https://archive.ph/TZuYJ](https://archive.ph/TZuYJ) (rg - archived backup)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20230420211301/https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2016/06/the-art-of-jamming-gravitational-waves.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20230420211301/https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2016/06/the-art-of-jamming-gravitational-waves.html) (rg - archived backup)
>**_Note_**: This article was published on 18 June 2016, three years before it was publicly disclosed that **AATIP** commissioned a study on HFGW presumably for study of its relationship to UAP. This was also years before HFGW were linked to UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN by physicists.
>Ning Li and Robert Baker were working on Li-Baker HFGW detectors in the late 2000s, but this had no overt linkage to UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
>Note that roughly 75% of the site is encoded in custom languages only decodable by custom software, the likes of which have not been disclosed publicly.
>* [https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf](https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf)
>* [https://medium.com/@altpropulsion/apec-12-12-hfgw-engineering-quantum-nmr-gravity-b0f30e3179d1](https://medium.com/@altpropulsion/apec-12-12-hfgw-engineering-quantum-nmr-gravity-b0f30e3179d1)
>* [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187538921202500X](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187538921202500X)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_433
### Event 53983 (AB249AF2)
**Date:** 2008
**Description:** Dan Burisch claims to have been a microbiologist working at Papoose Lake Facility/S4 and claims to have been involved in a **Project Aquarius** investigating an extraterrestrial entity “J-Rod” and its neuropathy. Burisch claims he was a pro-tem member of Majestic-12, MJ-9, and dealt with “extraterrestrial human lineage and time travel information.”
He claims **Project Looking Glass** involved a reverse engineered time viewing device, and that there were three extraterrestrial groups visiting Earth: the P45s, humans from approximately 45,000 years in the future that were pale and “grey alien” in appearance, having lived in an apocalyptic Earth; the P52s
from 52,000 years in the future of similar appearance and the P52 Orions, who are human looking and spiritual. Burisch claims the P45s and P52 stayed on Earth after a catastrophe and the P52 Orions left Earth for the Moon and later Mars. Burisch claims the P45s are intent on justifying their history and want the catastrophe to occur, while the P52s and P52 Orions do not. Burisch also claims a **Project Lotus** is attempting to utilize ET technology to manipulate human DNA and RNA.
* [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/dan_burisch/esp_dan_burisch_11.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/dan_burisch/esp_dan_burisch_11.htm)
* [https://projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch_summary.html](https://projectcamelot.org/dan_burisch_summary.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_434
### Event 53984 (6C8E3BC1)
**Date:** 1/1/2008
**Description:** Chester Lytle, a contractor who assisted with the Manhattan Project involved in classified R&D work for the AEC, DOD and CIA, states he saw a disc with a dome through a telescope while a nuclear weapon was being loaded into a B-29 in the 1950s at Kirtland AFB. Lytle also states he was good friends with Gen. William Blanchard, former Roswell base commander; he states Blanchard told him an “alien spacecraft” had been recovered near Roswell in July 1947 with four dead humanoids; he states another source told him some bodies were sent to Muroc Army Airfield (now Edwards AFB) and eventually Hangar 5 at WPAFB.
* [http://www.roswellproof.com/Chester_Lytle.html](http://www.roswellproof.com/Chester_Lytle.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_435
### Event 53985 (E0102AB5)
**Date:** 1/8/2008
**Location:** Stephenville, TX
**Description:** Large Object Seen / Tracked By Radar / Near Bush Ranch (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [080108](http://www.nicap.org/080108stephenville%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_5909
### Event 53986 (0F6DD347)
**Date:** 1/8/2008
**Locations:** Stephenville, Texas; Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth; Stephenville Empire-Tribune; Oklahoma; Fort Worth; Temple; Prairie Chapel Ranch; Crawford, Texas
**Description:** 6:10 p.m. Truck driver Harlan Cowan is traveling east toward Stephenville, Texas, when he sees two stationary lights directly ahead. They are as bright as welding arcs. They split apart and move rapidly away from each other to the north and south at a high rate of speed. At 6:15 p.m., private pilot Steve Allen and three other witnesses 5 miles southeast of Stephenville see four lights similar in intensity to burning magnesium. They come out of the northeast at a speed faster than a military jet. Allen thinks the lights are spread out over a one-mile area. They slow down and remain stationary northwest of his position, then they shift from 4 lights in a horizontal position to 7 lights in a vertical position, emit a white flame, and blink out. Over 30 more witnesses come forward to report odd lights until about 9:30 p.m. Some also see fighter jets chasing the light. [Angela Joiner](http://mysterious-america.com/angelajoinerinte.html), a reporter with the Stephenville Empire-Tribune, calls Maj. [Karl Lewis](https://www.301fw.afrc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/167232/commander-reflects-on-his-time-as-skipper/), spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, who first tells her he thinks the lights are reflections of the sun on high- altitude aircraft. When she asks about military aircraft reported by witnesses, Lewis volunteers the information that there were no F-16s from his unit operating that night, and no other pilots had reported a UFO. On January 16, a FOIA request is sent to the Federal Aviation Administration for any radar data from sites around Stephenville. On January 23, the Air Force admits in a press release that there indeed were 10 F-16s performing training operations that night between 6:00 and 8:00. Joiner contacts Lewis again, who now merely reads the press statement and is not helpful. In February, responses to FOIAs by [Robert Powell](https://ufocongress.com/robert-powell-2/) and Glen Schulze begin to arrive. Military bases unanimously respond with “we have found no records responsive to your request.” However, the FAA releases its raw radar information in mid-February. It is clear that the unknown lights are not related to F-16 activity, but there is intense Air Force activity that night. Ten F-16s and one AWACS jet make figure-8s over the area. Two F-16s from Oklahoma fly south to the Stephenville area. FAA radar returns also show a target four miles north of Allen’s sighting that moves at an apparent speed of 2,100 mph. At 7:20 p.m., two radar sites pick up a target that corresponds to Constable [Lee Roy Gaitan](https://ufo-sightings-daily.tumblr.com/PoliceUFOs)’s observation of an unknown light. Another radar track begins at 6:51 p.m. An unknown object without a transponder signal is tracked with FAA radar for more than one hour. Two different radars \(one at Fort Worth and another at Temple\) make contact with the object 187 times as it covers a distance of 50 miles on a constant trajectory to the southeast. Its speed varies from stationary, to accelerating to 532 mph in 30 seconds, to deaccelerating to 49 mph in 10 seconds. It is traveling on a direct course to President [George W. Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FW.%5FBush)’s Western White House in Crawford, Texas. At 8:00 p.m. it is 10 miles from Prairie Chapel Ranch. Two witnesses riding bicycles 2 miles away from the ranch see a light that slowly descends, makes a 90° turn, then speeds out of sight in 1–2 seconds. But no F-16s pursue this potential interloper.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Large Object Seen / Tracked by Radar / Near Bush Ranch](http://www.nicap.org/080108stephenville%5Fdir.htm)”; “[Stephenville 2008,](http://roswellbooks.com/museum/?page%5Fid=174)” Texas UFO Museum and Research Library; Angela K. Brown, “[Military Reverses Itself, Says F-16s Were in](https://www.reformer.com/local-news/military-reverses-itself-says-f-16s-were-in-texas-area-where-residents-reported-seeing-ufo/article%5F90ad64fb-42b8-50fd-8a98-3470c60162d6.html) [Texas Area Where Residents Reported UFO,](https://www.reformer.com/local-news/military-reverses-itself-says-f-16s-were-in-texas-area-where-residents-reported-seeing-ufo/article%5F90ad64fb-42b8-50fd-8a98-3470c60162d6.html)” Brattleboro \(Vt.\) Reformer, January 23, 2008; “[MUFON Releases](https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/MUFON%5Freleases%5Freport%5Fon%5FUFO%5Fsighting%5Fin%5FStephenville%2C%5FTexas) [Report on UFO Sighting in Stephenville, Texas,](https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/MUFON%5Freleases%5Freport%5Fon%5FUFO%5Fsighting%5Fin%5FStephenville%2C%5FTexas)” Wikinews, July 18, 2008; Glen Schulze and Robert Powell, “[Stephenville Lights: A Comprehensive Radar and Witness Report Study Regarding the Events of January 8,](https://www.explorescu.org/post/stephenville-lights-a-comprehensive-radar-and-witness-report-study) [2008, 4pm to 8pm,](https://www.explorescu.org/post/stephenville-lights-a-comprehensive-radar-and-witness-report-study)” December 18, 2010; Swords 344–348
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7547
### Event 53987 (F3548BFB)
**Date:** 1/23/2008
**Description:** At 3:30 p.m. a photograph of a “phantom UFO” was taken by a woman showing the object flying over a lake, Lago Menendez in the Los Alerces National Park, Chubut province, Argentina next to the Torrecillas Glacier.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Luis Burgos, www.ufoinfo.com, citing Inexplicata
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_472
### Event 53988 (056D6CD5)
**Date:** 1/26/2008
**Description:** At 4:10 p.m. six witnesses watched a silvery pill-shaped object that flipped over as it flew across the sky in Popkum, British Columbia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dittman Geoff, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 44, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_543
### Event 53989 (3062FA6B)
**Date:** 1/30/2008
**Description:** Just after midnight a crescent-shaped object with red, green, and white lights was sighted in the sky to the east of Denver, Colorado.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Jan. 2008 webpage, report uploaded February 14, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_630
### Event 53990 (C36E9E79)
**Date:** 2/7/2008
**Description:** At 12:10 a.m. a white orb made sharp turns in the sky at high speed over the local paper mill in Iroquois Falls, Ontario, Canada and then flew away. The sighting lasted 15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 64, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_750
### Event 53991 (4EEC0C4E)
**Date:** 2/11/2008
**Description:** Four red lights in a rectangle were seen flying slowly west to east over Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2008 webpage, report uploaded February 14, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_854
### Event 53992 (8FC07332)
**Date:** 2/11/2008
**Description:** In Yorkville, Illinois a bright round-shaped object was seen for over two hours beginning at 4:00 a.m., that shot straight up into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2008 webpage, report uploaded February 14, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_855
### Event 53993 (73353FDA)
**Date:** 2/12/2008
**Description:** On a nightly walk in Cloverdale, California a witness spotted a disc-shaped object in the sky at 6:45 p.m. It appeared to be the size of a football field, and it was moving slowly and silently across the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2008 webpage, report uploaded February 14, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_889
### Event 53994 (5340679C)
**Date:** 2/17/2008
**Description:** At 11:50 a.m. a photograph of two “phantom UFOs” was taken in the vicinity of the Uruguay River from Gualeguaychu, Entre Rios Province, Argentina. The photo shows clear, sharp images.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Luis Burgos, www.ufoinfo.com, citing Inexplicata
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_975
### Event 53995 (CC7734E1)
**Date:** 2/19/2008
**Description:** Two strange lights hovered above the surface of a lake in Niantic, Connecticut at eleven o'clock in the morning, broke the surface, and disappeared beneath the surface. At 6:40 p.m. two disc-shaped objects were sighted moving from south to north along the Interstate 5 corridor in Cowlitz County near Kalama, Washington.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2008 webpage, report uploaded March 4, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1019
### Event 53996 (8A002357)
**Date:** 2/21/2008
**Location:** US
**Description:** The US Navy destroys the malfunctioning US spy satellite USA-193 orbiting at 153 miles altitude using a RIM-161 Standard Missile 3 launched from the [USS Lake Erie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FLake%5FErie%5F%28CG-70%29). The US claims it created no space debris because the satellite was so close to earth that the particles burned up in reentry.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Operation Burnt Frost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FBurnt%5FFrost)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7548
### Event 53997 (19045245)
**Date:** 2/26/2008
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. an upside down, white colored V-shaped craft flew over Long Beach, California. A large cigar-shaped object that spawned 8 to 10 or more bright saucer-shaped bright luminous objects, flew over San Fernando, California at 3:30 p.m. At 9:00 p.m. witnesses in Green Valley, Pima County, Arizona saw a triangular craft over the hills to the east, far off in the distance. The craft appeared to remain very stationary, but at times would move.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Feb. 2008 website, report uploaded Mar. 4, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1147
### Event 53998 (9AFEA457)
**Date:** 3/5/2008
**Locations:** Creech AFB, Nevada; Afghanistan; Middle East
**Description:** The 556th Test and Evaluation Squadron becomes operational at Creech AFB, Nevada, as “the Air Force’s \[first\] test squadron for unmanned aerial systems.” The base is home to drone operators for both the US Air Force and the CIA in missions across Afghanistan and the Middle East.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Creech Air Force Base](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creech%5FAir%5FForce%5FBase)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7549
### Event 53999 (AF075C4E)
**Date:** 3/6/2008
**Description:** A dark cigar-shaped object flew over Gig Harbor, Washington at 9:45 p.m. It could only be seen when a spotlight passed over it, reflecting on the clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2008 webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1359
### Event 54000 (7408F17F)
**Date:** 4/2008
**Description:** After publication of the 99th issue of Magonia, John Rimmer decides to cease print publication.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[History of](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/p/future-publications.html) [Magonia,](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/p/future-publications.html)” Magonia Archive; Clark III 706
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7550
### Event 54001 (F0F6DF8D)
**Date:** 4/12/2008
**Description:** In Sonora, California a man saw what he descibed as a "Grey translucent being" studying the flowers in his garden. He had arrived back home from work after parking the car in the garage and had walked to his front door, when he was amazed to see what looked like "a typical grey alien being in my garden." It was translucent and not completely solid, and about five feet tall. It seemed incredibly thin and had a very pointed chin. It appeared to be studying the plants, and from this point on he has no certain recollection of the events that followed. It didn't appear to be interested in him. He had two memories of walking into his house. One is where he walked in and went straight to bed; the other is where he alerted the dogs and made them check outside, which they didn't want to do. His wife had been working until 7 a.m. and was in bed asleep when he arrived. The next day he had no recollection of any of this. It wasn't until some 20 hours later that he remembered what he had seen. He told his wife as soon as he saw her, and she thought he was insane...fornot mentioning it sooner! The other strange thing was that he didn't feel afraid at all to go out in the dark garage or garden. He did not see any UFO or craft on this night, but had seen many previously. The following evening he did see a large white light sweep across the sky while walking the dogs.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, April 2008 webpage, report dated April 23, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1998
### Event 54002 (A47C21A0)
**Date:** 4/12/2008
**Description:** Several members from the UFO group “Ovni Merida” were conducting a “night vigil” in an isolated field at about 350 meters from the road in Baca, Merida, Mexico. It was a cloudy night with little moon. At around midnight one of the men saw what appeared to be a pair of red eyes at about 100 meters away in a field. The eyes were shiny and the men immediately thought it was a dog, but it did not bark, move, or approach them, and it suddenly disappeared. Two of the men walked over to the site, but failed to locate any tracks or ground traces. As they looked around, the same pair of red shiny eyes appeared again, about 100 meters away in another field. The eyes vanished and then would appear again another 100 meters away in another field; this went on for several minutes. The men again failed to find any footprints or traces. Soon, they rejoined the others, and heard a loud galloping sound like that of a horse; immediately after that they heard the sound of huge wings flapping overhead, and this caused one of the men to scream in fright. One of them managed to see a large pair of dark wings disappear into some nearby brushes. Two of the men went to investigate, one armed with a powerful flashlight and the other with a canister of tear gas. They approached the bushes but they failed to find anything. Later, when the group was again together, one of them who had gone to investigate reported that he had seen a shadowy, two-foot tall figure walking in the brush. The figure, whatever it was, seemed to be walking hunched over. Terrified, he asked the other man to return to camp.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2008 Humanoid Contact Sighting Reports, citing Emilio Cetz, Grupo Ovni Merida, Mexico
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1999
### Event 54003 (0ACECA5E)
**Date:** 4/16/2008
**Description:** A close encounter with a large Moon-sized, spherical object near the witness' car was reported in Ontario, Canada (city not given); it scared the witness, then vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 212
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2071
### Event 54004 (3138C553)
**Date:** 4/22/2008
**Location:** Tonopah Test Range in Nevada
**Description:** The last F-117 stealth fighter-bomber is retired and returned to Tonopah Test Range in Nevada. Although officially retired, the F-117 fleet remains intact and photos show the aircraft carefully mothballed. Some of the aircraft are flown periodically and have been spotted flying as recently as July 2019.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed F-](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FF-117%5FNighthawk) [117 Nighthawk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FF-117%5FNighthawk)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7551
### Event 54005 (2A9111DF)
**Date:** 4/27/2008
**Description:** At about 2:00 a.m. a quite large, red rectangular object was sighted in the northeastern sky in London, Ontario, Canada. It moved away at a very rapid speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, April 2008 archived webpage, report uploaded June 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2387
### Event 54006 (7E624268)
**Date:** 5/2008
**Description:** Scripps-Howard News Service and Ohio University conduct a telephone poll on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. 55.8% of respondents believe that the existence of intelligent life in space is either likely or somewhat likely, while 33.1% believe it is likely or somewhat likely that intelligent life has visited earth. Only 7.6% answer that they have had a UFO sighting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “Influences on Opinion about ETI and UFOs,” IUR 32, no. 2 \(December 2008\): 19–24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7552
### Event 54007 (8AD2F10C)
**Date:** 5/5/2008
**Location:** National Archives
**Description:** At the request of the Brazilian Commission of Ufologists, the office of the Deputy Chief of Legal Affairs contacts the Ministry of Defense and requests access to documents related to UFO material that is no longer classified and can be turned over to the National Archives.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1072
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7553
### Event 54008 (76792273)
**Date:** 5/6/2008
**Description:** Political scientists [Alexander Wendt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander%5FWendt) and [Raymond Duvall](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VewiV7EAAAAJ&hl=en) publish an article, “Sovereignty and the UFO” in Political Theory, in which they point to the fundamental weakness of anti-UFO arguments, which claim falsely that no evidence exists. When skeptics are not arguing along those lines, they use a priori logic, which insists that if extraterrestrials exist, they would not behave or look as UFO witnesses describe. Another assertion is that spacecraft could never get to Earth, given the constraints of distance and speed. The authors argue that the problem is that the idea of real UFOs challenges anthropocentric norms, making it a taboo even to acknowledge a phenomenon that has been declared non-existent.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall, “[Sovereignty and the](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0090591708317902) [UFO,](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0090591708317902)” Political Theory 36, no. 4 \(August 2008\): 607–633; Clark III 537–538; Kean, [pp. 269–281](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/276/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7554
### Event 54009 (5DB21EFC)
**Date:** 5/9/2008
**Description:** At 9:35 p.m. a square craft passed right over a couple's car at about tree top height from them. They were driving on Interstate 75 about half an hour away from Naples, Florida in a stretch of road with no exits nor lights on a clear night. The craft appeared in front of them and came right over the car at tree top level. The object was square in shape and had four lights, one on each corner of the craft. It made no sound as it moved past them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2008 webpage, report made May 13, 2008 and uploaded on June 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2708
### Event 54010 (0EC24065)
**Date:** 5/9/2008
**Description:** At 10:05 MDT in Gun Barrel, Boulder County, Colorado a dark, disc-shaped object with no markings flew over. At 10:30 p.m. PDT a triangular object with red lights on the corners moved slowly from northwest to southeast over the Walmart parking lot in canyon country, Santa Clarita, California.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2008 webpage, reports uploaded June 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2709
### Event 54011 (39FA4352)
**Date:** 5/12/2008
**Location:** UK National Archives
**Description:** The first tranche of UFO files is released by the UK National Archives, whose UFO webpage, set up to provide direct public access, receives more than 1.7 million visitors in the first few days. Internet searches on UFOs triple overnight across the globe.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UK Releases Classified UFO Files,](https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13894-uk-releases-classified-ufo-files/)” New Scientist, May 13, 2008; UFOFiles2, [p. x](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n7/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7555
### Event 54012 (C9002B97)
**Date:** 5/14/2008
**Description:** U.S. citizens near Needles, California report seeing an object crash and helicopters/convoys come into the area in the following weeks. One ex-police officer reports speaking with one official, who was wearing a uniform shirt that says “Nevada Test Site” and carrying a badge from the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). A key NNSA component is the Office of Secure Transportation (OST), a special unit created to transport nuclear weapons and weapons grade material since 1975. It was never publicly revealed what crashed in the area nor what was recovered.
* [https://www.mysterywire.com/military-tech/strange-object-crashes-in-needles-investigation-leads-to-secretive-government-agency/](https://www.mysterywire.com/military-tech/strange-object-crashes-in-needles-investigation-leads-to-secretive-government-agency/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_436
### Event 54013 (AA8F440B)
**Date:** 5/15/2008
**Description:** At 11:43 in Coquitlam, British Columbia a witness sighted two orange, circular objects that were flying side-by-side very fast. They did a circle around each other and then vanished. They were making a humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 258; Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2008 webpage, report uploaded June 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2880
### Event 54014 (3381CFFF)
**Date:** 5/17/2008
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. a V-shaped object flew low over the city of Chilliwack, Fraser Valley, British Columbia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case 259, citing UFOBC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2947
### Event 54015 (B0A3AEE9)
**Date:** 5/17/2008
**Description:** At noon a metallic cigar-shaped object was sighted over Carrollton, Texas traveling north at an incredible rate of speed for 20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2008 archived webpage, report uploaded June 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2948
### Event 54016 (7EE9DFB8)
**Date:** 5/19/2008
**Description:** A disc-shaped UFO was spotted over the Surry, Virginia nuclear power station at 12:20 p.m. The object was hovering or drifting slowly, and made a very leisurely circuit of the power plant. It moved against the wind, and very slowly rocked up and down.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3001
### Event 54017 (25CCE037)
**Date:** 5/26/2008
**Locations:** New York; UK
**Description:** New York Times staff reporter Sarah Lyall, based in the UK, selectively focuses on some of the silliest UFO documents released by the Ministry of Defence \(letters written to the agency by citizens\) and provides readers with standard ridicule and the biased approach traditionally associated with New York Times coverage.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sarah Lyall, “[British UFO Shocker! Government Officials Were Telling the Truth,](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/26/world/europe/26london.html)” New York Times, May 26, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7556
### Event 54018 (EBA912C9)
**Date:** 6/2008
**Description:** DARPA PE 0603286E is disclosed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN for the first time and contains several sub-projects, including Advanced Aerospace System Concepts or “**Project AIR-01**.” AASC is described as a program to examine and evaluate emerging aerospace technologies for military use and emerging aerospace threats and methods to counter them. The program continued to be funded until at least 2020, where it was mentioned in a budget document.
The language in the AASC program description is similar to the DIA’s Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (**AAWSAP**), and coincidentally received DARPA funding the same year the DIA sought private sector bids for **AAWSAP**.
* [https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/could-this-be-darpas-project-for-ufo-uap-research/](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/could-this-be-darpas-project-for-ufo-uap-research/)
* [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dod/FY17PE0603286E.pdf](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dod/FY17PE0603286E.pdf)
>**_Note_**: It was later disclosed by **AAWSAP** personnel Luis Elizondo and James Lacatski that **AAWSAP** was UAP-related. Is it possible DARPA’s AASC is also UAP related and contains relevant tech developments?
>* [https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/aatip-aawsap-elizondo/](https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/aatip-aawsap-elizondo/)
>* [https://twitter.com/LueElizondo/status/1524886105203564570?s=20&t=qzZzOt7A9ezYnL7gstHY6w](https://twitter.com/LueElizondo/status/1524886105203564570?s=20&t=qzZzOt7A9ezYnL7gstHY6w)
>* [https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/james-t-lacatski/](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/james-t-lacatski/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_437
### Event 54019 (FF888268)
**Date:** 6/1/2008
**Description:** Two white glowing metallic, teardrop-shaped objects flew over Thunder Bay, Ontario at 11:15 p.m. heading east. The second one followed the same parallel path about 40 meters difference, approached and passed over the two witnesses. Duration was two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 2008-317, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3214
### Event 54020 (865A088E)
**Date:** 6/7/2008
**Description:** On this night in Antioch Community, South Carolina a married couple with many years of aviation experience were returning from some friends' house where they had been watching movies. They were discussing one of the movies when the wife said, "Look at that, what in the world is that?" They saw a black triangular craft in the air with lights and several windows. There was a purple beacon in the center of the bottom, but no position lights or anti-collision lights anywhere on the object. They thought for a moment that it might be a B-2 bomber, but it made no noise at all and after "zooming" up to them it stopped right over their vehicle. About this time they turned onto their private road and made it up to their house. This was around 11:20 p.m. The next thing that either of them remembers was being in the car at 2:24 a.m. in the morning. The car was running but the wife was in the driver’s seat and the husband in the passenger's. Since he is 6’5” and she is 5’7” this meant that his knees were forced into the dashboard.Neither remembers anything whatsoever after parking the car. They do not remember what happened during the lost time, why they were in different positions in the car, or why they were still sitting outside their house with all of the car windows still down and the moon roof open. The husband woke up with a headache the next morning, and his wife felt ill enough to stay in bed for most of the next day. There were other good reports of flying triangles that same night in Brooklyn, Michigan and Mountain View, California.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, webpage report posted July 5, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3365
### Event 54021 (25339D1D)
**Date:** 6/26/2008
**Location:** Boulder, Colorado
**Description:** 9:20 a.m. At the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration in Boulder, Colorado, [Jerome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome%5FClark) [Clark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome%5FClark) gives a lecture on the distinction between “event anomalies” \(which cannot be easily explained\) and “experience anomalies” \(which are effectively inexplicable\). Event anomalies require a scientific investigation to be understood, documented, and incorporated into current or future knowledge. Experience anomalies are indifferent to truth narratives, supporting false ones just as readily; they embrace the notion of liminality, in which it is possible to enter a “realm between the daylight of science and reason and the dark night of dreams and superstition.” Clark expands on the concept in later books and articles.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 444-446; Jerome Clark, “Experience Anomalies,” Fortean Times 243 \(December 2008\): 42–47
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7557
### Event 54022 (68412D78)
**Date:** 6/28/2008
**Description:** Former Sen. Bill Richardson says he was denied access by Los Alamos National Laboratory and DOD when asking about a crash recovery at Roswell, NM. Richardson says he asked about this after requests from his constituents.
* [https://youtu.be/jxC82l32fog?t=58](https://youtu.be/jxC82l32fog?t=58)
>**_Note_**: Do local FBI field offices or DOE/NNSA counterintelligence offices surrounding Los Alamos and other AEC facilities have relevant UAP data? For example, AEC security patrol archives in Oak Ridge, TN contained a sighting of a rectangular UAP on 20 June 1949. It stands to reason other local archives may contain more up to date data.
>* [http://www.nicap.org/docs/501015oakridge_docs1.pdf](http://www.nicap.org/docs/501015oakridge_docs1.pdf) (p20)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_438
### Event 54023 (FC71E872)
**Date:** 6/30/2008
**Description:** A close encounter occurred between Cardiff and Atlantic City, New Jersey on the Atlantic City Expressway at 10:25 p.m. A 25-foot wide triangular craft was seen hovering or moving very slowly, just 40 feet directly above the expressway, very close to and in front of the witnesses. Its speed appeared to be quite slow, moving at an estimated ten miles per hour, and it passed directly over their vehicle as they drove under it. They saw it again, twice in the next five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, archived June 2008 webpage, report posted July 5, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3759
### Event 54024 (ACA1ED7A)
**Date:** 7/14/2008
**Description:** A double set of pinpoint reddish orange steady lights was viewed at 200 feet distance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 10:00 p.m. for a minute and a half. It was definitely a craft, according to the witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded August 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4063
### Event 54025 (02FEF711)
**Date:** 7/18/2008
**Description:** Exactly one year after a similar sighting in Columbia, Missouri and at the same hour, a black triangular object hung motionless in the sky in St. Charles, Missouri over the southside of Missouri Highway 370, just off of Discovery Bridge. It had three white and one red non-blinking lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2008 archived webpage, report uploaded August 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4186
### Event 54026 (831AEFAF)
**Date:** 7/29/2008
**Locations:** O’Hare Airport; Alderney
**Description:** Former UK Ministry of Defence official [Nick Pope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FPope%5F%28journalist%29) offers a rational response to the biased reportage in the May 26 issue of the New York Times, citing the O’Hare Airport and Alderney UFO cases. He concludes: “The United States Air Force or the National Aeronautics and Space Administration should reopen investigations of UFO phenomena. It would not imply that the country has suddenly started believing in little green men. It would simply recognize the possibility that radar alone cannot always tell us what’s out there.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Pope, “[Unidentified Flying Threats,](https://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/29/opinion/29pope.html)” New York Times, July 29, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7558
### Event 54027 (5528D91B)
**Date:** 7/30/2008
**Description:** A bright white light turned to red as it sped up, slowed down, and zigzagged across the sky in New London, Minnesota at 11:43 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, July 2008 webpage, report uploaded August 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4516
### Event 54028 (795DF1F0)
**Date:** 8/3/2008
**Description:** On this morning two witnesses were backpacking around near Glenorchy on South Island, New Zealand when they encountered a landed UFO. The weather had cleared that day and they had decided to go for a tramp on the Mount Aspiring track, but before they reached it they spotted what looked like a landed disc-shaped UFO in a paddock. The craft was round and about five meters tall, with legs for landing gear and pulsing yellow white lights around its perimeter. The witnesses attempted to approach to take photos but several “men” in white suits confronted them, taking their cameras.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 2008, citing http://www.psychics.co.uk/psychic-forum
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4639
### Event 54029 (1CC10AAA)
**Date:** 8/4/2008
**Description:** An anonymous poster on Above Top Secret claims a family friend was a senior Naval officer when he was growing up and he told him there is a “mountain of BS” out there regarding Montauk and Camp Hero and the primary aspect of the facility was the utilization of drugs to test subjects’ psi capabilities. He states there were rooms that were designed in a way to trigger bad trips when the subjects were on LSD because there was a belief that trauma could improve a user’s psi abilities. Of note, **Operation Midnight Climax**, a subproject of **Project MK-ULTRA** based on lessons learned in **Project Artichoke**, was a real declassified CIA program that drugged unknowing citizens with LSD to study the effects.
* [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread378150/pg1](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread378150/pg1)
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax)
* [https://youtu.be/RWsE8d9ynq0](https://youtu.be/RWsE8d9ynq0)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_439
### Event 54030 (B0C26B81)
**Date:** 8/6/2008
**Description:** In Val-des-Monts, Outaouais County, Quebec, Canada at 10:15 p.m. an object was sighted that first traveled in a straight line with no flashing lights, and then became very bright, next "jumped" up and came down, repeating this up and down motion for 45 seconds, and finally just faded away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded August 12, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4754
### Event 54031 (1E529B58)
**Date:** 8/15/2008
**Description:** At around one p.m. there was a daylight sighting of a metallic disc-shaped object in La Crosse, Wisconsin. The UFO moved away in a different direction from whence it had come, and was very fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2008 archived webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5067
### Event 54032 (FBF7006D)
**Date:** 8/15/2008
**Description:** The sky appeared to "open up" as a gray, cigar-shaped "ship" moved over the witness in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada for this close encounter at 9:35 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 600
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5068
### Event 54033 (DCEDB064)
**Date:** 8/18/2008
**Description:** The Defense Intelligence Agency issues a small-business set-aside solicitation \(HHM402-08-R-0211\) for a company to handle its new Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program \(AAWSAP\), with a due date of September 10. The solicitation states that the primary focus is on “breakthrough technologies and applications that create discontinuities in currently evolving technology trends.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 20–21, 42–43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7559
### Event 54034 (E6E82B78)
**Date:** 8/18/2008
**Description:** A wingless silver cigar-shaped object stopped in the air over the ocean off of Cape Breton near Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada at 7:50 p.m.; it then disappeared. There were three witnesses and the sighting lasted for four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, Canadian UFO Survey 2008, case # 611
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5148
### Event 54035 (9ADC57E3)
**Date:** 8/20/2008
**Locations:** Hrubieszów, Poland; one mile outside Hrubieszów, Poland
**Description:** 4:45 p.m. A military witness one mile outside Hrubieszów, Poland, watches a silvery isosceles triangle hovering and rotating around its axis in the west. He estimates it is 50 feet long on one side and less than 2 miles away. It flies over the area at an altitude of 330 feet. At one point it dims and literally vanishes in mid-air in a matter of seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 94–95
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7560
### Event 54036 (821098F4)
**Date:** 8/28/2008
**Description:** In Allentown, Pennsylvania a slow moving, sometimes hovering disc-shaped object with a 4-pronged star-like shape on the bottom, was seen flying only 60 feet above tree top level at 9:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2008 webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5451
### Event 54037 (E87C53E7)
**Date:** 8/30/2008
**Description:** At 10 p.m. a dark triangle object flew silently overhead in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. It went towards the east, and made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 644, citing Para Research
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5512
### Event 54038 (33A48E3B)
**Date:** 9/3/2008
**Description:** At 8:02 p.m. a saucer-shaped object split into three orbs which flew around, then rejoined over Nanaimo, British Columbia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 663
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5623
### Event 54039 (0EC571D8)
**Date:** 9/4/2008
**Description:** At around 2:00 a.m. several witnesses reported seeing a UFO resembling a bright greenish sphere encircled with red lights moving very fast over Taverny, Bessancourt, Ile-de-France, France. The object apparently landed, not far from the military base at Taverny, and several independent witnesses from separate locations saw two humanoids exit the object. The beings were described as "translucent" and greenish in color with large black eyes. No legs were visible, and they seemed to move around strangely and very quickly. Two of the witnesses were just 50-100 meters from the craft and beings, but were too surprised and frightened to take any photos on their cellphones. The humanoids appeared to notice the witnesses, and re-entered the craft, which soon took off and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2008 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing http://nousnesommespasseuls.xooit.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5647
### Event 54040 (83A83F97)
**Date:** 9/6/2008
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. three grayish, bullet-shaped objects flew near witnesses in London, Ontario. At 10:00 p.m. a bell-shaped object, stationary at first, was sighted in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It then headed off the the south very fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, cases # 666 and 671, citing MUFON and Alberta UFO Study Group
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5704
### Event 54041 (473D8EDA)
**Date:** 9/7/2008
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. CDT a witness sighted a black triangle with three white lights and one red light over Council Bluffs, Iowa. It hovered, moved slowly, then made a turn, and made only a little sound. Another large triangle-shaped UFO was observed over Tacoma, Washington by three witnesses at 10:15 p.m. PDT.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2008 webpage, reports uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5753
### Event 54042 (71C3548A)
**Date:** 9/16/2008
**Location:** Radomsko, Poland
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A witness and his fiancée are driving north near Radomsko, Poland, when they see a black triangle with lights \(apparently gas jets\) at its corners slowly floating 500 feet above the road. Two of the lights are blinking and one is steady. The 30-foot-wide object has cubical protrusions on its side and a smooth bottom. It seems to be rotating at first and takes another pass over the highway at a higher altitude after doubling back.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 93–94
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7561
### Event 54043 (78069B93)
**Date:** 9/19/2008
**Description:** A motorist in Lebanon, St. Clair County, Illinois reported that a triangle-shaped craft flew directly over his vehicle. The object was flying very low and very slow, and was in view for an estimated 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2008 webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6114
### Event 54044 (C4DB4099)
**Date:** 9/22/2008
**Locations:** Bigelow Aerospace; Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS)
**Description:** A $10 million initial contract for the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program \(AAWSAP\) is awarded to Bigelow Aerospace, the only bidder on the August solicitation, by the Defense Intelligence Agency. The program contract directs that the “contractor shall complete advanced aerospace weapon system technical studies” on 12 topics, such as propulsion, power generation, materials, configuration, structure, and directed-energy weapons. The intent is to research technology that could shed light on the UFO/UAP phenomenon. [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) sets up the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies \(BAASS\) project with 40–50 full-time support staff to carry out the contract through September 30, 2010. DIA intelligence officer James T. Lacatski becomes the program manager, and biochemist [Colm Kelleher](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colm-kelleher-834a05112) is deputy administrator.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 48; Keith Basterfield, “[Dr. Colm Kelleher and the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/05/dr-colm-kelleher-and-advanced-aerospace.html) [Applications Program,](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/05/dr-colm-kelleher-and-advanced-aerospace.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Research, May 14, 2018; Keith Basterfield, “[Did the AAWSA Program/AATIP Really Start in 2007?](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/05/did-aawsa-programaatip-really-start-in.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Research, May 16, 2018; Skinwalkers 20, 22–25, 42–44
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7562
### Event 54045 (3232D416)
**Date:** 9/25/2008
**Description:** At 2:45 p.m. a metallic, disc-shaped object hovered in the sky over Roscoe, Illinois for 30 seconds, and then shot off. It left behind a slight trail, but it also was gone in seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2008 webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6339
### Event 54046 (202E1046)
**Date:** 9/30/2008
**Description:** A yellow triangular object flew over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at 12:35 a.m. It reportedly moved like a "puck on ice".
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoff Dittman, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 756, citing HBCCUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6458
### Event 54047 (E0E63384)
**Date:** 10/2008
**Description:** JASON Group’s Program Office, run out of the MITRE Corp., publishes a technical report evaluating the national security significance of high frequency gravitational waves (HFGW). The report concludes national security and aerospace applications of HFGW are not possible and wrong. Two years later, HFGW was the subject of a Defense Intelligence Reference Document produced for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (**AAWSAP**), which concluded HFGW could be used for interplanetary navigation. It is unknown but likely HFGW was deemed UAP-affiliated subject matter due to its inclusion in the **AAWSAP** program.
It is possible JASON was tasked to debunk HFGW because the responsible party listed on the SF298 for MITRE’s contract was Dr. Ronald Pandolfi, of CIA. Ten years later (see 26 February 2019),
Pandolfi was sued by FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat for allegedly running a disinformation scheme to frame public perception of the UAP issue.
A response to the JASON paper from the author of the **AAWSAP** paper, Robert Baker of GravWave LLC, accuses the JASON analysis of making several serious errors including a failure to review all available peer-reviewed literature. When asked if JASON had a “preconceived agenda to discredit HFGW research,” Baker and GravWave responded: “it is difficult to believe otherwise.”
* [https://irp.fas.org/agency/dod/jason/gravwaves.pdf](https://irp.fas.org/agency/dod/jason/gravwaves.pdf)
* [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD_21-DIRD_High-Frequency_Gravitational_Wave_Communications.pdf](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD_21-DIRD_High-Frequency_Gravitational_Wave_Communications.pdf)
* [http://www.gravwave.com/docs/JASON%20Report.pptx](http://www.gravwave.com/docs/JASON%20Report.pptx)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_440
### Event 54048 (9C3824C1)
**Date:** 10/2/2008
**Description:** Bob Bigelow tells Jacques Vallée that the **AAWSAP** project has officially kicked off, but the sponsor (DIA) hasn’t delivered any access that was promised. Opening certain doors, intros to potentially key personnel at contractors that may have worked on UAP in the past, etc. None of that happened as of that time.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_441
### Event 54049 (1B39F6FB)
**Date:** 10/17/2008
**Description:** The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) forms the MUFON Advanced Technology Establishment (MATE) composed of Bob Wood, Charles Modlin, Robert Powell and Chuck Reever. MATE signs a contract with Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (**BAASS**) to provide **BAASS** with technical papers on the subjects of UAP lift, power generation, human interface, alleged extraterrestrial implants, abductions, antigravity propulsion and using superconductors for propulsion.
Soon after, **BAASS** served as a contractor for the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (**AAWSAP**), but it is unknown of the MATE studies on implants, etc. made its way into the hands of USG program managers at **AAWSAP**. It is also unknown if **BAASS** disclosed to MATE that they were a contractor for the USG.
* [https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2020/03/the-pentagon-ufo-programs-secret-partner.html](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2020/03/the-pentagon-ufo-programs-secret-partner.html)
* [https://app.box.com/s/x54czwgmwfd5fph50527xw9zvma1yy91](https://app.box.com/s/x54czwgmwfd5fph50527xw9zvma1yy91)
* [https://archive.ph/aQkoy](https://archive.ph/aQkoy) (rg - archived URL)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_442
### Event 54050 (7503601B)
**Date:** 10/24/2008
**Description:** A black triangular object was seen travelling north along the Interstate-5 freeway between Eugene and Cottage Grove, Oregon at 9:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2008 webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7107
### Event 54051 (F1BE3953)
**Date:** 10/26/2008
**Description:** At 7:50 p.m. a very bright, diamond shaped light hovered 100 feet in front of the witness near Spring Valley, Greene County, Ohio. The close encounter lasted four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2008 webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7175
### Event 54052 (21FDC2DC)
**Date:** 10/26/2008
**Description:** A lenticular disc-shaped object was spotted at 8:10 p.m. in Almagro Pale, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2008 webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7176
### Event 54053 (ECD70ABF)
**Date:** 10/27/2008
**Description:** At six p.m. a witness reported that three large round objects lined up along Highway 35 in Liverpool, Brazoria County, Texas; an identical looking object followed the witness as he drove home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2008 webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2008
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7211
### Event 54054 (F5C45CF5)
**Date:** 10/29/2008
**Description:** Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée that funding for **AAWSAP** could reach $240 million. Kit claims the DIA sponsor could change and lose interest, but that won’t stop the project as it goes higher than that; several key Congressmen including Harry Reid want to see it go forward regardless. (Note: this did not happen, the program was cancelled, Reid’s request for SAP status was denied and little additional funding was found for the **AATIP** spinout).
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_443
### Event 54055 (7B00486C)
**Date:** 10/31/2008
**Location:** The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil
**Description:** The National Archive in Brasília, Brazil, receives from the Center for Aeronautical Documentation and History a set of publications dated 1952–1969 on UFOs. Among them are documents identifying the government’s System of Investigation of Unidentified Aircraft and UFO cases investigated from October 1968 to August 1969. Another batch is received on April 23, 2009, covering the years 1970–1972.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1072–1073; Kean, [p. 199](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/206/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7563
### Event 54056 (77282739)
**Date:** 10/31/2008
**Location:** Sandomierz, Poland
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. An architect in Sandomierz, Poland, sees a boomerang- or half-moon-shaped object surrounded by a mist filled with red points of light. It is silently moving 93\) northeast at tremendous speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 92–93
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7564
### Event 54057 (8E5B34E3)
**Date:** 10/31/2008
**Description:** A V-shaped formation made up of approximately 8-10 lights flew over St. Marys, West Virginia at midnight. At 2:00 a.m. a bright, flashing disc-shaped object see overhead in Jeffersonville, Indiana; this sighting lasted for about an hour. A triangular object, flat, with an orb-shaped compartment in the back of the craft, was then seen over Flemingsburg, Kentucky at 2:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2008 webpage, reports uploaded October 31, 2008 and January 10, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7361
### Event 54058 (A06FEA3D)
**Date:** 11/2008
**Location:** Las Vegas
**Description:** [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) hires biochemist [Colm Kelleher](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colm-kelleher-834a05112) as deputy administrator of the Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies project in Las Vegas, its first full-time employee.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 44
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7565
### Event 54059 (2A97DD2F)
**Date:** 11/2008
**Location:** Aarhus, Denmark
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A Polish woman living in Aarhus, Denmark, looks up and sees a gigantic luminous object silently heading west. It looks like it s made of glass or jelly and is surrounded by a misty illumination.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 93
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7566
### Event 54060 (D11811F0)
**Date:** 11/1/2008
**Description:** At 7:15 a U-shaped or V-shaped gray object was sighted over Indianapolis, Indiana. There was also a smaller spherical object near the larger craft; and there were no lights or sounds on either.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2008 webpage, report uploaded January 10, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7408
### Event 54061 (92BD8652)
**Date:** 11/5/2008
**Location:** Bush ranch
**Description:** Researcher [Robert Powell](https://ufocongress.com/robert-powell-2/) writes to NORAD’s Gen. [Victor E. Renuart Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor%5FE.%5FRenuart%5FJr) and Secretary of Homeland Security [Michael Chertoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FChertoff)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FChertoff) with copies to the FAA and chairmen of the Senate and House Committees on Homeland Security, asking for an investigation of the Stephenville Lights case of January 8 as a violation of restricted airspace by “unknown aircraft” near the [Bush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FW.%5FBush) ranch.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Glen Schulze and Robert Powell, “[Stephenville](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d1yowzmrI0XUcnaz9BkijEtRoth2RJ7D/view) [Lights: A Comprehensive Radar and Witness Report Study Regarding the Events of January 8, 2008, 4pm to](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d1yowzmrI0XUcnaz9BkijEtRoth2RJ7D/view) [8pm,](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d1yowzmrI0XUcnaz9BkijEtRoth2RJ7D/view)” December 18, 2010; Swords 348, 510–511
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7567
### Event 54062 (1D469E86)
**Date:** 11/7/2008
**End date:** 11/9/2008
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** The 6th Annual 2008 Crash Retrieval Conference. Speakers are Dr. Kevin Randle, Nick Redfern, James Clarkson, Nick Pope, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. Robert M. Wood, Jim Marrs, Dr. John B. Alexander, Richard Dolan, Ruben Uriarte, Noe Torres, and J. Antonio Huneeus.
**Type:** conference
**Reference:** [2008 Proceedings - archive.org](https://archive.org/details/crash-retrieval-conference-proceedings-6th-annual-2008/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_968
### Event 54063 (6CA8BCB7)
**Date:** 11/17/2008
**Location:** Sulejówek, Poland
**Description:** A teacher is taking his dog for a stroll in Sulejówek, Poland, when he comes across a triangular object with lights along its rounded edges and in the center. It flies directly over him.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 93
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7568
### Event 54064 (9151BB1E)
**Date:** 11/21/2008
**Description:** A formation of separate lights was encountered on a back road country road in Newark, Ohio at 10:38 p.m. They were extremely luminous, "beyond anything manmade," and caused electronic and mechanical vehicle engine failure, according to the witness…
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2008 webpage, report uploaded March 19, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7790
### Event 54065 (CF5D6D32)
**Date:** 11/22/2008
**Description:** At 12:48 a.m. a gigantic flying boomerang or V-shaped object with a dozen faint white lights on the front edge was seen flying north to south over Waverly, Ohio at a tremendous speed, making no noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2008 webpage, report uploaded January 10, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7831
### Event 54066 (688AA08D)
**Date:** 11/24/2008
**Description:** Jacques Vallée meets several potential co-sponsors for the **AAWSAP** program in Zurich, Switzerland, as requested by Bob Bigelow. Vallee is asked to revoke his French citizenship by Bigelow to help his clearance process move quicker but he declines. The European co-sponsor candidates are not named but Vallee mentions they had “access” to the “real” files in Europe and wanted to see how things went in the US before doing anything.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_444
### Event 54067 (28C0553C)
**Date:** 11/28/2008
**Description:** A glowing, silvery-colored cylinder was seen in the sky during the daylight hours in Skokie, Illinois at 3:40 p.m. The sighting lasted eight minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2008 webpage, report uploaded January 10, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8021
### Event 54068 (A1B5B3A0)
**Date:** 11/29/2008
**Description:** At 10:20 p.m. a huge boomerang or V-shaped object was observed flying very fast among the clouds in Waverly, Ohio. It made no sound, and had white lights along its front edge.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Nov. 2008 webpage, report uploaded January 10, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8061
### Event 54069 (EF57D80B)
**Date:** 11/30/2008
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. a rectangular flying object with strobing multi-colored lights moved over three witnesses in a car in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and then hovered for awhile.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2008 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 936
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8099
### Event 54070 (17F2B1F4)
**Date:** 12/2/2008
**Description:** In Oakland, Pennsylvania a flying disc-shaped object hovered at 12:40 p.m., then began to glide across the sky without making any noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, December 2008 webpage, report uploaded January 10, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8154
### Event 54071 (9502B3BD)
**Date:** 12/3/2008
**Description:** Alleged former NASA employee claims a saucer landed near Kennedy Space Center and claims several within the Agency knew of meetings between NASA and extraterrestrials.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Proof-Extraterrestrial-Intelligence-Canaveral-Chronicles/dp/0557021413](https://www.amazon.com/Proof-Extraterrestrial-Intelligence-Canaveral-Chronicles/dp/0557021413)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_445
### Event 54072 (04DAF8A9)
**Date:** 12/22/2008
**Description:** Maj. Gen. [John H. Bordelon](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/108159/major-general-john-h-bordelon/)[,](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/108159/major-general-john-h-bordelon/) NORAD chief of staff, responds to [Powell](https://ufocongress.com/robert-powell-2/)’s request. He claims an “exhaustive search” in data files was conducted, and the Air Force “could find no tactical or technical information that would corroborate this event.” He refers Powell to the National UFO Reporting Center hotline.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 348, 512
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7569
### Event 54073 (95D7140F)
**Date:** 12/24/2008
**Description:** One unnamed **BAASS** project member tells Jacques Vallée he was “building a relationship” with an aerospace contractor attempting to get into the “back door.” This member believed the company had UAP hardware but said if he talks about it in the context of **AAWSAP**, someone from Washington, D.C. would force their way in the “front door” and the sources/materials would scatter/be moved elsewhere.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_446
### Event 54074 (9610E50E)
**Date:** 12/24/2008
**Description:** Hal Puthoff tells Jacques Vallée that the White House is interested in a meeting where long-term interaction with the phenomenon is discussed.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_447
## Year: 2009, 64 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54075 (4C5B2985)
**Date:** 2009
**Description:** CUFOS creates an updated version of its UFOCAT database containing more than 209,551 UFO reports and related information.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, “[UFOCAT 2009](http://www.cufos.org/UFOCAT.html)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7570
### Event 54076 (2BC9A5CD)
**Date:** 2009
**Locations:** Denmark; Sweden
**Description:** Denmark and Sweden publicly release more than 15,000 UFO files each.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kean, [p. 117](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/116/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7571
### Event 54077 (5E2BB584)
**Date:** 2009
**Location:** Argentina
**Description:** Visión Ovni and many other [UFO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO) researchers in Argentina form Cefora, an organization to study the UFO phenomenon in detail. Silvia Simondini and others start collecting signatures on a petition to declassify Argentine military documents on UFOs. However, since most agencies are not required to keep documents more than 5 years, their efforts are frustrated by bureaucratic deaccession rules, especially for interesting Argentine reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cefora](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cefora)”; Milton Hourcade, “[Argentina: UFO Declassification,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.uapsg.com/2020/07/argentina-ufo-declassification.html)” U.A.P.S.G.–G.E.F.A.I., July 29, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7572
### Event 54078 (610F03F6)
**Date:** 2009
**Location:** Colorado Springs, Colorado
**Description:** The operations and maintenance contract for the day-to-day management and operation of the US Air Force Space Surveillance System is awarded to Five Rivers Services, based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Air Force Space Surveillance System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air%5FForce%5FSpace%5FSurveillance%5FSystem)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7573
### Event 54079 (8E6C91CD)
**Date:** 1/1/2009
**Description:** Yvan White takes over as director of GEIPAN from Jacques Patenet, who continues as an advisor.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 453
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7574
### Event 54080 (1FE0E4D5)
**Date:** 1/3/2009
**Description:** At 9:25 p.m. three dark orange or reddish orange colored objects were seen flying in a triangular pattern over Davie, Broward County, Florida.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, January 2009 webpage, report uploaded January 10, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_79
### Event 54081 (52521B04)
**Date:** 1/5/2009
**Locations:** Morristown, New Jersey; Hanover Township; Morris Plains; Madison; Florham Park
**Description:** 8:15–9:00 p.m. Mysterious floating red lights in the sky are reported near Morristown, New Jersey. The red lights are also observed on January 26, January 29, February 7, and February 17. The events are later revealed as a hoax perpetrated by Joe Rudy and Chris Russo, who are conducting a social experiment to expose ufology as a pseudoscience and raise consciousness around the unreliability of eyewitness claims. They release five flare lights attached to helium balloons. Reports are concentrated in the towns of Hanover Township, Morristown, Morris Plains, Madison, and Florham Park. On April 7, Russo and Rudy plead guilty to charges of disorderly conduct and are sentenced to fines of $250 and 50 hours of community service.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Morristown UFO hoax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morristown%5FUFO%5Fhoax)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7575
### Event 54082 (5078ECE2)
**Date:** 1/20/2009
**End date:** 1/20/2017
**Location:** US
**Description:** President Barack Obama in office
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Barack_Obama)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_814
### Event 54083 (C022D4BF)
**Date:** 1/23/2009
**Description:** Colm Kelleher tells Jacques Vallée that a member of the **BAASS** team is going to Area 51 to retrieve data from the days of **Project Grudge** and a rare “artifact” file that was kept away from **Project Blue Book**.
Hal Puthoff also tells Vallee that ADM Edward Burkhalter, once Chief of Naval Intelligence, “doctored” authentic documents that referred to a MJ-12 project back in the 1950s designed to mislead Soviets about technology developments. Eric Davis had already discovered this through his contacts. The doctored documents were leaked to ufologists, who ran with the story of MJ-12 in ufology.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_448
### Event 54084 (3A8E96C2)
**Date:** 1/30/2009
**Description:** At about nine o’clock on a clear sunny day in San Diego, California, when the witness looked out the window of the train he saw two silver disc-shaped objects side by side very close together in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Jan. 2009 webpage, report uploaded March 19, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_631
### Event 54085 (2EC6F422)
**Date:** 2/11/2009
**Description:** At 2:20 p.m. a bright white object was seen doing unnatural maneuvers in the daytime sky over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, February 2009 webpage, report uploaded March 19, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_856
### Event 54086 (917A9D83)
**Date:** 2/11/2009
**Description:** At 11:00 a.m. in Essex, North Carolina there was a clear daylight sighting of a bright cigar-shaped object that rapidly accelerated and disappeared. Then at 7:30 p.m. a triangle-shaped object with a spinning circle on the bottom, making no sound, was sighted from the southside of Indianapolis, Indiana. The witness saw more objects off to the eastside of the city. In Columbus, Georgia at 10:30 p.m. a close encounter occurred with a UFO that was seen overhead, changing shape and causing the witness's cellphone to turn off. Later, at 11:00 p.m. PST a "little army of star-like lights" passed over Sacramento County, California. The witness in Rancho Cordova reported that they created quite a scare. The procession of lights lasted for 14 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, February 2009 webpage, reports uploaded March 19, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_857
### Event 54087 (0FC4B91F)
**Date:** 2/13/2009
**Description:** CSETI and Aero Inc. allegedly briefs someone in the Obama Administration and select members of Congress including Sen. Bob Smith on breakthrough energy technologies associated with UAP.
The briefing mentions various forms of electromagnetic energy generators and anti-gravity methods and alleges this technology has been: (1) acquired by front companies with the intent to shelve them, (2) seized under section 181 of intellectual property law for national security reasons, (3) seized by rogue elements within DOD, CIA, NSA, FTC and DOE, (4) the target of financial scams and traps intended to bankrupt the inventor, (5) the target of harassment, etc. The documents do not provide any specifics on which organizations suppress these technologies, how, and which front companies acquire them.
* [https://siriusdisclosure.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Energy1.pdf](https://siriusdisclosure.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Energy1.pdf)
>**_Note_**: It is a general theme among claims of “suppressed UAP technologies” that coordinated
>suppression is happening, but rarely are specific case studies presented. Large organizations are mentioned in 30 August 1996 entry and mid-1990s entry, but no specifics are given.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_449
### Event 54088 (7D9188AF)
**Date:** 3/2009
**Locations:** UK; National Archives
**Description:** The UK National Archives releases another batch of UFO files.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK National Archives, “[Briefing Document:](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf) [Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf)” 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7576
### Event 54089 (2FF5B2F8)
**Date:** 3/14/2009
**Description:** At 6:30 p.m. a cigar-shaped object, emitting orange light, was sighted over the beach in Cancun, Mexico.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2009 webpage, report uploaded April 14, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1518
### Event 54090 (DAC182E1)
**Date:** 4/16/2009
**Description:** A large, metallic, cylindrical object was seen over Saint Augustine Beach, Florida at 5:00 p.m.; it hovered for about a minute and then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, April 2009 webpage archive, report uploaded May 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2072
### Event 54091 (C59F9A6C)
**Date:** 4/26/2009
**Description:** Colm Kelleher tells Vallee that the sponsor at DIA has still not delivered on any promises of introduction to legacy UAP programs, access, etc, that initially made those in **AAWSAP** feel like they would be building on top of existing research.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_450
### Event 54092 (9E591484)
**Date:** 5/4/2009
**Description:** The witness climbed into his sleeping bag around 11:00 p.m. in his tent while camping in the Lake District, England. At 1:30 a.m. he was awakened by a deep humming sound that seemed to vibrate through him. The inside of his tent was also lit up by a dim glow. What was most puzzling and disturbing was that from that time onward he could remember nothing until dawn on Wednesday morning, when he woke up outside his tent, stark naked and very cold. His tent and clothes had a very strong 'ozone' smell. His only recollection was being laid face down on something hard, and having something hard pushed into his rectum, which was very sore at the time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert Rosales, 2009 Humanoid Sighting Reports, citing http://iwasabducted.com/forum
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2530
### Event 54093 (77631B6B)
**Date:** 5/4/2009
**Description:** At 3:33 a.m. in South St. Louis, Missouri a loud noise was heard. Looking out, an oval-shaped object was seen hovering just 100 foot off the ground. It had red, white, blue, yellow and oranges lights. It only illuminated itself, not the surroundings.A saucer shaped object with a changing colored light was observed from New Richmond, Wisconsin at 11:00 p.m. It remained in one position in the sky for over an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2009 archived webpage, reports uploaded May 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2531
### Event 54094 (7A4F5963)
**Date:** 5/7/2009
**Description:** A low flying disc with multicolored flashing lights was seen over Avon, Colorado at 8:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2009 webpage, citing MUFON Colorado
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2647
### Event 54095 (EAF21FC4)
**Date:** 5/8/2009
**Location:** northern Georgia
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. “Derek Jones” is alerted by his two dogs barking in his backyard in northern Georgia, where his 10- year-old son is camping out in a tent with a friend. He sees a large triangular object about 300 feet long with yellowish lights at each apex moving silently above him. There is a bluish-white light in the center. Behind the triangle are four small objects, two egg-shaped and two round, with bluish-white lights that change to greenish to white and back to bluish. The smaller objects dart up and down soundlessly and erratically. He attempts taking pictures of it with a camera and a videocamera, but the batteries fail in both devices. When he points a bright spotlight beam at the triangle, it responds immediately with a beam of intense bluish-white light about 2–3 feet in diameter that strikes him for about 3 seconds, causing a burning sensation. He runs back into the house, where he watches two of the smaller objects move away to the south-southwest while the other two shoot straight up. He goes to bed, but is awakened by low-flying helicopters at 2:00 a.m. Around 7:30 a.m., he is visited by two men who want to talk about his “sighting report.” They are driving a black sedan, produce no identification, one of them is armed, and they behave oddly as they interview him for 30–40 minutes. After he sees the same men in the black sedan a week later, he reports the license plate to BAASS, which tracks it to a Department of Homeland Security carpool. Jones experiences hair loss and general unwellness within 18 days of the incident. In October he develop lumps on his legs, groin, and back; they enlarge, multiply to 24, and become painful in February 2010. One of the lumps is diagnosed as non-malignant lymphoma, but a BAASS-contracted physician suspects Jones has undergone about 300 grays of ionizing radiation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 99–105
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7577
### Event 54096 (4B5CC73F)
**Date:** 5/8/2009
**Description:** A Department of Homeland Security black sedan visits a UAP witness twice after a sighting in Georgia. The witness “Derek Jones” sees a large triangular UAP and four smaller spherical UAP above his backyard. When “Jones” attempts to photograph it, the device fails. When he points a flashlight at the triangle, it responds with a beam of blue-white light on him for 3 seconds, causing burning and later, hair loss and lumps on his legs, groin and back diagnosed as
non-malignant lymphoma. The same day the DHS personnel first interview “Jones,” he hears low-flying helicopters near his property. One of the men is armed and they produce no identification.
They tell him not to mention the sighting to anyone, and take detailed notes and diagrams of Jones’ description of the triangle. “Jones” reported the license plate to Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (**BAASS**), a contractor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (**AAWSAP**). **BAASS** tracks the license plate to a DHS carpool.
* [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1493111594905051142.html](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1493111594905051142.html)
* [https://www.amazon.com/Skinwalkers-Pentagon-Insiders-Account-Government/dp/B09HR54GQF](https://www.amazon.com/Skinwalkers-Pentagon-Insiders-Account-Government/dp/B09HR54GQF) (p99-105)
* [https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/01_Books/Skinwalkers_at_the_Pentagon.pdf](https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/01_Books/Skinwalkers_at_the_Pentagon.pdf) (p107)
* [https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/why-the-defense-implications-within-skinwalkers-at-the-pentagon-are-profound](https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/why-the-defense-implications-within-skinwalkers-at-the-pentagon-are-profound)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_451
### Event 54097 (29B102F6)
**Date:** 5/15/2009
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. while driving up Highway 37 in Belleville, Ontario passengers in a vehicle spotted an orange disc-shaped UFO that they believed tried to communicate with them. It was flashing a huge grid of lights at them for a three minute period; which was "not like anything we've ever seen before for."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2009 web page, report uploaded June 9, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2881
### Event 54098 (BC02B511)
**Date:** 5/26/2009
**Locations:** Rzesnów, Poland; Chmielnik; Tyczyn
**Description:** 9:52 p.m. A man in Rzesnów, Poland, notices from his balcony five strange, whirling red-orange lights twinkling above the suburban villages of Chmielnik and Tyczyn. He captures them on a video.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 153–154
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7578
### Event 54099 (ED8767EE)
**Date:** 6/2009
**Location:** Uruguay
**Description:** The Uruguayan Air Force declassifies its UFO files and makes them public, including records of 40 cases that remain unexplained, some involving military pilots. Col. Ariel Sánchez, in charge of the UFO office, says that the “Air Force does not dismiss an extraterrestrial hypothesis based on our scientific analysis.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Uruguay Joins the Party,” Sarasota \(Fla.\) Herald-Tribune, June 12, 2009; Kean, [p. 190](https://archive.org/details/isbn%5F9780307716842/page/198/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7579
### Event 54100 (DD771E70)
**Date:** 6/1/2009
**Description:** A dark gray, giant boomerang-shaped UFO with 8 dim lights was spotted briefly at Berryville pond, Berryville, Arkansas at two o'clock in the morning.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, June 2009 webpage, report uploaded June 9, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3215
### Event 54101 (8C38ABB3)
**Date:** 6/16/2009
**Location:** Kansas City, Kansas
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. A woman in Kansas City, Kansas, is looking toward a public forest area behind her home when she notices a large white light moving toward her. It stops, and she uses her binoculars to get a closer look. The object consists of three large spheres connected together with a large arm or protrusion extending from beneath it. The arm is moving around in a circle. It stays in that position until it just disappears. Shortly afterward, military planes and helicopters move into the area and seem to be searching for something for about one hour.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roger Marsh, “Reports from Louisville and Kansas City,” IUR 32, no. 3 \(July 2009\): 20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7580
### Event 54102 (6B7F9480)
**Date:** 6/24/2009
**Location:** Nev.
**Description:** Sen. [Harry Reid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry%5FReid) \(D-Nev.\) decides that the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program \(misidentified intentionally as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program\) has made such extraordinary discoveries that he asks for additional security \(individuals “specialized in the areas of advanced sciences, sensors, intelligence, counterintelligence, and advanced aerospace engineering”\) to protect it. He writes Deputy Defense Secretary [William J. Lynn III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FJ.%5FLynn%5FIII) that AATIP has made “much progress” with the “identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings” that will “likely lead to technology advancements.” He requests that it be designated a “restricted Special Access Program.” Some of the ongoing projects include power and propulsion systems \(nuclear propulsion, anuclear fusion, positron propulsion, magnetohydrodynamics, traversable wormholes, warp drives, antigravity, zero-point energy\), materials science \(metallic glass, programmable matter\), recalculating the Drake Equation, invisibility, and weaponry \(pulsed microwaves, high-powered lasers\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harry Reid, Letter to Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn III, June 24, 2009; Skinwalkers 27, 90–93
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7581
### Event 54103 (C7B36B17)
**Date:** 6/24/2009
**Location:** Louisville International Airport in Kentucky
**Description:** 1:55 p.m. A package handler at Louisville International Airport in Kentucky sees a reflection in the sky from the south end of a runway. As it approaches, he sees it is a rotating object, first a cylinder, then a diamond shape. It moves over the runway in a straight line and at a steady speed about 1,500 feet high. The object stops at the end of the ramp and hovers for 30–40 seconds, then moves up into the clouds and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roger Marsh, “Reports from Louisville and Kansas City,” IUR 32, no. 3 \(July 2009\): 20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7582
### Event 54104 (837A2DBE)
**Date:** 7/2009
**Locations:** Skinwalker Ranch in Utah; suburban Virginia
**Description:** At the invitation of [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) naval aerospace engineer Jonathan Axelrod \[possibly John F. Stratton\], Jim Costigan, and David Wilson arrive at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah to deploy a wide variety of sensory equipment to detect and record anomalies. They experience an odd temperature drop, intense anxiety, and a menacing dark oval shape. After Axelrod returns home to suburban Virginia, paranormal phenomena plague his family, including a humanoid shape, phantom footsteps, blue orbs, and a wolf-like creature standing on two legs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 1–8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7583
### Event 54105 (AC7F1AF6)
**Date:** 7/5/2009
**Location:** Lagol, Ventura County, California
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. Retired police officer Buck Scarsdale is sitting with his son Bo and girlfriend Joanna Fife on the porch of his ranch home in Lagol, Ventura County, California. They notice seven bright blue lights silently hovering several feet off the ground in the orchard about 500 feet away. They jump in a truck and drive slowly with the lights off toward the display. When they get there, the lights are gone. After returning to the house, they decide to drive back, this time with flashlights. After 10 minutes of searching on foot, they hear two loud clicks coming from some dense bushes, and three others clicks coming from different directions. They return to the house. Buck’s brother Roger arrives at 10:30 p.m., and both of them return to the orchard. Just before 11:00 p.m., Roger sees a silver, gray, and blue flash as an oblong object disappears into an opening in the sky that closes quickly. On July 10, Buck, Bo, and Joanna see an intensely blue light at the northern end of the pasture. Buck and Roger approach it and watch a floating light 5 feet in diameter maneuvering for 5 minutes 900 feet away before it vanishes. Two teams of investigators sent by [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) also see lights and orbs the rest of the month, and their camera and video equipment behaves oddly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 59–69
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7584
### Event 54106 (531C52AF)
**Date:** 8/2009
**Locations:** Skinwalker Ranch, Utah; Virginia
**Description:** [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) brings Pentagon technical analyst Juliett Witt to the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. Along with [Colm Kelleher](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colm-kelleher-834a05112)[,](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colm-kelleher-834a05112) she experiences a cone of silence and a weird pig-like creature the one night she is there. Like Jonathan Axelrod, the phenomena follow her back home to Virginia, where she experiences poltergeist phenomena and sees a huge owl that attacks her car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers, 50–58, 81–82
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7585
### Event 54107 (A6A29B5D)
**Date:** 8/5/2009
**Description:** In Valrico, Florida a cigar-shaped object with no wings was sighted following a commercial jet airliner at 5:30 p.m. Two hours later a line of orange lights was observed appearing and disappearing in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, reports uploaded December 12, 2009 and August 27, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4712
### Event 54108 (DB2BEBC6)
**Date:** 8/6/2009
**Locations:** UK; National Archives
**Description:** The UK National Archives releases another batch of UFO files.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK National Archives, “[Briefing](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf) [Document: Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf)” 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7586
### Event 54109 (EA7E7539)
**Date:** 8/6/2009
**Description:** At 10:22 p.m. an extended family of 19 saw three orange-red lights flying in a triangle formation over Litchfield, South Carolina.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded August 27, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4755
### Event 54110 (EE9A9198)
**Date:** 8/14/2009
**Description:** A huge triangle-shaped object with spectacular lights was seen zooming from the horizon in Chebanse, Iroquis County, Illinois at around 10 p.m. According to the witness, it was at a low altitude,"just about 12 feet above the ground," and came as close as 500 feet away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2009 webpage, report uploaded August 27, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5026
### Event 54111 (D5DC5630)
**Date:** 8/18/2009
**Description:** Camped on the top of a ridge outside of Sedro Wooley, Washington at around 1:00 a.m., a man who had previously seen a multi-colored UFO many times in the area late at night took out his binoculars and sighted an oval-shaped disc with blinking red, blue, and green lights. It was making a low-pitched, humming sound, and was hovering over a small clearing on the ridge. Through the binoculars he saw what appeared to be a porthole, and through the porthole he could see a humanoid being wearing some sort of a helmet. Frightened, the man decided to climb down off the ridge and go home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2009 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2009 archived webpage
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5149
### Event 54112 (2FFA6480)
**Date:** 8/18/2009
**Description:** In Bagshot, Surrey, England a married couple reported that at 9:45 p.m. they observed an orange-colored, diamond or mitre hat-shaped object moving across the sky, silently.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2009 webpage, report uploaded December 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5150
### Event 54113 (13F0E1D1)
**Date:** 8/21/2009
**Location:** Kowale Oleckie, Poland
**Description:** 9:40 p.m. Tomasz Skorupski sees a deep-black object in the shape of the letter M flying west to east 200 feet above the ground at 50 mph at Kowale Oleckie, Poland. He estimates it is 10 feet in length and 30 feet at the widest point. Seven dimly yellow lights are positioned on the craft, while the rest seems dark and obscures the stars on its flight path.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 100
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7587
### Event 54114 (3D2CA148)
**Date:** 8/28/2009
**Description:** In Apolda, Thuringen, Germany 12-year-old Natali was woke up by her little brother at around 3:00 a.m. because he wanted help going to the bathroom. After returning to her bedroom, she heard a cat meowing outdoors, so she went out onto her patio. She next heard a deep humming, vibrating sound, and looking up she saw through the transparent sky-roof window a large shiny circular flying object, which flew off towards some nearby woods and then came back to hover over her house. Scared, she ran to her bedroom and hid under some blankets. However, the craft then shone a bright beam of light into her room through her window. She saw a short Grey humanoid, with a huge hairless head and large almond-shaped eyes, peering in the window at her. The creature had no lips and only a small slit for a mouth, it also had a very thin neck. She estimated it to be the same height as her four-year-old brother. When the figure became aware that the girl had seen it, it quickly disappeared from view, and in the next few moments the circular craft disappeared over some nearby trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2009 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing www.ufo-datenbank.de/europa/Deutschland/index.htm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5452
### Event 54115 (F6D52563)
**Date:** 8/30/2009
**Description:** A married couple had gone camping at Unicoi State Park, Georgia on this night and had gotten up at around 4:00 a.m. to use the restrooms at a facility on the campsite. It was very dark out, except for the light from her lantern and the lights from the building. After the wife started to walk back to her tent, she stopped because she sensed that their was someone close behind her. She turned around and saw three Grey humanoid beings standing there. At first she thought they were other campers, but when one of them turned to look at her she realized that they were not human. For one thing, their arms were too long and their bodies were too thin. Their skin also had a pale, glossy look, and they had very large heads and lumps covering the tops of their scalps. They had huge black eyes that seemed to stare right through her. She estimated that they were about five feet tall. the one that saw her began to slowly approach, but she ran away, and got back to her tent and found her husband. When he asked her what was wrong, all she could say was, "There's some [expletive deleted] aliens back there!" After he had finally calmed her down, he told her to stay in the tent and he walked back to see, but he found nothing. Throughout the rest of the night they kept waking up and had a fitful night; the husband reported that he saw a shadowy figure moving about outside their tent, but he didn't hear any footsteps. He also looked up and saw the top cover of the tent move, and if someone had pulled it aside to look in at them from above.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2009 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing MUFON's UFO reporting website, http://mufoncms.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5513
### Event 54116 (59AED8C8)
**Date:** 9/2009
**Locations:** Skinwalker Ranch in Utah; suburban Maryland
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Jim Costigan, who had visited Skinwalker Ranch in Utah two months earlier, is walking his dog with his wife Laila in suburban Maryland when they see a blue, softball-sized light moving in their direction about 6 feet off the ground to the left. It accelerates and shoots between them, grazing Laila’s shoulder as it passes. Within seconds it is lost behind a house. The dog does not notice it. Laila becomes lethargic the next day and shows severe flu-like symptoms for the next few weeks. She is ultimately diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 77–79
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7588
### Event 54117 (07726E89)
**Date:** 9/5/2009
**Description:** At 5:22 p.m. a married couple and their 7-year-old son were parked next to the Coronda River in Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe State, Argentina when they noticed something strange in the sky over a nearby field. They saw something white flying through the air, and when they looked at it through the telephoto lens of their camera's zoom lens they were startled to see that what it was was a cow suspended beneath a hovering, metallic disc-shaped craft some 30 meters above it. It became clear that the cow was being "absorbed" or levitated up into the UFO. Suddenly and inexplicably, both the cow and the ufo vanished in plain sight, but they managed to photograph the bizarre series of events. According to them the cow was not moving, but appeared to be either asleep or paralyzed. Locals reported that cattle mutilations had been found in the region in the past.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2009 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Daysee Moreira & Blas Kolev, Vision OVNI; Still images of the incident can be found at http://inexplica ta.blogspot.com/2009/10/argentina-cow-abducted-by-ufo-analysis.html
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5670
### Event 54118 (973C6888)
**Date:** 9/6/2009
**Description:** In Newton, Iowa at 2:00 a.m. three bright orange, oval-shaped craft were sighted moving slowly over Interstate 80. The sighting lasted three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2009 webpage, case uploaded December 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5705
### Event 54119 (503569E3)
**Date:** 9/9/2009
**Description:** There were two reports of boomerang shaped objects maneuvering in the daytime skies over Alabama on this day. The first report was at 8:17 a.m. from Franklin County, Alabama of a dark chevron or boomerang-shaped object maneuvering in daylight. The second report was at 5:05 p.m. from Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama of three silver boomerang shaped objects spotted in broad daylight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2009 webpage, reports uploaded December 12, 2009 and February 14, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5819
### Event 54120 (3F61DB87)
**Date:** 9/11/2009
**Description:** At 9:25 p.m. a glowing, oval-shaped craft appeared and hovered over a house in Mather, California. It vibrated and zipped around, and disappeared in an instant. At 11:00 p.m. three orange glowing balls appeared above an ocean beach in San Diego, California. They moved north, and then shot straight up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, September 2009 webpage, report uploaded October 31, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5897
### Event 54121 (75092E61)
**Date:** 9/12/2009
**Description:** Eric Davis tells Jacques Vallée that a Lockheed designer Nathan C Price would be in position to know about Roswell materials and that they were likely held in Sunnyvale not the Skunk Works.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_452
### Event 54122 (661F5DA3)
**Date:** 9/14/2009
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. a man who wishes to remain anonymous was driving north on Hudson Drive, Stow, Ohio on his way to work when he spotted a 9 to 10 foot tall solid black entity standing on the southbound side of the road, near the Rte 8 overpass and just north of the local Applebee's restaurant. It was only about fifteen to twenty feet from his vehicle as he drove by. The creature had no discernable head or facial figures. Looking back in his rearview mirrow the entity was no longer visible, and the entire sighting lasted only about five seconds. The witness became extremely upset, and he had uncontrolled watering of his eyes; he tried to call his wife on his cell phone, but it would not work, either from the programmed address book or with manual input calling. He kept getting "call failed", which had never happened before. The cell phone failed to connect all the way to the I-271 entrance ramp, a distance of 8-10 miles. The following day, on his way home from work, as he neared the Rte 8 overpass, this time driving over the bridge, his eyes began to tear up uncontrollably again until he got beyone the bridge, when his eyes began to clear up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2009 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing http:/naturalplane.blogspot.com/2009/
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5977
### Event 54123 (3EBD90B6)
**Date:** 9/16/2009
**Description:** Many lights, changing color and blinking randomly, merging and dividing, flying randomly and also in formation, were seen in Ajo, Arizona at 5:00 p.m. for 25 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, September 2009 webpage, report uploaded December 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6036
### Event 54124 (254616E1)
**Date:** 10/27/2009
**Description:** Fuselage shaped objects were sighted over McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas at 6:30 p.m. They looked like planes without wings, emitting a high concentration of light and moving extremely slowly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, October 2009 webpage, report uploaded December 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7212
### Event 54125 (EBB7E299)
**Date:** 10/29/2009
**Description:** At 8:15 p.m a very large, silent, rectangular craft with four lights was seen moving slowly across the sky in Centerville, Montgomery County, Ohio. At 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. there were two reports of 5-8 lights that appeared in the sky in New Vienna, Clinton County, Ohio. They were golden colored, and appeared one after another.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, October 2009 webpage, report uploaded December 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7297
### Event 54126 (9964F0DA)
**Date:** 11/2009
**Locations:** UK; RAF Air Command
**Description:** The RAF Air Command prepares a briefing for UK Defence Minister [Bob Ainsworth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FAinsworth) recommending that the Ministry of Defence “should seek to reduce very significantly the UFO task which is consuming increasing resources, but produces no valuable defence output.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Britain’s Defense Ministry Releases Its Final UFO Files,](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/06/21/britain-defense-ministry-ufo-files-document-declassified/2445933/)” USA Today, June 21, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7589
### Event 54127 (A23C5790)
**Date:** 11/2009
**Location:** Pentagon
**Description:** Sen. [Harry Reid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry%5FReid)’s request for Special Access Program status for the US Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program is denied by a group at the Pentagon consisting of Deputy Defense Secretary [William J. Lynn III,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FJ.%5FLynn%5FIII) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Gen. [James R.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FClapper) [Clapper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FClapper)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FClapper) special programs officer at USDI Susan Jones, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs [Marcel Lettre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel%5FLettre)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcel%5FLettre) and Defense Intelligence Agency defense warning officer Bob Carlsberg.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 92- 93; Gideon Lewis-Kraus, “[How the Pentagon Started Taking UFOs Seriously,](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/05/10/how-the-pentagon-started-taking-ufos-seriously)” The New Yorker, April 30, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7590
### Event 54128 (623687A7)
**Date:** 11/6/2009
**Location:** US
**Description:** ex-Police Detective and ufologist James Clarkson gives a presentation at a UFO Conference about ex-Wright Patterson AFB worker June Crain, who had heard of 3 crash retrievals during her time working there.
**Type:** presentation
**Reference:** [Newspapers.com](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/116248479/james-clarkson-june-crain-presentation/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_815
### Event 54129 (599C2622)
**Date:** 11/7/2009 (approximate)
**End date:** 11/9/2009 (approximate)
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** The 7th (and final) 2009 Crash Retrieval Conference. Speakers are Dr. Robert M. Wood, Kenn Thomas, Dr. Michael Solla, Nick Redfern, Linda Moulton Howe, James Clarkson, Michael Schrott, Peter Robbins, Richard Dolan, James Carrion, TK Davis, and Frank Dixon.
**Type:** conference
**Reference:** [2009 Proceedings - archive.org](https://archive.org/details/crash-retrieval-conference-proceedings-7th-annual-2009/page/n0/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_969
### Event 54130 (45394493)
**Date:** 11/8/2009
**Description:** A missing time case from Rubidoux, Riverside County, California was reported to the National UFO Reporting Center. It occurred overnight and lasted for two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, November 2009 webpage, report uploaded December 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7556
### Event 54131 (E082E04F)
**Date:** 11/24/2009
**Description:** A witness in Tracy, California reported seeing a red and blue "V" shaped object flying through the sky and emitting a bright LED-like light. At 6:10 p.m. EST another witness in Raleigh, North Carolina observed a V-shaped object with white and red flashing lights moving slowly over Falls Lake.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, November 2009 webpage, reports uploaded December 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7898
### Event 54132 (6BF3E42E)
**Date:** 11/25/2009
**Location:** Port Jervis, New York
**Description:** 12:15 a.m. A mental health professional in Port Jervis, New York, is driving home listening to Christmas CDs on the car’s player. Coming around a bend, he sees an object about one mile away. As he comes to the next turn, he slows down to 25 mph to get a better look, but by then he is surprised to see that it is almost on top of him. He stops the car on the side of the road, putting it in park with the engine running. The object is cigar-shaped and turning clockwise slowly as it approaches. It is moving slowly like a hot-air balloon. He hears a sound like a cat purring at a low frequency. The UFO passes overhead and his vehicle suffers a complete power failure. His cellphone is also dead. He opens the driver’s door and looks up, seeing lights on the bottom of the object, which immediately blink out. The car starts again spontaneously.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 20–21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7591
### Event 54133 (0E06D7B9)
**Date:** 11/28/2009
**Description:** At 10:52 p.m. a black, triangular UFO with orange lights flew over Petersburg, a small central Illinois town in Menard County. It had three brownish-orange circles with a dark center which appeared in a triangular formation for 10 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, November 2009 webpage, report uploaded December 12, 2009
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8022
### Event 54134 (B3BAE780)
**Date:** 11/29/2009
**Description:** Colm Kelleher tells Vallee that clearances have now been received but the Air Force “nor others” will talk to **BAASS** until a SAP is set up for **AAWSAP**.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248](https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Pacific-Heights-2000-2009/dp/1949501248)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_453
### Event 54135 (8285E997)
**Date:** 12/1/2009
**Location:** UK
**Description:** The UK Ministry of Defence shuts down its UFO hotline and closes its UFO desk, ostensibly because it has produced “no defence benefit” and no evidence of extraterrestrial aliens in more than 50 years. But the staff is overwhelmed by public inquiries, which are at a 10-year high.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Investigations Unit Closed by Ministry of](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk%5Fnews/8395473.stm) [Defence,](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk%5Fnews/8395473.stm)” BBC News, December 4, 2009; “[Britain’s Defense Ministry Releases Its Final UFO Files,](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/06/21/britain-defense-ministry-ufo-files-document-declassified/2445933/)” USA Today, June 21, 2013; UFOFiles2, [pp. 175–176, 178](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n279/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7592
### Event 54136 (D5EFDED1)
**Date:** 12/1/2009
**Location:** Austin, Texas
**Description:** The Defense Intelligence Agency’s AAWSAP program issues the first of 38 Project Physics position papers \(Defense Intelligence Reference Documents\) that define the current and projected state of the art in aerospace technology, all pertaining to the 12 areas chosen by the DIA. Bigelow’s group has subcontracted with [Harold E. Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff) CEO of EarthTech International in Austin, Texas, to choose the precise nature and scope of the papers. The first paper is on “Advanced Nuclear Propusion for Manned Deep Space Missions” by physicist [Friedwardt Winterberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedwardt%5FWinterberg)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedwardt%5FWinterberg)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** US Defense Intelligence Agency, \[[list of products produced under the AATIP contract](https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf)\], January 9, 2018; Skinwalkers 47, 122
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7593
### Event 54137 (C1AADD84)
**Date:** 12/9/2009
**Locations:** Trøndelag; Northern Norway; Northern Sweden
**Description:** Night. A large beam of light is seen and photographed for 10 minutes over all of northern Norway from Trøndelag in the south through all the counties further north, as well as parts of northern Sweden. The phenomenon consists of a blue beam of light with a grayish spiral emanating from one end of it. It moves from behind a mountain, stops in mid-air, and starts to spiral outwards. A similar, though less spectacular, event also occurred in Norway the month before. Both events have visual features of failed flights of Russian RSM-56 Bulava SLBM. The Russian Defense Ministry admits shortly afterward that such an event had taken place at the time on December 9.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[2009 Norwegian spiral anomaly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009%5FNorwegian%5Fspiral%5Fanomaly)”; Tony Spell, “[Estimation of the Trajectory,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.spellconsulting.com/reality/Norway%5FSpiral.html) [Location, Size, and Altitude of the ‘Norway Spiral’ Phenomenon,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.spellconsulting.com/reality/Norway%5FSpiral.html)” December 29, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7594
### Event 54138 (799DAD69)
**Date:** 12/11/2009
**Locations:** Bolling AFB [now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling]; Washington, D.C.
**Description:** Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies \(BAASS\) directors James T. Lacatski, [Colm Kelleher](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colm-kelleher-834a05112)[,](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colm-kelleher-834a05112) and Larry Grossman meet at Bolling AFB \[now Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling\] in Washington, D.C., with Jack Angelo, director of operations for the Office of Special Projects of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. They brief him on their operations and security, and ask AFOSI for data on the Northern Tier UFO incursions of October–November 1975. Angelo promised to see what he could do, but BAASS needs to be accepted into some Special Access Programs to progress much further.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 94–97
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7595
## Year: 2010, 49 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54139 (1DEC9D04)
**Date:** 2010
**Description:** In January 2010, Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (**BAASS**) Director of Investigation Larry Grossman, a contractor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s
Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (**AAWSAP**), claims to meet former AFOSI Col. Barry Hennessey. Hennessey tells Grossman AFOSI could not identify many nuclear base UAP overflights from the 1975 wave.
Hennessey believes many AFOSI records for those cases were destroyed and suggested some UAP that flew over nuclear bases and interfered with launch controls were secret USG/USG contractor aircraft. In December 2010, **BAASS** directors James T. Lacatski, Colm Kelleher and Larry Grossman met the director of operations for the Office of Special Projects of AFOSI, Jack Angelo, at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling. Angelo told **BAASS** it needed to be accepted into some Special Access Programs to obtain data on nuclear UAP overflights from 1975.
* [https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/01_Books/Skinwalkers_at_the_Pentagon.pdf](https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/01_Books/Skinwalkers_at_the_Pentagon.pdf) (p97-98, p94-97)
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/09/identified-another-individual-from.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/09/identified-another-individual-from.html) (p102)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_458
### Event 54140 (1E20EC63)
**Date:** 1/2010
**Description:** The RAF asks the Home Office to cancel standing instructions to police forces who have, in the past, routinely forwarded UFO sightings by officers to the MoD.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [p. 179](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n283/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7596
### Event 54141 (3BDCA9B8)
**Date:** 1/2010
**Location:** off the coast of Haiti
**Description:** US Navy Petty Officer John Baughman sees a “Tic-Tac” shaped object from the flight deck of the supercarrier [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FCarl%5FVinson) [Carl Vinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FCarl%5FVinson) off the coast of Haiti. It is a solid, white object, some 20 feet long, that darts into the water and appears to collapse on itself and disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ryan Sprague, “[New Navy Witness Says He Saw a ‘Tic Tac’](https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/new-navy-witness-says-he-saw-a-tic-tac-operating-underwater-92344d29ac1) [Operating Underwater,](https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/new-navy-witness-says-he-saw-a-tic-tac-operating-underwater-92344d29ac1)” Medium: Trail of the Saucers, July 11, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7597
### Event 54142 (ECA237BF)
**Date:** 1/2010
**Description:** U.S. Navy Petty Officer John Baughman sees a “Tic-Tac” shaped object from the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson near Haiti. It was barely beneath the surface when he saw it, white and 20 feet in length, and quickly “darted” into the depths. “It was definitely a solid object, but when it descended, its forward end rapidly collapsed in on itself and disappeared.” Baughman told his work center supervisor about the UAP, to which he was not debriefed and was not told
to file a report. The supervisor told him “everyone sees weird shit in the ocean.” The event likely did not make its way into Navy or **UAPTF** reporting channels or Congress prior to it being disclosed to a journalist in 2021.
* [https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/new-navy-witness-says-he-saw-a-tic-tac-operating-underwater-92344d29ac1](https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/new-navy-witness-says-he-saw-a-tic-tac-operating-underwater-92344d29ac1)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_454
### Event 54143 (E601938A)
**Date:** 1/24/2010
**Description:** A multi-colored, illuminated, circular object hovered nearby, and crossed over a busy interstate highway in Tampa, Florida at 7:40 p.m. The sighting lasted for 6 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, UFO Reporting Center, January 2010 webpage, report uploaded February 14, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_505
### Event 54144 (B5D0E6A0)
**Date:** Late 1/2010
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; Northern Tier air force bases
**Description:** Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies \(BAASS\) Director of Investigation Larry Grossman meets in Washington, D.C., with former AFOSI Col. Barry Hennessey \(Ret.\). He acknowledges that AFOSI could not identify many of the UFOs associated with the Northern Tier air force bases in 1975. Hennessey suspects that many of the AFOSI investigative records for those cases have been purged, and hinted to Grossman that some odd unmanned aerial vehicles could be military projects.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 97–98
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7598
### Event 54145 (C33BB2A1)
**Date:** 2/17/2010
**Locations:** UK; National Archives
**Description:** The UK National Archives releases another batch of UFO files, more than 6,000 pages of documentation and reports from 1994 to 2000.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Sightings from the National Archives,](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/gallery/2010/feb/18/nationalarchives-ufos)” The Guardian \(UK\), February 17, 2010; UK National Archives, “[Briefing Document: Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf)” 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7599
### Event 54146 (EBF77959)
**Date:** 3/2010
**Location:** Skinwalker Ranch in Utah
**Description:** The Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies \(BAASS\) asks remote viewer Joseph McMoneagle to observe a target designated as 22610 using traditional blind targeting protocols. 22610 is actually Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. McMoneagle’s sketch of the ranch, its environment, animals, two ranch managers, and two security guards are accurate, but he indicates a fifth individual is present. He describes a male, 60–70 pounds, 4 feet 3 inches high, with no hair. McMoneagle says this person is invisible to ranch personnel, although he attempts to ciommunicate with them to see their response.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 120–121
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7600
### Event 54147 (CA3BCC8E)
**Date:** 3/3/2010
**Locations:** Ellsworth AFB; Rapid City, South Dakota; 18 miles south of the Ellsworth AFB runway
**Description:** Evening. S/Sgt. Omar Gonzalez and the crew of Dakota Air Traffic Control at Ellsworth AFB near Rapid City, South Dakota, pick up unidentified traffic crossing a passing aircraft, which reports visual contact with an object 2,000 feet above him. The target appears to be 18 miles south of the Ellsworth AFB runway. Suddenly the object vanishes from view and the radar track disappears. A few minutes later, the target reappears on radar behind the aircraft.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 125
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7601
### Event 54148 (55418A49)
**Date:** 3/8/2010
**End date:** 3/12/2010
**Locations:** Kraków; Rzeszów, Poland
**Description:** Dozens of independent witnesses in Kraków and Rzeszów, Poland, report a strange disc-shaped object of considerable size with white or red lights on its perimeter and red-green lights on its base.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 104–107
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7602
### Event 54149 (4F215239)
**Date:** 3/14/2010
**Description:** A hovering, flashing, orange chevron-shaped aircraft was sighted over Corvallis, Oregon at 3:40 a.m. It suddenly disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, March 2010 webpage, report uploaded April 13, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1519
### Event 54150 (64043FE6)
**Date:** 4/17/2010
**Description:** A classic domed disc-shaped object with horizontal slits showing inexplicable lights was sighted while driving on U.S. Highway 101 S. near Nipomo, California in San Luis Obispo County at 10:10 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, April 2010 archived webpage, case uploaded May 12, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2101
### Event 54151 (7E74D8B8)
**Date:** 4/22/2010
**Description:** An unmanned HTV-2 Falcon hypersonic glider, the fastest unmanned aerial vehicle, reaches a record speed of 13,201 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypersonic%5FTechnology%5FVehicle%5F2)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7603
### Event 54152 (276F68F7)
**Date:** 4/22/2010
**Locations:** Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida; Low Earth Orbit
**Description:** The first X-37B, an uncrewed, reusable, robotic spaceplane, launches on its first mission, Orbital Test Vehicle 1 / USA-212, on an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The spacecraft is placed into low Earth orbit for testing. While the Air Force reveals few orbital details of the mission, a worldwide network of amateur astronomers claims to have identified the spacecraft in orbit. It lands on December 3 after more than 224 days in orbit.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[USA-212](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA-212)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7604
### Event 54153 (2D55E8C7)
**Date:** 5/3/2010
**Description:** A witness walking on the South campus of the University of Nebraska in Omaha, Nebraska reported being chased by a diamond-shaped UFO at 9:17 p.m. The witness reported being frightened, and sheltering by running into the South campus building. "It was a beautiful looking ship but really horrible when they were approaching towards me," the witness wrote. The event lasted four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2010 webpage, reported May 3, 2010 and uploaded May 12, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2497
### Event 54154 (2A3CFC4B)
**Date:** 5/4/2010
**Description:** In Davie, Florida a silent, translucent Y-shaped object was sighted just above the tree level at 10:30 p.m. It flew on a steady course with a slow climb, at approximately 10 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2010 archived webpage, reports uploaded May 12, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2532
### Event 54155 (D2C6EED0)
**Date:** 5/5/2010
**Description:** A luminous rectangular UFO, with no body lights nor sound, moved at tremendous speed over Canal Winchester, Ohio.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 2010 archived webpage, report uploaded June 3, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2572
### Event 54156 (8FF9008F)
**Date:** 5/12/2010
**Description:** At 1:24 a.m. in Bedlington, Northumberland, England a 40-foot across black boomerang shaped object with five green lights underneath flew overhead at approximately 50 feet. It was a very close and terrifying encounter, according to the witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** National UFO Reporting Center, May 2010 webpage, report uploaded May 12, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2786
### Event 54157 (7A1AB940)
**Date:** 5/12/2010
**Description:** During the middle of the day a bright, star-like object was observed roaming back and forth over the Livermore, California hills at 12:00 hours. Peter Davenport believes the witness is a highly credible, good observer.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** National UFO Reporting Center, May 2010 webpage, report uploaded May 12, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2787
### Event 54158 (BCB24282)
**Date:** 5/16/2010
**Description:** At 9:40 a.m. in South Kingston, Rhode Island a stationary gray cylinder slowly accelerated, turned white, then opaque, and disappeared in 30 seconds. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at around 9:35 p.m. EDT the main witness was in his backyard smoking a cigarette on a very clear night, watching some kids play basketball in the courts. He looked up and noticed three disc-shaped objects skimming just under the cloud line. They were not balloons, helicopters or airplanes. They made no sound and were very precise in their movment. He called his sister to come out back to see what he was witnessing while they flew away. He did see all three objects very clearly, and the underneath of all three, but he did not have enough time to grab a camera. They were very disc-shaped objects with a white glow, and underneath of all three he noticed they all had this same faded black zone where he guessed the engine would be. At 9:30 p.m. CDT in Hugo, Minnesota two bright lights, pentagonal in shape and red in color, moved across the northern sky, hovered, then flew off quickly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2010 webpage, report uploaded June 3, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2911
### Event 54159 (FC9D90E4)
**Date:** 5/16/2010
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. two friends in Jeffersonville, Indiana were walking to a gas station on a golf course near their home when they spotted a small circular white object in the sky. It was not moving, just stationary in the sky. Then the light from the object became brighter and brighter, and it turned into different colors: green, pink or red, and then blue. It got so bright that you could no longer see its original shape. Then the light shrank back to the white color, and within an instant it was gone, almost as if it shot out of the universe in a matter of seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2010 webpage, report uploaded September 8, 2011
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2912
### Event 54160 (8B5FE748)
**Date:** 6/4/2010
**Location:** Cape Canaveral SLC-40, FL
**Description:** First Falcon 9 Technology Demonstration launch
**Type:** aerospace
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_Spacecraft_Qualification_Unit)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_816
### Event 54161 (BB9E948F)
**Date:** 6/14/2010
**Description:** European Parliament Member [Mario Borghezio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario%5FBorghezio) calls for the European Union to have its own centralized information center where anyone can access information on UFOs, even records held by the military. Borghezio argues that governments should go public with the information they hold and stop what he believes is a systematic cover-up. Not satisfied with a central archive, Borghezio also wants a scientific center to study UFOs that could encourage research and development. “I think that, under the principle of transparency,” he says, “the EU member states have a duty to make public and available to all scientific data on UFOs which today are partially or wholly withheld.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[MEP Calls for Declassification of UFO Files,](https://www.euractiv.com/section/public-affairs/news/mep-calls-for-declassification-of-ufo-files/)” Euractiv, July 7, 2010
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7605
### Event 54162 (4EE9EBE5)
**Date:** 7/7/2010
**Locations:** Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport; Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China; Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center; Eastern Gobi Desert
**Description:** 8:40 p.m. A UFO is seen hovering above Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport near Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. An airliner preparing for descent first notices the object and notifies the tower. Within minutes, the Civil Aviation Administration of China \(CAAC\) closes the airport down, grounding outbound flights and diverting inbound ones to other airports. Normal operations resume an hour later. Nearby residents take photos of the UFO. One daylight photo taken earlier in the afternoon shows an object with a clear, comet-like tail; another, taken after dusk shows a glowing object emitting golden light. Another photo clearly shows an airplane with a contrail. CAAC conducts an investigation but refuses to release it publicly because there is a “military connection.” MIT weapons analyst [Geoffrey Forden](https://thebulletin.org/biography/geoffrey-forden/) says the most credible photo shows an arc streaking across the sky around sunset and that the most likely cause is the launch of a DF-21 missile somewhere near Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and aimed at a point somewhere in the eastern Gobi Desert.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flights Diverted, Delayed As UFO Detected](http://en.people.cn/90001/90782/90872/7058628.html) [Hovering,](http://en.people.cn/90001/90782/90872/7058628.html)” People’s Daily Online, July 9, 2010; “UFO Forces Hangzhou Airport to Shut Down,” China Central Television, July 10, 2010; “[Hangzhou Light Show,](https://www.armscontrolwonk.com/archive/302793/hangzhou-light-show/)” Arms Control Wonk, July 12, 2010; “[UFO in China’s Skies](https://abcnews.go.com/International/ufo-china-closes-airport-prompts-investigation/story?id=11159531) [Prompts Investigation,](https://abcnews.go.com/International/ufo-china-closes-airport-prompts-investigation/story?id=11159531)” ABC News, July 14, 2010; Alexis C. Madrigal, “[A UFO over China? Well, No,](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2010/07/a-ufo-over-china-well-no/60044/)” The Atlantic, July 19, 2010 “[UFOs over China? Not Quite, Analyst Says](http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/asiapcf/07/20/china.ufo.debunked/index.html),” CNN, July 20, 2010
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7606
### Event 54163 (3DC864C6)
**Date:** 7/15/2010
**Description:** At around 3 a.m. two campers at a campsite on Berry Creek, Butte County, California viewed one cigar-shaped craft fly over, then hold position as a second craft emerged from the first and perform impossible manuevers for 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded July 19, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4091
### Event 54164 (817041E0)
**Date:** 7/31/2010
**Description:** The night sky in Albuquerque, New Mexico turned white at 4:15 a.m. when a cigar-shaped object appeared in the sky in the middle of a circle of light. The sighting lasted 15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded August 24, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4552
### Event 54165 (0942D201)
**Date:** 8/2010
**Locations:** Nevada Test Site; Nevada National Security Site
**Description:** The Nevada Test Site is renamed the Nevada National Security Site.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Nevada Test Site](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevada%5FTest%5FSite)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7607
### Event 54166 (3BA898FA)
**Date:** 8/5/2010
**Description:** The UK National Archives releases another 5,000 pages of UFO files to the public. This release alone generates 196 separate news items and reaches a readership of 25 million people.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Churchill Ordered UFO](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-10853905) [Cover-Up, National Archives Show,](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-10853905)” BBC News, August 5, 2010; UK National Archives, “[Briefing Document:](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf) [Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf)” 2013; UFOFiles2, [p. xi](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n9/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7608
### Event 54167 (13860A86)
**Date:** 8/13/2010
**Location:** Jardim Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. A circle of six yellow lights appears in the sky above the Jardim Bela Vista district of Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. Dentist Daniela Tamarossi and others spend more than 2 hours watching it maneuver.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brazil 403– 405
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7609
### Event 54168 (6F59AB48)
**Date:** 8/16/2010
**Locations:** Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia; Jacksonville, Florida
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Two people camping on Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia are walking on the beach when they notice above them a low-flying triangular object with lights at each of its points. It is moving silently to the south toward Jacksonville, Florida. About 45 minutes later they see it through some trees from their campsite, again silent and heading south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Sighting Report,” National UFO Reporting Center, November 21, 2010; Nukes 508
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7610
### Event 54169 (0C517833)
**Date:** 8/16/2010
**Description:** A witness reported he saw a large, black, silent, southbound, flying triangle with lights with a friend while camping on Cumberland Island National Seashore in Camden County, Georgia at 11:00 p.m. The sighting lasted 15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2010 webpage, report uploaded November 21, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5107
### Event 54170 (D7F80E4D)
**Date:** 8/18/2010
**Description:** At around 8:00 p.m. in Evansville, Indiana a witness reported to the UFO Reporting Center that he had a close encounter with an eight-inch wide flying disc, only 20 feet away from him, which floated across the ground and then rose up into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2010 webpage, report uploaded November 21, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5151
### Event 54171 (59FFA288)
**Date:** 8/30/2010
**Description:** At 6:30 a.m. a black, oval-shaped object with visible heat waves radiating from it was sighted over the I-5 freeway in Silverlake, Los Angeles County, California. At 11:00 a.m. a disc-shaped object with a pulsing outer band and a transparent center was sighted over Plant City, Florida. At 3:00 p.m. a shiny metallic, upside down cone-shaped object was seen over the Jersey Shore in Manahawkin, Ocean County, New Jersey.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, August 2010 webpage, report uploaded November 21, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5514
### Event 54172 (F6B81B51)
**Date:** 8/31/2010
**Description:** In Matawatchan, Ontario, Canada a cigar-shaped object was sighted at 7:20 p.m.; it flashed twice, separated into two spheres, joined as one ball of light, and then vanished! The entire event lasted 15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, August 2010 webpage, report updated November 21, 2010
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5548
### Event 54173 (FCD282C8)
**Date:** 9/11/2010
**Description:** Witnesses in Nashville, Tennessee reported seeing a flying cigar-shaped object at 7:00 p.m. that was red and white in color. It was wingless and was flying at a tilted angle, ascending. It had a large clear window with small human-like figures inside looking out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 2010-2012 Humanoid Sighting Reports, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5898
### Event 54174 (DC9BC073)
**Date:** 9/16/2010
**Location:** Vero Beach, Florida
**Description:** Dr. Berthold Eric Schwarz, a renowned figure in the fields of ufology and parapsychology, passed away at the age of 85 in Vero Beach, Florida, on September 16. He was born on October 20, 1924, in Jersey City, New Jersey, and practiced as a psychiatrist for nearly 45 years, first in Montclair, New Jersey, and later in Vero Beach. Dr. Schwarz leaves behind his wife of 55 years, Ardis, a son, a daughter, and a granddaughter.
Dr. Schwarz was highly regarded in the paranormal field, particularly for his contributions to ufology and parapsychology. He was known for conducting on-site investigations into UFO phenomena and authored several articles and books on the subject. Notably, John Keel had praised his two-volume book, _UFO Dynamics_, as one of the best in the field. His dedication to exploring enigmatic phenomena earned him the respect of many in the paranormal community.
He had an extensive network of friends and colleagues in ufology and parapsychology and was known for connecting researchers with intriguing personalities for interviews and investigations. His passing was mourned by figures like Uri Geller and The Amazing Kreskin, who remembered him as a remarkable researcher with a zest for life. Dr. Schwarz's contributions to the understanding of paranormal phenomena will be remembered and missed by many worldwide.
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berthold_E._Schwarz)
**Reference:** [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20111121042130/http://mysterious-america.net/reality1010.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1084
### Event 54175 (041B7D70)
**Date:** 9/27/2010
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; National Press Club
**Description:** Researcher [Robert Hastings](https://www.ufohastings.com/bio) organizes a briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., that brings together former US Air Force personnel who testify to the existence of UFOs and their ability to neutralize American and Russian nuclear missiles. Those appearing include former Capt. [Robert Salas](https://ufology.fandom.com/wiki/Robert%5FSalas), retired nuclear missile targeting officer Robert C. Jamison, and retired Col. [Charles I. Halt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles%5FI.%5FHalt). Several of the ex-servicemembers say that when they brought their concerns to superiors, they were told it is “top secret” or that it “didn’t happen.” Hastings suggests the presence of such phenomena means that aliens could be monitoring our weapons and perhaps warning us about their use.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Ex-Air Force Personnel: UFOs Deactivated Nukes,](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-air-force-personnel-ufos-deactivated-nukes/)” CBS News, September 28, 2010; Robert L. Hastings, “[The UFOs–Nukes Connection Press Conference,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/the-ufos-nukes-connection-press-conference)” October 11, 2010; “[Military](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SULJf2-XnuE) [Witnesses of UFOs at Nuclear Sites: National Press Club,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SULJf2-XnuE)” QUFOSR YouTube channel, December 15, 2016; Nukes 511–512
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7611
### Event 54176 (A7B4CD28)
**Date:** 9/27/2010
**Description:** Former USAF Capt. Robert Salas, missile targeting officer Robert C. Jamison, Col. Charles I. Halt, Navy Intelligence Command Master Chief Southwest Region Patrick McDonough, Lt. Col. Dwynne C. Arneson and Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher write affidavits that state UAP can neutralize nuclear missiles at U.S. and Russian bases. At the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., they state their superiors regularly told them nuclear UAP events “didn’t happen” and were “top secret.”
* [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-air-force-personnel-ufos-deactivated-nukes/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ex-air-force-personnel-ufos-deactivated-nukes/)
* [https://youtu.be/SULJf2-XnuE](https://youtu.be/SULJf2-XnuE) (press briefing)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/the-ufos-nukes-connection-press-conference](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/the-ufos-nukes-connection-press-conference)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/salas_01.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/salas_01.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/salas_02.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/salas_02.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/mcdonough_01.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/mcdonough_01.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/mcdonough_02.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/mcdonough_02.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/jamison_01.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/jamison_01.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/jamison_02.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/jamison_02.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/arneson_01.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/arneson_01.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_01.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_01.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_02.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_02.jpg)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_455
### Event 54177 (A8392922)
**Date:** 9/30/2010
**Location:** Data Warehouse
**Description:** The contract for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program is extended until December 21, 2010, at no cost to the government. However, there is no congressional funding available for 2011. One of its most significant achievements is the development of a Data Warehouse that links 11 separate UFO databases and supporting documentation. The databases are the NIDS database airline and military pilot sightings, the USAF Blue Book database, UFOCAT, the MUFON Case Management System database, Project Colares, the Canadian government’s UFO releases, the UK government’s UFO releases, BAASS cases investigated, Skinwalker Ranch database, and a database of Skinwalker Ranch contagious health effects. Each UFO case is assigned a credibility rating designed by [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) and the database configuration is based on a six-layer model developed by Vallée and [Eric W. Davis](https://earthtech.org/pubs/davis/) in 2003, using layers designated as physical, anti-physical, psychological, physiological, psychic, and cultural. The Data Warehouse is not retired at the end of the AAWSAP, but is used by the UAP Task Force and its successor organization.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 26–27, 167–170
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7612
### Event 54178 (C8E7FD5B)
**Date:** 10/11/2010
**Locations:** Xincheng district of Taiyuan, Shaanxi, China; Sanqianglu district; Xinhuajie district; Apparel Town area; plaza of the Taiyuan Railway Station
**Description:** 8:40 p.m. A man named Qiao sees two luminous objects, one small one and the other larger, over the Xincheng district of Taiyuan, Shaanxi, China. They keep circling in a regular pattern. Other luminous objects are reported above the Sanqianglu district. Soon the media hotlines are flooded with phone calls. Two luminous objects circling in the air are seen at 8:55 p.m. in the Xinhuajie district, at 9:01 p.m. near the Apparel Town area, and at 9:05 p.m. near the racetrack. When reporters arrive at the plaza of the Taiyuan Railway Station, they see a large, milky-white, luminous spot circling above the clouds with a diameter of at least 32 feet. The object first looks like a luminous spot produced by a searchlight against the clouds, but it has no obvious light beams. The object circles and moves up and down and from side to side until it disappears around 9:10 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Chinese UFO](https://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/news/ufo%5Fextraterrestrials/2011/09/24/847.html) [Report Affirms Reality of Manipulative Extraterrestrial Abduction,](https://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/news/ufo%5Fextraterrestrials/2011/09/24/847.html)” Canadian Business Daily, September 24, 2011
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7613
### Event 54179 (CB29AECC)
**Date:** 10/13/2010
**Locations:** Qinling mountains of southern Shaanxi province, China; village in the Qinling mountains of southern Shaanxi province, China
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. A village in the Qinling mountains of southern Shaanxi province, China, supposedly disappears overnight after witnesses contact news agencies to report UFOs in the area. Chinese troops allegedly cordon off the area with no explanation. A video circulates online, reportedly showing bright blue lights in the sky over the village. Subsequent reports deny a military presence in the area and attribute the story to rumor and misinformation. Other reports indicate the “disappearance” took place in 1987 and was part of a rural relocation program to alleviate poverty in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Inexplicable Disappearance of a Village in the Qinling Mountains:](https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2010/10/inexplicable-disappearance-of-a-village-in-the-qinling-mountains-ufo-village-vanishing-215958.html) [UFO Village Vanishing?](https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2010/10/inexplicable-disappearance-of-a-village-in-the-qinling-mountains-ufo-village-vanishing-215958.html)” Before It’s News, October 14, 2010; “[China Qinling Mountains Village Vanishing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipvCKd7fFYY) [after UFO \(13/10/2010\),](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipvCKd7fFYY)” Marco Maia YouTube channel, October 14, 2010; “[UFO Abduction of Whole Village](http://en.people.cn/90001/90782/90872/7169274.html) [Exposed As Rumor,](http://en.people.cn/90001/90782/90872/7169274.html)” People’s Daily Online, October 18, 2010; Chris Saunders, “UFOs over China,” Fortean Times 331 \(October 2015\): 31; Robert Foyle Hunwick, “[China Unsolved: The Village That Vanished,](https://supchina.com/2018/07/11/china-unsolved-the-village-that-vanished/)” SupChina, July 11, 2018; Brent Swancer, “[A Mysterious Vanishing Village in China,](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/06/a-mysterious-vanishing-village-in-china/)” Mysterious Universe, June 26, 2019; “[Across China: Revisiting a Disappearing Village in Northwest China,](http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-06/17/c%5F139145165.htm)” Xinhua, June 17, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7614
### Event 54180 (082A0F42)
**Date:** 10/23/2010
**End date:** 10/24/2010
**Location:** Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming
**Description:** Air Force personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming, report seeing an enormous cigar-shaped craft maneuvering high above its missile field. The UFO appears similar to an advertising blimp but has no passenger gondola or advertising on its hull. On the same day, the missile site temporarily loses its ability to communicate with 50 of its Minuteman III nuclear missiles. The five Missile Alert Facilities affected, Alpha through Echo, are responsible for launching those ICBMs in time of war and comprise the 319th Strategic Missile Squadron. The Air Force then quickly acknowledges the problem, saying that a backup system could have launched the missiles if necessary and that the breakdown lasted only 59 minutes. But according to two missile technicians stationed at the base, the communications problem, while intermittent, lasts several hours. These confidential sources further report that the commander of the squadron sternly warns its members not to talk to journalists or researchers about “the things they may or may not have seen” in the sky near the missiles in recent months and threatens severe penalties for violating security.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Base ‘Loses’ 50 Missiles](http://www.nicap.org/20101023cheyenne%5Fdir.htm)”; Marc Ambinder, “[Failure Shuts Down Squadron of Nuclear Missiles,](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/10/failure-shuts-down-squadron-of-nuclear-missiles/65207/)” The Atlantic, October 26, 2010; Robert L. Hastings, “[Huge UFO Sighted near Nuclear Missiles during October 2010 Launch System Disruption,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/huge-ufo-sighted-near-nuclear-missiles-during-october-2010-launch-system-disruption)” UFOs & Nukes, June 21, 2011; Nukes 515–517
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7615
### Event 54181 (120B9C19)
**Date:** 10/23/2010
**End date:** 10/24/2010
**Description:** USAF personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, WY see a large cigar-shaped UAP above its missile field. Later that day, the missile site loses communications with 50 Minuteman III nuclear missiles, affecting five Missile Alert Facilities Alpha through Echo comprising the 319th Strategic Missile Squadron. The USAF commander of the squadron tells its members not to talk to journalists about the “things they may or may not have seen” and threatens severe penalties for violating security.
* [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/10/failure-shuts-down-squadron-of-nuclear-missiles/65207/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2010/10/failure-shuts-down-squadron-of-nuclear-missiles/65207/)
* [http://www.nicap.org/20101023cheyenne_dir.htm](http://www.nicap.org/20101023cheyenne_dir.htm)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/huge-ufo-sighted-near-nuclear-missiles-during-october-2010-launch-system-disruption](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/huge-ufo-sighted-near-nuclear-missiles-during-october-2010-launch-system-disruption)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_456
### Event 54182 (69CCB053)
**Date:** 11/5/2010
**Locations:** Spain; USA
**Description:** In a letter to Spanish UFO researcher [Ignacio Darnaude](http://www.euroufo.net/2018/07/ignacio-darnaude-rojas-marcos-1931-2018/), admitted Ummo hoaxer [José Luis Jordán Peña](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9%5FLuis%5FJord%C3%A1n%5FPe%C3%B1a) elaborates on the reason why he began writing the fake letters. He acknowledges that he used collaborators \(Vicente Ortuno, Norman West, John Child, Mercedes Carrasco, Alberto Borras, Trinidad Pastrana, Sean O’Connelly, Iker J.\) who sent letters from distant places and that he created the fictional character of John Axee to better disseminate his knowledge. He claims he was contacted at the outset by two American doctors, Jonathan F. McGuire and Arnold J. Lebotski \(he previously said that they were CIA agents\), working for a foreign organization who offered him, for a fee, to carry out a sociological experiment in the interest of western culture.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Ummo](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummo)”; Alain Moreau, “[Ummo: Une imposture?](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.mondenouveau.fr/presence-extraterrestre-ummo-une-imposture-ou-pas/)” Les Cles de l’Inexplique; Scott Corrales, “[The](http://www.strangemag.com/ummo.html) [Ummo Experience: Are You Experienced?](http://www.strangemag.com/ummo.html)” Strange Magazine; UmmoWiki, “[Jóse Luis Jordán Peña](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Jos%C3%A9%5FLuis%5FJord%C3%A1n%5FPe%C3%B1a)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7616
### Event 54183 (4AE1D214)
**Date:** 11/14/2010
**Location:** Logradouro, Ceará, Brazil
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. A swiftly moving light is seen maneuvering in the sky above Logradouro, Ceará, Brazil, apparently following witnesses, for more than 6 hours.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brazil 407–408
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7617
### Event 54184 (D8B6A3C9)
**Date:** 12/15/2010
**Description:** Two alleged Hill AFB employees in Ogden, Utah claim to see a luminous disc above the flight line behind the “Pacer Fence.” The source mentions there are underground railroads at the location.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2010/12/15/glowing-disc-over-hill-afb-utah/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2010/12/15/glowing-disc-over-hill-afb-utah/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_457
### Event 54185 (6A6D879C)
**Date:** 12/20/2010
**Location:** Area 51, Nevada
**Description:** In the book referenced in one of Hal Puthoff's papers titled *The NASA Conspiracies: The Truth Behind the Moon Landings, Censored Photos, and The Face on Mars*, by Nick Redfern, it's mentioned by an informant that James Jesus Angleton's UFO related papers ("The Angleton Files") are in a classified library at Area 51. Additionally, both Angleton and Corso were in Italy at the right time (1944) during WW2, when ex-USAF Maj. David Grusch said a craft was retrieved by the OSS. Grusch said this craft originally crashed in 1933.
**Type:** book reference
**Reference:** [amazon.com](https://www.amazon.com/NASA-Conspiracies-Behind-Landings-Censored-ebook/dp/B0C94VMDTD)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_952
### Event 54186 (0A0A5A2C)
**Date:** 12/22/2010
**Location:** New Zealand
**Description:** The New Zealand Ministry of Defence releases 12 volumes of documents related to UFOs dating from 1952 to 2009.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Suzy Hansen, “[Relinquishing Responsibility? Circumstances Surrounding the Release of the New](https://ufocusnz.org.nz/2020/08/04/relinquishing-responsibility-circumstances-surrounding-the-release-of-the-new-zealand-mod-ufo-files-2010-11/) [Zealand MOD UFO Files 2010/2011,](https://ufocusnz.org.nz/2020/08/04/relinquishing-responsibility-circumstances-surrounding-the-release-of-the-new-zealand-mod-ufo-files-2010-11/)” Ufocus.nz, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7618
### Event 54187 (9BBE541B)
**Date:** 12/31/2010
**Description:** In Boca Raton, Florida at 7:40 p.m. a close encounter occurred with a flashing, egg-shaped object hovering on its side. One-fourth of the object was lit up, resembling a cockpit flashing with white light. It first glided straight for 300 feet, then hovered in one spot. The encountered reportedly lasted 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, December 2010, report uploaded January 5, 2011
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8688
## Year: 2011, 26 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54188 (A36D9310)
**Date:** 2011
**Description:** Kit Green claims he was delivered a package of material on his doorstep in Detroit that claimed to be “tissues” from an autopsy of an alien with two documents, no provenance.
Green took it to likely Diane Edmund Griffin at Johns Hopkins who declared it a hoax.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/09/identified-another-individual-from.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/09/identified-another-individual-from.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_459
### Event 54189 (F99FD6A3)
**Date:** 1/2011
**Description:** [Philippe Ailleris](http://www.euroufo.net/2011/12/ailleris-philippe-netherland/)[,](http://www.euroufo.net/2011/12/ailleris-philippe-netherland/) amateur astronomer and founder of the Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena Reporting Scheme, publishes “UFOs and Exogenous Intelligence Encounters” in the European Space Policy Institute Perspectives newsletter. Although he makes it clear that a large percentage of UFO sightings are explainable, an open-minded approach toward the phenomenon is necessary. He argues that UFOs have had a positive influence on public support for space exploration and SETI, and that 60 years of UFO sightings have opened our minds to the inevitability of direct contact with nonhuman intelligences.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philippe Ailleris, “[UFOs and Exogenous](http://www.uapreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/ESPI%5FPerspectives%5F431.pdf) [Intelligence Encounters,](http://www.uapreporting.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/ESPI%5FPerspectives%5F431.pdf)” European Space Policy Institute Perspectives, no. 43 \(January 2011\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7619
### Event 54190 (08237C92)
**Date:** 2/2011
**Description:** On 7 February 2011 Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (**BAASS**) director James T. Lacatski, a contractor for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program (**AAWSAP**), allegedly visited the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to secure funding for future fiscal years. Lacatski allegedly met DHS’s Jim Bell and Sacha Mover in a SCIF and briefed them on the program.
Some time later that month or next, a second meeting was held with Bell, Mover and DHS Under Secretary for Science and Technology Tara O’Toole, to which Mover told them the following story: his family members in rural Kentucky told him in 2007, a large group of them saw a low flying large UAP that hovered before moving off in “impossible” velocity. Within 24 hours, three large black SUVs pulled into the area, wearing black suits and dark glasses, Mover stated. The men told the crowd “you would be well advised not to talk about this incident in the future…it will be in your interests not to speak about this incident again” in a threatening tone. Three months later, the rural Kentucky community was mysteriously equipped with state of the art electrical transformers that upgraded the infrastructure of the town. Mover told **BAASS** to look into the event.
* [https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/01_Books/Skinwalkers_at_the_Pentagon.pdf](https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/01_Books/Skinwalkers_at_the_Pentagon.pdf) (p150-153)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_460
### Event 54191 (7558C27A)
**Date:** 2/7/2011
**Location:** Skinwalker Ranch in Utah
**Description:** James T. Lacatski provides an in-depth briefing to Jim Bell and Sacha Mover of the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate on the accomplishments of the AAWSAP in an attempt to transfer the program out of the Department of Defense. He recounts the BAASS investigations into UAPs and the paranormal events at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, as well as AAWSAP’s research into advanced technologies. Lacatski works with Sen. [Harry Reid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry%5FReid) \(D-Nev.\) and Sen. [Joe Lieberman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe%5FLieberman) \(I-Conn.\) to attempt to get the BAASS-like project funded. Negotiations and presentations continue through December, but DHS is ultimately uninterested and concerned about negative publicity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 28, 142–143, 148–154
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7620
### Event 54192 (76836403)
**Date:** 2/11/2011
**Description:** At around 2:00 a.m. two friends were walking on the beach in Clearwater, Florida when they saw one or more objects over the water. It looked like a formation of triangles going in the same direction with a hazy, "flag like" outer shell waving like a flag in the middle of the ocean, with air distortion due to heat. At first one witness thought it was a flock of birds, but dismissed the idea because his friend, who lived there, said"there aren't any birds out here at this time of night". It went behind a small cloud, but didn't come out the opposite side.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, February 2011 webpage, report uploaded August 16, 2011
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_858
### Event 54193 (4D65AB6E)
**Date:** 2/11/2011
**Description:** At 7:14 p.m. two witnesses driving in Elkton, Kentucky saw a flying object that first looked like a radio tower with a flashing light in the middle of two other lights. As they got closer it looked like a cigar-shaped object. However, when it started to move it changed shape into an oval shape, then it turned and came straight at them. As it flew over they saw three lights on the object, one flashing, and it again changed its shape into a diamond. At this point there were there were four lights on the bottom of the object, which appeared to be 15 feet wide and about 10 feet long. As it hovered and flew away it again changed shape into a flying disk.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, February 2011 webpage, report uploaded February 18, 2011
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_859
### Event 54194 (944B9526)
**Date:** 2/15/2011
**Description:** Col. John Alexander states that “if five people know \[the reality of UAP\], Dr. Edward Teller is one,” adding that he had dinner with Teller and Hal Puthoff; Puthoff discussed zero point energy, Teller claimed he wasn’t involved in UAP analysis in the 40s.
* _[UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Conspiracies-John-Alexander-Ph-D/dp/125000201X), Alexander, p45._
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_461
### Event 54195 (64F69338)
**Date:** 2/15/2011
**Description:** Col. John Alexander states there was no black UAP project in the DOD or in the underground facilities run by the DOE, at LANL or at TA-33, as were claimed by some in the 1980s. Alexander states he worked at TA-33 and some interesting things happened there but “none of them involved UFOs.”
* _[UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Conspiracies-John-Alexander-Ph-D/dp/125000201X), Alexander, p145._
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_462
### Event 54196 (844E4474)
**Date:** 3/11/2011
**Locations:** Honshu, Japan; Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
**Description:** 2:46 p.m. A 9.0 Mw earthquake takes place with an epicenter near Honshu, Japan. Immediately after the earthquake, the electricity-producing Reactors 1, 2, and 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, automatically shut down their sustained fission reactions by inserting control rods in a safety procedure referred to as a SCRAM, which ends the reactors’ normal running conditions, by closing down the fission reaction in a controlled manner. Because the reactors are now unable to generate power to run their own coolant pumps, emergency diesel generators come online, as designed, to power electronics and coolant systems. These operate normally until a 46-foot tsunami sweeps over the plant’s seawall and destroys the generators for Reactors 1–5. Large amounts of water contaminated with radioactive isotopes are released into the Pacific Ocean during and after the disaster.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Fukushima nuclear disaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fukushima%5Fnuclear%5Fdisaster)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7621
### Event 54197 (6133CE50)
**Date:** 3/14/2011
**Description:** A chevron-shaped object with other satellite orbs was seen low on the horizon in Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, Canada at 7:10 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2011 Canadian UFO Survey [electronic version], case 176
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1520
### Event 54198 (18130CA1)
**Date:** 3/26/2011
**Description:** Ufologist Chuck Wade presents information at the 14th Annual Aztec UFO Symposium allegedly from different military sources related to UAP crash recoveries. Wade states there were at least seven UAP crash recovery sites in New Mexico between 1945 and 1948:
* Avocado-shaped craft at San Antonio, NM, August 1945
* 32’ craft on the Plains of San Augustin, NM, 1-2 July 1947
* 25’ oval craft SW of Roswell, 4 July 1947
* 12’ to 15’ craft NW of Roswell, 4 July 1947
* Large debris field requiring recovery 40 mi. SW of Corona, NM
* 20’ in craft in the foothills of the Capitan Mountains 50 mi. W of Roswell
* 100’ craft in Hart Canyon 9 mi. N of Aztec, NM.
Wade claims high powered radar units accidentally or purposefully may have interfered with some of the alleged UAP, facilities he claims were located at El Vado, Gallup and Moriarty.
* [https://zbook.org/read/4bfbae_seven-ufo-crashes-retrievals-in-new-mexico-1945-1948.html](https://zbook.org/read/4bfbae_seven-ufo-crashes-retrievals-in-new-mexico-1945-1948.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_464
### Event 54199 (BE132B53)
**Date:** 3/31/2011
**Location:** New Zealand
**Description:** The New Zealand Ministry of Defence releases a further 3 volumes of documents related to UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Suzy Hansen, “[Relinquishing Responsibility? Circumstances Surrounding the Release of the New Zealand MOD UFO](https://ufocusnz.org.nz/2020/08/04/relinquishing-responsibility-circumstances-surrounding-the-release-of-the-new-zealand-mod-ufo-files-2010-11/) [Files 2010/2011,](https://ufocusnz.org.nz/2020/08/04/relinquishing-responsibility-circumstances-surrounding-the-release-of-the-new-zealand-mod-ufo-files-2010-11/)” Ufocus.nz, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7622
### Event 54200 (7D0E4DE7)
**Date:** 3/31/2011
**Description:** Author Nick Redfern states he calls a representative of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. The representative tells him he can meet with the “Collins Elite,” a group of current and former intelligence community personnel who believe UAP are demonic in origin. The Collins Elite allegedly believes all UAP are demonic and should not be contacted. Redfern was given this information by a “Richard Duke” and was given “the Collins Report,” which is allegedly a briefing document from the 1980s that lays out the group’s theories.
Duke claims the group established the belief that UAP are interdimensional and demonic when the FBI, AFOSI and other agencies began investigating physicist Jack Parsons for his links to Aleister Crowley and L. Ron Hubbard, and Parsons’ allegiance to the United States. Parsons was a principal founder of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the Aerojet Engineering Corporation, and led the California branch of the Thelemite Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO) in the 1940s.
Duke claims some in the US IC believed Parsons and his occult practices were responsible for some UAP sightings, alleging occult rituals were responsible for the channeling of specific UAP events or the “opening” of entry points where more UAP would enter afterward. Duke also claims early members of the Collins Elite were asked by some in the CIA Directorate of Plans in 1952 to determine if UAP had demonic origin. Some **Project Blue Book** cases at the time reminded some CIA officials of ghosts, demons, etc. Duke claims members eventually included AFOSI, NSA and CIA, and other agencies.
Redfern states Duke and other sources informed him that CIA and Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) personnel attempted to contact entities “Affa” and “Ponnar,” but those attempts allegedly failed. Officials were concerned with eschatalogical forecasts discussed in occult circles, but the forecasts never came to fruition. Duke also claims in the late 1960s, the work of Sidney Gottleib in the Technical Services Staff (CIA TSS) and work by Donald Ewen Cameron was taken up by scientists attached to the CIA’s Office of Research and Development, who attempted to harness “demonic powers” for espionage purposes under **Operation Often**.
Duke claims **Operation Often** and Collins Elite personnel used a cover story that they were US Army psychologists working on a project for the University of South Carolina to understand mental trauma in military personnel; the group’s actual goal was to analyze the nightmares of Paul Garratt after a near-death experience. Garratt told Often personnel after seeing a tunnel of bright light, he was taken to a colder place that was never-ending, flat, light blue and filled with naked screaming human beings; above them were hundreds of saucer-like UAP that “pulsed and throbbed” as if they were living and breathing. Garratt claimed he was in turmoil watching this and saw small “balls of light” fly from the bodies of the people into the saucers. Often personnel concluded the NDE suggested saucers might be harvesting human souls and they were demonic in nature.
Duke claims in the 1980s, President Ronald Reagan was briefed on UAP from different perspectives, including the Collins Elite on the demonic UAP theory, the CIA Science and Technology division on the extraterrestrial/genetic agenda theory, and an Air Force psychologist who argued abductions were not real and the result of the human subconscious. Reagan gravitated to the Collins Elite explanation, and funded a deeper investigation into the phenomenon that concluded abductions were a demonic deception.
* [https://www.amazon.com/EVENTS-Secret-Government-Demonic-Afterlife-ebook/dp/B004URRYPS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=nick+redfern+final+events&qid=1663897483&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/EVENTS-Secret-Government-Demonic-Afterlife-ebook/dp/B004URRYPS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=nick+redfern+final+events&qid=1663897483&sr=8-1)
>**_Note_**: An early member of the group was from Collins, NY, which the group then got its name “Collins Elite” from. It is unknown if the group ever met in Collins.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_463
### Event 54201 (B1F811C0)
**Date:** 5/6/2011
**Locations:** Argentine Air Force; Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales
**Description:** The Argentine Air Force creates the Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales for the study of aerospace phenomena. Capt. [Moriano Mohaupt](https://ar.linkedin.com/in/mariano-alejandro-mohaupt-29b9b3b7)[,](https://ar.linkedin.com/in/mariano-alejandro-mohaupt-29b9b3b7) Air Force press spokesman, says that the commission is composed of meteorologists, air traffic controllers, pilots, and radar experts, who will look into sightings. Since 2015 it has been managed with rigor and transparency by Commodore Rubén Lianza.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Argentina Creates UFO Commission,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(Sep. 2011\): 21; Milton Hourcade, “[Argentina: UFO Declassification,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.uapsg.com/2020/07/argentina-ufo-declassification.html)” U.A.P.S.G.– G.E.F.A.I., July 29, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7623
### Event 54202 (6DAEA050)
**Date:** 5/8/2011
**Description:** An object like a "black vampire cape" with a "glowing lantern" flew over Ste. Anne, Manitoba at 9:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2011 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 310, citing www.ufoinfo.com
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2671
### Event 54203 (F131A4D4)
**Date:** 5/9/2011
**Description:** A mile-long dark object with a V formation of lights was sighted in Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada at 2:10 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2011 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 318
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2710
### Event 54204 (49FA1E78)
**Date:** 5/19/2011
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. Restoule, Parry Sound, Ontario a red light moved from southwest to northwest, stopped, flew down and then away. At 11:10 p.m. dark objects on a "crooked triangle" of red lights passed near witnesses in Dryden, Ontario.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, 2011 Canadian UFO Survey, cases # 329 & 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3002
### Event 54205 (44116DDB)
**Date:** 6/2011
**End date:** 7/2011
**Description:** DHS officials Jim Bell and Sacha Mover begin a series of other meetings in the U.S. intelligence community beyond DHS to determine if they can set up **BAASS** as a UAP analysis program within DHS Science & Technology (S&T). Those met are the “keepers of the secrets,” who treat Bell and Mover rudely and told “no, and hell no” when asked. Bell and Mover later told **BAASS** that they believed advanced technology was being held at aerospace contractor facilities under government supervision. Mover and Bell became fearful of moving forward. By late 2011, DHS Deputy Secretary Jane Holl Lute, Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Phyllis Green, and others decided not to contract **BAASS** within DHS.
* [https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/01_Books/Skinwalkers_at_the_Pentagon.pdf](https://www.pearl-hifi.com/11_Spirited_Growth/01_Books/Skinwalkers_at_the_Pentagon.pdf) (p153-154)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_465
### Event 54206 (25737F3C)
**Date:** 6/6/2011
**Location:** Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. A Mrs. Beata is walking her dog in the Baranówka neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland. She sees an elliptical, dull metallic object crossing the sky just above the trees about 180 feet away. It is about 30–50 feet long and 15–30 feet across and completely silent. It disappears after emitting some flashes of light from its perimeter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 155–156
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7624
### Event 54207 (DC00B348)
**Date:** 7/2011
**Location:** Rivne, Ukraine
**Description:** Igor Kalytyuk begins publishing Novosti Ufologii, an online UFO newsletter, in Rivne, Ukraine. It continues through December 2016, accompanied by occasional special bulletins of the Ufology News Project from 2012 to 2018.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Novosti Ufologii](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Ukraine/Ufology%20News%20%28Kalytyuk%29/Ufology%20News%20-%20No%2001%20-%20July%202011.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Ukraine/Ufology%20News%20%28Kalytyuk%29/Ufology%20News%20-%20No%2001%20-%20July%202011.pdf) no. 1 \(July 2011\); “[About the Ufology News Project](http://ufology-news.com/o-proekte)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7625
### Event 54208 (0537B1DC)
**Date:** 7/2011
**Description:** A ufological periodical claims in 1998, researchers at a facility in Africa managed by AFRICOM security made contact with an entity from a parallel-universe and received messages and predictions from it for five years. Among the claims were that dolphins were the most
“clever” intelligences on Earth. Col. John Alexander claims he was involved in telepathic experiments and wild dolphins in the Bahamas; something he also told Jacques Vallée in 1988.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/12/jacques-vallee-and-secret-onion.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2016/12/jacques-vallee-and-secret-onion.html)
* [https://twitter.com/MarkDRudningen/status/957701502658736128?s=20&t=KDQWmAvk9VSQ_KaF3MPfv0Q](https://twitter.com/MarkDRudningen/status/957701502658736128?s=20&t=KDQWmAvk9VSQ_KaF3MPfv0Q)
* [https://avalonlibrary.net/CHANI_Project/2011%20Vol%2018%20-%20No.%204%20-%20The_Chani_Project_Computer_Interfaced_Communication_With_Other_Realms_Acolyte_2011_Nexus_magazine_Issue_June%96July_2011.pdf](https://avalonlibrary.net/CHANI_Project/2011%20Vol%2018%20-%20No.%204%20-%20The_Chani_Project_Computer_Interfaced_Communication_With_Other_Realms_Acolyte_2011_Nexus_magazine_Issue_June%96July_2011.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_466
### Event 54209 (B4E5F5EB)
**Date:** 8/2011
**Locations:** UK; National Archives
**Description:** The UK National Archives makes available its first batch of Ministry of Defence UFO files from 1985 to 1995, followed shortly afterward by files for 1997 and 1998–2000.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK National Archives, “[Briefing Document:](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf) [Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf)” 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7626
### Event 54210 (9A15F14D)
**Date:** 9/11/2011
**Location:** Baborów, Poland
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. An 18-year-old girl in Baborów, Poland, is awakened by a light from a blue triangular object hovering outside her bedroom window. Its contours are outlined with white halogen-like lights and there is what looks like a hatch in its center from which a mist is emanating. She can feel the heat from the object on her face and forehead. The object departs to the west but does not disappear until 6:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 100–101
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7627
### Event 54211 (6654B30B)
**Date:** 11/2011
**Description:** Out of its 1,170 fully investigated UFO cases, the French UFO agency GEIPAN shows that 22% are unidentified.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 453
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7628
### Event 54212 (8E277DEF)
**Date:** 11/15/2011
**Description:** Navy Aviation Maintenance Administrator Angelo Accetta states he sees a triangular glowing object with white glowing points above FRC West at Lemoore Naval Air Station. After watching the triangle UAP travel slowly for three minutes, it departed at instantaneous speed and disappeared out of sight. Accetta told his superior but was laughed at and asked if he had been drinking. While on watch, Accetta allegedly saw the triangle UAP four other times between February and October 2012 but noticed no response by the air station to the overflight.
* [https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/navy-serviceman-reports-five-separate-triangle-ufo-incidents-over-naval-air-station-e382285b388f](https://medium.com/on-the-trail-of-the-saucers/navy-serviceman-reports-five-separate-triangle-ufo-incidents-over-naval-air-station-e382285b388f)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_467
### Event 54213 (CE6754CA)
**Date:** 12/2011
**Description:** Air Force Office of Scientific Research sponsors scientific research into a **Wingless Electromagnetic Air Vehicle (WEAV)** that studies a proof-of-concept demonstration of an electromagnetically driven wingless aircraft that can self-lift, hover and fly into wind. The study produced a disc that was able to hover a few millimeters above a surface for three minutes, and different prototypes were flown, proving the WEAV is scalable.
* [https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a564120.pdf](https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a564120.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_468
## Year: 2012, 20 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54214 (C522BF7D)
**Date:** 2012
**Description:** Author Bryce Zabel tells a story told to him by Brent Friedman, the alleged neighbor of former Secretary of Energy John S. Herrington (under the Reagan administration). Herrington allegedly stated he had been briefed for several weeks at an underground facility outside of Washington, D.C. and the information learned caused him to “cry himself to sleep for a number of nights.” When asked why, Herrington allegedly stated “there is intelligent life in the universe; it’s here and I’ve seen it; this is not the kind of world I thought \[my children\] would grow up in.”
Herrington also allegedly stated the existence of extraterrestrials were the “tip of the iceberg” in terms of the revelations he learned related to the issue.
* [https://archive.org/details/adafterdisclosur0000dola/page/276/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/adafterdisclosur0000dola/page/276/mode/2up)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_473
### Event 54215 (FB351C81)
**Date:** 2012
**Description:** The Office of Naval Research announces a “revolutionary” research program looking into sixth sense among humans. ONR seeks to understand how to train personnel on “intuitive decision making.”
* [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=95DE5E8944175B96797BB8FB21ECAE28?doi=](https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download;jsessionid=95DE5E8944175B96797BB8FB21ECAE28?doi=
>**_Note_**: It is worth determining if this ONR program looked at psychological communication between humans and aerospace craft and if the UAP issue was included in study. Recall claims of “intuitive” communications projects at NSA between humans and UAP (see 1992).
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_474
### Event 54216 (ADA44B77)
**Date:** 1/30/2012
**Description:** The witness was driving on Interstate 95 near exit 26 in Waltham, Massachusetts at 8:55 p.m. At the time there were construction crews working on both sides of the highway. He next saw a rectangular craft in the sky flashing red and white lights at about the height of a street light. It stretched across the three left lanes of the highway. The craft did not move and appeared dark with flashing lights and a couple of dome-shaped windows. It made absolutely no noise. It had a narrow beam of light that was directed down at the state troopers. The sighting lasted 30 seconds. Half an hour later, driving on the opposite side of the highway, the witness noted that the construction crews had gone, but the state troopers were still there, looking confused.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, Jan. 2009 webpage, report uploaded March 19, 2012
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_632
### Event 54217 (20A44A7D)
**Date:** 2/18/2012
**Locations:** Charlotte, North Carolina; Richmond; Chase City, Virginia
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. A father and son, both pilots, are in their propellor-driven Mooney Ovation II flying at 7,480 feet. Shortly after they cross the border of Virginia from Charlotte, North Carolina, they prepare to land in Richmond. Above Chase City, Virginia, the father unexpectedly sees a bright, glowing sphere about 30 feet in diameter flying alongside the aircraft. As the UFO begins to soar about 50 feet away from the right wing, the plane loses power. All of the electrical equipment \(including the computer\) suddenly turns off. A few seconds later, the plane regains all systems as the UFO swiftly shoots away at an incredible speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Aircraft](http://www.nicap.org/20120218chasecity%5Fdir.htm) [Encounters UFO and E-M Effects](http://www.nicap.org/20120218chasecity%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7629
### Event 54218 (0C731B01)
**Date:** 3/2012
**Description:** The Center for UFO Studies publishes the final issue of the International UFO Reporter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7630
### Event 54219 (E2C9F27C)
**Date:** 4/13/2012
**Locations:** north of Ploieşti, Romania; Pleaşa
**Description:** Afternoon. Mihnea Mustaţa and other observers north of Ploieşti, Romania, watch a white, hat-shaped object passing over a field to the east at about 53 mph toward the village of Pleaşa. It disappears for a few minutes and reappears in a different location. Starting at 2:28 p.m., Mustaţa takes several photos of the object before it disappears, accompanied by several balls of light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 80–82
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7631
### Event 54220 (D11E14EF)
**Date:** 5/10/2012
**Location:** Rzeszów, Poland
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. Workers at a warehouse in Rzeszów, Poland, see a group of spherical objects converging from various directions to a point where a large object shaped like a “screw-thread” is hovering. Two spheres fly away after maneuvering in the air. The other objects disappear
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 155
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7632
### Event 54221 (117D3F62)
**Date:** 5/10/2012
**Location:** Hermanowa, Poland
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A witness in Hermanowa, Poland, watches a light approach him until it is only 100 feet away, only 6–10 feet above his neighbor’s house. An identical object, also about 1 foot in diameter, on the same flight path appears and stops in the same position above the adjacent house. After 20 seconds, it veers off at an angle of 130° and both objects fly away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 155
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7633
### Event 54222 (894D8C56)
**Date:** Late 5/2012
**Location:** Mamaia-Set, Romania
**Description:** Evening. Two wind-farm engineers are on top of a 4–5 story building in Mamaia-Set, Romania, when they see a large V-formation consisting of clusters of three lights approaching at high speed from the south. The formation crosses the sky in 4–5 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 82–83
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7634
### Event 54223 (BD888A83)
**Date:** 7/2012
**Location:** UK National Archives
**Description:** The UK National Archives opens more UFO policy files, covering 1995–1997, 1997–1998, and 2002–2008.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK National Archives, “[Briefing Document: Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf)” 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7635
### Event 54224 (AE46ACAB)
**Date:** 7/2012
**Description:** Bernard Mendez alleges he attended a “jump room” school with Andrew Basiago, William Stillings, and former DARPA director Regina Dugan in the early 1980s. He alleged the class was taught by Maj. Ed Dames who participated in **Project Star Gate’s** various iterations, something Dames promptly denied.
Mendez claims the teleportation technology was transferred from a species of Grey extraterrestrials to the USG, and that the jump rooms were not actually visiting real destinations, but “folds” in spacetime created by the Greys known as “slots.” These “slots” are allegedly simulations of various destinations, also known as synthetic quantum environments (SQEs); Basiago claims the Greys built SQEs to help humanity understand the interdimensional multiverse.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/f85mb8/third_whistle_blower_confirms_obamas/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/f85mb8/third_whistle_blower_confirms_obamas/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_469
### Event 54225 (2EE8C909)
**Date:** 7/5/2012
**Location:** Eagle Ford Shale Field near Cotulla, Texas
**Description:** 10:04 p.m. A security camera at a well site in the Eagle Ford Shale Field near Cotulla, Texas, snaps an image of what appears to be a 60-foot-diameter object with an array of four lights hovering above the caliche pad of an oil well. Later, in October, workers at the site report UFOs in the night sky. One of them named Xavier Garza takes a blurry video of a reddish-orange orb in the northern sky.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Observers Think UFOs Hovered above the Eagle Ford](https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local%5Fnews/article/Of-black-gold-and-little-green-men-4189853.php) [Shale,](https://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local%5Fnews/article/Of-black-gold-and-little-green-men-4189853.php)” San Antonio \(Tex.\) News-Express, January 12, 2013; “[Cotulla 2012: Security Camera Shows UFO](http://roswellbooks.com/museum/?page%5Fid=171) [Hovering over South Texas Oil Field,](http://roswellbooks.com/museum/?page%5Fid=171)” Texas UFO Museum and Research Library
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7636
### Event 54226 (883E793E)
**Date:** 7/8/2012
**Description:** Alleged former USAF Sgt. Daniel Brad MacBolen III claims to have participated in a SAP having to do with “jump room” technology. He claims jump rooms do not actually travel to other destinations in our physical reality but that humans are being misled, and they’re traveling to synthetic quantum environments (SQE). MacBolen speaks of a segment of ET known as “the Verdant,” who might wish to keep humans blind to the nature of 5D reality and keep humans in their current 3D reality.
* [https://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2012/07/synthetic-quantum-evironment-sqe-fifth-dimensionalmultiverse-construct-a-dialogue-between-sgt-daniel-brad-macbolen-iii.html](https://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2012/07/synthetic-quantum-evironment-sqe-fifth-dimensionalmultiverse-construct-a-dialogue-between-sgt-daniel-brad-macbolen-iii.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_470
### Event 54227 (8872FC6A)
**Date:** 7/8/2012
**Description:** Retired CIA liaison to the entertainment industry Chase Brandon states he saw a box labeled “Roswell” in the Agency’s Historical Intelligence Collection; he states there was written material and photographs that validated Roswell was a crash of a “craft that clearly did not come from this planet” and there were “cadavers.” Former CIA Dir. Robert Gates says he has “a lot of respect” for Chase after the comments are made, but states he never saw any evidence of UAP or cadavers, etc.
* [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/roswell-ufo-cia-agent-chase-brandon_n_1657077](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/roswell-ufo-cia-agent-chase-brandon_n_1657077)
* [http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/13566/brandons-roswell-claims-new-to-gates/](http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/13566/brandons-roswell-claims-new-to-gates/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_471
### Event 54228 (B26323F1)
**Date:** 8/1/2012
**End date:** 8/15/2012
**Locations:** Ladakh; Arunachal Pradash; Kargil; Leh; Thakung; Lake Pangong Tso; Himalayas
**Description:** Indian Army troops deployed along the Chinese border from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradash report as many as 100 UFO sightings. The 14th Corps, which is deployed in the Kargil and Leh districts and patrols the frontier with China, sends reports to Army headquarters about sightings by an Indo-Tibetan Border Police unit in the Thakung district near lake Pangong Tso in the Himalayas. The reports describe yellowish spheres that appear to lift off from the horizon on the Chinese side and slowly traverse the sky for 3–5 hours before disappearing. The Army uses a mobile ground-based radar unit and a spectrum analyzer to verify the identity of the UFOs, but they cannot track the spheres on radar. Officials insist the objects are not Chinese drones.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Over 100 UFOs Seen](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Over-100-UFOs-seen-along-China-border/articleshow/17109185.cms) [along China Border,](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Over-100-UFOs-seen-along-China-border/articleshow/17109185.cms)” Times of India, November 6, 2012; Dirk Vander Ploeg, “[Chinese, Russian, and Indian](https://www.ufodigest.com/article/chinese-russian-and-indian-troops-jointly-spot-ufos/) [Troops Jointly Spot UFOs,](https://www.ufodigest.com/article/chinese-russian-and-indian-troops-jointly-spot-ufos/)” UFO Digest, March 16, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7637
### Event 54229 (B79596AB)
**Date:** 8/3/2012
**Description:** Kathleen Marden reports on a survey of abductees in which 38% report seeing hybrids, usually in a large facility along with humans being examined. These respondents see short and tall gray humanoids along with a few mantis-like, reptilian, Nordic, and occasional rarer types. One surprise finding is that 40% suffer chronic fatigue syndrome or mononucleosis. They also report examinations focused on glandular tissue, especially the thymus, a gland that has been implicated in these illnesses.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kathleen Marden, “Abduction Experiencers’ Perception of the Alien Agenda,” MUFON 2012 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, MUFON, August 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7638
### Event 54230 (EC3BEBAB)
**Date:** 9/19/2012
**Locations:** Antelope Lane; Roy, Montana
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Jennifer Styer is driving north on Antelope Lane near Roy, Montana, when she sees two V- shaped objects to the northwest that speed silently toward her. They have orange lights on each arm and are flying in a straight line quite close to each other.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert L. Hastings, “[UFOs Reported near Malmstrom AFB’s Nuclear](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-afbs-nuclear-missile-sites-in-september-2012) [Missile Sites in September 2012,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-afbs-nuclear-missile-sites-in-september-2012)” UFOs & Nukes, November 4, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7639
### Event 54231 (7D82BCFF)
**Date:** 9/19/2012
**Description:** A call log from the Fergus County Sherriff’s Office in Montana shows a U.S. civilian called about seeing two silent V-shaped UAP near Malmstrom AFB’s Oscar-01 Missile Alert Facility and Launch Control Center. Dispatch called Malmstrom who stated they had no aircraft in that area. Civilians in nearby Roy, MT said they noticed elevated USAF security patrols and missile maintenance vans in the weeks following the UAP overflight. The civilians were never given an explanation of the event.
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-afbs-nuclear-missile-sites-in-september-2012](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-afbs-nuclear-missile-sites-in-september-2012)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-11-04/fergus-cty-sherrif-blotter.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-11-04/fergus-cty-sherrif-blotter.jpg)
>**_Note_**: USAF Capt. Robert Salas states another UAP incident occurred in the same area, above Oscar-01, on 24 March 1967. Most or all of Malmstrom’s ICBMs malfunctioned that night after a red-orange oval UAP appeared and was hovering over the facility. Salas states he and Capt.
>Frederick Meiwald were forced to sign non-disclosure statements by AFOSI personnel. One week earlier, declassified documentation shows Echo missiles were shut down.
>* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-afbs-nuclear-missile-sites-in-september-2012](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-afbs-nuclear-missile-sites-in-september-2012)
>* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/af_teletype_1967-03-17_loss_of_strategic_alert.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/af_teletype_1967-03-17_loss_of_strategic_alert.jpg)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_472
### Event 54232 (EBD143AC)
**Date:** 9/21/2012
**Locations:** Moccasin, Montana; North Star and Fieldstone roads; Old Musselshell Trail south of the Missouri River, Montana; Roy, Montana
**Description:** 8:30 pm. Dale Uhler and his wife are driving north-northwest of Moccasin, Montana, two miles north of the intersection of North Star and Fieldstone roads when they notice a bar-shaped, yellow-orange light about 30°– 35° above the horizon. It then splits into three lights, which persist for about 20 seconds before disappearing. A second witness on the Old Musselshell Trail south of the Missouri River, Montana, sees what may be the same display, which appears to him as four orange lights that appear and disappear in sequence. A third witness, about 20 miles east of Roy, Montana, also sees the lights to the north.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert L. Hastings, “[UFOs Reported near](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-afbs-nuclear-missile-sites-in-september-2012) [Malmstrom AFB’s Nuclear Missile Sites in September 2012,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-reported-near-malmstrom-afbs-nuclear-missile-sites-in-september-2012)” UFOs & Nukes, November 4, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7640
### Event 54233 (BA6609AE)
**Date:** Late 2012
**Location:** US
**Description:** The U.S. Air Force declassified a trove of documents, including records of a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers. The ambitious program, called Project 1794, was initiated in the 1950s, and a team of engineers was tasked with building a disc-shape vehicle capable of traveling at supersonic speeds at high altitudes. The declassified documents reveal plans for the plane to reach a top speed of Mach 4 (four times the speed of sound), and reach an altitude of 100,000 feet (30,480 meters). The project's estimated cost was more than $3 million, which in today's dollars would be more than $26 million. Project 1794 was cancelled in December 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer design was aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds).
**Type:** secret project
**Type:** declassified documents
**Reference:** [Mike Colangelo](https://twitter.com/MikeColangelo/status/1620153118540578816)
**Reference:** [livescience.com: Flying saucers to mind control: 24 declassified military & CIA secrets](https://www.livescience.com/declassified-military-secrets)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_818
**See also:** 12/1961
## Year: 2013, 44 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54234 (AEA92BC5)
**Date:** 2013
**Location:** US
**Description:** In recent years much attention has been being focused on the [Nellis Test Range Complex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevada_Test_and_Training_Range), a large area of highly-restricted (and heavily-secured) land in Southern Nevada, USA, used to develop various classified aircraft. Past examples of devices tested and perfected in this locale include the U2 spy plane, the SR-71 and the F-117A and B-2 stealth aircraft. Sites within this region (semi-officially termed ["Area 51"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51)) include Groom Lake Air Force Base. Film taken from just outside the bases' parameter show lights moving in an anomalous manner; performing turning manoeuvres which would render unconscious any human pilot contained within such a device). However, most Ufologists feel that (at least) the majority of this footage depict UAVs (remotely piloted vehicles) developed at [Groom Lake](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Groom+Lake), which (due to being teleoperated or robotically controlled) can perform manoeuvres impossible for a manned aircraft. The USAF refuses to make any detailed comments concerning their activities at Area 51.
**Type:** commentary
**Reference:** [*The Ufology Handbook - 2013 Edition*, by Robert Moore](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Moore,%20Robert%20-%20The%20Ufology%20Handbook.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_914
**Attributes:** Nellis
### Event 54235 (9A632E63)
**Date:** 2013
**Locations:** The Pentagon; Washington, D.C.
**Description:** The Pentagon’s black budget is at $52.6 billion, according to documents leaked by former contractor [Edward](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FSnowden) [Snowden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FSnowden)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FSnowden) Although the government has annually released its overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it does not divulge how it uses the money or how it performs against the goals set by the president and Congress.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Black Budget’ Summary Details U.S. Spy Network’s Successes, Failures, and Objectives,](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/black-budget-summary-details-us-spy-networks-successes-failures-and-objectives/2013/08/29/7e57bb78-10ab-11e3-8cdd-bcdc09410972%5Fstory.html)” Washington Post, August 29, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7641
### Event 54236 (0E36FC76)
**Date:** 1/4/2013
**Location:** Pine Bush, New York
**Description:** Night. Dogs belonging to Carlos Torres of Pine Bush, New York, become noisy and agitated. When he goes outside, he sees a huge rectangular object blocking out the stars and moving silently overhead. His young daughter is terrified. It takes 2 minutes to travel out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Randle, Levelland, 2021, p. 125
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7642
### Event 54237 (521F2199)
**Date:** 1/8/2013
**Locations:** Nysa, Poland; village near Nysa, Poland
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Two policemen in a village near Nysa, Poland, notice distant lights that appear and reappear. At one point, they stop their patrol car to observe the light, which is changing shape and radiating a number of colored lights. The light approaches them and stops a half-mile away. Small points of light break off from its base, some returning into it and others disappearing in mid-air. The primary light then gives off a stroboscopic flash of light that illuminates a large area. The officers drive away, but the light follows them. They stop again at a parking lot and see that the light is coming from a domed disc emitting dazzling yellow lights. Three blue lights are on its base. They drive off again, but the object paces them at a distance of about one mile. Both officers experience strong anxiety during the sighting, and there is a possible element of missing time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 110–114
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7643
### Event 54238 (4B49D3C9)
**Date:** 1/12/2013
**Location:** West Melbourne, Florida
**Description:** 8:20 p.m. A married couple pull out of their driveway in West Melbourne, Florida, to go out to dinner. As the couple drive west down their street, they see three bright lights in a row in the sky. They assume that the lights are Chinese lanterns, since they are all at or above the same elevation. As they draw closer, they realize that the lights form a single object. As the object turns, the lights are in a pyramidal shape \(indicating rotation of the object that causes the three horizontal lights to appear like a pyramid\). At the same time, the object bolts away at an incredible speed and disappears in a few seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Pyramid-Shaped Object Observed by Couple](http://www.nicap.org/20130112melbourne%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7644
### Event 54239 (74BD82AE)
**Date:** 3/5/2013
**Location:** Słocina neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. A witness in the Słocina neighborhood of Rzeszów, Poland, lets her cat outside, but it panics. She looks up and sees strange lights about a quarter of a mile away. She looks through binoculars and sees that the lights are attached to an object with a cupola hovering about 650 feet above some houses in the area. It flies away to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 157
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7645
### Event 54240 (EE896FBF)
**Date:** 3/19/2013
**End date:** 3/20/2013
**Locations:** Warkworth, New Zealand; rural section of Warkworth, New Zealand
**Description:** In the early hours of March 19, a couple living in a rural section of Warkworth, New Zealand, see a blue flash and hear a loud explosion that causes the building to shake. The next morning they find their telephone service is out and their fax machine’s circuitry is melted. Around midnight on March 20, the woman is watching TV while her husband has gone to bed. She hears a loud sound like jet engines thrusting and goes outside to see a large, black isosceles triangle about 800 feet away and 600 feet in the air, slowly rising among the treetops. It drifts sideways and gradually turns or pivots. The underside of the craft is flat and smooth, a pale pearly metallic color. It has three reddish-orange rings with black centers, one at each point of the triangle, which resemble hot glowing metal rather than actual lights. In the center of the underside is a white strobe light, rotating with a circular movement and casting an intermittent short beam of light. She watches it for 20 seconds as it moves above the house, tilts its nose upwards, and rises more quietly up the ridge-line behind the house, briefly pausing near a transmitter mast positioned on the top of the hill. From there it gains altitude rapidly and suddenly shoots away at phenomenal speed and disappears within seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Suzy Hansen, “[Sightings of a ‘Black Triangle’](https://ufocusnz.org.nz/2020/07/23/sightings-of-black-triangle-aircraft-2013/) [\(Air\)craft, 2013,](https://ufocusnz.org.nz/2020/07/23/sightings-of-black-triangle-aircraft-2013/)” Ufocus.nz, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7646
### Event 54241 (3C307F7A)
**Date:** 3/31/2013
**Locations:** Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland; Chojnów
**Description:** Twilight. A young couple watches a triangular formation of lights hovering above a forest near Biała, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland. It looks to be about 400 feet wide. After a change in position it moves off in the direction of Chojnów to the south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 95–96
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7647
### Event 54242 (162062EF)
**Date:** 4/18/2013
**Location:** National Archives in Brasilia
**Description:** Members of the Brazilian Ufologists Commission meet with representatives of the Brazilian armed forces at the Ministry of Defense to discuss gaining access to military documents involving UFOs. Attendees determine that Navy, Army, and Air Force documents related to UFOs are to be made public, as established by the law on access to information. More than 10,000 pages of previously confidential documents are released to the public and are available at the National Archives in Brasilia and online.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Alejandro Rojas, “[UFO Researchers Meet with](http://www.openminds.tv/ufo-researchers-meet-with-brazilian-ministry-of-defense-990/20445) [Brazilian Ministry of Defense,](http://www.openminds.tv/ufo-researchers-meet-with-brazilian-ministry-of-defense-990/20445)” OpenMinds, April 26, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7648
### Event 54243 (7EC5EDC1)
**Date:** 4/25/2013
**Locations:** Rafael Hernández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico; Atlantic Ocean; northwestern Puerto Rico
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. An unknown object flying at a low altitude passes directly above the Rafael Hernández Airport runway in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, causing the delayed departure of a commercial aircraft. No transponder signal or other communication from the object alerts the airport tower, creating a dangerous situation with departures and arrivals. The pilots of an airborne US Customs and Border Protection De Havilland Canada Dash 8 turboprop aircraft see a pinkish or reddish light over the ocean in their vicinity, so they film the object on infrared thermal video. The object is 3–5 feet in length and its speed varies from 40 to 120 mph. The 3-minute footage shows the flight of an object that crosses into northwestern Puerto Rico from the Atlantic Ocean, traverses the space over the airport twice, then returns to the Atlantic where it apparently submerges. Its speed through the water reaches a high of 95 mph. Chemist [Robert Powell](https://ufocongress.com/robert-powell-2/) and five other members of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies later obtain the video and subject it to a thorough analysis. Their conclusion in 2018 is that the video is the “best documentation of an unknown aerial and submerged nautical object exhibiting advanced technology” that the authors have seen.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert Powell, et al., “[2013 Aguadilla Puerto Rico UAP: The Detailed Analysis of an](https://www.explorescu.org/post/2013-aguadilla-puerto-rico-uap-incident-report-a-detailed-analysis) [Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Captured by the Department of Homeland Security,](https://www.explorescu.org/post/2013-aguadilla-puerto-rico-uap-incident-report-a-detailed-analysis)” Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies, August 15, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7649
### Event 54244 (D3C6EAAE)
**Date:** 4/29/2013
**End date:** 5/3/2013
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; National Press Club
**Description:** [Stephen Bassett](http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/stephenbassett.html)’s Paradigm Research Group holds a Citizens Hearing on Disclosure at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Forty UFO researchers, along with political and military representatives \([Robert](https://ufology.fandom.com/wiki/Robert%5FSalas) [Salas](https://ufology.fandom.com/wiki/Robert%5FSalas)[,](https://ufology.fandom.com/wiki/Robert%5FSalas) [Paul Hellyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FHellyer)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FHellyer) [Nick Pope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FPope%5F%28journalist%29)\), testify to six former members of the US Congress: [Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolyn%5FCheeks%5FKilpatrick)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolyn%5FCheeks%5FKilpatrick) [Merrill Cook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merrill%5FCook)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merrill%5FCook) [Lynn Woolsey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn%5FWoolsey)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn%5FWoolsey) [Darlene Hooley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darlene%5FHooley)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darlene%5FHooley) [Roscoe Bartlett](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FBartlett)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FBartlett) and [Mike Gravel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike%5FGravel)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike%5FGravel) The witnesses speak for 30 hours over five days. The panel reaches the conclusion that the US government and other governments need to share what is known about UFO sightings and the United Nations should take the subject of UFOs seriously.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard B. Muhammad, “[What Is the Truth about UFOs?](http://www.finalcall.com/artman/publish/National%5FNews%5F2/article%5F9830.shtml)” The Final Call, May 7, 2013; “[Citizen Hearing on](https://www.the-unidentified.net/citizen-hearing-on-disclosure-2013/) [Disclosure \(2013\),](https://www.the-unidentified.net/citizen-hearing-on-disclosure-2013/)” The Unidentified, May 27, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7650
### Event 54245 (FDE89046)
**Date:** 6/2013
**Description:** Researcher [David Marler](https://davidmarlerufo.com/bio) publishes Triangular UFOs, an evaluation of hundreds of reports of delta-shaped UFOs seen worldwide. Marler assesses whether these represent an extraterrestrial UFO visitation or a secret project developed by one or more governments.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David Marler, Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation, Richard Dolan Press, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7651
### Event 54246 (1F81D955)
**Date:** 6/2013
**Description:** Stealth aircraft researcher Joseph Jones claims **Project Brilliant Buzzard** was a codename used for airborne surveillance and tracking during the SDI program of the 1980s; he claims it dealt with the concept of setting up an electromagnetic shield around the US using a large boomerang shaped craft that could loiter over US cities. Jones states the primary contractor was Boeing and JP Aerospace was a subcontractor, and that DARPA issued a contract to an unknown contractor to develop SEAGEL, a material 95% lighter than styrofoam used as the primary building material for triangular/boomerang shaped craft.
* [https://futuretheater.com/assets/pdf/star-shield.pdf](https://futuretheater.com/assets/pdf/star-shield.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_475
### Event 54247 (07C3DFC6)
**Date:** 6/1/2013
**Description:** At about 10:05 p.m. on Saturday evening a women and her 3-year-old child had just pulled out of a convenience store on U.S. Route 30 in North Huntindon Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and turned left toward Greensburg. As she drove along she noticed a large object hovering over the highway. She said out loud, "What in the world is that?" Her youngster in the backseat responded, "Look mommy, a flying iPad in the sky!" She looked around and noticed there were no other cars on the road. She was quite concerned and stopped, about 150 feet away from the hovering craft. The object was completely silent and hovered approximately 60 feet above the roadway. She described it as looking "mostly rectangular...like the gondola of a blimp without the blimp." It extended over the east and westbound lanes, and was estimated to be about 55 feet long, and 35-40 feet tall.
The witness described the object as two-tiered. The top section had five sets of green lights. There were three individual lights in each set, and the five sets were all evenly spaced and not blinking. The green color was brighter than the green of a traffic light. The bottom section was smaller; it contained two long solid red lights ther were placed side by side. These lights were steady and gave the impression of looking like brake lights, but they were huge. The woman called her mother on her bluetooth cell phone. She asked her mother if she had any explanation of what she was looking at, but as she drove under it the digital dashboard display, her cell phone signal, and her FM radio all blacked out. The witness attempted to take a photo with her iPhone, but the camera function wouldn't load.
She accelerated down the highway to get away from the object. About half a mile away she looked back and could no longer see the object. The digital displays all returned to normal, her radio came back on, and she was able to make cell phone contact again with her mother as she approached the Adamsburg exit. When she got home she discussed what had happened with her family, and they urged her to draw a sketch of the object while the even was still fresh in her memory.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert Rosales, Humanoid and other strange encounters Facebook group, citing Stan Gordon, Stan Gordon's UFO Anomalies Zone
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3216
### Event 54248 (FFAE5DE5)
**Date:** 6/5/2013
**Location:** Verizon subscribers
**Description:** Based on material supplied to them by former National Security Agency contractor [Edward Snowden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FSnowden), The Guardian exposes a top-secret court order showing that the NSA has collected phone records from over 120 million Verizon subscribers. Under the order, the numbers of both parties on a call, as well as the location data, unique identifiers, time of call, and duration of call are handed over to the FBI, which turns over the records to the NSA.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Global surveillance disclosures \(2013–present\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global%5Fsurveillance%5Fdisclosures%5F%282013%E2%80%93present%29)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7652
### Event 54249 (B1A41723)
**Date:** 6/6/2013
**Location:** The Guardian
**Description:** The Guardian and the Washington Post reveal the existence of the PRISM surveillance program \(which collects the emails, voice, text, and video messages of foreigners and an unknown number of Americans from Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple, and other tech giants\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[PRISM \(surveillance program\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM%5F%28surveillance%5Fprogram%29)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7653
### Event 54250 (67A77C99)
**Date:** 6/14/2013
**Locations:** US; Russia; UK
**Description:** US prosecutors charge [Edward Snowden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FSnowden) with espionage and theft of government property, but in late July he is granted temporary asylum by the Russian government. The extent to which the media reports have responsibly informed the public is disputed. In January 2014, President [Obama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack%5FObama) says that “the sensational way in which these disclosures have come out has often shed more heat than light” and critics such as [Sean Wilentz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean%5FWilentz) note that many of the Snowden documents do not concern domestic surveillance. The US and UK Defense establishment weigh the strategic harm in the period following the disclosures more heavily than their civic public benefit. In its first assessment of these disclosures, the Pentagon concludes that Snowden committed the biggest “theft” of US secrets in the history of the United States. Sir [David Omand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FOmand), a former director of GCHQ, described Snowden’s disclosure as the “most catastrophic loss to British intelligence ever.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Global surveillance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global%5Fsurveillance%5Fdisclosures%5F%282013%E2%80%93present%29) [disclosures \(2013–present\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global%5Fsurveillance%5Fdisclosures%5F%282013%E2%80%93present%29)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7654
### Event 54251 (73E9E45E)
**Date:** 6/19/2013
**Location:** Szklarska Poręba, Poland
**Description:** A triangular object with lights in each tip is seen at Szklarska Poręba, Poland.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 98
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7655
### Event 54252 (48BD5C1B)
**Date:** 6/21/2013
**Locations:** UK; National Archives
**Description:** The UK National Archives releases another batch of 209 UFO files, approximately 52,000 pages, covering 2009. The full set of files show that the Ministry of Defence received an average of 150 sightings annually from 2000 to 2007, increasing to 643 in 2009. This is supposed to be the final batch, but more files are discovered later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Britain’s Defense Ministry Releases Its Final UFO Files,](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/06/21/britain-defense-ministry-ufo-files-document-declassified/2445933/)” USA Today, June 21, 2013; UK National Archives, “[Briefing Document: Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf)” 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7656
### Event 54253 (88703CF9)
**Date:** 6/25/2013
**Location:** Area 51
**Description:** The CIA publicly acknowledges the existence of Area 51 for the first time, following a FOIA request filed in 2005, and it declassifies documents detailing its history and purpose.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Area 51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area%5F51)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7657
### Event 54254 (D943113A)
**Date:** 6/27/2013
**Locations:** Virginia Beach, Virginia; Virginia; North Carolina; NAS Oceana
**Description:** 12:20 p.m. An F/A-18F Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 11 \(VFA-11, the “Red Rippers”\), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, has an encounter with an “aircraft \[that\] was white in color and approximately the size and shape of a drone or missile” in the W-72 warning area, a patch of airspace off the coast of Virginia and North Carolina. The jet’s crew visually acquires it as they see it “pass down the right side of their aircraft with approximately 200 feet of lateral separation” while flying at an altitude of 17,000 feet. It is climbing and has a visible exhaust trail. Neither the Super Hornet nor NAS Oceana records a radar track of the object. The Navy tells units to be aware of the potential hazards posed by unauthorized or uncoordinated drone operations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy Pilot Reports from Encounters with](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast) [Mysterious Aircraft off the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7658
### Event 54255 (318D4BBE)
**Date:** 7/15/2013
**Location:** Bellingham, Washington
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. A 60-year-old postal worker and his wife see a rectangular-shaped object maneuver through the sky and come within 100 feet of them in Bellingham, Washington. It executes precise turns that avoid electrical poles, wires, and streetlights. The object’s color changes from a glowing red to a dull gray as it performs a banking turn and comes to a standstill. The color change is not uniform because it begins at the top of the object and moves downward. The object appears about the size of a large SUV, and at its closest approach it is about palm-width in size at arm’s length. The wife sees it as tumbling along its central axis.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Rectangular Object Viewed at](http://www.nicap.org/20130715bellingham%5Fdir.htm) [100ʹ](http://www.nicap.org/20130715bellingham%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7659
### Event 54256 (716707F5)
**Date:** 7/19/2013
**Location:** Reading, Berkshire, England
**Description:** 6:35 p.m. The pilot of a Thomas Cook Airbus A320 cruising at 34,000 feet near Reading, Berkshire, England, sees a silvery metallic object shaped like a rugby ball streak within a few feet of his cockpit on his left-hand side. The UK Airprox Board rules out another aircraft or weather balloon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Phil Davies, “[Thomas Cook Aircraft in](https://travelweekly.co.uk/articles/46748/thomas-cook-aircraft-in-ufo-near-miss) [UFO ‘Near Miss,’](https://travelweekly.co.uk/articles/46748/thomas-cook-aircraft-in-ufo-near-miss)” Travel Weekly, January 24, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7660
### Event 54257 (59CD9841)
**Date:** 8/1/2013
**Locations:** Góra Ossona; Częstochowa, Poland
**Description:** Night. A group of young people at Góra Ossona in Częstochowa, Poland, see a triangular object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 98
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7661
### Event 54258 (8D145991)
**Date:** 8/3/2013
**Locations:** Lubliniec; Łosice; Dobrzykowice
**Description:** 10:30–11:00 p.m. Witnesses in multiple points in Poland report three successive sightings of unidentified triangular objects. A woman in Lubliniec walking her dog sees a giant boomerang floating silently to the west only about 150 feet above her housing estate. It has dim symmetrical lights that are the same intensity as stars and is about 65 feet long. A young couple in Łosice watches a dark, triangular UFO with gray-violet colored lights. An engineer in Dobrzykowice observes a high-altitude, delta-shaped formation of lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 96–97
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7662
### Event 54259 (234BFEFA)
**Date:** 8/6/2013
**Description:** A West Coast man was “freaked out” after coming face to face with a UFO that was parked on the road outside the entrance to Shantytown. Matthew Robert, a mechanic from Rutherglen, New Zealand reported that at 8:45 p.m. he and three other cars were confronted by a night-time visitor on Rutherglen Road, south of Greymouth.
When the car-shaped object suddenly lifted into the sky in a blinding light, he and the other drivers left in such a hurry they left skid marks on the road. "I was changing a CD as I was driving and when I looked up, I saw what looked like a car without its lights on, stopped in the middle of the road outside Shantytown. I slammed on my brakes and my eyes were still trying to focus, when suddenly the thing just lit up and shot into the sky," Mr. Robert said. "When I came to my senses I noticed that there were three other cars that had stopped on the other side of the road as well. It's weird that no one else has come forward because those people obviously would have seen the same thing I did." He reports that immediately following the incident he lost all cellphone reception, his vision was blurry, and his eyes were watery for about an hour afterwards.
Mr. Robert was driving into Greymouth at the time to pick up his partner, Charlotte Rose, from work at the hospital. He arrived there wide-eyed and agitated. Ms. Rose said he was visibly shaken. "I just looked at him and I could tell something bad had happened, he was freaked out and his eyes were watery," Ms Rose said. Mr. Robert hoped the witnesses from the other cars would also come forward and confirm what he saw. One vehicle was a Mitsubishi Chariot, and another a Honda Accord. He did not have a description of the third vehicle. "I know people are going to think that it's crazy, but I know what I saw."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Nikki-Leigh Wilson, Greymouth Star, New Zealand, August 7, 2013
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4756
### Event 54260 (2F372919)
**Date:** 8/14/2013
**Location:** Lublin, Poland
**Description:** Night. An amateur astronomer in Lublin, Poland, is tracking an object in an orbital trajectory. Close-up, it resembles a rocket with a triangular contour, crimson-red color, and yellowish center. A smaller isosceles triangle seems to be embedded in it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 98
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7663
### Event 54261 (DE5F8830)
**Date:** 8/18/2013
**Location:** Tyczyn, Poland
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. A family that owns a dacha in Tyczyn, Poland, watches a wingless object with spear-shaped panels maneuvering slowly and silently above them. It has an apparently rotating blinking light and is making constant turns and ascents.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 101–102
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7664
### Event 54262 (A838C6CB)
**Date:** 8/20/2013
**Locations:** Homer Watson Boulevard; Doon South Drive; Kitchener, Ontario
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Three vehicles pull over on Homer Watson Boulevard just west of Doon South Drive in Kitchener, Ontario, to observe a strange object that is crossing in front of them. The highway lighting makes it easy to see a spherical object 30 feet in diameter move very slowly across the freeway just above the utility poles. The object, only a few hundred feet from the stopped cars, is apparently solid with a glow that illuminates the trees as it passed by. The primary witness exits his car and attempts to take a photo with his cellphone, but its camera functions are dead. He continues to watch the object for another 45 seconds. Once the object leaves, the cellphone operates properly again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[E-M Effects from Sphere near Highway](http://www.nicap.org/20130820canada%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7665
### Event 54263 (92E9A0FD)
**Date:** 8/28/2013
**Location:** rural Ontario
**Description:** 9:40 p.m. A three-man hunting party observes a barbell-shaped object within 400 feet of their camp in rural Ontario. The object interferes with the operation of their Motorola radio, a cellphone, and a Sony Cybershot video camera. The object is in view for about 5 minutes. The primary witness owns a company that receives Department of Defense contracts and puts together a 17-page report and a video on the sighting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7666
### Event 54264 (BA083F47)
**Date:** 9/9/2013
**Locations:** Sokółka, Poland; Franciszka Hynka street, Warsaw, Poland
**Description:** Two witnesses in Sokółka, Poland, see a gigantic triangular UFO flying by in a few seconds. \(Poland 98\) September 12 — Night. A delta-shaped UFO is seen above Franciszka Hynka street, Warsaw, Poland.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 98
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7667
### Event 54265 (371AE2C1)
**Date:** 10/2013
**Location:** Peru
**Description:** Peru reopens its Departamento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos \(DIFFA\), which had closed in 2008, as a result of “increased sightings of anomalous aerial phenomena” in the country’s skies. DIFAA will bring together sociologists, archaeologists, astronomers, meteorologists, and Air Force personnel to analyze these events.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Peru Reopens UFO Investigation Office,](https://www.homelandsecuritynewswire.com/dr20131028-peru-reopens-ufo-investigation-office)” Homeland Security News Wire, October 28, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7668
### Event 54266 (9A541E3A)
**Date:** 10/1/2013
**Description:** The first-generation Air Force Satellite Surveillance System ceases operation. The main advantage of the system was its ability to provide uncued data on new objects as opposed to tracking objects based on existing information. However, the system was also said to be inherently inaccurate due to its dated design.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Air Force Space Surveillance System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air%5FForce%5FSpace%5FSurveillance%5FSystem\#2013%5FShutdown)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7669
### Event 54267 (0772CC27)
**Date:** 10/6/2013
**Locations:** Highway 40; Rabbit Ears Pass, Colorado
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A father and daughter are traveling west on Highway 40 through Rabbit Ears Pass, Colorado, when the father notices two white lights in the distance. The dimmer of the two begins to descend erratically. It seems to wave back and forth, rather than just move straight down, as it disappears behind a stand of tall pine trees. Then the brighter light begins to grow as it approaches quickly. He tells his daughter to look up, and she immediately sees the object as it speeds toward them. The white light develops a red border that transitions into a solid red light. A very short bright green line also appears just below and to the immediate left of the solid red light. The object then slows and swerves to the north. When the object is positioned just to the left and in front of them, it drops in elevation and begins to pass slowly overhead. The father sees that the short green line is actually a long, flat, bright, rectangular strip. Both note how crisp and clear the green box angles are and how there is no glow, given the brightness of the green light. The father, who had previously worked with low-powered lasers, identifies the green color as exactly 532nm. They cannot see any reflections on the body or wings. The object slows almost to a hover as it passes above them. Once the object passes out of view to the rear, they are unable to see it again out the back window or in the rearview mirrors. They do not want to stop and get a better look. The father comments that he has never seen a solid object emit such a bright green light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Solid Object Emits](http://www.nicap.org/20131006colorado%5Fdir.htm) [Bright Green Light](http://www.nicap.org/20131006colorado%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7670
### Event 54268 (A19527EE)
**Date:** 10/13/2013
**Location:** Pabianice, Poland
**Description:** 12:05 a.m. A Mr. Mateusz notices a large boomerang-shaped object with yellow lights flying above Pabianice, Poland, from northeast to west. It is surrounded by a hazy mist or glow, making it seem semi- transparent.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 97
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7671
### Event 54269 (766D4CF1)
**Date:** 11/1/2013
**Description:** Media outlets report that Skunk Works has been working on an unmanned reconnaissance airplane it has named SR-72, which can fly twice as fast as the SR-71 at Mach 6. However, USAF is officially pursuing the Northrop Grumman RQ-180 UAV to take up the SR-71’s strategic surveillance role.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FSR-71%5FBlackbird) [SR-71 Blackbird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FSR-71%5FBlackbird)”; Guy Norris, “Exclusive: Skunk Works Reveals SR-71 Successor Plan,” Aviation Week, November 1, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7672
### Event 54270 (21EA095F)
**Date:** 11/1/2013
**Description:** Ret. USMC Cpt. Bill Uhouse states he worked at Wright-Patterson AFB doing flight testing of exotic experimental aircraft. Over the next 30 years, Uhouse claims he worked for defense contractors as a pilot in a “flying disc simulator” and in actual flying discs. Uhouse states in 1962-63 the simulator became operational and was based on a recovered disc landing from Kingman, AZ from 1952-53. Uhouse states the craft was “presented” to the USG.
Uhouse states the craft was taken to Area 51 early in its construction and four “alien” occupants went to Los Alamos upon delivery of the craft to A51. He also states the ET assisted human physicists and engineers in reverse engineering efforts.
* [https://youtu.be/VxA-Y4enohQ](https://youtu.be/VxA-Y4enohQ)
* [https://medium.com/@richgel99/william-bill-g-uhouses-marine-corps-service-verified-53890a291fac](https://medium.com/@richgel99/william-bill-g-uhouses-marine-corps-service-verified-53890a291fac) (rg - Uhouse's mil background verified)
>**_Note_**: Uhouse states he had direct knowledge of the flying disc simulator having worked on it at WPAFB, but the story of the alien occupants at Los Alamos was told to him.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_476
### Event 54271 (5F4CC353)
**Date:** 11/1/2013
**Description:** Anonymous “A.H.” claims to have been a former Boeing Aerospace engineer with contacts at the NSA, ONI, NRO, USAF and Northrop Grumman. He claims Gen. Curtis LeMay told him there was a UAP crash at Roswell, NM, and an NSA source told him Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan were aware of the UAP cover-up. He also claims a friend of his at Boeing was involved in a UAP crash recovery and saw ET bodies.
A.H. also claims an underground base is maintained for testing ET technology in Utah reachable only by air, along with locations in Enzo, CA, Lancaster, CA, Edwards AFB, March AFB and Eglin AFB. He claims “35% to 40%” of UAP work was moved from Area 51 to Utah.
* [https://youtu.be/JW6cJuKDUsU](https://youtu.be/JW6cJuKDUsU)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_477
### Event 54272 (E59D1989)
**Date:** 11/8/2013
**Locations:** Ring Road around Bucharest, Romania; Autostrada Soarelui
**Description:** 4:36 p.m. Two witnesses are driving on the Ring Road around Bucharest, Romania, near the exit for the Autostrada Soarelui. They see a light-brown cylinder-shaped object rotating on its axis and hovering silently above some high-voltage power lines. They watch it for 10 minutes until it disappears suddenly without moving.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 83–84
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7673
### Event 54273 (48A2C237)
**Date:** 11/18/2013
**Locations:** Virginia Beach, Virginia; Naval Air Station Oceana; Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes
**Description:** 12:55 p.m. An F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 143 \(VFA-143, the “Pukin Dogs”\), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, spots an object in the W-72 warning zone via radar off its nose at around 12,000 feet and a speed of approximately 0.1 Mach. “The aircraft had an approximately 5-foot wingspan and was colored white with no other distinguishable features,” according to the pilot, who is able to visually acquire the object and track it for one hour. The Navy concludes that this object is an unmanned aerial system \(UAS\), but that Commander, Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic and Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes \(FASCFAC VACAPES\), the latter of which is also identified here by its callsign “Giant Killer,” is not able to ascertain the operator. A Navy vessel is in the area traveling south, but the Navy is unable to identify it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy Pilot Reports from](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast) [Encounters with Mysterious Aircraft off the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7674
### Event 54274 (10FD1218)
**Date:** 11/18/2013
**Description:** Linda Woodford, an accountant for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) states every month for 15 years she was told by her superiors to insert false numbers to make Navy budge figures match Treasury figures known as “unsubstantiated change actions.” Woodford and a colleague Jeff Yokel blew the whistle on this and said supervisors were required to approve every “plug,” often thousands a month. There was $538 billion in “plugs” for the 2009 alone for the Air Force, they state.
* [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pentagon-waste-specialreport/special-report-the-pentagons-doctored-ledgers-conceal-epic-waste-idUSBRE9AH0LQ20131118](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pentagon-waste-specialreport/special-report-the-pentagons-doctored-ledgers-conceal-epic-waste-idUSBRE9AH0LQ20131118)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_478
### Event 54275 (5CE80E12)
**Date:** 11/19/2013
**Location:** Adel, Georgia
**Description:** 6:20 p.m. Two witnesses, each with 30+ years experience as Army and Air Force aircraft maintenance technicians, see a huge triangular UFO that flies from north to south about 500 feet above them near Adel, Georgia. The surface of the object is not clear and has a rippling effect like “a heat mirage down the road on a hot summer’s day.” There are no anti-collision lights required for all aircraft. The object has a wingspan larger than a C-5A cargo plane and flies slowly at 12–17 mph with absolutely no noise. The rear of the object displays a row of white pulsing lights that are set back or surrounded by a shroud. As the object moves further away, a small drone- like object is seen flying alongside on the left. Soon it banks to the southeast, allowing them to see clearly its triangular shape.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Triangular UFO Observed by Experienced Military Men](http://www.nicap.org/20131119valdosta%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7675
### Event 54276 (C8D3641A)
**Date:** 12/18/2013
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. Another Super Hornet pilot from VFA-143 encounters a white object visually and on radar in the W-72 warning zone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy Pilot Reports from](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast) [Encounters with Mysterious Aircraft off the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7676
### Event 54277 (B5B80BB9)
**Date:** 12/24/2013
**Description:** Ret. Army Lt. Col. Thomas Bearden claims to have seen experiments where energy extraction from the quantum vacuum “was possible.” But modern electrodynamic theory doesn’t allow for this to happen.
Bearden states he and others have built electromechanical devices that demonstrate that technology and says “certain powers” would rather keep ZPE/quantum vacuum technology privately known instead of in the public.
* [https://youtu.be/eNU3MLqyzPk](https://youtu.be/eNU3MLqyzPk)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_479
## Year: 2014, 26 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54278 (45F2E967)
**Date:** 2014
**Description:** In 2014, the DOD declassifies a lengthy file on **Project Pandora** and **Project Bizarre**, a program focused on the Cold War secrets of USSR and if microwaves can affect the mind and body to dangerous, harmful degrees. In the files of the program said to end in 1979 is the alleged “Eisenhower Briefing Document,” which claims a secretive “MJ-12” controlled UAP crash recoveries and reverse engineered them. The CIA/ARPA version of the document has written notes stating “cannot be authenticated.”
* [https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/intelligence-russia-programs/2022-09-13/moscow-signals-declassified-microwave](https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/intelligence-russia-programs/2022-09-13/moscow-signals-declassified-microwave)
* [http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2019/12/cold-war-embassy-games.html](http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2019/12/cold-war-embassy-games.html)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20140728030142/https://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/operation_and_plans/Exercises_and_Projects/175.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20140728030142/https://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/operation_and_plans/Exercises_and_Projects/175.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_480
### Event 54279 (D25ED8B1)
**Date:** 2/2014
**Locations:** Kansas; Texas
**Description:** Day. An aircraft matching the black triangle description is photographed multiple times over Kansas and Texas. Amateur photographer Jeff Templin snaps pictures of a triangular aircraft while photographing wildlife in Kansas.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Texas Mystery Aircraft Also Photographed over Kansas,](https://deepbluehorizon.blogspot.com/2014/04/texas-mystery-aircraft-also.html)” Deep Blue Horizon, April 17, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7677
### Event 54280 (A72C8CF8)
**Date:** 2/24/2014
**Locations:** US; UK
**Description:** US journalist [Glenn Greenwald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn%5FGreenwald) publishes information in The Intercept about a slideshow document, The Art of Deception, released by [Edward Snowden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FSnowden) and issued by the UK’s formerly secret Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group concerning “online covert operations.” The slideshow, probably dating to spring 2012, was shared with the US National Security Agency and other intelligence partners and reveals existing techniques to manipulate public opinion and online discourse. The document even includes three UFO photos as illustrations of these techniques. Greenwald writes: “These GCHQ \[Government Communications Headquarters\] documents are the first to prove that a major western government is using some of the most controversial techniques to disseminate deception online and harm the reputations of targets. Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls ‘false flag operations’ and emails to people’s families and friends. Who would possibly trust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no oversight, and outside of any cognizable legal framework?”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint%5FThreat%5FResearch%5FIntelligence%5FGroup)”; Glenn Greenwald, “[How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations,](https://theintercept.com/2014/02/24/jtrig-manipulation/)” The Intercept, February 24, 2014; “[The Art of Deception: Training for a New Generation of Online Covert Operations,](https://theintercept.com/document/2014/02/24/art-deception-training-new-generation-online-covert-operations/)” The Intercept, February 24, 2014; Mark Pilkington, “Tricksters, Saucers, and Cyber Magicians,” Fortean Times 313 \(May 2014\): 6–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7678
### Event 54281 (D22900DB)
**Date:** 3/2014
**Description:** The US Navy’s **In-House Laboratory Independent Research Program** mentions in a public budget document it has been researching the use of metamaterials to disperse and control electromagnetic waves in the microwave (RF) spectrum. Budget documents show DOD supercomputer resources were used and polyurea silicate composites were analyzed. One application of this is for aerospace mass reduction (see April 2017). In 2017 the Navy combined this program with others and it is difficult to track if the metamaterial research continues today.
* [https://www.thedrive.com/content-b/message-editor%2F1571979660331-navymetamaterialsihlir2015.jpg?auto=webp&optimize=high&quality=70&width=1920](https://www.thedrive.com/content-b/message-editor%2F1571979660331-navymetamaterialsihlir2015.jpg?auto=webp&optimize=high&quality=70&width=1920)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_481
### Event 54282 (1A33FA12)
**Date:** 3/10/2014
**Location:** Amarillo, Texas
**Description:** Day. Steve Douglass and Dean Muskett photograph a triangular aircraft giving off a long contrail over Amarillo, Texas.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Sweetman, “Mystery Aircraft over Texas,” Aviation Week, March 28, 2014; “[‘Mystery](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/texas/article/Mystery-aircraft-over-Texas-draws-speculation-5357331.php) [Aircraft’ over Texas Draws Speculation of Real Spy Plane,](https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/texas/article/Mystery-aircraft-over-Texas-draws-speculation-5357331.php)” Houston Chronicle, March 28, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7679
### Event 54283 (4A702A6B)
**Date:** 3/26/2014
**Location:** Virginia Beach, Virginia
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. An F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 106 \(VFA-106, the “Gladiators”\), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, detects a possible radar track at around 19,000 feet and with a speed of 0.1 Mach in the W-72 warning area. The pilot’s wingman does not have the object on radar and there is a debate about whether it might be a false track given high winds that are gusting at over 100 knots at 18,000 feet. “The unknown aircraft appeared to be small in size, approximately the size of a suitcase, and silver in color,” according to the report. The pilot is only able to pass within 1,000 feet of it and cannot identify it. After that pass, they lose sight of it and never regain visual contact. “I feel it may only be a matter of time before one of our F/A-18 aircraft has a mid-air collision with an unidentified UAS \[unmanned aerial system\],” the head of VFA-106 comments. The report also says that “FACSFAC VACAPES has received multiple UAS sightings in the recent months,” but does not say how many of those sightings resulted in sending in hazard reports. The jets’ radar has been upgraded, allowing them to zero in on unidentified targets with infrared targeting cameras.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy Pilot Reports from Encounters with Mysterious Aircraft off](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast) [the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020; Bill Whitaker, “[UFOs Regularly Spotted in US](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-military-intelligence-60-minutes-2021-08-29/) [Airspace,](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-military-intelligence-60-minutes-2021-08-29/)” CBS News, August 29, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7680
### Event 54284 (05C90AFC)
**Date:** 4/5/2014
**Description:** Steven Greer states at Pahute Mesa there is $40 billion in currencies in a “vault” to support a rogue group that is self-funded through the drug trade; it also fraudulently obtains federal funding through cover contracts to work on UAP.
* [https://youtu.be/EnAkT0yzl3c?t=49](https://youtu.be/EnAkT0yzl3c?t=49)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_482
### Event 54285 (24669BE7)
**Date:** 4/23/2014
**Location:** Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia
**Description:** 10:51 p.m. Another F/A-18F Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 11 \(VFA-11, the “Red Rippers”\) has an encounter with multiple “unidentified aerial devices” while flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and operating in the W-72 warning area. The crew initially detects two UADs on radar, one at 12,000 feet and another at 15,000 feet, both apparently stationary or near-stationary. They then confirm both of these objects using the jet’s Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared \(ATFLIR\) system. While investigating the first pair of UADs, another two appeared to pass through the ATFLIR field of vision at high speed. The two moving objects do not appear on the aircraft’s radar.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy Pilot Reports from Encounters with Mysterious Aircraft off the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7681
### Event 54286 (0361A6A9)
**Date:** 4/24/2014
**Locations:** Virginia Beach, Virginia; Naval Air Station Oceana
**Description:** 12:47 p.m. Two more F/A-18Fs make radar contact with another UAD in the W-72 warning area while conducting Basic Fighter Maneuvering out of Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Both aircraft are able to maintain a radar track with the object, which is stationary or near-stationary at 11,000 feet. The aircraft are also able to lock onto the object with CATM-9Xs, a captive-carry training version of the AIM-9X Sidewinder missile. However, in this instance, neither one makes visual contact.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy Pilot Reports from Encounters with Mysterious Aircraft off the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7682
### Event 54287 (D5282757)
**Date:** 4/27/2014
**Locations:** NAS Oceana; Virginia Beach, Virginia
**Description:** The crew of a F/A-18F from Strike Fighter Squadron 11 \(VFA-11\), flying out of NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and operating in the W-72 warning area, encounters an unknown aerial device. This report is the most spartan in its details of the three, but it describes a “near mid-air collision with balloon-like object.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy Pilot Reports from Encounters with Mysterious Aircraft off](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast) [the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7683
### Event 54288 (44670695)
**Date:** 6/13/2014
**Locations:** Manchester Airport; Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
**Description:** 2:36 p.m. The pilot and first officer of an Airbus 320 flying at just under 3,500 feet and headed into Manchester Airport observe a man-like object that passes them to the northeast over Macclesfield, Cheshire, England. They estimate it is about 200–300 feet above their altitude and only a few hundred yards distant. They cannot see any parachute or paraglider apparatus. Air traffic control confirms there are no other radar targets in the area. The object is in sight for only 3–4 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Superman vs. Airbus,” Fortean Times 323 \(February 2015\): 30–31
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7684
### Event 54289 (5E1C4FCC)
**Date:** 6/22/2014
**Description:** Alleged Vietnam-era intelligence analyst Harry Howard claims he briefed Gen. George S. Brown and that some “enemy helicopters” described on intelligence reports of the era were actually UAP. Howard alleges some black triangles are funded by USG/USG contractor black budget funds, lost money, cost overruns and SDI money; he claims the craft manipulate gravity. No evidence of his claims are given.
* [http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2014/06/black-triangles-cornerstone-of-usa.html](http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/2014/06/black-triangles-cornerstone-of-usa.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_483
### Event 54290 (D33A1042)
**Date:** 7/31/2014
**Location:** Providencia
**Description:** Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez, director of Chile’s official UFO agency, Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos, convenes a three-hour meeting at the offices of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation \(DGAC\) in Providencia of 19 experts from a wide range of disciplines to discuss whether UFOs pose a threat to aerial safety. Among those present are astronomers, psychologists, meteorologists, physicists, and representatives of the armed forces. All seem to accept the premise that UFOs, whatever they are, exist and are worthy of investigation. The DGAC chief of operations says that because many witnesses believe UFOs demonstrate intelligent behavior, it is the government’s duty to look for the intention behind that intelligence. However, the group concludes that, despite some accidents attributed to UFOs around the world, they “do not present a threat or a danger to air operations.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Leslie Kean, “[Chile Declares UFOs Pose No Threat to Aircraft,](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/chile-declares-ufos-pose-%5Fb%5F5670136)” HuffPost, August 12, 2014; “[Capitulo 55 DGAC TV,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BHrr1-IG-g)” DGAC TV Institucional YouTube channel, August 7, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7685
### Event 54291 (E313761E)
**Date:** 8/2014
**Description:** Lockheed Martin scientist Boyd Bushman claims before he dies that he worked on UAP technology projects, including that the UAP craft contained three key elements: telluride, germanium and palladium. Bushman claims some debris and materials were recovered from crash recoveries in New Mexico.
* [https://youtu.be/nd_ZXgObNNg](https://youtu.be/nd_ZXgObNNg)
>**_Note_**: Bismuth telluride and lead telluride have thermoelectric properties, and cadmium telluride has photovoltaic properties. Pure germanium is a semiconductor and the first metallic material (discovered in 2005) to become a superconductor in the presence of an EM field was an alloy of germanium, uranium and rhodium. Palladium is used as a key material in capacitors. The materials Bushman suggests were included in the UAP could be used to create a thermoelectrical/photovoltaic generator with a semiconductor and capacitor.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_484
### Event 54292 (0A180F79)
**Date:** 8/18/2014
**Description:** NASA physicist Bob Oechsler believes Navy EMP experiments may be connected to UAP crash retrievals and a Navy reverse engineering program. He states EMP was used in Gulf Breeze to recover “quite a number of craft” that were taken to Pensacola Naval Air Station. **EMPRESS** and **EMPRESS II** were EMP generators on barges.
* [https://youtu.be/er0BcRQShIY?t=1370](https://youtu.be/er0BcRQShIY?t=1370)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_485
### Event 54293 (5CB3369C)
**Date:** 9/29/2014
**Location:** Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas
**Description:** The Air Force Intelligence agency is restructured as the Twenty-Fifth Air Force and aligns the 9th Reconnaissance Wing and the 55th Wing under the new numbered air force. Its primary mission is to provide intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance \(ISR\) products, applications, capabilities, and resources to include cyber and geospatial forces and expertise. Additionally, it is the service cryptologic component \(SCC\) responsible to the National Security Agency and Central Security Service for Air Force cryptographic activities. It is headquartered at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, Texas.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Twenty-Fifth Air Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-Fifth%5FAir%5FForce)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7686
### Event 54294 (B3F2FE78)
**Date:** 10/5/2014
**End date:** 10/20/2014
**Locations:** Creys-Malville; Ain; Blaye, Gironde; Moselle; Ardennes; Nord; Aube
**Description:** Unidentified drones are observed over seven nuclear plants in France. Interior Minister [Bernard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard%5FCazeneuve) [Cazeneuve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard%5FCazeneuve) tells France Info radio that a judicial investigation is underway. The tiny, unmanned craft appear late in the evening, at night, or early in the morning. The nuclear plants are the Superphénix in Creys-Malville \(closed in 1997\); the Bugey Nuclear Power Plant, Ain; Blayais Nuclear Power Plant near Blaye, Gironde; the Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant, Moselle; the Chooz Nuclear Power Plant, Ardennes; the Gravelines Nuclear Power Station, Nord; and the Nogent Nuclear Power Plant, Aube.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Drones Spotted over Seven French Nuclear Sites, Says](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/oct/30/drones-spotted-over-seven-french-nuclear-sites-says-edf) [EDF,](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/oct/30/drones-spotted-over-seven-french-nuclear-sites-says-edf)” The Guardian \(UK\), October 30, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7687
### Event 54295 (258C1081)
**Date:** 10/16/2014
**Locations:** Kanholmsfjärden in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden; Kaliningrad, Russia; Korsö, Finland; Sandön, Finland
**Description:** The Swedish military reportedly intercepts a radio transmission in Russian on an emergency frequency, sparking a massive search for a Russian submarine thought to be stricken in Swedish waters, the largest Swedish mobilization since the Cold War. Further encrypted radio traffic from Kanholmsfjärden in the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden, and in Kaliningrad, Russia \(home to the Russian Baltic fleet\), is intercepted the next day. The search involves stealth ships, minesweepers, and helicopters, as well as hundreds of sailors, pilots, and divers. On the island of Korsö, Finland, a mysterious man dressed in black with a backpack is seen wading to shore and is later photographed wading off the nearby island of Sandön, Finland. \(It later turns out that the man is a Stockholm pensioner named Ove who is doing some trout fishing.\) At a press conference later in the month, the Swedish navy shows a photograph of an unidentified foreign vessel \(although it later turns out to be a Swedish ship\). A Russian defense ministry spokesman announces that there have been no emergency situations involving Russian military vessels.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Swedish submarine incidents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish%5Fsubmarine%5Fincidents\#After%5Fthe%5Fcold%5Fwar)”; “Baltic Sub Mystery,” Fortean Times 322 \(January 2015\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7688
### Event 54296 (94D40D04)
**Date:** 10/20/2014
**Location:** Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka
**Description:** Strands of cobweb-like “angel hair” fibers fall from the sky in Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Cobwebs Like Particles Floating in Polonnaruwa Skies,” Gossip Lanka News, October 21, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7689
### Event 54297 (58DFC335)
**Date:** 10/21/2014
**Description:** Swedish military commander Gen. [Sverker Göranson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sverker%5FG%C3%B6ranson) announces that he aims to force the unidentified submarine object to the surface with depth charges if necessary. He reveals there have been visual observations twice on October 17 and once on October 19.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Baltic Sub Mystery,” Fortean Times 322 \(January 2015\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7690
### Event 54298 (92FE7335)
**Date:** 10/24/2014
**Locations:** Sweden; Russia; Netherlands
**Description:** Sweden calls off its search for the mysterious Russian sub. Russia asserts that the vessel was a Dutch submarine, a claim rejected by the Netherlands. The public has reported 250 sightings, five of which the navy takes seriously. Rear Admiral [Anders Grenstad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders%5FGrenstad) says the object could not have been a conventional submarine but a “craft of a lesser type.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Swedes Call off Search for Mystery Submarine,](https://news.usni.org/2014/10/24/swedes-call-search-mystery-submarine)” USNI News, October 24, 2014; “Baltic Sub Mystery,” Fortean Times 322 \(January 2015\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7691
### Event 54299 (4FDBD0C0)
**Date:** 10/25/2014
**Location:** Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho, Portugal
**Description:** Afternoon. Miguel Monteiro is walking in the parish of Alverca do Ribatejo e Sobralinho, Portugal, when he sees white, cottony flakes or fibrous strands falling from the sky and sticking to electrical wires. They feel somewhat like cobwebs but are whiter and thicker. Monteiro takes some home and stores them in liquid nitrogen. He claims that under ultraviolet light the fibers wiggle “as if alive.” Another witness says the strands fell two weekends in a row.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mysterious Rain of ‘Alien Angel Hair’ Falls from Sky in Portugal,](https://metro.co.uk/2014/11/26/mysterious-rain-of-alien-angel-hair-falls-from-sky-in-portugal-4963479/)” Metro \(UK\), November 26, 2014; “[Strands of White ‘Angel Hair’ Rained from Sky—Which Wriggle under UV Light,](https://metro.co.uk/2014/12/17/strands-of-white-angel-hair-rained-from-sky-and-wriggle-under-uv-light-4991315/)” Metro \(UK\), December 17, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7692
### Event 54300 (C0732773)
**Date:** 10/31/2014
**Locations:** Lidingö; Stockholm; Sweden
**Description:** Retired Swedish naval officer Sven Olof Kviman snaps a picture of what looks like a 65–98-foot long, black submarine in waters just outside Lidingö in Stockholm, Sweden. The incident remains unconfirmed but has been classed by the military as a “potential” submarine.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Up to Four Subs Feared in Stockholm Waters,](https://www.thelocal.se/20150124/four-submarines/)” The Local \(Sweden\), January 24, 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7693
### Event 54301 (3F48B9E6)
**Date:** 11/11/2014
**Locations:** Santiago, Chile; west of Santiago, Chile
**Description:** 1:52 p.m. A Chilean Navy Airbus Cougar AS-532 helicopter is flying northward west of Santiago, Chile, at an altitude of 4,500 feet and 152 mph. The technician aboard is taking video footage when he notices an object about 40 miles away. He zooms in on it using infrared film. The naval pilot sees it as a “flat, elongated structure with two thermal spotlights like discharges that do not coincide with the axis of motion.” The video shows a dark, disc-shaped object flying above the sea, which “in two instances discharged some type of gas or liquid with a high thermal track or signal.” The official Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos spends two years studying the film, then releases the footage, admitting it cannot ascertain what the object is. CEFAA Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez Sanhueza says: “We do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Conclusive Proof?](https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/751130/Chilean-Navy-UFO-ocean-CEFAA) [Airforce Probe Finds Navy Filmed Real UFO over Ocean,](https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/751130/Chilean-Navy-UFO-ocean-CEFAA)” The Express \(UK\), January 7, 2017; “[Chilean Navy](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.charlotteobserver.com/latest-news/article125658529.html) [Helicopter Pilot Shoots Video of UFO,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.charlotteobserver.com/latest-news/article125658529.html)” Charlotte \(N.C.\) Observer, February 8, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7694
### Event 54302 (E1D97B52)
**Date:** 11/14/2014
**Location:** Swedish Waters
**Description:** Swedish Prime Minister [Stefan Löfven](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan%5FL%C3%B6fven) announces that there is “clear evidence” of a submarine incursion in Swedish waters in October.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Sweden Confirms Submarine Violation,](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/14/sweden-confirms-submarine-violation)” The Guardian \(UK\), November 14, 2014; “Baltic Sub Mystery,” Fortean Times 322 \(January 2015\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7695
### Event 54303 (8D2C8172)
**Date:** 12/2014
**Description:** A documentary is released that interviews aerospace illustrator Mark McCandlish, who claims a friend of his, Bradford Sorensen, saw a man-made disc-shaped craft at Norton Air Force Base in 1988. Brad states the first generation Aurora was also at the airshow in a hangar, and states he accidentally got access to a section of a hangar reserved for a private showing that displayed a “Fluxliner,” aka an Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV). He states there were “three” flying saucers that looked like “something from the 1950s.” Brad gave McCandlish all of the details of what he saw, of which McCandlish made drawings of them. There was a small, medium and large sized ARV that were “hovering” above the floor of the hangar. A three star general presented a film of an ARV “hopping” over a desert scene before taking off vertically quickly; the general also allegedly said the ARVs were capable of light speed or better.
Lt. Col. John Williams also states while at Norton AFB he heard rumors that one facility that was “close hold” that contained one “UFO craft.” Williams states it was a location where people could come to Norton and see the craft. McCandlish also states Hal Puthoff explained to him how zero point energy could be used to propel a craft; it is unknown if Puthoff believed a craft was stored at Norton.
McCandlish also states he was threatened on the phone for talking about the ARV and states he was the subject of an IRS audit. He states much of the technology could be overlooked/exempt from FOIA because it’s held in private industry.
The film also states “free energy” researchers Stefan Marinov in Austria fell out of a window in 1997, cold fusion expert Eugene Mallove died of blunt force trauma in 2004 before a presentation, zero point energy physicist Arie deGeus died in a parked car in 2007 before a trip to secure funding, zero point energy Stardrive patent Mark Tomion died unexpectedly in 2009 after corresponding with McCandlish.
McCandlish was reported to be found dead of suspicious circumstances in 2021.
The filmmaker who created this movie, James Allen, died of heavy metal poisoning three months after the film finished editing.
* [https://youtu.be/afLsRsd5roY](https://youtu.be/afLsRsd5roY)
* [https://gizadeathstar.com/2021/05/the-sad-and-mysterious-death-of-ufologist-mark-mccandlish/](https://gizadeathstar.com/2021/05/the-sad-and-mysterious-death-of-ufologist-mark-mccandlish/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_486
## Year: 2015, 17 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54304 (F7A65DF2)
**Date:** 1/10/2015
**Description:** [John Greenewald Jr.](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/greenewald-john-5909/) puts the Fold3 Blue Book files online into his Black Vault website and makes many of the case files into easily downloadable PDFs. The work is done by a contributor to the ATS website since 2012. Unfortunately, the JPG conversion to PDFs is done incorrectly so that documents with many pages are out of correct order.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), pp. 8–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7696
### Event 54305 (83C9DBE8)
**Date:** 1/27/2015
**Locations:** Ancestry.com; Fold3; Black Vault website
**Description:** Ancestry.com, the owner of Fold3, illegally demands that [Greenewald](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/greenewald-john-5909/) remove his Blue Book collection from the Black Vault website, falsely claiming copyright. They are still unavailable.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7697
### Event 54306 (3F4A33E4)
**Date:** 1/27/2015
**Location:** Vero Beach, Florida
**Description:** 9:10 p.m. Ufologist [Steven M. Greer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FM.%5FGreer) is leading a group of UFO watchers at Vero Beach, Florida, when they spot two UFOs that appear one after another then fade from sight. A video is taken of the event and posted on Greer’s website. Greer claims it is the result of the group’s meditation and “coherent thought” practices, and there are no ships or aircraft in the area at the time. However, journalist [Tom Rogan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%5FRogan) determines that the UFO is a Beechcraft Model 76 Duchess aircraft moving at 85 mph deploying parachute flares.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tom Rogan, “[Did Steven](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/did-steven-greer-fake-a-ufo-with-flares) [Greer Fake a UFO with Flares?](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/did-steven-greer-fake-a-ufo-with-flares)” Washington \(D.C.\) Examiner, July 31, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7698
### Event 54307 (E59EEC2C)
**Date:** 1/30/2015
**Description:** Retired US Navy Petty Officer First Class flight Engineer “Brian” tells ufologist Linda Moulton Howe he saw a large hole to an underground facility 5-10 miles from the geographic South Pole; he states the area was supposed to be a no fly zone but during an emergency medevac, they flew through the area. He also states at a camp near Marie Byrd Land, 10-15 scientists “disappeared for two weeks” on assignment and when they re-appeared “their faces looked scared,” and he claims he saw silver UAP near the Transantarctic Mountain range in 1995-96 while he was flying on assignment. After seeing the hole in the ice, an “intelligence-gathering” type of individual sat his crew down and told them “OK, you guys saw this thing, but you did not see it.”
Eighteen months after sharing his story, “Brian” claims he received an anonymous phone call that told him not to talk about the missing scientists and “certain people” would prefer that he not talk about it. The phone number was not blocked; he searched it after the call and it came up as a number associated with the NSA in Fort Meade, MD, he claims.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2022/04/14/part-1-update-u-s-navy-flight-engineer-saw-silver-discs-and-entrance-to-alleged-e-t-and-human-collaboration-base-in-antarctica/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2022/04/14/part-1-update-u-s-navy-flight-engineer-saw-silver-discs-and-entrance-to-alleged-e-t-and-human-collaboration-base-in-antarctica/)
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2022/04/16/part-2-antarctica-retired-navy-flight-engineer-warned-bynsa-to-stop-talking-about-missing-scientists/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2022/04/16/part-2-antarctica-retired-navy-flight-engineer-warned-bynsa-to-stop-talking-about-missing-scientists/)
>**_Note_**: He provides photos, a service medal certificate and audio testimony that suggests there is medium confidence in his testimony; however the only links to UAP and the potential project occurring in a facility under the ice are speculation by Howe and unnecessary. If anything, wild
>UAP speculation could provide a nice cover for any projects happening in Antarctica, whether or not they’re related to reverse engineered advanced technologies or not.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_487
### Event 54308 (25427B2C)
**Date:** 2/2015?
**Locations:** Jacksonville, Florida; Persian Gulf; Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia
**Description:** Two infrared video recordings, known as the [Go Fast](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUrTsrhVce4) and [GIMBAL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TumprpOwHY) videos, are taken by an F/A-18 Super Hornet from the [USS Theodore Roosevelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FTheodore%5FRoosevelt%5F%28CVN-71%29) off the East coast of the US in the vicinity of Jacksonville, Florida, sometime between January and February 2015. The two videos are reported by the New York Times to have been taken a few weeks apart, with the audio of the pair including voices of military personnel who are questioning what they are observing. The Navy confirms the authenticity of the videos, stating only that they depict what they consider to be “unidentified aerial phenomena.” [Susan Gough](https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-gough-941a9652)[,](https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-gough-941a9652) a Pentagon spokeswoman, confirms that the videos were made by naval aviators and that they are “part of a larger issue of an increased number of training range incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena in recent years.” In April 2020, the two videos are declassified and officially released by the Department of Defense, alongside footage from the 2004 [USS Nimitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FNimitz) incident. Five pilots from the VFA-11 “Red Rippers” fighter squadron report sighting UFOs “almost daily” while training for a deployment to the Persian Gulf. Three of those pilots have chosen to remain anonymous, while two, Lieut. Ryan Graves and Lieut. Danny Accoin, have given interviews and appeared on a History Channel program about UFOs. Radar contacts, infrared detections, and visual sightings by the pilots and weapon systems officers are reported for several months. According to Accoin, the objects have “no distinct wing, no distinct tail, no distinct exhaust plume.” One pilot describes something “like a sphere encasing a cube.” Another source confirms to “The War Zone” that the same description is given by several other pilots and that encounters are commonplace among multiple squadrons including the nearby E-2 Hawkeye squadrons from Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia. Accoin says that “multiple sensors \[are\] reading the exact same thing.” Graves states that the objects are showing up at 30,000 feet as well as sea level and can accelerate, slow down, and hit hypersonic speeds with maneuvers “beyond the physical limits of a human crew.” The pilots also report that the objects persist in the air for long periods of time and might “be out there all day.” When one of the sightings is made, “usually we’d just say, ‘we’re seeing one of those damn things again,’” Graves says. Once, an object almost collides with two jets, prompting the VFA-11 fighter squadron to submit a Notice to Airmen aviation flight safety report. According to the pilots, the squadron has speculated that the sightings could be a classified drone development program, but the near miss angers the pilots and convinces them that this is a safety issue and not a black project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Pentagon UFO videos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon%5FUFO%5Fvideos)”; Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, “‘Wow, What Is That?’ Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects,” New York Times, May 26, 2019; Joseph Trevithick and Tyler Rogoway, “[Carrier Group in Recent UFO Encounters Had New Defense Tech Like](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28305/carrier-group-in-recent-ufo-encounters-had-new-air-defense-tech-just-like-nimitz-in-2004-incident) [Nimitz](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28305/carrier-group-in-recent-ufo-encounters-had-new-air-defense-tech-just-like-nimitz-in-2004-incident) [in 2004 Incident,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28305/carrier-group-in-recent-ufo-encounters-had-new-air-defense-tech-just-like-nimitz-in-2004-incident)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 30, 2019; Clark III 49; “[Unidentified: UFO Testimony from Lt. Ryan Graves \(Season](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNnvcZmfV5k) [1\) / History,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNnvcZmfV5k)” History YouTube channel, September 22, 2019; Jan Tegler and Cat Hofacker, “[Mystery of the](https://aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org/features/mystery-of-the-damn-things/) [‘Damn Things,’](https://aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org/features/mystery-of-the-damn-things/)” Aerospace America, November 2019; “[Pentagon Declassifies Leaked ‘UFO’ Videos \(video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TumprpOwHY) [2/3\),](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TumprpOwHY)” ABC News YouTube channel, April 27, 2020; “[Pentagon Declassifies Navy ‘UFO’ Videos \(video 3/3\),](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUrTsrhVce4)” ABC News YouTube channel, April 27, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7699
### Event 54309 (28296254)
**Date:** 2/20/2015
**Description:** An Oklahoma witness reports to MUFON they see two objects, one diamond shaped and the other donut shaped in Ada, Oklahoma, a location about 100 miles west of Fort Sill. Fort Sill has been associated with triangle UAP sightings in the past as well, and Ada has been mentioned as the site of a “joint alien-military underground facility” in some UFO publications in the early 1990s with no additional details. The nearby Kiowa tribe also mentioned the nearby Mt. Scott as a place that “opened” to escape apocalypse.
* [https://archive.org/details/americanindianmy00marr/page/n185/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/americanindianmy00marr/page/n185/mode/2up)
* [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread690030/pg1](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread690030/pg1)
* [https://www.openminds.tv/oklahoma-witnesses-describe-two-ufos-near-ground-level/32277](https://www.openminds.tv/oklahoma-witnesses-describe-two-ufos-near-ground-level/32277)
* [https://spacelizardreport.wordpress.com/2015/08/28/throwback-thursday-the-lawton-triangle-of-2002/](https://spacelizardreport.wordpress.com/2015/08/28/throwback-thursday-the-lawton-triangle-of-2002/)
* [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_underground18b.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_underground18b.htm)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_488
### Event 54310 (89B7CEA2)
**Date:** 3/1/2015
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Las Vegas Review-Journal Article: “Area 51 worker sees hope in Supreme Court ruling”
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [link](https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/military/area-51-worker-sees-hope-in-supreme-court-ruling/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_819
### Event 54311 (9776FD4F)
**Date:** 3/6/2015
**Description:** Former USG contractor Bob Fish tells Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that the USAF **Defense Support Program (DSP)** collects “hard data” on UAP. Fish states he had lunch with a few members in a highly classified TS/SCI organization in El Segundo, CA. One time, he overheard a member say they “picked up a Fastwalker,” how it entered Earth's atmosphere from deep space and traveled past a DSP satellite. Fish names The Aerospace Corporation in his email.
* [https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54211](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54211) (rg - can't access URL)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20220704150819/https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54211](https://web.archive.org/web/20220704150819/https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54211) (rg - archive.org version)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_489
### Event 54312 (4306D57F)
**Date:** 3/6/2015
**Description:** Former USG contractor Bob Fish tells Clinton campaign manager John Podesta that in a TS/SCI organization in El Segundo, CA, he had lunch with a senior USAF NCO who worked for **Project Blue Book** in the 1970s after it had publicly disbanded. He was an ELINT technician who flew in RC-135s from MacDill AFB in Florida. He allegedly told Fish they were sometimes diverted to track UAP off the east coast of Florida; the UAP allegedly came from a hotspot east of Miami, north of Bermuda. A specific frequency emanated from them, and UAP evidence was sent to a “dedicated” USAF intelligence officer.
* [https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31721](https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31721) (rg - can't access URL)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20210301000000*/https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31721](https://web.archive.org/web/20210301000000*/https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31721) (rg - archive.org version)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_490
### Event 54313 (9C6FCBF0)
**Date:** 3/13/2015
**Description:** Kit Green states the records of Ret. USAF John Burroughs, Rendlesham Forest incident witness, were legally classified by the DOD. Green states only a handful of medical records were classified and the reasons were because inside the doctors notes, nursing, etc. are a “myriad of references to Special Access Projects” and the names of other adjacent and ancillary programs and projects that can not be disentangled and could uncover active/recent projects related to Rendlesham. Green states broadband non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation caused the injuries, the data is sparse and it is not well understood or peer reviewed.
* [https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1057454/pg12#pid19113927](https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1057454/pg12#pid19113927)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_491
### Event 54314 (1461EEBB)
**Date:** 4/13/2015
**Location:** Sweden
**Description:** Swedish Rear Admiral [Anders Grenstad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders%5FGrenstad) tells the media that the Armed Forces reported to the Swedish government on April 8 that the suspected underwater vessel in October 2014 was in fact only a civilian “working boat.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [“‘Submarine’ in Sweden Was Only Civilian Boat,](https://www.thelocal.se/20150413/suspected-sub-in-swedish-waters-was-working-boat/)” The Local \(Sweden\), April 13, 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7700
### Event 54315 (2B6386A6)
**Date:** 5/5/2015
**Locations:** Mexico City, Mexico; Sedona, Arizona; Chicago; West Texas; Roswell, New Mexico; Montezuma Castle cliff dwelling in Camp Verde, Arizona; Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum in Mesa Verde, Colorado; Montezuma Museum
**Description:** In a four-hour long presentation in front of nearly 7,000 people at the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City, Mexico, journalist and ufologist [Jaime Maussan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime%5FMaussan) presents BeWitness, an unveiling of two Kodachrome slides that purport to show a dead alien. The slides, discovered in 1998 in the estate of Sedona, Arizona, lawyer Hilda Blair Ray, whose husband [Bernerd](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/80761888/bernerd-a-ray) had been a petroleum geologist in West Texas. The slides had found their way to Chicago videographer [Adam Dew](https://www.linkedin.com/in/adam-dew-2b91637), who wants to create a documentary \(tentatively titled Kodachrome\) about the supposed alien. In the process he has gathered UFO researchers [Thomas J. Carey](http://sped2work.tripod.com/carey.html), [Donald Schmitt](https://ufocongress.com/don-schmitt-2/), [Anthony](https://www.ufoexplorations.com/about-bio) [Bragalia](https://www.ufoexplorations.com/about-bio)[,](https://www.ufoexplorations.com/about-bio) and others to lend credence to the authenticity of the images as possibly related to the Roswell incident, since they seem to have a provenance of 1947. The two nearly identical slides show what appears to be a short mummy on a glass exhibit case with an undecipherable placard next to it. Within days of the presentation in Mexico City, a skeptical group uses a SmartDeBlur program to read the text of the placard, which reveals that the supposed alien is actually the mummified body of a two-year-old Native American child taken from the ruins of Montezuma Castle cliff dwelling in Camp Verde, Arizona, in 1894 by an S. L. Palmer and loaned to the Chapin Mesa Archeological Museum in Mesa Verde, Colorado, where it had been on display for many years before it was returned to the Montezuma Museum in June 1947.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David Clarke and Peter Brookesmith, “From ‘Smoking Gun’ to \#Epicfail,” Fortean Times 329 \(August 2015\): 26–27; Kevin D. Randle, Roswell in the 21st Century: The Evidence As It Exists Today, Speaking Volumes, 2016; Les Carpenter, “[The Curious Case of the Alien in the](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/sep/30/alien-photo-roswell-new-mexico-mystery) [Photo and the Mystery That Took Years to Solve,](https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/sep/30/alien-photo-roswell-new-mexico-mystery)” The Guardian \(UK\), September 20, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7701
### Event 54316 (531CDDD9)
**Date:** 9/2015
**Description:** In Walking Among Us, [David M. Jacobs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FM.%5FJacobs) explains how 14 abductions have detailed for him how an alien invasion is already underway. The alien hierarchy consists of insect-like entities as the leaders, tall Grays the skilled workers, short Grays the menial workers, and masses of hybrids—the end products of the abduction program. These hybrids begin as half-human/half-Gray entities and become progressively more human over four successive stages. The ultimate product is the human hybrid \(“hubrid”\), fully human in appearance, capable of integration into society. Hybrids have become deeply embedded on Earth, living in their own apartments, mingling with humans, working their way into positions of influence. Their growing numbers on earth advance the Change, the day when they and their alien masters supplant or absorb humankind.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dana DiFilippo, “[Space](https://www.inquirer.com/philly/entertainment/20140715%5FSpace%5Faliens%5Fwalk%5Famong%5Fus%5F%5FIndeed%5F%5Fclaims%5Fretired%5FTemple%5Fprof.html) [Aliens Walk Among Us? Indeed, Claims Retired Temple Prof,](https://www.inquirer.com/philly/entertainment/20140715%5FSpace%5Faliens%5Fwalk%5Famong%5Fus%5F%5FIndeed%5F%5Fclaims%5Fretired%5FTemple%5Fprof.html)” Philadelphia Inquirer, July 15, 2014; David M. Jacobs, [Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Condition Humanity](https://archive.org/details/walkingamongusal0000jaco), Disinformation Books, 2015; Clark III 10– 11, 629–630
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7702
### Event 54317 (0113ED75)
**Date:** 11/5/2015
**Description:** The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) states in response to a FOIA request that it has no documentation related to UFOs. It states the topic is “outside of the scope of NRO responsibilities; furthermore, the NRO has conducted numerous searches…in the past, and has located no records.” This contradicts emails released by the NRO on 8 April 2022, which show extensive coordination with the DOD’s **Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force** (**UAPTF**), and states the NRO contributed to the **UAPTF** report to Congress “tied to its collection efforts.” This implies UAP are being detected on NRO platforms, and suggests the FOIA response in 2015 wasn’t accurate if they were being detected in 2015 or before.
* [https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/F16-0010_Greenewald.pdf](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/F16-0010_Greenewald.pdf)
>**_Note_**: The emails also reveal the DOD Inspector General (DOD/IG) interviewed several officers from the NRO Mission Integration Directorate (MID) connected to the IG’s evaluation of DOD handling/response to the UAP subject.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_492
### Event 54318 (C52C0BDD)
**Date:** 11/15/2015
**Description:** Italian engineer Andrea Rossi claims he is working in antigravity, of which an NSA contact says they are tracking; Steven Greer alleges the US Army “black shelved” other inventor’s alternative energy device by buying it and shelving it.
* [https://youtu.be/oCEhkmrO9K4](https://youtu.be/oCEhkmrO9K4)
* [https://animpossibleinvention.com/2015/11/25/rossis-engineer-i-have-seen-things-you-people-wouldnt-believe/](https://animpossibleinvention.com/2015/11/25/rossis-engineer-i-have-seen-things-you-people-wouldnt-believe/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_493
### Event 54319 (8E93990C)
**Date:** 12/2015
**Description:** BAE Systems engineer Ronald Evans discloses the existence of Project Greenglow, described as a small research project in the UK to investigate the control of gravity for aerospace applications. It is reported BAE had no success in their experiments, but Evans’ review of the small project is not comprehensive of all of the company’s efforts in antigravity.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Greenglow-search-gravity-control-Ronald/dp/1784620238](https://www.amazon.com/Greenglow-search-gravity-control-Ronald/dp/1784620238)
* [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/project-greenglow_b_8683404](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/project-greenglow_b_8683404)
>**_Note_**: BAE Systems has expressed an interest in UAP-derived technology and was linked to a “technical collaboration” between Boeing, **AAWSAP** contractor Bigelow Aerospace and Lockheed Martin. It was seemingly published by mistake and later removed from the internet by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA) (see 8 August 2019), a company advised by current and former USG/USG contractor officials and the former head of the Pentagon’s **AATIP** Program Luis Elizondo.
>TTSA never mentions the collaboration in their SEC filings, nor do any of the companies mention it in their filings. TTSA also never mentions working with Boeing or BAE again, though Lockheed Martin Skunk Works veteran Steve Justice was TTSA’s Aerospace Division Director at the time.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_494
### Event 54320 (3E7FD19F)
**Date:** 12/22/2015
**Locations:** Houghton, Michigan; Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
**Description:** Janel Sturzl, 31, an employee of the Daily Mining Gazette in Houghton, Michigan, dies while in a coma after being diagnosed with thallium poisoning at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The police investigate her death as a homicide.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Poisoning Still under Investigation,](https://www.mininggazette.com/news/2017/10/poisoning-still-under-investigation/)” Houghton \(Mich.\) Daily Mining Gazette, October 24, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7703
## Year: 2016, 19 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54321 (9AD1F8DD)
**Date:** 1/24/2016
**Description:** USAF Maj. Gen. Neil McCasland, USAF Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works EVP Rob Weiss, Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta and Clinton campaign assistant Milia Fisher met virtually with musician Tom DeLonge to discuss UAP. Details of the meeting are not released, but afterward, DeLonge claimed he had a team of
“high-ranking advisors” helping him prepare the U.S. public through media for USG disclosure of UAP information.
DeLonge wrote to Podesta that McCasland, who led the Air Force Research Laboratory at
Wright-Patterson AFB, told him “when Roswell crashed, they shipped it to \[WPAFB\]...he not only knows what I’m trying to achieve \[USG disclosure\], he helped me assemble my advisory team.”
* [https://www.openminds.tv/hillary-campaign-manager-held-ufo-meeting-with-usaf-generals-rock-star-and-top-secret-aircraft-developer/38698](https://www.openminds.tv/hillary-campaign-manager-held-ufo-meeting-with-usaf-generals-rock-star-and-top-secret-aircraft-developer/38698)
* [https://www.openminds.tv/is-a-u-s-air-force-general-from-wright-patterson-helping-tom-delonge-obtain-official-ufo-disclosure/39130](https://www.openminds.tv/is-a-u-s-air-force-general-from-wright-patterson-helping-tom-delonge-obtain-official-ufo-disclosure/39130)
>**_Note_**: This meeting between USG personnel, Lockheed Martin, Clinton campaign staff and a
>U.S. citizen with a large pop culture following, occurred ten months before the 2016 presidential election.
>DeLonge admitted in several subsequent interviews he would create media for U.S. citizens’ consumption at the guidance of current and former USG/USG contractor personnel, some of whom were not disclosed to the public when that media was published. In 2017, DeLonge co-founded To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science with former USG employees and contractors from the intelligence community.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_495
### Event 54322 (2EDFF09D)
**Date:** 2/3/2016
**Location:** Interstate 10 near Katy, Texas
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. A married couple is driving on Interstate 10 near Katy, Texas, when they look up through the sunroof and see three black dots that they at first think might be breaks in the cloud cover. Watching them while stopped at a traffic light, they see the dots are part of a vast, noiseless triangular object that emerges from the clouds. The witnesses think it is generating a kind of night fog low above the ground. The witnesses try to take a video, but their cellphones are not working properly; both devices die and do not recharge the entire night.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roger Marsh, “[Texas UFO Kills Allegedly Ground Electronics, Creates Fog to Hide in,](http://www.openminds.tv/texas-ufo-kills-allegedly-ground-electronics-creates-fog-to-hide-in/39641)” OpenMinds, February 10, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7704
### Event 54323 (F6A25BDB)
**Date:** 3/5/2016
**Description:** National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) spokesman Darwin Morgan divulges the Nevada National Security Site’s Area 6 activities for the first time publicly. Morgan states top secret R&D work is done there, primarily sensor testing and unmanned aerial vehicle testing for partners at Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, DTRA and DARPA. The only other public mention of Area 6 is in a 7,500-page safety report on the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste project describing it as an “aerial operations facility.” It is possible the NNSA has relevant UAP information that it has not reported to centralized bodies like the **UAPTF**.
* [https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-nevada/you-know-area-51-but-just-what-in-the-worldis-area-6/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/local-nevada/you-know-area-51-but-just-what-in-the-worldis-area-6/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_496
### Event 54324 (6C5E8EC8)
**Date:** 3/27/2016
**Description:** Tom DeLonge states in early 2016 that he was told by his CIA “advisors” that when UAP crashes happen, intelligence, military and private industry was pooled together. “They’ve” been using private companies/publicly traded companies to keep the secret information “protected” through organizations that are non-governmental.
DeLonge states he has been told how public perception on UAP has been shaped by private interests and his “advisors” review his publicly disseminated information. DeLonge also states he met
with the CIA (2015?). DeLonge also states the MJ-12 documents are not accurate and in reality, things are more fragmented; it’s a “very, very small group” of people at the top putting it all together and pulling in what data they’re able to get from other areas of IC/private industry. DeLonge states he was told “the Others” are manipulating countries against the US/West hegemony.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o4fw3l/full_notes_on_tom_delonge_c2c_interview_that/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/o4fw3l/full_notes_on_tom_delonge_c2c_interview_that/)
* [https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016-03-27-show/](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2016-03-27-show/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_497
### Event 54325 (72A005E7)
**Date:** 4/2016
**Locations:** Uintah County, Utah; Skinwalker Ranch
**Description:** [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) founder of Bigelow Aerospace, sells the Skinwalker Ranch in Uintah County, Utah, to Utah real estate developer [Brandon Fugal](https://www2.colliers.com/en/experts/brandon-fugal). In 2020, he partners with the History Channel on a TV documentary series, The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, in its third season in 2022.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 86, 219–221; Internet Movie Database, “[The](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10589968/) [Secret of Skinwalker Ranch](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10589968/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7705
### Event 54326 (3CEC732F)
**Date:** 4/2016
**Description:** Tom DeLonge states he was told by unnamed “advisors” that there were multiple UAP crashes and recoveries. The USG and its contractors hid it, created a “pickup game” of counter intelligence, DeLonge claims, and adds that it was at one time bigger than the Manhattan Project. He states it is currently held by a private corporation where “certain laws” protect their own breakthroughs and proprietary assets; DeLonge adds that he asked the advisors if the crash recovery program(s) were legal, or if they were illegal. He claims the advisors showed him an “exact law,” with an exact paragraph and number on a “government website” to justify what they were doing as legal.
* [https://silvarecord.com/2019/11/15/these-people-claim-ufo-artifacts-are-held-by-the-government-and-or-contractors/](https://silvarecord.com/2019/11/15/these-people-claim-ufo-artifacts-are-held-by-the-government-and-or-contractors/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_498
### Event 54327 (7D2D6623)
**Date:** 4/5/2016
**Description:** Sekret Machines: Book 1, Chasing Shadows is released by authors Tom DeLonge and AJ Hartley. DeLonge claims his “advisors” from the US intelligence community and Executive Branch helped him shape the information in it and it is fiction with concepts that are true. The main tenets of Sekret Machines are as follows:
* Dreamland/Area 51 has a man-made flying saucer
* The UAP R&D work at Area 51 is entirely a subdivision of a major aerospace contractor within a location called “Possum Plant”
* Area 51 had a triangle Astra-TR3B called “the Locust” that exploits curvature in spacetime
* S4 near Area 51 had a simulator for the Locust
* A fictional “Maynard Corporation” was laundering money through an entity called “SWEEP,” a network of funding streams tied to aerospace concerns around the world dedicated to R&D and operation
* SWEEP includes the fraudulent tagging of private land as hosts to endangered species so it can be utilized for R&D purposes
* A breakaway group exists with a large amount of money and no national allegiance that maintains total control over the disparate projects
* Russia has their own back engineered craft and operates it on behalf of someone else
* The US operation for reverse engineered UAP craft is “beyond black”
* The enforcement of SWEEP utilizes personnel who pose as government agents including for the EPA
* “Alien” abductions are faked to psychologically traumatize witnesses of black projects and cover the human element
* A disc was held at an old Creech AFB underground hangar away from S4
* A human piloted saucer engaged an ET piloted sphere and shot it down
* Military officials involved in the projects believe ET were interpreted as “Greek gods” in ancient history
Former CIA official Jim Semivan states he and colleagues were concerned this book was written after a leak of classified information because “it had some very interesting data in it.” Semivan later says he realized there was no leak, DeLonge just “put two and two together.”
* [https://youtu.be/KxtL-sBhe30?t=239](https://youtu.be/KxtL-sBhe30?t=239)
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekret_Machines:_Book_1_%E2%80%93_Chasing_Shadows](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekret_Machines:_Book_1_%E2%80%93_Chasing_Shadows)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_499
### Event 54328 (0AA24F36)
**Date:** 4/15/2016
**Location:** Toronto, Ontario
**Description:** Night. The Canadian Air Defence Sector is notified of a WestJet flight near Toronto, Ontario, that “reported a very bright light pass overhead of them” when “there was no other traffic in the area.” In the day’s log, the lines following what’s clearly referred to as a “UFO report” are all redacted in white.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daniel Otis, “[Credible UFO](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dggbx/canada-military-rcaf-ufos-sightings) [Reports Are Being Ignored, Declassified Canadian Government Documents Reveal,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dggbx/canada-military-rcaf-ufos-sightings)” Motherboard, November 29, 2021; [CADORS Report](https://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/saf-sec-sur/2/cadors-screaq/rd.aspx?cno%3d2016O0730%26dtef%3d%26dtet%3d2021-11-03%26otp%3d-1%26ftop%3d%253e%253d%26ftno%3d0%26ijop%3d%253e%253d%26ijno%3d0%26olc%3d%26prv%3d-1%26rgn%3d-1%26tsbno%3d%26tsbi%3d-1%26arno%3d%26ocatno%3d%26ocatop%3d1%26oevtno%3d%26oevtop%3d1%26evtacoc%3d3%26fltno%3d%26fltr%3d-1%26cars%3d-1%26acat%3d-1%26nar%3d%26aiddl%3d-1%26aidxt%3d%26optdl%3d-1%26optcomt%3d%26optseq%3d%26optxt%3d%26opdlxt%3dResults%2bwill%2bappear%2bin%2bthis%2blist%26mkdl%3d-1%26mkxt%3d%26mdldl%3d-1%26mdlxt%3d%26cmkdl%3dC%26cmkxt%3d%26rt%3dQR%26hypl%3dy%26cnum%3d2016O0730)[,](https://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/saf-sec-sur/2/cadors-screaq/rd.aspx?cno%3d2016O0730%26dtef%3d%26dtet%3d2021-11-03%26otp%3d-1%26ftop%3d%253e%253d%26ftno%3d0%26ijop%3d%253e%253d%26ijno%3d0%26olc%3d%26prv%3d-1%26rgn%3d-1%26tsbno%3d%26tsbi%3d-1%26arno%3d%26ocatno%3d%26ocatop%3d1%26oevtno%3d%26oevtop%3d1%26evtacoc%3d3%26fltno%3d%26fltr%3d-1%26cars%3d-1%26acat%3d-1%26nar%3d%26aiddl%3d-1%26aidxt%3d%26optdl%3d-1%26optcomt%3d%26optseq%3d%26optxt%3d%26opdlxt%3dResults%2bwill%2bappear%2bin%2bthis%2blist%26mkdl%3d-1%26mkxt%3d%26mdldl%3d-1%26mdlxt%3d%26cmkdl%3dC%26cmkxt%3d%26rt%3dQR%26hypl%3dy%26cnum%3d2016O0730) no. 2016O0730, April 24, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7706
### Event 54329 (05516DAD)
**Date:** 4/18/2016
**Description:** Steven Greer says he had a source at Blackjack Control and Blackjack Team was at Nellis; Tejon Ranch, Llano Plant, Helendale Plant, Phillips Labs are all underground, a newer facility called “The Cube” past Lancaster in Edwards airspace, which is a Lockheed Martin Skunk Works facility; Lockheed and Northrop have multiple generations of craft that resemble UAP; LANL has underground connector to Dulce complex; Fort Huachuca has a storage facility that had “nine” ET spacecraft that were downed using pulsed scalar weapons as of the 1970s; “the most critical one” that’s new is an underground complex southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah under Dugway Proving Grounds; he says “Mormon Corporate Empire” has greater say on UAP policy than President or Congress.
Greer adds that all military intelligence divisions have compartments that feed into MAJIC committee, FBI has some compartments; Bechtel does “underground base construction” and EG&G has key facility for creating nanotechnology implants put into abduction victims. He also claims MITRE is key in antigravity and SAIC is a “crown jewel” that had crossover between Bobby Ray Inman in SAIC and MAJIC; and Wackenhut does security for MAJIC.
* [https://youtu.be/O67r9y5pzOs](https://youtu.be/O67r9y5pzOs)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_500
### Event 54330 (2CE7D66E)
**Date:** 5/9/2016
**Description:** Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon speaks publicly about UAP for the first time. He tells journalist Leslie Kean that if UAP technology was hidden, he’d “take it outside government oversight entirely and place it in a compartment as a new entity within an existing defense company and manage it as what we call an “IRAD” or “Independent Research and Development Activity.”
* [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-there-a-ufo-coverup-a_b_9865184](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/is-there-a-ufo-coverup-a_b_9865184)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_501
### Event 54331 (0FA8A163)
**Date:** 5/13/2016
**Description:** James T. Lacatski retires from the Defense Intelligence Agency, following failed attempts to get the AAWSAP program funded agin through the Department of Defense.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7707
### Event 54332 (3F4C5E73)
**Date:** 6/2016
**Description:** The Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici begins publishing Cielo Insolito, a journal of UFO history edited by Giuseppe Stilo and Maurizio Verga.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Cielo Insolito](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Italy/Cielo%20Insolito/Cielo%20Insolito%20-%20No%2001.pdf), no. 1 \(July 2016\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7708
### Event 54333 (A33B2A28)
**Date:** 7/1/2016
**Description:** NORAD releases figures indicating that radar Tracks of Interest have averaged 1,800 per year since 2011. It states that it routinely withholds Unknown tracks and Tracks of Interest data because the release of any details might affect national defense.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Alien Cover Up’: Nearly 2,000 UFOs Tracked by Radar System But Details](https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/685236/Alien-cover-up-Nearly-2-000-UFOs-tracked-by-radar-system-but-details-suppressed) [Suppressed,](https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/685236/Alien-cover-up-Nearly-2-000-UFOs-tracked-by-radar-system-but-details-suppressed)” The Express \(UK\), July 1, 2016; Clark III 801
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7709
### Event 54334 (C1B635B8)
**Date:** 7/16/2016
**Description:** Ufologist Max Spiers is found dead of an apparent overdose, but Polish authorities were investigating as manslaughter and British authorities were investigating as well. Shortly prior to his death, Spiers gave a video interview where he claimed to see a “jump room” at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo, CA, the same location Andrew Basiago claimed was the location of advanced technology capable of teleportation of biological materials including humans.
Basiago claimed military officials were involved in the maintenance of the teleportation project. It is unknown how Spiers gained access to the facility if he did.
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Max_Spiers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Max_Spiers)
* [https://www.bitchute.com/video/RcwYcvLZrCEN/](https://www.bitchute.com/video/RcwYcvLZrCEN/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_502
### Event 54335 (E93F2BD9)
**Date:** 8/11/2016
**Location:** Roswell
**Description:** In Roswell in the 21st Century, [Kevin D. Randle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin%5FD.%5FRandle) upends his previous position and argues that while the Roswell incident remains shrouded in mystery, it was almost certainly not generated by the recovery of a downed spacecraft and dead occupants.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kevin D. Randle, Roswell in the 21st Century: The Evidence As It Exists Today, Speaking Volumes, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7710
### Event 54336 (52FA4D9D)
**Date:** 8/31/2016
**Description:** Tom DeLonge states he became “involved” in different groups of people working on the UAP issue; he claims there are physicists studying “crashed craft,” biologists studying medical issues with people coming in close proximity to craft, aerospace experts working on anti-UAP weaponry, psychologists meeting with witnesses and studying the hitchhiker phenomena.
* [https://youtu.be/BJieA8lvucw](https://youtu.be/BJieA8lvucw)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_503
### Event 54337 (D7272040)
**Date:** 9/19/2016
**Locations:** Vancouver, British Columbia; British Columbia's rugged northern coast; Ontario; Winnipeg
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. An Air Canada Express pilot flying to Vancouver, British Columbia, reports “3 red lights 3,000 feet above him and going slower” while at 25,000 feet over an uninhabited stretch of British Columbia’s rugged northern coast. Vancouver air traffic controllers report the incident 20 minutes later to the RCAF in Ontario as a “vital intelligence sighting.” The RCAF reviews radar data, but finds nothing near the plane. Within an hour, reports are faxed to the Canadian government’s transportation department and the RCAF’s secretive Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Division in Winnipeg. There is no further follow-up.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daniel Otis, “[Credible UFO Reports Are Being Ignored, Declassified Canadian Government Documents Reveal,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dggbx/canada-military-rcaf-ufos-sightings)” Motherboard, November 29, 2021; [CADORS Report](https://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/saf-sec-sur/2/cadors-screaq/rd.aspx?cno%3d2016P1783%26dtef%3d%26dtet%3d2021-07-27%26otp%3d-1%26ftop%3d%253e%253d%26ftno%3d0%26ijop%3d%253e%253d%26ijno%3d0%26olc%3d%26prv%3d-1%26rgn%3d-1%26tsbno%3d%26tsbi%3d-1%26arno%3d%26ocatno%3d%26ocatop%3d1%26oevtno%3d%26oevtop%3d1%26evtacoc%3d3%26fltno%3d%26fltr%3d-1%26cars%3d-1%26acat%3d-1%26nar%3d%26aiddl%3d-1%26aidxt%3d%26optdl%3d-1%26optcomt%3d%26optseq%3d%26optxt%3d%26opdlxt%3dResults%2bwill%2bappear%2bin%2bthis%2blist%26mkdl%3d-1%26mkxt%3d%26mdldl%3d-1%26mdlxt%3d%26cmkdl%3dC%26cmkxt%3d%26rt%3dQR%26hypl%3dy%26cnum%3d2016P1783), no. 2016P1783
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7711
### Event 54338 (01453653)
**Date:** 10/27/2016
**Locations:** Georgia; Coffee County
**Description:** Two Georgia men are arrested on drug charges. They are reportedly plotting domestic terrorism based on conspiracy theories about HAARP. The Coffee County Sheriff’s Office says the men possess a “massive arsenal” that includes AR-15 rifles, Glock handguns, a Remington rifle, and thousands of rounds of ammunition. According to police, the men want to destroy HAARP because they believe the facility manipulates the weather, controls minds, and even traps the souls of people. Police say the men confess that “God told them to go and blow this machine up that kept souls, so souls could be released.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Georgia Men Plotted Attack on Alaska Aurora](https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/2016/11/01/2-men-arrested-in-georgia-planned-to-attack-alaska-aurora-research-facility-investigators-say/) [Research Facility to ‘Release Souls,’ Detective Says,](https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/2016/11/01/2-men-arrested-in-georgia-planned-to-attack-alaska-aurora-research-facility-investigators-say/)” Anchorage \(Alaska\) Daily News, November 1, 2016; “Suspected Terrorists Believe Research Facility Controls Minds, Traps Souls,” WALB, Albany, Georgia, November 1, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7712
### Event 54339 (D33468A8)
**Date:** 12/10/2016
**Location:** Windsor, Maine
**Description:** 4:44 a.m. A married couple is driving near Windsor, Maine, when they observe a “large triangle-shaped object” in two pieces \(“like a carpenter’s framing square”\) in the northeast sky. The object has six flashing red lights and one turquoise light that goes out as they are watching. It shows a black surface that is about 300 feet long. When they get out of the car for a better look, the man grabs his wife’s phone to take photos and a video. He shoots 6–8 minutes of video, but when he views it, it shows only black. The object seems to move effortlessly like a boat coasting through the water—“slow enough to where we could make out some detail but fast enough to where it was out of sight within 10 minutes or so.” They both feel weird as they watch the object. The woman becomes nauseous and the man feels strangely “awestruck.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** MUFON case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7713
## Year: 2017, 35 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54340 (2458A216)
**Date:** 2017
**Locations:** US; UK
**Description:** The US nuclear stockpile has dwindled to 3,822 bombs. \(“[Stockpile Numbers,](https://uploads.fas.org/2018/03/Stockpile-declassified2018.pdf)” DoD Open Government\) 2017 — The increasing number of drone cases posing a risk to aircraft leads the UK Airprox Board to launch a Small Unmanned Air System \(SUAS\) assessment that classifies incidents into one of four categories: drones or unmanned aerial vehicles \(UAVs\), balloons \(including toys and weather\), model aircraft, and unknown objects.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “[Small Unmanned Air System \(SUAS\) Assessment](https://www.airproxboard.org.uk/Topical-issues-and-themes/Drones/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7714
### Event 54341 (BBC69C09)
**Date:** 1/1/2017
**Description:** [Richard F. Haines](http://www.nicap.org/bio-haines.htm) retires from his role as chief scientist for NARCAP. He reports: “The fact that no cause- effect relationship has been found in major UFO airborne safety incidents doesn’t support the notion of nearby, material objects or phenomena in the air. Finally, the well-intentioned change of the term UFO into UAP—hoping to reach a larger scientific audience—served little and no relevant achievement followed.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “[Haines Retires from NARCAP,](http://fotocat.blogspot.com/2017%5F04%5F17%5Farchive.html)” UFO FOTOCAT Blog, April 17, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7715
### Event 54342 (A1289887)
**Date:** 1/20/2017
**End date:** 1/20/2021
**Location:** Washington DC, US
**Description:** President Donald Trump in office
**Type:** historical document
**Reference:** [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Donald_Trump)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_821
### Event 54343 (77252ACC)
**Date:** 3/22/2017
**Description:** DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) publicly discloses its partnership with NASA for planetary defense. Both agencies work with FEMA to determine potentially hazardous near-Earth objects and prepare for them. NNSA’s three national security laboratories, Sandia, Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore, assist. NNSA’s Office of Defense Programs (DP) sponsors technical research. It is possible the NNSA has relevant UAP information that it has not reported to centralized bodies like the **UAPTF**.
* [https://youtu.be/DCH88oy_sB8](https://youtu.be/DCH88oy_sB8)
* [https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1811856](https://www.osti.gov/biblio/1811856)
* [https://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-21-27461](https://permalink.lanl.gov/object/tr?what=info:lanl-repo/lareport/LA-UR-21-27461)
>**_Note_**: Nothing in the PUBLIC DOMAIN suggests the planetary defense efforts are
>UAP-related. However, NNSA/DP, which funds research, may be an office that houses some UAP related research. Los Alamos publishes planetary defense research while under management of Triad National Security LLC; Triad also develops next-generation advanced aerospace platforms (see 25 June 2021).
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_504
### Event 54344 (3BDB840A)
**Date:** 3/27/2017
**Description:** Anonymous website partially encoded publishes an article on “turning the vehicle into a pilot’s prosthetic extension.” In the article are vague examples of how to replicate the piloting features of a UAP: “there must be no difference between the aircraft and the crew…you cannot just take a human being and fit him with all this array of sensors; you first need to tweak the human somehow to better exploit the capabilities of this technology…we need to go a step further from the current paradigm of manned aircrafts and shift toward a paradigm of aircrafts that behave like a human.” Elsewhere on the site, allegedly non-public reports from Raytheon and Lockheed are cited.
Another article from 20 December 2017 writes that USAF pilots are trained to be aware of UAP, shares a seemingly non-public FLIR image dated 11 November 2014 and states: “we want our enemies to believe in UFOs up to the point it becomes too late for them to react to an airstrike by our own air force; we also need our pilots not to believe in UFOs should the enemy use this same strategy against us.”
It also states that **Corona East**, **Akrij** and **Sienna** are three PSV craft in operation that deploy “MilOrbs” and they perform covert test unbeknownst to USG knowledge to see how crew react to them.
* [https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2017/03/turning-vehicle-into-pilots-prosthetic.html](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2017/03/turning-vehicle-into-pilots-prosthetic.html)
* [https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2017/12/axis-from-lightning-bugs-to-milorbs.html](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2017/12/axis-from-lightning-bugs-to-milorbs.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_505
### Event 54345 (8858F7C4)
**Date:** 4/2017
**Description:** USAF Maj. Brain Hans, Maj. Christopher Jefferson and Maj. Joshua Wehrle of the Curtis LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education at Maxwell AFB publish a framework to “leverage advanced propulsion” for deep space travel. Specifically the framework cites the work of James Woodward (see June 2001) of Cal State and Paul March of Lockheed Martin Space Operations using lead zirconate titanate (PZT), a piezoelectric compound, to achieve mass reduction for aerospace applications.
The framework states laboratory experiments confirm the findings that PZT can achieve flight and could enable missions with no limitations experienced by conventional propulsion systems. The USAF authors also state the Aerospace Corporation concluded this research didn’t warrant government funding, but they disagree with that conclusion. They also mention EmDrive as another breakthrough propulsion technology opportunity that could “revolutionize” how USAF operates in deep space. They conclude more metamaterials are needed to continue this work and optimize aerospace mass education effects.
>**_Note_**: The Lockheed PZT experiments were done at the unclassified level almost 20 years before this framework was published. It is reasonable to ask if this line of research began even before then.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_506
### Event 54346 (984F35CD)
**Date:** 4/18/2017
**Location:** Olympia, WA
**Description:** The Washington State Senate passed Resolution 8648 about the Maury Island Incident. It stated “The FBI’s conclusions and Dahl’s (the main witness) secret were sealed for fifty years.” It also states “Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an investigation of the deaths of Davidson and Brown and ultimately concluded that Dahl did not recant his story but that his claim of hoax was itself a fabrication to avoid further public attention and ridicule.”
**Type:** state resolution
**Reference:** [link](https://medium.com/@richgel99/the-bsra-tested-fragments-from-the-maury-island-incident-cd20c2d14324)
**Reference:** [link](https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2017-18/Htm/Bills/Senate%20Resolutions/8648-Maury%20Island%20Incident.htm)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_822
**See also:** 6/21/1947
### Event 54347 (A55F8B89)
**Date:** 5/9/2017
**Description:** [Steven M. Greer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FM.%5FGreer) releases a documentary, Unacknowledged, on the history of UFO secrecy. Interviews with [George Filer](https://ufocongress.com/ufo-conference/2011-speakers/major-george-filer/)[,](https://ufocongress.com/ufo-conference/2011-speakers/major-george-filer/) [Tom Bearden](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.cheniere.org/)[,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.cheniere.org/) [Glenn Dennis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn%5FDennis)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn%5FDennis) [Richard Doty](https://www.exopaedia.org/Doty%2C%2BRichard)[,](https://www.exopaedia.org/Doty%2C%2BRichard) [Stephen Lovekin](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6917060/)[,](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6917060/) and [John Podesta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FPodesta) are featured. Narrated by [Giancarlo Esposito](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giancarlo%5FEsposito)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giancarlo%5FEsposito)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Internet Movie Database, “[Unacknowledged](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6400614/)”; “[Unacknowledged: An Exposé](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7HXocgnExw) [of the World’s Greatest Secret,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7HXocgnExw)” Free Movies YouTube channel, October 28, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7716
### Event 54348 (8FB258BB)
**Date:** 5/28/2017
**Locations:** Park Sonsbeek; Arnhem; Netherlands; Deelen Air Base
**Description:** Evening. Rik Koops and Harm Duursma see UFOs over Park Sonsbeek, in Arnhem, Netherlands. Koops shoots a 3-minute video of three globular objects. A spokesperson for the Defence Helicopter Command at nearby Deelen Air Base denies that the objects are drones.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[3 bal vormige objecten bewegen in de lucht,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/6463-3-bal-vormige-objecten-bewegen-in-de-lucht)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, May 29, 2017; “[UFO boven Arnhem? ‘Ledeeren die het ziet, zit met open mond van](https://www.gelderlander.nl/arnhem/ufo-boven-arnhem-iedereen-die-het-ziet-zit-met-open-mond-van-verbazing%7Ea18c6055/) [verbazing,’](https://www.gelderlander.nl/arnhem/ufo-boven-arnhem-iedereen-die-het-ziet-zit-met-open-mond-van-verbazing%7Ea18c6055/)” de Gelderlander, May 30, 2017; “[Het ufo-seizoen is veer aangebroken,](https://www.gelderlander.nl/wetenschap/het-ufo-seizoen-is-weer-aangebroken%7Ea7df8119/)” de Gelderlander, May 31, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7717
### Event 54349 (8DDBB93B)
**Date:** 6/2017
**Location:** US
**Description:** Majestic document mentions Frank Scully, Aztec crash, EBE-1
**Type:** majestic document
**Reference:** [link](https://exopolitics.org/new-investigation-shows-disputed-mj-12-document-exposing-extraterrestrial-contact-is-authentic/)
**Reference:** [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20170614101208/http://d3adcc0j1hezoq.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Ultra-Top-Secret-MITD.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_820
### Event 54350 (61F6E05F)
**Date:** 6/2017
**Locations:** Tennessee; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; New Mexico; Roswell
**Description:** [Nick Redfern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FRedfern) publishes The Roswell UFO Conspiracy, a sequel to his 2005 Body Snatchers in the Desert. In 2001, Redfern interviewed an elderly woman \(the Black Widow\) who had worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee from the mid-1940s to the early 1950s, who told him that just after World War II she had seen some 15 human “guinea pigs,” including Japanese prisoners and handicapped persons, who were involved in government experiments involving exposure to high altitudes in balloons. Through her testimony and that of other witnesses, Redfern concludes that the “aliens” found at the Roswell crash in New Mexico in 1947 were likely these humans deemed expendable by the US government, and that flying saucers and aliens were a convenient cover story. The experiments were inconclusive and the methods unethical, so all the records were destroyed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, The Roswell UFO Conspiracy: Exposing a Shocking and Sinister Secret, Lisa Hagen, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7718
### Event 54351 (B4C3C6AF)
**Date:** 6/2017
**Description:** Some additional dubious MJ-12 documents \(47 pages total\) are provided to [Heather Wade](https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-wade-77573a102)[,](https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-wade-77573a102) host of the Midnight in the Desert streaming radio show.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nick Redfern, “[The Majestic 12 Documents Are Back,](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/06/the-majestic-12-documents-are-back/)” Mysterious Universe, June 16, 2017; Kremlin 214–220
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7719
### Event 54352 (B2EE98D8)
**Date:** 7/1/2017
**End date:** 7/2/2017
**Location:** Wild Horse Casino and Hotel in Dulce, New Mexico
**Description:** The second Dulce Base UFO Conference is held at the Wild Horse Casino and Hotel in Dulce, New Mexico. The event is organized by members of the Jicarilla Apache, Southern Ute, and Navajo nations and features speakers Chuck and Nancy Wade; the Paranormal Rangers \(Stanley Milford Jr. and Jonathan Dover\), Navajo law officers; abductee [Travis Walton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis%5FWalton%5FUFO%5Fincident); and actor [Alan Tafoya](http://www.actoralantafoya.com/biography.html)[.](http://www.actoralantafoya.com/biography.html)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Ross, “‘The Truth Is Around Here…Someplace,’” Fortean Times 361 \(Christmas 2017\): 42–47
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7720
### Event 54353 (B4F9C072)
**Date:** 7/14/2017
**Locations:** Gatwick Airport; Crawley, West Sussex, England
**Description:** 7:20 p.m. The pilot of an Airbus A319 is holding at 7,000 feet at Gatwick Airport near Crawley, West Sussex, England, when the First Officer, in the right-hand seat, notices an object close to the aircraft. He mentions it to the captain, who also sees it. Both believe the object is not close enough to hit the aircraft and that they will miss it. It is black and shiny metallic in color and appears to be a square or cube. It maintains its altitude and takes about 7 seconds to pass, making them believe it is hovering. They are not certain it is a drone because they cannot see any propellors. They alert Gatwick, but the controllers there do not report seeing it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43; UK Airprox Board, “Assessment Summary Sheet for UKAB Meeting on 11th October 2017”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7721
### Event 54354 (64871170)
**Date:** 7/19/2017
**Location:** Laingsburg, Michigan
**Description:** 9:00 a.m. The FBI conducts a raid on [Robert Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar)’s United Nuclear Scientific business in Laingsburg, Michigan, in connection with the thallium poisoning death of Janel Sturzl in 2015, apparently to determine if the company sells or distributes thallium. Apparently it does, but only a harmless radioactive isotope.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Greenewald, “[Documents on 2017 Bob Lazar / United Nuclear Raid—Laingsburg Police Department,](https://www.theblackvault.com/casefiles/documents-on-2017-bob-lazar-united-nuclear-raid-laingsburg-police-department/)” The Black Vault, July 1, 2019; Tim McMillan, “[Bob Lazar Says the FBI Raided Him to Seize Area 51’s Alien Fuel: The](https://www.vice.com/en/article/evjwkw/bob-lazar-says-the-fbi-raided-him-to-seize-area-51s-alien-fuel-the-truth-is-weirder) [Truth Is Weirder,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/evjwkw/bob-lazar-says-the-fbi-raided-him-to-seize-area-51s-alien-fuel-the-truth-is-weirder)” Motherboard, November 13, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7722
### Event 54355 (3F9D5AB2)
**Date:** 8/2017
**Locations:** Havana, Cuba; US; Canada
**Description:** Reports begin to surface that US and Canadian diplomatic personnel in Havana, Cuba, have experienced unusual, unexplained health problems dating back to late 2016. The health problems typically have a sudden onset: The victim suddenly begins hearing strange grating noises that seem to come from a specific direction. Some of them experience it as a pressure or a vibration; or as a sensation comparable to driving a car with the window partly rolled down. The duration ranges from 20 seconds to 30 minutes, and always happens while the diplomats are either at home or in hotel rooms. Other people nearby, family members and guests in neighboring rooms, do not report hearing anything. Affected individuals describe symptoms such as hearing loss, memory loss, and nausea. Some US embassy individuals reportedly experience lasting health effects, including one unidentified diplomat who now needs a hearing aid. In October, the Associated Press releases what it says is a recording of the sound some embassy workers are hearing. Accusations are made that these are a result of attacks using unspecified technology, perhaps a sonic or ultrasonic weapon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Havana syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana%5Fsyndrome)”; David Hambling, “The Sound of Violence,” Fortean Times 360 \(December 2017\): 14; “[Ottawa Doctor Treating](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/ottawa-doctor-treating-canadian-diplomats-with-mysterious-havana-syndrome) [Canadian Diplomats with Mysterious ‘Havana Syndrome,’](https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/ottawa-doctor-treating-canadian-diplomats-with-mysterious-havana-syndrome)” Ottawa \(Ont.\) Citizen, November 30, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7723
### Event 54356 (638782FB)
**Date:** 8/9/2017
**Locations:** North Lake Shore Drive; Schiller Street
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. A couple are walking south along North Lake Shore Drive just north of Schiller Street in Chicago when they notice something large and dark flying toward them from the east and crossing ahead of them at an altitude of 20 feet or so. It sweeps upward over the trees in front of 1400 North Lake Shore Drive, then stops in mid-air after it reaches a height just below the top of the building. It hovers with a large pair of wings for about 5 seconds, then dives toward the ground. As the witnesses quicken their pace toward the building, the “winged being” descends in front of them, no more than 25 feet away, and hovers 5 feet above the sidewalk with its wings spread open. They can see its bright red eyes that vary in intensity. Several people on the other side of the street also see the being, which hovers for 10 seconds, pulls its wigs in close, and silently shoots up into the sky. The witnesses describe it as “human-like” with a small head that narrows at the top, two legs with long tapered feet, and no apparent arms. It is 5–6 feet in height and has wide wings that resemble the top wings of a butterfly. The sightings is the most recent of 29 reported in the Chicago area in the summer.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lon Strickler, “[Winged Humanoid](https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2017/08/winged-humanoid-confronts-shocked.html) [Confronts Shocked Chicago Witnesses,](https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2017/08/winged-humanoid-confronts-shocked.html)” Phantoms and Monsters, August 10, 2017; Joe Vince, “[Winged Freak](https://patch.com/illinois/chicago/winged-freak-terrorizes-chicago-waitll-you-get-load-these-29-sightings) [Terrorizes Chicago? Wait’ll You Get a Load of These 29 Sightings,](https://patch.com/illinois/chicago/winged-freak-terrorizes-chicago-waitll-you-get-load-these-29-sightings)” Chicago Patch, August 11, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7724
### Event 54357 (CB0C0710)
**Date:** 9/2017
**Locations:** US; Havana, Cuba
**Description:** The US State Department removes non-essential staff from the US embassy in Havana, Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Havana syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Havana%5Fsyndrome)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7725
### Event 54358 (8850D547)
**Date:** 9/2017
**Location:** Regulation A+ equity crowdfunding campaign
**Description:** The To the Stars Academy begins offering to the public $50 million worth of stock through a Regulation A+ equity crowdfunding campaign. The company is cofounded earlier in the year by rock guitarist [Tom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%5FDeLonge) [DeLonge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%5FDeLonge)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%5FDeLonge) engineer and parapsychologist [Harold E. Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff), and Jim Semivan and is composed of aerospace, science, and entertainment divisions. Its science and aerospace divisions are devoted to the “outer edges of science,” such as investigating UFOs. It employs [Luis Elizondo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis%5FElizondo) as a key investigator. Its Virtual Analytics UAP Learning Tool \(VAULT\) is a public-facing database of UFO sightings. The VAULT team collects, analyzes, and provides their authentication of UFO sightings, most famously reported in the media as having been obtained through declassified government materials. Some evidence suggests that TTSA is sponsored or heavily influenced by the Department of Defense ,as there are 11 former DoD counterintelligence and information specialists associated with it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[To the Stars \(company\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To%5Fthe%5FStars%5F%28company%29)”; Althea Legaspi, “[Tom DeLonge Announces Stars](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/tom-delonge-announces-stars-academy-for-outer-edges-of-science-research-125580/) [Academy for ‘Outer Edges of Science’ Research,](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/tom-delonge-announces-stars-academy-for-outer-edges-of-science-research-125580/)” Rolling Stone, October 12, 2017; Tyler Rogoway, “[Tom](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28377/tom-delonges-origin-story-for-to-the-stars-academy-describes-a-government-info-operation) [DeLonge’s Origin Story for To the Stars Academy Describes a Government UFO Info Operation,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28377/tom-delonges-origin-story-for-to-the-stars-academy-describes-a-government-info-operation)” The Drive: The War Zone, June 5, 2019; “[The UFO Information Operation,](https://ufo-info-ops.medium.com/the-ufo-misinformation-operation-a65f150e9166)” Medium: INFO-OPS, November 23, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7726
### Event 54359 (96B49ACC)
**Date:** 9/19/2017
**Description:** Astronomer Marc D’Antonio and operator of FX Models that has Naval contracts, claims the US Navy is running a secret USO project known as the “**Fast Mover Program**.” D’Antonio states he asked a senior Naval figure about the program and they told him “Sorry Marc, I can’t talk about that program.” This person then told him the program exists and that USOs are common but didn’t get into any more details.
* [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4487506/us-navy-is-running-top-secret-programme-to-detect-alien-spacecraft-under-the-ocean-ufo-expert-claims/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4487506/us-navy-is-running-top-secret-programme-to-detect-alien-spacecraft-under-the-ocean-ufo-expert-claims/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_507
### Event 54360 (28CB3826)
**Date:** 9/23/2017
**Location:** Son, Netherlands
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. Witnesses in Son, Netherlands, watch a white, U-shaped light for 5 minutes. One witness manages to take a photo of the light, which by then is diminishing in size before disappearing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[U-vormig wit](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/6871-u-vormig-wit-licht-hoog-ver-weg-in-de-hemel-stilstaand) [licht hoog ver weg in die hemel, stilstaand,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/6871-u-vormig-wit-licht-hoog-ver-weg-in-de-hemel-stilstaand)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, September 23, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7727
### Event 54361 (EAD36E32)
**Date:** 10/4/2017
**Location:** Pentagon
**Description:** [Luis Elizondo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis%5FElizondo) resigns from his Pentagon UFO office to protest what he says is excessive secrecy and internal opposition. He declines to identify his successor. He states there is a need for more serious attention to the “many accounts from the Navy and other services of unusual aerial systems interfering with military weapon platforms and displaying beyond-next-generation capabilities.” He tells Secretary of Defense [Jim Mattis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim%5FMattis) that “there remains a vital need to ascertain capability and intent of these phenomena for the benefit of the armed forces and the nation.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, “[Glowing Auras and ‘Black](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html) [Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious UFO Program,](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html)” New York Times, December 16, 2017; Paul Dean and Keith Basterfield, “[A Formal Job Description of an AASWAP/AATIP UFO Case Investigations Scientist,](http://ufos-documenting-the-evidence.blogspot.com/2018/05/formal-job-description-of-aaswapaatip.html)” UFOs: Documenting the Evidence, May 3, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7728
### Event 54362 (FA88021D)
**Date:** 10/12/2017
**Location:** US
**Description:** Tom DeLonge Announces To The Stars Academy for ‘Outer Edges of Science’ Research (TTSA)
**Type:** company formation
**Reference:** [link](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/tom-delonge-announces-stars-academy-for-outer-edges-of-science-research-125580/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_823
### Event 54363 (4B0866FA)
**Date:** 10/19/2017
**Locations:** Haleakala Observatory, Hawaii; Solar System; Oort cloud
**Description:** ‘Oumuamua \(1I/2017 U1\), the first known interstellar object detected passing through the Solar System, is discovered by [Robert Weryk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FWeryk) using the Pan-STARRS telescope at Haleakala Observatory, Hawaii, 40 days after it passes its closest point to the Sun on September 9. When it is first observed, it is about 21 million [mi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile)les from Earth and already heading away from the Sun. ʻOumuamua is a small object estimated to be between 330 and 3,280 feet long, with its width and thickness both estimated to range between 115 and 548 feet. It has a dark red color similar to other objects in the outer Solar System. Its light curve presents its motion as [tumbling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tumbling%5F%28rigid%5Fbody%29), rather than smoothly rotating, and it is moving sufficiently fast relative to the Sun that few possible models define a Solar System origin, although an Oort cloud origin cannot be excluded. Extrapolated and without further deceleration, its path will not allow it to be captured into a solar orbit, so it will eventually leave the Solar System and continue into interstellar space.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[‘Oumuamua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BBOumuamua)”; “[Small Asteroid or Comet ‘Visits’ from Beyond the Solar](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/small-asteroid-or-comet-visits-from-beyond-the-solar-system) [System,](https://www.nasa.gov/feature/jpl/small-asteroid-or-comet-visits-from-beyond-the-solar-system)” NASA, October 26, 2017; Patrick Gross, “[‘Oumuamua: Extraterrestrial Device or Natural Object?](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/oumuamua.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7729
### Event 54364 (D2C9EDF5)
**Date:** 10/24/2017
**Description:** The Cuban government employs about 2,000 scientists and law enforcement officers who interview 300 neighbors of diplomats, examine two hotels, and medically examine non-diplomats who could have been exposed. Cuban officials analyze air and soil samples and consider a range of toxic chemicals. They also examine the possibility that electromagnetic waves are to blame and even look into whether insects might be the culprits but find nothing they can link to the medical symptoms. The FBI and Cubans meet to discuss the situation, although the Cubans say that the US declines to share the diplomats’ medical records with Cuban authorities or to allow Cuban investigators access to US diplomats’ homes to conduct tests.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Cubans Forcefully Reject Blame for U.S.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cubans-forcefully-reject-blame-u-s-diplomats-mystery-ailments-n813581) [Diplomats’ Mystery Ailments,](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cubans-forcefully-reject-blame-u-s-diplomats-mystery-ailments-n813581)” NBC News, October 24, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7730
### Event 54365 (B456B1C9)
**Date:** 10/25/2017
**Locations:** Northern California; Oregon; Portland, Oregon
**Description:** The FAA detects an unidentified aircraft flying “fast” \(relative to commercial air traffic\) at around 35,000 feet over Northern California towards Oregon. In an effort to identify the aircraft, the FAA contacts commercial airline pilots in the vicinity who visually confirm a white object traveling northbound. After the commercial passenger jets confirms the position, NORAD scrambles F-15Cs from the 142nd Air Wing in Portland, Oregon, to investigate. Bearing the most advanced targeting system available \(the Sniper pod\), the F-15s are unable to locate or identify the vehicle. FAA and NORAD both confirm the event and NORAD publicly confirms the launch of the F-15s.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway, “[You Need to Hear These FAA Tapes from That Oregon UFO Incident That Sent F-](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/18473/faa-recordings-deepen-mystery-surrounding-ufo-over-oregon-that-sent-f-15s-scrambling) [15s Scrambling,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/18473/faa-recordings-deepen-mystery-surrounding-ufo-over-oregon-that-sent-f-15s-scrambling)” The Drive: The War Zone, February 15, 2018; US Air Force, “[Sniper Pod](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104527/sniper-pod/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7731
### Event 54366 (CD89ABE6)
**Date:** 10/26/2017
**Description:** Musician Tom DeLonge suggests on a podcast he is being advised by USAF Maj. Gen. Neil McCasland, USAF Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, Lockheed Martin Skunk Works EVP Rob Weiss, Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, Dr. Hal Puthoff, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher K. Mellon and former OUSD(I) employee and **AATIP** head Luis Elizondo, among others unnamed, to carry out slow disclosure of UAP information to the American public from USG/USG contractor sources.
DeLonge claims USG/USG contractors already have free energy technology, i.e. zero-point energy, that would make all other forms of energy derivation obsolete. “One inch of air could power the
US for hundreds of years,” he claimed. DeLonge suggested his group, To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), was being restrained from releasing all information government insiders were telling him, but that TTSA sought investment from private investors to develop said free energy technology for energy and aerospace purposes. DeLonge also stated TTSA expected to create a working anti-gravity craft; the company’s offering statement to the SEC stated the company’s aerospace division was “dedicated to finding revolutionary breakthroughs in propulsion, energy and communications.”
* [https://www.podpage.com/the-joe-rogan-experience-3/1029-tom-delonge/](https://www.podpage.com/the-joe-rogan-experience-3/1029-tom-delonge/)
* [https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6](https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6) (p210)
>**_Note_**: TTSA advisors Christopher K. Mellon and Luis Elizondo left the company in 2020. In 2021, TTSA announced it would de-emphasize scientific development and instead use investor funding on entertainment projects, seemingly abandoning its promise of developing anti-gravity technology. Co-founder Hal Puthoff stepped off the board of directors to serve on its scientific advisory board. Aerospace Division head and former Lockheed Skunk Works employee Steve Justice also left TTSA in 2021.
>* [https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/lue-elizondo-announces-hes-leaving-ttsa/](https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/lue-elizondo-announces-hes-leaving-ttsa/)
>* [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315221004131/form1-u.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315221004131/form1-u.htm)
>* [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315221006682/form1-u.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315221006682/form1-u.htm)
>* [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315222012740/form253g2.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315222012740/form253g2.htm) (p21)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_508
### Event 54367 (73121D44)
**Date:** 10/27/2017
**Description:** A group of scientists, former military and law enforcement officials, and other professionals form the Scientific Coalition for Ufology \[later changed to the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies\] to conduct and encourage the rigorous scientific examination of UFO phenomena. Its executive board includes [Robert Powell](https://ufocongress.com/robert-powell-2/)[,](https://ufocongress.com/robert-powell-2/) Richard Hoffman, and other scientists and professionals.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Scientific Coalition for Ufology, “[Scientific Study of](https://www.facebook.com/explorescu/posts/scu-press-releasefor-immediate-releasescientific-study-of-ufos-to-be-focus-of-ne/1724768954499084/) [UFOs To Be Focus of New Organization,](https://www.facebook.com/explorescu/posts/scu-press-releasefor-immediate-releasescientific-study-of-ufos-to-be-focus-of-ne/1724768954499084/)” October 27, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7732
### Event 54368 (7B3685F5)
**Date:** 11/2/2017
**Description:** Salvatore Pais of the Naval Air Station Patuxent River files a patent for a triangle/diamond shaped craft that has anti-gravitic effects and resembles some UAP sightings. The patent was initially rejected but Naval Aviation Enterprise CTO James Sheehy filed for appeal to the USPTO and stated “it will become a reality” and China was already investing in it. The patent was then approved. The technology described in Pais’ patent is similar to that of Hal Puthoff’s **AATIP** DIRD on vacuum engineering. Pais’ patent describes a craft that is able to manipulate quantum vacuum fluctuations around the craft for propulsion purposes.
* [https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/1b/f6/40/5712193f6a971f/US20170313446A1.pdf](https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/1b/f6/40/5712193f6a971f/US20170313446A1.pdf)
* [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD_15-DIRD_Advanced_Space_Propulsion_Based_on_Vacuum_Spacetime_Metric_Engineer.pdf](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/dia/AAWSAP-DIRDs/DIRD_15-DIRD_Advanced_Space_Propulsion_Based_on_Vacuum_Spacetime_Metric_Engineer.pdf)
* [https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28729/docs-show-navy-got-ufo-patent-granted-by-warning-of-similar-chinese-tech-advances](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28729/docs-show-navy-got-ufo-patent-granted-by-warning-of-similar-chinese-tech-advances)
>**_Note_**: NASA tested something similar utilizing quantum vacuum fluctuations, the “Cannae Drive,” in 2014 and reported a small level of thrust was achieved.
>* [https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/187346-nasa-tests-impossible-no-fuel-quantum-space-engine-and-it-actually-works](https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/187346-nasa-tests-impossible-no-fuel-quantum-space-engine-and-it-actually-works)
>**_Note_**: Former U.S. Navy Dir. of Science and Technology Development Nat Kobitz told journalist Ross Coulthart in 2021 that he made a few “discrete inquiries” related to the triangle craft patent and NAVAIR. Kobitz claims neither he nor his US Navy colleagues had any information on Pais or what he was working on. “If there is anything near a working antigravity craft, they’ve kept it very quiet,” Kobitz states.
>* [https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6](https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6) (p309)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_509
### Event 54369 (C6C121BD)
**Date:** 12/5/2017
**Location:** Moscow, Russia
**Description:** In Moscow, Russia, covert CIA operative Marc Polymeropoulos suddenly gets symptoms similar to Havana Syndrome. In the spring of 2018, a private neurologist gives Polymeropoulos a diagnosis: occipital neuralgia, a condition resulting from damage to the two nerves that run from the base of the skull, curving toward the front of the head.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Julia Joffe, “[The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion,](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-investigation-and-russian-microwave-attacks)” GQ, October 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7733
### Event 54370 (6FBE3999)
**Date:** 12/11/2017
**Description:** Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development [Catherine Austin Fitts](https://home.solari.com/) publishes a paper with a Michigan State University economist that finds $21 trillion in unauthorized spending in the departments of Defense and Housing and Urban Development between 1998 and 2015. A university press release states the DODIG disabled key documents showing unsupported spending after the paper was published, and soon after, the DOD announced its first ever department-wide independent audit in its history. Fitts believes some of the unauthorized funding was for domestic “clandestine military R&D,” some of which was UAP related and diverted from DOD/HUD to illegal programs.
* [https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2017/msu-scholars-find-21-trillion-in-unauthorized-government-spending-defense-department-to-conduct](https://msutoday.msu.edu/news/2017/msu-scholars-find-21-trillion-in-unauthorized-government-spending-defense-department-to-conduct)
* [https://www.jstor.org/stable/48504790](https://www.jstor.org/stable/48504790)
* [https://missingmoney.solari.com/dod-and-hud-missing-money-supporting-documentation/](https://missingmoney.solari.com/dod-and-hud-missing-money-supporting-documentation/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_510
### Event 54371 (BBF1CD6E)
**Date:** 12/16/2017
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** NY Times discloses the Pentagon’s AATIP program
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_824
### Event 54372 (EEC3B013)
**Date:** 12/16/2017
**Location:** US
**Description:** The New York Times releases an article uncovering the **Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program** (AATIP), a secret government program to study UFOs. Written by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, it introduced figures like Lue Elizondo, Christopher Mellon, and Senator Harry Reid in relation to UAP. The article also showcased two videos, 'FLIR1' and 'GIMBAL', showing potential UFO encounters by military jets.
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Key People in UAP Disclosure](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/key-people-in-disclosure-uap/)
**Reference:** [FLIR1 Official UAP Footage](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:FLIR1_Official_UAP_Footage_from_the_USG_for_Public_Release.webm)
**Reference:** [Gimbal Official UAP Footage](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gimbal_The_First_Official_UAP_Footage_from_the_USG_for_Public_Release.webm)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1023
### Event 54373 (1BF117F5)
**Date:** 12/16/2017
**Description:** The US Department of Defense confirms the existence of a Defense Intelligence Agency program used to collect data on military UFO sightings, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program \(misidentified as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program\) that was disbanded in 2010.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, “[Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html) [Mysterious UFO Program,](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html)” New York Times, December 16, 2017; Clark III 48
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7734
### Event 54374 (5B028A87)
**Date:** 12/19/2017
**Description:** [Luis Elizondo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis%5FElizondo) states on CNN that he believes there is “very compelling evidence we may not be alone.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Former Pentagon Official: ‘We May Not Be Alone,’](https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/18/politics/luis-elizondo-ufo-pentagon/index.html)” CNN, December 19, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7735
## Year: 2018, 60 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54375 (E3793154)
**Date:** 2018
**Description:** The British UFO Research Association publishes Vehicle Interference Report, compiled by Geoff Falla and Michael Hudson, summarizing 1,188 EM cases from 1908 to 2013.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Geoff Falla and Michael Hudson, [Vehicle](https://bufora.org.uk/VEHICLE-INTERFERENCE-CASES.php) [Interference Report](https://bufora.org.uk/VEHICLE-INTERFERENCE-CASES.php)[,](https://bufora.org.uk/VEHICLE-INTERFERENCE-CASES.php) BUFORA, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7736
### Event 54376 (CD8D412D)
**Date:** 2018
**Description:** Jerome Clark completes the third edition of his two-volume UFO encyclopedia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jerome Clark, The UFO Encyclopedia, Omnigraphics, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7737
### Event 54377 (58499B39)
**Date:** 2018
**Description:** Former Lockheed Martin astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, a colleague of Eric Davis and Hal Puthoff, comments on four alleged “legacy” UAP programs hidden from oversight. “A group of four related but separate unacknowledged SCI programs dating back to a 1947 Truman memorandum still exist and were housed as of the 1990s in major aerospace companies such as for example Lockheed, TRW, Raytheon, Aerospace Corp. etc. These would be expensive programs since the cost of secrecy can be several times bigger than the research… the black programs collectively have budgets in the $10B range annually. Topics apparently include both reverse engineering and extraterrestrial biology.”
Haisch states “the **AATIP** program did find the UFO crash retrieval program via official channels, but was denied access to it because the **AATIP** itself is not a SAP. Sen. Harry Reid petitioned the DoD to confer SAP status to the **AATIP**, but the DoD denied his request.”
Haisch also states: “It is easier to keep a program hidden in a contractor facility than in a government facility…a crash retrieval or some classified continuation of **Project Blue Book** would likely exist as a deep, black industrial-based SAP. A program involving hardware would be considered technology rather than intelligence and most likely fall under the office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (OUSDAT). Ironically, for such a program, even someone having an intelligence “ticket” at the highest level would not be considered to have a need to know. All of this results in very effective isolation and virtually no one in a position of open civilian governmental
authority, being cognizant of this after a time even though at least in principle of the Special Access Program oversight committee, SAPOC, should be cognizant of such a program. I do not know of any fundamentally limiting factors in the potential longevity of a program. The extreme compartmentalization and limited oversight would tend to keep a program in existence, perhaps indefinitely. Political leaders come and go, pandering to the masses for votes in the eyes of many within the military and intelligence communities, and as a result have varying degrees of respect and trust in that world. Deep Black programs can become quite independent of any given administration, and it would certainly be unrealistic to assume that a given president has been briefed on every SAP. A president does not automatically have a need to know. Moreover, Freedom Of Information Act requests cannot penetrate Unacknowledged Special Access Programs.”
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/x5v4mr/fmr_lockheed_astrophysicist_and_colleague_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/x5v4mr/fmr_lockheed_astrophysicist_and_colleague_of/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_511
### Event 54378 (3805120C)
**Date:** 1/2018
**Locations:** geosynchronous orbits; Buckley AFB; Aurora, Colorado
**Description:** A total of 11 satellites carrying Space-Based Infrared System or Space Tracking and Surveillance System payloads are operating in medium-earth, highly elliptical, and geosynchronous orbits that together provide continuous global coverage of infrared energy sources. Originally designed to detect missile launches, and later aircraft, this highly sophisticated capability continues to evolve and improve. This work is being undertaken at the Air Force’s Overhead Persistent Infrared Battlespace Awareness Center at Buckley AFB in Aurora, Colorado, as well as its new Data Utilization Lab.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Spaced-Based Infrared System](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-Based%5FInfrared%5FSystem)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7738
### Event 54379 (CB56CCF1)
**Date:** 1/5/2018
**Location:** Linden, Michigan
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. A woman looking from her bedroom window in Linden, Michigan, sees a large object emitting red-orange light approaching her. It stops dead above her head, accelerates, then slows down. Her husband goes outside and watches it before it blinks out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “The Twelve UFOs of Christmas,” Fortean Times 374 \(Christmas 2018\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7739
### Event 54380 (AE66700A)
**Date:** 1/8/2018
**Location:** Havana, Cuba
**Description:** The Associated Press reports that a non-public FBI report has found no evidence of an intentional sonic attack in Havana, Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Tillerson Tells AP Cuba Still Risky; FBI Doubts Sonic Attack,](https://apnews.com/article/37deffe6a9ad408abc5a1a0277056d90)” Associated Press, January 8, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7740
### Event 54381 (AF6AAE23)
**Date:** 1/9/2018
**Locations:** US; Libya
**Description:** At the direction of US Secretary of State [Rex Tillerson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rex%5FTillerson), the State Department conveys an Accountability Review Board to “review security incidents involving diplomatic personnel.” Retired US Ambassador to Libya [Peter W. Bodde](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FW.%5FBodde) is chosen to lead the board.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Retired Ambassador to Libya to Lead Cuba Attacks Review,](https://edition.cnn.com/2018/01/10/politics/retired-libya-ambassador-cuba-attacks-review/index.html)” CNN, January 10, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7741
### Event 54382 (601B924A)
**Date:** 1/9/2018
**Locations:** Arizona; Rhode Island; Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel; Icarus Interstellar; Popular Mechanics
**Description:** The Defense Intelligence Agency responds to an inquiry by Sen. [John McCain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FMcCain) \(R-Ariz.\) and Sen. [Jack Reed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack%5FReed%5F%28Rhode%5FIsland%5Fpolitician%29) \(D-R.I.\) regarding 38 projects that the military’s Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program \[in reality, the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Application Program\] has been involved with. The letter is released on January 16 in response to a FOIA request by [Steven Aftergood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FAftergood)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FAftergood) director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy. One such research topic, “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy,” was led by [Eric W. Davis](https://earthtech.org/pubs/davis/) of EarthTech International, which was founded by [Harold E. Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff), who was formerly involved in the Stargate Project. Another project called “Invisibility Cloaking” was headed by German scientist [Ulf Leonhardt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulf%5FLeonhardt)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulf%5FLeonhardt) a professor at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Yet another title, “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions,” was attributed to theoretical physicist [Richard Obousy](http://www.icarusinterstellar.org/team/dr-richard-obousy)[,](http://www.icarusinterstellar.org/team/dr-richard-obousy) director of the nonprofit Icarus Interstellar. One of those papers was released to the public by Popular Mechanics on February 14, 2020. Titled “Clinical Medical Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal and Neurological Tissues,” it is written by [Christopher \(Kit\) Green](https://www.irva.org/conferences/speakers/green.html)[,](https://www.irva.org/conferences/speakers/green.html) formerly a CIA agent, forensic clinician, and neuroscientist, who describes it as “focused on forensically assessing accounts of injuries that could have resulted from claimed encounters with [UAP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unexplained%5Faerial%5Fphenomena).”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Joseph Trevithick, “[Here’s the List of Studies the](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/26056/heres-the-list-of-studies-the-militarys-secretive-ufo-program-funded-some-were-junk) [Military’s Secretive UFO Program Funded, SomeWere Junk,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/26056/heres-the-list-of-studies-the-militarys-secretive-ufo-program-funded-some-were-junk)” The Drive: The War Zone, January 18, 2019; US Defense Intelligence Agency, \[[A list of all products produced under the AAWSAP contract](https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7742
### Event 54383 (B101B7B9)
**Date:** 2/2018
**Locations:** Minas Gerais; Varginha
**Description:** The Brazilian Ufologists Commission begins a new phase of its “UFOs: Freedom of Information Now” campaign called “We Have the Right to Know.” The campaign demands that the Brazilian Army, the Minas Gerais military police, and the fire brigade of Varginha release the secret files on the 1996 Varginha case.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 209
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7743
### Event 54384 (EDD2E15D)
**Date:** 2/1/2018
**Location:** Manchester Airport, England
**Description:** 6:10 p.m. An Airbus A321 pilot is descending from 10,000 feet into Manchester Airport, England, when he sees a grayish, thin-profiled object that passes by very close at the same altitude at great speed down the left side of the aircraft. His initial reaction is that he has seen an internal reflection, but the First Officer and another person have also seen it. None of them have a clear view because it is in the landing-light beam for a split second.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “Assessment Summary Sheet for UKAB Meeting on 25th April 2018”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7744
### Event 54385 (739FB5D6)
**Date:** 2/16/2018
**Location:** Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Netherlands
**Description:** 9:16 p.m. A witness in Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Netherlands, sees three irregularly flashing lights flying toward the northwest. One of the lights suddenly leaves the formation and flies off in another direction. The lights fly slowly and silently for 6 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[3 rode oplichtende punten aan de hemel,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7293-3-rode-oplichtende-punten-aan-de-hemel)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, February 16, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7745
### Event 54386 (2EB6550C)
**Date:** 2/20/2018
**Location:** Ede, Netherlands
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. A woman in Ede, Netherlands, sees three points of light \(one brighter than the others\) on a triangular object that is moving toward the northwest. She watches it for 2 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Driehoek formatie 3](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7298-driehoek-formatie-3-lichtpunten) [lichtpunten,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7298-driehoek-formatie-3-lichtpunten)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, February 21, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7746
### Event 54387 (48E4587E)
**Date:** 2/23/2018
**Locations:** Wielsbeke; Waregem, Belgium
**Description:** 7:30 a.m. Several people traveling to work in Wielsbeke from the village of Waregem, Belgium, see a hovering triangle with two bright lights like a star. There are red lights on its wings, and it is shaped like a B2 stealth bomber.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Belgisch UFO-Meldpunt, March 4, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7747
### Event 54388 (5031C597)
**Date:** 2/23/2018
**Location:** Oudenaarde, Belgium
**Description:** 6:50 p.m. Two witnesses in Oudenaarde, Belgium, see a “hanging dot” that ascends at an enormous speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Belgisch UFO-Meldpunt, March 4, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7748
### Event 54389 (0E778572)
**Date:** 2/23/2018
**Location:** Biervliet, Netherlands
**Description:** 10:40 p.m. A witness going outside for a smoke in Biervliet, Netherlands, sees three globes flying in a straight line. They move closer together and disappear at the same time as they seem to merge.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Drie](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7301-drie-licht-bollen) [lichtbollen,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7301-drie-licht-bollen)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, February 23, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7749
### Event 54390 (EBAD853F)
**Date:** 2/24/2018
**Location:** Mol, Belgium
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. A man steps outside his house in Mol, Belgium, when it suddenly becomes light outside. Looking up, he sees an orange fireball flying past with small fragments falling off it. It is silent and does not explode.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Belgisch UFO-Meldpunt, March 4, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7750
### Event 54391 (9D5BF5D0)
**Date:** 2/24/2018
**Location:** Breda, Netherlands
**Description:** 1:15 a.m. A man in Breda, Netherlands, looks out his bedroom window and sees an enormous globe of white and turquoise light as large as the full moon. The light is so brilliant it hurts his eyes to look at it for 6 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Felle turqouise-witte bewegende lichtbol, grootte van een volle maan,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7304-felle-turqouise-witte-bewegende-lichtbol-grootte-van-een-volle-maan)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, February 24, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7751
### Event 54392 (CA10A662)
**Date:** 2/24/2018
**Locations:** Sonoran Desert National Monument; Arizona; New Mexico border
**Description:** 3:40 p.m. A Learjet 36 belonging to Phoenix Air flying at 37,000 feet reports an object passing above them going in the opposite direction at about 40,000 feet. Minutes later, Blenus Green, pilot of an American Airlines Airbus A321 flying on the same air route at 40,000 feet, reports a bright object passing above them in the opposite direction by about 2,000–3,000 feet. The planes are moving east between the Sonoran Desert National Monument in southern Arizona and the New Mexico border. The air traffic controller in Albuquerque is unable to verify any other aircraft in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway, “[Learjet and Airbus Had Strange Encounter with Mysterious](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/19095/listen-in-as-a-learjet-and-an-airbus-encounter-a-mystery-craft-high-over-arizona) [Craft over Arizona,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/19095/listen-in-as-a-learjet-and-an-airbus-encounter-a-mystery-craft-high-over-arizona)” The Drive: The War Zone, March 8, 2018; “[2 Airline Pilots Report Seeing UFO While](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-over-arizona-sighting-american-airlines-learjet-pilots-see-ufo/) [Flying over Arizona,](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-over-arizona-sighting-american-airlines-learjet-pilots-see-ufo/)” CBS News, March 29, 2018; Jenny Randles, “The Sonora Desert Incident,” Fortean Times 367 \(June 2018\): 31; Patrick Gross, “[Pilots Sightings](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/sonora24feb2018.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7752
### Event 54393 (97028E9E)
**Date:** 2/25/2018
**Location:** Lendele, Belgium
**Description:** 6:45 a.m. A witness in Lendele, Belgium, looks out the window and sees a large, bright globe without a tail shooting toward the ground. After a few seconds it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Belgisch UFO-Meldpunt, March 4, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7753
### Event 54394 (0FF3FDAC)
**Date:** 2/26/2018
**Location:** Sibculo, Netherlands
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. A man walking his dog in Sibculo, Netherlands, takes a video of a bright, flashing object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Snel](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7307-snel-bewegend-verspringd-licht) [bewegend verspringd licht,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7307-snel-bewegend-verspringd-licht)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, February 26, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7754
### Event 54395 (17B6E905)
**Date:** 2/27/2018
**Description:** The [Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FTrump) administration requests $81.1 billion, the largest amount ever, in funding for the black budget that bankrolls US intelligence operations. $59.9 billion is earmarked for the National Intelligence Program for non-military efforts. The other $21.2 billion would go to the Military Intelligence Program for the Defense Department.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[DNI Releases Budget Figure for FY 2019 Appropriations Requested for the National Intelligence](https://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/press-releases/item/1849-dni-releases-budget-figure-for-fy-2019-appropriations-requested-for-the-national-intelligence-program) [Program,](https://www.dni.gov/index.php/newsroom/press-releases/item/1849-dni-releases-budget-figure-for-fy-2019-appropriations-requested-for-the-national-intelligence-program)” Office of the Director of National Intelligence, February 27, 2018; “[Trump Administration Requests](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/feb/28/trump-administration-requests-811-billion-toward-b/) [Record $81.1 Billion for ‘Black Budget,’](https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/feb/28/trump-administration-requests-811-billion-toward-b/)” Washington Times, February 28, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7755
### Event 54396 (11EA851C)
**Date:** 2/27/2018
**Location:** Briele, Netherlands
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. A 13-year-old boy in Briele, Netherlands, watches two black discs with red lights flying together.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[2 zwarte \(met rode streep\) schijven die naast elkaar vliegen,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7309-2-zwarte-met-rode-streep-schijven-die-naast-elkaar-vliegen)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, February 27, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7756
### Event 54397 (87E1C1DB)
**Date:** 2/27/2018
**Location:** Heerlen, Netherlands
**Description:** 10:10 p.m. A cluster of 3–5 orange-white lights is seen moving and hovering above Heerlen, Netherlands.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[3–5 oranje witte lichten in de lucht kijk hoek 44° Noord Oosten,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7308-3-5-oranje-witte-lichten-in-de-lucht-kijk-hoek-44-noord-oosten)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, February 27, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7757
### Event 54398 (E159CEAD)
**Date:** 2/28/2018
**Location:** Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands
**Description:** 6:20 p.m. A semi-transparent oval object flies 30–50 feet above the A2 highway near Ouderkerk aan de Amstel, Netherlands, before moving over an adjacent meadow.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Grijs semi-transparante bal vloog boven](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7310-grijs-semi-transparante-bal-vloog-boven-snelweg) [snelweg,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7310-grijs-semi-transparante-bal-vloog-boven-snelweg)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, February 28, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7758
### Event 54399 (6EFAC76B)
**Date:** 3/2018
**Locations:** University of Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Havana
**Description:** University of Pennsylvania researchers examine 21 affected diplomats from the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, and the preliminary results are published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The report “found no evidence of white matter tract abnormalities” in affected diplomats, beyond what might be seen in a control group of the same age and describe “a new syndrome in the diplomats that resembles persistent concussion.” While some diplomats recover swiftly, others have symptoms that last for months. The study concludes that “the diplomats appear to have sustained injury to widespread brain networks.” Some experts criticize the study, arguing that there is “no proof that any kind of energy source affected the diplomats, or even that an attack took place.” MRI scans and other tests taken by a chief neurologist in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on an unspecified number of Canadian diplomats posted in Havana show evidence of brain damage that mirrors the injuries of some of their US counterparts. Global Affairs Canada withdraws all staff with families.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Fresh Row over Mysterious](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/24/fresh-row-over-mysterious-sickness-affecting-us-diplomats-in-cuba) [Sickness Affecting US Diplomats in Cuba,](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/24/fresh-row-over-mysterious-sickness-affecting-us-diplomats-in-cuba)” The Guardian \(UK\), February 24, 2018; Randel L. Swanson II, et al., “[Neurological Manifestations among US Government Personnel Reporting Directional Audible and Sensory](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2673168) [Phenomena in Havana, Cuba,](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2673168)” Journal of the American Medical Association 319 \(March 20, 2018\): 1125–1133; “[Blood and Bureaucracy: Inside Canada’s Panicked Response to ‘Havana Syndrome,’](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-blood-and-bureaucracy-inside-canadas-panicked-response-to-havana/)” Toronto \(Ont.\) Globe and Mail, December 12, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7759
### Event 54400 (278F8CB2)
**Date:** 3/2/2018
**Location:** Havana, Cuba
**Description:** The US State Department announces it will continue to staff its embassy in Havana, Cuba, at the minimum level required to perform “core diplomatic and consular functions” due to concerns about health attacks on staff. The embassy has been operating under “ordered departure status” since September, but the status is set to expire. This announcement serves to extend the staff reductions indefinitely.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[US Embassy in Cuba to Reduce Staff](https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/02/politics/us-embassy-cuba-staff-reductions-attacks/index.html) [Indefinitely after ‘Health Attacks,’](https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/02/politics/us-embassy-cuba-staff-reductions-attacks/index.html)” CNN, March 2, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7760
### Event 54401 (8AAC9B5A)
**Date:** 3/9/2018
**Location:** US
**Description:** The US Air Force officially retires the MQ-1 Predator drone from operational service. The aircraft was first operationally deployed in 1995 and in 2011 the last of 268 Predators were delivered to the service, of which just over 100 were still in service by the start of 2018. While the Predator was phased out by the Air Force in favor of the heavier and more capable MQ-9 Reaper, the Predator continues to serve in the MQ-1C Gray Eagle derivative for the US Army as well as with several foreign nations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[General Atomics MQ-1 Predator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General%5FAtomics%5FMQ-1%5FPredator)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7761
### Event 54402 (6BBEF93F)
**Date:** 3/11/2018
**Location:** US
**Description:** The _To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science_ (TTSA), co-founded by ex-Blink-182's Tom DeLonge, unveils a video called "Go Fast" and other UAP-related materials. The video, one of three including 'FLIR' and 'GIMBAL', is officially acknowledged by the U.S. Department of Defense in 2020.
**Type:** company formation
**Reference:** [GoFast Official USG UAP Footage](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Go_Fast_Official_USG_Footage_of_UAP_for_Public_Release.webm)
**Reference:** [Tom Delonge - To the Stars Academy UFO Video](https://www.altpress.com/tom_delonge_to_the_stars_academy_ufo_video/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1024
### Event 54403 (AAEEA2BA)
**Date:** 3/13/2018
**Location:** North Carolina
**Description:** 4:15 p.m. An F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 106 \(VFA-106, the “Gladiators”\) tracks four separate unknown objects on its radar in the W-122 warning area, which sits off the coast of North Carolina. The objects are all flying at approximately 0.1 Mach at altitudes between 16,000 and 22,000 feet. The pilot visually identifies one at 20,000 feet that “appeared to be a quadcopter-type drone, 3–4 feet wide.” The objects do not appear to be doing anything in particular and are stationary or near-stationary. They are also spread out across an area approximately 40 to 50 miles wide, with the closest one being 15 miles away from the one boat that the pilot noted seeing below.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy Pilot Reports from](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast) [Encounters with Mysterious Aircraft off the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7762
### Event 54404 (00C8684D)
**Date:** 3/19/2018
**Location:** Sandia National Laboratory
**Description:** A UFO sighting report of what looked like a drone flying West to East over Sandia National Labs. From the Protective Force Division reporting form (180319-2): It was low flying and had no sound, with alternating white and red LED lighting. Sandia SIMs office called at Vasco Post and reported they had spotted a silent low flying jet flying over Sandia at the same time. Central Alarm Station was notified. The National Nuclear Security Administration, part of the US Department of Energy, included this report in their 9/2023 UAP release.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Twitter - @StandForBetter](https://twitter.com/StandForBetter/status/1707848635986416072)
**Reference:** [Department of Energy website](https://www.energy.gov/nnsa/20220809)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1089
### Event 54405 (5B86AED2)
**Date:** 4/5/2018
**Location:** DeRidder, Louisiana
**Description:** Night. Dogs belonging to a witness in DeRidder, Louisiana, begin growling in the living room, and cows in the pasture are mooing excitedly. Outside, he sees a huge white light growing and intensity and pulsating for 15 minutes. When it disappears, the animals calm down.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Randle, Levelland, 2021, p. 125
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7763
### Event 54406 (98A9D5AE)
**Date:** 5/2/2018
**Description:** Anonymous PUBLIC DOMAIN site with details on UAP behavior and alleged bibliographies containing classified UAP reports from USG contractors states a system “XViS” is being used to analyze UAP biological effects on humans, and UAP contact scenarios.
Curiously, XVis was an actual Department of Energy (DOE)/Sandia National Laboratories project used to simulate various advanced projects that concluded in 2017.
* [https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2018/05/xvis-and-atypical-conscious-states.html](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2018/05/xvis-and-atypical-conscious-states.html)
* [http://www.xvis.org/index.php/Main_Page](http://www.xvis.org/index.php/Main_Page)
* [https://www.sandia.gov/ccr/project/xvis/](https://www.sandia.gov/ccr/project/xvis/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_512
### Event 54407 (B99F8EB7)
**Date:** 5/5/2018
**Locations:** Gatwick Airport; Crawley, West Sussex, England
**Description:** 12:45 p.m. A B757 airliner pilot is approaching Gatwick Airport near Crawley, West Sussex, England, in busy airspace when the First Officer and Captain see a fairly large, irregular-shaped, dark-lack object pass down the left side at the same altitude within 200 feet of the aircraft, heading in an easterly direction. No avoiding action is needed, but the incident is reported to Gatwick control.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “The UKAB Meeting on 20th June 2018 Consisted Solely of Consolidated Drone/Balloon/Model/Unknown Object Report Sheet”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7764
### Event 54408 (06ACC887)
**Date:** 5/23/2018
**Locations:** Guangzhou, China; Havana, Cuba; US
**Description:** After an employee of the US Consulate in Guangzhou, China, reports medical symptoms \(abnormal sensations of sound and pressure\) in April that are similar to the diplomats in Havana, Cuba, Secretary of State [Mike](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike%5FPompeo) [Pompeo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike%5FPompeo) confirms to the House Foreign Affairs Committee that there are several reports from diplomatic staff in Guangzhou of symptoms “entirely consistent” with those reported from Cuba. A medical team arrives at the end of the month to conduct baseline medical evaluations on consulate staff. Some are evacuated to the US, including security engineering officer Mark Lenzi, who has been hearing sounds like “marbles bouncing and hitting the floor” since April 2017, followed by excruciating headaches and insomnia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[US Embassy Pulls More China Staff](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-44393297) [over Mystery Illness,](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-44393297)” BBC News, June 7, 2018; Richard Stone, “[Sonic Attack or Mass Paranoia? New Evidence](https://www.science.org/content/article/sonic-attack-or-mass-paranoia-new-evidence-stokes-debate-over-diplomats-mysterious) [Stokes Debate over Diplomats’ Mysterious Illness,](https://www.science.org/content/article/sonic-attack-or-mass-paranoia-new-evidence-stokes-debate-over-diplomats-mysterious)” Science, June 20, 2018; “[US Diplomat Mark Lenzi, Who](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3009811/us-diplomat-mark-lenzi-who-suffered-mysterious-injury-while-stationed) [Suffered Mysterious Injury While Stationed in China, Pledges to Donate Brain to Science,](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3009811/us-diplomat-mark-lenzi-who-suffered-mysterious-injury-while-stationed)” South China Morning Post, May 11, 2019; Julia Joffe, “[The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion,](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-investigation-and-russian-microwave-attacks)” GQ, October 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7765
### Event 54409 (01FC04CA)
**Date:** 5/30/2018
**Description:** Remote viewer “Sky Arrow” claims targets they’re looking at are associated with a code word “Omega” operations, related to deep space propulsion, Mach 10-plus vehicles, antigravity craft, loitering surveillance systems, UAP and reverse engineering projects. The viewer claims Area 29 at White Sands Proving Ground may be a meaningful location for this research, something a microfilm screen sent to former McDonnell Douglas engineer Robert Wood showed as well. (S-1 sent Wood a map of WSMR with Area 29 denoted in the northwest corner). The firm Bechtel Corp. is noted as having a connection to Area 29.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2018/05/30/mysterious-area-29-is-it-linked-to-area-51-and-ufos/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2018/05/30/mysterious-area-29-is-it-linked-to-area-51-and-ufos/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_513
### Event 54410 (C74DFC08)
**Date:** 6/13/2018
**Time:** 0400
**Locations:** San Diego, CA; Austin, TX
**Description:** TTSA’s “ADAM Project” (an acronym for Acquisition & Data Analysis of Materials) hand delivers exotic materials claimed to be from a crashed UFO to EarthTech in Austin, TX.
**Type:** material delivery
**Reference:** [YouTube](https://youtu.be/MzrnJtNbwZE)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_825
### Event 54411 (9C05ABCE)
**Date:** 6/24/2018
**Description:** **AATIP** scientist and EarthTech consultant Eric Davis states there was a collaboration between EarthTech, **BAASS** and an aerospace company “like Ratheyon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin” to try and figure out some of the answers when the **AATIP** program ran out of appropriation funding.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/8u9owl/notes_on_eric_daviss_june_24th_appearance_on/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/8u9owl/notes_on_eric_daviss_june_24th_appearance_on/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_514
### Event 54412 (EABC9111)
**Date:** 6/24/2018
**Description:** **AATIP** scientist and EarthTech consultant Eric Davis states, “the crash retrieval program, it’s still there. And we would have gotten into the crash retrieval program using the legal authorizations that would open the door \[for\] us. And we would have gotten access to it
and that would have exponentially increased our knowledge base and understanding since we don’t have a Tic Tac in possession right now. We’re not in possession of one.”
* [https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2018-06-24-show/](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2018-06-24-show/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_515
### Event 54413 (4FB52B05)
**Date:** 7/2018
**Description:** To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), advised by current and former USG/USG contractor officials, launch the **A.D.A.M. Research Project** to study “exotic metamaterials” recovered from alleged UAP sources for study and possible reverse engineering.
TTSA purchased alleged UAP metamaterials over the following two years and reached a collaborative R&D agreement with the US Army’s Combat Capabilities Development Command (USACCDC) to advance developments in material science, spacetime metric engineering, quantum physics, beamed energy propulsion and active camouflage. As of TTSA’s last prospectus (May 2022), USACCDC is still testing “anomalous materials” to determine military or civilian uses.
* [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315222012740/form253g2.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1710274/000149315222012740/form253g2.htm) (p21)
* [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/to-the-stars-academy-of-arts--science-announces-crada-with-the-us-army-combat-capabilities-development-command-to-advance-materiel-and-technology-innovations-300940211.html](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/to-the-stars-academy-of-arts--science-announces-crada-with-the-us-army-combat-capabilities-development-command-to-advance-materiel-and-technology-innovations-300940211.html)
>**_Note_**: In October 2017, TTSA co-founder Tom DeLonge stated on a podcast that recovered UAP metamaterials experienced an anti-gravitic effect when radiated with terahertz frequencies. “It resonates some kind of harmonic and gets lighter, and if you hit it with enough terahertz it’ll float,” he stated. “We’re going to be bringing out hardware,” DeLonge claimed. This has yet to occur.
>* [https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6](https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6) (p216)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_516
### Event 54414 (CB19295F)
**Date:** 7/5/2018
**Location:** Birmingham, England
**Description:** 9:30 a.m. A King Air BE90 pilot is cruising at 16,000 feet about 10 nautical miles north of Birmingham, England, when he sees a rectangular or elliptical object pass 500–1,000 feet below the aircraft. He estimates it is 20–40 inches long, although it is only in sight for 2 seconds below it passes beneath the plane. It is either hovering or traveling in the opposite direction.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “Assessment Summary Sheet for UKAB Meeting on 12th September 2018”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7766
### Event 54415 (127C69F5)
**Date:** 7/26/2018
**Location:** Austin, Texas
**Description:** The To The Stars Academy’s ADAM Research Project is announced to test extraterrestrial materials for commercial and military applications. The testing will be done through [Harold E. Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff)’s EarthTech International in Austin, Texas.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** To The Stars Academy, “An Introduction to the ADAM Rsearch Project,” July 26, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7767
### Event 54416 (7BC4F8D8)
**Date:** 8/6/2018
**Location:** Heemstede, Netherlands
**Description:** 11:20 p.m. A resident of Heemstede, Netherlands, is skywatching when he suddenly sees a silent triangular object with three white lights moving faster than an airplane.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Drie lichtjies in driehoeksvorm leek zwart vlak in](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7880-drie-lichtjes-in-driehoeksvorm-leek-zwart-vlak-in-het-midden-te-zitten) [het midden te zitten,](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/7880-drie-lichtjes-in-driehoeksvorm-leek-zwart-vlak-in-het-midden-te-zitten)” UFO Meldpunt Nederland, August 6, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7768
### Event 54417 (09221B2C)
**Date:** 8/12/2018
**Locations:** Viry, Haute-Savoie, France; Geneva, Switzerland
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Frédéric K. and a companion are watching the night sky in Viry, Haute-Savoie, France, when they see a black triangle with lights at each of its points. The object is nearly motionless, but it is rotating slightly and is completely silent. K. is struck by its immense size, which he estimates is several times the size of an airliner. After a few seconds it moves slowly northeast toward Geneva, Switzerland.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daniel Robin, “Les triangles de la nuit \(suite\),” Ovnis-Direct, August 23, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7769
### Event 54418 (3FEC1D84)
**Date:** 8/16/2018
**Description:** A TTSA statement of work sought Hal Puthoff’s Earthtech International to study the properties of “potentially exotic materials.”
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/09/details-of-contracts-between-to-stars.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2018/09/details-of-contracts-between-to-stars.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_517
### Event 54419 (46F03247)
**Date:** 9/1/2018
**Locations:** New York; Havana; University of Pennsylvania; American
**Description:** According to a New York Times report, [Douglas H. Smith](http://www.med.upenn.edu/cbir/Research-Team.html), the lead author of the March study on Havana Syndrome and director of the Center for Brain Injury and Repair at the University of Pennsylvania, says that microwaves are now considered a main suspect and that the team is increasingly sure the diplomats have suffered brain injury. Strikes with microwaves, some experts now argue, more plausibly explain reports of painful sounds, ills, and traumas than do other possible culprits—sonic attacks, viral infections, and contagious anxiety. In particular, a growing number of analysts cite an eerie phenomenon known as the Frey effect, named after [Allan H.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave%5Fauditory%5Feffect) [Frey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave%5Fauditory%5Feffect)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave%5Fauditory%5Feffect) an American scientist, who in the 1960s found that microwaves can trick the brain into perceiving what seem to be ordinary sounds. The false sensations may account for a defining symptom of the diplomatic incidents—the perception of loud noises, including ringing, buzzing, and grinding. Initially, experts cited those symptoms as evidence of stealthy attacks with sonic weapons.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** William J. Broad, “[Microwave Weapons Are](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/01/science/sonic-attack-cuba-microwave.html) [Prime Suspect in Ills of U.S. Embassy Workers,](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/01/science/sonic-attack-cuba-microwave.html)” New York Times, September 1, 2018; Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, “[Diplomats’ Mystery Illness and Pulsed Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation,](https://direct.mit.edu/neco/article-abstract/30/11/2882/8424/Diplomats-Mystery-Illness-and-Pulsed)” Neural Computation 30 \(2018\): 2882–2985
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7770
### Event 54420 (E869C309)
**Date:** 10/11/2018
**Location:** Tucson, AZ
**Description:** Ufologist Robert O. Dean dies at age 89. Dean gave public presentations about secret documents we read at NATO SHAPE concerning UFO's.
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Dean_%28ufologist%29)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_826
### Event 54421 (75125AA2)
**Date:** 10/15/2018
**Locations:** Moscow, Russia; Cosmos Hotel; US; Italy; UK; Brazil; Argentina; Turkey; Hungary; Bulgaria; Peru
**Description:** The Five Continents UFO Forum is held in the Cosmos Hotel in Moscow, Russia, to serve as a platform to launch a worldwide UFO organization. The nine founders of the World Coalition on Extraterrestrial Contact include [Don Schmitt](https://ufocongress.com/don-schmitt-2/) \(US\), [Roberto Pinotti](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto%5FPinotti) \(Italy\), [Gary Heseltine](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3097700/bio) \(UK\), [Ademar José Gevaerd](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ademar%5FJos%C3%A9%5FGevaerd) \(Brazil\), Andrea Simondini \(Argentina\), [Haktan Ardogan](https://ufocongress.com/haktan-akdogan/) \(Turkey\), Gabor Tarçali \(Hungary\), [Lachezar Filipov](http://www.space.bas.bg/astrophysics/BG/cvfilipov%5Fsite.html) \(Bulgaria\), and [Anthony Choy](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony%5FChoy) \(Peru\). The conference is promoted by the Russian Kosmopoisk group and the International Chinese UFO Association.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 2Pinotti 230–231
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7771
### Event 54422 (72B2CD03)
**Date:** 10/26/2018
**Locations:** Harvard; ʻOumuamua
**Description:** Harvard astronomer [Avi Loeb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avi%5FLoeb) and his postdoctoral assistant Shmuel Bialy submit a paper exploring the possibility that the recently discovered interstellar object ʻOumuamua is an artificial thin solar sail accelerated by solar radiation pressure in an effort to help explain the object’s nongravitational acceleration. Other scientists state that the available evidence is insufficient to consider such a premise and that a tumbling solar sail would not be able to accelerate. In response, Loeb writes an article detailing six anomalous properties of ʻOumuamua that make it unusual, unlike any comets or asteroids seen before. A subsequent report on observations by the Spitzer Space Telescope sets a tight limit on cometary outgassing of any carbon-based molecules and indicates that ʻOumuamua is at least 10 times shinier than a typical comet. A detailed podcast produced by Rob Reid provides the full details about the differences between ʻOumuamua and known comets.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[‘Oumuamua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BBOumuamua\#Alien%5Fobject%5Fhypothesis)”; Abraham Loeb, “[How](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/how-to-search-for-dead-cosmic-civilizations/) [to Search for Dead Cosmic Civilizations,](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/how-to-search-for-dead-cosmic-civilizations/)” Scientific American blog, September 27, 2018; Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb, “[Could Solar Radiation Pressure Explain ‘Oumuamua’s Peculiar Acceleration?](https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.11490)” arXiv, October 26, 2018; Matt Williams, “[Could ‘Oumuamua Be an Extraterrestrial Solar Sail?](https://www.universetoday.com/140391/could-oumuamua-be-an-extra-terrestrial-solar-sail/)” Universe Today, October 31, 2018; “[Cigar-Shaped Interstellar Object May Have Been an Alien Probe, Harvard Paper Claims,](https://www.wpsdlocal6.com/archive/cigar-shaped-interstellar-object-may-have-been-an-alien-probe/article%5F24c3cd57-36e8-580a-87e1-f139ab01d53d.html)” WPSD-TV, Paducah, Kentucky, November 6, 2018; Kerry Sheridan, “[Scientists Push Back against Harvard ‘Alien](https://phys.org/news/2018-11-scientists-harvard-alien-spacecraft-theory.html) [Spacecraft’ Theory,](https://phys.org/news/2018-11-scientists-harvard-alien-spacecraft-theory.html)” Phys.org, November 7, 2018; Abraham Loeb, “[6 Strange Facts about the Interstellar Visitor](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/6-strange-facts-about-the-interstellar-visitor-oumuamua/) [‘Oumuamua,](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/6-strange-facts-about-the-interstellar-visitor-oumuamua/)” Scientific American blog, November 20, 2018; D.E. Trilling, et al., “[Spitzer Observations of](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.08072) [Interstellar Object 1I/’Oumuamua,](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.08072)” aeXiv, November 20, 2018; Rob Reid, “[Nailing Down the Nature of](https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/11/nailing-down-the-nature-of-oumuamua-its-probably-a-comet-but/) [‘Oumuamua: It’s Probably a Comet, But…](https://arstechnica.com/science/2018/11/nailing-down-the-nature-of-oumuamua-its-probably-a-comet-but/)” Ars Technica, November 29, 2018; Oded Carmeli, “[If True, This](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-if-true-this-could-be-one-of-the-greatest-discoveries-in-human-history-1.6828318) [Could Be One of the Greatest Discoveries in Human History,](https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-if-true-this-could-be-one-of-the-greatest-discoveries-in-human-history-1.6828318)” Haaretz, January 16, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7772
### Event 54423 (13831909)
**Date:** 10/28/2018
**Description:** Eric Davis states on a radio broadcast that the Del Rio TX UAP crash was a real event and was a successful crash retrieval. “Del Rio, Texas, that was a 1950s case, that was another one (crash retrieval), and the other ones I won’t bring up because those are still classified. But um…and they have not been investigated to my knowledge; I’m sorry, that have not been revealed or published to my knowledge.” Davis states “we” have crash retrievals and USG/private laboratories were not advanced enough to understand what the technology was.
* [https://silvarecord.com/2018/10/28/dr-eric-davis-confirms-del-rio-texas-ufo-event-was-a-successful-crash-retrieval-2/](https://silvarecord.com/2018/10/28/dr-eric-davis-confirms-del-rio-texas-ufo-event-was-a-successful-crash-retrieval-2/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_518
### Event 54424 (519DAD99)
**Date:** 11/6/2018
**Locations:** Tucson, Arizona; Picacho Peak
**Description:** Around midnight. The pilots of a US Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter are preparing to take off from an airstrip about 40 miles northwest of Tucson, Arizona, when they spot three objects in a loose triangular formation in the sky at a low altitude. The copilot continues to follow the three objects with the aircraft’s multi- sensor imaging system, the Target Acquisition Designation Sight/Pilot Night Vision Sensor. As the three objects approach the foothills of nearby Picacho Peak, they suddenly appear to rotate around each other, as if revolving around an unseen axis, all while maintaining a steady eastward trajectory. Pilot Chris Lehto says they are moving at an unexpectedly high rate of speed. After several rotations, the objects then resume an obtuse triangular formation before speeding out of sight as the Apache begins to take off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tim McMillan, Micah Hanks, and Christopher Plain, “[Incursions at the Border: Homeland Security Agents Tell of Encounters with Unidentified](https://thedebrief.org/incursions-at-the-border-homeland-security-agents-tell-of-encounters-with-uap/) [Aerial Phenomena,](https://thedebrief.org/incursions-at-the-border-homeland-security-agents-tell-of-encounters-with-uap/)” The DeBrief, May 27, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7773
### Event 54425 (389AB420)
**Date:** 11/9/2018
**Locations:** County Kerry, Ireland; Dingle peninsula; Shannon Airport
**Description:** 6:47 a.m. A British Airways 787 is flying eastward just off the coast of County Kerry, Ireland, near the Dingle peninsula at 330 mph at an altitude of 39,000 feet. Two other aircraft, a Norwegian Airlines 737 in front of it and a Virgin VA 76 behind, are on the same flight path. The pilot of the British Airways plane notices a bright light moving fast on the left and rapidly veers north. She asks Shannon Airport if there are military planes in the area. They tell the pilot no and that nothing is showing on their radar. The Virgin pilot has seen it and thinks it is a meteor or satellite re-entry. The Norwegian pilot has seen two bright lights. Shannon verifies that other aircraft have witnessed the event.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Irish Mid-Air Spectacular,” Fortean Times 375 \(January 2019\): 33
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7774
### Event 54426 (97C27BC8)
**Date:** 11/9/2018
**Description:** A report finds that the earlier FBI investigation into the Cuban health attacks has been stymied by conflicts with the CIA and State Department. The CIA is reluctant to reveal, even to other US agencies, the identities of affected officers. Federal rules on the confidentiality of medical records also hindered the investigation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Entous and Jon Lee Anderson, “[The Mystery of the Havana Syndrome,](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/11/19/the-mystery-of-the-havana-syndrome)” New Yorker, November 9, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7775
### Event 54427 (0AA780BD)
**Date:** 11/17/2018
**Locations:** Cincinnati area; Calgary, Alberta; Saskatchewan
**Description:** Day. A Cargojet flight from the Cincinnati area to Calgary, Alberta, observes bright lights high above Saskatchewan, while a corresponding Canadian Air Defence Sector log entry describes “bright shining lights” that are “maneuvering and moving fast.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daniel Otis, “[Credible UFO Reports Are Being Ignored, Declassified](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dggbx/canada-military-rcaf-ufos-sightings) [Canadian Government Documents Reveal,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dggbx/canada-military-rcaf-ufos-sightings)” Motherboard, November 29, 2021; [CADORS Report](https://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/saf-sec-sur/2/cadors-screaq/rd.aspx?cno%3d2018C4984%26dtef%3d%26dtet%3d2021-07-27%26otp%3d-1%26ftop%3d%253e%253d%26ftno%3d0%26ijop%3d%253e%253d%26ijno%3d0%26olc%3d%26prv%3d-1%26rgn%3d-1%26tsbno%3d%26tsbi%3d-1%26arno%3d%26ocatno%3d%26ocatop%3d1%26oevtno%3d%26oevtop%3d1%26evtacoc%3d3%26fltno%3d%26fltr%3d-1%26cars%3d-1%26acat%3d-1%26nar%3d%26aiddl%3d-1%26aidxt%3d%26optdl%3d-1%26optcomt%3d%26optseq%3d%26optxt%3d%26opdlxt%3dResults%2bwill%2bappear%2bin%2bthis%2blist%26mkdl%3d-1%26mkxt%3d%26mdldl%3d-1%26mdlxt%3d%26cmkdl%3dC%26cmkxt%3d%26rt%3dQR%26hypl%3dy%26cnum%3d2018C4984), no. 2018C4984
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7776
### Event 54428 (922D024E)
**Date:** 11/19/2018
**Locations:** Australia; Vienna, Austria
**Description:** The Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization announces that all 21 monitoring facilities located in Australia are completed “and sending reliable, high-quality data” to Vienna, Austria, for analysis. The global monitoring system consists of 337 facilities worldwide to monitor the planet for signs of nuclear explosions. It includes 60 infrasound stations that monitor for micropressure changes in Earth’s atmosphere, which are caused by infrasonic waves. These waves have a low frequency and cannot be heard by human ears, and can be caused by nuclear explosions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Preparatory Commission for the](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preparatory%5FCommission%5Ffor%5Fthe%5FComprehensive%5FNuclear-Test-Ban%5FTreaty%5FOrganization\#International%5FMonitoring%5FSystem%5F%28IMS%29) [Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preparatory%5FCommission%5Ffor%5Fthe%5FComprehensive%5FNuclear-Test-Ban%5FTreaty%5FOrganization\#International%5FMonitoring%5FSystem%5F%28IMS%29)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7777
### Event 54429 (6CB3DDB1)
**Date:** 11/21/2018
**Locations:** Greenland; CFB Bagotville, Quebec; Canada's north Atlantic coast; Edmonton, Alberta; High Prairie, Alberta; Winnipeg, Manitoba
**Description:** Morning. The Canadian Air Defence Sector detects an unidentified radar target approaching North America from the direction of Greenland. Canadian CF-18 fighter jets are soon launched from CFB Bagotville in Quebec to locate the “unknown track,” but find nothing. A declassified report from the following day blames the “spurious data” on equipment issues at a NORAD radar installation on Canada’s north Atlantic coast. Later that day, CADS receives a UFO report from Edmonton air traffic controllers about “3 red lights in the sky, hovering at the approximate height of a cell phone tower” near High Prairie, Alberta. This time, CADS responds by notifying Canadian NORAD headquarters in Winnipeg and Transport Canada, the federal transportation department.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daniel Otis, “[Credible UFO Reports Are Being Ignored, Declassified Canadian Government Documents](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dggbx/canada-military-rcaf-ufos-sightings) [Reveal,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dggbx/canada-military-rcaf-ufos-sightings)” Motherboard, November 29, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7778
### Event 54430 (5B69C2D7)
**Date:** 11/29/2018
**Description:** Mitre Corp’s JASON Group in a Secret estimate writes that it can not find a single plausible source of energy that can produce all the symptoms USG personnel report related to Havana Syndrome. This includes both audio/video signals and the reported medical
effects. It is worth determining if UAP proximity effects account for any Havana Syndrome cases and if JASON Group has any of that data at a higher classification level. The Group has allegedly been linked to UAP elsewhere (see 25 April 2019 entry).
* [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21068770-jason-report-2018-havana-syndrome](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21068770-jason-report-2018-havana-syndrome) (p7)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_519
### Event 54431 (658E5074)
**Date:** 12/4/2018
**Location:** Area 51
**Description:** The independent documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers is released. The film, available on Netflix beginning in June 2019, “chronicles the challenges and travails of a cosmic whistleblower. Burdened with a revolutionary secret, he had to choose between his oath to his country or his conscience. [Jeremy Corbell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy%5FKenyon%5FLockyer%5FCorbell)’s film explores [Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar)’s groundbreaking claims and the devastating impact it has had on his life over the course of the last 30 years, including rare and never before revealed footage guaranteed to alter the landscape of the debate.” “Unfortunately, Corbell busies up the documentary with a barrage of images of atomic age archival footage and such that after awhile make the movie seem more like a collage than a film. There is also the psychobabble narration that is mumbled by [Mickey Rourke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mickey%5FRourke); at times poetic, at times it comes off like comic relief. It’s distracting and unnecessary.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Internet Movie Database, “[Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9107368/)”; “[Watch Bob](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcTickWOsP0) [Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers, 2021,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcTickWOsP0)” News of the World YouTube channel, November 5, 2021; Amy Zimmerman, “[Why Did the FBI Raid the Home of the Biggest Alien Truther?](https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-did-the-fbi-raid-the-home-of-the-biggest-alien-truther)” The Daily Beast, December 4, 2018; Carlos, “[Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers,](https://carlosdev.wordpress.com/2018/12/26/bob-lazar-area-51-flying-saucers/)” Cinema365, December 26, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7779
### Event 54432 (5FF954D5)
**Date:** 12/12/2018
**Description:** Rendlesham Forest witness John Burroughs states Kit Green wanted him to do work on a particular form of ancient meditation: kripalu yoga and Vipassana meditation. A 2015 study found evidence for “greater widespread functional connectivity of the caudate” in people who practiced these forms of meditation. Stanford professor Garry Nolan has regularly stated a structural anomaly in the caudate-putamen region of the brain may have an impact on UAP contacts.
* [https://youtu.be/GmxPFs40GLs](https://youtu.be/GmxPFs40GLs)
* [https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/53742888-contact-modalities](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/53742888-contact-modalities)
* [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00137/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00137/full)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_520
### Event 54433 (B29604EA)
**Date:** 12/19/2018
**End date:** 12/21/2018
**Location:** Gatwick Airport in West Sussex, England
**Description:** Sightings of drones disrupt around 1,000 flights at Gatwick Airport in West Sussex, England, causing flights to be diverted or canceled. There are multiple reports but no physical or photographic evidence. The military are called in with special anti-drone equipment. Gatwick goes back to normal operations on December 21 after two people are arrested then released without charge.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Gatwick Airport drone incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gatwick%5FAirport%5Fdrone%5Fincident)”; “[Who](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8034127/gatwick-drone-menace-taunted-cops-flash-lights/) [is Drone Ranger?](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8034127/gatwick-drone-menace-taunted-cops-flash-lights/)” The Sun \(UK\), December 21, 2018; “[Gatwick Drone Attack Possible Inside Job, Police Say,](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-47919680)” BBC News, April 14, 2019; “The Gatwick Drone Enigma,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 40–41
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7780
### Event 54434 (939D3532)
**Date:** 12/30/2018
**Location:** Glasgow Airport, Scotland
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. The pilot of an Embraer 175 passenger plane approaching the runway at Glasgow Airport, Scotland, sees an “object pass between three and 10 feet from the aircraft at the same level.” The pilot cannot tell what it is, but it is “lit up in various places and was more horizontally long than it was vertically.” The Airprox board is unable to identify the object, but decides there was a definite risk of collision and luck played a part in missing it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “Assessment Summary Sheet for UKAB Meeting on 13th February 2019”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7781
## Year: 2019, 74 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54435 (0F9FB352)
**Date:** 1/2019
**Description:** Ufologist [Jenny Randles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny%5FRandles) retires the Northern UFO News after its 200th issue is published.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “[January Issue Now Out,](http://www.ozfactorbooks.com/northern-ufo-news-january-2019.html)” Oz Factor Books
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7782
### Event 54436 (C7ABF658)
**Date:** 1/4/2019
**Locations:** University of California, Berkeley; University of Lincoln; Cuba
**Description:** Biologists [Alexander L. Stubbs](https://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Alexander%5FL.%5FStubbs) of the University of California, Berkeley, and [Fernando Montealegre-Z](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fernando%5FMontealegre-Z) of the University of Lincoln analyze the recording of a sound made by US personnel in Cuba and release it to the Associated Press. They conclude that the sound is caused by the calling song of the Indies short-tailed cricket \(Anurogryllus celerinictus\) rather than a technological device. They match the song’s “pulse repetition rate, power spectrum, pulse rate stability, and oscillations per pulse” to the recording.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Carl Zimmer, “[The Sounds That](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/04/science/sonic-attack-cuba-crickets.html) [Haunted U.S. Diplomats in Cuba? Lovelorn Crickets, Scientists Say,](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/04/science/sonic-attack-cuba-crickets.html)” New York Times, January 4, 2019; Robert W. Baloh and Robert E. Bartholomew, Havana Syndrome: Mass Psychogenic Illness and the Real Story behind the Embassy Mystery and Hysteria, Springer, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7783
### Event 54437 (4D47BA2B)
**Date:** 1/6/2019
**Locations:** Northern Manitoba; Winnipeg Air Control Centre; Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario
**Description:** The crew of a Vanguard Air Care flight sees an unidentified light moving parallel to them for about three minutes while they are travelling at about 265 mph at an altitude of 7,500 feet around the 55th parallel over northern Manitoba. The CIRVIS report says the brightness of the light in the night sky is what attracted the observer’s attention and that NAV Canada’s Winnipeg Air Control Centre assumes that it is another aircraft. 21 Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron at Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario is notified of the sighting. An unclassified intelligence report is then faxed to Transport Canada.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[2019 Sighting of Unidentified](https://www.thompsoncitizen.net/local-news/2019-sighting-of-unidentified-light-in-northern-manitoba-sky-was-reported-to-air-force-vice-says-4297048) [Light in Northern Manitoba Sky Was Reported to Air Force, Vice Says,](https://www.thompsoncitizen.net/local-news/2019-sighting-of-unidentified-light-in-northern-manitoba-sky-was-reported-to-air-force-vice-says-4297048)” Thompson \(Man.\) Citizen, April 14, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7784
### Event 54438 (41F82DB1)
**Date:** 1/8/2019
**Description:** The television series Project Blue Book premieres on the History channel. The main role of [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) is played by [Aidan Gillen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aidan%5FGillen)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aidan%5FGillen) with [Laura Mennell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura%5FMennell) as Mimi Hynek. The series runs for a second season in 2020 before it is canceled. UFO skeptic [Robert Sheaffer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FSheaffer), reviewing the first four episodes, points out numerous historical inaccuracies and falsehoods, some of which he characterizes as “absurd.” Concerned over misguiding viewers, he concludes that “this program references real people by their real names, a real government program, and real incidents. It then mixes in absurd and invented details, while claiming that the show is based on real events.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Project Blue Book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project%5FBlue%5FBook%5F%28TV%5Fseries%29) [\(TV series\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project%5FBlue%5FBook%5F%28TV%5Fseries%29)”; Internet Movie Database, “[Project Blue Book](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6632666/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7785
### Event 54439 (3153CB19)
**Date:** 1/15/2019
**Locations:** Coningsby, England; North Sea
**Description:** 11:40 a.m. An RAF Typhoon pilot is leading a pair of fighters from Coningsby, England, to an exercise in the North Sea. After receiving clearance to climb to 30,000 feet from 15,000 feet, he notices an object at 11 o’clock about one nautical mile away, slightly higher and maintaining a constant altitude. The radar and data link show no traffic conflictions. The object reflects sunlight and appears to have a linear form. It passes down the left- hand side of the aircraft. The wingman independently sees the same object as it passes over the leader’s aircraft. He maintains the formation at 15,000 feet until they are clear of the object. Nothing unusual is noticed by ground radar.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “Assessment Summary Sheet for UKAB Meeting on 13th March 2019”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7786
### Event 54440 (C6FD7E76)
**Date:** 1/30/2019
**Locations:** Canada; Havana, Cuba
**Description:** The government of Canada announces that it is reducing its embassy staff in Havana, Cuba, after a 14th Canadian diplomat reports symptoms of Havana syndrome in late December 2018.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Havana Syndrome’ Forces](https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2019/01/30/havana-syndrome-forces-canada-to-halve-its-diplomatic-presence-in-cuba/) [Canada to Halve Its Diplomatic Presence in Cuba,](https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2019/01/30/havana-syndrome-forces-canada-to-halve-its-diplomatic-presence-in-cuba/)” Radio Canada International, January 30, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7787
### Event 54441 (5787AA04)
**Date:** 2/6/2019
**Locations:** Canada; Ottawa; Havana, Cuba
**Description:** The Canadian government is served with a $28 million dollar lawsuit by five diplomats, on the alleged basis that Ottawa has not promptly addressed the serious health concerns the Canadian diplomats and their families have faced in Havana, Cuba, more than 2 years ago. The origin of these health concerns is unknown, but these ailments manifest as symptoms that are similar to that of a concussion. None of these allegations have been proven in court.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Ailing Canadian Diplomats Who Served in Cuba Have ‘Visible and Real’ Health Impacts,](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2019/02/07/ailing-canadian-diplomats-who-served-in-cuba-have-visible-and-real-health-impacts-justin-trudeau-says.html) [Trudeau Says,](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2019/02/07/ailing-canadian-diplomats-who-served-in-cuba-have-visible-and-real-health-impacts-justin-trudeau-says.html)” Toronto \(Ont.\) Star, February 7, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7788
### Event 54442 (A37F85EA)
**Date:** 2/10/2019
**Locations:** Cogollos de Guadix, Granada, Spain; Universidad de Huelva
**Description:** Afternoon. Several people in Cogollos de Guadix, Granada, Spain, observe three mysterious lights flash across the sky at great speed, each of which falls in a different part of the village. José María Madiedo at the Universidad de Huelva rules out meteorites because the objects are only seen locally.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Seen in the Skies,” Fortean Times 382, August 2019, p. 17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7789
### Event 54443 (0B54E3B1)
**Date:** 2/13/2019
**Locations:** Naval Air Station Patuxent River; St. Mary’s County; Maryland; Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPES); Atlantic Test Ranges
**Description:** 4:35 p.m. The crew of an EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft from Air Test and Evaluation Squadron 23 \(VX-23\), flying out Naval Air Station Patuxent River in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, and conducting activities in the W-386 warning area, visually spot what they specifically describe as “a red weather balloon” at 27,000 feet. Neither Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes \(FASCFAC VACAPES\), nor the Echo Control team responsible for overseeing operations in the Atlantic Test Ranges off the coast, are aware of any scheduled balloon activity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[Here Are the Navy](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast) [Pilot Reports from Encounters with Mysterious Aircraft off the East Coast,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/33371/here-are-the-detailed-ufo-incident-reports-from-navy-pilots-flying-off-the-east-coast)” The Drive: The War Zone, May 12, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7790
### Event 54444 (55AEDAC0)
**Date:** 2/20/2019
**Description:** Author Diana Pasulka’s book America Cosmic states a USG/USG contractor scientist using the pseudonym “Tyler” viewed “artifacts” he believed to have come from a non-human/extraterrestrial source. Tyler states he had them in his library and was alone with them to perform analysis. It is unknown how he obtained them or who they were delivered/loaned from.
* [https://silvarecord.com/2019/11/15/these-people-claim-ufo-artifacts-are-held-by-the-government-and-or-contractors/](https://silvarecord.com/2019/11/15/these-people-claim-ufo-artifacts-are-held-by-the-government-and-or-contractors/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_521
### Event 54445 (CF343ED9)
**Date:** 2/26/2019
**Description:** FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat sues Joe Firmage, former CIA official Ron Pandolfi, and former Rep. David D. Marriott for his involvement in a firm named InterNASA. Kiviat claims he was recruited to perform media duties for InterNASA and told it had CIA backing for technology development based on UAP.
Kiviat states Pandolfi was trying to sabotage the company, adding he believed the CIA was running a “flytrap” disinformation scheme, in which honest people’s talents were used to further an intelligence operation’s goal; in this case, Kiviat alleges, an attempt to frame UAP in a specific way to the
U.S. public guided by current or former CIA personnel.
* [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8735600/tv-producer-sues-cia-scientist-government-ufo-cover-up-anti-gravity-research-project/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8735600/tv-producer-sues-cia-scientist-government-ufo-cover-up-anti-gravity-research-project/)
* [https://kalkorff.medium.com/exposing-harry-reids-black-budget-ufo-program-cia-disinfo-ops-71a044802b27](https://kalkorff.medium.com/exposing-harry-reids-black-budget-ufo-program-cia-disinfo-ops-71a044802b27)
* [https://badufos.blogspot.com/2019/03/the-anti-gravity-lawsuit.html](https://badufos.blogspot.com/2019/03/the-anti-gravity-lawsuit.html)
* [http://canadiannewsnetwork.net/mobile/index.html#p=1](http://canadiannewsnetwork.net/mobile/index.html#p=1) (rg - can't access)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_522
### Event 54446 (5C3BF271)
**Date:** 3/2019
**Locations:** Aegean Sea; Turkey; Greece
**Description:** An airline passenger films a supposed UFO over the Aegean Sea between Turkey and Greece. The film is taken through the airplane window and shows a massive, gray-black, contrail-like object cutting through a layer of clouds. Some investigators conclude it is an F-4 fighter jet of the Greek Air Force.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Seen in the Skies,” Fortean Times 382, August 2019, p. 17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7791
### Event 54447 (58F3F69E)
**Date:** 3/4/2019
**Location:** NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia
**Description:** An FA-18 pilot flying out of NAS Oceana in Virginia Beach, Virginia, takes cellphone images of a UAP out of his cockpit in the W-72 warning area off the coast. His weapons systems officer captures three different objects using the same cellphone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell, “[The US Navy Filmed Pyramid Shaped UFOs,](https://www.extraordinarybeliefs.com/news4/navy-filmed-pyramid-ufos)” Extraordinary Beliefs, April 8, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7792
### Event 54448 (02DC55AE)
**Date:** 3/15/2019
**Description:** Lue Elizondo is asked at a Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies event if there have been attempts to “shoot down” UAP and if “tech or beings” have been recovered. Elizondo shakes his head and says he can’t answer those questions.
* [https://www.ufojoe.net/elizondo/transcript/alabama](https://www.ufojoe.net/elizondo/transcript/alabama)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_523
### Event 54449 (3B8CFD6B)
**Date:** 3/30/2019
**Location:** London, England
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. A B787 airliner pilot flying over London, England, sees a red object pass down the right-hand side of the aircraft at 6,000 feet. It is impossible to identify, although it is large enough to cause concern.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “Assessment Summary Sheet for UKAB Meeting on Wednesday 15th May 2019”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7793
### Event 54450 (46FF2416)
**Date:** 4/2019
**Locations:** UK; National Archives
**Description:** The UK National Archives releases 18 more UFO files that had been missed since the last release in 2013.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Ministry of Defence Insider Reveals Contents of Britain’s ‘Final’ UFO Files,](https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/30/ministry-defence-insider-reveals-contents-britains-final-ufo-x-files-12152206/)” Metro \(UK\), January 30, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7794
### Event 54451 (E766A1FB)
**Date:** 4/2019
**Locations:** Parkes Observatory; New South Wales, Australia; Proxima Centauri
**Description:** The Parkes Observatory in New South Wales, Australia, picks up a 982.992 MHz radio signal, labeled BLC1, emitted from Proxima Centauri. Researchers from the Breakthrough Listen Project cannot attribute it to any Earth-based or near-Earth human-created source. Shifts in the signal’s frequency are consistent with a planet’s movement and may be suggestive of a third planet within the system. As of December 2020, follow-up observations have failed to detect the signal again, a step necessary to confirm that the signal is a technosignature.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[BLC1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLC1)”; “Signal from Space,” Fortean Times 404 \(April 2021\): 15; David Appell, “[Meet the](https://physicsworld.com/a/meet-the-technosignature-researcher-on-the-lookout-for-exo-civilizations/) [Technosignature Researcher on the Lookout for Exocivilizations,](https://physicsworld.com/a/meet-the-technosignature-researcher-on-the-lookout-for-exo-civilizations/)” Physics World, February 2, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7795
### Event 54452 (72578FAB)
**Date:** 4/4/2019
**Description:** The Argentine Air Force’s Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales is renamed the Centro de Identificación Aéroespacial.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Milton Hourcade, “[Argentina: UFO Declassification,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.uapsg.com/2020/07/argentina-ufo-declassification.html)” U.A.P.S.G.–G.E.F.A.I., July 29, 2020; Government of Argentina, “[Centro de Identificación Aéroespacial](https://www.argentina.gob.ar/fuerzaaerea/centro-de-identificaci%C3%B3n-aeroespacial)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7796
### Event 54453 (12AF9091)
**Date:** 4/23/2019
**Location:** US
**Description:** The U.S. Navy revises its protocols for reporting unidentified aircraft encounters, highlighting increased incidents of unauthorized aircraft in military zones. The Navy confirms this in a statement.
**Type:** statement
**Reference:** [Politico - US Navy UFO Reporting Guidelines](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/04/23/us-navy-guidelines-reporting-ufos-1375290)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1025
### Event 54454 (7983C69B)
**Date:** 4/25/2019
**Description:** The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) states it intends to take over the contract for the JASON Group, previously
sponsored by the DOD. It was reported at the time that Mitre Corp. would remain the vehicle to receive money to support the 60 scientists in JASON who provide independent technical advice and review.
* [https://www.npr.org/2019/04/25/717225118/after-pentagon-ends-contract-top-secret-scientists-group-vows-to-carry-on](https://www.npr.org/2019/04/25/717225118/after-pentagon-ends-contract-top-secret-scientists-group-vows-to-carry-on)
>**_Note_**: No official documents have been found that link JASON to UAP. But at least one confirmed member, Dr. Luis W. Alvarez, is allegedly linked to a UAP crash recovery. In 1949, a Los Angeles businesswoman Alma Lawson stated a “sober and conservative” scientist friend told her a UAP crashed in the mountains of Sierra Madre, Mexico and was recovered by USG. One year later, she named Alvarez as the source. Alvarez had already worked at Los Alamos prior to the alleged crash, and was a member of the CIA’s Robertson Panel in 1953 which studied the UAP issue.
>* [https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Area-Government-Informants-Involvement-ebook/dp/B0916JQDCS](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Area-Government-Informants-Involvement-ebook/dp/B0916JQDCS) (p136-p137)
>* [https://inteltoday.org/2021/10/04/on-this-day-soviet-union-launches-sputnik-october-4-1957-update-time-to-disband-the-jason-group/](https://inteltoday.org/2021/10/04/on-this-day-soviet-union-launches-sputnik-october-4-1957-update-time-to-disband-the-jason-group/)
>**_Note_**: In 1988, William Steinman told ufologist Grant Cameron that Alvarez told him in 1986 “he would not go into detail concerning the events \[of the alleged Sierra Madre UAP crash recovery\] and who else was involved.”
>* [https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Area-Government-Informants-Involvement-ebook/dp/B0916JQDCS](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-Area-Government-Informants-Involvement-ebook/dp/B0916JQDCS) (p137)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_524
### Event 54455 (6EC6E3B2)
**Date:** 4/28/2019
**Locations:** Gatwick Airport; Crawley, West Sussex, England
**Description:** 12:40 p.m. An Airbus A319 is climbing out from Gatwick Airport, near Crawley, West Sussex, England, when the pilot sees an object a few seconds after breaking through cloud at 17,000 feet. It passes beneath them from the center of the aircraft and under the right-hand wing and is clearly contrasted against the clouds. The small object appears dark green in color with a white light on top. The UK Airprox Board places this incident in the highest risk category.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “Assessment Summary Sheet for UKAB Meeting on Wednesday 19th June 2019”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7797
### Event 54456 (A44271A7)
**Date:** 4/30/2019
**Location:** US
**Description:** In an interview, Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD (who has a security clearance) talks about the “crash retrieval program” that was terminated in 1989 for lack of progress.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [link](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_829
### Event 54457 (6D997435)
**Date:** 4/30/2019
**Description:** EarthTech and Aerospace Corp. physicist Eric Davis states “there have been crashes” of UAP and reverse engineering programs are stovepiped into very small, underfunded efforts controlled by legacy aerospace corporations. Davis alludes that he or his **AATIP** colleagues were told of crash recovery/alien biology programs in SCIFs with those aware of the programs, but suggests **AATIP** was not “read into” these programs. There were red-lines they were made aware of and told of generalities in SCIFs. Davis suggests some executives at aerospace firms know of the programs and at least one was last funded in 1989, according to him.
* [https://youtu.be/IeyBTChcTe4?t=4632](https://youtu.be/IeyBTChcTe4?t=4632)
>**_Note_**: No specific firms are mentioned, but one naturally wonders which legacy companies Davis is referring to, and if it includes his current employer, Aerospace Corp. Other legacy companies of interest are TRW, Lockheed, Northrop, BAE, E-Systems and EG&G, among others.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_525
### Event 54458 (647CB82B)
**Date:** 4/30/2019
**Description:** Eric Davis tells ufologist James Iandoli that the US government is in possession of recovered crashed and landed UFO technology hardware.
* [https://www.ufojoe.net/senator-harry-reid-lockheed/](https://www.ufojoe.net/senator-harry-reid-lockheed/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_526
### Event 54459 (A066D2D8)
**Date:** 5/5/2019
**Location:** Gatwick Airport, England
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. An Airbus A320 pilot departing from Gatwick Airport, England, sees a totally white object resembling a shoebox-sized cube with a ball on top. It passes down the left-hand side of the aircraft, slightly above and within 16 feet at 6,000 feet altitude. The object appears to be in level flight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “Assessment Summary Sheet for UKAB Meeting on Wednesday 19th June 2019”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7798
### Event 54460 (AF2E23E6)
**Date:** 5/13/2019
**Location:** Toronto, Canada
**Description:** Ufologist and nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman dies age 84
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton_T._Friedman)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_830
### Event 54461 (263771F6)
**Date:** 5/13/2019
**Location:** Toronto, CA
**Description:** American nuclear physicist and professional ufologist Stanton T. Friedman, of New Brunswick, Canada, dies. His website is now gone as of late 2023, but it's still available on [archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20200220064928/http://stantonfriedman.com/). His numerous papers and UFO sightings are being [catalogued and archived](https://www.vice.com/en/article/vb5n4a/the-largest-single-collection-of-ufo-material-is-being-cataloged) (or see [here](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/stanton-friedman-s-massive-collection-of-ufo-files-to-be-cataloged-by-archivists/)). His FBI FOIA file is [here](https://vault.fbi.gov/stanton-terrance-friedman/stanton-terrance-friedman-part-01-of-01/view). Here's his [Twitter account](https://twitter.com/stantfriedman).
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton_T._Friedman)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1020
### Event 54462 (E72C915A)
**Date:** 5/22/2019
**Locations:** Pentagon; New York Post
**Description:** Pentagon spokesman [Christopher Sherwood](https://www.linkedin.com/in/cgsherwood) confirms to the [New York Post](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New%5FYork%5FPost) that the AATIP program “did pursue research and investigation into unidentified aerial phenomena,” dispelling rumors that the program only focused on theoretical physics.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Steven Greenstreet, “[The Pentagon Finally Admits It Investigates UFOs,](https://nypost.com/2019/05/22/the-pentagon-finally-admits-it-investigates-ufos/)” New York Post, May 22, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7799
### Event 54463 (D820623B)
**Date:** 5/24/2019
**Locations:** Canada; Havana; Embassies
**Description:** Researchers who examine Canadian diplomats affected by Havana Syndrome come to the conclusion that neurotoxin exposure is compatible with the symptoms. Their explanation of the root cause is the increased use of fumigation as pest control by the embassies themselves, which is supported by blood analysis.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Havana](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/havana-syndrome-neurotoxin-enqu%C3%AAte-1.5288609) [Syndrome: Exposure to Neurotoxin May Have Been Cause, Study Suggests,](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/havana-syndrome-neurotoxin-enqu%C3%AAte-1.5288609)” CBC News, September 19, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7800
### Event 54464 (E1AE9F8A)
**Date:** 5/26/2019
**Locations:** New York; East coast of the United States
**Description:** The New York Times reports that US Navy pilots fully briefed AATIP about encounters they had with unexplained objects during the summer of 2014 to March 2015 while flying at high altitudes off the East coast of the United States.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal, and Leslie Kean, “‘Wow, What Is That?’ Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects,” New York Times, May 26, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7801
### Event 54465 (93D66A0C)
**Date:** 5/31/2019
**End date:** 8/22/2020
**Location:** US
**Description:** First season of History Channel’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation”
**Type:** documentary
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified%3A_Inside_America%27s_UFO_Investigation)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_827
### Event 54466 (E8CCF917)
**Date:** 6/2019
**Description:** The National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena issues an advisory for pilots that offers recommendations on how to deal with UAPs by Ted Roe. It offers a general history of UAP, some common profiles of unidentified objects, safety factors that can arise during an incident, and cautions and recommendations for aircrews and air traffic controllers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ted Roe, “[Advisory for Pilots, Aircrews, Air Controllers, and Aviation](https://www.narcap.org/blog/advisoryforpilots) [Professionals: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, UAP, UFOs, and Aviation Safety,](https://www.narcap.org/blog/advisoryforpilots)” NARCAP, June 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7802
### Event 54467 (DD19A89C)
**Date:** 6/15/2019
**Description:** President [Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FTrump) tells ABC News’ [George Stephanopoulos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FStephanopoulos) that he has been briefed on Navy pilots reporting increased sightings of UFOs. Trump raises his eyebrows and grins incredulously when asked what he makes of the reports. “I want them to think whatever they think,” Trump says of the Navy pilots. “I did have one very brief meeting on it. But people are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Matthew Choi, “[Trump Says He Was Briefed on Navy Sightings of UFOs,](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/15/trump-says-he-doesnt-particularly-believe-ufo-reports-1365848)” Politico, June 15, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7803
### Event 54468 (65539CC7)
**Date:** 6/15/2019
**Locations:** Uintah County, Utah; Skinwalker Ranch
**Description:** Approximately 4:45 p.m. The Skinwalker Ranch project in Uintah County, Utah, orchestrated by Utah real estate developer [Brandon Fugal](https://www2.colliers.com/en/experts/brandon-fugal) \(who purchased the land from [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) in April 2016\) and led by University of Alabama astrophysicist and science fiction author [Travis S. Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis%5FS.%5FTaylor)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis%5FS.%5FTaylor) sends up three instrumented small rockets to locate the source of strong RF and gamma radiation apparently coming from about one mile above the property. Between the rocket tests, the team observes and films on two occasions a round, white ball that moves erratically around the sky for a few seconds before disappearing. Cows in a neighboring field are agitated and group closely together in one spot.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch, Season 1, Episode 4, 2020; Internet Movie Database, “[The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10589968/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7804
### Event 54469 (CEBA1981)
**Date:** 6/19/2019
**Location:** US
**Description:** Politico reports that the U.S. Senate has sought a classified briefing on UAP encounters.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [Politico - Warner Classified Briefing on UAP's/UFO's](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/19/warner-classified-briefing-ufos-1544273)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1026
### Event 54470 (5E2C0FA9)
**Date:** 6/20/2019
**Location:** US
**Description:** Bob Lazar and film maker Jeremy Corbell sit down for an interview with Joe Rogan
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Bob Lazar (TODO)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_831
### Event 54471 (4363425E)
**Date:** 6/23/2019
**Locations:** Vandenberg Space Force Base; Cheyenne Mountain
**Description:** The catalog of space objects built by the US Space Surveillance Network lists 44,336 objects including 8,558 satellites launched into orbit since 1957. 17,480 of them are actively tracked while 1,335 are lost. The rest have re-entered Earth’s turbulent atmosphere and disintegrated, or survived re-entry and impacted the Earth. The SSN typically tracks space objects that are baseball size or larger. The Space Surveillance Network has numerous sensors that provide data. They are separated into three categories: dedicated sensors, collateral sensors and auxiliary sensors. Additionally sensors are classified as Near-Earth \(NE\) tracking \(observing satellites, space debris, and other objects in lower orbits\), or Deep Space \(DS\) tracking \(generally for asteroids and comets\). This global program consists of at least 29 distinct worldwide space surveillance systems, featuring the world’s most powerful radars \(including the Solid State Phased Array Radar System\), the DARPA Space Surveillance Telescope, the ground-based optical GEODSS space surveillance system \(which detects “uncorrelated targets”\), the Geosynchronous Space-Based Situational Awareness Program, and the Navy’s sea-based X-band radar system. The Combined Space Operations Center \(formerly the Joint Space Operations Center\) at Vandenberg Space Force Base and the Space Control Center at Cheyenne Mountain are both repositories of data from the SSN.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[United States Space Surveillance Network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United%5FStates%5FSpace%5FSurveillance%5FNetwork\#Space%5FSurveillance%5FNetwork)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7805
### Event 54472 (F8A7308B)
**Date:** 6/27/2019
**Locations:** Amargosa Valley; Nevada
**Description:** The Storm Area 51 Facebook event is created by college student Matty Roberts as a joke, unaware of the viral attention it will receive. He comes up with the idea of suggesting a raid on the Nevada facility to search for aliens after watching Area 51 conspiracy theorist [Bob Lazar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%5FLazar) and filmmaker [Jeremy Corbell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy%5FKenyon%5FLockyer%5FCorbell) on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast on June 20. The event plans for the raid in Amargosa Valley on September 20. More than 2 million people responded “going” and 1.5 million “interested” on the event page, which subsequently attracts widespread media reaction and makes the event become an internet meme.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Storm Area 51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm%5FArea%5F51)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7806
### Event 54473 (925D77FE)
**Date:** 7/2019
**Locations:** University of Pennsylvania; Havana, Cuba; New York Times
**Description:** Subsequent findings by the University of Pennsylvania team find that, compared to a healthy control group, the US diplomats who report injury in the Havana, Cuba, embassy have experienced brain trauma; advanced MRI scans \(specifically res-fMRI, multimodal MRI, and diffusion MRI\) reveal “differences in whole brain white matter volume, regional gray and white matter volume, cerebellar microstructural integrity, and functional connectivity in the auditory and visuospatial subnetworks” but find no differences in executive functions. The study concludes that the US government personnel have been physically injured in a way consistent with the symptoms that they describe but express no conclusion on the cause or source of the injury. The New York Times reports: “Outside experts were divided on the study’s conclusions. Some saw important new evidence; others say it is merely a first step toward an explanation, and difficult to interpret given the small number of patients.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Benedict Carey, “[Were U.S. Diplomats Attacked in Cuba? Brain Study Deepens Mystery,](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/23/science/cuba-diplomats-health.html)” New York Times, July 23, 2019; Ragini Verma, et al., “[Neuroimaging Findings in US Government Personnel with Possible Exposure to](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2738552) [Directional Phenomena in Havana, Cuba,](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2738552)” Journal of the American Medical Association 322 \(July 23/30, 2019\): 336–347
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7807
### Event 54474 (BBA3EDBA)
**Date:** 7/5/2019
**Description:** Ret. Gen. Joseph Ralston, former Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and member of SAPOC in 1997, states he met with VADM Thomas Wilson “every day.” But Ralston states he does not recall ever discussing UAP with him. He does say it “could have happened” with regard to Wilson reportedly being denied access to four UAP programs by SAPOC, but Ralston states he has no recollection of that. After retirement, Ralston became a member of the Boards of Directors of Lockheed Martin, The Timken Company and The Cohen Group.
* [http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/15851/ex-sapoc-member-no-ufo-talk/](http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/15851/ex-sapoc-member-no-ufo-talk/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_527
### Event 54475 (8F4A6EA7)
**Date:** 7/12/2019
**Description:** Tom DeLonge states in July 2019 that TTSA spent the last year and a half briefing the Senate, multiple Committees and helping “glue” the DOD, IC and Congress together.
* [https://twitter.com/TheZignal/status/1149811406491049984?s=20&t=YYlX5wRj47wmBoLR4-xJIw](https://twitter.com/TheZignal/status/1149811406491049984?s=20&t=YYlX5wRj47wmBoLR4-xJIw)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_528
### Event 54476 (56C35F82)
**Date:** 7/14/2019
**Location:** off the western tip of San Clemente Island, California
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Two unmanned aerial systems \(UAVs, or “drones”\) are sighted by the crew of the guided missile destroyer [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FKidd%5F%28DDG-100%29) [Kidd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FKidd%5F%28DDG-100%29) off the western tip of San Clemente Island, California. The ship immediately activates its photo expert team \(SNOOPIE\) and enters into a condition of restricted communications designed to enhance operational security and enhance survivability. Less than 10 minutes later, the USS Kidd advises the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRafael%5FPeralta) [Rafael](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRafael%5FPeralta) [Peralta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRafael%5FPeralta) of the situation. The USS Rafael Peralta logs show that at around 10:00 p.m. it had activated its own SNOOPIE team. Reports of possible UAV sightings and a red flashing light come in from the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FJohn%5FFinn) [John Finn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FJohn%5FFinn). A white light hovers above the flight deck of the USS Rafael Peralta. The drone manages to match the destroyer’s speed, moving at 16 knots in order to maintain a hovering position over the helicopter landing pad. By this point, the encounter has lasted over 90 minutes—significantly longer than what commercially available drones can typically sustain.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Multiple Destroyers Were Swarmed by Mysterious ‘Drones’](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights) [off California over Numerous Nights,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights)” The Drive: The War Zone, March 23, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7808
### Event 54477 (21C536CD)
**Date:** 7/15/2019
**Locations:** San Clemente Island; San Diego, California; Carnival Imagination
**Description:** 8:39 p.m. The [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRafael%5FPeralta) [Rafael Peralta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRafael%5FPeralta) again spots unidentified UAVs between San Clemente Island and San Diego, California, and by 9:00 p.m. the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FKidd%5F%28DDG-100%29) [Kidd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FKidd%5F%28DDG-100%29) is also reporting them. The drones seem to be pursuing the ships, even as they continue to maneuver throughout the incident. By 9:20 p.m., the USS Kidd logs simply remark “Multiple UAVs around ship.” 17 minutes later, the Kidd issues orders for the crew to man what is possibly a Mark 87 Electro-Optical Director to provide surveillance and tracking data. At approximately the same time, the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRussell%5F%28DDG-59%29) [Russell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRussell%5F%28DDG-59%29) records a frenzy of activity, with drones dropping in elevation, and apparently moving forward and backward, left and right. Meanwhile, the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRafael%5FPeralta) [Rafael Peralta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRafael%5FPeralta) receives a radio call from a passing cruise ship, the [Carnival Imagination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival%5FImagination)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival%5FImagination) notifying them that the drones are not theirs, and that they also see as many as five or six drones maneuvering nearby. The incident continues into the night, with the USS Rafael Peralta first recording two UAVs and then four UAVs near their ship. Approaching midnight, the USS Russell reports a final sighting involving multiple pyramid-shaped objects. Despite the nearly three-hour duration of the event, none of the warships involved appear to have been able to identify the drones. The Navy, Coast Guard, and FBI investigate the natter and are unable to provide an adequate investigation. Leaked photos and videos said to pertain to this incident are released by filmmaker [Jeremy Corbell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy%5FKenyon%5FLockyer%5FCorbell)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy%5FKenyon%5FLockyer%5FCorbell) The materials consisted of footage of radar screens showing multiple unknown contacts, video of an object apparently falling into the ocean, and a brief video of a triangular- shaped light flying over the deck of a ship. The apparent triangular shape of the object has been strongly debated, as many have posited it was the result of a common optical artifact.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Multiple](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights) [Destroyers Were Swarmed by Mysterious ‘Drones’ off California over Numerous Nights,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights)” The Drive: The War Zone, March 23, 2021; Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell, “[The US Navy Filmed Pyramid Shaped UFOs,](https://www.extraordinarybeliefs.com/news4/navy-filmed-pyramid-ufos)” Extraordinary Beliefs, April 8, 2021; “[2019 the US Navy Filmed ‘Pyramid’ Shaped UFOs: Here Is That Footage,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Pjqdaz%5Fb24)” Jeremy Corbell YouTube channel, April 8, 2021; “[Pyramid UFO, New Footage: It’s Just Bokeh, Not a Pyramid,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r2oaQWmqkk)” Mick West YouTube channel, April 15, 2021; “[VFX Artists Debunk Pentagon UFO Videos,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHDlfIaBEqw)” Corridor Crew YouTube channel, August 15, 2021; Graeme Rendall, “[‘Drone Swarms’: UAPs or Other Actors?](https://www.uapmedia.uk/articles/drone-swarms-uaps-or-other-actors)” UAP Media UK, April 20, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7809
### Event 54478 (A54F6B28)
**Date:** 7/16/2019
**Description:** Rep. [Mark Walker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark%5FWalker%5F%28North%5FCarolina%5Fpolitician%29) \(R-N.C.\), the ranking member of the House Intelligence and Counterterrorism subcommittee, asks Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer to outline what resources the Navy is dedicating to investigating UFO sightings. He also asks if officials have found physical evidence to substantiate the claims and whether they are aware of any foreign nations or private companies that have introduced breakthrough technologies that could explain them.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Walker, Letter to Secretary of the Navy Richard V. Spencer, July 16, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7810
### Event 54479 (ADA8870B)
**Date:** 7/17/2019
**Location:** San Clemente Island, California
**Description:** 7:56–10:39 p.m. The Navy destroyer [USS Paul Hamilton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FPaul%5FHamilton%5F%28DDG-60%29) is cruising 80 nautical miles southwest of San Clemente Island, California, when it spots a UAS \(unmanned aerial systems\) about one mile distant. Twenty minutes later, the timeline indicates two UASs are seen with one of them falling in the water. By 8:26 p.m., multiple objects are spotted. The timeline also indicates that the bridge was able to see flashing red lights. At 8:50 p.m., the timeline notes a “UAS swarm.” By 9:11 p.m., the timeline notes that one of the objects is directly overhead at 2,000 feet. Just a minute later, all of the objects appear to change course and head away from the ship at 69 mph. However, eight minutes later, UASs are again seen behind the ship. The last event noted in the slide takes place when one of the UAS crosses the ship at approximately 2,000 feet. A photo is taken with a forward- looking infrared \(FLIR\) system that is of extremely low resolution. Three blurry dots are discernible, but there are no other visible details.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Navy Releases Timeline for Mysterious 2019 ‘UAS](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/44231/navy-releases-timeline-for-2019-uas-swarm-involving-warships-off-california) [Swarm’ Involving Warships Off California,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/44231/navy-releases-timeline-for-2019-uas-swarm-involving-warships-off-california)” The Drive: The War Zone, February 10, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7811
### Event 54480 (4809F0C4)
**Date:** 7/18/2019
**Description:** An investigation into the UAS incidents is routed to the Chief of Naval Operations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Harassment of Navy Destroyers by Mysterious Drone Swarms off California Went on for Weeks,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43561/mysterious-drone-swarms-over-navy-destroyers-off-california-went-on-for-weeks)” The Drive: The War Zone, December 17, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7812
### Event 54481 (91F2C761)
**Date:** 7/23/2019
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. Another drone is spotted by a SNOOPIE team on the [USS Russell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRussell%5F%28DDG-59%29) at an elevation of about 400 feet. A little over an hour later, flares are spotted, though the logs do not remark if these are connected to the ongoing drone sighting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Harassment of Navy Destroyers by Mysterious Drone Swarms](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43561/mysterious-drone-swarms-over-navy-destroyers-off-california-went-on-for-weeks) [off California Went on for Weeks,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43561/mysterious-drone-swarms-over-navy-destroyers-off-california-went-on-for-weeks)” The Drive: The War Zone, December 17, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7813
### Event 54482 (E1B469D3)
**Date:** 7/24/2019
**Description:** 10:30 a.m. A new term is introduced to the USS Russell log: “ghostbusters.” A log entry reflects an apparently brief counter UAS exercise lasting about eight minutes. Though official references are hard to come by, “ghostbuster” is a term sometimes used to refer to lower-end counter UAS devices that look similar to rifles. These anti-drone countermeasures are increasingly being used by security forces around the world. They operate by using highly-directional radiofrequency jammers designed to disrupt communications between drones and their operators. One key limitation of these devices is that they can only disable drones that are directly controlled by a human operator. Autonomous systems are far more resilient against such countermeasures. It is not perfectly clear if the Russell had this equipment onboard previously, or if “ghostbuster” devices were brought onboard in reaction to the earlier drone incidents.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stew Magnuson, “[OSD to Recommend Big Budget Increase for Counter-](https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2017/3/23/osd-to-recommend-big-budget-increase-for-counter-drone-technologies) [Drone Technologies,](https://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/articles/2017/3/23/osd-to-recommend-big-budget-increase-for-counter-drone-technologies)” National Defense, March 23, 2017; Brett Tingley, “[Check Out the Anti-Drone Weapons](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/41093/check-out-the-anti-drone-weapons-carried-by-security-at-biden-meeting-in-brussels) [Carried by Security at Biden’s Meeting in Brussels,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/41093/check-out-the-anti-drone-weapons-carried-by-security-at-biden-meeting-in-brussels)” The Drive: The War Zone, June 15, 2021; Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Harassment of Navy Destroyers by Mysterious Drone Swarms off California Went on for Weeks,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43561/mysterious-drone-swarms-over-navy-destroyers-off-california-went-on-for-weeks)” The Drive: The War Zone, December 17, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7814
### Event 54483 (C656BA6B)
**Date:** 7/25/2019
**Description:** 1:20 a.m. Another unidentified drone incident, lasting 32 minutes, is reported by the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FKidd%5F%28DDG-100%29) [Kidd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FKidd%5F%28DDG-100%29).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Multiple Destroyers Were Swarmed by Mysterious ‘Drones’ off California over Numerous](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights) [Nights,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights)” The Drive: The War Zone, March 23, 2021;
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7815
### Event 54484 (1A42912A)
**Date:** 7/30/2019
**Location:** Southern California
**Description:** 2:15 am. The [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FKidd%5F%28DDG-100%29) [Kidd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FKidd%5F%28DDG-100%29) reports another UAV incident. Its SNOOPIE team remains activated until 3:27 a.m. Ships’ logs show a sustained, but an intermittent pattern of drone sightings throughout the month of July by Navy ships operating off Southern California. These events seem to have spurred additional training and the rapid deployment of unique capabilities like the “ghostbuster” counter-UAS equipment. It remains unknown what impact, if any, this training and equipment has on deterring drone operations. At least three ships report sighting drones in the very early hours of July 30, with unusual and extensive redactions in the logs of the [USS Russell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRussell%5F%28DDG-59%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FRussell%5F%28DDG-59%29) but we do not know what happened the next day, or in the weeks that followed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Multiple Destroyers Were Swarmed by Mysterious ‘Drones’ off California over Numerous Nights,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights)” The Drive: The War Zone, March 23, 2021; Adam Kehoe and Marc Cecotti, “[Harassment of Navy Destroyers by Mysterious](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43561/mysterious-drone-swarms-over-navy-destroyers-off-california-went-on-for-weeks) [Drone Swarms off California Went on for Weeks,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43561/mysterious-drone-swarms-over-navy-destroyers-off-california-went-on-for-weeks)” The Drive: The War Zone, December 17, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7816
### Event 54485 (8996BBBD)
**Date:** 7/30/2019
**Description:** Unusual and extensive redactions exist in the logs of the USS Russell, where crewmembers report a UAP incident. A team known as “ghostbusters” are deployed during events to use counter-drone equipment. It is unknown if the deterrence is successful.
* [https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39913/multiple-destroyers-were-swarmed-by-mysterious-drones-off-california-over-numerous-nights)
* [https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43561/mysterious-drone-swarms-over-navy-destroyers-off-california-went-on-for-weeks](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/43561/mysterious-drone-swarms-over-navy-destroyers-off-california-went-on-for-weeks)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_529
### Event 54486 (0256B393)
**Date:** 7/31/2019
**Description:** In response to the inquiry by [Mark Walker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark%5FWalker%5F%28North%5FCarolina%5Fpolitician%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark%5FWalker%5F%28North%5FCarolina%5Fpolitician%29) Navy Undersecretary [Thomas Modly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FModly) writes in a brief letter that “the Department of the Navy takes these reports very seriously and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bryan Bender, “[Navy Withholding Data on UFO Sightings, Congressman Says,](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/06/navy-withholding-ufo-sightings-1698396)” Politico, September 6, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7817
### Event 54487 (5A4FF2EF)
**Date:** 8/2019
**Locations:** White House; London, England; Cuba; China
**Description:** An anonymous White House staffer who is accompanying National Security Adviser [John Bolton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FBolton) in London, England, is in her hotel room when she suddenly feels a tingling in the side of her head that is facing the window. The intense pressure in her head is accompanied by a tinning in her ears. When she leaves the room, the symptoms stop. She reports the incident to the Secret Service because it is uncannily similar to the symptoms described by American diplomats who had served in Cuba and China.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Julia Joffe, “[The Mystery of the](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-investigation-and-russian-microwave-attacks) [Immaculate Concussion,](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-investigation-and-russian-microwave-attacks)” GQ, October 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7818
### Event 54488 (ABC4E6E1)
**Date:** 8/8/2019
**Locations:** State Central Navy Testing Range; Nyonoksa, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia
**Description:** An explosion at the State Central Navy Testing Range near Nyonoksa, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia, triggers radiation levels to rise. According to official Russian sources, the explosion is the result of a failed test of an “isotope power source for a liquid-fueled rocket engine,” possibly a 9M730 Burevestnik cruise missile test or recovery. Five nuclear scientists die immediately and three suffer from burns. Russian authorities order the evacuation of the village near the blast site, suggesting grave dangers due to nuclear radiation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Nyonska radiation accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyonoksa%5Fradiation%5Faccident)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7819
### Event 54489 (BAF3A2EF)
**Date:** 8/8/2019
**Description:** To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science (TTSA), advised by current and former USG/USG contractor officials, announces a “technical collaboration” with Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Bigelow Aerospace and BAE Systems. It is seemingly published by mistake and removed from Instagram soon after it goes live. A technical collaboration with these aerospace contractors is never mentioned in TTSA’s public SEC filings, nor has TTSA ever mentioned working with Boeing or BAE. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works veteran Steve Justice was TTSA’s Aerospace Division Director.
* [https://silvarecord.com/2019/08/08/delonge-confirms-ttsa-technical-collaboration-with-lockheed-boeing-bigelow-aerospace-bae/](https://silvarecord.com/2019/08/08/delonge-confirms-ttsa-technical-collaboration-with-lockheed-boeing-bigelow-aerospace-bae/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_530
### Event 54490 (E10A29AF)
**Date:** 9/6/2019
**Locations:** N.C.; United States
**Description:** Rep. [Mark Walker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark%5FWalker%5F%28North%5FCarolina%5Fpolitician%29) \(R-N.C.\) accuses the US Navy of withholding information about reports of unidentified aircraft after officially requesting more data on the mysterious encounters. “While I am encouraged the Under Secretary of the Navy confirmed that UAP encounters are fully investigated, there is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions about the threat that superior aircraft flying in United States airspace may pose,” Walker tells Politico.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bryan Bender, “[Navy Withholding Data on UFO Sightings, Congressman Says,](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/06/navy-withholding-ufo-sightings-1698396)” Politico, September 6, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7820
### Event 54491 (A1A485FF)
**Date:** 9/6/2019
**Description:** Rep. Mark Walker accuses the U.S. Navy of withholding information about UAP reports. Walker tells a journalist he is encouraged the Under Secretary of the Navy confirmed UAP encounters are investigated, “there is frustration with the lack of answers to specific questions about the threat that superior aircraft \[UAP\] flying in United States airspace may pose.” An earlier letter from Walker on 16 July 2019 asked if the Navy had found physical evidence from UAP, and if any foreign nations or private companies were responsible for the craft.
* [https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/06/navy-withholding-ufo-sightings-1698396](https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/06/navy-withholding-ufo-sightings-1698396)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20201107231831/https:/walker.house.gov/sites/walker.house.gov/files/UAPLetter.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20201107231831/https:/walker.house.gov/sites/walker.house.gov/files/UAPLetter.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_531
### Event 54492 (00BFEBA0)
**Date:** 9/18/2019
**Location:** US
**Description:** The U.S. Navy verifies the genuineness of videos showing Navy aircraft interactions with unidentified aerial objects, previously leaked and shared widely.
**Type:** official confirmation
**Reference:** [CNN.com - Navy Confirms UFO Videos](https://edition.cnn.com/2019/09/18/politics/navy-confirms-ufo-videos-trnd/index.html)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1027
### Event 54493 (428255B4)
**Date:** 9/20/2019
**Location:** Area 51
**Description:** “Storm Area-51” event planned
**Type:** event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_Area_51)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_832
### Event 54494 (2490A06E)
**Date:** 9/20/2019
**Locations:** Area 51; Rachel, Nevada; Hiko, Nevada
**Description:** The Storm Area 51 Facebook event takes place with about 150 people showing up at the entrance to Area 51. Although no one succeeds in entering the site, an estimated 3,000 attend the related music festivals in Rachel and Hiko, Nevada, according to state and local law enforcement, and up to 10,000 people visit the area over the weekend. Air Force spokeswoman [Laura McAndrews](https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-mcandrews-9ba4b620) says government officials are briefed on the event and discourage people from attempting to enter military property. Nevada law enforcement also warns potential participants in the event against trespassing. The event, although intended as a joke, has an effect on businesses both locally in Nevada and around the US, which prepare products for visitors for those attending.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Storm Area 51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm%5FArea%5F51)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7821
### Event 54495 (00F1B6CD)
**Date:** 9/29/2019
**End date:** 9/30/2019
**Locations:** Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station; Tonopah, Arizona
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Security officers at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station near Tonopah, Arizona, observe 5–6 drones flying at 200–300 feet and showing flashing red and white lights. The objects also have spotlights turned on during their approach but turned off as they maneuver above the site. They remain over the plant for more than 80 minutes and are estimated to be at least 2 feet across, ruling out commercial drones. They return the following night, with 4 drones operating above the station for an extended period. Polie unsuccessfuly attempt to track down the operators.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick, “[The Night a Mysterious Drone](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/34800/the-night-a-drone-swarm-descended-on-palo-verde-nuclear-power-plant) [Swarm Descended on Palo Verde Nuclear Power Plant,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/34800/the-night-a-drone-swarm-descended-on-palo-verde-nuclear-power-plant)” The Drive: The War Zone, July 29, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7822
### Event 54496 (09B92D1D)
**Date:** 10/11/2019
**Location:** Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas
**Description:** The Twenty-Fifth Air Force for intelligence activities is merged with the 24th Air Force to form a reactivated 16th Air Force responsible for information warfare. Its headquarters is still at Joint Base San Antonio– Lackland in Texas.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Sixteenth Air Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixteenth%5FAir%5FForce)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7823
### Event 54497 (6FB736B4)
**Date:** 10/17/2019
**Location:** TruClear Global
**Description:** The To the Stars Academy announces it has entered into a cooperative research and development agreement with the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command. The five-year contract will focus on “inertial mass reduction, mechanical/structural meta materials, electromagnetic meta material wave guides, quantum physics, quantum communications, and beamed energy propulsion.” According to the US Army, no public funding will go the group, but at least $750,000 will be provided in support and resources for developing and testing To the Stars technologies. The contract states that To the Stars will provide samples in its possession of “metamaterials,” any data or “obtained vehicles” that use “beamed energy propulsion,” and any information or technology related to “active camouflage” for testing and analysis of potential application on Army ground vehicles. Doug Halleaux, a spokesperson for the CCDC Ground Vehicle Systems Center, has stated that the US government has approached To the Stars because “If materials represented in the TTSA ADAM project are scientifically evaluated and presented with supporting data as having military utility by the TTSA, it makes sense to look deeper here.” According to Halleaux, the Army is also interested in the results of a collaboration between To the Stars and TruClear Global, a company that creates custom video screen billboards, aimed at providing “advanced technology solutions to United States Government clientele.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[To the Stars \(company\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To%5Fthe%5FStars%5F%28company%29)”; “[Cooperative Research and Development Agreement between To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, Inc.,](https://www.nextgov.com/media/gbc/docs/pdfs%5Fedit/ng%5Fttsa%5Fcrada.pdf) [and the U.S. Army Combat Capavilities Development Command, Ground Behicle Systems Center,](https://www.nextgov.com/media/gbc/docs/pdfs%5Fedit/ng%5Fttsa%5Fcrada.pdf)” October 10, 2019; Travis J. Tritten, “[UFO Group Sharing Exotic Materials with Army for Combat Vehicles,](https://about.bgov.com/news/ufo-group-sharing-exotic-materials-with-army-for-combat-vehicles/)” Bloomberg Government, October 21, 2019; M. J. Banias, “[Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Group Signs Contract with U.S.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qvgnqq/tom-delonges-ufo-research-group-signs-contract-with-us-army-to-develop-far-future-tech) [Army to Develop Far-Future Tech,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/qvgnqq/tom-delonges-ufo-research-group-signs-contract-with-us-army-to-develop-far-future-tech)” Motherboard, October 21, 2019; Mindy Weisberger, “[Rock Star’s Company](https://www.livescience.com/ufo-hunting-contract-us-army.html) [Seeks UFOs, Finds Military Contract,](https://www.livescience.com/ufo-hunting-contract-us-army.html)” Live Science, October 27, 2019; M. J. Banias, “[The Army Told Us Why It](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjwywx/the-army-told-us-why-it-partnered-with-tom-delonges-ufo-group) [Partnered with Tom DeLonge’s UFO Group,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wjwywx/the-army-told-us-why-it-partnered-with-tom-delonges-ufo-group)” Motherboard, November 4, 2019; To the Stars Academy, “[CRADA](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/blog/crada-faq) [FAQ,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://dpo.tothestarsacademy.com/blog/crada-faq)” November 15, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7824
### Event 54498 (B9146C8F)
**Date:** 10/21/2019
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD gave classified briefings on "retrievals of unexplained objects" to staff members of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
**Type:** senate briefing
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_833
### Event 54499 (3F155240)
**Date:** 10/23/2019
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD gave classified briefings on "retrievals of unexplained objects" to staff members of the Senate Intelligence Committee
**Type:** senate briefing
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_834
### Event 54500 (EFC77FB0)
**Date:** 10/27/2019
**Locations:** Merritt Island, Florida; Shuttle Landing Facility
**Description:** The fifth X-37B mission, Orbital Test Vehicle-5, lands at the Shuttle Landing Facility on Merritt Island, Florida, after spending nearly 780 days in space. The Boeing X37B is an uncrewed, reusable, robotic spaceplane that is launched by an Atlas V rocket and uses solar panels for power in space. While the complete payload for OTV-5 is classified, the Air Force announces that one of its experiments is the Advanced Structurally Embedded Thermal Spreader II \(ASETS-II\), which measures the performance of an oscillating heat pipe.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Boeing X-37](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing%5FX-37\#OTV-5)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7825
### Event 54501 (78388648)
**Date:** 11/9/2019
**Locations:** A629 near Halifax, West Yorkshire, England; John Lennon Airport in Liverpool
**Description:** 5:16 p.m. A young couple are driving home on the A629 near Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, when they see a white glow over the moorland. They stop and get out to watch as they hear the roar of what seem to be fighter jets headed for the glow. Other cars also stop and watch. Some start to film the object and the jets, as d o the couple on their cellphones, but the footage is blurry. The mother of the driver starts an appeal on social media for any other witnesses who filmed the event to come forward. [Jenny Randles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny%5FRandles) determines that two aircraft at that location, but they are not military and not jets; they are Partenavia P.68 Observers belonging to Ravenair and flying at 2,200 and 2,300 feet side by side and landing at John Lennon Airport in Liverpool 25 minutes later. No radar target matches the UFO itself.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “2020 Vision,” Fortean Times 389 \(February 2020\): 28–29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7826
### Event 54502 (550F1DEC)
**Date:** 11/11/2019
**Location:** Marseille, France
**Description:** 5:33 p.m. A commercial aircrew is flying a Boeing 737-800 airliner at 37,000 feet altitude and 506 mph near Marseille, France. The pilot observes an unusual light flying just above their altitude on a collision heading from the right side into the 2 o’clock position relative to the aircraft. It performs a 180° turn and then matches the speed and heading of the airliner before beginning to cross above and in front of its flight path. At this point the pilot uses a cellphone to take a photograph and record 47 seconds of the UFO crossing their flight path, accelerating, and moving away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ted Roe, “[NARCAP Technical Report 19: Analysis of a November 11, 2019,](https://www.narcap.org/blog/narcaptr19) [Aviation Safety-Related Incident Involving a Commercial Airliner and a UAP Over Europe,](https://www.narcap.org/blog/narcaptr19)” July 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7827
### Event 54503 (0CFB93C9)
**Date:** 11/26/2019
**Locations:** White House; Arlington, Virginia
**Description:** The same White House staffer who had an attack in August is hit again by Havana Syndrome while walking her dog in Arlington, Virginia. As she passes a parked van, a man gets out and walks past her. Her dog starts seizing up. Then she feels it too: a high-pitched ringing in her ears, an intense headache, and a tingling on the side of her face.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Julia Joffe, “[The Mystery of the Immaculate Concussion,](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-investigation-and-russian-microwave-attacks)” GQ, October 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7828
### Event 54504 (00BB35A3)
**Date:** 11/29/2019
**Description:** Former Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (AT&L) Noel Longuemare Jr., states SAPOC reviewed a number of classified programs while he was present 1993-97, but he does “not recall UFOs ever coming up, nor any issues regarding need-to-know.” Longuemare also states he does not remember an audience with VADM Thomas Wilson, as the Wilson notes (see 16 October 2002) suggest.
* [http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/15901/strike-two/](http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/15901/strike-two/)
* [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/casefiles/wilsonleak.pdf](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/casefiles/wilsonleak.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_532
### Event 54505 (EE22929D)
**Date:** 12/2019
**Locations:** Phillips, Yuma, Washington, Lincoln, and Morgan counties; Perkins County
**Description:** The Federal Aviation Administration launches an investigation into multiple nighttime sightings of unidentified “drones” with 6-foot wingspans flying in formation at about 150 feet over rural areas of northeastern Colorado \(Phillips, Yuma, Washington, Lincoln, and Morgan counties\) and southwestern Nebraska \(Perkins County\) for the last 2 weeks in December, and as early as November 23. The objects usually fly in square grid patterns nearly every night between 5:00 and 10:00 p.m. They have blinking lights and hover, then descend and take off very fast. Sen. [Cory Gardner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cory%5FGardner) \(R-Colo.\) says he is glad the FAA is investigating. The Colorado Department of Homeland Security also opens an investigation, as Gov. [Jared Polis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jared%5FPolis) vows to get to the bottom of the case. Sheriffs say the drones are not breaking Colorado law, but industry experts note that the drone operators could be violating FAA regulations on flying after dark and above a certain height.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[FAA Probes Clusters of](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-colorado-drones/faa-probes-clusters-of-mysterious-drones-flying-over-colorado-idUSKBN1YZ1G0) [Mysterious Drones Flying over Colorado,](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-colorado-drones/faa-probes-clusters-of-mysterious-drones-flying-over-colorado-idUSKBN1YZ1G0)” Reuters, December 31, 2019; Sam Tabachnik, “[A Night on the Plains:](https://www.denverpost.com/2020/01/03/drones-mystery-lincoln-county-colorado/) [Chasing the Mysterious Drones of Eastern Colorado,](https://www.denverpost.com/2020/01/03/drones-mystery-lincoln-county-colorado/)” Denver Post, January 3, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7829
### Event 54506 (E7A8A0B3)
**Date:** 12/3/2019
**Locations:** Havana; Russia House
**Description:** The CIA team investigating the Havana Syndrome attacks brings its findings to CIA director [Gina Haspel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gina%5FHaspel). According to two sources, after listening to the investigators lay out their evidence that suggests the Russian security services are behind the hits on Agency personnel, Haspel challenges them. She accuses the investigators of both hiding information from her and lying to her about what their inquiry has uncovered. The director questions the motives of those looking into the attacks. “This is why we need to clean out Russia House,” she says, referring to the CIA’s operations unit focused on Russia, according to two sources. “You’re just trying to stir up trouble on Russia.” A third source confirms that “the meeting did not go well.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Julia Joffe, “[The Mystery of](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-investigation-and-russian-microwave-attacks) [the Immaculate Concussion,](https://www.gq.com/story/cia-investigation-and-russian-microwave-attacks)” GQ, October 19, 2020; Ana Swanson, Edward Wong, and Julian E. Barmes, “[U.S.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/19/us/politics/diplomat-attacks-havana-syndrome.html) [Diplomats and Spies Battle Trump Administration over Suspected Attacks,](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/19/us/politics/diplomat-attacks-havana-syndrome.html)” New York Times, October 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7830
### Event 54507 (B0E0A06C)
**Date:** 12/20/2019
**Location:** United States
**Description:** The United States Space Force Act, part of the National Defense Authorization Act for 2020, is signed, creating an independent space service by renaming and reorganizing Air Force Space Command into the United States Space Force.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[United States Space Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United%5FStates%5FSpace%5FForce\#Independent%5FSpace%5FForce%5F%282019%E2%80%93present%29)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7831
### Event 54508 (770823A7)
**Date:** 12/31/2019
**Locations:** Fort Morgan, Colorado; Morgan County
**Description:** Dusk. Placido Montoya, a plumber from Fort Morgan, Colorado, gives chase to a mystery drone in Morgan County after seeing blinking lights in the sky. But they take off rapidly and he speeds up to 120 mph before losing them. Vince Iovinella, deputy sheriff at the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office, receives more than 30 calls from locals reporting drones “zipping around all over the place.” Iovinella himself sees one with red, white, and green lights that he also tries to chase, but it outruns him.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Attack of the Drones,](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/18/attack-of-the-drones-the-mystery-of-disappearing-swarms-in-the-us-midwest)” The Guardian \(UK\), April 18, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7832
## Year: 2020, 49 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54509 (BA4A3B5C)
**Date:** 1/6/2020
**Location:** Brush, Colorado
**Description:** A meeting of local, state, and federal agencies brings 75 people to Brush, Colorado, to share information and strategy on the mystery drones. Officials are looking for a command vehicle \(such as a “closed box trailer with antennas or a large van”\) that might be controlling the drones.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Command Vehicle Focus of Colorado Drone](https://www.mysterywire.com/mysteries/command-vehicle-focus-of-colorado-drone-investigation/) [Investigation,](https://www.mysterywire.com/mysteries/command-vehicle-focus-of-colorado-drone-investigation/)” Mystery Wire, January 6, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7833
### Event 54510 (A262453E)
**Date:** 1/8/2020
**Locations:** Castle Rock; Parker; Douglas County; Fort Collins; Larimer County; Centennial; Fort Morgan; Colorado
**Description:** Drones are now being seen in Castle Rock and Parker in Douglas County, Colorado, and Fort Collins in Larimer County. Kerry Garrison, a vice president at drone vendor Multicopter Warehouse in Centennial, claims the drone reports are actually sightings of Starlink satellites launched by SpaceX; although they are at orbital altitude, in a clear sky they can look lower than they really are. But Garrison also visited the eastern planes with other aviation experts to view the drones. He says he saw red lights go zipping by at 100 mph, faster than any drone. A close call with a drone and a Flight for Life helicopter near Fort Morgan, Colorado, prompts officials to add ground-based spotting teams and aircraft equipped to hunt drones. However, an investigation by Colorado Homeland Security later say the incident is unrelated to the drone activity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Local Drone Dealer Says Lights](https://kdvr.com/news/local/local-drone-dealer-says-lights-spotted-over-castle-rock-were-satellites/) [Spotted over Castle Rock Were Satellites,](https://kdvr.com/news/local/local-drone-dealer-says-lights-spotted-over-castle-rock-were-satellites/)” KDVR, Denver, January 7. 2020; Paul Seaburn, “[Mysterious Drones](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/01/mysterious-drones-fly-near-denver-as-colorado-residents-fear-a-government-cover-up/) [Fly near Denver As Colorado Residents Fear a Government Cover-Up.](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/01/mysterious-drones-fly-near-denver-as-colorado-residents-fear-a-government-cover-up/)” Mysterious Universe, January 8, 2020; Brett Tingley, “[Surveillance Plane Joins Intensifying Hunt for Mystery Drones over Colorado and Nebraska](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/31773/surveillance-plane-joins-intensifying-hunt-for-mystery-drones-over-colorado-and-nebraska) [\(Updated\),](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/31773/surveillance-plane-joins-intensifying-hunt-for-mystery-drones-over-colorado-and-nebraska)” The Drive: The War Zone, January 8, 2020; Kevin D. Randle, “[X-Zone Broadcast Network: Drones,](https://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2020/02/x-zone-broadcast-network-drones-drones.html) [Drones, Drones,](https://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2020/02/x-zone-broadcast-network-drones-drones.html)” A Different Perspective, February 7, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7834
### Event 54511 (055620E3)
**Date:** 1/13/2020
**Locations:** Colorado; Colorado Information Analysis Center
**Description:** State agencies and the Colorado Division of Homeland Security announce that they are scaling back investigations into drone sightings. Between November 23 and January 13, the Colorado Information Analysis Center received 90 reports of drone activity. Of those, 14 are confirmed by law enforcement to be hobbyist drones. Between January 6 and January 13, when state officials investigate drone sightings in the field, there are 23 drone activity reports. Of those, 13 are determined to be planets, stars, or small hobbyist drones. Six reports are ruled out as “atmospheric conditions or unidentified commercial aircraft.” Finally, four reports are confirmed by law enforcement, but the aircraft are unidentifiable.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[State Plans to ‘Scale Back’ Investigation of Drones in](https://kdvr.com/news/local/state-plans-to-scale-back-investigation-of-drones-in-northeast-colorado/) [Northeast Colorado,](https://kdvr.com/news/local/state-plans-to-scale-back-investigation-of-drones-in-northeast-colorado/)” KDVR, Denver, January 13, 2020; “Drone Swarms,” Fortean Times, no. 416 \(March 2022\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7835
### Event 54512 (9DC7F9F2)
**Date:** 1/20/2020
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** President Joe Biden in office
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_835
### Event 54513 (FB9F62EA)
**Date:** 1/30/2020
**Locations:** UK; National Archives
**Description:** The UK National Archives and Ministry of Defence announce another “final” release of UFO files.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Ministry of Defence Insider Reveals Contents of Britain’s ‘Final’ UFO Files,](https://metro.co.uk/2020/01/30/ministry-defence-insider-reveals-contents-britains-final-ufo-x-files-12152206/)” Metro \(UK\), January 30, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7836
### Event 54514 (8ED145EB)
**Date:** 2/2/2020
**Description:** Richard Doty allegedly states some previous and current DIA members believe elements of the **Project SERPO** rumors (an “exchange program” between USG personnel and ET personnel on a different planet) are real.
* [https://twitter.com/Deepneuron/status/1224166784279822336?s=20&t=-NWLBldCaT3xXfDcHr1t2Q](https://twitter.com/Deepneuron/status/1224166784279822336?s=20&t=-NWLBldCaT3xXfDcHr1t2Q)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_533
### Event 54515 (2CB77BF2)
**Date:** 2/4/2020
**Description:** Russian ceramics engineer Eugene Podkletnov states he has found an effect akin to modification of a local gravitational field. Podkletnov uses thin gold layers and spins them at high revolutions to create gravity fields in a vacuum and in the air. He states it can be done at room temperature and does not need superconductors to work. The experiment can generate a repulsive or attractive force of about 300 to 500 kilograms per square meter.
* [https://medium.com/predict/eugene-podkletnovs-new-gravity-modification-experimental-video-b7813b04c6f8](https://medium.com/predict/eugene-podkletnovs-new-gravity-modification-experimental-video-b7813b04c6f8)
>**_Note_**: Podklenov states for space travel, it would be best to utilize a similar concept but use rotating magnetic fields at high speed to create the antigravitic effect.
>**_Note_**: Podklenov states when NASA attempted to replicate his experiment they noticed unusual effects, but ran out of money at the last stage. Podklenov states the “Department of Defense” came in and took the experiments and it was transferred to Ning Li (see 1 August 1997). He states NASA has “nothing” and he has “nothing” from those experiments either.
>* [https://medium.com/predict/eugene-podkletnovs-new-gravity-modification-experimental-video-b7813b04c6f8](https://medium.com/predict/eugene-podkletnovs-new-gravity-modification-experimental-video-b7813b04c6f8)
>* [https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0108005.pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0108005.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_534
### Event 54516 (13A4D818)
**Date:** 2/8/2020
**Description:** In an interview at The Arlington Institute with John Petersen, Hal Puthoff denies rumors that he and his family were threatened about the release of information pertaining to “anti-energy” devices.
* [https://www.ufojoe.net/hal-puthoff-transcript-transiitontalks-qa](https://www.ufojoe.net/hal-puthoff-transcript-transiitontalks-qa)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_535
### Event 54517 (F602F6F7)
**Date:** 2/8/2020
**Description:** Puthoff also states former AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richard Doty worked for him in “another program before **AATIP**.”
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2020/02/dr-hal-puthoffs-8-february-2020-talk.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2020/02/dr-hal-puthoffs-8-february-2020-talk.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_536
### Event 54518 (397CE82B)
**Date:** 2/14/2020
**Location:** Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS)
**Description:** A Popular Mechanics article by UFO investigative writer and retired police lieutenant [Tim McMillan](https://www.popularmechanics.com/author/224223/tim-mcmillan/) says that Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies \(BAASS\) was contracted under the auspices of the AATIP program to study UFO reports and purported paranormal phenomena. According to [Steven Aftergood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FAftergood)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven%5FAftergood) director of the Federation of American Scientists Project on Government Secrecy, the AAWSAP contract “sounds like it was a good deal for the contractor. But it would be hard to argue that either the military or the public got their money’s worth.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tim McMillan, “[Inside the Pentagon’s Secret UFO Program,](https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/research/a30916275/government-secret-ufo-program-investigation/)” Popular Mechanics, February 14, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7837
### Event 54519 (5252FEF9)
**Date:** 2/20/2020
**Description:** Former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon states the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) has recorded unidentified objects that changed direction and weren’t meteors.
* [https://silvarecord.com/2020/09/20/are-satellites-tracking-ufos/](https://silvarecord.com/2020/09/20/are-satellites-tracking-ufos/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_537
### Event 54520 (146AFB18)
**Date:** 2/29/2020
**Description:** Retired DOD senior technology analyst Paul Murad states the company “Orbitech” (possibly Orbital Technologies Corporation, Orbitec) helped him engineer an electromagnetic energy device known as the “Morningstar Energy Box.” The box produced a 7% reduction in mass of a test object.
* [https://medium.com/predict/searl-effect-generator-replication-measures-7-reduction-in-weight-b8d24e4199f0](https://medium.com/predict/searl-effect-generator-replication-measures-7-reduction-in-weight-b8d24e4199f0)
* [https://www.tsijournals.com/articles/the-morningstar-energy-box--an-unusual-electromagnetic-device.pdf](https://www.tsijournals.com/articles/the-morningstar-energy-box--an-unusual-electromagnetic-device.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_538
### Event 54521 (722251B9)
**Date:** 3/2020
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** NY Times: Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD, Aerospace Corporation (a defense contractor), gives a classified briefing to a Defense Department agency about retrievals from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth.”
**Type:** senate briefing
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_828
### Event 54522 (0E231EBB)
**Date:** 3/3/2020
**Description:** Science writer Sarah Scoles publishes They Are Already Here, focusing on the beliefs and attitudes of UFO researchers through first-person interviews.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sarah Scoles, They Are Already Here: UFO Culture and Why We See Saucers, Pegasus, 2020; Curt Collins, “[UFO Culture Examined:](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2020/03/ufo-culture-examined-they-are-already.html) [They Are Already Here](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2020/03/ufo-culture-examined-they-are-already.html) [by Sarah Scoles,](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2020/03/ufo-culture-examined-they-are-already.html)” The Saucers That Time Forgot, Mar h 26, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7838
### Event 54523 (2FA99CB9)
**Date:** 3/11/2020
**Description:** COVID-19 Pandemic: The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern on 30 January 2020, and a pandemic on 11 March 2020.
**Type:** pandemic
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_836
### Event 54524 (197F5C9F)
**Date:** 3/19/2020
**Locations:** Mexico City; Houston, Texas; Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico; Mexico/US border
**Description:** Night. A commercial Boeing 767 airliner is flying from Mexico City to Houston, Texas. At an approximate position somewhere west of Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico, the plane is flying north at 37,000 feet at 575 mph when the first officer, looking across to the left side of the cockpit, sees a yellowish-white light descend into view from above. He first thinks that it is a meteor and begins to say so when it suddenly stops at nearly the same altitude as the aircraft. The UFO then projects an illuminating beam of bright white light on the aircraft and appears to take a collision heading. The captain takes a defensive attitude and prepares for evasive measures, but the beam of light illuminating the aircraft ceases, and the UFO suddenly accelerates to the same speed and heading of the aircraft, maintains separation, and begins pacing. The captain estimates that the UFO maintains a distance of 1,000–2,000 feet, near the minimum allowable separation of 1,000 feet. The copilot describes the UFO as a “brilliant yellow white plasma object, teardrop shaped.” There are no navigation lights or other features associated with airplanes, and the light seems to have a tail. During the following 30 minutes, the crew observes and takes 8 photographs and four video segments of the UFO, one of which lasts 4:47. The video documents that the Airborne Collision Avoidance System SSR radar does not detect anything while the crew is actively observing the object. As the aircraft and its attendant UFO approaches the Mexico/US border, the light begins to flicker, changes colors from yellow-white to pinkish-purple, and turns on a perpendicular heading away from the aircraft and parallel to the border without crossing into the US.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ted Roe, “[An Independent Analysis of a March 19, 2020,](https://www.narcap.org/blog/narcaptr20) [Aviation-Safety Related Incident Involving UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, over Mexico,](https://www.narcap.org/blog/narcaptr20)” NARCAP, June 1, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7839
### Event 54525 (C396852C)
**Date:** 3/20/2020
**Description:** Physicist Jack Sarfatti states a metamaterial utilized by the Tic Tac UAP allows the craft to slow down the speed of light. Sarfatti states when a certain type of electromagnetic energy is sent into this metamaterial, it creates a resonance that “squeezes the space in front of it and stretches the space behind.”
He also claims the Tic Tac metamaterial came from “Earth humans” from the future and people from the future come back in time to create “past events” which in turns create a “Novikov loop” (a paradox where the origin of the event cannot be known). Sarfatti claims he is close to Bechtel, was close to the Reagan Administration and former SDI proponent and SecDef Caspar Weinberger, and states he received phone calls from a “mechanical voice” when he was young that put him into a hypnotic state where he was led to theorize about quantum vacuum energy and faster-than-light propulsion. Jacques Vallée states it was “undeniable” he was a child prodigy.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/03/jack-sarfatti-his-ideas-about-tic-tac.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/03/jack-sarfatti-his-ideas-about-tic-tac.html)
* [https://exonews.org/top-physicist-claims-nimitz-ufo-time-travelled-to-reach-19000mph/](https://exonews.org/top-physicist-claims-nimitz-ufo-time-travelled-to-reach-19000mph/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_539
### Event 54526 (F39695F2)
**Date:** 3/23/2020
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Bigelow Aerospace laws off entire workforce
**Type:** layoff
**Reference:** [link](https://spacenews.com/bigelow-aerospace-lays-off-entire-workforce/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_837
### Event 54527 (C08BCF61)
**Date:** 3/28/2020
**Locations:** Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands; Western Australia
**Description:** The US Space Force declares the Space Fence, its second-generation space surveillance system, operational. The system is designed to track more than 25,000 artificial satellites and chunks of space debris in Earth orbit \(and UAPs, presumably\), some as small as a marble. The initial Space Fence facility is located at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, along with an option for another radar site in Western Australia. The US Strategic Command has data-sharing agreements with Australia, Japan, Italy, Canada, France, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the European Space Agency, and Europe’s Eumetsat weather satellite organization. With this and other surveillance capabilities, former assistant secretary of defense [Christopher Mellon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher%5FMellon) wonders why the US Air Force has not simultaneously detected the same UAPs that the US Navy has been doing with less sophisticated equipment.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Space Fence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space%5FFence)”; Lockheed Martin, “[Space Fence](https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/space-fence.html)”; Christopher Mellon, “[Why Is the Air](https://thedebrief.org/why-is-the-air-force-awol-on-the-uap-issue/) [Force AWOL on the UAP Issue?](https://thedebrief.org/why-is-the-air-force-awol-on-the-uap-issue/)” The Debrief, February 3, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7840
### Event 54528 (340365FD)
**Date:** 4/27/2020
**Location:** US
**Description:** The U.S. Department of Defense formally declassifies three Navy-captured videos showing unidentified aerial phenomena. These videos, previously leaked, had been verified by the Navy.
**Type:** official statement
**Reference:** [DoD Statement](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2165713/statement-by-the-department-of-defense-on-the-release-of-historical-navy-videos/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1028
### Event 54529 (E5517498)
**Date:** 4/27/2020
**Location:** The Pentagon
**Description:** The Pentagon officially releases the three videos \(Tic-Tac, GIMBAL, and GoFast\) showing UFOs that were previously released between December 2017 and March 2018 by the private company To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences. The release states that “the aerial phenomena observed in the videos remain characterized as ‘unidentified.’”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Pentagon Officially Releases UFO Videos,](https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/27/politics/pentagon-ufo-videos/index.html)” CNN, April 29, 2020; David Clarke, “Echoes and Angels: UFOs on Radar,” Fortean Times 403 \(March 2021\): 40
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7841
### Event 54530 (1B64F5CE)
**Date:** 4/29/2020
**Description:** Journalist Tim McMillan states a source who worked for **BAASS** and **AAWSAP** told him the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) had some UAP materials as early as 1947. He states it was transferred to Lockheed Martin in 1977 ahead of expected USG oversight in 1979. In response to the claim, Eric Davis states the **BAASS** source is “ill-informed” and not “in the know” about the history of legacy UAP recovery and reverse engineering. Davis states the claims of Lockheed receiving UAP information from the AEC in 1977 are false.
* [https://twitter.com/LtTimMcMillan/status/1255453604451962890?s=20&t=MWB-QNtWGAUG0ZmXI3NFvA](https://twitter.com/LtTimMcMillan/status/1255453604451962890?s=20&t=MWB-QNtWGAUG0ZmXI3NFvA)
* [https://www.ufojoe.net/senator-harry-reid-lockheed/](https://www.ufojoe.net/senator-harry-reid-lockheed/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_540
### Event 54531 (4FCF0F3A)
**Date:** 5/1/2020
**Description:** The US Office of Naval Intelligence holds a classified briefing to destigmatize the UAP problem and to promote more intelligence collection regarding UAP incursions and encounters with active military deployments.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell, “[The US Navy Filmed Pyramid Shaped UFOs,](https://www.extraordinarybeliefs.com/news4/navy-filmed-pyramid-ufos)” Extraordinary Beliefs, April 8, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7842
### Event 54532 (88D3D2FD)
**Date:** 5/28/2020
**Description:** Postdoctoral researcher Darryl Seligman and astrophysicist Gregory Laughlin argue that the interstellar object ʻOumuamua could be a hydrogen iceberg generated by a giant molecular cloud. The hypothesis explains the object’s strange cigar shape, as cosmic radiation would chip away at its edges \(in some directions more than others\) that would produce an elongated shape. The fact that it sped up as it entered the Solar System can be explained because it is outgassing hydrogen increased by the solar flux.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Darryl Seligman and Gregory Laughlin, “[Evidence That 1I/2017 U1 \(‘Oumuamua\) Was Composed of Molecular Hydrogen Ice,](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2005.12932.pdf)” arXiv, May 28, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7843
### Event 54533 (1E17CBA2)
**Date:** 6/2020
**Description:** [Robert Bigelow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FBigelow) launches a new effort, the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies, to study the survival of human consciousness after death.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Skinwalkers 35
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7844
### Event 54534 (68BE9B1B)
**Date:** 6/6/2020
**Location:** Edgewater, Maryland
**Description:** Ufologist and ex-NASA mission specialist Bob Oechsler dies
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [link](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11890347/ex-nasa-man-dies-of-cancer/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_838
### Event 54535 (4C91CD29)
**Date:** 6/23/2020
**Location:** US
**Description:** Senator Marco Rubio and the Senate Intelligence Committee request a comprehensive UAP analysis from the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and related agencies.
**Type:** analysis called
**Reference:** [Politico](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/06/23/senators-ufo-government-reports-336021)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1029
### Event 54536 (D1B64707)
**Date:** 6/23/2020
**Locations:** Pentagon; Florida
**Description:** The US Senate Intelligence Committee, apparently disturbed by the lack of a coordinated investigatory process, asks the Pentagon for a detailed, unclassified report on UFOs, or “unidentified aerial phenomena.” In his report attached to the 2020–2021 Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Sen. [Marco Rubio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco%5FRubio) \(R-Fla.\), acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, instructs the director of national intelligence, the secretary of defense, and other agency heads to compile data on UFOs. “The Committee understands that the relevant intelligence may be sensitive; nevertheless, the Committee finds that the information sharing and coordination across the Intelligence Community has been inconsistent, and this issue has lacked attention from senior leaders,” the report states. It also confirms the existence of an ongoing Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force managed by the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in collaboration with the Office of Naval Intelligence, as was its informal predecessor program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Investigation Program. The task force is headed until January 2021 by Naval officer John F. Stratton. \(Wikipedia, “[Unidentified Aerial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified%5FAerial%5FPhenomena%5FTask%5FForce) [Phenomena Task Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified%5FAerial%5FPhenomena%5FTask%5FForce)”; M. J. Banias, “[Senate Intelligence Committee Confirms the US Navy Has a UFO Task](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgx573/senate-intelligence-committee-confirms-the-us-navy-has-a-ufo-task-force) [Force,](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgx573/senate-intelligence-committee-confirms-the-us-navy-has-a-ufo-task-force)” Motherboard, June 23, 2020; “[Classified UFO Briefings May Have Left Senators ‘Disturbed,’ Expert](https://www.foxnews.com/science/classified-ufo-briefings-senators-disturbed-expert) [Says,](https://www.foxnews.com/science/classified-ufo-briefings-senators-disturbed-expert)” Fox News, June 24, 2020; George Knapp, “[More UFO Heraings? Congress Might Consider Hearing from](https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/more-ufo-hearings-congress-might-consider-hearing-from-these-2-men/) [These 2 Men,](https://www.mysterywire.com/ufo/more-ufo-hearings-congress-might-consider-hearing-from-these-2-men/)” Mystery Wire, May 23, 2022\) June 24 – The Intelligence Committee votes to require the US Intelligence Community and the Department of Defense to publicly track and analyze data collected on unexplained aerial vehicles. Reports from the task force are to be issued to the Intelligence Committee every six months.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bryan Bender, “Senators Want the Public to See the Government’s UFO Reports,” Politico, June 23, 2020; “[Senate Panel Votes to Let Public Access UFO Records,](https://www.courthousenews.com/senate-panel-votes-to-let-public-access-ufo-records/)” Courthouse News Service, June 24, 2020; “[Pentagon UFO Unit to Publicly Release Some Findings after Ex-](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ufo-pentagon-statement-findings-vehicle-research-a9636481.html) [Official Says ‘Off-World Vehicle’ Found,](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/ufo-pentagon-statement-findings-vehicle-research-a9636481.html)” The Independent \(UK\), June 24, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7845
### Event 54537 (85A76064)
**Date:** 6/25/2020
**Description:** USN CMDR Will Miller states he believes “we” have our own transluminal velocity craft that go anywhere in space and time; Miller states there are probably multiple “control groups,” each covering certain aspects of the UAP issue; one for crash retrievals, another for collecting reports, another for oversight; there are a limited number of contractors who could do this.
* [https://www.ufojoe.net/will-miller-complete/](https://www.ufojoe.net/will-miller-complete/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_555
### Event 54538 (D69B2216)
**Date:** 7/10/2020
**Description:** U.S. Navy Capt. Joseph F. Gradisher, OPNAV N2N6 Public Affairs, admits in an email that he and Susan Gough of OSD Public Affairs seek to control FOIA replies from all USG agencies/departments related to UAP. “Generally speaking, we let the normal FOIA process work as it is supposed to…but we have been requesting that FOIA offices coordinate with us on
UAP-focused FOIA responses before they hit ‘reply’ so that new terms/language/etc. aren’t introduced that complicate the overall messaging efforts.”
Gradisher’s admission is of questionable legality considering federal government-wide FOIA responses are not supposed to be managed by the Navy to affect strategic messaging of an issue as it relates to the American public. The emails of admission were declassified through FOIA on 9 March 2021.
* [http://parallaxuap.blogspot.com/2021/03/how-dod-is-keeping-tabs-on-uap-related.html](http://parallaxuap.blogspot.com/2021/03/how-dod-is-keeping-tabs-on-uap-related.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_541
### Event 54539 (A274BFD5)
**Date:** 7/16/2020
**Locations:** Oakwood; Blacklow Spinney Woods; Warwickshire, England
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. Paul Froggatt sees a glowing orange sphere that follows him as he is cycling through the Oakwood and Blacklow Spinney Woods in Warwickshire, England. The usual early morning birdsong has gone silent. Turning a bend, he encounters a 7-foot-tall, green-colored creature that stands on two legs and looks like a praying mantis. It has a triangular head and two large black eyes that stare at him. He thinks it is trying to transmit evil thoughts into his mind, so he speeds up and escapes it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nigel Watson, “M Is for Mantis and Missile,” Fortean Times 404 \(April 2021\): 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7846
### Event 54540 (0EFE17F4)
**Date:** 7/19/2020
**Description:** Former **AATIP** director while he is at To The Stars Academy Lue Elizondo states on a public radio program that he was on the Hill, in a SCIF, meeting with several individuals about UAP. Elizondo states an “older gentleman” was sitting in the corner of the room and didn’t introduce himself and told him “Look, I had your job (with a particular service, I’m not going to mention what service it was)...I had your job back in the ‘80s.” Elizondo states this man was legitimate and the fact that he didn’t know who he was suggests there is “some sense of legacy” of the UAP issue where it was studied at high levels prior to **AATIP**, but after **Project Blue Book** unbeknownst to the public.
Elizondo states the man told him **AATIP** got further than the 1980s program, but didn’t clarify if that meant from a findings perspective, a budgetary perspective or a political perspective.
* [https://silvarecord.com/2020/07/20/elizondo-met-ufo-program-point-man-from-1980s/](https://silvarecord.com/2020/07/20/elizondo-met-ufo-program-point-man-from-1980s/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_542
### Event 54541 (19DD75D2)
**Date:** 7/23/2020
**Locations:** New York Times; China; Russia; Harry Reid
**Description:** Ralph Blumenthal and [Leslie Kean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie%5FKean) report in the New York Times that Sen. [Rubio](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco%5FRubio) is primarily concerned about reports of unidentified aircraft over US military bases and that China or Russia or some other adversary has made “some technological leap” that “allows them to conduct this sort of activity.” Rubio says some of the unidentified aerial vehicles over military bases possibly exhibit technologies not in the US arsenal. But he also notes: “Maybe there is a completely, sort of, boring explanation for it. But we need to find out.” The paper reports that while former Sen. [Harry Reid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry%5FReid) “believed that crashes of objects of unknown origin may have occurred and that retrieved materials should be studied; he did not say that crashes had occurred and that retrieved materials had been studied secretly for decades.” News reports also repeat a claim made by [Eric W. Davis](https://earthtech.org/pubs/davis/) that an “off-world vehicle” might be in the possession of the US government.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean, “[No Longer in the Shadows,](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html) [Pentagon’s UFO Unit Will Make Some Findings Public,](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/23/us/politics/pentagon-ufo-harry-reid-navy.html)” New York Times, July 23, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7847
### Event 54542 (D6EECD85)
**Date:** 7/24/2020
**Description:** A declassified briefing card utilized by the Navy’s Chief of Information and the Office of Information tells all personnel to “not refer to UAPs as UFOs. The latter term is intrinsically linked to the concept of extraterrestrials and the associated hysteria generated by the media that cover this topic.” It was prepared by Capt. Joseph F. Gradisher and OSD Public Affairs Susan Gough. The card suggests the Navy was attempting to avoid public discussion of the extraterrestrial hypothesis and had a strategic priority to avoid “hysteria.”
* [https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/navy-chinfo-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-uaps-briefing-card-24-july-2020/](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/navy-chinfo-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-uaps-briefing-card-24-july-2020/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_543
### Event 54543 (94E4321F)
**Date:** 7/28/2020
**Location:** New York, New York
**Description:** NY Times confirms Crash Retrievals with “retrieved materials”, all information is classified
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [link](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/28/insider/UFO-reporting.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_839
### Event 54544 (830BFFB0)
**Date:** 8/2020
**Locations:** Cuba; China; Russia; Eurasian communist countries
**Description:** The National Academy of Sciences completes a report on Havana Syndrome, concluding that embassy personnel in Cuba, China, Russia, and other countries were most likely subjected to “directed, pulsed radiofrequency energy” in malicious attacks. A committee of 19 experts says that the immediate symptoms that patients reported—including strange sensations of pain, pressure, and sound that often appear to emanate from a particular direction or occurred in a specific spot in a room—are more consistent with a directed “attack” of radiofrequency energy. The report does not point to a perpetrator, though it mentions “significant research in Russia/U.S.S.R.” on pulsed radiofrequency technology, as well as the exposure of military personnel in Eurasian communist countries to microwave radiation. The CDC concludes, “The evaluations conducted thus far have not identified a mechanism of injury, process of exposure, effective treatment, or mitigating factor for the unexplained cluster of symptoms experienced by those stationed in Havana.” The report is inexplicably withheld from congressional and public scrutiny after it is submitted. Only after key senators learn of its existence later in the fall and press then-Secretary of State [Mike Pompeo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike%5FPompeo) to turn it over does the Trump administration finally provide the report to a few Senate offices. The New York Times and NBC News first report on details of the unclassified NAS study, titled “An Assessment of Illness in U.S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassies,” in early December.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ana Swanson and Edward Wong, “[Report Points to Microwave ‘Attack’ As](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/05/business/economy/havana-syndrome-microwave-attack.html) [Likely Source of Mystery Illnesses That Hit Diplomats and Spies,](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/05/business/economy/havana-syndrome-microwave-attack.html)” New York Times, December 5, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7848
### Event 54545 (8B8C1C1F)
**Date:** 8/4/2020
**Description:** Deputy Secretary of Defense [David L. Norquist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FNorquist) approves the establishment of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. The Department of the Navy, under the oversight of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, will lead the effort. The Department of Defense says it is establishing the UAPTF to improve its understanding of the nature and origins of UAPs. Its mission is to detect, analyze, and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to US national security. Its mandate includes examinations of incursions that are initially reported as UAPs when the observer cannot immediately identify what he or she is seeing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified%5FAerial%5FPhenomena%5FTask%5FForce)”; US Department of Defense, “[Establishment of](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2314065/establishment-of-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-task-force/) [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force,](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2314065/establishment-of-unidentified-aerial-phenomena-task-force/)” August 14, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7849
### Event 54546 (D5CA6139)
**Date:** 8/29/2020
**Location:** Los Angeles International Airport in California
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. An American Airlines pilot reports that a man flying in a jet pack has passed by them about 90 feet away at their altitude of 3,000 feet coming into Los Angeles International Airport in California. About 10 minutes later, a Jet Blue Airways pilot spots the flying man.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[A Man Flying a Jetpack Was Reported by Pilots](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/01/us/jetpack-lax-trnd/index.html) [above Los Angeles,](https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/01/us/jetpack-lax-trnd/index.html)” CNN, September 3, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7850
### Event 54547 (7E4C6EC8)
**Date:** 9/1/2020
**Location:** Leeds Airport, England
**Description:** 10:13 p.m. A B737 is approaching the runway at Leeds Airport, England, at 1,800 feet. Both pilot and First Officer suddenly see a bright light and an object that appears to be headed toward the aircraft, almost head on, slightly up and to the left. It appears without warning and gives them no time to act. After landing, the crew informs Air Traffic Control, who tells them that the West Yorkshire police helicopter had earlier seen “lanterns” in the area, but neither crew member thought that matched what they saw. The UK Airprox Board concludes that a “definite high risk of collision had existed.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UK Airprox Board, “[Monthly Meeting October 2020](https://www.airproxboard.org.uk/reports-and-analysis/monthly-airprox-reviews/airprox-reports-2020/october/)”; “UKAB ‘Unknown Object’ Log 2017–2020,” Fortean Times 406 \(June 2021\): 43
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7851
### Event 54548 (D6BD1CAE)
**Date:** 9/15/2020
**Location:** Guam
**Description:** Japanese Defense Minister [Taro Kono](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar%C5%8D%5FK%C5%8Dno) announces at a press conference that members of the Self- Defense Forces must make a visual recording of any unexplained aerial phenomena they encounter and that the footage must be analyzed to the fullest extent. The military is also being tasked with looking into reports of UFO sightings from the public. The issue is brought up when Kono meets with US Defense Secretary [Mark Esper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark%5FEsper) in Guam in late August for a regularly scheduled talk on regional security issues.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Japan’s Defense Ministry](https://thediplomat.com/2020/09/japans-defense-ministry-launches-protocol-for-ufo-sightings/) [Launches Protocol for UFO Sightings,](https://thediplomat.com/2020/09/japans-defense-ministry-launches-protocol-for-ufo-sightings/)” The Diplomat, September 18, 2020; “[Japan Orders Military Pilots to](https://www.dw.com/en/japan-orders-military-pilots-to-report-ufo-sightings/a-55081061) [Report UFO Sightings,](https://www.dw.com/en/japan-orders-military-pilots-to-report-ufo-sightings/a-55081061)” Deutsche Welle, September 28, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7852
### Event 54549 (C044A381)
**Date:** 10/14/2020
**Location:** Los Angeles International Airport, California
**Description:** 1:45 p.m. A China Airlines crew member reports what appears to be someone in a jet pack flying at about 6,500 feet roughly seven miles northwest of Los Angeles International Airport, California. The air traffic controller alerts another pilot who is preparing to land, and the Federal Aviation Administration alerts local law enforcement and the FBI. However, it’s more likely that the pilots were seeing a battery-powered electric drone fitted with a mannequin. Jet packs would take up too much fuel to get to those altitudes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[A Man Flying in a](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/14/us/jetpack-guy-back-lax-trnd/index.html) [Jetpack Has Been Spotted Again in the Skies over Los Angeles,](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/14/us/jetpack-guy-back-lax-trnd/index.html)” CNN, October 14, 2020; “[This Jetpack Maker](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/really-jetpack-flying-over-l-maker-doesn-t-think-so-n1243660) [Isn’t So Sure That’s What’s Been Spotted over the L.A. Skies,](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/really-jetpack-flying-over-l-maker-doesn-t-think-so-n1243660)” NBC News, October 15, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7853
### Event 54550 (82AEFD1F)
**Date:** 11/2020
**Locations:** Havana, Cuba; Washington, D.C.; The Ellipse; White House
**Description:** An official from the National Security Council suddenly falls ill with symptoms similar to those previously experienced by diplomats in Havana, Cuba. It takes place on the Ellipse in Washington, D.C., close to the White House.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[US Investigating Possible Mysterious Directed Energy Attack near White House,](https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/29/politics/us-investigating-mysterious-directed-energy-attack-white-house/index.html)” CNN, April 29, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7854
### Event 54551 (2A5B076F)
**Date:** 11/2020
**Locations:** Chicago, Illinois; Albuquerque, New Mexico
**Description:** The extensive case files of the Center for UFO Studies \(including files originating from the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York, and [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)’s Project Blue Book copies\) are transferred from Chicago, Illinois, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, where a digitization project begins that will ultimately make them widely available, headed by CUFOS board member [David Marler](https://davidmarlerufo.com/bio)[.](https://davidmarlerufo.com/bio)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[David Marler: CUFOS Digitization Project 2021,](http://www.project1947.com/articles/marlercufos.htm)” Project 1947
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7855
### Event 54552 (0781B7B8)
**Date:** 11/30/2020
**Description:** Navy crypto communications operator Karson Kammerzell says he was on the USS Princeton at the time of the reported “Tic Tac” event and the object that interacted with Fravor's squadron was a triangle. Kammerzell claims the Tic Tac story is a coverup of a triangle Princeton encounter and infers **AATIP** and those speaking about a Tic Tac encounter are covering up a triangle encounter.
* [http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/16041/where-the-buck-stops/](http://not-devoid.blogs.heraldtribune.com/16041/where-the-buck-stops/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_544
### Event 54553 (CA49F5FF)
**Date:** 11/30/2020
**Description:** Coast Guard retiree Shannon Lee states he witnessed a 10-12 foot silver disc pulled from the Atlantic Ocean near the Mariana Trench and was later briefed and told by his CO they saw them many times. He states USAF officials were in port when they returned and he was told to sign an NDA.
* [https://youtu.be/VGhkmhgZN00](https://youtu.be/VGhkmhgZN00)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_545
### Event 54554 (91CFFDC6)
**Date:** 12/2020
**Location:** Havana
**Description:** The CIA re-launches its task force on Havana Syndrome and expands its efforts under new Director [William J. Burns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FJ.%5FBurns%5F%28diplomat%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FJ.%5FBurns%5F%28diplomat%29) who has vowed during his confirmation hearings to review the evidence on the attacks on CIA personnel overseas, which have long been publicly reported.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[CIA Launches Task Force to Probe Invisible](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/24/politics/cia-diplomats-sonic-attacks-task-force/index.html) [Attacks on US Diplomats and Spies As One Victim Finds Some Relief,](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/24/politics/cia-diplomats-sonic-attacks-task-force/index.html)” CNN, February 24, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7856
### Event 54555 (47BD04B8)
**Date:** 12/4/2020
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states in 2020 that the entity that controls the UAP issue and controls study of it in intelligence agencies (like the CIA) is a “private contractor.” He nervously says he doesn’t want to reveal who has UAP metals, but then James Fox asks him if he can indirectly answer the question by discussing a contractor involved in the Robertson Panel, and Vallee states it is Battelle Memorial Institute. He then won’t answer any more questions on if Battelle has UAP crash recovered metals.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/k7mvgg/did_anyone_catch_what_jacques_vallee_said_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/k7mvgg/did_anyone_catch_what_jacques_vallee_said_about/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_546
### Event 54556 (8205643A)
**Date:** 12/12/2020
**Description:** John Marcel, grandson of Jesse Marcel Sr., states his grandfather and father (Jesse Marcel Jr.) held debris recovered from a UAP crash near Roswell, NM on
8-9 July 1947 that had strange writing on it. One symbol had a seal balancing a ball on its nose, and there were also glass “fibers.”
* [https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/12/surprising-roswell-ufo-details-revealed-in-investigators-private-journal/](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/12/surprising-roswell-ufo-details-revealed-in-investigators-private-journal/) (rg - behind paywall)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20210209195101/https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/12/surprising-roswell-ufo-details-revealed-in-investigators-private-journal/](https://web.archive.org/web/20210209195101/https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2020/12/surprising-roswell-ufo-details-revealed-in-investigators-private-journal/) (rg - non-paywall version)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_547
### Event 54557 (877D392F)
**Date:** 12/27/2020
**Locations:** US; Pentagon
**Description:** President [Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FTrump) signs a $2.3 trillion government funding bill—the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021—containing a number of long-anticipated provisions, including an Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021. The latter contains a subheading labeled “Advanced Aerial Threats,” which requires the Director of National Intelligence \([Avril Haynes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avril%5FHaines) under the Biden administration\) to consult with the Secretary of Defense \([Lloyd Austin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd%5FAustin) under the Biden Administration\) to submit a report on “unidentified aerial phenomena \(also known as ‘anomalous aerial vehicles’\), including observed airborne objects that have not been identified” and the potential threats they pose. The premise behind the provision is that the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was concerned that the US government has no coordinated or comprehensive process for collecting and assessing intelligence data about unidentified aerial phenomena. It demands a detailed analysis of UAP data to be delivered to the Joint Armed Services Committee by the end of June 2021. It also calls for a streamlined reporting structure under the aegis of a named official The director of the US Navy’s UAP Task Force, Brennan McKernan, leads this new Pentagon-wide project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Helen Lin, “[Sci-Fi Stimulus Secrets: Why Did UFOs Appear in the December](https://www.reference.com/science/sci-fi-stimulus-secrets-ufos-covid19-relief) [2020 COVID-19 Relief Package?](https://www.reference.com/science/sci-fi-stimulus-secrets-ufos-covid19-relief)” Reference, July 2, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7857
## Year: 2021, 67 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54558 (BCCAF82A)
**Date:** 2021 (approximate)
**Location:** US
**Description:** Interview with ex-USAF Colonel Richard L. Weaver, the debunker who authored the Air Force's flawed 1990's "Roswell Report: Case Closed" report.
**Reference:** [interview](https://www.spreaker.com/user/xzoneradiotv/adp20201111ep141emcolonelrichardweaverpa)
**Reference:** ["Backstory: Roswell: Exclusive Untold Disclosures About the 1994 Air Force Roswell Report Told By The Man Who Led The Inquiry", by Richard Weaver](https://www.amazon.com/Backstory-Roswell-Exclusive-Disclosures-Inquiry-ebook/dp/B08GY9WXCL)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_945
### Event 54559 (05559C03)
**Date:** 1/2021
**Locations:** UK; England
**Description:** Ash Ellis, who runs the online site UFO Identified, compiles a breakdown of 484 sightings reported in the UK during 2020. The majority \(396\) were made in England. There is a sharp increase in March and April due to the launch of SpaceX satellite trains. The most likely time to see a UFO is between 9 and 10 p.m. on a Sunday, and the shapes vary from star-like, triangular, oval, disc-shaped, and cylindrical to unknown. There were only three CE-3s and one abduction report.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ash Ellis, “[The UK UFO Report 2020,](https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/c67061d1-f509-4fa3-8c80-6cf13d6e2001/UFOs%20in%20the%20UK%20-%20The%20Story%20of%202020.pdf)” UFO Identified
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7858
### Event 54560 (7466A47A)
**Date:** 1/1/2021
**Locations:** Bangor, Northern Ireland; Police Scotland
**Description:** Using Freedom of Information requests, UK reporter Dean Kirby analyzes 128 separate calls to 16 police forces since 2016 that mention UFOs. Several are obvious UAVs, including one reported by a caller to police in Bangor, Northern Ireland, who described a flying object that appeared to have solar panels. But the true figure could be much higher, with more than 30 police forces including Police Scotland saying they have no easy way of counting the calls and three saying they would each have to search through more than 700 records where the letters UFO were used.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dean Kirby, “[In One of the Strangest Years of Our Lives, Reports of UFO Sightings](https://inews.co.uk/news/uk/reports-ufo-sightings-new-heights-lockdown-explained-aliens-801069) [Have Reached New Heights in Lockdown,](https://inews.co.uk/news/uk/reports-ufo-sightings-new-heights-lockdown-explained-aliens-801069)” News UK, January 1, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7859
### Event 54561 (0E832263)
**Date:** 1/12/2021
**Location:** US
**Description:** The [US Naval History and Heritage Command](https://www.history.navy.mil/) posts its "Unidentified Flying Objects Research Guide". The image at the top of the guide is a 1952 newspaper clipping from the National Archives with the title "Saucers over Washington DC". The page states the U.S. government has made numerous UFO-related documents publicly available. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have all uploaded declassified documents concerning UFOs to their respective online platforms. Additionally, the records of the US Air Force's Project Blue Book, which specifically investigated UFOs, are housed at the National Archives and Records Administration. Project Blue Book, initiated in 1947, gathered extensive data, including textual records, motion pictures, sound recordings, and photographs of UFO sightings. This project was terminated in 1969. Moreover, the Navy Department Library houses a range of publications related to UFOs, detailing various sightings, controversies, and interpretations from the mid-20th century onwards.
**Type:** research guide
**Reference:** [CIA: UFO's Fact or Fiction?](http://www.foia.cia.gov/collection/ufos-fact-or-fiction)
**Reference:** [Unusual Phenomena section of the FBI's FOIA Electronic Reading Room](https://vault.fbi.gov/UFO)
**Reference:** [RG 341.15 RECORDS OF PROJECT BLUE BOOK 1947-69](http://www.archives.gov/research/guide-fed-records/groups/341.html#341.15)
**Reference:** [1952 Newspaper Clipping with UFO's over Washington DC](https://catalog.archives.gov/id/595553?q=ufo)
**Reference:** [Bearden, Thomas E. A Mind/Brain/Matter Model Consistent with Quantum Physics and UFO phenomena. Ft. Belvoir: Defense Technical Information Center. 1979](https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a068988.pdf)
**Reference:** [Bearden, Thomas E. The One Human Problem, Its Solution, and Its Relation to UFO Phenomen. Ft. Belvoir: Defense Technical Information Center, 1977](https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a034236.pdf)
**Reference:** [history.navy.mil website](https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/research-guides/ufo-research-guide.html)
**Reference:** [archive.ph backup](https://archive.ph/VlxNv)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1022
### Event 54562 (6D597409)
**Date:** 1/15/2021
**Locations:** Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; US personnel in Cuba; Havana, Cuba
**Description:** The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has conducted a two-year “epidemiologic investigation” of the mysterious medical incidents suffered by US personnel in Cuba but cannot determine the nature of the injuries nor the cause, according to its 18-page report. “The evaluations conducted thus far have not identified a mechanism of injury, process of exposure, effective treatment, or mitigating factor for the unexplained cluster of symptoms experienced by those stationed in Havana, Cuba,” concluded the CDC study. Titled “Cuba Unexplained Events Investigation—Final Report,” the CDC study was completed more than a year ago. But its existence was revealed only after a more recent evaluation by the National Academy of Sciences, which references the CDC report leaked to the press in December.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dan Vergano, “[Medical Records Can’t Explain](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/danvergano/cdc-investigation-cuba-havana-syndrome) [‘Havana Syndrome,’ a Buried CDC Report Says,](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/danvergano/cdc-investigation-cuba-havana-syndrome)” BuzzFeed News, January 15, 2021; “[CDC Report on the](https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/cuba/2021-02-02/cdc-report-havana-syndrome-medical-mystery-remains-unresolved) [‘Havana Syndrome’: Medical Mystery Remains Unsolved,](https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/cuba/2021-02-02/cdc-report-havana-syndrome-medical-mystery-remains-unresolved)” National Security Archive, February 2, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7860
### Event 54563 (5E613D81)
**Date:** 1/23/2021
**Location:** Los Angeles, CA
**Description:** Radio and TV host Larry King dies at age 87 in Los Angeles, CA
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_King)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_840
### Event 54564 (576E2467)
**Date:** 2/7/2021
**Description:** The British UFO Research Association reports that it received 583 reports in 2020, which is 40% less than in 2019. However, the number of high-strangeness reports doubled \(37\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[An Overview of Sightings,](https://bufora.org.uk/documents/TheFutureofUfologyin2021.pdf) [Photographs, and High Strangeness Reports in 2020 and Looking Ahead to 2021,](https://bufora.org.uk/documents/TheFutureofUfologyin2021.pdf)” BUFORA, February 7, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7861
### Event 54565 (25E85171)
**Date:** 2/9/2021
**Locations:** East Ajo Way and South Palo Verde Road in Tucson, Arizona; Davis- Monthan; Tucson International Airport
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. An unidentified drone with a green light on its underbody is spotted from the corner of East Ajo Way and South Palo Verde Road in Tucson, Arizona, directly adjacent to a fuel terminal just west of Davis- Monthan. It flies into controlled airspace surrounding the base and Tucson International Airport after the Tucson Police Department and US Customs and Border Protection helicopters began to pursue it. The law enforcement helicopters follow the drone northwest out of the city for nearl 45 minutes before losing it in the clouds around 14,000 feet. The CBP is operating an Airbus AS350, while Tucson police are flying a Bell 206B-3 Jet Ranger. The CPB pilot says that the drone is highly modified and able to outperform any other he has seen previously, flying circles around both helicopters at speeds well in excess of 100 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brett Tingley, “Police helicopter Crew Says Mysterious Craft They Chased Was ‘Not Like Any Other’ Drone,” The Drive: The War Zone, June 22, 2021; Tim McMillan, Micah Hanks, and Christopher Plain, “[Incursions at the Border: Homeland Security](https://thedebrief.org/incursions-at-the-border-homeland-security-agents-tell-of-encounters-with-uap/) [Agents Tell of Encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,](https://thedebrief.org/incursions-at-the-border-homeland-security-agents-tell-of-encounters-with-uap/)” The DeBrief, May 27, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7862
### Event 54566 (5A492444)
**Date:** 2/17/2021
**Description:** [Tom DeLonge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom%5FDeLonge)’s To the Stars Academy files a report to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, saying that it is restructuring its operations to “scale back its initiatives in science and commercialization.” This is given as justification for dropping advisors [Luis Elizondo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis%5FElizondo)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis%5FElizondo) Stephen Justice, and [Christopher Mellon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher%5FMellon)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher%5FMellon)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nigel Watson, “M Is for Mantis and Missile,” Fortean Times 404 \(April 2021\): 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7863
### Event 54567 (3629AF20)
**Date:** 2/21/2021
**Locations:** Clayton, New Mexico; West of Clayton, New Mexico
**Description:** 12:19 p.m. An American Airlines Airbus A320 pilot reports a long, cylindrical object like a cruise missile pass above his location west of Clayton, New Mexico. The FAA has no reports of objects on air traffic controller radar screens.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Intercept: American Airlines Flight 2292 Reports Close Encounter with Unknown Flying](https://deepbluehorizon.blogspot.com/2021/02/intercept-american-airlines-flight-2292.html) [Object,](https://deepbluehorizon.blogspot.com/2021/02/intercept-american-airlines-flight-2292.html)” Deep Blue Horizon, February 21, 2021; Tyler Rogoway, “[FAA Releases Statement on Airliner’s](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39441/faa-releases-statement-on-airliners-encounter-with-unidentified-object-over-new-mexico) [Encounter with Unknown Object over New Mexico,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/39441/faa-releases-statement-on-airliners-encounter-with-unidentified-object-over-new-mexico)” The Drive: The War Zone, February 24, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7864
### Event 54568 (EB5838B8)
**Date:** 3/12/2021
**Locations:** US; Havana
**Description:** The US State Department names a senior official to lead the agency’s response to the Havana Syndrome attacks. [Pamela L. Spratlen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela%5FL.%5FSpratlen)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pamela%5FL.%5FSpratlen) a career foreign service officer, will serve as the senior advisor to the Health Incident Response Task Force, which was created in 2018 to coordinate the response to the spate of incidents.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[State](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/12/politics/state-department-havana-syndrome-coordinator/index.html) [Department Names Senior Official to Lead Response to Mysterious ‘Havana Syndrome’ Attacks,](https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/12/politics/state-department-havana-syndrome-coordinator/index.html)” CNN, March 12, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7865
### Event 54569 (A5BF134C)
**Date:** 3/29/2021
**Locations:** Canada; Ontario; Quebec
**Description:** [Chris Rutkowski](https://ufocongress.com/chris-rutkowski/)’s annual review of UFO sightings in Canada shows there was a 46% rise in reports in 2020; 30% of the 1,243 sights were in Ontario and 24% from Quebec. 13% remain unexplained.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, “[The 2020 Canadian UFO Survey,](http://www.canadianuforeport.com/survey/essay/2020surveyessayv3.pdf)” Ufology Research, March 29, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7866
### Event 54570 (4202C35E)
**Date:** 4/13/2021
**Description:** According to the National UFO Reporting Center, there was an increase of some 1,000 sightings in the United States during 2020, reaching a peak of 7,200 reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Sightings in US Rose Sharply during the Pandemic,](https://www.wionews.com/world/ufo-sightings-in-us-rose-sharply-during-the-pandemic-data-reveals-377203) [Data Reveals,](https://www.wionews.com/world/ufo-sightings-in-us-rose-sharply-during-the-pandemic-data-reveals-377203)” WION, April 13, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7867
### Event 54571 (62F12E8F)
**Date:** 4/15/2021
**Description:** Tyler Rogoway of The War Zone summarizes the defense implications of drone and UAP interference with military aircraft, ships, and weapons systems, concluding that “at least one of our adversaries, and possibly two, have played our own cultural norms against us and have executed what may be among the most successful and ingenious intelligence-gathering plays of all time. Meanwhile, it seems that the DoD is either incapable of identifying and evaluating what should no longer be considered an emerging threat—swarming drones and radar target balloons—or they are playing along by acting like they do not know, which could be the case for a number of reasons.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Tyler Rogoway, “[Adversary Drones Are Spying on the U.S. and the Pentagon Acts Like They’re](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/40054/adversary-drones-are-spying-on-the-u-s-and-the-pentagon-acts-like-theyre-ufos) [UFOs,](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/40054/adversary-drones-are-spying-on-the-u-s-and-the-pentagon-acts-like-theyre-ufos)” The Drive: The War Zone, April 15, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7868
### Event 54572 (702A9ADF)
**Date:** 4/19/2021
**End date:** 4/26/2021
**Description:** The US Navy kicks off a secretive experiment to launch a missile at a surface target using information from a combination of manned and unmanned aircraft and surface vessels to test their direct attack and electronic warfare capabilities.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Joseph Trevithick, “[Huge Navy Unmanned-Focused Experiment Underway Featuring Live](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/40262/huge-navy-unmanned-focused-experiment-underway-featuring-live-missile-shoot-and-super-swarms) [Missile Shoot and ‘Super Swarms,’](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/40262/huge-navy-unmanned-focused-experiment-underway-featuring-live-missile-shoot-and-super-swarms)” The Drive: The War Zone, April 20, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7869
### Event 54573 (83233348)
**Date:** 4/26/2021
**Description:** Letter from Senate Majority leader Harry Reid confirming the existence of AATIP and Lue Elizondo’s leadership role within the DoD program
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** TODO
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_841
### Event 54574 (A0446640)
**Date:** 5/2021
**Description:** During a briefing prior to a planned US Air Force exercise, USAF personnel observe a slide presentation that explains what to do if they encounter a UAP. They are clearly instructed to complete the Air Force reporting form, which features shapes of several different types of UAP they could encounter \(plasma-like balls, tic-tacs, discs\). It also features specific questions, such as whether the UAP interferes with their radar operation. This is all new, the officer points out to researcher Robert Powell, something that would not have occurred 18 months previous. He finds the stigma associated with this subject in the Air Force has significantly changed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert Powell, “[Opinion: When It Comes to the USAF and UAP, the Tide May Finally Be Turning,](https://thedebrief.org/opinion-when-it-comes-to-the-usaf-and-uap-the-tide-may-finally-be-turning/)” The Debrief, February 7, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7870
### Event 54575 (6CCD16F6)
**Date:** 5/1/2021
**Description:** Former Sen. Harry Reid says he was told “for decades” that Lockheed Martin was in possession of UAP fragments from a crash site. Reid says the Pentagon would not give him access to the program. “I don’t know…what kind of classification it was, but they would not give that to me.”
* [https://www.salon.com/2021/05/01/former-sen-harry-reid-i-was-told-lockheed-martin-had-ufo-crash-fragments/](https://www.salon.com/2021/05/01/former-sen-harry-reid-i-was-told-lockheed-martin-had-ufo-crash-fragments/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_548
### Event 54576 (8166694C)
**Date:** 5/1/2021
**Description:** An anonymous “government insider” tells ufologist Joe Murgia that: “Various people within the United States government, in positions of oversight and who you would think had access to all UAP programs, did not find the UAP crash retrieval program when they looked because they never knew of its existence. I, and others in my circle, have discussed the topic with them of how one cannot find waived-unacknowledged SAPs that operate outside of Section 119 of Title 10. In fact, a DoD office can create a shell company and then transfer funds to it under an unremarkable commercial defense services contract. Then that shell company turns around and gives a subcontract to a third-party aerospace/defense firm that hosts a waived-unacknowledged SAP that operates outside of Sect. 119 of Title 10. This usually hides (making the audit trail terminate at the shell company) the flow of money going to the third party company that’s running a waived-unacknowledged SAP where a UAP crash retrieval program is hidden.”
* [https://www.ufojoe.net/senator-harry-reid-lockheed/](https://www.ufojoe.net/senator-harry-reid-lockheed/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_549
### Event 54577 (E8C27A2D)
**Date:** 5/5/2021
**Description:** Former SSCI Staff Director and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher K. Mellon states in a public podcast that if he were President, the first thing he’d want to know is the “Department of Energy, all of their Special Programs \[...\].” Mellon is likely suggesting he believes key UAP information is held there, given the nature of his outreach and stated purpose of speaking publicly.
* [https://twitter.com/UAPJames/status/1554524905315639297?s=20&t=RneHoto-IsHn7gx%20sN3TT%20A](https://twitter.com/UAPJames/status/1554524905315639297?s=20&t=RneHoto-IsHn7gx%20sN3TT%20A)
* [https://open.spotify.com/episode/2V0uWX1C4m8xEL0HHYqbnE?si=EJ2eU6xxSUCQf5fcgn8p5g](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2V0uWX1C4m8xEL0HHYqbnE?si=EJ2eU6xxSUCQf5fcgn8p5g)
* [https://youtu.be/RjV-PZyUwlY](https://youtu.be/RjV-PZyUwlY)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_550
### Event 54578 (75F1C7A6)
**Date:** 5/18/2021
**Location:** The Late Late Show with James Corden
**Description:** Former President [Barack Obama](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack%5FObama) admits on The Late Late Show with James Corden that “When I came into office, I asked … is there a lab somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and spaceship? And you know, they did a little bit of research and the answer was no. But what is true, and I’m actually being serious here, is that there are, there’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are, we can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Barack Obama](https://www.cbs42.com/entertainment/barack-obama-talks-about-ufos-again-on-late-night-television/) [Talks about UFOs Again on Late Night Television,](https://www.cbs42.com/entertainment/barack-obama-talks-about-ufos-again-on-late-night-television/)” WIAT, Birmingham, Alabama, May 19, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7871
### Event 54579 (10EA1D20)
**Date:** 5/19/2021
**Description:** Steven Greer states Daniel Sheehan told him Lue Elizondo informed Sheehan he was in a facility where an actual extraterrestrial vehicle was “stored.” Sheehan represents Elizondo as his lawyer.
* [https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/26/ufo-whistleblower-ig-complaint-pentagon-491098](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/26/ufo-whistleblower-ig-complaint-pentagon-491098)
* [https://youtu.be/en0GsxgwMmA?t=130](https://youtu.be/en0GsxgwMmA?t=130)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_551
### Event 54580 (795077E1)
**Date:** 5/26/2021
**Description:** Former **AATIP** director Lue Elizondo states some “elements'' of a group were interfering with **AATIP**’s ability to collect and analyze UAP data while **AATIP** was operating inside OUSDI&S. Elizondo states there is speculation a “secret government \[or\] society” exists and it intimidates people into silence.
* [https://www.ufojoe.net/lue-dolan-transcript/](https://www.ufojoe.net/lue-dolan-transcript/)
>**_Note_**: Elizondo states he never had any interactions with this “group” because maybe he was a “loose cannon,” adding “they’ve never tried to intimidate me, personally.”
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_553
### Event 54581 (5C277A7D)
**Date:** 6/4/2021
**Location:** China
**Description:** South China Morning Post: China military uses AI to track rapidly increasing UFOs. To the People’s Liberation Army they are ‘unidentified air conditions’ and artificial intelligence is the best way to keep up with them.
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [link](https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3136078/china-military-uses-ai-track-rapidly-increasing-ufos)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_842
### Event 54582 (5743144E)
**Date:** 6/10/2021
**Description:** Former **AATIP** director Lue Elizondo states the following when asked a question about an oceanic UAP crash retrieval during the **Operation Starfish Prime** nuclear test which produced a large EMP: “There may be some significance to EMPs…\[it\] can interfere with whatever this technology is and its proposition…you now have a very interesting scenario where whatever is keeping these things up in the sky it no longer does that…so now all of the sudden the bubble pops, and so all of a sudden comes crashing down this object that has no wings, no tail, no ailerons, no obvious signs of propulsion, and now it really does become a brick and that brick falls. Now all of a sudden, gravity has a say.”
* [https://youtu.be/LYUHEC4RAkM?t=2297](https://youtu.be/LYUHEC4RAkM?t=2297)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_554
### Event 54583 (78D4C504)
**Date:** 6/23/2021
**Location:** US
**Description:** The U.S. Senate approved the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2021, introducing a permanent UAP task force in the Office of Naval Intelligence for a coordinated UAP intelligence approach.
**Type:** legislation passed
**Reference:** [senate.gov](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/publications/intelligence-authorization-act-fiscal-year-2021)
**Reference:** [senate.gov](https://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2020/12/rubio-warner-applaud-passage-of-intelligence-authorization-act-in-covid-19-package)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1031
### Event 54584 (698B912B)
**Date:** 6/25/2021
**Location:** US
**Description:** The ODNI released a report on 144 UAP sightings from 2004-2021. Most incidents were unexplained, with no evidence of extraterrestrial activity, but believed to be physical objects.
**Type:** official report released
**Reference:** [dni.gov - Unclassified 2022 Annual UAP Report](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Unclassified-2022-Annual-Report-UAP.pdf)
**Reference:** [cnn.com - UFO ODNI Report](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/06/25/politics/ufo-report-pentagon-odni/index.html)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1030
### Event 54585 (8820A907)
**Date:** 6/25/2021
**Location:** US
**Description:** The US [Office of the Director of National Intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office%5Fof%5Fthe%5FDirector%5Fof%5FNational%5FIntelligence) releases a summary 6-page report on UAPs, largely centering on evidence gathered in the last 20 years from US Navy reports. It claims that 143 of the 144 are unidentified, though none of the data is provided. \(The full report, available only to those with proper security clearances, is released in a redacted version in March 2022.\) The report comes to no conclusion about what the UAPs were, based on a lack of evidence, though in a limited number of incidents, UAP reportedly appear to exhibit unusual flight characteristics, including high velocity, breaking the sound barrier without producing a sonic boom, high maneuverability not able to be replicated otherwise, long duration flight, and an ability to submerge into the water. Some of the UAPs appear to move with no discernable means of propulsion, and it is noted that the alleged high speeds and maneuvers would normally destroy any craft. These observations could be the result of sensor errors, spoofing, or observer misperception, and require additional rigorous analysis. The report indicates that, in some cases, the UAP recordings are of physical objects and not false readings, as individual instances had been detected by different sensor mechanisms, including visual observation. The report also states that “UAP probably lack a single explanation,” and proposes five possible categories of explanation: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, US government or industry development technology, foreign craft, and an “Other” category. The report raises concerns that the UAPs could be a safety issue, with regard to a possible collision with US aircraft, and that they could pose a security threat if they are foreign craft gathering information about the US. The report indicates that investigation of the topic will continue, including development of reporting protocols. The report also indicates that, of the sightings reported, all except one \(confirmed as a weather balloon\) lack sufficient information to attribute a specific explanation or explanations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Office of the Director of National Intelligence, [Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf) \[6-page summary report\], June 25, 2021; Office of the Director of National Intelligence, [Preliminary Assessment:](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/odni/DEOM-2021-00006.pdf) [Unidentified Aerial Phenomena](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/odni/DEOM-2021-00006.pdf) \[redacted full report\], June 25, 2021; Julian E. Barnes and Helene Cooper, “[US](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/03/us/politics/ufos-sighting-alien-spacecraft-pentagon.html) [Finds No Evidence of Alien Technology in Flying Objects, But Can’t Rule It Out, Either,](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/03/us/politics/ufos-sighting-alien-spacecraft-pentagon.html)” New York Times, June 3, 2021; Andrew Desiderio, “[‘We’ve Got to Get an Answer’: UFOs Catch Congress’ Interest,](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/23/ufos-catch-congress-interest-lawmakers-495778)” Politico, June 23, 2021; “[US Report on Pentagon-Documented UFOs Leaves Sightings Unexplained,](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-26/us-report-pentagon-ufos-uap-sightings-unexplained/100246210)” ABC News \(Australia\), June 25, 2021; “[Pentagon Won’t Rule Out Aliens in Long-Awaited Report,](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57559179)” BBC News, June 25, 2021; David Clarke, “Beyond Blue Book: The Pentagon UFO Report in Context,” Fortean Times 409 \(September 2021\): 48–51; John Greenewald, “[June 2021 Classified UAP/UFO Report Given to Congress Partially Released,](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/june-2021-classified-uap-ufo-report-given-to-congress-partially-released/)” The Black Vault, March 23, 2022; Micah Hanks, “[Analysis: Newly Released Version of Once-Classified Report Presents New](https://thedebrief.org/analysis-newly-released-version-of-once-classified-report-presents-new-clues-about-the-u-s-governments-uap-investigations/) [Clues about the U.S. Government’s UAP Investigations,](https://thedebrief.org/analysis-newly-released-version-of-once-classified-report-presents-new-clues-about-the-u-s-governments-uap-investigations/)” The Debrief, March 24, 2022; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “[On the 2021 UAPTF Classified Report,](https://www.academia.edu/75129891/On%5Fthe%5F2021%5FUAPTF%5FClassified%5FReport)” Academia.edu, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7872
### Event 54586 (962851F3)
**Date:** 6/25/2021
**Description:** The ODNI’s report to Congressional Intelligence and Armed Services Committees on progress made by the **Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force** (**UAPTF**) is published. The **UAPTF** discloses (p2) it received input from USD(I&S), DIA, FBI, NRO, NGA, NSA, Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, DARPA, FAA, NASA, NOAA, ODNI and presumably CIA, whose name is redacted.
Neither the Department of Energy (DOE) nor its agency the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) are mentioned as having contributed. This may be a meaningful omission, and may indicate classified aerospace programs or commercial aerospace programs linked to that agency, its offices, facilities or contractors were responsible for some of the 144 UAP cases analyzed.
In particular, one NNSA contractor, Triad National Security LLC based in Los Alamos, NM, filed a patent for aerospace vehicles that traveled inside self-generated “air-buoyant structures” made of low density aerogel or vapor-expanded material to achieve “buoyancy in air.” The patent was published two weeks before the **UAPTF** report was delivered to Congress and matches the description of at least one high-profile UAP case where a USN pilot told Lt. Ryan Graves he witnessed a “sphere encasing a cube” in 2014 over the Atlantic Ocean east of Virginia. The Triad National Security LLC patent states an
air-buoyant structure around a craft could be spherical, cylindrical, torus, pill or lattice shaped. Triad’s website states its primary client is the NNSA and it is comprised of three partners: Battelle Memorial Institute, The Texas A&M University System and the University of California.
* [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/odni/DEOM-2021-00006.pdf](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/odni/DEOM-2021-00006.pdf)
* [https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/51/ef/a0/035d0116bc183d/US11027816.pdf](https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/51/ef/a0/035d0116bc183d/US11027816.pdf)
* [https://twitter.com/history/status/1141460771618078730?lang=en](https://twitter.com/history/status/1141460771618078730?lang=en)
* [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/26/us/politics/ufo-sightings-navy-pilots.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/26/us/politics/ufo-sightings-navy-pilots.html)
* [https://triadns.org/](https://triadns.org/) (rg - dead URL)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20220128074033/https://triadns.org/](https://web.archive.org/web/20220128074033/https://triadns.org/) (rg - archive.org version)
>**_Note_**: In 2018, Triad National Security LLC became the manager and operator of Los Alamos National Laboratory.
>* [https://www.lanl.gov/discover/news-release-archive/2018/November/1101-triad-takes-the-helm.php](https://www.lanl.gov/discover/news-release-archive/2018/November/1101-triad-takes-the-helm.php) (rg - dead URL)
>* [https://web.archive.org/web/20201016180525/https://www.lanl.gov/discover/news-release-archive/2018/November/1101-triad-takes-the-helm.php](https://web.archive.org/web/20201016180525/https://www.lanl.gov/discover/news-release-archive/2018/November/1101-triad-takes-the-helm.php) (rg - archive.org version)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_552
### Event 54587 (9A777629)
**Date:** 6/29/2021
**Description:** Mark Sokol, founder of New Jersey-based Falcon Space, states he has built a device to detect gravity-induced changes in light to detect if various antigravity strategies were successful; he states he has funding to run experiments from “several billionaires” who he declines to name, and he’s had “lots of people offer lots of money to take this to the next stage, which would be building a full-sized craft.” Sokol did not state who the funders were nor did he discuss the specific antigravity mechanism he would utilize in a craft.
* [https://thedebrief.org/meet-the-man-building-an-anti-gravity-device-and-the-alien-god-that-inspired-him/](https://thedebrief.org/meet-the-man-building-an-anti-gravity-device-and-the-alien-god-that-inspired-him/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_556
### Event 54588 (8D6317BF)
**Date:** 6/29/2021
**Description:** Ufologist Richard Dolan states a source familiar with the portion of the **UAPTF** report presented to Congress that was not released to the public relates to the following: energy pulse, ion, anti-gravity, anti-matter, ramjet hydrogen and compressed nuclear propulsion systems; additionally, his source claims “exotic elements for energy research” are ET related and known by **UAPTF**; most are managed under DARPA by a team known as “**Advance Group-6**.” Prototypes of the craft, he claims, utilizing this advanced technology are being flown at Tonopah AFB Test Range and Area 51. “None of these experimental crafts can be contributed to the sightings photographed by the US Navy,” he concludes.
* [https://youtu.be/oJNbCeE110A?t=1214](https://youtu.be/oJNbCeE110A?t=1214)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_557
### Event 54589 (5A164B3C)
**Date:** 6/29/2021
**Description:** Journalist Ross Coulthart states a source of his told him Lue Elizondo was a liaison of the SAPOC, specifically to the Senior Review Group (SRG). In this position, Coulthart claims he was told Elizondo would likely have been read on to waived/carve-out UAP SAPs.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oaz9d2/ross_coulthart_stating_some_crazy_impressive/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/oaz9d2/ross_coulthart_stating_some_crazy_impressive/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_558
### Event 54590 (36CA68B3)
**Date:** 7/2021
**Location:** US
**Description:** David Grusch shares classified UAP info with DoD IG Sean O’Donnell, alleging that certain IC elements improperly withheld or concealed material from the US Congress.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Key People in Disclosure](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/key-people-in-disclosure-uap/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1032
### Event 54591 (F52F72AA)
**Date:** 7/20/2021
**Locations:** Kyrgyzstan; Uzbekistan
**Description:** Reports surface of American diplomatic officials coming down with Havana Syndrome in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[American Personnel in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan Reported As among ‘Havana Syndrome’ Victims,](https://www.intellinews.com/american-personnel-in-kyrgyzstan-uzbekistan-reported-as-among-havana-syndrome-victims-216260/)” bne IntelliNews, July 21, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7873
### Event 54592 (F0C2DADE)
**Date:** 7/26/2021
**Location:** Harvard University
**Description:** The Galileo Project, headed by a multi-institutional team of scientists led by [Avi Loeb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avi%5FLoeb) of the Department of Astronomy at Harvard University, announces that it will investigate evidence that could represent defunct or still- active “extraterrestrial technological civilizations,” or ETCs. The project, which includes [Luis Elizondo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis%5FElizondo), [Christopher Mellon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher%5FMellon), [Nick Pope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick%5FPope%5F%28journalist%29), and [Michael Shermer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FShermer), will analyze data from astronomical surveys and telescope observations, and design new algorithms using artificial intelligence, in order to identify potential interstellar travelers, alien-built satellites, and UAPs. Ufologist [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) joins the project in January 2022.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mindy Weisberger, “[Harvard-Led Team to Search Cosmos for Extraterrestrial Space Tech and UFOs,](https://www.livescience.com/galileo-project-hunts-alien-tech.html)” Live Science, July 26, 2021; Robert Sheaffer, “[Galileos Galore: Now Including Dr. Jacques Vallée!](https://badufos.blogspot.com/2022/01/galileos-galore-now-including-jacques.html)” Bad UFOs, January 25, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7874
### Event 54593 (953CAC0F)
**Date:** 7/30/2021
**Location:** Izmir, Turkey
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A bright green fireball illuminates the night sky over Izmir, Turkey. The visual part of the event lasts several seconds before the object disintegrates. Several residents report a sonic boom. According to Hassan Ali Dar, deputy director of the Astronomical Observatory of Aegean University, the object is part of the Perseid meteor shower.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Teo Blašković, “[Very Bright Fireball over Izmir, Sonic Boom Reported, Turkey,](https://watchers.news/2021/08/02/izmir-turkey-fireball-july-2021/)” The Watchers, August 2, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7875
### Event 54594 (228D09C9)
**Date:** 8/2021
**Locations:** Havana, Cuba; Vienna, Austria
**Description:** Reports of Havana Syndrome come to light among more than 20 US diplomats in Vienna, Austria, since January. The numbers are greater here than in any city outside Havana, Cuba. The CIA removes its station chief in Vienna for not adequately responding to the outbreak.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Havana Syndrome’-Like Mystery Illness Affects](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57875322) [Vienna US Diplomats,](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-57875322)” BBC News, July 17, 2021; “[CIA ‘Removes Vienna Boss’ over Havana Syndrome](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58675144) [Outbreak,](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58675144)” BBC News, September 24, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7876
### Event 54595 (380C3E9D)
**Date:** 8/1/2021
**Description:** Australian journalist Ross Coulthart writes that a source told him he was asked by an executive at an aerospace company in Long Beach, CA to go “deep undercover” to have access to “the wreckage and the humanoids.” The executive allegedly told the source the program was controlled by a relatively small group of people, not all in government, including people in aerospace, intelligence and corporate financial communities.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6](https://www.amazon.com/Plain-Sight-investigation-impossible-science-ebook/dp/B08VYR4DZ6)
>**_Note_**: The source described the company that was going to hire him to go undercover had “sprawling gardens.” The only major aerospace company in Long Beach, CA that has that type of campus is The Aerospace Corporation.
>* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/q069fm/the_aerospace_corporation_might_be_the_company/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/q069fm/the_aerospace_corporation_might_be_the_company/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_559
### Event 54596 (E07FA781)
**Date:** 8/29/2021
**Location:** eastern coast
**Description:** In a breakthrough interview on CBS-TV’s 60 Minutes, US Navy pilots line up to recount their experiences with UFOs on the eastern coast. It happens so frequently that the encounters became commonplace, Ryan Graves, a retired navy pilot, tells the show. “Every day,” Graves says. “Every day for at least a couple years.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Whitaker, “[UFOs Regularly Spotted in US Airspace,](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-military-intelligence-60-minutes-2021-08-29/)” CBS News, August 29, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7877
### Event 54597 (964EC566)
**Date:** 8/30/2021
**Location:** Afghanistan
**Description:** Afghanistan War ends
**Type:** war
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Afghanistan_%282001%E2%80%932021%29)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_843
### Event 54598 (ABC765EC)
**Date:** 9/2/2021
**Description:** Lue Eilzondo states he did not come across any evidence of UAP programs while working on SAPCO and managing SAPs; he states if there were UAP programs they were being run rogue with no oversight.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/09/luis-elizondo-speaks-out-on-saps-other.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/09/luis-elizondo-speaks-out-on-saps-other.html)
* [https://youtu.be/N1DZMD4T2_I](https://youtu.be/N1DZMD4T2_I)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_560
### Event 54599 (BB41793D)
**Date:** 9/3/2021
**Description:** Australian journalist Ross Coulthart states on a podcast that U.S. Navy Dir. of Science and Technology Development Nat Kobitz told him “out of the blue” he was read into a UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program. Kobitz told him “multiple” UAP were retrieved, Kobitz did not see them personally and he was told there was an active program to reverse engineer the technology.
Kobitz also tells Coulthart he was taken in a room at Wright-Patterson AFB after retirement and showed a light and strong metal that had different isotopic ratios from terrestrial metals. The Navy has been engaged in a UAP public messaging effort (see 24 July 2020) and accused by Rep. Mark Walker (see 6 September 2019) of withholding UAP information. It is possible that even though elements are sharing information with UAPTF, deeper black programs like Kobitz and former Dir. of Naval Intelligence Sumner Shapiro (see 16 March 2022) refer to and Navy collaboration with DOE on the UAP issue are not being disclosed to Congress.
* [https://youtu.be/9sBE2pfPdlo](https://youtu.be/9sBE2pfPdlo)
>**_Note_**: Kobitz is listed in the directory of the “Wingship Program,” a 1990s era program where
>USG coordinated with Russia to build a Wing-in-Ground craft. In 2021, DARPA put out a Request for Information for new approaches for the wingship program.
>* [https://imgur.com/a/tYbWkBa](https://imgur.com/a/tYbWkBa)
>* [https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA294169.pdf](https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA294169.pdf)
>* [https://archive.org/stream/swusintelligence/WINGSHIP%20INVESTIGATION_djvu.txt](https://archive.org/stream/swusintelligence/WINGSHIP%20INVESTIGATION_djvu.txt) (rg - verify)
>* [https://sam.gov/opp/73b532a4684d4acc8ec33c62e8fbed7f/view](https://sam.gov/opp/73b532a4684d4acc8ec33c62e8fbed7f/view)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_561
### Event 54600 (65ED59D3)
**Date:** 9/5/2021
**Location:** Australia
**Description:** Australian journalist Ross Coulthart releases a documentary, The UFO Phenomenon, which recounts the history of the Australian government’s involvement with UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The UFO Phenomenon: Full Documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm6AL5lA4Zc) [2021,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sm6AL5lA4Zc)” 7NEWS Spotlight YouTube channel, September 5, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7878
### Event 54601 (387B7019)
**Date:** 9/15/2021
**Location:** Century City area of Los Angeles, California
**Description:** 4:03 p.m. One adult and two children witness a hovering metallic object in the Century City area of Los Angeles, California. After watching it for a few seconds, the adult takes a video as the object slowly moves toward the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Video Taken of Hovering Bright, Metallic, Flashing Object,](https://www.ufosnw.com/newsite/video-taken-of-hovering-bright-metallic-flashing-object/)” UFOs Northwest, October 12, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7879
### Event 54602 (73990604)
**Date:** 9/15/2021
**Description:** Ufologists inquire with anonymous intelligence community sources about “Mary Elizabeth Elliot,” mentioned in the alleged VADM Wilson memo as connected to a TRW situation and an attorney “Jeffrey W. Griffith.” Elliot knows something with respect to UAP and TRW that she will only share on her deathbed, they claim.
Jeffrey W. Griffith is the person ufologist Richard Dolan stated with “near certainty” was the author of the Sedge Masters/**Zodiac** crash recovery story, which Dolan also claimed was connected to TRW. Griffith’s biography shows he was the corporate counsel for Hughes Aircraft. Two co-founders of TRW (Ramo and Wooldridge) resigned from Hughes Aircraft in 1953 and eventually merged with Thompson Products to become TRW in 1965. Prior to the merger, Ramo-Wooldridge spun off Space Technology Laboratories (STL) into The Aerospace Corporation at the request of Congress in 1959.
* [https://youtu.be/lH0RDdHy-BU?t=5586](https://youtu.be/lH0RDdHy-BU?t=5586)
* [https://www.londonfischer.com/attorneys/jeffrey-griffith](https://www.londonfischer.com/attorneys/jeffrey-griffith)
* [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5IR6AaAAAd9Xd?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5IR6AaAAAd9Xd?format=jpg&name=large)
>**_Note_**: If a crash retrieval program was managed by TRW in the 1960s, that implies compartments of it could have existed within Hughes, Ramo-Wooldridge’s STL or The Aerospace Corporation over that time frame.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_562
### Event 54603 (1952F4F0)
**Date:** 9/28/2021
**Description:** Tom DeLonge states on a podcast he was told about a large pyramid beneath Alaska that “might” be suppressing human consciousness. This claim was shared with ufologist Linda Moulton Howe by alleged US Army counterintelligence warrant officer Doug Mutschler, who stated he heard of a discovery west of Mt. McKinley in 1992 but was told he didn’t have a need to know. Another individual, the son of a retired Western Electric engineer claims his father said he worked on electrical studies of a large underground pyramid in Alaska between 1959-61. He claimed it was kept secret by the US military.
* [https://theilluminerdy.com/unreal-worlds/2018/2/4/dark-pyramids-under-alaska](https://theilluminerdy.com/unreal-worlds/2018/2/4/dark-pyramids-under-alaska)
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/q3qjng/tom_delonge_talks_about_a_huge_underground/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/q3qjng/tom_delonge_talks_about_a_huge_underground/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_563
### Event 54604 (54583616)
**Date:** 10/2021
**Locations:** Bogota, Colombia; Berlin, Germany
**Description:** US diplomats in Bogota, Colombia, and Berlin, Germany, are being affected by Havana Syndrome.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Havana](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58852437) [Syndrome: Berlin Police Probe Cases at US Embassy,](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-58852437)” BBC News, October 9, 2021; “[Havana Syndrome](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58893344) [Reported at US Embassy in Colombia,](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-58893344)” BBC News, October 13, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7880
### Event 54605 (71D3ACE8)
**Date:** 10/2021
**Description:** Attorney for **AATIP** head Lue Elizondo, Daniel Sheehan, makes public statements on the apparatus that controls UAP information. Sheehan states at the end of WWII, the G2 Edward Lansdale, discovered the Japanese buried trillions of dollars worth of gold, platinum and silver throughout the Philippines. This was allegedly discovered, told to the Truman Administration, and a small group of military (possibly Army) personnel retrieved the gold totalling $1.2 trillion at the time. Sheehan states it was put into a private trust and two partners from Brown Brothers Harriman became the trustees for the stolen gold.
Sheehan states when a flying saucer was discovered in New Mexico in 1947, it was brought to Wright Field and the “Anderson Trust” was established with trustees Robert Anderson, Robert Lovett and John Jay McCloy, all senior partners at Brown Brothers Harriman. Sheehan states a USG group, funded by the covert money from Brown Brothers Harriman, took custody of the UAP technology and “brought in major corporations” like Lockheed, Boeing, and others and “swore them to complete secrecy.” This group has since been allegedly trying to monopolize this technology and monopolize the information about the UAP occupants, etc. Sheehan states he does not know if the group has had diplomatic relations with the ET/UTs, but some witnesses he has spoken to tell him the group is engaging non-human entities.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/piuok2/attorney_daniel_sheehan_for_lue_elizondo_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/piuok2/attorney_daniel_sheehan_for_lue_elizondo_and/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_566
### Event 54606 (1E103935)
**Date:** 10/2/2021
**Description:** Dr. Eric Davis says the DOE doesn’t own anything, says their labs did some UAP materials analysis but it was for the “owner” of the materials paid for via interagency project contracts. Davis states he briefed “findings,” presumably of his own investigation, to two Senate committee staffs, a “certain combatant command,” and the **UAPTF**.
* [https://twitter.com/TheUfoJoe/status/1444388945031163909?s=20&t=MZt-iDc6GypXkdDDIB6e9A](https://twitter.com/TheUfoJoe/status/1444388945031163909?s=20&t=MZt-iDc6GypXkdDDIB6e9A)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_564
### Event 54607 (7E6FCA97)
**Date:** 10/8/2021
**Description:** The Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks \(HAVANA\) Act is signed by President [Joe Biden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe%5FBiden)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe%5FBiden) It authorizes the CIA Director and the Secretary of State to provide financial support for personnel suffering brain injuries. However, while funding for it has not yet passed, it has been included in drafts of a Defense Department appropriations bill.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Biden Signs Legislation to Compensate Victims of Mysterious](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/us/politics/havana-syndrome-biden-law.html) [‘Havana Syndrome,’](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/us/politics/havana-syndrome-biden-law.html)” New York Times, October 8, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7881
### Event 54608 (3128110A)
**Date:** 10/9/2021
**Location:** Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas
**Description:** Day. Witnesses watch a small, rounded, silver-metallic object at high altitude \(perhaps above 15,000 feet\) for 5 minutes during the Wings Over Houston Air Show at Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas. The object leaves no trail as it alternately maneuvers and hovers. One of them takes a photograph. The MUFON investigator suspects the object might be a US Army Long Endurance Multi Intelligence Vehicle, a hybrid blimp, making an appearance at the air show.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kevin D. Randle, “[Coast to Coast: The National Defense Authorization](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/12/coast-to-coast-national-defense.html) [Act and Two Interesting Sightings,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/12/coast-to-coast-national-defense.html)” A Different Perspective, December 11, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7882
### Event 54609 (EF05B33D)
**Date:** 10/21/2021
**Description:** Former **AATIP** head Lue Elizondo states in an interview that “Company A” can have an unfair advantage over “Company B” due to its possession of alien technology. Elizondo also states: “the SEC would not be very happy to know that two publicly traded companies were competing for a contract, one had an unfair advantage. The other went bankrupt. That’s a problem, that’s a real problem…so you’re talking about big, big money interests. You are talking about things going into that gray world that goes beyond government interest. You are talking about banking. You are talking about some of the biggest names on the planet that have a lot to lose, or a lot to gain.”
* [https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg?t=1689](https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg?t=1689)
>**_Note_**: Is Elizondo referring to Lockheed as Company A, and McDonnell Douglas as Company B? Did Lockheed have an unfair advantage in having possession of crash recovered materials, as suggested by the late Sen. Harry Reid (see 1 May 2021)? Douglas did have financial difficulties in the late 1960s and was less than a year from bankruptcy when it merged with McDonnell.
>Lockheed Martin received an emergency $250 million loan guarantee passed by the US Congress in 1971 to much controversy (VP Spiro Agnew cast a tie-breaking vote in favor of it). The Emergency Loan Guarantee Board set up by the Nixon Administration to oversee the loan refused to allow the General Accounting Office to examine its records.
>* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Corporation#Loan_guarantee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Corporation#Loan_guarantee)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_565
### Event 54610 (C70ECAA0)
**Date:** 11/2021
**Location:** Toulouse, France
**Description:** Optical engineer Vincent Costes takes over from Roger Baldacchino as manager of Groupe d'Études et d'Informations sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés, the official French UFO agency in Toulouse, France.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Un nouveau responsable au GEIPAN à partir de novembre 2021,](https://geipan.fr/fr/node/58830)” GEIPAN, November 3, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7883
### Event 54611 (99A822B7)
**Date:** 11/6/2021
**Location:** Marietta, Georgia
**Description:** 8.55 a.m. A witness in Marietta, Georgia, photographs a white, cigar-shaped object moving in a westerly direction.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Strange Cigar-Shaped Object Seen and Photographed,](https://www.ufosnw.com/newsite/strange-cigar-shaped-object-seen-photographed/)” UFOs Northwest, November 23, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7884
### Event 54612 (886D3C17)
**Date:** 11/8/2021
**Location:** Hubbard, Ohio
**Description:** Night. A couple from Hubbard, Ohio, see a triangular-shaped object with a bright yellow light on top and two sets of three white lights along the side, just above the treetops. It appears to be football-field sized and is hovering about 100 feet above the highway. As they approach, it swiftly moves to the left and flies over some trees. Their car begins to act funny and the check-engine light comes on, indicating reduced engine power and traction control.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kevin D. Randle, “[Coast to Coast AM: EM Effects and Current UFO Sightings,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/12/coast-to-coast-am-em-effects-and.html)” A Different Perspective, December 17, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7885
### Event 54613 (8DE9AC47)
**Date:** 11/11/2021
**Location:** Leavenworth, Kansas
**Description:** 11:10 a.m. A witness sees nine white orbs flying in formation and mimicking a flyby of F-16s during the Leavenworth, Kansas, Annual Veterans Day Parade. Prior to the F-16 flyby, the witness sees the orbs forming and reforming into various groups. At times they disappear and reappear at an incredible speed. One of the orbs is in an “overwatch” position, while at least six are in a “three-by-two formation.” After passing the flyby, they form a four-point formation then disappear to the west at great speed. A photo is taken showing the orbs and the F-16s.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[9 White Orbs Seen at F16 Airshow,](https://www.ufosnw.com/newsite/9-white-orbs-seen-at-f16-airshow/)” UFOs Northwest, November 19, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7886
### Event 54614 (56D6A76E)
**Date:** 11/16/2021
**Location:** Jacinto Aráuz, Hucal, La Pampa Province, Argentina
**Description:** In 2021, a woman in Argentina named Irma Rick, after regaining her memory of the event, claimed she was abducted by a bright UFO, carried for 40 miles, then left on a road 24 hours later where she was found and taken to a hospital. Details of her experience were scarce, and her phone, which would have traveled with her and could have clues to what happened, seems to have disappeared. She had unexplained injuries. Tracking dogs lost her scent near where she was allegedly abducted and government officials are still investigating the incident.
**Type:** abduction
**Reference:** [Website: "The Night Sky II", Article: Irma Rick](https://www.thenightskyii.org/irmarick.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_902
### Event 54615 (488A56D9)
**Date:** 11/19/2021
**Location:** Centro de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina
**Description:** The governmental Centro de Identificatión Aerospaciale in Argentina issues an annual report on its investigation into 45 UFO cases analyzed during the previous year, plus occasional investigations on older events. CIAE investigates only those UFO sightings supported by evidence \(photography, video, or material\). All of them are technically explained, the distribution of causes being birds & bugs \(40%\), balloons and airborne objects \(18%\), optical artifacts \(11%\), astronomical \(11%\), astronautical \(11%\), aircraft \(7%\), or ground facilities \(2%\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Rubén E. Lianza, “[Informe de Resolución de Casos Recibidos en 2021,](https://www.argentina.gob.ar/sites/default/files/2018/11/informe%5Fciae%5F2021.pdf)” CIAE, November 19, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7887
### Event 54616 (2BE83B3F)
**Date:** 11/23/2021
**Location:** US
**Description:** The Department of Defense creates the AOIMSG to address UAP concerns for aircrew safety and national security. It's renamed to AARO in July 2022.
**Type:** group established
**Reference:** [defense.gov - AOIMSG Established](https://media.defense.gov/2021/Nov/23/2002898596/-1/-1/0/ESTABLISHMENT-OF-THE-AIRBORNE-OBJECT-IDENTIFICATION-AND-MANAGEMENT-SYNCHRONIZATION-GROUP.PDF)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1033
### Event 54617 (B8070F6C)
**Date:** 11/23/2021
**Location:** US
**Description:** US Deputy Secretary of Defense [Kathleen Hicks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kathleen%5FHicks) establishes the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group \(AOIMSG\) to synchronize the detection and identification of UAPs. It is to be overseen and directed by the Airborne Object Identification and Management Executive Council \(AOIMEXEC\), led by Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security [Ronald Moultrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FMoultrie)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FMoultrie)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kathleen Hicks, “[Establishment of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group,](https://www.airforcemag.com/app/uploads/2021/11/ESTABLISHMENT-OF-THE-AIRBORNE-OBJECT-IDENTIFICATION-AND-MANAGEMENT-SYNCHRONIZATION-GROUP.pdf)” November 23, 2021; “[Ex-Officials Express Deep Concerns over New Pentagon UFO Unit,](https://thehill.com/opinion/international/583575-a-pentagon-ufo-cover-up-ex-officials-speak-out/)” The Hill, December 1, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7888
### Event 54618 (FAD8A409)
**Date:** 11/29/2021
**Description:** Former NSA officer Eric Haseltine writes the US doesn’t have directed energy weapons capable of moving lightweight objects or forming plasmas that look like UAP, but theoretically someone else could have developed this technology.
* [https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/long-fuse-big-bang/202111/the-surprising-psychology-ufo-sightings](https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/long-fuse-big-bang/202111/the-surprising-psychology-ufo-sightings)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_567
### Event 54619 (D75ABA89)
**Date:** 11/30/2021
**Description:** Journalist Ross Coulthart states he believes UAP technology has been “deliberately divested” into private aerospace, and a group that involves aerospace and members of the military and IC have “committed crimes” and want to avoid oversight and accountability. Coulthart states part of this apparatus involves a group of ex-military who travel around the world to investigate UAP and gather physical evidence and they’re paid by a private company based out of Long Beach, CA.
* [https://youtu.be/r2jtaMVeNKM?t=4420](https://youtu.be/r2jtaMVeNKM?t=4420)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_568
### Event 54620 (CA32E2EB)
**Date:** 12/3/2021
**Location:** downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. A woman driving in downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin, in foggy conditions, spots five lights moving in different directions. The lights merge into one. Three other oval, blue-purple lights also fly through the clouds. She then sees green lights moving very quickly. The sighting lasts 45 minutes and she takes several photos.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Groups of Multicolored Lights Move Rapidly on Foggy Night,](https://www.ufosnw.com/newsite/groups-of-multicolored-lights-move-rapidly-on-foggy-night/)” UFOs Northwest, December 4, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7889
### Event 54621 (3E0F3D19)
**Date:** 12/15/2021
**Locations:** University of Würzburg, Germany; Hubland campus
**Description:** A new camera system goes into operation at the University of Würzburg, Germany, designed to detect UAP using artificial intelligence. Professor for Space Technology Hakan Kayal has set up SkyCAM-5 on the roof of a university building on the Hubland campus. “When the camera detects known objects, it recognizes them with a Convolutional Neural Network, classifies them and stores the corresponding video sequences in a database,” Kayal explains.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UAP: SkyCAM Searches the Sky,](https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/news-and-events/news/detail/news/skycam-5/)” Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, December 20, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7890
### Event 54622 (960B08DA)
**Date:** 12/17/2021
**Description:** Australian journalist Ross Coulthart states sources who provided UAP information for his recently published book have gone quiet. Coulthart states there is a clandestine “intensive effort to shut people up,” adding his sources are now “terrified” when he calls them.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/rlsnso/ross_coulthart_most_of_my_sources_have_become/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/rlsnso/ross_coulthart_most_of_my_sources_have_become/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_569
### Event 54623 (57A064AF)
**Date:** 12/27/2021
**Description:** President [Joe Biden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe%5FBiden) signs into law the National Defense Authorization Act for FY 2022. It includes an amendment, “Establishment of Office to Address Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” introduced by Sen. [Kirsten](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirsten%5FGillibrand) [Gillibrand](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirsten%5FGillibrand) \(D-N.Y.\), that requires the Defense Department to coordinate with other federal agencies to collect, analyze, and report on UAP cases, including those with “adverse physiological effects.” It funds a new office, the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, to replace the UAP Task Force program coordinated by the US Office of Naval Intelligence. The new office will serve as a “centralized repository” for such information and will coordinate with US allies to “better assess the nature and extent” of UAP incidents. It requires the office to submit an annual report to Congress.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Sen. Gillibrand Introduces Amendment to Defense](https://www.fox6now.com/news/sen-gillibrand-introduces-amendment-to-defense-bill-establishing-office-to-study-ufos) [Bill Establishing Office to Study UFOs,](https://www.fox6now.com/news/sen-gillibrand-introduces-amendment-to-defense-bill-establishing-office-to-study-ufos)” WTI-TV, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 9, 2021; Kevin D. Randle, “[Coast to Coast AM: Official Study of UFOs and a UFO Picture,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/coast-to-coast-am-official-study-of.html)” A Different Perspective, November 27, 2021; “[Biden Signs $770 Billion Defense Bill,](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/27/us/politics/biden-defense-bill.html)” New York Times, December 27, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7891
### Event 54624 (055CD022)
**Date:** 12/28/2021
**Location:** US
**Description:** Nevada Senator Harry Reid dies at age 82
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Reid)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_844
## Year: 2022, 69 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54625 (11BF9E9A)
**Date:** 1/2022
**Locations:** UK; England
**Description:** Ash Ellis of UFO Identified issues a summary report on 413 UFO sightings made in the UK 2021. The majority originate in England.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ash Ellis, “[The UK UFO Report 2021,](https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/c67061d1-f509-4fa3-8c80-6cf13d6e2001/The%20UK%20UFO%20Report%202021.pdf)” UFO Identified
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7892
### Event 54626 (F5EE360D)
**Date:** 1/13/2022
**Description:** Journalist Ross Coulthart states his sources tell him before “non-human material” was moved out of USG and into private aerospace, it was in possession of the Department of Energy.
* [https://youtu.be/PImDVPcQutY?t=1855](https://youtu.be/PImDVPcQutY?t=1855)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_570
### Event 54627 (49EB5BA1)
**Date:** 1/17/2022
**Locations:** Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden; Ringhals and Oskarshamn nuclear power plants; Parliament buildings and the Royal Palacec in Stockholm; Kiruna and Luleå airports; west of Stockholm
**Description:** A military-style drone circles the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden, operating even though there is a high wind. Similar drones with large wings are reported over the Ringhals and Oskarshamn nuclear power plants. The previous week, drones are seen circling the Parliament buildings and the Royal Palacec in Stockholm, as well as the Kiruna and Luleå airports. A police helicopter is seen pursuing a drone flying above it at a height of 3,280 feet to the west of Stockholm, but authorities do not manage to down any of these. All the drones seem to be larger and have greater endurance than commercial models.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Sweden Drones: Sightings](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60035446) [Reported over Nuclear Plants and Palace,](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-60035446)” BBC News, January 18, 2022; “Drone Swarms,” Fortean Times, no. 416 \(March 2022\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7893
### Event 54628 (220E5A1F)
**Date:** 1/19/2022
**Description:** The CIA announces it has ruled out a sustained global campaign by a hostile power aimed at hundreds of US diplomats and spies as the cause of Havana Syndrome symptoms. In about two dozen cases, the agency cannot rule out foreign involvement, including many of the cases that originated at the US Embassy in Havana, Cuba, beginning in 2016. Another group of cases is considered unresolved. But in hundreds of other cases of possible symptoms, the agency has found plausible alternative explanations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[CIA Says ‘Havana Syndrome’ Not](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/cia-says-havana-syndrome-not-result-sustained-global-campaign-hostile-rcna12838) [Result of Sustained Campaign by Hostile Power,](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/cia-says-havana-syndrome-not-result-sustained-global-campaign-hostile-rcna12838)” NBC News, January 19, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7894
### Event 54629 (6F5E29D8)
**Date:** 1/30/2022
**Description:** Former CIA S&T analyst John Ramirez states he came across a lot of people inside the Agency who were interested in UAP but he claims he never came across an official UAP program, also stating Life Sciences used to be interested in the subject (Kit Green’s area). Ramirez states he “sees” highly evolved beings that come from a “reptilian” ancestry; others see mantis types. Ramirez has three groups of occupants: strangers, visitors and residents. “Perhaps it is because of what we have done to this planet, they are interested in our nuclear weapons, they might not want that to happen to their creation.”
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/02/john-ramirez-interviewed-by-george-knapp.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2022/02/john-ramirez-interviewed-by-george-knapp.html)
* [https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/john-ramirez/](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/john-ramirez/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_571
### Event 54630 (6E081D77)
**Date:** 2/2/2022
**Location:** Havana
**Description:** An intelligence panel investigating the cause of Havana Syndrome says that some of the episodes could plausibly have been caused by “pulsed electromagnetic energy” emitted by an external source, according to a partially declassified intelligence report. A panel of intelligence community experts drew up the report after analyzing over 1,000 documents and interviewing affected individuals. They determine the symptoms associated with the illness to be “genuine and compelling,” and note that while some cases can be attributed to known psychological or medical factors, others remain unexplained. The authors sought to determine the feasibility of five potential causal mechanisms, including “acoustic signals, chemical and biological agents, ionizing radiation, natural and environmental factors, and radiofrequency and other electromagnetic energy.” They assessed the potential of each of these mechanisms to account for cases that cannot be easily explained by other means. More specifically, they looked at cases involving a combination of four particularly puzzling “core characteristics.” These include “the acute onset of… sound or pressure in only one ear or on one side of the head,” as well as vertigo, “a strong sense of locality or directionality,” and an absence of any obvious environmental or medical causes for such symptoms. Ruling out the possibility that Havana syndrome could represent an underlying brain disorder, the authors state that “the combination of the four core characteristics is distinctly unusual and unreported elsewhere in the medical literature, and so far have not been associated with a specific neurological abnormality.” On the other hand, they conclude that “pulsed electromagnetic energy, particularly in the radiofrequency range, plausibly explains the core characteristics,” although they do concede that such a theory is riddled with “information gaps.” Addressing the possibility that Havana syndrome could therefore be caused by a nefarious device, they go on to explain that devices do “exist that could generate the required stimulus, are concealable, and have moderate power requirements” that could produce the observed symptoms.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Havana](https://www.iflscience.com/brain/havana-syndrome-could-be-caused-by-pulsed-energy-devices-intelligence-report-says/) [Syndrome Could Be Caused by Pulsed Energy Devices, Intelligence Report Says,](https://www.iflscience.com/brain/havana-syndrome-could-be-caused-by-pulsed-energy-devices-intelligence-report-says/)” IFLScience, February 3, 2022; “[US Intelligence Community Report Says ‘Pulsed Electromagnetic Energy’ Could Cause Havana Syndrome,](https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/02/politics/havana-syndrome-report/index.html)” CNN, February 3, 2022; Office of the Director of National Intelligence, \[[IC Experts Panel on Havana Syndrome](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/2022%5F02%5F01%5FAHI%5FExecutive%5FSummary%5FFINAL%5FRedacted.pdf) [executive summary](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/2022%5F02%5F01%5FAHI%5FExecutive%5FSummary%5FFINAL%5FRedacted.pdf)\], declassified February 1, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7895
### Event 54631 (DCCEB020)
**Date:** 2/6/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** Garry Nolan appears on Lex Fridman Podcast’s podcast with the show title “UFOs and Aliens”
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [YouTube](https://youtu.be/uTCc2-1tbBQ)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_845
### Event 54632 (0F84B25C)
**Date:** 2/7/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** In 2022, retired Colonel John Alexander claimed at a UFO conference that the purported Majestic 12 group was real, but did not actually deal with UFOs as the controversial documents from the 1980s suggest. Instead, he speculated MJ-12 likely studied continuity of government planning. However, examination of the member backgrounds casts doubt on that theory, as the group oddly included several scientists like astronomers rather than just government policy experts. The article theorizes MJ-12 may have in reality researched high-altitude aircraft.
Either way, the extreme secrecy around real continuity of government planning by the U.S. government, including building underground bunkers and facilities over nuclear concerns since WWII, has fueled speculation among UFO researchers. While MJ-12 may have existed for COG study, likely not under the names in UFO documents, the government's vast hidden COG infrastructure has inspired paranoid myths about alleged underground alien bases. The intense secrecy enables ongoing conjecture about what facilities truly exist and their purpose.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [blog](https://tomwhitmoreblog.wordpress.com/2023/02/07/mj-12-continuity-of-government-02-07-2023/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph](https://archive.ph/ysazG)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1008
### Event 54633 (BEEA9CD2)
**Date:** 2/11/2022
**Description:** **AATIP** scientist and EarthTech founder Hal Puthoff states in an interview that materials sciences information is definitely being withheld from the broader physics community by private aerospace, derived from its work on UAP. Puthoff also states it is possible fundamental physics knowledge is being withheld from the broader scientific community. Puthoff states it would be the case “if we have mastered anti-gravity, and they’re being built by aerospace corporations;
the new physics would have to be involved.” Puthoff claims something “is missing” from Einstein’s General Relativity, and what is missing would have the effect of manipulating gravity.
* [https://youtu.be/iQOibpIDx-4](https://youtu.be/iQOibpIDx-4)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_572
### Event 54634 (C55B77DE)
**Date:** 2/22/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** On February 22, 2022, the Pentagon's UFO task force briefed Canadian military officials. This meeting was only disclosed in November 2022, emphasizing continued partnership on airspace security, including UAPs, as stated by U.S. Department of Defence Spokesperson Susan Gough.
**Type:** official briefing
**Reference:** [ctvnews.ca](https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/members-of-pentagon-s-ufo-task-force-briefed-canadian-military-officials-this-year-1.6154618)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1034
### Event 54635 (E79064A0)
**Date:** 3/16/2022
**Description:** Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Director and CIA Deputy Director, tells a public journalist he found “plausible explanations” for all UAP, contradicting a 1989 interview where he suggested recovered vehicles existed. Inman also discussed UAP “recovered vehicles” in a telephone conversation with NASA engineer Bob Oechsler, according to author Timothy Good, and referred Oechsler to speak with Everett Hineman at CIA DS&T and former Dir. of Naval Intelligence Sumner Shapiro for more information on UAP crash recoveries. Shapiro told Oechsler about how recovered vehicles were taken apart and transferred between different laboratories in trucks.
* [https://youtu.be/BLxEiKK0l0I?t=2109](https://youtu.be/BLxEiKK0l0I?t=2109)
* [https://youtu.be/LsPXbrIwb8c](https://youtu.be/LsPXbrIwb8c)
* [https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00good](https://archive.org/details/aliencontacttops00good) (p218, p222)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_573
### Event 54636 (CD16106C)
**Date:** 3/18/2022
**Description:** Reporter Tim McMillan states a formal operations plan to address UAP exists and involve attempts to “coax” UAP into showing up by exploiting their “interest in nuclear materials.” McMillan states sources entirely unknown in the context of UAP told him this, and journalist Tom Rogan corroborated the reporting. Journalist Ross Coulthart states a source told him “with concern” there was an attempt to bait and capture a UAP. Lue Elizondo also states UAP baiting occurred during his time at **AATIP**.
* [https://twitter.com/BryanDBender/status/1480390687900061696?s=20&t=YyB-gsHlkKv57DDXvpDM3A](https://twitter.com/BryanDBender/status/1480390687900061696?s=20&t=YyB-gsHlkKv57DDXvpDM3A)
* [https://twitter.com/UFOthinker/status/1504850741135126531?s=20&t=2fvqrdSs3FtwYO6YdsQP0Q](https://twitter.com/UFOthinker/status/1504850741135126531?s=20&t=2fvqrdSs3FtwYO6YdsQP0Q)
* [https://twitter.com/rosscoulthart/status/1480390538972983299?s=20&t=NuM74PuxKMwIglK_cVN-XQ](https://twitter.com/rosscoulthart/status/1480390538972983299?s=20&t=NuM74PuxKMwIglK_cVN-XQ)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_574
### Event 54637 (BF5EA17D)
**Date:** 3/25/2022
**Description:** The Defense Intelligence Agency releases Defense Intelligence Reference Documents on 37 of the 38 projects that its Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program \(AAWSAP\) has produced as part of its Project Physics under the direction of [Hal Puthoff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FE.%5FPuthoff) The topics range from “Pulsed High-Power Microwave Source Technology” to “Invisibility Cloaking” and “Antigravity for Aerospace Applications.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Greenewald, “[The Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program \(AAWSAP\) Documentation,](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/the-advanced-aerospace-weapon-system-applications-program-aawsap-documentation/)” The Black Vault, March 31, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7896
### Event 54638 (7759E84A)
**Date:** 3/25/2022
**Description:** The Defense Intelligence Agency releases Defense Intelligence Reference Documents (DIRDs) on 37 of the 38 projects the Advanced Aerospace Weapon System Applications Program (**AAWSAP**), colloquially known as **AATIP**, produced under the direction of Hal Puthoff. Subjects included antigravity, cloaking, quantum vacuum propulsion and field effects of UAP on nearby humans.
* [https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/the-advanced-aerospace-weapon-system-applications-program-aawsap-documentation/](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/the-advanced-aerospace-weapon-system-applications-program-aawsap-documentation/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_575
### Event 54639 (800D1184)
**Date:** 3/29/2022
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Ufologist and pilot John Lear, son of industrialist and Learjet founder Bill Lear, dies at aged 79
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lear)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_846
### Event 54640 (95E1C436)
**Date:** 4/22/2022
**Location:** Kessel, West Virginia
**Description:** 8:52 p.m. The pilot of an Embraer Phenom business jet flying at 45,000 feet above Kessel, West Virginia, notices a light 10,000 feet above him. It changes to a string of lights. As he passes underneath, he notices the object’s lights go out and the aircraft’s avionics system fails. Other pilots can see the light as well.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Greenewald, “[FAA Confirmed UFO Sighting April 22, 2022, by LXJ359 over Kessel, West Virginia,](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/faa-confirmed-ufo-sighting-april-22-2022-by-lxj359-over-kessel-west-virginia/)” The Black Vault, May 19, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7897
### Event 54641 (A4FC2E32)
**Date:** 5/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** Grusch, after sharing UAP info with DoD IG in 2021, alleges he faced retaliation, including denied access to IC elements and personal threats, but still had his NGA security clearances. Former IC IG Charles McCullough III submits a complaint on Grusch's behalf to current IC IG Thomas Monheim, requesting direct communication of Grusch's concerns to intelligence committees and an investigation into the alleged reprisals.
**Type:** reprisals
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Key People in Disclosure](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/key-people-in-disclosure-uap/)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia - Thomas Monheim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Monheim)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia - United_States_House_Permanent_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Permanent_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence)
**Reference:** [intelligence.senate.gov](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/)
**Reference:** [Squarespace.com](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/610434e4588db6073a08618b/t/64882f506fe8bc3e3e2a87fc/1686646615622/David-Grusch-PPD-19-Procedural-Filing.pdf)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1036
### Event 54642 (770673A3)
**Date:** 5/2022
**End date:** 6/2022
**Description:** Australian journalist Ross Coulthart stated the following when asked about secretive UAP R&D work being done in the USG/USG contractor space: “A large number of the scientists are working on what's euphemistically called 'the program' in or around Huntsville, Alabama..that city has become the focus of a very intense espionage effort by overseas spy services. It had been reported to me by not one but two sources that there've been deliberate attempts to cause injury to people who are working on the periphery of that program and there was concern that some of the people are not being adequately protected….there's a concern that basically scientists working in
essentially research related to ongoing antigravitics research are suffering harassment from overseas intelligence services."
“In Huntsville, Alabama, USA there’s a very black program underway that was previously run by a Chinese-American scientist called Ning Li…there is a very active anti-gravity program…I’m told there is equally an extraordinarily aggressive and nasty Chinese counterintelligence operation underway, to try to find out as much as possible through harassment and simple things like poison. There’s an espionage
battle underway as we speak.”
* [https://youtu.be/JB3e_nnMa7M?t=1781](https://youtu.be/JB3e_nnMa7M?t=1781)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_576
### Event 54643 (0CDCE1AB)
**Date:** 5/9/2022
**Description:** Five witnesses on board the USS Ronald Reagan say they see a large, fiery orange UAP hovering 100 feet above the flight deck. QM3 Karol Olesiak states it reminded him of a “burning bush,” and states the Office of the Watch and Conning Officer were not alarmed by the object. SN Derek Smith states the surface of the UAP was “swirling.”
Another witness, an anonymous Boatswain’s Mate of the Watch was in contact with all witnesses and saw the object himself, stating it was “translucent” like a “lava lamp,” “almost like viscous, but in the air, and it moved.” The BMOW corroborated Olesiak’s statement that the superior officers weren’t concerned by it and concluded they knew information “above my pay grade.” When the BMOW wrote the sighting into his log, he was told by his chief to “rip it out.”
* [https://thedebrief.org/incident-aboard-the-uss-ronald-reagan-navy-witnesses-describe-2004-encounter-with-uap/](https://thedebrief.org/incident-aboard-the-uss-ronald-reagan-navy-witnesses-describe-2004-encounter-with-uap/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_577
### Event 54644 (55288222)
**Date:** 5/12/2022
**Description:** Department of Defense officials choose Deputy Director of Intelligence and physicist [Sean Kirkpatrick](https://www.spacesymposium365.org/speaker/dr-sean-kirkpatrick/) to head the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group \(AOIMSG\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Douglas Dean Johnson, “[Scientist and Intelligence Officer Sean Kirkpatrick Piced to Head the New Pentagon-IC Office Empowered by](https://douglasjohnson.ghost.io/director-picked-for-new-pentagon-intelligence-office-to-study-unidentified-aerial-phenomena/) [Congress to Study Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,](https://douglasjohnson.ghost.io/director-picked-for-new-pentagon-intelligence-office-to-study-unidentified-aerial-phenomena/)” Mirador, May 12, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7898
### Event 54645 (40659EFE)
**Date:** 5/16/2022
**Description:** An unnamed official tells Politico that a “secret society” with “no accountability” exists and it does not report UAP information to Congress because of security issues. The official states that personnel from legacy ventures and programs have not yet contributed to DODIG, Congressional or other USG oversight because they have not been given a “mechanism” to speak publicly without reprisal. As to this point, author Bryan Bender has not revealed who the source is.
* [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/16/intelligence-agencies-congress-ufo-hearing-00032713](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/16/intelligence-agencies-congress-ufo-hearing-00032713)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_578
### Event 54646 (04B33552)
**Date:** 5/17/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** The House Intelligence Committee's subcommittee holds a UAP hearing, the first in over 50 years since the US Air Force ended its UFO investigation, **Project Blue Book**, in December 1969.
**Type:** hearing
**Reference:** [af.mil - UFO and Project Blue Book](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/104590/unidentified-flying-objects-and-air-force-project-blue-book/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1035
### Event 54647 (A0110DD5)
**Date:** 5/17/2022
**Description:** 9:00 a.m. The House Intelligence Committee’s Counterterrorism, Counterintelligence, and Counterproliferation Subcommittee holds hearings on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, as directed by the National Defense Authorization Act, which calls on the military to provide an annual report and semiannual briefings on the topic to Congress. The hearing features [Ronald Moultrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FMoultrie)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FMoultrie) under secretary of defense for intelligence and security, who is involved with the newly created Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group \(AOIMSG\), and [Scott W. Bray](https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-bray-098bbba4?original%5Freferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F)[,](https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-bray-098bbba4?original%5Freferer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F) deputy director of naval intelligence. Bray testifies that their database of reports of UFOs now includes about 400 incidents, up from 143 assessed in a report released in 2021. He cites improved sensors, an increase in drones and other non-military unmanned aerial systems, and aerial clutter such as Mylar balloons as causes for the uptick. Incidents in the 2021 report date as far back as 2004 and are based on both sensor data and observations by military aviators. Bray says that “Navy and air force crews now have step- by-step procedures for reporting UAPs on their kneeboard, in the cockpit.” In a back-and-forth with Rep. [Brad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brad%5FWenstrup) [Wenstrup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brad%5FWenstrup) \(R-Ohio\), Bray agrees that standardizing the civilian reporting process will be useful. While the military database does include some civilian reports, the vast majority have come from within. Rep. [Adam Schiff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam%5FSchiff) \(D-Calif.\), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, pushes for the Pentagon and the public to understand that UAPs are becoming a national security concern. At the hearing, officials play a declassified video clip showing a mysterious UAP that zipped by a pilot’s aircraft in a US Navy training yard. It appears to be a spherical object traveling at extremely high speeds. Bray says that he does not have an explanation for what this specific object is. Bray and Moultrie both say they will commit to declassifying more information when possible and when it does not pose a national security risk, adding the task force will operate with more transparency than past Pentagon programs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Christopher Dean Hopkins, “[The Military’s UFO Database Now Has Info from About](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/17/1099410910/ufo-hearing-congress-military-intelligence) [400 Reported Incidents,](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/17/1099410910/ufo-hearing-congress-military-intelligence)” National Public Radio, May 17, 2022; Brad Dress, “[UFOs Pose ‘Potential National](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3491134-ufos-pose-potential-national-security-threat-lawmakers-warn/) [Security Threat,’ Lawmakers Warn,](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3491134-ufos-pose-potential-national-security-threat-lawmakers-warn/)” The Hill, May 17, 2022
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7899
### Event 54648 (B8F64329)
**Date:** 5/17/2022
**Description:** Rep. Mike Gallagher asks Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultrie in an open hearing if he had heard of the “Admiral Wilson memo,” referenced above (see 16 October 2002). Moultrie responds he was “not personally aware” of it. Rep. Gallagher then states he will enter the memo into the Congressional record, the first page of which describes an organization that managed response to crashed UAP and recovery of biological materials. It is unknown if Moultrie followed up with Gallagher after reviewing the memo to state if he was aware of such an organization, or if Moultrie reviewed the memo.
* [https://gallagher.house.gov/media/press-releases/gallagher-presses-dod-uaps](https://gallagher.house.gov/media/press-releases/gallagher-presses-dod-uaps)
* [https://www.congress.gov/117/meeting/house/114761/documents/HHRG-117-IG05-20220517-SD001.pdf](https://www.congress.gov/117/meeting/house/114761/documents/HHRG-117-IG05-20220517-SD001.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_579
### Event 54649 (53F57039)
**Date:** 5/27/2022
**Description:** The Center for UFO Studies launches its first Facebook page.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** CUFOS, [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/centerforufostudies/)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_7900
### Event 54650 (F55C2882)
**Date:** 6/3/2022
**Location:** Huntsville, AL
**Description:** Ex-US Navy Aviator Ryan Graves gives a keynote titled “UAP & Government: The Innovation Imperative” at the SCU AAPC conference near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL. Graves states at the conference that aviators are reporting sightings, but are being ignored, and if this continues they will stop reporting them.
**Type:** public presentation
**Reference:** [link](https://www.explorescu.org/_files/ugd/8374d8_ff2696792d7d4d23b1354cf52b031941.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_847
### Event 54651 (4AD3B4C1)
**Date:** 6/4/2022
**Location:** Huntsville, AL
**Description:** ex-Col. John B. Alexander states on video at the SCU AAPC conference near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL that MJ-12 was real, but then claimed it had nothing to do with UFO’s. Stubblebine said it was very secret.
**Type:** public statement
**Reference:** [link](https://www.explorescu.org/aapc-2022b)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_848
### Event 54652 (E6CA8032)
**Date:** 6/4/2022
**Location:** Huntsville, AL
**Description:** Panel held at the SCU APC conference near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL: “The National Security Implications of Scientifically Studying UAP”- Dr. Joseph DiNoto (moderator), Dr. Matthew Szydagis, Dr. Garry Nolan, Dr. Joshua Pierson, and Mr. Richard Hoffman.
**Type:** public panel
**Reference:** [link](https://www.explorescu.org/aapc-2022b)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_849
### Event 54653 (396DDCE3)
**Date:** 6/4/2022
**Location:** Huntsville, AL
**Description:** Dr. Alexander Wendt gives the virtual presentation “Dangerous Knowledge — UFO Science and the Last Humans” at the SCU AAPC conference, near the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville AL, on potential societal collapse and mass panic if Disclosure of the reality of UFO’s is rushed. Mentions a 20 year process of acclimation focusing on young people.
**Type:** public presentation
**Reference:** [link](https://medium.com/@richgel99/dangerous-knowledge-ufo-science-and-the-last-humans-by-dr-alexander-wendt-b7a544052bda?source=user_profile---------11----------------------------)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_850
### Event 54654 (CC123FAB)
**Date:** 6/13/2022
**Description:** Former AFOSI counterintelligence officer Richard Doty claims he is aware of five UAP related projects at Area 51: **Project Candid Sky** for photographing UAP, **Project Radiant Bravo-One**, **Project Might** using high speed lasers, **Project Auburn Blue** examination of
captured UAP and **Project Med-Star** examination of “captured” extraterrestrials. Doty claims in the early 1980s the designation “**CARDINAL**” was used to identify known extraterrestrial craft. Doty claims “**CARDINAL-3**” was stored underground in S-2.
* [https://youtu.be/4sn8Z6uuF1E](https://youtu.be/4sn8Z6uuF1E)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_580
### Event 54655 (F91AD3BC)
**Date:** 6/15/2022
**Description:** Dr. Amy Eskridge, the 35 year old scientist & co-founder of the Institute for Exotic Science in Huntsville, dies in Huntsville, AL. Retired UK intelligence officer Franc Milburn claims she was targeted with directed energy weapons and murdered by a “private aerospace company” in the US because she was involved in the UAP conversation and working on advanced propulsion.
In 2020, Eskridge stated she was planning to present novel foundational work regarding antigravity but needed approval from NASA. In 2018, Eskridge and her father Richard Eskridge gave a talk on behalf of their company, HoloChron Engineering, a gravity modification R&D company, in which they discuss historical and current means of antigravity experiments and modern black projects allegedly developing triangle antigravity craft like the “TR3B.” Eskridge’s colleague Dick Reeves was also involved with the Institute; her brothers Michael Eskridge and Matt Eskridge were not.
* [http://www.thearabtribune.com/obituaries/amy-eskridge/article_3779ff44-ecd0-11ec-b084-a70e496e902a.html](http://www.thearabtribune.com/obituaries/amy-eskridge/article_3779ff44-ecd0-11ec-b084-a70e496e902a.html)
* [https://twitter.com/Alien_Scientist/status/1306981668419301379?s=20&t=sRPqtty0yk952ZsgEJaZww](https://twitter.com/Alien_Scientist/status/1306981668419301379?s=20&t=sRPqtty0yk952ZsgEJaZww)
* [https://twitter.com/ObserveByProxy7/status/1560746578637250560?s=20&t=BNoZpkxPgcjWs4_Xu24Jog](https://twitter.com/ObserveByProxy7/status/1560746578637250560?s=20&t=BNoZpkxPgcjWs4_Xu24Jog)
* [https://www.hal5.org/PDF/HAL5-Dec2018-Talk-AntiGravity.pdf](https://www.hal5.org/PDF/HAL5-Dec2018-Talk-AntiGravity.pdf)
* [https://twitter.com/Alien_Scientist/status/1307975074050441216?s=20&t=GZc9tAdBEjeecK1xjWdQ9w](https://twitter.com/Alien_Scientist/status/1307975074050441216?s=20&t=GZc9tAdBEjeecK1xjWdQ9w)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_581
### Event 54656 (2A443FBF)
**Date:** 7/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** IC IG Thomas Monheim deems David Grusch's May 2022 complaint as “credible and urgent”. A summary is promptly sent to Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, and to both House and Senate Intelligence Committees.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia - Thomas Monheim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Monheim)
**Reference:** [thedebrief.org - Intel Officials Say US Has Retrieved Non-Human Craft](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia - Avril Haines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avril_Haines)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia - United_States_House_Permanent_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Permanent_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence)
**Reference:** [intelligence.senate.gov](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1037
### Event 54657 (63FF77D5)
**Date:** 7/15/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks, with the DNI, revises her directive, renaming the AOIMSG to AARO and broadening its scope. Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick, former chief scientist at the Defense Intelligence Agency's center, becomes AARO's director.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [defense.gov - DoD announces ](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/2853121/dod-announces-the-establishment-of-the-airborne-object-identification-and-manag/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Key People in Disclosure](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/key-people-in-disclosure-uap/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1038
### Event 54658 (280D3B60)
**Date:** 7/29/2022
**Description:** A FOIA response to **Operation Starfish Prime**, UFOs, DOE and AEC suggests files exist but need a subject matter expert with “jurisdiction” to review before release.
* [https://twitter.com/rgh_ufos/status/1553109073721278464?s=20&t=cjmBKYBTI80ex-U2mSXeAw](https://twitter.com/rgh_ufos/status/1553109073721278464?s=20&t=cjmBKYBTI80ex-U2mSXeAw)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_582
### Event 54659 (120A8496)
**Date:** 7/31/2022
**Description:** Hal Puthoff’s paper on the ultraterrestrial hypothesis is released. It describes the hypothesis that there is an unidentified phenomenon interacting with the planet that is not human, and it is unknown if it is exclusively extraterrestrial, extradimensional, cryptoterrestrial, demonic/djinn, proto/ancient human, time travelers, etc.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_583
### Event 54660 (0CEBEF2C)
**Date:** 8/3/2022
**Description:** Stanford physicist Garry Nolan states there are claims “crash materials” were collected and sent off to Lockheed and other aerospace companies; Nolan also states the National Science Foundation and Lockheed could get involved with new spending on UAP work after recent Congressional action; he also states the “silo approach” of the last 80 years has not worked, “having one piece of it at Lockheed,” having other pieces elsewhere, “they can’t talk to each other.”
* [https://youtu.be/miRKNqEcYQY](https://youtu.be/miRKNqEcYQY)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_584
### Event 54661 (32927349)
**Date:** 8/12/2022
**Description:** Academic Dr. David Clarke publishes a clear photograph of the alleged “Calvine UFO,” a large diamond UAP referenced in a British Ministry of Defence (MOD) report from 1990 sighted in Calvine, Scotland. Clarke suggests press at the time were subject to a
“D-Notice,” which prevents publication of sensitive materials in the UK. He cites a paragraph in a “UK Restricted” minute from the author of **Project Condign** Ron Haddow, which states: “The remaining ASTRA/AURORA photos and 35mm slides are also on this last file. There was a Press ‘D’ Notice issued at the time.”
* [https://www.uapmedia.uk/articles/calvinerevealed](https://www.uapmedia.uk/articles/calvinerevealed)
>**_Note_**: This may be significant because it suggests the British MOD may have been in possession of photographic evidence of UAP it believed to be sourced from USG/USG contractor projects Aurora or Astra. Noted in 22 December 1992, British officials chose to monitor USAF communication that was concerned Secretary Donald B. Rice lied to Congress by stating Aurora didn’t exist. British interest in triangular UAP stems from several overflights of British airspace.
>**_Note_**: There is nothing in declassified MOD records that suggests the Ministry tracked efforts by then SSCI Staff Director Chris Mellon on behalf of Sen. Robert Byrd to investigate the existence of Aurora, or efforts by Byrd’s counsel Richard D’Amato (see 22 May 1992). Mellon stated on the record “there is no such \[secret U.S. triangular craft\] program,” while D’Amato stated he believed triangular UAP were human made. Neither specified if their comments included UAP sighted over British airspace.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_585
### Event 54662 (362D4301)
**Date:** 8/23/2022
**Description:** Anonymous site with possibly specific intelligence details on UAP in the PUBLIC DOMAIN posts an article on “NURO and the Unidentified Submersible Phenomena.” Much of the article is in a custom language only decipherable by custom software unknown to the PUBLIC DOMAIN, but what is public states that the National Underwater Reconnaissance Office (NURO) collects MASINT data on underwater UAP and seeks but is unable to coordinate with a group known as “SV17q.”
The article claims a database known as “DOLYN” collects signature data of underwater fast movers, tic-tac kinetic vehicles, orbs etc. to study the capabilities of those objects. The article states the data is “confiscated” by “SV17q” under the “no-right-to-known dictum.” It states the DOLYN database has 17,500 signatures including non-terrestrial signatures. It also states this information was not shared with the **UAPTF**.
* [https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2022/08/masint-for-new-world-order-nuro-and.html](https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2022/08/masint-for-new-world-order-nuro-and.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_586
### Event 54663 (8E9CF9DA)
**Date:** 8/23/2022
**Description:** Lue Elizondo states he is employed at U.S. Space Force, something Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough confirms. She states he provides technical assistance on a variety of classified topics and Elizondo states Space Force is taking the topic of UAP “very seriously.”
* [https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/pentagon-admits-whistleblowers-claim-he-continues-to-work-for-us-space-force-on-classified-topics](https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/pentagon-admits-whistleblowers-claim-he-continues-to-work-for-us-space-force-on-classified-topics)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_587
### Event 54664 (AFFC8C04)
**Date:** 9/2022
**Description:** Christopher Mellon states “many allegations” exist out there that there is a subrosa operation in the aerospace industry or “under the CIA” that has been run “off the books,” something that Congress wasn’t informed of and wasn’t appropriated/funded properly.
Mellon states new Congressional language allows individuals in those programs to come forward without fear of reprisal and share whatever information they have.
* [https://youtu.be/ETWqPQwkn2E?t=399](https://youtu.be/ETWqPQwkn2E?t=399)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_588
### Event 54665 (0981A8AB)
**Date:** 9/2022
**Description:** Christopher Mellon states the Majestic documents are “very controversial” and he has heard several different explanations including they are false but based on something true; that they were bait to try and recruit Russians; they do use military jargon properly; they could have been misinformation created by AFOSI.
* [https://youtu.be/ETWqPQwkn2E?t=1117](https://youtu.be/ETWqPQwkn2E?t=1117)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_589
### Event 54666 (A8D6A251)
**Date:** 9/2022
**Description:** Christopher Mellon says “credible people” tell him there is a covered up program dealing with UAP work; he also states for all of those people he hears an equal number of credible people who are highly placed and say there is no program.
* [https://youtu.be/ETWqPQwkn2E?t=1744](https://youtu.be/ETWqPQwkn2E?t=1744)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_590
### Event 54667 (10EDC7F8)
**Date:** 9/2022
**Description:** Lue Elizondo states a USO encounter occurred near Puerto Rico with a helicopter crew tasked with recovering a missile test; the crew describes a dark black object beneath the surface the “size of an island.” A month later, a test missile retrieval crew states the same large black object above a trench near Puerto Rico is seen and “sucks” the missile beneath the surface of the water.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xaqdoi/luis_elizondo_describes_a_crazy_uso_encounter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/xaqdoi/luis_elizondo_describes_a_crazy_uso_encounter/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_591
### Event 54668 (11C44122)
**Date:** 9/5/2022
**Description:** Former CIA officer Jim Semivan states Col. John Alexander sent materials related to Semivan’s UAP contact experience to a “DARPA lab.”
* [https://youtu.be/K4Bgrv6KEDA?t=810](https://youtu.be/K4Bgrv6KEDA?t=810)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_592
### Event 54669 (25D4613F)
**Date:** 9/24/2022
**Description:** Former Manager, Special Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory Oke Shannon states others at LANL studied UAP “at night,” i.e. it was unofficial and not a sanctioned working group. Shannon states by the mid 1980s, it was concluded that UAP were interdimensional in nature, higher dimensional objects (possibly operated by higher dimensional entities). Shannon states he believes UAP could be “spiritual beings, fallen angels, even holy angels.”
* [https://youtu.be/23b44fxvz8I](https://youtu.be/23b44fxvz8I)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_593
### Event 54670 (097B37C1)
**Date:** 9/26/2022
**Description:** A ufologist emails former Dept. Dir. for S&T at CIA Everett Hineman about UAP, and asked if he could help with research that relates to US programs in the 1980s that dealt with UAP. (Hineman’s name was referenced to NASA engineer Bob Oeschler by Bobby Ray Inman as someone familiar with crash retrievals in the 1980s, something Hineman later denied to Oeschler). However, in the latest email, Hineman indirectly suggested he did work in the area of US programs related to UAP in the 1980s.
* [https://twitter.com/rgh_ufos/status/1574506384523132930?s=20&t=Iilxz8JlLREzWQbb9moj6A](https://twitter.com/rgh_ufos/status/1574506384523132930?s=20&t=Iilxz8JlLREzWQbb9moj6A)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_594
### Event 54671 (E0696EF2)
**Date:** 9/26/2022
**Description:** Former Manager, Special Projects at Los Alamos National Laboratory Oke Shannon publishes notes of his time at the Advanced Theoretical Working Group held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and classified using DOE controls (see April 1988 note). Shannon’s notes state the following was discussed:
* A 150,000 gauss magnetic field is associated with operating UAP craft
* Navy allegedly has information on an underwater UAP hotspot near Golfo San Matias off Argentina
* The “Philadelphia experiment” was related to UAP (see April 1956)
* At least one other civilization is watching humanity
* An organization that collects UAP information and managed it/destroyed it/hid it existed according to some attendees
* A “major engineering project” existed under Adm. Bobby Ray Inman (see 16 March 2022)
* Joe Braddock, a co-founder of BDM, was in attendance for a presentation from Hal Puthoff
* [https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/0%20-%20UFO%20Researchers/Grant%20Cameron/Advanced%20Theoretical%20Physics%20WG/Oke%20Shannon/pdf/ATPWG%20-%20notes%20by%20Oke%20Shannon%20-%20SSN%20redacted.pdf](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/0%20-%20UFO%20Researchers/Grant%20Cameron/Advanced%20Theoretical%20Physics%20WG/Oke%20Shannon/pdf/ATPWG%20-%20notes%20by%20Oke%20Shannon%20-%20SSN%20redacted.pdf)
>**_Note_**: At the time this was published, Inman had left the NSA and CIA and was the CEO of Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation. Inman would join the Boards of SAIC, Wackenhut, Evolutionary Technologies International, Massey Energy and SBC over the next few years before being nominated by President Bill Clinton as Secretary of Defense (before nomination was withdrawn). Inman also managed Limestone Ventures, a start-up technology investment firm.
>Wackenhut and SAIC are linked to allegations of secretive UAP work, most notably in CSETI’s briefing to Congress (see 30 August 1996).
>* [https://www.nndb.com/people/392/000058218/](https://www.nndb.com/people/392/000058218/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_595
### Event 54672 (4F767CFB)
**Date:** 10/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** NASA's UAP Independent Study Team, led by David Spergel, is formed to suggest a UAP data analysis roadmap for NASA and related entities.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1039
### Event 54673 (FA2B4938)
**Date:** 10/7/2022
**Description:** Former UK intelligence officer Franc Milburn states directed energy weapons have been used “against” scientists working on the UAP issue, and states a UK paramilitary group has handled UAP crash retrievals in the past. Milburn states aerospace companies and the Department of Energy have hidden programs working on UAP technology.
* [https://open.spotify.com/episode/7MTn8VRQFIkdHUEBX6hr1g?si=53aa55986ea94d18&nd=1](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7MTn8VRQFIkdHUEBX6hr1g?si=53aa55986ea94d18&nd=1)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_596
### Event 54674 (9E4701BF)
**Date:** 10/13/2022
**Description:** Lue Elizondo suggests to Thiel Capital managing director Eric Weinstein that the Mansfield Amendment is important to understand with respect to UAP. The Amendment limited funding of projects with no direct military application and specifically affected ARPA, ONI and private/corporate laboratories.
* [https://twitter.com/tinyklaus/status/1580585461797425152?s=20&t=CGk_EkKhHAbTdgkk3yV_DvQ](https://twitter.com/tinyklaus/status/1580585461797425152?s=20&t=CGk_EkKhHAbTdgkk3yV_DvQ)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_597
### Event 54675 (B11AA8B8)
**Date:** 10/14/2022
**Description:** John Warner IV, the son of Secretary of the Navy and former Sen. John Warner III, states his father was at the Navy’s Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) in Andros, Bahamas “many” times. Warner IV claims he heard AUTEC was involved in the “craning” of UAP out of the water, and he heard from contacts in Washington DC that it had a “repository” of recovered UAP technology found in the Atlantic and the Caribbean.
* [https://youtu.be/Pkmre8mNKmM?t=1028](https://youtu.be/Pkmre8mNKmM?t=1028)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_598
### Event 54676 (FEFA2F17)
**Date:** 10/14/2022
**Description:** John Warner IV, the son of Secretary of the Navy and former Sen. John Warner III, states the “Cosmos Club” was a forerunner of a group like MJ-12. He describes it as an “inner circle” of intelligence people who may have controlled some UAP information. Interestingly, a declassified NSA document regarding Communication with Extraterrestrial Life contains a lecture given at the Cosmos Club.
* [https://youtu.be/Pkmre8mNKmM?t=1500](https://youtu.be/Pkmre8mNKmM?t=1500)
* [https://www.nsa.gov/portals/75/documents/news-features/declassified-documents/cryptologic-spectrum/communications_with_extraterrestrial.pdf](https://www.nsa.gov/portals/75/documents/news-features/declassified-documents/cryptologic-spectrum/communications_with_extraterrestrial.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_599
### Event 54677 (B555EA40)
**Date:** 10/14/2022
**Description:** Steven Greer suggests a location “Bradshaw Ranch” near Sedona, AZ got “taken over and turned into a black site” due to UAP and related phenomena on the property.
* [https://youtu.be/ndPdgyWIPcU?t=4718](https://youtu.be/ndPdgyWIPcU?t=4718)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_600
### Event 54678 (C71F7A9E)
**Date:** 10/14/2022
**Description:** Alleged USG “insiders” tell journalist Christopher Sharp that Congressional hearings will take place to hear testimony from whistleblowers. Multiple sources familiar with the process tell the journalist that secretive UAP retrieval and reverse engineering programs have been verified by Congress.
* [https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/exclusive-more-ufo-hearings-are-coming-as-whistleblowers-are-called-forward-and-legacy-programs-are-verified-by-congress](https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/exclusive-more-ufo-hearings-are-coming-as-whistleblowers-are-called-forward-and-legacy-programs-are-verified-by-congress)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_601
### Event 54679 (97979A33)
**Date:** 10/20/2022
**Description:** Ufologist Grant Cameron publishes a collection of people who claim to have piloted a UFO, many of whom never before spoke publicly. The trained observers mentioned include United Airlines Capt. Joe Vallejo who claims he had recurring dreams while on layovers where he was controlling a craft with his mind while standing in front of a large screen; ret.
USAF F-16 pilot “Col. David,” who claims he was in a room with a flat console along one wall where someone behind him told him he already knew how to fly the craft, and he began flying it mentally; and alleged Nellis AFB radar operator Niara Isley who claims she experienced a “neural interface” in a chair inside a saucer. In the book, ret. CIA analyst John Ramirez also states Tremelo Melchizedek (rg: this name is incorrect, it's actually [Drunvalo Melchizedek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunvalo_Melchizedek)) was hired to attempt to use Merkabah meditation techniques to fly a craft in USG possession. Ramirez himself claims he travels mentally to an “icy planet” where he receives information from a “higher consciousness.”
The book additionally tracks Peter Whitley, an American who moved to Japan and trained in The Monroe Institute who held 40 out of body sessions where he was in a craft interacting with beings telepathically; ret. British Army officer Gerard Pratt who dreamt of going on board a large disc where he was given a briefing and shown how to use a plastic-like panel with symbols; Jean Kimura, who claims
while in Boynton Canyon near Sedona, AZ she and one friend had a shared dream in which they were invited by Saint Germain onto a craft with people that looked like humans; and Enrique Villanueva of Mission Rahma, who claims he used Merkabah meditation to go inside a “spaceship from a civilization supposedly from the future Earth.”
* [https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr_1_1](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr_1_1)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_602
### Event 54680 (3C95F87D)
**Date:** 10/20/2022
**Description:** Grant Cameron chronicles a meeting between Ret. USAF Sgt. Jim Penniston, Rendlesham Forest incident witness, and Kit Green with his lawyer Pat Frascogna. Penniston states Green wanted DNA samples and an MRI from Penniston, and Green told him he was working for Bigelow Aerospace to understand how the technology “enables dimensional travel.”
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_603
### Event 54681 (CEE7AED0)
**Date:** 10/20/2022
**Description:** Cameron also provides an audiotape of Green interviewing a woman “CRM” who was allegedly a psychic to understand UAP hotspots. CRM told Green about a “portal” related to a underwater UAP base near the Catalina Islands off the coast of Southern California, controlled by a group of extraterrestrials and humans, to which Green is surprised to hear.
A transcript of the conversation mentions there was a planned meeting between high ranking civilian and military personnel and “The Others,” “The Watchers,” and the “Extraterrestrials” to “give directions concerning geologic stabilization.” Human oil drilling catalyzed certain tectonic plate movements near the California coast. The council of those ET/UT species allegedly tasked with maintaining the stability of their Catalina “base.”
* [https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_604
### Event 54682 (B738CA32)
**Date:** 10/20/2022
**Description:** Cameron claims CIA officer Ron Pandolfi told Dan Smith about an entrance to “another world” that was about to open in “a desert.” Pandolfi claims people will enter and return.
* [https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_605
### Event 54683 (A598F3D8)
**Date:** 10/20/2022
**Description:** Cameron claims NASA’s main UAP expert, “Tyler D.,” sent him photos of a painting inside the old Hughes Aircraft building at 999 N. Sepulveda Boulevard in El Segundo, CA; the paintings show human beings flying through space in their nightgowns. Tyler D. tells Cameron the location is where the CIA’s rumored “jump room to Mars” is. Cameron also states CIA officer Ron Pandolfi told him a jump room was at this location and that a friend of Pandolfi told him to “hang on” and wait to report the information to the public.
* [https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Sky-Pilots-Peace-Oneness-ebook/dp/B0BK3KP6X2/ref=sr)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_606
### Event 54684 (DFC3646B)
**Date:** 10/27/2022
**Description:** Real estate billionaire and owner of Skinwalker Ranch Brandon Fugal says Gen. Wesley Clark, Hal Puthoff and Kit Green convinced him there was “truth” to UAP reverse engineering concepts and free energy devices, and Fugal began supporting Joe Firmage’s work by co-founding Motion Sciences in the late 2000s.
Fugal says within a year the tests of antigravity devices did not show enough progress and their company closed down. Fugal says in 2015, Puthoff and Green again called him and suggested he buy Skinwalker from Bigelow, so he did.
* [https://youtu.be/8Bp0weO-hiI](https://youtu.be/8Bp0weO-hiI)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_607
### Event 54685 (ED556F52)
**Date:** 12/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** David Grusch testifies in a SCIF to the General Counsels of both House and Senate Intelligence Committees, with committee lawyers and an Inspector General representative present but no Senators. Grusch confirms this testimony during the July 26, 2023 UAP Hearing.
**Type:** senate testimony
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Important Definitions](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/important-definitions/)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia - US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_Permanent_Select_Committee_on_Intelligence)
**Reference:** [intelligence.senate.gov](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/)
**Reference:** [YouTube - An Interview with Ross Coulthart: UAP, David Grusch, and Ontological Shock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZljDzLn1wso&t=2042s&ab_channel=MatthewL.Halstedhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DZljDzLn1wso&t=2013s&ab_channel=MatthewL.Halsted)
**Reference:** [YouTube - UFO Pentagon Whistleblower David Grusch and His Classified Congressional Testimony](https://youtu.be/2FrloSlst1A?t=188)
**Reference:** [askapol.com - (RE-POST) EXCLUSIVE — Marco Rubio: UFO whistleblower first credibly vetted, referred to Congress](https://www.askapol.com/p/re-post-exclusive-marco-rubio-ufo)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1041
### Event 54686 (E14837A0)
**Date:** 12/6/2022
**Description:** The associated UAP provisions of the final FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 7776) are published and there are two last minute changes of note. 1. A provision of the SSCI-approved bill to grant a private cause of action for persons who feel they’ve suffered reprisal has been dropped. 2. The AARO has been given responsibility for the historical study and the GAO is given the ability to perform a later “audit.”
* [https://douglasjohnson.ghost.io/uap-related-provisions-of-the-final-proposed-fy-2023-national-defense-authorization-act/](https://douglasjohnson.ghost.io/uap-related-provisions-of-the-final-proposed-fy-2023-national-defense-authorization-act/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_608
### Event 54687 (C1E2C490)
**Date:** 12/17/2022
**Description:** USD(I&S) Ronald Moultrie and AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick state they have not seen any evidence of crashed UAP that suggests the craft are from another planet or dimension. They state they have a lot of documents, memos, records, etc. and they tell the public in a press conference that to this point they have come across no “holdings” that there have been off-world crash recoveries.
* [https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3249303/usdis-ronald-moultrie-and-dr-sean-kirkpatrick-media-roundtable-on-the-all-domai/](https://www.defense.gov/News/Transcripts/Transcript/Article/3249303/usdis-ronald-moultrie-and-dr-sean-kirkpatrick-media-roundtable-on-the-all-domai/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_609
### Event 54688 (E0224DA3)
**Date:** 12/17/2022
**Description:** A newly declassified calendar entry from former DCI Allen Dulles shows he met with President John F. Kennedy on 28 June 1961 at 12:00pm ET and 3:30pm ET. This may be significant because a disputed memo from JFK to Dulles on 28 June 1961 requests a review of “MJ-12” intelligence operation plans as they relate to Cold War psychological warfare plans.
A second disputed document allegedly created five months later on 5 November 1961 is an “operations review” of MJ-12 by Dulles, who references the JFK memo and also references that the operations are properly classified under the 1954 Atomic Energy Act.
A third disputed document also allegedly created that same date on 5 November 1961 is a Special National Intelligence Estimate on MJTWELVE operations prepared for the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. The document mentions it is classified under the Atomic Energy Act and mentions six crash recoveries of “unidentified space vehicles” in which nuclear materials were claimed to be involved. Hal Puthoff states the 1961 SNIE is legitimate.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zoik0y/the_jfk_files_cia_director_allen_dulles_calendar/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zoik0y/the_jfk_files_cia_director_allen_dulles_calendar/)
* [https://majesticdocuments.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/kennedy_ciadirector_1.pdf](https://majesticdocuments.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/kennedy_ciadirector_1.pdf)
* [https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/mj12opsreview-dulles-61.pdf](https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/mj12opsreview-dulles-61.pdf)
* [https://silvarecord.com/2020/06/21/hal-puthoffs-crash-document-revealed/](https://silvarecord.com/2020/06/21/hal-puthoffs-crash-document-revealed/)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20220416230226/http://www.ufojoe.net/wilsondavis4](https://web.archive.org/web/20220416230226/http://www.ufojoe.net/wilsondavis4)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_610
### Event 54689 (C2207F58)
**Date:** 12/18/2022
**Description:** Journalist Christopher Sharp states sources inside the Department of Defense and intelligence community told him certain Congressional committees have been privy to information he’s been told “has been life changing.”
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zp5h3t/christopher_sharp_from_liberation_times_ask_me/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zp5h3t/christopher_sharp_from_liberation_times_ask_me/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_611
### Event 54690 (ECBAA801)
**Date:** 12/19/2022
**Description:** Journalist George Knapp states he knows of at least four “legacy programs” that dealt with UAP issues that he believes whistleblowers are speaking to when they will refer their testimony to AARO.
* [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zpu9zq/george_knapp_on_ufo_legacy_programs_and_whistler/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zpu9zq/george_knapp_on_ufo_legacy_programs_and_whistler/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_612
### Event 54691 (45CA2D38)
**Date:** 12/20/2022
**Description:** Ret. CIA official John Ramirez states several new pieces of information in an interview including: that he was told of a compartmented area of the Navy as sensitive as the Manhattan project that may be UAP related; he heard rumors of a relationship between ONR and CIA OSWR/WINPAC where USO materials were recovered and transferred to CIA; and that NGA has the most UAP evidence in the form of videos. Ramirez also states dialogue inside the USG from official channels he heard states UAP occupants/factions will arrive in 2027 and “we need to prepare.”
* [https://youtu.be/Ku9GsJ94Dt4](https://youtu.be/Ku9GsJ94Dt4)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_613
### Event 54692 (6ED3B0CC)
**Date:** 12/23/2022
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** President Biden signs the 2023 NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) into law, containing UFO whistleblower protections and references to back-engineering
**Type:** law
**Reference:** [link](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3252968/biden-signs-national-defense-authorization-act-into-law/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_851
### Event 54693 (380839E3)
**Date:** 12/23/2022
**Location:** US
**Description:** Biden enacts the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act. Notably, SEC. 1673 emphasizes UAP reporting protocols and whistleblower safeguards.
**Type:** legislation signed
**Reference:** [congress.gov](https://www.congress.gov/117/plaws/publ263/PLAW-117publ263.pdf)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1040
## Year: 2023, 57 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 54694 (C6D41F48)
**Date:** 1/12/2023
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** CBS News: “Hundreds more UFO sightings included in latest report”. “On Thursday, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released an unclassified version of its annual report on UFOs, or what the government calls unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The office tracking reports of UFOs has added nearly 400 additional sightings to its catalog over the last year, either because of new sightings or older sightings discovered in existing files, bringing the total number of UFO sightings to over 500. The assessment revealed that the office tracking UAPs has had a total of 510 sightings since 2004. This is significantly up from the 144 sightings included in the initial report in 2021. Department of Defense has determined that about half of the additional sightings displayed “unremarkable characteristics.” A U.S. official told CBS News that none of the incidents have yet been definitively linked to China, Russia or any other country.”
**Type:** unclassified report
**Reference:** [link](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hundreds-more-ufo-sightings-included-latest-report/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_852
### Event 54695 (60B7DD04)
**Date:** 1/12/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** CNBC: "More than 360 new UFO cases have been reported to U.S. intelligence agencies since March 2021"
**Type:** ufo sightings
**Reference:** [link](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/12/more-than-360-new-ufo-cases-have-been-reported-to-us-intelligence-agencies-since-march-2021.html)
**Reference:** [link](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hundreds-more-ufo-sightings-included-latest-report/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_853
### Event 54696 (9C432363)
**Date:** 1/12/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** The Director of National Intelligence's 2022 Annual Report on UAP reveals over 350 new UFO reports since March 2021, with half remaining unexplained. The report notes that some UAP showed unusual flight traits needing more analysis.
**Reference:** [dni.gov - Unclassified 2022 Annual Report on UAP](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Unclassified-2022-Annual-Report-UAP.pdf)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1042
### Event 54697 (3966E123)
**Date:** 2/10/2023
**End date:** 2/12/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Over Feb 10-12, the U.S. military downs three UFOs, following the shooting down of a Chinese spy balloon in American airspace on Feb 4.
**Type:** UFO shotdowns
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/article/ufo-object-balloon-shot-down.html)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1043
### Event 54698 (E0B6CEE8)
**Date:** 2/10/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** On Feb 9, a UFO, the size of a small car, heading towards the North Pole was shot down over Alaskan waters by a US jet. It shattered upon impact, suggesting it wasn't a balloon. As of August 2023, no debris has been officially reported recovered.
**Type:** ufo shootdown
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1044
### Event 54699 (D3E3D2FB)
**Date:** 2/11/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** A UFO, described as 'cylindrical and smaller than the spy balloon', is shot down over the Yukon Territory by a U.S. F-22 after Canadian and U.S. aircraft intercepted it. The RCMP began recovery efforts.
**Type:** ufo shootdown
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1045
### Event 54700 (12C2FF1F)
**Date:** 2/12/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** A UFO, described as an octagonal structure with strings but no visible payload, appeared over Montana on Feb. 11 and was shot down over Lake Huron, Michigan the next day, flying at about 20,000 feet.
**Type:** ufo shootdown
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/12/us/politics/us-shoots-down-object-michigan.html)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1046
### Event 54701 (9A999C0E)
**Date:** 2/17/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** US and Canada halted efforts to recover remains of the shot-down objects, with no debris officially reported as recovered by August 2023. Unlike the Chinese spy balloon incident on Feb 4, no media of these three objects has been released.
**Type:** crash recovery failure
**Reference:** [NY Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/17/us/politics/search-ended-ufos-balloons.html)
**Reference:** [ABC News](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/close-photo-chinese-spy-balloon-flight-released-us/story?id=97397795)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1047
### Event 54702 (5E75208A)
**Date:** 2/22/2023
**Description:** Former Thiel Capital manager Eric Weinstein states that hedge fund Renaissance Technologies LLC and its manager Jim Simons may be sitting on a mathematical development that can advance our understanding of general relativity. He alludes to the idea that if there is an American antigravity program done in secret, he speculates it would be centered in Austin, TX and East Setauket, NY, the latter of which is where Renaissance is located.
* [https://open.spotify.com/episode/7MDxyrrhD7gC7XMRwB0ulv?si=bsF23KVWQi-D05pTKdu1sg](https://open.spotify.com/episode/7MDxyrrhD7gC7XMRwB0ulv?si=bsF23KVWQi-D05pTKdu1sg)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_614
### Event 54703 (35960196)
**Date:** 2/27/2023
**Description:** In a FOIA response to researcher John Greenwald, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) states it manages a program known as **Sentient** that ingests and analyzes imagery data with AI capabilities. According to the records, the program detected a small “Tic Tac” shaped object on 6 May 2021 southeast of redacted. The report states it is similar to other objects observed in redacted Operating Areas known as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.” A command and control vessel was detected in the area as well.
* [https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/highly-classified-nro-system-captures-possible-tic-tac-object-in-2021/](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/highly-classified-nro-system-captures-possible-tic-tac-object-in-2021/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_615
### Event 54704 (7FE4C0FA)
**Date:** 2/28/2023
**Description:** Journalist George Knapp says Alfred O’Donnell, a former senior manager at EG&G, a defense contractor that managed Area 51, told him “they” had a flying saucer recovered in New Mexico. EG&G also had a “live being” who looked human, kind of like Ross Perot and not the classic gray alien.
* [https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/former-chief-for-defense-contractor-that-ran-area-51-claimed-knowledge-of-recovered-flying-saucer-and-live-being-as-congress-looks-to-uncover-details-of-alleged-illegal-ufo-programs](https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/former-chief-for-defense-contractor-that-ran-area-51-claimed-knowledge-of-recovered-flying-saucer-and-live-being-as-congress-looks-to-uncover-details-of-alleged-illegal-ufo-programs)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_616
### Event 54705 (FEF064FB)
**Date:** 2/28/2023
**Description:** Journalist Ross Coulthart states on a podcast that there are people “involved in high level physics” who worked in Huntsville, AL and disappeared. Coulthart says BAE Systems deserves a very close look because of “who they’ve taken over.”
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_617
### Event 54706 (59C8ED3D)
**Date:** 3/7/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** On March 7, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick and Professor Avi Loeb suggest in a draft paper that UAPs, defying known physics, might be 'probes' from an extraterrestrial 'parent craft'. Loeb previously theorized 'Oumuamua' could be such a craft. The paper heavily discusses these UAPs as probes in a mothership context, with sections titled 'The Extraterrestrial Possibility' and 'Propulsion Methods'.
**Type:** draft paper
**Reference:** [harvard.edu - "PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS ON UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA", by Abraham (Avi) Loeb1 and Sean M. Kirkpatrick](https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~loeb/LK1.pdf)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Key People in Disclosure](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/key-people-in-disclosure-uap/)
**Reference:** [harvard.edu - Avi Loeb](https://astronomy.fas.harvard.edu/people/avi-loeb)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia - Oumuamua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CA%BBOumuamua)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1048
### Event 54707 (6142E2BD)
**Date:** 4/4/2023
**End date:** 4/6/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** David Grusch submits information to the Defense Department’s DOPSR for public disclosure, which is approved for open publication on April 4 and 6, 2023.
**Reference:** [esd.whs.mil - DOPSR](https://www.esd.whs.mil/DOPSR/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Key People in Disclosure](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/key-people-in-disclosure-uap/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1049
### Event 54708 (6552BDA0)
**Date:** 4/7/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** USAF/NGA Maj. David C. Grusch resigns from the US Government.
**Type:** resignation
**Reference:** [docs.house.gov - David C. Grusch's Resume](https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf)
**Reference:** [archive.org - David C. Grusch's Resume](https://archive.org/details/hhrg-118-go-06-bio-grusch-d-20230726)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1050
### Event 54709 (D6027D56)
**Date:** 4/19/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Dr. Kirkpatrick testifies to the Senate Committee on Armed Services, stating that AARO found no evidence of extraterrestrial activity or defiance of physics. Many cases are unresolved due to insufficient data.
**Type:** senate testimony
**Reference:** [defense.gov - DoD working to better understand and resolve UAP](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3368109/dod-working-to-better-understand-resolve-anomalous-phenomena/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1051
### Event 54710 (2CBFE702)
**Date:** 4/21/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Top US intelligence leaders attend a security briefing at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Attendees include DNI Avril Haines, CIA's William Burns, and NSA's Gen. Paul Nakasone. The purpose is to inform intelligence officials about activities at WPAFB, home to NSIC and NASIC.
**Type:** official briefing
**Reference:** [The Debrief - Leaders Meet at Wright-Patterson AFB](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-community-leaders-meet-at-wright-patterson-for-historic-national-security-briefing/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1052
### Event 54711 (6CBE6D98)
**Date:** 5/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** In May 2023, Dr. Kirkpatrick, the Pentagon's UFO research director, holds a forum for Five Eyes intelligence, confirmed by Canadian Military.
**Type:** forum
**Reference:** [ctvnews.ca - Canadian Military Joined Recent US Forum on UFO's](https://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/canadian-military-joined-recent-u-s-forum-on-ufos-pentagon-trying-to-identify-metallic-orbs-1.6429992)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1055
### Event 54712 (2A1779B5)
**Date:** 5/19/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Attorney Daniel Sheehan mentions David Grusch in an interview with the Debrief. Ross Coulthart suggests this prompted Grusch to hasten his story's release.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU0W9S5w1L0&t=1298s&ab_channel=TheDebrief)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1053
### Event 54713 (2884729A)
**Date:** 5/31/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** NASA's first public UAP meeting is held a year after their study launch, with a final report due in July. Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick states nearly half of 800+ UAP reports are of 'spherical' and 'metallic' orbs, highlighting a 2022 video of an unidentified round object in the Middle East. Officials find no strong evidence linking UAP to extraterrestrial life.
**Type:** public meeting
**Reference:** [YouTube](https://youtu.be/4Bt6_Potk5Q)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1054
### Event 54714 (0DFCDCC9)
**Date:** 6/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** On June 5, 2023, _The Debrief_ reports on David Grusch, a whistleblower and former intelligence official, who claims to have shared with Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General classified data on covert programs with non-human origin craft. He alleges illegal withholding of this data from Congress and personal retaliation. Grusch also interviews with Ross Coulthart for NewsNation, discussing UAP crash retrievals, reverse engineering programs, and a government disinformation campaign. This interview airs on June 11th 2023.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [The Debrief - Intelligence Officials Say US Has Retrieved Non-Human Craft](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft)
**Reference:** [YouTube - Military whistleblower claims US has UFO retrieval program | Elizabeth Vargas Reports](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSj7QsHRxHQ&ab_channel=NewsNation)
**Reference:** [YouTube - We are not alone - David Grusch Interview - NewsNation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLZzDhDYMcw&ab_channel=Lucid)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1056
### Event 54715 (A553A958)
**Date:** 6/5/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Intelligence Officials say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin, by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal. A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin. The information, he says, has been illegally withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffered illegal retaliation for his confidential disclosures, reported here for the first time. Other intelligence officials, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through their work in various agencies, have independently provided similar, corroborating information, both on and off the record. The whistleblower, David Charles Grusch, 36, a decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan, is a veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). He served as the reconnaissance office’s representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis and its representative to the task force.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [The Debrief](https://thedebrief.org/intelligence-officials-say-u-s-has-retrieved-non-human-craft/)
**Reference:** [UFO ‘whistleblower’ says government has ‘intact’ non-human craft](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ufo-whistleblower-says-government-intact-144702119.html)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_931
### Event 54716 (06394628)
**Date:** 7/13/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Senators, led by Chuck Schumer, propose the 'UAP Disclosure Act of 2023' via a 64-page amendment to the FY2024 NDAA. The bipartisan group aims to hasten the release of U.S. government records on UAPs and potential non-human intelligence lifeforms. Other supporting senators include Mike Rounds, Kristen Gillibrand, and Marco Rubio.
**Type:** amendment proposal
**Reference:** [congress.gov - Amendment Text: S.Amdt.797 — 118th Congress (2023-2024)](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/797/text)
**Reference:** [disclosurediaries.com - UAP Disclosure Act of 2023](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/uap-disclosure-act-of-2023/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1057
### Event 54717 (E89191F8)
**Date:** 7/20/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, head of AARO, tells ABC News about concerns over potential 'intelligent or extraterrestrial technical surprise'. However, regarding David Grusch's whistleblower claims, Kirkpatrick states no verifiable evidence has been presented to him.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [abcnews.go.com](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/extraterrestrial-technical-supremacy-top-concern-pentagon-ufo-investigator/story?id=101218299)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1058
### Event 54718 (AB37E6BE)
**Date:** 7/24/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Christopher Mellon is interviewed on NewsNation. “I’ve been told that we have recovered technology that did not originate on this earth by officials in the Department of Defense and by former intelligence officials.” He also stated "There's also a problem with Department of Energy Black Programs - They get no oversight from Congress!"
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [Twitter - Chris Mellon interview video](https://twitter.com/UAPJames/status/1683635533640024064)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1081
### Event 54719 (446524C5)
**Date:** 7/26/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** David Grusch, a whistleblower, and former fighter pilots David Fravor and Ryan Graves testify before the House Oversight Committee's national security subcommittee. Grusch claims the existence of a secret UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program without Congressional oversight, based on interviews with informed officials. Fravor and Graves share their UAP encounters. Lawmakers from both parties show interest in further investigation into the UAP allegations.
**Type:** hearing
**Reference:** [DiosclosureDiaries.com - House Oversight Committee UAP Hearing](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/house-oversight-committee-uap-hearing/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1059
### Event 54720 (A4B31B31)
**Date:** 7/27/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** The FY24 NDAA with the UAP amendment is approved by the U.S. Senate with a vote of 86-11. Reps. Gaetz, Luna, Burchett, and Moskowitz urge Speaker McCarthy to establish a dedicated UAP committee with subpoena powers to investigate Grusch's claims.
**Reference:** [senate.gov - Press Release](https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/press-releases/reed-wicker-applaud-senate-passage-of-the-national-defense-authorization-act-for-fiscal-year-2024)
**Reference:** [Letter to Speaker McArthy](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F2IrVeoWgAAYS8w?format=jpg&name=large)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1060
### Event 54721 (A1FEA80A)
**Date:** 7/27/2023
**End date:** 7/28/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** After the UAP congressional hearing, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick of AARO posts a personal statement on LinkedIn. He defends AARO against criticisms from the hearing, denies allegations of reverse engineering non-human technology, and mentions no whistleblower, including Grusch, has ties to AARO. The post was later removed.
**Type:** personal statement
**Reference:** [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fkpgsultz8peb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D640%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd29ba33af8dd2733636808759cf0cb07d3f7f848)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1061
### Event 54722 (73C1B40E)
**Date:** 8/2/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Read Admiral Tim Gallaudet writes: "UFOs are the story of the century — wake up, America!"
**Reference:** [thehill.com](https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4131211-ufos-are-the-story-of-the-century-wake-up-america/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph](https://archive.ph/fa8Ur)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_948
### Event 54723 (7D3B8527)
**Date:** 8/5/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Rising - The Hill: “Pilots Report SWARM-LIKE Objects In Military Zones Amid UAP MOMENT: Report”
**Type:** news video
**Reference:** [YouTube](https://youtu.be/Yemx3PW-pUI)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_940
### Event 54724 (99308518)
**Date:** 8/8/2023
**Description:** Researcher Anthony Bragalia releases a new article, [“Scientists Who Studied Roswell UFO Crash Debris and Bodies Named”](https://www.ufoexplorations.com). After a years-long investigation, he names eleven scientists who conducted the early work on the 1947 Roswell Incident crash debris. His investigation includes first-ever interviews, FOIA documents and reviews of military technical documents. The bodies were taken to and researched at Walter Reed Hospital. These scientists and engineers hail from the private sector, the US Navy, and the US Air Force. Their names are revealed here, some for the first time. The names are: **Captain Robert McLaughlin** (US Navy), **Elroy John Center**, degreed in Chemical Engineering, a Senior Research Chemist who worked for Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, OH from 1939-1957, **Warren "Nick" Nicholson**, a Battelle employee, **Major Ellis Boldra**, a Major at Walker Air Force Base, formerly Roswell Army Air Field, **Dr. Knox Millsaps**, a military scientist who was appointed Commander of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, located at Roswell-involved Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, **Commander George W. Hoover**, long associated with the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR), **Wernher von Braun**, the most prominent of the Nazi “Paperclip” scientists brought to the US from Germany after WWII, and was one of the first investigators to the incident because of his rocketry knowledge, **Dr. Ernst Steinhoff**, a member of Wernher von Braun's technical inner circle, **General Laurence Craigie**, a West Point engineering graduate, the first person in US history to fly a jet plane, who led R&D for the Army Air Force at the time of the crash, **Dr. Charles Stahl**, the US government's top forensic pathologist, and **USAF Brigadier General Donald D. Flickinger**, a noted military flight surgeon and expert on the physiology of high altitude flight.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [ufoexplorations.com](https://www.ufoexplorations.com/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph URL](https://archive.ph/3Stm6)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_939
### Event 54725 (8C5B244A)
**Date:** 8/8/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Ross Coulthart shares a statement from David Grusch on Twitter/X addressing an upcoming article from _The Intercept_ about Grusch's past struggles with PTSD, grief, and depression. Grusch reinforces the credibility of his UAP allegations by referencing the 40+ intelligence and military personnel who provided the information he gave to the ICIG.
**Type:** statement
**Reference:** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/rosscoulthart/status/1689064573540999249?s=20)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries - House Oversight Committee UAP Hearing](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/house-oversight-committee-uap-hearing/ )
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1062
### Event 54726 (AED7263E)
**Date:** 8/9/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** _The Intercept_ writes about David Grusch's PTSD and alleged substance issues based on public law enforcement records from FOIA. Despite two mental health incidents in 2014 and 2018, Grusch kept his security clearances. After the article, its author, Ken Klippenstein, reveals in a Twitter/X Spaces interview that his sources are similar-level intelligence officials as Grusch. Klippenstein denies illegal information leaks, countering Ross Coulthart's suggestion.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [YouTube - Ken Klippenstein commentary on David Grusch Intercept article](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47Rk8PsvQDA&ab_channel=Senzubean)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1063
### Event 54727 (63F07EB6)
**Date:** 8/15/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** The DoD OIG publishes a classified report on its evaluation of the DoD's actions concerning UAP. An unclassified summary will be available later.
**Type:** classified report
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1064
### Event 54728 (FA040E07)
**Date:** 8/17/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** _The Hill_ recently convened experts and lawmakers to discuss potential national security implications of UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena). During the discussion, Rep. Moskowitz argued that if the U.S. is reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology, the public has a right to know, and further pressed for Congress to investigate facilities believed to house UAP evidence. He also highlighted the challenges faced by Congress in setting up a secure environment (SCIF) to fully explore whistleblower David Grusch's claims. Concurrently, commercial pilots have reported an uptick in UAP sightings, with reasons ranging from decreased stigma to improved reporting systems or an actual increase in activity.
**Type:** interviews
**Reference:** [The Hill - We Are Not Alone](https://thehill.com/events/4141299-we-are-not-alone-ufos-national-security/)
**Reference:** [YouTube - The Truth Is Out There, UFOs & National Security. What Are The RISKS?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZ81eGuzDwQ&ab_channel=TheHill)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Important Definitions](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/important-definitions/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1065
### Event 54729 (3EE876AC)
**Date:** 8/21/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Reps. Burchett, Luna, Moskowitz, Burlison, Mace, and Ogles have written to Intelligence Community Inspector General Thomas Monheim following David Grusch's allegations. They're seeking specifics on which members or entities of the intelligence community are involved with UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs. It's mentioned that Grusch had previously shared this information with the IC IG in June 2022.
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - House Oversight Committee UAP Hearing](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/house-oversight-committee-uap-hearing/)
**Reference:** [Letter to Inspector General Monheim](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F4JOkr4bQAEUWZV?format=jpg&name=medium)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1066
### Event 54730 (8E0322D5)
**Date:** 8/22/2023
**Location:** Ukraine
**Description:** "Chechen Fighters Claim Ukrainian Drones With ‘Claws’ Are Abducting Russian Troops", by Allison Quinn: Chechen fighters loyal to Ramzan Kadyrov, a close associate of Vladimir Putin, have alleged that Ukraine is using large drones with claw-like attachments to abduct injured Russian soldiers from the battlefield. These drones, dubbed "Baba Yaga" after a folklore witch, reportedly possess massive claws that can seize and carry off troops. A member of the Akhmat battalion stated that these drones are equipped with special claw-like devices, which are used to capture incapacitated soldiers. The drones operate at night and are said to be vulnerable only to flamethrowers or grenade launchers.
**Type:** article
**Type:** abductions
**Reference:** [The Daily Beast](https://www.thedailybeast.com/chechen-fighters-ukrainian-drones-with-claws-abducting-russian-troops)
**Reference:** [archive.ph](https://archive.ph/o75Xu)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_995
### Event 54731 (63B8DB51)
**Date:** 8/22/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** On Fox News, Rep. Mike Turner discussed David Grusch's allegations regarding UAPs and non-human entities. Turner strongly refuted Grusch's claims, suggesting that Grusch was testifying about matters he had no direct knowledge of. When asked directly about the presence of aliens on Earth, Turner didn't deny their existence but highlighted a lack of evidence. The segment did not address the 40 witnesses Grusch claimed to have interviewed that informed his conclusions.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [Fox News video snippet](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/content/files/2023/08/rapidsave.com_mike_turner_i_certainly_cant_tell_you_that_there-69sw7thfkojb1.mp4)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1067
### Event 54732 (7113D93C)
**Date:** 8/23/2023
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** A group of House lawmakers, including Rep. Tim Burchett, has requested information from the intelligence community's inspector general regarding an alleged UFO crash retrieval program. Despite their demands, Burchett doesn't anticipate receiving substantial answers, believing that a cover-up will persist. The Pentagon has been asked to address claims from whistleblower David Grusch, who revealed details about the supposed program in a congressional hearing. Lawmakers are seeking a select committee with subpoena power to investigate UFO matters further, but Burchett is skeptical about the likelihood of its establishment, expecting attempts to shut down the process.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [NewsNation](https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/burchett-intel-community-ig-request-uap-information/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph](https://archive.ph/FxIxk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_994
### Event 54733 (EDDFD565)
**Date:** 8/23/2023
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** Rep. Burchett leading effort to seek UFO answers in Washington. New interview with Tim Burchett about the letter to the ICIG. Timbo says both sides are "compromised" on this issue, that they won't get a response, and the UFO Coverup will continue. He also thinks the Schumer amendment won't do anything.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [Twitter.com](https://twitter.com/MikeColangelo/status/1694482740526116917)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_996
### Event 54734 (CFD83722)
**Date:** 8/23/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** During the first Republican Presidential Primary Debate, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was asked about the responsibility of the president in disclosing the truth about UFOs. Christie emphasized the president's duty to be transparent and truthful with the American public on all matters.
**Type:** presidential debate
**Reference:** [space.com - 'I get the UFO question?' New Jersey's Chris Christie promises honesty on aliens in 1st Republican presidential debate](https://www.space.com/chris-christie-ufos-honesty-presidential-debate)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1068
### Event 54735 (4637F9A8)
**Date:** 8/24/2023
**Location:** University of New Hampshire Library
**Description:** Librarian Emeritus Bill Ross shows off images of aliens from Betty and Barney Hill's Collection at the University of New Hampshire Library
**Type:** collection
**Reference:** [twitter.com](https://twitter.com/MetaStudioLogic/status/1694802273988452676)
**Reference:** [WSHU public radio](https://archive.ph/YHEds)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_989
### Event 54736 (55903173)
**Date:** 8/26/2023
**Location:** Washington, DC
**Description:** "Witness to a New Era: My Ringside View at the History-Shaping UFO Hearing", by Chris Lehto: The article covers a Congressional hearing focused on UFOs and whistleblower testimonies. The hearing delves into a government covert UFO initiative, highlighting persuasive visual evidence of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) demonstrating remarkable abilities in Earth's atmosphere. Witnesses include David Grusch, a military whistleblower, Ryan Graves from Americans for Safe Aerospace, and Commander David Fravor recounting his famous encounter with the Tic Tac UAP. Specific details are withheld from the public, and concerns about reprisals against whistleblowers are voiced. The article emphasizes the need for transparency and whistleblower protection, underscoring the potential benefits of disclosing UFO-related information for humanity's understanding and progress.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [The Portugal News](https://www.theportugalnews.com/news/2023-08-06/witness-to-a-new-era-my-ringside-view-at-the-history-shaping-ufo-hearing/80179)
**Reference:** [archive.ph](https://archive.ph/VY6Ag)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_992
### Event 54737 (324C1981)
**Date:** 8/26/2023
**End date:** 8/27/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Reps. Andre Carson and Tim Burchett attended MUFON's 2023 International Symposium to discuss the topic of UAP.
**Type:** MUFON symposium
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1069
### Event 54738 (6A9F68FD)
**Date:** 8/29/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** NASA's Aviation Safety Reporting System has received recent pilot reports of UFO sightings in US airspace, highlighting safety concerns regarding unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).
**Type:** reports received
**Reference:** [nasa.gov - Aviation Safety Reporting System](https://asrs.arc.nasa.gov/)
**Reference:** [The Debrief - Pilot UFO Sightings Collected by NASA Reveal Serious Safety Concerns Over Objects in U.S. Airspace](https://thedebrief.org/pilot-ufo-sightings-collected-by-nasa-reveal-serious-safety-concerns-over-objects-in-u-s-airspace/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1070
### Event 54739 (16CA6B4B)
**Date:** 8/30/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks has assumed direct oversight of the Pentagon's UAP investigation team, AARO, and will hold regular meetings with its director, Sean Kirkpatrick. Hicks emphasized the seriousness of the UAP issue, citing national security and safety concerns. The DOD aims to enhance its understanding and capabilities regarding UAP through AARO to prevent strategic surprises and safeguard personnel, equipment, and national security.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [defensescoop.com - Hicks takes direct oversight of Pentagon’s UAP office; new reporting website to be launched ](https://defensescoop.com/2023/08/30/hicks-takes-direct-oversight-of-pentagons-uap-office-new-reporting-website-to-be-launched/?utm_content=262812058&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&hss_channel=tw-1450183022616121344)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1071
### Event 54740 (6F59DD72)
**Date:** 8/31/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** The DoD has launched a dedicated website for the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to provide the public with information about their efforts to understand and address unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP). The website will feature declassified photos and videos, reporting trends, FAQs, official reports, transcripts, and useful resources. It aims to encourage reporting by service members and government employees and will soon announce a reporting mechanism for the general public.
**Type:** website launch
**Reference:** [aaro.mil](https://www.aaro.mil/)
**Reference:** [defense.gov - Press Release - The Department of Defense Launches the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office Website ](https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3513171/the-department-of-defense-launches-the-all-domain-anomaly-resolution-office-web/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1072
### Event 54741 (F53A690F)
**Date:** 9/1/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** According to U.S. intelligence and defense sources, the Pentagon's UAP office is actively collecting and analyzing materials of unknown origin related to an alleged UAP event. The composition of these materials remains unexplained, and their origin is yet to be confirmed. While the Pentagon has not refuted these claims, individuals involved may consider whistleblower complaints to the Intelligence Community's Inspector General. Pentagon spokesperson Susan Gough stated that AARO has not discovered verifiable information to substantiate claims of programs related to extraterrestrial materials.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Liberation Times - Multiple Sources Confirm The Pentagon's UFO Office Has Coordinated Collection And Analysis Of Material From Unknown Origin](https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/multiple-sources-confirm-the-pentagons-ufo-office-has-coordinated-collection-and-analysis-of-material-from-unknown-origin)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1073
### Event 54742 (871867F9)
**Date:** 9/4/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** According to Matt Ford, host of _The Good Trouble_ show, multiple individuals have circumvented The Pentagon's UAP program, AARO, and have filed PPD-19s, the official whistleblower reporting mechanism, directly with the Intelligence Community Inspector General. Matt Ford had previously interviewed Senator Gillibrand on the subject of UAP.
**Type:** statement
**Reference:** [YouTube - Whistleblowers, Congress, and AARO: News on NEW UFO / UAP whistleblowers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUlsI9ggKr0&ab_channel=TheGoodTroubleShowwithMattFord)
**Reference:** [YouTube - UFOs and Congress, our exclusive interview with Senator Kirsten Gillibrand on UAPs / UFOs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoloRRcbijI&t=10s&ab_channel=TheGoodTroubleShowwithMattFord)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1074
### Event 54743 (ED397DDC)
**Date:** 9/5/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** A classified UAP memo, previously provided to Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, has been revealed to the public through a freedom of information request. The heavily redacted document sheds light on the Canadian government's response to the unidentified object shot down over northern Canada's Yukon territory on Feb. 11. The memo also mentions that the Yukon incident was the 23rd 'UAP' occurrence tracked over North America in early 2023.
**Type:** classified memo
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - PDF file](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/content/files/2023/09/feb-2023-memorandum-for-pm-on-uap.pdf)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1075
### Event 54744 (4A14A74C)
**Date:** 9/7/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Senator Mike Rounds has confirmed his meeting with Dr. Kirkpatrick, head of the Pentagon's UAP office (AARO), to discuss the need for reforming whistleblower protection. This meeting was prompted by input from representatives of potential UAP whistleblowers who are hesitant to come forward to AARO without enhanced whistleblower protections in place.
**Type:** public statement
**Reference:** [EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Rounds pushing AARO Director Kirkpatrick for better UAP whistleblower protections](https://www.askapol.com/p/exclusive-sen-rounds-pushing-aaro#details)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1076
### Event 54745 (481F23CF)
**Date:** 9/8/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Rep. Nancy Mace appeared on Outkick's 'Don't @ Me' show, emphasizing the need for more attention and investigation into the UAP topic. She expressed concern that many military personnel are hesitant to come forward with their experiences due to fear of mockery or ridicule. Mace stressed the importance of transparency and accountability in government spending related to UAP programs.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [outkick.com - Congresswoman Nancy Mace Claims More UFO Investigations Are Needed, Floats Money Laundering Theory](https://www.outkick.com/nancy-mace-ufos-money-laundering-dan-dakich-interview/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1077
### Event 54746 (9C3B086F)
**Date:** 9/10/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** Whistleblower David Grusch has made his first public and recorded appearance since the July 26 UAP hearings. In this interview on YouTube, Grusch reiterates and expands on his explosive claims related to UAPs.
**Type:** public appearance
**Reference:** [YouTube: Jesse Michels - UFO Whistleblower Dave Grusch Tells Me Everything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRO5jOa06Qw&ab_channel=JesseMichels)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1078
### Event 54747 (D50DC8B1)
**Date:** 9/12/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** A hearing on UAP/NHI takes place in the Mexican Congress, where previously unseen footage of UAP is presented. The event also features the unveiling of alleged non-human humanoid bodies. However, these bodies have been surrounded by controversy since their initial discovery in 2017 and are widely considered potential hoaxes. A peer-reviewed study of the body composition is still pending.
**Type:** hearing
**Reference:** [reuters.com - Mexican Congress holds hearing on UFOs featuring purported 'alien' bodies](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/mexican-congress-holds-hearing-ufos-featuring-purported-alien-bodies-2023-09-13/)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1079
### Event 54748 (3B522F07)
**Date:** 9/14/2023
**Location:** US
**Description:** NASA holds a UAP press conference to discuss the findings of its UAP Independent Study Report. The report recommends that NASA can contribute significantly to the government's efforts to understand UAP by furthering the study and data collection of UAP. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson emphasizes that while the study did not find evidence of extraterrestrial origins for UAP, there is still much to learn about these phenomena.
**Type:** press conference
**Reference:** [nasa.gov - UAP Independent Study Team - Final Report_0.pdf](https://go.nasa.gov/3PED0qv)
**Reference:** [nasa.gov - Press release](https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/update-nasa-shares-uap-independent-study-report-names-director)
**Reference:** [DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/timeline/)
**Reference:** [archive.ph: DisclosureDiaries.com - Timeline](https://archive.ph/juEMk)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1080
### Event 54749 (3E62BE60)
**Date:** 9/18/2023
**Description:** Over 60 further files scanned by Grant Cameron from his UFO archive are now online: Correspondence, notes and other material relating to Bob Pratt / National Enquirer, Frank Scully, Charlie Red Star, Donald Keyhoe, Roswell, Rahma, and more.
**Type:** files scans
**Reference:** [Twitter - Isaac Koi](https://twitter.com/isaackoi/status/1703869765914075480)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1082
### Event 54750 (F95B397F)
**Date:** 9/29/2023
**Description:** The Department of Energy (DOE) now has a website on UAPs/UFOs.
**Type:** official website
**Reference:** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Docneuroeo/status/1707718338170995138)
**Reference:** [energy.gov - UAP/UFO Resources and Documents, National Nuclear Security Administration](https://www.energy.gov/nnsa/uapufo-resources-and-documents)
**Reference:** [energty.gov - 20220809, National Nuclear Security Administration](https://www.energy.gov/nnsa/20220809)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_1090
# Year Histogram
* 1980, 725
* 1981, 591
* 1982, 501
* 1983, 401
* 1984, 513
* 1985, 233
* 1986, 384
* 1987, 324
* 1988, 439
* 1989, 689
* 1990, 698
* 1991, 397
* 1992, 542
* 1993, 608
* 1994, 629
* 1995, 796
* 1996, 561
* 1997, 393
* 1998, 265
* 1999, 231
* 2000, 236
* 2001, 195
* 2002, 166
* 2003, 173
* 2004, 169
* 2005, 115
* 2006, 78
* 2007, 113
* 2008, 96
* 2009, 64
* 2010, 49
* 2011, 26
* 2012, 20
* 2013, 44
* 2014, 26
* 2015, 17
* 2016, 19
* 2017, 35
* 2018, 60
* 2019, 74
* 2020, 49
* 2021, 67
* 2022, 69
* 2023, 57